
valkyrieWhy hello der00:01
valkyriejussi01 o-o00:01
valkyrieCan i speak to someone please =P00:03
bazhangvalkyrie, what do you need assistance with00:03
valkyrieMy lifetime ban being lifted..00:04
Amaranthgah +1 is busier than #ubuntu00:13
valkyrieAmaranth, can i get it lifted?00:15
Seeker`who set the ban?00:17
valkyriejussi01 e.o00:18
valkyrieBut he/she is never here!00:18
bazhangvalkyrie, are you aware of why you were banned?00:18
valkyrieIm aware, but you guys think my inention was to kill ubottu, but it wasent00:20
bazhangvalkyrie, you seem awfully blithe about all this00:21
bazhangwith all the 'lol' , emoticons, and such00:21
bazhangnormally when someone is banned, they show at least a minimal amount of remorse for what caused them to be banned00:22
valkyrieI said lol once.00:22
bazhangvalkyrie, we were directed to consider removing your ban if you showed signs of being sorry for doing it.00:23
valkyrieWhich i am, having the ability to code and use spam bots is a privalige, and i abused it.00:25
bazhangvalkyrie, just to clarify, what was the purpose of running the bot(s)00:25
valkyrieAt the time?00:25
Seeker`what exactly was the function of the bots?00:32
* Pici suggests also looking at the ban placed in #kubuntu00:34
valkyrieim banned in kubuntu?00:42
valkyrieO..o wtf?00:42
valkyriei dont ever even go in there00:43
bazhangvalkyrie, hard to reconcile with your ban in that channel00:54
valkyrieIn which?00:56
valkyrieCan i ask what im banned for in #kubuntu00:57
bazhang#kubuntu: 2009-09-27T02:05:41 <valkyrie> Anyone know how to fix Ubuntu-fail?00:57
valkyrieK, well idk wat that is00:58
valkyrieWhat about #ubuntu00:58
bazhang#ubuntu: 2009-08-13T05:19:44 <valkyrie> ahahahaha   #ubuntu: 2009-08-13T05:20:36 <valkyrie> Ubuntu got pwnd?00:59
bazhangafter your bot attack00:59
valkyrieAt the time, yea00:59
valkyriee.o i wouldent call it an..attack..00:59
bazhangvalkyrie, in my view, the ban should not be lifted; should others wish to step in with a different view I certainly welcome that; you seem to be denying that you were ever even in #kubuntu, and show no remorse whatsoever for the ban in #ubuntu .01:01
valkyrieNo remorse?01:01
valkyrieYou know?01:02
valkyrieAight. if that is what you think01:02
bazhangremorse? you know what that is, correct?01:02
valkyrieYuppers, sorry basically01:02
valkyrieThat you feel bad01:02
valkyrieAnd i do01:02
valkyrieSee, even my bot says sorry01:11
bazhangvalkyrie, did you need ubuntu support?01:12
valkyrieMaybe sometime.01:12
valkyrieI might go back to ubuntu01:12
bazhangvalkyrie, well then might I suggest, should you return to using Ubuntu, to check out the ubuntuforums01:13
valkyrieSo, basically your saying im not being unbanned, regardles01:13
valkyrieI see.01:13
bazhangas you dont even use Ubuntu the point is moot01:13
* valkyrie Smirks lightly, shrugging01:14
valkyrieAight, peace01:14
FirekoGood day ^^01:14
=== valkyrie is now known as Valkyrie
Valkyrie /wc01:15
=== jdong__ is now known as jdong_
* mneptok blinks05:32
mneptokValkyrie is trying to convince us to lift a ban, so he brings a bot into the -ops channel and has it /CTCP the entire channel?!05:32
mneptokit's theater of the absurd.05:32
Slart#ubuntu might need some attention.. banisterfiend in particular07:50
ubottursk called the ops in #ubuntu (Guest15806)07:55
Madpilotdealt with07:59
ikoniahello [BIOS]Hrishi12:07
[BIOS]Hrishihey ikonia :) ssup?12:07
ikonia[BIOS]Hrishi: you've been forwarded here to discuss your behviour in the #ubuntu channel12:08
ikoniayour last comment when you parted after asking from help was to call someone an idiot12:08
[BIOS]Hrishieeps :P :D :D12:08
[BIOS]Hrishiit was my friend12:08
[BIOS]Hrishii am sorry12:09
ikoniathat is unacceptable behviouar12:09
[BIOS]Hrishihey ... srsly, what am i supposed to do man? it was just a small mistake that i did not even do!12:10
ikonia1.) talking in caps in the channel/making pointless comments is unacceptable 2.) calling anyone - even your friend an idiot (he claims he doesn't know you) is unacceptable12:10
[BIOS]Hrishiok ok ... are we cool?12:11
ikoniaone moment please12:11
pshr_ikonia, ?12:11
ikoniapshr_: thank you for joining12:11
ikoniapshr_: do you know [BIOS]Hrishi ?12:11
pshr_not at all l12:11
ikoniapshr_: thank you, that's all I wanted to check, you're welcome to leave now, thank you for coming as requested12:12
pshr_back then in #ubuntu was a bit offending too :)12:12
ikoniapshr_: yes, that is being sorted now, thank you for your time12:12
pshr_my pleasure ikonia bbye...12:12
[BIOS]Hrishihey hey wait12:12
[BIOS]Hrishiok, now am i allowed in? i deeply regret for what my friend did12:13
ikoniayour friend ?12:13
ikoniaooh I see, you say it was your friend who actually typed it12:13
[BIOS]Hrishiyeah, i told u na ... it was he who was foolin around when i signed in12:13
ikoniaapologies, I thought you where saying you where talking to your friend in the channel, my mistake12:13
[BIOS]Hrishisrsly, dont make a big deal out f it k ....12:13
ikonia[BIOS]Hrishi: I'm sorry - but you're not going to be allowed back into the channel at this time. a.) it is your responsbility to protect your own computer from your friends b.) I don't believe it was your freind12:14
ikonia[BIOS]Hrishi: as you can see it was rude to the channel, and rude to an individual user, so I'm not prepared to "not make a big deal out of it"12:15
[BIOS]Hrishiok ok12:15
[BIOS]Hrishisee you12:15
ikoniaSvenungson: hello ther12:20
ikoniaSvenungson: hi, you've been forwarded to this channel because of your part message when you left #ubuntu12:20
SvenungsonNo way? Someone got pissed about that?12:21
ikoniaSvenungson: I need you to remove your part message from your client12:21
ikonia["Fuck you, thats why."12:21
ikoniayour part message contains offensive language and is quite rude12:21
ikoniapeople don't need to see that, and nor should they have to12:21
SvenungsonHaha, yeah ok, ill remove it.12:21
ikoniathank you12:21
SvenungsonWell, its not directed to anyone anyways but no problem, ill remove it.12:21
ikoniaeven worse, it looks like you're saying "fuck you" to the channel then12:22
SvenungsonIm not even going to try to argue or explain it.12:22
SvenungsonIts gone.12:22
ikoniaI'll remove the ban forward, one moment please12:23
ikoniaSvenungson: all done, if you leave this channel and join #ubuntu you should be fine12:23
nikokeep on eye on didiermah, he spam #ubuntu-fr with youtube racist video13:43
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:57
ikonianiko: he also spammed #ubuntu16:21
ikoniawe missed it though16:21
naliothhe hit a lot of channels16:25
ikoniaahhh the big eyes are open16:25
MenZaSo many Karmic requests lately16:34
MenZaCan't we put a notice like "Karmic support/discussion in #ubuntu+1"16:34
MenZa+ in the topic?16:34
naliothit used to be in the topic "[future release] support in #ubuntu+1"16:36
MenZaIt should go back in16:37
MenZanalioth: Might I ask you to do me a small favour? Hand Phoenix_Aeris an unaffiliated cloak.16:39
MenZaOh, nevermind16:39
ubottuedbian called the ops in #ubuntu (caca0)17:17
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, LjL said: !fr-#ubuntu-offtopic =~ s/vous discuter/vous voulez discuter/18:59
=== vorian_ is now known as heHATEme
* MenZa considers writing an article on how to be helpful in #ubuntu20:04
MenZaSomething tells me need_help in -ot is trolling.20:19
gordi think you are confusing "kid" with "troll" :)20:42
ubottufccf called the ops in #ubuntu (ccvp totally inappropriate)20:58
* mneptok is on it21:04
MenZaoh law21:26
LjLmneptok et al, while the "fuck off" was obviously uncalled for, this is imho *yet another* instance of sebsebseb being completely over the top. of course we always did say that "masking" insult still counts, but hell, what nudeelephants originally said was "****ed".22:44
LjLi'd get slightly pissed off too if people threw factoids as me the way sebsebseb often does22:44
mneptokwhich is why i told seb "it's OK"22:45
mneptokno one can interpret what the **** is supposed to be. it could be "pwned."22:45
mneptokit's also why i count the "fuck off" as the first offense22:46
LjLthe problem is that sebsebseb has been around for months and his extreme overzealousness is still there unchanged22:46
mneptokmaybe if we bought him a little toy police pedal-car and a hat with a siren in it ....22:46
LjLops in #ubuntu-classroom22:47
LjLthat's an idea :>22:47
LjLwell, i really just wanted to be on the record about sebsebseb, can't keep ignoring it22:48
mneptokmark me down as being in agreement on that subject22:49
* mneptok tootles off22:50
ubottuIn ubottu, LjL said: !fr-#ubuntu-offtopic =~ s/vous discuter/vous voulez discuter/22:52
Pici!fr-#ubuntu-offtopic =~ s/vous discuter/vous voulez discuter/22:53
ubottuI'll remember that Pici22:53
Pici!fr-#ubuntu-offtopic > ljl22:53
* Pici goes back to relaxing23:16
ikoniafor what it's worth - someone needs to think of a way to resolve sebsebseb issues, myself and flannel had a hand full of him the other night and ljl is right, it's getting old23:22
MenZasebsebseb issues, ikonia?23:22
ikoniayes, his behaviour and the way he tries to help people23:23
jpds→ irclogs.ubuntu.com23:23
MenZajpds: fail.23:24
* MenZa goes to grep his #ubuntu.log23:24
PiciMenZa: Take a look at the conversation a few minutes ago in #ubuntu about mindmapping tools23:24
MenZagotcha Pici, cheers23:24
Seeker`woo, trawling through hunrends of thousands of hours of logs to find specific examples of a vauge description23:24
ikoniaMenZa: he's been around for a while and has a history of good intetion with just a terrible implimentation23:24
MenZaA bit arrogant, yeah.23:28
* mneptok especially like having the "!windows" factoid thrown at him by seb while trying to help people get dual-boot working23:29
MenZaHas anyone mentioned this to him?23:29
ikoniamany times23:29
MenZaHas he been dragged in *here* and had it talked through?23:30
ikoniahe's also been banned quite a few times as he's not able to grasp it23:30
ikoniawhich isn't a good situation23:30
ikoniamany times he's been in here23:30

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