[00:00] hexorg, ssh maybe ? === koh__ is now known as RussellAlan [00:17] I'm seeing spurious graphics problems on both my desktip & laptop using 904 & the later KDE from the (PPA? Launchpad?) repositories. 1) Some leftover window stuff doesn't get erased from the screen occasionally, & 2) some black background with light dots of garbage appear inside some windows (often KATE word processor). Anyone else see this? Is this a known issue? Is it KDE, KUbuntu, Ubuntu issue??? === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk === crispi is now known as Soprano === Soprano is now known as crispi === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates === rosco_away is now known as rosco_y [00:35] i want to install .deb files in kubuntu 9.04 but when i ran the command sudp dpkg -i package name i get an error when i try to run the newly install application [00:36] i want to install .deb files in kubuntu 9.04 but when i ran the command sudp dpkg -i package name i get an error when i try to run the newly install application [00:39] i want to install .deb files in kubuntu 9.04 but when i ran the command sudp dpkg -i package name i get an error when i try to run the newly install application [00:41] hay all, I am trying to set up openvpn with networkmanager, does anyone know if A) it actraully works and B) I have a few options in my conf that I can't seam to add to networkmanager any ideas on how to add it? [00:41] never tried that, sorry [00:42] dang, hehe just trying to find a abetter way then console === richard is now known as Guest64132 === Guest64132 is now known as richard [00:50] yes === richard is now known as Guest13291 [00:50] where r u ? [00:51] g [00:51] hello [00:51] anybody here ? === Guest13291 is now known as richard [00:58] hello [00:59] anyone knows how i can install firefox in kubuntu 8.1.0 [00:59] ? [01:00] how to install firefox kubuntu 8.1.0 [01:01] Should be the same way as anything else [01:03] quassel irc doesent suport file sharing? wtf? thats what irc is about? [01:05] hugo i think you need to compile it with gcc [01:06] working on the same problem theres also a add/remove software field called kpackage has some thing to do with it [01:09] i have installed kubuntu today [01:10] my connection its a little limited [01:10] if i do the fetch packet in the kpackage [01:11] it start to searching for all updates [01:11] and all updates totalize ~300Mb [01:11] i noticed that to [01:11] my connection it's limited [01:12] theres a install file that explains the commands for compiling it [01:12] is that any other way to install firefox [01:12] directly from a server [01:12] it works without installing it if you just run the shell [01:12] i don't know [01:12] if i run the shell [01:12] apparently if you want to install stuff it involves compiling it [01:13] it appears a lot of updates [01:13] i'm no expert this is day 2 for me [01:13] i can uncheck the apdates that i don't want [01:13] oh ok [01:13] thanks [01:14] sharing know how it's important too [01:14] :) [01:14] i'm trying to install irc that supports file sharing [01:16] mmm [01:16] i didn't install that yet [01:17] what's your linux dist? [01:18] hugo- you can just install the firefox package [01:18] bomboy- from what I can tell, Konversation supports file transfers [01:19] Dragnslr - do you know where can i found the firefox package? [01:19] i'm new user of kubuntu [01:21] would there be any reason my iso wont boot? [01:21] says something like, broadcom no operating sytem found. [01:22] am i not burning the .iso file corretly [01:23] good to know [01:23] like really? why else would i live on irc? [01:26] any help would be appreciated === mike is now known as duckx0r [01:34] Hay all I did an update a few days/week ago, and now when ever i do 'ls' I no longer get multiple columns, just one long list, any ideas on how to fix that? [01:35] are you burning it with a image burner? [01:36] is your bios setup to boot from cd-rom first? [01:37] in other words can you boot from like the winblows cd? [01:37] yes bios is all good, unsure about the burner maybe i'll try nero on my other pc [01:37] i used imgburn [01:37] free? [01:37] link? [01:37] freeware and nero woulden't find my burner [01:38] uhh hold on a sec [01:38] thanks [01:38] * bunicrin is away: Estou ocupado === yofel_ is now known as yofel [01:39] http://www.imgburn.com/ [01:39] so annoying windows discovered it but nero coulden't find it [01:40] imgburn saved the day [01:50] I'm seeing spurious graphics problems on both my desktip & laptop using 904 & the later KDE from the (PPA? Launchpad?) repositories. 1) Some leftover window stuff doesn't get erased from the screen occasionally, & 2) some black background with light dots of garbage appear inside some windows (often KATE word processor). Anyone else see this? Is this a known issue? Is it KDE, KUbuntu, Ubuntu issue??? [01:54] * bunicrin is back (gone 00:15:45) [02:04] hello folks [02:04] anyone with an asus graphics card? [02:04] sorry [02:04] tv card? [02:09] Anyone online? [02:10] I need help. I can't figure out how to open an arkived file [02:12] Is anyone familliar with "bin" files? [02:14] ...........Why is everyone so quiet? [02:18] it's a cd image file [02:18] did it come with a .cue [02:25] bomboy, still got no operating system found [02:25] ... [02:45] anyone have any idea how to get ninjavideo woring with linux? [02:46] working* [03:12] Hi there. Trying to figure out what to file a bug on, and wondering if anyone here could help... [03:12] Specifically that Kubuntu has no boot splash [03:13] Apparently because we don't use xsplash *or* ksplashx yet [03:13] despite feature and artwork freeze passing [03:13] any ideas anyone? [03:13] I filed it on xsplash, but they closed it because I was using Kubuntu. :( [03:37] Hello? *Anyone* there? [03:40] *sigh* [03:49] do you folks agree with this? http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/09/22/linuxcon_2009_joe_brockmeier/ [04:04] does anyone know if Karmic Beta has trouble connecting to hidden SSIDs? === adam is now known as Guest91813 [04:45] hi === david is now known as Guest54692 [04:56] hi, im having a bit of trouble getting vnc and proxypass running, so that I can direct using port 80. has anyone had much luck doing this? [05:00] hola soy nuevo en ubuntu [05:00] como puedo instalar app de windows? [05:13] !es | pablo_ [05:13] pablo_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [05:17] hiiiiiiiiiiiii [05:19] Hello [05:19] I am using kubuntu 8.4 as client in my network. We are using Apple SMB server for data sharing. i am able to read and write permission in my apple SMB server storage from my client system (Kubuntu 8.4). I successfully mount SMB server in client system automatically. [05:19] But when ever i try to make sub folder in storage like ( Storage/Ashit/Ashish ) its creat that but after that i can not access that folder from same system but i can access that folder from my other network system which is working on Win Xp os. So advice me what i have to do i can access Storage, Ashit but i can not access Ashish, which is created by me from same system. [05:19] tv9: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. === Guest54692 is now known as franx [05:25] any one using kubuntu 8.4 [05:42] question, when I hit Help | KMail Handbook, I receive a message saying, "The file or folder help:/kmail/index.html does not exist." Distribution is Ubuntu Jaunty. Same thing is true with Konversation. [06:01] Hello [06:02] Greetings [06:03] Not much going on in here [06:04] Does anyone know how to change the mouse cursor from hardware over to software mode? [06:07] Is anyone here running Kubuntu 9.10 beta? [06:08] Nope, are you? [06:08] No, but I am looking at it right now [06:08] It looks neat [06:11] Nope .. running Jaunty, not karmic. [06:12] What is the command line to upgrade vga drivers? [06:12] I would try Karmic, but this is my only computer and I need it for school so it may not be the best idea [06:13] merovingian: yeah, beta on a production machine = fail [06:14] I am fairly new to Linux and Kubuntu, do they usually adhere to the release dates? 9.10 is said to be out on the 29th, is that accurate? [06:18] merovingian: Yes, they're pretty accurate on release dates [06:19] Thanks Jack [06:19] No problem === hemathor_ is now known as hemathor [07:04] good morning [07:04] does anybody works a lot with KRDC? [07:05] !bug [07:05] If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots [07:06] i have a problem, when i connect to any windows over rdp any copy anything into clipboard, then xorg and kwin on my kubuntu goes to 30-40% cpu usage [07:07] then i ned to close the rdp session and xorg and kwin are running normal.. [07:07] try tsclient [07:11] carpii: ok.. but i won't use any other app, if i have a problem.. i will report a bug.. [07:15] * carpii shrugs [07:54] Hi! I have a problem with my kicker! It becomes a little bit smaller every time when i restart my computer === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha [08:39] anyone know a good card game for kde to pass the time? [08:40] rabidweezle: kpatience for example? [08:40] it's part of the kdegames package IIRC [08:40] sure? I'll check it out [08:41] ahh, I don't have that yet :) [08:42] thanks Mamarok [08:42] rabidweezle: the file name is kpat [08:42] but if you install the kdegames package you get them all :) [08:43] That's what I'm doing :) [08:43] also there is pysol, another patience game [08:44] I'll check it out once this 64 megs of kdegames finishes [08:45] Finally have a desktop I am comfortable with after compiling cairo-dock/plugins and removing the bottom bar. Took me long enough [08:46] hello ppl [08:46] hello josh_ === al_ is now known as al_nz [08:47] hey all [08:47] hi al_nz [08:48] man, I love that analog clock widget [08:48] hmm i like gnome better at the moment [08:49] I am following some instructions. The Instructions say to install a lib. via sudo apt-get install libstdc++6-pic, yet the command fails. This seems to be a common problem for me with instructions about installing libraries via instructions on the net. why is this? do the lib names change with each release or something??? [08:49] using gnome in kubuntu? [08:49] what I usally do is like, sudo apt-get install lib(first few letters) and see what's available [08:49] nah i have kde and gnome on ubuntu [08:49] and hit tab [08:50] like if I am looking for SDL libs, I do like, sudo apt-get install libsdl[tab][tab] [08:50] and see what is available [08:51] then if I am getting those libs to compile something I look for the -dev packages [08:51] rabidweezle: that worked a treat. looks like the version numbers changed since the instructions, and the tab trick was just what I was looking for :-) [08:51] nice! [08:52] glad to help :) [08:52] wow i never new to do that [08:52] that's one reason I will only use linux is tab completion for just about everything [08:53] lol wow is that all [08:53] josh_: you can use it in the chat client, too, btw [08:53] I said 1 reason [08:53] there's tons really [08:53] HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [08:54] but I can't stand trying to do something in a command prompt and not having my tab completion [08:54] loving this more and more [08:54] rabidweezle: : so what about this error : error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: [08:54] i cant find a lib called libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: [08:55] al_nz, do a search in synaptic for libc6.2-2.so.3 and see what package provides it and install it [08:55] or just sudo apt-get install build-essential [08:55] eny1 use guake? [08:55] I think build-essential covers that [08:55] rabidweezle: ok, but given the version numbers in the instructions seem out of date, should I just be looking for something close? [08:56] is guake like a drop down console? [08:56] yep [08:56] im having a look at it now [08:56] i like it [08:56] I use tilda for that [08:56] but I am too addicted to konsole [08:56] its convenient [08:57] al_nz, yeah, sudo apt-get install libc6[tab]tab] [08:57] im acualy useing this in vmware [08:57] wait virtualbox i mean lol [08:58] afk [08:58] rabidweezle: i typed it into synaptic, but there is a LONG list. and none of the package names seem to match the search term? [08:58] i use vista but did have a native ubuntu install for quite a while tho going to lan partys and stuff ment i needed games to play with all the other ppl so i went back to windows [09:01] ok, so running sudo apt-get install build-essential now, I assume it instals essential libraries that I would typically need for ...________? [09:02] hmmm, done build-essential, but still getting : vncviewer: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [09:08] anyone? [09:08] back [09:09] gimme a sec to track down it's dep [09:09] i dont like kde enviroment [09:09] then use ubuntu? [09:09] going back to gnome [09:09] >.> [09:09] kk [09:09] :) [09:09] i have both lol [09:09] rabidweezle: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [09:09] im set [09:10] bye all [09:10] take it easy [09:10] I used to hate kde till kde4 so I can't say much [09:11] I was using gnome for like 12 years so I respect it too :) [09:12] anyway, on your dep problem, I'm waiting for a few packages to install there al_nz, then i will look it up [09:12] bugger, i got the lib to go, and thus realvnc to run, but it doesnt do what I want. doh!! [09:12] al_nz, why not just use a vlc client from the repo? [09:12] i need a vnc viewer that has scaling options [09:12] then it's like pretty much guarenteed to work [09:13] sudo apt-get install vncviewer [09:13] :/ [09:13] doin a lot of work on my laptop and need it to scale down to fullscreen on laptop. xtightvnc doesnt do that [09:13] enterprise realvnc does [09:13] I don't do tightvnc :/ [09:13] obviously the free realvnc doesnt either [09:14] sudo apt-get install vncviewer installs the xtight one doesnt it? [09:14] but yeah, xvlcviewer should do that just fine really [09:14] xvlc? havent tried that one yet [09:14] it *shouldn't* [09:14] btw, it's not vlc, I'm a little brainfried [09:14] vnc [09:14] xlvc wont [09:14] vlc is a video app XD [09:14] xvnc :-) [09:15] like for watching movies [09:15] yes [09:15] xvnc [09:15] hi [09:15] tab it if you need [09:15] hi [09:16] if i dont like it can yo utell me how to get rid of it? [09:16] sudo apt-get remove? [09:16] al_nz, wish I could be of more help, but I'm on my 3g usb dongle and I have a bunch of stuff installing using up my apt... [09:16] hi [09:16] yes al_nz [09:17] well im back [09:17] yays [09:17] rabidweezle: xvncviewer package not available. referred to by antoher name? [09:18] has not installation candidate [09:18] what that all mean? [09:18] al_nz, http://pastebin.org/36964 those are the vnc packages I found [09:19] and those should be official at&t versions [09:19] how do you install vlc [09:19] not tightvnc [09:19] Obituary, sudo apt-get install vlc [09:19] vlc has a linux binary [09:19] thanks [09:19] yep, runs real nice too [09:19] i just got xvncviewer and xvnc4viewer [09:19] on all platforms [09:19] no codecs needed [09:20] al_nz, try them out :) I like them myself for vnc'ing into my server [09:20] afk again [09:22] rabidweezle: that xvnc looked perfect, but as I say when I tried apt-get install it failed === ubuntu is now known as n3glv [09:23] hello mates [09:23] I have an 'issue' [09:23] while trying to set up dual screens on my 9.04 install, I set the res wrong or something [09:23] now x is borked [09:24] what graphics card do you have? [09:24] is there a simple way on boot or something to force dumb-settings [09:24] some build in ati pos [09:25] ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Xpress Series (RS480) [09:26] do I need to boot from live and chroot or something to fix? [09:27] well did you have enything on there that u want to keep or wash it a fresh install? [09:27] was* [09:27] no, I do not want to do fresh install, this is not the first time I have lost everything to this exact problem (like trying to change vid cards because one blew up) [09:28] this is _really annoying_ to say the least [09:29] i no the feeling [09:30] hmm do you no how reconfigure the xorg from termanal [09:30] if I did, I would [09:31] i used to no but i have fergotten [09:31] can't get to terminal on the bad system, could do via chroot, but need to know how to start xcfg or whatever [09:31] cause i havent had to do it in so long [09:33] n3glv: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ? [09:34] so, chroot to the drive I want to be the boot device, right? [09:34] ciao [09:35] n3glv: not sure it will work via chroot sorry [09:35] but I guess you can try [09:35] n3glv, no need to do all that [09:35] How comes that you can't gain access to a terminal? [09:36] boot the thing then ctrl+alt+f1 [09:36] +1 [09:36] BECAUSE BOOT FAILS DO TO BAD VIDEO [09:36] wrong [09:36] then login and do what you need to do [09:36] even numlock fails [09:36] it's hard locks [09:36] it hard locks over xorg?! [09:36] wow that is very strange [09:37] can not boot to anything because of this config error [09:37] must do from a live cd or usb [09:37] if my nvidia fails because of a bad setting I can still get to a terminal with ctrl+alt+f1 :/ [09:37] i don't understand why a wrong config of x would prevent to gain access to a terminal with ctrl + alt + f1 .. [09:38] n3glv: you have tried such key combo? [09:38] yes, can get almost there, till xdm or gdm or whatever starts, then it locks up [09:38] then ctrl+alt+f1 a few times [09:39] unless gdm/kdm keeps restarting itself in an infinate loop [09:39] then you could be screwed [09:39] it does [09:39] so, back to chroot [09:39] right? [09:39] like if you can get to a terminal fast enough you can type in sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop and it should stop doing that [09:40] though I haven't seen that ever happen even on my wife's radeon :/ [09:42] and if you have sshd installed on the box, there's always that option, just ssh'ing in and doing whatever, and restarting kdm [09:44] al_nz, you said vnc failed to install? [09:45] al_nz, I just tested, and sudo apt-get install vncviewer works [09:45] oh nvm [09:46] it's tightvnc, weird [09:54] I tried installing Kubuntu Karmic Beta through a DVD today. But the installation stopped midway and ejected the CD. Can somebody please help me out ? [09:54] dickfeynman, I think the best place to ask is #ubuntu+1 [09:54] ola [09:54] hay alguien [09:54] ¿ [09:54] might wanna check out #ubuntu+1 for karmic support [09:54] algun español? [09:55] . [09:55] rabidweezle: Ursinha: thanks [09:55] hey there, [09:56] hey [09:56] is there anyone who can help a newbie, I've deleted the shutdown menu (right down corner of the screen) need to get it back. [09:56] Mamarok, kpat is pretty nice now all of a sudden :) [09:57] rabidweezle: can you help meh? [09:57] it's a widget yusa, click click your bottom bar, click add widget, and find it and click add to panel [09:57] right click* [09:57] yeah [09:57] or something of that sorts [09:57] there is menu "add to panel" [09:57] is that so ? [09:58] hold on, lemme make a panel so I can do this, I don't use panels lol [09:58] right click the panel and click add widget... [09:58] there is no widget option here mate [09:59] lock/logout [09:59] then click add widget [09:59] 1- add to panel 2- properties 3- delete this panel 4- new panel 5- help 6- about panels... this is all options when i right click to bottom bar [09:59] you using kde4? [09:59] hmm [09:59] ubuntu [09:59] 9.04 [09:59] its gnome afaik [09:59] gnome o_O [10:00] I'm totally newbie mate [10:00] actually I have no idea what differency is [10:00] It's my first day in linux :P [10:00] lemme lock and try what you said [10:00] oh [10:00] well welcome :) [10:01] you can't be locked to mess with widgets [10:01] locking [10:01] are you sure you are in kubuntu and not ubuntu though? [10:02] excuse me [10:02] yes the channel is kubuntu [10:02] but im sure using ubuntu [10:02] ahh, do a /join #ubuntu [10:02] its automatically joined here :) [10:02] they are our gnome allies [10:02] we are the kde version [10:03] what is the difference? [10:03] yusa: if you automatically joined here then you have Kubuntu [10:03] ubuntu = gnome, kubuntu = kde4 [10:03] totally different desktop [10:03] ours is more... "mac"ish [10:03] or windows 7 ish [10:03] rabidweezle: this channel is set default in Quassel for KDE [10:03] ah good i hate mac [10:04] no discussions, please, support only [10:04] * rabidweezle nods [10:04] * yusa scared [10:04] yusa: sorry, I didn't see what you want to do, could you repeat your initial question? [10:04] copy paste allowed ? :) [10:04] lost his shutdown button [10:05] ok [10:05] is there anyone who can help a newbie, I've deleted the shutdown menu (right down corner of the screen) need to get it back. [10:05] ;) [10:05] yusa: on the panel right, there is a cashew shaped icon, click on that [10:05] im using ubuntu, i see garbage button there [10:06] bottom right if you mean [10:06] on the extreme right [10:06] it's yellow [10:06] what does it mean when all the icons have a padlock symbol? [10:06] yeah Mamarok [10:06] al_nz: those are not buttons then, but widgets [10:06] it is recycle button [10:07] al_nz, in dolphin that's generally readonly [10:07] yusa: do you have a blue button on the left with a K on it? [10:07] I am talking about icons in Nautilus [10:07] al_nz, same deal [10:07] hmm, but why read only.... [10:07] al_nz: Nautilus? That's not in KDE then [10:07] nah, gnome [10:07] No Mamarok, I dont have K [10:07] well, ask in #ubuntu then, I don't know Gnome [10:07] thanks :) [10:08] I suggest using dolphin if you are in kde for your file operations [10:08] rabidweezle: he uses Gnome, didn't you read that? [10:08] takjubg ti al_nz [10:08] erm [10:08] was talking to al_nz [10:09] yep, and he said he was using Gnome, read again [10:09] ohhhhh [10:09] * rabidweezle facepalms [10:09] * rabidweezle just plays his cards and takes a break [10:10] i am nearly ready to give up on this bloody vnc thing. I cant believe none of the linux vnc clients have scaling, yet windows does [10:10] amazing [10:10] al_nz, to be honest, I just change the resolution of the server to my laptop's [10:11] al_nz: use virtualbox? [10:11] !netsplit [10:11] netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit [10:12] nah, i will jst buy the enterprise version of RealVNC for Linux - it supports it [10:12] bbs guy [10:13] rabidweezle: thanks mate, I'm leaving [10:13] take it easy yuriy [10:13] yusa* [10:38] Hello, can anybody help me with an mysql-server-5.0 package installation problem on Kubuntu 9.04? [10:40] !asktoask [10:40] Sorry, I don't know anything about asktoask [10:40] just ask :) [10:40] Ok thx :-) [10:40] If anyone knows we what's going on we will help [10:41] Tarator: you need to be a bit ore specific [10:41] about youre existing problem [10:41] :) [10:42] I try to install mysql-server-5.0 on Kubuntu 9.04 and get following error from KPackageKit: /var/cache/apt/archives/mysql-server-5.0_5.1.30really5.0.75-0ubuntu10.2_i386.deb Preconfiguring packages ... Preconfiguring packages ... Preconfiguring packages ... Selecting previously deselected package libnet-daemon-perl. (Reading database ... 329851 files and directories currently installed.) Unpacking libnet-daemon-perl (from .../libnet-d [10:42] -perl_0.43-1_all.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package libplrpc-perl. Unpacking libplrpc-perl (from .../libplrpc-perl_0.2020-1_all.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package libdbi-perl. Unpacking libdbi-perl (from .../libdbi-perl_1.607-1_i386.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package libdbd-mysql-perl. Unpacking libdbd-mysql-perl (from .../libdbd-mysql-perl_4.008-1_i386.deb) ... Selecting previously deselecte [10:42] mysql-client-5.0. Unpacking mysql-client-5.0 (from .../mysql-client-5.0_5.1.30really5.0.75-0ubuntu10.2_i386.deb) ... Unpacking mysql-server-5.0 (from .../mysql-server-5.0_5.1.30really5.0.75-0ubuntu10.2_i386.deb) ... Aborting downgrade from (at least) 5.1 to 5.0. [10:42] Tarator: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [10:43] oh, so you want to downgrade from 5.1 to 5.0? [10:45] No not really! (Thx for info, I'll use paste.ubuntu.com in future) When I try to install 5.1 I get dependency errors with plasma-widget packages (Please uninstall before) [10:46] I installed KDE 4.3from launchpad.net repository (I think) [10:46] o_O mysql is used for the widget system? Wow.. I'm not touching this [10:46] * rabidweezle points to Mamarok [10:48] I'm also wondering about this.... the only mysql thing I've installed till now is the mysql-server-core-5.0 [10:49] Tarator: sudo apt-get -f install [10:49] in terminal pls [10:54] sudo apt-get -f install showed me 5 packages to remove, which I've done with sudo apt-get autoremove [10:55] try to install what you want again [10:55] Tarator: does this solve your problem? Currently there are two mysql versions in use on KDE 4.3.1, Mysql 5.0 for Akonadi and mysql 5.1 for Amarok [10:55] and the latter is a special package dragged in by Amarok [10:55] @ghostcube i tried to install 5.1 but still dependency error with plasma-widget-workspace [11:00] @Mamarok that doesn't really help (I uninstalled amarok now) but still the same problem.... [11:01] Hmmmm... i remember, that i tried to install mysql 6.0-alpha about half a year ago from source. But it didn't work... so i made make clean and make distclean.... [11:01] Tarator: could you please pastebin the exact output and give the URL here? [11:02] ok.... [11:03] Here the error when installing mysql-server-5.0 http://paste.ubuntu.com/286842/ [11:04] ok... now i think i see the problem: Aborting downgrading from 5.1 to 5.0 [11:04] But anyway i also can't install 5.1 [11:11] Tarator: well, as I said before, KDE comes with a Mysql server for Akonadi, so it should be installed by default, and Amarok drags in the mysql embedded from 5.1 [11:11] what else do you need? [11:12] Mamarok: but i can't start the mysql server with /etc/init.d/mysql start [11:12] Tarator: because it is already running? [11:13] sudo /etc/init.d/mysql status says it's stopped (it also fails starting on linux boot) [11:14] well, it only starts on Akonadi start normally [11:14] Tarator: the 5.0 one that is [11:14] Tarator: did you try with a new user? [11:16] Mamarok: So i see: there's also something wrong with akonadi (and mysql) http://paste.ubuntu.com/286849/ [11:18] Tarator: hm, I wonder if you just miss some packages, but you can configure Akonadi in the system settings advanced tab [11:18] Isn't there a path like remote:/ etc in konqueror for managing Cookies??? [11:18] Tarator: which exact KDE version? [11:19] is there a possibility to purge the whole mysql-server installation and reinstall it? [11:20] Mamarok: KDE 4.3.1 [11:20] on Jaunty? [11:20] yes. [11:20] rungss: in the Knoqueror settings [11:20] Konqueror* [11:21] Tarator: KDE 4.3.2 is currently prepared, you might want to upgrade, it's in the staging PPA for now [11:21] 64 bit packages work fine for me, no packaging error [11:21] Mamrok: yes but thats a Popup... I need to view and probably delete cookies after every page views... [11:21] I just need to restart [11:22] rungss: Alt+F2 then type cookies [11:22] Mamarok: I think the problem with mysql occurs since i've tried to install mysql from source.... [11:23] Tarator: well, you shouldn't do that in the first place, use the provided packages [11:23] * Mamarok needs to restart KDE, brb [11:24] I second that, only compile what's not in the distro is my theory to keep breakage to a minimum [11:25] or if what's in the distro is broken or too old for your needs [11:25] rabidweezle: i wanted to try the new features of (formerly) mysql6.0alpha [11:26] that was the reason why i tried to install it from source.... normally i use packages.... [11:27] then it goes under the one in the repo was too old for your needs :) [11:28] but no i just want to have ANY myswl-server running.... :-( [11:29] goto your source folder and sudo make uninstall? [11:29] then install from apt? [11:29] Tarator: then you need to upgrade to Karmic once it is out, but no idea if they ship the latest MySQL [11:30] i tried it, but no success with sudo make uninstall something seems to be still there.... [11:30] Tarator: well, there are system dependencies you can not just override like this, try compiling KDE from trunk with the newer MySQL packages, that should work, but is a lot of hassle [11:31] Tarator: or install a rolling distro like Arch or Gentoo besides that one for testing [11:31] *g* i think I'm not fit enough to struggle around with it.... (i even got problems with just one package) *blush* [11:31] I don't need the new mysql anymore i would be happy with 5.0.... [11:33] wish I could help you, but I don't play with mysql really, not since my web server days. [11:34] i can understand this..... [11:34] might want to check in #ubuntu since it sounds like a apt issue [11:34] and there's alot more people in there than here [11:35] yes i'll try it there.... thx a lot for your help anybody! [11:35] rabidweezle: I doubt this would help, since Akonadi and other KDE mysql settings are not in Gnome... [11:35] and he tried to override system dependencies [11:36] another logout test, brb [11:36] k [11:41] hey Mamarok, when I click logout, it shuts down, when I click shut down, it halts and stays on, any fix for that? [11:42] rabidweezle: that sounds strange, which KDE? [11:42] * Mamarok just had a KDM crash with 4.3.2 in Jaunty [11:42] 4.2.2 [11:42] rabidweezle: well, you really should upgrade, see the topic :) [11:43] at least 4.2.4 which is in the Jaunty-backüports, or 4.3.1 in the PPA [11:43] I will when I get home :) [11:43] !adduser [11:43] To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo [11:44] !defaultbrowser [11:44] Sorry, I don't know anything about defaultbrowser [11:44] !default browser [11:44] Sorry, I don't know anything about default browser [11:45] check out system settings to setup default browser [11:45] noren: you can also query the bot in pm [11:46] I'd tell you exactly where in there except I'm using mine to install a new set of icons atm [11:46] Mamarok: oh ok [11:46] noren: what is your question exactly? [11:46] how can i add and a new user and restrict its permission to limited folders only [11:47] noren: well, a new user is by default limited to his own /home/newusername [11:47] well, if you make a new user, they are pretty much stuck in their home dir [11:47] so you usually don't have to restrict anything [11:48] only the first user has sudo rights anyway [11:48] rabidweezle: i just got my home folder transfered to a new partition now i want to make a new user so that they can share the music files kept in my /home folder [11:49] they can "read" but not write unless you change the permissions on the folder [11:50] basically right click the folder, goto properties, goto permissions, and set it up as you want [11:51] then to make it easy for them, make a symlink to it on their desktop or something like, ln -s /home/myusername/Music /home/theirusername/Desktop/bobs_music [11:52] rabidweezle: i dont want the other user even to read into my home folder except the music folder === karima is now known as karima_ [11:52] oh [11:53] noren: then share the music folder [11:54] okay, so he wants to hide all the contents of his home folder from being even viewed from another user [11:54] Mamarok: i am trying to find the gui to manage user in kubuntu [11:54] go under system on the kde menu, Kuser... [11:55] kuser user manager [11:55] ah got it but i am bit confussed about how to configure the permission [11:56] do a test, make a user, see if it can access /home/yourname [11:57] because I just did a test as my user, and it can't access /root (the admin home dir) [11:57] rabidweezle: why? if he didn't share that folder it will not be able to access it anyway [11:57] true [11:57] rabidweezle: of course not, only with sudo rights [11:57] * rabidweezle nods [11:59] noren: you only need to change the folder permissions for the /Music folder [12:03] Hello and please help with my proglem. How I can change kde-clock to 12 hours to 24hours? When I type date, it shows my clock 24h, but left downcorner, where is clock; that is with 12h system [12:03] afk [12:04] sampo: right click on that clock and go to Digital Clock settings [12:04] of course one can only do this with a digital clock, not with an amalog one [12:05] Mamarok: There is no option witch is connected to 12/24 clock-system [12:05] true, and your system settings is set correctly for 24 hours? [12:06] guys i just created a new user but it is able to getinto/ view all the folder and file in the my/home folder how can i stop that [12:06] was before upgrade (8.04 --> 9.04) and when I type terminal date, it shows with 24h [12:06] noren: change the permissions for your /home folder then [12:07] anyway, it can only see the folder content, not enter or manipulate any files, unless you added the user to your group [12:09] noren: you can do this in dolphin btw, right click on the /home/yourname folder -> Properties, then go to the Permissions tab and choose advanced permissions, remove the "View folder" mark from Others, but don't change the group setting [12:20] hay all, I am trying to setup my on/off button for my touchpad, xev doesn't see it when i push it, any ideas? === marcriera is now known as permalac [12:20] Mamarok: i change the permission set that others wont be able to see now having prob share the music folder [12:20] noren: well, check that: [12:20] !permissions [12:20] An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions [12:22] define a new group would be the most obvious, and adding all users to that group who should be able to access the folder [12:29] Mamarok: do i have to install samba server [12:32] !share [12:32] Sorry, I don't know anything about share [13:06] noreno, you would need samba if you were to share with a Microsoft network === andy is now known as Guest60773 [13:14] guys, I wish to add a few static hosts to kdm's remote session list. Is that possible? === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk [13:23] the answer is yes: ChooserHosts=*,yourhost,anotherhost [13:23] * means broadcast [13:38] ce soir conference neale donald walsh [13:39] !fr | PascalFR [13:39] PascalFR: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [13:39] oh :) [13:39] oops wrong channel, sorry [13:39] np [13:39] hehe [13:58] HI, is anybody here? I want to ask some question about wireless set [14:01] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^6 === desudesudesu is now known as desu [14:09] TSINGHAN: just ask your question [14:10] Thank you [14:10] don't ask to ask [14:10] what is the location to kubuntu's "trash can" eg: /var/trash ? [14:10] My wireless card is usb wireless and the drive in Kubuntu9.10 is avilable [14:11] I'm trying to setup a cairo-dock trash applet :/ [14:11] However the networkmanager can not find any network through the wireless [14:12] wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:b0:8c:5b:39:aa [14:12] UP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 [14:12] RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 [14:12] TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 [14:12] collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 [14:12] TSINGHAN: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [14:12] RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B) === sid_ is now known as Guest80265 === Guest80265 is now known as Sidd [14:20] identify Pin27011986 === Sidd is now known as Staszkuskosztuj [14:21] identify Pin27011986 === Staszkuskosztuj is now known as StaszkuSkosztuj [14:27] Hiyas all === dad is now known as Guest44592 === crissi_ is now known as Crissid === Crissid is now known as CrissiD [14:59] Is installing the kubuntu-kde4-desktop on top of ubuntu 9.04 is the same as downloading kubuntu 9.04? [15:00] isn't it just called kubuntu-desktop nowadays? [15:00] maybe. But is it the same or different? [15:01] it's different, because GNOME won't go away [15:01] Well, I'll download kubuntu 9.04 then. One last question, should I wait for kubuntu 9.10 or just download kubuntu 9.04? [15:03] Anyone? ^^ [15:05] ubunoob: Its really up to you whether you want to wait for potential new features or install 9.04 now and upgrade later. [15:05] Sorry, my wifi dropped. As I was saying, is it better to wait for kubuntu 9.10 or just dl kubuntu 9.04?? [15:05] Pici: Is it easy to upgrade? And is KDE 4.3 fully supported with kubuntu 9.04 now? [15:06] ubunoob1: I believe so. [15:06] Well, I'll just wait then. Thanks Pici :) === dug is now known as caledonia [15:15] Was Akregator replaced by something new in 9.04? [15:16] hrm, or just not integrated into Kontact anymore? [15:16] nevermind.. === massimocecconi is now known as toonami70 [15:30] hey everyone === crissi_ is now known as CrissiD [15:47] anyone knows what version of l10n-kde4/fr is released in Kubuntu? [15:47] !info kde-l10n-fr [15:48] kde-l10n-fr (source: kde-l10n-fr): French (fr) localisation files for KDE4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 17839 kB, installed size 36864 kB [15:51] Bou: The 4.2.2-0ubuntu3 is with the 4.2.2 KDE on default Jaunty install. I have ppa repositories, version there is 4:4.3.2-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa1 [15:53] genii: actually i'd like to know to which trunk/branch revision it's related since i can see a problem that has been corrected in the stable branch since May [15:54] Bou: Ah... no idea there offhand, sorry [15:56] omorning genii [15:56] -o [15:56] * genii hands rafytafy a coffee [15:57] * rafytafy ahead of you...shows his Campbells soup cup filled with joe :) [15:57] ooo some updates this morning...looks like kernel ones [15:58] WICD works much better for Hardy then network-manager-kde [15:58] * rafytafy wonders if wicd will ship with 10.4 [16:14] !netsplit [16:14] netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit === Pici is now known as Guest99641 === Guest99641 is now known as Pici [16:17] hi, where can I find information how something is reached in KUbuntu? Is there any developer's mailing list? [16:17] !netsplit [16:17] netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit [16:17] !netsplit [16:24] Can I use Project Neon in *Ubuntu* Intrepid (8.10)? I have tried PPA but after updating apt there is no nightly package available! === maximo is now known as Maximo [16:27] mee_, amarok-nightly you mean? [16:28] Ursinha: there also is kde-nightly [16:28] Mamarok, really? that's cool :) [16:28] Ursinha: yes, or even kde-nightly and etc. I'm not sure if they support Intrepid [16:28] mee_, what the PPA page says? [16:28] Ursinha: PPA says jaunty [16:29] mee_: Jaunty for sure, I think it's too hard to maintain for Intrepid [16:30] Ursinha: but if you google tou can find blogs or ... that just change the "jaunty" in the ppa to intrepid or hardy (hardy is in Neon's website too!) and it's working for them. [16:31] Ursinha: if you google "project neon", first is : http://amarok.kde.org/en/node/482 [16:32] mee_, I believe you :) [16:32] Ursinha: that says "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/project-neon/ubuntu hardy main" [16:32] Ursinha: lol [16:32] I asked you to check the ppa page because it generally shows the packages and the distributions they're built for [16:32] maybe nightly packages aren't built for intrepid [16:33] Ursinha: I believe there must be something for intrepid [16:33] Ursinha: they can (could) support hardy :/ [16:39] mee_, https://edge.launchpad.net/~project-neon/+archive/ppa/+packages [16:39] it seems it's only jaunty [16:42] Ursinha: :( [16:49] is qparted not on the life cd? [16:50] Is there anything similar? [16:54] Hello all [16:55] Where can i get memory usb without U3 Sysytem? [17:03] How would I go about completely removing Kubuntu-desktop from an Ubuntu system? apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop still leaves all the other KDE applications behind [17:07] !puregnome [17:07] If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal [17:08] !KDE [17:08] KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde4 [17:08] oh, he left. too bad === mawker is now known as mawker_ === mawker_ is now known as mawker__ [17:22] !kubuntu [17:22] Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE [17:26] I have a feisty system and when I do aptitude update, I get a bunch of 404's. Why? [17:26] !feisty [17:26] Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details. [17:26] jhutchins_lt: means, it's not supported anymore in any way [17:27] So does that mean the mirrors have shut down? [17:27] jhutchins_lt: for that particular version, yes === diego is now known as Guest92251 [17:27] !upgrade [17:27] For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Jaunty (9.04) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading [17:27] hey [17:30] So, hmm, If I'm running 7.04, and 7.10 is eol, there's no upgrade path. [17:30] What do I do? [17:31] hallo [17:31] seems so [17:31] how can i set the proxy for using with kpackagekit? [17:32] goldrake_: hmm, is there systemwide proxy configured? [17:32] Tm_T: how can i made it? [17:33] i'm newer in kubuntu, i often work with gnome [17:33] jhutchins_lt: hmm, several options: reinstall new version (and keep your data), force upgrade to some supported version (might be messy) [17:33] goldrake_: hmmm, does systemsettings have anything for that [17:34] I found https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [17:36] ooh, nice [17:37] Tm_T: Trying to do this remotely. [17:39] does anyone know if kate has a autocopy plugin [17:39] shadowhywind: what that would do exactly? [17:40] Tm_T after I finish selecting(highlighting) some text, it would automatically ctrl_c (copy) it === Nakkel_ is now known as Nakkel [17:44] shadowhywind: mmmm, that's done by primary selection, middleclick (can be emulated using left and right buttons) will paste then [17:46] Tm_T: I just saw something about that, my only issue with the middleclick though, is I have a touchpad [17:48] shadowhywind: you can do middleclick by pressing both mousebuttons, or you can set Klipper to use primaryselection synced with clipboard [17:49] Tm_T thanks! clicking both mousebuttons worked.. now only if i could get it to see a twofinger tap as a middle click, hehe [17:55] is it worth updating video card drivers for linux/ [17:55] ?* [17:55] if you will get new features out of them [17:55] well i didnt have any preinstalled drivers on this machine.. i just threw in an old geforce fx card [17:56] I have no idea how to install drivers though :/ [17:57] Usually the best available open-source driver is already installed. For proprietary drivers, to run the jockey-kde program and it would guide you through the latest available packaged driver which is not free. After that if a later one is needed, you'd need to go the manual route of d/l from manufacturer, etc [17:58] basically sounds like a hassle to install new drivers [17:58] :p [18:00] The jockey-kde isn't too much of a hassle. Manual d/l and compile though, usually is. === Philip6 is now known as Philip5 === basti_ is now known as Bast0r [18:08] how would I go about installing these drivers :o [18:12] Heh. Initial upgrade is still running. [18:16] itstk: run from Kbutton...System.. the one called Hardware Drivers [18:19] anyone from brazil? [18:21] i guess that i'm in wrong local... bye... === kb is now known as Guest64359 [18:31] hello, is it hard to make a custom localization for a kde4 program? [18:36] hello, can anybody point me to a link how to translate a kde4 program? [18:37] notmeanyway: You *may* want to ask in #kubuntu-devel channel [18:38] okay i'll give it a shot [18:43] hello [18:43] could someone help me solve my problem? [18:44] i've installed kubuntu 9.10 beta from livecd [18:44] i worked fine, everything was ok [18:44] but i had to install windows (i need autocad software) [18:44] !karmic | ubuntu_ [18:44] ubuntu_: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [18:45] ok, thanks i'll try there [18:45] ubuntu_: For Windows apps under the program called WINE, ask in the channel ##winehq (or might be called #winehq) [18:46] i know, but i'm not sure wine supports autocad well, i tried virtualbox emulation too [18:47] !appdb [18:47] The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help [18:47] ubuntu_: Search their database to see how well or not it might work, the bot has the link above [18:58] !list [18:58] This is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » [19:01] kde 4.3.2 on karmic repo is compiled with qt 4.6 ? [19:04] sheldon: I don't think so, no, Qt 4.5.2 is much more likely, since 4.6 is not officially released yet [19:04] sheldon: nope [19:04] thanks [19:04] you are welcome :) === ody is now known as odysseas === christian is now known as Guest6122 [19:35] hola, alguna chica de Colombia? [19:35] Hi. My nvidia just got borked beyond repair in my karmic installation, and Im trying to roll back to my onboard intel card, but xorg refuses to show and srops me to a tty. How do you reconfig xorg in karmic? [19:36] nadie de Colombia? === martinix is now known as blackcoffeerider [19:42] !netsplit [19:42] netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit [19:44] Hm, upgrade tool failure... === ratchet is now known as Guest47602 [19:44] Ah, expected. === Guest47602 is now known as Buck_Nakid [19:56] now how can i add the option to open the program Audex, when an audio cd is put into the drive? [19:57] hi [19:58] Sheesh. 1G Athalon. I wonder if the current release will even run on it. [20:09] hey === |GuS| is now known as [GuS] === overdrive is now known as ubuntunewbie [20:14] Sheesh. 1G Athalon. [20:14] i stopped reading there [20:14] :P [20:14] afternoon everyone [20:14] yellow [20:16] question: just installed kubuntu not sure its the newest release, but the pckge managment is not adept [20:17] been messing around with the one installed, and cant get it to bring up the pckges i have [20:23] My mouse in KDE keeps jumping to the bottom right hand corner [20:23] Can anyone help? === deadsoul is now known as neno27 [20:23] Ev0luti0n_: Yeah, so you can see how it might still be at 7.04. [20:24] Doesn't get used very often or very much. [20:32] Hi there. I just installed 9.10 beta into a virtual box and get "You don't have the necessary privileges to perform this action" when trying to install something via KPackageKit [20:32] Shouldn't it just ask for my password? [20:32] MaikB: 9.10 support is in #ubuntu+1 [20:34] Pici: ? How is this related to support? [20:35] Pici, how do i bring up the pckge tree, to select different pckges to install? [20:35] Isn't this the right channel for kubuntu beta testing? [20:36] MaikB: No, it's not [20:36] MaikB: No, #ubuntu+1 is. [20:36] Pici [20:36] ok [20:36] ubuntunewbie: during install? [20:38] well, it never gave me that option [20:38] Because thats not an option that is presented during the install. [20:38] but after install in sys adept isnt the software upate and pckge tree option [20:38] kpackage is there [20:39] but not adapt [20:39] I believe thats what you need to use then. adept is deprectated iirc. [20:39] ahh.. [20:39] ok, does kubuntu have a wiki??..it has been a few yrs since played with nix..and then it was gentoo [20:40] !wiki [20:40] http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation. [20:40] www.kubuntu.org :P [20:40] sweet you have a wiki bot here?? [20:41] ubuntunewbie: All the command-line stuff you would use in regular Ubuntu also apply to Kubuntu, it's only the gui directions that would be somewhat different, so the Ubuntu wiki still mostly applies [20:41] ok, I've done my duty. This is an ridiculous bug. [20:42] one thing i am confused about..well several..but, my flavor shows amd, i thought i snagged entel [20:42] not sure how to flash what my flavor is, on here [20:42] ubuntunewbie: The amd64 version is for both intel and amd [20:43] ahh..ok, i did get a error about my mib size [20:43] how on earth do i change that? [20:43] i remember that is important [20:46] ubuntunewbie: uname -a tells you kernel, architecture and other info. Ram messages might vary, you would usually get something like that using a 32 bit version on a box with 4Gb or more [21:10] identify Pin27011986 === Quintasan1 is now known as Quintasan [21:18] hi, I was thinking of replacing my current fedora install by kubuntu, but I read that a new version is coming out soon, is it smarter to wait a little while or is the upgrading process danger-free enough? [21:23] fresh install is always best [21:23] k, so wait a little while? [21:23] or get a beta [21:25] :) [21:26] i would wait for the release [21:26] might not be the official right answer but upgrading is a pain [21:26] i use kubuntu 9.10 beta. its ok [21:37] hey, i just installed 9.04 and it doesnt detect my wireless card [21:38] it used to auto detect it under restricted drivers and prompt to install them but i cant even find a network tray icon in kde 4 [21:38] any tips on setting up wireless? === liberfiasco is now known as libervisco [21:41] sudo apt-get install wicd [21:42] or cant detect wireless card? [21:43] i'm not sure which is going on. It used to prompt me to install drivers for it in 7.04 but it no longer does in the latest release. I'm not sure if its a lack of manager or a lack of detection [21:44] never had a wireless card but should it show up on lspci? [21:45] knetworkmanager in kubuntu 9.04 is bad [21:50] hi, whenever i have qsynth and vmpk launched i can't have sounds for other softwares in my computer; can i fix that? [21:56] qsynth and vmpk to turn off, and reinstall pulse audio [22:02] ping [22:15] can someone help me with a quick question? [22:16] can someone help me with a quick question? [22:17] perhaps not, but you'll probably lose nothing if you actually ask the question [22:18] how do I find my computer specs using kubuntu. I have explored most of the system settings icons with no luck. I am using 9.0.4 (not installed) [22:22] anyone know how to find the computer hardware specs using kubuntu? [22:29] hey [22:29] anybody that can help me [22:30] with what? [22:30] !ask | glenn [22:30] glenn: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [22:32] ok, all in one line [22:33] Anyone seeing spurious graphics problems in Ubuntu 904?? I'm seeing spurious graphics problems on both my desktip & laptop using KUbuntu 904 & the later KDE from the (PPA? Launchpad?) repositories. 1) Some leftover window stuff doesn't get erased from the screen occasionally, & 2) some black background with light dots of garbage appear inside some windows (often KATE word processor). Anyone else see this? Is this a known issue [22:35] i am trying to install a program, but it says: an error occured! E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. E: _cache->open() failed, please report. [22:36] hey [22:36] [23:29] anybody that can help me [22:36] ohh sorry repeat === root is now known as Guest96370 [22:37] glenn, u are trying to install it from .deb package? [22:38] how can I to list the channels? [22:38] yes, from the preinstalled programs on ubuntu...gnome, where you click on applications - add/remove [22:39] hello , gparted and kubuntu and ubuntu installer doesn't see my partitions !!!? [22:39] ubuntu hasnt work very well on my computer, im using ubuntu 8.04...couldnt install 9.04 or 9.10...i have an acer AS3810T-354G32n [22:40] glenn: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=465073 [22:40] it's old but i recommend trying it [22:42] syrinx . thanks bro...haha, god bless ubuntu :D!!! [22:42] [: [22:45] do you guys think ubuntu or windows is better, easier to use and user-friendly!?? [22:47] the reason why most people use windows is that windows doesnt require these console commands, like DOS for example...its just plain and more Graphic User Interface (GUI) ! [22:48] Well it depens how much u want to mess wth your computer [22:49] if Ubuntu was more "dummy friendly" as i would like to put it and by that i mean easier to use and more stabile or crash safe...i think more people would use it more! ;D [22:49] When windows break usually best method is format C:, under linux, everything is fixable [22:49] Syrinx . what do you mean: mess ? [22:49] Well do get something working whch doesn't but should [22:50] I had gazillion problems with my old computer. Only system that worked on that was debian [22:51] Syrinx . yes, but thats a pro side on linux for advanced users, not for beginner/dummy users...whom for them its just easier to put a CD in the drive to do all the work and sadly to say, most people are like that... ;) [22:51] This works qute well [22:51] I didn't expect kubuntu to be so comfortable [22:51] Install, some updates and everything worked [22:52] People are simply used to windows and linux still has that geek aura [22:52] syrinx . yeah, kubuntu is awesome...but for me gnubuntu or ubuntu works better... [22:52] i don't like gnome [22:52] syrinx . yes, its that also, but linux has alot of cons...unfortunately if you compare it to windows [22:53] Software is another issue [22:54] I have to use some windows only soft for school and work [22:55] syrinx . no, not just software...in all aspects [22:55] syrinx . windows sucks anyways! ;D [22:55] syrinx . windows = brain control [22:55] Yea, M$ has brainwashed ppl like TV does [22:56] But it's getting better [22:56] hello all [22:57] Syrinx . yea, its like an addiction...even though it has some minor advantages [22:57] hello rp2 :) welcome <3 [23:04] hi ... i have a question ... i have kubuntu up and running now (9.04) but with Rosegarden sound is incredibly choppy. I've googled a little for real-time kernel support with Ubuntu and people basically say it's broken. what is your experience? [23:05] rp2 i dont know === ubuntu is now known as kebomix [23:07] rp2: don't know, haven't used it [23:08] mby try audacity? [23:08] Haven't tried it in 9.04 tho [23:09] audacity works fine, recording with it, too . ... it's midi files that are choppy (surprisingly, i thought they'd be easier) [23:10] i'll see if i can install linux-rt and just try booting with it (I hate havuing to fool around like that but well, Rosegarden is so much fun) [23:12] next question: anyone with a Skype and a working webcam? [23:13] Nope [23:13] I have webcam somewhere but don't use skype [23:13] rp2 no but i know that there is a skype version for ubuntu, but many have had problems with it [23:13] i've managed to get audio working [23:14] ohh really [23:14] ok, let me install it and see if mine works [23:14] :P [23:14] that was hard enough ... reinstalled Ubuntu for that purpose in fact [23:14] yeah, ive installed ubuntu alot of times [23:14] but it was worth it [23:14] i have also tried the beta version ... without success ... suppose i could try again on the new installation [23:15] its just that im a beginner and dont know alot of commandos === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates [23:16] gparted and ubuntu installer doesn't see my partitions !! , any solution? [23:17] kebomix . i think you can install a partition program from the add/remove programs option [23:17] kebomix . maybe that could help [23:18] kebomix: are they on a fixed hard disk? [23:19] the file manager on live cd read them and access them well [23:20] kebomix: does fdisk -l give u any error? [23:20] oh wait [23:20] wrong command [23:21] nope [23:22] oh it's right command but u have to run it as root to get any results [23:23] Well i've seen gparted fail on some other cases too [23:26] rp2 are you there? whats your skype? add me [23:28] Syrnix: no errors http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/287368/ [23:30] i added you and now i can't see any of my contacts [23:30] huh? [23:31] kebomix: i formatted my disk becuse of that - Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary. [23:31] kebomix: i formatted my disk becuse of that - Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary. === kebomix is now known as Guest51480 [23:32] And i if u wnat to install ubuntu i recommend using ext3 or ext4 === Guest51480 is now known as kebomix1 [23:34] i'm not going to format it !!!, there is recovery partition on it ! [23:35] kebomix1: but u want to install ubuntu right? [23:35] screenshots here http://img202.imageshack.us/img202/8015/snapshot1.png and here http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/4782/snapshot2g.png [23:35] Syrinx === Punkerfrancais_ is now known as Punkerfrancais [23:36] yeah , sure ! [23:36] kebomix1: that looks bad [23:37] There's probably something wrong with partition table [23:37] And for ubuntu ext3 or ext4 is more useful than those nfts's u have atm [23:37] Anyway's i got to sleep, cya [23:37] yeah :( [23:38] Google is your friend coz this seems pretty inactive atm [23:38] how do i make a privte irc [23:39] good night :) & thanks for trying to help :) === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates [23:43] hi, is there something similar to the option DontZap for the tty consoles? (ctrl+alt+F1 etc.)