
=== MenZa_ is now known as MenZa
=== statik` is now known as statik
* ccheney is back from moving :)05:53
ccheneygot ~ 95% of his stuff moved now, just have a few things to pick up and cleaning left05:54
Amaranthccheney: Cleaning will take as long as moving07:27
pittiGood morning07:33
Amaranthgood morning07:35
didrocksgood morning pitti07:42
mac_vsuperm1: hi... this bug is not valid in Ubuntu , > Bug #44271707:42
didrockshey Amaranth, mvo :)07:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 442717 in update-notifier "Update notifier needs a monochromatic icon" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44271707:42
mvohey didrocks!07:44
mac_vmvo: hi , regarding Bug #438843 , there seems to be a wrong icon name used for education category icon07:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 438843 in software-center ""Education" category icon is incorrect" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43884307:45
Amaranthmvo: software-center is awesome, btw :)07:46
AmaranthWas using it today to setup a new install, very slick07:46
mac_v+1 ^07:47
mvomac_v: indeed, the screenshot indicates that. its the accessories icon that is wrong btw. but i wonder if its wrong in the menus as well - it is correct on my system07:47
mvoAmaranth: thanks .)07:47
hyperairdoes anyone notice that the mouse acceleration can't be set/changed?07:49
mac_vmvo: mat's screenshot was from an old version of the theme , we have corrected it  , so now they wont look same, but the education is still is using the wrong icon > http://launchpadlibrarian.net/33014702/Screenshot-Ubuntu%20Software%20Center.png07:52
mvomac_v: and the panel menu at the same time shows the right icon?07:53
mac_vsince the icons now look different , it might seem like there is no problem , so just wanted to remind :)07:53
mac_vhmm.. let me check again07:53
Amaranthwe're down to 182 bugs in compiz that need to have something done with them (new, confirmed, triaged but not wishlist)07:55
Amaranthand 17 bugs fixed by getting a new snapshot and package updates :)07:55
Amaranthprobably soon it will be 1907:55
mac_vmvo: ah! ha.. it was a theme bug only... i got education category confused with science... its not a Software center bug... there was actually a bug in the gnome-panel where the wrong icon is used for accessories , so thats what caused this07:59
mvoAmaranth: cool, sounds like its time for a new snapshot :)07:59
Amaranthmac_v: Where did my disabled bluetooth icon go? :)08:00
Amaranthmvo: I think it's almost release time08:00
mvomac_v: ok, thanks. the code that reads the icons is very similar to the panel so if a icon is wrong there, its probably wrong in the panel as well08:00
Amaranthmvo: The plugins are all setup in the proper packs and there is a new splash image08:00
mac_vmvo: gnome-pane bug > Bug #42169508:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 421695 in gnome-panel "The "Accessories" menu uses the "applications-utilities" icon instead of "applications-accessories" in Karmic" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42169508:02
* mvo nods08:02
mac_vAmaranth: hm... ? there is an icon in Humanity for disabled too , it seems bluetooth doesnt use the disabled icon but rather doesnt display the icon... is that what you mentioned?08:02
mvomac_v: could you close/commen ton #438843 then?08:02
mac_vah ok08:03
Amaranthmac_v: No, when I disable bluetooth I used to get a blue logo with a little red X on it08:03
Amaranthmac_v: Now I get the same icon as enabled08:04
* hyperair grumbles about the mouse acceleration refusing to be set08:04
mac_vAmaranth: the disabled will be transparent , we dont use 'x' anywhere else for disabled but rather toggle transparencies08:04
Amaranthmac_v: hrm08:05
Amaranthmac_v: So now I can't tell if it's wasting power or not08:05
AmaranthThe icon sticks around when disabled so you can enable it again08:05
mac_vAmaranth: hmm... ok , so i'll make it more transparent ;)08:05
Amaranthmac_v: Perhaps make it use the Humanity-Dark bluetooth icon when disabled?08:06
Amaranthand vice versa08:06
Amaranthalmost invisible but not quite08:06
mac_vAmaranth: hmm... even easier ;)  i'll check out which works better...  could you file a bug for this? otherwise the release team doesnt want icons changed08:07
Amaranthmac_v: bug 44286708:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 442867 in humanity-icon-theme "can't tell when bluetooth is disabled" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44286708:10
mac_vAmaranth: thanks08:11
mac_vmvo: check out > http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2008/05/09/popup-scrollbar-concept-demo/ can we use this for software store scrollbar?08:12
didrocksdidn't it involve to patch gtk, IIRC?08:12
mac_vi think so08:13
mac_vbut something to consider for future... too late for karmic08:13
mac_vi guess08:13
mvoI think I have seen this before ... macos?08:13
didrocksexactly. I was a big fan of his work when he presented it :)08:13
mac_vmvo: thorwil08:14
AmaranthDoesn't require gtk patches, he implements his own widget08:14
mvoyeah, too late for karmic :/08:14
AmaranthNot too accessible either08:14
AmaranthThat is fixable but having one app do it differently would be bad08:15
mac_vAmaranth: i dont think accessibility is a problem , its just a new concept ,, so looks different08:15
Amaranthmac_v: No, I mean it doesn't implement any ATK interfaces08:15
AmaranthSo it is literally not accessible08:15
mac_vAmaranth: ah.. yeah ... why i asked for software center is , we could use it as a testing ground to push into gnome308:16
AmaranthWell since software-store is python you could port the code over easily enough08:19
mac_vmvo: is there anyway we could push this for karmic? [if mpt likes the idea]08:19
AmaranthThen just fix it up to implement the current scrollbar API perfectly, be accessible, and implement a couple of the changes mentioned in the bug report (single click jumps a page, don't make the arrows disappear if you move your mouse off the scrollbar for a second)08:20
didrocksI think that's way too intrusive to change it for karmic08:20
Amaranthmac_v: I would consider this too intrusive if you brought it up a month ago, tbh08:20
mvomac_v: the scrollbars? for karmic? no08:21
mac_voh , ok...08:21
Amaranthmac_v: I was making a bit of a joke saying it would be easy, read my big long list there :)08:21
mac_vAmaranth: ;p it would be easy once didrocks and mvo get on it ;)08:22
mac_vbut anyways for the future08:22
Amaranthmvo: I'd say if we have no 0.8.4 release by Wednesday we should just do a new snapshot and cherry pick from there08:23
seb128good morning there08:39
didrockshey seb128, did you have a good long week-end? :)08:39
seb128hey didrocks, too short but good, and you?08:39
didrocksseb128: very good, but too short too (OWF, then 1er samedi du libre and finally gobal jam). So, no rest at all!08:40
seb128busy didrocks ;-)08:41
seb128how was samedi du libre?08:41
didrocksseb128: fine, as usual :) but there was the OSCD in the same place (http://act.osdc.fr/osdc2009fr/)08:41
didrocksI attended to some conferences in the meanwhile. couchdb one specifically.08:42
al-maisanGood morning!08:42
didrockshi al-maisan08:42
al-maisanhello didrocks :)08:43
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:58
seb128hey chrisccoulson08:59
chrisccoulsonhey seb128, how are you?08:59
seb128good thanks, you?08:59
chrisccoulsonyeah, quite good, i slept a lot over the weekend!09:00
seb128weekends are good to get extra sleep you don't get otherwise ;-)09:01
chrisccoulsonyeah, definately!09:01
pittihey seb128, hey chrisccoulson09:01
chrisccoulsonhey pitti, did you have a good weekend?09:02
seb128hello pitti, had a good weekend?09:02
loolmvo: Hey, just FYI I was taking a look at apt over the WE and the Vcs-Bzr contents didn't match archive09:02
pittiwas pretty exhausting actually09:02
seb128pitti, how was the moving, not feeling your muscle too much since? ;-)09:02
loolmvo: The changes from were in a in Bzr09:02
pittiwe drove down to my sister (6 hours) to help her moving, worked the entire Saturday from 7 to 21, Sunday from 7 to 15, and then drove back home09:02
chrisccoulsonthat's a lot of hours;)09:03
seb128too many bug emails during the weekend09:04
seb1281106 since friday09:04
AmaranthIt's not me this time!09:04
chrisccoulsonheh, i can imagine, now everyone is testing the beta09:04
seb128I will spend my morning reading bug emails again, *shrug*09:04
chrisccoulsonthis gtk issue is a nasty one ;)09:05
seb128chrisccoulson, did you open a bug upstream about this one?09:05
* Amaranth can't believe the polkit-gnome bug was closed NOTABUG upstream09:05
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i've just done it now09:05
seb128chrisccoulson, well not really no since it's easy to workaround09:05
seb128but still would be nice to get fixed this week09:05
Amaranthmvo: btw, someone in #ubuntu+1 had dpkg segfault while upgrading libc609:05
chrisccoulsoni pinged mclasen about it last night, and he knew about it already09:05
Amaranthmvo: Their system was pretty much dead after this09:06
seb128can you add "csw" to the whiteboard?09:06
chrisccoulsonyeah, can do09:06
Amaranthmvo: I told them to leave it on and perhaps talk to you to see if there is any information you can get off it before he tries to fix it09:06
mvolool: oh, bad. let me check that09:06
mvoAmaranth: urgh, dpkg segfaults are usually faulty memory or something like this09:07
mvousually ...09:07
Amaranthmvo: Yeah I figured it was either a one in a million bug or cosmic radiation :)09:07
Amaranthmvo: I think he may have given up, he isn't in #ubuntu+1 anymore09:08
mvolool: I correct the branch now, for karmic its lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/apt/karmic09:09
mvolool: the stuff in ubuntu had too much churn, I wanted to wait with that for the next cycle09:09
didrocksseb128: I think, you should blame the global jam considering the bug triaging overload :)09:09
mvolool: I fixed the vcs-bzr header now09:09
loolmvo: Ok thanks09:11
seb128didrocks, ;-)09:13
chrisccoulsonseb128 - did you see that vuntz fixed the gnome-keyring issue?09:19
seb128chrisccoulson, yes09:19
seb128I will backport that after cleaning my bugmails09:19
seb128you're welcome, thank you for all your bug work ;-)09:20
seb128half of the bugs files are duplicates, shrug09:20
seb128I'm wondering what component is responsive for the background not refreshing correctly after opening the calendar from the clock applet09:21
seb128seems we get quite some bugs about it09:21
seb128I would tend to blame gtk csw09:22
Amaranthno no09:22
Amaranthseb128: you mean the shadow stays?09:22
seb128Amaranth, yes09:22
Amaranthseb128: one moment09:22
chrisccoulsonthat one is quite annoying too, but i wasn't sure what was causing it09:23
Amaranthseb128: dupe them to bug 42878309:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 428783 in compiz "shadow remains on desktop after closing applet window" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42878309:23
seb128Amaranth, thanks09:23
Amaranthfixed on wednesday :)09:23
seb128will mvo upload all your fixes today?09:23
mpt_glatzor, hi, thanks so much for that list of error messages09:24
Amaranthseb128: No, wednesday :)09:24
Amaranthseb128: Figure we'll just roll them all up with getting a new upstream snapshot, less work for mvo09:24
seb128Amaranth, well wednesday was frozen09:24
Amaranthseb128: I mean 2 days from today :)09:24
seb128ah ok, why not before?09:25
mpt_glatzor, when you have time, it would be cool if we could go through them one at a time to work out when they happen, how to prevent them, how to reword them, etc09:25
AmaranthAlthough nothing in current compiz bzr depends on the upstream fixes except turning constrain_y back on09:25
AmaranthWhich we were going to do even if we didn't get the proper fix for small screens09:25
Amaranthseb128: I guess if he wants to upload a package today bzr is ready09:26
seb128mvo, ^09:26
Amaranththat'll fix 7 bugs, anyway09:26
mvoseb128, Amaranth: thanks, I can do that09:26
* seb128 hugs mvo09:26
seb128Amaranth, thanks for all the work you do you compiz ;-)09:27
Amaranthd'oh I forgot to push one but I have other changes in my local copy now09:28
Amaranthoh well, that one can wait09:28
seb128bug #342980 is weird too09:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342980 in compiz "GUI elements stop updating" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34298009:29
Amaranthseb128: I can't reproduce :/09:30
seb128the current comment the user has it 100% of the time09:30
AmaranthOh, that guy is having the shadow issue09:30
AmaranthThe actual bug is about gnome-panel not being redrawn anymore when you do something to it while it is set to not expand09:31
seb128oh ok09:31
chrisccoulsonAmaranth - i've seen windows not updating until i resize them on my system09:32
AmaranthAnd various other windows apparently but I haven't seen this bug since early alphas and it's impossible to reliably reproduce09:32
chrisccoulsonquite often, but maybe that's due to my nvidia card;)09:32
AmaranthI've got some new nvidia hate09:33
AmaranthI can't use compiz on my old laptop09:33
AmaranthThe same system I used compiz on for years09:33
seb128pitti, have you seen bug #442115?09:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 442115 in gdm "Greeter always defaults to USA keyboard layout, ignoring system configuration" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44211509:33
pittiseb128: ugh, looking09:34
pittiseb128: ah, maxb pinged me about that on Friday; I'll ask him for some more info09:34
seb128pitti, thanks09:34
Amaranthseb128: upstream can reproduce that one and are as stumped as I am :/09:36
seb128Amaranth, hum, ok09:37
seb128hate apport dpkg install bugs09:37
seb128mvo, could you have a look to bug #441308 and tell me if the reassign is right?09:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 441308 in couchdb "package gdm 2.28.0-0ubuntu12 failed to install/upgrade: underproces installed post-installation script dræbt af signal (Interrupt)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44130809:38
seb128I don't get why it was assigned to gdm to start09:38
Amaranthseb128: On a positive note that's probably the last "omg this crap is broken" bug reported for compiz :)09:38
seb128Amaranth, ;-)09:38
Amarantheverything else is things not quite doing the right thing or crashes :P09:38
mvoseb128: yep, right - couchdb bug09:39
seb128mvo, thanks09:39
seb128mvo, thanks09:40
mvoseb128: sadly apt is sometimes dumb when it comes to this .(09:41
mvoassigning i mean09:42
seb128bug #441167, anybody has a clue about what is pam mount?09:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 441167 in gdm "package gdm 2.28.0-0ubuntu11 failed to install/upgrade: pam asked for password as it was configured with pam_mount" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44116709:43
mvono, sorry09:46
geser!info libpam-mount09:46
ubottulibpam-mount (source: libpam-mount): PAM module that can mount volumes for a user session. In component main, is extra. Version 1.5-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 117 kB, installed size 428 kB09:46
seb128geser, that far I guessed what I lack is how it can breaks gdm installation09:47
mac_vseb128: hi... i'm facing an odd bug... when i click on a button , i cannot click the button again unless i move the pointer... making it hard to do multiple clicks on the same button... is this a purposeful move?09:53
Amaranthmac_v: known09:53
chrisccoulsonmac_v - known issue09:53
seb128mac_v, known gtk bug with several duplicates09:53
mac_vah.. thanks all ... anyone know the bug# ? :)09:54
chrisccoulsonbug 44190509:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 441905 in gtk+2.0 "strange behaivor by clicking buttons" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44190509:54
* maxb wakes up; Hi pitti - need to get myself in to work now, but say anything you'd like me to check and I'll be able to do some debugging at my lunchtime in a few hours.10:02
pittimaxb: I replied to the bug; first thing is to check whether hal picked it up properly10:03
maxbX is doing the write thing, so I would think so.10:03
geserseb128: just a wild guess, could it be that the "su gdm" calls in gdm.postinst trigger it? the dpkg output doesn't unfortunately tell which user password it asks for10:03
maxbI will check the bug though10:03
seb128geser, could be, those calls are problematic anyway we will need to rework that10:04
seb128gconftool uses gconf which uses dbus and we got cases where it breaks10:04
seb128using dbus-launch would workaround some of the issues10:04
pittigconftool can't write the files directly?10:05
pittidbus-launch in a postinst doesn't sound like a robustification..10:05
Amaranthooh, that reminds me, I forgot to file a bug10:06
Amaranthmy gdm had a .gvfs directory that not even root could touch10:06
Amaranthso when gdm postinst tries to chown -R /var/lib/gdm it dies on that one10:06
chrisccoulsonAmaranth - i was just about to mention the same issue there, as hggdh had a similar upgrade failure too10:07
seb128right, several users got that too10:07
seb128it's a fuse design thing10:08
seb128I think the gdm user should be tweaked to not be in the fuse group to avoid those10:08
seb128pitti, gconftool doesn't write to files it talks to gconfd10:08
pitti$ id gdm10:09
pittiuid=114(gdm) gid=121(gdm) Gruppen=121(gdm)10:09
pittihm, it's not?10:09
seb128pitti, but right I think I will make the postinst write the .xml on disk directly or something10:09
seb128pitti, oh, we don't really on the fuse group membership nowdays do we?10:09
pittiseb128: we'd need to support both merged and broken-out format, though, no?10:09
Amaranthseb128: gconftool has a --direct option10:09
Amaranth--direct                                       Bypass server, and access the configuration database directly. Requires that gconfd is not running.10:09
Amaranthoh, dang10:09
pittioh, yay10:10
chrisccoulsoni don't know what spawns a gvfs daemon in the GDM session. i've never seen one yet10:10
seb128Amaranth, "requires that gconfd is not running"...10:10
Amaranthno, gdm is still running so it's gconfd is too10:10
Amaranthyeah, thus 'dang' :P10:10
pittican't it be killed?10:10
seb128I'm wondering if we should just drop a .gtkrc there10:10
pittior, rather10:10
pitti_if_ it's running, call gconftool10:10
pittiif it isn't, call it with --direct10:10
Amaranthpitti: but gconftool needs to be called with dbus-launch if it's running which is the problem to begin with, isn't it?10:11
pitti(there should be an --auto-direct option which does that..)10:11
geserbut either way gconftool needs to be called with su as user "gdm", right? if it's really the su call which triggers this bug seb128 is looking at it won't help10:15
seb128which is why I think we should look at using a gtkrc or writting the .xml file directly10:16
SiDiasac: hi there, are you around?10:23
SiDii wanted to talk to you about theming issues in firefox and thunderbird10:26
SiDiwhich are very annoying for xubuntu since they're particularly obvious with our theme :)10:26
SiDithe first problem is that one, asac:https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=47863210:26
ubottuMozilla bug 478632 in Theme "Awesome bar link color on linux" [Normal,New]10:26
SiDiwe cooked a workaround that turns this blue url into a slightly ligther one than the theme's text color, so that it works with bright and dark themes10:27
asacthat one?10:28
SiDisince upstream seems to have several solutions but to not have chosen which one to use so far, i'd like to have my workaround used as a patch10:28
SiDiours is here http://paste.ubuntu.com/286054/10:28
SiDi65 is a bit too light, its really a low contrast10:28
SiDi75 works slightly better :)10:28
asacso your approach is the same as the upstream patch ...10:28
SiDibut they dont know which to apply yet, and its obvious it wont land before 3.6/3.7, so not in karmic10:29
SiDiand if we cant have it fixed in the firefox package we'll have to do a xubufox package just for that, which is overkill :]10:29
asacSiDi: the bug seems to be dropped from the folks radar. re-raising this might help10:30
SiDi(unless firefox supports default userChrome.css via XDG? BUt i still think it would be quite dirty since it would work only for the default theme)10:30
asacat best we would have something they committed10:30
asacfor cherry-pick ... taking something with r- will cause troubles10:30
asacon my side10:30
asacSiDi: what about #14 ?10:30
asacSiDi: r- == review-10:31
asac-> aka not good enough10:31
SiDi#14 is ok but we have no idea how to provide such a link color...10:31
SiDii read the source to try to find it out but i still didnt find10:31
SiDiand, firefox 3.0 was using a lighter text color than the name, it wasnt using a link color, actually10:32
Amaranthmvo: we're not up to at least 12 bugs being fixed by getting a new compiz snapshot or an 0.8.4 release :)10:32
SiDiasac: so, what should i do? :/10:37
asacSiDi: that url link color is coming from our gtk theme?10:37
SiDiapparently its coming from the preferences in firefox10:38
mvoAmaranth: nice!10:38
SiDithere is a mysterious "use system colors", asac, but i didnt find what name i should give to it in my gtkrc10:38
Amaranthmvo: 2 more probably coming in the next hour or so10:38
SiDiand it still forces to change the firefox package to enable this option by default, anyway10:38
asacSiDi: the use_system_colors is for websites only afaik10:39
SiDii asked in the report how to define such a link color in the themerc10:40
SiDiin case i dont get any answer, asac, will it be possible to add the above workaround to ubufox's overlay.css or to the firefox package?10:41
asaci would say no. it got a review-10:41
asacwhy does that work?10:41
asac.ac-url-text is the url text in the awesome bar?10:42
SiDiits the text of the url10:42
SiDiputting it to the normal color with a lower opacity makes it readable when selected and when not selected, regardless of the theme10:42
SiDibecause it'll use the theme's colors and not a hardcoded #00f10:42
SiDii don't understand why they changed that in firefox 3.5 anyway10:43
SiDiits not like the link itself is "more" clickable than the rest of the list item10:43
asacwell. in ffox 3 there were also complains that its not readable in dark theme iirc10:44
AmaranthSiDi: URLs are always blue and always underlined. This is a law or something.10:44
asacSiDi: you have a screen with your workaround for dark and for normal?10:45
SiDiAmaranth: this one isnt underlined, and usually you underline links that can be clicked :)10:45
SiDiasac: sec10:45
AmaranthSiDi: Oh, I don't have firefox installed anymore so I was going on memory10:46
SiDii got to restart firefox for the screenshots, brb10:47
slomoseb128: hi, did you get my mail? :)10:48
seb128slomo, hey, yes I was just about to sync those and gstreamer0.1010:49
mvoAmaranth: ok, I check back on it after lunch then - I'm busy with software-center anyway :)10:49
Amaranthmvo: oh we don't have a release today I don't think10:50
Amaranthmvo: But I suspect the number of bugs just an upstream pull fixes will get to 20 by the time we update if things keep going at this rate :)10:50
mvoAmaranth: amazing10:51
SiDihttp://imagebin.ca/img/LKSlnTlN.jpg asac10:52
SiDion the right, without the workaround, on the left, with10:52
SiDiDefault ubuntu and xubuntu themes10:52
asacSiDi: please attach to the bug10:52
asacSiDi: please use the same opacity suggested by michaels patch10:52
SiDiaw, gotta restart ff again then10:53
seb128slomo, do you have string changes in gnome-codec-install?10:53
SiDiasac: i need to go soon, so i'll do that tonight, sending myself an email reminder10:53
SiDican we quickly look into the thunderbird bug?10:53
slomoseb128: gnome-codec-install only has a new warning in ubuntu, right? mvo or someone else should merge it then ;)10:53
seb128slomo, right, but the new version changelog seems to indicate string changes, we are past string freeze for karmic now10:55
AmaranthSiDi, asac: Didn't we use this in 3.0? I remember my awesomebar turning green10:55
slomoseb128: oh, there are no string changes but only new/fixed translations10:55
asacSiDi: i posted your screen now to the bug10:55
SiDiAmaranth: in 3.0 it was looking like it looks now with the workaround, yeh10:56
SiDii dont know if it was an ubuntu patch or upstream behaviour though10:56
SiDiasac: cheers; i'll add more screenies tonight with all the solutions and different themes10:56
asacAmaranth: all i remember is that 3.0 wasnt better than 3.5 for dark theme10:56
asaci think the "green" was removed for final10:56
asacbut i am not so sure atm10:56
SiDifor the thunderbird issue we have, it's a bug in the background color used for frame titles in _some_ of the tabs of the preferences dialog10:56
seb128slomo, ok cool, thanks10:56
SiDiits a really crazy bug, and we spent like 2 hours trying to figure it out. probably a theming issue in XUL10:57
asacSiDi: what bug id is tbird?10:57
seb128slomo, btw do you look to the g-c-i bugs in launchpad? there is several crash ones and some other issues apparently10:57
SiDi     https://bugs.launchpad.net/xubuntu-artwork/+bug/43939810:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 439398 in xubuntu-artwork "Thunderbird theming issues with dark themes" [Undecided,Invalid]10:57
SiDiits that, there is the link to the upstream report i made10:57
asacSiDi: please check tbird 3.0 from daily ppa10:58
asacits close to zero likelyhood that anything will be fixed in tbird 210:58
SiDiwe can live with the menu colors not being perfect, but the one in the preferences dialog is quite harsh10:58
asactbird 3 should be like ffox 3.510:58
SiDiwe got a css hack that "fixes" it10:58
SiDiit turns the dark grey into a lightgrey that is the background color of windows10:59
SiDiso its perfectly readable10:59
asacSiDi: we cannot deploy css hacks as those are hard to make sensitive wrt what theme you are using10:59
seb128pitti, seems the i386 retracers is stucked since thursday10:59
asacso you can change tbird to be better by default, but not everywhere10:59
SiDi(it works for all themes that i know of, though :p)10:59
seb128pitti, ie log not updated but still "running"10:59
pittiseb128: oh, I just checked the other ones, but didn't touch the running ones; so let's kill it?11:00
seb128pitti, should I just stop and restart it or do you want to have a look11:00
pittiseb128: please just restart11:00
seb128doing that now11:00
asacSiDi: i need to see the css hack then ;)11:00
asacand an explain why it works everywhere11:00
SiDihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/286053/ here it is11:00
SiDiSo, there are 2 bugs actually. THe title of the frames has a dark grey background11:00
SiDiwe identified it as the bg[NORMAL] from our GtkMenu style11:01
SiDithe hack replaces it with the color used as background for dialogs11:01
SiDiits not exactly the same one as in tab pages, but the color is sufficiently near for it to work when the label is inside a tab page. and its the same color for the labels that are not in tab pages (of course thunderbirds preferences have both cases...)11:02
SiDithe part with background:transparent !important is because otherwise we have 2 nice black squares on the left and right sides of the label11:02
SiDii couldnt identify them, they're not matching with anything in the dom structure of the dialog11:03
SiDican you point me to the tb3 PPA please? cant find it11:04
SiDiasac: i suppose there are ways to put this hack in a thunderbird plugin that we could seed in xubuntu?11:05
SiDi(i got the ubuntu-mozilla-daily PPA but dont see the packages11:09
SiDianyway i must go right now, talk to you later asac11:09
SiDiasac: its fixed in tb 3.011:13
SiDiso that'd be a ugly hack for karmic only, but a ugly hack that seems to work quite well11:14
mat_tasac: after clean install and latest updates my Mini 9  does not have wireless anymore :(11:18
mat_tasac: is this a known issue, or should I file a bug?11:18
davmor2mat_t: known bug ask Keybuk he'll throw half a dozen bugs at you.11:20
mat_tdavmor2: thx :)11:21
seb128slomo, do you have any idea about bug #442157?11:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 442157 in rhythmbox "The autoaudiosink element is missing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44215711:22
asacmat_t: wl?11:24
asacmat_t: does your device show up in the applet? or just nothing?11:24
slomoseb128: yes, i had this too one time... no idea why it happend but pulseaudio died for some reason :)11:25
seb128slomo, shouldn't it fallback to something else if pulseaudio is not running?11:25
geserpitti: thanks for fixing that keyboard variant bug11:26
pittigeser: works for you as well now?11:26
slomoseb128: yes, i really don't know what the problem was :) can it be reproduced by this guy?11:27
geserpitti: yes, both on my notebook and my desktop. No more resetting the keyboard configuration once after gnome login anymore :)11:27
seb128slomo, dunno I will ask on the bug11:27
seb128ok, it took me the morning but I'm done reading weekend backlog11:29
seb128chrisccoulson, alex fixed the gtk issue, that was quick ;-)11:29
seb128let's backport those gnome-keyring and gdk changes11:30
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i just checked my mail:)11:30
chrisccoulsonthat was definately quite fast ;)11:30
Amaranthmvo: That guy with the dpkg segfault is around again if you want me to ask him for anything11:30
seb128oh nice the gtkmm debian maintainer woke up we will be able to sync those updates too ;-)11:31
Amaranthseb128: any idea what we're going to do with polkit-gnome not getting focus? bug 433851 was closed upstream as NOTABUG11:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 433851 in software-center "Authentication dialog doesn't get focus" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43385111:32
AmaranthI've put a workaround in compiz for now but metacity (and every other WM) needs a workaround too if we don't put robert_ancell's patch in11:32
seb128Amaranth, no, wms are you area no? ;-)11:32
Amaranthdavidz says we need a new WM hint for "system modal" dialogs to properly fix this11:34
AmaranthBut I don't think we can wait 2 years11:34
seb128right, that's something we need to address for the lts11:36
seb128though having compiz workarounding is a first good step for karmic ;-)11:36
seb128is there any reason we could push quickly for the new hint?11:36
AmaranthI dunno, lmurray (kwin dev) seems to be working on an update to this spec right now so I could talk to him11:37
Amaranthseb128: He says it's an app bug :P11:44
* Amaranth goes in circles for a bit11:44
AmaranthThere is a simpler patch we could do to bypass focus stealing prevention though, I'll talk to robert_ancell about it11:45
AmaranthShould only be a line or two of code instead of an interface change11:45
seb128ok good, thanks11:45
* seb128 lunch11:45
seb128be back in half an hour11:46
mat_tasac: nope, nothing11:46
mat_tasac: the whole "wireless" section seems to be gone11:47
mat_tasac: 3G works fine though11:49
asacmat_t: lsmod | grep wl11:57
asacis wl driver loaded?11:57
asacalso ifconfig -a .... does "wl0" or something show up there?11:57
AmaranthSo it appears kwin is cheating with polkit-kde too11:57
Amaranthmakes me feel less bad about what I'm about to suggest :P11:58
=== soren_ is now known as soren
mvoAmaranth: hrm, I missed him, I was at lunch12:05
AmaranthIs it too late to do http://www.realistanew.com/random/polkit-bling.png ?12:06
thekornHi, I think I found a bug in gnome's 'open file' dialog in karmic and I would like to know where to report it,12:06
Amaranthit's totally fake, you can still use the rest of the desktop12:07
Amaranthbut it gives the impression that this dialog is something you need to deal with12:07
Amaranthand all I had to do was turn on one compiz plugin and add match rules to 4 or 5 of them12:07
thekornthe file open dialog is just not generating thumbnails for image and video files,12:08
thekornbut when I open a folder containing an image with nautilus before this thumbnails are correctly generated12:08
seb128thekorn, do we really want the filechooser to spend time doing that? that's sort of expensive12:13
Amaranthalso http://www.realistanew.com/random/polkit-bling2.png <--we can't actually do blur though ;)12:16
thekornseb128: ah, ok. so it's not a bug and it is working as expected12:17
seb128I don't know12:17
seb128it would be a gtk fileselector bug to open upstream rather12:17
seb128ie I don't know if that's a design decision or a bug and it's so low priority that nobody in the ubuntu team will look at it anyway12:17
thekornmaybe it's because the filechooser does not have an async interface/method for this12:18
seb128you can look for upstream bugs though12:18
Amaranthseb128: so is it too late to make compiz look like one of those screenshots? :)12:19
seb128I would say it's late yes12:19
seb128but other people might have different opinions12:19
thekornseb128: thanks will ask/report about this upstream12:19
* Amaranth will not tell the Design Team12:19
seb128you can try asking mvo and pitti what they think12:19
seb128thekorn, thanks12:19
Amaranthseb128: Really it's kind of a waste without the mouse and keyboard grabs12:20
mac_vmpt_: ^ could that be done for policky kit in karmic ;)12:20
Amaranthmac_v: no no, compiz is doing that, right now, on my computer12:20
AmaranthI enabled one extra plugin and changed a bunch of match rules12:20
Amaranththe blur is not doable for real though, just wanted to see what it would look like12:21
mac_vAmaranth: nevermind , others then  ;p ...i want that... how did you do it?12:21
mac_vno need blur , but just the darkening12:21
thekornhmm, thumbnails where never generated while browsing in the filechooser, I guess I just get confused because the default image icon in the new theme looks similar to the 'icon not found'-icon12:21
Amaranthmac_v: I added match rules to winrules, decoration, loginout, and place to make the window always centered, always on top, no decoration, and faded12:22
Amaranthoh, and not movable12:22
* mpt_ reads up12:23
mac_vAmaranth: i'v tried that...didnt work for me... but what is the window match?12:23
Amaranthmac_v:  | (class=Polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 & type=Dialog)12:23
Amaranthadd that to the end of the logout matches12:23
Amaranthdecorator needs to be !(class=Polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 & type=Dialog)12:24
Amaranththe rest are just (class=Polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 & type=Dialog)12:24
mac_vah! , i was using wrong class *face palm*12:25
mac_vworks like a charm... Amaranth thanks :)12:25
AmaranthThat's as close as compiz can get to a "system modal" window like gksu, only thing missing is the mouse and keyboard grabs12:25
AmaranthI think for karmic we probably just want to make polkit-gnome _work_12:25
Amaranthfor lucid we can make it pretty12:25
mpt_Amaranth, seb128, mac_v: I don't want PolicyKit alerts (at least, not those from the Ubuntu Software Center) to be system-modal. As far as I'm concerned that's one of PolicyKit's great advantages over gksu.12:26
Amaranthok, that kills that12:27
mac_vhehe ;p12:27
Amaranthcan't do them per app calling it :P12:27
mpt_Just modal to the parent window, and therefore taking focus whenever you try to focus the parent window.12:28
Amaranthmpt_: but that part probably isn't happening either12:28
Amaranthupstream rejected it and it's an API change12:28
mpt_So maybe I should comment in the b.g.o bug report12:29
AmaranthThat would be good12:29
* mac_v likes the gksu way ;)12:29
* Amaranth made the gksu way not suck with compiz so is kind of attached as well :)12:34
mat_tasac: ok trying that12:36
asacmat_t: whats the problem on 435109 ?12:37
asaci mean ... is there really an issue in nm-applet?12:38
asacfeels like its just a mapping issue in theme12:38
asacmac_v: ^^ ?12:38
mat_tbug #43510912:38
mat_thm, no bugbot12:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435109 in network-manager-applet "Incorrect panel icon for 3G connection" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43510912:38
asacyeah sry12:38
asacnm uses nm-device-wwan12:38
mat_tasac: in Human theme, the panel indicator for 3G connection is using the icon from notify-osd set12:39
asacyes. but seems its just a bogus link ... or something12:39
asacnm-device-wwan is mapped to the wifi icon12:39
mat_tasac: I'm not sure what's happening here - kwwii should look into it12:39
mac_vasac: mat_t: yeah , human theme lacks that icon... Humanity has one ;)12:40
asaclike: notify-send -i nm-device-wwan test12:40
mac_vmat_t: that icon seems to be a new addition...12:40
mat_tasac: notify-osd icons are now in a separate package, so they should never appear anywhere outside of the notification bubble12:40
mat_tmac_v: ^12:40
mac_vmat_t: yes , but since human lacks the icon.. it seems to fallback to the available icon12:41
asacmat_t: dont get confused. i just used notify-send to quickly see the mapping for nm-device-wwan12:41
mac_vmat_t: asa workaround , you can add Humanity ad the inherits12:41
mat_thm, that would be hi-color?12:41
mac_v as a *12:41
asacanyway. thats a theme issue for sure.12:42
mac_vasac: any progress on the wwan/adhoc signal icons?12:42
mac_vas in > new names12:42
mat_tasac: mac_v: ok, so we're missing the correct icon in the human theme then12:43
asaccould be. maybe we just have a bad link12:43
mac_vmat_t: you can add Humanity as the inherits in Human12:44
mac_vsince Humanity is now the default12:44
mat_tasac: who could check if the link is correct?12:44
asac/usr/share/icons/Humanity/status/24/nm-device-wwan.svg /usr/share/icons/Humanity/status/22/nm-device-wwan.svg12:44
asacthose are wrong12:44
asaclrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 2009-09-25 11:36 /usr/share/icons/Humanity/status/22/nm-device-wwan.svg -> nm-signal-100.svg12:44
asaclrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 2009-09-25 11:36 /usr/share/icons/Humanity/status/24/nm-device-wwan.svg -> nm-signal-100.svg12:44
mac_vasac: huh?12:45
asacmac_v: those are wrong, right?12:46
mac_vasac: those have been corrected , in Humanity12:46
asace.g. there is no tower yet12:46
mat_tasac: OK, let's park that for now - when kwwii is back tomorrow I will ask him to look through all n-m icons in Human and Humanity and see which links are broken or which icons are wrong or missing12:46
asacmac_v: is that fix uploaded?12:46
asaci havent upgraded today12:46
mac_vasac: lool has to update humanity... its not updated yet i believe12:47
mpt_Amaranth, btw, why did you say "this is a bit of a security issue"?12:47
mat_tasac: so that we don't have two parallel threads of conversation12:47
asacmat_t: sure. i feel i am off the hook ;)12:48
Amaranthmpt_: Because the window appears on top and depending on your theme it may be hard to tell it doesn't have focus12:48
mpt_Amaranth, ah, good point12:48
mat_tasac: The design team will be responsible if the icons are wrong, so it's probably the best thing to do :)12:48
Amaranthmpt_: so you type "mypassword" and press enter and wonder why people on IRC are ssh'ed into your comptuer12:48
asacmat_t: thanks!!12:48
mpt_(how did you know my password was "mypassword"???)12:49
mat_tasac: np, thank you12:49
Amaranthhehe, I had to fight myself to not put my actual password there12:49
mac_vasac: for now , the nm-device-wwan and the nm-device-adhoc  icons are in color , i'v not done the greyscale version ... /me waiting for the new signal names :)12:49
mac_vicon names*12:49
mat_tasac: btw, grep wl doesn't return anything12:52
* mat_t -> lunch12:53
asacmat_t: sudo modprobe -v wl12:56
loolasac: The planned update is in my PPA13:01
loolmac_v: Did you see the report that the bluetooth disabled icon is not good with latest humanity?13:02
mac_vlool: which one? the one Amaranth just filed?13:02
loolmac_v: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2009-October/029281.html13:02
asaclool: /usr/share/icons/Humanity/status/22/nm-device-wwan.svg where does that link point to?13:02
loolasac: It's a file here13:02
asacok. i assume its right then13:03
Amaranthlool: yeah, I told mac_v and filed the bug shortly after that :)13:03
loolasac: http://people.canonical.com/~lool/nm-device-wwan.svg13:04
loolAmaranth: Thanks13:04
mac_vlool: asac: i'm repeating again ;) the device-wwan is still in color... asac hasnt yet confirmed the new icon name to be used for signal strengths in the wwan and adhoc...13:04
mac_vso when asac lets me know the new names i'll be doing greyscale icons for those signals too13:04
asacmac_v: and without signal strength we cannot fix this?13:05
loolmac_v: Please provide them separately to me (e.g. list of files to copy from tip) when you have them as I'm not pushing a new snapshot of tip to get them13:05
mac_vasac: you are making me do the icons twice :(13:05
mac_vlool: sure13:06
mac_vasac: now , i'd have to do them in greyscale and then again , for the new names ;p13:06
asacmac_v: we definitly need a icon without signal strenght as just a few devices support signal strength13:07
asacso its not duplicated.13:07
didrocksasac: I saw you synced epiphany-webkit (I was at OWF, helping on Canonical booth, that's why I wasn't available). No more worked needed there?13:07
asacdidrocks: we synched epiphany-browser13:07
asacseb128: can you bin-NEW seed?13:07
seb128asac, yes13:07
asac(seed == package needed for epiphany-browser)13:08
seb128I know what seed is, it's one of the js used by GNOME ;-)13:08
asacdidrocks: i think all should be fine minus some bin_NEWing13:08
didrocksasac: ok, perfect :)13:08
seb128asac, newed13:08
mac_vasac: hm... so , i'm not sure what to do :(  so the devices without signal strength will use color version  :/  since you are using the device icon in the notification area... you can just make the devices without signals to use the nm-wwan-signal-100 instead13:11
Amaranth"one of the js" is the sad part :/13:11
loolmac_v: Do you have an ETA for the bluetooth and signal strength levels fixes?13:11
loolmac_v: e.g. tonight, tomorrow, etc.13:12
loolI'm away at the end of the week (thursday-sunday) so would like to plan for it asap13:12
mac_vlool: bluetooth , in a few mins... but signal strength not until asac13:12
mac_vmentions the names13:12
asacmac_v: dont assume the signal strength is coming for sure13:12
loolDo we have a bug for the signal strength icons?13:12
asacno its a wishlist upstream13:13
asacfor 3g13:13
mac_vlool: no , no bug yet , since asac is oscillating  ;)13:13
asacmac_v: so we are using colored icons for wired too?13:13
asacshould be pretty much the same13:13
asacwired -> tray vs. app == wwan -> tray vs. app13:13
mac_vasac: no  , no colored for wired... i have hacked them ,as a i mentioned earlier 16/22/24px13:14
asacyeah. same hack should work for wwan too?13:14
mat_tasac: FATAL: Module not found13:14
mac_vasac: it should... but i was hoping you'd get new icon names ;p13:15
* mat_t feels he's in Mortal Kombat13:15
asacmat_t: yeah... install linux-restricted-modules  ... not sure why jockey doesnt pull that in for you.13:15
asacpitti: ^^13:15
mat_tasac: ok, thx!13:15
asacpitti: he is using mini 9 (or 10?) ... and linux-restricted-modules is not installed13:15
mat_tpitti: Finish Him!13:15
asaceven though he needs "wl" (i would think)13:15
asacpitti: is that missing device id?13:16
asacmat_t: thats UNR or plain karmic?13:16
mat_tplain K13:16
asacmat_t: check if installing the package from above helps13:16
mat_tasac: fresh install with all updates13:16
asacmac_v: point is ... even if we get signal strenght we wont use that for devices that dont support it so we still need the wwan hack13:18
mat_tasac: it's telling me there's no such package 0_o13:18
mac_vasac: i thought : linux-restricted-modules is deprecated in favour of DKMS packages.13:18
asacmat_t: linux-restricted-modules-generic13:18
asacno clue ;)13:18
* mat_t tries13:18
asacmaybe its really shipped somewhere else.13:19
mac_vasac: argh!... so , symlink then for wwan to nm-signal-100 ;p since its gonna be the same icon ;)13:19
asacmac_v: nm-signal-100 -> wifi13:19
asacidea was to not put any color in the "none siganl wwan"13:20
asacbut since you dont use any color at all i dont know13:20
mac_vasac: the nm-device-wireless is a color icon13:20
asacthe icon lool posted looks a bit too similar to wireless imo13:20
asacthe tower is there, but not big enough13:20
asacmy suggestion was the tower in high color ... just with different count of rings13:21
asacmac_v: using the same icon for wwan and wifi is wrong13:21
asacthats the one lool posted ... its != wifi ... but the diff is not really recognizable for teh untrained eyes imo13:21
mac_vasac: could you do one thing... check out $bzr branch lp:humanity and suggest something13:21
asacmac_v: the icon from above is from that branch afaik13:22
asac14:21 < asac> http://people.canonical.com/~lool/nm-device-wwan.svg13:22
mac_vasac: yeah , ok13:22
mac_vasac: but when the lock is overlayed  , this is the only possible difference that can be done13:22
mac_vasac: mat_t suggests to use the same icon for both wwan and wifi13:23
asacmac_v: there is no lock for wwan ... only technology (the letters U, G, E, H)13:23
pittiasac, mat_t: l-r-m is gone; what are you trying to do?13:23
asacpitti: wl driver is not there for him13:23
asacpitti: which was in restricted in the past13:23
asacnot sure where its now13:24
pittibcmwl-kernel-source nowadays13:24
mac_vasac: even for that overlay , we need separate space , since we are using greyscale icons13:24
asacpitti: ok. if thats not installed its a jockey bug?13:24
seb128pitti, ArneGoetje: do you know about recent languagepack breakages?13:24
asacmat_t: bcmwl-kernel-source install this then13:25
loolasac: I'd like to close humanity issues relatively fast; we're way too late for icon theme updates IMO, so a simple to implement solution would be great13:25
mat_tasac: thanks!13:25
loolWe can get nicer icons in lucid and give more thoughts to the visuals13:25
mac_vmat_t: asac: the both of you decide what needs to be done... for the wireless / wwan icons ;)13:25
pittimat_t: jockey does not list the driver for you? If not, please do "ubuntu-bug jockey-gtk" and point me to the number (this will collect all the info I'm interested in)13:25
asaclool: right. but having a wwan icon == wifi is  wrong13:25
asacmac_v: use the current hicolor wwan icon13:25
asacmake it beautiful and thats find13:25
pittiseb128: bug 442742 ?13:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 442742 in language-pack-kde-es-base "Update of 20091003 have 15.4% of the translations from 20090926" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44274213:26
mat_tmac_v: ok, can we wait with that decision till tomorrow? We'll be discussing it today13:26
mat_tpitti: ok13:26
mac_vmat_t: lool wants to update this in Ubuntu... so i'll leave it as is for now , and we can decide before next update13:26
asacmat_t: imo the currently suggested wwan icon doesnt make it because its too similar to wifi: http://people.canonical.com/~lool/nm-device-wwan.svg13:27
loolmat_t: Please, no delaying anymore13:27
asacmat_t: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps/nm-device-wwan.png ... that should be used13:27
asacas a .svg13:27
mac_vasac: as i said , since it is greyscale , we can not do it similar to the icons kwwii had done , we can not do an overlay E ,H ,G13:27
asacand if we need signal strength it can just have more/less rings later13:28
seb128pitti, yes13:28
mac_vand make it visible13:28
pittiseb128: on my list of things to look at; I have a suspicion, but need to confirm13:28
seb128pitti, I know about the bug I was just wondering if somebody is working on it13:28
seb128pitti, ok thanks13:28
mat_tasac: do you know what users will find this information valuable (difference between wwan and wifi)? Is this something that would affect casual folks in any way?13:28
asacmac_v: if it helps, please ignore all the signal strength and technology features i mentioned.13:28
loolmac_v: Please keep it simple to get it done faster13:29
mac_vasac: without the E , G , H ... you mean?13:29
asacmac_v: yes. you want to know if you are on wifi/wlanb13:29
seb128pitti, should it be assigned to somebody or should we add a comment saying that somebody will look at the issue?13:29
asacmac_v: yes. ignore all that. i will push that back upstream13:29
asacwe will have that in lucid13:29
mac_vasac: ok13:29
pittiseb128: what, the langpack issue? I will13:29
seb128pitti, yes, thanks13:29
seb128pitti, we got several random bugs on different applications which seem dup of this one13:30
seb128hey pedro_13:30
mac_vasac: so you are sure  , there will be no lock icon overlay? because mat_t showed me that the lock overlay is used for wwan too13:30
asacmat_t: so if installing that helps please do what pitti suggested so we can add your device id to the jockey package13:30
asacmac_v: the lock icon overlay is used, but only for vpn.13:30
asacnot the one used by wifi13:31
mac_vlet me get you the image13:31
pedro_bonjour seb12813:31
asace.g. wifi == can have two locks -> encryption lock (top left), vpn lock (bottom right)13:31
mat_tasac: doing it right now13:31
asaceverything else can have vpn lock ...13:31
pittimat_t: do you have the "bcmwl-modaliases" package installed?13:31
pittiasac: ^ that's where the aliases are, FYI (they aren't hardcoded in jockey)13:31
mat_tpitti: #4430613:31
mat_tpitti: I do13:33
mac_vasac: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/32742972/Wireless-icons.png , see the lock is used in the drop down menu too , for encrypted [apart from vpn]... so this is the best we can do ,13:34
mac_vfor wwan^13:34
mac_vpreviously i have the tower taller for wwan :/13:35
asacmac_v: there is no wwan on that screen at all13:35
asacits all wireless13:35
asacaka wifi13:35
mac_vasac: the ubuntu-battersea , that was the wwan icon when mat_t took the snapshot , it had the taller tower13:35
asacthe one for "ubuntu-Lambeth" should just be the same like "Ubuntu"13:35
asacmac_v: thats all wifiu13:36
mac_vasac: no... that was the wwan icon :(13:36
asacwell. it might be that that was the wwan icon13:36
asacbut its never used with that lock13:36
asacthats an artificially crafted thing13:36
asacwwan entries in the menu will not even have an icon13:36
mac_vasac: i dont think mat_t crafter it ;p13:37
asacthen that was a theme bug13:37
asacthe screenshot clearly shows only WIFI entries13:37
mac_vasac: i dont have a wwan nearby , so i cant test it myself :(13:37
asacno sign of any 3g13:37
asacmac_v: wwan nearby?13:37
asacwwan doesnt need to be nearby13:38
asacthats the whole idea13:38
mac_vin my area*13:38
asacwwan is something completely different13:38
asacbelieve me13:38
asacthat screen is not wwan13:38
mac_vjust a sec13:38
asacits a mixup of icons for wifi i am sure13:38
pittimat_t: replied13:38
mat_tpitti: ok13:39
seb128mac_v, hey13:39
asacmac_v: this is a old screen ... but see the "Mobile Broadband" http://people.canonical.com/~asac/nm08-applet/gsm-connected2.png13:39
mac_vasac: the icon you see in mat_t's screenshot , was the icon i did for wwan specifically, i used a taller tower since you had mentiond , but seeing that it overlaks the lock for that icon too , i reduced the size and made a different tower13:39
seb128mac_v, bug #421695 can you look to the recent comment?13:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 421695 in gnome-menus "The "Accessories" menu uses the "applications-utilities" icon instead of "applications-accessories" in Karmic" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42169513:39
asacmac_v: yes. but that icon will never be overlayed with the lock that is in the screenshot13:40
asacits clearly a crafted thing13:40
mac_vasac: then how did mat_t get the screenshot... you have to ask mat_t ...13:40
asaci dont know. he might have replaced the FULL signal wifi icon13:41
asacto test13:41
mac_vasac: he didnt realize the icon was a wwan icon , i recognized and changed it > Bug #43926113:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 439261 in humanity-icon-theme "Wireless connection icon in the network menu overlaps with the lock icon" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43926113:42
mac_vmat_t: ^13:42
asacimo the icon i showed you made by kwwii for upstream is the right approach13:42
asacwhatever you do with the tower on left side it will be too similar13:42
asacat least thats my guess13:42
mac_vasac: yes , but using greyscale we cant do it :(13:42
asacbut i am not an artist13:42
asacmac_v: the only reason we needed colors there is because we didnt have 5 stages ... maybe you can make zero, one, two, three, three-strong-lined13:43
asac4 stages actually13:44
mac_vasac: what stages? i dont understand? you mean signal strengths?13:44
asacor zero, one, two, three lines ... and three lines with strong middle point of tower13:45
asacthere must be some way ;)13:45
mac_vasac: but what about the bug mat_t reports? where there is the lock overlayed for encrypted?13:45
mat_tasac: surely 4 steps is enough, no?13:46
mat_t0, weak, med, strong, full13:46
asaccurrent code uses 5 ... but i think we can live with 413:46
asace.g. current code == in some patch we had in the past for a custom image13:47
mat_tasac: uhm13:47
mac_vasac: thats the main problem , the lock overlay for encryption.. and also for vpn lock , so that tiny area is all we can use for a tower :(13:47
asacfor wwan there is no lock for encryption13:47
asaconly the vpn lock13:47
asacbut that must work with _all_ device types13:47
mat_tpitti: ok, so I installed the kernel package, how do I make my wireless work again? :)13:47
pittimat_t: did jockey display it after apt-get update?13:48
mac_vother wise the tower can be one the other side , right and the signals on the left :/13:49
mac_vasac: but that wouldnt look good :(13:49
pittimat_t: You can reboot, or I can give you a sequence of commands which should enable it on the fly (what jockey does); what do you prefer?13:49
mat_tpitti: reboot will mean less work for both of us ;)13:50
mac_vasac: the vpn lock is the same as the encryption lock...13:50
asacit cant be the same13:50
asacit must be at the bottom right corner13:50
asacand your theme must look ok with that13:50
mac_vasac: that cant be done , since the lock must be separate from the icon ,,we cant keep lock at the bottom.. previously i had a key for encryption... mat_t didnt like it and had it reverted to lock13:51
asacmac_v: so the vpn overlay will only be in tray13:51
mat_tpitti: aah, great. Works now.13:51
asacnot in the menu13:51
mat_tpitti: thank!13:51
mac_vasac: yup13:51
asacmaybe its smartest to keep the lock golden13:51
mac_vhehe ;)13:52
asacwell. better than having some indistinct sauce13:52
mac_vasac: but UX ,wants panel icon greyscale... so its a small price to pay13:52
mat_tmac_v: the problem now is that the icons are back to pale grey13:53
asacprice == to not display that you are connected to VPN? thats rather expensive price13:53
mac_vmat_t: huh? the icons havent yet been updated :/13:53
mat_tmac_v: I've got a fresh install here13:53
mac_vmat_t: those are the old icons , it hasnt yet been updated13:54
* mac_v points mat_t to lool ;)13:54
mat_tmac_v: ok, before any update, we need to see what the changes will be. Mark saw the current icons and wasn't happy at all13:54
mat_twhich didn't surprise me :)13:54
mac_vmat_t: i cant do anything when no one updates the icons :/ so who ever is unhappy its not my fault... all i can do is correct them13:55
mat_tmac_v:  sure, it's not your fault - we just need to structure the approach a bit :)13:56
pittianyone on current karmic, if you close your lid (suspend) and reopen, do you get right back into the session or to the screensaver lock dialog?13:56
* mat_t tries13:56
mat_tpitti: ss lock13:57
pittimat_t: thanks; works for me as well13:57
mat_tmac_v: ok, so for now the only change that should happen is to make the icons darker. Then we'll move from there.13:59
mat_tWe need to address one issue at a time13:59
seb128pitti, the "suspend after n minute inactive" is said to be buddy according to user comments13:59
mac_vmat_t: its already done... pls talk to lool  , he needs to update them13:59
seb128pitti, other cases should lock screen correctly now14:00
mat_tmac_v: cool, thanks :)14:00
pittiseb128: the latest response (Bart) said it wouldn't lock for him after lid opening; I asked him for further info14:00
seb128pitti, oh ok, that one is probably an user config issue14:00
* mat_t goes back to his other work...14:02
loolmat_t: The update is pending in my PPA14:05
loolmat_t: If anything else needs updating, please point me at a patch to include; I'm not taking a wholesale update from lp:humanity anymore14:06
loolmat_t: See my email to ubuntu-devel from this WE for instructions14:06
mat_tlool: that's cool. The problem we were having is that we didn't know what the update is going to include. Since we'll be held responsible as a team, we need to know14:08
loolmac_v: If the updates are in my PPA or in 0.4.1, please consider pointing people at that instead of pointing them at me  :-)14:08
loolmat_t: I don't know whether your stuff is in it either14:09
mac_vlool: fixed the bluetooth issue Amaranth reported also... i'm not changing anything else until there are bug reports14:09
loolmat_t: What I can tell you is that the last upstream snapshot I took is 0.4.1 with over 100 revs since the previous one; I couldn't review them all, which is why it's not in karmic yet14:09
mac_vlool: they are the updates in ppa and 0.4.1 ;)14:09
loolmac_v: Where can I get it?14:09
mac_vlool: just pushed the latest rev14:10
mac_vlool: only the bluetooth disabled icons are changed14:10
mat_tlool: ok, let's go with the update and we'll go from there. Any future changes to stuff like panel icons we need to know about in advance.14:11
mat_tmac_v: ^14:11
Amaranthjames_w: What's a sponsor check? You need mvo to ack the change?14:11
loolmat_t: Yeah I need to know too14:11
Amaranth(removing compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported)14:11
mac_vseb128: hi... sorry for the late response about the accessories icon... hmm... ok , sounds good14:11
james_wAmaranth: you are not a MOTU, so sponsoring is required14:11
seb128mac_v, ie we can keep what we have now?14:12
mat_tthanks lool14:12
james_wAmaranth: I realise that it seems a bit redundant here, but I'd rather stick to the process14:12
mac_vseb128: i dont see , why not. sounds reasonable14:12
loolmat_t: The plan is 0.4.1 + zoom icons + bluetooth disabled icon + fixed index.themes14:12
Amaranthmvo: can you comment on bug 440731?14:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 440731 in compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported "remove compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44073114:12
seb128mac_v, ok thanks14:12
loolmat_t: 0.4.1 includes a load of updates from last week and the new humanity-dark14:12
mat_tlool: ok14:13
loolmat_t: You can try it out in my ppa, except for bluetooth-disabled14:13
mat_tlool, what's your ppa?14:13
loolasac, mac_v: So is anything pending for wwan/wireless?14:13
loolmat_t: ppa:lool/ppa14:13
mat_tpitti: still getting a system beep on battery low 0_o14:14
mac_vlool: wwan and wireless i'm not changing... since asac mentions there wont be a lock but mat_t shows screenshots with a lock... so unless there are bug reports + screenshots .. not changing stuff without knowing the problem ... its literally groping in the dark :)14:14
mvoAmaranth: in a call currently, but I will do that14:15
mat_tmac_v: ok14:15
Amaranthmvo: alright, thanks14:15
pittimat_t: is that done from the BIOS?14:15
mat_tpitti: no idea, how do I check?14:16
pittithere might be a setting in the bios setup?14:16
mat_tpitti: I haven't changed anything in bios since Jaunty14:16
loolasac: ^ see mac_v's comment; let me know if you need a humanity-icon-theme update to close such a bug14:16
pittimat_t: and you didn't get the sound in jaunty?14:16
mat_tpitti: nope, neither in Hardy14:17
mat_twhich was preinstalled14:17
pittihm; I have absolutely no idea about that, I'm afraid14:17
mat_thm, ok14:17
Amaranthmaybe we're using a part of the BIOS we weren't before?14:17
mat_twould be good if someone could confirm the bug14:17
pittiwe need strace for sound14:17
loolmac_v: Just FYI, the zoom icons are barely visble with Dust14:18
pittibut without pcspk nor snd_pcsp I wouldn't know what else could produce beeps14:18
loolmac_v, mat_t: Just pushed humanity-icon-theme 0.4.1-0ubuntu1~dooz4 with all planned changes to my PPA14:18
AmaranthI think be the end of the week 30 bugs will be fixed in compiz :)14:19
pittiAmaranth: you rock14:19
mat_tthanks lool14:19
Amaranthno no, only something like 8 of them are me14:19
* mvo hugs Amaranth14:19
mac_vlool: just out of curiosity whats "~dooz4" supposed to mean ;)14:19
loolmac_v: ~ is used to make sure people update to the karmic version when it appears; dooz is just a random string to not collide with ubuntu version numbers or other PPAs14:22
looldigit is revision14:22
mac_vlool: yeah the ~ i knew.... lol , i thought "dooz4" was short for something14:23
loolIt's just my domain name14:24
asaclool: we need a humanity update as the current wwan icon == wifi icon. mac_v said he changed that already (like the svg you posted)14:24
asacbut its not complete. mac_v still has to put the greyscale hack in there similar to what he did for wired14:25
mvoAmaranth: a snapshot is needed, right? to get the full-fixes-love14:25
asacbesides from that i am out of this discussion14:25
Amaranthmvo: yeah just the stuff in bzr will fix 6 bugs but a new snapshot (of every part, not just core) will fix 14 more14:26
Amaranththen I have another packaging fix but I've screwed up my bzr repo :P14:26
asaclool: so yes. at least we need to cherry pick the current wwan changes.14:26
asacits currently  (as in archive) the same icon, which is unacceptable14:26
mvoAmaranth: do you have some bugnumbers to add to the changelog? git log seems to not inlcude them :/14:27
mac_vasac: mat_t explicitly told me not to make the icons look very different... so i dont know what to do :(14:27
Amaranthmvo: We've been marking them :)14:28
Amaranthone second, giant launchpad URL14:28
loolasac: Could you check the package in my PPA and tell me if anything is missing it?14:29
asacmac_v: well. as long as it is different its ok (even though i dont like it). but current karmic theme uses the same as nm-signal-10014:29
Amaranthmvo: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bugs?field.status:list=INPROGRESS14:29
Amaranthmvo: everything fixed upstream is marked In Progress and has a link to the git commit that fixed it14:29
mac_vasac: that will change ;)14:29
asaclool: your theme package is still not build. i will check after __late__ lunch ... which i am going to do now14:30
loolasac: the previous build is ok14:32
loolasac: good lunch14:32
mac_vlool: i see the zoom problem with dust , we can fix it later with the next batch of bugs ;)14:32
loolmac_v: Well I don't intend to roll a bunch of humanity-icon-theme uploads14:34
loolIn fact I only intend to roll one unless more serious issues popup14:34
loolSo if you like to fix them, I can consider merging that now or later today14:34
mac_vlool: i thought you pushed the upload just now? if you didnt i can fix the zoom now itself14:34
loolmac_v: I pushed to my PPA14:34
loolNot to karmic14:34
mac_vlool: oh ok14:34
mvoAmaranth: I commited the changelog that closes all the bugs testing now14:35
Amaranthmvo: alright, cool14:36
loolmac_v: There's a slight conflict between your use of bug states and mine14:36
mac_vlool: example?14:36
loolmac_v: I see you made a bunch of bugs in humanity-icon-theme (the source package in ubuntu) fix committed14:36
loolBut you did that when the changes were committed in bzr14:37
mac_vlool: yup , i thought that was the right way14:37
mac_vonce fixed upstream , mark as committed right?14:37
loolmac_v: Well you should mark them as fix committed in the _upstream project_ instead14:37
loolmac_v: That is: click Also affects project, select Humanity, and mark is fix committed there14:38
loolmac_v: When you release a humanity tarball, mark all the fix committed bugs there as fix released14:38
loolfix committed/fix released in ubuntu is for packagers14:38
mac_vlool: hmm... oh ok14:38
loolmac_v: You dont need to do it for all bugs14:39
loolmac_v: I mean, what the packagers need is a list of bugs fixed in your lastest tarball since the previous one14:39
loolBut I dont care whehter there's an upstream task on all of the ubuntu bugs14:39
mac_vlool: yeah , got it14:39
lool(And vice-versa: pretty much all upstream bugs are ubuntu bugs but they shouldn't be copied all the time)14:40
loolmac_v: Cool thanks14:40
loolmac_v: Do you know about bzr commit --fixes14:40
loolmac_v: You can mark a bug as fixed in bzr with it, and that will link the bug to the bzr branch where it's fixed14:40
mac_vlool: i use commit but havent used --fixes14:40
mvoAmaranth: anything else I should wait for? looks ready to me14:40
loolmac_v: e.g. bzr commit -m 'Fix bluetooth disabled icon' --fixes lp:123414:41
loolmac_v: That's just nice tohave14:41
Amaranthmvo: nah, we've got the really awesome bits already14:41
mac_vlool: oh ok... i usually just do > bzr commit -m 'Fix bluetooth disabled icon"   but didnt know about fixes... nice to know thanks :)14:41
Amaranthmvo: from this point on I suspect it'll just be polish unless someone figures out the windows not redrawing sometimes thing14:41
mac_vlool: should it be lp:#1234 or just lp:123414:42
Amaranthmvo: have to get a FFe though, right?14:42
mvoAmaranth: no, should not be needed, its strictly fixes AFAICS in the diff14:42
huatsHelo everyone !14:43
Amaranthmvo: yeah14:43
loolmac_v: I think the latter works, not sure about former14:43
Amaranthpeople who use projectors won't want to kill me anymore, I'm happy :)14:43
arahello guys14:43
arain latest karmic images, if live is started in Spanish (or karmic is installed in Spanish), the ubuntu main menu appears in Engilsh (Applications, Places, System). The rest (including submenus of those) appear correctly in Spanish. Is that known? If not, which package should i be filling a bug against?14:43
mac_vlool: ok thanks :)14:43
pedro_ara, bug 44274214:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 442742 in language-pack-kde-es-base "Update of 20091003 have 15.4% of the translations from 20090926" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44274214:44
arapedro_, gracias :)14:44
pedro_ara, por nada ;-)14:44
AmaranthHey I know what that means :)14:45
Amaranth(that's about it though)14:45
pedro_heh hey Amaranth14:45
seb128asac, will you do the gnome-bluetooth 2.28.1 update?14:49
superm1mac_v, did you even review my patch?14:52
mac_vsuperm1: i saw the patch , but for Ubuntu , it is not required14:53
superm1and don't you see a difference in now a "priority" to work on something (its wishlist for the project)?14:53
superm1i wrote a patch, and although it isn't needed for the default situation, but the work is done for the situation it would be needed14:54
mac_vsuperm1: it can be filed against Xubuntu or Mythbuntu , but not in ubuntu14:54
superm1*we use the ubuntu archive*14:54
mac_vsuperm1: then you'd have to ask mvo14:54
mac_vsuperm1: sorry for the confusion then :)14:55
superm1mvo, would you be able to review said patch then?14:55
Amaranthmvo does too much, I think :)14:55
mvosuperm1: what is the bug number again14:55
mvoAmaranth: my SO thinks the same :)14:55
superm1mvo, bug 44271714:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 442717 in update-notifier "Update notifier needs a monochromatic icon" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44271714:56
mvosuperm1: looking now14:58
Amaranthsuperm1: I would think you would want update-notifier to stand out very much15:00
mvosuperm1: thanks, looks good - technically it needs a UI freeze exception for this, at least for mythubuntu and xubuntu (not sure who else disables auto-open mode)15:00
Amaranthsuperm1: We don't use it anymore because it doesn't say "hey! look at me!" enough but you seem to want to make it say that even less :)15:00
superm1mvo, afaik it's just us and xubuntu.  i'm the POC for mythbuntu changes.  i'll check with cody on xubuntu make sure he's cool with it15:01
ccheneyAmaranth: longer for unpacking, heh15:02
Amaranthccheney: oh, of course15:02
Amaranthccheney: If you're completely unpacked in less than a month I'll be surprised :)15:03
AmaranthBut that's less important really15:03
mvosuperm1: great, thanks. if cody is ok I'm happy to upload it15:03
superm1mvo, k15:03
AmaranthI use moving as a chance to figure out how much I really use something. If it doesn't get unpacked after a month and it isn't something I need to hold on to (memories, legal stuff, etc) it gets tossed15:03
ccheneyAmaranth: yea i told my wife we are going to sort everything as it is unpacked and throw out useless stuff15:04
* ccheney thinks probably about 25% of the stuff (at least) is useless15:04
AmaranthEvery time I move 25% of my stuff is useless :P15:05
ccheneywe managed to fill the entire entry way and dining room with bags of stuff, we moved most of it ourselves so didn't use the large boxes, just grocery bags15:05
ccheneyAmaranth: move a few more times then :)15:05
Amaranthccheney: I'm down to barely enough stuff to make an apartment lived in :P15:06
ccheneyAmaranth: hehe :)15:06
asacseb128: yes.15:08
seb128asac, thanks15:08
asacseb128: i have to fix something on packaging side too15:08
asacok back to lunch for a few more minutes ;)15:09
mvoAmaranth: compiz is uploaded, I have not updated the plugin and libcompizconfig stuff yet, maybe I wait for robert for that15:11
mvoneed to attack some software-center bugs too15:12
Amaranthmvo: alright15:12
Amaranthmvo: can you comment on that -upsupported package bug real quick?15:12
Amarantherr, -unsupported15:12
mvoAmaranth: sure, sorry15:12
mvoAmaranth: I assume #compiz-dev is cool with that request?15:14
mvoAmaranth: if its doing more harm than good, I'm fine with removing it15:14
Amaranthmvo: the name of the package should make their stance clear ;)15:14
=== jtatum` is now known as jtatum
Amaranthdefaulting to NO_NEW_FAIR_SLEEPERS apparently causes some pretty bad problems15:28
Amaranthprobably applications that fork and expect their child to finish before they run again15:28
slomoseb128: were there any gstreamer related bugs related to decoding something already? :)15:43
mvompt_: what is your prefered way if I want your input on a certain software-center bug - subscribe you? ping you here? I'm currently looking at #44299215:43
mvompt_: but there will be more, I'm sure :)15:43
mpt_mvo, looking15:45
seb128slomo, nothing obviously due to the recent change no, nor really issue15:45
mac_vlool: hi , pushed the zoom icons edit , they will now be visible in Dust theme too15:45
mpt_mvo, huh, I never realized that15:45
seb128slomo, there is quite some bugs about mkv not playing and subtitle issues though15:45
mvompt_: I thought we talked about it15:46
Amaranthdang, compiz FTBFS on armel15:46
mvompt_: we have the option to sort by popularity, relevance of the result (or what xapian thinks about this ;) or alphabetic15:46
mpt_mvo, what do you think of sorting the results alphabetically for now?15:46
rodrigo_kenvandine: ping me when you're in, please15:47
slomoseb128: are those mkv/subtitle bugs new? could you give me some urls? :)15:47
kenvandinehey rodrigo_15:48
kenvandine's up?15:48
rodrigo_hey kenvandine15:48
seb128slomo, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=59170615:48
rodrigo_kenvandine: oh, just saw on FB you're sick, are you?15:48
ubottuGnome bug 591706 in gst-plugins-base "totem has trouble with multiple subtitle streams" [Normal,Unconfirmed]15:48
mpt_mvo, but then, in <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#Search keyword greylist> I've suggested that greylisted words should affect sort order of results ... hmmmm15:48
kenvandinesort of... but working15:49
pittihey kenvandine15:49
kenvandinehey pitti15:49
pittikenvandine: oh, get well soon!15:49
mvompt_: it will have funny results as well, if someone search for something like "zip" (bad example) then the sorting will be funny15:49
kenvandinepitti, caught h1n1 from my daughter :/15:49
seb128slomo, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gstreamer0.10/+bug/42642115:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 426421 in gstreamer0.10 "Can't play text file without video on opening mkv file" [Undecided,New]15:49
mpt_mvo, make that <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#Search%20keyword%20greylist> :-)15:49
rodrigo_kenvandine: ah, ok, don't want to give you more work, but I just wanted to tell you about 2 bugs (with branches submitted for merging) that need to get into karmic15:49
kenvandineso not feeling terrible... but super contageous15:49
mvompt_: or anything where the most appropriate result starts with a char from the end of the alphabet15:49
slomoseb128: thanks15:49
pittikenvandine: so that's your immunization strategy? :-)15:49
mpt_mvo, "funny" in what way?15:49
rodrigo_kenvandine: statik told me to poke you, so let me know if I should poke someone else15:49
kenvandinei guess so15:49
kenvandinerodrigo_, are they in the sponsor queue?15:50
pittikenvandine: if it's any consolation, the normal flu is said to be much worse..15:50
kenvandinepitti, yeah, i know15:50
kenvandineand i got that shot :)15:50
rodrigo_kenvandine: I think so, pitti approved the nomination15:50
kenvandinebut the vaccine for h1n1 isn't available yet... so now i got it15:50
kenvandinerodrigo_, bug numbers?15:50
* kenvandine assumes one of them is tomboy15:51
rodrigo_kenvandine: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+bug/435904 and https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/evolution-couchdb/+bug/41529715:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435904 in ubuntuone-servers "HMAC-SHA1 oauth does not work with Tomboy" [High,Fix committed]15:51
rodrigo_kenvandine: yes, and the other is couchdb-glib/evo-couchdb15:51
Amaranthoh, compiz build failure is bonobo failure15:51
Amaranthdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libbonoboui2-dev_2.24.1-1ubuntu1_armel.deb (--unpack):15:51
Amaranth trying to overwrite '/usr/share/gtk-doc/html/libbonoboui', which is also in package libbonoboui2-common 0:2.24.2-1ubuntu115:51
mvompt_: well, unexpected, say you search for something that starts with "z" - when you get a couple of hits, it may well be down the list (not even on the screen)15:52
seb128Amaranth, when did you get that and where?15:52
kenvandinepitti, both of those bugs rodrigo_ mentioned were marked as fix commited by you on the 30th15:52
Amaranthseb128: armel buildd got that while building compiz15:52
slomoseb128: ok, the first one is a known problem :)15:52
kenvandinebut not uploaded yet?15:53
mvompt_: I don't have a good example word at this point, but I think you get the idea? a solution would be list headings to change the sorting, but we don't have those15:53
slomoseb128: second one could be, that no video decoder for that file is available for example15:53
mvompt_: a good example is probably "terminal" - if sorted alphabetically gnome-terminal will be way down15:54
mac_vtgpraveen: pls dont mark bugs for Humanity-UNR... ! its not a theme ;p it needs to be deleted15:54
mpt_mvo, maybe for now we should sort by xapian ordering? Then for 2.0 we could introduce column headers and a "Relevance" column etc15:54
mvompt_: I can do a gconf key (or something like this) so that you can play with the different sort modes15:54
mac_vtgpraveen: also , Humanity-Dark , only has icons for dark panel ;) the rest are the same icons from Humanity15:55
pittikenvandine: hm, not really sure why I did that; please set them back to triaged if they aren't in the ubuntu packaging bzr yet15:55
mvompt_: ok, I will make the order configurable (under the hood) and let you play with it. I found xapian ordering not that great (because usually our data is not great, xapian makes the best of it). then you can play and see15:55
tgpraveenmac_v: oh ok15:56
kenvandinepitti, ok15:56
kenvandinerodrigo_, i will make sure they go through the right pipes :) thx for pointing them out15:56
rodrigo_kenvandine: thanks! :)15:56
pedro_kenvandine, hello, are you tracking the libindicate bugs? i've seen a few empathy crashes related to it15:56
pedro_which i've assigned to there15:56
rodrigo_hey pedro_!!15:57
pedro_hola rodrigo_!15:57
pedro_rodrigo_, when is the couch db talk?15:57
rodrigo_pedro_: still happy for the football game? :D15:57
rodrigo_pedro_: next saturday, not sure what time15:57
pedro_rodrigo_, biggest smile on my face the whole weekend, yes ;-)15:58
kenvandinepedro_, i am tracking the empathy bugs15:58
kenvandinespecifically related to libindicate :)15:58
rodrigo_pedro_: yeah, you sounded really excited on FB :D15:58
mpt_mvo, are application names more heavily weighted than descriptions?15:58
kenvandinepedro_, so please feel free to assign them to me so i don't over look them15:58
kenvandinei expect to spend my afternoon working on those15:58
mvompt_: yes15:58
mvompt_: but the whole weighting is not perfect, it did not get a lot of balancing at this point15:59
pedro_kenvandine, ok great, will do it :-)15:59
mvompt_: name is 10x more value than description, but if the description contains it often enough...15:59
mpt_mvo, yeah, this kind of thing is hard to test. :-)16:00
tgpraveenkenvandine: did u get a chance to test muissed calls storeage in indicator?16:02
seb128slomo, looking to recent bugs there is not too many issues that I can see there16:02
kenvandineno, i don't think we can address that for karmic16:02
kenvandinetoo late in the cycle16:03
kenvandinetgpraveen, oh... test..16:03
kenvandinetgpraveen, no... i will test it today16:03
kenvandinei think it will stick around16:03
kenvandinebut the question is what to do if the other end already hung up16:03
kenvandinei think we need to look at the work flow for answering calls for lucid16:04
kenvandinetoo many clicks right now for incoming calls16:04
Amaranthmvo: so from this point we're only doing cherry picking from upstream compiz stuff, right?16:04
AmaranthHopefully in 4 days I'll be able to do it myself so I want to make sure I'm clear on this16:05
AmaranthWell, 4 days plus however long the wait it to get it all setup so... probably not for karmic I guess16:06
tgpraveenkenvandine: k. i would like to help in that . which team would be involved in that process?16:08
tgpraveenubuntu-desktop? or something else16:09
mvompt_: you can test the dfferent search sortings in trunk/ if you run "SOFTWARE_CENTER_SEARCHES_SORT_MODE=xapian ./software-center"16:11
mvompt_: (r361)16:11
mpt_thanks mvo16:11
kenvandinetgpraveen, desktop and design16:11
mvompt_: music is a good word for testing16:13
mvoor music player etc16:14
* mvo goes back to real bug fixing16:14
mvo(well, real == crash)16:14
loolmac_v: Thanks; pushed in ~dooz5 to my ppa16:15
mvoand a bugreport about "free software" being used bug #44288216:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 442882 in software-center "Software Center should not use the word "Free Software"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44288216:16
mvoand bug #44231016:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 442310 in software-center "User Interface for Ubuntu Software centre is inconvenient to use" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44231016:18
mvolook like I need to do triage more often, loads and loads of NEW bugs :(16:18
mpt_mvo, I'll take care of those two ;-)16:23
mvothanks mpt_16:23
and471mvo: hi (I am rugby471 btw, changed my nick)16:25
mvohey and47116:25
and471mvo: I have a question about software-store's translation infrastructure16:26
mvompt_: uh, sorry - but I need some UI love for #441961 - the issue is that the package comes from a untrusted repository (e.g. a PPA) and so "shadows" a regular package.16:26
mvoand471: sure16:26
and471mvo: in the POTFILES.in you have a list of files needed to be translated, some have a prefix of [python] et.c16:26
and471what command do you use with xgettext to get these little declarations to work, they just give errors for me16:27
and471mvo: ^16:27
and471mpt_: hi16:29
mvointltool-extract should do that16:29
mpt_hello and47116:29
mvothe magic is all done by distutils-extra16:29
and471mvo: ah ok16:29
and471mvo: there is no command to create the .pot file?16:30
mvoand471: python setup.py build_i18n shoud do it16:30
and471mvo: thanks16:31
mvoseb128: I suppose you have no idea aobut bug #441870 ? looks scary and deep inside theads+glib+gio16:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 441870 in software-center "software-center crashed with SIGSEGV in g_simple_async_result_complete()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44187016:33
seb128mvo, looking16:33
seb128mvo, no, but having the retracing would be useful16:34
seb128bah, retraced crashed on "IOError: [Errno socket error] [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer"16:35
mvoseb128: thans16:35
seb128pedro_, the "can't click several times on a button" is a gtk bug fixed now16:42
seb128pedro_, #44190516:43
pedro_seb128, nice will point the users there then, thanks!16:44
seb128you're welcome16:44
seb128hey rickspencer316:44
rickspencer3hi seb12816:44
kenvandinepitti, evolution-couchdb and couchdb-glib are both ready for upload, bug 41529716:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 415297 in evolution-couchdb "Missing supported fields in evolution-couchdb" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41529716:44
didrockshello rickspencer3 :)16:44
rickspencer3hi didrocks16:44
kenvandinepitti, and tomboy is ready, bug 43590416:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435904 in ubuntuone-servers "HMAC-SHA1 oauth does not work with Tomboy" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43590416:45
kenvandinerodrigo_, any idea when the unicode issues on the server will be resolved?16:46
james_wkenvandine: hey, I'm still having trouble with couchdb as I'm unable to build it in my build chroot16:46
* kenvandine would like tomboy syncing16:46
kenvandinejames_w, weird16:46
james_wkenvandine: the sponsor bug is assigned to me, I guess I should fix that so it doesn't block on me?16:46
kenvandineany changes since i last touched it?16:46
james_woh, it's not couchdb's fault16:46
kenvandinejames_w, but changes since it was last uploaded?16:47
kenvandinethe snapshot i was working on got uploaded16:47
james_wbug 43949916:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 439499 in couchdb "OAuth-authenticated database replication crashes, HTTP404" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43949916:48
kenvandineah... i hadn't seen that16:49
andreasnasac, I apologize, but as always, I've forgotten if it's Thunderbird beta releases or daily builds who have a ppa in launchpad16:52
pittikenvandine: looking16:53
kenvandinepitti, thx16:53
asacandreasn: daily16:55
andreasnasac, thank you, there was a issue with the default (I think) xubuntu theme, so I thought I should point the developer to 3.016:56
asactbird 2 wont receive any fixes in this direction - fortunately16:56
mvompt: wb16:59
Amaranthwow, I think I can finally close bug 9974016:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 99740 in firefox-3.1 "[MASTER] Firefox problems with desktop-effects" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9974016:59
mpthm, Karmic upgrade is no worky16:59
mvompt: oh? what is not working?17:00
Amaranthonly took 2.5 years...17:00
rodrigo_kenvandine: already solved, just submitted a branch to fix it17:00
mptmvo, just Update Manager saying it could only do a partial upgrade, then not doing anything at all because of a dependency cycle in openoffice.org17:00
mvoAmaranth: oh, what commit is  that?17:01
mptah, here we are: "E: Couldn't configure pre-depend openoffice.org-core for openoffice.org-filter-binfilter, probably a dependency cycle."17:01
mpt(that's from Synaptic)17:01
mvompt: hrm, bad - I got a report about that before :/17:01
Amaranthmvo: unredirect fullscreen windows hasn't caused that problem since before jaunty, afaik17:01
mptmvo, as in a bug report? If not, what information should I provide when reporting it?17:01
mvompt: yes, there is a open bug about this17:02
mvobug #44265117:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 442651 in update-manager "Update of Ubuntu from 9.04 to 9.10 Beta fails with error message regarding OpenOffice" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44265117:03
mptmvo, if I get exactly the same error in Synaptic, it's not an update-manager bug then, is it?17:04
Amaranthmvo: err, I mean legacy fullscreen support17:04
* Amaranth gets more caffeine17:04
mvompt: its a libapt/openoffice bug, it needs some love to figure out who is the one to blame (probably both ;)17:04
mptok, guess I'm stuck running Ubuntu Jauntmic for now17:05
Amaranthmpt: Or just remove openoffice.org-filter-binfilter then install again after upgrading :)17:07
mpthey, that works17:09
mpt"[/] Do you want to upgrade glibc now?"17:11
mptW T F17:11
Amaranthmpt: Hope it doesn't segfault :)17:12
AmaranthWait, was that a dialog?17:12
mptAmaranth, yes, The Joys Of DebConf17:14
mvompt: oh? it should not ask this in gui mode :/17:14
mvompt: oh well17:14
mvomaybe we should get rid of it afterall...17:14
mvoand471: if you want a (hopefully) quick target, bug #439621 would be one :)17:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 439621 in software-center "Bottom border of location bar is missing" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43962117:15
loolpitti: Hey was checking the seeds and I see desktop is seeding gnome-icon-theme and not humanity-icon-theme; perhaps you want to fix that either by adding humanity or by replacing gnome-icon-theme with it?17:15
and471mvo: sorry I cannot do a lot of work now, I have to start my revision :-(17:15
mptmvo, the best part is that it has a "Help" button that says "Running services and programs that are using WTF need to be restarted, otherwise they might not be able to do worple or flotsit any more...", and goes on like that for another couple of paragraphs, ending with "If you want to interrupt the upgrade now and continue later, please Answer No to the question below", when there is neither (a) a question below or (b) a No button17:15
and471mvo: regarding that bug, it is due to the new gtk theme I think17:16
mptmvo, maybe that debconf prompt is coming up only because I'm using Synaptic, and wouldn't come up with update-manager?17:16
mvoand471: no problem :)17:19
mvompt: yeah, it should be supressed when u-m is running17:19
mvolool: re bug #439420 - what kind of magic do I have to do to the window to make it maximize with maxiums?17:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 439420 in software-center "Screenshot dialogs aren't maximized or scrollable/resizable" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43942017:20
Amaranthlool: iirc gnome-icon-theme gets used if even hicolor doesn't have an icon, doesn't it?17:21
loolAmaranth: EPARSE17:28
loolAmaranth: The stack is Humanity > GNOME > hicolor IIRC17:28
Amaranthlool: I thought it was Humanity > hicolor > gnome because of some GTK+ trickery17:28
* Amaranth tries to find email17:29
seb128Amaranth, hicolor is the fallback theme17:29
seb128gnome is used before it17:29
loolRight sorry17:30
Amaranthhuh, maybe I was thinking of the name fallbacks17:31
loolWell there's a gtk+ fallback too17:32
loolbut it comes last IIRC17:32
loolFallback themeis gnome17:32
AmaranthRight, so it's Humanity > gnome > hicolor > gnome...17:33
Amaranthseb128 is the one that brought this whole thing up back in 2006 (yay gmail)17:33
seb128Amaranth, by then they dropped the gnome fallback IIRC17:34
seb128it broke the theming for everything which installed an icon in gnome when using themes not using gnome17:34
loolseb128: Dont we still have that as a debian/patches/ thing?17:34
seb128-  NULL,17:35
seb128+  "gnome",17:35
Amaranthyay I'm not going crazy :)17:35
seb128Amaranth, how so?17:36
AmaranthI remembered we had that :)17:36
Amaranthcompiz FTBFS on every arch17:39
seb128Amaranth, I've fixed libbonoboui I will retry compiz in one hour or so17:39
Amaranthholy crap, one guy has opened the same bug 3 times because it hasn't been fixed in the last week17:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 3 in rosetta "Custom information for each translation team" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/317:39
Amaranth"We are almost in the final release and this bug still persist"17:40
mac_vAmaranth: lol , bug# ?17:54
Amarantheh, gone already17:54
pittibye everyone, time for Taekwondo18:33
yuriypitti: I've been debugging the apport-kde hanging problem. I think the issue may be that the common apport ui code uses sys.exit(0) which doesn't give the UI a chance to clean up properly (though I am a bit confused on that point, because I don't think it actually exits on those)20:29
yuriypitti: not that that's causing the hang, but that it causes another crash which prevents me from fixing the hanging properly20:29
yuriypitti: nevermind, that's not it20:44
chrisccoulsonwb seb12821:12
seb128hey chrisccoulson21:12
chrisccoulsonseb128 - would you mind ACK'ing bug 391664? (i think sistpoty subscribed you to it)21:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 391664 in glom "[FFe] Update glom to 1.12.1" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39166421:15
seb128there is a newer version upstream now21:16
seb128but update ack from me it was probably in the middle of the thousand weekend emails21:16
chrisccoulsoni didn't realise there was a new upstream version now21:17
chrisccoulsoni only packaged 1.12.1 at the weekend ;)21:17
seb128ok, feel free to upload this one or to do the new update21:18
chrisccoulsonthanks. i'll have a look at the new one later. it depends on gnome-python-extras first though21:19
asachey ... how can i force ubuntu-bug to continue even if package is not "genuine" ?21:26
dobeyasac: do the same magic we do for ubuntuone-client in the apport hook21:28
seb128asac, set APPORT_REPORT_THIRDPARTY21:31
* dobey *hugs* the crashdb magic21:31
asacseb128: doesnt work :(21:32
asaco wait21:32
asacit works ;)21:32
asacshould be documented somewhere in ubuntu-bug :)21:32
seb128or maybe it's kept secret to not have users to abuse it ;-21:33
chrisccoulsonheh, i didn't know that existed either ;)21:33
asaccomes handy if you improve your hook in a package you prepare for upload and want to test ;)21:34
asacwasted now like 15 minutes of my time ;)21:34
rickspencer3_seb128, what do you think of changing "New Session..." to "Switch User..." in Session Indicator?21:41
seb128rickspencer3_, tricking, I would be in favor of the change but translators have barely translated "New session..." now and I think it's late to break all translations again now21:42
rickspencer3_seb128, hmmm21:42
rickspencer3_well ... New Session ... doesn't make much sense, and it's an important feature21:42
seb128how come nobody woke up about that before?21:43
seb128I though that was a design decision so I didn't say anything...21:43
rickspencer3_seb128, never mind, it's already fix commited :/21:43
rickspencer3_I just need to move it out21:44
seb128fix commited?21:44
seb128we are going to break all translations now?21:44
rickspencer3_seb128, because the user list menu was rolled back21:44
rickspencer3_seb128, yes21:44
chrisccoulsoni see some people are confused about how they're meant to shut down their machines now, with no power icon next to the session-applet21:44
chrisccoulsonit's not obvious where to go switch the machine off any more21:44
seb128chrisccoulson, there is a bug open about that21:44
chrisccoulsoni haven't seen the bug yet, but i've seen people asking how they're meant to shut down in the forums21:45
rickspencer3_chrisccoulson, yes, this is not good21:46
rickspencer3_will be hard to discover that, will have to fix it in Lucid for sure21:46
chrisccoulsonyeah, it's definately confusing. i only know where it is because i use it every day ;)21:46
seb128bug #44302921:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 443029 in indicator-session "No power icon (unclear how to shutdown)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44302921:47
chrisccoulsonah, thanks :)21:47
seb128rickspencer3_, in lucid? you mean it's going to stay this way with no icon for karmic?21:47
rickspencer3_seb128, so far as I know21:48
rickspencer3_I'm working on it, but can't promise21:48
rickspencer3_seb128, btw, it looks like "New Session..." used to be "Switch User..." so may already be translated21:48
chrisccoulsonthat was the case in the old applet21:49
seb128rickspencer3_, usually when a string is dropped the translations are dropped too, ie adding it back later doesn't bring those back automagically21:49
rickspencer3_seb128, ok21:49
rickspencer3_well, it is what it is21:49
seb128somebody will need to fish for those21:49
seb128well, if you want to change it please do it early21:49
seb128and notify ubuntu-translators21:49
rickspencer3_seb128, right, I'm working on it as fast as I can21:50
seb128and perhaps dpm or somebody can help by reapplying jaunty strings for all locales or something21:50
seb128it should not be too complicated to do but take some time21:50
rickspencer3_kenvandine, ^21:50
kenvandineso doable21:51
seb128rickspencer3_, would be better to be somebody who knows about translations and how to push those to rosetta21:51
kenvandineyeah... not me21:51
seb128ie ArneGoetje or dpm for example21:51
seb128if they have some free slot for that...21:51
rickspencer3_right, but kenvandine will rolling out the change21:51
rickspencer3_ArneGoetje is on European time atm21:52
kenvandinerickspencer3_, i can apply the patch now or wait fora  thursday release?21:52
kklimondachrisccoulson: can you take a look at bug 444005 in the next few days? It's nothing urgent but would be great to fix it before release.21:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444005 in transmission "--auth argument passed to transmission-daemon is reduntant" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44400521:52
rickspencer3_kenvandine, the key thing is we need to line up translations21:52
kenvandineyeah, the patch is easy21:52
kenvandinethere will be an indicator-session release on thursday21:53
seb128- get the change early in karmic21:53
seb128- email ubuntu-translators21:53
seb128- tweak rosetta to help translations to catch up if possible21:53
chrisccoulsonkklimonda - yeah, i could do when i get some time21:53
seb1283- might not be required, each translation team can probably do that and we can have a look later to the one which didn't manage to do the update21:53
rickspencer3_kenvandine, any chance you could look at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-session/+bug/44302921:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 443029 in indicator-session "No power icon (unclear how to shutdown)" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:55
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew-afk
rickspencer3_why did this get hung up, and how hard would it be to fix?21:55
kenvandinesurely not hard to add an icon there, assuming folks agree we want to do that21:56
rickspencer3_kenvandine, ok, checking with Dx21:57
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew-afk
SiDiasac: hi there. i finally found out how to use that link-color... GtkWidget::link-color = "# ... "22:26
SiDiThere apparently arent any side effects... i still hope they'll change firefox to use something more obvious though22:27
SiDiAs for my issues in Thunderbird they seem mostly fixed in TB3, so all i need is to have some kind of workaround for it till TB2 is replaced22:29
asac/bin/bash: line 1: 21329 Aborted                 g-ir-compiler Epiphany-2.28.gir -o Epiphany-2.28.typelib22:54
asacis that a build depends issue?22:54
asacSiDi: good. does that change only the link-color for the awesome bar?22:55
SiDiasac: its the only place where it seems to be used22:57
SiDibut i had to change it for all gtkwidgets, cause this one is a GtkLabel anyway. So i made sure the color would work on white backgrounds too;22:58
asacSiDi: maybe you can use something more specific?22:58
asacnot GtkWidget ... but rather GtkLabel? or so?22:58
SiDiand at least it avoids us having to patch firefox :)22:58
SiDiasac: any text using that color would be a GtkLabel anyway :)22:58
asacbut why use GtkWidget then?22:59
SiDiwell, for instance, if an app uses link-color for links in labels and buttons22:59
SiDii wont be able to prevent my change from affecting this app's labels22:59
SiDiso its better if all its link look coherent22:59
SiDiand if the color works well with both bright and dark backgrounds22:59
mclasenasac: the same style property is used in labels and link buttons (and elsewhere)22:59
SiDisince i cant affect only firefox's awesome bar, i make sure to find a value that's meant to work everywhere in our theme23:00
asacSiDi: yeah23:01
asacSiDi: just wondered if it would mess the main html area23:01
SiDiapparently the "use system values" doesnt work with  xfce23:01
SiDii suppose it works only with gnome, or even not at all :d23:01
SiDiand i dont think anyone ever used it anyway23:01
asacif that works its good ;)23:02
asacat best get that in all dark upstream themes somewhere23:02
mac_vrickspencer3_: kenvandine: for the shutdown icon , you also need to consider which icon to use? since the rest of the panel is greyscale icons... its better to use a greyscale one for that too23:02
asacSiDi: use system values - as i said is for the html area afaik23:02
rickspencer3_mac_v, ok23:02
SiDiasac: yeh, i meant that i didnt notice any difference in html pages with that enabled and my change setup23:02
rickspencer3_I've asked ivanka and dbarth to engage and tell us what to do23:02
asacSiDi: check out preferences -> content -> colors ...23:02
asacSiDi: there is a "Allow users to select their own colors ..." checkbox23:03
asacthats what the pref is about.23:03
asacnot about the xul widgets etc.23:03
asacSiDi: err ... the checkbox above reads "use system colors" ;) ... so rather that23:03
asacbut still same place23:03
SiDiasac: its the option i talk about :)23:04
SiDis/talk/am speaking/23:04
mac_vrickspencer3_: ok.. thanks23:05
SiDiasac: so, about thunderbird, would you accept putting my "fix" in thunderbird2's CSS, till thunderbird3 is released?23:07
asacSiDi: if that fix does not cause regressions for other themes we can check that23:08
seb128hey robert_ancell23:09
robert_ancellseb128, hey23:09
seb128had a good week end?23:09
bratscheHi robert_ancell and seb12823:10
robert_ancellyeah, long weekends are great :)23:10
robert_ancellhi bratsche23:10
seb128hey bratsche23:10
SiDiasac: i think it should be ok with 99.9% of the themes... the last 0.01% would be unusable anyway, this thing aside :]23:11
asac_00:07 < SiDi> asac: so, about thunderbird, would you accept putting my "fix" in thunderbird2's CSS, till thunderbird3 is released?23:12
asac_00:08 < asac> SiDi: if that fix does not cause regressions for other themes we can check that23:12
bcurtiswxThemuso: are you available to talk about ubuntu-sounds?23:14
SiDi[00:12] <SiDi> asac: i think it should be ok with 99.9% of the themes... the last 0.01% would be unusable anyway, this thing aside :]23:14
SiDiie, a theme designed to have diametrically opposed window backgrounds and notebooktab backgrounds could have problems with the fix, but it wouldnt work without anyway23:15
asac_sorry connect issues23:16
* SiDi pings asac_ 23:16
asac_00:12 < asac_> 00:07 < SiDi> asac: so, about thunderbird, would you accept putting my "fix" in thunderbird2's CSS, till  thunderbird3 is released?23:16
asac_00:12 < asac_> 00:08 < asac> SiDi: if that fix does not cause regressions for other themes we can check that23:16
SiDi[00:15] <SiDi> [00:12] <SiDi> asac: i think it should be ok with 99.9% of the themes... the last 0.01% would be unusable anyway, this thing aside :]23:16
SiDi[00:15] <SiDi> ie, a theme designed to have diametrically opposed window backgrounds and notebooktab backgrounds could have problems with the fix, but it wouldnt work without anyway23:16
asac_i am still here ;)23:17
ubottuyes, I'm alive.23:17
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asacSiDi: so show me the fix ;)23:17
bcurtiswxseb128: yes i got your reply, im trying to contact themuso in here.. no reply yet23:19
SiDithats a userChrome.css23:19
SiDiofc it can be added to thunderbird's theme CSS file directly23:19
seb128__bcurtiswx, ok23:19
SiDiasac: the second part of the fix fixes the wrong background in the frame titles inside the prefs dialog... the first part fixes a stupid bug in the same frames, but around the titles... you'll see what i mean if you check the display tab of thunderbird's preferences with/without the fix, and with a dark theme such as dust23:21
TheMusobcurtiswx: Yes I am. Sorry got caught up with reading email.23:23
bcurtiswxTheMuso: bug #40048523:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 400485 in ubuntu-sounds "Empathy sounds not in default ubuntu theme" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40048523:24
bcurtiswxyou may be able to enlighten on how to get that bug fixed before Karmic FInal23:24
TheMusobcurtiswx: Ok will look at it.23:24
maxbcompiz: - turn constrain_y back on (LP: #82654)      --- didn't we turn it off to fix another bug?23:25
bcurtiswxTheMuso: thx23:25
maxbAmaranth, robert_ancell : Can I call your attentions to bug 82654 vs. bug 221698 ?23:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 82654 in compiz "Windows can be positioned with title bar below gnome-panel" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8265423:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 221698 in compiz "Cannot resize window taller than screen (inconsistent with metacity)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22169823:29
asacSiDi: have to check that. at best open bug, attach and assign that to me23:29
robert_ancellmaxb, yes?23:29
SiDiasac: sure.23:30
maxb82654 has just been fixed by reverting the fix to 22169823:30
maxbI'm binging you two as uploaders of the updates concerned :-)23:30
robert_ancellmaxb, ah, yes, there should be a better fix in compiz 0.8.4 but Amaranth knows more about it23:31
maxbHmm. Is that targetted for Karmic?23:32
SiDiasac: good night23:32
SiDithanks again for reviewing this stuff :)23:32
maxbWhether it is or, not, I think it would be better to not regress 221698 on a temporary or permanent basis23:32
robert_ancellmaxb, yes, as soon as it is released23:32
maxbI wonder what I should do to the bugs.23:33
maxb221698 is currently broken again, but apparently it is 82654 which needs followup action23:34
* maxb is tempted to reopen both23:34
robert_ancellmaxb, they really are the same bug as far as I can tell - they are both caused by being able to move/resize windows under panels23:36
maxbNot really. 221698 is objecting to compiz' blocking of moving windows off the top of the screen for no particularly clear reason23:37
chrisccoulsonyay, Amaranth is going for MOTU :)23:38
Laneywoop woop23:38
chrisccoulsoni've just had some spam with asac's e-mail address as the subject. how strange!23:51
asac_great ;)23:56
asac_what did i try to sell you?23:56
asac_*sigh* ... cannot push to bzr launchpad ... TOO MANY SSH CONNECTIONS :/23:57
chrisccoulsonasac - apprarently you're a canadian pharmacy trying to sell me high quality meds!23:57
chrisccoulsoni've had a lot of spam the last few days!23:58

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