
ali1234those instructions have been cribbed from here i guess: http://www.aurel32.net/info/debian_arm_qemu.php00:00
ali1234debian probably loads the tun module by default00:00
hamannpI'll check it out.  I'm kinda self taught, so my networking knowhow is spotty.00:00
hamannpWorse, still, I'm long on academics.  It let's me dream up sophisticated ways to get in over my head.00:01
hamannpCiao!  I'm sure I'll see you around this channel.00:02
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loologra: We have a really serious issue11:17
loologra: our redboot binary doesn't work on b2.5 anymore11:17
loolor perhaps it's related to some settings11:18
loologra: I couldn't boot my b2.5 since a week or so11:18
loologra: I manually replaced redboot on the SD card with the one from the archive, and it didn't work11:18
loologra: I manually replaced redboot on the SD with the latest one from FSL and it worked11:18
loologra: So it seems related to fconfig data11:53
loologra: I rewrote a live image and it worked11:53
loologra: I suspect we need to update the fconfig data on redboot upgrades11:53
loolI cant reproduce it anymore now since I wiped the SD card with the issue11:54
ogralool, weird, works fine here on fresh installs as well as updates15:10
ogralool, i usually try both before i upload the new redboot15:12
loologra: I dont know what happened; I'm pretty sure it's fconfig data since I rewrote redboot on the SD16:10
loolI guess I should have kept a backup, too bad16:10
loologra: I fear it's something overflowing a var, or a var missing16:10
loologra: For intsnace UUID= overflowing bootcmd16:10
ograyeah, i usually replace the redboot binary on the running SD i use first16:10
ograand then redo that SD with a completelky fresh setup using the new redboot16:11
ograif both work i upload16:11
ograi cant imagine UUID overflowing bootcmd16:11
ograi had setups where i had to test FSL setup with ten liners more in the bootcmd script16:12
ogrado you know which version the old redboot was you replaced ?16:14
loologra: Hmm good questions16:18
loolIt was for B2.5 but how old, no idea16:18
ograi know we had a broken one druing early karmic16:18
loologra: I dont even know how it broke exactly; I had taken the SD out to do various boot testing16:18
loologra: But the way it broke was spectacular16:19
loolrandom leds would turn on16:19
loolboards would shut off by itself16:19
ogradid you have anything plugged into the NIC ;)16:19
ograthe grounding issue can affect the whole system ...16:20
loologra: No, I unplugged everything when that started t ohappen16:20
loologra: Well the grounding issue wouldn't explain why one redboot worked and not the other16:21
loologra: Still I'm a bit scared that FSL's uboot worked and not ours16:21
ograno, indeed16:21
loolI used the latest one from their SDK 1.6 pre-release16:21
ograours works16:21
ograit is just featureless16:21
ograand oem wont use it16:21
loolWell ours didn't in my test, then worked when I wrote the whole SD image16:21
ograi had it working here16:21
loologra: Well as I said, I cant reproduce the issue anymore16:22
loolEven with our redboot16:22
ograwell, up to the u-boot prompt16:22
ograwell, i havent heard about such an issue yet and havent seen it myself ... all we can do is keep an eye on it i guess16:23
ograi'll try to make some time free to test the different karmic versions, i still have them around16:24
loolkubuntu fails to build due to gtk+ -- ironic and suspicious16:58
ograi think it uses some qt-gtk translator thingie17:01
ogranot sure how it's called nowadays17:02
ograare you sure its gtk itself ?17:02
loologra:   libgtk2.0-bin: Depends: libgtk2.0-0 (>= 2.18.1-1ubuntu1) but 2.18.1-1 is to be17:11
loolI'm sure yes17:12
loolI thought gtk wasn't in kubuntu17:13
ograit shouldnt be, did you notify Riddell or ScottK ?17:15
ograi know they have that gtk theme layer handling tool, but that doesnt require gtk17:16
loologra: I did not17:30
flacohey all.. I'm planning to buy a beagleboard.... and put ubuntu on them... my question is if gstreamer and python works on this plattform20:00
loolflaco: Yes20:18
loolWe dont provide the kernel part though20:18
ojnis anyone (community?) looking at wrapping up the various components already?20:27
ojn(openmax/gstreamer integration, that is)20:27
loolFor beagle?  I dont spend much time on beagle support in ubuntu myself nor do I know of people here who do, but there are some community provided kernels out of ubuntu20:31
loolConcerning gst or openmax integration, I didnt see the beagle bits myself yet20:31
loolAre these fully open?20:31
ojnlool: for omap, not board specific really.20:33
ojnlool: everything but the code running on the DSP is. The trick is to pick the right TI project, there seems to be a few stale ones. :)20:33
ojn(and the code running on the dsp is, for all intents and purposes, equivalent to firmware anyway)20:33
flacolol, thanks for the answer... so I need to build those packages for use on arm?20:38
flaco lool, thanks for the answer... so I need to build those packages for use on arm?20:40
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loolflaco: You can use the ubuntu user space21:12
loolflaco: http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardUbuntu21:13
Martynlool : I just saw a beagle clone that was well made .. it has ethernet (SMSC1918), USB 2.0 host, usb OTG, DVI + hdmi output (and LCD cable via membrane cable), etc...21:58
Martynit's the first one I've seen that is a good "desktop board" contender21:58
Martynfrankly the only thing "missing" is 802.11(b/g/n)21:59
Martynand that's that USB is good at21:59
Martynmmmm .. aptitude install rootstock22:03
ojnmartyn: url/product name?22:04
Martynojn : it's being made by students at the University of Texas/Austin22:05
MartynI don't think they have come up with a cute name yet.  I heard it called 'PoodleBoard'22:06
loolMartyn: ethernet is nice22:06
ojnAh, so not productized (yet). Seems like there are a few already though. IGEPv2 looks promising22:06
ojngumstix overo with tobi comes close too.22:07
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Martynthe overo is very nice22:15
Martyn(and very out of stock, damnit)22:45
MartynI wanted one22:45
ojnMartyn: I think they manufacture them in batches, so placing an order makes it more likely to show up soonish. :)22:55
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