
=== administrator is now known as Guest22471
=== michel_ is now known as MikHell
dartagnanaccept backdorrs00:20
dartagnanyou are laughing at the nounoune00:21
=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell
rabidweezleonly a couple few more weeks until karmic comes out... hope it will be ready for the masses00:25
rabidweezleoops, wrong channel, sorry00:26
yang_Hey can somebody help me with a dns issue?00:34
=== Heliwr_ is now known as Heliwr
dan____is anyone here?00:47
gorgonzolaany chance of getting a working amarok 2.2 in kubuntu ppas?00:54
Xtremehie there, can somebody tell me how to change the x11 permission on Kubuntu 9.04?01:03
=== VTardia is now known as Vert
dan____anyone here?01:19
VertI am here.01:24
VertBut I am nobody and I know nothing, so...01:25
* Vert considers changing her name to ¨Patently Useless¨01:25
virtualhatewhat is the purpose of this chat room . ??01:25
virtualhatejust found it in my list of things..01:25
VertI would suppose it is to provide support for all things Ubuntu?01:26
virtualhatehmm interesting01:26
virtualhateok then, I have a problem :) how nice..01:26
VertI wonder if peter is a person or a bot?01:26
VertI hope you aren´t asking me.01:26
VertI know NOTHING.01:26
VertI can even figure out how to install SDL01:26
virtualhatehmm I don't know what sdl is01:26
Vertor why when I say ¨install this file" the system tells me ¨What file?¨01:27
virtualhatemy kpackagekit is broken :(01:27
VertThen I do ¨ls¨ and it lists the very file it doesn´t see at all.01:27
VertAnd *then* I bang my head into my keyboard for about 20 minutes or so.01:28
virtualhateDoes banging yer head seem to help ?01:28
VertIt makes me too tired to be angry anymore.01:28
VertSo... kind of?01:28
virtualhateok well im off to google, and some more wine..01:29
Vertgood luck01:29
virtualhatereal wine, not linux's wine01:29
VertI will try to comprehend the FAQ some more.01:29
VertHallelujah! I have accidentally hit the right keys and am now installing SDL01:39
VertI think I would learn a lot quicker if I had *any* idea WTF I am doing.01:39
koh__Trouble setting screen size to x102401:55
=== koh__ is now known as hihowya3
=== hihowya3 is now known as RussellAlan
neojacksWTH is this?!?!?!?!!04:09
tomdavidsonHello, im having troubles connecting to an openvpn server. I have all the key and certs from the vpn admin along with a vpn config file. ive tried network manager and kvpnc. openvpn is installed.04:17
yang_hey can somebody help me with rndc?04:51
HollowPointyang_: whats the issue?04:54
yang_rndc wont connect to bind9 locally04:55
HollowPointgiving a socket error?04:55
yang_hollowPoint: no a invalid key is the problem04:55
HollowPointI had that problem once I'm trying to remember how I solved it04:56
yang_HollowPoint: i tried with the but there is no /etc/rndc.conf file04:56
HollowPointit was a feature of rndc first of all to re-generate a new key, I had to use that first04:56
yang_HollowPoint: rndc-confgen04:56
HollowPointif there's no rndc.conf file I would first and foremost find a generic one with google and modify it04:56
yang_HollowPoint: but it produces no output... related to the /dev/random not being seeded and out of ouput04:57
yang_HollowPoint: i have one generic that dosn't make a diffrence for somereason04:57
HollowPointit's been a long time since I had this error. Are you on Jaunty? did it ever work?04:58
yang_Yeah Im on jaunty. I have unistalled and reinstall purge like 3 or 4 times today. I made it work onces04:58
HollowPointright, so when did it stop? Did you change something and restart the daemon?04:59
yang_It works out of the box but after I change any options at all in /etc/bind/named.conf.options04:59
HollowPointok what options are you changing?04:59
yang_then rndc complains it has a bad key. all i have done is uncomment forwarders04:59
HollowPointhave you added forwarders or just uncomment them?05:00
HollowPointI've just installed a fresh bind9 on my system, changed out the in forwarders for my dns server locally and restarted bind9 service with no issues, I am on Karmic as opposed to Jaunty but I doubt highly that'll make any difference to bind9 and it's configuration tbh05:03
yang_IDK ill purge it and try it again05:08
yang_failed again05:10
yang_what verision is bind9 in karmic?05:11
HollowPointBIND 9.6.1-P105:13
HollowPointI know this is a stupid question but you are trying to restart it with sudo right?05:13
HollowPointsome apps tend to fail restarts with odd reasons even though it's actually a permissions error05:14
yang_sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 restart05:14
yang_ty for help btw05:14
HollowPointno worries, so I can't help more, I've tried to reproduce the error on Karmic, but the last time I had this error was way back when in Hardy05:15
HollowPointsorry I can't .... *05:15
yang_i think i got it. 2 forwaders are issue05:15
yang_one forwarder runs fine.05:15
HollowPointyeah that would no doubt do it05:15
yang_maybe syntax05:15
HollowPointor possibly need a second forwarders tag05:16
HollowPointhmmmmmmmm, two tags, using identical syntax fails here05:17
HollowPoint192.168.0.254;; works fine here05:18
HollowPointon the same line, with a space after the first semi colon05:18
yang_i did 2 lines.05:18
yang_ill try it05:18
HollowPointyeah me too first time05:18
HollowPointseems to require them on the same line with a simple spane and not a \n05:18
yang_its good05:19
HollowPointglad I could help05:19
yang_off to try a zone again!05:19
manu_zachariaHi All05:20
manu_zachariaHi All, I am trying to follow the following URL for making a live CD/DVD from harddisk installation05:20
manu_zachariaHowever, at step E.1. (Build the CD/DVD), when I issue the following command:05:21
manu_zachariasudo mkisofs -b boot/grub/stage2_eltorito -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -V "Custom Live CD" -cache-inodes -r -J -l -o ~/live-cd.iso $CD05:21
manu_zachariaI am getting the following error:05:21
FloodBotK2manu_zacharia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:21
manu_zachariaok thanks - here it goes - http://pastebin.com/m634ad4c805:21
HollowPointmanu_zacharia: did you use genisoimage -h like it says?05:31
manu_zachariayou mean help? HollowPoint ?05:32
HollowPointyeah, should do the same thing with -h or -help05:32
manu_zachariayes when i type genisoimage -h i am getting a Warning and also a Missing pathspec05:33
manu_zachariai was just following the tutorial (first link)05:34
manu_zachariaand stuck up there at this point05:34
HollowPointread that to post 8, I think you'll find you've done the same thing he did05:37
manu_zachariaok let me try05:37
manu_zachariathanks for the response HollowPoint05:38
=== monsterr is now known as monsterr99
ussheron jaunty.  I have a usb thumbdrive that flickers the light when inserted, then nothing.  cant access it.05:52
ussherany ideas why.05:52
ussherit reads fine on windows05:52
nixternalI have a few of those myself, even on Karmic..the reason why it happens though is beyond me...i was experiencing this a bit when messing with the usb-creator stuff with the iso files05:53
usshercheers nixternal. makes life a little bit more trickey.05:55
nixternalhehe, right05:55
nixternali do have one key that refuses to work on anything, but it will work on a windows machine at the library05:56
ussheri found one thread that said add usb_storage to /etc/modules so i did, and that made the light flicker on startup.  pretty, but not much help.05:57
ussheronly at the library, on a tuesday eh. :)05:59
Axmen6Carrion (from the Latin caro, meaning meat) refers to the carcass of a dead animal. Carrion is an important food source for large carnivores and omnivores in most ecosystems. Examples of carrion-eaters, or scavengers, include Hyenas, Vultures, Canadian Opossum, Tasmanian Devils, Black Bears, Komodo Dragons, Bald Eagles, Raccoons, flying squirrels, and Blue-tongued lizards. Many invertebrates, such06:00
Axmen6 as worms, maggots and carrion beetles (family Silphidae), and Calliphorid flies also eat carrion and play an important role in recycling animal remains.06:00
Axmen6Carrion begins to decay the moment of the animal's death, and it will increasingly attract insects and breed bacteria. Not long after the animal has died, its body will begin to exude a foul odor caused by the presence of bacteria and the emission of cadaverine and putrescine.06:00
Axmen6Some plants and fungi smell like decomposing carrion and attract insects that aid in sex. Plants that exhibit this behavior are known as carrion flowers. Stinkhorn mushrooms are examples of fungi with this characteristic.06:00
FloodBotK2Axmen6: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:00
yang_HollowPoint: hey i hate to bother you again. but you wanna help me with one last thing?06:00
HollowPointsorry mate on phone 2 secs06:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unison06:27
=== andrew_ is now known as Guest8061
Guest8061hey people im lookiing for a free xchange similar server with a client ....open xchange wold have been something I would have used had it not been for the limmeted amount of users (and the crazy price).unison has some interesting server side software however its eula is not by any means opensources...even if it uses opensource components. Does anyone have any sujestions ?06:30
=== Guest8061 is now known as drurew
Sp0dcan anyone help me with a hopefully easy scripting problem?  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d44b3aeb806:32
Sp0dif i type the script line by line in the terminal it works, but the script acts like cd is not a command06:32
drurewthen is it a syntax problem ?06:32
Sp0dunfortunately i don't know drurew, ive wrote similar scripts the same and they worked06:33
drureware you talking about the first line ?06:34
Sp0di thought the first like would bring the directory to the home level06:35
drurewSp0d: just change cd ~ to the actual directory06:36
drurewor like cd ~/user/file/location06:37
Sp0dahhh.... didn't know you could say it like that...06:38
Sp0dhey thanks drurew! that seems to be working better!06:39
Sp0dthanks again, im out06:40
=== hemathor_ is now known as hemathor
vslobodovUh, I have a bit of an odd question. How is it that even though my router says I am connected via an ethernet cable to the internet (and router), my computer does not. As in, eth0 won't connect to anything, manual or automatic. The internet still works though.07:07
=== Unksi_ is now known as Unksi
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== kb is now known as Guest78989
=== thor is now known as Thor44
Thor44hola.... saludos desde mexico ... alguien habla español???08:33
Thor44ok como todos hablan al mismo tiempo y no se les entiende nada me retiro.... saludos a todos los que me entiendan08:36
louisBut if anyone has a minute whats the best straitforward solution to:08:44
louislouis@louis-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install karchiver08:44
louissudo: must be setuid root08:44
FloodBotK2louis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:44
louisI had gotten tired of constant pwd wntry so I typed sudo -s inconsole and forgot to type exit in console oh I goofed now I'm in here crying for help08:45
louisHas anyone found a working solution?08:46
ct529when using dpkg-reconfigure I would like to activate all the questions, including low priority .... unfortunately in my man debconf page there is nothing about the levels. Can anyone help here?09:06
louisJust in case you were all worried I found the solution: http://mihirknows.blogspot.com/2008/06/sudo-must-be-setuid-root-solved-in.html09:08
ct529louis: sorry, just come in .... the solution to what?09:09
javierHi and thanks to everyone09:21
ct529when using dpkg-reconfigure I would like to activate all the questions, including low priority .... unfortunately in my man debconf page there is nothing about the levels. Can anyone help here?09:22
javierdoes someone knows what's the process npviewer.bin process? I noticed my laptop was getting very warm and heavy, I went to monitoring system and I found that application (whuch I haven't oppened) is taking 54% of my CPU!09:22
javierI'm running Kubuntu 9.0409:22
ct529javier: never heard, have you done some googling?09:29
javierjust log on computer and it was there09:30
jussi01javier: its for flash09:32
jussi01!find npviewer.bin09:33
ubottuFile npviewer.bin found in nspluginwrapper09:33
jussi01!info nspluginwrapper09:33
ubottunspluginwrapper (source: nspluginwrapper): A wrapper to run Netscape plugins on other architectures. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 1.2.2-0ubuntu5 (jaunty), package size 173 kB, installed size 504 kB (Only available for amd64 i386)09:33
jussi01javier: so does that explain it?09:33
javieramm... yes, I guess. And I guess also I just kill it when I find this is happening?09:34
jussi01javier: no, if you want flash to run...09:34
javierIt's weird that I find on google the same bug from 2005, and 4 years later I still suffer it :) Flash is horrible09:35
javieryes, yes. But now I wasnt running flash when I saw the process. That's what I mean, if it persist when I'm not with flash, I will have to close it manually, although maybe it doesnt happen again09:36
ct529when using dpkg-reconfigure I would like to activate all the questions, including low priority .... unfortunately in my man debconf page there is nothing about the levels. Can anyone help here?09:43
ct529what is indicator-apple? it looks like a process ....09:46
ct529oh ok .... it is indicator-applet ....09:46
ct529pstree is removing the t .... sorry for the silly question!09:46
=== marius is now known as Guest7064
Aisoncan I somehow boot kubuntu so that before starting a service, I get a question if the service should be started or not?09:52
Aisonmy ubuntu hangs on boot, but no idea why and on what service09:52
Aisonthe kernel itself starts and the initscript is started also09:52
=== marius is now known as Guest90556
Aisoneverytime I start kde4, I get a window with akonadi starting up and failing10:06
Aisonhow can I stop that?10:06
kaddihi, what would be a good tool to monitor internet traffic?10:08
lovrehi all. how can i make inactive windows go transparent?10:09
kaddilovre: what kde?10:09
lovrekaddi: 4.310:10
lovrekaddi: 4.3.110:10
kaddisystemsettings, select first entry at the top left, enabe desktop effects and look for transparency under all effects. in the settings you should be able to use them10:10
kaddiset them10:10
ArkoldThosno cool boot for kubuntu in karmic :(10:11
lovrekaddi: and what if im using Compiz, i suppose that works with Kwin only?10:13
kaddisorry, i don't know then. maybe someone else nknows10:13
lovrekaddi: ok, thank you very much10:13
=== NovEx_2fast4u is now known as UU0113
Ursinha-sprinthi people10:28
Ursinha-sprintI'm running kde 4.3.1 on jaunty and the icons are not showing in the system tray10:29
Ursinha-sprintnot all of them, only the network manager, kmix and the wallet10:29
Ursinha-sprintI'm not sure if it's a general problem, or something here10:30
Ursinha-sprintbut that wasn't happening with 4.2.x, iirc10:30
=== marius is now known as Guest82296
bigjoolsUrsinha-sprint: I had a thought, are they "hidden" ?10:40
Ursinha-sprintbigjools, nope, I thought of that, but I've disabled the hide icons thing10:40
Ursinha-sprintno success :/10:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fdisk10:51
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions10:51
norenhello every one how can i list the partition of my hard disk10:52
lovrewhen i install splash screen themes they dont appear in the list, so i cant select them. What is this about10:55
=== kb is now known as Guest34269
y0uCeFwho have installed kde 4.3 on kubuntu 9.0411:19
Boui did11:19
y0uCeFfrom ppa?11:19
y0uCeFi'll tell what i did and the problem that i got11:20
Bouy0uCeF: from this: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu jaunty main11:20
y0uCeFfirst i added the ppa11:20
y0uCeFand the key11:20
y0uCeFi did an update11:20
y0uCeFapt-get upgrade kubuntu-desktop11:21
Boui did an apt-get upgrade11:21
Bouwithout precising the package11:21
Boumaybe you are missing something because you only upgraded kubuntu-desktop?11:21
y0uCeFyou know the problem?11:23
y0uCeFi have reinstalled kubuntu11:24
y0uCeFand did just an update without tha ppa and the same problem11:24
y0uCeFi think it's from a library11:24
darkhamkubunto will have kde 4.3.2?11:28
darkhamkubuntu 9.10 i mean11:29
y0uCeFBou: i'll try upgrade and tell you11:30
y0uCeFbut with my 128kb after a mounth hhhh11:31
y0uCeFwhats mean it will be in officiel reposities11:31
y0uCeFand sorry for my bad english it is my third language11:32
blaze`is there a way to build amarok 2.2 on 9.04 without new taglib 1.6?11:38
javierHi to everyone :)  I've problems with audio in my kubuntu 9.04. I have to use "PulseAudio" because HDA Nvidia (Conexant Analog) gives problems and does not work. Does someone knows how to repair it, please?11:42
javierI try to use HDA Nvidia (Conexant Analog) but it says it doesnt work and also that it will use  HDA Nvidia (Conexant Digital), but it doesnt sound, so I guess, although it detects that "digital" works fine, it may be something wrong with it as well11:44
javierCan someone help me fixing that?11:45
enesall people have this problem11:45
javieramm, really?11:46
javierPufff, it's a problem with some problems, for example with Skype, that I cannot make it work fine11:46
javieris it something with Xine?11:47
ghostcubejavier: jackd would fix this11:47
ghostcubebut still a bit tricky to handle11:47
ghostcubethe card is noticed by alsa ?11:48
ghostcubeor are the sound drivers not working too11:48
javierwell, I'm not sure if I can answer that11:49
javierbut yes, it's noticed by alsa11:49
NiNesis kubuntu as well funded as ubuntu??11:49
ghostcubeNiNes: ?11:50
javieralsa: x-phonon: card=0, Dev=011:50
NiNeswell funded probably the wrong word11:50
ghostcubejavier: my system is using jackd for all sound in comb ination with alsa i dont know if this is working with youre card11:51
NiNesi've heard its not "looked after" bug etc... as ubuntu is but i really like kde11:51
ghostcubeNiNes: QA is in both the same11:51
javierghostcube: so, you don't know if that would work with me?11:52
ghostcubeno its just an suggest to try11:52
ghostcubei cant tell if it would work11:52
javierI would like to try, could you give me a link to how to do it or help?11:52
NiNesghostcube, i'm new to linux and trying to figure out whats best for me.11:52
ghostcubejavier: you need to use some files from debian packages and extract them manually into the needed foldersto get jackd to work in kubuntu11:53
javieray.. it looks a bit complicated, I'm not sure if I could do something like that. I've never done anything similar :S11:55
ghostcubeits easy if you can wait i can tell you later when iam home11:55
enesmy system see VIA HD Sound but... "not work"11:55
ghostcubedeb packages are nothing else than zip packages11:55
ghostcubejavier: so its easy to take an library out to put it into system11:55
ghostcubeno need to compile or so11:55
ghostcubeor you just grab the xine-lib packages from debian sid and install it11:56
javiermhm. So, could you asses me a bit in the process? I guess, for starting, I would have to find those debian packages. Which are their names?11:56
javierxine-lib packages11:56
atlefreni'm having trouble with dual monitors on 9.04, on a HP laptop using a Radeon HD 3650. and an external monitor that supports 1920x1200 (the laptop monitor supports 1680x1050, tried setting both monitors to 1680x1050, screen clone works fine, but using xrander to set DVI-0 right-of LVDS gives an error (xrandr: screen cannot be larger than 1920x1600 (desired size 3360x1050), and yes, i've added a Virtual entry to xorg.conf (Virtua12:00
atlefrenany suggestions?12:00
happyhessian_i'm running 9.10 beta and am trying to get a usb audio card to work--i'm quite confused about what the "system settings" window does12:03
happyhessian_i have gone to System Settings -> Multimedia and made USB Audio preferred for everything but it still doesn't work--including the "Test" button12:04
ghostcubejavier: what version 32 or 64 bit12:04
=== Ursinha-sprint is now known as Ursinha-afk
happyhessian_the only way i can get any sound out of it is by forcing alsa to use hw 1 with a script in /etc/asound.conf12:05
ghostcubejavier: /usr/lib/xine/plugins/verison_number/xineplug_ao_out_jack.so12:05
ghostcubejavier: inside the deb is the file i showed you copy it to the folder youre xine plugins are located12:06
happyhessian_so i'm confused about what the best way is to use usb-audio on kubuntu--it seems that system settings -> multimedia is meant to do just that but it doesn't work at all--what does it even do?12:07
javierghostcube: ok, I'm improving. Let me tell you where I am. I went to the folder you said: /usr/lib/xine/plugins/1.26.   I dont find there xineplug_ao_out_jack.so12:12
ghostcubeno you have a plugin folder in /usr/lib/xine12:12
ghostcubeand it has a version number12:12
ghostcubejust copy the file from the deb file to this location12:12
javierI downloaded the deb file. If I press on it, it tells to install and gives an error. I extracted it12:12
ghostcubeyeah and inside there is jack outpout libaryr12:13
javieryes, inside /usr/lib/xine I have plugin folder: and inside plugins I have folder 1.26 that is my version, I think12:13
javierbut inside, I dont read "jack" anywhere12:14
javierI have five plugin files:xineplug_ao_out_alsa.so; xineplug_ao_out_file.so; xineplug_ao_out_none.so; xineplug_ao_out_oss.so; xineplug_ao_out_pulseaudio.so12:16
javiermaybe you mean that after installing deb file I will have that?12:18
javierif I try to install deb file it reports an error and it closes12:19
ghostcubejavier: i see it12:19
ghostcubeok i give you the file12:19
javierwell, in the folder we are talking about, I have more xineplug files, but not _ao_out_*, but different, and any related to jack12:20
ghostcubewe talking of different folders12:20
ghostcubeif you extract the deb file it will contain the jackd file12:21
ghostcubeyou should copy it to youre local folder12:21
ghostcubeso we definetly talk about two different folders12:21
ghostcubeget the file here and copy it over to12:21
javierbut if I extract the deb file you sent me, It contains "control.tar.gz", "data.tar.bz.2" and "debian-binary". I dont know which one I'm supposed to copy to the folder /usr/lib/xine/plugins/verison_number/12:22
ghostcubein the data tar logically is the data tar hehe12:23
ghostcubeinside this is the folder you need12:23
ghostcubebut just get the file i postet12:23
ghostcubeits the same12:23
=== happyhessian1 is now known as happyhessian
happyhessianok, had to install a new irc client there...i asked earlier about system settings-> multimedia12:24
javierok :)  I got the file. I downloaded it and I have it in my desktop. I'll copy it to /usr/lib/xine/plugins/verison_number/12:25
happyhessiantrying to get a usb-audio device to work, phonon (or whatever one would call this part of the system) identifies the usb-audio device and i can set it as my preferred device--but it doesn't work12:25
happyhessianthe only way i can make it work is with an asound.conf script12:26
javierok, so now, it doesnt let me copy it. I think because I'm not working as root, isn't it? how could I copy it from terminal? (sorry for so much work, I'm very thankfull)12:27
ghostcubesudo cp12:27
javiersudo cp doesnt work, "missing one argument for that"12:29
javierok, I see. I have to write what to move from where to where. something like    sudo cp xineplug_ao_out_jack.so /javier/Escritorio usr/lib/xine/plugins/1.26???12:31
javiersudo cp xineplug ao out jack.so /javier/Escritorio /usr/lib/xine/plugins/1.2612:34
javierI wrote that, but with xineplug_ao_out_jack.so, but doesnt work, I'm writting something wrong in the order I think12:35
javierit says "cannot make stat over xineplug_ao_out_jack.so12:38
ghostcubeis the file direkt inside home folder12:38
javierI'm very bad with konsole yet, begginers...12:38
javierI mean, I don't know how to move the file with sudo cp12:38
ghostcubesudo cp filename  /usr/lib/.....12:39
ghostcubeyou never used windows doshell eh ?12:39
javiersudo cp xineplug_ao_out_jack.so  /usr/lib/xine/plugins/1.26/    shouldn't this work??? It answers "couldnt make 'stat' over <<xineplug_ao_out_jack.so>>: the file or the folder don't exist12:43
happyhessiani guess i'll try again some other time...12:46
dickfeynmanI have debian installed on a certain partition. Can i safely install Kubuntu on top of it by just formatting the partition and going through with the Kubuntu installation procedure ?12:47
dartagnan_you will erase debian12:48
dickfeynmannote: I also run ubuntu hardy(which i use now) which i would like to keep12:48
dickfeynmandartagnan_: thats should be okay so long as thats all it does :P12:48
dartagnan_you have to create a third partition12:48
dickfeynmandartagnan_: what for do i need a third partition ?12:49
BornabeGooood morning.12:49
dartagnan_you wan to keep debian or replace it by kubuntu?12:49
dickfeynmandartagnan_: i want to replace debian12:49
BornabeKubuntu for teh win baby!  I'm absolutely lovin' v9.10!!!12:49
javierghostcube: could you tell me what to write? file name: xineplug_ao_out_jack.so   the file is in /home/javier/Escritorio     the folder where I'm trying to move it is: /usr/lib/xine/plugins/1.2612:49
dickfeynmanBornabe: dartagnan_ : I wanna replace debian with kubuntu karmic12:50
BornabeHad to remove all the eMail, Contacts, etc... and switched to FireFox / Thunderbird, but other than that, it's awesome.12:50
BornabeKarmic is an excellent release as well.12:50
dartagnan_you have to erase deian partion first I think12:50
dartagnan_after you install kubuntu12:50
xocolatecould somebody help me with Firefox and Iceweasel (they are not running)12:50
BornabeI did a full backup of what I had and went for an all-out Kubuntu only install this time.12:50
dartagnan_you do it in two steps or your installing kubuntu manually at first time12:51
BornabeBe back in a few, going to tighten up a few loosends and then come back to see if I can help.12:51
dartagnan_Bornabe: its easy12:51
dickfeynmandartagnan_: so you're saying i first format my debian drive & then install Kubuntu on it ?12:52
dartagnan_I love quassel btw12:52
dartagnan_you reformat ur debian partition12:53
dartagnan_you can do it by many ways12:53
dickfeynmandartagnan_: about the idea of reformatting my deb partition : 1. will it remove debian completely with no leftovers? 2. will it not affect *anything else* ?12:54
dartagnan_use gparted12:54
dickfeynmanif so, then i'm fine with it12:54
dartagnan_or you can simply choose install kubuntu manually and tell it to install on the debian partition12:54
dickfeynmandartagnan_: this seems an easier option.12:55
dartagnan_kubuntu for the win?12:55
dickfeynmandartagnan_: Kubuntu yes.. only a matter of how :-)12:55
dartagnan_is it so much better than ubuntu?12:55
dickfeynmandartagnan_: thats what i want to find out ;)12:56
dickfeynmandartagnan_: basically, i've just started hacking kstars.. so contemplating the shift12:56
dartagnan_no, it wont affect anything else, but u have to be careful12:56
javierghostcube: please, solve me how to do this, we are very close :)12:57
dartagnan_you are a mystical debian user12:57
dickfeynmandartagnan_: i once gave KDE a try(when i was a noob) but seems i got some buggy version or something12:58
dartagnan_I feel like missing the point12:58
dickfeynmandartagnan_: got very pained with what i saw and swore i'd almost never use KDE :P12:59
ghostcubesudo cp /home/javier/Escritorio/xineplug_ao_out_jack.so /usr/lib/xine/plugins/1.26/12:59
dartagnan_anyway Im for kubuntu for sure12:59
dickfeynmandartagnan_: but i'm interested in astronomy and kstars has attracted me... and a lot of my friends develop for KDE. so me willing to give it another try12:59
dartagnan_maybe I should give it a try too12:59
javierok, uff, finally I did it. And now? how is it supposed to work?13:00
xocolatecould somebody help me with Firefox and Iceweasel (they are not running)13:00
ghostcubejavier: best is reboot13:00
ghostcubeoh wait you need a thing before13:01
ghostcubeyou need the asound.conf file13:05
ghostcubeand jackd13:05
ghostcubesudo apt-get instal qjackctl13:05
ghostcubesudo apt-get install qjackctl13:05
javierafter that reboot?13:07
Mamarokjavier: only log out of KDE and log in again, reboot is for Windows :)13:07
javierok. for doing that... i log out sesion and then restart Xorg?13:08
Mamarokjavier: no, just log out and in again, and if you just install a new application it's not even necessary13:08
dickfeynmandartagnan_: thanks for your help.13:12
javierghostcube: ok, I'm here back again13:12
ghostcubesudo apt-get install qjackctl13:13
javierso now, I guess I go to preferences and I put jack on top of the list in audioconfiguration?13:13
javierah! I already installed that13:13
ghostcubeyou havent installed jackd i think so13:13
ghostcubeoh ok13:13
ghostcubethen yes jackd should be available in sound settings13:13
ghostcubeyou need to start it13:13
ghostcubeby opening qjakctl13:13
javierok, I opened it13:14
ghostcubestart jackd if not done13:14
javieri start jack audio connection kit13:14
ghostcubeyes and there is start and stop button13:15
ghostcubeso if you can click start jackd not running13:15
dartagnan_fine u13:15
javiermmm, i can press start and after 1 second it stops and report an error13:16
ghostcubeok whats the error13:16
ghostcubepls post it to www.pastie.org13:16
ghostcubeif its possible13:16
javierglobal operation failed, it cannot connect the server13:16
ghostcubepuh hard to get this done by not in front support13:17
javiermmm, do you want me to copy the text of mistake in that adress?13:17
javierah, somethings are in spanish, sorry13:18
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ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel13:31
emyller...and i'm again having probs with real media13:41
emylleri just made a clean kubuntu installation, installed w32codecs but .rm files have no video. audio is fine.13:41
Weasel[DK]emyller,  try to install kubuntu-restricted-extras if have not got already13:54
emyllerWeasel[DK]: already did :(13:54
rafytafyAnyone here *ubuntuzilla* to upgrade to firefox 3.5 on 8.04?13:55
kankan_how to install themes?13:56
Weasel[DK]emyller, well only trying other players comes to mind... than13:56
emyllerWeasel[DK]: weird... kubuntu-restricted-extras has much less stuff than ubuntu-restriced-extras13:57
emyllerdoesnt it cause any codec to be missing?13:58
Weasel[DK]emyller, only using ubuntu on servers so i would't know. but you are right... it's wierd13:59
emylleri'll blog as soon as i get it14:00
kankan_how to customize desktop ?14:00
emyllergonna post the link later14:00
kankan_install themes and make it attractive?14:00
emyllerkankan_: right click desktop, Desktop Settings14:00
emyllerto change internal colors, windows and other stuff, go to system settings > appearance14:01
kankan_whenever i dosome changes..my os getting hanged...why??14:01
kankan_what to do then??14:01
kankan_because after restarting its not logging in anymore14:02
emyllerkankan_: in each of these areas you'll find a "Get new ..." button14:02
emyllerno idea14:02
emyllermaybe your installation wasnt successful14:02
kankan_how to install themes??14:03
rafytafyjust updated my firefox 3.0 to 3.5 on hardy with success :)14:04
rafytafytoo bad a lot of the addons from 3.0 arent compatible yet, but adblock and noscript are...the most important ones14:05
Weasel[DK]rafytafy, where did you find the package ?14:06
rafytafyright here  http://maketecheasier.com/easily-upgrade-your-firefox-to-35-in-ubuntu/2009/08/1214:08
rafytafyhas instructions too14:08
rafytafychances are  , you will have to change your theme too14:09
Weasel[DK]rafytafy, nice stuff... thx14:11
rafytafyno prob :)14:11
Vinleghey i have a problem, it's not actually a problem, but everytime i turn my laptop off, it said it unables to halt, there is no such directory14:16
Vinlegi dont remember the exact sentence, it doesnt effect much, but i just want to be corrected14:16
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lokpesthow do I remove a line from about:config i thunderbird?14:45
lokpestand why the fuck cant thunderbird open links by clinking on them by default?!?14:46
Ursinha-sprintlokpest, mine always did14:46
lokpestmine never did14:46
lokpesthow do I remove a line from about:config i thunderbird?14:46
lokpestfuckfuckfuckfuck hate this fucking hacker shit14:47
rafytafycan you locate the about:config file?14:47
rafytafyif you can, then usually a *sudo gedit /path/to/file works14:48
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:48
georgeyfamilies don't go to irc chats14:49
rafytafythey go to bzflag instead lol14:49
lokpestno help?14:51
Ursinha-sprint!patience | lokpest14:51
ubottulokpest: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com  http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience14:51
ghostcubelokpest: maybe ask in mozilla net thunderbird14:51
ghostcubethis is no tb support :)14:51
Ursinha-sprintlokpest, you're lucky to be still here, with that amount of cursing14:52
rafytafyhmmm i dont see any speed increase from ff 3.0 to 3.5 :(14:52
Ursinha-sprintrafytafy, really?14:52
rafytafysadly yes14:52
Ursinha-sprintrafytafy, I guess with time 3.0 gets slower14:52
rafytafyi have mines set not to remember history and to clear everything each time i close it14:52
lokpestghostcube: what is that? an irc-channel? an network?14:52
rafytafyso it does not get clogged up over time14:52
rafytafythey are both lightning fast, but i wouldnt say one is faster then the other14:53
Ursinha-sprintlokpest, an irc channel14:53
ghostcubelokpest: moznet is mozilla irc network14:53
lokpestUrsinha-sprint: why wasnt those written with hastags then?14:53
* rafytafy searches for the about:config file...i wonder if its a txt file14:53
lokpestghostcube: and the adress is...?14:53
Ursinha-sprintlokpest, what are you talking about?14:53
rafytafyhashtag? sounds like a new mcdonalds treat14:54
lokpestUrsinha-sprint: if they are channels they should be written #mozilla #net #thunderbird14:54
rafytafyspeaking of mcdonalds, brb need to eat some eggs and bacon14:54
Ursinha-sprintthe problem14:54
Ursinha-sprintlokpest, maybe #mozilla?14:55
lokpestUrsinha-sprint: I think you meant #mozilla14:55
Ursinha-sprintand what did I write? :)14:56
lokpest#mozilla? with an questinonmark14:56
ghostcubei think we talk not about the same14:56
Ursinha-sprintlokpest, lol14:56
ghostcubeconnect to irc moznet it should be listed in youre network ist14:56
Ursinha-sprintlokpest, that's because it was a question14:56
lokpestopens another channel when klicking on it in Konversation14:56
ghostcubeand there use an related channel14:56
lokpestand #mozilla is invite-only14:56
ghostcubelokpest: ever used irc before ?14:57
Ursinha-sprintlokpest, but yes, that's what I meant14:57
lokpestghostcube: many years14:57
Ursinha-sprintlokpest, you should try what ghostcube is saying14:57
ghostcubeok so you know how to connect to another network ?14:57
ghostcubeopen network list use moznet and connect to it14:57
ghostcubesearch for the thunderbird help channel14:57
lokpestdont know what network list is...14:58
ghostcubei dont know konversation14:58
lokpestI allways use the network server adress to conect14:58
ghostcubeanyone using it here to help him ?14:58
Ursinha-sprintlokpest, network list == /list14:58
Ursinha-sprintghostcube, he14:58
lokpestghostcube: the kubuntu irc-client14:58
ghostcubei use quassel14:58
Ursinha-sprintghostcube, he just clicked in what I wrote, but that's ok14:58
lokpestghostcube: quassel sucks14:58
Ursinha-sprintlokpest, no, it doesn't14:59
Ursinha-sprintlokpest, you should try to connect to mozdev irc network14:59
lokpestyes, Konversation will be back as standard in kubuntu 9.10 or so :-)14:59
lokpestUrsinha-sprint: and what adress does that network have?15:00
Ursinha-sprintlokpest, no idea15:00
Ursinha-sprintmaybe google knows..15:00
lokpestYes retard, mabye it does!15:00
Ursinha-sprintI don't believe he's not banned yet15:02
geniiUrsinha-sprint: Probably not too far off he keeps being abusive like that15:03
rafytafygenii: i smell a troll15:05
rafytafyback with eggs and bacon btw :)15:05
* genii sips15:06
rafytafy:O better not be a milkshake!15:07
geniirafytafy: Coffee, military grade stuff...15:07
rafytafyare you in the service?15:07
geniirafytafy: No, I just buy my coffee there...15:08
rafytafycheaper @ the base...very true15:08
bobanIs kde 4.3.2 going to be included in 9.10 final release?15:09
bobanor 4.3.3 maybe?15:09
geniiboban: Perhaps ask them in #ubuntu+1 (which is also #kubuntu+1)15:10
rafytafylooks like i have to compile a kernel to get lm-sensors to work :( sad sad day15:10
Mamarokboban: 4.3.3 is higly unlikely, s 4.3.2 only has been tagged last week15:10
bobanyes,  tommorow is scheduled 4.3.2 for release15:11
Mamarokand there was no freeze exception for it AFAICS15:11
bobanso some time later 4.3.3 should be available via update?15:11
Mamarokboban: not unlikely, but 4.3.2 is not even released yet, why do you ask about 4.3.3?15:12
bobanbecause i like kde more15:12
Mamarokboban: because 4.3.2 is not KDE? *sigh*15:12
bobanand im thinking that is going to be even better with newer releases15:13
bobanno because kwin is still slugish on x310015:13
Mamarokboban: anyway, please address Karmic question in #ubuntu+115:13
bobani use xorg-edgers15:13
FloodBotK2boban: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:13
rafytafyi purchased a new wallet with a imprint of a penguin on it heh15:15
lokpestwhats the EOL-date for Kubutu Hardy?15:16
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases15:20
rafytafyApril 2011 (Desktop)15:20
rafytafyApril 2013 (Server)15:20
ubsafderhello how do i install a driver for geforce 6200LE ?15:20
ubsafderit's an nvidia card15:21
rafytafysudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new15:21
rafytafythen sudo nvidia-xconfig15:21
rafytafythen reboot15:21
rafytafyit will most likely want to install additional packages, you should agree15:22
rafytafyif your card is of the older variety, then you may have to replace -glx-new with -glx-legacy15:22
lokpestrafytafy: that is for ubuntu, kubuntu hardy isnt LTS15:23
rafytafyyeah but kubuntu hardy uses the same kernel15:23
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lokpestrafytafy: so you mean its just the KDE-packages that will be EOL?15:25
lokpestat some date?15:26
rafytafyi would assume so15:26
Mamaroklokpest: the KDE 3.5.x part's EOL is 11.2009 IIRC15:26
Mamarokafter the Karmic release15:26
lokpestany referenses would be nice15:26
rafytafyi am waiting on the next lts 10.4 to update my kubuntu hardy15:26
ubsafderok it is working nice15:27
Mamaroklokpest: well, that was on the kubuntu.org website since ages, after Hardy came out15:27
rafytafyi will install new kernel though because i want to check out the k10 stuff15:27
ubsafderi used the latest driver it went ok15:27
rafytafyok good ubsafder15:27
Mamarokrafytafy: just be aware that you will get no security updates for KDE anymore15:27
lokpestMamarok: ok, i will ask the great oracle know as Google :)15:27
rafytafyMamarok: i am well aware :P15:27
bigjoolsMamarok: you told me once that not being able to log out, shutdown etc was a known issue, do you know of a solution?15:28
rafytafyi wonder if there will be a painless way to update from 8.04 directly to 10.4...15:28
lokpestprobably not15:28
Mamarokbigjools: it works well in Jaunty, make sure you have the latest updates15:28
rafytafybigjools: if it wont shutdown you can always ctrl +alt+f1 then -> sudo -s -H && shutdown -h now15:29
bigjoolsit started happening when I used the 4.3 updates in Jaunty, and it's still a problem in karmic15:29
Mamarokrafytafy: no15:29
rafytafyive done it :(15:29
Mamarokit's not about not being able to log out, it's kdm not restarting15:29
rafytafyread it wrong, sorry15:29
Mamarokbigjools: ask in #ubuntu+1 for Karmic, please15:29
bigjoolssure thing, thanks15:30
bigjoolsso it was a kwin problem?15:30
rafytafycan always try an old workout such as going to init3 then back to init515:30
Mamarokrafytafy: also, Ctrl+Alt+F1 is *not* recommended, as it doesn't shut down the applications cleanly, Alt+SysRq+K is better15:30
rafytafyyeah true :(15:30
geniirafytafy: In Debian and Ubuntu runlevels 2,3,4 and 5 are not different15:30
rafytafygenii back when i had to install nvidia manually, i would restart x by going to init3 then back to init515:31
rafytafythis was in errr...dapper i believe15:31
Mamarokrafytafy: well, you should update your knowledge then ;)15:31
rafytafyyeah i know about /etc/init.d/kde start/stop15:32
lokpestHardy Heron should have been Hairy Hardon btw15:32
Mamaroklokpest: please, stay on topic15:32
geniilokpest: You've been warned already about crudity and swearing, please don't continue with it15:32
rafytafyit would seem that during the years i tried methods that had odd results15:33
darkhamwhat about  kde 4.3.2?15:38
rafytafyalrighty lets give 2.6.31 a go15:40
xocolatehelp please!!! how to solve this: /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.14/firefox: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_dgettext15:49
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geniixocolate: Not sure, but there looks to be a Debian bug reported of this error (for not just Firefox but a lot of apps failing with the libgtk-x11-2.so.0 part http://tinyurl.com/ycz9zh5   From the text there looks like maybe Cairo related16:07
rafytafyquestion - installed lm-sensors from source, got this after running detect *Chip `Fintek F71889FG Super IO Sensors' (confidence: 9)* went to edit the sensors3.conf file..and it states *chip f71805f*, should i replace with what detect found?16:08
nelson_anyone yet tried kubuntu 9.1016:09
gorgonzolai'm using it right now16:10
geniinelson_: Please direct questions about 9.10/Karmic to channel #ubuntu+116:10
rafytafyalso since i am using phenom2, should i add *label temp3 and labeltemp4?16:11
rafytafybah let me restart and see if my config works16:12
rafytafybah no driver16:16
morganHi all! I use ctrl+shift+R to shut panes in konqueror,  but it is now mapped to some other function. How do I find out where to change this back to my liking. Kubuntu 9.0416:18
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N3Oi wanna install kubuntu 9.04 on ubuntu 9.04 using a kubuntu CD . Is that possible ?17:02
rafytafyN30: you can install one or the other, then just install the other display manager and pick kde or gnome at start up17:02
rafytafycan install others too if you wish, like xfce, fluxbox etc etc17:02
rafytafyyou first install the kubuntu cd, then with your terminal you can *sudo apt-get install ubuntu-session ....unless its called something else now17:03
N3Orafytafy , now i have ubuntu(gnome). How can i install KDE from kubuntu CD ?17:04
morganWhat's a good desktop on small screens, like Acer Aspire One?17:04
rafytafyN30: Do you have internet connection17:04
N3OBut i wanna install from CD .17:04
morganN3O: Add the CD to the repositories to save on downloads.17:04
MamarokN3O: if you have a good internet connection, you can just install the kubuntu-desktop package17:04
rafytafyi dont think gnome session is included on the kubuntu cd..perhaps someone else can tell you17:05
rafytafykubuntu-desktop....not session..ahh..been a while17:05
MamarokN3O: else you can add the CD to your sources.list, then get the KDE package from there17:06
N3Omorgan , i already done that using 'synaptic package manager' .  But when i'm trying this "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" its gives me an error17:06
rafytafyMamarok: wasnt there a method for installing *pure kde*17:06
morganN30: Did you run 'aptitude update'?17:07
Mamarokrafytafy: e didn't say he wanted to remove Gnome17:07
N3OMamarok,  i already done that using 'synaptic package manager' .  But when i'm trying this "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" its gives me an error17:07
rafytafywhat sort of error17:07
N3Omorgan , already done...!! but still have the error..!17:07
N3Oi think i can't add the cd as reposetory17:08
rafytafyis your synaptic manager open while you are using terminal to apt-get install?17:08
MamarokN3O: that's waht I told you :)17:08
odysseasso if I just "sudo aptitude install kde" from ubuntu, what will I be missing?17:08
Mamarokyou can do this thrpough Synaptic too, just edit the sources when the CD is in the drive17:08
Mamarokodysseas: a lot, start with kubuntu-desktop17:08
N3OMamarok , so what i ahve to do ?17:09
rafytafyMamarok: is it possible to add a directory..like /home/raf/somedirectory, as a repo source? would i have to add a txt file listing the packages?17:09
N3OYa i wanna ask the same question17:09
MamarokN3O: §I don't remember exactly the way synaptic works, but put the CD in the drive, start Synaptic and then go to the menu where you can edit the repositories17:09
Mamarokrafytafy: of course17:09
rafytafyoh thats some good news17:10
Mamarokthere are various options wether to add a CD source, a local source or a remote source17:10
rafytafyreason I ask is I like to get some stuff from getdeb...and was thinking of just putting them into a directory17:10
N3OMamarok , i already do that. but it can't work.  i think kubuntu CD can't be used as repo17:10
MamarokN3O: of course it can, but you need to add it as a CD, not as a repo source, there is an option to add a CD17:11
N3OMamarok , OK then how can i select the source as local source /17:12
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MamarokN3O: I don't use Synaptic, but if you look at the options for the sources, you should be able to find it17:12
rafytafyhas anyone here used the new amarok?17:13
morganN3O: deb cdrom:[Kubuntu 9.04 _Jaunty Jackalope_ - Release i386 (20090420.1)]/ jaunty main restricted17:14
morganN3O: That's a sample cd-rom line from my /etc/apt/sources.list17:14
morganN3O: So I guess yours should look something similar.17:15
Mamarokrafytafy: I use it daily17:16
rafytafyany difference between 1.4 and 2.217:16
pulaskiHello, I've asked this question in the ##kernel channel but have yet to receive a response. My kubuntu has the kernel 2.6.28-11, Does anyone know how often the kernel is updated?17:16
Mamaroka lot, Amarok 2 is a complete rewrite with another codebase17:16
rafytafyoh wow17:17
rafytafyany new integrations?17:17
Mamarokpulaski: in Jaunty only for security updates17:17
Mamarokrafytafy: I can't tell, I haven't used 1.4 in ages, using 2.x since the developement started17:17
rafytafyi did a gconfig on today and didnt see any mk10 support:(17:17
rafytafyman i cant wait for 10.4 lts :(!17:18
Mamarokrafytafy: what are you talking about?17:18
rafytafyMamarok: support for k1017:18
rafytafylike k817:18
* Mamarok doesn't know what k10 is17:18
rafytafythe new am3 motherboards17:19
rafytafyfor phenom217:19
rafytafythere is a growing number of people pissed off, bcse we dont yet have lm-sensors support17:19
rafytafyand some other functions17:19
GRiDhi i'd like to try the latest kdevelop4, does anyone know if that means i need to upgrade to the 9.10 beta?17:26
pulaskiMamarok: Thanks for responding.  I'm waiting on a driver that is currently in development.  Do you know how I can get a kernel update - other than security updates - that might have this new driver for the Creative's X-Fi sound card?17:27
Mamarokpulaski: sorry, was afk. No, you will either have to compile a newer krnel to get this feature or upgrade to Karmic once it is released17:36
Mamarokkernel* even17:36
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blackheyy anyone around? I have a little problem could use some insight17:42
blackI have feisty and apparently it didnt come with adept, so i just installed it, and im trying to install JRE.. so when I attempt to instatll the packages in adept and apply changes it crashes17:43
morganblack: Try using apt-get or aptitude from the command line. It branches to a licence page or something. Run from a console and post any relevant output.17:45
mostafa_how can I add lines into the file? but specific lines17:45
blackmorgan: gracias.. however im still somewhat of a linux noob so what do you mean :D what should i do :x17:48
Mamarokblack: Feisty? that is pretty much outdated, no? EOL was reached a year ago17:50
MamarokI stringly suggest you upgrade to a supported version17:50
Mamarokstrongly, even :)17:50
blackya I agree, right now my main pc is royaly fkd up so this is my backup.. but im enjoying messing with kde and linux17:51
blackso I dont wanna fk it up and have no computer17:51
blackeven if it is just updating, im scared17:52
blacktheres no way to upgrade through terminal is there or any other way besides burning a live cd17:52
Mamarokblack: I don't think you can upgrade Feisty, unless you get the CDs of the various next releases till Hardy, the best is to backup your home folder and do a fresh install, but since it still works, wait for Karmic to be released :)17:54
N3Omorgan , ^^18:01
N3Omorgan , r u there ?18:02
blackMamarok: sounds good, when is Karmic being released?18:04
Mamarokblack: release is scheduled for October 29th18:05
xguruwhat is the launch pad ppa?18:11
xgurui have the ones for gnome, etc, but arent they different for kde?18:11
blackthis adept crashing thing is killing me, any suggestions on what i should do? morgan mentioned apt-get or apitude but im still a noob18:18
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jamesjedimasterblack: i think adept is not supported on feisty. what are you trying to install?18:25
blackheh that could be an issue.. trying to install JRE, trying to install those several java packages.. bin,fonts,plugin, etc..18:25
jamesjedimasterok, so in Konsole you can use: sudo apt-get install <your_jre_package>18:26
RussellAlanMy mouse keeps randomly moving, anyone experience this?18:32
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rafytafyanyone know if Vuze works on 64bit18:42
geniirafytafy: http://www.myscienceisbetter.info/install-vuze-on-ubuntu-64bit.html18:44
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rafytafywhy thank you18:47
* rafytafy bookmarks18:48
rafytafyi am considering 64bit since i have 4gig ram18:48
rafytafyI could try to compile a highmem64 kernel..but meh18:49
nomadluapokay, I iinstalled kde-desktop on my ubuntu system, but I don't want the kde menu to list all of my GNOME apps. How to do?19:02
sasha__тут есть кто то кто говорит по русски????19:04
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:04
geniiHm greek maybe and not russian19:04
sasha__<genii> bad19:05
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tkesleris there a way to find out how thunderbird is calling a browser for links?19:33
ashantihello. is there someone from poland ?19:33
ashantianyone ?19:33
Mamarok!pl | ashanti19:34
ubottuashanti: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.19:34
tkesleror where it looks?19:34
Mamarokashanti: this channel is for support only, if you are looking a a discussion channel, go to #kubuntu-offtopic, please19:34
ashantiok. sorry guys. i'am newbie. bb19:35
Mamarokashanti: as a general rule, you should read the channel topic19:35
Mamarokashanti: so you know what it is about19:35
tkeslerI can't figure it out19:35
tkesler*pulling hair*19:36
Mamaroktkesler: you want to know which browser is set as default?19:36
tkesleryes and no19:36
Mamaroktkesler: I don't use thunderbird, but I guess it uses the system default19:36
Mamarokand the system default settings are in the system settings :)19:37
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tkeslerMamarok: there isn't one set in the sys defaults...but it somehow pulls FF3.5.  I don't even know what command it is using.  The meta package installs FF3.0.1419:37
Mamarokwell, as thunderbird is made by mozilla, I guess the default settings is Firefox19:38
Mamarokwhat do yu mean, pulls? Opens it or installs it?19:38
MamarokI guess I still haven't understood what you want to do exactly19:39
tkeslerMamarok: I agree...here is the strange part...I uninstalled FF3.0 and the meta pkg that it installs....guess I'm gonna have to dig deeper19:39
Mamaroktkesler: still, would you mind telling me what you whnt to do exactly?19:39
tkeslerMamarok: I want to run 3.5 exclusively19:40
Mamarokok, then remove all thinks not firefox-3.5*19:40
Mamarokthe firefox package installs the old version, the firefox-3.5 package installs the new one19:41
Mamarokand you need to purge it, so all configuration files are removed19:41
Mamarokalso, did you check if you have a thunderbird configuration folder in your home folder?19:41
Mamarokit's probably .thunderbird/19:42
tkeslerMamarok: I can't convey my issue very well.  I apologize.  I want the "firefox" command to run FF3.5.  It won't.  Just going to have to dig in the bin folder I guess...THX for your help!  Just needed a sounding board19:42
Mamaroktkesler: well, if you want to start firefox-3.5 for sure you should type 'shiretoko'19:43
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dartagnanproblem like ????20:21
geniidartagnan: Don't start up in here.20:26
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TechnovikingWhat is the default media player in Kubuntu? ie the totem equilent?20:35
geniiCurrently, Dragon Player20:37
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TechnovikingWhat is the default media player in Kubuntu?  and the default IM client?20:39
Tm_TTechnoviking: as genii mentioned, mediaplayer is Dragon Player, for IM there's Kopete20:41
geniiTechnoviking: Currently, Dragon Player is the default media player. And Kopete is the default IM20:41
* genii sips20:41
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TechnovikingDoes Kubuntu use Gimp or something else for Photoshop like program20:44
DarkriftXdamnit, ktorrent is pissing me off20:44
DarkriftXkeeps crashing but gives no info why20:44
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geniiTechnoviking: Gimp, yes. You can also use Krita or Karbon20:46
dartagnanif I want to remove OS that arent there anymore from my grub menu, can I simply delete them in gedit?20:47
dartagnananybody knows?20:49
stoszkowskyhello every 1 ;]20:50
qazwsxi am trying to install a dell 1720 on kubuntu 9.04 but i dont see the model listed so how can i go about installing this printer?20:51
geniidartagnan: If you are using grub2 it is different than the older grub20:51
dartagnanits a new installation of ubuntu 9.0420:52
dartagnannew grub i guess wait20:52
dartagnanwhere could I see it?20:53
geniidartagnan: : If it's the older grub, edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst20:54
dartagnanIm already in gedit20:54
dartagnanI did that20:54
dartagnanjust asking20:55
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dartagnancuz i deleted ubuntu 8,04 but its still in the menu20:55
dartagnanI want to clean the booting meneu20:55
dartagnanand put vista first loader20:55
dartagnanit talks about writing it 0  for defualt loader20:56
dartagnanbut not about deleting former os that arent there anymore20:57
geniidartagnan: apt-cache policy grub2 | grep Install                  says what?20:57
genii!hi | jeff_fox20:57
ubottujeff_fox: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!20:57
jeff_foxim thinking of using kubuntu20:58
jeff_foxbut im worry20:58
jeff_foxi heard it was a distro for faggots, is it true?20:58
dartagnandont find vertical line on my keyboard20:59
subitohi, whenever i want to launch Qsynth with alsa as an audio driver i get "failed to create the audio driver" and "failed to open the /dev/audio audio device"; i can only launch using jack as an audio driver20:59
rafytafyback :|20:59
konvershi, when i try to download some file from rapidshare with koqueror it thinks its type is application/octet-stream and doesnt download the actual file. how can i fix that?20:59
rafytafykonvers: have you tried using firefox?21:00
konversrafytafy: have you tried answering my question?21:00
qazwsxi am trying to install a dell 1720 on kubuntu 9.04 but i dont see the model listed so how can i go about installing this printer?21:00
geniidartagnan: Then copy and paste from what I wrote in here to Konsole21:01
geniikonvers: Is the file ending with some .php extension that it wants to download?21:03
konversgenii: i just click on the download button21:03
rafytafyif its a .rar file and you dont have rar installed it might mistake it for another file extension, its why i asked about firefox21:05
rafytafyi use rapidshare too21:05
konversi have unrar installed21:06
rafytafylet me see something ..21:06
konversi dont need rar. which also isnt free21:06
konversfirefox works, i know, even if i dont have anything installed. rar or unrar21:07
rafytafyhmm i use file-roller21:07
konversthats not a KDE application21:07
rafytafyi know21:07
qazwsxanyone know how to install a printer that would be willing to help me?21:11
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:18
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dartagnanit says none21:25
dartagnaninstalled (none)21:25
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dartagnanInstalled: 0.97-29ubuntu5321:26
geniidartagnan: Grub1 then. The menu.lst edits should be fine21:28
dartagnanI deleted it21:29
dartagnannow I wrote +0 for vista21:29
dartagnanshould I write it at the two places?21:30
qazwsxis there a semi easy way to install a printer when the model doesnt show up in the list when installing?21:30
dartagnanI afraid to all fudge up my booting stuff21:33
SalaHelp! I have problem with WUBI. Have tested both 9.04 and 9.10. Both fail at creating "menu.lst" file on boot folder (note that installation completes with no errors). As a result im unable to boot to ubuntu (however it does create ubuntu option on Windows bootloader) as it gets stuck on Grub. Im running Windows 7 RTM X64, EFI based system, ran installations both with and without Windows...21:35
Sala...Vista compactability mode. I have already binged for ansfers (but with no results as you can see).21:35
dartagnangenii: if I simply give 0 number to cahin loader to vista will it load first?21:36
rosco_yis anyone running both an IDE bus and a SATA bus on the same computer?21:37
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dartagnanyou grue?21:48
yogaI just installed the 9.10 beta, when Ubuntu coume out in 24 days, how do I need to upgrade from beta?21:48
geniiyoga: The usual sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade                 will keep your version current21:54
dartagnanoh competition with the grue21:55
dartagnanoh big psychology here21:55
yogagenii: Thanks.21:55
geniidartagnan: What are you mumbling about?21:56
dartagnanur stupidity21:56
geniidartagnan: Being abusive here will only get you removed... you've been warned21:56
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rosco_yCan anyone recommend good time-tracking, or project-management software for Linux?22:06
geniirosco_y: I've used PHProjekt with pretty good results22:06
rosco_ygenii: Thank you, I'll give it a look-and-see :)22:06
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seresosi neEdz war3z & mp3zzzz22:12
seresospl0x h3lp22:12
N0LLYas for music22:13
N0LLYI suggest: Nicotine-Plus22:14
N0LLYfor the former, ktorrent does the trick22:14
Tm_TN0LLY: he's gone, and talking about illegal activities (piracy is considered as such) is not allowed here22:14
N0LLYbut not every music is piracy right?22:15
Tm_TN0LLY: sure not, but you got my point I trust22:15
N0LLYI used Ktorrent to get openoffice ;)22:15
N0LLYI am a good guy :D22:16
N0LLYbtw how do you personal message someone if I might ask?22:16
ZeikDoes anyone know how to fix the issue with the mouse cursor icon being stuck in the middle of the screen during an OpenGL or SDL app?22:17
N0LLYok, cya22:18
ZeikI have tried searching for a fix, but all i can find is a fix for the Gnome version of Ubuntu.22:18
ZeikI know it is caused by the power management daemon conflicting with the vga chipset i have.22:19
maninderif i want the compiz22:21
maninderdo i search in kpackage kit22:21
maninderor what22:21
FloodBotK2maninder: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:21
jamesjedimasterif kwin provides with desktop effects, why use compiz?22:22
maninderno like i want the cube22:22
maninderand like the wobbly windows etc22:23
maninderdo i just download compiz22:24
Tm_Tmaninder: those effects are in Kwin, but if you really like to get compiz...22:26
ZeikYou should be able to get Compiz through your package manager.22:26
Tm_T!compiz | maninder22:26
ubottumaninder: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz22:26
ZeikTm_T - Do you know where i go to edit the way my cursor runs software/hardware mode?22:27
Tm_TZeik: sorry, no idea22:27
ZeikFor Gnome it is in the Xorg.conf, sure as hell aint in that file for Kubuntu though....22:28
Tm_TZeik: it is there, except Qt/Kwin/something else might override and force software mode22:29
Tm_TZeik: that's all I know22:29
ZeikOk, kool.22:29
ZeikI have that problem with the mouse icon stuck in teh middle of teh screen, been trying to fix it for awhile now.22:30
Tm_TZeik: this is only in KDE?22:30
ZeikIt's an Intel only problem.22:30
ZeikIntel GPU has a conflict with the Gnome power manager in Ubuntu, and i guess it has an issue in Kubuntu as well.22:31
maninderis there anyway of controlling the brightness of monitor using toshiba laptop22:31
ZeikI dont know what the name of the KDE power management daemon is.22:31
Riddellany jaunty users able to test 4.3.2?22:31
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lovrehi al22:41
lovrewhat is the best was to keep some data and search trought it, like a binary tree or something.. whats best choice for PHP*22:42
lovreoops, sorry wrong channel22:43
rafytafyanyone here22:46
MamarokRiddell: I can22:51
Mamarokrp2: do you have a question?22:53
rp2Mamarok: thanks for asking. actually, I'm wondering why my KDE package manager doesn't work22:55
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Mamarokrp2: a little more information about your KDE and Kubuntu version would be useful22:56
rafytafyMamarok: i have a question, its not really kubuntu related but maybe you can give me some advice22:56
rafytafyi put my old nvidia gs 7600 on sale on craigslist...what do you think i should ask for it?22:57
rp2well i should have googled for it first ... just a sec22:57
Mamarokno idea22:57
rafytafyi figure 33% of the original price22:57
Mamarokrafytafy: and this doesn't belong here, you should ask in #kubuntu-offtopic22:57
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rp2it's 9.04.22:59
rp2but i performed some updates (with apt-get and aptitude and it's gone22:59
Mamarokrp2: which KDE version? 4.2.2 is default, 4.2.4 is in the backports AFAIK23:00
rp2and now i have Synaptic in the menu instead. and Synaptic was working fine last time i tried it (before the reinstall that is)23:01
rp2so my question is at least suspended23:01
r3d0xhow can i update my new kubuntu installation with the non freee codecs?23:01
Mamarokr3d0x: install the kubuntu-restricted-extras package23:02
Mamarokrp2: well, you still didn't tell me the KDE version23:03
r3d0xthanks Mamarok23:04
rp2yes, it works. so I did have a question, but i was stupid enough to hope that just updating everything would fix it, and cleverly enough, that's exactly what has happened!23:04
rp2pretty cool ...23:05
Mamarokrp2: nice :)23:05
Mamarokr3d0x: you are welcome23:05
NiNesis kubuntu a good choice for a beginner to linux23:05
rp2my second question isn't KDE-related: i want to know whether i can use two motherboards with the (cheap) hardware I have23:05
MamarokNiNes: I think so, yes23:05
rp2NiNes: I always liked KDE better than Gnome, so I'd say yes23:06
Mamarokrp2: no idea, sorry, you should check on Google for that23:06
NiNesoh i hate gnome.23:06
Mamarokfolks, stay on topic, discussions should go to #kubuntu-offtopic23:06
rp2Mamarok: I have (on that one) - there is lots of general advice, but usually it involves Nvidia cards23:06
NiNesi'm just wondering, besides the fact you all most likely run kubuntu what would you recommend to a newb? as a good distro to start with?23:07
Mamarokrp2: again, I can't help you with that23:07
rp2no problem ...23:07
MamarokNiNes: well, Kubuntu of course :)23:07
ZeikfriedDoes anyone know how to change the cursor from Hardware mode to Software mode?23:07
rp2NiNes: I haven't tried many lately, I've always been happy with SuSE, and I quite like Ubuntu but I'm really happy I switched to KDE (kubuntu) for this install23:08
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NiNesi've heard suse isnt all that easy to install23:08
NiNesbut then again...23:08
rp2one thing i haven't figured out is how to get a decent resolution, but I'm afraid that's Xorg related rather than KDE related23:09
rp2NiNes: it was for me23:09
rp2but then again, I used to be a SOlaris sysadmin23:09
NiNesi'm the new guy i installed ubuntu last night, freaked out then installed (came running back to windows) windows 7 RC23:09
rosco_yNiNes: I've tried a few distros, I like kubuntu the best (I'm also a newbie)23:10
rp2Zeik: I don't. do you realize Zeik is the Dutch word for 'piss'?23:10
rp2NiNes: what made you freak out? too many things to figure out?23:10
NiNesrosco_y, thanks thats something i needed to hear!23:10
rosco_yNiNes: I think you'll like kubuntu23:11
NiNesrp2, kind of just the fact it was gnome, maybe. just different in  alot of big ways to windows. which is all i know23:11
rosco_yI used both gnome and the kde window managers, I personally like kde23:12
MamarokNiNes, rosco_y please, this is off-topic here, discussions is in #kubuntu-offtopic23:12
rosco_yMamarok: noted, Thank you.23:12
rp2yes, but KDE is different as well .. .I don't expect it will be much more like Windows.  I have always found it a lot more pleasant than Gnome though ... hard to say why. a little smoother, better looking, easier to use, but that's just my impression23:13
rp2Mamarok: why is it off-topic?23:13
Mamarokrp2: offtopic, please stop that23:13
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Mamarokdiscussion, this channel is for support only23:13
rp2oh wait NiNes hasn't tried kubuntu yet. sorry.23:13
* NiNes joins offtopic channel.23:15
NiNessorry Mamarok23:15
MamarokNiNes: no problem, thx :)23:15
Idhan hi, according to this website http://go-oo.org/download/ I can install go-oo through the ubuntu repositories.. I did it but I can get the 3D presentation, any idea?23:16
Idhan*I cann't23:17
CydellThe 9.10 beta is looking really good so far. I really like the new installer23:22
MamarokCydell: please see the topic23:23
r3d0xwhat tool for php coding in kubuntu?23:24
Mamarokr3d0x: depends, Quanta+ is nice23:24
rp2Idhan: there are some al;ternative, nonstandard repositories for Ubuntu, eg Mediabuntu, could it be that it's in there?23:29
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hexorgHey! I need a little help with lamp23:57
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hexorgI'm behind a collage's router... Is there a way to acces apach with UPnP?23:58

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