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arandWhat is it that keeps changelogs lagging so much in publication? Why would they be anything but simultaneous to package publication?00:38
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DarxusHeh, there's a needs-packaging bug for launchpad.01:16
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DarxusDepends: autopano-sift-c | autopano-sift02:47
Darxus^ That'll install autopano-sift-c if it's available, and only autopano-sift if autopano-sift-c isn't available, right?02:47
jbernard_Darxus: correct, it also allows another package to /provide/ autopano-sift and satisfy the depend02:50
Darxusjbernard_: Thanks.02:53
Darxusautopano-sift-c hasn't been packaged, but there's a bug open for that, and I'm just trying to eliminate the need for repackaging.02:54
Darxus(hugin 2009.2.0).02:54
DarxusActually... it would be good if the hugin 0.8.0 package did that too :/02:54
DarxusNah, that doesn't matter.02:54
DarxusEr, kernel packages don't have "kernel" in the package name anymore?02:58
DarxusAh, "linux-image".  Weird.03:00
quidnuncAnyone know where I can find where a python package would specify that it requires version 2.5? I can't find any reference to it in control, just ${python:Versions}03:02
DarxusWow, kernel packages don't use quilt.03:06
JanCDarxus: on Ubuntu kernel=linux might be true, but e.g. on Debian it might be "hurd" or "kfreebsd" too I think  ;)03:06
DarxusJanC: Yes, I agree it's important to have "linux" in the package name, but I don't see that as a reason not to have "kernel" in the package name.03:07
DarxusAlthough shortening the package names after putting the more useful "image" vs "headers" in there makes sense.03:08
JanCI guess some kernel package names are too long already...03:08
Darxus- NAME = Man-Eating Seals of Antiquity03:11
Darxus^ Ubuntu kernel package.03:11
DarxusWow, I just realized the kernel packages are fully synked from debian, no patching.03:13
DarxusOkay, so I'm patching debian version 2.6.31-11.38 with bfs303, so does that make the version 2.6.31-11.38-bfs303-1ubuntu1 ?03:15
DarxusOr just 2.6.31-11.38-bfs303 ?03:24
ari-tczewDarxus: want you get patched kernel into ubuntu repos?03:28
Darxusari-tczew: Eventually.03:29
ari-tczewI guess it's impossible :)03:29
ari-tczeweventually, you can send patched kernel on your ppa03:29
DarxusYeah, I want to build it and boot it first, since somebody else mentioned they managed to build it but it wouldn't boot.03:30
ari-tczewor other way you can open bug for request apply patch (bfs303?)03:31
ari-tczewbtw. what about hugin? I saw that you're working on merge from experimental (?)03:32
DarxusThe bug is open, bug #42492703:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 424927 in linux "[needs-packaging] include Brain <censored> Scheduler" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42492703:32
Darxusari-tczew: Yeah, looks like hugin 0.8.0 got accepted.  I merged hugin 2009.2.0 from debian experimental.  It's done.  But it won't get acked until I find out why the debian maintainer had it in experimental instead of unstable.03:33
ari-tczew0.8.0 needs sponsor03:34
ari-tczewlike a libpano03:34
DarxusHmm, I thought that would've been taken care of by now :/03:34
ari-tczewnot yet03:35
ari-tczewif it's have been taken care, status should be a "Fix released"03:36
DarxusAh, right.03:36
Darxus*Wow*, the debian diff against the linux kernel .orig is 295,602 lines.03:37
DarxusAh, this is ubuntu specific.  Weird that ubuntu isn't in the version number.03:38
ScottKNormally for stuff that we know didn't and won't come from Debian we don't bother with Ubuntu in the version number.03:40
ScottKUbuntu doesn't use the Debian kernel, but packages it's own, so the ubuntu would be pointless.03:41
ari-tczewScottK: could you upload libpano to universe?03:44
DarxusScottK: Ah, cool, thanks.03:45
ScottKari-tczew: Perhaps later.  What bug?03:45
ari-tczewbug 44017703:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 440177 in libpano13 "[FFe] Sync libpano13-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44017703:46
ari-tczewScottK: maybe you know, ubuntu now longer support epiphany-browser (gecko)? only -webkit?03:49
ScottKari-tczew: I don't.  I'm a Kubuntu user03:49
ScottKari-tczew: I just checked an epiphany-browser is in Universe for Karmic, so that is correct.  Firefox is, of course, still supported, so there's at least one Gecko browser supported.03:51
DarxusKernel compiles should display an eta.  Or at least percentage complete.03:52
ari-tczew-gecko is out-of-dated. webkit is 2.2803:53
micahgI found a dependency was not incremented properly in debian so now ubuntu doesn't knwo the correct version for a package04:07
micahgwhat to do?04:07
micahgScottK: are you around?04:10
ScottKmicahg: I am.  What's up?04:11
micahgIt seems like kvpnc is FTBFS becuase the dependency on pkg-kde-tools was not bumped to 0.5.0 minimum04:12
micahgwe have 0.4.1104:12
micahglatest is 0.5.104:13
micahgsorry, I'm on an overlapping wireless channel at the moment04:15
micahgScottK: any idea what I should do?04:15
ScottKmicahg: I'm not sure why that would cause an FTBFS?  In Karmic it will just use the version present and that's new enough.04:17
micahgScottK: no, the failure is because a needed file was added in 0.5.004:17
micahgor at least the build thinks it needs it04:18
micahgI cannot ascertain if it's actually necessary04:18
ScottKIt's a valid packaging bug in any case04:18
micahgso should I file a sync request against pkg-kde-tools?04:19
ScottKmicahg: I see what you mean.04:19
ScottKI thought we had 0.5 something04:20
micahgok, hopefully that fixes my wireless issue04:21
micahgScottK: what did I miss?04:21
ScottKmicahg:What's the last thing you saw from me?04:22
micahg(10:18:26 PM) ScottK: It's a valid packaging bug in any case04:22
ScottKmicahg: OK.  I also said that I'd thought we had 0.5 something and I see we don't.04:23
micahgok, well that seems to be the issue04:24
ScottKmicahg: This close to release, I don't think we want to do a major pgk-kde-tools upgrade.  Perhaps you can pull the missing stuff from 0.5, include it in your debian dir and modify debian/rules to look there.04:24
ScottKBefore there was a pkg-kde-tools all their stuff was kept in the debian dir, so in theory I know that can work.04:24
micahgthis is ridiculous, I apologize04:25
micahgmy wireless droppiong like this04:27
micahgso, what should I do?04:27
ScottK[23:24:19] <ScottK> micahg: This close to release, I don't think we want to do a major pgk-kde-tools upgrade.  Perhaps you can pull the missing stuff from 0.5, include it in your debian dir and modify debian/rules to look there.04:28
ScottK[23:24:46] <ScottK> Before there was a pkg-kde-tools all their stuff was kept in the debian dir, so in theory I know that can work.04:28
ScottKmicahg: Get it that time?04:28
micahgit's a perl module that's missing04:28
micahgso, I should include that in the kvpnc package?04:28
ScottKmicahg: I'd try that first04:29
micahghmm, I've never done this before, but I'll give it a shot, might take me a day or two04:29
DarxusAchieving what I believe is a good clean merge from debian is an exciting first for me, as simple as it was.  Two lines.04:32
micahgnevermind, I should probably just use it and not install it04:43
ScottKDarxus: Doing a lot is easy.  Being minimally invasive is a challenge.05:20
fabrice_sp_ScottK, do you think you will have time to upload Bug #440177?05:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 440177 in libpano13 "[FFe] Sync libpano13-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44017705:23
fabrice_sp_just to know if I retain hugin 0.8.0 upload until it's uploaded or not05:24
ScottKfabrice_sp_: I'm looking at it now.05:26
fabrice_sp_cool. thanks :-)05:26
ScottKI thought you uploaded hugin already?05:26
ScottKfabrice_sp_: It's building now.  It ought to be in the archive to build against in ~75 minutes on the fast archs.05:31
fabrice_sp_ScottK, I just wanted to build it locally, just to be sure it builds fine, and run fine05:32
fabrice_sp_will test it today then :-) Thanks!05:32
fabrice_sp_(again :-) )05:32
micahgScottK: ok, I think I got it05:56
micahgtest build in my ppa in an hour hopefully05:56
fabrice_sp_hyperair, do you really needs sponsoring for bug #442328? :-D06:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 442328 in ipod-sharp "Sync ipod-sharp 0.8.3-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44232806:22
hyperairfabrice_sp_: sure i do. from an archive admin, that is =)06:22
hyperairi've got motu-release ACKs and uus ACK from directhex06:22
fabrice_sp_uus? ahh: I thought you were a MOTU :-/06:30
fabrice_sp_my bad :-)06:31
fabrice_sp_I've just subscribed archive-admin06:32
dholbachgood morning07:10
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fabrice_sp_good morning dholbach !07:13
dholbachhola fabrice_sp_07:14
mase_wkhey guys i have a kernel packaging question, is this the appropriate place to ask ?07:14
dholbach#ubuntu-kernel will probably give you better answers :)07:14
mase_wkdholbach: hmm I've asked numerous times in the channel and the mailing list for the ubuntu-kernel and everyone ignores it so I assumed it was the incorrect place to ask. Will try agin. Thanks07:15
dholbachthey might be sleeping now07:16
swoodyporthose, ping07:18
porthoseswoody, pong07:18
swoodyporthose, just got your email07:18
mase_wkdholbach: since this is for business use , do you know if there a canonical support option where I would be able to ask packaging questions ?07:18
porthoseswoody, is emgent still mentoring you?07:19
swoodyporthose, I haven't been under MOTU mentoring, for quite a long time. Last I remember something was going on with my original mentor (Pablo I believe?) I don't know what happened, but everything just kind of fell apart from there07:19
swoodyI don't remember anyone by the name of emgent, though07:20
dholbachmase_wk: can you drop me an email about it - I can make sure your query reaches the right hands - atm I don't know07:20
dholbachmase_wk: dholbach at ubuntu dot com07:20
swoodyso short answer, no I'm not a mentee, but I would still be interested in becoming a MOTU, still.07:20
mase_wkdholbach: ok thanks.07:21
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micahg1ScottK: you wouldn't happen to still be up, would you?07:35
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logari81I am looking for documentation on:08:23
logari81I think it is something new in the last version of dh_pysupport08:23
logari81is it right?08:23
POXlogari81: /usr/share/doc/python-support/README.gz (what's not there, you should not touch)08:26
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surfzoidHi, i have finally build deb successfully, now i add this source in synaptic source in ubuntu ? http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/surfzoid:/DebianUbuntu/xUbuntu_9.04/10:14
surfzoid** how10:14
directhexsurfzoid, deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/surfzoid:/DebianUbuntu/xUbuntu_9.04/ ./10:15
directhexsurfzoid, i think10:15
surfzoidha yes i dont think about ./, the proble was amd64-binary :-)10:16
directhexjms@osc-franzibald:~/Desktop/mitter-0.4.5$ apt-cache policy monoosc | grep Candidate10:16
directhex  Candidate:
directhexseems to work10:16
surfzoiddirecthex: work like a charm :-)10:17
surfzoiddirecthex: again :-), the repository is added without error, but i don't see my soft in synaptic10:24
directhexsurfzoid, synaptic's always been a bit funny for me. can't make any suggestions10:25
Laneydid you reload the index? (I think that's synaptic terminology)10:27
surfzoidi used the refresh cache/aviabe pkg function10:29
surfzoidhum, the update tool see some pkg of my repo !!10:29
surfzoidseem to be an author problem, pkg are not authentified !! what can i do ?10:34
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surfzoiddirecthex: I'm confuse, my deb are now build, but when i install MonoOSC it don't install SyntaxHighlighting, after, the SyntaxHighlighting.dll and MonoOBSFramework.dll are not register in the gac, if i look at the mono build deb file, it have only the dsc one, and it work ....10:57
surfzoidhow i register the dll in the gac and how the dep list is made !!10:57
directhexsurfzoid, there's a helper script in the cli-common-dev package, which you should build-depend on, to insert GAC-related things into a package's postinst10:58
directhexsurfzoid, adding dh_installcligac to the "install" rule in debian/rules will install any assemblies listed in debian/packagename.installcligac into the GAC when the package is installed10:58
surfzoidbuild-depend is not only the build requiere but also the requiere ?11:00
j_20091hello all11:01
j_20091i am looking for an mentor11:01
directhexsurfzoid, Build-Depends are listed in debian/control as the packages which the compilation machine needs to install in order to compile the packages. as opposed to Depends, which specify things which should be installed automatically for the binary package to work for the end user11:02
directhexsurfzoid, usually for mono packages you can autogenerate the binary dependencies using "dh_clideps" in the "binary" rule in debian/rules, which will expand ${cli:Depends} in debian/control with auto-detected dependencies11:03
directhexmaco, you even got a personal mention from Mikee! lucky you! ¬_¬11:24
directhexhe can't spell though11:25
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ari-tczewhello, I'm looking sponsor for universe to 2 bugs13:10
porthose ari-tczew https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess13:17
* mok0 just upgraded his workstation to karmic. That was a harrowing experience13:31
MaikB78 Am I correct that debian packages build from svn trunk's are meant to define the get-orig-source rule to checkout(actually export) and tar.gz the trunk?14:22
MaikB78but how to do it with cdbs?14:22
MaikB78I came across this: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=49414114:23
ubottuDebian bug 494141 in cdbs "no way to use get-orig-source with cdbs without breaking policy" [Normal,Open]14:23
MaikB78which gives me the impression cdbs doesn't work with the get-orig-source hook14:23
joaopintoMaikB78, it does, just not as expected, from any dir14:24
MaikB78joaopinto: I fear I didn't get what exactly you mean.  Are there examples around?14:25
MaikB78I did this stuff a lot in gentoo and arch.  I'd love to get it work on ubuntu/debian14:26
MaikB78by example I mean:  Which if the *~svn1234 packages are using cdbs?14:27
bdrung_doko: do you have eclipse already uploaded?14:28
joaopintoMaikB78, read the bug details, you can have a get-orig-source with cdbs however it will not work when invoked out of the source tree14:28
dokobdrung_: yes, but we can still update14:28
bdrung_doko: did you grab it from the git repo or from the ppa?14:29
dokobdrung_: ppa14:29
MaikB78joaopinto: will, thx again!14:29
bdrung_doko: did you adjust the changelog?14:30
dokobdrung_: what do you mean?14:30
dokobdrung_: see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/karmic-changes/2009-October/010369.html14:31
bdrung_doko: did you upload it with -0~ppa1?14:31
bdrung_doko: fyi, i can upload to universe, too14:32
dokobdrung_: ok, the next uploads are yours!14:32
bdrung_doko: which value does DEB_HOST_ARCH_CPU have on lpia?14:34
dokobdrung_: I did attach a patch to my email14:35
bdrung_doko: yes, saw it. that's why i asked14:36
bdrung_doko: we have only i386 and amd64 machines and no access to others.14:37
bdrung_doko: the main discussions are in #debian-java and some are in #eclipse-linux14:38
dokobdrung_: I know14:38
ScottKbdrung_: Canonical employees have access to porter boxes in other archs.  sistpoty|work or siretart may be able to arrange MOTU access to Sparc.14:39
sistpoty|workdoko: btw, thanks a lot for working on maven! :)14:42
dokosistpoty|work: I won't write the FFe's .. so either you find somebody to approve, or we won't make it. also I didn't check yet for other deps of the packages listed14:43
dokosistpoty|work: so better pester ScottK & co ;)14:44
sistpoty|workdoko: ScottK just gave an ack for the FFe ;)14:44
dokoScottK: any plans with xz-utils? else I'd like to upload the fix for the data corruption14:45
bdrung_doko: fix applied, thanks.14:45
ScottKdoko: Please fix that.14:47
ScottKWe looked at updating to beta 9, but it was just to get that fix, so if you can just do the bug fix, that's better.14:48
MaikB78right now I'm looking at kile's packaging scripts where it seems uscan is used via debian/watch for the svn checkout of the original sources.  Is there a nice wiki page about uscan?14:53
surfzoiddirecthex: make: dh_installcligac: Command not found ?14:56
directhexsurfzoid, it's in cli-common-dev14:57
surfzoidso in to add in dep buil14:57
MaikB78I guess this is the right one for uscan: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/DebianWatch14:58
macodirecthex: yes i know15:13
macodirecthex: on one blog i replied to him "If you can't learn to spell my name, AT LEAST learn to copy and paste it!"15:14
directhexmaco, seems a bit of a knob, tbh15:14
arandWhat are the policies for priority of security updates, there was someone who asked why a security update could be priority:low and I became curious about that as well...15:14
macodirecthex: he has a TON of fake names, by the way15:15
macodirecthex: i'm pretty sure you hit a fake one15:15
directhexmaco, he's rather slippery. tor doesn't help.15:15
macodirecthex: PM?15:16
directhexhm? oh, yes, getting a bit offtopic15:16
jdstrandarand: are you referring to the 'urgency' field in the changelog?15:16
slacker_nlyeah, what about that field, it is always "low"15:18
* slacker_nl is curious as well15:18
arandjdstrand: not perfectly sure to be honest, I would think so.15:18
jdstrandit means nothing in Ubuntu. it is used in Debian to prioritize builds iirc15:19
slacker_nlwhy doesn't ubuntu use it? Is it not handy to b eable to prioritize builds?15:19
jdstrandwe have a different build system15:20
jdstrandsecurity builds are given the highest priority15:20
james_wit's not buildds as such, but testing migration15:20
directhexurgency is mostly for unstable->testing isn't it?15:20
james_wand we don't have a "testing" suite15:20
directhexaha, thought so. HIGH FIVE!15:20
slacker_nlahh, k15:21
jdstrandjames_w: interesting-- so that field was introduced when 'testing' first came about?15:21
jdstrandwhat was that... wodody?15:21
james_wI believe so15:21
james_wit may be used for builds as well, but that's not it's main purpose15:22
* jdstrand learned something new :)15:22
james_wit is in fact used for build priorities in Ubuntu, but no-one ever sets it15:22
jdstrandjames_w: I was always told it was ignored in Ubuntu. when did this change?15:22
arandjdstrand: hmm, yea, and it looks like that string is removed in jaunty update manager anyways...15:22
james_wand you're only talking a matter of hours at the most15:22
james_wjdstrand: no idea15:23
sistpoty|workdirecthex: urgency=EMERGENCY :P15:23
* jdstrand considers letting james_w field this sorts of questions15:23
jdstrandthat should've been http...15:23
arandYea, launchpad help says it will effect build priority, but by a minuscule bit iirc15:24
jdstrandand there you go:15:24
jdstrandOther urgency values are supported with configuration changes in the archive software but are not used in Debian. The urgency affects how quickly a package will be considered for inclusion into the testing distribution and gives an indication of the importance of any fixes included in the upload. Emergency and critical are treated as synonymous.15:24
james_wwe should at least have it so that PPAs with urgency=emergency always score below main archive builds, so that can't DoS Ubuntu15:25
directhexjames_w, how about urgency=prettyplease where a PPA gets >archive priority due to politeness?15:25
bddebianHeya gang15:25
arandlow-5 med-10 high-15 emergency-2015:25
sistpoty|workhi bddebian15:26
bddebianHeya sistpoty|work15:26
arandBut then the priority has nothing to do with the contents of the package? Only with the build priority?15:26
jdstrandinteresting. I am pretty sure that is new (at least from when I was told)15:27
* jdstrand wonders if one used '-security' in their PPA if the build score would be 600015:27
bdrung_doko: we need an updated cdt, too.15:29
arandjames_w: "There are separate build queues for distributions and PPAs." ( https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/BuildScores ) Does that already solve the DoS problem?15:29
dokobdrung_: yes15:30
jdstrandarand, james_w: there are official builders for Ubuntu that are separate from PPA builders15:30
bdrung_doko: is there someone, who maintains it?15:30
jdstrandit is designed so one can't does Ubuntu via a PPA builders15:30
dokobdrung_: no, just synced from debian15:39
MaikB78Am I right that uscan doesn't know how to extract a tar.gz from a git repo?15:43
ari-tczewif you've got "debian  uupdate" in debian/watch, then uscan can extract file15:46
MaikB78ok, I'll read the man page on uupdate15:48
joaopintoI am puzzled about apparmor-profiles, it's on universe but maintaned by coredevs, is that expected ?15:49
joaopintoaren't all universe packages MOTU maintained ?15:49
sistpoty|workjoaopinto: source is in main, maybe some archive inconsistency15:54
MaikB78ari-tczew: I confused by this get-orig-source vs uscan (debian/watch) business regarding fetching sources from the upstream VCS.15:55
MaikB78It there a golden way to do it?15:55
ari-tczewI prefer to updating packages manually, so I can't help you now.15:56
joaopintosistpoty|work, ah ok, the binary is on universe15:56
MaikB78ari-tczew: thx15:57
joaopintosistpoty|work, should I file a bug report about it ?16:03
keesjdstrand: that's an interesting thought.16:03
sistpoty|workjoaopinto: no need to. afaict archive-admins have tools to detect such inconsistencies and fix them16:04
sistpoty|work(so they're at least aware of it)16:04
ari-tczewsistpoty: maybe you know what about epiphany-gecko? is it no longer support by karmic? only -webkit?16:05
sistpoty|workari-tczew: no idea about epiphany, sorry16:05
ari-tczewyhym so what the persion who know?16:06
sebnerari-tczew: it has been ported to -webkit by GNOME folks. gecko = dead16:06
ari-tczewI need info whether I should support gecko on webkit16:07
ari-tczewyhym so I should support webkit16:07
ari-tczewsebner: are you know that debian too drop support for gecko?16:08
sebnerari-tczew: unstable yes, testing no16:08
ari-tczewOK ;-)16:09
ari-tczewwho knows about forwarding packages to Debian?16:11
ari-tczewnon-maintainer-upload vs new upstream version...16:11
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surfzoiddirecthex: me again :-), where are the rules for "make: *** No rule to make target `dh_clideps', needed by `binary'.  Stop"  ?16:40
surfzoidor perhaps i put it at the bad place :-/16:41
joaopintosurfzoid, you are missing a tab, to put inside the rule16:42
surfzoidhum i put it in the rule file like that : binary: binary-indep binary-arch dh_clideps16:43
surfzoidjoaopinto: ^ i think i just understand , it was in the rule "binary-arch" i must add it :-)16:45
Laneywhat happens to motu-council after archivereorg?16:54
ari-tczewkees: are you here?17:13
keesari-tczew: yup17:13
ari-tczewcould you tell me what we can't get drupal 5.2.0 into karmic? why only small patches?17:15
keesari-tczew: from http://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule we are in "FeatureFreeze".  If you want to get 5.2.0 into karmic, you'd need to follow the exception process: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess17:16
ari-tczewso debdiff with small patches are easier get into karmic?17:18
ari-tczewI can prepare it17:18
keesari-tczew: correct; if they are limited bug-fix patches, it's easy to upload17:19
ari-tczewI'll include only patches fixing critical security vulnerability17:20
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ari-tczewanyone knows what about maven?17:24
ari-tczewany news?17:24
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directhexwoo woo18:05
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randomactionthanks for merging hugin guys18:52
funkyHatI've got a fix for bug #444750 but there are a few other obvious keyboard shortcuts that are missing. Should I just fix them and add them to the same patch, or file a separate bug?20:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444750 in gpaint "[papercut] CTRL-V doesnt paste in gpaint" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44475020:30
joaopintofunkyHat, I am not a MOTU, but mu oppinion is a single bug, to reduce administrative work, assuming you use standard bindings which are not subject of debate :P20:31
fabrice_sp_funkyHat, agree with joaopinto20:35
chrisccoulsonfunkyHat - if there are others missing and you can fix them easily, then please do it all in one bug :)20:35
funkyHatOk, I will add ^X, ^A, ^Q, ^W, ^O and ^P then, hehe20:36
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Laneyplease send the fixes upstream too20:39
funkyHatWill do20:39
micahgScottK: kvpnc built fine with debhelper kde disabled20:42
jbernard_fabrice_sp_: I posted an update for bug #44324121:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 443241 in freetalk "freetalk FTBFS" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44324121:02
av`fabrice_sp_, I don't think adding a patch system is bad21:04
av`fabrice_sp_, patching the files that way will make losing the changes at the next upstream release, plus it will be harder for the next uploader to catch the changes21:05
av`fabrice_sp_, saying the debdiff looks bigger is not a good motivation to reject a patch system IMO21:06
jbernard_you guys tell me, i have patches for both solutions21:06
av`fabrice_sp_, making the patch and forwarding it to debian is the way to go21:06
av`jbernard_, this is my personal opinion, fabrice_sp_ might think it different ;)21:07
jbernard_both solutions are attached to the bug, so you're free to choose21:07
Viking667hm. What's "MOTU" stand for?21:09
lesshasteI need to apply a patch to X. Is there a simple guide to patching and recompiling X for ubunt21:10
geserViking667: Masters Of The Universe21:13
Viking667lol. Right. Kind of makes sense in a warped kind of way.21:13
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fabrice_sp_jbernard_, av` I already had that discussion, and it's generally prefered not to add a patch system. It's general consensus.21:50
av`fabrice_sp_, we are not doing NMUs here21:50
fabrice_sp_av`, I know21:51
fabrice_sp_but we are not also here to redo all the debian packaging21:51
fabrice_sp_as I said before, it's a general consensus21:51
av`fabrice_sp_, redo? two changes are a redo?21:51
av`fabrice_sp_, saying the debdiff looks bigger / increase the difference between debian and ubuntu is not true and it's not a good motivation either21:52
fabrice_sp_it clearly increase the diff with debian, so will make a bit more 'coplex' the merge, if any21:52
av`fabrice_sp_, the first suggestion should be forward it to debian to have it applied then21:53
fabrice_sp_when I was sponsored, this is what I've been told by several sponsors. It's not my invention21:53
fabrice_sp_or both: apply in Ubuntu, and also forward21:53
fabrice_sp_it's just a matter of taste21:54
av`fabrice_sp_, having a package that will show changes to the source won't be the best to merge anyway21:54
av`moreover if it's not the only change and if the changelog is not well documented21:54
av`someone can mess everything up21:55
fabrice_sp_a debdiff will contains the same line, but in a different way21:55
av`fabrice_sp_, how do I know that a particular change to the source fixes Bug xx or Bug xxx?21:55
av`everything will be mixed up21:55
fabrice_sp_most of the time, Debian maintainer already did changes in the source21:55
fabrice_sp_I don't remember if it's the case of this particular package21:56
av`saying most of the case don't solve the problem21:56
fabrice_sp_you can mix up also everything with a 'bad' patch21:56
av`fabrice_sp_, as far as a developer review a patch is hard21:56
fabrice_sp_I personally prefer to review 5 lines, instead of 10021:57
av`fabrice_sp_, if you modify the source, the same lines will appear on a patch21:57
fabrice_sp_as I told you before, this is a general consensus, and not only my personal view21:57
av`with like 3-4 lines more for the rules/control21:57
fabrice_sp_and the rules21:57
fabrice_sp_and README.source21:57
av`readme.source? would you add a that with a patch system which is quilt or dpatch?21:58
ari-tczewfabrice_sp_: thnx for sponsoring hugin, but what about kadu?21:58
fabrice_sp_in the case of that bug report, the first debdiff is 190 lines long21:58
stefanlsdav`: i guess one of the reason is that in the general case the 'maintainer' is in debian. he has the right to employ or not employ a patch system as he sees fit21:58
fabrice_sp_according to policy 3.8.3, yes21:58
av`stefanlsd, I agree, but do you think the best choice is to patch sources directly?21:59
fabrice_sp_ari-tczew, it's a sync, so it has to be perfomed by archive admin, even if I acked it21:59
av`fabrice_sp_, there are some discussions to remove it for quilt / dpatch already ;)21:59
stefanlsdav`: you could send him a patch to add a patch system, but he might not choose to use it. if he doesnt use it, we have a delta between debian and us which is even more painful to maintain21:59
fabrice_sp_of course, the change has to be sent to Debian22:00
av`stefanlsd, well no, in the case he adds a patch system it means out patches are now integrated22:00
av`stefanlsd, so we can directly sync22:00
fabrice_sp_but only the change/patch, not everything, so submittodebian makes a cleaner job22:00
av`stefanlsd, we wouldnt need to change the patch system, if all patches are integrated22:00
av`stefanlsd, we simply drop the delta22:01
fabrice_sp_in this case, Debian does not have a patch system22:01
stefanlsdav`: yeah, i realise this, but you assuming the maintainer wants to use the patch system22:01
fabrice_sp_if you want to sponsor the patch system version, you can22:01
fabrice_sp_I mean, I'm not the only one sponsoring things :-)22:02
av`stefanlsd, he is free to choose whatever he wants22:02
av`stefanlsd, but if our changes are integrated into debian we drop the delta anyway22:02
av`stefanlsd, so again no point in patching the source22:02
fabrice_sp_wih or without patch system22:02
fabrice_sp_it's the same22:02
av`fabrice_sp_, no, don't wanna steal your work :)22:02
fabrice_sp_av`, which work :-)22:03
av`fabrice_sp_, feel free to upload, I alwais use patch systems, so I was trying to know why you told him to patch the sources directly ;)22:03
fabrice_sp_I'm scared by the ore than 1000 packages that still FTBFS...22:03
* av` too22:03
fabrice_sp_that's what I did before Daneil, and others sponsors told menot to do so22:04
stefanlsdav`: yeah, i'd say, until he does, stick to whatever is currently being used. if he doesnt integrate it, we have much more work on our hands as the diffs look completely different now...22:04
stefanlsdthere is also some really good arguments against patch systems (i cant argue them tho)22:04
av`stefanlsd, but what would you do if there are more than 'one fix' to apply?22:04
av`stefanlsd, I have 10 fixes around the code and I wanna apply them22:04
fabrice_sp_AFAIK, most core dev are against patch systems :-)22:04
stefanlsdand i think when workflows are using vcs like bzr, then we def dont want them22:05
av`stefanlsd, then the next merger would start being crazy trying to get what the previous uploader did22:05
av`stefanlsd, and to find out which fix is the one related to the foo.h or bar.c files22:05
stefanlsdlooking at diffs with patches in is also very confusing (but maybe thats just me)22:05
fabrice_sp_in that case, it would cleaner, you're right, but if your 10 fixes fixes the same problem, they would be in the same patch anyway.22:05
fabrice_sp_all rely on the changelog, yes22:06
* fabrice_sp_ is confused by diff with patches, and all that +-+-22:06
stefanlsdnot just me :)22:06
fabrice_sp_no :-)22:06
fabrice_sp_have to go to have some rest. Bye :-)22:07
av`cya, have fun! :)22:07
fabrice_sp_thanks :-)22:07
fabrice_sp_and if you want, freetalk is waiting for you ;-)22:07
jbernard_what is the consensus here? I have several FTBFS patches, but the diffs all rely on the outcome of this discussion22:10
av`jbernard_, fabrice gonna take care of it :)22:10
jbernard_but in general, ubuntu prefers modifying upstream as apposed to introducing a patch system?22:11
jbernard_or vise versa?22:11
stefanlsdjbernard_: i believe the consensus is 'stick to what the package currently uses'. so if it uses quilt, do quilt patches, if it patches source, just patch source.22:12
stefanlsdav`: you guys are welcome to take this up on the motu mailing list for input from all motu's22:13
jbernard_and the case where upstream is still pristine but no patch system is present?22:13
av`stefanlsd, the problem is when there's nothing set yet e.g when there are no patches22:13
geserjbernard_: if no patches are applied on the package you might add a patch system22:13
geserjust make sure you don't end with a mix of quilt/dpatch patches and other patches applied directly22:14
jbernard_yep, this was the case with freetalk22:14
stefanlsdyeah. also for packages that are  -0ubuntuX (maintained by ubuntu), if there is none, you can make the call.22:15
jbernard_so the consensus seems to be that adding the patch system was the correct call22:16
jbernard_(in this case)22:16
av`stefanlsd, don't think mailing the MOTU list would change things, everyone can decide what to do as per package22:16
ajmitch_but as a group, there can be a general agreement on what's done22:17
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micahgaptitude is showing me that 539MB will be freed if I update grub from 0.97-29ubuntu57 to 0.97-29ubuntu5823:49
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