[01:32] hi, can anyone help me to configure skype? [02:38] I need some help. I'm trying to install Starcraft.bin, but how do I do so, the directory is Desktop/Starcraft+BroodWar/STARCRAFT.bin How do I go about installing it? [02:39] Using WINE, Lpp? [02:40] I tried, I had to go under use other Application and used the one called 'wine' yet nothing opened up... [02:56] Lpp: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Starcraft+Ubuntu [02:57] Lot's of good info. [02:58] can someone help me please. I added a second hdd to another computer. I made a directory, mounted the new hdd at that point, but on reboot that directory shows up as 39g volume, whereas the new hdd is 1 tb. I must've done something wrong [02:59] So what's the problem, homebrewcider? [03:00] shouldn't it show up as 931g volume [03:00] I'm not sure what you're asking. [03:00] See: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountlinux [03:01] Very helpful. [04:13] is this possible? having a 40g IDE hdd installed, linux on that, a 1tb sata hdd installed running off a sata card, purely as storage, with it mounted at a specific point? [04:18] i need help [04:18] cortana: whats up [04:19] i need to install vmware but [04:19] i need root access i do not know [04:19] how to get there? [04:19] hah [04:19] root access is required to install the VMware Installer Service. [04:19] do you own the machine? [04:20] yes [04:20] do you know your root password? [04:20] yes [04:20] or are you on the sudoers file? [04:20] cortana@Cortana:~$ [04:20] thes is were i am [04:20] either su into room then unstall it from there [04:20] s/room/root [04:21] or sudo apt-get [04:22] su: Authentication failure [04:22] and i know i ented the pass right [04:22] not your user pass [04:22] your root pass [04:22] otherwise sudo and enter your userpass [04:25] <_Techie_> takeout- *buntu doesnt have the root account enabled by default so cortana will have to use sudo [04:27] well thats kind of wussy [04:27] i've never actually used *ubuntu [04:27] cortana@Cortana:~$ sudo [04:27] usage: sudo -h | -K | -k | -L | -l | -V | -v [04:27] usage: sudo [-bEHPS] [-p prompt] [-u username|#uid] [VAR=value] [04:27] {-i | -s | } [04:27] usage: sudo -e [-S] [-p prompt] [-u username|#uid] file ... [04:28] cortana@Cortana:~$ [04:28] well useing sudo thats what i get [04:28] prefix sudo to whatever command you want to run [04:28] i did tip sudo then my pass like this [04:28] <_Techie_> you can sude -s to get a root login if like [04:28] sudo kkkkkkkkk [04:29] !root [04:29] Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [04:29] so like 'sudo apt-get install pen15' [04:30] well that work i think [04:30] yes it worked thanks a lot [04:31] <_Techie_> likemindead- you can set a root password via sudo passwd -u root [04:31] ok thanks [04:31] <_Techie_> likemindead- then there is a spoon... i mean root password [05:01] hey folks, I can't get my freshly installed copy of xubuntu to connect to my wireless router..... [05:03] it's a laptop, previously had ubuntu on it, and it connected fine....I did a new install of xubuntu, set up the device driver....it tries to connect, then requests the password, which I've already provided.... [05:03] I have two other computers that also connect wirelessly, and they are having no problems at all connecting.... [07:06] techie you busy in here? [07:45] <_Techie_> yo [07:45] <_Techie_> aww bal left [08:17] "KingOfDos" ?? [08:23] * Rugxulo is trying DOSEMU on x86-64 for the first time [11:35] hi [11:59] in xubuntu when i close a application window( for example pidgin) the application close [11:59] hi .. how can i do if I want that application remain active ? [12:00] sorry for my bad english [12:00] hide to panel? [12:01] it hide in the top pnannel with a small icon [12:04] when i using fedora, and I close pidgin window it remains active and i show that with a small icon on panel near network connetion [12:05] in xubuntu no [12:05] i guess you can se it in settings [12:07] where? [15:48] OK. MEN. leaf-sheep has given to me one idea how to win ALSA sound on with boot. [15:48] !paste [15:48] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts! [15:50] If someone is interested then look at this http://paste.ubuntu.com/287034/ [16:26] hello [17:38] vous allez pas me fermer la gueule avec des volvos [17:39] !hi [17:39] Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay! [17:39] sales caves de jo golgenberg [17:39] goldenberg [17:39] sales caves de putes [17:39] assholes [17:39] mangeur de fiente [17:39] degusteurs de crottes de chiens [17:40] crosseurs manipulateurs [17:40] payes par le gouvernement [17:40] vous puez [17:40] la connerie et l'imbecilite [17:40] connards [17:41] toutes des guidounes [17:41] 0_o [17:41] vous empoisonnez mem les livres que je lis [17:42] vous etes des destructeurs, des chiens sales [17:42] sale putain de lafond [17:42] j'aurai ta tete [17:42] avec ta gang de tarees [17:42] * jcfp wonders about french canadian dietary habits [17:43] * likemindead is very confused. [17:43] plotte [17:44] sales vicieuses [17:44] gang de caves [17:45] va te faire foutre [17:45] j'ai pas d'icone [17:45] !ops | dartagnan_ is a spammer banned from #ubuntu channels for this [17:45] dartagnan_ is a spammer banned from #ubuntu channels for this: ops is HELP! gnomefreak, tonyyarusso, PuMpErNiCkLe, maxamillion, TheSheep, crimsun, mrpouit, Myrtti, PriceChild charlie-tca or cody-somerville [17:46] thank you cortana [17:46] oops cody-somerville [17:47] ^__^ [17:47] fat fingers, sorry [17:48] This morning's updates to my Xubuntu 9.10 install fixed some of the splash screen bugs and the new one is beautiful! [17:48] I can't wait for the final release. :-) [17:52] likemindead: was the splash screen xubuntu splash screen specific or splash in general [17:54] Xubuntu specific, ikonia, and gorgeous! [17:55] Before this morning's updates, it was a brown Ubuntu spalsh--quite boring and unappealing. [17:57] ahh so it was the desktop splash [18:38] Comparing the latest version of each, which do you prefer--NetworkManager or Wicd? [18:38] And why? [18:56] <[x]sodium[x]> hello i can't install downloaded themes :( [18:57] <[x]sodium[x]> i make the .theme folder but it can't working :( [18:59] Hold on, [x]sodium[x], I'm looking for you. [19:02] Is it a GTK 2.x theme? [19:03] Like these? http://xfce-look.org/index.php?xsortmode=high&page=0&xcontentmode=15x100x420 [19:03] <[x]sodium[x]> yes [19:04] Okay. [19:05] http://wiki.xfce.org/howto/install_new_themes [19:12] <[x]sodium[x]> ok [19:12] <[x]sodium[x]> :) [19:13] <[x]sodium[x]> on more thing like window i run the code ipconfig but in ubuntu i don't know to how to get my ip [19:14] The command is "ifconfig" -- not "ipconfig" [x]sodium[x]. ;-p [19:16] <[x]sodium[x]> :P thanks alot likemindead u rocks [19:16] <[x]sodium[x]> :) [19:16] <[x]sodium[x]> :) [19:17] <[x]sodium[x]> :-* [19:18] <[x]sodium[x]> if i have not a theme folder so can i create it ? [19:19] <[x]sodium[x]> ubuntu:~$ ~/.themes [19:19] <[x]sodium[x]> bash: /home/denmark/.themes: No such file or directory [19:20] <[x]sodium[x]> :( [19:20] <[x]sodium[x]> can i create it if dosn't shhow me [19:20] [x]sodium[x], yes. [19:20] <[x]sodium[x]> :) [19:21] [x]sodium[x], please reconsider you nick, all the []-characters are a bit obtrusive [19:21] bbl [19:22] In Thunar, your file manager, click "Show Hidden Files" under View. [19:24] Then File>Create Folder & then create a folder named ".themes" [x]sodium[x]. [19:27] <[x]sodium[x]> doneeeeeeeeeeeeeeee [19:27] <[x]sodium[x]> y0 [19:27] <[x]sodium[x]> :D [19:27] <[x]sodium[x]> :d [19:27] <[x]sodium[x]> sorry for flooding but i am so happy now [19:28] <[x]sodium[x]> likeminedead whicj is your fev. theme? [19:29] <[x]sodium[x]> lol [19:29] <[x]sodium[x]> :) [19:32] <[x]sodium[x]> likemindead thanks dude for this help [19:32] <[x]sodium[x]> i am really happy now i install my fev. theme [19:32] <[x]sodium[x]> :) [19:33] Glad to help. I'm using the default theme in Xubuntu 9.10 -- Albatross, I believe. [19:34] <[x]sodium[x]> i am using xubuntu 8.10 [19:35] Oh. [19:35] Albatross is new, I think. [19:36] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Artwork/Karmic [19:36] <[x]sodium[x]> hmm may be i google it to download it may be is work fine in 8.10 [19:36] <[x]sodium[x]> ok [19:36] <[x]sodium[x]> :) [19:44] I did a sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop from my regular ubuntu 8.04. After that I can no longer log out or switch user without the screen to turn black (instead of showing the login screen) and the system seemingly becomes unresponsive. This is occurs when the ATI-driver is enabled. Any suggestions? [19:48] Get NVIDIA, RoyB. ;-) [19:48] Which version of Ubuntu? [19:55] likemindead: 8.04 [19:55] Strange. :-\ [19:57] I'd try various ATI drivers, I guess. [20:03] I guess I could try that. Not sure how much effort I'll put into it. It's an old machine and has no potential to be a graphical monster anyway. But I found it pretty cool that compiz worked so well after all - until... [20:16] Anyone in here having issues with Karmic and the intel graphics chip? [20:18] <[x]sodium[x]> :) bye thanks for helps [20:18] <[x]sodium[x]> good night === Legendre_ is now known as legendre [20:31] hi [20:31] I need help, network-manager in karmic hangs up [20:32] I can see wireless networks but when I click one of them it freezes [21:04] I have a problem with my wireless network card, I know it is a rt2500 type of chipset but somehow my box don't recognizes it. It only says "Network controller: IBM Device 0201 (rev 01)" in lspci and with lshw it says it's unclaimed. I did modprobe rt2500pci but when I try to ifup up it says it can't vind the p80211 module? [21:05] Who makes the chip? [21:06] don't know the board manufacturer, before the format it worked out of the box same release [21:09] Hmm... You're using Karmic now? [21:09] nope, i can apt-get it though [21:11] no such thing exists ^^ [21:12] ow lol no using 9.04 [21:12] jaunty [21:17] hmm might found the problem which could be in the pci bus sec router needs to reboot [21:22] that didn't help [21:24] i'll try ndiswrapper if i can find the windows driver somewhere ^^ === Sysi- is now known as Sysi [23:21] How do you get applets for the panel. when I go to the add dialog, I see very few options [23:57] How do I unmount a hard drive so I can re-mount it with another program?