
chrisccoulsonheh, i got my girlfriend to submit her first crash report on LP a few days ago. pedro looked at it today, and added the stock request for a valgrind log. When she checked her e-mail and saw the word "valgrind", and just deleted the e-mail and asked me to sort it out instead!00:03
chrisccoulsondidn't even bother clicking on the link00:03
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VantraxThis could be a problem guys: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk2-engines-murrine/+bug/34541002:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 345410 in human-theme "Human Theme needs some changes for murrine 0.9x" [Medium,Fix released]02:03
VantraxLook a the last entry02:03
VantraxNice way to send out spam to people02:03
micahgVantrax: probably a spambot02:09
micahgit might not have even come from the user in question02:10
hggdhor Andrea got owned02:10
micahghggdh: some windowz malware will scan an address book and randomly set the sender and recipient02:10
hggdhsounds like a spambot indeed, only some bugs got spammed02:11
hggdhmicahg: I know. But the only way to spam LP via email is if you are subscribed to it, otherwise you do not get email02:11
hggdh"subscribed to a bug", I mean02:12
Vantraxor subscribed to a team that is subscribed to all bugs related to a product, such as artwork, desktop, testing etc02:15
Vantraxwhich a fair few are02:15
hggdhooooooh, ghostscript is using 3G of memory here...02:16
hggdhdamn, and one full CPU02:18
hggdhVantrax: yes, but Andrea has some other bugs that did not get spammed02:20
Vantraxnot saying it was her... just saying there should be an attempt made to ensure that doesnt become a problem02:22
Vantraxlook at the amount of bots that work against wordpress.02:22
hggdhhim, not her. Andrea is a male name in Italian02:24
hggdhI am not sure what could be done. If you have a good option, please go ahead and open a bug against LP on it02:26
hggdhfor example, I thought of requiring gpg keys, but this would... require gpg keys, and we cannot require it of everybody]02:27
=== user__ is now known as Kubuntiac
KubuntiacTrying to figure out what to file a bug on, and wondering if anyone here could help...03:09
KubuntiacSpecifically that Kubuntu has no boot splash03:09
KubuntiacApparently because we don't even use xsplash *or* ksplashx yet03:09
Kubuntiacdespite feature and artwork freeze passing03:10
Kubuntiacany ideas anyone?03:10
micahgmaybe ask in #kubuntu?03:11
KubuntiacOK. The wiki suggested I ask here. :)03:11
KubuntiacI'll try that03:11
micahgoffhand, I would say against the kubuntu project03:11
bullgard4During booting I obtain the message: "T43 login: render error detected, EIR: 0x00000010; page table error; PGTBL_ER: 0x000000100; [drm:915_handle_error] *ERROR* EIR stuck: 0x00000010, masking." What project or DEB program package to associate to this error in Launchpad? (The DEB program package »linux« is not installed on this computer.)06:34
bullgard4What does 'KMS' stand for in "KMS error message while initializing modesetting (during boot and resume)" (Launchpad bug# 404064)07:08
micahgbullgard4: Kernel Mode Setting07:13
micahg(I think)07:13
bullgard4micahg: Thank you for your help.07:23
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thekornhello bugsquad,09:12
SmurphyAnyone in here can boot karmic on a mac-mini ??? I can't ... ;} with latest kernel10:13
SmurphyAnd-  as I can't boot up - I can' t also report a bug - as I don't know where on the *&^$& WEbpage I actually can report a bug . It always redirects me to the page to use the internal builtin Bug reporting mechanism ...10:13
SmurphyChicken and Egg - that is ...10:13
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slacker_nlSmurphy: add ?no_redirect to the filebug link11:56
Smurphyslacker_nl: Yep...11:57
arielCohello everyone: I'm running ubuntu-bug with a crash file that is not located in /var/crash but in my home directory. I can read it fine, but ubuntu-bug (apport?) complains "Invalid problem report. No such file or directory". Huh?12:17
SmurphyI can't even boot into Ubuntu 9.10 ...12:17
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arielCojoin #apport13:00
SmurphyarielCo: What do you do - if you can't use apport ??? E.g. the computer does not even boot up ?13:02
arielCoyup, I'm on a liveCD because a botched upgrade to Karmic damaged my libc6. I tried to create a bug with "sudo ubuntu-bug /mnt/var/crash/libc.6.crash", but it complains "Invalid bug report. No such file or directory"13:03
arielCoapparently I have to chroot to the original installation for apport to work13:04
SmurphyarielCo: That is possible. However, juts copy over the libc6 from you live-cd to the harddisk. Should work then.13:07
arielCoSmurphy: ok, save me a minute or two: how do I list package contents so I know what to copy?13:08
SmurphyarielCo: If the libc6 is broken, just mount your root partition under /mnt, then go to /lib and check what version of libc6 you ave there. Copy it over: cp libc6.so /mnt/lib/13:09
arielCoSmurphy: just that one file?13:09
SmurphyarielCo: Should do the trick. It's just that the libc6 is the main library everything is linked with. If that ones corrupt, nothing works.13:10
SmurphyIf it's the only broken one - yes. Just that one.13:10
arielCoSmurphy: It worked! I actually did: "dpkg -L libc6 | grep ^/lib | while read f; do sudo cp -f $f /media/disk/$f; done" :)13:13
SmurphyarielCo: :) Cool.13:15
SmurphyUsually - if you are able to go to a console of a system, you're fine. the oinly thing that prevents you to reach the console usually are the kernel or the libc. Once you're in, it's a piece of cake.13:16
SmurphyMy problem is - that the kernel starts booting, then disables the screen, and then nothing. As the 2.6.3x kernel does not seem to support my WiFi Card, I can;t even login remote :(13:16
* Smurphy will go back to 8.10 - that was the absolute best Ubuntu/KUbuntu in the last years.13:17
arielCoSmurphy: apport-collect needs python-launchpadlib. When I tried to install it, aptitude suggests to install libc6-i686, libc6-dev, libc-dev-bin and configure libc6 ("partially installed / broken"). How do I prevent apt[itude] from performing these pending actions and fixes?13:29
arielCoSmurphy: I don' t want to fix it before I collect enough data for analysis13:30
arielCoSmurphy: brb (shower)13:33
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SmurphyarielCo: Just fix it ...13:37
Maescoolhi, just upgraded to karmic, now the new bootsplash, doesn't work and grub2 is not installed?15:25
Maescooli installed grub215:25
Maescoolwhat next to have the new bootsplash?15:25
SmurphyMaescool: I'd like it to boot alltogether ;)15:26
thekornhey bddebian15:26
bddebianHi thekorn15:27
MaescoolSmurphy: yeah..15:27
thekornMaescool: not sure what you mean, but maybe the people in #ubuntu+1 can help you15:28
Maescoolthekorn: i'll go and ask :)15:39
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jester7hey guys.  i think i need to file a bug on DNS name resolution in karmic, but am not sure how to go about it17:59
jester7i don't really know what package it would be17:59
hggdhoh, another fire & forget18:29
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Pres-Gas1Anyone up on bug 442197?  I have a Dell Latitude 2100 that is having the same issues.19:18
ubot4Launchpad bug 442197 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "Issues with the xserver-xorg-video-intel[?] on an Intel Mobile 945GME." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44219719:18
Pres-Gas1whoops, rebooting...brb19:21
BUGabundohowdy everyone20:03
BUGabundohey so many ppl awake20:06
* BUGabundo waves back20:06
BUGabundoguys joaopinto will be applying for ubuntu membership in an hour. if anyone wants to go leave a testimonial on his profile, do it now https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JoaoPinto20:24
* BUGabundo ducks20:24
BUGabundoguess no one cares :(20:30
PiciBUGabundo: This isn't really the channel for that, if joaopinto wants someone to leave a testimonial they should ask for it themselves.20:32
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sandberg_Anyone here that knows anything about policykit and dbus?21:00
pedro_sandberg_, try asking on #ubuntu-devel21:01
sandberg_pedro_: Maybe I should, its really related to a bug report though. Bug #439552 to be specific.21:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 439552 in policykit-1 "Policykit authentication dialog not responsive to clicks on the 'Authenticate'  button" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43955221:02
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* Laibsch is looking for somebody to please verify and confirm bug 25210321:16
ubot4Launchpad bug 252103 in pidgin ""New instant message" dialog should strip space at the end of a Jabber address if present" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25210321:16
hggdhdarn! I just moved to quassel...21:19
hggdhbut it is easy to confirm, the debug output shows it21:20
hggdhLaibsch: done21:21
Laibschhggdh: thanks21:21
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Laibschhggdh: did you actually test or just confirm based on the information I provided?21:23
hggdhI confirmed based on the debug output. It is visible there21:23
hggdhLaibsch: ^^21:24
LaibschJapanese smileys?21:24
hggdhI am not running Pidgin anymore...21:24
Laibschor pointers to the above line21:24
hggdhpointer to the line above21:24
Laibsch^^ is :-) in Japan21:25
LaibschSmileys without having to twist your head 90°21:25
hggdhoh, that I did not know... will be careful21:25
Laibsch^^^ should be fine21:25
hggdhwill do, thanks21:25
LaibschAt least for those with less than three eyes ^^21:25
* hggdh learns more about different cultures21:25
hggdhyes, until we get a genetic transform with 3-eyed people...21:26
_ps_hello, i'm new on the debugging. I have read the documentation on Ubuntu Official Website. But I still don't know how to debug. Do i need to know C, Python or perl to fix the bugs?21:27
Laibsch_ps_: generally no.  But there may be situations where it's certainly helpful.21:29
LaibschTo help with triaging (and thus ultimately fixing) bugs, all you need to do is be able to read and write ;-)21:29
Laibschwhat exactly do you mean with debugging, by the way?21:30
hggdhgood question. Perhaps triaging?21:30
_ps_Laibsch, if i'm working on the bugs, i want to find a solution with it. how to find out that21:31
Laibschwell, that depends on the underlying problem, obviously21:31
LaibschIf you can reproduce the problem (important!) but not fix it, then you're obviously lacking a skill21:32
Laibschbut you (or anybody else) won't always be able to pinpoint exactly what skill that is21:32
micahg_ps_: this channel is dedicated to triaging (we get the required information to the people who can fix it)21:32
LaibschI think you should not think "I want to nail and fix this bug", please consider incremental thinking instead21:33
Laibschlike "I want to bring this bug one step closer to being fixed"21:33
hggdh_ps_: this channel is dedicated to triaging control: questions on how to/what to do/etc21:33
hggdhheh. Sorry, micahg, did not notice you had already answered21:34
micahgI was wondering why you didn't beat me to it ;)21:34
hggdhwas busy elsewhere ;-)21:34
_ps_micahg, ok. For example, if firefox crashed, i have to know firefox very well to fix the bugs? right?21:36
hggdhwell, this is a loaded question. First of all, you must find out *what* happened, and then *how* it happened21:37
micahg_ps_: well, not necessarily21:38
micahg_ps_: there are many ways to help21:38
micahg_ps_: bugsquad triages (gets required information from users) and developers fix...both are important21:39
_ps_micahg, ok , thx21:41
micahg_ps_: we can help with the former21:42
_ps_micahg, what about the latter21:42
* hggdh wonders why everybody would like to start with brain surgery, even before learning anatomy ;-)21:43
micahg_ps_: there are other channels...depends what you want to do21:43
* micahg agrees with hggdh21:43
micahgprobably because fixing seems more exiciting21:43
micahgeven though it's just a piece of the puzzle21:43
hggdhcertainly, I do not doubt. I have done a LOT of fixing in my professional life21:43
hggdh_ps_: a probable place would be #ubuntu-motu21:44
_ps_hggdh, ok , thx21:44
micahg_ps_: depends which programs21:44
micahg#ubuntu-motu for most21:44
micahgbut firefox, kernel, and a few others have dedicated channels21:44
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
hggdhk, Buuntu, shoot22:37
Buuntuhggdh, ?22:37
hggdhquestions, doubts, what you would like to know?22:37
Buuntuhggdh, hmm direction is probably what I need most22:39
hggdhfirst of all you should understand what are the stati (or statuses) we use. They are documented at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status22:43
hggdhall, triagers and maintainers, have to follow it22:44
hggdhanother nice reference is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage/Charts showing how a bug lives22:44
hggdhBuuntu: did you look at them?22:49
Buuntuhggdh, yes22:49
hggdhand? Are you clear there?22:50
Buuntuhggdh, yes, I'm sure it will become more clear once I start doing it anyways22:51
hggdhOK. To start the ball rolling, all you need to do is look at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-datecreated&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field22:52
hggdh.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.has_no_package= (ordered newest first)22:52
hggdhand sorry for the size of the link ;-)22:52
hggdhand then select one to work on.22:53
hggdhNow -- you may get one you really do not understand what is going on. DO NOT TRY TO WORK ON IT. Start with something you *think* you understand22:54
micahgand ask lots of questions...22:54
hggdhBuuntu: see, for example, bug 44492722:55
ubot4Launchpad bug 444927 in linux "91.135292] ------------[ cut here ]------------" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44492722:55
hggdhthe bug is about a kernel OOPS22:55
hggdhbut the but title really does not help22:55
* micahg suggests picking a familiar ppackage22:56
Buuntuworse is 444892 - lol22:56
hggdhbug 44489222:56
ubot4Launchpad bug 444892 in ubuntu "please help me with this problem" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44489222:56
Buuntuoh cool22:57
hggdhOK, let's look at this one. What do you get from it?22:57
Buuntuhggdh, I didn't open it, can the bot here also open them?22:58
Buuntuhggdh, I was looking at bug 444833 - it looks like something I understand and might be able to fix22:59
ubot4Launchpad bug 444833 in gnome-mount "Automatic mount of external hard drive fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44483322:59
hggdhBuuntu: first lets look at 444892 -- there are some important points there22:59
Buuntuhggdh, ok22:59
hggdhthe first point is we work here with programme issues -- errors, faults, etc. We do not provide user *support* on bugs.launchpad.net23:00
Buuntuhggdh, hehehe, I think I can solve that one ^^23:00
Buuntuhggdh, forward it to answers right?23:01
hggdhand, just by reading the user comments, I know the reporter overwrote the /etc/apt/sources.list23:01
hggdhwhich is a *SUPPORT* issue, and it is dealt by answers.launchpad.net23:01
hggdhSecond point is the title really does not help (but this is now purely academic)23:02
hggdhSo, what we should do here is convert this to a question23:02
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Buuntuhggdh, ok23:02
hggdhgo and do it -- tell me what happens23:02
Buuntuhggdh, should I fix the real question in the comments?23:03
Buuntuhggdh, *it sent me to a page where I could add comments23:04
hggdhyou can if you want23:04
Buuntuhggdh, do I really have to send it to answers when I could really just answer it in one sentence and just tell them to be more descriptive next time?23:05
hggdhwell, I am unsure how you are going to set the reporter right in one sentence (unless it is a *very* big sentence)23:06
micahgBuuntu: have you seen the responses page?23:06
hggdhthe reporter hosed /etc/apt/source.list. It has to be recovered23:06
hggdhBuuntu: following micah's lead: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses23:07
Buuntuhggdh, oh?  is there more to it?  It looks to me like he just opened it without sudo if it's giving him a permission error23:07
hggdhBuuntu: yes indeed. But I am not really sure s/he will be able to put in the *correct* sources.list23:08
micahghggdh: can we get rid of docs that say to edit /etc/apt/sources.list23:08
hggdhmicahg: I am not sure. I certainly think they could be clearer, though23:09
hggdhBuuntu: so it still warrants a question, since there may be more doubts23:09
micahghggdh: personally, I think any additions should happen in sources.d23:10
Buuntuhggdh, ok, I converted it23:10
hggdhmicahg: I agree23:10
Buuntuhggdh, can I change the title?23:10
hggdhyes you can23:11
Buuntuproblem saving /etc/apt/sources.list good?23:13
Buuntu"problem saving /etc/apt/sources.list"23:13
micahgBuuntu: on the responses page, we have a stock response that directs the user to post support requests if they are not sure about someting: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#A%20support%20request23:13
hggdhwhere are you going to change it? Question or bug?23:13
Buuntuhggdh, question23:13
hggdhthe bug is dead now, having been converted to a question...23:14
micahgBuuntu: stock responses, save you time of figuring out how to say most things (though sometimes tweaking a few words is good) as well as communicating relevant information to the user23:14
Buuntuhggdh, ok, i'll brb - gotta eat23:15
Buuntuhggdh, ok back23:36
Buuntuhggdh, oh do you mean I wasn't supposed to do that?23:37
Buuntuhggdh, is that bad that the bug is dead?23:37
Buuntuhggdh, because it loses the link right?23:37
micahgBuuntu: no, the bug being dead is fine23:41
Buuntumicahg, oh good23:42
micahgthe only thing is that it would have been better to use the stock response so the user knows what's happeninig23:42
Buuntumicahg, how do I do that?23:45
micahgBuuntu: on the responses page, we have a stock response that directs the user to post support requests if they are not sure about someting: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#A%20support%20request23:45
Buuntumicahg, oh so you mean just copy + pase that response into comments?23:46
micahgyeah, that one would have gone into the box when you converted to question23:47
Buuntumicahg, I see23:48
Buuntumicahg, is there some type of bug you suggest I "specify" in if I'm more interested in developing and becoming a part of MOTU?23:49
micahgno, but I would suggest triaging a package that you would like to develop so that you can learn more about it23:50
Buuntumicahg, I don't really know much about developing though :P,  is there a wiki page that gets you started on how to do that?23:51
micahgBuuntu: well, it depends what you want to do, there are packaging guides23:53
Buuntumicahg, ehh, I don't think I'm sure yet23:53
micahgin any case, I would suggest triaging the package before trying to develop it23:55

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