
* ScottK has power again!00:19
=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell
* txwikinger wonders if ScottK is hiding in Indonesia's typhoon area00:46
txwikingerpower problems?00:47
txwikingerDid we cut the power supply again to US because of non-payments?00:47
ScottKA presumably drunk driver on a motor cycle came flying down the main road about 4am last night and hit two deer and the power pole.  It finaly gave way this afternoon and has just been repaired.00:48
ScottKAmazingly enough he is said to have survived with minor injuries.00:48
txwikingerAh... drunk drivers again00:48
txwikingerthey are a menace00:48
txwikingerThey reduce the limit here to 0.500:49
ScottKOne of the deer was hit hard enough that the head was on one side of the road and the body on the other.00:49
ScottKI think it's still .08 here.00:49
txwikingerHmmm... roadkill00:49
txwikingerlets start the fire :D00:49
a|wenenabling message indicator in quassel doesn't work? or is it only supposed to show when the first message arrives?00:50
txwikingermessage indicator?00:50
ScottKa|wen: I didn't get it to work at all yet00:51
txwikingerwhat is it supposed to do?00:51
ScottKCollect up messages to you so you don't have to worry about missing stuff00:51
a|wencan someone highlight me again in 5 secs from now?00:51
ScottKa|wen: It's possible my patch to have it not default on was wrong.00:52
txwikingera|wen: highlighting00:52
ScottKThere was a value that was set to true and I set it to false.  It might be I should have just deleted that line.00:52
a|wenScottK: yeah, it clearly doesn't work now at least00:52
a|weni've even restarted quassel after enabling the message indicator under notifications00:53
txwikingerCrazy football weekend00:53
a|wenScottK: did you only meddle with the standard values of settings; or deeper in the program?00:54
ScottKa|wen: The setting is set in the code (quassel doesn't segrate default settings out like KDE apps do).00:55
ScottKI thought I was changing the default to false, but I may have hard coded it to off.00:56
ScottKSince agateau is off on baby leave, I don't have  him around to ask.00:56
a|wensounds like a valid assumption00:57
ScottKLet me try something.00:57
ScottKActually I'm not sure.01:01
a|wentry ping me again in 5 secs01:01
macoa|wen: PING01:01
shtylmanthis OO bug will be the end of me...01:01
ScottKFile extensions work now.  Thanks for that.01:02
a|wenScottK: thought you might have switched around the meaning of the option; but no ... but on the other hand; do we at all enable it as default in the kubuntu apps?01:03
ScottKIt's meant to not be enabled by default in Kubuntu01:03
a|wenahh, and it is enabled as defaul upstream?01:03
ScottKWe provide it since some Ubuntu apps expect it unconditionally and as an option for users that want it in Kubuntu apps.01:04
ScottKa|wen: Only by accident.01:04
ScottKUpstream applied agateau's patch and didn't notice that bit.  It was fixed right after I pointed it out01:04
ScottKUpstream uses Gentoo and doesn't have a way to test it.01:05
a|wenahh ... well we can try to test with the patch disabled to see if that makes the indicator work at all01:06
ScottKI'd say that's a good place to start01:08
* a|wen tries01:10
txwikingereeep. The Steelers are using funny helmets tonight01:11
a|wenhmm, update-notifier-kde always seems to appear once, and disappear within 1-2 seconds (with kdeinit4 crashing? apport can't build the full crash report)01:12
ScottKEven if it could, it'd just tell you you can't report it because you have packages out of dates.01:16
a|wenheh, got a point01:16
a|wenso the magically unreportable bug01:17
a|wenwas also wondering if anybody else was having it crash all the time?01:17
ScottKSeems about like what I experience.01:18
ScottKI didn't look into it though.01:18
a|wenokay ... kind of hard to get a backtrace01:20
a|wenoh well, knetworkmanager icon still duplicates (though this time the second icon merged with the quassel icon, instead of replacing the kdebluetooth icon)01:20
a|wenbut 4.3.2 seems to have fixed kontact not closing correctly, and crashing when trying to reopen the app :)01:22
macotxwikinger: burgher?01:23
txwikingerhmm.. I have something coming up in quassell01:23
txwikingeroddly it looks like gnome not like kde01:24
txwikingermaco: what does burgher mean?01:24
macotxwikinger: asking if youre a pittsburgher01:25
txwikingerAh :D01:25
macoyou're talking about the Steelers01:25
txwikingerNo.. I am on the other site of the big lake01:25
txwikingerI guess they are the closest team line of site.. but not sure about it01:25
txwikingerWell.. Bills are actually closer.. and the Lions too01:27
* txwikinger thinks he needs a pilot license... everything is so far away01:29
a|wenokay, now without the patch ... can someone ping me in a moment?01:42
ScottKa|wen: How's that?01:44
ScottKMaybe I need to ping a|wen twice01:45
a|wenstill no change01:45
seelemaco: you called?01:46
macoseele: i did?01:46
seelei have a missed call from you01:46
macoi wanted to ask what kind of icon would make sense for a mips emulator01:46
macobecause this package lacks both a .desktop and icons01:47
macosomeone in -artwork suggested a CPU die that says "MIPS" on it01:47
seeleoh, i have no idea01:48
a|wenScottK: can i have you ping me again in 5 secs ... just wanted to make a restart after changing the settings, to be sure it wasn't that01:48
seelemight want to ask nuno01:48
ScottKa|wen: Ping01:48
a|wenstill doesn't work01:49
a|wenwell, at least we ruled the patch out as the single point of failure01:49
a|wenhmm, now knetworkmanager icon has both merged with quassel icon and taken over the kdebluetooth icon ... something is wrong with either k-n-m or plasma01:52
JontheEchidnathe systray's always been a bit fiddly when handling old style and new style icons01:53
a|wenso most likely plasma is to blame ... a bit annoying though, when you can't get to kdebluetooth01:55
ScottKa|wen: Thanks for checking01:55
JontheEchidnavictory! http://imagebin.ca/view/x_nLZf.html vs http://imagebin.ca/view/tIV_aCf.html01:56
JontheEchidnano apport detection yet, but this is still a considerable win01:56
JontheEchidnaalso my dbus encantation is incorrect in updatehelpernotifier so restarting doesn't actually work...01:57
a|wenyou gained a few megs there, heh01:57
JontheEchidnaI'm porting update-notifier-kde to C++01:58
a|wenuh, fancy01:58
JontheEchidnawell, kinda porting01:58
JontheEchidnaanyway, I lost a few megs ^_^01:58
JontheEchidnaIt sits nicely at 1.8 MB until you actually need to be told to reboot01:58
a|wenis it still in charge of notifying of package updates? or that was handed over to kpackagekit right?01:59
JontheEchidnayeah, kpackagekit does that01:59
JontheEchidnaupdate-notifier-kde handles reboot notifications, apport detection on reboot and restricted instals02:00
a|wenwas right then earlier today ... thx02:03
a|wennn all around02:03
JontheEchidnawas there a mass giveback today?02:22
ScottKShould all have low build scores, so only get retried after new uploads02:25
ScottKDid we decide any seed changes at the meeting other than going back to dragonplayer instead of kaffeine?02:56
ScottKOK.  I guess not.  I'll upload the kubuntu-meta change for that.03:06
JontheEchidnathe spanish kde language pack is now down to a fraction of it's previous size03:12
ScottKI'm guessing that's not good03:12
ScottKkubuntu-meta uploaded, btw03:12
JontheEchidnakaffeine, the networkmanagement applet and k3b are about the only things translated03:12
JontheEchidnaamarok and akregator are too03:13
JontheEchidnaAnd it was almost perfect for apps in the core kde modules too :(03:14
JontheEchidnaapachelogger uploaded the fix for the last few untranslated strings in Qt the other day03:14
JontheEchidnaand then boom! all of it gone03:14
JontheEchidnaWe only have 15.4% of the translations we had earlier today03:16
JontheEchidnalooks to only affect spanish though03:17
ScottKOK, put kaffeine on the dvd too, to keep it in main03:17
JontheEchidnakdepim seems to be the only KDE module that has translations.03:21
JontheEchidnabug 44274203:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 442742 in language-pack-kde-es-base "[es] Update of 20091003 have 15.4% of the KDE translations from 20090926" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44274203:26
JontheEchidnaIf dpm shows up and I'm not around and he hasn't already seen this, somebody please poke him03:26
ScottKJontheEchidna: You also need to target it to the release to get it on the release team's radar (just did that)03:32
JontheEchidnaI think I can only suggest targets since it's in main03:32
ScottKthat's true.03:33
ScottKA core-dev would have had to accept it in any case.03:33
ScottKThat was funny.  Wrote a nice changelog entry, checked the maintainer and fixed that, and then started to test build the package without actually making the fix.03:36
nixternalgonna ask again...anyone know why if you have 1 user setup, kdm doesn't show the user list, but as soon as you add another user it shows up? is this expected, because it almost sounds like it is to me in a way03:38
nixternalwhy would you need a userlist for 1 damn user03:38
yuriyhaven't seen it, but sounds like good behavior to me03:39
nixternalyep to what?04:00
nixternalthere are people having crazy cpu utilization with plasma-desktop...anyone have any ideas?04:01
nixternalbug 41905404:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419054 in kdebase-workspace "kdeinit4: plasma-desktop takes 60-90% of CPU" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41905404:01
ScottKNot here04:02
JontheEchidnathose are always a bitch to debug04:03
rgreeningkill flash prob goes away. bet its a nsplugin running04:04
rgreeningit erroneously will show as plasma eating cpu...04:04
nixternalok, someone else look at bug 428741 as I can't find anything that says yes it is expected, or not is a bug...either through us or upstream, and nobody here seems to know the answer either04:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 428741 in kdebase-workspace "kdm does not display one of the users" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42874104:24
nixternalanyone know what controls screen brightness that would affect both Ubuntu and Kubuntu when using the battery applets to try and change the brightness?04:25
JontheEchidnanixternal: that nc10 issue? It requires a special kernel module04:32
JontheEchidnaI've marked it as a duplicate against the issue in the linux package04:33
nixternalyes, I just found that bug JontheEchidna04:44
nixternalmarking all of these damn nc10 backlight ones duplicate of the one you were working on04:44
JontheEchidnawhoa, this nc10 shit is starting to pop up everywhere... bug 32935104:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329351 in kdebase "Powerdevil Brightness/DPMS settings not working" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32935104:51
JontheEchidnaobviously the one who reopened the bug had a different issue04:51
nixternalJontheEchidna: bug 193510 - it works as he expected btw04:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 193510 in kdebase-workspace "[hardy] krunner is unable to run "$HOME/some_elf" or any command with an environment variable" [Wishlist,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19351004:52
nixternalI just did a foo.sh and it asks me if I really want to execute it04:52
JontheEchidnahmm, it didn't the last time I checked04:52
nixternaland what do you know, foo.sh just rm -rf /*04:53
nixternalit worked for me04:53
nixternalit's working like a champ04:53
JontheEchidnaI still can't get it to work... $HOME/.screenres.sh doesn't show any results in krunner04:54
nixternalthough I have no clue why the hell I would want to do that04:54
nixternalno, it won't show results in konqi04:54
nixternaloh dude04:54
nixternalI read Konqueror in there and thought it was konqi04:54
JontheEchidnaheh :)04:54
nixternalyou know what, it used to work, as I used to figure up stuff in $HOME all the time with it04:55
nixternalI remember talking to aseigo about this a long time ago04:55
nixternalplease stop with the KHelpCenter missing docs list...it needs to be pushed upstream and closed in Ubuntu already04:56
nixternalcuz I am going to be the sorry bastard fixing it upstream anyways04:56
JontheEchidnasure thing04:56
nixternalthough I haven't looked at it in a while...it was a damn good list that could have created an ass ton of new bugs for kde-docs04:56
nixternalI will assign them all to jjesse and philrod for payback04:57
nixternalkde docs suck, so do ours, if you didn't already know though04:57
nixternalit is getting damn near impossible to maintain with just 2 people04:57
nixternalI don't get how gnome gets a bunch of suckers...err i mean contributors, to help with documentation04:58
nixternalkde nor us can get them04:58
nixternalKDE seriously needs a documentation sprint04:58
JontheEchidnaKDE's usage of easy programming languages sucks contributors who would otherwise be unable to code :D04:58
nixternaland the good thing is, we could hold one here in Chicago when Phil Rodriguez is here working :)04:58
JontheEchidnaI wonder if bug 436864 could be caused by not having an explicit dependency on python-kde404:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 436864 in kdebase-workspace "zz-plasma-remove-network-manager.py crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43686404:59
nixternalthough he doesn't leave the lab much when he is here04:59
nixternaloh, I thought that was fixed04:59
nixternalwe tested that bastard and it worked04:59
JontheEchidnaI've not seen any more instances of it05:00
nixternalbug 438224 - tell me that doesn't scream pulse audio05:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 438224 in kdebase-workspace "On Logon, Claims Sound Devices Were Removed" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43822405:01
JontheEchidnaoh, yeah. definitely05:01
nixternaland I believe it is pulse on his system, especially with all of the gstreamer shit pulled in05:01
JontheEchidnaThe day somebody creates a NetworkKit we are all doooomed05:01
nixternal*Kit == DOOM05:02
nixternalis that polkit stuff gonna get fixed?05:03
JontheEchidnaI committed a fix this morning05:03
nixternalthere has to be at least 1 bug to fix in this mess05:03
JontheEchidnathe k3b issue was the same polkit issue05:03
nixternali didn't have the k3b issue05:03
nixternalor, the issue in system settings?05:03
JontheEchidnainstall policykit and everything's fine05:03
nixternalya, i was using that one as an example during the bug jam05:03
nixternalI had started typing 'JontheEchidna is gonna mess with this one anyways, so who cares' and everyone was laughing :)05:04
JontheEchidnawhen we went from the policykit-kde package to kdebase-workspace-bin, the policykit dep got lost05:04
JontheEchidnaha, really?05:04
nixternalit is on video too, but luckily the audio wasn't recorded...as I was saying some mean things about people in here :p05:04
nixternalwe had a woman there that was having fun with the stuff on mark with his latest comments05:05
nixternalshe was like "I heard you are the most politically incorrect person there is, how come you are being so nice?"05:05
nixternalso I started playing with the camera being politically incorrect, then everyone joined in..then we went for beer :p05:06
JontheEchidnaaha! bug 9293205:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 92932 in kdebase-workspace "Cannot unlock the session if the session is locked by screensaver or locked from start menu, KDE 3.5.6" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9293205:12
nixternalholy shit05:12
JontheEchidnaoh, that's a bit old05:12
nixternalyou think?05:12
JontheEchidnahmm, it's the only thing related to bug 351463 that I can find though05:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 351463 in kdebase-workspace "KDE4 screensaver lock doesn't accept password" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35146305:13
ScottKnixternal: Don't forget the need for kitkit to manage all the kits05:13
nixternalif (bug < 40000) { age = old; purge = true; }05:13
JontheEchidnasame issue of kcheckpass not being setuid'd05:13
nixternalScottK: hahaha05:13
nixternalholy shit05:13
nixternalI am going to create KitKit05:13
nixternalthe *Kit Manager05:13
nixternalGive Me A Break!05:13
nixternalGive Me A Break!05:13
JontheEchidna^it'd give options of which components of your system you'd like to fuck up05:13
nixternalEveryone break me off a piece of that KitKit bar!05:13
nixternaldude...oh for the love of cats...I want to do that now05:14
JontheEchidnakde bug 177450 looks like a problem with the old kde-nightly packaging05:16
ubottuKDE bug 177450 in kcheckpass "Can't unlock the screen; proper password fails" [Normal,Resolved: downstream] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17745005:16
JontheEchidnadunno if bug 351463 was reported from kde-nightly05:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 351463 in kdebase-workspace "KDE4 screensaver lock doesn't accept password" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35146305:16
JontheEchidnaI doubt it since apachelogger stopped maintaining it a while back05:16
nixternalshit, i get tired of duplicates05:17
nixternaleither LP sucks at finding them, or people are to stupid to file reports05:17
nixternaldoesn't matter anyways, our bug shit is goign the way of MS Windows anyways05:18
nixternalpretty soon you will get a popup that says "Send to developers or Ignore?"05:18
JontheEchidnaI used to imagine how microsoft handled getting 1 billion reports of application failure a day, even third party ones05:18
JontheEchidnanow I don't05:19
nixternalI waiting for Ubuntu to just automate the computer...kind of like one of those pianos that just play...you push the start button, then watch your computer do things...never have to touch a damn thing05:19
nixternalwell, except when apport pops up05:19
JontheEchidnajust give people a computer with no input kernel module and running automated QA tests05:19
nixternaljust sit them in a char and stair at a well05:20
nixternalpreferably a brown wall05:20
ScottKJust script to incomplete and let the janitor do the rest.05:30
nixternalI think that is brian does05:30
nixternaldon't know why I got into a bug triage mood either...i figure canonical pays people to do this, why should I help05:31
nixternal"Learn Java EE and Get a Free Sony PSP!"05:32
ScottKNot for our shit they don't.05:32
nixternalthey have Riddell :p05:32
ScottKDoes he triage bugs?05:33
nixternalno, we do05:33
nixternalactually, you all do05:33
nixternalI don't do shit05:33
ScottKYou didn't need to tell us that last bit.05:34
nixternaleveryone already knows ey? figured I would just reiterate it so everyone would remember05:34
nixternalI will be gone for a month here starting next week, so you all can finally get some work done05:34
nixternalhopefully I come back05:34
nixternalI will be riding past your house though on my bike, but I don't think we are staying in DC05:35
nixternalwe are staying overnight somewhere north of DC, like 45 minutes north...and then we are riding down to Quantico...i know the distance is just over 70 miles that day05:35
ScottKI'm closer to Baltimore now.05:35
ScottKWhere is the one north of DC?05:36
nixternaloh, so when I go visit my cousin you can take me out for beer :)05:36
nixternali can't remember...i will have to look over the sheet again05:36
ScottKOK.  Might be close to my house05:36
nixternaloh, we are staying in aberdeen05:37
nixternalthen we push off for quantico the following morning at 5am05:38
nixternalholy smokes, that is 106 miles that day05:39
nixternalif look closely in DC, you might find parts of my arse lying on the road05:39
ScottKYeah, Aberdeen's still pretty far north in MD.05:40
nixternalI fly into DC on the 15th, head down to st. mary's county, hang out with my daughter for about a week, then fly out of dc to maine, drive over to bar harbor, pick up the bikes at the local shop, spend the night eating and drinking...then the next day we start off at 12pm for a nice 73 mile ride..then all hell breaks loose after that05:40
ScottKWhere do you finish?05:41
nixternalMiami Florida05:42
nixternalunless we make good time and can make it to the keys05:43
nixternalthe entire ride is like just under 1800 miles05:43
ScottKThat's a ways05:45
nixternal2 weeks of riding, but it will take us 20 or 21 days total, as we will have a day off every 4th day I think05:45
nixternalUbuntu could have sponsored me, but they didn't...so I got Novell, Google, and a couple of small companies in chicago05:45
nixternalall that means is their logos will be on our SAG vehicle05:46
nixternaluntil we get around DC and they realize they are the magnatized logos...then we will have no logos :)05:46
txwikingerwhat did nixternal drink tonight?06:50
jussi01txwikinger: yeah, I was going to comment on that too :P06:53
Lure_Riddell: kipi-plugins FFe ready in bug 442571, changes pushed to bzr, just need ACK from ubuntu-release and upload (use orig.tar.gz from debian unstable)07:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 442571 in kipi-plugins "FFe for kipi-plugins 0.7.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44257107:03
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=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
kjeldahlUsing experimental xf86-video-ati with 3D support, but now systemsettings refuses to load. Just hangs. Strace indicates it is stat'ing /usr/share/kde4/config/kdebug.areas a lot of times before giving up and existing.10:06
kjeldahlSeems NO applications, except those stored in session, is willing to start. Same problem. Looks like something essential in the kde system died on startup, but the session loaded programs run just fine.10:11
kjeldahlAnybody have any ideas why my kde desktop refuses to launch any kde applications, but runs things like glxgears and firefox (non-kde apps) just fine?10:20
kjeldahlMachine is also loaded, so I'm guessing kde is doing something, just do not know what. Happened after installing new open source ati drivers and mesa 3D.10:21
LureRiddell: did you see my post about kipi-plugins?11:58
LureRiddell: before I jump on digikam: since beta5 seems to be last release before karmic release, how can we release 1.0.0/final when available?11:59
LureRiddell: and what about translations (since LP will strip them out)?11:59
LureRiddell: I think we should get it in karmic-updates, but I am sure SRU rules are too strict for somethign like that12:00
RiddellLure: it can go into backports12:04
RiddellI don't think translations get stripped from backports, that would be pointless12:04
freinhardwasn't that the point why the non-english kde-experience on kubuntu was bad in case one started using backports/ppa ?12:05
Riddellin the past we havn't put up kde-i10n into the PPAs, I've had very few complains about that come through to me but I think mgraesslin includead one in hs rant from the other day12:07
Riddellso I'll  include  kde-l10n in the 4.3.2 PPA backports12:07
ghostcubehmm german would be cool to have :)12:07
freinhardRiddell: yay, you're the man! :D12:08
mgraesslinRiddell: good idea - there were many complaints in the German uu forum12:08
Riddellmaybe I just don't get complaints about lack of kde-l10n because they're all in foreign languages, that  would have a  certain logic to it12:09
mgraesslinit was unusable12:09
RiddellI just hope  my bandwidth is up to it12:09
mgraesslinit was like half a sentence in English the other in German12:09
mgraesslinthe "workaround" was to use debian's translation12:10
ghostcubeyeah i did12:10
ghostcubenah stop12:10
ghostcubei used the karmic translations12:10
ghostcubecause they worked12:10
ghostcubein jaunty12:10
mgraesslinI tried those, too, but it wasn't perfect, with sid's translation it is perfect12:11
RiddellJontheEchidna: bug 436748 was really just  a missing depends?!12:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 436748 in kdebase-workspace "polkit-kde-manager assert failure: *** glibc detected *** polkit-kde-manager: double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x089cb310 ***" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43674812:27
JontheEchidnaRiddell: heh, yeah13:28
Riddellyuriy: the e-mail your forwarded to k-d seems badly formatted13:50
ScottKJontheEchidna: The retracers finally got to the khtml crash you asked me if I could reproduce last week.  I couldn't reproduce it, but I did re-report with the full report instead of the abbreviated one.  Backtrace is in Bug 440361.13:57
ubottuBug 440361 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/440361 is private13:57
yuriyRiddell: was that more readable?14:43
LureRiddell: can you ACK bug 442571 or do I need to hunt for somebody else?14:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 442571 in kipi-plugins "FFe for kipi-plugins 0.7.0" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44257114:45
yuriyRiddell: (or s/o with powahs) patches for bug 415237 and bug 43975814:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 415237 in kde4libs "Can't report KDE bugs" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41523714:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 439758 in kde4libs "KDE crash handler is used if apport-kde is not present, even if apport-gtk is" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43975814:46
RiddellLure: yes I was just distracted by 4.3.2 stuff first, what's a good way to test kipi-plugins with gwenview?14:46
Riddellyuriy: you should be able to commit to ~kubuntu-members  ?14:46
Riddellyuriy: nothing new come through on e-mail14:46
LureAnything in Plugins menu is from kipi-plugins14:47
LureRiddell: so just try what you will14:47
* Lure forgot that kde 4.3.2 is being packaged these days14:47
yuriyRiddell: oh right.. that's not the ones that were moved to -backports. d'oh.14:48
yuriyRiddell: i sent it just to you14:48
ghostcubeLure: isnt tomorrow release day :P14:50
RiddellLure: acked14:55
Riddellyuriy: nothing here14:55
LureRiddell: thanks - so will you upload or should I ask some other core-dev for help?15:16
RiddellLure: I can, after kde-l10n15:18
Riddellapachelogger: I think I broke ruby http://paste.ubuntu.com/286229/15:18
Tonio__Riddell: I noticed kdebase-workspace-bin doesn't depend on policykit, only the libs, which ends up a segfault if missing...15:19
RiddellTonio__: JontheEchidna fixed that  in bzr15:19
Tonio__Riddell: that's why it crashed for me.... I'm adding the dep if you don't mind15:19
Tonio__Riddell: ok right, just a little faster than me then :)15:19
apacheloggerRiddell: actually I think lp did15:20
Tonio__Riddell: want me to upload or are we waiting for other changes ?15:20
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
RiddellTonio_: waiting on 4.3.2 tomorrow15:20
LureRiddell: thanks15:20
Tonio_Riddell: hum right, I forgot about that one :)15:21
Tonio_lett's wait then15:21
LureTonio_: do you have plans to update skrooge for karmic? we have very old version in the archive...15:23
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
freinhardsame applies for kmymoney215:25
Tonio_Lure: very ? not that much15:25
Tonio_Lure: it is just the previous one15:25
ScottKkmymoney2 we definitely want updated15:25
Tonio_Lure: the versioning sheme changed, that's why it looks the version is pretty old15:26
Tonio_Lure: this new version has a lot of new features.... it is probably a little late to update no ?15:26
Tonio_Lure: unless you have another opinion on that point...15:26
LureTonio_: since it is developed pretty hard it is bad to have old release in new ubuntu release15:27
Tonio_ScottK: bah this is still kde3 isn't it ?15:27
LureTonio_: I can look into it and ask for FFe15:27
ScottKAnd that KDE4 version is out.15:27
Lurewhen I am done with digikam15:27
Tonio_Lure: as you wish :)15:27
Tonio_Lure: ping me when done so that I can upload :)15:27
Tonio_ScottK: interesting15:27
Tonio_ScottK: anyway I think skrooge is part of kde now15:27
Tonio_and pretty well maintained15:27
* ScottK didn't ask about skrooge15:28
LureTonio_: it's universe, so I can due (if I remember how to use dput ;-)15:28
Luredo it15:28
freinhardScottK: great, got it in my ppa, bumped claydoh's 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 in my ppa15:28
Tonio_ScottK: yeah but as you were talking about kmymoney... :)15:28
ScottKTonio_: Then should we ask to have the separate skrooge package removed?15:28
Tonio_Lure: right15:28
ScottKfreinhard: I think Lure is the one to tell about htat15:28
Tonio_ScottK: nope it is not part of kde that way, let's say it is hosted inside the kde project15:29
Tonio_not released with kde of course :)15:29
ScottKI see15:29
freinhardLure: bump kmymoney2, now! :D15:29
LureScottK: skrooge removed?15:30
* Lure notices we are discussing competitive applications15:31
Tonio_Lure: yup :)15:32
* Lure goes and start KMyMoneyVsSkrooge wiki page ;-)15:32
freinhardsince there seem to be enough devs for both, competition is a good thing.15:32
Lurefreinhard: yep, all are making good progress15:33
* Lure calls it a day (at work, bbl) ;-)15:33
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: [08:56:08 PM] <JontheEchidna> victory! http://imagebin.ca/view/x_nLZf.html vs http://imagebin.ca/view/tIV_aCf.html15:40
JontheEchidnaI couldn't get DBus calls to work from inside a kded module so I had to use a kapplication :(15:40
JontheEchidnait shouldn't be too hard to get it back inside a kded module, since the class that does all the nifty stuff is separated from the kapplication15:41
JontheEchidnathat is, if I figure out how to do dbus from a kded15:42
JontheEchidnaIt does restart and apport notification so far15:43
* JontheEchidna realizes he hasn't pushed the latest code yet15:43
JontheEchidnaAnybody have a clever way to detect only when *crash files are added to /var/crash? KDirWatch it seems can only detect new files where you give it the file name15:49
JontheEchidnaso watching for /var/crash being dirty emits dirty whenever new files are added *or* existing ones are changed, the latter being a problem15:50
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: well, obvious enough cpp will always be smaller than python :D15:50
Riddellwhy is that a problem?15:50
apachelogger+1 on what Riddell asked :)15:51
JontheEchidnaapport touches the .crash reports while processing them15:51
JontheEchidnapopping up another notification while you're using apport-kde15:51
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apacheloggerRiddell: fixing your issue is quite the drag15:53
* apachelogger aint got no clue why his regexp doesnt match15:53
apacheloggerah flaw in logic15:55
* rgreening yawns...15:56
JontheEchidnamaybe if I stop the kdirwatch while apport-kde is running, then re-enable it after it exits...15:59
apacheloggerRiddell: got a patch but I dont have my ssh keys on my netbook :D16:02
apacheloggerRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/286277/16:03
apacheloggergotta go16:03
apacheloggerlecture in one hour16:03
rgreeningRiddell: new arora uploading to my PPA. It has an important bugfix for SSL and adblock + wallet on by default as requested :)16:29
rgreeningwe haz the powerz16:29
Riddellrgreening: can it  connect to https://www.canonicaladmin.com/ ?16:35
rgreeningRiddell: was that broken for you in 0.10.0? If so, thats the fix in 0.10.116:35
Riddellit was.  FFe approved! :)16:36
rgreeningI'll ping you when it's built so you can copy over16:36
rgreeningRiddell: is that canonical site also IP restricted? Or should I still be able to get some login page or something regardless?16:52
rgreeningRiddell: I got a SSL cert error, and allowed the cert... but then the page takes for ever, never seeming to load..16:53
rgreeningwith 0.10.116:53
rgreeningLoading 22%16:53
rgreeningcould be my system...16:53
Riddellnothing IP restricted,  there is a login page16:53
ScottKFrozen intarwebs in Canada16:53
txwikinger_workScottK: No freezing weather yet ;p16:57
* txwikinger_work wonders when the weather plasmoid will work for Canada again16:58
rgreeningRiddell: I checked with icefox. works for him. must be my system or firewall..17:05
rgreeningtxwikinger_work: works for me17:05
txwikinger_workrgreening: I get this envar error aain17:06
rgreeningtxwikinger_work: Im using environ canada for St. John's, NL.. works fine here.17:06
txwikinger_workrgreening: Cannot find 'envcan|validate|Kitchener-Waterloo'.17:08
rgreeningRiddell: I removed my /home/rgreening/.config/arora-browser.org/* and it works17:08
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: bug 264499 ... kpresenter-kde4 also needs to conflict kpresenter-data it seems17:09
rgreeningtxwikinger_work: let me try...17:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 264499 in koffice2 "package kpresenter-kde4 None failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/pixmaps/kpresenter.xpm', which is also in package kpresenter-data" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26449917:09
apacheloggerplz apply a fix for both karmic and all ppas we might have published backports sideports or any other ports17:09
apacheloggerforgot my ssh keys at home and cant push the changes to bzr17:09
apacheloggerbesides, I am in a lecture :S17:09
rgreeningtxwikinger_work: works here17:09
rgreeningtxwikinger_work: Kitchener-Waterloo, ON17:10
txwikinger_workrgreening: Well.. how do I fix it :D17:10
rgreeningsee above.. did you specify ON17:10
Monika|Kin a lecture, past 6 p.m.?17:10
txwikinger_workBah.. it should find it17:10
rgreeningyou need to specify province17:11
txwikinger_workI didn't used to17:11
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apacheloggerdid I ever mention that the bat codebase is a mess?17:12
apacheloggerought to do major refactor :S17:12
apacheloggerso much to do, so little time17:12
* txwikinger_work agrees with apachelogger17:12
ghostcubeisnt it like always17:19
ghostcube24 / 7 48 / 14 needed17:19
ScottKRiddell: The MI stuff for Quassel seems not to work.  I don't know when agateau gets back but in the meantime it's there, default off, and turning it on does nothing (I added the missing build dep)17:21
RiddellI won't be able to find out when agateux gets back until I get to  the  "new arora version"  on this todo list of mine :)17:22
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rgreeningRiddell: let me check the build...17:34
rgreeningRiddell: It still is pending build in PPA. I built local and tested fine.17:35
rgreeningRiddell: copy the details over from  https://edge.launchpad.net/~roderick-greening/+archive/ppa/+packages and upload to main...17:35
rgreeninghmm... just checked my mail.. loks like you have done this :) ty Riddell17:37
Riddellquick revu needed http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/qt-sdk18:11
JontheEchidnathe translations errors caused yesterday were due to the langpack server runnign out of disk space18:12
* Riddell was just tidying up his ~jriddell disk space18:13
apacheloggerlangpacks ftw18:13
JontheEchidnaRiddell: it's a native package18:13
RiddellJontheEchidna: right18:14
JontheEchidnaI thought we didn't give native packages -0ubuntux endings?18:14
Riddellwe do if there's any chance it'll get into debian18:14
JontheEchidnaaah, ok18:15
JontheEchidnadisregard me then. I should be fixing koffice anyways18:15
RiddellJontheEchidna: what are you fixing about koffice?18:15
JontheEchidnabug 26449918:15
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/264499/+text)18:15
* JontheEchidna slaps ubottu18:15
* JontheEchidna slaps launchpad18:16
apacheloggerstupid lp18:16
JontheEchidnabut I've gotten apport notifications working pretty well, except when apport-kde never exists, thus not giving me the exit code that I need :/18:16
Monika|KWhy do you slap it?18:16
JontheEchidnaexists-> exits18:16
JontheEchidnabecause launchpad took too long to return the bug data18:17
* JontheEchidna revus while downloading uberlarge tarball18:18
Monika|Kubottu-substitute: "package kpresenter-kde4 None failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/pixmaps/kpresenter.xpm', which is also in package kpresenter-data"18:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:19
JontheEchidnaRiddell: I spotted no obvious errors in qt-sdk18:20
RiddellJontheEchidna: rock, thanks18:20
JontheEchidnaRiddell: do we need to ship a copying file with it, though?18:20
Riddellyes, it has one18:21
JontheEchidnaok, so the snippet in debian/copyright with the link to the full one is sufficient?18:21
seelewow.. so the launchpad icon survey is terrible18:21
ScottKseele: That's putting it mildly.18:24
* seele sighs18:25
ScottKI'm officially on vacation from filing Launchpad bugs since last night.18:27
ScottKApparently my bug report comments were a little too sarcastic for them, so I'm taking a break.18:27
Monika|Kwhere is the launchpad icon survey, seele?18:27
ScottKMonika|K: See planet.ubuntu.com18:28
seelei thought they hired people to do stuff like this18:29
ScottKseele: They did18:30
ScottKAlways the best and the brightest at Launchpad18:30
Riddellno idea where they got that "little too sarcastic"  idea from :)18:30
ScottKIt's not like I don't understand why they were grumpy about it.18:31
yuriyRiddell: bug 439758 i mentioned earlier is karmic not jaunty btw, so that's main, wasn't sure if you'd glossed over that after looking at me being stupid on the other one18:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 439758 in kde4libs "KDE crash handler is used if apport-kde is not present, even if apport-gtk is" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43975818:31
Monika|Kseele, it is a strange survey indeed ... and on the first question I can't even figure out which icon they refer to18:32
Riddellyuriy: but you have  a patch you can commit?18:32
JontheEchidnayuriy: btw, do you know if automatically-spawned apport-kde processes are exiting properly these days?18:34
ScottKRiddell: I'll New the qt-sdk after it's uploaded.  Just give me a ping.18:34
yuriyRiddell: i committed to update-notifier-kde, but there's also a patch for kde4libs18:35
Riddellyuriy: we keep our packaging  in bzr, lp:~kubuntu-members/kdelibs/ubuntu18:35
yuriyJontheEchidna: they aren't. except sometimes when they are, but I don't know when that is.18:35
yuriyRiddell: oh, shouldn't only things that are actually uploaded go in there? how does it work if someone makes a change that then gets denied?18:36
seelerickspencer3: what's your opinion on the launchpad survey? am i being overly critical?18:36
JontheEchidnayuriy: ok, thanks18:36
rickspencer3seele, I am sorry, I have not paid any attention to it18:36
rgreeningyuriy: upload to bzr, ping a dev to review18:37
JontheEchidnamy new updater relies on getting an exited status from apport-kde to re-enable notifications :(18:37
rgreeningyuriy: dev will correect, etc...18:37
JontheEchidna^or reject if necessary18:37
Riddellyuriy: well we remove it, but the point of bzr is it allows people to commit stuff so it's ready for review+upload when appropriate18:37
rgreeningya. what JontheEchidnasaid18:37
yuriyRiddell, rgreening: sorry just never got the process for bzr packaging. ok i can do that.18:37
rgreeningyuriy: the important thing is to ensure we keep them in sync...18:37
RiddellJontheEchidna: for native packages I'm find with them just pointing at /usr/share/common-licences, no need for full copy18:39
JontheEchidnaok, cool18:39
lex79there is no more a  button for report a bug in this page: https://bugs.launchpad.net/, how can I file a bug? IoI18:39
rickspencer3lex79, use ubuntu-bug18:39
rgreeningthe whole new lp needs a major tutorial on changes...18:40
lex79thanks JontheEchidna. It's weird there isn't a button for this....18:40
rgreeningtoo many changes...18:40
rickspencer3lex79, are you sure you don't want to us ubuntu-bug?18:41
rgreeningtook me forever to realize I had my own private PPA link on my PPA page and the orginal ninjas page didnt anymore..18:41
rickspencer3logging bugs from the web page is only for circumstances where there is not a package to associate the bug with18:41
lex79ubuntu-bug? what is? :)18:41
rgreeningrickspencer3: but thiere is no button on the page? :)18:42
rickspencer3rgreening, exactly18:42
rickspencer3lex79, ubuntu-bug is a program build into ubuntu18:42
yuriyrgreening: the in sync part is what confuses me, because it seems very prone to unsyncing18:42
rgreeninglol.. and if you are on a non ubuntu os... and need ot file a bug?18:42
rgreeningrickspencer3: ^18:42
rickspencer3rgreening, the redirect is only under Ubuntu18:43
rickspencer3so your own projects, etc... are not impacted18:43
rgreeningok then...18:43
lex79I saw ubuntu-bug, I prefer lp, and I prefer lp old style :)18:43
* rgreening thinkw there does need to be some lp seminars at UDS or something online...18:43
yuriylex79: if you can use ubuntu-bug though, even the most basic info it adds (ubuntu release...) ends up being quite useful to have up there in a uniform fashion from the getgo18:44
rickspencer3rgreening, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs *is* a tutorial18:44
JontheEchidnait sure makes it a pain in the ass to file needs-packaging bugs18:44
JontheEchidnaand merge requests, unless you want your merged ticket polluted with all the crap apport attaches18:45
ScottKrickspencer3: There are plenty of cases where the added information added by ubuntu-bug isn't needed.18:46
rickspencer3ScottK, yes, but many many more where it is18:46
rickspencer3the ratio of "needs info" bugs to actionable bugs is overwhelming18:46
ScottKOf course the notion of a web site that needs documentation for how to use it seems inherently wrong18:46
JontheEchidnasurely there would be an easy way for developers to not have to find obscure no-redirect arguments so that they can file their bugs?18:47
ScottKrickspencer3: Now that devs are exempt, I think it's OK.18:47
ScottKJontheEchidna: Developers are supposed to be exempt from the redirect18:47
JontheEchidnaoh, they are now?18:47
JontheEchidnaI am happy18:47
ScottKActually it's bugsquad (when includes ubuntu-dev)18:47
ScottKI think it had something to do with the bug Keybuck filed in all caps.18:48
lex79JontheEchidna: when you have time, launchpad bug 44332918:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 443329 in ubuntu "New upstream bugfix release krename 4.0.1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44332918:55
JontheEchidnalex79: "and the history of templates is now saved" <- was this broken earlier, or is this a new feature?18:57
lex79I think it was broken in old release, but not sure18:58
rickspencer3Riddell, may I bring up the bug I just assigned to you?18:59
rickspencer3(for discussion)18:59
JontheEchidnalex79: ok, after I get done with koffice I'll have a look18:59
Riddellbug 44333519:00
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/443335/+text)19:01
rickspencer3rgreening, ScottK, seele, others ...19:01
Riddellrickspencer3: nope, launchpad has defeated our bot19:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 443335 in kdebase "point Kubuntu default home page to Google Custom Search and include proper identifier" [High,New]19:01
rickspencer3do you guys have a moment to discuss this change>19:01
Riddelllooks like a once in a  lifetime chance for  Kubuntu to give back to canonical with some revenue19:01
neversfeldebug 425319 needs a sponsor19:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 425319 in kid3 "kid3 assert failure: *** stack smashing detected ***: kid3 terminated after opening a mp3 file" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42531919:01
ScottKWell it got a lot of negative feedback doing that for Ubuntu.19:02
rickspencer3Riddell, yes, I think it will be quite helpful for the project ... but19:02
neversfeldeshould I subscripe universe-sponsors only, or is a subscription for the release team necessary, too?19:02
rickspencer3it does have a slight change to the user experience19:02
rickspencer3ScottK, well, this just does what Ubuntu does19:02
rickspencer3or that's what I meant19:02
ScottKrickspencer3: Right.  My recollection was that it was pretty unpopular.  I may be confusing this with another issue though.19:02
rickspencer3so when users open a new browser and do a search within the new page, it does the same thing that FF in Ubuntu does19:02
rickspencer3ScottK, that was when we made every UI element in FF go there19:03
rickspencer3this is just the search box on the default home page19:03
ScottKSo is there a way we can try this out?19:03
ScottKTo see what the experience would be?19:03
rickspencer3is it possible to configure what URL for the default page there to use?19:03
RiddellScottK: follow the link on the bug19:03
rickspencer3in any case, it will be exactly the same as in Ubuntu19:04
Riddellrickspencer3: so it's not for the top right search box?19:04
rickspencer3(but I would like a *Kubuntu* specific identifier there19:04
rickspencer3Riddell, I don't think so19:04
rickspencer3that is used much more, and I would suggest that you are much more careful about changing that19:04
rickspencer3so this is *just* the search box inside the default home page19:05
rickspencer3also, if users can search from the URL bar, I wouldn't mess with that either19:05
rickspencer3also note, the design team and the web team are planning to slightly enhance that landing page, by adding some typical Google features back, like links to image search and such19:05
rickspencer3though at this stage, I wouldn't promise they will get that done in time19:06
ScottKrickspencer3: I guess I'm not clear why Kubuntu would want this?19:06
rickspencer3ScottK, because that landing page is one of the few sources of revenue for Ubuntu, and Kubuntu should be participating in that19:06
Riddellbecause Kubuntu has to  pay for itself?19:06
ScottKOK, fair enough.19:07
rickspencer3ScottK, though I don't want to blow off your point19:07
rickspencer3I think that's why I would not suggest changing where the search box on top right points to and such19:07
rickspencer3as that would be too big of a change without a user benefit19:07
rickspencer3ScottK, thanks for your time, I didn't want you all to be surprised, etc...19:08
ScottKrickspencer3: I suspect we will get some negative feedback.  I think we should have a good answer to what the benifit for Kubuntu would be.19:08
rickspencer3please let me know right away if there are unintended consequences ;)19:08
JontheEchidnalex79: from the debdiff it looks like a new feature19:09
rickspencer3ScottK, I would say, generating revenue to support the project, and giving Canonical some insight into the contribution that Kubuntu makes to the community19:09
JontheEchidnalex79: I would feel comfortable if you did an FFe for it19:09
Monika|KWhat is an FFe?19:09
JontheEchidnashouldn't be too hard, though. it's a small feature and translations are good19:09
JontheEchidnaMonika|K: Feature Freeze Exception19:10
lex79JontheEchidna: ok, I'll request19:10
Monika|Kah, thx19:10
JontheEchidnayup, np19:10
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rickspencer3hey, Scott and I were doing some PMing while you all were talking19:13
rickspencer3wherein ScottK basically lauded my genius, good lucks, generosity, and modesty19:14
ScottKOr something.19:14
rickspencer3thanks for  your time all19:14
JontheEchidnaneversfelde: I'll take a look at kid19:14
* rickspencer3 is going crazy getting Karmic finalized19:15
ScottKI think it's unfortunate that it's so close to release we are considering this, but it's probably OK19:15
rickspencer3ScottK, my fault entirely19:15
ScottKrickspencer3: I do think that if we are going to do this, it should be done very quickly.19:15
rickspencer3yes, Riddell is working on it asap19:15
rickspencer3we should roll it out while there is a chance to revert in the case of unintended consequences19:15
ScottKPersonally, I'm a little uncomfortable with the idea, but I can see the rationale for it and so I don't really object.19:16
ScottKRiddell: Once it's ready, I think you should send some kind of announcement message to kubuntu-devel/kubuntu-users so no one thinks we are trying to sneak this in.19:17
Riddellcan do19:17
yuriyas long as we're already directing all searches to google anyway, I don't think it's a big deal.  actually I think the current setup of giving them all our searches but not getting anything back (like Mozilla does, for one) is worse.19:17
RiddellScottK: qt-sdk and dooble should  be in the  new queue19:19
txwikinger_workwhat about arora?19:20
ScottKRiddell: OK.  I'll do qt-sdk.  No promises on dooble19:20
Riddelltxwikinger_work: uploaded that earlier  today thanks to  rgreening19:24
txwikinger_workRiddell: cool19:24
ScottKRiddell: qt-sdk accepted.  I'd think subversion would be a recommends at most since Qt uses Git and KDE is moving there.19:25
RiddellScottK: package list is from Qt, I just do as I'm asked.  I think the rationale is it's the tools that qtcreator supports19:26
ScottKRiddell: OK.  Fair enough.19:26
lex79For sync request, kshutdown beta6 in ubuntu and beta8 in Debian, I need to request also a FFe ?19:31
Riddellonly if it has new features19:33
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lex79uhm, yes it has19:34
JontheEchidnaI think it'd be ok to do the FFe and sync request in the same report19:34
ScottKIt would19:34
JontheEchidnawould a motu-release ack count as an motu ack too?19:34
ScottKNot unless the motu-release person says so explicitly19:34
lex79So I need one ack from motu-release and one from motu for sync?19:35
JontheEchidnalex79: yeah, just ping me after you get the FFe approved and I'll ack and subscribe the archive admins19:35
JontheEchidnaunless they give an MOTU ack along with the FFe approval19:35
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lex79always timeout error in lp :(19:43
JontheEchidnaneversfelde: kid3 uploaded. Thank you for your contribution to Kubuntu19:52
ScottKrickspencer3 and Riddell: One other comment about the custom search thing.  It does appear to change the actual search results too.  Compare the number of possible matches in http://www.google.com/custom?hl=en&client=pub-2070091971271392&channel=3567841739&cof=FORID:13;AH:left;CX:Ubuntu_Start_Page_(a);L:http://www.google.com/intl/en/images/logos/custom_search_logo_sm.gif;LH:30;LP:1;&q=quilt+debian+patch&btnG=Search and http://www.google19:53
ScottKI don't know that that changes anything, but I think it's relevant.19:53
lex79vorian: launchpad bug 443386 44332919:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 443386 in ubuntu "FFe and sync request for kshutdown 2.0~beta8-1 from Debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44338619:59
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neversfeldeJontheEchidna: thank you20:10
JontheEchidnayou're welcome20:10
yuriyahah! the apport-kde segfault is because the common apport stuff uses sys.exit()20:12
yuriynot that this is terribly helpful20:12
JontheEchidnathis crash happened right after apport-qt became apport-kde, right?20:13
yuriyhmm maybe qapplication is less sensitive to that20:13
JontheEchidnaI seem to remember there being a fiddly crasher bug about that...20:14
yuriybug 403361?20:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403361 in python-qt4 "apport-kde crashed with SIGSEGV in QWidgetPrivate::deleteExtra()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40336120:14
JontheEchidnaI mean, pykde in general20:14
JontheEchidnathe kapplication had to have something done with it or else it crashed on exit20:15
JontheEchidnaRiddell: do you remember what that was? I think you brought it up in a tutorial day talk20:16
yuriyJontheEchidna: that would be good to know! i've been throwing around that bug number for about 3 weeks hoping somebody had some idea20:19
JontheEchidnayou'd think that I'd think of this earlier :P20:19
rgreeningJontheEchidna: it was probably the sys.exit(app.exec_()) which yuriy and I had discussed doesnt work in this scenario...20:25
rgreeningpossibly anyway...20:25
JontheEchidnathat sounds about right20:25
ghostcube\O/ 4:4.3.2-0ubuntu1~ppa1~jaunty1 020:46
JontheEchidnaomg, as a kded updatehelpernotifier only takes up 0.2 MB idle, and 1.3 MB when showing a notification20:58
ScottKneversfelde: Why did you disable mp4 support on kid3?  That's why we moved it to multiverse?20:59
JontheEchidnaThe bug says that neither him nor upstream can build with mp4 at the moment21:00
RiddellJontheEchidna: KMainWindow21:06
JontheEchidnaoh yeah.. all applications had to have a kmainwindow or else they'd die, I think21:06
JontheEchidnayuriy: ^21:06
ScottKJontheEchidna: OK.  I guess that's a decent reason.  Thanks.21:07
yuriyJontheEchidna, Riddell: wonderful.21:07
ScottKAlthough building without it isn't going so well either: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kid3/1.2-1ubuntu321:07
JontheEchidnahmm... pbuilt fine for me21:07
JontheEchidnabuildlog looks smallish21:08
ScottKAmazing how much faster Intel graphics are on Karmic.21:09
* ScottK just put present windows on the top screen edge because it's so usable.21:09
JontheEchidnaFound files in /usr/local (must be in /usr).21:09
JontheEchidnathen it goes on for a while21:09
JontheEchidnadefinitely didn't happen locally21:09
ScottKYou looked?21:10
ScottKUnless you have pkgbinarymangler installed in your chroot, a /usr/local build won't fail in pbuilder.21:10
ScottKIs it written in Python?21:11
JontheEchidnanope, it's Qt3 and Qt4 C++21:11
* JontheEchidna checks if it's a double build package21:11
JontheEchidnayeah, it's a double build. but the packaging hasn't really changed and this used to build...21:13
rgreeningHeh, I just realized Kubuntu Karmic Koala... KKK.. how bad a$$ is that21:13
JontheEchidnaIt's a trifecta of K's. Too bad it has a bad reputation or that'd be neat21:14
ScottKDoesn't help to rearrange the words either21:19
ghostcubeKKK as in neverending story21:20
ghostcubeCarl Conrad Coreander (German Karl Konrad Koriander)21:21
Tm_Tghostcube: höh itsellenne21:23
ghostcubemaybe we should steel apples stupid slogan21:27
ghostcubelike this21:27
ghostcubeKDE there is a app for everything21:27
yuriyKDE there is a kapp for everything  d:)21:28
ghostcubeKDE a (K)App for all youre needs21:29
JontheEchidna..unless you use python, where you'll need a KMainWindow too21:29
yuriyi'll stick with the "KDE is ours" slogans21:30
freinhardKDE a (K)App for all youre nerds?21:32
Tm_TI'll stick with my sillyness: (someone asked me to do something pink) http://www.tm-travolta.net/pics/art/kde_girlsonly_001.png21:50
* ScottK hands Tm_T http://hannahmontana.sourceforge.net/Site/Home.html (A Kubuntu derivative, BTW)22:06
Tm_TScottK: have seen that, mine is approx. 5 years old22:06
yuriylol @ arora "lightweight"22:11
neversfeldeScottK: yes, JontheEchidna said it. There were changes for mp4 in taglib, so I guess that is the problem. I can write another mail to upstream, probably he can inform me, when the problem is solved and we can do an SRU then.22:13
ScottKWe should leave it in multiverse then22:14
txwikinger_workyuriy: Well.. I got arora to use 1.5G of virtual memory22:17
Riddellany jaunty users able to test 4.3.2?22:30
ScottKSorry.  Moved on here22:31
lex79someone who have the power, can increase build score of this ? https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/staging/+build/127638922:49
RiddellMamarok: are you  on i386?22:51
Mamaroknope, 64 bit22:51
Riddellfooey, amd64 is being slow22:52
Riddelllex79: NCommander is the only one with such powers22:52
Riddelland he isn't easily bribed22:52
Mamarokhm, I will be patient, still have to clean up my home folder before mocing to Karmic :)22:52
lex79ehhhh, I know :(22:52
Mamarokmoving* even22:52
NCommanderRiddell, Fe-Fi-Fo-Thumb, I smell the bribe of an englishman :-P22:53
NCommanderlex79, rescored22:53
lex79NCommander: thank you :)22:53
RiddellNCommander: I don't think lex79 is English22:54
NCommanderRiddell, stop running my puns :-P22:54
lex79Riddell: :)22:54
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ghostcubeany packages still in build for 4.3.2 ?22:57
Riddellghostcube: how do you mean?22:57
ghostcubeehm, are all 4.3.2 packages build already is better english i think so22:57
Riddellwe havn't uploaded for karmic, jaunty is still compiling for amd6422:58
ghostcubeah ok thx thats exactly the one i needed :)22:58
SputScottK: well, Jaunty had a new intel driver together with outdated kernel and X :)23:05
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ghostcubewhen is karmic to be released round about23:12
RiddellKarmicReleaseSchedule knows23:13
ghostcube:) yeah but its official dates so no time probs till noe ?23:13
a|wenghostcube: nobody ever knows the exact time until it happens23:14
ghostcubeyeah thats why i wrote round about heh23:14
ghostcubehmm oh ok 3 weeks to go i thought it was earlier :)23:15
* a|wen invites ghostcube to come join the fun that will be 9.10 already now :P23:16
ghostcubehmmm why dont i believe in this :P23:16
ghostcubei ordered two new games so i need it working at the moment23:16
ghostcubefinal update will be tricky enough i think so23:17
a|weni have a habit of upgrading my main computer to a new release somewhere between alpha 2 and 5 :)23:18
ghostcubei mostly get into new release if its rc23:18
ghostcubeso most update bugs has gone23:18
ghostcubei have so many ppa repos in my list i hope it works flawlessly23:19
a|wenit usually goes pretty good if not very good for me23:21
ghostcubei get always trouble if i update my own system23:24
ghostcubeif i do this on any other pc it works23:24
a|wenone of the dreaded curses to have :P23:26
ghostcubeis there any tool similar to gsmartcontrol in Qt ?23:41
ghostcubewould be cool to have in kubuntu if so23:41
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