
Raenirgonna try VirtualBoxing it now00:00
tryggvibmark_: I used that but when I started having fun with different domains for different things (I know... I'm just having fun) it doesn't work00:01
dcrostaI've installed the Broadcom driver per http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=914697, and it appears to work, but it names the wireless NIC "eth2" -- what's the proper way to rename it "wlan0" etc? Or do I need to set that as an option when loading the kernel module?00:01
ActionParsnipdcrosta: wlan0 is usual00:01
flyppRaenir, is a Directx game?00:02
mark_tryggvib : Silly question, but you made sure you put .html or .htm or .ph or whatever at the end of the url, localhost/special.html should have worked.. works here on my pages00:02
dcrostaActionParsnip: right -- but the driver calls it "eth2" by default, it seems00:02
Raenirflypp: yes00:02
flyppsoy_el_dip, at last!!!00:02
flyppRaenir, forget VirtualBox00:02
flyppuse Vista in a separated partition00:02
tryggvibmark_: no I didn't... I'm trying to access a folder ... so basically I'm trying to access localhost/special/index.php00:03
Raenirflypp doesnt work.... vista wont boot00:03
[Nikola-93]Raenir: virtual machines work terrible while 3D is concerned.00:03
Raenirmy cd wont boot00:03
ActionParsnipdcrosta: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=100728500:03
Raenirit isnt a 3D game00:03
Raenirits mostly 2D but need sidrectx for mp00:03
mark_tryggvib : I think if you installed local dns servers it would only resolve to your public Ip address anyway00:03
dragonfccf: it worked, thanks!00:03
bastidrazorRaenir: you're pirated is is corrupt?00:03
dcrostaActionParsnip: thanks00:03
bastidrazorRaenir: iso00:04
flyppRaenir, you will need a valid Vista ISO00:04
tryggvibmark_: I'm using different free software projects on different domains, phpDiplomacy for friends, wordpress for family etc. and I want to be able to access both from computers on my LAN00:04
[Nikola-93]Raenir: give a try to Win 700:04
RaenirI cant find one00:04
flyppand burn the iso image from brasero00:04
[Nikola-93]it`s free00:04
ActionParsnipdcrosta: just apply itto your situation00:04
Raenircan you give me a link?00:04
Raenirhow long is it free to try for?00:04
flyppi dunno00:04
flyppi don't use Vista00:04
[Nikola-93]may next year, or sth like that?00:04
* dragon wanted to point eee to !antivirus00:05
thiagocrepaldihas anyone here able to ENABLE LdapAuthentication mediawiki-extension plugin ?00:05
* bungle waves00:05
tryggvibmark_: so basically for webdiplomacy I want my friends to access www.our-diplomacy.com and get to that folder and my family to access www.our-family-site.com and get that site... so http://localhost doesn't work for me00:05
[Nikola-93]Raenir: you can download win 7 for free from M$ site, and it works until may next year, and... it`s free and legal version00:05
[Nikola-93]think it`s may00:06
Raeniri geuss so, am i able to download it directly? Bell is throttling my torrent bandwidth00:06
[Nikola-93]yes, directly from MS site...00:06
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dragon[Nikola-93]: I believe you'd have a really good rationale for pointing someone towards Windows in #ubuntu.00:06
[Nikola-93]over ftp, i guess :D00:06
zhandocan anyone recommend a good up-to-date karmic mirror?00:06
[Nikola-93]only gaming...00:06
flyppRaenir, you can use a download extension for Firefox00:06
ActionParsnip!ot | [Nikola-93]00:06
ubottu[Nikola-93]: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:06
bin1010I found preferred applications; but that doesn't help with the right-click "open with".....I really need to remove some of them.00:07
dragonzhando: http://mirrors.us.kernel.org/00:07
Raenirthe Release Candidate appears to noloner be availiable for direct download00:07
zhandodragon: tried that one. not up to date.00:07
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dragonzhando: ok, did you try the torrent?00:08
zhandodragon: no. is for the beta? where is it?00:08
dragonzhando: http://releases.ubuntu.com/karmic/00:09
zhandodragon: thx. I'll look into it.00:09
dragon!ot > Raenir00:09
ubottuRaenir, please see my private message00:09
RaenirAnyone know how to get around torrent throttling with Ubuntu's Transmission program thingy?00:10
GuuU_alguem ai?00:11
b-ungleRaenir: t1 line?00:11
dragon!es | GuuU_00:11
ubottuGuuU_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:11
Raenirdoesnt work if my ISP is intentionally throttling torrent traffic00:11
ActionParsnipRaenir: you can disable / set speed limits in preferences00:11
Raenirthat doesnt work00:11
flyppGuuU_, aquí fálase en inglés00:11
Raenirits the ISP's end00:11
RaenirI need to get around my ISP's efforts00:12
GuuU_algum brasileiro aki?00:12
dragonRaenir: http://lifehacker.com/295995/stop-your-isp-from-throttling-bittorrent-speeds00:12
dragonGuuU_: nadie aqui.00:12
flyppRaenir, use an alternative port00:12
bazhang!br | GuuU_00:15
ubottuGuuU_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.00:15
RaenirI changed the port but Im not seeing much of an increase00:15
flyppyou could use a port-scanning web page, to see open ports00:16
Raenirlooking at the guide now00:16
ActionParsnipRaenir: could torrent via a public proxy00:17
b-ungleActionParsnip: my guess is that they're doing traffic analysis - proxy wouldn't work unless traffic is encrypted00:17
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b-ungleRaenir: another ISP?00:18
mgv1where are the spell check folders? - i want to delete one of the spell checkers00:18
RaenirI'm a sublettee00:18
Raenirim not the one who got the internet for the apartment00:18
ActionParsnipb-ungle: transmission can allow encrypted only packet under privacy set require encryption00:18
b-ungleRaenir: neighbours wireless?00:19
Raenirim a desktop00:19
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flyppi'm a netbook00:19
flyppmy girlfriend is an scsi card00:20
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Raenirbow chuka bow woibn00:20
kruykazefacebook videos stop in the middle with ubuntu00:20
b-ungleRaenir is encrypting now.00:20
DigitalKiwishouldn't it be the other way around...00:20
Raenirb-ungle: I am?00:20
di||itan1eAnyone in the eastern USA having very slooooo interwebs right now?00:21
b-unglebow chuka bow woibn!00:21
LjL!ot | di||itan1e00:21
ubottudi||itan1e: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:21
Raenirthats a porn video sound effect00:21
b-ungleah ok00:21
kruykazebow chuka bow bow00:21
alchamechhello all00:21
di||itan1eAnyone in the eastern USA having very slooooo interwebs right now? While using Ubuntu!00:21
thiebaude!offtopic | Raenir di||itan1e ,ljl already told you00:22
ubottuRaenir di||itan1e ,ljl already told you: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:22
b-ungleits Raenir's torrents!00:22
kruykazedi||itan1e, ubuntu servers?00:22
di||itan1ekruykaze: that too00:22
Raeniris ktorrent the same thing as bittorrent?00:22
alchamechare the ubuntu servers down?00:22
dorgani am trying to restore some data off a drive and I have access to the data for postgres /var/lib/postgresql ....can i just rsync the from the old box to the new box??00:23
kruykazedi||itan1e, karmic servers are hammered but the rest is fine00:23
Raenirim trying to find the ubuntu version or bittorrent00:23
bastidrazor!slow > alchamech00:23
ubottualchamech, please see my private message00:23
di||itan1ekruykaze: im not getting better that 30kB on any ubuntu server00:23
kruykazedi||itan1e, normal00:23
liquidridif i want to created a softraid style JBOD volume, i use LVM right?00:24
thiebaudekruykaze, 3hrs to download and install 136mb00:24
b-ungleRaenir: transmission is a bittorrent client, so is ktorrent00:24
alchamechok thx ubottu its nice to know that its not just me lol00:24
kruykazethiebaude, still normal they are hammered now00:24
kruykazewith the beta and all00:24
eddiebuntuHow do I find out if my wireless card is a,b or g on ubuntu?00:24
Raenirtransmission seems to lack options00:24
thiebaudekruykaze, yep,i got my beta00:24
sebsebseb!thanks |  alchamech00:25
ubottualchamech: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)00:25
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izaquebig linux00:27
[fade]can i install packages from karmic, they should work ok ?00:27
sebsebsebdon't install packages from Karmic into Jauntey00:28
Raenirdoes transmittion have a help channel?00:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about transmission00:28
[fade]then i need to compile from source, its ok00:28
[fade]thnx :)00:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Transmission00:28
sebsebsebor ppa00:28
eddiebuntuwhen does carmic come out00:28
izaquealguem do brasil???00:28
sebsebsebeddiebuntu: 29th October00:28
sebsebseb!br |  izaque00:28
ubottuizaque: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.00:28
ActionParsnip!karmic | eddiebuntu00:28
ubottueddiebuntu: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+100:28
alchamechlol, ok ill keep that in mind the next time we talk00:29
sebsebsebalchamech: heh00:29
sebsebsebI guess00:29
dragonRaenir: you should try #transmission and ##transmission00:30
sebsebsebalchamech: also you can see who  triggered the bot00:30
dragonActionParsnip: will karmic still "BREAK"?00:30
Ddordawhere can i download the default icons set of karmic?00:30
sebsebsebdragon: maybe00:30
alchamechso has anyone used karmic yet?00:30
dragoncome on, it's in beta now00:30
sebsebsebalchamech: since Alpha 400:30
eddiebuntuHow do I find out if my wireless card is a,b or g on ubuntu?00:30
sebsebsebdragon: Beta still has bugs00:30
Raenirwhats the double # for00:30
dragonalchamech: lot of people are, and you can find most of them in #ubuntu+100:30
sebsebsebdragon: in fact even finals have bugs00:30
alchamechwow im behind00:31
dragonRaenir: unofficial channels00:31
sebsebsebdragon: a lot of people shoudn't be running it yet really00:31
alchamechim still telling everyone about jaunty00:31
dragonsebsebseb: they should!! that's how we improve ubuntu :P00:31
sebsebsebdragon: Ubuntu is an operating system not a browser such as Firefox,  where even the alphas seem to be rather stable00:31
sebsebsebdragon: depends on the type of user, and the data they have and so on00:32
Ddordasebsebseb: Firefox is never stable :P00:32
dragonalchamech: karmic hasn't been released officially yet, so keep it secret from newbies ;)00:32
dragonsebsebseb: yep, i agree00:32
arthurjohnsondragon: lol00:32
dragonDdorda: for me it always it :)00:32
sebsebsebDdorda: well Firefox can  go a bit bad in  Ubuntu, espeasily if Flash is in those tabs,  but   in Windows Firefox tends to run quite well and that's for sure00:32
dragons/it :)/is :)/00:32
ActionParsnipdragon: its not officially released so yes it may00:32
alchamechdragon: haha00:33
ActionParsnipdragon: its worked here since alpha2 but has been a bumpy ride00:33
alchamechthanx for all the help guys00:33
eddiebuntuHow do I find out if my wireless card is a,b or g on ubuntu?00:33
Ddordawhere can i download the default icons set of karmic?00:33
dragonActionParsnip: yes, i'd not want to scare people by saying "IT WILL BREAK" at this time, so I was thinking it might be the right time to edit that factoid.00:33
sebsebsebdragon: no it's not00:33
sebsebsebdragon: beta can still brake00:33
dragonDdorda: default means it should be in there by default.. right?00:34
dragonsebsebseb: it can, but it's an extreme statement to say "IT WILL"00:34
ActionParsnipdragon: until its officially released its considered not ready so may break00:34
Ddordadragon: yes, but it's in karmic, i want it in Jaunty...00:34
DigitalKiwieddiebuntu: lspci might tell you00:34
dragonDdorda: we're less than a month away from karmic. Not sure if those could or should be installed in jaunty. Try art.gnome.org though.00:34
sebsebsebdragon: less than a month  from Karmic final,  but even so,  many users shoudn't be using it yet00:35
Ddordadragon: i will00:35
bastidrazoreddiebuntu: lspci | grep Ethernet00:35
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sebsebsebdragon: stuff can go rather wrong with beta operating systems as well00:35
sebsebsebdragon: resulting in many people haveing a reason to clean install the final00:36
DigitalKiwibastidrazor: that's unlikely to work for wireless00:36
dragonsebsebseb: yeah, that should be mentioned in the factoid. We of course shouldn't encourage everyone to install Karmic right now.00:36
sebsebsebdragon: if you want to do people a favour  for later on when  Karmic is out, maybe you should  start telling them about Ext400:36
bastidrazorDigitalKiwi: if it is a pci card then it will work. if it is a dongle use lsusb00:36
dragonsebsebseb: what do you mean?00:36
The_Dead_91where can i find the directory .gnome00:37
DigitalKiwi0b:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02)00:37
b-unglecd ~/.gnome00:37
bastidrazorThe_Dead_91: probaboly ~/.gnome00:37
DigitalKiwido you see Ethernet there? I don't00:37
sebsebsebdragon: and how it may give them a reason to clean install the whole of Ubuntu,   because the Ext3 to Ext4 conversion may not be good enough.   With the advantages of Ext4 being  rather fast boot up and shut down,  and  very fast disk checking after the 23 or so boots.00:37
Ddordadragon: found it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Karmic/Humanity_Icons00:37
eddiebuntubastidrazor, thanks that told me about my ethernet card, but how can I learn about my wifi card?00:37
DigitalKiwieddiebuntu: remove the grep00:38
sebsebsebdragon: It was optional for 9.04 and not properly stable, because of the kernel they had and that for it,  in 9.10 it's default, not for people who have done Ext3 in 9.04 and then upgraded to 9.10 though.00:38
dragonDdorda: great00:38
Ddordawell, i have to go to sleep. gnight00:38
eddiebuntuDigitalKiwi, that gives me an error00:38
dragonsebsebseb: it's over my head, but doesn't matter00:39
eddiebuntucommand not found00:39
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DigitalKiwitype JUST lspci, then look for the one that's your network card00:39
sebsebsebdragon: I think that's ok to prepare people for 9.10 by giving them an idea about it,  for example the Ext4 thing,   but telling people to upgrade early to it,  because the beta is out, and so things are apparnatlly more stable,  that's  not a good thing.00:39
sebsebsebActionParsnip: hmm and he left, before my last message, oh well00:40
sebsebsebActionParsnip: any idea what was above his head though?00:40
jo_hello! Where could I go with some questions about making a ubuntu server accesible for the internet behind a firewall?00:40
dcrostaI've blacklisted kernel module "ssb" but it still gets loaded when i reboot. Is there something more I have to do besides editing a file in /etc/modprobe.d/ to prevent it from loading?00:40
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: the ceiling?00:40
trentlemonanyone know why packages.ubuntu.com is down?00:40
sebsebsebActionParsnip: the sky?00:40
ActionParsnip!slow | trentlemon00:40
ubottutrentlemon: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the Karmic Koala (9.10) beta. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.00:40
trentlemonfair enough00:41
leaf-sheepI wonder how many times !slow factorid have been triggered today.00:42
eddiebuntuwhat does 3945abg mean00:42
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drosince I updated my 9.04 install, i can't use dhcp or static ip for eth0 but wlan0 works fine either way00:42
b-unglejo_: are you running the firewall on the machine?00:42
bazhangeddiebuntu, its the intel wifi chipset00:42
trentlemonin 9.04 I was able to use gnome-sound-properties to "listen" to a line-in daisychain i have from another computer. I would "test" the capture interface on my soundcard. it seems this package is no longer in 9.10. any ideas how i could accomplish the same thing without it?00:42
Biovoreeddiebuntu: thats the model of your wifi card..  (intel chipset)00:42
jo_tx for anwsering b-ungle no, it's behind the firewall00:42
eddiebuntuis it a good card?00:42
DigitalKiwiit means you were smart and bought intel wireless00:42
sebsebsebActionParsnip: I got the impression that he is someone that  thinks  loads of people should be getting the beta (which they shoudn't), but doesn't really know what Karmic is about as such,  because he wasn't sure what I was on about when mentiong Ext4?00:43
OzFalconAnyone know what happened to http://linux.via.com.tw/ ???00:43
b-unglejo_: what sort of firewall? do you have access to the config?00:43
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: looks like it, just let them shoot the breeze00:43
ActionParsnipOzFalcon: name doesnt resolve to an IP00:44
jo_Well, that's the problem, I don't quite have acces to it, is there any way of tunneling true it?00:44
dromy 9.04 install can't do a static or dhcp on eth0 anymore? two different laptops, same hardware00:44
eddiebuntubazhang, is it a good card?00:44
sebsebsebActionParsnip: meaning?  I am not that good at sayings00:44
OzFalconActionParsnip, hmmm00:44
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: let him just make noise00:44
b-ungleyah, google ssh-tunnel - you'll need another machine the other side though.00:45
bazhangeddiebuntu, very well supported in linux00:45
ActionParsnipdro: you can add static IP in /etc/network/interfaces00:45
jo_The network administrator of my mom's company is a jerk... don't like to ask him :p00:45
droActionParsnip: I know I tried that, and it's worked in the past, but not now00:45
b-unglejo_: you should probably ask. jerk or not ;-)00:46
droActionParsnip: you think if I switched from network manager to wicd might work better?00:46
eddiebuntubazhang, why am i only getting 5mbps on it then?00:46
ActionParsnipdro: if you run: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart00:46
chalcedony((((((( ActionParsnip )))))))00:46
ActionParsnipdro: does it report as ok?00:46
Biovore5 MBps or 5Mbps?00:46
droActionParsnip: yes I've done that and restarted. remember this happened today after i did a dist-upgrade on both laptops00:46
droActionParsnip: yes00:46
ActionParsniphi chalcedony :D00:46
jo_I know, to do it on the regular way, is there a port that has to be opened in the firewall?00:47
ActionParsnipdro: and does ifconfig show correct settings?00:47
Biovore5 MBps => 40 mbps00:47
droActionParsnip: yes00:47
b-unglenormally firewalls are configured to let packets out, but not in.00:47
eddiebuntu5 mbps max00:48
ActionParsnipdro: but connectivity doesnt work...00:48
jo_how should you set up, for example a webserver in this situation? If you had acces to the firewall?00:48
b-unglejo_ but packets tht originated on /your/ net will be able to get back through00:48
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scribawfCan Ubuntu 9.04 (Intrepid) be successfully installed as Persistant on a USB Flash drive?00:49
b-unglejo_ you would set up protforwarding onthe firewall.00:49
sebsebsebActionParsnip: make noise as in express his opinion?00:49
eddiebuntubazhang, why am i only getting 5mbps on it then?00:49
jo_thus this endager the network?00:49
sebsebsebscribawf: no  9.04 isn't intrepid that's 8.10,  9.04 is jauntey00:49
jo_or only the server?00:49
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: just saying stuff in general00:49
b-unglepackets would go through to a prticular ip on yer internal nteork00:49
scribawfsebsebseb;  ok then on Jauantey?00:50
jo_great, so only the server, wich runs ubuntu so that's fine00:50
jo_so the only thin I have to ask is portforwarding?00:50
sebsebsebActionParsnip: I guess things aren't a proper upgrade untill  the final,  plus sometimes  older releases are better for people,   with Ubuntu it's about what is still suppourted, not what is the latest,  but most users don't seem to reolize this00:50
CigeSo, I've been having some problems with my hard disk usage.  According to my System Monitor I am using all but 4.77 out of 26 GB on my Ubuntu Parition, but this is not correct.  Fitsr off, all of my media is on the 40GB windows partition, so that windows can access it.  Also, when I run Disk Usage Analyser it shows the same 4.8 Gb available, but after scanning the filesystem it shows that I am only using 4.1 Gb.  WHAT IS TAKING UP ALL M00:50
CigeY OTHER HARD DRIVE SPACE.  Whatever it is, it's on the partition, but not under /.  Is that even possible?00:50
b-ungleummm, yah ask yer jerk to portfoward port 80 to your server's IP00:51
sebsebsebscribawf: yes00:51
sebsebseb!usb |  scribawf00:51
ubottuscribawf: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent00:51
ubottuyes, I'm alive.00:51
scribawfsebsebseb, is it possible to install Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty as Persistant on USB Flash?00:52
PneumaticDeathI've had a series of Xorg crashes, and I'm suspecting it's the nvidia glx driver.  Does anybody have tips on debugging it?00:52
jo_thank you for helping me!00:52
b-unglejo_ np00:52
CigeI mean, I have like nothing on my Ubuntu partition, I keep it all on the mounted windows partition, but I still see this crazy ammount of stuff on there with no spot in the filesystem...00:52
sebsebsebscribawf: yes see the link the bot gave you00:52
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent00:52
eddiebuntubazhang, why am i only getting 5mbps on it then?00:53
scribawfsebsebseb, Thanks going there now00:53
LVRodriguesGood night!00:53
bazhangeddiebuntu, no idea, just the chipset alone is a single factor.00:54
enovativhello to all00:54
jo_yes, now I think about it, do you know how most firewalls are acceced? Just type there ip-adress in the intranet?00:54
droActionParsnip: correct, it doesn't work00:55
gusan0rHOLa como se que placa wireless tengo ???00:55
CigeUnmounting the windows partition doesn't help, not that I thought it would,,,00:55
sebsebseb!es |  qe2eqe00:55
ubottuqe2eqe: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:55
enovativi have a dell xps m1530...trying to get the wireless to work...i have already put in what i think is the necessary info : SSID, mode : infrastructure, IPv4 settings....etc.  but the wireless is not working00:55
enovativwhat can i do to test this out that it works ?00:56
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CigeNobody knows?00:58
fuxargusan0r: lspci00:58
fuxargusan0r: vete a #ubuntu-es00:59
enovativi have a dell xps m1530...trying to get the wireless to work...i have already put in what i think is the necessary info : SSID, mode : infrastructure, IPv4 settings....etc.  but the wireless is not working00:59
enovativwhat can i do to test this out that it works ?00:59
PneumaticDeathapparently I have ircii misconfigured, brb00:59
EricTheHaxif i install openbox, will everything still run normally, such as startup programs, networking, graphics, and wine?01:00
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EricTheHaxis there anything i will have to do after installing openbox (besides switching to it)01:01
scyxhi, i'm thinking about setting up a dualboot with jaunty and karmic beta.. when/before installing karmic, what do i have to consider concerning grub2 etc?01:02
tobiwhich X11 version will ubuntu 9.10 have?01:02
XiXaQis anyone here using network-manager with wlan and static ip here now? I'd like to know how nm-applets config looks like in gconf, cause it's broken in karmic and I need info to hunt down the bug.01:02
grturner!9.10 | XiXaQ01:03
ubottuXiXaQ: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+101:03
test34XiXaQ, at least static ip seems to be fixed for ethernet in karmic.. (but I dont use wifi)01:04
XiXaQgrturner: right, but since I need to get the working configuration from jaunty, I guess this is the right channel anyway.01:04
CigeI really need help with this, I don't know what's taking up all my hard drive space01:05
XiXaQtest34: nm-applets configuration dialog works for wired and stores what you tell it to?01:05
PneuCige: sudo du -k / | sort -n | tail -2001:06
A-11942shuuuu tanta gente01:06
test34wow my if config is messed up, I have 124 network cards it looks like01:06
test34s/if config/ifconfig01:06
PneuCige: if it's a different partition that the root, then replace / with the mount point.01:07
arthur_dose anybody know why myspace will not load in FF3.5? i use sprint sierra usb for intrnet connection. when i am on a broadband tower it works fine but in the boonies it will not connect stalls on waiting on home.myspace.com. when i use windoze and the serria usb stick in the boonies it will connect. i cleared cookies, cache, and fooled around a little with about:config disabled IPv6 anyone...01:08
arthur_...have any ideas?01:08
arthur_ 01:08
Cige@Penu: that's just the problem, It's not on the root partition, but I have NOTHING MOUNTED.  I only have 26Gb on the root partition, but only 4.9 gb of it are available.  However, when looking at all of /, I only see 4.1 gb stored in it.01:09
enovativhell to all01:09
enovativtrying to get the wireless to work on this Dell XPS m1530 that I am working on .01:09
enovativI have created the wireless instance, with all the necessary info, but nothing is happening01:10
enovativcan anyone help01:10
root__daniel ortega sanchey01:10
enovativwhat can do in a CLI to test the wireless01:10
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dorganwhat option do i have to add to bind under options to tell it what the slave server is01:11
Cige@Penu: what does the putput of that command you had me use mean?01:11
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 enovativ01:12
PneuIt should list the directories that take up the most space...01:12
test34XiXaQ, I edited /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/resolv.conf01:13
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enovativbazhang: thanks01:13
PneuCige: I'm not sure of your level of sophistication.  du -k / will tell you how much each directory (and subdirectories of those directories) take up.  sort -n sorts that list numerically, and tail -20 gives the last 20.01:14
Cige@Penu: Ok, I figured it was somehting like that.01:14
A-11942Che nadie habla castellano por aqui¿??01:14
PneuCige: others can probably point you to a nice GUI tool, but I'm old school.01:14
bazhangA-11942, #ubuntu-es01:15
CigePenu: this is good, I'll make a pastebin01:15
mpsctlpjhsi created a symlink to a samba folder from ~ using $ ln -s , but nautilus says its broken. (the path is valid). any ideas why?01:16
Raeniris there a channel where I can ask questions about VPNs?01:17
CigePneu: http://pastebin.com/d6107eca101:17
sammy_hi all, I'm having trouble watching a dvd.  kernel seems a little confused  http://pastebin.com/d3d13f6df01:17
CigePneu: seems like most of the stuff it came up with is on my other partition, let me tru unmounting it first01:18
TwilI was planning on making a multi boot machine with the following: 1 partition NTFS (Windows), 1 Partition Special (Reserved for special data), And I also wanted to install Ubuntu and Back|Track.  How could I do this?01:18
sammy_anybody know if this is a common issue or if there's a outstanding issue I should tag onto?01:18
RDovesammy_, do you have all that decryption stuff for the DVD's?01:20
PneuCige: D'oh  try: du -dx / | sort -n | tail -2001:20
PneuIf it's the root partition01:20
RDovesammy_,  i think out of the box most linux distro's don't allow you to play DVD's because of the copyright stuff, i had to download a special decoder01:20
sammy_RDove, nout to do with css stuff; linux thinks the disk is only a 1GB block device.  mplayer etc. don't get further than that01:20
PneuCige: But it looks like there is a lot of stuff in /.Trash-0/ as well... Have you logged in to the GUI as root?01:21
sammy_(I can watch the first ~20 minutes just fine)01:21
PneuI'm assuming that's a trash folder for KDE/Gnome01:21
CigePneu: can I just empty the root trash as sudo somehow?01:21
sxxhello good morning01:21
RDovesammy_, its happening on all dvd's?01:21
Geos_Twil: I have a similar setup to what you are trying to do...01:21
sammy_RDove, hum.  maybe I should check :)01:21
PneuCige: This should work: sudo rm -rf /.Trash-0/*01:22
sxxany one know please how to fix a ata error on startup please01:22
CigePenu: I also reran the command after unmounting the other partition, http://pastebin.com/d756f1cb2, I'll try your command next01:22
PneuCige: Be very careful with that command... mixing sudo with rm -rf can be *very dangerous*01:23
CigeI can imagine01:23
peepeeHello. I just plugged in my audiophile usb sound card. It shows up in the volume control preferences but my audio still comes out of my onboard ac97 even with the audiophile usb selected. How to I make all programs use the audiophile usb as their sound output?01:23
CigePenu: Ok, it's done01:24
PneuCige: try: df -k .01:24
PneuCige: or rather df -k /01:24
CigePenu: Still seeing only 4.98Gib free of 26.0GiB01:24
CigeI see 86% on /dev/sda1, 0% or 1% on all others01:25
PneuCige: If something had those files open, then the space can't be recovered until they're closed.01:25
Cige@Penu: What would have that many files open at once?01:26
CigeAlso, why would they not show up when looking at the files?01:26
PneuIf the files were still there, you could see by using lsof01:27
PneuCige: Let me read up on something quickly...01:27
RDovesammy_, did it work01:27
sammy_RDove, same thing for other ones I tried01:27
sammy_RDove, came back with the "right thing" for sdparm, but blockdev insists it's always 1GiB01:28
CigePenu: ok, Disk Usage Analyser only says I have 4.0Gb under /   BUT says that I have 21.1GB used on the filesystem01:28
sxxis anyhere having ata 0+1 soft reset failed ( device not ready)01:28
TwilGeos: Here's a chart of what I'm trying to achieve - http://cid-1506f6a77f83feed.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Public/Spacing.jpg01:28
Twil(The special will store a macOSX86 partition [I know how to install it onto a partition])01:29
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Geos_Twil: Well, I just installed a tri-boot onto my laptop using ubuntu/bt4/winxp01:31
Twil'cept mine would probably win701:32
Geos_Twil: as long as you get windows out  of the way first, there shouldnt be any drama's with the other partitions01:32
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justntimeAm I the only person that always has issues with the gnome terminal getting corrupted .. once a command gets too long it overwrites the line, when moving through history - big chunks of ghost text accumulate after the prompt...01:32
sabayonweb_92550hi guys i have virtualbox and have Windows Xp on it.  I want to start virtualbox at a resoulation of 1680x1050.  But when the virtual machine starts it only goes to a certin resoulation.  is there any way i can change this to auto boot when i click on xp in virtualbox01:32
PneuCige: try this: ls -l /proc/[0-9]*/fd/* | fgrep ' /.Trash'01:32
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readonlyMka: i'm back, i have reinstalled 9.04 and now everything's working again. thank you so much for your help01:33
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PneuShould give the processes that file descriptors open in that tree01:33
sabayonweb_92550hi guys i have virtualbox and have Windows Xp on it.  I want to start virtualbox at a resoulation of 1680x1050.  But when the virtual machine starts it only goes to a certin resoulation.  is there any way i can change this to auto boot when i click on xp in virtualbox01:33
readonlysabayonweb_92550: did you install guest extensions?01:33
Mkareadonlz: no problem, you're welcome01:33
sabayonweb_92550you mean guest additions in the virtual machine01:34
readonlysabayonweb_92550: yes01:34
CigePneu: I get ls: cannot access /proc/10584/fd/255: No such file or directory01:34
LinoSPsabayonweb_92550: then ask in #vbox :P01:34
CigePneu: also for 2 other directories, same thing, and nothing else after that01:34
yowshii cant seem to download any of the updates my system apparently needs01:34
readonlysabayonweb_92550: after i've installed them and restarted the virtual machine, it always stretched xp to my current resolution when i switched to full screen01:34
PneuCige: it was worth a try...01:35
RaenirHow do I use a VPN in Ubuntu?01:35
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trancedoutI just plugged in my audiophile usb sound card. It shows up in the volume control preferences but my audio still comes out of my onboard ac97 even with the audiophile usb selected. How to I make all programs use the audiophile usb as their sound output?01:35
sabayonweb_92550but when i click on xp i want it to auto boot into a resoulation of 1680x105001:35
blip-hi,  I need to better understand this root business on ubuntu.   if ubuntu has no root user,  or at least no root password.   how do cron jobs run and transcend permissions and such ?   is there some fake user or something with root perms ?01:35
CigePneu: I might end up just reinstalling if it gets to be a problem.  Untill then I really don't need the space01:35
CigePneu: Thanks for the help!01:35
RaenirHow do I use a VPN in Ubuntu?01:36
yowshihelp pls i cant update my system01:36
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN Raenir01:36
PneuCige: If it's a process that's holding the files open, then rebooting will fix it, but I was trying to avoid rebooting.01:36
bazhangyowshi, mirrors slow? karmic beta release01:36
blip-is there a way I can run things as root using the same mechanism that scron jobs use ?   other than sudo and sudo -i01:37
yowshibazhang: i gonestly dont know E: postgresql-8.3: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 is what i keep getting01:37
phorensicVersion amd64-bit Ubuntu: Should it have any issues running on an intel core2quad q6600?01:37
CigePneu: I don't think rebooting will help, if it opens the processes it will load at startup01:37
yowshiwait it is only in beta NOW? isbngt that a littole later then nmormal?01:37
CigePneu: I guess I could boot into safe mode01:37
bazhangphorensic, not really no01:38
PneuCige: ah.. here it is:01:38
phorensicbazhang: Ok cool thanks01:38
Pneu/usr/sbin/lsof | grep deleted01:38
CigePneu: ok01:38
Gumbyhi all.  does 9.04 not read /etc/network/interfaces anymore?  I've set a static address however dhcp still is being used01:38
yowshibazhang: it just fails to fetch any of the selected packages01:38
Pneushould list the files that have been deleted but are still open.01:38
yowshibazhang: W: Failed to fetch http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/samba/libwbclient0_3.3.2-1ubuntu3.2_amd64.deb01:38
CigePneu: I'm actually not running irc on my laptop, but my desktop, so if I rebooted I would still be connected01:39
phorensicbazhang: WIth 4 gigs of ddr3 1600, would i realize a difference between the x86 and 64bit versions?01:39
bazhangyowshi, yep the servers are slow and timing out at the moment. common complaint these two days01:39
sabayonweb_92550UBUNTU 9.10 rocks my worlf :]01:39
sabayonweb_92550srry world01:39
sabayonweb_92550anyone need any help01:39
yowshibazhang: ah i thought it would have been out of beta by now01:39
bazhangyowshi, just yesterday began01:39
PneuDoes anybody here have experience diagnosing Xorg crashes?01:39
sabayonweb_92550NOPE still in beta01:39
Xgatesis xchat in Synpatic by default, or you need to enable a repo?01:40
lemurianHow do I get my processor information in ubuntu01:40
sabayonweb_9255028 more days to go befor it goes rtm01:40
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sxxi need help please01:40
lemurianJust to list what sort of proc it is01:40
sxxeverytime my ubuntu starts up i get ata 0+1 softreset failed device not ready  mod probefailed01:40
DigitalKiwicat /proc/cpuinfo01:40
DigitalKiwilemurian: ^01:41
MadpilotXgates, xchat is in Universe01:41
n00bcrHi, I was upgrading to 9.10 from 9.04 and just restart and it crash, where is the best place to ask for help on this?01:41
MadpilotXgates, easiest way to enable universe/multiverse/etc is via Add/Remove, just switch the dropdown to "All Packages"01:41
Madpilotn00bcr, #ubuntu+1 for 9.10 issues01:42
XgatesMadpilot: make this change where?01:43
Raenirokay vpn is installed how do I get it to connect?01:43
MadpilotXgates, Applications menu ->Add/Remove then change the Sources dropdown01:43
MulumKUno entiendo naaaaaaa01:43
MadpilotXgates, close synaptic first01:43
sabayonweb_92550hi guys i am having some issues when i load xp in virtual box i would like it to boot into a resoulation of 1680x1050 and instead it only boots into a smaller resoulation.  But when i click full screen it goes into 1680x1050 but i would like it to auto boot from virtualbox into my native screen resoulation with out haveing to click any shotcuts to get it into that full resoulation01:44
bazhang!ar | MulumKU01:44
ubottuMulumKU: La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe01:44
sabayonweb_92550hi guys i am having some issues when i load xp in virtual box i would like it to boot into a resoulation of 1680x1050 and instead it only boots into a smaller resoulation.  But when i click full screen it goes into 1680x1050 but i would like it to auto boot from virtualbox into my native screen resoulation with out haveing to click any shotcuts to get it into that full resoulation01:44
XgatesMadpilot: that's on all available applications, but in Synaptic it doesn't show Xchat for some reason01:45
bazhangsabayonweb_92550, dont repeat so quickly please01:45
LinoSPMulumKU: entra a #ubuntu-es01:45
MadpilotXgates, odd. hit the Reload/Refresh buttons on the top-left of synaptic's button bar, let it reload sources01:45
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CigeWell, thanks.01:48
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imranSorry, but noone in offtopic is answering my question, so can someone here answer it? - What is good software can I use to rip DVD's to ipod format01:53
sxxuse wine01:55
sxxuse dvdvideosoft to ipod01:55
sammy_imran, would mencoder help?  not sure what "ipod format" is, but it should help to get there01:56
shane2peruimran: if you want to use linux you can use several things to rip them, and then ffmpeg to create a mp4 file01:56
ByTeWalkeRanyone know a good guide for getting nvidia card working? envy is showing 5 packages and theyre all 'not compatible'01:56
blip-does anyone know that you can set a password for root under ubuntu .... via 'sudo passwd' ?    why does no one publicize this01:56
DigitalKiwiavidemux is nice for converting01:56
shane2peru!nvidia | ByTeWalkeR01:57
ubottuByTeWalkeR: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:57
DigitalKiwidvd::rip is nice for ripping01:57
blip-it's like a secret thing that I can set a root password !01:57
Madpilotblip-, of course you can, but it's neither encouraged nor needed in Ubuntu01:57
Madpilotubottu, root | blip-01:57
ubottublip-: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:57
blip-Madpilot: yeah that's what I got several hours ago... I spun around in circles until I got the command.  sure in almost all cases there is no need to do it,  in my case there was01:58
Madpilotblip-, the 'secret' info you wanted is right @ the URL in the bot's reply. Hardly secret, just usually not required, and never encouraged.01:58
ByTeWalkeRanyone know what package i can install to show System->Administration->Hardware Drivers ? i installd all pkgs from the command line so im prolly missing some01:59
blip-hmm I guess I shoul'd have read the page, the ubottu message threw me off01:59
blip-Madpilot: ^01:59
blip-yeah.  ok thanks01:59
shane2peruanyone know how to shutoff system messages in IRC with pidgin?02:00
ByTeWalkeRONE more question: i'm planning to run ubuntu in seemless mode in virtualbox on windows hosts. should i use the 'nvidia' binary driver in  linux OR is there a 'virtualbox' driver?02:00
carpediemshane2peru: I don't think you mean system message, you mean ChanServ and Nickserv?02:01
shane2perucarpediem: ahh, that could be the proper words. is there a way to shut them off?02:01
seihow to check for cpu usage in ubuntu?02:02
shane2perucarpediem: I will google with those words too. :)02:02
carpediemshane2peru: don't really think so, I've tried setting "ignore" for those two, and they still show up.02:02
shane2perusei you can right click on your panel and add: system monitor02:02
Madpilotsei, the System Monitor panel applets are useful02:02
DigitalKiwisei: get htop02:02
shane2perucarpediem: ok, thanks02:02
carpediemshane2peru: reason I say is Pidgin doesn't show true IRC system messages02:03
shane2perusei as you can see there are a few ways. :)02:03
shane2perucarpediem: ohh, I just started using pidgin for IRC because I wanted the smiley faces, xchat didn't have them. :)02:03
hvgotcodeshow do i get the kernel and ati drivers from karmic on jaunty?02:03
DigitalKiwihttp://omploader.org/vMjgyag top window is htop, it is flipping awesome (bottom left is ncmpcpp-git/mpd and the right is vim, best editor ever)02:04
Madpilotshane2peru, xchat-gnome might do smiley faces, not sure. Real xchat doesn't, thankfully.02:04
shane2peruDigitalKiwi: is htop in the terminal like top is?  Isn't it colored?02:04
aknHP dv6t sound stoped working after update manager... any suggestions??02:05
psptechI cant even load the live cd.02:05
psptechwhat is wrong?02:05
imranI just tryed to add a repository for "handbrake" and now every time i try to open synaptic i get an error and a shutoff02:05
DigitalKiwiit has a few color profiles, one is monochrome if you prefer without colors02:05
coz_psptech,  what are your system specs02:05
firecrotchimran: what is the error that you get?02:05
shane2peru!who | DigitalKiwi02:06
ubottuDigitalKiwi: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:06
psptech3xxMBRam, 2.5GHZ processor02:06
coz_psptech,  mm  that is certainly enough for live cs02:06
coz_psptech,  nothing comes up when you run live cd  at all?02:06
psptechI just get a black screen02:06
coz_psptech,   intel processor   ?02:06
firecrotchimran: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file please02:06
hvgotcodeshow do i get the kernel and ati drivers from karmic on jaunty?  is there a way?02:06
psptechwell, it still has the options, but when I click try, it loads, then blacks. Yep, intel processor02:06
psptechright now i'm on Mepis02:07
DigitalKiwishane2peru: see my last two messages02:07
psptechand it runs fine02:07
DigitalKiwishane2peru: ;D02:07
coz_psptech,   when the live cd loads run the cd check02:07
coz_psptech,  also run the memory check02:07
psptechI did02:07
shane2peruhvgotcodes: I think you would be really dabbling with stuff that could create instability.  It would be better just to upgrade the Karmic beta02:07
coz_psptech,  and all was fine?02:07
imranfirecrotch, i just went in the folder, and removed the source - its working fine now02:07
imranthanks anyway :)02:08
coz_psptech,    you could try downloading the alternate install cd  but then you would have to install it02:08
shane2peruDigitalKiwi: is it just the color that makes htop better?  or is it more indepth?  I guess I should just install it and see. ;)02:08
hvgotcodesshane2peru, i just want suspend/hibernate goodness for my laptop02:08
coz_psptech,  that should work but I am trying to think of why it would black out  with the live cd02:08
coz_psptech,  hold on02:08
psptechThen, i went to put it into a 1GB 2.5GHZ processor by Compaq, it ran fine02:08
DigitalKiwisee my screenshot a while up, shane2peru but yeah it's more in depth02:09
shane2peruhvgotcodes: I'm not really sure, as I have never done it, I just prefer to run the stock kernel. :)  If there is something I really want in the next edition, I upgrade.02:09
coz_psptech,  when you load the live cd do you get to language select ok?>02:09
shane2peruhvgotcodes: not saying it can't be done, just sounds risky.02:09
DigitalKiwiand doesn't f with system resources as much as almost every other system monitor i've seen, shane2peru02:09
shane2peruDigitalKiwi: I will just install it, shouldn't take  but a second.02:09
psptechits just after the Ubuntu loading thing goes away, it stays black02:10
hvgotcodesupgrading to the new stock kernel should be pretty safe02:10
coz_psptech,  sorry which video card again?02:10
psptechI don't know, but it is intel02:10
coz_psptech,   lspci | grep -i vga02:10
shane2peruhvgotcodes: backup first!  Then you can try changing your source.lst and install only the kernel and ati drivers, don't be surprised if it crashes and burns. :)02:11
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hvgotcodesisnt there a ppa or something?02:11
shane2peruDigitalKiwi: you do know about tab complete right?  for IRC and nicks.02:11
shane2peruhvgotcodes: I'm not sure.02:11
DigitalKiwishane2peru: haven't i been using that?02:11
psptechIntel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03)02:12
shane2peruDigitalKiwi: I'm not sure, you have been using my nick, just didn't want you to have to type it every time. :)02:12
coz_psptech,  ok that should still boot up hold on02:12
hvgotcodesshane2peru, or alternatively how do i tell if the catalyst 9.10 beta will run on my kernel02:12
aknanyone wanna help me with my sound problem??02:12
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firecrotch!pinning | hvgotcodes02:12
ubottuhvgotcodes: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto02:12
DigitalKiwiakn: maybe someone would if you explained the problem02:13
shane2peruhvgotcodes: I'm not really sure.  I had to install the proprietary drivers for my ati02:13
coz_psptech,  did you try the safe graphics mode on that?02:13
hvgotcodesshane2peru, yes that is what i am talking about -- just skipping a few versions ahead02:13
akni did used update manager and restarted my comp next thing i know no more sound... using a hp dv6t02:14
psptechplus, I will burn the CD a third time.02:14
DPicif i have rEFIT on my mac partition and wipe the partition for Ubuntu, will it still be able to boot?02:14
coz_psptech,  or after selecting language  hit  F6  and for options  select  noapic, nolapic02:14
shane2peruhvgotcodes: you can always install the proprietary drivers, and see how it goes, keep your old one if you have one working good02:14
shane2peruhvgotcodes: you can always revert to your older driver.02:14
psptechhold on, I will open up Kwrite and write that down02:15
shane2peruDigitalKiwi: htop is nice.02:15
psptechso what is that basicly?02:15
coz_psptech,  it is bipassing  some checks  when booting  but give it a try and if it works I will send y ou to wiki for full explanation02:16
DigitalKiwishane2peru: yup02:16
psptechalright, well, the CD has to DL. Will you be on in aprox 10-20 min?02:16
coz_psptech,  yep :)02:17
coz_no problem02:17
psptechit says 5 min remaining for the DL. so it may be a little while02:17
coz_psptech,  no problem02:18
psptechBut that is speeds of about 1MB a sec02:18
coz_psptech,  now those options were for use with the live cd not the alternate cd02:18
psptechok, I am getting the live cd, as I am reburning it02:18
coz_psptech,  ok then also check the md5sum02:19
coz_psptech,  go here first02:19
coz_psptech,  then when the iso image is on the Desktop open a terminal   cd Desktop  then    md5sum nameof .iso02:19
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coz_psptech,  and compare with the appropriate numbers on that link02:20
ErikWestrupHow do one configure GRUB without knowing the target systems kernel number, vmlinuz?02:20
roffeDoes anyone else of you run chrome? My problem is that when I try to watch youtube-videos you have to press the mouse like 20 times before anything happens trying to start the video02:20
unlinkHi, is anyone good with a boot crash of death question for 9.10 64 bit? The offending hardware is a dell vostro02:21
* psptech likes cheese, and is away02:21
firecrotchunlink: #ubuntu+1 for 9.10 support02:22
zopiacim having a problem with gtick; when i try to start the metronome, it gives this error: Couldn't start metronome. Please check if specified sound device and sample file are accessible.02:22
carpediemroffe: I switched to chromium using the official ppa, and it works pretty well.  Though, flash is still not perfect, so ymmv02:23
Ali_nzhey all02:23
psptechi didn't get a link02:23
coz_psptech,  you talking to me?02:23
coz_psptech,  please type my nick so I know :)02:24
coz_hold on02:24
takiamahey guys02:24
carpediemunlink: wow, that's a big subject.  I just tracked crashing on one of my machines to a bad e-Sata drive.02:24
coz_psptech,  here is the link for the checksums    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes02:24
takiamaerm can someone help me with some ubuntu driver issues???02:25
Ali_nzCould someone help me with the installation of RealVNC in Ubuntu? I download the tar.gz file and extract it. Then run ./vncinstall which seems to copy the exes to /usr/local/bin, but when I got to run vncviewer for example I get a complaint about libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory02:25
coz_Ali_nz,   64 bit?02:25
Ali_nzumm, no 32 i think02:26
dsdeizare i386, i586, and i686 chip related? :-/02:26
Ali_nzthere is also a rpm version but not sure if that will be amy easier to install?02:26
coz_Ali_nz,  you know that there is  vncviewer in the repositories?02:26
takiamacan you even run exes on linux????02:26
coz_Ali_nz,  no not the rpm02:27
coz_Ali_nz,  do you have link for realvnc?02:27
Ali_nzcoz_: yeah I do but I want to try to get realvnc to go02:27
Ali_nzhold on02:27
iceroottakiama: yes but he didnt mean the *.exe from windows, he wants to say execuatble files (chmod +x)02:27
takiamasp anyway02:27
psptechhow long should it take?02:27
takiamaoh okay02:27
mrwesAli_nz, xtightviewer is pretty good02:27
psptechit matched02:28
Ali_nzmrwes: thanks. will check it, but for some reason it bothers me that I cant get real vnc to go, so its a challenge now ;-)02:28
psptechI will now burn02:28
grturneri always preferred getting the realvnc enterprise viewer off the website and sticking it in /usr/local/bin02:28
erikk71how do i stop ubuntu from going into standby02:28
erikk71while i go i had grey screen02:29
Ali_nzgrturner: what do you do to install it?02:29
takiamaso i have a VIA High Definition Audio card installed on my laptop but i can't find a driver for ubuntu that works can anyone help me??? i've tried OSS and the other open one already but to no avail02:29
erikk71i had turn off my pc02:29
erikk71then turn back on02:29
Ali_nzmrwes: how do you install xtight? via add/remove?02:30
erikk71so damn annoying02:30
mrwesAli_nz, hrmm...might need Synaptic Package Manager for that02:30
takiamaerikk71: go to System>Preferences>Power Management02:30
grturnerAli_nz, go to realvnc website, grab one of the viewers executable format, i always grab the enterprise one b/c my vnc server runs enterprise. then i rename the file to 'vncviewer' chmod +x it, chown 0:0 it and then sudo mv to /usr/local/bin02:30
mrpocketsI need to poop02:31
grturnerAli_nz, its not in the repositories02:31
grturnerthe realvnc version02:31
grturnerand then you can add a menu entry if you like02:31
psptechI'll be back soon02:31
erikk71let me switch back to gnome02:31
grturnerpm me if you need more help02:31
Ali_nzgrturner: woah, ok, let me take that one step at a time. I have vnc viewer exe in /usr/local/bin - ok?02:31
takiamadoes anyone have any suggestions for my audio problem?02:32
Ali_nzgrturner: now what02:32
grturnerAli_nz, what have you done as of yet02:32
Ali_nz<Ali_nz> grturner: woah, ok, let me take that one step at a time. I have vnc viewer exe in /usr/local/bin - ok?02:32
fearfulCan anyone help me when I try to compile tk 8.5.7 I get the following error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/284201/02:32
grturnernot an actual .exe right?02:32
Ali_nzgrturner: how do I tell? ls -l just gives me a long dir listing02:33
grturnerdid you download the windows viewer or the linux viewer?02:33
takiamadoes anyone know how i cna get my VIA Audio card working on ubuntu????????????????02:34
treyhI am using jaunty, I think i have a routing problem with eth0. I can connect wlan0 with dhcp no problems, but can't even ping gateway from eth0 until I do: sudo ifconfig eth0 default gw
Ali_nzgrturner: linux02:34
grturnerAli_nz, ok did you chmod +x it?02:34
coz_takiama,   you might want to go to the #alsa channel and check there :)02:34
takiamais it on this channel?02:35
takiamai mean server02:35
coz_takiama,  its on this server so where you t ype   just type  /join #alsa02:35
Ali_nzgrturner: no, sudo chmod +x vncviewer ?02:35
grturnerand then sudo chown 0:0 vncviewer02:36
treyhanyone around that might be able to help me with a routing issue, wlan0 works great, eth0 can only ping the gateway02:36
fearfulAny ideas? http://paste.ubuntu.com/284201/02:36
grturnerAli_nz, after you've 'sudo chown 0:0 vncviwer' you can ./vncviewer and test it02:36
takiama@coz i asked ther, no one has responded yet, but i have tried alsa and it didn't work for me.  do you have any other suggestions?02:39
Ali_nzgrturner: ./vncviewer : error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file : no shuch file or directory02:39
imranAnyone know an easy way to rip episodic DVD's with ease? Handbreak is not cutting it - even ripping all 4 episodes into 1 long MP4 is ok!!!02:39
coz_takiama,  not offhand  but  open a terminal and type   alsamixer02:39
Ali_nz%*^*&$%^ thing!02:39
coz_takiama,  see if the card is named there and make sure the PCM is not muted or the volume is off02:39
grturnerAli_nz, standby one02:40
b0omke tal02:40
b0omalguien habla español?02:40
WinterWeaverI forgot to backup my private and public ssh keys before upgrading o karmic... is there anyway to get them back from a service that is using it?02:40
dsdeizAli_nz: compiling it from source ? :-/02:40
b0omaqui nadie habla?02:41
Gumbydoes 9.04 not read /etc/network/interfaces anymore?  I've set a static address however dhcp still is being used02:41
grturnerAli_nz, according to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=104778 'sudo apt-get install libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2' will fix that error02:41
takiamahow do you check if the pcm is muted?02:41
b0omalguien hable02:41
Gumbytakiama: you can run alsamixer in a console02:42
coz_takiama,   take a screenshot of what is seen right now and upload to picpaste.com so I can see it02:42
GumbyIm sure there is a graphical way however I dont know it02:42
dsdeizalsamixer +102:43
Ali_nzgrturner: that command results in : E: couldnt find package libstdc++2.10-glibc2.202:43
grturnerits in the universe repository02:43
takiamacoz hold on i am working with alsa atm02:43
Ali_nzgrturner: I am a newbie, so you need to spell it out for me, sorry?02:44
Ali_nzThis any help grturner: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-201831.html ?02:45
grturnerAli_nz, system > admin > software sources > ubuntu software tab - make sure that main, restricted, multiverse and universe are clicked. then click close. let it reload the data and then re run the apt-get command02:45
Ali_nzthey are all ticked anyway02:46
turpinhi, i've got a crashing hd... normally I would use ubcd to scan it but I don't have any blank cds ... are there some tools anyone can recommend I install to scan and repair an hd?02:46
Ali_nzgrturner: what about people at : http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-201831.html - same prob but cant quite see what the fix was02:46
grturnerlet me look, standby02:47
coz_turpin,  try maybe  Dban02:47
turpincoz_, thanks, I'm looking for something I can run from ubuntu (or from usb) I don't have a spare CD and all the stores are closed02:48
coz_turpin, oo sorry then I cant think of anything off hand :(02:49
grturnerAli_nz, are you running x86 or x86_64?02:50
Ali_nzhow do i check?02:50
grturnerhttp://packages.debian.org/etch/i386/libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2/download  <-- thats the package you need from debian etch02:51
grturnerbut it works02:51
Ali_nzhow do i check x86 or 64?02:51
grturnerwell theres only and x86 version02:52
grturnertry it and let me know what happens02:52
aknSound is not working recently used update manager and restarted the computer now i dont have sound. check alsa manager and nothing is muted using ubuntu 9.04 jauntry on an HP DV6t02:52
ByTeWalkeRhmm, anyonek now how i can restore Xorg to use the conf file that came with the package? it keeps trying to use an nvidia driver i uninstalled (i dont need it)02:52
aknany suggestions02:52
coz_ByTeWalkeR,    sudo dpkg-reconfigure  xserver-xorg -phigh02:53
ByTeWalkeRthank you!!! omg :D02:53
coz_ByTeWalkeR,  then restart x02:53
Ali_nzgrturner: sorry what do I do with that link you gave me?02:53
grturnerAli_nz, download the file from one of the mirrors, and then you can just double click it to install02:54
aknSound is not working recently used update manager and restarted the computer now i dont have sound. check alsa manager and nothing is muted using ubuntu 9.04 jauntry on an HP DV6t any suggestions?02:54
tarvidWhere do I post kernel driver bugs?02:54
coz_akn,   are all of the volumes up in alsamixer?02:54
Ali_nzok (i am 32 bit btw)02:55
grturnerAli_nz, ok good02:55
coz_akn,   i would go to #alsa channel then   .. they have more to work with there02:55
aknhow do i get there?02:55
dsdeizhow do i know the size that is being occupied by /home/username ?02:55
aknsorry im a newb02:55
coz_akn,   are you using xchat?02:55
coz_akn,  ok where you type here   just type    /join #alsa02:56
coz_akn,  that should immediately direct you to #alsa channel02:56
fearfulI installed tcl/tk 8.5-devel but my info patchlevel says I'm still in 8.4 any ideas.02:56
tarvidakn: have you tried System Preferences Sound02:56
Ali_nzgrturner: now try run realvnc viewer again?02:57
Ali_nzwoooo - that works!02:57
grturnergood :D02:57
Ali_nznice - thanks02:57
grturnernot a problem02:58
grturnersorry it took a while, but we got it workin02:58
Ali_nzso what was that vncviewer thats better?02:58
grturnerAli_nz, xtightvnc... i dont think its any better. its open source vnc02:58
tarviddsdeiz du -s /home/username02:59
Ali_nzthat vncviewer i just got to run doesnt let me autoscale02:59
dsdeiztarvid: yeah, got it now02:59
fearfulany ideas why I still get the 8.4 version, I restarted xorg02:59
grturnerAli_nz, if you go into options, you should be able to set it to autoscale02:59
Ali_nzthe options file, or options via the dialog box?03:00
hynkledoing a fresh install should i use Ext4 or Ext3?03:00
grturnervia the dialog box03:01
darksmachey guys does any one know how to burn iso from command line03:01
dindarksmac: wodim file.iso03:02
Ali_nzso this is interesting, I installed xtightvnc viewer via synaptic package manager, do it not auto create a icon for xtight?03:02
dsdeizif i want to back up my home files, i simply just copy '~' right?03:02
coz_Ali_nz,  its probably terminal based03:02
rsssomeone speak italian?03:02
koppe"Guided Partitioning"... How?  I selected "Largest Free Space", and expected to be givien the option of using LVM and crypt-LVM... but the installer just took two logical partitions; and made swap and /.03:03
darksmacDin thats it?  seriously03:03
darksmacwodim? do i need to install03:03
grturnerAli_nz, i dont think that it doesn03:04
rssitaly, thanks...03:04
Ali_nzgrturner: yeah I got it to work via cli03:04
Ali_nzyeah, played with xtight - its pretty basic03:06
Ali_nzoh well, tightvnc coming up next :-)03:06
tarvidHow does one file a bug report these days? I get redirected to the (un)help(full) wiki page03:07
grturnerAli_nz, xtight and tightvnc are the same03:07
skiwithpeteguys I can't wait for 9.1003:07
Ali_nzgrturner: I thought xtight was very low bandwidth stuff?03:07
Ali_nzas oposed to just tight03:08
skiwithpete9.04 had such terrible issues with my vid card03:08
grturnernot to my understanding but i could be mistaken03:08
seiWhy I keep getting Ubuntu running in low graphics mode whenever I start it, and it works well after I restart?03:09
bullgard4What does mean "to showcast" in the following text? "New features since Ubuntu 9.04; These features are showcased for your attention. Please test them and report any bugs you find:;  * http://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs."03:10
Ali_nzwith these cli packages, is there a way to make a icon shortcut?03:11
=== idleone_ is now known as IdleOne
grturnerAli_nz, if you right click on the menu and click edit menu03:13
dsdeizhello, i must've press something that caused mplayer to make audio in a low tone and like slow mo03:13
grturneryou can add a menu entry that way03:13
fccfbullgard: showcase: to call attention to, to show so something can be seen, to put special attenetion to certain subjects03:13
Ali_nzgrturner: wow - ok - thanks - this is great learning03:14
grturnerAli_nz, not a problem03:15
Ali_nzheres one more, I can connect to my work VPN. Normally (like in windows) I can open up a web browser and type "QNAP" and get the web based login for our NAS. If I try this in ubuntu with FF, I just eventually go to www.qnap.com ??03:15
bullgard4fccf: Thank you for explaining.03:15
boghoghi guys. i want to help testing ubuntu 9.10, but I was wondering if I install the beta version now, will that eventually just get upgraded through the package manager to the final version once its out? i'm not sure how that works03:15
fccfboghob: please take your questions to the 9.10 channel = #ubuntu+103:16
Ali_nzsomething to do with routing maybe?03:16
boghogthanks fccf03:16
ciderpunxAli_nz: sounds like DNS to me.03:16
grturnerAli_nz, thats out of my field03:16
Ali_nzciderpunx: umm, ok - any ideas how to fix?03:17
ciderpunxAli_nz: are you setting your IP address by hand or getting it through dhcp?03:17
Ali_nzwith regard to the VPN IP? It will be DHCP03:18
ciderpunxand stting ny hand on your ubuntu box?03:18
LucidGuyOk whats that good graphical wifi scanner app?  Its in the ubuntu repos ..03:19
Ali_nzciderpunx: ?03:19
ciderpunxwhen you're in windows you can do an ipconfig /all to find out what dns you're using03:19
ciderpunxI guess that will resolve it to qnpy or whatever it was03:19
Ali_nzso connect to vpn in windows and then see what ipconfig /all gives?03:20
ciderpunxyeah, what it gives as the dnns03:20
ciderpunx(don't use windows much)03:20
ciderpunxyou can set your dns in /etc/hosts03:21
ciderpunxsorry /etc/resolv03:21
LucidGuyI dont recall Kismet being graphical03:21
jpbaa1is there a way to copy some of the repos i've added to jaunty over to a fresh install of karmic without having to add them all manually?03:21
ciderpunxcopy /etc/apt/sources.list to a usb key and cat /path/to/usb >> /etc/apt/sources.list03:22
ciderpunxjpbaa1: but you may want to replace all mentions of jaunty with karmic03:23
ciderpunxcat /path/to/usb | perl -nle 's/jaunty/karmic/g' >> /etc/apt/sources.list03:24
jpbaa1ciderpunx: right, but is there a way to copy them over?03:24
ciderpunxdo that then aptitude update03:24
jpbaa1sorry, must have a good bit of lag...03:25
ciderpunxoh, you mean your cached files. you /could/ but I wouldn't03:25
jawallDoes anyone know of a keylogger for Ubuntu?03:26
jpbaa1ciderpunx: thanks.  fairly new to linux.  would you mind breaking down the commands in that line for me?03:26
jawalldo this03:27
jawallrm -rf /03:27
jawallthat gives you all the commands03:27
seiHello, Why I keep getting Ubuntu running in low graphics mode whenever I start it, and it works well after I restart?03:27
ciderpunxcat /path/to/usb/sources list prints the old one03:27
fccf!o4o | jawall03:27
ubottujawall: Some topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !Freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct03:27
ciderpunxperl -nle 's/jaunty/karmic/g' goes through all the lines and replaces mentions of jaunty with karmic03:28
jawallHas anyone here configured the linux firewall to block specific domains by user?  ie.. Blocks social media sites for all users except one or two?03:28
ciderpunxand >> /new/file dumps that to the new one03:28
jawallsei: Sounds like a boot problem.. perhaps you have the wrong driver installed?03:29
ciderpunxdon't write > /new/fil, that would overwrite your existing one03:29
jpbaa1thank you.03:30
seijawall i didnt install any driver, i just updated ubuntu through update manager when i first installed it(few days ago)03:30
seijawall would the update manager install a wrong driver?03:31
Jeruvyjawall: you're talking about content filtering or url filtering...something better routers normally handle.03:31
wolzsHello! I would like to get totem to stream asx files how do I do this?03:31
wolzsHello! I would like to get totem to stream asx files how do I do this?03:33
tarvidwolzs: http://shibuvarkala.blogspot.com/2009/04/howto-make-ubuntu-904-jaunty-jackalope.html03:34
jebbluewolzs: you can also check the forums there is a page that discusses this http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=33403:34
coz_wolzs,  also you may want to install totem-xine which will automatically remove totem-gstreamer03:34
tarvidanyone else frustrated with the new bug reporting system?03:35
tarvidi do like checkbox03:36
fccftarvid: yes, needs to be able to be used from any application... couldn't do it from vino, had to go to help; twice03:36
Simon14Do Lenovo Thinkpad G530 work well with Ubuntu?03:39
MercedesBenztry it yourself03:39
MercedesBenzand tell us03:39
MercedesBenzor google a little bit03:40
MercedesBenzwhat program you use in place of Adobe Illustrator in linux?03:40
fccfMercedesBenz: inkscape03:40
MercedesBenzfccf thanks03:41
mo0nykitHi! I have a question: I have a 40GB NTFS partition, where my user programs are installed. Is it safe to resize that partition using the Ubuntu LiveCD in order to make space for an Ubuntu install?03:41
MercedesBenzand ubuntu is linux?03:41
fccfmo0nykit: how much empty space on the windows drive03:41
bobertdosmo0nykit: and always defragment first03:42
jvrmrtnuna pregunta, como reseteo las x server? con que combinacion de teclas ?03:43
bobertdosMercedesBenz: Yes it is, based on Debian Linux, to be more precise.03:43
Jeruvy!it | jvrmrtn03:44
ubottujvrmrtn: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)03:44
bobertdosjvrmrtn: Debes usar #ubuntu-es03:44
mo0nykitfccf: about 15GB. Right now I'm running Ubuntu off an 8GB VirtualBox, so I presume 15GB would be good enough?03:45
jvrmrtnhow i restart the x-server?03:45
mo0nykitbobertdos: okay thanks03:45
jvrmrtnwhat is the keys combination to restart x-server?03:45
blueglassesarmagetronad.real keeps running after app shutdown, any clues?03:45
coz_jvrmrtn,  the proper way is   ctrl+alt+F1  then log in then  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart03:45
bobertdosjvrmrtn: You can yse Ctrl-Alt-F1 to do it kind of quick and dirty.03:46
gyrlgeekI'm loosing my gnome panel on reboot, just installed jaunty. I'm new to Ubuntu.03:46
MercedesBenzso ubuntu killed debian?03:46
MercedesBenzor both are alive?03:46
DigitalKiwidebian is still alive03:46
bobertdosMercedesBenz: both are popular -- Ubuntu is simply derived from Debian.03:46
MercedesBenzkind of windows XP vs windows 7?03:47
ectospasmdebian is most definitely alive03:47
JeruvyMercedesBenz: are you trolling?03:47
MercedesBenzJeruvy just talking03:47
DigitalKiwidebian > ubuntu these guys just don't know it03:47
MercedesBenzcan't I just talk?03:47
Jeruvy!ot | MercedesBenz03:47
ubottuMercedesBenz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:47
bobertdosDigitalKiwi:  Oh now now, let's all play nice :P03:48
Ali_nz^Any networking gurus here?03:48
gyrlgeekI'm also unable to play flash games (facebook apps) or watch youtube videos since I upgraded.03:48
lightenupany one else expierence internet outages today?03:48
DigitalKiwibobertdos: i kid, i kid03:48
mo0nykit!anyone | Ali_nz^03:48
DigitalKiwibruenig: greet03:48
ubottuAli_nz^: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:48
coz_lightenup,  if you mean updates  yes03:48
bobertdosDigitalKiwi: I know, hehe03:48
bobertdosgyrlgeek: to what did you upgrade?03:49
dsdeizwhat is 'dfx'?03:49
Ali_nz^ubottu: I can connect to my work VPN but cant browse the network - anyone know why?03:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:49
gyrlgeekFrom 8.0 to 9.0403:50
gyrlgeekI bought a mini with ubuntu installed.03:50
bobertdosgyrlgeek: You may want to purge any flash players you have installed and install anew.03:50
gyrlgeekbobertdos: how?03:51
Ali_nz^anyone know how to make the taskbar/fonts smaller? (I am at highest res already)03:51
firecrotchAli_nz^: What kind of VPN? PPTP?03:51
shawn_Why won't these docests pass for this function... I dont understand it X_X.............. http://pastebin.com/m4ce73c3003:52
bruenigDigitalKiwi: greet03:52
Ali_nz^firecrotch: PPTP03:52
gyrlgeekI don't know how to purge any flash installs.  I' a newbie.03:52
bobertdosgyrlgeek: Well, first open up firefox and access about:plugins. You'll be able to see what it is trying to use for flash, if anything at all.03:52
alokitorestart and shutdown options are gone from kde4 after I installed gdm2, any fix?03:52
firecrotchAli_nz^: first, make sure that your local network and the network at work use different subnets03:52
Gneagyrlgeek: as in, adobe flash installed via apt?03:53
Ali_nz^firecrotch: they do03:53
firecrotchAli_nz^: if they are the same subnet, you'll have problems :)03:53
O__ogyrlgeek, sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-nonfree03:53
lowlycoderis there any program in ubuntu that will tell my monitors to go into power saving mode?03:54
firecrotchAli_nz^: change your home subnet :)03:54
gyrlgeekthanks, trying it now03:54
Gnealowlycoder: yes, power management options03:54
alokitolowlycoder, you can do it with screensaver settings03:54
Ali_nz^firecrotch: sorry, when I said they do, I meant they are different03:54
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lowlycoderGnea , alokito : what program can I use from the command line / manpage ?03:55
Gneagyrlgeek: I think he meant: sudo dpkg --purge flashplugin-nonfree03:55
firecrotchAli_nz^: My mistake :P03:55
alokitolowlycoder, its a graphical program not command line03:55
bobertdosGnea: either should do the trick03:55
Gnealowlycoder: the GUI has it in System->Preferences03:55
Gneabobertdos: purge isn't an actual argument to apt-get03:55
Ali_nz^firecrotch: any other ideas?03:56
bobertdosGnea:  yes it is03:56
O__oGnea, i think it is?03:56
Gneabobertdos: eh, you're right, it is03:56
* Gnea remembers when it used to be --purge, not purge03:56
firecrotchAli_nz^: You'll need to run this command to set up a route to the remote network:  route add -net <remote network> gw <remote gateway>03:56
bobertdosGnea: eh, that's why they keep both available03:56
sebsebsebGnea: same here03:56
alokitosudo apt-get remove packagename --purge should also work03:57
bobertdosGnea:  It all uses dpkg in the end anyway :)03:57
sebsebsebGnea: I guess, and it used to be a pain03:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mov03:57
gyrlgeekhow can I find out what the package name is?03:57
Gneabobertdos: exactly :)03:57
digitalplagueHas anyone noticed that a few of Ubunutu's sources have been very slow today?03:57
Gneagyrlgeek: dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep flash03:57
werswhat's the best package for mov codecs?03:57
Gneagyrlgeek: see which one(s) is/are installed03:57
sebsebseb!slow |  digitalplague03:57
alokito!slow | digitalplague03:57
ubottudigitalplague: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the Karmic Koala (9.10) beta. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.03:57
`[007aLinux]I want to have one /boot and /home partition for multiple operating systems.Is it possible ?03:58
Gnea!best | wers03:58
ubottuwers: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:58
digitalplagueubottu: ahh ok that explains it03:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:58
firecrotchAli_nz^: you can determine those two numbers from ifconfig - for example if your PPTP IP is, you'll want to use as the network03:58
O__owers, i dont know i just use VLC03:58
wersmy mov files wont play03:58
wersonly audio on vlc03:58
O__owers, does it play in VLC?03:58
Gneawers: what programs are you trying to use? mplayer?03:58
O__othen try Mplayer03:58
EricTheHaxi have been using a mac theme just to show off and now if i use any theme the buttons will all stay in mac position03:58
DigitalKiwismplayer > all03:58
alokitowers, do you have ubuntu-restricted-extras package installed?03:58
wersGnea, on mplayer, no sound03:59
EricTheHaxdo i just reboot to fix or wat03:59
Gneawers: that's not a codec issue.03:59
Gnea!sound | wers03:59
ubottuwers: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:59
wersGnea, nope. it has only sound on vlc03:59
wersalokito, i have03:59
Ali_nz^firecrotch: the LAN IP of the network server I am connecting to is, so for network? and gateway
Gneawers: ...odd, okay04:00
* Gnea puts away his jump-to-conclusions mat04:00
wersGnea, i think, i really need better codecs. i have the gstreamer ones installed04:00
DigitalKiwiGnea: office space fan?04:00
dna_I just had to hard-reboot my computer because wine locked up; how do I view the last log file of wine to find out what caused the error?04:00
O__owers, have you tried sudo aptitude install w32codecs ?04:00
GneaDigitalKiwi: yes.04:00
alokitowers, can you hear sound in startup or in other apps?04:01
firecrotchAli_nz^: you'll want to do "sudo route add -net netmask ppp0"  (assuming that the netmask is and your PPTP interface is ppp004:01
Gnea!codecs | wers04:01
ubottuwers: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:01
wersalokito, yes. no prob with my sound device or anyhting like it04:01
Ali_nz^firecrotch: is this not the same as the route button under configure VPN?04:02
wersif i try totem, i get "Internal GStreamer error: negotiation problem.  Please file a bug at http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=GStreamer."04:02
O__owers, does the mov file play in quicktime in windows?04:02
jpbaa1has karmic beta proven to be fairly stable?  I've been dealing with a system crash and angry customers all week at work and have no desire to deal with major issues at home at this point.04:02
wersin other apps, just sound or just flawed vid04:02
Ali_nz^under that I have address: Netmask: GW Metric : 104:02
wersthose vids play properly on windows04:02
gyrlgeekok, removed flash, reinstall...how?04:03
O__otry install the w32codecs04:03
Gneawers: hrm, check to see if you have any of the plugins installed:  dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep gstreamer | grep plugins04:03
jony123Anyone here want to help me set out a new thing on my http server?04:03
O__ojony123, whats on it?04:03
bobertdosgyrlgeek: I take it that did nothing. Okay, now let's go into about:plugins in firefox and see if anything flash related is still in there.......04:04
jony123O__o: eyeOS04:04
wersGnea, i have a lot...04:04
gyrlgeekshockwave flash04:04
firecrotchAli_nz^: Run the command that I provided on the command line - it tells the system to use the ppp0 interface for all of the remote LAN addresses04:04
Gnea!pastebin | wers04:04
ubottuwers: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic04:04
Gneawers: use pastebin :)04:04
firecrotchAli_nz^: from what I can tell, you can't set that via the Routes dialog04:04
bobertdosgyrlgeek: and you did uninstall, right? What version does it list?04:04
Ali_nz^but if I type in QNAP in to the web browser, how does it resolve that address as remote? It might think its local?04:04
wersGnea, here you go :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/284258/04:05
wersdamn i feel like a newb. lol04:05
Ali_nz^incidentially even after the command it still goes to www.qnap.com rather than to the QNAP NAS box04:05
Ali_nz^Ali_nz^: I need to like have the address "QNAP" checked with the remote DHCP server ( before trying it on the internet?04:06
gyrlgeeki did uninstall, lists 9.004:06
firecrotchAli_nz^: The best solution is to use the IP address of the QNAP box04:06
EricTheHaxplz tell me how to change the window button positions manually! it's driving me insane!04:06
bobertdosgyrlgeek: Okay..........Type about:config into firefox. In the filter, search for the word "expose". Set the plugin.expose_full_path_name flag to true.04:06
Ali_nz^firecrotch: yeah, although I dont know it04:07
alokitowers, what about other media players i.e. rhythmbox/totem? you can execute "alsa force-reload" and try again04:07
bobertdosgyrlgeek: sorry, plugin.expose_full_path. Just double click it to change it to true.04:07
Gneawers: looks like you  have them all... have you checked medibuntu?04:08
gyrlgeekok, going...04:08
wersGnea, i have medibuntu, too. got the non-free codecs package from there.it's really weird. ihad to convert all my mov to mp4 last time. i dont want to do it again04:08
wersalokito, i'm still getting that "cannot find audio format xxxxx" from mplayer04:09
gyrlgeekdone Gnea04:09
alokitowers, try totem04:10
dsdeiz-_the sound from mplayer of one of my video files is like a female to male voice, any one experienced this?04:10
wersalokito, totem wont play at all. it tells me to file a gstreamer bug04:10
bobertdoswers: You're on 9,04?04:11
Severity1wers, sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2 libxine1-ffmpeg gxine mencoder04:11
alokitowers, reinstall the codecs then04:11
wersbobertdos, jaunty 6404:11
Gneagyrlgeek: what path does it give you for flash?04:11
i7dsdeiz-_: but, it's cool.04:11
bobertdosI think he's still working on it, Gnea04:12
gyrlgeekwhen I typed that command it took me back to a prompt04:12
wersSeverity1, the only new package it's installing is gxine. let's see..04:12
gyrlgeekthe dpkg command04:12
Severity1wers, did you try it with vlc?04:12
gyrlgeekbut it still shows in firefox04:12
CWinLxI can't deluser can someone help me?04:12
musikgoatHi,  anyone come across an issue where volume keys and osd shows volume controlled but the master control is not really adjusting?04:12
firecrotchAli_nz^: You'll need to use resolvconf to manage the changing of your DNS settings on your computer when you connect to the VPN04:12
bobertdosgyrlgeek: What command?04:12
wersSeverity1, just sound on vlc. no video04:12
alokitoCWinLx, you have to do it from root04:13
jony123hey if anyone is willing to test my eyeOS installtion can you please join #eyeOS-test04:13
Chun1Hi, how can I set a script to run when the deskto/panels finish loading? (gnome)04:13
gyrlgeekdpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep flash04:13
CWinLxalokito, i know but when  I deluser the users homedir is still there04:13
alokitowers, i think your codecs are messed up, purge them and install again04:13
alokitoCWinLx, well u can manually delete the home directory, just backup the files u need before deleting04:13
bobertdosgyrlgeek: This is why I like the firefox approach for new users. Grep is not the most intuitive command.04:14
Gneagyrlgeek: ok good04:14
=== i7 is now known as intel-i7
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit04:14
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=== funkyHat_ is now known as funkyHat
bobertdosoh look, a netsplit, again04:14
=== graham is now known as monteith
Gneagyrlgeek: that just means there isn't anything installed from the apt repositories for flash04:14
O__ojust wish someone can create a master player that can play everything with codecs included04:15
gyrlgeeklol so now I don't have flash installed,  it looks like.  But when i open plugins I still get shockwave flash04:15
alokitowhats this?04:15
digitalplaguewow what just happened?04:15
intel-i7what times a day of netsplit?04:15
dsdeiz-_i7: it would've been much cooler if it sounded fine.04:15
=== ThomasHC is now known as xTCx
MoreMoreMore********* HI EVERYONE! I suck dick for money, /msg me for a price list.04:15
alokitofloodbot is kicking idle users? :-/04:15
bobertdosgyrlgeek: that was the purpose to the firefox thing I explained. I want firefox to reveal the path of that flash 9 plugin04:15
Gneagyrlgeek: then after setting the about:config setting, going back to about:plugins should show you the path to the .so file for it04:15
gyrlgeekk, going back to firefox...04:16
Gnea!ops 22:15] <MoreMoreMore> ********* HI EVERYONE! I suck dick for money, /msg me for a price list.04:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:16
O__onice split04:16
xoewHi there. Can anyone point me in the right direction for setting up one of my laptops to function as a second monitor to my first laptop?04:16
xoewI dunno how to go about that.04:16
MoreMoreMore********* HI EVERYONE! I suck dick for money, /msg me for a price list.04:16
Gnea!ops  <MoreMoreMore> ********* HI EVERYONE! I suck dick for money, /msg me for a price list.04:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:17
Severity1sudo deluser --remove-all-files04:17
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!04:17
O__oMoreMoreMore, how much?04:17
lyphanhi all04:17
gregster94287Hello Everybody. I came here because I was having a recurring problem whenever I go into hibernation mode with Ubuntu and whenever I come back from it my sound does not work and then I have to restart. Do any of you know why this is happening or how I can fix this? BTW I am new to Ubuntu I've had it for about 3 days.04:17
alokito!hi | lyphan04:17
ubottulyphan: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!04:17
Severity1CWinLx, did it work?04:18
alokitogregster94287, known issue, use alt+f2>> alsa force-reload to get sound back04:18
lowlycoderhey; what's the cheapest computer I can get on amazon that'll run ubuntu server?04:18
dna_Any ideas why wine would stop me from going from alt + ctrl F7 to Alt + Ctrl + F104:18
gregster94287Thank you alokito I will try this out04:18
alokitowelcome :)04:19
Gnea!dontzap | dna_04:19
ubottudna_: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.04:19
gyrlgeekstill says the same, shockwave 904:19
Gneadna_: the dontzap package/command will allow console access04:19
alokitogregster94287, you have to execute "alsa force-reload" command everytime you resume from hibernate04:19
lstarnesdna_: wine may also take control of that keystroke04:20
O__ogyrlgeek, have you try restart firefox?04:20
bobertdosgyrlgeek: Yeah, but can you see the path to the so file?04:20
dna_yeah wine crashes; any idea on how to recover what the last command of wine says after it crashes?04:20
gyrlgeekNo path, and I tried restarting firefox...I think.  Just close it out and reopen?04:20
O__okillall firefox04:20
Gneagyrlgeek: yup04:20
Gneagyrlgeek: does it have any mimetypes defined?04:21
dna_ok so once I have dontzap installed should I get it setup so that ctrl+alt + backspace resets x?04:21
gyrlgeekShockwave Flash Shockwave Flash 9.0 r99904:21
gyrlgeekand I have a disable button04:21
Gneadna_: yeah, that'll allow ctrl-alt-f1 to work as well04:22
CWinLxokay, I do "sudo usermod -p abs nois3" but then when I log in with 'nois3' my password does not work...04:22
alokito!hi vinoman04:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hi vinoman04:22
alokito!hi | vinoman04:22
ubottuvinoman: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!04:22
fccfCWinLx: sudo passwd username04:22
bobertdosgyrlgeek: Did you go into about:config and enable plugin.expose_full_path?04:23
gyrlgeekyes, clicked it and it now says true04:23
bobertdosgyrlgeek: Okay, then if you go back to about:plugins, can you see the path?04:23
vinomanenjoying 9.10 beta. have noticed that the mouse does not wait up the desktop out of screensaver mode. I have to hit any key.04:23
alokitovinoman, gnome or kde04:24
Gneabobertdos, gyrlgeek: I gotta jet for a bit, good luck04:24
Gneanp :)04:25
alokitovinoman, ok, im using kde... u can use #ubuntu+1 for karmic discussion04:25
DigitalKiwiwho needs a mouse anyway?04:25
alokito!karmic | vinoman04:25
ubottuvinoman: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+104:25
itsalllinuxi can't burn an avi file to a dvd-rw04:25
CWinLxfccf, thanks04:26
gyrlgeekI was using Ubuntu fine until I installed 9.04.  I have all kinds of issues.  I'm headed to bed, done with it for the night, thanks for the help all!!04:26
blue_baronanyone know of a upnp media server that will actually download other streams from the net?04:26
xoewWhat I really need to know is, if I have two laptops running Ubuntu, and I connect the two via VGA, how do I tell one of them "Hey, be a display". Because both try to connected to each other, and that doesn't work.04:26
alokitoitsalllinux, as a data file or do u want to burn it as a movie disk?04:26
itsalllinuxmovie disk04:26
alokitoitsalllinux, use k3b video cd project04:27
DigitalKiwidevede is really nice too04:27
itsalllinuxalokio so i need to download k3b from add/remove?04:29
Mist_hmm making a try here then ^^04:29
Mist_How do I get any file I create under a certain directory to get group write access? Not just only owner group/write access that is.04:29
Mist_As it is now, when I create a file in a directory it will set permissions 755 on directory/file, How can I make it so it set 770 for instance?04:29
alokitoitsalllinux, just execute sudo apt-get install k3b from a terminal04:29
itsalllinuxalokito i tried basero and the drag and drop features. it says that my disk is somehow not supported or something like that04:29
maria1is there any alternative to "windows movie maker" for ubuntu?04:30
itsalllinuxalokito i'm downloading k3b right now04:30
^Cheekyhi, my desktop was compromised and needs to be formatted but i would like to back up my whole disk so i can have my files(iffected ones) if there is and see how it was comprosmised, as of now iam in Live cd.04:30
alokitoitsalllinux, I don't use brasero, k3b is the best burner in linux04:30
=== Jay|Lost_ is now known as Jay|Lost
itsalllinuxalokito thanks04:30
Mist_maria1: there is a very good new software around aye. But I dont remember the name of it04:30
intel-i7mandiri: apa kabar?04:31
CWinLxwhy does this not work? "sudo deluser -r devPerson"04:31
Mist_Hmm I thought that if I just set like chmod 770 on ./ it would smite over to anything new written into that dir.. hmm..04:31
i2v8anis packages.ubuntu.com down for maintenance?04:32
alokito!slow | i2v8an04:32
ubottui2v8an: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the Karmic Koala (9.10) beta. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.04:32
CWinLxare you kidding, why does "sudo deluser -r devGuy" not work?04:32
alokito!hi | mandiri04:32
ubottumandiri: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!04:32
Mist_maria1: you have these around :)  04:33
Mist_Cinelerra, KDenlive, LiVES, Kino, AviDem04:33
=== James_N_ is now known as James_N
theblueI'm running jaunty netbook remix, and i've got some avi files i want to burn onto a DVD, what would be the simplest program to use?  i don't need menus, subtitles, or any other such silliness.  just video.04:33
mandiribisa pake bhs indo g04:33
^Cheekyi mounted my partion in my live cd session how can i find how big . in mb is my partion.. in command line04:34
intel-i7mandiri: boleh saja tapi disarankan bahasa inggris.04:34
alokitomandiri, intel-i7 english please, or join a local channel of whatever language it is04:34
mandiriq g bs bhs inggrs04:34
bobertdos^Cheeky: You could either just copy your whole partition onto an external hard drive or something. You could make an image of the drive too, but I don't think Partimage stores its archived files in a straight readable format.04:34
intel-i7mandiri: english is recommended. sorry04:35
alokito!hi | jill04:36
ubottujill: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!04:36
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat04:36
^Cheekybobertdos: well i have another machine on my network i might tar it over via ssh to it, but i just mounted my partition, how can i see hoe big it is before i do copying. i tried ito use "df -h "04:36
mandirioh...gtu y????????04:36
Mist_Anyone know how to get a permissions in a certain directory or place inherited to anything written in it?04:36
bobertdos^Cheeky: df would give you bytes, if you used that command on a file located on the mounted partition04:37
donnybrascocan anyone help me with autostarting programs in kde3?04:38
Madpilotdonnybrasco, #kubuntu is better for KDE questions04:39
alokitodonnybrasco, http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-applications/7028-kde-autostart-programs.html04:39
donnybrascoI'm not getting any responses there04:39
seilHello, Why I keep getting Ubuntu running in low graphics mode whenever I start it, and it works well after I restart?04:39
CWinLxanyone tell me why this happens? "sudo userdel -r nois304:40
CWinLxuserdel: /home/nois3 not owned by nois3, not removing"04:40
chris_hey i accidentally closed the taskbar with the menu options at the bottom of the screen04:40
alokitoseil, run xfix from recovery mode, and if you have a third party graphics driver installed remove it and install a driver with ubuntu restricted driver installer04:41
chris_how do i open it again?04:41
alokitochris_, you mean the bottom panel?04:42
donnybrascothanks alokito, that didn't answer my question, though04:42
donnybrascoI want to autostart skype and awn04:43
alokitodonnybrasco, search google you'll surely find your answer04:43
donnybrascoalokito, ok - thanks for your time - I just thought I'd ask here while I searched04:43
JoeSomebodyhi, linux newbie here, i have a couple boards around, and am building a box for the new version 9.10, but i can put only up to 4gb of ram in either of them, is that enough for a power user? what about the swap size? and what if i put only 2gb ram, what swap size then? how does swap work exactly?04:44
alokitodonnybrasco, you should find lots of search results on this matter04:44
CWinLxchris_, and?04:44
foundry87I plan on buying a new computer soon, is it possible to save my settings/programs and move them to my new computer so I won't have to reset everything?04:44
CWinLxchris_, nevermind my window froze04:45
CWinLxthat was messed up04:45
alokitoJoeSomebody, how many apps do you want to run at once? I have 2gb ram and I can run almost 30 apps simultaneously without system slowdown04:45
CWinLxalokito, why do you have 30 apps running at once?04:46
CWinLxyou mean like 30 windows of pron?04:46
alokito!language | CWinLx04:46
ubottuCWinLx: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:46
JoeSomebodywell, eventually i want to run windows xp and windows 7 virtually and a bunch of apps too04:46
foundry87JoeSomebody: The person in this video is using 4GB of RAM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h905pHzkXPw, I'm sure that's more than enough ;)04:46
alokitoJoeSomebody, yah then u need 4gb ram04:47
CWinLxis there a cpu benchmark utility for Ubuntu you guys would recommend?04:47
=== jimlong is now known as MrPockets
JoeSomebodywhat about the swap?04:48
DigitalKiwilet me think of the name04:48
DigitalKiwiJoeSomebody: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-swap-space.html04:48
alokitoJoeSomebody, swap doesn't help much, but you can keep 1-2gb swap if you want04:48
^Cheekyhi, if i feel that some one was in my copmputer how would i be able to determind , iam in my log files but i dont see anything ..04:49
musikgoatJoeSomebody: when you have a significant amount of RAM, the only benefit swap has is to allow you to hibernate04:49
DigitalKiwiit is to allow you to not crash when you do need more than the ram you have -.-04:50
CWinLxwhy do some channels require registration?04:50
CWinLxi don't get it04:50
alokito^Cheeky, how did someone get in your ubuntu system? don't u have password enabled in the login?04:50
alokito!offtopic | CWinLx04:50
ubottuCWinLx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:50
AthenI know, I'm dumb, Ubuntu is smarter than me, but I can't seem to figure out how to configure the GLSlideshow screensaver04:50
^Cheekyalokito: yeah i do , but it was social engineering, and also exploited my apache server, and php, andyeah i did have password04:51
JoeSomebodythat video is unreal :)04:52
DigitalKiwigreat, guess he won't be finding out about CPU Burn-in04:52
alokito^Cheeky, check System>> Administration>> Log File Viewer04:54
=== RF is now known as Guest50096
rsouthardanyone ever tried using curl to publish to pastebin/paste.ubuntu.com?04:54
DigitalKiwirsouthard: i wrote a program that does it (not to that particular one but others) that uses curl, does that count? note: it could probably be modified to do that one04:56
khunter619i need help; I need to set up my Wireless Card Driver; I have CD rom with Driver; the default driver is very slow04:57
=== dasuperham is now known as SuPeRhAm
Athenok, are there any slideshow-type screensavers that actually work with symlinked images ?04:59
khunter619can some one help me install wireless driver?04:59
khunter619I have 2.5 Ghz labtop and Ubuntu is so slow05:00
seidoskhunter619: do you have an atheros wireless chipset?05:00
seidoskhunter619: not sure how to install that driver.05:01
khunter619I did a clean reformat05:02
alokito!hi | konza05:02
ubottukonza: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!05:02
khunter619removed XP ... and installed Ubuntu05:02
khunter619it takes forever to start up05:02
konzaI am using ubuntu 9.04, when i am trying to open windows shares it prompts for a password, but there is no password for that shared folder05:02
alokitokhunter619, which version of ubuntu? ubuntu 9.04 has optimized startup time05:03
khunter619the latest one05:03
alokitokhunter619, how much ram do u have05:03
intel-i7khunter619: use ext4?05:03
dsnydersHi all.  I want to monitor a LAN to see which machine is hogging all the bandwidth.  What software should I use?05:03
seidoskhunter619: maybe you should use suspend, that's what I use05:03
khunter619734 MB ram05:03
khunter6192.5 GHz05:03
KittyBootsDo any of you know an irc channel like this but for vista?  I am trying to fix a vista problem for a friend, but I don't know vista but I am his tech support.05:04
alokitothats enough ram and cpu, maybe ubuntu isn't supported well by your hardware05:04
alokitoKittyBoots, try #windows05:04
khunter619system monitor shows 84% of CPU use is constant05:04
KittyBootsalokito: thanks05:04
konzaI am using ubuntu 9.04, when i am trying to open windows shares it prompts for a password, but there is no password for that shared folder..pls help05:05
khunter619can some one remote view into my computer?05:05
seidosstart up time wouldn't be affected by ram, but more by hard disk speed, cpu, and i/o bandwidth05:05
alokitokonza, I think its asking for your root password05:05
khunter619like teamviewer or something05:05
khunter619well I cant start up normally05:06
alokitokhunter619, check out which process is using up the cpu, from system monitor05:06
konzaalokito, nope05:06
khunter619I need to use Recovery in start up and then boot05:06
seidoskhunter619: you mean boot into gnome?05:07
bobertdoskonza: It's asking for the password to that Windows user account.05:07
khunter619otherwise the ubuntu screen which shows loading graphic just freezes my cpu05:07
alokitokhunter619, there you go, recovery mode takes longer time than normal boot05:07
khunter619nah I press escape then I choose Recovery05:07
intel-i7khunter619: do not use comfiz a lot.05:07
alokitokhunter619, run xfix from recovery mode05:08
konzabobbob1016, yup.. thats the poroblem... but I can use some shared folder on that windows box05:08
khunter619i did that05:08
khunter619xfix is graphic fix right?05:08
alokitokhunter619, yes05:08
khunter619yeah did that05:08
alokitokhunter619, are u having this problem since fresh installation?05:08
khunter619this is the first time I have installed linux05:08
khunter619i first reformatted05:09
khunter619deleted all partitions05:09
intel-i7khunter619: so sweet05:09
khunter619then installed ubuntu05:09
alokitoI mean, is this happening since your 1st boot?05:09
bobertdoskonza: I think it's probably a combination of where certain shares are located and how smb.conf is set up.05:09
konzabobertdos, do u know how to configure smb.conf05:10
alokitokhunter619, ubuntu isn't well supported by your hardware05:10
khunter619well i think it loaded properly on first boot...then when I used shut down...it froze05:10
alokitowhats your laptop brand05:10
khunter619so i had to remove batterry05:10
khunter619Toshiba Satellite05:10
alokitokhunter619, whats your file system?05:10
khunter619Intel Celeron05:10
alokitohmm maybe you have a corrupt file system05:11
alokitorun fsck from recovery mode05:11
=== fccf2 is now known as fccf
khunter619hmmm I dont remember....i chose the first option in Ubuntu installation05:11
alokitothen its ext305:11
khunter619yes ext305:11
alokitoso... have u run fsck?05:12
khunter619fsck from recovery ?05:12
ubottuU is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.05:12
bobertdoskonza: Tutorials are all over the net and actually the comments written in the file itself explain things pretty well. The file is here: /etc/samba/smb.conf.05:12
khunter619yes i did that05:12
konzabobbob1016, k ... thanks05:12
alokitokhunter619, if fsck doesn't fix that, then your file system is corrupt enough to do another fresh install :P05:13
khunter619can some one remote desktop and help me out05:13
alokitoand use ext4 next time05:13
khunter619I did use ext405:13
tomoyuki28jp`when I try to access apache on my ubuntu machine from my Mac installed on other machine in the same local network, I get permission denied error. How can I allow the permission?05:14
washburnelloext4 is in the advanced options in the installer I think05:14
alokitokhunter619, no the ubuntu 9.04 default filesystem is ext305:14
khunter619oh ok05:14
khunter619i can just remeber NTFS and FAT and FAT3205:14
alokitoext4 will be default in next release05:14
intel-i7khunter619: i'm rebooted just 35 sec in dual core 1,8 Ghz and 2 Gig Ram. lol05:15
Jillwhy any murrine themes does not work in 8.04?05:15
alokitokhunter619, now be familiar with ext3, ext4, jfs :)05:15
washburnelloalokito: I tried installing ubuntu on a toshiba satelite at work once and remember running into hardware problems05:16
khunter619I m using wireless...so will remote desktop work in Ubintu?05:16
alokitowashburnello, probably hardware support problem05:16
washburnellodid you check out the linux laptops website? lots of good info there05:16
khunter619our desktop is only reachable over the local network. Others can access your computer using the address , owner-laptop.local.05:17
washburnelloalokito: yeah it was05:17
washburnelloalokito: though I don remember exactly what05:17
khunter619My IP address:
alokitowashburnello, if your system hangs after sometime you can use the noapic and acpi=off options during boot, it might help05:18
khunter619some one PM me...if you want to remote desktop on my PC05:18
washburnellokhunter619: for someone to remote into your laptop you would have to forward port 5900 from your router (depending on your lan setup) to your laptop's then give us your external IP address05:19
musikgoatkhunter619: you need to open ports to allow remote desktop access05:19
washburnellokhunter619: which isn't a picnic05:19
musikgoat+1 washburnello05:19
khunter619ok i can do that05:19
khunter6191 sec05:19
alokitokhunter619, what problem are you having? ubuntu should automatically detect your wireless05:20
khunter619my driver....05:20
intel-i7washburnello: looking around please. not touched.05:20
khunter619its supposed to be high power05:20
SGottl7227does anyone know how to get that little modem pic on the task bar above?05:20
musikgoatwhat does lspci say your wireless chip is?05:21
washburnellointel-i7: what's that mean?05:21
musikgoatSGottl7227: thats called nm-applet  it should run in start up05:21
washburnellointel-i7: oh you mean remote view only?05:21
intel-i7yes. lol05:21
ashley_Hello People05:21
SGottl7227well i am trying to configure a dial up modem.. and i remember having it before05:21
washburnellointel-i7: thanks for the tip ;)05:21
alokitoSGottl7227, right click on panel, click add to panel, search for a modem applet05:21
SGottl7227I am not talking about those two computers05:22
khunter619I m in the DI-624 routor05:22
SGottl7227there is a pic of a telephone05:22
alokitoSGottl7227, you want gnome ppp?05:22
SGottl7227yes i want to try the free dial up service.. MetConnect.. i am in nyc.05:22
khunter619I will just DMZ my self right?05:23
SGottl7227it worked with windows . and it should work on ubuntu too05:23
alokitoSGottl7227, whats your ubuntu version? u can configure modem directly with gnome network manager in 9.0405:23
khunter619that should open all ports05:23
SGottl7227i have 9.0405:23
SGottl7227i did some stuff. but i am still a newbie05:23
washburnellokhunter619: that should work.05:23
musikgoatkhunter619: i would not suggest that,05:23
musikgoatkhunter619: http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Dlink/DI-624+/VNC.htm05:23
musikgoatonly follow the 5900 port instructions05:24
alokito!modem | SGottl722705:24
ubottuSGottl7227: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto05:24
Slurpeeanyone ever run DVD Flick with wine?05:24
washburnellomusikgoat: thanks for the lnk05:24
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SGottl7227i did..  now they are telling me you need a dns address. i don't remember putting that in when i did windows version05:24
washburnelloSlurpee: nope05:24
SlurpeeI tried but it fails05:25
Slurpeeinstalls but program fails05:25
musikgoatSGottl7227: you can use if you cannot find any other05:25
SGottl7227oh. that is a generic type?05:25
=== TheSubverter is now known as Xgates
musikgoatSGottl7227: its Verizon's DNS and its public'ly usable05:25
SGottl7227cuz if you go to met connect.. they don't list any dns address05:25
khunter619I m DMZ'd05:25
Slurpeewhich program do people use in unbuntu for xvid2dvd?05:25
lightenup4.2.2.2 is also a dns server as well05:26
SGottl7227will the ethernet connection automatically stop when i use this?05:26
musikgoatlightenup: sure, so is 3 and 4 :P05:26
DigitalKiwiSlurpee: devede05:26
SGottl7227brb.. let me try them numbers05:27
khunter619who wants to remote desktop?05:27
SlurpeeDigitalKiwi: I tried Devede. it works. But when I loaded the ISO, it doesnt play the movie.  It plays a logo for 37 seconds and loops.05:27
Slurpeeany ideas?05:27
musikgoatkhunter619: what is the problem?05:27
washburnellokhunter619: you can pm me your ip and I'll look at it. make sure to set a password in your remote desktop settings and also set it to remote viewing only05:27
DigitalKiwiyou didn't do it right probably, or you need to push play, it's always worked for me >.>05:28
xopenhi guys i have this in my console:[root@abc-299 ~] for my server. Why there is []?05:28
khunter619washburnello: pm me first05:28
khunter619so I can reply05:28
lizzzySo, I officially screwed up my audio trying to make it work.05:28
pete_my internet, firefox particularly seems to slow down, not work, go back to full speed and repeat process, my internet works fine on other machines, what could the problem be?/05:28
lizzzyI can't seem to load KMix now nor is there any audio playing.05:28
firecrotchpete_: are you using wireless?05:29
alokitolizzzy, run alsa force-reload from alt+f2 window05:29
alokitothen run kmix05:29
pete_firecrotch, yea, but im right next to it05:30
firecrotchpete_: it could be the wireless driver that you're using causing the problem.05:30
pete_firecrotch, its the propriatery one from broadcom?05:30
lizzzyI seriously have seen sexier women than me :) (Who made me wish I was gay)!05:30
firecrotch!ot | lizzzy05:31
ubottulizzzy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:31
alokitowashburnello, how much speed do you need for remote desktop? My average dl/ul speed is 10 kbps :|05:31
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woodyjlwwhen will magicjack  work with ubuntu ?05:31
alokito!language | lizzzy05:32
ubottulizzzy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:32
{Onyx}Anyone purchased a GIGABYTE GA-G31M-ES2L recently? I hear there's a newer version shipping with a different network adapter and it doesn't run on Ubuntu out of the box.05:32
pete_firecrotch, any idea?05:32
firecrotchpete_: last time I used that driver, it sucked05:32
alokito!offtopic | {Onyx}05:33
ubottu{Onyx}: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:33
pete_firecrotch, I am unaware of a replacement ?05:33
pete_um, ok05:33
alokitoagain! :|05:33
{Onyx}Wow, major netsplit05:33
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit05:34
musikgoatthe internets fail05:34
firecrotchpete_: I'm not sure if there's a different driver that you can use - maybe the Windows driver using ndiswrapper05:34
RgoodermoteHey, anyone know how I can use actionscript in Ubuntu?05:34
pete_firecrotch, would that not give me worse performance?05:34
firecrotchpete_: I've never had a problem05:35
woodyjlwanyone ever get magic jack to work under ubuntu yet?05:35
alokitowoodyjlw, whats a magic jack?05:35
dajhornwoodyjlw: No.  Use something like VirtualBox.05:36
pete_firecrotch, can you tell me how to do that?05:36
musikgoatwoodyjlw: oh my, their promo on their website is a bit odd05:36
firecrotch!ndiswrapper | pete_05:36
ubottupete_: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:36
magikidwoodyjlw: check here, http://bit.ly/gDqZu05:36
ngamberanyone here familiar with xinerama and running nvidia/ati cards simultaneously?05:38
xopenHI guys, how i do open google.com in my console ah?05:38
musikgoatngamber: i only know enough to avoid it, sorry I cant be of help05:38
magikidxopen: links http://google.com05:39
musikgoat!file lynx | xopen05:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about file lynx05:39
firecrotchxopen: w3m http://google.com05:39
firecrotchw3m is included in the default install, lynx and links are not05:39
magikidxopen: it's worth it to install links05:40
musikgoat!cn | wu_05:40
ubottuwu_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:40
woodyjlwmagicjack is a usb phone jack that runs with windows but cant get it working under ubuntu yet05:40
SGottl7227every time i try to check the PPPOE.. the check disappears in the network settings05:40
firecrotchwoodyjlw: if you absolutely must use the magicjack, you can do it in a virtual machine05:41
musikgoatnow I have a question that I cannot solve, it seems that my volume keys on my keyboard control the volume slider applet, however, that is not linked anymore to my master volume...  anyone come across this before?05:41
aftacDoes anyone know how to update Ubuntu with the archive files downloaded to another computer which have been copied to a memory stick?05:41
shane2perumusikgoat: yep, been there05:42
musikgoat!aptoncd | this might give you more info05:42
ubottuthis might give you more info: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline05:42
xopenfirecrotch, how to exit from w3m05:42
alokitoaftac, run gksudo nautilus from alt+f2, copy the package files from the memory stick then paste them in /var/cache/apt/archives05:42
musikgoataftac: i'm pretty sure USB sticks follow the same05:42
shane2perumusikgoat: System -> Prefs -> Sound05:42
musikgoatshane2peru: i'm there05:43
woodyjlwyeah but was hoping to not have any microsoft back on my PC it is an awful virus and very unstable !05:43
firecrotchxopen: q05:43
shane2perumusikgoat: read the very bottom line on that box05:43
shane2perumusikgoat: Devices tab05:43
merusHi. Just trying out the Live CD and the wireless card is supported and active, but isn't finding the AP. It's an Atheros AR242x, and dmesg seems to say that it's using ath5k alright.05:43
trip0having trouble with sound permissions when doing a "startx"05:43
trip0pls help05:43
alokitoaftac, its kdesudo dolphin in kubuntu05:43
shane2perumusikgoat: I have used Ubuntu a long time, and just had the prob and someone pointed me to that. :)05:44
musikgoatshane2peru: ahh, Master was selected but the device was monitor,  i passed that up!05:44
shane2perumusikgoat: hope that helps05:44
shane2perumusikgoat: right, me too05:44
musikgoatshane2peru: sure did thanks!05:44
shane2perumusikgoat: no prob05:44
pete_firecrotch, ok, done going to reboot05:45
Mocis it normal I can't install software from the ubuntu software center in 9.10 beta ?05:45
Wolfensteinhi, does anyone know how i can fully remove xchat like i never had it so i can resinstall it? i need to remove it where it removes all my settings05:45
firecrotchwoodyjlw: yet you use the magicjack, which is ridden with adware?05:45
merusI guess there is a line in dmesg that says "ADDRCONF(NETEDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready"05:45
musikgoat!ubuntu+1 | Moc05:45
ubottuMoc: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+105:45
sebsebseb!9.10 |  Moc05:45
merusI'm not sure what that means.05:45
sebsebseb!slow |  Moc05:45
pete_firecrotch, do i need to reboot or is there a command05:45
ubottuMoc: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the Karmic Koala (9.10) beta. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.05:45
magikidWolfenstein: sudo apt-get purge xchat05:45
sebsebsebMoc: should be able to install stuff, but right now Ubuntu repos have issues05:46
woodyjlwubuntu is imune to that adware MS is designed for adware05:46
Wolfensteinmagikid, i did that already it didn't fully remove the settings05:46
aftacalokito: I may have many files that are not needed as I copied the entire content from the updated system. Is there no way that I can have the Update Manager retrieve just the needed files from the memory stick?05:46
musikgoatwoodyjlw: we know05:46
aprilharenexuiz 2.5.2 has been released. it comes in either glx or sdl forms. which is better to use?05:46
magikidWolfenstein: It won't remove the settings in your home folder.05:46
firecrotchpete_: did you follow the setup steps to load ndiswrapper at boot?  if so, you're done, and should reboot to ensure that the module loads at boot05:46
aprilhareboth glx and sdl forms appear to work, hence my confusion.05:46
magikidWolfenstein: Those are in ~/.xchat2.  Deleting that folder should do it.05:47
Wolfensteinmagikid, so i should after removing xchat should delete the main folder?05:47
alokitoaftac, paste all the files, run the update then use sudo apt-get clean to clean up the packages05:47
pete_firecrotch, what step was that05:47
magikidWolfenstein: Yes, after you uninstall xchat, delete the .xchat2 folder in your home folder.05:48
woodyjlwI read that they are working on a linux driver but thought maybe some one here might have already got magicjack to work without the Vbox and installing MS virus on PC05:48
Wolfensteinmagikid, ok thanks05:48
firecrotchpete_: adding "ndiswrapper" to the bottom of the file /etc/modules05:48
sxxgood morning05:48
ubottusxx: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!05:48
alokito!morning | sxx05:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about morning05:49
pete_firecrotch, ok, brb05:49
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musikgoati love ubottu05:49
aftacalokito: Doesn't that remove all the files?05:49
sxxany1 here has any experience with ata 0+1 soft reset failed device not ready message please05:49
alokitoaftac, yup so backup the files of your current installation before pasting the files from older installation :P05:50
sxxthe message pops up just after grub loader??05:51
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ubottufbdystang: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:52
alokito!panic | fbdystang05:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about panic05:52
dg1how do i register my name?05:52
fbdystangah, firefox 64 keeps crashing with a seg fault05:52
sxxi have tried adding  all_generic_ide to grub loader but makes no difference.. even clean installed ubuntu05:53
magikiddg1: /msg NickServ REGISTER bar foo@bar.com05:53
aftacalokito: I've been trying to add the memory stick as a source to the Update Manager, clicking the Settings button, and it provides an option to access a CD or DVD. Is there no way to add a Memory Stick to the choices?05:54
alokitoaftac, maybe u can add the package location as an url, not sure05:55
dg1how do i emulate windows in linux05:55
alokitoaftac, mount the memory stick to /media/cdrom005:55
dg1like full on windows like avirtual machine not wine05:55
sxxok problem b: when i use wine to emulate a program just as it installs it crashes/locks up.. intel quad core q6600 6 gigram nvidia 98oogt  60gig ssd05:56
alokitosxx, any program or some program?05:56
musikgoat!appdb | ssx05:56
ubottussx: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help05:56
sxxall programs05:56
sxxdg1: use virtual box05:57
ixian_dg1, virtualbox is a good virualization program05:57
aftacalokito: It would be nice if Ubuntu had an option for those of us who have several computers to download the updates to one machine and apply them to all the rest.05:57
musikgoataftac: apt-cache!05:57
tuxracer9Does anyone know if Banshee is still under development?05:57
sxxi tried utorrent. imgburn. cod305:57
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alokitoaftac, there's aptoncd, but I like to do it manually05:57
musikgoatsxx: utorrent works, so its something local05:57
washburnellotuxracer9: should be. it's supposed to replace rhythembox in 9.1005:58
sxxmy pc just freezes solid05:58
musikgoat!apt-cache | aftac05:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apt-cache05:58
aftacmusikgoat: apt-cache?05:58
fbdystangwhat do I need to do to get firefox crashing help around here?05:58
sxxwould it matter if im using x64bit05:58
dg1do i need vboxgtk?05:58
alokitoaftac, I also have 2 computers running ubuntu and I download the updates in one and copy them to another05:58
musikgoataftac: oh, apt-cacher05:58
sxxdg1: no05:58
washburnellodg1: no05:59
washburnellodg1: are you new to virtualbox?05:59
dg1im trying to play this game thats window only, no linux support05:59
dg1browser game05:59
dg1im new to linux lol06:00
magikiddg1: If you're going to use virtualbox, don't install the OSE version06:00
alokitodg1,online game should work in linux too06:00
washburnellodg1: the version (while not opensource) has better support like usb and stuff06:00
washburnellomagikid: yeah06:00
sxxmusikgoat: any ideas chap what could be causing freeze/lockup06:00
aftacmusikgoat + alokito: I'll read the man page on that and see how to use it.06:00
musikgoatdg1: flash based?06:00
washburnellodg1: get the version from their site06:00
alokitomake sure u have flash and java installed06:00
washburnellodg1: what's the game?06:01
Aji-DahakaI think I'm being afflicted by https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-openvpn/+bug/436841?comments=all .  It says "fix committed."  How do I find the fixed version?06:01
musikgoatsxx: hmm, what version of wine?06:01
dg1legions instantaction.com06:01
alokitodg1, just run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras from a terminal and try to play a online game after that06:01
dg1Legions: fallen empire06:01
washburnellodg1:I'll check it out06:01
alokitodg1, is it shockwave or flash?06:01
aftacfbdystang: I think that's normal for Firefox, it happens to me often.06:01
dg1it downloads it06:01
dg1flash at start, real game06:02
fbdystangaftac: are you serious?06:02
sxxmusikgoat: 1.0.106:02
dg1Its the successor of the Tribes series06:02
hnsrnone of the bugreporting guides are really helpful in answering this, maybe someone here knows: what package do I file a bug against if the problem is that some themes are depending on an icon theme that isn't installed?06:03
alokitoI dont know about 64 bit but 32 bit firefox doesn't crash in my pc06:03
musikgoatsxx: what was your components again?  graphics?06:04
sxxmy x64 firefox crashes alittle bit06:04
musikgoatis there really an x64 firefox?06:04
musikgoati thought it wasn't forked?06:04
musikgoatat least not officially by mozilla06:04
sxxmusikgoat: interl quad core q6600 oc 3.4mhzs. 6gig ram.. nvidia 9800gt 512mb.. 60gig ssd hdd06:05
fbdystangmusikgoat: under about it actually says x86_6406:05
* hnsr gives up06:05
dg1-me sigh06:05
musikgoathmm, interesting06:06
dg1get this game to work musikgoat06:06
sxxit should be way enough power i would i thought mmm06:06
musikgoatfbdystang: you sure it doesnt say Linux x86_64?06:06
musikgoatsxx: its not a power issue06:06
musikgoatsxx: are you running nvidia drivers?06:07
sxxyep lastest ones06:07
aftacmusikgoat: Thanks, that looks like what I want to do.06:07
musikgoataftac: cool06:07
sxxmusikgoat: could it be releated to the error i get after grub loader???06:08
fbdystangmusikgoat: under the about window it states this: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/67425806:08
washburnellodg1: doesn't like my OS06:08
musikgoatsxx: what was that06:08
dg1washburnello: I installed virtualbox deb from the site, where do i open it06:08
musikgoatfbdystang: you have a 64-bit OS, that is what that is saying06:08
fbdystangsxx: do you have the 190 drivers?06:08
washburnellodg1: I used a user agent switcher and now it prompts me to install an .exe06:09
washburnellodg1: should be under the system category in applications06:09
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washburnellodg1: did you say you installed it06:10
sxxmustikgoat: ata 0+1 softreset failed device not ready.. dam pc isslowing down wine is stuck again grrrrrr i think i have that driver how can i check what version opps never mind i now 1 sec m806:10
KcsrndI'm trying to install a conexant modem in my computer.  I followed the instructions here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/Conexant  Under "Conexant drivers provided by Dell".  Everything seemed to install fine but the connection drops right away after it tries to connect.  So i have another old conexant modem I want to try (different model).06:10
dg1yeah my system tools isnt showing up in my start bar06:10
KcsrndHow do I remove the old drive and install a driver for the new card?06:10
fbdystangmusikgoat: Doesn't that mean that it is the 64 bit version of firefox?06:11
aftacfbdystang: In my case, yes. I often have several copies of Firefox open with numerous tabs on each, and it appears at some point opening a new tab will cause Firefox to crash, but I can easily restore them all by opening Firefox again. Firefox appears to consume more and more memory the longer it runs, and I just assume that creates the problem. It's been happening for a long time now.06:11
washburnelloright click it and edit it06:11
washburnellodg1: it might be hidden for some reason06:11
washburnelloShapeShifter499: hi06:11
fbdystangaftac: wow that really sucks. I have 6 gigs ram. hard to imagine firefox chewing all that up06:12
aftacI'm off to try and update the rest of my machines, thanks to all for your help.06:12
musikgoatfbdystang: I believe there isn't really a 64 bit version of firefox, however, that doesn't mean that plugins like flash cant be 64 bit06:12
dg1i see it in the edit menu screen yet its not showing up06:12
firecrotchaftac: it's possible that its caused by an unruly extension06:12
lizzzySo, I somehow need to get this audio thing up and running. Someone help me out??? "aplay -l" doesn't output anything now :(06:13
dg1i got it06:13
washburnellodg1: is the tick box checked next to virtualbox & system tools?06:13
aftacfbdystang: I don't think it has anything to do with consuming all the RAM, but just at some point.06:13
washburnellodg1: cool06:13
dg1washburnello: whats it saying for you, install exe06:14
brianVis there any way to prevent update manager from popping up? Every time it pops up while I ma running a game, it crashes it06:14
sxxmustikgoat: yep i have that driver installed i may need to restart pc is on a go slow every thing is soooo slow it when i even open wine pc goes down hill all 4 cores are 40-70%06:14
lizzzyI see that pulseaudio works fine but still no audio output. It was almost fine earlier and playing my music alright. Er..  I guess I uninstalled the drivers or something...06:14
washburnellodg1: I closed it already but it was something like ie_pa_installer.exe06:15
lizzzynot sure what I did..06:15
fbdystangmusikgoat + aftac: thanks for answering my ?'s. it was very helpful :)06:15
musikgoatsxx: what does top say is taking up your CPU?06:15
musikgoatfbdystang: good luck06:15
aftacfirecrotch: It happens just by opening gmail, hotmail, or yahoo at times. I usually have open a number of Ubuntu forum pages trying to pin down a solution to a problem at the same time.06:15
washburnellolizzzy: if it's something you uninstalled, there should be a history in synaptic of all the things you have un/installed06:15
sxxxorg 99&cpu06:16
dg1ok, how much ram do you recommend06:16
chu_Hey guys, my wireless is broken (I spent 12 hours looking for a solution yesterday, to no avail), so I have decided to either re-install Jaunty, or update to Karmic, any advice? I have a seprate /home directory, so a re-install is almost as easy as an update (though I have *never* done a re-install, not even with windows!)06:16
washburnellodg1: depends on what your using it for06:16
sxxmustikgoat : xorg 99%cpu06:16
aftacI'm gone for now.06:16
dg1im going to try and run a pretty new graphical game06:16
musikgoatchu_: the karmic beta is pretty stable... depends on your hardware, you can ask advice in #ubuntu+106:16
washburnellodg1: I have one I use for Itunes, to sync my ipodtouch, I gave it 51206:16
lizzzywashburnello: Where do I check what I (un)installed in the last 24 hrs?06:16
chu_Cheers musikgoat06:17
washburnellolizzzy: sec06:17
musikgoatsxx: ouch06:17
TechN9nehi i am right now SSH files froms from ipod to Kubuntu and want to know where the progress bar is, i see it for 2-3secs than goes and pretty sure its still transferring?06:17
musikgoatsounds like a graphics issue, I would restart06:17
washburnellolizzzy: pull up synaptic and go to File > History06:18
musikgoatsxx: or go to ctrl+alt+f2 and sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart   (caution -> save any work)06:18
washburnellolizzzy: it should give you a tree view by date06:18
pukekomdadm , raid-1 array size 160G, put a 1T disk in, rebuilt array... size is still 160G, if i add the other 1T disk and rebuild , will the array size remain at 160G or will it grow to 1T ?06:18
lizzzywashburnello: I'm on kde. Know what's the equivalent?06:18
dg1washburnello: I added you to my friends list k06:18
fbdystangsxx: wow mine is only 3.4%06:18
musikgoatpukeko: it will stay 160G06:18
washburnellolizzzy: hmm.... I've actually never messed with kde06:18
wu_I have just login my QQ,but it does not appear anywhere.And I do not know where to fine it.Can anybody tell me how to handle this problem?I am a new user.06:19
washburnellodg1: K06:19
washburnellolizzzy: sorry :(06:19
alokitolizzzy, u can install synaptic in kde06:19
pukekomusikgoat: how can i expand the size ?06:19
alokitoits not a large package06:19
musikgoatpukeko: you need to restructure a raid 1 to take advantage of new disk space06:19
m0r0nMy compiz isn't working at all, anyone know how I can reset it?06:19
lizzzyIt's ok washburnello. Thanks for trying. It wasn't working too well for me the last time I installed it, so I uninstalled it.06:19
TechN9nehi i am right now SSH files froms from ipod to Kubuntu and want to know where the progress bar is, i see it for 2-3secs than goes and pretty sure its still transferring? anyone?06:19
alokitolizzzy, Im a regular kde user, but I don't like kpackagekit at all06:19
musikgoatpukeko: is it your / ?06:20
washburnelloalokito: would it have the history if lizzy did?06:20
pukekomusikgoat:  nah just data06:20
alokitowashburnello, yup I think so06:20
soreaum0r0n: If you come to #compiz I will help you06:20
musikgoatpukeko: then move the data off, unmount, use mdadm to delete and recreate with the full space06:20
jason__anyone had this problem before... ubuntu logged me out for no reason I was loading xchat? running fresh install Jaunty06:20
m0r0nsoreau: Will do.06:20
washburnelloalokito: saweeeet06:20
lizzzyalokito: Have you had any sound problems earlier?06:21
alokitolizzzy, yup, in karmic... alt+f2 alsa force-reload fix's it06:21
pukekomusikgoat:  thought that might have been the way to do it... but wanted a refresher on mdadm , no mdadm grow or something that would do it ?06:22
lizzzyalokito So, It's better to upgrade to 9.10?06:22
dg1washburnello: this is cool, i put my winxp cd in06:22
alokitolizzzy, no you should wait till the final release06:22
alokitoits coming in 29th october06:22
O2Oanybody used libcurl ?06:22
lizzzyalokito: But I need the audio to work by then for a class presentation :(06:23
washburnellolizzzy: I'd wait till the official release, but I've been burned too many times by beta production machines06:23
musikgoatpukeko: hmm, looks like there may be... based on references online06:23
lizzzyWIll wait for the official release then.06:23
dg1can i boot an installation of winxp that i already have?06:23
musikgoatpukeko: i believed that there wasn't but i'm mistaken06:23
O2Olibcurl, anybody know?06:23
washburnellodg1: welcome to the world of virtualization06:23
washburnellodg1: yes but it's no picnic06:24
dg1washburnello: will this virtual drive stay, or do i have to install xp everytime06:24
alokitolizzzy, did you try alsa force-reload?06:24
washburnellodg1: I tried it once and it bombed the partition06:24
dg1oh man06:24
washburnellodg1: it will stay06:24
pukekomusikgoat:  do you know how to disemble the raid so each disk can be mounted as normal ?06:24
dg1hope i made it big enough06:25
musikgoatpukeko: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/42406:25
washburnellodg1: did you make it a static size or dynamic?06:25
dg1well nvm then06:25
washburnellodg1:  then it will actually grow to that size when needed06:25
lizzzyyup alokito. Doesn't seem to work :(06:25
fbdystangno way! xchat-gnome just crashed on me!!06:25
musikgoatpukeko: i'm more familiar with hardware raids, and structures, aparently not with all the features of mdadm :P06:25
pukekomusikgoat:  np - just reading that linl brb06:26
* aprilhare does not use xchat-gnome. too pretty.06:26
washburnellodg1: I have a VM at work with a 80GB dynamic drive and the drive file is sitting at aroung 20GB right now06:26
alokitolizzzy, go to computer>> system settings>> Multimedia from klauncher and test the output devices one by one06:26
lizzzyalokito: Lol, I think that just crashed plasma :(06:26
alokitolizzzy, alt+f2 plasma-desktop will start it again06:27
baltadtfbdystang...just had the same problem06:27
baltadtit actually logged me out06:27
sxxmustikgoat: sorry i just had to hit restart button it frooze solid///  see in windows no problems it plays all games i can throw at it... im guessing it must be a driver conflict somewhere06:27
fbdystangbaltadt: i wonder if it was a server thing06:27
baltadtmaybe..anyone else having problems with xchat?06:28
washburnellodg1: did you get your game to work?06:28
dg1its installing windows06:28
alokitobaltadt, what problem?06:28
baltadtxchat crashing?06:28
washburnellodg1: ah, I forget how long it takes to install windows lol06:28
alokitobaltadt, nope, not once!06:28
Wolfensteinhey does anyone know bout networking ubuntu to windows?06:28
friendishanhow do i import contacts from my gmail to evolution mail?06:29
washburnelloWolfenstein: networks can get very hairy vary quick. you need to bee specific with the issue06:29
musikgoatsxx: yeah,  I would try investigating with #appdb  and the wine folks, they might have better suggestions,  but for it to cause the X problems you described, I'm betting that drivers will be the first thing mentioned06:29
dg1takes forever....sigh06:29
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lizzzyalokito: Well, both alsa and oss default output fails and falls back to pulseaudio06:29
fbdystangfriendishan: I have seen people do it but I don't rmember how06:29
washburnellodg1: I know, I blew a friend away once when I installed ubuntu in 15 min.06:30
musikgoatsxx: #winehq  sorry06:30
pretenderhow can i tell the x-org driver veersion i am running06:30
Wolfensteinwashburnello, to be honest i can't remember what i installed for it but i was able to go into windows and access my files from ubuntu and can't remember what to type in the run box in windows to get it06:30
washburnellodg1: and it's faster than that if you install over network06:30
alokitolizzzy, is pulse audio working? can u hear a music during the test?06:30
LiquidRainare there any known problems with Karmic and Intel 945s?06:30
lizzzyalokito pulseaudio seems to pass the test but no auudio can be heard :(06:30
dg1you cant beat that06:30
friendishananyone else knows how to import contacts from gmail to evolution mail06:30
LiquidRainI installed the beta and wow is performance awful.06:30
alokitoo :|06:30
LiquidRainWorse than 9.0406:30
sxxmustikgoat: drat as he kicks his machine grrrrr.. lol i will check that out now buddy thank you for taking the time to help me ^.^ drinks on me woot woot06:31
dg1is windows more complicated than linux?06:31
musikgoatLiquidRain: I have to say quite the opposite06:31
shizzosry i dont know the name of the german ubuntu irc... can someon help me?06:31
alokitolizzzy, are u using a digital audio output or analog06:31
musikgoatsxx: GL!06:31
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Madpilotshizzo, #ubuntu-de06:31
dg1or is windows more individual to your pc06:31
washburnelloWolfenstein: I normally just go to my network places and my machine is listen under it's respective workgroup06:31
shizzook thx06:31
LiquidRainmusikgoat: what magic did you apply to your machine?  Out of the box and with ubuntu-x-swat, I have absolutely terrible performance.06:31
lizzzyalokito: KMix is crashing so I can't check if the audio device is muted but on padevchooser, nothing seems to be muted.06:31
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LiquidRainI had xorg-edgers running on 9.04 and it was much faster than this06:31
lizzzyalokito: I'm trying to play it through the on-board speakers.06:32
sxxmustikgoat: thank you if you see something flyby your window don`t be alarmed its probably my graphics card lol06:32
alokitolizzzy, whats ur sound card model?06:32
alokitooh its a laptop06:32
lizzzyalokito: How do I check it?06:32
musikgoatLiquidRain: i've got it running on my eee 901, and the performance is reasonably faster... intel chipset and graphics06:32
LiquidRainmusikgoat: Can you run a quick gtkperf for comparison's sake?06:32
musikgoatLiquidRain: so its more of an edge case06:32
Wolfensteinwashburnello, well i have a problem to access my windows files from ubuntu but not my ubuntu files from windows i was doing something like //computername/user i think and i don't know if i forgot something but i had to reformat my windows comp and i have files i want to move back over to my windows comp06:32
washburnellodg1: windows can be very complex when your managing big networks and doing a lot of registry customizing. but complex doesn't = good all the time06:33
lizzzyalokito, I guess hda intel and sigmatel stac92xx the last time I checked.06:33
pukekomusikgoat:  hmmm i think i'll do it the "safe" way.. got a gig to get to and don't want to be stuck here headscratching or worse06:33
Doc_LappyI'd say being a laptop it would be easier to google the serial number and find out06:33
musikgoatLiquidRain: i don't have jaunty on it any more, so you want to compare it to yours?06:33
lizzzyalokito Not too sure if that's what you asked ^^06:33
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:33
LiquidRainmusikgoat: I'm running Karmic on my laptop right now... so a comparison would.. well then again you have an Atom, but still, it'd be good to compare.06:33
dg1yeah, complex surely isnt good all the time06:33
washburnelloWolfenstein: sorry I accidently closed the chat window, could you repeat that?06:33
LiquidRainmy machine should be faster than yours.  yet I can't even scroll in a terminal without lag.06:33
Doc_Lappyjust guessing since there's only a few things like the ram that you can easily take a screw out to get to06:34
Wolfensteinwashburnello, well i have a problem to access my windows files from ubuntu but not my ubuntu files from windows i was doing something like //computername/user i think and i don't know if i forgot something but i had to reformat my windows comp and i have files i want to move back over to my windows comp06:34
friendishananyone else knows how to import contacts from gmail to evolution mail06:34
friendishananyone else knows how to import contacts from gmail to evolution mail06:34
lizzzyalokito: Tried everything mentioned there. No use :( Well, volume control seems to be crashing now, so I s'pose I can't do that again.06:34
iCarlyhello can anyone tell me a working auto clicker for linux ubuntu? I just need to find something that will click every 2 seconds06:34
Doc_Lappyso friendishan I don't06:34
LiquidRainfriendishan: export from gmail, then import into evolution :)06:34
alokitolizzzy, did you have sound working before?06:34
LiquidRainiCarly: gtick?06:34
washburnellotry smb://COMPNAME/SHARE06:34
fbdystangOK i am really not liking xchat right now06:35
friendishanliquidrain: how?06:35
lizzzyalokito: Yes. But not for all players. Only amarok and now that doesn't work too.06:35
Wolfensteinwashburnello, i never put smb in front06:35
dg1some chill techno on the windows xp instro screen06:35
washburnelloWolfenstein: that stands for samba, it's the protocall your using06:35
LiquidRainfriendishan: Open Synaptic from the System menu, and search for "gtick".  Right click it and install it.06:35
Doc_Lappyfbdystang:  why not use pidgin for irc? seriously do you like xchat that much better06:35
iCarlypidgin does irc?06:35
washburnellodg1: I've always wanted to find that mp306:36
Wolfensteinyea im using samba thats what i couldn't remember, but i never put smb in front06:36
lstarnesDoc_Lappy: pidgin's irc support is rather imcomplete06:36
Doc_Lappyyep that's what I'm on06:36
musikgoatLiquidRain: total time 39.2406:36
fbdystangyou can use pidgin?06:36
dg1i never heard it cause i alway have to manually install my sound driver lol06:36
washburnellodg1: lol06:36
musikgoatlstarnes: not with the purple-plugin-pack06:36
friendishanliquidrain: ok done06:36
LiquidRainOk, mine is significantly faster than that, but I can't scroll around without getting lag.  I guess you're not a good comparison.06:36
musikgoatlstarnes: at least in my opinion06:36
washburnelloWolfenstein: did it fork?06:36
lstarnesmusikgoat: even then it still lacks some support, but that works better06:36
washburnelloWolfenstein: *work06:36
musikgoatyeah, check in #ubuntu+106:36
LiquidRainfriendishan: I've never used it, but it's the first result for "ubuntu metronome" :)06:36
Doc_Lappywell true it's not the ideal one for irc but for what I use it for I don't need xchat or anything so I suggest it to some just so they don't have so many  things they have to run at once06:37
Wolfensteinwashburnello, i didn't do it with smb before it was just //COMPUTERNAME/Downloads or my user for my ubuntu06:37
friendishanliquidrain: um..06:37
fbdystangHow do I join another channel from here at the command line?06:38
lstarnesfbdystang: /join #other-channel06:38
Doc_Lappybitchchat and irssa? or whatever I liked okay for terminal which was fun06:38
alokitolizzzy, check this http://www.google.com.bd/search?q=sigmatel+stac92xx+sound+problem+ubuntu&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official&client=firefox-a06:38
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lstarnesfbdystang: e.g. /join #ubuntu-offtopic06:38
fbdystanglstarnes: thanks06:38
musikgoatDoc_Lappy: irssi06:38
washburnelloWolfenstein: don't know. I know in windows you do \\name\share and in linux you do smb://name/share06:38
LiquidRainfriendishan: not quite doing what you're looking for?  sorry :/06:38
friendishanliquidrain: ok no problem^^06:38
washburnelloWolfenstein: that's what I type into the nautilus address bar06:39
Wolfensteinwashburnello, ok i'll try the share part i don't think it was in config file but i never knew how to get my windows files through ubuntu always had a problemn06:39
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Doc_Lappythanks musiKgoat, your not a german goat?  lol just teasing ya I just find your name strange for an id06:39
washburnelloWolfenstein: you could always look under Network too06:39
fbdystangOK /join #ubuntu+1 is not working06:39
musikgoatfbdystang: what client?06:39
washburnelloWolfenstein: Places>Network06:39
musikgoatfbdystang: /j #ubuntu+1  ?06:40
lstarnesfbdystang: that should work06:40
Wolfensteinwashburnello, only thing in network is just this computer which is unbuntu and windows netowrk06:40
musikgoatfbdystang: hmm, not familiar with xchat06:40
fbdystangyep worked sweet thanks06:40
Dr_Willis /join should work in xchat.06:40
washburnelloWolfenstein: or do a Places>Connect to Server and set it up for there06:40
Doc_Lappyfbdystang: do you run scripts?06:40
musikgoatmaybe he put a space in front06:40
fbdystangnope, no space06:41
fbdystangor scripts06:41
washburnelloWolfenstein: have you tried with just the ip address instead of the host name?06:41
Dr_Willisfbdystang:  also you could just click on #ubuntu+s   <--------------- Here where the word is at.. :)06:41
fbdystangI am in fedora though, maybe fedora's is different06:41
washburnellohave you tried pinging the winbox's ip?06:41
Dr_Willisxchat is rather standard irc.. /join should work in any of them06:41
Doc_Lappythat's why I would prefer xchat over pidin and it's well a better looking gui too06:41
Wolfensteinwashburnello, i don't know i can't remember what the people that were trying to help me tried and couldn't figure out why it wasn't working on the ubuntu end06:41
washburnelloWolfenstein: like I said, networks can get hairy pretty easily06:41
Slurpeewhat is a good program in ubuntu to burn an iso file?06:41
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.06:42
fbdystangDr_Willis: yea I tried that and it worked a couple times, now it doesn't06:42
mamoolihello, can any one help me filling a form on the web?06:42
LiquidRainSlurpee: brasero06:42
m0r0nHey, my audio sounds like there is a thunderstorm of static hitting it06:42
Slurpeebrasero fails for me. i wonder if my dvd drive doesnt like ubuntu?06:42
alokitolizzzy, here's a workaround, hope it helps: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58605806:42
Doc_Lappydoesn't it do iso images06:42
Dr_Willisfbdystang:  sounds like you got some deeper issues then. I personally use Weechat these days06:42
Slurpeeeven if i try to build an audio cd...simply while adding tracks brasero dies.06:42
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto06:42
mamoolihello, can any one help me filling a form on the web?06:42
Wolfensteinwashburnello, and also in windows when i type //COMPUTERNAME/share it says it cannot find that name06:42
LiquidRainSlurpee: try xfburn06:42
fbdystangSlurpee: brasero worked great for me06:42
LiquidRainas a last resort try k3b06:42
Slurpeewhy would brasero fail?06:42
musikgoatLiquidRain: lol, i tested gtkperf on my desktop (jaunty) and i get 6.1006:43
dg1brasaro suc06:43
dg1use k3b06:43
washburnelloWolfenstein: in ubuntu, open a terminal (applications>accessories>terminal) and type "ping" but replace with your winbox's IP06:43
Doc_LappyI've always had my best luck with k3b burning anything, funny I couldn't get brasero to burn for me06:43
Doc_Lappyto each his own - washington06:43
Dr_Willisive had constant issues with brasero also06:43
dg1does the same with me06:43
firecrotchI've also had problems with brasero06:43
Doc_Lappyseriously just try both and see which one seems to work for ya the best06:43
washburnelloI've never had a prob with brasaro06:43
Wolfensteinwashburnello, it says destination host is unreachable06:43
firecrotchThe only thing brasero is good for is making coasters06:43
Doc_Lappyyeah I wasted 3 cds with brasero and gave up06:44
Doc_Lappyyep firecrotch lol06:44
musikgoatwashburnello: me neither06:44
washburnelloWolfenstein: then there is a network connectivity problem like a cable is unplugged, broken,06:44
Doc_Lappylove your id firecrotch06:44
alokitobrasero is ok, but k3b is best06:44
firecrotchDoc_Lappy: Thanks :)06:44
Wolfensteinwashburnello, both computers connect to same modem06:44
Wolfensteinand both can connect to internet just fine06:44
firecrotchWolfenstein: what are the IP addresses of the two computers?06:45
fbdystangmamooli: did you get your question answered?06:45
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, i don't know they both same ip cause i use the same connection for both06:45
washburnelloWolfenstein: this is where is gets hairy: pinging is the lowest level network command there is so if you can't even ping a host, there is a problem06:45
washburnelloWolfenstein: hmmm...06:46
dg1washburnello: you have jaunty06:46
washburnellodg1:  yup06:46
firecrotchWolfenstein: they shouldnt have the same IP address, they should each have their own different internal IP addresses06:46
dg1hmm, i heard brasaro had a problem with the new jaunty, either way it still dosnt work for me06:46
firecrotchWolfenstein: probably both in the 192.168.1.x ranger06:46
washburnelloWolfenstein:  well if they have the same IP then that's the problem, but in theory, if they have the same IP then only one should be able to get online06:47
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, i know its the same cause like i said its from the same modem my same dsl modem i have both computers to same modem06:47
dg1washburnello: the game is downloading now (maybe it will work)06:48
iCarlyhello can anyone tell me a working auto clicker for linux ubuntu? I just need to find something that will click every 2 seconds06:48
Wolfensteinwell then i don't know how to tell what my ip is for this comp in ubuntu unless its same as doing it in windows in command prompt06:48
firecrotchWolfenstein: please explain your setup a little more... they are both connected directly to your DSL modem?  Does your modem have a router/switch built into it or?06:48
washburnelloWolfenstein: a dsl modem will have one WAN IP an will dish out multiple LAN IP's to your computers06:48
dg1washburnello: Do I need to install my video card drivers on here.06:48
washburnellodg1: I don't think o06:48
firecrotchWolfenstein: in ubuntu, from a terminal, run the command "ifconfig"06:48
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, yes they are both connected directly to the modem i don't think it has a router built into the modem06:48
dg1inside windows xp06:49
m0r0nAnyone know the audio side of Ubuntu well?06:49
washburnellodg1: but in the VM's settings you should enable 3d accelleration06:49
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, ok i did that in terminal which part do you want me to give you?06:49
Balsaqdoes ubuntu just not play youtube vids or is it me?06:49
firecrotchWolfenstein: then how are they both connected to the modem? does it have multiple ethernet ports or what? (if so, it has a router or switch built in)06:49
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, yes06:49
washburnelloBalsaq: it's just you. youtube plays fine for me06:50
Wolfensteinits a wireless modem where i can have a wireless connection through it like from a laptop its from att06:50
washburnelloBalsaq: do you have flash installed?06:50
Balsaqok good what do i need to do washburnello YES06:50
Balsaqflash yes!06:50
firecrotchWolfenstein: The address for eth0 is the LAN IP of the computer. is that different than the LAN IP of the windows machine?06:50
Balsaqbut wheni looked it sayd no drivers in there06:50
washburnelloBalsaq: well flash is really all you need as far as I know06:51
washburnelloBalsaq: well flash isn't a driver06:51
Balsaqwashburnello: ok then its my vid card casue they play just reeaalll slow06:51
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, i see three addys under eth0, one says inet addr, another is Bcast and other is maks06:51
r3zasalam , bache ha man icon haie tooie taskbaram jashoon avaz shode ( maslan shutdown va volum control ) aslan shutdown oomade invar oon rafte oonvar , nemishe kari kard ke dobare khodesh dorost she ?06:52
Balsaqthe music is on time and good but the video is way behind washburnello06:52
washburnelloBalsaq: that sounds about right, if they show up then you do have flash working06:52
firecrotchWolfenstein: inet addr is the one that is the actual IP.06:52
Wolfensteinok let me see06:52
washburnelloBalsaq: sorry but I'm not sure what would cause video slowdown06:53
Balsaqwashburnello: then i need to but a card that 1. upgrades what i have and 2. ubuntu like for it s software 3. 200watt 12v-6a here06:53
ruby_on_tails1what do these 3 flood bots do ?06:53
Wolfensteinwell when i go in my windows comp and type ipconfig it shows 3 of course but ip addy and default gateway both start with 69. but in ubuntu i don't have anything like that both the inet and bcast have 19206:53
washburnelloBalsaq: is it only youtube? or does a site like vimeo slow down too?06:53
lstarnesruby_on_tails1: they are used for reducing or stopping floods06:53
Balsaqhavent tried others yet  Newbie06:54
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Balsaqwashburnello : but on this same puter it woked with w9806:54
Balsaqwked = worked06:54
ruby_on_tails1bots are admins06:54
washburnelloBalsaq: try some other video sites to narrow it down06:54
lstarnesruby_on_tails1: they must be in order to do their jobs06:55
ruby_on_tails1lstarnes: 1 bot wasn't enough ?  :D06:55
jamieleshawHello, does the Asus Eee PC 1101HA Seashell work with ubuntu?06:55
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Balsaqwell i know the only change was ubuntu06:55
firecrotchBalsaq: You're having slow flash video performance?  Is it only when the video is in fullscreen mode? Because that's normal - fullscreen flash video sucks in Linux06:55
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, did you get my last comment? meant to tell it to you sorry06:55
washburnelloBalsaq: or google "ubuntu flash youtube slow"06:55
ioneyejamieleshaw: Yes.06:55
Balsaqi killed w98 put in ubuntu and then it happened06:55
washburnelloBalsaq: what are the system specs?06:55
jamieleshawioneye, What works, Wifi< trackpad, is  it out of box?06:55
firecrotchWolfenstein: yes, I did. Your windows computer should not have an ip address in the 69.x range, it should be a 192 address06:55
Guest49999any of ya know how to change the color of this ?06:56
Balsaqwashburnello: 400mgz 768sdram 10g HD 8mb ati agp06:56
Dr_WillisGuest49999:  this what?06:56
washburnellofirecrotch: do you think the could be set as static?06:56
Guest49999umm the background color06:56
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, well i do it doesn't show any 19206:56
flippoGuest49999, does this look <green> green </green>?06:56
Balsaqwashburnello: but i just did a ton of updates while runing around on here at same time06:57
firecrotchWolfenstein: is your IP address on the windows machine a static address?06:57
flippoI guess I can't help much then.  Never mind.06:57
washburnelloBalsaq: wow, that's kinda slow (no disrespect intended) but you said that it worked on w98?06:57
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, um i don't think so06:57
Dr_WillisGuest49999:  you might want to state your irc client. and check your irc clients docs./settings/menus06:57
Balsaqwashburnello: happened after i dumped w98...yet all else is way better with ubuntu...no more freezes06:58
washburnelloBalsaq: indeed :D06:58
firecrotchBalsaq: does the slow video happen only when the flash video is fullscreen?06:58
Balsaqwashburnello{ tells me its in ubunutu, they drivers dont suppoert  mt old vid card06:58
washburnelloBalsaq: bummer06:59
Balsaqfirecrotch" never saw that but in utube yes06:59
firecrotchWolfenstein: On the windows machine, run these commands: ipconfig /release  then ipconfig /renew06:59
Balsaqfirecrotch: ok but i killed w9806:59
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, ok06:59
firecrotchBalsaq: Fullscreen flash video absolutely sucks in the Linux version of flash, no matter what video card or whatever your system specs are07:00
washburnellowell, I had a fantastic time on IRC tonight, Thanks #ubuntu you people are awesome! goodnight...07:00
firecrotchwashburnello: goodnight, and thanks!07:00
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, i did that and still shows the same thing07:00
jamieleshawDoes the Eee PC 1101HA work out of box with Ubuntu?07:00
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection07:00
Balsaqfirecrotch: ok...wasbuen said his works good07:00
Balsaqfifrecrotch mine plays just way behind the music07:01
Balsaqneed to speed it up07:01
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Balsaqfirecrotch may be mt old processor or 8mb vid card07:01
firecrotchWolfenstein: Check your network settings for your Windows machine, and make sure that it's getting its IP via DHCP and is not statically set07:02
firecrotchBalsaq: that may very well be the issue07:02
Balsaqfirecrotch: wonder if vid card can speed up utube07:02
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, um07:02
Balsaqfirecrotch some say vid card doesnt efect utube07:03
ioneyejamieleshaw: you gonna have an issue with wired/wireless card and with sould07:03
jamieleshawioneye, Is it easily fixable?07:03
firecrotchWolfenstein: Control Panel -> Network Connections -> Double click the ethernet connection -> Select IPv4 settings -> Click Properties07:03
Balsaqfirecrotch if vid card wont help im dead due to old proc 400mgz...but do you know if vid cards can speed up utube07:03
ioneyejamieleshaw: Yes.07:04
firecrotchBalsaq: I don't think it will.07:04
erossanyone playing with ext4 yet07:04
jamieleshawioneye, Is there a forum post I can refer to?07:04
Dr_Williseross:  a great many of us have beenusing ext4 for some time now.07:04
ioneyejamieleshaw: On the latest update of Ubuntu 9.04 many things improved.07:04
firecrotcheross: Been using for quite some time now07:04
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Balsaqfirecrotch i thought so...people at dell told me that and other think vid cards improve online vids07:04
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, ok but i know in my gateways firewall setup the firewall inside my modem/router i had on that computer dmzplus mode selected cause i wasn't able to use ftp but since i know i can use networking imma turn it off07:04
erossdoes it require defragging, or can it become fragged07:04
jamieleshawioneye, I assume Larmic Koala will be better again right?07:04
ioneyejamieleshaw: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1230045&highlight=eeepc07:05
Toukjoin #python07:05
firecrotchWolfenstein: There's your problem, I believe07:05
Balsaqfirecrotch i guess this old dogs is gettin to the end..just wont die now  i may have to kill it07:05
fbdystangTouk: you need /join #python07:05
Balsaqi wonder if a tiny operating system would let it work07:05
firecrotchBalsaq: you can always turn it into a network fileserver or something! I have an old old Dell with a Celeron 450MHz or so that I use as a webserver07:05
firecrotchBalsaq: that's about all its good for, lol07:06
amitesAnyone know why I would not be able to change permissions on a folder under an NTFS mounted drive?07:06
Balsaqfifrecrotch what is the benefit of that07:06
Toukfbdystang: i know, was typo, ty07:06
Balsaqwebserver...what for?07:06
m0r0nWhat is the off topic channel?07:06
Dr_Willisamites:  you set the permissions/owner on ntfs/vfat fildsystems when you Mount them. You dont change individual file/dir permissions07:06
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, well in the network connections cause im using windows xp i only have one icon under lan or high speed internet07:06
Prohibita website :)07:06
firecrotchBalsaq: I use it for my personal website :)07:06
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amitesDr_Willis thank you07:06
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:07
firecrotchWolfenstein: I believe the problem is the dmzplus that you have set up07:07
Balsaqfirecrotch..so you dont run the net on it just display your site there?07:07
fbdystangif I want to add ubuntu.cs.utah.edu/ to my server repo list, where can i put it?07:07
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, ok so should i try to ipconfig again in the windows comp?07:07
firecrotchWolfenstein: after turning the dmz off, run ipconfig /release and ipconfig /renew again07:08
stillinbetafbdystang: in /etc/apt/sources.list ?07:08
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ProhibitedDMZ = bad07:08
firecrotchBalsaq: Yes, the only thing it does is serve up my blog to the outside world :)07:08
Dr_Willisfbdystang:  the synaptic tool has   settings -> software sources interface to let you select that one I think. (or it can test/find the fastest one for you)07:09
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, ok07:09
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stillinbetaCan anyone give me some help with networkmanager ?07:09
Dr_Willisubuntu.cs.utah.edu  is in the selectable list of servers under synaptic. :)07:10
erossTime for a real question now. I was playing quake live using my razor mouse and it froze up. I had to switch to my other mouse. both are usb. Do I need to boot with IRQ polling or something?07:10
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, yep that did it lol07:11
fbdystangDr_Willis: yep thanks07:11
erossmy razor will lock up from excessive use :P or 2 minutes, whichever comes last07:11
Ali_nz^is it possible with a PPTP VPN connection to add a specific machine name to a routing path?07:12
firecrotchAli_nz^: still trying to get your DNS working over your VPN connection, I see?07:13
Ali_nz^firecrotch: hehe, what I think i kinda want is like an entry to say if you type in "QNAP" resolve the address via VPN07:13
Ali_nz^a bit like a routing table entry07:13
Ali_nz^but not using IP's07:14
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, and also you're right both computers have different ip's the windows comp is 1 number lower than my ubuntu computer07:14
firecrotchAli_nz^: there's really no way to do that, as far as I know.  One solution would be to use your work's DNS servers for everything when you're connected to the VPN.07:14
Ali_nz^firecrotch: ok07:15
firecrotchAli_nz^: if you know your work LAN's DNS server IP address, you can change it in /etc/resolv.conf07:15
Ali_nz^hey also, is there a way to browse a Windows Computer via IP? what do you use to do it?07:15
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, i just was able to get my window folders from ubuntu when i went to places network then to windows netowrk07:15
fbdystangI would also like to know Ali_nz's question07:15
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fbdystangI think samba has something for that07:16
firecrotchAli_nz^: Places -> Network  should show all of the computers that are on the LAN07:16
Ali_nz^firecrotch: interestingly it doesnt show any of the computers on the VPN side of the LAN, only local07:17
pradeepI was trying to install ubuntu 9.04 in my friends desktop, when i tried installing from live cd, it says out of range on the monitor07:17
pradeepneither 8.04,8.10 worked. But 7.10 only worked? What might be the problem?07:17
Ali_nz^firecrotch: any ideas why that might be?07:18
jamieleshawpradeep, This is a refresh rate thing I think07:18
pradeepjamieleshaw: how to fix it07:19
pete_firecrotch, you still there, LOL07:19
firecrotchAli_nz^: Nautilus isn't looking at the VPN subnet at all.  I'm not sure how to get it to do that.  But you can browse the remote computers if you know the IP address by typing smb://ipaddresshere/  in the address bar of nautilus07:19
fbdystangideal refresh rate is >= 60 hertz07:19
firecrotchpete_: yes I am07:19
ioneyepradeep: lower your screens refresh rate to 60 Hz07:19
jamieleshawpradeep, Well, if possible try changing the refersh rate07:19
pete_firecrotch, haha, NDIS wrapper was a nightmare. could not get on irc. only browse the web07:20
Ali_nz^firecrotch: nautilus being the ?07:20
pete_firecrotch, so back to the propriatery I guess.07:20
pradeepioneye : should i do it in the bios?07:20
firecrotchAli_nz^: the file manager07:20
howitzer`pradeep: If you have another monitor handy, you could try that as well.07:20
Eloneanyone, tried installing vmware workstation? it stop working @ 62% @@; any clue? ~07:20
ioneyepradeep: if your screen don't have that kind of option then yes.07:20
pradeephowitzer: he has only one monitor07:20
fbdystangdoes the monitor work on other computer?07:21
Balsaqis it important to get a vid card in a laptop07:22
fbdystanglaptops have a built in vid card, and they suck07:22
Balsaqsome are coming out with vid cards lately07:22
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, can you finish helping me if you can on the window part?07:22
firecrotchWolfenstein: what are you stuck on?07:23
firecrotchWolfenstein: the windows computer now has a proper IP address, correct?07:24
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, yea lol i been talking to you and telling you that the dmz mode thing was the problem07:24
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, and my problem in windows is i can't access my ubuntu files from windows07:25
firecrotchWolfenstein: the easiest way to access the files on the ubuntu machine from your windows machine will be to share the files using samba07:26
Dr_WillisWolfenstein:  i often find it easier to just put winscp on the windows box . and access ubuntu via ssh  that way07:26
firecrotchOr listen to Dr_Willis, since I have no clue how to set up Samba in gnome07:27
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, well before i was able to do it when i typed //COMPUTERNAME/Downloads or //COMPUTERNAME/user in the run box and was able to put my username and pass in the prompt but i can't remember if im doing something wrong since i reformatted windows07:27
pradeepioneye: where do i change the refresh rate??? its not there in BIOS07:27
gishausthi everyone can anyone tell me  run stream mp3 from my apache2 intranet07:28
wewwi thouht refresh was an os thing07:28
pradeepWolfenstein: if your not familiar with samba. There as an application called meiga through which u can share files. try it out07:28
Ali_nz^firecrotch: yep that nautilus trick worked07:29
howitzer`pradeep: hopefully it's not a monitor that is from before the middle-90s, which can't handle 60hz?07:29
erosswhat does acpi=force irqpoll  do?07:29
Wolfensteinpradeep, its not im not familiar with samba i've done this //computername/user or /downloads command before and it worked now it won't let me do it07:30
pradeepWolfenstein: Oh ok!!  I thought you are new to samba07:30
Ali_nz^firecrotch: it looks like you could then add each computer as a place...07:30
firecrotchAli_nz^: you can do this, yes :)07:31
pradeephowitzer: it's a BenQ monitor.. 6 month's old07:31
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Ali_nz^any good ubuntu tools for system process/cpu monitoring etc?07:31
pradeephowitzer:AMD processor with Nvdia card 128 mb07:31
Ali_nz^and maybe network mapping?07:31
howitzer`pradeep: ah, I just acquired three BenQ monitors yesterday, T2210HD.07:32
Balsaqcouls some one comment on this puter i may buy: amd athlon 3200 64 bit 2.0 , 1 gig ram, 40 HD, from about 2005 era...any good for buntu and for online videos?07:32
pradeepAlin_nz^: there's a tool called conky07:32
Wolfensteinpradeep, i am but im just not able to access my ubuntu files now when i did before i reformatted don't know if im doing something wrong07:32
wewwrams far too less07:33
pradeepAlin_nz^: or u can use the default gnome one. Type gnome-system-monitor at the terminal07:33
BookmanAnyone play the sauerbraten game?  It does not seem to be about much to me.  I just walk around, collect stuff and nothing seems to happen.07:33
Dr_WillisWolfenstein:   you did install 'samba' package? and gave the user a samba password with 'sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAME' ?07:33
Dr_WillisWolfenstein:  im just going through what i normally do to get things going on a new system. :)07:33
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WolfensteinDr_Willis, the problems are in a windows computer not ubuntu i haven't changed anything to my ubuntu computer07:34
pradeepAlin_nz^: nmap for netwrk mapping07:34
Ali_nz^col - thanks07:34
pradeephowitzer`: This is the first time i am facing problems in ubuntu installation. Have installed in various comps07:35
Dr_WillisWolfenstein:  ahh.  i also always have identicval windows user name and password on the windows box.  Can the windows box access its own shares?07:35
pspewhy cannot i enter the virtual terminal with 2.6.3007:35
Dr_Willis'virtual terminal' meaning what exactly?07:35
Ali_nz^I like Terminal Server Clinet - it seems to connect to anything no matter what the protocol, but there doesnt seem to be a scaling option....ahh its hard finding the perfect softwar e:-)07:36
WolfensteinDr_Willis, what? im not sharing files through same computer if thats what you're asking i have 2 computers one is windows and one is nix, os ubuntu which is what im on now07:36
Dr_WillisWolfenstein:  as a 'test'  i always make a share on both machines. and make sure they can access theor own local shares.07:37
howitzer`pradeep: did you try to install in safe graphics mode?07:37
Dr_WillisWolfenstein:  also instead of //HOSTnAME/share  you could try the ip#.07:37
pspeDr_Willis: tty0-607:38
Dr_WillisWolfenstein:  im just thinking through things ive done in the past to trouble shoot samba.07:38
WolfensteinDr_Willis, i have my config for samba set with computername and i did that in windows its telling me it can't find it07:38
Dr_Willispspe:  those are the 'consoles'   is what they are normally called.07:38
Dr_WillisWolfenstein:  can the windows box even ping the lin box via  the name?  can it ping via ip?07:38
WolfensteinDr_Willis, i never had a problem before like i said i just reformatting the windows computer and got it all squared up so i shouldn't have a problem07:39
Dr_WillisWolfenstein:  im just spitting out trouble shooting 'things to try' to narrow down the problem.07:40
Ali_nz^is there a network map app with a gui?07:40
Dr_WillisIf the windows box cant even ping the lin box. well.... thats where you need to start07:40
WolfensteinDr_Willis, no problem but i don't know what is the problem since i never did anything on the ubuntu side but remove xchat and the xchat folder07:40
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Dr_WillisWolfenstein:  also see if the lin box can access a share on the windows box. (ie the reverse of what you want to do).  If that also fails. that may be a sign of network/firewall/windows setting issues also.07:41
beatbreakerwhat allows people to drag a window to different workplaces with the mouse in Ubuntu?07:41
Dr_Willisbeatbreaker:  thats a feature of the window manager normally. compiz has a setting for that. as does the normal gnome window manager i recall07:42
WolfensteinDr_Willis, i can now access my windows files through ubuntu as i couldn't before but was able to access my ubuntu files in windows now its backwards if only i can get windows problem solved07:42
pradeephowitzer`:well give it a try now. Hope it works07:43
_MattBi'm trying to write a bash script that rips a dvd and calls eject -t /dev/scd0 to close the tray prior to ripping, but the ripping program can't open the drive because it's not ready, any ideas on how I can wait for the drive to be ready before going to the ripping operation?07:43
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Ali_nz^I see there are a couple of flavours of light Linux, are reccomendations?07:44
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WolfensteinDr_Willis, i got a question do you know how i can set the program files folder in windows to share? the boxes are greyed out and i dunno how to make it to where i can access that on my ubuntu computer07:46
howitzer`Ali_nz^: tinycore, slitaz, dsl, puppy, slax07:47
Ali_nz^howitzer`: sure but which is best?07:47
esoI want to upgrade to 9.04, but the amd fglrx graphics driver isn't available in 9.04 it says. what do you think i should do?07:47
howitzer`Ali_nz^: that's up to you :)07:47
Ali_nz^howitzer`: in your humble opinion ;-)07:47
beatbreakerDr_Willis, ok but i'm coming from another distro, what window manager does Ubuntu use then? Metacity doens't do stuff like that - or is a minimal install of conpiz in there already?07:48
howitzer`Ali_nz^: it depends on the computer ;)07:48
DigitalKiwiAli_nz^: how experienced are you with linux? how willing to read docs?07:49
Wolfensteinbtw Dr_Willis i did ping my nix ip and even did it with the computername i have for my ubuntu and both works07:49
DPicanybody here good with macs?07:49
Ali_nz^DigitalKiwi: Not experienced at all, and I admit it, I hate reading docs, i like to run before I can walk....terible i know07:50
beatbreakerDPic, wrong forum?07:50
Ali_nz^lazy even....07:50
erosswhat's best tool to use to check my nvidia 8800gt temp?07:50
DPicwell im trying to install ubuntu on a mac...07:50
WolfensteinDr_Willis, or firecrotch are you two still around?07:51
DigitalKiwioh then i would definitely hold off on arch, though it may interest you in the future, for now hmmm...crunchbang looks interesting (ubuntu based)07:51
DigitalKiwiit uses openbox =D07:52
Ali_nz^arch> crunchbang? Linux flavours?07:52
mreinschin the disk tool: I see that the Read Error Count is constantly increasing. The disk should be fine though, it is a new system07:52
ManDayWhat's the most lightweight LaTeX package in the repos?07:53
godstarDPic: http://forums.macrumors.com/archive/index.php/t-148617.html07:53
ManDayBtw is Karmic out yet?07:53
firecrotchManDay: No. October 2907:53
godstarManDay: 29th07:53
ManDayCool, thanks07:53
Dr_WillisWolfenstein:  im in and out.. :)07:53
cgrozahello, how to change my repositories from md. to ro.07:53
Ali_nz^most of the light packages mentioned so far run in ram only07:53
godstarManDay: Anytime.07:53
WolfensteinDr_Willis, did you get any of my recent posts07:53
DPicgodstae: LiveCD seems to freeze after selecting an option from the menu07:54
DPicgodstar *07:54
Ali_nz^Xubuntu could be good?07:54
erossGPU temp at 80c07:54
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Ali_nz^where in NZ are you DigitalKiwi?07:54
brambo_can anyone help me ?07:54
godstarDPic: dualboot or vm install?07:54
Dr_WillisWolfenstein:  yea. Ping works via name and ip. Thats a good sign.  There should be some samba logs in /var/log somewhere.  You could tail -f, the log,  and try to connect via windows and see if the connection is rejected/tried/shown at all.07:55
DigitalKiwithe far north part, so far north I'm actually in the united states07:55
DPicgodstar: trying to wipe mac osx for ubuntu07:55
brambo_I installed Ubuntu 9.04 and let it use 50GB of my hard drive and just installed it a few minutes ago, but when I try to install stuff or updates, it says not enough disc space...07:55
brambo_If anyone knows what I can do, please let me know. thank u :)07:55
godstarDPic: hmm, what happens when you boot to Live CD???07:56
brambo_<---New to Linux07:56
WolfensteinDr_Willis, i have no problem now connecting to the windows sharing part i did before but firecrotch told me what i might have done which i turned off and now im able to connect to windows sharing folders07:56
DPicgodstar: i can select langage and a menu option but after that it goes to a black screen and freezes07:56
ManDayCan anyone recomment a LaTeX package in the Repos which is either very basic OR has a package manager to MAKE IT very basic?07:56
Tmiwhat do you mean that it should be basic?07:57
godstarDPic: try to burn download the ISO again, and burn a new CD. Then use the default settings via the installer and see how that goes.07:57
cfeddeManDay: probably lyx07:57
DPicgodstar: the liveCD works on a normal PC, just not on mac07:58
godstarDPic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_EHXbbjgnA07:58
cgrozahello, how to change my repositories from md. to ro.07:58
DPicgodstar: i believe i've tried both jaunty and karmic and neither work07:58
ManDaycfedde, thanks07:58
Ali_nz^none of the VNC viewer clients seem to have scaling options07:58
brambo_I set aside 50GB for Ubuntu (just installed it) but it wants me to install updates and its saying theres not enough space, whats going on?07:58
godstarDPic: I am not a mac user but the installer should work seamlessly.07:58
digmoreCould anyone recommend software to "transcript" (either automatically or semi-automatically) audio/video?07:59
=== malnilion_ is now known as malnilion
DPicgodstar: i know it *should* be-- this is why i'm here =]07:59
godstarDPic: you could always try to put gparted on a USB stick and wipe your macosx drive with it then load Ubuntu from the live cd?07:59
DPicgodstar: but the LiveCD won't even boot into the installer/desktop so i wouldn't be able to install it08:00
lucas_hello what happend to packages.ubuntu-com??08:00
brambo_The upgrade needs a total of 463M free space on disk '/'. Please free at least an additional 463M of disk space on '/'. Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'.08:00
lucas_i'm trying to reinstal nautilus but it wont let me08:00
cgrozahello, how to change my repositories from md. to ro.08:00
godstarDPic: maybe, maybe not. Do you have an app to wipe your mac hdd??08:00
godstarDPic: maybe its the mac os causing issues? Not sure. Just trying to brainstorm.08:01
DPicgodstar: i have the ubuntu LiveCD on a USB drive as awell but that wouldn't even boot at all-- not even to the menu08:01
firecrotchlucas_: it's down again. no big surprise there.08:01
godstarDPic: wipe the HDD then run Ubuntu. That's what I would do.08:01
DPicgodstar: alright i'll try it08:02
firecrotchlucas_: happens a lot more often than it should08:02
godstarDPic: I'll be around. Let me know.08:02
DPicgodstar: alright thanks08:02
reeveanyone able to connect to ubuntu server?08:02
godstarDPic: anytime.08:02
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, i see you're back so you don't know why im having problems with getting my ubuntu files showing up in windows?08:02
howitzer`pradeep: any luck?08:03
firecrotchWolfenstein: How were you doing it before? You had to have configured Samba and shared the files...08:03
lucas_firecrotch: if packages.ubuntu.com i still can download packages?08:04
lucas_is down*08:04
shentinoIs there a way to upgrade to karmic from jaunty?08:04
lucas_firecrotch: if packages.ubuntu.com is down i still can download packages?08:04
shentinoor do I have to wait for the official release first?08:04
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, yes but i didn't do nothing in the windows side all i was doing before was typing in run was this command //computername/Downloads or if it wasn't downloads it was /user and i mean my user on ubuntu08:04
brambo_If somoene has a free minute please let me know, I need some help, (new Linux user here)08:04
firecrotchlucas_: There are mirrors that you can use - I don't know the addresses offhand though08:05
Tmibrambo, just write your qestions and someone will answer if they know08:05
Madpilotshentino, you can upgrade08:05
howitzer`shentino: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/beta08:05
Madpilotubottu, upgrade | shentino08:05
ubottushentino: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading08:05
firecrotchWolfenstein: and its the same ubuntu install as before, correct? just the windows install is new?08:05
phpgunnerCan anyone tell me why my mouse quits clicking after awhile on ubuntu?08:05
firecrotchWolfenstein: or do I have that backwards?08:06
Madpilotshentino, but Karmic questions should still go to #ubuntu+1, thanks08:06
shentinoI mean upgrading with synaptic or the like08:06
phpgunnerAble to move it but no clicky :(08:06
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, just windows i didn't touch ubuntu at all as in reformating i only reformatted windows08:06
brambo_I just installed Ubuntu 9.04 32bit on my laptop it has a 250GB, I let Ubuntu use 50GB, and now Ubuntu is asking to update then saying there isn't enough disc space..How is this? I can paste the error code I get.08:06
firecrotchWolfenstein: Hmm... did you try //<ubuntu IP address>/user ?08:06
draconisif at all possible try to avoid Samba08:07
Tmibrambo, open a terminal and write "df -h" too see the amount of diskspace08:08
starcannonHello Chan08:08
darksmacany one know how to restart drives after i have made changes to fstab file08:09
starcannondarksmack sudo mount -a08:09
brambo_brambo@brandans-laptop:~$ df -h08:09
brambo_Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on08:09
brambo_/dev/sda5             2.3G  2.2G  284K 100% /08:09
brambo_tmpfs                 880M     0  880M   0% /lib/init/rw08:09
brambo_varrun                880M  108K  880M   1% /var/run08:09
FloodBot1brambo_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:09
FloodBot2brambo_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:09
FloodBot3brambo_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:09
brambo_varlock               880M     0  880M   0% /var/lock08:09
starcannondarksmack be sure to "man mount" as well08:10
darksmacthank you08:10
brambo_Tmi: I will post results in pastebin, can you help me maybe?08:10
starcannonbrambo use a paste bin08:10
Tmiwell it seems your ubuntu partition is only 2.3 Gb08:10
starcannontoo late as per usual08:10
=== ce_metal_cord is now known as mzz^purple
godstarbrambo, you could always rb your box and Ubuntu should auto mount hdds for you.08:10
brambo_but picked for it to use 50GB08:10
starcannonbrambo you only allocated 2.3 gb to Ubuntu, it needs bare min of 4gb(thats a very bare min)08:11
Tmiweird, something must have gone wrong then because df says your /-partition is only 2.3 Gb08:11
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, no i didn't let me try that08:11
brambo_I installed it alongside Windows Vista, and slide the bar over to let Ubuntu have 50GB..08:11
brambo_How can I fix it, format and do it over?08:11
starcannonbrambo something didn't go as planned08:12
TmiI don't know, maybe gparted can extend the partition?08:12
godstarbrambo, did you use Wubi?08:12
Tmiotherwise I guess a reinstall is in order08:12
brambo_I am not sure how to use that, I am brand new to Linux08:12
starcannonbrambo backup all data that is important to you, then do a reinstall, use 8.04 LTS unless there is some reason you need a later version08:12
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brambo_godstar: I booted off the Ubuntu disc from my BIOS08:12
=== tWii is now known as cWii
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, i did that and it comes up with the same problem not finding it08:13
godstarbrambo, can you boot back to your Windows OS?08:13
brambo_I cant use 8.04  only 9.04 works on my laptop...08:13
Tmistarcannon, better recommend the latest stable, i.e. 9.0408:13
brambo_yes I can godstar08:13
firecrotchWolfenstein: make sure that the folders are still shared on your ubuntu machine? that's the last thing that I can think of08:13
starcannonTmi nah, its a tweenlease, I only recommend LTS unless a tween adds hardware support that the enduser needs, and brambo just stated he/she needs 9.04 for that reason08:14
TmiI guess the problem is you wont have enough space to even install gparted (partition manager), so you should probably just do a reinstall08:14
cgrozahello ,my grub menu shows 2 kernels ...how do i remove one?08:14
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, um i don't think i did that i only did things in the samba config file08:14
godstarbrambo, I suggest you boot back into Windows, reformat Ubuntu partition with DiskMgr and use the Wubi installer. http://wubi-installer.org/08:14
Lartza_Hello, gparted is whining about changing partions may cause dataloss, but I want to lose my data and completely empty my drive, I can't seem to figure out how to do that data is still there.08:14
brambo_I can just go in Windows and totally delete Ubuntu and the partition it made and do it over, cause I dont know how to reinstall Ubuntu08:14
godstarbrambo, wubi is easier to use for new converts.08:14
godstarbrambo, wubi.08:15
firecrotchWolfenstein: I think the problem lies with your Windows install somewhere.  Is it Vista, XP, or 7?08:15
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, its xp08:15
starcannonLartza_ backup data before messing with partitions, this is where sanity lives; do otherwise and you will testdisk08:15
cgrozahello ,my grub menu shows 2 kernels ...how do i remove one?08:15
brambo_use the WuBi installer from Windows?08:15
brambo_Doesn't that make Ubuntu slower?08:15
godstarbrambo, that is correct.08:15
firecrotchWolfenstein: up to date with service pack 3 and all that good stuff?08:15
Lartza_starcannon: Backed up and I want to format the partition now, but the data is staying there no matter what08:15
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, and never had a problem before but i didn't mess with samba config file08:15
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, yep08:16
Lartza_I have formatted partition, deleted and made new partition08:16
Lartza_Ouch... do I need to possibly make new partition table?08:16
godstarbrambo, it is your best option, until you get the hang of Ubuntu.08:16
nareshovgot a bunch of upgrades yesterday08:16
Lartza_Would that do it?08:16
nareshovand my touchpad doesn't work anymore08:16
firecrotchWolfenstein: well, it has to be some kind of problem with your Windows install.  Unfortunately, I'm way out of the loop when it comes to Windows stuff now08:16
draconisgodstar: Wait, Wubi actually uses that ancient boot loader, that loads from a Windows/Dos partition?08:16
nareshov(i can't use my touchpad to move the cursor)08:16
brambo_I've  installed Ubuntu the same way I just did a few minutes ago before and had no problems, this time somehow even tho I picked 50GB, it didnt do it?08:17
starcannonLartza_ I'll help you in PM look left08:17
zeededdraconis: Hes just that sexy08:17
Wolfensteinfirecrotch, no problem a friend who helped me begin with isn't around and i don't know why its not working so no worries08:17
nareshovi have "synaptics driver lost sync.... got giantic packet!"08:17
godstardraconis: correct, but it is a good option.08:17
nareshovand "query no synaptics: 000000"08:17
nareshovin my Xorg.0.log08:17
nareshovgoogle isn't helping08:17
godstardraconis: brambo is new to linux.08:17
brambo_I will just totally delete Ubuntu and try installing it again...That's the easiest way I know how to do it since Im new to Linux totally08:18
zeededbrambo_: Whats wrong?08:18
brambo_zeeded: I installed Ubuntu a few mins ago, and selected it to use 50GB of my hard drive but now its saying I dont have enough space to update my stuff08:18
Tmibrambo, thats probably your best option yes, check one extra time that the partition size is correct and you should get it running nicely :)08:18
brambo_Tmi: I hope so :)08:19
zeededbrambo_: If you want to make sure its not something else maybe check gparted?08:19
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zeededif not, a fresh install might be best :/08:19
brambo_zeeded: I am new to Linux so I dont know how to do what you said.08:19
brambo_zeeded: what is gparted ?08:20
Tmibrambo, in a terminal write "sudo aptitude install gparted" and then type your password when it asks for it08:20
zeededits GTK+ Partitioning software08:20
Tmiits a partition manager08:20
brambo_This sucks cause I got my Wireless to work this time in Linux, and I gotta delete it and start over again..08:20
godstarTmi: he can not get Ubuntu to boot.08:20
Tmigodstar, I think he is in ubuntu actually08:20
brambo_Tmi: should I paste bin the results?08:21
Tmiif it doesnt even boot then a reinstall is absolutely in order :D08:21
Tmibrambo, yeah do08:21
* godstar scratches head.08:21
draconisgodstar: yeah, I saw that, I just thought there was an issue with gparted. now that clears it up08:21
godstarI was under the impression, Ubuntu was not booting for him.08:22
brambo_Tmi: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/284385/08:22
Tminah he is in ubuntu but cant do any updates due to diskspace being used08:22
Tmibrambo, start it by typing "gparted" now (I think)08:22
brambo_yeah but I picked for Ubuntu to use 50GB of my hard drive, its wierd...08:23
godstarbrambo, is this a live cd session or no?08:23
TmiI dont know much about the program itself, but you might be able to extend partitions in there08:23
brambo_no, not LiveCD, the system is installed08:23
godstarIn that case.08:23
godstarGparted it is.08:23
brambo_Tmi: did you get my pastebin?08:23
Tmigodstar, the problem seems to be that it is installed but on a 2.3 Gb partition instead of the intended 50 Gb08:23
zeededhow do you do a screenshot from a term?08:23
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Tmibrambo, yes, try starting gparted by writing "gparted"08:24
Tmizeeded, "scrot"08:24
godstarTmi: appears so.08:24
brambo_oh, well I am so new to Ubuntu I dunno how to swtich it, so I will have to delete it all and start oveer again I think...:-(08:24
brambo_Since GParted is a powerful tool capable of destroying partition tables and vast amounts of data, only root may run it.08:24
Tmijust try playing around with the options in gparted and see if it is possible to change partition sizes08:24
godstarbrambo, do you remember what size partition you chose for /root, and swap directories?08:25
le-foothello to any songbird users - I have 9.04 and songbird 1.0, and I have media keys working in Rhythmbox and Totem. - just not in Songbird. Is there a way to fix this? MMkeys didn't do the trick. Thanks08:25
=== Seveaz is now known as Seveas
Tmiif you want to run as root you write "sudo gparted"08:25
Tmiand enter your password when prompted for it08:25
brambo_I didnt chose anything, I just selected it to install next to Windows Vista and slided a bar to the left so Ubuntu used 50GB08:25
Dr_Willisplay with gparted on a virtialbox machine :) to learn its features08:26
godstarbrambo, correct. Honestly, gparted is friendly to learn, however, reload for a beginner will better suited. Book back into Windows, and reformat the Ubuntu partition. When you are ready to reload, let us know we can help you from there.08:26
zeededgodstar: someone new to linux is not going to remember that. Especially an Ubuntu user08:26
godstarzeeded: good point.08:26
brambo_I like Linux, how stable it is, I wannna learn it...so I am gonna delete it and reinstall it.08:27
Tmihis / is 2.3 Gb08:27
godstarzeeded: then again, he could've been paying attention, or better yet wrote down his steps?08:27
brambo_I am getting so angry with Windows....08:27
vtecdoes anyone know of an auto clicker for linux ubuntu GNOME that will just click ever 2 seconds in the same place?08:27
Tmibrambo, yeah that is probably the best option since that will only take about half an hour or so08:27
brambo_godstar: all I did was select time zone and keyoard type etc, and it said starting partition manager, then I slide a bar to the left to select 50GB for Ubuntu instead of deleting Windows, and hit next..08:28
brambo_Tmi: yeah08:28
godstarbrambo, read my previous post.08:28
vtecdoes anyone know of an auto clicker for linux ubuntu GNOME that will just click ever 2 seconds in the same place?08:29
blue-frogbrambo: before reinstalling.     sudo apt-get clean08:29
brambo_blue-frog: I am just deleteing and installing agian, I am not sure how to reinstall08:29
brambo_I am new to Linux08:30
brambo_Thank you all, I am just gotta boot Windows, delete Ubuntu and just install it over again...08:30
blue-frogbrambo: might be interesting to know if you have those 50G spare which I doubt before reinstaling08:30
brambo_in the morning, I am tired must sleep now..08:30
Tmigo ahead brambo, that's easier than trying to fix it in other ways08:30
zeededgood luck brambo_08:30
brambo_thank you zeeded, tmi, godstar, blue-frog08:31
zeedednp bro08:31
godstarbrambo, anytime.08:31
Dr_Williswhy d you bneed to boot to winbdows to delete linux?08:31
Tminp, good luck with your linux adventure tomorrow :)08:31
Dr_Willisthe installer can do that.08:31
brambo_Dr Willis: I am new to Linux so I am not sure how, I know how to though in Windows.08:31
vtecdoes anyone know of an auto clicker for linux ubuntu GNOME that will just click ever 2 seconds in the same place?08:32
Dr_Willisbrambo_:  play with the partition tool in the installer..08:32
Dr_Willisbrambo_:  actually you could delete it from within a running linux. :) but thats weird... to self destruct the os that way08:32
godstarDr_Willis: brambo is concerned with deleting his files on the remaining partition(s),08:32
zeededDo you guys know of any easy way to set a wallpaper from the term?08:33
Dr_Williswell good luck to him. :)08:33
tehbautis there a GUI SSH tool like WinSCP for linux/ubuntu?08:33
Dr_Williszeeded:  xsetbg, esetroot, or a dozen other commands can do it08:33
brambo_Thank you all I am gonna go now to start the process.08:33
Dr_Willistehbaut:  the normal gnome file manager can connect over ssh and do things.08:34
zeededthanks Doc08:34
brambo_If I can stay awake to start this, I will come back and let you guys know! :)08:34
tehbautDr_Willis: ah, cool... so how can I set that up?08:34
brambo_am I allowed to post my yahoo messenger ID here?08:34
Dr_Willistehbaut:  check out the  Places--> connect to server. :) logical eh.08:34
tehbautDr_Willis: how about a nice SSH sync between server and computer?08:34
le-footbrambo_ - i would just IM them08:35
Dr_Willistehbaut:  ssh and rsync can do that. theres also some guy tools - but i rarely use them08:35
brambo_what do I type to message a certain user here like u did me le-foot ?08:35
blue-frogtehbaut: unison-gtk08:35
tehbautDr_Willis: ok, and rsync can be automated, I assume? say every time a file is saved locally, it can sync it?08:35
le-footbrambo_: on the right hand side, find the username and click on 'IM'08:36
le-footis anyone here familiar with lirc? thanks :)08:36
Dr_Willistehbaut:  ive not used rsync in ages..  thats its main job owever. :)08:36
Dr_Willistehbaut:  you  could set up a cron job to sync every 30 min or so08:37
a|3xhi, i am trying to recover some data from hard drive that was in raid1 with ntfs, when i try to mount i get "mount: unknown filesystem type 'isw_raid_member'", any ideas how to mount this thing?08:37
=== Darren is now known as dmb
mhhhello.. I left home and forgot to enable desktop sharing.. anyway to enable it through a ssh session? (The computer at home is loged in)08:40
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Dr_Willismhh:  you could ssh in, and install/run vncserver. but that would make a new 'shared' desktop thats hidden. NOT the same as the one you have running locally.08:42
blue-frogmhh gconftool-2 -s -t bool /desktop/gnome/remote_access/enabled true08:42
Dr_Willismhh:  and really you want to ssh tunnle vnc over the interent.. so thats another layer of things to do.08:42
blue-frogmhh: gconftool-2 -s -t bool /desktop/gnome/remote_access/prompt_enabled false08:42
blue-frogmhh in fact I am going to psetebin you the process08:42
emanuxhello, is there a nautilus-ldap browser?08:42
Dr_Willismhh:  is the system logged in to the desktop now? or not at all?08:42
mhhblue-frog:  thanks08:43
mhhDr_Willis: yes.. the system is logged in athome08:43
melikcan anyone recommend me a good mail server for linux? is Zimbra good?08:43
* tlamer hm08:43
firecrotchmhh: You ccould ssh in and install, then run x11vnc, which will allow you to view your desktop via VNC08:43
nutterpchello all08:43
nutterpcwho else here has had issies with running KernelCheck?08:44
nutterpccan i ask08:44
blue-frogmhh should be ebough http://pastebin.com/d6190a13b08:44
crypt3oranyone ever had an eSATA drive just 'disappear' in the middle of a transfer?08:44
zebastianhow do you keep the terminal from executing a command it's already executing08:44
zebastiani want to show an input on pastebin for y'all to help me08:45
a|3xi am trying to recover some data from hard drive that was in raid1 with ntfs, when i try to mount i get "mount: unknown filesystem type 'isw_raid_member'", any ideas how to mount this thing?08:45
zebastianbut the input is too big08:45
nutterpcas I have contacted the developer of it as I have almost got the program to successfully run, just need to see who else is having the dramas as well08:45
nutterpcthey know about the bug with it not working properly, which is what I am currently working on fixing08:45
zebastianusing rsync -avh --delete --stats /home/sebastian/ /media/SAMSUNG/mybackup didn't work, there's a whole bunch of files it doesn't give me permissions to, now the external hard drive is already mounted, so i dont get why i don't have permissions to it, i even used sudo in front of the command, any help much appreciated08:47
zebastianwe're talking an external drive08:47
crypt3orI copy a couple gigs of data, and then it goes: "cp: writing './myfile.tar.gz.113': Input/output error" for all the rest of the files, and then when I sudo fdisk -l, the drive no longer appears.  plugging and unplugging doesn't bring it back08:47
emanuxwhat is a good ldap client?08:47
firecrotcha|3x: was this a hardware raid or a software raid via mdadm?08:47
howitzer`or a police raid..08:48
zebastiani'm getting outputs like  "/media/SAMSUNG/mybackup/Music/Karl Marx - Capital Vol 1.pdf" failed: Operation not permitted (1)08:48
zebastiancan someone help me out here08:48
zebastianjust got this rsync error: received SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP (code 20) at rsync.c(541) [sender=3.0.4] and hten back to prompt08:49
MysteriousSorry for bothering you here. I would like to know where I can find a good devenv that supports GTK dev with graphical creation of gtk forms08:49
a|3xfirecrotch: i am not exactly sure, it was a windoze vista system, then processor failed so i am trying to get the data out08:50
godstara|3x: why not use a Ubuntu Live CD to back up your data?08:51
a|3xthats what i am trying to do08:51
a|3xand its not mounting08:51
a|3xmount: unknown filesystem type 'isw_raid_member'08:52
firecrotcha|3x: what is the output of fdisk -l ?08:52
Barnabasa|3x, if it was a hw raid, the controller has been doing the raid mirroring08:52
godstara|3x: go to add remove and search for ntfs\08:52
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)08:52
a|3xfdisk -l says http://pastebin.com/m50d0467508:53
nutterpcthis is frustrating, lol, I've got this small tiny stumbling block in the way of this program working now, lol08:54
a|3xwhen i try to mount /dev/sda3 it says mount: unknown filesystem type 'isw_raid_member'08:54
firecrotcha|3x: Um... you must have some weird funky setup or something if a regular partition is part of a RAID08:54
Barnabasa|3x, if this was a vista pc I would move the controller to another working windows machine and install the same version of the raid driver08:55
a|3xfirecrotch: i didn't set it up, it was like that on sony viao laptop08:55
firecrotcha|3x: are there actually two physical hard drives in there?08:56
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:56
a|3xfirecrotch: the funny thing is, the second hard drive is blank08:57
firecrotcha|3x: ok, so I'm assuming that its a hardware RAID08:57
a|3xfirecrotch: stupid sony setup08:57
a|3xfirecrotch: i have no idea if it is hardware raid08:57
a|3xfirecrotch: that laptop was complaining about raid failure all the time, but i thought it was misconfigured08:58
firecrotcha|3x: how important is this data?08:58
a|3xfirecrotch: very, for someone08:58
nutterpcit is DONE!08:58
FloodBot2nutterpc: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:58
nutterpcKernelCheck now WORKS08:58
cesaritohow do i readd that little panel at the bottom left of the screen that lets me open firefox and view the desktop?08:58
nutterpci just found out what was buggy08:58
firecrotcha|3x: "very" meaning that someone will die without it?08:59
cesaritoit disappeared and i dont know what happened08:59
a|3xfirecrotch: someone will have to their rebuild contact database, which could be really unpleasant, email archive would be lost, etc08:59
firecrotcha|3x: alright, so pretty important, I guess08:59
a|3xfirecrotch: irrelevant question, i want to recover it09:00
firecrotcha|3x: I only ask because I don't want to steer you in the wrong direction and end up making things unrecoverable09:00
a|3xfirecrotch: is it possible to mount this using linux raid09:00
firecrotcha|3x: I don't think you'll be able to mount it using mdadm, no09:00
d0wn_is it possible to install libqt3-dev alongside libqt4-dev09:01
draconisraid normally requires the /exact same/ raid controller to mount it09:01
Barnabasdraconis, precisely09:01
firecrotcha|3x: what I would do is use fdisk to change the filesystem type flag to ntfs and then try to mount it.  draconis is right though09:01
a|3xwould i be able to change it back?09:01
firecrotcha|3x: I wouldn't count on what I just said working at all, or being able to change it back, or being able to recover it after doing do09:02
draconisBarnabas: but it also would depend on the type of raid.. there are "non-striped" raids IIRC09:02
Barnabasdraconis, this is raid 109:02
nutterpcdoes anyone know if the developers of programs come in here at all?09:02
Barnabaswhere one side of the raid has not been populated for some reason09:02
a|3xfirecrotch: i don't think it will work, i tried -t ntfs-3g and it said invalid ntfs signature or something09:02
a|3xfirecrotch: i found something on linux raid and this file system type: http://www.linux-archive.org/fedora-development/276039-new-udev-rule-using-mdadm-isw_raid_member.html09:04
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tonyyarussonutterpc: Some do.09:05
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nutterpcas I think I may have just solved them a bit of hassle with one of the programs listen in the forums09:06
yaronI am having a problem with a new ubuntu install.  I keep getting GRUB Loading stage1.5.  Then GRUB loading, please wait.... Error 209:06
nutterpcfew minor quirks still reside, but the program successfully retrieves the data it needs, and parses it09:06
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tonyyarussonutterpc: You can always a) submit a patch on Launchpad, or b) send an e-mail to the address shown in the maintainer field09:07
firecrotcha|3x: Have you tried connecting the drive to a Windows machine?09:07
nutterpcdid that, was hopin they may have been in here, lol09:07
a|3xfirecrotch: not yet09:07
fahadsadahyaron: Is this a dualboot configuration?09:07
yaronfahadsadah:  yes09:08
fahadsadahyaron: OK.09:08
fahadsadahCan you access files on the disk, such as by a liveCD?09:08
yaronfahadsadah: yes I can09:08
fahadsadahPlease can you pastebin /boot/grub/menu.lst?09:08
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic09:08
firecrotcha|3x: Windows might be able to read the filesystem09:08
Barnabasfirecrotch, probably needs the same raid controller and the same version of the raid driver - this is probably a fake raid controller where the driver does a lot of stuff09:09
firecrotcha|3x: What model of sony vaio is the drive from?09:10
a|3xfirecrotch: it says pcg-8y1l09:10
yaronfahadsadah: not that easy I am working off my laptop.  My desktop is the one having issues.  I can boot in rescue mode off the install cd but I doubt that has an irc client09:10
firecrotchBarnabas: It should still be recoverable in some way without the raid controller09:10
firecrotchsince it is RAID109:11
a|3xdoes anybody have any other suggestions about mounting 'isw_raid_member' filesystem type?09:11
fahadsadahyaron: Actually, it does.09:11
fahadsadahWhich can connect to many forms of communication, including IRC.09:11
yaronfahadsadah: ok can you give me the command line?09:12
firecrotcha|3x: I am currently trying to get more information on the type of RAID that it is09:12
fahadsadahTo get the file, cat /boot/grub/menu.lst09:12
fahadsadahYou don't need to IRC from the box, btw.09:12
fahadsadahJust pastebin the file, and tell us the URL here.09:12
fahadsadah!pastebin | yaron09:12
ubottuyaron: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic09:12
Barnabasfirecrotch, agreed, but since this is apparantley very important data - I would not take any chances09:12
yaronfahadsadah: how do I get the file from my desktop to my laptop?09:12
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fahadsadahFrom the desktop, paste the contents into paste.ubuntu.com09:13
firecrotcha|3x: I can't find any information on the sony website for the model number that you gave me, so I don't think that "pcg-8y1l" is the model09:13
fahadsadahMemorize the short URL09:13
fahadsadahTell us here.09:13
a|3xfirecrotch: crap, i hate sony laptops09:13
a|3xfirecrotch: well it does say thats the model on the back09:13
ManDayWhat package do I have to install to obtain PDFLATEX?09:13
firecrotcha|3x: is there something that starts with VGN anywhere?09:14
Barnabasa|3x, does lspci tell you anything abount the controller ?09:14
zvacetyaron : send e-maul to yourself09:14
FlannelManDay: texlive is the current LaTeX environment, I don't, however know off the top of my head which package is the "main" one09:14
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »09:14
JNSamuele-maul, sounds like it would make a good email program09:14
firecrotchBarnabas: the computer that it is from is dead, from my understanding09:14
ManDayFlannel, I installed texlive-base but there is only pdftex in it - NOT pdflatex however09:15
a|3xfirecrotch: no vgn anywhere09:15
zvacetJNSamuel : lapsus calami09:15
FlannelManDay: texlive-bin it looks like?09:15
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ManDaytexlive-bin i ve got also installed - no pdflatex however09:15
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JNSamuelzvace: ?09:15
FlannelManDay: er, texlive-latex?  It's in texlive-latex-bin, but I'm sure that's merely a depends to something else which is more complete09:16
pete_how can i get an application (ushare) to load, when using rc.local does not work, nor the session startup manager09:16
Barnabasfirecrotch, well one way could be to backup the device now using dd09:17
FlannelManDay: Maybe it's not.  texlive-latex-base and then texlive-latex-bin09:17
Barnabasthen try to change the file system bit09:17
Barnabasand mount it09:17
ManDayi do texlive-latex-base09:17
firecrotchBarnabas: good suggestion09:17
firecrotcha|3x: You should try Barnabas' suggestion. Make a complete backup of the drive using dd09:18
bwallumAnybody having trouble playing dvds and music cds since last kernel update?09:18
a|3xBarnabas: the cpu is fried on that thing, i can't boot into livecd09:18
a|3xfirecrotch: the cpu is fried on that thing, i can't boot into livecd09:19
FlannelManDay: good, because -bin apparently doesn't exist, I don't know where I got my wires crossed :)09:19
zvacetJNSamuel :http://www.answers.com/main/ntquery?gov=0&searchType=ra&s=lapsus+calami&go.x=0&go.y=009:19
firecrotcha|3x: you can still back it up using dd if you have it connected to another computer09:19
Barnabasa|3x, it will be a raw dump of the whole device09:19
a|3xfirecrotch: i could back it up but the question is how do i recover?09:20
JNSamuelzvacet: still don't understand what "slip of the pen" means. since i don't use pens and im not good with figures of speeches09:20
firecrotcha|3x: You create the backup using dd, then you can try to mount or otherwise change the device using the backup file that you created09:21
pete_how can i get an application (ushare) to load, when using rc.local does not work, nor the session startup manager09:21
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Lartza_How can I delete my data from hd's with gparted09:21
firecrotcha|3x: or, you can then try it on the drive, and if you screw up, you can restore the backup to the drive09:21
Lartza_Creating new partition table still kept my data09:21
zvacetJNSamuel :typing error then09:21
a|3xfirecrotch: mount -o ro -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda2 sda2 -> NTFS signature is missing09:22
a|3xfirecrotch: so i guess changing type in partition table will not work09:22
zvacetJNSamuel : or writing error09:22
yaronfahadsadah: ok I tried pastebin.  Pasted the into into the dialog box, filled in my name and hit paste?  What do I do from there?09:22
pete_a|3x, sudo ntfs-3f /dev/sda2 /mount/point09:23
a|3xpete_: did that09:23
fahadsadahyaron: Give me the URL.09:24
a|3xpete_: NTFS signature is missing09:24
fahadsadahAfter having hit paste.09:24
yaronfahadsadah: http://paste.ubuntu.com/284431/09:24
firecrotcha|3x: I found a program that you might want to try. It claims to be able to recover data from RAID1 drives. http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk09:25
fahadsadahyaron: Thanks.09:25
fahadsadahyaron: In the XP entry, move the two map statements to above09:26
yaronfahadsadah: ok done09:28
firecrotcha|3x: basically, if there is a valid filesystem on the drive (and there should be, even if the NTFS signature is missing), that program ought to be able to recover it09:28
yaronfahadsadah: save the file and reboot?09:28
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a|3xfirecrotch: i will try it out, thanks a lot for the suggestion09:29
s0m345sooneHEllo there. I need to connect to my modem in order to configure wireless network. But I don't know what's the modem's IP. I connect to the internet using pppoeconf. Anyone know how can I check what's modem's IP?09:30
mcscruffs0m345soone, whatsmyip.com ?09:31
crypt3orum, probably need more information about what kind of modem it is, at the very least09:31
fahadsadahyaron: Yes.09:31
firecrotchs0m345soone: what is your computer's ip address?09:32
yaronfahadsadah: same error09:32
yaronfahadsadah: if it helps.  I never even see  the boot menu09:32
fahadsadahyaron: Pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l, please?09:32
s0m345soonefirecrotch: sorry wrong09:33
firecrotchs0m345soone: yeah, I was gonna say... lol09:33
s0m345soonefirecrotch: this is my externam ip that ifconfig gave me... I don't know how to check.. ifconfig only shows external IP09:34
ManDayFlannel, worked fine with texlive-latex thanks pal09:34
firecrotchs0m345soone: what brand and model is your modem?09:34
fmankmorning folks ... I was wondering if anyone could help me with a dual screen nvidia card issue?09:34
firecrotch!anyone | fmank09:34
ubottufmank: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:34
Briareos1i have a kernel patch - is there a way to compile just the part that is patched as a module?09:35
s0m345soones0m345soone: don't know don't have access to it09:35
s0m345soonefirecrotch: don't know don't have access to it09:35
s0m345soonefirecrotch: doesn't this something to do with pppoeconf?09:35
Richard_MartinWhy is IRC dead today09:36
s0m345sooneto determine what's your local IP?09:36
Richard_Martinthis server is ghostsville09:36
Barnabass0m345soone, how is it connected to your pc? via ethernet or usb or other?09:36
s0m345sooneBarnabas: ethernet09:36
yaronfahadsadah: http://paste.ubuntu.com/284443/09:37
Barnabass0m345soone, you could try to scan your own network to list IPs09:38
Dr_WillisRichard_Martin:  it is 5am in the USA :)09:38
Barnabasnmap is a good tool09:38
Barnabasfor example nmap -sP
Barnabaswould ping scan all the ips on that subnet09:39
Dr_Willisfindsmb, and smbtree are handy to 'scan' for fileservers/sambaservers  also09:40
Doc_Lappyanybody here use mysql?09:41
firecrotchDoc_Lappy: I do09:41
Doc_Lappycan you tell me how to tell what tables are in a database by the terminal?09:42
Doc_Lappyor if doc as a table exists09:42
Doc_Lappyand hi again firecrotch09:42
firecrotchDoc_Lappy: Hello again! I believe "SHOW TABLES" is what you're looking for09:43
abersorry didn't mean to spam and paste a link.. was just trying to connect to Transmission IRC channell09:43
s0m345sooneBarnabas: what if it's not on this subnet?09:43
Doc_Lappyk just type that in when i''am  at the mysql> prompt ?09:44
Barnabasif your pc and your modem is not on the same subnet they cannot communicate without routing09:44
Madpilotaber, /join #transmission09:44
Barnabasso perhaps the modem has no IP09:44
Doc_Lappyit didn't list any :(09:44
Barnabasand is just bridging requests onto the nic in your pc09:44
s0m345sooneBarnabas: yes.. but what if they not on 192.168.1*09:44
insmodquestion - my firefox  started showing black squares on white pages (randomly) that disappear when I refresh09:44
Doc_Lappyso I'll try to create it I guess and see if that works09:45
Barnabasifconfig should show you our subnet and netmask09:45
Doc_LappyCREATE TABLE DOC didn't work :(09:45
s0m345sooneBarnabas: inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
Doc_Lappyhave to do some googling I guess to use command line mysql09:46
firecrotchDoc_Lappy: I'm having the same issue with my server, now that I've tried it09:46
firecrotchDoc_Lappy: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/show-tables.html09:46
s0m345sooneBarnabas: is external09:46
MadpilotDoc_Lappy, try #mysql09:46
Barnabass0m345soone, are you sure the modem has any routing capabilities?09:46
s0m345sooneBarnabas: 100%09:47
crypt3orthe modem has got to be there09:47
nascentmindDoc_Lappy, you have to use a database first.09:47
s0m345sooneBarnabas: it has external antena I'm pretty sugre it does :D09:47
s0m345sooneBarnabas: this is modem..09:47
crypt3orI had a sbc modem that pretended to be on a different subnet09:47
Barnabashas nothing to do with antenna09:47
crypt3orno wait...09:47
nascentmindDoc_Lappy, do --> show databases; to list out the databases.09:47
Barnabass0m345soone, I think it directly bridges your external IP onto the nic in your pc09:48
pradeepcan i install the karmic gdm in jaunty09:48
joaopintopradeep, no09:48
pradeepjoapinto,why so09:48
crypt3oryeah so the wireless router had an internal subnet of 192.168.1.x, and then the modem created a subnet of 192.168.2.x, and then external to the modem is where you get the world-visible IP address.  So to access the modem's config page, you would go to like
joaopintopradeep, because it was tested, and could break your system do to package requirements09:49
joaopintoit was not09:49
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brambotmi, godstar, anyone still here?09:49
lesshasteI seem to have the wrong resolution all of a sudden so I can't see the sides of the deskt09:49
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lesshasteis there a nice tool for fixing t09:49
s0m345sooneBarnabas: what if I stop pppoeconf?09:50
s0m345sooneBarnabas: and I'm connected to the modem with cable without pppoeconf, internet running=09:50
fancynothing more09:50
s0m345soonehow can I than connect to the modem?09:50
Doc_LappyERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'SHOW TABLES mysqlshow doc show databases09:50
Doc_Lappyshow table SHOW TABLES mysqlshow doc sh' at line 109:50
pradeepjoaopinto,will that not work09:50
joaopintopradeep, I already answered you09:51
firecrotchDoc_Lappy: USE databasename;   then  SHOW TABLES;09:51
Doc_Lappythat's what I get it showed the db doc but gives me an error09:51
yaronfahadsadah: did you notice my pastebin?09:51
Barnabass0m345soone, you could try that - and then run run nmap scan again perhaps09:51
bramboI need to delete my Ubuntu partition so I can install it again since it installed wrong, I dont know how to reinstall since Im brand new to Linux, I have Windows along side Linux but Windows dont see the Ubuntu partition, how do I delete it from here in Ubuntu?09:51
pradeepjoaopinto,ok:-) will wait for the official release09:51
Doc_Lappyhow do I type that?09:51
ParrottI need to delete my Ubuntu partition so I can install it again since it installed wrong, I dont know how to reinstall since Im brand new to Linux, I have Windows along side Linux but Windows dont see the Ubuntu partition, how do I delete it from here in Ubuntu?09:51
Parrottjoaopinto,ok:-) will wait for the official release09:51
bramboIt installed to the wrong partition, I dont got enough space.09:51
Parrotthow do I type that?09:51
ParrottIt installed to the wrong partition, I dont got enough space.09:51
CBro2007guys I just got a Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop VM and installed it... it says it has no root password. So I added a new user and it gives me the message : myuser is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.09:51
Parrottuys I just got a Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop VM and installed it... it says it has no root password. So I added a new user and it gives me the message : myuser is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.09:51
CBro2007how do I edit the sudoers file?09:52
ubottuyes, I'm alive.09:52
Parrotthow do I edit the sudoers file?09:52
Parrottyes, I'm alive.09:52
Doc_Lappyparrot did you go to manage users/groups09:52
CBro2007also I want to change the root password09:52
pradeeprecently my sleep and suspend functions in my laptop does not work?? When i select sleep, the laptop goes to sleep but when i try to resume it does not. I have to restart my system all over. is there any fix09:52
Parrottparrot did you go to manage users/groups09:52
firecrotch!ops | Parrot (bot repeating everything)09:52
ubottuParrot (bot repeating everything): Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!09:52
Doc_Lappyand try giving permissions to your username and to root09:52
Parrottalso I want to change the root password09:52
Parrottrecently my sleep and suspend functions in my laptop does not work?? When i select sleep, the laptop goes to sleep but when i try to resume it does not. I have to restart my system all over. is there any fix09:52
Parrott!ops | Parrot (bot repeating everything)09:52
ParrottParrot (bot repeating everything): Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!09:52
FloodBot2Parrott: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:53
ParrottParrott: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:53
Doc_Lappyshould be able to do that there as well parrot09:53
fancytry it in the recover mode09:53
Parrottshould be able to do that there as well parrot09:53
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CBro2007wtf is this?09:53
icerootParrott: stop that spam09:53
Madpilotstupid bot09:53
Doc_Lappyoh he was a bot no wonder09:53
CBro2007so then to the non-bot members... how do I change my root password and also add my user to the list of sudoers on Ubuntu?09:54
Madpilotubottu, root | CBro200709:54
ubottuCBro2007: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:54
FlannelCBro2007: add the user to the admin group09:54
icerootCBro2007: dont use root, use sudo, so you dont have to change the root-passwort09:54
Doc_Lappyfeel like such an idiot when I try to talk to a bot they seem as real as the peeps do in some of these rooms09:54
MadpilotDoc_Lappy, ubottu is probably the most useful person on this channel :)09:54
firecrotchDoc_Lappy: Yeah, especially this one, since it was just repeating everything lol09:54
icerootCBro2007: the password from sudo is the user-password, not the root-password09:54
CBro2007can you tell me how to add my user to the admin group?09:55
pradeeprecently my sleep and suspend functions in my laptop does not work?? When i select sleep, the laptop goes to sleep but when i try to resume it does not. I have to restart my system all over. is there any fix09:55
FlannelCBro2007: sudo adduser username admin09:55
CBro2007yeah I know I can use sudo to do the commands and I don't need to be root09:55
Doc_Lappylol ic09:55
MadpilotCBro2007, log in as the original user, create the new user(s), make sure they're given sudo privs.09:55
icerootCBro2007: good09:55
Doc_Lappyparrot is the one I was referring to some bots are very helpful09:55
hanshenrikDoc_Lappy: like talking to the bots? ask dpkg about lesbian :p09:56
CBro2007Flannel: so you suggest recreating the user? and this time giving it admin?09:56
FlannelCBro2007: Er, do youcurrenly have no user with admin privledges?09:56
Doc_LappyI like takk on 80h.org09:56
CBro2007I do09:56
FlannelCBro2007: the first user you create (during the install) has admin privledges09:56
CBro2007the VM I downloaded came with a user and a crazy password :)09:56
FlannelCBro2007: No, "adduser user group" merely adds the user to the group, not recreating a user.09:56
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fancywhich firewall is the best?09:57
Doc_Lappyit's a good channel IUJ wrote out the bot himself instead of using eggdrop or something and does a lot of stuff that's pretty useful09:57
CBro2007ok so right now I have a first user.. I created a new user using adduser09:57
FlannelCBro2007: then sudo adduser newuser admin09:57
Doc_Lappyyeah you can adduser from terminal and give it pswd09:58
firecrotchfancy: depends on what your needs are09:58
CBro2007Flannel:  that didn't work09:58
FlannelDoc_Lappy: You can do it with theGUI too, I just don't know the exact steps anymore09:58
Doc_LappyI didn't think of that I usually use the gui09:58
CBro2007Flannel: do I log in as the admin user and then issue that command?09:58
pradeepanyone help me solve my problem09:58
fancyfor my system09:58
CBro2007Flannel: currently logged on as newuser09:58
FlannelCBro2007: You need to be on your admin user, then sudo adduser newuser admin (where "newuser" is the username of your other use)09:58
CBro2007so maybe that is the problem?09:58
CBro2007lemme try that out09:59
FlannelCBro2007: you can't give yourself higher privledges ;)09:59
CBro2007hehehe yeah :)09:59
firecrotchfancy: If your system is just a desktop system, you really don't need a firewall. Ubuntu ships with services listening on any ports by default10:00
firecrotchfancy: sorry - no services listening on any ports10:00
Doc_Lappywell from what I remember your login name you start with is even higher than root to give out privledges and can give yourself priveledges or take them away under users and groups, under admin and under system10:00
Doc_Lappyso that's how I always did it with gui10:01
firecrotchDoc_Lappy: There is nothing higher than root...10:01
starcannonfirecrotch there is always liveCD, it owns even root :)10:01
Doc_Lappywell you have to give root a password though firecrotch10:01
downstarcan anyone seperately message me, that can help me with the worst sound problem ever >.<10:02
Doc_Lappylol starcannon10:02
firecrotchstarcannon: true, physical access > root10:02
Doc_Lappysound? sorry downstar don't know anything about fixing sound10:02
downstarmy sound is broken like no other10:03
Doc_Lappymines always worked by default10:03
starcannonThe only secure hard drive, unfortunately requires a blow torch and 10 minutes of time.10:03
downstarwell, mine did when i first install ubuntu.10:03
firecrotchdownstar: perhaps if you explain what the problem is someone can help you10:03
fancy<firecrotch> thank you .. i understood10:03
Doc_Lappywell undo what you did if you can remember downstar10:03
Doc_Lappyotherwise I don't know other than google if nobody else here knows10:04
Doc_Lappyis it in your devices10:04
starcannondownstar, I have used this guide with great result: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77673910:04
Doc_LappyI forget the terminal cmd for showing devices10:04
ScorchHello! Can I get a question answered?10:04
firecrotchDoc_Lappy: lspci10:05
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.10:05
starcannonScorch yes, just ask10:05
firecrotch!ask | Scorch10:05
ubottuScorch: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:05
Doc_Lappyyeah that's it I need to write that down somewhere firecrotch10:05
downstari installed ubuntu about a week ago, and my sound was fine. then i downloaded wine and a bunch of crap, and my sound went out, out of nowhere, so i reinstalled cause i couldnt figure it out. and now with a fresh install (2nd time) i have a horrible screeching sound instead of my music thats supposed to be playing10:05
starcannonDoc_Lappy I really like lshw as well. sudo lshw -html > ~/Desktop/hardware.html is a great command10:06
ScorchThanks. I got today's security update, but it took nearly an hour just to D/L with a 5mb dsl10:06
ubuntu_Hi, I deleted all partitions to Ubuntu since I gotta reinstall it, but it is  still telling me in the Partition manager I have several operating systems installedt10:06
ubuntu_How do I start from scratch?10:06
starcannonScorch 9.10 beta released on the first, the servers are slammed, it will be a few days until speed improves10:06
downstarubuntu_: cant u use the partition manager manually and erase the partitions altogether?10:06
bullgardEmpathy > Contact List > Help > Debug reports: "empathy/Account-DEBUG: 1.254544e+09: account_manager_name_owner_cb: Name owner changed for org.freedesktop.Telepathy.AccountManager, new name: :1.67." What does  the message »Name owner changed for org.freedesktop.Telepathy.AccountManager« mean?10:07
ubuntu_downstar I deleted the partitions but they are still there..10:07
ubuntu_I have swap, and two installs of Ubuntu 9.04 it says...then windows10:07
ScorchOk I had the updates on automatic. I thought there was a prob with my side10:07
Doc_Lappyubuntu as long as you do a new install and make sure to use the default 'use entire disk' it shouldn't matter10:07
downstardid you continue to install? cause if you delete the partitions, but dont go through with the install, it doesnt erase them :(. i tryed the same thing.10:07
starcannonScorch prolly not, its just that time of the year :)10:07
ubuntu_I don't wanna use the entire disc, I have another OS on my hard drive I am keeping.10:08
ubuntu_Alongside Ubuntu10:08
Doc_Lappyoh well use the advanced option or whatever then10:08
ScorchCool! I'm an XP refugee and still haven't gotten used to nirvana10:08
Doc_Lappyand slide how much over that you want to keep10:08
starcannonScorch it will happen again next year 4th month of 2010, release 10.0410:08
ubuntu_I tried the advanced options, I am at that screen now, im on LiveCD session10:09
bullgardcwillu_: '~$ lsb_release; No LSB modules are available.'10:09
ubuntu_I just need to delete and get rid of the partitions  swap /dev/sda6 dev/sda5 and another Ubuntu one thats there n do a new install along side my other OS.10:09
archy008does anybody know how to fix the following sound issue? - the gnome-sound-properties don't start, neither does the volume manager, and when I try to start them manually i get errors instead... still the sound DOES work in the guest account..10:09
Doc_Lappywell go into the install and where it says use entire disk below is a choice to not use entire disk10:09
archy008any ideas?10:09
icerootbullgard: lsb_release -a10:10
Doc_Lappyand if its winxp or something it should show it there as a different colour10:10
ScorchThat's for the full ubuntu new release, yes? This was a security update and it was just weird10:10
ubuntu_I would slide over what I wanna keep, but theres is 3 diff Ubuntu partitions still existing I need to delete10:10
ubuntu_I have Win Vista10:10
ubuntu_and it dont see the Linux partitions10:10
Doc_Lappyah I see10:11
archy008i tried reinstalling gnome-sound properties and alsa but it doesn't help10:11
starcannonarchy008 sounds like you got a bad local config file. You could try archiving all of the ~/.* folders, and then one at a time putting them back until you find the culprit10:11
h34rt k10:11
ubuntu_I just wanna get this installed before I head off to sleep and finish it up tomorrow...10:11
archy008starcannon: I see... is that the only solution?10:11
downstarcouldnt he just try this command sudo alsa force-reload10:11
starcannonarchy008 check out this post, it makes pulse work more better http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77673910:11
xukun_how can I burn audo cd using console commands?10:11
ubuntu_but I gotta find out how to delete these partitions10:11
archy008starcannon thanks10:12
nikhil_how to set up default gateway in ubuntu10:12
starcannonarchy008, no not the only solution, just the one that came to me first. Deductive reasoning could make the list of folders to do that to shorter, that and google10:12
downstaris everyone here using onboard sound? or do you guys have sound cards too?10:12
ubuntu_onboard here10:12
ScorchI also want to hook-up my HD TV to the computer. My M/B supports it and there is HDMI port on both ends. Do I just plug it in?10:13
starcannondownstar onboard here, and it sounds fantastic10:13
archy008starcannon somebody told me I should delete the .gnome folder..10:13
Doc_Lappygoing into grub /boot/grub/menu.lst will fix your grub problems if it causes grub to not come up but as far as del partitions of repeated installs of ubuntu you may have to just install vista again and then do a dual boot of ubuntu again10:13
starcannondownstar I have my sound going out to a Marants 2270 amp :)10:13
archy008starcannon although i'm not sure about that...10:13
ubuntu_How do I delete all partitions that Ubuntu made in the Partition manager during install so all I see is the NTFS Win Vista section, and can re install Ubuntu over?10:14
downstarif you guys load gnome-volume-control and go to your pref. tab and add switches, do you get an option to check or uncheck something called IEC958?10:14
Doc_Lappythat or might google del partitions on ubuntu and see if you can do it from terminal somehow10:14
starcannonarchy008 I'd archive it, reboot (a new one will be auto created) and see if that fixes it. Then inside the folder, I'd 1 at a time replace the individual files ommiting any that replicate the problem10:14
ubuntu_install vista again? that will take a while....10:14
jribubuntu_: you should be able to do that during the ubuntu install iirc otherwise use gparted10:14
ubuntu_oh man.10:14
archy008starcannon I see10:14
Doc_Lappylet me see if I can help you google another option10:14
louisKk I'm back10:14
bullgardiceroot: 'Description:Ubuntu karmic (development branch)' is not detailed enough.10:15
Doc_Lappybut that's what I ended up doing when I made that mistake once10:15
starcannonarchy008 the only reason I'd archive it is to give me the chance to a: find out the cause, and b: preserve as many of my custom settings as possible10:15
ubuntu_jrib can i use GParted when on Live session user ?10:15
jribubuntu_: yes10:15
owen1i installed boxee but typing 'boxee' in terminal tells me 'command not fonud'. any clues?10:15
ubuntu_jrib it says Command not found10:15
ubuntu_when I type it in Terminal10:15
archy008starcannon ok so if I got it right - I should archive all the folders from home back them up somewhere - delete them from the home folder and then restart10:15
Slurpeeanyone want to help on the age old battle of mass renaming files via command line?10:16
Doc_Lappyah I have gparted cd that's probably pretty old now but didn't know how to use it10:16
jribubuntu_: well first, why aren't you just doing it during the install process if you are able to?10:16
downstarSlurpee use the mv command10:16
Slurpeelooking for a simple 1 liner to rename all files in a directory to remove a space10:16
Slurpeeive been searching for the past hour10:16
jrib!ask | Slurpee10:16
ubottuSlurpee: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:16
nikhil_how to set up default gateway in ubuntu10:16
ubuntu_jrib its not giving me a option to delete them in the install process10:16
Slurpeepeople have so many wacky bash scripts10:16
jribubuntu_: type "gparted" all lowercase10:16
Doc_Lappyjrib he just messed up I'd say and didn't finish the install then started the install over again10:17
starcannonarchy008 I'd likely start by trying archiving just the ~/.gnome folder as previously suggested, you can always archive other folders if that doesn't do it. Remember ~/ is home, and . (dot) prefix is hidden CTRL+H reveals them10:17
downstartry using mv 'name of file' 'new name of file'10:17
starcannonactually ~/ is users home10:17
downstarthat was for Slurpee*10:17
ubuntu_error: libhal_acquire_global_interface_lock: org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.InterfaceAlreadyLocked: The interface org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Storage is already exclusively locked either by someone else or it's already locked by yourself10:17
starcannon~/ == /home/username10:17
ScorchWhat is the best way to connect to an hdtv?  I've installed both Banshee and movie player and have hdmi connections. Is it as simple as connecting the 2?10:17
Slurpeehow to use the mv command?10:17
Slurpeethere is a lot of ways10:17
Doc_Lappyare you on root ubuntu?10:18
jribSlurpee: why not just tell the channel what you are trying to do?10:18
downstaryou want to just rename a file via Command Line correct?10:18
archy008starcannon ok, thanks a lot. I'll give it a try10:18
ubuntu_Doc_Lappy Im on a Live CD Session10:18
owen1i installed boxee but typing 'boxee' in terminal tells me 'command not fonud'. any clues?10:18
Doc_Lappydon't understand live cd should be on root default10:18
louisokay first time to use a remote access tool for getting to me linbox. I used this guide: http://www.zimbio.com/Linux/articles/lA4qecuC6Lc/How+install+setup+TightVNC+Debian+Ubuntu+Tutorial10:18
Slurpeei am using images as an example.  I am trying to organize all my folders on a remote server.  must be CLI.10:18
starcannonarch008 cool I'm by the same handle on ubuntuforums.org be sure to let me know how you make out if you don't catch me in here later10:18
Slurpeebirthday (2).JPG  birthday (3).JPG  birthday (4).JPG  birthday (5).JPG  birthday.JPG10:18
ortsvorsteherSlurpee: try the man page "man mv" also you can make an test dir with test files to mv some files10:18
jribSlurpee: one line please...10:18
Slurpeesee how files have space?10:18
Doc_Lappythat's what I thought you said, so I don't understand the error msg....hmmm10:18
nottherehello people10:19
SlurpeeI want to remove the spaces from all of the files10:19
jribSlurpee: 's/ //'10:19
Slurpeereplace spaces with _10:19
starcannonarchy008 cool I'm by the same handle on ubuntuforums.org be sure to let me know how you make out if you don't catch me in here later10:19
jribSlurpee: 's/ /_/'10:19
louisOnly problem is I have no :  /$HOME/.vnc/xstartup10:19
ubuntu_I just need to delete these partitions so I can install Ubuntu again.... :-S10:19
louisso when I type sudo xemacs  /$HOME/.vnc/xstartup10:19
Slurpeemv s/ /_/10:19
louisI get an error10:19
jribSlurpee: no.  You asked about the "rename" command, didn't you?10:20
ScorchI guess I asked a stupid question.10:20
Doc_Lappyyes and for good practice if your into programming you may also use like exampleFile.txt10:20
Doc_Lappymaking the second word caps10:20
starcannonlouis open Places>Home Folder then press CTRL+H and look for the .vnc folder, just to double check if its there, and if so whats inside it10:20
downstarSlurpee juse use the mv command so IE: mv Birthday (2).JPG Birthday(2).JPG10:20
Slurpeejrib any command to do it. I have been playing witha few....rename, mv, mmv10:20
Doc_Lappythat's what I prefer than a underline myself10:20
Slurpeei want it to change all of the files in a directory10:20
Slurpeei am talking thousands of pictures10:20
jribSlurpee: use rename -nv 's/ /_/' FILE1 FILE2 ...10:20
archy008starcannon - one more question - I have more gnome folders - .gnome, .gnome2 and .gnome2_private10:21
Slurpeerename -nv 's/ /_/' * ?10:21
Doc_Lappyslurpee what are you wanting to do with the files?10:21
ubuntu_I have Windows Vista installed and Ubuntu, whats the easiest way to delete ubuntu and the partitions all  together as tho Ubuntu was never on my drive?10:21
Slurpeeremove spaces with _10:21
ubuntu_so I can install again10:21
jribSlurpee: yes, that will just tell you what it would do.  Remove the -n to actually do it10:21
archy008starcannon what does that mean? and the .gnome is empty.. well it has only an apps folder with some google earth .desktop file10:21
starcannonarchy008 its probably statistically advantageous to do them one at a time till you find the problem child10:21
nottherei just installed latest kernel for ubuntu,feels great ,but ati fglrx drivers still are slow as hell, i went back to default ati drivers, i have a asus 4850 ,will they ever fix those issues ?10:21
Slurpeerename -v 's/ /_/'10:21
ortsvorsteherubuntu_: insert the install cd and create all partitions new10:21
jribSlurpee: If you want to translate all spaces not just "a space", then append 'g' to your replacement command...10:22
Doc_Lappyoh ouch, ya I don't know how to do that in a simple cmd10:22
jribSlurpee: run it with -n first.10:22
ubuntu_but that leaves the old partitions there when I do that...I am at the install screen now10:22
jribSlurpee: I have no idea what your question mark is for.  Do you have a question?10:22
jribSlurpee: then just ask it10:22
starcannonarchy008 r-click the folder choose "create archive" then after its finished, delete the source folder; reboot and see if it's fixed; when you find the folder that is guilty, start going through its files in a similar fashion10:22
Slurpeecan you tell me the command?10:22
Doc_Lappyshould be a way though with wildcard and a rename cmd somehow, good luck slurpee10:22
jribSlurpee: I told you the command already and you repeated it to me.10:23
Slurpeenot sure what you mean by append 'g'10:23
nottherethe question is , ati drivers work very well at 8.04 ubuntu ,but not in 9.04 or 9.10 even with the latest kernel, why is that ?10:23
Slurpeesee I have found like 20 methods of doing this10:23
ortsvorsteherSlurpee: you ever heard of an sed command?10:23
Slurpeeall totally differnt10:23
jribSlurpee: did you read what else I told you when I told you you might want to append 'g'?  Is that what you want or not?10:23
Slurpeeyes, i have heard of the streamline eidtor10:23
starcannonlouis looks like you don't have the default user folder for vnc, have you run vnc yet?10:23
jrib!who | Slurpee10:23
ubottuSlurpee: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)10:23
starcannonlouis you need to run vnc once in order for it to create the folder10:24
starcannonlouis try that now10:24
archy008starcannon got it.. thanks for helping a newbie10:24
starcannonarchy008 my pleasure GL and HF10:24
archy008starcannon btw - here is the detailed problem described on the forum - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=127940810:24
starcannonarchy008 cool, well done searching the problem, those forums are invaluable if your having issues, as is this channel10:25
louiskk any idea on the command?10:25
firecrotchSlurpee: in the directory that you want to rename the files in: rename -v 's/\ /\_/g' *10:25
firecrotchSlurpee: it will change all spaces into underscores10:25
Slurpeethat did it10:25
ubuntu_OK, I deleted all Ubuntu Partitions but when I press back, it still says I have several operating systems installed...How is this?10:25
starcannonlouis the command to run vnc? Applications>Sound & Video>VNC10:25
Slurpeethank you firecrotch10:26
firecrotchSlurpee: You're welcome :)10:26
Gnarlkilli dont understand how i can get simplite to run trough wine ... i get the config option up, but when i try to run simplite.exe it doesnt start .. whats this?10:26
archy008starcannon right.. oh, that was me who posted that problem. ok, I'm gonna try archiving the gnome folders.10:26
Gnarlkilland simpserver is too unstable10:26
starcannonarchy008 lol cool, hehe10:27
Doc_Lappydon't know how you figured that one out but good job firecrotch10:27
Doc_Lappyassume you cheated and googled it lol10:27
louisokay here it is : /home/louis/.vnc/xstartup10:27
starcannonDoc_Lappy the one with the best google fu is the master of the chan :)10:28
Doc_Lappylol starcannon10:28
firecrotchDoc_Lappy: Hehe actually it was in my .bash_history10:28
ubuntu_How come even after I deleted the Ubuntu Partitions in the install menu it still says they are there?10:28
starcannonlouis there ya go, not sure what you were up to, but theres your file you were looking for :)10:28
Doc_LappyI see firecrotch10:28
jribfirecrotch: you don't need to escape the space or the underscore by the way10:28
nikhil_how to share internet connection between ubuntu and vista? i have ubuntu desktop with internet and vista on my laptop. i can ping each computer and share folders using winscp.  however unable to share internet connection10:29
erUSUL!inetsharing | nikhil_10:29
ubottunikhil_: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php10:29
starcannonlouis doh, right, I just use xtightvnc for that10:29
starcannonlouis xtightvncviewer is the command to launch it the way i do it10:30
firecrotchjrib: ah, you're absolutely correct. I dunno why I did10:30
Doc_Lappythat only changes the grub menu if I understand you right ubuntu, taking them off /boot/grub/menu.lst doesn't remove the partitions just doesn''t show them10:30
Doc_Lappyat least that's what I assume your doing10:30
starcannonlouis xtightvnc is available in System>Administration>Synaptic Package Manager10:30
Doc_Lappyinstead of actually removing the partitions10:30
louisI wanted to access my desktop from school /w KDE and thats the guide on how to get a GUI Session instead of a remote Bash prompt lol10:31
Slurpeei have another rename question :)......say I had the files "birthday_(2).JPG  birthday_(3).JPG  birthday_(4).JPG  birthday_(5).JPG  birthday.JPG".  how could I rename the files "birthday_(0002).JPG  birthday_(0003).JPG ....... birthday_(0010).JPG  birthday_(0011).JPG  birthday.JPG"10:31
starcannonlouis you do know that Ubuntu has a remote desktop client built in for vnc and for rdp right?10:31
Slurpeeis there a way I can search the string for values of numbers? then replace the number incrementally?10:31
jribSlurpee: um, you don't want the numbers to be consistent?  3 --> 0003? instead of 3 --> 0002 in case there is no 2?10:32
Slurpeethats what I meant10:32
nottherecan anyone give an answer?10:32
jribSlurpee: which one?10:32
Doc_Lappyinstead of inserting the _ you should be able to put in two 00 Slurpee but I don't kknow10:32
Slurpee2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14.  that messed up files names10:32
louisPoint me in the general direction of the software name for those?10:32
jrib!helpme | notthere, insmod10:32
ubottunotthere, insmod: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience10:32
starcannonlouis ah, okies, before you spend to much sweat, see if the default will do the job: Applications>Internet>Remote Desktop Viewer or Terminal Client Server10:32
Doc_Lappyoh I see Slurpee10:33
NatovrHey ^_^ I'm installing a new Ubuntu on my hard drive on a separate partition. I'm worried that it will make my computer use the new Ubuntu's GRUB bootloader.. how can I force it to use the old Ubuntu's bootloader? I'm doing this so I can play around with ATI's many drivers without blocking my ability to do schoolwork. I still have Vista on here too, but it's slow.10:33
starcannonRemote is best for VNC, and TCS is best for RDP10:33
ubuntu_What the!! I deleted all the partitions except my NTFS Win Vista one but it still says I have 2 installs of Ubuntu and a swap space on there???10:33
starcannonRDP==Windows generally10:33
insmodquestion - my firefox  started showing black squares on white pages (randomly) that disappear when I refresh10:33
ubuntu_whats going on, please help...10:33
Doc_LappyI doubt you can do that without doing it by hand but who knows someone here may know a trick10:33
jribSlurpee: you need to address people you are answering or it gets pretty confusing.  You answered "yes" to my 3 questions so I have no idea what you meant by that "yes"10:33
Doc_Lappyubuntu explain more10:34
downstarso, i switched to my onboard sound, from my rocketfish 5.1 soundcard, and i actually have sound now.... suggestions for my sound card to work?10:34
=== ola is now known as Guest45248
Slurpeedirectories are listed.....photo88, photo 89, photo8, photo90, photo91.10:34
owen1i installed boxee but typing 'boxee' in terminal tells me 'command not fonud'. any clues?10:34
Doc_Lappyare you using the gparted cd like someone said earlier10:34
starcannonlouis if you want another to be able to get to your computer, enable Remote Desktop through System>Preferences>Remote Desktop10:34
jribowen1: how did you install it?10:34
Doc_Lappyor just the live 9.4 cd10:34
Natovrheh, I'll ask again at a quieter time XD10:34
stsmmy printer bleeds all colors badly10:34
louisits called KRDC under KDE 4.310:35
ubuntu_Can someone PM me and help guide my through setting up the proper partitions manually for installing Ubuntu please?10:35
stsmhow do i adjust this in ubuntu?10:35
starcannonlouis if you want another to be able to access you, don't forget to open a port on your router; port 590010:35
Slurpeeso I want extra 0's to help organize the photos.   photo0007, photo0008, photo0009.............. photo0088, photo 0089, photo0090, photo0091.10:35
stsmif i have a dark color and some lighter spots it will just all look allmost black10:35
stsmthe lighter parts are completely invisible10:35
andguen1starcannon: be careful with opening up standard ports like that, people will find it and see what they can do with your computer10:35
jribSlurpee: um, you don't want the numbers to be consistent?  3 --> 0003? instead of 3 --> 0002 in case there is no 2?10:36
firecrotchNatovr: There's no reason that I know of that you can't just let it reinstall GRUB10:36
Doc_Lappystsm change your transparency?10:36
starcannonadnguen1 one should always turn off servers when they are not in use, and close ports when the job is done; thats security 101 right there ;)10:36
ubuntu_Can someone PM me and help guide my through setting up the proper partitions manually for installing Ubuntu please?? I am falling asleep here, tired I just wanna get this installed...10:36
MadpilotSlurpee, there are command-line tools for that sort of sequential renaming - check gthumb for a photo batch renaming gui, though10:36
stsmDoc_Lappy, i was hoping this was covered in the printing settings, its not conveniant to make stuff transparent before printing10:36
andguen1starcannon: or just just use VPN and never open it at all. :)10:36
Natovrfirecrotch, hmm, I'd just like it to be on the old Ubuntu so I can modify it easily, and so on...10:36
MadpilotSlurpee, f-spot might have a similar function, but i can't stand f-splat and never use it :)10:37
starcannonandguen1 if one is asking basic questions, then I assume VPN is outside the scope of the conversation10:37
Slurpeejrib, i don't want the first photo starting with 0.  i want each photo to be the real number...."photo 1" will be photo-0001.jpg"10:37
Dr_Willisubuntu_:  it dosent ahve to be complex.   a / and a swap partition are about all you need.. or let the installer auto-partion.10:37
Guest7436 hi10:37
Doc_Lappyoh stsm nevermind I thought you meant your screen10:37
Natovrfirecrotch, and if my new ubuntu breaks from some sort of weird thing I did (which I will do with it), I might lose the ability to modify GRUB.10:37
andguen1starcannon: Try Hamachi VPN, ridiculously easy to use, easier then opening up router ports10:37
starcannonandguen1 not being flaming or anything, just explaining my reasoning10:37
firecrotchNatovr: At the very last screen of the installer, before you commit to installing, there is an "Advanced" button, which has the option to not install GRUB10:38
NatovrAhhh, right10:38
jribSlurpee: you aren't understanding my question I guess.  Say you have photo1 photo2 and photo4.  Do you want these to be renamed to photo0001 photo0002 and photo0004 or do you want them to be renamed to photo0001 photo0002 and photo000310:38
ubuntu_Dr_Willis it doesn't wanna auto partition, it thinks I still have several operating systems installed though I deleted all partitions10:38
starcannonadnguen1 for real? cool, I'll definitely look at that, afk a minute while I google10:38
andguen1starcannon: No worries, same. :)10:38
NatovrThank you, firecrotch ^_^10:38
stsmDoc_Lappy, if you meant my screen it still doesnt make any sense lol10:38
firecrotchNatovr: Note that when you're done installing, you'll have to manually create the GRUB entry for your new install10:38
NatovrOK then10:38
Slurpeephoto0001 photo0002 and photo000310:38
Dr_Willisubuntu_:  delete them  leaving the space unallocated.. then reboot. so the system sees the changes to the drive. Ive seen some boxs/cases where it dosent see the new partition layout untill a reboot.10:38
NatovrThanks very much ^^10:39
starcannonadnguen1 $199/yr ouch10:39
firecrotchNatovr: You're very welcome :)10:39
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starcannonI'll just keep doing it the old way hehe10:39
andguen1starcannon: Hamachi VPN is like joining a chat room, and then having full network access to any box in said room. The version I'm using is free.....10:39
firecrotchSlurpee: are you trying to re-re-name the files that we already removed the spaces from?10:39
starcannonadnguen1 ah fricken sweet, okies I'll dig deeper10:39
=== Guest68720 is now known as almagest_divine
andguen1starcannon: should be free for up to 16 computers in one "room"10:40
Slurpeei had some files with spaces.  now that the spaces are removed. I am making them all lowwer case.  now I want to number them correctly.10:40
starcannonafk whilst I explore hamachi10:40
ubuntu_Dr_Willis oh ok! Thank you sir, I will try that! Hopefully it will say install beside windows after reboot instead of "you  have several operating systems installed" like it does now.10:40
Doc_Lappylol stsm well nevermind I guess I was thinking of the control panels that you can change transparency on I did that once on accident and couldn't read my contol panel icons lol that's what I was thinking of, ya the screen is just a pic not sure which option ubuntu has for like centered, tiled, stretch, etc10:40
Guest7436 hi10:40
andguen1starcannon: heads up, last time I looked there was no integrated linux GUI10:41
stsmDoc_Lappy, aaaah gnome-panel, now i know what you mean10:41
Doc_LappyI'm tired stsm please don't laugh at me :(10:41
firecrotchSlurpee: you want them to be in the format photo_0001.jpg, photo_0002.jpg, etc?10:41
stsmhow do i set my printer to use less ink please?10:41
andguen1Guest7436: hi, if you have a question, feel free to go ahead and ask it, just keep everything to one line so we can read it :)10:41
stsmit uses far too much ink10:41
ortsvorsteher!coffee | Doc_Lappy10:41
ubottuDoc_Lappy: coffee is a caffeinated beverage made by filtering hot water through ground up roasted beans of the coffee plant. Flavouring to taste such as milk or cream, sugar or sweetener are often added afterwards. Not to be confused with !java10:41
Doc_Lappywhat kind of printer is it stsm10:42
ubuntu_<--I want some coffee !!! :)10:42
Doc_Lappyif it's hp then when you install the drivers or cd if you have one that is for linux which I think I did and lost I think it gives you some options but not sure how much10:42
ubuntu_Hey the Partitions came back after I deleted them!!!???10:43
nottheredoes anyone knows how to fix the slow issue with the ati drivers10:43
stsmDoc_Lappy, psc2105, i had to use hpoj, hplip didnt work for some reason10:43
Doc_Lappymay be a bit complicated to adjust that with terminal10:43
ubuntu_They were gone a minute aog10:43
notthereno opengl, fuck !10:43
ortsvorsteher!language | notthere10:43
ubottunotthere: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:43
Doc_LappyI see, well is there a config file for it somewhere10:43
firecrotchSlurpee: I believe there is a program that will do all of this a lot easier than trying to script it10:44
Slurpeei need command line10:44
Slurpeethere has to be a simple 1liner for all of these commands.10:44
Slurpeei am documenting them  :)10:44
andguen1ubuntu_: if you want the whole drive completely wiped, look into dban (dariks boot and nuke). Its a very dangerous utility, but if you want a really really clean drive, its a great free way to get it done10:44
Doc_LappyI'm not very familiar with printer settings I just got mine hooked up the other day a hp copy/printer so now I can upload my drawings to my personal website10:44
andguen1Slurpee: when in doubt, build a text file that has "mv filename1.txt filename2.txt", then do find replace on that file until you have all commands the way you want them10:45
insmod<notthere>opengl is nvidia ati has it's own -- you can use there propriatary drivers10:45
ubuntu_andguen1 I am looking to install Ubuntu along side Windows Vista like I had it, I already had it installed earlier but it installed to the wrong partition, so I have to delete it all and install it again...10:45
stsmi tried printing both as RGB and CMYK, both have this problem10:45
andguen1Slurpee: if you want to go nuts with command line, use perl find/replace on said text file10:45
stsmdark colors just become black10:45
stsmits a really stupid problem10:46
Doc_Lappyandguen1: just remember it is a VERY dangerous utility I wiped a hd off with it and couldn't get anything installed back on it for some reason10:46
notthereyes but noone is listening10:46
ubuntu_well im trying something so gotta reboot thanks all10:46
Slurpeei am going to document a bunch of simple commands to help anyone organize a ton of mp3s10:46
jribSlurpee: the hard bits.  You should be able to modify it to get it to do what you want: i=1; for x in *; do echo $x; printf "%04d\n" $i; i=$(( $i+1 )); done10:46
Slurpeeblog about it and share with community10:46
insmod<notthere>I just answered you10:46
notthereproprierty drivers work,but slow as hell at 9.04 or 9.10 ,works like charm in 8.0410:47
starcannonandguen1 no worries, they all run XP10:47
hardwired'llo. how do I swicth on and off daemons on ubuntu server? I keep forgetting10:47
Doc_LappyI agree deriks nuke disk does the job if you want to sell your pc and might have valuable info on it that needs cleaned but becareful using it10:47
nottheresorry for the language but sometimes i get angry with this situation10:47
insmod<notthere>you have to edit xorg10:47
starcannonandguen1 and I keep XP Pro in a VM10:47
jribSlurpee: if you understand what that's doing, you will be able to write your command10:47
Slurpeejrib: I have been going for like 2 hours before I came to this channel haha10:47
Slurpeethere are sooooooo many ways to do it10:47
notthereinsmod they are slow as hell in ubuntu 910:48
jribSlurpee: so you know of one way?  What is it?10:48
insmod<notthere>that's why i left ati and only use nvidia10:48
insmod<notthere>you have to edit xorg10:48
Slurpeewell common ways10:48
atari2600ahey, I just installed 9.10b10:48
Slurpeei havent gotten it to work10:48
nottherelook the default ati drivers, are flying10:48
Slurpeeeverything seems to be scripts to do it10:48
insmod<notthere>you have to edit xorg and that will fix it10:48
Slurpeei want a 1 liner10:48
starcannonatari2600a how ya liking it?10:48
atari2600a& I can't enable my wireless10:48
jribSlurpee: right.  So sit down and understand what my 1 liner is doing.10:48
atari2600abefore I drown myself in bug reports, any ideas?10:48
Doc_Lappyk starcannon I have vmware on dvd now, how do you use it and what is it good for10:48
notthereinsmod: ok,and what i have to change,what to edit ?10:49
starcannonSlurpee a one liner... "A bash scripter went into a bar... bash: bar: command not found"10:49
Doc_Lappystarcannon: I was told later by peers to just do a dualboot with winxp pro last edition and ubuntu for what I want10:49
insmodmake sure it lists the propriatary driver not the free one10:50
andguen1atari2600a: If you keep your whole question to one line. It makes things easier for us to read. Can you use a pastebin to show us your 'lspci' command output and give us the link to the pastebin?10:50
Doc_Lappyjust wondering what vmware is and why use a virtual machine10:50
Doc_Lappyany perks to doing that which I'm not aware of10:50
atari2600aandguen1: I cannot.  (no CAT5 cables)10:50
stsmDoc_Lappy, its nice to test stuff or to be able to use windows without rebooting, etc10:50
notthereubuntu software center cant download10:51
starcannonDoc_Lappy, whether to dual boot or not to dual boot, that is the question, whether tis better to something the slings and arrows... okay for real, I use Virtual Box, I don't game on it, so for my purposes it works great in those instances where I need a real Internet Explorer, Active X, or Wine lets me down10:51
nikhil_using firestarter for the first time.  it detects an unknown device "pan0". unable to start firestarter. object is to use ics using firestarter. please help10:51
jribSlurpee: do you have any questions about the command?10:51
Slurpeefor i in *.jpg ; do mv $i birthday000$((++n)).jpg; done10:51
Doc_LappyI see well wine sucks, only can be used IF you can get bin source files to have it run anything right10:52
andguen1atari2600a: ok, if you do an 'lspci | grep -i network' -- can you retype what outputs there? I'm mostly looking for a model number.10:52
Slurpeenumbers are incrementing higher as I test the command10:52
Slurpeenot starting at 1 for some reason10:52
starcannonDoc_Lappy I run all my windows apps using Wine, including Office 2007 (fully functional) and a whole wack of other apps, indeed I only use virtualbox when I need it to deal with a clients windows centric issue10:52
firecrotchSlurpee: that one is going to give you a problem with more than 10 files10:52
Doc_Lappyso I'm in agreement with you there10:52
jribSlurpee: because you are just pasting things into your terminal without understanding what they do.10:52
atari2600aandguen1: my chipset is Inter PRO/Wireless 3945ABG (rev 2)10:52
woblehey there, how to set global proxy settings in Ubuntu? Had privoxy installed.. removed it and still everything loops through
andguen1atari2600a: To the google....10:52
Slurpeejrib can u help me undetstand?10:53
firecrotchSlurpee: you want them all to have 4 numbers, and that will just stick three 0's in, so when you get to 10, it will be 0001010:53
Doc_Lappyreally?  I can never get wine to run anything I've tried but maybe 3 programmes10:53
grawitywoble: If you just removed it (without logging out and in again), then your apps might have $HTTP_PROXY set.10:53
starcannonatari2600a that chip is the most compatible of all wifi chips, whats happening, be sure to bug report it.10:53
wobleI even restarted grawity10:53
Slurpeefirecrotch: exactly10:53
jribSlurpee: yes.  What is the first command in my 1-liner you do not understand?10:53
wobleapt-get update gives me: connection refused (111) <-- loops through the proxy settings and tehre is no proxy10:53
grawitywoble: Hmm. Then browse the Settings menu... I think it's under 'Preferences'10:53
grawitywoble: And, echo $HTTP_PROXY10:54
jribSlurpee: that's not the command I gave you10:54
archy008starcannon reporting back tried deleting the folders and then rebooting.. it doesn't work - only in the case of the .gnome2 the folder was recreated after restart... with less folders in it, and some settings were missing but the sound was not back - no volume manager appeared and couldn't launch the sound manager either..  - it's very weired, cause I run alsamixer in terminal and it works, and I if I unmute the mic in the guest a10:54
archy008ccount it stais unmuted when I come back to the main account.. I can hear the humming speakers..10:54
starcannonDoc_Lappy incoming PM10:54
jribSlurpee: the command you just pasted doesn't do what you want anyway10:54
pradeephow to install jaunty from live cd, from ubuntu@ubuntu prompt in live cd10:54
nikhil_using firestarter for the first time.  it detects an unknown device "pan0". unable to start firestarter. object is to use ics using firestarter. please help. what wrong did i do? why is firestarter not recognising connected devices?10:54
Doc_Lappywaiting starcannon10:54
starcannonarchy008 hang on meet me in pm R-click my name and start it, I'm gonna yack at doc a second10:54
Slurpeei=1; for x in *; do echo $x; printf "%04d\n" $i; i=$(( $i+1 )); done10:55
jribSlurpee: the hard bits, you should be able to modify it to get it to do what you want: i=1; for x in *; do echo $x; printf "%04d\n" $i; i=$(( $i+1 )); done10:55
MrZaiusany major known issues in Karmic worth slowing me down that AREN'T listed at http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/beta#Known%20issues ?10:55
jribSlurpee: yeah, so what's the first thing you don't know about?10:55
archy008starcannon ok10:55
MrZaiuslooks like they're all easy enough to sidestep10:55
Slurpeesorry dude, i totaly missed that command10:55
Slurpeei copied the wrong one in a hectic rage of not figuring this out haha10:55
fsgfksdfk42478nikhil_: you are using virtualbox?10:55
Slurpeethat command is awesome but it is still not starting to increment from 110:55
woblealright, let me relogin grawity.. might work now :)10:55
Slurpee1 2 3 4 5 .  it start 60 61 62 6310:55
nikhil_dont know what that means, but no10:56
trask1totem died upon upgrade to karmic koala, any quick fix or replacement app to help me out? (vlc/kmplayer runs but i miss the smooooth interface)10:56
jribSlurpee: the command starts with "i=1", did you copy the whole thing...?10:56
Slurpeei=1; for x in *; do echo $x; printf "%04d\n" $i; i=$(( $i+1 )); done10:58
Slurpeei copied that from my terminal10:58
jribSlurpee: yeah.  So 1) did the output look like it would be helpful and 2) what's the first thing you don't understand in it?10:58
prospireany command in ubuntu that can delete a folder in my /var/www10:58
Slurpeeoutput is being helpfull....i dont understand why the numbers are incremeting from 59 and not 110:59
jrib!sudo > prospire10:59
ubottuprospire, please see my private message10:59
jribSlurpee: they are incrementing from 110:59
jribSlurpee: maybe your screen scrolled...?10:59
Slurpeejrib - http://code.bulix.org/odh4wg-7231310:59
trask1prospire: i guess thers many "try sudo rm -r "path to folder" ( or just drag the folder to the terminal)"11:00
jribSlurpee: good.  Now you need to go back and understand the command to understand why that is happening11:00
Slurpeethere is 5 spaces for numbers?11:01
owen1jrib: i added deb http://apt.boxee.tv jaunty main to sources.list and used aptitude.11:01
rioterDoes anyone know of the top of their head what package i can find autopoint in?11:01
andguen1atari2600a still around?11:01
midohow to apgrade  my kernel to
jribSlurpee: what's the first command you see?  i=1 right?  Do you understand that?  It sets the i variable to 1.  Next...  What's the first one you don't understand?11:01
pradeephow to fix the out of range problem during jaunty installation11:01
jribmido: wait for it to hit the repositories11:01
jribowen1: what was the package name?11:02
Slurpeejrib printf "%04d\n11:02
rioterautotools-dev, if anyone was following along at home11:02
owen1jrib: boxee11:02
midojrib:  I've downloaded the package11:02
owen1mido: downloaded the deb file?11:03
midoowen1:  no .. .bz211:03
jribSlurpee: alright, the whole command is: printf "photo%04d\n" $i     which takes an argument $i and prints out the string photo< $i of width 4 with zeros in the front if needed><new line>. Does that make sense?11:03
midoso .. how to install the kernel?11:04
jribSlurpee: do you understand why the output has "birthday00059.jpg" in it now?11:04
Slurpeei suck11:04
jribSlurpee: do this: for x in *: do echo $x; done11:04
owen1mido: is it available on their website11:05
jribowen1: dpkg -L boxee | grep bin11:05
midoowen1: yes11:05
pradeephow to fix the out of range problem during jaunty installation11:05
jribmido: you shouldn't unless you have a very good reason to.11:05
jrib!kernel > mido11:05
ubottumido, please see my private message11:05
jribpradeep: you should probably provide the actual error on a pastebin though I'm sure I have no clue how to fix it personally11:06
Slurpeebash: syntax error near unexpected token `done'11:06
andguen1pradeep: out of range video or out of range tty?11:06
owen1jrib: i see a lot of stuff in /opt11:06
masqueradewhat does tty mean btw?11:06
grawitymasquerade: 'teletype'11:06
masquerade thank s11:06
andguen1masquerade: also known as "destination for text which allows it to show up on the right screen"11:07
jribowen1: so that means boxee probably didn't install in your PATH.  Try providing the full path11:07
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owen1jrib: i think it's on /opt/boxee11:07
nottherenight crawling,night crawling ...11:07
pradeepandguen1: it just says out of range!!11:07
jribSlurpee: sorry, typo:   ':' should be ';'11:07
masqueradeandguen1: thanks a lot11:07
owen1jrib: thanks, i can run it with ./Boxee11:07
midothnx ubottu11:08
Slurpeethat is just listing everything in the directory?11:08
agrumanhowdy, i have som io problems using jaunty x64, basically i get all-around slowdown when i perform large copying or extracting archives aso. Cpu usage is low ~15% so i suppose thats not it, is there some way to check io-latency?11:08
jribowen1: /opt/boxee/Boxee  should also work from anywhere11:08
andguen1pradeep: can you give me some surrounding info? what occurs immediately before? Does it halt the install? Is this a normal install-to-partition setup or something more fancy?11:08
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trask1any chans for specific karmic koala talk?11:09
jribSlurpee: exactly.  x gets set to each filename then runs the commands in the loop, then the next filename, etc.  I just echoed the value of x in the long command I gave you, that's why you were seeing the filenames again11:09
grawitytrask1: #ubuntu+111:09
trask1grawity: tnx m811:09
pradeepandguen1: after i click the install ubuntu from ubuntu live cd,just before the bootsplash it says out of range11:09
masqueradeperhaps a graphics problem?11:10
andguen1pradeep: it might be worth downloading the alternate install CD and see if that behaves better, lets see what google says11:10
jribSlurpee: so that's what x is doing... What's i for?11:11
Slurpeei is telling the number to start from 1?11:11
Slurpeedude can you please just tell me?11:11
grawityandguen1: I'm guessing pradeep's monitor says that when Ubuntu chooses a too-high resolution.11:11
jribSlurpee: no, I can't, but I can stop explaining it to you if you don't want and you can just keep googling or waiting for someone else to tell you.  Just let me know11:12
pradeepgrawity: how do i fix the problem11:12
andguen1grawity: definitely a possibility11:12
Slurpeelol sorry11:12
grawityandguen1: Well, that's the only "out of range" message I know of.11:12
jribSlurpee: ok, well you're right i=1 means i gets initialized to 1.  What do the other commands involving i (the commands inside the for loop) do?11:13
atrilI have a question. I trying to compile apache and my doubt is. if I change the --prefix when I'll install apache the serverroot match with the prefix ?11:13
aaron11Helo i wanted to buy the supper cool desktop computer from system76 and when i wanted to checkout firefox stopped me it says the website says it is secure but it actualy isnt11:13
jribaaron11: why on earth are you compiling it?11:13
jribatril: why on earth are you compiling it?11:13
jribaaron11: link?11:14
aaron11jrib: escuse me?11:14
jribaaron11: ignore the first thing I said to you, it was for atril11:14
aaron11jrib: http://www.system76.com/11:15
jribaaron11: firefox doesn't tell me anything about the security of that site11:15
pradeepsleep and suspend functions in my laptop does not work any fix?11:15
=== jonenst is now known as jajon
grawityjrib: s|http|https|11:15
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)11:15
aaron11jrib: i want to checkout so i need to type my creditcard number so there when i clik checkout it says the following in my question11:16
jribaaron11: I would contact them directly11:16
O__ohi any ipod touch user here?11:16
jrib!anyone | O__o11:16
ubottuO__o: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:16
Slurpeejrib i dont understand i=$(( $i+ ))11:16
=== jajon is now known as jajon_
aaron11jrib: How IRC11:17
O__oHow to jailbreak using ubuntu?11:17
grawityaaron11: The site uses an expired SSL certificate (expired yesterday, so not that bad).11:17
masqueradeO__o: hey11:17
jribO__o: it's not trivial, do you still want to do it?11:17
firecrotchO__o: You can't, as far as I know. You have to use Windows or OS X11:17
O__oshow me the tutorial11:17
masqueradeO__o: redsnow has also been released for linux11:17
jribSlurpee: it's: i=$(( $i+1 ))   it just increments the value of i.  So if it was 2 before, it becomes 311:17
masqueradefirecrotch: you can11:17
O__owhats redsnow?11:17
aaron11O__o: we dont list information about hacking or anything ilegal11:17
masqueradeO__o: there are some on http://www.pwnmyi.com11:17
alokito!piracy | O__o11:18
ubottuO__o: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o11:18
O__ocan someone pm me?11:18
Slurpeejrib, do we have to set it to 0 and then start counting11:18
Slurpeereset counter or something to 0 or 111:18
firecrotchOh come on, jailbreaking your itouch is not anywhere close to illegal11:18
jribSlurpee: well you can start it at whatever you want, remember in the beginning we did "i=1" to start it at 111:18
masqueradefirecrotch: indeed11:18
alokitofirecrotch, its questionably legal :P11:18
masqueradeO__o: could you please change your nick? its very hard to type it11:18
erUSULSlurpee: i=$(( $i+ )) --> i = i + 111:18
nikhil_i can share internet connection from my ubuntu desktop to my vista laptop but only through ubuntu installed in laptop (wubi). but i still cannot access internet in my laptop using vista.11:19
sarthorkswhat tool to use to compress quicktime video file size, in hardy?11:19
nikhil_i can share internet connection from my ubuntu desktop to my vista laptop but only through ubuntu installed in laptop (wubi). but i still cannot access internet in my laptop using vista.11:19
Slurpeejrib: why wont it start from 1???why does itstart from 59???dude plz11:19
O__omasquerade, "o" then "_" then tab to get my name11:19
jribSlurpee: read the command again and understand it11:19
grawitymasquerade: actually, "o" then tab is enough.11:19
Slurpeei have 100 times11:19
sarthorkswhich tool/command to use to compress quicktime video file size, in hardy?11:19
jribSlurpee: figure out what the output is from11:19
Ali_nzNow heres an odd problem, I have a bunch of folders on my desktop that I cant delete even as sudo, ie sudo rmdir rec* --ignore  - no error message, but it doesnt delete them????/?11:19
masqueradei know. but O+tab gives out all names beginning with o for me11:20
grawityAli_nz: Use rm -rf instead of rmdir.11:20
atrilI have a question. I trying to compile apache and my doubt is. if I change the --prefix when I'll install apache the serverroot match with the prefix ?11:20
erUSULAli_nz: any error msg ?11:20
alokitoAli_nz, are u using gnome or kde11:20
jribSlurpee: well that's not the right way to read it.  You just need to read and understand it one time, as slow as needed.11:20
grawitymasquerade: Ah, forgot that :| nvm then.11:20
Ali_nzI am using terminal11:20
nikhil_i can share internet connection from my ubuntu desktop to my vista laptop but only through ubuntu installed in laptop (wubi). but i still cannot access internet in my laptop using vista. any idea whats wrong?11:20
O__omasquerade, so if i follow the site you give me then i can use ssh in my ipod touch , right?11:20
firecrotchatril: Why are you compiling apache from source?11:20
krysiazgazownijacyś polacy???11:20
masqueradeO__o: yes11:20
jrib-!pl | krysiazgazowni11:21
jrib!pl | krysiazgazowni11:21
ubottukrysiazgazowni: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.11:21
atrilfirecrotch I'm only trying11:21
slhsenHi can I change frequency scaling without entering password? On Jaunty11:21
erUSULnikhil_: you did not configure vista to use the ubuntu machine as gateaway ?11:21
Ali_nzgrawity: getting permission denied on all those11:21
nikhil_how to do that?11:21
jribatril: why tohugh, just use the repositories11:21
atrilbut I want to know that if I change prefix this value will be the same that serverroot ?11:21
sarthorkswhat tool to use to compress quicktime video file size, in hardy?11:21
Ali_nzwill try with sudo11:21
erUSULslhsen: change the governor ? you have to use sudo for that11:21
O__omasquerade, is installing softwares in ipod touch similar to ubuntu?  you goto repos and choose stuffs?11:22
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:22
Ali_nzthat did the trick11:22
aaron11Helo i wanted to buy the supper cool desktop computer from system76 and when i wanted to checkout firefox stopped me it says the website says it is secure but it actualy isnt11:22
nikhil_how to indicate chatters name in chat box?11:22
erUSULnikhil_: never used vista... in winXp is in the connection properties in the tcp/ip conf afaik11:22
masqueradeO__o: yes, cydia, the frontend, is also using apt11:22
masqueradeits quite similar11:22
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs11:22
nikhil_will check it out11:22
O__omasquerade, is it possible to get to the terminal in ipod touch via ssh?11:22
slhsenerUSUL: I user applet for that and asks my user password at the first time11:22
Slurpeejrib is the  comand even doing a mv or rename command??11:22
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:22
VeroiTunes stopped11:22
masqueradeO__o: yes11:23
jribSlurpee: nope!  It's just printing the pieces you need!11:23
firecrotchSlurpee: what is the command that he gave you? Maybe I can explain it better11:23
erUSULslhsen: i just use ondemand... that changes the freq based on cpu usage (it is default afaik)11:23
Slurpeei=1; for x in *; do echo $x; printf "%04d\n" $i; i=$(( $i+ )); done11:23
O__omasquerade, sudo apt-get install stuffs in ipod?11:23
aaron11dose anyone in this channel know about system76 or is working on system7611:23
O__omasquerade, great11:23
firecrotchSlurpee: alright, what part are we confused about?11:24
jribaaron11: sorry, this channel is not related to system76 at all.  But they have an active section at ubuntuforums that is monitered by the company.  I suggest you use e-mail to contact them however11:24
masqueradeO__o: although the package names are a bit complicated. theyre like com.bigboss.actualname so its often easier to install the package over the frontent11:24
Slurpeefirecrotch: http://code.bulix.org/odh4wg-7231311:24
Slurpeeit starts numberings aat 59 60 61, not 1 2 3 411:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about system7611:24
slhsenerUSUL: it is fine but when playing flash videos it stays at half usage. and that makes it hard to watch some videos. Youtube etc.11:24
O__omasquerade, u got msn or gmail or skype?11:25
pradeepI tried editting the usplash.conf, i did not work11:25
masqueradeO__o: see my pm11:25
erUSULslhsen: ok; your call to make. as i said changin this aspects of the system need sudo11:25
firecrotchSlurpee: its printing the original filenames...11:26
Slurpeei want it to rename11:26
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Slurpeedunno why jrib didnt give me a command to rename or mv?11:26
slhsenerUSUL: I was thinking maybe adding the user to a certain group might help, but i couldn't find one looks like it11:26
pradeepgrawity: i guess it's tty crash11:27
jribSlurpee: because when I gave you the command, I told you that if you understood it, it would be trivial to make it do what you want.  This way you actually learn something11:27
erUSULslhsen: no there is no such group... cpu scling does not use a special /dev/ group permissions wont help11:27
slhsenerUSUL: ok thanks anyway11:28
erUSULslhsen: no problem11:28
Slurpeei have another interesting rename question....what if I have photo(1), photo(2), photo(3).  how can i remove the () and make it photo1, photo2, photo311:31
jribSlurpee: same way you removed spaces11:31
Slurpeerename -v 's/\ /\)/g' * ?11:32
jribSlurpee: kind of, in 's/FOO/BAR/g' the FOO is what you want to replace and the BAR is what you want to replace it with (leave empty to just delete).  Remember add -n to check that the command does what you want without actually doing it.  Then if it does what you want, you can run it without -n to actually do it11:33
andguen1Slurpee: keep in mind that any of the back slashes there are "protecting" the character after it to make sure it is counted as part of the text rather than part of the command11:34
CokeNCodehey guys, quick favour needed. Can someone with a working ubuntu install (one hard drive only, standard installation) copy their menu.list file to paste bin for me and let me copy it11:34
kaptenguhow do I save a game as pgn in eboard?11:35
Slurpeerename -v 's/(/TEST/g' *11:36
Slurpeei am just trying to replace "(" with "TEST"11:36
Slurpeemaybe ( wont work?11:36
koganeiso Appearance doesn't start, I start it, the little window appears in the taskbar "Starting Appearance", then it disappears and nothing happened11:36
Slurpeeneed to type it a special way?11:36
grawitySlurpee: Try \( instead11:36
kaptenguSlurpee: try to add \ before (11:36
jribSlurpee: try with -n first so you don't break your files11:36
firecrotchCokeNCode: http://pastebin.com/f35c27f2711:37
Ali_nzhey whats a good system resource monitor app again?11:37
Ali_nzand any good gadget apps?11:37
jribAli_nz: system -> administration -> system monitor11:37
Slurpeegrawity: and kaptengu figured it out11:37
Slurpeethank you11:37
jo88hello! I have to take care of the ubuntu-computers of my family whenever they encounter a problem. It's inpossible to alk my grandma her IP-adress. How can I make that I can always acces the computers under my care?11:37
jribjo88: dyndns (check out ddclient in the repos) and ssh11:38
Ali_nzjo88: use a dyndns service11:38
jrib!ssh | jo8811:38
ubottujo88: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. Putty is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)11:38
Slurpee1 liner :) - rename -v 's/\(/TEST/g' *; rename -v 's/\)/TEST/g' *11:38
jribSlurpee: good job11:39
Slurpeeanyway to make the command easier?11:39
firecrotchjo88: I would set up a VPN with OpenVPN and have all of them connect to it, that way you don't have to forward any ports on their routers11:39
grawitySlurpee: rename -v 's/[()]//g' *11:39
{Onyx}Oops, I did a bad thing.11:39
Ali_nzjrib: there were some 3rd party ones, cant recall the names of em11:39
firecrotch{Onyx}: define "bad thing"11:39
andguen1jo88: also check out hamachi vpn or logmein.com software -- logmein is a very nice alternative to VNC11:39
{Onyx}Was messing around with a boot disc  flipping around the menus and messed up grub. Now why I try and boot from HDD it just has a bunch of grab over and over on the screen11:40
jo88tx, I tried the ddclient with Opendns but he just didn't update, but I will try the openvpn11:40
Slurpeebam! grawity rules11:40
jribAli_nz: there are many... htop if you want something in the terminal.  Maybe you want something like conky for your desktop11:40
grawityjo88: OpenDNS isn't the same thing as DynDNS...11:40
{Onyx}Luckly I found this backtrack boot disc because I can't find my ubuntu or kubuntu11:40
jo88grawity: What is the difference?11:40
lisbonIm trying to install on a 2 disk fake raid (raid disabled in bios). When I detect disks it says "one or more drives containing serial ata raid configurations have been found. activate?" but whether I say yes or no, the next partition step does not list any disks!11:40
andguen1jo88: nevermind on the logmein, definitely check out hamachi vpn though11:41
grawityjo88: DynDNS provides free subdomains (such as jo88.dyndns.com)11:41
Ali_nzwill look conky up11:41
grawityjo88: OpenDNS is a DNS server (the thing that lets you convert google.com to
appshello people11:41
firecrotchandguen1 and jo88: Hamachi VPN is a BAD VPN solution.11:42
appsi have a question for people that use powertop11:42
jo88tx guy's I'll check out everything!11:42
masqueradeapps: simply ask11:42
appssorry im a noob11:43
masquerade:) no prob11:43
=== brb is now known as Guest56808
andguen1firecrotch: any reason?11:43
grawityandguen1: Closed-source for a start.11:43
appspowertop gives recommendations but im not sure if they are permanate or temporary11:43
Doc_Lappystarcannon: I got ya an email sent so you have my email and can just reply when you get a chance to explain about vmware and getting things to work with wine11:43
appsfor example they say autosuspend usb wake11:44
appsby pressing U button11:44
firecrotchandguen1: Hamachi uses the network for its IP addresses, a network that is not allocated to them by IANA11:44
andguen1grawity: while I agree that open source is better, closed source isn't always mean its a bad idea11:44
Guest56808hello anyone??????/11:44
nogagplzDoc_Lappy, google for vmware, the appdb, and the wine faq should help you much quicker than waiting for email reply11:44
appsSuggestion: increase the VM dirty writeback time from 5.00 to 15 seconds with:11:45
apps  echo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs11:45
appsThis wakes the disk up less frequently for background VM activity11:45
=== Guest56808 is now known as brb
firecrotchandguen1: is currently reserved by IANA for future use - it is not proper for Hamachi to arbitrarily decide that they can just use that network range11:45
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starcannonJameson is doing it's job woot11:45
firecrotchandguen1: IANA will likely want to allocate it in the future, and when they do so, everyone using Hamachi is going to have problems11:45
appsany ideas? thanks :)11:46
Doc_Lappywell vmware probably but wine tricks I need her help probably and not in a big rush I dual boot with a cool version of winxp pro last edition11:46
andguen1firecrotch: I would have to completely agree with the IP range issue, I deal with that constantly. I have a customer that uses 5. for their internal network as well. I still use it constantly though (both VPNs at once actually).11:46
starcannonwhatcha working on apps, I'll shoot a clue if I find one11:46
appsim sorry what do u mean "whatcha working on"??11:47
firecrotchandguen1: Why in the world would they be using 5. for their internal network?11:47
starcannonapps I just got out of a PM with another, so I don't know what your trying to resolve11:47
grawityfirecrotch: They needed a /8 that doesn't conflict with anything.11:47
nogagplzDoc_Lappy, http://wiki.winehq.org/FAQ11:47
andguen1firecrotch: I wouldn't know. I don't get to tell them what IP range to use, I just support 1/1000th of the servers they own. :)11:47
starcannon1/1000th??? damn!11:48
firecrotchandguen1: I doubt that they need 16 million IP address11:49
Doc_Lappyphotoshop cs2 is even a fairly big programme isn't it?11:50
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jpdsandguen1: Which company/AS number?11:50
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Doc_Lappyto run on wine when I have photoshop cs4 free with my winxp pro pirated verstion dual boot11:51
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Doc_Lappydon't think it's worth wasting the space to run wine in my case nogagplz11:52
Doc_Lappyhow do you change your quit msg on irc?11:52
Dr_Willis /quit 'insert message that everyone ignores here'11:53
Doc_Lappylol k11:53
andguen1Dr_Willis: rofl11:53
yaluDoc_Lappy: and setting it permanent depends on your client11:53
Doc_LappyI see I'm on pidgin11:53
Dr_WillisIts rathare easy to get xchat to not print the quit message. :)11:53
Dr_WillisPidigin is not the best irc client in the free world.11:54
Guest38414how do you login to chat11:54
lisbonanyone suggest why the alternate installer will not detect my disks?11:54
praveeni have worked on Ubuntu more than one year but i have not try to install Ubuntu as my system admin did for me..but today i am going to install Ubuntu at my home pc. but i have already install Win-xp and wanna install Ubuntu parallelly11:54
Doc_Lappyno I agree xchat or something would be much better I just don't like having so much stuff on my pc, esp im messengers when I can just use one for all of them11:55
zleapGuest38414, you are in chat11:55
Guest38414how do you find other chat rooms????????11:55
przemo_onepraveen - use systemrescuecd - distribution for system modification11:55
Dr_WillisGuest38414:  on irc tey are called11:55
yaluI have a semi-ubuntu question. I have a sun ultra10 workstation, I can boot Ubuntu for Sparc on it, but once in the installer the system can not detect my cdrom drive.11:55
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines11:55
Guest38414how do you join one???????11:56
przemo_onepraveen - resize your windows / ntfs partiton and install ubuntu 32bit x86 system11:56
yaluGuest38414: /join #channel11:56
praveenprzemo_one, sorry what is meant for systemrescued11:56
Dr_WillisGuest38414:  with the /join #channelname command normally11:56
Doc_Lappypraveen if you have jaunty the newest 9.4 then all you have to do is a dual boot which just follow instructions on screen pretty much11:56
Dr_Willis!irc | Guest3841411:56
ubottuGuest38414: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines11:56
Guest38414where do you find join???????11:56
praveenDoc_Lappy, thanks i try11:56
Dr_WillisGuest38414:  you could try the /list command.. that will flood about 20,000 to your screen11:56
przemo_onepraveen system rescue cd is a linux distribution designed for modification of your hard drive partitons etc11:56
GneaGuest38414: instead of typing:  "where do you find join???????", you type:  "/join #freenode", for example11:57
praveenbut i scare to lose my data while installing Ubuntu11:57
yalupraveen: nothing like a good backup11:57
LogicalDashpraveen, reasonable enough; make a backup11:57
przemo_onepraveen in order to install ubuntu u need to have some free unpartitioned disk space for linux partition11:57
Dr_Willispraveen:  lets just state for the record that your hard drives COULD die at any time.. :)11:57
Dr_Willispraveen:  anything you got thats impornatnat.. shouldbe backed up..11:57
andguen1praveen: The other option is the wubi installer which you run while you are in windows. It just creates a file inside windows rather then resizing partitions.11:58
Doc_Lappyyou shouldn't praveen just be sure to pick to install them side by side as the default is I believe when installing and at the partition stage, although a backup of anything important isn't a bad idea11:58
Dr_Willispraveen:  or instead of wubi. Install virtualbox on the windows system and run ubuntu inside virtualbox11:58
przemo_onepraveen before you begin backup your essential data, because the is allways a risk11:58
andguen1Dr_Willis: that too (although I hear Wubi is easier)11:59
Slurpeefirecrotch: still want to help?11:59
Doc_Lappyandguen1: true I just couldn't figure out how to use that on my machine, I installed I thought but tried to open wubi.exe and wouldn't do anything11:59
Dr_Willisandguen1:  ive heard of too many disasers with Wubi. :)11:59
przemo_onepraveen read some about how to use systemrescuecd, and gparted. there must be a faq how to install linux next to windows. not one btw.11:59
Guest38414can any one send me a request to chat??????????11:59
n8tuseranyone happen to have installed on IBM T42 and was able to get the wifi detected or working at all?11:59
chrizthophelp > hmm what is the program that supports webcam in chating yahoo in ubuntu n_n11:59
grawityandguen1: In 9.04, "true" dualboot is very easy.12:00
firecrotchSlurpee: with what?12:00
andguen1Dr_Willis: honestly, I wouldn't know, I just assumed it was safer...12:00
Slurpeerenaming photos in alphanumeric order.12:00
Doc_Lappyprzemo not need dualbooting with 9.4 is easy just stick in the disk and it does the partitioning and installing all by itself12:00
firecrotchOh you're still on that?12:00
przemo_onepraveen install 32bit x86, because if you try to install 64bit system next to windows 32bit your partition table will collaps ( had that once).12:01
andguen1grawity: praveen seemed timid to let ubuntu rework his partitions. I was just suggesting another, hopefully safer option.12:01
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Dr_Willisandguen1:  personaly i would love it - if wubi vanished. :)12:01
Doc_LappyI don't know why your making it so complicated and trying to use gparted unless you really need to12:01
andguen1Dr_Willis: any particular issues that come up regularly? Does it break the windows install or something?12:01
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przemo_oneDoc_Lappy never tested. if it does than sorry. I have my own old ways.12:01
firecrotchSlurpee: I've discovered a program called jhead that does batch renaming from the command line... maybe try that12:02
Slurpeei am so close12:02
przemo_oneandguen1 no it does not!12:02
chrizthophelp > anyone here knows what is the program that supports webcam in chating yahoo in ubuntu n_n12:02
Slurpeei just need this one command lol12:02
Slurpeei came up with a ton of 1 liners12:02
Dr_Willisandguen1:  i just see proberly 4+ people in here a week with big wubi issues.. or they want todo somthing with wubi  that they cant do. because of wubi limitations12:02
przemo_onechrizthop try kopete (in kde)12:02
firecrotchSlurpee: what format are your filenames in now?12:02
Dr_Willis!info renameutils12:03
ubotturenameutils (source: renameutils): Programs to make file renaming easier. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.0-1 (jaunty), package size 81 kB, installed size 276 kB12:03
chrizthopkopete in kde?? hmm im noob in ubuntu12:03
andguen1Dr_Willis: ah ok, so its not breaking things, its just not giving the full experience12:03
Slurpeei use mmv \*.JPG \#1.jpg to get everything to .jpg12:03
Dr_Willisandguen1:  ive seen where it breaks also.  but i dont pay mich attention to them or their problems. since i cant help12:03
firecrotchSlurpee: so they're photo_1.jpg, etc?12:04
Dr_WillisJust lower caseing filenames - theres 1000's of ways to do that. :)12:04
Doc_Lappyprzemo_one: well ubuntu is easy to install with dvd no need for making it harder than popping it in your just gonna confuse the lad or lady and may I ask what you normally install like that?12:04
Guest64810how to use emesene?????12:04
Slurpeei want photo_0001 photo0002 ....photo001012:04
praveenprzemo_one, andguen1 Dr_Willis Doc_Lappy LogicalDash yalu my hard disk structure is http://dpaste.com/101911/12:04
Doc_Lappyif you install ubuntu like that you've made it way too hard12:04
jribGuest64810: well first step is to install it, have you done that?12:04
praveenso you mean to say i need to have a completely free partioned space12:04
praveenwindows xp install on C: drive12:05
Dr_Willispraveen:  that tells us very litte.. other then you either got a lot of harddrives.. or a lot of parittions on lots of hard drives...12:05
praveenwann install on D:12:05
praveenDr_Willis, yeah12:05
vakhi all12:05
Dr_Willispraveen:  you install to a partition.. it wont be 'd' unless you delete the d: partition and tell the installer to install there. you will also want a swap partition.12:05
Dr_Willispraveen:  the output of 'sudo fdisk -l' wouldbe more helpfull12:05
przemo_onechrizthop kopete is a im client (multiprotocol) i think it supports chatting, byt if you R using ubuntu U have gnome desktop envirment. in order to use kopete U have to install kde (different desktop). my point is U cant just install kopete, U can use it in gnome, but U have to install kdelibs or something like that. use synaptic. if u have kde u have kopete i think12:05
jrib!pm | Guest6481012:06
ubottuGuest64810: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.12:06
vakthere is a lot info on how to install ubuntu without CD. I am totally confused!12:06
jribGuest64810: then, can you execute the program?12:06
jrib!install > vak12:06
ubottuvak, please see my private message12:06
Dr_Willisvak:  download iso, use unetbootin, or the usb-creator-disk tool to make a bootable flash drive.. boot the flash drive.. install...12:06
Guest64810i am gettin a server related error........12:06
system404you guys know any workarounds for this12:06
chrizthopdoes it support webcam przemo_one?12:06
jribsystem404: -ENOCONTEXT12:06
Doc_Lappyoh I see praveen....and yes Dr_Willis is right ubuntu or nix doesn't use c: etc it uses hda0 or sda0 or something like that12:06
lisbonDo I have to give the installer extra options to get it to detect sata drives?12:06
zen|tao!U | przemo_one12:07
ubottuprzemo_one: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.12:07
przemo_oneDoc_Lappy sorry man, I'm in linux for a while and I'm not use to this auto install. And I never use that.12:07
vakDr_Willis: thx, i ll try!12:07
przemo_onebtw i'm polish12:07
praveenDoc_Lappy, that i know hda0 o sda0 but as i have lots of data and can not take full backup in a small pen drive. but i completely free space of D drive12:08
system404any proxy apps for linux12:08
przemo_onelisbon no it should load all drivers without extra options (ubuntu)12:08
system404so as to watch american videos in uk12:08
LogicalDash!tor | system40412:08
ubottusystem404: Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks12:08
LogicalDashoh wait12:08
przemo_onesystem404 proxy server squid12:08
system404cheers guys ill check them out12:09
chrizthopprzemo_one does it support webcam ?12:09
praveenor i can do one thing i just completely uninstall windows xp OS and then install Ubuntu12:09
bullgard4What IRC channel is there to discuss Gajim?12:09
Doc_Lappywell said ubottu12:09
przemo_onechrizthop i think so - never tested by me12:09
Doc_Lappyhere is fine bullgard12:09
lisbonprzemo_one: I see threads that say to add " pci=nomsi" but its not making a difference for me12:09
Doc_Lappywhat is the problem bullgard412:10
chrizthopi will try.. thanks przemo_one12:10
przemo_onechrizthop check whats in pidgin12:10
chrizthoppidgin doesnt support webcam12:10
jpdschrizthop: It does.12:10
Doc_Lappyand it's no longer 'gaim' its' pidgin12:10
grawitychrizthop: It does now.12:10
jpdschrizthop: In Karmic that is.12:10
Slurpeefirecrotch: any idea?12:10
chrizthophow ?12:10
przemo_onelisbon if after booting you see your drive than it's all right12:10
grawitychrizthop: 2.6.1, get from Pidgin website.12:10
grawitychrizthop: But only Google Talk so far.12:10
firecrotchSlurpee: working on it :)12:10
grawityjpds: Pidgin has their own PPA.12:11
chrizthophmm in yahoo??12:11
lisbonprzemo_one: No. All the installer detects is the usb with the installer on it.12:11
grawitychrizthop: Yahoo's coming sometime later.12:11
Doc_Lappygoogle talk has a linux cam?12:11
chrizthopjpds in karmic is it?12:11
Doc_LappyI did see yahoo version of linux but tried the deb and it wouldn't install on my ubuntu12:12
chrizthophmm sori guys i am just really noob here12:12
Doc_Lappydon't know why12:12
grawitychrizthop: You can get 2.6.1 in Jaunty too - go to http://pidgin.im/download/ubuntu/ and foolow the instructions.12:12
BooStarim using dhcp3-server ant it wont start up automaticly is there someone who know about this problem?12:12
Dr_Willisyahoo's official linux client - was quite quite quite old last i checked12:12
chrizthopthanks grawity i will try12:12
grawitychrizthop: But like I already said, it only has voice/webcam support for XMPP (Google Talk)12:13
Doc_Lappypidgin should be just an upgrade or a wget cmd12:13
chrizthophmm ok!12:13
grawityDoc_Lappy: It is.12:13
andguen1BooStar: Sounds like something for the #ubuntu-server channel12:13
Doc_Lappybut that works too12:13
przemo_onelisbon i dont have an experience in that. maybe you should change something in bios like ide emulation on/off. never tested - just suggestion. or you hardware is so new, and there is no driver in the kernel. get the latest linux distribution. check google for support. does linux and which supports your hardware.12:13
grawityDoc_Lappy: You just add Pidgin's repo, and then it shows up as a upgrade.12:13
Doc_Lappyit actually is already there with default12:13
Doc_Lappyyeah that's what I thought12:13
BooStarandguen1: ok, thanks12:14
bullgard4Doc_Lappy: Gajim asks me to report an error. What have I to fill in the form http://trac.gajim.org/newticket for Reporter > Your () username?12:14
lisbonprzemo_one: Ive been running gentoo on this machine for 3 years, so I know it should be possible. This is getting irritating now.12:14
przemo_onelisbon so ubuntu is not working whth your hardware :)12:14
Doc_Lappyoh I see bullgard4 and why you calling it gajim, its just gaim or used to be until they renamed it pidgin12:15
grawityDoc_Lappy: No, Gaim and Gajim are different programs.12:15
Doc_LappyOH okay thanks grawity12:15
Doc_Lappydidn't know that gajim was a program12:15
lisbonprzemo_one: Its looking that way ...12:15
przemo_onelisbon may i ask what is your hardware? chipset and ide/sata controller. mobo name is fine12:15
jacobian_I have very few applets for the panel12:16
bullgard4Doc_Lappy: Gajim says: "Remote contact's identity not verified. Click the shield button for more details." What is the "shield button" of Gajim?12:16
jacobian_Is there some package I need to add to get things like terminal applets etc.12:16
lisbonprzemo_one: erm, Im not really sure. Its a clevo D900k.12:16
bullgard4Gajim says: "Remote contact's identity not verified. Click the shield button for more details." What is the "shield button" of Gajim?12:16
grawitybullgard4: Look for a "shield" picture in gajim's window12:16
firecrotchSlurpee: i=1; for x in *; do mv $x photo_`printf "%04d" $i`.jpg; i=$(( $i+1 )); done;12:17
jacobian_Specifically I mean when I try to use the "Add New Items..."12:17
Doc_LappyI've never used gajim bullgard4, only gaim which is now pidgin, so can't help ya12:17
bullgard4Doc_Lappy: Ok.12:17
grawitybullgard4: Btw, can you make a screenshot of gajim - including that message - and upload somewhere?12:17
Doc_LappyIf it's a chatting client I recommend getting pidgin instead12:17
lisbonprzemo_one: I tried a week ago with the regular live cd and it saw the drives, but Im trying to do a soft raid, hence the alternate installer.12:18
plumaHow do I force a connected user to disconnect?12:19
bullgard4grawity: I can. But it will take a long time as this computer is new and not yet set up for sending screenshots via an Ubuntu web service12:19
Doc_Lappythat or if it's still in use go to your terminal and do an update of your system then a wget or similar of pidgen if you have an older version of ubuntu12:19
Sj4lutHello there. Does anyone know how can I connect to my modem? In windows the IP was but now I don't know in ubuntu... I connect to the internet using pppoeconf and if I type in firefox It tells me that this page doesn't exist. So how can I figure out what's the IP of my modem? I called the ISP help assistance number and they told me that I have to ask on ubuntu how to figure out what's the modem ip since pppoeconf g12:19
grawitybullgard4: There's no "Ubuntu web service" for screenshots (at least none that I know of) :|12:19
bullgard4grawity: There is.12:20
Doc_Lappylocalhost maybe12:20
grawitybullgard4: ...then just press PrintScreen, save, uplodad to tinypic?12:20
Sj4lutDoc_Lappy: localhost?12:20
Doc_Lappyor to get to router12:20
Sj4lutDoc_Lappy: I tried that...12:20
hunter-12всё, презашел12:21
przemo_onelisbon  soft raid??12:21
Sj4lutDoc_Lappy: it's not anyomre...12:21
bullgard4grawity: I do not know tinypic.12:21
bzrkSj4lut: whats your computers ip?12:21
Slurpeefirecrotch: interesting12:21
Dr_WillisSj4lut:  could be http://ip# or https://ip# also..  my 'modems' dont change their config ip# unless i reset them via the little reset button on teh back12:21
Doc_Lappytry ifconfig on terminal12:21
lisbonprzemo_one: mdadm12:21
Sj4lutbzrk: if I do ifconfig it just gives me external IP12:21
firecrotchSlurpee: need any of it explained?12:21
Slurpeenot really12:21
bzrkSj4lut: then you need to set it manually to
grawitybullgard4: http://yfrog.com/ and http://tinypic.com/ and many others.12:21
Doc_Lappyifconfig /all ?12:21
Slurpeei need to rename the files a few times....remove spaces, make lower case, rename to "photo".  then I can run that command.12:22
przemo_onelisbon i dont undersand - no experience with raid12:22
bzrkSj4lut: then you will be able to connect to your router at again12:22
Sj4lutDoc_Lappy: I'm not in windows... I only have ubuntu now12:22
SlurpeeI think that will do what I need :)12:22
Doc_Lappyyeah should be able to set it to .2 but I forget how12:22
Sj4lutBruce: how can I set my local ip to
Dr_WillisSlurpee:  the 'qmv' command is also handy for major changes.12:22
Slurpeeqmv ?12:22
bzrkSj4lut: as root ifconfig ethX up12:22
Dr_WillisSlurpee:  it basically lets you have a list of all the file names in an editor. You use the editors search/replace/whatever tools to change the list.. you exit.. it renames them toyour new names12:23
Dr_Willis!find qmv12:23
ubottuFile qmv found in r-cran-mvtnorm, renameutils12:23
przemo_onelisbon so ubuntu detects drive (s) but installer dont12:23
Sj4lutbzrk: even thoug I'm now connected via pon dsl-provider?12:23
Dr_WillisSlurpee:  i also cheat and use wine and 'bulk rename utility'  or the rox-filer  file manager on linux. it has some nice rename bulk features12:23
bzrkSj4lut: youll lose your net for the time being12:23
Slurpeei need to do it on remote server12:24
Doc_Lappybzrk thanks I didn't know it was that easy of a command12:24
Sj4lutbzrk: ok12:24
loloftheringsHi all, is there a quick (command line prefered) way to completely remove gnome from a fresh installation?12:24
lisbonprzemo_one: I guess you could say that. I mean the installer on the live cd saw them, but not now on the alternate.12:24
jribloloftherings: remove some library all of gnome depends on I guess12:24
ubottuWant to remove gnome/kde/xfce completely? Look at debfoster, it's a great help12:24
Sj4lutbzrk: but I'm still connected12:24
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »12:24
loloftheringsnah, I want dwm12:24
przemo_onelisbon so use the live cd :)12:25
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal12:25
Doc_LappyI would have thought it would have needed something else in there to stay permanent12:25
bzrkSj4lut: you can add a route to too if you dont want to disconnect12:25
Sj4lutbzrk: how can I do that?12:25
lisbonprzemo_one: Yeah, but then I cant set up mdadm.12:26
ubottuU is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.12:26
starcannonubottu said that bcuz itz tru12:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:26
* jrib pummels starcannon12:27
bzrkSj4lut: route add net netmask ethX12:27
przemo_onelisbon no experience cant help12:27
Doc_Lappywb starcannon12:27
icerootis it possible to use ssh -X in a ssh -X session? i cant connect the target-pc directly but want to start x-applications from it12:27
starcannonwhats up Doc!12:27
grawityiceroot: It should.12:27
Doc_Lappyhow original :P lol12:27
Dr_Willisiceroot:  i belive ive read on the ssh docs about doing that.12:27
starcannonyeah, i'm tired, thats the best you get for now12:27
grawityiceroot: ssh -v, if you have any problems12:27
noMaster_anybody know how to make hotkeys for Terminal? For example Super+S is apt-get, etc.12:27
icerootgrawity: i forgot to mention, the pc in the middle did not have x installed12:27
bzrkSj4lut: or with the ip tools: ip route add dev ethX12:27
Dr_Willisiceroot:  ssh -X back to the original machine and see whata happens. :)12:28
jribnoMaster_: most people just use aliases12:28
grawityiceroot: You might try it like this:  ssh -fN -L 2345:machine-b:22 machine-a; ssh -oHostkeyAlias=machine-b localhost -p 2345 -X12:28
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ortsvorsteher!hotkeys | noMaster_12:29
ubottunoMaster_: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts12:29
icerootgrawity: so its a ssh-tunnel?12:29
grawityiceroot: Yeah.12:29
Sj4lutbzrk: I tried route add net netmask eth0 and I get net: unknown host12:29
icerootgrawity: sound great, thx12:29
starcannoniceroot you may need to use screen as well, can't remember. I do know that if you do "ssh -X someapp" that you will see the application on your remote desktop, NOT on the host desktop12:30
firecrotchSj4lut: it's route add -net ....12:30
icerootstarcannon: screen for that?12:31
shaiHow can I use ~/.gtkrc-2.0 to change the font size inside applications (like gnome-terminal)? When I use gtk-font-name = "geneva 12" ; it just changes the size of the menu fonts.12:31
starcannonyeah I think, its been a long time, but I seem to remember using a clever screen trick (I didn't think it up I used someone elses deal) and ssh -X I was able to open an X app on the host computer from a remote location, and the window was open on the host, not the remote12:32
praveenhow to install ubuntu http://dpaste.com/101917/12:32
icerootstarcannon: that is what normal ssh -X is doing12:33
icerootstarcannon: ssh -X host and then "firefox" will start the firefox from the server on your "client"12:33
starcannoniceroot ssh -X will open the gui on the remote computer, the one your on; but on the host, where the app lives, it will just be a process running in the background, I do that all the time with transmission actually12:34
icerootstarcannon: yes, i know that12:34
Doc_Lappypraveen why is it you have so many partition on your windows anyway when its only a 80gig hd?12:34
Doc_Lappyjust curious12:34
icerootstarcannon: my idea was  A=my client, B=a server in the internet without x, C= my pc at home. i want to to start an app from C on A over B12:35
starcannoniceroot nod, sorry, guess I made it all muddy in my first statement, anyway, I don't remember the clever trick, but google around about screen a bit, I really do remember using it to reverse the situation12:35
starcannoniceroot, ah, okies, I got an idea12:35
GekzI have an issue. I cannot put a panel on the bottom of the screen12:35
GekzI click bottom12:35
Gekzand it moves to the top12:35
praveenDoc_Lappy, yeah but i made the partition long years back and never ever think to install ubuntu.12:35
icerootstarcannon: and i got the solution :)12:35
Gekzjust below the top panel12:35
icerootstarcannon: i am using ssh tunnel12:35
Gekzthe same thing happens with avant-window-navigator12:36
pukekomdadm - raid-1, does the array (/dev/md0) have a diff UUID than that of it members /dev/sd* ?12:36
Gekzthis is Ubuntu 9.10, and it worked before my last reboot lol12:36
icerootGekz: #ubuntu+112:36
starcannoniceroot, ssh into C, from C ssh -X into B, and the app will be open in a window on C12:37
starcannoniceroot, or it should12:37
starcannoniceroot, I'd have to try it once to see12:37
icerootstarcannon: i cant reach c from a, only from b12:37
Doc_LappyI still think you should be able to just put in your ubuntu jaunty cd and do it just be sure at the partiton stage to do the customized perhaps instead of side by side so it is sure not to effect your dos partions but defult should work too12:37
andguen1pukeko: Yes, very likely. Every partition should have a unique UUID, even if it is a virtual partition in raid.12:37
starcannoniceroot, which explains why your tunneling then yeah?12:37
icerootstarcannon: but remember i got a solution, so thank you but i dont need help anymore12:38
icerootstarcannon: correct12:38
praveenDoc_Lappy, so i should go for side by side but scare it should not affect other drive12:38
starcannoniceroot no worries, i was just yacking cause theres not a lot else to do at this hour. Have fun :)12:38
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Doc_Lappydo you have anything you can't replace easily on you hd?12:38
grawity(Besides porn.)12:39
praveenDoc_Lappy, no12:39
Doc_Lappyif so burn them to cd JUST IN CASE this is anytime you install a new OS12:39
starcannongrawity pron is a renewable resource12:39
praveenDoc_Lappy, okay12:39
Doc_Lappythen I'd just install side by side12:39
pukekoandguen1: ta that helps ... so uuidgen /dev/md0 , or vol_id /dev/md0 , or blkid ?12:39
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Doc_Lappyand do it and not worry about it, so far I've never lost data12:40
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bullgard4grawity: I read in http://yfrog.com: "You will be asked for your twitter username and password at next step. --  I am not affiliated to Twitter and do not intend to become affilitated to Twitter.12:40
praveenDoc_Lappy, hmm but i have more than 30 GB data and not easy to take backup12:40
Doc_Lappyworse that has happen it messed up grub somehow so I had to use the live cd and go in and change the /boot/grub/menu.lst file12:41
Doc_LappyI wouldn't worry about backing anything up that can be replaced if you have pictures or something burn them to cd or dvd12:41
starcannonpraveen its good to have an external drive for that purpose, or online storage.12:42
Doc_Lappywhich you should do anyway with such things in case of a crash12:42
dsdeizhi, what is this winbind? :-/12:42
Doc_Lappyagreed starcannon12:42
andguen1pukeko: To be perfectly honest, I don't use the UUIDs much, as I'm comfortable updating paths when I swap drives & partitions around. /dev/md0 should behave as a normal live partition as far as the OS is concerned, its just more complicated booting to it.12:42
praveenstarcannon, can you give me any site name for online storage12:42
phuhqueueWhat command restarts the sound in ubuntu - i.e. sound is working... working.... wor... not working... still not working... command.... yey working again12:43
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phuhqueuedefault9.04 install12:43
phuhqueuewait, default 8.10 install12:43
Doc_Lappythen you can always retrieve the info, I just realised that awhile back on my own that you should be able to take a crashed pc and put the hd in another machine as slave to retrieve the files lol12:43
starcannonpraveen igoogle12:43
bullgardgrawity: http://tinypic.com/r/lzb6b/412:43
Slurpeehow can I rename all of the files in a directory without changing the file extension...example.... jpg12:43
gartralpackages.medibuntu.org is unreachable...12:44
Slurpeefile1.jpg, file2.jpg, file3, jpg.  rename to photo1.jpg, photo2.jpg, photo3.jpg12:44
gartralnvm, just took 10 mins12:44
starcannonpraveen for 30gb it may be worth hiring an ftp server online, I keep a lot of stuff on my webserver, mines unlimited storage, so its eay peasy for me12:45
Doc_Lappywish I would of thought about that years ago, which is why I'm fixing my dell to have my 500gig hd as master and a 160gig that was original as a slave just for backing up my website data in case my hosting fails, or music/videos that I don't want taking up my space12:45
praveenstarcannon, http://www.adrive.com/static/aboutus_features#storage_capacity is providing 60 GB12:45
starcannondsdeiz http://linux.about.com/cs/linux101/g/winbind.htm12:45
Slurpeerename *.jpg.  to hoto1.jpg, photo2.jpg, photo3.jpg12:45
starcannonpraveen better still, nice find12:46
Slurpeerename *.jpg  to  photo1.jpg, photo2.jpg, photo3.jpg12:46
praveenstarcannon, :)12:46
Doc_Lappyslurpee are you STILL on renaming all your pictures lol12:46
Slurpeeyes, but I am trying to build a sytem12:46
gartralpraveen:  whats starcannon?12:46
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starcannongartral I'm starcannon12:46
Slurpeei have a ton of images all organized a differnt way. I am renaming all of them in a standard way.12:47
Doc_LappyI see, well organising them isn't a bad idea12:47
Slurpeewith these commands...I think I can rename all of them in about 15 minutes12:47
praveengartral, starcannon lol12:47
jribSlurpee: if you spent some of your time learning instead of just asking others to do it for you, this would be done already!12:47
masqueradeSlurpee: through filenames?12:47
starcannonpraveen: whats gartral? hehe12:47
Nachturnaljrib, if you're going to respond like that to help request, please don't join this channel.12:47
praveenstarcannon, both are human being heheheh12:48
gartralstarcannon praveen ohh ha ha ha...12:48
Doc_Lappyjrib be nice, at least for me I spend hrs online googling and can''t find what I'm looking for or don't learn a darn thing that I can find out in 5 mins of talking to someone in chat, so go easy on him12:48
jribNachturnal: I've been here for 2 hours and spoonfed Slurpee in the beginning.  I even explained commands to him so he could help himself.12:48
Slurpeeyes, I suck.12:49
Slurpeethis is a fact.12:49
Slurpeealmost 7 am...I am about to give up12:49
jribNachturnal: he's already been given the command that does what he is asking for in fact12:49
Slurpeeprobably be easier after some sleep12:49
shiznebiti need help with karmic12:49
Nachturnaljrib, Ah, I can understand your frustration, in that case.12:49
grawityshiznebit: #ubuntu+112:49
starcannonSlurpee thats true, the human brain runs on sleep, and water.12:49
gartralwhy are the update servers running so slow?12:49
masqueradeshiznebit: whats your question?12:49
starcannonlots of water makes a happy brain (don't over do, all things in moderation)12:50
Doc_LappyI have to as people all the time for help jrib, asking for help isn't that big of deal if google is the answer sometimes the right site is needed or it's not much help at all12:50
starcannongartral 9.10 beta came out on the first, the servers are slammed12:50
jribDoc_Lappy: I'm not telling him to google.  I'm telling him to ask for help understanding the commands he's been given.  He already has the answer to his question12:50
Doc_Lappyoh I see jrib12:50
gartralstarcannon: ohh yea.. i forgot12:50
starcannongartral, don't feel bad lots have wondered ;)12:51
gartralstarcannon: no, the human brain runs onn sleep electrolytes and caffine.. :P12:51
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{Onyx}trashed my linux install12:51
Doc_Lappyjust thought you were being hard on him, because I get annoyed by people asking simple things too and I'm just a level above a noob12:51
starcannongartral *I like muny*12:51
jribSlurpee: the command firecrotch gave you before does exactly what you just asked12:51
Doc_Lappyuh oh onyx, what'd ya do12:52
{Onyx}was playing with ultimate boot disk flipping around menus and trashed the mbr12:52
{Onyx}after that i couldn't get sda1 to mount so i could reinstall grub12:52
starcannongartral its got lectrolights' :)12:53
gartralgah... 6 mb/ps line widdled down too 200 kb/ps >.>12:53
Slurpeefirecrother's command - i=1; for x in *; do mv $x photo_`printf "%04d" $i`.jpg; i=$(( $i+1 )); done; - works if all the files are named "photo"12:53
jribSlurpee: no, it doesn't.  It renames all files in the directory.12:53
Slurpeei need to first name all of the files "photo"?12:53
starcannongartral remember "watched pots never boil", set it and forget it, it'll finish up sometime tomorrow hehe12:53
jribSlurpee: well all files that don't begin with a '.' anyway12:53
gartralstarcannon: im just doing normal apt-get update then apt-get upgrade.. had 44 files at 133 mb to download..12:54
starcannongartral I sympathize with you; I guarantee that if I go get a new MMORPG to play, that the minute I finish up installing it, patch day arrives lol12:55
Slurpeejrib i think i finally got it!12:55
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo12:55
{Onyx}this kind of sucks. I had just migrated a bunch of stuff from failed hdd's onto that partition before I trashed it :(12:56
Doc_LappyI like that bot lol12:56
ortsvorsteher!language | {Onyx}12:56
ubottu{Onyx}: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.12:56
Slurpeejrib - final product? - http://code.bulix.org/hf6kcm-7231412:57
Doc_Lappyhaha onyx you just got pwned by the bot hehe12:57
gartral{Onyx}: you might be able to recover it with testdisk12:57
{Onyx}i already reformated it12:57
gartral{Onyx}: testdisk can read paast a fresh format12:58
NachturnalWhat exactly did Onyx say that warranted the language provocation? I think there are rated G movies that have worse language.12:58
{Onyx}will probably be a lot less work to just reinstall12:58
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.12:58
gartralNachturnal: he said that losing his data sucks12:58
Doc_Lappyonyx if you did have another pc you could also put it in it as a slave to recover anything important and maybe even recover the OS if you know what your doing fyi12:59
Nachturnaluh oh better hang him for that12:59
{Onyx}nope, no other puter except for a dead xps12:59
gartral{Onyx}: whats dead in it?12:59
jribSlurpee: it's broken if you have more than 9999 files though.  Also change line 2 to a single command: rename -v 's/[() ]//g' *   .  [] creates a character class.  You should visit http://www.regular-expressions.info/12:59
{Onyx}unkown, probably either mb or psu12:59
Doc_LappyI see onyxmm dead xps?  do you have the ram for them?13:00
Doc_Lappythat you may want to sell13:00
{Onyx}it's ddr213:00
NachturnalOnyx, I've had very limited success with recovering data from damaged/destroyed partitions. There are some programs that will grab lots of images reliably, but I've yet to find something that seems to restore it all.13:00
mokmeisterCan anyone tell me if the intel graphics problems have been fixed in 9.10?13:00
jribSlurpee: you aren't running all 3 of these on the same files are you?13:00
Doc_LappyI couldn't buy hds or anything big that would cost too much to fix13:00
mokmeisterDownloading beta at the moment, just wondering13:00
ortsvorstehermokmeister: may you try in #ubuntu+113:00
mokmeisterk, thanks13:01
gartralNachturnal: testdisc/photorec has a stable suite for forensic recovey13:01
{Onyx}i'm not going to worry about it to much13:01
hannes_shello, how can I match a device in an udev rule, of which I only know the device node udev creates?13:01
{Onyx}maybe lost some music and a bunch of pcitures i just migrated over13:01
Doc_Lappyddr2 eh, give me the specs and I may be able to sell it for you if your gonna scrap it for parts13:01
{Onyx}i can go back and grab most of it13:01
gartral!ot | Doc_Lappy13:02
ubottuDoc_Lappy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:02
{Onyx}i'm going to scrap it for parts for my new system.13:02
Nachturnalgartral, I don't remember if I've tried that one. Does it work on all file types? Or just images?13:02
Doc_LappyI see Onyx13:02
dsdeizps ux13:02
{Onyx}7900gtx 2gb ram x-fi xtreme music 250gb sata hdd and 2 sata odds13:03
dsdeizerr, sorry13:03
gartralNachturnal: it can restore a partition yo just wiped, all of it if you havent done anything with it since you formatted (or unless you did a secure format)13:03
{Onyx}i'm reinstalling as we speak13:03
Doc_Lappygartral: get a life it's still pc talk and next time just ask us nicely to talk in private if it annoys you that bad13:04
Doc_Lappyand I've seen quite a bit of stuff in here off topic gartral13:04
Doc_Lappyubuntu wb13:05
{Onyx}not much i have to reinstall. mp190 printer drivers, drivers for the x-fi13:05
bullgard4grawity: Ping13:05
{Onyx}then all the media and flash13:05
Doc_LappyI take the install went well?13:05
jribDoc_Lappy: this channel's just for ubuntu support.  As you see, it gets quite busy.  That's why we ask that other talk happens in #ubuntu-offtopic (that's why it exists!).  Don't take receiving a bot factoid personally13:06
gartralDoc_Lappy: theres no reason to be hostile... you were offering to sell someones stuff for them, that is as far off-topic as you can possibly get13:06
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Doc_LappyI wasn't trying to be hostile by anymeans13:06
Slurpeejrib: 2 commands :) - rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' *; rename 's/[() ]//g' *13:07
Slurpeei=1; for x in *; do mv $x EVENT_Name-YEAR-`printf "%05d" $i`.jpg; i=$(( $i+1 )); done;13:07
jribSlurpee: but running anything before running the last command is pretty useless13:07
Doc_Lappyjust saying to take the stick out of your *** when everyone here is offtopic almost except fof slurpee and ubuntu13:07
{Onyx}with the parts i'm pulling from the xps i can't decide if i want to pull the pentium d 920 out of it or spend the extra 80 or so bucks to get a pentium dual core13:07
jribSlurpee: unless bash does some stupid thing with spaces (zsh doesn't)13:07
jribDoc_Lappy: I'd say what you just said qualifies as being hostile.  Just drop it.  Move off-topic talk to #ubuntu-offtopic and continue support here13:08
Doc_LappyI agree it is a busy room and agree it should have been a msg to them instead13:08
jribDoc_Lappy: thanks13:09
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{Onyx}i'm gonna hit the sack. I'll mess with this stuff tomorrow13:09
Doc_Lappyjrib that was hostile because I got a hostile response that I didn't appreciate13:09
Doc_Lappysorrry for that13:09
Guest80158hey guys13:09
MelancholicHello all! how could I mark ingress packets (from Internet) for each user of server? Example for egress direction: iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner user1 -j MARK --set-mask 2213:09
Doc_Lappydoing it back wasn't right13:09
gartralmust restart for kernal updates13:10
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Memphistohi, i need little help with tight vnc and win pc13:12
mareksanetraHi I just want to no if there is a seed limit on a usb modem, mine tops out at 1Mbps.13:12
JOSHUA__A friend and I were troubleshooting something minor when he suggested I reinstall HAL to fix the problem.13:13
JOSHUA__It did a great job of uninstalling.13:13
Poul|Raiderhey, anyone who are able to look at this code snippet and tell me what i have miss understood.  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/284563/ the issue is at the end where i try to read the values fopr13:14
Poul|Raiderfor some pointers, its c++13:14
jribPoul|Raider: try the ##c++ channel13:14
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phuhqueueSlurpee, the rename command in MSDOS was great at this, wildcard renaming, why the hell isn't there a rename command in linux?13:14
phuhqueueand don't say mv, mv isn't a rename command13:14
grawityphuhqueue: Technically it is.13:14
Memphistowhen i try to connect with vnc i only get grey screen on my ubuntu13:14
grawityphuhqueue: And Linux has 'rename', with regexen13:15
=== Blizzerand is now known as Twittery
erUSULphuhqueue: mv "is" the unix rename command « mv oldname newname »13:15
phuhqueueisn't there an open source implementation of dos? can someone port over the rename command?13:15
jribphuhqueue: why would anyone want it...13:15
grawityphuhqueue: They did, 'rename'13:15
Roadmasterneed help13:16
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erUSULphuhqueue: freedos; and as jrib says perl comes with a powerfull  rename command13:16
jribphuhqueue: rename does more than what you described about the dos command13:16
RoadmasterI installed firefox 3.5 in my ubuntu 8.04 lts and now I can't open it13:16
kisukeRoadmaster:  how did you instal it?13:17
[x]sodium[x]hey can i got job in linux ?13:17
Roadmasterby ubuntzilla13:17
erUSUL!ot | [x]sodium[x]13:17
ubottu[x]sodium[x]: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:17
SquirrelManA friend and I were troubleshooting a minor problem, when he suggested I reinstall HAL.13:17
SquirrelManWell, the uninstall worked great.13:18
Memphistoanyone who can help me with vnc?13:18
[x]sodium[x]!ot | erUSUL13:18
ubottuerUSUL: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:18
kisukeRoadmaster:  try runing synaptic and search firefox13:18
SquirrelManWhen I try to reinstall, however, it errors:13:18
bazhang[x]sodium[x], please dont do that13:18
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[x]sodium[x]lol its a good fun13:18
[fade]who has msn ?13:18
hitttRoadmaster: /usr/bin/firefox -safe-mode13:18
[x]sodium[x]why u ppl are not enjoying13:18
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bazhang[x]sodium[x], this is not the chat channel; #ubuntu-offtopic is for that13:19
[x]sodium[x]ok :(13:19
SquirrelManFailed to fetch http://us/archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main... Could not resolve us.ubuntu.com13:19
edgar_anyone available for some help >?13:19
bazhangSquirrelMan, a common complaint due to overloaded servers (karmic beta release)13:19
erUSUL!ask | edgar_13:20
ubottuedgar_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:20
RoadmasterI tryed to run the command mentioned and gives the following error:13:20
Roadmaster/usr/bin/firefox -safe-mode13:20
Roadmaster/opt/firefox/firefox-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libdbus-glib-1.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory13:20
SquirrelManWhich means to me internet is totalled and I need to install by some other method13:20
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:20
edgar_i have just installed INN server on my ubuntu 9.04 server but unsure how to configure it13:20
edgar_any experienced users here >?13:21
bazhang[x]sodium[x], did you have a support question?13:21
mareksanetraHi I just want to no if there is a seed limit on a usb modem mine tops out at 1Mbps. if there is how do i fix it.13:21
RoadmasterI tried to go back by reinstallinf firefox but did not worked13:21
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Memphistois it always ip:0 at the end when i tried to connect to linux pc? (while using tightvnc)13:22
chris0626891What's a good wireless card for under $20 that runs on Linux flawlessly?  (Newegg?)13:22
erUSULmareksanetra: adsl ? maybe that's the speeed it negotiated for some reason ?13:22
Graf_Zahllook after tp-link13:23
edgar_is there some dutch irc server support for ubuntu >?13:23
SquirrelManI've downloaded hal and moved it to a USB stick13:23
erUSUL!hcl | chris062689113:23
ubottuchris0626891: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection13:23
[x]sodium[x]hello can i change pup file into deb ?13:23
bazhang#ubuntu-nl edgar_13:23
Doc_Lappymareksanetra: what are you using it for a torrent client?  if so there's usually an limit in options or preferences for upload and download limits if that's what you mean13:23
Graf_Zahli have one in my pc it works fine out of the box13:23
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mareksanetrai not shure but on windows it goes fater.13:23
majnoonok when i was goofing with debian ,they had a program that would find the best apt-get mirrors for you (i do NOT remember what it was called) is there any thing similar for ubuntu ??13:24
[x]sodium[x]hello can i change pup file into deb ?13:24
mareksanetraand i want to use ubuntu13:24
erUSULmajnoon: yes in system>Preferences>Software Sources13:24
bazhang[x]sodium[x], a pup file? from puppy linux?13:24
SquirrelManCan anyone tell me how to mount it?13:25
[x]sodium[x]yup from puppy linux :P13:25
Memphistohow come that remote desktop in linux have to be so difficult?13:25
bazhang[x]sodium[x], what package13:25
pukekomdadm, two disks.. do i partition, make the raid and then mkfs on the raid or mkfs on each disk then assemble the array ?13:25
Doc_Lappylol Memhpisto13:25
erUSULpukeko: the former13:25
Boohbahmajnoon: netselect-apt13:25
Boohbahmajnoon: everything debian is also ubuntu13:26
MemphistoDoc_Lappy i connect more easy between win pc's than win to linux13:26
[x]sodium[x]i am using 7.1013:26
mareksanetrahttp speed test.13:26
bazhang[x]sodium[x], there should be something similar in ubuntu repos; is this for using dialup modem?13:26
majnoonthat sounds like it it would test the connections for you and etc13:26
[x]sodium[x]:( i cant use gnome ppp13:26
pukekoerUSUL: ta ... sbean a while since ive done this .. i think that got me last time too13:26
Dr_Willismajnoon:  synaptic has the feature in its repo manage settings13:26
[x]sodium[x]:( i am using ubuntu 7.1013:26
Doc_Lappywell win to linux should be more difficult being different OSs13:27
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto [x]sodium[x] check this13:27
erUSULpukeko: no problem13:27
majnoonwhere it TESTS the connection ??13:27
[x]sodium[x]:( lemme see13:27
Boohbah[x]sodium[x]: why don't you upgrade?13:27
edgar_is there some dutch irc channer for ubuntu server anyone knows about13:27
ubottuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl13:27
Dr_Willismajnoon:  yes.. it said 'testing 325 servers' here.. then came back with the fastest one13:27
Doc_LappyI would think sending the info and receiving it would be more difficult13:27
Boohbahmajnoon: i don't know, try it13:27
MemphistoDoc_Lappy I want to connect to my ubuntu (used as server) with "normal" desktop13:27
RoadmasterFirefox its not working :(13:27
[x]sodium[x]:( i have low bandwith13:27
erUSULedgar_:  #ubuntu-nl13:27
[x]sodium[x]:( i can't upgrade it13:28
Boohbahedgar_: /join #ubuntu-server13:28
[x]sodium[x]:( bad luck again :((13:28
majnooninstalled ubuntu on a new computer (new for me anyway) some of the stuff downloading at like 25Kb at times13:28
Boohbah!slow | majnoon13:29
ubottumajnoon: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the Karmic Koala (9.10) beta. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.13:29
Doc_Lappyah I see well I haven't had much luck with that in the past, my friend how ever hooked his winxp to my ubuntu to upload songs within 2 minutes and was going fast13:29
majnoonTHAT explains a LOT :)13:29
Doc_Lappywe did it thru wired connexion though not wireless13:29
Memphistodang, this is irritating13:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about news13:30
majnoonon AVERAGE though on releases how long does that last ?13:30
Doc_LappyI also have been given a wired thing for transfering files that I don't know how to use yet13:30
Boohbah[x]sodium[x]: have you considered buying a CD from canonical?13:30
[x]sodium[x]no tell me more about it13:30
Doc_Lappymemphisto have you thought about just dling putty on the windoze machine and sshing to it?13:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about buy13:31
Doc_Lappyor is that not what your wanting13:31
Memphistoi want to see normal desktop from my ubuntu pc on my win if you understand :)13:31
majnoonfound it :)13:32
Boohbah[x]sodium[x]: http://shop.canonical.com/index.php?cPath=17&osCsid=60b1a01b1077ba86f0ebb4780119c3b313:32
Doc_LappyI see memphisto, which is understandable but really should probably use a wired connection for that13:32
Dr_WillisMemphisto:  VNC, or ximing can let you do that.13:32
Doc_Lappyalthough someone here maybe able to help ya do it13:33
Doc_Lappythere ya go the other dr knows13:33
Memphistoi'm using cable13:33
erUSUL|shipit | [x]sodium[x]13:33
MemphistoDr_Willis using tightvnc13:33
erUSUL!shipit | [x]sodium[x]13:33
ubottu[x]sodium[x]: shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org - Shipit will send Jaunty (9.04) CDs13:33
Dr_WillisMemphisto:  you will proberly want to ssh tunnle your vnc connection13:33
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX13:33
Memphistoi can connect, but only get grey screen, not the "normal" desktop13:34
abhilashm86how many updgraded to 9.10? well is it safe to do so?13:34
XaifasI just downlaoded Ubuntu 9.4 or something from ubuntu page, burned the iso to disc, installed it, done installing -> booted on linux, then I got all the updates , installed them again AND NOW when the boot menu comes up i get to chose to what ubuntu version to boot? how i remove one version i mean i just installed new updates and another boot option appeared13:34
Dr_WillisMemphisto:  you HAVE to configure yoru vnc server to tell it what desktop to actually run. by default its proberly running twm or somthing.13:34
Dr_WillisMemphisto:  tightvnc does not share the 'current' desktop; it spawns its own desktop  'hidden'13:34
Memphistoyeah, think it's something with too many screens?13:35
krzdhi, i wanted to start an installation script of an program, but it returns following error: ./xtensoftphone: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. I have tried to install the libstdc++5 package from the debian lennys repos, but the error does not disappear13:35
krzdwhat can i do?13:35
pdelgallegohi, is possible to split the terminal window in 2 or more areas?13:35
Memphistomy ubuntu pc ip and :0 at the end?13:35
MemphistoDr_Willis pm?13:35
Dr_WillisMemphisto:  last i checked the vncervers defauled to running twm and twm wasent even ionstalled by default13:35
erUSULpdelgallego: terminator can do that if the gnome-terminal tabs are not enough13:35
majnoonDr_Willis, though the net is really wierd as a test once did a download of a file from 2 different servers ,one across the same town i was in and from a server in china ,the chinese one was 5 times faster ,so you NEVER know13:36
pdelgallegoerUSUL, thx, Im gonna check it13:36
Doc_Lappyyeah pdelgallego I just use tabs myself but there's other ways13:36
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pdelgallegoDoc_Lappy, what ways? I'm use to split the frame in emacs into several areas. I feel like an old grumpy when I need to go out of emacs.13:37
ximusicI tried to clean up my hd by removing open office and get rid of all the kde packeges. But after removing I only gained some kb and "draw" and "formular" are still in the main menu. If I click their icons the oo screen appears, but the programs dont start. How can I remove oo completely?13:37
=== RealPotatoe is now known as JNSamuel
Dr_WillisMemphisto:  seems the default tightvnc server runs your users .vnc/xstartup that launches '/etc/X11/Xsession' you could change that to be 'gnome-session' if you always wantee gnome.13:38
Dr_WillisMemphisto:  but you would be better off running a real light window manager - like icewm, or jwm, or flwm13:38
enthdegreehow do I make my own shortcuts for dmenu?13:38
Dr_WillisMemphisto:  tightvnc server did launch gnome for me just now by default. but i am on 9.10 at the moment.13:39
wrapsteri have a vm running ubuntu on it and it had a dhcp acquired IP but that changed today and now when i try to ssh from the host machine this is what i get http://pastie.org/64037513:39
enthdegreeDrat, wrong channel, srry. :P13:40
wrapsterhow do i resolve it now?13:40
Xaifaswhy do i get 6 choices to boot on ubuntu if i installed it only 1 time, 2 generic, 2 recovery and 2 mem test something, 3 with a version 3 with other version .. all i did is installed new updates13:40
MemphistoDr_Willis can i pm you?13:40
Dr_Williswrapster:  remove the offending key. or remove the .ssh/known_hosts file13:40
wrapsterremove the file itself? :)13:41
Dr_Williswrapster:  thas how i normally do it. ( a little extreme, but i only have 3 pc's on the lan)13:41
jribXaifas: you get one for each kernel you have installed.  It's a good idea to keep at least one old kernel around13:41
Dr_Willisit will get remade  when you next connect13:41
JNSamuelerm. why does ubuntu make further releases and after a couple of month they stop submitting updates to the archives. Even though the releases are basically the same as the ones before?13:41
Dr_WillisOffending key in /root/.ssh/known_hosts:313:41
Dr_Willisthat says key #3 is the one thats it dont like13:41
Xaifasyeah but when ever i will ge tnew update il get a new boot entry jrib13:42
jrib!sru | JNSamuel13:42
ubottuJNSamuel: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates13:42
Xaifasand if i want to remove how i doit?13:42
Dr_WillisMemphisto:  i like to keep it in here. I may have to leave at any time also.13:42
wrapsterok done.. is there a clean way however13:42
jribXaifas: only when you get a new kernel.  Remove the corresponding linux-image-* package if you don't want the old kernel (don't remove the kernel you use!)13:42
MemphistoDr_Willis ok13:42
Dr_Williswrapster:  ive never noticed.. thers books written on using SSH :) it may mention better ways in them13:42
gabrielHi everyone13:42
MemphistoI've got this ok before, but it's a long time ago :)13:43
Dr_Williswrapster:  i just remove the whole file normally :) and reconnect13:43
JNSamueljrib: I guess not all updates are stopped? I thought the release would become obsolete/useless after a few months13:43
Xaifasand where do i find that corresponding linux image thing .. new to linux :p13:43
gabrielI have a little problem: I cant access for my linksys wrt54gs router13:43
jribJNSamuel: security issues and major bugs are fixed13:43
hitttgabriel: are you sure the router ip is
Memphistogabriel maybe 0.1 ?13:44
gabrielthats the problem, in windows it doesnt show up my router but in ubuntu it does, and another thing: I have a motorola sbg900 modem (wireless), could this be the problem?13:45
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grobda24Hello. I am getting ATA errors with my real time kernel ... http://pastebin.com/m4066082b ... I think I'm using the sata_nv module which is included with the rt kernel so I can't work out why there woud be a problem. any help appreciated.13:45
ubuntistasdoes anybody has idea how can i open the log file in amsn?13:45
cabarogabriel: have you tried resetting your router (probably has a hole for a pin or something)13:45
gabrielI tried that and nothing, I would like to know how to check the connections from terminal, something like ipconfig on windows13:46
cabarogabriel are you using usb to connect to your router or rj45?13:46
cabaroare you getting an ip from dhcp?13:47
gabrielI have a motorola sbg 900 cable modem, this one works as a cable modem and router, and I also have the linksys wrt54gs wireless router, could this be the problem?13:47
cabarodo you have NAT on13:48
gabrielI know how to check the connections with ipconfig in windows, but how can I do that on ubuntu?13:48
gabriellet me check right now13:48
gabrielIm going to paste the results with pastebin now13:49
cabaroi've had the exact same modem with no problems13:49
ubuntistaskamia idea pos anoigo log file tou amsn? diladi ti ora bika kai vgika?13:49
sinanmy cron jobs aren't running, any suggestions as to how to proceed with diagnosis?13:49
ubuntistasdoes anybody has idea how can i open the log file in amsn?13:49
cabarojust type the ip addresss part13:49
icwienerHi, I have a problem. I put a new graphics card into my computer and now the monitor does not like the default X resolution. It ony shows some firmware info box. Since the resolution and stuff is configured automatically, how can I tell ubuntu to try other resolutions?13:49
MonkeySilentwhy do i have two partitions which start on the same block and end on different blocks it is /13:49
cabaroand gw13:49
MonkeySilenti dont seem to have a seperate home which i want to do13:50
gabrielhere is my pastebin after ifconfig: http://pastebin.com/d381ce9fc13:50
cabaroone second...13:51
cabarotry or
cabarofor router13:52
gabrielok, im going to try right now, please wait a sec13:52
cabarotry command route13:52
gabrielthe first one opens up my motorola configuration13:52
gabrielthe second one does nothing13:52
cabaroand which one you're trying to connect?13:53
Travis43is there a way to automatically switch programs like pidgin between using a proxy and not? (e.g. when I am away and ssh tunneling home, vs when I am home)13:53
gabrielwhen I type route it appears as ip adress
ubuntistasdoes anybody has idea how can i open the log file in amsn?13:53
cabarothats your gateway and the ip of your router13:54
Segajahi, how can i enable mouse scrolling in man pages?13:54
gabrieland it also appears as wlan013:54
cabarothats the whole 192.168.0 network13:54
grawitySegaja: It depends on the terminal emulator that you use. In gnome-terminal, it should be already working. Are you using 'screen'?13:54
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=== BeardedAdmin_Awa is now known as BeardedAdmin
Segajagrawity: i use urxvt13:55
cabaroyour private network13:55
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gabrielIf I change the modem to a cable modem without wireless router, will my linksys router be recognized?13:55
erUSULSegaja: read them via System>Help ? or another gui man page viewer13:55
cabarogabriel: and the original problem was? i kinda jumped in in the middle13:55
Xaifashow do i remove the corresponding linux-image-* packag of an certain ubuntu kernel version ?13:55
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=== ubuntistas is now known as lasd
erUSUL!software | Xaifas13:56
ubottuXaifas: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents13:56
gabrielthe problem is that I cannot enter the configuration for the linksys router so I can password protect my wireless connection13:56
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SegajaerUSUL: no, i type in the urxvt: man mount13:56
ubuntistasdoes anybody has idea how can i open the log file in amsn?13:56
Segajaor what ever i want to read13:56
ubottuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!13:56
grawitySegaja: I'm not sure if rxvt supports mousewheel.13:56
cabarodoes the linksys have rj45 ports?13:56
=== Administrator_ is now known as GuBaaMak
Dr_Willisive never noticed the man pages working with the mouse wheel.. manb uses the more or less pager.. lets eee13:57
erUSULSegaja: well it is not possible to add scroll well support to less (the default man page viewer) afaik13:57
Dr_Williswow it does work. :)13:57
gabrielAnd it connects on ubuntu13:57
Segajagrawity: a friend of mine told me i could enable it. he talked about something like terminfo or something like that13:57
cabarodisconnect your lan cable from motorola and connect it straight to linksysy13:57
grawitySegaja: you might try http://www.mail-archive.com/materm-usage@lists.sourceforge.net/msg00147.html13:57
gabrielbut I cannot enter the configuration for the linksys router13:57
cabaroshould give you a proper ip for that lan13:57
grawitySegaja: But it isn't anything terminfo-related, it's purely a urxvt thing.13:57
GuBaaMakhello, can I use 64bits ubuntu for core 2 duo e6750?13:58
cabarothen use ifconfig and route to check the ip of linksys13:58
gabrielit is connected that way13:58
cabarothen connect13:58
grawityGuBaaMak: Yes.13:58
adi1hi all. anyone know how to convert a .vob file in divx?13:58
cabaroit's a workaround, not perfect, i know13:58
grawityadi1: Use ffmpeg.13:58
Segajagrawity: okay, i will read the link you postet. thanks13:58
GuBaaMakgrawity: thanks, the 64bits cd is with -amd, i can use that right?13:58
adi1does this convert .vob in divx?13:58
MonkeySilentis it a good idea to move home to reiser4 if i want some speed?13:58
hitttgrawity? may i pm you for a little?13:59
cabaroof, so you are already connected with rj45 to linksys?13:59
erUSULDr_Willis: Segaja indeed it works... never tried before ;)13:59
adi1i need a app with a gui13:59
grawityGuBaaMak: Core 2 Duo is "amd64", yes.13:59
grawityhittt: Sure13:59
GuBaaMakgrawity: thank you very much.13:59
gabrielthe rj45 is connected from the motorola modem to the linksys router13:59
majnoonok nappy time13:59
majnoonMAJOR installing :)14:00
SegajaerUSUL: what do you mean?14:00
gabrielwhen I do the route command it still appears
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grawityadi1: ffmpeg -vcodec mpeg4 -f avi -i file.vob file.avi14:00
cabaroyes, but are you connected directly from your computer to linksys?14:00
adi1grawity : thanks14:00
cabaroi think you must be connected to motorola?14:00
gabrielright now im connected to motorola14:01
cabarodo you have a spare laptop?14:01
inspire`hello folks14:01
grawityadi1: Ah, forgot -acodec libmp3lame14:01
cabaroto connect directly to linksys14:01
gabrielI have a laptop but with no wireless adapter14:01
gabrielit has rj4514:01
Travis-43is there any way to automatically switch my network connections over to a proxy in ubuntu?  sometimes I connect via a tunnel, and I don't want to have to go in and manually change all programs like pidgin to tell them to use or not use a proxy14:01
adi1grawity | so i should install ffmpeg from synaptic and that will do...?14:01
cabarogabriel, private chat? ok14:02
grawityTravis-43: Most Linux programs support global proxy settings... is it a HTTP or SOCKS proxy?14:02
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=== EchoArcade is now known as BohemianArcade
gartralgrawity: it can do either14:02
ubuntistasdoes anybody has idea how can i open the log file in amsn?14:02
BohemianArcadeI am looking for some help,14:02
grobda24Hello. I am getting ATA errors with my real time kernel ... http://pastebin.com/m4066082b ... I think I'm using the sata_nv module which is included with the rt kernel so I can't work out why there woud be a problem. any help appreciated.14:02
inspire`Travis-43, go to the network proxy tool in preference14:03
BohemianArcadeis anyone on here experienced enough to talk to me about dual-booting Ubuntu with Windows Vista?14:03
Travis-43grawity, it's a socks proxy.14:03
inspire`u can apply it system wide from there14:03
Segajagrawity: where do i have to put this code?14:03
BohemianArcadeI really need the help lol14:03
grawitySegaja: ~/.Xresources14:03
grawitySegaja: Then run xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources14:03
Travis-43inspire`, ah I see, that's  not too inconvenient, thanks14:03
SegajaBohemianArcade: should be somewhat easy with grub14:03
Segajagrawity: is .Xdefaults fine, too?14:04
grawitySegaja: Both are fine if you load them manually...14:05
smee2hello.  i'm having trouble seeing the output from a c program (using OpenGL and freeglut).  I only get partial output, but with no actual window displayed.  http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/1593/screenshotqk.png  does anyone know what it might be?14:05
majnoonsynaptic saying about 5 hours :(14:05
grawitySegaja: But Ubuntu's GDM (the session manager thing) is supposed to load one of them automatically on login, and I don't know which.14:05
inspire`i spent 2 days trying to get a handle of a decent dual boot, ima try a win7/ubuntu later14:05
MrDeathlessanyone in here knows how to add a user list to xchat? On Windows its there by default, on ubuntu I cannot find an option...14:05
prof87hi at all14:06
Segajagrawity: problem is i don't use gnome, but i know how to load it and my .Xdefaults is loaded on login14:06
zirodayMrDeathless: pull the side pane out14:06
inspire`anyway, i got mostly graphic issues ... i wrecken its the drivers ... i can't do full screen on web flashplayers and other stream plugins are problematic14:06
Dr_WillisMrDeathless:  ive seen in xchat where the list on the right side. gets 'moved' real far to the right. where you dont actually see it. Its resized to be real tiny.14:06
adi1grawity | i installed ffmpeg from synaptic but i cant find enywhere14:06
adi1is this a gui app?14:06
Dr_WillisMrDeathless:  move the mouse over there and look for the  <---> type arrows14:06
grawityadi1: Accessories --> Terminal.14:06
prof87i have a problem with my webcam on amns when i configure farsight!!how can resolve?before farsight web work corretly14:06
vinchello. When I click on some links, displayed for example in the terminal or in xchat, I get presented this error: "Failed to execute child process "/opt/firefox/firefox" (No such file or directory)".. How can i fix this? I mean, which file should I change to state that firefox's path is /usr/bin/firefox?14:06
Segajahm, it doesn't work14:06
adi1oh it's not a gui app?14:07
zirodayvinc: did you attempt installing firefox from any sort of scripts, an *matix or any firefox alternatives?14:07
MrDeathlessah, ok, now I can view the userlist14:07
MrDeathlessbut is there a way to add it to the right?14:07
adi1grawity | i dont know how to work it from terminal14:07
zirodayvinc: err firefox based alternatives14:07
vincziroday: yes14:07
Dr_Willisvinc:  xchat has settings in its url handler/settings  for some oddreason it has  not been set propelry by default  in many releases14:07
zirodayvinc: what did you do14:07
grawityadi1: I already gave you the command.14:08
grawityadi1: You can try avidemux, I think it has a GUI.14:08
Halitechadi1, man ffmpeg will have the options and instructions on using it14:08
zirodayDr_Willis: its not just x-chat. Default browser is set to /opt/firefox14:08
prof87i have a problem with my webcam on amns when i configure farsight!!how can resolve?before farsight web work corretly14:08
inspire`anyone got an idea14:08
Dr_Willisziroday:  thats. odd....14:08
FreeaqingmeIs Karmic ready to use in non-critical environments ?14:08
inspire`some proprietary drivers or smtn that im missing14:08
Niklas_Eis theer any way to check which device is the pan (useing bluetooth) and want it to get a dhcp adress14:08
adi1ok i should go back to that command14:08
Dr_WillisFreeaqingme:  its in beta 1. so try it if you want. :)14:08
zirodayDr_Willis: no, he used some nasty script which attempted to install firefox in /opt14:08
Dr_Willisziroday:  ewww....14:08
ciroqualcuno italiano?14:08
grawityadi1: But this is Linux, and everything's based on command-line programs.14:08
vincziroday: i used ubuntuzilla, if I recall. It actually installed firefox 3.5 in /opt/firefox, but after some time I deleted it14:08
grawityUbuntuzilla isn't nasty.14:09
vincciro: #ubuntu-it14:09
Segajagrawity: any idea, why it doesn't work properly?14:09
adi1yeah ok :)14:09
cirovinc come si va14:09
Dr_Willisit just dosent have a proper Uninstall feature?14:09
ciroe la prima volta14:09
zirodayvinc: well I'm sure you understand the whole "don't use nasty scripts from the internet" speech :). Go to System > Preferences > Preffered Applications, what is set for browser?14:09
erUSUL!it | ciro14:09
ubottuciro: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:09
grawityDr_Willis: Does dpkg -r not count as "proper Uninstall feature" now?14:09
Dr_Willisgrawity:   that wouldent make it a 'script' then would it? or is there some missing facts here.14:10
vincziroday: you rule14:11
grawityDr_Willis: Hmm. I don't remember exactly now.14:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xbuntu14:11
zirodayvinc: cookies can be sent to my home address :)14:11
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels14:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cake14:11
grawityDr_Willis: But I do know that it has an uninstaller, some or other14:11
mrwes!ice cream14:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ice cream14:11
prof87i have a problem with my webcam on amns when i configure farsight!!how can resolve?before farsight web work corretly14:11
bazhang /msg ubottu please14:11
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=== goma-garrofin is now known as BlouBlou
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.14:12
ubottuAt the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cn.scs.msg.yahoo.com (port 5050) and see if that helps.14:12
ziroday!msgthebot > [x]sodium[x]14:13
ubottu[x]sodium[x], please see my private message14:13
unimatrix9hi there14:13
unimatrix9any one know how to setup teleconferincing with telepathy , and farsight14:13
[x]sodium[x]!msgthebot ziroday14:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:14
unimatrix9is there any fronten gui14:14
=== marius is now known as Guest37466
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about farsight14:14
dynamitehey guys, for some reason i dont have a .viminfo file in my ~/ directory. Does anyone have any ideas why or how I can find it? I tried doing find on ~/ but no luck14:15
grawitydynamite: Try :help 'viminfo' in vim.14:16
chrizthophelp pls hmm i dont khow how to enable webcam using kopete14:16
GyrlGeekGood morning room.  I tried to install KDE and when I logged in, it appeared KDE and Gnome were having a battle for my desktop.14:17
dynamitegrawity: says not available when compiled w/o +viminfo feature14:17
grawitydynamite: vim --version | grep +viminfo14:17
dynamiteThe program 'vim' can be found in the following packages:14:18
dynamite * vim14:18
dynamite * vim-gnome14:18
dynamite * vim-tiny14:18
dynamite * vim-gtk14:18
FloodBot3dynamite: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:18
dynamite * vim-nox14:18
chrizthophelp pls hmm how to enable webcam using kopete14:19
dynamitedidnt know it c/p everything :(14:19
GyrlGeekhow to install KDE over Gnome?14:19
dynamiteapparentally i only have vi then..14:19
bazhangGyrlGeek, the package kubuntu-desktop14:19
chrizthopis there anyone here use kopete ?14:20
HalitechGyrlGeek, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop14:20
Niklas_Eanyknow know how to install the scripts in /etc/bluetooth/pan/dev-up seems to be missing it14:20
fxfitzDoes anyone know of a GOOD tutorial for installing and setting up an OpenVPN server?14:20
GyrlGeekI tried to install it, but when I restarted it seem to show both gnome and kde14:20
shearn89hey guys, i have wireless trouble - i followed the ndiswrapper guide for my card (netgear wg311), but now even though ndiswrapper says the card is present and loaded, it doesn't show up in iwconfig... any ideas?14:21
HalitechGyrlGeek, with both desktop environments installed, you will see the apps for both in your menu14:21
GyrlGeekHow do I disable Gnome so I can try KDE?14:22
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fxfitzGyrlGeek, I believe someone already answered you.14:22
GyrlGeekI'm not sure I want KDE exclusively, just wanna try it out.14:22
bazhangGyrlGeek, you select in the login window14:22
HalitechGyrlGeek, when you start up and get to the log in screen, click on sessions and selct KDE14:23
phuhqueueAnyone else get really fusking freaked out by facebook's suggestions? You know, not that I think it is magic, I know how it works - it is dishonest though - they compile from people's whose email you are in, and people in yours (if you are stupid enough to let them connect) i setup a second account, with my name, took it off search listings, used a fresh email, yet STILL, the cousin of a friend of mine came up on that list, which means she must have sea14:23
phuhqueuerched for my name, and there was so little data to use to produce a suggestion, that one event placed her there.14:23
phuhqueueweird, right?14:23
GyrlGeekI'm saying I did that.  Selected sessions, KDE and when it logged in I could see both desktops14:23
phuhqueueAND I wasn't on search listings14:23
bazhangphuhqueue, what does this have to with ubuntu14:23
grawityphuhqueue: I think it works like this: people show up if they're friends of someone in your friend list.14:24
HalitechGyrlGeek, what do you mean you could see both desktops?14:24
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:24
phuhqueuebazhang, OMJ wrong channel! I mean to type this into ##javascript14:24
phuhqueuegrawity, I know, but I only added one friend (just to get the ball rolling) and this person 100% isn't on that list14:24
shearn89Anyone good with wireless? ndiswrapper trouble, specifically14:24
phuhqueueon my other accounts, I get a lot of 'friends of friends' suggestions. don't worry grawity, just idle chat because I want to crush facebook14:25
GyrlGeekI could see KDE (blue) and Gnome (brown).  Gnome kept coming back in, but KDE would flash over it ....it ws very weird14:25
bazhangphuhqueue, please take this elsewhere thanks14:25
GyrlGeekmy question is though, if I install KDE and select it in session, should that automatically disable Gnome?14:25
shearn89GyrlGeek: yes14:25
GyrlGeekI must have messed up the install.14:26
bazhangGyrlGeek, please provide a screenshot14:26
HalitechGyrlGeek, yes it should only load the kde desktop but it will have apps from both listed in your menu14:26
bazhang!imagebin | GyrlGeek14:26
ubottuGyrlGeek: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.14:26
GyrlGeekI reinstalled this morning, it's just a netbook14:26
HalitechGyrlGeek, do you have compiz enabled? maybe its holding stuff and causing the issue14:26
GyrlGeekI'll try KDE again later and come back if I have the same issue.  Advantage to using KDE over Gnome?14:27
GyrlGeekWhat is compiz?14:27
Halitech!compiz | GyrlGeek14:27
ubottuGyrlGeek: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz14:27
ounisdoes some one tried sugar14:27
bazhangounis, that is offtopic for here14:27
ouniswhat is the topic14:27
chrizthopguys ahm what is the best Virtualmachine???14:27
chrizthopin ubuntu14:27
bazhangUbuntu support ounis14:27
ounisi want support14:28
grawitychrizthop: VirtualBox14:28
ounisbecause it won't load14:28
GyrlGeekthanks. I'm gonna grab some breakfast and get back at it later, thanks again for the help!14:28
Boohbahchrizthop: that depends on your needs. for desktops, virtualbox is good14:28
bazhangounis, then get help from sugar / olpc forums NOT here14:28
cabarochriztop: Virtualbox is good for lightweight virtualization14:28
chrizthophmm i use virtual box but the audio is really poor14:29
ounisbut i want to use it on my pc running ubuntu14:29
bazhangounis, then install the package sugar from the repos14:29
cabarochrizthop: is your computer fast enough?14:29
ounisi did14:29
ounisbut it won't load14:29
smee2i'm having trouble seeing the output from a c program (using OpenGL and freeglut).  I only get partial output, but with no actual window displayed.  http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/1593/screenshotqk.png  does anyone know what it might be?14:29
cabarochrizthop: are you running ubuntu as host?14:30
chrizthophmm not much cabaro14:30
bazhangounis, give us some details; it wont load is too sparse14:30
=== WiPin is now known as WiPinDon
melknixi've installed backtrack4, and i have a problem with xorg. the file don't have any resolution or monitor written. there is a command that reconfigure xorg with atodetection mode?14:30
chrizthopyes cabaro14:30
ounisit gives me an error that my session standed less than 10 seconds14:30
bazhangmelknix, #remote-exploit for bt4 support14:30
melknixthe problem is on xorg14:30
cabarochrizthop: cat /proc/cpuinfo14:30
melknixok i'll go there bye and thanks14:31
chrizthopIntel(R) Pentium(R) Dual  CPU  E2200  @ 2.20GHz14:31
chrizthop1 gb ram14:32
cabarochrizthop: that should be enough to run at least one virtual computer, is your hos ubuntu?14:32
chrizthopyes cabaro14:33
cabarook, one sec14:33
chrizthopahm i am dual boot w/ xp and ubuntu14:34
cabarochrizthop: what os is your client?14:34
ounissugar shows a message14:34
ounisYour session only lasted less than 10 seconds. If you have not logged out yourself, this could mean that there is some installation problem or that you may be out of disk space14:34
ounisthen quit14:34
BriffyHey guys, I picked up an Asus EeePC 1101HA netbook today and, naturally, decided to put Ubuntu on it. Decided to give the new beta a go but everytime I try to run the installation, I get as far as "setting Advanced Power Management level to 0xfe" and then nothing happens. Is there a way around this or am I better of just going with a stable release?14:34
chrizthopcabaro: XP SP314:35
bazhangBriffy, #ubuntu+1 for karmic support14:35
BriffyThanks bazhang. :)14:35
cabarochrizthop: have you installed the extensions? (virtualbox drivers) in your client?14:35
BoohbahBriffy: the eeepc's are very particular about their power management14:35
bazhangounis, are you out of disk space perchance?14:36
ounissure not14:36
chrizthopcabaro: hmm virtual box driver??14:36
chrizthopi use VirtualBox v. 314:37
cabarochrizthop: if i recall.. once you have your client os running, select from virtualbox menus to install client extensions. it should mount a cd drive to your client os for drivers14:37
bazhangounis, please keep it in channel; I've not used sugar before; what other packages did you install with it? if you are not out of disk space then sounds like something went wrong with the install14:38
chrizthopok thanks cabaro14:38
JImmyBonzaithank god im here, ive been spending all day on an annoying problem14:38
cabarochrizthop: tell us, if it worked14:39
ounisno just xwindow crashes14:39
ounisi installed no other packages14:39
nutterpcJImmyBonzai, I been spending the day debugginhg, lol, I know the feeling14:39
ravenhello. vncviewer only gives me the first frame, then it freezes but the control works - what can i do?14:39
HalitechJImmyBonzai, what problem are you having?14:40
JImmyBonzaii installed linux incorrectly on a seperatye paretition from my nfts windows xp partition, but it seems to have screwed up my windows partition, i even formtted a seperate hard dri, copied ALL the xp file s across, disconnect all other drives, used recovery console to fixboot then fixmbr and im nowhere, could it be to do with permissions of files? badly need my old install working.....14:40
cabaroraven: start vncviewer in a terminal to see any error messages14:41
chrizthopcabaro: there is no menu that said to install client extensions14:41
ravencabaro i just saw that the problem also appears with the ubuntu-viewer... what could be wrong on the server?14:41
HalitechJImmyBonzai, ok, lots of info but not what the issue is, does windows not boot anymore? does windows work and you can't boot ubuntu?14:42
JImmyBonzaiso the windows partition is back on the same drive it was, new partiton, same files, with fixboot and fixmbr done......do i need to somehow get files permissions back to windows default?14:42
JImmyBonzaiive scrapped ubuntu in order to get xp back, XP will nbot boot, boot.ini seems fine14:42
jribJImmyBonzai: ##windows for windows help14:43
HalitechJImmyBonzai, did you just copy the files to another drive then format and copy them back?14:43
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1095397.html ounis14:43
JImmyBonzaiagain, im suspecting the files permissions have sxomething to do with it im not sure why14:43
JImmyBonzaiexactly halitech14:43
JImmyBonzaithats what i donw14:43
ounisthank you bazhang14:44
JImmyBonzaicopied files to another drive, repartiti0oned oprignal then copied back across, usedf recovery console for the fix booot sand fixmbr, no joy14:44
HalitechJImmyBonzai, then there's your issue, unfortunately this is the Ubuntu support channel, not windows (but from what I've seen, just copying files into place doesn't work)14:44
=== masterhumper is now known as sejo
JImmyBonzaisure, u need to sort the boot sector via recoveryu console? i done that14:45
JImmyBonzaiand fixmbr14:45
JImmyBonzaiboot.ini is correwct, what am i dowing wrong?14:45
ravencabaro http://pastebin.com/d480f3d7a14:45
JImmyBonzaiwhat permissions should i set all original files to in linux? im using puppy and ubuntu14:45
BoohbahJImmyBonzai: using windows tools is doing it wrong14:46
JImmyBonzaipermissions for xp i mean14:46
BoohbahJImmyBonzai: you don't need to change permissions14:46
JImmyBonzaifor re-writing mbr for an xp drive using windows is wrong?14:46
bazhangJImmyBonzai, this is a windows question. ##windows for support not here, thanks14:46
Boohbahit will overwrite grub14:46
Halitech!windows | JImmyBonzai14:46
ubottuJImmyBonzai: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents14:46
BoohbahJImmyBonzai: and if that's what you want to do, it has nothing to do with ubuntu14:47
JImmyBonzaii want to use linux14:47
JImmyBonzaitio repair14:47
JImmyBonzaithats why i want to learn linux14:47
JImmyBonzaiim aware it can be awesome for even windows repair14:47
JImmyBonzaiso how i do it in linux ?14:47
BoohbahJImmyBonzai: have you installed ubuntu?14:47
JImmyBonzaino using live disk14:47
Boohbahwhat is your goal?14:48
Boohbahto boot windows, or to install ubuntu?14:48
vattshow to synchronise some folder(s) from \\remotecomp(win box) to my ubuntu box, if NOT files from remotebox in ubuntu box, copy it, if they are, abort everything else?14:48
JImmyBonzaito get my oriniginal xp partition working  and then install ubuntu on a seperate drive14:48
vattsie, if file on winbox and not on ubox, copy from winbox to ubox, else, pas.14:48
JImmyBonzaithat is my goal14:48
grawityvatts: rsync14:49
BoohbahJImmyBonzai: if your xp partition is the first partition on the first drive then grub will overwrite the ntloader14:49
JImmyBonzaii need xp working again forst, what tools in linux can i use for the drive to be picked up? as i say i tried windoes se3tup cd recovery tool and fixboot \fixmbr, still no boot14:49
JImmyBonzaiusing 2 drives now14:49
vattsgrawity: isn't rsync from box TO remotebox?14:49
JImmyBonzaigot a fresh drive for ubuntu14:49
JImmyBonzaii badly need to get into my windows first14:50
BoohbahJImmyBonzai: recommend windows tools to fix your windows problem, /join ##windows14:50
scuniziJImmyBonzai: what happens when you try to boot windows?14:50
ubottursync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync14:50
grawityvatts: rsync can work in any direction, including local-only.14:50
JImmyBonzaidosent give error of ntloadr or anything14:50
scuniziJImmyBonzai: no errors at all.. ? just emptyness?  have you checked the boot order in the bios14:51
JImmyBonzaiwhen i do fixmbr in console it does complain about partition table but its a brand new format, only ufiles are sa,e14:51
JImmyBonzaiwhich made me think [ermisssions14:51
JImmyBonzaisure i even choose drive manually14:51
BoohbahJImmyBonzai: the master boot record is not a standard filesystem, it has no notion of 'permissions'14:52
scuniziJImmyBonzai: can you boot to the ubuntu live cd and look at the drive? is there data there?14:52
JImmyBonzaiyes, defo, everyting looks as it should14:52
ravencabaro are you there?14:52
JImmyBonzaiit is of same size as before aswell14:52
JImmyBonzaifile wise14:52
Segajawith the command read i can get the key-sequence of the key F12 for example. how can i get the sequence for mouse down?14:53
JImmyBonzaiill come back guys 2 mins14:53
scuniziJImmyBonzai: outside of any suggestions #windows might make.. you might be better served by installing ubuntu on the new drive, copy the data off the other and reinstall windows14:54
ravennvidia-glx-96 is installed but with my gforce 4 mx ti4200 is nothing possbile above vga mode - how to solve?14:54
jano_howdy, please can i get helped here with PHP problem not related to Ubuntu?14:54
grawityjano_: How about asking in ##php instead?14:54
jano_well, gotta try it though, but this is third server and about tenth channel where i didnt found any help :D14:55
Josh_apt-get errors that it can't resolve the server at us.archive.ubuntu.com14:55
Josh_is this down, or is it just me?14:56
grawityJosh_: Does 'host us.archive.ubuntu.com' work?14:56
jano_but seems that at the channel you said will be someone online, thank you14:56
Josh_I have every reason to believe it's just me14:56
fxfitzI have a samba share, but I can only access it when I'm on my local network. Is there a way I can make it so I can access it from other places? VPN perhaps? Any ideas?14:56
Halitechjosh, can you load us.archive.ubuntu.com in a web browser?14:56
Josh_grawity: Nope, times out14:56
Josh_Halitech: No, no web browser14:57
grawityJosh_: Then your DNS server might be down... How about this: host us.archive.ubuntu.com
Halitechjosh, can you ping it or any server?14:57
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »14:57
dynamiteis there a reason why my vim installation didn't create a .vimrc file?14:57
rorsince updating this morning I've lost sound, anyone experiencing the same thing14:58
dynamitei thought when i had downloaded vim package before it automatically creates .vimrc & .viminfo14:58
dynamitethis one only made a .viminfo file14:58
grawitydynamite: Because it contains user settings, and so must be created by the user.14:58
dynamiteoh icic14:58
BoldtI have a problem when installing ubuntu on a parallels virtual machine14:58
grawitydynamite: Package managers never touch user settings.14:58
Josh_grawity: That timed out as well14:59
Josh_Halitech: What do I pass to ping?14:59
grawityJosh_: Well, your router/ISP/DNS/whatever is broken  :(14:59
grawityJosh_: Can you try, for example, 'host google.com'?14:59
Halitechjosh, just ping us.archive.ubuntu.com15:00
Josh_grawity: Nope, that times out, too15:00
trapassiyai want to ask something15:00
trapassiyacan anyone reply me?15:00
Josh_so whatever's running my internet is definitely busted.15:00
Halitech!ask | trapassiya15:00
ubottutrapassiya: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:00
grawitytrapassiya: We'll reply after you ask the question.15:00
trapassiyai m using ubuntu 9.0415:00
trapassiyaand i want development tolls like .NET for linux.15:00
Josh_Probably has something to do with X server not being installed, ha?15:00
treadHi all.  I deleted 5 gigs in nautilus, emptied my trash bin, refreshed the nautilus window and.... still didn't get my free space back.  What could have gone wrong?15:01
grawityJosh_: It really shouldn't be related to that.15:01
BoldtI have installed the system, and then tries to log in15:01
trapassiyai searched on net and i found a development tool called mono...but i m not getting exacxt download link of this software for ubuntu15:01
trapassiyacan you help me out?15:01
scunizitread: you're looking in the wrong directory?15:01
Boldtbut it just returns to the login prompt15:01
Josh_grawity: Do you know how to troubleshoot internet?15:01
Boldtseems to be a problem with the graphics settings15:01
Boldtdoes anybody have a hint to solve this problem15:02
Josh_What's the driver that handles that? Or, how do I fetch that?15:02
Halitechjosh, what is your IP address?15:02
treadscunizi, lol nope sorry. The free space has definitely not been given back to that partition.15:02
trapassiyaanyone plz help me15:02
grawitytrapassiya: In Ubuntu, like most Linux distributions, programs are usually installed from "software repositories" - go to System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager.15:02
scunizitread: common error for lots is to look at the free space on the wrong partition by accident.. :)15:02
Josh_Why did you need that?15:03
trapassiyaand one more thing15:03
trapassiyahow can i edit ubuntu source code?15:03
treadAnyone have any suggestions?  The only similar thread I could find on google suggests that it's in a different user's trash.. but i deleted it from nautilus, and i started nautilus as myself.15:03
Halitechjosh, do you have a router that has that IP or is that the address that shows up when you run sudo ifconfig?15:03
Josh_I'm connected to the internet on four other computers15:03
trapassiyaans me plzz15:04
Josh_that was my absolute IP. ifconfig gives me
scunizitread: other users or maybe in the admins/sudo's trash..15:04
HalitechJosh_, only
grawityJosh_: you mean "external IP"?15:04
Josh_it gives a subnet mask, too15:04
Halitechtrapassiya, gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list15:05
trapassiyahow can i edit ubuntu source code?15:05
treadscunizi, don't see how that could be the case, but i check'd trash as root anyway and nope :/15:05
grawityJosh_: Anyway, if ifconfig doesn't list anything else than loopback, you need to configure the network interface... do you use DHCP?15:05
Josh_grawity: I don't know what I mean anymore.15:05
scunizitread: when you deleted what you deleted did you have to use sudo?15:05
Josh_I believe so, yes15:05
grawityJosh_: For DHCP, sudo dhclient eth015:05
trapassiyasry but i dont know tht where gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list this path resides15:05
HalitechJosh_, does lspci list your network card?15:05
scunizitread: or sudo nautilus?15:05
bodgerHello, am trying to setup a wireless card. It's a Belkin PCMCIA, have installed the drivers correctly with ndiswrapper (wlan0 appears in `iwconfig`)15:05
trapassiyacan u tell me plz?15:05
LjLtrapassiya: what do you mean by "source code" here?15:06
MuheIs there a piece of software that will manage e-mail accounts on a Debian server? I have no idea how to install/maintain a mailserver so looking for a package that will install everything and give a web admin page to admin it from15:06
MuheLike webmin but for email15:06
bodgerout router is detected in network applet but is greyed out15:06
bodgerany ideas why?15:06
trapassiyai want to edit code of ubuntu15:06
Halitechtrapassiya, press Alt + F2 and type in that command15:06
trapassiyathat's all15:06
bazhangMuhe, debian?15:06
Josh_grawity: it says it bound to something15:06
LjLtrapassiya: isn't that a *bit* generic? ubuntu is a huge collection of software. what do you want to edit?15:06
Muhebazhang: or ubuntu15:06
trapassiyaError stating file '/home/ankur/command': No such file or directory15:06
trapassiyathis error comes15:06
Josh_renewal in 4114 seconds15:06
grawityJosh_: Now type 'ifconfig eth0' and see if it lists an IP address.15:06
reeeeeestyI just installed ubuntu using the automatic partition... And now I only have 136.5mb free space in just about subdirectory of root. What could be wrong?15:06
jriveraany suggestions on traffic shaping for ubuntu 9.04 non-GUI15:07
trapassiyaya i know it is a large OS but i just want to see the code.15:07
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash15:07
treadtread, no.  I opened nautilus through the "Places" menu, highlighted the directory, hit the "delete" key.  It disappeared.  I then emptied the trash (didn't verify it was in there first, just assumed)... and now i can't find my free space.  I'm just gonna try a logout/login for the heck of it, see what happens.15:07
Josh_grawity: I now have an IP from my router. ^_^15:07
treadscunizi, that message was for you of course :p15:07
LjLtrapassiya: type "sudo apt-source <package-name-that-you-want-to-see-the-code-ok>":15:07
LjLtrapassiya: sorry, i mean type "sudo apt-get source <package-name-that-you-want-to-see-the-code-ok>":15:07
scunizitread: I caught it..15:07
Josh_grawity: It's working!15:08
jano_how can I turn off displaying groups in Pigdin?????15:08
Josh_I can apt-get the X server now15:08
Josh_ahahahaha, yes! Thanks much!15:08
jano_I mean the user groups15:08
grawityLjL: apt-get source does not need sudo. (In fact, sudo just messes up permissions.)15:08
LjLgrawity: right, sorry15:08
jriveraany suggestions on traffic shaping for an ip range in ubuntu 9.04 non-GUI15:08
Boohbahjrivera: wondershaper15:09
Boohbahjrivera: http://linuxadministration.us/2008/08/11/easy-ubuntu-traffic-shaping/15:10
mark3mkhi all, anyone know how to close all windows on all desktops? (without logging out)15:11
GintulisSysinfo for 'Kubutnu-desktop': Linux 2.6.28-15-generic running KDE 4.3.1 (KDE 4.3.1), CPU: Intel(R)Core2QuadCPUQ9400@2.66GHz at 2670 MHz (6328 bogomips), HD: 1045/1243GB, RAM: 4118/7889MB, 170 proc's, 1.53h up15:11
chrizthopis there another program thats supports webcam while chatting with YM ??15:12
erUSULGintulis: do not run that here; please15:12
EricTheHaxive been using the mac4lin theme just to show off to some kids now no matter what theme i choose everything is in its mac4lin position (window buttons, title, etc)15:12
jriveraBoohbah: wondershaper does that by interface not by ip range right?15:13
EricTheHaxwill it fix after reboot?15:13
Boohbahoh, yes15:13
FiReSTaRTjrivera: basically it will limit everyone to the same speeds15:13
HalitechEricTheHax, what do you mean will it fix after a reboot?15:13
toniiGintulis: you got 11TB unused hdd space?15:13
FiReSTaRTjrivera: regardless of the connection type15:13
majnoonwow my video card has more memory then my last computer :)15:14
grturneri think he means the how the mac4lin reverses the position of the minimize maximize and close buttons15:14
treadscunizi, I just did nothing but log out and then back in... now I have my free space.  And I know I didn't have it before I logged out (so it couldn't have just been a problem with nautilus refreshing its info) because i tested it by trying to copy a file via command line, and it wouldn't let me due to lack of space... but logout, login, and voila, the space is there!  weird :/15:14
EricTheHaxmy buttons are on the left and all that but im not using the mac4lin theme i was using prior15:14
grturnerand if that is the case... i've had to go into gconf and straighten it out15:14
jriveraFiReSTaRT: yes, but i need only to limit say 2mbps for 192.168.1/24 then 512kbps to 192.168.2/24 ranges15:15
dynamitecan someone tell me why im getting the following errors when i source my vimrc file? http://pastebin.com/d7f90f9015:15
EricTheHaxhow do i put the buttons where they used to be15:15
scunizitread: great.. that's why the cli can be beneficial sometimes.. also in Applications> Accessories> Disk Usage Analyser is a good graphical tool to find where the largest partitions/directories are.15:15
grawitydynamite: Because .vimrc is a *vim* configuration file15:15
grturnerEricTheHax, open gconf-editor apps>metacity>general15:15
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf
grawitydynamite: And by sourcing it, you tell *bash* to read it15:16
FiReSTaRTjrivera: actually shape might be a better choice.. http://www.hadyaiinternet.com/index.php?topic=79.015:16
grturnerchange 'button layout' to:menu:minimize,maximize,close15:16
dynamitegrawity : Thanks15:16
dynamitei should touch it to let vim know i updated it right15:16
treadscunizi, yeah but that still doesn't explain why it wouldn't free up the space for me before a logout, even though the trash was already emptied15:16
grawitydynamite: Basically, this is the same as running a Perl script with Python.15:16
dynamiteyes i understand15:17
scunizitread: I suspect the space was free .. it was just nautilus not reporting correctly15:17
phuhqueuedynamite, restart vim15:17
EricTheHaxthanks it worked15:17
EricTheHaxu rule15:17
FiReSTaRTjrivera: that package seems to be able to restrict by ip... gives you more flexibility.. with that being said, being a Canadian, the concept scares me as most of the country is being throttled15:17
Doc_Lappyvim is over rated :P15:17
Doc_Lappyso is vi15:17
treadscunizi, didn't you read what i just said?  before logging out, i tried copying a file via command line, just to see if the problem was only with nautilus misreporting... the copy failed due to lack of disk space before I logged out.. so no, the space *wasn't* free before i logged out.15:18
Doc_Lappyhi mikejaer15:18
jriveraFiReSTaRT: this will only be applied on corporate connection :-)15:18
grawityDoc_Lappy: Comment ignored15:18
scunizitread: nope.. must have logged in after that post..15:18
grawitytread: rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash15:18
FiReSTaRTjrivera: as long as it's not mine :P good luck.. as i said, this one seems to be more configurable.. who knows, you may even be able to set time-specific throttling so the p2p freak can still go crazy when it won't affect others :)15:19
WhiteCrow1hi guys15:19
treadgrawity, is that different than just emptying the trash manually?15:19
guest42How do I find out which X driver is being used at the moment on my pc?15:19
Doc_Lappylol @grawity what aren't we allowed our opinions, I just like nano much easier to use15:19
treadgrawity, by "manually" i mean via the panel icon.15:20
jriveraFiReSTaRT: ok thanks for the tip15:20
WhiteCrow1what's best firewall for ubuntu ???15:20
FiReSTaRTjrivera: yqw :)15:20
BoohbahWhiteCrow1: some people like apf, i use shorewall15:20
nutterpcman this last step in this KernelCheck bug is annoying the hell out of me15:21
FiReSTaRTWhiteCrow1: get firestarter.. that one's easy enough to configure15:21
Doc_LappyI didn't know there were firewalls made for ubuntu, ill have to check those out Boohbah15:21
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grawityDoc_Lappy: I think most of them are simply GUIs for 'netfilter'.15:22
dynamitehow can you change the syntax highlight color scheme in vi or is this not possible?15:22
WhiteCrow1Boohbah: FiReSTaRT: what's better ?????????15:22
nutterpcwhat section of code is it that is adding the patch on the end (-rc1-git3) <---- anyone got an idea what code i may have to look for to stop it downloading the patch, as that's whats holding me up atm, from having it fully fixed15:23
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:23
grawitydynamite: vi doesn't even has highlighting.15:23
dynamitevim i mean15:23
grawitydynamite: In vim, it's :colorscheme15:23
ravennvidia-glx-96 is installed but with my gforce 4 mx ti4200 is nothing possbile above vga mode - how to solve?15:23
mnainesI use firestarter to configure Ubuntu's firewall...Its personal preference15:23
BoohbahWhiteCrow1: that depends on your needs15:23
nutterpcFirestarter is a great firewall if you want something which just *works*15:24
BoohbahWhiteCrow1: i like shorewall because it's powerful and i have LOTS of servers15:24
nutterpcminimal fuss and does the job15:24
WhiteCrow1Boohbah: i need for desck top15:24
Doc_Lappyk installing shorewall, does it need configured or am I done I just marked and applied it under the synaptic manager?15:24
guest42how do I found out the x video driver being used?15:24
grawityDoc_Lappy: _every_ firewall needs to be configured.15:24
nutterpcwhat card have u got installed atm guest42?15:24
BoohbahDoc_Lappy: don't use shorewall if you don't know how to configure a firewall15:25
Doc_Lappywell do you know where the config file is or how to do that or do I need to google it15:25
grawityDoc_Lappy: Actually, Ubuntu (like any other Linux distro) can do just fine without a firewall.15:25
nutterpcDoc_Lappy, if you want a firewall, I would suggest Firestarter, it does an excellent job and doesn't need a lot of configuration to run15:25
nutterpceven I'm using it on this laptop15:26
guest42nutterpc: an nvidia card15:26
WhiteCrow1Boohbah: i need ask  ?15:26
nutterpcis it a default install guest42?15:26
Doc_Lappywell that's why I guess I never heard of anyone using one but it wouldn't hurt to have one I thought if they have two available and easy to configure15:26
guest42nutterpc: is there a command that outputs the x video driver used? /etc/X11/xorg.conf is nonexistent.15:26
Doc_Lappyk thanks nutterpc15:26
RDoveis there anyway to tell lynx to use a certain ip for browsing?15:26
nutterpcbit which will help further is how new is the install?15:26
erUSULguest42: maybe this → grep -i driver /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:27
Administrator_can someone tell me where i can troubleshooting info on xming other than it's own site15:27
=== Administrator_ is now known as Abhinav
WhiteCrow1Boohbah: (i can't speak EN very will but i understand a little) my VGA today gat probleam me model VGA has gforce 8400 nvidia but i can't install nvidia-glx-18015:28
=== Abhinav is now known as Hardikar
nutterpcDoc_Lappy, check on the forums, there is a guide for how to get Firestarter working on startup, just needs a small (5mins) conf to your network requirements15:28
nutterpcafter that it will load on startup, and you don't need to worry15:28
=== JoshuaL_ is now known as JoshuaL
guest42erUSUL: I get the following output:15:28
guest42$ grep -i driver /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:28
guest42X.Org Video Driver: 5.015:28
guest42X.Org XInput driver : 4.015:28
FloodBot3guest42: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:28
JoshuaL!paste > guest4215:28
ubottuguest42, please see my private message15:28
=== zer0 is now known as Guest4686
nutterpche's not using the proper nvidia driver15:28
toxic0hello, i'm yilling to dist-upgrade, but I want the upgrade tool to use a specific repo in my university instead of the official (to avoid blowing my transfert-quota)15:28
erUSULguest42: Driver "vesa" <<<< there you have your answer15:28
nutterpcnv is the generic driver15:29
=== toxic0 is now known as toxic
Guest4686soy zero,chicos, no se k pasa con este irc beta15:29
JoshuaLis it possible to change the name of the workspaces when running compiz? and is it possible to make certain apps open on a certain workspace with compiz?15:29
Doc_Lappyk thanks again nutterpc think thise will work just fine and has a wizard to configure it so I don't need to read up on anything to get it going..15:29
toxichello, i'm yilling to dist-upgrade, but I want the upgrade tool to use a specific repo in my university instead of the official (to avoid blowing my transfert-quota)15:29
BlouBlou!es | Guest468615:29
ubottuGuest4686: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:29
guest42erUSUL: but there is also a line Driver "nv" and Driver "fbdev"15:29
soreauJoshuaL: yes and yes15:30
qdbhello. i have installed ubuntu and screen size is with little resolution. hard to change with graphic tool. i do not see it. i have other version of ubuntu and cannot press keys looking to my ubuntu, the tool is different15:30
nutterpctoxic, you need to go thru System > Administration15:30
erUSULguest42: post the whole log to a pastebin15:30
qdbhow to change in terminal?15:30
nutterpcthen go to Software Sources15:30
WhiteCrow1evryone can help me?15:30
qdbi am now in recover terminal15:30
JoshuaLsoreau, good to hear, any idea how i can do it?15:30
Halitechqdb, what video card?15:31
soreauJoshuaL: The latter is possible using Place Windows, for the former you might want to install workspace-names15:31
JoshuaL!ask | WhiteCrow115:31
ubottuWhiteCrow1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:31
JoshuaLthanks soreau15:31
qdbHalitech, s3 trio15:31
guest42erUSUL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/284654/15:31
toxicnutterpc: I'll give a shot, thx !15:31
nutterpctoxic, what university mirror you trying to use15:32
Halitechqdb, just tried an install with an s3 card, best I got was 640x480, s3 isn't very well supported15:32
soreauJoshuaL: Incidentally I have written a script to install a bunch of experimental plugins for compiz 0.8 (tailored for Jaunty)15:32
qdbHalitech, is is now like 640 480 ...15:32
soreauJoshuaL: On of which is workspace names15:32
qdbor smaller...15:32
WhiteCrow1JoshuaL: my VGA today have probleam i want to install nvidia-glx-180 but i can't that sys errore buge  so what i doing ???????? sorry i cant speak EN very will but i understand a littel15:32
Guest4686pero k es esto?15:32
qdbhow can i set 640 480 in terminal15:33
soreauJoshuaL: One of which*15:33
toxicnutterpc : tu-dresden => http://ftp.wh2.tu-dresden.de/pub/mirrors/ubuntu/ubuntu15:33
soreau! es | Guest468615:33
ubottuGuest4686: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:33
Boohbah!es | Guest468615:33
JoshuaLsoreau, cool, wanna share it? (does it work for karmic?)15:33
Halitechqdb, is this a desktop or a laptop?15:33
toxicnutterpc: I already added that url into source.list....15:33
soreauJoshuaL: I need a tester for karmic..15:33
JoshuaLWhiteCrow1, what is your language?15:33
JoshuaLsoreau, i can give it a try15:33
nutterpctoxic, and you want it to try to check that url for its necessary files?15:33
parapanghelescuhi there fellows I cannot burn a DVD ..the system is reporting that Brasero is not able to burn the medium with the current set of plugins ....I checked and I have 4 plugins installed ....what could be the problem ...can you recommend another burning software ???15:33
qdbHalitech, desktop15:33
soreauJoshuaL: Do you happen to have a karmic installation on which to test?15:33
toxicnutterpc But the upgrate process says it disables the third-party sources...15:34
erUSULguest42: you are using nv driver afaics15:34
WhiteCrow1JoshuaL:  i know #ubuntu-ir for persian language but this chanal not good15:34
mnainesGuest4686, no habla espanol15:34
JoshuaLim running it as production os atm15:34
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=== jerald is now known as prappl93
scuniziWhiteCrow1: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ... then... look in System> Admin> Hardware Drivers and see if the nvidia driver is listed.. if it is activate it.15:34
guest42erUSUL: how do you know?15:34
Halitechqdb, you could try booting to single user mode and running xfix but my suggestion would be to get an nvidia card and install it, be alot less hassle and will be better supported15:34
toxicnutterpc: I know all the upgrade files are in that repo, and if I'd like uptate-manager --dist-upgrade to use that repo instead of the official15:34
erUSULguest42: for all the NV messages in the log and the fact that the other driver got unloaded15:35
JoshuaLsoreau, so yes im able to test it15:35
* sodium slaps buddhika around a bit with a large trout15:35
WhiteCrow1scunizi: no this is not active say errore  bug15:35
Halitechtoxic, edit your sources.list file and uncomment any you don't want to use15:35
bazhangsodium, stop that15:35
soreauJoshuaL: I assume you know how to use a script then. chmod+x it and run it as user. It will prompt for password as needed http://pastebin.com/m3a5af75e15:35
qdbHalitech, i already runned xfix that way and after that it started to work, before that it freezed or something...15:35
scuniziWhiteCrow1: did you do all the updates?15:36
abhilashm86i'm not able to view flex sites, videos and no sound, i checked in firefox and flash player is latest, please help15:36
guest42erUSUL: thanks!15:36
Halitechqdb, and you still only have 640x480? get a better card15:36
JoshuaLsoreau, running it now15:36
abhilashm86http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/videotraining/xml/vid01.html like in this website, ican't hear sound15:36
soreauJoshuaL: Run it first with --help (or -h) to see how to use it and please let me know what happens on karmic15:36
qdbHalitech, i do not know, may be 320 24015:37
WhiteCrow1scunizi: i cant understand wat u say but today i have updata sys my ubuntu is 9.415:37
JoshuaLsoreau, im already running it without any parameters15:37
abhilashm86the flash says actionscript error, i don't know what is this error?15:37
soreauJoshuaL: Oh ok :)15:37
toxicHalitech: but the update-manager DISABLES third-party repos anyway !15:37
parapanghelescuhi there fellows I cannot burn a DVD ..the system is reporting that Brasero is not able to burn the medium with the current set of plugins ....I checked and I have 4 plugins installed ....what could be the problem ...can you recommend another burning software ???15:37
WhiteCrow1scunizi: PLZ see http://imagebin.ca/view/x8IAUeGk.html15:37
Halitechqdb, get a better card would be my suggestion15:37
bazhangparapanghelescu, gnomebaker k3b15:37
qdbHalitech, i cannot now15:37
Halitechtoxic, but any from ubuntu.com aren't third party repos15:38
abhilashm86what are all softwares/tools i need to enable for watching adobe sites flex, its video tutorials? in ubuntu 9.0415:38
parapanghelescubazhang > thanks I was thinking to it ...but whats about this error from Brasero ?? is the native burner of 9.04 !!!!15:38
smellydogHi, My camera(motorola E6) works in Cheese but doesnot work in skype-, export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4lconvert.so.0:/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so:/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l2convert.so dosenot work, here is the sceenshot:   http://paste.ubuntu.org.cn/4526515:38
scuniziWhiteCrow1: you don't have a video driver problem.. you have a "jocky" problem.. I don't know how to fix that.15:39
jedcparapanghelescu, there might be proprietary codecs required that you don't have installed15:39
cabaro<parapanghelescu> sudo apt-get install gnomebaker k3b15:39
Halitechqdb, you could try installing 8.04 and see if it works better15:39
qdbi install and give the computer15:39
toxicHalitech: I know, but the repo I'd like to use is not from ubuntu.com15:39
qdbit is too long15:39
qdbsoon i will give that15:39
WhiteCrow1scunizi: what is jocky ???????? and what's meen?15:39
Halitechtoxic, I know so disable them and it won't use them15:39
qdbthere is windows also15:39
JoshuaLsoreau, its compiling stuff now :)15:39
parapanghelescucabaro> thanks / jedc > you may be just right ...I try to write some avi files ...15:39
scuniziWhiteCrow1: I don't know exactly.. others will have to say what it is15:40
Ranakah``hello... i have problem with flashplayer plugin in all browser15:40
parapanghelescuavi is the container developed by Microsoft right ???15:40
WhiteCrow1scunizi: TNx for help15:40
Halitechqdb, what?15:40
abhilashm86http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/videotraining/xml/vid01.html like in this website, i can't hear sound, i'm using ubuntu 9.04, help please15:40
scuniziWhiteCrow1: good luck15:40
qdbi want to see what resolution is currently and try others15:40
abhilashm86Ranakah: same problem here too...................15:41
=== zer0 is now known as Guest82955
Ranakah``abhilashm86, and have any solution?15:41
abhilashm86http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/videotraining/xml/vid01.html , can u view this website15:41
JoshuaLsoreau, its done installing15:42
rskabhilashm86: yes15:42
grawityparapanghelescu: Yes.15:42
toxicHalitech: but the fact is that those sources are not in my source.list.... I think update-manager has it's own source.list15:42
soreauJoshuaL: Then I assume the necessary dependency package names are the same as they are on Jaunty then (which is what I was expecting). Hopefully, all of them will compile cleanly and work out-of-the-box. Note the instructions in --help to complete the installation15:42
lisbonAnyone see why hald is dieing? http://pastie.org/640463 Seems to die after I assemble an array with mdadm. Ubiquity wont run withou hald so I cant install!15:42
grawitytoxic: AFAIK, update-manager uses exactly the same sources as any other package manager.15:42
WhiteCrow1every one can Description me what's jocky and what is means15:42
parapanghelescugrawity > there is no reverse enginnering on that ??? no plugin developed ???15:42
abhilashm86rsk: i'm not able to hear sound??some actionscript error? how to correct15:42
rskabhilashm86: i hear the sound15:42
rskabhilashm86: it seems the error is on your side15:43
Halitechtoxic, update-manager, synaptic are just front ends to apt so its going to use the same sources.list file15:43
qdbHalitech, do you know how can i change that in terminal? i will serch in internet15:43
grawityparapanghelescu: The AVI container format is public, and almost every self-respecting program supports it.15:43
abhilashm86yes error is actionscript, can i try reinstalling flash player? or which tool15:43
JoshuaLsoreau, everything works, thanks :D15:43
abhilashm86rsk: yes error is actionscript, can i try reinstalling flash player? or which tool15:43
Halitechqdb, you can try to manually edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf but I'm not sure what settings you would use15:43
soreauJoshuaL: Awesome, thanks for testing :15:43
soreauJoshuaL :)15:44
parapanghelescugrawity > well ? why not Brasero burning software ???15:44
toxicHalitech: ok, I'll give a shot and comment all sources but that from my university....15:44
grawityparapanghelescu: Install gstreamer-plugins-\*15:44
JoshuaLsoreau, one question, the icons of the new plugins in ccms are missing15:44
JoshuaLthey just show up with the ? icon thingy15:44
oorahi installed netbook remix interface, now where do i find?15:45
oorahi meant find it15:45
Ranakah``abhilashm86, u have intel graphic?15:45
abhilashm86Ranakh: no i've nvidia......15:45
soreauJoshuaL: Well hmm.. it should have installed icons. Can you show the output of ls /usr/share/ccsm/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps ?15:45
WhiteCrow1TNX all of your guys bye15:46
oorahi installed netbook remix interface, now where do i find it?15:46
lisbonThis channel is too busy :( Doesnt reflect well.15:46
abhilashm86Ranakh: what error u get while browsinG?15:46
scunizi!who | lisbon15:46
ubottulisbon: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:46
mgv2how can i delele one spell checker so the other will work? im in the right folder but deletion isnt working15:46
MikeCAre there any known problems with the Karmic beta in Virtual Box?15:46
=== Guest40375 is now known as bytewalker
Ranakah``abhilashm86, browsing work normal15:47
scunizimgv2: system>Admin>synpatic and use it to uninstall.. don't just delete the folder15:47
Ranakah``but youtube clips dont work15:47
oorahi installed netbook remix interface, now where do i find it?15:47
Ranakah``only white place15:47
scunizioorah: look the the Applications menu.. usually shows up there someplace15:47
abhilashm86Ranakah: check in firefox url bar type= about:plugins , see whats wrong15:48
Ranakah``wait.. let's see :D15:48
abhilashm86Ranakah: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree, do this in termianl and restart firefox15:49
mgv2scunizi, how can i find it in the synaptic?15:49
toxicHalitech: new source.list => http://pastebin.com/m49fb05f  It should york that way ?15:49
Travis-43if I have an open ssh connection to a server, is there any way to make separate command line calls to ssh or rsync use that already open connection rather than making new connections?15:49
Ranakah``abhilashm86, i try this15:49
JoshuaLcourpse, oops, what did you say?15:49
qdbthank you15:50
Ranakah``in chromium and firefox15:50
Ranakah``don't work15:50
scunizimgv2: search for spellcheck15:50
qdbthank you, Halitech15:50
Flocki have a question, i'm having troubles with playing videos15:50
soreauJoshuaL: Did you get my last message?15:50
scunizimgv2: or dictionary15:50
Flocki have no sound, and the video is not entirely played.15:50
JoshuaLsoreau, no, sorry15:50
grawityTravis-43: I think ssh has a way to do that... ssh -M or something like that. Never used it.15:50
soreauJoshuaL: Well hmm.. it should have installed icons. Can you show the output of ls /usr/share/ccsm/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps ?15:50
JoshuaLhitting the wrong button is never such a good idea15:50
Travis-43grawity, ok thanks, I'll look into it15:50
JoshuaLsoreau, ls: cannot access /usr/share/ccsm/icons/hicolor/scalable/app: No such file or directory15:50
Halitechtoxic, that looks okay to me, run sudo apt-get update and see if it gives any errors15:50
soreauJoshuaL: Ahh.. it must be a different directory on karmic15:51
lisbonfuckit. im installing windoze15:51
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soreauJoshuaL: Thats why the icons didnt install15:51
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JoshuaL!language | lisbon15:51
ubottulisbon: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.15:51
FiReSTaRTFlock: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu and also install vlc.. videos will start playing just fine :)15:51
Flockthanks fire.15:52
Halitechlisbon, you havent even given us a chance to help you out15:52
mgv2scunizi, thanks - i hope now i will have the english spell check workin15:52
JoshuaLsoreau, my mistake, forgoto to copy the last s15:52
toxicHalitech: apt-update works, but update-manager says he knows no source for karmic....15:52
FiReSTaRTFlock: no problem.. vlc beats the stock media players hands down (and it is in the repos) while following the instructions on the medibuntu page will install all of the codecs and other crap you need to play any kind of video.. the only ones i still can't play are hi-def wmv's15:52
Halitechtoxic, are you sure they have the sources for karmic on the server?15:53
soreauJoshuaL: Well then.. do you have /tmp/icons-experimental.tar.gz?15:53
Halitechtoxic, it is still beta so may not have it15:53
Travis-43grawity, it let me to the ControlMaster configuration option which works perfectly, thank you.15:53
JoshuaLsoreau, list of icons: http://pastebin.com/m37621a7115:53
Flockahm ok15:54
Flockwhere i can get vlc?15:54
JoshuaLsoreau, nope, no such file in my /tmp15:54
benediktI have iptables doing ip masquerading. after some fiddling to forward ap ort over openvpn (and deciding not to and revertnig to the old setup), iptables doenst want to translate http requests. https and everything else works fine.15:54
benediktAnd i think my problem is somehow related to conntack. How can I debug this?15:54
benediktaccording to tcpdump the http request doesnt even make it to the iptables masq machine15:54
The_Dead_91guys i want ot boot the cdrom from grub, how can i do it?15:55
cabaroflockflock: sudo apt-get install vlc15:55
sinani am unable to cd into a director owned by me, and has 660 permission. is this normal?15:55
toxicHalitech: when i browse the repo on my web browser, i see karmic.... maybe I have to change jaunty to karmic in source.list manually ?15:55
The_Dead_91(soory, i missed the hi all :P )15:55
grawitysinan: Yes, it's normal.15:55
grawitysinan: Directories need 'execute' permission if you want to cd into them.15:55
cabaroFlock: sudo apt-get install vlc15:55
soreauJoshuaL: Did you reboot since running the script?15:55
JoshuaLsoreau, yeah15:55
MikeCHi all, are there any known problems with the Karmic beta in Virtual Box?15:56
sinangrawity: thanks :)15:56
soreauJoshuaL: Ok, thats be why then. Looks like it installed the first icon (annotate) and failed on the rest15:56
Halitechtoxic, update manager should do that itself, if its not, yes try changing it manually15:56
jussi01MikeC: karmic in #ubuntu+1 ;)15:56
scuniziMikeC: isn't Karmic still alpha?15:56
rskkarmic is beta15:56
soreauJoshuaL: Can you try running the script with install all as arguments?15:56
sinanscunizi: it is beta starting last thursday15:56
Halitechscunizi, I think it went beta on Oct 115:57
JoshuaLsoreau, sure15:57
happy_fingerwhen carmic koala full release detail??15:58
obsidiethso i needa update 8.10 to 9.0415:59
obsidiethat a certain time of day, where i will be asleep15:59
obsidiethwhast the best plan of attack here15:59
=== LinoSP is now known as LinoSP|Away
RLIMAI have a silly question16:00
jrib!away > LinoSP|Away16:00
ubottuLinoSP|Away, please see my private message16:00
parapanghelescugrawity > thanks I try to do that also ...but I can play the files with no problem .....16:00
jribobsidieth: start the install, and let it get to the downloading part16:00
RLIMAwhy the hell are the timezones wrong in ubuntu installer16:00
Halitechhappy_finger, around the end of the month16:00
jrib!upgrade > obsidieth16:00
ubottuobsidieth, please see my private message16:00
JoshuaLsoreau, still the same16:00
rskobsidieth: start the upgrade before you go to sleep16:00
RLIMAi'm in Portugal, now the right time is 160016:00
scuniziobsidieth: how bout just downloading the iso and "reinstalling" the latest version?  You WILL have to have a seperate /home partition to retain all your data.16:00
Halitechobsidieth, run it as a cron job?16:00
obsidiethi have serious doubts about that being of use, jrib16:00
RLIMAbut in the installer is giving me 170016:00
JoshuaLicons-experimental.tar.gz  <-- is present in /tmp16:00
obsidiethi considered that Halitech, but im not sure how to do it from cli16:01
jribobsidieth: well what doubts exactly?16:01
obsidiethits not a common task16:01
obsidiethbut i have bandwith limitations.16:01
raven"raw1394 - failed to get handle: No such file or directory." what can i do?16:01
soreauJoshuaL: Hmm.. I will have to look then. For now, just extract the icons in /tmp/icons-experimental.tar.gz to /usr/share/ccsm/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps manually16:01
obsidiethbasically if i run it before 4am im going to use up all my downloads and get charged.16:01
obsidiethmust avoid16:01
jribobsidieth: I see.16:02
JoshuaLsoreau, ok, i gota go now anyways. thanks for the script and good luck fixing that issue :)16:02
obsidiethin debian at least, you can just update the sources.list and invoke apt-get distupgrade16:02
obsidiethor something along those lines16:02
obsidiethdoes ubuntu have anything like this?16:02
obsidieth* or something along those lines16:02
jribobsidieth: one way would be to start the upgrade, get a list of packages it wants to download, write a wget script to download just the packages to the right location, then schedule that, then do the upgrade itself after the packages have downloaded16:03
obsidieth850mb is going to equal a reasonable amount of packages though16:03
obsidiethi think it was around that16:03
jribobsidieth: see what is required of you for the server install (I'm not sure if it asks questions)16:03
jribobsidieth: the dist-upgrade method you mention isn't supported16:04
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obsidiethi suspected as fuck16:04
FloodBot3obsidieth: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:04
benediktobsidieth: edit sources.list, schedule a cron job to do "apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y"16:04
obsidieththats what im after16:04
ruby_on_tailsby mistake I installed some iditioc flash player for my FF instead of Adob'es flash plugin, and I don't remember its name even, its creating troubles now, what should I do ?16:04
bytewalkerare all ubuntu repo's really slow right now?16:04
jribbenedikt: that isn't a supported way to upgrade...16:04
magdalaI am using Ubuntu jaunty with fglrx drivers downloaded from ati homepage. I get som eproblems with compiz. Using Radeon HD 4850. Any ideas?16:04
benediktjrib: but it works just fine16:05
jribbenedikt: no, not in general16:05
obsidiethill give er a dry run16:05
jribit works fine sometimes16:05
soreaumagdala: What problems?16:05
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mnainesbytewalker: I was wondering the same thing...When I download from the repos, its at less than 100kB/sec16:05
obsidiethwell how is ubuntu server updated16:05
magdalasoreau, when I minmize windows it takes some time to maximize them again16:06
jribobsidieth: read the link from ubottu16:06
MenZabenedikt: It's like lighting a fire in your sitting room - sure, it'll keep you warm, but you will eventually die from monoxide poisoning.16:06
obsidiethsurely there is a simple way without the x server running16:06
magdalaand same happens when resizing windows16:06
magdalaand I get screen tearing in default video player16:06
soreaumagdala: Well afaik, that is an issue with the flgrx driver16:06
bytewalkeryea heh, im using the main us one, it's like 50kB/s16:06
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magdalasoreau, wtf? :D16:06
soreaumagdala: And the driver also sucks for video playback16:06
obsidiethupdate manager core.16:06
magdalaATI closed source drivers?!16:07
obsidiethis something going to go terribly wrong if i update without first applying all updates for 8.1016:07
magdalaThey should be perfect!16:07
soreaumagdala: For resizing windows, change the default resize method to anything other than Normal in ccsm>Resize WIndow16:07
jribobsidieth: well the updater should do that for you16:07
obsidiethit looked like ti was16:07
nascentmindmagdala, are you getting blank spots on the screen?16:07
obsidiethbut this page from the bot does say to be sure you apply all updates first.16:07
magdalaeverything looks ok but I get those problem16:08
=== hey` is now known as grumete
The_Dead_91can you help me to add a menu option that allow me to boot a cdrom from grub?16:08
magdalawhen I minimize I guess the windows is taken out of the ram16:08
raven"raw1394 - failed to get handle: No such file or directory." what can i do?16:08
henkpoleyI heard some gossip about the cpu frequency scaling governor in current ubuntu kernels being less than optimal. Is this (still) true ?16:08
nascentmindmagdala, well the window max/min is a big problem.16:08
magdalaand it takes some time to render them when I restore them16:08
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obsidiethi assume the cli update tool is curses?16:08
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nascentmindmagdala, i used to have that. also i used to get black spots on the screen. no idea why.16:08
magdalaso how did you fix it?16:09
nascentmindmagdala, using open source drivers now.16:10
jribobsidieth: you know, I just thought of a really simple option that you might want to consider in case the cli tool requires interaction.  Start the upgrade, as soon as it begins downloading, hit ctrl-z (or send SIGSTOP directly).  Then schedule a SIGCONT at the time you need16:10
obsidiethim strugglingt og et 5kbs from the mirrors here.16:10
magdalaseriously?! But then I won'd be able to use 3d16:10
obsidiethah, that sounds like it might work nicely16:10
magdalaI need 3d for some games  I play thru wine16:10
happy_finger help me,... how to upgrade kernel 8.04 to 9.0416:10
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading16:11
nascentmindmagdala, oh games are a problem.16:11
magdalaomg. radeon and ubuntu is a problem16:11
magdalanever going to recommend their products to anyone :/16:11
obsidiethhow do i get back into it once i have halted16:12
jribobsidieth: use kill to send SIGCONT16:12
obsidiethim sorry?16:12
magdalaare there really no solutions with radeon hd 4850  and compiz?16:13
jribobsidieth: use the kill command to send the SIGCONT signal to the process16:13
stian1979I created raid0 /dev/md0 , when doing swapon /dev/md0 it works. If I do a reboot the swap is gone and if I do swapon /dev/md0 again I'm told md0 don't exsist.16:13
soreaumagdala: The solution is the open driver16:13
parapanghelescucabaro > are you still there ???? it seems that your command installed 2 softwares ...k3b and gnomebaker ......why ???16:13
magdalasoreau, I need 3d acceleration!16:14
soreaumagdala: Unfortunately, it will be at least 10.04 before its ready (with 3D) for ubuntu16:14
soreaumagdala: Currently 3D is already working with it but you have to install latest kernel, libdrm, mesa, ddx etc. Not a trivial task atm16:15
qbeush3d accelerations drivers or hardware?16:15
obsidieth[1]+  Stopped                 sudo do-release-upgrade16:16
obsidiethi cant see this in ps aux16:16
vattsany ubuntu software which supports PLC programming?16:16
magdalasoreau, I am using open source radeon drivers on HP laptop. compiz works but 3d games crash with it16:16
mordofi was wondering if it's possible to set an application as the background on a single screen (the 4 pseudo-desktops) is it a) possible to set a running app as the background, and b) possible to seperate into a single background in that aspect?16:16
soreaumagdala: Since AMD bought ATI and started releasing specs, there have been many improvements. However, everything is still up in the air and much work needs to be done16:17
magdalait sucks :D16:18
magdalaok, thank you! :)16:18
magdalaI will have to stick with fglrx and some compiz glitches because I need 3d16:19
scunizimagdala: some 3d games will crash with compiz running16:19
Guest3993can someone help me getting flash to work16:19
magdalaeven with fglrx?16:20
aleksilI'm trying to compile FreeOrion with scons but it exits with  the message "Checking for Py_Initialize() in C library python2.6... no"16:20
obsidiethjrib: perfect.16:20
MerlinWWorld of Goo the best game on linux:D16:20
jribobsidieth: you tested and it resumes fine?16:20
obsidiethit was moving sort of slowly as it was16:21
obsidiethso im not sure, yet16:21
aleksilI have both python2.5 and python2.6 installed.16:21
Guest3993I have the macromedia mozilla pluging and the adobe flash player from the add/remove programs but some sites say that I need to update my flash player, youtube works fine?16:21
obsidiethwill it know to request the same file again, i assume it will drop the connection if i leave it longer16:21
MerlinWGuest3993, install flashplugin-nonfree16:22
jribobsidieth: you should test resuming it now and see16:22
aleksilany suggestions on how to fix it or where to ask?16:22
janisozauris it possible to resize squashfs file?16:22
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havingamarenewbie to linux here16:23
MerlinWaleksil, u need to install python 2.6 ?:D16:23
Guest3993I can't see that in the list16:23
obsidiethno dice.16:23
obsidiethstalled at 6116:23
obsidiethbut i sighalted while it was finding sources16:23
jribobsidieth: what is sighalt?16:23
grawityjrib: I think he meant SIGSTOP.16:23
aleksilMerlinW: that's the first thing I checked.16:24
janisozaurjrib: a kind of signal a process can receive16:24
xivenI'd like to try and figure out a little networking issue. The latest Ubuntu 9.04 picked up my Wireless Networking immediately...however it can have very slow to totally stopped speeds randomly. I would think this could be a driver issue. Now, the problem is, the laptop manufacturer offers a special driver installation, which is a customization for the driver that goes with the actual hardware, developed by another company. The 16:24
modderi m unable to eject a disk from the optical drive? can you help me'''''???16:24
raven"raw1394 - failed to get handle: No such file or directory." what can i do?16:24
xivenIs there a way to yank the INF file out of the installer EXE?16:24
janisozaurmodder: is it mounted?16:24
havingamarecan anyone help with usb wireless dongle install-Warning I know nothing16:24
obsidiethblah, you know16:24
modderjanisozaur: yes16:24
Guest3993 flashplugin-nonfree comes up with the macromedia program that I have already installed?16:25
janisozaurmodder: manually or via nautilus?16:25
obsidiethsighalt was a bunch of skiddies.16:25
modderjanisozaur: manually16:25
jribobsidieth: no, they do different things... Since you said it didn't work, I'm trying to understand exactly what you did16:25
janisozaurmodder: sudo umount /path/to/mountpoint16:25
obsidiethctrl z.16:25
parapanghelescumodder > there is a small hole on front of the unit ...you can insert a thin object and push ....and then you're doing it manually ...16:25
MerlinWGuest3993, u have to enable the third party repos - system-admin-software repository16:26
parapanghelescumodder > the tray is going to open16:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about plc16:26
obsidiethits a single character16:26
modderok guys i try now16:26
obsidieththat is stopping this from going smooth16:26
janisozaurmodder: you should try being nice to your system first ;)16:26
vattsexacly 1400 pplz atm16:27
vattsin here16:27
MerlinWGuest3993, macromedia is not exist anymore. its adobe16:27
aleksilMerlinW: I'd try uninstalling python2.6 and see what happens but there's a lot of stuff depending on it.16:27
modderok solved with it manually:)16:27
vattsand 1 parted.16:27
MerlinWwe have 2 flash plugin, the adobe flash plugin and the nonfree16:27
havingamarecan anyone help with usb wireless dongle install-Warning I know nothing16:27
cg999how would i move my ubuntu's boot partition to its own partition?16:27
modderoh, is there some hardcore gamer here?16:27
Guest3993Could not download all repository indexes16:27
obsidiethscrew it16:27
modderi need some help and advice for the linux day event16:27
janisozaurcg999: some systems can't boot past 1024 block16:27
obsidiethim setting my alarm clock16:27
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janisozaurcg999: that's one reason16:28
cg999theres 31mb free behind the ubuntu partition16:28
cg999i seen on gparted16:28
MerlinWmodder: openarena, world of goo16:28
modderMerlinW: will it workk good with my 64 bit ubuntu?16:29
rskmodder: define hardcore gamer16:29
MerlinWeverybody have too read the awesome Ubuntu magazine: http://fullcirclemagazine.org/16:29
cg999janisozaur, theres 32 mb of space behind the ubuntu partition16:29
jribobsidieth: meh, procedure seems to work fine with wget anyway16:29
MerlinWmodder: yep16:29
benedikt /window close16:29
modderrsk: well, an expert guy for gaming stuff16:29
modderok merlinw16:29
janisozaurcg999: so? what about it?16:29
rskmodder: define expert and gaming stuff please16:29
modderrsk: i'm not expert in gaming in linux.. so i'd like to have advice from someone who always plays games in ubuntu16:30
MerlinWno hc gamer on linux:S16:30
obsidiethi am physically unable to set my time to 2.29am16:30
MerlinWits a windows privilege16:30
obsidiethits only accepting 1 or 316:30
rskmodder: ok what kind of advice?16:30
obsidiethwhy is this16:30
fxfitz5I'm on a livecd. Is there a way to check and see what harddrives are connected?16:31
janisozaurfxfitz5: "mount"16:31
aleksilSo I have python2.6 and scons both installed via package manager, scons looks for python2.6 but can't find it. I'm suspecting a configuration issue on my end since Google didn't turn up anything relevant. Any suggestions?16:31
janisozaurfxfitz5: oh, wait16:31
MenZafxfitz5: Open a terminal and run sudo fdisk -l - that'll show you all storage devices connected.16:31
modderrsk: i will present my pc in this eventt . . this pc is one with the good lookng neons, leds, fans colour etc etc and it is relly powerfull.. and i will allow people to try games in ubuntu .. newbies, so i 'd love to find something to impress them16:31
janisozaurfxfitz5: you could also use gparted16:32
jribaleksil: you probably need the -dev package for python2.616:32
MenZafxfitz5: (that's "sudo fdisk -l") - an L, not an I.16:32
fxfitz5MenZa, Got it. Thanks!16:32
rskmodder: try et:qw16:32
janisozauris it possible to resize squashfs file?16:32
MenZamodder: id Software have released Linux binaries for most of their games, for example Doom 3 and Quake 4.16:32
aleksiljrib: installed and re-installed. No dice.16:32
modderMenZa: what about racing gamess'?16:33
MenZamodder: I don't know of any, alas.16:33
MenZamodder: Then again, I keep my gaming on Windows, so I can't say I'd know.16:33
modderMenza: i see16:33
aleksilI wish it were something stupid like that. I'd be embarrassed but at least the problem would be solved.16:33
stian1979I created raid0 /dev/md0 , when doing swapon /dev/md0 it works. If I do a reboot the swap is gone and if I do swapon /dev/md0 again I'm told md0 don't exsist.16:34
jribaleksil: what exactly are you doing then?16:34
erUSUL!raid | stian197916:34
ubottustian1979: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto16:34
MenZamodder: If you want casual games, I highly suggest World of Goo, as has already been suggested.16:34
modderMenZa: ok i'll tr y getting it16:35
NarcHi everyone16:35
IdleOne!hi | Narc16:35
ubottuNarc: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!16:35
aleksiljrib: I have the latest svn of FreeOrion. I type "scons configure" in the FreeOrion directory and get "Checking for Py_Initialize() in C library python2.6... no"16:35
stian1979I made md1 raid1 work without any problem, md0 big problem16:36
fxfitz5MenZa, So it looks like my harddrive might be dead on my netbook. Is there a way just to verify? From the livecd I don't see anything16:36
fxfitz5fxfitz5, Except for the USB i'm booting off of16:36
MenZafxfitz5: Well, you could paste the output from sudo fdisk -l in a pastebin and I can have a look at it.16:37
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aleksiljrib: No idea what's wrong really. I guess the next step would be to find out where exactly the problem is.16:37
MenZafxfitz5: My next step would be to place it in a different computer and see if that yielded the same results.16:37
janisozaurfxfitz5: there is a utility for smart-capable HDDs, you could try that16:37
MenZaAlso, what janisozaur said.16:38
thedancingdeerwhich processes are best removed for my desktop to increase my login time! the boot time is awesome as it is but takes a while to login due to my compiz desktop!16:38
Crewsr3is there a irc channel that is best for the Global bug jam?16:38
fxfitz5MenZa, Alright, lemme reboot it. Whatever I did just killed wireless :-P16:38
MenZafxfitz5: Heh16:38
NarcOkay, I have an obviously obscure problem and I need your help Ubuntu brothers...16:38
[fade]just ask16:38
thedancingdeerare the current updates reliable enough? i've experienced unstability on updating my system, so i actually dread n stay away from updating my system!16:39
havingamarecan anyone help with usb wireless dongle install-Warning I know nothing16:39
jribaleksil: paste config.log16:39
[fade]havingamare in konsole type lsusb16:39
phixim gay16:40
[fade]it should give you name of the card16:40
[fade]nice for you phix16:40
[fade]phisher1 hi :)16:40
phixwher ewhwrew?16:40
LjL!ops | phix16:40
ubottuphix: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!16:40
yowshiis it piossibletyo grab an older versxzion of ubuntu for an oldercomp?16:40
phix:) ok hello16:40
[fade]yes yowshi16:40
yowshii just need the live disk to fix afriends windowsmachine16:40
[fade]you can download it from archive16:40
LjLphix: sorry the hell.16:40
phixi dont speak english:)16:40
yowshi[fade]: where?16:40
coz_yowshi,  is should be yes but there will most likely be no updates16:40
[fade]on ubuntu website16:40
yowshicoz_: dont need updates it isnt going on as a installed OS16:41
coz_yowshi,  ah ok16:41
phixLjL: I am back16:41
yowshicoz_: know where i might get it?16:41
janisozauryowshi: you could grab LTS16:41
bmcfeei'm running 9.10 and created a soft raid1 with palimpsest for use as /home (after the initial install), but it disappears on reboot.  does it save the raid config somewhere other than in mdadm.conf?16:41
jrib!paste | aleksil16:41
ubottualeksil: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!16:41
janisozaur!lts | yowshi16:41
ubottuyowshi: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be 10.0416:41
havingamareFade, didnt find konsole, so used terminal. it said:16:41
yowshithe comp has at most 128 megs of ram16:42
havingamareBus 001 Device 004: ID 148f:2070 Ralink Technology, Corp.16:42
havingamareBus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:000016:42
janisozauryowshi: i think you should go for alternate then16:42
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal16:42
yowshijanisozaur: alternate?16:42
janisozaur!alternate | yowshi16:42
ubottuyowshi: please see above16:42
coz_yowshi,  yes alternate cd and also  which version do you want?16:42
yowshijanisozaur: no text mode wont work so well i need a live cd to go in and clean out someones crap loaded windows16:43
aleksiljrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/284690/16:43
coz_yowshi,  if you are going to install a previous version I might suggest dapper  6.06 or edgy 6.1016:43
janisozauryowshi: you can still do that with cli16:43
janisozauryowshi: unless you want wine to run some windows crap. but then, why would you want to run it?16:44
mnainesWhy is the Ubuntu repo slow today?16:44
MenZa!slow | mnaines16:44
ubottumnaines: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the Karmic Koala (9.10) beta. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.16:44
yowshijanisozaur: heh no i just need an easy to use interface to run an AV if possibleor if not just manually cleanse the system16:44
NarcIs it alright to ask a long question here ?16:45
musikgoatmnaines: you can also change your mirror, if you haven't already16:45
jribaleksil: what is cl?  Do you know?16:45
yowshicoz_: 6 or 7 would do fine16:45
mnainesmuskigoat, I'm trying to download some more apps, but its running slow16:45
coz_yowshi,   http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/feisty/16:45
musikgoatmnaines: go to system -> admin -> software sources16:46
janisozauryowshi: i think you could try knoppix (if they still keep updating it - last time i checked, it was version 5) or UBCD (i think it has some cli-gui, i've even written some module for that)16:46
musikgoatmnaines: change the "download from" to another location16:46
janisozauryowshi: ubuntu officially says it requires 256 megs, but that doesn't prevent you from trying it anyway16:46
musikgoatfind a school or location near you and try that for faster speeds16:46
yowshijanisozaur: i have tried the 256 versions on a system with not enough memory it doesnt work16:47
jribaleksil: do you know why scons is trying to use cl instead of gcc?16:47
janisozauryowshi: then use cli, that's what i'd do16:47
fxfitz5MenZa, FYI, I am using a knoppix live USB. I didn't have an Ubuntu live usb around, but I do use Ubuntu regularly16:47
yowshicoz_: wheres the download button16:47
janisozauryowshi: do you really need gui?16:47
aleksiljrib: nope16:47
=== fxfitz5 is now known as fxfitz
jribaleksil: look into it, I suspect that is why16:48
coz_yowshi,   do you see the blue text?   just click on the blue text16:48
havingamareany1 help with usbBus 001 Device 004: ID 148f:2070 Ralink Technology, Corp.16:48
yowshicoz_: found it it shows up as white on my screen16:49
coz_yowshi,  ah ok no wonder it was confusing :)16:49
sproatyis anyone's facebook chat working w/ firefox 3.5, ubuntu 9.04?16:49
mnainesmusikgoat: I had the program determine the best server for my location...It found mirror.anl.gov as the best one16:49
yowshicoz_: yeah something buggered ony my firefox no idea what but on many pages i have to select all to read text16:49
musikgoatmnaines: sure, are you in the midwest?16:50
mnainesmusikgoat: Kansas City16:50
UberTacohey guys: webcam issues16:50
coz_yowshi,  try changing themes16:50
exodus_msanyone experiencing slow connection speeds while using apt to install programs?16:50
UberTacoI'm trying to set up my webcam so that I can make Skype video calls16:50
musikgoatmnaines: you can also try mirror.cs.umn.edu as that is usually faster for me (chicago)16:50
=== ebel_ is now known as ebel
mnainesmusikgoat: I'm getting 1200kB/sec now16:51
musikgoatmnaines: and ANL is just a city away from me16:51
UberTacolsusb shows that it ought to use the gspca_pac207 driver. I modprobed it, but the driver won't detect my camera16:51
etyrnali have a machine w/ 2 drives - on has win xp, other has ubuntu 9 -- i had to take the ubuntu drive out, now i have grub loader error on boot..  how can i tell grub to start off windows drive?16:51
musikgoatmnaines: good!16:51
[fade]exodus_ms cool for me, updated with max speed few hrs ago16:51
janisozaur!slow | exodus_ms16:51
ubottuexodus_ms: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the Karmic Koala (9.10) beta. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.16:51
gasgHello, somebody like me have tried 9.10 beta on the aspire one a110l?16:51
gasgthe kernel is totally incompatible16:51
gasga lot of errors during the bot16:51
exodus_msjanisozaur, thanks, you wouldnt know where I could find a deb for rosegarden do you :)16:52
janisozaur!karmic | gasg16:52
The_Dead_91 can you help me to add a menu option that allow me to boot a cdrom from grub?16:52
ubottugasg: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+116:52
voidjeI'm looking for video editing software.16:52
voidjeHas anyone suggestions or that?16:52
NarcCan I post a long question here ? I'm asking because I don't want it to be considered spam...16:52
[fade]just ask16:52
janisozaurexodus_ms: ppa?16:53
MenZaNarc: Unless you're pasting several lines, go ahead.16:53
musikgoatMenZa: have any control of ubottu?16:53
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voidjeDoes linux even have video editing software?16:53
MenZamusikgoat: I don't, no.16:53
rskvoidje: it has.16:53
exodus_ms[fade], thanks man,16:53
LjLvoidje: yes it does. feel free to join #ubuntu-bots and ask "list every video editor"16:53
janisozaurexodus_ms: from rosegardenmusic.com: "Installable binary packages for many major Linux distributions are available via the distributions' standard package repositories."16:53
NarcMenZa: Well in fact it is several lines16:53
=== song is now known as Guest12023
musikgoatMenZa: suggestion of who i could hilight to ask that something be added to a factoid?16:54
musikgoat!pastebin | narc16:54
ubottunarc: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic16:54
voidjeLjL: thank you16:54
LjL!bot > musikgoat    (musikgoat, see the private message from ubottu) instructions for that are here16:54
musikgoatLjL: thanks16:54
exodus_msjanisozaur, yeah, but like I mentioned, very sloooow connection16:54
Narcmusikgoat: Okay thanks16:54
fxfitzMenZa: http://paste.ubuntu.com/284699/16:54
fxfitzMenZa, Thats the result of fdisk -l16:54
justiany option to stopmotion? it keeps crushing, and I am not finding an alternative16:54
janisozaur!mirrors | exodus_ms16:54
ubottuexodus_ms: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Jaunty, and help keeping the servers' load low!16:54
MenZaI see a ~5GB and an ~8GB harddrive connected, fxfitz - I assume one of these is a USB stick you're running it off?16:55
fxfitzMenZa, Yes, the 4gig is the usb stick.16:55
dredhammeris there a seperate channel for Karmic Beta or can i use this one?16:55
exodus_msjanisozaur, not trying to install *buntu man :P16:55
LjLdredhammer: #ubuntu+116:55
MenZafxfitz: And the other is an SSD drive?16:55
janisozaurexodus_ms: i believe you can use the same mirrors (or quite a few of them) for standard repos16:56
fxfitzMenZa: I believe so; I think its the one that came with the netbook. I'm looking at it for my mother in law16:56
fxfitzMenZa: When I mount it, there is only one folder in it: IMAGES, and it has nothing in it16:56
exodus_msjanisozaur, ya, I got rosegarden finally installing from the repos, only ~54 mins left :)16:56
MenZafxfitz: Ah. And the problem was what, you said? I remember something a missing disk, but that doesn't appear to be the case here (unless, of course, you're supposed to have 2 SSDs :p)16:56
exodus_msthanks for your help janisozaur16:57
etyrnalcan anyone help me with grub?16:57
MenZa!anyone | etyrnal16:57
ubottuetyrnal: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:57
aleksiljrib: Found it. Options.cache had a line with "CC = 'lc'", I changed it to "CC = 'gcc'".16:57
dredhammerthank you LjL16:57
fxfitzMenZa, you're right. It looks like the harddrive is working properly, it just doesn't have anything on it. She must have really screwed it up. Would you have any idea about how to get Windows XP (my mother in law has already tried linux and didn't like it) back on it? If we can't, I'll just have to put linux back on.16:57
iseityou venezuela iseit16:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sp16:58
janisozaurexodus_ms: what's your architecture?16:58
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:58
exodus_msjanisozaur, 64bit16:58
janisozaurexodus_ms: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/amd64/rosegarden/download16:59
exodus_mssweet, thanks man16:59
janisozaurexodus_ms: be sure to read the announcment in the box at the top16:59
Riddersany suggestions for apps that will show that my graphics card is working?16:59
fxfitzMenZa, Actually I think I'll just put ubuntu on it; I've always wanted to try Ubuntu Netbook Remix. Any idea how to get it onto the laptop though?17:00
janisozaurRidders: glxinfo | grep -i direct17:00
janisozaurRidders: glxgears17:00
musikgoatRidders: if you see your screen, your graphics card is working ;)17:00
exodus_msjanisozaur, one habit I have since I stated using *nix, read read read :P thanks again man17:00
dayo_anyone know how accurate/current this wiki on plone+ubuntu is? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/forum/server/Plone17:00
JoesephWhere is the ssh config file?17:00
MenZafxfitz: Simple :)17:00
janisozaurexodus_ms: also see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors17:00
MenZa!usb > fxfitz (Please see the private message from the bot)17:00
musikgoatJoeseph: /etc/sshd/ssh_config17:00
fxfitzGot it! THANKS!17:00
Riddersyh done all those, and i get that part, what i ment was I've installed what i think are the drivers for my ATI hd 4870 card, but Im not sure how to test it17:00
Joesephmusikgoat: THanks.17:00
grawityJoeseph: And ~/.ssh/config17:01
MenZafxfitz: Welcome! Good luck :)17:01
janisozaurRidders: fglrxinfo17:01
musikgoatJoeseph: yes, the ~/.ssh/config will be a user based config where /etc/sshd/ssh_config will be global17:01
SVisorAs always.. something breaks when upgrading. Upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 and now headphones do not work.  I tried the different "profiles". Those marked as "Duplex" gives me the option to select "headphone" but no sound. Does someone has a solution?17:01
=== dayo_ is now known as dayo
janisozaur!karmic | SVisor17:02
ubottuSVisor: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about plone17:02
Joesephmusikgoat: Ah.  That's what I wanted....  /etc/....  had nothing in it.   Thanks.17:02
SVisorty moving on17:02
NarcThank you for your help17:03
UberTacocan someone help a dude set up his webcam in Ubuntu?17:03
evidenthi everybody! Can anybody help me set up a development environment for programming Nintendo DS software on Ubuntu? Pls msg me!17:03
=== Sephra is now known as Sephran
heavenridercan any body tell me how i can get the cube desktop on my ubuntu?17:03
MenZaNarc: I suggest boiling that down a little and actually posting it in the channel17:03
MenZaNarc: Few people open pastebin URLs unless addressed to them specifically ;)17:04
grawityheavenrider: First install ccsm, then enable the Desktop Cube plugin.17:04
heavenrideri can already enable the advance effects, and have updated nvidia drivers17:04
grawity!ccsm | heavenrider17:04
ubottuheavenrider: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz17:04
musikgoatNarc: have you looked into dd-wrt or tomato?17:04
grawityheavenrider: compizconfig-settings-manager17:04
heavenriderin very new to linux , i dont knw how to install ccm?17:04
[fade]what is ccm ?17:05
heavenriderandd how do i find where it is17:05
eng_metalhi! my first time here. Are there friends to change good ideas?17:05
NarcMenZa: Okay I'll try, thanks. I don't know how to boil it down though :)17:05
[fade]eng_metal what you need ?17:05
janisozaur!ot | eng_metal17:05
ubottueng_metal: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:05
eng_metalhi, guys!17:05
Riddersevident: would it not be an idea to install virtual box in ubuntu and install windows in it to do all that?17:05
Sephrananyone who can assist me a little with making an USB boot of ubuntu? Few problems, I'm in windows, and I don't have a ubuntu live cd, and no cd's to burn it..just the iso17:05
Narcmusikgoat: No, not at all, I even never heard about that, I'm going to investigate17:06
musikgoat!unetbootin | Sephran17:06
ubottuSephran: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:06
eng_metalfirst, in this channel can I do any question? Just about ubuntu?17:06
[fade]easy solution = buy a cd17:06
evidentRidders, well I already found a way to run "devkitpro" using wine, but I thought there were people here knowing how to do all this without emulating windows programs17:06
MenZaeng_metal: Correct - this channel is for Ubuntu support. We do have #ubuntu-offtopic for all other topics.17:06
Sephranis not an easy solution, since the shops are closed :p17:06
heavenriderok i found simple ccsm17:06
musikgoatNarc: dd-wrt is a open sourced router firmware, and there are a number of linksys models supported, yet they can be tricky to install17:06
heavenridershoud i install it, then ill get the cube?17:06
eng_metal<MenZa> thanks! if possible I hope to help somebody.17:07
janisozaurheavenrider: then you could configure your system to have the cube17:07
eng_metalwhat is the best irc program?17:07
heavenriderok thanks a bunch17:07
eng_metalI use xchat-gnome.17:07
heavenrideralso where can i get kiba dock?17:07
grawityeng_metal: There is no "best".17:07
Riddersevident: i dont know much about what involved with playing around with the ds, but I assume all it is, is that you program in a language right?17:07
musikgoatNarc: however, IF you follow the instructions to the T, you can have a much more useful and functional router as the end result17:07
heavenrideri cant find it any where17:07
grawityeng_metal: But many like either xchat (NOT xchat-gnome), or irssi.17:07
janisozaur!best | eng_metal17:07
ubottueng_metal: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:07
evidentXchat is quite good... what more do you want?17:07
Narcmusikgoat: Yes that's what I'm reading. You think it could help with my problem ? Because I'm happy with my Linksys firmware. I don't think it's a router issue since it's not doing it on other OSes17:08
heavenriderwhere can i find and install kiba dock?17:08
heavenrideri heard its really good17:08
vimalg2Is the NVIDIA 180.xx glx  plug and play when changing between graphhics cards in the 8xxx and 9xxx series. It worked for me. Can anyone confirm?17:08
musikgoatNarc: where do you see the disconnects happen, with the torrent clients or in some logs17:08
shawn_eng_metal: XChat is one of the best.17:09
The_Dead_91 can you help me to add a menu option that allow me to boot a cdrom from grub?17:09
eng_metal<ubottu> alright. it's good to understand the rules of the chaneel.17:09
gsedejHi! How to install mesa 7.6 on ubuntu 9.04? Is easyer to install 9.10?17:09
eng_metalchannel! sorry!17:09
MarkGilHi, and PHP gurus here?  (I would ask in #php but it's permentently full it seems).   I am having problems with this CLI script:  http://pastebin.com/m531dff05   It keeps prompting for a password, even thou I specifiy one in the script.17:09
evidentRidders: Well as far as I've read so far the games are programmed in c++... there are libraries with many functions to interact with the NDS...  but I guess I'll need some kind of compiler to make "*.nds" files, which are the files the games are stored in... must be some kind of archive17:09
vimalg2I successfully changed to a 8500gt from a 9800gt and after a reboot it picked it up correctly. Will the clock and GPU settings be correct for older card17:09
Narcmusikgoat: Well, logfiles haven't been really useful on this one, unless I'm not looking in the good ones17:10
musikgoatvimalg2: the clock and GPU settings are controlled in hardware, you shouldn't have anything  to worry about17:10
musikgoatNarc: how do you know that you are having these disconnects?17:10
vimalg2musikgoat: I figured. Thanks for confirming. :) I appreciate it17:10
=== brb is now known as Guest90575
appihello everyone, how to uninstall ubuntu 9.04?17:10
evidentappi: what do you mean by uninstall?17:10
grawityappi: Depends on how you installed it.17:10
evidentwhat do you wanna use instead?17:11
Riddersevident: hmm, notepad ++ was always a good program for me, when I used to do programming, as for a compiler, all i can suggest is that you google for a linux one, sorry17:11
Narcmusikgoat: What do you mean ? I'm just not connected to the internet anymore, can't access router's config page nor ping it and the internet led on it just goes off17:11
YomanHello! Been trying to figure this out for quiet some while now... I am trying to change my screen resolution to one that is larger than my screen can support in order to be able to use programs which are too large for my small netbook screen. I.e. much the way that windows handles stuff when making the resolution too big (which is making you able to pan to the sides). Highly appreciate any help! Thanks!17:11
Memphistohi again folks17:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext417:11
evidentRidders: ok thanks... I usually code in vim with my own settings, and for a compiler: well I guess I'll find something... gonna contact some people... thanks fpr the help!17:12
eng_metal<appi> there softwares that you can load through CD and follow the instrutions.17:12
gsedejHi! How to install Mesa 7.6 on 9.04?17:12
musikgoatNarc: ok, thats what i was attempting to understand,  and is this over wireless or LAN?17:12
Memphistowhat do i have to do to get remote desktop runing? (remote desktop in ubuntu)?17:12
janisozaurMarkGil: #php isn't full, perhaps you need to authenticate (/msg nickserv help)17:12
Narcmusikgoat: LAN only, Ethernet. Wi-fi is disabled and DHCP too. I have a static IP, were you to ask :)17:13
Guest90575anyone to chat?????????/17:13
MemphistoDr_Willis, hi its me again :)17:13
janisozaur!ot | Guest9057517:13
ubottuGuest90575: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:13
heavenriderhello i found that kiba dock has been removed from epositories and moved to source forge , then how can i get it?17:13
eng_metalcan anybody explain how wireless card up?17:13
musikgoatNarc: good, there really shouldn't be anything different linux is doing with the data transfer and requests versus windows... check lspci for your NIC brand, what is that?17:14
peter2can someone tell me where I could go to ask questions about iptables?17:14
Guest90575how to chat in ubuntu???????/17:14
grawityGuest90575: You _are_ chatting already.17:14
musikgoat!pidgin | Guest9057517:14
ubottuGuest90575: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete17:14
fearfulHow can I install libgssdp-1.0-1 0.6.4 on Jaunty?17:14
eng_metalGuest90575 explain better. using a program? what is your difficult/17:15
Narcmusikgoat: Yes, that's what I thought but it's obviously something that has to do with the way Ubuntu talk to the router, or maybe the way bittorrent packets are handled I don't know. My network card is an Intel.17:15
gabisarwhois bc17:16
fearfulHow can I install libgssdp-1.0-1 0.6.4 on Jaunty?17:16
grawityfearful: apt-get install libgssdp?17:16
* whois lookup on bc17:16
phakofearful: there's a ppa for it17:17
janisozaurfearful: "sudo apt-get install package-name"17:17
fearfuljanisozaur, grawity well I know that but the version in the repo is 0.6.217:17
musikgoatNarc: and have you made sure your router firmware is up to date? the official firmware from linksys?17:17
Narcmusikgoat: My bad, sorry, it's a Realtek, on an Intel motherboard.17:17
fearfulphako, thanks I'll look into that17:17
grawityfearful: Then compile from source?17:17
musikgoatNarc: oh17:17
computerquipAnyone else have a problem with pulseaudio on 9.10?17:17
Memphistowhy have the keyboard changed in vnc and not on the computer?17:17
eng_metalI'll back. some problems to resolv now. Thank you!17:17
Narcmusikgoat: Yes, I got the latest firmware from Linksys17:18
fearfulgrawity, exactly what I was asking for if anyone knew where I could get the source, I googled it and nothing, thanks phako I'll look for the ppa17:18
=== jmibanez` is now known as jmibanez
phakobut that deatures 0.7.017:18
phakowhy do you need 0.6.4?17:18
glickshey does anyone know why java applet isnt wroking correctly in firefox?17:18
glicksits just a gray box that says java applet17:18
glicksbut strangely i can here sounds comming from it17:18
phakofearful: the yource is at http://gupnp.org17:18
fearfulphako, I'm getting a dependency error on installing aMSN 0.98b17:18
icerootwhich port i have to open for the ubuntu desktop-viewer? 5900?17:18
bsmmy also hda is not working17:18
phakoamsn is using gssdp?17:19
fearfulphako, thank you17:19
fearfulphako, apparently so17:19
janisozaurfearful: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=gssdp17:19
fearfuljanisozaur, phaero thanks for your help17:19
glicksanyone know how to enable java applets on firefox?17:20
glicksi have java installed17:20
icerootglicks: firefox restarted?17:20
janisozaurglicks: do you also have icedtea installed17:20
janisozaurglicks: ?17:20
musikgoatNarc: which realtek, 8139?17:20
heavenriderdoes any body here know about kiba dock, if so can u tell me where i can get it17:21
glicksicedtea janisozaur ?17:21
glicksno whats that?17:21
Ido_Hey guys, I need help with Samba, I tried reading a guide and I quite don't understand much...17:21
musikgoatNarc: any specifics?17:21
janisozaurglicks: i remember sun java had issues with icedtea, i had to uninstall it to make sun java work17:21
janisozaur!icedtea | glicks17:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about icedtea17:21
clocloN'y a-t'il pas une doc sur QT3 ou 4 désigner en francais ?17:22
janisozaurglicks: icedtea is a gnu java17:22
musikgoat!file icedtea17:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about file icedtea17:22
glickssould i install icedtea?17:22
heavenriderKIBA DOCK , can any one help me17:22
Narcmusikgoat: Not 8139,  Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller17:22
janisozaurglicks: no, if you want sun java to work in your browser17:22
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glickssun java doesnt seem to be working17:22
thiebaudeglicks, sun-java6.jre?17:23
janisozaurglicks: also remove openjdk17:23
musschrott_hi, i've got a dual boot system winxp/linuxMint; now i want to replace linuxMint with ubuntu - how do i do that without reinstallint windows? is that even possible?17:24
thiebaudeglicks, sun-java6-plugin17:24
janisozaurglicks: "update-alternatives --display java" ?17:24
JoesephI've allowed only ssh private/public keys to access my ssh server.  I want to allow password authentication.   What line in ssh_config do I need to change?17:24
Sephrandamn is there any way of installing ubuntu on the usb, without having a live cd?17:24
janisozaurJoeseph: man ssh_config17:24
janisozaurSephran: yes17:25
janisozaurSephran: you still need the iso though17:25
janisozaur!usb | Sephran17:25
ubottuSephran: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:25
glicksjanisozaur, i think im running openjdk17:25
janisozaurglicks: then remove it and restart browser17:25
musikgoatSephran: which ISO did you download?17:25
Narcmusikgoat: I'm trying to follow MenZa's advise and skim down my original paste and post it here :)17:25
musikgoatNarc: i'm still looking around, good idea17:26
disappearedngI am seeing this: W: GPG error: http://deb.opera.com stable Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY F9A2F76A9D1A0061 any idea?17:26
janisozaurglicks: and make sure you have sun-java6-plugin17:26
grawitydisappearedng: I think the page at http://deb.opera.com/ has instructions on adding their key.17:26
musikgoatSephran: that is the LiveCD17:26
musikgoatSephran: follow the USB installation instructions using unetbootin17:26
grawitydisappearedng: Yeah, wget -O - http://deb.opera.com/archive.key | sudo apt-key add -17:26
glicksjanisozaur, i want to remove java-gcj?17:27
limxwhere is the xorg.conf file in ubuntu 9.10?17:27
musikgoat!karmic | limx17:27
ubottulimx: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:27
janisozaurglicks: i think it is just a compiler - if you dont gcc's gcj, then yes17:27
RalphSI ordered the Ubuntu Server 9.04 (x64) only to realize that it was not compatible with my 32 bit architecture. But I just tried that disk, booted it and it WORKED! Then I tried that in VirtualBox but it wont work and I tried to run 64 bit applications which worked fine. I would be highly grateful to you if someone could explain this.17:27
janisozaurglicks: anyway, you can install it later on anyway17:27
musschrott_i want to replace the linuxmint in my dual-boot setup (winxp/linux) with ubuntu. how do i do that without reinstalling windows? is that even possible?17:28
SephranI saw the live, and net install options, whats the difference?17:29
NarcOkay, here's my case Ubuntu fellows : My router (Linksys WAG200G) is getting disconnected from the Internet and mostly from the LAN almost each time I'm using BitTorrent, whatever the client. Any suggestions anyone ? Thanks. See http://paste.ubuntu.com/284706/ for more.17:29
janisozaurmusschrott_: format your mint partiton and install or just install and choose to format aforementioned partition in the installer17:29
musschrott_janisozaur: thanks17:29
janisozaurSephran: well, net is like from the net...17:29
Sephranit downloads it from the net?17:30
janisozaurSephran: yeah, i believe so17:30
glickswhat the heck, why are the ubuntu repos so slow today?17:30
janisozaur!slow | glicks17:30
ubottuglicks: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the Karmic Koala (9.10) beta. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.  Also, try changing !mirrors17:30
janisozaurglicks: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors17:30
musikgoatSephran: janisozaur is correct, the net installer is a minimal installer that then grabs the rest of the installation from the net17:30
wildc4rdafternoon all17:31
Sephranlive is the full packadge then17:31
KubaCould someone please tell how to install newer (or older) version of libwebkit-dev?17:31
musikgoatSephran: yes17:31
janisozaurKuba: newer or older than what?17:31
Doc_Lappykuba did you look in synaptic manager17:31
musikgoatSephran: the instructions here are pretty clear, use unetbootin, select the disk image (the ISO you have), and select the destination USB stick... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick17:32
KubaDoc_Lappy: newer used it :P17:32
Doc_Lappysimple question but just checking to make sure ya did17:32
Sephranit's installing17:32
Kubajanisozaur: 1.1.12 is the version from repo17:32
Sephranusing this method, can I still use files cross platform?17:32
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janisozaurKuba: do you want to use that?17:33
musikgoatSephran: be more specific17:33
musikgoatSephran: you want to access your windows disk?17:33
Kubajanisozaur: nope; it has bug, which negatively influences uzbl browser17:33
Sephranthat I can access any files on the usb from within linux and windows17:33
musikgoatSephran: yes17:33
Doc_Lappyya you can17:33
janisozaurKuba: then look in PPAs or compile from source17:34
Doc_Lappyoh too late musikgoat got it17:34
janisozaurKuba: also read about apt-pinning17:34
musikgoat!apt-pinning | Kuba17:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apt-pinning17:34
Sephranhere goes nothing, gotta boot up :)17:34
Doc_Lappybut yeah usb sticks work for *nix or dos/win17:34
ghostlinesI made mistake with gparted and marked half of my disk as unformatted, now i don't know how to get that space back, anyone know how to recover it?17:34
janisozaurghostlines: did you commit changes?17:35
bobertdosghostlines: You could just create another partition and use it for storage.........That's what I did........17:35
ghostlinesbobertdos, that's what i wanted to initially do17:36
janisozaurghostlines: do you want to "undelete"/recover the data or just use the space?17:36
ghostlinesjanisozaur, I want to create another partition and use the space17:36
Athenwhy would installing a program [in this case xscreensaver] cause one of my global shortcuts to no longer work [in this case the 'lock screen' function] ?17:36
kipingorhello people17:36
janisozaurghostlines: then just format the partition with ext3 or whatever else suits you17:36
NarcOkay, I'm just posting it one more time : http://paste.ubuntu.com/284706/ . Thanks.17:37
ghostlinesjanisozaur, gparted is not giving me an option to create another partition, just an option to resize the current half that's left17:38
musikgoatNarc: don't be worried about repeating, just don't do it too often17:38
musikgoatNarc: you have a unique issue, so you might find that the forums are a better avenue17:38
kipingorhow do I configure DNS on Ubuntu17:38
janisozaurghostlines: perhaps you already have 4 primary partitions?17:39
musikgoatgtg, good luck Narc17:39
Narcmusikgoat: Well, I'm getting really hopeless because I already posted it on Ubuntu Forums17:39
janisozaurkipingor: man resolv.conf17:39
Narcmusikgoat: Ok, thanks for you help, bye17:39
musikgoatNarc: oh :(  I am really happy with my dd-wrt router, keep that as an option, the firmware is fantastic, and linksys firmware is poop, imho17:40
kipingorso I can get example.local janisozaur?17:40
Narcmusikgoat: Ok, I think I'm going to give it a try. dd-wrt is better than Tomato ?17:40
janisozaurkipingor: could you rephrase that?17:41
musikgoatNarc: in my opinion it is,  read around and ask in #dd-wrt17:42
musikgoatNarc: i'm not seeing anything for the WAG 200G router though, so make sure its supported17:42
ghostlinesjanisozaur, I misunderstood gparted :p, i can just resize it again an then set create a second partition this time instead of leaving it unformatted17:42
ghostlinesjanisozaur, thanks for your help though17:42
janisozaurghostlines: you're welcome17:42
kipingorI want to configure my DNS so that I can host site offline on my PC, and type URL http://example.local17:43
janisozaurkipingor: oh...17:43
janisozaurkipingor: then "man hosts"17:43
NarcOkay, anyone have any suggestions about a disconnection problem on my Linksys WAG200G router caused by Bittorent traffic only on Ubuntu ?... Thanks17:45
DigiAngelHey all17:45
kipingorJanisouzaur: I tried that...don't think I got it quit right, any forums or tutorials I can check out?17:45
NarcHi DigiAngel17:45
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Kubaok, wondering what is the easies way of installing libwebkit => 1.1.1417:46
erUSULNarc: maybe the firmware in the router can not handle that many connections ?17:47
erUSUL!ppa | Kuba17:47
ubottuKuba: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.17:47
janisozaurkipingor: no idea, but you could !pastebin it17:47
kipingorwhat is that?17:47
DigiAngelAnyone know what packages one need for audio?  Got a special....Ubuntu Server on a Mac Mini...not sure which packages I need17:47
chibihogoshinois there any background podcast downloaders ?17:47
janisozaur!pastebin | kipingor17:47
ubottukipingor: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic17:47
filippo_ciao scusate...17:48
mikejetWill this month's desktop release have the new gnome released a couple weeks ago?17:48
janisozaurKuba: you can download .deb package from ppa via http and feed dpkg with it17:48
NarcerUSUL: Yes, I thought about that, and I did decreased the max global connections in my client but the weird thing is that it's only doing it with Ubuntu, not other OSes17:48
DigiAngelI know I need some alsa-* jazz, but is there anything else?  Is pulseaudio required?17:49
erUSULNarc: then i dunno :|17:49
NarcerUSUL: Me neither :) Thanks anyway17:50
kipingorThanks janisozaur17:51
fearfulphako, I'm still having problems installing the 0.7 version, it won't let me from the source giving me an error dependency with gupnp and I do have it installed 0.7 (latest).17:51
janisozaurfearful: do you have -dev packages installed for that also?17:51
ivicaQuestion: How do I make Piacasa default photo manager?17:52
fearfuljanisozaur, negative, but the dev package is not in the synaptic17:53
janisozaurfearful: perhaps it is lib*-dev?17:53
DigiAngelI remember weechat..that was a good app17:54
fearfuljanisozaur, libgnupnp-av-1.0-dev correct?17:54
DigiAngelWelp...time for some Darkest of Days17:54
janisozaurfearful: possible. install and try compiling17:54
DigiAngelenjoy the day all :)17:54
fearfuljanisozaur, ok will do17:54
IdleOnecan someone remind me how do I suggest a factoid for ubottu ?17:57
janisozaur!bot | IdleOne17:57
ubottuIdleOne: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:57
janisozaurIdleOne: !factoid is definition17:58
IdleOnejanisozaur: thank you17:58
home__every few seconds there is an anoyying noise in the system - what can it be?17:58
mesa_boogerhome__: could be fans starting up. or optical drive polling17:58
rskhome__: please record it and upload the sound somewhere'17:59
BenBuwhen I disable anti-aliasing in kubuntu, I get very badly looking fonts, as if they were scaled down or something. I just want the fonts as-is, without any distortion, exactly the pixels as is. that works fine and looks very sharp and good under suse 10.317:59
cocozzHow can I see an smb mounted dir ? mount doesn't show it17:59
janisozaurcocozz: via nautilus?17:59
BenBuhow do I do that? Kubuntu 9.10 with nvidia proprietary, using KDE system settings17:59
mesa_boogerBenBu: then you need anti-aliasing. the pixels "as-is" without anti-aliasing look awful17:59
fearfuljanisozaur, yea that seemed to do the trick, but missing more dependencies17:59
home__mesa_booger, rsk - ok, i will do that17:59
BenBumesa_booger: no, they don't. they look perfect under suse 10.3, same machine.18:00
aedoes any body use a Asus M4n82 Deluxe with Ubuntu? or knows if this mobo works fine with Linux?18:00
janisozaurfearful: wait a sec18:00
grawityBenBu: Try setting hinting to full.18:00
GENTis there some sort of setting where i can select eext and then get my computer to read outloud the selected text?18:00
BenBugrawity: I did, but that's with anti-aliasing. I want none.18:00
home__mesa_booger, rsk - it isnt the optical drive but i can open check the fans, it doesnt sound related to fans but i will check18:00
grawityBenBu: Disable antialiasing, then18:00
janisozaurfearful: try "sudo apt-get build-deb yourpackagename"18:01
BenBugrawity: well, when I do that, the fonts look really bad. there's something very wrong.18:01
janisozaurfearful: build-dep*18:01
mesa_boogerBenBu: i think you are perhaps mistaken. most ttf fonts without anti-aliasing look terrible18:01
NooneshereHello can someone help me finish setting up a game on wine?18:01
BenBumesa_booger: same font on suse 10.3 looks perfect, without anti-aliasing.18:01
janisozaur!wine | Nooneshere18:01
ubottuNooneshere: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu18:01
BenBu(front Sans Serif)18:01
fearfuljanisozaur, I have all the dependencies just not the correct version, I need gtk+2.0 >=2.16 and I have Juanty's18:02
Two4ae, I, for one, don't usually know if specific hardware components are compatible or not, and I'm sure that most people don't either.18:02
janisozaurNooneshere: you might get better help in #wine18:02
cocozzjanisozaur: I need to see it on shell18:02
home__mesa_booger, rsk - it doesnt related to fans as they always on18:02
mesa_boogerBenBu: you've said that three times now. and you are still wrong. and you will still be wrong if you say it 300 times18:02
janisozaurcocozz: is is mounted via nautilus (gvfs, to be exact)18:02
NooneshereThats an invite only channel18:02
Two4ae, check the documentation18:02
ubottuyes, I'm alive.18:02
BenBumesa_booger: what is wrong? I have the suse 10.3 right in front of me, and they *are* perfect there.18:03
mesa_boogerhome__: any other moving parts in there apart from fans and drives ?18:03
janisozaurNooneshere: then go to wine's website and look for their irc channel. perhaprs #winehq18:03
cocozzjanisozaur: yes it is , atm I'm googling for mounting it by shell :)18:03
lolrofllmao!info kubuntu-desktop18:03
ubottukubuntu-desktop (source: kubuntu-meta): Kubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.122 (jaunty), package size 21 kB, installed size 48 kB18:03
janisozaurcocozz: man mount18:03
home__mesa_booger, no - i can also chech what other sound settings will make it like18:03
janisozaurcocozz: look for cifs18:03
BenBumesa_booger: could it be that ubuntu doesn't install the full fonts with all font sizes, just the base lines? fonts are optimized for every pt. if that's not done, they might look as bad as what I see, so maybe I am just lacking some font files for Sans Serif and co?18:04
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fearfuljanisozaur, I have all the dependencies just not the correct version, I need gtk+2.0 >=2.16 and I have Juanty's18:05
mesa_boogerBenBu: ttf fonts are vector fonts. one size fits all18:05
janisozaurcocozz: the mounts in gvfs aren't that easy to handle from cli (at least i know no such method), but all the info should be kept in ~/.gvfs18:05
fearfuljanisozaur, sorry didn't mena to send that.18:05
janisozaurfearful: ppa18:05
home__mesa_booger, so recording the sound is the only good idea?18:05
fearfuljanisozaur, yea thats what I'm doing thanks so much again for your help.18:05
mesa_boogerhome__: open up the case and use a stethoscope :)18:05
BenBumesa_booger: no, that's not true. you *can* render all sizes from a single vector, but you get bad results for small font sizes. that's why 8-12 pt each have their own glyphs18:06
home__mesa_booger, there are many devices to choose from at 'sound'18:06
mesa_boogerhome__: is the sound coming out of the speakers or out of the system case ?18:06
home__mesa_booger, it is the speakers18:06
dorgan1since everyone in #apache seems to be sleeping maybe someone in here can help me18:07
Jillneed to install any IDE for c\c++ and gtk18:07
dorgan1with apache how would i forward requests coming in for mail.domain.tld to mail.domain.tld:8181/   where domain and tld are dynamic18:07
janisozaurJill: eclipse, code::blocks, ...18:08
mesa_boogerhome__: try disabling the daemons one at a time, to see which one is causing the "sounds"18:08
MindVirusHello. I am trying to extract an ISO file to a directory but it is a bit damaged. Is there any way to force-extract, skipping errors?18:08
home__mesa_booger, what are daemons?18:09
janisozaurMindVirus: try mounting it and just copying the files without errors18:09
home__mesa_booger, im not sure there is sound in the system by the way18:09
MindVirusjanisozaur: what do you mean, mount it? You mean mount -o loop -t iso9660?18:09
janisozaurMindVirus: yeah, something like that18:09
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MindVirusjanisozaur: it won't mount because it says it's not a valid iso9660 partition.18:10
MindVirusBut I know it is.18:10
mesa_boogerhome__: system services. like exim, sysklogd, gpm, gdm etc18:10
MindVirusIt just has the copy-protection error in the first block.18:10
cocozzjanisozaur: lol...I found that mounting it throught its domain name doens't work, it must be it's ip ..18:10
mesa_boogerhome__: extraneous sounds from the speakers can be caused by irq problems and also by rf interference from nearby units18:10
home__mesa_booger, do i need to disable them?18:10
Jilljanisozaur: can i edit .net sources in eclipse?18:11
zsakrhow to make flash work on ubuntu?18:11
zsakrive been trying for a weeknow!|18:11
grawityjanisozaur: ls /usr/bin/gvfs-*18:11
FeiRuoWahi. i heard you guys are awake >_>18:11
grawitycocozz: mount.cifs //host/share /mnt18:11
mesa_boogerhome__: disable each in turn. and put it back on again. when the badness stops, you have the culprit18:11
zsakris there any tut?18:11
zsakrhow to make flash work!18:11
home__there is nothing close to the computer mesa_booger18:11
FloodBot3zsakr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:11
Exodushome__, weird sounds from the speakers are usually your cellphone :P move it away.18:11
janisozaurJill: well... technically you can edit anything in eclipse18:11
FeiRuoWaanybody know of a good cd importer? i'm using exaile to play if that makes a difference...18:11
janisozaurgrawity: ty18:11
ZanQdowhat app in gnome is equivalent to klipper18:11
grawityZanQdo: glippe18:11
mesa_boogerhome__: dunno then. must be the Ghost In The Machine18:11
home__Exodus, no cell phone18:11
grawityZanQdo: er, glipper18:11
ZanQdoseriusly? haha18:12
bobertdoszsakr: Have you tried to install anything yet?18:12
home__mesa_booger, i will try disabling but how to disable?18:12
Exodushome__, sometimes usb devices will make horrible sounds through the speakers. Bad front panel wiring.18:12
janisozaurJill: for .net/mono you'd like to use sharpdevelop (or monodevelop, i'm not 100% sure about the name)18:12
linxehExodus: or bad motherboard design, or mismatched impedances on the connected audio devices18:12
Jilljanisozaur: thanks18:13
Exoduslinxeh, exactly.18:13
home__Exodus, ok that might be - and i think there is no sound in the system18:13
LobbyZi need to get something to rip cds ultimately for exaile on ubuntu. Any suggestions?18:13
grawityLobbyZ: cdparanoia?18:13
FeiRuoWahaha, LobbyZ, that's what i asked. plagiarism! you even stole my wording :P18:13
LobbyZsince you wouldnt ask yourself, FeiRuoWa18:14
home__Exodus, no spcial usb devises18:14
LobbyZbut grawity was nice enough to answer your question18:14
FeiRuoWaLobbyZ, i did.18:14
FeiRuoWasee above. it got lost in th eflood.18:14
FeiRuoWaalso, thank you, grawity18:14
LobbyZChoose a better moment then!18:14
Exodushome__, try unplugging your usb devices. Just having them connected might do the above.18:14
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taylor_I'm trying to get my daughter's wireless working on release 9.04. she has a broadcom BCM 4401-B0 ethernet controller. The instruction I have said I should execute this command, echo "ndiswrapper" >> /etc/modules. Synaptic shows that ndiswrapper modules are installed.18:17
dorgan1how would i forward requests coming in for mail.domain.tld to mail.domain.tld:8181/18:17
Exodustaylor_, In the System --> Administration --> Hardware Drivers. There should be a simple click-to-enable wireless.18:18
lucaxxxxxxcant play avi files with totem... http://paste.ubuntu.com/284750/18:18
Exoduslucaxxxxxx, do you have codecs installed?18:19
LoafersHow do I update Google Chrome on Ubuntu?  There's no update option in the menu or anything.18:20
taylor_Exodus, I do not show Hardware Drives under that path.18:20
lucaxxxxxxExodus: i do... i can play the files with mplayer, in mplayer i see it laggy... but i could see it just fine with totem... i dont know why but i cant play it anymore... so yes i think i do have gstreamer plugin installed18:20
janisozaurLoafers: via apt18:21
yowshicoz_: change themes in firefox? i dont know where to gewt themese for firefox18:21
Loafersjanisozaur, sudo apt-get update ?18:21
RickZillaIs there a list somewhere of hardware requirements for the upcoming Karmic release?18:21
coz_yowshi,   not in firefox  but on your system  under  system/preferences/appearance18:21
Exodustaylor_, Ubuntu 9.04 has a Restricted Hardware or Hardware Drivers menu option under the system/administration/18:21
coz_yowshi,  change the gnome system gtk2 theme there18:21
mesa_boogeryowshi: tools -> addons18:22
Exodustaylor_, it's the main menu: System. Administration.18:22
janisozaurLoafers: "Installing Google Chrome will add the Google repository so your system will automatically keep Chrome up to date. If you don't want Google's repository, do "sudo touch /etc/default/google-chrome" before installing the package."18:22
janisozaurLoafers: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade18:22
Loafersjanisozaur, Yes I know, but I heard a new version was released today and its not autoupdating18:22
Exoduslucaxxxxxx, ok, totem uses the gstreamer engine, and I think mplayer uses the xine one18:22
Loafersjanisozaur, thanks18:22
Exoduslucaxxxxxx, lets make sure you have the gstreamer engine codecs installed.18:22
Dev_N00bAnyone know of decent icecast two broadcast software similar to SAM broadcaster, but for Ubuntu?18:23
janisozaurLoafers: i have
TarthenHey guys18:23
TarthenSlight issye18:23
Dev_N00bni hao18:23
janisozaurLoafers: that's from today18:23
yowshicoz_: yeah changing ubuntu theme had no effect on firfox texxt18:23
home__Exodus, all are discconected but the anoyying sound still there18:23
lucaxxxxxxExodus: i have them installed gstreamer plugins good and ugly or bad i dont remember18:23
TarthenLoopback sound in 9.10 beta - what happened?18:23
yowshicoz_: but i do like this high contrast inverse18:23
FeiRuoWani hao, Dev_N00b.18:23
home__how can i change my nick?18:23
janisozaurhome__: /nick newnick18:23
Loafersjanisozaur, Ah okay.  I have same version too.  How come I didn't notice it updating at all?18:23
Dev_N00bIt should be Ni Hao Mah on my part.  There are multiple people in the room.  Third person plural18:23
skyn3tsup guys18:23
coz_yowshi,  ok if that works then use it    because the issue is a little strange  I have not had that issue unless it was caused by a bad firefox theme or gtk2 theme18:24
Exoduslucaxxxxxx, ok. There's the good, the bad, and the ugly.18:24
Dev_N00bdamn conjugation18:24
Exoduslucaxxxxxx, make sure you have them all :)18:24
janisozaurLoafers: you may have auto-updates enabled, check in synaptic options18:24
Dev_N00bI should stick to Russian and Latin18:24
skyn3ti need some help18:24
home__mmm/nick mgv418:24
lucaxxxxxxill check again18:24
home__nick/ mgv418:24
Loafersjanisozaur, ok thanks18:24
=== home__ is now known as mgv4
metalf8801is there an easy way to align my Icon on my desktop?18:24
ZanQdo_I just lost my traybar...18:24
Exoduslucaxxxxxx, they are under gstreamer0.10-plugins-18:24
ZanQdo_cant get it back :s18:24
skyn3ti manager to install intel pro 100 ve , but every time i need to reboot i have to "sudo modprobe eepro100" to get my network card working18:25
janisozaurZanQdo_: right click on panel, add to panel, look for tray18:25
ZanQdo_I right click everywhere and I cant get the add option18:25
ZanQdo_what panel18:25
ZanQdo_Im on ubuntu netbook18:25
skyn3tani'm on ubuntu 918:25
janisozaurthe one that had tray18:25
lucaxxxxxxExodus: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins*18:25
lucaxxxxxxExodus: that will do it i guess18:25
janisozaurZanQdo_: is it different from "full"?18:26
Exoduslucaxxxxxx, no, if you use synaptic you can easily find them. The Bad plugins don't mix with the Ugly plugins. They conflict18:26
Exoduslucaxxxxxx, the package you WANT to have is ugly.18:26
lucaxxxxxxExodus: which one should i use... i have them both installed so that may be the problem18:26
ZanQdo_oh finally got it18:26
Exoduslucaxxxxxx, gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly & gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg18:27
lucaxxxxxxExodus: k... thats a good point18:27
rompness_425hi there!!  I have a GeForce Nvidia FX 5500 PCI card 256MB and am trying to get it work work on my computer Ubuntu 9.04 server loaded with Xwindows  I can't get it to work past 640x48018:27
Exoduslucaxxxxxx, aptitude install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg18:27
rompness_425need help18:27
jhattarawhat should i do when installing a new monitor? just plug it in and run this in terminal: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg18:27
Exodusrompness_425, have you installed the nvidia drivers?18:27
rompness_425Exodus: yes18:27
rompness_425I used hardware drivers and I selected the restricted driver18:28
taylor_Exodus, Do I have to reboot to activate the driver?18:28
Exodusrompness_425, are you sure they are enabled?18:28
rompness_425how to I check ?18:28
Exodustaylor_, you shouldn't have to.18:28
janisozaurrompness_425: run nvidia-settings18:28
PupenoIs there any graphical program that average joe can use to extract the audio out of an mp4 or flv to an mp3?18:28
lucaxxxxxxExodus: nope still have that error18:29
janisozaurPupeno: as in youtube?18:29
rompness_425I can't even run Envidia setting, because the screen is too small and everything moves around like crazy, I can't even select and even in there I see the highest resolution is that max18:29
Exoduslucaxxxxxx, try installing VLC. If vlc doesn't open it, the file is probably damaged.18:29
Exoduslucaxxxxxx, aptitude install vlc18:29
lucaxxxxxxExodus: i have vlc installed..18:30
Exoduslucaxxxxxx, does vlc play the file?18:30
Pupenojanisozaur: what? yeah, as in files downloaded from youtube, if that's what you are asking.18:30
lucaxxxxxxExodus:  nope18:30
lucaxxxxxxExodus: just the sound18:30
janisozaurPupeno: try vixy.net18:30
janisozaurPupeno: also http://lmgtfy.com/?q=flv+online+converter18:31
Pupenojanisozaur: vixy.net is not responding.18:31
Pupenojanisozaur: I do not want an on-line converter.18:31
Exoduslucaxxxxxx, that's weird. Either the file is not correct or you have some codecs mismatch.18:31
aedoes any body use a Asus M4n82 Deluxe with Ubuntu? or knows if this mobo works fine with Linux?18:32
rskae: what cpu does it have on it?18:32
aephenom 95518:33
lucaxxxxxxExodus: vlc says something about xvid format not supported18:33
ExodusPupeno, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Transcoding18:33
Exoduslucaxxxxxx, oh, it's an xvid18:33
rskae: _absolutely_ best thing to do is to boot it up with the ubuntu CD and see if it works. (no need to install it)18:33
rskae: that way you dont have to take someone's word for it :)18:33
PupenoExodus: Thanks. I'm aware of those, none usable by my wife. I need something easy to use.18:33
aethanks rsk18:33
Exoduslucaxxxxxx, i told you earlier to do an: aptitude install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg18:33
rompness_425when I press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace I don't exit xwindows, how can I exit to command prompt ?18:33
hikenbootcan anyone tell me of an apt sources that work with jaunty that have educational games for kids 2 - 10? free is best18:33
heavenriderare ther docks for ubuntu, if so how can i set them on my sesktop18:33
Exoduslucaxxxxxx, ffmpeg open xvid18:33
janisozaurPupeno: "apt-cache search flv", "apt-cache show yourpackage"18:34
lucaxxxxxxExodus: i have installed ffmpeg18:34
Exodusrompness_425, you can use CTRL ALT F1 through CTRL ALT F6, CTRL ALT F7 is you windows.18:34
Izazulcan i get some help i  want to install ubuntu on my sistem but i get this error "i/o error, dev SR0, sector1431176 buffer i/o error, on drive , logical bloc" can someone help me ?18:34
Exoduslucaxxxxxx, then totem is probably not using that.18:34
juli_hi there18:35
Exoduslucaxxxxxx, do a "aptitude search totem" and tell me if "totem-xine" is installed18:35
heavenridercan any body help me i dont knw how to set a dock on my ubuntu18:35
heavenriderand is there widgets like a clock etc that i can set on my desktop18:36
juli_can some one halp pls i canot install kismet on ubuntu18:36
Exodusheavenrider, kde has cute stuff like that built in18:36
rskheavenrider: rightclick at the top, add to panel. might be what you want there18:36
heavenrideri use ubuntu(gnome) i think18:36
juli_i try everytheng but nothing18:36
rompness_425Exodus  Ctrl+Alt  F1 works but, using my username/password don't work, it won't take it, and I know its valid18:36
BenBusomebody has kubuntu 9.10 running? kpackagekit doesn't work for me, says I don't have the "necessary privileges", and then crashes. even if I start it with "kdesudo kpackagekit"18:36
janisozaur!karmic | BenBu18:37
ubottuBenBu: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+118:37
jhattaraPupeno, avidemux is probably as easy as it can get for demuxing18:37
Exodusrompness_425, make sure the console has the right keyboard layout. Try typing your password without pressing ENTER on the username. That way you can test that all the keys are mapped like they're suppose to18:37
heavenriderrsk thats not a widget18:38
rskok nvm then18:38
Exodusheavenrider, try kiba dock18:38
heavenrideri want a sepaeate widgets like this http://www.cairo-dock.org/mediacolor/album3/1223007068_91eea83fb7.png18:38
Pupenojhattara: and it can read .mp4 and .flv?18:38
heavenridercan any body help me18:38
rskheavenrider: that's awn18:38
heavenrideri knw i tried kiba dock18:38
heavenriderbut i cant find it18:38
heavenrideri mean tried to find it18:38
heavenriderits not ther any wheer18:39
heavenriderrsk, kiba dock, wher can i find it18:39
jhattaraPupeno, it can read flv fine, at least if you have the codecs installed, it's been ages since i've used it so it might take some time if you want me to give you a walkthrough18:39
ubottuAvant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for  the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ - Awn-Manager can be found in Universe from Hardy (8.04) onwards.18:39
rompness_425ok, thanks, need to reboot18:39
rskthere heavenrider18:39
ExodusAWN is also very good heavenrider18:40
Exodusheavenrider, "aptitude install avant-window-navigator"18:40
jaapzcairo-dock is also a good one18:40
jhattaraPupeno, actually, i need to explore some stuff, i'm not certain if avidemux is what you're looking for18:41
heavenriderexodus, i dont understand18:41
heavenriderim totally new to ububtu18:41
Exodusheavenrider, ok18:41
heavenriderrsk where?18:41
taylor_Exodus, my wireless still shows not connect. I crested a new wireless connection called "Home". I also rebooted the system. still no effect.18:41
rskheavenrider: under where i typed !awm18:42
heavenridersorry, i m jus getting used to ubuntu18:42
rskawn even18:42
Exodusheavenrider, go to the Applications Menu, and click on "Add/Remove Software" or something like that18:42
Exodusheavenrider, in there, you're going to make sure the dropdown on the top part of that program says "all free and open sources packages" or something like that18:42
heavenriderdont see any thing rsk , sorry18:42
DarxusPackage: hugin18:42
DarxusPin: release a=experimental18:42
DarxusPin-Priority: 100018:42
heavenriderok exodus18:42
Exodusheavenrider, then you're going to put "avant-window-navigator" in the search box18:42
Darxus  Package pin: (not found)18:43
Exodusheavenrider, from there on just double click and install.18:43
DarxusWhy am I getting "not found"?18:43
rskheavenrider: sorry if you're missing a peice of text in this channel im sorry i can't help you :)18:43
heavenriderthat ll give me docks , or widgets?18:43
Exodusheavenrider, that will give you the Mac Like dock18:43
Exodusavant-window-navigator          - A MacOS X like panel for GNOME18:43
heavenriderahh i see it18:44
carpediemor gnome-do with docky mode, which I like more than AWN18:44
Exodusheavenrider, aptitude is a program you use in the console, with some parameters you search, install, remove packages. avant-window-navigator is a package. Under the console typing "aptitude install avant-window-navigator" you'll install that package.18:44
heavenriderexodus: is that the best one ?18:44
janisozaur!best | heavenrider18:45
ubottuheavenrider: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:45
Exodusheavenrider, I don't really know, I use my desktop pretty simple, with some minor gl effects :P18:45
jhattaraPupeno, you still here ?18:45
Pupenojhattara: yes.18:45
heavenridersorry ubottu18:45
janisozaurheavenrider: ubottu is a bot18:46
jhattaraPupeno, sent a private message yo you, do you see it ?18:46
carpediemSheesh.  #ubuntu = the no fun channel18:46
heavenrideri jus want somin flashy , so my friends wud want to install linux18:46
Exodusheavenrider, ok18:46
heavenriderthey think linux is not very good18:46
YashyI'm looking for help with fakeraid 10 setup. In Ubiquity it's showing 2x RAID0 instead of one RAID1018:46
heavenrideri wanna change thir opinion18:46
Exodusheavenrider, i'll give you something to play with.18:46
Exodusheavenrider, there's a package called simple-ccsm18:46
Exodusheavenrider, install "simple-ccsm"18:47
heavenrideroh!! i have that already, installed it jus 5 mins b418:47
carpediemor, more fun compizconfig-settings-manager18:47
heavenriderwhats flashy without that18:47
Exodusheavenrider, that will add a the compiz configuration settings manager under the System -- Preferences  menu18:47
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heavenrideri came to linux because of that18:47
SzkrabekI've got a problem with the installer. It doesn't seem to recognize my screen correctly. It "glitches" to the right, on the left remains black. I can't see the buttons to confirm my choices. What can I do?18:48
ExodusSzkrabek, with what installer?18:48
heavenriderthanks exodus18:48
ExodusSzkrabek, the microwave installer? :P18:48
Exodusheavenrider, np, there's some really fun plugins there.18:49
carpediemSzkrabek: assuming you don't have other monitors hooked up or something on tv-out, that's a bit odd.  Only other option is to use the alternative ISO for a non-GUI installer.18:49
janisozaurSzkrabek: hold left alt, click with left mouse button on the app and move it18:49
Exodusheavenrider, the trick is binding the right plugins on the right keys.18:49
heavenrideri have the cube18:49
outoftimeis there a quick way to test whether a bootp server is responding?18:49
taylor_Exodus, my wireless still shows not connect. I crested a new wireless connection called "Home". I also rebooted the system. still no effect. Do I have to put in the mac values?18:49
heavenrideri dont knw what else to do18:49
SzkrabekExodus, no the kubuntu installer...18:49
heavenriderwhich keys?18:49
YashyI'm looking for help with fakeraid 10 setup. In Ubiquity it's showing 2x RAID0 instead of one RAID1018:49
m0r0nDoes anyone have this problem, uploading to imageshack or photobucket, your firefox will pulse grey and your not able to use it, nor open any new windows until it's done, and it takes forever?18:49
Exodustaylor_, make sure the wireless card is installed correctly. Have you connected to other wireless networks? What card is it?18:49
outoftimem0r0n: known issue with linux flash player. probably will never be fixed18:50
taylor_Exodus, Broadcom BCM4401-B018:50
ExodusSzkrabek, reboot into the safe vga mode, it's an option on the boot18:50
outoftimem0r0n: the greying out bit, specifically. as far as taking forever, most likely just takes forever.18:50
Exodustaylor_, that has a firmware that needs to be installed first.18:50
janisozauroutoftime, m0r0n i've never experienced that, although i have uploaded images to imageshack18:51
m0r0noutoftime: Ah. Thanks. Hopefully the new Ubuntu will fix  that18:51
outoftimem0r0n: nope - it's up to adobe to do it, and it's unlikely they will18:51
outoftimem0r0n: it's a bug in their flash player for linux18:51
m0r0njanisozaur: Hm... which flash plugin do you have?18:51
outoftimewhich is nonfree, so nobody can fix it18:51
taylor_Exodus, It was in the Dell laptop when we bought it.18:51
janisozauroutoftime: is it possible that it's because i use x64?18:51
SzkrabekExodus, thanks, I'll r18:51
Exodustaylor_, wait a sec18:51
ExodusSzkrabek, no problem18:51
outoftimejanisozaur: no idea - afaik it's the code in the linux flash player itself. it totally blocks the process on uploads.18:52
SzkrabekExodus,thanks, I'll try that!18:52
janisozaurm0r0n: 10.32.18, latest from adobe labs18:52
Exodustaylor_, the 4401 is a ethernet card18:52
janisozaurm0r0n: let me check again, the default imageshack website?18:52
Exodustaylor_, your wireless card is something else18:52
m0r0njanisozaur: www.imageshack.us18:53
outoftimem0r0n, janisozaur that's the same version i'm using nb18:53
Exodustaylor_, the broadcom 4401 B0 is a wired network card. Do you need help finding out what your wireless card is?18:53
ExElNeTis there any solution available to run a wireless card with the rtl r8185 chipset? the current kernel crashes ...18:53
taylor_Exodus, The network card it BCM431118:53
Exodustaylor_, ok18:53
Exodustaylor_, that's a wireless :)18:54
Exoduswhich one do you have specifically?18:54
user01hello, I have a 5dbi usb wireless internet adapter attached to my computer. The problem is that the signal being detected is very low and after a couple of hours, the connection drops. Is something that I can do?18:54
Exodustaylor_, can you type in a console "lspci | grep "4311" and copy paste it here?18:54
alabdGood Day everyone ,How to change Serial device in Minicom software ? in default it checks /dev/tty8 but dialup modem is /dev/ttySHSF0 .18:54
Doc_Lappyknow this is off topic but anyone willing to help me with a php/mysql website that I've spent 4 days on now and still can't get to work trying 4 different scripts that I've tried to modify?18:54
user___how do you do?18:54
Exodustaylor_, that's:  lspci | grep 431118:54
user01the internet signal detected in ubuntu is low, while the same signal in windows is full18:55
Doc_Lappyweird user...18:55
mnainesuser01: I use a 20dBm wireless18:55
Exodususer01, hello, two things, some drivers aren't perfect, meaning it's not that the signal is not strong, it's the driver that is just SHOWING it as low.18:55
Exodususer01, two, depending on the driver you'll get different outcome.18:56
taylor_Exodus,  Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 0118:56
janisozaurm0r0n: checked18:56
Doc_Lappyyeah I'd have to go with exodus that's what it sounds like to me too is just different drivers not reading the same18:56
mnainesExodus, if the wireless card can output 20dBm, what antenna would I need for optimal performance?18:56
janisozaurm0r0n: fully working all the time18:56
mnainesI currently have a 7dB antenna on it18:57
janisozaurm0r0n: even watching some metacafe (as youtube is down atm) flash vid18:57
Exodusmnaines, it really depends on how far you're trying to link up.18:57
janisozaurm0r0n: while uploading18:57
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user01Exodus, I see, is there anything I can do to change the driver? In windows I have 100% while in ubuntu I only get 1 out of 4 bars18:57
mnainesExodus: Its not the distance...Its that I have to connect through walls with a lot of RFI18:57
Doc_Lappyhow do I open up a new window without closing this one, if I just type /join $? will it close it on pidgin/18:58
cumulus007Is there a IRC channel intended for documentators?18:58
janisozaurm0r0n: http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/4189/zrzutekranuo.png check if it is the same version of uploader (i see no flash there)18:58
cumulus007I mean the Ubuntu documentation team18:58
mnainesExodus: There is a lot of harmonic resonance between my computer and the wireless router18:58
YashyI'm looking for help with fakeraid (BIOS RAID) 10 setup. In Ubiquity it's showing 2x RAID0 instead of one RAID1018:58
ibkanatI just upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 and now I HAVE NO AUDIO?? MCP51 High Definition Audio18:58
ibkanatwhat do I do?18:58
ibkanatworked in 9.0418:58
janisozaur!karmic | ibkanat18:59
ubottuibkanat: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+118:59
cumulus007Yashy, you have to use the Alternate CD for RAID18:59
Exodusibkanat, play with "alsamixer" in the console18:59
rskibkanat: report a bug and ask in the right channel #ubuntu+118:59
m0r0njanisozaur: Same thing, I just have ad's on the side18:59
janisozaurm0r0n: x86 or x64?19:00
taylor_Exodus,  Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 0119:00
Exodusmnaines, then it depends also on the amount of walls and what they're made of :P19:00
user01how can I change my wireless card drivers?19:00
Exodustaylor_, let me look up a good guide for you.19:00
m0r0njanisozaur: x86, not sure, I know it's not x64 for sure though19:00
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vargadanishi... hello everyone, I have a little bit of trouble with dual boot.. I can't start windows even after reinstalling grub. I have detailed the problems here http://pastebin.com/m410f04b419:00
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vargadanisplease take a look if you have a min19:00
taylor_Exodus, thanks - I been on the search several days now.19:01
* inspire` sips beer19:01
Yashycumulus007: I'm pretty sire I am, as it said SATA RAID detected at the "Detect disks" stage. But at the "Partition Disks" stage it's showing two RAID 0s instead of one RAID 10.19:01
Exodustaylor_, here we are: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:01
janisozaurm0r0n: i use x64, adobe rarely releases updates for this architecture, but i think it is up to date with other releases19:01
Exodustaylor_, the driver is there, but the firmware isn't, that page will show you how to 'cut' the firmware.19:02
janisozaurm0r0n: i use, check it at http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/19:02
* inspire` Lucky Peterson - Black Midnight Sun - 01 - Herbert Harper's Free Press News.mp319:03
m0r0njanisozaur: I have also19:03
m0r0njanisozaur: I checked Synapic's19:03
user01how can I know what is the current driver in my system for the wireless card?19:03
janisozaurm0r0n: if it's not x64 (which is known to have problems with 32-bit flash plugin), then i can't help you any further, sorry19:04
taylor_Exodus, what do you mean "cut" the firmware?19:04
m0r0njanisozaur: np, at least you just answered me, I've ask this question a couple times no one seems to know anything about it19:04
Exodustaylor_, hehe, just follow the guide, you'll use a program falled fwcutter, it cuts the firmware from the windows drivers pretty much.19:04
Exodustaylor_, you don't have to cut anything, the programs will :)19:05
taylor_Exodus, thanks for your help.19:05
Exodustaylor_, np19:05
scatterphi i am trying to install phpmyadmin after booting from dvd (live) i see i need to change deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu gutsy main universe multiverse restricted but i cant do that as its locked is there another way i can grab it ?19:06
erUSULuser01: lshw -C Network | grep -i driver19:06
Exodusscatterp, locked how? what program are you using?19:06
scatterpremember im booted from a live cd...19:07
vtec_I did a command sudo apt-get install xdotools it isntalled correctly but how do I open it? I can't find it19:07
scatterpi guess i just need a .deb or something ?19:07
Exodusyou're trying to install phpmyadmin from a livecd?19:07
scatterpExodus, yes19:07
janisozaurm0r0n: i think you might check if it is flash-related - just remove the flash plugin and go to imageshack to check if the problem persists19:07
Exodusvtec_, what is xdotools?19:08
Exodusvtec_, do you mean xdotool?19:08
Exodusscatterp, try installing ubuntu first :P19:08
vtec_it's a program from the synaptics19:08
vtec_How do I open an app I dled from package manager if I don't find it in my menus?19:09
Exodusright click on it in synaptic, go to Files, and see what files it has.19:09
luisthow can i download a whole folder from a website preserving its subfolders structure??19:09
Exodusvtec_, some packages are command line tools, or aren't the big of a program to have a menu spot19:09
erUSULluist: wget -r --no-parent url/folder19:10
Tux0rhey guys19:10
luisterUSUL: thanks.. where will that download to?19:10
Exodusluist, to the folder you're currently in19:11
aj_444I am trying to make my panels transparent like shown here http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/BlueSpace?content=73599 but its confusing me. help?19:12
erUSULluist: current folder19:13
luisterUSUL: it download just a folder with index.html -.-19:13
Exodusvtec_, the command is: xdotool19:14
Exodusvtec_, either open a console and type "xdotool" or press alt+f2 and type it.19:14
Buckiedoes anyone know what the consol version of vlc is called, i forgot >.<19:14
YashyI'm looking for help with fakeraid (BIOS RAID) 10 setup. In Ubiquity it's showing 2x RAID0 instead of one RAID1019:14
ExodusBuckie, vlc-nox19:15
vtec_Exodus: thankyou very much19:15
BuckieExodus thats what i thought but its bugged somehow19:15
handshakehello all just got my ubuntu installed came from windows but i have a quick question19:15
Exodusvtec_, you're welcome19:15
BuckieExodus  -bash: vlc-nox: command not found19:15
erUSULluist: dunno should work. check wget man page19:15
ExodusBuckie, well, the package is called vlc-nox ;)19:15
ExodusBuckie, "aptitude install vlc-nox"19:15
handshakei used to be running windows 7 as stated before but i still need it for work documents and such... is there a way to use my old partition of windows in linux and if so how19:16
BuckieExodus it just tells me 3 packages was not upgraded19:16
ExodusBuckie, it is probably installed. Let's check doing a "aptitude show vlc-nox"19:17
witgood evening19:17
stefgYashy: is that a dual boot machine, or ist it linux-only?19:17
ExodusBuckie, if it is, the second line should say "State: Installed"19:17
handshakecan anyone help?19:17
Yashystefg: brand new machine, nothing yet, will be linux only19:17
Exodushandshake, installing ubuntu has many options, one of them is living next to other operating systems like windows.19:18
witi don;t understand a word of your discussion19:18
stefgYashy: i'd forget about about bios fakeraid (dmraid) and use softraid (mdadm).19:18
BuckieExodus yes its installed, it also tells me that its in conflict with vlc19:18
handshakeexodus i understand that but i want to do like a virtual machine but use my old partition19:19
Exodushandshake, virtual machines usually use a file image to hold their virtual hard drives, you don't actually need a real partition19:19
stefgYashy: the CPU does the heavy lifting anyway, and mdadm is much more flexible and compatible (and you don't need to wait for the raid bios at boot-time)19:19
ZykoticK9handshake, VirtualBox is capable of booting your RAW partition - this might get you started http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=769883 also check the VBox manual and the "working with RAW" partitions19:19
ExodusBuckie, if it is installed, run it. "vlc"19:19
Yashystefg: I assumed using the BIOS/hardware would have some speed advantages?19:20
handshakeexodus then what can i do to run my old windows partition virtually in linux?19:20
wityou know what guys?You are not too hospitable19:20
ExodusBuckie, http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/i386/vlc-nox/filelist shows all the files in that package. there's "vlc" "nvlc" and others.19:20
erUSULhandshake: ask in #vbox maybe virtualbox can do it19:20
ZykoticK9handshake, FYI you might run into MS validation issues BTW19:20
handshakeok thanks guys19:20
stefgYashy: no... it's no real hardware raid. It's mainly intended for stupid OS's which can't deal with raid on pure software :-)19:20
Yashystefg: for that do I just tell the BIOS 4 seperate disks and let mdadm do it all?19:20
witi'd better go watch some cartoons19:21
stefgYashy: right19:21
witbbut don't ever ask me to come back!!19:21
erUSULhandshake: the question is not if vbox can boot off of a parition in the disk. the question is would win7 survive a hardware change under its feet ?19:21
stefgYashy: and you need the alternate installer19:21
witi'm serious!!19:21
Exoduswit, <319:21
Yashystefg: So there is no such thing as BIOS RAID doing real hardware raid?19:21
Yashycumulus007: I'm pretty sire I am, as it said SATA RAID detected at the "Detect disks" stage. But at the "Partition Disks" stage it's showing two RAID 0s instead of one RAID 10.19:22
Exodushandshake, you can install ubuntu after windows 719:22
Yashyoops, I meant that for stefg19:22
Exodushandshake, don't be frightened, I've done it.19:22
Perry__Hi all, was wondering if someone might be able to assist.  I installed Ubuntu 9.10 on friends system over a windows 7 install (created new partition for the install) but now windows is not showing up in GRUB, and there is no menu.lst to check out.19:22
Exodushandshake, just repartition the windows partition and install ubuntu if you want to dual boot19:22
erUSULPerry__: karmic (in beta) uses grub2. go to #ubuntu+119:22
BuckieExodus I did run it many times but i get this message : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/284800/19:22
stefgYashy: "Bios" raid uses the CPU for all calculations, just like softraid.. there's just one abstrction layer added to hide this fact from windows. linux doesn't need that19:23
ExodusBuckie, use "cvlc"19:23
Yashystefg: OK Thanks, not sure why I bought a MB with RAID then :)19:23
ExodusBuckie, says it right there :P  "[00000001] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface."19:23
stefgYashy: bedcause you wanted the extra sata-ports19:24
erUSULYashy: you need the extra sata ports  anyway19:24
ExodusBuckie, don't expect anything cute without any windows ;)19:24
mlissnerHi, does anybody know how to deprioritize a backup script? It's bringing my computer to a halt.19:24
erUSULmlissner: probably you want ionice19:25
ZykoticK9mlissner, look into nice / renice etc.19:25
stefgmlissner: man nice19:25
Exodusmlissner, nice values is what you're looking for19:25
BuckieExodus it still makes some error : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/284803/19:25
mlissnerI tried giving it a high nice value, but that didn't help.19:25
mlissnerionice sounds promising though19:25
Yashyahh makes sense. Thanks guys. Will the ncurses installer let me use mdadm or should I jump to console before detect disks and do it manually?19:25
* erUSUL a backup script is probably IO bound not cpu bound19:25
Exodusmlissner, http://www.nixtutor.com/linux/changing-priority-on-linux-processes/19:25
ExodusBuckie, do a "cvlc --help" of "man vlc" I think there's a --nox parameter that goes with that command19:26
ExodusI'll install vlc19:27
stefgYashy: the alternate installer will let you set it up. but i find it soemwhat counter-intuitive and usually prepare my disk beforehand and present a readily made array to the installer.19:27
DPicgodstar: check this-- http://www.archive.org/details/FuckingMacs19:28
Yashythanks for your help stefg, will try this.19:28
stefgYashy: and raid 10 is special, too.. although mdadm supports native raid-10 the installer will make you create two raid-1 arrays, that you then raid 019:28
DPicanyone who's good at macs is welcome to see if they can figure this one out =]19:28
JoesephI need to tell SSH to allow password authentication.   What line in ssh_config Do I change to make that happen?19:28
mnaines1stefg: I usually run Hardware Raid before I install Ubuntu19:28
stefg!raid | Yashy19:28
ubottuYashy: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto19:28
Yashyok good to know19:28
peolHow would I install software from my PPA instead from the original PPA (even if it's older)?19:29
{Onyx}Hmm, I was runing a HDD test/recover from ultimate boot cd and now my secondary drive doesn't mount. When I try to mount it is says I have to specify file system but when I do it says incorrect fs19:29
YashyI want the softwareraid one instead of fakeraid now :)19:29
peoloriginal PPA = original repos19:29
Exoduspeol, you have to give your repo priority19:29
{Onyx}I'm guessing runing HDD tools from ultimate boot cd isn't a good idea for an ext3 file system.19:29
PCTeacher012I have a question on what version of ubuntu should i use19:30
Exoduspeol, it's called pinning19:30
PCTeacher012I will give my specifications19:30
Exoduspeol, http://wiki.debian.org/AptPinning19:30
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto19:30
peolExodus: Awesome, thanks19:30
stefgYashy: esp. beacause you want a small, all raid1 (4 partitions) /boot partition, your OS on a direct raid 10, and all the data stuff on a lvm.... stupid bios can't do that19:30
Exoduspeol, np, although https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto is prettier page ^_^19:31
PCTeacher012I have 2 GHz processor, Intel Pentinum 4, 256 MB SyncDRAM, 32MB AGP 3D Graphics card. Should i use Ubuntu, Kubuntu, or Xubuntu?19:31
{Onyx}PCTeacher, except for ram your system is better than mine and ubuntu runs ok.19:31
erUSULPCTeacher012: the problemis the ram. it wouñb be grat if you can add some more. with 256  install xubuntu19:32
rskPCTeacher012: make sure you download the alternative installer, ram is not enough19:32
ZykoticK9PCTeacher012, think about upgrading your memory and you could use regular Ubuntu, but with only 256 Xubuntu is probably more suited19:32
DPicwhenever i try to boot a LiveCD from this macbook, i can get past the boot menu but then i get this "[5.162415] Not responding. "19:32
naxa hi; how much space do i need for installing ubuntu?19:32
PCTeacher012erUSUL: Okay, Thanks, what is the alternative installer?19:32
ExodusPCTeacher012, it's usually just called sdram :P19:32
ubottuHardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu19:32
erUSUL!alternate | PCTeacher01219:32
ubottuPCTeacher012: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal19:32
PCTeacher012exodus: Mine actually says SyncDRam xD19:33
ExodusPCTeacher012, hehe, that's pretty cool19:33
PCTeacher012erUSUL: Is it still easy to install with?19:33
erUSULPCTeacher012: is  a cuses based installer like the first half of the winXP installer19:33
ExodusPCTeacher012, the installer is going to be very slow because you don't have all that much memory. But after you install it should run pretty quick.19:34
erUSULPCTeacher012: you navigate with cursosr keys tab and enter/space19:34
PCTeacher012erUSUL and Exodus: Okay, thanks. My computer ran the LiveCD installer of ubuntu fine19:34
godstarDPic: have you tried talking to someone in #mac to see if they knew about installing Ubuntu on mac hardware?19:34
ExodusPCTeacher012, oh nice. Then go ahead and install :)19:34
phixLjL: <319:35
erUSULPCTeacher012: well min req ask for 384 MB ;P19:35
PCTeacher012PCTeacher012: I already have ubuntu installed, just seeing if it is right for my computer lol19:35
DPicgodstar: didn't even know that was a channel. heading over now19:35
{Onyx}Guess I'm just going to finish runing the hard drive scan on this thing and let it repair the disk all the way and if that doesn't work forget about it.19:35
godstarDPic: good luck.19:35
{Onyx}Just a stupid  40gb IDE disk anyway19:35
PCTeacher012Odd thing is: Manufacturer says i have 256 MB, but when i went to msinfo32 on windows, it said i had 512 O.o I have never upgraded ram19:35
ExoduserUSUL, that's the recommended settings for memory19:35
DPicgodstar: thanks for your help19:36
ExodusPCTeacher012, it was probably adding the swap to the memory19:36
godstarDPic: anytime.19:36
erUSULPCTeacher012: maybe someone elses did :) type « free -m » on a terminal19:36
hatchetman82how do i go about making 9.10 recognize my wifi card ? (via based)19:36
{Onyx}actually, since this hdd is jacked anyway and I've got backtrack booted I'm going to play around with its recovery tools19:36
PCTeacher012erUSUL: Okay, and c/p it?19:36
godstarDPic: I am interested to know if it installs.19:36
erUSUL!karmic | hatchetman8219:36
ubottuhatchetman82: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+119:36
stinkyHello, I need to make some tables for my website, Kompozer crashes thanks to the wrong version of GTK, and open office makes a huge mess of the html, and insists on scaleing and reducing my images. Could anyone please suggest a table editor that works. TIA :)19:36
erUSULPCTeacher012: well it should be pretty obvious19:37
PCTeacher012ill use pastebin...19:37
* phix is watching SG:U19:37
hatchetman82erUSUL: ok, thanks (i know it will break, i just want to try and fix it :-)19:37
devnedanyone know for sis mirage 3D (M671/M672) driver on ubuntu 9.04 ? And who can make it ? becouse from sis  declaned support for this product19:37
Buckiestinky this could help ? - http://www.bagism.com/tablemaker/19:37
erUSULPCTeacher012: llok in Mem:  under Total19:37
stinkythanks Buckie :)19:37
hdscan anybody tell me how to backport mpd > 0.15 to hardy?19:37
aj_444I've installed this http://www.compiz-themes.org/content/show.php/Who+Needs+Windows+7+%3F?content=105399 and have got the top of the window bar thing to work but I can't get the panel to look like that. help please?19:37
PCTeacher012erUSUL: It is, it says i have 497 MB total, 490 used, 6 free.19:37
erUSULhatchetman82: ok do it in #ubuntu+1 :)19:38
PCTeacher012I bought this straight from i think walmart LOL19:38
erUSULPCTeacher012: the nwindows was not lying you have 512 MiB19:38
devnedi was geting only for SuSe pack files for this project byt i not have enought skills on c++19:38
EricTheHaxi know this is a blender question but no one's in the blender channel: how do i remove all keyframes19:38
{Onyx}Wait, if I can't mount the drive I can't do anything with it.19:38
PCTeacher012Then why would the manufacturer say i have 256? Lol19:38
devnedanyone help me ?19:39
rompness_425ok, went to System > Hardware Drivers, I clicked on the NVIDIA 173 driver, and I rebooted, then I went back there to make sure it is activated and it is green, but my max resolution is 640x480  my CRT screen is capable of a lot more, what do I need to do ? the NVIDIA X Server setting only shows that at the max resolution from what I can select19:39
PCTeacher012brb, my sis needs me -_- lol so brb19:39
* inspire` Henderson-Smith-Wooten - Vital Tech Tones - 04 - Everglades.mp319:39
erUSULrompness_425: run « gksudo nvidia-settings »19:39
ExodusBuckie, I just installed vlc-nox and it runs ;[ so I don't know what your problem is exactly. Try upgrading :)19:40
scatterphi i am trying to install phpmyadmin after booting from dvd (live) i see i need to change deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu gutsy main universe multiverse restricted but i cant do that as its locked is there another way i can install it with out doing a full install ?19:40
erUSULinspire`: please turn off that script in this channel19:40
inspire`global commands, not used to xchat yet19:40
BuckieExodus I think maybe its because its a server version of ubuntu19:40
=== EarlJr_ is now known as EarlJr
rompness_425erUSUL: same thing, my max rsolution is 640x480 in those settings19:40
ExodusBuckie, ah, you have server edition19:41
erUSULscatterp: gutsy is eoled. repos have been moved to old-releases19:41
BuckieExodus so im trying to build alsa from source atm19:41
erUSULrompness_425: and you can not change it ?19:41
ExodusBuckie, I have desktop edition, I have a lot more packages installed, I'm guessing it's a package I have installed that you don't.19:41
scatterperUSUL, not sure what that means ..19:41
=== YungRipp is now known as Tommi
rompness_425the only options that I see in there are 640x480 and 320x240 and auto19:41
erUSULscatterp: gutsy is too old. repositories are not longer aviable19:41
devnedPCTeacher012 do you help me whit my sis video ?19:41
BuckieExodus yea that what i think too, cause i had ubuntu desktop on it and the sound worked without a problem19:41
rompness_425nothing is larger than 640x48019:42
erUSUL!gutsy | scatterp19:42
ubottuscatterp: Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.19:42
mlissnerFollow up question: Would using ionice and nice together cause any problems people can think of? E.g. nice -10 ionice -c3 'backupscript.sh'19:42
scatterperSol oh i am runing version 919:42
ExodusWell I'm off. Ubuntu Global Jam time..19:42
* Exodus waves19:42
=== Exodus is now known as Exodus|Away
skyn3tHow to modprobe eepro100 permanent, on ubuntu i tryied many diferents way i can get this permanent19:42
PCTeacher012devend: What?19:42
erUSULmlissner: do not think that will work... at least one of the commands will complaint about arguments passed19:43
erUSULskyn3t: put the module name in /etc/modules19:43
rompness_425hello ? any idea what is wrong ?19:43
erUSULrompness_425: nope; sorry19:43
PCTeacher012I hate how i can not use Compiz with this computer D:19:43
rompness_425ok, I guess I post question to ubuntu forum19:44
mlissnererUSUL: I just tested  nice -10 ionice -c3 bc, which seems to work.19:44
soreauPCTeacher012: Why not?19:44
devnedPCTeacher012 do you help me ... my problem is sis mirage 3D driver ...i not have 3D acc19:44
scatterperSol so i dont understand how i can install phpmyadmin i have version 9 of ubuntu not 7....19:44
erUSULmlissner: yes you niced ionice instead of bc19:44
PCTeacher012I dont know soreau. My card probably isnt good enough. nVidia RIVA TNT2 Model 64 Pro. And devned. Sorry, i dont know how. I dont know crud about linux right now lol19:44
erUSULscatterp: if you have a current version of ubuntu just do « sudo aptitude install phpmyadmin »19:45
devnedPCTeacher012 k ;)19:45
vtec_Hello can anyone help me with my sound? When I boot Ubuntu I hear the system sounds when I log on and when the logon screen shows up BUT now for some reason when I open my Music Player or watch a video my sound doesn't work... I'm using ALSA..I've tried this command sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart19:45
dextro_http://www.debianadmin.com/linux-ethernet-bonding-configuration.html does this mean i can hook my dsl and cable modem up and load balance my tcp connections over them19:45
vtec_ and it doesn't really work for me the sound doesn't get restored. Under my volume control I have HDA NVidia (Alsa mixer) and I have Realtek ALC662 rec1 (OSS Mixer), can anyone help? Thanks19:45
skyn3terSuL : what u mean just add "eepro100" on modules19:45
erUSULskyn3t: just that will make the module be modprobed on boot19:46
erUSUL!tab | skyn3t19:46
ubottuskyn3t: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:46
mlissnererUSUL: Actually, I think it works. I just checked in htop, and bc had a nice value of 10. I'm guessing I DID nice iotop, which in turn niced whatever program it called.19:46
Growlithevtec_, Have you tried the OSS Mixer?19:46
erUSULmlissner: ok19:46
skyn3tlet me try and i get back to ya19:47
skyn3t1 sec19:47
PCTeacher012Is there anyway to.. i dont know... Replicate compiz without using it?19:47
scatterperUSUL, that brings up errors about removing phpmyadmin maybe i already have it19:47
mlissnererUSUL: Yeah, weird, but it seems to work.19:47
erUSULvtec_: make sure you configure all apps to use pulseaudio/esd output19:47
owen1can i list the apps i installed, but only the ones that appear on the application menu?19:47
vtec_Growlithe: Yes I have tried to use the OSS Mixer as device and it doesn't work, I removed PulseAudio before becasue I was suggested to, and it worked fine without PA..that was a few weeks ago19:47
PCTeacher012What is a good place to find out all the technical stuff to do with linux? Because i knew tons about windows, and how to fix almost anything on it, but on linux, i dont know crud. Where could i learn how to?19:48
virtuelvdoes anyone have an alternative keyserver (or alternative means of getting a key for a ppa?)19:48
stinkycan anyone recommend a nice HTML editor? I have troubles with NVU and kompozer thanks to GTK version. and open office makes my pages HTML really messy. Bluefish is not much help either.19:48
DPicgodstar: they were useless =[19:48
scatterperUSUL, that brings up errors about removing phpmyadmin maybe i already have it but when i try to visit i get a 404 error19:48
stinkyPCTeacher012, google is my best source19:48
PCTeacher012stinky: haha okay, but i want like an all in one resource (site) that can help me lol :P19:49
virtuelvstinky: in general, visual HTML editors are completely useless19:49
ssmyPCTeacher012: have a problem, fix it. read blogs. planet ubuntu. same way you did on windows.19:49
erUSULPCTeacher012: how you learned all the stuff you know about windos ? ... let me guess using it over the years ;)19:49
erUSULPCTeacher012: there are not magic web pages/books. only experience :)19:49
stinkyPCTeacher012, I was not being sarcastic.. sorry some people say to google stuff to be rude19:50
ssmyPCTeacher012: try to do something difficult you don't know how to do.19:50
PCTeacher012;) Yea, haha erUSUL. One more question. Wine: How do i configure it to open ALL EXEs?19:50
scatterpPCTeacher012, google helps a lot19:50
PCTeacher012Without right click, open with wine application launcher19:50
ssmyPCTeacher012: right click an exe > properties > open with, choose wine19:50
scatterpPCTeacher012, click on the exe open with the first time and tick dont ask again19:50
erUSULPCTeacher012: once installed it will do. at least it does here... the faxt that it opens them does not guarantee the pexe will work ok19:51
scatterperUSUL, that brings up errors about removing phpmyadmin maybe i already have it but when i try to visit i get a 404 error19:51
erUSUL!appdb | PCTeacher01219:51
ubottuPCTeacher012: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help19:51
stinkyPCTeacher012, look in nautalis , rightclick on an exe and it will allow you to change what application opens it19:51
skyn3terUSUL : its work :)19:51
skyn3tthanks man19:51
stinkyPCTeacher012, it is underr the EXE files prefrences19:51
PCTeacher012oh, and who needed the key update? and thank, i got it working19:51
erUSUL!lamp | scatterp never installed it myself maybe here there are some tips19:51
ubottuscatterp never installed it myself maybe here there are some tips: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)19:51
erUSULskyn3t: no problem19:51
stinkySo there are not any useful html editors for linux? could someone suggest a good windows one? I have wine up and running good.19:52
erUSUL!html | stinky19:52
ubottustinky: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/19:52
stinkythanks erUSUL  :)19:53
owen1can i list the apps i installed, but only the ones that appear on the application menu?19:53
owen1i want to see all the packages i, as a user can use. not kernel/internal packages.19:53
erUSULskyn3t: aptana studio ? (eclipse based)19:53
mlissnerowen1: No easy way that I know of, no.19:53
PCTeacher012because to update a key code, open terminal, type sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys KEYCODE (Replace KEYCODE with the key they gave you)19:53
PCTeacher012I had to do that when i had linux mint lol19:54
owen1mlissner: ok19:54
shaiHow can I use ~/.gtkrc-2.0 to change the font size inside applications (like gnome-terminal)? When I use gtk-font-name = "geneva 12" ; it just changes the size of the menu fonts.19:54
PCTeacher012It doesnt have Software Sources T_T19:54
mlissnerowen1: It's possible (likely) that the menu config is somewhere in a file, but from there you'd have to extract it and such...probably not an easy task.19:54
HazeFazehi, if I copy some files via a cp -rvp /myFiles* /destination, how can I see the Mbit/s of this copy command? is there a tool I can pipe the command through?19:54
erUSULstinky: aptana studio ? (eclipse based) <<<19:54
jribowen1: maybe something like: for x in /usr/share/applications/*.desktop; do dpkg -S $x; done     is close enough?19:54
erUSULskyn3t: sorry; the aptana tip was not for you19:54
mlissnerHazeFaze: you might try iotop19:54
jribHazeFaze: use rsync19:54
SGottl7227hi room19:55
phixhi SGottl722719:55
erUSULHazeFaze: pv can measure the data through a pipe. but you will have to use a more convoluted command19:55
ssmyshai: why not use system > preferences > appearance > fonts to change size?19:55
SGottl7227how come when i watch the official web site for 2012 trailer.. when i make the image full screen it starts to flicker19:56
shaissmy, Because that doesn't affect on apps I start via SSH X11 Forwarding19:56
ssmyshai I see. hmm19:56
_raven_how to install a hauppauge analogue-cable pci card? tnx...19:56
SGottl7227the abode flash works fine at small size19:56
HazeFazeerUSUL: thank you I look through the man page, thx mlissner and jrib too19:56
erUSULHazeFaze: something like tar cpf - /myFiles* | pv | tar xf - -C /destination19:56
owen1jrib: i'll try it. thanks19:56
stinkyerUSUL, you rock, thank you very much :)19:56
erUSULstinky: no problem19:57
=== xT|Fish is now known as Fish__
skyn3terUSUL : no prob u already helped me :)19:57
natrixnatrix89Hi. I have this: http://www2.oregonscientific.com/shop/product.asp?cid=2&scid=84&pid=83 weather station. It has a serial port. and im thinking how it would be possible to connect it to a linux desktop that would send the information to mySQL server every 5 minutes, so the current weather could be seen on a web-page..19:58
warbioWhat program shall I use for a virtual windows xp client?19:58
PCTeacher012Can BASH fix like almost every problem? LOL19:58
HappyHoboI want to make a timer to play last fm for 3 hours and cut off.19:58
mlissneranybody have any help for SGottl7227? I have that problem too, actually.19:58
HappyHoboBASH can fix everything but marital problems and impotence.19:58
SGottl7227something wrong with the adobe player at full screen on 2012 web page.. the official page19:58
PCTeacher012HappyHobo: LOL19:59
mlissnerHappyHobo: How are you playing last fm?19:59
natrixnatrix89happyHobo. make a bash script19:59
natrixnatrix89that would sleep 3 hours and then killall lastfm19:59
erUSULnatrixnatrix89: you will have to find out the protocol the station uses if it is simple enough maybe you can cook up a script to do what you want19:59
mlissnerwarbio: I think most peopole use the terminal client19:59
PCTeacher012Why wont Youtube videos play correctly -_- D:19:59
HappyHobomlissner: I'm playing it from the menu normally19:59
stinkyPCTeacher012, do you not have sound?20:00
phixPCTeacher012: Because you are doing it wrong20:00
mlissnerHappyHobo: You mean from within Firefox?20:00
natrixnatrix89erUSUL: where do i find the protocol? And i have no experience with serial ports+linux20:00
PCTeacher012stinky: I do, but the sound is very very very jumpy20:00
warbiomlissner: ok, how do I use/start it?20:00
=== Martinp26 is now known as Martinp23
natrixnatrix89erUSUL: is there some documentation I could read?20:00
ssmynatrixnatrix89: google is your friend http://www.wviewweather.com/20:00
lizzzyWhat's a better IDE for java development other than eclipse?20:00
lizzzyon ubuntu.20:01
PCTeacher012phix: Truly that does not help at all.20:01
mlissnerwarbio: tsclient, I believe should start it. I have it listed under applications > Internet > terminal client20:01
HappyHobomlissner: lastfm is a separate player from firefox20:01
stinkyPCTeacher012, I had problems installing the Adobe flash package, I got rid of it, and installed it from synaptic to fix my sound. Might be a diffrent problem than you are having though20:01
PCTeacher012The video i am trying to watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQbGhImpMKI20:01
natrixnatrix89ssmy: thanks20:01
PCTeacher012stinky: Okay, ill try it out20:01
jumbersPCTeacher012: Are you at the latest Flash version?20:01
PCTeacher012How exactly do i do it? I installed Gnash instead of adobe for some reason20:01
ssmynatrixnatrix89: np. looks like it does everything you need too.20:01
mlissnerHappyHobo: Ah, OK. You can also play last fm music through amarok, FF, banshee, etc.20:01
warbiomlissner: ok thanks for the help20:02
mlissnerwarbio: np20:02
stinkysudo apt-get remove gnash I think20:02
erUSULlizzzy: netbeans ?20:02
stinkyor remoev it from synaptic20:02
natrixnatrix89ssmy yep and looks like it supports my station20:02
HappyHobolastfm player is easiest.  I want to start the player and then have it turn off after half an hour.20:02
natrixnatrix89ssmy: did you google that?20:02
PCTeacher012jumbers: IDK, ill install it from their site real quuck. stinky, ill run though it20:02
ssmynatrixnatrix89: given how well it supports it, I want one. would be so cool.20:02
lizzzyerUSUL: It's too heavy. Something made for ubuntu???20:02
PCTeacher012and then sudo apt-get install flash20:03
stinkyPCTeacher012, search for gnash in synaptic right click on it, and select to completely remove it, then you can install the flash20:03
HappyHobono gnash20:03
stinkysudo synaptic20:03
PCTeacher012stinky: I did it thought terminal20:03
erUSULlizzzy: and editor + the terminal is the unix way ;P20:03
ssmynatrixnatrix89: yes. exact query: "weather station oregon scientific linux"20:03
=== [1]sassyn is now known as sassyn
HappyHobognash is totally free but totally junk20:03
ssmynatrixnatrix89: first result20:03
erUSULlizzzy: maybe emacs and a special mode20:03
HappyHobogo with the non-free flash it always works20:03
natrixnatrix89ssmy: thanks again.. sorry im  a noob..20:03
jumbersPCTeacher012: The package is called adobe-flashplugin20:03
PCTeacher012jumbers: Thank you, installing now20:03
ssmynatrixnatrix89: np, we all have to learn. been there, done that.20:04
stinkymake sure you have firefox closed20:04
erUSULlizzzy: http://jdee.sourceforge.net/20:04
lizzzyerUSUL: Haha.. I'd use the terminal way, but I like debugging with an IDE better. Emacs? Hmm.. ok. Lemme check it out then.20:04
mlissnerHappyHobo: Hmmm...I don't know if the lastfm player has command line arguments to stop it without suspending or killing the app, but if you ran something like sleep 30 && killall lastfm, that would terminate the program after 30 seconds.20:04
jumbersHappyHobo: Obviously it doesn't in this case20:04
PCTeacher012jumbers: I got an error. Ill just install from their site20:04
jumbersEr, misread what you said20:04
SGottl7227if you make the movie larger at this site.. it is flickering all over and unwatchable20:05
jumbersPCTeacher012: What error?20:05
mlissnerHappyHobo: You might also try doing a man lastfm, and seeing if you can stop it via commandline.20:05
SGottl7227something wrong with adobe flash player and ubuntu20:05
PCTeacher012This package is currently referred to by another package, or is only avaible from another source20:06
PCTeacher012but im installing its .deb20:06
SGottl7227is there a fix out there?20:06
HappyHoboalways a fix20:06
SGottl7227or should i just trash my computer?20:06
SGottl7227http://www.whowillsurvive2012.com/.. it is very choppy full size20:06
erUSULlizzzy: also written in java there is jedit20:06
ssmySGottl7227: compiz enabled?20:07
SGottl7227windows doesn't do that20:07
emydvxyou can bring back to the default my network with ubuntu?20:07
paulkmhey guys, has qt creator been removed? can't seem to see it in the package list anymore :s20:07
EtraiHello! I'm possibly dim-witted but I'm struggeling to get the network to work the way I want for virtualized computer running on my Ubuntu server. What I'm trying to achieve is guest networks acting as if they were physically attached to my switch, i.e. using my ISPs DHCP or having static LAN-addresses. (sketch, kindof: http://vault.etrai.net/net.png ) I've tried googling for two days now without result...any ideas?20:07
erUSULlizzzy: http://java-source.net/open-source/ides20:08
grawityerUSUL: What VM software are you using?20:08
grawitytdw: Type /join #transmission20:08
morgan101what is studio 9,4020:08
PCTeacher012Good! Adobe flash player made it full and fast! Thanks :D:D:D20:08
stinkyerUSUL, I just found screem, it is a really nice website development suite. it is even supported by ubuntu :)20:09
jumbersPCTeacher012: Yeah, Adobe finally decided to make a working Linux plugin20:09
SGottl7227but what about http://www.whowillsurvive2012.com/  this site.. does it work on full screen for u?20:09
erUSULgrawity: VM as VBox ? none really when i try some iso i use kvm20:09
emydvxBrowse more no, I ruined my configuration ..20:09
SGottl7227i am talking about the video20:09
PCTeacher012jumbers: Glad i got linux at a good time :)20:09
erUSULstinky: screem was mentioned in the factoid...20:09
ubottuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/20:09
grawityerUSUL: Wait, wrong nick again. Ignore that.20:09
stinkylol! I must be blind20:10
ssmySGottl7227: you probably need to change one setting. install advanced desktop effects settings from add/remove. open it System > PReferences > COmpizconfig settings manager. go to general options. toggle unredirect fullscreen windows20:10
NoCodeWhat package is glxgears installed in?20:10
SGottl7227let me try20:10
morgan101can any one tell if i install 9.40 befor studio20:10
NoCodeor rather packaged in.20:10
ssmySGottl7227: also, "Windows doesn't do that" doesn't help. quit whining and people will be more willing to help20:10
DPicgodstar: i'm going to try the alternate install CD but i'm worried because i won't be able to test the graphics with that until it's installed and i had a problem with that on an iMac at my school20:11
PCTeacher012Final question for right now maybe. Is it possible to make my camera/mic to work on linux? The camera/mic is a PS2 Logitech EyeToy20:11
PCTeacher012I know it works for PC Lol20:11
test34which webcam would you recommend?20:11
ubottuTo display the FPS in glxgears, run 'glxgears' in a terminal.20:11
ActionParsnipEtrai: you need to bridge the connection, they'd need to get dhcp from the lan then go through the host20:11
ActionParsnip!webcam | test3420:11
ubottutest34: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras20:11
ZykoticK9NoCode, it's in MESA somewhere - not sure specifically what package20:11
erUSULNoCode: mesa-utils20:12
stinkyPCTeacher012, check this out:20:12
denis|hi, folks.20:12
stinkyhi denis|20:12
PCTeacher012stinky: Thanks, checking now20:12
ssmyPCTeacher012: google is your friend. looks like it. have you tried just plugging it in?20:12
denis|does anybody have glibc-2.10.1 installed ?20:12
denis|on x8620:13
ActionParsnip!anybody | denis|20:13
ubottudenis|: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:13
PCTeacher012stinky: I really do not want to buy a new webcam lol.20:13
EtraiActionParsnip: thanks! but if I'm running servers, say web servers, on both the host and one or more of the VMs how would this work out? because I'm thinking "then go through the host" means using IPTables and forwarding, yes?20:13
PCTeacher012ssmy: Of course, it was plugged in when i installed. I will unplug then replug it20:13
denis|ubottu: ok, i need to now, if a package called ace works for somebody with glibc-2.10.1 on x8620:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:13
PCTeacher012Nevermind O_O It was not plugged in --_-20:14
stinkyyea, he mentions why it did not work PCTeacher012 , there might be a workaround somewhere dont give up20:14
ssmyPCTeacher012: always worth a try to make sure it isn't the obvious.20:14
ssmyPCTeacher012: =) see?20:14
PCTeacher012 ssmy: LOL, i always have it plugged in, i though :P20:14
PCTeacher012and stinky: KK20:14
PCTeacher012I just gota find the mic -_-20:14
_raven_how to install a hauppauge analogue-cable pci card? tnx...20:15
stinkyPCTeacher012,  look in the audio controls, and make sure the mic is not muted, some devices are muted by default for some reason20:15
PCTeacher012plugged in now20:15
PCTeacher012uhh,,, Stinky, where do i find that?20:16
ActionParsnipEtrai: no, you need to create a bridge between the physical NIC and the guest NIC20:16
krainboltIs there a better browser for watching Flash movies (Like Hulu) for Ubuntu? Firefox is incredibly slow after a time period and it pisses me off.20:16
stinkyPCTeacher012,  look in the system try, the speaker icon20:16
PCTeacher012just found it haha20:16
ActionParsnipEtrai: the guests will get a LAN IP which will make them visible on the LAN as a proper PC, you acn then perform port forwarding as you wish20:16
ZykoticK9_raven_, the easiest thing to do might be to install mythbuntu-control-centre and then you'll have a GUI way to setup your TV card.  Good luck man.20:17
PCTeacher012stinky: I changed it to: Sony Corporation Logitech Eyetoy Camera USB (ALSA) and when i click test i hear a quick fuzz20:17
_raven_ok tnx20:17
stinkynice try talking into it20:18
stinkyit might be working20:18
paulkmso no one knows if qt-creator has been removed somehow?20:18
ActionParsnip!info qt-creator20:19
ubottuqt-creator (source: qt-creator): IDE for Development with Qt. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0.0-0ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 3385 kB, installed size 9040 kB20:19
erUSULpaulkm: seems you are wrong is alive and well ;)20:19
PCTeacher012stinky: I went to sound recorder, nothin :(20:19
Exodus|Awaypaulkm, it's best to install qtcreator from the qt site then the package20:19
ActionParsnippaulkm: seems to be around20:19
paulkmE: Couldn't find package qt-creator20:19
ActionParsnippaulkm: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install qt-creator20:20
paulkmis my package list out of date then?20:20
erUSULpaulkm: are you in karmic perhaps ?20:20
ActionParsnippaulkm: make sure you have universe repos enabled20:20
PCTeacher012Woah, stinky. It is working now.... But it makes my voice uber high and squeaky20:20
erUSULpaulkm: or maybe you have universe not enabled for some reason ...20:20
ActionParsniperUSUL: its in karmic too ;)20:20
stinkyPCTeacher012, tweak the volume to 50% it might help20:21
erUSULActionParsnip: ok ;)20:21
stinkythe mic volume20:21
PCTeacher012stinky: K, i am trying that20:21
paulkmerUSUL: Hm where can I enable that? or is there a command line to enable it?20:21
SuspectZeroif i want to edit the init scripts of an ubuntu basted distro, where would i find them?>20:21
erUSULpaulkm: System>Admin>software Sources20:21
ActionParsnippaulkm: gksudo synaptic     click the sources and enable the repo20:21
erUSULpaulkm: in the first tab20:21
erUSULSuspectZero: /etc/init.d/20:21
ZykoticK9SuspectZero, /etc/init.d - be careful editing that stuff20:22
erUSULSuspectZero: would help to know what you wan to do20:22
PCTeacher012Oklay, i did it agian. It is like... fast forwarded and still squeaky20:22
PCTeacher012is it just the program? The default with ubuntu20:22
SuspectZeroerUSUL, i wanna edit the initramfs of the ubuntu based distro so taht it supports booting off iso20:22
darkhamhow can i use smbclient?20:22
PCTeacher0129.04 ubuntu20:22
darkhami can't mount properly my share20:22
erUSULSuspectZero: /etc/initramfs-tools/ then20:23
ActionParsnipdarkham: press ctrl+L and type: smb://<servername>/<share>20:23
ActionParsnipdarkham: E.g.     smb://fileserver/music20:23
Quasar1048Hey, does anyone have knowledge of setting up irssi with ssl?20:23
paulkmok its updating the packages list now :)20:24
SuspectZeroerUSUL, thanks i'll look into it now20:24
zleapQuasar1048, does port 6697 use ssl20:24
EtraiActionParsnip: ok, but that is what I'm trying to avoid =) I would like to have my guests act and appear as if they were physically connected to my network switch, which is hooked up directly to my internet socket (RJ-45 in the wall). I currently have a couple of things attached to the switch (xbox, some windows boxes, etc.) which are configured to either use the internet connection (DHCP) or LAN (static IP) or both (lik20:24
Etraie the one I'm using now). Is this possible?20:24
darkhamActionParsnip, thanx20:24
erUSULSuspectZero: no problem20:24
Etrai(sorry for novell)20:24
Quasar1048zleap: its depends on the servers... one uses 6697, another 9999 and one uses 7000- nonne of them will connect20:24
zleapnot sure then20:25
Quasar1048I do have a firewall(guarddog) but I did set it to allow those ports...20:25
natrixnatrix89There are those cheap chinese mobile phones that run windows mobile. Is it possible to install linux on such cell phone? Or there is no linux operating system made for a cell phone. I know there was sth made for ipod. Is there anything to replace windows mobile?20:25
Quasar1048or... perhaps I just thought i did?20:25
stinkynatrixnatrix89, try googleing your celphone model# and the words "install linux", that is how i found out how to install linux on my phone20:26
PCTeacher012I'm following a guide to use it20:26
ActionParsnipEtrai: they will be attatched to the LAN. unless you configure your host as a router then have the guests using the host as a gateway, using the LAN is much cleaner20:26
EtraiActionParsnip: ok, thanks alot! =D20:26
natrixnatrix89stinky: really - tuxmobil.org20:28
PCTeacher012It is actually in the product list for working webcams. Under sony. I looked under logitech :P20:28
darkhamActionParsnip, i'm on xubuntu karmic beta20:28
edgar_xubuntu? hmm...20:29
darkhami can't press ctr+l20:29
stinkynatrixnatrix89, yes, I think that is the site I found20:29
nerdy_kidi know this is off subject, but anyone know if 'resealing' a windows install (via sysprep) deletes user data?20:29
erUSULnerdy_kid: ##windows20:30
darkhamplease help me to mount my shares20:30
nerdy_kiderUSUL thank you!!!!!20:30
paulkmok I've updated my package list yet qt-creator is still no where to be found :(20:30
ActionParsnipdarkhaits the same ni all buntus20:30
erUSULpaulkm: what version of ubuntu ?20:30
switch10__Did anyone ever have a problem with their GUI not loading because of the .x0-lock file. I just deleted it and my desktop boots now. Anyone know what causes this?20:30
paulkmerUSUL: 8.0420:31
ActionParsnipdarkham: http://www.linux-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1404-how-to-mount-a-windows-share-with-smbmount/20:31
stinkyswitch10__, might be a screensaver lock file, but I really dont know20:31
erUSUL!search qt-creator hardy20:31
ubottuFound: ff3*, qt, awn, heron, khardy, hardy, upgrade-#kubuntu, icqbug, hardysources, norelease20:31
{Onyx}1Damn, managed to trash another hdd file system with ultimate boot cd20:31
paulkmerUSUL: can i upgrade my distro version?20:31
erUSUL!search hardy qt-creator20:31
erUSUL!upgrade > paulkm20:32
ubottupaulkm, please see my private message20:32
Exodus|Awaypaulkm, install the one from the QT Creator PAGE20:32
erUSUL!find hardy qt-creator20:32
ubottuqt-creator is not a valid distribution: dapper, dapper-backports, hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, medibuntu, partner20:32
denis|does a package called ace work for somebody with glibc-2.10.1 on x8620:32
erUSUL!find qt-creator hardy20:32
Exodus|Awaypaulkm, the qt-creator page doesn't have the help and a bunch of other stuff.20:32
ubottuPackage/file qt-creator does not exist in hardy20:32
{Onyx}1I don't think ultimate boot cd's hard drive tester likes ext3 file systems. every time I run it on a HDD I can no longer mount the drive.20:32
Exodus|Awayqt-creator doesn't exist for hardy20:33
mrhey guys20:33
mrhey guys20:33
Exodus|Awayqt-creator was released around this year20:33
Quasar1048If anyone can think of anything realted to my irssi ssl issue, please pm me. Thanks.20:33
grawity{Onyx}1: I tend to stay away from anything with "super" or "ultimate" in its name.20:33
switch10__{Onyx}1: who makes it. Norton?20:33
Exodus|AwayI'm a qt developer, until ubuntu gets a meta package that contains everything qt-creator (download version) has, it's not worth installing as a ubuntu package.20:34
stinkygrawity, you dont like super mario!?!? lol20:34
{Onyx}1Na, just a collection of diagnostic tools20:34
Exodus|Awaypaulkm, http://qt.nokia.com/products/developer-tools20:34
socommhelp karmic broke my audio20:34
{Onyx}1The drive was readable but it found a bad sector early on and then I lost power during the scan. Now I can't read the drive anymore20:34
SynTuxhi,does anybody know where i can get help with python?20:34
jribSynTux: #python20:35
jrib!karmic | socomm20:35
switch10__Hmm I use microscopes diagnostic tools and it works fine20:35
ubottusocomm: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:35
paulkmThanks guys, im doing the upgrade now ;)20:35
SynTux<jrib> cant connect for some reason...20:35
jrib!register | SynTux20:36
ubottuSynTux: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode20:36
denis|what's the last version of glibc ?20:36
Steffsure thing...20:36
jo_ /msg [S`n`N]`Izanagi xdcc send #4420:37
stinkylol! I got the windows version of kompozer running under wine! omg the irony of it all.20:37
=== rhalff_ is now known as rhalff
SteffTEsting :P20:38
HappyHoboyou're sup[posed to say 1 2 3 first20:38
{Onyx}1ahh, that's why wine wouldn't install. didn't have 3rd party reps enabled20:39
Riddersdoes anyone know if for ATI cards theres a linux graphic card manager?20:40
Riddersspecially the ATI hd 487020:40
stinkyspeaking of windows, Is cedega the best way to go for gaming? I have wine installed and my halflife 2 games run pretty good, but i would like to play killingfloor and COD world at war too. does anyone have cedega and those games running?20:40
N0LLYhi Riddlers20:40
=== carresmd1 is now known as carresmd
N0LLYhave you tried the Hardware Drivers?20:41
N0LLYI have ATI HD 4850 and have the Catalyst20:41
N0LLYin applications...20:41
Quasar1048Ridders: I think there is, but be very careful with it20:43
DoctorDhy all20:43
Quasar1048I crashed my ubuntu a bunch of times with that stupid ATi software..20:43
Quasar1048Get a Nvida card...20:43
DoctorDinitial, ubuntu 9.04 what themes can support ...i mean gtk 1.2 2.1 smth like that..20:43
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode20:43
switch10__Quasar1048: I agree I will never buy an ati card again20:44
DoctorDi wanna download & apply from gnome look a themes20:44
DoctorDsomeone help me ?20:45
=== seanw_ is now known as seanw
=== niko_ is now known as Guest44257
PCTeacher012ugh, it like half works lol20:45
Quasar1048switch10__: although... I have to thank the ATI cards. Without them, I wouldn't know half as much as I do about xorg.conf. lol. I can fix graphics issues weel.20:46
iggykoopaDoctorD: you download it then open appearance preferences...then just drag and drop the theme into the appearences window20:46
switch10__Anyone know of a good plug and play gamepad to play emulated games?20:49
=== SynTux is now known as Terminalor
Riddersany reason why my compiz cube wont work?20:50
iggykoopaRidders: was it working before?20:50
ubuntistashow can i connect my cellphone with my pc is any software available?20:51
switch10__Ridders: graphics have to be set on the highest setting in apperance20:51
switch10__ubuntistas: I use joduu.20:51
ubuntistasis it good?20:51
brandanHey, I need a simple fix here, a little help...it worked yesterday and now today I tried to open a MP3 to play, and it searches for the correct codec but wont find it or install it'20:51
zebastianHelp,  I am having trouble making a backup of my system to my external hard drive, I did rsync -avh --delete --stats /home/sebastian/ /media/SAMSUNG/mybackup and i got a whole bunch of outputs with these errors rsync: chgrp "/media/SAMSUNG/mybackup/.icons/Mac4Lin_Icons_v0.4/scalable/mimetypes/application-x-rar.png" failed: Operation not permitted (1)20:52
switch10__I can control everything20:52
brandanWhat can I do? I wanna listen to my MP3s20:52
zebastianfar as i know the hard drive is mounted20:52
zebastiani also tried using sudo but i get hte same outputs20:52
denis|!gf ubuntu linux20:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gf ubuntu linux20:52
denis|!googlefight ubuntu vs linux20:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:52
denis|!googlefight ubuntu linux20:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:52
grturnerbrandan, have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras ? that installs flash, java and codecs20:53
=== benoit_ is now known as Guest28043
Riddersswitch10__: when i try that, it say desktop effects could not be enabled20:53
switch10__Ridders: do you have ur hardware drivers installed?20:53
brandangrturner I don't think so, what is that?20:53
iggykoopaRidders: it probably means you don't have the right driver for your card, or your card doesn't support 3d acceleration20:53
{Onyx}1Anyone else having issues with 9.04 repositories today?20:54
brandanNo packages with the request plugins found. The requested plugins are:20:54
brandanMPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3) decoder20:54
switch10__Ridders: u on 9.04 with an ati card?20:54
brandanThat's what I see.20:54
Guest28043Je n'arrive pas à lancer g compris20:54
Riddersswitch10__: dont think so20:54
Riddersswitch10__: not really sure with the grpahic card thing with linux20:54
Riddersswitch10__: any links as to where i can download the latest and correct drivers?20:55
ActionParsnip!fr | Guest2804320:55
ubuntistashow can i connect my cellphone with my pc is any software available?20:55
ubottuGuest28043: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:55
taylor_I have a Broadcom, bcm4311 network card. I followed these instruction located here, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx. Everthing seem to work ok. Do I have to create a new wireless connection?20:55
ActionParsnipubuntistas: to connect it you need a cable or bluetooth, not software20:55
{Onyx}1Looks like it may have been the Chicago mirror having issues.20:56
brandangrturner what do you think I can do? I just wanna listen to my music...20:56
switch10__Ridders: go to hardware drivers under administration tab. Let it search for proper drivers20:56
ubuntistasi have a cable and i need a software actionparsnip20:56
grturnerbrandan,  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats20:56
ActionParsnipubuntistas: well, why do you want to connect the 2?20:57
KeiAiAmhi @ll20:57
Riddersswitch10__: it doesnt find any, i have a xfx ATI HD 487020:57
ubuntistasyup actioparsnip20:57
Chun1Every time I boot up I have to restart pulse audio to get any sound. Any reason why this might be?20:57
ActionParsnipubuntistas: connecting the cable between the 2 systems will "connect them"20:57
brandangrturner i click the link on that site and it says20:57
ubuntistasi have a class in 15 min so i need to transfer some files actionparsnio20:57
brandanCould not find package 'ubuntu-restricted-extras20:57
ActionParsnipubuntistas: untyil yuo outlay why you want tem connected we can't advise further20:57
ActionParsnipubuntistas: ok so you should ghave said that rather than ambiguos "connect"20:58
ActionParsnipubuntistas: plug the usb between then check in places in nautilus20:58
switch10__Ridders: if that is a slightly older ati card and you are on distro 9.04 or above, there are no drivers for it. I use the fglx drivers with my ati card. I'm on 8.1020:58
ActionParsnipubuntistas: or if it doesnt automount, then you will need to run: sudo fdisk -l     to check the partition name and manually mount20:59
brandangrturner any other options ?20:59
grturnerumm... standby20:59
ubuntistasso actionparsnip no signal of my usb20:59
brandangrturner no problem :-)20:59
taylor_I have a Broadcom, bcm4311 network card. I followed these instruction located here, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx. Everything seem to work ok. Do I have to create a new wireless connection?21:00
ActionParsnipubuntistas: does it have an internal SD card?21:00
ActionParsnipubuntistas: and does your system have a card reader?21:00
ubuntistasno unfortunately21:00
Riddersswitch10__: the card is like one of ATI's top cards, so are no saying theres still no drivers for it on linux yet?21:00
ubuntistasi dunno21:00
ActionParsnipRidders: cutting edge vga cards dont get supported immediately21:00
Quasar1048Here's a graphics question... my desktop effects are enabled... but when I check the highest settings, things get strange... like when I grab a window nad drag it around, its like jello, bouncing around... that's not supposed to happen, right?21:01
ActionParsnipubuntistas: if yuo run: dmesg | tail    does the system show a reaction to the connection21:01
ActionParsnipQuasar1048: you have wobbly windows enabled21:01
switch10__Ridders: Possibly not. Ati is not very Linux friendly21:01
RiddersActionParsnip: its not vga though, its dvi21:01
ActionParsnipQuasar1048: run ccsm and disable it21:01
Quasar1048ActionParsnip: Ah...21:02
grturnerbrandan, system > administration > software sources; under ubuntu software make sure that multiverse is checked. if it's not, check the box next to it and then click close21:02
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Riddersswitch10__: that sucks21:02
ActionParsnipRidders: video graphic accellerator21:02
Riddersswitch10__: been waiting ages for the drivers to come out for this card21:02
erUSULQuasar1048: that's suppossed to happen yes21:02
switch10__Ridders: I don't much like it either. I will never buy an ati card again21:02
Quasar1048ActionParsnip: whats ccs,?21:02
erUSUL!ccsm | Quasar104821:02
ubottuQuasar1048: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz21:02
ubuntistasyes actionparsnip21:02
Riddersswitch10__: yh agreed21:03
yellowroosterhow do i know which version of gdm is on my comp21:03
erUSULyellowrooster: apt-cache policy gdm21:03
erUSUL!version > yellowrooster21:03
ubottuyellowrooster, please see my private message21:03
ActionParsnipRidders: you can use the open driver until it gets supported but buying the latest hardware isnt usually a good call in Linux due to companies getting more cash supporting windows so they intelliently plow more time into that21:03
Quasar1048Okay... I have ccsm already...21:03
RoastedIs it possible for Samba to somehow auto-authenticate with XP users on local accounts as long as they're in the same workgroup?21:03
Quasar1048Hmm.. let me look and see if i can find it...21:03
yellowroostererUSUL: thanks!21:03
ActionParsnipQuasar1048: i know, you need to run it to turn off wobbly windows21:03
ActionParsnipQuasar1048: alt+f2   type ccsm   press enter21:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about roasted21:04
stefg_!samba | roasted21:04
ubotturoasted: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.21:04
Roastedyeah, thanks.21:04
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Roastedthat's kind of why I asked here, to get actual user's opinions on it21:04
brandangrturner i dont see multiverse under any of those tabs in the Software Sources menu....21:04
ActionParsnipRoasted: you need top add the same username and password to the windows system21:04
brandangrturner unless I am not looking right.21:04
ActionParsnipRoasted: then it will be ok afaik21:04
RoastedActionParsnip - I know. I have the XP users added on my Ubuntu machine.21:05
Quasar1048Oh, no I don't.. I'll install it...21:05
ActionParsnipRoasted: its the weakness of workgroups, no central management for users21:05
RoastedActionParsnip - But when the user logs in to their XP computer, and goes start - run - \\myserver, they have to log in again. I'm wondering if there's a way to auto-authenticate that portion21:05
{Onyx}1hmmm apt is having a hard time hitting a couple repositories.21:05
RiddersActionParsnip: wheres the open driver for it, and will i be able to use the desktop effects etc?21:05
ikhiderHey guys, I installed my wifi card's driver with ndiswrapper but still iwconfig shows no wireless extensions, any ideas why?21:05
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grturnerbrandan, the line that needs to be checked is 'software restricted by copyright or legal issues (multiverse)'21:06
stefg_Roasted: that's possible, but that's a question for ##windows21:06
zebastianHelp,  I am having trouble making a backup of my system to my external hard drive, I did rsync -avh --delete --stats /home/sebastian/ /media/SAMSUNG/mybackup and i got a whole bunch of outputs with these errors rsync: chgrp "/media/SAMSUNG/mybackup/.icons/Mac4Lin_Icons_v0.4/scalable/mimetypes/application-x-rar.png" failed: Operation not permitted (1)21:06
brandangrturner oh wait, do u mean,  "Software restricted by copyright or legal issues (multiverse)  ?21:06
zebastianfar as i know the hard drive is mounted21:06
ActionParsnipRoasted: if the username matches the one on ubuntu and the passwords match it should be ok. not sure i dont use windows in workgroups, too much legwork21:06
Roastedstefg - really? I thought it would be a samba setting.21:06
grturnerbrandan, yep21:06
brandangrturner yes its checked already21:06
RoastedACtionParsnip - What, you have a domain set up at home??21:06
Quasar1048Cool, installed! :D I'm glad I asked that, cause I always thought it was a driver issue...21:06
ubuntistashow can i connect my cellphone with my pc is any software available?21:06
ActionParsnipRidders: not sure, try the radeon driver, if thats bad, try the ati driver21:06
RoastedActionParsnip - and hte users login credentials for their samba accounts match identically to their XP local logins, yet it doesnt carry over to Samba. They still have to log in again there.21:07
ActionParsnipRoasted: i dont use windows, i use to have a domain way back when21:07
grturnerbrandon, try opening terminal and typing 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras'21:07
brandangrturner whats next?21:07
erUSULzebastian: probably you do not have the permissions to writte in the backupdisk21:07
zebastianerUSUL: how do i get hte permissions? i used sudo21:07
zebastianit worked the first couple of times i backed up21:07
RabbitbunnySo... When Brasero says it doesn't have the right plugin, what plugin do I need? The track plays perfectly in rythmbox.21:08
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erUSULzebastian: what filesystem is used on the backup disk ?21:08
manielhow to make poackages building use some -j parameter for simultaneous jobs?21:08
zebastianerUSUL: how do i check that?21:08
ActionParsnipRoasted: you could mount the share at bootup and allow all users to read/write with uid=100021:08
zebastianerUSUL: msdos21:08
erUSULzebastian: grep -i samsung /proc/mounts21:08
erUSULzebastian: well you can not store unix permissions/ownership on a vfat filesystem21:09
zebastianerUSUL: /dev/sdd1 /media/SAMSUNG vfat rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,uid=1000,fmask=0077,dmask=0077,codepage=cp437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,utf8 0 021:09
stefg_Roasted: hmm... it's sort of in-between. unix accounts are not samba accounts... if you don't want a unix account for every windows user on your system you have to use ldap. If you need a file-server and want some preconfigured ldap i'd look at !ebox21:09
erUSULzebastian: you have to use tar to do the backup21:09
RoastedActionParsnip - Yeah, I thought about that, but I dual boot and I'm not always in Ubuntu, so I didnt want to have them face any error messages. Every night at 4 am is when the backup occurs, and Im in bed by 1am latest so Im always in ubuntu by the time they run the backup21:09
zebastianerUSUL: tar ?21:09
Quasar1048Thanks guys! SImple-ccsm did the trick!21:09
zebastianplease elaborate21:09
erUSULzebastian: and vfat has a 4GiB limit on filesize so21:09
ActionParsnipRoasted: Then you'll need to manage tht for the backup to complete21:10
zebastianerUSUL: tar?21:10
erUSULzebastian: tar cvzpf /media/SAMSUNG/mybackup.tgz /home/sebastian/21:10
RoastedActionParsnip - I suppose I could just hit "remember this" in the password box for each user when they go to start - run - \\myserver, haaaa....21:11
erUSULzebastian: vfat has a 4GiB limit on filesize so maybe not even that would work (if the backupfie is too large)21:11
zebastianerUSUL: if i copy and paste that into the terminal it will do a backup of everything on the laptop?21:11
grturnerbrandan, try opening terminal and typing 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras'21:11
brandanUbuntu wont play any MP3s for me, can anyone else provide some hints how I can fix it? Would a reboot maybe fix it?21:11
Quasar1048Cool! I have cube now! :D21:11
erUSULzebastian: a tar file is like a zip file. but it can store unix permission and ownership21:11
brandangrturner ok 1 min i will do that21:11
ubuntistashow can i connect my cellphone with my pc is any software available?21:11
zebastiandoes cvzpf stand for anything erUSUL¿?21:12
shiznebitwhat programa do i use to save the video out from my PVR ?21:12
ubuntistasby connection i mean transfering files21:12
erUSULzebastian: no it will backup everythin in /home/sebastian to a file in /media/SAMSUNG/21:12
Quasar1048Alrgiht, I'm out.. thanks for the help!21:12
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zebastianerUSUL: but it had already worked before...and it copied up to 30 gb21:12
brandangrturner Reading package lists... Done21:13
brandanBuilding dependency tree21:13
brandanReading state information... Done21:13
brandanE: Couldn't find package ubuntu-restricted-extras21:13
erUSULzebastian: c -> create v -> vervose z -> compressed p -> with permissions f -> filename fllows21:13
FloodBot3brandan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:13
brandanWould a reboot help?21:13
grturnerbrandan, what version ubuntu are you on? the package should be there21:13
erUSULzebastian: maybe you used other options for rsync21:13
zebastianzebastian: how so? i used the same folders21:13
brandangrturner 9.04 32bit21:15
erUSULzebastian: -avh <<< that -a makes rsync preserve permissions and owner. it can do that on a vfat filesystem21:15
iso_got problems with flash movies in firefox ubuntu real bad quality ho to resolve conflicts?21:15
zebastianso what command would you use for rsync?21:15
iso_whats the best extension for swf and flv?21:16
iso_any idea?21:16
erUSULzebastian: for a backup in a vfat filesystem i would use tar21:17
grturnerbrandan, can you install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg and gstreamer-0.10-plugins-ugly ?21:17
brandangrturner where do I get those?21:17
subitohi. does someone know how to make work virtual midi piano keyboard? i have no sound on it21:18
grturnerbrandan, 'sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer-0.10-plugins-ugly'21:18
iso_got problems with flash movies in firefox ubuntu real bad quality ho to resolve conflicts?21:18
iso_whats the best extension for swf and flv?21:19
WhitorIf I'm in a console... how do I change the graphics mode?21:19
WhitorI would like high resolution text21:20
brandangrturner it is getting them now, I will have to wait and see21:20
brandangrturner the ubuntu servers running slow or is it just my connection ?21:20
losha!slow > brandan21:20
ubottubrandan, please see my private message21:20
zebastianerUSUL: can i then extract it to another folder within the external drive?21:21
jmcdermotttrying to install skype and get message Error: Wrong architecture 'amd64'- help?21:21
iso_brendan- server s running slow 2nite21:21
grturnerbrandan, the servers are under heavy load b/c of karmic beta release21:21
erUSULzebastian: the tgz archive ? yes21:21
iso_jmr dermott- get the debian package21:21
jmcdermottthx- will try that21:21
brandankarmic beta ? whats that a new Ubuntu ?21:21
mikejetHow do I set my printer preference to default to double-sided printing?21:21
grturnerbrandan, its the 9.10 beta21:22
stefg_!karmic | brandan21:22
ubottubrandan: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+121:22
MenZabrandan: Ubuntu 9.10 (codename: Karmic Koala) is currently in beta, yes.21:22
brandanooh okay I see!21:22
erUSULmikejet: System>Admin>Printers21:22
loshabrandan: calm down. It's *not* ready for prime-time yet...21:22
iso_got problems with flash movies in firefox ubuntu real bad quality ho to resolve conflicts?21:22
brandanlosha I understand that21:23
sduboisHTML5 audio is being sent to my internal pcspeaker in Firefox21:23
evidenthi everybody... I am having some troubles with my .bashrc. You see, I want to install devkitPro to be able to compile and program software for the nintendo ds and following this doku (http://palib.info/wiki/doku.php?id=day1) I have to add some lines to my .bashrc and then run "source ~./bashrc" to update these variables. But when doing so it gives me a parse error, which it even gives me when I switch back to the backup of my .bashrc,21:23
evidentwhich I created before... how come there is some wrong code? I can't remember changing it...21:23
erUSULevident: can we see the actual error ?21:24
evidenti'll pastebin it21:24
SuspectZeroanyone here have a tutorial for how to edit the initramfs so it can loop an iso making it possible to boot it through grub2?21:24
evidentand this is my .bashrc21:25
loshaevident: if you sourced something, it's in your running shell's environment. Unless you restart the shell completel *from scratch* after restoring your .bashrc, the change might still affect stuff...21:26
loshaevident: so let's see line 20 of your old .bashrc where the trouble appears to start...21:27
brandanwhen are the servers expected to go back full speed? is there a date set?21:27
jcdyerI've got Easy Peasy on my Acer Aspire One, and I'd like to switch to Netbook Remix.  Is it possible to do that without blasting my current install?21:27
evidentcan you see an error?21:27
SuspectZeroj #linux21:27
jcdyerIn other words, can I add a line to my software sources, and run an update?21:27
cybersplicebrandan, they will speed up when people stop mercilessly downloading Karmic.21:27
erUSULevident: i know what have happened... you are using dash not bash (you are at a root promt)21:27
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erUSULevident: exit from that root promt and do the source21:27
brandancybersplice oh okay21:28
keithburtonHi - anyone have any experience with ubuntu 9.10 on HP2133.  took me ages to get 9.04 working reasonably, usual problems with Wifi and via display drivers21:28
jmcdermottis there a default pwd the system has if you leave the pwd field blank when you set up ubuntu?  left it blank and now unable to change pwd or install things21:28
erUSULkeithburton: #ubuntu+121:28
cybersplicekeithburton, try channel #ubuntu+121:29
evidentroot prompt? I'm not in a root prompt... this is my normal zsh and I am logged in as normal user... I didn't start sudo or something21:29
keithburtonthx - sorry to bash in ...21:29
zebastianerUSUL: gzip: stdout: File too large21:29
cybersplicejmcdermott, do you mean the pwd for your user account?21:29
brandangrturner I was able to get ubuntu restricted-extras to download but it will take a while ;)21:30
erUSULevident: then it is not dash but zsh in both cases you can not use a *bash* configuration file with a shell that is *not* bash21:30
iplamanhi all21:30
grturnerbrandan, yah... i'm running updates right now getting 20kbps21:30
loshajmcdermott: it should never have allowed you to leave it blank during setup. You may have to boot the livecd and edit your on-disk /etc/passwd file to fix this...21:30
iso_got problems with flash movies in firefox  real bad quality ho to resolve conflicts?21:30
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erUSULevident: you are asking zsh to read and interpret a bash configuration file and it fails (as spected)21:31
evidentahh ok... can you tell me where I have to add the three lines instead?21:31
brandangrturner yeah im getting between 2kb/s and 18kb/s so dont feel bad lol21:31
iplamancan someone help me with regex small problem?21:31
erUSULevident: to ~/.zshrc21:31
brandangrturner sometimes below 1kb/s too21:31
vgeiplaman: degends21:31
evidentstill write it the same way?21:31
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evidentexport DEVKITPRO=/home/florianbg/workspace/nds/devkitPro21:31
evidentexport DEVKITARM=$DEVKITPRO/devkitARM21:31
evidentexport PAPATH=$DEVKITPRO/PAlib/lib21:31
vgeiplaman: dont ask to ask, just ask :)21:31
FloodBot3evident: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:31
erUSULevident: yes the same should work21:32
iplamanim trying to extract all the words that contains the "ns" characters21:32
erUSULzebastian: as i said vfat can not hold files larger than 4 GiB21:32
iplamannot the lines21:32
zebastianerUSUL: is there any way to hack the thing and change the file system?21:32
zebastianreformat or something21:32
evidentahh ok everything works fine now! thanks everybody!21:33
brandangrturner down to 4303 bites per sec, not even 1KB/s LOL21:33
erUSULzebastian: you can reformat the external disk to ext3 or something (if you are going to use it only with linux) or as ntfs (if you want to use it with windows too)21:33
loshaerUSUL: good catch re: zsh vs bash21:34
grturneryah it's pretty ridiculous, they need to stress torrents more21:34
Seveasbrandan, 1kB == 1000 (or 1024) bytes, so you're still over 4kB :)21:34
erUSULzebastian: reformatting deletes the data in the disk of course21:34
erUSULlosha: :)21:34
brandanbut I did go below 1KB/s a few times now.21:34
zebastianerUSUL: will you be here in a couple of hours?21:34
ubottuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.  Also, try changing !mirrors21:34
Whizp0pthatI have Ubuntu 8.10, I installed it as dual boot with windows. But however, I haven't used Ubuntu for a while and forgot my user & pass is there a way to find it?21:34
erUSULzebastian: not likely is getting late here in Europe.21:35
vgeWhizp0pthat: you can boot to failsafe and change it21:35
stefg_Seveas: hey, long time not seen21:35
brandaneveryone here in europe ??21:35
erUSULWhizp0pthat: just boot into recovery mode and change it21:35
grturnerWhizp0pthat, you can boot into rescue mode and reset your password21:35
vgebrandan: finland here21:35
brandanusaa here, sadly21:35
brandanusa *21:35
IngsocCan anyone help me compile the newest version of openal? I have downladed the source but I don't know what to do next.21:35
Whizp0pthatI'm not sure how to do failsafe, recovery mode, or rescue mode... do i do that from the menu when it's booting up?21:35
vgebrandan: to be sorry or happy for you, i donno21:35
erUSULIngsoc: why are you doing that ?21:35
iplamanhow can i extract all word contains the characters "ns" form a file PLEASE21:36
erUSULWhizp0pthat: from the grub menu; yes.21:36
stefg_!build | Ingsoc21:36
ubottuIngsoc: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)21:36
IngsocerUSUL: choppy sound in a lot of games21:36
losha!password | Whizp0pthat21:36
ubottuWhizp0pthat: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords21:36
erUSULiplaman: grep ns file.txt21:36
zebastianerUSUL: how do you format it to ext3?21:36
mcginleyr1hey guys i setup 9.10 and when i click on my username to login gnome freezes/crashes I thought it might need to be udated so I droped to TTY2 and upgraded everything and it still does it any ideas?21:36
Whizp0pthatthanks all21:36
erUSULzebastian: use gparted21:36
iplamanerUSUL: not the lines just the words21:37
zebastianerUSUL: i mean from the terminal21:37
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vgemcginleyr1: have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling gdm?21:37
mcginleyr1no I'll give it a shot21:37
iso_any idea flash movies wont work on frefox...extension s installed..any possible conflicts?21:37
iplamanerUSUL: and i dont wanna use "cut"21:38
iplamansince i dont know the "-f"21:38
loshaiplaman: harder, but not impossible. Use tr to change all spaces to newlines so you only have one word per line, then use grep as before...21:38
brandanwell im out, take care everyone! nice chatting21:39
iso_any idea flash movies wont work on frefox...extension s installed..any possible conflicts?21:39
erUSULiplaman: brute force --> « grep ns file.txt | tr ' ' '\n' | grep ns > output.txt »21:39
zebastianerUSUL: ok i'm on gparted, how do i format it, i don't see an option for formatting21:39
vgeiso_: have you installed 10.0 version?21:39
SuspectZerodoes casper == lupin-casper?21:39
zebastianerUSUL: it's mounted btw21:39
erUSULlosha: stop reading my mind XXDD21:39
SuspectZeroor are they 2 seperate entities?21:39
iso_adobe 10.0?21:40
iplamanerUSUL: thanks21:40
iplamanlosha: Thanks21:40
erUSULzebastian: umount it; right click on the parition21:40
vgeiso_: ye, the so file from adobe site, shoud would just fine alone21:40
loshaerUSUL: iplaman: slightly improved version: tr '[:space:]' '\n' file.txt | egrep ns21:40
iso_is it on synaptics?21:40
iplaman:) kind of a round problem solving but should work21:40
vgei would not take it from there21:41
iso_does 10.0 conflict with previous versions?21:41
iplamanthanks guys21:41
loshaerUSUL: :-)21:41
ZeRoDeAtH50435what room am i in21:41
erUSUL!hi | ZeRoDeAtH5043521:41
ubottuZeRoDeAtH50435: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!21:41
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Wunderbarhow do i go about fixing an xmodmap error?21:42
loshaSuspectZero: you can use the /whois <nick> command to find out about casper21:43
vgeiso_: just check your firefox plugins about:plugins inside firefox, should tell you id you have flash installed21:43
SuspectZerolosha, what?21:43
ZeRoDeAtH50435i have ubuntu 9.04 installed on my computer but im checking out crunchbang on live cd21:43
Wunderbarany tips on fixing and xmodmap error?21:43
loshaSuspectZero: run /whois casper and then /whois lupin-casper to see if they are the same 'entity'21:43
SuspectZerolosha, hahaha i meant the applications called casper and lupin-caser21:44
iso_got swf21:44
vgeiso_: if not, get the single file from adobes site, put libflashplayer.so inside ~/.mozilla/plugins/21:44
vgeand that should be it21:44
loshaSuspectZero: :-). Oops. Obviously I don't know what I'm talking about. Senility has finally set it...21:44
SuspectZerohahahah no worries :)21:44
ZeRoDeAtH50435any1 know anything about crunchbang21:44
evidentwhere is the xorg.conf again?21:45
HeDidIt[FaR]i'm a n0b at using ubuntu...atm i'm running ubuntu 9.0421:45
Wunderbarfocus guys...xmodmap error here...21:45
HeDidIt[FaR]how can i install software?21:45
erUSULevident: /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:45
erUSUL!software | HeDidIt[FaR]21:45
ubottuHeDidIt[FaR]: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents21:45
loshaZeRoDeAtH50435: crunchbang has its own channel I believe..21:45
vgeiso_: if that lib is there and your still not getting any flash and firefox think it has flash then i donno how to help :/21:46
erUSULWunderbar: i have focused in my crystall ball but failed to see the actual error...21:46
ZeRoDeAtH50435know what the name is21:46
loshaWunderbar: I saw the error in my crystal ball, but the solution was interrupted by a commercial...21:46
HeDidIt[FaR]10x for help Usul21:47
erUSULHeDidIt[FaR]: no problem21:47
iso_go flash 921:47
loshaZeRoDeAtH50435: I think it's #crunchbang... :-)21:47
Wunderbarokay, it says- unable to open file /usr/share/kubuntu-default settings/kubuntu.xmodmap for reading /usr/bin/xmodmap: 1 error encountered, aborting21:47
Wunderbarplease note i do not use kde- i abhor kde21:47
jo88hellow everyone, I recently registerd on dyndsn and set up a webserver. Now, I can acces it it on my computer an on my android phone (true the mobile dataplan, so it's online) but some people can't. It say's the server doensn't respond. Any idea? Tx21:48
loshaWunderbar: that's a bit odd, that it looks for a kubuntu file. Did you change something recently to cause this?21:48
Wunderbari was messing around with my awesome wm config21:49
Wunderbarbut i uninstalled kubuntu a few months back21:49
zebastianerUSUL: ok i formatted to ext3, now it mounted and there's a lost and found folder, but it says i don't have permissions to it21:49
zebastianerUSUL: how do i get permissioons to the drive now21:49
loshajo88: how recently. I think it can take some time to propagate...21:49
Wunderbarhaving barely used it21:49
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erUSULjo88: you set up the dyundns client to update your ip ?21:49
SuspectZeroanyone here ever worked with lupin-casper21:50
erUSULzebastian: use the original sync command (with sudo) that should work21:50
jo88half a day ago :) Yes, maby it's that. And yes ddclient run's without problem (for the first time ever here, love it)21:50
kubanchow do i restart metacity with out restarting the computer?21:50
ActionParsnipkubanc: define "restart"21:50
erUSULjo88: you use a router ? are ports correctly forwarded ? is the ddns client running in the router ?21:51
Wunderbarlosha, any ideas?21:51
ActionParsnipkubanc: if you are running compiz and want to start metacity, you can run: metacity --replace21:51
SuspectZeroanyone here ever worked with lupin-casper?21:51
ActionParsnip!anyone | SuspectZero21:51
ubottuSuspectZero: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:51
evidentI am having a proplem with my touchpad... when I go to System->Preferences->Touchpad it says it can't initialize GSynaptics because "SHMConfig" must be set to "true" in my xorg.conf or my XF86Config... but my xorg.conf doesn't have any "SHMConfig" in it... should I add it? If yes, where exactly?21:51
loshaWunderbar: sorry, dunno. I abhor kde too. One easy workaround that doesn't actually address the root cause would be to create an empty /usr/share/kubuntu-defaultsettings/kubuntu.xmodmap file...21:51
SuspectZeroActionParsnip, haha got it21:51
jo88erUSUL: no, straight to the internet.21:52
ActionParsnipevident: add it manually: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:52
SuspectZerohow can i configure lupin-casper? or atleast read a man page on it?21:52
kubanci installed cairo-dock, but i don't have transparancy, so went into config-editor and added apps/metacity/general/composite_manager ON, but i still dont have any transparency, so do i need to restart metacity ...21:52
jo88erUSUL: and now i see it, the proxys don't catch it to.21:52
loshajo88: wanna tell us the url, so we can try it. PM if you don't want everyone to know...21:52
erUSULjo88: maybe the webserver only listens on loopback and not in the modem interface21:52
evidentActionParsnip, just write "SHMConfig true" at the end or does it have to be in any of the "sections" there?21:52
ActionParsnipevident: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=97542121:53
duffydackanyone ever had any entries in lost+found?  I never have.  also ext needs to start thinking about NOT making 5% reserved space, at least without telling the user its going to and why.21:53
jhattarawhy don't i get any screen resolution options when running dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?21:53
jurohi, I created an image using partimage (gzipped). can I read the contents without restoring it?21:53
jo88erUSUL: how do you pm it (one of my first times on IRC, sorry)21:53
Saltyhey everybody! can anybody help me with this: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-headers-2.6.28-15_2.6.28-15.52_all.deb: corrupted filesystem tarfile - corrupted package archive21:53
ActionParsnipjhattara: it got taken out fter gutsy21:53
Saltytried deleting the file but it didnt help21:53
ActionParsnipSalty: sudo apt-get clean21:54
jhattaraActionParsnip, then how can i edit the available resolutions ?21:54
ActionParsnipjhattara: what video card does: lspci | grep -i vga    say you have?21:54
Saltythanks ActionParsnip - I'm trying21:54
jo88losha: how do you pm it (one of my first times on IRC, sorry)21:54
loshajo88: unfortunately, it depends on your client. You21:55
jhattaraActionParsnip, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Matrox Graphics, Inc. MGA G550 AGP (rev 01)21:55
loshajo88: unfortunately, it depends on your client. You're going to have to look at the docs...21:55
ActionParsnipjhattara: let me websearch21:55
santiumDoes anyone know why 'find' puts ASCII 1 (SOH) in each line of its output?21:55
edbianI'm setting up a dnsmasq to act as a caching server and I can't seem to get better 'dig' times.21:55
ActionParsnipjhattara: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3105047.0;wap221:56
Saltywow thanks it helped!21:56
loshasantium: exactly what command line are you typing in your find command?21:56
ActionParsnipSalty: sweet :)21:56
loshaActionParsnip: :-)21:56
scott_ino2super pollo ohhh yeahhh21:56
alabdplease see pic  click on The picture you have saw ,in this address ,can you see new page ?21:56
santiumfind  /home/ -maxdepth 2 -name public_html21:57
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ActionParsnipjhattara: you'll need to add some stuff to xorg.conf manually21:58
loshaalabd: I see a bunch of arabic? Pretty colors...21:58
kubanchow to enable desktop transparency in metacity?21:59
jhattaraActionParsnip, yeah, looks like it21:59
santiumlosha: Oh, I misread what you asked. GNOME's terminal.22:00
techlobyte1umm, which channel do I join for questions about evolution mail client?22:00
laptop_hey guys, anyone knows of a good newsgroup leecher for ubuntu?22:00
loshasantium: no, you wrote what I asked for. On *my* system, that just gives me regular ascii file names. You don't have find aliased to something do you. In particular, see the -print0 option in the man page...22:00
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techlobyte1laptop_/ sorry haven't done newsgroup for ages22:02
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loshalaptop_: for text, I use slrn. For binaries, I dunno. Maybe 'pan'?22:02
techlobyte1how do I find my passwords in evoloution?22:03
santiumlosha: Unless 9.04 aliases it in a new install, I doubt it.22:03
taylor_I'm trying to get my wireless working on release 9.04. I have a broadcom bcm4311. I ran fwcutter. I also did "sudo modprobe b43" and add it to /etc/modules. the output from dmesg | tail is   b43-phy0 ERROR: Firmware file "b43/ucode5.fw" not found. What did I miss?22:03
brankoHello there. Something is going on with my audio sound. WHen I try to listen myself after recording myself with arecord test.wav I hear nothing but static. What is cousing this problem? After reboot I am able to hear myself but after a couple of skpye calls this happens? How do I restart all my sound devices? (if this is cousing the problem) I really need to solve this problem since I'm doing remote work with my collage. Any ideas how c22:04
FiReSTaRTtaylor_: actually it should work out of the box.. even if it doesn't, you should install the driver through jockey22:04
techlobyte1poseidon flavored ubuntu is becoming unstable after long logins22:05
taylor_FiReSTaRT, what is jockey?22:05
FiReSTaRTtaylor_: yeah, that goes through jockey.. system, administration, hardware drivers and enab le it there (just make sure your system is fully updated)22:05
techlobyte1who do I ask about questions about evolution mail?22:05
laptop_losha, the add/remove programs showed KLibido .. ever used it?22:05
Wunderbarhow i go about completely removing awesome wm  from my system22:06
system404techlobyte1: whats your question22:06
stanworldhello, i am using a linux system, ubuntu, and i would like to develop aplication with a GUI , i would like a GUI library , if possible in C++ , what you advise me to use?22:06
fccftaylor_: sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter22:06
loshasantium: I doubt it too. Still, check your aliases via the alias command.22:06
PiotrKhi, I'm experiencing bug associated with ati drivers22:06
jhattarahow can i restart window manager without rebooting the computer ?22:06
techlobyte1system, i'd like to recover the passwords I put into evolution, cause forgot and wanna switch os's22:06
PiotrKit's very long - from Ubuntu 7.04 probably22:06
PiotrKtill now22:06
loshalaptop_: never even *heard* of klibido. Google for ubuntu newsreaders & see what 'the people' say...22:06
DigitalKiwiWunderbar: why would you do such an awful thing, awesome is the best! :D22:06
taylor_FiReSTaRT, what do you mean it goes through jockey? I have not hear of thar before.22:06
PiotrKcan someone look if this is new? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuvfXgcQC9422:07
kanakHi. Can anyone tell me how to turn off the Login screen ready sound in Ubuntu 9.10? System -> Administration -> Login Screen does not seem to have any sound related options, and I've already set System -> Administration-> Sound Preferences to "No Sound Theme".22:07
taylor_fccf, I did that.22:07
fccf!karmic | kanak22:07
Wunderbarawesome keeps crashing22:07
ubottukanak: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:07
PiotrKI mean if it's not in bugtraq22:07
Wunderbari need to uninstall, then maybe in the future fresh install22:07
FiReSTaRTtaylor_: just go to system, administration, hardware drivers... enabling the broadcom driver through there is fairly self-explanatory22:07
Wunderbarbut for now i need to completely uninstall awesome, so...22:07
brankoAny ideas? I hear static after running skype also with arecord....22:07
loshaWunderbar: something like 'sudo apt-get autoremove awesome' might do it. What are you gonna replace it with?22:08
DexterFwhat's the preferred method on upgrading to 9.10beta?22:08
taylor_FiReSTaRT, I did that also.22:08
janisozaurwhat is a good hex editor?22:08
Wunderbari use fluxbox most of the time22:08
FiReSTaRTtaylor_: and that didn't install the driver for you initially?22:08
vgefluxbof for the win22:08
Wunderbari might just play around with that a bit, get it to look a bit more like awesome22:09
vge(if i could write the name correctly)22:09
djusticejanisozaur: khexedit, okteta22:09
taylor_FiReSTaRT, At this point I'm not sure. How to I check?22:09
FiReSTaRTtaylor_: when you open it, do you see a green circle next to Broadcom STA Wireless?22:10
taylor_FiReSTaRT, Give a sec.22:10
brankoI have also noticed that after restart the FIRST call I make with skype is fine but all the next is static? Why is that? How can I restart pulseaudio?22:10
Wunderbardidn't uninstall, downgraded instead22:10
brankoAnyone... I know this is skype related problem but I belive pulse has fingers in it?22:11
loshabranko: 9.04?22:11
Wunderbarfunny how awesome 2.3 is so much better and apparently easier to configure than 3.3.422:11
brankolosha: yes22:11
loshabranko: it's riddled with sound problems, apparently. !sound22:11
losha!sound | branko22:11
ubottubranko: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:11
brankolosha: can u please just tell me the command how to restart pulse audio?22:12
DigitalKiwiWunderbar: but awesome 3 is far more powerful with customizations22:12
techlobyte1system404: did you get that?22:12
loshabranko: If I knew it, I'd tell you. I don't run 9.04 myself, too buggy. Maybe someone else will help...22:12
DigitalKiwisince it can do just about anything you could imagine a window manager to do due to lua22:12
Wunderbarlua makes me cry22:13
dyeohnyesusanybody here has an acer timeline 5538 ?22:13
brankoAnyone here knows how to restart pulse audio?22:13
LoafersWunderbar, why?22:13
cichlasomahi. does anybody use kde 4.3 in ubuntu?22:13
LoafersWunderbar, good or bad?22:13
SirBob1701hey guys i setup 9.10 and when i click on my username to login gnome freezes/crashes I thought it might need to be udated so I droped to TTY2 and upgraded everything and it still does it any ideas? and resinstalling gdm didn't work22:13
DigitalKiwilua is awesome22:13
Wunderbarbad, i don't like it22:13
Wunderbaralso, i prefer the default config of 2.3 over 3.322:13
Wunderbari like the fact that you're forced to use the terminal in 2.322:14
loshaDigitalKiwi: great. Just what the world needed. *Another* programming language...22:14
DigitalKiwilua has been around a while22:14
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FiReSTaRTjhattara: /etc/init.d/gdm restart <-- in terminal22:14
Wunderbarbut there's a reason why hardly anyone uses lua...22:15
DigitalKiwiand it is wonderful, the world is a better place with it22:15
DigitalKiwitons of people use it22:15
Wunderbarno one that i know22:15
* DigitalKiwi uses it22:15
Wunderbarand that's the most important thing22:15
loshaDigitalKiwi: I'd never even *heard* of it...22:15
FreeaqingmeI just upgraded to karmic, but now Amarok refuses to play mp3 files. I already installed ubuntu-restricted-extras.22:15
FiReSTaRT!karmic Freeaqingme22:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:15
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:15
telavivno one uses lua? you mean like world of warcraft doesn't count?22:15
LoafersWunderbar, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lua_(programming_language)#Applications22:15
yofelFreeaqingme: come to #ubuntu+1 please22:15
Freeaqingmegot the message. tnx22:16
Wunderbarpeople still use Amarok? what's that like these days?22:16
LoafersWunderbar, Here is the better link  http://tr.im/AzCB22:16
DigitalKiwitons of games use it, vlc uses it, nmap uses it, wow uses it, crysis, far cry, lots22:16
DigitalKiwiyou just aren't looking/don't know it22:16
FreeaqingmeWunderbar, they said it would improve. But I'd at least expect it to play mp3 files ;)22:16
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FiReSTaRTtaylor_: what's the good word? :)22:17
loshaWunderbar: Freeaqingme: well, apparently it's broken in Karmic. Wait, maybe that's the improvement....22:17
DigitalKiwihttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Lua-scripted_video_games lot of big titles on there as well as http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lua_%28programming_language%29#Other22:17
Wunderbaruse quodlibet if you need an all in one solution22:17
Wunderbarokay guys i get the point about lua22:18
taylor_FiReSTaRT, Thanks. I did that earlier, must of lost it somehow.22:18
Wunderbarlooks like i'll have to learn lua :(22:18
system404how to update from 9.04 to 9.10 and what are the key differences between the 2 please22:18
FiReSTaRTtaylor_: ok so is the driver finally installed? did you test your wireless adapter?22:18
DigitalKiwinah, Wunderbar, I didn't know lua when I wrote my config, I learned lua after that, and I know little more about configuring awesome, it is not strictly necessary to know lua to configure it22:19
taylor_FiReSTaRT, I'm using it right now!!22:19
loshasystem404: currently the principal difference seems to be that 9.10 is even more broken, unstable and not ready-to-be-used than 9.0422:19
Wunderbari tried configuring awesome 3.3 without knowing lua and it turned into an almighty mess22:19
FiReSTaRTtaylor_: great news :) glad it worked for you buddy.. time for me to grab some lunch.. l8ah22:19
system404losha: so its not advisable to upgrade to this edition yet then22:19
Wunderbarby comparison my 2.3 config was a thing of beauty22:19
yofelsystem404: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/beta and read the WHOLE page!22:19
techlobyte1 system404: i'd just like to get off poseidon22:20
system404losha: cheers22:20
shaullxi installed flashplugin-nonfree and it crashes firefox whenever i try to see flash  videos22:20
FreeaqingmeWunderbar, after installing a missing package it even plays mp3 files. So it being broken can't be the improvement.. ;)22:20
loshasystem404: it's still in beta, so do not use for anything you can't afford to lose...22:20
DigitalKiwisome ubuntu derivative, system40422:20
system404ahh lol22:20
shaullxanyone know what the problem is?22:20
yofelo.O... it's not some ubuntu derivate but the comming release...22:21
robuntuI need help with ndiswrapper, I installed without error but when I try to  install the windows driver I get "couldn't open driver.inf: No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper line 219."22:21
cichlasomaons drives on desktop gnome22:21
techlobyte1yofel, what?22:21
loshatechlobyte1: you're the only person I know who runs poseidon, It's supposed to be a Ubuntu derivative, so moving shouldn't be too much of a chore. What's stopping you?22:21
yofeltechlobyte1: 9.10 is the next ubuntu release coming 29th october22:21
DigitalKiwiyofel: we are talking about Poseidon Linux not karmic koala22:21
techlobyte1losha: i forgot my evolution mail passwords22:22
yofeloh, my miss then, sry22:22
techlobyte1all but one that is22:22
robuntuI need help with ndiswrapper, I installed without error but when I try to  install the windows driver I get "couldn't open driver.inf: No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper line 219."22:23
loshatechlobyte1: that's gotta be a faq somewhere. But not here. Try: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7627812 ?22:23
techlobyte1will try22:23
joeyjonesany ideas for how to bind extra keys on the keyboard?22:24
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joeyjonesmy kb has a euro and dollar sign key that would be really useful if they worked, but they only work in windows22:25
durtI have a file that needs to be setuid to use ping, anyone care to explain that and how to do it?22:25
losha!keys | joeyjones: does this help?22:26
ubottujoeyjones: does this help?: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts22:26
techlobyte1losha: learn something new everyday22:26
techlobyte1peace all22:26
loshatechlobyte1: that's just as it should be...22:27
system404yofel: just had a read of that page you advised so basicly nothings changed at all really couple of tweaks bad ones at that and they call it a new distro eh22:27
loshadurt: what kind of 'file'?22:28
system404yofel: there wasnt much there at all that appealed to me as an end user22:28
durtlosha, sonar from the xscreensavers.22:28
loshasystem404: nowadays, a change of background color seems to qualify as a new distro22:28
system404a bit like windows 722:29
durtlosha, actually I'm not sure where it's located, it's not in /usr/bin22:29
Mike_lifeguardHello. I installed ubuntu desktop because I didn't have a server iso & I can't burn on this laptop due to some bug even if I did download it. What packages should I be installing/removing to get a more server-like install?22:29
yofelwell, karmic has a lot of system-related changes, gnome and kde don't have that many though22:29
system404windows 7 aka vista (the way it shoulda been)22:29
icerooti am using ssh user@host  but some days ago i reinstall the host, so its another key and ssh wont connect because of that. is there a way to force ssh to use the new key?22:29
durtMike_lifeguard, what is the server going to do?22:30
yofeliceroot: it should tell you the line in .ssh/known_hosts that is outdated. delete that line and it will connect again22:30
Mike_lifeguardiceroot: use the -i option22:30
loshadurt: /usr/lib/xscreensaver/sonar on my system22:30
shaullxim unable to download anything, my windows 7 stoped working so i install ubuntu and in the partition manager i selected run with windows22:30
vigoMike_lifeguard: Really depends on what you prefer and are use to, one moment though.22:30
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shaullxnow it says i have no space left when i download22:30
shaullxany ideas?22:31
durtlosha, thx, now what do I do to it?22:31
icerootMike_lifeguard: thanks22:31
Mike_lifeguarddurt: MySQL replication, apache, php, mediawiki... and eventually it will need to serve /home on NFS22:31
icerootyofel: thank you22:31
yofeliceroot: np22:31
audigy6xhow do I use a program once I have compiled it from the source code22:31
icerootMike_lifeguard: and then? ssh -i wants a file22:32
dyeohnyesusshaullx, what is the problem ?22:32
Mike_lifeguardaudigy6x: run the binary?22:32
jedcaudigy6x, there should be some sort of executable in the directory, if it is foo use it with ./foo22:32
Mike_lifeguardiceroot: Yes, it wants the private key you will use to authenticate to the host22:32
Mike_lifeguardiceroot: normally this will be something like ~/.ssh/id_rsa22:32
eisenhowerHey, I installed firefox 3.5 over my 3.0 in ubuntu and I can't added google as a search engine in the top right. Any idea how to fix this?22:32
icerootMike_lifeguard: hm22:32
audigy6xok let me try22:32
icerootMike_lifeguard: ok22:32
loshadurt: ping should already be setuid root. Isn't yours? ls -l /bin/ping22:33
shaullxdyeohnyesus i installed ubuntu and in the setup i selected run with windows in partition manager now whenever i try to download something in firefox it says i have no space left22:33
yofelMike_lifeguard: I think he means the server hash that's changed, would the id file help with that too?22:33
Mike_lifeguardeisenhower: ask the firefox folks? There is #firefox (or maybe #mozilla) on freenode, or they have irc.mozilla.net22:33
shaullxi think its related to what ive done in partition manager but how to fix it?22:33
Mike_lifeguardyofel, iceroot: if that's the case, then you should verify the fingerprint, and trust the host if it is correct22:33
Mike_lifeguardiceroot: Maybe you should be clearer about what the problem is.22:34
obsidiethmy update is taking a suspiciously long time setting up ipopd22:34
obsidiethlike 5 minutes22:34
durtlosha, ya, ping's not the prob its sonar.22:34
obsidiethis something borked22:34
dyeohnyesuswhere is it trying to download ?22:34
loshaiceroot: forget ssh -i. Edit the known_hosts file like yofel said...22:34
dyeohnyesusrun a df -h22:35
shaullxsomething with tmp the error says22:35
icerootlosha: cant find the line so i was clearing the hole file22:35
joeyjoneslosha: it didn't help22:35
dyeohnyesuscan you paste it?22:35
vigoMike_lifeguard: This official guide might help: http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/faq22:35
dyeohnyesusshaullx, better yet just paste the output of df -h22:36
dyeohnyesusshaullx, "df -h"22:36
shaullxThere is not enough room on the disk to save /tmp/2_EdlSz7.zip.part.22:36
loshaiceroot: it's ok to clear the whole file. Did you say it didn't help?22:36
shaullxok sec22:36
system404hey guys in amarok one of my albums ive downloaded is coming under various artists so i tried to change it to the name of the album but the title bit is greyed out so i changed the rest of the bits but it still says various artists22:36
icerootlosha: its working now22:36
shaullxwhere to past it its big22:36
dyeohnyesusmsg me22:37
durtMike_lifeguard, if you run 'sudo tesksel' you might get a list of servers to install, but this is a throwback to debian...22:37
durtMike_lifeguard, er, tasksel22:37
Mike_lifeguarddurt: k, I'll give that a whirl22:37
obsidiethstill moving any22:37
system404hey guys in amarok one of my albums ive downloaded is coming under various artists so i tried to change it to the name of the album but the title bit is greyed out so i changed the rest of the bits but it still says various artists22:38
obsidieththeres probably something indicating its a compilation22:38
loshadurt: Personally, I wouldn't run any screensaver setuid. Whoever designed it to need to setuid got it wrong. Which makes me even less inclined to run it...22:38
dyeohnyesussetuid screensaver :)22:38
yofeltpw_rules: ?22:38
system404it is an album of various artists its now dance anthems 2009 but i want it to say now dance anthems 200922:38
loshadyeohnyesus: no kidding...22:39
Yanick_hi, why will Empathy replace pidgin on the next release, in 26 days? I just installed it, and it is half as stable and mature as pidgin is, except Empathy supposedly support video messaging?22:39
system404not various artists22:39
tpw_rulesi've installed kdevelop on my system and i can't get it to build executables. I start with the 'simple c++ hello world' example, hit compile and after a lot of crunching it says 'Configure: error: c++ compiler cannot create executables'. do i have to install anything else?22:39
durtlosha, understood, I have no security issues to pay attention to.22:39
joeyjonestpw_rules: why not just use gcc?22:39
chaidoes anybody know how to share an internet connection with hardy?22:39
yofelYanick_: come to #ubuntu+1 for that, you should get a better answer there22:40
eisenhowerOkay this is prob a newb question but, How do you know where synaptic installs programs at?22:40
Yanick_yofel, ok22:40
loshadurt: sorry, I can't help you...22:40
tpw_rulesjoeyjones: i just like ides22:40
joeyjoneseisenhower: probably /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin for the binaries22:40
system404it installs them in filesystem/etc22:40
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.22:41
loshaeisenhower: looking for something in particular?22:41
djusticetpw_rules: learn cmake. and qmake. and c++. then kdevelop is liek sweeeet boobies.22:41
chaii have a usb wifi adapter and i want to share that internet connection through my onboard ethernet port. can i?22:41
yofeleisenhower: what do you mean 'where' (linux is different from windows there)22:41
system404eisenhower: go to computer filesystem etc22:41
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obsidiethmy upgrade is still frozen.22:41
system404in that folder ull find installed apps22:41
eisenhowerso for example,  using synaptic package manager, I installed xchat22:41
eisenhoweri looked in /etc22:41
system404eisenhower: go to places computer then etc ur apps are in there22:42
system404thats where ur apps go22:42
yofelsystem404: STOP22:42
=== mako-dono is now known as mako-sama
joeyjonessystem404: iirc /etc is jsut where config files are22:42
system404thats where all my apps are22:42
joeyjonesno binaries22:42
yofeleisenhower: just run xchat from the menu, and if you need the executable then it's in /usr/bin22:42
joeyjonesyofel: i;ve been trying to say that...22:42
cyberspliceApps aren't in any one place. /etc is for config files.22:42
vigoeisenhower: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FindingFiles22:43
FiReSTaRTYanick_: thanks for the heads up.. i'm downloading empathy as we speak.. i'd love to see webcam and custom emoticon support... might even replace aMSN with it :P22:43
yofeljoeyjones: just making sure ;)22:43
joeyjonesyofel: i was being ignored though...22:43
eisenhowerone other question.  how do you set a defualt browser in ubuntu?22:44
cybersplicejoeyjones, that will happen.22:44
Yanick_FiReSTaRT, be aware that you'll have to kill "telepathy-butterfly" if you get "Network error" message or something22:44
eisenhoweri moved to firefox 3.5 from 3.0 and its not linking from othe rapps22:44
FiReSTaRTYanick_: thanks for the warning.. is that in an unstable release of koala or in jaunty?22:44
vigoeisenhower: dpkg -L <filename> (synaptic) is one way.22:44
Yanick_FiremanEd, and if you have multiple accounts, connecting simultaneously might not work :)22:44
yofeleisenhower: check 'preferred applications' in system settings22:44
Yanick_sorry, last one was for FiReSTaRT22:45
mrweseisenhower, make a symbolic link from 3.0 to 3.522:45
joeyjoneschai: you can probably setup network forwarding with iptables or some gui app22:45
Yanick_FiReSTaRT, well, I read that Empathy will officially replace Pidgin in 9.1022:45
FiReSTaRTYanick_: i don't do polygamy.. but are you running it on jaunty or koala?22:45
cyberspliceI like Empathy.22:45
FiReSTaRTYanick_: i installed it under jaunty (just now)22:45
Yanick_I run it on Jaunty right now22:45
FiReSTaRTYanick_: and it's still buggin' on you? yikes... i'll need o check it out22:46
cyberspliceI installed Karmic. It's running mostly smoothly. Needs polish, but hey. We have a month.22:46
Yanick_FiReSTaRT, it's not Ubuntu related problem, the issues are from the Telepathy framework, I guess22:46
eisenhoweris there way to change a global? from firefox-3.5 to firefox22:47
grturner!karmic | cybersplice22:47
ubottucybersplice: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:47
yofelYanick_ FiReSTaRT: the karmic version has a lot of bugfixes compared to the jaunty one22:47
vigoI need a VRT or Speech to Text widget,   had a bad accident yesterday, any suggestions?22:47
FiReSTaRTyofel: good to know.. thanks :)22:47
cybersplicegrturner: Thanks, i'm aware of that.22:47
MyThHi ppl! I have a bug: I can't give eth0 a static IP-Address because of network-manager is crashing! What is a possible work-around?22:47
grturnerthat channel is reserved for the discussion of karmic as well. just fyi22:47
FiReSTaRTYanick_: i figured.. every client has certain bugs.. but it's time to just give empathy a quick test.. wish me luck :P22:48
cyberspliceMyTh, google /etc/networking/interfaces22:48
MyThgood luck FiReSTaRT22:48
MyTh:) I don't like it ;)22:48
Yanick_yofel, I sure hope that Empathy will have serious fixes in the next months, or I won't vote for it22:48
grusumMyth: wicd replaces NM22:48
=== tumii is now known as tumii-
=== tumii- is now known as tumii
MyThNetworkManager Applet 0.7.9922:49
yofelwell, I tried empathy once and don't like it, so the discussion is finished for me22:49
tpw_ruleshmm. it appears g++ was not installed, so i installed that and now i get a pile of errors saying that gcc has no input files, it's not authorized to run the X server, and it can't make a directory because it doesn't have the proper permissions. any ideas to make kdevelop work?22:49
joeyjoneslol @ network-manager crashing22:49
MyThwhy joeyjones?22:49
MyThi know how to set an ip with ifconfig22:50
joeyjonesjust use the cli22:50
jurohow can I mount an image that was created using partimage?22:50
cyberspliceyofel, Joys of open source. Just pop pidgin in yourself. It'll probably stay in repos, i'd guess.22:50
MyThbut after it the network doesn't work anymore...22:50
cyberspliceChoice is everything...22:50
joeyjonesroo many wintards are coming over to ubuntu and don't even know there's a cli22:50
yofelcybersplice: it'll stay (I use psi :P)22:50
MyThI'm not really new ;)22:50
cyberspliceyofel, Heh! I use Xchat.... !22:50
dyeohnyesusI am on windows man!22:51
yofelcybersplice: I use psi for jabber and quassel for IRC ;)22:51
cyberspliceThough, on my iPhone i use irssi via one of my pentest rigs.22:51
dyeohnyesusjust because ubuntu can't see my stupid wireless card22:51
MyThjoeyjones: should I disable network manager from automatic startup?22:51
puchat3kempathy sucks balls, the interface is nice, i could get used to it but it's support of the gadu gadu is lacking so right now pidin is still the better choice22:51
dyeohnyesusneither madwifi...22:51
joeyjonesMyTh: i'd suggest that22:51
MyThfine, i gonna try it right now :)22:52
joeyjonesMyTh: and if it fails you can;t complain :p22:52
kromarhi, how can i create a second login account?22:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about account22:52
dyeohnyesuskromar, use useradd22:52
puchat3kanyone knows what is happening with ubuntu one? i can't seem to authorize my computer, i cant connect to the localhost address22:52
kromarin the terminal?22:52
cybersplicekromar, system, administration, users and groups.22:52
dyeohnyesuskromar, yep22:53
euti've recently installed the sun-java6-jdk with aptitude. what should i set JAVA_HOME  to?22:53
mrweskromar, System | Administration  | Users and Groups > Add user22:53
tpw_rulesanybody know?22:53
eutits currently unset and other programs are breaking. the docs say i'm supposed to set JAVA_HOME to the installation path of the java jdk22:53
dyeohnyesuskromar, mrwes  is right...that way is easyer22:55
FloodBot3dyeohnyesus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:55
nerdy_kidhi, anyone know what happened to the 'encrypt file' entry in nautilus? ubuntu 9.1022:56
kromarthanks a lot22:56
cybersplice!karmic | nerdy_kid22:56
ubottunerdy_kid: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:56
FiReSTaRTYanick_: no custom emoticons and i'm not a big fan of the interface.. i'll probably stick with aMSN22:56
nerdy_kidubottu, yeah. but this isnt a break i dont think, the entrys just gone.22:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:57
mrwesdyeohnyesus, you seemed like a GUI guy -- people like to give terminal advice :)22:57
Yanick_FiReSTaRT, the options are still very limited too22:57
AcetilominonitroHello. I tried to register new ISP adress on ekiga.net but I can`t see the picture with Captcha code. Could you help me?22:58
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
mrwesdyeohnyesus, most people here are new users, of sort. I always prefer to give the graphical usage over the terminal. However, for myself, I normally use the terminal22:58
AcetilominonitroHello. I tried to register new SIP adress on ekiga.net but I can`t see the picture with Captcha code. Could you help me?22:58
YashyI'mn running memtest86+ off the ubuntu installer, and it's saying I have 569MHz (DDR1138) CAS 1-5-7 DDR1 when really it is DDR that can do 1066MHz, and there is no apparent setting in memtest to modify this?22:59
FiReSTaRTYanick_: i noticed.. on a good note, aMSN does everything i want it to, but i'd still like to have actual video-conferencing and better file transfer rates23:00
=== nustash is now known as wittol
phantomcircuitYashy, I'm guessing your wrong you're memory supports going faster but the mobo doesnt23:00
Yanick_same problem with Pidgen. MSN actually can use DCC file transfers, but all ther others need to pass through the MSN central servers, which is why it's so slow23:01
=== YungRipp is now known as Tommi
mom_hi my audio stopped working what can i do to troubleshoot?23:01
Yashyphantomcircuit: bought the MB because it is reported to support it23:01
phantomcircuitYashy, does the BIOS support changing the FSB independently?23:02
cybersplicemom_, does it come back after a reboot?23:02
Yashyphantomcircuit: yeah23:02
ryguyMy family already got two warnings sent to us from our ISP because of torrents, is there anyway to download torrents without the threat of the ISP shutting us off or worse? http://deluge-torrent.org/ says it has full encryption..is that what I need?23:02
mom_cybersplice, nope :(23:02
cybersplicemom_, i had that happen to me on Jaunty. Let me think about it for a while. Don't remember how I fixed it.23:03
Yanick_I just removed Empathy -1 for that one, and reinstalled Pidgin23:03
draconisryguy: yeah, running torrent through SSH tunnel. you would need a VPS or another system to actually run a command line torrent client23:03
mom_cybersplice, yep its jaunty23:04
ryguydraconis: I dont know what any of that means. Im not exactly network-smart23:04
draconisryguy: basically, you can't trust anything that says its secure23:04
FiReSTaRTYanick_: i can even live with the file transfers, but having actual video-chats would be great23:04
draconisryguy: bittorrent "encryption" is a joke23:04
=== emily is now known as Guest93855
dermotHi i am a new user and seam do be having audio problems when ever i run a program the sound gets all jumbled repeats itself and slows down my laptop.23:05
ryguydraconis: so what do I have to do to not get caught by my ISP?23:05
DigitalKiwiryguy: you could, like, not do illegal torrenting23:05
draconisryguy: what DigitalKiwi said23:05
draconisthen again if your ISP is threatening to kick you off for any torrents...23:05
DigitalKiwifreenode policy is probably actually against informing how to get around that too23:05
ryguyyeah..thats totally the case..23:05
DigitalKiwiiirc it has a file sharing clausee23:05
phantomcircuitdraconis, bittorrent encryption is designed to make it difficult to easily identify it not to actually encrypt it23:05
darksmachey guys any one know if we have a cli version of some old skool games (pong,space invaders, pacman)23:06
Yanick_FiReSTaRT, meh. I just found out that I could actually use my webcam (XPS Studio 16) with Ubuntu using Cheese lol so you see that I don't use that much :)23:06
phantomcircuitbittorrent encryption doesnt even try to protect against MiTM attacks23:06
Yashyryguy: or you could move to a country that respects the privacy of its citizens, like Canada, where you can't snoop on your customers.23:06
cyberspliceryguy, It's pretty difficult to stop your ISP from identifying torrent traffic.23:06
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ryguyYashy: totally would if I wernt broke23:06
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draconisor you could change ISPs23:06
DigitalKiwiYashy: I think most likely it is some watchdog reported his IP to his ISP23:06
ryguywell it was Universal pictures that sent a complaint to the ISP or something23:07
* DigitalKiwi wins23:07
ryguyX_X I mean..Open Pictures..?23:07
thielmannDoes anyone know what changed in last nights karmic updates? My system was really fast, now I'm back to Jaunty speed. I guess it was related to Xorg and the legacy ATI drivers (I'm running a Rage 128 card). Any ideas?23:07
AcetilominonitroHello. I tried to register new SIP adress on ekiga.net but I can`t see the picture with Captcha code. Could you help me?23:07
FiReSTaRTYanick_: i don't use it much but it's a nice way to complement chatting with the Mrs. while she's away doing grad school23:07
cyberspliceryguy: You could always stop downloading copyrighted material? :D23:07
queso_Is there any way to name a screen so I could reattach by means of a name instead of the pid?23:08
ryguyMediacom are nazis23:08
=== mun_ is now known as mun
DigitalKiwiqueso_: yes23:08
dermotHi i am a new user and seam do be having audio problems when ever i run a program the sound gets all jumbled repeats itself and slows down my laptop. Can anyone tell me where i might be able to get drivers.23:08
DigitalKiwi-S queso_23:08
ryguyis there a place I can buy movie downloads for cheap?23:08
SuspectZerohow can i configure lupin-casper to mount an iso as a loop?23:09
DigitalKiwinetflix might23:09
cyberspliceryguy, lovefilm, netflicks. I actually like Virgin's on demand thinger.23:09
cyberspliceon demand will eventually kill off the cinema experience, methinks.23:09
ryguycybersplice, alright thanks23:09
mikejetryguy : The only way I get the netflix player to work on ubuntu is inside Windows-7 running in a VirtualBox.23:10
cyberspliceryguy, Perhaps not what you wanted to hear, but it IS the safe / legal way.23:10
ryguyyouch, Im runnin on a 850MHz pentium 323:10
obsidiethdoes anyone else use enlightement?23:10
queso_DigitalKiwi: session -S sessionname  -- found it, thanks :)23:10
cyberspliceobsidieth, Nope, just you!23:10
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* cybersplice is kidding.23:10
mneptokobsidieth: check in #e1723:10
SuspectZeroobsidieth, i do23:11
SuspectZeroand the channel is #e23:11
SuspectZeronot #e1723:11
mom_cybersplice, got it to work :)23:13
cybersplicemom_, beat me to it. what'd you do?23:14
Yanick_FiReSTaRT, yes, that's a good reason23:15
mom_cybersplice, switched to alsa in the sound configuration23:16
jmad980O___o: Hi23:16
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q_good night to all23:17
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cybersplicemom_, d'oh23:20
=== Googl is now known as LJL
RPG_MasterI am unable to click the play/pause button on embed youtube players :(23:20
RPG_MasterBut I can still watch videos on youtube.com23:21
RPG_MasterHelp meh :(23:21
* RPG_Master was going to say "Don't leave me mommy!"23:21
RPG_Master* mom_ has quit ("Leaving")23:22
RPG_MasterSo, anyone know why it was working for me before I updated to Karmic?23:22
Gneawe don't do karmic here, yet23:22
fccf!karmic | RPG_Master23:23
ubottuRPG_Master: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:23
RPG_Mastermaybe I'ed be better off at #ubuntu+1 .... :P23:23
AnthonyZbierajewcan i get ubuntu help here?23:23
Gneayes :)23:23
GneaAnthonyZbierajew: if it's jaunty or earlier, sure23:23
AnthonyZbierajewthe newest23:23
AnthonyZbierajewi gues23:23
cyberspliceAnthonyZbierajew, the beta, or the other?23:23
Gneaopen a terminal and type this:  lsb_release -r23:23
AnthonyZbierajewi dont know which one23:24
AnthonyZbierajewthe newest non beta23:24
GneaAnthonyZbierajew: type that ^^23:24
AnthonyZbierajewi cant access it23:24
GneaAnthonyZbierajew: why not?23:24
AnthonyZbierajewit wont boot23:24
Gneawhy not?23:24
AnthonyZbierajewit just cuts to shell23:24
Gneaso it boots, but X doesn't work?23:25
GneaAnthonyZbierajew: are you sure you installed the desktop edition?23:25
AnthonyZbierajewcan i leave restart my computer and take notes23:25
AnthonyZbierajewcome back?23:25
AnthonyZbierajewi have the desktop yhes23:25
GneaAnthonyZbierajew: please do23:25
cyberspliceAnthonyZbierajew, We'll be here.23:25
FloodBot3AnthonyZbierajew: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:25
droafter doing a dist-upgrade on jaunty, eth0 no longer works, not dhcp or static23:26
velozOla alguem pode me ajudar a resolver problema de conecção com a internet?23:28
veloztoda vez que eu ligo meu pc tenho que fazer o sudo pppoeconf no terminal23:28
soundrayveloz: not in portuguese23:28
fearful!portuguese | veloz23:28
ubottuveloz: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.23:28
veloztankyou soundray23:29
dhendrixwhat's the quickest way to find out which pool (main, multiverse, universe, etc) a package belongs to? I can't seem to get this info using apt-cache search or dpkg-query.23:29
Stormx2Hi guys. I've installed Windows 7 over Vista and reinstalled GRUB in the usual way. Windows is complaining "BOOTMGR not found". What should I do?23:29
velozubottu, como que eu faço isso ?23:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:29
scunizidhendrix: synaptic23:29
soundraydhendrix: try apt-cache policy packagename23:30
fearfulveloz, /join #ubuntu-br23:30
soundraydhendrix: apt-cache show should tell you, too23:30
dhendrixsoundray:  Ah, thanks!23:30
dhendrixlisting the policy using apt-cache did the trick23:31
steffan!br > veloz23:31
ubottuveloz, please see my private message23:31
AnthonyZbierajewim back23:31
dhendrixoh, and I see "apt-cache show" works as well. Awesome.23:31
AnthonyZbierajewim back23:31
AnthonyZbierajewi have what is said23:31
ryguyI'm setting up my wireless connection, which is the best option under  'Wireless Security'23:32
neipHello, I'm trying to install gyachi while installing I got this error (automake missing or too old. This requires at least automake 1.5) how can I fix it?23:32
AnthonyZbierajeware you still able to help me?23:32
droafter doing a dist-upgrade on jaunty, eth0 no longer works, not dhcp or static23:32
yofelneip: which release do you use?23:32
* jmad980 is away: X-Moto Addiction23:33
AnthonyZbierajewcan anyone help me?23:33
AnthonyZbierajewALERT! root.disk doesnt exist. dropping to shell23:33
neipyofel 9.0423:33
AnthonyZbierajewis what mine said23:33
soundrayAnthonyZbierajew: we won't know until you describe the problem. BTW, what you blog about batteries is nonsense23:33
soundrayAnthonyZbierajew: okay, is this a fresh install?23:33
AnthonyZbierajewi installed it a month ago23:33
soundrayAnthonyZbierajew: so it did boot at first?23:33
yofelneip: then check that you have 'automake' installed it should be 1.1023:34
droafter doing a dist-upgrade on jaunty, eth0 no longer works, not dhcp or static23:34
steffan!repeat | dro23:34
ubottudro: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.23:34
neipyofel how to check?23:34
yofelneip: 'apt-cache policy automake'23:35
AnthonyZbierajewit did boot before23:35
AnthonyZbierajewand then it doesnt now23:35
soundrayAnthonyZbierajew: what did you do with it just before it stopped booting?23:35
yofelneip: also, it sounds like you are compiling it from source. do you have all the build dependencies installed?23:35
ekimmargniHello, is there documentation on what user_xattr ("support user extended attributes") means for an ext4 filesystem?23:35
AnthonyZbierajewleft it23:35
AnthonyZbierajewi have windows next to it23:36
AnthonyZbierajewand thats what im on23:36
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
soundrayAnthonyZbierajew: did you do anything that could have messed up the root partition?23:36
steffanneip: do you have build-essential installed?23:36
AnthonyZbierajewnope, nothing23:36
dhendrixAnthonyZbierajew:  Did you install windows after ubuntu? perhaps the windows installer corrupted the partition table or something.23:37
neipsteffan dont know really, I'm just trying ubuntu for the first time23:37
AnthonyZbierajewit was windows as the first and ubuntu was installed second23:37
AnthonyZbierajewyou can call me anthony23:38
AnthonyZbierajewmy name is long23:38
B3rz3rk3rAnthonyZbierajew, then change your nick ;)23:38
soundrayAnthonyZbierajew: the error message is strange. Did you quote it here exactly as it appeared on screen?23:38
MkaAnthonyZbierajew: then make your name shorter23:38
scuniziAnthonyZbierajew: we just type the first few characters then hit tab for auto completion.. without that when someone talks to you the line won't be highlighted.23:38
yofelAnthonyZbierajew: irc clients can auto-complete nicknames with <tab> ;) (like for you: ant<tab>)23:39
AnthonyZbierajewi typed what i could remember23:39
wlodidro: what's the ifconfig mess saying?23:39
soundrayAnthonyZbierajew: I see, you don't own a pen and paper23:39
=== _trucMuche is now known as trucMuche
neipyofel I did type (apt-cache policy automake) it says (  Installed: 3.81-5 Candidate: 3.81-5)23:39
AnthonyZbierajewit had directories before the "root.disk23:39
AnthonyZbierajewi do have a pen and paper but i like to use my memory23:39
MkaAnthonyZbierajew, it seems as if you didnt install properly in the first place23:40
steffan!build-essential > neip23:40
ubottuneip, please see my private message23:40
shaullxuh im screwed i installed ubuntu over windows partition know i have no space for nothing and i cant resize the partition because i cant even download gparted23:40
soundrayMka: he said it was booting before23:40
scuniziAnthonyZbierajew: when you installed did you manually partiton or let ubuntu do it all on it's own?23:40
AnthonyZbierajewit worked before, just fine23:40
steffanneip: build-essential is often required when compiling from source, if that is what you're doing then you'll need that23:40
MkaAnthonyZbierajew, yes I know23:40
AnthonyZbierajewubuntu did it23:40
AnthonyZbierajewi used wubi23:40
scuniziAnthonyZbierajew: do you have just one HD in the computer or more?23:40
soundrayMka: that kind of proves that he did install it properly23:41
AnthonyZbierajewjust the one23:41
MkaAnthonyZbierajew, just as I thought, Wubi!!!23:41
scuniziAnthonyZbierajew: oh.. this is a wubi install23:41
scunizinot a real install..23:41
soundrayMka: okay, you're right, wubi=improper ;)23:41
drowlodi: everything looks normal, no ip listed while in dhcp, but ip is there with static23:41
B3rz3rk3rshaullx, was that a question?23:41
scuniziAnthonyZbierajew: wubi seems to be problemmatic on some systems.. if you want to try it without "really" installing it on it's own partition then I suggest getting the windows version of virtualbox23:42
drowlodi: everything works great from wlan0, but eth0 can't even ping gateway until i type "sudo ifconfig eth0 default gw" then can only ping things in the subnet23:42
MkaAnthonyZbierajew, why dont you do a REAL install?23:42
shaullxwell if you got a solution then yes, B3rz3rk3r23:42
B3rz3rk3rshaullx, hehe. ok. Well there is always the LiveCD ;)23:42
RandomCakeHi All, I've just bought a Microsoft LifeCam VX-1000 webcam and have been trying to get it to work in 9.10, I've so far had a green screen, cheese vanish, and a black screen, I've struggled to get hold of EasyCam2 or 3 due to a Python dependancy which cannot be met, has anyone any tips on how to get this webcam working? Would I be best dropping back to 9.04, or 8.10?23:42
AnthonyZbierajewdoes ubuntu in virtual box work on all systems23:43
shaullxnetbook no cdrom, B3rz3rk3r23:43
oyzarI know this question isn't in any way related to ubuntu, but i am wondering how i tell my program in clips to read from console, what the tutorial/help file suggests doesn't work and google doesn't give me any other answer, odds are i am doing something wrong though... Anyone know the answer or know where i can start to look for someone who can help me get to the right answer?23:43
B3rz3rk3rshaullx, so use a USB based one23:43
scuniziAnthonyZbierajew: any system that can run virtual box you can install most any OS into it.23:43
RoastedQUESTION - I got a curve ball question here. Let's say someone hacks my Ubuntu machine and resets my system password. How would I be able to take control over of my machine again? Could I boot to failsafe terminal and log in as root (somehow) and reset my password?23:43
soundrayRandomCake: I would stick with 9.10 for now, but please ask on #ubuntu+123:43
B3rz3rk3rshaullx, same thing as a cd based version but faster :)23:44
wlodidro: what's in the /etc/network/interfaces file?23:44
shaullxonly usb device but cant download the image because there is not space in the root partition, if only i could change the tmp folder or something23:44
AnthonyZbierajewoh ok23:44
AnthonyZbierajewi'll try23:44
lolrofllmaoRoasted: u could boot into the live CD, recover data, and reinstall OS23:44
soundrayRoasted: yes, there is a grub boot option for recovering from such a situation23:44
dhendrixRoasted:  reboot and enter single-user mode by adding "single" to the kernel command line options from your bootloader.23:44
shaullxB3rz3rk3r, cant download the image:(23:44
drowlodi: well when running dhcp just, auth eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp23:44
shaullxtoo bad i dont have a pc here23:44
Roastedlolrofllmao - that's "roflmfao" material, becuase I would not reinstall my entire OS based on taht situation. I just wouldnt.23:44
shaullxit would be so simple23:44
drowlodi: remember, everything worked until i ran dist-upgrade23:44
soundrayRoasted: nobody suggested that23:45
B3rz3rk3rshaullx, you mean you dont have access to internet?23:45
Roastedsoundray - yes, yes someone did. See above.23:45
drowlodi: i normally use gnome network manager, I even tried wicd, and even tried manually setting dhcp/static in /etc/network/interfaces23:45
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shaullxthen how am i talking to you right now lol23:45
MkaAnthonyZbierajew, but besides the Virtualbox stuff, what is holding you back from just partitioning the hard drive and install ubuntu properly?23:45
Roasteddhendrix - is there a guide on what you suggest? Because I'm not so sure I know how to do that.23:45
lolrofllmaoRoasted: it's actually laughing out loud; rolling on floor laughing; laughing my ass off. :)23:46
shaullxi mean i dont have any space on my root partition23:46
B3rz3rk3rshaullx, exactly, thats why im confused23:46
B3rz3rk3rshaullx, oh23:46
shaullxand no pc to download the ubuntu image23:46
Roastedlolrofllmao - I had it half right. I at least get half a gold star on that one. Right?23:46
B3rz3rk3rshaullx, then just save it somewhere else :p23:46
shaullxand windows wont even boot now23:46
neipsteffan is there something that I need to change in this command (./configure --disable-rpath --enable-maintainer-mode --prefix /usr) when I paste it.. it says please read INSTALL.txt23:46
dhendrixRoasted:  Hmmm, try http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/grub-boot-into-single-user-mode/23:46
soundrayRoasted: what dhendrix suggests amounts to the same as using the Recovery boot option from grub23:46
oyzarso noone have any idea where to start looking for my questions?23:47
shaullxit wont let me save because "tmp" folder has no space or something like that23:47
longtimeWas wondering if anyone had ever encountered the problem with their bios lying to them about how much RAM they just installed?23:47
droI believe I have a routing issue, can't ping anything in the network or outside network until i type "sudo ifconfig eth0 default gw" and then can only ping things in the network but nothing other than that23:47
Roastedsoundray - is the recovery boot option osmething that shows up in the boot menu?23:47
dhendrixRoasted:  oh, i guess single user mode does requite a password to log in. So if your root password was changed, then you're probably hosed.23:48
soundrayRoasted: yes, by default, it's right under the default option.23:48
soundraydhendrix: no, it doesn't23:48
B3rz3rk3rshaullx, so save to another external media device, or make room in your linux partition23:48
soundrayoyzar: please ask your question. Make it short and sweet.23:48
wlodidro: have you tried clearing the routing cache?23:48
Roastedsoundray - cant I just somehow unlock the root account and log into that in failsafe terminal and reset the PW via terminal?23:48
B3rz3rk3rshaullx, or just format the disk :p23:48
drowlodi: how do I do that?23:48
disobeyedrelicis there a ps2 channel lol??23:49
oyzarI know this question isn't in any way related to ubuntu, but i am wondering how i tell my program in clips to read from console, what the tutorial/help file suggests doesn't work and google doesn't give me any other answer, odds are i am doing something wrong though... Anyone know the answer or know where i can start to look for someone who can help me get to the right answer?23:49
shaullxi have room in my hdd i dont have room in my linux partition and i cant make any because i have nothing that accupies space i just did a clean install23:49
soundrayoyzar: please rephrase, it's not clear what you are trying to achieve23:49
shaullxonly i chose to mix it with windows23:49
shaullxhere the problem lays:(23:49
shaullxis it possible to download ubuntu image with terminal?23:50
oyzarI am trying to use Read in CLIPS23:50
soundrayRoasted: if you're still logged in, then it's possible. But, really, the situation you describe -- a hacked root -- calls for a reinstallation23:50
B3rz3rk3rshaullx, yeah you gotta be carfeul what you are doing when dualbooting23:50
drowlodi: "sudo ip route flush cache" ?23:50
scunizishaullx: sure.. use wget23:50
wlodidro: crap, I don't remember at the moment:)23:50
AzizLighthi everybody23:50
stinkyshaullx:  try : wget theURLehre.com23:50
Roastedsoundray - well damn. Even in windows you can force a reset. I'm kind of surprised you couldnt in linux.23:50
shaullxand how do i choose destination?23:51
wlodidro: have you checked the /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf?23:51
B3rz3rk3rRoasted, if you ahve to reboot Linux, your doing it wrong :p23:51
scunizishaullx: man wget23:51
stinkyshaullx: it is where ever the termial is, use CD to change directorys23:51
Roastedb3rz3rk3r - whats your excuse if you're a dual booter then? Not much choice there. ;)23:51
B3rz3rk3rRoasted, haha... ok. you got me there23:52
Roastedb3rz3rk3r - being a gamer, I'm kind of stuck in the often-rebooting category.23:52
AzizLightI "extended" the cd command by creating a bash function. But my new function doesn't recognize $CDPATH. is there a way to make the two work together?23:52
RoastedI love linux, but I love games. So the Vista/Ubuntu combo is kind of a requirement.23:52
drowlodi: no, because static didn't work either23:52
B3rz3rk3rRoasted, i hear ya man. Im currently dualbooting too just for my games23:52
scunizishaullx: wget http://mirrors.ccs.neu.edu/releases.ubuntu.com/jaunty/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso23:52
yofelAzizLight: better ask that in #bash23:52
soundrayRoasted: if you're moving on to chitchat, please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic23:53
Roastedsoundray - uh, no23:53
shaullxCannot write to `ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso' (No space left on device).23:53
RoastedI'm actually still very interested in finding out if theres any way to work around the scenario I described above.23:53
shaullxno luck here too23:53
bloufanyone know how to make the buttons of the title bar be on the left instead of the right ? using gconf editor didn't work, any suggestion ?23:53
wlodidro: do you normally use the network manager?23:53
shaullxthen only 1 option left..go to someone download and past it on my usb device and format the hdd23:54
spook2012all linux geeks?/ and nerds?23:54
stinkyblouf: if you are using compiz try the emerald theme , it lets you tweak the buttons really easy. I am not shure how to do it in gnome metacity though23:54
mneptokblouf: you could change Metacity themes ....23:54
kj4spook2012: whats wrong?23:54
B3rz3rk3rblouf, there are lots of themes out on "t3h 1nt3rn3tz" that will do just that23:54
drowlodi: yes, but right now it's uninstalled and i'm using wicd23:55
spook2012Nothing Kj423:55
soundrayRoasted: there probably is, but your query is very vague23:55
TheFunkbombhey, I unmounted a USB drive and now I can't get it to show up23:55
{Onyx}This isn't good. I installed an updated version of ALSA and it wasn't working so I uninstalled it. Now to reinstall it wants to remove all kinds of  stuff like gnome-desktop.23:55
euti've recently installed the sun-java6-jdk with aptitude. what should i set JAVA_HOME  to?23:55
eutits currently unset and other programs are breaking. the docs say i'm supposed to set JAVA_HOME to the installation path of the java jdk23:55
spook2012my system is wrong23:55
Roastedsoundray - how is it vague? You have 1 system. 1 user on this system. and 1 unknown password. How do you solve the riddle?23:55
mneptokRoasted: buy a console?23:55
eutany idea where this installation path is?23:55
kj4spook2012: whats wrong with it?23:55
bloufthat wasn't my question.23:55
shaullxcan i install some kind of a partition manager with apt-get?23:56
scunizieut: whereis java in terminal23:56
B3rz3rk3rshaullx, apt-get gparted23:56
shaullxthat seems to be the only thing that does able to download for me23:56
mneptok!gparted > shaullx23:56
ubottushaullx, please see my private message23:56
stinkyshaullx: qtparted is a good one I think23:56
spook2012problems whit Vista23:56
dhendrixoyzar:  oh, is that CLIPS thing just some variant of C?23:56
soundrayRoasted: in your original question you talked about a "system password". Didn't you mean "root"?23:56
kj4spook2012: i had problems with vista, but they are cured23:56
Roastedsoundray - oh no, I meant my account password on the machine.23:57
spook2012problem whit grub23:57
shaullxthanks guys i will try23:57
dhendrixRoasted:  Oh, so you still have your root password in tact?23:57
soundrayRoasted: okay, so the machine is up, you're logged in, but you don't know the current password?23:57
mneptokRoasted: boot to recovery mode and run "passwd $USERNAME"23:57
TheFunkbombno ideas?23:57
spook2012but i think i solved now23:58
Roasteddhendrix - ah hah! But we're in Ubuntu land. The root account isnt even activated in the first place. ;)23:58
kj4spook2012: grub2 with karmic or the 'old grub'?23:58
Roastedsoundray - I'm talking from the instance you boot up and your password doenst work, and from there you assume you've been hacked and you just need to reset it to get running again.23:58
mneptokRoasted: it's active, it just has a null password.23:58
neipHello, Can someone help me compile gyachi I reached this step in install.txt  (./configure --disable-rpath --enable-maintainer-mode --prefix /usr) when I paste it.. it says please read INSTALL.txt... is there anything I should change?23:58
spook2012i erased all the parts windos23:58
Mkahow to execute a command at a specific time?23:58
steffanneip: read INSTALL again23:59
dhendrixRoasted:  If you've been hacked, typically the solution is to blow everything away and start over since you can't trust the content of your system any longer. But that's another matter :-)23:59
spook20121 partition for winhose23:59
mneptok!cron > Mka23:59
ubottuMka, please see my private message23:59
scuniziMka: use cron.. man cron in a terminal23:59
soundrayRoasted: so you choose Recovery from the grub menu and run 'passwd roasted' from the root shell.23:59
spook2012and the rest for ubunto23:59
Roastedmneptok - but the big question is, if I cant log in to my account in the first ptlace, how do you enable the root account to even begin resetting passwords?23:59
Mkamneptok: not cron, I know that23:59
steffanMka: 'at'23:59
TheFunkbombgoatse, please change your name23:59
kj4spook2012: that can be good and bad.  bad if you lost data.  good if M$ has been eliminated from your system.23:59
mneptokRoasted: i already told you how to reset the user password.23:59
TheFunkbombeven better23:59
Roastedmneptok - uh, you did?23:59

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