
meoblast001wgrant: so having old email addresses is normal?00:01
spivGood morning.00:02
igchi spiv00:02
wgrantmeoblast001: People change email addresses. You cannot change them in old commits. I think so.00:02
meoblast001well, you can, but it's not normal :P00:02
meoblast001and it breaks compatibility of all branches00:03
igcverterok: see https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/bzr-explorer/+question/84897. Was it ok to say that?00:03
meoblast001wgrant: one last question, do most version control systems also use emails like bazaar does?00:04
meoblast001bazaar is the only real version control system i've used with any of my projects00:05
wgrantmeoblast001: I think all the DVCSes do, but I couldn't be sure.00:05
malepthi spiv, I believe you know the most about smart http servers?00:05
wgrantSVN does whatever it wants.00:05
spivmalept: probably, yeah00:05
maleptspiv: what does ""An attempt to  access a url outside the server jail was made""00:06
meoblast001wgrant: well, as linus torvalds says, svn is horrible, right? ;)00:06
wgrantmeoblast001: Yes.00:06
malept(followed by a chroot-[somenumber]:///)00:06
spivmalept: probably that you're hitting https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/34830800:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348308 in bzr "Smart server jail breaks bzr+http with shared repos" [High,Triaged]00:07
spivmalept: there's a work-around in the last comment.00:07
verterokigc: yes it was ok, I plan to make a installer for Tiger...but I don't have Snow Leopard and don't think I'm going to buy it in the short or medium term (as my main desktop is Ubuntu)00:07
igcverterok: cool. As long as the code for the installer is available, I'm sure someone will step up and do the Snow Leopard build.00:08
maleptspiv: ok, thanks for the pointer00:09
igcIn the worse case, I have a copy (which might work in a Parallels VM)00:09
verterokigc: I'm using jfroy's package branch as with that approach was quite easy to get it working :)00:09
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verterokigc: also I added some infrastructure to make it compatible with all supported OS X versions ;)00:10
igcverterok: sounds very promising. I'm sure we'll have a heap of OS X users take up Bazaar once Explorer can be easily installed00:11
jfroy|workmaking a bundled version of Explorer shouldn't be terribly hard I think00:12
verterokjfroy|work: bundled? like a standalone "bzr.app"?00:12
jfroy|workthat's what we should go for00:13
jfroy|workguessing widely, either you can use a shell script doing "bzr explore" as the bundle's main executable00:13
verterokjfroy|work: I have been trying to build such beast using py2app, without much success. but I have a CLI only bzr bundle working00:13
jfroy|workor setup a small C program that loads up the interpreter and kicks off the command00:13
verterokjfroy|work, igc: the main issue I think is some bug in python 2.5 subprcoess module that makes explorer and Qbzr unusable :(00:14
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verterokjfroy|work, igc: I keep getting: [Errno 4] Interrupted system cal00:15
verterokeach time I click in any button of explorer :(00:16
verterokigc, jfroy|work: I just pushed my branch, isn't finished yet but works for me (tm): lp:~verterok/+junk/OSX-package00:24
* verterok needs to run, bbl00:24
=== BasicPRO is now known as BasicOSX
poolieigc, i'm planning to fire the announcement today01:27
poolieand then... should i tweak the web site more, or leave it to you?01:27
igcpoolie: cool. Got KDE screenshots overnight so I'm just uploading a KDE tour now01:27
igcpoolie: I'm happy for you to tweak the website from here01:28
pooliei think my next thing would be to either get the fonts working01:28
poolies/working/the right size01:28
pooliethough that might be better left to someone who knows what they're doing :)01:29
poolieor to change it to be templated, so that we can add some dynamic content01:29
igctemplated would be good01:29
igcI think we're better to leave the font tweaking to web designers myself01:30
igcit's fiddly01:30
pooliespiv, hi?01:39
spivpoolie: hey01:47
spivpoolie: had a good trip home?01:47
poolieyes thanks01:55
poolieigc, is it really worth having totally separate tours for every environment?01:57
poolieis it the same content and just different screenshots?01:57
igcpoolie: content is 95% the same but there are differences01:57
igcpoolie: people like to see programs running in their environment01:58
igcand its the best way IMO to drill home the cross-platform message01:59
igcpoolieL I still see lots of comments on IRC like "explorer is only for Windows isn't it"01:59
igcso I want to put that to bed forever01:59
pooliei was wondering if one document showing multiple systems would get that across more effectively02:00
poolieif people land on the windows one they might still be confused02:00
igcthe fist paragraph in every tour points to the others02:01
pooliespiv is there a master bug for toomanyconcurrentrequests masking other errors?02:08
spivpoolie: bug 429747 is the closest, I think.02:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 429747 in bzr "errors during cleanup mask underlying errors" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42974702:10
pooliehow did you get along with that bug last week?02:14
quidnuncIf I tried an upgrade and it fails, how do I restore the original version?02:33
pooliequidnunc: mv .bzr  bzr.broken; mv backup.bzr .bzr02:35
spivpoolie: so the only_raises decorator appears to work well.  The test fallout from applying it to various unlock methods was pretty minimal.02:45
spivI've pushed up an update to that which adds a brief section to HACKING which tries to explain when to use it, and which exceptions to allow when using it.02:46
quidnuncpoolie: I get "ERROR: No repository present" after doing that (bzr log)02:48
pooliewhat else is new with you?02:49
pooliewhat's in your .bzr now, quidnunc?02:50
quidnuncpoolie: branch, branch-lock checkout, backup.bzr, branch-format, README, repository.backup02:50
pooliequidnunc: really? is this with an old bzr perhaps?02:52
poolieanyhow it looks like you have to restore repository.backup to being just 'repository'02:53
quidnuncpoolie: dunno:  bzr://rudel.bzr.sourceforge.net/bzrroot/rudel/trunk02:53
poolieinside .bzr02:53
quidnuncpoolie: Thanks, that seemed to work02:53
pooliei hope to work on making upgrade smarter soon02:53
spivpoolie: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/437626 has me stumped03:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 437626 in bzr "exceptions.AssertionError: second push failed to complete a fetch set" [Critical,Confirmed]03:57
poolieme too a bit, i've never seen that message before03:58
spivlifeless and I wrote the code with that assertion.03:58
idnarso it's all you fault03:59
AfCidnar: :)03:59
spivI wonder if that assertion requires a stacked target to occur, which would suggest stacked branches locally.03:59
pooliecan you reproduce it?04:00
spivHmm, yes, it's triggered by the target..04:00
spivNo, although I wasn't trying with stacking locally.04:00
spivAlthough it would be a bit weird for "bzr branch" to produce a stacked branch locally.04:01
spivI mean, it's possible to make that happen, but I'd be surprised if people had actually configured that.04:01
spivI wonder if it's something like: "make shared-repo; make branch in it stacked on launchpad; make branch a new branch from launchpad".04:02
spivi.e. perhaps doing a fetch for a non-stacked branch into a repo that was previously only used for stacked branches causes this?04:03
poolieoh, because it's creating effectively a situation with lots of ghosts?04:06
pooliebecause the repo is kind of hollow underneath the other branches?04:06
pooliecould be04:06
spivJust trying to reproduce that now.04:07
* spiv blinks at the *five* bzr+ssh connections bzr branch --stacked -r1000 lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/upstart/ubuntu reports.04:09
poolienot so hot04:19
* igc lunch04:26
AfCIf an Ubuntu mirror is out of date, is there a central place to report that to?04:43
poolieafc, probably, but i don't know it off hand04:56
pooliemaybe mirrors@ubuntu.com04:56
AfCpoolie: k05:18
pooliesending announcement soon...07:42
AfCIt would really be better if the "Bazaar Explorer" thing wasn't used in the same sentence as "GNOME" on your website, as it not a (HIG compliant, GTK based) GNOME application.07:51
spivLots of hail.07:56
vila_hi all07:58
vila_poolie: yeah for annoucement :)07:59
bialixhello bzr 2.007:59
AfCspiv: fun tip: if you throw an appropriate base image from Terry Hills radar into the Weather Applet's Preference -> General Tab -> "Enable radar map -> Use custom address for radar map" Address field, say http://www.bom.gov.au/radar/IDR714.gif its08:00
AfCspiv: automatically & always there when you pop up the weather Details dialog08:01
bialix2.0.0 is announced! Hooray! it's finally happens08:01
bialixsomebody, adjust topic of the channel please08:01
Lo-lan-doAnd it should even be in testing tonight :-)08:02
bialixin testing? what?08:04
spivAfC: thanks!08:05
* bialix singing and dancing08:07
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igcbialix: pypi updated too btw08:50
=== igc changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control system | 2.0.0 is out! <https://launchpad.net/bzr/2.0/2.0.0> | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://bazaar-vcs.org | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
jmlwhat I would like, in bzr09:17
jmlis a way of pulling all of my trunk branches when I come online09:17
spivjml: yeah, that would be nice09:18
jmlsuch a plugin would actually be quite simple09:19
jmlI mean, having a single command to do this would be quite simple.09:19
spivjml: I guess you could put a shell script in /etc/network/if-up.d/...09:19
spivThere's probably a more desktop-oriented way to do the same thing that would actually run as your user.09:20
spivPresumably triggered off a dbus event.09:20
spivI know that empathy does stuff in reaction to online/offline state changes.09:20
igcjml: jam wrote a update-mirrors plugin you could use as a starting point09:23
* igc dinner09:23
jmligc, thanks.09:24
mrevellHey peoples of the Earth, if I put this in Launchpad's identi.ca stream does it make sense? "Yet more congrats to the Bazaar community! Bazaar 2.0.0 is now out! If you haven't already, try the new default repo format, 2a -- zoooooom!" I'm thinking particularly wrt the 2a format comment, obviously.09:24
spivmrevell: by "make sense" do you mean "is it accurate", or "is it appropriate"?09:25
mrevellspiv: accurate09:26
mrevellspiv: Happy also to take comments wrt how appropriate it is, though :)09:26
spivIt seems accurate to me, but I'm not enough of a microblogging user to know if people following @launchpad would mind it or not.09:26
spivI'd possibly not mention "2a" by name, just call it the new default repo format.  I'm not sure why I say that, though :)09:27
spivI guess because users shouldn't have to care about that sort of jargon.09:28
mrevellspiv: Yeah, won't mention "2a" by name. As for whether people will mind, I think it'll be fine. I tweeted/dented the new bzr website and got a thumbs up back.09:28
mrevellcheers sp09:28
mrevellcheers spiv09:28
igcmrevell: LP users may also be interested in the "visual tours" we've put together in the last few days. See http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/explorer/en/index.html09:28
mrevellAh, thanks igc. I was planning to blog about bzr 2.0.0 on the LP blog ... I'll mention the visual tours there too. ta.09:29
igcmrevell: there's tours for GNOME, KDE, Windows and Mac OS X so that should help communities encourage casual contributors09:29
mrevellah, very cool09:29
spivmrevell: I suppose squeezing in a tiny URL to a 2.0.0 tour or release notes would be good too.09:29
mrevellspiv: Yeah, good point. I guess I can lose the "zooom" :)09:30
spivmrevell: Aw, I liked the the zooom! :)09:33
mrevellspiv: heh :) I've changed it to "Bazaar 2.0.0 is now out -- congrats to the bzr community! The new default format gives faster & smaller repos - zoooooom! http://is.gd/3ZZ78"09:34
spivmrevell: :)09:34
mrevellOkay, cheers guys, posted.09:34
bialixigc: many thanks09:55
=== doko__ is now known as doko
ddaaSo, 2.0 is out, so when people say "bzr is much slower than hg and git", we can say "no, not anymore with 2.0".11:08
ddaaCongrats for the release BTW.11:08
ddaaBut where are the benchmarks we can point people at so they'll at least consider it?11:08
ddaaI'd love to be able to say more than just "trust me, it's fast now, yes, I know I it's the 5th time I say that"11:09
KinnisonHmm, with 2.0 out, I might consider switching to packaged bzr instead of running bzr.dev11:15
Kinnisoncongrats guys11:15
=== Noldorin_ is now known as Noldorin
Lo-lan-doddaa: I'm still having the feeling that the periodical repacks take too long.  But maybe my hardware is too old.12:44
lifelessLo-lan-do: are you running 2a?12:47
lifelessLo-lan-do: and are you talking local or remote?12:47
Lo-lan-doI am.12:47
lifelessLo-lan-do: and do you have the C extensions?12:47
lifeless{2a is the format, not the bzr software version}12:47
Lo-lan-doDon't know.  Do the debs have them?12:48
lifelessthey should12:48
lifelessif you have 2.0.0 it will nag if they don't12:48
Lo-lan-doIt doesn't seem to be complaining.12:49
Lo-lan-dolifeless: Does that sound extreme to you? Maybe it's some misconfiguration on my side…12:54
Lo-lan-doHm.  A bzr pack of a similar repo only using rich-root-pack on faster hardware happens in 15 seconds.  I guess my desktop PC is to blame.12:56
* Lo-lan-do tries to compare with really identical repos12:57
lifelessLo-lan-do: rich-root-pack and 2a times are not comparable12:57
Lo-lan-doYeah, which is why I'm scping the 2a repo to the fast server.12:58
Lo-lan-doIt only has bzr 1.16.1 though.  Another skew.12:58
=== kiko is now known as kiko-phone
lifelessLo-lan-do: so, 3 minutes, how many revs?13:08
lifelessLo-lan-do: or, how big is .bzr/repository/packs13:09
lifelessLo-lan-do: and note that autopack *doesn't* do as much work as 'bzr pack'13:09
=== Noldorin_ is now known as Noldorin
Lo-lan-do7662 revisions, 67M13:10
Lo-lan-doGood to know.13:10
Lo-lan-doHm.  1.16.1 with better hardware does the bzr pack in 1m25s on modern hardware.  Better.13:16
Lo-lan-doIs it expected that branching from a rich-root-pack repo into a 2a one is slow too?13:17
johnfjelmer: you about?13:25
spivLo-lan-do: yes, doing that has to convert all the data.  It's basically the same as doing "bzr upgrade".13:39
Lo-lan-doI see.13:42
Lo-lan-doAh yes, 2a to 2a is indeed *much* faster.13:42
Lo-lan-doI can live with that :-)13:42
spivRight, because it can simply copy most of it, rather than needing to extract and re-compress everything.13:42
spiv(And extract from a slower format...)13:43
* Lo-lan-do waits for everyone to have a 2a-capable client13:44
* Lo-lan-do reads /etc/bash_completion.d/bzr.simple14:02
Lo-lan-doWould it make sense to cache the results of bzr commands?14:02
mzzI doubt it, for most of them14:03
Lo-lan-doEr, sorry, missing quotes.14:03
Lo-lan-doWould it make sense to cache the results of "bzr commands" (for completion)?14:03
mzz"bzr help commands" you mean?14:03
mzzthat sounds reasonable to me14:04
mzzhowever, plugins.14:04
Lo-lan-doYes, and upgrades and so on.14:04
mzzfor upgrades I'd expect just checking the mtime of the bzr executable used to suffice14:05
Lo-lan-doI guess I could stat /usr/bin/bzr and expire stuff, but it doesn't handle plugins.14:05
mzzbut I haven't thought about that very hard :)14:05
mzzfor plugins you could similarly track the contents of the plugins directories, but that's not entirely trivial and may not always suffice14:05
Lo-lan-doI'm thinking about a dpkg trigger that would regenerate a static file when installing/removing a bzr* package, but it wouldn't handle locally-installed stuff.14:06
lifelessI would cache within a shell lifetime, I'd hesitate to cache longer than that14:06
lifelessLo-lan-do: it also wouldn't handle optional deps being added or other such things; the list of commands is turing complete14:07
mzzand for locally-installed plugins you'd have to recursively check if any subpackages got their files updated, iiuc.14:07
Lo-lan-doRight.  I'll probably go the simple way and cache within the shell's lifetime.14:08
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michaelforrestI always type 'bzr commit -am "commit message"' when I'm switching between git and bzr a lot. I wish it didn't error.15:41
michaelforrest(bzr: ERROR: no such option: -a)15:41
lukssee that git is doing to your branch? :)15:42
luksit's hard to NOT type branch in this channel15:43
mzzmichaelforrest: I rarely use git, but iirc you mean you want bzr commit to accept and ignore -a?15:43
lukscan't you somehow set git to use -a by default?15:44
michaelforrestmzz: yeah something like that - I'd rather have git accept and ignore -a than set git to do -a by default15:45
michaelforrest(for some reason...)15:46
michaelforrest(maybe because I'm more likely to do incremental commits from the command line with git, whereas I'd use bzr qcommit  to do incremental commits with bzr)15:46
michaelforrestmaybe that's crazy though. it would probably better to change git's defaults as per luks' suggestion..15:47
mzzI don't remember how difficult it is to write a bzr plugin that'd do this15:48
lukspretty easy15:48
michaelforresthaving a go at writing a plugin...15:50
luksan evil version would be http://paste.pocoo.org/show/143301/15:53
luksbut yes, it is crazy :)15:54
beunomichaelforrest, you want to add all files and commit?15:55
michaelforrestbeuno: I just don't want the error when I accidentally type -am instead of -m15:56
michaelforrestbeuno: I will have to risk bzr suddenly adding a command -a that does something very different to what git does (please let's not let that happen ;) )15:57
beunomichaelforrest, creating a plugin that adds -a and does nothing should be very close to trivial15:58
michaelforrestbeuno: yeah that's what I'm doing.15:59
michaelforrestbeuno: my plugin is called "git_cushion"15:59
lukshave you seen the code I pasted?15:59
beunomichaelforrest, "lol"15:59
lukssurely it's not nice, but I'm not sure if it's worth creating a nice solution for this16:00
beunomichaelforrest, let me know if you need help16:00
michaelforrestluks: yeah first I tried using my brain but then I just pasted your code in and it worked :)16:00
michaelforrestplugin created.16:00
lifelessbug 44063116:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 440631 in bzr "mutable_tree.has_changes() should not take a parameter but always check against basis" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44063116:39
lifelessvila_: I find the description a little brief; perhaps paste in IRC conversations or something?16:40
vila_lifeless: ouch, you're in Sydney ?16:41
vila_haa, you scared me :)16:42
lifelessas per my mail last week or so ;P16:42
vila_yeah, sorry, I remember now, I'm just bad at connecting dates and mails16:42
vila_..unless I use my agenda that is :)16:42
vila_lifeless: updated16:46
=== kiko-phone is now known as kiko
crisbvila_: about 405745 - I thought there was no client thread in test_http_impl_urls?17:04
vila_crisb: .....17:05
vila_but you were talking about two threads no ?17:05
vila_ooooh, waitaminute17:06
vila_one main thread and one thread for the server,17:06
vila_crisb: the server is blocked in select(), the main thread blocks on close() ?17:07
crisbmust be!17:07
vila_crisb: but what is the python interpreter doing ?17:08
crisbvila_: how do you mean?17:08
vila_if they are only two threads python is supposed to give control to one...17:09
=== vila_ is now known as vila
vilanow, the "dirty" part is that we are closing the socket from the main thread why the server is listening in the other thread... Does the police check such things ?17:10
vilathe code police I meant17:10
* vila don't want to trigger NSA loggers...17:10
crisbvila_: well the trouble is when I invoke pdb by sending SIGQUIT it causes the server thread to exit as select() returns, so I only see the trace from the main thread17:10
crisbvila_: but attaching with dbx I can see both of them hanging around17:11
vilacrisb: yeah, the bug don't want to be observed... Schroedinger ?17:11
Lo-lan-doIt's just shy.17:12
vilacrisb: that's unknown territory to me but are you saying that you can see the python interpreter going in circles without releasing any of the threads ?17:12
crisbvila: yes its blocked on close() and select()17:12
vilaI can understand blocked on select(), but not on close(), anything relevant from dbx ?17:13
vilawait a minute, what bzr version do you use exactly ? What code is before close() a simple shutdown(RW) or ?17:14
crisbthis is bzr 2.0.017:15
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
jammorning all17:15
jamhey vila, are you around?17:15
vilamy right eye is writing a unit test for has_changes while my left one discuss the AIX hangs on server.close(), I'm all ears to you though :)17:16
crisbvila: and its using shutdown(RWRD), but i've tried changing it to just RW17:16
jamvila: just wondering about the status of https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/selftest-fixes/+merge/1036417:16
jam(this is the --parallel stuff you were working on)17:16
vilacrisb: no no, I meant a full shutdown, so both read and write17:16
jamI'm trying to par the review queue down a bit, and that is "needs fixing" from Robert but "needs review" overall.17:17
crisbvila: yes thats the original code17:17
vilajam: yeah, interrupt level 3 or 4, I need some setup for ec2 and I want to test ec2 by installing a windows host and I want a local windows host first, which is progressing sllloooowwwllly17:18
vilacrisb: all right, so I don't understand why it accepts to shutdown (not blocking) but not to close...17:18
jamvila: so should I mark it "Work in Progress" ?17:18
vilaand shutting the socket down should also unblock the select17:19
jam(sorry about the interrupt levels, I've been there myself)17:19
vilajam: good idea, I'll do if you don't17:19
vilajam: thanks17:19
crisbvila: yes, plus looking at netstat and lsof output, the socket is still in LISTEN state!17:21
Pilkyanyone know if there are any other sites for hosting open source bzr repositories besides launchpad?17:24
vilacrisb: so something is wrong there.. can you see the comment in TestingHTTPServerMixin.tearDown ?17:25
jamPilky: I thought Sourceforge and Savannah both would let you push code up. Certainly any sftp or ftp locations could be used.17:26
jamI'm not sure how much integration they have with code browsers, etc.17:26
crisbvila: yep!17:26
vilacrisb: it's as if your python didn't realize it uses the same socket in both threads and can't propagate the shutdown from the main thread to the server thread....17:27
Pilkyjam: I've used sourceforge before and it has similar issues to launchpad and savannah looks like it might be the same from first glance17:27
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PilkyI'm looking more for something with the simplicity and usability of github/bitbucket17:28
jamPilky: "similar issues" ?17:28
Pilkyusability issues17:29
jamcare to be more specific?17:29
Lo-lan-doPilky: fusionforge has a bzr plugin now17:29
Lo-lan-doSlightly more usable than sourceforge and savannah, even :-)17:30
Pilkywell basically I feel launchpad shows too much on each page without good separation, overcomplicates things and is just generally not easy to navigate or administrate17:30
Pilkyjam: it's improved a lot over the past year or so, but it's still a long way off the likes of github and bit bucket17:31
PilkyLo-lan-do: I'll take a look17:31
Lo-lan-doDoesn't do Launchpad's automated branching/tracking/merging/reviewing, but it has the advantage of being installable :-)17:31
Pilkyhmm, seems better, but still not quite what I'm looking for17:33
crisbvila: the plot thickens! shutdown is throwing ENOTCONN :)17:35
PilkyI might have to look into seeing if it's possible to design a much simpler, more usable UI for launchpad while keeping the current feature set17:35
vilacrisb: hmm, good, now we know why it's still listening !17:35
Pilkydo it as a side project and then see if the launchpad team are interested in it at all17:36
ddaaPilky: you probably should write stuff from scratch. Launchpad is massively complex because it intertwines different facets such as bugs, branches, questions, project registry, karma, etc.17:37
ddaabranches can be generated in 3 different ways (code imports, mirrors, hosting), etc.17:37
vilacrisb: and is self.socket different from None ?17:38
ddaathe reason lp UI is complex is not because lp folks don't know what they're doing, it's because it does something complex.17:38
crisbvila: yes indeed17:41
vilacrisb: ..... so it means we can't shutdown the socket before the first connection ? Thats' silly, how can we shutdown a server then 8-/17:42
crisbvila: hmm yes.  just check the fileno() in select() and shutdown() are the same17:45
crisbvila: both 5, so its not like the threads havent got the same fd17:46
MethsWhere does bzr get its Platform string from on Windows?17:46
vilacrisb: I more and more feel that we may be in a dead end here because AIX implements sockets differently...17:50
MethsCool, you fixed bzr shelve on Windows with v2.0.0.  Thanks devs :)17:51
vilacrisb: what I'm reading from a google search with "aix socket bug shutdown select" seems to indicate that shutdown() not interrupting select() is considered a bug by many (not sure that include AIX devs though... :)17:52
vilacrisb: sorry I should leave, can you be there earlier tomorrow ?17:55
vilacrisb: otherwise just add a comment to the bug with your last experiments... :-/17:55
crisbvila: sure, could we not just send the other thread a signal so select() exits?17:56
jamMeths: 'import platform'17:57
vilacrisb: hehe, that's what shutdown is supposed to do !17:57
jamMeths: "platform.platform(aliased=1)"17:57
jamit is in the python standard library17:58
Methsjam: thanks17:58
jamI'm not 100% sure where it gets it from, but you could read the code17:58
jamvila, crisb: "if sys.platform == 'aix': os.kill(other_thread, SIGHUP)" ?17:59
vilajam: you can't kill a thread :-/17:59
vilajam: especially when it is in a blocking call...18:00
jamsignal.sethandler(SIGHUP, IGNORE)18:00
jmlor if it's a mailing list thread.18:00
Lo-lan-doEven with a Godwin point?18:00
jamos.kill(os.getpid(), SIGHUP)18:00
Lo-lan-doDamn, /me loses18:00
jam"if sys.platform == 'aik': self.knownFailure()" ?18:01
jamvila: ^^18:01
vilajam: I'm afraid we'll have to use that yes, but AIUI (crisb can confirm or not) that will be all http tests...18:02
jamvila: can you setDaemon() those threads so that it doesn't cause python to block on shutdown?18:03
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
vilajam: they are daemonic threads and that's why we have so many problems with thread/socket leaks18:04
crisbvila: isnt it naughty to be doing things on the same socket from different threads at once anyway? maybe thats why close() hangs18:06
vilajam: at least closing the server thread somehow guarantee that they will be gc'ed later, if we don't close that socket, we exhaust the threads/sockets far quicker, unless you run with --parallel=fork and workaround the problem, but you need some cores..18:06
vilacrisb: well, now that it fails, you can say it's naughty :-) But AIX is the first to not be happy with that :D18:06
jamcrisb: if you are allowed to talk to yourself via a socket, then it seems like it shouldn't be naughty18:07
jamyou probably shouldn't talk on the same side in both threads18:07
jamI suppose it depends if it is considered 'allowed', but certainly it is used in places...18:08
jam(such as our test suite :)18:08
vilajam, crisb: the clean way to resolve that will be to have a boolean ste to stop the server and explicitely connect once with a client that explicitly close its socket...18:08
crisbis it just python that wont let you kill threads?  i've used pthread_kill with SIGUSR1 as a way of unblocking other thread before18:08
vilacrisb: yup, it's python18:09
jamcrisb: looking here: http://docs.python.org/library/threading.html#thread-objects18:10
jamit looks like we have start/run/join, but no kill18:10
vilacrisb: as jam said :-D18:12
jamInteresting method18:12
jambasically hijacks the system 'trace' functionality to check at every line of execution if the thread should exit18:12
jamdoesn't sound like it would help with select/shutdown, though.18:13
vilajam: indeed :-/18:13
=== ossurayynot is now known as tonyyarusso
vilabut I think having the server loop check a boolean and replacing shutdown() by stop = True, connect(server.address) close() server.close() may work, I'll try that tomorrow18:15
jamvila: enjoy your evening18:15
jamdo you have AIX to check?18:15
vilawe don't care if neither the client nor the server understand what that last connection is about...18:15
vilajam: hehe no18:15
vilacrisb: I don't think you can provide a VirtualBox VM with an AIX installed don't you ?18:16
* vila really wants to trigger NSA or IBM lawyers here :)18:17
kennethdfrom launchpad, it looks like `bzr branch lp:mailman/2.2` should get me mailman's source, but it tells me: "ERROR: Not a branch: /home/kenneth/src/lp:mailman/2.2/"18:20
LarstiQkennethd: what version of bzr are you using?18:21
kennethd0.11.0 (from debian etch)18:21
kennethdis it too old for that format url?  is there another format url i can use?18:22
LarstiQ0.11 is way way ancient18:22
LarstiQkennethd: yes there is, but then your client likely doesn't understand the repository format used18:23
kennethdwell, it is debian etch :)18:23
LarstiQkennethd: so I'd recommend to upgrade bzr to something released this decade first ;P18:23
LarstiQkennethd: you could try backports.org, or just install bzr by hand (you can run it from the unpacked tarball, do run make though)18:24
Pilkyddaa: true, I'll probably have to look into it at some point down the line, got enough stuff on my plate at the moment development wise18:31
kennethdLarstiQ: got 1.5 from the tarball, thanks18:32
LarstiQkennethd: that's a bit of a weird version choice?18:33
Taknote to self: never try to dpush a branch with multiple revisions18:33
kennethdoh, i didn't notice there's a 1.16 there too ... well, it is downloading mailman at least18:35
jamkennethd: and a 1.17, 1.18, and now 2.0.0...18:36
LarstiQkennethd: yeah, 1.15 (1.5 too) should work well enough for that18:39
kennethdjam: oh, well i got the source from backports.org18:41
LarstiQbackports.org needs a packaging update18:41
LarstiQjelmer: in case you have time, ^^?18:41
jamLo-lan-do: did you see my review of your earlier patch?18:42
jamI tried to send you the emails directly18:42
Lo-lan-dojam: Yes, I was just busy.  Will try to address your concerns sometime this week.18:44
jamLo-lan-do: no problem, just cleaning out the review tracker a bit and that reminded me18:45
lifelessjam: lp merge re views update now19:15
lifelessso I don't think you need to resubmit stuff anymore19:15
jamlifeless: well, I also wanted to poke people to remind them that it needed reviewing, I could probably have done that a different way19:16
jamlifeless: did I hear correctly that you are in Canada now?19:16
jam(well, "this week" not specifically a move)19:17
lifelessthis week19:18
lifelessjam: I'd remind people by mailing the list ;)19:19
jamlifeless: asking for a code review mails the list, too...19:19
lifelessjam: yes, but discards the old thread19:19
lifelesswhich is something I find annoying ;)19:19
jamwell, for most I just asked for code review from 'bzr-core'19:20
jamthat one I probably should have just done the same19:20
jamI don't remember specifically why I thought it was necessary19:20
dwtHi there, I'm currently looking at the 2.0 release and I can't seem to be able to penetrate the nomenclature around it. For example, what is a rich-root repository format - and where could I look up stuff like this? (google seems unwilling to help...)19:25
Pilkydwt: I believe rich-root is mostly for use with subversion integration19:25
Lo-lan-doIt was introduced for that, but it's been generalised since then.19:26
mzzthe new default repository format (2a) supports rich-root19:27
dwtthanks for the answers - is there a way to get deeper information on what this means?19:28
dwtfrom what I've found it means the repository supports more metadata19:28
mzzI'd say "look at "bzr help formats" but it is unfortunately a bit stale in 2.019:28
mzzafaik what it says about rich-root is correct, but it doesn't realise "some appropriate time in the future" has arrived19:29
* dwt is reading bzr help formats19:30
Peng_Rich root formats give the root directory a file ID, just like every other directory.19:41
dwtPeng: Thanks!19:44
jfroy|workIs there API to run a specific command in bzrlib, or should I just allocate the command class and call its run method?19:48
jamjfroy|work: depends what you want, but there is "run_bzr()"19:48
jfroy|workbascially run a sequence of bzr commands w/o launching individual bzr processes (to avoid the cost of launching the interpreter and all)19:49
jelmerjfroy|work: hi20:00
jelmerehm, sorry20:00
jfroy|workeh, hi :)20:01
jelmerjfroy|work: I was actually looking for johnf, but it seems he disappeared20:01
Takjfroy|work: there's builtins...20:04
jfroy|workverterok: http://home.devklog.net/~bahamut/bzrexplorer.app.zip20:07
jfroy|workI consider it crude :p20:07
Pilkyjfroy|work: that link doesn't work20:09
jfroy|workok, let's try this again20:11
jfroy|workok that works20:11
jfroy|workHacked up a quick bundle for explorer :|20:11
jfroy|workKind Of Works™20:11
verterokjfroy|work: cool, using py2app?20:11
jfroy|workmanually :p20:12
Pilkyah, thought it was going to be everything bundled up into one thing20:12
verterokjfroy|work: oh, I need to learn that :)20:12
jfroy|workwell using Build Applet from the dev tools, then fixing it up20:12
Pilkyso I didn't have to fight with all the QT stuff that doesn't want to install on my machine20:12
jfroy|workright, this only launches a user-installed explorer20:12
jfroy|workstill need to bundle the rest with this20:12
jfroy|workQt & etc.20:12
jfroy|workso it's not anywhere near done.20:13
jfroy|workjust more convenient than running it from a terminal :p20:13
PilkyI might package up BazaarX this week, not had a crash since I refactored so it might be good enough to call 0.120:13
Pilkyand also start work on 0.220:14
dwtany screenshots yet?20:23
Pilkydwt: http://dropbox.mcubedsw.com/skitchpics/BazaarX%200.1.png20:27
dwtLooks nice so far - I'm looking forward to try it. :)20:28
Pilkyonly does add, commit and remove, but that's 90% of what most people do20:29
Pilkyhoping to add move and possibly log in 0.220:29
crisbjam: vila's suggestion about the AIX select()/ close() hang has worked :)20:30
verterokPilky: I builded a PyQt installer for 10.5, but requires Qt installed (hopefully I'll upload it tonight)20:32
Pilkyverterok: that would be useful if it also works for 10.620:33
PilkyQt installed fine, PyQT wouldn't install for some reason, kept complaining about QT's structure not being able to be verified20:33
verterokPilky: I don't have 10.6 :(20:34
Pilkywell, if it works with Python 2.6 I'd assume it would work fine with 10.620:34
verterokPilky: it depends on the system python...so it's a problem across all versions (10.4, 5 and 6) ;/20:34
verterokPilky: the OS X python ins't the same as the python.org python, I can try to build it to get some feedback  :)20:35
Pilkyjfroy|work: probably knows the internals better than me given that he did the 10.6 bzr installer20:36
vilacrisb: passing around, what did you implement ? Which tests are passing ?20:44
crisbvila: the fake connect to get the select out and setting the boolean :)20:49
crisbvila: all tests from  bzr selftest -s bt.test_http -v now pass20:50
crisbvila: more details in 40574520:50
vilacrisb: Congrats !!!20:50
vilabug #405745, ubottu, url please20:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 405745 in bzr "blackbox.test_check.ChrootedCheckTests.test_check_missing_branch hangs on AIX" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40574520:50
vilagood bot20:50
vilacrisb: excellent, can you publish a branch with your patch ?20:52
crisbvila: sure - do you know why its saying that one test is leaking threads? is that relevant at all?20:53
crisbvila: never mind, just tried it here on linux and its the same without the patch20:55
vilacrisb: because the threads spawned by the server for the client connections are daemonic ones as well as the server thread itself,20:56
vilayour patch un-hang it, but we didn't join()ed it, the gc will, later, get it back20:57
vilacrisb: your patch address the root problem I had here. On top of it, I can now 1) collect the client threads, 2) close them properly and join them, 3) join the server thread......... 5) profit20:58
vila... and get rid of the leaking tests, because if your patch works for http, it will also work for ftp so we will get rid of some other leaking tests there20:59
crisbvila: bonus!21:00
vilacrisb: and *that* in turn, will allow the full test suite to pass again on OSX and gentoo and maybe even make some more progress on windows *without* resorting to the --parallel=fork trick21:00
vilacrisb: so those three lines are really worth their bits on gold :-D21:01
vilaaaaargh s/on/in/21:01
vila. o 0 (Once again the typo-gremlin attacked the joke)21:02
crisbvila: where's my cheque then ;)21:02
vilaPlease receive my gratitude and enjoy our full test suite in all its glory :-D21:03
crisbvirtue is its own reward eh :)21:04
pooliehello vila22:29
kenichiwhat's the easiest way to see when a branch was branched?23:14
beunokenichi, I don't think there's a good way of doing that23:15
kenichibeuno: i'm thinking of svn's --stop-on-copy type thing... nothing?23:16
beunokenichi, I have no idea what that does23:17
beunowhat information are you looking for?23:17
pooliehi beuno23:17
beunoa date, or a revision?23:17
beunohey poolie!23:17
pooliekenichi: you can look at the branch nick in the log23:18
pooliethere's no option to cut off the log at the point where it changed but that would be kind of useful23:18
kenichipoolie, beuno: thanks.  i can see in the log where the nick switches... but i have to hunt.  hmmm...23:19
igcmorning all23:22
pooliehi igc23:36

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