[03:39] I use rsync to backup my home dir with my USBHD. Option --exclude-from=(text file) > the text files holds all directories I want to exclude from the backup. I want to exclude Ubuntu One dir but no matter I enclose it with quotes "Ubuntu One" or without quote Ubuntu One, the dir is copied on the HD. [03:42] Is the Ubuntu One in home dir a physical directory? [04:26] feedback anyone? [04:44] Nomnex: yes, it's. try with: Ubuntu\ One [04:45] Nomnex: hi :) [04:45] will do that, thanks [04:56] verterok: Ubuntu\ One, the directory is still copied [04:57] "/home/user/Ubuntu One" is the full path [05:02] Nomnex: did you quoted it? [05:03] Nomnex: e.g: "Ubuntu\ One" [05:03] without the quote Ubunt\ One [05:05] Do I need the put the quotes and the back slash? [05:05] Nomnex: I don't know much about rsync :) [05:05] Nomnex: I think rsync accepts patterns in the exclude list [05:06] yes, it does, no problem with the other folders. Only Ubuntu One [05:06] Nomnex: so you could use something like: Ubunt*.One [05:07] sorry: Ubuntu*One [05:07] thanks, let me try once again. [05:18] verterok: "Ubutnu\ One" did the trick. Thanks;-) [05:23] Ubuntu*One did it too. [05:23] see you. [07:30] hello there [07:31] My files don't seem to ever upload [07:32] I see no files in the web interface in spite of one of my computers being loaded with files at the ubuntuone folder === FND_ is now known as FND [23:19] hello everyone [23:19] does ubuntuone support syncing of evolution? [23:20] and if it doesn't, does anyone know of software that can sync evolution between multiple computers (like desktop <-> laptop) [23:44] hello, im having difficulty logging in to Ubuntu one: When I click the "Sign In" button (on launchpad) it loads for a bit then redirects me back the to same page [23:45] can anyone here help? [23:56] ...