
hyperairmac_v: do you know anything about notify-osd ignoring newlines in notifications?10:28
mac_vhyperair: huh? you mean not appending im lines? but instead showing them as bubbles?10:29
mac_vseparate *10:29
mac_vhyperair: but i think MacSlow/Sidi would know more about this10:30
hyperairi'm talking something like notify-send title "body\nwith\nnew\nline"10:30
hyperairSiDi: ^?10:30
hyperairit's breaking banshee's now playing notifications10:31
hyperairand the wiki says that newlines should be treated as well newlines10:31
hyperairrather than ignored10:31
mac_vhyperair: $ notify-send "Title" "Body" imagename10:31
hyperairbanshee's now playing notifications are formatted like: $title\n<i>$artist</i>10:31
hyperairnote the \n10:32
mac_voh that 10:32
mac_vdont know10:32
hyperairit's ignored, so it ends up all in one line, and there's no way to see the difference between the title and the artist10:32
SiDihyperair: i type my command in gedit with real CR and then i copy it to terminal10:32
hyperairhmm macslow's not around eh =(10:32
hyperairSiDi: and does notify-osd show it as a newline?10:33
SiDiie. notify-send "hi <new line here> hi"10:33
hyperairSiDi: in banshee's case it seems to be ignoring the newline, treating it as a normal whitespace char10:33
SiDisomehow \n gets interpreted as '\''n' if you type it10:33
mac_vhyperair: i'v tried /n and it *used to* work with thunderbird... but now , i'l stopped using the extension10:33
hyperairSiDi: well i typed notify-send title "body<enter>body"10:33
SiDiit works fine in exaile10:33
hyperairSiDi: could you pastebin the output of `dbus-monitor interface=org.freedesktop.Notifications` when exaile sends out one of its notifications please?10:35
SiDierr, how do i do that? :D10:35
SiDioh, im stupid10:35
hyperairerm run said command and then press your next media button key or something?10:35
hyperairin addition, notify-osd seems to be ignoring the album art10:36
hyperairhmm how strange10:39
hyperairSiDi: what is "Cry"?10:40
hyperairSiDi: it seems to be the title of the notification10:40
hyperairis it the album name or something?10:40
SiDiits the title10:41
SiDiWe use the track title as the bubble title10:41
SiDithen "By foo\nFrom bar"10:41
SiDibut i changed mines a little :p10:41
mac_vhyperair: how are you sending notify send? this is what i used for thunderbird > dy = body + subject + " ,from " + author + "\r\n"10:45
mac_voops > body = body + subject + " ,from " + author + "\r\n"10:45
hyperairmac_v: from a terminal.10:45
hyperairto be a little moer sure, i did something like this as well:10:46
hyperair$ perl10:46
hyperairbut the newlines were ignored10:46
hyperairSiDi: what version of notify-osd?10:46
SiDihm, 0.9.1810:48
SiDiworks same with the jaunty and trunk10:48
hyperairi'm using 0.9.2310:48
hyperairand this is behaviour i only noticed recently10:49
hyperairgeez can you all please follow/update the wikipage when things are changed?10:49
hyperairthis is so annoying10:49
mac_vhyperair: there seems to be a bug , it seems to ignore "\"10:54
hyperairthat's another matter entirely10:55
hyperairi'm talking about \n10:55
hyperairas in U+000D10:55
hyperairor was it 0A10:55
mac_vhyperair: yeah  ,since its ignoring '\' , i think the problem is being caused10:55
mac_vbut anyways ;)10:55
mac_vboth \r or \n is not working here for me now10:56
hyperair\ is another character entirely!10:56
hyperairit's not passed to notify-osd as a literal \10:56
mac_vi understand that... but saying :)10:57
* hyperair sighs10:58
hyperairbah whatever10:58
* hyperair begins chanting some gibberish in an attempt to summon macslow10:58
hyperair+and earning weird looks from others in the same room as i am10:59
ubot4Launchpad bug 402247 in notify-osd "Carriage returns in bubble title should be converted to a single space" [Medium,Fix released] 11:12
hyperair...what is the big idea?!11:12
* hyperair curses repeatedly11:12
hyperairit's fine if you're going to remove actions, or even formatting, but for the love of god leave my newlines alone!!11:12
hyperairMacSlow: aha you're here!16:07
hyperairor are you?16:07
MacSlowhyperair, I am but in a phone-conf at a dev-sprint16:07
hyperairMacSlow: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/notify-osd/+bug/40224716:07
hyperairah. i see16:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 402247 in notify-osd "Carriage returns in bubble title should be converted to a single space" [Medium,Fix released] 16:07
hyperairwell take your time. basically i'd like to talk to you about that16:07
MacSlowhyperair, if there's something... email better16:08
hyperairi did post my concerns on that bug report.16:08
hyperairplease take a look when you have time16:08
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LaneyMacSlow: Are you around to look at a dbus log of org.fd.notifications? Some images that Banshee is trying to display aren't shown19:53
MacSlowLaney, in meetings at a dev-sprint... not really here19:58
Laneyit's alright, we are async19:59
Laneyyou can reply when you get time19:59
hyperairMacSlow: re what Laney said, further testing appears to show that notify-osd rejects all non-square icons. is that supposed to happen?20:47
hyperairspecifically the {icon,image}_data icons. the ones passed by path appear to work.20:48
MacSlowhyperair, no... I can pass a non-square icon... and see it being displayed20:52
hyperairMacSlow: via notify-send?20:52
MacSlowyup... works just fine here20:53
hyperairMacSlow: the ones passed via the app_icon string as mentioned here: http://www.galago-project.org/specs/notification/0.9/x408.html#command-notify work fine20:53
hyperairMacSlow: the ones i'm talking about are those taht are passed as a byte array20:53
hyperairnotify-send passes it via the app_icon string20:53
hyperairtake out dbus-monitor and watch it20:54
MacSlowhyperair, no time to jump into debugging yet... please file a bug with a detailed description showing how to reproduce this.20:54
hyperairi have no idea how to reproduce this20:55
hyperairi mean there's no way you can reproduce this using notify-send, at least20:55

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