
* thefinn93 is frustrated with the usually excellent support on IRC00:14
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XiXaQhello everyone. I thought I'd give Ubuntu One a go. I'm on Karmic. I'm able to connect on the web, but the desktop client doesn't seem to do anything at all. I'd appreciate some help.02:50
=== john is now known as Guest47174
FNDI just signed up for Ubuntu One - but when I select Connect in Nautilus (up-to-date Karmic beta 1 VM), it never finishes (stuck at "connecting")08:46
aquarius_FND, does the log in ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log say anything that looks like an error at the end09:03
FNDaquarius_: I've shut down the VM for now - will check tonight or tomorrow09:04
aquarius_FND, OK, cheers09:04
FNDbtw, I did some fiddling with a demo app09:04
FNDfor Desktop Couch09:04
FND(prompted by the conversation on your blog)09:04
aquarius_I saw your post to the mailing list, indeed!09:05
FNDnot sure whether it's helpful at all, but it was a good start for me09:05
aquarius_I'd like to talk to you about the details, if you have time :)09:05
FNDI'm on my way out, but I'd be happy to discuss it tomorrow09:05
aquarius_coolness. Ping me when you're free :)09:06
FNDwill do - thanks09:06
FNDaquarius_: would you mind posting your thoughts to the group - that way I can digest it and respond when I'm free10:44
FND(don't hold back, this is just a rough first cut)10:44
=== aquarius_ is now known as aquarius
FNDaquarius: the CouchDB startup issue I mentioned popped up again, on an up-to-date Karmic beta: http://pastebin.com/d28f1623c13:28
aquariusFND, ah, you might want to delete (a) your desktop-couch.ini and (b) desktop-couch.pid, in ~/.config and ~/.cache. We fixed a problem with those recently13:29
FNDwill try that13:29
FNDit seems that worked13:31
aquariusexcellent. We were writing incorrectly-capitalised information back to the file, and thus the stale pidfile never got marked as being stale :)13:31
FNDon the pristine beta, this led to some HDD corruption (reported "UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY; RUN fsck MANUALLY" during reboot, fsck reported last mount time was in the future)13:31
FNDI haven't rebooted this up-to-date system yet13:32
aquariusyou get to talk to someone else about that :)13:32
FNDit might be a general beta bug13:33
FNDunrelated to DC13:33
susscorf1where can i find a bit more about how ubuntu one deals with data how private is stuff comunicated encrypted what statistics are gathered ...14:24
joshuahooversusscorf1: here is our privacy policy: https://one.ubuntu.com/privacy/14:30
JanCFND: the "last mount time in the future" problem is a known bug AFAIK14:30
FNDgreat, thanks JanC - saves me the trouble of trying to isolate it14:31
joshuahooversusscorf1: i think we need to add an faq for the encryption part...short answer: we encrypt the transport of your data via ssl...we do not encrypt it in storage, but you can use local encryption (like karmic's support for encrypted home folders) to ensure your files are encrypted in the cloud14:33
urbanapemorning, folks14:58
* jblount waves from the dentists office15:01
jblountMEETING STARTS15:01
jblountGood morning everyone, the Ubuntu One Desktop+ developers meeting is here. Say "me" to report your status.15:01
teknicoalso, MEETING BEGINS ;-)15:03
jblountteknico: Thanks again! My short term memory must be on the fritz.15:03
jblountI'll go ahead and get started, we'll let the others jump in as they come 'round15:04
jblountDONE: Hacking on web front end static redesign15:04
jblountTODO: Need to finish up static pages, finish changes to /files/ and get the one-branch-to-rule-them-all landed so we can get it rolled out tomorrow15:04
jblountBLOCKED: I have an appointment in a few minutes for some more dental stuff, will be back around in a couple hours15:04
jblounturbanape: Your turn!15:04
statikjblount, please deploy that one-to-rule-them-all on edge as soon as it lands so it can be tested today rather than tomorrow morning15:05
urbanapeDONE: Decorated folders with some CSS if they've got shares already attached or underway.15:05
urbanapeTODO: Get one-branch-to-rule-them-all approved and onto edge today. Hopefully.15:05
urbanapeBLOCK: None15:05
urbanapeteknico, you're up15:05
teknicoDONE: implemented the handling of the "me" record in the contacts web ui (#427807); compiled the travel expenses for the September Millbank sprint; reviewed the status of the contacts web ui work with statik15:05
teknicoTODO: estimating the time needed to complete the contacts web ui with jblount and urbanape; updating the contacts web ui code to the sprint use cases (#440070)15:05
teknicoBLOCK: none15:05
tekniconext: dobey15:05
dobey☺ DONE: Fixed #397749 and #401211 (bookmark issues)15:05
dobey☹ TODO: #441039 (prefs 'crash'), Find/fix more bugs.15:05
dobey☹ BLCK: None.15:05
dobeyrodrigo_: su hablar por favor15:05
rodrigo_• DONE: Removed notes/my account links from page when user is not authenticated. Continued couchdb-glib/evolution-couchdb GNOME inclusion discussions. Found missing consumer oauth key in production, tomboy syncing now working. Submitted tomboy fixed package to our beta PPA. Looked at UTF errors when storing notes in CouchDB15:06
rodrigo_• TODO: Talk to Ara about writing mago tests for evo-couchdb. Conflict resolver tool in pair tool. Look at becoming a MOTU (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers). openSUSE/Fedora packaging with aquarius. Simplify tomboy syncing config UI. API documentation for couchdb-glib. couchdb-glib API changes from Mikkel15:06
rodrigo_• BLOCKED: no15:06
rodrigo_(this includes DONE for Friday, I seem to have missed the standup)15:06
rodrigo_nobody next, right?15:06
rodrigo_ah, CardinalFang!15:06
CardinalFangDONE: Helped discover problem in proxying and OAuth.15:07
CardinalFangTODO: I should take notes about what I'm doing so I remember for these meetings.  Make sure couchdb.one.u.c is fully patched.15:07
CardinalFangBLOCKED: datacenter is new to me.15:07
CardinalFangIs that all?15:08
teknicojblount, urbanape, later today we need to talk (as you can see from my TODO) :-)15:08
urbanapejblount, you really at the dentist?15:09
jblounturbanape: Yeah, hopefully I'll get called back soon. I'll be down 1 tooth in a little bit.15:09
jblountInsurance switching is making for weird appointments. Sorry about the timing.15:10
urbanapeI got the css stuff sorted out. I'm annotating the tr that holds the icon and label.15:10
urbanapeyou should be able to get a decent selector to find them and apply a different icon.15:10
jblountBrilliant. I didn't get as far as I wanted to on Friday with the static stuff, but we should still be able to get this branch landed one edge today.15:11
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vdsme (sorry was in a call)15:26
vdsDONE: code review, still couchdb quota integration, discussed about compaction15:27
vdsTODO: finish integration, file a bug for the work I'm doing as there is not one yet15:27
vdsBLOCKED: nope15:27
aquariusme (was in a call)15:28
aquarius⚀ DONE: working on DC-to-cloud replication; got net connection back; conference call with many people; discussed compaction with vds, thisfred15:28
aquarius⚁ TODO: DC-to-cloud replication; fix unknownloginerror; look at oauth-enabling twisted15:28
aquarius⚂ BLOCKED:15:28
aquarius⚃ BUG COUNT:https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~sil/+assignedbugs?field.tag=ubuntuone-karmic - 115:28
susscorf1joshuahoover: thx for your anwnsers15:34
joshuahooversusscorf1: np :)15:36
susscorf1joshuahoover: but if i understand right, i have a encrypted hard disk, i need to encrypt my files again to make the content invisible to ubuntu one and others ?15:39
jcastrogood morning ubuntuoners15:58
jcastrowho wants to do some ubuntu openweek sessions on something cool15:58
jcastroaquarius did one for developerweek so he gets to sit one out. The rest of you are fair game!15:59
statikhi kenvandine, are we on for a desktop integration call today?16:08
statik(in 52 minutes)16:08
kenvandinestatik, yes, i just sent the agenda16:10
J_LitewskiOr do I need to install a VM with Ubuntu on it to get my files onto my Windows computer?16:11
statikhi dobey: is there any work left on this? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-client/+bug/434886 i was thinking that we just leave the duplicate launchers in place and no other work be done for karmic, but i don't know what you've planned on with ken.16:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 434886 in ubuntuone-client "UIF exception: ubuntuone-client icons and emblems" [Undecided,In progress]16:27
dobeystatik: need to do a release still.16:30
statikok, cool16:31
dobeyi think humanity needs a new release for it too (i just added it to the bug as also being affected)16:34
statikthisfred, chad: any idea about ETA for the upstream couchdb 0.10 release, and what the amount of changes are between that and what we currently have in karmic (0.10.0~svn818859-0ubuntu1) ?16:35
thisfredstatik: afaik the changes are bugfix only, and not too many. The ETA is hard to say, I think Noah just got one or two more bugfixes committed that he was waiting on16:37
statikthisfred, are they bugfixes that we consider must-have for karmic?16:43
statikthisfred, it might be good to mention on the couchdb-dev list something like "we sure would like to ship couchdb 0.10 rather than an svn snapshot, but we need the final package this week" or something like that16:44
thisfredstatik: will do, and I don't think anything is absolutely critical to us, as we've not had any problems with (admittedly limited) testing of the desktop parts related to couchdb yet. chad / aquarius correct me if I'm even near wrong.16:45
aquariusas far as I'm aware, the couchdb that we're currently using on the desktop is fine for desktopcouch. chad may know differently.16:46
aquariushave to go out for a while, bbl16:46
urbanapeman, I'm gonna be happy when one-branch-to-rule-them-all lands. So many bugs go byebye16:50
statikurbanape, i'm gonna be happy about it too!16:53
thisfredstatik: msg to dev list sent16:58
XiXaQis anyone able to use Ubuntu One with Karmic?18:39
XiXaQthe  Ubuntu One notification icon sais "Files updated.", but they're not available on the web service18:40
statikdobey: kenvandine mentioned that pitti wants one of the ubuntuone menu items to be removed, from either Internet or from Preferences. I've asked for a separate bug report from the bug on the emblem updates. i see that the two menu items are running different commands, but i don't know the internals.18:50
* kenvandine is filing a bug for that now18:53
dobeystatik: yeah. we have no other way to initiate the sign-up process outside of the menu item in internet. and removing it is a lot more work than just deleting the .desktop file, as we'd need to update instructions on the web site, etc...18:53
dobeyplus somehow retrain people into going elsewhere to somehow start the applet18:53
statikkenvandine, i see the tomboy and evolution-couchdb uploads happened a few minutes ago, thanks!18:53
statikyeah we have docs on the website and tutorials etc18:54
kenvandinestatik, dobey: please comment on bug 44334219:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 443342 in ubuntuone-client "ubuntuone-client menu entries" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44334219:02
* dobey doesn't know what to say :)19:04
kenvandinedobey, and in looking at that, i discovered bug 44334519:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 443345 in ubuntuone-client "changing preferences doesn't take affect until the applet restarts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44334519:05
dobeykenvandine: you must have had an old version of the applet running19:05
dobeykenvandine: if you try to change the prefs now with the applet running, do they change immediately?19:07
kenvandinei just did it19:07
kenvandinethey change the config file19:07
kenvandinebut setting it to never show the icon doesn't hide it19:08
dobeythe only ways i can think of that would cause it to fail is applet not running. old applet running. or dbus is failing19:08
dobeythat is very odd19:08
dobeyaka wtf19:08
kenvandinei just restarted the applet several times too19:08
kenvandinetesting the behavior for that other bug19:08
dobeythe more i use dbus, the more i lose any respect i had for it :-/19:10
jamaltadobey: why's that? just curious19:36
dobeyjamalta: because it seems to be the casue of (and not the solution to) a large number of our problems19:38
jamaltadobey: ah19:38
kenvandinedobey, i just discovered follow_name_changes in dbus... makes a ton of suck go away19:43
kenvandineor it did in gwibber at least19:43
kenvandinearg to get_object19:44
kenvandineso in gwibber, we had the problem if the daemon restarted the client couldn't talk to it anymore19:44
kenvandinethe default is not to follow name changes, which seems dumb19:44
kenvandinefollow_name_owner_changes = True19:45
dobeyi don't think that's the problem19:45
dobeyit might help for some things, but i'm pretty sure that's not your problem19:46
dobeyunless you're restarting the applet while the prefs dialog is open, and then trying to changes settings in that same dialog afterward19:46
kenvandineit just made gwibber suck far less :)19:46
kenvandinei was really hating dbus for a while there19:46
dobeywell i don't know what problems gwibber was having :)19:47
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brianchidester_cgregan: ping22:31
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