
knomehey! is there any way to make the handling of dual monitors in gdm better? one image streched to fill two monitors doesn't exactly look good...05:24
zniavrehttp://img34.imageshack.us/img34/2623/captureyf.png  > there is a way to seperate the both treeview rule for sidepanel en regular treeview ?07:48
zniavreHello / Bonjour  sorry)07:48
zniavreen > and *07:49
mac_vthorwil: hi... i cant seem to find your scrollbar idea url... could you link me? i'm thinking of asking Software center to use that idea :)08:09
thorwilmac_v: http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2008/05/09/popup-scrollbar-concept-demo/08:10
mac_vthorwil: awesome .. thanks :)08:10
mac_vthorwil: folks seem to love it! damn, i didnt get this idea earlier :/   since its late for Karmic... they might consider it for a future version08:18
zniavre_that s true it's nice08:19
thorwilmac_v: so far it were never the right people who love it. as in: those who could make it happen ;)08:19
mac_vthorwil: hehe , yeah... mvo the main maintainer likes it... just need to now convince mpt as soon as i find him ;)08:20
thorwilbtw, if someone here feels like having fun with python, there's a still incomplete demo script ...08:20
thorwilmac_v: mpt is among the skeptics. i think you would not do that anyway, but to be sure: don't even think of calling it intuitive ;)08:22
* thorwil received some real money via paypal and now his account is frozen :/08:23
mac_vargh! lucid is going to be LTS , so it would be even harder to convince mpt :/ since he's already a skeptic...08:26
mac_vi thought we could use software center as a testing ground to push this idea into gnome308:27
thorwilmac_v: try it. you could suggest that they do user testing at canonical ... :)08:28
mac_vthorwil: yeah... i'll find the right time and pick on mpt ;p ... already there are a few suggestions to improve it , i think making it better and then presenting it would be ideal08:30
mac_vex: <Amaranth> Then just fix it up to implement the current scrollbar API perfectly, be accessible, and implement a couple of the changes mentioned in the bug report (single click jumps a page, don't make the arrows disappear if you move your mouse off the scrollbar for a second)08:30
AlanBellmorning all08:32
AlanBellI am looking for some help re-designing a logo, not entirely sure this is the best place to ask, feel free to point me in another direction if not.08:32
thorwilmac_v: except for "implementing the API", almost done. but it got a bit of a mess when i added a horizontal version08:32
mac_vthorwil: then you should update the video too , with the current version08:33
AlanBellThe logo is for the http://nakedcomputers.org site which promotes vendors who will sell a computer without an operating system, a contribution towards a fix for bug 108:33
ubottuhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Timeout)08:33
AlanBellthe current logo is a rotated 3 on a keycap. In the right light this kind of resembles a bottom, which is a bit cheeky08:34
AlanBellthat is fine, however some people look at it and see boobs, which is not gender neutral and causes offense08:34
AlanBellany tips on how to make it not offensive, or any suggestions for a total redesign would be appreciated08:35
mac_vAlanBell: why did you use 3 in the logo?08:35
AlanBellmac_v: because I can't draw, and it is a mash up of free as in freedom elements08:36
thorwilmac_v: because it looks like ass! ^^08:36
AlanBell3 because it is the glyph from a free font that looked most like a bottom to me08:36
AlanBellthe FAQ states "It is the bottom half of a 3 from the DejaVu Sans font rotated 90 degrees and mirrored. This is then placed on a keycap image from the Nuvola icon set designed by David Vignoni. Anything you see other than a rotated 3 is all in your head."08:37
mac_vlol ;)08:37
thorwilAlanBell: you could try to express that it's about having just the "core" without addition08:37
thorwilor actually: an empty shell08:38
AlanBellthorwil: ok, good sugestion, but there are problems with going in an apple direction in this context08:38
AlanBellempty shell is interesting08:39
* AlanBell keeps chickens08:39
AlanBellit might be a bit negative though. I want to promote naked computers as a good thing, an empty shell doesn't sound like a positive image, but there might be a way to do it08:40
thorwilsomething ridiculously simple like a filled circle with a dotted outline around it might work08:40
AlanBellI like ridiculously simple08:41
thorwilor something bowl-like http://www.der-feine-tisch.de/images/Bowl.jpg08:41
mac_vAlanBell: out of the concept a bit > hmm... peace symbol or the olive branch ?08:42
mac_vin the key08:42
mac_vAlanBell: or we could just make the color version of the bottom ;)08:43
AlanBellwe were working on a new theme for it and tried to modify the existing logo a bit, but it looks rubbish08:43
thorwila fig leave? http://images.buycostumes.com/mgen/merchandiser/17540.jpg08:44
AlanBellmac_v: interesting thought. Using color could make it more bottomish and less boobish?08:44
AlanBellthorwil: lol08:44
thorwili don't think you can use color for bottom/boob differentiation ... excpet if you start to add some blue veins :)08:45
mac_vAlanBell: that way , it wont be confused as boobs and you dont have to change your logo a lot08:45
thorwili think you should stay away from body parts08:46
mac_vthorwil: if we extend the bottom a bit above to include the back?08:46
mac_vso it becomes clearer as a bottom08:46
mac_vupto the small of the back08:46
AlanBellmaybe some kind of abstract line drawing representation of that sort of pose would work08:58
AlanBelldon't think I have the skills to do that though08:59
thorwili have but i don't think it's appropriate at all08:59
AlanBellit gets a bit too explicit really09:02
AlanBellI kind of like the way the current one is quite abstract and just points the mind in a direction09:03
AlanBelljust too many minds went in an unexpected direction09:04
mac_vlol ,09:04
AlanBellwho would have thought that bums and boobs could look so similar!09:04
mac_vAlanBell: then you can just modify this icon a bit  http://lordies.co.uk/naked/ to add the small of the back09:04
AlanBellmac_v: just tried that. Turns out looking like another unfortunate body part :-(09:13
mac_vAlanBell: do you have the icon ? i could give it a shot ;)09:13
* mac_v brb09:14
thorwilAlanBell: not sure what to think of it myself: http://xs344.xs.to/xs344/09411/naked_computers409.png09:32
AlanBellhttp://nakedcomputers.org/bums.svg is our attempted new logo, the bits for the existing one I don't have as svg, it was just done in the gimp09:33
AlanBellthorwil: hmm, quite abstract09:34
FLOZzHello all  _o/11:06
dashuazniavre, Pull again when you have some time.  Many fixes, just not Firefox yet =/13:30
dashuazniavre, The only fix for Firefox seems to have a dark menu_bg14:03
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zniavre__dashua, http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/5833/captureee.png15:56
dashuazniavre, Damn.  Alright.  I'll have to tweak it just a bit more.  Thx.16:04
zniavre__it make more yellow but it's a workaround16:06
zniavre__i saw also in gdm an issue with font color and button on the gdmbar in the bottom16:07
zniavre__i hav to reinstall a vbox karmic to screenshot gdm16:08
zniavre__dashua,  maybe do you know the way to do the progressbar yellow ?16:18
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zniavre__dashua buttons also in the new ubuntu store are wrong16:35
mac_vkwwii: mat_t: Bug #44316317:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 443163 in human-theme "Replace computer with white Ubuntu logo on GDM screen" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44316317:05
mat_tmac_v: yeah, already in the works17:06
tgpraveenmac_v: why should their be anything at all? in the mockups with no image it looks beautiful17:18
tgpraveen+ the white ubuntu logo is already used in the17:19
mac_vtgpraveen: huh?17:19
tgpraveenso using it again ...17:19
tgpraveenabout ^^  Bug #44316317:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 443163 in human-theme "Replace computer with white Ubuntu logo on GDM screen" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44316317:19
mac_vtgpraveen: pls read my comment again ;)17:19
tgpraveenk. 1 sec17:20
mac_vtgpraveen: i'v also said to *not* use the icon as in the mockups17:21
mac_vtgpraveen: BTW,  you could have invalidated the -UNR and -Dark bugs :/17:22
tgpraveenoh i hadnt reead the report when i said that good that all of us agree ;)17:22
tgpraveenmac_v: oh invalidate i though u did that when u talked to me about that17:23
tgpraveenlemme do it now17:23
mac_vtgpraveen: too late ;p17:23
mac_vtgpraveen: waited half hr for you to do it ;p17:24
tgpraveenmac_v: ok.good work. will keep in mind in future17:24
zniavre__dashua can i keep your theme ? i m starting to like the color schemas20:11
SiDikwwii: if you open firefox, type w/e in the url bar, there'll be a menu popping up with some suggestions from your history, made of entries consisting of a name in @text_color and an uri in blue22:28
SiDiif you wanna customize that blue (actually the one of default links on the web), you can via GtkWidget::link-color = "#foo"22:28
Aboooodhey guys, I am a fan of windows style but ubuntu ( linux) lover so any ideas?22:46
Viper550_that x-based splash = awsum23:44
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