
stapelhow do i change the theme back to the default?00:00
coz_stapel, default gtk theme?00:00
Jeruvywell finally got a dvd to play....really poorly :)00:01
coz_system/preferences/appearance   customize00:01
coz_Jeruvy,  I was about to ask about that myself  what did you do?00:01
coz_Jeruvy,  because it refuses to play here disabling the dvd rom00:01
stapelcoz_: Like on a fresh install of Ubuntu?00:01
JeruvyI installed the medibuntu packages, and ubuntu-restricted-extras, so now both totem and vlc play, but ton of video and audio artifacting thats just crap.00:02
coz_stapel,  I believe that is the clearlooks theme00:02
coz_Jeruvy,  damn00:02
stapelcoz_: for UNR?00:02
coz_stapel,  no  I havent run UNR  for a while now00:02
coz_sorry I dont know00:03
coz_stapel,  right click desktop  or click one of the links in the side bars?00:03
* Jeruvy is going to try some other dvd's for giggles00:04
stapelcoz_: right click does nothing00:04
NoelJBcoz_, the constrain thing is an open bug00:04
coz_stapel, mm   let me check00:04
stapelcoz_: which links in the sidebar?00:04
coz_NoelJB,  ah thanks i was wondering about that  :)00:04
stapelcoz_: thanx00:05
nick125Anyone here notice that the battery OSD is a bit......off?00:05
NoelJBcoz_, come to think of it, I could ask Amaranth about it ...00:05
AmaranthNoelJB: Summary? :)00:05
stapelis there a UNR specific room?00:06
coz_stapel,  isnt there a Preferences button on the left  panel?00:06
NoelJBAmaranth, if coz_ and I are talking about the same thing?  bug 8265400:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 82654 in compiz "Windows can be positioned with title bar below gnome-panel" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8265400:06
coz_stapel,  my guess is if you click Preferences you will get to appearance dialog00:07
AmaranthNoelJB: Oh, notice Fix Committed :)00:07
stapelcoz_: No...UNR layout changed a bit...there is only a left panel now...and system takes you to preferences00:07
NoelJByes on 9/28.  but not released :-)00:07
AmaranthWe had to change the way constrain worked before we could turn it back on00:07
coz_stapel,  ah ok then systems it is :)00:07
AmaranthSo now upstream constrain is ignored when using the window menu's move option or moving with alt-click and resize is also constrained00:08
stapelok...I've got appearance open...how do I get back to default theme?00:08
AmaranthSo that combined with the change made in the packaging will fix the bug00:08
coz_stapel,  not sure as I said I dont have UNR installed but there should a dialog for changing themes00:08
NoelJBAmaranth, any idea when that will go to Fix Released?00:08
AmaranthNoelJB: It's not Fix Released because I'm hoping we'll have an 0.8.4 release soonish and we can just use that instead of another git snapshot00:09
AmaranthNoelJB: Before RC? :)00:09
stapelcoz_: customize...00:09
NoelJBAmaranth, so [Any Day | Real Soon] Now00:09
AmaranthNoelJB: Yeah00:09
AmaranthNoelJB: Either a couple days after an upstream 0.8.4 release or some time before RC, whichever happens first :)00:09
coz_Amaranth,  0.8.4 still up for tomorrow?00:10
Amaranthcoz_: That was just me being hopeful00:10
NoelJBAmaranth, someone really should flesh out the bio at wikipedia :-p00:10
coz_Amaranth,  :)   oh then I went for it as well  :)00:10
Amaranthcoz_: We've got all the pieces in place except for a review of the one more fix we want to get in00:10
Amaranthcoz_: Once that gets reviewed and committed we just need someone to do it00:11
coz_Amaranth,  ok cool  I will ask again in the channel00:11
AmaranthNoelJB: Feel free :)00:11
coz_Amaranth,  ok cool  :)00:11
indicavaso I updated my karmic install several times since the beta release and still no new login screen :( how come, screenshots on the web show for a clean karmic beta install00:11
DanaGanyway, I fixed all my stuff, and now it does boot rather decently quickly.00:11
Amaranthcoz_: btw, Constrain Y disabling itself is because the person who changed the default option didn't know how compiz worked well at the time so set a gconf system default for that option00:12
coz_Amaranth,  oh!  ok  ..well I expected issues with beta  so it comes as no surprise :)00:12
coz_although icons missing under Place is a bit weird :)00:13
Amaranthby design00:13
coz_Amaranth,  why was that?00:14
AmaranthYou mean the last 3 items, right?00:14
ArkoldThosanyone here lost the sound while upgrading?00:14
AmaranthMenu items that aren't objects have no menu items00:14
Amaranthcoz_: you'll notice menu and button items gone from almost everywhere00:14
coz_Amaranth,  ok  interesting...why the change    this time around?00:14
NoelJBcoz_, upstream (gnome) did/wanted it.  they think it is cleaner00:15
Amaranthcoz_: was an upstream usability decision, too many icons makes the UI look cluttered00:15
NoelJBthere is a bug report on it somewhere, but I don't have it handy.00:15
DanaGhmm, I've done a restore-from-backup-onto-new-partition.00:15
coz_ok  I guess I can used to this arrangment then :)00:15
Jeruvywell dvd playback is very mixed.  Some play reasonbly ok, most play poorly and some are just garbage playback.  This must be due to libdvdcss2 since uncompressed/unencrypted movies play fine.00:16
indicavaI get the new login screen background, but the user chooser is still the one from the alpha release so is the bottom panel, why is that?00:16
=== BiosElement-AFK is now known as BiosElement
roffe I really like the new wallpaper that changes every 30(?) minutes. Does anyone know what will be the official wallpaper?00:19
NoelJBroffe, huh?  my wallpaper doesn't change.00:20
ArkoldThossound doesn't work and im unable to open system settings (kubuntu)00:21
roffeNoelJB, the one with stars and pictures of the earth etc00:22
NoelJBroffe, screensaver or desktop background?00:22
roffedesktop background00:22
NoelJBroffe, I just have this sort of yellow brown one that came out recently.00:23
roffeI think it came with the beta00:24
ArkoldThosDAMN konsole is getting frozen using autocomplete00:24
roffePerhaps you haven't downloaded the latest files00:24
NoelJBroffe, I have.  Is there something you've added to cause them to switch/rotate?00:24
roffeNoelJB, If I haven't completely forgot about it, I don't think I've done anything but update Ubuntu. Has anyone else got the wallpaper that changes?00:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402050 in ubuntuone-client "ubuntuone-client-applet crashed with IOError in _open()" [Undecided,Incomplete]00:26
Ian_Cornewtf is that spammer..00:26
Jeruvyroffe: no, whats the package?00:26
LjLIan_Corne: ?00:26
NoelJBroffe, Ubuntu or Kubuntu?00:26
roffeNoelJB, Ubuntu. Perhaps I have downloaded the wallpapers then :)00:27
AmaranthNoelJB: It's the space wallpaper00:28
NoelJBroffe, do you have wallpaper-tray installed?00:28
roffeIt's a really neat(IMO) that changes about every 30 minutes. Now that I think about it I think I got quite many new wallpapers including this00:28
AmaranthNoelJB: It's actually a series of wallpapers that change over time00:28
Volkodav1is there a way to transfer all accounts and settings from for thunderd-3.0 from jaunty to karmic without entering all the stuff again ?00:29
DanaGroffe: ah yeah, the xml file wallpaper... it tells Gnome how often to change the images, and how to fade them.00:29
Volkodav1I guess copy all profile and folders ?00:29
Amaranthroffe: Does it change smoothly for you? For me it just suddenly switches from one to the other (it used to fade)00:29
roffeAmaranth, As far as I can remember it has only switched instantly. Fading would be preferable, though00:30
NoelJBAmaranth, what package?  I saw drapes and wallpaper-tray, but neither of those is what you seem to be mentioning.00:30
AmaranthNoelJB: It actually ships with the screensavers, it's the same images as the Cosmos screensaver00:30
AmaranthNoelJB: but you should have it either way00:30
NoelJBHow do I enable it?  Not sure if I want it, but curious, now.00:31
AmaranthNoelJB: You should see a picture of space in the list of backgrounds in appearance properties00:31
NoelJBAmaranth, yes.  but it isn't intuitive that selecting it would lead to a rotating background :-)00:32
AmaranthNoelJB: It does have a little arrow under it00:32
NoelJBAmaranth, no it does not.  but now that you mention it, I see that it has an outline indicating that there are multiple things there.00:33
yang_Hey, can somebody help me with a dns issue?00:33
RPG_MasterSo, anymore info about the flash issue?00:33
NoelJBit looks like a slight fanned card deck.00:33
AmaranthRPG_Master: You mean where did my clicks go?00:33
NoelJBah, the arrow appears when it is selected.00:34
AmaranthNoelJB: the arrow appears after you select it00:34
RPG_MasterAmaranth: yeah00:34
NoelJBAmaranth, interesting.  I could see doing something like that for myself, but with my own images.00:34
AmaranthRPG_Master: Just that it only affects some flash (streaming videos, mostly) and happens with every WM instead of just compiz00:34
RPG_MasterAmaranth:  Like, you can watch a youtube video but you can't pause it00:34
mercutio22help, I am reveiving a video call in empathy but I see no way to answer that an d end the ringing!! hehehehe00:35
AmaranthOh, and it doesn't matter if you use nspluginwrapper or not, it still happens00:35
mercutio22what the heck00:35
RPG_MasterWhats weird is flash works perfect Epiphany :/00:35
RPG_MasterI am actually starting to like Epiphany :)00:36
coz_ok I officially dont like the lack of icons  :)00:36
RPG_Masterbut there are a few Firefox add-ons I kinda miss....00:37
RPG_MasterUbiquity, Read It Later... actually thats it :P00:37
RPG_MasterAnyone else here using Epiphany?00:38
RPG_MasterIts quiet nice now that its using Webkit :)00:38
thiebaudeRPG_Master, it didn't work for me00:38
thiebaudeRPG_Master, yea, i set it up, but couln't connect to irc00:39
RPG_MasterWait, how do you connect to IRC through a web browser?00:40
RPG_Masterand he leaves me....00:40
test34RPG_Master, http://java.freenode.net/ is one way00:40
virtualdso... what am i missing that alerts me when someone sends me an message through empathy?00:41
zmjjmzANyone else here use 9.10 beta on a dell mini 9?00:52
RPG_MasterI am afraid of trying Gnome-shell :|00:59
RPG_MasterI am afraid it'll mess up something :/00:59
gorgonzolahello. does anyone know where to report bugs against packages in kubuntu ppas?00:59
RPG_MasterIs it safe to try?00:59
RPG_Mastergorgonizer: Launchpad maybe :/01:00
RPG_MasterI am not sure01:00
BUGabundonot always01:00
RPG_MasterI don't file bugs often :P01:00
BUGabundonot all teams have a BTS on LP01:00
BUGabundosometimes you just have to contact dev01:00
BUGabundoin case of Kubuntu packages01:00
Amaranthgorgonzola: If it's the official kubuntu ppa just file bugs against the ubuntu packages but make sure you mention the package version01:00
RPG_MasterAh, sorry.01:00
BUGabundojust file against regutlar kubuntu01:00
BUGabundoand state version and PPA used01:01
eternal_pevening all..anyone have any idea why my ubuntu-desktop is being held back on my updates ?01:01
zmjjmzanyone here use 9.10 with dell mini 9?01:01
BUGabundoor what ever Amaranth said01:01
BUGabundoI hate beeing lagged :\01:01
chris_is there any way to get amarok to work in 9.1?01:02
Volkodav1will deluge ppa work for Karmic ?01:03
Volkodav1it is not listed there yet01:03
eternal_pvolkodav1: I'm using it, just put in jaunty01:03
chris_does anyone have amarok working?01:05
ArkoldThoschris_, the dependencies aren't yet upgraded01:05
ArkoldThosjust wait for tomorrow and update the package list, then upgrade01:06
Volkodav1exaile is almost the same thing in gtk01:06
ArkoldThosbut exaile goes crazy with 40k songs xd01:06
Amaranthchris_: Try again tomorrow evening (UTC)01:07
AmaranthArkoldThos: Actually the packaging was just broken01:07
Daiexaile is the reason we have the saying "those that do not understand amarok are doomed to repeat it poorly.  in python."  okay, so we don't actually have that saying, but it's true.01:07
Amaranthbanshee ftw01:07
* DanaG uses quodlibet.01:08
Daimpd ftw :)01:08
DanaGThe only thing I don't like about it, is that it spams notifications on track change.01:08
AmaranthBanshee: Proving amarok developers don't know how to use sqlite since 2008.01:08
DanaGAnd notify-osd gets backlogged way too easily.01:08
DaiAmaranth: amarok doesn't use sqlite anymore though01:08
ArkoldThosi liked hwen amarok used mysql server01:08
AmaranthDai: That was the point01:08
ArkoldThosand amarok doensn't use sqlite anymore :p, they moved just to mysql lite or smth01:08
DaiArkoldThos: they do use a mysql server, if you so choose01:09
AmaranthThey claim sqlite is too slow01:09
Daiyou haven't used it recently, i'm guessing01:09
ArkoldThosdai, what amarok we are talking about, 1.4 or 2?01:09
DaiArkoldThos: 201:09
AmaranthMeanwhile banshee has been demo'ed with 1,000,000 entries and a filter/search time of a couple seconds01:09
chris_Amaranth: ok thanks, how do you know something is happening tomorrow though? just curious i dont know how all of this works01:09
ArkoldThosthey summit new packages on x day01:10
Amaranthchris_: Tomorrow Kubuntu developers will be back at work and notice :)01:10
Daias of post-2.1 development, external mysql has been available, as of 2.2 proper, you can actually do it with the GUI :)01:10
ArkoldThosnot sure about ubuntu dev cycle :o or how they do01:10
gorgonizerchris_: I managed to build my own version of Amarok 2.2 for AMD64 from the sources :)01:11
Amaranthubuntu development nearly grinds to a halt on the weekends01:11
DaiArkoldThos: if you haven't checked out amarok due to 2.x being horrible, 2.2 might change your mind, it brings back most of what made amarok great (and in better form), and the interface is finally user-configurable.01:11
AmaranthDai: So it's really more of a "build your own music player" toolbox01:12
ArkoldThosim using amarok 2 since beta01:12
damaguCan anyone tell what "Not available in the current data" means in relation to the app store?01:12
ArkoldThosDai, plus i traslated all weekly announcements of amarok 2 :p01:13
Amaranthdamagu: Need more context. Where do you see this?01:13
damaguAmaranth: when I try to install stuff using the app store.01:13
RPG_Master_Gnome-shell is trippy :D01:14
DaiAmaranth: sort of.  you can get rid of that terrible middle panel, stack panels, move the player bar around...  it's still not *perfect*, but it's a whole lot better than 2.0 or 2.1.  oh, and they've fixed most of the bugs in collectionmanager, which is why i quit using it - it actually *deleted* some of my music when trying to arrange it with 2.1 >:(01:15
Amaranthdamagu: Oh, that just means the details of the package aren't available01:15
damaguAmaranth: just about anything. I just installed Karmic and my touchpad isn't working properly so I tried to install synaptic touchpad. Also the drivers for my gpu.01:15
* RPG_Master_ is running gnome-shell right now01:15
NoelJBRPG_Master, and?01:15
* Amaranth hates RPG_Master_ now01:15
damaguAmaranth: so does that mean I can still install stuff that displays the message?01:15
Amaranthdamagu: As far as I can tell looking at the code01:16
NoelJBDanaG, "Notify-osd gets backlogged way too easily" and loses messages?01:16
DanaGno, but it makes them useless.01:16
RPG_Master_Amaranth: :O why :(01:16
damaguI'm running it on my Macbook Pro 3,101:16
DanaGSkip 8 tracks, and it will take 3 or 5 minutes before you see the notification for what track you ended on.01:16
AmaranthDanaG: Bug in the app01:17
damagugot wireless OOTB. Touchpad is not responsive to changes in the touchpad settings01:17
NoelJBRPG_Master, Amaranth is the compiz author!01:17
DanaGAt least it was fine with notification-daemon.... they stacked all at once, and then disappeared all at once.01:17
damaguNo hardware drivers display in system > admin > hardware drivers window01:17
damaguis that normal?01:17
AmaranthDanaG: When they create a notification they're supposed to hold on to a handle for it and when they want to show a new one see if that one still exists and update it instead01:17
NoelJBRPG_Master, and Gnome (Shell) is locking compiz out of the future, and compiz doesn't really have the resources to create a 3rd desktop shell (KDE, Gnome, CompizDE).01:18
damaguAlso, is UbuntuOne not working yet?01:18
AmaranthRPG_Master_: I'm the ubuntu maintainer for compiz, not the primary author :P01:18
AmaranthAlthough I've written a couple of plugins too01:18
RPG_Master_Amaranth: Oh, still pretty awesome :P01:18
RPG_Master_Amaranth: So I can imagine your pretty angry at the gnome dudes?01:19
damaguAmaranth: wow! Thanks for doing what you do then. Compiz is fantastic01:19
AmaranthRPG_Master_: Yes and no01:19
AmaranthThe guys working on it are pretty cool but I completely disagree with them :P01:19
TDJACRAmaranth: have you tried arch?01:20
RPG_Master_Amaranth: So why can't you port compiz to Gnome 3.0?01:20
AmaranthTDJACR: Don't see the point01:20
AmaranthRPG_Master_: Because gnome-shell replaces metacity _and_ gnome-panel01:20
damaguAmaranth: are hardware drivers meant to display in the system > admin > hardware drivers window? And what does it mean if there are none displaying?01:20
TDJACRAmaranth: It's nice.01:21
RPG_Master_Amaranth: So there will be no way to use a different WM while still using Gnome?01:21
TDJACRAmaranth: That's a dumb gnome decision01:21
Amaranthdamagu: First thought would be it means your card is too new for us to recognize01:21
AmaranthRPG_Master_: right01:21
AmaranthNot without dropping down to gnome-panel01:22
NoelJBRPG_Master, it is like a model T.  you can have any window manager you want, as long as it is Gnome Shell.01:22
AmaranthWhich means the desktop as it exists today01:22
RPG_Master_They darn well better port all the best parts of Compiz into Gnome 3.0 then >:(01:23
AmaranthNo, not really01:23
AmaranthEven as a composited blingfest metacity is still the Cheerios of WMs01:23
damaguCan someone tell me if it is normal to not have system updates appearing after install? Usually when I install Ubuntu I immediately see updates are required. However, I have never installed a beta version before.01:23
RPG_Master_I am talking about the nice usability parts of compiz01:24
NoelJBAmaranth, missing that analogy.01:24
Amaranthdamagu: It sounds like your sources.list is set to only look on the CD01:24
NoelJBis cheerios a good thing?  I, personally, find them kind of bland, and don't eat them.01:24
RPG_Master_I want frosted flakes :(01:24
damaguAmaranth: nah it's a macbook pro 3,1 I had drivers for it in Intrepid01:24
damaguAmaranth: oh I'll have a look.01:25
AmaranthNoelJB: Metacity is the "Boring window manager for the adult in you. Many window managers are like Marshmallow Froot Loops; Metacity is like Cheerios."01:25
NoelJBRPG_Master, LOL Raisin Bran, with Fruit Loops or something silly/sillier every once in a while.  But I switch Window Managers less often than cereal.01:25
NoelJBAmaranth, ok, so it was a reference to Metacity being boring and bland (Cheerios).01:25
drs305damagu: There have been some problems with update-manager. You can try "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" to check for new packages.01:25
AmaranthNoelJB: Right01:25
AmaranthNoelJB: And gnome-shell continues that tradition, just scaled up to what would be considered bland for composited bling01:26
NoelJBAmaranth, does it do 3D?01:26
AmaranthNoelJB: No01:26
AmaranthNoelJB: it does open/close/minimize animations and a combination of scale and expo01:27
RPG_Master_So nicer then Metacity but not quiet "Pimp" like Compiz? :P01:27
AmaranthNoelJB: And that's it01:27
NoelJBAmaranth, Ah, so perfect for nouveau ;-)01:27
AmaranthNoelJB: Oh, I thought you meant the 3D compiz effect01:27
damaguAmaranth: I've got Important security updates and recommended updates checked in the sources preferences01:27
AmaranthNoelJB: gnome-shell _requires_ 3D01:27
NoelJBAmaranth, I meant like the desktop cube.01:27
AmaranthNoelJB: It seems to have higher requirements than even compiz01:27
RPG_Master_Amaranth: Thats not good :(01:27
AmaranthAnd since gnome-shell is the panel too guess what happens when you have no 3D support?01:28
RPG_Master_No DE :(01:28
AmaranthRPG_Master_: More like the current DE01:28
Amaranthplain gnome-panel and metacity01:28
damaguAmaranth: I just checked the Pre-released updates and it's sitting stalled on 24 out of 38 updates and then gave this error:01:28
AmaranthBut only because distributors will do it01:28
RPG_Master_I am starting to feel kinda sad :(01:28
AmaranthGNOME themselves say you need 3D to use it and if you don't have it try XFCE instead01:29
NoelJBRPG_Master, well, you're the one running it right now ... how do you like it?01:29
NoelJBAmaranth, so you either need a Mack truck or a tricycle?01:29
AmaranthNoelJB: Not getting that reference01:29
RPG_Master_NoelJB: For being Alpha its pretty nice, I  just want more key shortcuts and window shadows01:30
RPG_Master_I want to alt-tab :(01:30
AmaranthRPG_Master_: The activities sidebar doesn't annoy you?01:30
NoelJBAmaranth, massive heavy requirements (Mack Truck/Gnome Shell) or a relatively light and featureless toy (tricycle/XFCE)01:30
Amaranthalt-tab is coming but not per-window01:30
Amaranthgnome-shell is doing alt-tab like OS X, per application01:30
XgatesTheme changing for Gnome is this going to happen under one GUI interface or several? What I mean is I don't see anything for a user to change the login display01:30
damaguAmaranth: error: Failed to fetch http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic/Release.gpg01:31
AmaranthXgates: That's because you can't change the login display01:31
RPG_Master_Amaranth: Kinda until I found out you can open the panel with the Windows Key01:31
TDJACRWhen is GNOME 3 expected?01:31
TDJACRAnd btrfs?01:31
AmaranthTDJACR: 6 months or so01:31
NoelJBTDJACR, Ubuntu 10.1001:31
AmaranthNoelJB: Still undecided01:31
XgatesAmaranth: when did this happen? Is that a Ubuntu thing or Gnome thing?01:31
NoelJBAmaranth, as in maybe earlier, or not at all?01:31
XgatesI thought you could always change your login screen and wallpaper...01:32
NoelJBI was hoping for preview in 10.4, but figured that 10.10 was safe for possibly deployment.01:32
AmaranthXgates: GNOME thing, in other distros it has been true for at least 18 months but we held on to an old version of GDM until now01:32
ryguyIm on the karmic live cd and when I click "Install ubuntu 9.10" on my desktop, It goes through the installation steps just fine but when it goes to actually install ubuntu, the install program crashes01:32
hggdhgnome3 is still very unstable, and a lot of gnome apps are still to be converted01:32
RPG_Master_Amaranth: Well, we've turned this into a interview with Amaranth channel :P01:32
AmaranthNoelJB: Maybe not at all, wrt gnome-shell01:32
damaguCan someone tell me what date 9.10 is to be released?01:32
NoelJBAmaranth, what is Gnome 3 without Gnome-shell?01:33
AmaranthNoelJB: all the apps01:33
RPG_Master_damagu: I think the 29th01:33
XgatesAmaranth: oh so this version of Gnome should allow it? But Ubuntu is using an older version of GDM that won't allow?01:33
Xgateswhy do that?01:33
NoelJBAmaranth, OK, so still some benefit.01:33
AmaranthXgates: Other way around01:33
AmaranthXgates: We used to use an old version of GDM that allowed it, we finally upgraded01:33
damagudrs305: I tried running update and upgrade and it is stalled on 58%01:34
Xgatesoh the new version of GDM doesn't allow changes? That seems odd that Gnome would do that...01:34
drs305damagu: On the update part?01:34
TDJACRWill it use GTK 3?01:34
AmaranthXgates: There is no configuration you can make anyway except for changing the wallpaper, the colors, and whether or not to use the user list01:34
damagudrs305: actually it then gave me a bunch of errors like this:01:34
damaguW: Failed to fetch http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic-proposed/universe/i18n/Translation-en_AU.bz2  Cannot initiate the connection to au.archive.ubuntu.com:80 (2001:388:30bc:cafe::beef). - connect (101: Network is unreachable) [IP: 2001:388:30bc:cafe::beef 80]01:34
NoelJBhggdh, I don't know when you got here, but the discussion was a bit about Gnome Shell and the current situation that they won't play with Compiz.01:34
Amaranthdamagu: You have no internet connection on this machine?01:35
Amaranthdamagu: Either that or au.archive.ubuntu.com is dead01:35
damaguAmaranth: I'm using the machine to chat with you right now01:35
XgatesAmaranth: ok so you're saying to can make some changes? If so where from? GUI or by hand?01:35
hggdhNoelJB: thanks -- I just started to pay attention to +1 now ;-)01:35
Xgatessaying to/you.....01:35
ryguycan anyone help me out?01:35
AmaranthXgates: sudo -u gdm dbus-launch gconf-editor01:35
AmaranthXgates: have fun ;)01:35
RPG_Master_Amaranth: Ya think we all need to jump ship and find a new DE like XCFE or KDE?01:36
Amaranthdamagu: In Software Sources change the Download from line01:36
damaguAmaranth: do you know how I can check on the au.archive.ubuntu.com01:36
AmaranthRPG_Master_: Dunno01:36
NoelJBhggdh, by the way, I had a very scary thing happen with evolution.  I imported all of my contacts (that was cool), but when I rebooted and looked again the next day, they were ALL GONE.  I will blow away the .evo and .bogo directories, and reimport everything from scratch, but that's a bit nervous making!01:36
damaguAmaranth: what should I change it to?01:36
Amaranthdamagu: If you choose other it has a button to figure out the best (fastest) mirror automatically01:37
Amaranthdamagu: Which in your case should also find one inside AU so you don't have to worry about bandwidth caps01:37
damaguAmaranth: sorry I just changed it to "Main Server"01:37
damaguAmaranth: it seems to be working ok01:37
drs305damagu: You also have the option of selecting Best Server because the mains are likely to be very busy.01:37
hggdhNoelJB: this is indeed weird. Please run from the terminal with 'env CAMEL_DEBUG=all evolution > evo.log 2>&1'01:38
Amaranthdamagu: It'll probably be a bit slow01:38
NoelJBhggdh, now or after I reimport?01:38
XgatesAmaranth: ok so Ubuntu isn't going to allow or make a way for users to make their own changes from a simple GUI? Like under Preference - Appearance and adding in a feature there for users to do it from?01:38
hggdhNoelJB: then we might be able to find something.01:38
damaguAmaranth: once it's sorted I will change it to my ISP's unmetered sources01:38
AmaranthXgates: Nope because this is probably all going to change in lucid anyway01:38
hggdhNoelJB: you could try now to see if an error is being reported there. Just do not upload the log, it may contain private data01:38
damaguAmaranth: the updates appear to be downloading now though. Thanks for that.01:39
virtualdfirefox 3.5 is opening http://cve.mitre.org/data/downloads/allcans.html and chewing up gigs of ram01:39
damaguAmaranth: is there a way for me to notify the Australian mirror that it's down?01:39
Amaranthvirtuald: Why would you open that? :)01:39
Amaranthdamagu: I don't know who to tell01:40
virtualdthere are rumors on the intertubes about an ssh vulnerability in the wild01:40
Xgatessheesh haven't even got Karmic out the door and already underway for a new version LOL01:40
BUGabundoXgates: the world never stops01:40
Amaranthdamagu: It's mirror.aarnet.edu.au if you know who that is01:40
tra421I must be missing something - with gdmsetup not giving an option to disable the start-up drumroll, where to look in 9.10(beta)?01:40
virtualdand i had a hard time finding the cves01:41
Amaranthtra421: sudo -u gdm dbus-launch gconf-editor01:41
Amaranthtra421: I have no idea where in there it is, if it is even in there01:41
tra421surely i'm not the only one here who believes their computer should be quiet unless spoken to? :P01:41
=== mako-dono is now known as mako-sama
XgatesWhat every 6 months a new version? hehe01:42
Amaranthtra421: it's an accessibility thing, the sound mean you can login now (for blind people)01:42
tra421Amaranth: I understand the sound by default choice, but not the lack of 'TURN THIS OFF IMMEDIATELY' button in the preferences somewhere ;)01:42
pwnguinXgates: my assumption is that by naming it during crunch time, everyone's too busy to argue about the name01:42
macoi think sound settings leat you turn it off though01:42
Amaranthtra421: There are no settings at all for gdm01:43
tra421maco: not unless I overlooked it seven times... I shall check again!01:43
Amaranthmaco: No, that's only for your login, not the gdm sound01:43
tra421Amaranth: or so it seems01:43
Amaranthmaco: But that gives an idea on where to look in gconf-editor01:43
maco*shrug* havent used gnome in a while. dunno what's changed01:43
tra421I understand why it is (with the whole new GDM thing going on), but I do hope that's one thing planned to be fixed before rc :)01:43
Amaranthtra421: Nope01:43
tra421Amaranth: I fear the flood of complaints already :(01:44
Amaranthtra421: eh01:44
perlsyntaxCan you use apt-get on ubuntu 9.10 to update or not?01:44
macoyeah sure01:45
BUGabundohey maco01:45
damaguAmaranth: that seems to have sorted out the problem with no drivers displaying in the hardware drivers window. Thanks01:45
perlsyntaxcool thanks Amaranth01:45
tra421Amaranth: i'm assuming a relative minority of users will end up complaining about it if it's not in some easy dialog somewhere - but i've been wrong in the past (like when I thought the firefox 3 pre-retail inclusion in 8.04 would not be considered a big deal)01:46
damaguHey do any of you guys know of a good news hub for free software?01:46
arielCoHello, while upgrading to karmic I got a segfault installing "libc6". The whole process aborted, tried to du "sudo dpkg --configure -a", but nothing happened01:47
arielCoIf I try to issue the last command manually, it segfaults on me01:47
AmarantharielCo: Does every other command segfault too?01:47
arielCoAmaranth, yes, "eep" covers it01:47
damaguTuxmachines looked alright but the editor recently posted a boycott ubuntu opinion piece and I'd rather not go there anymore01:47
AmarantharielCo: You know what libc6 is, right? :)01:47
arielCoAmaranth: ls does01:47
arielCoAmaranth: pretty much the every system call01:48
AmarantharielCo: ls is a bash built-in01:48
Amaranth(meaning already running with a working libc6)01:48
AmarantharielCo: try apt-get update01:48
arielCowell, an already opened bash session issues the segfaults01:48
AmarantharielCo: That's because dpkg isn't a built-in bash command :P01:48
tra421/apps/gdm/simple-greeter/settings-manager-plugins/sound/active is promising01:48
AmarantharielCo: Your system is hosed01:49
alankilawhat CPU was it?01:49
AmarantharielCo: You can't even chroot in from a LiveCD to fix that one01:49
arielConice, don't know how the hell it happened. Maybe the installer should tell me when it's actually going to upgrade01:49
* alankila had totally hosed system when trying to upgrade one AMD Duron -based system once01:49
tra421wouldn't make a lot of sense if the gdm sound was a user-specific setting though *burp*01:50
arielCoso, it's a fresh install for me?01:50
alankilathe CPU doesn't support SSE but the libc6-i686 package or something such did. Kaboom.01:50
BUGabundoNoelJB: linux kernel  2.6.32-rc3 has been released01:51
Amaranthtra421: How could it be user specific? That doesn't even make sense01:51
tra421Amaranth: indeed :)01:51
arielCo@alankila: mine's i386 (Core 2 Duo), but methinks it was because it started installing while I was running stuff01:51
tra421Amaranth: hence my hopes and dreams crashing down a second ago01:51
NoelJBBUGabundo, which repos?  for jaunty or karmic?01:51
BUGabundolinus :D01:51
NoelJBBUGabundo, oh, so lucid, then  :-)01:51
arielCowaah, I'm SO filing a wishlist bug in LP when I'm back!01:52
AmarantharielCo: It wasn't because you were doing stuff while it was upgrading01:52
tra421alright, i'm just going to empty the .ogg file it directs to :(01:52
arielCohow would I go about gathering info for the forensics?01:53
AmarantharielCo: It was an incredibly rare "kill your system" bug in dpkg01:53
AmarantharielCo: I don't even know, if you can survive until tomorrow (don't turn the computer off or do anything to it) you could ask one of the other developers01:53
alankilaarielCo: ok. That's not it then.01:53
tra421I see why that made you eep :)01:54
NoelJBBUGabundo, when it comes out, i'm going to have to carefully test some things.  We had to work around a bug in 2.6.31, and I believe that the fix will not be a problem when the kernel works again, but I'll need to test modem manager carefully.01:54
AmarantharielCo: tomorrow being in about 8 hours01:54
arielCodeveloper = names? Yes, I can live without my machine. Pidgin's still up but I don't know if I can do anything useful with it.01:55
arielCopretty much nothing runs01:55
arielCo@amaranth: I'm going out for the night - can you post some names so I can tell them of my predicament?01:56
AmarantharielCo: mvo will want to know, I'm sure01:57
arielCo I've read that name before01:57
AmaranthWell, he wrote software-center01:57
arielCookay, when I see him tomorrow I'll ask him01:57
Amaranthand apt, iirc :P01:57
tra431well then, getting rid of the .ogg symlink seems to 'fix' it :)01:57
tra431ugly but painless01:58
arielCogone now - wish me luck getting in getting some useful info out of this. I'll burn a Karmic CD tomorrow at the office.01:58
Amaranthtra431: You also could have blanked out the gconf key pointing to it..01:58
richardcavellHow's the beta going, folks?  Is it more bugfree than the alphas?01:58
tra431Amaranth: that does actually sound like a better idea in retrospect :)01:58
Amaranthrichardcavell: Well one guy just completely broke his system doing the upgrade (needs a full reinstall)01:59
hulio_Is anyone else having issues reporting bugs @ Launchpad?01:59
* arielCo waves at richardcavell :(01:59
arielCogone now01:59
Amaranthhulio_: Did you read the wiki page it sends you to?01:59
richardcavellarielCo: sorry to hear that01:59
hulio_Amaranth, yes it says something is wrong with their server.01:59
tra431the upgrade was a bit bumpy for me as well, with that apparmor invalid structure thingie - but nothing as bad as the poor segfault guy, luckily02:00
virtualdyay my firefox survived and didn't eat all my swap, and it was even usable!02:00
Amaranthhulio_: Ok, not what I thought it was02:00
virtualdeven though it ate 1300MB swap02:00
Amaranthhulio_: Well launchpad is hosted in the same datacenter as releases.ubuntu.com and archive.ubuntu.com so... slow02:00
arielCo@richardcavell: well, at least my config|profile|.*/ are still there02:00
omacI got problems when booting ubuntu karmic koala beta 1.02:00
* arielCo leaves02:01
omacI have a Sony 4GB USB thumb drive.02:01
richardcavellwell at least I can say that Karmic ought to be much better than Jaunty for hardware compatibility02:01
richardcavellOn my MacBook, it's way better02:01
richardcavellvideo in particular02:01
tra431to be honest, karmic has been more crashprone than the other betas i've used in the past (all but 9.04)02:02
tra431but at the same time it's still so much nicer than 9.04 somehow :)02:02
iflemathe best ever here02:02
omacI used the usb startup disk creator.  I got past the language menu and entered on the try without installing.  I got an ubuntu icon in the middle for a while(xsplash?) and then it consoled me with a i/o bug on fd0 and another one about /dev/sr0.02:02
omacthe previous jaunty iso worked with no issues.02:03
omacI booted off the usb drive on different boxes with the jaunty 9.04 no issues, but karmic beta seems to hang with a bug about fd0 and /dev/sr0.02:04
Volkodav1This POS Software center hardly works - can not find apps in repos02:04
tra431oh dear - I just tried to aplay a file without permission - that sound sure woke me up :)02:05
Volkodav1apt-cache search does02:05
tra431i'm just glad it's not called a store anymore :)02:06
omacI tried removing the jaunty partition which made the usb drive empty.  Then went back to the usb startup disk creator.  It created/formatted the new partition so quickly that I'm thinking it did a quick format instead of a thorough low-level format.  Then it installed the karmic beta image on the thumb drive.  Same results, when I boot it gives me the fd0 I/O errors and /dev/sr0 errors after pressing the xsplash icon is displayed for a while.02:06
MTecknologyThis is interesting..  1939 root      20   0  438m  31m 6212 S   15  1.6   7:38.66 Xorg02:07
AmaranthVolkodav1: It'll only find the stuff gnome-app-install would fine02:07
AmaranthVolkodav1: Anything without a GUI still needs synaptic for now02:07
tra431also happy all those repos are enabled by default these days. the software center would look a bit sad without02:08
xguruwhat is the repo from launchpad on updates for kubuntu 9.1002:09
ysfI'm trying to install (a fresh, vom alternate cd) koala - but everytime he configures the upstart service he reboots. when i launched the recovery mode i could dpkg --configure the remaining packages but it always reboots after upstart. do you have a hint what i can do to continue the install?02:12
virtualdwhat's the url to the iso?02:14
virtualdhave you tried the dailies?02:14
ysfits the 32bit one, mom02:14
virtualdi'm not your mom02:14
roffeI don't want to be politically correct, but it feels a bit strange they chose USA to be the center of one of the space pictures02:15
virtualdYeah it should be africa02:17
ysfI did not try the dailies if you mean a daily build of the iso, just the one above02:17
NoelJBwhy not siberia or mongolia?  then no one can complain.02:18
tra431not siberia! grr02:18
virtualdysf: Ok iso testing is in #ubuntu-testing02:19
ysfk thx02:19
tra431I wrote 21 random bash scripts for others today - I deserve a fancy beer.02:20
iflemawhat about a cola?02:20
tra431if they'd make a fancy cola, I'd go for that02:21
iflemaya can get ubuntu cola...02:21
iflemanot sure if theres a connection02:21
tra431there is not :)02:21
tra431not unless Canonical bought that company in the last few months02:21
iflemai cant rember the label but02:21
tra431in all fairness, there's open-source beer as well :)02:22
iflemafree as in beer?02:22
tra431if only02:22
tra431that's one area in which i'd be happy to stay guessing for source code as long as it's free :(02:24
MTecknologyWhere do I control startup processes?02:28
MTecknologyiflema: was that for me?02:32
SodaPhishhas anyone else noticed that nautilus has been acting like crap in Koala?02:32
NoelJBSodaPhish, no, actually.02:32
iflemaanyone with a few seconds and free cpu02:32
SodaPhishlots of disk space randomly lost, but as soon as you sighup nautilus it comes available again.02:32
SodaPhishiflema, ?02:32
NoelJBMTecknology, are you looking for the service, start and stop commands?02:32
MTecknologyNoelJB: I want them not loading on startup - bum doesn't seem to work anymore02:33
NoelJBMTecknology, such as?02:33
SodaPhishMTecknology, you jsut creat a link in /etc/rc2.d/ to the /etc/init.d/ file02:33
SodaPhishor whatever run-level you're starting02:34
SodaPhishand if there's no file in /etc/init.d for your service, you can always cram it in /etc/rc.local02:34
DanaGhmm, that libc6 thing... would it work to just copy the contents back where they should go, from a livecd?02:34
MTecknologyNoelJB: virtualbox, cups, etc02:34
NoelJBMTecknology, hmm ... update-rc is still doc'd.  have you looked at it?02:35
NoelJBman update-rc.d02:35
MTecknologyNoelJB: there's no 'update-rc.d show' ?02:36
NoelJBMTecknology, ?02:36
MTecknologyto show what's there02:37
sunshinepantsanybody testing with mini 9?02:38
MTecknologyIsn't there a command line tool to manage all run level processes?02:41
MTecknologyI know there is, I forgot it's name02:41
test34sunshinepants, why dont you with a live cd?02:42
sunshinepantstest34: oh I'm asking because I have a mini 9 on it's way to my house.. I'm really interested in it's performance w compiz.. I don't use many plugins but I do use expo and wobbly..02:44
NoelJBMTecknology, so update-rc.d cups disable would disable cups at startup02:44
NoelJBMTecknology, are you looking for the debian equiv to RH's chkconfig?02:45
MTecknologyno sure; I was given an app once for server use02:46
NoelJBMTecknology, and it would let you list, enable and disable?02:47
MTecknologyit was for ubuntu, it had a grid layout02:47
MTecknologyand show which runlevel each was on02:48
NoelJBMTecknology, hmmm ... sounds like chkconfig for ubuntu.  not sure what command that is.02:48
NoelJBMTecknology, well ... there IS a chkconfig package.02:48
NoelJBMTecknology, try installing it, and see if that's what you want.02:50
MTecknologyit's not02:50
MTecknologyDoes this mean it was disabled? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/285827/02:50
Volkodav1How do I check the package version from terminal ?02:51
NoelJBMTecknology, that's bizzare.  it looks like it added and then removed the links!02:51
NoelJBsorry, removed then re-added02:52
NoelJBMTecknology, try update-rc.d -f cups remove (as per the man page)02:53
Volkodav1dpkg -s02:53
Volkodav1I got it02:53
MTecknologyWhat is console-setup usegood for?02:55
NoelJBMTecknology, did that command work for you?02:57
MTecknologyNoelJB: yup; thanks02:57
MTecknologyI'm wondering if I need these now - console-setup; dkms_autoinstaller; keyboard-setup; pppd-dns; bootlogd; rc.local02:58
NoelJBMTecknology, insserv?03:01
NoelJBMTecknology, is that the command you were searching for?03:02
NoelJBman insserv03:02
MTecknologywhat you gave me will work; I can dig later03:02
MTecknologyI'm hoping removing those is ok, I did it03:03
MTecknologyTime to spend time with my gf03:03
MTecknologyNoelJB: thanks :)03:03
NoelJBMTecknology, cheers.  fwiw, take a look at sysv-rc-conf ... that's my last guess as to what you saw before.03:05
coz_hey guys  where can I change  gdm themes?  I see no login window under system/administration03:06
DanaGcoz_:  gksudo -u gdm dbus-launch gnome-appearance-properties03:07
DanaGthat'll run the appearance control panel thingy as the gdm user, so it'll change what the login screen shows.03:07
MTecknologyNoelJB: that's exactly it03:07
coz_DanaG,  I see nothing there for gdm themes03:07
DanaGThere aren't "gdm themes".03:08
DanaGgdm IS just its own gnome session.03:08
coz_DanaG, what?  what happened to them?03:08
DanaGIt's a design decision by the gnome developers.03:08
coz_DanaG,  ah oh  bad idea  .... I have to find another distribution or go kde then03:08
DanaGIt's Gnome -- anything Gnome will have the same GDM.03:09
coz_the default gdm theme sucks  big time :)03:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ondemand03:09
MTecknology!info ondemand03:09
ubottuPackage ondemand does not exist in karmic03:09
MTecknologyheh - not a big deal; time to head03:09
coz_DanaG, right so I guess kde is the way to go then03:09
DanaGugh, that's one heck of a URL.  =þ03:10
damaguHey there. Can someone tell me why deskbar is not in the list of applets in Karmic?03:14
damaguAlso I can't find it in the app store03:15
coz_anyone running kubuntu karmic?03:16
BluesKajcoz_, kubuntu karmic here03:20
aliendude5300Hi, quick question -- how do I remove a user from the login menu without deleting the user using deluser?03:21
coz_BluesKaj,  how is it working for you ?03:21
coz_BluesKaj,   since themeing gdm has been stopped in gnome I may have to switch03:21
DanaGcoz_: http://live.gnome.org/GDM/NewDesign03:21
BluesKajcoz , if you're into eyecandy in beta releases , methinks you expect too much :)03:22
coz_BluesKaj,  not about beta so much  but apparenlty this is permanent in gnome03:22
coz_and I need complete control over all aspects of themeing03:23
coz_kde generally allows for that03:23
BluesKajcoz_, not trying to talk you out of gnome but there will be more to come I'm sure03:23
coz_BluesKaj,  well I think my many years with gnome has come to an end :(   ah well time to install kde :)03:24
BluesKajI hope for kde as well03:24
coz_BluesKaj,  I will test kde again ...if I have more themeing control then I will switch :)03:26
Xgatesanyone seen the GRUB 2 graphical menu project? --   http://grub.gibibit.com/About03:35
Xgatesnow I know it's ONLY eye-candy, hehe, but it would be nice for Ubuntu to make a cool ubuntu splash like these, or better03:35
coz_those ar definitly nice images03:35
Xgatesahhh they talk about it on this Wiki:03:38
* Xgates reads03:38
DaemonikWhat is it with Ubuntu 9.04 that I right-click on a folder, click "sharing options", select guest access, but other GNU/Linux machines claim the mount failed, and windows machines think a username and password (guest / guest doesn't work . .) is needed? Ubuntu 8.10 had file sharing working fine!03:39
XgatesLast replies:03:40
Xgateshmm doesn't look good :(03:41
Xgatesmaybe Ubuntu will make something then03:41
webbb82is there anyway in karmic to change the default file manager03:42
mattwj2002in 9.10 beta....03:43
mattwj2002how do I do the gnome-shell?03:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gnome-shell03:45
mattwj2002gnome shell anyone???03:51
Steilhas anyone here had much success with the karmic moblin remix?03:52
webbb82some app called apport is hoggin all my cpu i have never seen this befor anyone els know abou this03:57
Amaranthmattwj2002: If you want gnome-shell you want to run it from the latest git03:57
Amaranthwebbb82: That means something crashed and it is collecting the crash data03:57
Amaranthapport has been around for a few releases03:57
mattwj2002I see you can install it in the beta03:57
webbb82what is it03:58
dns53it collects crash dumps and relevent files and allows you to include them in a bug report03:59
dns53is is active in the beta's and gets dissabled in the normal release03:59
Eloneanyone tried grsync? i failed to showup04:01
Eloneanyone tried grsync? it failed to showup04:02
webbb82i just changed thunar to my default file manager like this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DefaultFileManager04:03
webbb82is there any downside to useing  thunar04:03
dns53thunar does not have as good support for sshfs, smbfs etc but it works fine as a file manager04:05
cgsawtelldoes anyone have a problem with ibus not working?04:11
Xgatescannot compile for the target means it can't compile under x64? This is grub2 I'm playing with and I don't get this...04:17
DanaGcheck the latest 20091004-1104:26
DanaGStill a whole lotta' thrashing going on.04:26
vigoAny one else tried to launch Services with bad results?04:29
DanaGgrr, why is my boot still so slow?04:31
arielCoHello. apt (or dpkg) SIGSEGV'ed on me upgrading from Jaunty to Karmic and now libc6 is broken so I can't run anything. Can I just boot a Jaunty CD and tell it to re-install my packages ?04:32
DanaGhmm, you may need to burn and boot a Karmic cd, and actually COPY the libc6 package's files from the host CD to the target disk.04:33
DanaGdpkg --listfiles libc604:35
DanaGthen copy them into the equivalent place on the broken partition.04:35
arielCoDanaG: won't the Karmic installer do that? I mean, there's info about my configured packages in /var/*/apt/04:35
DanaGNo, if everything segfaults, you won't be able to use the package manager for that partition, since it tries to use that partition's libc6.04:36
* DanaG wonders why his disk thrashes so much at boot.04:36
arielCoso it ignores its own libs from the LiveCD?04:37
DanaGI believe so... though the last time I tried that sort of thing, it was on Edgy.'04:39
dns53arielCo boot a live cd, mount your root partition, chroot to the mount point, use apt/dpkg to reinstall libc604:40
virtualdis there an ubuntu channel related to pulseaudio or multimedia?04:43
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:44
vigovirtuald: I am pretty sure there are #channels on Freenode for that also, those links are always a good place to start at, is why I asked ubottu to display them.04:46
virtualdthere is no info on irc channels there04:49
XgatesI'm not the greatest with scripting at all and I'm running a macbook pro 5.5 and the keyboard lights will work by running this cmd:04:51
draconisis medibuntu dead?04:51
Xgatesecho 150 | sudo tee -a /sys/class/leds/smc::kbd_backlight/brightness04:51
draconisconnecting to packages.medibuntu.com is taking ages04:51
swjanyone else having problems mounting cd/dvd with blank media? Using karmic beta04:51
gsevilis there any fix for upstart gdm? start gdm not work04:51
XgatesBUT I have a script someone showed me that can make it so I can press the F keys to turn them up and down but I really don't know what to do with it, make it work:04:52
XgatesI take it VAR= is some variable I need to make....04:52
Xgatesbut not sure what...04:52
vigoChannel #medibuntu came up on google04:52
draconiserr, packages.medibuntu.org04:52
dns53Xgates you running   sudo service gdm restart ?04:52
XgatesF5 dims the key lights down and F6 turns them up04:52
Xgatesdns53: huh, what are you asking?04:53
Xgatesgdm is running for me04:53
dns53oops wrong person04:53
dns53gsevil you running   sudo service gdm restart ?04:53
vigoXgates: Prefernces>Main Menu, set any macro you want with that.04:53
imachinedraconis, but once you get there it's quick04:54
imachinedraconis, the server seems used a lot, it's release madness :)04:54
Xgatesvigo: honestly I wouldn't have a clue, don't really get what you mean by messing in the Main Menu...04:54
gsevildns53: I never use that, but when I boot up, gdm show error and stand at black screen, I must use recovery mode, run gdm manually04:55
Xgatesvigo: did you see the script I posted on pastebin?04:55
draconisimachine: finally got connected04:55
vigoXgates: System>Preferences>Main Menu.no, let me look....04:55
swjunable to burn dvds using karmic beta because dvd drive will not mount blank media...any solutions?04:56
DanaGXgates: does the thing also appear in /sys/class/backlight ?04:57
XgatesDanaG: sar@MacUbuntu:/sys/class/backlight$ ls04:58
Xgatesactual_brightness  bl_power  brightness  max_brightness  power  subsystem  uevent04:58
vigoXgates: cat is to merge or concentrate, maybe the merge messes it up.05:01
XgatesDanaG: also the screen brightness does nothing, I can see the pic of the sun appear on the upper right and see it scroll up and down when I press the keys but the screen doesn't change brightness either05:01
Xgatesvigo: well if I run the script I get this:05:03
Xgates./brightness_up: line 3: VAR: command not found05:03
Xgates./brightness_up: line 4: VAR: command not found05:03
* shiznebit snuggles comfortably with koala05:03
vigoThen again, I am very sleepy, brain is not functioning at peak.05:04
shiznebitXgates, is this a laptop or desktop05:04
Xgates13" macbook pro 5.505:04
Xgatesand I did everything on the Karmic wiki05:04
AmaranthAh, ok, not intel then05:05
Xgatesinstalled both 185 and 190 nvidia source and glx and all the ppa mods too05:05
AmaranthMacBooks with Intel graphics can't change the screen brightness when using KMS :/05:05
shiznebitmight be something else in the mac book05:05
Xgateswell in the meantime I'm just trying to get this script working:05:06
vigoXgates: The 180 did not function?05:06
Xgatesbut I'm not a coder so I don't know if VAR needs to be changed for a variable I want...05:06
DanaGhmm, does it call for /bin/sh or /bin/bash ?05:07
XgatesI thought we only had 185 in here05:07
DanaGI'm thinking, might it be a bashism?05:07
Xgateshmm I only tried 185 and 19005:07
XgatesI guess I could try 18005:07
vigoI recall looking at that and one said Fixed! 180 worked on that setup, it was from the forums.05:08
* Xgates installs 18005:09
vigoBut please look yourself just to make certain.05:09
vigoI go to sleepy land now, Thank you all and niters.05:10
XgatesWHY does 180 say it's 185?05:11
Xgateswhat's with that?05:11
Xgatesapt-get install nvidia-glx-18005:12
XgatesThe following extra packages will be installed:05:12
Xgates  nvidia-185-kernel-source nvidia-glx-18505:12
Xgateswhy 185?05:12
cwillu_cloneanyone know a magic alternate way to get a root shell if bash doesn't respond to shift, and the machine gets hung up in xsplash?05:12
NoelJBXgates, because 185.36 is what we want to use, and nvidia-180 is being used as a transition to nvidia-185.05:15
Xgateswho's we? not me...05:16
XgatesI want to use 180 how can I do this?05:16
Xgates185 might not be working for me....05:17
Xgatesunless I'm going to have to grab the source from Nvidia05:17
NoelJBXgates, as noted by https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro5-5/Karmic?highlight=%28%28MacBookPro5-5|Karmic%29%29#Video%20&%20Effects%20%28Compiz%29 180 is the only you DON'T want.  :-)  you want 185 or 190.05:20
NoelJBand 185.36 is stable.  190.36 is the current beta.05:21
timboyWhy won't jaunty usb-creator mount 9.10 beta disks? Is there another way to get this onto usb drive?05:21
gsevildid someone compile kernel in 9.10?05:21
NoelJBXgates, the help page has the wrong (old) PPA.  the correct one is https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/ppa05:22
shiznebitif i compile the kernel for 9.10 do i have to maintain all the updates myself ?05:22
XgatesI used 190 from05:23
XgatesNvidia Vdpau Team PPA, doesn't work05:23
gsevilshiznebit:  I think just kernel, I compile kernel since 9.04 and everything update well, just blacklist kernel05:24
NoelJBXgates, fine.  so just try the 185.3605:24
malathionWhen installing Ubuntu 9.10 beta off the LiveCD, after rebooting I get Grub Error 17. Anyone else?05:24
* Xgates said above earlier ---> <Xgates> hmm I only tried 185 and 19005:25
Xgatesthey don't work :)05:25
Xgatesthat' why I want to try 180 :)05:25
NoelJBmalathion, http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=grub+error+17&aq=0&oq=grub+erro&aqi=g1005:25
gsevilI always get error when compile kernel from source packages05:26
malathionNoelJB, thanks for the smartass answer. which one should I click?05:26
NoelJBmalathion, try the first and see.  have you looked?05:28
malathionI probably wouldnt have put in the effort to install xchat on the livecd instead of doing a google search.05:29
NoelJBmalathion, and did you use grub2?  according to http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/10173/ error 17 is grub1 specific, which is what I thought, too.05:30
malathionI havent tried grub2 no.05:30
NoelJBmalathion, which grub 1 is installed?  from karmic or older?05:30
malathionwhichever one is installed from the karmic beta livecd05:30
malathiontrying the grub2 instructions now05:31
NoelJBmalathion, I thought that the livecd installed grub2 when you format and install to a clean system.05:31
malathionNoelJB, Dunno what to tell you, I did the install with format and I got Grub Error 1705:32
timboykarmic beta on usb is this possible?05:34
malathionNoelJB, grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub.05:34
timboygay nm I'll just do it all manually05:35
cwillu_cloneanyone seeing nasty cpu usage under nvidia?05:37
NoelJBcwillu_, nope.05:38
NoelJBmalathion, look for colin tomorrow, and maybe he can help.05:38
Berzerkerhi, I don't know if this is a problem or not...but I have a feeling my battery info isn't correctly being displayed05:39
cwillu_cloneah, crap05:39
cwillu_cloneright, this machine only has 384mb of ram :(05:40
malathionNoelJB, Is there any way I can simply delete the old grub version? I thought formatting the partition would have done that05:43
Berzerkeranyone know how I can set my default terminal to the one that shows the info at the bottom?05:44
cwillu_cloneBerzerker, that's just 'screen'05:50
cwillu_cloneI think it's the default screen profile now05:50
cwillu_cloneor not05:50
DanaGoh yeah, my booting is still slow.06:10
JoeSomebodyhello again, could someone assist me in fixing bootup errors?06:12
JoeSomebodyhow do i find a log?06:12
hificurrent karmic (~24h) will boot ok? :)06:13
hifiwell, here goes nothing06:13
JoeSomebodyi cant read the errors fast enough06:13
JoeSomebodyit boots up tho06:13
hifiworks \o/06:16
JoeSomebodynice, 79 updates since yesterday06:16
gsevili got this error when compile kernel from ubuntu source http://paste.ubuntu.com/285940/06:17
hifiI think my boot just went faster after I installed the latest updates06:18
gsevildo you know what error is this : dpkg-gencontrol: error: package linux-headers-2.6.31-11-bfs302 not in control info06:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 433730 in apport "Failed to report Network Manager bug after restart" [Undecided,New]06:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 425028 in pulseaudio "pulseaudio crashes on an assertion failure" [Undecided,New]06:30
Berzerkercwillu_, running "Screen" doesn't show it06:48
cwillu_Berzerker, yes, I said that :p06:50
cwillu_Berzerker, just google for it, I don't use screen much myself06:50
cwillu_but it's a screen profile thingy06:51
mdkessHi, I'm having some troubles with the Ubuntu beta. A lot of gtk stuff involving the mouse isn't working - for example, in Eclipse I can't click some buttons, and in linux games, when I click the cursor jumps to the lower right corner of the screen - has anyone had similar experiences?07:04
dns53you got a nvidia card?07:05
mdkessI do07:05
mdkessI have the 180 drivers. Is that the problem?07:05
mdkessSorry, 18507:06
dns53it might be, i've been having the gnome panel go transparent every once in a  while07:06
Berzerkercwillu_, ok so how do I get back to that, screen doesn't seem to be doing that in karmic07:06
cwillu_>> Berzerker, just google for it, I don't use screen much myself07:07
Berzerkercwillu_, did, got nothing07:07
cwillu_you fail at google then07:07
cwillu_I don't use screen, and it three google searches I settled on "ubuntu screen profile", and the first link is exactly what you're asking about :p07:08
Berzerkerno it's not07:08
BerzerkerI read that already07:08
Berzerkerthere we go07:09
BerzerkerI found it07:09
Berzerkeryou have to run "byobu"07:09
yang_does anybody wanna help me with a wierd karmic dns thing?07:10
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:11
yang_I have a dns server setup and i can query it by hand i set it up in /etc/resolv.conf as defualt dns and i cant query it by it dosn't work with ping or web browser?07:13
yang_i can query it*07:13
Berzerkerbtw, did they change where to change the login screen? login window option in administration doesn't give me any options to change it07:14
cwillu_Berzerker, gdm was completely rewritten, and the admin screen hasn't caught up yet :(07:15
cwillu_/etc/gdm/custom.conf should work to do autologin and such, but I'm not sure if that's even documented anywhere yet07:15
dns53yang_ had problems a few days ago, if you update it should fix the network manager issue07:16
Berzerkermeh, I'll just live with it then07:16
yang_dns53: i updated today . that didn't fix it and its not a network manager issue i dont think . i set dns manual w/ /etc/resolv.conf . ty for help tho07:18
yang_dns53: also i use kde not gnome07:20
dns53network manager is the engine, it does not matter what gui you use07:20
yang_dns53: ty for clearing that up.07:20
dns53all i can say is the update a few days ago fixed it for me  but probably not for everyone07:21
yang_dns53: so thats why i can resolv it but not ping or access? how do i fix?07:21
yang_dns53: oh okay. ty for info.07:21
dns53a workaround is to put something in your /etc/resolv.conf manually07:21
yang_dns53: i did that and i can host custdomain and get ip07:21
dns53i have a text file with the ip addresses for opendns07:21
yang_dns: but i can't ping domain even tho i can look it up with host07:22
Berzerkerok screwed up my terminal settings, how do I reset them lol07:22
dns53dig domain?07:22
lenDoes anyone know what the missing dependency is in the kde4 version of kword?  When I try to launch it I get : "Can not find needed text component, KWord will quit now."  What library is it looking for, and what package do I have to install to get it?07:22
yang_dns53: yeah that works nicely...07:23
dns53yang_ so is it the ping program not working?07:24
yang_dns53: yes and the browser and ssh and everything i use that requires ip to resolve. but ip resolves when try it07:24
AmaranthWhoa, you can uninstall firefox now07:25
gnomefreakAmaranth: yeah ubufox was fixed07:25
gnomefreakas was Firefox we dropped ubufox to recommends07:26
gnomefreaksorry suggests07:26
Amaranthgnomefreak: No no, I meant it doesn't rip out half of GNOME anymore07:26
AmaranthOn my other computer I striped out scim, ibus, rhythmbox, firefox, gnome-pilot, and other various things I don't use and installed chromium from the daily ppa and banshee from the daily ppa :)07:27
yang_dns53:just so you know im looking up IP host ynet.local and dig ynet.local and they always output but ping ynet.local outputs host not found07:27
gnomefreakAmaranth: since we started depending on xulrunner it shouldnt have. but i have been gone for a little over a week so i havent kept up with it. ive been working on other aspects of mozilla07:27
Amaranthgnomefreak: I haven't tried it in at least a year07:28
yang_dns53: and just so you know i can ping ynet.local on the server and from windows box it is a problem w/ Karmic box'07:28
dns53i don't see how dig works and nothing else does07:29
gnomefreakAmaranth: than maybe the move to xulrunner stopped that. (dont recall what everything depended on but now all depend on xulrunner-1.9*07:29
Amaranthgnomefreak: iirc they're all going to move to webkit too07:30
AmaranthDunno if we're going to get that in lucid though since it would be a GNOME 3.0 thing07:30
gnomefreakAmaranth: yep i dont think mozilla is yet though07:31
AmaranthI meant eventually I'll be able to uninstall xulrunner too07:31
yang_dns53: i dont know should i pastebin digs output for you? it is returning ip address07:34
yang_dns53: the whole setup works on windows box. i just tested on brothers computer07:34
dns53yang_ well dig is connecting out on udp to the dns server on your network,so why does udp work and none of the other protocols work07:36
yang_is there some kind of udp service i can use to test if ip resolves for all udp?07:37
dns53could it be ip6 related?07:39
yang_dns53: how are you highliting messages sent to me is that name: or @name?07:39
yang_dns53: no is hole network is ipv407:40
dns53any time you mention someone's nick in xchat it hilights your name07:40
dns53yang_ this will be in red07:40
Amaranthyang_: So you can dig but can't ping or get to any websites?07:40
yang_dns53: close.. orange..  yeah i can dig server. i can't ping and konqueror gives domain not online07:41
Amaranthhow about tracepath?07:41
yang_dns53: ping gives : ping: unknown host ynet.local07:41
AmaranthYou can't ping local systems? o_O07:41
dns53yeah how can you resolve a host but nothing else works07:42
yang_dns53: gethostbyname2: Unknown host.07:42
yang_but host ynet.local gives ynet.local has address
=== Guest5000468 is now known as JoeSomebody
Amaranthyang_: try ping
Amaranthyang_: ok now edit /etc/resolv.conf to have 'nameserver' and nothing else07:44
Amaranthyang_: now ping google.com07:45
Amaranthnow open konq07:45
Amaranthyang_: Looks like your DNS server was broken07:46
yang_Then why does it work with windows client?07:46
yang_and why can i resolve with host ynet.local
dns53your os caches dns entries, go to somewhere you have not been in a week07:47
Amaranthdns53: I doubt he has been to (and it doesn't go through DNS to get to that anyway)07:47
yang_yeh but problem is it works on windows client, it works on server. but not on karmic.07:48
yang_i can ping resolve and hit server from browser in windows and i can ping on server.07:48
AmaranthI've seen weird things happen when /etc/hosts is broken07:48
yang_hmm windows nslookup mention no domain name for server07:49
yang_is this normal :07:49
yang_127.0.0.1       localhost07:49
yang_127.0.1.1       yserver.hsd1.ca.comcast.net.    yserver07:49
AmaranthAlso I'm pretty sure avahi "owns" .local07:50
yang_127.0.0.1 localhost is nomral but the second line/07:50
AmaranthIt may be trying to look up the IP with avahi07:50
yang_the browser and ping command?07:51
yang_is there away to test?07:51
Amaranthyang_: Sure, try a name other than ynet.local07:52
Amaranthlike just ynet or something07:52
Amaranthput that in your /etc/hosts and see if you can ping it07:52
AmaranthWait, ynet.local has been in your /etc/hosts this whole time, right?07:53
yang_no in /etc/hosts ther is yserver07:53
yang_and i know that /etc/host file works i have used entry form Terminal server @ work before.07:54
yang_so i know that if i add ynet.local to hosts file it will work.07:55
yang_becuase i have "        yserver" in hosts07:55
Amaranthyang_: Why would you expect ynet.local to work without putting it in /etc/hosts?07:56
Amaranthyang_: Do you have the server broadcasting with avahi?07:56
yang_i have a dns server setup07:56
Amaranthwell, in that case you'd have to edit the dns server to use something other than .local to test this07:57
Amaranthand change your /etc/resolv.conf to point at that server again07:57
Amaranththat dns server, that is07:57
yang_i can add a zone  and copy zone file and edit07:57
yang_your right08:01
yang_problem is with .local08:01
yang_windows is okay with it, but karmic isn't08:02
yang_must have to do with implentation of protocols for linux?08:02
dns53was avahi shipped and turned on by default in previous releases?08:05
Amaranthdns53: it was08:07
Amaranthdns53: But his server isn't trying to access ynet.local :)08:07
yang_is that related to protocal implentation or stack in linux?08:08
yang_related to /etc/nsswitch.conf mdns is higher then dns and hosts.08:10
yang_? what if i put mdns secondary to dns?08:10
Amaranthyang_: that would "fix" it08:10
yang_not a good way? why "fix"08:10
AmaranthWell, you risk a local (avahi) domain being masked by DNS that way08:11
AmaranthBut in your case you have the opposite problem right now so as long as you're aware of it there should not be a problem08:11
yang_so what i dont understand if avahi doesn't resolve why not go to dns?08:12
AmaranthI'm a bit fuzzy on how those bits work but I suspect it just assumes .local is going to be mdns or nothing08:12
yang_is there a reason for that other that speed?08:13
yang_btw thanks for the help08:14
dns53it might be how avahi works but i am not sure08:14
yang_not something likely to change ?08:15
dns53probably not, i think that is how apple defined the protocol08:15
gsevil1do you know where is gdm start up scrip? there is no gdm in rc*.d08:15
yang_i also don't think that there are any .local internet sites are there?08:16
dns53service gdm start, it's an upstart script08:16
Michalxohello! anyone know how to turn off sound on gdm login?08:16
gsevil1dns53: where is the source of that?08:16
yang_so i mean by puttin dns above mdns i risk only zones on my own server resolving instead of mdns?08:17
dns53gsevil1  seems to be scripts in /etc/init/08:17
MichalxoDoes anyone know how/where to turn off sound on gdm login?08:19
gsevil1how can I disable gdm auto startup?08:20
yang_ty dns53 and Amaranth08:22
yang_ill go bug avahi people to explain effects of workaround08:22
twinkie_addicthow is the beta so far ?08:25
Wizzirwhere can i report a bug in a traditional way?08:25
MichalxoLaunch Pad08:25
Wizziri mean fill necessary info in bugzilla? :P08:25
Wizzirlol, cool08:25
dns53Wizzir use apport-bug08:26
Wizziri wanted to report strange titlebars flickering in kwin, i have screenshot and lspci dumps08:27
MichalxoDoes anyone know how/where to turn off sound on gdm login? :-(08:28
Wizzirdo i really have to bother with those lame applications?08:28
Wizzirseems that there is no 'report bug ;/08:28
Wizzirproblem is really annoying and exists in all kde4 powered kubuntu releases08:29
dns53Wizzir apport-bug /usr/bin/kwin08:29
dns53that should collect info on kwin and start the creation of a bug report08:29
Wizzirnah, "Couldn't connect to errors database" :D08:30
twinkie_addict8.10 will be the long term service version right ?08:30
AmaranthMichalxo: sudo -u gdm dbus-launch gconf-editor08:30
twinkie_addict9.10 oops08:30
Amaranthtwinkie_addict: no08:30
dns53twinkie_addict 10.4 may be08:30
Amaranthtwinkie_addict: 10.04 will be08:30
Amaranthdns53: The sabdfl has spoken, it will be :)08:31
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l02bhwofEqw for announcement video.08:31
AmaranthWe've also changed the entire release schedule based on the fact that it is LTS08:31
dns53Amaranth you may be right, i thaught they where going to make a decision later in the process08:31
Wizzirseems that al those "apport-bugs" does not know how to use proxy :/08:31
Amaranthdns53: Nope, he announces it in the video08:32
Amaranthdns53: also look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule08:32
Michalxothanks Amaranth08:32
Amaranthdns53: only syncing from debian testing, all the freezes are half way through the schedule, _two_ betas, etc08:32
Amaranthdns53: lucid is going to be like the papercuts project turned up to 11 :)08:33
dns53Amaranth i probably should get off my but and learn how to package08:35
zniavre_3 alphas 2 beta it's the first time the dev will be like that no?08:48
rskthere has not been 2 betas08:49
dns53the first beta was a few days ago08:50
Amaranthzniavre_: Yeah, the lucid schedule is pretty radically different08:59
Amaranthzniavre_: especially considering the fact that we aren't getting a new GNOME release08:59
AmaranthUbuntu got popular based on the fact it always had the latest GNOME :)08:59
AmaranthHeck I started out thinking Ubuntu was a Debian repo for updated GNOME :P08:59
WizzirAmaranth: and it is one of the worst kde distro ;)09:02
AmaranthWizzir: Everyone says that but no one backs it up with facts09:03
topylicommon myth. actually you get a much worse kde distro very easily by building your kde on a poor distribution09:04
gsevilis 9.10 change all startup script to /etc/init ? I remove some service from rc*.d but it still start. How can I change boot order with upstart?09:06
twinkie_addictwow the look of ubuntu has changed alot lol09:17
twinkie_addicti actualy like the look of 9.1009:17
darthanubistwinkie_addict, me too09:19
darthanubistwinkie_addict, try the "breathe" icon set?09:20
twinkie_addictnot yet just updated :) let me see09:20
twinkie_addictdo i need to install them ? i dont see them09:22
Steilhi guys09:28
Steilanyone here run the ubuntu moblin?09:28
Steili tried but the browser doesnt work09:29
Steiland it keeps crashing X09:29
Eloneanyone tried grsync? it failed to showup09:40
=== [1]sassyn is now known as sassyn
lodderHi, I'm having an issue when I maximize any window I loose the title bar, any help I can solve It, can't find it on google....09:56
Elonelodder, i have the same problem sometime when i login ~ i lose title bar and the top panel ~ but reboot do fix that.09:59
u-fokalodder, you have desktop effects enabled or not?10:00
Eloneanyone tried grsync? it failed to showup >.<10:00
lodderu-foka: desktop effects enabled10:06
lodderElone: tried rebooting it didn't help but going to do it again10:06
u-fokawell I'm not on karmic right now, but with jaunty I experienced some ugly problems with the gtk window decorator at the early times (now these seem to fixed in jaunty)10:07
u-fokaso maybe you should file a bug, and try to use emerald in the meantime10:08
lodderah will it's not my call it's for a friend of mine he called the issue10:08
u-fokawhat is still buggy in many other ways but sometimes it's more usable10:08
u-fokasorry but probably we can't tell you an easy solution to fix gtk window decorator, because (how I see) it lacks any configuration except the metacity theme what it using10:09
lodderok i'll tell hem10:09
u-fokamaybe you (or your friend) can try to change the metacity theme10:09
u-foka(again in jaunty i experienced that some themes more buggy than other ones)10:10
lodderu-foka: ok, i'll tell him what to do10:10
dns53i've had similar rendering bugs, the gnome panel seems to go transparent and windows do not appear properly10:11
Elonelodder, try turn off visual effect see if it help ? System -> preference ->appearance10:11
dns53it might be a gtk compositing bug10:11
lodderElone: did it didn't help10:11
lodderchanging themes didn't help10:12
lodderbut netbook remix has been installed and it goes auto to full modus , that might be the issue how can it removed completely10:13
u-fokayeah, notebook remix has some feature like that10:14
u-fokai've only seen that once in the past10:14
u-fokabut how I remember10:14
u-fokait had a panel applet that replaced the window buttons10:14
u-fokais your friend has that applet in his/her panel?10:15
u-fokamaybe removing that disables this feature??10:15
u-fokaanyone used notebook remix more??10:15
eagles0513875u-foka: try keep everything on one line10:17
lodderwell he found a programm called maximus thinking it might be the issue10:17
u-fokaeagles0513875, sorry10:18
eagles0513875u-foka: its ok10:19
u-fokalodder, well maximus's description (http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/maximus) tells that it is a window manager?!?! if is it, maybe compiz --replace replaces it and gets anything back to normal10:20
gsevilI'm still stuck on gdm, I delete /etc/init/gdm.conf , start normal, copy gdm.conf to /etc/init then run: service gdm start, gdm start normally, but next reboot, gdm auto start fail. I think this is boot order problem, do you know how to make gdm start up last10:22
lodderu-foka: ok10:22
lodderu-foka: well by removing it solved the issue10:24
u-fokalodder, fine :)10:24
ikonia!info xtightvncviewer10:26
u-fokagsevil, "sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove && sudo update-rc.d gdm defaults" does helps you? it will remove every gdm initscript ant then readd the defaults10:26
ubottuxtightvncviewer (source: tightvnc): virtual network computing client software for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.9-4 (karmic), package size 62 kB, installed size 196 kB10:26
yofelgood morning folks10:33
eagles0513875morning yofel10:35
gsevilu-foka: I already did it, but it still fail, 9.10 change to upstart, so when I add gdm.conf to /etc/init it have its boot order, I want to change that with upstart10:35
u-fokait was broken immediately after installation, or after what?10:35
u-fokabecause I installed the beta10:36
Amaranthgsevil: gdm starts as soon as it is able10:36
Amaranthgsevil: Trying to make it start sooner will break because it won't have its requirements met10:36
u-fokaand after I installed any updates but it's fineever10:36
gsevilAmaranth: that's what i want to do, I want it the last service start10:38
yofelgsevil: can you check if hal is started after boot? 'initctl list' will tell you10:39
yofelgsevil: and can you try 'initctl emit filesystem' to make sure that mountall isn't at fault here?10:39
freinhardbullgard4: you had problems changing virtual desktops on i915?10:40
gsevilyofel: hal is started, and initctl emit filesystem doesn't show any things10:41
yofelgsevil: upstart works in the way, that gdm.conf waits for hal to be started first and for mouantall ot emit the filesystem signal, so if gdm doesn't start, try those 2 things10:42
yofelgsevil: right now, they should indeed do nothing10:42
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yofelgsevil: and don't forget sudo ;)10:43
gsevilstart on (filesystem and started hal) I see this, the problem is gdm can't auto start at boot time, but after boot to login shell, I run : start gdm , it start normally10:43
yofelgsevil: yes, I want to find out WHY it doesn't start on boot, so if you reboot and gdm doesn't start again, please run the two commands with sudo and tell me if something happens10:46
gsevilif I let gdm auto start, it hang at black screen, no key work, even change tty, ctrl+alt+del, just hold power button to reset. this is part of my syslog http://paste.ubuntu.com/286073/10:52
gsevilyofel:  if I let gdm auto start, it hang at black screen, no key work, even change tty, ctrl+alt+del, just hold power button to reset. this is part of my syslog http://paste.ubuntu.com/286073/11:03
maxstirnerhaving a bit of a nightmare on karmic, I got a few workarounds going, but theres some bugs I can't identify accurately. I get X freezes + nautilus hangs (have to kill it upon first launch)11:12
u-fokamaxstirner, is your disk tested ok?11:13
maxstirnershould think so.. ;)11:13
maxstirnerits always worked fine (is old admittedly)11:14
maxstirnerafter upgrade now not all too pleased.11:14
maxstirnertheres this from dmesg actually11:14
maxstirner[    0.109181] pci 0000:02:03.0: BAR 6: address space collision on of device [0xffde0000-0xffdeffff]11:14
PiktShi, how to check what program uses bufers. (my sys monitos shows 70 megs of bufers , but no external drives are mounted...11:14
maxstirnerthat bug seems know actually https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/42414211:14
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/424142/+text)11:15
maxstirneru-foka: do you think i should just trigger fsck first?11:15
u-fokamaxstirner, I don't know, I only thinks that uncatchable errors came from the hw in many cases ;)11:16
u-fokaand because of you talked about nautilus I think so11:16
maxstirnernautilus does not open after booting, have to kill it, then it works fine11:17
u-fokaanyway if only first start of nautilus hangs, and then it's fine and stable... it may be a different problem! i'l check that bugreport11:17
maxstirneru-foka: seems fairly common actually.. perhaps its related?  "also the system seems to be tad unstable, unable to run nexuiz but in the stable version of ubuntu it runs fine."11:18
u-fokamaxstirner, can you find out what pci device this error comes from?11:20
maxstirneru-foka: certainly, how do i translate the pci address into a device please? ;)11:20
maxstirner[    0.109181] pci 0000:02:03.0:...11:20
maxstirnergot it i think11:21
maxstirner02:03.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)11:22
u-fokaactually I don't know witch number is the bus11:22
maxstirnerI think its gotta be the ethernet card11:22
AmaranthThe bar 6 thing is harmless11:22
u-fokawell then you should unplug the network reboot and see if it helps11:22
maxstirneri coudl probably just use the wireless as a workaround11:22
u-fokathen we have a starting point :)11:22
Amaranthmaxstirner: jaunty has that same "bug" the kernel just didn't tell you about it11:23
u-fokai'l be back soon, but now have to go for about ten minutes11:23
twinkie_addict how do get full hardware exelleration from my radion x300 ?11:23
maxstirneru-foka:  very well.. thanks very much11:23
Amaranthmaxstirner: Now in 2.6.31 the kernel tells you about it so people noticed and it'll be fixed in 2.6.3211:23
maxstirnerAmaranth: i didn't use jaunty..11:23
Amaranthtwinkie_addict: You have all the acceleration you're going to get out of the box11:23
Amaranthtwinkie_addict: We install the only driver that supports your GPU by default11:24
u-fokaAmaranth, it's interesting... sou you think the freezes doesn't related to that error anyway??11:24
twinkie_addictah ok11:24
Amaranthu-foka: Most likely not11:24
twinkie_addicttime for new vidio card i guess lol11:24
Amaranthu-foka: What everyone seems to not realize is we are trying to make the boot silent11:24
Amaranthu-foka: So it is quite possible 12 other things happened silently between that message and the freeze11:25
maxstirnerAmaranth: u-foka: Yes, true.. I just find it hard to identify the cause upon hardware freeze.. do i look in dmesg to find out what was shte last thing that happened b/f the crash?11:26
AmaranthI spent about an hour trying to make someone understand this concept yesterday :/11:26
twinkie_addictwhat about an older version of linux with propierty drivers ?11:26
u-fokaAmaranth, interesting but you right! and it maxstirner try to boot without the quiet option can we see more?11:26
Amaranthtwinkie_addict: You'd have to go all the way back to hardy iirc11:26
cyberspliceProlific logging = fun.11:26
Amaranthtwinkie_addict: But you should be getting at least enough acceleration for compiz and light gaming11:26
twinkie_addictam but not enough for laneshift and regnum craps after login complaning about drivers11:27
ActionParsnipyo yo yo11:28
twinkie_addicti get it go fin on xp but i realy hate running it11:28
twinkie_addictso hardy hmm ill have to see if i can find a download link11:28
Amaranthtwinkie_addict: Well hardy is the last LTS so it still has another 18 months of support for desktop users11:29
Amaranthtwinkie_addict: So it's easy to download from ubuntu.com11:29
C-S-Bkarmic is pretty awesome if beta is anything to guy by. Im really struggling to keep myself from installing it.11:29
twinkie_addictare hardys update servers still active or should i leave the fresh install as is ?11:29
twinkie_addictkarmic is NICE11:29
SodaPhishahhh, koala blew up my sound, but not all of it!11:29
Amaranthtwinkie_addict: you can't "upgrade" from karmic to hardy11:29
darkhamkubuntu karmic will have kde 4.3.2?11:29
SodaPhishI love Karmic, its auesome11:29
Amaranthtwinkie_addict: hardy is 18 months old11:29
arielco@Amaranth: hey, it's the guy who roasted his Jaunty setup upgrading to Karmic11:30
omacI just installed the karmic beta on my usb thumb drive.  After getting an error about fd0 I/O error...I found out the PC's BIOS had enabled floppy interfaces for a floppy drive that doesn't exist on this computer.  So I disabled the floppy interfaces and for both floppy A and B I set them to none since before it was set to 1.44MB 3 inch floppy.  Now, when I boot of the usb drive, it takes 1 min 15 secs to see the desktop from booting off the USB.  Cool.11:30
ActionParsnip!info kde-base11:30
ubottuPackage kde-base does not exist in karmic11:30
Amarantharielco: ah, thought I lost you :)11:30
Amarantharielco: mvo says dpkg only segfaults due to memory errors :P11:30
arielco@Amaranth: as in bad ram?11:30
twinkie_addicti know that id have to do a fresh install i just mee security update with kernel and xorg  ones11:30
ActionParsnip!info kdebase-bin11:30
ubottukdebase-bin (source: kdebase): core binaries for the KDE 4 base module. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.3.1-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 306 kB, installed size 1380 kB11:30
twinkie_addictwith out those updates i mean11:30
Amarantharielco: or random cosmic radiation :)11:31
ActionParsnipdarkham: looks like 4.3.111:31
ActionParsnipdarkham: is there difference between .1 and .2 ?11:31
omacBeautiful...stuff, but I must admit it needs a bit more tweaking for fan_control.  as it stands the fans are blaring full speed and the pc is noisy as hell.11:31
C-S-BI really cant wait for karmic but I'm planning to do a fresh install. How bad an idea is it to copy my /etc from jaunty for config reasons?11:31
arielco@Amaranth: so he's really confident about the code11:31
SodaPhishno, really, alsa is borked after I dist-upgraded11:31
darkhamActionParsnip, i hope less bugs..11:31
SodaPhishanyone have any thoughts?11:31
ActionParsnipdarkham: that is worth huntinig for11:31
ActionParsnipSodaPhish: reinstall or recompile alsa11:32
ActionParsnipisnt karmic all about pulse now?11:32
C-S-Bits always been about pulse11:32
SodaPhishyeah, and pulse is pure crap, so I regraded to ALSA11:32
omacI highly suggest if you do a fresh install, do it on a fresh hard drive with no jaunty on it.  I heard the new Grub doesn't get installed if it detects the old grub on the hard drive.11:32
C-S-Band the lack of said pulse working :P11:32
SodaPhishtruly, if you do many voice apps, pulse is shit11:33
ActionParsnip!sound | SodaPhish11:33
ubottuSodaPhish: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:33
omacBTW....sound works with no issues from the USB thumb drive first try.  Congrats!11:33
C-S-Bso anyone tried moving their /etc from one version to another?11:34
SodaPhishThis laptop has always been karmic... and sound worked dandy yesterday11:34
SodaPhishso... thanks.11:34
omacI didn't have to touch anything for ALSA.  It's just using pulseaudio if I understand correctly.11:34
C-S-Bcos its going to take hella long to get everything back to how I like it.11:34
SodaPhishhey, this is odd... running the Sound configurator brings up another dialog that says waiting for sound system11:35
SodaPhishima reboot.11:36
twinkie_addictdownloading hardy thanks for the advice11:36
omacIf you do go back to ALSA, also install jackd.  Very cool....freebirth, zynaddsubfx, fmit, ardour, audacity, lives.11:36
twinkie_addictit will work till i get a new box11:36
arielco@mvo: hello. It's the guy Amaranth told you about who trashed his Jaunty libc6 setup trying to upgrade to Karmic. How could I be sure that my RAM failed? I want to help by gathering info for any analysis.11:36
ActionParsniparielco: grub has a memtest option, you could run that11:37
yofelgsevil1: sry, was gone for a while, I can't see anything in the syslog I could help you with, but I remember somebody else already had those gdm respawning lines...11:39
oldude67grr i hate pulseaudio...have to boot into kde then logout and into lxde before sound will work11:39
arielcoactionparsnip: yup, that's what I'll do as soon as I close this chat. Well, I'll be back if it passes the tests.11:39
yofelC-S-B: gdm and system service configuration changed much since jaunty, so you can't just c&p /etc over11:40
ActionParsnipoldude67: try booting to lxde, run: killall pulseaudio; rm -rf ~/.pulse*    then press alt+f2   and type: pulseaudio     and hit enter11:40
C-S-Byofel: cheers11:41
* ActionParsnip thinks lxde rocks hard11:41
oldude67ActionParsnip, will this be a permanent fix or something ill have to do all the time?11:42
oldude67ActionParsnip, and yes lxde rocks.11:42
ActionParsnipoldude67: id say each logon, see what happens11:43
C-S-Blxde is the desktop of choice on Knoppix if I'm not mistaken. Looked great. :)11:43
C-S-Bhow the ubuntu distro with lxde getting along?11:44
oldude67ActionParsnip, ok ill try next time and see what happens, now is anyone else having issues with programs just stopping in middle of use?11:44
ActionParsnipC-S-B: pretty sweet, the installer is having issues afaik, otherwise its sweeeet11:44
C-S-BActionParsnip: enough to sway someone from gdm?11:44
oldude67i havent had any problems with just lxde, issues with programs is with all desktops.11:44
ActionParsnipC-S-B: depends on the individual11:45
aapzakI did an upgrade from fresh 9.04 install and lost network, is this a known issue?11:45
ActionParsnipC-S-B: i think its awesome11:45
C-S-BActionParsnip: Glad you're having a good time with it.11:45
C-S-BActionParsnip: anything key that attacts you, or just the lightness?11:45
oldude67C-S-B, its the only desktop i run now.11:45
ActionParsnipive used it a while now, low system impact of the desktop is my favourite11:46
twinkie_addictlxde is realy cool and with openbox as th wm you cant go wrong11:46
ActionParsnipC-S-B: i dont think the desktop should use most resources, it should be light to make the apps that you actually want to run have more resources11:47
oldude67ya kde and gnome was eating my resources up and lagging bad, switched to lxde and havent had a issue.11:47
omacolddud67...gnome and kde may eat resources, but when you have shitloads of RAM it doesn't matter and everything still runs snappy from my point of view.11:49
omacDifferent strokes for different folks.  Vive la difference!11:50
oldude67omac, ya your right there, difference is in the choice. i just thought if i wanted to have memory issues i would just run windows tho.11:50
aboSamoorI deleted an iso image but it still occupies the space ! any idea ?11:51
omacaboSamoor: sync and empty your trash bin.11:51
C-S-BActionParsnip: just reading about lxde, it's real nice but I think it would only end up confusing the girlfriend who just got used to gnome11:52
aboSamooromac: what do you mean by sync, I deleted it using shift+delete and I checked the trash it is not there11:52
ActionParsnipC-S-B: true, its different to fluxbox in that it actually has a menu11:52
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omacaboSamoor:  click the reload button in the nautils file manager.11:54
ActionParsnipaboSamoor: is it in trash?11:55
aboSamooromac: no change, the computer froze while deleting so I had to restart, now the 4GB iso image is not there but the space is not freed !11:55
aboSamoorActionParsnip: no , it is not in the trash11:55
ActionParsnipaboSamoor: whats the output of: du -h ~/.local/share/Trash11:55
ActionParsnipaboSamoor: is it the size of the iso?11:56
omacaboSamoor:  you need to do a filesystem check....read about fsck11:56
aboSamoorActionParsnip: the output says no files larger than 140 KB, yeah the 4GB is the size of the iso image11:57
omacaboSamoor: your filesystem is corrupt...when you boot after a computer freezes, don't press the escape key to skip the filesystem check...let it check your hard drive.11:57
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot11:57
aboSamooromac: it did not ask for fsck, reading fsck manual ....11:58
oldude67ok be back in a min....reboot11:58
omacaboSamoor:  fsck will free up any clusters that you have marked as deleted.  One other question?  Are you using ext3?  Say yes :)11:59
twinkie_addictyes lol11:59
aboSamooromac: yeah, I am using ext311:59
Kanohi, who is using 9.10 and has 100% load with Xorg when checked with top?11:59
omacyour problem will be fixed assoon as your fsck is done.12:00
omackano: Not me :)12:00
omackano:You must be running many apps with almost no memory.12:00
Kanosure on a quad core intel with 4 gb ram12:01
omacouch!  Awesome :)12:01
Kanonothing is running, just booted live mode12:01
omacthe live demo is only set for one cpu.12:01
Kanoit should not use 1 core at 100%, no and never12:02
omacYou have to configure it to use cpu0, cpu1, cpu2, cpu3  or something like that.....smp12:02
Kanoxorg has to run with 0.x not 100%12:02
omacAre you using the intel linux or the amd64 linux?12:02
Ian_Corneall not relevant12:03
Ian_CorneKano: fully updated?12:04
Ian_Cornedid you try turning compiz on/off?12:04
Ian_CorneX is using 3.0% atm12:05
Ian_Cornesometimes peaking to 13-15%12:05
Ian_Cornewhen i alt tab between windows12:05
omacKano:  cat /proc/cpuinfo12:06
ActionParsnipKano: have you installed video drivers? Have you by any chance installed the bleeding edge Xorg?12:06
omacIf you see cpu0-4, you're in business.12:06
omacIf you don't, smp is not enable.12:06
KanoIan_Corne: daily live12:07
omacin the kernel boot line:  additional_cpus=312:07
Ian_Corneomac: you're saying his X is using 100% because only one core is active?12:07
Ian_Cornethat's just wrong12:07
Kanoomac: the cpus are seen, but it is not normal that X is runnig at 100%12:07
omacand make sure the bios has smp enabled12:07
Ian_Corneeven with 1 cpu it should not use 100%12:07
Ian_CorneKano: daily live as in on the CD?12:07
Kanoi have got the same problem with 2 intel quads, one with nvidia gfx card (without nvidia binary 32+64 bit), one with intel onboard q45 (only 32 bit, 64 bit is ok)12:08
ActionParsnipIan_Corne: yeah i thouht that even 1 core @ whatever speed should be fine12:08
Ian_Cornetry disabeling compiz/installing drivers, I think the cpu does all the work the GPU can't do and that might be the problem12:08
Ian_Cornei'm on an intel atom and it doesn't use 100%12:08
KanoIan_Corne: i boot it via a network, but that should not affect X12:08
Kanoi just want to know if somebody else has this problem12:09
minimecHi. I have a regression on my USB-Speakers after the last update. Don't know if this is hal/device-kid related. Can anyone confirm some usb regressions after the last update?12:09
Ian_CorneKano: well i don't, not on intel not on nvidia, not on ati12:10
KanoIan_Corne: nvidia binary is fine12:10
Kanobut nv is not12:10
omackano: what does your cpuinfo say?12:10
Ian_Corneyeah i've heard problems with the open drivers12:10
Kanoomac: there is no problem with the cpu at all12:11
omacwhat kernel are you using?12:12
omackano: uname -a12:12
Kanoomac: the latest, i told you i use the daily live iso images12:14
Kanono hd install, just live mode12:14
aboSamooromac: ActionParsnip fuser -mk, umount, fsck solved the problem thanks very much :)12:15
Ian_CorneKano: can you try to change between compiz on and off?12:15
KanoIan_Corne: it is impossible that compiz is running with nv12:16
ActionParsnipaboSamoor: awesome12:16
omacin the live mode, press f6 and in the kernel boot line:  additional_cpus=312:16
omacfor kano...try this.12:16
Ian_CorneKano: can you please check?12:17
omacdo you see all 4 cpus in "cat /proc/cpuinfo"   ?12:17
Kanoomac: the cpus are detected, the Xserver is the problem!12:17
ActionParsnipKano: try installing the video driver then, it may help12:18
omacgood then you see cpu0-cpu3 when doing your cat /proc/cpuinfo then?12:18
ActionParsnipKano: have you tried any bootoptions?12:19
ubottuFor a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions12:19
KanoActionParsnip: i know how to boot it via pxe, do you think i need extra bootoptions12:19
ActionParsnipfree to try :)12:20
Kanothats a driver error12:20
Kanoor the xserver itself12:20
ActionParsnipdid you md5 test the iso you used?>12:20
Kanojust want to know if somebody else has the same problem12:20
KanoActionParsnip: sure12:20
ActionParsnipKano: good12:20
Kanoi run 1 system with nfs+dhcp+tftp server and 2 clients which boot the iso via network12:21
Kanoboth clients have got the same problem12:21
Kanoit is usally no kernel problem as i use basically the same kernel on both systems all the day, just with debian as hd install12:22
Kanoand with one core running wild thats fully crap12:24
ActionParsnipi'd check into boot options, its the control you have over the live session12:24
Kanowhich options? x drivers are autodetected and correctly selected12:25
Kanoi just do not think that i am the only one with that problem. well maybe more would be affected with nv, but usually they use nvidia binary12:26
ActionParsnipKano: acpi off, no dma, no apic12:27
KanoActionParsnip: that would disable smp12:27
ActionParsnipKano: maybe installing the nvidia drivers in the live environment may help12:27
KanoActionParsnip: sure it helps, i told you it does not affect nv binary12:28
ActionParsnipKano: could try bleeding edge Xorg.12:28
Kanowhich iso12:29
ActionParsnipKano: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa12:29
omackano: disabled "dim display after x min" in power management settings12:29
ActionParsnipKano: add that repo, install latest xorg, restart X12:29
ActionParsnipKano: not sure what version is in your daily thing, maybe its the same version12:30
KanoActionParsnip: today12:31
omackano: it has something to do with power management12:31
ActionParsnipKano: means nothing, just because its todays doesnt garuntee any version of any package12:31
ActionParsnipKano: if the version on that repo is later, you could try it12:32
omacother distros also have high xserver cpu utilization issues...solved with some tweaks to power management/removing power management.12:33
severbtrying to setup dual monitor support using gnome-display-properties raises this error http://pastebin.com/m5f30c6e912:34
omackano: did you hear that? other distros also have high xserver cpu usage issues...solved with powermanagement tweaks/turning off power management altogether :)12:35
Kanoomac: do you think i will boot my system with acpi=off when that disables smp completely12:36
gajopare karmic updates working properly? i didn't get a single updated in a couple of days; i used to get 20+ each day previously12:37
omackano:   at least try this one:  disable "dim display after x min" in power management settings12:37
yofelgajop: tried a different mirror?12:37
severbwhy is dual monitor support so hard to achieve?12:37
rippsgajop: there don't tend be updates on weekends12:38
gajopyofel, no i haven't; was going to do that next12:38
yofelripps: I had updates every day so far12:38
omackano: then restart your xserver.12:38
gajopi thought it might have something to do with karmic going  beta?12:38
yofelgajop: yes, we do get much less updates, but there still are some12:38
ActionParsnipgajop: try: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:40
gajopare translation_en_us sources always supposed to fail?12:40
gajopActionParsnip, i did that yesterday and got 0 updates, i changed the mirror back to main server now, think i just got a bunch of updates12:40
ActionParsnipgajop: funky12:40
Kanoxorg from edgers seems to fix it on nv 64 bit12:41
ActionParsnipKano: i use it myself, its awesome12:41
Kanoi had to disable one check for tty and use nohup to start the test script12:42
ActionParsnipKano: as well as the 190 nvidia driver12:42
Kanoas vt switch is not working12:42
gajopbtw, update from alpha/beta to stable release when it hits in November doesn't need to be explicitly done? like the update to alpha had to be done (update-manager -d)?12:42
severbCan I please get some help? I can't figure how to make my dual monitor setup working in 9.1012:43
ActionParsnipgajop: no, you will be using the same repos, just keep updating and you will glide into the rc12:43
shadowhywindhay all, Just installed Karmic yesterday, and noticed that the search engine icons are missing in firefox (apparently trying to get away from icons in menus) but any way of adding those back?12:45
minimecseverb: Are you using a using a restricted driver like 'fglrx' or 'nvidia-new', or do you use an opensource dirver?12:46
severbI guess I use the open-source one as no driver is present in System > Administration > Hardware Drivers12:47
severbminimec: It also says No proprietary drivers are in use on this system.12:48
minimecseverb: ok. Go to preferences/display in the menu12:51
severbminimec: trying to change the settings using gnome-display-properties dies with this exception http://pastebin.com/m5f30c6e912:51
minimecseverb: Check that 'Mirror screens' box and try to detect Monitors12:51
minimecseverb: Hmmm... I don't know why gnome-display-properties is not starting on your system. Strange.12:53
severbno, it is starting, but I can't save any changes12:54
severbonly if I sudo gnome-display-properties it works fine, but after I re-login all the changes I made are lost12:55
ActionParsnipseverb: gksudo for gui apps12:56
severbActionParsnip: that doesn't solve it12:57
minimecseverb: If you want some Xinerama Option, I guess you need a working xorg.conf, as the Xserver needs to write some changes in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf.12:58
ActionParsnipseverb: just an fyi12:58
minimecseverb: Try to create a xorg.conf with sudo Xorg -configure That gives you a xorg.conf.new in your home directory. Copy that one to /etc/X11. Maybe that helps.12:59
severbminimec: thanks, I'll try that13:00
minimecseverb: You have to rename it to xorg.conf ;)13:00
severbdo I need to stop the X server?13:00
ActionParsnipseverb: backup the original first13:00
minimecseverb: Yes, I think you have to stop the xserver. You could also boot in recovery mode.13:01
severbok, I'll give it a try right now13:01
severb/etc/init.d/gdm --stop13:02
severbi guess this is how I stop the X13:02
Dr_WillisHmm.. I think i may of found an odd bug.. Plug in a flash drive.. it auto mounts, shows up on desktop.. Now you can use 'unmount' or 'eject'  and either will let you safely remove the flash drive.. BUT - if i plug it back in. it dosent get auto mounted  any more. Dmesg shows it.. but it never automounts.13:02
ActionParsnipseverb: no, just change the file then restart X13:02
minimec/etc/init.d/gdm stop13:02
Dr_Willissudo service gdm stop   (another way that should work)13:02
severbActionParsnip: running the command from terminal gives this error13:03
severbFatal server error:13:03
severbServer is already active for display 013:03
ActionParsnipseverb: loosk like it needs stopping then.13:04
TarthenHey, how can I get 9.04's sound control back?13:04
TarthenKarmic's won't let me enable loopback audio, which I quite frankly need13:05
Dr_WillisHmm.. all my usb flash drives are not automounting now....13:05
edgyHi, I had to switch to gdm, seems a kdm problem again. No shutdown and restart options in kde, is this reported?13:06
AmaranthTarthen: build gnome-applets from source yourself, last time I checked13:07
AmaranthTarthen: What is wrong with the new one?13:07
Dr_Willisedgy:  if booting to kde from gdm.. or gnome from kde.. ive noticed that some of the options are not availiable.13:07
Dr_Willisedgy:  its been that way for ages.13:07
AmaranthDr_Willis: Other way around, the options are only available in KDE if he uses GDM :P13:07
Dr_Willisnow thats just weird.13:08
TarthenAmaranth: Before, I could go into my sound card and enable loopback audio: ie, my PS3's sound would go in the front and out my speakers13:08
AmaranthTarthen: ah, now you need alsamixer or padevchooser13:08
TarthenAmaranth: The new one has no such setting, and it's a huge downgrade from what it was13:08
TarthenI use pulse13:08
TarthenI think13:09
AmaranthTarthen: If you didn't the new applet wouldn't work at all13:09
TarthenAlsamixer doesn't seem to let me do it13:09
UmeaboyWhy does 9.10 start to go back to English when it comes to menues and such?13:10
edgyDr_Willis: ok so I need to switch back to kdm, was there a problem in the last couple days?13:10
UmeaboyI didn't choose this.13:10
Dr_Willisedgy:  ive not been missing kde+gmome lately13:11
Dr_Willisfor the last few releases.. kdm-> gnome and gdm -> kde -  had 'issues' in the options they showed13:11
severbOk, so, I changed the xorg.conf file13:11
mercutio22What would I have to do to install karmic's version of empathy in a jaunty machine?13:13
Dr_Willismercutio22:  i would look for a empathy ppa repo.13:13
severbJust to be clear, when I run gnome-display-properties I can see both my monitors listed13:14
mercutio22Dr_Willis: I found some, but none contained the latest and greatest, with IRC access and such... any clues?13:14
severbbut if I deselect Mirror Screens nothing happens after I relogin13:14
minimecseverb: That is a goog start ;)13:14
petervaAnyone else having lots of issues with sound in Karmic?13:14
Dr_Willismercutio22:  use the source. :)13:14
Umeaboypeterva: What soundcard and driver are you using?13:15
Dr_Willisseverb:  you need to restart the X server (sudo service gdm restart) to get xorg.conf reread normally13:15
edgypeterva: yes I have issues but it's working13:16
petervaUmeaboy: Intel 82801DB13:16
severbDr_Willis if I save the changes I make in gnome-display-preferences and I restart the application the changes are already gone13:16
Umeaboypeterva: What driver?13:16
minimecseverb: deselecting the 'mirror' options means that you want to use the Xinerama function. Until now, Xinerama was set directly in xorg.conf. That is probably why you should use gnome-display-properties with sudi rights to give the software access to /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:16
petervaUmeaboy: sorry, forgot to paste :) -> snd-intel8x013:17
mercutio22Dr_Willis: yeah, I will do that then13:17
petervait shows up in lspci, but not in my sound preferences13:17
Umeaboypeterva: Tried changing to another driver in the list?13:18
severbminimec: yes, it makes sense, but I can't make the changes permanent13:18
severbas soon as I restart the config application all the changes are gone, like it can't change the xorg.conf file for whatever reason13:19
severbI also get a message saying Would you like Screen Resolution to set the virtual resolution for you? (Recommended)13:20
petervaUmeaboy: which list? :)13:20
Umeaboypeterva: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=Intel+82801DB&orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.has_no_packa13:20
Kanoit seems updating the nv driver alone is enough13:20
UmeaboyThere are all the related bugs to Intel 82801DB13:21
Kanofor the nv 100% issue13:21
ActionParsnipKano: nice13:21
arielco@amaranth, mvo: I'm back from testing my RAM - it's fine13:21
Kanoshould be updated in karmic too13:21
yofelKano: file a bug for nv and tell them that the newer driver works fine13:21
yofelKano: and please use 'ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-video-nv' from the commandline or the run dialog to do that13:23
mvoarielco: do you have something in /var/crash ?13:23
arielcoUm, I'd have to boot from the livecd to check that. What should I look for?13:24
arielco@mvo: right now I'm running Pidgin from Windows13:24
edgysirs, how can I assign Fn+F3 for locking the screen instead of the default Ctrl+Alt+L, I tried but it didn't work13:25
BluesKajpidgin is cross platform ?13:25
arielco@blueskaj: yup, it is13:25
BluesKajnever used it so ...13:26
arielco@blueskaj: http://www.pidgin.im13:26
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: yeah man its awesome13:26
ActionParsnip!shortcut \edgy13:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about shortcut \edgy13:26
BluesKajActionParsnip, how ? :)13:26
edgyactually I want both of them to work13:26
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: same interface on linux and Windows13:26
mvoarielco: hm, /var/crash should contain something that has dpkg in the name13:26
ActionParsnip!shortcut | edgy13:26
ubottuedgy: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts13:26
edgyActionParsnip: yes I changed it from there but it didn't work13:26
yofelActionParsnip: I like it too, but since it has rather bad jabber support I have to use psi13:26
minimecseverb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/286152/ This is a xorg.conf with Xinerama... Maybe try to adapt your xorg.conf with these Xinerama settings.13:26
arielco@mvo: Ok, gotta go now - I'll check when I get back from the cotton fields ;)13:27
veovis__On my system, the live cd lets me use my restricted drivers for my wireless card, but I get "no propreitary drivers in use on this system.13:27
ActionParsnipyofel: i use carrier which is a fork, you can email the devs for requested functionality and bugs13:27
severbminimec: I suck at hacking xorg.conf13:27
veovis__After install sorry for linebreak13:27
BluesKajActionParsnip, i tried kde for windows but the apps were restricted and crashy13:27
ActionParsnipedgy: does the shortcut set properly in the gui?13:28
yofelActionParsnip: do you have the link at hand?13:28
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: sounds like a collision of mess13:28
minimecseverb: Yeah. I don't like that too ;)13:28
edgyActionParsnip: when I press the Fn+F3 it's set to screensaver in the shortcut, don't know where is the name came from though13:28
edgyActionParsnip: never tried keytouch before but I will do13:28
ActionParsnipyofel: http://funpidgin.sourceforge.net/    if you are 64bit you will need to compile13:29
yofelActionParsnip: ok, thx13:29
edgyActionParsnip: I set it in kde component "Run Command Interface" btw13:29
ActionParsnipedgy: does Fn create an event in xev?13:29
severbminimec: thanks anyway. I think I'll install an older version of Ubuntu and maybe try again 9.10 after a few months maybe it will just work13:33
edgyActionParsnip: forgive me I need to go for 10 mins and come back ...13:33
minimecseverb: can you give me the output of lspci | grep VGA13:33
thiebaudecompiz.real crashes after startup13:33
oldude67well update manager crashes...but life is good..:D13:34
severb01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RC410 [Radeon Xpress 200M]13:34
thiebaudeand i dont even use compiz anymore13:34
minimecseverb: ok.  now can you paste.ubuntu.com the xorg.conf.new you created?13:35
minimecseverb: thx. I gonna have a look at that.13:37
severbminimec: great, thanks a lot13:37
minimecseverb: and the 'mirror option' works, but not Xnerama. Is that correct?13:39
severbone of the monitor is the laptop display and the other one an old LG CRT13:41
minimecseverb: the xorg.new file is configured for one monitor only, as I see in your pastebin.13:41
severbhmmm... don't know why13:43
phakoanyone else experiencing a unpleasant "click" before any audio access on karmic?13:43
phakowith or without pulseaudio13:43
oldude67phako, my pulseaudio is fubarred i cant get it to work right so dont feel alone.13:44
thiebaudeno but i trying to start gparted and ask for my password and i keep giving it and it says incorrect13:44
arandphako; I think I have that on startup, I don't find it particulary unpleasant though13:44
phakooldude67, no. I explicitly kill pa cause I need exclusive access to the device13:44
Kanohmm it is not directly the driver13:45
Kanosomething else must be there13:45
Kanowhen i do gdm restart xorg usage is low too13:45
phakoah, seems like bug 38120113:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 381201 in linux "snd-hda-intel powersave option and "CLICK" from speakers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38120113:46
edgyActionParsnip: I now tried xev and Fn doens't generate any even but Fn+F3 does13:46
minimecseverb: Are you with me? ;)13:50
severbI'm here13:50
severbreading man xorg.conf13:50
minimecseverb: have a look at that http://paste.ubuntu.com/286170/13:51
Boondoklifeif we install the beta right now, and simply do the upgrades, will it be the same as installing the final release?13:51
rskBoondoklife: no you won't have ext413:52
minimecseverb: OUps there is an error...13:52
Boondoklifersk: ok so to have ext4 i have to wait for the final release?13:53
rskno you have to install, not upgrade13:53
Boondoklifersk: I was gonna do a fresh install of the beta now, and then just keep upto date from there.13:54
rskright the same then13:54
ActionParsnipedgy: does F3 on its own make a different code to Fn+F3?13:54
minimecseverb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/286175/ Try to use that as /etc/X11/xorg.conf If it doesn't work, just delete /etc/X11/xorg.conf and reboot13:54
Boondoklifersk: thanks that is what I thought, but always better to ask =)13:54
severbyou forgot xinerama support first time, right? :-)13:55
minimecseverb: exactly ;)13:55
severbok, I'll give it a try13:56
FFEMTcJhow can I install non-free-codecs in 9.10? i keep getting solutions with a -19000 score13:56
edgyActionParsnip: first sorry its not F3, it's F6. F6 alone generates an F6 code but with Fn it generates XF86ScreenSaver13:57
cyberspliceFFEMTcJ: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras ?13:57
ActionParsnipedgy: ahhh thats very interesting13:57
edgyActionParsnip: why is it interesting and make those codes like XF86ScreenSaver13:58
minimecFFEMTcJ: medibuntu13:58
ActionParsnipedgy: well the Fn key is actually doing stuff, sometimes they dont, i kinda expected both fn+f3 and f3 on its own to be the same13:59
oldude67great and now the screensavers are fubarred too...yeah...what else can we have go wrong today.14:00
FFEMTcJi think i found my problem.. i installed the jaunty medibuntu repo14:00
FFEMTcJcopy paste sucks sometimes14:00
minimecFFEMTcJ: ;)14:00
edgyActionParsnip: does it work for you if you tried it in karmic?14:00
FFEMTcJminimec: once you said medibuntu, i was thinking.. i already did that... then i thought about it a little more14:00
edgyActionParsnip: btw I am trying it from kde, let me logout and try it from gnome14:02
Rockthi, I'm having problems with the beta, my cdrom does not spin down. mounted or not.14:03
Rocktanybody seen this?14:03
oldude67great, i guess one of the new updates didnt install xscreensaver so it wont run.well it least it isnt a total fubar.14:04
ActionParsnipedgy: i dont have any Fn buttons to press anwhere14:05
cyberspliceActionParsnip: Are you using a FrogPad?14:06
ActionParsnipcybersplice: frogpad?14:06
ActionParsnipdeepjoy: cybersplice: wow thats weird, but cool weird14:07
cyberspliceYeh. I had a bad injury at one point and almost had to buy one.14:08
cyberspliceYou said no Fn keys, and it popped into my head.14:08
phakowhy does totem modify my screen settings?!14:09
ActionParsnipcybersplice: i just use a ye olde 102 keyboard thing, no media keys, nothing. Just the keys you know and love14:10
cyberspliceActionParsnip: http://www.maltron.com/maltron-kbd-dual.html14:11
cyberspliceI still have an IBM clicky brick. Could use it as a mace from horseback.14:11
severbminimec: I had no luck buddy14:12
severband grub won't let me select a failsafe boot14:12
dooglushi people.  can I turn on logging in the IM client?14:12
ActionParsnipdooglus: depends on the client, pidgin has it14:13
thiebaudedooglus, which IM client?14:13
minimecseverb: so what do you get after boot? Just a black screen or that x recovery tool?14:13
dooglusthiebaude: empathy I think14:13
cybersplicedeepjoy: seen these? http://www.maltron.com/maltron-kbd-dual.html14:14
ActionParsnipcybersplice: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svjLIZKAHQI&feature=fvw14:14
dooglusthiebaude: the one that came with ubuntu+114:14
thiebaudedooglus, im not sure i dont use it14:14
dooglusyou use pidgin?14:14
ActionParsnipcybersplice: customisable full colour key buttons14:14
severbwell, after boot it keeps flickering, I can't switch using ctrl alt f1 to a terminal to stop gdm from starting14:14
dooglusxchat can do IM?14:14
thiebaudesometimes pidgin14:14
cyberspliceActionParsnip: Yes, i've seen the little buggers. My incredibly wealthy friend claims to have one, but i haven't seen it yet.14:14
thiebaudedooglus, i think its just irc14:15
dooglusI just installed the 9.10 beta - it took less than 5 minutes.  that's astonishing14:15
ActionParsnipcybersplice: very OTT, maximum peacocking though :D14:15
cyberspliceMaximum volume yields maximum peacocks!14:15
cyberspliceI hate him. He has a sportscar.14:15
cyberspliceI have... no car.14:15
thiebaudedooglus, my 9.04 install from live cd took 12 min14:15
dooglusthiebaude: I had previously made a bootable USB key with it on - I guess reading USB key is quicker than CD, but don't know.  I just didn't want to have to waste a blank CD14:16
yofeldooglus: you can do IM in xchat with bitlbee14:16
dooglusyofel: ah, right...  I think I'll stick with pidgin.  thanks14:17
doogluswhat's the recommended way to install the flash player?14:17
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash14:17
thiebaudedooglus, i do it through synaptic14:17
deepjoycybersplice: no I hadn't I have not used anything but regular laptop keyboards for years now, came upon frogpad reading digg I think14:17
minimecseverb: It keeps flickering... Hmmm. That means, that there are no major errors in the xorg.conf syntax, as the Xserver revcognizes it as correct xorg.conf.14:17
ActionParsnipdooglus: if you run 64bit could use the alpha 64bit flash plugin instead14:18
ActionParsnipruns great here14:18
minimecseverb: If the xorg.conf has some errors, you would have the X recovery tool, I guess.14:18
severbminimec: you're right14:18
thiebaudeActionParsnip, i have a processor that does 32 or 64bit can i use 64bit flash?14:18
ActionParsnipthiebaude: it depends on the arch of your ubuntu, most 64bit CPUs can run a 32bit OS14:19
thiebaudeActionParsnip, oh, ok thanks14:19
thiebaudeActionParsnip, im using 32bit 9.1014:19
minimecseverb: We could add Section "DRI"... http://paste.ubuntu.com/286191/14:20
ActionParsnipthiebaude: then you can use the 32bit plugin14:20
cwillu_at_workanybody know any good tricks to get grub to notice that my shift key is down?14:20
minimecseverb: See at the end... Section "DRI"14:20
severbminimec: but I have no way of editing xorg.conf. I'm currently using another machine for IRC14:21
ActionParsnipthiebaude: i use the alpha 64bit plugin and also have native 64bit jave via manual install, no repositories were used14:21
severbbecause the grub doesn't let me pick a failsafe boot14:22
minimecseverb: You can always use a live CD to edit an existing Ubuntu installation.14:22
cwillu_at_workseverb, hold shift down before grub comes up14:22
ActionParsnipseverb: boot to live cd, mount te partition and edit it there14:22
minimecseverb: Why doesn't it boot in recovery mode?14:22
severbminimec: thanks for the tip :-)14:22
dooglusheh - seems the 5 minute install was nothing compared to the "Need to get 248MB of archives" I just found when checking it's up to date...14:22
severbminimec: it justs boots without showing the grub menu, I don't know...14:22
cwillu_at_workdooglus, that's pretty typical of the days following a beta or release candidate :p14:23
* cwillu_at_work repeats himself14:23
cwillu_at_workseverb, hold shift down before grub comes up14:23
doogluscwillu_at_work: I suppose so - it's my fault for not waiting for the final release14:23
minimecseverb: Press and hold the 'esc' key while starting the machine14:23
* cwillu_at_work doesn't want to repeat himself again :p14:23
cwillu_at_workminimec, it's not escape anymore14:23
FFEMTcJok.. im trying to make my two screens twinview using nvidia-settings  - it keeps failing to do it saying it cant parse x.org when i try to hit save... any ideas?14:23
cwillu_at_workunless they left that as a fallback14:23
minimeccwillu_at_work: OUps... What is it then?14:23
severbpressing shift works14:23
dooglusoh, one thing that puzzled me - empathy is offering to spell check in english or turkish.  why turkish?  I installed ubuntu telling it I was in england, didn't mention turkey at all14:24
JanCleft shift IIRC14:24
minimecseverb: ok ;)14:24
* cwillu_at_work SAID he DIDN"T want to REPEAT himself again :p14:24
yofel*sigh* karmic boot is so broken... rebooted my other pc and boot just stopped after routine fsck (without running it it seems)...14:24
minimeccwillu_at_work: Thx. Seems to bee shift now.14:24
cwillu_at_workyes, I think I said that three times :p14:24
ActionParsnipdooglus: use localpurge maybe to get rid14:24
doogluskarmic comes with gcc by default?14:25
severbok, so, when I sudo gdm start14:26
ActionParsnipdooglus: sudo apt-get install build-essential14:26
severbI get unable to find users: no seat-id found14:26
severbGdmDisplay: display lasted 2.3 seconds repeated 6 times14:27
Amaranthdooglus: It comes with enough of a build system to compile kernel modules but not regular binaries14:27
dooglusActionParsnip: I know - but I just installed 9.10 beta onto a new PC and it auto-installed gcc14:27
severbmximum number of x display failures reached14:27
=== Whitor_ is now known as Whitor
severbcheck X server log for errors14:27
cwillu_at_workseverb, I get similar brokenness here, there's...  broken stuff right now :p14:27
Amaranthdooglus: This has been the case for some time14:27
ActionParsnipdooglus: then its a dependancy of something you installed14:28
severbhow can I check X log?14:28
AmaranthActionParsnip: No, read my lines too :)14:28
yofelseverb: the X log is /var/log/Xorg.0.log14:28
minimecseverb: nano /var/log/Xorg.0.log14:28
dooglusAmaranth: I just built a regular binary without needing to install anything14:28
dooglusActionParsnip: I've installed absolutely nothing - just the default stuff14:28
* cybersplice is upgrading another production machine to Karmic... ooer!14:29
ActionParsnipdooglus: looks like its normal according to Amaranth14:29
severbI think the log it's clean, I can't see any errors in there14:29
ActionParsnipcybersplice: brave14:29
cyberspliceActionParsnip: Stupid, more like! :D14:29
Amaranthdooglus: so that part may be a little different...14:30
ActionParsnipcybersplice: probably a bit from olomn A, a bit from colomn B14:30
severbonly Leaving Restore TV, ddxSigGiveUp: closing log14:30
AmaranthFFEMTcJ: the problem is you probably have no xorg.conf14:31
thiebaudegrturner, i see your in NC also14:31
^robertjok, I am a sad puppy, gnome-session is hanging half-way through without a whole lot of hits14:32
^robertjI can log an to xterm session, run metacity & gnome-panel by hand and get mostly up and going14:32
FFEMTcJAmaranth: why would i not have an xorg.conf.. how should i create one?14:32
Amaranth^robertj: so log in to an xterm session and run gnome-session :)14:32
^robertjlast error is ** (nm-applet:3543): DEBUG: applet_common_device_state_changed14:32
^robertjFailure: Module initalization failed14:32
^robertjbut who cares, that shouldn't halt gnome-session right?14:33
minimecseverb: So that modified xorg.conf is basicly correct. What if you '#' comment out HorizSync and VertRefresh on "MOnitor0"14:33
^robertjI get the wallpaper but gnome-panel never comes up when I run gnome-session alone14:33
AmaranthFFEMTcJ: Dunno, I guess you should have to enable the nvidia driver to begin with14:33
AmaranthOtherwise we don't have them anymore, I'm currently running without one14:33
severbminimec: ok, let me try that14:34
FFEMTcJwould there be another way to setup twinview for my two monitors?14:34
Amaranthby hand editing an xorg.conf14:34
severbminimec: same as before14:35
minimecseverb: Did you add Section "DRI"?14:35
severbyes I did14:36
^robertjAmaranth, any other ideas?14:36
jsalisburyMy upgrade from Jaunty to Karmic has not made progress in several days.  The console has a repeating message: "100% [Working]" Has anyone else run into this?14:37
MTecknologyWhy can't I use gnome-power-manager to hibernat/suspend anymore?14:38
minimecseverb: Well.. I guess you rename /etc/X11/xorg.conf as something like xorg.conf.xinerama, make sure that there is no xorg.conf anymore (sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf) and reboot. I cannot help you further I guess.14:38
cybersplicejsalisbury: I haven't seen it yet, and i've upgraded quite a few machines now.14:38
yofelMTecknology: that was moved to the fast uses switch applet afaik (the thing that displays your name on the panel)14:38
MTecknologyyofel: .... why?14:39
Amaranth^robertj: what filesystem do you use for $HOME?14:39
MTecknologyI don't use that applet :(14:39
severbminimec: thanks a lot anyway, I guess 9.10 it's not ready yet for me. This is also a good oportunity to try fedora14:39
jsalisburycybersplice:  Hmm, maybe I'll just try to restart it14:39
yofelMTecknology: if you don't use that applet you should be able to find them in the main menu14:39
MTecknologyyofel: I don't use gnome14:39
yofelMTecknology: oh, xfce?14:39
cybersplicejsalisbury: Worst that can happen is you reinstall.14:39
MTecknologyyofel: openbox14:40
cyberspliceSomething must have frozen.14:40
yofelMTecknology: hm, never used that either, so i don't know, sry14:40
edgyActionParsnip: hi, sorry for latency but many problems14:40
edgyActionParsnip: in gnome Fn+F6 works out of the box14:40
jsalisburycybersplice:  thanks.  I guess I can do a fresh install from an iso.  I just wanted to test the upgrade procedure.14:40
edgyActionParsnip: i have done nothing to set it ;)14:40
minimecseverb: Well maybe a bleeding edge fedora is worth a try ;) I am more the Debian/Ubuntu user.14:40
yofelMTecknology: as to why they moved it: no idea. I got fed up with gnome and switched to kde a while ago14:41
edgyActionParsnip: actually since the code is correct, this is what expected, right?14:41
minimecseverb: You could try our modified xorg.conf in fedora :)14:41
^robertjany hints for gnome-settings-daemon could not acquire name?14:41
MTecknologyyofel: this royally sucks... Not sure what I'm supposed to do now14:41
ActionParsnipedgy: as long as the shortcut gets assigned in the shortcut manager then this is fine14:42
yofelMTecknology: wasn't there at least something like pm-suspend for the command line?14:42
severbminimec: I hope I can use the graphical configuration tools they provide to change the xorg.config :-)14:42
MTecknologyyofel: hrm... I'll try that in about 10min14:42
edgyActionParsnip: no, I haven't assigned it in shortcut manager14:43
choman1anyone heard of any Dell D600 freezing issues?14:43
ActionParsnipedgy: thats where id head14:43
FFEMTcJAmaranth: hand editing is beyond me.. i do have an xorg.conf tho14:43
edgyActionParsnip: sorry what do you mean by id head?14:43
ActionParsnipi'd head to the keyboard shortcuts bit and set the shortcut there14:45
ActionParsnipedgy: if you use compiz i'm not sure if it will capture it for its own14:45
aprilharerunning update-manage - its threatening to remove libgd2-noxpm and libqt4-core - is this good or bad?14:46
aprilhareupdate-manager even14:46
edgyActionParsnip: no, I am not using compiz. In preferences -> keyboard lock screen is assigned to ctrl+Alt+L, nothing regarding Fn+F6 and it still works14:46
yofelaprilhare: libgd2-noxpm yes, libqt4-core no14:46
Amaranthaprilhare: run aptitude dist-upgrade instead, see if it does it better14:47
ActionParsnipedgy: if it works, dont fix it ;)14:47
aprilharestill gunna remove libqt4-core14:48
aprilharelibqt4-core: Depends: libqtcore4 (= 4.5.2-0ubuntu5) but 4.5.2-0ubuntu6 is to be installed.14:48
yofelaprilhare: sounds like a new version of libqt4 was uploaded but not all packages are built yes, wait an hour or so and try again14:49
AmaranthFFEMTcJ: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1273328&highlight=nvidia-settings may be helpful14:49
^robertjwhat telsl gnome-session that yes I do want it to start gnome-panel?14:49
aprilhareyofel: it's been days. i haven't gone ahead14:49
Amaranth^robertj: random: try removing ~/.pulse and then starting gnome-session14:50
yofelaprilhare: libqt4-core is being held back for days?14:50
yofelaprilhare: libgd2-noxpm was updated days ok indeed though14:50
^robertjAmaranth, no change14:50
Amaranthyofel: figured out the amarok thing, btw14:50
^robertjother than volume-control-appelt is now unhappy14:51
yofelAmaranth: hm? The packages should be built now ;)14:51
Amaranthyofel: the amd64 builders were ahead of the x86 ones and arch: all packages are always built on x8614:51
aprilhareyofel: yes14:51
Amaranthyofel: so you had all the bits for amd64 but were actually waiting on x86 to catch up14:51
yofelAmaranth: ah, so -common packages are alyways build on i386? Didn't know that14:51
aprilharei'm on amd6414:51
yofelAmaranth: s/-common/arch-indep14:52
Amaranthyofel: right :)14:52
nexonCoul anyone of you make java and flash running?14:52
yofelah, that explains some things I've been wondering about ^^14:52
aprilharenexon: yes to flash. java is a little buggy but works14:53
Amaranthaprilhare: over way around for me :)14:53
nexonaprilhare: How did you do?14:53
aprilharethen again, i think i'm falling back on a hand install of amd64 java14:53
yofelnexon: both work fine here14:53
Amaranthnexon: is flash not responding to clicks?14:53
aprilharenexon: java worked fine.14:53
aprilharenot java, flash :)14:53
aprilhareflash worked fine.14:53
minimecnexon: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer14:54
* aprilhare installed amd64 flash alpha14:54
aprilharenot the wrappered one in the repos, true amd64 flash14:54
ActionParsnipaprilhare: nice isnt it :)14:54
* yofel uses amd64 flash alpha too14:54
yofelworks great :)14:54
nexoni installed both with synaptic, but firefox says it has not either java or flash...If i starts searching plugins it finishes instantly and says that nothing could be found14:54
aprilhareActionParsnip: it is - except in full screen mode playing video. its choppy then. but at least its stable.14:55
ActionParsnipnexon: what is the output of: uname -a14:55
ActionParsnipaprilhare: works great here but maye its my nvidia gfx :)14:55
aprilhareActionParsnip: i'm using nvidia14:55
nexonActionParsnip: Linux E6600 2.6.31-11-generic #38-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 2 11:06:40 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:55
ActionParsnipaprilhare: my desktop is a POS compared to most systems14:55
ActionParsnipnexon: great, ok run: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree flashplugin-installer14:56
aprilhareActionParsnip: nothing to do with the system. i tried the wrappered flash before installing amd64 and its fullscreen isn't choppy14:56
aprilharei traded stability for choppiness14:56
Amaranthaprilhare: 64-bit flash has all GPU acceleration disabled14:56
nexonActionParsnip: I did14:56
Amaranthaprilhare: then again 32-bit does too if it detects compiz running14:56
aprilhareAmaranth: any idea how to enable gpu acceleration?14:57
maxstirner1Amaranth: ok I also get the hardware freeze on wireless lan without any usb disks connected..14:57
ActionParsnipnexon: then run: mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins; cd ~/.mozilla/plugins; wget http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-; tar zxvf ./libflashplayer-; rm ./libflashplayer-
ActionParsnipnexon: then restart all firefoxes, flash be yours14:57
ActionParsnipaprilhare: makes my memory usage in flash be a lot less14:57
FFEMTcJAmaranth: that worked.. thanks!14:58
AmaranthFFEMTcJ: I don't even know what the fix is, just remembered that thread had it :)14:58
nexonActionParsnip: Great! Thank you! Can you also tell me what to do to make java running?14:58
FFEMTcJsudo nvidia-xconfig14:59
AmaranthFFEMTcJ: ah, right, that'll create a stock nvidia xorg.conf14:59
FFEMTcJAmaranth: ive had to do that before, but forgot about it until i saw it there15:00
thiebaudenexon, did you sudo apt-get install sun-java6.jre sun-java6-plugins15:00
ActionParsnipnexon: get the latest 64bit bin from www.java.com and move the bin file to /opt15:00
nexonthiebaude: Yes, I dit...15:01
AmaranthActionParsnip: no no no15:01
nexonActionParsnip: ok15:01
thiebaudenexon, ok15:01
Amaranthnexon: No, don't do that15:01
AmaranthWait until you know 100% the packages have failed you before you start installing stuff not packaged15:02
Amaranthnexon: install the icedtea6-plugin package15:02
aprilhareActionParsnip: thats all well and good, however how do i force gpu acceleration? it quite clearly needs it15:03
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga15:03
ActionParsnipnexon: sudo chmod+x it then run it and accept the defaults, you can now run: cd ~/.mozilla/plugins; ln -s /opt/jre1.6.0_16/lib/amd64/libnpjp2.so15:03
ActionParsnipaprilhare: i think its part of the embed html15:04
* aprilhare installed skype 2.1 beta - it uses pulseaudio and is very much better15:04
nexonAmaranth,: should i remove sun java before I install  icedtea6-plugin?15:04
ActionParsnipnexon: if your java version is different, change the number15:04
Amaranthnexon: shouldn't matter15:04
Amaranthnexon: worst case you have an extra java15:04
aprilhareActionParsnip: how does that knowledge help me? :) x86 version accelerates, amd64 stuck in 'off' position15:04
aprilhareActionParsnip: wanna use with favourite website15:04
dooglusaprilhare: thanks.  I'll try that15:05
nexonokay wait one second then I'll try the openjdk15:05
ActionParsnipaprilhare: not sure then, i thought it was a setting in flash itself if you right click and go to settings15:05
AmaranthActionParsnip: Stop. Telling. Him. That.15:05
AmaranthActionParsnip: Unless you agree to be personally responsible for all java and browser related problems he has from now on15:06
nexonOkay, everything perfect, java runs15:06
ActionParsnipAmaranth: ok, i'll stop15:06
ActionParsnipnexon: awesome15:06
aprilhareActionParsnip: thats the thing: that menu is rigged to switch off gpu acceleration at all times15:07
ibluei updated to karmic and keep getting this error when starting any application:15:09
iblueGConf Error: Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See http://projects.gnome.org/gconf/ for information. (Details -  1: Server ping error: IDL:omg.org/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0)15:09
nexonanother thing...I dont know if that is a specific karmic koala problem, but my evolution has no the "contact" "email" tec. buttons on the left side...Do you know how I can get them back?15:09
iblueany suggestions?15:09
ibluekilling gconfd-2 works, but only until the next reboot15:10
cybersplice"Turbolinux left the room." That's pretty much an epitaph, right?15:10
ActionParsnipaprilhare: looks like its an nvidia goody: http://www.techerator.com/2009/06/adobe-and-nvidia-collaboring-on-gpu-acceleration-for-flash/15:10
thiebaudeActionParsnip, i cant wait for that15:11
bobanis kde 4.3.2 going to be in 9.10 release?15:15
rskboban: 4.3.2 is not out15:15
bobanit will be released tommorow, i hope, just asking15:15
bobani hope they improve kwin effects performance15:16
ActionParsnipboban: looks like 4.3.1  is, you can always add a PPA15:16
ActionParsnip!info kdebase-bin15:16
ubottukdebase-bin (source: kdebase): core binaries for the KDE 4 base module. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.3.1-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 306 kB, installed size 1380 kB15:16
maxstirner1I've got hardware freezes on karmic, the last message in dmesg is always "Either the lower file is not in a valid eCryptfs format, or the key could not be retrieved. Plaintext passthrough mode is not enabled; returning -EIO" with encrypted hom dir, then hardlock.. the only related bug seems to be here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ecryptfs-utils/+bug/37201415:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 372014 in ecryptfs-utils "errors in dmesg" [Low,Confirmed]15:17
joejchow do i make special icons for folders?15:18
Amaranthjoejc: emblems15:18
Pres-GasI cannot seem to get the clock to change from GMT on two different installs.  Not finding a similar bug.  Anything else I should look at before reporting it?15:18
Amaranthyou can't do it like we do for the Music and such folders15:18
cybersplicemaxstirner1: Looks like a fix was released for that.15:18
Pres-GasI go to the Date/Time panel and it will not let me change the time manually nor properly sync with ntp servers15:18
AmaranthThose are treated specially15:18
joejcthats way simpler than i thought it was15:19
maxstirner1cybersplice: thanks for your attention.. i'm on karmic, for some reason i get the error message and then i get hardlock15:19
cyberspliceit sounds like it's trying to read a key from somewhere, and exploding when it can't find it.15:19
maxstirner1cybersplice: i suppose if theres an I/O problem on  the mounted & encrypted home dir, the system would lock..15:19
cyberspliceDid you create a key on a USB stick or something?15:20
cybersplicemaxstirner1: perhaps boot from livecd, and remove your encrypted home from fstab15:20
nexonIs there always Rhythmbox instead of Banshee on the Beta install disk? As far as I remember, they said that Banshee will be the default player15:20
maxstirner1cybersplice: that would work, i've had 8.10 until yesterday, never crashed15:21
maxstirner1never touch a running system hey ;)15:21
* cybersplice likes to touch running systems!15:21
* maxstirner1 too unfortunately15:22
maxstirner1would like to research this further, cant really seem find related bugs15:22
darkhambanshee don't should be the default audio player in karmic?15:22
cyberspliceMy tux servers are all 8.04, though, and *nobody* touches my production servers.15:23
cyberspliceMake a VM and see if you can replicate it.15:23
maxstirner1but it is nice to have a desktop that doesnt freeze every 12.5 mins15:23
=== jtatum` is now known as jtatum
Boohbahhi BUGabundo15:26
tgpraveenBUGabundo: hi long time no irc?15:26
yofelhi Boohbah15:26
yofeland BUGabundo15:26
wild_oscarhi! on ubuntu karmic, shouldn't the Nvidia ION be recognized when running the "restricted drivers manager" ?15:27
BUGabundohey guys15:27
yofelwild_oscar: did you try to refresh the updates list after an install at least once?15:27
wild_oscaryofel: doing it as we speak :)15:27
wild_oscarie, downloading some 200 updates15:28
yofelwild_oscar: just saying since there was a bug about jockey not having the drivers list until the repos list isn't refreshed at least once15:28
Travis-42since trying 9.10 beta, ubuntu no longer auto-mounts portable usb sticks for me. is there some setting I may have to change?15:28
wild_oscaractually, jockey is one that's being updated15:29
JMFTheVCIIs anyone seeing messages during boot from fsck. (check in 3 starts) etc. Is there a way to turn these off so that we go cleanly into xsplash without annoying console traffic?15:29
AmaranthJMFTheVCI: Nope15:29
AmaranthNot sure what is going to be done about all that yet15:29
doktoreas_hello folks..15:30
JMFTheVCIDon't that bug ya'?15:30
AmaranthJMFTheVCI: Probably nothing until lucid...15:30
doktoreas_anyone using Evolution with IMAP Gmail is experiencing timeout?15:30
wild_oscarbtw, I realized xorg.conf is not used - what file should one backup when messing around with the graphic stuff?15:30
AmaranthJMFTheVCI: Nah, I always booted without quiet when we were using usplash just so I could see that fsck line :)15:30
JMFTheVCIAmaranth. It doesn't happen on Jaunty. Why introduce it in Karmic?15:30
Amaranthwild_oscar: None, it's all autoconfigured unless you override it in xorg.conf15:31
Amaranthwild_oscar: So if you mess it up just trash the xorg.conf and it goes back to before15:31
yofelJMFTheVCI: jaunty used usplash, karmic switched to xsplash which needs X running15:31
AmaranthJMFTheVCI: They were there, just hidden behind usplash15:31
yofelJMFTheVCI: and thus at least needs to wait until the base hardware is initialized15:31
yofelJMFTheVCI: and X isn't really that fast at starting from hdd :/15:31
wild_oscarrestricted drivers will create a xorg.conf then?15:31
JMFTheVCIyofel: So until xsplash is started earlier messages like these will prevail...15:31
nexonAfter reinstalling them, I have a problem with the layout of rhythmbox and evolution, is there an easy way to fix that?15:32
yofelJMFTheVCI: yes, or until they find a way to blank the screen until xsplash15:32
slacker_nlhello, against which package do I need to report a bug for packages installed by the minimal installation CD?15:32
joejcu sure they are emblems?15:32
JMFTheVCIyofel: Thanks.15:32
yofelJMFTheVCI: actually I think some folks did that by deliberately breaking the framebuffer, but I don't feel well about that15:32
JMFTheVCI(and Amaranth)15:32
joejcemblems are small and in the corner those are in the center and big15:33
Amaranthjoejc: As I said you can't duplicate the look of the Music and etc folders because those are handled specially15:33
Amaranthjoejc: For all other folders you have to use emblems15:33
maxstirner1dmesg | grep ecryptfs15:33
maxstirner1[ 2343.922098] ecryptfs_read_lower: octets_read = [-4]; expected [4096]15:33
maxstirner1[ 2343.922111] ecryptfs_read_and_validate_header_region: Error reading header region; rc = [-22]15:33
maxstirner1more news from ecryptfs ;)15:33
joejchow do i make the other folders special?15:34
Amaranthjoejc: Edit nautilus source code15:34
joejcwhat PL is it?15:35
Amaranthjoejc: Some of the most convoluted C known to man :)15:35
AmaranthOnce you understand GObject it is pretty clear but otherwise...15:35
cyberspliceAmaranth: You should see my firm's bespoke software. Makes me physically ill.15:36
joejcany chance its all together and all i'll need to do is hack it instead of really coding?15:36
vigoCan I remove Evolution or is it interdependent  or would hamper other things. Seems like it is integrated with alot of stuffs, but I have never used it and have no reason to anymore?15:37
nexonIsn't there sth. like evolution-branding?15:37
maxstirner1vigo: i remove it, along with all the mono stuff, nothing happens15:37
vigoThank you15:37
joejcits is part of gnome tho15:37
joejcso is epiphanny but no one care about that either15:38
vigoI like Epiphany, but I prefer IceCat.15:38
maxstirner1swiftfox! ;)15:38
* joejc is away: finding nautilus source code15:39
yofeljoejc: if you want to edit it on the base what is already in ubuntu just running 'apt-get source nautilus' is enough15:40
Amaranthvigo: As long as you don't remove evolution-data-server and it's dependencies you won't break anything15:40
yofeljoejc: other than that, look at http://git.gnome.org/cgit/15:40
Pres-GasOkay, every time I change time in Karmic Beta (latest updates) I am getting page table error on next boot.  This has happened twice now.  Also, it is on more than one platform than the eee.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/43279015:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 432790 in linux "Page table error booting KarmicA6 on eeepc900" [Medium,Triaged]15:41
BoohbahPres-Gas: i also had trouble booting generic kernels on my eeepc. The realtime kernel is working excellently, however15:42
AmaranthBoohbah: Realtime kernel means about 1 hour battery life :P15:43
AmaranthIt disables all power management because that introduces latency15:43
BoohbahAmaranth: realtime kernel for me means no alsa xruns for my realtime sound software, and I'm hooked up to AC anyways :)15:43
Pres-GasBoohbah, this also happened on a Dell D630.  Seems to show itself when I set the time, which does not seem to be set properly on install.15:43
BoohbahPres-Gas: is time displayed correctly in BIOS?15:44
Pres-Gasdoublechecking that...it was in the Dell15:44
BoohbahPres-Gas: i have had no troubles with the clock, however i upgraded from jaunty to karmic alpha 5 and have been updating since15:45
Pres-GasYeah, these are fresh installs...15:45
Pres-Gashmmm...this one was off...I will boot up the dell and see what it says15:46
nexonIs there an easy way to restore for all gnome including installedn apps the default settings they had when i installed the OS without reinstalling the OS?15:46
dax2112rushhi all, since karmic, shift-backspace seems to logout. It is really annoying, how do I disable that?15:47
cetanhotaanyone tried alpha 6 in VMWare Fusion? It installs, but on reboot I get an active mouse and a black screen.15:51
Amaranthcetanhota: Please try again with the beta (and don't install vmware additions in the guest)15:54
cetanhotaAmaranth, got yall will do so now. I will let you know the results.15:55
NoelJBcetanhota, FWIW, I had it running in WS workstation.15:55
Pres-GasOkay, since this is logged...I just set yet a third machine to install 9.10...made sure the bios had proper time...we will see.15:55
NoelJBcetanhota, both kubuntu and ubuntu alpha and beta.15:55
cetanhotahave alpha 6 running and patched many time in virtual box.15:56
NoelJBcetanhota, I don't have a Mac available to test in current Fusion, just Workstation.15:56
cetanhotaNoelJB. will try the beta. update when its done.15:57
TheInfinitycetanhota: i could also test if you have  questions / need someone else to test.16:07
cetanhotaImage is about half way done DL now. I think Amaranth, hit it on the head. the issue is the vmware guest.16:08
dupondjeSomebody here can help me getting SynCE allowed in apparmor ?16:09
=== nislles is now known as grturner
nelson_how is kubuntu 9.1016:13
TheInfinitynelson_: beta :)16:13
BUGabundoTheInfinity: lol16:13
protectorhi, have problem with Broadcom WLAN and Network Manager. The Connection was declined ;) gives a work around? thx for help16:14
NoelJBprotector, try asking on #NM16:15
TheInfinityBUGabundo: like question, like answer ;)16:15
BUGabundoNoelJB: actually its prob a kernel bug16:16
BUGabundoor better yet, a driver16:16
BUGabundoNM won't do much16:16
wompyHi! I'm using a wpa2-connection with ndiswrapper. in my old gentoo-days,the wpa2-connection worked fine,but when changed to ubuntu it did not work,even when i compiled the latest versions of network-manager and wpa-supplicant. A few days ago i installed the alpha6 and surprisingly the wpa2-connection worked again. with a update around the first of october it broke again. any suggestions?thanks16:16
BUGabundoprotector: please join #ubuntu-mozillateam and ping asac on it16:16
commander_can i use suspend,hibernate,reboot?16:16
NoelJBBUGabundo, the broadcom thing?16:17
NoelJBBUGabundo, and asac is also on #nm.  right now, the topic is bluetooth pan16:17
protectorBUGabundo: why mozilla?16:17
BUGabundo'cause he's always there :)16:17
BUGabundoasac is on both teams16:18
protectorah l16:18
yofelhuh, wtf?16:20
yofelapport-kde just opened a new kdesudo window about every 3 seconds. How is one supposed to input something there?16:21
yofelAfter about the 10th I had to kill it...16:21
Travis-42since switching to 9.10 beta, my usb flash drives no longer automount. any idea how to restore this?16:22
BUGabundoI'm having a similar prob Travis-4216:23
BUGabundosome devices won't automount anymore16:23
BUGabundonot all, just some16:23
BUGabundoudev bug I guess16:23
BUGabundoif you find something in LP let me know, or sub me to it16:23
Travis-42BUGabundo: for me it's just things like USB flash drives: anything in fstab mounts fine and digital camera mounts fine16:23
yofelBUGabundo: isn't nautilus responsible for mounting them?16:24
BUGabundoTravis-42: for me, so far its only my android device16:25
BUGabundoit used to be fine, now I have to sudo mount it :(16:26
JanCprobably not recognised as a storage device?16:26
yofelhm, a quick search on LP gave bug 43285716:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 432857 in linux "[KARMIC] USB storage not auto mounting on Acer Aspire One" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43285716:26
Travis-42BUGabundo: yea, I can mount it without sudo using mount or gnome-mount, and the disk utils program seems to recognize it fine, just no auto mount16:26
Travis-42and it worked fine in 9.0416:27
BUGabundoit worked fine for me 1 week ago16:28
yofeland a rather insufficient bug 44160416:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 441604 in ubuntu "Removable USB devices are not automatically mounted on Karmic UNR remix beta" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44160416:28
dupondjeSomebody here can help me getting SynCE allowed in apparmor ?16:30
dupondjeI added   # SynCE16:31
dupondje  owner /usr/share/synce-hal/dhclient.conf r,16:31
dupondjebut it seems to have fuckup my whole config ;)16:31
vigoTravis-42: Is it a Read Only thing?16:31
Travis-42vigo: nope, no problem writing to it.16:32
vigoTravis-42: Is there a dmesg output?16:33
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org16:39
cetanhotaOk, beta 9.10 installed into VMWare fusion and rebooted just fine. Made sure not to put the guest tools on. Patching now. Will see what happens when I put the gust tools on after reboot.16:42
vigoI have to re-start now.16:42
mdkessI assume there's no easy way to downgrade back to 9.04 is there?16:44
TheInfinitynot really.16:45
IdleOnefresh install16:45
TheInfinitydowngrading is almost impossible in general, and from an beta - no chance.16:45
martynI'm still missing any graphical or menu for grub216:45
martynShould I be seeing any kind of preboot graphics or menu during boot?16:45
thiebaudemartyn, i dont until login16:46
minimecmartyn: left 'shift' at the begin of boot.16:46
martynThe -config- file seems to indicate we should be seeing something.16:46
yofel!grub2 | martyn16:46
ubottumartyn: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub216:46
martynyofel : I'm aware :)16:47
thiebaudeminimec, i didn't know that16:47
* martyn thinks you would remember the whole discussion we had over grub2 vs grub1, and creating an alternate-install CD with grub116:47
Boohbahhello, i'm trying to install virtualbox-ose-modules for my 2.6.31-6-rt kernel. i did 'sudo apt-get source linux-image-2.6.31-6-rt' then copied the dir to /lib/modules/2.6.31-6-rt/build and tried to 'sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-source' but encountered errors in the DKMS build process, probably unable to find header files. ideas?16:47
martynminimec : I'16:47
martynminimec: I'll reboot now, and try left-shift16:47
yofelnow that you guys say it, the wiki doesn't tell about left shift16:48
thiebaudemartyn, i tried installing grub2 yesterday and then my computer couldn't boot16:48
yofelbug found ^^16:48
martynI'll test that, and if it works, I'll add it to the wiki page16:48
thiebaudebut i did re-install 9.04-91016:48
NoelJBmartyn, I remember it as if it were just yesterday!16:50
martynoh, wait .. it WAS16:50
martynI just submitted a request to my boss to use 20% time to help develop the alternate-install16:50
Boohbahi have found the module-assistant; nevermind ;)16:53
malathionWoke up, still getting Grub Error 17 after installing Karmic beta off the livecd. anyone have new ideas? :(16:58
shadeslayermalathion: reinstall grub?16:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 391035 in aptitude "aptitude stops displaying downloads" [Undecided,New]16:59
dupondjecan somebody check this ? its still not fixed, and its the most annoying bug in Karmic imo :(16:59
malathionshadeslayer, I tried that according to some instructions on ubuntuforums, but I got an error, let me find it...16:59
yofeldupondje: I still never had any such behaviour in aptitude...16:59
shadeslayermalathion: this is grub 2 youre talking about right?16:59
dupondjeyofel: but whats your resolution ?17:00
malathionshadeslayer, I have no idea, but I've been told that Error 17 is specific to Grub117:00
dupondjeif you have a bit smaller resolution, you don't have it17:00
malathionshadeslayer, I should mention that I had jaunty installed on this disk previously17:00
shadeslayermalathion: if you performed a clean install then you shouldnt have any problems17:00
* martyn is running the update before rebooting17:00
malathionshadeslayer, You would think that wouldnt you?17:00
malathionshadeslayer, but I did it twice and got the same error both times17:01
martynHUGE updates over the weekend.  hplip-data is large17:01
shadeslayermalathion: ok go here : http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide :17:01
shadeslayerthats the *best* guide to install grub17:01
malathionshadeslayer, Ok thanks, I'll try it, 1min17:01
shadeslayermalathion: youll need a live cd to perform the  commands :)17:01
malathionshadeslayer, I'm on the livecd right now :P17:02
shadeslayermalathion: ok then :)17:02
maxstirnerhow can i get rid of these toaster popups? i prefer the pidgin ones since theyre clickable for opening chats/emails..17:02
maxstirneri already removed indicator-applet, that doesnt seem to help17:02
shadeslayermalathion: you mean the new notification bubbles?17:03
maxstirnerblack round things17:03
maxstirnerare they configurable anywhere?17:03
NoelJBmaxstirner, those are the new design for the notifier system, since Jaunty.17:04
shadeslayermaxstirner: you cant remove them,nor are they configurable17:04
maxstirnerthe notifier system is replicating all the pidgin messages17:04
malathionshadeslayer, sorry what?17:04
maxstirnerthere's no config for that?17:04
maxstirnerthey are pretty17:04
shadeslayermaxstirner: you can kill the process though,dont remember if it starts up automatically later17:04
maxstirnermalathion: was a mistake, he meant me17:04
maxstirnershadeslayer: thanks17:04
NoelJBmaxstirner, so file a bug report that pidgin needs to stop providing its own notices.  better notifyosd integration.17:05
maxstirnerNoelJB: thanks, i can turn off the internal toaster popups i suppose, theyre based on a plugin17:05
malathionshadeslayer, when installing grub-pc I got a whole bunch of errors, should I pastebin them?17:05
shadeslayerNoelJB: i doubt itll matter,since they were used in 9.10 even after opposition from people in 9.0417:05
tj83_whats the over all consensus of ext4? seems like many times i get updates and there are file system errors upon reboot IF it reboots at all.17:05
dupondjeyofel: if I make my screen a little bit smaller, it works17:05
shadeslayermalathion: sure17:06
dupondjejust doesn't work @ fullscrren17:06
dupondjequite sad17:06
NoelJBshadeslayer, to which do you refer?  the pidgin notices or notifyOSD?17:06
shadeslayerNoelJB: notifyosd17:06
yofeldupondje: mom, I'm trying to get gnome-terminal to even get a 300 columns size, almost got it17:06
malathionshadeslayer, pastebin-ing, 1sec, internet is slow17:07
maxstirnertj83_: my encrypted home keeps crashing and i get zero size files as reported for jaunty here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ecryptfs-utils/+bug/37201417:07
shadeslayeryofel: 0_o17:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 372014 in ecryptfs-utils "errors in dmesg" [Low,Confirmed]17:07
NoelJBshadeslayer, part of a pattern that Ubuntu wants to set the one true way of things working, with fewer choices.  And if you are not at the UDS to give your input, you apparently count for little.17:07
NoelJBwhich is one reason I am thinking of going to the UDS this year.17:07
shadeslayerNoelJB: yeah,i figured that out ;)17:07
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub217:07
vigoDang. that was a 3 hour update. Still seems to function.17:07
tj83_hmm.... and the fun continues... sound has died :(17:07
shadeslayertj83_: yayy.......17:07
malathionNoelJB, makes sense to me, new users dont like having to make lots of customizations decisions when they are learning a new OS17:08
malathionbut maybe we shouldnt have that debate here, on second thought17:08
maxstirnertj83_: perhaps my early +1ing was a bit too ambitious ;)17:08
NoelJBI would certainly encourage as many people as possible to attend via remote if not in person, since not number of 100s of complaints via LP appears to count.17:08
mercutio22butt-ugly login screeeeeney17:08
tj83_anyone else's latest updates return no sound?17:08
NoelJBmalathion, yeah, let's consider it OT for the moment.  :-)17:08
malathionshadeslayer, pastebin is being very slow, I'm just going to continue with this and hope for the best17:08
shadeslayertj83_: did you see !sound?17:08
tj83_maxstirner, yea, i am not really feeling ext417:09
yofeldupondje: ok, managed to get it to 314, will try the next time I get updates17:09
shadeslayermalathion: no dont... you might screw something up17:09
AmaranthNoelJB: Ranting is also not appreciated at UDS ;)17:09
vigotj83: did not test that,,yet,,one moment17:09
dupondjeyofel: try aptitude update17:09
AmaranthNoelJB: I know this personally :)17:09
tj83_!sound > tj83_17:09
ubottutj83_, please see my private message17:09
dupondjeif it updates repo data17:09
dupondjeits enough17:09
dupondjelocks after 5 seconds or less even17:09
NoelJBAmaranth, :-) wasn't planning to rant.17:09
malathionshadeslayer, how can it be more screwed up than it already is?17:09
shadeslayermalathion: point...17:09
AmaranthNoelJB: Are you still trying to get grub1 put back in?17:10
shadeslayermalathion: whats the first error?17:10
malathionshadeslayer, finally pastebin loaded, I'll just paste the whole session I got when following this17:10
AmaranthNoelJB: (we've never offered much choice in the default install)17:10
vigotj83: Rythmbox works, you mean like event sounds?17:10
Amaranths/much/any/ really17:10
yofeldupondje: an aptitude update takes less than 3s here right now, so I'll wait for updates17:10
tj83_vigo, i mean ALL sound :(17:10
NoelJBAmaranth, I'll work on it with Martyn.  For me it will most likely to be temporary measure until GRUB2 is stable enough AND I'm ready to move everything over.17:10
dupondjek :)17:10
shadeslayertj83_: tried speaker-test and alsamixer in a konsole?17:11
dupondjeupgrading my server to karmic atm17:11
dupondje1h to go :p17:11
AmaranthNoelJB: I think the whole point was to force people to test grub2 ;)17:11
tj83_my volume icon is shaded out grey and will not adjust either. shadeslayer I will now17:11
vigotj83: I just tested with Rythmbox, sound worked.17:11
NoelJBAmaranth, I appreciate moving forward, but it is worth providing an OPTION on something as important as this, especially for experienced users with corner cases.17:11
shadeslayerdupondje: server on a beta install ? :o17:11
dupondjeshadeslayer: home file server ;)17:11
dupondjenothing serious :P17:11
NoelJBAmaranth, I have an allergy to FORCING people.  Encouraging, defaulting, all good.17:11
tj83_shadeslayer, negative... no sound.17:11
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vigotj83: FF YouTube sound works also.17:12
malathionshadeslayer, try this, though I cant tell since pastebin is being so slow atm: http://pastebin.com/m446d3b2d17:12
tj83_hmm how do i kick start alsa ?17:12
malathionshadeslayer, also ignore fdisk errors, /dev/sda is a truecrypt partition17:12
shadeslayermalathion: yeah sure17:13
shadeslayermalathion: it timed out :P17:13
malathionshadeslayer, I think pastebin is crashing, I'll try another17:13
shadeslayermalathion: wait it opened17:13
tj83_strange........ before todays updates, alsamixer only showed one pulse audio channel... now, i have multiple channels and all were muted even tho the icon did not show it as muted.17:15
tj83_sound working again tho17:15
shadeslayermalathion: ok doesnt look like anything serious.... can you continue?17:15
malathionshadeslayer, I can simply reboot, should I?17:15
shadeslayermalathion: if you have complete all steps,yes17:15
MTecknologyso.. lp won't let me file ubuntu bugs anymore w/o using a local tool ?17:15
malathionshadeslayer, I'm pretty sure I did. I will now, if it didnt work you'll be hearing from me in a few minutes, if not then you wont so thank you :P17:15
shadeslayermalathion: hehe... anytime17:16
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots17:16
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vigoMTecknology: Looks like there are still options17:17
shadeslayerdrewby: hello17:17
drewbyI'm switching to 9.10 probably a few days after it is released, and I'll also be moving from 32 bit ubuntu to 64 bit ubuntu and I was just checking in on the state of affairs for that.17:18
MTecknologyvigo: try that link..17:18
shadeslayerdrewby: some issues are still being ironed out :)17:18
NoelJBMTecknology, it will. but you have to dig for the magic URL17:18
vigoMTecknology: ok17:18
tj83_anyone know when we can get our hands on early development image for Ludic Lynx 10.04 LTS?17:18
NoelJBwhich vigo posted for you.17:19
shadeslayertj83_: thats the name for 10.04?17:19
tj83_it is17:19
yofeldrewby: should be mostly ok after release, test a live disk if you want to make sure your hardware works ok (filing bugs now makes the release less buggy ;) )17:19
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shadeslayertj83_: i thought itll be lame lemur :P17:19
tj83_I was there at Atlanta Linux Fest 09' where they announced it for us17:19
MTecknologyNoelJB: oh, the no-redirect... that's annoying17:19
shadeslayertj83_: mark shuttleworth announced it on youtube a few days ago,havent watched the vid17:20
geniishadeslayer: Actually it's not Ludic Lynx, but rather Lucid Lynx17:20
shadeslayergenii: ah.. a bit better17:20
drewbyyofel: sounds like a good idea, I'll see if I have anything to contribute17:20
tj83_shadeslayer, yea we say that video on sept 19th at ALF before it went public17:20
drewbyalright back to work for me, good luck team!17:20
vigoOr you can still use the command line, ubuntu-bug ecoplition organ pipe yada yada yada17:20
wompyhi. is there a way to stop the "auto-mute" everytime i boot ubuntu karmic?17:21
tj83_shadeslayer, actually i filmed it from audience and released it like 3 hrs before... but yea my vid sucked.17:21
shadeslayertj83_: nice :P17:21
vigoMTecknology: Right Click a link and open in browser, they work best that way, for me.17:22
shadeslayeri guess the steps didnt work... :(17:22
NoelJBwompy, file a bug report.  they keep playing whack-a-mole with that one.  working fine for me these days.17:22
MTecknologythe funny thing is that I was sure it was reported already, I ust like the search given from there17:23
vigoNoelJB: Good one, that was funny, whack-a-mole. I have not seen that since Chucky Cheese left town 6 or 7 years ago.17:23
vigoMTecknology: I think is better if is always reported, that way different Archs and whatnot can be worked out.17:25
vigoSorta streamline the code so it becomes more independent  rather than Hardware specific.17:27
vigoUniversal. not indi17:28
MTecknologyI wonder why Xorg will take as much as 100% CPU....17:29
MTecknologyit's killing my system :(17:29
yofelMTecknology: somebody had the same today with the nv driver17:30
BUGabundoMTecknology: what ubuntu version and GPU17:30
BUGabundothere where a bad bug on intel and jaunty17:30
MTecknologyI'm using intel17:30
BUGabundoyofel: nvida fien her17:30
shadeslayerMTecknology: its taking alot of mem here,but since im running karmic.... meh :P17:30
BUGabundooh wait, yeah I say 50% cpu usage from xorg too17:30
BUGabundoon karmic17:30
BUGabundotoday _while_ doing upgrades17:31
shadeslayertypo : im NOT running karmic17:31
MTecknologyit's making this thing almost unusable :(17:31
BUGabundo 1292      0      0       1797K 399.5M 56692K     0K     0K   1% Xorg17:31
BUGabundo 4434   2526      0        920K   1.1G 296.1M 65540K   152K   7% pidgin17:31
BUGabundo 4410      2      0       2106K 791.6M 275.6M     0K     0K   7% python17:31
BUGabundoxorg is fine here17:31
MTecknology 1799 root      20   0  438m  29m 2856 R  101  1.5   9:24.48 Xorg17:32
vigoBUGabundo: Where your updates s l o w ?17:32
shadeslayerMTecknology: pastebin!17:32
tj83_vigo, yes terribly slow17:32
MTecknologyshadeslayer: I got that from top -b | grep Xorg17:32
tj83_vigo, average about 40K/s for me17:32
MTecknologyshadeslayer: headers:   PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND17:32
shadeslayerMTecknology: | pastebinit17:32
BUGabundoyofel: about grub2, does it have Default Save option ?17:33
vigotj83: Squid or any such thing also running?17:33
BUGabundoAFAIK grub 0.97 had a bug where it lost it |17:33
BUGabundovigo: not really17:33
BUGabundobut they were just a few17:33
tj83_vigo, no17:33
vigoI guess all the others grabbing the Beta are cramming the servers.17:34
yofelBUGabundo: afaik grub2 doesn't have a savedefault option (yet I hope)17:34
tj83_vigo, i think the testing repository is just busy with all the changes, everyone updating daily17:34
* tj83_ says great minds think alike17:34
vigotj83: Yes, that also17:34
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic17:35
MTecknologyvigo: fixitfixitfixit17:36
* BUGabundo wonders who vigo is... never really talked to him :\17:36
vigoDo those of us that are doing alphas/dev get the Ext417:36
MTecknologyIt looks like the issue is assigned to bryceharrington17:36
BUGabundoMTecknology: as all xorg bugs :)17:37
MTecknologyvigo: I've been using Ext4 for only about a year17:37
BUGabundovigo: I have a Full disk system on ext4 from a clean install17:37
BUGabundohey mercutio2217:37
vigoIs it like NTFS compared to DOS?17:37
Amaranthvigo: more like NTFS on vista compared to NTFS on XP (they aren't exactly the same)17:37
AmaranthWell, no, in that case the on disk format is the same but the code is better17:38
tj83_speaking of pastebins..... this one might be useful to some... www.securepaste.com .... offers on the fly encryption17:38
vigooh sweet, Thank you17:38
vigoBUGabundo: I am a sailbum from Florida17:39
tj83_vigo, you live on the boat?17:40
Rods_TigerWill there ever be a default ubuntu distribution option that has everything the present ubuntu livecd does, except that it has no trace of evolution?17:40
shadeslayeroh wow....plasma comes up for one sec and as soon as i add a widget it crashes.... *facepalm*17:40
BUGabundowhere the heck is the apt setting to change from LTS to Normal upgrade?17:40
* tj83_ hopes not Rods_Tiger i use evolution lol17:41
Rods_Tigertj83_: note, I said "option"17:41
vigotj83: Not yet, is a small racer, but am moving up to a Bristol that is a liveaboard Cruiser.17:42
tj83_Rods_Tiger, why not just remove it?17:42
Rods_Tigerit's not straightforward, and it'd be better not having it on the CD unless I really did want it in the first place. I'm sure a lot of people are in that situation.17:42
vigoRods_Tiger: The Alternate or NetInstall gives you the option to customize during install, like Debian does.17:44
vigoI just used that fancy Software Center to get rid of Evolution. worked great.17:45
shadowhywindhay all, just updated last night, my touchpad no longer has the "tap" feature to click. apparently its disabled by default now, how do i enable it now?17:45
robin0800shadowhywind: install touchpad from software centre17:46
shadowhywindrobin0800: from the repos?17:46
tgpraveenshadowhywind: jusu use mouse prefs17:47
robin0800shadowhywind: no software centre17:47
tgpraveenfrom the system menu17:47
shadowhywindtgpraveen: there is nothing in the mouse prefs that say anything about tap or that i am using a touchpad for that fact17:47
robin0800shadowhywind: go to the software centre17:48
vigoApplications>Bottom is Ubuntu Software Center, is a very neat and user friendly thing/widget17:48
vigoGUI style17:48
shadowhywindrobin0800: I don't know what software centre is (I'm running kubuntu)17:49
robin0800shadowhywind: bad luck17:49
vigoIs basically the same thing.17:49
dooglusI just copied some .avi files into a folder on this ubuntu machine17:50
doogluswhen I try to browse to it using nautilus, it appears to be empty, with a spinny 'busy' cursor17:50
dooglusany idea why?  the files are in there17:50
robin0800shadowhywind: synaptic kpackagekit apptitude apt-get you choose17:50
* Kaj-Laptop despises touchpads , they don't work right open apps without clicking and generally are just a PITA17:50
tj83_dooglus, i had that problem.... but a reboot did the trick.17:50
shadowhywindrobin0800: ok, then what?17:51
mac_vshadowhywind: its the mouse clicks option17:51
shadeslayerdooglus: did you check with ls -la /path/to/folder ?17:51
* Kaj-Laptop uses a mouse evn with a lappy17:51
robin0800Kaj-Laptop: I only installed touchpad so I could diasable it17:51
mac_vshadowhywind: no need to install anything , just select the mouse clicks option from the touchpad tab17:51
mac_voh oops! kubuntu17:52
Kaj-Laptoprobin0800, good idea , thanks for the tip :)17:52
* mac_v confused17:52
shadowhywindthats the thing, When I go to my mouse options I don't have a touchpad tab17:52
robin0800shadowhywind: apptitude search touchpad17:53
dooglusshadeslayer: I did.  the files are there.  I suspect nautilus is trying and failing to make a little thumbnail from the .avi files17:53
shadeslayerdooglus: i suppose so..17:54
vigoshadowhywind: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad17:54
shadowhywindI do have xserver-xorg-input-synaptics installed, I just went a head and install gpointing-device-settings17:54
vigoshadowhywind: It is in Synaptics or something like that.17:55
vigoshadowhywind: And here is the K ,https://wiki.kubuntu.org/X/Config/Input17:57
dooglustj83_: rebooting just fixed the problem for me too.  thanks for that.17:58
tj83_dooglus, np, i scratched the noggin on it for a bit,17:59
dooglustj83_: seems a shame to have to reboot for something so simple - but I think I needed to reboot to get the wireless connection back up anyway...18:00
robin0800shadowhywind: You might need ksynaptics18:01
xguruwhats the repo to launchpad?  I would like to have it in my source list18:02
boxgnome-display-properties keeps locking up on me. i'm on a laptop and my second monitor is currently mirroring. i open gnome-display-properties, toggle off Mirror Screens, hit Apply, i asks if i want it to set virtual resolution for me, and it locks up.18:02
dooglusis there some way I can get a fixed IP address on the router?  the GUI in ubuntu doesn't seem to work...18:04
boxdooglus, you tried changing to manual under IPV4 settings?18:05
yofelxguru: repo to launchpad? do you mean a ppa?18:06
xguruahh, yes18:06
xgurui'm not sure where i got the ones for jaunty, but i installed 9.10 fresh, and thus lost the ppa18:06
yofelxguru: then check the launchpad page of the ppa you want to add for the link18:07
xgurui thought it was something like this. "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/do-core/ubuntu hardy main18:08
xguru deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/do-core/ubuntu hardy main"18:08
xguruof course change it from hardy to karmic18:08
yofelxguru: ah, the gnome do ppa18:08
xguruahh...so what is kubuntu?18:08
xgurukde, rather18:09
dooglusbox: I did - and the nm-settings-editor program crashed.  each time.18:09
Ali_hi all18:09
Ali_this is a nightmare18:09
Ali_since updating18:09
Ali_since upgrading to karmic,  my machine is going mad with load18:09
yofelxguru: kde is a different desktop environment, like gnome or xfce18:09
Ali_it's that blasted kacpid18:09
yofel!flavours | xguru18:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about flavours18:10
Ali_going killing my cpu load18:10
dooglusbox: it crashes whether I edit the settings for the wired or wireless connection18:10
yofel!variants | xguru18:10
ubottuxguru: !Kubuntu and !Xubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with KDE and Xfce (respectively) installed as default, instead of GNOME. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu18:10
Ali_can someone help?18:10
Ali_system is up to day18:10
yofel!kubuntu | xguru18:10
ubottuxguru: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE18:10
xguruyea i got that, but i thought the updates were the same...18:10
yofelxguru: yes, the updates are the same18:10
Ali_what is this kacpid?18:10
xguruok, thanks18:10
Ali_any help will be appreciated thanks18:11
shadeslayer!info kacpid18:11
ubottuPackage kacpid does not exist in karmic18:11
yofelxguru: the gnome do ppa is here if you need it: https://edge.launchpad.net/~do-core/+archive/ppa18:12
Ali_hmm interesting18:12
shadeslayerAli_: whats the package name?18:12
Ali_well it certainly exists on my system!18:12
jcolehi guys, package evolution-mapi in karmic is currently unusable and does not work... it look like debian has a newer version (requires a newer evolution so i couldnt install)... how do i go about requesting a working version of evolution-mapi?18:12
xguruthanks, again18:12
Ali_dunno in system monitor it comes up as kacpid18:12
shadeslayerAli_: oh that....18:12
shadeslayerAli_: its probably managing the power consumtion on your system18:13
Ali_but i'm on a desktop shadeslayer18:13
Ali_and *IT* is consuming all my cpu!!!18:13
shadeslayerAli_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39961918:13
shadeslayerAli_: and : http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/kacpid-eating-cpu-99-cpu-time-213429/18:13
Ali_so can i remove it or something?18:13
Ali_[my browser is taking yonks to start p18:14
yofel!enter | Ali_18:14
ubottuAli_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:14
Ali_hehehee sorry :)18:14
shadeslayerAli_: well as far as i can tell from reading,just add acpi=off in the kernel line.... not sure if thats safe though18:15
boxpretty sure it should be18:15
Ali_what is this acpi?18:15
shadeslayerAli_: Advanced Configuration and Power Interface18:16
shadeslayerAli_: check it out on wikipedia18:16
Ali_oh ok18:16
nareshAli_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingACPI18:16
Ali_also my firefox seems to be killing cpu also18:16
Ali_seems to be related to the flash plugin18:17
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash18:17
Ali_i have installed it18:17
Ali_[and reinstalled it]18:17
shadeslayerAli_: you have installed it by the above method?18:18
Ali_btw thanks for all your help dude18:18
Ali_erm let me check18:18
shadeslayerAli_: no problem at all18:18
boxgnome-display-properties keeps locking up on me. i'm on a laptop and my second monitor is currently mirroring. i open gnome-display-properties, toggle off Mirror Screens, hit Apply, i asks if it want it to set virtual resolution for me, i say yes, and it locks up.18:18
boxit asks if i*18:19
Ali_shadeslayer, there's no section for karmic18:19
nareshbox: found nothing on launchpad?18:19
shadeslayerAli_: the instructions are the same as jaunty18:19
d0htemyo wtf repo.mirrors are mad slow18:20
d0htemstop dling , ur messing up my bandwidth18:20
shadeslayerd0htem: switch servers then18:20
shadeslayerd0htem: use something closer to you18:20
d0htemim allready in the updating process18:20
d0htemits us.archive anyways :(18:21
shadeslayerd0htem: you can stop it and start from the same point again18:21
shadeslayerAli_: im sure someone will be able to help18:22
d0htemthat was a good idea lol :(18:22
Ali_so anyone else got any advice for the kacpid issue?18:25
Ali_it's basically killing my cpu every few mins18:25
Twigathyhurrah! The latest round of updates broke my boot quite severely =)18:31
Twigathygdm starts, but then does not accept keyboard or mouse input18:31
yofelTwigathy: anything interesing in X log?18:35
starcannonanyone liking gnome-shell?18:36
starcannonI haven't seen it yet, just curious what people are thinking of it18:36
Twigathyquite a few '(II) UnloadModule: "evdev"', yofel18:36
Twigathyright at the end: ' ddxSigGiveUp: Closing log18:36
yofelTwigathy:ok, that's bad...18:37
* Twigathy nods18:37
TwigathyI just rebooted and it seems it is really quite broken :)18:37
TwigathyNow dbus failed to start :)18:37
* Twigathy will try updating (ssh works!) and see $PACKAGE_UPDATE fixes things18:39
boondoklifeSo I booted up 9.10 but am getting messages before the new splash, The site says to file a bug on that but not what package? Should it be xsplash?18:43
yofelboondoklife: file it agains linux, will add the most information18:43
yofelboondoklife: and don't forget the tag18:44
boondoklifeyofel: ok will do18:44
atrusstarcannon: interesting, but unpolished.18:44
daviscI'm having all sorts of problems with X on an Intel 915GM chip. Xorg consuming 100% CPU most of the time - especially on Mozilla apps18:45
daviscHaving difficulty nailing down the problem18:45
daviscThink it's related to a kernel boot message of "Cannot initialize the agpgart module"18:46
virtualdis there an irc bot that can search launchpad bugs?18:47
jemarkdavisc, have you tried to boot in recovery mode/18:47
dupondje-and yofel  :)18:47
=== dupondje- is now known as dupondje
daviscjemark: Ermmm... no.... That would be a good thing to try,,,18:48
jemarkdavisc, i had this on a intell x3100... after the recovery mode, it was ok... don't ask me how ;)18:49
geniivirtuald: The ubottu used to have a feature or plugin which would pull a bug url and describe it if someone said something like: #456789       it would do it for that bug # for instance18:50
atrusvirtuald: maybe ask in #launchpad ?18:51
virtualdyeah i did that too18:51
geniiMaybe in #ubuntu-bots18:52
virtualdgenii: yeah now when i say bug #1 ubottu should say the description but that's not what i'm after18:52
ubottuhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Timeout)18:52
virtualdthank you genii :)18:52
martynleft-shift on boot fails to access the grub2 menu18:53
buckyvirtuald, the search function on the bugs webpage works pretty well18:53
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub218:54
virtualdbucky: i just want to make it easier for myself18:57
virtualdand others18:57
Adapterubuntu geht wohl gerade nicht auf netbooks18:57
buckyvirtuald, we could flood the channel with 500 returns of any search that might come close to what you might think is a bug18:57
Adaptersorry wrong18:57
produnisHi folks, In random time, the keyboard and mouse seem to hang for about 5 Seconds. During that time, the mouse freezes and there is no response from the keyboard (by the way: It does not matter if I plug in an external usb-mouse or usb-keyboard). After this 5 seconds, I am able to hit some keys again, but it looks as if CapsLock is activatet (but it is not). If I am writing a text while the problem comes up, some of the followi18:58
produnisng letters are cAPiTaliZED (<-- like I did there) and some are not... After freezing for 2-4 times, everything is fine again for hours. I cannot say that this problem is connected to a specific software or task I am working on...... it occures whenever it "wants" to do... no matter which software is active...18:58
virtualdbucky: of course it wouldn't return search results in a channel18:58
virtualdbucky: or even have a channel trigger for that matter18:58
buckyprodunis, type top and see if there is something using all your resources18:58
NoelJBprodunis, by any chance, if you look at the system monitor applet, do you see extremely high IO Wait times?  I still see that from time to time.  CPU is entirely consumed somewhere doing IO Wait during keyboard usage.18:58
virtualdand i would limit the results like the web page does18:59
produnisbucky, top shows nothing suspicious...18:59
virtualdhm aptitude froze after fetching debs18:59
vigoprodunis: seems like a lot of USB stuff is either being worked on or not functioning ,,yet.19:00
produnisvigo, the problem I am describing here occured in Jaunty (fresh install, no PPAs) and now occures in Karmic beta (fresh install, no PPAs)19:00
buckyprodunis, do you have the appropriate keyboard and mouse specified in System=>Preferences19:00
produnisbucky, yes, Apple/Germany19:00
vigoprodunis: hrm, Test that hardware on another box?19:01
buckyprodunis, what do you have for Generic 104 key ?19:01
produnisvigo, in OSX and Win7 everything works fine...19:01
produnisbucky, what is a Generic 104Key?19:02
buckyprodunis, in System=>Preferences=>Keyboard=Layouts19:02
vigoSo it is not the hardware, just running it by the numbers.19:02
produnisah, bucky, it says Generic PC-b105 Keys (Intl)19:02
buckyprodunis, is that the right one?19:03
produnisbucky, I hope... where can I figure out if it isss thee RiGHT one?19:03
produnisthere it is again19:03
vigoGood call bucky.19:04
buckyprodunis, asuming you run a Mac means you're smarter than the rest of us and can figure this out19:04
produnisbucky, smarter? Me? no way!19:04
vigoSystem> Preferences>Keyboard19:04
* bucky does not run proprietary software on proprietary hardware.. that is a step backwards IMHO19:05
Dr_Williscount the keys on the keyboard? :)19:05
vigo1,2,3, oh wait19:05
buckyhahaha.. i've done that before!19:05
produnisvigo, bucky, Dr_Willis... got it...19:05
vigoOne was LONG, that counts as two19:05
Till__hey i have ubuntu 9.10 where is the service manager like ubuntu 9.04?19:05
buckywell the alphabet has 26 letters19:05
produnisbucky, I found "MacbookPro Intl"... and checked that... maybe it'll solve the problem...19:06
vigoSpace Bar counts as 719:06
buckyprodunis, you might have to log out and back in for it to take effect19:06
vigoMost likely19:06
produnisbucky, thx... I'll try that...19:06
buckyprodunis, and check the config again when you do19:06
produnisbucky, I will-- thx for your time!!!!19:07
Till__hey i have ubuntu 9.10 where is the service manager like ubuntu 9.04? bucky? :)19:08
vigoMy services thing does not work. It is in Sys>Admin19:09
Armageddonguys, how's karmic koala going ? is it booting normally ? what are the major issues faced so far ?19:09
yofelTill__: many services were converted to upstart so it won't work for them19:09
vigoyofel: Thank you.19:10
Dr_Willisive heard of people using bum to manage services.. and breaking some things..19:10
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/19:10
Till__yofel, so there is no service manager? can i install one?19:10
Berzerkerdist-upgrade will get me to the RC, right? I'm on the daily build of UNR 9.1019:10
Dr_WillisBUM might work. it seemed to  show many of the upstart services19:10
yofelBerzerker: yes19:10
Berzerkeryofel, just 404'ed almost every package lol19:11
hustonjust wondering if anyone knows if the panel artwork is finalized for the defualt human theme.19:11
yofelBerzerker: you might want to run sudo apt-get update first :P19:11
MartynI got graphical grub2 enabled.   the 640x480 resolution in /etc/defaults/grub was wrong for this platform19:11
Berzerkeryofel, no I did, seems like a load problem, just dist-upgraded again and it worked19:12
vigoI do sudo aptitude update, then same but upgrade.19:12
Berzerkergraphical grub2?19:12
Berzerkerwhat's the default kind of grub19:12
yofel!grub2 | Berzerker19:13
ubottuBerzerker: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub219:13
DopeGhotiKarmic used grub-pc (aka grub2)19:13
BerzerkerI think mine said 1.97something, is that grub2? (I know the numbers aren't the same)19:14
Berzerkeror do I have to manually upgrade to it19:14
geniiYes that is grub219:14
yofelBerzerker: yes, 1.97beta3 is grub219:14
Martynyep, the gfx module is dependent on VBE, and for whatever reason .. my nVidia graphics card doesn't have a VBE at 640x480 entry19:14
DopeGhotiBerzerker: that's grub-pc, so you're good to go19:14
Berzerkerit just looks like regular old grub though :P19:14
DopeGhotiBerzerker: looks like ≠ build like :)19:14
Berzerkerof course19:15
Berzerkerbut they should have made it cooler, like the EFI bootloader or something19:15
MartynBerzerker: "looks" are decieving19:15
Martynit's totally new19:15
DopeGhotiBerzerker: most of the changes were behind the scenes, I'd imagine that they kept it looking similar so as not to scare people that don't know about the rollover to grub-pc19:15
vigoOn that wiki is a RED letter thing about DO NOT do something, read it.19:16
Berzerkerabout not editing a file?19:17
vigoSomething, yes, I think that is it.19:17
DopeGhotiBerzerker: indeed, if you want to play with your grub-pc configuration, look in /etc/grub.d19:17
yofeljust read the wiki page, everything is described there what you need to know19:18
MartynDopeGhoti: It's in /etc/defaults/grub19:24
drs305The two places to edit are /etc/default/grub and the scripts in /etc/grub.d19:25
DopeGhotiMartyn: I sit corrected :)19:25
=== iceroot_ is now known as iceroot
Berzerker-ok...swtiched my desktop mode to regular desktop, and now I can't change it back to the netbook desktop19:27
malathiongood news: grub2 is fixed. bad news: when running updates in the terminal, installation of the updates crashed my terminal session and took nm-applet with it19:30
malathionnow I have no network to fix it with19:30
hifinote for yourself: screen19:31
hifiGNU screen, doesn't ring a bell?19:31
yofel!screen | malathion19:31
ubottumalathion: Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen19:31
malathionI know what it is, I dont know how it would have helped19:31
malathionanyway, how can I fix this? I'm looking for the nm-applet package to reinstall it, but with no luck19:32
yofelmalathion: it's network-manager-gnome19:32
hifiI thought your terminal crashing during updates was the cause why nm-applet crashed19:32
malathionyofel, thanks, searching...19:32
yofelmalathion: apt-file is your friend ;)19:32
DopeGhotiFWIW, byobu > screen19:32
yofelDopeGhoti: got a good tutorial for byobu? I never really worked out how it works19:33
malathionyofel, I'm now on the livecd downloading debs from packages.ubuntu.com. should I download any besides network-manager-gnome ?19:33
yofelmalathion: since I don't know what exactly is broken for you, no idea19:33
virtualdBerzerker-: If Google turns up nothing I'd look in gconf-editor and search my home dir for recently modified files. Make sure to look for hidden files19:33
DopeGhotiyofel: it's like screen, but it adds a helpful statusbar and binds some F-keys for you.  If it doesn't appear do do anything, you may need to move/delete your .screenrc19:33
vigomalathion: Do you have a LiveCD?19:33
malathionvigo, I'm on it right now19:34
vigomalathion: still looking, I think you can grab a NM with that.19:34
DopeGhotiyofel: if 'like screen' isn't much help, let me know and I can try and give you a primer on that as well :)19:35
malathionvigo, heyy.... are you suggesting that I use the livecd as a repo? clever19:35
yofelDopeGhoti: I know what it is, I don't know how to use it19:35
DopeGhotiyofel: Do you mind if I PM you so as not to clutter the channel?19:35
vigomalathion: works on the chalkboard next to me.19:36
yofelDopeGhoti: np19:36
Dr_Willisyea - ubuntu tweaked screen a bit.. made it a bit more friendly for beginners.19:37
malathionvigo, ok I'll try the deb I downloaded off packages.ubuntu.com first, and if that doesnt work, I'll try to get that method working. thanks for the suggestions19:37
TwigathyCan I still use devfs as my /dev entry in fstab?19:40
vigomalathion: Here it is: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1264703&highlight=repair+NM19:40
TwigathyI think something blew away most of /dev at some point :|19:40
* Martyn kicks UbuntuOne19:43
MartynDoes anyone, anyone at all, have it working?19:43
webbb82did they just put out another big update19:44
DopeGhotiMartyn: it's working fine for me across three computers19:45
Ian_Cornethat login thing doesn't even work for me19:45
webbb82for some reason if i do apt-get upgrade or dist-upgrade it wont find a update but if i use the gui update manager it will find them19:45
vigowebb82: It seemed rather large this morning, I use aptitude.19:48
nemoupdate-manager has been screwed up for me lately19:53
nemopops up 2 authentication dialogs, then kind of hangs after the 2nd instead of authenticating.19:54
nemobut if I close it it will sometimes proceed with the update. but not always.19:54
BUGabundonemo: $ sudo aptitude update ; sudo aptitude safe-upgrade ; sudo aptitude full-upgrade19:56
BUGabundowhat those that say ?19:57
DopeGhotihow does safe-upgrade differ from upgrade?19:57
BUGabundoDopeGhoti: its depreciated19:57
maxstirner1deprecated ;)19:57
DopeGhotiyes, but… what does safe- to differently?19:58
jemarkanyone here with unable to access usb error messg in karmic in the beginning of the boot?19:58
DopeGhoti(other than the message)19:58
maxstirner1jemark: what message? i've got usb problems i think19:58
maxstirner1lots of hardlocks anyway19:58
lenxfce broke for me after last nights updates.  Video goes blank after login.  Anyone know anything about this?  If I change to an xterm session it works, so I know it is xfce that's the problem.19:58
BUGabundoDopeGhoti: it handles depencies better19:59
jemarkmaxstirner1, something like this... i don't have a x64 beta but 32bit one... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/44300320:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 443003 in linux "boot message report - pci / usb / bios" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:02
maxstirner1jemark: nope, i get a different one ;)20:03
MichaelKohlerhow can I make the panels smaller?20:06
MichaelKohlerthe upgrade changed the size20:07
nemoBUGabundo: oh. hey. sorry20:07
nemowas in another window20:07
* nemo tries20:07
nemoI'd already done one commandline update/upgrade today20:08
nemothen another graphical one which still failed20:08
nemohowever I hadn't tried "safe-upgrade/full-upgrade"20:08
nemolooks like it is removing libgd2-noxpm{a}, installing libgd2-xpm, and upgrading ubuntu-desktop20:09
nemoBUGabundo: I'm at work so unfortunately my attention is easily diverted...20:09
nemowelp. looks like it applied.20:09
ibluei updated to karmic and keep getting this error when starting any application:20:10
iblueGConf Error: Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See http://projects.gnome.org/gconf/ for information. (Details -  1: Server ping error: IDL:omg.org/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0)20:10
iblueany suggestions?20:10
nemoheh. corba needs to die20:10
ibluekillall gconfd-2 helps, but only a few minutes20:11
ibluecreating a new user helps until i reboot, then i get the same errors again20:11
nemoiblue: you're seriously contacting a server called omg.org ?20:12
nemolol. shows how much I know about corba20:12
nemothat's an awesome domain name :)20:12
* nemo wants it20:12
ibluenemo, not that i know20:12
iblueseems this is a hint to the specification or something20:13
DopeGhoti!hi | txukie20:13
ubottutxukie: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu+1! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!20:13
nemoiblue: yeah. I made that association when I hit the URL :)20:14
txukiei have a problem with karmic, my xorg process is consuming loads of resources and its very slow20:14
nemomight not necessarily be xorg20:14
txukiei have an intel card i810 which used to work ok20:14
DopeGhotinemo: I laughed quite a bit when I found the Official Meeting Facilities Guide some years back. At omfg.com.20:14
nemoDopeGhoti: hah20:14
* nemo checks that one out20:14
nemoOhio Milling & Farming Group20:15
jemarktxukie, maybe you can update to the latest from a ppa?20:15
nemothey must have sold it20:15
nemois a joke domain20:15
txukiejemark: will give it a try20:15
nemoDopeGhoti: "  8.03.2000  STFU drops ASS"20:15
DopeGhotinemo: it was years ago.  and… what‽20:15
nemoDopeGhoti: "Appalachian Seed Sowers" of course20:15
DopeGhotioh, naturally20:16
jemarktxukie, good luck :) i have the latest xorg version20:16
txukiejemark: do you know of a ppa in particular?20:16
DrOnlineHi, is the netboot image (http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/) considered on equal footing to the rest?  If I have a problem with it, should I file a bug or should I just try again with a 'better' way of doing things?20:16
jemarktxukie, it's in ubuntu-tweak...20:16
DopeGhotinemo: http://web.archive.org/web/20001210110500/www.omfg.com/AboutUs.asp20:17
txukiejemark: ok thanks will check it out20:17
Ian_Cornenpviewer.bin seems highly unstable20:17
nemoDopeGhoti: ah. they still exist at omfg.com - they must have dropped the .org20:18
DopeGhotiI wish that the TLD-owners actually still had to conform to the original intent of .{com,net,org} domains.20:19
DopeGhotiI suspect only a small fraction of .org domain-holders are non-profits20:19
MichaelKohlerI have set the panel's size to 18 pixel, but it's the same size as 25 pixels, why is that?20:21
MichaelKohlerand I can't make it smaller than 18 pixel20:21
martinx_Hi! guys, the latest Karmic beta on my HP Proliant server is showing this messages: end_request: I/O error, dev cciss/c0d0, sector 020:21
martinx_Every time I install something, even before the first login... this messages popup in my console...20:22
martinx_a lot of "end_request: I/O error, dev cciss/c0d0, sector 0" !!20:22
martinx_The same hardware with Debian Lenny works great without this message...20:23
martinx_What can be?!20:23
JoeSomebodyhello again, noob from win is back :) i was also going to check out fedora based on a recomendation, NO WAY NOW, ubuntu will do :)20:24
yofelwb JoeSomebody20:25
JoeSomebodyfedora is out for me, the chan is worst i have seen, they wont help me get an iso verified, just make fun of me, those people must be some small in real life to have to feel so big on the internet20:25
JoeSomebodybad first impression is all it takes today , i deleted it :)20:25
JoeSomebodyi am loving ubuntu !20:26
nemoDopeGhoti: I'm a non-profit :)20:26
nemoDopeGhoti: I've stayed resolutely in .org since I registered a decade or so ago20:26
DopeGhotinemo: Commendations on your being a part of that small fraction, sir/ma'am.20:26
nemoit is a shame MichaelKohler vanished20:27
nemoI'm quite familiar with that issue20:27
nemoI've spent a lot of time maximising my real estate on my 1024x768 screen20:27
DopeGhotiJoeSomebody: I'm sorry that the Blue Hat community left a bad taste in your mouth. That said, welcome to ubuntuville :)20:27
yofelJoeSomebody: got yourself familiar with the terminal interface yet? You'll find it very helpful, and you'll need it if you plan to stay in this channel for the next releases ;)20:28
nemoJoeSomebody: heh. funny. I just spent 10 minutes being insulted by a Fedora user I was trying to support on moznet...20:28
JoeSomebodyas if it should be hard to verify a dl !!!20:28
nemoJoeSomebody: he's now on my /ignore list20:28
yofelJoeSomebody: it's not hard at all, actually it takes less than half a minute to explain...20:29
JoeSomebodyunreal, they should make everything easy, at least until one gets it installed20:29
JoeSomebodythey should want us to come over from winland20:29
JoeSomebodyi dont remember his nick, just another ahole20:30
yofelJoeSomebody: they *should*, but if they don't then don't worry about it, we *do* it ;)20:30
gsuvegi have problem :)20:30
yofelgsuveg: fire away20:30
gsuvegmy usb/mp3 player cant mount with koala ;(20:31
gsuveg[  400.602227] scsi 6:0:0:0: Device offlined - not ready after error recovery20:31
BUGabundoseems everyonke is having that today20:31
gsuvegit works with koala-120:31
yofelJoeSomebody: well anyway, make sure you read this page:20:32
yofel!cli | JoeSomebody20:32
ubottuJoeSomebody: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal20:32
gsuvegyofel: ;)20:32
BUGabundohey cool link yofel20:32
yofelhm... the Konsole description is still the one from kde3...20:33
JoeSomebodyyeah i am ok with terminal i started before dos actually, then went dos, novell,win, and now linux20:33
JoeSomebodylinux is not self-explanatory - anywhere20:33
yofelJoeSomebody: :D20:33
JoeSomebodyand i am failry smart, but lack patience at times20:34
JoeSomebodycant type worth shti20:34
yofelbrb, phone call20:34
FFEMTcJis it just me or does the keyserver seem down?20:35
BUGabundoseems you just proved it JoeSomebody20:36
JoeSomebodynp, have burned ubuntu 9.04 and beta 9.10, debian's 6 dvds,a and i WAS going to review fedora too20:36
floatingFFEMTcJ: guess it has bee nlike that quite often lately. One I got a key added by trying to do it 5 times in a row, until it got through20:36
BUGabundowho the heck still use media?20:37
bjorkintoshis anyone experiencing frequent firefox freezes on koala?20:37
JoeSomebodyi dont expect to master them all , jsut have some systems and some time, and want to compare OSes20:37
BUGabundobut I use FF 3.720:37
BUGabundoits much better latelly20:37
nemobjorkintosh: FF3.5 or FF3?20:37
mbeierlJoeSomebody: that's what it all comes down to: how easy is it to find answers.  And for the most part, everyone here, in #ubuntu, and in the forums are friendly and helpful :)20:37
FFEMTcJfloating: hmm.. its worked all day, until now for me20:37
BUGabundoI had probs with xmarks20:37
bjorkintoshhmm. perhaps i might upgrade.20:37
BUGabundonemo: ppl still stuck on 3.0x? pfff20:37
bjorkintoshis it in apt yet?20:37
JoeSomebodybut i will likely push ubuntu im my LOCAL area as it is user-friendly20:37
nemobjorkintosh: any plugins? and is this on any specific pages like those using flash?20:37
FFEMTcJBUGabundo livin on the wild side with 3.7 - lol20:38
nemobjorkintosh: s/any plugins/any addons/20:38
JoeSomebodymy area has no linux shop20:38
BUGabundoFFEMTcJ: and chromium 4. dev20:38
bjorkintoshnemo it might be...20:38
nemoFFEMTcJ: that has become my daily browser actually20:38
nemoFFEMTcJ: and means I can use WebGL - yay20:38
bjorkintoshperhaps i might look into that.20:38
micahganyone have an issue with mysql5.0 on karmic?20:38
bjorkintoshbut i normally have to reboot the machine 6 times a day.20:38
guntbertFFEMTcJ: as far as I know, you can use "any" gpg keyserver, try http://pgp.mit.edu/20:38
micahgmy socket disappeared20:38
nemoBUGabundo: http://m8y.org/peacekeeper/20:38
FFEMTcJsweet.. thanks guntbert20:39
cybersplicemicahg, is this immediately after an upgrade?20:39
micahgcybersplice: yeah, I haven't changed the config20:39
* FFEMTcJ upgrading to 9.10 today20:39
cybersplicemicahg, I mean, did you have an existing Jaunty install, and then upgraded to Karmic?20:39
guntbertFFEMTcJ:  you are welcome :-)20:39
micahgcybersplice: yes20:40
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
BUGabundomicahg: doesn't karmic have 5.1 ?20:40
cybersplicemicahg, Then i guess the config got replaced with the default when you upgraded.20:40
micahgBUGabundo: yes, but I want to use 5.0 still20:41
micahgcybersplice: none of the changes affected the port/socket20:41
cyberspliceHumm. Could be AppArmor? If it's not expecting 5.0...20:42
micahgcybersplice: I shut down apparmor, I already opened a bug for that20:43
nemobjorkintosh: wait. reboot your machine??20:44
nemobjorkintosh: because of a browser lockup? what on earth?20:44
micahgcybersplice: seems like I have a mix of 5.1 and 5.020:44
cyberspliceUgh, that sucks.20:45
nemobjorkintosh: also. do you use FlashBlock or NoScript? that might help exclude Flash20:45
cybersplicePresumably you're going to have to rip both out.20:45
bjorkintoshnemo i use flash for youtube.20:45
bjorkintoshand it seems a number of other sites use it's video app.20:45
bjorkintoshbut yes, i have to reboot the damned machine just to be able to use X at all.20:46
nemobjorkintosh: hm. that suggests not a bad plugin then20:46
thekorn_hi, is there a way in karmic to restart the X server from te keyboard?20:46
bjorkintoshthe mouse seizes, x fails to respond, and all i can do is ssh in and reboot.20:46
cybersplicemicahg, you removing both, yet? :D20:46
bjorkintoshthekorn_, i haven't enabled it.20:46
nemobjorkintosh: mind pastebinning your ~/.xsession-errors  and /var/log/Xorg0.log ?20:46
thekorn_bjorkintosh, haha, my question is unrelated to your problem ;)20:47
micahgcybersplice: I'm installing 5.1 server pkgs20:47
cybersplicemicahg, oh, right. I presumed you wanted to keep 5.0. I would suggest you specifically remove 5.0 beforeand, but i don't know if that's strictly required.20:48
micahgcybersplice: apparently, the akonadi server needs 5.1, and k3b needs akonadi20:48
thekorn_my problem is: I'm unable to wakeup from suspend, my screen just stays black20:48
micahgcybersplice: I do, but that does not seem like an option20:48
bjorkintoshi will.20:49
bjorkintoshi also get a lot of XID collision: trouble ahead warnings...20:49
bjorkintoshfrom Gdk.20:49
cybersplicemicahg, well, let's see how well it goes.20:49
nemobjorkintosh: ah. yeah. that seems to happen a lot with firefox20:49
nemobjorkintosh: I think there's an open bug20:49
nemobjorkintosh: it doesn't explain your lockups though20:49
micahgcybersplice: works20:49
micahgI guess the install borked my mysql20:49
bjorkintoshhmm. it mainly happens with firefox on.20:50
cybersplicemicahg: Gotta love it. Hope you're all good nwo.20:50
cyberspliceOr now.20:50
SKBhttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/286473/ help?20:51
micahgnot exactly sure how to report the problem with mysql server not staying in a functional form after upgrade20:51
thekorn_well not really black, looking very close I can see the contours20:51
cyberspliceJust report exactly what you did and see if someone can replicate it.20:51
micahgI'll have to check the upgrade logs later20:52
micahgthanks cyberspliceb20:52
micahgor rather cybersplice20:52
cyberspliceSKB, can you paste your processes list?20:52
bjorkintoshis the gdk collision error specific to 3.5?20:53
SKBforgot how to do that :|20:53
bjorkintoshshould i be using a different version?20:53
cyberspliceSKB, ps -A20:53
cyberspliceSKB, Well, that's a barrel of monkeys.20:55
cyberspliceSKB, are you on that machine, or SSHd to it?20:56
SKBmy desktop20:56
cybersplice/etc/init.d/sshd stop20:57
cyberspliceLo, i am become death. Stealer of chat.21:00
cybersplicepastebin your /var/log/auth.log21:00
Berzerkerhow do I find out which version of karmic I'm running?21:03
yofelBerzerker: which version as in? architecture?21:04
Berzerkerno as in like...which build21:05
Berzerkeras in, I want to know if I'm upgraded to the RC21:05
cyberspliceSKB, That's a pretty busy auth log.21:05
SKBindeed :|21:05
cyberspliceBerzerker, have you apt-get updated?21:05
Berzerkeryes, but I want to check21:05
guntbertBerzerker: RC is not out yet21:06
cyberspliceSKB, are you remastering a CD and running a lot of cron jobs?21:06
bjorkintoshnemo http://pastebin.ca/159552121:06
Berzerkerguntbert, it's not?21:06
SKBi was21:06
cyberspliceBerzerker, You have whatever is in the repos.21:06
SKBbut this error is not related :|21:06
yofelBerzerker: I don't think there is any way to identify that, and yes, RC isn't out yet21:06
Berzerkersomeone told me it was out today...21:06
bjorkintoshthat took long enough. my connection is rather slow today.21:06
yofel!schedule | Berzerker21:06
ubottuBerzerker: A schedule of Karmic Koala (9.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule21:06
guntbertBerzerker: no, only beta21:06
cyberspliceSKB, those cron jobs were all opening sessions21:07
cybersplicetry killing cron21:07
SKBOct  4 20:57:05 skb-kompas sshd[6865]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=  user=root  that wasn't me :|21:07
nemobjorkintosh: did you collect this after a restart?21:07
nemobjorkintosh: will probably need the .old21:07
nemobjorkintosh: also, anything interesting in .xsession-errors? (I understand that one may have stuff you don't want to pastebin)21:08
cyberspliceSKB, there are always going to be people trying to hit your ssh port if it's open.21:08
bjorkintoshnemo .xsession was full of mplayer errors.21:09
bjorkintoshall the other errors were from when i was running jaunty so i erased it.21:09
abarbacciahey all - im having trouble compiling v4l on karmic - i had no problems on jaunty. It can't seem to find the dma.h header file during make. linux-headers package is installed, kernel source is installed, extracted and linked to /usr/src/linux21:09
abarbacciaany thoughts21:09
cyberspliceWhat are you trying to do, SKB? Just open a root session?21:10
SKBapt-get update21:10
cybersplicesudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart21:11
bjorkintoshnemo the diff from .old shows the power button was pushed. no other difference.21:11
cyberspliceAnother satisfied customer?!21:12
mbeierlAnyone else having a new problem where Java applications do not receive mouse clicks properly?  Wheel scroll doesn't work either...21:13
nemobjorkintosh: when X locks up, does the mouse still work?21:14
cyberspliceSKB, WB!21:14
cyberspliceSKB, did it work?21:14
SKBi've lost my mouse and keyborad after that21:14
nemobjorkintosh: and have the X mouse theme?21:14
cyberspliceSorry about that.21:14
bjorkintoshit moves, but it doesn't click on anything.21:14
nemobjorkintosh: does ctrl-alt-f1 work?21:14
SKBsame :|21:14
cyberspliceWasn't thinking!21:14
cybersplice... wtf!21:14
SKBafter reboot21:14
cyberspliceafter a reboot?!21:14
bjorkintoshnemo nope.21:15
bjorkintoshcan't do anything.21:15
nemobjorkintosh: what about ctrl-alt-backspace ?21:15
bjorkintoshdoesn't work.21:15
nemobjorkintosh: say, mind adding:21:15
bjorkintoshif i ssh into it and kill bjork's processes, nothing changes.21:15
nemoSection "Serverflags" Option "AllowDeactivateGrabs"  "On" Option "AllowClosedownGrabs"  "On"21:16
yofelcybersplice: side note: dbus is now a upstart service, so use 'sudo service dbus restart' instead of 'sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart'21:16
nemobjorkintosh: to your Xorg.conf ?21:16
nemobjorkintosh: and then seeing if the grab hotkeys work?21:16
bjorkintoshokay let me see.21:16
cyberspliceThanks, yofel21:16
cybersplicelook for limit name="max_connections_per_user"21:17
nemobjorkintosh: also. if you ssh in and kill compiz (just compiz) does anything happen?21:18
nemocompiz.real of course21:18
bjorkintoshcompiz isn't running at all.21:19
MTecknologybjorkintosh: what's the problem?21:21
bjorkintoshMTecknology, x freezes hard and requires a reboot of the machine.21:22
MTecknologybjorkintosh: if you ssh into it is Xorg running 100% CPU?21:22
MTecknologyor something higher than 5%21:23
bjorkintoshbut it's usually firefox being the hog.21:23
bjorkintoshif there existed a decent replacement for firefox, i'd never use the f___ POS!21:24
MTecknologybjorkintosh: but Xorg is running really high, right?21:25
bjorkintoshright now it's not. i'm about to restart the machine.21:25
MTecknologybjorkintosh: ok- if that was the case, there's already a large number of bugs out there on the issue and it's being worked on21:26
MTecknologyright now Xorg will jump up massive amounts, from 5% - 100%. (for me)21:26
bjorkintoshah. so it's just a bleeding edge issue?21:26
MTecknologymakes the system extremely painfully slow to respond21:26
MTecknologyI'd guess so21:26
bjorkintoshX has never NOT been a resource hog.21:26
bjorkintoshi'm suprised a replacement for it hasn't been implemented yet.21:28
bjorkintosh... a proper replacement.21:28
MTecknologyJust to switch from one desktop to the other I need to wait 5-10 seconds for my terminal to redraw; and I'm not even using Gnome of KDE21:29
MTecknologyof even Xfce21:29
bjorkintoshi use blackbox.21:29
bjorkintoshi just removed and reinstalled it incase there's something lurking...21:29
maxstirner1i've just noted my sources.list is all on intrepid still21:30
maxstirner1i have no idea how that has happened21:30
maxstirner1i've probably downgraded karmic to intrepid levels?21:30
kiwnixhow do i "reopen" a bug in launchpad?21:31
bjorkintoshhave you run apt-get update lately?21:31
maxstirner1ive installed karmic from scratch and copied my home directory across21:31
maxstirner1for some reason sources.list is from intrepid21:31
MTecknologykiwnix: it's usually best to reopen a bug and reference the resolved issue21:31
maxstirner1but in synaptic its got different ones..21:32
kiwnixso i open a new bug, and point to the bug # of the old bug?21:32
FFEMTcJhow can i install java to where firefox recognizes it? I installed sun-java6-jre but that didnt work21:33
MTecknologykiwnix: ya, but give a description from exactly what issue you're having21:33
kiwnixit's about a issue resolved with a new update, but... with the new version it still happens, ok :)21:33
bjorkintoshhmm. i wonder if mozilla (the browser) is better behaved these days?21:33
maxstirner1all the updates are for karmic.. has the location changed from /etc/sources.list?21:34
bjorkintoshbut change it before you blow it up.21:34
maxstirner1that's deeply odd?21:34
kiwnixFFEMTcJ, try sun-java6-plugin i think21:34
maxstirner1synaptic displays it correctly21:34
flame__i have a question concerning karmic beta UNR21:35
FFEMTcJkiwnix: i was thinkin that but wanted a second opinion.. thanks21:35
bjorkintoshstill... fix it while you can.21:35
merculivdoes  anyone know if karmic had ubuntu-restricted-extras package available for download yet?21:35
FFEMTcJi downloaded it merculiv21:35
maxstirner1i would just love to know where its getting the correct list from21:35
maxstirner1Get:1 http://security.ubuntu.com intrepid-security/main libglib2.0-0 2.18.2-0ubuntu2.2 [771kB]21:36
maxstirner1Get:2 http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com intrepid-updates/main tzdata 2009n-0ubuntu0.8.10 [685kB]21:36
durtmaxstirner1, sources.list is in /etc/apt/ if you have it in /etc it won't do anything.21:36
maxstirner1durt: thanks i meant etc/apt/sources.list, it differs from synaptic packagelist and i dont know where its got it from21:36
merculivhavent installed beta just yet waiting for my latops HD to make it in the mail....hopefully today..21:36
flame__why karmic beta UNR is only available only in iso format since it says that it is optimised for netbooks and netbooks does not have CD?21:37
flame__is there any place i can get karmic UNR in .img?21:37
merculivthere should be a iso to img program for windows just browse it21:38
merculivor linux21:38
durtflame__, iso is for cd21:38
flame__durt: yes, i know, but my MSI Wind does not have a cd reader21:38
flame__durt: so i am looking for img for usb boot21:39
durtflame__, actually for anything, but the iso size can fit on a cd.... use unetbootin21:39
flame__durt: this is a solution, thanks21:39
maxstirner1ok i know whats happened, forgot i'm talking to a server :-$21:40
maxstirner1get my coat21:43
slacker_nlmerculiv: http://pb.opperschaap.net/5321:44
kklimondavirtuald: that was one short blog entry ;)21:46
mdkessHi, is anywhere here using Eclipse 3.5 on Karmic?21:50
shadowhywindnot yet,  thats on my list of things to install in the next day or two21:50
mdkessDo you have eclipse 3.4 by chance? I am having a weird problem with my OS, where I can't click certain buttons.21:51
shadowhywindunfourtently no,21:51
kiwnixmdkess, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+2.0/+bug/44207821:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 442078 in gtk+2.0 "Buttons in Eclipse not working correctly with GTK+ 2.18.1-1" [Low,Fix released]21:52
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
shadowhywindhay all, sorry for randomly leaving earlier, something came up. So my touchpad tap doesn't work Running kubuntu21:53
shadowhywindany ideas?21:53
mdkessAh, brilliant.21:54
mdkessshadowhywind, did you look at your xorg.conf?21:54
shadowhywindmdkess: what should i be looking for in xorg.conf?21:55
mdkessAny options that have the substring 'tap'21:55
shadowhywindmdkess nothing is marked for tap21:55
shadowhywinddon't have 'tap' anywhere in it21:56
mdkessI think that you can just add options there for it.21:56
mdkessI forget how though, I'll look it up for you, one sec.21:56
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
shadowhywindmdkess: any hints on what option?21:57
jarnosSometimes I can't enable bluetooth. Bluetooth is always enabled after restart or resume from suspend to RAM.21:58
mdkessshadowhywind, not sure yet.21:58
mdkessshadowhywind, take a look at this in the meantime: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Input21:59
mdkessOne minute, I'll be right back, promise.22:01
=== Martyn is now known as NurseMartyn
booboohi. can someone help me find information on how the mouse is configured in karmic? in jaunty i was using fdi files for hal22:08
=== NurseMartyn is now known as Martyn
bhueyis there a recommended firewall for karmic ?22:08
bhueyarno seems to be screwed up22:08
Martynuncomplicated firewall22:08
yofelbhuey: the default one should be (g)ufw22:08
bhueyhow do I get nat working on it ?22:09
aapzakwow, got kubuntu karmic working, it's looking great!22:09
joumetalHow can I add myself permanent privileges to change cpu frequency from cpufreq-applet?22:12
BUGabundowhat's the UNR seed package name?22:13
BUGabundojoumetal: AFAIK you can't22:14
yoasifanyone running karmic on a macbook air22:15
yoasifthinking about installing it on my friend's machine22:15
joumetali can't understand bug 431264.22:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431264 in gnome-applets "cpufreq-applet needs root rights to change frequency" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43126422:18
Freeaqingmejoumetal, what dont you understand? as explained there you should just use policykit to set the right permissions for that app22:21
joumetalHow can I do that?22:21
burneris it just me or does empathy have no notification area support?22:22
NoelJBFreeaqingme, the casual "you can adjust the policy to allow you to adjust the frequency without authenticating." is inappropriate for most users.  They won't know how.22:23
FreeaqingmeNoelJB, fair enough22:26
Freeaqingmejoumetal, try running  polkit-gnome-authorization22:27
NoelJBFreeaqingme, that's not in a standard install, as far as I see.22:28
kiwnixmdkess, looks like eclipse people got a workarround for the bug...22:28
ubottubugs.eclipse.org bug 291257 in SWT "[Widgets] Buttons functionality problem with GTK+ 2.18" [Major,New]22:28
FreeaqingmeNoelJB, I am on a standard install of karmic, and it is here. Otherwise you may wanna try polkit-gnome-manager or something (try polkit and press tab)22:28
joumetalWhat should I do there?22:29
NoelJBFreeaqingme, here I get: $  polkit-gnome-authorization ---> The program 'polkit-gnome-authorization' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install policykit-gnome22:29
silentnightsI just installed ubuntu karmic beta but grub hangs. Does anyone know anything about this?22:30
FreeaqingmeNoelJB, I dunno. I upgraded from a bare 8.10 install to 9.10 2 days ago and I got it, not aware of anything special I installed.22:30
DanaGargh, what the heck?   My system just randomly went into suspend.22:31
benoitcis there a better way than editing manually the ini file in .config/couchdb-desktop to have access on the launched couchdb ?22:31
silentnightsHas anyone got a problem with grub2??22:31
NoelJBFreeaqingme, I'm looking now.  It is Suggests: policykit-gnome by policykit, but not required.22:31
silentnightsMine hangs !!!22:32
NoelJBsilentnights, anything interesting in terms of output, it just dead?22:32
silentnightsYeah. when it says grub loading. it just stop22:32
silentnightsEven the keyboard does not respond to numlock and such22:33
FreeaqingmeNoelJB, hmm, odd. I hardly ever use it so didn't install it on purpose. Dunno either22:33
NoelJBFreeaqingme, do you have gnome-mount?22:34
bcurtiswxhey, where are system sounds stored?22:34
Lazyis amarok update still broken?22:35
NoelJBFreeaqingme, gnome-mount pulled it in :-)22:36
silentnightsAny suggestion about grub? :)22:36
silentnightsI can't boot or anything. :$22:36
NoelJBsilentnights, go to #grub and look for cjwatson22:37
silentnightsThanks NoelJB22:38
silentnightsAm heading there :)22:38
NoelJBgood luck :-)22:38
joumetalsilentnights: did it work before? if it did you can repair it with livecd.22:38
silentnightsno it did not22:39
silentnightsI just installed karmic and on first boot it just hanged22:39
silentnightsrestarted but got to the same point22:39
silentnightshangs when it say grub loading22:39
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
tormodsilentnights, what kind of hardware is this? esp CPU22:42
Lazyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Grub2Testing if anyone wants to add Intel DG35EC motherboard the answers would be: PASS PASS, ext3, No, Encrypted LVM22:42
silentnightstormod: Pentium D 3 GHz 4 MB L2 cache22:42
tormodsilentnights, and the hard drive?22:43
silentnights640GB western Digital Sata22:44
silentnightstormod: I have 2 other hard disks connected but that's the one with the system on.22:44
tormodsilentnights, the other two are also sata=22:45
silentnightsone Sata and one ATA22:45
tormodsilentnights, I would have tried removing the two other disks and reinstall grub22:46
boobooare there any changes as to how the mouse is configured in karmic?22:47
DanaGgrr, stupid gnome-power-manager.22:47
boobooi have been using fdi policies for hal in 9.0422:47
DanaGoh, and apparently my X server is still broken -- "Session active, not inhibited, screen idle."22:47
tormodsilentnights, it could be that some part got installed to the wrong drive22:48
silentnightstormod: ok. It's my first time using grub2. What's the command from karmic livecd?22:48
Forza4Lifehow can i get nvidia-settings to save my dual monitor setup...it is telling me it "failed to parse the xorg file"22:50
tormodsilentnights, grub-install --root-directory=/media/karmic /dev/sda22:51
tormodsilentnights, or use grub-installer (which I don't have here now, so I can't read the man page)22:52
shadowhywindso i learned something new, the touchpad tap works on the login, and even after it logings, but then shortly after it becomes disabled22:52
silentnightstormod: Thanks a lot. I will try it now. Will have to shutdown the pc so I will come back when I test it. Thanks again :)22:53
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Twigathymy install's pretty screwwwwed :)23:03
TwigathyBut I got a GUI up now :)23:03
TwigathySomehow /dev/pts failed to ... mount ... then the interface lo failed to come up ... then statd failed to come up ... then I realised that gdm wouldn't start because hal and dbus were stopped... ugh. Time for a re-install? :-)23:04
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
davisc9 out of every 10 boots on Karmic, Xorg takes up 100% CPU when redrawing Mozilla windows. Tried tweaking kernel lines (noapic) and recovery mode. Nothing. Seems to be related to an agpgart error I get on boot but Google isn't helping me. Any suggestions?23:12
bjorkintoshdavisc, i understand the keyword is 'karmic'23:24
bjorkintoshas opposed to 'jaunty'.23:24
Andy80how can I modify this value: org.freedesktop.devicekit.disks.filesystem- mount-system-internal ? I've to test a workaroound for a bug...23:25
daviscbjorkintosh: Sure. But I'm trying to nail down the problem so I can submit a bug report23:27
histoCan't figure out why Grub2 won't boot my default kernel23:30
histoIt was working untill an upgrade about a month ago now it won't time out and boot. I have to hit enter to select the default.23:31
histoReally don't want to reinstall to fix it. I'd rather firgure this out but grub2 is giving me headaches23:35
test34I tried to get a backtrace for empathy using the instruction at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace, but I get "No stack." is it because it was compiled without debugging symbols?23:36
BluesKajhisto, have you edited grub2 ? , if so one has to use the cli : update-grub23:37
histoBluesKaj: it seems like its not accepting any changes23:37
BluesKajsudo update-grub23:38
histoBluesKaj: even after update-grub23:38
BluesKajany error message ?23:40
histoNothing it just sits at the menu screen and won't boot the default kernel. You have to press enter23:40
BluesKajno , when you run the sudo update-grub in the konsole, what error ?23:41
histoBluesKaj: /etc/default/grub is set for GRUB_DEFAULT=0 timeout is 223:42
histoBluesKaj: no errors23:42
histoBluesKaj: I think its just the /etc/default/grub file isn't right with the timeouts for somereason after that update.23:42
histoBluesKaj: let me pastebin it hold up23:42
test34here is my attempt at getting a back trace: http://pastie.org/643010 .  How can I get more information? the backtrace looks empty..23:44
BluesKaj histo pastebin your /etc/default/grub file23:46
histotrying to figure out pastebinit right now23:46
BUGabundohisto: install pastebinit23:46
BUGabundoeasiest way23:46
BUGabundojust $ pastebinit /etc/default/grub23:47
histoBUGabundo: thats what i've done but pastebinit -i /etc/default/grub isn't working23:47
BUGabundono need for -I23:47
histothere we go23:47
histoJust took a while23:47
histoBluesKaj: http://pastebin.com/f63d4979423:47
histoLooks like pastebin.com is really lagging right now23:47
BluesKajhisto, your GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 should be commenr=ted with a #23:49
BluesKajerr commented23:49
histoK does everything else look normal?23:50
BluesKajand switch your GRUB_TIMEOUT="2" to a higher number like 6 or 7 , giving more time scroll down to youer windows bootloader when it's fixed23:51
histoI don't have a windows bootloader23:51
histoAnd I thought once you hit a key it stops the countdown23:51
histoThe machine only has karmic on it.23:52
BluesKajhisto, yes , otherwise it's exactly the same as mine23:52
histoBluesKaj: let me reboot after update-grub brb23:52
DopeGhotihisto: holding shift as the PC boots will force the grub-pc menu to appear23:53
histoBluesKaj: thank you its working perfectly now.23:54
histoI'll have to do some reading to figure out why that was happening.23:55
BluesKajgood histo , glad to hear it23:55

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