
DBOMDC1, you here?03:20
mac_vara: regarding... Bug #444548  , i dont understand. there are only 4 icons for volume. high , medium , low and mute , you can see the different icons in the usr/share/Humanity/status/24/ , the volume mute is very different from volume low. if there is some other problem it must be a bug in the volume applet12:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 444548 in humanity-icon-theme "Not having a muted icon for the volume applet causes confusion" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44454812:41
mac_vi'm not sure the bug is in humanity but rather think its a bug in the volume applet12:43
mdc_workmac_v, seems to be working for me :)12:43
mac_vworks for me too... but confused why the bug is filed in humanity12:44
aramac_v, way to do reproduce it, turn the volume down completely, shows the muted icon, right click, unmute, and it is the same icon, but different stats13:52
mac_vara: hmm... ok. so how do we fix this? new icon for the volume 0? i dont like how it was previously in human , [using volume low for volume 0]13:54
mac_vara: could you check the last comment i wrote13:54
* ara checks13:54
aramac_v, I commented the bug13:57
ara"I think the zero volume icon should be the same as low, but without the darken of the last trunk. That will make the difference between the two."13:57
mac_vara: yeah , i was thinking the same too 13:58
mdc_workDBO, now i am (but at work)14:30
DBOah I was wondering if you know where in the nautilus codebase the icons on the sidebar for mounted volumes are created14:30
DBOmmm just asking makes me find it14:31
mdc_workhehe :)14:33
DBOhiiiiiiiiiiii MacSlow 14:45
MacSlowDBO, hey Jason14:46
MacSlowDBO, just debugging the nasty dbus issue in notify-osd14:46
MacSlowDBO, thanks for the forkbomb-script... Neil gave it to me this morning14:46
DBOit was fun to write14:46
DBOI'll have you know I ran it first :P14:47
DBOI was thinking about how to solve this issue however14:47
DBOit really does come down to simply not giving dbus back what it wants in a timely manner, right?14:47
DBOso lets just dispatch all whatever work that was going to get done into an glib idle handler, and return to dbus what it wants pretty much right away14:48
DBOthis should prevent notify OSD from ever ever ever being slow with the response14:48
DBOalso, neil is smelly14:48
DBONeil, what do you think of dispatching all the work notify-osd is going to do on incoming dbus calls into a glib idle handlers, and then freeing ourselves up to reply to dbus immediately?14:49
DBOmmm I think I have been too obtuse14:51
MacSlowDBO, Neil is busy atm talking with Jay and David14:52
DBOso MacSlow, what do you think of dispatching the handling of incoming calls14:53
MacSlowDBO, it makes sense14:54
MacSlowI cannot see what possible side-effects that might have14:54
DBOwell there is one easy way to find out14:54
MacSlowdoing it of course :I14:55
DBObut the quickest one I can think of is that hammering notify osd with that script will result in starving out all notifications (most likely)14:55
MacSlowjust looking at stack.c:56414:55
DBOit be nice if that method were shorter14:55
DBOjust moe all the non-dbus stuff into another method14:55
MacSlowI'm on it14:56
DBOthere is a condition where you return true AND set error14:56
DBOthis is incorrect14:56
DBOthat should return false I believe14:57
MacSlowsome people more familiar with DBus advised me to do that14:57
MacSlowthe reason behind that I cannot recall atm14:57
DBOokay, I will trust, the spec sheet says not to though *makes note*14:58
DBOprobably should add a comment in there to that effect14:58
MacSlowDBO, it has to always return true14:58
MacSlowjust asked ted14:58
DBOwhy does the dbus specification say to return false if you set an error?14:58
DBOted isn't here is he?14:58
MacSlowtedg, he is14:59
* DBO pokes tedg14:59
tedgHeh, it should probably return FALSE, but I thought there was a bug.15:00
tedgI mean, it'd be better to return false, but I doubt that's the issue.15:00
DBOi suspect somewhere we have a poorly performing or IO bound thing happening between dbus call received and dbus call returned15:02
DBOand this is causing the hangups15:02
DBODanRabbit, 15:09
DBOyou desire to pull latest Docky 2.0, it contains a mounted volumes plugin15:09
DanRabbitI've been having trouble compiling15:10
DanRabbitunresolved dependencies15:10
DBOwell give me the error15:10
DanRabbitI'm just missing some packages15:10
DanRabbitI have to not be lazy and go hunt them down15:10
DanRabbitbut, check these out: http://www.elementary-project.com/abuse/Docky2/Docky_alt2.svg and http://www.elementary-project.com/abuse/Docky2/Docky.svg15:11
DanRabbitAnd PsyberS liked this one, http://www.elementary-project.com/abuse/Docky2/Docky_alt.svg15:11
DanRabbitDBO: hey, I'm totally late for school15:14
DanRabbitso, I'll catch you later ;)15:14
DBOoh man those are awesome15:15
DanRabbitlet me know if you like any of those and then I can do all sizes15:15
DBOI love the white anchor15:15
DanRabbitDBO: btw, I'm starting on monochrome panel icons in elementary15:15
* DBO gets ready to switch back15:16
DanRabbityou should pull bzr, I've got the wireless15:16
DanRabbitnext is volume :D15:17
DanRabbitokay really g2g15:17
DanRabbitbye :D15:17
DBOlove you babe15:17
DBODanRabbit, go to school15:24
djsiegelmac_v DanRabbit lool, did Humanity get the U1 icons?15:34
mac_vdjsiegel: yup15:37
DBOdjsiegel, did you see the new Docky icon mockup?15:41
djsiegelDBO, no, can I see later? Pretty busy now.15:41
looldjsiegel: You dont run karmic?16:06
mac_vlool: djsiegel at times doesnt even run Ubuntu ;p16:50
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
loolmac_v: haha17:02
loolmac_v: I'll be away in the next days; do you have upload contacts for humanity-icon-theme while I'm abroad?17:03
loolmac_v: I'd recommend chatting with pitti if you need to get any update; he's desktop team tech lead and release manager and aware of the humanity status17:03
djsiegellool mac_v, that is so unfair17:03
loolmac_v: If you like we can do a status summary when I come back (Monday)17:03
djsiegelI have been an ubuntu user since it came out, and was running Karmic until last night when dist-upgrade made X crash on every login, returning me to GDM!17:04
djsiegelso there!17:04
mac_vdjsiegel: ;p17:04
djsiegelBut, yes, I am on snow leopard until I sort out Karmic...17:04
mac_vlool: i think we can do the next update on monday , or if needed i can as pitti , but do mention it to him also 17:04
djsiegelBut don't you want your designers exposed to other OSes?17:04
* mac_v hates djsiegel getting ideas from OSX :/17:05
djsiegelmac_v: I hope that means you're not a GNOME Do user :)17:05
djsiegelanyway, ideas don't materialize out of nothing unfortunately17:06
djsiegelit's incredibly frustrating when people want you to design something, but somehow not be influenced by past work17:06
djsiegelit's the exact opposite expectation of open source, where you are free and encouraged to build on past work of others17:06
mac_vdjsiegel: lol , calm down :)17:07
* mac_v was just kidding17:07
djsiegelI am calm :)17:08
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
DBOchaotic, when you got a chance can I borrow you for some quick feedback?17:53
jcastrotedg: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Prep18:27
jcastroyou cannot escape me ted gould18:27
mrooney|woh yeah, I was trying to figure out something to give a talk on last night!18:28
mrooney|wbut most things I could think of seem more appropriate for a developer week18:29
mrooney|wopen week is specifically aimed at non-developers right?18:30
jcastrobut you can have a bit of stuff in there18:31
tedgjcastro: I can't, but the wireless in Montreal can!18:31
DBOtedg, its all the moose, they chew on the wifi signals18:32
tedgDBO: It's the Tim Horton doughnuts, they make to me too slow to catch the packets!18:32
DBOalso, moose antlers, when in high enough concentration act like a Faraday cage18:32
mrooney|whm, there isn't anyone talking about getting started with bug triaging...I wonder if that would be useful18:35
djsiegelmac_v: ping18:39
djsiegelmac_v: You should be working on a non-trunk branch of humanity moving forward, not with an Incoming folder in the trunk branch :)18:40
mac_vdjsiegel: bah... i think we wont be doing anymore icons.. it was just created more for jonian.. he kept adding too many icons :) he is a machine18:47
djsiegelmac_v: ah, ok18:47
djsiegelmac_v: please just use branches18:48
DBOhow many people are working on icons?18:48
djsiegelwe should be working off of a karmic branch of humanity and only do changes based on UIF approved bugs18:48
djsiegelsince we're working off of trunk, more work is going on that isn't being carefully reviewed, and it becomes hard to figure out which revisions are blessed18:48
mac_vdjsiegel: dont worry , i dont expect any more icons ;)  they are almost all done more than what human theme ever had and nearly equal to gnome18:49
djsiegelmac_v:  awesome work18:50
mac_vdjsiegel: the funny thing was we just zoomed since you said Ubuntu was using humanity and did nearly 160 revs.. that really made lool dizzy ;p18:51
mac_vmost of the revs were minor color edits .. some icons got 4-5 edits untill all 3 of us agreed upon using it ;)18:52
=== djsiegel_ is now known as djsiegel
jcastrodjsiegel: want to do an openweek topic?20:03
djsiegeljcastro: sure20:03
jcastropick a slot and roll with it!20:03
jcastrotedg: see how cooperative djsiegel is? He embraces working with the community20:03
tedgjcastro: I'm not into your and djsiegel's man-love fest ;)20:04
djsiegelalbeit begrudgingly20:04
jcastrosomeday I'll get you gould! *shakes fist*20:05
djsiegelmac_v DanRabbit1, I have to agree that the antenna symbol in the nm-applet should go away... :)21:17
djsiegelnot now, of course21:18
mac_vdjsiegel: why so? 21:18
djsiegelbecause it's not a meaningful symbol to most people21:19
mac_vdjsiegel: the fedora guys have had a look at the icons and they have been saying its the way to go21:19
mac_vdjsiegel: the same icon is used in cell phones too ;)21:19
djsiegelmac_v: Please don't say "the fedora guys said" when we are talking about Ubuntu's default icons21:19
djsiegeleach indicator should be a basic shape with some detail21:20
djsiegela cohesive whole21:20
mac_vdjsiegel: well  , i didnt actually talk to the fedora guys , but the asac was telling me this ;)21:20
mac_vbut asac*21:20
djsiegelthis little symbol off to the side feels like a piece has broken off21:20
djsiegelif we needed that symbol for some reason, I would put it in the middle of the signal bars, over them21:21
djsiegel(as-is, that would not work, but you get the idea)21:21
Laneyhow can I start notify-osd in debug mode?21:21
DBODanRabbit1, you here?21:55
lamalexdjsiegel: what are the nicks of your collegues who can give me some design review help? Do they come in here ever?22:31
djsiegellamalex: chaotic, ivanka, mpt, mt, kwwii, djsiegel22:33
lamalexdjsiegel: thanks :)22:33
djsiegellamalex: np22:33

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