
Seeker`so if i download and install that .deb, I'll have the latest 0.2200:02
Seeker`and all that I  need to do for backup is backup mythconverg?00:02
Seeker`(just to be clear)00:02
tgm4883Seeker`, you install the package and select which verision you want to have installed00:03
tgm4883in your case, 0.2200:03
orificium"sudo apt-get upgrade" after selecting version00:04
Seeker`how do I select the version?00:04
tgm4883orificium, actually, sudo apt-get update first00:04
tgm4883Seeker`, it asks you when it installs00:04
tgm4883Seeker`, it asks you if you want to activate weekly builds, which you do00:04
tgm4883then asks you the version00:04
tgm4883all via debconf00:05
Seeker`and how easy / possible will it be to convert back to the non-ppa when 9.10 is released?00:05
tgm4883dpkg-reconfigure mythbuntu-repos00:06
tgm4883then say no to weekly builds00:06
tgm4883but i'd leave it active00:06
Seeker`will try shortly00:06
orificiumtgm4883: once 9.10 is released, Update Manager should just say there is a new distribution release right?00:07
tgm4883orificium, I think so00:08
tgm4883and actually, the PPA will be disabled if you do upgrade to a new distribution00:08
Seeker`do I want to activate the testing PPA?00:10
Seeker`for MythExport and MythNetTV00:10
tgm4883Seeker`, it has other stuff as well I think00:10
orificiumSeeker`: apparently mythnettv is being replaced by mirobridge anyway.00:10
Seeker`tgm4883: but do I want it?00:11
tgm4883probably should add a link to the PPA00:11
orificiumSeeker`: I enabled it.  you don't have to install the packages00:11
Seeker`it says lots of myth packages are being held back00:13
Seeker`apt-get dist-upgrade?00:14
orificiumI had problems runnign apt-get dist-upgrade00:16
orificiumI used apt-get upgrade00:16
orificiumdo the apt-get update first00:16
Seeker`I did apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, apt-get update, now running apt-get dist-upgrade00:17
Seeker`had some kernel packages held back for a while00:17
orificiumyou may also need to run mythfrontend -r to reset the theme if the frontend doesn't start00:21
orificiumI had that problem on a fresh copy of 9.0400:21
orificiumafter installing auto-builds00:21
Zinnto enable the mythbuntu-testing PPA, please download the Mythbuntu repos package from http://www.mythbuntu.org/testingandreporting and install it.00:22
ZinnWeekly builds are available for MythTV 0.21 (Stable) and MythTV Trunk 0.22 (Unstable, use at your own RISK) for Hardy, Intrepid, & Jaunty.  See http://www.mythbuntu.org/auto-builds for more info.00:22
ZinnSorry I don't know about repos00:22
tgm4883@learn repos - http://www.mythbuntu.org/files/mythbuntu-repos.deb00:22
ZinnI just learned: repos - http://www.mythbuntu.org/files/mythbuntu-repos.deb00:22
tgm4883@learn weekly - Weekly builds are available for MythTV 0.21 (Stable) and MythTV Trunk 0.22 (Unstable, use at your own RISK) for Hardy (0.21 only), Intrepid, Jaunty, and Karmic (0.22 and 0.23-trunk).  See http://www.mythbuntu.org/auto-builds for more info.00:24
ZinnI just learned: weekly - Weekly builds are available for MythTV 0.21 (Stable) and MythTV Trunk 0.22 (Unstable, use at your own RISK) for Hardy (0.21 only), Intrepid, Jaunty, and Karmic (0.22 and 0.23-trunk).  See http://www.mythbuntu.org/auto-builds for more info.00:24
Seeker`updated; seems to work really well00:33
Seeker`only dislike is the colour of the new theme :P00:33
tgm4883carbon fiber?00:33
superm1Seeker`, you might need to grab the updated mythbuntu theme directly from launchpad if that's what you want to use00:34
superm1since we dont have it on those repos - only in karmic00:34
Seeker`the terra theme colour isn't great00:35
superm1oh terra00:35
tgm4883yea terra is cool, but I like the default mythbuntu theme better00:36
Seeker`any idea how to get graphite?00:36
superm1it should be coming with tomorrow's updates00:36
superm1or it's on the karmic repo already00:36
* mishehu bahs.00:38
Seeker`tgm4883: what is the name of the default mythbuntu?00:38
* mishehu laments over a52 spdif passthru00:38
tgm4883Seeker`, mythtv-theme-mythbuntu I think00:38
Seeker`mishehu: no longer works?00:39
mishehuSeeker`: mythmusic passes the sound through fine, but the builtin dvd player doesnt, I only hear weird pulses of "static"00:42
mishehudoes 9.04 use pulseaudio?00:51
womboit disable it on startup of mythfrontend00:51
mishehuok, maybe I need to set both the passthrough and default audio devices to ALSA:iec95800:52
Seeker`argh, graphite is so close to being a good theme, yet so far00:57
tgm4883Seeker`, graphite?01:04
Seeker`the theme01:04
Seeker`but there isn't any consistency in colours01:06
Seeker`can't find an option to view more than 30 mins at a time in the program guide atm01:06
Seeker`its also slightly broken, which I am assuming is because I'm using weird versions of things01:06
* tgm4883 still prefers the mythbuntu theme01:07
Seeker`the main page is ok01:07
Seeker`browsing stuff is a little clunky still, but not too bad01:08
Seeker`but the background to the program guide is a truely horrible pink/purple01:08
orificiumSeeker`: graphite had a problem with editing metadata01:09
orificiumSeeker`: not sure if its still a problem01:09
Seeker`hmm, dont have the new default theme as an option01:09
Seeker`will have tofind the package somewhere01:09
orificiumyeah I don't think the package worked for me either01:13
orificiumI downloaded the tar.gz01:13
orificiumshould have and OSD in there as well, both go in /usr/share/mythtv/themes/01:15
orificiumSeeker`: http://www.fecitfacta.com/Arclight/ is in the works for .2301:18
orificiumSeeker`: Noticed this on the wiki recently - http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Blue_Abstract_Theme01:19
mishehuok this is driving me insane.01:23
mishehuif I set the default audio device to ALSA:default, then mythmusic does send audio out to my receiver via SPDIF01:23
mishehuand if i set the default passthrough device as ALSA:iec958, I get nada (and it is unmuted in alsamixer)01:24
Seeker`orificium: how do you install a downloaded theme?01:27
orificiumSeeker`: download .tar.gz   "sudo mv (package name -- use tab to autocomplete) /usr/share/mythtv/themes/"01:59
orificiumthen "cd /usr/share/mythtv/themes"01:59
orificiumtar xvf (package name)01:59
orificiumshould unpack two directories01:59
orificiumthat's it01:59
orificiumprobably need to sudo the tar as well02:02
superm1you can put them in your home directory i thought too02:03
superm1in ~/.mythtv/themes02:03
rhpot1991superm1: I didn't get too far today :(02:33
superm1rhpot1991, i just got one done02:33
superm1i just did my laptop with fglrx graphics02:33
rhpot1991when this is done recording I plan on moving files02:33
rhpot1991spent a good portion of the day cleaning out old recordings02:33
rhpot1991then I had to go out and do some grocery shopping and stuffs02:34
mishehucan anybody help?  I want to get ac3/dts passthrough working.  heck, it seems like even pcm passthrough works too (if I specify aplay -d iec985 I get the sound I expect)02:35
mrandHi Zinn.  I'm going to play with you a sec.  !help03:31
mrand!help I say03:31
Zinn!help I say For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].03:31
ZinnI am alive.03:31
mrandno you aren't.03:31
ZinnI am an IRC bot written in perl, but my code is not yet released.  I am named after Howard Zinn, you can learn more about him here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Zinn03:31
mrandHoward was a night guy, I take it... since you were named after him and all.03:31
jac1dGood evening all.  Building up a new myth system, have the hardware here.  Display is a 1080p LCD tv.03:39
jac1dIn addition to Mythtv want to be able to skype on the TV (so the kids can see grandparents) and also run rhapsody ideally (although this may require dual boot to windows)03:39
jac1dwhat desktop comes with mythbuntu?  can I run KDE?03:40
rwlove_just installed 9.10 and it looks like pulseaudio is the default, everything works, but no audio in mythtv... can anyone help?03:48
mishehuI wish, I can't get audio working properly on my system and I'm in 9.0403:53
rwlove_sorry to hear that03:53
mishehurwlove_: yeah, I've got my system hooked up to a receiver via spdif optical, and I can only get mythmusic to output any real sound.  I cannot seem to convince myth to passthrough the ac3 and dts streams04:03
superm1rwlove_, you can try this: EXPERIMENTALLY_ALLOW_PULSE_AUDIO=1 mythfrontend04:04
superm1but i wouldn't expect it to work perfectly04:04
mishehuI hear so much bad stuff about pulseaudio04:06
mishehuabout the latency and such04:06
mishehuwonder why it's still in such wide use04:06
superm1dtchen can tell you all about it04:07
mishehuof course I'm not getting myth and spdif to be friend right now either and I feel like I'm banging my head on the wall.04:07
mishehuholy crap05:02
mishehugot the audio working perfectly05:02
mishehuit was counter-intuitive though - had to set max audio channels to stereo05:02
superm1that sounds like it might be a bug ?05:05
beatbreakerquestion: If i install Mythbuntu Beta will it upgrade it's self to the full official release once it comes out?05:29
beatbreakernice work on the theme by the way, it looks great!05:34
superm1beatbreaker, yes it will06:16
JokerNfearhello has anyone here successfully have mythbuntu 9.10 and a modded xbox runing xbmc with xbmcmyth installed working as front end?06:29
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].07:27
hipitihopI have 9.04 installed, I have setup a card a source and done a scan and can see channel guide via mythweb but when I select "watch tv" in the front end it just returns to the menu. hints ?14:46
rhpot1991!blank | hipitihop14:48
ZinnSorry I don't know about blank14:48
rhpot1991!blank% | hipitihop14:48
Zinnhipitihop: If you try to watch tv and are greeted with a blank screen and a return to the menu then please check the permissions on your recording directory.  It should be owned by mythtv:mythtv, have permissions of 775, and not be inside your home directory14:48
hipitihopZinn: sorry, not familiar with all the myth bits yet, what is the normal path you're refering to ?14:51
mrand /var/lib/mythtv and all directories below that one14:57
mrandhipitihop ^^^^^^^^^^^^14:57
hipitihopmrand: thanks, ls -l shows drwxrwsr-x 2 mythtv mythtv 6 2009-10-06 00:00 recordings15:06
rhpot1991hipitihop: did you setup your tuner in mythtv-setup?15:07
hipitihoprhpot1991: yes and the scan appears to have found all the channels, mythweb shows listings too15:08
hipitihopmust I setup a live tv group ?15:08
rhpot1991should automagically point at /var/lib/mythtv/recordings I think15:09
rhpot1991can double check it though15:09
hipitihoponly thing pointing there in mythtv-setup storage directories is default15:13
mcbaneI am trying to get mythtv running on debian.I know this is a ubuntu channel, but I guess that the packages are very much alike.16:49
mcbaneI always get a segfault when I try to do a channel scan. I found a bug concerning multi core cpus, but mine is a single core. Can somebody point me in the right direction?16:49
mrandmcbane: What revision of mythtv are you running?16:57
mrandsorry, that doesn't mean much to me.  Need a --version output16:57
mcbanemythtv --version just tries to start the frontend here. I get no version16:59
mcbanebut it is 0.2116:59
mcbaneah, got it17:00
mcbaneMythTV Version   : exporté17:00
mcbaneMythTV Branch    : branches/release-0-21-fixes17:00
mcbaneLibrary API      : 0.21.20080304-117:00
mcbaneNetwork Protocol : 4017:00
mrandHmmm... that's old enough that it doesn't have the version in it:17:01
mrand mythfrontend --version17:01
mrandPlease include all output in bug reports.17:01
mrandMythTV Version   : 2176817:01
mrandMythTV Branch    : branches/release-0-21-fixes17:01
mrandNetwork Protocol : 4017:01
mrandLibrary API      : 0.21.20080304-117:01
mrandoh wait, the exporte is overwriting17:01
mrandSo I don't know.  It might be in the status message within mythfrontend.  Unfortunately (for you), the developers are completely focused on 0.22 and have made it pretty clear that 0.21 has all the bug fixes it is going to have17:03
mrandbtw, you're using mythtvfrontend, and not mythtv, right?17:03
mrandmythtv is a test program.17:03
mrandmythfrontend I mean.17:03
mcbaneI asked mythbackend and mythfrontend which are telling me the same17:04
mrandunderstood.  your best bet might be to look through the mythtv searchable archives http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/ , and baring that, ask on the #mythtv-users channel or mythtv-users email list.17:08
mcbaneok, I will do that. Thanks for your time :)17:10
sidhgreetings gentlemen17:52
sidhi can't find where i'm wrong !!! i can see the mythtv logo, and boot process on tv, but when mythtv starts nothing is displayed on the tv, here is my xorg.conf modified for TV output, Xorg.0.log doesn't seem to complain about it... do you see something wrong please ? http://pastebin.com/f4a9fa97917:53
mishehudo you see just a black screen with a window border in the middle but nothing else?18:05
mishehuor blank completely?18:07
sidhmishehu: no on the lcd screen i have everything18:08
sidhon the tv i have nothing at all18:08
sidhbut at boot time i have everything on both18:08
sidhit seems it is when the Xorg configuration is used18:09
mishehuhave you tried booting with only the tv connected to the video card?18:09
sidhlet's try18:09
mishehumake sure you do a full reboot when you do that18:09
mishehusome graphics devices are funny like that (have had ati's like that in the past)18:10
sidhmishehu: i just typed reboot as root18:10
mishehuthat shoudl work18:10
sidhand i suddenly get the mythbuntu logo getting emtiy18:10
mishehuyeah that's normal shutdown procedure18:11
sidhmishehu: IT WORKS18:13
sidhbut everything is black and white18:13
mishehuthat's how the default theme is18:14
mishehuand it's not ALL black and white, play around with mythtv a bit and you'll see there is some color in there.18:14
mishehuthe problem you seem to be having is that your lcd monitor is getting negotiated before the tv, and thus a resolution or refresh rate taht the tv doesn't support is selected.18:15
sidhmishehu: no even the menu is black and white18:19
sidhwhereas onthe lcd screen i18:20
sidhit is in colour18:20
mishehudonno man18:23
mishehuthe defualt theme on 9.04 was almost completely b&w18:23
sidhmishehu: no  after the theme18:24
sidhwhen you have menu, there is some logo (couloured square before entry menu)18:25
sidhthey are b&w, not green, red, blue and so on18:25
mishehuhow about when you play a file?18:25
sidhit is b&w18:25
mishehuthe last time I had that problem it was due to a loose connection18:25
mishehuwhen using rca to connect to the tv18:25
sidhi use s-video <-> s-video18:28
sidhand it plugs into a peritel plug18:29
sidhthat plugs at end into a tv18:29
mishehuargh, I just found out what my problem was with my remote control18:52
mishehuhad a faulty ir receiver.  :-/18:52
mishehuwhat's a peritel?18:52
sidhmishehu: this is a big plug you put on the tv, like a rectangle, with a cut corner19:05
sidhwith a lot of pin19:05
sidhGREAT i have color on TV output  WAHHHHOOOOWWWWWWW19:20
lenxfce broke for me on karmic after last nights updates.  Video goes blank after login.  If I change sesson to xterm, it works and I can launch mythfrontend.real from the terminal to get it to work, so I know it is xfce that's broken.20:04
lenAnyone know what's up?20:04
superm1len, check out ~/.xsession-errors after it goes black20:07
superm1switch to a VT to do so20:07
AfterbangHi, I have a couple questions about building a mythtv suitable dvr box20:33
mishehusidh: is the peritel a standard type of connector?  I've not seen that before.  I'm familiar with hdmi and dvi, etc.20:39
mishehuand if it is a standard, judging by what looks like french on that link you gave, is it a european-only standard?20:39
mishehuAfterbang: well, nobody can answer you unless you ask your quesitons.20:40
mishehuthe crickets are chirping in the meantime :-)20:40
gunni_Just a short question. I am running weekly trunk builds on jaunty. Is it safe to upgrade to karmic?21:27
hadsJaunty itself has been pretty stable here, I can't speak for the myth parts though.21:29
mrandgunni: what does safe mean to you?21:30
mrandIf there are still some bugs being worked out, will your wife or kids divorce you?21:30
gunni_I know that trunk is not safe, just curious if the update can break something (as if version in karmic is less recent or like this)21:30
hadsThere are still bugs being worked out from versions gone past ;)21:31
gunni_I can live with reinstalling myth, but if database breaks would be a mess.21:31
hadsThat's what database backups are for21:32
* gunni_ is a bit lazy sometimes21:32
rhpot1991yes, always backup your db21:32
rhpot1991gunni_: I'm wondering why you want to?21:32
rhpot1991if you are already running trunk, is there something you are trying to accomplish?21:32
hads`mysqldump mythconverg > foo.sql` I'm lazy but that's pretty easy :)21:33
gunni_Its my desktop also, and now that everything is running fine it gets boring :) I need some bugs ^^21:33
mrandgunni_: if you're willing to install and help, then we'd welcome it.  Right now pulse audio tends to get in the way on Karmic, but we're hoping to get that fixed very soon.21:34
mrandIf you can disable pulse audio, then I think people are generally reporting good results.  Mostly minor regressions.21:35
gunni_I heard mythtv will completely drop puleaudio support, or stop pulseaudio if started. Heard that on mythtv channel21:35
gunni_Now pulseaudio is running fine here with mythtv21:35
mrandDepending on your config, I think it might work.  We're proposing what you describe to the mythtv team until they add support for it.21:36
gunni_maybe on weekend i bear up to upgrade to karmic then21:37
Seeker`how can I change the number of 0.5 hour slots shown on the program guide in 0.22?21:56
rhpot1991gunni_: yes, if you don't mind running beta then go for it, just keep in mind its beta so there will be some bugs21:58
gunni_rhpot1991: as i am running trunk, beta is no big deal for me. And i switched ubuntu quite often before regular release.21:59
rhpot1991go for it then21:59
rhpot1991just backup your db first, always do that to be safe :)21:59
mishehuwhen mplayer is called up by the default command line in mythtv, what audio device is it using?22:05
superm1mplayer isn't the default anymore22:06
superm1Internal is22:06
superm1if your DB has mplayer, you should switch it to Internal22:06
mishehusuperm1: in 9.04 it is for misc video files22:06
superm1w/ 0.22?22:07
mishehuat least that's what was set on my install by default...  is internal the proper way to go for misc video files in 9.0422:07
superm1it used to be set default to mplayer yes22:07
mishehuI'm using whatever mythtv comes on 9.0422:07
superm1okay yeah disregard what i said then.22:08
superm1you can go change the default command line options for mplayer in the mythvideo settings22:08
mishehusuperm1: well reason I ask is because it's downmixing a file that has an a52 5.1 stream in it to stereo22:08
superm1i think that's it's default behavior22:09
superm1you can add an option to the mplayer conf file22:09
superm1in your home directory or /etc to change it22:09
mishehuyeah I'm looking for that option in the man page22:10
mishehuso many options heh22:10
mishehualmost makes me want to replace it with xine.22:10
mishehuok got it in the /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf file...   removed pulse from the devices, and added hwdts,hwac3 to the filters line.  now it does what I want :-)22:18
Seeker`how can I change the number of 0.5 hour slots shown on the program guide in 0.22?22:41
lenI just installed kdebase because of my problems with xfce, but when I rebooted, KDE had not been added as a session option to gdm.  Still just have mythbutu, xfce, and xterm options--no KDE listed.22:56
goldinsHi, I have an geForce 6200 that I'm connecting to my sony trinitron with a VGA to Component cable. Should I expect this to work?23:06
goldinsbecause I'm trying all sorts of things in xorg.conf and it's plainly not23:07
gregLSeeker`, What theme? If it's Graphite,you can't from what i was told by the author..23:09
hadslen: kdebase isn't the full KDE desktop env23:16
hadsIf you want everything then you want kubuntu-desktop23:17
lenThat package includes all sorts of extra apps and such though, doesn't it?  I just want the KDE Desktop and a few basic utilities--will usually just use to launch mythtv until I get the xfce problem sorted out.23:25
lenIsn't the kdebase package supposed to add an entry to gdm?23:26
superm1len, did ~/.xsession-errors indicate any more whats going on?23:32
superm1you might also try removing ~/.cache and ~/.config23:32
superm1possibly ~/.local too23:32
hadsUse ratpoison or something23:40
Seeker`gregL: Terra (or whatever the new one is)23:43
lenThere were a few errors, but I couldn't tell what was causing it.  I was going to install kde, and then get back to checking into it.  I'll try deleting those files and see what happens.23:47
lenI'm encountering another problem with Mythtv itself now.  When I try to record something  it just just accepts my choice be doesn't actually add it to the que.  No errors or anything.  No symbol shows up on the schedule showing it will be recorded.23:49
lenI have three tuners, and they all show up as functioning and ready to record.23:50
lenAny idea what might be happening?  I choose a program from the schedule, select "record only this showing", "once a week", or whatever, and hit "save changes,"  just like I always do, only now no symbol shows up on the schedule showing it will be recorded--nor does it indicated any errors or conflicts.23:57

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