[00:06] hmm... we have a messages.sh in the source so a pot should be generated [00:06] I wonder if any are in the import queue to launchpad [00:10] yuriy: The short version of the process is find dpm online and beat on him until templates appear. [00:12] hrmm...mindmapping is interesting...I want something where I can jot it down on paper, take it to an app, draw it out in a diagram easily....just tried out semantik, don't think that is the way to go...what do you use to do stuff like this? [00:12] besides a piece of paper [00:16] hrmm, guess nobody mind maps that is a developer...all of the mind mapping apps are out of date in the repos [00:20] Would be too ugly to see the light of day [00:24] heh, so true [00:25] FYI: for you that want to mind map, vym it is...qt4 based and our friends at trolltech even use it :) [00:27] Is it up to date? [00:29] yes it is [00:33] OK. [00:35] there were some reports, that translation problems with german are fixed after the latest updates [00:36] I don't believe it [00:36] prove it to me [00:36] after eating chili for dinner, I am about ready for bed [00:40] JontheEchidna: Minus points for not closing the bug in the changelog (Konversation) [00:41] eep [00:46] JontheEchidna, nixternal: I figured out how to do apport-kde better so it doesn't hang, but the segfault is indeed still there :( [00:46] what did you do? [00:58] nixternal: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/285026/ [01:00] hahaha, you used one of my all-time favorite hacks [01:00] QTimer.singleshot [01:01] another nice thing about singleshot, you can do really nice loops or recursion without eating memory [01:01] ie: [01:01] def foo(self): [01:01] print "foo" [01:01] QTimer.singleshot(100, self.foo) [01:02] err, forgot to space that [01:02] put the QTimer in the def :) [01:02] cuz you can't do 'while True:' w/o blowing things up [01:02] yeah it does provide for some neat hacks [01:03] but more importantly answers the question of what the heck a QCoreApplication is for [01:04] interesting [01:04] as that is used to provide the event loops for cli apps [01:05] i never could figure out how to use it before though, because normally you make use of the event loop in GUI applications [01:06] if you have code that runs before or after the exec() it will run before the event loop starts or after it exits [01:06] but a timer allows you to set things up to actually run in the event loop [01:07] but anyways, segfault is still there so :( [01:08] that's because app.exec_() isn't returning a 0, it is returning something else [01:09] nixternal: the segfault? I don't think that would cause one [01:10] actually it does [01:10] it was doing that for me in another app I was working on [01:10] * nixternal looks at something [01:10] especially if you consider the backtrace (bug 403361)? [01:10] Launchpad bug 403361 in python-qt4 "apport-kde crashed with SIGSEGV in QWidgetPrivate::deleteExtra()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/403361 [01:11] i mean i'm sure it's not returning 0 but that would be *because* it crashes [01:11] class App(): [01:11] foooofdjaljfdakjfd [01:11] then in there I have a def toggleQuit(self): [01:12] nixternal: actually it DOES return 0 :O [01:12] where I put 'sys.exit(app.quit()) [01:12] oh, this is great. Quassel entirely lacks a spanish translation. The only strings translated are those it gets from kdelibs via language-pack-* [01:12] and then in __main__ I just put [01:12] app.exec_() [01:13] attach gdb to the pid then quit, see what that spits out [01:13] nixternal: app.quit() is void, and makes exec_ return 0 [01:14] Sime_: around? [01:49] Riddelll, ScottK: fix committed to u-n-k and attached for kde4libs for bug 439758 [01:49] Launchpad bug 439758 in kde4libs "KDE crash handler is used if apport-kde is not present, even if apport-gtk is" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/439758 === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates === JontheEchinda is now known as JontheEchidna === Quintasan1 is now known as Quintasan [08:49] yuriy, nixternal: make kapp global, put your code in a function, and don't use sys.exit(). [10:25] narf, apt fails on distupgrade without a error message, even with all debug options. [10:26] didn't look that deep into the code yet, does DistUpgradeController.py do the same a apt-get dist-upgrade would do? [10:28] just did a apt-get dist-upgrade: [10:28] E: Couldn't configure pre-depend openoffice.org-core for openoffice.org-filter-binfilter, probably a dependency cycle. [10:36] freinhard: that one might be an archive inconsistency; are you on karmic? [10:38] a|wen: not yeat [10:38] yet [10:38] hmm, that is not good then (i think) [10:39] freinhard: have you tried if aptitude full-upgrade has a sensible solution to it? === xerosis_ is now known as xerosis [10:40] nope, prevents me from upgrading to karmic and upgrade-manager doesn't give any hint to the real problem. aptitude full-upgrade doesn't to the job either. [10:41] does aptitude simply error out? [10:41] aptitude full-upgrade == apt-get dist-upgrade [10:41] same error [10:44] freinhard: you could try to remove and then re-install openoffice ... there is some foo there; looks like you have made a dependency lock-up [10:45] hmm don't use OOo anyways... [10:45] but what bugs me most: no error messages from the gui! [10:49] kpackagekit? [10:49] nope update-manager [10:49] and even gives wrong information. upgrade was successfull but there were errors [10:49] plain sarcasm ;) [10:49] i thought it used kpackagekit for that in jaunty [10:50] did update-notifier -d [10:52] there is a reason why i dumped gui package managers completely [10:58] removing openoffice did the job [10:58] karmic, here i come [10:59] cool :) [12:05] how much pain there's updating to karmic? [12:10] tsdgeos: the mirrors have been painfully slow the last two days ... but if you locate a local mirror with good bw, it should be painless enough [12:18] someone mentioned pain due to change of gcc/glibc [12:18] how much truth is in there? [12:26] depends on how much you are compiling a lot of stuff yourself ... there is no pain in using it in that regard (only a lot to fix for devs) [12:26] (that sentence didn't make sense; but hope you got the meaning) [12:27] the German mirros work flawlessly [12:27] mirrors* even [12:30] ok, thanks [13:29] ScottK: looks like somebody else has your templates bug too: bug 442176 [13:29] Launchpad bug 442176 in kdepim "Default compose templates empty (without quote)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/442176 [13:29] ^Occurred on an upgrade from 4.2.2 to 4.2.4 [14:18] Sime: thanks, but it crashes without sys.exit() too. I was wondering if you could tell if this was pyqt bug or elsewhere: bug 403361 [14:18] Launchpad bug 403361 in python-qt4 "apport-kde crashed with SIGSEGV in QWidgetPrivate::deleteExtra()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/403361 [14:56] Is Amarok 2.2 in karmic? [14:57] amarok: Depends: amarok-common (= 2:2.2.0-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed [14:57] this is what happens when I try to install "amarok" [15:09] sebas: the amarok build on i386 where common data packages are built failed due to mysql borkage [15:15] JontheEchidna: x86_64 as well? [15:15] amarok-common is only built on i386 since it only needs built once [15:16] since it only contains data files usable by all archs [15:16] ah, ok [15:16] I'll wait until someone fixes it then [15:16] the 2.1.90 packages worked well bt [15:16] w [15:17] * yuriy needs something to do this morning [15:17] yuriy: fix amarok ;) [15:17] and good morning [15:17] "due to mysql borkage" ^^ [15:18] good morning sebas [15:18] afternoon? [15:18] afternoon here, yes [15:18] both would justify coffee of course [15:28] * ryanakca sighs and wonders if Kobby is dead... no upstream commits or modifications since 2009-08-04, two months ago to the day :/ [15:29] wasn't there a summer of code project working on it? [15:29] libqinfinity was 2009-07-24 ... [15:30] sebas: I'm not sure. Greg Haynes is upstream's name, wether or not it was done for GSoC, I don't know. [15:30] I can't find anything other than a techbase idea and some mentionings of it in various blogposts [15:31] Nightrose: do you know anything about it? [15:31] * Nightrose reads backlog [15:31] sec [15:31] can anybody confirm bug 442278 in their language? [15:31] Launchpad bug 442278 in language-pack-kde-es-base "[es] .desktop files originating from kdebase-workspace untranslated" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/442278 [15:31] sebas, Nightrose: http://github.com/greghaynes/kobby is the source repo [15:31] another spanish confirmation'd be nice too [15:32] sebas: gsoc last year - finished gsoc but lots of stuff still needed - i think he's just busy with university [15:32] would be good to get some more people on it [15:32] maybe worth sending an email to Greg asking him to move it to svn so more people have access [15:32] He last commited to another project five hours ago, according to http://github.com/greghaynes , so I'm going to email him to let him know that the world is still interested in Kobby and that we're anxiously anticipating the 1.0 release that was scheduled for mid-summer [15:32] or gitorious [15:33] ryanakca: ask him to move it somewhere more kde people can help [15:33] and actually see it [15:34] OK [15:39] *gulp* they already did link to the kubuntu bugs reporting page at the top of the ubuntu one. i guess i have to update that [15:53] hrm [15:53] I think I may have found the root of our policykit problems [15:53] yes [15:54] kdebase-workspace-bin does not depend on policykit [15:54] epic fail [15:56] * JontheEchidna fixes [16:27] JontheEchidna: Thanks. The computer that has the bug did go 4.2.2 -> 4.2.4 -> 4.3.1, so that makes sense. [16:41] ksysguard doesn't show PIDs? :O [16:42] It does here. maybe check if it's an available column? [16:42] JontheEchidna: it's available, but not default === toma is now known as toma_ === mgraesslin_ is now known as mgraesslin [17:08] ok https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Bugs/Reporting updated JontheEchidna what do you think? === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates [17:13] yuriy: looks good, I corrected a few minor grammar things [17:13] ok most of it is copied from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs so maybe they need correcting there too? [17:14] nah, it was just in the dr. konqi section [17:15] lol@ firefox's RAM usage on the ubuntu wiki picutre [17:15] yeah that doesn't seem realistic at all. i wonder what ksysguard uses for that column [17:15] it doesn't match anything i see in top [17:16] oh the ubuntu wiki one. yeah that sounds more right :D [17:17] oh in mine i didn't actually have any pages open === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk [18:01] hey guys [18:02] I am having a bit of trouble finding a place were to find a bug for kubuntu netbook edition [18:02] launchpad won't give me a simple report bug button unless I find the right package... [18:03] should I report the bug under ubuntu-netbook-edition? [18:06] ubuntu-bug plasma-netbook [18:09] Riddelll: is ksplash-before-kdm currently doing all it needs to be doing, or is there more work that needs done? I ask because ksplash only comes up for a split second before kdm gives you a user prompt anyway [18:09] Riddelll: thanks [18:10] JontheEchidna: it's starting as soon as kdm can start it (as far as I can make out) [18:10] hmm [18:11] it was expected that with the upstart stuff it would take longer to start because there would be more going on in the background but I don't see that having happened [18:11] is there any way to make kdm start earlier than it already does? [18:11] I havn't tried ubuntu desktop for a while so I don't know how it compares [18:11] kdm can't start earlier. there might be some way of getting it to start ksplashx sooner after X has started but I don't know of one [18:12] :( [18:12] I'd rather have usplash, since out of the 17 seconds it takes to get from grub to kdm, 16.5 is splashless [18:13] apachelogger: success, we got the template approved today: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/qt4-x11/+pots/kdeqt/ [18:13] it always did seem to me like a curious plan, it's not like kdm started late in the boot process before [18:13] I should try ubuntu desktop and see if it's any better [18:14] neato === toma_ is now known as toma [19:13] Riddelll: did ya see my message about the netbook warning text? === vorian_ is now known as heHATEme [19:25] vorian: nhandler is looking for [19:25] oh jeese [19:26] have i got a story for you all [19:26] I've been in montana for the last month! [19:26] hey dude you are on a projector, so be careful [19:26] ok [19:27] \o vorian [19:27] yo! [19:27] it feels good to be home [19:47] anyone from Manchester? I'm going to UK next Wendsday [19:48] shtylman: yes thanks [19:48] Quintasan: nobody from kubuntu that I know of [19:49] :( [19:52] Riddelll: urgh, this guy is persistent, it's really possible to get a new package with all freezes in effect? [20:17] Quintasan: yeah may as well, anything to keep him quiet [20:18] Riddelll: Well, it has GPL 2 license now and he claims all icons (unless stated otherwise) are GPL-2 [20:25] except Qt :/ [20:30] Riddelll: any good schnell-kurs for bzr-maintained packages? I just noticed kipi-plugins is in bzr now and debian has it in svn [20:31] Hey guys [20:34] Lure: what do you want to do? [20:34] Lure: bzr branch to get code, bzr commit -m "comment" and bzr push to push changes :P [20:35] Lure: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/mini-tutorial/index.html [20:36] Quintasan: I know bzr, I though that there is some buildpackage thing for bzr, to help with actually building preparing packages that are in bzr [20:36] wow, I didn't know about that [20:38] bzr builddeb [20:38] bzr builddeb -S for source [20:38] also see help [20:39] apachelogger: thanks [20:39] * Lure thought is some kind of separate helper package... [20:39] yeah, dunno the package name [20:39] used to be bzr-buildpackage [20:40] possibly still is, since there is still same named binary [20:40] apachelogger: it is [20:44] KKK have xsplash & new boot screen like ubuntu karmic ? [20:49] is it Vcs-bzr or Vcs-svn for bzr branches? [21:20] Riddelll: sorry for using such dirty method but my connection really sucks. debian dir -> http://rapidshare.com/files/288704147/debian.tar.gz.html and please do "svn co https://dooble.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/dooble/trunk/browser/" for source [21:21] * Quintasan is going on a trip with his class [21:49] Riddelll: any idea why this would fail on ubuntu, but builds on debian: [21:50] /tmp/buildd/kipi-plugins-0.7.0/po/de/kipiplugin_batchprocessimages.po:1146:56: invalid multibyte sequence [21:50] /usr/bin/msgfmt: found 1 fatal error [21:50] Riddelll: pot extraction? [21:54] sounds like it [22:04] Riddelll: will test in ppa first, it might be something in my pbuilder [22:04] actually that doesn't sound like pot exraction [22:04] Riddelll: othwerwise we will need to patch .po file, right? [22:05] right [22:05] Riddelll: maybe my pbuilder is just rusty of my system broken - did not do much for karmic ;-) [22:06] maybe it is an invalid byte sequence [22:09] Riddelll: "hinzufügen: Fügt dem Bild Rauschen hinzu.
Kantenglättung: " [22:09] looks perfect German to me ;-) [22:11] Riddelll: will have to wait until the morning to check my merge (from ppa), then I can bzr push and complete ffe in bug 442571 [22:11] Launchpad bug 442571 in kipi-plugins "FFe for kipi-plugins 0.7.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/442571 [22:12] Riddelll: digikam beta5 will probably be tommorow, so this is next === yofel_ is now known as yofel [23:00] my amarok still crashes when trying to make a dynamic playlist... [23:23] * ScottK-palm waves. [23:28] Being online right now is tough due to no electricity. [23:28] Hopefully back in the next few hours..... === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates