
=== highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage
BronzeAuAnyone around?09:42
BronzeAuHow the day treating you?09:43
BronzeAuThats good.09:43
BronzeAuI'm just having a look around. I'm new to IRC09:44
alkisgWelcome :)09:44
BronzeAuBeen using Ubuntu for a while now though. Since Breezy. Downloading edubuntu atm. Time for a change.09:44
BronzeAuThanks for you welcome. Is this a very active channel?09:45
alkisgNot on weekends... on weekdays there is some noice, but again not much09:45
BronzeAuCan you answer a small question for me perhaps?09:46
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:47
BronzeAuOk. Like I said. I'm new. Sorry.09:48
BronzeAuIs the difference between Ubuntu and Edubuntu just the packaged software that comes with?09:48
alkisgIn jaunty, edubuntu is a meta-package to easily install some software. In Karmic, it comes as an installation DVD.09:49
BronzeAuSo. If I'm reading you right. Essentially both packages are the same but the software (apps) are different.09:51
alkisgYes; e.g. you can start with an Ubuntu installation and just install the edubuntu packages.09:52
BronzeAuSo I could down load Ubuntu, add Edubuntu apps and call it Edubuntu and really there would be no difference.09:52
BronzeAuOk, cool. Thank you for your help. I'm sure you get much harder questions than that from time to time.09:52
alkisgHeh :) Don't worry, feel free to ask anything you want.09:53
BronzeAuI'm in Australia. East coast. It's cold and raining. Just become dark. No I cannot see kangaroos out my window. Where are you?09:53
alkisgIn the other side of the world :)09:54
alkisgGreece - it's 11:54 am here09:54
BronzeAuNever been to Greece. One day maybe.09:59
BronzeAuBeautiful weather I hear. Warm, sunny and generally not to hot.10:00
BronzeAuSo, for you - Why Edubuntu?10:00
alkisgWe were planning on coming to Australia for some years, but we had problems with the kids - the school year started 6 months later than us, so they'd loose a year in school...10:00
BronzeAuAre you a teacher?10:00
BronzeAuWhat do you teach?10:01
alkisgComputer classes :)10:01
BronzeAuHe he - I teach HSIE which stands for Human Society and its Environment. Essentially Geography and History among other subjects like Aboriginal Studies, Commerce, Legal Studies & Business Studies.10:02
BronzeAuI'm resurecting an old computer with Edubuntu for my classroom. Had Ubuntu on it for years though.10:03
BronzeAuIn a staff or 56 at our school (Years 7-10) me and one other teacher are the only ones that are computer literate. The school I'm at dosen't even have Computer Studies.10:04
alkisgWow... and do you have a sysadmin employed there? Who takes care of your PCs?10:04
BronzeAuWe had one. Gone.10:05
alkisgNice :) Good luck!10:06
BronzeAuNow we have what is called a TSO. Technical Systems Officer who does software. The other staff member I mentioned does hardware. I run the Moodle.10:06
BronzeAuWe have just had a laptop roll out of 20,000 computer to all of year 9 across the state so the TSO is for them really.10:07
BronzeAuThey are all baby notebooks. $700 each with $5200 of software.10:07
alkisgIn Greece they gave out netbooks to all 12 y.o. students...10:08
alkisg..but they're dual boot with ubuntu and no office, so not much spent on software10:08
BronzeAuSince most teachers are computer illiterate (nearly retiring) so I've installed Moodle to ease the burden on the staff face to face tech lessons.10:08
BronzeAuI see. Great for Ubuntu but youneed the software.10:09
BronzeAuThese little notepads have 6.5 hour batt life and are Windows 7. Fully locked and remotely administered via wireless.10:10
alkisgHow are they administrered? E.g. what do you do if you want to install the new acrobat reader in 20000 laptops?10:11
BronzeAuAll via the proxy. They are all filtered and no software can be installed by the student whatsoever.10:12
BronzeAuYou can't even get into the bios. Each one has a tracker inserted so they can't be sold. Accurate to 5meters. Pretty cool but very big brother too.10:13
alkisgOK, but how is new software installed?10:13
BronzeAuIt's automatically uploaded / downloaded via the proxy when instructed by the department.10:14
BronzeAuBy the end of the year they will have issued 65,000 of these things. I have one. It's ok. Can't handle video through the projector. I nearly killed it in its first month.10:15
alkisgI'd like to know how that is done technically. I don't know of any way to do that PROPERLY in windows - and using WSUS in 20.000 PCs sounds like a nightmare to me.10:15
BronzeAuIt has a prompt that comes up just telling you what its doing. You can say ok or cancel.10:16
alkisgSure, I mean the sysadmin-side of the story...10:16
BronzeAuIf you choose cancel it will just do it automatically on the next reboot.10:16
BronzeAuYeah - do not know and for obvious reasons I guess there keeping it all secret too.10:17
BronzeAuEssentially each laptop is like a slave and the proxy is the server. Although students can access the net at home its only via the detmsw proxy and is so filtered as such.10:18
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julienraty a t-il quelqu'un de chez scideralle ?14:17
dgroosGood morning LaserJock15:06
dgrooshow goes?15:06
LaserJockpretty good15:08
LaserJockdgroos: how are you doing?15:10
LaserJockdgroos: the lab going pretty smoothly?15:11
dgroosWell, students coming in any moment and need to finish the demo, "triple bubble map": http://cmap.mpls.k12.mn.us/servlet/SBReadResourceServlet?rid=1GLSQ92NQ-1683NSR-BW&partName=htmltext15:11
dgroosand yes indeed, it is :)15:11
dgroosI'm trying to get the server cloned so the other classes can get up and running as well.15:12
dgroosLaserJock: take it easy.15:12
LaserJockhighvoltage, stgraber: ping15:16
highvoltageLaserJock: pong15:16
alkisgdgroos: need any help with the cloning thing?16:09
dgroosalkisg: Hi and thanks for asking16:35
alkisgHey... I saw you mails in the list, and thought I'd save you from some suffering, if i can... :)16:36
dgroosThanks--students just came in (I was between class...) I'll get back...16:36
stgraberalkisg: ping16:41
alkisgHey stgraber16:41
* alkisg is trying to create nice looking menus for ltsp clients: http://users.sch.gr/alkisg/temp/pxeboot.png16:41
stgraber+xprop -root -f ICA_PORT 16c -set ICA_PORT $ISDPORT ica -noshm -isdport $ISDPORT -ivsport $IVSPORT -role $ROLE 2> /dev/zero16:42
stgraber+xprop -root -remove ICA_PORT16:42
stgrabernot sure about that -remove part16:42
stgraberwhy are you seeting ICA_PORT to unset it just afterwards ?16:43
stgraber(or I'm missing something about what -remove does)16:43
alkisgI'm unsetting it when the client ica dies, don't i?16:43
* alkisg looks at the source...16:43
stgraberoh, that may well be the case ;)16:44
alkisgHeh :)16:44
stgraberindeed ;)16:44
stgrabermakes sense suddenly16:44
alkisgstgraber: I got many, many ica-crashes with standalone clients.. :(16:44
alkisg(not related to the launcher code)16:44
alkisgI start projecting my screen on 12 clients, and after 30 seconds, 10 of  them hang!16:45
stgraberthat's weird, in my case it was mostly ivs crashing but I fixed that a while ago with the auto-restart code16:45
alkisgHow should I try to debug this?16:45
stgraberwould be interesting to see if ica is completely dead or half-alive16:47
alkisgI think it's defunct16:48
stgraberif it's completely dead (no more ica process), then it could be interesting to attach a gdb on it before starting it16:48
stgraberif it's half-alive, trying to strace it and attach gdb might help16:48
alkisgUghm, I'll need reading for that, I've done most of my debugging with visual studio and delphi :(16:48
alkisgk, ty16:49
alkisgdgroos: Heh, get the server out for practice! :)16:49
stgraberI'm uploading your changes now, then will give it a try with LTSP-Cluster as I run, just to make sure it still works ;)16:51
dgroosalkisg: ah...  can you tell me the chmod command to get the italc to be rwxr-xr-x?16:51
alkisgdgroos: http://italc.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php?title=Installation#Setup_authentication_keys16:52
alkisgstgraber: it would be better if you did this the other way around!!! :D16:53
alkisgdgroos: ah, sorry, you mean the launcher? sudo chmod +x <launcher>16:53
stgraberwell, looking at the code, I'm pretty confident it'll work :)16:53
alkisgHope so...16:54
alkisgstgraber: ah, I forgot to ask about what I told you in the mail: it'd be nice if we also included an "don't use autodetection" flag for italc-launcher (I've done this only for ica-launcher). Should I go ahead an parse /etc/italc/italc.conf from python?17:04
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stgraberalkisg_bbl: yeah, please do18:18
=== alkisg_bbl is now known as alkisg
alkisgstgraber: ok, if you didn't upload yet you may want to wait :)18:21
stgraberalkisg: it's already uploaded ;)18:22
alkisgUh  :) I'll use http://docs.python.org/library/configparser.html is that ok?18:22
alkisg(it's in python2.6-minimal...)18:24
stgraberI need it to work starting with pytohn 2.418:30
alkisgIs that there? /me has no clue...18:30
stgraberno idea18:30
stgraberI'd go with something ugly but compatible like18:31
alkisgYup, I think it is18:31
stgraberright, but you italc.conf is a shell file (containing shell variables), not ini ?18:31
alkisgSure, but I think that's a subset, isn't it?18:32
alkisgI.e. only the default section18:32
alkisgI could also parse it 'manually', or even execute it and read the environment variables, but I think the configparser looks more elegant...18:33
nubaehi folks...19:00
nubaealkisg, whatcha trying to do?19:00
alkisgHi nubae19:00
alkisgI sent a small patch for italc to avoid ports in use, and I wanna send another one for it to not autodetect clients19:01
alkisgI got it in a one-liner :): no_autodetection=subprocess.Popen(["sh", "-c", ". /etc/italc/italc.conf >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo $NO_AUTODETECTION"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].strip().upper() in ["TRUE", "T", "1"]19:02
nubaemailing list is getting kinda heated... though I guess I'm partly to blame :-)19:02
nubaehehe... nice one19:02
alkisgCould someone suggest better names for the conf variables? One for DONT_PUBLISH_TO_AVAHI, and another one for DONT_USE_AVAHI_FOR_AUTODETECTION? :D19:03
nubaeI've been drowning my brain in DBus and telepathy19:03
* nubae never realised what an amazingly powerful and approachable framework dbus really was19:04
nubaehmmm.... dont publish what?19:05
nubaeIP I guess u mean19:05
alkisgYeah, don't publish the ica service (=ip) to the avahi daemon19:06
nubaeu know, u could probably switch off autodection of ips via dbus :p19:06
alkisgAh, I think I got it. (1) ADVERTISE_CLIENT (default true) and (2) AUTODETECT_CLIENTS (default true). stgraber, do you mind if I change the variable name that I sent in the older ica-launcher?19:08
nubaethis little howto was really awsome: http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2007/09/using-the-tomboy-d-bus-interface.ars19:08
drGspothas anyone tried to export edubuntu packages to other distros...? ex with woof in puppy..?19:21
stgraberalkisg: I guess I can still change it, people didn't get used to it ;)19:22
alkisgNice :)19:22
nubaealkisg, how do I write your last name?19:24
alkisgGeorgopoulos Γεωργόπουλος19:24
nubaeI'm responding to the latest email from Scott Belford... who mentions Vagrant C as being involved with debian edu and somehow edubuntu being a re-marketed copy of it...19:25
alkisgUgh, I didn't read that one yet... :-/19:25
nubaeu've probably read it... anyway, thought I'd mention the real people behind edubuntu...19:25
nubaeabsolutely crazy... its no wonder people are misinformed19:26
nubaehah... gotta love my response... though I'm not gonna let it take any more of my time...19:30
nubaehe is vagrant's #1 fan apparently... I wonder what specifically caused that...19:31
alkisgstgraber: done, and mail sent.19:55
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nubaewell, traffic on the mailing list is a good thing I guess... hopefully more voices are raised...21:50
sbalneavCripes.  Been sick for a week.21:51
sbalneavI come back to this sh*t.21:51
sbalneavSo, I can't figure out.  Is R. Scott Belford mad at me?21:51
sbalneavnubae: He's vagrant's #1 fan because vagrant is LTSP's maintainer in Debian.21:52
sbalneavI'm vagrant's #1 fan as well, but vagrant works at FreeGeek.  His *job* is partially maintaining their LTSP infrastructure.  He can work on fixing LTSP problems all day.21:53
CAN-o-SPAMLooks like a bunch of wasted energy to me21:58
nubaeheh, it seems he's mad at everyone22:06
nubaeI just got a personal email from him telling me how he was so dissapointed in me22:06
nubaethat he thought I was more mature :-)22:06
nubaething about Vagrant is, Scott seems to think he is somehow the main debian-edu developer, and that somehow that makes him the main edubuntu man...22:07
nubaeI dunno... its confused me now too...22:07
sbalneavWhat I have to laugh about is how QUICKLY everyone seems to think things can "get fixed"22:08
sbalneavWe've made a concerted effort to get some long standing issues resolved:22:08
nubaeAll I did was try to set the record straight a bit, but I guess maybe I got too personal... I appologize for that22:08
nubaeright... the minute something doesnt go their way, its time to jump ship22:09
nubaeand I guess its just this has happened so many times before, we aren't surprised to see it happen anymore22:09
sbalneav1) LaserJock, even though he was MOVING and GETTING A NEW JOB, managed to get the seeds so that edubuntu's a distro again.22:09
sbalneav2) I've spent 3 months working on JUST getting Sabayon into a workable state.22:10
nubaethere is a slight indifference on our part (those that have been around for a little longer) and perhaps we should try to address that indifference22:10
sbalneavNow I'm working on the handbook.22:10
nubaeright... thats why I thought it right to mention people actually working on edubuntu...22:10
sbalneavWell, I think there has to be some realism.  We have no *real* backing from Canonical, other than the naming and hosting of the site.  Theres only a small number of people working on edubuntu, and NONE of us are full time.22:11
nubaewhat I mean is, it looks like the perceived indifference is either intimidating or seems like we are purposely being secretive...22:11
nubaeyeah... well all this came from Ace 'leaving the community'22:12
nubaehe wrote me a personal email stating that it was one particular person's fault, though he wouldnt mention who22:13
dgroosHi again22:36
=== dgroos_ is now known as dgroos
dgroosso still working on getting cloned server on the network... and respectin' it.22:39
dgroosTook down lots of stuff at the school today--my name was mud.22:40
dgroosanyway, I'm working on isolating the problem and can see that the 2 nics are confused, the nic for the wan is spewing out ip addresses.22:41
dgroosCan I just go into /etc/network/interfaces and *do something*?22:43
Ahmuckdgroos: yes22:45
Ahmuckexplain your situation22:45
Ahmuckthis is something i just recently solved myself22:46
Ahmuckdgroos: ?22:46
dgrooshow are you?22:47
dgroosand, how's your technology treating you?22:47
dgroosWell, my 2 nics are backwards, the giga nic is not giving addresses via dhcp which it needs to do to the clients.22:49
dgroosInstead, the 100 MB nic is handing them out (which caused things on the network here at the school to go down).22:50
dgroosAhmuck: Hello22:53
=== dgroos_ is now known as dgroos
Ahmuckok, so you need to switch things around23:05
Ahmuck /etc/network/interfaces23:05
dgroosyes indeed23:05
Ahmuckand /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf23:05
Ahmuckso post them pastebin23:05
Ahmuckmorever, you also need to be aware that your going to have to physically change the wire on the back of the server i suspect23:05
dgroosOK  ubuntu.pastbin is it?23:05
Ahmuckpastbin.be or whatever you want to use23:06
dgroosOK  I'm in this deafening server room right now, am moving cables...23:06
dgrooswhy will I need to change wires?23:07
Ahmuckwell, i assume that eth0 is incoming, via from the school network and/or internet and eth1 is the thin client side which you have isolated23:07
dgrooshmmm... just realized that I can't really do the pastebin thing since I daren't connect this server to the building network yet and risk bringing things down again.  Another way?23:08
dgroosThe way I've got things set up on my "other server" is eth1 goes to building and eth0 goes to my lan.23:09
Ahmuckpost it in an e-mail23:10
Ahmuckput it on a usb key and then move it and pastebin it23:10
dgroosI'll see if it works!23:10
dgroosHere's ../interfaces: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/286564/23:17
Ahmuckdgroos: so there swaped?23:19
Ahmuckthey are ?23:19
dgroosAnd here's the dhcpd: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/286566/23:19
dgroosYes, that's the problem.  I've tried a few things but kinda guess and check strategy.23:20
Ahmuckso if you swap eth1 and eth0 in the inteface file, did that fix it?23:21
dgroosRight, I tried that and when I tried to reboot the network it said: (I've got to do it again to get the error message)23:22
dgroos"* Reconfiguring network interfaces...23:23
dgroosRTNETLINK answers: No such process23:23
dgroos*if-up.d/mountnfs[eth0]: waiting for interface eth1 before doing NFS mounts"23:24
Ahmuckyes, mine does the same, however it works23:29
Ahmuckdoes yours?23:29
dgroosOK I'll check23:30
dgroosWell, the nic that needs to go to the WAN is still giving out ip address, the other nic is not providing them.23:31
dgroosThe previous results I posted were actually not when I changed the eth0 and eth1 in  /etc/network/interfaces sorry for confusion.23:34
dgroosHere are the results when trying to reboot after switching in .../interfaces:23:35
dgroos* Reconfiguring network interfaces...23:35
dgroosRTNETLINK answers: No such process23:35
dgroosSIOCDELRT: No such process23:36
dgroos* if-up.d/mountnfs[eth1]: waiting for interface eth0 before doing NFS mounts.23:36
Ahmuckswaping interfaces prolly means your going to have to restart dhcpd23:37
Ahmuckbut, i'm a nubie23:37
dgroosOK know how to do that?23:37
dgroosI'm game!23:38
dgroossudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart it is...23:43
dgroosAhmuck: Thanks for working on this networking issue with me.  I've got to head home for the day.  I'll post the question to the list-server on the thread that is steadily growing.23:52
dgroosAhmuck: Have a good evening!23:54

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