
MenZamight want to keep an eye out for zakaria in #ubuntu00:37
MenZaI could just be over-intepreting here.00:37
MenZanevermind, gone.00:37
* MenZa grumbles, goes to get food.00:37
thewizordand before we go kick  crazy, please... let me speak to you all02:00
thewizordif anyones got time, that is02:01
MenZathewizord: Hello. How can I help?02:07
thewizordMenZa: I'm here to discuss the issue with you folk that led to my kline and further alienation between archlinux and ubuntu communities. I'd like to stomp out some flames that are romurs, clarify some details, and help you folk further understand some of the actions between community members.02:07
MenZaSounds like you might want to go higher than me, then.02:08
thewizordMenZa: there is a good dose misinformation trading hands left and right between either side of this ongoing argument.02:08
MenZaOne moment please.02:08
ubottusebsebseb called the ops in #ubuntu (Merc being silly in the channel)02:08
MenZathewizord: You may continue - I appear to be the only person around, but the channel is logged.02:11
nalioththewizord: as menza says, say what you came to say02:12
thewizordMenZa: let us reflect originally to ikonia's incorrect assumption that i work alongside Fogobogo and Bruenig in an attempt to "orchestrate" trolling02:12
thewizordthis usually isn't what happens, neither is there a ring leader... And let me say, if any of you ever spend a moment getting to know bruenig, you'll fast learn no one mkes this creature do anything... it acts on it's own will and whim.02:12
thewizordBut now back to the incident that happened to me... I know a lot of you, longstanding from when I was an ubuntu member myself02:12
thewizordnalioth: you know me... Dj_Mer_, #kubuntu-offtopic, long ago with korky kathman.02:13
thewizordwhen I parted ways with ubuntu it was neither bitter nor on a sour note, but I went away for a long time... And I didn't come back until recently to say hi to some familiar faces, especially some old buddies in ubuntuforums02:13
thewizordthis is where the problem started, and I'd love to provide to you the following logs: http://pastebay.com/5902102:14
thewizordI felt that the conduct performed by this Op was out of line, and when I returned to #archlinux-offtopic and shared the story... They felt pretty similar, and they are very much self-enabled trolls when they wish to be, they went back and simply repeated my statement after the rather (unethical) kickban.02:14
thewizordTheres no underlying conspiracy to why archers dislike ubuntu, some do some don't... Theres no ring leaders in this organization and there is no troll army waiting to brew itself up and launch an attack. A lot of the times, old ubuntu users go to their old homes and offer advice where they are met with a younger, less educated op who bans them for trolling. This leads to hostility and subsequently,02:15
thewizord other people trying to prove a point.02:15
thewizordand yes, I am aware there are a few who literally just troll. That's their imaturity and none of us condone that behavior in the slightest way.02:16
thewizordmy ban came subsquent an op calling me "either a troll or just a pure idiot." which I think reflects very POORLY on this individuals administrative abilities02:17
thewizorda lot of other people said the same thing, which lead to tomaw klining me. Hey, whatever, I was only gone a few minutes. But the point at hand was how far one immature persons behavior made something go.02:17
thewizordit's just a notion to relish over if anyones got time... But jsut because we're arch users doesn't exactly mean we're *bad* or that we mean ubuntu is *bad*. I'd say by a large majority many of us started there, but we were quickly alienated after we parted there. And I guess thats all I've come to say. I won't apologize for my behavior, my behavior was a direct link to what one very unintelligent02:20
thewizordchild did. I just wish that the two communities could co-exist without so much hostility being displayed.02:20
thewizordthank you for your time.02:20
ubottusebsebseb called the ops in #ubuntu (bruenig trolling)03:37
MenZaIs anyone going to remove bruenig?03:39
elkyreading to see what he actually said first03:39
MenZaAnd, according to what I can read above, I can see this as being a trend of his.03:40
ubottursk called the ops in #ubuntu (josemiguel)07:18
ubottujosemiguel called the ops in #ubuntu ()07:19
MenZaI've poked rsk and let him know not to be too trigger happy with <excl>ops07:20
MenZaApparently he thought he was advertising one of those referral links07:21
MenZaI've let him know it's just an image hosting service.07:21
Madpilotyeah, link seems harmless07:21
MenZaCertainly is.07:22
MenZaI use tinypic myself.07:22
MadpilotI still brace for impact when I follow that sort of link, though :)07:22
Madpilotbrace for goatse, more like07:22
MenZaI was pretty much ready for hello.jpg, but I did feel it was my responsibility to actually check it :p07:22
MenZa(Not that I would have particularly cared personally - I have become desensitised to pretty much everything)07:23
Madpilotlikewise. the things we volunteer for... :)07:23
mneptokoooo! "desensitized to just about everything," eh? that sounds like a challenge.07:24
MenZamneptok: try me.07:25
Madpilotoh Great Cthulhu, no07:25
* Madpilot hides07:25
MenZaWait, I know what you're going to link.07:25
MenZaNO, NO07:25
MenZaDON'T DO IT07:25
* MenZa cries.07:25
Madpilotthe one on uncyclopedia's Ubuntu page?07:25
MenZaI don't want to know07:26
MenZaNo, I distinctly remember !mneptok07:26
MenZaWhich was bad07:26
mneptokMenZa: http://mneptok.com/disturbing07:26
MenZaOh dear god.07:26
MenZathat is the one, Madpilot07:26
* MenZa cries.07:26
MenZaI *just* looked it up.07:27
mneptokmeh. perms07:27
Madpilothappily, I get 403s on all of those07:27
Madpilotjust the titles are bad enough07:27
* MenZa still thinks !mneptok-#ubuntu-offtopic should point to that image.07:27
Madpilotdidn't it used to? when the bot was more interesting?07:27
MenZaIt did.07:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mneptok07:27
jussi01mneptok: really, that disturbing link should be posted here. public channel and all...07:28
mneptokjussi01: rm will heal all log disasters07:28
* mneptok gives MenZa another 30 seconds, and then rm07:28
Madpilotsuddenly I think I approve of log-altering censorship07:29
* MenZa cries.07:29
mneptokMenZa: but isn;t it nice t know you're not totally desensitized?07:30
* jussi01 censors mneptok07:30
MenZamneptok: There are things.07:32
MenZaLike that image.07:32
MenZaBut that's not in the same category.07:33
* Madpilot wonders (not for the first time) how many Ubuntu Members have contributed to that Uncyclopedia article over the years07:33
jussi01MenZa: that article is only made of quotes from #ubuntu, didnt you know?07:34
MenZaCommon knowledge, jussi0107:35
MenZaMadpilot: #inkscape is an evil place. :(07:44
Madpilotit's a channel with an odd sense of humour07:44
MenZaso I've noticed07:44
Madpilotand a great love of excessive numbers of exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!07:44
MadpilotUbuntu's default PDF viewer has known issues with transparencies, btw07:45
Madpilotinstall Adobe Reader, bloated pig that it is, for gradients and transparencies07:45
MadpilotScribus & Inkscape both use Acroread as their reference PDF reader/renderer07:46
Madpilotcrap, I am an idiot07:54
* elky bites her lip./07:54
jussi01Madpilot: state the bleeding obvious :P07:54
* jussi01 hugs Madpilot07:54
elkyHE SAID IT!07:54
MadpilotI appear to have started a troll rolling. Sorry.07:54
jussi01topyli: dammit, :P07:55
Madpilotgah. One ill-timed joke to a regular and jimmy jumped on it.07:55
topylijussi01, very sorry. what am i apologising for? :)07:56
* MenZa licks topyli 07:57
Madpilotthe bot has a gender?07:57
jussi01!gender | Madpilot07:57
ubottuMadpilot: yes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)07:57
Madpilotwell, there you go07:58
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!07:58
* MenZa is having some fun in Inkscape.07:58
MadpilotInkscape rocks. My favourite app, bar none.07:59
MenZaMadpilot: Most definitely agreed.07:59
jussi01nope, that goes to quassel for me :)07:59
MenZaMadpilot: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/333917/windows_desktops_tango.png08:00
MenZaTo be used with a networking diagram.08:01
MenZaI think I'll go for the latter.08:01
Madpilotthe BSOD computer is for a network connection to an MS box, I take it?08:01
topylii just learned the other day that OSX's default icon for a windows server is bsod'ed08:01
jussi01if you guys want some icon designing work, naked computers needs a new logo... and alanbell is after someone to do it for him.08:02
MenZaNaked Computers? o_o08:02
topylithey do need a new logo08:02
MenZaMadpilot: Well durrr.08:02
Madpilotthat sounds almost o4o :)08:02
jussi01Madpilot: it isnt, go have a browse and youll see what its about08:02
MenZaAlso, my previous-offence-somethingsomething-sense is tingling in -ot08:02
MenZaPeddy ftr08:02
MenZaIt seems familiar08:02
jussi01unfortunately their logo is a bit... err... unfortunate...08:03
MenZaUnfortunately, I am not very good with logos.08:03
MadpilotPeddy arrived just before jimmy earned his timeout08:04
MadpilotI've done a few logos, they're fun when they work out08:04
mneptok"press ctl-alt-dangling_buttocks to get a command prompt"08:06
* MenZa giggles.08:06
MenZaAlso, Peddy is trolling horribly. D:08:07
MenZa"what is this i don't even" is a 4chan meme, for the ones who didn't pick that up08:07
Madpilotis "wobsite" a 4chan-ism too?08:08
MenZajussi01: Mind you, if you hadn't already spoken, I would've banned him.08:08
elkyMenZa, i've explained the issues with the name and logo in detail with the person who runs that site, and they decided that they'd pretend to care, then pretended i never said anything and ramped up the usage and dispersion of the branding :(08:08
mneptokthat's a nice logo ..... FOR ME TO POOP ON!08:09
MenZaI honestly do not understand why anyone would even name a company "Naked Computers"08:10
jussi01elky: I recently had a discussion. he has no problem with the name (and for the record, nor do I), but the the logo is bad, really bad. and he is looking to get a new one08:10
elkyjussi01, you have a privilege in not finding the name confronting. for me, the word "naked" and "computers" is a confronting combination.08:11
Madpilotright, brute-force topic change in -ot appears to have caused the troll to get instantly bored.08:11
MenZaMadpilot: Woohoo.08:11
MenZaI'm still *convinced* he was banned from #ubuntu at one point.08:11
MenZa(I've been on IRC far too much recently)08:11
gnomefreakbored is good as long as it stops the trolling08:11
Madpilotbored and left, even better08:12
elkyit doesn't help that there's a broadband company around here that advertises it's "naked broadband" with an extra-thick helping of entendres that are really really really creepy08:12
Madpilotthe internet is creepy enough without advertisers helping08:13
elkyyeah, exactly08:13
* MenZa is now grepping through god-knows-how-many-hundred-thousand-lines for 'Peddy'08:14
MenZaI'm compulsive about these things.08:14
* jussi01 searches the bt for MenZa08:15
jussi01MenZa: btw, until you are accepted into the IRC team, you will not have bt access.08:15
* MenZa nods08:15
mneptoksomeone ask the Naked Computers people how long they think it will be until a less-than-satisfied person creates this - http://mneptok.com/naked_computers.png08:16
jussi01mneptok: !!!!08:16
MenZaoh lawd08:16
jussi01MenZa: he had an ubuntu ban from the fb for flodding.08:16
mneptokwell ... that logo is just *asking* for it.08:16
* MenZa coughs.08:18
MenZaTeehee. Now I'm looking at the 3 key on my numpad sideways.08:18
MenZaFree advertising!08:18
MadpilotMenZa, can't help it (wrt #inkscape) :)08:19
* MenZa ponders the possibility to change name on Launchpad.08:20
MenZaI've slowly started going into that phase where I'm moving from being 'menza' to 'lhavelund'08:20
MenZaI feel all serious, and stuff.08:22
jussi01MenZa: hehe08:25
Madpilotdidn't we have a parrot-bot in #u a few nights ago?08:25
Madpilotbecause I just removed another one08:25
MenZaI'm just fairly tentative about changing my nick on IRC because a) I'm in so many channels, and it'd just be massively confusing. and b) ... well, that's it, really.08:25
MenZaMadpilot: Polly wants a cracker. Squawk!08:25
Madpilot@lart MenZa08:26
* ubottu reads Madpilot some vogon poetry08:26
* ubottu makes Jack Bauer chase Madpilot08:26
Madpilotmeh. forget the botsnacks, you ungrateful overgrown script...08:26
* jussi01 makes ubottu ignore Madpilot08:28
jussi01@@admin ignore add Madpilot08:30
Madpiloto rly?08:30
jussi01rly rly08:31
MadpilotI'm going to be completely useless in #ubuntu now, you know. Completely.08:31
MenZaI have a theory that Madpilot is actually a fork of ubottu gone wild.08:31
* topyli barely manages to decline to comment08:31
MenZatopyli: bahahaha.08:31
mneptoktopyli: fail.08:31
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!08:34
Madpilotadmin ignore fail. easily bribable bot.08:34
jussi01Madpilot: I didnt do it... notice the double @08:36
Madpiloti'll stick with my 'easily bribable bot' theory. it's more amusing. :)08:36
=== KB1JWQ is now known as PancakeStaffer
elkyjussi01, the key to roleplaying is staying in character :P08:37
* MenZa considers sleep.08:43
jussi01ooh, the PancakeStaffer is back :D08:44
elkymmm pancakes08:44
ubottuIn ubottu, u-foka said: !lucid is Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, due April 2010 - See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l02bhwofEqw for announcement video.09:16
ikoniagnomefreak: ping09:17
gnomefreakikonia: ?09:18
ikoniagnomefreak: you sent me an email asking me not to assign bugs to myself that I didn't plan to fix?? the flashplugin-nonfree bug. I didn't assign it to myself, your email is the first I've heard of it09:20
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l02bhwofEqw for announcement video.09:20
jussi01the lts...09:20
gnomefreakikonia: i didnt see your name on there but someone assigned you than. do you have bug number?09:21
gnomefreakikonia: will look thanks09:21
jussi01bug 17398009:22
ikoniano problem, it may be assigned to my, I can't get to launchpad at the moment, but I've not assigned it to me,09:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 173980 in bzr ""unknown branch format" for unknown repository" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17398009:22
jussi01bug 17389009:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 173890 in flashplugin-nonfree "flashplugin-nonfree fails to install due to md5sum mismatch" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17389009:22
gnomefreakikonia: see me in #ubuntu-mozillateam on this bug09:24
gnomefreaki know the issue :)09:24
ikoniaokey dokey09:25
KB1JWQSomeone want to chide louis before he goes too nuts?10:06
ubottuIn ubottu, louis said:   UI issues except mines because of Wine issues Three Always be polite and willing to hear some one out before assuming anything  http://nemcc.blackboard.com/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp   <<My school bottom left is link to download freely10:14
ikonialets see10:17
MenZaI'm being assaulted in a /query too, ftr10:18
ikoniais it an acceptable pm ?10:18
MenZaI wouldn't call it inappropriate, if anything just a bit misunderstood10:19
MenZa09:15 <louis> louis> One its not piracy every person who goes to my school uses that freely at install you link your account therefor if you pay tuition you have a key Two I told you this to start with If you guys would step off of that ego cloud your foating on maybe you'd understand me better I do not pirate software nor do i condone it I'm just trying to do the same thing as a user downgrading form KDE 4.x to 3.x becau10:19
MenZa09:15 <louis> se of10:19
MenZa09:15 <louis> <louis> UI issues except mines because of Wine issues Three Always be polite and willing to hear some one out before assuming anything10:19
MenZa09:15 <louis> <louis> http://nemcc.blackboard.com/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp   <<My school bottom left is link to download freely10:19
MenZa09:17 <MenZa> That's perfectly ok, but it's still offtopic for #ubuntu10:19
MenZaAnd perfectly unintelligble as well10:19
MenZajpds: Your guess is as good as mine10:19
ubottuDJones called the ops in #ubuntu ()12:03
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
ubottuindus called the ops in #ubuntu ()14:52
ikonia thello14:52
ikoniaindus: whats the problem ?14:53
indushi , a user wants webcam/mic in ubuntu, is it ok to recommend empathy with a ppa?14:53
ikoniaindus: that seems a bit excessive to call the ops for14:53
indusya sorry14:53
indusby mistake14:54
bazhangindus, what was that?14:54
ikoniadepends if that's the best solution for him14:54
indusbecause ppa is not official ,but its ok to recommend? also i guess empathy ppa is relatively safe14:54
ikoniadepends - work out if it's the best thing for the user14:55
ikoniamake it clear it will make his system unsupportable14:55
ikoniawhy would you not recommend empathy out of the ubuntu repos ?14:55
indusno webcam/voice14:55
ikoniawhat's wrong with supported web cam softwware ?14:56
ikoniaeg: the ones suggested in !webcam ?14:56
ikoniajust use common sense, is it the best thing for the user, and make him aware of the consiquences of following your advice14:56
induswell ok got it14:57
induscya thanks14:57
indussee you i mean14:57
ikoniaindus: anything else you need ?14:58
indusaah no i go14:58
ikoniaI feel that will be a disaster, but lets wait and see14:58
* genii makes an industrial-strength urn of coffee14:59
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)16:40
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)16:40
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)16:40
ikonia!staff | boogeyman pushing dcc exploits in multiple channels, reported in #freenode but he's still going16:41
ubottuboogeyman pushing dcc exploits in multiple channels, reported in #freenode but he's still going: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian, PriceChild, niko or stew, I could use a bit of your time :)16:41
geniiDid he get klined yet?16:43
ikoniarichiH sorted out, great16:47
Amaranthhmm, !hello should probably say something different in offtopic16:52
geniiHm. The !home factoid seems somewhat... lacking17:22
geniiHm. "<ltcabral> sudo apt-get install *     is not working!!!"18:46
geniinvm, just a joker18:47
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1219:18
dragonxrandr is more than that.19:18
dragonIt lets users set screen resolution and other settings without running dual screens.19:19
dragonIf someone cares, please fix it.19:19
geniiBah. Nonsense spammer in #quassel but no one on access list around20:17
geniiThe !staff is just for #ubuntu-something ?20:19
ikoniajust give a staff member a poke in #freenode20:21
ikonia(assuming they are in the access list in quassel)20:21
Flannelgenii: /stats p will give you 'on duty' staffers20:21
geniistew in #freenode seems to be responding20:22
ubottuerUSUL called the ops in #ubuntu (ifloresr01)20:24
geniiFYI in #quassel it's   dartagnan_    --> dartagnan_ (n=quassel@modemcable019.245-57-74.mc.videotron.ca) has joined #quassel               in case he starts up in other channels20:26
geniiI just gave them pre-emptive warn in #k20:27
geniiMenZa: Hehehe your favourite subject... <osmosis> can someone give me a wave invite?20:43
MenZagenii: :P20:46
* MenZa giggles21:22
MenZaI was just reading Myrtti's latest e-mail to the ubuntu-irc mailing list. On the right, there's an ad entitled "Art of Dealing w/People". An ad for a book, apparently.21:23
Tm_TMenZa: how convenient21:23
geniiKeep an eye out for dartagnan , I just booted them from #k (they were also a prob earlier in #quassel ) I have to go though but he may reappear in #u or so22:05
Mamarokgenii: he has done random brabbling earlier today22:09
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
ikoniaFlannel: based on genii's comments, I'm thinking this guy is trying to be a problem23:44
Flannelikonia: Oh, yeah, I hadn't even made that connection23:45
ikoniaI just have23:45
FlannelHis laughing rant earlier made me wonder23:45
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, rww said: !spam is <reply> God be praised. We have a quest: to find the grail!23:48

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