
highvoltageany UWN crew around?10:22
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nhandlerhighvolt1ge: Need help with something?12:19
=== highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage
highvoltagenhandler: we have a new edubuntu member, which should probably go into UWN12:19
highvoltagenhandler: who's the best person to notify of such things?12:19
nhandlerhighvoltage: If you send an email to the ubuntu-news-team list or make a blog post and add a link in this channel, it will get included12:20
highvoltagenhandler: ok, thanks!12:32
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akgranerjohnc4510, ping16:13
akgraneropen week is around the corner..:-D  we have some slots still available...16:14
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler

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