
mneptok16:57 < mneptok> Roasted: boot to recovery mode and run "passwd $USERNAME"00:00
scuniziMka: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto00:00
spook2012no i dont loose date00:00
Mkasteffan: i read about that and it seemed promising but couldnt use it the way I want.00:00
Roastedmneptok - oh, I see it now. It was mixed in with the other 2 comments right before. My bad. :P00:00
neipsteffan this what INSTALL.txt says 2) run configure, with any options that you might prefer:00:00
steffanMka: something like '>at 20:12 < run.txt' for example00:00
neip./configure --disable-rpath --enable-maintainer-mode --prefix /usr00:00
Mkascunizzi: i know cron a lot00:00
steffanMka: what is it you require?00:00
neipsteffan not sure what it means, this is the first time I compile lol00:00
spook2012i use win vista only to play video game00:00
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Roastedsoundray - so, my account is roasted, and if I say passwd roasted it'll ask me to type in a new pw?00:00
steffanneip: that is what the INSTALL file is for00:00
spook2012its not ok whit wine00:01
soundrayRoasted: yes00:01
Mkasteffan: aaah, yes, can I do this "at 20:12 ls"?00:01
mneptokRoasted: correct00:01
=== cshadowrun is now known as CShadowRun
steffanMka: 'man at'00:01
queso_What command do I use to tar and gzip a directory and all its contents into a single file?00:01
steffanneip: what package are you attempting to install?00:01
spook2012in fact windows sucks, but i need to play my vid games00:01
spook2012and wine...00:01
Mkasteffan: I looked at man before I came here, I have a book on linux too00:01
mneptokqueso_: tar -cvgf /path/to/stuff00:01
Roastedsoundray, mneptok - isn't this a potential vulnerability? I work at a school district in IT, so say I set up an ubuntu lab with a local administrator account and the students know it exists. They could just reboot to recovery and zap the admin password - couldnt they?00:01
neipsteffan gyachi-1.1.7100:02
jjrevspook2012: check out CEDEGA00:02
soundrayqueso_: 'tar zcf file.tar.gz /path/to/directory'00:02
steffanqueso_: tar -cf archive.tar myDirectories/ | gzip archive.tar00:02
mneptokRoasted: set the GRUB menu timeout to 000:02
draconiscedega is a joke, it's just Wine with a little proprietary eye candy attached00:02
Roastedmneptok - but that leaves no time to select XP or Ubuntu, assuming its a lab that requires dual boot.00:02
spook2012lol, it shall never work, bill gates or microsoft has his own lib00:03
Roastedmneptok - I know Im throwing out weird obstacles at ya but I'm just really security curious now that I came across this.00:03
steffanneip: what version of Ubuntu are you using?00:03
spook2012c++ for gamer00:03
soundrayRoasted: yes. You can't let untrusted users access the physical hardware - there will always be a way in.00:03
neipsteffan 9.0400:03
Roastedsoundray - if we cant let untrusted users access the physical computers, we might as well take every computer out of the school districts. Those little bastards are pretty slick.00:03
spook2012direct X00:03
queso_mneptok, soundray, steffan: thanks! :)00:03
draconisRoasted: anyone can get in with setting the kernel command line to init=/bin/sh00:03
mneptokRoasted: with physical access, it's Game Over, anyway00:03
mneptokRoasted: i could just bring a bootable USB key and a screwdriver00:04
KDMGuys, I have a question00:04
steffanneip: add ppa:loell/ppa to your /etc/apt/sources.list and install00:04
soundrayRoasted: you could remove the Recovery boot option. You can also protect individual entries with passwords in grub, I think.00:04
spook2012the cool games they make for pc, not work on linux00:04
Roastedmneptok - whats the screwdrivers purpose?00:04
Mkasteffan: I think I got what I want from your example, but I am not happy that "at" requires a file00:04
shane2peru!question | KDM00:04
ubottuKDM: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:04
TheFunkbombI can't get a usb thumb drive to auto mount anymore00:04
[A]KangBhi guys! Ubuntu has Gnome, Kubuntu has KDE. What has mithbuntu?00:04
KDMI'm running the Karmic Koala beta - When I run synaptic, it shows no packages other then the ones that are already installed00:04
ubottuMythbuntu is an Ubuntu derivative centered upon setting up a standalone MythTV system. See: http://www.mythbuntu.org for more information00:05
mneptokRoasted: open the chassis, remove the CMOS battery, and thus reset the BIOS so that any BIOS password protecting the boot order is gone.00:05
KDMso I cant install any new programs from synaptic00:05
steffanneip: more specifically, adding http://pastebin.com/m6b3b91e0 to your /etc/apt/sources.list00:05
shane2peru!karmic | KDM00:05
ubottuKDM: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+100:05
neipsteffan how do I add ppa:loell/ppa ?00:05
bazhangkdm #ubuntu+1 for karmic00:05
nooobiedoes anyone know how to use windows drivers in UBUNTU00:05
Roastedsoundray, mneptok - The reality is, if a system is down, I reimage it anyway cause I have images on file of every system I deal with. But I was just curious now that I ran into this issue.00:05
nooobiei have a usb driver i need to install00:05
nooobieusb device00:05
icerootnooobie: you cant use them (only wifi-drivers)00:05
[A]KangBthanks shane2peru00:05
nooobieso i cant install a usb device with ubuntu00:05
steffanneip: following https://launchpad.net/~loell/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=jaunty will help00:06
bazhangnooobie, normally you would not need them00:06
dhendrixnooobie:  There are already usb drivers in ubuntu. You probably do not need to install more.00:06
yosh1hi i need some help. running a l;ive cd to fix up a windows system and i cant seem to get nautilus to delete files on the windows drive00:06
steffanMka: i'm sure it can run commands that don't have files attached too?00:06
Roastedmneptok, soundray - thanks for the help guys00:06
neipsteffan thanks a lot, I'll try it00:06
shane2peru[A]KangB: no prob I was looking on their web site to see too.00:06
nooobieits for a usb dongle for obd2 cars00:06
nooobieits a usb device though. so i cant install a windows usb driver for it00:07
wlodidro: maybe try to add an entry to /etc/network/interfaces00:07
od3nanyone want to help me with a nvidia driver00:07
yosh1hi i need some help. running a l;ive cd to fix up a windows system and i cant seem to get nautilus to delete files on the windows drive00:07
[A]KangBshane2peru, any more ubuntu based distro? excluding edubuntu00:07
steffan!ask | od3n00:07
ubottuod3n: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:07
soundraynooobie: most of these are just standard USB-serial converters, so they'll work in principle.00:07
shane2peru[A]KangB: Xubuntu?  I think00:07
wlodidro: auto eth000:07
dhendrixnooobie:  Ah... I think those usually show up as a serial device. When you use your ODB2 reader in Windows, does it usually require that you open up a program like Hyperterminal and connect using COM1 or something like that?00:07
shane2peru[A]KangB: uses XFCE00:07
nooobienope its not a simple converter00:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about derivitave00:08
soundraynooobie: not sure whether there is software for reading the OBDII protocol, though00:08
ubottu!Kubuntu and !Xubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with KDE and Xfce (respectively) installed as default, instead of GNOME. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu00:08
wlodidro: and next line: iface eth0 inet dhcp00:08
shane2peru[A]KangB: ^^^^^00:08
oyzardhendrix nope it is a production system made in C i belive00:08
yosh1how do i mount a windows drive in a live cd session so i can delete stuff on it?00:08
Mkasteffan: this doesnt work "at 12:16 ls" neither "at 23:04 < ls"00:08
od3ndoes anyone know how to install a nivida driver00:08
soundraynooobie: how do you know?00:08
shane2peru!nivida | od3n00:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nivida00:09
shane2peru!nvida | od3n00:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nvida00:09
od3nyeah I cant sem to get the whole thing working00:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nivda00:09
Enlik!nvidia lol00:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidia lol00:09
dhendrixoyzar:  Oh... Well, in all honesty I've never used it. From a little bit of searching it seemed like it's just a variant of the C language. So if you pick up any C programming book you should get your answer (I think it will involve getchar() or some such).00:09
yosh1how do i mount a windows drive in a live cd session so i can delete stuff on it?00:09
shane2perubazhang: thanks00:09
shane2peru!nvidia | od3n00:09
ubottuod3n: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:09
yosh1bazhang: you here?00:10
PCTeacher012how do i add: deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/lool/ubuntu intrepid main to my sources?00:10
od3nwell or to get the driver thats comes with ubuntu to work00:10
steffanMka: 'man at' will help you00:10
steffan!sources.list > PCTeacher01200:10
ubottuPCTeacher012, please see my private message00:10
bazhangod3n, normally through hardware drivers is how you install them00:10
PCTeacher012except intrepid would be jaunty since i have 9.04... lol00:10
Mkasteffan: no it did not, let 's just forget about this altogether00:10
yofelPCTeacher012: the ppa page should have a howto for that00:11
PCTeacher012kk lol00:11
PCTeacher012or just software sources in system... just thourhg of that :P00:11
shane2peruPCTeacher012: an easy way is System -> Software Sources ->  tab Add source00:11
steffanMka: the command that you are attempting to execute, does it require root?00:12
shane2peruPCTeacher012: it is graphical, and keeps people from messing up their sources.lst00:12
Mkasteffan: no00:12
shane2peruPCTeacher012: System -> Administration -> Software Sources00:12
steffanMka: no idea then, sorry - i have tried commands like that and they're working00:12
Mkasteffan : for example a simple "ls"00:12
steffanPCTeacher012: or you can just cp sources.list sources.list.backup00:12
[A]KangBshane2peru, watching cdimage.ubuntu.com i can see gobuntu and ubuntustudio00:12
PCTeacher012i got it :P00:12
od3nI for some reason cant get the right resolution I have a lap top and when I plug it in to the docking station I am limited to 1024x76800:13
shane2peru!variant | [A]KangB00:13
ubottu[A]KangB: !Kubuntu and !Xubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with KDE and Xfce (respectively) installed as default, instead of GNOME. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu00:13
shane2peru[A]KangB: there are a few of them out there, and even more 'unofficial' ones00:13
Mkayosh1: use mount00:13
soundrayMka: you mean like 'ls | at now+5min'?00:13
Mkasoundray: I use "sleep" instead of that00:14
ubottuMythbuntu is an Ubuntu derivative centered upon setting up a standalone MythTV system. See: http://www.mythbuntu.org for more information00:14
ubottuUbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org00:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about derivative00:14
Mkasoundray: but that gives me a great clue, thanks00:14
soundrayMka: yes, that'll be better for this example, but...00:14
soundrayMka: okay00:14
ubottugobuntu is a freedom-focused flavour of Ubuntu intended for experienced Linux enthusiasts. See http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/gobuntu for more information and download mirrors..00:14
PCTeacher012I'll just make ubuntu into studio without redownloading it lol00:15
Mkasoundray: I need to execute a command at an absolute time without worrying about current time00:15
yosh1hi i need some help. running a live cd to fix up a windows system and i cant seem to get nautilus to delete files on the windows drive00:15
Wunderbaranyone here use mutt email client?00:15
soundrayMka: 'ls | at 15:59'00:16
Mkasoundray: so when I use "sleep" I have to cound hours and minutes I should sleep00:16
Wunderbarbetter question- does anyone here even use email clients?00:16
soundrayWunderbar: yes00:16
yofelWunderbar: certainly00:16
Mkasoundray: does that work?00:16
Wunderbardo you have problems logging in- regularly?00:16
bazhang[A]KangB, please /msg ubottu00:16
soundrayMka: last time I checked, it did00:16
PCTeacher012What software does ubuntu studio come preinstalled with to make it different than ubuntu?00:16
shane2perubazhang: how do you msg ubottu?00:17
lirxisHHi this has nothing to do with UBuntu sorry if i am ruid ^^ But does anyone have agood music ear here and can say which songs these 4 are please =) http://tinypic.com/player.php?v=2zecwbd&s=400:17
steffanshane2peru: /msg ubottu <term>00:17
Mkasoundray: I got this:00:17
PCTeacher012nevermind found out00:17
soundrayMka: it doesn't output to the terminal where you ran it, though. if your system is configured correctly, the ls output should be emailed to you.00:17
steffan!offtopic > lirxis00:17
ubottulirxis, please see my private message00:17
shane2perusteffan: ahh, and that will pm me the info?00:17
Mkasoundray: warning: commands will be executed using /bin/sh, job 4 at Sun Oct  4 01:17:00 200900:17
steffanshane2peru: yes00:17
nooobieSo; does anyone know if I could use a windows Driver for a usb device on ubuntu00:18
shane2perusteffan: cool, thanks00:18
[A]KangBbazhang, i saw that ubottu says directly !gobuntu, i dont know how to use it... i work in "esay-error" mode :D00:18
homovitruviushi: on Ubuntu 9.04 I switched to DHCP IP assignment for debugging some issues. As far as I remember all I used was the Network Administration Tool. Now I don't seem able to go back to static assignment: doesn't happen at startup and if I force it w/ the Network Administration Tool after a while it is reset to some address retrieved by DHCP. Somebody knows who's dong that?00:18
Mkasoundray: hahaha, this sucks00:18
soundrayMka: that means it should be okay.00:18
soundrayMka: check that it's in the queue with atq00:18
yofelnooobie: in almost all cases: NO00:18
nooobieaww darn it00:18
steffan[A]KangB: if you're searching for yourself use /msg ubottu <term> (ie. /msg ubottu gobuntu)00:18
steffan[A]KangB: gobuntu is no longer developed though00:18
soundrayMka: no, it doesn't00:18
sproatyIs there a simple way to give firefox 3.5 firefox 3's icons under 9.04? I keep clicking the wrong taskbar items00:19
shane2peru!xubuntu > shane2peru00:19
ubottushane2peru, please see my private message00:19
Mkasoundray: so all the output is emailed instead of being displayed?00:19
tarvidlooking for ipac-ng, last seen in dapper00:19
[A]KangBthanks anyway steffan, i was curious only :D00:19
steffan[A]KangB: no problem00:19
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soundrayMka: not necessarily. You can redirect the output to a file.00:20
shane2perusteffan: !term > nick works too, if you use your own nick.  still learning irc. :)00:20
steffanshane2peru: yes but that is still unnecasary as no one in the channel needs to know that00:20
wlodihomovitruvius: try adding an entry to the /etc/network/interfaces00:20
Mkasoundray: you helped me a lot in this, as simple as it may seem, it's a big deal!! thanks00:20
soundrayMka: you can do a 'tail -f ~/lssink & ls | at 15:00' and you'll see the output in the same terminal00:21
shane2perusteffan: ooops, spilled the beans. :)  I will remember that easier though.00:21
soundrayMka: sorry, correction:00:21
soundrayMka: you can do a 'tail -f ~/lssink & ls >~/lssink | at 15:00' and you'll see the output in the same terminal00:21
PCTeacher012it will take way less time to "upgrade" ubuntu to ubuntu studio :P00:21
wlodihomovitruvius: here is an example link: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/00:21
steffanshane2peru: !term | nick is usefull if numerous people are wondering the same question, or you want to explain it further. !term > nick is preferable as it doesn't flood the channel with the term (if it's not needed)00:21
yosh1how do i delete files form a window partition from sa live cd?00:22
Mkasoundray: thats an advanced hack, I dont think I can remember on a daily basis00:22
homovitruviuswlodi: I have the static stanza but I also have an auto eth0 there. Maybe that shouldn't be there00:22
Mkayosh1: use mount00:22
neipsteffan I followed this page (https://launchpad.net/+help/soyuz/ppa-sources-list.html) and I got this error after apt-get update (Reading package lists... Done W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 7D2C7A23BF810CD5  W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems)00:22
shane2perusteffan: ok, thanks for the info.00:22
steffan!mount > yosh100:22
ubottuyosh1, please see my private message00:22
homovitruviuswlodi: thing is: who did put that there?00:22
yosh1Mka: insufficient i have mounted the windows partition twice now it saysa the fuilesd are read only00:22
steffanneip: you didn't follow that page00:22
wlodihomovitruvius: try removing one of these00:22
soundrayMka: lol, by extension I am an advanced hacker. Thank you! :)00:23
neipsteffan how so00:23
wlodihomovitruvius: I wouldn't know that:)00:23
yosh1steffan: yes i m,ounted the partition but the it isd saying the files are read only non sudo nautilus cant even open the windows dir00:23
steffanneip: the section on 'Telling Ubuntu how to authenticate the PPA' is required00:23
soundrayMka: I'm curious, what exactly are you trying to do?00:23
soundrayMka: I missed the beginning of the discussion00:24
Mkasoundray: I wanted a simpler replacement to "sleep"00:24
mdmkolbeOn linux can other users see your environment variables (like how with "ps -f" other users can see your commands and arguments)?00:24
PCTeacher012wow... 44 mins to download blender :P00:24
steffan!ppa > neip   (reading this will help you understand PPAs)00:24
ubottuneip, please see my private message00:24
yosh1steffan: any other ideas?00:24
neipsteffan I did type as it says and changed the key after the slash (sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys DB2035A6)00:24
steffanyosh1: no sorry, I don't use Windows00:24
Mkasoundray: sometimes I need a command to execute exactly at 16:3700:24
soundrayMka: simpler than sleep? That's hard00:24
=== hey` is now known as grumete
soundrayMka: execute and display in the terminal?00:25
naxais there an application for browsing gtk2 themes from gnomelook? i think i once saw one but i can't actually remember00:25
Mkasoundray: sleep got me counting minutes to the time of executing and I am bad in maths00:25
Mkasoundray: yes00:26
ekimmargniWhen I ssh to my server, the backspace key does ^H instead of a backspace. How can I set the server to accept that properly?00:26
Mkasoundray: sleep also hangs the terminal while sleeping00:26
soundrayMka: it won't if you do '(sleep 60 ; ls) &'00:26
ernie_euhi all, on the same notebook i have winXP and Ubuntu, but I can not boot to WinXP due to some nasty virus, can I scan/remove virus from winXP partition from Ubuntu ?00:27
wlodiMka: maybe write a script that will check for the hour and then execute00:27
Mkasoundray: damn!! you are a real hacker00:27
neipsteffan but I did type the right key as it says what could have caused the GPG error00:27
PCTeacher012why is my download rate so slow? It is 20.4 KiB/s right now. On windows it was about 130 KiB/s00:27
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soundrayMka: just a heavy shell user00:27
PCTeacher01241.8 now00:27
homovitr`wlodi: I've found who's putting that line in: the Network Administration Tool. Even if the only active connection is static, the auto line is also there. I've no idea why. But I bet now the problem is solved.00:27
shane2peruernie_eu: you probably can via clamav it is in synaptic00:27
yosh1steffan: think chmoidding the directory would work?00:28
bazhangPCTeacher012, download from repos?00:28
ernie_eushane2peru: ClamAV ? ok... will try00:28
PCTeacher012Yea, i think. Terminal00:28
Mkasoundray: then I dont need "at" after all. "sleep" is still good00:28
bazhang!slow | PCTeacher01200:28
ubottuPCTeacher012: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.  Also, try changing !mirrors00:28
PCTeacher012Ooooh, okay, Thanks bazhang00:28
naxaernie_eu, i've also found in ubuntu docs some more hints, in case you need them later: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus00:28
PCTeacher012so it is just that, and not overall computer?00:29
soundrayMka: let me think about the time specifying issue00:29
sebsebsebernie_eu: yes you probably can, but Windows should really be removed when it's virus infected00:29
bazhangPCTeacher012, karmic beta a couple of days ago; not you00:29
ernie_eunaxa, ok I am goint to see it right now too..00:29
PCTeacher012bazhang: Okay, thanks for the info00:29
wlodihomovitr`: maybe it's putting the other interface automatically. I'd say, check the .config files00:29
sebsebsebernie_eu: removed/reinstalled only true way to make sure any malware is gone,  I suppouse this applys to any OS not just Windows00:29
homovitr`wlodi: which .config file?00:30
Mkayosh1: is your windows partition NTFS or FAT?00:30
ernie_eusebsebseb: a bit extreme00:30
shane2peruernie_eu: there is probably a sys file infected too, that will ruin your windows install when you remove it, if it is that bad of a virus00:30
sebsebsebernie_eu: what is>?00:30
yosh1Mka: i think ntfs00:31
yosh1Mka: mouting with the ntfs option worked anyway00:31
ernie_eushane2peru: ok, good to know00:31
ProhibitedI'm trying to update from 9.04 -> 9.10, I've downloaded the files and now when I try to update I get the error: The upgrade is now aborted. Your system could be in an unusable state. A recovery will run now (dpkg --configure -a).00:31
ernie_eusebsebseb: reinstalling a windows means I will have to reintall Ubuntu00:31
shane2peruernie_eu: you will need freshclam too, as that updates clamav, it may be the same package, but you need to run it to update your antivirus database00:31
ernie_euit's on the same disk00:32
sebsebsebernie_eu: formatting and re installing Windows or any other OS, that has been infected by malware is not extreame,   once your infected with a virus,  loads of nasty things that you don't know about could be going on in the background00:32
sebsebsebernie_eu: oh you did Ubuntu with Wubi?00:32
ernie_eushane2peru: freshclam ?00:32
Mkayosh1: unmount your windows fpartition and mount it again specifying that it should be writable00:32
ernie_eusebsebseb: no00:32
sebsebsebernie_eu: Why do you say you need to re install Ubuntu as well then?00:32
yosh1Mka: whats the tag for that?00:32
ernie_eusebsebseb: but it usually causes grub to throw erro00:32
Mkayosh1: but you need to know if it is FAT or NTFS first00:32
shane2peruernie_eu: it updates clamav database, and you can install grub without installing Ubuntu all over again, when you install windows, grub gets over written, but it can be reinstalled00:33
wlodihomovitr`: now that's a good question. Maybe start in the /etc/NetworkManager dir00:33
neipHello, Can someone help me with an error I followed this page (https://launchpad.net/+help/soyuz/ppa-sources-list.html) and I got this error after apt-get update though I did paste the right key*00:33
neip(Reading package lists... Done W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 7D2C7A23BF810CD5  W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems)00:33
sebsebsebernie_eu: ah right the  install Windows first then  Linux distro thing ah yes, well  you can  do it the other way round as well00:33
sebsebsebernie_eu: plus maybe you don't really need a psyical install of Windows on there,  what do you want to use Windows for anyway?00:33
soundrayMka: 'sleep $(echo $[$(date +%s -d '16:37')-$(date +%s)])' will sleep until 16:37. Pack it in a script to make it easier to handle00:33
oyzardhendrix thanks for your help, but i think i figured out the problem, it was something else, I belive the system can't handle wildcards in "not" expressions...00:33
yosh1Mka: what do i add to the mount command to make it writeable?00:33
ernie_eusebsebseb: it is not my PC honestly00:34
Mkasoundray: thanks a lot, much appreciated!!00:34
ernie_euok, reinstall grub..00:34
ernie_eui need only ubuntu cd ?00:34
sebsebsebernie_eu: Who's is it?00:34
sebsebseb!grub |  ernie_eu00:34
ubottuernie_eu: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:34
velozonde fica o chat para pergunta em portugues ?00:35
Black_Phantomis it safe upgrading from 8.04 all the way to 9.10 ?00:35
oyzarargh, ok it wasn't that either..00:35
sebsebsebBlack_Phantom: 9.10 isn't out yet00:35
oyzarbut at least read is working00:35
veloztoda vez q eu entro cai nesse chat aqui00:35
ernie_eusebsebseb: thanks00:35
Black_Phantomsebastien, BETA00:35
sebsebsebBlack_Phantom: and when it is I suggest you clean install Ubuntu for 9.1000:35
Mkayosh1: mount /dev/sd?? ~/mountpoint -o uid=yourUID,gid=yourGID,umask=000700:35
soundrayMka: that was more complicated than necessary. 'sleep $[$(date +%s -d '16:37')-$(date +%s)]' will do00:35
sebsebsebBlack_Phantom: beta is not final00:35
Black_Phantomyeah I meant beta00:35
ernie_eushane2peru: should I just look for 'freshclam' package ? Is that how it is called ?00:36
neipHello, Can someone help me with an error I followed tis page (https://launchpad.net/+help/soyuz/ppa-sources-list.html) and I got this error after apt-get update though I did paste the right key*     (Reading package lists... Done W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 7D2C7A23BF810CD5  W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct thes00:36
luis_como descargo juegos como el doom?00:36
Black_Phantombecause the dvd recorder rotted i guess, and i spent 4 cds trying to burn @ very low speeds but it didnt work00:36
bazhangBlack_Phantom, not safe, further inquiries on karmic in #ubuntu+100:36
velozalguem pode me ajudar a achar o chat em portugues ?00:36
bazhang!pt | veloz00:36
ubottuveloz: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.00:36
sebsebsebBlack_Phantom: yeah let's continue there00:36
yosh1Mka: do live cd's even have uids or gids?00:36
Mkayosh1: yes00:37
velozpq entra aqui e nao direto onde vc me disse ai em cima ?00:37
Mkayosh1: remember that windows doesnt have UIDs and GIDs00:37
velozcomo q eu faço para ir direto la e nao aqui ?00:37
bazhangveloz, /join #ubuntu-br or /join #ubuntu-pt00:37
ernie_eushane2peru: ok I've found it00:38
mikejetMy term type doesn't support colors, but "ls -al" is still adding bizzare escape sequences to try to make things different colors. Where are those defined. (its not in infocmp)00:38
yosh1Mka: yes this i know i just havent used a live cd in sooooo long like 3 years opr so00:38
velozonde eu digito iso ?00:38
bazhangveloz, english here00:38
Mkayosh1: I've used a live CD in 5 years00:38
Mkayosh1: Live CDs are fully featured00:39
yosh1Mka: how do i figure out my uid and gid?00:39
soundraymikejet: check that your ls isn't an alias. ('alias ls' should say "not found")00:40
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)00:40
Mkayosh1: type "id"00:40
yosh1Mka: LOL durrrr00:40
mikejetsoundray, Ah, okay that's it. I'd still like to know where "ls --color=auto" is getting its info. What a goofy default.00:40
Pupiloalgum br?00:41
khunter619Runing the scripts can finish all operations of building up modules   from the source code and start the nic.  1. Build up the drivers from the source code    ./makedrv    2. load the driver module to kernel and start up nic    ./wlan0up00:41
jpds!pt | Pupilo00:41
ubottuPupilo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.00:41
bazhangPupilo, in #ubuntu-br00:41
khunter619how do I do this?00:41
yosh1mka thanks00:41
khunter619should I just click on makedrv file?00:41
soundraymikejet: the alias is set in ~/.bashrc on ubuntu. Is that what you're asking?00:41
Mkayosh1: no problem00:42
Mkayosh1: did it solve your problem?00:42
Mkamikejet: there is an environmental variable called "LS_COLORS"00:43
mikejetsoundray, Yes, I got that part.  But also, I'd like to know where 'ls --color=auto' is getting its info, because it is obviously wrong.00:43
khunter619can some one help me? I am trying to install RTL8187 driver00:43
soundraymikejet: you mean, which file type to display in which colour?00:43
khunter619what does this mean: "Build up the drivers from the source code    ./makedrv"?00:44
soundrayMka: 'ls --color=auto' does not consider that variable00:44
yosh1Mka: grrrr it still woint let me delete00:44
mikejetsoundray, I have an obscure term type which has no color support; however, ls --colors=auto is looking up color escape-sequences from somewhere.00:45
neipCan someone Please help me install Gyachi?00:45
Mkasoundray: mmm, I didnt know that00:45
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Mkaneip: isnt it in Synaptic?00:45
khunter619Why does  no one reply?00:45
neipMka unfortunatelly now :( and I dont know how to compile00:46
soundraymikejet: well, you should just 'alias ls=ls' when you're using a term type without colour00:46
=== KDemonic is now known as KDM
Mkakhunter619: because your name is hard to type? :)00:46
KDMGuys, I have a question00:46
Blizzerandkhunter619 : Whats your question , I just came now00:46
KDMI'm trying to install the nvidea drivers for my graphics00:46
edbiankhunter619: You're asking correctly.  Nobody is answering probably because nobody knows the answer.00:46
khunter619I am trying to install driver00:46
KDMI go to hardware drivers00:46
khunter619in read me it says00:46
khunter619Build up the drivers from the source code    ./makedrv00:46
edbianI've installed dnsmasq.  I added to my resolv.conf and I uncommented the "listen-address" line but I can't seem to get my dig times to decrease.  Help anyone?00:47
edbian That is: the "listen-address" line from the dnsmasq.conf file00:47
edbian Also: If i have dnsmasq installed and it is working properly should I be able to "dig www.google.com @localhost" ??00:47
FloodBot3edbian: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:47
Mkaneip: is it a source code?00:47
mikejetsoundray: No, I want to change the term type so that the ubuntu default .bashrc works, not change every .bashrc everywhere.00:47
wlodikhunter619: open the console, go to the directory with the file to install and type: sudo sh <fileName>00:47
khunter619ok how do I open console00:47
khunter619I copied the driver folder from CD rom to desktop00:47
neipMka I downloaded gyachi from gyachi.sourceforge.net and followed the INSTALL.txt but i had lots of problems00:48
KDMI click activate, and it starts to load for a second, but then it says System Error: installArchives() fialed00:48
KDMdoes anyone know how to fix this?00:48
Mkaneip: like?00:48
khunter619where is console?00:48
edbiankhunter619: KDE or gnome?00:48
khunter619console is command line right?00:48
wlodikhunter619: Menu > Accessories > Terminal00:48
bazhangKDM, could be a non-responsive repo; there have been a bunch of such cases the last couple of days00:48
edbiankhunter619: Yes: terminal = command line = console00:48
SuspectZerohow can i configure lupin-casper to mount an iso on loop00:48
bazhangkhunter619, alt-f2 gnome-terminal00:49
khunter619ok opened Terminal00:49
soundraymikejet: I'm not sure how to help you with that00:49
neipMka someone told me here I need to follow this https://launchpad.net/+help/soyuz/ppa-sources-list.html) before compiling00:50
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khunter619now do I do /cd ?00:50
edbiankhunter619: "cd directory name"00:50
neipMka I followed it changed the key and I got this error ((Reading package lists... Done W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 7D2C7A23BF810CD5  W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems))00:50
wlodikhunter619: type: cd Desktop00:50
edbiankhunter619: For example: "cd /home/khunter619"00:50
bazhangkhunter619, when you type ls , do you see Desktop ?00:50
khunter619ls in terminal?00:51
Mkaneip: that is a different problem00:51
dsnydersHi all!  How do I tell which version of ubuntu I'm running?00:51
khunter619yes I see desktop folder via ls00:51
bazhang!version | dsnyders00:51
ubottudsnyders: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »00:51
Mkaneip: try compiling and installing the source code first00:51
edbiandsnyders: System -> About Ubuntu00:51
khunter619but I am going to try cd directory00:51
bazhangkhunter619, then cd Desktop (big D)00:52
dsnydersedbian, /me slaps forehead00:52
edbiandsnyders: :)00:52
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KDMI downloaded the linux drivers for my nvidia graphics chip00:52
KDMbut it's a .run file. How the heck do I use a .run file?00:52
neipMka I was doing that, I followed the INSTALL.txt and when I reached this step (./configure --disable-rpath --enable-maintainer-mode --prefix /jmd) it tells me Please read INSTALL.txt00:52
neipMka INSTALL.txt of gyachi00:53
bazhangKDM, best to install from repos, not outside websites00:53
linxehKDM: be warned that the nvidia drivers replace various files on your system without keeping backups00:53
khunter619ok I am in folder rtl8187_linux_26.1025.0328.200700:53
linxehKDM: you are best off installing the ubuntu packaged versions if possible00:53
SuspectZerohow can i configure lupin-casper to mount an iso on loop?00:53
khunter619now there is makedrv file00:53
KDMWell, when I try to install the drivers from hardware drivers, it doesnt work00:54
khunter619what I am supposed to do?00:54
linxehKDM: what card do you have ?00:54
KDMnvidia GeForce 9600M00:54
cdr700Does anyone know how to change panel font colours in karmic?00:55
bazhangcdr700, #ubuntu+1 for karmic00:55
khunter619owner@owner-laptop:~/Desktop/rtl8187_linux_26.1025.0328.2007$ sudo sh makedrv00:55
KDMoh, shit00:56
neipMka still there?00:56
khunter619sh: Can't open makedrv00:56
KDMI know why it wasnt working - I had synaptic open in another window -_-00:56
Mkaneip: is that all that it tells you to do?00:56
[manas]need help whit winehq and safari? after installation safari it doesnt work and i cant unistall it00:56
wlodikhunter619: is there some file like make?00:56
Mkaneip: does it say it failed or there was an ERROR?00:56
khunter619yes makedrv00:56
khunter619wldoi: makedrv00:57
neipMka nope thats it.. this is what step 2 says anyways 2) run configure, with any options that you might prefer:00:57
neip./configure --disable-rpath --enable-maintainer-mode --prefix /usr00:57
wlodikhunter619: try typing 'make'00:57
edbianI've installed dnsmasq.  I added to my resolv.conf and I uncommented the "listen-address" line from /etc/dnsmasq.conf but I can't seem to get my dig times to decrease.  Also: If i have dnsmasq installed and it is working properly should I be able to "dig www.google.com @localhost" ??00:57
wlodikhunter619: and then 'make install'00:57
khunter619wlodi: owner@owner-laptop:~/Desktop/rtl8187_linux_26.1025.0328.2007$ make makedrv make: *** No rule to make target `makedrv'.  Stop.00:57
gzaderhey all, I'm trying out Ubu 9.10 in Virtual box.  Are errors updating packages via apt-get bug worthy reporting?00:58
[manas]need help whit winehq and safari? after installation safari it doesnt work and i cant unistall it00:58
khunter619wlodi: < Installation >  Runing the scripts can finish all operations of building up modules   from the source code and start the nic.  1. Build up the drivers from the source code    ./makedrv    2. load the driver module to kernel and start up nic    ./wlan0up00:58
Mkaneip, usually source codes you just ./configure then "make" then "sudo make install"00:58
neipMka install.txt here http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/285025/00:59
LjL!ot | markatto00:59
ubottumarkatto: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:59
neipMka I tried that as well, it keeps saying Please read INSTAL.txt00:59
khunter619edbian: owner@owner-laptop:~/Desktop/rtl8187_linux_26.1025.0328.2007$ sudo sh makedrv sh: Can't open makedrv owner@owner-laptop:~/Desktop/rtl8187_linux_26.1025.0328.2007$00:59
neipMka whenever ever I do something in ubuntu there has to be a strange problem00:59
edbiankhunter619: I believe you simple run "make" while in the file.  There isn't a configure script?00:59
mikejetyikes. "ls --color" seems to be using vt100 escape colors by default.  See them with "dircolors -p".01:00
Mkaneip: like?01:00
[manas]need help whit winehq and safari? after installation safari it doesnt work and i cant unistall it01:00
phpgunnerhow can i use svideo on ubuntu?01:00
khunter619edbian: running make on makedrv file?01:00
edbiankhunter619: I think you just run "make"01:01
soundraymikejet: cool :)01:01
neipMka lol just everything I do, I face a problem with ubuntu then I stop using it and wait for the next release01:01
Mkaneip: I downloaded this source code so that we can be on the same page01:01
edbiankhunter619: Don't worry about the file and such.  Make files don't take arguments usually01:01
Mkaneip: it looks like garbage01:01
khunter619edbian: can you tell me how to run make?01:01
dsnydershttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialConsoleHowto seems to have instructions for Edgy, Feisty, Jaunty, and Karmic, but not Intrepid.  Which do I follow?01:01
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neipMka why is that01:01
[manas]need help whit winehq and safari? after installation safari it doesnt work and i cant unistall it01:01
Mkaneip: it's not ubuntu problem01:01
ninjahWhere do I go for 9.10 help?01:02
edbiankhunter619: in a terminal: "make"01:02
soundray!karmic > ninjah01:02
ubottuninjah, please see my private message01:02
neipMka though many people seem to use it I've seen in google01:02
Mkaneip: then why isnt it in Synaptic?01:03
[manas]need help whit winehq and safari? after installation safari it doesnt work and i cant unistall it01:03
edbiankhunter619: You might need to "sudo make"01:03
Mkaneip: I got this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/285028/ as an output01:03
khunter619this is the first time I am trying to "make" a file01:04
neipMka I really have no idea, ubuntu has to make an effort to lure yahoo/ msn messenger users with a software that supports webcam and voicecalls instead of pidgin01:04
khunter619[17:00] <Mka> neip: it's not ubuntu problem [17:00] == hwilde [n=hwilde@SUREFIRE.REC.RI.CMU.EDU] has quit ["Leaving"]01:04
mobile2quit Only the birds fly first class.01:04
mobile2Whoops :P01:04
gzadernm seems I'm having issues getting all the karmic packages.01:04
khunter619owner@owner-laptop:~/Desktop/rtl8187_linux_26.1025.0328.2007$ sudo make makedrvmake: *** No rule to make target `makedrv'.  Stop.01:05
barqsDoes anyone know how to change compiz's default button clicks? For instance when I double click a window's titlebar, it rolls up. I want it to maximize, and roll up when I right click?01:05
edbiankhunter619: first try "./configure"01:05
khunter619< Component >  The driver is composed of several parts:  1. Module source code    stack.tar.gz    drv.tar.gz    2. Script ot build the modules    makedrv    3. Script to load/unload modules    wlan0up    wlan0down     4. Script and configuration for DHCP     wlan0dhcp    ifcfg-wlan0  4. Supplicant source code:    wpa_supplicant-0.4.9.tar.gz    5. Example of supplicant configuration file:    wpa1.conf01:05
edbiankhunter619: That is very helpful!01:05
edbiankhunter619: Ignore the ./configure01:06
khunter619edbian: ok01:06
edbiankhunter619: To run a script: "./<scriptName>"01:06
edbiankhunter619: So to run your make driver script: "./makedrv"01:06
khunter619ok i need to restart terminal01:06
khunter619one sec01:07
neipMka I got something similar I guess not sure though here it is http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/285034/01:07
Trizicuswhat is best sw to use to stream media to my PS3 in ubuntu?01:07
apotanyone know a cl method, under ubuntu, of conducting an integrity check on pdf files?01:08
khunter619edbian: owner@owner-laptop:~$ cd Desktop owner@owner-laptop:~/Desktop$ cd rtl8187_linux_26.1025.0328.2007 owner@owner-laptop:~/Desktop/rtl8187_linux_26.1025.0328.2007$ ./makedrv bash: ./makedrv: No such file or directory owner@owner-laptop:~/Desktop/rtl8187_linux_26.1025.0328.2007$ "./makedrv" bash: ./makedrv: No such file or directory owner@owner-laptop:~/Desktop/rtl8187_linux_26.1025.0328.2007$  owner@owner-laptop:~/Desktop/01:08
TrizicusWhat is best app for steaming media to a PS301:09
barqsDoes anyone know how to do this? I also asked in #compiz01:09
[Nobody]are you sure its there?01:09
edbiankhunter619: Where is your terminal right now?01:09
[Nobody]you know its case sensitibe right?01:09
briareushi all. just installed ubuntu. I understand ubuntu uses synaptic and whatnot, but I'm not having luck finding source for circuit-related apps. Anyone recommend a feed or source url I can add?01:09
edbianbarqs: Does anybody know how to do what?01:09
Mkaneip: just try using ./configure without any tags01:09
khunter619edbian: its in the driver folder01:09
edbiankhunter619: Is it executable?01:09
Mkaneip: to me it cried that GTK is not there01:10
[Nobody]chmod +x makedrv01:10
[Nobody]try that khunter61901:10
[Nobody]then try again01:10
queso_Is there a safe way to end all gnome applications from the command line? I would like to reboot a machine remotely but I know I have Firefox and a couple other apps running on it.01:10
neipMka i did that earlier it only says Please read install.txt01:10
Col^briareus, circuit-related apps?01:10
khunter619this is the code inside makedrv:01:10
khunter619#!/bin/sh  tar -zxvf stack.tar.gz tar -zxvf drv.tar.gz cd ieee80211 make clean make cd ../rtl8187 make clean make cd ..01:10
Mkaneip: this software had cried of many things, automake, gettext, libtool, ...01:10
[Nobody]queso_ type pkill g*01:10
[Nobody]khunter619, try "sh makedrv"01:11
DPicanybody know what a "[5.162415] Not responding" error means when booting up?01:11
barqsedbian: Sorry I asked a little bit ago. I don't like how compiz makes double clicking a titlebar a rollup action. I want that to be maximize the window01:11
khunter619I think my terminal is not in correct folder?01:11
briareusCol^: I'm a roboticist and will be using this ubuntu machine to host our projects. Looking for ubuntu sources for apps centered on electronics01:11
neipMka were you able to install it?01:11
queso_[Nobody] Thanks, but that command wouldn't get firefox, would it? I have to find the names of the apps and make sure I get them all, eh?01:11
edbianbarqs: System -> Preferences -> Windows01:12
Col^aaah ok briareus, that i haven't got the slightest clue about :(01:12
edbianbarqs: Its not actually compiz ;)01:12
zoexiiiHello, My Xsane has busted after an update yesterday.  It crashes on launch.  when started from CL it returns "WARNINGS" about depricated config files, then FATAL: Error inserting parport_pc kernel module, then says "segmentation fault".  I google search and find nothing, check the forums and find nothing.  I don't expect to get an answer here, but I was hoping someone can tell me how to report this as a bug?  I made an account at launchp01:12
briareusCol^: how about adding a source for science apps? (we need those too)01:12
Mkaneip: I am reluctant to install GTK, and I dont actually need this software either. it demands a lot01:12
Col^not a thing actually01:12
barqsedbian: Hmm, it says maximize already :S maybe my computer has a little error lol01:12
briareusCol^: how about a general list for ubuntu sources for packages?01:13
wlodikhunter619: in the driver directory type: sh makedrv01:13
briareusCol^: :)01:13
Tekk__are any devs on here?01:13
edbianbarqs: Mmm.  Odd01:13
wlodikhunter619: or: sudo sh makedrv01:13
neipMka do you think I can install it?01:13
barqsedbian: Oh maybe it's because I'm using emerald?01:13
Col^briareus, but i found this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuScience :)01:13
briareusthanks Col^01:13
Col^your welcome :)01:13
edbianbarqs: Probably has something to do with that :)01:13
chalcedonywhat do i need on ubuntu 9.04 for opening 'cookies.sqlite' ? (in firefox) ?01:13
Col^Google was my friend and it can be yours too :)01:13
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Mkaneip: I really dont know01:14
Tekk__how hard would it be to port ubuntu over to hurd?01:14
* neip sigh01:14
khunter619edbian: can u send me a pm01:14
Mkaneip: I thought it was just another normal innocent simple to install source code01:14
briareusCol^: I had done that but I didn't know if the ones I was looking at were 'ubuntu certified' so to speak.01:14
barqsedbian: Ah, it was emerald! Do you know how I would be able to toggle the window shade using the right click button? :S01:14
briareusCol^: thanks01:14
briareusCol^: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuScience#Electronics  :)01:14
edbianbarqs: I don't use emerald :(  Sorry bud.01:14
neipMka even here they make it sound very easy http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/05/howto-linux-ubuntu-gyachi-yahoo.html?fbc_channel=101:15
MkaTekk__: very very hard01:15
mrapplecomputer1anyone know what the newer version of libcurl3-dev is?01:15
barqsedbian: Oh well. Thanks for leading me to the problem though! :)01:15
MkaTekk__: so hard that I dont even know how to do that01:15
Col^briareus, you're most welcome01:16
edbianbarqs: NP!  Good luck!01:16
golem_i find that vnc4server on amd3000/2gb is slow at 1280x1024 over gigabit01:17
golem_are there other remote access protocols that might be more responsive?01:17
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Mkais there any known GNOME based music player that uses MySQL for the music library?01:18
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barqsAnyone know how to configure emerald theme manager settings? I've looked in gconf-editor but can't find anything!01:21
wlodibarqs: try finding the emerald icon in the system menu01:22
barqswlodi: Yeah, I found emerald theme manager, but the problem with that is that it only has double-click titlebar, not a right-click titlebar option in settings01:23
q0_0panyone here uses gtk-recorddesktop?01:24
wlodibarqs: double click is good as well:)01:24
q0_0pi'm unable to record sound01:25
wlodibarqs: what exactly do you want to do with emerald?01:25
RHorsedoes apache keep a log anywhere of who is accessing public_html files from the internet?01:25
MenZaRHorse: /var/log/apache2/ I think should hold it.01:25
RHorsetnx, MenZa01:26
BiovoreRHorse: /var/log/apache/access.log  <-- records every connection01:26
barqswlodi: lol. true. but I changed the double-click titlebar to maximize/restore. But I want to change the right-click action to roll up, instead of giving me a context menu01:26
MenZaRHorse: What Biovore said :)01:26
RHorsetnx MenZa Biovore01:26
=== CShadowRun is now known as cshadowrun
=== cshadowrun is now known as CShadowRun
barqswlodi: I even tried editing emerald settings.ini file and add right_click_button=0 option but it doesn't work01:29
khronicsunfortunately i have to do a bios flash update, and i can only apply the update via windows......thus i have to intsall windows..... again....... is there a way to shrink my current ext3 partition down so i can install windows temporarily?01:31
MenZahow can I make cron *not* e-mail me when I run a cronjob?01:31
DPicanyody good with mactels think they can help me get this liveCD working?01:32
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:34
PCTeacher012Do you guys have any themes that you would recommened right now? Im using nodova currently (Fedora theme)01:34
majnoonit for MEE01:34
HodappI see my printer in "Printer configuration" and I can browse to and print a test page, but applications like Firefox and Evince don't show it.01:35
Hodapphow can I get them to look for a printer via CUPS?01:35
majnoonPCTeacher012, the problem is BEST theme leaves too much up to the choices of the end user :(01:35
PCTeacher012i didnt say best theme majnoon. I said what is a theme you like lol01:36
majnoonsame "problem"01:36
hashbrownsI let update manager update my system and it updated my kernel to 2.6.28-15-generic and my computer wont start.  It will start however if I use 2.6.28-14-generic.  What's going on?01:36
majnoonPLUS depends on window manager the using too01:37
PCTeacher012Metacity. My comp can not run anything else :(01:37
wlodibarqs: maybe try somewhere in the general system settings01:37
majnoon<--in fluxbox right now01:37
PCTeacher012512 mb ram, 2ghz processor, and 32 MB AGP Graphics card (nVidia RIVA TNT2 MODEL 64 PRO)01:38
PCTeacher012do you think i could run fluxbox?01:38
=== andrew_ is now known as Guest60217
Hodappmajnoon: I use other WMs sometimes but the problem is that GNOME seems to provide a lot of features I need, like automatic mounting of things I plug in...01:38
majnoon<--rasn fluxbox on 486-75Mhz  128 Mb mem VGA on board01:39
PCTeacher012majnoon: :o Where do i get it ^_^ sudo apt-get install fluxbox?01:39
majnoonSHOULD work01:39
PCTeacher012kk, my graphics card and sound card is on board xD01:40
hashbrownsI let update manager update my system and it updated my kernel to 2.6.28-15-generic and my computer wont start.  It will start however if I use 2.6.28-14-generic.  What's going on?01:40
vgefluxbox for the win :)01:40
DPicanyody good with mactels think they can help me get this liveCD working?01:40
Hodappnobody has a clue why none of my apps see the CUPS printer?01:40
PCTeacher012majnoon: How do i change to it when it is installed?01:40
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majnoonthrough gdm01:40
PCTeacher012.... what is gdm? LOL01:41
PCTeacher012what is the command?01:41
majnoonit where you  loginto puter01:41
ekimmargniEvery time I exit a ssh session, I cannot log in again until I do "chmod go-w ~/" - what would cause those permissions to be reset when logging out? I think I have /home encrypted, which may be related... :\01:41
Jyardanyone know what the most popular linux game is?01:41
DPicJyard: linux game or open source? nexuiz is pretty good01:42
=== mac9416 is now known as EricBerry
vgeJyard: try ID games01:42
lstarnesekimmargni: it may be due to /home being on a separate partition01:42
=== EricBerry is now known as mac9416
Jyarddpic: anything that runs on linux is cool just trying to find a free game that has a lil more to it then the most i've seen01:42
Jyardvge: thanks01:42
ekimmargnilstarnes: /home is on a separate partition, but why would that matter? Shouldn't /home be mounted when the system boots?01:43
PCTeacher012what window manager does Xubuntu use?01:43
PCTeacher012i liked the look of it :P01:43
=== ben is now known as Guest39378
ekimmargnilstarnes: ugh, I have to disappear for a half-hour or so, I may poke you later if you're around01:43
lstarnesekimmargni: yes01:43
majnoonPCTeacher012, flux box is ultra-minimal manager01:43
PCTeacher012what is the command to switch to it (Terminal)01:44
djusticePCTeacher012: xfce. its lame. :P01:44
hashbrownsI let update manager update my system and it updated my kernel to 2.6.28-15-generic and my computer wont start.  It will start however if I use 2.6.28-14-generic.  Why would allowing update manger to update my kernel break my system?01:44
majnoonsudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart01:44
djusticePCTeacher012: 'sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop', then logout and choose 'xfce' from the login screen's 'sessions' menu.01:44
PCTeacher012djustince: Ooooh, thnx01:45
majnoon<--ALMOST has *buntu01:45
PCTeacher012djustice: What about Kubuntu?01:45
Gikai just upgraded to karmic beta and i have a problem01:46
t_polhey there i have been listening to a radio program using the mplayer plugin, and now i want to save the file, but i do not where the plugin stored it01:46
PCTeacher012i just looked at xfce again.. i dont like it :P01:46
Gikabasically xsplash doesn't load01:46
bazhangGika, #ubuntu+1 for karmic01:46
PCTeacher012"E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)01:47
PCTeacher012E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?01:47
PCTeacher012" Nothin else is running01:47
FloodBot3PCTeacher012: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:47
bazhangPCTeacher012, close add/remove, other instances of apt01:47
PCTeacher012bazhang: No app is open that uses apt01:47
PCTeacher012well ill just log out/in of ubuntu :P01:48
bazhangPCTeacher012, what was the command you issued01:48
hashbrownsI let update manager update my system and it updated my kernel to 2.6.28-15-generic and my computer wont start.  It will start however if I use 2.6.28-14-generic.  Why would allowing update manger to update my kernel break my system? And how would I fix it?01:48
Wolfensteinhi all, is there anyone here than knows samba?01:48
khunter619for remote assitance which ports do I need to enable port forwarding for?01:49
khunter619for remote desktop which ports need to be port forwarded?01:50
icerootkhunter619: 590001:50
iceroot!samba | Wolfenstein01:51
ubottuWolfenstein: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.01:51
hashbrownsanyone?  If you cant help directly could you at least help me figure out what would be the most beneficial thing to search for to resolve my problem?01:51
Hodappwhen I go to Preferences / Default Printer, it always says "CUPS Scheduler not running", but it clearly is when I check with /etc/init.d/cups...01:51
Wolfensteiniceroot, i don't need links i need help hence why i asked if anyone knows samba01:51
Hodappanybody have an idea why?01:51
LycusOk! It all seems to be going well now--but does anyone know of a way to activate the T-Mobile G1 without a T-Mobile data-plan SIM card handy?01:51
iceroothashbrowns: post some errors01:51
icerootWolfenstein: and we need real questions01:51
icerootWolfenstein: and not if anyone is knowing a program01:52
Wolfensteiniceroot, not many people here know samba so if i don't know who knows samba i can't get good help now can i01:52
icerootWolfenstein: #samba01:52
hashbrownsiceroot: which ones?  My system gets stuck at the (initramfs) prompt I guess it is.01:52
ubuntu_ody here01:52
iceroothashbrowns: can press ctrl + alt + f1 at boot to see some errors?01:53
khunter619iceroot: I just did that; but it says: Your desktop is only reachable over the local network. Others can access your computer using the address , owner-laptop.local.01:53
wlodiWolfenstein: I've danced samba for few years01:53
ryguyhow do i format my sd file to fat1601:53
hashbrownsiceroot: ctrl + alt + f1 did nothing when my system stopped at (initramfs).01:54
The-NightPhoenixhello geeks !!01:54
The-NightPhoenixnice to be home :D01:54
icerootkhunter619: yes i have the same message but its working from outside. so maybe its a bugged message01:54
ryguypfft /you're/ a geek01:54
RabbitbunnySo... my 'never fails' WD 1tb drive has decided to mess with me. It doesn't show up on the desktop like normal. It does show in lsusb though. What could I have broken in the past half hour?01:54
HodappCUPS server error? anybody?01:55
gmoore02anyone have any luck installing amarok on Ubuntu 9.10?01:55
skreetRabbitbunny: Are you able to mount it?01:55
Beldar_Balgagiogood evening, i cannot seem to get my youtube videos to play at the correct speed? if i choose the puppychow desktop will that free up enough ram to play them properly?01:55
hashbrownsiceroot: so what do I do now?01:56
skreetgmoore02: You should be able to install it from apt without issue.  It  will require a lot of KDE libs, which will be installed automatically.01:56
MkaRabbitbunny: is it fomarted as NTFS, FAT, or ext3?01:56
Rabbitbunnyskreet: I'm not quite sure how I would do that.01:56
gmoore02skreet: I'm geting the following error01:56
gmoore02amarok: Depends: amarok-common (= 2:2.2.0-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed01:56
gmoore02E: Broken packages01:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about youtube01:56
RabbitbunnyMka: 1 ntfs, 1ext301:56
skreetgmoore02:  Interesting, did you run an 'update' first?01:56
iceroothashbrowns: that is a good question, i dont know, sorry01:56
gmoore02yep, I did01:57
hashbrownsiceroot: any ideas as to what I should search around for?01:57
ryguyAnyone know how to format a sd card to fat1601:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hulu01:57
MkaRabbitbunny: so which one does not show up? both?01:57
gmoore02I tried installing amarok-common first, but it installs an older version01:57
khunter619edbian: u there?01:57
RabbitbunnyMka: Both.01:57
iceroothashbrowns: your mainboard/notebookname + 2.6.28-1501:57
skreetgmoore02: Ah, the depend is messed up in the repository, then.01:57
Gikaryguy, install gparted01:57
Hodapphas anyone here ever printed from Ubuntu?01:57
PCTeacher012I found my window manager01:57
iceroot!anyone | Hodapp01:58
ubottuHodapp: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:58
PCTeacher012not KDE, not Xfce, not Gnome, not fluxbox ;) It is E16 :D01:58
ryguyGika, I did sudo aptitude install gparted, but then it wants to remove a ton of files01:58
skreetgmoore02: I've run into that before -- very annoying.  Your options are: wait for package maintainer to fix it,  cry,  install manually (ugh)01:58
gmoore02amarok common is and it needs
gmoore02ah, ok, I'll just wait then. Thanks for the help skreet01:58
Hodappiceroot: I was throwing more and more general questions out there to see if anybody would respond. I have a very specific question.01:58
MkaRabbitbunny: is it an external drive?01:58
icerootHodapp: then ask the real question with details to the channel01:58
bastid_raZorgmoore02: karmic help in #ubuntu+101:59
iceroot!details | Hodapp01:59
ubottuHodapp: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."01:59
ryguyThis is what I get when i try to install gparted: http://friendpaste.com/35kfbMKDFoekkBa8SVNNBg01:59
RabbitbunnyMka: Yes, External USB drive, it's really a SATA with a little magic USB board.01:59
MkaRabbitbunny: pastebin me the output of "sudo fdisk -l"01:59
HodappWhy does Ubuntu keep reporting "The CUPS scheduler is not running" when I click "Default Printers" when CUPS rather obviously is running?01:59
sduboiswhen i login, there is a weird static tone sound, but i have system sounds turned off01:59
khunter619[Nobody]: you there?01:59
Gikaryguy, i don't know, it shouldn't conflict with those packages... have you tried apt-get instead of aptitude?02:00
ekimmargniHow can I disable encrypted home directories?02:00
=== sarah is now known as Guest80482
icerootHodapp: sudo /etc/init.d/cups status02:00
khunter619hmmm thats what I think is slowing down my computer02:00
RabbitbunnyMka: http://pastebin.com/d5f5efb0102:00
Hodappiceroot: CUPS is running and I can print a test page from
khunter619my computer must be encrypting everything?02:00
ryguyGika: hey that worked02:00
MkaRabbitbunny: ok02:00
ryguyGika: thank you02:00
khunter619Does Ubuntu encrypt everything if you put pass?02:01
Gikavery good ryguy :)02:01
Si235has anyone come across kermit starting up really slowly?02:01
hashbrownsiceroot:  I get nothing.  Is there a way I could purge the kernel update and try again?02:01
iceroothashbrowns: just use the 2.6.28-14 grub-entry02:01
hashbrownsiceroot: or possible purge all of the updates that happened last.02:01
iceroothashbrowns: no02:01
Hodappiceroot: Any ideas?02:01
hashbrownsiceroot: how would I do that?02:01
nomeadIs there a way to change the console resolution without restarting the kernel?02:02
hashbrownsiceroot: just dont use the newer kernel?02:02
hashbrownsiceroot: like hit escape each time and manually select it from the list?02:02
iceroothashbrowns: just make 2.6.28-14 the deault entry until you found a solution02:02
bastid_raZorhashbrowns: you can uninstall the .15 kernel via synaptic02:02
EricTheHaxhey i cant find a channel about hacking02:02
MkaRabbitbunny:  it has no ext3 in it, but I can see it02:03
bastid_raZorEricTheHax: #remote-exploit  .. i think02:03
RabbitbunnyMka: That's not funny, my pron is on the ext3 part.02:03
blakamin#remote-exploit is a support chan for backtrack02:03
EricTheHaxim playing hackerskills.com and i need to learn some skills so 1) ill be able to keep my security tight and 2) i can get past lvl 802:03
majnoonEricTheHax, they stopped a lot of thosae voluntarily after 9/1102:03
EricTheHax9/11 was planned02:04
MkaRabbitbunny: do this "mkdir ~/my_drive && sudo mount /dev/sdc5 ~/my_drive -o umask=0000" if your want to mount it02:04
Hodapphmm. guess nobody has any clue about CUPS.02:04
EricTheHaxhey how do i register a channel on freenode02:05
Eiooor was it the other way round02:05
DPici hate macs =[02:05
LjLEioo: please.02:05
UnderSampledanyone have a clue on how to restrict a genius mousepen tablet to only one monitor?02:05
FiReSTaRTHodapp: would you mind repeating the question.. i'm no expert but i've used its web interface to config both local and network printers02:05
lstarnesEricTheHax: see http://blog.freenode.net/?p=7802:05
od3nhow to I set up root02:05
lstarnesEricTheHax: #freenode is the official channel for questions about freenode02:05
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od3nso I can use it if needed02:05
LjL!root | od3n02:05
ubottuod3n: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:05
khunter619can some tell me if Ubuntu is encrypting all my files?02:06
LjLkhunter619: certainly not by default.02:06
MkaRabbitbunny: you have sda which I think is internal hard drive with ext302:06
MkaRabbitbunny: the 1TB external drive does not have ext302:06
khunter619I need to install a driver02:06
HodappFiReSTaRT: CUPS is very clearly running; I can see this with /etc/init.d/cups and by looking at But "Default Printers" says "The CUPS scheduler is not running" and no applications seem to see a printer.02:06
EricTheHaxDPic: i remember elementary school. i hated those things. i actually asked "do you have a confiscated gun and an unrepairable mac around here? id love to show you how to fix a mac."02:06
RabbitbunnyMka: Hmm, Why doesn't it do it on it's own anymore?02:06
khunter619does anyone want to use remote assistance to help me?02:07
RabbitbunnyMka: I used to just plug it in and it was magic.02:07
bazhang!ot | EricTheHax02:07
ubottuEricTheHax: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:07
majnoonwe need a *buntu distro (may need to be a live DVD though)02:07
DPicEricTheHax: haha i'm trying to get a LiceCd running on my friend's macbook because she wants ubuntu, but it isn't working02:07
DPici can't boot into it but i can't boot the desktop/installer02:07
MkaRabbitbunny: it depends, maybe you removed it improperly while on Windows02:07
DPicalternate CD does the same thingg02:07
hashbrownsiceroot: hey whats the difference between marking for removal and marking for complete removal in synaptic?02:07
HodappFiReSTaRT: any clue?02:07
RabbitbunnyMka: I don't have windows, at all.02:08
DPici have less than 24 hours to finish02:08
FiReSTaRTHodapp: that's weird.. let's start with which printer you're using and how you installed the drivers02:08
MkaRabbitbunny: then your ubuntu is messed up02:08
Doc_Lappyif it's a mac I wouldn't think you could put ubuntu on it02:08
jribDPic: what version macbook?02:08
HodappFiReSTaRT: It's a printer on the network. I set it up through the web interface at and pointed it to the network printer (which is also shared via02:08
RabbitbunnyMka: Should I reboot or something?02:08
smerzDoc_Lappy: you can. I have seen it. dont ask me how :)02:08
MkaRabbitbunny: there used to be some nasty thing called HAL02:08
HodappFiReSTaRT: er, via CUPS). I can print test pages from the web interface with no trouble.02:08
DPicjrib: 5,202:09
khunter619to go to desktop folder the long way via cd?02:09
jribsmerz, Doc_Lappy: the regular live cd "just works" usually02:09
Doc_Lappyk smerz I believe ya I just hadn't heard of that before02:09
MkaRabbitbunny: I dont know, try to02:09
hashbrownswhat is the difference between "mark for removal" and "mark for complete removal" in synaptic?02:09
FiReSTaRTHodapp: out of curiosity, what's the make and model?02:09
smerzhashbrowns: mark for complete removal also removes configuration files normally02:09
khunter619whats the command to browse to folder desktop in terminal?02:09
Doc_Lappyhash config files02:09
jribDPic: you are using jaunty?  What happens when you try to boot?02:09
DaZkhunter619: cd? ;f02:10
HodappFiReSTaRT: It's a Brother HL1240. But that should not matter, as this issue persists whether or not CUPS even has a printer present.02:10
jribkhunter619: cd ~/Desktop02:10
GikaKhisanth: cd ~/Desktop02:10
hashbrownssmerz: so if i'm removing a linux-image should I do a mark for complete removal or just mark for removal?02:10
Doc_Lappyyou want to remove all files or config files and such remain on your system taking up space02:10
khunter619owner@owner-laptop:~$ cd home/desktop/owner02:10
jribkhunter619: nope, try what we said instead...02:10
DPicjrib: i only have a karmic CD with me but jaunty did the same thing02:10
Doc_Lappycomplete removal but guess I don't count02:10
jrib!cli > khunter61902:10
ubottukhunter619, please see my private message02:10
DPicjrib: it says "[5.162415] Not responding"02:10
FiReSTaRTHodapp: which drivers did you install for it? lpr or cups?02:10
=== pisser is now known as adam
smerzhashbrowns: i suppose either will be fine when removing kernels. i cannot think of any config files related to a kernel image02:11
jribDPic: at what point?  Do you get to the initial menu?  Use jaunty now to troubleshoot, not karmic02:11
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:11
=== adam is now known as Guest88912
DPicjrib: yeah i do get to the menu02:11
HodappFiReSTaRT: "Printer Driver: Brother HL-1240 Foomatic/hl1250 (recommended)"02:11
arandkhunter619: the path is normally /home/username/Desktop (note capital D)02:11
FiReSTaRTHodapp: when i stopped using my mfc7440n locally, i downloaded the lpr drivers and installed'em02:11
jribDPic: did you "verify the integrity of the cd" or whatever02:11
DPicjrib: no, but i've used it on another machine jsut fine02:12
DPicand it happened with multiple CDs and a USB drive02:12
jribDPic: run that...02:12
FiReSTaRTHodapp: that's your problem lol... hang on.. lemme just double-check but i'd recommend using the brother stock drivers02:12
Mkakhunter619: cd ~/Desktop02:12
HodappFiReSTaRT: I seriously doubt that's the problem.02:12
surfinmdqhi!, anybody knows how well is running the latest beta? i would like to install and start using it right now xD02:12
DPicjrib: i don't think i *can* run it, but i'm pretty sure the CD isn't the problem since this happens with the 32-bit CD, 64-bit Cd, alternate CD, and a USB drive02:13
nomeadIs there a way to change the console resolution without restarting?02:13
FiReSTaRTHodapp: my recommendation is to remove the foomatic driver (even though it works pretty nicely on the hp printer that i have) and install the brother drivers from their linux page http://solutions.brother.com/linux/en_us/02:13
jribDPic: ok, what happens when you try to run it?02:13
HodappFiReSTaRT: Why do you believe this would help?02:13
Gikasurfinmdq, check the notes at http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/beta (fyi it works fine on my computer, but i'd wait the RC at least)02:14
FiReSTaRTHodapp: simply because it worked for me :)02:14
HodappFiReSTaRT: Did Ubuntu fail to see that CUPS was running when it was?02:14
DPicjrib: probably the same thing but i don't remember. shall i restart and try that and let you know how it goes?02:14
khunter619why is this not working:02:14
arandsurfinmdq: #ubuntu+1 is the channel for 9.1002:14
FiReSTaRTHodapp: nope.. never had that happen to me02:14
khunter619owner@owner-laptop:~/Desktop/rtl8187_linux_26.1025.0328.2007$ ./makedrv bash: ./makedrv: No such file or directory02:14
Hodappalso, that driver doesn't list my printer02:14
jribDPic: might give some more info, sure.  Did you make sure to burn the cd at a low speed like 2x or 4x too?02:14
khunter619there is makedrv file !02:15
FiReSTaRTHodapp: it was an hl-1240?02:15
DPicjrib: yeah, i'll try it anyways. brb02:15
jribkhunter619: what are you trying to accopmlish?02:15
RabbitbunnyMka: Hmm, magic fixed. They work like they're suppoed to.02:15
FiReSTaRTHodapp:  http://solutions.brother.com/linux/en_us/download_prn.html#HL-124002:15
khunter619jrib: < Component >  The driver is composed of several parts:  1. Module source code    stack.tar.gz    drv.tar.gz    2. Script ot build the modules    makedrv    3. Script to load/unload modules    wlan0up    wlan0down     4. Script and configuration for DHCP     wlan0dhcp    ifcfg-wlan0  4. Supplicant source code:    wpa_supplicant-0.4.9.tar.gz    5. Example of supplicant configuration file:    wpa1.conf02:15
jribkhunter619: that doesn't answer my question.02:16
arandkhunter619: I don't think there is, at that specific location, check with ls, try to tab-complete it...02:16
khunter619jrib: I am trying to install driver02:16
jribkhunter619: what driver...?02:16
khunter619i think02:16
MkaRabbitbunny: ok02:16
jribkhunter619: have you read the wifi documentation?02:16
khunter619yes RTL818702:16
jrib!wifi > khunter61902:16
ubottukhunter619, please see my private message02:16
RabbitbunnyMka: So... does that mean it's a thing I did, or it's something that happened on it's own?02:17
Gikakhunter619: is there a "makedrv" file in that directory?02:17
khunter619jrib: I need to fix my wifi driver....Ubuntu thinks its RTL some other number02:17
arandkhunter619: if bash says so, there will _not_ be a file there with that specific name, see if it's mispelled, in another directory...?02:17
khunter619so it is very slow02:17
MkaRabbitbunny: maybe you unmounted the drive by mistake02:18
khunter619Gika: yes there is makedrv file02:18
khunter619can some one help me via remote assistance02:18
MkaRabbitbunny: if your right-click the icon in the desktop and select unmount (or remove, or eject)02:18
RabbitbunnyMka: I'm going to blame this on my gf, I told her to click things and see what they did the other day. Maybe she tried.02:19
arandkhunter619: Unfortunately no. Do you have a link to driver archive download02:19
Mkakhunter619: this is remote assistance, what more do you want?02:19
khunter619anybody want to help me via Remote Desktop?02:19
DPicjrib: same error.02:19
Gikakhunter619: try this command and paste the output: ls ~/Desktop/rtl8187_linux_26.1025.0328.200702:19
DPicjrib: i posted it here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128197402:19
ekimmargniif I do "rm .encryptfs", will that delete both the link and the link's target for lrwxrwxrwx 1 mikelifeguard mikelifeguard   31 2009-10-03 22:08 .ecryptfs -> /var/lib/ecryptfs/mikelifeguard ?02:20
khunter619Gika the folder comes in blue02:20
khunter619folder name02:20
FiReSTaRTHodapp: ok i'm off to the can, but if you are experiencing any issues after installing the brother stock drivers and need help troubleshooting your issues, shoot me a pm if nobody here can answer your question... i'm more likely to check my pm's than the main channel.. good luck02:20
Gikaso mkdrv is a folder, not a file, khunter61902:20
Gikakhunter619, you can't execute a folder02:21
RabbitbunnyGika: rmdir. Kills folders dead.02:21
khunter619Gika: rtl8187_linux_26.1025.0328.2007 comes in blue02:21
Hodappwhat else besides System / Administration / Printing pertains to printing in Ubuntu?02:21
Mkakhunter619: are you using Ubuntu 9.10?02:22
Hodappand why does it keep trying to connect to by default...02:22
jribDPic: did you burn at a slow speed like 2x or 4x?02:22
EricTheHaxgrrrr #hax is invitation only02:22
DPicjrib: yeah02:22
kermitSi235: people still use kermit??02:22
khunter619Mka: yes the latest version; but after yesterdays update I think it is .10.1502:23
DPicjrib: and i tested multiple disks that worked with other machines02:23
lstarnesEricTheHax: it's forwarding to a closed channel, so it appears to be invite-only02:23
jribDPic: don't know then.  That model is very recent.  You might try installing through some other method like from a usb disk to see if it makes a difference02:23
LaterHello all02:23
jribDPic: and try other distros02:23
khunter619Mka: how do I see which version of Ubuntu I am running?02:23
=== Guest88912 is now known as bowser
DPicjrib: i did try USB, perhaps i'll try another distro02:23
lstarneskhunter619: lsb_release -a02:23
DPicand i'll file a bug report02:23
DPicjrib: thanks for trying!02:23
jribDPic: good luck02:24
Mkakhunter619: you should know if ever it's karmic, jaunty, intrepid or hardy02:24
LaterI am having  a little issue, if anyone could be so kind to help02:24
Hodappokay. I found the problem. /etc/cups/client.conf was set to point to, a nonexistent server.02:24
khunter619Distributor ID:Ubuntu Description:Ubuntu 9.04 Release:9.04 Codename:jaunty02:24
scuniziLater: you have to ask a question first :)02:24
Hodappall of the GUI tools would read this file but none of them would configure it02:24
khunter619Its very SLOW02:24
khunter619I was told yesterday that maybe I need to again reformat02:25
scuniziHodapp: cups has it's own server .. http://localhost:63102:25
khunter619even though I deleted all partitions before installing Ubuntu?02:25
LaterWell, I have recently found an odd problem. On MSN and skype etc etc, my webcam works fine for users who is not using Windows Vista as there operating system02:25
khunter619I have 2.5 GHz single core; and 700 MB+ ram02:25
Hodappscunizi: I know this. I was running said server, but Ubuntu kept looking for
LaterBut if somone is using Windows Vista for there OS, they can't see me on my webcam, it either goes black or keeps loading02:26
khunter619is there a way to see which Filesystem is on my computer ext3 or ext4 etx?02:26
Mkakhunter619: so why did you end up obliged to install a driver?02:26
arand"Gika: rtl8187_linux_26.1025.0328.2007 comes in blue" khunter619: then you need to use cd again02:26
Hodappnow if I can just make applications see this printer...02:26
=== olivier is now known as Guest96
Guest96!! Need help i got no Sounds!!!02:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:26
LaterBut I can see them on theres...  I find it weird if there using WinXP it works fine it seems to only happen with Vista users02:26
khunter619arand: I need to run cd again?02:26
Gikakhunter619, try opening the rtl8187 folder on your desktop. what's inside?02:26
scunizikhunter619: in a terminal type .. less /etc/fstab02:26
Mkakhunter619: type "mount"02:26
khunter619Gika: the makedrv file02:27
RabbitbunnyLater: Offer them a free upgrade.02:27
scunizimount works too :)02:27
LaterHaha I have suggested they use Linux =P02:27
ProhibitedI have been trying to get World of Wracraft working (Wine version 1.1.30). Error message: http://prohibited.pastebin.com/m2fe265f902:27
Gikatry dragging the file to the terminal (on an empty line of course) and pressing enter, khunter619: it should execute the file02:27
khunter619# /etc/fstab: static file system information. # # Use 'vol_id --uuid' to print the universally unique identifier for a # device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices # that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5). # # <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass> proc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       0 # / was on /dev/sda1 during insta02:28
khunter619so it is ext302:28
Eloneanyone know how to install vmware workstation 6.5.3 ~ its installer stop working @ 62% ~02:28
RabbitbunnyProhibited: Try #wowwiki #wowuidev, they deal with WoW a lot more.02:28
mgmuscarii've just run apt-get source xorg-server... where the heck did it put it?02:28
Hodappugh, WoW.02:28
aayalaHi i have one dude, i need swap space on a notebook with 4 gb of ram (32 bits) ?02:28
HodappI'd rather just pay for crack.02:28
mgmuscarii can't find it under /usr/src or /usr/local/src....02:28
lstarnesmgmuscari: possibly in the current directory that it was run in02:28
scuniziElone: is it actually "workstation" cause that needs a license as far as I remember..02:29
arandmgmuscari: normally in you working directory02:29
kit_Hi! I have a question. I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty. I'd like to get the latest linux kernel source (2.6.31) plus the Ubuntu patches. The only method I know to do this is to edit sources.list and change "jaunty" to "karmic", then "sudo apt-get update". After that, I would "apt-get source linux-source-2.6.31 --download-only". I only want to upgrade and customize my own kernel (to remove unnecessary support for non-existent devices). Is there a better method02:29
kit_for getting the latest kernel and Ubuntu patches?02:29
MkaElone, i dont know how to do that, but pasting error messages will help those who know to help you better02:29
=== sarah is now known as Guest20478
aayalaElone use VirtualBox02:29
Guest96please need help i got no sound!!!!!02:29
jrib!kernel > kit_02:29
ubottukit_, please see my private message02:29
Elonescunizi, ya ~ but you can have 30day tiral02:29
LOOOOLHi! I have a question. I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty. I'd like to get the latest linux kernel source (2.6.31) plus the Ubuntu patches. The only method I know to do this is to edit sources.list and change "jaunty" to "karmic", then "sudo apt-get update". After that, I would "apt-get source linux-source-2.6.31 --download-only". I only want to upgrade and customize my own kernel (to remove unnecessary support for non-existent devices). Is th02:29
=== Guest20478 is now known as sarah
LOOOOLfor getting the latest kernel and Ubuntu patches?02:29
khunter619ok dragged it02:30
khunter619owner@owner-laptop:~/Desktop/rtl8187_linux_26.1025.0328.2007$ '/home/owner/Desktop/rtl8187_linux_26.1025.0328.2007/rtl8187_linux_26.1025.0328.2007/makedrv'02:30
LOOOOLElone, i dont know how to do that, but pasting error messages will help those who know to help you better02:30
aayalaGuest96 open alsamixer02:30
mgmuscaricd --02:30
LOOOOLElone use VirtualBox02:30
FloodBot3LOOOOL: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:30
aayalaand mute external channel02:30
scuniziElone: vmware-server is at no cost.. server needs build-essential installed.. aayala has it right.. try virtualbox02:30
jribLOOOOL: stop02:30
AdamBIs this the proper channel to ask tech questions?02:30
jribAdamB: yes, just ask02:30
lstarnesGuest96: please provide us with more specific information.  What sound card are you using?02:30
=== sarah is now known as Guest40647
LaterSo clue eh?02:30
EloneMka, there is no error messages >.< it just kanda hang02:30
khunter619Mka: I am getting error: bash: /home/owner/Desktop/rtl8187_linux_26.1025.0328.2007/rtl8187_linux_26.1025.0328.2007/makedrv: Permission denied02:30
khunter619when I press enter02:31
aayalaI have one question i use:watch  free -m  and never see swap is used02:31
RabbitbunnyLater: Nope, try the forums.02:31
Guest96<lstarnes>  HDA Intel Alsa mixer02:31
LaterHave, this was a last resort02:31
kit_jrib, yes, I already know how to get the kernel source and how to compile it. Is there a better way to obtain the latest sources other than changing "jaunty" to "karmic" in sources.list?02:31
Elonevirtual box is kinda slow i think02:31
Si235are there any good CAD/CAM solutions for Linux?02:31
lstarneskit_: do not do that02:31
sebsebsebkit_: Why do you think you want the latest kernel?02:31
aayalaso my question is i need swap filesystem with 4GB of ram02:31
Gikakhunter619: type: chmod +x /home/owner/Desktop/rtl8187_linux_26.1025.0328.2007/rtl8187_linux_26.1025.0328.2007/makedrv02:31
LaterI am an IT Technican and this has baffled me02:31
sebsebsebkit_: don't try and use karmic packages in jauntey also, things can go rather wrong02:32
lstarnesGuest96: try running this in a terminal: sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel02:32
Gikakhunter619: and then try again dragging the file02:32
RabbitbunnyLater: It's probably a problem in Vista, report bug to relevant group (whatever messenger)02:32
aayalaElone Vmware Server is more slow than virtualbox i used both02:32
jribkit_: the answer to your question is given to you in the link ubottu provided, read it02:32
AdamBCurrently running 9.10. Using a 42" TV.. The only 16:9 resolution available is 1920x1080 which is too large to full screen videos. I've been trying to add a lower 16:9 resolution by  editing xorg.conf and using xrandr command but I have been unable to.02:32
scuniziElone: having run vmware for a couple of years then trying vbox.. I much prefer vbox02:32
AdamBHad this problem on jaunty as well02:32
canthus13Elone: Virtualbox is plenty fast. I run karmic in virtualbox on 1 core of a 1.6ghz dual core and it doesn't even stutter under high load.02:32
jribkit_: you should *not* be editing sources.list for this02:32
RabbitbunnyAdamB: Are you generating modelines?02:32
Guest96<lstarnes>  nothing happen02:32
AdamBUsing a radeon 9700 as well02:32
LaterI've tested it on Skype and AMSN and the problem persists. If it wasn't compatible I wouldn't be able to see there's eithers. It has to be a problem with Ubuntu 9.0402:32
lstarnesGuest96: now see if you get any sound02:32
khunter619Gika: that CHmod thing worked02:33
Elonehmmm let me try ~02:33
lstarnesGuest96: modprobe usually says nothing when it works02:33
canthus13Elone: It helps to install the guest extensions if you're running something with graphics.02:33
khunter619what does CHmod do ?02:33
kit_sebsebseb, I have already tried booting from 2.6.31 with the Ubuntu patches, the only thing that went wrong was "Loading AppArmor module... FAILED"...02:33
AdamBYes but I very well might be using the commands incorrectly02:33
Guest96<lstarnes>  no sounds02:33
sebsebsebkit_: why do you want the later kernel?02:33
lstarneskhunter619: it changes file permissions02:33
RabbitbunnyLater: Nah, Vista is very "trusted computing".02:33
Gikakhunter619: it adds permissions to a file. +x means "make the file executable"02:33
Guest96<lstarnes>  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems i want there02:33
canthus13Elone: Go for the non-free version straight from the vbox website if ose gives you problems.02:33
sebsebsebLater: even some Linux users go to ##windows02:33
RabbitbunnyAdamB: Find a tutorial, follow it.02:33
khunter619ok now there is again error02:34
lstarnesGuest96: there is also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting02:34
sebsebsebLater: and Skype and web cam, well yes  there can be issues getting that set up properly  in Ubuntu02:34
aayalaVirtualBox PUEL comes with more features02:34
AdamBLol, I did.. let me show you the commands I used02:34
Guest96<lstarnes>  Checking permissions part on my ubuntu i don't have ermissions02:34
Guest40647Dave__: hi02:34
AdamBxrandr --newmode 1280x720_60.00   74.50  1280 1344 1472 1664  720 723 728 748 -hsync +vsync02:34
kit_sebsebseb, because I want the bleeding edge? (I'm not a developer though). Should I just customize the 2.6.28 kernel?02:34
LaterTrue, normally I would think it was the messenger, but my AMSN does it also.. Works fine for Windows XP/2000 etc users but not for Vista users02:34
aayalaAny recomendations of 6 gb os swap space than never is used on ubuntu with 4gb of ram ?02:34
Laterits truely akward02:34
newbie123hi all!02:34
newbie123someone know a tool for find and delete duplicate files?02:34
Dave__Hey, does anyone know if 9.04 and a Nvidia 9800GTX work together? I've only found conflicting information.02:35
AdamBxrandr --addmode VGA-0 1280x72002:35
sebsebsebkit_: want bleeding edge well  you don't get that with Ubuntu, even when trying  development versions of the next one02:35
scuniziElone: yes.. vbox off their site is better .. usb support and other things..02:35
RabbitbunnyLater: Do both of those messengers use libpurple?02:35
macosebsebseb: welll...maybe around alpha 202:35
LaterI have no idea honestly02:35
sebsebsebkit_: however yes it does have the kernel you want02:35
RabbitbunnyAdamB: That looks correct. Not quite sure.02:35
scuniziRabbitbunny: I don't think the original MSN messenger or live messenger use libpurple.. just aMSN02:35
Guest96<lstarnes>  use audio devices is uncheck and can't check it?? would this be my problem02:35
sebsebsebkit_: ,but trying to install it in 9.04, just, because you want it, because it's later, that's a silly reason really02:35
EricTheHaxhow do i get people to notice a channel02:35
brandanHey, could someone list off a couple of games that have cool graphics I can get from Synaptic ?02:36
AdamBThe resolutions worked fine in XP so I'm sure it's not a hardware issue02:36
lstarnesGuest96: is there an unlock button of some sort?02:36
Gikakhunter619: try: /home/owner/Desktop/rtl8187_linux_26.1025.0328.2007/rtl8187_linux_26.1025.0328.2007/02:36
Rabbitbunnyscunizi: Right, And since it's only a problem with Vista, That kinda narrows it down.02:36
Gikakhunter619: and then ./makedrv02:36
arandkhunter619: do you have no other items apart from the makedrv file?02:36
macokit_: youre welcome to beta test 9.10 if you want. it has 2.6.3102:36
aayalai have 6 gb of swap space but i see usign free -m that never ue swap space02:37
=== Guest40647 is now known as lucy
ekimmargniHow can I tell how much physical RAM my computer has?02:37
Guest96<lstarnes>  look like i don't access to it02:37
kit_sebsebseb, okay thanks for the info :) I'll just customize the 2.6.28 kernel then (I used to trim down my XP with nLite before, I want to do the same with Ubuntu)02:37
canthus13ekimmargni: BIOS.02:37
sebsebsebkit_: no that's not the way to do it really02:37
bastid_raZoraayala: 6GB is overkill 2GB on any computer is more than enough02:37
sebsebsebkit_: you might as well just beta  test  9.1002:37
Guest96<lstarnes>  i can't not lock it on?02:37
AdamBIs xrandr the only way to set custom resolutions while using open source radeon driver?02:37
canthus13bastid_raZor: 640k ought to be enough for anyone.02:37
brandanWhat's a cool first person shooter I can download from Synaptic ?02:37
scuniziRabbitbunny: yep.. despite Later thinking it is on the ubuntu end02:37
lstarnesGuest96: I'm not sure02:38
khunter619this is what I need to do: http://paste.ubuntu.com/285077/02:38
lstarnesGuest96: if you were able to use sudo, then that should work02:38
canthus13brandan: Sauerbraten.02:38
lstarnesbrandan: nexuiz?02:38
aayalabastid_razor if i have a 4gb of ram i need swap space to hibernation or suspense the notebook  ?02:38
LaterLol, I've figured sense I could see them on there webcam it was with Ubuntu02:38
bastid_raZorcanthus13: for suspend to ram at least 1GB should be allocated. my laptop gets up around 600MB02:38
sebsebsebmaco: hmm  at us suggesting for someone to maybe beta test it :D02:38
bastid_raZoraayala: to suspend .. hibernate writes to disk.02:38
khunter619Gika: you mean cd /home/owner/Desktop/rtl8187_linux_26.1025.0328.2007/rtl8187_linux_26.1025.0328.2007/ ?02:38
kit_sebsebseb, I see.. I'm not intending to beta test 9.10 yet, I just want to trim down my Ubuntu kernel (like taking out support for the Intel CPU, since I only have the AMD)02:38
macosebsebseb: what? we can always use testers ;)02:38
Guest96<lstarnes>  in terminal i can!!02:39
canthus13bastid_raZor: Ah. Swap space. I missed that.02:39
aayalaok 2gb is the right size ?02:39
Gikayes khunter619 sorry02:39
bastid_raZorcanthus13: :)  ... aayala: yes02:39
brandancanthus13, lstarnes thanks I am gonna get both, i dunno how long they will take to download tho02:39
aayalathanks a lot02:39
sebsebsebkit_: that's  a pretty pointless thing to do really02:39
aayalai want to resize the disk02:39
Gikakhunter619: and then ./makedrv02:39
RabbitbunnyLater: It's probably going to require a work-around on the ubuntu end, You should really report it to the correct team and help them debug it.02:39
canthus13brandan: There are a few others, too.  Sauerbraten will take quite a while. especially if the repos are still bogged down.02:40
sebsebsebkit_: have you used Gentoo?02:40
LaterAlright, where do I report this to?02:40
RabbitbunnyI actually can't remember how to report bugs...02:40
kit_sebsebseb, IMHO it frees up space on my HD and the kernel will have fewer modules/drivers to search.. Why do you think it's pointless? Enlighten me.. :)02:40
shades_ausHi all. I was wondering how I upgrade to ext4?02:40
lstarnes!bug | Rabbitbunny, Later02:40
ubottuRabbitbunny, Later: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots02:40
Guest96<lstarnes>  in terminal i can use  sudo!!!?!?!02:40
lstarnesGuest96: I knowq02:41
lstarnesGuest96: you told me this02:41
lstarnesGuest96: and you did not get an error message from the sudo command that I told you to run earlier02:41
Guest96<lstarnes>  sorry i though u mis it!02:41
sebsebsebkit_: well it's Ubuntu,  what your wanting to do hardly anyone does that with Ubuntu,  with Gentoo on the other hand oh yes stuff like that some people might do02:41
khunter619Gika: did it install properly: http://paste.ubuntu.com/285078/ ?02:41
Guest96<lstarnes>  no02:41
lstarnesGuest96: I usually see things even if I don't respond02:41
sebsebsebkit_: only mentionting Gentoo since  maco 's pm by the way02:41
LaterAlright I will report it, I highly doubt it be on there priority list though ha.02:42
brandanthere is amsn for MSN, is there any Yahoo like clone for Ubuntu ?02:42
khunter619lots of errors!02:42
Guest96<lstarnes>  i use to get sounds but my ubuntu crash and now nothing02:42
macokit_: well as far as hard drive space...if your hard drive is > 2gb, i dont think youve much to worry about there ;) but yeah, having fewer things as modules makes faster boot and fewer built in makes smaller memory footprint (though if you have over 64mb of ram...) so...02:42
jplbullshello, my mouse stopped working recently, would someone help me debug it?02:42
smerzbrandan: pidgin is no good for you?02:42
Gikakhunter619: there is an easier way i think. building from source is complicated if you're new to linux. you could try downloading the windows driver, installing the package ndiswrapper (sudo apt-get install ndisgtk), running it (it's in system>administration>windows wireless drivers) and selecting the windows driver02:42
lstarnesGuest96: I'm not sure how to fix it02:42
brandansmerz yeah pidgin is okay but I wanted to use Audibles and stuff02:42
brandansmerz found on yahoo messenger02:43
brandanand video sync02:43
ooyppcan i mount /dev/sda7 to /tmp?02:43
khunter619Gika: so the instal failed? http://paste.ubuntu.com/285078/02:43
lstarnesooypp: what do you use /dev/sda7 for?02:43
Gneajplbulls: what's wrong with it?02:43
canthus13brandan: gyachi. There's a jaunty package on launchpad.02:43
brandansmerz how can I tell if my pidgin is the latest version ?02:43
smerzbrandan: adio/video and instant messaging is tricky. you may wanna google for it. I have no recommendations :(02:43
Guest96<lstarnes>  it not the first time it happen i have to format and reinstall ubuntu to get sounds back02:43
Gikayes khunter619 the building failed (i can't tell you why, there's something wrong with the compiler). try doing like i told you above02:44
lstarnesGuest96: you most likely don't have to reinstakk02:44
jplbullsGnea: it shows some errors upon bootup, and as soon as the linux kernel kicks in the light on the mouse goes off02:44
canthus13brandan: Gyachi supports yahoo video, picture sharing, and a few others.02:44
smerzbrandan: help->about gives you version number. google for pidgin to check what is the latest version02:44
ectropyHi, all - when running update-manager -d and electing to upgrade to 9.10, the following happens (see the first post of the thread). My post within the thread is here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8048692&postcount=402:44
Gneajplbulls: what kind of mouse is it, exactly?02:44
ooypplstarnes: i want /tmp in a separate partition02:44
AdamBSorry to ask again but can anyone help me force a resolution which is not showing up on the display settings?02:44
kit_sebsebseb, okay thanks.. yes I've heard about Gentoo, but Ubuntu is the first Linux distro I have immersed myself in. So if want to take it apart and break, I'd rather do it with something the works well "out-of-the-box" :)02:44
jplbullsGnea: when i replug it the light flashes like its failing to get recognized?02:44
LaterThanks for the effort guys, see you around =).02:44
Guest96<lstarnes>  nobody know how to get it back02:44
brandansmerz im on 2.5.5 Pidgin02:44
Rabbitbunnylstarnes: If he's got intel onboard sound, rebooting fixes it for me, been a problem since 6.06. No resolution.02:45
lstarnesGuest96: try this: go to System > Preferences > Sound and select PulseAudio Sound Server in all of the droboxes except the last one02:45
Eiooubuntu beta amd64 will not install nor load the live cd in my pic02:45
Gneajplbulls: well, that doesn't answer my question.02:45
kit_maco, thanks for the info.. Well, I'm a tweakgeek :) Same as with nLite for an XP install02:45
majnoonok i have quiz :) (1 question) which one of these are NOT a compression protocol ?? bz2 zip rar tgz zip 7z tar02:45
infested999is it ok to ask questions about linux mint in ehre >.>02:45
macokit_: i think some day you will like gentoo ;) its a performance-hunter's dream02:45
canthus13brandan: https://launchpad.net/~loell/+archive/ppa02:45
jplbullsGnea: it doesn't work, at all...02:45
infested999i forgot wheat the serveris for htat02:45
Gneajplbulls: then throw it away and get a new one.02:45
smerzbrandan: 2.6.2 is latest. to get is check http://www.pidgin.im/download/ubuntu/02:45
jplbullsGnea: any mouse i've tried doesn't work.02:45
DigitalKiwimajnoon: >.>02:45
lstarnesmajnoon: I would say tar, but this really isn't a trivia/quiz channel02:45
jplbullsGnea: they work on my windows laptop02:45
infested999i guess its kinda the same thign as in here02:46
DigitalKiwiit is tar btw02:46
majnoonjust checking it IS tar :)02:46
infested999ill sjtu ask02:46
Gneajplbulls: can you pastebin the output of the dmesg command?02:46
kit_maco, sure... thanks for the tip. I'll try that some time :)02:46
brandancan I just pick Pidgin in Synaptic and make it upgrade my current one also?02:46
jplbullsi can try with my keyboard02:46
Eioohow do I disable the crypto disks module on ubuntu beta startup? I have no crypto disks and it halts the system!02:46
Gnea!pastebinit | jplbulls02:46
ubottujplbulls: pastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin . Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output. Simple usage: command-name | pastebinit02:46
smerzjplbulls: stuipid comment here. did you boot with those mice? (you may have to boot with the mouse plugged in if its a ps/2 mouse)02:46
=== traveler is now known as Guest15155
ooyppi only have two partition / and  swap, but now i want /tmp in a separate partion how can i do?02:46
lstarnesooypp: you generally do not need /tmp separater02:47
Eiooooypp: use fdisk02:47
=== smerz is now known as smerz`away
Guest15155I've just wgeted a .deb file over ssh, how can I install it from terminal?02:47
lstarnesooypp: it almost always gets emptied when you reboot02:47
lstarnesGuest96: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb02:47
AdamBcan anyone help me force a resolution which is not showing up on the display settings?02:47
ring0what do i need pulseaudio for? could i just remove pulse and let everything be handled by alsa?02:47
khunter619what does the command sudo do?02:47
Gnea!sudo | khunter61902:47
ubottukhunter619: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)02:47
lstarneskhunter619: it runs programs with root/admin powers02:47
infested999i jsut installd linux mint 7. and my grafics card is the ATI RADEON X850XT PE and it has horrible support! at firs tit did work correctly, and then i installed envy and installed the drivers. now when i start up it shows the OS loading screen, then it skrews up ad just shows it 1/4th as big and it shows it twice on the screen. and then freezes up adn doesnt start up. the only way that i am able ot type this is by goign into sfe mode na02:48
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang)02:48
canthus13ring0: You can... and it will work, but you'll lose audio on odd occasions.02:48
khunter619thanks lstarnes02:48
canthus13ring0: I usually just kill pulseaudio when I need to.02:48
Gneainfested999: I'm sorry, but we don't support linux mint here in the Ubuntu Support channel. You'll need to join the Linux Mint support channel.02:48
Guest96<lstarnes>  sudo dpkg -i filename.deb i got a erroe02:48
ring0canthus13, odd occasions like?02:48
UbeeDoes anyone know how I get to the Ubuntu channel for the State of Massachussettes?02:48
jplbullsGnea: http://www.pastebin.com/f3258237602:48
lstarnesGuest96: sorry, that was for Guest1515502:49
canthus13ring0: A couple of programs I run with wine don't like PA.02:49
ectropykhunter619: It's like getting God to command your computer when your computer is all: Who the &(*& are you to tell me what to do?02:49
jribUbee: /join #ubuntu-us-ma02:49
infested999awit, i think i just thought of something, but i haev to leave ric to do it... so... bye02:49
xodhow do i run fsck on my machine, that is booted? its saying that it could damage mounted file systems02:49
canthus13ring0: So I killall pulseaudio and then restart it when I'm done.02:49
ring0canthus13, ok, that's what i experienced too02:49
Gneajplbulls: Unknown post id, it may have expired or been deleted02:49
canthus13ring0: But I found another solution a while back.02:49
ectropykhunter619: http://xkcd.com/149/02:49
lstarnesxod: it is safer to run it in recovery mode02:49
arandxod: Do you want to schedule it to run on boot?02:49
smerz`awayxod: either schedule a fsck for next reboot or boot a live cd to do it. don't ask me how to schedule it. can't recall ;-D02:50
jplbullsGnea: which means what?02:50
canthus13ring0: You can set wine to use Esound Driver and the problems go away.02:50
Guest96<lstarnes> im rebooting to see if it back02:50
shakaranhow to install pygtk 2.16 on ubuntu Jaunty? I only have pygtk 2.14 and I dont wanna update to karmic.02:50
ring0canthus13, ok, i'll try that next time02:50
Gneajplbulls: that's what the website said. did you type the url correctly?02:50
ooyppyee , now i have a now partition /dev/sda7, i try mount it on /tmp( in /etc/fstab file add " /dev/sda7/tmpext3relatime00")02:50
ooyppthen reboot but i don't work02:50
canthus13ring0: Or at least, it worked in my case. :)02:50
AdamBwhat is the xrandr command to change resolution?02:51
ring0canthus13, what's pulse for anyway? just mixing?02:51
khunter619ectropy: lol02:51
ShapeShifter499can I install shockwave player for windows through wine(windows compatability layer) than somehow make it work for the firefox installed on my ubuntu system?02:51
arand!fsck | xod:02:51
ubottuxod:: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot02:51
canthus13ring0: It's a unified API for audio.02:51
lstarnesShapeShifter499: you will need to install it in firefox in wine, not the linux firefox02:51
Gneajplbulls: http://pastebin.com/f32582376  is that it?02:51
ShapeShifter499why couldn't work?02:51
khunter619Gika: so now I have installed the driver like you said02:51
ring0canthus13, aplication interface i see02:52
Gikadoes it work khunter619?02:52
lstarnesShapeShifter499: windows uses separate APIs and binary formats02:52
khunter619now how do I tell Ubuntu that the driver is wrong02:52
Gneajplbulls: nope, that's not it either02:52
ring0canthus13, thanks02:52
lstarnesShapeShifter499: windows PE is not compatible with *nix ELF02:52
khunter619cuz Ubuntu has given me a different RTL driver02:52
canthus13ring0: No problem.02:52
khunter619is there a way I can uninstall it from Ubuntu?02:52
canthus13khunter619: Blacklist it, maybe?02:53
shakaranhow to install pygtk 2.16 on ubuntu Jaunty? I only have pygtk 2.14 and I dont wanna update to karmic.02:53
jplbullsGnea: hmmm thats what the command outputs02:53
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ShapeShifter499they should have a addon for linux or ubuntu firefox to be able to use windows firefox plugins02:53
khunter619how do I Blacklist it?02:53
jplbullsdmesg | pastebinit02:53
lstarnesshakaran: do you absolutely need 2.16?02:53
xodthanks guys!02:53
AdamBplease anyone just need a little help trying to add a resolution that's not being detected02:53
canthus13khunter619: That I'm not sure. I've just seen references to it on the forums.02:53
ShapeShifter499is there a project for it?02:53
Gneajplbulls: you have to re-type the URL precisely, can't miss a character02:53
shakaranyeah, I make a program for karmic, but my users use Jaunty and they cant install my program02:53
canthus13AdamB: Have you tried in #xorg?02:54
DaZAdamB: nvidia maybe? ;f02:54
arandAdamB: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution any good?02:54
AdamBcanthus13: thanks I'll try that02:54
AdamBUsing a radeon 970002:54
AdamBopen source drivers02:54
lstarnesshakaran: see if you can make the program compatible with 2.1402:54
khunter619Ubuntu thinks I have Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+02:54
DaZthen you have to do it manually;f02:55
jplbullsI'm positive thats what it says.02:55
khunter619whereas I have RTL818702:55
AdamBI've tried adding the mode under subsection display in xorg.conf but it didn't show up02:55
oorahis ubuntu netbook remix really faster?02:55
shakaranlstarnes: I cant, it use a new fuction for display a icon buttons that it dont enable on 2.1402:55
AdamBDaz: any website with information on how to do that?02:55
shakaranI try this crazy stuff http://paste.ubuntu.com/285086/ but it broke all system with conflicts02:56
AdamBI know the modes are supported by the hardware02:56
khunter619installing the package ndiswrapper (sudo apt-get install ndisgtk), running it (it's in system>administration>windows wireless drivers) and02:56
DaZAdamB: i had problem like that few days ago02:56
jplbullsGnea: hold on one second02:56
khunter619so now I have installed RTL8187 for Windows02:56
DaZAdamB: it's related to modeline or horizsync/vertrefresh ;f02:56
DaZat least mine was02:56
khunter619Detecting your network controller(s):  Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)  Is this correct?02:56
AdamBDaz: I tried using the xrandr command02:56
DaZpaste some logs02:56
khunter619WHat do I do?02:57
AdamBxrandr newmode "1280x720" "1280x720_60.00"   74.50  1280 1344 1472 1664  720 723 728 748 -hsync +vsync02:57
shakaranthen, it is imposible install pygtk 2.16 on Jaunty?02:57
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)02:57
Gneajplbulls: no problem02:57
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AdamBfollowed by xrandr --addmode VGA-0 1280x72002:57
brandanGetting new Pidgin, and gonna let some games download while I go to bed ;) Thank u all for always being so helpful! Take care all, bye for now! :)02:57
AdamBwhich gives me "xrandr: cannot find mode "1280x720""02:57
lstarnesshakaran: you shouldn't be using packages that haven't been made for jaunty on jaunty02:57
Gneajplbulls: does this look like part of it? [   40.016046] usb 2-1: device descriptor read/64, error -6202:58
DaZ1280x720_60.00 maybe? :f02:58
AdamByeah same error02:58
chris_Hi all, I have been trying to get the remix to work on various flash drives with the same error in 1 Files. pls help thanks02:58
shakaranlstarnes: umn :( a lack of compatibility02:58
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chris_since it came out02:59
AdamBDaZ:when I run the --newmode command it displays the xrandr help so I'm thinking that command might be incorrect.. can you see anything wrong?02:59
AdamBxrandr newmode 1280x720 "1280x720_60.00"   74.50  1280 1344 1472 1664  720 723 728 748 -hsync +vsync02:59
ectropyAn update to my upgrade predicament: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8048795&postcount=503:00
AdamBI tried without the first 1280x720 as well03:00
shakaranthere any channel for pygtk?03:00
lstarnesshakaran: there is #python for python in general03:00
shakaranlstarnes: thanks I will try there03:01
jplbullsGnea: http://www.pastbin.com/m6406d6aa03:01
thorrrHello, can anyone tell me the best flash player for ubuntu 9.04?03:01
thorrr64 bits03:01
lstarnesthorrr: the official flash plugin from adobe03:02
ooyppafter i add one line(/dev/sda7/tmpext3relatime00) in /etc/fstab. then i can't login by GUI.03:02
AdamBAre there any issues with full screen flash video?03:02
Gneajplbulls: nope.03:02
lstarnesthorrr: either using the native 64 bit version, or using the 32 bit version through nspluginwrapper03:02
od3nanyone tell me how to go about instaling this NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.12-pkg1.run03:02
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thorrrok, cause I have 3 options when it prompts me to install flash03:03
ooyppanyone can tell my why?03:03
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lluaod3n,  stop xserver then run it03:03
jplbullsGnea: Please God, Work:http://pastebin.com/m6406d6aa03:03
od3nhow do I do that03:03
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lstarnesooypp: /tmp may need to be on the same partition as /03:03
Gneajplbulls: try this:   dmesg | pastebinit > file.txt    then in irc: /exec cat file.txt03:04
lluaod3n,  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop03:04
macolstarnes: doesnt need to03:04
scatterpany one know a url where i can host a tar.gz and then wget it for free ?03:04
ooyppod3n : in single mode run the script03:04
Guest78459lstarnes im back with no sounds (User Privileges / Use audio devices is check but stil no sounds)03:04
Exodus|Awaythe /tmp partition doesn't need to be the same as /03:04
=== Exodus|Away is now known as Exodus
lstarnesooypp: there could be a mount permission error03:04
Gneajplbulls: okay - got it that time!!03:04
ooyppthanks lstrnes03:04
jplbullsGnea: HELL YA!03:04
Exodusooypp, make sure it's the right partition you're mounting. Make sure it's mounting correctly.03:05
lstarnesGuest78459: did you try the solution that I recommended?03:05
foeyI have ubuntu-server and normally use ssh to connect to gain access to the console. However I want to be able to access it at work, I`ve port forwarded port 22 to my linux box but keep getting connection refused? I works perfectly when I connect localy.03:05
wrapstergyus i just built a few new driver pkgs.... after dpkg -i it asks me to reboot... but how do i verify after a reboot that the driver has been installed?03:05
Guest78459lstarnes remind me please but all the test u send me did not work03:05
wrapsterin which file should i be looking fo rit?03:05
Gneajplbulls: okay, I see a bunch of usb errors - do you have any other usb devices?03:05
bastid_raZorfoey: some ISP's block 22.. try using a non standard port.. like 222203:06
lstarnesGuest78459: go to System > Preferences > Sound and select PulseAudio Sound Server in all of the droboxes except the last one03:06
foeybastid_raZor : Ok, I hoping to change isp soon. How can I change the listening ssh port via the terminal?03:07
rootHi, my Xubuntu is broken... can you guys help me?03:07
jplbullsGnea: no, that might have been when i tried replugging it03:07
edbianroot: You're gonna have to be more specific than that!03:07
axlehey, what can i use to format partitions in ubuntu, ntfs03:07
Gneajplbulls: are you plugging the mouse directly into the computer or into a usb hub?03:07
kermiti somehow disabled my rootwin, or maybe compiz broke it.. nothing like mplayer or screen savers i tell to run in the root window show up03:07
jplbullsGnea: directly03:08
jplbullsGnea: two mouses have the exact same problem03:08
bastid_raZorfoey: edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and add Port 2222 below Port 22. it is near the top of the file. you'll see it03:08
mercutio22hi, how do I change my login screen appearance?03:08
foeybastid_raZor : Great help, thanks mate. ill try that.03:09
kermithow do i disable the background image?03:09
dsnydersHI all!   How do I re-run a file in /etc/event.d without rebooting the whole system?03:09
Guest78459lstarnes enable network access .... yep it check! still nosounds03:09
lstarnesGuest78459: I did not mean "enable network access"03:09
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bastid_raZorfoey: you'll need to restart ssh before it will start listening on port 222203:09
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Gneajplbulls: perhaps the system is not routing IRQs correctly. There's a way to test it.03:10
jplbullsGnea: ok, im all ears03:10
Gneajplbulls: are you familiar with changing the boot loader options?03:10
Guest78459lstarnes PulseAudio Sound Server i don't have this option03:10
lstarnesGuest78459: which version of ubuntu are you using?03:11
lstarnesGuest78459: try changing them all to ALSA03:11
Guest78459lstarnes 9.0403:11
foeybastid_raZor : Ok added 2222. Whats the command for restarting the ssh server? sorry to ask :s03:11
khronicsI have just completed all the steps on this tutorial successfully, but when I boot i get stuck at a prompt (initramfs)         is there anyone here that may shine some light?03:11
edbianfoey: "sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart"03:11
Gneajplbulls: basically what you'll need to do is edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst file, find the first kernel entry, then add to the end of the 'kernel' line the following:  pci=routeirq03:11
jplbullsGnea: slightly /boot/grub.conf?03:11
foeyedbain : thanks.03:12
ooyppmercutio:system>Administration>Login Window Preferences03:12
bastid_raZorfoey: how are connecting from work? PuTTY or ssh ?03:12
Guest78459lstarnes i changed them in sounds preferences to alsa03:12
foeybastid_raZor : PuTTy03:12
bastid_raZorfoey: okay, just specify the port change and you're all set.03:13
herlimenezes1does anybody know it is there some videochat application running on ubuntu?03:14
herlimenezes1*If is there03:14
jplbullsGnea: restarting... thanks be right back03:14
Gneajplbulls: k03:14
shades_aus<herlimenezes1> I use either kopete which does Yahoo, MSN and others or Skype03:14
Guest78459lstarnes don't know if this help but it look like my sounds card it turn off and my pc speaker is on03:15
foeybastid_raZor : Still the same, I restarted ssh however I`ve got two windows open, locally and it didnt kick me out03:15
shades_aushas anyone had any luck installing the ext4 file system?03:16
bastid_raZorfoey: 2222 will need to be forwarded in the router03:16
herlimenezes1shades_aus: ok, thanks, but the trouble is that with kopete, I can get audio channel, just video.03:16
khronicsAnyone able to help me with initramfs?        Attempting to complete a usb hard drive live install via http://rudd-o.com/en/linux-and-free-software/a-better-way-to-create-a-customized-ubuntu-live-usb-drive   anyone??03:16
herlimenezes1*I can't get03:16
foeybastid_raZor : I`ve just done that its forwarded to (my linux box)03:16
shades_aus<herlimenezes1> Have you tried the latest version from Synaptic?03:16
disappearedngI am seeing this: W: GPG error: http://deb.opera.com stable Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY F9A2F76A9D1A006103:16
herlimenezes1no,I didn't, is there any changes?03:17
shades_aus<herlimenezes1> Otherwise, go to the Skype website and d/l and try that03:17
rubik_Hello, i'm looking for some advise on how to upgrade Evolution to 2.27/28 ? Recent patches of ubuntu have broken Evolution (2.26) syncing with Google contact/calender. Doesn't seem to be much info on how to fix/upgrade evolution on the net. Bug report says "This has been fixed in Karmac with version 2.27". What about us in jaunty ??03:17
lstarnesdisappearedng: you will need to install that key into apt's keyring03:17
herlimenezes1shades_aus: ok, thanks, I will try.03:17
dsnydersHI all!   Can I re-run a file in /etc/event.d without rebooting the whole system?03:17
disappearedngIstames: can i do it over the command line?03:17
lstarnesdisappearedng: wget -O - http://deb.opera.com/archive.key | sudo apt-key add -03:17
shades_aus<herlimenezes1> I have un-installed kopete from Gnome and installed Kopete from Synaptic and it fixed my audio troubles.03:17
edbianrubik_: They probably don't plan on fixing it for jaunty because karmic comes out later this month.  (I'm not sure about this though, just speculation)03:17
disappearedngI already did that03:18
foeybastid_raZor : Ok, i just tried connecting ot 2222 locally and it worked, but prompted me about a key which I said ok to. Could that be the problem as it remote?!03:18
herlimenezes1ok, I will do it03:18
herlimenezes1thanks a lot03:18
herlimenezes1gtg now.03:18
rubik_edbian : so does this mean i'm screwed ? This is my work laptop !03:18
shades_aus<herlimenezes1> np03:18
disappearedngStill persists istames03:18
khronicsanyone familiar with initramfs03:19
Guest78459Need Help!! lost Sounds can't get it back on !!!!!!03:19
Gnea!sound | Guest7845903:19
ubottuGuest78459: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:19
rubik_how do i at least remove the updates that broke it ? It was just broken last week03:19
master_Hi all any help available?03:20
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:20
Gnea!helpme | master_03:20
ubottumaster_: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience03:20
johnGnea: same issue03:20
master_i need some help with my ip adress03:20
Gneajohn: weird... is it a laptop?03:20
=== john is now known as Guest49728
Guest49728no, it just started happening too03:21
GneaGuest49728: did you build it or did you get the computer pre-built? does it have a make/model?03:21
ooypphow to install Ncurses library from scourse?03:21
khronicsanyone familiar with a initramfs  prompt?03:21
Gnea!anyone | khronics03:21
ubottukhronics: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:21
Curly_QMaster, your IP address is:
bastid_raZorfoey: in PuTTY you changed the port to 2222?03:22
master_anyone able to assist me with a change of my ip as i think i am being watched03:22
foeybastid_raZor : yeh, changed that too.03:22
khronicsAttempting to complete a usb hard drive live install via http://rudd-o.com/en/linux-and-free-software/a-better-way-to-create-a-customized-ubuntu-live-usb-drive03:22
master_hi curly that isnt what im told this side03:22
Guest49728Gnea: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=com.ubuntu%3Aen-US%3Aunofficial&hs=ggb&q=device+descriptor+read%2F64%2C+error+-62&aq=f&oq=&aqi=g-m203:22
PCTeacher012How do i install the XFCE Windows Manager?03:22
khronicsbooting stuck @ initramfs>03:22
Gnea!usb | khronics03:22
ubottukhronics: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent03:22
Guest49728Does anyone have any advice regardeing that last google search?03:22
lstarnesPCTeacher012: it's a whole desktop environment, not just a window manager (not windows manager)03:23
khronicsubottu that totally does not help me03:23
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:23
switchgirlEEE!help switchgirlEEE03:23
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:23
PCTeacher012yai i messed up on typing. Okay. How do i install KDE? I like it better than Gnome :P03:23
Mike_lifeguardWhen I log into a terminal or ssh in, I get a standard message - how can I configure that?03:23
wrapstercan anyone answer my question pls03:23
lstarnesPCTeacher012: try sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop03:23
PCTeacher012Without installing Kubuntu03:23
switchgirlEEE!help | switchgirlEEE03:23
ubottuswitchgirlEEE, please see my private message03:23
PCTeacher012lol, id rather have KDE than XFCE :P03:23
ooypphow to install Ncurses library from scourse?03:23
lstarnesPCTeacher012: or sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop03:23
GneaGuest49728: try:  sudo rmmod ehci-hcd03:23
Guest49728Gnea: is that mea03:24
=== Guest49728 is now known as jplbulls
bastid_raZorfoey: unsure from there .. souunds like all has been set correctly.03:24
Gneajplbulls: yeah03:24
master_im told my ip is and my connections are different
jplbullsits not loaded03:24
PCTeacher012lstarnes: Did not work, keeps giving me random dependencies (Kubuntu-desktop)03:24
Gneamaster_: you're behind a router03:24
foeybastid_raZor : yeh, ok, thanks for your help.03:24
Gneajplbulls: according to dmesg, it was03:25
scatterpany one know a url where i can host a tar.gz and then wget it for free ?03:25
bastid_raZorMike_lifeguard: /etc/motd and /etc/motd.tail are the two files you need to look in to. to have a persistant change look in to disabling update-motd --disable03:25
lstarnesPCTeacher012: random dependencies?03:25
bastid_raZorfoey: good luck.03:25
master_Hi gnea i cant connect to my site but can connect to the internet?03:25
webbb82why doesnt xchat save my nickname and the fav rooms i go in03:25
Curly_QMaster is not your IP address.03:25
courpseWell it is his LAN IP Address, not his WAN IP Address.03:25
PCTeacher012lstarnes: Like:  kubuntu-desktop: Depends: kdebase-workspace-bin but it is not going to be installed. But when i install the dependency, it gives another, it is never ending haha03:25
Curly_QYou are either behind a router or firewall or both.03:26
jplbullsGnea: https://bugs.launchpad.net/linux/+bug/8853003:26
Omlettewebbb82: XChat > Network List03:26
master_can you help03:26
WikidudeWhAT is the name of the linux kernel package03:26
jplbullsGnea: i can't read is it as I can't seem to scroll without a keyboard, care to decode for me?03:26
master_as i need to connect to my site for some changes but it wont let me03:26
Curly_QWhat do you want to know Master?03:26
PCTeacher012imma just install though Synapic package manager03:26
master_i have a meeting monday with ibm etc03:26
lstarnesWikidude: linux-image-generic03:26
master_i have ip adress , default is as is the primary...i do a search on my ip and it is and you are saying its different?03:28
Curly_Q192.168.0.1 or any number like that that starts with 192.168 is a DHCP which is given by a local router, etc.03:28
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edbianmaster_:  You need to do some research on network IP address dude03:29
master_can you see www.linuxossolutions.com?03:29
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edbianmaster_: Yes I can03:30
webbb821ha this is kinda cool never used pidgin for irc chat03:30
EricTheHaxmaaaaaan ##security's dead03:30
FraxtilWhat's the command to open the system monitor? I can't use my mouse or the Gnome panels.03:30
switchgirlEEEoh rly03:30
WRdHatDKcross tas ahi??03:30
edbianFraxtil: "gnome-system-monitor"03:31
Fraxtiledbian: thanks03:31
master_edbian: okay great thats my site I am creating...but i cant acesss the page and its frustrating me,,,would you know why03:31
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WRdHatmira q no m deja kmbiarle el nombre03:31
edbianmaster_ Is the page on this computer?03:31
FraxtilYay, everything's back to normal03:31
switchgirlEEEFraxtil: or free -m && top03:31
jplbullsCould someone help me get my mouse working?03:31
jonrafkindhow can I get ubuntu to recognize my joystick? when I plug the joystick in the OS beeps, and I can see some kernel registration stuff in dmesg, but there is no js* device in /dev/input03:31
edbianmaster_: Are you trying to build this web page?  Is this web page on a server?03:32
Gneajplbulls: looking at the current kernel configuration... can't seem to find the host module anywhere...03:32
FraxtilswitchgirlEEE: but I needed to kill a process, I don't think that would've worked quite as well03:32
master_edbian: it is03:32
edbianmaster_: Does www.linuxossolutions.com not work for you?03:32
Curly_QMaster there is a huge difference between INFRA-NET and INTER-NET. You can use or 1.0 on any INFRA-NET and it will work if you set up your server to work that way.03:32
jplbullsGnea: is that bad?03:32
master_edbian: no it doesnt03:32
dsnydersHI all!   Can I re-run a file in /etc/event.d without rebooting the whole system?03:33
Gneajplbulls: I'm not sure. it looks like some changes have occurred.03:33
jplbullsGnea: oh damn, how can i revert03:33
edbianmaster_: What if you put this into your browser address bar: ""  ?03:34
edbianmaster_:What are you trying to do at this website?03:34
Curly_QAny number that has: 192.168 cannot be used over the Internet. It is impossible.03:35
master_edbian: its my site that I am creating currently a give back to this world03:35
master_edbain: nothing happens in my search03:35
Gneajplbulls: there may be another solution03:35
edbianmaster_: Nothing happens?  Where is the server that serves this website?03:35
edbianmaster_: Can you ping the site?03:36
master_edbian: the server is hosted03:36
edbianmaster_: Can you ping
optimizeranyone have good documentation on how to securely setup a moinmoin server on ubuntu?03:36
edbianmaster_: The server is hosted?  What does that mean?03:36
master_edbian: i tried and got some crazy response i will try again03:36
Mike_lifeguardbastid_raZor: thanks, I would like to have it update, so I guess I'm simply editing motd.tail03:36
B3ns4ws0m3hello. does anyone have knowledge of setting up pptpd (a vpn) in ubuntu? i have it setup according to a tutorial and all the stuff forwarded but it wont work. i cant even connect to it from the internal network :(03:37
Curly_QC:\Documents and Settings\NonAdmin1>ping
Curly_QPinging with 32 bytes of data:03:37
Curly_QReply from bytes=32 time=100ms TTL=5103:37
Curly_QReply from bytes=32 time=100ms TTL=5103:37
Curly_QReply from bytes=32 time=98ms TTL=5103:37
Curly_QReply from bytes=32 time=98ms TTL=5103:37
bastid_raZorMike_lifeguard: yes.03:37
FloodBot3Curly_Q: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:37
master_edbian: no response from my side when I ping03:37
edbianmaster_: I have no idea why you cannot ping your own website.  I can and apparently so can Curly_Q03:38
ben_why would Rhythmbox not read mp3's03:38
master_exactly: this is why its frustrating me I feel as if something is interupting me03:39
adi_talk with my friend03:39
FiReSTaRTben_: do you have the codecs installed?03:39
master_I have typed and it tells me idle?03:40
Curly_QMaster your server works.03:40
PCTeacher012i?s pekwm good03:40
jplbullsGnea: i have an idea03:40
Curly_QMaster do this:      In your web browser.03:40
jplbullsGnea: http://www.mail-archive.com/linux-usb-users@lists.sourceforge.net/msg17583.html03:40
smil3ymaster_>  works fine here, i get a cpanel holding page03:40
PCTeacher012it just looks ugle -_- what is the best looking Window manager?03:41
ben_im pretty positive i do because they will play with VLC =\03:41
PCTeacher012I'm on Gnome's default right now03:41
sattamhi , is ubuntu still dosen't give back to  debian ?03:41
abhilashm86is it possible to connect my friends computer using ssh? he gave his username and password to try, i did this on terminal, ssh -b 0l rahul, but i can't login even with correct password , help please03:41
Gneajplbulls: well, I just confirmed it, they stopped building usb as modules and have started building it directly into the kernel03:41
master_Curly that is great to no...but how do i get to connect i cant through my browsers or my emails etc?03:41
Curly_QPermissions Master and PORT BLOCKS.03:42
jplbullsGnea: meaning?? did you check out the last link?03:42
smil3yabhilashm86>  do you have a user account? or are you using his?03:42
abhilashm86can anyone give a tutorial to use ssh in remote logins? i searched and found some scripts, so03:42
Gneajplbulls: the problem isn't with the load order, since they're built into the kernel now. the solution is to find a way to tell the kernel to prefer one host type over the other - or to disable ehci and only use ohci03:42
Anub|shi all, I've been having some trouble with ubuntu ibex, my screen keeps going black and I am in windows right now and was wondering if I should write anything down before I enter back into ubuntu03:42
abhilashm86smil3y: who's user account?03:42
Biovoreabhilashm86: in a shell/console     ssh username@remoteIP03:42
Gneajplbulls: yeah03:42
master_All: when i do a traceroute i get stacks of ip adresses03:42
abhilashm86smil3y: i'm using his user account.........03:42
Gneajplbulls: but I also looked at the current and previous kernel configs in my /boot03:43
smil3yabhilashm86>  ssh username@ipaddress  no need for the b03:43
jplbullsGnea: alright, any idea how to disable one?03:43
smil3yabhilashm86>  then enter the password for the user account your trying to login as03:43
Gneajplbulls: not yet :/03:43
abhilashm86smil3y:ok i'l try now and reply, should he enable remote login for this?03:43
FiReSTaRTben_: use my nickname when you answer my questions because otherwise i just won't notice your message... now just in case, open the terminal and type sudo apt-get install w32codecs if you're running a 32bit machine or w64codecs if you're running a 64bit machine03:43
switchgirlEEEFraxtil: true, I was assuming you wanted to see he numbers on your cpu or something03:43
Gneajplbulls: gonna see if the kernel team has a clue03:43
jplbullsGnea: no worries, i'm getting better using this keyboard thing03:43
FiReSTaRTben_: worst case scenario, it will tell you it's already installed :P03:43
smil3yabhilashm86>  no need for remote login as far as i know as long as he has openssh running03:44
ben_FiReSTaRT, i know its installed i installed it 6 months ago when i installed ubuntu03:44
Gneajplbulls: cool03:44
abhilashm86smil3y: should i do this as root or normal user, the ssh should be run under root, which is good?03:44
hank1i'm trying to find a modem that will work under jaunty.  i had a lucent installed with the dell drivers but it kept dropping the connection.   so now i'm using a lucent winmodem with agere chipset.  lspci finds it, under hardware drivers it says "Agere 164x dsp driver"  it's activated but not in use?03:44
smil3yabhilashm86>  dont ever do anythig as root03:44
master_When i do a port scan on my site i get no reply can anyone help03:45
hank1when I go to gnome ppp and try to dial it says cannot open modem /dev/modem: no such file or directory03:45
abhilashm86smil3y: ha ha, i've disabled my root account!! just asked, fine thanks:)03:45
hank1how do i get /dev/modem to point to my modem?03:45
FiReSTaRTben_: ok, open synaptic and search for gstreamer.. that should allow you to play mp3's in rhythmbox (GIYF) :)03:45
ben_its installed also03:45
gralcohelp, I'm trying to build virtualbox-so 3.0.6 but its telling me I need to update kbuild but apt is telling me I'm on the latest build from the repos, what should I do?03:46
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jplbullsGnea: be right back restarting03:46
FiReSTaRTben_: gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3?03:46
master_hi guys how do i connect to uk chat? or can some one assist me?03:47
scunizi gralco are you on kde?03:47
lstarnesmaster_: /join #ubuntu-uk03:47
lstarnesmaster_: this channel is the primary support channel for ubuntu03:47
gralcoscunizi no, should I be?03:47
ben_idk what version but i know its installed i remember doing it and have updated it since i installed it03:47
scunizigralco: no.. try installing build-essential.. that should do it.03:47
Bruchey all03:48
Anub|smy hp2159m monitor displays 1920 X 1080 in Vista ok, but in ubuntu it seems to eventually degrade to a screen of black with a few multicolored lines streaking it03:48
master_lstarnes: hi I am having issues with my port and ping of my site maybe you could assist?03:48
abhilashm86smil3y: how to check what all ports are open? should i use nmap? i know to check my ports, how to do others?03:48
gralcoscunizi good idea I didnt think of that, thanks, I'm sure it'll work03:48
FiReSTaRTben_: just out of morbid curiosity install the gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3 package03:48
lstarnesmaster_: I am seeing everything that you send here, you do not need to repeat03:48
lstarnesmaster_: I'm sorry but I do not know how to help with your problem03:48
ben_i think im switching to archlinux <_< there shit works03:48
Bruchey all03:48
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smil3yabhilashm86>  yours? or someone else?03:48
lstarnesmaster_: the only thing I can think of is contacting the admins of the site's host03:49
PCTeacher012What is the best looking window manager, in your opinion?03:49
abhilashm86smil3y: someone else.........03:49
PCTeacher012Tried fluxbox, dont like it03:49
PCTeacher012and E16 keeps screwing up, so that is out of the question :(03:49
Brucanyone like this operating system03:49
PCTeacher012I'm trying XFCE right now03:49
Gnea!poll | PCTeacher01203:49
ubottuPCTeacher012: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:49
PCTeacher012And  i love ubuntu'03:49
Anub|sbruc, I used to, lol03:49
master_lstarnes: its seems everyone else can oing my site see it on google etc...but something is restricting me?03:49
smil3yabhilashm86>  if you want a gui try zenmap, its nice03:49
Brucis it good03:50
abhilashm86simil3y: ip adress
lstarnesmaster_: what is the site's IP?03:50
abhilashm86smil3y: any command line tools>?03:50
Brucis it better then Windows.03:50
dsnydersAnyone familiar with upstart?03:50
GneaPCTeacher012: E16 is usually okay, but E17 is a massive improvement - I like it, but I can also get by with gnome, kde, xfce or openbox if I have to03:50
smil3yabhilashm86>  thats not someone else, thats an internal address..... and nmap is for command line use03:50
lstarnesmaster_: I can access it03:50
smil3yabhilashm86>  zenmap is the gui03:50
lstarnesmaster_: I suspect a firewall issue03:50
PCTeacher012Gnea: I cant find out how to install E17 lol03:51
abhilashm86smil3y: hmm its internal, but with login name and paswrd, still its good for ssh right??03:51
Brucwhat do use now Anub03:52
master_lstarnes: I dont know what to do I am going to a meeting on monday for linux in london and want to talk to IBM...etc about my site ..would you know what i could do ...i run a port scan and nothing happens?03:52
smil3yabhilashm86>  you can do a scan of anything, anywhere03:52
gralcoscunizi: build-essential is installed but its still telling me the same thing03:52
lstarnesmaster_: it's likely a firewall issue on your system, not the server03:52
abhilashm86smil3y: thanks a lot for the info!!, i'l try and be back03:53
lstarnesmaster_: or the server might be firewalling your IP from connecting03:53
master_lstarnes: i just did a new install of ubuntu as I thought that would help...but nothing03:53
smil3ymaster_>  sounds like you have dns or firewall  problems maybe?03:53
scunizigralco: what's it actually saying03:53
master_dns problems possibly? what would I need to do03:54
gralcoscunizi: after I run kmk all03:54
gralcoit says03:54
gralcoConfig.kmk:128: *** You must update kBuild! KMK_REVISION=1777 KBUILD_KMK_REVISION=1779 KBUILD_PATH=/usr/share/kBuild.  Stop.03:54
GamingXHey, I just finished installing Ubuntu server, and I am a newbie at it. How would I check what ethernet cards I've got installed ?03:54
FloodBot3gralco: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:54
scunizigralco: are you building from source?03:54
scunizigralco: are you building from source?03:54
gralcoscunizi: yeah03:54
smil3ymaster_>  how are you connected to the net? disable all firewalls, routers, etc, and connect directly to modem03:55
hank1how do i find out where my modem is "mounted" ?  /dev/ttyS...  i ran scanModem and it doesn't say in there.  here is my ModemData.txt http://pastebin.ca/159164003:55
smil3ymaster_>  does it work from another ip address? local cafe? etc?03:55
master_smily3y: connect to my modem? i dont have firewall installed unless ubuntu installs it okay ill try03:55
scunizigralco: there's no need to do that.. go to the vbox site and get the repo info for ubuntu and list it.. then just look in synaptic and install.. you can also just download the .deb for ubuntu .. works great for me.. :)03:55
master_smily3y: it does03:55
smil3ymaster_>  contact your isp, youve got dns issues then03:57
lluagralco, eric is the best name :}03:57
gralcollua, lol why's that03:57
buzzomaticHi everyone03:58
lluagralco,  its my name >:}03:58
dsnydershank1, It looks like /dev/ttySL003:58
master__smily3: you there03:58
downstar1anyone have HDA INTEL sound with driver ALC66203:58
llua<gralco> /home/eric/Desktop/VirtualBox-3.0.6_OSE03:58
gralcoscunizi: how do I add the ppa03:58
smil3ymaster_>  yeah03:58
scunizigralco: it's not a ppa.. let me get the link for you.03:59
gralcollua, haha yeah I pasted the wrong thing03:59
gralcothanks scunizi03:59
master__hi okay i have connected to my modem and now my ip is i cant port scan my site03:59
buzzomaticI'm having some odd keyboard issues, while typing in gedit my keypresses often get ignored, or duplicated. For example, I'll press CTRL+Z to undo, and nothing will happen, so then I press backspace, and it suddenly deletes half of the line.03:59
hank1dsnyders: when I put that into gnome ppp it says "-> Cannot open /dev/ttySL0: No such file or directory"04:00
master__smily3: now i can ping it so would it be a dns problem?04:00
hank1i've tried a few different modems and i've tried to remove the drivers the best i can04:00
scunizigralco: here's the download .deb link.. further down the page I believe are instruction for doing the repos if you want. http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads04:00
smil3ymaster_>  can you browse  to it?04:00
master__smily3: Ill try04:01
gralcoscunizi: I'm looking for the ose build04:01
dsnydershank1, try minicom.  Connect to each ttyS? in turn and type in ATI04:01
scunizigralco: why?  it doesn't have usb support04:01
master__smily3; i can now04:01
abhilashm86i can do nmap stealth scan for web servers like this-sudo nmap -sS abhilash.co.nr04:01
dsnydershank1, you may need to sudo.04:01
abhilashm86but how to do on local hosts04:02
gralcoscunizi: that's fine04:02
scunizigralco: ose is already in the repos.. you should be able to find it in Synaptic Package Manager04:02
hank1dsnyders installing minicom.  it says it's irq 11, doesn't that translate into ttySX ?04:02
gralcoscunizi: I know but not 3.0.604:02
smil3ymaster_>  what were you connected to before?  a router, then the modem?04:02
master__www.linuxossolutions.com . opens through my modem04:02
dsnydershank1, irqs are dynamically assigned these days.04:02
abhilashm86smil3y:i can do nmap stealth scan for web servers like this-sudo nmap -sS abhilash.co.nr, if i want to scan ports on and login name is abcd, what are my options??04:03
gralcoscunizi: I found the ppa http://ppa.launchpad.net/debfx/virtualbox/ubuntu/04:03
scunizigralco: will it really matter with the ose version?04:03
master__smily3: i was wifi to virgin wirelss router connected to a modem04:03
horuxenhey... i'm having issues with getting my wifi up and running on my desktop... neither the PCI card nor the USB "stick" are working with ndiswrapper...any ideas?04:03
gralcoscunizi: of course it does, its been update, >=3.0.0 is amazing04:03
smil3yabhilashm86>  that sounds like a router ip, you dont need to login to do a port scan, not sure what your asking here04:04
gralcoscunizi: I'm still on interpid waiting for karmic04:04
webbb821i need a hand getdeb wont install a file so i need to install a deb file threw the terminal  whats the command to install it from therminal04:04
lstarneswebbb821: sudo dpkg -i file.deb04:04
master__smily3: router to modem04:04
webbb821the file is in my downloads file04:04
scunizigralco: I'm on Hardy running the latest vbox but not ose.. I need usb occationally04:04
abhilashm86smil3y: i want to scan a user on internet..........04:04
smil3yabhilashm86>  thats not an internet address04:05
constantinehi all, can someone help me with a display issue in ubuntu?04:05
smil3yabhilashm86>  thats a local network address, most likely a router04:05
webbb821lstarnes:  do i need to cd into the directory04:05
shawn_If Im looking for my Glest game folder where does it defaultly install if I did it from Add/Remove04:06
abhilashm86smil3y: how? like that ip is same for most, i think NAT shares it.......04:06
lstarneswebbb821: try sudo dpkg -i /path/to/file.deb04:06
master__any ideas what the problem is with my router?04:06
smil3yabhilashm86>  any ip that starts with 192.168 is a local network04:06
hank1dsnyders:  found my answer, but the modem's not responding04:06
hank1minicom detected it04:06
abhilashm86so u say, each has other ip address, like most webservers..........04:07
hank1might be a bad modem though i bought a pile of them for cheap.  thanks for the help.  gonna try a few others04:07
dsnydershank1, is this an internal or external modem04:07
smil3yabhilashm86> http://www.duxcw.com/faq/network/privip.htm  read it , know it04:07
dsnydershank1, before you shut down, dmesg|grep modem04:08
courpseEach computer tha is connected to a router, or connects to the internet/network via a switch/hub/router has a local ip, they start in 192.168.* or 10.1.* most of the time.04:08
master__smily3: was it my router?04:08
courpseThis is INTERNAL LAN IP.04:08
hank1nothing shows up04:08
abhilashm86smil3y: ok fine,but using this and username, i did a remote login using vncserver, now seeing ssh, ok i'l read and get back!!04:08
dsnydershank1, what about lspci?04:08
webbb821lstarnes: im getting a command not found04:08
hank102:0a.0 Communication controller: Agere Systems LT WinModem04:09
courpseabhilashm86, I suggest you go learn some basics of networking.04:09
lstarneswebbb821: check spelling04:09
hank1it says the driver is activated but not in use04:09
hank1not there.. but in the hardware drivers04:09
hank1so it sees it, just not communicating04:09
dsnydershank1, Winmodem?  I don't know if they ever got those fixed.04:09
abhilashm86smil3y: ifconfig returns a ip address, that is local machine's right04:09
smil3ymaster_>  sounds like maybe the gateway address isnt what your isp is? you using a proxy?04:09
abhilashm86courpse: ifconfig returns a ip address, that is local machine's right04:09
webbb821sudo dpkg-i /home/brian/Downloads/telepathy-butterfly_0.5.1-1_all.deb04:09
smil3yabhilashm86>  thats your internal ip04:09
lstarneswebbb821: no04:10
master__hi smily3: that is the case with my gateway04:10
lstarneswebbb821: you missed a space04:10
courpseabhilashm86, ifconfig, returns your IP address, your default gateway, and your submask.04:10
hank1i read in another forum some guy had this modem working in several flavors of linux that's why i went with it04:10
lstarneswebbb821: dpkg -i, not dpkg-i04:10
hank1but that was awhile ago04:10
smil3ymaster_>  souds like it04:10
master__how would i fix?04:10
hank1this is frustrating because i'm setting this up for a friend and this is the last thing i need to get figured out before i give the system to him04:11
smil3yabhilashm86>  google for "myip" to get your external i[p04:11
hank1i should've worked on this first04:11
dsnydershank1, Okay, I personally lean towards external USRobotics myself.  I don't think I can help much.04:11
abhilashm86courpse: ifconfig, yes and thats what i used all this time, http://www.whatismyip.com/ what is this? the router ip right??04:11
mdkessHas anyone using Karmic had the problem that Gdk mouse motion events (ie. BUTTON1_MOTION_MASK) aren't registering?04:11
abhilashm86smil3y:yes and thats what i used all this time, http://www.whatismyip.com/ what is this? the router ip right??04:11
hank1dsnyders thanks anyway gonna try some others04:11
constantinesomeone plz pm me re:ubuntu display problem04:12
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smil3ymaster_>  whats your gateway now ?   type route in a terminal and the last # will be your gateway04:12
thiagocrepaldiwhich tools is used on ubuntu docuemntation ? (http://help.ubuntu.com)04:13
thiagocrepaldimediawiki ?04:13
smil3yabhilashm86>  yeah thats your external ip04:13
dsnydersHI all!   Can I re-run a file in /etc/event.d without rebooting the whole system?04:13
master__gateway shows * smily304:13
abhilashm86smil3y: can i call that as router ip?? when i traced its location, it was router?04:14
optimizeris there a good program to do "ftp diff" ? i.e. there is a FTP site I want to monitor, and I want to know when files on it changes04:14
smil3yabhilashm86>  huh?04:14
abhilashm86smil3y: but in command line we cannot get external ip??:))04:14
smil3ymaster_>  what does last line say? after default04:15
smil3ymaster_>  should be a number there04:15
abhilashm86smil3y: ??? was that very bad i asked?04:15
shawn_How can I get Glest to play in a window04:15
ProhibitedHow do you get it so when you install Packages the files go onto my external hard drive?04:15
master__smily3: its my log in again my default shows cpc2-hers3-0-0 etc04:15
Exodusoptimizer, ftp is the file transfer protocol, you can't really diff files on an ftp server, you should use version control, or hash your files and ssh access.04:16
smil3yabhilashm86>  i just had no idea what you said, ask a question that is decipherable04:16
master__smily3:     *        U     1      0        0 eth004:16
master__default         cpc2-hers3-0-0-         UG    0      0        0 eth004:16
master__sorry all04:16
abhilashm86smil3y:that external ip, how to get via command line? any command04:16
smil3ymaster__>  that ip address you just gave should be your gateway on your router04:17
smil3yabhilashm86>  no way04:17
gralcoscunizi: I think I got it04:18
scunizigralco: good04:18
master__So i need to chnge my gateway to that ip once i connect again to my router?04:18
abhilashm86smil3y: please see this thread in ubuntuforums, i asked there, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8030318#post803031804:18
smil3ymaster__>  yes04:18
smil3yabhilashm86>  i dont use forums04:18
master__okay ill read....thankyou i shall attempt...I would love you to join the site i am creating if you dont mind me asking04:19
scunizismil3y: master__ that looks like an external ip assigned by the ISP.. not the gateway address.. that's typically in the same subnet at the lan IP's.. ie. 192.168.###.###04:19
durtsmil3y, there is no way an IP address with 0 at the end is a valid address on a class C subnet, it's probably .1 or .25404:19
master__???? should i not scunizi...durt04:20
Dhuskiwhats better shiretoko or ubufox?04:20
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ExodusDhuski, they're different things04:20
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smil3yscunizi>  yeah i asked him to give me the output of route, the default should be his gateway, i have no way of knowing if he gave me the right one or not04:20
DhuskiExodus, which one do you recommend i use?04:20
abhilashm86smil3y: ok fine!! so i need to use external ip address that website gave to locate and login for other users!!04:21
ExodusDhuski, shiretoko is firefox 3.5, ubufox is something that is added to firefox to make it more compatible with ubuntu04:21
scunizismil3y: did you get his subnet?.. if so it's probably just for the gateway04:21
ExodusDhuski, every firefox release has a codename. "shiretoko" is firefox 3.5's codename.04:21
ExodusDhuski, you should have both installed04:22
master__scunizi...smily3: I ran route in terminal and got...Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface04:22
master__86.18.248.0     *        U     1      0        0 eth004:22
master__default         cpc2-hers3-0-0-         UG    0      0        0 eth004:22
smil3yscunizi>  nope, i had hime disconnect his router and connect to modem directly04:22
=== nick is now known as Guest1094
DhuskiExodus, thanks...04:22
ExodusDhuski, np04:22
scunizismil3y: ah.. then the modem gateway will be similar04:22
smil3yscunizi>  now hes not getting an ip for default hes just getting his isp name04:23
smil3yscunizi>  but he can connect to his website now04:23
scunizismil3y: is this dsl? pppoe?04:23
Dhuski!flood > master__04:23
ubottumaster__, please see my private message04:23
durtmaster__, why do you have as a netmask?04:24
smil3yscunizi>  no idea, didnt ask, hes got router problems, most likelt screwed with settings and now has dns issues04:24
master__www.linuxossolutions.com    can connect through my modem...but not through my router with my wireless..04:24
Exodusdurt, a lot of isp's configure your netmask that way04:24
scunizismil3y: easily fixed with a hard reset of the router04:24
abhilashm86smil3y: can you give link for network basics in linux? ssh and tools.....04:25
smil3ymaster__>  i would reset to default all your router settings, turn everything off, connect router, and retry to connet to your site04:25
master__all: i have done a hard reset twice04:25
smil3yabhilashm86>  just google, its easier that way04:25
master__smily3: it works for a hour then bang gone again04:25
master__durt: I didnt understand04:26
durtExodus, yes, that's my point, if it is set by the ISP no prob, if he set it manually then there's a prob.04:26
smil3ymaster__>  does that bring router back to factory default?04:26
abhilashm86smil3y:it can give lots, thought u would give what u refereed:) fine i'l do that, thanks a lot.........04:26
smil3ymaster__>  have you messed with *any* settings on it? prior to having problems?04:26
Exodusdurt, probably. Although i'm not following his problem, too far in the chat history so i wouldn't know really :)04:27
master__smily3: it does but i cant run the virgin exe file through wine and struggle to get it set up04:27
durtExodus, ditto04:27
smil3ymaster__>  what router is it? ?04:27
ChazzHelp, I just updated to Karmic, and now my synaptic touchpad doesn't work. Anyone know how to fix it?04:27
master__smily3: give me a sec04:27
smil3ymaster__>  you need a windows program to set it up?  thats nonsense04:27
fearful!karmic | Chazz04:28
ubottuChazz: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+104:28
durtChazz, please join #ubuntu+104:28
=== Kravlin_ is now known as kravlin
master__smily3: netgear wireless-g router wgr614 v9...I agree windows never that why im making a site for all04:28
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Umeaboy1Hi! Can someone please ghost my first nick (Umeaboy)? I can't do it in Pidgin apparently.04:29
smil3ymaster__>  not familiar with that router i only use linksys wrt54g routers04:29
Umeaboy1NickServ told me I had Umeaboy1 as nickname.04:29
master__smily3: I got it from virgin media04:29
ChazzUmeaboy1, try /quote privmsg nickserv ghost umeaboy [password]04:30
smil3ymaster__>  good luck pal, im out for the night, enjoy04:30
scunizimaster__: smil3y I use to have a netgear 624 something.. when it started to flak out it did pretty much the same thing.. might be time to invest in another.. I went with linksys.04:30
master__smily3: you rock if you could can you join my site im looking for engineers etc thank you04:30
Umeaboy1Chazz: (05.30.35) NickServ: (notice) Insufficient parameters for GHOST.04:31
Umeaboy1(05.30.35) NickServ: (notice) Syntax: GHOST <target> [password]04:31
master__scunizi: linksys i need?04:31
smil3ymaster__>  is it up?, mine is here if you wanna look  http://reillyblog.com04:31
scunizimaster__: I've had more luck with stability on the linksys routers04:31
ChazzUmeaboy1, try /quote privmsg nickserv :ghost umeaboy [password]04:32
master__smily3: at moment im still building but having people just email me with ideas ...i want to make a site for linux but have input from all of us...can we link..please email if we can linux is the platform04:32
smil3yscunizi>  a big +104:32
rubik_one brand of router to NEVER get is Belkin, those have major compatililbillty problems04:33
PCTeacher012how do i register my nickname?04:33
master__smily3: that looks great I would like if we can work with each other04:33
Umeaboy1Chazz: Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Invalid password? I KNOW my password.04:33
bastid_raZorUmeaboy1: #freenode can assist you04:34
magikidPCTeacher012: /msg NickServ register <password> <email>04:34
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scunizi!register | PCTeacher01204:34
ubottuPCTeacher012: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode04:34
smil3ymaster__>  steve@reillyblog.com04:34
deltuh.. hello04:35
prappl93Anyone know how to make Rhythmbox reshuffle the list? Sort of like what iTunes does when you go all the way back then hit play again?04:35
master__thankyou smily3: i shall be in touch04:35
delteven bigger channel than #linux... hehe04:35
* leaf-sheep add an email address to spam later04:35
PCTeacher012thanks scunizi04:35
master__steve: rory04:35
deltso, is there a live-cd (test run) for this hairy-hardon or whatever?04:35
magikidprappl93: Have you tried just unclicking and reclicking the shuffle button?04:36
scuniziPCTeacher012: np :)04:36
prappl93magikid, that doesn't work04:36
PCTeacher012There we go :D:D04:36
PCTeacher012The smilies are so scary on pidgin.. imma install irssi >:)04:36
Maxwell_Yes, I do know that I should probably pastebin this, BUT....My system is not  booting, when I try to fsck it I get the following error: "The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext204:36
Maxwell_filesystem.  If the device is valid and it really contains an ext204:36
Maxwell_filesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else),"04:36
PCTeacher012much beter04:36
prappl93magikid, that does work actually.. maybe04:36
shawn_delt Do you mean for Ubuntu or for the old version?04:36
scuniziPCTeacher012: screen and irssi rocks..04:36
Maxwell_Any ideas? :'(04:37
Maxwell_I haven't done anything odd and it oughtn't to be buttfucking up like this.04:37
deltshawn_: what do you recommend?04:37
magikidprappl93: I'm not sure if it does what you want, but that'd be my first thing to try04:37
shawn_delt The most recent version is Jaunty so I recommend downloading that from the Ubuntu site and you can burn yourself a Live CD yes04:37
master__All: I would love to open a chat focussed around the site I am creating and would love people to get interactive with me is that possible?04:37
thiebaude!language | Maxwell_04:37
ubottuMaxwell_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:37
prappl93magikid, that does not do it. I want it to play a different set of randomized music instead of the same set04:37
PCTeacher012how do i set irssi to this server?04:38
magikidprappl93: I'm not sure what you're trying to do then04:38
Maxwell_What language?04:38
Maxwell_What kind of crack are you smoking, thiebaude?04:38
fearfulMaxwell_, yelling04:38
thiebaude!offtopic | Maxwell_04:39
ubottuMaxwell_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:39
bastid_raZorPCTeacher012: all the irssi help you need in #irssi04:39
edlangI'm trying to disable my synaptic trackpad. Does anyone know how to do that?04:39
Maxwell_That has to be one of the most pathetic things I have seen someone use a bot to do in a long time :)04:39
Maxwell_Either way, any ideas as to a solution?04:39
scuniziMaxwell_: there are kid in here occationally.. so the language needs to stop04:39
magikidedlang: gsynaptics is a configuration tool for Synaptics touchpad driver of X server04:39
PCTeacher012what is this network...04:39
master__www.linuxossolutions.com can i start a chat around that?04:39
smil3yMaxwell_>  err  first time to IRC?04:40
Umeaboy1Chazz: In #freenode I've got just ONE nickname.04:40
magikidedlang: You should be able to find it in add/remove programs or apt-get04:40
prappl93edlang, System > Preferences > Mouse then select the Touchpad tab and disable it in there.04:40
Maxwell_smil3y: No, millionth.04:40
edlangprappl93: In Karmic, there's only the option to disable it while typing. I want to disable it completely.04:40
edlangmagikid: Cool, thanks. I'll try that.04:40
Maxwell_smil3y: I am just not used to people acting in such a ridiculous manner, more concerned about whining than helping people, but I guess it does happen.04:40
master__i cant wwait for karmic04:41
nossralsuvahi, what is the deal with Firefox quitting unexpectedly? My firefox quits like freaking crazy, any help would be greatly appreciated.04:41
durtMaxwell_, if no one has an answer for you, I suggest googling 'superblock fsck'04:41
Umeaboy1master__: Use the beta then. :)04:41
prappl93edlang, for future reference, #ubuntu+1 is the channel for all beta's04:41
* lolcats 04:41
flipponossralsuva, make sure it is up to date.  It had a few bugs that caused it to crash more than usual.04:41
Maxwell_durt: doing that, but I prefer the interactiveness of channels.04:41
edlangprappl93: OK.04:42
master__umeaboy1: sorry04:42
edlangmagikid: Is that setting persistent?04:42
master__oh yes the KARMIC is it good04:42
edlangmagikid: or do I need to restart synclient in some way each session?04:42
nossralsuvaokay, so i guess this 3.04 version needs to be updated to 3.5 or greater?04:42
durtMaxwell_, well if you get more info maybe that will jog someones memory, but for now nobody knows, ask again in 504:42
master__ive been on ubuntu for a year and a half ..love the problems and people that help04:42
Blueynosra - yes04:42
prappl93edlang, what company manufactured your computer? It doesn't help you some how that I know this, but I have a Dell and it uses Synaptic... they aren't bad touchpads but they are annoying04:43
nossralsuvanow, my next question is how do i do that? i've apt-get update & upgrade and it never seems to upgrade the firefox?04:43
meoblast001hi, i accidently broke my sources.list and i can't seem to remember where it's at04:43
magikidedlang: What setting? Maybe I didn't make myself clear, that is an app that will allow you to customize your mousepad.04:43
master__so i need to get a new router...damn..this one was given to me by my provider for free...will i be safe straight to the modem04:43
durtmeoblast001, /etc/apt/sources.list04:43
prappl93nossralsuva, what version of Ubuntu do you have?04:43
edlangprappl93: it's a Lenovo T6104:43
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nossralsuvaprappl93: i am using 8.04.304:44
meoblast001durt: ok, thanks, i was very tired and couldn't remember where it was04:44
Umeaboy1master__: Sorry for what?04:44
prappl93nossralsuva, is that an extended version?04:44
Blueynossralsuva - try this:  sudo apt-get install firefox-3.504:44
edlangmagikid: the one that's equivalent to synclient TouchpadOff=104:44
master__im going to upgrade to KARMIC now what were the keys again04:44
edlangmagikid: however, about thirty seconds after I exit gsynaptics, the trackpad is enabled again04:44
master__Umeaboy1: i forgot what I was asked so is Karmic fun...04:45
prappl93nossralsuva, are you using 8.04.3 as a limited support? Because if you are I think that maybe be the factor...04:45
nossralsuvaBluey: it could not find the packager, error04:45
magikidedlang: For me, it's always been persistent.04:45
Umeaboy1master__: Define fun, please.04:46
nossralsuvaprappl93: it is the 8.0.4LTS04:46
prappl93nossralsuva, it won't update it then if it is LTS I believe04:46
nossralsuvaprappl93: should i move and go to 9.04 then?04:46
Ali_nzanyone know why Gparted Live CD, wont let me me resize /dev/sda1 (linux boot) to full size of disk04:46
prappl93nossralsuva, If you want to. I would probably do that. Your call04:47
PCTeacher012Finally :D:D On irssi :D:D04:47
nutterpcI suppose you could say I'm one of the lucky ones who has everything working on their ubuntu install hey :P04:47
master__Umeaboy1: i did a clean install of 9.04 as I have been having problems connecting to linuxossolutions.com through my router...smily3 helped but i am now connected to my modem and seems like my router is playing up...so i might as well go to the beta of Karmic now as my pc is fresh again04:47
nossralsuvaprappl93: can do, i'd receive the 8.04LTS from the ubuntu unleased book04:47
paipimentaanybody know how to resize the actual /dev/sda2 partition that my LVM is on?04:49
master__does anyone know how i can set up a chat and have this community help me in building my site or linking systems we need to take over the world lol...04:49
Blueygosh I am not sure what repo I used for ff 3.5..04:49
Blueylet me look04:49
paipimentavolume group, physical volume, everything fits in 25Gig, partition is 58 Gig04:49
TNA5000does anyone know why when I mount an esata ext3 drive it shows up with the name 'MEDIA #drivesize#' rahter than its label?04:49
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY04:49
Blueyokay there you go.04:49
Umeaboy1master__: Do so. :)04:50
Umeaboy1You remember the command?04:51
master__no not currently04:51
paipimentahow do I resize my /dev/sda2?  currently a Linux LVM partition04:51
Umeaboy1sudo update-manager -d04:51
paipimenta#lvm is DEAD04:51
prappl93harisund, did you ever find anything to fix that issue? I just ended up uninstalling gnome-pilot04:51
nossralsuvaprappl93, Bluey: thanks alot guys04:51
TNA5000paipimenta: use gparted04:51
Blueywelcome - hope that helps...04:51
prappl93nossralsuva, no problem04:51
master__here we go04:52
leaf-sheepmaster__: Do the command first --> takeover --city "London"04:52
harisundprappl93: no man, I couldn't replicate it so I am not sure what I am trying to fix :( Did you like file a bug report or something somewhere?04:52
gsevilafter update to ubuntu 9.10, my screen resolution is only 1024x768, can you help me?04:52
nossralsuvaprappl93, Bluey: I have 9.04 but was hesistant, wanted to wait a bit before i moved from it, since i started off w/ ubuntu from 6.0604:52
leaf-sheep!karmic | gsevil04:52
ubottugsevil: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+104:52
Ali_nzis there any reason I cant resize my ext3 Ubunutu partition from Gparted live???04:52
Umeaboy1master__: Did it work?04:53
prappl93harisund, no, not yet. I once had "Automatically remember running applications when logging out" checked and I unchecked that, but it still had gnome-pilot pop up04:53
TNA5000Ali_nz: I would download the gparted live CD and do it from there04:53
master__leaf-sheep: my site im starting is for linux and i would love all of you to be part of building it...i bought all the domains so we can ...assist the creator linus04:53
Blueynossralsuva -- you're more experienced then me - I started with ubuntu 8.04, but I have 2 years SuSE experience prior to that...04:53
master__Umeaboy1 im going04:53
Ali_nzTNA5000: I am using the live CD04:53
master__nervous i have been waiting04:54
Ali_nzI just cloned from a 40gb to a 250gb04:54
TNA5000Ali_nz: then you should be fine04:54
Ali_nzIt boots ok04:54
Maxwell_How do I repair a bad superblock, or at least get all my files off of that drive before formatting.04:54
nossralsuvaBluey: I too started w/ suse 9.3 a few years ago, then recently switched to the .deb world04:54
leaf-sheepmaster__: Good luck. You may gather more followers in #ubuntu-offtopic04:54
Ali_nzbut i need to resize partions04:54
Ali_nzto make use of slack space on bigger disk04:54
tobiHi all04:54
TNA5000Ali_nz: you can do it with gparted04:54
nossralsuvaBluey: i've been running virtual versions in suse and fedora04:54
Umeaboy1Maxwell: Unmount your system and do fsck.04:54
Ali_nzit wont let me make the 40gb partion any bigger04:54
Blueynossralsuva -- only bad thing about SuSE -- zypper  == otherwise really like it - still on a couple of my systems04:54
master__Leaf its not folllowers i want its a site dedicated to linux....it for myself even but thanks for the link04:54
nossralsuvaBluey: i like the debian world it is nice04:54
tobijust plugged a router in and I am unable to talk to it on address http//:
Ali_nzTNA5000: when you open the rsize window the maximum size is the same as the partion size (even tho I have 150Gb in unallocated)04:55
Blueynossralsuva -- mixed -- ubuntu makes me install a lot of programmes, that SuSE didn't04:55
tobiIcan talk through it and ping another computer and get on to the internet ok04:55
paipimentaAli_nz: what's the question again?04:55
TNA5000Ali_nz: you have to make sure the extra space is there and not partitioned and it is also beside the partition you want to expand04:55
Ali_nzok, its not next to the partion04:56
Ali_nzhow would i fix that04:56
Blueynossralsuva -- most frustrating thing about ubuntu -- I spent 6 months off and on, trying to get my scanner working -- worked fine first time in SuSE -- not so with ubuntu04:56
nossralsuvaBluey: yeah this firefox thing just drove me a bit batty04:57
nossralsuvaBluey: so far i've stuck w/ HP products because of their compatibility w/ linux04:57
nossralsuvaBluey: so i avoided those problems early on04:57
master__im upgrading ...so my router cant be changed then as smily3 was saying04:57
Blueymossralsuva -- It's an HP printer, with an HP computer...04:58
Ali_nzthere was some other small unknwon partition in between04:58
TNA5000Ali_nz: you should be able to choose to move the partition04:58
Blueyworked in mmmVista, and SuSE but not ubuntu --04:58
nossralsuvaBluey: but we, as linux users are getting there slowly, we are being recognized and those other OS's will have to look over their shoulders b/c the underdogs aren't to far behind04:58
Ali_nzI deleted it and now I can reszie (i couldnt move it) - will see what happens :-)04:58
Ali_nzi suppose then i need to edit grub because partition size changed?04:58
TNA5000Ali_nz: not sure bout needing to edit grub after the resize04:59
IC3to the general public they dont no about linux so when they hear oit they just go wtf04:59
Ali_nzguess we will find out soon enough :-)05:00
prappl93How do I log in as root in the terminal?05:00
TNA5000good luck05:00
Umeaboy1prappl93: sudo or su -05:00
lstarnesprappl93: sudo -i05:00
prappl93Umeaboy1, thanks05:00
doug9_hello, Looking for a how to to access a hard drive from my past computer. It's on usb.05:00
lstarnesprappl93: or run a command preceded with sudo05:00
TNA5000does anyone know how to mount an external drive with a name that is not 'Media #drivesize#'?05:00
nossralsuvaprappl93: i recommend not to log in as root but use sudo or su for those powers05:01
paipimentaTNA5000: !Warning: Logical Volume Management is not yet supported05:01
tobianyone know why i can't ping my router?05:01
tobican talk through it05:01
johnniI have a Nvidia 8400 GS graphics card...any help how to get it installed?05:01
paipimentathat's what GParted had to say, so don't tell anyone else asking about resizing an LVM partition to use GParted again05:01
Blueytobi - prolly becuase ping is turned off by default in the router - mine came that way05:01
lstarnestobi: are you able to access the internet through that router?05:02
tobiI can ping it with a windows machine05:02
=== onchoe is now known as Ce_Niizzz
thiebaudejohnni, i have the same card05:02
tobiyes doing so now05:02
johnnithiebaude, did you get yours installed where you can run like 3d and compiz and that?05:02
TNA5000paipimenta: I had a USB drive that when mounted it showed up on the desktop as BACKUP (what I labeld the drive), then reformated it and now it shows up as 'Media #drivesize#'. How can I get it to show up with a name of my likeing?05:02
Maxwell_Umeaboy1: I unmounted, I ran fsck.05:02
thiebaudejohnni, yes05:02
johnnithiebaude, can you tell me how? please05:03
constantineI have ibex, should I upgrade ?05:03
harisundWhy is it that if I select "no theme" for my GDM login screen I am not allowed to auto-login myself but if I use the Ubuntu -human theme I can auto login?05:03
thiebaudejohnni did you goto Syetem-admistration-Hardware drivers05:03
doug9_can super grub disk help me get access to a drive on a usb?05:03
paipimentawhat did you format it with?05:03
lstarnesconstantine: intrepid will be supported until april05:03
paipimentaTNA5000: ?05:03
johnnidoug9_, yes and it just sit on installing driver then finally installed it and still says I can't enable 3d effects so that doesn't work05:03
TNA5000paipimenta: gparted as ext305:03
johnniI mean thiebaude sorry05:03
constantineistames, can I then upgrade without losing all of my info?05:04
thiebaudejohnni, let ubuntu search for the driver its 18005:04
lstarnesconstantine: you can upgrade through the package manager05:04
CelrocHi all. I think something went wrong with my software update manager; it's stuck when trying to install the updates. How do I set it to re-download and start over with the updates?05:04
lstarnesconstantine: the update manager, actually05:04
constantineok thanks05:04
xanguaCelroc: stock05:04
johnnithiebaude, okay will try that..ty05:04
thiebaudejohnni, np05:05
Celrocxangua: Yeah, won't continue to install, just stops at one place05:05
mo0nykitHi! I have a problem with my Ubuntu 9.04 fresh install on an Acer Aspire 4520. When I press Ctrl-Alt-F1, (or switch to any virtual console for that matter), the screen goes black around the center with some white regions around the edges. The same thing happens when I shut it down (and requires a press of the Enter key to fully shutdown). What could be the problem?05:05
xanguawont continue to install or downlaod ¿ Celroc05:05
TNA5000paipimenta: I thought there is a way to mount a drive and give it a meaningfull name, no?05:05
Celrocxangua: Install. It managed to download them, but the install hangs05:05
constantineanybody know of a good place to find yim for ubuntu? (non-pidgin)05:06
xanguaconstantine: empathy, kopete05:06
=== _choc is now known as choc
xanguai preffer pidgin05:06
Umeaboy1Maxwell_: PM?05:06
SparkieHi, ive just burnt a ubuntu server edition onto a cd05:07
Sparkieand im booting it on my other desktop05:07
Sparkiei go to boot menu from startup05:07
Sparkieand i select boot from onboard or usb cd-rom drive05:07
theblueHi all.05:07
PCTeacher012xangua: I hate pidgin haha. I use it for yahoo messenger only. For MSN i use aMSN, for IRC i use irssi :P05:07
=== jon is now known as Guest70226
Sparkiea line of text pops up saying: ISOLINUX 3.63 Debian-2008-07-15 and just sorta of freezes i guess05:08
theblueI'm running jaunty UNR, and i'm having trouble burning a video DVD using AVI files; I can't find an obvious way to convert and burn them.05:08
Guest70226where do i find an old linux kernel?05:08
theblueCould someone walk me through the process?05:08
BiovoreGuest70226: kernel.org05:08
harisundWhy is it that if I select "no theme" for my GDM login screen I am not allowed to auto-login myself but if I use the Ubuntu -human theme I can auto login?05:08
Blueysparkie did you check the md5sums?05:08
Sparkieno, what are they?05:09
Ali_nzif you have a lot of disk spaced used, and want to see where its all been gobbeled up, how would you do it?05:09
CelrocHey all, I think something went wrong when my update manager tried to update; it appeared to download the updates, but at the part where it installs it hangs. Is there anyway I can reset it and have it re-download the updates?05:09
Blueysparkie  - they are like a checksum - to make sure what you got matches what was sent....05:09
Guest70226which version of the linux kernel does not have stack buffer overflow protection?05:09
Blueysparkie private message ok?05:09
constantinexangua: thanks!05:09
Sparkiesure bluey05:10
=== Brenden is now known as Brenden`
Maxwell_Umeaboy1 : PM?05:10
herlimenezesmy usb built in camera is not detected by kopete, what can i do?05:10
kruykazeis there a way to change the notification position?05:10
herlimenezesim running ubuntu 9.04/acer aspire one/ atom machine05:10
=== Umeaboy1 is now known as Umeaboy
TNA5000Ali_nz: I think this might be what you are looking for: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21718405:11
Ali_nzTNA5000: ta - didnt need to touch grub either btw05:13
crazyputerhi I just tried to reinstall ubuntu on to my toshiba laptop and I get error 18 what does this mean05:13
herlimenezesplz, help needed: my usb built in camera is not detected by kopete, what can i do?05:14
TNA5000Ali_nz: Thanks, thought so, but always good to confirm :-)05:14
durtcrazyputer, google 'grub error 18'05:14
crazyputeryes durt05:14
thiebaudecrazyputer, are you dual-booting?05:15
crazyputernot now thiebaude05:15
ka1ysaanyone comeacross, no settings in adobe flash in U 904?05:15
chu_How do I quit from a channel in irssi, I don't want to leave my session, just close down a channel (I opened #uubuntu :()05:16
chris_what is the easiest way to update 9.04 to the beta05:16
CelrocHey guys, if something goes wrong with the update manager, how do I tell it to re-download the updates and start fresh?05:16
Maxwell_After unmounting *everything* and running fsck on hda, I get the printout:05:16
Maxwell_fsck.ext2: Device or resource busy while trying to open /dev/sda05:16
Maxwell_Filesystem mounted or opened exclusively by another program?05:16
Maxwell_Any ideas?!??!05:16
FloodBot3Maxwell_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:16
xanguachu_:  i think is /window close05:16
chu_xangua, cheers05:16
luboszwhat is the best way to disable internet access for a specific application?05:17
chu_chris_, probably be easiest to go to #ubuntu+1 and ask them.05:17
Dr_Willischu_:  irssi has some very well done docs at their homepage.05:18
Dr_Willischu_:  i belive its '/window close  '  in the channel you wish to close.05:18
ryguyis there a way to install 9.10 on a separate partition from a running ubuntu partition05:18
Umeaboyryguy: Yes.05:19
UmeaboyUse gparted.05:19
owen1any reccommendation for a DVB-T USB dongle (for watching tv)?05:19
ryguyUmeaboy: I have gparted, so do I just resize the main partiton to make unallocated space?05:19
Dr_WillisYou can use that debootstrap tool/feature i recall.  to install ubuntu to another place from within a rnning linux disrto also.05:19
Umeaboyryguy: Yes. Not the home-partition.05:20
ryguyI have no spare cds and this thing cant boot from usb05:20
Dr_Willisusing debootstrap can be a bit complex. But its doable.. good luck with it.05:20
ryguykk thank you05:21
ka1ysaanyone come-across, no settings in adobe flash in U 904?05:22
xanguano settings¿05:22
ka1ysaright click and no settings05:23
Dr_Willis No menu items at all ? or is one menu item missing?05:23
herlimenezesmy usb built in camera is not detected by kopete, what can i do?05:23
almostAg33ki was wondering if any one knows, if ubuntu can support my zboard05:24
ka1ysasettings is there but not lit up not clickabill05:24
TNA5000herlimenezes: can u get a picture using cheese?05:24
herlimenezesTNA5000: i will try05:24
magikidka1ysa: Here is the global flash settings manager, you can change youre setting there http://bit.ly/3T834U05:25
mo0nykitHi! I have a problem with my Ubuntu 9.04 fresh install on an Acer Aspire 4520. When I press Ctrl-Alt-F1, (or switch to any virtual console for that matter), the screen goes black around the center with some white regions around the edges. The same thing happens when I shut it down (and requires a press of the Enter key to fully shutdown). What could be the problem?05:26
ka1ysaok ill try it.05:26
herlimenezesTNA5000: havent cheese installe, but camera monitor derects cam05:26
TNA5000herlimenezes: what?05:27
Ali_nzWhats Foo?05:28
herlimenezesyes there is an application called camera monitor05:28
Maxwell_Foo yoo.05:28
TNA5000herlimenezes: sorry, don't have any experience with it, but i know i tried cheese to get my cam working with skype05:29
ubottuAli_nz: bar05:29
scuniziAli_nz: Foo is like a wild card or place holder for a file name.. as in foo.bar05:29
herlimenezesTNA5000: ok, tnx05:29
ka1ysai cant find my mic. there05:30
Ali_nzahh, i c05:31
CelrocHi all. Im trying to update my software through the terminal, but it's stuck at the install. What should I do?05:32
scuniziCelroc: stuck doing the update?05:32
Celrocscunizi: Yeah05:33
scuniziCelroc: update or upgrade to the latest version?05:33
Celrocscunizi: The packages are supposedly downloaded, but won't install05:33
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scuniziyou didn't answer the question05:33
Celrocscunizi: Not sure about whether it is an upgrade or an update... I tried getting them through the normal update maanger at first, but same issue05:34
ubottudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.05:34
saliakanyone had luck running ubuntu on a eeepc900?05:35
screaminbemancan someone plz tell me how do i increase my vbox size05:35
Celrocscunizi: Thanks... How do I tell it to re-download the packages and try the install again?05:35
scuniziCelroc: I'm stuck then.. with either you're issue might require a reconfiguration of dpkg .. It's a fairly easy command to initiate but I'm afraid I've forgotten what it is..05:36
O___odoes ubuntu have software that is similar to math input panel in windows 7?05:36
screaminbemancan someone plz help me05:37
Celrocscunizi: Thanks, that helps... I'll look into that. I think I had to do this a long time ago and forgot now05:37
Vosssaliak, what hard drive/ssd size?05:37
saliakvoss:4g ssd05:38
screaminbemani need to download some windows software for school.  but i need to resize my vbox.05:39
Dr_Willisscreaminbeman:   if you mean rezise the virutal hard drive of a installed os. I belive thats doable.  Check the virtualbox docs yet?05:39
saliakvoss: the issue i'm having is with the lid switch.  it seems to always change the power state for me05:39
saliakvoss: so if i turn the machine off with the power button, closing the lid turns it back on05:39
saliakvoss : is there a way to disable any behavior based on the lid switch?  i changed all the "power preferences" to ignore the lid switch but that didn't make a difference05:40
O___othe math input panel is so tempting for me switch back to use windows again after like 3 years of using ubuntu05:40
mo0nykitHi! I have a problem with Ubuntu 9.04 on my Acer Aspire 4520 laptop. The screen goes all jittery black when I switch to another virtual console (Ctrl-Alt-<function key>), and also upon shutdown (I don't see the shutdown splash screen). What could the problem be?05:40
screaminbemandr_willis do u know how 2 resize the vbox05:41
Big_Dog1968Anybody here have any experience getting Cinelerra to work without crashing all the time in Jaunty?05:42
scuniziscreaminbeman: you trying to make it bigger or smaller?  you need to install vbox-guest-additions05:42
screaminbemanscunizi i need 2 increase my vbox05:43
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scuniziscreaminbeman: have you installed the guest additions?05:43
Dr_Willisscreaminbeman:  i belive ive seen it mentioned in that rather good Virtualbox Manual/docs at the virtualbox homepage.05:43
albertxiaoyuI want to see the source code of  program :echo . In my ubuntu system , how can I do that?05:44
Dr_Willisscreaminbeman:  and be more concise. You with to resize the virtual hard drive of a virtualbox session correct?05:44
albertxiaoyuAnyone can help ?05:44
albertxiaoyuI want to see the source code of  program :echo . In my ubuntu system , how can I do that?05:44
screaminbemani have windows xp installed on vbox.  but i can't download software i need from the internet for school.05:45
Biovorealbertxiaoyu: I belive echo is part of coreutils package..05:45
Gneaalbertxiaoyu: find out what package it's installed in, then install the source package of it05:45
albertxiaoyulet me see .....05:46
Dr_Willisscreaminbeman:  for a quick fix. you could add a 2nd virtual hard drive to the vbox session/os and move stuff over to it.05:47
Biovorealbertxiaoyu: I think what your looking for is: sudo apt-get source coreutils05:47
Biovoreos something like that05:47
jasonmchristoshello, i created a gpg key using the keymaker in ubuntu  but it seems as if it only created a private key how do i create a public key. because i am trying to send an encrypted test email to myself05:48
albertxiaoyuthanks a lot for your answer . Let me see ...05:48
CelrocHey guys, I found an error message with the update manager: "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem." I tried it and it hasn't fixed it, though. What else should I try?05:48
Biovorealbertxiaoyu: echo part of a bigger thing.05:49
mo0nykitHi! I have a problem with Ubuntu 9.04 on my Acer Aspire 4520 laptop. The screen goes all jittery black when I switch to another virtual console (Ctrl-Alt-<function key>), and also upon shutdown (I don't see the shutdown splash screen). What could the problem be?05:50
screaminbemani install vbox guest additions now how do i increase my vbox size?05:50
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin . Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output. Simple usage: command-name | pastebinit05:51
Dr_Willisscreaminbeman:  theres several ways from what i just googled in the last 5 min.05:51
Dr_Willissee the url i juist pasted05:51
screaminbemanyes i c the url05:52
_MattBi'm building a raid6 array and it's pretty slow going, i'm thinking one of the disks may be faulty, and ideas on where to look for i/o errors or something like that?05:53
Dr_Willis_MattB:  check 'dmesg' command output?05:54
jasonmchristosCelroc: just cut and paste the command into terminal. did it ask for the password?05:55
_MattBDr_Willis, thx, checking now05:55
Celrocjasonmchristos: Yeah, but when I tried to update it It would still get stuck again05:55
jasonmchristosCelroc: hmmm. always try restarting. then run the fix05:56
Celrocjasonmchristos: I think I'm getting it, though. I ran "sudo dpkg --remove (package name) and that may have helped05:56
Shadow121Hey everyone.  Anyone know where i can get a STABLE skype?05:57
Celrocjasonmchristos: .... or not. I'll try restarting05:57
jasonmchristosCelroc: what repo is it from?05:57
Celrocjasonmchristos: Not sure. It's a OpenOffice update05:58
jasonmchristosCelroc: is it from the standard sources?05:58
paipimentahow do I resize /dev/sda2 with an LVM partition on it?05:58
Celrocjasonmchristos: Yeah05:58
paipimentais that possible?05:58
jasonmchristosCelroc: well restart and run that command, otherwise do a Complete removal of the package first then add it back05:59
Celrocjasonmchristos: Ok. brb06:00
jasonmchristosCelroc: but this will remove any settings you may have set06:00
Celrocjasonmchristos: Oh. Well, that's ok.06:00
Shadow121Anyone know where i can get a STABLE skype?06:00
lstarnesShadow121: I thought skype made .deb packages for skype06:01
Shadow121lstarnes:  Yes but its a BETA package.  Stable is gone.06:01
jamieleshawthere beta is pretty stable06:02
Shadow121But they got rid of the Stable package all together.  I dont understand why.06:03
_MattBmy raid rebuild is only going at 150k/sec, at this rate it's going to take a couple months to complete, anyone have an idea of what may be wrong?06:03
=== DecodeX01_ is now known as DecodeX01
jamieleshawShadow121, I think i know where to get them06:04
_MattBis it possible to see the i/o stats for the individual drives?06:04
Prohibiteddiner, roast. bbs06:04
Shadow121jamieleshaw, where is that?06:04
stlsaintcan anyone tell what the cmds are in terminal to use pastebinit06:05
jamieleshawShadow121, Sorry, it's windows only06:05
lstarnesstlsaint: have you installed pastebinit?06:05
stlsaintno not yet06:05
Dr_WillisThats step 1 then. :)06:05
lstarnesstlsaint: sudo apt-get install pastebinit06:05
lstarnesstlsaint: once you have it, run commandname | pastebinit06:06
lstarnesstlsaint: replace commandname with the command that you want to take the output from06:06
Celrocjasonmchristos: Back. Tried running the command again and I don't think it worked...06:06
Celrocjasonmchristos: I guess I should try to uninstall OpenOffice and reinstall06:06
stlsaintDr_Willis, right =) i know to install but didnt want to till i learned more on it06:06
edgarun favor06:07
edgarmuy grande06:07
FloodBot3edgar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:07
jasonmchristosCelroc: what error are you getting?06:07
stlsaintlstarnes...still not tracking06:07
stlsaintooohh...never mind i see06:08
edgarok, i've been installed ubuntu today, and i cant conect the wireless, i dont know what happend06:08
stlsaintso say if sudo apt-get install was giving errors i would use sudo apt-get install | pastebinit ?06:08
lstarnesstlsaint: sudo apt-get install packagename | pastebinit06:08
Celrocjasonmchristos: "Errors were encountered while processing: (Packages here)"... and when I opened up an update manager it said I have 6 broken packages06:08
edgarplease what can i do06:09
stlsaintlstarnes, well yes thats what i mean...thanks ppreciate the help06:09
audigy6xhi Linux world06:09
audigy6xmy kids are going to love this06:10
bullgard4How does GNOME call a modification (addition) of an applet symbol (for example in the form of a tilted white cross in a small red square) at the lower right?06:10
jasonmchristosCelroc: i would suggest doing the Complete removal optild have fixed iton on all six and putting them back in, but the command should have fixed it06:10
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screaminbemandr_willis i tried the url & got no results.06:11
nutterpcoh how cool06:11
nutterpcinsta locking for laptop06:11
nutterpcBlueproximity: VERY cool06:12
jamieleshawDoes the Asus eee pc 1005HA-H work with ubuntu?06:12
audigy6xwhy yes it does06:13
jamieleshawaudigy6x, What works and what doesn't Is it a out of the box?06:13
=== rsc____ is now known as rsc___
stoojMight be a daft question: I have a USB disk formatted as ext3. When it mounts, it mounts with root ownership permissions so I can't write to the disk. Can I change this on the drive so a)I don't have to edit fstab and b)it mounts as writable on any machine (not just mine)06:13
tkmrstooj: yes06:14
audigy6xI have that same Asus pc ....Moblin works to on it06:14
jamieleshawaudigy6x, So will everything work on a fresh install of ubuntu, with no tweaking?06:14
tkmrstooj: Probably not the most efficient method, but how I do it is I open nautilus as root, navigate to /media, right click on the device, and edit my permissions.06:15
audigy6xyes with no tweaking06:15
louis__Okay I finally managed to setup VNC Via                  DYNDNS06:15
stoojtkmr: edit them to 777?06:16
audigy6xdo you have an eternal cd drive Jamie06:16
stoojtkmr: uhh, or 66606:16
jamieleshawaudigy6x, Cause i'm going to buy one and put UNR Koala on there06:16
paipimentahow do I resize /dev/sda2 that currently has an LVM on it?06:16
jamieleshawaudigy6x, no,06:16
tkmrstooj: usually I just set it so I am the owner.06:16
tkmrstooj: That has made it so that I can access it on my Linux systems, and on my Windows systems with EXT2FSD06:17
audigy6xI suggest you get one for it06:17
stoojtkmr: Will give that a whirl. Many thanks :)06:17
audigy6xthat way you can try different ver of Linux as well06:17
tkmrstooj: no problem. Hopefully that works for you too. =)06:17
screaminbemani m trying 2 expand my vbox & have no success.  can someone plz walk me thu it????06:17
jamieleshawaudigy6x, I have to get it first heheheheh :)06:18
audigy6xI love my net book ....can't live with out it06:18
Celroc....I wonder if I managed to really screw this up good lol... can't uninstall OpenOffice.Org now06:18
IC3whart software are you usinjg06:18
jamieleshawaudigy6x, they kick any other computers *** any day of the wekk06:19
screaminbemani m new @ this ubuntu software.  i m not familiar w/ it yet06:19
IC3what is your vbox i mean?06:19
screaminbemani m using vbox for windows xp06:19
stoojtkmr: Simple as that... it worked a treat. I had assumed that would change ownership of the folder in /media, not the drive itself.06:20
audigy6xyes indeed....as long as you have Linux on it .....Windows sucks.....but hey I was using windows when they had 95 out ...man ....those where the days06:20
IC3virtual box?06:20
audigy6xVbox Rocks06:20
IC3have u installed the guest additions?06:20
screaminbemanic3: i have installed the guest additions06:21
tkmrstooj: glad to hear it. =)06:21
screaminbemanic3: like i said tho, not real familiar w/ the os yet06:21
bullgard4How does GNOME call a modification (addition) of an applet symbol (for example in the form of a tilted white cross in a small red square) at the lower right?06:21
IC3ok so when you have your virtual box running should be a tab that sez machine click it06:22
IC3or push rite ctrl and g at the same time while your in your virtual box06:22
audigy6xsorry have to go be back soon Linux world06:22
screaminbemanic3: should i have my windows xp running as well06:23
IC3so your host os is win xp?06:23
xwin_I installed Ubuntu 9.04 less than a week ago but I can't even update it.  I'm about to say bye-bye Ubuntu 9.04, cuz I'm gonna whack it and just about to install Fedora core 11.06:24
screaminbemanic3: host os is linux & vbox is for windows xp06:24
edbianxwin_: You can't update it?06:24
IC3well it should be that same as what i said b4 enyways06:24
bullgard4xwin_: Do that and do not pollute this channel.06:24
edbianxwin_:  What are you doing that isn't working?  Do you wanna try and fix it?06:24
xwin_it says server unreachable06:24
screaminbemanic3: should i have win xp running also06:25
edbianxwin_: System -> Admin -> Software Sources06:25
xwin_okay, kaboom Ubuntu 9.04 I'll try it again some day.... :-)06:25
IC3install guest additions and if u have done that push rite ctrl and g at the same time that should enable the resize06:25
edbianxwin_: o: alright.  Bye then!06:25
IC3if thats the vm's window your trying to resize06:25
IC3then yes06:26
IC3hope that made scence lol06:26
CelrocThanks all for all your help... I'm gonna log out for now. Bye, and have a great evening!06:27
screaminbemanic3: i m trying to increase vbox's storage size not screen size06:27
IC3oh the storage size lol06:27
IC3well i dont no06:27
screaminbemandoes anyone know how to increase storage size of vbox?06:28
IC3well i think you can create another vhd and atach that to your virtual machine as another hdd06:28
IC3or get rid of your current vm and create the new hdd of your size and reinstall xp on that06:29
dg1is there like a force cd eject06:29
screaminbemanic3: i tried that but windows didn't reconize the 2nd drive06:30
IC3ah ok06:30
dg1force cd eject?06:30
Blueydg1 -- yes it's called a paper clip06:31
IC3do you no how to get into xp's partition manager?06:31
screaminbemanic3: no06:32
liquidridim on 9.04, clean install. i have a XFS volume using LVM on 3 new sata drives. My CPU use for smbd seems high and the system is a bit sluggish, is this normal when copying at ~40mb/s over gigabit ethernet (pci card)?06:32
Blueynot of the top of my head -- I'd try start/control panel06:32
Blueyi think it's in administrative functions of something like that06:32
IC3rite click my computer and click manage06:33
paipimentahow do I resize /dev/sda2 that currently has an LVM on it?06:33
Blueythanks ic3 -- I know there had to be an easier way...06:33
IC3then when that comes up click Disk Management on the left06:33
dg1ah, sudo umount -l /dev/scd006:33
harisundWhy is it that if I select "no theme" for my GDM login screen I am not allowed to auto-login myself but if I use the Ubuntu -human theme I can auto login?06:34
IC3that that shows what disks there are06:34
chrissy_hello i have a question with yahoo email06:34
=== __venom__ is now known as _venom_
Gneachrissy_: please, just ask it06:34
sim-value/msg nickserv identify k.s.g.12306:34
dg1installing halflife 2, couldnt get the cd to open for the second disc06:34
IC3u may need to format the disk u attached to the vm thats why xp may not see it it in my computer06:34
liquidridpaipimenta http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_lvm_p206:34
Gneasim-value: nice password choice06:34
Blueygnea - been there, done that!06:35
paipimentaliquidrid: promising... howtoforge is generally good stuff, I've been through a lot of sites on this, let me tell you06:35
GneaBluey: you.. used the same password? ;)06:35
Gnea!helpme | Bobarrik06:35
ubottuBobarrik: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience06:35
switchgirlanyone want to train me with ubuntu?06:35
Blueybut I've had my id show up in channel06:35
sim-valuebut rather bad.  client06:35
screaminbemanic3: found the new drive but not sure how 2 format it06:35
edbianswitchgirl: Train you?06:35
Gneaswitchgirl: just install it and use it.06:35
edbianBobarrik: What's wrong?06:35
Bobarrikwow, that hurt06:35
Gneaswitchgirl: there, training done.06:35
bullgard4How does GNOME call a modification (addition) of an applet symbol (for example in the form of a tilted white cross in a small red square) at the lower right?06:35
dannnnguys i just downloaded 64bit iso of ubuntu server, it says amd64, is it ok to install on intel xeon?06:36
Gnea!ask | Bobarrik06:36
ubottuBobarrik: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:36
Bobarrikwhy are bots yelling at me06:36
chrissy_ok i can recieve email but when i check my the ones i have sent to my home computer it does not go through06:36
switchgirlanyone want to train me with ubuntu? so i can get a job tech support and help myself out of my joblessness06:36
GneaBobarrik: please, follow channel guidelines to get help.06:36
Blueyswitchgirl - best way - RTFM06:36
IC3should just be able to rite click it and click format06:36
Gneaswitchgirl: that's not what we do here. however, if you'd like to stick around, we can help answer your questions, and perhaps you can help answer other people's questions.06:37
howitzer`How do I apt-get install a local package?06:37
Gneahowitzer`: sudo dpkg -i file.deb06:37
BobarrikI have a Dell Inspiron 1100 laptop and a wireless g WPC54G. Using the Windows Wireless Drivers Application, I was able to install what I believe are the correct drivers, but I'm still unable to make a connection to my local wireless. What am I doing wrong?06:37
switchgirlGnea: i know just thought i'd ask....06:37
Nachturnalsure, Switchgirl. Lets start with getting a webcam to work in Ubuntu.06:38
Gneaswitchgirl: if you know, why ask?06:38
howitzer`Gnea: But that doesn't resolve dependencies?06:38
chrissy_so can anybody tell what i am doing wrong06:38
dg1wine eject d:06:38
Gneahowitzer`: no, but it tells you what dependencies it needs, which you can easily search for and install06:38
switchgirlGnea: if you dont ask you shall never know06:38
edbiandannnn: Did you ask about amd64 ?06:38
Gneachrissy_: have no idea what your email setup consists of, so not sure what email you're referring to06:39
Gneaswitchgirl: good point06:39
chrissy_i have yahoo06:39
howitzer`Gnea: Is there no way to have that done automatically somehow with apt-get or something?06:39
paipimentaliquidrid: didn't find that on page 2..... I want to resize the disk partition on which the LVM is contained06:39
doug9_Hi, I'm looking for how-to help to access my old 2.5" drive that is now in an external case and is connected via usb06:40
paipimentaI already resized the logical volumes, volume group, and physical volume, but the fdisk partition /dev/sda2 still reads at ~59G, which I need to be 25G06:40
screaminbemanic3: thx 4 the help it's formatting now06:40
Gneachrissy_: okay, so it's a web-based email, that anyone on any operating system can use - how is this ubuntu-related, other than you're using ubuntu as your os?06:40
IC3no probs glad to help06:40
ArkoldThoshow I can know what mobo I have easily :O?06:41
dg1what do you take when your constapated06:41
doug9_If this is the wrong place to ask, can you tell me where to go?06:41
IC3well im off ppl mite be back later06:41
liquidridNow let's enlarge media from 1GB to 1.5GB:06:41
liquidridlvextend -L1.5G /dev/fileserver/media06:41
chrissy_i would compose a email in yahoo and send itough it said it did06:41
Gneaswitchgirl: I guess it depends what your current level of knowledge of computers, in general, is, and what you already know about Ubuntu06:41
liquidridpaipimenta did you see the part about `lvextend`06:42
Gneachrissy_: so are you trying to send/recieve via thunderbird or something?06:42
edbiandoug9_: Good luck getting help with that!  This isn't a bad place unless you're using an OS other than ubuntu06:42
switchgirli can group commands and do basic things but dont understand why the commands work or how06:43
liquidridpaipimenta this page has more details http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_lvm_p406:43
harisundWhy is it that if I select "no theme" for my GDM login screen I am not allowed to auto-login myself but if I use the Ubuntu -human theme I can auto login?06:43
Gneaswitchgirl: have you ever used any other distribution other than Ubuntu?06:43
chrissy_no through yahoo i am trying to send through06:43
paipimentalvreduce won't affect what I see when I run fdisk06:43
doug9_edbian: yes this is 9.0406:43
chrissy_i couldnt get thunderbird setup06:43
switchgirlnot knowingly Gnea06:43
Gran_GerHi there! I have a huge problem!!!! Accidentally I start formating my hard disk ntfs as fat3206:44
edbiandoug9_: Then you're in the right place.  That's just such an old medium.  I don't know if you can find anybody to help you :/06:44
paipimentaPartition: { /dev/sda1}   Partition: { /dev/sda2 [VG (LV)(LV)(LV) ]   e m p t y  s p a c e  }06:44
Gran_GerI cancel almost inmediatly, but now I can't start this one06:44
harisunddoug9_: what did you want again?06:44
Gneaswitchgirl: I suggest installing other distros and playing around with those, get a feel for how the source code compiles and is linked through the system shared libraries06:44
liquidridpaipimenta im sorry, that's about the extent of what i know about lvm06:45
edbianGnea: switchgirl: No offense but I think sending a complete novice into the linux world is a terrible idea.06:45
doug9_Old medium?  It's 2.5" hard drive from a laptop.  Have I been hit on the head and been asleep ?06:45
edbianswitchgirl: I'd just stick with ubuntu for a while and mess with that.06:45
paipimentafound a link to this though  http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_resizing_ext3_partitions06:45
U2switchgirl: use Slackware for a month and you'll gain a lot of Linux knowledge...06:45
Gneaedbian: why?06:45
harisunddoug9_: when you plug into your machine Ubuntu doesn't automatically recognize it? You said you were using an USB converter for it?06:45
switchgirledbian: better than starving06:45
edbiandoug9_: OOO!  I thought you meant those old big floppy disks lol06:45
Gneaedbian: it's perfect. worked for me.06:46
edbianswitchgirl: Good luck then! :)  As long as you're up to it.  Many people think Linux has a steep learning curve06:46
edbiandoug9_: PM me the output of "sudo fdisk -l" with the drive plugged in06:47
switchgirledbian: i really need basics so i can get into college06:47
edbianswitchgirl: What college requires you know the basics of linux?  Can I attend?06:47
doug9_The laptop is using 80GB.  The one I can't see into (but was working before the mother board died) is a 120GB, now in an external case with a USB connection to the ThinkPad06:48
edbiandoug9_: PM me the output of "sudo fdisk -l"06:49
ArkoldThoshow I can know what mobo I have easily :O?06:49
doug9_edbain:  what does fdisk -l do?06:50
edbiandoug9_: Shows all of the storage media connected to your computer right now06:50
U2even those that are not mounted yet06:51
BobarrikI have a Dell Inspiron 1100 laptop and a wireless g WPC54G. Using the Windows Wireless Drivers Application, I was able to install what I believe are the correct drivers, but I'm still unable to make a connection to my local wireless. What am I doing wrong?06:51
edbiandoug9_: Are you there?06:52
doug9_I'm here.  I'm reading about what fdisk does06:53
edbiano ok06:53
edbiandoug9_: It's mostly used for partitioning but "fdisk -l" simply "lists all partitions"06:53
GneaBobarrik: have you checked the linux laptop page to see if a solution exists already?06:54
Bobarrikno, I have not. Can I have a link to there?06:55
ubottuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org06:55
=== adeodatus is now known as aigon
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:55
FloodBot3duonglequy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:55
Hilariousityhey guize! Is there a program that I can use in bash to merge two directories?06:56
Hilariousityrecursively I mean06:56
Hilariousitydoug9_: is that the name of a program?06:58
EnkiduI've been trying to use a USBasp programmer with little success. When using AVRdude, it fails saying that it cannot find USB device USBasp. Using lsusb, the device is also not listed, is there something I'm missing to get it to work? I'm a complete noob, so sorry if the question is stupid.06:58
doug9_looking for edbain06:58
Gran_GerSo, Need help, How can I recover my hard disk that start formating as fat32 and is ntfs?06:58
harisundHilariousity: what do you mean "merge two directories recursively?"06:58
switchgirledbian http://www.stevenson.ac.uk/courses/course/hnc-computing/?fs=106:58
harisundWhy is it that if I select "no theme" for my GDM login screen I am not allowed to auto-login myself but if I use the Ubuntu -human theme I can auto login?06:58
doug9_thanks swithchgirl06:59
=== dangerx is now known as heavybrow
heavybrowhey man06:59
heavybrowi got a doubt06:59
Hilariousityharisund I mean put all the files and subdirectories of two directories and move them into one directory07:00
heavybrowhow do i desinstall ubuntu and install linux?07:00
HilariousityI can't copy and paste because some subdirectories within the two directories have the same name07:00
harisundHilariousity: can't you just use a bunch of mv commands?07:00
DigitalKiwiHilariousity: do you want every file in one directory ?07:01
Hilariousityyes sur07:01
DigitalKiwione sec07:01
guoxiaolongfuck you07:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about DigitalKiwi07:01
DigitalKiwifind $source -type f -exec cp \{\} $dest/ \;07:02
lstarnesheavybrow: ubuntu is a variant of linux07:02
guoxiaolonghow can i use linux meke kernel more new07:02
guoxiaolongI am listeing07:03
Hilariousitywow the find command has alot more functions then I ever thought07:03
GreyGhostheavybrow, linux is the kernel .. ubuntu is a distro based on it .. more like based on debian which is based on linux anyway ..07:04
guoxiaolongwhere are you come from?07:04
BobarrikNone of the pages given about laptops helped with my wireless problem... they all were about compatability and from what I have read, Jaunty works quite well with an Inspiron 1100. Can I have help with making my wireless work?07:04
doug9_how to get into a hard drive that is jumpered as slave and is as an external usb?07:04
guoxiaolongso you can pull the hard drive07:05
heavybrowGreyGhost: humm07:05
heavybrowGreyGhost: and how do i install distro ubuntu on the windows xp kernel?07:05
lstarnesheavybrow: ubuntu can only use the linux kernel07:05
GreyGhostheavybrow, err .. whtat do u mean by "on" ?07:06
lstarnesheavybrow: and the windows xp kernel only works with xp07:06
DigitalKiwithat has to be the best question ever07:06
heavybrowlstarnes GreyGhost it's bad07:06
heavybrowlstarnes GreyGhost and how do i install xp distro on linux kernel?07:07
guoxiaolongoh no07:07
lstarnesheavybrow: windows xp is not a distribution07:07
lstarnesheavybrow: it is a full OS07:07
lstarnesheavybrow: the term "distrubution" only applies to different variants of linux07:07
guoxiaolongyes you are right that's full os07:07
GreyGhostheavybrow, wt exactly are ur intentions of doing somethng like that? u can use XP in a vm in ubuntu (check virtualbox qemu vmwae) .. and vice versa07:07
heavybrowlstarnes: is there a way to install ubuntu on freebsd kernel?07:08
lstarnesheavybrow: no07:08
heavybrowGreyGhost:  i wanna try to use linux07:08
GreyGhostheavybrow, err.. if u mean the GUI by saying "install ubuntu" .. i think u can get GNOME for FreeBSD07:08
lstarnesheavybrow: it only works on the linux kernel07:08
heavybrowGreyGhost:  but i know xp is better than that07:08
GreyGhostheavybrow, then start using ubuntu .. it IS linux ..07:08
banisterfiendhey guys, i just apt-get zsh, how do i make zsh my default shell now? so that everytime i login it uses it instead of bash?07:08
lstarnesGreyGhost: most applications that work on linux work on other unix-like operating systems07:09
DigitalKiwiyou could theoretically take the freebsd kernel and substituted an ubuntu like userland for it07:09
GreyGhostlstarnes, i knw :)07:09
DigitalKiwithere is an arch linux project to do that for arch/freebsd07:09
heavybrowGreyGhost: is ubuntu better than xp?07:09
NachturnalI'm pretty sure Heavybrow is just trolling you guys.07:09
lstarnesbanisterfiend: try chsh -s $(which zsh)07:09
paipimentaalright, let's try this with a non-LVM partition.... I want to resize /dev/sda1 from 194M to 50M07:09
heavybrowNachturnal: ??07:09
DigitalKiwierr netbsd, sorry07:09
guoxiaolongxp is xp linux is linux that they are different concepts, ideas, do you understand?07:09
GreyGhostheavybrow, depends on what u do .. n wt u find "better"07:09
DigitalKiwibanisterfiend: chsh07:10
duonglq!search category.php?cid=07:10
FloodBot3ZoneAdmin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:10
heavybrowGreyGhost: on xp, i can play counter strike07:10
banisterfiendDigitalKiwi: do i need to sudo that?07:10
kiran_i am not able to hear sound from my laptop speakers07:10
allanmelsenAnyone here who ever toyed with openqrm?07:10
GreyGhostheavybrow, u can play that in WINE under linux i think .. bt mind u linux is not gaming centered OS ..07:10
heavybrowGreyGhost:  then, linux is bad07:10
sanchiroI have a dvd that my wife wants me to copy.. it's a few short videos.. she uses for training.. the disc reads JUST FINE in her MacBook, but in my linux box, the disc appears EMPTY.. why?07:11
allanmelsenlol heavybrow07:11
lstarnesheavybrow: that's just your opinion07:11
banisterfiendlstarnes, DigitalKiwi: thx07:11
DigitalKiwithere are tons of games for linux, and a ton of games work in wine07:11
flippoI hear XBox is popular for PowerPoint07:11
heavybrowthanks, men07:11
DigitalKiwiflippo: giggle07:11
sanchiroGreyGhost, but isn't gaming improving on linux?07:11
allanmelsenheavybrow: Windows isn't a gaming centered OS either.. it just happen to be there DirectX is and which developers mainly make games for.07:11
GreyGhostheavybrow, err saying that infront of 1279 ppl in a linux channel proves that u should stick to xp and NOT say linux is bad07:11
banisterfiendDigitalKiwi, lstarnes: it didn't work though :( when i exited and created a new shell, it went back to using bash :(07:11
stlsaintsanchiro, is the dvd encrypted07:12
DigitalKiwidid you login and out?07:12
johnniQuestion I have is went back to Alsa in Ubuntu Jaunty and my microphone is really low, but I have capture, microphone boost..and microphone all turned up full blast yet it sounds like i am whispering into the microphone..any ideas?07:12
allanmelsenBesides.. I've run both WoW and EVE with higher FPS under Linux than it did in Windows, or the exact same machine.07:12
banisterfiendDigitalKiwi: i closed the terminal and then loaded a new terminal07:12
DigitalKiwierr logout and back in07:12
GreyGhostsanchiro, it is improving .. if the commercial game devs created native apps for linux and stuck to OpenGL it wld be on par to windows07:12
NachturnalSeriously, you guys are being trolled. Heavybrow is playing you, and probably getting great enjoyment from it.07:12
sanchirostlsaint, I don't think it is.. it's not a commercially produced dvd.. just one personally recorded..07:12
lstarnesbanisterfiend: log out then log in again07:12
allanmelsenOpenGL unfortunately lacks quite a bit to match DirectX 10/11 :(07:12
guoxiaolongwine is the interface between linux and windows xp07:12
banisterfiendlstarnes: ok ill try, thanks07:13
Prohibitedemulator *\07:13
lstarnesguoxiaolong: it doesn't interface with windows at all07:13
stlsaintsanchiro, what distro you using?07:13
sanchiroGreyGhost, Are you familiar with www.supergamer.org? I just downloaded their big .iso file.. which supposedly has all natively coded linux games..07:13
sanchirostlsaint, ubuntu 9.0407:13
lstarnesguoxiaolong: it implements windows interfaces for windows applications running on linux07:13
allanmelsenI think whats needed to be able to compete with Windows is a whole new replacement for DirectX and OpenGL and so on.. something that enables simulatanious compatibility on both Windows, Linux and Mac, without making the development process much harder07:13
GreyGhostsanchiro, nope .. i dnt rly lay too many games ..07:13
heavybrowi got problems with apache on my windows xp07:13
stlsaintdo you have mediubuntu enabled07:14
stlsaintsanchiro, ^^07:14
sebsebseb!wine |  guoxiaolong07:14
ubottuguoxiaolong: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu07:14
guoxiaolongyes i know07:14
idleone!windows | heavybrow07:14
ubottuheavybrow: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents07:14
sanchirostlsaint, what is mediubuntu?07:15
DigitalKiwiallanmelsen: isn'g opengl pretty well cross platform compliant?07:15
ubottucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega07:15
guoxiaolongbut i think Not all can find in the linux into a simulated07:15
stlsaint!medibuntu > sanchiro07:15
ubottusanchiro, please see my private message07:15
Bruchey all07:15
areaywhy are chinese ip's bruteforcing my ssh port?07:16
allanmelsenDigitalKiwi: Yes.. but the problem still is that it doesn't match DirectX in regards of features/functionality + as far as I know.. Microsoft have fairly heavy SDK support for game development companies07:16
guoxiaolongyour private message is dust07:16
DigitalKiwiareay: are you on default port 22?07:16
areayDigitalKiwi, yea07:17
allanmelsenDigitalKiwi: So basically.. if it requires less to make a game in DirectX that provides better functionality/features for the developers... then they stick to DirectX... why use OpenGL if it complicates the development process and also doesn't make it as good a product.07:17
banisterfiend:) thanks guys07:17
eepberriesI'm trying to change the resolution of my ubuntu computer because it is hooked up to a monitor with a lower max resolution than what it's currently set to. I know how to access the command line (ctl+alt+f2) and i've tried using xrandr, but it says "can't open the display". what should i do?07:17
banisterfiendone more q, how do i change the name of my system?07:17
DigitalKiwido a few things...not really a problem on ubuntu but don't allow root login if you use something other than that ever, change port, set up something like denyhosts07:17
lstarnes!hostname | banisterfiend07:17
ubottubanisterfiend: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab07:17
areayDigitalKiwi, can't i get them back in some way... i feel violated07:18
eepberriesyou can use sudo su i think07:18
eepberriessort of similar07:18
lstarneseepberries: sudo -i, not sudo su07:18
allanmelsenwrong window07:18
FloodBot3allanmelsen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:18
allanmelsenwas looking for the pipe key on my mac keyboard.. can't find it.. heh07:19
DigitalKiwican't really think of anything you could do to them07:19
eepberriesso do any of you know how to fix my resolution problem?07:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about openqrm07:19
sanchirostlsaint, so installing mediubuntu will allow , or may allow me to read that disc?07:19
allanmelsenAnyone here who have experimented/used OpenQRM on Ubuntu?07:19
Slarteepberries: when you're using the tty (Alt+F1 etc) you have to specify for x programs which display you want to work with07:20
guoxiaolongOn one occasion, I did not compile successfully compile time, suggesting a lack of GCC07:20
lstarnesguoxiaolong: make sure that you had build-essential07:20
stlsaintsanchiro, yes...see here for help.... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu07:20
areayDigitalKiwi, it's probably windows malware of some kind anyway... i doubt a random chinese person decided to randomly type my ip address in, and i don't have any enemies in china (that i know of)07:20
eepberriesi tried using "xrandr --screen 0" but that didn't work. it still said it couldn't find the screen07:20
DigitalKiwiit's pretty common, areay07:20
Slarteepberries: so if you just run, for example, gedit it will fail to start because it doesn't know where to run.. you'll have to do something like "DISPLAY=.0.0 gedit" that will tell gedit to use the display numbered .0.0 (which should be the default display07:21
DigitalKiwiI had that problem a while ago, changing port stopped most of them since they usually don't bother port scanning, I also setup denyhosts which is nice07:21
Slarteepberries: sorry.. it's "DISPLAY=:0.0 gedit" ...  semicolon instead of a dot07:21
eepberriesslart: it says "Can't open display :0.0". i had tried that before07:22
areaydamn chinese...07:22
Elonequestion~ any fsck for ntfs ? i got boot msg saying fsck.ntsf not found ~ how to fix that?07:22
eepberriesactually, it says "Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE~1 keyCan't open display :0.0" specifically07:22
Slartareay: can you vent this anger of an entire (pretty large) country in the ot-channel instead? it's not really appropriate there either but it's better than doing it here07:23
SlartElone: nope.. there is ntfsfix but that's not really a fsck07:23
eepberriesthose blasted israelites07:24
Blueywoo hoo  just talked sparkie (australia) through a ubuntu install - success!07:24
Slarteepberries: hmm.. then I don't really know what is wrong, sorry07:24
DigitalKiwiyou put the disk in, it installs, this needs walkthrough why?07:24
eepberriesis there anyway to have the x serv or whatever revert to a safe mode07:25
eepberriesso i can fix it somehow07:25
areaysorry Slart, and any other chinese people that were offended by my comments07:25
banisterfiendhey cuties, the 'time' displayed in my zsh is wrong, how do i fix it?07:25
eepberriesi just need to get ubuntu working in a lower resolution. i can work my way up from there07:25
DigitalKiwibanisterfiend: how do you mean it is wrong?07:26
banisterfiendDigitalKiwi: it's saying that it's 2:24pm but it's 7:24pm (where i live)07:26
banisterfiendDigitalKiwi: my desktop clock is correct, but the zsh one is wrong07:26
DigitalKiwioh, probably some timezone setting in your .zshrc?07:27
banisterfiendDigitalKiwi: ok thx bb07:27
eepberriesso is there any sort of xserver low res safe mode i can run?07:27
guoxiaolongI often use linux to visit pornographic sites, but is not toxic07:27
dg1im doing a multy disc install of halflife and i cant get the first disc unmounted even though its out of my cd drive!07:27
banisterfiendDigitalKiwi: so zsh doesn't have the multi-tude of config files like bash does? it just has .zshrc it doesnt' have .zsh_profile etc?07:28
eepberriesyeah i'm pretty fond of the man on man sites07:28
idleone!ot > guoxiaolong07:28
ubottuguoxiaolong, please see my private message07:28
benjamin31perrrrrrsone ?07:28
idleone!fr | benjamin3107:28
ubottubenjamin31: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr07:28
=== superman is now known as Guest65016
IpsilonHey guys, I'm not a Linux user. But I wanted to know some info on the advantages of using linux. Not for the sake of argument.. but for my information to make certain choices07:29
IpsilonBeyond the fact that it's free of course07:29
idleoneIpsilon: /join #ubuntu-offtopic . better place to ask07:29
DigitalKiwiit probably has a .zshrc and a .zhistory or something (depends on your config file iirc)07:29
Ipsilonk thanx07:29
banisterfiendIpsilon: it's a nicer environement for a programmer, all the tools are free, they're high quality, and they're very easy to setup and use (with apt-get etc)07:29
eepberriessome things are very, very easy to do on linux if there is a premade package for what you're looking for07:30
eepberriesother things in linux make it a somewhat horrific experience07:30
eepberriesit's extremely hit or miss07:30
IpsilonI was mostly wondering about advantages in terms of media playing and more user-oriented stuff07:30
Ipsiloni'm not a programmer :P07:30
eepberriesthat isn't really the point of linux, sorry07:30
eepberriesthe "year of linux on the desktop" will probably never come07:30
mgmuscarihey room07:31
Guest65016anyone know why software available in the alternate installer compared to the normal DVD install disc would be reduced?07:31
banisterfiendIpsilon: maybe if you use linux you'd become a programmer!!!!!!! :P07:31
=== onchoe is now known as ce_zha
Guest65016i.e. all repositories seem there, added mediabuntu07:31
Ipsilonmaybe :/07:31
banisterfiendIpsilon: if you do become a programmer, choose ruby, python's overrated ;)07:31
Guest65016but can't find apps such as vlc in synaptic, just turns up blank although other more basic stuff is there07:31
avishekIpsilon: I agree, Linux can be difficult for new users, but even non-programmers find it useful07:31
eepberriesGuest58270: make sure you're typing the right package name07:31
mgmuscaribanisterfiend: sed s/programmer/web\ developer FTFY07:31
eepberriessometimes you'll have to google for the actual name (it's probably something like vlc-player or vlc56.29.3397u459;.l2u35roiyh)07:32
eepberrieswho in the hell knows07:32
avishekIpsilon: At office, I'm the only programmer, but everyone else who uses Ubuntu loves it07:32
DigitalKiwithe one other person is everyone else ;)07:32
mgmuscaridoes anybody here know how to tell my X server which volume controller to bind my volume keys to?07:32
Ipsilonyeah, but my query would be mostly oriented towards whether or not have a dual-boot thing going07:32
guoxiaolongI does not go into hell, who is hell07:33
mgmuscarii can't get it to control pulseaudio master for the life of me...07:33
=== onchoe is now known as ce_zhha
banisterfiendmgmuscari: ruby is for more than just web dev :) though unfortunately the web kiddies have slightly polluted ppl's opinion of ruby07:33
stlsaintsanchiro, any success?07:33
=== ce_zhha is now known as ce_zha
Guest65016how do you get all available software showing in synaptic?07:33
DigitalKiwiyuck ruby07:33
avishekIpsilon: keep the dual boot. most machines at my workplace have only about 30GB harddisk space. I've made a small Windows partition (5GB) and the rest for Ubuntu07:33
mgmuscarijava is pretty much as high-level as i go when it comes to programming languages07:33
Guest65016my software sources has all the repositories ticked07:33
eepberriesGuest58270: are you trying to add programs through the GUI or command line07:34
banisterfiendDigitalKiwi: exactly :) you wouldn't say 'yuck ruby' if it wasn't for hipster ruby fanboys sitting in starbucks writing their web apps on mac book pros :/07:34
IpsilonI don't have ubuntu. The decision was wether or not to create a linux partition.07:34
guoxiaolongcommand line07:34
eepberriesi find that the gui seems to be missing alot of things for some reason. that or they're impossible to find07:34
mgmuscarialthough, i'll concede that i haven't looked very hard at ruby. its reputation precedes it though07:34
=== Guest94048 is now known as seidos
mgmuscarii find it hard to believe that i'd find ruby suitable for research purposes07:34
eepberriesGuest58270: what package are you looking for specifically07:35
avishekMy advice Ipsilon, try it out. If you give yourself time with Linux, I think you'll begin to enjoy it. And if you're new to Linux, start with Ubuntu - it's one of the easiest distros to use07:35
guoxiaolongruby is dust07:35
banisterfiendmgmuscari: you probably wouldn't. it's not for that kind of application07:35
DigitalKiwibanisterfiend: it's slow, bloated, I don't like it's syntax, the fanboys are only part of it07:35
banisterfiendguoxiaolong: haha why's that?07:35
* mgmuscari is thinking about writing a perl script to do nightly incremental backups of /home and various config files after this past week's filesystem meltdown. who votes yes?07:35
Guest65016hmmm I can install software at the command line e.g. install vlc but it doesn't show in Synaptic07:35
eepberriesGuest58270: that's just kind of the way it is, i think07:36
guoxiaolongyes you are ok07:36
eepberriesthe GUI synaptic is dumb07:36
mgmuscarii should add that i'm referring to my own personal filesystem meltdown07:36
IpsilonIs the CD boot really going to show me the OS.. or should I keep my opinion until I have it in a harddrive?07:36
eepberriesi don't even look at the package manager gui anymore because i've never actually found what i was looking for in it07:36
mgmuscariIpsilon: it will probably run slower from cd07:36
Guest65016so how else do you search for software if you don't know the name07:36
eepberriesgoogle :)07:36
guoxiaolongi can make filesystem in it07:36
DigitalKiwibanisterfiend: I don't like python either if that's any consolation07:36
avishekIpsilon, yes it does. A Live Demo works very well if you have at least 512 MB RAM.07:36
banisterfiendDigitalKiwi: (1) 1.9.1 is not slow (it's comparable to python in benchmarks). (2) The syntax some people like, other people do not. personally i prefer it to python's syntax that i find littered with underscores and 'self'.07:36
eepberriesactually you can search the ubuntu man pages i think07:36
p1ckLeIpsilon: I just ran it from the cd, and it does show the whole OS.. but it doesnt save any of ur options obviously, and just runs a tid slower from CD07:36
eepberriesthe ubuntu page should list all available packages07:37
eepberriessomewhere anyway07:37
banisterfiendDigitalKiwi: so which language do you use?07:37
guoxiaolongAffair is not never asked Baidu, foreign affairs is not never ask Google07:37
mgmuscariavishek: Ipsilon will probably find that running certain commands for the first time on a live demo will cause the cd drive to spin up as it loads it into mem07:37
DigitalKiwimostly Lua07:37
mgmuscaric/c++/java/perl here07:37
avishekIpsilon, take mgmuscari's advice07:38
sanchirostlsaint, thanks a bunch.. that's what I needed...;)07:38
mgmuscaribut once they're in ram, things should work normally :)07:38
sanchirostlsaint, this is why I LOVE linux.. ;)07:38
banisterfiendDigitalKiwi: lua is nice and clean, but a bit *too* simple imo. I like the functional programming and sophisticated OO of ruby. It's a very expressive language. But it's true, if i were to choose a language for embedding in a c++/c app, i'd probably choose Lua07:38
guoxiaolongwho can use chinese lugguess07:38
andryhelp!! FB application chat rooms Audio&video Ubuntu remix aspireone ZG5 !!! Dont work !!!07:38
avishekIpsilon, but I would say try out a Wubi install - install Ubuntu into Windows just like any application. what do you think mgmuscari?07:38
banisterfiendmgmuscari: c/c++/ruby/clojure here07:38
eepberriesis there any way to see if xserver is working at all without having logged in graphically? i'm just trying to figure out if anything graphical is working.07:38
mgmuscariIpsilon: you also won't be able to install all kinds of neato packages using a live cd07:38
guoxiaolongwhich come from china07:38
guoxiaolongexcept me07:39
eepberriesthe problem is that my ubuntu computer is only hooked up to a tv via s-video, and i'm wondering if ubuntu is recognizing that at all and thinks there aren't any graphical displays07:39
stlsaintsanchiro, np..glad to be of help07:39
IpsilonWell, first I need to check out the core OS.07:39
Slart!cn | guoxiaolong07:39
ubottuguoxiaolong: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk07:39
mgmuscariavishek: if Ipsilon is running a newish machine that has hardware support for virtualization, it should run pretty quickly07:39
kiran_how to know my ip address in terminal07:39
Slartkiran_: ifconfig07:39
lstarneskiran_: ifconfig07:39
Ipsilonmy machine is fine07:39
eepberrieskiran_: local ip address or external?07:39
mgmuscarieepberries: if you want to configure displays manually, you need to go into /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:39
guoxiaolongok i know but i know English07:40
banisterfiendmgmuscari: umm...the arguments you were using against ruby possibly apply even stronger against perl. Ruby has alot of perl's spirit, but with a nicer syntax. alot of ex-perlers really like ruby07:40
mgmuscariIpsilon: running it in a virtual machine would be a good way to try it out07:40
auki've been searching around online but can't find a clear explanation of the difference between the proposed and the backports repositories07:40
Ipsilonq6600, 8800gt, 4gb ram, 7200rpm harddrive07:40
eepberriesmgmuscari: i'm looked in there but i don't see anything relating to monitors or displays. it's actually strange07:40
avishekmgmuscari: true, but since most of my machines are antiquated rustbuckets with less than 256 MB RAM, I get into the habit of downsizing07:40
mgmuscaribanisterfiend: i only use perl for trivial scripting, but yeah, i mostly just haven't looked at ruby07:40
aukis one generall better tested, more stable; is one generally more recent versions?07:40
kiran_how to get information about my network in terminal07:40
guoxiaolongi just look for some one that as me07:40
mgmuscaribanisterfiend: i think my conception of ruby is based on pages about ruby on rails that stumbleupon always throws up at me07:40
andryHelp facebook application Chat rooms Mix&webcam dont work aspireone ZG5 !!!07:41
eepberriesmeh i prefer cobol on rails07:41
avishekIpsilon, a Live Session looks very plain and dull, so don't get the incorrect impression.07:41
paipimentawhat's a superblock?07:41
lstarnespaipimenta: it's like a master file table or MFT07:41
mgmuscaripaipimenta: uh oh, filesystem trouble?07:41
banisterfiendmgmuscari: here's just a taste, this is how you iterate over a list over numbers 0..10 in ruby: (0..10).each { |v| puts v } (outputs numbers 0 through 10)07:41
Blueyif detected early, cobol can be cured.  give to the american cobol society.07:41
Ipsilonso should I go for wubi?07:41
avishekYou can "dress" up ubuntu very nicely by installing the relevant packages07:41
avishekIpsilon, yes, I think so07:42
mgmuscarithe superblock stores metadata about the partition07:42
banisterfiendmgmuscari: it has an incredibly light-weight lambda syntax that is used almost everywhere for really really concise code07:42
banisterfiend(anyway bbl)07:42
paipimentano.... trying to resize a partition that an LVM is on07:42
mgmuscaribanisterfiend: i might be persuaded to look at it some time... for now i'll stick to jsp when i do webapps07:42
paipimentaI've given up, I'm using http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_resizing_ext3_partitions07:42
avishekIpsilon: it'll run slightly slower, but not noticeably so if you have about 512 MB RAM07:42
mgmuscariand c++ or java when i do anything else, basically07:42
guoxiaolongWho watched the National Day parade07:43
mgmuscaripaipimenta: i resized an ext4 partition the other day, which was an extended partition07:43
paipimentai tried e2fsck /dev/sda2 from BusyBox, and it gave me a resource busy error07:43
eepberriesbetter question: who watched the moon last night?07:43
avishekNo worries then Ipsilon. I run on 256 MB RAM07:43
mgmuscaripaipimenta: i think it totally blew away everything else on the logical partition that it was a part of...07:43
kramer3ddoes document viewer allow multiple instances of same file?07:43
Ipsilondoes installation size mean the size it will have to install other stuff into it?07:43
kramer3dif so, how?07:43
eepberrieswhy would you use a logical partition anyway07:43
paipimentatune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/sda2 gave error about a superblock not being found07:44
avishekkiran_ ask your question07:44
DigitalKiwieepberries: because you can only have 4 primary partitions07:44
paipimentaso I haven't done anything07:44
kramer3dnever mind! just found out07:44
mgmuscaripaipimenta: i ended up running through fsck for about 2 days fixing things... then i had to back up the data that i could recover, blast away all my linux partitions, and start from scratch. so, be careful07:44
guoxiaolong>Who watched the National Day parade07:44
lstarnespaipimenta: /dev/sda2 might not use ext2/ext307:44
paipimentayeah, it's Linux LVM207:44
avishekSorry Ipsilon, I don't quite follow what you mean? could you please reframe your question?07:44
DigitalKiwiguoxiaolong: that is majorly offtopic for this channel07:44
mgmuscaripaipimenta: yeah never run fsck or anything like it on a mounted partition, asking for trouble07:44
paipimentanot mounted??07:44
paipimentai said Busy Box, booted from media07:45
mgmuscaripaipimenta: sure it didn't automount it or something?07:45
paipimentaumount /dev/sda2 gave me an error07:45
IpsilonIn the installer it says "installation size".. and you can choose from a couple gb to a lot more.. I don't unserstand what the difference between 3gb and 17gb would be07:45
mgmuscaripaipimenta: what error07:45
guoxiaolongDigitalKiwi:so what07:46
paipimentaumount /dev/sda207:46
mgmuscariIpsilon: that's how much space you'd leave available for storing files. you're basically picking the size of its partition07:46
DigitalKiwiso find a different channel to ask it in, guoxiaolong07:46
paipimentacannot umount /dev/sda2: Invalid argument07:46
DigitalKiwiand stop trolling07:46
Ipsilonthat's what i thought07:46
guoxiaolongoh no no07:46
avishekIpsilon, it refers to the amount of hard size that will be allocated for Ubuntu07:46
guoxiaolongi like here07:46
Blueynite gang - see you tomorrow....07:46
Ipsilonwell 50 min to finish :/ so I guess it's waiting time :P07:46
ooypphi guoxiaolong07:47
avishekIpsilon: enjoy yourself!07:47
Ipsilon:P thnx for the responses07:47
avishekIpsilon: welcome07:47
ooyppyou're  chinese07:47
guoxiaolongyes i am07:48
paipimentaif I have LVM, can't I use the whole disk space with it? then my /boot and swap could just be on logical volumes?07:48
eepberrieskiran_ wants to know how to find his/her external ip address via command line. how would you do this, short of going to a site like whatismyip.com in a terminal web browser?07:48
paipimentaswap is already lvswap07:48
guoxiaolongand where are you in07:48
mgmuscaripaipimenta: i have all of my linux partitions on extended volumes07:48
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic07:48
guoxiaolongwhat is 22207:48
ooyppin #ubuntu-cn i saw you07:49
paipimentawell but I want to install windows server 2003 on a partition07:49
kiran_terminal web browser ?07:49
banisterfiendguoxiaolong: ching chong china man tried to milk a cow07:49
paipimentaor a logical volume?07:49
jriverahello, i have a running server with 80GB used as harddrive containing samba file server,, i want to upgrade the drive to a 500GB or higher drive how do i do it?07:49
eepberriesyes. a non-graphical web browser07:49
paipimentaI still need to get the .iso from this MacBook hard drive to my desktop somehow07:49
eepberriesobviously that would work, but is there anything simpler?07:49
Slart!ot | guoxiaolong,ooypp07:49
ubottuguoxiaolong,ooypp: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:49
mgmuscaripaipimenta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/285201/07:49
rskjrivera: buy the drive, insert the drive, format the drive, mount it, and done.07:49
Slart!coc | banisterfiend07:49
paipimentaotherwise I might have already tried making lvwindows already07:49
ubottubanisterfiend: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/07:49
mgmuscari5-10 are all logical volumes07:49
DigitalKiwihttp://www.simplehelp.net/2009/04/07/how-to-find-your-public-ip-address-with-the-linux-command-line/ eepberries07:49
guoxiaolongoh no07:49
jriverarsk: how do i just extend the volume to the new drive?07:50
guoxiaolongI do not go out, killing not out07:50
rskjrivera: use LVM for that07:50
brnbockdoes anyone know how to find the statys of a routers NAT from command line?07:50
jriverarsk: ok, do i have to power down the server for that?07:50
brnbockstatus of a NAT from command line07:51
rskjrivera: if you have to power down the server to plug in a hard-drive? Yes.07:51
Madpilotbanisterfiend, racism has absolutely no place here. None.07:51
DigitalKiwiaren't SATA hot pluggable?07:51
guoxiaolongI do not go out, killing not out07:51
Slartguoxiaolong: then stay on topic.. or use #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat07:51
andryhelp facebook apllic chatrooms mix&webcam dont work ubuntu remix aspireone zg507:51
rskDigitalKiwi: in theory =)07:51
eepberriesDigitalKiwi: they're supposed to be, yes07:51
guoxiaolongI do not go out, killing not out07:51
Madpilotguoxiaolong, if you just want to chat, please join #ubuntu-offtopic - thanks07:51
eepberriesdon't go touching your motherboard though07:52
mgmuscariandry: install java07:52
andryi haved07:52
banisterfiendMadpilot: it's not racist, it's just a kid's nursery rhyme :D07:52
Slartandry: does the webcam work in anything else? try "cheese"07:52
=== naruto is now known as Guest15806
Madpilotbanisterfiend, it's a racist kid's nursery rhyme. With no place here.07:52
andryyes all work mix @web cam07:52
mgmuscariandry: get rid of openjdk and install sun java. also, it's not likely that most webcam apps will work under linux...07:52
Ali_nz11anyone here ever installed archlinux?07:52
rskAli_nz11: #archlinux07:53
banisterfiendMadpilot: ok ok07:53
DigitalKiwiAli_nz11: yes,07:53
Ali_nz11rsk: been there - nobody talking07:53
paipimentawell, I think I've given up the not-backup-and-reinstall attempt, time to backup and start over... I've got a 60G hard drive... how should I get an Ubuntu server and Windows Server 2003 on my desktop with dual-boot starting from scratch?07:53
DigitalKiwiwell ask a question there Ali_nz1107:53
Ali_nz11rsk: I have asked - nobody reply07:54
mgmuscaripaipimenta: install windows first07:54
andryi have sun java but open open jdk dont iwill try install open jdk  txs guy :)07:54
Ali_nz11i want to know what to select when I boot off the cd to install07:54
mgmuscaripaipimenta: then install ubuntu and point grub to the windows partition07:54
paipimentaAli_nz11: DigitalKiwi said yes07:54
SlartAli_nz11: just because the archlinux channel is sleeping doesn't make it ok to start asking about it in here07:54
DigitalKiwiAli_nz11: you have to register/identify to talk there07:54
mgmuscariandry: don't install openjdk, it sucks07:54
kiran_what is portscan07:55
MadpilotGuest15806, please stop07:55
paipimentaif I've got a flash drive with WindowsServer2003.iso on it, can't I write that image to a formatted disk dive for it to boot and install?07:55
rsk!ops | Guest1580607:55
ubottuGuest15806: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!07:55
mgmuscariandry: it's not as well implemented as sun java. nobody ever uses openjdk in production environments, afaik07:55
mgmuscaripaipimenta: you need a bootloader to load that iso if you're not going to put it on a cd07:56
paipimentado tell.....07:56
x140l1nguoxiaolong: ..he07:56
Madpilotandry, the various Free/Open versions of Java are far less usable than the official SunJava. Best to stick with Sun Java, even though it's non-Free.07:56
paipimentacouldn't I set up the bootloader and the partitions, then copy the file in Knoppix?07:56
jamieleshawmadpilot, Are you the operator?07:56
mgmuscaripaipimenta: i don't think that grub will do it, but i think you can use isolinux or syslinux...07:56
Madpilotjamieleshaw, I'm one of many, yes07:57
mgmuscaripaipimenta: i'm not 100% sure about that07:57
andryok thank 4 infomation07:57
jamieleshawMadpilot, Cool07:57
mgmuscariandry: madpilot speaks truth, although i should also point out that you can download sun java and install it for free...07:57
DigitalKiwiAli_nz11: did you see my PM?07:57
mgmuscariandry: it's not open source and it's not distributed under the GPL07:57
Madpilotubottu, cn07:57
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk07:57
=== wyggler2_ is now known as wyggler2
avisheki need some advice, though it's a bit off topic. I have an Ubuntu desktop box as an application server on the office LAN. I need to give the LAN at the office in another city access to this server. Would this be possible through the Net without having a dedicated line?07:58
ttyQuestion:  I have 9.04 and Compiz enabled, but trying to edit the advanced settings such as which effects are enabled.  What software will allow me to do this?  All tutorial online seem to reference older versions and the information does not seem to apply.07:58
mgmuscariavishek: VPN07:58
x140l1nMadpilot: ho07:58
Slart!ccsm | tty07:58
ubottutty: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz07:58
rskavishek: a internet connection is required.07:58
rskavishek: on both ends.07:58
andrybye thx alott07:59
mgmuscariavishek: it doesn't have to be a dedicated, closed line office-to-office, though07:59
avishekthanks mgmuscari and rsk. Internet is available. What Ubuntu tools are there to set up VPN?07:59
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz07:59
Madpilotavishek, start @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN07:59
DigitalKiwiavishek: look into dyndns and ddclient07:59
kiran_iam not able to hear sound on my laptop speakers but in earphone how to resolve this08:00
avishekthank you everyone. I'll check it out08:00
Slartkiran_: try running "alsamixer" in a terminal and see if there isn't a separate volume slider for the speakers08:00
mgmuscarigl avishek08:00
mgmuscarihmm, so, does anyone know how to change which volume control my volume keys are bound to?08:01
DigitalKiwidyndns is a website which helps keep keep track of dyanmic IPs which you may or may not have, ddclient is a tool to update it08:01
avishekthank you mgmuscari; I'll need all the luck! I know very little about networking :)08:01
prospireI use this command -> tar -xf backup.tar to extract all my files present in backup.tar08:01
prospirenow how can I access those files?08:01
prospireI have 2 files in bakup.tar -> 1- backup.sql and 2-backup.xls08:02
DanaGI'm trying to wipe and restore-from-backup a system with ext4 partitions, but all I have is an Intrepid CD.08:02
mgmuscarier, they should be in your working directory08:02
mgmuscarijust type ls... you should see what you extracted in there...08:02
DanaGHow would I go about creating the desired partitions on the target disk?  gparted on intrepid doesn't do ext4.08:02
mgmuscariDanaG: you need something that supports ext4 to create the ext4 partitions08:03
CircsHow does one change their DNS server?08:03
dg1how do i unmount a cd thats being used by wine08:04
eepberriesDanaG: you can apparently mount ext4 partitions as ext3 partitions in intrepid, you just won't get the extra features of ext408:04
eepberriesDanaG: i'm not quite sure if this helps you, or what exactly you're trying to do08:04
mgmuscaricircs: system->preferences->network connections08:04
mgmuscarieepberries: considering my experience with ext4 the other day, scary08:05
mgmuscarialso, i won't be using ext4 again for a while08:05
Circsmgmuscari: Yeah the last update appears to have changed that08:05
SlartDanaG, eepberries: you *might* be able to mount ext4 as ext3 .. if you're not using all the features of ext4. Ext4 is not designed to be fully backwards compatible with ext3 afaik08:05
prospiremgmuscari: isn't there any way to access each file according to there index?08:05
mgmuscariprospire: what do you mean?08:05
eepberriesDanaG: are you trying to keep your ext4 partitions intact? i don't think that would be possible if you're downgrading08:05
prospiremgmuscari: if you know php....then I want something equivalent to $zip->getNameIndex(0) for tar08:05
phpgunnerCan someone tell me how to get svideo working?08:06
eepberriesDanaG: i'm guessing you'll have to backup all the data from the ext4 partitions and recreate them as ext308:06
prospirewhere 0 refers to the first file present in the archive08:06
mgmuscariprospire: sorry, i'm not fluent in phpo08:06
prospireand 1 refers to the second....and so on08:06
BerzerkerHi, I'm on 9.10 and I'm trying to change power options for the notebook, but I can't change any options (they're all grayed out)08:06
eepberriesDanaG: which is waht you ultimately want, right?08:06
Slart!karmic | Berzerker08:06
ubottuBerzerker: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+108:06
guoxiaolongwhat is svideo08:06
DanaGhmm, I have a secondary drive that's got karmic on it, and the target drive to recreate has karmic.... all I need to do is get the secondary drive bootable.08:06
guoxiaolongwho can tell me what is svideo08:07
DanaGI was trying to chain to the thing from grub2, but it wasn't working.  Perhaps the secondary just needed grub-legacy reinstalled.08:07
mgmuscariprospire: i'm not really sure what you're looking for08:07
DanaGBut.... does Intrepid grub do ext4?08:07
phpgunnerguoxiaolong, its video output...which is on my laptop08:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about s-video08:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about svideo08:07
guoxiaolongoh ah08:07
kiran_how to download compiz.deb08:07
mgmuscariDanaG: afaik, ext4 was introduced with jaunty08:07
Slartguoxiaolong: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S-Video08:07
kiran_without installing08:07
prospiremgmuscari: what do I do to extract just one file from the tar archive?08:07
mgmuscarikiran_: don't do that, just do sudo apt-get install compiz08:07
mgmuscariprospire: ah, ok08:07
eepberriesso i can force a monitor to use a certain resolution in the xorg.conf file, right?08:08
Slarteepberries: yes08:08
sebsebsebDanaG: 8.10 CD  or  8.10 Grub  afik  no good with Ext4 at all08:08
DanaGokay, then perhaps plan B:  go get a danged CD, and burn Jaunty.  =P08:08
B|ackPantherIs there a program in ubuntu that can enable me to record streaming radio ?08:08
sebsebsebmgmuscari:   DanaG  yes Ext4 was introduced with 9.0408:08
DanaGYeah, I was trying to "make it simple" by not having to burn a CD... but it turns out, it's not simple.08:09
Dayofswordsquestion, when you upgrade to the next version like 9.10 when it comes out08:09
mgmuscariprospire: try.... tar -xzvf foo.tar path/to/bar08:09
DanaGCool, thanks for helping me not go on a wild goose chase, so to speak.08:09
Dayofswordswould it be the same as if you just installed it normally from disc, other than the programs you had08:09
sebsebsebmgmuscari:   DanaG   and  Ext4 in 9.04 is pretty good really, but not perfectly stable, for example people might get a lock up issue if deleting big files  from Ext4 partitions08:09
guoxiaolongtar -vzxf is in use .gz tar-jvxf is in use .bz208:09
sebsebsebmgmuscari:   DanaG  since the kernel they  in 9.04 and that08:09
mgmuscarisebsebseb: i had a wicked filesystem crash the other day using ext408:09
sebsebsebthey have in08:10
sebsebsebmgmuscari: with 9.04?08:10
mgmuscarisebsebseb: all 5 linux partitions are logical volumes on the same lvm08:10
mgmuscarisebsebseb: yes08:10
sebsebsebmgmuscari: oh right well  I didn't use lvm in 9.04, just normal partitioning :)  when doing Ext408:10
prospiremgmuscari: whats path/to/bar ?08:10
mgmuscarisebsebseb: all 5 of them started barfing all over the place... multiply owned inodes, orphaned stuff everywhere, bad journals...08:10
mgmuscariprospire: zippedfolder/somefile.xls08:11
mgmuscarisebsebseb: yeah i was barely able to recover my /home and /etc before the thing was totally unusable08:11
DanaGhmm, while I'm at it, I might as well just burn karmic.  anyway, thanks.  going to bed now; will burn the CD tomorrow -- since grabbing a CD requires me to go somewhere and risk waking somebody.  =P08:11
sebsebsebDanaG:  ok np08:11
DanaGer wait, unetbootin may be the answer.08:12
DanaGHOpefully, unetbootin on intrepid can create a bootable newer-version.08:12
mgmuscariDanaG: you could also put karmic on a thumbdrive and install from that. goes faster, too08:13
DanaGwell, I lost my 8 gig flash drive, and all I have now is a 32-gig music player that I can't empty (not enough room to offload stuff that's been modified only on the player).08:14
DanaGso, unetbootin.08:15
pallepiratAnyone here??08:17
=== lianimator1 is now known as lianimator
pallepiratHa ha08:17
DanaGoh yeah, does unetbootin demand a format of the drive it's being put on?08:18
DanaGusb-creator does, even if the drive is already fat32.08:18
pallepiratI've just updated my Ubuntu system and now the pulseaudio sound server won't recognize my sound card08:18
pallepiratAnyone who had had the same problem?08:18
pw-toxiccan someone tell me, why my software raids (raid1 and raid5) rebuildes sometimes(i think every month)?08:19
rskwhat does update mean there08:19
pw-toxicboth software raides are beeing rebuild at the same time..08:19
pallepiratSynaptics update08:19
rskthat can mean a bunch of things08:19
pw-toxici dont think, that both raid drives have an error at the same time08:19
* DanaG sees Synaptics and thinks touchpad.08:19
eepberrieshow do you copy output from the commandline using the commandline? note that i have no access to a mouse08:20
pallepiratSorry... The system sometimes updates itself, right? And yesterday after an update the sound card disappeared08:21
DigitalKiwiit lets you copy sections of it08:21
DanaGaah, looks like the answer is "no" on "does it format?"08:21
DanaGeepberries: where are you trying to copy to and from?  And is this under X, or bare console?08:21
orozdoes anyone know how to fix mouse scroll lag in openGl games?08:22
eepberriesi'm trying to copy a cvt modeline ouput in bare console08:22
eepberriesi'm trying to get my tv to work with my ubuntu machine08:22
njrHello.... just installed ubuntu on an archlinux/windowsXP setup.... should I use the same /boot partition for all linux installs?08:22
pallepiratAnyone who has the answer for this problem (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1228388)?08:23
=== togepi is now known as togepi|sleep
orozi have mouse buffer overflow type of lag can anyone help?08:26
draconiseepberries: you can always use "cat" to output it to a file. for instance append it to xorg.conf and then cut/paste it in nano08:26
Curly_QHave you tried a different mouse Oroz?08:27
orozthe thing is, i had this before and fixed it googling and such, but i forgot how i did it08:27
draconiseepberries: err, I mean redirect it to a file. cvt {parameters} >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:27
draconiseepberries: then it will be at the bottom of xorg.conf08:28
Curly_QTry another Google.08:29
orozjust to give a lil info on what it does now, if i press left button and right button together, that action registers as middle button (scroll)08:29
IvoGeorgievI'm compiling xsplash in Slackware, but in the log I get "[10:27:33:298546654 - WRN] Unable to call to request name.  You probably don't have sufficient privileges"08:30
orozso ingame, if i bind left to fire, right to crouch, and scroll button to jump, and if i want to crouch and shoot, all it does is jump ;S08:30
IvoGeorgievany ideas?08:30
DecodeX01IvoGeorgiev, you need root access08:30
* draconis points IvoGeorgiev to #slackware and #linux08:30
IvoGeorgievwith root, it's the same08:31
IvoGeorgievI guess it's dbus08:31
IvoGeorgievbut come on, xsplash is an ubuntu app08:31
eepberrieswhat does ctl+alt+f2 actually do?08:31
IvoGeorgievI'll ask in the slackware channel, but I bet they aren't interested in xsplash at all08:32
PerryArmstronghey i am trying to play a vcd...but it says vlc doesn't support08:32
DecodeX01give you a system shell without gui08:32
draconiswell I think xsplash is still broken for me, that's a karmic thing08:32
IvoGeorgievhow can I trace what it's doing?08:32
IvoGeorgievI mean, it's just giving an error "no privilege', and nothing more, both in user and root08:33
IvoGeorgievI bet it's dbus08:33
unlink_glHi, anyone good for a boot of death on 64bit ubuntu?08:33
Curly_QOroz, it may be possible that you have a KEYBOARD problem. Such as soda or coffee spilt on it or just water damage. Have you tried another keyboard?08:33
PerryArmstronghey i am trying to play a vcd...but it says vlc doesn't support...any idea how to get my vlc play it08:33
eepberriesuh oh. it's bad that not even that is working right for me anymore. i managed to edit xorg.conf, restarted it, and it told me that i was running in low graphics mode and gave me the option of creating a new profile for my hardware. i then restarted, but the login screen wasn't showing up. now when i use ctl+alt+f2, the screen is sliding around sort of like when you tried to watch the scrambled porn channels on old cable boxes08:34
IvoGeorgievoh yeah, found the problem. I've compiled the xsplash package with /usr/etc instead of /etc so the dbus config file is not in place :D08:34
eepberrieswhat should i try from here?08:34
O__oanyone who knows how to jb ipod touch please message me08:34
Dayofswordsvcd? video compact disc? they make those?08:34
eepberriesyes, and vlc should support it08:34
oroznothing spilled on it, keyboard is brand new08:34
eepberriestry this http://www.blog.highub.com/linux/open-vcd-using-vlc-on-ubuntu/08:34
Curly_QJust wondering.08:35
orozthanks for help08:35
draconiskeyboard /controller/ could be messed up, couldn't it?08:35
njreepberries, what abt ctl+alt+f3, ctl+alt+f4,  ctl+alt+f5 etc?08:36
draconiswhen i8042 goes flaky, usually you get kernel panics and other serious issues, though08:36
brutus_how do I modify incremental search to instantly delete characters when I hit backspace, instead of just going to the previous occurrence of the word?08:36
eepberriesnjr: same08:36
eepberriesi used to be able to access the command line fine, now that isn't working08:36
njror doing a ctl+alt+f3 after ctl+alt+f2?08:37
Curly_QOroz, try this Google search:     http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=Ubuntu+buffer+overflow+mouse+problem&aq=f&aqi=&oq=&fp=2cca7b2e99206b9c08:37
orozok, thanks08:37
eepberriesnope. i'm going to check the xorg.conf i guess08:37
Curly_QYour welcome.  :)08:37
paipimentaanybody know how to view where exactly in the volume group or physical volume the logical volume data is stored? you need this to do pvmove stuff, I remember08:37
paipimentahttp://romster.dyndns.org:8080/commands.xhtml   #LVM section08:38
draconisiirc, it's possible to destroy a display using a modeline08:38
prospiretar -xf backups/backup.tar backup.sql <- this command extracts backup.sql in backup.tar in ../backups , but I want it to be extracted in backups.how do I do that?08:38
eepberriesdraconis: well, when i set the display resolution to "800x600" in xorg.conf, when i retarted, ubuntu told me it was running in a "low graphics mode" and i selected for it to create a new profile based on my hardware. then i restarted08:39
orozhas nothing alike my problem08:39
orozits more like...08:40
orozBasically in some 3D games when I use the mouse wheel (rapidly move it up and down) the game lags really,really badly for a limited amount of time , the amount of lag seems to depend on the amount of mouse wheel activity...08:40
eepberriesi'm guessing i didn't configure the xorg.conf properly? though i wouldn't think the profile generation should have gone so wrong08:40
Curly_QOroz, it is the same as in Windows, you need to change the system properties or change the computers08:40
Curly_Qreaction to the mouse.08:41
paipimentacan anybody tell me the command that lets me see exactly how many physical extents are taken up by which logical volumes and where?08:41
paipimentapextents vg_names,size_pe_lv??08:41
paipimentasomething like that08:41
=== andrew_ is now known as Guest56505
orozcould you help me with that, or at least point me in the right direction, im quite noob at linux08:41
prospiretar -xf backups/backup.tar backup.sql <- this command extracts backup.sql in backup.tar in ../backups , but I want it to be extracted in backups.how do I do that?08:42
Curly_QOroz I am just helping you by memory. I haven't used Linux for about 4 years now.08:42
unlink_glcan anyone give me safe boot flags, I have an errant dell vostro with 64 bit which crashes shortly after boot, previously had to turn acpi off, this however does not seem to be working with the 9.04 update...08:42
cabarooroz: whats your problem?08:42
eepberriespaipimenta: you want to see the size of your partitions, right?08:43
Curly_QHis problem is that he has a mouse buffer overflow.08:43
orozoh, its ok, its appreciated either way08:43
orozmaybe i should've mentioned that i downgraded ubuntu08:43
cabaromouse buffer overload.. first case of those for me08:43
=== Guest56505 is now known as mathay
orozBasically in some 3D games when I use the mouse wheel (rapidly move it up and down) the game lags really,really badly for a limited amount of time , the amount of lag seems to depend on the amount of mouse wheel activity...08:44
paipimentaeepberries: no, I want to see exactly where on my physical volume (which physical extents #'s) are occupied by which logical volumes08:44
orozbasically ..08:44
ooyppi get some errors when i compile Ncurses library08:44
Curly_QOroz, how much RAM do you have?08:44
orozif im not scrolling up and down, mouse looking around is smooth as silk08:44
prospiretar -xf backups/backup.tar backup.sql <- this command extracts backup.sql of backup.tar in ../backups , but I want it to be extracted in backups.how do I do that?08:44
oroz2gb ram08:44
eepberriesis it bad if my ubuntu machine just shows a blinking underscore after going through grub?08:44
Curly_QThat is more than enough.08:44
cabarooroz: have you tried with another moudr, could  be electronic related08:45
Curly_QCabaro I suggested that.08:45
orozwell i did, and im sure its not ;)08:45
orozcause i managed to fix it08:45
cabaroso same problem with another mouse?08:45
orozwhen i had ubuntu 9.0408:45
ooyppanyone can help08:46
Curly_QOroz, when you tried a different mouse, was it the same manufacturer?08:46
orozno it wasnt08:46
cabarook, next suggestion: try with live cd, is the problem replicating then08:46
orozwith live cd i dont have 3d acceleration08:46
rskthis is with an nvidia card right?08:47
=== Fishie is now known as Fishie_
Curly_QOroz, perhaps if you are using games maybe it is best to use a joystick rather than a mouse.08:47
cabaroso its related with 4d acc.. which 3d card you have08:47
rskthat's a known problem08:47
=== xod is now known as onats
cabaro3d acc..08:47
rsklook on the nvidia forums for a fix08:47
orozno joystick with fps ;)08:47
onatshello, what utility should i use to check for disk health?08:47
orozone second..08:47
rskonats: smartmontools maybe08:48
orozwhen i finaly fixed mouse lag on 9.04, my nvidia died08:48
onatsrsk, looking08:48
SvenungsonCheers, im having trouble with browsing the web. Its overall slow and some sites wont work (Connection Interrupted etc.). I have tried switching browser, changing the DNS-server, open up my firewall completely (pass all quick on my OpenBSD firewall) and the last thing i did was to install 2.6.29 and disable ipv6. Still it does not work ok, any suggestions? (And FYI i rebooted into windows and it worked splendid there, both with F08:48
SvenungsonF and IE).08:48
cabaroonats: fsck08:48
prospiretar -xf backups/backup.tar backup.sql <- this command extracts backup.sql of backup.tar in ../backups , but I want it to be extracted in backups.how do I do that?08:48
orozso i put in a radeon x160008:48
ectospasmprospire: try -C08:48
orozbut since it isnt supported on newest ubuntu, i had to downgrade08:48
Curly_QOroz, does everything else work OK with the video card?08:48
orozwith downgrade, same problem came back08:49
onatscabaro, i always need to run fsck whenever i restart.. i have a feeling that somethings already wrong with my disk08:49
DarkMage2303I burnt Karmic Koala (9.10) to a disk, when I try to boot using the disk I get the error "Invalid or corrupt kernel image".08:49
rskDarkMage2303: md5chek it08:49
prospireectospasm: you mean -> tar -xfC backups/backup.tar backups/backup.sql08:49
DarkMage2303rsk: how08:49
cabaroonats: are you getting bad sectors on fsck?08:49
Curly_QOnats are you running DUAL Processors?08:49
ectospasmprospire: no, tar -xf <file> -C /path/where/you/want/to/extract/it08:49
rskDarkMage2303: google it08:50
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows08:50
paipimentaboo ya08:50
paipimenta:-) op in no time08:50
=== vatts[off] is now known as vatts
onatscurly_Q, no, but on a quad core08:51
Curly_QI see.08:51
onatscabaro, i cant remember... but there are some errors which it corrects...08:51
Curly_QAre you running RAID?08:51
paipimentaso....I think I may want to repartition my drive with regular ext3 partitions.... I want to set the boundaries on the disk (cylinder, head, section/sector, track, etc.) so that it will be easier to physically move data around later and resize partitions08:51
paipimentahow do find the edges of cylinders so that I can give that data to the partitioner in units it takes, i.e. kMG or blocks/sectors/whatever?08:52
prospireectospasm: thanks08:52
sebsebseb!karmic |  DarkMage230308:52
ubottuDarkMage2303: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+108:52
cabaroonats: my guess is just a hd going bad. i'd suggest getting all your data to a safehouse and replace the faulty hd08:52
sebsebseb!google | rsk08:52
ubottursk: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.08:52
shreyI want to Create a dial-up Connection in Kubuntu like in Windows to connect my Broadband..Pls help how to Create.i m a new user08:53
Primefalcongoogle fu lol first time I've heard of that lol08:53
Curly_QOnats, if you run a RAID system and have different type hard drives you will run into that problem.08:53
sebsebsebshrey: The #kubuntu channel is probably more suitable for your question,  because Ubuntu is mainly for Gnome08:53
Gintulishow can i backup my root disk?08:53
cabarowhatta hck is google-fu?08:53
sebsebsebyeah I wonder what it is as well08:54
paipimentasebsebseb: toucher08:54
paipimentadefinitely not a regional google :-)08:54
Primefalconshrey: try kppp08:54
sebsebsebpaipimenta: toucher???08:54
sebsebsebpaipimenta: what?08:54
Curly_QOnats is your box a 32 bor 64 bit box?08:54
paipimentasebsebseb: "touch" in French, term used for fenching point08:54
paipimentafirst time I had seen !google08:55
cabarogintulis:  tar cvpzf backup.tgz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/backup.tgz --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys --exclude=/media /08:55
sebsebsebpaipimenta: ok,  but  I am not following you,  what about that?08:55
shreyI want to Create a dial-up Connection in Kubuntu like in Windows to connect my Broadband..Pls help how to Create.i m a new user08:55
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.08:55
Primefalconshrey: as I said try kppp08:55
cabaroubottu said FU...08:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about said FU...08:55
eepberriesis there any reason why a basic analog tv just won't work with ubuntu in heavy graphics mode? basic command line stuff is working but not even the live disc will get into full graphics mode properly08:55
eepberriesi'm really not understanding this08:56
orozare there any channels where i can get help with mouse problems08:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:56
cabarooroz, i think your problem was more related to 3d card than mouse08:56
sebsebseb!fishing |  paipimenta08:56
ubottupaipimenta: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".08:56
onatsCurly_Q, no raid at all...08:57
Primefalconshrey: before you ask again install the program kppp and it should be easy enough to dial up a connection with it08:57
orozmaybe, but my other nvidia did the same thing until i did something08:57
onatscabaro, how do you suggest i do that? buy a new one now?08:58
paipimentawow, I think sebsebseb might be a second-layer bot08:58
Dayofswordsquestion, when you upgrade to the next version like 9.10 when it comes out, would it be the same as if you just installed it normally from disc, other than the programs you had08:58
onatscabaro, i would like to be able to test the disk first...08:58
onatsCurly_Q, my box is 64 bit, on ext3 FS08:58
paipimentalike vim to ex08:58
PrimefalconDayofswords: not quote you wont have grub 2.0 or ext408:58
cabaroonats: since your problem keeps coming when 3d enabled, i think its a driver issue08:58
onatscabaro, how do you know that?08:59
onats3D enabled?08:59
cabaroyou told us08:59
onatsi did?08:59
sebsebsebDayofswords: yep  Ext3 9.04 installs won't get upgraded to Ext4  9.10 installs08:59
Dayofswords9.10 going to be ext4 only?08:59
cabaroonats: am i wrong, if so, please correct me. im not here to argue, my wife does that job09:00
sebsebsebpaipimenta: as far as I know  attempting to wind people up in here a bit, doesn't really fit in with the channel guidelines09:00
sebsebseb!guideliens |  paipimenta09:00
PrimefalconDayofswords: no it runs ext3 fine09:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about guideliens09:00
sebsebseb!guidelines |  paipimenta09:00
ubottupaipimenta: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:00
onatscabaro, well its true that i am running 3d on the desktop...09:00
Curly_QOnats, the only thing I can say to you is that I had this problem a few years back. I was searching the entire net and all of the Linux channels. I was running a DUAL Pentium Processor SCSI RAID system. I had to FSCK the box many times to recover the system.09:00
PrimefalconDayofswords: ext4 is just the newer later version09:00
sebsebsebDayofswords: no09:00
sebsebsebDayofswords: you can still do Ext3 and that, but Ext4 is worth having for / :)09:00
Foxx_hi - how do I select the ubuntu-server-minimalvm preseed without selecting it from the menu ? i'm setting up pxe and want that as my default option09:00
onatscabaro,but i wonder how it's related to the filesystem... i downloaded the latest ATI linux driver from ATI site09:01
cabaroonats_ try disabling 3d and see if the problem persists09:01
shreyPrimefalcon: hey i have got it, but how can i install it in a computer where i dont have internet.09:01
sebsebsebDayofswords: since  rather fast boot up, shut down, and disk checking after 23 or so boots09:01
cabaroyou should see related logfiles in /var/log09:01
onatscabaro, ok will do that.. but I'm gonna miss it! lol09:01
onatsCurly_Q, ok noted..09:01
Primefalconshrey: request a cd from shipit when it comes out09:02
Curly_QOnats are you running SCSI? I forgot to ask you that.09:02
Primefalconshrey: or download and burn as iso and install it thus09:02
Dayofswordsi havent really done much on my laptops 9.04 , so when 9.10 comes out, would it be a good idea just to wipe it and put a fresh 9.10?09:02
shreyPrimefalcon: Thanks..09:02
paipimentasebsebseb: just meant to be praise for your efficiency, not meant to ruffle any feathers... sorry for stealing processor cycles09:02
cabaromaybe /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog  anyone here who knows which log does pci graphics cards log?09:02
onatsCurly_Q, no, all in SATA09:02
Ali_nz11whats the fastest browser for Ubunut?09:02
shreyPrimefalcon: ok09:02
sebsebsebAli_nz11: Opera I guess09:03
sebsebsebAli_nz11: Konqueror is also pretty fast09:03
LogicFanAli_nz, i think its the chrome alphas ;D09:03
Ali_nz11Ok, will try it. FF seems slow?09:03
PrimefalconDayofswords: just download an iso and burn or request a cd and do it that way, and probaly 9.10 really is quite a jump09:03
lstarnesAli_nz11: ff is usually fast enough09:03
lstarnesAli_nz11: ubuntu 9.10 will be using 3.5 by default09:03
PrimefalconDayofswords: when I triued ext4 a while back it kept freezing up at inoppertune times, they prob have that fixed now though09:03
sebsebseb!browser >  Ali_nz1109:04
ubottuAli_nz11, please see my private message09:04
DayofswordsPrimefalcon: any idea if ext4 will be  defualt  on 9.10?09:04
Curly_QOnats, keep in mind that 64 bit systems are the leading edge technology. Having said that, anything that is leading edge will have more problems untill all of the Techno-Geeks find the solution.09:04
PrimefalconDayofswords: yes it is09:05
sebsebsebPrimefalcon:   Dayofswords  yes  Ext4 is optional for 9.04, ,but becasue of the kernel they have in 9.04 and that, it's not perfectly stable09:05
poi77Hi! I am trying to change the cpu scaling scheme (as in the deskbar applet) from the command line. How can I do this?09:05
Primefalconsebsebseb: so with 9.04 it's not recomended09:05
sebsebsebDayofswords: yes it is, but not for  9.04  Ext3 upgrades for example09:05
sebsebsebPrimefalcon: some will recommend it with 9.04  with a bit of warning, and others won't at all09:06
Dayofswordsmaybe kde will work in 9.10 on my laptop =p09:06
onatsCurly_Q, you're prbably right.. just dont want to risk anything.. had some uncommitted sources on my desktop when it started to manifest that problem09:06
Dayofswords(eh, i dont like kde anyways)09:06
Primefalconsebsebseb: I wouldn't when I tried it but admittedly that was a while back I had it freeze on installs and I had to manualy go in and wipe the dpkg folders to get rid of bad semi installs and lockjs09:06
Primefalconsebsebseb: a lot of people would have probs working out how to do that09:07
sebsebsebPrimefalcon: personally  I haven't had problems with Ext4 in 9.04, but some other people have09:08
sebsebsebPrimefalcon: yeah and there used to be a dataloss issue09:08
sebsebsebPrimefalcon: I think that's fixed in 9.0409:08
Curly_QBy the way, I always say this and I want to say this again. I am sure I speak for everyone here on this channel all 1282 members of this channel a huge THANK YOU for all of the technical support from not only myself but all of all the other Techs here. Many thanks guys and gals.   :)09:09
Primefalconsebsebseb: probaly is this was about 4-5 months back so ext4 in ubuntu was still realatively new09:09
sebsebsebPrimefalcon: they could have had a nice perfectly  stable  Ext4 in 9.04,  as  an optional upgrade, if they did things a bit differently regarding updates, but they don't.   I mean providing a proper kernel for it,  but also whatever else that makes it  properly stable.09:11
PrimefalconI'm looking forward to the later ATI open source drivers though in karmic since I am using an older x1300xt pro09:11
sebsebsebPrimefalcon: I am looking forward to the nice stable  Ext4 in  Karmic by default, so can tell loads of people to do it :)   however unless that Ext3 to Ext4 conversion is good enough, they will have to clean install Ubuntu for full support09:12
Primefalconsebsebseb: kinda too late to really worry about it now especialy since it's not an lts version or anything but in the future on dev systems I'll stick to default file systems sicne they'll be a bit more tested09:12
ProhibitedWhat is the difference between the Ubuntu netbook version and the desktop version?09:12
sebsebsebPrimefalcon: well these  non LTS versions are really for testing stuff09:13
sebsebsebPrimefalcon: and doing new features09:13
ectospasmProhibited: biggest difference is the default GUI09:13
lstarnesProhibited: the netbook remix is lighter and specialised for use on netbooks09:13
Primefalconsebsebseb: yeah wonder how upgrading will go with the unr since thats changed well a lot more than the desktop09:13
yankeeshi, can you tell me how to share file with writing IP address in nautilus? thanks..09:14
Dayofswordsdid i start something =p09:14
sebsebsebPrimefalcon: I  would hope so in a way, because it's also pretty new,   was there one even for 8.10?09:14
Primefalconsebsebseb: a unr I dont think so09:15
Prohibitedlstarnes: I'm running a laptop with 1GB RAM, 1.8GHz processor, 27GB Hard drive, 16 MB graphics card. Would the netbook version be better for my computer?09:15
_cabaro_yankees for a windows share  smb://server/share09:15
lstarnesProhibited: is it a netbook?09:15
sebsebsebPrimefalcon: yep  I think 9.04 is the first  netbook remix09:15
Prohibitedit's a laptop that is like 6 years old lol09:15
lstarnesProhibited: possibly. xubuntu might suit it fine09:16
lstarnesProhibited: you really need a bigger hd09:16
Prohibitedi've got a 500GB external09:16
sebsebsebPrimefalcon: in a way we are off topic.   Anyway regarding major new stuff,  makes sense not to do it in the LTS first,  for example  KDE 4 as the default for Kubuntu was 8.10  rather than 8.04 where it was optional,   and  Gnome 3  won't be the default in 10.04 the next LTS,   but it probably will be optional in the repo09:16
Primefalconsebsebseb: it's still beautiful though I have a asus 900ha here and well.... no problems only thing I wish is that the wifi was a bit more flexible when your traveling around it can tend to drop out and not pick up new routers within range and you have to reboot09:16
Prohibitedlstarnes: how does Xubuntu differ from Ubuntu?09:16
lstarnesProhibited: it uses xfce instead of gnome09:17
lstarnesProhibited: it's also lighter09:17
_cabaro_prohibited 8TB RAiD09:17
sebsebsebPrimefalcon: they did put pulseaudio in 8.04 first though, and then all those pulseaudio issues hmm09:17
daivanaWho knows how to make compiz not afect soem of my programms??09:17
sebsebsebPrimefalcon: ,but  pulseaudio was meant to be really good or whatever09:17
ubuntistasdoes wine suck ot it's just my idea?09:17
Prohibitedlstarnes: thanks09:17
amerineseDoes xfce work with most Gnome programs?09:17
yankees_cabaro_ : i mean between two ubuntu computer, i really need to copy my music folder :)09:17
lstarnesamerinese: yes09:17
grawityamerinese: Yes.09:17
sebsebsebubuntistas: Wine does not suck09:18
amerineseAre there exceptions?09:18
=== cee_immuddh is now known as SANTY
grawitydaivana: Compiz is a window manager, it affects all windows. You could try installing CCSM, most of the effects can be disabled there.09:18
grawity!ccsm | daivana09:18
ubottudaivana: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz09:18
=== SANTY is now known as asfg
_cabaro_yankees: easiest way is to install ssh server on the machine you want to.. actually ixnstall on both, sudo apt-get install ssh09:18
grawityamerinese: Xfce is basically just a different window manager + a different file browser + a different panel.09:18
daivanaI have that09:18
_cabaro_then scp --help09:19
amerinesegrawity: Okay cool... lightweight is good09:19
ubuntistaswell i want to uninstall a software , i click remove and it's being installed again , how comes that doesn't suck? be realistic people, don't hear bullshits09:19
grawityamerinese: Actually, I once used xfwm4 with the rest GNOME.09:19
lstarnesubuntistas: that word is not acceptable here09:19
daivanaO want to know why is tilda not transparent, it just shows my dekstop but not what realy is behind it, I think compiz does something :)09:19
ubuntistasok ok i apologize you're not being realistic at all dude09:19
Prohibitedthese mirrors were going really fast earlier, now they are going really slow. 350kb/s to 50kb/s09:20
Prohibitedadding about 3h onto my downloads.09:20
lstarnesubuntistas: if there is a bug in wine, you can report it to their developers so that they can try to fix it09:20
grawitydaivana: That usually happens when there's no Compiz (or another compositing manager) at all :|09:20
musikgoat1Prohibited: try another mirror09:20
amerineseAnybody else having issues with Firefox?  I crash when it's fullsize on Youtube all the time... and also why the heck is the browser agent Shiretoko instead of Firefox 3.5?09:20
sebsebsebamerinese: ok09:20
_cabaro_yankees: scp file1 username@secondcomputername:/folderToCopy09:20
sebsebsebamerinese: yes  Flash can go bad in Firefox in Ubuntu, and things go rather bad09:20
grawityProhibited: Change mirror? (wget, apt-get, other apps will just continue downloading from where you stopped.)09:20
Primefalconubuntistas: what program are you talking about doing this anyhow? i use wine a lot and havn't had this issue09:20
daivanathanks grawity09:21
lstarnes!ff35 | amerinese09:21
ubottuamerinese: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY09:21
icerootis this normal? i am running ubuntu on a 2GB RAM PC and ubuntu is using 1.8GB RAM (used + buffers) if i am putting 6GB into that pc and running the same! applications, ubuntu is using 3GB (used + buffers). so if there is more ram at the pc, linux is buffering more?09:21
amerinesesebsebseb: Is it possible to somehow isolate flash to another process maybe?09:21
_cabaro_yankees if you dont have proper dns resolution for your computers just replace computername with the IP address09:21
amerineseI don't want to lose my whole browser session on crash09:21
Prohibitedgrawity: only other New Zealand mirror has no file on the FTP.09:21
sebsebsebamerinese: also the true reason why  it's Shiretoko for 3.5  in  9.04,  is because they at least thought about how whilst 9.04  was the major release  3.5 would be released, but because of their security updates only from the repos thingey,  they reolized that they woudn't be able to put in the proper  Mozilla  3.5 version09:21
grawityiceroot: Is the CPU 32-bit or 64-bit? And the OS?09:21
sebsebsebamerinese: so basically put in the development version,  which is then made very similar to the final09:21
sebsebsebamerinese: or something like this, well those bot links should explain better than me really09:22
icerootgrawity: 64bit ubuntu on amd64 cpu09:22
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yankees_cabaro_ : can you gimme an example what should i write in nautilus address bar, please.09:22
grawityiceroot: Then, maybe it just hasn't needed the extra RAM yet.09:22
amerinesesebsebseb: Okay, checking out now, but I think that is the package I have installed09:22
sebsebsebamerinese: Firefox  3.5.3  will be the default for Karmic final,  unless there's another point release for Firefox then maybe  3.5.4 for example instead09:22
grawityyankees: sftp://username@secondcomputername/09:22
_cabaro_yankees if you have a problem with the commands then just install ssh on both machines and install filezilla, sudo apt-get install filezilla09:22
sebsebsebamerinese: that's the proper Firefox, with the branding and all that09:22
sebsebsebamerinese: the proper logo I mean09:22
sebsebsebamerinese: and user agent string for that matter09:23
janrouHow do I get sound on flash videoes in firefox 3.0.14, ubuntu 9.04? I have followed instructions and got video in firefox without sound, and I have VLC and Mplayer playing mp3 files perfectly.09:24
=== Anodyne is now known as Soundaholic
sebsebsebamerinese: actsaully   that was one reason I got karmic early,  as well  as  having a good reason to repartition anyway09:24
amerinesesebsebseb: how is that working out for you?  stable?09:24
Prohibited( http://ftp.citylink.co.nz/ubuntu-releases/9.10/ ) no files on the FTPlol.09:24
diloIs this the right place to get support?09:24
lstarnesdilo: for ubuntu, yes09:25
sebsebsebamerinese: I wanted  to use the proper  Firefox from the repo, rather than shiretoko, which I had been using  for a while anyway, before the clean install09:25
yankeesgrawity : if my computer name is emily and the other is em , what should i write?09:25
cabaromy nokia keeps shutting my network, so sorrry to anyone im trying to help09:25
dilolstarnes, okay.09:25
grawityyankees: sftp://em/09:25
sebsebsebamerinese: and get newer stuff early, since I used Ubuntu since the second release  with Fedora Core 2 and 4 before it09:25
cabarograwity:  thumbs up09:25
sebsebsebamerinese: well it's been better than  when I did 9.04 early09:26
diloI want to install VNC on jaunty but i dont know how to install a *.sh script09:26
sebsebsebamerinese: stable though  well not quite09:26
lstarnesdilo: you run it09:26
lstarnesdilo: with sh file.sh09:26
yankeesgrawity : ok, thanks09:26
sebsebsebdilo: you don't need to do it like that you can get it from the repo09:26
amerinesesebsebseb: I see.  Man, this is a strange argument.  Why do they do it for branding, but then change the useragent?  They can have the blue globe and everything, but still leave the useragent firefox 3.5... it's for compatibility...09:26
diloVCN is not free09:26
Soundaholichow do i change the sample rate of a song permanently  on ubuntu 8.04 LTS ( to be changed from 44.1khz to 48khz) , Audacity doesnt work on my box kindly suggest some other application to change it09:26
grawitydilo: VNC is free.09:27
lstarnesdilo: there are free vnc implementations09:27
sebsebsebamerinese: indeed I would have prefered the proper FIrefox user agent09:27
dilooh okay, thankyou and let me try09:27
eepberrieshow can i use xrandr to change the login screen resolution?09:27
cabaroyankees: grawity's line should work,  but you have to install ssh (server) on the machine to connect first, sudo apt-get install ssh09:27
grawitySoundaholic: Increasing the sample rate? Is that even possible, and if it is - what's the point? Isn't it as useless as increasing the bitrate?09:27
sebsebsebamerinese: ,but  the blue globe is the devellopment version really,  and  I guess as a result it can't have the proper user agent string with Firefox in it, or that name09:27
Primefalconsebsebseb: amerinese: so would of I prefered they keep it09:27
diloIt works, thankyou!09:27
=== wang_ is now known as rock
sebsebsebamerinese: going back a few releases they actsaully put in a development verison of the proper Firefox :)09:28
sebsebsebamerinese: can't remember which release that was though09:28
lstarnesamerinese, sebsebseb: there are settings in about:config that can be used to change the useragent string09:28
daivanawhat is the temrinal comand to copy a file in to another folder where are write permisions09:28
sebsebsebamerinese: yes they put in a  Firefox beta09:28
sebsebseblstarnes: I know09:28
bullgard4How can I make Launchpad a list of error reports which I have contributed to?09:28
sebsebseblstarnes: ,but that would be lieing  really if changing the shiretoko one to the FIrefox one :D09:28
eepberriesdaivana sudo cp filename destination09:28
sebsebseblstarnes: of course  that may help with  how browser market share is measured, but still what I said09:29
eepberriesexample: sudo cp /home/dude/hi.png /home/bro/hi.png09:29
Primefalconsebsebseb: amerinese: lstarnes: you can also install useragent switcher but thats kidna not the point most people wont change it and if you want to interact with it you it makes things harder for stats09:29
amerineselstarnes: yeah, I'm more concerned about the default is all, i'm using a user agent switcher when i run into problems... not just for myself, but for anyone installing... a sane default09:29
dilo2. problem ;)09:29
sebsebsebPrimefalcon: I changed it :)   this time in Karmic, since  the proper en gb stuff comes in later or whatever,   I removed the en us  in the user agent so it would say en :)09:29
diloi need to install .DOT NET Framework with wine but during the installation there comes a big error message09:30
sebsebsebPrimefalcon: changed in about:config09:30
eepberriesanybody know how i can use xrandr to change resolution at the login screen?09:30
yankees_cabaro_ : ok. thank you. anyway, why can't i send file from my phone to ubuntu machine with bluetooth?09:31
cabarovonmixu: moi09:31
sebsebsebPrimefalcon: the  whole shiretoko for 3.5   in 9.04,  has kind of confussed a lot of users really,  and so not really a great thing09:31
diloi need to install .DOT NET Framework with wine but during the installation there comes a big error message <- help please ;)09:31
Primefalconsebsebseb: I have it listed in useragent switcher myself I use that a lot to imitate ie8 and such it helps form a web designer and php programming perspective to be able to change agents for testing09:31
sebsebsebPrimefalcon: indeed at that09:31
lstarnesdilo: we can't really help you if we don't know what the error message is09:32
grawitydilo: How are you installing it?09:32
sebsebsebPrimefalcon: make sure  it changes back to the proper one when your done though :)09:32
dilolstarnes, well its to big for posting here09:32
Primefalconsebsebseb: of course, who wants to give microsoft undue credit09:32
grawitydilo: Pastebin.09:32
lstarnes!pastebin | dilo09:32
ubottudilo: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic09:32
sebsebsebPrimefalcon: exactly09:32
dilojust a sec09:32
grawitydilo: Also, _why_ are you installing .NET?09:32
sebsebsebPrimefalcon:  who wants to help with market share for the worst browser of all Internet Explorer09:33
sebsebsebPrimefalcon: that actsaully knows about this stuff, so sadly not most web users,  anyway off topic now09:34
dilograwity, for a basic programm09:34
Primefalconsebsebseb: have to admit though that ie has made a lot of inroads for standards, I just wish they would of enforced standards mode on it from a web programers perspective ie6 and 7 are damm nightmares to deal with09:34
grawitydilo: Have you tried Mono, or doesn't it work with your program?09:34
dilograwity, never heard of mono09:34
sebsebsebPrimefalcon: what do you mean inroads for standards?09:34
Primefalconsebsebseb: and with ie8 default using ie7 rendering it doesn't really help matters09:35
dilolstarnes, here's the paste09:35
ectospasmmono (the software framework project, not mononucleosis) is great09:35
grawitydilo: Mono is the .NET runtime for Linux.09:35
avemowvips'il vous plait09:35
dilograwity, sound great ;)09:35
janrouHow do I get sound on flash videoes in firefox 3.0.14, ubuntu 9.04? I have followed instructions and got video in firefox without sound, and I have VLC and Mplayer playing mp3 files perfectly. <- help needed09:35
ectospasmNovell has released Moonlight, an open-source Silverlight plugin, that works great09:35
=== iversen is now known as Buckie
Primefalconsebsebseb: proper w3c code that looks the same across all the browser, I don't know if you do webdesign but with ie you have to do a lot of double coding just to fix ie bugs09:36
dilograwity, can i install it over synaptic?09:36
grawitydilo: Yes.09:36
dilograwity, great09:36
lstarnesdilo: you might want to send that error message in a bug report to wine's developers09:36
grawitydilo: It doesn't run _all_ programs yet (and .NET apps written for Windows look ugly-ish), but try it first before messing with Wine.09:36
dilolstarnes, alright! thankyou09:36
sebsebsebPrimefalcon: I have made websites before, and  made sure the pages validted and yeah,  so I know things,  indeed  all that extra work that many proper web developers have to do for silly IE, because it has most of the market still sadly09:36
eepberriesanybody know how i can use xrandr to change the resolution at the login screen? the video mode for my monitor is set incorrectly09:37
dilograwity, okay! thankyou very much09:37
sebsebsebPrimefalcon: Ubuntu is like a big win :)   for a lot of things,   Firefox by default instead of that horrible browser,  Open Office instead of Microsoft Office, etc09:37
sebsebsebPrimefalcon: of course a lot of other distros  that applys to as well,   and we are off topic hmm09:37
Primefalconsebsebseb: its about 3 times the the work since ie6 and 7 render cmpletely different than complient browsers such as opera or ff but they in turn render completely different than each other which complicates matters even further09:38
sebsebsebPrimefalcon: if you want to continue for a bit we should take it to pm or #ubuntu-offtopic really09:38
N3OI'm using ubuntu 9.04 .09:39
Primefalconseb yah I should prob be finishing off the code im doing and head off to bed its 3:39am here lol09:39
Dayofswordsi noticed have alot of "iefix" iehack"  stuff in thei website's source09:39
N3ONow i wanna install kubuntu 9.04 from cd with ubuntu. what i have to do ?09:39
=== MadMax is now known as MaxSid
rskN3O: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop09:39
MenZaN3O: Why use a CD? You can install kubuntu-desktop from the repositories instead.09:40
BuckieDoes anyone inhere know anything about crontab ?09:40
grawityMenZa: Let me guess, very slow intertube.09:40
MenZagrawity: A possibility.09:40
grawityBuckie: Yes, what's your problem?09:40
bullgard4How can I make Launchpad to produce a list of error reports which I have contributed to?09:40
N3OMenZa , actually my download is not limitless. also i have the cd right now.09:40
cabaromelik: install ubutntu from that cd then run sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop09:40
MenZabullgard4: Try #launchpad09:41
Buckiegrawity, the problem is that I want to run a script every minute, so i figure out it must be like 5 stars - when i exit vim and checks with crontab - l it tells me there is "no crontab for user"09:41
MenZaN3O: Ah, that explains it.09:41
N3Ocabaro,  this gives me some dependency error.09:41
grawityBuckie: How are you editing the crontab?09:41
bullgard4MenZa: I will. Thank you.09:41
lstarnesBuckie: what vim command are you using when you exit?09:41
Buckiegrawity, with vim and pico09:41
grawityBuckie: What _command_?09:41
N3OMenZa ,  can you please tell me the steps. from add my cdrom as repo to install kde.09:42
Buckiecrontab -e it runs pico09:42
lstarnesBuckie: it's likely nano instead of pico09:42
ectospasmBuckie: depends on what $EDITOR or $VISUAL are09:42
cabaron3o: what gives an dependency error?09:42
ectospasm...I can't stand pico, so I set mine to vim09:42
grawityBuckie: Hmm. How are you exiting the editor? Does it really save the file? Can you check /var/spool/cron? (It's actually nano, not pico, but that doesn't matter.)09:42
MenZaN3O: I'm afraid I'm not sure. Have a look at System -> Administration -> Software Sources09:43
Yonderinganyone playing with the 9.10 netbook remix beta?  I seem to be lacking /boot/grub/menu.lst, wondering what's changed that I should be looking for now..09:44
cabaroneo: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list09:44
daivanawho can help me in ISo mounting????? Strange that some time ago I could mount iso images but now when I try to mount nothing happens ://09:44
MenZaYondering: We have grub2 now. It's new, and sexy. Also, #ubuntu+1 for Karmic, please.09:44
MenZa!iso | daivana09:44
ubottudaivana: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.09:44
YonderingMenZa, thank you09:44
Buckiegrawity, How can i check that it made the changes i saved ?09:44
N3OMenZa , ya how can i add my kubuntu cd as repo here ?09:44
MenZaN3O: Like I said, I don't know.09:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apt-cd09:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cd09:44
MenZaN3O: Mount the CD and point to /media/cdrom0 likely09:44
MenZa!msgthebot | fahadsadah09:44
ubottufahadsadah: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".09:44
SUPEROGTHi, i've installed 9.10 and looks good, with some minor issues, but one thing is bothering me is that i can't use my madwifi drivers. I blacklisted ath5k and ath9k, patched and compiled but nothing. I do that usualli on 9.04 without problems even on kernel updates. Any idea about this ?09:44
N3OMenZa ok then ?09:45
grawityBuckie: Well, sudo cat /var/spool/cron/crontabs/$USER09:45
MenZaSUPEROGT: Generally, you don't want madwifi, you *want* ath5k. Try #ubuntu+1, however - this is only for 6.06 - 9.04.09:45
eepberriesanybody know how i can use xrandr to change the resolution at the login screen? the video mode for my monitor is set incorrectly09:45
MenZaSUPEROGT: Protip: madwifi is ancient and deprecated.09:45
daivanamount: can't find DVNFTCD1.ISO01.ISO in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab09:46
daivanawhat does it mena?09:46
SUPEROGToh thanks MenZa and no, i don't want ath5k, don't works fine for me.09:46
lstarnesdaivana: what full command are you using?09:46
Buckiegrawity, no such file or directory09:46
daivanaoh :)09:46
daivanasudo mount -o -loop DVNFTCD1.ISO01.ISO09:46
daivanaoh my fould09:47
lstarnesdaivana: -o loop, not -o -loop09:47
lstarnesdaivana: and you need a mount point for it09:47
MenZadaivana: Also, you're missing a target.09:47
daivanahow dfo I asing a target?09:47
cabarodaivana: wrong path to the iso file.  mount -o loop /path/to/isofile /mnt/folderYouMade09:47
daivanathank you09:47
sam2I am using internal modem(PCI card), but i can't see /dev/modem .why?09:47
janrouAre you the coaching ubuntu cool guy 8-) that helps me getting sound on flash videoes in firefox 3.0.14, ubuntu 9.04?09:48
lstarnesjanrou: which flash plugin are you using?09:48
janrouIstarnes: adobe09:48
grawitysam2: It might be a so-called "Winmodem" - a quite dumb card which makes the Windows drivers do everything... Cheap to produce, but hard to use in Linux.09:49
lstarnesjanrou: try this: go to system > preferences > sound and change everything to use PulseAudio Sound Server (except the last option involving hardware mixers)09:49
eepberriescan somebody tell me if this xorg.conf file looks good? i'm trying to force xorg to use a certain resolution but it doesn't seem to be working http://pastebin.com/m36c538f09:49
grawitysam2: If it isn't, check for /dev/ttyS* - that's how serial ports are presented. And internal modems, I think, are connecting through a virtual serial port, or something like that.09:50
janrouIstarnes: PulseAudio server do not produce sound, we better go p2p chatting, because I have followed the most relevant procedurs I could find.09:50
conb123What stage is karmic in at the moment?09:51
MenZaconb123: Beta. Brokenly.09:51
sebsebsebconb123: Beta09:51
lstarnesconb123: beta; ask in #ubuntu+1 for further info09:51
Buckiegrawity, the file it edit when i run crontab -e is /tmp/crontab.iUijs0/crontab09:51
paipimentaBOO YA!  I just manually deleted and remade (hence resized) my LVM partition by one cylinder!09:51
lstarnesjanrou: are you runnig anything else that uses sound when you try to view videos in firefox?09:51
Primefalconconb123: first stage beta actualy went into beta on the second I think09:51
conb123MenZa: So it wouldn't be worth me grabbing it from update-manager just yet?09:51
paipimentaand the beginning did not start on a cylinder boundary..... CRAPPY!09:52
grawityBuckie: When you close $EDITOR, 'crontab' is supposed to check that file's syntax and move it to the right place.09:52
ravenhello - i need some help to record from a dv-cam please.... tnx09:52
MenZaconb123: Depends if you feel like testing it. It runs alright for me, and it seems to for most people, but bear in mind it is *not* a production release.09:52
cabarobuckie: thats a temp file09:52
Buckie grawity ahh, so ctrl + z is a bad idea ?09:52
janrouIstarnes: no! The flash video shows up perfectly but without sound.09:52
grawityBuckie: Yep09:52
lstarnesjanrou: even with everything set to use pulseaudio?09:53
Nounim trying to get ipv6 to work on ubuntu but i cant ping my gateway or connect to irc09:53
conb123MenZa: Right yeah, how long until it is released, they bring out a new one every like 6 months or something isn't it?09:53
Buckiegrawity, still dont work though09:53
grawityNoun: How are you setting it up?09:53
MenZaOctober 29th, conb123 - and yes, there's a new release out every six months, co-inciding with GNOME's release cycle.09:53
lstarnesconb123: 9.10 = 10th month of 200909:53
conb123Ok then i think i shall wait until the 29th then thanks guys09:54
lstarnesconb123: wait until a few days afterwards or you will have slow downloading from the mirrirs09:54
einandanyone running kermic and firefox 3.5 here?09:54
conb123lstarnes: i usually use the torrent09:54
janrouWhy should I use the PulseAudio Server, when it does not produce any test sound in System|Preference|Sound?09:54
lstarneseinand: #ubuntu+1 is for questions about karmic09:54
MenZaeinand: Several. Even more in #ubuntu+1, which is where you should be asking about Karmic :)09:55
lstarnesjanrou: use it anyway and see if it works with flash09:55
lstarnesjanrou: if it doesn't, then switch back to the settings you had before09:55
einandlstarnes and MenZa tnx09:55
Buckiegrawity, I know what i did wrong now :$09:55
Ali_nz11how do you work out what graphics chipset you are using? and is it better to install a driver or will the default be just as good?09:55
Buckiegrawity, thx for the help09:56
GneaAli_nz11: lspci | grep VGA09:56
cabaroali_nzll: lspci09:56
Ali_nz11ok- and driver?09:56
janrouI have just forund a PulseAudio set up, where nothing is set up. Do I have set it to grant access to firefox allowing it send sounddat to the sound hardware?09:56
daivanahow d oyou unmount?\09:56
daivanasudo umount /path/09:56
Dr_Willisdaivana:  thats one way09:56
daivanait doesnt work :)09:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about umount09:57
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount09:57
Dr_Willisperhaps if you state a bit more details......09:57
daivanaI mounted a iso image and I want tounount it09:57
lstarnesdaivana: umount /path/to/mount/point09:58
N3Ocan anybody tell me how can i install kubuntu inside ubuntu from cdrom ?09:58
daivanastil mountedf09:58
grawityN3O: Run 'sudo apt-cdrom'09:58
Severity1what did you use to mount that iso?09:58
lstarnesdaivana: make sure that you used that with sudo and the correct mount point09:58
ubuntistasdoes anybody know how can i use jaadu to connect to internet via bluetooth or wi-fi vi my cellphone?09:58
daivanasudo mount -o loop /home/daivana/DVNFTCD1.ISO01.iso /mnt/cdrom09:59
cabarodaivana: use sudo.. sudo umount /path/09:59
=== adeodatus is now known as aigon
lstarnesdaivana: sudo umount /mnt/cdrom09:59
daivanait wont unmount it :/09:59
Dr_Willisclose all out all apps accessing it also.09:59
N3Ograwity ok then ?09:59
janrouIstarnes: I'll give it the 1001 try ...10:00
sam2In case of internal modem(PCI card),which is /dev file. /dev/modem or /dev/ttys0 or /dev/ttyACM0 or /dev/ttyl0 ?10:00
ubuntistasdoes anybody know how can i  to connect to internet via bluetooth or wi-fi from my cellphone?10:00
=== jonenst is now known as jajon_
daivanathere are some folder in the mount point, but when I try to acces them it says its deleted10:01
N3Ograwity , sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop10:01
N3Ograwity , give me this following error10:01
paipimentaanyone know how I could view the physical extents used on a physical volume? (LVM)10:01
daivanaeverything is ok now10:01
N3Ograwity , E: Couldn't find package kubuntu-desktop10:01
daivanathanks for the help people10:02
grawityN3O: Hmm, sudo apt-get update?10:02
cabarodaivana: lsof | grep pathOfMountpoint10:02
cabaroto see which files are open10:02
daivanafor the future thanks10:03
cabarolike.. lsof | grep /usr/bin10:03
paipimentahow would I search for manual entries with regular expressions?10:04
=== ben is now known as Guest20123
_21h_after upgrade to 910 i see some bugs. if switch desktop resolution to 1280x1024 all icons and wallpaper hiding, but if i made 1024x768 all works fine. anybody knows how ti fix this?10:04
paipimentalike if I want to search for something like pextents, I could search for *ext*10:04
Dr_Willis_21h_:  see #ubuntu+1 for 9.10 issues10:05
grawitypaipimenta: recursive grep on /usr/share/man?10:05
mrfeltonI've been running Wirishark to try and work out why my network is being so crappy...10:05
ubuntistasdoes anybody know how can i  to connect to internet via bluetooth or wi-fi from my cellphone?10:06
mrfeltonOne thing I have noticed is continuall traffic using the SSDP service10:06
mrfeltonIt seems to be coming from my router10:06
mrfeltonanyone know about this?10:06
N3Ograwity, W: Skipping non-exisiting file /cdrom/dists/jaunty/main/binary-i386/Packages10:06
N3Ograwity gives me that when i give sudo apt-cdrom add10:07
grawitymrfelton: SSDP is something UPnP-related, I think. You could disable it in the router's configuration (but it's sometimes useful for automatic port forwarding)10:07
daivanawhat is the temrinal comand to create folder in a fodler with permissions10:08
bullgard4I run Windows Selector to move Firefox 3.5.3 to another workspace. Now my computer is frozen. Only I could move the mouse cursor. But clicking on any button has no effect. Ctrl+Alt+F1 has no effect. Alt+SysRq+K produced a black display screen. What "project" or package should I attribute to my Launchpad bug report? What log schould I attach?10:08
daivanaI know I have to ise google but you guys are faster ; D:D10:08
lstarnesdaivana: mkdir is usually used for making directories10:09
daivanathank you10:09
RadJohnIs the ATI Radeon X1300 video card able to run on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron)?10:09
paipimentagrawity: what would the pattern be fore that?10:10
paipimentagrawity: *ext* in regex form10:10
RadJohnAnyone know anything about installing a Radeon X1300 video card on Hardy?10:10
paipimentagrep -r /*ext*/ /usr/share/man10:11
peterretiefanyone got Native Client in Chrome working10:11
ubuntistasdoes anybody know how can i  to connect to internet via bluetooth or wi-fi from my cellphone?10:11
cabaro:       /(ext)/10:11
lstarnespeterretief: try man -k ext10:11
grawitypaipimenta: grep -r 'ext' /usr/share/man10:11
grawitypaipimenta: Or, egrep -r '[^ ]ext[^ ]'10:11
paipimentaif I can find this out..... I'll be able to manually adjust my partition table, and move my whole LVM partition snug up against my 50Meg /boot10:12
paipimentawhat's the [^ ] part?10:12
lstarnespeterretief: no space10:12
peterretieflstarnes: thank10:13
Ali_nz11when I add a user and login I get No Directory, logging in with HOME=/ - how do I fix this?10:13
lstarnesAli_nz11: you might need to specify a home directory for that user10:13
cabaroali_nzzl: nano /etc/passwd10:14
Ali_nz11lstarnes: when createing the user?10:14
Ali_nz11cabaro: yep - and then?10:14
lstarnesAli_nz11: yes10:14
cwickerthow to search several 'products' in launchpad, e.g. all Xfce related bugs although these are more than 20 packages?10:14
lstarnesAli_nz11: or with usermod or another account info modifier10:14
bigmack83is there a room for talking about karmic, or is this room alright?10:14
lstarnesbigmack83: #ubuntu+110:15
cabaro/etc/passwd has the home folder in the syntax10:15
lstarnescabaro: /etc/passwd shouldn't be edited directly10:15
cabaroyah :)10:16
Ali_nz11so something like useradd user -d user10:16
ProhibitedUbuntu torrents ftw10:16
lstarnesAli_nz11: -d /home/user10:16
grawityProhibited: kb or kB?10:17
Prohibitedkilo bytes10:17
rsknot bits?10:17
Prohibitedno, not bits lol10:17
grawityb = bit, B = byte.10:17
Prohibitedfine then10:17
grawitymb = millibit.10:17
Prohibitedd= now my upload is going higher10:18
Ali_nz11what about -m?10:18
rskwhat about him10:19
cabarograwity: millibit :) almost a bit, actually one thousand of a bit but not really. This should work on a lot of true/false statements10:19
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lstarnesAli_nz11: that will make the home directory if ir doesn't exist already10:19
Ali_nz11hmmm, type useradd user -d /home/user -p password10:19
Ali_nz11it creates the user but wont accept the password?10:20
Prohibited#ubuntu+1 I think10:20
Prohibitedmeh i accidently scrolled up, saw old chat.10:20
Ali_nz11grrrr, I am still getting No Directory logging in with home10:22
=== ck is now known as Guest56521
lstarnesAli_nz11: use useradd user -d /home/user -m -p password10:23
Ali_nz11lstarnes: ok10:24
qbll请问下ubuntu里面安装nvidia tnt2显卡怎么装不上?要怎么才能装上10:24
Ali_nz11thanks - that worked10:24
KeifferHi. Do you recommend using the 64bit version of Ubuntu? Do I have access tho all apps in 32bit version?10:25
lstarnesKeiffer: there may be some minor compatibility issues, but almost everything in the 32-bit version works in the 64-bit version10:26
qbll32-bit version10:27
paipimentaanyone know how I can view exactly which physical extents my logical volumes are taking up? I've done it before, a pre-pvmove command10:30
qbllhow I setup nvidia tnt210:30
qbllwho is know?10:31
ravenwhere can i change the passwords on a ssh-server-system? i cannot login to this....10:32
KeifferAnother question. Gnome or KDE?10:33
lstarnesraven: do you have physical access to the system?10:33
lstarnesKeiffer: that is personal preference10:33
Dr_WillisKeiffer:  install them both.. try them both.10:33
jamieleshawHello, does bluetooth work out of box with ubuntu on eee pc 1005Ha-H:10:33
lstarnesraven: if you can physically access it, you can use passwd from a terminal on it10:33
KeifferDr_willis, both on the same Ubuntu?10:33
lstarnesKeiffer: yes10:33
Dr_WillisKeiffer:  yes.. that doable...10:34
Dr_WillisKeiffer:  install the ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop packages.. you may wan tto try  xubuntu-desktop also10:34
Dr_Willisdid i miss any other -desktops we got now?10:34
=== nancy is now known as Guest97505
Keifferxubuntu is xcfe?10:34
Dr_WillisKeiffer:  or try out the live desktop cd's and see what you like10:34
Dr_Willisxubuntu - xfce  yes.10:34
alibaba_има ли българи тук за помощ ?10:35
jamieleshawDr_Willis, yes you forgot mythbuntu-desktop10:35
Guest97505ls *ubuntu*10:35
ravenlstarnes, i do not understand what's goning on here the user has no password any more and also with root i cannot login with the given password.... anything does not work here...10:35
Dr_Willisjamieleshaw:  well thats more of a speciality :)10:35
jamieleshawDr_willis heheheh10:36
lstarnesraven: it might require public-key authentication, but you'll have to check the configuration of the ssh server for that10:36
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ravenok where can i do this on the server?10:36
indusAmaranth, hi10:36
lstarnesraven: look at /etc/ssh/sshd_config10:37
ravenok tnx10:37
lstarnesraven: it likely allows password authentication unless you changed it to not allow it10:37
indusanyone know how to restore grub with alternate cd10:37
jamieleshawHello, does bluetooth work out of box with ubuntu on asus eee pc 1005HA-H10:39
banisterfiendanyone else here really really lagged?10:39
Keifferso the differences are entirely based on appereance and style-of-use?10:39
Keifferbetween DEs?10:39
lstarnesKeiffer: the cores are different too10:40
=== Guest79121 is now known as nancy
Dr_WillisKeiffer:  they are very differnt in many ways.  go track down  a live cd for both and test them, both out10:40
lstarnesKeiffer: kde uses qt for widgets while gnome and xfce use gtk10:40
Dr_WillisKeiffer:  or just install both then select the one to try out at the login window.10:40
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ravenempty password does not work as like as the root login..... i do not why...10:40
luchohola hola10:40
KeifferThis won't affect my system performances?10:40
ravenlstarnes, do i have to restart the ssh-server?10:41
lstarnesraven: by default, sshd does not allow root loins10:41
KeifferI really need a stable environment but also i want to learn some new stuff10:41
lstarnesraven: configuration changes usually require a restart10:41
ravenlstarnes, i changed do yes10:41
lstarnesraven: so try sudo invoke-rc.d sshd restart10:41
ravenok tnx10:41
=== axel is now known as Guest57607
Guest57607hello from france10:42
Dr_WillisKeiffer:  then track down a kubuntu live cd and test out kubuntu,  and see if you like it.10:42
ravenlstarnes, "invoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/ssht not found" strange thing here....10:43
lstarnesraven: sshD, not sshT10:43
lstarnesraven: lowercase10:43
luchoha desapaercido la lista de nicks10:43
ravenoh right10:43
BlouBlou!es > lucho10:43
ubottulucho, please see my private message10:43
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!10:44
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com10:44
ravenlstarnes, "invoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/ssht not found" strange thing here...10:44
lstarnesGuest57607: I think you want to use /join #ubuntu-fr10:44
ravensame thing with sshd10:44
grawityraven: Try just 'ssh'10:44
Guest47287I have a problem with my nVidia GeForce 9500 on Ubuntu Hardy10:45
KeifferDo you think that using Virtual Machines is good for me, wanting a good stable system and to test linuxes too?10:45
ravenoh yes tnx - seems that i am still sleeping10:45
grawityraven: Some distributions use 'sshd', others have 'ssh' for the script name10:45
Dr_WillisKeiffer:  virtualbox is rather easy to get going and  good to test things in.10:45
Guest47287the card looks installed, I have the NVIDIA splash at the boot and nvidia settings works10:45
Guest47287however compiz does not activate10:46
soreauGuest47287: If you would like to come to #compiz, we will help you get compiz working10:46
Guest47287if I call COMPIZ from command line it says "another windows manager is active"10:46
lstarnesGuest47287: compiz --replace10:46
KeifferDr_Willis, good to know, thanks for the advice. Can I use it for daily Windows Apps? I need to work in Corel and Adobe apps.10:47
Guest47287I tried compiz replace but the screen gets funny, now window top10:47
Guest47287OK I try to join #compiz10:47
Dr_WillisKeiffer:  virtualbox can run windows..10:50
lstarnesKeiffer: there is also wine for some windoes apps10:51
lstarnesoops, windows10:51
ashfordI lost my sound (Realtek AC'97 onboard)10:51
mrfeltonWhat is ubiquity? I notice it starts at boot... Do I need it?10:52
grawity!info ubiquity10:52
=== Prohibit is now known as Prohibited
ubottuubiquity (source: ubiquity): Ubuntu live CD installer. In component main, is optional. Version 1.12.12 (jaunty), package size 2784 kB, installed size 10092 kB10:52
grawityThat really shouldn't be starting on boot.10:53
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mrfeltongrawity: well, it's there in sysv-rc-conf10:53
trancefatI m having some trouble installing Ubuntu 9.04 on a relatively old computer(2005) but was upgraded last year with a new graphic card and some ram and hd space10:53
mrfeltonset to start at levels 2, 3, 4 & 510:53
trancefati ve inserted the Ubuntu 9.04 CD and booted10:54
trancefatfirstly the keyboard seems to hand at the selectionof Language10:54
trancefatand then after the 30 seconds are over10:54
trancefatthe CD proceeds10:54
trancefatkeyboard is not hung anymore10:54
trancefatbut the CD stops at a page with a long list of messages like init:tty1 main process ended , respawning10:55
trancefatwhat could be wrong10:55
mrfeltongrawity: I take it I can disable that then.. it seems to be some king of system installer10:56
mrfeltonbut, I already have the system installed!10:56
emanuxhow to setup ldap server?10:56
ashfordI wonder if anyone else had audio difficulties.  I have a linux driver package (realtek-linux-audiopack) but it has manual instructions for installation that speak to modprobe.conf or conf.modules in /etc (there are no such files).10:56
mrfeltongod knows why it runs as a service10:56
ashfordjoin #ubuntu10:58
eepberriesanybody know how i can use xrandr to change resolution at the login screen?10:58
tjzjust a dumb question10:59
tjzdo you use antivirus on your ubuntu?10:59
grawitytjz: I don't, and I guess most people don't either.10:59
trancefatmaybe everone s busy, i can come some other time, thanks anyways10:59
lstarnes!virus | tjz10:59
ubottutjz: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2110:59
tjzi doubt there is any antivirus?10:59
grawitytrancefat: Not really - they just don't know the answer.11:00
lstarnestjz: there is clamav for some limited scanning for windows viruses11:00
lstarnestjz: unix-like systems (such as linux) may be affected by rootkits, which are another form of malware less prevalent than viruses11:00
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit11:00
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tjzis there some flood just now??11:01
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grawitytjz: No, just a netsplit... some Freenode server has lost its connection temporarily.11:01
SharpRainnetsplit mate :)11:01
manielwhy apt wantw to replace my custom build packages [originals were segfaulting] with the same versions from repository [which doesn't work, that's why i've build them by my self]11:02
Hasanibrahim1hi everyone11:03
banisterfiendSharpRain, are you an aussie, mate?11:03
lstarnesmaniel: apt has a preference for packages from the official repos11:03
SharpRainwhat is the best download manager with threading, downloading files in multiple chunks then putting it back together (forgot what that was called), proxy, authentication, and other support11:03
SharpRainand yes11:03
tjzis there a portable app for ubuntu?11:03
SharpRainI'm in australia11:03
Hasanibrahim1i need to install multiple monitor, how can i do it ?11:03
lstarnesmaniel: you can use techniques like pinning to keep packages at a certain version11:03
maniellstarnes: yeah, but version strings are the same11:03
manielbut it still wants the repo ones11:03
tjzis there a portable firefox browser for ubuntu?11:04
SharpRainwhat is the best download manager with threading, downloading files in multiple chunks then putting it back together (forgot what that was called), proxy, authentication, scheduling, and more?11:04
DarkpudelHasanibrahim1 your graphiccard?11:04
manielSharpRain: aria211:04
grawitySharpRain: DownThemAll works quite nice. It's a Firefox addon though.11:04
Hasanibrahim1nvidia Darkpudel11:04
DarkpudelHasanibrahim1 Download the Nvidiadriver from nvidia.com and then type in a terminal "sudo nvidia-settings"11:05
Keifferi might ask a stupid one: let's say i have a 258 MB ram, 1.3 GHz CPU computer. You install linux for headless use. Can you do something so, you access this one from a modern, 4gb RAM, dual core computer and use some of this system's resources to make the first work via LAN?11:06
disownI'm looking for some info on how to do dev on ubuntu, i.e how to package, install, run, test, deinstall packages etc while developing. Any guides, tips?11:06
DarkpudelHasanibrahim1 now "X Server Display Configuration", then at Configuration "TwinVIew"11:06
DarkMage23032I've downloaded Karmic through a FTP mirror and by torrenting it, both give me the error "Invalid or corrupted kernel"11:06
lstarnesKeiffer: I don't think so11:06
lstarnesDarkMage23032: expect karmic to break11:07
lstarnesDarkMage23032: it is still a beta11:07
rskDarkMage23032: did you verify the burned cd's dm5?11:07
rsker .. md511:07
DarkMage23032rsk: Uh, no.11:07
rskdo it11:07
HappyHoboand don't burn at 52x11:07
Hasanibrahim1Darkpudel: thereis a button called "configure" :D11:07
SlartKeiffer: depending on what kind of work you want to offload..11:07
DarkpudelHasanibrahim1 click on it!11:08
HappyHobofor an iso Slart I get bad results.11:08
maniellstarnes: http://pastie.org/641125 you can see here that packages version's are the same, my packages are built from deb-src repo, but apt wants to replace it with packages from binary repo11:08
SlartKeiffer: if you're compiling stuff there are distributed compilers available, I think.. there might be other stuff available for other apps.. I don't think there is anything general for taking some of the work off the lighter machine though11:08
andersoni need help on wifi11:09
SlartHappyHobo: huh?11:09
andersoncan any one guide ?11:09
rsk!ask | anderson11:09
ubottuanderson: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:09
lstarnesmaniel: I'm not sure what to do in this situation.  someone else might know11:09
Slart!wifi | anderson11:09
ubottuanderson: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:09
HappyHoboyou had to be there Slart11:09
Hasanibrahim1Darkpudel: i am sorry, i asked question incorrectly.11:09
whois!info Karmic11:09
ubottuPackage Karmic does not exist in jaunty11:09
lstarnes!karmic > whois11:09
ubottuwhois, please see my private message11:09
KeifferSlart, I don't need to do that. I was asking to see if that could be possible.11:09
Hasanibrahim1two monitors are working now correctly. but two of them are showing same screen11:09
Hasanibrahim1i need to use different Desks11:10
raveni cannot access to the ssh server what is going on here - no password is right11:10
stefg!dualgead | Hasanibrahim111:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dualgead11:10
SlartKeiffer: you could also have a look at some of the clustering software available..11:10
stefg!dualhead | Hasanibrahim111:10
ubottuHasanibrahim1: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama11:10
rskraven: login to the machine locally and make sure the password is right11:10
andersonI upgraded to 9.10 and all of sudden m nt able to start wifi on my laptop. I cheked Hardware Drivers it sgows BroadCom =. Active but not in use!! M nt getting why11:10
rskanderson: that's karmic, go to #ubuntu+111:11
stefg!karmic | anders11:11
ubottuanders: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+111:11
ravenrsk it is11:11
rskraven: cheked your config, so all ip's can connect?11:11
lstarnesraven: make sure that password authentication is allowed11:11
rskand ye, that.11:11
HappyHoboso far karmic hasn't broken on me and I've been apt-get dist-upgrading the whole time11:11
ravenrsk, lstarnes it always gives me "permission denied" at password command11:12
raveni do not know where to look here11:12
DarkpudelHasanibrahim1, u have to click on Configure and either take TwinView or Seperate X-Screen; then restart ur X-Server11:12
lstarnesraven: /etc/ssh/sshd_config11:12
lstarnesraven: look for PasswordAuthentication11:13
SharpRainI installed aria2 through synaptic11:13
SharpRainbut it's not here11:13
SharpRaintyping aria2 in console says command not found11:13
Keifferthe thing is i have this old computer and i don't want to retire it. so, if anyone has any idea, it's welcomed11:13
SharpRainand it's not in applications11:13
SharpRainkeffer: use as bomb11:13
raven#AuthorizedKeysFile%h/.ssh/authorized_keys ?11:14
ravenits enabled11:14
stefgKeiffer: tell about the specs11:14
lstarnesraven: no, PasswordAuthentication11:14
rskKeiffer: donate to a good cause11:14
SharpRainSo yeah, what do I do about this aria2 thing11:14
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ravenlstarnes, its "yes"11:14
lstarnesraven: what error do you get when attemtping to connect with a password?11:15
ravenoh just a moment11:15
mcmlxxi!multiple monitors11:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:15
=== nancy is now known as Guest52695
ravenPermission denied, please try again.11:16
SharpRainHow do I use aria2?11:16
=== lucho is now known as LuchoKarajo
lstarnesraven: that error makes no sense11:16
stefg!xinerama | mcmlxxi11:16
ubottumcmlxxi: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead11:16
ABOANAS93i want to increase my ubuntu space , how?11:16
das_Urmelhi, i'm using ubuntu 9.4 and have a internet connection via Lan. Now i would like to make the inet connection accessible to my imac via wlan. could any body tell me how. allready tried various things. i don't get it to work.11:16
lstarnesraven: is that with root?11:17
ABOANAS93i want to increase my ubuntu space , how?11:17
ravenwith every user11:17
rskABOANAS93: buy new hdd11:17
ravenok i just diabled pw and now it says "Permission denied (publickey)."11:18
lstarnesraven: enable passwords11:18
ABOANAS93na , i have been installed it on 80 GB HD and i cant use any more than 10GB.11:18
lstarnesraven: pastebin your /etc/ssh/sshd_config11:18
lstarnesABOANAS93: did you only give it a 10gb partition?11:18
ABOANAS93i used wubi.11:18
SharpRainaria2 looks bad11:18
ABOANAS93no , 80GB partition.11:19
ravenlstarnes, do i have to edit the /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key or something like that?11:19
lstarnesraven: don't do anything with the keys11:19
ABOANAS93but in 80 i could only use 10 because of wubi installer.11:19
stefgABOANAS93: BTW it's quite a stupid idea to chat as root11:19
ABOANAS93how did you know?11:20
lstarnesABOANAS93: your user id in irc contains your nick, the username sent by your client, and your hostname/ip11:21
stefgABOANAS93: you're making it obvious ...11:21
lstarnesABOANAS93: most clients send your system login name as the username by default11:21
ABOANAS93no problem ubuntu is unhackaple.11:21
lstarnesABOANAS93: only when you aren't root11:21
=== maniel is now known as maniel_afk
Maxiori have problem with ettercap11:22
ABOANAS93oh ,shit . bey11:22
Maxiorforwarded (libnet_write_raw_ipv4(): -1 bytes written (Message too long)11:22
stefgABOANAS93:  ubuntu is not easily hackable... but not idiot-proof11:22
lstarnesraven: try setting PermitEmptyPasswords to no11:22
ravenoh i did previously it's been reset11:23
ravenlstarnes still denied11:24
lstarnesraven: what do you get from this?: ps aux | grep sshd | grep -v grep11:24
happyhessiani have a shockingly non-technical question for the channel: i have a relative who wants to switch to ubuntu from vista but he's worried about an outlook replacement--i don't really use any pim type software so i don't know what to tell him--what do people use in place of outlook on ubuntu and how good is it with fulfilling the same functions and with migrating from windows?11:25
SharpRainDownthemAll doesn't have support for a userrname/password11:25
SharpRainWHAT DOES?11:25
grawitySharpRain: Doesn't it?11:25
lstarnesSharpRain: caps11:25
grawitySharpRain: http://user:pass@host/path/11:26
SharpRainso I have to add that to the end11:26
SharpRainof a huge thing of rapidshare links11:26
SharpRainlike 100's11:26
SharpRainthat's cool.11:26
FloodBot1SharpRain: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:26
lstarnesSharpRain: you could use a short sed/perl script to add the user:pass to each11:27
stefghappyhessian: evolution, which is the default email/PIM client11:27
lstarnesSharpRain: e.g. sed -i 's,http://,http://user:pass@,g' file.txt11:27
[007aLinux]Is there any way to increase the login screen resolution?11:27
James_T_Kirkgood afternoon11:27
stefg!fixres | [007aLinux]11:27
ubottu[007aLinux]: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution11:27
das_Urmelanybody who can help me? here's my question again: " hi, i'm using ubuntu 9.4 and have a internet connection via Lan. Now i would like to make the inet connection accessible to my imac via wlan. could any body tell me how. allready tried various things. i don't get it to work."11:27
jamiewanhappyhessian: thunderbird mate thats the go11:28
James_T_Kirki have problems with Rhythmbox.... i installed all the neccessary Gstreamer plugins and codecs, but am getting errors11:28
=== LuchoKarajo is now known as sarasa
stefg!ics | das_Urmel11:28
ubottudas_Urmel: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php11:28
Keifferwhat virtualisation software do you recommend? virtualbox, vmware etc? i need to use windows apps in linux. wine is not a good alternative11:28
happyhessianare there any know problems migrating from outlook--contacts, etc,?11:28
ravenlstarnes, root      4646  0.0  0.1   5436  1072 ?        Ss   12:23   0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd11:28
Maxiorhi i have problem with ettercap11:28
Maxiormore plugins can't be loaded11:28
=== sarasa is now known as LuchoKarajo
stefgKeiffer: virtualbox for desktop use11:28
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs11:28
Nisha_hey how can i install a new kernel without compiling?11:28
Maxiorwhat is wrong ?11:28
lstarnesKeiffer: virtualbox and other virtual machines require a windows license and an installation of windows irself11:29
das_Urmelubottu: thanks, i'll give that a try11:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:29
lstarnesraven: I'm really not sure what is causing this stuff to happen11:29
TLFit's there a way so I can configure ubuntu not to wipe /tmp every time I restart? Thanks11:30
ravenme to...11:30
Nisha_hey how can i install a new kernel without compiling?11:30
lstarnesNisha_: install a pre-build .deb package11:30
[007aLinux]stefg: ?11:30
stefgNisha_: you don't11:30
grawityTLF: Why do you need that?11:30
[007aLinux]stefg: It's login screen.11:30
Nisha_i just want to use a new kernel11:30
lstarnesNisha_: generally, it is strongly recommended that you NOT use a different kernel11:30
lstarnesNisha_: unless you upgrade to a newer version of ubuntu11:31
TLFgrawity: I host some files there that I need until I delete them11:31
Keifferlstarnes, what do you mean? can't i use virtual inside ubuntu and install windows?11:31
[007aLinux]grawity: Hello ,can you tell how to increase login screen resolution?11:31
Nisha_lstarnes: my sis graphic card and wireless driver is not working11:31
stefg[007aLinux]: please read the link first, then complain :-)11:31
lstarnesTLF: move them out of /tmp11:31
grawity[007aLinux]: I don't know.11:31
grawityTLF: mkdir /files11:31
lstarnesKeiffer: you can11:31
TLFbut I don't want that11:31
grawityTLF: Or if you really really want, there's a script in /etc/init.d/ that does that.11:31
stefg!kernel | Nisha_11:31
ubottuNisha_: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages11:31
lstarnesTLF: /tmp is really meant for temporary files11:31
lstarnesTLF: you likely want /var instead of /tmp11:32
Keifferlstarnes, and i can use a cracked iso of win, can i?11:33
tjz2if i switch to ubuntu desktop11:33
tjz2i don;t think i need putty anymore :D11:33
lstarnesKeiffer: you should only use a legal copy with a legal license11:33
lstarnesKeiffer: we do not advocate or allow piracy here11:33
lstarnesKeiffer: even if it is a product by microsoft11:33
shreyPls help..after i used command pppoeconf my wifi is not detected.11:33
stefgTLF: according to the FHS /tmp is wiped at every reboot. files that need to survive a reboot go to /var/tmp11:33
stefg!fhs | TLF11:34
ubottuTLF: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview11:34
Enriqueidoes the listen media player have an IRC chatroom?11:35
Keifferlstarnes, what is my alternative? i do have a laptop with vista with licence. can i put that licence on the pc and ubuntu on laptop?11:35
lstarnesKeiffer: buy a copy of windows11:35
icerootKeiffer: ask microsoft11:35
EnriqueiKeiffer: depends11:35
ProhibitedKeiffer: w*cough*arez11:36
lstarnesProhibited: see my last comment11:36
Enriqueiespecially on if that copy is OEM or not11:36
shreyPls help..after i used command pppoeconf my wifi is not detected?11:36
Prohibitedshrey: pl0x halpz i r /\/0013z04z11:37
Richard_Martinjoin #defocus11:37
shreyProhibited: what's this11:37
shawn001im trying to learn the find command. i have *.deb files in many different directories on a thumb drive. i want to use find to find all *.deb files and copy them to a directory on another partition. i tried this but doesnt seem to work. any ideas? " find /media/cdrom -name "*.deb" -type f -exec cp *.deb /media/Files/backup/var/cache/apt/ "11:38
achilleshello, I'm trying to rsync my directory to a remote NFS mounted directory, but rsync can't hold permissions, is there a way to avoid setting permissions, I saw the man page, can't get it11:39
EnriqueiAnyone know of a music player that meets these requirements: Runs under gnome, can be remotely controlled via webgui, and has shoutcast support?11:39
Guest52695hi I decided to upgrade to 9.04, to be safe I am thinking to "cp -a" my home folder.11:39
Guest52695is that enough to save all my stuff and my main settings ?11:40
stefgachilles: although i can't give a direct answer to your question i'd recommend to look at rdiff-backup (some useful wrapper around rsync)11:40
Guest52695do you have better suggestions before an upgrade ?11:40
stefg!info rdiff-backup | achilles11:40
ubottuachilles: rdiff-backup (source: rdiff-backup): remote incremental backup. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.7-1ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 194 kB, installed size 760 kB11:40
Guest52695I am starting from a hardy Ultimate Edition11:40
shawn001Guest52695, the -p tag will keep permissions11:40
ikoniaGuest52695: ultimate edition is not an ubuntu release - it's not supported here11:41
Guest52695the -p tag is not included in the -a tag11:41
achillesstefg, thank you!11:41
Guest52695its very unstable11:41
Guest52695that's why I am moving away11:41
ikoniaGuest52695: it's not an ubuntu product - it's nothing to do with ubuntu, it's not supported here11:41
Guest52695I didn't know that11:41
shawn001 cp -ap blah11:41
Guest52695OK thank you11:41
grawitytar cvzf home.tar.gz $HOME11:42
shawn001^^ works too11:42
Enriqueihmmm no suggestions?11:42
Guest52695there is no way to save my programs istallations... I think.11:42
ikoniaGuest52695: it's not supported here11:42
ikoniaGuest52695: a clean install is the only way to gain support11:42
grawityEnriquei: I think mpd meets all three.11:42
MadpilotGuest52695, is your /home a seperate partition?11:43
grawityEnriquei: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/mpd11:43
dallixI'm getting a CRC error on boot, that means I have to redownload the iso right?11:43
grawityEnriquei: mpd itself runs as a daemon, and to control it you use a 'client' - there are many for GNOME, KDE, terminal-based, web-based, and so on.11:43
LexRhey guys, anyone knows how to make gnome apps (synaptic) use kde decoration in kde4???11:43
Madpilotubottu, info mpd |  Enriquei11:43
ubottuEnriquei: mpd (source: mpd): Music Player Daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.14.2-3ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 162 kB, installed size 496 kB11:43
linuxn_eoI'm using hardy, and would like to install vlc 1.0.2. What repository do I need to add to do that (or do I need to do it by hand?)? How do I answer this type of question for myself in general?11:43
grawityEnriquei: For a nice GNOME client, install Sonata.11:44
ikonialinuxn_eo: if it's not in the ubuntu repo - it's not supported by ubuntu yet11:44
Enriqueiwill check out sonata11:44
ikonialinuxn_eo: you can search for 3rd party repo's but that is at your own risk and may cause you problems down the line11:44
shawn001how can i use the 'find' command to find all files with a given extension (*.deb) on a partition (in many directories) and move them to a single directory on another partition. tried this but didnt work: " find /media/thumb-drive -name "*.deb" -type f -exec cp *.deb /media/Files/backup/debs/ "11:44
Enriqueiis it self-sufficient or is it a front end?11:44
linuxn_eoikonia: it is: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/karmic-changes/2009-September/009605.html11:44
ikonialinuxn_eo: are you using karmic ?11:44
linuxn_eoikonia: but it's only in for karmic, as far as I can see11:44
Madpilotlinuxn_eo, 1.0.2 looks much newer than the version in Ubuntu currently - you might find a packaged version in a PPA, though11:45
linuxn_eoas I said, I'm using hardy11:45
grawityEnriquei: gmpc and ario are two more GNOME clients for mpd.11:45
ikonialinuxn_eo: ok - so it's not in your versions repository - so it's not supported for your OS yet11:45
stefgdallix: yes, the medium is damaged, but there are ways to avoid to have to download the full image again. zsync and bittorrent clients are able to checksum the file and correct the errors11:45
Madpilotlinuxn_eo, probably best to upgrade - hardy->intrepid->jaunty then karmic when it's final late this month...11:46
linuxn_eoikonia: hm - and there's no way to do it through backports or something?11:46
stefgdallix: what iso have you downloaded?11:46
ikonialinuxn_eo: it's not back ported yet - so no11:46
=== shawn001 is now known as bigmack83
linuxn_eoMadpilot: easier said than done - this is a netbook with a very tiny disk11:46
Madpilotlinuxn_eo, a reinstall w/ jaunty might be your best bet, then11:46
linuxn_eoif it were a normal pc, i would've already done that11:46
linuxn_eoMadpilot: I'd rather not reinstall for the sake of one feature in one media player.. :/11:47
ikonialinuxn_eo: package it yourself ? talk to the maintainer for a back port ?11:47
Madpilotlinuxn_eo, you'll get an entirely updated OS along with that one feature, though :)11:47
linuxn_eoikonia: I'll go the packaging it myself route; any tips on what pages I should read?11:48
ikonialinuxn_eo: the packaging guide on the wiki.ubuntu.com page11:48
linuxn_eoMadpilot: I was a gentoo user for 6 years, I've had enough of entirely updated OSs ;)11:48
Madpilotubottu, compile |  linuxn_eo11:48
ubottulinuxn_eo: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)11:48
Enriqueigot a link for sonata?11:48
linuxn_eothanks; I'll read those links11:48
Enriqueigrawity ^^11:48
ikoniaEnriquei: you're asking for a lot of link, there are search engines available11:48
Madpilotlinuxn_eo, updated Ubuntu still works, unlike what I've heard of chasing updates in Gentoo :)11:48
grawityEnriquei: All of them are in Ubuntu package manager.11:48
grawity!info sonata11:48
ubottusonata (source: sonata): GTK+ client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.3-1ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 295 kB, installed size 1264 kB11:48
lstarnesbigmack83: find /media/cdrom -name "*.deb" -type f | xargs cp --target-directory=/media/Files/backup/var/cache/apt/11:49
linuxn_eoMadpilot: yes, usually; not always11:49
Enriqueithank you11:49
linuxn_eoI've had a few breakages with ubuntu updates before11:49
ikonialinuxn_eo: to a beta OS - yes, very much breaks a lot11:49
cylexanyone know how to use OpenLDAP with linux11:49
ikoniacylex: in what respect11:49
grawityEnriquei: In other words, 'sudo apt-get install mpd sonata gmpc ario ncmpc' in Terminal.11:50
cylexhooking up login to windows11:50
stefgdallix: a.) although you might have a fast line you are putting unnecessary load on ubuntu servers. b.) there is allready a newer nightly build available that you caould zsync11:50
Enriqueiill read up on them and give it a shot. Thank you for the leads grawity11:50
ikoniacylex: ok, so that's ldap + samba for that, maybe kerberos too11:50
cylexyeah, I never got it to work11:51
ikonianie: ?11:51
bigmack83lstarnes, ah a lifesaver. thanks11:51
cylexany good tutorial link for OpenLDAP + SAMBA11:51
ikoniacylex: there are tons on the net11:52
ikoniacylex: there are a few ubuntu specific ones on help.ubuntu.com - but they don't go that in depth and are quite a generic AD intergration11:52
cylexI wonder if you pay for the support they do it for you11:53
ikoniacylex: canonical will, yes11:53
cylexheh cool11:55
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr11:55
cylexgonna have to try the online tutorial first11:55
cylexikonia: do you work for canonical?11:55
deeptzcan someone give me live cd/dvd  download link for karmic kaola....if mirror is in japan nothig good like it11:56
linuxn_eoso, there's no safe way to use packages from the karmic repo unless i'm using karmic, right?11:57
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Jaunty, and help keeping the servers' load low!11:57
lstarneslinuxn_eo: correcy11:57
lv_deeptz, sounds like you should wait till the final version is released :-P11:57
lv_deeptz, i take it you are a newbie?11:57
lstarnesdeeptz: the beta versions are not guaranteed to work11:57
lstarnesdeeptz: only experienced ubuntu users should use beta versions of ubuntu11:58
deeptzim into linux admin realted work11:58
deeptzil istall the beta on my laptop for experiment11:59
ikoniadeeptz: you have been given a link showing the server mirrors, I trust you know how to search them11:59
ikoniadeeptz: you may also want to consider torrents11:59
deeptzi wanted live image link11:59
deeptzil check on above link11:59
ikoniadeeptz: the install CD is the live cd11:59
Briareos1which is a good channel about shell scripting?11:59
ikoniaBriareos1: depends on which shell you want to use, check the freenode channel list12:00
lstarnesBriareos1: #bash12:00
eepberrieshow can you tell what version of ubuntu you're running from the command line?12:00
ikoniaeepberries: lsb_release -a12:00
deeptzi use inibootin to burn it to a usb stick12:00
ikoniadeeptz: that doesn't change anything12:00
Briareos1ty lstarnes12:01
deeptzsomehow the cd image of KK did not work....it started by default installation12:01
Briareos1ty ikonia :)12:01
ActionParsnipdeeptz: did you verify the image using MD5 checks?12:02
Guest52695dear all12:03
lucahi everyone12:03
Guest52695I am going to update to 9.0412:03
deeptzimage boots well from usb ...however starts installation12:03
lucaone package refuses to install saying, after download (apt-get or synaptic) that "dimensions do not match"12:03
deeptzi  want it to boot directly12:03
Guest52695I want to do a clean install12:03
ActionParsnip!karmic | deeptz12:03
ubottudeeptz: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+112:03
ikoniaGuest52695: you won't be supported, ultimate edition is not supported, a clean install is all that is supported12:03
cylex9.04 expires in few months but yeah12:03
pshr_does any one give a damn if i am happy ?12:03
* pshr_ :P12:04
ikoniapshr_: that is offtopic for this channel12:04
Guest52695however I am planning to backup my home folder12:04
ActionParsnipGuest52695: keep it on one line, makes it easier to read so we dont have to scroll to piece together you issue12:04
ikoniapshr_: the topic of this channel is ubuntu support only, please stick to it12:04
pshr_he he knew it ^_^12:04
rob__FGreetings all...12:04
yakozai have a problem with pidgin12:04
yakozai wanna install it from source12:04
GSF1200Sssh is awesome'12:04
ikoniaGuest52695: some of those settings maybe specific to ultimates configuration, I advise you not to do it12:05
yakozabut i get this error12:05
ikoniayakoza: what problem do you have with pidgin12:05
GSF1200Sim writing this from a windows netbook when xchat is only installed on my linux desktop12:05
cylexikonia: you happen to know where I can download the full source code of ubuntu12:05
ikoniayakoza: why do you not want to use the version ubuntu developers packaged it for you12:05
cylexjust for the hell of it12:05
yakozaikonia : http://paste.ubuntu.com/285321/12:05
ikoniavega-: the ubuntu repositories12:05
Guest52695I am thinking to update to 9.04. Start from Hardy. I am planning to "cp -ap" all my home folder. My question is if this is enough to savely recover all my settings?12:05
[BIOS]HrishiCAN NE1 SEE WHAT I TYPE??!?!!!12:05
cylexlink plz12:05
pshr_[BIOS]Hrishi, yes12:06
ikoniaGuest52695: what part of "not supported" am I not being clear with12:06
ActionParsnipGSF1200S: fun isnt it, you can also transfer files securely using winscp12:06
[BIOS]HrishiTHANK U DIDIOT !!!!!!12:06
lv_didiot i like that one12:06
pshr_didiot ??12:06
linuxn_eogood news, looks like i don't need to compile: https://launchpad.net/~c-korn/+archive/vlc12:07
GSF1200SActionParsnip, haha, yeah, done that as well. Did that and putty, and then Xming and x11 forwarding on the windows netbook. Will be moving to ubuntu once released though12:07
Guest52695I do not understand what Ikonia means. Sorry.12:07
Nalkemi switch my intallation from opensuse to ubuntu. now i've some problems with my encrypted filesystems. i cannot decrypt them anymore, ubuntu say: Error: Password must be at least 20 characters. ... with the old version of opensuse it works (aes 256)12:07
ikoniaGuest52695: you are not using an ubuntu install, upgrading, or backing up settings from ubuntu ultimate edition is not a clean install12:07
Guest52695I see12:07
fcselam millet12:08
yakozaikonia: i don't have high speed connection and i can't download from repository12:08
GSF1200Sssh is crazy. I can browse the internet at home when im somewhere with my netbook, and noone would be the wiser12:08
GSF1200Shelps alot when you have a strict college network policy12:08
ActionParsnipGSF1200S: its good fun, you can use many thin clients and do what you are doing to make system deployment VERY easy :D12:08
GSF1200Sthin clients?12:09
Guest52695you mean if I copy all my home folder to newly installed 9.04, I can affect 9.04? Probably you are right. All the .xsomething files may be different in Ultimate Edition.12:09
GSF1200Shave to look it up...12:09
vega-ikonia: what?12:09
Guest52695OK I will copy only the documents and reconfigure what I will have to reconfigure12:09
ikoniavega-: ?12:10
ikoniaGuest52695: sounds better12:10
ActionParsnipGuest52695: you will need to chown the files to the new username (even if its identically named). Ultimate is not supported here as it is not an official release12:10
vega-14:05 < ikonia> vega-: the ubuntu repositories12:10
GSF1200SActionParsnip, holy crap! Thats amazing!!12:10
ActionParsnipGuest52695: you may want to back up your /etc folder too12:10
PJihi a tous12:10
ActionParsnipGSF1200S: ?12:10
Guest52695thanks, I see. I didn'T KNOW. Thx,12:10
ActionParsnip!ultimate | Guest5269512:10
ubottuGuest52695: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes; please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ultimate Edition12:10
GSF1200SActionParsnip, using a thin client deployment12:10
ikoniapshr_: please join #ubuntu-ops12:11
pw-toxichi, i have installed lm-sensors and i get 3 temperatures, but i dont konw what they mean.. i want to know for what parts of my computer the temperatures are12:11
pw-toxici'd like to know the temperature of my processor12:11
ActionParsnipGSF1200S: yes, if yuo have many you will benefit from a gigabit LAN, then the users can simply launch an SSH connection and run the apps on the server, again if there are many you wil need a beefy server to handle12:11
GSF1200SActionParsnip, indeed. I didnt even know that was possible..12:12
ActionParsnipGSF1200S: new systems can simply be dropped in and need very little in the way of config12:12
GSF1200SActionParsnip, I can imagine...12:12
Guest52695OK I will backup also /etc12:12
jimbeam12hye all wsup12:13
pshr_!hi | jimbeam1212:13
ubottujimbeam12: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!12:13
ActionParsnipGuest52695: it contains smb.conf sources.list xorg.conf etc12:13
PJii gess i'm not in the right place for what i want! bye12:13
rob__FHas anyone installed 9.04 on an external/USB drive in a dual boot with Win XP?12:13
jimbeam12wats new today?12:13
ActionParsnipGSF1200S: so if you folks want a PC for web browsing, you can buy a thin client instead and use your PCs power (as long as it isnt a low power system itself)12:14
stefgrob__F: that is possible, but be prepared for issues with the bootloader. That will be a bit tricky to set up12:15
rob__Fstefg!!!  Thank you!!! Then it's NOT just me!!!12:15
jimbeam12hey actionparsnip12:15
rob__FGrub is being a major problem...12:15
ActionParsniphi jimbeam1212:15
TarthenI installed Karmic Beta last night, and bootchart, and I have a 1:15 boot time. What happened?12:16
ActionParsnip!karmic | Tarthen12:16
ubottuTarthen: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+112:16
GSF1200SActionParsnip, Not a bad idea. I got an i7 system with plenty of storage space, so that would work well12:16
jimbeam12just the usual action ...drinking bourbon and coke..heheh12:16
ActionParsnipGSF1200S: lots of ram, nippy HDD?12:16
stefgrob__F: the bootloader will install itself in the mbr of the internal disk, and look for it's config files on the external. so if you disconnect the external hd, you box won't boot12:16
GSF1200SActionParsnip, 6GB DDR3 1600mhz, 2 TB 7200RPM RAID 012:17
ActionParsnipGSF1200S: that'll be fine12:17
ravenhi... i cannot format a partition with gparted and mkfs.ext3 , both tells me "system is using this partition" - what's going on here???12:18
GSF1200SCould up to 12 in the future if necessary on the ram12:18
ActionParsnipraven: the partition is mounted12:18
rob__Fstefg:  I disconnected the internal HD when I installed it yesterday...and then reconnected it when I went to boot the new installation from the external and still no go..12:18
ActionParsnipGSF1200S: see how it runs, only upgrade if yuo have to12:18
ActionParsnipraven: run: mount     you can then umount the partition12:18
GSF1200SActionParsnip, Yeah12:18
ravenActionParsnip, no it has no files-system and has just been partitioned12:18
stefgrob__F: so what happens exactly ?12:19
ActionParsnipraven: or you can run: lsof | grep <partition name>    e.g    lsof | grep sd312:19
=== adam is now known as Guest31978
rob__Fstefg: the latest scenario is that when I use a live CD...I can see that I have successfully installed 9.04 to the external drive (eg., all the files are there), but when I force the puter to boot from that drive (after reconnecting the internal), the puter just "hangs"...12:20
Guest31978need help with rtl8187se wireless card if anyone can help12:21
ravenActionParsnip, ok.... trying to mount it tells me "linux raid member" i thought it got a new filetable and this were deleted!!??12:21
cgrozahello,witch personal firewall is the best for home Pc's?12:21
rob__FIn any event, I just thought I'd stop in...and I may very well be back later today in my continuing attempts to get this fixed...12:21
ActionParsnipraven: i'd mess with the partition in a liveCD desktop, then you know its not in use12:21
lstarnescgroza: for ones running ubuntu?12:22
stefgrob__F: to diagnose that you would need to have both disks connected and boot with a Live CD and join here when in the Live-CD environment12:22
ikoniacgroza: I have no issue with iptables12:22
lstarnescgroza: iptables and ufw are installed by default12:22
lloowenHello what is the standard vnc client that comes with Ubuntu version 9.0.4? What port does it use?12:22
lstarnescgroza: graphical frontends include firestarter and gufw12:22
ravenActionParsnip, this is an extra drive - gparted made a new partition table (it told me) but still there seems to be any data from raid12:22
cgrozalstarnes,thanks to all...12:23
rob__Fstefg: k...tks...as I say, I'm sure I'll be back later today12:23
=== Adapter_ is now known as Adapter
Guest31978after a clean install of 9.04 it has the wrong wireless driver installed anyone have any idea how to remove and install correct driver?12:23
stefglloowen: vinagre , 590012:23
=== fc is now known as fcfreax
imyousufHi! I am using Dell Studio 14z with Jaunty and I am having a strange problem :(, when I start my PC my keyboard and mouse on board the laptop does not seem to work :(, but if I attach a USB keyboard and mouse they work fine. Then if I restart my laptop manually several times the onboard keyboard/mouse works :(. Any idea how I can diagnose the problem and fix it? Some related info - http://gist.github.com/20131012:23
lloowenThanks. Is that the one that uses the remote desktop link in the menu12:24
ravenActionParsnip, fdisk does not do anything else - how to delete theese raid-settings???12:25
cgrozalstarnes,gufw settings are "deny incoming trafic....this is normal?12:26
stefgimyousuf: do you have another box that you could use to ssh into the laptop when the mouse/keyboard is not workung?12:26
lstarnescgroza: yes12:26
lstarnescgroza: you may disable that if you want12:26
cgrozalstarnes,this means i cant download or what...?12:26
ikoniacgroza: it's up to you how you set it12:26
imyousufyes stefg, but now :(12:26
ikoniacgroza: no - it means people can't make incoming connections to your machine12:26
lstarnescgroza: it blocks incoming connections12:26
lstarnescgroza: but not data sent to you on connections coming from you12:26
imyousufstefg: what should I do when I get the second machine?12:26
unoobtuhi all.. i got a little problem with samba12:27
jo_hello, everyone, I've searched this for ages, tried everything but I have still crappy video playback in jaunty. Not in VLC do, but in the other players and flash video's. Do you guy's have any expirience with that?12:27
cgrozalstarnes,so my torrent downloads are not affected?12:27
lstarnescgroza: they likely will be due to torrents being p2p12:27
ActionParsnip!raid | raven12:27
ubotturaven: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto12:27
lstarnescgroza: which requires connections both to you and from you12:27
hanshenrikhow can i get a list of all.. logical drivers (or what its called) in console?12:27
WOLKARIXcan anyone tell me how to connect relience netconnect in 9.0412:28
stefgimyousuf: install openssh-server on the laptop and then reboot the laptop until keybaord/mouse fail again. the use the other box to ssh into the laptop to diagnose waht is wrong12:28
cgrozalstarnes,il set it to allow incoming trafic...12:28
eepberrieswhat should i set as refresh rates for a standard analog TV?12:28
unoobtui'm sharing my cdrom with that piece in smb.conf: [cdrom]12:28
unoobtu   comment = Samba server's CD-ROM12:28
unoobtu   read only = yes12:28
unoobtu   locking = no12:28
unoobtu   path = /cdrom12:28
FloodBot1unoobtu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:28
unoobtu   guest ok = yes12:28
stefgimyousuf: and check for a new bios/firmware12:29
imyousufstefg: how do I diagnose it? I mean what should be my procedure of doing it? + as I mentioned then the USB keyboards work, so will using that also help?12:29
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unoobtubut from the windows machine i see an empty cdrom folder.. if put /media/ instead /cdrom i see a folder with the cdrom name but other non-useful stuff too12:29
stefgimyousuf: ah, ok, so you can access the box with an usb-keyboard?12:30
imyousufyes stefg, usb keyboard and mouse works just fine when the onboard keyboard and mouse freezes12:30
Guest31978i have a rtl8187se wireless card but when i install jaunty it installs rtl8180 driver it connects to the network but i cannot get the interent to work at all12:30
Guest31978anyhelp would be much appreciated12:31
Guest31978newb here12:31
unoobtui have a problem sharing a cdrom in ubuntu-windows xp12:31
stefgimyousuf: so inspection of dmesg and log files in /var/log would be the first steps12:31
hanshenriki need a shell-script to check if /dev/sda0 is mounted or not, how can i do that?12:32
unoobtui have a problem sharing a cdrom in ubuntu-windows xp12:32
stefgimyousuf: can you rule out that this is a hardware problem (e.g. boot the Live CD and see if still happens)12:33
lstarneshanshenrik: mount | grep /dev/sda012:33
Guest31978i have a rtl8187se wireless card but when i install jaunty it installs rtl8180 driver it connects to the network but i cannot get the interent to work at all12:33
imyousufok stefg, checking the /var/log/syslog, I would rule out a HW problem since pre installed Vista works just fine12:33
hanshenrikIstarnes: thanks12:33
shashiis 9.04 comes with preinstalled intel display drivers12:33
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ghostknifeHow can I see which files a package installed?12:33
unoobtui have a problem sharing a cdrom in ubuntu-windows xp12:33
lstarnesghostknife: dpkg -L packagename12:34
ghostknifeI don't see that feature under apt-cache or apt-get - unless I'm missing it12:34
hanshenrikshashi: yeah.. at least some12:34
mo0nykitHello! I have a problem with my Ubuntu 9.04 on an Acer 4520 laptop. When I switch to a virtual console (Ctrl-Alt-F1), the screen goes blank and then flickers about (nothing comprehensible). What could be the problem?12:34
ghostknifedpkg! damn, I forgot about htat12:34
shashii am not able to use higher resolution in it12:35
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stefgimyousuf: what does uname -a say ?12:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about moonlight12:35
igsen!silverlight moonlight12:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:36
Memphistohi folks12:36
Guest31978i have a rtl8187se wireless card but when i install jaunty it installs rtl8180 driver it connects to the network but i cannot get the interent to work at all12:36
ABOANAS93am i root?12:36
lstarnesABOANAS93: yes12:37
imyousufstefg: Linux imyousuf-dell-lappy 2.6.28-15-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jul 29 08:54:56 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux12:37
Guest31978any help?12:37
lstarnesABOANAS93: check the output of id -un12:37
ABOANAS93how did you know now?12:37
lstarnesABOANAS93: your username (not nickname) was set to root12:37
BlouBlouABOANAS93: your user_name is "root"12:37
shashi i am not able to use higher resolution in 9.04..... help please....12:38
ABOANAS93the yellow people know im a root, right?12:38
lstarnes!fixres | shashi12:38
ubottushashi: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution12:38
unoobtui have a problem sharing a cdrom in ubuntu-windows xp12:38
lstarnesABOANAS93: everyone here that knows enough about irc knows that you're root12:38
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BlouBlouABOANAS93: yellow people? I imagine you're using Pidgin, if someone is yellow is because the said your nick12:38
stefgimyousuf: what Dell model is that exactly ?12:39
ABOANAS93i dont use pidgin.12:39
lstarnesABOANAS93: what do you use?12:39
BlouBlouABOANAS93: maybe hilight12:39
unoobtui have a problem sharing a cdrom in ubuntu-windows xp, please help :)12:39
imyousufstefg: Dell Studio 14z12:39
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ABOANAS93i found it in add/remove12:40
imyousufstefg: Dell Studio 14z 144012:40
ABOANAS93ok , is there any danger here?12:40
lstarnesABOANAS93: any danger where/in what?12:41
stefgimyousuf: http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1194751&page=412:41
BlouBlouABOANAS93: well, I think no, but I don't know why Ubuntu's support recommends connect with 8001 port (I always used 6667 and no problem)12:41
mo0nykitHow do I remove the configuration files of already removed packages?12:41
lstarnesBlouBlou: some routers have a DCC bug when using port 666712:41
BlouBloulstarnes: umh, I never had any problem, but thanks for info12:42
stefgimyousuf: my guess is that there are IRQ conflicts imposed by a buggy bios in certain condititions12:43
stefgimyousuf: you might try boot parameters12:43
stefg!boot | imyousuf12:43
ubottuimyousuf: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto12:43
erkinerrmm hello ^^12:43
shashiintel display drivers not there in my 9.04....any help please12:43
imyousufstefg: it seems the problem is common for this model, that is quite frustrating12:44
imyousufI just checked the /var/log/syslog there is no msg between startup completion and shutdown so non error logged stefg12:45
shashiintel display drivers not there in my 9.04....need some help. please...12:45
stefgimyousuf: a.) check dell site for newer bios b.) file bug on launchpad. c.) try the pci= or acpi related boot options12:45
lstarnes!intel > stefg12:45
ubottustefg, please see my private message12:45
lstarnesstefg: oops, wrong nick (blame tab completion failure)12:45
chris8Hey room!   I'm installing Ubuntu on a new desktop and i'm wondering which folders to copy to an external HD to transfer to the new system to keep all user files, setting etc... is this possible?12:45
lstarnes!intel > shashi12:45
ubottushashi, please see my private message12:45
linuxn_eowow - not only will the ppa package not do, but apt-get build-dep vlc wants to install 168 packages12:46
lstarneslinuxn_eo: mostly -dev packages, I assume12:46
unoobtui have a problem sharing a cdrom in ubuntu-windows xp, please help :)12:46
bardyrHey, i have a macbook pro 13", how can i change the keyboard layout to mac? changing it in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard, just makes it a qwerty keyboard12:46
grawitychris8: All user files and settings are stored in their home directory. So just tar cvzf /media/external-disk/backup.tgz /home, or something like that.12:46
linuxn_eolstarnes: yep; time to find a way to clear 200 megs or so of space and continue, heh12:46
lstarnesunoobtu: please provide more details12:46
imyousufthanks stefg. performing the steps :)12:46
chris8Grawity:  cvzf?  is that a directory on my current system?12:47
lstarneschris8: no12:47
grawitychris8: czvf are the options to 'tar'12:47
chris8oh it's part of the command12:47
linuxn_eochris8; those are options to tar12:47
lstarneschris8: Create, Verbose, gZip, File12:48
linuxn_eocreate compress verbose... yeah12:48
chris8hahaha thanks guys!!!12:48
chris8'sall in the media directory?12:48
stefgimyousuf: and test the karmic beta! if the issue isn't resolved and you file a good bug report there is a slight chance  it will get fixed for karmic12:48
Guest31978i have a rtl8187se wireless card but when i install jaunty it installs rtl8180 driver it connects to the network but i cannot get the interent to work at all12:48
bongoWhats the diff between -virtual, -generic, -image-virtual and -image-generic kernels?12:49
mo0nykitHow do I remove the configuration files of already removed packages?12:49
lstarnesbongo: -image-* = -*12:49
imyousufok will do so stefg, thanks a million12:49
lstarnesbongo: -generic is for generic usage12:49
lstarnesbongo: -virtual is optimized for virtual machines12:50
boiinngboiing1Does anybody know how do i limit bandwidth on a lan for a particular node?12:50
imyousufstefg: now trying to a diff between the startup /var/log/syslog to c whether can figure out some thing :)12:50
bongolstarnes: thx12:50
stefgimyousuf: the most interesting thing is dmesg and possibly xorg.0.log12:51
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penthiefCan anyone help me work out why my wireless mouse is no longer working?12:51
imyousufstefg: will check them as well sequentially, thanks for the pointer12:52
hannibal79hello i want to had this reb http://ppa.launchpad.net/pgquiles/ppa/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/ but i have no key12:52
lstarneshannibal79: go to the PPA page for it and look for the key12:52
hannibal79gpg? is it this?12:53
hannibal79and then?12:53
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Two4I'm looking for a suitable antivirus/antispyware for my machine12:53
lstarneshannibal79: install the key using the provided instructions12:53
lstarnes!virus > Two412:53
ubottuTwo4, please see my private message12:53
penthiefIs there a /proc file which should show my wireless mouse?12:53
lstarneshannibal79: gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard, which is an implementation of OpenPGP.  it is used for encyption and digital signatures, like SSL12:54
stefgpenthief: cat /dev/input/mice ... move the mouse and see if something happens on the terminal12:54
lucky__hello friend.12:54
boiinngboiing1what network protocol leeches all bandwidth in a LAN?12:54
aref3006hello every body12:55
lstarneshannibal79: ubuntu's packages use it in order to verify that the packages came from the people that they are claimed to have come from12:55
unoobtulstarnes ok i'm back! i followed a tutorial to share the cdrom.. but the cdrom folder i see from the other machine was empty..12:56
erkinCan anyone tell me what can I do to make movies run more smoothly in Ubuntu ^^ my videos look like its skipping frames and that makes both sound and video choppy :/12:57
lstarneserkin: do you use compiz or visual effects?12:57
Two4I think my Firefox browser may have been infected with malware. How would I find out if it has?12:57
lstarnesTwo4: in ubuntu?12:57
stefgerkin: what ubuntu version and what graphics card?12:57
erkinno visual effect... no idea about compiz? :S12:57
grom72_eject -h12:57
Two4yes, lstarnes12:57
erkinubuntu 9.0412:57
erkinradeon x1300 graphics card12:58
stefg!ati | erkin12:58
ubottuerkin: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:58
stefgerkin: your 3d acceleration seems not to work12:58
erkinok ty :) I'll check it12:59
llutzTwo4: very unlikely but if: sudo apt-get purge firefox && rm -rf ~/mozilla/firefox/12:59
hawkenHi :)12:59
Two4llutz, what will that do?13:00
penthiefstefg: OK, nothing. Presumably the trackpad is one of the mice in /dev/input, but cat /dev/input/mouse* outputs nothing when moving the trackpad.13:00
MarukazHello people. Does anybody know good guide how to install windows near ubuntu?13:00
lstarnesTwo4: what makes you suspect that?13:00
llutzTwo4: remove firefox and purge your personal ff-settingsfolder13:00
lstarnesTwo4: llutz's command is a last resort13:00
Two4It has been running very slowly all of a sudden, and I am receiving weird errors13:01
lstarnesTwo4: have you restarted firefox?13:01
ortsvorsteherMarukaz: you want dualboot?13:01
llutzTwo4: if you expect ff to be compromised but cannot check it yourself, purging is the only way you can go13:01
Two4several times, this si not a new problem, it's a few days old13:01
Marukazortsvorsteher yes13:01
penthiefI'm just trying to verify that output is meant to occur when cat-ing /dev/input/mouse*13:01
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ortsvorsteherMarukaz: so at first you have to install windows, after that leave a partition free and then install ubuntu13:02
mo0nykitHow do I remove the configuration files of already removed packages?13:03
penthiefWhat's that kernel module for debugging USB devices?13:03
ortsvorsteher!dualboot | Marukaz13:03
ubottuMarukaz: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot13:03
Marukazortsvorsteher so there are no way to install windows and do not delete ubuntu?13:03
grawitypenthief: usbmon?13:04
Two4ok, llutz, thanks, I'll purge and reinstall13:04
lucky__Hi everyone. please help me when i type compiz in the terminal i get the following message:Checking for Xgl: not present.13:04
lucky__xset q doesn't reveal the location of the log file. Using fallback /Var/log/Xorg.o.log.13:04
lucky__Blacklisted PCIID '8086:2562' found.13:04
lucky__aborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity.13:04
FloodBot1lucky__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:04
ortsvorsteherMarukaz: no, because the master boot record for an windows installation has to bee on block zero from the disk.13:04
imyousufstefg: Interesting finding from the log is that in case of successful startup the number modules loaded is 52 in case of failure the number is 50, found syslog, checking dmesg to see if there is anything interesting there or not13:04
penthiefJust located it -- usb_debug.ko13:04
stefgimyousuf: that's some useful info for a bug report13:05
ortsvorsteherMarukaz: otherwise you cannot boot windows. make a backup of your ubuntu installation and make an export from your evolution if you use it.13:05
llutzMarukaz: windows will only overwrite your grub, not your ubuntu. just reinstall grub into MBR after win-installation13:05
llutz!grub | Marukaz13:05
ubottuMarukaz: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto13:05
Imurikauppiashow i can go quakenet13:05
stefgimyousuf: can you identify which modules are missing ?13:05
lstarnesImurikauppias: /server irc.quakenet.org13:05
imyousufstefg: trying to check the dmesg log, will identify you :) ASAP :-D13:06
exupHi, how do I define the swap partition using ubiquity during a live CD install. It will not recognize it, I have tried /swap and /(swap). I suspect I am missing the point.13:06
hkais1hello all13:06
imyousufs/identify/notify (stefg)13:06
Two4llutz, could you repeat that command for me please?13:06
llutzexup: you have to set partition-type to swap, not a mountpoint13:06
master_Hi all anyone here feel like assisting virgin techs useless and i need to get my router working...I can connect to sites through my modem but router it hangs I think its dns related but after an hour with them they cant help13:06
llutzTwo4: very unlikely but if: sudo apt-get purge firefox && rm -rf ~/mozilla/firefox/13:06
ubnutuHi. Have finally managed to get ubuntu installed, BUT Im not getting any GUI, just command line. Did I miss something from the install? (alternate CD)13:06
llutzTwo4: very unlikely but if: sudo apt-get purge firefox && rm -rf ~/.mozilla/firefox/13:07
lstarnesubnutu: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop13:07
llutzTwo4: sry typo13:07
lstarnesllutz: I think he gets it13:07
cyberspliceubnutu, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop13:07
cyberspliceor xubuntu or kubuntu, i suppose.13:07
hkais1i have a hardy samba server and a intrepid cifs client. I have the locale en_US.UTF-8. But if I create a file with german umlauts on the intrepid I get corrupted german umlauts on hardy13:07
ubnutulstarnes: Really. Now why did the installer not take care of that?13:07
exupIIutz| hmm, will check but sounds like the go.13:07
lstarnesubnutu: you may have needed to choose it during installation13:07
master_lstarnes: any help13:07
lucky__please help me ......13:07
Two4llutz: is that rm -rf or rm-rf? my client isn't good at wrapping lines13:08
boiinngboiing1We have a wireless router and two users are connected... if both of them are downloading stuff at same time then how is the speed divided between them?13:08
lstarnesTwo4: with the space13:08
lstarnesmaster_: sorry, no13:08
ubnutulstarnes: Hmm. Thanks, doing it now.13:08
llutzTwo4: use better readable font then :) rm    -rf13:08
ubnutuyou too cybersplice13:08
master_ok any one else no how i can configure my router13:08
stefgimyousuf: my idea is to force the module loading by adding them to /etc/modules ... so even if the lame bios forgets to initialize the keyboard controller in time the kernel loads the modules anyway, hopefully making the device work13:08
boiinngboiing1how is the bandwidth divided between users by a router?13:08
lstarnesmaster_: it sounds like it's a router configuration issue13:08
guoxiaolongToday, when prompted to install linux can not find the hard drive, which is why13:08
lstarnesboiinngboiing1: it usually isn't divided in any particular way13:08
master_I know i need to configure it i got it opened just need some guidance13:09
imyousufhmm interesting stefg13:09
llutzboiinngboiing1: if you haven't configured traffic-shaping, it isn't devided at all13:09
boiinngboiing1llutz: i havent configured traffic sharing ..13:09
boiinngboiing1llutz: my friend is putting on downloads13:09
lstarnesboiinngboiing1: shaping, not sharinf13:09
boiinngboiing1llutz: and i am getting very little speed13:10
guoxiaolongIn linux how to set up a ppp dial-up and never break13:10
lstarnesboiinngboiing1: you could use qos or something like that13:10
boiinngboiing1llutz: That was a typo sorry.13:10
master_any help with dns guys13:10
ortsvorsteher!ppp | guoxiaolong13:10
ubottuguoxiaolong: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up13:10
lstarnesmaster_: check your /etc/resolv.conf13:11
boiinngboiing1lstarnes: I will check qos13:11
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llutzboiinngboiing1: but QOS on the router, not your personal box13:11
boiinngboiing1The problem is that my room mate is downloading lots of data and i am getting very little speeds on my own downloads. i can either split the bandwidth between both of us or leech the speed myself13:11
boiinngboiing1i dont want to forward the connection through my box13:11
lstarnesboiinngboiing1: or cut off your roommate completely13:12
boiinngboiing1not that13:12
boiinngboiing1he pays too13:12
llutzhe pays not enough13:12
boiinngboiing1besides i dont wana hurt his studies13:12
boiinngboiing1he is ignorant13:12
hkais1noone here who could help with my samba encoding problem* ^^^13:12
boiinngboiing1puts 50 videos on download at same time13:12
boiinngboiing1gets all the bandwidth13:12
=== genti is now known as gent
boiinngboiing1how do i either split the bandwidth or leech my share?13:13
master_lstarnes: opened what am i looking for it mentions conflicts13:13
boiinngboiing1he gets around 150KBPS and i get around 4013:13
lstarnesmaster_: make sure that the nameservers listed work13:13
guoxiaolongI can dial, but automatically lost after a period of time, could you where to set up automatic send connection requests, and never break13:13
mo0nykitboiinngboiing1, you might want to read up on load balancing?13:13
master_there are no name servers?13:13
stefgboiinngboiing1: i'd set up a router/firewall appliance (either soft- or hardware) that has QOS and bandwiith peering. the gateway needs to manage that, nothing you can really do on the client machines.13:14
lstarnesmaster_: there is nothing in /etc/resolv.conf?13:14
mo0nykitboiinngboiing1, yes. a QoS13:14
master_if [ -x /usr/lib/avahi/avahi-daemon-check-dns.sh ]; then13:14
master_  exec /usr/lib/avahi/avahi-daemon-check-dns.sh13:14
boiinngboiing1i have a basic router13:14
lstarnesboiinngboiing1: which model?13:14
boiinngboiing1doesnt have bandwidth shaping13:14
guoxiaolongQOS is Certification13:14
exupllutz| many thanks for the tip about mounting point/swap file in ubiquity, its fixed.13:14
yakozai'v installed opera10 but i get this error13:15
yakozaERROR: ld.so: object 'libjvm.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.13:15
yakozaERROR: ld.so: object 'libawt.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.13:15
yakoza/home/naser/lib/opera/10.00/opera: error while loading shared libraries: libqt-mt.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory13:15
boiinngboiing1ITI DNA A 21113:15
master_lstarnes: thats what i get13:15
yakozawhat should i do ?13:15
stefgboiinngboiing1: you'd have to replace that with a smarter device (e.g. old pentium with two nics) running some firewall distro like ipcop or (my choice) endian firewall13:15
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guoxiaolongyakoza :that mean your lic gcc is not maked13:16
Two4you need to install libqt13:16
lstarnesmaster_: in /etc/resolv.conf?13:16
stefgboiinngboiing1: or check if your router can run openWRT13:16
boiinngboiing1i cant spend on more hardware13:16
guoxiaolongyes you need to install libqt13:16
lstarnesmaster_: erase the contents and replace it with these two lines:13:16
boiinngboiing1i will check out open wrt13:16
lstarnesmaster_: nameserver
lstarnesmaster_: nameserver
boiinngboiing1and how do i leech my share of bandwidth if i cant split it?13:17
guoxiaolongnameserver must be your dhcp or Service providers in13:17
imyousufstefg: Please check the top most lines @ http://gist.github.com/201310 thats the only conclusive stuff I could get :(, where should I look next?13:17
boiinngboiing1He uses gwget for his downloads13:17
master_it says avahi-daemon13:17
imyousufany idea which modules the outputs correspond to stefg?13:17
yakozaTwo4: Couldn't find package libqt13:18
boiinngboiing1Is there a way to limit bandwidth on HTTP protocol so i can use torrents myself?13:18
lstarnesyakoza: aptitude search libqt13:18
colbloodalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory - how can i fix that? starts if i run it as sudo?13:18
Nisha_hey how can i install the new linux kernel withput compiling,because i need support for ndiswraper,graphics etc13:18
lstarnesNisha_: you WILL need to compile13:18
colbloodjust using my box as mediahtpc, so dont care about anything else really13:18
Two4yakoza, libqt isn't the exact name. perform an apt-cache search13:18
guoxiaolongI want to know how to set up auto-configuration files to send connection request13:18
master_no name servers13:18
lstarnesNisha_: or, preferably, upgrade ubuntu to a newer version13:18
master_what does that mean i upgraded to karma13:19
Nisha_lstarnes: so manually compile the stuff?13:19
lstarnesmaster_: #ubuntu+1 is better for karmic questions13:19
lstarnesNisha_: yes.13:19
stefgimyousuf: serio ... :-) .. run 'locate serio' and look what's in lib/modules/ ...blah...13:19
lstarnesNisha_: or, preferably, upgrade ubuntu13:19
Nisha_lstarnes: ok will do13:19
master_this was happening in 9.04 to13:19
Nisha_lstarnes: mine is the very latest kubuntu13:19
guoxiaolongyes you can try use cmd that:grep lib*13:19
lstarnesNisha_: kernels that are not officially provuded in the repos are not supported13:19
fbianconimaster_: try google opendns13:19
lstarnesNisha_: do not ask us for help with unsupported kernels13:19
boiinngboiing1i dont think the router supports openwrt13:19
lstarnesNisha_: we only know how to handle the officially supported packages13:19
master_were do i find that13:20
Nisha_lstarnes:root@pluto:~/Desktop# uname -a13:20
Nisha_Linux pluto 2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:57:59 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux13:20
fbianconimaster_: http://www.opendns.com/13:20
guoxiaolongin China http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rI2_9FulH9s can not open13:20
unoobtulstarnes ok i'm back! i followed a tutorial to share the cdrom.. but the cdrom folder i see from the other machine was empty..13:21
guoxiaolongMust use a proxy server13:21
lstarnesunoobtu: I really don't know anything about samba, sorry13:21
master_fbianconi: what am i looking for its open13:21
imyousufstefg: /lib/modules/2.6.28-15-generic/modules.seriomap13:21
teolicy__Hi. This might be a bit flamebait, I don't intend it as such. I'm switching back Linux after several years in OSX, and have to pick applications. Is there an "obvious and leading" IRC client for Gnome? (maybe even two or three)? I know I can look at apt-cache search, but I'm looking for human advice.13:21
lstarnesmaster_: how to use opendns for dns service13:21
unoobtulstarnes ok, but why i can't see my cdrom contents from cdrom folder?13:21
fbianconimaster_: how to use opendns dns13:21
lstarnesteolicy__: xchat13:21
unoobtulstarnes but i see them from media folder?13:21
teolicy__(for example, if I'd ask the same question about IM, I'd expect to hear "Pidgin" or "Empathy", if I'd ask it about browsers I'd expect to hear "Firefox", etc)13:22
master_for my router13:22
lstarnesunoobtu: I'm not sure13:22
teolicy__lstarnes: Aye, thanks.13:22
lstarnesteolicy__: pidgin lacks full irc support13:22
lstarnesteolicy__: but it is good for everything else13:22
guoxiaolongsamba i used but i forgot it13:22
llutz!best | teolicy__13:22
ubottuteolicy__: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.13:22
unoobtuok thx anyway13:22
=== Ose|afk is now known as Ose
teolicy__llutz: Ouch. Sorry, didn't know it's against channel policy.13:23
guoxiaolongthx means thanks13:23
orlok This should not happen.!! Data will be lost13:23
peeps123ubuntu is BRILLIANT13:23
lstarnesguoxiaolong: yes, but using the full "thanks" is better than just "thx"13:23
orlokDoh, - i meant to say - anybody seen this error before? - http://codepad.org/nUuMLa7Z13:23
teolicy__Wow, bestbot is pretty cool.13:24
orlok /dev/sdb1 is a flash drive, i am guessing it has failed13:24
RovanionWhere do I turn for kubuntu karmic questions?13:24
stefgimyousuf: that's just the file that says which module to use for which hardware. the inetresting thing would be to look at lsmod and check if serio is loaded /activated when the keyboard fails.13:24
guoxiaolongoh ah ha ;it is fun13:24
lstarnesRovanion: #ubuntu+113:24
Osehow do I connect my vista laptop to my ubuntu desktop via LAN?13:24
OseI want to move files from V to U13:25
guoxiaolongand There are other interesting words do abbreviations13:25
orlokOse: first step is to get them on the same network13:25
Osethey are directly connected via a LAN cable13:25
orlokOse: can they borh access the internet via the same network?13:25
stefg!samba | ose13:25
ubottuose: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.13:25
Osethe problem is that I can't get the ubuntu online13:26
Osethe wifi is borked13:26
orlokOse: they need to have IP's in the same range, and you may need to use a crossover cable13:26
guoxiaolongDoes the driver how to write, such as the network card driver13:26
guoxiaolongDoes the driver how to write, such as the network card driver?13:26
orlokOse: you know hot to confugure IP's, etc on both?13:27
switchgirlyakoza: http://my.opera.com/SolimiaN/blog/2007/05/02/error-ld-so-object-libjvm-so-from-ld-preload-cannot-be-preloaded-ignored13:27
Oseorlok: not really13:27
guoxiaolongi know it is in /etc/network/network-config13:27
yakozaswitchgirl: tnx guy13:27
Osemy network is kinda f-ed up, it starts having problems when multiple computers are on it13:28
[fade]bst pic ever13:28
guoxiaolongthat is "if-config' file13:28
orlokOse: network connection settings, you want to configure IP addresses for each of their LAN connections13:28
teolicy__Do wifi drivers that come with ubuntu come pre-patched for packet injection? If not, why not?13:28
switchgirlyakoza: last time i checked i was a girl13:29
guoxiaolongyou can use konsole :netconfig13:29
orlokOse: windows or linux, its the same basic thing, 4 numbers from 0-254 seperates by .'s13:29
yakozaswitchgirl: oh i'm terribly sorry13:29
colbloodanyone got an idea about my alsamixer/sound problem?13:29
colbloodxbmc@XBMC-HTPC:~$ alsamixer13:29
colbloodalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory13:29
switchgirlyakoza: its ok just i thought the name said it all...13:30
yakozaswitchgirl: oh i didn't know13:30
orlokOse: configure one with say, and the other as, netmask and try to ping one from the other13:30
guoxiaolongyou can vi your /etc/rc.d/init.d13:30
orlokOse: thats the first step :)13:30
llutzguoxiaolong: please stop13:30
guoxiaolongyou can see:etc/rc.d/init.d/network13:30
llutzguoxiaolong: please stop13:31
unoobtuwhy ubuntu mount my cdrom under media and not under cdrom?13:31
Locke22hi all13:31
orlokunoobtu: cdroms are a type of media13:31
guoxiaolongllutz: why?13:31
llutzguoxiaolong: this is ubuntu-channel, your "tips" are simply wrong13:31
unoobtuorlok how can i point to the default cdrom dir from my smb.conf?13:31
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unoobtuorlok when i insert a dvd i find a folder with the custom cd name in media..13:32
switchgirlguoxiaolong: netstat or ifconfig not ipconfig13:32
cylexcan someone tell me a proper way to download the ubuntu source13:32
orlokunoobtu: good question, my ubuntu desktop isnt in front of me13:32
guoxiaolongllutz:ok i am wrong ;sorry now13:32
imyousufstefg: Was a little away from the computer, do you think "echo seriomap >> /etc/modules" will help and safe to execute (as you can figure out I am not an expert :))?13:32
unoobtuorlok ah ok.. thx anyway :)13:32
orlokANybody - http://codepad.org/nUuMLa7Z - Its stuffed, isnt it?13:32
lstarnescylex: there is no source for ubuntu itself, but there are sources for almost all of the packages that it is made of13:32
guoxiaolongyes it is ifconfig13:33
stefgimyousuf: seriomap is a textfile, not a module13:33
cylexlstarnes: ok suppose I want to download source for irssi13:33
orlokcylex: i think the package manager can do that, otherwise its contained in available .deb packages13:33
guoxiaolongi think use netrestart is better than use netstat13:33
lstarnescylex: apt-get source irssi13:33
imyousufstefg: ah ok, then how could i go about solving it?13:33
cylexorlok: nm just got it13:33
llutzguoxiaolong: are you sure you know what you're talking about?13:34
stefgimyousuf: what does lsmod | grep serio turn up?13:34
eemewhat is that code to quakenet13:34
orlokAnybody seen a USB flash drive fail due to overuse before?13:34
Locke22i have a problem, the first is that i'm really noob about linux :(, i've installed ubuntu and i must install a fortran compilator like g77.. i'have dowloaded a g77-3.4.4.dev when i launch it it say that there are dependency... must i instal some libraries to excsecute .deb pack? thanks13:34
=== eeme is now known as Imurikauppias
morpheussorlok, yep13:34
imyousufstefg: serio_raw13:34
orlokmorpheuss: linux or windows?13:34
morpheussthey does wear out13:34
colbloodanyone got an idea about my alsamixer/sound problem?13:34
Imurikauppiaswhat is that code to join quakenet13:34
colbloodalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory13:34
guoxiaolongok i am fool ;and shut my mouth13:34
orlokmorpheuss: http://codepad.org/nUuMLa7Z13:34
lstarnesImurikauppias: please read what I said earlier: /server irc.quakenet.org13:35
cylexok, where would the packages will be stored, after I download it using apt-get source irssi13:35
imyousufstefg: so doing "echo serio_raw >> /etc/modules" ok?13:35
lstarnescylex: in the current directory13:35
cylexlstarnes: thx :)13:35
llutzcylex:  /var/cache/apt/archives13:35
heoaI have a screen inside a screen. How can I deattach the inside GNU Screen?13:35
imyousufbtw stefg, added some more info @ http://gist.github.com/20131013:36
orlokmorpheuss: thats in an 8G Voyager USB flash drive, been running / ffrom it for a while13:36
orlokheoa: ctrl-a-a13:36
mo0nykitHi! I have a problem with my Ubuntu 9.04 on an Acer Aspire 4520 laptop. When I switch to another virtual console (Ctrl-Alt-F1), the screen goes blank with lots of flickering. What could be the problem?13:36
stefgimyousuf: so that's the module to pay attention to.. you have to check if this module is present in the 'keyboard failed' situation, if it's not 'sudo modprobe serio_raw'. Only when that helps it's worth trying13:36
orlokheoa: and whatever - you need an extra ctrl-a13:36
Imurikauppiashow to join quakenet13:36
cylexllutz: I see it in current directory.. thank u both. :)13:36
guoxiaolongheoa:press ctrl+alt13:36
lstarnesImurikauppias: I will not say this again: type /server irc.quakenet.org13:36
llutzcylex: i haven't read the "source", ignore me, sorry13:36
manielany apt magician here?:>13:37
heoaguoxiaolong: ?   and some other key?13:37
HanCan somebody please kick the keyserver?13:37
HanIt's not responding.13:38
imyousufstefg: so I am executing "echo serio_raw >>/etc/modules" and restarting my machine to check what happens :)13:38
guoxiaolongdo you use VM?13:38
stefgimyousuf: don't change anything yet.13:38
guoxiaolongVMware ?13:38
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:39
colbloodanyone? i have no audio anymore, and it sucks donkey arse13:39
stefgimyousuf: restart several times until you run into the problem again. let it boot up and check if serio_raw gets loaded13:39
imyousufstefg: I dont have to reboot several times probably the first time will be enough ;)13:40
stefgimyousuf: if not, modprobe the module and check if makes the internal keyboard work13:40
imyousufok stefg, following your advice :)13:40
[fade]if it go to cli with ctrl+alt+f1, how to come back ?13:40
stefgimyousuf: only if that works it is worth to add that module to /etc/modules13:40
lstarnes[fade]: ctrl+alt+f713:40
imyousufgot it stefg13:41
imyousufwill inform you ASAP13:41
[fade]in kde 3.5 when it stops responding you can crash it with ctrl+alt+baskspace, then it would restart, if there anything same here ?13:41
guoxiaolongheoa: did you use VMware13:41
[fade]on kde 4.2 ?13:41
lstarnes[fade]: if you're using 9.04 and have disabled dontzap, ctrl+alt+bksp should work13:42
eepberrieswhat user does the xserver display belong to in the login menu?13:42
guoxiaolongheoa: you can press ctrl+alt+del13:42
[fade]what is dontzap?13:42
FloodBot1didiermah: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:42
hanshenrikhttp://pastebin.org/34810 help?13:42
stefg!dontzap | [fade]13:42
ubottu[fade]: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.13:42
[fade]i tried those keys, did not work13:42
linuxn_eocolblood: do you have a /dev/snd directory?13:42
colblooddir /dev/snd13:43
colbloodcontrolC0 pcmC0D0c pcmC0D0p pcmC0D1c pcmC0D1p seq timer13:43
colblood@ linuxn_eo13:43
heoaguoxiaolong: ^+Alt+Del does not do anything13:43
linuxn_eocolblood: ok, well, that's the direct reason why you get that error - why that dir is missing is the next thing to find out13:44
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eepberrieshow does the xserver work during the login screen? what user is the display attached to?13:44
colbloodi have no idea how to do that13:44
colblood@ linuxn_eo13:44
linuxn_eolsmod | grep snd #does this have output?13:44
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=== BeardedAdmin_Awa is now known as BeardedAdmin
guoxiaolongheoa: so i ask did you use VMware13:45
colbloodyes linuxn_eo13:45
heoaguoxiaolong: no13:45
linuxn_eook, join #flood and paste it there13:45
colbloodlinux_probe: http://pastebin.ca/159235513:45
colblooderh, linuxn_eo13:45
linuxn_eook, just as good13:45
kphi i have installed skype, but failed to run test call13:46
kpcould you please help in this13:46
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guoxiaolongare you in screen beside the other screen?13:46
jpknowmadI'm trying to delete a 2.5GB mounted filesystem, it happened when trying to update to ubuntustudio 9.10 with a cd, i decided to update with terminal to ubuntu 9.10 instead, now i have this unmounted filesystem in my main menu full of ubuntustudio files13:46
B3rz3rk3rkp, ensure that you ahve opened the sound settings menu in skype and set your input/output correctly13:46
guoxiaolongheoa: are you in a screen beside the other screen?13:46
kpB3B301X, could you please help in find the same13:47
stefgeepberries: xorg is fired up by gdm, which is a system account owning the login screen13:47
B3rz3rk3rkp, what is your primary language?13:48
linuxn_eocolblood: the first thing i'd try is this: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart13:48
eepberriesstefg: okay, but how can i use xrandr without logging in graphically?13:48
fbianconiheoa: can you paste a screen capture to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin ?13:48
hkais1i have a hardy samba server and a intrepid cifs client. I have the locale en_US.UTF-8. But if I create a file with german umlauts on the intrepid I get corrupted german umlauts on hardy13:48
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:48
EtraiI'm having some trouble with KVM and networking... What I'm trying to achieve is having my VM access the network as it is (with ISP DHCP for internet and static LAN config) much like how VirtualBox bridged networking works under Windows, but I'm completly stumped...any suggestions? Or could I have my VM use the configuration of brX (and set up brX-Y for each network connection needed)?13:48
eepberriesstefg: problem is, the resolution isn't correct on the login screen and i want to change it13:49
guoxiaolongheoa: you also can use alt+f1~f713:49
unoobtulstarnes ok i just edited properties of the mounted cd and fixed the mount location..13:50
guoxiaolongheoa: f1~f7 mean f1or f2......f713:50
colbloodlinuxn_eo: do i need to reboot?13:50
kpB3B301X, i am sorry13:50
linuxn_eocolblood: hopefully no13:50
linuxn_eothat just restarts sound stuff13:50
eepberriesstefg: have any idea?13:50
colbloodno audio linuxn_eo13:51
linuxn_eothe problem you have is very  common, very vague, has many causes, etc, so i'll need to take a few shots in the dark13:51
linuxn_eocolblood: and no /dev/snd still, right?13:51
colbloodanythin to help me13:51
stefgeepberries: that has nothing to do with xrandr. The xserver is simply started with a wrong idea of the display. you have to setup /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:51
colblooddir /dev/snd13:51
colbloodcontrolC0 pcmC0D0c pcmC0D0p pcmC0D1c pcmC0D1p seq timer13:51
stefg!fixres | eepberries13:51
ubottueepberries: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution13:51
colblood@ linuxn_eo13:51
guoxiaolongcolblood:he can make kernel new13:52
xiaoxiaorhythmbox radio list is missing, how to fix it13:52
linuxn_eocolblood: ok, then what happens when you run alsamixer?13:52
colbloodi have this problem with ubuntu 9.04 too, worked better in ubuntu 8.10, but stuck again :/13:52
eepberriesstefg: i've spent hours screwing around with xorg.conf. i'm pretty sure it's fine, i just want to try using xrandr if i can to play around with video modes in real time13:52
jpknowmadI'm trying to delete a 2.5GB mounted filesystem, it happened when trying to update to ubuntustudio 9.10 with a cd, i decided to update with terminal to ubuntu 9.10 instead, now i have this unmounted filesystem in my main menu full of ubuntustudio files13:52
colbloodi'll reboot... alsamixer seems to work, but still no audio13:52
guoxiaolongoh no13:52
eepberriesi'm not going to waste another five hours retyping the same few things in xorg.conf if it isn't going to change anything13:53
SharpRainwhat download manager can I get that supports downloading of segments, passwords, and scheduling?13:53
stefgeepberries: what does lspci | grep VGA say, and what display do you have?13:53
Keifferi used this command, starting with S if i remember well, and it appended a fixed string to each line of a big file... do you know what it was? i want to read it's man page13:53
linuxn_eocolblood: ok, tell me how that goes13:53
guoxiaolongi am have my eatting now bye bye13:53
eepberriesstefg: it shows my Radeon X80013:53
eepberriesi have the "ati" driver selected for it in xorg.conf13:54
lstarnesKeiffer: maybe sed, but I'm probably wrong13:54
SharpRain what download manager can I get that supports downloading of segments, passwords, and scheduling?13:54
colbloodno audio after reboot at login screen13:54
colbloodlinuxn_eo: and i get alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory13:54
linuxn_eocolblood: ok, dumb question, you're sure nothing is muted?13:54
colbloodso nothing's changed13:54
colbloodif i run as sudo alsamixer, it shows up and isnt muted13:54
SharpRain what download manager can I get that supports downloading of segments, passwords, and scheduling?13:55
linuxn_eocolblood: well, restart alsa-utils (and maybe udev) again so you at least have a sane /dev/snd/13:55
colbloodhow do i do that linuxn_eo? im quite the noob still13:55
stefgeepberries: have you read, understood and followed https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution#Setting%20resolution%20changes%20in%20xorg.conf ?13:55
Keifferlstarnes, no SED it was! thanks13:55
linuxn_eoSharpRain: schedule with cron (if you only care about starts and not stops), and wget for the rest?13:55
woblegot a few of those:  amarok: Depends: kdebase-runtime (>= 4:4.2.1) but it is not going to be installed   <-- how can this weird error be fixed?13:56
SharpRaindoes wget support passwords13:56
SharpRainand multiple links at the same time13:56
eepberriesstefg: yes13:56
linuxn_eocolblood: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart; sudo  /etc/init.d/udev restart13:56
jpknowmadI'm trying to delete a 2.5GB mounted filesystem, it happened when trying to update to ubuntustudio 9.10 with a cd, i decided to update with terminal to ubuntu 9.10 instead, now i have this unmounted filesystem in my main menu full of ubuntustudio files13:56
linuxn_eoSharpRain: yes13:57
ortsvorsteherSharpRain: read the man page, there will be anthing in with password13:57
colbloodInvalid card number. i got this when doing that linuxn_eo13:57
SharpRaincan I paste a whole lotta links though?13:57
linuxn_eocolblood: very interesting, pasttebin the whole output to me13:57
colbloodand i get this when running alsamixer: http://pastebin.ca/159237213:57
linuxn_eoSharpRain; yes, or put them in a file, etc13:57
eepberriesstefg: do you see anything wrong in my xorg file? http://pastebin.com/m21bc3c2913:58
llutzjpknowmad: you just want to remove all that stuff from the 2.5G-media? sudo mkfs.ext3 -m0 /dev/sdXY   (where XY is your partition)13:58
colbloodand this from runnin your cmd: http://pastebin.ca/1592373 linuxn_eo13:58
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linuxn_eocolblood: ok, I need to see the ls /dev/snd    output again13:58
colblooddir /dev/snd13:59
colbloodcontrolC0 pcmC0D0c pcmC0D0p pcmC0D1c pcmC0D1p seq timer13:59
stefgeepberries: yes... taht's more or less a unmodified default file. you haven'r read, understood and followed https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution#Setting%20resolution%20changes%20in%20xorg.conf13:59
jpknowmadllutz, thanks, will that actually remove the volume as well?13:59
linuxn_eocolblood: erm, woah, what command did you run for that latest pastebin, exactly?13:59
=== Orochimaru is now known as edson
llutzjpknowmad: it will just create a fresh filesystem on that partition13:59
eepberriesstefg: what's missing besides descriptive names? i didn't think that mattered14:00
colbloodsudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart; sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart14:00
linuxn_eook, run those one at a time, because that's rather unexpected14:00
jpknowmadllutz, is there a way to remove that partition? I just want one large partition?14:00
linuxn_eosudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart14:00
linuxn_eo sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart14:00
linuxn_eoand tell me which of the two gives that output14:00
colbloodit's the first one14:01
llutzjpknowmad:use cfdisk, fdisk, "tool-of-your-choice" and delete it14:01
linuxn_eomakes sense... time for me to google, moment14:01
colbloodappreciate it14:01
colbloodlinuxn_eo: i cant paste it all, cause i cant scroll that high up14:01
EtraiREPOST: I'm having some trouble with KVM and networking... What I'm trying to achieve is having my VM access the network as it is (with ISP DHCP for internet and static LAN config) much like how VirtualBox bridged networking works under Windows, but I'm completly stumped...any suggestions? Or could I have my VM use the configuration of brX (and set up brX-Y for each network connection needed)?14:01
colbloodsomething about "not yours" is what i could see when doing the cmd14:02
linuxn_eocolblood: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart > log 2>&114:02
linuxn_eothen pastebin the log file14:02
heoaguoxiaolong: fbianconi Alt-F2 deattached the screen inside the other screen. Thank you.14:02
stefgEtrai: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Networking14:02
jpknowmadllutz, im sorry, i dont know how to do that, is there a guide somewhere so i dont bother you guys too much14:03
colbloodlinuxn_eo: http://pastebin.ca/159238014:03
Etraistefg: yes, I have read it multiple times and still can't get it to work the way I want...14:03
colbloodlinuxn_eo: i accidently ran "sudo alsactl store" before, could that be causing it?14:04
stefgEtrai: how does /etc/network/interfaces look in the guest(s) ? (use pastebin, plz)14:04
llutzjpknowmad: i don't know a guide, have a look into ubuntuforums and search for changing partitions. maybe it helps14:05
linuxn_eocolblood: no idea, honestly14:05
=== adeodatus is now known as aigon
Etraistefg: guest is Windows 2k8 =/14:05
jpknowmadthanks llutz14:05
jpknowmadi got it14:05
jpknowmadwith disk utility14:05
linuxn_eocolblood: maybe ask #alsa ?14:05
colbloodhm, ok14:05
jpknowmadthanks for the help guys, keep up the good work14:06
linuxn_eoif they don't turn up anything, i'll go back to trying to figure it out14:06
wobleDepends: kdebase-runtime (>= 4:4.2.1) but it is not going to be installed   <-- how can this weird error be fixed?14:06
HemuzHello i have a small question can i listen .mp3 and .wma files on ubuntu? and how it works because i tried to run but thers no suitable plugin....14:07
colbloodcould it be a chown problem linuxn_eo?14:07
morpheussHemuz, restricted packages14:07
linuxn_eocolblood: given that you're getting errors restarting alsa-utils as root, i seriously doubt it14:07
colblooddumb to do: sudo chown 777 -R /var/lib/alsa ?14:08
linuxn_eo.. so, say i'd give it 95-99% odds that that's not it14:08
stefgEtrai: i'm no kvm specialist, but for deskzp use with a windows guest i'd rather use virtualbox. windows guest support is still very basic in kvm14:08
linuxn_eoyes, dumb tthing to do; please don't14:08
colbloodhehe, k14:08
Etraistefg: ok, thank you! =D14:09
colbloodno reply from #alsa as of yet14:09
linuxn_eoi ran a few commands like that on some of my earliest linux installs - it wasn't long til i needed to reinstall14:09
Hemuzeeh does it means that i cant listen music on ubuntu if ihave it only in .mp314:09
linuxn_eook, so, your username is xbmc?14:09
linuxn_eols -ld /home/xmbc14:10
colbloodalsactl restore14:10
colbloodalsactl: load_state:1577: No soundcards found...14:10
linuxn_eowithout the typo in the username14:10
imyousufstefg: Currently logged in when onboard keyboard and mouse is not working and serio_raw module is loaded14:10
colblooddrwxr-xr-x 30 xbmc xbmc 4096 2009-10-04 15:02 /home/xbmc @ linuxn_eo14:10
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
imyousufstefg: though the module is loaded the onboard inputs are not working, how should I proceed now stefg?14:11
linuxn_eook, that looks sane.. hmm14:11
MkaHemuz: you cannot listen to mp3's?14:11
lucky__when i type compiz and press enter in the terminal, i get this message: Blacklisted PCIID '8086:2562' found.14:11
stefgimyousuf: try sudo rmmod serio_raw && modprobe serio_raw14:11
colbloodcheck above when i did alsactl restore tho linuxn_eo14:11
stefgimyousuf: rmmod serio_raw && sudo modprobe serio_raw14:12
ohitsmeeE: postgresql-8.3: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 114:12
ohitsmeeE: postgresql: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured14:12
soreaulucky__: SKIP_CHECKS=1 compiz --replace14:12
lucky__please help me resolve my issue.when i type compiz and press enter in the terminal, i get this message: Blacklisted PCIID '8086:2562' found.14:12
linuxn_eocolblood: saw it14:12
imyousufstefg: tried - sudo rmmod serio_raw && sudo modprobe serio_raw - and no use still onboard controls are not working :(14:13
colbloodstumbled upon this wiki linuxn_eo, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto14:13
zirodayohitsmee: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a14:13
MkaHemuz: Install gstreamer plugins using Synaptic14:14
linuxn_eocolblood: what kind of computer is it?14:14
HemuzMka, Thanks m8.14:14
colbloodasus t2 barebone14:14
erkinhow can I get the necessary permission save the canges in xorg.conf file? ^^14:14
penthiefWhat is this file for? /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.1/usb5/5-1/5-1:1.0/input/input19/mouse2/dev14:15
zirodayerkin: do gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf, enter your password and then edit it14:15
stefgimyousuf: so it seems really a kernel bug in combination with a (supposedly) crappy bios. so all you can do is helping to debug the issue by trying other kernel versions and see if the problem persists. First try would be the karmic beta14:15
erkinok ty :)14:15
imyousufhmm, will download and it and try it tomorrow then, thanks a lot stefg14:16
=== Brenden is now known as Brenden`
leession_lmcan anybody tell me what does IRC mode +tn mean ?14:16
linuxn_eocolblood: join #colblood, there's way too much scrolling in this chan14:17
lstarnesleession_lm: only ops may change the topic, and only users that have joined the channel can send to it14:17
Brenden`topic protection (+t) only allowed to set by ops14:17
leession_lmthank you very much. but how can i change the mode ?14:18
lstarnesleession_lm: use the /mode command14:18
Brenden`./mode <channel> <(+ to add)(- to remove)>14:18
leession_lmlstarnes>ok , thanks14:18
falkinskiWhat does "chunks seen" mean? Using rtorrent14:19
lstarnesleession_lm: #freenode is the best channel here for irc questions14:19
lstarnesleession_lm: also, http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml14:19
leession_lmlstarnes: yes , i think so14:19
lstarnesfalkinski: it may refer to the number of chunks recivied14:20
falkinskilstarnes: What is a chunk?14:20
lstarnesfalkinski: a piece of a file14:20
milazDoes anybody know how people in charge of releases.ubuntu.com can be contacted?14:20
falkinskilstarnes: thx14:21
milazI think they did some wrong thing with zsync files, and I have a suggestion how to fix it14:22
u0802someone already tried the 9.10 beta ?14:22
milazu0802: I did14:22
lstarnesu0802: please join #ubuntu+1 for questions about the beta14:22
milazSee it here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128079714:23
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:23
A^EKCAHDPWwhere I can to make my questions on the Russian?14:24
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lstarnesA^EKCAHDP: /join #ubuntu-ru14:24
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Guest41854Hey, quick question here that should be coming up often: my pulseaudio is working correctly, vumeters are showing playback, it all registers just fine -- I have sound output on the console, not in gnome though -- what is going wrong here? I can't figure itout.14:24
mnaines!ru | A^EKCAHDP14:24
ubottuA^EKCAHDP: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:24
=== Guest41854 is now known as mrrr
shaullxcould someone please help me here? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128234414:25
A^EKCAHDP/join #ubuntu-ru14:25
mrrraddendum: I have on multiple occassions checked that all volume controls are up 100% unmuted, correct sink, etc. selected, and so on - yet in gnome, mplayer stays silent, on the console it works.14:26
stackhi, why does not exists gnome-keyring-manager in jaunty?14:26
stackhow do I manage my keyring?thanks in advance.14:26
GSF1200Sanyone here know if ALL bluray movies play on linux using UDF, etc?14:28
GSF1200Sim just curious...14:28
Guest52695If I cp -ap all my /home and /etc folder from an unsupported distribution to a fresh 9.04, will I mess up the new supported one ?14:30
Guest52695(my unsupported distribution is Ultimate Edition Hardy)14:31
lstarnesGuest52695: your home should be fine.  Be careful with /etc14:31
gajopwhen i installed ubuntu, i remembered being offered to have my disk (or was it just some specific partitions?) encrypted; is it possible to do it after the installation?14:31
=== jc is now known as Guest96348
tehdaveShould I be worried if, in watching a program compile, I see a screen full of what look like error messages, but it keeps compiling? also: I can go ahead and go watch movies or whatever while something's compiling, shouldn't be an issue, right?14:36
nutterpccorrect tehdave14:37
nutterpcas long as it continues to compile14:37
nutterpcno need to worry14:37
colbloodalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory14:37
tehdavekk just making sure...seeing a screen full of "Depreciated Function" messages for a good 5 minutes kind of got me worried -_-14:37
colbloodim getting this error with HDA intel 1988B codec audio14:38
nutterpcis it a new or old install colblood ?14:38
nutterpcthat sounds to me a bit like files missing, corruption.......thinking14:39
FatboyHi everone, i have problem with my ubuntu (8.04, 8.10, 9.04). I can't use my graphic card radeon 2600hd with my CRT monitor, everytinhg is cranky!14:40
shaullxcant anyone help me?:( there is nothing i can do until i solve it14:40
linuxn_eoshaullx: what's the problem?14:41
nutterpcshaullx, people atm either are sleeping, helping others or trying to work out what might be wrong14:41
=== Guest32942 is now known as DaZ
ascheelCan someone tell me how to permanently stop a sservice from starting at bootup?14:41
=== Brenden is now known as Brenden`
nutterpcascheel, use Bum14:41
nutterpceasy mode14:41
ascheelnutterpc I'll try it.  :) Thanks14:42
=== UbuntuGuy is now known as crasher
nutterpcFatboy, why can;t you use it?14:43
ascheelnutterpc: thanks.  :)  Looks like 'bum' is going to work quite well!14:43
nutterpcbum is also very very easy to use14:44
ascheelnutterpc: Works for me!14:44
linuxn_eoshaullx; upload the screenshot elsewhere, i can't see it14:44
nutterpcshaullx, does it say *what* partition is full?14:45
shaullxlinuxn_eo http://i33.tinypic.com/2j0f1xi.png14:46
shaullxnutterpc the root partition is full14:46
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:46
shaullxthe one that is highlighted in the pic14:46
nutterpcshaullx, its 2gb for a root partition, that's part of the problem14:47
nutterpcinsufficient space allocated for a root partition14:47
RussianIs there anyone from Asia here who has been to the Netherlands?14:47
Fatboynutterpc: ok when my card is unplug eveything is going great, but when i plug my card on turn on computer is start going cranky i see colours and everytinhg but i everything is blurred.14:47
jacobian__I don't seem to have a volume applet for the panel14:47
jacobian__Is there some package I need to install to get it?14:47
nutterpchmm ok Fatboy14:48
shaullxyeah i did something wrong with partition manager during setup14:48
shaullxnow i dont know how to fix it14:48
infexionhow do you change the theme of the login screen?14:48
nutterpcshaullx, how did you first get gparted up?14:49
system404how to i change the general theme of ubuntu ie where can i download more themes other than the preinstalled ones14:49
scunizishaullx: if it's a new intstall just reinstall and you won't have lost much of anything.14:49
zen|taosystem404: gnome-look.org14:49
nutterpcas scunizi said, reinstall is one option14:49
shaullxscunizi, i cant i dont have the image and no space to download it14:49
infexionsystem404: gnome-look.org or gnome.org14:49
shaullxnutterpc, sudo gparted14:50
infexiondang beat me to it14:50
zen|taonutterpc: System>Admin>login14:50
nutterpcyou also have ripping the hdd out of your laptop and using an external bay to connect it to another machine to use it to partition the drive14:50
Fatboysystem404: http://www.bisigi-project.org/?lang=en14:50
nutterpcjust depends whether u want easy or a bit more layed out14:50
briganyone know of a good place to find cool animated gif effects?14:50
scunizishaullx: nutterpc another would be to use gparted an carve out a larger partition someplace, transfer all root files to it... then repoint / in fstab to the new partition.14:51
infexionso... yeah is there a way to change the Login theme or is it something where you have to manually edit the files to get the theme to change?14:51
nutterpcyea scunizi, just depends what way he wants to go i guess14:51
nutterpcpersonal preference i guess14:51
shaullxscunizi, just cut and past all the files in the root partition to another one?14:51
Fatboycasn somone help my with my isuue,?14:51
zen|taoinfexion: system > aministration > login window14:52
brigFatboy: sure what is your issue?14:52
nutterpcscunizi, myself, I would put the hard drive up to another system and use it that way, but that's me :)14:52
system404how to install themes downloaded from gnome-look.org14:53
zen|taosystem404: drag and drop14:53
VCoolioinfexion: it's called a gdm theme, you can find lots on gnome-look.org14:53
system404drag n drop where14:53
scunizishaullx: you could but make sure you get the hidden ones too. the one's that start with ".".. you may also run into permission problems doing it.. you can copy the files but you have to maintain the correct ownership/permissions on the files.14:53
infexionzen|tao: all I get with that is a small window that has two options to pick from14:53
system404its a compiz theme i downloaded is that ryt14:53
zen|taointo appearance dialog14:53
scunizishaullx: personally a reinstall would be easier14:53
infexionI upgraded to Karmic koala14:53
Fatboyok when my card Radeon 2600 HD is unplug eveything is going great, but when i plug my card on turn on computer is start going cranky i see colours and everytinhg but i everything is blurred.14:53
zen|taosystem404: or click the install button and browse14:54
VCoolioinfexion: than it seems login theme is not changeable, but don't know from experience14:54
shaullxscunizi, i know reinstall would be easier but i dont have the image, can u explain me step by step how to do it so i wont do something wrong?14:55
zen|taoinfexion: local tab14:55
system404it says no its a compiz theme i downloaded14:55
brigFatboy: sounds like you do not have the right drivers14:55
shawn_How can I get any Ubuntu game to run in a Window if it doesnt have a window option in the game itself14:55
VCooliosystem404: if you extract it, what files does it contain?14:55
infexionzen|tao: there are no tabs14:56
brigFatboy: although you could also not have the card installed properly14:56
zen|taosystem404: download a gnome (metacity) theme - compiz will use whatever theme you have selected14:56
nutterpcscunizi, spent most of my weekend getting programs that didn't want to work working.........its amazing how mentally taxing debugging is, isn't it?14:56
system404ok i will download them ones14:56
Fatboybrig: i found that a lot of people have the same problem (ubuntuforums).14:56
aboanas93am i a root now.14:56
lstarnesaboanas93: no14:56
lstarnesaboanas93: root, not a root14:56
zen|taoinfexion: are you using gnome desktop on ubuntu 9.04?14:56
lstarnesaboanas93: there is only one root14:56
aboanas93i know14:56
infexionzen|tao: gnome desktop on Ubuntu 9.1014:57
brigFatboy: ok... then you should see if you can find the proper driver, and post on forums so the next guy does not have the same problem14:57
zen|tao!karmic | infexion14:57
ubottuinfexion: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:57
scunizishaullx: nomatter where you are this typically an easy way to get ahold of the image.. to make a new partition and copy the file to it you'll have to investigate.. they are simple commands and you should know them/learn them.  Step by step would take too long14:57
brigFatboy: be sure to check the card is working and installed properly14:57
scunizinutterpc: yep.  this guy was having this issue 12 hrs ago and he's still banging the same drum14:58
briganyone know of a good place to find cool animated gif effects?14:58
ynkdoes anyone know why my sound won't work when i'm trying to view a YouTube video, but works fine when playing an mp3 file?14:58
nutterpcrofl scunizi14:58
nutterpcI spent at least that debuggin 1 program14:58
nutterpclucky for me I had 2x3ltr bottles of coke14:59
nutterpcso i was safe14:59
smcI've installed Kubuntu KDE4 on a Pentium3 with 256mb ram, now hows the best way to speed it up a little?14:59
smcIs there some servecies I can cut off or something?15:00
nutterpckde4 is your problem15:00
scunizismc: uh.. more ram15:00
zen|taosmc: uninstall kde4 use openbox15:00
nutterpcKde4 > 1Gb15:00
nutterpcnot less than15:00
nutterpcFluxbox or Xfce4 is your weapon of choice15:01
smcwhat about xfce15:01
shaullxscunizi, then maybe its possible to change the tmp folder to another partition? then i would be able to download15:01
smcwhat about trimming up services?15:01
nutterpcxfce is ok with smaller amounts of ram, fluxbox isn't always good for beginner users15:01
zen|taosmc: your pissing in the wind with kde - use something lighter15:01
ynkhow come flash sound doesn't work on websites? is it something to do with the flash plugin? i can't hear my youtube videos... yet i'm able to hear sound played from the hdd.15:01
ynkmaybe i should look on the forums... -sigh-15:02
zen|taosmc: you're*15:02
nutterpcynk, can also depend which flash plugin you are using15:02
hybriderhi, i have trouble getting my wlan adapter to work on my macbook can anyone help me out? :/15:02
scunizishaullx: do you have another harddrive?15:02
nutterpclots of possibilities15:02
milazynk: check if you have the latest version of flash15:02
smcI intend to, but that was the only disk that would install, I tried mint, Ubuntu standard nether would install succesfully15:02
demyhouseciao a tutti15:02
GoodGuy43i need help on (Bin) files15:03
=== max is now known as Guest40084
shaullxscunizi, i have a usb device of 8gb15:03
nutterpchybrider, I have an iBook G4 sitting beside me15:03
zen|taosmc: installers the same across all variants - only the selected packages are different15:03
colbloodmy ubuntu 8.10 box wont boot properly - just the "waiting-circle" spinning on black background15:03
smcwhat is xfce's package name, I get package not found15:03
colbloodand i cant ssh in either15:03
ynknutterpc, i didn't know there were different versions of the plugin. i thought adobe makes the plugins.15:03
nutterpcthere's 315:04
zen|taosmc: sudo apt0get install xubuntu-destop15:04
zen|taosmc: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-destop15:04
scunizishaullx: why not download to that?15:04
nutterpcalthought it is generally recommended to use the adobe one15:04
hybridernutterpc: im using macbook 5,1 and i can't even find the network adapter even though i can see it with lspci15:04
GoodGuy43i need help on (Bin) files15:04
ynkmilaz, i'm not sure how to check the version of the plugin. isn't it possible just to get the latest one?15:04
zen|taosmc: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop15:04
shaullxscunizi, i have room in my hdd it wont download because the root partition that contains "tmp" has no space15:04
zen|taosmc: sorry - clearly having finger trouble today!15:04
milazynk: you just right click some flash movie on the web site15:04
aboanas93what the best thing to blog?15:04
smczen|tao, thanks15:05
AnAntHello, how can I make a screen cast in Ubuntu ?15:05
nutterpchybrider, you will need to do what I did sadly, use the LAN first to get the system up and running, then get wireless running, and unplug the lan cable15:05
GoodGuy43how you install a bin file15:05
milazynk: and there's about... menu15:05
nutterpchow I did it15:05
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »15:05
AnAntI want to record some video from desktop15:05
shaullxscunizi, maybe there is a folder of the root ubuntu partition that has like 800 mb of stuff i can delete?15:05
ubottuSome programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.15:05
scunizishaullx: move /tmp to the usb key15:05
aboanas93blogging in ubuntu.15:05
aboanas93what i have to use?15:05
nutterpcscunizi, I have a spare beer here if you need it, lol15:05
shaullxscunizi, just move it? how would ubuntu know where i moved it to?15:06
scunizinutterpc: more like a cranial mallot wack15:06
zen|taoaboanas93: the world wide web15:06
hybridernutterpc: but how i've taken the driver from "hardware drivers" i took some airport tools from synaptics manager but the adapter still doesn't exist15:06
aboanas93na , the best program to blogging.15:06
scunizishaullx: you do it in /etc/fstab and using the mount command..15:06
hybridernutterpc: i only got eth0, lo and pan015:07
dyfhow do i uninstall openJDK and install sun-java?15:07
scunizi!mount > shaullx15:07
ubottushaullx, please see my private message15:07
AnAntcool !15:07
nutterpchybrider, have you got a lan based connection?15:07
dyfdo i just apt-get remove openjdk?15:07
zen|taoaboanas93: yes, like I said just use the blogging website of your choice15:07
hybridernutterpc: yes15:07
nutterpctrying to remember what chipset that macbook uses15:08
GoodGuy43i need help on (Bin) files15:08
nutterpclol, my mind is completely blank15:08
scuniziGoodGuy43: ok15:08
nutterpcscunizi, sadly the closest I have is a 40lb sledgehammer15:09
nutterpcor, a pitbull15:09
shaullxscunizi, mount /tmp/ /dev/sdb ?15:09
scunizinutterpc: I'm tough.. 60 is the smallest15:09
nutterpcok, the pitbull15:09
system404whats most recommended sidebar type app for linux15:10
nutterpcfor displaying what?15:10
zen|taosystem404: conky15:10
aboanas93sorry, what abou me?15:10
zen|taosystem404: not a sidee bar as such, but very cool none the less15:10
aboanas93Blogging programmes ( the best).15:10
zen|taoaboanas93: what about you?15:11
system404zen|tao: howd u mean not a sidebar15:11
nutterpcbest blogging program you can get..........is one someone else has15:11
scunizishaullx: if the usb key is sdb that might work. I'm not sure how linux labels tmp.. might also be something like mount /dev/tmp /dev/sdb15:11
aboanas93the best blogging program in ubuntu gnome15:11
zen|taosystem404: try it and see - it's real small to download15:11
system404zen|tao: ok15:11
aboanas93yo, guys15:12
shaullxscnuizi, well i mounted but now nothing runs, i try to run firefox and i get this error: ** (firefox:5764): WARNING **: Wrong permissions for /tmp/orbit-root-fafafafa15:12
zen|taoaboanas93: you don't need a program to blog with - just use the bloging website15:12
shaullxhow to change permissions?15:12
nutterpcscunizi, I must admit for a rather nifty program to make the machine secure, had a few doubts, was Blueproximity15:12
nutterpcdoes rather well it does15:12
zen|taoshaullx: man chmod15:12
aboanas93ok , if that your recommendation15:12
shaullxzen|tao sudo chmod -R 777 /tmp/ ?15:14
paro_gdm = gnome display manager, correct?15:14
zen|taoparo_: yes15:14
scunizinutterpc: I'd heard of that15:14
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf
zen|taoshaullx: not sure why you would want to do that... but you've got the general idea now.15:15
nutterpcscunizi, its a very cool proggy, got it working now nicely, alongside firestarter & bitdefender15:15
GoodGuy43how do you install a bin file?15:15
vladohi i need to know how can i play warkraft 3 on ubuntu 9.04? I made configurations in wine but i have delay pls help15:15
zen|taoGoodGuy43: you don't15:15
=== BlouBlou_ is now known as BlouBlou
nutterpcGoodGuy43, what bin file?15:16
shaullxzen|tao still same permission error15:16
zen|tao!wine | vlado15:16
ubottuvlado: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu15:16
shaullxi did sudo chmod 777 /tmp/15:16
system404how to burn audio cd in ubuntu15:16
system404zen|tao: ive installed conky cant find it in my apps though15:16
zen|taosystem404: braseo15:16
zen|taosystem404: type conky in a terminal15:17
vlado10x a lot15:17
nutterpcGoodGuy43, try this15:17
zen|taosystem404: you might want to man conky first - lots of options15:17
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:17
zen|taonutterpc: I wouldn't use that if I were you15:18
IonutBhi guys. how could i make firefox 3.5 as default browser ? atm it's ff 3.15:18
system404not wat im lookin for that conky im lookin for more of a google sidebar type thing15:18
nutterpczen|tao, everythings workin fine, laptops humming15:18
GoodGuy43i dont even know how to change directory in unix15:18
zen|taonutterpc: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras15:19
nutterpczen|tao, its for GoodGuy43 not me15:19
zen|taoGoodGuy43: cd <dir_name>15:19
GreyGhostIonutB, i think someone wrote a nice little guide for it ..15:19
system404how to burn audio cd15:20
zen|taonutterpc: sorry - busy in here, and my brain isn't fast enough15:20
nutterpcall good zen|tao15:20
nutterpchave a can of red bull :P15:20
IonutBGreyGhost, i tried to find it on google. can you give me the link, please ?15:20
nutterpcmeanwhile I have my chinese herbal tea15:20
system404anyone know any apps for burnung audio cds for my car15:21
zen|taosystem404: braseo15:21
zen|taosystem404: brasero*15:21
system404braseo keeps burning as data discs15:21
Nisha_hey any one here played with sis integarted graphicds?15:21
zen|taosystem404: tried k3b?15:21
nutterpcsystem404, either Brasero or GripX i think its called15:21
GreyGhostIonutB, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion15:21
roffesystem404, Did you choose "Audio project"?15:21
scunizisystem404: standard audio cd's the standard is k3b15:21
GreyGhostIonutB, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33038615:21
GreyGhosteven that15:21
nutterpcincorrect, the program is called Grip15:21
IonutBGreyGhost, hehe, thanks "green boy" :)15:22
GoodGuy43i type cd <dir _name>, get this bash: cd: download: No such file or directory15:22
lstarnesGoodGuy43: cgeck the case15:22
GreyGhostIonutB, Green boy?15:22
IonutBkidding, *grey.15:22
nutterpczen|tao, want a coffee? bout to go put the kettle on15:22
zen|taoGoodGuy43: doh! replace <dir_name> with the name of the directory you want to cd into15:22
GreyGhostIonutB, ;)15:22
zen|taonutterpc: good idea! thanks..15:22
GoodGuy43i did, get this bash: cd: download: No such file or directory15:23
jribGoodGuy43: it means there's no such directory.  What are you trying to do?15:23
GoodGuy43is it case senstive15:23
zen|taoGoodGuy43: Download with a capital D ?15:23
jribGoodGuy43: yes15:23
lstarnesGoodGuy43: yes15:23
Nisha_hey any one here played with sis integarted graphicds?15:23
MuiskeHi all... a question about Openoffice Base (version 2.4). I want to make a query with a formula in a field. Is this possible? If so, how?15:24
system404ok so any google sidebar type apps out there15:24
* bobertdos part 15:24
tsonevhi guys15:25
ggccsystem404: yahoo widgets maybe?15:25
system404nah yahoos widgets r crap15:25
GoodGuy43./RealPlayer11Gold.bin didnt work15:25
nutterpcwhat files are u trying to play which NEED realplayer anyway?15:26
GoodGuy43i need a good movie player15:26
nutterpcGoodGuy43, MPlayer15:26
system404mplayer or vlc are best movie players in my opinion15:26
ggccVLC for me15:26
GoodGuy43mplayer dont work15:26
system404either of them will play anything u through at them15:26
system404try VLC15:26
zen|taosystem404: gnome has desklets - but don't know if they're any good, as I have never used them.15:27
nutterpcgreatest stress relief comes thru a Magnum Icecream.......troubleshooting pain is gone15:27
=== jackson is now known as jackson__
roffeI'd just like to recommend anyone with slow browsing in ff to try out Chrome. It's blazing fast15:28
system404im looking for sumfing along the lines of the vista sidebar basicly i want my clock there my ram and cpu monitor a quick notes bit and rss news reader15:28
ggccgod its taking soo long to download the drivers for nvidia accelerated gfx v 18015:29
roffesystem404, Perhaps you're a KDE-guy?15:29
MenZa!gdesklets | system40415:29
ubottusystem404: gDesklets provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets -- tiny displays sitting on your desktop in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness. Homepage is http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/15:29
ggccroffe: im a kde guy wazup?15:29
GoodGuy43i got to vlc  webpage to d/l it, and it give tons of BS15:29
MenZaAlternatively, system404, try KDE - it has this functionality built-in.15:29
system404nah ive tried kde didnt like it15:29
MenZaGoodGuy43: It's in the repositories. sudo apt-get install vlc15:29
system404will check out gDesklets though15:29
ggccsystem404: hey, u think u can help me setup dule monitor on my system? i just got a new gfx card and installed kubuntu and dont know how to set that up yet, just installed the drivers for nvidia15:30
zen|taosystem404: also drupal is a side bar, but again I can't vouch for it.15:31
sassynhow is the new 9.10 beta?15:31
system404sorry man im rather new to linux maself dont think id be much help15:31
llutzggcc: use "nvidia-settings" to setup15:31
sassynis it working?15:31
lstarnessystem404: #ubuntu+1 please15:31
lstarnessystem404: sorry, that's for sassyn15:31
lstarnessassyn: see above15:32
ggccllutz: thanks let me restart the system just installed the drivers15:32
nutterpcscunizi, its either fried rice in front of me now or Top Gear goin on my desktop pc which is making this night fun :P15:33
system404burning audio cd with brasero its been normalising tracks for 5 minutes is this normal15:33
scunizi7:30am here nutterpc15:34
system404just installed gdesklets and got this error Failed to execute child process "gdesklets" (No such file or directory)15:34
nutterpc1:30am in the morning here, but i still consider it night15:34
roffesystem404, You can turn off normalization in Edit>plugins15:34
hanshenrikfor some reason... i got php.ini in /etc/php5/apache2  and /etc/php5/cli, umm... witch 1 does my apache2 install use?15:34
system404roffe: thanks15:34
nutterpcscunizi, I know one of the programs I spent most of the weekend debugging was one that even the developers knew it had issues, just they didn't have time to fix it15:36
system404 just installed gdesklets and got this error Failed to execute child process "gdesklets" (No such file or directory)15:36
ggccwow i love nvidia now :) with my ATI Redion card dual screen setup was a bitch15:36
didiermahje suis cool15:37
didiermahc'est didi15:37
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr15:37
system404 just installed gdesklets and got this error Failed to execute child process "gdesklets" (No such file or directory)15:38
hanshenrikfor some reason... i got php.ini in /etc/php5/apache2  and /etc/php5/cli, umm... witch 1 does my apache2 install use?  (and sorry for double-posting, got disconnected from freenode for some reason)15:38
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:39
Calabresea truly incredible spectacle15:41
Dr_Willissystem404:   i was thinking for one of those desktop widgits packages  i had to install   python 2.5  but that was several months ago i last tried it. and thats about all i rember on it. find the gdesklets binary and see whaat its calling perhaps15:42
IonutBi made a lot of "ls -n". how can i list all of them ?15:42
nick3344523:quit quit15:43
zen|taonick3344523: /quit15:43
breikoHello folks, I have just updated my release to 9.04 and I can't play video with mplayer. It crashes after the file opening. However VLC is ok. Can you suggest me something to do?15:44
GoodGuy43does anyone know where i can get basic language for Linux15:45
Calabrese/quit HAHA! I AM OFF! NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN!15:45
CalabreseOH SHI-15:45
Dr_WillisGoodGuy43:  check the package manager - i recall seeing several variants on 'basic' in there15:45
Calabresehi hans15:45
HappyHoboare you old and bald and still kicking ass Dr_Willis15:45
breikoIs there a way to change video output to X11 for mplayer? This fixed the things with VLC15:45
Calabresei am seeing lots of familiar alises15:45
Calabresebut.. i can't be syre15:45
Dr_WillisHappyHobo:  im not bald. :)15:46
gajopis it me or is software center a step back? :|15:46
Calabresekudos, homeless man15:46
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Dr_WillisHappyHobo:  and stay off my lawn! ya kids! :)15:46
zen|taogajop: /join #ubuntu+115:46
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Dr_Willis!info basic25615:47
ubottubasic256 (source: basic256): educational BASIC programming environment for children. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.2-2 (jaunty), package size 87 kB, installed size 292 kB15:47
=== Guest14411 is now known as kanus
makinavajahi people, good afternon15:47
zen|tao!hi |\ makinavaja15:48
ubottu\ makinavaja: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!15:48
GreyGhostGoodGuy43, freebasic used to be prty famous when i last heard bout basic/.. maybe u can try that ..15:48
cygnis1hi everyone15:48
Dr_WillisTheres sevarl basic variants out you can use for linux. or you could always use dosbox and  any of the dos basics. :)15:48
GoodGuy43it is not free, i have to pay for freebasic15:48
cygnis1I am beginning to try to repartition my hd15:49
makinavajaIt's the first time I use Ubuntu... during 6 years I've been using Slackware, and the change has been really big15:49
Dr_Willis!info gambas15:49
ubottuPackage gambas does not exist in jaunty15:49
cygnis1starting with a test box15:49
makinavajatoo easy, I didn't expected that, its really easy to install/configure :)15:49
GreyGhostGoodGuy43, i thought it was gpl ..15:50
GoodGuy43dos and Linux are different15:50
Dr_Willisgambas is visual basic ish.. :)15:50
Dr_WillisGoodGuy43:  you never said what you want to do with the basic.. theres a HUGE range of basics...15:50
=== bushwakko_ is now known as bushwakko
Dr_WillisGoodGuy43:  and if you wanted to. you could use dosbox and run dos  and dos basic in it.15:50
HappyHobobuenos nachos15:50
GoodGuy43i got lazarus15:50
=== jerald is now known as prappl93
Dr_WillisNo idea what lazarus is.15:50
GoodGuy43it pretty cool15:50
GoodGuy43lazarus is pascal15:51
prappl93How do I remove something from the Applications window?15:51
GoodGuy43just like delphi in windows15:51
Dr_WillisI will stick with other languages.. thank you... :)15:51
=== aki__ is now known as akii
HappyHobobrb folks15:51
Xcellprappl93-  sys / prefs / main menu15:51
GoodGuy43i dont know c or c++15:52
GoodGuy43i know a little of c or C++15:52
ggccGoodGuy43: im learning C++ and C# right now if u need any help just let me know ill do the best to help15:53
prappl93Xcell, thanks15:54
appiHow to hide folders in Ubuntu 9.04? Please help.15:55
prappl93Is there a Terminal command to download the beta of 9.10 or do you need to burn the ISO to a disc and run it that way?15:55
fornixappi, hidden folders start with a . (dot) in linux15:55
ggccprappl93: just go to update manager u should get an option to upgrade i believe not sure tho15:55
RSI enabled all compiz options and now when I hit any menu, just that part turns black and it hangs up.. How do I set it all to default optionne?15:56
fornixappi, to show hidden folders, use ls -a  and to hide folders just rename them so that it has a . in front of its name15:56
VCoolioRS: gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz15:57
ggcco btw guys i want to donate a server to ubuntu whom do i contact?15:57
appidear fornix, If I create a file with its name starting from a dot, then will it be hidden?15:57
fornixappi, sure. go ahead and try it.15:57
appiThank you very much fornix.15:58
LuciusMarehello,i want to clearsign a file,but when i do gpg  --clearsign file it asks for another key than i want.How do  i manually choose which key to sign it with?15:59
roffewhat's the point with hidden files when it's so easy to un-hide them?15:59
Dr_Willisappi:  .whatever    is the common way for things to be hidden.. its just a way thats things are done.15:59
jenniferkeeps things un-cluttered15:59
Dr_Willisroffe:  its just the way things weere done to reduce clutter. they are not really hidden. just ignored15:59
toniiroffe: it's for eas-of-use, .dir mostly just contains configs and sometimes themes.16:00
Dr_Willishidden in no way shape or form.. is a way to 'secure' things16:00
roffeDr_Willis, Ah, ok, that makes sense16:00
Dr_Willisof course now a days we get 100+ .whatever files/dirs now in Home...16:00
Dr_Willisroffe:  so many things are moving to .config/whatever16:00
Dr_Willispart of knowing linux. is knowing the history of linux, and unix. :)16:01
Dr_Willisroffe:  just be thankfull we dont do the disaster of a way to hide things that windows does...16:01
roffeDr_Willis, I certainly have a lot to learn. I've been using Ubuntu for more than a year and I don't think I know hardly anything16:02
EmoSpiceIs there a way to update notify-osd's notification bubbles if you are using a different program (or rather, PID)?16:02
toniiroffe: lots of people use windows for years without learning much more then to surf the net and write emails. depends on what kind of need you have ;)16:03
Dr_Willisroffe:  track down bargin bin linux books at used book stores  1/2 price books and so on.. :)  some of them have the neatest info16:03
trijntjehow can i let evolution keep emails i remove from the mailserver?16:03
=== olivier is now known as Guest30536
UmeaboyI've forgotten how to chmod an external harddrive.......16:04
Umeaboychmod and  what else?16:04
EmoSpiceUmeaboy: what are you trying to do?16:04
UmeaboyI want my normal user to be able to read an write on it.16:04
EmoSpicewhat FS?16:04
UmeaboyAs I plugged it in to the USB-slot I got a message that it couldn't mount.16:05
Guest30536help!! i keep losing so i format ubuntu to have it back is there a way to save or make a backup of my sounds setting and driver so if it crash i can have it back!!!!!16:05
MenZaUmeaboy: Sounds like you just want to put the rw flag in your !fstab.16:05
EmoSpiceMenZa: unless it's ntfs16:05
bigdavejokerI need some help trouble shooting faulty network connection.  I can't figure out why I am randomly loosing connectivity.  the wireless connection doesn't drop but I have to change the ip address or dhclient to renew the dhcp lease to get working again16:05
UmeaboyI don't like to go into important files to add.16:05
MenZaEmoSpice: true. I'm assuming things here.16:05
UmeaboyI prefer using terminal-windowsw.16:05
bigdavejokernever an error message just suddenly can't access webpages and stop recieving chat16:05
EmoSpiceUmeaboy: it may be the best way to make it work...16:06
=== morpheuss_ is now known as morpheuss
Dr_WillisUmeaboy:  what filesystem is the external drive??16:06
EmoSpicechmoding the mountpoint is a pretty bad idea, imo16:06
arielCoHello, my /var partition is only 890M big and has 523M free. Is there a way to dist-upgrade to Karmic without enlarging it?16:06
Dr_WillisUmeaboy:  for ext2/3/4 i nomrmally make a directory on the drive for the user to use. and chown/chmod that dir for the user.16:06
UmeaboyDr-Willis: I guess it's NTFS, but I'm not sure.16:07
EmoSpiceUmeaboy: IRC tab completion, FTW :D16:08
KS0FT_Hello - has anyone here ever set up a channels.conf16:08
Dr_WillisUmeaboy:  for ntfs/vfat you must use the proper options when mountiung the drive. you DONT DONT DONT  chown/chmod the files/mountpoint16:09
UmeaboyThen what?16:09
Umeaboychown group 500?16:09
EmoSpiceUmeaboy: you shouldn't have to chown anything16:10
trijntjehow can i let evolution keep emails i remove from the mailserver? When I remove emails from the server and resync evolution doesnt retain a copy16:10
UmeaboyEmoSpice: PM?16:10
Dr_WillisUmeaboy:  for ntfs/vfat you can just install/run ntfs-config and check the allow users access.. and they shuld all have full acccess   the next time the drive is mounted16:11
=== BlackJack is now known as Dreaman
=== olivier is now known as Guest3760
woble-->   how can I fix this?   -->  Depends: libqtcore4 (=4.5.0-0ubuntu4.2) but 4.5.1-1~ppa1~jaunty1 is to be installed16:12
Guest3760how can i make a backup of my sounds setting !!!!16:12
trijntjeis there a channel for evolution support?16:12
trijntje!details | Guest376016:12
ubottuGuest3760: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:12
system404trijntje: what problems you having with evolution16:12
NEWLiNEhi, i have been given a server with centos on, no monitor keyboard or mouse, when i switch it on it has ssh setup, can i somehow install ubuntu over ssh?16:12
Keiya... Ubottu sucks. You can't query her about herself, !help is about the channel in general >_>16:13
=== jade is now known as Guest68034
trijntjesystem404, I want to keep a local copy of mail i remove form the Imap server, but i cannot find an option to do that, and google didnt help16:13
KeiyaOh, you have to use her name.16:14
system404because i know a bit about windows and have used it for years and like to try help others out where i can is that ok with you16:14
system404sorry wrong window lol16:14
* fornix hates windows16:14
Guest3760ubottu i got Ubuntu 9.04 i keep losing my sounds after a reboot or a crash so i reinstall it from scratch to have sounds back and now i want to save and make a backup of my sounds setting!!!!16:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:14
Jyxtso i know its possible to open a remote app locally with x forwarding over ssh16:15
Jyxtbut is it possible to open a local app, remotly via ssh x forwarding?16:15
system404me 2 i finally felt compitent enough with linux last week that i am now the proud owner of a complete linux pc no windows at all totally wiped that shit outta there lol16:15
smcwhat about the repositories for multimedia, Where are they or should I just use debian-multimedia.org16:15
trijntjeGuest3760, you dont want to make a backup, you want to get your sound working properly16:16
=== Guest3760 is now known as Olivier83
FiReSTaRTsmc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu16:16
=== david is now known as Guest31037
Olivier83trijntje now after i reinstall my sounds work!! properly and i want to keep it that way how!!!!16:16
GoodGuy43cool i learn alot .16:17
GoodGuy43linux rock16:17
trijntjeOlivier83, no need to put in '!' every sentence, thats rude16:17
trijntjeOlivier83, have you tried this?16:17
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:17
smcFiremanEd, Thanks.16:17
Olivier83trijntje sorry im just tired of ubuntu because im always losing sounds16:17
boxxerwould anyone mind helping me troubleshoot an xbox that won't turn on?16:18
system404boxxer: xbox or xbox 36016:18
trijntjeOlivier83, what sounddriver are you using?16:18
Olivier83trijntje my sounds is working now because it a fresh install but i want to keep that way so how can i make a backup of it or something like that16:19
boxxersystem404: XBOX16:19
boxxersorry, didn't mean to have caps16:19
boxxersystem404: pm?16:19
trijntjeOlivier83, i'm not sure16:19
system404boxxer: sure16:19
trijntje!sound | Olivier8316:20
ubottuOlivier83: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:20
Olivier83trijntje i tried this when i got no sounds and it did not helps me16:20
trijntjeOlivier83, are you using ALSA for sound?16:21
trijntjeOlivier83, (right click on the sound icon -> preferences)16:21
Olivier83HDA Intel (alsa mixer)16:21
Ab3Li have a problem with karmic (the problem was there with jaunty). if a window like xchat is maximized, the screen becomes black. i have the same problem with firefox. did someone know the problem?16:21
trijntjeOlivier83, how did you get the sound to work?16:21
Olivier83trijntje like i said it a fresh install so it work but! if i reboot or if ubuntu crash im gonna lose it16:23
Ab3Li have a problem with karmic (the problem was there with jaunty). if a window like xchat is maximized, the screen becomes black. i have the same problem with firefox. if the size of the window is smaller, the frequence of black screens is also lower. did someone know the problem?16:23
devDI have installed the kubuntu-desktop and it changed the logo while booting from ubuntu to blue colour kubuntu, how to make it default like before. ?16:23
trijntjeOlivier83, but you cannot install ubuntu without restarting right? Or are you still running from the live CD?16:24
trijntje!Karmic | Ab3L16:24
ubottuAb3L: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+116:24
trijntje!hi | hasee16:24
ubottuhasee: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!16:24
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading16:24
bigdavejokermy wireless connection keeps dropping  other non ubuntu computers on the network are not having same problem  I don't see the connection actually drop it just stops responding16:25
Olivier83trijntje guess i can restart a couple of time but i don't when i start if i gonna have sounds this time16:25
trijntjeOlivier83, can you type uname -a in a terminal?16:26
ZikeyHi, how can i untar files from a .deb package ? (I don't want to install it, just extract files from it)16:26
Ab3Lthank you trijntje16:26
Olivier83trijntje Linux olivier-desktop 2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:57:59 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux16:27
flugh_i don't know how to do it natively Zikey, but i use 'mc' to dive into most any archive files16:27
MenZaZikey: Try tar xvzf file.deb - if that fails, rename it to .tar.gz first.16:27
=== BlackJack is now known as Dreaman
Zikeyunfortunately it seems to not be a gzipped file16:28
MenZaReally? I thought it was. Hm.16:28
MenZaZikey: Try in file-roller16:28
MenZaI'm sure I've done this before.16:28
=== S is now known as kanus
ZikeyI'm console only, no GUI :)16:29
trijntjeOlivier83, you are still running an older kernel, maybe your sound issues are caused by a later kernel version?16:29
MenZaZikey: you're not making this easy :P. Let me have a quick look around.16:29
flugh_which is why i use 'mc' for all my filesystem escapades. just easier with the lynx-like movements16:29
Olivier83trijntje last night i update and my system crash when i boot it back on lost sounds so i did not mather16:30
UmeaboyDr_Willis: Did you die?16:30
Zikeyseems to be "ar" archived files...16:30
trijntjeOlivier83, can you give more details about the crash?16:31
Zikeygot it, thx for trying MenZa :)16:32
MenZaZikey: I *just* found it myself. Np though :)16:32
IledenHi! I'm using Ubuntu netbook remix, and I'd like to get a certain program to show maxized to full screen. Problem is, UNR reserves the top 40 or so pixels for the top panel and window top decoration... how can I make the window show its contents at full screen? simple solution would be to allow me to move the window just a bit beyond the screen top border16:33
redcardIs anyone else really having problems with Karmic and Empathy?16:33
adnchello, is there a command line tool that can eliminate double line of a textfile? can sed do this?16:33
Olivier83trijntje last night crash i was watching a movie while i was switching the theme of ubuntu then every thing froze so i power my pc from my tower went i reboot no sounds16:33
Olivier83trijntje went i first try 9.16:34
MenZaredcard: #ubuntu+1 for Karmic, please16:34
Olivier83trijntje went i first try 9.04 i reboot the i lost sounds16:34
redcardMenZa: AH! thanks :)16:34
trijntjeadnc: unique16:35
leaf-sheepIleden: Try toggling on Autohide for top panel?16:35
Olivier83trijntje one time i decrease the sounds using the hotkey on my keyboard then i increase it lost sounds16:36
trijntjeadnc: uniq that should be16:36
seyDoggyhey, I am not all that familiar with Linux, but I set up my kids computer with Xubuntu. They somehow managed to remove the top and bottom "menu" bar on the desktop. How do I restore them?16:36
terryyou are wrong16:36
Iledenleaf-sheep: i don't think it works like that in Ubuntu Netbook Remix - besides I'd like the panel to work as normal usually16:37
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ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:37
bigdavejokerwhat are good tools to monitor and trouble shoot a faulty network connection  I randomly loose connectivity16:37
trijntjeOlivier83, hmm, sounds like a lot is wrong.. I dont know how to fix that.16:37
kmrc /msg ubottu !bot16:37
leaf-sheepIleden: Some application allows full screen binded to F11.  Try and press F11 and see if that works for you.16:37
Olivier83trijntje no bodies know how that why i want to make a backup of my sounds setting16:38
trijntjeOlivier83, try asking: When I reboot 9.04 I lose ALSA audio, how can I debug this?16:38
Iledenleaf-sheep: nope, and the application doesn't have any full-screen otpino in the menu either.16:38
trijntjeOlivier83, it has go nothing to do with backupping sound settings16:38
Olivier83trijntje if i lost it with the backup i can but it back ou no!!16:39
leaf-sheepIleden: Well -- I'm not sure how to achieve full-screen.  There always are devilspie but I suppose it'd be hassle for one application. Reduce the top panel or something similar. :o16:39
trijntjeOlivier83, I dont understand what you are saying. I think ALSA breaks somehow, its not the case that your settings get lost during reboot16:40
leaf-sheeptrijntje: Try "sudo alsactl init"16:41
trijntjeleaf-sheep, not me, Olivier83 has the problem ;)16:41
Iledenleaf-sheep: I really don't know how to do that in UNR. the panel isn't very normal ubuntu :)16:42
Olivier83leaf-sheep HDA-Intel" "Realtek ALC880" "HDA:10ec0880,08600000,00090000" "" ""16:42
Olivier83Hardware is initialized using a guess method16:42
=== kb is now known as Guest50756
leaf-sheepIleden: I don't use UNR much. I'd always resort back to desktop. :)16:43
IledenIS ther t a Ubuntu Netboork Remix specific channel I could asko about this, or is this the right place?16:43
leaf-sheepOlivier83: Sound work now?16:43
Olivier83leaf-sheep great just by doing that i lost my sounds16:43
leaf-sheepIleden: There are also #ubuntu-mobile16:43
leaf-sheepOlivier83: Run "alsamixer" -- Set all bars to high. Toggle 'm' to unmute any blue/gray boxes to Green 00.16:44
leaf-sheepAnd ESC to save out.16:44
Olivier83leaf-sheep before i did what u told me "sudo alsactl init" i got sounds after that it gone16:45
leaf-sheepOlivier83: It's likely that the sound are low or muted.16:46
leaf-sheepOlivier83: Run the command and set everything to its fullest.16:46
AnirbanHazra Can I add swap file in my OpenVZ Ubuntu VPS ?16:46
leaf-sheepActionParsnip: <316:46
ActionParsnipyo yo yo16:46
Olivier83leaf-sheep please take the time to read what im saying because of your command i lost my sounds!!16:47
ActionParsnipOlivier83: does it come back after a reboot?16:47
leaf-sheepOlivier83: I know. I'm telling you to check alsamixer because the sounds are likely to be on low or muted.16:48
Olivier83ActionParsnip: yep it on but if i reboot and it not on it lost forever i guess16:49
ulsak /join #fu-se-mote fuse200916:49
ActionParsnipOlivier83: not forever, you can reconfigure16:49
Olivier83leaf-sheep it back on don't know how16:50
Olivier83ActionParsnip: ive been here a couple of time went it was gone and nobody know how to get back on16:50
mahdi_jahi all16:50
mahdi_jai login in text mode to system and change xorg.conf file but when i reboot system all my change return to initial status.how i can solve this?16:51
roffeOlivier83, lost forever? Reinstalling is always an alternative16:51
seyDoggycan someone tell me what you call the bar that goes across the top and bottom of the desktop?16:51
Olivier83ActionParsnip: but now it working and i want to keep it that way how is what i ask!!!!!!!16:51
trijntjeroffe, he already tried that several times16:51
leaf-sheepseyDoggy: Panels.16:51
k4idea panel16:51
seyDoggyleaf-sheep: tnx16:52
Olivier83roffe yeah reinstall every days is not fun16:52
* leaf-sheep goes away16:52
leaf-sheepOlivier83: Anything else? You got sounds working now, right?16:52
trijntjeOlivier83, people are still trying to find out what the problem is. After they find out they can tell you how to fix it16:52
foundry87How can I hide my Rhythmbox icon in the notification area on my panel?16:53
Olivier83 trijntje what do you mean that people still searching to how to save or backup sounds setting16:53
ActionParsnipfoundry87: sudo apt-get install alltray16:54
trijntjeOlivier83, no. Your problem is that sound is not working, not that the sound settings get lost16:54
ActionParsnipfoundry87: you can then press alt+f2, type alltray and hit enter, then click the rhythmbox app16:54
ActionParsnipfoundry87: you can also launch it there with: alltray rhythmbox   and it will startup in the tray16:55
foundry87ActionParsnip: Okay I'll try that16:55
Olivier83 trijntje if i make a backup of all ubuntu can this help or this does not mather16:55
CactusMDwhat file do i have to edit to get aliases to work the .bashrc in my home dir doesn't do anything16:55
roffeOlivier83, do you speak french?16:56
Olivier83roffe oui monsieur16:56
foundry87ActionParsnip: Sorry, I may not have been clear enough. It's not that I want to hide/show the Rhtymbox window, I want to hide the icon that is in the notification area.16:56
gregsp___hi guys...i've got a basic command line only version of hardy installed - how do i upgrade this to karmic - is it just a case of sudo apt-get -u dist-upgrade ?16:57
trijntjeOlivier83, no, the program that plays sounds on ubuntu doesnt work properly. So when the program is broken the settings dont matter at all ;)16:57
idleone!upgrade | gregsp___16:57
ubottugregsp___: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading16:57
roffeOlivier83, #ubuntu-fr16:57
Olivier83 trijntje what can cause the program to broke16:57
zacktui have developed an app under linux to be used on a single windows xp computer by a non-profit group -- python isn't installed on their computer -- can i build an windows executable? should i install python and move the source files?16:57
idleonegregsp___: you can't go from hardy to karmic, you would be better off doing a clean install of karmic16:57
trijntjeOlivier83, i dont know that, sorry. Other people might know. I have to go16:58
Olivier83roffe thank but there a lot more people that speak english so faster respond16:59
sgtmattbakerCould anyone tell me where a channel for avidemux support might be?16:59
Olivier83 trijntje where i can get that programme to reinstall it16:59
gregsp___i just want a command line only version of karmic - i only need it for one package!! usbip!17:00
IledenI'm using Ubuntu Netbook Remix, and it's preventing me from moving windows over the top panel, or beyond the top boundary of the screen. I'd like to be able to do this - does anyone know how to change the setting?17:00
BlouBlouIleden: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager, the go to system >> preferences >> compizconfig settings manager and change there17:01
IledenBlouBlou: Does UNR use compiz?17:02
Mike_lifeguardHi, I'm having some trouble setting up ssh server, I get "connection refused" but my router tells me I am forwarding ports properly. Can someone take a look at http://i33.tinypic.com/2mi4v2x.jpg and see if I'm doing something obviously wrong?17:02
BlouBlou!es > rasta17:02
ubotturasta, please see my private message17:02
edbianI'm on it mike17:02
BlouBlouIleden: I think so17:02
IledenBlouBlou: Ok, I'll see...17:02
Dr_WillisI thought UNR did NOT use compiz. the netbook interface has issues with compiz.17:02
edbianMike_lifeguard: What ssh server are you using?17:03
Dr_Willisbut i used the UNR inteface logn enough to learn how to get to a real gnome desktop. :)17:03
edbianMike_lifeguard: What router are you using?  What ip address does the router forward the port to?17:03
Olivier83ActionParsnip: trijntje tell me that the program that plays sounds on ubuntu doesnt work properly can i make a backup of it because now it working proprely17:04
edbianMike_lifeguard: Your diagram BTW looks good besides being a little vague. :)17:04
Mike_lifeguardedbian: openssh-server & the router is a linksys w54gsomethingsomething - it is supposedly forwarding port 10022 to, which would be correct if it worked :\17:04
tjz2how much space does a new ubuntu desktop install take?17:04
scuniziMike_lifeguard: in your diagram you have the modem subnet at and the routerr at  I would think that even with dhcp the router should be at 192,168,2.#17:05
BlouBloutjz2: 3-5 GBs17:05
IledenDr_Willis: Good point. :) But UNR interface does have its benefits too17:05
syslqWhy isnt ubuntu modular, like fedora. I prefer ubuntu, but package selection would be just awesome17:05
ActionParsnipOlivier83: not sure bro, sorry17:05
jribsyslq: it is...17:05
Mike_lifeguardscunizi: I'll double-check the internal IPs, but I think that is correct...17:05
ActionParsnipsyslq: it is modular, they are both Linux and therefor the same OS.17:05
ActionParsnipsyslq: just a different distribution17:05
llutzsyslq: try tasksel17:05
edbianMike_lifeguard: It is possible that your ISP blocks that port.  This is what I suspect to be happening.  The rest of your setup appears to be correct to me.17:06
syslqActionParsnip: linux is not an operating system, sorry, they are not the same os17:06
scuniziMike_lifeguard: k .. are you trying to get in from outside your lan? and are you using an http address from dyndns or the direct IP assigned to your modem?17:06
syslqjrib: how can I slect packages in package installer?17:06
jrib!software > syslq17:06
ubottusyslq, please see my private message17:06
edbianMike_lifeguard: Use this website to test for open ports.  http://www.t1shopper.com/tools/port-scanner/  I don't think you have to have a server answering you on that port I think the port simply has to be "open"  :)17:06
ActionParsnipsyslq: they both use the kernel from kernel.org. The kernel is the thing that makes it "Linux"17:06
Dr_WillisIleden:  i couldent stand it. :) but there seems tobe 3+ netbook ui's in the works now..17:06
Mike_lifeguardscunizi: No, I'm on the LAN right now. I have tried both the domain name and the external IP - these both return "connection refused" (but the internal IP works, so I know sshd is running + configured ok)17:07
syslqjrib: speaking of modular, I'm refering to package selection at install time, not removing it latter, fedora has that anyway thanks17:07
ActionParsnipsyslq: ni essence they are the same OS. If you were to say BSD, that is a different OS. Ubuntu and redhat are linux, just like mandriva and puppy. Redhat is just a different distribution17:07
jrib!minimal | syslq17:08
ubottusyslq: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:08
syslqActionParsnip: well I disagree since I was thought that linux is kernel but hey, it's not that important :)17:08
Mike_lifeguardedbian: "isn't responding" on that port, it says...? :\17:08
ActionParsnipsyslq: true17:08
odonatais this diffie hallman certificate gonna take all day to create?17:09
scuniziMike_lifeguard: you can't test the external IP access from inside of the LAN because the router will see that as spoofing. You need to visit your neighbor to test17:09
ActionParsnipsyslq: but they are as modular as each other17:09
edbianMike_lifeguard: Why are you using 10022 and not simply 22?17:09
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syslqjrib: yeah but things are still tied to ubuntu-desktop metapackage. Mah, it's not really important, I just dislike brasero :) it's cool for wasting cd's :)17:09
syslqActionParsnip: yeah linux systems are very modular by nature17:09
Mike_lifeguardedbian: because nonstandard port numbers are supposedly (marginally) more secure17:09
edbianscunizi: Mike_lifeguard:  Only some routers would see that as spoofing.  I happen to have the same one as Mike_lifeguard and it did not do that.17:09
edbianMike_lifeguard: ic17:10
ActionParsnipsyslq: theres always ULite if you want a lite system, you will get a VERY minimal terminal OS, yuo can then sling LXDE on it and have a stupendously light system17:10
edbianMike_lifeguard: Isn't responding means blocked I'm pretty sure17:10
syslqActionParsnip: nah, I like full desktop (gnome) I dont want to spend too much time with my wks17:10
scuniziMike_lifeguard: edbian a test might be to try to set the machine in a DMZ (router option) and test again17:10
edbianscunizi: Mike_lifeguard:   that is a good idea.17:11
Mike_lifeguardedbian: There is an option to "filter internet NAT redirection" - but the documentation on that is crap. I can't tell whether checked means we're allowing NAT redirection, or if *un*checked means we're allowing NAT redirection.17:11
ActionParsnipsyslq: its a serving suggestion to consider :)17:11
syslqActionParsnip: mhm17:11
edbianMike_lifeguard: If NAT were turned off the system in question would not have access to the internet.17:11
ajs`hey is there a 9.10 beta support channel?17:12
Mike_lifeguardedbian, scunizi: Thanks for your help, I will switch to another network and try ssh from there & maybe I will be back.17:12
Mike_lifeguardajs`: #ubuntu+117:12
edbianMike_lifeguard: "filter" in there really messes with the meaning.  It's like a double negative.17:12
Mike_lifeguardyeah, exactly 9_917:12
edbianMike_lifeguard: Good luck!17:12
caca0http://www.seslibitanem.com :) http://www.seslibitanem.com :) http://www.seslibitanem.com :) http://www.seslibitanem.com :) http://www.seslibitanem.com :) http://www.seslibitanem.com :)17:15
caca0http://www.seslibitanem.com :) http://www.seslibitanem.com :) http://www.seslibitanem.com :) http://www.seslibitanem.com :) http://www.seslibitanem.com :) http://www.seslibitanem.com :)17:15
FloodBot1caca0: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:15
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lesshastesomething odd has happened to my X display with the simplest symptom being that the display runs over to the right of the screen so I can't see it all. Also in /var/log/Xorg.0.log I see http://pastebin.com/f7daea46b17:16
IledenAny Idea where in compiz settings I can find the option to enable/disable the possibility to move windows over the top of the screen?17:16
lesshastethis followed a standard update17:16
caca0http://www.seslibitanem.com :) http://www.seslibitanem.com :) http://www.seslibitanem.com :)17:16
lesshasteany ideas?17:17
edbian!ops | caca017:17
ubottucaca0: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!17:17
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odonatawhats up with building those DH keys17:18
Dev_N00bsudo get-me-an-icecast2-gui-based-broadcast-suite17:18
SirBob1701Hey guys for 9.10 what nvidia driver do you recommend 180 or 185?17:19
ikoniaSirBob1701: join #ubuntu+1 for karmic discussion17:20
IledenHeyy! I found the  PERFECT solution! Thanks for suggesting Compiz settings.there's an option for "fullscreen key" that forces the active window fullscreen, just what I want! Apparently UNR _does_ use compiz :)17:20
subitowhat do i have to set for i fontsound directory (for qsynth) once i've downloaded fluid-soundfont-gm?17:20
SirBob1701ikonia thanks17:20
Line_BreakHello Fellow Ubuntians17:20
douglhello Line_Break17:20
wildc4rdafternoon all17:21
Guatemalaits morning here17:21
Line_BreakI don't think that's it..17:21
douglno I don't think so either17:22
Line_BreakI think it's a tie between Ubuntians and Ubuntans17:22
Line_BreakI like the latter.17:22
BlouBlouLine_Break: can we help you with anything?17:22
ikoniaguys  - it doesn't matter the name, this is a support channel17:22
elkyLine_Break, this is a support channel, for technical questions and the lke.17:22
douglsounds good to me17:22
douglsorry - my fault too.17:22
Line_BreakYouch. OK. just being friendly, I was getting to the support.17:23
Line_BreakI have a thread open that explains my problem, can I just link to that?17:23
ikoniaLine_Break: just give us a short summary17:23
douglLine_Break, I'll look at the thread17:24
Line_BreakOk, so basically my newest generation Apple Keyboard doesn't work until the computer is actually booted, which is problematic since I'm running a dual boot, and rEFIt is picky sometimes. I'm using an older windows keyboard, but as you can imagine functionality is limited on the Mac OS.17:25
ikoniaLine_Break: ok.....go on17:25
Line_BreakDougl: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128219317:25
lesshastecan anyone recommend a simple video editing tool? I just want to cut part of a video out and save it17:26
Line_BreakSo, I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem, or if anyone has a fix.17:26
NEWLiNEdoes anyone know how to disable the ubuntu server automatic updates?17:26
Line_BreakBecause I'd like to use my other keyboard, this one is loud and clunky.17:26
ikoniaLine_Break: your forum post makes no sense, as you say you are running jaunty jackrabbit - it doesn't exist, and 10.6.1 - which doesn't exist (unless you mean mac OS 10.6.1)17:26
Xcelllesshaste-  avidemux17:27
ikoniaLine_Break: you'll need to contact Apple for that, support for the keyboard is only active once the OS is booted17:27
ian1I need some help with terminal17:27
Line_Breakit is. I'm sorry, I may have been confused on the name of the Ubuntu build I'm running. 9.0.6? and I did mean Mac 10.6.1 (Snow Leopard). sorry about the confusion.17:27
edbianian1: You came to the right place!17:27
ikoniaLine_Break: the OS is also called "Jaunty Jackelope" not jaunty Jack Rabbit17:27
ian1When it asks me for my password,17:28
Line_Breakok I'll fix that ASAP.17:28
heoaHow can I commit the Delete in Mutt without closing?17:28
ian1I try to type it in,17:28
VlynndarI'm having some trouble with Nvidia drivers in 8.10. They work in that compiz now works, but they don't work in that the highest resolution avaiilable is 1024x768 @ 50 Hz. The monitor supports 1280x1024@85Hz.17:28
ian1but nothing happens17:28
idleoneian1: you wont see anything when you type in your password17:28
Line_Breakian1:you're not supposed to see the text, It's hidden for security purposes.17:28
idleoneian1: type it in and hit enter17:28
ian1Im new to ubuntu17:28
Line_Breakso just type it normally and press enter, and you'll be OK.17:29
ian1thank you17:29
subitohow can i know what installing a package with sudo apt-get install added on my computer?17:29
VlynndarAny idea how I can have both the preferred resolution and effects?17:29
llutzsubito: dpkg -L <packagename>17:30
ikoniallutz: that won't show him what files are installed17:30
llutzikonia: then i got him wrong, sry17:31
idleoneapt-cache rdepends will show what packages will be installed not sure if that is any help17:31
lesshastecan anyone recommend a simple video editing tool? I just want to cut part of a video out and save it17:32
Line_Breaklesshaste: you mean like Quicktime? I'll do some research.17:32
lesshasteLine_Break: actually the input is just a dvd17:32
Line_Breaklesshaste: so you're trying to edit the video directly from the dvd?17:33
LjL!info gopchop | lesshaste this one should be optimized for cutting17:33
ubottulesshaste: gopchop (source: gopchop): Fast, lossless cuts-only editor for MPEG2 video files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.7-7 (jaunty), package size 140 kB, installed size 464 kB17:33
lesshasteLine_Break: I copied the .vob to the hard drive17:33
VlynndarRight. Wrong button.17:33
whiten0isehello, I'm wanting to make a very minimal Ubuntu installation. i don't want it to JUST be a liveCD, I want to be able to install it to the harddrive like the official ubuntu cd. howevr, if i follow the how-to on LiveCD Customization--this will be just like my own Ubuntu install CD of the modified Ubuntu I have created? as in, i can install from the CD I create at the end?17:33
lesshasteLjL: the problem is finding where to start and stop17:33
LjLlesshaste: you can use avidemux for that (for instance)17:34
lesshasteLjL: I'll look at avidemux thanks17:34
lesshastenoone like cinelerra?17:34
appiNeed I regularly update Ubuntu using Update Manager?17:34
LjLlesshaste: cinelerra is overkill for what you want17:34
Line_Breakappi: I recommend it.17:35
edbianappi: Yes, you should.17:35
LjLlesshaste: anyway, you can try "list every video editor" in #ubuntu-bots for a mosre comprehensive list17:35
VlynndarDoes anybody have an idea why the latest NVidia driver will not nearly support the highest available resolution, and 'no driver' does not?17:35
proc1anyone in here ever do multi seat with Xephyr? (having some problems, i'm getting the greeters all on the same screen)17:35
=== UbuntuGuy is now known as crasher
llutzVlynndar: since it's closed source stuff, ask please nvidia17:36
appiThank You Line_Break and edbian for your help.17:36
VlynndarI'll try.17:36
Line_Breakappi: anytime.17:36
lesshasteLjL: oh that sounds clever!17:36
lesshasteLjL: #ubuntu-bots was completely new to me .. thanks!17:37
appiThank You once again Line_Break.17:37
Line_Breakcan anyone refresh my memory as to what the terminal macro is?17:37
azlonif i want to keep my system the way it is, but upgrade hard drives, can i just dd from the old drive to the new one, then boot from the new one?17:38
proc1nobody in here familiar with Xephyr?17:39
douglazlon, can you install both?17:39
azlonyeah, they are both SATA17:39
azloni have both connected right now17:39
quontrex_ashimiI am using 9.04 on a fujitsu lifebook w/ a cricket broadband usb adapter, IF the wired network is plugged in and you initialize the usb bband it will pop it into the network manager under the icon on the taskbar. if the wired network is unplugged its as if the network manager doesnt run17:39
douglazlon, why not use both then?17:39
azlonbecause the new one is bigger and i want to use the old one in an older machine17:40
epic1501Yes i have a problem under ubuntu 9.04 well when i run xvid cap and go to record my dekstop i click the record button and it just exits out xvid ca :(17:40
Memphistogot a strange error here with vnc.. cant get the letters correct..17:40
douglazlon, I would not use dd - never tried it but I always assumed drives need to be same size for dd to work17:40
azlonok, any suggestions on how to do it?17:41
llutzazlon: rsync or cp -ax17:41
ubottursync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync17:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gnome-ppp17:41
douglazlon, I would copy your home directory  to a partition on your new drive and reinstall.17:41
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up17:41
Memphistohi drwillis17:42
llutzazlon: if copying this way, you'll have to fix your fstab for the new UUIDs and reinstall grub aswell17:42
azlondougl: i have so many settings on my current system though... network settings and raid stuff...17:42
azlonllutz: got it, thanks!17:42
MemphistoDr_Willis, got vnc connected to remote server.. but there's a typing(letter) error17:42
douglazlon, what llutz  says then?17:42
azlondougl: im going to try that first, then if it gives me too many issues i will just reformat17:43
quontrex_ashimihow would I manually open the network manager when eth0 is disconnected?17:43
quontrex_ashimithe one on the task bar I mean17:43
douglazlon, np = good luck17:43
llutzazlon: just connect both hdds, create some partitions on the new one, copy the old install with rsync/cp, change fstab/grub, disconnect old drive, reboot17:44
EricTheHaxhow do i do a global notice? i forgot17:45
UbuntuUser01Please I need help with very simple stuff17:45
deviL_nighthello guys,,,, what the name of application for see the IP Conflict with me... ?17:46
ggcc_UbuntuUser01: just ask mate17:46
Memphistowhy are there error with keyboard through vnc and NOT on the ubuntu pc?17:46
UbuntuUser01I have a zip file which i had extracted but i need to download the program that is inside it17:46
UbuntuUser01I don't know how17:46
ggcc_UbuntuUser01: u see a .sh file in there?17:46
UbuntuUser01Yes I am seeing it17:47
ggcc_UbuntuUser01: what program are u trying to install17:47
ggcc_UbuntuUser01: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28282717:47
UbuntuUser01A system Analysis Program17:47
ggcc_UbuntuUser01: that should help u out there17:47
ggcc_Memphisto: dont know what ur talking about mate17:48
Memphistotrying to control ubuntu pc through vnc from win and linux pc, connection is ok, but when I press f ex K here, it's another letter on the ubuntu pc17:49
Memphistokeyboard error i think17:49
UbuntuUser01Thanks man... I really apprechiated <ggcc>17:49
ggcc_UbuntuUser01: the website helped u out mate?17:50
Line_BreakUbuntuuser01: Whatcha need?17:50
kmk422hi everyone when i am installing ubuntu and its downloading the desktop it gives me a socket error (100054.'connection reset by peer') it happens every time i try to install ubuntu any ideas?17:51
Memphistoggcc_, do you know whats wrong?17:51
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ggcc_Memphisto: no idea just seems to be a keyboard error itself, try restarting the vnc server17:52
Memphistoubuntu pc re-startet plenty of times17:52
Memphistoits ubuntu desktop edition17:52
ggcc_Memphisto: 9.10?17:53
Memphistoits ok when i type directly on ubuntu but not through network17:53
Memphistohmm not sure..17:53
ggcc_Memphisto: yea if its 9.10 u may have problems, its in beta17:53
ggcc_Memphisto: give me a min i may be able to help u out17:54
Memphistowhere can i find the version number?17:54
Memphistook thanks ggcc_17:54
kmk422anyone got any idea? im dying to get stared on linux17:56
=== sale_ is now known as sale
Memphistoits 8.04 hardy17:56
FiReSTaRTkmk422: one possibility.. are you downloading via wifi or are you connected to your network via an ethernet cable? for some wifi setups, you need to install proprietary drivers17:57
Memphistowith gnome17:57
kmk422im installing off of windows17:57
kmk422im using a cable modem17:57
FiReSTaRTkmk422: are you connected to the modem via wifi or via an ethernet cable?17:58
ggcc_Memphisto: here is an alternative ... http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=9470&iTestingId=1949017:58
FiReSTaRTkmk422: it could also be a windows installer issue.. i never had any issues with just booting the install cd and installing the OS that way17:58
Memphistoif you didnt see it, im using 8.04 hardy with gnome17:58
mathildecest quoi ça ? :(17:58
mathildeI'm lost :'(17:58
kmk422ah im trying the newer version17:59
jtrunnerhi, has anyone had an issue where there ipod is not recognized as a volume?17:59
Memphistoggcc_, this is for linux? I'm using win pc here now17:59
FiReSTaRTkmk422: ubuntu 9.04 or ubuntu 9.10?17:59
ggcc_Memphisto: yes i saw it, im surfing the web for the problem ur having..... the teamviewer im talking about is for windows, but u can install it on linux to, makes it easier for u to control ur linux system17:59
Memphistook, great ggcc_  thanks alot18:00
FiReSTaRTkmk422: ok, so you shouldn't have any issues.. i installed 9.04 on 3 machines from the cd18:00
Memphistochecking it now18:00
ggcc_Memphisto: i do it that way or through real VNC both ways works perfectly for me18:00
FiReSTaRTkmk422: use my nickname when replying to my messages so they get highlighted18:00
Memphistoconnection is ok, but i dont understand why keyboard error18:00
Aji-Dahakathere is a fix on network-manager that has been committed via launchpad.  Are there any docs on how to build the stuff from launchpad?  I downloaded the patches via bzr and ran the rules file to get the source from git, but I'm kinda lost at that point18:01
gogereaverhey if i got a vga to dvi cable could my eeepc output on my hdtv18:01
kmk422well what i was doing was i mounted the .iso i downloaded then i ran it from that and it trys to download the desktop during install and then fails at the last sec. says connection reset bt peer lol18:01
Aji-Dahakait looks like something will have to apply the patch files and then the build process is probably about the same as "usual"18:01
MOFRonly english?18:01
Memphistoggcc_, there is different teamviewer, which one is the best?18:01
FiReSTaRTkmk422: burn the actual cd, boot from the cd and install ubuntu that way.. unless comcast really went apes**t on their throttling, you shouldn't have any issues18:02
idleoneMOFR: in this channel yes18:02
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ggcc_Memphisto: http://www.teamviewer.com/index.aspx18:02
kmk422ok well do thank you much18:02
dvz-how can i list the files using a module?18:02
Memphistodl now :)18:02
FiReSTaRTkmk422: after you install and fully update, go to system, administration, hardware drivers and install everything that is available (it's a simple install tool)18:02
FiReSTaRTkmk422: that'll make sure you have your video and wifi properly installed.. k i'm off to prep for my traffic court appearance tomorrow.. ciao :)18:03
Memphistoggcc_, installing now18:03
lightpriestis it possible to disable a single device of some card?18:03
lightpriestsay I have 2 devices (analog and digital) on the same card, and I want to force the system to use only the digital one18:03
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blankheadhow can i set the desktop wallpaper to change every 5 mins or so??18:06
Memphistoggcc, what do i have to do on my ubuntu pc?18:07
darthanubisblankhead, search synaptic for such a program18:07
toanhelp me! how to fake ip on terminal18:07
ggccMemphisto: install wine, and then install teamviewer on that as well18:07
lightpriestis it possible to disable a single device of some card? say I have 2 devices (analog and digital) on the same card, and I want to force the system to use only the digital one18:07
Memphistook, just have to get kids in bed :)18:07
Memphistothanks for now18:07
JonNeonso, im a 1st time 1st day ubuntu user :-/. whenever i surf the net, especially on pages with text and pics, the text is really small, and the page runs quite glitchy, if I increase the size of the text, the pics get really pixelated the page runs worse...what am i doing wrong?18:08
ctmjrlightpriest: you can blacklist it find out what it is analog tv card is more than likely dev/video018:08
toanplease help me! how to fake ip on terminal?18:08
zzillezzwhat's up with ubuntu updates atm ?18:09
toniitoan: fake how?18:09
lightpriestctmjr, thanks. I have two devices (analog and digital) on a single nvidia sound chip. I just want to disable the analog so it won't load18:09
zzillezzcan't seem to download them correctly18:09
douglJonNeon, wat kind of video card do you have?18:09
JonNeonnvidia 950018:09
toani want to fake ip on terminal18:09
lightpriestI'm trying to look at the alsa manual but all I can see is how to set a module for a whole card18:09
lightpriestnot a single device18:09
lightpriestfrom what I understand alsa splits cards into devices18:09
douglare the nvidia drivers installed automaitcally with ubuntu?18:10
toniitoan: your questions doesn't make sense.18:10
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douglJonNeon, you see the nvidia splash screen when your computer starts?18:10
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JonNeonnot that i can remember18:11
infexiondougl: depends on the distro18:11
Mike_lifeguardscunizi: Hi, are you busy? I am still unable to ssh using the external IP. Actually, even worse, I can't ssh to localhost from that machine - it returns the same "connection refused" message :\18:11
douglinfexion, 9.04?18:11
Mike_lifeguardI am tempted to simply dpkg-reconfigure to start from scratch18:11
lightpriestMike_lifeguard, have you started the daemon?18:11
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llutztoan: sudo apt-get install fake18:12
Mike_lifeguardlightpriest: yes18:12
[t0rc]My wireless in Ubuntu drops every so often (repeated, consistent) however it's not the router - Windows works fine. Any suggestions or things i can check when it drops to see what is causing it?18:12
douglJonNeon, just because your video works does not mean the Nvidia drivers are installed18:12
JonNeon9.04 is the version im using18:12
toani'm using terminal on ubuntu with my ip, but i want to change ip witch proxy, how to make it?18:12
lightpriestMike_lifeguard, /etc/init.d/ssh status?18:12
toanthank llutz18:12
JonNeongotcha...what do you recommend I do?18:12
Mike_lifeguardlightpriest: like I said, sshd is running18:12
alchamechhave we had a smart cookie to fig out the magic jack thing again?18:12
alchamechor i should say yet18:13
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lightpriestMike_lifeguard, have you messed with iptables or smt?18:13
alchamechhello everyone18:14
Mike_lifeguardlightpriest: no on both counts18:14
alchamechhi guys18:15
alchamechdoes anyone know if the magicjack thing has been figured out?18:15
lightpriestMike_lifeguard, well, smt is refusing the connection... if you don't have any special configuration, try reconfiguring18:15
[t0rc]My wireless in Ubuntu drops every so often (repeated, consistent) however it's not the router - Windows works fine. Any suggestions or things i can check when it drops to see what is causing it?18:16
lightpriestMike_lifeguard, first try logging in at localhost. then try solving the external IP problem18:16
Mike_lifeguardyeah, k18:16
infexiondougl: 9.04 did not install them automatically I do not believe18:16
infexiondougl: you have to download it install it yourself.18:16
douglinfexion, thanks :) ... can you recomend a howto for JonNeon to follow?18:17
JonNeonyes please....im a linux newb18:17
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douglI have 8.04 and forget what I did to get my nvidia working.18:17
JonNeonthank you dougl for your help!18:18
infexiondougl: for installation of nvidia drivers?18:18
[t0rc]can't you still do envyNG for installing nvidia drivers?18:18
douglinfexion, yes18:18
jacktimCan anyone help me with a visual aesthetic? I'm trying to condense the Applications/Places/System Menu headers into the ubuntu button to free up some space on my panel. I'm using 9.04.18:18
teolicyHi. I saw the next version of a package I use, I don't like it. How do I mark it to be kept-back with apt?18:18
infexionuhh you could do EnvyNG or better yet you can download it from apt-get18:18
douglor will stock nvidia instructions work for 9.04?18:18
infexion "sudo apt-get install nvidia-" then press tab and see what options they have there18:18
infexionthat is what I did for 9.04 and 9.1018:19
poltergiestI need Wireless help18:20
tyler_d1hello,  trying to get the drivers working for a satellite A20 Laptop using ubuntu 9.04 - newly installed18:20
infexionpoltergiest: what kind of help?18:20
JonNeoninfexion: what is sudp apt?...sorry18:20
buntuwould like to run ubuntu only. have windoes xp pro. any likely hardware issues?18:20
sash_Bung[Linux]: depends on your hardware...18:20
u-fokainfexion, can you set up the framebuffer console on 9.10 with an nvidia card?18:20
mrwesbuntu, most issues are with the video cards, and wireless18:20
poltergiestmy Hp Pavilion ze2000 wireless light wont come on18:20
tyler_d1buntu:  you will want to try a live cd, to ensure everythign works first18:21
tgm4883Is there a way to upgrade a single package over the network for a bunch of machines?18:21
mrwesbuntu, good advice -- run the Live CD first18:21
poltergiestUbuntu 8.0418:21
infexionJonNeon: you type that into a terminal and it will install whatever package you type in18:21
shaullxhow can i test my webcam and microphone on ubuntu jaunty? (netbook)18:21
poltergiestIts my primary OS becuse you can normally find help for it18:21
infexionJonNeon: so "sudo apt-get install {package name}"18:21
tyler_d1shaullx: amsn is easy as far as that goes... don't know much more then that18:21
buntuusing live cd now. no problems so far. wired up...18:21
infexionu-foka: I am not sure what you are looking for18:22
shaullxtyler_d1 isnt there a built in software to take photos from the webcam?18:22
tyler_d1buntu: spend some time using it from live, do your due dilligence so your not suprised later on when you have already commited18:22
ReplopHi !18:22
infexionbuntu: if you have no problems with running the CD then there should not be any problems when installing it18:22
mrwesbuntu, there is a free Ubuntu Pocket Guide on the Internet -- good read for beginners18:22
infexionbuntu: generally18:22
JonNeoninfexion: oooh...kk...ill do some research on it to try and figure it out...thank you so much for your help!18:22
mrwes!Pocket Guide18:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Pocket Guide18:22
poltergiestI need to know how to get my wireless working I dont think I have the drivers18:22
slacker_nlstupic question perhaps, but how do i open .omf files?18:22
infexionJonNeon: No problem :-D18:22
JonNeonthanks guys...have a great day!18:22
infexionJonNeon: if you need anymore help just ask :-P18:23
buntuthankx all18:23
Jonathan_LI've got a Windows XP Pro PC, a 3G modem connected to it, Internet Connection Sharing on, and an ethernet cable to a router and two laptops connected to the router over Wi-Fi. The laptops get internet that way. Can I just replace Windows with Linux and share the internet connection the same way?18:23
tyler_d1shaullx: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam18:23
mrwesbuntu, http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/download_main.html18:23
cyber_666_ukhey guys, anyone know the command line for installing hidd?18:23
Jillwhat will 9.10 support period?18:23
poltergiestAny way Hp Pavilion ze2000 Wireless driver ?18:23
u-fokainfexion, on jaunty i'm using the vga= kernel parameter to get usplash working on my note's native resolution, but on karmic, i can't set that thing up :S... truly usplash not even loads in any resolution at the early boot before xsplash (but it works like a chram on the karmic live cd boot)18:23
cyber_666_ukhttp://www.pabr.org/sixlinux/sixlinux.en.html - trying to get my sixaxis working as a mouse on ubuntu18:23
Spoomhi folks, i'm trying to get php 5.3 working using the instructions at http://www.danielsmedegaardbuus.dk/2008-10-19/how-to-create-deb-packages-for-php-53-and-php-60/ to build it from source and create a .deb package, and everything seems to be working including the install of php except that *.php files are not being executed unless they're the index file, for whatever reason.  i've manually put the appropriate FilesMatch -> SetHa18:24
Spoomndler lines in place, and the php module is loading, but *.php files from the server (and yes, i am loading them through apache, not opening them locally) are prompting for a download instead of parsing and displaying; any ideas?18:24
FloodBot1Spoom: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:24
Jonathan_Lcyber_666_uk: Use Synaptic to find it. Then it's sudo apt-get install [appname]18:24
Jonathan_LOr use Synaptic18:24
poltergiestIs there a way to set up a private chat ?18:24
jacktimCan anyone help me? I'm trying to condense the Applications/Places/System Menu headers into the ubuntu button to free up some space on my panel. I'm using 9.04.18:24
buntubebak...gonna check out pocketguide...thankx18:24
infexionu-foka: give me a second to look something up18:24
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+118:25
u-fokainfexion, okay, I'm waiting and thanks for the help!18:25
tyler_d1jacktim: customize your menu by removing things you don't need, re-organize simply by right clicking on the menu and selecting edit menus18:25
Jonathan_Ljacktim: Right click the menu item in your Gnome panel (instead of just clicking), and click on edit menus18:25
xmas1can someone please help me with "could not initialize the package information"?18:25
Spoomin place of helping with getting the built .deb working, if anyone knows where i can get good .deb files for php 5.3 i'll take those too (there aren't any currently in jaunty or karmic afaik)18:25
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Jonathan_LI mean on the "launching button"18:25
colbloodif i wanna upgrade my ubuntu 8.10 to 9.04 since my audio wont work, will that 1) help? 2) be possible with an alternate install-cd?18:26
cyber_666_ukthx jonathan18:26
u-fokaGodfatherofEire, sorry18:26
xmas1"E: type deb is not known" ?18:26
perlsyntax_Where can i download the ubuntu 9.10 beta dvd iso?18:26
GodfatherofEireu-foka, for what?18:26
u-fokakarmic question :P18:27
mrwesSpoom, http://newyork.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1213337 <--- deb for php 5.318:27
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jacktim@ Tyler_dl & Jonathan_L: I've worked on the menus getting everything that I didn't want out of them... I'm trying to push the part of it that says: "Applications, Places, system" to where I would click on the menu button (next to applications) in order to show them up above it... kind of like Windows.18:27
infexionu-foka: the problem is there are a lot of things they have disabled in Karmic Koala because of security issues so there may be something in there that Usplash needs but it cannot access because it is either not there or inaccessible18:27
Spoommrwes, thanks, but the link doesn't work18:27
mrwesSpoom, shoot -- bad link, damn.18:27
xmas1can someone please help me with "could not initialize the package information"? "E: type deb is not known" ?18:27
Bleh_I am not sure how to get vsFTPd to work on PORT mode. I've got it working on PASV mode but everytime I try to use PORT it says that I should consider using PASV and the directory listing is denied. This is both with anonymous and local account access.18:27
Jonathan_Ljacktim: There's another Gnome panel applet for that18:27
perlsyntax_Does anyone know where i can download the ubuntu gnome 9.10 beta dvd??18:27
GodfatherofEireu-foka, no worries, I actually just was tryin to find out what the channel was for karmic myself18:28
infexionu-foka: I very well may be wrong but I am not sure what to say about it.18:28
mrwesSpoom, why not compile it?18:28
Jonathan_LJust remove the current one and add the one name something like ...18:28
Spoommrwes, that's what i'm doing atm18:28
Spoomi'm just trying to get the native jaunty apache2 to play nice with it18:28
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infexionu-foka: there are several things I have tried to do with 9.10 that I cannot do because it is still in testing.18:28
xmas1can someone please help me with "could not initialize the package information"? "E: type deb is not known" ?18:28
Spoomit's loading the compiled php module and the extensions, it just won't parse .php files for whatever reason18:28
Jonathan_Ljacktim: Main Menu18:28
u-fokainfexion, thanks anyway! i'l keep trying :)18:28
mrwesSpoom, use sudo checkinstall -- it'll create a deb for ya and it's easier to manage that way18:28
perlsyntax_i wish i can download the dvd18:28
Jonathan_Ljacktim or similiar18:28
mrwes!checkinstall | Spoom18:28
ubottuSpoom: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!18:28
Spoommrwes, yep, i did that, it's in the instructions i initially linked18:28
Spoomi have a .deb now18:29
Spoomi installed it18:29
Spoomapache2 just won't parse .php files for whatever reason18:29
Spoomi'm likely missing something in my apache2.conf somewhere18:29
Spoomi just need some hints18:29
mrwesSpoom, I'm not help there, I don't have a web server18:29
infexionu-foka: yeah sorry I could not help. Good luck to ya.18:29
Mike_lifeguardHow can I set ubuntu to get a static IP from my router, which would otherwise use DHCP?18:30
Jonathan_LCould 'make && sudo make install && checkinstall' work?18:30
Spoommrwes, well, thanks anyway, i appreciate the attempt18:30
BiovoreSpoom: is php5 installed?   (The package normally adds its self to the apache config)18:30
mrwesMike_lifeguard, does your router have a static IP option? My linksys does, so I assign the IP's from there18:30
Jonathan_LOr better: 'make && checkinstall && sudo apt-get install [outputfile?]' work?18:30
SpoomBiovore, i had to remove the php5 package from the jaunty apt database and create my own, using the instructions at http://www.danielsmedegaardbuus.dk/2008-10-19/how-to-create-deb-packages-for-php-53-and-php-60/18:31
KeiyaIs there a guide to packaging things nicely anywhere?18:31
SpoomJonathan_L, that's basically what i did18:31
BiovoreSpoom: did you a2enmod php yet?18:31
ryguyI'm trying to install 9.10 beta and when the screen comes up, I select "Install Ubuntu" as opposed to "Try Ubuntu without changing your computer" and The installation takes awhile then it goes into Live anyways. I then open up the "Install 9.10" Icon on the Live desktop andit seems to work, but when it gets to the "Install Ubuntu" phase after I enter all my info, the install program just closes =/18:31
Spoommaybe it did create a mod18:31
Mike_lifeguardmrwes: not that I know of, but linkysys said that if your computer asks for an IP outside the DHCP range, it'll get that IP... so you just need to set the computer to always request the same IP18:31
Spoomthat'd be nice18:31
* Spoom checks18:31
colbloodif i wanna upgrade my ubuntu 8.10 to 9.04 since my audio wont work, will that 1) help? 2) be possible with an alternate install-cd?18:31
ryguyIs there a way to install it without live running?18:31
* jacktim has to remember to start using synaptics package manager... the add/remove app is slow on download.18:31
Jonathan_Lspoom: What's the name of the output file? Where does it come from?18:32
mrwesMike_lifeguard, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/change-ubuntu-system-from-dhcp-to-a-static-ip-address.html18:32
exodus_msany JACK server gurus around with experience using Rosegarden in a Gnome environment (9.04)?18:33
Keiya!karmic | ryguy18:33
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ubotturyguy: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+118:33
Mike_lifeguardmrwes: great, thanks18:33
ryguygee thanks18:33
mrwesMike_lifeguard, I'd use nano to edit instead of vi :)18:33
mrwesunless you're OK with vi18:33
Mike_lifeguardmrwes: so would I :)18:33
SpoomJonathan_L, i've now enabled the php5 mod but it's doing much the same thing18:33
Keiyaryguy: Well, we don't talk about karmic here. Go to #ubuntu+1, they're more likely to know anyway.18:34
Spoomit parses php if it's in an index.php file accessed through the directory (but not remotely), but for whatever reason won't parse normal .php files18:34
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Spoomit displays those as downloads18:34
Spoom(and the download is the source code, not the output)18:34
uh_ohSo I did a big no-no last night. I spilt my drink all over my laptop keyboard. The laptop turned off, and I immediately turned it upside down on my couch and removed the battery from it. Today I tried turning it on and nothing. When I put the battery in and plug the AC adapter in, the charging indicator light comes on. Is there any chance for me?18:34
r_a_fSpoom: reinstall18:35
Spoomr_a_f, reinstall what?18:35
r_a_fand mod18:35
UmeaboyHi again!18:35
ghostknifeCan someone advise re. this. I was able to run that exact command on another hardy box 2 minutes ago. http://pastebin.com/m72a1f53318:35
Spoomi'd rather not compile php5.3 again if i can avoid it :^)18:35
Spoombesides, it is parsing sometimes18:36
UmeaboyIf I misstakenly mounted a device as root, but want to be able to mount it as normal user when I plug it in next time, what do I do?18:36
Spoomi just need to figure out why it's not parsing all the time18:36
ghostknifeSpoom: that usually means PHP is segfaulting18:36
ghostknifeSpoom: what does the error log say?18:36
FezzlerTrying to listen to Giants audio stream and it is not working. MPlayer installed as Firefox plug-in?18:36
* Spoom checks18:36
GodfatherofEireIs there any way to load another kernel into Ubuntu without having to re-install the whole system (specifically the LUK)18:36
ghostknifeSpoom: it could be many things18:36
ghostknifeSpoom: even Apache modules18:36
uh_ohghostknife, have you tried apt-get install g++ to see if that will resolve the g++ issues?18:37
Spoomnothing indicating a segfault of php18:37
Spoomlemme see if i can run it locally on cli18:37
ghostknifeuh_oh: yes. It says the same. Besides, I have g++ installed.18:37
Spoomyes, i can18:37
Spoomand the file is a simple <?php phpinfo(); ?> that i'm using to test18:37
ikoniavery hard to find pair of Nike trainers, I have wore my last pair to the ground, properly down, and I couldn't find another pair to replace them, someones gone to a massive ammount trouble to get them for me./window 3718:37
Spoomso i doubt that's causing a segfault just because it's loading through apache18:38
ghostknifeSpoom: turn on severe logging, and tail both the host's access and error log. then do the request. once the download window came up, save the file somewhere and paste the newly printed lines of the error log.18:38
ghostknifeSpoom: with severe logging, I mean "trace" or "debug"18:38
r_a_fSpoom: i have this many times - just reistall18:38
ghostknifeSpoom: you can try to reinstall. it might be a corrupt binary18:38
ghostknifeSpoom: did you build PHP yourself?18:39
Spooma corrupt binary that i compiled?18:39
Spoomread the link i posted18:39
Spoomi'm building a .deb in lieu of any officially provided ones since neither jaunty nor karmic have php 5.3 yet18:39
r_a_f1 module is shit - dont know whom18:39
[t0rc]My wireless in Ubuntu drops every so often (repeated, consistent) however it's not the router - Windows works fine. Any suggestions or things i can check when it drops to see what is causing it?18:39
Spoomok, let me disable all extensions then and see if that helps18:40
uh_ohghostknife, have you tried autoremove and then reinstalling g++ (I know that's a very Windows-y answer, but it might work)18:40
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ghostknifeuh_oh: autoremove?18:40
ryguynoones even remotely helping me in there18:40
ryguyI'm trying to install 9.10 beta and when the screen comes up, I select "Install Ubuntu" as opposed to "Try Ubuntu without changing your computer" and The installation takes awhile then it goes into Live anyways. I then open up the "Install 9.10" Icon on the Live desktop andit seems to work, but when it gets to the "Install Ubuntu" phase after I enter all my info, the install program just closes =/18:40
ghostkniferyguy: it's beta.18:41
ghostkniferyguy: try checking the error. ctrl+alt+f1/f2/f3 until you see it18:41
Spoomremoving extensions did nothing (but cause errors with mysql_* not being available) but i just noticed something18:41
uh_ohghostknife, sudo apt-get autoremove removes old unneeded packages/dependencies.18:41
jacktimAnyone have any suggestions on downloading a lot of the listed packages in the add/remove app? Because the base add/remove app downloads slow.18:41
Spoomaccessing index.php directly works18:41
Spoomaccessing test.php directly does not18:41
Berzerkerjackson, use sudo apt-get install18:41
ghostknifeuh_oh: lets hope my machine still stands when I get there tomorrow morning18:42
Spoomaccessing the directory to get the output of index.php also works18:42
Berzerkersudo apt-get install thing1 thing2 thing3, etc.18:42
appiIs there any task manager in Ubuntu 9.04?18:42
uh_ohghostknife, haha it should.18:42
Spoomso it's not an extension crapping out on me18:42
DanaGhmm, I did my whole backup-and-restore thing, and had to manually recreate /dev and /sys and /proc ..... but now I need to know:18:42
Spoomunless somehow phpinfo() is causing php to crash, which i highly doubt18:43
ghostknifeuh_oh: nah, that didn't help18:43
ghostknifeuh_oh: it's not a big deal. I'm upgrading to 9.04 next weekend anyways18:43
DanaGDo any of you have an inactive Linux partition (that is, /sys and /proc and /dev not mounted)?18:43
Spoom(evidence: it works fine in cli)18:43
DrognanI have python 2.6.2 installed, how can I downgrade that to 2.6.0?18:43
ryguyghostknife: It says that the application packages arnt on the cd..18:43
DanaGI need to see what the permissions are on those three dirs.18:43
ghostknifeDanaG: yes18:43
jacktimSo just using terminal and manually selecting each one?18:43
ryguyghostknife: I did a cd verify though and it came up with nothing18:43
ghostkniferyguy: hmm. interesting. how full is the disc?18:43
uh_ohghostknife, alright. Hope that fixes it.18:43
FezzlerWhat is Knotify?18:43
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ryguyghostknife: it had a few kilobytes of freespace on it18:44
Memphistoggcc, I've got linux to win ok, but not the other way18:44
Jonathan_LSo how do I share a Linux computer's internet connection in a network?18:44
ghostkniferyguy: yes, that is a severe problem. clearly a bug.18:44
wrapsterhow do i use sftp to upload a dir?18:45
ryguyghostknife: should I report it? Is there a way to install without live?18:45
LjL!karmic | ryguy18:46
ubotturyguy: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+118:46
ghostkniferyguy: no. the installation is simply a program in live18:46
appihow should i view the running processes or jobs?18:46
ryguyLjL: I was just in there everyone is ignoringme18:46
uh_oh!tell Fezzler about Knotify18:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Knotify18:46
LjLand yes, Ubuntu can be installed without a live CD.18:46
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal18:46
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.18:46
ghostknifeFezzler: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=knotify18:46
ryguyLjL: Its been 15 minutes; they're not even talking about karmic in there18:47
ryguyLjL: Its all offtopic18:47
LjLryguy: that's unfortunate.18:47
ryguyanyways, I guess imma try to burn a new cd or something18:47
jetienneq. what is the package to get all the manpage for syscall ?18:47
appianyways thank you.18:47
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Fezzleruh_oh>>Can't get this to stream    http://www.giants.com/gamefeed09player.asp18:48
Spoomanyone have some advice with regard to my situation other than "just do what you did already again"?  i tailed the apache error log but there was no php-related errors18:48
LjLjetienne: manpages-dev18:48
siinzgreetings all18:48
Spoomit's just not loading php for *.php files18:48
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Jonathan_LNothing about internet connection sharing? I'm leaving soon!18:49
r_a_fJonathan_L: cu ;)18:49
llutz!ics | Jonathan_L18:49
ubottuJonathan_L: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php18:49
LjL!inetsharing | Jonathan_L18:49
deejaydblockare there any programs in ubuntu that can handle  st://  links18:49
jetienneLjL: thanks18:49
Jonathan_LGaaah, Firefox crashed18:50
Jonathan_L(before I got the link)18:50
siinzanyone want to explain how i can remove a package from shell?18:50
siinzor without getting into the GUI...18:50
siinzor disable it even18:50
Spoomok, well, thanks for the attempts, if all else fails i'll make clean and recompile overnight tonight (since php takes foreeeever to compile) but i still seriously, seriously doubt that it's php that's crashing18:50
mrwessiinz, a deb package?18:50
llutzsiinz: sudo apt-get remove (or purge) packagename18:51
shaul_my wifi signal seems weaker in ubuntu then it was on win7 does it make sense?18:51
mrweswhat llutz said :)18:51
ghostknifeSpoom: it is18:51
Spoomghostknife, how can you be sure?18:51
siinzokay then can someone give me the name of the ATI x.org driver package18:51
ghostknifeSpoom: it means the execution stopped unexpectadly, and it never completed sending the headers18:51
siinzi cant get in far enough to see it18:51
ghostknifeSpoom: that's why the download pops up18:51
DanaGghostknife: what did you mean by "yes"?  is /dev there, or not there?18:51
Spoomghostknife, but would that output the source of the file?18:52
ghostknifeSpoom: what URL do you use to access it?18:52
ghostknifeDanaG: yes it is18:52
ghostknifeDanaG: though it's empty18:52
ghostknifeDanaG: /dev is not empty18:52
ghostknifeDanaG: but /sys and /proc is18:52
DanaGhmm, what's in /dev?18:52
deejaydblockare there any programs in ubuntu that can handle  st://  links/18:52
DanaG(and this is the inactive one, right?)18:52
ghostknifeDanaG: dev files, like a normal installation18:52
DanaGweird... I'd expect it to be empty when not mounted.18:53
ghostknifeDanaG: yes. though not all files are there. some dynamic files like I have for flash disks aren't there18:53
ghostknifeDanaG: it depends on the /dev subsystem18:53
ghostknifeDanaG: some of them create files and leave them there, others clean it up (memory fs)18:53
ghostknifeDanaG: udev vs devfs18:53
DanaGweird.  Would you mind pastebinning "ls -l" in there?  (I'm assuming udev.)18:54
shaul_anyone know how can i make the wifi indicator light work?18:54
ubuntuz45hey all, i was just wondering if anyone has knowledge of triple boot systems and boot managers that could help me out.18:54
mark3mkhello, anyone know how to close all windows (without logging out) or have a script18:54
mrwesGRUB can triple boot18:54
ghostknifeDanaG: hold a sec18:54
mrwesor supergrub18:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about supergrub18:54
ghostknifeDanaG: it's a remote machine, need to login first18:54
ghostknifeDanaG: And for that I need to jump 3 other machines. So it might take a few minutes18:55
biggleswhi! can anyone help me connect network between my local linux apps on jaunty amd64 and xp ones running under virtualbox 3.06? thx18:55
Spoomghostknife, i'm accessing the php script through apache, like i said, http://domain.tld/test.php , i'm not accessing it through file:// or anything like that18:55
ubuntuz45mrwes: i've got a system with XP, Ubuntu 7.10, and Windows 718:55
ubuntuz45right now, i'm using the Win 7 boot manager18:55
ubuntuz45if I happen to upgrade 7.10 to 8.04 using the update manager, will it overwrite the win boot manager?18:55
Spoomghostknife, i'm not saying that php isn't crashing, for all i know it could be, but it seems very odd that it would work with my much more complicated home page script but not work with a simple phpinfo();18:56
Spoomfurther, i'll try just an echo in that file to be sure18:56
Jonathan_Lubuntuz45: No, it will be kept.18:56
ghostknifeDanaG: hmm. those connections are quiet tonight. that was amazingly quick. here you go: http://pastebin.com/m3c1d6d5818:56
DanaGer, need ls -l  (lowercase L_18:56
ghostknifeDanaG: as you can see that is "/dev" under a directory called "backup", which is where this linux partition is mounted. it's another disc I have in there18:56
Spoom...and suddenly it's working, including the phpinfo()18:56
DanaGthat'll tell me what to mknod.18:56
ghostknifeDanaG: oh, sorry. hold18:57
Spoomwell crap.18:57
ubuntuz45Jonathan: thanks! is that usually always the case? i just don't want to deal with a broken boot manager that cant access grub and/or win 718:57
Willyyyyyyyyyyybis später18:57
Spoomi guess that's a good thing?  we'll see if it's randomly crashing later i spose18:57
kantorI want to make some transfer rate tests for some hard drives and usb flash drives . . . is there a program for linux that can do that ? (but a better one then hdparm, something that makes read, write tests, from the start of the drive, from the middle, or end . . . )18:57
ghostknifeDanaG: why do you need an unmounted one?18:58
Spoomghostknife, thanks for the help, i appreciate it18:58
ghostknifedanag: http://pastebin.com/f6cf14c2718:58
ghostknifeSpoom: sorry18:58
Spoomnot really sure if or why it's actually crashing or what, but i guess we'll see about that later18:59
Spoomhopefully this is enough to use sqlite3 for now18:59
ghostknifeSpoom: the fact that phpinfo doesn't work is a very good reason18:59
ghostknifeSpoom: it's then clearly an extension, when queried fails18:59
ghostknifeSpoom: try rebuilding it with the MINIMAL extensions18:59
ghostknifeSpoom: only what you need18:59
ghostknifeSpoom: in fact, try building it with 0 extensions, not even cli, and ONLY apache219:00
ghostknifeSpoom: that build will go quicker19:00
DanaGhmm, weird... you sure it's not mounted?19:00
ghostknifeSpoom: then start enabling one extension at a time (don't make clean)19:00
ghostknifeSpoom: and rebuild - will be quick if you don't make clean19:00
ghostknifeDanaG: yes19:00
DasEican someone tell me how to use notification-daemon , so I can call it for a certain event ?19:00
brunnerHow should I decide which version of NFS I should use?19:00
ghostknifeDanaG: it's a common thing. udev files stay behind19:01
ghostknifeDanaG: ask in ##linux if you want to confirm19:01
siinzcan someone tell me how to get a list of installed packages while in shell?19:01
DanaGah.  Does /dev itself have any special permissions?19:01
ghostknifeDanaG: what is your problem?19:01
ghostknifeDanaG: drwxr-xr-x 12 root root 20480 2009-07-13 17:59 dev19:01
raw__Hi everyone, trying out 9.10 atm and cant seem to get my nvidia drivers activated.. does anyone know any page or guide?19:02
DanaGinteresting.  anyway, the thing that is broken is Karmic, but the question about /dev/, I figured I'd be able to get more help here.19:02
DanaGThanks for the help.  Now to go mess around with karmic on my own.  =P19:02
siinzcan someone tell me how to get a list of installed packages while in shell?19:02
llutzsiinz: dpkg -l |grep ^ii19:03
ghostknifeDanaG: why did you think /dev has something to do with it?19:03
DasEi!karmic > raw__19:03
ubotturaw__, please see my private message19:03
DanaGWhen I first restored from backup, I didn't have /dev or /proc or /sys there at all.19:03
DasEisiinz: dpkg -l19:04
ghostknifeDanaG: they aren't usually backed up19:04
Johnathanmore people join the server than people post messages19:04
ghostknifeDanaG: udev doesn't need to have files in it19:04
ghostknifeDanaG: they are generated as needed19:04
ghostknifeDanaG: though if they're there it's not bad, as it will get removed as needed19:04
llutz /proc /sys are virtual-fs, no files to backup in19:04
ghostknifeDanaG: though.19:05
ghostknifeDanaG: I just heard you do need some device files to boot19:05
ghostknifeDanaG: for this you would get much better support in ##linux19:05
DanaGanyway, I'm going to reboot to the LiveCD.  Thanks for the help!19:05
DanaGI'll check ##linux next.19:06
TimoKimoriPlease i need help with ubuntu19:06
TimoKimoriI am not able to play .mov formats with vlc19:06
TimoKimoriit is closing the moment i am opening the file19:07
ggccTimoKimori: u should be able to... how did u install vlc?19:07
TimoKimoriusing the add/remove19:07
ggccoo sorry yea vlc is not able to play .mov19:07
ggcclet me find u something that can one sec19:07
TimoKimoriI tried to change the output of video in vlc19:08
TimoKimoribut no use19:08
ggcchere u go19:08
kane77how can I create lots of files with random names and few bytes of random data?19:08
ggccu need to install w32codecs for that19:08
laptop_hey guys, im trying to do an ssh tunnel through FF and its giving me this msg in Terminal: channel 2: open failed: administratively prohibited: open failed19:09
TimoKimoriok i will try ... thanks man19:09
laptop_and its not working19:09
laptop_anyone got any idea what that means?19:09
TimoKimoriBy the way, using "movie player" the file is opening but no sound19:12
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TimoKimoriis this strange?19:12
biggleswaudio device tied up?19:12
ggccTimoKimori: its just that u dont have the proper codec on ur system mate, once u follow the instructions ont he site i gave u vlc should be able to play it19:13
shaul_how can i manage compiz effects?19:13
ggccTimoKimori: if not, let me know ill find u a new vid player that will be able to play19:13
CircsIs there a way to turn off the f-spot/rythm box autorun "feature"?19:13
ggccshaul_: what system are u using?19:13
bongoCan anyone help me through getting wpa_supplicant + ndiswrapper + ubuntu working? Been at it all day and getting nowhere.19:14
ggccshaul_: ubuntu or kubuntu?19:14
hanshenrikwill gedit notice that the file i have opened has been changed by some other program in the meantime?19:14
FezzlerHow do I get Windows Media audio stream to work via Firefox?  I have the plug-in installed.  Just can't hear anything.19:14
magikidlaptop_: It sounds like you need to set ff to use it as a SOCKSv5 proxy not v419:14
sproatyif I try and issue sudo before a system call in a GUI-based app, will it pop up the ubuntu "ask for password" thing or will it hang my app?19:14
shaul_i have effects enabled but i forgot how to change them19:14
sproatyI'm trying to write to /usr/lib/my-app inside my app....19:14
shaul_i had ubuntu before19:14
ggccshaul_: system - preferences - Compiz Manager19:14
TimoKimorithanks man... I will follow your instructions... you are really great by the way <ggcc>19:14
dbristowubuntu-9.10-beta-desktop-armel+dove.img and ubuntu-9.10-beta-desktop-armel+imx51.img.  Can someone tell me what these are for?19:15
shaul_ggcc, there is not compiz manager there, do i need to install it?19:15
ggccTimoKimori: np, just trying to help best i can19:15
magikidshaul_: If you're in Jaunty, you have to install compizconfig-settings-manager19:15
scunizi Circs I did that on a Hardy install by accident and now it can't be turned back on.. never figured out how though19:15
ggccshaul_: yes one sec leme get u the link19:15
DasEidbristow: #ubuntu+119:15
shaul_ok thanks magikid19:16
dbristowDasEi: Yes, I know they're for 9.10.  The question is, what architecture or whatever are they for?19:16
magikidshaul_|ggcc It's in the repos.19:16
ggccshaul_: sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager just put that in ur comsole19:16
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dbristowOh, I should join that channel?  Thanks.19:16
LjLdbristow: i think what he's trying to tell you is that 9.10 is to be discssed in #ubuntu+1 not here19:16
laptop_magikid, i did ofcourse19:16
laptop_it works fine with one server, but not the other19:16
laptop_it gives me that error msg in terminal19:16
laptop_magikid, and there are no errors or anything in the logs19:17
shaul_ok thanks ggcc19:17
herlimenezesHelp is needed here.19:17
sjurDoes anyone know how to make the sound work on an HP pavilion hdx9000 laptop? I installed ubuntu yesterday, but have no sound whatsoever19:17
herlimenezesIm running Ubuntu 9.04, under Acer Aspire One, noteboook, wit atom processor, 1GB of ram and 160 GB hard disk.19:17
herlimenezesAs I tried running Kopete, I got no cam reference. At configuration I can see built in web cam catches pictures, but Kopete does not know  that. When I  try to configure: I can see indications about usb web cam 2.0, device Camera 1, but there is no reference to v4linux.19:17
magikidlaptop_: have you tried running ssh with the -vv flag and seeing what it spits out?19:17
ActionParsnipyo yo yo19:17
laptop_magikid, hmm no..what should i be looking at?19:18
herlimenezesThat's to say: how can I make the buit in cam work with Kopete?19:18
ggcchey guys im trying to install win4lin right now, i heard that i can install windows software using win4lin without actually installing windows like u have to with virtual box, how do i accomplish that?19:19
CircsThe answer to my question was use gconf-editor and go to apps > nautilus > preferences > media_autorun_never19:19
DasEidbristow: yes19:19
magikidlaptop_: pastebin the output and send me the link, I'll take a look19:19
fedrawii want to know way the processor consum more of ram19:20
ActionParsnipggcc: theres wine for that sort of thing, win4lin sounds like a wrapper for wine19:20
osirisanyone have a good way to mount ext3 from xp in a dual boot system ?19:20
laptop_ok thanks19:20
laptop_/topic #ubuntu19:20
LjLggcc: win4lin...? have you not considered WINE?19:20
ggccActionParsnip: dam i just wasted 30 bucks trying to buy it too19:20
ggccLjL: just wanted to try out win4lin since they claim to have good support and ofcourse iv tried out wine lol19:21
ActionParsnipggcc: just websearched it, seems to be paid software, wine is free19:21
ActionParsnipggcc: let me dig deeper19:21
cyber_666_ukhow do i do this: "Create a directory and download bluez-utils source and dependencies there: " $ apt-get source bluez-utils $ apt-get build-dep bluez-utils19:21
ggccActionParsnip: yes i just paid for it because of all the reviews19:21
osirisext2ifs SAYS it works, butwhen i try to explore the partition, it asks if i want to format it19:21
ggccActionParsnip: thanks mate19:21
TimoKimoriIt is opening now but no sound or video only the buffer is moving19:21
LjLggcc: you should ask them, anyway, since it's proprietary stuff. also, it's not true that you *have* to install windows on vbox: you can just as well use ReactOS instead. anyway, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Win4Lin seems to imply you do need Windows.19:21
laptop_magikid, http://paste.ubuntu.com/285587/19:21
neurochromeok guys.. just fired up totem & vlc and every video I play gives me "internal data stream error"  what gives?19:22
Quarthhi you all. I have a little problem: desktop not showing any icons since few weeks. Starting gnome in safe mode shows icons. I've checked show-desktop values in gconf-edit nautilus preferences. Any idea? Should I ask somewhere else? Thanks!19:22
TimoKimorii need to activate the codecs or something?19:22
Quarthbtw: using last karmic beta19:22
cyber_666_ukhow do i tel it where to downoad to? thx19:22
ggccLjL: hum, i may need to do a bit more research on Win4Lin than19:22
cyber_666_uktrying to follow these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sixaxis19:23
cyber_666_ukcan anyone help?19:23
cyber_666_ukPatch HIDD from bluez-utils19:23
mookidMy ubuntu-virt VM's run very slowly - I can ssh but when I open sftp in nautilus it times out19:23
mookidVMs really are running very poorly19:23
Jeruvy!karmic | Quarth19:23
ubottuQuarth: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+119:23
magikidlaptop_: sorry, I wasn't clear, how do you connect to this proxy?  Is it something you setup or is it a website?19:23
herlimenezesWhat can I do in order to get my built in cam working properly with Ubuntu/Kopete?19:23
cyber_666_ukwhen i run apt-get source bluez-utils it downloads but i need to dl to a folder?19:24
Quarthtx Jeruvy19:24
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sam3From which site i can download driver for Multimedia controller: Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Audio Capture (rev 11)19:24
ActionParsnipggcc: sounds like virtualbox: http://tinyurl.com/ycyduov19:24
sam3Multimedia video controller: Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Video Capture (rev 11)19:24
=== vorian_ is now known as heHATEme
laptop_magikid, its a freebsd webserver where my site is hosted and the provider gives SSH access, so this is what i do from my end: ssh -l lappy -f -ND 12312
Danny22I need help. My computer can't handle ubuntu 9.04 and I want to switch to xubuntu 9.04. will that speed up my computer at all? and how do I do it? I have an intel pentium III processor that runs at 737Mhz and 256Mb of ddr1 RAM19:25
laptop_magikid, then i go to firefox and add and port 12312 as sock v519:25
neurochromeplease! anyone? internal data stream error!!! totem!19:25
cyber_666_ukanyone know how i can adapt the line apt-get source bluez-utils to download to a folder i have created,so i can patch it ad rebuild please?19:25
laptop_127.0.0.1 i mean19:25
dragon!performance| Danny2219:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about performance19:25
dragon!requirements | Danny2219:26
ubottuDanny22: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu19:26
osirisDanny22, for a machine that slow, i would recomend puppy linux or dsl19:26
laptop_magikid, usually works with my home box and i can tunnel through it which is running ubuntu as well, but not through my web provider.. i emailed them and they said nothing is bocking ssh tunneling and should b fine19:26
scunizicyber_666_uk: you can wget the file from packages.ubuntu.com19:26
dragonDanny22: Xubuntu should work well on your machine.19:26
bongoCan anyone suggest why my wpa_suplicant wireless connection keeps dropping after only a few seconds.19:26
ActionParsnipsam3: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15393519:26
cyber_666_ukok, but how do i tell it where to download to scunizi19:27
ActionParsnipsam3: you'll need to work out what card number yours is and how you work it out19:27
scunizicyber_666_uk: wget defaults the download location to where ever you initiate wget.. so cd into the directory you want the file then do wget19:27
cyber_666_uki wanna download it to /home/burf/Desktop/SixAxis19:27
magikidlaptop_: ok so run this and pastebin it: ssh -l lappy -f -ND -vv 12312
cyber_666_ukaha - thx19:27
Danny22how do I get xubuntu?19:27
laptop_magikid, ok one second19:28
Jilli need some lmms-like editor under gtk19:28
ggccDanny22: http://xubuntu.com/19:28
scuniziDanny22: do you already have ubuntu installed?19:28
ActionParsnipDanny22: if you have ubuntu installed you can simply run: sudo apt-get install xfce419:28
scunizior sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop19:28
ActionParsnipDanny22: or you can go t http://www.xubuntu.com/19:28
cyber_666_uki tried wget source bluez-utils but it doesnt work19:29
Danny22xfce4 is a stable version right? it's not a beta?19:29
ggcchum i think monodevelop is bugged out on ubuntu....19:29
laptop_magikid, it just gives me this: Bad dynamic port '-vv'19:29
dragonDanny22: i'd recommend installing the package xubuntu-desktop. It will take care of everything.19:29
magikidlaptop_: sorry, threw the flag in the wrong spot it thought that was the port19:29
ActionParsnipDanny22: its the latest release candidate, you could also run lxde if you like a light desktop19:29
scunizicyber_666_uk: if you can use Firefox.. use that at packages.ubuntu.com and just right mouse click "save as" type tying19:29
magikidlaptop_: ssh -vv -l lappy -f -ND 12312
Danny22what is lxde?19:29
ActionParsnipdragonit just installs lighter alternatives to the ubuntu apps, xfce4 will give the desktop itself only19:30
ActionParsnipDanny22: its a super light desktop19:30
Danny22how do I get lxde19:30
ActionParsnipDanny22: like what xfce is aimed at19:30
ggcctrying to code in C# on my ubuntu (for school work - trust me i dont like C#) and everything is working fine but no input,,,, if i do something like string getName = Console.ReadLine() it will compile and everything but wont allow me to input when run19:30
ActionParsnipDanny22: sudo apt-get install lxde19:30
dragonActionParsnip: he's looking for lighter alternatives for all his software, right?19:30
feyd_rauthai am trying to get Xubuntu to install on an old compaq armada e500, hardy heron, but when I get to the phase of loading the partition editor it always stops progressing at 46% done. I still hear my hard drive and disc drive spinning though19:30
dragonDanny22: aptitude show lxde19:30
ActionParsnipdragon: possibly19:30
ActionParsnip!info lxde19:31
ubottulxde (source: lxde-common): Meta-package for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 2 kB, installed size 40 kB19:31
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laptop_magikid, here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/285592/19:31
dragonlol way better.19:31
feyd_rauthai am kind of at a loss19:31
cyber_666_ukscunizi: i tred searching for bluez-utilz but it doesnt findanything?19:31
Danny22is lxde just as customizable as gnome?19:31
scunizicyber_666_uk: what version of ubuntu are you running?19:31
ggccbrb need to restart irc client19:31
AnirbanHazraHow can I understand from shell whether I am using Ubuntu desktop or server edition ?19:32
ActionParsnipDanny22: not so much, no19:32
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Umeaboy<AnirbanHazra>: Write uname19:32
dragoncyber_666_uk: try bluez_utils19:32
cyber_666_ukthe latest one19:32
Danny22I have mac4lin on my ubuntu desktop, will I still be able to use it with lxde?19:32
ActionParsnipDanny22: you can change icons and window decorators and desktop icons but little else, its very small and punchy, it depends what you mean by customizable19:32
dragon!info bluez-utils | cyber_666_uk19:32
ubottucyber_666_uk: bluez-utils (source: bluez): Transitional package. In component main, is optional. Version 4.32-0ubuntu4.1 (jaunty), package size 2 kB, installed size 48 kB19:32
sam3here is the file in /lib/modules/2.6.26-1-686/kernel/drivers/pci/hotplug/19:32
sam3acpiphp_ibm.ko     cpcihp_zt5550.ko   ibmphp.ko          shpchp.ko19:32
sam3acpiphp.ko         cpqphp.ko          pciehp.ko19:32
sam3cpcihp_generic.ko  fakephp.ko         pci_hotplug.ko  which is the correct driver of  Multimedia video controller: Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Video Capture (rev 11)19:32
FloodBot1sam3: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:33
ActionParsnipDanny22: you can use any app in any DE19:33
UmeaboyDoes anyone mind helping me to mount an external drive as normal user?19:33
UmeaboyOnly root have the rights to mount or umount.19:33
ActionParsnipDanny22: you can run amarok in xfce, you can run gedit in flwm, it doesnt matter19:33
cyber_666_ukwhich one do i download, cos i need the source and dep19:33
AnirbanHazraUmeaboy: Showing Linux19:33
dragonUmeaboy: use sudo19:33
neurochromeFYI: my issue is to do with openshot.. if you install from the PPA the you will bork your totem/vlc/ffmpg playback19:33
dragon!sudo | Umeaboy19:33
ubottuUmeaboy: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)19:33
scunizicyber_666_uk: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/bluez-utils19:33
Umeaboydragon: How?19:33
UmeaboyGive me a good example.19:33
magikidlaptop_: In firefox's proxy settings, do you have the URL of the proxy set to localhost or
cyber_666_ukgreat thx scunizi - which ones do i download19:34
laptop_magikid, its set to
cyber_666_uk[bluez_4.32-0ubuntu4.dsc]  ?19:35
laptop_magikid, it gave me more info in terminal after i tried to run FF with the proxy, let me paste it for you, one second19:35
SandGorgonwow.. debian announces cupt and apt2 for next generation package management19:35
scunizicyber_666_uk: looks like the bluez package19:35
AnirbanHazraUmeaboy: What does it mean ?19:35
magikidlaptop_:k, also, try changing it to localhost instead of
cyber_666_uknot what imafter then?19:35
kiwnixhello, is there any problem reported with 9.10 beta and swt (eclipse)?, i'm having problems with buttons not working ok, and widgets not showing correctly19:36
zopiacis it possible to assign certain processes to certain CPU cores? it would be really helpful :\19:36
cyber_666_ukcant i tell $ apt-get source bluez-utils to dl to a directory instead?19:36
UmeaboyAnirbanHazra: I want to be able to mount it as normal user.19:36
cyber_666_ukis there a paramater i can set?19:36
laptop_magikid, http://paste.ubuntu.com/285594/19:36
Danny22Is there a way to filter the im's so you can see only what is relivant to your questions. becuase this is really confusing.19:36
laptop_i dont know why it says port 3502219:36
ActionParsnip!karmic | kiwnix19:37
ubottukiwnix: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+119:37
kiwnixActionParsnip, thanks :)19:37
ggcchey guys im trying to learn python, any good tutorial websites?19:38
Slartggcc: lots.. and an irc-channel as well.. #python or ##python.. can't remember which19:38
TimoKimorithe xine player is closing the moment it is opening19:39
ggccSlart: thanks :)19:39
TimoKimoriwhat i should do?19:39
Danny22I missed something some where, so if I install lxde can I still use my mac4lin package?19:39
SlartTimoKimori: try running it from a terminal and see if you get an error message19:39
__daemon__How to configure compiz manager to default settings from command prompt?19:39
Slartggcc: you're welcome19:39
ghiaccioloesiste una chat su ubuntu in italiano?19:39
Slart!it | ghiacciolo19:39
ubottughiacciolo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:39
ggccSlart: dam i need to be identified to join that channel... i registered this username to freenod but cant remember how to login with my password lol19:39
magikidlaptop_: In you sshd_config file, do you have AllowTCPForwarding set to yes?19:39
__daemon__I messed up with the setings and now it just hangs when I try to do anything.19:40
Slart!register | ggcc19:40
ubottuggcc: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode19:40
TimoKimorihow to run it from the terminal19:40
laptop_magikid, hmm FF says the proxy is refusing the connection now.. before it used to just timeout19:40
=== BlackJack is now known as Dreaman
SlartTimoKimori: open a terminal and try typing xine, now press tab and see if it autocompletes anything.. it's probably just "xine"19:40
laptop_magikid, from the hostmachine or from this ubuntu?19:40
TimoKimoriI am getting the following:19:41
TimoKimoriThis is xine (X11 gui) - a free video player v0.99.6cvs. (c) 2000-2007 The xine Team. X Error of failed request:  BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)   Major opcode of failed request:  140 (XVideo)   Minor opcode of failed request:  19 ()   Serial number of failed request:  2492   Current serial number in output stream:  249319:41
SlartTimoKimori: now you try googling for that error message and see what you find19:42
magikidlaptop_: on your host machine19:42
SlartTimoKimori: I would suggest googling for "xine BaddAlloc insufficient resources for operation 140 xvideo" or something like that19:43
SlartTimoKimori: by the way.. how did you install xine? I didn't think that was available any more19:43
DasEiosiris, sorry for the lag, messed a little up here : http://www.fs-driver.org/19:43
sam3how can i check driver of Multimedia video controller: Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Video Capture is exist in my system?19:43
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osirisDasEi, tried it.  dont work19:44
TimoKimoriThis is the link19:44
DasEisam3: lspci or hwinfo , filter by grep19:44
osirisDasEi, "The disk in drive X: is not formatted. Do you want to format it now?"19:44
TimoKimorii need to play .mov files19:45
frostfirex11try   sudo apt-get install xine-ui19:45
mbrigdanHello, I'm setting up a backup for my system. What should I backup to let me get back to a working system as soon as possible?19:45
TimoKimorivlc is not working19:45
DasEiosiris: you got to call that driver first an assign a drive letter in win19:45
mneptokosiris: what filesystem does the Linux partition use?19:45
osirisdid.  but according to their "tool" it has something to do with the inode size being 256 instead of 1819:45
osiriser 12819:45
SlartTimoKimori: I wouldn't recommend using xine (unless it's xine 2).. Xine 1 isn't updated any more, afaik19:45
Slart!xine | TimoKimori19:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xine19:46
osiristhe linux partition is ext319:46
Slartoh.. no xine factiod any more?19:46
seifsallamhi every one19:46
TimoKimoriWhat i should do to play .mov19:46
Memphistoggcc, still not working19:46
TimoKimorithe vlc is closing when opening the format19:46
SlartTimoKimori: I use vlc, it works nicely for me19:46
seifsallam.mkv format doesn't work19:47
osirisDasEi, did the "assign letter" part19:47
osirisseifsallam, vlc will play mkv19:47
seifsallambut it was working before, any ideas19:47
DasEiTimoKimori: sounds like a corrupt file19:47
SlartTimoKimori: then try opening vlc in a terminal, the same way you did with xine, and see what kind of error you get19:47
TimoKimorithe buffer is moving in vlc but nothing else: no sound or video19:47
TimoKimoriok.. i will try19:47
Memphistoteamviewer wont connect to ubuntu, but from ubuntu to win its ok19:48
lollo3011hi there... When i see video on youtube in full screen and i change the volume, appear a pop-up window that make me exit from full screen, is here any way to remove this pop-up notice window?19:48
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seifsallamTotem + Gstreamer was working fine19:48
DasEiosiris: still no way to open the 'new' driveletter ?19:48
smcI did the xubuntu-desktop install, but it come up in english, where I have Kubuntu installed in spanish. How do I get xfce to run in spanish?19:48
laptop_magikid, its not.. its set to no.. should i change it to Yes and restart sshd?19:48
TimoKimoriit is opening normally but not with .mov files19:48
dr0pperhello ();19:48
magikidlaptop_: yeah, that should fix the problem19:48
TimoKimorii have installed the w32 codecs19:48
TimoKimoriand all the extentions19:48
osirisDasEi, no. thats when it asks to format it.  i ran the tool for that error from ext2ifs web site and it mentions inode size being the problem19:48
TimoKimorino use19:48
laptop_magikid, ok let me try that19:49
Memphistocould gnome mess up my keyboard through vnc ?19:49
mbrigdanHello, I'm setting up a backup for my system. What should I backup to let me get back to a working system as soon as possible?19:49
TimoKimoriplease can you check for me the video output in your vlc player19:49
TimoKimorii mean the settings19:49
Danny22can anyone tell me how to get xubuntu on my computer. I have ubuntu 9.04 but it makes my computer run really slow.19:49
TimoKimoriis it default?19:49
dr0ppergoogle it19:49
TimoKimorior x11...19:50
DasEiosiris: try http://www.ext2fsd.com/19:50
linxehDanny22: sudo apt-get instal xubuntu-desktop19:50
osirisDasEi, http://pastebin.com/m702f6da219:50
Danny22will sudo get me the stable version or the beta?19:50
DasEiDanny22: your specs19:50
Danny22I have pentium III 737Mhz 256Mb ddr1 ram19:51
TimoKimoristart is still here?19:51
TimoKimoriHello... Please i need help19:51
TimoKimoriI am not able to play .mov with vlc19:52
TimoKimori? any suggestions19:52
laptop_magikid, that did it.. thanks dude19:52
dr0pperwhy dont you download another version of vlc......19:52
MenZa!codecs | TimoKimori19:52
ubottuTimoKimori: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:52
laptop_been couple of days googling and searching what the problem was19:53
magikidlaptop_: no sweat, I run an SSH proxy off my laptop too.19:53
Danny22if I get xubuntu through sudo will I get the stable version19:53
DasEiosiris: can try the second tool, or have to reformat as sayn; my xp can read the standard ext3 (gparted/installer) fine19:53
tricktomI had some issues this morning with my 64bit 9.04 box slowing to a halt19:54
osirisDasEi, rebooting to try new tool19:54
tricktomwell almost a halt - the display wouldnt wake, could only access VERY slowly from ssh19:54
DasEiosiris: c u19:54
thechitowDoes anybody know how to help me get my usb mouse working in ubuntu?19:54
DasEithechitow: does lsusb find it ?19:55
linxehDanny22: it will get you whatever is available for the current stable ubuntu release - you can check in the repos19:55
thechitowDasEi: no http://pastebin.com/m6406d6aa19:55
DasEithechitow: install usbutils19:56
Danny22thanks linxeh19:56
Slasher!version #ubuntu19:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about version #ubuntu19:56
thechitowDasEi its installed19:56
DasEithechitow: is usb allowed in bios ?19:57
Danny22I am runing mac4lin on my ubuntu 9.04 system if I switch to xubuntu will I still be able to use it doc and all?19:57
GewittersternHi.  Does anyone know if Gimpshop is still available for Linux ubuntu?19:57
dr0pperdid you search in google?19:57
thechitowDasEi it seems to shut off when the linux kernel loads19:57
thechitowDasEi: never checked it in the bios though19:57
DasEi!version > slasher19:58
DasEithechitow: the log shows like an adressing error, see if there is sth like enable usbkeyboard support to assign proper irq19:59
laptop_magikid, theres no security risk though from enabling tcp forward in sshd?19:59
thechitowDasEi in the bios?19:59
ActionParsnipGewitterstern: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-gimpshop-in-ubuntu-hardy.html19:59
Danny22I have mav4lin if I switch from gnome to xfce will I still be able to use it?19:59
DasEithechitow: yes19:59
thechitowOk brb19:59
magikidlaptop_: not unless someone guesses your password and connects to your box20:00
GewittersternThanks. Is it also working under JJ?20:00
laptop_magical, fair enough20:00
rooftopsok can someone tell me how to view folders that say "You do not have the permissions neccesary to view the contents of 'folder'"?20:01
DasEiHow can I make a popup-notification ?20:01
=== Docteh_ is now known as KyleK
osirisDasEi, that seemed to works.  thanks a ton.  now i can watch my torr..... i mean now i can watch movies on the xbox while i warcraft20:01
rooftopsoh nevermind20:01
BlouBlou!es | carontido20:02
ubottucarontido: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:02
* osiris pops the top on a cold one for DasEi 20:02
osirisDasEi, this ones for you~!20:02
cyber_666_ukanyone have any idea - when i do mv /home/burf/Desktop/SixAxis/patch-hidd-3.19-pabr3 (which is teh correct location) i get error: mv: missing destination file operand after `/home/burf/Desktop/SixAxis/patch-hidd-3.19-pabr3'20:02
MenZa!helpersnack | DasEi20:03
ubottuDasEi: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!20:03
thechitowDasEi, there are no options like that it seems to go off as soon as the kernel loads for some reason20:03
Danny22I'm really lost I don't know who is answering me, I have never done this before. can some one please pm me an answer to the following question: I am running ubuntu 9.04, it makes my computer slow. I want to switch to xubuntu. I am running mac4lin on my system. If I switch to xubuntu will mac4lin still work doc and all?20:03
cyber_666_ukim running that from the terminal and im inside the dir of the folder i need to move the file into20:03
DasEithechitow: which mouse (brand/model) is it ?20:04
thechitowDasEi: Razer20:04
thechitowDasEi: also have tried an hp generic mouse20:04
rooftopshow do i change the permissions for a folder so i can view/edit the content?20:05
thechitowrooftops: sudo chmod -r 77720:05
ajs`does anyone know how to get the auto mount service working with root permissions when you are running a system without gdm (using startx under user priv)20:05
rooftopschito: ty20:06
thechitowajs': edit your /etc/fstab20:06
ajs`thechitow: i was thinking more along the lines of getting the automount daemon working, not manually editing fstab for every removable device :\20:06
dhillon-v10hi guys I need some help with setting up a UTC clock in ubuntu is it possible20:06
ajs`but that is one work around20:07
thechitowajs': thats how you should do it...20:07
DasEithechitow: did you try to re-plug it ?20:07
thechitowDasEi: multiple times20:07
rooftopsthechitow: ok can you be more specific, it wont let me do it20:07
ajs`thechitow: there is the gnome-volume-manager which manager hotplug removable volumes... that is the way ubuntu typically allows users to mount filesystems without root priv's20:08
thechitowf***ing mouse work20:08
thechitowgod ****it20:09
herlimenezeshey, when I try to configure  my built in webcam, I can't change standard input/camera/standard device?20:09
thechitowOut of all things the F**CKING MOUSE!20:09
Danny22Oh please some one help me! I have been here for half an hour and have not gotten an answer. If I switch from gnome to xfce will I still be able to use my mac4lin theme package?20:09
thechitowDanny22: what kind of theme is it lol20:09
=== Guatemala is now known as MtnDew23
thechitowgnome theme?20:09
ajs`Danny22: unlikely if its a gnome theme20:10
Danny22I think it is emerald. I got it from gnome look .org20:10
BARASORLUhello guys20:10
cyber_666_ukcan anyone helpme with this tutorial here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sixaxis20:10
cyber_666_ukhaving problems patching bluez-utils20:10
thechitowCan someone with a mouse help a brother out that doesn't have a mouse20:10
BARASORLUcan anyone help me here?20:10
ajs`BARASORLU: ask away20:11
rsk!ask | BARASORLU20:11
ubottuBARASORLU: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:11
nostalgicBadgerjust ask your question. if anyone can help, they'll answer20:11
DasEithechitow: sudo apt-get install pastebinit20:11
BARASORLUi got usb pen drive. it is 2 gb. i wanna format it but i dont know how to do20:11
DasEithechitow: lsusb | pastebinit20:11
rskBARASORLU: format it with gtparted20:11
DasEi!gparted | BARASORLU20:11
ubottuBARASORLU: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php20:11
rooftopshow can i change the permissions on a folder to access and edit the files in it?20:11
rskrooftops: use chmod20:12
ZenoArrowHi all, I need help with setting keyboard shortcuts in a way that means I only have to set them up once and won't lose them when I reinstall my OS, what is the keyboard shortcut config file for GNOME? Can't find it discussed on the interwebs. Thanks.20:12
thechitowit says there are 2 buses and they both say linux foundation root hub20:12
cyber_666_ukive copied teh fiel into the correct folder but wen i run " patch -p1 < patch-hidd-3.19-pabr3"  i get can't find file to patch at input line 320:12
nostalgicBadgerBARASORLU - if it's mounting when you plug it in, i think you can just right click in the gui and click format20:12
scunizirooftops: does it have a lock icon on it?20:12
DasEirooftops: chown rooftop file20:12
thechitowAlthough the mouse flasshes as i type the command20:12
rooftopsrsk: i know but chmod didnt work last time20:12
DasEirooftops: chown -R  rooftop directory   owns dir to rooftop20:12
DasEisudo `20:12
rooftopsscunizi: it has a little red [X] in the corner20:12
scunizirooftops: you might just need to change the owner.. chown <username>:<username> directory/or/file20:13
BARASORLUo click right buttom but i couldnt find format20:13
cyber_666_ukany ideas guys20:13
thechitowPlease god make my mouse work20:13
scunizirooftops: if it's a directory then chown -R <username>:<username> path/to/directory20:13
rooftopsscunizi: so like chown root:rooftops /home/bin/ect20:14
DasEithechitow: lsusb | pastebinit20:14
thechitowI pray to you20:14
scunizirooftops: nope.. chown rooftops:rooftops /home/bin/etc20:14
rooftopsscunizi: ok. even if it says the owner is root?20:15
scunizirooftops: or chown -R rooftops:rooftops /home/bin/etc20:15
DasEisudo *20:15
scunizirooftops: sorry .. sudo chown <etc etc>20:15
scuniziuse sudo20:15
=== Quarth is now known as esbiete
cyber_666_ukthe patch command crashes here: @@ -87,15 +87,15 @@20:15
rooftopsscunizi: i know sudo. but then it says No such file or directory even though its there20:16
thechitowDasEi: http://pastebin.com/f59de258420:16
cyber_666_ukthis is line 3in the patch file20:16
scunizirooftops: what are you trying to gain access to.. /home/bin/etc doesn't make sense to me.. there is a /bin and a /etc and maybe a /etc/bin but you shouldn't be chowning them at all20:17
mneptokrooftops: you just typo'ed "etc" as "ect" above. make sure your chown command doesn't have the same typo.20:17
eidocan someone help.  "GartInit unable to open /dev/agpgart no such file or directory20:17
cyber_666_uk@@ -87,15 +87,15 @@ this line doesnt look like code? any ideas what the @@ operators are for?20:17
rooftopsmneptok: its not the target directory it was just a etcetera20:18
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be 10.0420:18
ubottuyes, I'm alive.20:18
rooftopsscunizi: same as what i said to mneptok its not the target it was just an example20:18
mneptokrooftops: what is the actual directory you want to chown?20:18
rooftopsmneptok: apparently /srcds20:19
rooftopsmneptok: but i think it worked this time20:19
rooftopsmneptok: it worked20:19
=== sarah is now known as Guest19679
rooftopsscunizi: it worked20:20
eidocan someone help.  "GartInit unable to open /dev/agpgart no such file or directory"20:20
ncahi all20:20
mneptokrooftops: something is adding dirs to the root level? nasty.20:20
Guest19679am i on ????20:20
DasEithechitow: looks bad , as not found, are you running jaunty ? is it up to date ?20:20
scunizirooftops: cool.20:20
rooftopsthanks everyone20:20
Guest19679im i on yet20:20
rooftopsmneptok: i'm making a source dedicated server and i needed a place to put it20:20
DasEiGuest19679: can read you20:20
mneptokrooftops: somewhere in /usr/local is probably a better idea.20:20
ncawho can help me?20:21
thechitowDasEi: i upgraded to karmic koala to see if it would work20:21
mneptokrooftops: /usr/local/share/ or somesuch20:21
rooftopsmneptok: ah well its good now.20:21
thechitowDasEi: WTF it just started working20:21
thechitowTHANK YOU GOD20:21
ncai've need to share usb port... is possible?20:21
eidocannot boot after installing ubuntu 9.04 on sda6 and  configuring lilo, seems to flip out about my eeepc Intel graphics but a live boot works fine20:21
DasEithechitow: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade20:21
rooftopsnow that i've solved my dilemma can anyone help me make a source dedicated server?20:22
BellinXFeloncan someone help i accidentally closed the menu bar that is controlled by xfce for the desktop, you know the menu where you select applications from, like the start menu. I need to know how to open it again20:22
ncai've need to share usb port... is possible?20:22
mneptokBellinXFelon: try #xubuntu20:22
Guest19679how do i work this linux ????????20:22
mneptok!repeat > nca20:23
spaceBARbariani want to have changes made to a local folder get automatically synced with a remote server i am connected to with ssh, how do i do that ?20:23
ubottunca, please see my private message20:23
ashutosh_how to set user right priority from terminal?20:23
BellinXFelonmneptok : ok20:23
mneptokspaceBARbarian: rsync + cron?20:23
htorres11393what do you mean ashutosh?20:23
ncaa ok20:23
DasEi!details |  Guest19679:20:23
ubottuGuest19679:: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:23
spaceBARbarianmneptok>> uhh no idea what either one is lol20:23
ashutosh_htorres11393, like how to make people have same same rights as the user created while installation?20:24
ncai've need to share usb port or /dev/... is possible?20:24
mneptokspaceBARbarian: well, you have an Internet connection, so ... ;)20:24
ncai've need to share usb port or /dev/... is possible for smartreader or cardreader on com120:24
DasEinca : you want to access storage from another computer ?20:24
spaceBARbarianmneptok>> meh, how about a link to a good tutorial lol :?20:24
DasEihello sebsebseb20:25
mneptokspaceBARbarian: lol rofl srsly rolffle-mao :) lol20:25
sebsebsebDasEi: :)20:25
dumontwhat permission do i need to set the folder in order for other users on the box to be able to write to it?20:25
BellinXFeloncan someone help i accidentally closed the menu bar that is controlled by xfce for the desktop, you know the menu where you select applications from, like the start menu. I need to know how to open it again20:25
spaceBARbarianmneptok>> ?20:25
ncaDasEi i've need of share usb or com1 for share card badge20:25
herlimenezeshey, when I try to configure  my built in webcam, I can't change standard input/camera/standard device?20:26
DasEinca: to share with another computer ?20:26
RasmusEnter text here...Hi20:26
ncao yes20:26
BlouBlou!repeat > BellinXFelon20:26
ubottuBellinXFelon, please see my private message20:26
sebsebsebRasmus: hi20:26
DasEi!nfs | nca20:26
ubottunca: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.20:26
ncawith other computer ubuntu20:26
Rasmussebsebseb:hi my old friend:D20:26
htorres11393ashutosh i contacted you with a private message20:26
ncai've try to share with nfs20:26
ncabut don't work20:26
ncaif i share /dev/ directory20:27
RasmusHoe to get in private message20:27
mgv2ive tried to uninstall hebrew spell checker so the english one will work - but it doesnt work - why?20:28
sebsebsebRasmus: with who?20:28
Rasmussebsebseb: could you help me20:28
nca:( DasEi20:28
DasEiRasmus : /query <username>20:28
DasEinca : where did you stuck ?20:28
dumontwhat permission do i need to set the folder in order for other users on the box to be able to write to it?20:29
bobertdosdumont: In octal or string format?20:29
sebsebsebRasmus: old friend  you make it sound like I am old, well I guess I am since  I am 250 years old :D20:29
bassoHow do i fix the ATI Maximize lag problem in 9.10 beta?20:29
edbianWhy don't the groups I am a member of match up on my client and server using nis?20:29
sebsebsebbasso: #ubuntu+1 is currently the 9.10 channel20:30
ncaDasEi i've stuck smartreader at com1 or usb port20:30
DasEi!karmic > basso20:30
ubottubasso, please see my private message20:30
netbookhey all20:30
MenZaHi, netbook.20:30
netbookI am trying to make a ntfs filesystem on a file20:30
dumontstring format20:30
netbookit seems that isn't possible with mkfs.ntsf20:30
DasEinca : the storage is attached now ?20:30
netbookhow can i make a file seem like a device?20:30
bassoyokai :320:31
ncaDasEi mmm yes20:31
bobertdosdumont: You could probably just do chmod u+w <filename>20:31
MenZanetbook: huh.20:31
DaZnetbook: why do u think it isn't possible? f20:31
bobertdosdumont: the u is for user20:31
DasEinetbook: install ntfsprogs and use gparted20:32
DasEinca: sudo apt-get install pastebinit20:32
ncawhat is?20:32
dumonti did chmod -R u+w www/ but I still can't write to that directory20:32
netbookDasEi, Daz, Menza I made a dd copy of a corrupt harddrive20:32
DasEi!info pastebinit | nca20:32
ubottunca: pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 21 kB, installed size 344 kB20:32
dumontdrw-rw-rw-  3 root root  4096 2009-10-04 21:25 www20:33
ncawhat i do with that DasEi?20:33
dumontand i'm trying to write file to the directory via FTP using another user20:33
mneptokdumont: sudo chmod -R -x+X /path/to/www/20:33
DasEinca : just run the commands20:33
DasEi!paste | nca20:33
ubottunca: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!20:33
netbookDasEi, Daz, Menza  now I have this hdd.img file, the dd copy, and hope to recover something from it20:33
ncaok DasEi20:34
DasEinetbook: fine20:34
dumontworks now thanks20:34
dumontwhy could i just do www/20:34
MenZacheir: Please don't do that.20:34
netbookDasEi, I thought making the filesystem on file might be able to recover it... or something20:34
DasEinetbook: you know how to mount it ?20:35
dumontor I had to set x+X ?20:35
mneptokcheir: please don't do that20:35
netbookDasEi I haven't tried let me see20:35
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.20:35
netbookDasEi should have done that first ;P20:35
netbookDasEi trying it now20:35
DasEinetbook: yes, if you format it, you'll loose all data20:35
vadimyhello, does anybody know how I can zoom while capturing my screen with gtk-recordMyDesktop?20:35
IpSe_DiXiThi guys! what is, according to ur personal experiences, the best .cue .bin .iso mounter? something like alchool120% was on win?20:35
cordoris there any non-gecko browser for gnome that's working?20:36
g_what is the default font viewer application? it's suddenly stopped working for me?20:36
DasEi nca : sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit20:36
mneptok!info midori > cordor20:36
mgv2ive tried to uninstall hebrew spell checker so the english one will work - but it doesnt work - why?20:37
mgv2why i dont see previews of flvs?20:37
cordormneptok: midori is far from working20:37
mneptokcordor: works fine for me.20:37
netbookDasEi it says hdd.img no such file or directory, though it clearly is there and properly entered20:37
mneptokcordor: or try Epiphany20:37
cordormneptok: doesn't support java applet20:37
Armageddonis there an application or somewhere to download Ubuntu updates manually ? if someone doesn't have internet at home and wants to get updates what should he do ?20:37
netbookDasEi sudo mount -t ntfs-3g path/hdd.img path/folder20:37
DasEinetbook: upper / lower case ?20:37
netbookDasEi it autocompletes the file name20:38
netbookjust fine20:38
DasEinah, sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /path/hdd.img , netbook20:38
netbookDasEi Other errors: Failed to open $MFT/$BITMAP: No such file or directory20:38
ncaok DasEi i've do sudo apt-get install pastebinit now?20:38
cordormneptok: epiphany is gecko20:39
DasEinah, sudo mount -o loopp  /path/hdd.img , netbook, sorry^20:39
DasEinah, sudo mount -o loop  /path/hdd.img , netbook, sorry^20:39
mneptokcordor: not any more.20:39
mneptok!info epiphany-webkit20:39
ubottuPackage epiphany-webkit does not exist in jaunty20:39
ubuntutestcant get google talk to play nice with empathy20:39
ubuntutestto bad eh?20:39
DasEinetbook: and of course need a mountpoint, to20:39
ncaok DasEi i've do sudo apt-get install pastebinit now?20:39
ubuntutestand adobe flash is broken for webcams20:40
DasEinetbook: sudo mkdir /media/hddbroken20:40
DasEi nca : sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit20:40
ubuntutestversion 10 that is20:40
netbookDasEi right, so: sudo mount -o loop hdd.img /mntpoint ?20:40
netbookDasEi no type?20:40
fccfubuntutest: you may have to wait for karmic final for that to work20:40
DasEinetbook : sudo mount -o loop  /path/hdd.img /media/hddbroken20:40
netbookFailed to read last sector (304002719): Invalid argument20:40
netbookFailed to read last sector (304002719): Invalid argument20:40
netbook   or the NTFS boot sector is corrupt (NTFS size is not valid).20:41
ncafdisk -l | pastebinit20:41
ncaKeyboardInterrupt catched.20:41
ncadone DasEi20:41
netbookThe device '/dev/loop0' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS.20:41
DasEinetbook: have you got a windows machine ?20:41
ubuntutestwould be so nice20:41
netbooka vm yea20:42
netbookor a box20:42
DasEinca : give the url from last cmd in here20:42
fccf!enter netbook20:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about enter netbook20:42
=== VilleWitt is now known as villewitt
umanIs there a way to get ubuntu to automatically mute the volume on boot?20:42
fccf!enter | netbook20:42
ubottunetbook: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:42
netbookDasEi sorry20:42
netbookDasEi I have a windows machine20:42
netbook!enter | fccf20:43
ubottufccf: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:43
ncaDasEi i've do fdisk -l | pastebinit20:43
DasEinetbook: vm can do, too, put the hdimage in a shared folder and try to mount with virtual clone drive20:43
DasEinca: url ?20:43
netbookDasEi cool, will do20:43
ncawhat url?20:43
ubuntutestis there an reprository where i can donwload flash 9 ?20:43
dumonti'm making CPAN and its asking for my tar path? what is it?20:43
DasEinca : the one pastebinit gave you in trml20:43
dumontWhere is your tar program?20:44
dumontwhat should I enter?20:44
DasEiubuntutest: can look at adobe for special version, any reason to use the standard ?20:44
ubuntutestadobe 10 is broken20:45
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash20:45
ncaDasEi when i'm installed with apt-get pastebinit haven't give me a url20:45
DasEi nca : sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit20:46
ncai've done it20:46
DasEil = lower L20:46
=== bushwakko_ is now known as bushwakko
ncaKeyboardInterrupt catched.20:46
hallogramcan someone help me configure my network connection?20:46
nca[root@andLinux ~]#20:46
ncai've done the command20:46
DasEihallogram: static or dhcp ?20:47
schummelpilzhi, i'm using ubuntu 9.04. how can i found out which version of the xf86-video-intel driver i am using?20:47
DasEinca : and that should return a url ..20:48
guntbertnca: take two steps: 1) sudo fdisk -l (to get sudo to cache the pw), 2) sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit, then you should get an url from it20:48
Slartdumont: try running "which tar" ,you should get a path to the tar binary20:48
hallogrami couldn't make it work with gnome network manager and i also installed WICD20:49
ncao yes20:49
ccvphello fellow internet addicts20:49
ccvpare we all looking forward to another long & glorious weekend of irc?20:49
hallogrami add the ip, netsubmask, gateway, dns...it sais connected but no internet20:49
fccfschummelpilz: you can look in synaptic and in the listing will exist xf86-video..... find it and look in the other column or right click and properties20:49
guntbert!ot | ccvp20:49
ubottuccvp: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:49
biggleswccvp, yes :)20:49
ccvpgot Oracle 11g installed on ubuntu20:49
ccvplost of custom hacking i had to do20:49
ccvpit sits in my basement now20:50
ncanow i've url hehehe20:50
ccvpconnect to it via toad on main pc,20:50
ccvpits tastey setup20:50
DasEi!pm | nca20:50
ubottunca: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:50
FloodBot1ccvp: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:50
dumontwhich tar no such command20:50
biggleswwell done20:50
ncaDasEi i give you url?20:50
netbookDasEi Mount it in the cd-drive?20:50
biggleswccvp, what do you use tha for then?20:50
ccvpstudying for 11G OCP20:51
ccvp1Z0-051, and 1Z0-14720:51
biggleswmakes sense20:51
biggleswis it a windows or unix app?20:51
ccvporacle install on any os20:51
ncaDasEi http://pastebin.com/f6c13fab920:51
DasEinetbook: http://www.slysoft.com/de/virtual-clonedrive.html   , insatll in win vm20:51
ccvpi use Toad for oracle, on my main pC box20:51
ccvpconenct to the oracle box over the lan20:51
netbookDasEi I already did that20:51
biggleswnever heard of toad. cool20:51
eidocan someone PLEASE help with this error http://pastebin.com/m7453f18e20:51
guntbert!ot > ccvp, bigglesw20:51
guntberteido: you should tell us a little about it20:52
DasEinca : hm , only one internal drive there, storage is attached ?20:52
ccvpguntbert, u dont realize how difficult it was getting oracle installed on Ubuntu 9.0420:52
netbookDasEi I will make it a smb share then mount with vm20:52
ccvpscripts had to be altered, its mainly meant for RHEL20:52
kraitowhat going on20:52
DasEinetbook: using virtualbox ?20:52
biggleswubuntu chan always crazy20:53
eidoguntbert: i have slackware and xp installed so i am usiing lilo.  I installed ubuntu on sda6 and chose not to install boot loader20:53
ncayes DasEi is ttyUSB020:53
ncaand work20:53
kraitoalright so i just started using ubuntu20:53
eidoi edit lilo to add ubuntu and now i get that20:53
guntbertccvp: congratulations :-) ok, but now you are clogging the channel :-)20:53
ncai've need to share this at other pc with ubuntu...20:53
DasEinca : mount | pastebinit20:53
netbookDasEi yea, i have problems opening files through permanent machine folders20:53
netbookDasEi that is opening files on my linux box from virtbox vm20:54
=== MyUser4I is now known as PolitikerNEU
DasEinetbook: guest additions installed / vbox from their homepage or from the pos ?20:54
ncaDasEi http://pastebin.com/f46fb90b20:54
=== benderuuu_ is now known as benderuuu
eidoguntbert: it looks like init is  flipping out about my intel onboard video i have an eeepc 100020:54
w0ls0n_hello all.20:54
kraitocan you guys help me with the screen resolution20:54
w0ls0n_Can someone help me identify my motherboard? I do not know how to identify it.20:54
eidoguntbert: what i dont understand is that it works fine booting live20:54
_Benacemiyimbaya var20:55
netbookDasEi Yes guest additions installed20:55
guntberteido: my first look doesn't tell me its a question of bootloader - but I could be in error :-) please put your questions to the channel20:55
ncaDasEi i've need of a program to share usb on other pc ubuntu... the periferial works fine...20:55
_Benacemiyimnasılsınız yahu20:55
kraitomy resolution is to big can anyone help with that20:56
_Benacemiyimnasıl gidiyor20:56
eidoguntbert: it looks like init is flipping out about the intel card20:56
ncain local20:56
Justicepsionkraito, try going to system->preferences->display20:56
_Benacemiyimpardus niye kulanmıyorsunuz20:56
eidoxorg.conf is the same live as it is on sda620:56
netbookDasEi I am having problems unmounting the drive... hwo can i list apps using the mountpoint20:57
guntbert!english | _Benacemiyim:20:57
ubottu_Benacemiyim:: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat20:57
eidocan someone tell what is not working, cant modprobe after boot alt f does not work system halts20:57
ccvp<GrAwLiAZ> i need ubuntu help for script at http://www.cupchicks.com/cupchicks.php20:57
ccvpgot that in a PM, so i goto check for his issue20:57
ccvpand jeez.......20:57
DasEinca : http://tinyurl.com/2rzqqb20:58
linuxn_eocheckinstall rocks20:58
_Benacemiyimben türkce biliyorumk sizde ögrenin yahu20:58
kraitoneed help can anyone help20:58
ccvpbenace, we speak englee here20:58
ccvpme speak englee20:58
fccf!ops | ccvp totally inappropriate20:58
ubottuccvp totally inappropriate: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!20:58
_Benacemiyimatcaklar şimdi20:58
ccvpatcaklar simdi20:58
DasEinetbook: lsof tells you, make sure you're not in the folder in bash or have it open ; SECOND, did it mount ? (mount tells you)20:59
_Benacemiyimtürkce bilen varmiş20:59
ncaDasEi i've try to share with nfs... but the directory /dev/ don't work on other pc...20:59
guntbert!tr | _Benacemiyim20:59
ubottu_Benacemiyim: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.20:59
fccf!tk | _Benacemiyim20:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tk20:59
peeps123I've been told that my forward and reverse DNS dont match could that be my problem with internet connection21:00
ccvpbenace, sen use use 9.04? sen onu sonra daha iyice sevir mi pencereler manzara?21:00
DasEinca: /proc/fs/nfsd21:00
ncaif i attach a periferial on other pc's don't work ...21:00
FloodBot1Owerlord: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:00
w0ls0n_omg this room is too chatty21:00
_Benacemiyimben ubuntu kulanmıyorum ki pardus kulanıyorum yahu21:00
CircsIs there auto-tune software for Ubuntu? I'm searching google and becoming confused21:00
ccvpbenace, sen use use 9.04? sen onu sonra daha iyice sevir mi pencereler manzara?21:00
mneptok!pl > Owerlord21:00
ubottuOwerlord, please see my private message21:00
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat21:00
mneptokccvp: English, please21:00
ccvpmneptok, me no speak englee21:01
ncathe deamon start end work but the periferial ( usb  or com1 ) in the client pc don't work...21:01
eidois the intel 965GM suddenly not supported???21:01
peeps123my forward and reverse DNS dont match21:01
mneptokccvp: so then do not speak on this channel.21:01
fccfccvp: what ????? do you speak21:01
ncathe /dev/ directory is not normal files...21:02
fccf!intel | eido what version???21:02
ubottueido what version???: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.21:02
DasEipeeps123: check your /etc/resolv.conf21:02
Martiinianyone know if its easy to connect with nokia gprs and bluetooth ..21:02
kraitoi only have two option for screen resolution 800x600 and 640x48021:02
kraitoi need to make resolution bigger21:02
kraitocan anyone help21:02
peeps123DasEi ok.....but how21:02
Martiinidoes latest ubuntu work with nokia bluetooth and gprs internet?21:02
nostalgicBadgercould anyone recommend a good book for learning baash scripting? I'm thinking, something that covers from beginner/intermediate to somewhat advanced topics21:02
peeps123I'm absolute beginner with ubuntu21:02
fccfkraito: we will need to know what kind of hardware you have21:03
[fade]nostalgicBadger advanced bash scripting21:03
[fade]thats the name of it21:03
[fade]full name is advanced bash scripting guide21:03
eidofccf: 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Memory Controller Hub (rev 03)21:03
eido00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)21:03
eido00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)21:03
MartiininostalgicBadger : google bash scripting ... loads of pdf books21:03
ubottuccvp: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.21:03
JusticepsionCan anyone help me with Glade?21:03
mneptoknostalgicBadger: or use zsh and read "From BASH to Z Shell"21:03
JusticepsionOr point me somewhere that can?21:03
fccfeido: what version of ubuntu are you running?21:04
eidofccf: 9.0421:04
LeMoNiCehi @all21:04
nostalgicBadger[fade] - thank you. as for .pdf books... i spend a lot of time on trains, buses, etc. not that i don't have my netbook with me, but there's just something nice about paper21:04
DasEipeeps123: how did you mess it up ? and how do you connect,  a router ?21:04
eidofccf:  none of those issues linked are mine21:04
Martiinidoes anyone use nokia gprs and bluetooth to connect with ubuntu to internet?21:04
eidofccf: http://pastebin.com/m7453f18e21:04
[fade]its about 200 pages21:04
[fade]u can print it21:04
peeps123DasEi yes and I didnt mess it up...lol21:04
JusticepsionI'm trying to develop a GNOME app, and I installed glade-gnome, but for some reason all of the GNOME widgets are greyed out and unusable21:04
mneptokJusticepsion: did you install the build-essential package?21:05
ccvpme speak the following: Read the health care bill.  Obama states that he wants to pass a health care plan that disproportionately benefits black people as a way of offering stealth slavery reparations.21:05
DasEipeeps123: sudo apt-get install pastebinit21:05
Justicepsionmneptok: yes21:05
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be 10.0421:05
Justicepsionmneptok: everything else on Glade works fine21:05
peeps123DasEi ok21:05
ccvpRead the health care bill.  Obama states that he wants to pass a health care plan that disproportionately benefits black people as a way of offering stealth slavery reparations.21:06
ccvpRead the health care bill.  Obama states that he wants to pass a health care plan that disproportionately benefits black people as a way of offering stealth slavery reparations. ...21:06
ccvpRead the health care bill.  Obama states that he wants to pass a health care plan that disproportionately benefits black people as a way of offering stealth slavery reparations. ..........21:06
FloodBot1ccvp: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:06
Justicepsionmneptok: it's just the gnome widgets that don't.21:06
nostalgicBadger[fade] yah. i'm going to check amazon first though. often you can get moderately used copies of these books for shipping + $3 anyway, which is cheaper than the paper, ink and binding to print it21:06
eidoplease just dont talk21:06
DasEipeeps123: ifconfig | pastebinit21:06
=== LeMoNiCe is now known as h32Lg
fccfeido: I wouldn't expect DRI to work on an Intel card in Jaunty21:06
Dantonicwould you say that 8.04 might "work better" with most systems? as in provide less problems/conflicts than 9.04?21:06
Dantonicbecause it is LTS?21:06
ncaDasEi uff :( where i can say :°21:07
netbookDasEi I unmounted and am trying the smb thing, it might be a hassle cause I have restricted iptables and I don't know if traffic between vm and host goes through -lo21:07
magikidthank you mneptok!21:07
* mneptok bows21:07
fccfDantonic: many times yes, sometimes no... make sure you update after installing, often fixes things21:07
peeps123DasEi ok21:07
Justicepsioneido: take a look at this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113058221:07
DasEipeeps123:  pastebint /etc/resolv.conf21:07
Piranahok dumb question of the day, how can i install ssh2 client in Ubuntu Jaunty ?21:07
nostalgicBadgerhm. i guess not this one. where did you say you could print this out?21:07
DasEi!ssh | Piranah21:07
ubottuPiranah: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. Putty is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)21:07
=== Ekushey_ is now known as Bangladesh
Dantonicfccf, well I have 9.04 right now and I have a few little problems, the most annoying one being the fact that after a suspend my network capabilities go completely dead unless I reboot.21:08
Martiinilater ubuntu versions support more hardware .. kernel development etc21:08
DasEiPiranah sudo apt-get install  ssh21:08
Dantonicfccf, thinking of trying 8.04 see if that helps21:08
SlartPiranah: ssh 2? never seen it mentioned with the number after..21:08
peeps123DasEi  ok21:08
DasEipeeps123: url from trml ?21:08
PiranahSlart, yes SSH and SSH2 are different21:08
eidoJusticepsion: i just dont understand why graphics work on a live USB but bomb on installed hdd.  the xorg is exactly the same21:08
DantonicMartiini, fccf can I downgrade without having to reinstall the whole thing?21:08
eidoJusticepsion: i just dont understand why graphics work on a live USB but bomb on installed hdd.  the xorg is exactly the same21:08
DasEiPiranah: ssh nowadays is ssh2 common21:09
PiranahDasEi, that link is just for SSH1 and that already loaded and working21:09
FloodBot1Piranah: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:09
Drainmananyone knows how i could import photos from a nikon d300s on 9.10?? i can do it on 8.04 it gets mounted as a disk. but on 9.10 (and 9.04) it doesnt get mounted.21:09
fccfDantonic: you might have better luck with that ... another though is sudo ifdown xxx & & sudo ifup xxx  or sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart21:09
SlartPiranah: oh.. ssh 2 is from 1996.. I guess ssh1 is long gone21:09
netbookDasEi man what a hassle21:09
Drainmanand f-spot doesnt work21:10
netbookDasEi stupid corrupted partition tables21:10
grawitySlart: Hopefully it is. SSH1 is no more secure than telnet, these days.21:10
Justicepsioneido: did you do any updates after you installed?21:10
fccf!karmic | Drainman21:10
ubottuDrainman: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+121:10
eidoJusticepsion: nope  i cant even boot  in Alt F keys dont even work system halts21:10
Slartgrawity: ah..  I'm reading about it on wikipedia =)21:10
DasEiPiranah: /etc/ssh/ssh_config   , check that file for ssh behaviour21:11
netbookDasEi I am giving up the ghost on that one21:11
Dantonicfccf, I appreciate that, but let me just say I've tinkered for a couple of weeks now and I've tried a multitude of things including those commands.  I've opened a bug for it, posted in forums, edited the config file, replaced the network manager, etc etc... nothing works so I'm pretty sure there's nothing I can do about it.21:11
Drainmanfccf: okey replace 9.10 with 9.04 then cause it doesnt work on that either21:11
eidoJusticepsion: all I did was choose install from live USB to sda6, edit lilo and tried to boot in and failed21:11
vgei think i skip the Karmic, i hate karmic lizards21:11
DasEinetbook : sudo ufw disable (router ?!), or try later #21:11
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist21:11
peeps123DasEi sorry dont understand url from trml21:11
netbookDasEi I was able to mount from a share on different server21:11
netbooksame error21:11
netbookdisk is not formatted21:12
Justicepsioneido: I honestly have no idea. Have you booted to single-user mode and made sure xorg.conf is intact?21:12
DasEipeeps123: the last 2 cmds shall give you a url back in trml, give them in here21:12
fccfDrainman: 9.10 is still in beta ... 8.04 is the Long Term Support Edition some stuff works better there21:12
DasEi!paste | peeps12321:12
ubottupeeps123: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!21:12
Drainmanfccf: okey. is there a good way to mount a usb device21:13
eidoJusticepsion: i just viewed the xorg.conf on sda6 from a live boot and even recopied the live USB xorg.conf contents to sda6s21:13
=== bushwakko_ is now known as bushwakko
dumontis it possible to lock yourself out of the box somehow other than iptables? all my logged in shells say permission denied, for all users and even root, and access denied for root and all other users, anyone experience this on ubuntu?21:14
Justicepsioneido: what version of Ubuntu?21:14
gambinohey, what is the best system administration software for a small home-network for ubuntu? Each computer has (each has its own ip) *5ips*21:14
eidoJusticepsion: 9.0421:14
fccfDrainman: lsusb will list devices that have been detected ... sometimes restarting the camera while it is plugged in helps21:14
linxehgambino: ssh21:14
Justicepsioneido: weird. I don't know, you could try reinstalling from scratch21:14
gambinosome are windows boxs21:14
eidoJusticepsion: Linux ubuntu 2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:57:59 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux21:14
gambinodoes that matter?21:14
Drainmanfccf: what do i do with that info the camera is there21:15
Drainmanfccf: do i use the id together with a command??21:15
new2ubuntuHi, need help configuring my Atheros 242x wireless card.21:15
new2ubuntuno signal21:15
Drainmanfccf: Bus 001 Device 004: ID 04b0:0425 Nikon Corp.21:15
peeps123DasEi http://pastebin.com/f7d7516921:16
DasEinew2ubuntu: I'm not good in wireless, basics :21:16
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:16
peeps123DasEi  http://pastebin.com/f6a1eb6b321:16
nostalgicBadgeroh, hey, need advice on something: suppose i want to buy a real cheap computer on craigslist: basically, just a sound card with a processor attached, maybe a P2 or something, whatever i can pick up for $20. anyway, the point would be to plug that into the wireless router, hook up speakers, and be able to stream audio to it (it shouldn't need a monitor)21:17
Gr1nreaperwhat about RAID in particular nvraid and nv graphics drivers?21:17
nostalgicBadgerany thoughts on how i'd go about that?21:17
kraitocan anyone help with screen resolution21:17
kraitopm is you can help with screen resolution21:17
fccfDrainman: do you have denef or camediaplay installed ... they may be necessarry to mount your camera ... and are not part of jaunty21:18
nostalgicBadgerer, into the router* guess i could use ethernet. saves on a wireless card that way. anyway, i just want to run something within linux that would let me stream audio to the location and play through that box. any thoughts on what i would use?21:18
bobbiesI just installed 8.04 on a new machine with an intel x4500 integrated graphics. The live CD worked perfectly but after the install I can only get 800x600 for video now21:18
DasEipeeps123: that all looks proper, what issue do you have ? also : pastebinit /etc/network/interfaces21:18
guntbert!pm | kraito21:18
ubottukraito: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:18
guntbert!ot | nostalgicBadger21:19
ubottunostalgicBadger: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:19
Drainmanfccf: i will try installing those21:20
darlek!audio > darlek21:20
ubottudarlek, please see my private message21:20
zen|taoIs there an official ubuntu noobs support channel? or is this it? :(21:20
Drainmanfccf: thanks21:20
kraitoalright i need to fix screen resolution. it only gives the option for 800x600 and 640x480 need to make it bigger21:20
Slartzen|tao: this is it21:20
stealth-/join #python21:20
peeps123DasEi have you noticed I keep disconnecting21:20
stealth-uhh, opps21:20
guntbertzen|tao: this is it :), ask your question all in one line please21:20
=== bushwakko_ is now known as bushwakko
DasEizen|tao: feel welcome21:20
Gr1nreaperhope I'm not flooding here but here goes...21:20
zen|taoSlart: Ah nuts!21:20
bobbieskraito: what ideo card are you running?21:20
Slartkraito: have a look at the file /var/log/Xorg.0.log  it should tell you why it chooses the resolution that it does21:20
DasEipeeps123: nope21:20
guntbert!paste | Gr1nreaper21:21
ubottuGr1nreaper: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!21:21
SlartGr1nreaper: there's a pastebin for multiline posts21:21
fccfbobbies: have you updated ... do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg after running an update and reboot21:21
SlartGr1nreaper: there's no worries if you're just going to write a long text though.. but don't copy paste 20 lines of logs or something like that21:21
Gr1nreaperI just installed 9.01 x64 and then installed the proprietary graphics driver for my nv 7950.  my nv mirroring raid array was working beautifully even with just the live cd until i installed that driver (version 180).21:21
kraitobobbies: were do i look up the ideo card?21:22
SlartGr1nreaper: 9.01? 9.10?21:22
fccfkraito: lspci in terminal21:22
SlartGr1nreaper: I don't think there is a 9.01 version of ubuntu21:22
Gr1nreaperI'm dual booting windows xp so I know my mirroring array is still working21:22
aj_444I'm trying to install flash using the package installer but I'm getting an error message reading "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libnspr4-dev" help?21:22
kraitoslart: were exactly do i do that at ?21:23
Gr1nreapererr 9.04... my bad slart21:23
kraitofccf: thanks21:23
Slartkraito: it's a regular text file.. you can open it in gedit or any other text editor21:23
SlartGr1nreaper: ok, so installing the nvidia binary driver messed up the nvidia fake raid...21:24
peeps123DasEi ubuntu is brilliant...but I need to sort network21:24
Gr1nreaperyes, it's now acting like 2 seperate drives Slart21:24
kippsterhi, I am having trouble enabling wifi in Jaunty on a notebook computer that a friend loaned to me.  There is no brand name for this notebook, as it is a prototype.21:24
Gr1nreaperin windows it's still working fine though.21:24
SlartGr1nreaper: it's not a bios setting then? I think I've got a bios option to swith between raid and "separate drives"?21:24
kraitoslart: can you walk me through? i'm a newbie21:25
=== DaZ__ is now known as DaZ
SlartGr1nreaper: or wait.. if it was that it wouldn't work in windows.. nevermind21:25
peeps123DasEi intermittent connection to internet, I've had it since installing ubuntu21:25
Gr1nreaperno, I'm pretty sure it's not.  I installed dmraid, and the drives disappeared altogether in ubuntu.21:25
fccfaj_444: do you have sources selected in software sources21:25
peeps123DasEi but I want to continue using it21:25
Slartkraito: ok, go to Applications, Accessories and click on "text editor"21:25
aj_444fccf: I have no clue.21:25
DasEipeeps123:pastebinit /etc/network/interfaces     && pastebinit /var/log/syslog21:26
peeps123DasEi ok21:26
kraitoslart: im there21:26
Slartkraito: then click "Open", select "File system" in the left pane.. then go to /var/log21:26
fccfaj_444: Look in System>Administration>Software Sources ... it is the 5th checkbox21:26
ixian_hello, does anyone know of a torrent client that has a "close app when downloads finish" option? utorrent on windows has this, but i cant find a native linux client that does it21:26
peeps123DasEi http://pastebin.com/f58f11faf21:27
fccfaj_444:  and you will have to reload the data from the repositories21:27
Slartkraito: in the right pane you should now see a lot of files.. these are log files from various programs in ubuntu.. the file we're looking for is called Xorg.0.log, scroll down and find it.. select it and click "Open"21:27
aj_444fccf: It isn't checked.21:27
eidois this open? kernel/drivers/video/intelfb/intelfb.ko21:27
fccfaj_444: it needs to be checked in order for you to get that file from the repository21:27
=== lucho is now known as LuchoKarajo
aj_444fccf: mmk.21:28
kraitoslart: just opened it21:28
JockyWilsonHi Opera 10 (4gb ram) viewing flash videos stutters/jerky any1 experience this?21:28
DasEikraito : got help already ?21:28
IpSe_DiXiThi guys! what is, according to ur personal experiences, the best .cue .bin .iso auto-virtually-mounter? something like alchool120% was on win?21:28
pingo-hi, i need help. im using xubuntu 8.10 , my chassi fan stopped after i 'suspend' the system and turn it on again , what should i do ?21:28
kippsterAnyone here who can help with a wifi problem in Jaunty?21:28
kraitoDasEi: yeah but you could jump in if you want21:29
guntbert!iso | IpSe_DiXiT21:29
ubottuIpSe_DiXiT: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.21:29
kippsterpingo-, did you open up the machine to make sure that it is not a wire problem?21:29
fccfpingo-: have you rebooted?21:29
DasEikraito : which intel  again ?21:29
vgehello, is there an option to change mousewheel scrollamount in ubuntu? (im running fluxbox atm)21:30
kraitoi have amd21:30
IpSe_DiXiTguntbert: i no that command and i also no Gmount which is the frontend to that command, but it wont work with .cue and .bin images as well, and that is exactly what i asked for -_-21:30
pingo-yes, but when i suspend , and start it again, the same problem occur21:30
kraitoDasEi: i have amd21:30
Slartkraito: ok, this is a log file of what happened when you started ubuntu on your machine the last time.. there is a lot of information in this file.. everything starting with (II) is informational stuff.. (WW) is Warnings.. ie messages that something didn't go quite as expected.. then there's (EE) for when things fail..21:30
DasEikraito : you had probs with xorg in hardy , nor ?21:30
fccfvge: you are using a window manager that isn't officially supported, and fluxbox is different from what (most) here would no21:31
bobbiesI ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but all I got was keyboard settings21:31
ixian_hello, does anyone know of a torrent client that has a "close app when downloads finish" option? utorrent on windows has this, but i cant find a native linux client that does it21:31
_akahige_I'm trying to download some juanty updates and I'm getting errors that seem to indicate "no space on device" is there a cache or something that I can look at clearing? (or anything else?)21:31
tyler_d1ixian_: vuze?21:31
latexknighti'm having a problem, in the middle of the day my ubuntu 8.10 just started saying permission denied on ALL commands, and then started saying access denied for root, and all other users when trying to access the server via ssh, this is all while a few other shells and vnc windows are open to that server, so I am logged into the server, but I lost all permissions somehow and all access, whats going on?21:32
IpSe_DiXiThi guys! what is, according to ur personal experiences, the best .cue .bin .iso auto-virtually-mounter? something like alchool120% was on win?21:32
MkaIpSe_DiXiT: so what exactly is your question, then?21:32
guntbertIpSe_DiXiT: sorry, I read .iso, but as far as I know .bin are essentially the same as iso (.cue is different though)21:32
vgefccf: i'm just asking is there a tool to set the option that i asked from gnome?21:32
Slartixian_: azureus can probably do it (using plugins if not native).. or you can run utorrent using wine21:32
kraitoslart: so im looking for anything that went wrong with monitor correct ? or something else?21:32
peeps123DasEi http://pastebin.com/f606260fe21:32
weechat_userixian_: tried transmission21:32
tyler_d1_akahige_: from terminal have you done df -h... this would tell you what is full, then its just a matter of getting rid of files21:32
Slartkraito: either the monitor or the graphics card.. both have to agree to get a good resolution21:32
peeps123DasEi sorry was on the phone21:32
ixian_weechat_user: i have transmission, i cant find the option for that21:32
eidodpkg-reconfigure -phigh    what does phigh do, dont see it in the man pages21:33
guntbertIpSe_DiXiT: have a look into cuetools21:33
IpSe_DiXiTMka: i need a tool that allows to have disc images that run directly on your hard drive, replacing physical discs and saving wear and tear on your CD-ROM drive, like Gmount does for .iso but also for .cue21:33
latexknighthow can I get locked out all of the sudden out of the box?21:33
_akahige_tyler_d1: I haven't , but the report in conky looks like /usr is almost to its 4 Gb cap21:33
n8tuseranyone got an IBM T42? how do you even get the wifi detected? its not showing up on lspci or dmesg21:33
guntbert!info cuetools | IpSe_DiXiT21:33
ubottuIpSe_DiXiT: cuetools (source: cuetools): tools for manipulating CUE/TOC files. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.3.1-4ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 79 kB, installed size 264 kB21:33
Slartkraito: one of the common problems is that the monitor isn't communicating properly what frequencies and such it can handle.. then X makes some very safe guesses.. then you get low resolutions like 640x400 or 800x60021:33
=== pauljw_vm is now known as pauljw
MkaIpSe_DiXiT: why .cue?21:33
MkaIpSe_DiXiT: isnt ISO enough?21:33
IpSe_DiXiTMka: why do u care? :D21:34
tyler_d1_akahige_: you then need to move some files from your /usr mount to somewhere else, or remove some of the files21:34
DasEipeeps123: gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces  , add two lines like : http://paste.ubuntu.com/285656/21:34
Slartkraito: see if you can find out what horizontal and vertical frequencies it thinks your monitor can handle21:34
LuciusMarehello,is there any app that would read the doc into the console?21:34
kippsteranyone here who can help with a wifi issue?21:34
guntbert!attitude | IpSe_DiXiT21:34
ubottuIpSe_DiXiT: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:34
IpSe_DiXiTMka: prolly i have some .cue images that i need that tool for?21:34
peeps123DasEi ok21:34
kraitoSlart: alright give me a minute to look at it? ill come back in a couple of minutes21:34
Slartkraito: or you can copy paste that file to a pastebin and give us the url21:34
DasEiSlart: displayconfig-gtk ?!21:34
n8tuserkippster -> you have an IBM t42?21:34
eidoahh nm high priority21:34
IpSe_DiXiTguntbert: alright alright...21:34
tyler_d1LuciusMare: need.more.info what do you mean by read onto console? like cat ? or echo?21:34
MkaIpSe_DiXiT: Convert the .cue images to ISO then21:34
SlartDasEi: huh?21:34
eidojust tried grepping phigh21:34
LuciusMaretyler_d1: ugly said,i want a cat for .doc files.I want to convert a lot of files this way.21:35
kippstern8tuser, no, this machine is a no-name prototype loaned to me by a friend of mine who is camping this weekend.21:35
_akahige_tyler_d1: are there particular file areas I should look at?21:35
DasEi(Slart), kraito : sudo apt-het install dispalyconfig-gtk21:35
kraitoslart: were do i find that21:35
SlartDasEi: ahh.. I understand.. never tried that one21:35
Slart!pastebin | kraito21:35
IpSe_DiXiTMka: too much stress, its many of em, i dont get it, on win there is this marvellous tool Alchool120% which allows u to do some magic with cd images, nothing like this on linux? what about daemontools?21:35
ubottukraito: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic21:35
n8tuserkippster -> prototype board? like those single board puters?21:35
DasEiSlart : great tool21:35
LuciusMarei had the app once,it was called like...fakeword.or hateword21:35
tyler_d1_akahige_: from a terminal cd to that space, then just rm -rf (carefully) and free up space.21:36
DasEikraito : sudo apt-get install displayconfig-gtk21:36
kraitoslart: can you explain21:36
MkaIpSe_DiXiT: I know Alcohol120%21:36
tyler_d1LuciusMare: haven't tried it with doc... let me tias ... 2 secs21:36
IpSe_DiXiTMka: right21:36
Slartkraito: try doing what DasEi said.. install displayconfig-gtk and see if it makes things better21:36
=== Prodego is now known as elapse
MkaIpSe_DiXiT: I am afraid there is nothing like this and it is not that necesarry either21:36
_akahige_tyler_d1: I was really hoping for more specifics than "just remove stuff, but be careful..."21:37
IpSe_DiXiTMka: alright so how do i do?21:37
MkaIpSe_DiXiT: you can use "bchunk" to convert .bin and .cue to ISO21:37
duffydackIpSe_DiXiT, as far as I know, brasero handles cue files21:37
peeps123DasEi auto lo21:37
peeps123iface lo inet loopback21:37
MkaIpSe_DiXiT: then it's easy to mount ISO21:37
DasEikraito : sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf  /etc/X11/xorg_odd21:37
pingo-now the fan wont come back21:37
IpSe_DiXiTduffydack: brasero's buggy and i chose gnomebaker instead21:37
kraitoslart: i do that on the terminal right21:37
Slartkraito: yes, in a terminal21:37
DasEikraito : sudo displayconfig-gtk21:37
Slartkraito: if you want to point & click you can use synaptic.. the end result is the same though21:37
IpSe_DiXiTMka: something exists, its called Furius iso mounter, but it doesnt seem to handle cues21:38
ZykoticK9IpSe_DiXiT, FYI depending on that the source media of your bin/cues are - directly converting them to ISO may lose parts of the cd!  Not everything can be converted to ISO I'm affraid.21:38
DasEikraito : also can copy n paste from messenger to trml (faster way)21:38
MkaIpSe_DiXiT: it's not "furious" enough, perhaps21:38
IpSe_DiXiTZykoticK9: i no, thatz why i dont want to do so21:38
Johnathango ubuntu21:38
DasEipeeps123: altered and saved interfaces ?21:39
IpSe_DiXiTMka: haha, was that sarcasm? -_-21:39
Slart!info catdoc | LuciusMare21:39
ubottuLuciusMare: catdoc (source: catdoc): MS-Word to TeX or plain text converter. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.94.2-1 (jaunty), package size 578 kB, installed size 2636 kB21:39
peeps123DasEi yes21:39
DasEipeeps123: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart ( will have to reconnect irc after that)21:39
LuciusMareubottu: neat,thank you21:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about neat,thank you21:39
tyler_d1LuciusMare: hrmm... not finding much have you tried asking in #bash?21:40
MkaIpSe_DiXiT: but what is stopping you to convert .cue to .iso and live a a happy .cue-free life thereafter21:40
DasEi!brain | LuciusMare21:40
ubottuLuciusMare: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:40
kraitoDasEi: it said command not found21:40
DasEikraito : which ?21:40
IpSe_DiXiTMka: not all the .cue come out good if converted to .iso and lots of times they lose parts... got it?21:40
MkaIpSe_DiXiT: mmm, I get you now.21:41
IpSe_DiXiTMka: kewl21:41
kraitothe first and third21:41
peeps123DasEi ok21:41
kraitoDasEi: first and third21:42
tyler_d1_akahige_: if you don't know what is on here... ie. you don't recognize any of the files, you should prolly investigate a few of the names... ie. if there is something hidden, or the permissions on it are limited, you may want to investigate further to see what it is. you "should" recognize some of the files...21:42
DasEikraito : sudo apt-get install displayconfig-gtk  ?21:42
kraitoDasEi: the other said "missing destination file operand after `/etc/X11/xorg.conf'"21:42
Maxwell__2Whenever I try to fsck, it says that my superblock cannot be read. I just replaced my hard drive and it still says this.21:42
Maxwell__2Any ideas?21:43
DasEikraito : sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf  /etc/X11/xorg_odd21:43
tyler_d1kraito: you may wnat to try your question in #compiz21:43
MkaMaxwell__2: did you use "sudo" in front?21:43
DasEikraito: did the gtk install ?21:44
kraitoDasEi: it gave me this "Reading package lists... Done21:44
kraitoBuilding dependency tree21:44
kraitoReading state information... Done21:44
kraitoPackage displayconfig-gtk is not available, but is referred to by another package.21:44
kraitoThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or21:44
kraitois only available from another source21:44
FloodBot1kraito: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:44
DasEikraito : sudo apt-get install pastebinit21:44
darlekaudio works fine, microphone not at all.  external mic, no internal one.  Trying help docs but audio works just not recording21:45
DasEikraito :pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list21:45
Prohibitedwhat boot option do I choose in order to get my computer to boot from a flash drive?21:45
kraitoDasEi: first = sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:45
kippstern8tuser, not sure.  I am a simple end user.  It is a notebook.21:45
DasEikraito: you missed the end of the line :21:46
DasEikraito : sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf  /etc/X11/xorg_odd21:46
fccfProhibited: it is different on different computers ... depends on the bios .. and some won't do it21:46
DasEi!usb | Prohibited21:46
ubottuProhibited: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:46
n8tuserkippster -> well you may have to download the drivers for it, you have to google for which driver is needed21:46
darlekNeed help with using microphone in Ubuntu21:46
Gr1nreaperanybody interested in helping me setup my raid?21:47
tyler_d1Gr1nreaper: finally got mine set up... sw or hw?21:47
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto21:47
kraitoDasEi: i have to install it first21:47
georgijHello, I am experience problems in ubuntu. I get like a black screen ( screensaver blackscreen almost I dont know if its the screensaver which causes it ) The screen becomes black after 2 seconds21:47
peeps123DasEi seems to be working better now21:47
georgijand then21:47
Gr1nreapersw tyler21:47
georgijI move the mouse21:47
kippstern8tuser, It was working previously.  It just spontaneously stopped seeing wifi21:47
georgijand it comes back21:48
Gr1nreaperbut it's fine except after I installed my nvidia graphics driver...21:48
DasEikraito : just copy the lines I give you from messenger to trml (mark, then middle-mouse)21:48
iDannyHey does any1 use bitlebee?21:48
eidoJusticepsion: reinstalled same prob, can you take a look at my xorg real quick it is very short21:48
eidoJusticepsion: http://pastebin.com/m2d43bd6521:48
fccfgeorgij: that may be the default screensaver or system power managment doing that21:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about microphone21:48
georgijfccf, but its a new installed Ubuntu how can this happend?21:49
DasEipeeps123: good to hear, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade21:49
peeps123DasEi cool21:49
kraitoDasEi: it said pastie can't authenticated, is that normal21:49
georgijIts not a laptop21:49
darlekAudio is fine, microphone is not, tried the docs but it's for audio not microphone.  Any ideas?21:49
kraitoDasEi: but it also asked if i want to still install21:49
fccfgeorgij: I don't know why they set it that way... check for yourself .. System>preferences>screensaver21:50
DasEikraito : no and yes and I'm on it, just go on21:50
DasEipeeps123: further hits : http://www.howtoforge.com/the-perfect-desktop-ubuntu-9.0421:50
peeps123DasEi thank you for all your attention your a God in ubuntu21:51
kraitoDasEi: alright i think installed it. it is done21:51
guntbert!anyone | iDanny21:51
ubottuiDanny: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:51
DasEipeeps123: nah , advanced user sometimes reading a bit, nah21:51
DasEikraito : pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list21:52
chiquesAnyone else experience problems with Opera browser and facebook?21:52
DasEikraito : give url here21:52
Guest79376» DasEi » òû ïèäàð21:52
fccfchiques: linux and facebook in general, it works but wonky21:52
DasEiGuest79376:I'm here21:52
=== awesome is now known as Guest67839
peeps123DasEi thats your interpretation.....mines is different.....lol21:53
chiquesfccf, Is that because of all the crap that would normally install itself in Windows can't in Linux?21:53
DasEipeeps123: I can still remember coming here first time -- lool21:53
Guest79376» DasEi » you are an ass21:53
kraitoDasEi: i copyed the line what know21:53
DasEikraito : give url here (returned from pastebinit)21:54
peeps123DasEi hope you will rmember me too.....lol21:54
darlekcan anyone troubleshoot microphone in Ubuntu?21:54
fccfchiques: we like cross-platform accessibility... we don't always get it (due to lazy programmers)21:54
chiquesfccf, I see21:54
soundrayGuest79376: hey, it's spelled ACE21:54
ProhibitedIf I mounted a ISO, could I use ctrl alt f1 and then install it?21:54
peeps123DasEi so I'm going to study ubuntu learn everything I can21:55
kraitoDasEi: http://pastebin.com/f18c61af221:55
peeps123DasEi thank you again21:55
Guest79376» soundray » ýòî ÷àò êàêîé ñòðàíû?21:55
Guest79376» soundray » this ÷àò what country?21:55
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.21:55
chiquesfccf, IE is the only browser that works for me when applying to US Navy jobs, those programmers suck21:55
DasEipeeps123: np :)21:55
MkaProhibited: what do you want to do?21:55
peeps123away to play.....lol21:56
fccfProhibited: I know for a fact that 99.997% of the US Navy uses windows, why would they even test on linux21:56
DasEikraito: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list21:56
OzFalconhow do i speed up gnome file access?21:56
DasEikraito: call http://pastebin.com/f18c61af2 in your browser21:56
fccfProhibited: <+=+> chiques21:57
kiaasI do believe I require a hard restart on my main box. I can't get to a virtual terminal, I can't SSH in, and the GUI is locked up solid :o21:57
kraitoDasEi: alright21:57
chiquesfccf, Doesn't sound too secure to me21:57
OzFalconhow do I speed up gnome file access for large amounts of files in a folder?21:57
DasEikraito: line 45 , 46 the partners repos21:57
fccfchiques: not if they arn't connected to the "public" network ... which in most cases they arn't21:58
soundraykiaas: hold down Alt and PrintScreen and type R E I S U B to reboot safely21:58
DasEikraito: delete the "#" in front of that lines21:58
chiquesfccf, I see21:58
kraitoDasEi: can you explain a little more21:58
mac9416Hello. Is it dangerous to remove language-support-en? Thanks.21:58
DasEi!repos | kraito21:58
ubottukraito: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories21:58
fccfmac9416:  that is your locale .. see !locale21:59
ubottuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf21:59
DasEikraito: in that file is configured where ubuntu looks for software21:59
mac9416fccf, very well. If I remove it, will I be sorry when I reboot?21:59
DasEikraito : SAVE the file, close it21:59
=== niko_ is now known as Guest71542
kraitoDasEi: so you want me to delete all the # and then save it?22:00
guntbertmac9416: why do you want to remove it?22:00
=== van is now known as Jasper
DasEikraito : a "#" in front of mens comment , not all , but (paste) line 45,4622:00
Guest71542kto to jest Jasper nie szłyszałem o nim22:00
mac9416guntbert, because it depends on Openoffice, which I want to remove.22:00
cfbHello All22:00
ProhibitedWhat command would i have to run in the terminal to install karmic from cd (in ctrl alt f1)22:00
riegersnis it possible to downgrade to 8.10 from 9.10 beta without formatting the drive?22:01
DasEikraito : the two lines saying parners repos22:01
dreamvirusCan anyone help with installation of Boinc 6.6.40?22:01
Slart!downgrade | riegersn22:01
ubotturiegersn: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.22:01
soundrayProhibited: you need to boot from an install medium. Please ask karmic questions in #ubuntu+122:01
kraitoDasEi: alright so what exactly do you want me to do22:01
=== Jasper is now known as Sip
riegersnSlart, im on a production intel laptop with 9.10 - intel graphics drivers aren't working.22:02
PleXuScould this bug let hang my ubuntu server? -- > http://pastebin.com/d6924717b22:02
kiaasPutting an alpha/beta on a production machine is just silly22:02
guntbertmac9416: language-support-en is just a meta-package - that means it brings no functionality by itself22:02
cfbIs there anybody who achieved wireless static ip configuration on dhcp enabled network with Network Manager Applet (nm-applet) ?22:02
Slartriegersn: then I would suggest a reinstall22:02
DasEikraito : make it look like this and save it http://paste.ubuntu.com/285669/22:02
dreamvirusHello! I am new to ubuntu,,,& want to install Boinc 6.6.40 from .sh...Can anyone help me with that?22:03
riegersnSlart, 9.04 has issues with intel laptops as well, very very slow. would you suggest 8.10?22:03
kraitoDasEi: both lines22:03
bobbiesI'm having problems getting graphics better than 800x600. I've pasted my /var/log/Xorg.0.log here http://pastebin.com/m2beff2ee. Anyone have any ideas22:03
Slartriegersn: well.. if neither 9.04 or 9.10 works for you then yes, I would recommend 8.1022:03
trijntjedreamvirus, why dont you use BOINC from the repository?22:03
DasEikraito : yes, delete the #` s22:03
dreamvirusBecause it's 6.2.18 way outdates22:03
DasEikraito: save the file, close it22:04
kiaasWhat fun, I had lots of large images I was considering for new backgrounds up(16MB files..) And now I got to re-load all those pages or lose everything else I had up when the system froze Dx22:04
Mkadreamvirus: you have source code with you?22:04
kraitoDasEi: on the whole document or just the two lines22:04
mac9416guntbert, thanks much.22:04
grandrewhi all! is it possible to disable usb 2.0 support for selected devices only?22:04
Kenjiubuntu is shit22:05
DasEikraito: back in trml : sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade22:05
DasEikraito: look at the pastebin : http://paste.ubuntu.com/285669/22:05
guntbertmac9416: np, try /msg ubottu info language-support-en for yourself22:05
Mka!language| Kenji22:05
ubottuKenji: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:05
DasEiMka: is out already22:06
soundrayMka: too late -- he ducked all responses22:06
kraitoDasEi: i got this E: Type 'http://paste.ubuntu.com/285669/' is not known on line 45 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list22:06
dreamvirusSo Any Boinc Users out here?22:06
=== tyranos_ is now known as tyranos
DasEikraito: invalid past-url22:07
kraitoDasEi: what do you mean22:07
fccfmac9416: if you have followed the instructions there you should be ok22:07
Mkadreamvirus: are you getting any errors when you try to install?22:07
eidocan someone please look at this xorg this looks incorrect no?  http://pastebin.com/m2d43bd6522:07
sxxhello, could you update to the ubuntu beta version 9.10 and when it offical release would it just download any files that has changed please22:08
eidothere seems to be no details, is the detail now saved somewhere other than Xorg?22:08
scunizieido: looks pretty normal these days.22:08
soundraysxx: yes. Any further beta questions in #ubuntu+1 please22:08
DasEikraito: it's alright,  changed sources and did the update ?22:08
mac9416fccf, guntbert, thanks, that got it :-)22:08
scunizieido: randr and xrandr take care of video setup now.. it can be overridden.. are you having issues?22:08
fccfeido: in the Device section add Driver "intel" under Configured Video Device22:08
kiaasAlso, is it a normal bug for Ubuntu 9.04+ fglrx(ATI card driver) +wine to make Xorg eat 90-100% of a CPU core and slow down to a crawl at random?22:08
sxxsoundray: im very sorry chap thank you i will update to it now thank you once again22:09
=== willdev is now known as DaveLegg
soundraysxx :)22:09
PCTeacher012Holy cow!! Google chrome for ubuntu?22:09
kraitoDasEi: what do you want me to do next22:09
=== DaveLegg is now known as willdev
DasEiEIDO : since intrepid the xorg is empty by default though still usuable/fillable22:09
eidoscunizi: http://pastebin.com/m7453f18e22:09
sxxkiaas: do what i did yesterday install the driver from ati site it`s newer than the ubuntu one unistall ubuntu one it solved my cpu problems too i kept freezing22:09
w0ls0n_kraito: If your screen resolution doesn't go very high, ubuntu probl can't see your video card. You're going to have to google around and see if you can find a fix22:10
DasEikraito: sudo apt-get install diplayconfig-gtk22:10
=== jony123_ is now known as jony123
DasEiPCTeacher012: possible, yes22:11
boscopcute kitteh: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAKroNeQhf022:11
scunizieido: fccf:has the right idea.. intel video isn't my forte though22:11
PCTeacher012DasEi: I found it on GTK-apps.org (sumthin like that lol)22:11
skandhi im new on ubuntu22:11
skandanyone knows a good mirc script exept xchat22:11
DasEikraito: sudo  displayconfig-gtk  (s missing in above cmd, typo)22:11
scuniziskand: script? or client?  irssi22:12
lolb0tI need to force my resolution higher22:12
lolb0tne1 know how?22:12
PCTeacher012skand: Welcome to Ubuntu! :D And yes, i do22:12
w0ls0n_dksnd: irssi22:12
PCTeacher012Open terminal skand22:12
odonatawhat would be required to forward one port from the public ip of the VPNserver to local ip of the VPN subnet?22:12
w0ls0n_skand irssi that is22:12
DasEikraito: up and running ?22:12
PCTeacher012Yes, i am telling him how to install it w0ls0n_22:12
PCTeacher012skand: type sudo apt-get install irssi22:13
spaceBARbarianis there any way to make rsync run whenever my local directory is changed (file saves etc) ?22:13
scunizieido: if this is a fresh install you might consider in terminal.. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade .. that should fully update your system..22:13
=== RonaldH is now known as Ronald
PCTeacher012skand: And click enter22:13
lolb0tMy current resolution is 800x600, and I want to force it higher because I dont like low resolutions.22:13
skandi have ircii on synaptic. is this it?22:13
w0ls0n_screen and irssi = win22:13
lolb0toh, and sysinfo22:13
PCTeacher012lolb0t: Have you tried installing propritory driverS?22:13
lolb0tos[Linux 2.6.28-11-generic i686] distro[Ubuntu "jaunty" 9.04] cpu[1 x Pentium III (Coppermine) (GenuineIntel) @ 796MHz] mem[Physical: 308.0MB, 38.6% free] disk[Total: 17.5GB, 80.0% free] video[ATI Technologies Inc Rage Mobility M3 AGP 2x] sound[ES1938 - ESS ES1938 (Solo-1)]22:13
DasEi!resolution | lolb0t22:14
ubottulolb0t: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution22:14
kraitoDasEi: it said display not found22:14
PCTeacher012skand: No. Use Terminal so you get the correct package and what i said to type22:14
eidoscunizi: i cannot boot the install do i need to do chroot on liveUSB?22:14
kraitoDasEi: i mean command not found22:14
skandok i try22:14
PCTeacher012skand: Thank you, let me know what happens22:14
armstrungHello! On my laptop my screen and desktop often freezes and I cant click on anything ! anyone?22:14
DasEikraito: sudo apt-get install displayconfig-gtk22:14
PCTeacher012*tears up* Google chome. Yaay! :D22:14
Siegfriedany good tool to share my wireless connection over wireless? network-manager isn't doing the trick22:14
lolb0tno, I haven't gotten proprietary drivers22:14
kraitoDasEi: thanks for the help but i got to go to sleep it's late over here ill be here tomorrow if you want to help again. later22:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about icwl22:15
scunizieido: the command I gave should look on the internet for all the updates.. if it's looking for the install cd then you need to eliminate the cd as an option in synaptic package manager or just remove it from the drive.22:15
DasEikraito: alright22:15
PCTeacher012lolb0t: Then try to find em, see if it works22:15
Jkessleri'm trying to install Java 6 SDK, do i need to remove Java JRE?22:15
armstrungHello! On my laptop my screen and desktop often freezes and I cant click on anything ! anyone?22:16
DasEi!ics | Siegfried22:16
ubottuSiegfried: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php22:16
Maxwell__2Whenever I try to fsck hda, I get told that there is "No such file or directory while trying to open /dev/hda", and then it goes on about how the superblock could not be read. How do I fix this?22:16
eidoscunizi: what i meant was i am working currently off a live USB as i cannot boot into the install on hda.  can i chroot onto hda and run that update22:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mic22:16
PCTeacher012skand: How did it work out for ya?22:16
DasEiMaxwell__2: you do this from a live cd..22:16
Maxwell__2DasEi: I am doing that.22:17
DasEiMaxwell__2: you make sure drive isn't mounted ...22:17
Maxwell__2one sec...22:17
scunizieido: well. your current resolution is probably because you're running off the usb.. what's preventing you from booting normally?22:17
DasEiMaxwell__2: you run e2fsck on partitons, not the whole drive like..22:17
Maxwell__2DasEi, PM?22:17
DasEiwhy ? no22:17
Maxwell__2Argh, I just don't like all the other crap I must look at.22:17
Maxwell__2I did sudo umount -a22:18
eidoscunizi: http://pastebin.com/m2d43bd6522:18
Maxwell__2And it told me that all the devices were busy.22:18
armstrungHello! On my laptop my screen and desktop often freezes and I cant click on anything ! anyone?22:18
eidocannot ctrl alt F keys system halts22:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gmpc22:18
DasEiMaxwell__2: sudo e2fsck -p /dev/sda5  , or whatever is your partiton ( sudo fdisk -l to list)22:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mpd22:18
soundrayarmstrung: does this happen randomly?22:18
Maxwell__2Mmmk, it says it's clean.22:19
armstrungsoundray: it happens almost all the time22:19
armstrungsoundray: and then suddenly it works again22:19
scunizieido: so I saw the fstab before.. that's not preventing you from booting.. as for ctrl alt F1-6 is that after you boot into the normal install?22:19
DasEiMaxwell__2: type mount to see if the hd is mounted or not22:19
SiegfriedDasEi, yes but what about using the same interface, do i have to bridge the wireless connection?22:19
guntbertMaxwell__2: fsck is for file systems, so you want fsck /dev/hda1 or so...22:19
soundrayarmstrung: does it freeze when you leave it alone?22:19
PCTeacher012skand: Okay, so now. In terminal, type irssi22:19
PCTeacher012skand: and hit enter22:19
Maxwell__2And it says that no such file or directory exists.22:19
soundrayarmstrung: oh, so it comes back to life22:20
Maxwell__2And then tells me that the superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2 fs.22:20
DasEiSiegfried: I never tried that on wireless, for nics either need a switch or better two cards, just from the dark I think you need a second nick, too22:20
armstrungsoundray: when I boot and start lets say firefox it works for a while and then freezes22:20
Maxwell__2THAT is the problem that keeps happening.22:20
PCTeacher012skand: Okay, now. In it type the following: /NETWORK add irc.ubuntu.com22:20
skand_its ok lol22:21
armstrungsoundray: and then I cant even click on Applictions, system, Places22:21
soundrayarmstrung: does the keyboard still work?22:21
PCTeacher012skand: It will inform you it was added, then type /CONNECT irc.ubuntu.com. Then after it loads, type /join #ubuntu22:21
eidoscunizi: after choosing my ubuntu partition I get  dumped to a command line that flickers back and forth to a black screen then finally dumps that error in a gui window and the system at that point halts22:21
DasEiMaxwell__2: you got the right identifier ? /dev/sdXX ?22:21
skand_thx PCTeacher01222:21
Maxwell__2I did /dev/sda122:21
PCTeacher012skand: No problem, what were you using before irssi?22:21
armstrungsoundray: yes for the most part22:21
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.22:21
eidoscunizi: i cannot do anythinng at that point22:21
soundrayarmstrung: how long before it responds to clicks again?22:22
DasEiMaxwell__2: sudo fdisk -l reports it's the right one ?22:22
Maxwell__2DasEi: Yes, it reports that it does indeed exist there.22:22
scunizieido: k.. when booting you should be getting the grub menu.. if you can see that the second menu line is "rescue" mode or some such.. that's where you need to go.  you'll have options to fix the video or drop to the terminal.22:22
mgv2is im dissconnected from an irc network - how do i join again?22:22
Maxwell__2DasEi: And that it is the boot drive.22:22
armstrungsoundray: it depends sometimes I have to switch workspaces and do a few tricks22:23
soundrayarmstrung: is this an MSI laptop by any chance?22:23
skandPCTeacher012,  but i prefer xchat22:23
armstrungsoundray: nope this is a toshiba22:23
eidoscunizi: i am running lilo22:23
skandi dont have the sames possibilities with terminal22:23
Maxwell__2DasEi: ??22:23
scunizieido: I've no experience with that  someone else may have to guide you there.22:24
Vinconzo_my logitech QuickCam won't work in Ubuntu22:24
armstrungsoundray: someone told me that they had similar problems and they said that it was somekind of graphics issue22:24
eidoscunizi: ill try again it should be ctrl Enter of boot option for lilo22:24
DasEiMaxwell__2: if you are sure it's the right parti,  have to try an alternate superblock22:24
Vinconzo_i don't know the exact model22:24
scunizieido: good luck22:24
PCTeacher012Wow, google chrome is the fastest browser on ubuntu O_O :322:24
soundrayarmstrung: it could be a resource conflict. Graphics is also possible. What graphics chipset does it have?22:25
Maxwell__2And how does one do that again?22:25
guntbert!ot | PCTeacher01222:25
ubottuPCTeacher012: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:25
Maxwell__2One throws in a b or something to the fsck2 thinger?22:25
armstrungsoundray: the graphics card is ATI Radeon 900022:25
olvaphow do i change chanel?22:26
DasEiMaxwell__2: no, there should be a suggestion in the output of 22fsck22:26
Maxwell__2Oh yeah. there.22:26
olvap# join rubyonrails22:26
Vinconzo_but the problem is: syslog knows its plugged in and says it puts it at /dev/video0, but /dev/video0 doesnt exist when i 'ls /dev/'. also, it is not listed by lsusb22:26
Maxwell__2Doing it...22:26
soundrayarmstrung: are you using the standard or proprietary driver?22:26
olvap# /join rubyonrails22:26
lstarnesolvap: you don't change channels.  You join more channels and part others22:26
arleslieolvap, do /join #ROOM22:26
lstarnesolvap: /join #rubyonrails22:26
lstarnesolvap: it's more like a chat room than a tv channel22:26
Maxwell__2DasEi: It once again tells me that no such file or directory was found, and the same superblock error bullshit.22:26
olvapyes, i know, thns22:27
Pici!language | Maxwell__222:27
ubottuMaxwell__2: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:27
DasEiMaxwell__2: sudo apt-get install pastebinit22:27
kantoris there a bad sector scanning, hard drive surface scanning and error reporting software for linux ?  (but not like fsck . . .)22:27
DasEikantor : smartmontools22:27
nudeelephantshelp me with this and I may just worship you for the rest of my life: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=805289822:27
ubottusmart is another meta-package manager available for Ubuntu. It's quite stable, uses APT's repositories, can handle mirrors/multiple-connections, and is supposed to make Ubuntu BiArch-compatible. See http://labix.org/smart and https://wiki.kubuntu.org/SmartPackageManager22:27
Maxwell__2DasEi: done.22:27
armstrungsoundray: that's the issue I remember that I installed a proprietary graphics driver for the ATI 9000 but when I go to Hardware Drivers it says No Proprietary drivers are in use22:28
DasEikantor : uups, wrong trigger22:28
soundrayarmstrung: maybe you bypassed the Ubuntu mechanism for proprietary drivers when you installed it22:28
DasEiMaxwell__2: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit22:28
PCTeacher012How come i cant install the kubuntu-desktop package? It keeps giving me dependencies that are needed forever22:29
armstrungsoundray: sry i dont understand what u meen :P22:29
scuniziPCTeacher012: kubuntu-desktop will pull in tons of dependancies22:29
mr_boois there a reasonable way to organize the grub bootloader?22:29
DasEi!who | Maxwell__222:29
ubottuMaxwell__2: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:29
PCTeacher012scunizi: Well, i finally got to the last dependency, it said i have it, but it is depended and will not be used?22:30
Maxwell__2DasEi, it's easier to just PM people if one is THAT concerned.22:30
Maxwell__2Dasei: still though, was it all readable etc?22:30
scuniziPCTeacher012: do an update .. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:30
mneptoknudeelephants: ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/ | grep mixx22:31
DasEiMaxwell__2: yes, no pm cuts you off from others help22:31
nudeelephantssorry, mneptok....whaaat??22:31
soundrayarmstrung: when you installed the driver, did you go through the System-Administration-Hardware Drivers dialog?22:31
DasEiMaxwell__2: k, /boot on a single drive, intersting, got another suggestion for superblock ?22:31
mneptoknudeelephants: run that command. what does it say?22:31
lolb0tPCTeacher012, the graphics card drivers are only capable of 800x600, however, when I used slax, I learned that it can force the drivers to 1024x768, which worked good and looked good. I'm now trying to find out how to do that on xubuntu22:32
Maxwell__2DasEi: What do you mean?22:32
nudeelephantsnothing, mneptok22:32
armstrungsoundray: atleast I think so :p22:32
=== jean is now known as Guest7380
mneptoknudeelephants: sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade22:32
armstrungsoundray: I don't have this problem on my other computers22:32
kantorDasEi, no problem22:32
armstrungsoundray: but then again they dont have the same graphics card22:33
DasEiMaxwell__2:the first e2fsck gave you a number  for an alternate superblock, that was ?22:33
=== Guest7380 is now known as Jean_
Maxwell__2DasEi: 819322:33
DasEiMaxwell__2:sudo e2fsck -b     8139       /dev/sda122:33
DasEiMaxwell__2:throwing a new number ?22:34
etyrnalwould someone be willing to help me with grub for a moment?22:34
Maxwell__2DasEi: No, same old 819322:34
nlogaxhello! i just installed the 9.10 beta on my imac. most things seem to be working. sound, however, always comes from the crappy internal speakers, even when something else is plugged into the output jack. has anyone had this problem?22:34
Slart!karmic | nlogax22:34
ubottunlogax: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:34
nudeelephantsmneptok: still broken, it is22:34
DasEiMaxwell__2:sudo hdparm -z && sudo e2fsck -p          /dev/sda122:35
htorres11393what partition does a usb drive need to have in order to make a boot disk out of it?22:35
mneptoknudeelephants: sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get -f install && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade22:35
soundrayarmstrung: it would be strange for it to say 'no proprietary drivers...' if you installed them through that mechanism22:35
nlogaxdunno if it's a beta issue or not, since i (foolishly?) installed the beta as my first attempt22:35
soundrayarmstrung: anyway, here's a suggestion in case it's a resource conflict:22:35
nudeelephantsmneptok: I've done all that before...without success22:35
DasEihtorres11393: similar to a hd install, least swap and /22:35
Maxwell__2DasEi: Yes? And...?22:35
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:35
mneptoknudeelephants: df -h22:35
htorres11393okay but like i'm trying to make my ipod nano which i don't use anymore a boot disk22:35
mneptoknudeelephants: how much free space do you have?22:36
DasEiMaxwell__2:same effect  ?22:36
htorres11393i try to reformat it and nothing happens22:36
htorres11393it still has all the music on it22:36
dub54i'm trying to install a vnc server onto ubuntu, i've tried following a guide i found online but when i try to run sudo gedit /etc/xinetd.d/Xvnc it says cannot open display. any ideas?22:36
Maxwell__2I just got a big list of potential modifiers/commands/etc.22:36
soundrayarmstrung: boot into the BIOS setup and disable all onboard devices that you don't critically need for booting. See if you still get that behaviour.22:36
nudeelephantsmneptok: over 6gb22:36
armstrungsoundray: yes i think so because I also installed the driver for my Wifi22:36
mneptoknudeelephants: k22:36
mr_boois there a smart way to organize the grub boot menu?22:36
Maxwell__2DasEi: I think you may have messed up on the format, so it is displaying the correct format.22:36
Maxwell__2DasEi: Re-type that for me please.22:37
armstrungsoundray: ok thx I will try that tomorrow22:37
kerelmr_boo: edit menu.lst22:37
soundrayarmstrung: if you don't, re-enable the devices one-by-one until the fault reappears. By that time, hopefully you'll have a workaround.22:37
mr_bookerel: thanks22:37
nudeelephantsmneptok: am I ****ed?22:37
mneptoknudeelephants: sudo dpkg --clear-avail22:37
armstrungsoundray: yeah thx22:37
DasEiMaxwell__2:  ? i don't understand ..22:37
nudeelephantsmneptok: no output. I don't know if there was supposed to be?22:37
lolb0tos[Linux 2.6.28-11-generic i686] distro[Ubuntu "jaunty" 9.04] cpu[1 x Pentium III (Coppermine) (GenuineIntel) @ 796MHz] mem[Physical: 308.0MB, 39.1% free] disk[Total: 17.5GB, 80.0% free] video[ATI Technologies Inc Rage Mobility M3 AGP 2x] sound[ES1938 - ESS ES1938 (Solo-1)]22:38
mneptoknudeelephants: sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade22:38
DasEiMaxwell__2:sudo hdparm -z /dev/sda  && sudo e2fsck -p  /dev/sda1   , right , missed a part22:38
Maxwell__2DasEi: Right, thought so, thank you.22:38
reaxorHi I have a question bout switching video cards from a geforce mx to a geforce fx, can I just swap them out and it'll autodetect(ubuntu 9.04)22:39
sebsebseb!language |  nudeelephants22:39
ubottunudeelephants: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:39
ubottuhttp://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out22:39
nudeelephantsmneptok: still no luck. it keeps telling me about "Segmentation faultsts...0%"22:39
ericdbWhy is bold text in firefox SO BOLD, and how can I fix it?22:39
Maxwell__2DasEi: Same response, same suggested block number.22:39
DasEireaxor: not auto, but can go via vesa to synaptic and install then22:39
ubuntuhow do i reinsatll a loader for ubuntu22:39
nudeelephantsoi, bug off sebsebseb. I didn't even curse22:39
mneptoknudeelephants: you might want to boot to live media and run an fsck on your root partition22:39
FFEMTcJI've been a user of AWN, however I am about to setup ubuntu on a new machine.. I'm just curious if there is a decient reason for me to switch to gnome do22:39
sebsebseb!grub |  ubuntu22:39
ubottuubuntu: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:39
nudeelephantsmneptok: what does that mean? lol22:40
scunizireaxor: before swapping unactivate the old cards nvidia drivers if you're using them.. after installing the new card sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade then look in System>Admin>hardware drivers for a newer driver.22:40
sebsebsebnudeelephants: stars still count22:40
ubuntunice 1 x22:40
nudeelephantssebsebseb: fuck off22:40
mneptoksebsebseb: it's OK.22:40
DasEiMaxwell__2:sudo e2fsck -b     8139       /dev/sda122:40
soundrayericdb: probably by installing msttcorefonts, unless you already have them22:40
mneptoknudeelephants: that is NOT OK22:40
Maxwell__2DasEi: I already did that, but shall do it again....22:40
Maxwell__2Oh, shit.22:40
htorres11393DasEi check the pm i sent you22:40
Maxwell__2DasEi: It says it's mounted.22:40
nudeelephantsoh my my, I have said a word. notify congress22:41
Maxwell__2DasEi: and asks if I really want to continue.22:41
reaxorok thanks.22:41
mneptok!language > Maxwell__222:41
ubottuMaxwell__2, please see my private message22:41
Maxwell__2DasEi: should I continue?22:41
DasEiMaxwell__2:  NO!22:41
Maxwell__2DasEi: OKAY!22:41
DasEiMaxwell__2:  sudo umount -a22:41
mneptoknudeelephants: there are language policies for this channel. ignore them at your peril.22:41
ericdbThanks soundray, I'll give it a shot.22:41
DasEiMaxwell__2:sudo e2fsck -b     8139       /dev/sda122:42
nudeelephantsmneptok: at my peril? seriously?22:42
perlsyntaxHow do i update my gcc 4.4.3 to the new one?22:42
digitaloktayhi people22:42
dub54Can anyone link me to a tutorial that will assist me installing a VNC server/22:42
mneptoknudeelephants: seriously. keep swearing and you will be banned.22:42
surfzoid:v mono22:42
DasEiMaxwell__2:if we go further, we risk damage22:42
Maxwell__2DasEi: Exact same response as always.22:42
htorres11393isn't that the new one perlsyntax?22:42
perlsyntaxi not sure22:42
DasEiMaxwell__2: any recent powercuts ? old drive ?22:43
fritzophrenicinstallation question: I have 2 partitions already set up on an otherwise empty hard drive, I am having trouble with my Windows install so I'm installing Ubuntu first, but I don't see an option in the installer to use the existing partitions22:43
Maxwell__2DasEi: Well nothing is working and nothing is of value on this computer any more excepting the hardware.22:43
nudeelephantsmneptok: I've sworn once. ONCE.22:43
fritzophrenichow do I select the partition for it to use?22:43
Maxwell__2DasEi: I thought it could have been the HD, so I replaced the master with a different one.22:43
Tare1offwhen i installed ubuntu did i wipe out windows-or how can i make sure it is coompletely gone?22:43
htorres11393because they have nothing in them22:43
sebsebsebTare1off: you want to make sure Windows is gone?22:43
mneptoknudeelephants: which is why you are not banned already. i suggest not trying Strike 222:43
ericdbsoundray: That did it, thanks again!22:43
Tare1offsebsebseb: oh yes definitely22:44
htorres11393fritzophrenic if you have nothing on the hard drive then just repartition it22:44
perlsyntaxgcc 4.3.4 is the new one on gcc htorres1139322:44
chaihow come itunes wont work in wine?22:44
Maxwell__2DasEi: and no crazy powercuts of which I am aware.22:44
chaiquicktime will install22:44
sebsebsebTare1off: when you installed Ubuntu did it tell it to use the whole hard disk, or how did you install?22:44
sebsebsebTare1off: did you tell it above22:44
fritzophrenicsure, but I read all kinds of warnings that Windows won't operate unless it created the partition itself22:44
Slartchai: you'll have to ask the wine people that.. have you checked the application database?22:44
fritzophrenicin the Ubuntu guides online22:44
Slart!appdb | chai22:44
ubottuchai: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help22:44
soundrayericdb :)22:44
perlsyntaxis there  gc PPA out22:44
chaislart: thanks i will check22:44
bitplaneHi, I'm looking for qemu openbios packages, how would I go about finding/installing them? I tried "apt-cache search openbios" and there's nothing there22:44
chaiubottu: thank you too22:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thank you too22:44
digitaloktayhat karmic x-server 1.7.0 ??22:44
htorres11393but windows doesn't like sharing22:45
sebsebseb!thanks | chai22:45
ubottuchai: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)22:45
htorres11393you have to install it first fritzophrenic22:45
Slart!karmic | digitaloktay22:45
ubottudigitaloktay: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:45
Tare1offsebsebseb: nebie not sure had someone on here help me but didnt really know what was gooing on ,,,asked them to help kill windows hope it happened that way...how do i amke sure of it22:45
scoroHei Guys,22:45
perlsyntaxDoes anyone know how to update my gcc on ubuntu 9.0422:45
scoroCould You Help Me._22:45
BronzeAu1Twice - I checked22:45
chaiwhat? i didnt know ubottu was a bot. my bad22:45
Slartperlsyntax: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade should update to what's in the repos22:45
sebsebsebTare1off: places  > computer  and then can you get into a Windows partition?22:45
scoroi just installed ubuntu, and i dont know how to use it.!22:45
sebsebsebchai: np22:45
Slartperlsyntax: if you need anything newer you'll have to get it installed yourself22:45
sebsebsebscoro: oh one of those ok22:46
DigitalKiwihtorres11393: please don't spread misinformation, you do not have to install windows first, you just have to reinstall grub if you happen to install it not first22:46
Tare1offsebsebseb: you mean type in the word; places in my line command (dork here)22:46
sebsebsebscoro: Why did you install Ubuntu and what do you want to use it for?22:46
fritzophrenicwell, I suppose it's a fresh hard drive, I can't imagine I'll lose THAT much data if I end up needing to start all over when I go to install Windows22:46
DigitalKiwiit is admittedly easier to install it first, but just barely22:46
DasEiMaxwell__2: well, we can try more as it's broken now anyway, little risk to worse thing is there, though22:46
sebsebsebTare1off: no  not command line graphicalley22:46
sebsebsebTare1off: the top panel, and then places and then computer22:46
htorres11393it's easier if you install windows first22:46
gregsp___hi guys have intrepid server installed - how do i upgrade it to karmic from the command line22:46
nerdy_kidhey guys, any way i can use land based phone lines with ubuntu?22:46
DasEiMaxwell__2:  sudo umount -a22:47
Maxwell__2DasEi: So long as it isn't going to fuck my hardware.22:47
BronzeAu1Morning all. How is every one?:-D22:47
gregsp___is it just a case of sudo apt-get -u dist-upgrade22:47
mo0nykitHi guys! I'd like to learn about the inner workings of the X Server. I've tried looking around X.org, but I couldn't find any comprehensive tutorial or documentation. What could be a good place to start?22:47
Slart!upgrade  | gregsp___22:47
ubottugregsp___: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading22:47
Maxwell__2DasEi: done.22:47
scoroBecause, I Didnt Have Any Other Windows and my xp crashed22:47
sebsebsebgregsp___: you would have to upgrade through 9.10, also  8.04 is recommended for proper servers since it's the LTS22:47
mneptokMaxwell__2: do i really need to remind you about !language again?22:47
scunizigregsp___: wait until karmic is out of beta and it'll be easier22:47
DigitalKiwinot worth doing a complete reinstall just to avoid having to install grub again imo22:47
sebsebseb!language |  Maxwell__222:47
ubottuMaxwell__2: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:47
Slartgregsp___: nope.. dist-upgrade doesn't change intrepid to karmic22:47
Prohibited!language | Maxwell__222:47
Tare1offsebsebseb: ok once in "computer" then what22:47
=== DaZ__ is now known as DaZ
DasEiMaxwell__2:sudo e2fsck -b    98304  /dev/sda122:47
gregsp___whats the command i bang in then to upgrade to karmic?22:48
sebsebsebTare1off: well  for hard disks or file systems what does it say22:48
nerdy_kidany way to use land based phone lines with linux?22:48
Tare1offsebsebseb: at wok now not on that puter22:48
Maxwell__2DasEi: doing it, but it warned that /dev/sda1 was not cleanly unmounted.22:48
Slartgregsp___: read the link ubottu sent you22:48
scoroi've insatlled ubuntu5.1022:48
DasEiMaxwell__2:stop it then22:48
soundraynerdy_kid: sure. You need a modem.22:48
scoroand thats old22:48
sebsebsebTare1off: oh ok, and there are also some other ways to find out if you still got a Windows partition22:48
Maxwell__2DasEi: I don't know how?22:48
DasEiMaxwell__2:sudo mke2fs -n /dev/sda1 | pastebinit22:48
DigitalKiwiscoro: lawl, why would you do this?22:48
soundray!modem | nerdy_kid22:48
ubottunerdy_kid: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto22:48
Tare1offsebsebseb: but once was in there messin around and saw a screen that showed 2 windows computers and my wifes mac on it??? and i did nothing like that???22:49
ProhibitedWhat is a Partitioner that I can download and just use to resize my external hard drive without having to burn it to disk? Excluding GParted.22:49
DasEiMaxwell__2:sudo umount -f /dev/sda122:49
nerdy_kidsoundray thanks, i have a standered laptop so i think it has a modem, what software do i need?22:49
gregsp___yeah sudo do-release-upgrade says that there no newer versions?22:49
arlesliecan someone tell me a good domain controller for ubuntu?22:49
sebsebsebTare1off: maybe Samba got set up22:49
chris_what is the best solution to flash on ubuntu x64? should i use adobe with the wrapper thing or is any of the open source options better?22:49
scorohei, can someone help me.?22:49
htorres11393Prohibited why would you wana do that?22:49
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading22:49
sebsebseb!samba |  Tare1off22:49
ubottuTare1off: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.22:49
htorres11393scoro what's your problem?22:49
Slartchris_: use the native 64bit adobe version22:49
Maxwell__2DasEi: it said that /dev/hda1 was not found.22:49
DasEi!ask | scoro22:49
ubottuscoro: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:49
mneptokchris_: there is an official x86_64 Flash for Linux from Adobe22:49
sebsebsebscoro: ok don't do 5.1022:50
Maxwell__2DasEi: Any way that you can SSH into me?22:50
Prohibitedhtorres11393: 500GB external hard drive, 250GB offiles on it at the moment and i wanna make a ext3 partition from it (atm it is 500GB NTFS)22:50
Tare1offsebsebseb: how does saba get installed when i didnt do it?22:50
gregsp___no wait sorry i'm on jaunty already not intrepid22:50
DigitalKiwiI think I have a box of about 20 5.10 disks22:50
chris_what is the easiest way to get it? it is not in the package manager is it?22:50
Tare1offsebsebseb: samba i meant22:50
soundraynerdy_kid: many laptop "modems" aren't proper modems, in that they load the modulation/demodulation work off onto the CPU. They are also often proprietary.22:50
gregsp___got the names confuse me! bring back edgy! lol22:50
scoroHow can i update my ubuntu.?22:50
DasEiMaxwell__2: alright, pm me then22:50
DigitalKiwiyup =D22:50
HawaiianEskimoquick q: how would one install a live linux distro on a thumbdrive?22:50
Slart!usb | HawaiianEskimo22:50
ubottuHawaiianEskimo: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:50
DasEiscoro : sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade22:51
sebsebsebTare1off: I thought you said that someone e lse helped you set up your computer22:51
Prohibitedscoro: System -> Administration -> Update Manager22:51
soundraynerdy_kid: you can try System-Administration-Hardware Drivers to see if Ubuntu offers a driver by default.22:51
htorres11393Prohibited: Do a backup of the info on it first then repartition and put the stuff back on22:51
dub54Can someone link me to a VNC server installation tutorial?22:51
SlartHawaiianEskimo: I think the "persistent live usb install" is what you want22:51
soundraynerdy_kid: does your laptop have an RJ-11 socket?22:51
sebsebseb!vnc > dub5422:51
ubottudub54, please see my private message22:51
Prohibitedhtorrest11393: lol where am I suppose to put 250GB of files?22:51
nerdy_kidsoundray ok thanks for your help! :)22:51
Slart!vnc | dub5422:51
ubottudub54: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX22:51
scorothe update manager dosent work22:51
Tare1offsebsebseb: yes i had a laptop running beside the computer that i was putiing the ubuntu in, and was chatting on here with someone who helped me do it...and i told them i wanted to kill(murder) w98 and wipe it clean22:52
sebsebsebscoro: there will be issues trying to upgrade  5.10  to a supported version22:52
sebsebsebscoro: you should just sort yourself out with a later version of Ubuntu and install that, much easier22:52
ArkoldThossomeone having problems while mounting NTFS partitions on Kubuntu Karmic Koala?22:52
Tare1offsebsebseb: yet the other day i messin round lookin all thru my puter and in my computer saw 2 other windows puters and my wifes lapper22:53
sebsebsebArkoldThos: #ubuntu+1 is currently the Karmic channel22:53
scorobut can i download a newer version from the internet._22:53
sebsebsebscoro: yes22:53
Slartscoro: go to www.ubuntu.com, download a new version22:53
Tare1offsubsubsub: almost like i had a network or something22:53
ArkoldThossebsebseb, oh, sorry, I though I was talking in it :p22:53
sebsebsebscoro: and good idea to md5sum check the ISO before burning the contents of it to CD22:53
latexknightcould this have caused my BIN directory to become permission denied when executing all commands? USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/chmod -R -x+X /var/www/cd /bin/22:53
sebsebseb!md5sum | scoro22:53
ubottuscoro: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:53
chris_Slart: so the flashplugin-installer is what i need?22:53
Slartchris_: I think so22:54
chris_Slart: thanks22:54
gregsp___yeah so upgrading via the command line to karmic from jaunty? can;t see anything in those links?22:54
sebsebsebgregsp___: don't do that yet22:54
sebsebsebgregsp___: the final isn't out yet and #ubuntu+1 is currently the Karmic channel22:54
latexknightcould this have caused my BIN directory to become permission denied when executing all commands? USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/chmod -R -x+X /var/www/cd /bin/22:54
gregsp___sebsebseb - i only want a basic system to run one package..... this really isn't a mission critical computer lol22:55
Tare1offsebsebseb: when ubuntu went in there was a moment when it showed windows and ubuntu on a flashing curder in DOS andd that  is when someone on here said was the defining moment of wiping w98...so i clicked on buntu and that is when the clean wipe supposedly began and the clean ubuntu install began?22:55
sebsebsebgregsp___: in fact  unless the Ext3 to Ext4 conversion is good enough,  Karmic should be the one many people should clean install for it :)   really fast boot up shutdown, and disk checking after 23 or so boots22:55
sebsebsebgregsp___: ok which package?22:55
soundraylatexknight: yes22:55
Tare1offsebsebseb: it was a great feeling i hate windows so much...but it is like buntu knows it was there and knows we have a mac too?22:56
sebsebsebTare1off: you shouldh ave got rid of Windows 98  years ago really, since it hasn't been supported by Microsoft for years22:56
gregsp___but if i WAS to type the comman din what would it be? haha22:56
sebsebsebTare1off: I guess you were in places > network or something22:56
Tare1offsebsebseb: yeah i know but i hardly use that ole beast but now that i have ubuntu i use all the time love it22:57
hanshenrikthe "search" feature is fucked at my computer, Sometimes it thinks php.ini exist, sometimes it cant find it (when i do full search for "php.ini" from / and down)  but its not deleted/added, cus i can always open it manually... :s22:57
sebsebseb!love > Tare1off22:57
ubottuTare1off, please see my private message22:57
sebsebseb!language |  hanshenrik22:57
ubottuhanshenrik: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:57
hanshenrikoh.. sorry22:57
etyrnalhow do i change which of the two internal HDs GRUB is physically stored on, and run from??22:58
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
SealedWithAKissI know that this is unrelated, but I don't know where else to go. I am paying for an 8MB broadband package with the British ISP Virgin Media. For the last few days, I have been experiencing slow download and upload speeds. I have ran a test on www.speedtest.net and my download speed is 2.39Mb/s and my upload speed is 0.13Mb/s. I have called technical support (Indian call centre) 8 times and each time I have bee22:58
SealedWithAKissn told that it's my browser which is the problem, or that I haven't cleared the cache in Internet Explorer. I have been hung up on 8, yes 8 times! I don't know what else to do, I know that it isn't my problem! I have tried using 2 different operating systems and 3 browsers!22:58
FloodBot1SealedWithAKiss: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:58
DigitalKiwisebsebseb: windows 98 doesn't need support from microsoft ofc ;D22:58
colbloodetyrnal: use the rescue function22:58
sebsebsebDigitalKiwi: hmm?22:58
Tare1offsebsebseb: certainly if i ahve w98 in there iw ould see something as i boot up into ubuntu right?22:58
sebsebsebTare1off: ok you want help setting up a later version of Ubuntu?22:59
chiques-2I have two routers (ethernet router and wireless router) that are in between my network printer. Currently I use Idp://  to configure the printer in ubuntu. What syntax would I use if my wireless router is
DigitalKiwisebsebseb: it was the last good OS from them ;D22:59
sebsebsebDigitalKiwi: heh22:59
Tare1offsebsebseg: no i have buntu 904 now?22:59
sebsebsebin a way22:59
SlartSealedWithAKiss: go go #networking or some channel like that.. this isn't the right place (unless it's an ubuntu specific problem)22:59
etyrnalhd0 is the Win XP drive, and the second hd is ubuntu, but i think Ubuntu drive maye be dying22:59
SealedWithAKissSlart, thanks.22:59
sebsebsebTare1off: ok I got mixed up with the one that did 5.1022:59
sebsebsebTare1off: anyway yes places > network have a look at that22:59
sebsebsebTare1off: ,but if you want to share files  with Windows you need Samba installed23:00
soundraySealedWithAKiss: I may be able to help you a bit in #ubuntu-classroom23:00
sebsebsebTare1off: that is Windows on another computer23:00
Tare1offsebsebseb: OMG NO...i want to make sure windows is GONE every bit of it23:00
sebsebsebTare1off: right, but I thought you were also happy that is apparnatly detected your  Mac23:01
Tare1offsebsebseb: no no23:01
Tare1offsebsebseb simply want ubuntu nothing else23:02
sebsebsebTare1off: ok and your not even on the computer? hmm23:02
soundraySealedWithAKiss: still here?23:02
SealedWithAKisssoundray, I'm here.23:02
sebsebsebTare1off: well wehn yo uare, the places > computer thing, check to make sure Windows partition isn't there.  you could even install gparted   and  check that there isn't a Windows partition.  or  even use the Live CD with the gparted on there to have a look23:02
cmwslwi'm only getting about 40kB/s for the karmic upgrade23:02
SealedWithAKisssoundray, I will join #ubuntu-classroom.23:03
Tare1offsebsebseb: when i boot up from the off position and it runs thru the black and white screen wouldnt i see achoic of w98 or ubuntu if i had them both in t here23:03
eidoscunizi: those errors i am getting are from my /var/log/Xorg.0.log http://pastebin.com/m438f686b23:03
sebsebsebcmwslw: You probably shoudn't really be doing that yet since the final isn't out yet,  and  #ubuntu+1 is currently the Karmic channel23:03
Tare1offsebsebseb: wouldnt i see w98 as a choice when i start up my puter if  i left it in there?23:03
RectThe new gnome is pretty sick23:03
ch33zerHey everyone, I have a problem with screen in the console. It will not let me scroll up. I assume that this is because of the clock in the lower right. Any way to fix this? If not, is there any way to get rid of the clock?23:04
eidoI dont understand how I can boot fine into a GUI on the live USB but as soon as I boot into my install it blows up.23:04
sebsebsebTare1off: yes probably23:04
sebsebsebRect: hmm?23:04
oozehi all!23:04
RectI like the new default icon pack for gnome23:04
Rectmakes ubuntu look more professional and less like shit23:04
sebsebsebeido: How much RAM, and which version of Ubuntu?23:04
sebsebsebeido: Also which graphics card?23:04
sebsebseb!language |  Rect23:04
ubottuRect: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:04
sebsebsebRect: also #ubuntu+1 is the channel where you can talk about Karmic23:05
oozedoes anyone know a way to automaticly change the permissions of a file when they are placed in a directory?23:05
RectI have one question though lol23:05
JAYNESStheGreatI need a software package to run a virtual winXP workstation; any suggestions?23:05
RectI'm trying to connect to Efnet23:05
RectXchat keeps loading up freenode and ubuntu23:05
Slart!vm | JAYNESStheGreat23:05
ubottuJAYNESStheGreat: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications23:05
sebsebsebRect: Xchat hmm23:05
SlartJAYNESStheGreat: my personal recommendation is virtualbox23:05
sebsebsebRect: I run Konversation a KDE app in Gnome, it's so nice23:05
Tare1offsebsebseb plus when i click on everything as  i learn the ubuntu software i never see it no icins or anything...just that weird screen in network that makes it look like a have 3 computers on a network...2 windows and one apple...what is really wierd is the apple has never been in any way connected tto the ubuntu (dell) puter? it runs wireless and the dell is hard wired?23:05
sebsebsebRect: :)23:06
RectIt's XChat-Gnome or something, it came with 9.1023:06
sebsebsebRect: ask in #ubuntu+123:06
dsfagregWhat's the best mind-mapping tool?23:06
eidosebsebseb: eeepc 1000 1 gig memory Intel 945GME ubuntu 9.0423:07
sebsebsebdsfagreg: I think there is something out there for mindmapping that is good  and opensource for Linux, but in that case I don't remember the name23:07
JAYNESStheGreatthx all, quick answers, cya23:07
sebsebseb!intel |  eido23:07
ubottueido: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.23:07
eidosebsebseb: yeah but why would it work fine in live boot23:08
sebsebsebeido: not sure23:08
dsfagregsebsebseb: you seem to be the smarter one. Do you know about a mindmapping tool for ubuntu?23:08
=== cody_ is now known as PCTeacher012
PCTeacher012how do i turn on metacitys compositor?23:09
nooci have 3 microsoft operation systems at on hard disk, if a install ubuntu grub should recognize all of than?23:09
sebsebsebdsfagreg: no and I dont' think there is anything in the repo, but  you might be able to find one if you search sites such as  http://www.sf.net and http://www.freshmeat.net or even Google23:09
PCTeacher012how do i turn on the compositor of metacitY?23:09
Tare1offsebsebseb: well when i go home ill look in my computer abd see if  ican find w98 in there,,,hey wouldnt it be in my ADD/REMOVE area if i hadnt killed it?23:09
sebsebsebnooc: yes it probably will23:10
EricTheHaxgconf-editor apps metacity general23:10
sebsebsebTare1off: uh no23:10
ch33zer_I hate to repeat myself, but it seems that my question was passed over. When using GNU screen, I cannot scroll the screen up (using putty to connect remotly). Anyone else have this problem? KNow how to fix it?23:10
sebsebsebTare1off: that's a GUI for apt-get  which lets you install programs from the Ubuntu repo23:10
dsfagregsebsebseb: there's nothing in the repo? Last time I checked there were more than 27000 packages.23:10
EricTheHaxthen just check compositing_manager23:10
sebsebsebdsfagreg: I meant nothing in the repo probably for mind mapping23:10
dsfagregsebsebseb: That's a very poor assumption.23:11
PCTeacher012Thank EricTheHax23:11
sebsebsebdsfagreg: Not every Linux programs in the repo23:11
PCTeacher012Although Cairo Dock still does not work? It has a black box around it23:11
dsfagregsebsebseb: There's 27000 packages. Come on, I'm not talking about "every linux program", just ANY mindmapping tool.23:12
sebsebsebdsfagreg: Cario Dock being an example of a program that isn't in the repo,  only saying since  PCTeacher012  just now23:12
dsfagregsebsebseb: thanks for trying though.23:12
sebsebsebdsfagreg: you can search synaptic23:12
sebsebsebdsfagreg: add/remove is basic   synaptic package manager is more advanced23:12
sebsebsebdsfagreg: you probably won't be able to find one though23:12
PCTeacher012sebsebseb: I got it from running sudo apt-get install cairo-dock in terminal. IS that not part of the repos?23:12
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: oh it's in the repo now?23:13
dsfagregsebsebseb: just did, and found 6 mindmapping tools. Yeah right, I didn't find *one*.23:13
PCTeacher012sebsebseb: Yes, i guess it was just currently added23:13
Picidsfagreg: apt-cache search mindmap   brings up a few candidates for me, I don't know which would be good though23:13
Tare1offsebsebseb: no idea bout that, i guess what you are saying is w98 could be in my comuter but i cant see or find it as a newbie puter dork! i will say this my computer only has 3.5 gig on the hard drivr including 810, the 380 upgrades and the 904 upgrade, taking that into consideration could w98 possibly still be there?23:13
PCTeacher012sebsebseb: Though it stilldoes not work on my computer when running metacitys comositing manager lol23:13
sebsebsebdsfagreg: oh well  I had this feeling there wasn't anything,  looks like I was wrong, and in that case that stuff got added recently23:13
dsfagregPici: yes, there are some. I'll try them, thanks :)23:13
dsfagregsebsebseb: Stop being pessimistic.23:13
PCTeacher012sebsebseb: How do i run gconf-editor? It has been two months since i have ran ubuntu. I got a CD from them 2 days ago23:14
sebsebseb!atitude |  dsfagreg23:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about atitude23:14
sebsebseb!attitude |  dsfagreg23:14
ubottudsfagreg: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:14
PCTeacher012!aptitdue | dsfagreg23:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about aptitdue23:14
dsfagregPCTeacher012: As sebsebseb said, not every program might be in the repos, but every major program is. Glad you found what you were looking for.23:14
PCTeacher012dsfagreg: I need to know how to run gconf-editor. That is it23:14
sebsebsebdsfagreg: or  sometimes good answers aren't  available just like that, but people still tried to help you23:14
dsfagregsebsebseb: I understand you're a volunteer, and thanks for doing that. I'm just being reasonable.23:15
Picisebsebseb: Stop it with the bot.23:15
PCTeacher012I have avant-window-navigator now23:15
PCTeacher012but i still need to activate compostiting manager for metacity though the gconf-editor23:15
PCTeacher012There we go, found out how. Nevermind23:16
ssmych33zer_: re scrolling screen, that is one of the properties of using screen.23:16
PCTeacher012AWN is now one package referring to all the extras and itself. Anyways, how do i uninstll it in terminal? haha23:16
dsfagregsebsebseb: nothing personal. Catch ya later.23:17
PCTeacher012Where is all cairo's themes....23:17
ghiaccioloScusatemi qualcuno mi può indicare dove parlare in italiano23:17
sebsebsebdsfagreg: ok np I guess23:17
sebsebseb!it |  ghiacciolo23:17
ubottughiacciolo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)23:17
PCTeacher012What is the command to remove programs through terminal?23:18
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: sudo apt-get  remove program,  or if you want to do the config files as well.  sudo apt-get purge program23:19
PCTeacher012kk thanks23:19
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: also  programs tend to have hidden .folders with the actsual program user data in home23:19
ldlework_omg omg23:19
ldlework_I just installed esound by accident23:19
ldlework_It uninstalled a bunch of alsamixer stuff!23:19
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: You know about those?23:19
ldlework_What did I do?23:19
EricTheHaxthey say the ***x on compact flash and crap is equal to rpms of a cd. so how many rpms is 1x equal to?23:20
harisundHey guys is there anyone around who has experience using Ubuntu on a Tablet PC (Toshiba Portege M200) .. I am using wacom-tools and it works fine, but sometimes when scribbling on Xournal it's like the stylus skips over places or doesn't ink correctly. Any idea if I am having hardware issues with the resistive screen or whether it has something to do with calibration? (I am dual booting Windows XP and it doesn't happen that often on Windows XP23:20
=== milosz3 is now known as Milosz
PCTeacher012sebsebseb: Know about what? Sorry, i am installing cairo-dock themes23:20
PCTeacher012trying to at least23:20
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: hidden .folders in home   that have  program user data23:20
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: so if you remove a program, well  there may be some stuff left behind to do with it23:20
PCTeacher012sebsebseb: Oh yea, yea i do23:20
PCTeacher012sebsebseb: So you are  saying i should see if AWN is in there?23:21
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: usaully the .folder will be left behind,   ok you know about that23:21
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: and instead of removing a program,   you can delete/move the .folder and  then it will be like you just installed that program23:21
PCTeacher012sebsebseb: Yea, same as windows (C:\Program Files) lol, nothing gets deleted from it.and okya sebsebseb23:22
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: a bit like that, but for example the  Firefox profile  in Windows actsauly doesn't go in there,   anyway this is now off topic really23:22
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: When talking about how Windows does stuff in here yeah.23:23
EricTheHaxubuntu == humanity for humans who love linux == wakawakawakawaka23:23
dub54hi, when i connect to my vnc server on ubuntu, i only get a terminal window?23:23
ikoniaEricTheHax: please don't be silly23:23
ikoniaEricTheHax: I'm not laughing, please don't mess around23:23
ikoniadub54: is it running a full X11 install23:23
dub54i dont know lol, how can i find out23:24
EricTheHaxubuntu still pwnz23:24
ikoniaEricTheHax: I won't ask you again, check the /topic of the channel23:24
PCTeacher012There we go, found its plugins in their respidtory haha23:25
dub54ikonia: how do i find out?23:25
EricTheHaxi dont get it.... whats wrong23:25
ikoniaEricTheHax: this is a support channel, for ubuntu technical issues discussion (as it says in the topic) you making random pointless comments is not what this channel is for23:25
ikoniadub54: ps -ef | grep X is normally a good guess23:25
dub54just returns aload of crap lol23:26
EricTheHaxok how do i fix my ubuntu without reinstalling? my vbox install wouldnt work so i tried reinstalling it then i tried the repo version then i just kept trying and im desperate it will not run vbox anymore after i messed around with WMs23:27
ikoniadub54: well, I'm sure it doesn't who's server is this23:27
PrimefalconIs there a way to just wipe the history of the last command given in a bash script?23:27
dub54mine, i just literally purchased it23:27
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
ikoniaPrimefalcon: remove it from the .bash_history file23:27
dub54i just need to install a vnc server on it so i can access it easily for me23:27
ikoniadub54: if you're not confident with what's on it, speak to the person/hosting company you have it from23:27
sebsebsebEricTheHax:  You make it sound like you were trying  Ubuntu in Virtualbox on Windows?23:27
EricTheHaxim in ubuntu23:28
EricTheHaxive been VMing windowsw23:28
Chunky_KsAfternoon all. I'm having a really hard time getting gpsd hotplugging working.23:28
Primefalconikonia: its for a bash script in /home/<username>/bin and as part of the command I am passing the password so I want it to auto wipe that from history without wiping it all23:28
Chunky_KsI'm using ubuntu 9.0423:28
sebsebsebEricTheHax: just do a new WIndows vm?  or  ask in #vbox for support ?23:28
ikoniaPrimefalcon: use grep and sed to wipe it out as part of the script23:28
PCTeacher012I need help with a program error, http://pastebin.com/d25c18b9a23:28
Chunky_KsGoogling I found a whole bunch opf people with similar problems, and I've tried several fixes described23:29
Primefalconikonia: was afraid it'd be a sed thing lol23:29
EricTheHaxi tried and my ubuntu installation will not run vbox no matter what and i dont know why23:29
EricTheHaxit did before23:29
Chunky_Kshttps://lists.berlios.de/pipermail/gpsd-commit-watch/2009-February/001966.html that one got me closest23:29
mneptokEricTheHax: how did you install VirtualBox?23:29
habermann24an idea why blacklisting modules wouldn't work?23:30
habermann24i want to blacklist some modules23:30
Chunky_KsI saw a bunch of mentions that the whole issue is fixed in gpsd-2.39-2, but I can't find that package anywhere23:30
PCTeacher012Any help for my error?23:30
perlsyntax_Does anyone know where i can find the gmone ubuntu 9.10 beta dvd?23:31
perlsyntax_i  had a hard time find it23:31
EricTheHaxfirst i installed it from the repos then after a while ppl in #vbox showed me that its not the latest version so i replaced it with the latest version then i wanted more performance so i installed xubuntu-desktop and now vbox wont show up in xfce or gnome i tried reinstalling then i tried replacing it with the repo version and still no dice now i dont know what to do23:31
Gneaperlsyntax_: what's a gmone?23:31
ikoniaPrimefalcon: 9.10 support is in #ubuntu+123:31
Chunky_Ksperlsyntax_: isn't it linked in huge letters from the top of the ubuntu homepage?23:32
Gnea!karmic | perlsyntax_23:32
ubottuperlsyntax_: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:32
ikoniaPrimefalcon: sorry  that wasn't meant for you23:32
ikoniaGnea: thank you23:32
perlsyntax_i want the dvd23:32
ikoniaperlsyntax_: I don't believe it's released yet23:32
Gneaikonia: *tips hat*23:32
perlsyntax_i want to try the beta23:32
EricTheHaxwhat say you, awesome ubuntu community23:32
ProhibitedWhen I try to copy a file from a NTFS drive to another, I get the error "Error making symbolic link: Operation not permitted"23:32
ikoniaperlsyntax_: #ubuntu+1 is the place to discuss it23:32
mneptokEricTheHax: now that you have installed it manually, are you updating the associated VBox kernel modules every time Ubuntu gets a new kernel?23:32
macoperlsyntax_: cdimage.ubuntu.com23:32
* mneptok nods23:33
mneptokEricTheHax: this is why we use repos.23:33
EricTheHaxwell now the repo version dont work either23:33
ProhibitedWhen I try to copy a file from a NTFS drive to another, I get the error "Error making symbolic link: Operation not permitted"23:33
jane_ukneed to reinstall grub as windows overwritten it,superdisk didnt work23:33
sebsebseb!grub |  jane_uk23:33
ubottujane_uk: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:33
ProhibitedWhen I try to copy a file from a NTFS drive to another, I get the error "Error making symbolic link: Operation not permitted"23:34
sebsebsebian_: hello23:35
fearful!hi | ian_23:35
ubottuian_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!23:35
EricTheHaxso since neither the repo version nor the new version will work what do i do23:35
ian_it shows i have 1 broken package how do locate it23:35
Primefalconikonia: actualy could I just do a wc -l nad then pass the amount of lines to sed since the amount of lines would also be the last line?23:35
ian_i'm a linux noob23:36
ikoniaPrimefalcon: maybe that would work, try it, experimentation is the key23:36
lloowenHello all. I've set up most of the usual servers for a friend. i.e. web, mysql, sftp, ssh, samba. I connect to this server using putty and a web address created using the dynamic IP service on dyndns.com. The last thing I did was setting up configuring vnc4server. Now I have lost all connection to this remote server. No ssh, web, sftp. This server is running on a LAN and the owner of the LAN says he can connect to the server using a vnc c23:36
sebsebsebian_: I think that can be  fixed in the synaptic package manager23:36
mneptokEricTheHax: apt-get purge the repo version. reove the version you installed by hand. then "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"23:36
sebsebsebian_: hmm???23:37
ian_my bad23:37
lloowenwhat command shows all services running on a linux?23:38
Seveaslloowen, ps23:39
fearfulian_, sebsebseb go to the synaptic package manager and in Settings > Filters Broken package23:39
sebsebsebfearful: yes that's what I was thinking of23:39
Seveaslloowen, or in karmic, 'initctl list' would be an approximation of a list of all processes that are services23:40
ian_yeah i fuguer it out23:40
kn100i make a file called start.sh, give it executable permissions, then in the sh script is 'gnome-terminal --execute gksu apt-get install ninvaders && ninvaders' and it says it cant find package && yet if i run the command in a terminal on its own it works fine23:40
EricTheHaxok i purged all so do i use the downloaded one or the repo one?23:40
DasEican anyone tell how to access webinterface of 2wire gateway/router  ? first ip in net doesn't work ?  and standard pass ?23:40
ldlework_What is alt-f2 supposed to do? I run xmonad and it takes over the MOD key23:41
jane_ukhelp please..Probing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time.23:41
jane_ukgrub-probe: error: Cannot open `/boot/grub/device.map'23:41
jane_uk[: 494: =: unexpected operator23:41
jane_ukThe file /media/root/boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly.23:41
FloodBot1jane_uk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:41
=== trina_ is now known as Kittykis
EricTheHaxalt-f2 runs a command23:41
ldlework_does it run gmrun?23:41
ldlework_Or something else?23:41
EricTheHaxit runs what you type into it23:41
ldlework_How can I manually make whatever alt-f2 invokes run23:41
ldlework_EricTheHax, I understand, but what is *it*23:41
ldlework_What program does alt-f2 invoke?23:42
EricTheHaxhit alt+f2 dangit23:42
sebsebseb!pastebin > jane_uk23:42
ubottujane_uk, please see my private message23:42
EricTheHaxjust do it23:42
ldlework_I already told you, it doesn't work for me23:42
fearfulldlework, anything you want23:42
ldlework_fear, what is the thing that pops up that you type into23:42
ldlework_that runs the command that you type23:42
fearfulldlework, it don't for me either23:42
ldlework_is it gmrun?23:42
ldlework_gmrun is a program that lets you type any command into it23:42
PiciDasEi: Thats not really on-topic for this channel, check your manual and ##networking23:42
fearfulThats strange, in intrepid alt+f2 worked fine with this fresh new install of jaunty it don't work23:43
DasEiPici:you're right, and of course it's not mine :-D23:43
EricTheHaxits not gmrun i dont have gmrun but alt-f2 still works for me23:43
Gneafearful: perhaps you need to rehash your desktop settings23:43
jane_ukwhat is [: 494: =: unexpected operator23:43
fearfulGnea, I'll give that a try23:44
ForestBearhey guys is there any pokemon like game for ubuntu?23:44
ForestBearor even any windows versions to.... say, uh, torrent.23:44
=== Brenden is now known as Brenden`
sebsebseb!piracy > ForestBear23:44
ubottuForestBear, please see my private message23:44
sebsebsebForestBear: You can ask in #ubuntu-offtopic about  gaming on Linux, what kind of games you can install and that23:45
jane_ukwhat is 494 = unexpected operator23:45
ForestBearuh torrenting isn't illegal...23:45
kristian_i copied a file from /tmp to ~/Desktop. it has a padlock icon on it, how can i remove the padlock? not the file!23:45
EricTheHaxrun forest run23:45
ForestBearoh ok.23:45
EricTheHaxrun for your life..........23:45
idleone_ForestBear: torrenting windows games is23:45
etyrnal_in a two drive system, 1st drive being XP on hd0, and 2nd being ubuntu oh hd1, i have been trying to move grub to the hd0 drive with no success23:45
michael1my intel 3945 wireless card doesn't work. the pertinent dmesg and lshw information is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/285721/ Any ideas?23:45
seyfarthI'm thinking of picking up a Dell netbook with ubuntu, but it comes with ubuntu 8.04. Will I need the external disc drive to upgrade to the latest version of the OS?23:46
=== idleone_ is now known as IdleOne
fearfulGnea, I'm so dumb I had changed it myself accidentally23:46
EricTheHaxidleone: unless they are free to distribute and/or only distributed by their creator on a torrent23:46
IdleOneEricTheHax: semantecs23:46
Gneafearful: ah, so it's working now?23:46
EricTheHaxsemantecs? whats that?23:46
fearfulGnea, yes haha23:47
Gneafearful: cheers :)23:47
etyrnal_anyone here know how to work with grub?23:47
sebsebsebetyrnal_: of course23:47
Gnea!grub | etyrnal_23:47
ubottuetyrnal_: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:47
sebsebseb!details |  etyrnal_23:47
etyrnal_i already have it working on hd1, but i need to move it to hd023:47
ubottuetyrnal_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:47
EricTheHaxetyrnal_: duuuuh23:47
bejamesseyfarth: No, you should be able to upgrade with a usb stick/thumbdrive23:47
ForestBearidleone_: not necessarily23:47
Gneafearful: no need to feel dumb, everyone makes silly mistakes from time to time23:48
seyfarthbejames: alright, thanks. I'll see if I can dig up a how-to on that.23:48
pete_how do I create a new user account from the command line23:48
sebsebsebpete_: sudo passwd username23:48
etyrnal_i am not trying to resore it...  i am trying to MOVE it...  i keep explaining this, but noone seems to catch that fact23:48
=== mac9416_ is now known as mac9416
macoEricTheHax: a misspelling of semantics23:48
fearfulGnea, haha ok thanks, thanks for the help anyway23:48
EricTheHaxwhats semantics23:48
kristian_i copied a file from /tmp to ~/Desktop. it has a padlock icon on it, how can i remove the padlock? not the file!23:49
Gneaetyrnal_: just switch the drives and replace hd1 with hd023:49
IdleOneForestBear: it is off topic for this channel. we don't discuss torrents of windows apps/games.23:49
chris_Is there any drives you can install for an integrated intel GM965/GL960 graphics controller?23:49
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jane_uktrying to get grub back on my boot screen with windows23:49
Gnea!intel | chris_23:49
ubottuchris_: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.23:49
macoEricTheHax: a word in the English language23:49
sebsebsebjane_uk: Did you have a look at the restoregrub link that the bot gave you?23:49
macoEricTheHax: http://dictionary.com23:49
jane_ukyes seb23:49
IdleOneEricTheHax: it's details, anything can be argued to be legal or illegal given enough details. point is that it is still offtopic for here23:50
felix_hi! i cant make myself oper with ircd-hybrid. the server im trying to opme is a pc inside my lan. oper user is felix@ , so i can be the only oper, and only from this pc. the password is set unencryptered for debuggin'. when i try /oper felix_ ***** i got this response from server: felix_ establece modo +i felix_ && Only few of mere mortals may try to enter the twilight zone. any idea?23:50
keimohey, i selected to open images with text editor!! how i can restore the default sttings23:50
jane_ukgrub> setup (hd0,5)23:50
jane_uk Checking if "/boot/grub/stage1" exists... yes23:50
jane_uk Checking if "/boot/grub/stage2" exists... yes23:50
jane_uk Checking if "/boot/grub/e2fs_stage1_5" exists... yes23:50
jane_uk Running "embed /boot/grub/e2fs_stage1_5 (hd0,5)"... failed (this is not fatal)23:50
jane_uk Running "embed /boot/grub/e2fs_stage1_5 (hd0,5)"... failed (this is not fatal)23:50
FloodBot1jane_uk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:50
sebsebseb!pastebin |  jane_uk23:50
ubottujane_uk: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic23:50
EricTheHaxyou said it was illegal, but thats a bad generalization23:50
sebsebsebjane_uk: use pastebin23:50
jane_ukgrub> setup (hd0,5)23:50
Gneajane_uk: why are you trying to install grub to the MBR of a partition?23:50
jane_uk Checking if "/boot/grub/stage1" exists... yes23:50
jane_uk Checking if "/boot/grub/stage2" exists... yes23:50
jane_uk Checking if "/boot/grub/e2fs_stage1_5" exists... yes23:50
jane_uk Running "embed /boot/grub/e2fs_stage1_5 (hd0,5)"... failed (this is not fatal)23:50
FloodBot1jane_uk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:50
jane_uk Running "embed /boot/grub/e2fs_stage1_5 (hd0,5)"... failed (this is not fatal)23:50
Seeker`sebsebseb: you've already told them that23:51
pete_sebsebseb, nope23:51
Gneajane_uk: please, use the pastebin23:51
LjLsebsebseb: you do realize that the bots alredy told jane_uk to use the pastebin, and thre's no need to tell them another two times23:51
LjL(athough they still didn't get it, but eh)23:51
kristian_i copied a file from /tmp to ~/Desktop. when i look at my desktop the file has a padlock on it. (root rights)  how can i remove the padlock? (not the file!)23:51
jane_ukgnra - i have reinstalled windows to c:23:51
vadimyhello, can anybody help me just for 5-10 minutes? i have a problem, can't config my 5.1 sound card... i read tons of manuals, guides, created different .asoundrc files, and nothing... i really need help please23:51
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EricTheHaxi torrented my own windows game i made cause there were 3000 seeds and i started the torrent and my friend hates rapidshare. should i press charges on myself?23:51
Gneajane_uk: that is irrelevent, c: is still a partition23:51
sebsebsebLjL: exactly which is why I told them again23:51
Gneajane_uk: yes, please check your scrollback23:51
fearful!pastebin > jane_uk23:51
ubottujane_uk, please see my private message23:51
Gneajane_uk: you've been told many times now23:52
jane_ukgnea, my linux is on hdo,5)23:52
LjLsebsebseb: well no, you told them again - twice - *before* they spammed a second time23:52
IdleOneEricTheHax: fine! you are right. Still off topic.23:52
jane_ukwhen wins boots it doesnt have grub anymore?23:52
keimo<keimo> hey, i selected to open images with text editor!! [23:47] <keimo> how i can restore the default sttings23:52
pete_how do I create a new user account from the command line23:52
Gneajane_uk: but to boot into it you need to have access from the MBR of the whole drive, which is hd0, not hd0,1 or hd0,523:52
LjLjane_uk, please try reading the things that people tell you, otherwise you can't be helped.23:52
EricTheHaxso should i install the repo version of vbox or the latest version?23:52
EricTheHaxnow that i have a new kernel23:52
sebsebsebLjL: Did I? hmm23:52
jane_uki am a little confused gnea23:53
LjLsebsebseb: unless servers are not synced and i'm seeing different things on my side than you are.23:53
jane_ukok, so do i need to write to mbr?23:53
Gneajane_uk: that's because you haven't read what we've been telling you. either that, or you're not understanding some basics on hard drive partitioning23:53
Gneajane_uk: do you know what the MBR is?23:53
sebsebsebjane_uk: When Windows gets installed it goes over  the Grub that you see23:53
jane_ukgnea. it was reinstalled23:54
jane_ukprior to that it was working dual boot23:54
sebsebsebjane_uk: The Master Boot Record is the very first section of a hard disk  where Grub the boot loader goes,  which allows you to boot up Ubuntu,  but  if you put Windows on after Ubuntu was installed,  it will go over the MBR and only Windows will boot up23:54
Gneajane_uk: what was reinstalled?23:54
MaikuI have a laptop with an nvidia card that I want to dual screen with. It would be most convenient to have my laptop (the smaller monitor) on the left, but 0,0 on the desktop isn't on a monitor. That makes the icons etc offscreen above the laptop monitor23:54
kristian_can someone please help me! i copied a file from /tmp to ~/Desktop. when i look at my desktop the file has a padlock symbol on it, i guess it's because i need root rights to edit it. what can i type in terminal to remove the padlock of the file?23:54
jane_ukmaster boot record23:54
Gneajane_uk: by what?23:54
Maikuis there a way to get past that limitation?23:55
etyrnal_so it SEEMS grub installed ok...  http://pastebin.ca/1593273 but if i unplug hd1, the grub dies at "Error 21"23:55
jane_uki had xp on 1st partition and linux elsewhere...23:55
Gneajane_uk: please, don't assume that I know what you're talking about - please provide some detail23:55
jane_ukwin got corrupt so i needed to reinstall, then lost boot screen 4 linux23:55
sebsebsebjane_uk: The boot screen 4 linux  as your calling it, is called Grub23:55
DigitalKiwiyou'll need to reinstall grub23:55
Gneajane_uk: okay, so you reinstalled XP and now you can't select between XP and Linux, right?23:56
jane_ukyes grub isnt there now23:56
jane_ukyes sir23:56
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:56
pete_how do I switch users without logging out?23:56
DigitalKiwithere you go23:56
Gneajane_uk: please see the first URL that DigitalKiwi pointed out to you23:56
Gneajane_uk: it has full details on how to fix it23:56
jane_ukdo i just type it here?23:56
jane_ukexclamation grub23:57
Gr1nreaperI was here earlier... asked a strange question.... I'm ok, just a little delusional :D23:57
Gneajane_uk: what? no, just go here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub  and read it, follow directions.23:57
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jane_ukthanks will try now x23:57
Gr1nreaperanyway, I need help setting up dmraid in jaunty jackalope...23:57
Gr1nreaperI have an nvidia SATA (fakeRAID) array set to mirror... and I'm dual booting 9.04 and xp pro off an IDE drive...23:58
DigitalKiwiwhat will ubuntu do when you get to Z for release names? D:23:58
GneaDigitalKiwi: A! :D23:58
sebsebsebDigitalKiwi: You can ask in #ubuntu-offtopic23:58
josh_can some one help me my wifi card is detected and i can see my network but i cannot pick wpa23:58
IdleOneDigitalKiwi: Zonky Zebra and then they will start over using weird names :)23:58
Gr1nreaperdmraid seems to be discovering just fine, but I want it setup nice and easy-like so I can see and mount it from nautilus just like my other partitions23:59
Gr1nreaperanyone think they can walk me through that?23:59

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