
=== cov_ is now known as cov
yofelcommander_: Not really, you would have to upgrade 8.04->8.10->9.04->9.10, I think a fresh install would be better if you really want karmic00:02
MCROnline_jetrii:  this has happened when one of my keys was stuck down (by my kids) i think it was the printscreen key in my case00:02
euxneksinstalling ubuntu karmic koala on a virtualbox and there are links in the installer00:02
euxneksthis is after I select "Install Ubuntu" and do a clean install00:03
jetriiMCROnline_: It only happens to gnome, KDE and XFCE boot up fine.00:03
euxneksI click a link and it opens firefox but not until after a couple of times firefox complains at me00:03
MCROnline_jetrii have you checked it isnt remembering a session that this happened in..?00:03
jetriiAlso, the applications seem to open and close very quickly. They close themselves before I can kill them, making the entire tree pretty hard to close00:04
jetriiIt's not00:04
JazzplayerL9So last update my files all lost their associations and now everything opens with gedit or openoffice including pictures and PDFs, any fix?00:04
jetriiOnly way to get rid of it is to logout which sends a kill signal to all of them then cancel the logout as soon as the last Nautilus window is closed00:04
yofelJazzplayerL9: see bug 44496200:05
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/444962/+text)00:05
yofelbug 44496200:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444962 in shared-mime-info "shared-mime-info-0.7-ubuntu1 update is broken" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44496200:06
commander_i figured tht thanks00:11
euxneksoh wow00:12
euxneksthat's a fast boot00:13
test34I like how when a modal windows is in use the one underneath becomes dark gray00:13
funkyHatI appear to have lost some svg icons, or something *is confused*00:13
meffhey all.. i cant pinpoint which pkg did it, but all a sudden all my icons are fuxord.. i cant pick them in launcher dialogs and other places they've disappeared00:14
meffhelp would be great00:14
MCROnline_known bug mate, read ubotto00:15
MCROnline_Launchpad bug 444962 in shared-mime-info "shared-mime-info-0.7-ubuntu1 update is broken"00:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444962 in shared-mime-info "shared-mime-info-0.7-ubuntu1 update is broken" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44496200:15
meffahh i figured it might've been that00:15
meffthank you :)00:15
test34I guess I will uncheck shared-mime-info then00:16
meffis there a website or whatnot where broken packages are shown as discovered?00:16
yofelmeff: the only page that keeps track of that is the bug tracker00:16
* meff nods00:17
cbmuserhey, whats with the bootsplash? karmic is coming in three weeks and there is still nothing but text console.00:17
cbmuserI have seen many people being confused about it00:17
DopeGhoticbmuser: odd; I have seen the xsplash working just fine00:17
meffi dont get teh splash either.. on my Eee or PC00:18
meffwho knows :)00:18
cbmuserxsplash is working00:18
MCROnline_me neither... but as long as the pc starts =)00:18
cbmuserthe time between grub and gdm is way too long to be just blank00:18
MartynHmm .. I haven't tried the NBR00:18
MartynI should install it on my Lenovo S10 and see what happens00:18
cbmuserI don't understand why they're not using kms00:19
Martyncbmuser : I haven't seen bootsplash (from grub) but I do see the xsplash00:19
cbmuserI have seen the incoming artworks in the wiki00:19
MartynI know that my video card doesn't suppot 640x480 in VBE00:19
Martynbut it does support 1024x600 easily00:19
cbmusermy card even supports kms00:20
MartynI've had to tweak my settings in /etc/default/grub00:20
Martyncbmuser : Do you have a link to the page with the artwork?00:20
MartynI'd love to see it :)00:20
cbmuseras far as I understand, the idea was to start gdm as soon as possible00:20
cbmuserand then do all the splash artwork in X00:21
cbmuserbut gdm takes too long to start00:21
DopeGhotiFrom what I read, it was about minimizing the number of screenmode changes00:21
Martynand it does do that00:21
MCROnline_starting gdm a.s.a.p is best.00:21
* Martyn wants to see the bootsplash art!00:21
cbmuserMartyn: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Karmic/Boot00:21
DopeGhotiIndeed, some of those mockups are beautiful00:21
SilentDishello, just installed beta Kubuntu 9.10, my alsa sound devices freaked out.  for example, they all list as 'default'.  i had them named, and working under everything (wine and the like) in 9.04.  i remember it was an alsactl command to fix this, but can't remember the exact paramaters to pass.  anyone seen anything similar?00:21
cbmuserDopeGhoti: but there *is* kms00:22
cbmuserwhy such homebrew stuff00:22
cbmuserkms was conceived right for that00:22
cbmuserlook at Fedora with plymouth, they have awesome boot animations00:23
MartynI see...00:23
MartynMr. Doob boot  interation 5 is what won out00:23
MartynI do see that splash :)00:23
Martynand I have to admit that the silent grub2 is .. odd but not offputting00:23
funkyHatThe idea is to get X up as soon as possible, so why not put the splash in the normal X, loading up another splash will just slow it down, apparently.00:23
cbmuserbut you don't need that if you use kms00:24
cbmuserthe kernel sets the proper mode directly after grub00:24
cbmuserand there are no more modeswitches00:24
cbmuseryou can even fade in the gdm login pane over the text console00:24
xguruwhat is gnome-shell?00:24
xgurunew feature?00:25
cbmuserthe new UI of gnome 3.000:25
Martyncbmuser : On platforms where kms breaks though ( Some nVidia cards .. even some ATI cards! ) it breaks -hard-00:25
cbmuserit is a replacement for metacity, to be more exact00:25
Martynwith no graceful failure modes00:25
xguruah, ok00:25
DopeGhoticbmuser: indeed, what Martyn said.00:25
cbmuserso? plymouth has a fallback if kms is not well-supported00:26
SilentDisalright... another question.  I have a 64-bit chip in my box, would like to push to 64-bit linux with 9.10.  will i have any headaches with wine apps because of this?00:26
cbmuserSilentDis: no, not really00:27
nick125I've been running 64-bit for a long time and I've never had WINE issues.00:27
cbmuserthe only apps which can cause pain are Skype and acroread, they're not native 64 bits00:27
cbmusereven flash has managed the leap towards 64bits, even though it took them ages00:28
SilentDiscbmuser:  thanks.  I'll just do a reinstall then, i've been holding off specifically because of that. :)00:28
cbmusermy Debian box at work runs on 64 bit for over a year now, I think00:28
cbmuserno problems whatsoever00:28
SilentDisone final question then, since i'll just be reinstalling now, i have / and /home on different partitions, and would rather like to just keep /home unformatted for the time.  should i kill off anything in ~/ to make this easier?00:29
test34cbmuser, my skype works fine in 64bit with 32bit libs except for the fact that I can't choose a different output for ringing and speakers with Skype 2.1 Beta (but I had the same problem with a 32 bit system)00:29
blackcoffeeriderhey guys00:29
cbmusertest34: I know, my Skype runs well on amd64 as well00:30
cbmuserthere's just the issue with the avatar icons00:30
cbmuserthey don't show on 64bits unless you apply a hack00:30
ghendarSilentDis, define "kill off"00:31
SilentDisghendar: any particular config files i should delete in ~/ before reinstalling.  for example, ~/.kde or the like00:31
cbmuserSilentDis: just backup everything00:31
cbmuserdon't need to dump everything because of 32->64bits00:32
SilentDiscbmuser: therein lies the problem, heh.  it's become... difficult to backup a 1TB drive that's mostly full.  and payday isn't for 2 weeks, so I can't go out and buy a 1TB drive lol00:32
ghendarSilentDis, if you want to go back to the defaults00:32
ghendarSilentDis, backups are always recommended00:33
cbmuserSilentDis: you have gigabytes in your .-folders?00:33
SilentDiscbmuser: i'm having all sorts of sound issues after going 9.04 to 9.10.  most of the mission critical stuff is backed up, but some movies and music aren't.00:33
test34SilentDis, you could create a new user or rename your current one00:33
SilentDistest34: that's a good idea, actually.  just name it backup and give myself proper access when i get over, and i can pull in any settings i absolutely need.  thanks :)00:34
blackcoffeeriderI'm having a problem with the framebuffer console, it is just black... - Nvidia 185 driver works with X11 - Kernel 2.6.31-11-generic x86_64 - GFX Card: GeForce 8600 GT 10de:040200:34
cbmuserSilentDis: "sound issue" is too generic00:34
SilentDiscbmuser: i mentioned it earlier, no one responded.00:34
blackcoffeeriderrunning Karmic by the way00:34
test34SilentDis, np, thats exactly what I do when I want to start clean;)00:34
SilentDiscbmuser: besides, it is beta, might as well test out the installer too, and report back any problems i have :)00:35
SilentDiscbmuser: the only things i really wanna save is ~/Music, ~/Video and ~/.wine (admitted WoW addict) *blush*00:36
SilentDisbefore i do this... might as well be absolutely certain... quick way to check my processor chipset?  I'm 99% certain it's an AMD64, but i want to be sure i grab the right item :)00:37
legend2440i just applied the latest updates for karmic and now all of my  file associations are messed up. for example   avi's open with gedit and html open with gedit.there was one update called  shared-mime-info that i think is the culprit. anyone else seen this problem?00:37
cbmuserSilentDis: well, I am in the channel all the time but not at the keyboard ;)00:38
test34How can I find out when was the latest change to gspca in the kernel?00:38
Martynokay, install of the beta on a lenovo S10-2 failed00:39
Martynat CD boot00:39
MartynI'm going to download the alternate-install just in case00:39
iflematry another cd....00:39
MartynI may switch to trying USB install00:40
yofellegend2440: see bug 44496200:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444962 in shared-mime-info "shared-mime-info-0.7-ubuntu1 update is broken" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44496200:40
cbmuserI just rebooted my karmic machine after a longer time to see if the bootsplash has changed over the recent updates00:40
SilentDistake care, and thanks all.  pulling installer torrent now :)00:40
cbmuserbut it's still very ugly00:40
Martynbut it -does- work00:41
cbmuserif it's not going to change, people will definetely complain00:41
Martynand it looks like we'd expect00:41
cbmuserit takes too long00:41
iflemais the beta iso a live boot image or just for install????00:41
Martynlive and install00:41
macoiflema: both00:41
cbmuserMartyn: why not put the shutdown splash between grub and gdm00:41
cbmuserthat one looks nice00:41
Martynthat's an extra videomode change00:42
cbmuserMartyn: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/44328200:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 443282 in linux "No xsplash, I get console boot messages instead (dup-of: 438335)" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 438335 in Ubuntu Karmic "Boot messages show before xsplash kicks in" [Medium,Confirmed]00:45
cbmuserdo you think that's a nice bootsplash?00:45
legend2440yofel: thank you00:48
yofellegend2440: np00:49
sheldon_85hi anyone have some troubles with mime types ??00:52
sheldon_85all of my files don t have the mime type00:52
sheldon_85on my karmic00:52
yofelsheldon_85: add yourself to bug 44496200:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444962 in shared-mime-info "shared-mime-info-0.7-ubuntu1 update is broken" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44496200:53
blackcoffeerideranyone having the same fbconsole issue as me mentioned before no?01:00
zen|taoblackcoffeerider: Didn't see what you said before; but karmic borked my framebuffer :( [ on  nvidia 9600GT ]01:03
ghendarwhoa... plasma desktop just died... looks so weird now01:03
blackcoffeeriderzen|tao: same thing here with a 8600 gt01:05
blackcoffeeriderghendar: strange little artefacts everywhere?01:05
blackcoffeeriderghendar: with smal pieces of colors01:06
ghendarblackcoffeerider, no, it just went to black01:06
zen|taoAlso got strange video playback issues - my .mov files playback colours are on acid o_001:06
murielgodoihi guys, I just update my 9.10 and I lose all Brazilian Portuguese language which I set in my install, Is that common or a bug?01:06
ghendarblackcoffeerider, existing apps survived though ;)01:06
blackcoffeeridermurielgodoi: sounds like a bug01:07
blackcoffeeridermurielgodoi: nao tive problemas com o sistema alemao01:07
blackcoffeeridermurielgodoi: mas nem com as traducoes brasileiros01:08
murielgodoiblackcoffeerider: I not no success on setting it again on "Language Support"01:08
blackcoffeeriderzen|tao: what have you tried so far01:08
murielgodoimurielgodoi: let's keep writing in english, so others can also help01:09
ghendarwhat the.... it just did it again!  Apearently it doesn't want me to write this email in tbird :/01:09
zen|taoblackcoffeerider: turning it off! lol01:09
murielgodoiblackcoffeerider: let's keep writing in english, so others can also help01:09
blackcoffeeridermurielgodoi: sudo apt-get install language-pack-br01:09
blackcoffeeridermurielgodoi: sorry ;-)01:09
ipatrolWhy is the update manager syaing 'distribution upgrade' ?01:10
blackcoffeeridermurielgodoi: actually i am not sure wether or not i did that with german and brazilian portuguese anyway01:10
thiebaudehi blackcoffeerider01:10
thiebaudelong time no see,lol01:10
blackcoffeeriderthiebaude: lol01:11
blackcoffeeriderthiebaude: seems as if i am not alone with that framebuffer screwup since karmic01:11
thiebaudeblackcoffeerider, ok, is there a fix?01:12
blackcoffeeriderthiebaude: none so far....01:12
murielgodoiblackcoffeerider: I will restart X to check if that package install solved my problem01:12
thiebaudehopefully by Oct 29th01:12
ghendarcomcast is throttling and making updates slow like dialup speeds01:13
ipatrolHave we explored an update-via-bittorrent system?01:14
zen|taoblackcoffeerider: Are you having any video playback (colour) isuues?01:15
ipatrolAll ubuntu systems come with Transmission don't they?01:15
blackcoffeeriderzen|tao: only minor ones small colorartifacts every now and then01:15
blackcoffeerideripatrol: yes they do01:15
blackcoffeeridermurielgodoi: hi01:16
murielgodoiblackcoffeerider: no success :(01:16
ipatrolso we could use transmission to update via bittorrent01:16
ipatrolIf transmission has a CLI, all we need to do is use it01:16
Dai!apt-torrent | ipatrol01:16
ubottuipatrol: The idea for using BitTorrent for pushing out updates has been registered here: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/apt-torrent01:16
ipatrolthx ubottu01:16
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu+1's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:17
murielgodoiblackcoffeerider: My system is part in English,  part in Portuguese as before... any hint?01:18
blackcoffeeriderthiebaude: could you please check if libdirectfb-bin is installed on your system01:18
ipatrolI know ubottu is a bot ;-)01:18
thiebaudeblackcoffeerider, yes 1 sec01:18
blackcoffeeridermurielgodoi: which part is english whcih in portuguese_01:18
murielgodoiblackcoffeerider: all mixed, for example some aplications names in gnome menu are in english others in portuguese01:19
thiebaudeblackcoffeerider, not it isn't but now it is01:19
murielgodoiblackcoffeerider: aptitude messages are in portuguese in terminal01:20
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
thiebaudeblackcoffeerider, what does it do?01:20
blackcoffeeridermurielgodoi: r u running gnome or kde?01:20
murielgodoiblackcoffeerider: gnome01:20
thiebaudeblackcoffeerider, its in synaptic01:21
blackcoffeeriderthiebaude: no i just thought it might be an issue with me not having that install causing my framebuffer to fail....01:21
blackcoffeeriderthiebaude: but since it wasnt installed at your place its probably unrelated01:21
thiebaudeyea, no problems01:22
murielgodoiblackcoffeerider: See my mixed language desktop http://yfrog.com/04screenshotnuj01:24
ArkoldThosanyone having problems with tuxguitar on karmic?01:25
thiebaudemurielgodoi, wow, that is weird01:26
ricardoromaohello, anyone knows how to permit desktop users to halt the computer without password on 9.10 ?01:26
murielgodoithiebaude: yep.. I got that even reinstalling language-pack-br and restarting the X01:27
NoelJBricardoromao, just works for me.  I just did it.01:27
murielgodoiricardoromao: There is a option for that in the wizard install01:27
NoelJBexcept I cancelled it.01:27
thiebaudemurielgodoi, did you check if there any bugs on that?01:27
blackcoffeeridermurielgodoi: sudo apt-get install language-support-pt ?01:28
murielgodoithiebaude: you mean, on language-pack-br package?01:28
ricardoromaomurielgodoi, NoelJB I installed for just one user, and after the installation I create the another user01:28
blackcoffeeridermurielgodoi: remove language-pack-br it is for bretonic ;-P01:28
blackcoffeerideri'm not sure it was before01:28
murielgodoiblackcoffeerider: woot!01:29
ricardoromaoand when my user or the other try to reboot or halt the system, ubuntu asks me the password01:29
ricardoromaobut the other user don't need to know the root password01:29
NoelJBipatrol, see also the apt-transport-debtorrent package01:29
c_kornusing update-manager does not upgrade but waits for other tasks to finish. but I do not have any other apt tasks running01:30
blackcoffeeridermurielgodoi: check it! apt-cache search language-support-br -> metapackage for Breton language support01:32
murielgodoiblackcoffeerider: There is the package language-support-pt, but no package for language-support-pt-br01:33
ricardoromaoother thing, I installed the Authorizations tool, but in 9.10 it's litle poor, compared to 9.0401:33
blackcoffeeridermurielgodoi: thats what i find disturbing too01:33
murielgodoiblackcoffeerider: I will try the pt one to verify if the portugal's one is working fine01:34
blackcoffeeridermurielgodoi: seems to be a bug anyway...01:36
murielgodoiblackcoffeerider: Now my desktop is part in english,  part in pt :/01:37
murielgodoiblackcoffeerider: How can I confirm it before to fill a bug?01:37
blackcoffeerideri'm having the same here - so that makes two of us01:38
blackcoffeeriderbut still01:38
yukongtevery time i go to the update manager, it says something about a partial upgrade and it says it is going to do a distribution upgrade, but every time it says my system is up to date and closes. Why doesnt it update like normal? i am using 9.101:38
blackcoffeeridercheck if the package is marked as incomplete01:39
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots01:39
blackcoffeeridermurielgodoi: could be that it is still work in progress01:39
murielgodoithiebaude: in that case the package is language-support-pt-br?01:40
thiebaudemurielgodoi, yes01:40
blackcoffeeriderthiebaude: i suspect it to be01:40
blackcoffeeriderbut hang on a sec01:40
murielgodoithiebaude: but the language-support-pt-br is not in the repository,  thats is the problem :)01:41
murielgodoithiebaude: so I can't "ubuntu-bug language-support-pt-br"01:41
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/01:42
zmjjmzX keeps randomly flashing something01:42
zmjjmzand Akregator seems to slow the system down to a halt01:42
blackcoffeeriderhang on guys booting my laptop with 9.0401:42
blackcoffeerideri want to replicate the steps there01:43
thiebaudezmjjmz, which graphics card?01:45
blackcoffeeriderno package pt-br either01:45
* thiebaude heating chili brb01:45
murielgodoiblackcoffeerider: I'm trying to check about that in #ubuntu-br01:46
zmjjmzthiebaude: intel gma95001:47
zmjjmzon a dell mini 901:47
centriniaWhy did the latest "apt-get dist-update" for my beta karmic koala installation cause nautilus to list every file as being text/plain?01:47
thiebaudezmjjmz, ok, just wondering01:48
zmjjmzstill better than Jaunty :D=01:48
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.01:49
NoelJBcentrinia, not here.  that's odd.01:49
thiebaudeby bad thats 9.0401:49
blackcoffeeridermurielgodoi: i only have language-pack-pt on 9.04 installed all right01:50
zmjjmz9.10 still sucks, but it's as sucky as it was in 8.1001:50
zmjjmzit's like X has a little seizure01:50
thiebaudezmjjmz, 9.10 is being worked on01:50
centriniaOkay, I'll create another user account and see if it happens there. :p01:50
zmjjmzat random times01:50
thiebaudeis still01:50
zmjjmzthiebaude: I've reported bugs on this, actually01:51
zmjjmzjust wondering if anyone had a problem before01:51
zmjjmzor, now01:51
zmjjmzdoes anyone in this chan use a dell mini?01:51
blackcoffeeridermurielgodoi: seems as if  language-pack-pt serves for us brasilians also01:52
simba_yey....depend problems for eclipse is finalely resolved...thank you :)01:52
spirit-sightwhat is geoclue computer janitor is recommending it be removed after I have done the update today01:53
Amaranth!info geoclue01:54
ubottugeoclue (source: geoclue): Geographic information framework. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.1-5 (karmic), package size 17 kB, installed size 100 kB01:54
zmjimzX just conked out01:54
zmjimzblank screen on tty701:54
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.01:54
zmjimzAmaranth: >.>01:55
blackcoffeeriderzmjimz: same thing here with nvidia gfx card01:55
zmjimzblackcoffeerider: hm01:55
zmjimzusing an intel gma950 pos here01:55
spirit-sightso what does geoclue do for us? I didnot get much out of the bots info01:56
zmjimzthat's my xorg.0.log01:57
zmjimzanyone want to peruse it?01:57
JanCzmjimz: are you sure the mini 9 has a gma950 and not a gma500 ?01:57
zmjimzJanC: yeah, the 10 has the gma50001:57
JanCah, okay, because that would be bad luck  ;)01:58
AntiochIm having issues installing Karmic Beta on an old P4. It keeps hanging at random stages of the install (Ive only gotten so far as the paritioner).02:03
AntiochAnyone else experience this?02:03
ricardoromao anyone knows how to permit desktop users to halt the computer without password on 9.10 ?02:03
zmjimzricardoromao: shouldn't that happen anyways?02:03
ricardoromaozmjimz, when has two or more users loged that happen02:04
murielgodoiblackcoffeerider: got it  https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/language-pack-kde-es-base/+bug/44274202:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 442742 in language-pack-kde-es-base "Update of 20091003 have a fraction of the translations from 20090926" [Critical,In progress]02:04
murielgodoiblackcoffeerider: they already know that bug02:05
ricardoromaozmjimz, on 9.04 has the authorization tool, to edit the policies, but on 9.10 don't appear this rules :(02:05
blackcoffeeridermurielgodoi: for spanish systems....02:06
murielgodoiblackcoffeerider: That also affects pt packages02:06
murielgodoiblackcoffeerider: There is a description about the packages affected02:07
blackcoffeerideri just double checked - 9.04 is all fine02:10
zmjimzwhere is xorg.conf or its replacement in Karmic?02:14
zmjimzbecause it's not in /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:14
yofelzmjimz: by default there isn't one, since X doesn't require one anymore02:14
zmjimzso where do I configure X?02:15
yofelzmjimz: you can generate a dummy one with 'sudo Xorg -configure' you'll fine the file in /root/ then copy it over to /etc/X11/02:15
zmjjmzwell restarting got X back02:23
zmjjmznot the best solution02:23
bcurtiswxhow do I have grub2 re-search for OS's ?02:38
virtualdor update-grub202:38
GuyFromHellSo I want to help out with the beta test but the netbook version seems to be being distributed as an iso, which is useless to me unless someone has a magic incatation to install that on a flash drive. any suggestions?02:38
GuyFromHelleverything i'm finding online is really hacky and i'm wondering if there's a Right Way (tm)02:39
virtualdguyfromhell: just google it02:39
gnubieGuyFromHell;  http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/   have you check here?02:41
GuyFromHellgnubie: i did but clearly i missed the gigantic penguin at the top.02:42
GuyFromHellgot thrown off by the ss and thought it was windows only02:42
GuyFromHellgnubie: thanks, i'll try that02:42
bcurtiswxvirtuald: the image -12 doesn't show althought update-grub lists it02:42
gnubieGuyFromHell;  goodluck02:42
wirechief_i think i got unetbootin once from apt-get with Jaunty (perhaps the one before that too)02:44
bcurtiswxhow do I update grub 2?02:45
virtualdthat's how you do it. if it doesn't work you should track it down, isn't that why you run the beta so you can fix stuff before the release?02:47
Machwhy does the 9.10 beta version has too many errors?02:47
bcurtiswxvirtuald: i believe you... im looking into it02:47
asonge_i'm having an issue with flash in ff3 or chromium when compiz is on where i can't left click.02:47
Machwill the whole release one would be good?02:47
asonge_(in the flash-drawn area)02:47
asonge_it seems that other mouse events are received02:48
asonge_i can right click and hover events seem to trigger02:48
Machwill the whole release one would be good?02:49
Machwhy does the 9.10 beta version has too many errors?02:49
bbeckI saw a screenshot of the new boot up graphics for Ubuntu, and I was wondering if Kubuntu also looked as nice.  When I tried out the rc disk I don't remember it looking like that.02:49
asonge_Mach: beta means "not yet ready"02:49
Machso when it will be ready?02:50
asonge_a launch date will be set whenever they feel like they can stage a stable release02:50
NoelJBMach, because its a beta?  Actually, I'd say that so far, Karmic feels like the best beta in years.02:51
asonge_Mach: linux is still mostly volunteers02:51
Machi am worried about 1 thing on this karmic02:51
NoelJBasonge_, not quite.  there is a schedule02:51
Machi cannot connect with a mobile internet connection02:51
asonge_NoelJB: i'm sure there's a timetable with a set of goals...but if a few key people are busy with other things, it'll get pushed  back, etc02:52
Machand also when i connect to a wireless device. it get stoned02:52
virtualdmach: release schedule is in the topic02:52
asonge_virtuald: oh you just make things too easy02:52
Machi dont like windows02:53
NoelJBasonge_, no, really there is a fairly strict schedule.02:53
Machespecially vista02:53
asonge_i see that.02:53
Machit keeps crahses02:53
NoelJBMach, I was just using WWAN this evening.  What network, which card, are you up to date with Karmic?02:54
NoelJBMach, I use CDMA.  There were some GSM fixes put in this evening.02:55
Machin my country there is a wireless device that u attach to usb02:55
NoelJByes, yes, which country, which device?02:55
asonge_Mach: if you're outside the US, 99% chance you're GSM02:55
Machi am GSM02:55
zmjjmzwhat model card?02:56
Machi dont know02:56
Machsurely its Zain02:56
zmjjmzwhat carrier?02:56
zmjjmzMach: cell phone provider02:57
zmjjmzoh, ok02:57
MachZain is the provider02:57
Machin kuwait we have Wataniya & Zain and Viva02:57
NoelJBthat's fine, more interested to know the make/model of the GSM card.02:57
NoelJBlsusb should tell you.02:58
fqhuyhi, Ive had trouble with Cmedia CMI-8738 in karmic02:58
Machso do u expect that it will be fixed when it is released?02:58
zmjjmzfqhuy: what's that?02:58
fqhuythe soundcard was recornized but the sound was alway stopped randomly whatever driver or software I used02:59
Machso do u expect that it will be fixed when it is released?02:59
fqhuypulseaudio, alsa, ...03:00
NoelJBMach, it will only be fixed if people who have problems report them, and help to get them fixed.03:00
fqhuytotem said something like connection terminated ...03:00
Machwell i reported it03:00
NoelJBqedx, for example, helped us to understand and then fix a network sharing problem today.03:00
fqhuythe same problem with fedora 1103:00
NoelJBMach, what bug #?03:00
Macha bug03:01
Machi think in launch.net03:01
Machor something03:01
NoelJBmach, yes, WHICH bug?   What is the # for it?03:01
fqhuyzmjjmz: hello03:01
Machjust a sec i will post the link03:01
NoelJByou can just say Bug # and ubottu will tell us the rest.03:02
MachBug 44495403:02
ubottuBug 444954 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/444954 is private03:02
NoelJBah, well THAT would be a problem  :-)03:02
asonge_NoelJB: i've got a reproducable bug here, i think...at least for my hardware :)03:03
Machwhat do u mean noel?03:03
NoelJBmach, the bug is currently listed as private.  some other folks can see it, but I (for example) can't, nor do I believe that Dan can.03:03
zmjjmzfqhuy: what driver is it using?03:04
Machwhos Dan?03:04
NoelJBmach is it still pending retrace?  that should make it public when done.03:04
NoelJBMach, one of the primary authors of the network and modem managers03:04
NoelJBasonge_, what kind of bug?  is it reported?03:04
fqhuyzmjjmz: any driver the same problem , pulse audio, alsa, jack, esd03:04
Machgood so i think they could fix it03:04
zmjjmzthose are systems, but ok03:04
asonge_NoelJB: i'm not *seeing* it, but it could have been, gimme 5 minutes to restart...just upgraded all the packages03:05
NoelJBmach, go to that bug and subscribe me.  "Subscribe another person."03:05
asonge_NoelJB: when compiz is on, flash doesn't respond to left clicks03:05
fqhuyzmjjmz: I m sure that no problem with sound card, because windows worked well03:05
asonge_NoelJB: i get feedback from flash ui's showing hovers and i can right click03:05
NoelJBasonge_, ah ... you want someone other than me for that.  :-)03:05
asonge_but, left click does nothing03:06
NoelJBasonge_, I can't reproduce it,.  flash works fine for me, and I do use compiz.03:06
NoelJBwas Amaranth looking at it?03:06
AmaranthNoelJB: Nope, I'm ignoring the bug with flash that happens with 32-bit, 64-bit, and all WMs03:06
Machwhats ur nick?03:07
NoelJBAmaranth, ok03:07
NoelJBMach, should be the same as I have here.03:07
zmjjmzfqhuy: what does lsmod have to say about the driver?03:08
fqhuyzmjjmz: wait a minute03:09
Machu got it?03:10
NoelJBMach, sort of ... I just plated dinner.03:11
asonge_NoelJB: i wish i knew what other variables within compiz i might be able to eliminate03:11
Machshould i make it public?03:12
nick125Hm. When you upgrade a 9.04 install to 9.10, will it try to move existing filesystems from ext3 to ext403:12
jrgpnick125: no03:12
jrgpbut if you do a fresh install, it'll use ext4 for the new partitions it creates by default03:13
Machu mean downloading the iso file?03:13
NoelJBMach, you have that set as a security vulnerability.  NO ONE useful can see it.  You need to change that.03:13
Machhow can i change that?03:14
AmaranthNoelJB: actually we can all see security bugs afaik03:14
AmaranthNoelJB: but not everyone can see private bugs03:14
NoelJBAmaranth, really?  it says "this report is private.  security vulnerability"03:14
AmaranthNoelJB: it can be both :)03:14
NoelJBMe, Mach, and Security Team are the only subscribers.03:14
Antioch`Is karmic known to freeze on intel graphics systems like it did in 9.04?03:15
arandBug #44506703:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 445067 in ubiquity "ubiquity overwrites VBR of extended partition" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44506703:15
Antioch`I cant seem to install the thing without it randomly freezing03:15
NoelJBMach, fixed.03:15
NoelJBbug 44495403:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444954 in ubuntu "(Ubuntu 9.10 beta) mobile internet connection settings cannot be saved and more" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44495403:15
Technovikinghow do you find the changelog on a new program?03:15
arandThis is a rather nasty bug here, Amaranth should I be shouting at someone in particular about this?03:15
Amarantharand: with flash? probably adobe03:16
NoelJBMach, that looks like it refers to code we fixed.  can you please do apt-get update, aptitude safe-upgrade, and see if you get new code?03:16
arandAmaranth: ↑ the bug I just mentioned, nothing to do with flash...03:17
* asonge_ is the flash guy03:17
Amarantharand: *shrug*03:17
NoelJBMach, also please run apport-collect 44495403:17
Amarantharand: graphics guy03:17
Machnoeljb: when i install the 9.10 i cannot connect to the internet03:17
Machhow can i do the update?03:18
Machgimme the command on terminal03:18
arandAmaranth: huh? graphics guy?03:18
jdsbluedevlhi, did today's update break anyone else's desktop icons?03:18
asonge_jdsbluedevl: i just did an update and my icons are still there03:18
NoelJBMach, if you can't connect to the internet, that's a challenge.03:18
arandjdsbluedevl: icons as in icons on the dektop or in menus?03:19
jdsbluedevlarand: on the desktop03:19
Machwell i dont know noel03:19
Machthis is all i can do03:19
wakingrufushi, is there any known bug  in the karmic beta where when installing from the live cd, the installer just quits out as it is starting the partitioner after you choose your username and pass?03:19
Machi reported a bug03:19
Machi wish they would fix it03:20
arandjdsbluedevl: hmm, no, have not experienced that, are nautilus set to draw desktop?03:20
asonge_Mach: it's rough when no one can reproduce it (if they don't have the hardware, etc)03:20
BotLobstahas anyone else had problems opening files with evince in the past day or 2?03:20
leleobhz  grub-pc: Conflicts: grub (< 0.97-54) but 0.97-29ubuntu58 is to be installed.03:20
NoelJBasonge_, Mach, I think we did fix it, but you can't download it.03:20
leleobhzwhat the hell?03:20
asonge_NoelJB: yeah, i see what you're sayin g:)03:20
jdsbluedevlarand: not sure, just rebooted computer to boot into recent kernel (I had booted into a previous kernel to see if it was a kernel problem)03:21
Machhow about i download it now03:21
Machthen when it comes to release03:21
jdsbluedevlbut it wasn't a problem before03:21
NoelJBMach, a couple of choices.  you can download and install today's ISO, or we can try to do it the hard way.03:21
Machi will update the new release03:21
Machso downloading the iso is much better03:21
NoelJBactually ... yes ... you could download the daily build, and tell APT to updated from it.03:22
Machyeah so i will wait for the whole release then03:22
NoelJBmach yes, get the iso.03:22
jdsbluedevlarand: how would I be able to determine if Nautilus is set to draw the desktop?03:22
Machok guys03:23
Machi am going off03:23
Machc ya all03:23
jdsbluedevldoes anyone in here know how to check if Nautilus is drawing my desktop?03:26
NoelJBjdsbluedevl, well, what do you see on your screen?03:27
jdsbluedevla bunch of broken desktop icons03:27
jdsbluedevlas in, they're desktop launchers, but their icons are missing, and they aren't executing properly when I click on them03:28
rahearnDoes anyone know where the empathy buddy list is stored on karmic?  I'd like to sync to machines by keeping the directory/file on ubuntu one, but all i've found is the rather useless ~/.config/Empathy/contact-groups.xml file03:28
NoelJBAmaranth, isn't there a pastebin for pictures?03:28
NoelJBjdsbluedevl, what do you see if you right click on them and bring up properties?03:29
jdsbluedevlunder type, one shortcut has "plain text document"03:29
jdsbluedevlI'm not sure that's supposed to be the case03:30
bodhi_zazenAny idea where I can find a guide on how to remaseter a 9.10 live CD ?03:33
bodhi_zazenor build one from scratch ?03:33
bodhi_zazenThere are many undocumented features, such as how to boot a CD using grub203:33
bodhi_zazenhow to theme gdm ?03:33
NoelJBjdsbluedevl, something got hosed, it sounds like.03:35
NoelJBjdsbluedevl, I wonder if you could replace and rebuild your desktop.03:36
jdsbluedevlI could probably wait until tomorrow's build to see if that fixes it03:36
NoelJBthe desktop is the ~/Desktop directory03:36
arandrahearn: check ~/.mission-control/ (What a thouroughly _logical_ name >_<)03:37
=== x-warrior is now known as X-warrior
NoelJBarand, oh good to know.03:37
rahearnarand: exactly what i was looking for03:38
rahearnthank you,  i never would have thought to look there03:38
dodddummyi upgraded a couple of days ago and all was good.  but today when i upgraded all of the file associations seem to be broken.  ogg files report as text files, desktop shortcuts appear as text files on the desktop, etc.03:38
jdsbluedevldodddummy: welcome to the club.  I don't know what happened, either03:39
dodddummyjdsbluedevl, at least it's not just me03:39
dodddummy:)  i'll not upgrade my other machine just yet.03:40
jdsbluedevldodddummy: yeah, I thought it was just me, too03:40
NoelJBActually, this is at least the 3rd or 4th time today that I've seen the same report.03:40
arandIt's empathy, telepathy, mission-control, butterfly, and who knows what...03:40
NoelJBhave you guys reported it in LP?03:40
dodddummyNoelJB, i haven't as it just happened to me.03:40
dodddummysearched a bit and didn't see anything so i came here to see if it's known.03:41
jdsbluedevlNoelJB: wouldn't know what package to report the bug in03:41
dodddummyubuntu 9.10 :)03:42
dodddummyxdg-open thinks they're text files, too.03:42
jdsbluedevlproblem is all files are "plain text document"03:42
jdsbluedevlclick on a jpeg, tries to open gedit03:43
jdsbluedevlclick on an mpeg, tries to open gedit03:43
dodddummyother than that 9.10 looks pretty sweet03:43
jdsbluedevland changing association for jpeg changes association for all03:43
thiebaudehope that doesn't happen to me03:44
Veinorserves you right for using a GUI :P03:44
dodddummythiebaude, i'd not upgrade then03:44
Veinorbut serioulsy, yeah, report that03:44
dodddummyi'm thinking would be the same on an x-less system.03:45
thiebaudedodddummy, yea, i'll think i will hold off on anymore updates in 9.1003:45
yangerxfwm4 isn't starting correctly? i just installed xubuntu karmic on my test system. got the circular busy mouse icon, and later it dissappeared. had menubars at the top and taskbars below, but if i started a program, didn't fill up. manually starting xfwm4 corrected it.. kinda? seemed to of layered on top of the bad one.. or is it just me?03:48
BotLobstajdsbluedevl, look at bug #44496203:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444962 in shared-mime-info "shared-mime-info-0.7-ubuntu1 update is broken" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44496203:52
BotLobstai had a problem with evince thinking all pdf's were text files and downgrading to the older shared-mime-info fixed it03:53
TronicTab completion is broken on my system :/03:53
TronicIt fails to complete the rest if a name contains a space in it.03:53
Tronic(if there are multiple options after that space)03:54
jdsbluedevlok, how do I downgrade to the older version?03:54
TronicIs anyone else seeing this?03:54
yangerhmm "Hardware Drivers" when installing the nvidia drivers, is called "Untitled window" :P03:54
BotLobstai downloaded the 0.60-2 version (for whatever architecture) from http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/shared-mime-info/03:54
NoelJBjdsbluedevl, start with nautilus, and we can go from there./03:55
TronicSteps to reproduce: touch Foo\ num1 Foo\n num2; then tab-complete ls F<tab> and you get Foo\ num, but then tab completion no longer works (doesn't list the options, doesn't continue if you enter one of the numbers).03:55
jdsbluedevlNoelJB: downgrade nautilus?03:55
NoelJBjdsbluedevl, and perhaps include a screenshot03:56
NoelJBjdsbluedevl, actually ... did nautilus change recently?03:56
jdsbluedevldon't know03:56
NoelJBjdsbluedevl, for me, on Oct 3.  How often have you upgraded?03:57
jdsbluedevlevery day03:57
jdsbluedevlbut I don't remember what updated when03:57
NoelJBjdsbluedevl, /var/log/dpkg.log will tell you what's changed.  when did THIS break?03:57
NoelJBjdsbluedevl, see if you can associate this breakage to a set of entries in /var/log/dpkg.log03:58
PeddyEvery single file (image, video, .desktop) on my system is recognized as text/plain by Nautilus, and so it tries to open all of them with Gedit. Is anyone else experiencing this?03:58
gbear14275I was wondering if someone could pass a link to me or some information about the upcoming 9.10 server edition?  I tried to download it from this link: http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/  but its broken.  I found this page: http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/karmic/beta/  but am not sure what version I'm looking for.  Can someone tell me about the upcoming server versions or by chance point me to the "regular" server 03:59
NoelJBPeddy, jdsbluedevl is seeing it., as are others03:59
NoelJBand others, like me, are not03:59
dodddummyPeddy, yep.  it's a bug.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/shared-mime-info/+bug/44496203:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444962 in shared-mime-info "shared-mime-info-0.7-ubuntu1 update is broken" [High,Confirmed]03:59
myk_robinsonseems like something has happened to mime types for me. some of my images and pdfs are recognized as plain text documents for some reason. How do I fix this?03:59
PeddyThanks friends.03:59
PeddyInterestingly, it doesn't happen in XFCE03:59
jdsbluedevlNoelJB: nautilus last updated on 10/204:00
NoelJBjdsbluedevl, see above.04:00
dodddummypeddy, the work around in that link worked for me.04:01
gbear14275anyone have any pointers to the beta server edition?04:01
Peddythanks dodddummy, trying now.04:01
jdsbluedevlNoelJB: how would I associate the log with the breakaged?04:01
Peddyit's pretty funny, nautilus tries to render text previews for all the files04:01
NoelJBjdsbluedevl, don't bother.  read bug 444962.  is THAT your bug?  :-)04:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444962 in shared-mime-info "shared-mime-info-0.7-ubuntu1 update is broken" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44496204:02
jdsbluedevlNoelJB: yes, it is04:02
jdsbluedevlwell, it is indeed shared-mime-info, I guess04:02
maccam94anyone else seeing nautilus file preview weirdness?04:02
NoelJBjdsbluedevl, so it is being worked on.  did you try the  "update-mime-database.real -V ~/.local/share/mime/" command to see if it helps?04:02
NoelJBmaccam94, Welcome to tonight's FAQ.  See Bug 44496204:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444962 in shared-mime-info "shared-mime-info-0.7-ubuntu1 update is broken" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44496204:03
maccam94NoelJB: k, just checking04:03
* NoelJB wonders why he ISN'T seeing the bug :-)04:03
dodddummyi went ahead and locked shared-mime-info to that version.04:03
maccam94NoelJB: have you rebooted since the update?04:03
dodddummyNoelJB, which version of shared-mime-info do you have installed?04:03
dodddummyand did you restart x04:04
NoelJBmaccam94, hmmm ... come to think of it ... no.  I've been suspending and resuming.04:04
jdsbluedevlNoelJB: I followed one of the first instructions, which was to delete it.  I guess restarting X isn't enough to regenerate.  I'll reboot first04:04
maccam94NoelJB: that would probably do it04:04
NoelJBshared-mime-info                           0.70-0ubuntu104:04
jdsbluedevlNoelJB: what's your CPU, 32- or 64-bit?04:04
gbear14275anyone have any links to 9.10 server live cd?04:05
NoelJB64 bit04:05
jdsbluedevlNoelJB: that could be why.04:05
dodddummyi'm 32 bit04:05
BotLobstaim 64 bit and i had the same problem happen to me04:06
NoelJBprobably saved simply by suspending and not rebooting.04:06
dodddummyNoelJB, might as well reboot04:06
NoelJBdodddummy, LOL if it aint broke, I aint fixing it!  [translation: not rebooting just to see if I can break my desktop :-)]04:07
maccam94NoelJB: the reason that it's not broken for you is because you haven't killed and started nautilus04:07
dodddummyNoelJB, don't you know you're compelled to reboot when that popup shows?04:07
jdsbluedevlcrap, I removed ~/.local/share/mime and now can't do that update command04:08
jetriiThere seems to be a problem with Eclipse + PyDev on Ubuntu 9.10. Installing Eclipse + Eclipse-Pydev doesn't seem to do anything. Pydev doesn't show up anywhere in the eclipse config. Is there a way to fix this?04:10
gbear14275I apologize for asking multiple times... but would really appreciate a pointer to a regular server version of 9.10 if there is going to be one... or someone telling me that there won't be a "regular" server version04:10
NoelJBjdsbluedevl, hold on ... I just did it.04:11
NoelJBjdsbluedevl, try ...04:11
NoelJBrm -rf ~/.local/share/mime/ ; mkdir -p .local/share/mime/packages ; update-mime-database.real -V ~/.local/share/mime/04:11
NoelJBdodddummy, what popup?  I've had no popup about needing a reboot since the .12 kernel and updated network-manager.04:12
Peddymy speakers make a popping sound when a sound is played, after a period of inactivity... It seems almost like the sound card is closed then re-opened, or something like that. Anyone with similar experiences?04:13
NoelJBjdsbluedevl, that help?04:13
dodddummyNoelJB, when i upgraded today i got the reboot now or later popup.  i can't refuse that popup.  i think i'm ocd04:13
jdsbluedevlwell, I did that, then re-started nautilus04:14
jdsbluedevlno dice04:14
NoelJBjdsbluedevl, stay subscribed to that bug report, and you'll get notice when it is fixed.  looks like they know what is wrong and just need to get it released.04:15
jdsbluedevlNoelJB: or do I need to re-start X and not just re-start Nautilus?04:15
NoelJBjdsbluedevl, still not broken for me, so I'm not trying toooo hard to find out.04:15
arandPeddy: yes, I think I've heard that now and then, even here in jaunty... but not very loud though...04:16
Peddyarand, hm... I only started getting it after today's set of updates. Do you know what sound chipset you have?04:17
arand00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)04:18
arandAlthough, I'm not to fussed about it, so long as it's only when inactive or becoming active....04:19
PeddyMine appears randomly, for example it happens when I ctrl-backspace or alt-tab.04:19
dodddummyjdsbluedevl, i restarted x04:19
NoelJBdodddummy, and?  fixed or no?04:20
dodddummyNoelJB, fixed04:20
arandPeddy: does not appear for me04:21
jdsbluedevldodddummy: not working for me04:21
dodddummybut i tried to lock the version number but when i do upgrade again it updated it.  guess i'll have to used to fixed this04:21
* arand 's brain's fuzzy, need sleepz...04:21
jdsbluedevlalso, Ctrl-Alt-Backspace not restarting X04:21
Peddyalt-SysRq + k is the new ctrl-alt-backspace04:22
arandjdsbluedevl: dontzap?04:22
dodddummyjdsbluedevl, errr Ctrl-Alt-Backspace was taken out by default with 9.0404:22
gsevil1virtualbox crash on 9.10, do you know how to fix?04:22
dodddummyjdsbluedevl, you have to dontzap it04:22
jdsbluedevlok, how do I do that?04:22
dodddummyjdsbluedevl, google dontzap.04:23
Peddyjdsbluedevl, you could do alt-SysRq + K if you like. It doesn't require fiddling with conf files.04:23
Trizicusi setup vsftpd and I cannot access (anonymously) my ftp server via firefox but it can be accessed anonymously via ftp. How do I fix this?04:24
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.04:24
Peddyuntil ubuntu devs decide to disable that too...04:24
dodddummyPeddy, that takes screenshots for me to i just put in dontzap04:24
jdsbluedevlnvm, re-enabled it04:24
jdsbluedevlstill broken04:25
Peddydodddummy, read ubottu's comment if you really want to install an additional package, or you could try the alt-sysrq thing again. Press alt+sysrq down simultaneously, then, holding them down, hit K.04:25
NoelJBTrizicus, I just had that issue when setting up an ftp server.  had to do with passive vs active ftp.  extra steps to getting passive working, which firefox seemed to want.04:26
NoelJBTrizicus, but I can't give you details, since I'm using the Apache FTP Server, not vsftpd04:27
dodddummyPeddy, for me alt+sysrq takes a screenshot.  anyway i'm used to ctrl+alt+backspace.  even my 8 year old is.  after jaunty for about a week when some flash thing locked up on him he comes in and says, "dad crtl+alt+backspace is broken"04:27
jdsbluedevlregardless, restarting X didn't fix the problem04:27
Peddydodddummy, 'sudo apt-get install dontzap' then 'sudo dontzap --disable'04:28
legend2440jdsbluedevl: to enable ctrl alt bkspce  open preferences>keyboard>layout options>key sequence to kill xserver  and put check in box that says enable ctrl alt backspace04:28
jdsbluedevlno, I got that04:28
jdsbluedevlI'm talking about the shared-mime-info problem04:28
dodddummyPeddy, oh, i did that the when i installed jaunty.  didn't know you thought i didn't know how to dontzap.04:29
Peddydodddummy, oh haha, I'm talking to the wrong person.04:30
Peddyeither way, I think it's retarded how they disabled ctrl-alt-backspace.04:30
dodddummyPeddy, i suggested googling it so he could read why in case that mattered to him :)04:30
VeinorI keep getting this error when I try to install Karmic:04:30
Veinor"??? ???"04:30
=== bullgard is now known as bullgard4
VeinorReal helpful. :/04:32
PeddyVeinor, you didn't ask a question.04:32
Potatoheadmy brightness keys don't work with 9.04 or 9.10 anyone know if there is something I can turn on to fix this. I usually hit FN F7 and F8 but that doesn't do it. I can hit FN and the play and it works.04:32
goat-eeeempathy is the suck for IRC04:33
VeinorWell, the obvious one is "what's going on? D:"04:33
VeinorI'm thinking of redoing the USB drive I'm installing off of.04:34
goat-eeebug 39750404:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 397504 in empathy "Basic IRC commands not working (Karmic)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39750404:34
goat-eeeand gnome dev says they like it that way :(04:34
dodddummyPotatohead, i noticed that on my laptop, too.  i usually don't need the brightness but yesterday i noticed it didn't work on 9.04.  you have a dell?04:35
NoelJBPotatohead, what hardware?  I have a thinkpad, and just used them in a meeting tonight.04:35
dodddummyworked before 9.0404:35
PotatoheadNo its an HP G6004:36
PotatoheadVolume and the media player keys all work, just anything that is from f1 to f8 is out04:38
PeddyPotatohead, could you open 'xev' from a terminal and see if Fn+F1 gives a different output to just F1?04:38
NoelJBtake a look at bug 217504 and see if that describes the problem04:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 217504 in linux "acpi_fakekey stopped working for certain keycodes" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21750404:40
Potatoheadxev is showing key codes04:40
Peddyright. Is the combined keycode for Fn+F1 different to F1 by itself?04:41
zmjjmzsound broke04:41
PeddyTake a look at  that bug report. Also, I have no idea how brightness controls work, I don't know if they're at operating-system level, or through ACPI and the BIOS.04:42
tornWill Karmic Koala support an encrypted root partition during installation?04:43
PotatoheadPeddy the FN and F1 keys are different. I'm looking over the bug now. Doesn't look to be a fix for this yet04:43
tornI believe openSUSE 11.2 will (which 11.1 lacked), so I'm wondering if this will be a feature on Ubuntu 9.10.04:43
PotatoheadFunny it would affect not just one brand04:44
PotatoheadI can add brightness controls to the panel and use that to adjust it, but the keys are nice to have as well.04:44
Peddyof course, key shortcuts are awesome. I recently obtained an old HP media keyboard with 30+ media keys, and only 3 of them worked (the others weren't even detected by xev). :/04:46
PeddyDo you still have older kernels installed?04:46
tornI really hope no current compatibility/support for hardware is affected with Karmic. Hardware compatibility is the most precious thing going for desktop Linux distros.04:47
tornDoes anyone know about the root encryption question?04:47
Peddyroot partition encryption?04:48
PeddyWhat is the question?04:48
PotatoheadPeddy sorry were you talking to me about the kernel?04:48
torn(I asked the question a few lines up.)04:48
PeddyPotatohead, yup.04:48
PotatoheadGot the latest and greatest today and did a reboot04:49
wastreli just did upgrades but haven't rebooted04:49
wastrelbusy w/ hulu04:49
PeddyPotatohead, do you have your older ones (the ones where your media keys worked) still installed?04:49
BronzeAuHowdy all. I had a problem updating from 9.04 to 9.10. I'm new to IRC. Is this where I would ask or paste the details somewhere else?04:49
PotatoheadPeddy looks like the problem has been there since Hardy and not fixed yet04:49
PeddyPotatohead, ah, right. You've never, ever had them working?04:50
PotatoheadThey haven't worked on this laptop. Its a new on I just got about a month ago. Other than the FN keys Ubuntu works awesome on it.04:50
VeinorOkay, yeah, every time I try to install Karmic I just ge ta bunch of quesiton marks.04:51
PotatoheadI did a wipe and but 9.10 on fresh just to see if it got fixed :) guess it's on going04:51
Potatoheadbut = put04:51
Veinorduring the "detecting file systems" step04:52
PeddyPotatohead, right. Sorry about the kernel questions, I thought you had it working once upon a time. I can't help you there, I have no idea about FN keys. Are you asking in #ubuntu too?04:52
tornPeddy, may I paste my questions again?04:52
Peddytorn, I read it. I'm not sure if it's an option during install time, but it's certainly possible04:52
Peddyso, I'm not really helping XD04:53
BronzeAuDuring update (Alt-F2) I got : W:Failed to fetch http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/source/Sources.bz2  Hash Sum mismatch04:53
PotatoheadYea they didn't know either :) but the bug report did answer it. Thanks for the assist on it, very much appreciated.04:53
tornPeddy, I was hoping it was supported during installation, since a lot can go wrong trying to do it manually.04:53
BronzeAuFollowed by: , W:Failed to fetch http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic/universe/binary-i386/Packages.bz2  Hash Sum mismatch04:54
BronzeAuAnd lastly:, E:Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.04:54
tornPeddy, I FINALLY got openSUSE 11.1 to run under an encrypted root partition, but I made many mistakes in the process.04:54
tornPeddy, it was a nice learning experience though...04:54
Peddytorn, where did you boot from?04:54
Peddywas /boot unencrypted, or did you use some other fancy method?04:54
goat-eeeBronzeAu: you could try the apt-get update again or try from another mirror04:55
BronzeAuAny ideas?04:55
PotatoheadHave a good night all work in the morning and once again thanks04:55
PeddyPotatohead, good night :) good luck04:55
tornPeddy, an unencrypted boot.04:56
torn* /boot04:56
PeddyBronzeAu, try changing your server, they could be having problems with theirs... system>administration>software sources.04:56
tornHad to recreate the initial RAMdisk as well (initrd) with a few extra modules to support unlocking an encrypted partition (in my case, / )04:57
BronzeAuOk - I'll give the apt-get update a go from terminal. Ok. Ok, Ill do the server first then.04:57
BronzeAuThanks - I'll let you know how I go.04:57
MongoTheMadIs anyone else having a problem running X on 9.10 with AMD64?04:57
tornPeddy, basically, the HOWTOs on the web were not 100% accurate. So I had to do some trial and error, until finally I got success. (And I'm a complete idiot when it comes to this stuff. I got lucky.)04:57
PeddyMongoTheMad, working fine for me. What's your problem? What graphics do you use?04:57
MongoTheMadPeddy, I have an ATI card.04:58
Peddytorn, haha, very cool. Are you still running openSUSE?04:58
BronzeAuIt was set to the Australian Server - I have changed it to the main server.04:58
tornI'm dead tired, so night all.04:58
tornPeddy, yes, I am.04:58
BronzeAuNight torn.04:58
Peddybye, night04:58
tornPeddy, supposedly it will still work even after doing a dist-upgrade to 11.2.04:59
MongoTheMadPeddy, X freezes after it loads showing only my mouse and I cannot switch to any terminals04:59
PeddyMongoTheMad, it sounds like a graphics problem. What ATi drivers do you have installed?04:59
torn(Oh, and I plan to install Xubuntu 9.10 on my netbook the day it comes out. What a freaking awesome distro. Anyways, night! For real!)05:00
MongoTheMadPeddy, probably the ones that came with the install. this is a fresh install. Should I get the drivers from ati?05:00
Peddytorn, haha I installed xubuntu-desktop just for fun, it's very cool XD I haven't really had a chance to mess with it.05:00
freenoseWhat app does karmic uses to encrypt the home dir during install?05:01
PeddyFreeaqingme, ecryptfs05:01
PeddyMongoTheMad, I have no idea. You could enter recovery mode and try installing ubuntu-restricted-extras, but I have no experience with ati cards.05:01
freenosePeddy: thanks05:02
MongoTheMadPeddy, would that package have ati drivers?05:02
webbb821i am trying to install gimmie in karmic but i keep getting depends not met any clue where to get what i need  http://pastebin.com/m16034b5c05:02
PeddyMongoTheMad, if you think it's possible to get the drivers without a GUI, it could be a good idea. Try downloading them from AMD's website, and putting them on a USB flash drive, then installing from terminal.05:03
PeddyMongoTheMad, 'linux-restricted-modules' apparently contains ATI binary drivers.05:04
MongoTheMadI am in a root shell now, wont let me apt-get. Sals cannot write /var/cache/apt05:06
Peddy'sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-extras'?05:06
legend2440webbb821: install  libgnome-menu-dev    libgtk2.0-dev   and   python-gtk2-dev05:06
webbb821oh itd the dev file i need?05:07
legend2440webbb821: yes05:07
webbb821i was wondering cause i have libgnome menu installed05:07
MongoTheMadPeddy, its a root terminal. tried that as well. did not work05:07
PeddyMongoTheMad, ps -ef | grep -i dpkg ?05:07
MongoTheMadthat shows something05:09
webbb821legend2440: thanks05:09
legend2440webbb821: your welcome05:09
MongoTheMadroot 690 6060 0 21:08 tty1 00:00:00 grep -i dpkg05:09
PeddyMongoTheMad, hmm. You don't have another instance of apt-get or dpkg running in another terminal?05:10
Peddydoes it say anything other than 'cannot write'?05:11
MongoTheMad"Not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock" and "The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened"05:13
chu_Hey guys.05:13
Peddyrm /var/lib/dpkg/lock05:13
MongoTheMadI booted to a read only file system05:14
PeddyOh, right. lol, how'd you manage that?05:14
MongoTheMadI thought single was supposed to give you a rw file system05:15
MongoTheMadis there a way to mount it read write from this terminal?05:15
PeddyI think there is. I'm not good with it, though. What's the output of 'mount'?05:16
chu_Is anyone willing to take me through *exactly* how do to a clean update? (i.e. I want to remove Jaunty and start new with Karmic).05:16
zmjjmz/dev/sda1 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro)05:16
zmjjmznone on /proc type proc (rw)05:16
zmjjmznone on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)05:16
zmjjmznone on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw)05:16
zmjjmznone on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw)05:16
zmjjmznone on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw)05:16
zmjjmzudev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755)05:16
zmjjmznone on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=0620)05:16
zmjjmznone on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)05:16
zmjjmznone on /var/run type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,mode=0755)05:16
zmjjmznone on /var/lock type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)05:16
zmjjmznone on /lib/init/rw type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,mode=0755)05:16
zmjjmzbinfmt_misc on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)05:17
zmjjmzgvfs-fuse-daemon on /home/zj1992/.gvfs type fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon (rw,nosuid,nodev,user=zj1992)05:17
zmjjmz192.168.1.105:/ on /media/pikachu type fuse.sshfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,max_read=65536,user=zj1992)05:17
Peddyzmjjmz, I wasn't asking you.05:17
zmjjmzwell, that's what it is Peddy05:17
zmjjmzPeddy: yep, I sohuld have known before I did that05:17
PeddyMongoTheMad, what's the output of 'mount'?05:17
chu_Or does anyone know of any documentation that might explain exactlythe steps I need to go through?05:18
MongoTheMadwhat zmjjmz said, Peddy05:18
zmjjmzMongoTheMad: no, it's different for you05:18
zmjjmzI'd pastebinit05:19
MongoTheMadexcept for the last two lines, it is the same05:19
PeddyMongoTheMad, could you just say the line referring to '/' when you enter 'mount'?05:19
MongoTheMad/dev/sdb1 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro)05:19
PeddyMongoTheMad, I don't know. Try entering recovery mode again, choosing 'drop to root shell'05:20
MongoTheMadIt didn't give me a drop down menu last two times I booted into it05:20
PeddyMongoTheMad, can you do cd /05:22
Peddy'cd /'05:22
Peddythen 'touch test'05:22
MongoTheMadcannot: read only file system05:22
sethm131Hey, sorry to disturb anyone but does anybody here happen to know a fix for the following issue? I'm getting this error whenever I try and do anything through the terminal. I can't open Synaptic or anything :/. 'E: The package adobe-flashplugin needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.'05:23
MongoTheMadI rebooted into read write mode05:24
PeddyMongoTheMad, install linux-restricted-extras05:25
MongoTheMadno package05:25
VeinorYeah, I can't install Karmic at all. What the hell?05:26
VeinorI get a dialog box labeled "??? ???" with the text "??? ???"05:27
sethm131@Veinor, where are you installing it from?05:27
MongoTheMadPeddy, same error05:27
Veinorsethm131: Installing UNR from a thumb drive.05:27
Peddylinux-restricted-modules-common ?05:27
PeddyYou probably need to enable restricted sources, 1 sec05:27
bipedguys, I'm trying to back up my home folder to a flash drive, and after sudo -r source destination I still get permission denied errors. SHould I be using another command?05:28
sethm131Veinor: Oh, alright. I don't know much about USB installation, sorry. My best solution is to install 9.04 and then upgrade using the Update Manager.05:28
VeinorTesting 9.04, yeah.05:28
bipedthat's sudo cp -r source destination05:28
VeinorIt's failing on the partitioning, I think.05:28
sethm131Failing in the process of trying to create a partition?05:29
VeinorIt goes through the partition editor just fine.05:30
VeinorThen when it tries to actually install, it just dies.05:30
PeddyMongoTheMad, add the line 'deb http://nz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ karmic universe restricted multiverse main' to /etc/apt/sources.list using 'nano /etc/apt/sources.list'. Then, 'sudo apt-get update' then it linux-restricted-modules should become available.05:30
sethm131Oh, alright. Try burning the image to a CD and install it through that.05:30
nrootHi I am using ubuntu+105:30
nrootAnd since last update i am not able to connect to my wireless network05:31
nrootright now i am using lan05:31
sethm131nroot: Does it recognize the Wireless network?05:31
Veinortrying it from a different thumb drive05:31
nrootnm-applet simply hangs when i select the network05:31
nrootsethm131: yes it does05:32
sethm131nroot: Is it a secure network?05:32
nrootsethm131: yes it is secure05:32
sethm131nroot: Alright, that could be where your problem is. Check to make sure the password is correct and everything. I know that 9.04 had issues connecting to secure networks...05:33
MongoTheMadis there a mirror for security.ubuntu.com?05:33
sethm131MongoTheMad: Check out this site. not sure if there's anything there, seems promising though... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12754905:34
nrootsethm131: it does not even prompt for password and it was already a saved network, but now when I select "edit connection" I am not seeing my saved wireless networks05:34
disismthi all05:34
MongoTheMadsethm131, not what I was looking for05:35
sethm131It says that archive.ubuntu.org works as a mirror05:35
sethm131Sorry if I'm misunderstanding though05:36
sethm131My brain shuts off around midnight05:36
sethm131#nroot Hit System > Administration > Network Tools05:36
sethm131nroot: And then once you're there, in the little dropdown box where it says Network Device, let me know what it says05:36
MongoTheMadI am stuck on waiting for headers05:37
nrootsethm131: ok05:37
nrootloopback, wlan0, wmaster0, pan0, eth005:38
disismtI was upgrading my system to 9.10 and in the middle of downloading packages, my system rebooted (hard). Then I did apt-get upgrade ti finish things. After that I did apt-get clean, apt-get update, apt-get upgrade but for more than an hour now I get output like  http://paste.ubuntu.com/287562/ . What to do? Please help!05:39
nrootsethm131: loopback, wlan0, wmaster0, pan0, eth0 . I think pan0 is bluetooth05:39
* aprilhare wonders whose palm needs to be greased to get webcam support under karmic05:39
sethm131nroot: is loopback the one that was selected by default?05:39
MongoTheMaddisismt, you cry.05:39
aprilhareit worked with later kernel under jaunty!05:39
nrootsethm131: yes05:39
disismtMongoTheMad, that's not helpful05:40
MongoTheMadsorry :/05:40
sethm131nroot: Select it again (if it's not already selected). At the bottom left of the box, there should be 'Interface Information'. what does it say the state is?05:40
nrootsethm131: multicast is active and status is disabled05:42
nrootsethm131: multicast is active and status is active (sorry)05:42
nrootsethm131: multicast is disabled and status is active (sorry)05:42
sethm1313rd time's the charm :D05:42
sethm131nroot: Alright, go through wlan0 and wmaster0 and see what those have listed for their state05:43
Veinoryeah, it's a karmic ubiquity bug05:44
nrootsethm131: both are active05:44
sethm131Veinor: What is?05:45
Veinorthe ??? ???05:45
sethm131Veinor: Oh, alright05:46
MongoTheMadIs there a reason why headers take so long to load?05:46
Veinor9.04's installing fine; filing it as a bug on launchpad05:46
sethm131Veinor: Alright, sounds good05:46
sethm131nroot: Have you been able to connect to other wireless networks?05:46
Veinorthen I'm going to try upgrading it from 9.04 after I get that installed.05:46
sethm131Yeah, just run Update Manager. It'll give you the option to upgrade. Just make sure your computer doesn't shut down halfway through. I had that problem. Such a pain to get it fixed.05:47
sethm131I have to go though. Sorry nroot. I would check to make sure that Karmic allows you to connect to secure networks. That's my only guess :/05:47
nrootsethm131: once i select *any* wireless network. the network manager applet stops responding. Only option then is to kill it and start again and then loop...05:48
sethm131nroot: Oh, okay. Try posting a thread on the ubuntu-forums website. Somebody there can prolly help you out. Sorry I'm no help05:48
nrootsethm131: yes i was able to connect before. it broke only after last update. thanks for your time :-)05:48
sethm131Hmm, I'm not sure then. Sorry again that I wasn't much help. Best of luck, and have a good night :)05:49
nrootsethm131: good night05:50
godstarAnyone running Karmic64?05:52
MongoTheMadgodstar, I am trying05:57
MongoTheMadbut my graphics card is broken :o05:57
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godstarMongoTheMad: Hmm. That's why I asked. I guess if it breaks then it breaks. I usually wait for the release party actually.05:58
NoelJBgodstar, of course05:58
NoelJBgodstar, working fine here.  most stable version of ubuntu yet for me, bar none.05:59
godstarNoelJB: Sounds tempting. :D05:59
godstarGonna try it. Take your word for it NoelJB.05:59
NoelJBnroot, what is your network problem?  I was elsewhere, and saw something about you having an issue?05:59
MongoTheMadgodstar, I have ATI and I am trying to get the drivers installed. you may have better luck05:59
NoelJBnroot, if you have the hang on the nm-applet, you need to update and upgrade.  it is already fixed.06:00
NoelJBbug 44418106:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444181 in network-manager "Network-Manager becomes unresponsive in Gnome, Won't configure Wireless" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44418106:01
NoelJBscary when I have bug #s memorized06:01
godstarMongoTheMad: hmm. I'm running ATI as well. Works seamless with JJ64.06:01
godstarMongoTheMad:  NoelJB: Gonna update my system first. Then distro upgrade.06:02
NoelJBgodstar, backup, backup, backup  :-)06:03
godstarHere goes everything.06:05
bipedGuys, I'm trying to backup my home folder to a flash drive before I run update manager in Karmic. When I sudo cp -r source destination I get permission errors.06:09
aprilharegeneric icons look screwed up with the latest update (i held back for a number of days).06:11
godstarbiped: Do you have permissions to write to the usb drive?06:16
Omar87I can't install flash player 10 on my computer.06:23
Omar87Trying to install the .deb packages gives me an error like: "bad file descriptor".06:23
Omar87Can anybody help me?06:26
Veinorawesome, now the newest karmic won't install at all06:27
NoelJBOmar87, 32 or 64 bit system?06:27
Omar87NoelJB, 3206:28
NoelJBok.  then you want the package, and I don't know what's wrong with it.  sorry.  off to bed for me.06:28
Omar87NoelJB, thanks a lot for your effort. :)06:28
aprilharegrrr compiz is more unstable than ever06:55
ssd7Did a recent update anyone elses ability to open files?06:55
ssd7all of my documents suddenly have the type text/plain or application/octet-stream06:59
ibkanatHi I am having trouble getting my web cam to work.. Had it working with hardy I had to download gspcav make  but it doesnt seem to work for 2.6.31-12-generic07:00
ibkanatI guess the answer is to buy a new web cam... but it was working with ubuntu in 9.0407:01
ibkanatit kind of works except the screen is all green07:04
PaulWallit kind of works except the screen is all green07:04
ibkanatthe led comes on and displays in cheese07:04
ibkanatis there a better place to get help on freenode?07:06
Veinorare the UNR daily remixes not working?07:07
Veinorer, UNR dailies07:08
DanaG"displays in cheese" -- hmm, I just had a mental image of a screen full of swiss cheese.07:08
Veinorlike, for example, I can't actually configure the partitions.07:08
PaulWallare the UNR daily remixes not working?07:10
PaulWallulWall> are the UNR daily remixes not working?07:10
VeinorI downloaded the latest Karmic remix and tried to install, but it failed. Couldn't even set the partitions up.07:11
PaulWall> I downloaded the latest Karmic remix and tried to install, but it failed. Couldn't even set the partitions up.07:12
godstarPaulWall: Try to install JJ 9.04 Remix first then due the distro upgrade.07:15
PaulWallPaulWall: Try to install JJ 9.04 Remix first then due the distro upgrade.07:15
jussi01PaulWall: are you a bot? or why are you copying everything?07:17
PaulWallPaulWall: are you a bot? or why are you copying everything?07:17
jussi01PaulWall: test07:17
PaulWallPaulWall: test07:17
jussi01its a bot.07:18
PaulWall hmm.07:18
PaulWallits a bot.07:18
jussi01PaulWall: feel free to comback if you are not a bot. but please discontinue this behaviour if you do.07:18
PaulWallulWall: feel free to comback if you are not a bot. but please discontinue this behaviour if you do.07:19
commander_i need help.i can't upgrade07:19
godstarTy jussi0107:19
godstarcommander_: What's up?07:19
commander_it said i'm in a unusable state07:20
commander_my laptop07:20
godstarcommander_: are you even getting to Grub?07:20
commander_i dunno07:20
commander_i go thru the process of update manager ..07:21
commander_n everything07:21
commander_said something about errors07:21
godstarcommander_: do you know how to get into recovery console?07:22
godstarcommander_: have you tried apt-get update?07:22
commander_i just did it07:23
godstarcommander_: you can also try to run sudo dpkg --configure -a07:23
godstarcommander_: in terminal as well.07:23
bullgard4Does Karmic install the DEB program package gnome-keyring by default? (Or did I install it by hand?)07:24
commander_godstar what do i do07:25
godstarcommander_: try to run sudo dpkg --configure -a inside terminal07:26
godstarcommander_: sudo dpkg --configure -a07:26
commander_it just bring me back to the beginning of the terminal07:27
godstarcommander_: are you trying to do a distro upgrade?07:28
godstarcommander_: update or upgrade?07:28
godstarcommander_: two different things.07:28
commander_upgrade G07:28
godstarcommander_: can you get to the desktop in Ubuntu?07:29
godstarcommander_: does your computer even boot to the Ubuntu Desktop?07:32
commander_u want me to reboot or something07:32
godstarcommander_: Reboot. Login to your account. On your keyboard press the ALT+F2 keys and type update-manager -d then click 'run'.07:34
UmeaboyMay I ask why I get an update for laptop when I'm using a stationary?07:34
commander_godstar hold on i think it gonna work thru terminal07:34
commander_i did a sudo spt-get upgrade07:35
commander_sudo apt-get upgrade07:35
gajopthis last update just screwed up my ability to open pdf files with evince :|07:35
godstargajop: reinstall evince.07:35
godstargajop: nm. I guess you were tol.07:36
gajopgodstar, "tol"?07:36
commander_b caause when i did sudo apt-get update all the backports from Karmic showed up07:36
godstartol=talking out loud07:36
godstarThat reminds me. How can I become a Ubuntu Member?07:37
gajopgodstar, ok, how do you reinstall stuff? any way other than removing and then installing? since ubuntu's package managers desire to get rid of other deps as well07:37
=== MarkDude is now known as Yay-Area
godstargajop: are you doing a 'removal' or 'complete removal' in Synaptic?07:38
gajopgodstar, synaptic? lol; no i prefer command line utils :P07:39
commander_g is it ok?07:39
gajopgodstar, anyhow, i reinstalled it; i'm still getting: "File type unknown (application/octet-stream) is not supported"07:40
godstargajop: you can try to do the aptitude purge 'app name' inside terminal and reinstall it. If this would too fail, I would try the add/remove gui and see if that does not resolve the issue.07:41
bullgard4Does Karmic install the DEB program package gnome-keyring by default? (Or did I install it by hand?)07:42
dtois there any ppa with a newer release of LAME?07:42
godstarbullgard4: all distros so far have come w gnome-keyring. And yes, Karmic comes with it by default.07:43
rabidweezlekubuntu has it's own keyring o_O07:44
rabidweezleat least in prior versions07:44
MaWaLeooops : sorry : windows mistake07:45
rabidweezleI did have a question, will I need to format my laptop to get ext4 when kKK comes out (kubuntu) to get the speed bonuses?07:47
godstarrabidweezle: I would say yes, especially if your / dir is ext3.07:48
rabidweezleor is there a way to format to ext4 without losing all my files?07:48
godstarrabidweezle: Not that I know of.07:49
MaWaLerabidweezle : http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/04/how-to-convert-your-ext3-partition-to.html07:49
rabidweezlek, I'll just backup my home dir then07:49
* rabidweezle looks07:49
gajopconverting to ext4 isn't that hard07:50
Veinorubuntu inside me? ew.07:50
gajopjust be sure to do it once you unmount the partition you're converting, so if it's / you would need a livecd07:50
MaWaLewith karmic koala, ext4 is the by default file system07:50
bullgard4godstar: Thank you very much for your help.07:51
rabidweezleThanks for the link MaWaLe07:51
godstarbullgard4: anytime.07:51
MaWaLeneverlind rabidweezle07:51
MaWaLes/neverlind/nevermind :p07:51
MaWaLei have to get some rest :d07:52
rabidweezlerest is for the weak07:52
MaWaLenot when you didn't sleep for 3 days07:53
rabidweezleman, I used to do that07:53
rabidweezleI think everytime you do that you shorten your life by 2 weeks xD07:53
godstarno way.07:54
MaWaLeso i have to be died since the time i do so often07:54
rabidweezleditto lol07:54
rabidweezleI just called it "getting married"07:54
MaWaLerabidweezle, i'm married and have a son also :p07:55
MaWaLeand at home i have to leave my laptop to my son (frozen bubble and GCompris) :p07:55
rabidweezleI'm raising him on linux myself, he loves frozen bubble and tux kart07:56
MaWaLeso recently i bought him a desktop ;)07:56
rabidweezlemine's too young for his own desktop yet07:56
rabidweezlehe's only 307:56
MaWaLemine is 3 years and a half xd07:57
rabidweezlemaybe once he hits 5 to do his homework on07:57
MaWaLehe's bordn the 18th may 200607:57
rabidweezlemine is a little too rough for computers yet07:57
rabidweezlehe likes taking stuff apart piece by piece07:58
MaWaLenot for ubuntu use ;) ubuntu is designed for all ages even youngest one ;)07:58
rabidweezleyou pretty much can't break linux by playing around as a user07:59
MaWaLerabidweezle, try to show him GCompris : he would love it07:59
rabidweezleman, wish I was born when he was08:00
rabidweezlealready have broadband, lcd tv's, mass production high powered laptops, mp3 players...08:00
rabidweezleI had a stick08:01
MaWaLeand the PSP xd08:01
rabidweezleI had a gamegear after a while08:01
MaWaLegodstar, you asked for how bacoming an ubuntu member ??08:02
rabidweezleImagine what your son's kid is going to have when he wakes up08:02
godstarMaWaLe: I did.08:02
MaWaLegodstar, it's so simple08:03
MaWaLeget a look here : http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember08:03
MaWaLeand here : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership08:03
MaWaLerabidweezle, TELEPORTATION :p08:03
MaWaLeso they will not have to drive to go work :(08:04
godstarMaWaLe: Ty.08:05
rabidweezleman, that would rock08:05
godstarUpgrade complete. Rebooting.08:05
* Deathvalley122 can't waits for karmic to be realeased08:05
MaWaLeDeathvalley122, you can try the beta one and so you can help debugging it with declaring your bugs08:06
Deathvalley122I think I have tried that last time08:07
MaWaLeit's one of the way you can contribute with ubuntu08:07
Deathvalley122it screwed up my graphic driver08:07
mzzhmm, odd. I have Xorg frequently take 100% cpu the first time it runs after boot. If I log out and back in it tends to be fine. And it's usable before then, it just hogs the cpu.08:07
mzzI randomly tried strace-ing X, and it seems to be stuck doing *something* to /dev/tty7.08:07
MaWaLeDeathvalley122, since the beta release, i think that it's so stable : you can have a try08:08
mikedep333hey, all my files in nautilus are being opened with gedit08:08
mikedep333such as examples.desktop08:08
* rabidweezle is afraid since he had to like smash his head on pavement to get his virgin mobile EVDO usb dongle to work in jaunty08:09
mikedep333well, the jpg is being rendered08:09
mikedep333but even an mp3 is being opened with gedit08:09
mikedep333should I reset some gnome config files or something?08:09
Deathvalley122nah I'll wait I am not a rush MaWaLe08:09
Deathvalley122MaWaLe: when karmic does get released is it gonna be a mandatory upgrade or a optional upgrade?08:12
mikedep333Deathvalley122, new ubuntu releases are never mandatory, you just are strongly encouraged to upgrade once support for jaunty ends in 1 year08:13
MaWaLeDeathvalley122, it depends how you configure your update manager08:13
rabidweezlethere's no such thing as "mandatory" just don't expect support for older other than LTS08:13
SandGorgonmy zshrc isnt working properly on karmic - it gives errors with setopt. anybody know why08:13
MaWaLebut you'll be notified and it depends on your wish iof you want to migrate or not08:13
rabidweezleFrom what I saw of the boot up times for karmic though, I am really tempted to upgrade08:14
MaWaLerabidweezle, 3 years for LTS and 18 months for regular releases ;)08:14
mikedep333rabidweezle, yeah08:15
MaWaLemikedep333, you changed the mime type of all your files :s08:15
MaWaLeso you set it to be opened with gedit !!!08:16
mikedep333I don't know how it got like that08:16
mikedep333but since it isn08:16
mikedep333*isn't an issue on the guest account08:16
mikedep333I should be able to clear it08:17
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/08:18
MaWaLemikedep333, the file where your mime type are stored is : ~/.local/share/applications/defaults.list08:18
MaWaLemikedep333, and for all the system : /usr/share/applications/defaults.list08:19
MaWaLemikedep333, you can copy the second file and replace your own one to restore it to the default values08:20
mikedep333MaWaLe, thanks, logging out now08:22
bullgard4Why did Karmic install automatically the DEB program package 'postfix'?08:23
rosetyup it's broke.08:24
gajopheh, today's updates really screwed ubuntu for most users, pdfs can't be opened by evince and everything is automatically opened with gedit08:25
mikedep333MaWaLe, replacing defaults.list didn't help. I ended up renaming ~/.local/share/applications and ~/.local/share/mime and that fixed it08:25
mzzbullgard4: "aptitude why postfix" might know08:26
MaWaLemikedep333, when you copied the files to your home dir do you change the permissions ?08:27
mikedep333MaWaLe, oh, let me try that08:27
mzzhmm, does ctrl+alt+f1 normally still work to switch vts?08:27
mikedep333MaWaLe, it is owned by me with rw access08:28
mikedep333and it was so before08:28
MaWaLemzz, yes, push it twice (sometimes you have to do that to let it work)08:28
mzzMaWaLe: I've hit it about a dozen times now, and xev does see XF86_Switch_VT_1, but nothing happens08:29
mzzMaWaLe: this might be related to whatever's making X spin at 100% cpu usage trying to do something to /dev/tty7, which I'm trying to debug. Oh well, I have ssh08:29
wektmzz what is the onnection with tty7?  Do you run Intel graphics?08:32
mikedep333are other people having trouble with the mime types?08:32
wektmikedep333: no08:32
mzzwekt: nope, via. It's repeatedly failing a call to tcflush on /dev/tty7, iiuc. Still debugging, but hitting unrelated bugs while doing so, so it's a bit slow.08:32
mzzwekt: hah. I think I'm failing in xf86FlushInput, which tries to read and throw away all available input on an fd. So it's repeatedly waking up because there's input available on tty7, failing the tcflush, therefore never actually reading (and ignoring) the available input, and then immediately waking up again, etc08:35
wektI'm also noticing extreme slowness rencently.  perhaps it is the same issue.  X consumes much CPU.08:36
mzzweird, I don't actually see any calls to xf86FlushInput in the xorg-server source08:38
mzzhmm, perhaps it's in the input driver08:38
godstarHmm. Just upgraded to KK64. My partitions wont mount. "authentication required"08:38
capiirahi anyone experiencing compiz problems after latests karmic updates?08:43
gajopmikedep333, yes :P08:43
wektcapiira: experiencing X problems.  not specific with compiz08:46
capiiraah ok maybe its x too08:46
capiirajust noticed because compiz dont run anymore08:46
capiirabut maybe you're right, the desk feels super slow too08:47
cgsawtellis anyone else having problems updating?08:48
mzzwekt: if it's the same thing I see you'll have X spinning at 100% cpu, and for some reason it goes away here if I log out and back in08:48
mzzit doesn't actually feel that slow, but it's a laptop and the spinning fan is annoying08:48
capiiraim on netbook ;D maybe thats why it feels slow here08:49
mzzalso, my current opinion on what happens if I try to "report a bug" in ubuntu is unprintable.08:50
NoReflexHey guys! Do you know how I can open a multipart email attachment in Ubuntu (Karmic)?08:51
wektmzz in that case, i will log out & back in08:51
VeinorFrom what I've heard, updating from a base install is a bad move?08:52
VeinorI mean, updating from the ISo08:52
wektAre you having a probem regarding reporting or reading bugs, mz?08:57
mzzwekt: reporting. Specifically: being told to "Use the menu" to report bugs in the X server with a gdb session sitting on a non-ubuntu machine (yay ssh) is not helping my mood much.09:00
wektI understand. mzz.   Using apport-cli worked well.  I understand Ubuntu wanting to use apport to increase reliability & in the nd provide a better UI.  Will be more reliable iff all users use apport instead of WWW UI.  See the directions for using apport-cli?09:01
wektI guess the problem is that the non-ubuntu machine has no apport-cli package.09:02
mzzwekt: again, the gdb session I have (which I'm convinced has *much* more interesting information than anything apport could come up with) is not on a ubuntu system.09:02
wektyou use apport-cli to file the bug, not to just gather info.09:03
mzznon-ubuntu systems tend to have pretty decent webbrowsers but are a bit low on working apport-clis, and even if they had one they wouldn't buy me anything, what with apport-cli presumably wanting an apt db.09:03
mzzit really feels like I'm being punished for trying to file a decent bug report for a non-user-facing app09:04
wektapport-cli would just construct the correct URL for you.09:04
* mzz sighs and tries apport-cli09:04
wektbut then it will launch the web browser on the machine fwith broken X09:05
godstarSo far KK64 is a success.09:05
godstarMinor issues, though is to be expected in Beta.09:05
* mzz is literally making incoherent angry noises now, which is unusual09:09
Sledger1anyone in here ever personally setup a WinTV-HVR-1600 and had it work?09:09
mzz"After copying it to a different system you can file that report using ubuntu-bug -c <location of apport file>. "09:09
mzzdear ubuntu: sometimes people like to file bugs from systems that aren't ubuntu systems.09:09
gribouilleI've succesffully installed karmic, but there is just a little problem : grub boots the new system by default. how can I make it boot the old system ?09:10
wektwow.  i looked for the web page to describe filing bug reports on launchpad.net & no longer find it.09:10
Veinormzz: Yeah, the current bug report mechanism is kinda sucky09:13
Veinormeawhile, you can go to http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/PACKAGENAME/+filebug?no-redirect09:14
Sledger1I need to download the drivers for my winTV card09:14
Sledger1it says they are here09:14
Sledger1Any help in this matter?09:14
Sledger1I cannot find where to download the driver..09:14
capiiraveinor yeah but sadly you cant report directly to karmic09:15
Veinorwhere did you get that link from, Sledger109:15
Sledger1Veinor:  vendors site09:15
mzzVeinor: which requires me to manually construct the bloody url, after reading through most of that reporting bugs wiki page to even *find* the bloody template09:15
Veinorcyeah. :/09:15
VeinorSledger1: try http://linuxtv.org/hg/~hverkuil/cx18/v4l-dvb/v4l-dvb/archive/tip.zip ?09:15
Sledger1great, but I always have trouble with Makefile09:16
Sledger1Veinor: yes that's the site, which link do I push?09:16
Veinoryou see the line under "Mercurial Repositories" with "v4l-dvb" at the start?09:16
Veinor.. huh. It's not letting me download any of them09:17
mzzand I just tried apport-cli, which produced an apport file, but apparently there isn't a *form* I can use to upload that file, nooooo, I have to use the ubuntu-bug utility. Seriously, wtf?09:17
Veinorhold on a second.09:17
wektWith all the cons,you can still console yourself by saying, "At least it's not the Debian Bug Tracking System"09:17
VeinorTry http://linuxtv.org/downloads/linuxtv-dvb-1.0.1.tar.gz and see if that works?09:18
joaopintomzz, you can report a bug directly from the web, you just need to manually edit the url, I doin't know the details09:18
capiirauhmm /me likes the debian bug system :)09:18
wektjoaopinto: Veinor provided details.09:19
capiirajust browse for right package and write a mail09:19
Sledger1Veinor:  that worked now if you could please, explain to me on how to install it, it has makefile and INSTALL09:19
joaopintoops, great :)09:19
mzzfortunately the bug is already filed. Guess how much faster I would've found out if I would've just gotten to the previous bug report form, which would've allowed me to enter the summary, after which it would've given me exactly the bug I just found as a potential duplicate!09:19
VeinorSledger1: type make09:19
Veinorin a terminal in tht directory09:19
wektcapiira: Often my reports vanish in Debian BTS.  They need some action from maintainer i guess.   you also have all the problems of e-mails in your BTS09:20
capiirathats true too09:21
Sledger1Veinor:  *** [dvb] Error 209:21
Sledger1 *** No rule to make target `/lib/modules/2.6.31-11-generic/build/Rules.make'.  Stop.09:21
Sledger1let me pastebin it09:22
Veinorsudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.31-11-generic09:22
capiirabut i see lot of untouched/unseen bug reports of approx 5 months ago in launchpad too09:22
Sledger1Veinor:  do I need to do that?09:23
wektcapiira: by 'vanish' i mean that i write them, then they are not visible by web interface.09:23
capiiraah ok09:23
Sledger1linux-headers-2.6.31-11-generic is already the newest version.09:24
Sledger1I tpyed "make"09:24
VeinorSledger1: yes09:24
Sledger1and that pastebin is the outcome09:24
Veinorcopy-paste INSTALL into pastebin for me?09:24
Sledger1joe@joe-desktop:~/Download/linuxtv-dvb-1.0.1$ INSTALL09:25
Sledger1INSTALL: command not found09:25
Veinorah, found it09:26
Sledger1ISN'T IT ./make09:26
Veinordownloaded it myself09:26
VeinorI meant the contents of the install file09:26
Veinorgimme a second09:26
VeinorI dunno, try asking on the forums :/09:28
Veinoror ask again here later09:28
ubuntistashow can my change my name in karmic any clue?09:35
koolhead17hey all09:35
ubuntistashow can my change my name in karmic any clue?09:36
Joeboyubuntistas: You can change you 'name' in the user management app, but changing your username will be trickier09:39
KruyKazei cannot set individual file associations anymore09:39
KruyKazecan you help me?09:40
ubuntistaswhere is that joeboy? is it easy?09:41
Joeboyubuntistas: System->Administration->Users and groups09:42
ubuntistasyes iam there joeboy but how can i do that, i cannot find a way to do that09:43
KruyKazecan someone help me get file associations work again ?09:43
Joeboyubuntistas: doubleclick on your account, alter the 'Real name' setting (I've never actually tried this btw, I assume it works)09:44
Joeboyubuntistas: like I say, altering your actual username is probably rather more involved09:44
ubuntistasjoeboy thatt's what i to do, change my username09:45
ubuntistasi mean want09:45
Joeboyubuntistas: might be easier to just make yourself a new account and copy your stuff over09:45
alphaKruyKaze: does it have sth to do with Karmic? (Ubuntu 9.10)09:45
KruyKazealpha, i am on karmic09:46
Joeboyubuntistas: if you're up for taking a risk, edit /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow and see what happens (my prediction is stuff will break)09:47
godstarKruyKaze: file association as in files will not open with appropriate apps?09:48
ubuntistasanyway thx joeboy iam not going to try that one09:48
Joeboyubuntistas: you are wise :-)09:48
KruyKazegodstar, when i set an association it changes it for ALL extentions09:48
Sledger1 You must have the kernel sources for the kernel you are actually using09:49
Sledger1(04:49:07) Sledger1:   installed, and symlinked to /lib/modules/$(KERNEL_VERSION)/build.09:49
Sledger1(04:49:07) Sledger1:   Otherwise, change the path for KERNEL_LOCATION in DVB/driver/Makefile.09:49
godstarKruyKaze: I am really sure. Have you done the usual apt-get clean, apt-get update etc?09:49
wektmzz: what bug #?09:50
KruyKazegodstar, no09:50
Sledger1does anyone understand this09:50
godstarKruyKaze: Try that in terminal.09:50
KruyKazegodstar, both?09:50
godstarKruyKaze: sudo apt-get clean09:50
godstarKruyKaze: sudo apt-get update09:50
godstarKruyKaze:  1st then second yes.09:51
Joeboyanyone else seing weird desktop preview wrongness - http://tubbs.trition.org.uk/files/Screenshot-1.png ?09:51
mzzwekt: bug 43913809:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 439138 in xorg-server "[karmic] Xorg 100% CPU utilization -- only after first login" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43913809:51
KruyKazegodstar, done09:51
godstarKruyKaze: you may want to update your source list09:51
mzzwekt: I'm moving on to debugging why the apport report for my resume not working broke launchpad, after which I'll try to debug the actual resume problem09:52
KruyKazegod all i have is canonical and medibuntu09:52
godstarKruyKaze: one sec09:53
KruyKazegodstar, ok09:53
godstarKruyKaze: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1148410.html09:54
godstarKruyKaze: then run your update manager again. See if that does not fix the file issue.09:54
godstarI just upgraded to KK64 like 30 mins ago, so I am trying to unbreak some things myself.09:55
godstarCurrently my update manager is not updating. Updates just fine on my KK NBR I have running.09:56
KruyKazegodstar, i'll edit accordingly and test thanks09:56
godstarKruyKaze: Anytime.09:56
Veinoroh, is the file association issue fixed?09:57
Veinorso it's safe to update?09:57
KruyKazeVeinor, still trying to fix it09:58
KruyKazeVeinor, brb09:58
VeinorI meant, has it been fixed server-side09:58
Veinorso it won't break any new machines09:58
tanathmy last round of updates broke my desktop icons >.<09:59
tanathicons show as pages, text includes .desktop, and running them gives a prompt. and why i say to run it, it opens the file in gedit.10:00
tanath*when i10:00
KruyKazeok rebooting brb10:01
dodddummya bug for the desktop icons revert shared-mime-info https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/shared-mime-info/+bug/44496210:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444962 in glib2.0 "shared-mime-info-0.7-ubuntu1 update is broken" [High,Fix released]10:04
Ali_hi guys i have a little probem - some file types are now showing as text files! eg rm files mp4 files and doc files - so all the icons are showing up as text files - any way to solve this?10:05
mikedep333hey, so on windows, my acer aspire 1410 gets 6 hours of battery life under light usage, on karmic, it only gets 4. should I report this as a bug or something?10:05
KruyKazethat did not work10:06
tanathalso, recent updates have messed up the bottom gnome panel so that i have to keep clicking to give a window focus10:06
KruyKazei mean changing the sources list10:06
mikedep333Ali_, yes, I'm having the same problem10:06
mikedep333probably an update will fix it10:06
tanathAli_, same here10:06
mikedep333I did a hackish solution10:06
mikedep333but I may have made things worse for me in the long run10:06
Ali_so no solution yet?10:06
mikedep333no good one10:07
mikedep333yeah, this is why it is called beta10:07
Ali_but google is in beta for ever10:07
mikedep333LOL, good point10:07
* Ali_ is stirring 10:07
mikedep333it could be worse10:07
mikedep333try reactOS ;)10:07
Ali_it sure could10:08
Ali_it could be alpha10:08
Ali_btw i got a mac10:08
Ali_and i must say10:08
Ali_i love it10:08
mikedep333nice, I have a Macbook 5,110:08
mikedep333I got it for dirt cheap too10:08
Ali_although my heart is sill in love with ubunu10:08
mikedep333same here10:08
Ali_yeah i got a macbook pro and MAN is it nice10:08
mikedep333just consider the battery life10:09
Ali_but hey i'm just in love with good old ubuntu10:09
mikedep333my macbook 5,1  (aluminum unibody 13" with a geforce 9400) gets upto 5 horus of battery life with wifi going10:09
mikedep333and the screen not too dim10:09
mikedep333of course, that is on OS X10:09
mikedep333but ubuntu has very lackluster use of the trackpad10:09
mikedep333only in karmic did it introduce dual-click for right-click10:10
mikedep333and it is done very poorly10:10
tanathok, these last updates have made gnome panel worse10:10
mikedep333well, incomplete I should say10:10
Ali_there is no way i'm installing ubuntu on my mac :D10:10
tanathi just clicked a window like 20 times, and can't give it focus. it just eats the clicks10:10
Ali_i will leave ubuntu for my main machine10:10
Ali_btw anyone having problems with kacpid eating up all cpu?10:10
mikedep333Ali_, my native installation of ubuntu was a TON of trouble10:11
mikedep333on my mac10:11
Ali_lol that's why i won't install it onmy mac :)10:11
tanathAli_, nope10:11
mikedep333wubi is however a good way to go for a mac10:11
Ali_foget it10:11
Ali_just stick with macos x snow leopard on a macbook10:11
Ali_and stick with ubuntuon a pc10:12
mikedep333at least you have a moderate amount of free software that way10:12
=== SchneeSchwarz_ is now known as SchneeSchwarz
VeinorI love my 1005ha.10:12
Ali_best of both worlds10:12
tanathanyone else have probs with compiz?10:12
Ali_anyone using that gnome shell thingy?10:12
mikedep333tanath, wine is crashing it for me10:12
mikedep333at least before the last update or two10:12
tanathmikedep333, wine?10:12
tanathmikedep333, how is wine crashing it?10:12
mikedep333wine, the windows emulator, when running windows 3d apps10:12
godstarVeinor: have you gotten compiz to work on your eeepc?10:12
Veinorgodstar: yep.10:13
tanathmikedep333, i haven't been able to get compiz to even run for a couple months on 9.1010:13
tanathworked before the upgrade though10:13
mikedep333tanath, I have an intel GMA 4500MHD netbook, a geforce 9400 macbook, and a Geforce 8600GTS desktop. Compiz has run overall well on them10:13
Veinorgodstar: I use fusion-icon and enable indirect rendering.10:13
Ali_so noone using gnome shell?10:13
Veinorand turn the textures down to low in ccsm10:13
Ali_it looks quite good10:14
tanathfusion-icon and ccsm won't run either10:14
Ali_but i couldn't figure out how to start it10:14
tanaththey all segfault10:14
godstarVeinor: hmm.10:14
Veinorwhich eeepc do you have?10:14
mikedep333Veinor, I have an aspire 141010:15
JohnFluxHi all10:15
godstarVeinor: 901 :(10:15
Veinoroh, dunno there10:15
mikedep333godstar, I sold my 90110:15
tanathmikedep333, any idea what might cause compiz, ccsm, and fusion-icon to all segfault?10:15
mikedep333it was nice to have a system with linux10:15
mikedep333tanath, what's your graphics adapter?10:15
JohnFluxWill 9.10 support my 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series]10:15
mikedep333and how long has ubuntu been installed?10:15
JohnFluxIn 9.04 it's really slow - I had to disable all effects etc10:15
JohnFluxI found a guide ( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1231030 )  but it's long and complicated10:16
godstargodstar: Yeah I may upgrade. I still think eeepc is great.10:16
mikedep333JohnFlux, yes, it will be moderately better, my friend has an x1600 series and he said so10:16
tanathmikedep333, ATI Technologies Inc RV280 [Radeon 9200 SE] (rev 01)10:16
JohnFluxmikedep333: hmm, in that case I might just wait/upgrade to 9.1010:16
JohnFluxrather than trying this rather complicated manual compiling of the driver from git10:16
mikedep333yeah, I would recommend you wait/upgrade10:16
mikedep333at least wait till the RC10:16
JohnFluxmikedep333: that's only a few days, no?10:17
godstarVeinor: lol that message was intended for you. My bad.10:17
godstarVeinor: sent to self. :D10:17
VeinorYeah, you can get a 1005HA for like... $380 off of amazon.10:17
VeinorI plan o nswapping the wireless card for a better one and swapping the hard drive for a SDD10:18
JohnFluxdoes ubuntu have a "support hardware" guide?10:18
mikedep333JohnFlux, more like 2 weeks10:18
Veinorer, SSD10:18
mikedep333JohnFlux: support hardware guide?10:18
mikedep333you mean like a hardware compatibility list?10:18
mikedep333the wiki has info on common hardware10:18
JohnFluxah I found https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsAti10:18
Veinorgodstar: I think the 1005HA also has perfect support on karmic10:19
godstarVeinor: can the ram be upgraded?10:19
Veinoryes, to 2GB10:19
godstarVeinor: where can I purchase some?10:19
Veinorhard drive requires removing the keyboard, but the ram can be popped easily10:19
tanathwish i knew why compiz wouldn't work anymore10:19
mikedep333JohnFlux, ati stopped issueing official proprietary drivers (fglrx) for the x1000 series10:19
JohnFluxmikedep333: how sucky of them10:19
Veinorgimme a sec, let me look up what I got10:20
VeinorI ordered it off of amazon10:20
mikedep333so the open source drivers are the only option on ubuntu 9.1010:20
mikedep333and they are improving rapidly10:20
JohnFluxmikedep333: that's cool10:20
tanathmikedep333, they seem to be doing the opposite to me10:20
VeinorThat's what I got.10:21
JohnFluxmikedep333: git clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-video-ati       <-- this would be the open source driver, right?10:21
mikedep333anything but fglrx10:21
mikedep333there is the driver radeon10:21
godstarVeinor: ohhhh so eeepc gets sodimm like a regular lappy?10:21
godstarVeinor: ahh in that case.10:21
mikedep333godstar, yes, but it only uses one10:21
godstarmikedep333: only uses one what? Slot? Speed?10:22
Veinorone slot.10:22
Veinorunfortunately, you can't easily swap HDDs.10:22
mikedep333if you have the atom N280, you will benefit from 667 mhz ram10:22
godstarI have the N27010:22
mikedep333if you have the atom n270, you will only benefit from 533 mhz10:22
JohnFluxmikedep333: any idea what the difference between  radeon and radeonhd drivers are?10:23
godstarGood to know.10:23
godstarmikedep333: Ty. I'll read up on it.10:23
mikedep333radeonHD is a newer incomplete driver I think10:23
godstarEither way its ddr2 :p10:23
mikedep333I think radeonHD is necessary for the 2000, 3000, 4000 series10:23
godstarVeinor: so purchase 1 stick, 2gb ddr2 sodimm?10:24
Veinorsome 1005HAs have a N280, some have a N270.10:24
godstarThank you both.10:24
godstarVeinor: what do you mean?10:24
Veinorthere's the HA-V and the HA-P10:24
* Tarthen looks at his 1000H and thinks it needs an upgrade10:24
Veinorthe P is $50 more, but it has the 280 and a better battery.10:25
mikedep333there is information about the difference between radeon and radeonhd there10:25
Veinoralso if you get it in black, you might want to get some stickers or something as an anti-fingerprint measure ;)10:25
mikedep333here's my netbook10:26
VeinorI'm going to put some white vinyl stickers on the back and palmrests so they don't get all print-y10:26
godstarVeinor: did you see the Perchlorate warning on your eeepc box?10:26
VeinorNo, I don't recall that10:27
godstarVeinor: apparently eeepc gives off some chemical called Perchlorate that affects the thyroid.10:27
TarthenIt's made of standard parts10:28
VeinorThat sounds like it's something used in manufacturing that you might want to avoid during opening it or something10:28
VeinorI dunno10:28
* Tarthen ordered his netbook with the extra 266mhz Perchlorate10:28
godstarVeinor: Do you still have the box you bought it in?10:28
godstarlol Tarthen10:28
Veinoralso, perchlorate's effects apparently only last as long as the exposure in healthy adults10:28
mikedep333can anyone point me to where I can order an ubuntu case sticker?10:29
Veinorso, uh. don't keep buying them I guess.10:29
Tarthenisn't the Eee made up of the same motherboard as all the other netbooks?10:29
Veinormaybe asus is extra paranoid about lawsuits?10:29
Tarthenand the only special bit is that the bigger eees have HDDs10:29
mikedep333Tarthen, different netbooks have different motherboards, but they almost all have the same chipsets10:29
godstarVeinor: right.10:30
Veinormikedep333: https://usshop.ubuntu.com/product.php?catid=2&code=09%209510110:30
* Tarthen has his box here10:30
TarthenNo warning signs10:30
godstarTarthen: look at the bottom right of it.10:30
Veinoraside from one about your battery?10:30
Tarthensays something about the GPL, a barcode, and some logos10:31
godstarTarthen: thats where my warning is10:31
godstarjust below the GPL10:31
mikedep333Veinor, thanks, but it won't let me select the quantity10:32
Tarthengot the manual10:32
VeinorI dunno, it wasn't on the official store. Maybe they don't sell them anymore?10:32
Tarthenthe only stuff in the safety bit is Wifi, lithium ion and not to put it in water10:33
Tarthen1000H, XP, black, bte10:33
Tarthenno death in my netbook, sorry10:33
mikedep333I love the absence of essays on the bottom of my macbook10:34
Tarthennetbook itself has nothing about it10:34
Tarthensome death detected10:35
* Tarthen scratches off the XP license10:35
godstarIf I have to. I'll take a pic of it and then post it on imageshack.10:35
Tarthenthats better10:35
godstarFact is, I'd never heard of that chemical until I was looking at my box today.10:36
TarthenAsus wouldn't sell a product that could kill you10:36
Tarthenespecially if they are mass selling and have a low profit ratio10:37
VeinorTechnically, it's an ion, not a chemical.10:37
Tarthenso all we need is that but positive and we're right10:37
godstarTime to leave my eeepc turned off and only turn it on as needed or to update it.10:37
Tartheni wouldn't worry, tbh10:38
VeinorTarthen: No, if you're positive then you'll attract them!10:38
godstarI have it right next to me, lid open and all.10:38
Veinorhm, what else do I need to install10:38
Tarthensome g4 or so Macbooks gave people lung problems10:38
Tarthendon't stress, a netbook will do bugger all10:38
Tarthenjust wear a radiation suit10:38
Veinoroh god, what do I do with .Private10:39
Tarthenit was make public10:40
VeinorI have it all encrypted for some reason and I have no clue how to use that10:40
godstarHmm. Does anyone know why Karmic wont update?10:43
Tarthen...is there updates?10:43
Tarthentried apt-get?10:44
godstarMy NBR updated fine.10:44
godstarTried that.10:44
Tarthendpkg repair?10:44
godstarI am not getting a dpkg error. When I open Update Manager, it shows me updates, then I click install, the updates uncheck themselves and remain uninstalled.10:45
Tarthenwhat does apt-get upgrade say10:46
Tarthenthen you'll know if its UM spazzing and not the underlying apt10:46
godstarI'm running sudo update-manager now. And I am seeing it trying to update. Just spinning its wheels though. Says "applying changes" and not installing anything.10:47
Tarthenwell cancel that10:47
Tarthenif you can10:47
godstarHad to force quit it. : /10:48
Tarthennow do it in console10:48
Tarthensudo apt-get upgrade, and see what it says10:48
godstarIts locked10:48
godstarGotta kill it first.10:49
Tarthensudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock10:49
Tarthenthen try10:50
godstarstill locked10:50
Veinorhey, do you know if they fixed the compiz and mime-type bugs?10:50
Veinoror should I not upgrade?10:50
Tarthengodstar: sudo rm -f /var/cache/apt/archives/lock10:51
mikedep333on the us mirror, I don't see any mime-type related fixes10:51
Tarthenthat will unlock it10:51
Tarthenif that doesn't work, restart10:51
godstarlooks like it10:52
godstarGonna log out instead10:52
Tarthenlogout won't fix it >:C10:53
Veinormikedep333: oh dear :(10:53
Veinornot updating, then.10:53
KruyKazei tried restting my sources list and updating but still no file association10:56
Tarthengodstar: you need to reboot10:56
Tarthengodstar: apt is system wide10:56
godstarTarthen: logged out and ran the apt-get upgrade. Its downloading.10:57
godstarTarthen: I didn't even think of it. Then again its 6am on my side of the fence.10:57
KruyKazeoh by the way file association work fine on my laptop10:57
godstarTarthen: looks like the gui Update Manager is broke.10:58
godstarWorked fine in KK NBR like I said.10:58
godstarFinished updating/installing. Rebooting.10:59
godstarTarthen: That seemed to get it. Thx.11:03
damaguHey all, my gnome-panel has crashed and it won't reappear. I've restarted x and that doesn't help. I've also managed to get a terminal up and run sudo pkill gnome-panel. That caused it show up briefly but it disappeared again. Can anyone suggest a way to refresh it?11:03
Tarthenwhat does running plain gnome-panel do11:03
damaguIt says gnome-panel is already running11:03
Tartheni believe there is already a bug posted somewhere on Launchy11:04
Tarthensomeone got to my blog by a search for "karmic gnome-panel gone" so, it is a known problem it seems11:05
damaguyeah I found some instructions for what appears to be the same problem11:11
damagusomething to do with the clock.11:11
edgyHi, if I hit my touchpad with my finger, I guess this should emulate left-mouse click but it's not working! any tip?11:11
damagugo to the mouse options in system > preferences11:11
Ali_hi anyone havng problem wth virtual box11:12
Ali_with the new kernerl?11:12
Ali_the kernel module for virtualbox is not compiling11:12
damaguthen there is an option for enabling tap to click11:13
edgydamagu: unfortunately, it worked. It shouldn't be that easy ;)11:13
edgyAli_: it's working for me11:13
Ali_what kernel u on edgy11:13
iflemaAli_: done this today.... took a little time...11:14
edgyAli_: Linux dv6 2.6.31-12-generic-pae #39-Ubuntu SMP Mon Oct 5 23:19:48 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux11:14
Ali_how did u fix it?11:14
Ali_same kernel as me11:14
Ali_iflema, what was the problem?11:14
edgyAli_: no I am using the pae but don't think it would make a diff11:14
edgyAli_: I have no problem so I've done nothing to fix it11:15
edgyAli_: pae would support RAM > 3G11:15
Ali_for the vm11:15
Ali_or for ur machine?11:15
edgyAli_: for the real/host/my machine11:16
Ali_iflema, what did u do to get it working?11:16
iflemaAli_: '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup' i waited and it finished.....11:18
Ali_iflema, it is not compiling for me11:21
Ali_giving me an error11:21
Tarthendownloading now...11:21
Tarthenyou guys i386 or AMD64?11:21
iflemaAli_: whats the version of virtualbox youron11:21
* TheSage is 64 bit11:22
TheSageI have had a few Video problems though. And I see Adobe's 64 bit flash is still quite the Alpha.11:23
* Tarthen is too11:23
Ali_2.2.4 r4797811:23
Tarthen:( worst choice ever11:23
Tarthenspecially when you share a /home with a 32bit OS11:23
TheSageTarthen - I always run the Ubuntu Beta's at 64 bit then return to 32 Bit once the Final is out.11:24
Tartheni've stuck with 32bit11:24
Tarthenbut I gave in to the whole better performance argument11:24
Tartheni don't see the difference, everything is equally fast11:24
TheSageTarthen - Unless you have something that needs more than 4 gigs of Memory, there is no such gain.11:25
godstar64 does seem to run better than 32 was tbh.11:25
Tarthendoes this PC have 4GB11:25
Ali_does everything work on 64bit?11:25
Ali_i don't quite get how it works11:25
TheSageAli_ - For the most part.11:25
TarthenSongbird addons are screwed up11:25
Ali_so u have to install everything again?11:26
edgyAli_: no11:26
Tarthenand Pidgin don't like links11:26
Tarthenyou do11:26
Ali_what about debs on sites - 32 bit ones?11:26
godstarAli_: Most everything works for KK64 yes.11:26
TheSageAli - There are a few glitches here and there though.11:26
Tarthenyou can run 32 and 64 apps in 64bit11:26
Tarthenbut you have to reinstall your OS11:26
godstarLinks are working fine for me.11:26
Tarthengodstar: Platform and version?11:27
godstaramd64 KK64 Beta11:27
Tartheni got this PC 2nd hand11:27
Tarthenand the guy I got it off was a tad dodgy, methinks xD11:27
godstarJust installed it like 3 hrs ago.11:27
TheSageMy recomendation is that unless you have a specific reason you want to run 64 bit, run 32 bit.11:27
TarthenI might reinstall when the final comes out11:28
Ali_hold on11:28
godstarTarthen: Really, I do see the performance difference.11:28
Ali_if u can install 32 bit apps on 64 bit op sys11:28
Ali_what's the point of sticking to 32bit op systhen11:28
TarthenAli_: 64bit isn't as mature11:28
godstarI was running Ubuntu JJ32 on 1.8ghz and 3GB ram11:29
ActionParsnip1Ali_: you can with ia32-libs11:29
TarthenAli_: And some CPU;s are 32bit, like P4 and Atoms11:29
godstarAli_: bugs.11:29
KruyKazei run 64 on both laptop and desktop11:29
TarthenI have a highendish PC11:29
Ali_u can what with ia32-libs?11:29
TarthenQ6600, 3GB RAM, 8600GTS11:30
ActionParsnip1Ali_: run 32bit apps in a 64bit OS11:30
TarthenAnd I see no diff11:30
godstarTarthen: same desktop, but just installed the 64bit and notice the diff.11:30
Ali_it's some kind of virtualisation thingy?11:30
Ali_so u can't run 32 bit apps on 64bit natively?11:30
Tarthenits a thunker11:30
Tarthenyou can11:30
Tarthenit thunks down11:30
ActionParsnip1Ali_: it just uses the cpu functionality to run 32bit aps afaik11:30
Tarthenwiki it, it11:30
godstarAli_: 64 bit bus from the gate verses 32 bit bus.11:30
Tarthenit's a term11:30
Ali_is that american slang?11:31
Ali_i iz british11:31
TarthenVBox compiled11:31
TarthenI'm Aussie11:31
Tarthenand no11:31
Ali_is it aussie slang?11:31
Tarthenit's computer slang, mate :P11:31
Tarthenshrimp on the barbie, crikey, etc etc11:31
Ali_what's a donk btw?11:31
KruyKazeso is there a solution to my file association problem?11:31
Tarthenwe only say that to take the piss from Americans :P11:32
Ali_in English English it could be considered rude to refer to one's donk ;)11:32
TarthenAli_: No idea :p11:32
Fundamenta|istWell that was interesting11:32
Ali_crocodile dundee11:32
=== Fundamenta|ist is now known as TheSage
Tarthenomg <311:32
TarthenVBox in 64bit reads my 32bit vm's perfectly11:32
Tarthenhell yes11:32
TheSageJust got all the updates and it blew away all my Desktop Icons :)11:33
godstarYeah. Love VB.11:33
TarthenI use desktop cube and make it transparanty11:33
Tarthenlooks bloody awesome11:33
KruyKazevbox never worked for me11:33
Tarthenholy hell11:34
Tarthenrunning hardinfo benchmarks and the mouse is lagging11:34
godstarActionParsnip1: are you a Ubuntu Member?11:35
Tarthennot a good thing, methinks11:35
ActionParsnip1godstar: member?11:35
godstarActionParsnip1: as in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership11:35
Ali_virtual box's website11:36
Ali_doesn't give a deb for karmic11:36
Ali_shall i install the jaunty one?11:36
TarthenI used Jaunty's11:36
Ali_did it work?11:36
Ali_vb 3?11:36
iflemame too11:36
ActionParsnip1godstar: not something ive ever done11:37
godstarActionParsnip1: Just wondering.11:37
ActionParsnip1godstar: i just use the OS.  I dont get tied up in any politics or stuff like that11:38
Tarthengodstar: I am so doing that11:38
godstarActionParsnip1: have you considered becoming UCP?11:38
TarthenAnd I want to take that test next month11:38
ActionParsnip1godstar: maybe11:38
Tarthenis there an age limit that you know of?11:38
godstarActionParsnip1: the reason I asked about Ubuntu Membership, is coz you seem to be very helpful. Every time I see you around you are helping someone.11:39
godstarTarthen: not sure.11:39
TarthenI'm 15, and I'm just wondering if that's too young :P11:39
Tarthenis for a MS one, pretty sure11:39
Tarthenalthough the MS ones are epic intense. memorising how to fix everything is hard11:40
godstarActionParsnip1: let me know if you are considering the UCP. I need a study partner. :D then again, you are prolly much further along than I.11:40
ActionParsnip1godstar: yeah i like to help but thats all I'm up for11:40
godstarTarthen: I am not thinking that UCP has an age limit.11:40
ActionParsnip1godstar: woah 1600 USD11:41
Tarthenthe online ones are $35011:41
godstarTarthen: if you'd like to study let me know. I'm starting with LPIC-1 for the now.11:41
godstarActionParsnip1: 1600 USD for what?11:42
ActionParsnip1godstar: i'm busting my CCNA right now, might hit it after though11:42
ActionParsnip1godstar: http://www.ubuntu.com/training/certificationcourses/server  scroll abot 60% of the way down11:43
Tarthenhttp://www.ubuntu.com/training/e-learning/ucp I'm going to do this one11:44
TarthenI think I can pass it11:45
Tarthenthe LAMP stuff will trip me up, I'm sure11:45
godstarDifferent server this time at least.11:48
Tarthencodeblocks on Linux is a pile of fail with the Darklooks theme11:52
godstarTarthen: did you get my lpi link?11:52
godstarTarthen: http://lpi.org/eng/certification/ubuntu_certified_professional11:53
Tarthenugh dns is horribly slow tonight11:53
godstarTarthen: are you using opendns?11:53
Tarthendon't want to, either11:54
Tartheneverything is slow where I live11:54
godstarDon't blame ya.11:54
Tarthen3000km from ISP hub FTL11:54
ActionParsnip1Tarthen: not with fibre optic11:54
Ali_ok dudes this is getting annoying11:54
Ali_all my files are showing up as text files!11:55
ActionParsnip1Ali_: do they show as text file if you log on as another user11:56
Ali_ActionParsnip1, just checked as guest user and it seems ok for there11:58
godstarCorrupt profile?11:58
ActionParsnip1Ali_: then its your gconf/gnome settings11:59
Ali_how do i fix it?12:00
Ali_this just happened now12:00
Ali_after the latest update12:00
Tartheni have it too12:01
Tarthenthats funny12:01
Ali_so anyone know how to fix it?12:01
yofelAli_: do you mean bug 444962?12:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444962 in glib2.0 "shared-mime-info-0.7-ubuntu1 update is broken" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44496212:02
yofelKruyKaze: ?12:03
KruyKazei added google repos and the file association got fixed12:03
KruyKazeit makes NO sense12:03
yofelKruyKaze: did you *also* install an glib2 update?12:04
yofelKruyKaze: (if you mean all files being recognized as text files)12:04
KruyKazethere was a kernel update that was not there before i added google12:04
Tarthenupdate-mime-database.real -V ~/.local/share/mime/12:04
KruyKazeall files had the same association12:05
Tarthenthat fixes it. parrently12:05
yofelKruyKaze: see bug 44496212:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444962 in glib2.0 "shared-mime-info-0.7-ubuntu1 update is broken" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44496212:05
Tarthencan confirm12:05
Tarthenupdate-mime-database.real -V ~/.local/share/mime/12:05
Tarthenfixes it12:05
MindVirus1Hello. I just restarted and saw GRUB 1.97 with a list of kernels to choose from instead of the screenless GRUB 2, even though I have grub-pc installed.12:06
MindVirus1Any suggestions?12:06
KruyKazeit works now i'm not gonna mess with it :D12:06
godstarKruyKaze: nice. gratz12:06
Ali_it fixed it12:06
Ali_ok dudes12:06
Ali_what;'s the stuff about upstart12:06
Ali_and grub 2?12:06
yofel!upstart | Ali_12:06
ubottuAli_: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/12:06
yofel!grub2 | Ali_12:06
ubottuAli_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub212:06
Ali_yeah but should i change to them both?12:06
KruyKazeoh wait what happened to the gdm theme settings?12:07
mikedep333MindVirus1, that is as intended. Grub 1.97 is Grub 212:07
yofelAli_: grub 2 I don't know, but upstart is forced12:07
MindVirus1mikedep333: Are you sure?12:07
mikedep333I am not sure what you are asking, but I am 100% sure that GRUB 1.97 is GRUB 212:07
Ali_how do i know if i am using upstart?12:07
yofelAli_: actually jaunty used upstart, but only the sysvinit compatibility layer, not the native interface12:07
MindVirus1mikedep333: Why the odd versioning scheme?12:07
mzzMindVirus1: far from the only opensource app doing this12:08
mikedep333MindVirus1, it is fairly common to see releases like 2.97 corresponding to the version 312:08
KruyKazehow do you change the gdm theme on koala?12:08
yofelAli_: if you have any conf files in /etc/init/ you're using it12:08
mikedep333yeah, commercial software may not do it, but open source software does do that12:08
mzzcommercial software may do the same internally12:09
Ali_so the old init.d thingy doesn't work now?12:09
mikedep333mzz, true12:09
Ali_i don't get what's the difference12:09
mzzAli_: it does, the backwards compat layer is still there.12:09
mzzAli_: but a few important packages migrated from the compat layer to using upstart scripts directly.12:09
legend2440yofel: i just updated karmic and  libglib2.0-0 is one of the upgrades. is there a problem with libglib2.0-0? or is it just  the shared-mime-info upgrade that is causing problems?12:09
yofellegend2440: there was an update of shared-mime-info that changed the mime syntax and glib2 didn't support it12:10
mzzAli_: see /etc/init and/or which scripts in /etc/init.d are symlinks to upstart-job12:10
MindVirus1Why does GRUB2 now use a screen?12:10
mzzMindVirus1: a what?12:10
MindVirus1I would prefer the old way.12:10
MindVirus1mzz: I don't want a list of boot options.12:10
mzzMindVirus1: if you mean the framebuffer instead of plain vga text usage: you can turn that off, iirc12:10
mikedep333MindVirus1, do you mean it shows you a menu for 10 seconds instead of having just some text for 2 seconds?12:10
mzzMindVirus1: see /etc/default/grub12:10
KruyKazei was wondering how to edit gdm on koala12:11
mikedep333MindVirus1, you are using a beta version of Ubuntu. You want backup options12:11
Ali_ok so i am using upstart12:11
Ali_ok so now on to grub212:11
Ali_should i upgrade?12:11
MindVirus1mikedep333: The screen is accessible when ESC is pressed.12:11
mzzMindVirus1: same for that, see GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT and GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET (which I've set to 0 and true respectively, after which I have to hold shift to see the menu)12:11
MindVirus1Ahh, shift.12:11
Ali_i'm on GNU GRUB 0.9712:11
mikedep333MindVirus1, if you want polish, stick with a released version of Ubuntu12:11
mzzMindVirus1: at least shift worked, I haven't tried other keys but judging from the generated script you have to press shift.12:11
MindVirus1mikedep333: I don't want polish.12:11
MindVirus1I have been using Karmic since Alpha 3.12:11
MindVirus1Probably earlier.12:12
MindVirus1I report bugs.12:12
mikedep333you can edit the grub config files12:12
MindVirus1OK. :)12:12
MindVirus1mzz: I never tried seeing the menu.12:12
Tarthenif you didn't know12:13
MindVirus1Tarthen: that's for GRUB1.12:13
mzzMindVirus1: it was displayed by default here, with a 10 second timeout (after installing off the alternate beta cd)12:13
Tarthenyou need to make it writable12:13
TarthenMindVirus1: no, that's menu.lst12:13
mzzTarthen: I wouldn't edit that directly, since it'll just be overwritten on the next kernel upgrade or the like, if I'm not mistaken.12:13
MindVirus1Ahh, right. Gentoo has caught up to me.12:13
mikedep333yeah, grub.cfg is terrible to understand12:13
mikedep333but you can shorten the time12:13
mikedep333"  set timeout=10"12:14
Ali_err hello12:14
yofelTarthen: you do know that you aren't supposed to edit grub.cfg?12:14
Tarthenregression in forms of being editable, srsly12:14
Ali_didn't i start the grub discussion here12:14
ActionParsnip1yofel: you can though12:14
Tarthenyofel: That's why there's sudo c:12:14
Ali_i was asking if i should upgrade to grub212:14
Tarthenor sudo su12:14
mzzTarthen: you can just use /etc/grub.d/40_custom for most things, afaik.12:14
legend2440yofel: yes i had the shared-mime-info bug so i downgraded shared-mime-info and it fixed it. but is  libglib2.0-0 safe to upgrade?12:14
ActionParsnip1yofel: i have to as when a kernel gets installed it adds '--no-floppy' causing no boot at all (also adds it to recovery mode)12:14
ActionParsnip1yofel: bug has been logged12:14
ActionParsnip1yofel: so I have to manually edit it12:15
MindVirus1mzz: Hope you don't mind if I'm bothering you. I have GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 and GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=true, but also GRUB_TIMEOUT="10".12:15
mzzMindVirus1: just peek at the generated grub.cfg, the actual timeout will be shorter. 3 seconds or so.12:15
mikedep333this is funny, my grub.cfg is associated with MS office 200312:16
mikedep333office 2003 uses cfg files or something, and I have it installed in wine12:16
mzzMindVirus1: I don't really know how those variables are supposed to interact. I get the feeling this part of the grub.cfg generation hasn't really been hashed out yet.12:16
MindVirus1Fuck it then.12:16
mzzmikedep333: .cfg is such a common extension it really shouldn't be associated with anything fancier than a text editor12:17
mikedep333MindVirus1, we appreciate you trying out karmic to test bugs, but things like this will happen12:17
mikedep333*to report bugs12:17
mikedep333mzz, exactly12:17
MindVirus1mikedep333: I am well aware.12:17
mzzreminds me: does anyone have another linux (like jaunty) installed using a separate /boot partition? It looks like os-prober doesn't handle that case.12:17
MindVirus1mikedep333: I am not complaining and this is not a bug.12:18
Ali_btw yofel12:18
Ali_yofel thanks for the solution to that problem12:18
yofelAli_: np, the bug was rather popular 12h ago when the package got release on the main server ^^12:19
mzzheh, looks like linux-boot-prober actually gets this right, but /etc/grub/30_os-prober ignores that information.12:23
ActionParsnip1mzz: my fileserver does, ut its using gentoo12:23
Ali_any takes on whether to upgrade to grub2 or not :S12:24
yofelAli_: nobody here want's to take the responsibility if something breaks for you :P12:25
Ali_i noticed :D12:25
Dr_Williswow 1259 kB/S from the update servers...12:27
Dr_WillisIt pays to update during the  early hours. :)12:27
yofelDr_Willis: early hours as from *where* ? (We usually talk in UTC here - 11:28 now :P)12:28
Ali_good old americans :)12:29
mikedep333I'm at Penn State12:30
mikedep333I'll whop his butt in a game of what we call football12:30
johnfanyone tried upgrading a xen host to karmic?12:31
Dr_Willis1666kB/s now :)12:31
Ali_but seriously guys12:31
Ali_why the flip do u guys call 'hand ball' football??!12:32
Ali_i mean surely u r supposed to play football with your feet!?12:32
rski tought it was called "hand-egg ball"12:32
nunodonathello everyone. i'm installing 9.10 from a daily-live, but the installer stops at the "configuring apt" step. the skip button doesnt help. How can I finish the installation?12:32
ActionParsnip1Ali_: ive been saying this for years12:32
Ali_and REST room??12:32
Ali_i mean, we normally go to our bedrooms to REST12:33
ActionParsnip1Ali_: handball is a different game altogether, a bit like speedball just with less violence12:33
Ali_ActionParsnip1, are u american?12:33
ActionParsnip1Ali_: UK12:33
Ali_a fellow brit12:34
* Dr_Willis eats a fryup, then some bangers and mash, then goes to the loo.12:34
Ali_no the RESTroom, then12:34
nunodonatanyone can help? :-/12:34
ActionParsnip1fryup for the win :D12:35
ActionParsnip1!ask | nunodonat12:35
ubottununodonat: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:35
Ali_sorry nunodonat we are talking about RESTrooms and FOOTball here12:35
Dr_WillisHe did ask.. but ive no idea about the answer.12:35
MindVirus1Am I the only person with three "Software Sources" menu items in System->Administration?12:35
yofelActionParsnip1: he asked it already12:35
ActionParsnip1nunodonat: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?12:36
ActionParsnip1nunodonat: did you verify the CD once initially booted to?12:36
nunodonatActionParsnip1: I'm using it now, live-cd version12:37
MindVirus1Also, is Karmic going to have the new package manager-handling software?12:37
nunodonateverything is working ok, except this installer..12:37
ActionParsnip1nunodonat: it doesnt matter, did you verify the image and burned cd?12:37
ActionParsnip1nunodonat: dont you think you should, the CD may be defective12:38
ActionParsnip1nunodonat: and you have no way of knowing what you have is ok, because at no point have you checked12:38
ActionParsnip1nunodonat: they put the MD5SUM files on the servers for a reason12:39
dooglushi.  is there some way I can find out how much RAM is in a laptop running ubuntu?12:42
Dr_Willisfree command shows ram/used/and how is being used12:43
MindVirus1Does anyone know?12:45
Dr_WillisHmm there is that ubuntu-software-thinggie there allready12:46
Dr_WillisUnless it got renamed AGAIN...12:46
Dr_Willisi see add/remove applications is back.12:46
Dr_WillisI guess there WAS that 'ubuntu-software-store' I dont see it in the menus any more12:47
Ian_ubuntu software store changed to ubuntu software center12:48
Ian_or centre12:48
Dr_WillisI dont see it in the menus anyu more12:48
Ian_should be in your first menu12:48
gnomefreakDr_Willis: is it in alacart?12:48
yofelgnomefreak: what's alactart?12:49
Dr_WillisI thought it was under system 0< admin12:49
MindVirus1System->Administration has 3 copies of "Software Sources".12:49
MindVirus1Is this correct?12:49
gnomefreakyofel: menu editer. the spelling may be wrong12:49
yofelDr_Willis: that's where it *was*, it should be at the place where the old gnome Add/Remove was iirc12:49
gnomefreakMindVirus1: shouldnt12:49
MindVirus1gnomefreak: would you like a screenshot?12:50
gnomefreakyofel: it is. at least here12:50
gnomefreakMindVirus1: not really. i trust you. you should be able to disable the extras12:50
Dr_Willis there it is.. at the bootom of htemain menu..12:50
MindVirus1gnomefreak: I am.12:50
Dr_Willisnot where it was a few days ago..12:50
MindVirus1That changes nothing.12:50
Dr_Willisya think it would ALSO be in the admin menus12:50
MindVirus1They are still hiding in /usr/share.12:50
iflemasome of those look kde-ish12:51
gnomefreakMindVirus1: i still only have one entry12:51
yofelDr_Willis: it's supposed to be a replacement for add/remove, so the main menu is exactly where it belongs12:51
=== Wajih is now known as MaWaLe
MindVirus1gnomefreak: How do I rid the others?12:52
MindVirus1Is GPK the preferred new thing?12:52
gnomefreaknot sure maybe try running killall gnome-panel in terminal12:52
MindVirus1gnomefreak: That won't change anything. I just rebooted.12:53
MindVirus1My menu is not stale.12:53
gnomefreakMindVirus1: it was there before reboot?12:53
MindVirus1Is GPK the preferred new thing, though?12:53
gnomefreakMindVirus1: than file a bug against it (not sure the package. i just got up a little while ago12:54
gnomefreaknot sure12:55
Ian_is there a way to share my ethernet connection to my ad how wireless network, via the nm applet?12:55
ActionParsnip1!ics | Ian_12:56
ubottuIan_: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php12:56
Ian_update manager doens't check if you'll have enough disk space on upgrade12:57
Dr_Willisman.. xp is not wanting to see the ubuntu box.. getting on my nerves12:59
* Dr_Willis wonders if the little 'thunk' of the speakers waking up befor they play a sound will ever get fixed also.13:00
ActionParsnip1Dr_Willis: can you ping and tracert to the box?13:00
Dr_WillisHmm.. findsmb isent even seeing it now.. but it is on and connected wired to the network. and it is web surfing13:01
Dr_Willisthats weird13:01
ActionParsnip1Dr_Willis: cool, can you ping and tracert by name or IP13:01
Ali_just updated13:02
Dr_Willisxp makes samba drouble shooting even harder...13:02
Ali_and stupid windows have disappeared13:02
Ali_i mean the window manager13:02
Ali_composite hasn't started13:02
Ali_so how can i restart it?13:02
Dr_WillisI think she may of been connected via wireless even tho she was wired.. going to make her reboot the thing.13:02
ActionParsnip1Ali_: compiz --replace    do you mean?13:02
Ali_now the windows are back13:03
Ali_now do i have to retype that in every time i log in?13:03
ActionParsnip1Ali_: what DE do you use/13:04
ActionParsnip1Ali_: KDE? Gnome? XFCE? LXDE?13:04
ActionParsnip1oh well13:05
Ali_cool working now13:09
eagles0513875!info grip13:12
ubottuPackage grip does not exist in karmic13:12
ubottugrip is a ripping player and has a minor bug which can be solved by doing this "sudo ln -s /dev/hdX /dev/cdromN" where X is your hard drive and N a number13:12
Dr_WillisHmm.. thats a weird 'fix'13:19
mzzyeah, let's not do that13:21
Ali_anyone know of a good rm to mp3 batch converter?13:22
iflemasince when does fedora use synaptic??13:24
iflemaoops wrong tab..13:24
ActionParsnip1Ali_: if you can find one that will do 1, you can script it to do the rest using bash13:25
ActionParsnip1Ali_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=126002913:27
Dr_Williswinff might be able to do it als9o13:29
Ali_this mencoder seems far too cryptic13:34
Ali_anything gui based?13:34
ActionParsnip1Ali_: gui sucks for batch processes13:34
Ali_i know13:35
Ali_anything that can just do: command oldfile.*13:35
Ali_command *.rm13:35
Ali_and it auto converts them all?13:35
ActionParsnip1Ali_: if the command will accept that, or you can use: for i in *.rm do; command $i; done13:36
Ali_rmconverter looks good13:37
legend2440how will we know when its safe to upgrade shared-mime-info? i have it pinned. will i still get future shared-mime-info updates or does pinned prevent that?13:39
KoterpillarWith recent Karmic updates, almost all translation strings have reverted back to English. Is this a known thing to happen, or something I need to report?13:41
AmaranthYeah, it's known that the translations are suddenly only like 20%13:43
nemoum. why am I getting 404s across the ubuntu pool?13:43
* nemo tries a new server13:43
Amaranthnemo: apt-get update13:43
nemoI just did that moments ago13:46
nemo(and all the others)13:46
joaopintonemo, not for me, it depends on the random server you are getting13:47
eagles0513875nemo: ifconfig and see if you have an ip13:47
joaopintoeagles0513875, uh, how is that related to a 404 error :) ?13:47
damaguanyone got skype working?13:48
eagles0513875isnt 404 server not found meaning it could be that there is an issue with the internet connection13:48
joaopintodamagu, good question, i didn't it doesn't allow me to select the input device13:48
eagles0513875i have on a laptop with built in webcam but could never get built in mic to work13:48
joaopintoeagles0513875, not it does, it means there is a server responding with a file not found, it's a server side issue, not a client side one13:48
joaopintonot it does not13:48
eagles0513875i always get those errors turned around in my head13:49
joaopintoeagles0513875, unless you classify the server side as the internet :)13:49
nemoeagles0513875: I'm online talking to you :D13:49
eagles0513875its a part of the internet13:49
joaopintodamagu, let me know if you figure how to fix it :P13:49
joaopintolol nemo13:49
joaopintoeagles0513875, nothing that a ifconfig would help13:49
eagles0513875hehe nemo:P you could be on from another machine13:49
eagles0513875be back later13:49
nemoyeah, guess I'll need to switch servers13:50
milazHi everybody!13:50
nemoat one point I had run the ping test to pick a specific server13:50
nemobut earlier in Karmic that was pretty unreliable13:50
nemomaybe I'll switch back to that13:50
legend2440nemo: that onboard version number in the link you posted is wrong    http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/onboard/13:50
mzzlooks pretty right from here13:51
nemoI just updated 10 minutes ago13:51
joaopinto--2009-10-07 13:51:03--  http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/onboard/onboard_0.92.0-0ubuntu2_all.deb13:51
joaopintoResolving us.archive.ubuntu.com...,,, ...13:51
joaopintoConnecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com||:80... connected.13:51
joaopintoHTTP request sent, awaiting response...13:51
joaopinto  HTTP/1.1 200 OK13:51
nemoyeah. guess I have a bad IP here13:51
* nemo switches13:51
mzznemo: loaded ok here, but I'm probably just getting a different server out of the rotation.13:51
mzz(a mesa-common-dev deb isn't loading yet here)13:52
nemorunning test thingy in update manager. thanks.13:52
* mzz is pretty sure he just needs to wait a bit for the mirror to catch up13:52
legend2440mzz: your right. version number is ok. its still early here :)13:52
milazGuys, I'm testing Karmic Beta now, and Xorg goes to 100% CPU usage, although I'm not doing anything extraordinary, not watching movies, and not running screensavers. Any ideas should I report a bug or track this some way?13:55
JoshuaLmy fast user switch applet crashed13:56
kklimondathe black gdm is final?13:56
JoshuaLafter a reboot13:56
nemoamusing crash for me the other day13:56
nemototem locked up and crashed on closing - typical behaviour for it on all my computers13:56
nemohowever I'd learned it did this, had a change of heart and tried to halt the report which was taking a long time (maybe 'cause it had already locked up)13:57
nemoanyway. wandered away and an hour later noticed my laptop fan spinning frantically13:57
nemoapparently GDB was in an endless loop13:57
mzzmilaz: does it fix itself if you log out and back in?13:57
nemoso the crash reported crashed13:57
milazmzz: yes, it does13:58
mzzmilaz: then it may be bug 43913813:58
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/439138/+text)13:58
milazmzz: thanks, exactly it is this bug14:00
mzzmilaz: notice the bit about it also breaking vt switching14:00
mzzmilaz: I suspect that's a pretty reliable indicator of it being the same bug14:00
mzz(I'm hitting that one myself, although not quite consistently, which makes sense given the bug's nature)14:01
aprilharehello. has anyone noticed with recent update icons are displaying unusually?14:02
milazmzz: yes, I cannot switch VTs14:03
milazmzz: CTRL+ALT+Fx do not work14:03
Ali_yeah aprilhare14:04
Ali_there's a fix somewhere14:04
Ali_update-mime-database.real -V ~/.local/share/mime/14:05
Ali_type that14:05
Ali_guys how do i restart pulse audio?14:05
Ali_i ran rmconverter and it took the sound card it seems14:05
Ali_and now all my other sound doesnt work14:06
Ali_so i need to give the sound back to pulse audio i think14:06
Ali_anyone know how to do that?14:06
ActionParsnip1Ali_: killall pulseaudio; rm -rf ~/.pulse*14:08
ActionParsnip1Ali_: then press alt+f2 and run pulseaudio14:08
aprilhareAli_: ok. typed. now what?14:09
aprilharelogout or something?14:09
Ali_i just kiolled it14:09
Ali_and now it worked14:09
Ali_aprilhare, yeah try logging out and relogging in14:09
ActionParsnip1Ali_: no worries14:09
aprilharebrb :)14:09
aprilhareno that didn't do it14:11
aprilhareall my desktop icons have turned into .desktop files!14:11
aprilhareall icons are stuffed now14:11
aprilhareexcept for images.14:11
aprilhareAli_: reference?14:12
aprilharemaybe there were more stepz14:12
Ali_https://launchpad.net/bugs/444962 aprilhare14:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444962 in glib2.0 "shared-mime-info-0.7-ubuntu1 update is broken" [High,Fix released]14:12
Raydiationlike the black colors of the gdm style :)14:14
Raydiationbut the brown is quite ugly14:14
legend2440aprilhare: try downgrading  shared-mime-info   http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main/s/shared-mime-info/shared-14:16
aprilharedownloaded the amd64 file and doing so now :)14:16
mikedep333legend2440, thanks a lot!14:18
Ali_Raydiation, YES BROWN IS URGLY14:18
Ali_someone PLEASE tell mark shuttleworth14:18
Ali_that MOST human beings think the brown colour scheme is urrrrrrrgly14:18
Ali_just use blue14:18
rockratplz check this >> http://paste-bin.com/view/9c8b43cc14:18
Ali_blue is nice14:19
aprilharefixed :)14:19
aprilharehow long till update cometh?14:19
RaydiationAli_: the brown colorscheme is fine, just the bg in gdm is ugly14:21
mikedep333Raydiation, I like it14:21
aprilhareits all very chocolatey and nice14:21
Koterpillarit looks bloody on LCD if you don't look at just right angle.14:23
pwuertzfunny.. I like the brown/orange ubuntu themes.. expecially because everyone else uses some blueish style ^^14:24
Ali_i hate the brown colour scheme14:24
Ali_as do most other ppl i know14:24
pwuertzby the way.. is anyone running qt4-applications on a gnome desktop? I'm experiencing problems with compiz+screensaver+qt414:26
pwuertztext cursers in qt4 applications are gone/stolen from an application when coming back from the  screensaver14:27
kklimondais there some weird bug in nautilus? instead of picture thumbnails I see ascii chars as in text files.. it happens with random files14:27
Koterpillarkklimonda, 444962, I believe.14:28
damagujoaopinto: I can't get Skype installed at all.14:28
damaguDoes anyone know how to get skype installed?14:28
damaguIt's not in the repos14:28
commander_hey when i boot in i see i still have ubuntu 9.4 kernel there?any wya to get rid of them? cause i have ubuntu installed inside windows14:29
kklimondaKoterpillar: thanks, looks like it is it14:29
cetanhotaMorning, what do I need to add to my 9.04 so I can do a upgrade to 9.10. This is a test laptop I use for Ubuntu.14:31
Koterpillarcetanhota, update-manager -d14:31
cetanhotathank you sir.14:32
joaopintodamagu, you just install the .deb from their site ?14:32
mikedep333commander_, you can remove them in synaptic14:37
commander_u know what i mean...is it ok to remove them after distro upgrade?14:38
mikedep333commander_, yes14:38
rockratplz help >> http://paste-bin.com/view/9c8b43cc14:38
damagujoaopinto: it gives me errors14:38
damagudid you use the ubuntu 8.10 one?14:39
commander_it'll say i.e. ubuntu 9.10 karmic repeated 4x ,then Windows Vista and below tht ubuntu 9.4 jaunty14:39
mikedep333commander_, you mean it offers to boot the entire Jaunty OS? weird14:39
joaopintoinstalls fine here14:40
damaguyeah me too14:40
commander_unfortunately i have to go allll the way back to 8.04 to get it again14:40
mikedep333commander_, I have never heard of people keeping old kernels for a good reason14:40
ActionParsnip1mikedep333: incase the newest one starts going nuts14:41
legend2440damagu: what is the error message?14:41
commander_no no.when i turn on my laptop it ask me do i want to go into Windows or Ubuntu n i choose ubuntu .remember i installed it inside WIndows14:41
damagudpkg: unable to read filedescriptor flags for <package status and progress file descriptor>: Bad file descriptor.14:42
mikedep333commander_, ok14:42
legend2440damagu: in terminal type  sudo dpkg -i skype-ubuntu-intrepid_2.1.0.47-1_i386.deb14:43
legend2440damagu: that descriptor error is a problem with  gdebi14:44
commander_mikedeep it's no problem right14:44
damaguah okay14:44
commander_i hope it goe thru14:44
mbeierlAnyone know anything about smb mounts via gvfs-mount?14:45
ActionParsnip1mbeierl: i know them in fstab14:47
mikedep333mbeierl, I either use smb:// in nautilus or I use mount -t cifs14:47
mbeierlThe issue is that I see permission -rxw------, owner me, group me, on the file, but when I go to rm the file it says permission denied14:48
dooglusso - I installed 32 bit karmic on my 64 bit machine.  it isn't seeing all 4GB of RAM, so I'd like to switch to the 64 bit version14:50
dooglusI set up my home to be encrypted at install time14:50
dooglusdo I need to do anything to make sure it's mountable in the new install?  /home is a separate partition14:50
ActionParsnip1mbeierl: is the file open: lsof | grep <filename>    will tell you14:51
mbeierlActionParsnip1: thanks, but no the file is not open.  The mount is new after a reboot of all things and I went to delete the file directly14:52
dooglusmbeierl: perhaps you don't have write permission on the containing directory?14:52
mbeierlActionParsnip1: it's definitely a mis-match between the real SMB permissions on the file share and the reported permissions by samba/cifs14:53
BluesKajHi folks14:53
mbeierlActionParsnip1: checked that already too.  directory also says -rwx------14:53
absaloutebeginnehi can anyone please tell me how to install Karmic/9.10 using the terminal??14:53
dooglusabsaloutebeginne: I would expect you can edit your sources.list by hand and do a regular update, dist-upgrade14:54
absaloutebeginnei'll give it a shot14:54
pwuertzmbeierl, I don't think its possible for smb to display the correct permissions14:54
ActionParsnip1mbeierl: is the mount, mounted so you can write to the directory?14:55
absaloutebeginnei've gone into my sources list, and cannot find a dist upgrade option14:55
dooglusabsaloutebeginne: I mean edit the /etc/apt/sources.list to say 'karmic' instead of 'jaunty', then 'sudo apt-get update' and then 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'14:56
dooglusabsaloutebeginne: you're meant to update one step at a time - ie. not straight from intrepid to karmic, but via jaunty14:56
absaloutebeginneyeah I'm running Jaunty at the moment14:57
ActionParsnip1!upgrade | absaloutebeginne14:57
ubottuabsaloutebeginne: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading14:57
joaopintodooglus, that is not the recommended procedure to upgrade !14:57
joaopintoabsaloutebeginne, please ignore the instructions from dooglus , you just need to run: update-manager -d14:58
ActionParsnip1absaloutebeginne: sudo apt-get install update-manager-core; sudo do-release-upgrade14:58
mbeierlActionParsnip1: I can delete other files and create new ones and delete the ones I've created.  I'm going to mount the share using NFS to see what the real permissions are.  I'm pretty sure this is a bug in cifs not shows permissions correctly and not being able to deal with it14:58
joaopintoabsaloutebeginne, and please have in mind that it's beta, don't upgrade unless you can afford to have a broken system14:58
ActionParsnip1mbeierl: then log a bug if you suspect one14:59
absaloutebeginnei have it on my desktop, but i need to re-install Mac OSX, so im going to try it on my old laptop14:59
absaloutebeginnethank you joaopinto and ActionParsnip115:01
joaopintombeierl, have you checked that the share on the server has write permissions ? I believe samba will report the FS permissions without applying the share specific access mask15:02
joaopintothe share can be read-only, and the file rw from a remote FS perspective15:03
Gikai have a problem with 9.10 beta...after yesterday's updates, my ubuntu marks every file as "text file", even though they're mp3s or avis or jpgs or whatever15:05
mbeierljoaopinto: thanks, yes I've got write perms on the share and the dir, I can create/read/write/delete other files, but certain files which have the "read-only" attribute set on the Windows file system cannot be deleted.  This would be a bug from what I can tell: cifs shows the file as "rwx" but really it's "r-x" and there is no method whatsoever to change the permission via cifs15:05
joaopintoGika, known issue15:05
Gikajoaopinto: ok then, just wanting to know if it was only me15:06
joaopintombeierl, read only is a special attribute, not a file privilege, samba is expected to show you the file privileges15:07
Gikaalso, other issue: my update manager has two "undoable" updates of grub which remove grub2 to put grub1 and is asking me to do a "partial upgrade", what should i do?15:07
joaopintoit is not clear for me that it is a bug15:07
wektwhat non-KDE IRC client can filter joins & parts out of a channel window?  --so that they are not intermingled with the chat text.15:08
NoelJBGika, bug 44496215:08
kulightwekt: pidgin15:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444962 in glib2.0 "shared-mime-info-0.7-ubuntu1 update is broken" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44496215:08
joaopintoxchat ?15:08
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic15:09
GikaNoelJB: is there a workaround other than downgrading?15:10
NoelJBGika, the new code is pushed.  I see it in my update list now.15:10
wektjoaopinto: are you sure?  I think not.  I tried xchat & did not see that feature.  I also did not see that feature in pidgin, kulight.  I know there is an extended proferences feature to pidgin.  perhaps I need that?  or maybe there is some preference setting i did not find.15:10
Gikai don't yet, but i use a mirror...i'm switching to the official servers15:11
dooglusI just booted from a 64 bit live CD.  the CPU is stuck at 100% on the xorg process.  that wasn't the case in the 32 bit install I have.15:11
wektI will try pidgin immediately.15:11
=== wekt is now known as wekt-kvirc
NoelJBGika, you should see it fixed when you get 2.22.1-0ubuntu2.  if not, let us know.15:12
kulightwekt-kvirc: its a plugin called "Join/Part Hiding"15:12
kulightwekt-kvirc, im using it right now15:12
Gikaok NoelJB, thanks.  also, do you know if there's a bug filed for my other problem? > <Gika> also, other issue: my update manager has two "undoable" updates of grub which remove grub2 to put grub1 and is asking me to do a "partial upgrade", what should i do?15:13
joaopintowekt, yes I am sure, let me search for the option15:13
joaopintowekt-kvirc, http://xchat.org/faq/#q21115:14
NoelJBGika, don't know.  might be related to bug 41088615:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410886 in vm-builder "VMBuilder doesn't work with grub2" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41088615:14
=== G_A_C_ is now known as G_A_C
Gikai don't think i have vmbuilder NoelJB, is it related to virtualbox?15:15
NoelJBGika, but it did result in a conflicts entry being added to grub-common15:16
Gikayes, that's true15:16
Askar_I have waited for 2 weeks or something to upgrade because im offered a partial upgrade and I have been told not to do that.. :(15:16
Gikaso i should ignore the "partial update" warning, right?15:17
Askar_but how long can it take for this to be "fixed" so I can upgrade? :O15:19
dschulzhi all15:20
dschulzanyone experiencing sound lockups when switching between ttys ?15:21
dschulzrecently noticed that if I switch to tty01 while amarok is running.. sound stops until I change to tty07 again15:23
dschulzbut after that, sound is crappy for a while15:23
dschulzanyone can try to reproduce what i describe?15:23
Kernel2603karmic la rilasciano il 29 ottobre?'15:24
wektthanks.  I'll give pidgin a try for a while.15:24
Gikasì Kernel2603 (in questo canale parlano inglese però)15:25
Gikase vuoi altre delucidazioni contattami in privato15:25
Kernel2603i want to know some difference between 9.04 and karmic 9.1015:25
PiciKernel2603: The beta link in the topic lists some of the new features15:25
Gikathere's plenty of them at http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/beta Kernel260315:25
BluesKaj!it | Kernel260315:26
ubottuKernel2603: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:26
Kernel2603i know15:26
Kernel2603but i can speak english no problem15:26
sageNsandAfter reading the forum it appears there is problems in the update. I think I'll wait a day or so and read the forum, but I want to share this with you. Something I never see before is in the Notification area I have a red circle icon with a explanation mark in it and it says:15:27
sageNsand"The update information is outdated. This may be caused by network problems or by a repository that is no longer available. Please update manually by clicking on this icon a then selecting 'Check for updates' and check if some of the listed repositories fail"15:27
sageNsandWhen I do manual check it says I'm up to date. Does this mean there is a problem with the servers?15:27
GikasageNsand, you might be using a mirror which has yet to synchronize with the main server15:28
sageNsandI'll wait a day or so15:28
thiebaudewhat can i do about:Sorry, the program "compiz.real" has closed unexpectedy?15:37
thiebaudei dont use compiz, anymore15:39
Gikathiebaude if you don't use compiz uninstall it through synaptic15:40
thiebaudeGika, thanks, i'll do that15:41
dooglusis anyone familiar with the new encrypted home feature in karmic?15:41
thiebaudeGika, i had a few compiz entries in synaptic that i removed15:43
thiebaudebbl 80mb of updates15:43
joaopintodooglus, check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EncryptedHomeDirectory15:43
dooglusjoaopinto: I am needing to reinstall karmic, and am wondering if I need to do anything before hand to be able to keep the contents of my encrypted home15:44
flukeboxhi all15:45
joaopintodooglus, no idea :\15:45
flukeboxhi all .... i just updated to 9.10.. and find out that my nautilus ..open with commands are no more working ... anyway to fix that or revert back?15:46
BluesKajdooglus, back it up if you can15:46
nostahlhi guys any threat doing the latest updates/upgrade?15:48
Machis there linux insurrance?15:48
rskMach: what is that?15:48
NinjaPlimsollshey all15:48
BluesKajdooglus, I reinstalled karmic on / by using the manual partition option without formatyting of course , all my app conf files and settings were saved altho some apps disappeared15:48
NinjaPlimsollsrunning the new Karmic beta, any ideas why I have the ugly login screen?15:48
eagles0513875hey BluesKaj15:49
BluesKajdooglus, reinstalling the missing apps was easily done and all the previous settings with those apps were retained15:49
BluesKajhi eagles051387515:49
nostahli havnt updated for a week or two on karmic. any threats doing the latest udates without breaking15:50
NinjaPlimsollsanyone? :(15:52
NinjaPlimsollsim still getting this GDM login screen: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_FJH0hYZmVtc/Sr34Ip_wWXI/AAAAAAAADQo/N2xwyFMqrog/s1600-h/ubuntu910finalartwork-large_005.jpg15:53
rskNinjaPlimsolls: because you installed it15:53
BluesKajnostahl, you're in for a large update , you really should update more often in order to keep the changes as minimal as possible from uipdate to update.15:54
* Mach is waiting for full release for karmic15:54
=== malnilion_ is now known as malnilion
* Dr_Willis can never access LOOOONG url;s like that in weechat.16:00
Dr_Willisthe text wrapping goofs up the url handler of gnome-terminal16:00
daviscDr_Willis: Worked fine for me there in gnome-terminal...16:00
Dr_Willisdavisc:  the wrapping of the text is what breaks it in weechat.16:01
daviscAh, right16:01
Dr_Williswhen it goes to the next line when it wraps it gets idented   and a | put in there.16:01
Dr_Williswich is a littel annoying.16:01
fabio_27hi, little question, how do I access the grub2 menu at boot to use a different kernel than the standard one? pressing esc doesn't do anything16:01
Dr_Willisfabio_27:  Unhide the grub2 menu by editing the /etc/default/grub file16:02
Dr_Willisthers some bugs where it dosent get unhidden  by default when it should16:02
Dr_Willisie: add the # to comment out the setting16:02
fabio_27ah thank you very much16:03
Dr_WillisIm not sure why the thing even tries to hide the menu..16:03
NinjaPlimsollsive just used the update manager in Karmic beta and its saying its doing a distribution upgrade?16:05
NinjaPlimsollsdoes that mean its getting newer stuff, or its sticking me back on 9.0416:05
joaopintoNinjaPlimsolls, if you are on beta, is doing upgrades on beta16:06
NinjaPlimsollsjoaopinto, thanks mate... just wondered why its doing a whole dist upgrade thats all! :P16:06
Pici!dist-upgrade | NinjaPlimsolls16:08
ubottuNinjaPlimsolls: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed.16:08
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed.  Unless the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list have changed, this does not involve upgrading to a new release.16:09
NinjaPlimsollsPici, thanks16:10
nostahli held off updating after that screw up with the upstart heh16:10
NinjaPlimsollsnostahl, plz dont say that! If i don't come back after restarting its cause Karmic nuked itself ;)16:10
nostahlim updating right now to the latest and greatest16:11
PiciThere was a warning in the /topic when that was happening and we removed it when the issue was resolved.16:11
daviscNinjaPlimsolls: But that's the fun of testing! :-)16:11
nostahlpici i had updated right as it rolled out i didnt see a topic when i did it heh16:12
thiebaudedavisc, yep16:12
NinjaPlimsollsdavisc, indeedy mate :)16:12
NinjaPlimsollsoh dear, its asking me if I wanna keep GRUB :S16:12
EvilRoeyAny chance that Ubuntu 9.10 will come with kernel 2.6.32?16:13
joaopintoEvilRoey, No16:13
EvilRoeyno r600 for me, heh16:13
nostahlninja i like grub216:13
NinjaPlimsollsyeah now gonna try it out16:14
joaopintoit would be insane to change the kernel after beta16:14
nexsja'ello. Since i've installed 9.04b my mysql server has stopped functioning. It just doesn't start now.16:14
NinjaPlimsollsdoes it still look like a 1980's plain bootloader?16:14
joaopintonexsja, you mean 9.10 beta ?16:14
nexsjajoaopinto, yes, sorry.16:14
EvilRoeyjoaopinto:  I mean I agree, I just don't like that the r600 ati driver is in kernel 2.6.32+ only16:14
NinjaPlimsollsooooh restart window, lets see what happens! wish me luck folks! :P16:14
nostahlsolong ninja16:14
nostahlnice knowin yya16:14
joaopintonexsja, clean install or upgrade ?16:15
nexsjahttp://pastebin.ca/1601513 this is what i get when i want to start mysql16:15
nexsjajoaopinto, upgrade16:15
joaopintohum, you are the second report I see about mysql upgrade failing16:16
nexsjahm, it started now. Though didn't. I guess i did smtn again.16:16
joaopintook :)16:16
nexsjaI've created a directory in /var/run/ named mysql, gave the user mysql permissions to this dir and... this is the second time i've done this16:17
nexsjaso, i guess, when i do a restart my mysql server won't work again16:17
joaopintonemo, erm, wait, you are fixing it manually ?16:17
joaopintoops, nexsja16:17
NinjaPlimsollsooooooh linux you sexy girl, gimme a kiss!16:17
thiebaudeNinjaPlimsolls, great16:18
thiebaudesexy and fast16:18
NinjaPlimsollsand just upgraded without nuking itself16:18
NinjaPlimsollsbonus ;)16:18
nexsjalinux is weird. Sometimes nothing works, but when people fix it - they're happy. Me included. Though nobody choses, for example, a Mac where everything works... Or at least that's what they say16:19
NinjaPlimsollsis it possible to auto-authenticate? ive never worked out how to stop having to put passwords in to install stuff, or scratch my nose, etc etc16:20
Dr_WillisYou dont want to GET me started on teh issues ive had with Macs.....16:20
Dr_WillisNinjaPlimsolls:  yes.. but thats bad practice... and sounds like a windows feature. :)16:20
thiebaudeDr_Willis, yep16:20
NinjaPlimsollscall me lazy16:20
fabio_27hmm i'm trying to use a 2.6.30 kernel from the kernel-ppa with karmic. somehow the structure for dvb devices is different than with the official 2.6.31. I get /dev/dvb0.dvr0 etc. devices instead of /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 etc. any help how I can change that to the way it is on the 2.6.31 kernel?16:20
NinjaPlimsollsfabio_27, thats because the HAL has been deprecated16:20
nexsjaNinjaPlimsolls, it is possible, though all your passwords will be quite v016:24
nexsjavisible to everyone16:24
NinjaPlimsollsnexsja, including my login pass?16:24
NinjaPlimsollsim the only user of this machine16:24
fabio_27I see, now way to use a 2.6.30 kernel with karmic?16:24
nostahlwhen are they going to give you thee ability to do simple commands in empathy like /j #ubuntu+116:24
nexsjaNinjaPlimsolls, don't know about that, but all your ftp, wireless and other passwords will be just saved in plain text16:24
NinjaPlimsollsnexsja, ok bad idea then! :P16:24
nexsjaDr_Willis, well, from what i've heard from some mac fans they say that everything runs pretty smoothly :>16:24
NinjaPlimsollslooking forward to the single-window GIMP 2.8 however, finally able to beat Photoshop? hmmmm16:24
nexsjaNinjaPlimsolls, why just not use photoshop under wine? :D16:24
NinjaPlimsollsCS4 needs hardware acceleration16:24
NinjaPlimsollsnever managed to get it working16:24
nexsjaand CS3?16:24
Ian_because photoshop costs moneys?16:24
nostahl166 megs out of 296 megs16:24
kaddinexsja: from what people experienced in my surrounding. mac equals to at least one hardware failure in the first 3 month and from there it only goes downhill. Which doesn't stop them from being mac-fans. It just proves the great customer service if you have to send in your product 3 times a year :p16:24
xipihi. can i dare to use karmic as a production system, already?16:25
xipior is it still too shaky?16:25
NinjaPlimsollskaddi, thats weird, ive known people with 10 year old macs that are still running16:25
nostahlbut but... they only use "mac certifed" computer parts heh16:25
nostahlhow could they fail lol16:25
nexsjaxipi, you would, although it has minor instabilities16:25
xipinexsja: like which?16:25
joaopintoxipi, you should not16:25
kaddixipi: I'm doing this right now, but I wouldn't advise it. Not if you really need your PC. It's been running without a glitch for me though.16:25
NinjaPlimsollsxipi, im having some troubles installing deb packages16:25
nexsjaxipi, well, i'm having some trouble with mysql and some quite annoying issues with wireless16:26
joaopintonexsja, do not recommend beta for a production system16:26
NinjaPlimsollsxipi, so if you get the same problem, just sudo dpkg -i blabla.deb16:26
xipiok. thanks for the info16:26
xipimaybe i should wait a little longer16:26
nexsjajoaopinto, i'm not recommending it, just saying that it's usable, not that i advise it :>16:26
nostahlcant wait for the jailbreak to come out for my ipod touch 3g16:26
NinjaPlimsollskarmic seems fine to me16:26
NinjaPlimsollsbut I like bleeding edge16:26
joaopintonexsja, it's usable right now, it mayne unusable tomorrow16:27
nexsjadid anybody else, by the way, had any issues with wireless?16:27
* NinjaPlimsolls shudders at the thought of wireless16:27
* NinjaPlimsolls caresses his Cat6e patch cable16:27
kaddino :D16:27
nullkuhlhello, i have just installed Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala Beta , however i try inserting my usb drive in it but ubuntu doesnt detect it, it doesnt show up in fdisk list and when i type lsusb i get nothing , please advice.16:27
nexsjayes, linux+wireless = fun.16:27
nostahltype dmesg16:28
NinjaPlimsollsis it formatted?16:28
Ian_nexsja: no problems whatsoever16:28
kaddiis there a way of keeping ubuntu from removing wicd and reinstalling networkmanager with every upgrade?16:28
nullkuhlyes its formated16:28
Joeboynexsja: mine has started autoconnecting to the wrong network, but that might not be a karmic thing as that was happening to my fg too in jaunty16:28
nullkuhli even tried more than 1 device16:28
NinjaPlimsollsas what?16:28
nullkuhlsame prob16:28
Ian_nm applet is really going forward and i didn't have any driver problems16:28
NinjaPlimsollsyou using a hub at all?16:28
NinjaPlimsollsor straight on the USB headers?16:28
nexsjaWell. for me, i've noticed that, dunno why, the range of wireless networks has shortened since 9.04. When i first installed 9.04 i was amazed by the amount of wireless networks found by linux, and now a windows machine gets better connection then me in the same range16:29
NinjaPlimsollsopen a terminal and dmesg > boot16:29
NinjaPlimsollsopen the boot file in your home folder and do a search for USB16:29
JoeboyI'm getting frequent crashes of metacity/awesome (whichever session I run). anyone else seeing anything like that, or have any idea why?16:29
nexsjaand i've had these weird issues that a network just disappears suddenly.16:29
nullkuhlusbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs16:30
nullkuhlusbcore: registered new interface driver hub16:30
nullkuhlusbcore: registered new dervice driver usb16:30
NinjaPlimsollscheck, check, check16:30
NinjaPlimsollskeep going16:30
nullkuhlits quite massive16:31
NinjaPlimsollsyeah you should have loads more USB lines16:31
NinjaPlimsollsone for each of your usb slot16:31
JazzplayerL9crap...just a warning for people...latest update, don't hide anything in your main gnome menu or your Apps menu will disappear.  Found that out the hard way...related to Alacarte16:32
nullkuhlany idea then16:32
NinjaPlimsollsJazzplayerL9, as in .file?16:32
nostahlwhy hide icons in the app menu16:32
NinjaPlimsollsoh in the menu, scratch that16:32
JazzplayerL9NinjaPlimsolls, yeah...the menu itself is active, but nothing is there16:32
JazzplayerL9NinjaPlimsolls, Places and System still show up for me16:33
Dr_Willisthat makes it more use4r friendly16:33
NinjaPlimsollsJazzplayerL9, youve lost me16:33
Dr_Willisa empty applications menu bug.16:33
JazzplayerL9what Dr_Willis said16:33
Dr_WillisYea whgat he said16:34
NinjaPlimsollsnullkuhl, not sure what the problem could be to be honest, try the USB device on a different machine16:34
NinjaPlimsollsmay have failed?16:34
nullkuhlill try rebooting now16:35
NinjaPlimsollsok chap let me know how it goes16:35
nullkuhlreboot works16:35
kaddicongrats :D16:35
nullkuhlseems that the koala was asleep16:35
NinjaPlimsollstoo many eucalyptus leaves16:36
NinjaPlimsollsanyone else having problems using the dpkg GUI?16:37
nullkuhlmy koala is just installed 2 min ago, and some icons started disappearing at the menu already16:37
SKBThe problem cannot be reported: This is not a genuine Ubuntu package16:42
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:43
jtimbermani just did an apt-get upgrade on my karmic system, and now networking doesn't start up, complains that /var/run/network/ifstate doesn't exist. is this a known issue?16:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 377432 in ifupdown "ifdown: failed to open statefile /var/run/network/ifstate:" [Undecided,New]16:49
jtimbermanwhy was init changed fundmentally in the middle of the "feature freeze" is this documented somewhere?16:52
jtimbermanrsyslog init script is broken too16:54
Nattgewis anyone else having problems with wireless recently?16:55
Machdoes anyone know a program better than wine?16:59
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu17:00
kaddiwhat do you want to do?17:01
Machrunning windows applications on ubuntu17:01
darthanubisgoogle virtualization17:01
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !kvm is the preferred approach in Ubuntu.  See also !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications17:01
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware17:02
ubottuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo17:02
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".17:02
ubottucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega17:02
Machso also wine runs game huh?17:03
SKByes, wine runs games17:03
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic17:03
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:04
Machso it will release at 29th17:05
PiciThats what it says.17:05
Machwhen i use wine for running mirc17:07
Machthe nicklist is pretty messed up17:07
NoelJBjtimberman, do you mean the introduction of upstart?17:08
NoelJBNattgew, bug 44418117:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444181 in network-manager "Network-Manager becomes unresponsive in Gnome, Won't configure Wireless" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44418117:09
NoelJBNattgew, if it isn't that, I'm not aware of anything new.17:09
Machhe has the same problem17:09
Machas i posted17:09
Machnoeljb remember?17:09
NoelJBMach, problem?  which?17:09
Machwhen i use wine for running a mirc17:10
Machthe nicklist is pretty messed up17:10
SKBuse linux alternatives17:10
PiciMach: Are you running Karmic?17:10
NoelJBMach, you mean bug 44495417:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444954 in network-manager-applet "(Ubuntu 9.10 beta) mobile internet connection settings cannot be saved and more" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44495417:10
Machno no17:11
PiciMach: Then you should be directing your questions to #ubuntu.  #ubuntu+1 is only for Karmic issues.17:11
Machbug 44418117:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444181 in network-manager "Network-Manager becomes unresponsive in Gnome, Won't configure Wireless" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44418117:12
Machsame as my problem17:12
kadditry wicd :p17:13
Machwots that?17:13
PiciMach: #ubuntu17:13
NoelJBkaddi, the bug is already fixed.17:13
wirechief_I cannot get karmic-netbook-remix-i386.iso to boot from my usb stick, i used dd if=karmic-netbook-remix-i386.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=1M to put the .iso on my usb stick17:15
Nattgewmy problem is that it just won't connect to the network, keeps asking for a password17:15
kaddiMach a different network-manager. NoelJB: I was just kidding. I don't really believe in fixing problems in one app by installing a different one. This being said, I've been very happy with wicd for 2 years now, while NM never really worked for me.17:15
wirechief_i checked the karmic-netboo-remix-i386.iso's sha256sum and it was ok.17:16
wirechief_date of download was today17:16
Machwhere can i get wicd?17:16
DopeGhotiMach: looks like it's in the repos; just apt-get wicd17:17
Nattgewwpa_supplicant[1261]: Association request to the driver failed17:17
Nattgewwould that indicate a drive issue?17:17
MachE: Invalid operation wicd17:17
kaddiMach this will remove network-manager though! So if you decide to stop halfway through or if something goes wrong with the installation you might be left without internet connection17:18
legend2440Mach: its in the repos. but you have to enable Universe17:18
kaddiMach apt-get install wicd ;)17:18
Machits gona remove the network-manager?17:18
Machthen no thanks17:18
vigokaddi: Did that work for you?17:18
NoelJBbesides, the problem Mach has is that because his karmic wireless is b0rked, he can't install the fix.  which means that he wouldn17:19
NoelJBt be able to install wicd, either.17:19
Machexcatly noeljb17:19
NoelJBhe said that he's waiting for a release cd to fix it.17:19
Machu got it17:19
PiciNoelJB: Mach said he was running 9.0417:19
Machafter i formatted17:20
FlipStonEhello, i have a problem with my sound, after my upgrades of today... limewire plays music, vlc and mplayer don't...17:20
kaddivigo, you mean the command: apt-get install wicd? To the best of my recollection yes, although that was some 2 years ago. :p All the later installs of wicd I did by removing network-manager and installing the deb-package by hand from usb17:20
NoelJBPici, because if he were back running karmic, he'd have no networking :-)17:20
Machi installed 9.04 again17:20
vigokaddi: Okee dokee, Thank you.17:20
NoelJBMach, the release candidate comes out on the 22nd.17:21
jemarkMach i habe karmic with working network-manager and the latest kernel update17:21
Machyeah i got no pro with that17:21
Machi can wait17:21
NoelJBNattgew, if you want, please try the packages from the PPA (https://launchpad.net/~network-manager/+archive/trunk/+packages) and if they don't work, file a bug report.17:24
surI think my Nautilus settings are broken somehow after an update yesterday. Is it me or everyone. It is OK if it is not only me17:24
NattgewNoelJB, how would I know if the problem is with Network Manager?17:24
surlooks like mime has gone17:24
NoelJBsur, it isn't just you, but it should be fixed now.17:24
surand cannot arrange icons17:25
NoelJBsur do another update and upgrade17:25
NoelJByou want a new glib and some other changes.17:25
NoelJBNattgew, you can stop by #nm and ask if you want another opinion :-)17:25
jemarkNoelJB, :) yes, I had the problem yesterday but after the update the nm-applet worked again ;)17:25
surNoelJB, OK trying an update now. Will let you know17:26
Nattgewthanks, I'll try that17:26
NoelJBkaddi, I use wired, wireless and CDMA.  NM (now :-)) handles all of that quite seamlessly for me.17:26
djm62I connect to the internet via wimax, and NetworkManager doesn't handle it... unfortunately that means that Empathy refuses to believe I17:27
djm62...I'm connected (darn netbook keyboard with return next to ')17:27
NoelJBdjm62, file a bug report, if you haven't already.  to put it on the radar if it isn't.17:27
kaddiNoelJB: I might give it a try again at some point. After the upgrade it didn't see my network, so I simply removed it again and installed wicd, which immediately recognized it.17:28
kaddigotta run now. see you17:28
=== malnilion_ is now known as malnilion
djm62where do I file the bug report?  It seems like it isn't an issue with NetworkManager, but it cuts across several applications that believe NM: for example UbuntuOne, empathy, and pidgin (I have a workaround for pidgin)17:29
Dr_WillisErr.. thers a feature in 9.10 to set the network manager to use 'wicd' instead of the network-manager' thing. I recall. No need to 'remove' one or the other.17:29
MachNoeljb got any idea how to fix this?17:29
Machi cant hear anything17:29
Machwhen i play some video clips or music .. i cant hear a sound17:30
NoelJBdjm62, launchpad.  and if NM can't connect via wimax, that seems a legit place to start.17:30
Dr_WillisMach:  you have sounds other wise? try playing the clips in vlc, or mplayer?17:30
Machwell i tried17:30
Dr_WillisMach:  is it 'some' clips.. or ALL video files?17:30
Machall of them17:31
djm62NoelJB: I meant which package... I wouldn't be using beta if I didn't know where to report bugs.  NM not doing something it isn't supposed to do isn't really a bug though...17:31
Dr_WillisMach:  installed the w32codecs package yet?   i find totem a little brain dead in  some ways. im pretty much able to play anything i cqan find with vlc/gnome-mplayer and the w32codecs17:32
Machwhere can i install it?17:32
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org17:32
NoelJBdjm62, network-manager.  it would be marked as a feature request/wishlist.17:33
Dr_Willisthose are at the medibuntu repo.17:33
NoelJBdjm62, unless you feel that NM shouldn't manage wimax.  Why shouldn't it?17:33
NoelJBdjm62, the fact that other things don't believe that you ARE connected ... well, that would be a different bug.  :-)17:34
djm62NoelJB: I'm sure it will, but that's not the real problem... my wimax thingmy works fine, I'm using it now.  The problem is that last thing you mentioned17:34
djm62I mean, the NM guys are no doubt aware of wimax: I don't think I need to report that as a bug until it's supposed to work and doesn't17:35
surNoelJB, Ubuntu servers are slow, do you think MIT mirrors would have the updates already? Is there lag between those mirrors in terms of package availability?17:36
NoelJBsur, not a clue17:37
Dr_Willissur:  there can be a lag but rarely for very long (a few hrs perhaps)17:38
Dr_Willis!info basic25617:40
ubottubasic256 (source: basic256): educational BASIC programming environment for children. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.2-2 (karmic), package size 87 kB, installed size 292 kB17:40
djm62OK I'll report the "I thought we were offline" thing against NM, as NM is the  common factor... better minds than I can move it to the correct place(s)17:40
domjohnsonHow goes it?17:40
* sur reboots17:40
Machso Noel17:40
Machany ideas?17:41
Dr_WillisHmm.. IT would be nice if the 'Ubuntu software center' rembered my password when i authenicate...17:42
Dr_Willistyping it for each app  i install is a little... tedious17:42
vigoDr_Willis:  Is there a line of code that can be altered for that. Like timeout=03 or whatever?17:45
Dr_Willisvigo:  not that i see, i just ran it with gksudo software-center     - that kicked it quiet!17:46
Dr_Willissoftware-center.... needs work.. badly17:46
domjohnsonI still have no sound17:46
Dr_WillisBut it is a work in progress17:46
domjohnsonhmm...software center isnt the default add/rem programs on here,,,17:47
vigoDr_Willis: Nice job, is the usr pwd in cache or someplace still or is there a flush after X?17:47
NoelJBDr_Willis, and so is integration with policykit.17:48
Dr_WillisIts at the bottom of the applications menu.17:48
NoelJB(a work-in-progress)17:48
domjohnsonIts not, Dr_willis17:48
domjohnsonNot for me17:48
Dr_WillisI see my self still using synaptic......17:48
Dr_Willisdomjohnson:  it just moved there for me after todays updates (or yesterdays)\17:48
nostahlwhy dont they implement common irc commands like /j17:48
nostahlin empathy17:48
domjohnsonIm just updating now17:48
domjohnsonIm using xchat on here17:48
Dr_Willisit was under system -> admin  where i really think it SHOULD be...17:48
domjohnsonfor msn i use emesene17:49
domjohnsonwhat is /j anyway?17:49
Dr_Willisshort for /join17:49
nostahllets you join another room ie /j #ubuntu+117:49
Dr_Willisa command that most EVERY irc client does17:49
DopeGhotiI'd be amused by any IRC client with no /join command17:50
nostahlhow stupid is it that they dont let you in empathy17:50
jtimbermanirssi ftw. :)17:50
nostahland how did empathy make it into karmic because of that17:50
DopeGhotiwait— empathy has no /join‽17:50
nostahlnope you have to go to the contact list17:50
nostahlgo to room17:50
nostahland then hit join17:50
DopeGhotiwait— channels are 'contacts'‽17:50
domjohnsonUse XChat17:51
nostahlthen a popup comes up and you type the room in there17:51
DopeGhotiWow, empathy sounds less and less interesting to me now17:51
domjohnsonWhat do you use, DopeGhoti?17:51
DopeGhotidomjohnson: I alternate between xChat and irssi17:51
domjohnsonI use XChat17:51
domjohnsonIts interface isnt too tidy, but its still good17:52
nostahli use to use pidgin just for the other protocols17:52
nostahltrying empathy to figure out what the dev's thought it's redeeming qualities were17:52
nostahlmaybe im overlooking something17:52
DopeGhotinostahl: afaik, it's the engine behind it (telepathy) and that by rolling in Empahy, they can lose Ekiga17:53
nostahlwho even uses ekiga17:53
nostahlskype is top17:54
DopeGhotinostahl: people who want AVoIP17:54
nostahli have skype on all of my devices17:54
nostahllove it17:54
sneki'm having problems automounting a few XFS partitions with Karmic.. made directories under /media and added the correct lines to /etc/fstab, anybody else have a problem like this?17:54
snekmy /etc/fstab: http://pastebin.org/3873117:55
sneki have to sudo mount -a on ever reboot to get them to mount17:55
domjohnsonI have a question for you all - why do [i]you[/i] think that ubuntu has no viruses?17:55
snekdomjohnson, because of the way linux permissions work17:55
DopeGhotiwhy is pastebin forwarding me to 'wallpapersuggest'‽17:56
Dr_Willis!info pyrocket17:56
ubottupyrocket (source: pyrocket): control Striker II and Dream Cheeky USB Missile Launchers. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 49 kB, installed size 264 kB17:56
nostahldopeghoti pastie.org ftw17:56
Dr_WillisI know what i want for Xmas now... :P17:56
PiciDopeGhoti: What url are you using to access the pastebin?17:56
DopeGhotinostahl: that *was* pastebin.org17:56
nostahldopeghoti read again pastie.org17:56
nostahlstumbled across it last month its really nice and quick to upload17:57
snekindeed, my /etc/fstab on pastie: http://pastie.org/64560617:57
snekcould it be the last two numbers? because they are 0 0 and my / is 0 1?17:58
domjohnsonOh dear...17:58
domjohnsonHow do i add another partition onto ubuntu?17:58
domjohnsonI just got a low disk space warning17:58
DopeGhotiIs there a way to change pastebinit's default pastebin clone?17:58
domjohnsonRight, but like, to mount it so that its sort of intergrated into my home foler18:00
DanaGweird... wubi for karmic doesn't work on a win7 PC I have here.  Optiplex 740.18:00
DanaGTry (hd0,0) FAT16: No WUBILDR18:00
DanaGTry (hd0,1) NTFS5:   <hangs here>18:00
domjohnsonWho was that directed to?18:00
snekdomjohnson, you can actually mount a dir on another drive into a dir where you need more space18:01
RPG_MasterOK, I filled my hard drive, which I know does funky stuff to ubuntu18:01
RPG_MasterNow my icons are white pieces of paper on my desktop :(18:01
brynjarhI just created a ubuntu usb install disk but when I select anything in the boot menu I get "Boot loader  /casper/vmlinz" and nothing else, except for Boot from first had disk, then it boots from first hard disk.18:03
DanaGWho was my question directed to?  To anyone who can answer.18:03
nostahlthey need to suck up karmic's gut18:04
nostahlit getting too big18:04
nostahl3.5 gigs18:05
RPG_MasterSO... can anyone help me and my missing/messed up icons?18:05
nostahlgetting too big for my eeepc's sda118:05
rsknostahl: including swap?18:05
buckybug #40219018:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402190 in wubi "Wubi Not Launching on Windows 7" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40219018:05
nostahljust /root18:05
rskdosen't sound right18:06
nostahljust did sudo aptitude autoclean18:06
nostahland sudo apt-get autoremove18:06
nostahland it dropped it to the 3.5 gig mark18:06
nostahlwas nearing 4 gigs18:06
rskmaybe ubuntu is not for you then18:07
nostahlcould always go back to the superior Arch linux :)18:07
snekremove some things then18:07
snekor start with a bare install and work your way up18:08
nostahlonly installed filezilla and skype18:08
RPG_Masterso, no one knows how to fix my issue?18:08
snekmine is using 3.2gb now and i have quite a few things installed18:08
snekRPG_Master, maybe try setting your theme to another icon set?18:09
djm62mine is a bit big for my sda1 (eeepc901)18:09
RPG_Mastersnek: Didn't fix it :(18:10
djm62which is a shame, because aside from that it's the best machine I've ever owned, and everything worked OOTB18:10
MichaelKohlerhow can I automatically re-generated my /boot/grub/menu.lst? "uname -r" says "2.6.31-11-generic", but in my menu.lst I just have 2.6.28-xx entries..18:10
Dr_WillisHmm.. My netbook has a 120gb hd. :)18:10
RPG_MasterIs there like a pastebin for screenshots?18:10
slacker_nlmy cpu is going beserk, X is continuesly taking 99% CPU18:10
slacker_nlMichaelKohler: update-grub18:11
coppro_okay, this is bad18:11
DopeGhotiRPG_Master: picpaste.com18:11
RPG_Mastersnek: I was hoping for something quick18:11
nostahldr_willis ya but the good netbooks are ssds :)18:11
sneki thought karmic didn't use menu.lst anymore??18:11
vigoRPG_Master: Yes there is, but I have to look it up again.18:11
* Joeboy notices awesome is taking up ~95% cpu18:11
coppro_okay, this is bad18:11
coppro_I just updated and now X is a CPU hog18:11
slacker_nlcoppro_: i have the same issue18:12
coppro_also, my console (non-X)l no longer sets the font correctly at startup18:12
MichaelKohlersnek: possible.. I kinda messed up with the grub18:12
slacker_nlcoppro_: same issue18:12
slacker_nlcoppro_: dell latitude d63018:12
coppro_Intel graphics chip?18:12
slacker_nlfull of intel hardware, saw an xorg intel upgrade today18:13
slacker_nlyes sir18:13
coppro_probably it then18:13
snekyeah the xorg intel drivers are known to be buggy sometimes18:13
* coppro_ is about to try rebooting with an old kernel18:13
=== coppro_ is now known as coppro
copprowhat the...18:13
Joeboycoppro: didn't work for me18:13
sneki just apt upgraded and have no problems with an nvidia card18:14
copprorebooted, missed grub, and now the console font is right18:14
slacker_nlcoppro: don't think that is an issue18:14
copprotrying X now18:14
slacker_nlthink the issue is xorg18:14
MichaelKohlerslacker_nl: thxc18:14
copproslacker_nl: try 'sudo service kdm/gdm stop' and rebooting; seems to have worked for me18:14
slacker_nlcoppro: did that earlier today18:15
slacker_nlworked for that reboot18:15
snekbut.. wouldn't a reboot automatically do a gdm stop?18:15
slacker_nlbut came back tonight18:15
slacker_nlwell, i'm going to restore to yesterday's setup, pin some packages and check if it is X org kernel related18:16
copprojust rebooted, didn't happen18:16
copprogood that someone is looking into this.18:16
copproI'd guess it's a kernel issue as the console font should be set before X starts, and if that's failing it can't be an X issue18:17
slacker_nlwell, see you in a bit18:17
RPG_Master^check it out and please help18:17
Dr_Willislooks like its showing the contents of the .desktop files not the icons for them, for one thing...18:17
Dr_Willisat least thats what the black text is.18:18
copproyeah, that's what I thought18:18
Dr_Willisdid you just drag/drop items from the menus to the desktop to get those icons?18:18
RPG_MasterYeah, a LONG time ago, this just started happening today18:19
Dr_Willisi would test see if it also affects a NEW user.. and see if it affects NEW icons you drag from the menus18:19
domjohnsonit logged me off suddenly18:19
domjohnsonthen the mouse wasnt working18:19
domjohnsonso i had to reboot18:19
domjohnsonsome "maintenance" thing came up18:19
domjohnsoni cancelled18:19
domjohnsonIt didnt boot18:19
RPG_MasterDr_Willis: Can I test that in a guest account?18:20
Dr_WillisRPG_Master:  no idea... try it and see18:20
RPG_Masterok, brb18:20
Dr_Willisbut if it works.. is that really a valid test. :)18:20
JoeboyRPG_Master: try update-mime-database.real -V ~/.local/share/mime/18:21
djm62wow, that NetworkManager/EverythingThatUsesNetworkManager bug has been around for years18:21
Joeboy(that seemed to fix it for me, although that might have been coincidental)18:22
RPG_MasterJoeboy: Didn't work :(  Also, its opening images in gedit :O18:23
JoeboyRPG_Master: log out and in again?18:23
Ian_how do i install plugins in the eclipse supplied by the karmic repo's :p18:23
boondoklifehey guys I have a question, On the beta page it says to report any messages that come up after grub and before splash. do i use apport-bug to do this and if so what program should i feed it?18:24
Dr_WillisI get o many messages there boondoklife  its scary. :)18:24
Dr_Willisimust get like 30 lines of text18:25
boondoklifewell i only get about 5 so not that bad =P18:25
boondoklifejust a bunch of usb clamoring18:25
Dr_WillisI still get an 'acerfan' message and like 30 usb messages and some about fsck18:25
boondoklifeheh i get the fsck messages too and some starting blah blah blah messages18:26
domjohnsonI get loads of lines too18:26
domjohnsoni get several18:26
domjohnsonI get an fsck message18:27
boondoklifeIm really just happy my btheadset works now without alot of scripting18:27
domjohnsonHow do you report them ,anyway?18:27
domjohnsonBecause they varyn from boot to boot18:27
boondoklifedomjohnson: that is what I was asking =P18:27
domjohnsoni know bondo18:28
domjohnsonI was wondering too :)18:28
RPG_MasterFIXED :D18:28
RPG_Masterthanks :)18:28
JoeboyRPG_Master: awesome18:28
MichaelKohlerwhy does gnome-do show my about 150% CPU time in the System Monitor? isn't that kinda weird?18:29
MichaelKohleror is it because I have a dual core so it shows in total 200%?18:30
FloridaGuyfirefox keeps closeing on me....and opera wont install....tryed reinstalling gdebi....but still wont open to install opera18:30
balorHave the Power Preferences for on battery power disappeared in Karmic?18:31
Ian_how do i install plugins in the eclipse supplied by the karmic repo's18:31
FloridaGuyfirefox keeps closeing on me....and opera wont install....tryed reinstalling gdebi....but still wont open to install opera18:32
domjohnsonNeed to go into the live disc18:32
domjohnsonso be back in about half an hour or so18:32
boondoklifebalor: do you mean the tab in system -> prefs -> power managment?18:33
balorboondoklife, Yes.18:34
boondoklifeAnyone have an issue with empathy and nickserv messages crashing it?18:34
boondoklifebalor: I have that tab on mine, so it should be there18:34
balorboondoklife, thanks18:34
boondoklifebalor: np18:35
tehbautheh, well the installer /was/ stuck on step 3, but now it's doing something18:38
tehbautoh, screensaver tried to start18:38
tehbautso still stuck on step 3 (from inside live demo environment)18:39
tehbautshould I keep waiting? it's been about 10 mins now18:39
boondoklifecan i get two people pm me, trying to see if that will crash empathy so i can report it.18:40
jedipottsyhey can somone help with UNR?18:42
imachinewhat's UNR ?18:42
jedipottsyim missing some game icons in the game section, and there is large spaces where some items are18:42
jedipottsyUbuntu netbook remix18:42
imachinedunno about it18:42
imachineit's still beta innit18:42
Berzerker-jedipottsy, what netbook18:43
Berzerker-jedipottsy, and when did you install it18:43
badmox_hi i have an error on startup on an 64bit system "can not read '/etc/udev/rules.d/libmtp.rules'" file is there but empty18:44
boondoklifebadmox_: i dont have that file on my box, if it is empty then move it to your desktop18:45
boondoklifebadmox_: and try again18:45
jedipottsyBerzerker-: Dell mini 9 and i installed it today18:49
jedipottsythis is my problem http://img203.imageshack.us/img203/104/iconproblem.png18:53
lukehasnonamehas anyone had Suspend break since the latest update?18:56
guest1Using pidgin18:56
guest1i keep getting an error when using GParted18:57
guest1While its running the simulation of resizing filesyystem18:57
daviscThis might be a stupid question, but you only need the headers when you're compiling something against the kernel, right?18:57
guest1It says something like |no action"18:57
lukehasnonamedavisc: I think so18:58
mac_vNoelJB: awesome bug title ;) Bug #44567419:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 445674 in gdm "gdm login displays 12 hour (AM/PM) clock -- I want a 24 hour clock" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44567419:00
NoelJBmac_v, you have an issue with it?  or a solution?  :-D19:01
NoelJBmac_v, I want a pony, too, but I don't think that a 24 hour clock is asking too much :-)19:01
mac_vNoelJB: no issues , just a fan of the title ;)19:01
NoelJBmac_v, :-)19:01
lukehasnonameAnyone have suspend troubles?  The suspend and hibernate buttons have completely disappeared from my desktop.19:02
NoelJBlukehasnoname, saw someone else report that today.  they still work for me.19:02
sriI'm trying to upgrade to karmic beta.. but I seem to have ran into a packaging error that I haven't encountered before.19:03
NoelJBlukehasnoname, hmmm ... what do you mean by "buttons"  I have them on the indicator-session menu (upper right)19:03
guest1luke - if mine goes into standby it doesnt come out of it19:03
sriI upgraded using the synaptic method over the network.  What I get is this:19:03
sriE: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (1) on libpam-modules19:03
sriit's trying to upgrade base-files19:04
sriany ideas?19:04
lukehasnonameNoelJB: I usually don't use the indicator applet. I usually press the power button on my laptop which brings up the gnome window for Shudown/hibernate/sleep/restart. It's gone now from that window.19:05
lukehasnonameI just brought the indicator applet back for a sec and all options are there.19:05
lukehasnonameI'm going to try sleeping...19:05
NoelJBlukehasnoname, ok.  I haven't tried my power button.  can try.  I rarely touch it unless I need to do a hard shutdown or power-on.19:06
NoelJBlukehasnoname, confirming (if you want to open a bug report).  I see only shutdown and restart.19:07
JoshuaL!info network-manager19:07
ubottunetwork-manager (source: network-manager): network management framework daemon. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8~a~git.20091005t192303.1d28ad1-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 319 kB, installed size 2244 kB19:07
NoelJBlukehasnoname, so if you do open a bug report, let me know the bug #19:07
lukehasnonameNoelJB: What package would I file that under? Idea/19:07
guest1I have an error while shrinking my windows partition19:08
NoelJBlukehasnoname, ENOCLUE ... gnome-power-manager and let them reassign??19:08
lukehasnonameperhaps. Also, some power options have dropped from the main gnome menu19:09
boondoklifeguest1: what type of problem and what filesystem is it?19:09
guest1I get the error on "grow filesystem to fill partition">"Run simulation"19:09
guest1and the error is19:09
dfgashow do i make more of the animated/time changed backgrounds?19:10
guest1ntfsresize [Then a load of stuff i dont think is relevant] Then "--no action"19:10
guest1can anyone help?19:10
boondoklifeguest1: are you using the install cd to do this?19:11
NoelJBdfgas, I'd look at the one that's there and try to clone it, for a start.19:11
NoelJBdfgas, and when you figure it all out, let ME know.  :-)  I was thinking the same thing the other day.19:12
* NinjaPlimsolls cant believe what he's just found19:13
guest1Im guessing im showing up as guest1?19:13
guest1I show up on here as "domjohnson"19:13
=== guest1 is now known as domjohnson
domjohnsonWhat about now?19:14
daviscWhich is prefered for bug reports? dmesg > blah.txt or /var/log/dmesg?19:14
NoelJBdavisc, even better?  ubuntu-bug <package> and it will decide what it wants.  but otherwise, I suppose /var/log/dmesg.19:15
boondoklifedomjohnson: can you pastebin the error messages?19:17
NoelJBdfgas, OK, look at /usr/share/backgrounds/.  there is a cosmos/ directory from the gnome-screensaver package.  the xml file describes the behavior, the files are the images.19:21
domjohnsonboonoklife: http://paste.ubuntu.com/288027/19:21
domjohnson*boondoklife: http://paste.ubuntu.com/288027/19:21
NoelJBdfgas, looks really straightforward to do.19:22
boondoklifedomjohnson: hmm i dont think the permission denied messages are normal, can you try to run it in gksudo19:22
domjohnsonHow do i do that?19:22
domjohnsongksudo gparted ?19:23
chris2kn5Help. :3  I installed Karmic for first time 30min ago.  I got a broken network connection.  What do I do from this point? It worked great in previous versions.19:23
boondoklifedomjohnson: yup19:23
domjohnsonYAY! I GUESSED A COMMAND!19:23
yofelchris2kn5: can you tell us what network card you have?19:23
chris2kn5yofel, Will do.19:23
domjohnsonHmm....The terminal just dissapears19:24
domjohnsonthe thing comes up that says @starting terminal"19:24
yofelchris2kn5: you can find out by typing 'lspci' in a terminal. Also: is it wired or wireless?19:24
domjohnsonbut then it just dissapears19:24
chris2kn5yofel, Also, I'm able to connect via eth0 + wlan0.  I got IP addresses.  It's just that it wouldn't work for some reason.19:24
chris2kn5yofel, Wireless --> PRO/Wireless 4965 AG orAGN19:25
NinjaPlimsollsI've just seen a transformation pack that makes Vista look like Ubuntu.... surely thats like putting lipstick on a pig!?19:25
yofelchris2kn5: ok, then let's try something else, what do you get when you run 'ping google.com' in a terminal?19:25
joaopintobefore he could try just to ping it's gateway :P19:25
chris2kn5yofel, Wired --> 88E8040 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller.  Ping failed for local network, let alone external. :(19:26
joaopintochris2kn5, so you are using dchp and your interface got an IP address ?19:26
chris2kn5joakim-, Yes.19:26
domjohnsonIm getting loads of permission denied things19:26
domjohnsoni cant even launch firefox19:26
domjohnsonIm gonna reboot19:26
domjohnsonbe back soon19:27
domjohnsonprobs as @guest1@19:27
chris2kn5I got two separate IP address -- wlan0 + eth0.  But for some reason, I can't use Firefox or anything else. This baffled me. :o19:27
joaopintochris2kn5, netstat -r19:27
joaopintofirst you need to be sure your interface is getting the proper net info from dhcp19:27
joaopintolike, an expected IP, gateway, and netmask19:27
dooglusdoes ndiswrapper work on the AMD64 version of ubuntu?19:28
chris2kn5joaopinto, Some of them looks generic or null. Eg, I use 192.168.1.* but it generated and such.19:28
doogluswith 32 bit windows drivers?19:28
=== benoitc_ is now known as benoitc
jbuncheranyone else currently running gurb2 along with grub legacy in karmic?  latest updates have them conflicting, one seems to need to be removed....19:28
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joaopintochris2kn5, generic means not the expected value ?19:29
strider_hi there19:29
chris2kn5If this helps, I'm using Dell XPS M1530.19:29
chris2kn5joaopinto, It looks okay -- but I never used netstat -r before. I'm not sure how it should looks like.  I'll test it on my netboot.19:30
mvosri: hm, do you get the same immediate configuration error when you use the update-manager method of upgrading?19:30
joaopintochris2kn5, run: sudo dhclietn eth019:30
strider_last updates of karmic just broke all my file associations !19:30
joaopintostrider_, known issue, bering worked19:31
strider_ok cool19:31
strider_and the one where the preview supposed to go inside the icons appearing randomly all over a window ?19:31
chris2kn5joaopinto, That worked great!  I got the www at my whim now! :)  What was the issue?19:31
joaopintochris2kn5, yoi failed to get dhcp configuration during boot19:32
joaopintochris2kn5, there is still somthing wrong if you don't get network after rebooting19:33
chris2kn5joaopinto, I see. Is this something I will have to do at every boot? Okay. Ill reboot to determine.19:33
Fffarshello everybody19:33
joaopintochris2kn5, you will need to check, it could be a temporary problem with the connection/dhcp server19:33
Fffarsi have bug with Karmic19:33
TheInfinityreport it :)19:34
Fffarson my Acer AOD250 don't work click in touchpad19:34
Fffarsjust button19:34
Fffarsof touchpad19:34
cetanhotadid you go into mouse settings and turn it on19:35
LysiHi, anyone knows about server probs updating Karmic?19:35
chris2kn5Fffars, How do you know the touchpad button isn't physically broken? :)19:35
Fffarsits work in 9.0419:35
cetanhotaFffars, just setup my test laptop. using click on touch pad was not turned on by default.19:36
Berzerker-Fffars, it's disabled by default System > Preferences > Mouse19:36
Fffarsok. later19:36
strider_oh my, never seen such a glitch on Gnome ^^ http://img49.imageshack.us/img49/5541/screenshotetswitch0114f.png19:36
Berzerker-Fffars, check "Enable mouse clicks with touchpad19:36
Berzerker-or not.19:36
boondoklifedomjohnson: did it work19:36
cetanhotalol, its a bug its a bug. lol19:36
chris2kn5joaopinto, I have to run the said command again to get wlan0 working. Is it a bug or something that went haywire? This is a clean beta installation, not upgrade.19:37
tj83_anyone know how soon after karmic release does Lucid come to #ubuntu+1?19:38
NoelJBchris2kn5, clean beta?  have you updated yet?19:38
Ian_update wants to remove grup-pc19:38
chris2kn5NoelJB, Oh that is right.  I haven't.  I had network issues. :319:38
NoelJBchris2kn5, there are 100s of updates since the beta, including to networking.19:38
dfgasNoelJB, cools, thanks will check it out19:38
Picitj83_: Usually about when the toolchain is updated and the repositories  open.19:38
yofeltj83_: the channel is usually closed for ~2 weeks19:38
Ian_is that good?19:38
tj83_Pici, and approximately when is this?19:38
NoelJBchris2kn5, if you can update now, please do, then check again.  if you still have network issues, please let me know.19:38
tj83_Pici, i missed the start of testing with Karmic... I have really enjoyed watching it grow... reason i ask19:39
Picitj83_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule19:40
PiciProbably closer to UDS though19:40
Berzerker-tj83, October 29th is the karmic release date.19:40
Berzerker-tj83, Lucid probably won't get here for another few weeks after that.19:40
tj83_Pici, Berzerker- ty.19:41
* NoelJB ponders if the default theme for 10.4 should be *clearlooks19:42
Berzerker-new linux kernel is out19:43
domjohnsonboondoklife: no19:43
domjohnsonit failed19:43
boondoklifesame error?19:44
domjohnsonMaybe not19:45
domjohnsoni closed it19:46
buckyikonia, screw you britt... if it wasn't for us you'd be speaking german now19:46
domjohnsonIll try again19:46
Berzerker-bucky, if it wasn't for us, we'd be speaking german also19:46
boondoklifedomjohnson: lol19:46
Ian_idd :p19:46
Ian_bucky: i'm sure you fought alot of wars :o19:47
NoelJBBerzerker-, bucky now now, guys ... let's keep that out of the channel  :-)19:47
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buckyhow come a user can't change their own passwd in ubuntu?19:49
DopeGhotibucky: they can19:50
buckytry it19:50
DopeGhotiI've done it just today, in fact.19:50
buckytype passwd19:50
DopeGhotibucky: it's working normally19:51
ikoniabucky: we've discussed this19:51
ikoniastop please19:51
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buckyno.. you've discussed it, i'm not done19:51
domjohnsonbucky: i hate to be some kind of "bossy" person, but if you want to argue, go do it on a private message channel19:52
DopeGhotibucky: what misbehaviour are you seeing, precisely?19:52
buckydomjohnson, you ask enough dumb questions for three people that are all faq and doc19:52
buckyhow come a user can't change their own passwd in ubuntu?19:53
ikoniabucky: drop the attitude to people now. It's a fair question he's asking19:53
buckyikonia, which question are you refering to19:53
ikoniafair comment19:53
DopeGhotibucky: what misbehaviour are you seeing, precisely?  It works normally for me.19:53
domjohnsonThe question is "Can anyone help with the errors im getting with gparted"19:54
DopeGhotidomjohnson: what errors?19:54
domjohnsonI cant remember the exact error messages19:55
domjohnsonso running it again to get them19:55
ikoniadomjohnson: need to get them really to be able to take it forward.19:55
domjohnsonI kno19:55
=== lemonade_ is now known as lemonade
domjohnsonGot them19:55
domjohnsonjust a sec19:55
ikoniadomjohnson: don't forget to use a pastebin if they are long19:56
domjohnsoni know :)19:56
domjohnsonJust pasting it in now :)19:56
joaopintobucky, an user is allowed to change it's own password by default, a broken or special configuration could prevent that, now, what is you real problem ?19:57
pvandewyngaerdeif i open the volume slider at the top right, my hardware volume up and down buttons on my headset dont work anymore19:58
buckyjoaopinto, sorry... busy right now conjuring up a spell to haunt ikonia with the ghost of lilo...19:58
joaopintothere is people with too much free time19:59
DopeGhotijoaopinto: indeed. they're called hobbyist progremmers ;)19:59
domjohnsonikonia: boondoklife: http://paste.ubuntu.com/288042/20:00
ikonialets see20:00
imachinemy volume control has disapeaerd20:01
imachinewhat shuld I do?20:01
imachinei can't control me volume20:01
imachinevrything else works fine20:01
DopeGhotidomjohnson: am I missing somehting? It reads like it was a successful run20:01
imachineany ideas?20:01
imachinecan't readd it20:01
domjohnsonMy thoughts exactly, but the partitions havent changed size...20:02
DopeGhotidomjohnson: wait, nvm, I can't read apparently :p20:02
imachineit's not there to be chosen amontst.20:02
imachineany takers?20:02
ikoniadomjohnson: I don't actually see any errors in that paste20:02
imachinealso, I have no polish trans ;(20:02
imachineit's all in nglish now20:02
ikoniadomjohnson: what lines are you looking at as a problem20:03
DopeGhotiimachine: look at lines 24-4620:03
imachineany help would'e swell20:03
imachineDopeGhoti, ??20:03
DopeGhotiimachine: of domjohnson's paste20:03
JoshuaLwhats the name of the applet in right of the clock?20:03
imachineDopeGhoti, linkplease?20:03
JoshuaLi accidentaly deleted it20:03
JoshuaLin the gnome-panel20:04
domjohnsonShut down?20:04
DopeGhotidomjohnson: ah20:04
Lysianyone knows what's wrong with the main server and how long it can take to fix?20:04
domjohnsonDopeGhoti: You know whats wrong?20:04
joaopintoLysi, which main server ?20:04
ikoniadomjohnson: it looks more like a warning telling you to do a test with -n -s to test it first20:04
DopeGhotidomjohnson: looks like there's not enough free space on the partition you're trying to shrink to hold the data therein20:04
imachineDopeGhoti, ok so I looked20:04
imachineDopeGhoti, and?20:04
DopeGhotidomjohnson: see lines 33, and 4220:04
imachineDopeGhoti, what's happening20:04
imachineI see there's hd issues or so20:05
slacker_nlappears that intel X org shizzle is coming from the kernel20:05
imachinewhat's that to do with my problems ;)20:05
slacker_nli upgraded xorg and no issues20:05
Lysijoaopinto: try updating karmic via main server20:05
JoshuaLdomjohnson, the thing what also says your username and where you can set your IM status20:05
imachineof missing translations20:05
imachineand so forth20:05
slacker_nlLysi: use a mirror instead20:05
imachineI want to control volume, is there an app for it?20:05
imachineand if so, what's the package called?20:05
slacker_nlimachine: on kde, kmix20:05
imachinecan somebody tell me?20:05
slacker_nlon gnome, dunno20:05
imachineslacker_nl, no, on gnome20:05
imachinekde? ubuntu is gnome innit20:05
imachinecan't use kde here right20:06
imachineit's shite20:06
imachinenever tried ubuntu kde20:06
joaopinto!enter | imachine20:06
ubottuimachine: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:06
imachinehad on arch + 3.420:06
Lysislacker_nl: you mean trying another server?20:06
domjohnsonHmm....So i need to make a smaller Hmm....So i need to make a smaller partition change?20:06
imachineheheheh joaopinto okk soz.20:06
slacker_nlLysi: yes20:06
boondoklifedomjohnson: after doing that, it doesnt show you as the size you waned20:06
DopeGhotidomjohnson: that, or free up space on that partition20:06
boondoklifedomjohnson: *wanted?20:06
imachineslacker_nl, no, is it 4.x ?20:06
imachinedoes it run ok?20:06
imachineslacker_nl, an you ell me more about it20:06
slacker_nlimachine: 4.3.1 runs really nice20:06
imachinei'd like to hear20:06
Lysislacker_nl: thanks I'll try20:06
slacker_nlimachine: aptitude install kubuntu-desktop and see for yourself20:07
imachineslacker_nl, I don't want to mess my system up. I don't want dual menus.20:07
slacker_nlimachine: some screenshots can be found at http://opperschaap.net/ubuntu/karmic20:07
imachineis it possible to loose the duality of those menus, after deinstalling?20:07
domjohnsonOne advantage of KDE = Kdenlive20:07
DopeGhotiimachine: you'll only un one at a time (of GNOME and KDE)20:07
slacker_nlimachine: very default desktop, only changed the wallpaper20:07
imachinelike purging the whole kubuntu-destkop20:07
domjohnsonEven though it still runs under gnome...20:07
imachine? :)20:07
domjohnsonI use gnome20:07
DopeGhotidomjohnson: what is Kdenlive?20:07
domjohnsonDont like KDE20:07
domjohnsonKdenlive is a video editing application20:07
domjohnsonThat is pretty good20:08
dfgasis there a flash64bit yet? or better to go with a 32bit firefox?20:08
domjohnsonCompared to other linux video editors20:08
imachinettp://opperschaap.net/ubuntu/karmic's a dad link20:08
imachinealso, qt4 runs great with gtk220:08
slacker_nlimachine: some screenshots can be found at http://opperschaap.net/~wesleys/ubuntu/karmic20:08
DopeGhoti!enter | imachine20:08
ubottuimachine: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:08
imachinet can run great with gnome ubuntu20:08
imachinethat application you mentioned :)20:08
joshjtlhi folks, does anyone know how to install latest moblin on ubuntu?20:08
Piciimachine: please stop pressing enter every 4 words.20:08
imachinePici, yeah man ok chill soz20:08
imachineI'm not used to 'calm and ordered' irc ;p20:09
imachine:-) sorry20:09
DopeGhotidomjohnson: are you trying a new repartition size now (out of curiosity)20:09
domjohnsonChanging it to 4.8GB20:09
DopeGhotidomjohnson: keep me posted; I hope it works properly this time :)20:10
domjohnsoncross fingers!20:11
NoelJBJoshuaL, the indicator-session applet?  the one with your name and the shutdown/reboot/etc controls?  or did you lose a different one?20:11
JoshuaLanyone else having the issue that when you turn of the sound scheme it still plays the login ready file?20:11
JoshuaLNoelJB, yes that one20:11
JoshuaLno thats not the one20:12
domjohnsonStill get the error20:12
domjohnsonim gonna try 1MB20:12
JoshuaLwell, its not the thing with the envelope, but the one with shutdown/reboot my name etc..20:12
kane77what is the proper way to change timezone? because I can't change it in karmic :/20:12
JoshuaLbut indicator-session isnt the one NoelJB20:12
NoelJBdomjohnson, kdenlive is very nice, yes, but you can still use it with gnome  :-)20:12
domjohnsonI know, NoelJB20:13
NoelJBdfgas, yes, there is a 64 bit flash. you have to get it direct from adobe20:13
domjohnsonkane77: Click on the time box thingy20:13
dfgasand it will work for 9.10?20:13
domjohnsonThen go on locations20:13
domjohnsonand click edit20:13
domjohnsonthen type in where you live20:14
domjohnsonclick add20:14
NoelJBJoshuaL, indicator session applet should be the one.20:14
domjohnsonThen type where you live20:14
domjohnsonThe city20:14
JoshuaLNoelJB, that one only adds the envelop stuff20:14
domjohnsonAnd click on the thing in the drop down box20:14
domjohnsonAnd that adds the timezone and etc20:14
domjohnsonit also gives you the weather20:15
domjohnsonSo, for me, the city is Newcastle20:15
domjohnsonand i click on the one "North east, GB"20:15
kane77domjohnson, thanks that worked..20:15
domjohnsonYour welcome :)20:15
domjohnsonThis time next year it will be October20:16
domjohnsonAnd it will be thursdday20:16
kane77domjohnson, I was trying System->Administration->Time and date, but setting it there had no effect whatsoever.. This might me confusing for some people20:16
sakohey all, I have a problem with the eclipse package20:18
sakoit tells me this installation is not setup for software updates20:18
NoelJBJoshuaL, I just added a second one here.  *NOT* Indicator Applet.  The next one: Indicator Applet Session.  If you are seeing envelopes, you added the wrong one.20:19
JoshuaLNoelJB, Indicator Applet Session does not appear in my add to panel dialog :(20:20
Nattgeware there any preferences for gnome-shell?20:22
sakoanyone get eclipse on 9.10? Are you able to download plugins?20:22
sakoactually.. what is the best way to remove eclipse from ubuntu karmic? I should just get it from eclipse.org20:24
sakoapt-get remove eclipse?20:24
sakohow can i hit all the dependencies and config files too?20:24
JoshuaLadd --purge20:24
JoshuaLand sudo apt-get autoremove20:25
JoshuaLremoves unused dependencies iirc20:25
NoelJBJoshuaL, dpkg -l | grep indicator-applet-session ... do you see it?20:26
NoelJBNattgew, yes.  the preference is not to use it.  :-p20:26
JoshuaLNoelJB, no20:26
sakoI am running 9.10 beta, is there some place I can check if updates are broken before upgrading?20:27
domjohnson2MB worked20:27
NoelJBJoshuaL, you are on ubuntu or kubuntu?  just checking.20:27
sakoI have a bunch of updates available on my system20:27
JoshuaLwhen i do apt-get install indicator-applet-session20:27
NattgewNoelJB: I see, the options are "on" and "off"...20:27
JoshuaLit asks me to insall it20:27
JoshuaLso ill try that20:27
JoshuaLit shows a empathy package too20:28
JoshuaLand i removed empathy20:28
NoelJBJoshuaL, yes, install it.  you may (will) also have to restart your session, but afterwards, you should be able to put it back.20:28
JoshuaLso that might be my problem20:28
NoelJByeah, empathy is kind of integrated now.  :-\20:28
NoelJBNattgew, you had to install it by hand.  it isn't stock with Karmic.20:29
NoelJBNattgew, and it doesn't (and apparently never will) play with compiz.20:29
JoshuaLbrb logging out20:29
domjohnsonKubuntu is EVIL20:29
domjohnsonWhat is so great about Xubuntu?20:29
NattgewNoelJB: yeah, I did, and I noticed... that's why I wanted to know if there were any preferences20:29
domjohnsonThats XFCE, isnt it?20:29
slacker_nldomjohnson: great, i'm the devil, so that's why I use KDE20:30
JoshuaLNoelJB, reinstalling did the trick thanks20:31
domjohnsonWhat are the different 'buntus again?20:31
NoelJBJoshuaL, welcome :-)20:31
domjohnsonTheres easy peasy, Ubuntu Studio, Xubuntu, Kubuntu20:32
ubottu!Kubuntu and !Xubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with KDE and Xfce (respectively) installed as default, instead of GNOME. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu20:32
domjohnsonWhat else?20:32
domjohnsonAh yes20:32
domjohnsonWhats that?20:32
Picidomjohnson: The ones that ubottu listed are the only official ones.20:32
domjohnsonI know20:32
domjohnsontheres things like crunchbang as well20:32
PiciBut those are unofficial and we do not support them here.20:33
domjohnsonwowww 340 people20:34
surhello all, gnumeric segfaults when I try to print a document20:36
domjohnsonSur: looks like everyones away atm...I would help you if i could, but i have no idea what segfaults means!20:40
DopeGhotitl;dr: a segfault is a program crashing because of a programming error20:42
jbicha!bug | sur20:42
ubottusur: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots20:42
jbichaalso see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valgrind20:43
domjohnsonAre all the people that make ubuntu devlopers 'employed' by canonical or do people just submit patches and etc over the internet like is the case with the kernel?20:45
surdomjohnson, I think gnumeric wants to reach somewhere in memory that it should not20:47
__mikemDoes anyone know if the next version of ubuntu is finally getting a new default theme?20:47
sur__mikem, what's wrong with this one?20:47
__mikemits several years old20:47
sur__mikem, I do not think it will. I do not like brown personally20:48
__mikemGreat, so basically the artwork team STILL hasn't figured out the importance of marketability :(20:49
jiffewhat are the "cloud computing cluster" and "cloud computing node" options in 9.10 ?20:54
meatbunwhat will be new to 9.10? upgrading from 904?21:00
jbichameatbun: try http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/beta21:02
kklimondameatbun: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/beta, scroll down21:02
mac_vdomjohnson: not all are canonical employees... why the doubt ?21:04
vinvinhi, I am using kubuntu karmic and have a problem with sound, level is very low and I wan only hear bass sounds21:04
JazzplayerL9random question...this is my first time messing with pulseaudio...used to setting a default sound level with sudo alsactl store...but that doesn't seem to work to keep my sound levels right and I have to go back into alsamixer to change them again.  How do I set a default sound level?21:09
Pelowhat's the current version, are we in RC yet ?21:20
guntbertPelo: look at the topic :-)21:22
dfgasNoelJB, wow that took a bit of digging, but I found it. heh. thank you again21:24
j0nrok, i have a problem, that i do not believe is karmic specific, but seeing as i am on karmic i should ask in here...21:25
IndyGunFreakman, the intel graphics are still an issue i seee21:25
IndyGunFreaknot that i care, i d on't do DE21:25
j0nri have a completely fresh install, everything seems to work except the network is a bit funny.... update manaer never finishes downloading the cache. and more bizarrely, in FF i can go to google, perform a search but go no further than that21:26
j0nrgoogle keeps working as in it returns search results but i cannot go to any other sites21:26
domjohnsonmac_v: just wondering21:27
IndyGunFreakhmm, that is weird21:27
IndyGunFreakwireless or wired?21:27
j0nrIndyGunFreak: wired21:28
domjohnsonCan you type in addresses of websites?21:28
domjohnsonAnd go to them?21:29
mauriim looking for a tool like partition manager that is able to manage ntfs partition (resize)21:30
j0nrdomjohnson: i can type them but they never seem to get there21:30
commander_i need help guys...i have no sound21:30
j0nrjust constantly 'connecting...'21:30
rippsj0nr: that sounds like your unable to connect to your isp's dns servers... how do connect to the internet and do you use a router?21:32
jbwivhello all. So I just ran an upgrade via apt-get to upgrade to Koala, but on boot I get a grub error: "Error 15: not found". I'm betting this is because I use LVM + Software Raid (although upgrade has worked in the past). Any ideas what I can do or do I simply have to download the alternative cd and install manually?21:33
domjohnsonmauri: partition manager does that21:34
j0nrripps: I am able to use other machines on the same network... behind a router.21:34
mauridomjohnson: no, it seems not able to manage ntfs partitio...only ext21:34
ghendar"Error 15: not found" sheesh, that's about as helpful an error as "Keyboard Error: No Keyboard Found. Press F1 to continue..."21:34
domjohnsonmauri: im using it right now to make an ntfs partition smaller21:35
domjohnsonyou cant make them bigger21:35
rippsj0nr: do you have nm-applet connect automatically, or do you have customized profile?21:35
domjohnsonwith anything21:35
domjohnsonbecause there is no physical space there21:35
domjohnsonyou have to make one partition smaller to make another bigger21:35
j0nrripps: this is a competely fresh install, so nm is auto connecting21:35
rippshmmm... dchp should be connecting to the dns for you, I don't know why it's not working...21:35
jbwivghendar: yeah, I agree21:36
mauridomjohnson: which version do you use21:36
jbwivI presume it's trying to find the root partition21:36
domjohnsonumm...the one that comes with the 9.04 live cd21:36
rippsj0nr: can you access your router's config page?21:36
jbwivseems like I've seen this at some point in the past when the initrd didn't include software raid/lvm support21:36
mauridomjohnson: mine is 1.0.021:36
jbwivwhich sucks...because you'd think the upgrade would recognize that I was using both21:36
domjohnsonthis one is 0.4.321:37
domjohnsonSo yours should be able to21:37
ghendarjbwiv, dist-upgrades are like inviting a bull into a china room... you have a backup right?21:37
jbwivghendar: yep, sure do21:38
j0nrripps: yeah21:39
domjohnsonmauri: what are you trying to do?21:39
mauridomjohnson: simply resize a ntfs partition21:39
domjohnsonMake it bigger or smaller, though?21:39
domjohnsonAnd does it throw an error message when you try, or can you just not do it?21:40
DopeGhotidomjohnson: I'm back after an hour AFK- how did the repartition go?21:40
domjohnsonYou mean the 2MB one? it worked21:40
DopeGhotidomjohnson: excellent! :)21:40
domjohnsonjust resized my #! partition21:40
mauridomjohnson: in my case smaller, but it the same.... the option is not available for ntfs partitions21:40
ghendarjbwiv, it doesn't take long to install from scratch, so I usually do a fresh install rather than wasting time with the fallout that inevitably occurs when dist-upgrading21:40
domjohnsonAnd im putting my Docs and settings from windows onto there21:40
domjohnsonAnd then...you get the point21:40
rippsj0nr: I don't know the specifics, but you can try creating a custom profile in NetworkManager to connect to your router and then specify the dns manually in the profile, you can probably find out your isp's dns servers in your router's status page21:41
domjohnsonMy docs and settings is about 15GB21:41
domjohnsonRight, so your in partition manager21:41
domjohnsonand you click on the NTFS partition you want21:41
jbwivghendar: yes, lesson learned. Download the alternate cd now. I have my disks reasonably partitioned so the install shouldn't take long. Thanks for your advice21:41
domjohnsonbut you cant press resize?21:41
domjohnsonIt might be mounted21:41
domjohnsonso you need to go into file manager>unmount21:41
mauridomjohnson: no, it is not mounted21:41
ghendarjbwiv, you welcome21:42
domjohnsonhmm..Are you on Ubuntu or Kubuntu?21:42
mauridomjohnson: mount and unmot option are disable in partition manager21:42
mauridomjohnson: kubuntu21:42
domjohnsonWell im on normal Ubuntu21:42
domjohnsonSo install GParted21:42
domjohnsonIt might work...21:42
domjohnsonjust possibly...21:42
mauridomjohnson: thanks but i've already tried it21:43
domjohnsonUmm...Your welcome?21:43
domjohnsonim out of ideas...21:43
domjohnsonCan you do a screenshot and upload it to tinypic or something like that?21:43
domjohnsonJust of what it looks like when you select the NTFS partition21:44
domjohnsonOr whereever is the latest stage you can get to21:44
oldude67am using ubuntu's startup program for my flash drive to redo the system, does it work well or should i just down load the disk and burn one?21:44
domjohnsonnever tried it21:45
domjohnsonbut a lot of people do that, oldude6721:45
oldude67ya i have heard people talking about it, so i figured i would give it a try.21:46
oldude67ok well be back in a bit going to give it a go...21:46
fluvvellI've put karmic into a laptop, just did updates and the new kernel- broadcom wireless died, whats the quickest way to fix it? Remove and replace restricted drivers?21:50
domjohnsonYou should be able to boot from the old kernel on your grub menu21:50
domjohnsonBut aside from that, i dont know21:50
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps
ghendarfluvvell, for broadcom I usually connect via a wire and then use the proprietery hardware tool to remove then add the wireless back21:51
fluvvellthat was my most recent thought too. thanks.21:51
fluvvellShould the new kernel trigger a rebuild or something?21:52
fluvvellIs that a "bug" ?21:52
ghendarfluvvell, generally it would, but if it needs to download stuff to do that and you are only on the wireless it becomes a chicken and egg problem... hence go to the wire21:53
fluvvellyep, good point.21:53
* ghendar hates broadcom21:53
joshjtlhey folks anyone know if there is an irc channel for ubuntu moblin remix?21:54
domjohnsonSay bye-bye, crunchbang21:56
domjohnsonBut Crunchbang, thats exactly why21:56
domjohnsonNow go to sleep.21:56
domjohnsonAND NEVER WAKE UP!21:56
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:57
domjohnsonBy Cmoe21:57
joaopintodomjohnson, please behave21:57
thiebaude!offtopic | domjohnson21:57
ubottudomjohnson: #ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.21:57
NoReflexHey guys! I just installed Kubuntu karmic beta and I have a problem with my sound system. I have a Dell Inspiron 1520 notebook and lspci says : Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller. My problem is whenever a sound is generated I can hear a crackling sound for about 1-2 seconds before21:57
falstaff|hhello, i wrote a upstart job which spans a startx in a loop, i cant access any console now the screen just flashes, any idea? i have no cdrom in that system, so would be fine without rescue cd.. is there a kernel parameter to JUST invoke a shell (no init/upstart...?)22:01
falstaff|hhmm, init=/bin_/s22:01
joaopintoinit=binary ?22:01
falstaff|hdoes this work?22:01
joaopintoit works for a regular init, not sure about upstart22:02
falstaff|homg, this grub2 is.... i dont know.. i liked the old one :-)22:03
falstaff|hhm, kernel panic :-)22:04
commander_i need help fo the 3rd time i asked22:06
nsgnhowdy there. so i've read over the 9.10 stuff and am excited  about the release...but i wonder most about the interface/theme.  has it been tweaked or changed much?22:06
sebsebsebnsgn no not exactly22:07
nsgnwow, exit is not close window22:07
ghendarcommander_, if you were more specific than "I have no sound" you might be helped sooner22:07
nsgngot back just in time to see sebsebseb's answer, but nothing before it22:07
sebsebsebwell there's the new GDM (Gnome Display Manager log in screen), which apparantly can't be themed :(22:08
nsgncause honestly i'm enjoying 9.04 except for the theme. windows feel too chunky, desktop is not very customizable22:08
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=== lupine_86 is now known as lupine_85
sebsebsebthe boot up theme  has changed as well22:08
sebsebsebNice theme for the  Ubuntu App Centre,  which has replaced add/remove22:08
nsgnare those two issues i just mentioned any different, or should i be looking elsewhere to resolve my issues?22:09
commander_i said tht about 4x already..n yes i have no sound22:09
joaopintonsgn, you can always change the theme, the theme capability on what relates to gnome shoudn't have much changes22:09
sebsebsebnsgn: as for the actsaul Ubuntu theme it's like before22:09
sebsebsebby the way you had something odd or whatever just now, well I coudn't auto complete your name at first22:09
nsgni know, i used quit on accident earlier22:09
nsgni'm here though22:10
nsgnpoor wireless issues atm22:10
sebsebsebnsgn: Ubuntu  Software Centre above  (altough actsaully it's called center :( )22:10
nsgnwhat about it?22:10
sebsebseblooks a lot nicer than add/remove which it has replaced22:10
nsgni guess i'm trying to decide if i should go to 9.10 or look for another distro22:11
ghendar!polite | commander_22:11
ubottucommander_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:11
sebsebsebnsgn: Ext4 by default :)  not for Ext3  9.04 upgrades though22:11
commander_i've been polite and patient ghendar22:11
BUGabundooh look its sebsebseb.22:11
joaopintonsgn, picking a distro based on the default theme is a bit odd, anyway, probably you want to ask on #ubuntu-offtopic22:11
BUGabundolong time no se22:11
sebsebsebBUGabundo: I don't know who you are22:12
AlanBellcommander_: tell us what you have done so far22:12
nsgnjoaopinto: i guess i've found changing themes in ubuntu to be difficult. am i missing some easy way to do it? i enjoy the feature set but really am tired of the chunky default theme22:12
sebsebsebnsgn: as for other distros, if you want newer stuff first,   Fedora :)   unfortunatly Fedora 11 didn't  like my partition set up, so I coudn't install22:12
AlanBellcommander_: what is your sound card, did it work in Jaunty?22:12
AlanBellcommander_: does it fail from a liveCD?22:13
sebsebsebnsgn: well in a virtual machine I could install of course22:13
joaopintonsgn, I assume you are talking about gnome themes, the process to change gnome themes is the same for any distro, you just need to read the how-to22:13
commander_yes.the last time i think it had something to do with the modem22:13
slacker_nlsebsebseb: re fedora 11: extended partitions?22:14
nsgnis it a gnome issue that the desktop is so horribly uncustomizable? i want to make text go beside the icons, make the icons tiny, etc22:14
nsgni think i was spoiled having OSX on my last laptop :)22:14
commander_no just only when i upgraded to 9.1022:14
slacker_nlnsgn: could be ;)22:14
nsgnapple's theming and desktop were really slick22:14
sebsebsebslacker_nl: I don't know,   I didn't use LVM,  I wanted to remove /   and keep /home and data partitition.   anyway this is off topic for in here22:14
nsgnmain focus for me is efficient use of screen space. that's my reason for wanting to change the themes and desktop settings. i multitask a ton but use a 13inch laptop screen cause i'm always on the go22:15
sebsebsebslacker_nl: and then the installer gives me an error, and says it's probably a bug and to report it22:15
slacker_nlsebsebseb: i had the same issue with fedora 11 because of extended partitions22:15
AlanBellcommander_: so what is the modem and explain what happened last time, was that on Jaunty?22:16
sebsebsebslacker_nl: well hopefuly it's fixed in Fedora 1222:16
AlanBellcommander_: what computer is it? laptop/desktop/make/model22:16
slacker_nlsebsebseb: i sure hope so22:17
commander_it was working well on Jaunty22:17
sebsebsebnsgn: The Ubuntu Software Centre is  probably the most interesting thing in  Karmic to be honest,  except for default Ext4 support of cousre22:18
commander_HP Pavilion dv6833us22:18
nsgnsebsebseb: got ya. maybe my hopes for wonderous amazing new computer awesomeness were too high then :)22:18
sebsebsebnsgn: It will eventaully repalce Synaptic and that by what I read22:18
slacker_nlsebsebseb: unfortunatly it is not working 100% with kde (software-center)22:19
sebsebsebKDE 4 as a GUI no thanks,  since  it's to differnet from KDE 322:19
sebsebseba few KDE apps in Gnome though yes22:19
sebsebsebit seems to have put on most of or all of KDE 4 anyway, even though I only told it to install  a few apps22:20
sebsebsebit as in Karmic22:20
sebsebseb(and few apps, as in  KDE apps,  plus I installed other non KDE apps)22:21
sebsebsebnsgn: Well I guess Canonical  properly care about the Long Term Support releases,  and then the other releases that aern't non  LTS,  are about  new features, and trying things22:21
joaopintosebsebseb, that is not a softwara center problem, that is how the dependencies are set now, installing from synaptic will have the same result22:21
sebsebsebjoaopinto: I didn't install from the software centre22:22
sebsebsebapt-get commands :)22:22
nsgnso i guess my final question is...is it worth a 9.04 user installing?22:22
joaopintoah ok, you were talking about software center not correctly handling kde apps install22:22
joaopintonsgn, it's beta, if you are not planning to test and report problems, no22:23
sebsebsebjoaopinto: well  yes something seems to have not done it properly this time round, since what I said22:23
sebsebsebI didn't want most/all of KDE installed, just some of the apps  in Gnome :)22:23
nsgnjoaopinto: i don't mind testing and reporting as i use. i'm on a notebook i had to do some help to get properly supported on 9.04 in the first place22:23
sebsebsebwell  at least it  let me try  logging into another session using the new GDM, but I didn't need to do that22:24
joaopintonsgn, so yes, give it a try22:24
nsgni'm just generally wondering if 9.10 is anything worth the bother. i guess i expected more changes22:24
sebsebsebnsgn: indeed at what you put22:24
sebsebsebnsgn: I am still thinking about if I am going to upgrade the other computer that runs 9.04 with Ext4,  to 9.10 or not22:24
joaopintonsgn, IMHO there aren't much changes from an user interface perspective22:24
nsgnbut perhaps my issues are with gnome. i feel it is pretty behind compared to macosx or even windows 722:24
joaopintonsgn, have you filed bug reports about those issues ?22:25
sebsebsebnsgn: to be honest Ubuntu is behind  with default eye candy big time, when comparing to many other distros, and even Windows and Mac OS X22:25
sebsebsebthey don't even have a theme for Grub22:25
nsgni'm pretty tempted some days to just go back to osx...but i left over issues with apple not being open. i want so bad to stay with open software22:25
sebsebsebmost/all other distros that I have tried have a default theme for Grub22:25
joaopintonsgn, and please stop comparing projects which are not comparable from a develpment resources perspective22:25
sebsebsebjoaopinto: Do you program?22:26
nsgnjoaopinto: i'm not speaking anything against the devs of ubuntu, but more expressing my personal experience. the whole reason i dumped osx for linux/ubuntu is because i really really believe in what the guys behind this project are doing22:26
joaopintosebsebseb, I don't do active development these days, except for python, but yes, I have development skills22:26
nsgnso no disrespect here22:26
nsgnbut on the other hand i switched cold turkey and am still getting a grip on the whole linux world22:27
sebsebsebnsgn: Have you tried Karmic yet?22:27
joaopintosebsebseb, he is asking it he should try, so, no, he didn't22:28
igormorgadoheya! the 9.10 installer is insane, he is trying to repartition my disk without ask me! how can  I choose what I want?22:28
nsgnsebsebseb: nope22:28
sebsebsebnsgn: ok this is what I suggest22:28
commander_Sorry Alan had to log out...is there a way to resolve this sound i don't have on Karmic22:28
sebsebsebnsgn: don't  put it on pshyically yet, unless your an actsaul tester  that will report bugs, or developer22:28
joaopintoigormorgado, uh, without ask you ? there is a screen where you must set the partition method22:28
sebsebsebnsgn: you can however burn a Live CD and try, or with enough RAM try in a virtual machine :)22:28
joaopintoigormorgado, the default is to use the entire disk22:28
igormorgadojoaopinto: this screen isnt being showed to me22:28
joaopintoigormorgado, are you using a desktop cd ?22:29
nsgnsebsebseb: i've got the ram to VM it. i guess i'll play with that. thanks. i was mainly wondering the improvements. you've given me an idea now22:29
igormorgadojoaopinto: as I can see in processes tree. It start to run resize my ntfs22:29
dashI'm having the most interesting problem22:29
igormorgadojoaopinto: yes. desktop cd22:29
dashwhenever a key is depressed on my usb keyboard, my usb mouse doesn't move the pointer22:29
sebsebsebnsgn: Virtualbox :)22:29
igormorgadontfsresize -f -i /dev/sdb122:29
dashthis makes playing quake /super/ hard.22:30
xamoxhow do I get wifi working in karmac?22:30
igormorgadoxamox: my wifi is working, thank you =D22:30
igormorgadoxamox: is a rtl818722:30
dashAnybody else seen this?22:30
sebsebsebnsgn: np and vm's are pretty cool really :)22:30
xamoxigormorgado, mine is not. I enabled the broadcom driver but a no go.22:30
nsgnsebsebseb: actually already have VMware Workstation all configured. i use it extensively22:31
igormorgadoxamox: i havent a broadcom cant help =D22:31
sebsebsebnsgn: oh right I see, well Virtaulbox can even run vmdk files22:31
igormorgadojoaopinto: any idea?22:31
wirechief_anyone having issues with karmic netbook-remix : https://bugs.launchpad.net/netbook-remix-launcher/+bug/44581722:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 445817 in netbook-remix-launcher "karmic-netbook-remix-i386.iso fails to boot from usb stick" [Undecided,New]22:31
nsgnsebsebseb: so i've heard. i've not tried virtualbox for much yet. bought workstation because of the graphics acceleration support and cross compatibility with my vmware servers22:31
sebsebsebnsgn: I assume you paid for Workstation or got it free legally, if not you shoudn't really be running it22:32
joaopintoigormorgado, whe did that ntfsresize command came from ?22:32
nsgnsebsebseb: "bought"22:32
nsgnthat would imply i paid for it, yes22:32
sebsebsebnsgn: ok22:32
nsgni support software i like22:32
nsgnvmware makes solid stuff22:32
dashseems to happen no matter what mouse I use.22:33
sebsebsebnsgn: ideally we should be running  as much opensource/freesoftware as possible really :)  ,but there is some good closed source software out there as well22:33
igormorgadojoaopinto: from ps tree. I will not paste all tree here. But after the keyboard screen, it start to READING DISKS, and stay there... checking in ps axwwwf  I could notice that /lib/partman/display.d/10initial_auto is calling /lib/partman/automatically_partition/10resize_use_free/choices22:33
igormorgadoand this is calling ntfsresize -f -i /dev/sdb122:34
AlanBellcommander_: you can use lspci to find out exactly what your soundcard is22:34
nsgnsebsebseb: yup. i really loved what apple was doing, but couldnt take some of the closed decisions they were making. the leap to ubuntu was quite a leap, but it has been highly educational to me22:34
AlanBellcommander_: and then search launchpad/google for any bugs raised against it22:34
joaopintoigormorgado, well, no idea, it would be a critical bug if you really didn't selected next on the part manager section by mistake22:35
AlanBellcommander_: failing that you can file a bug, with all the information you have now got22:35
sebsebseb1love > nsgn22:35
sebsebseb!love > nsgn22:35
ubottunsgn, please see my private message22:36
igormorgadojoaopinto: indeed it is.. I have a uncommon partition here, and plenty disks22:36
joaopintoigormorgado, just don't abort the ntfsresize and you should be safe22:36
dupondjesomebody knows how to create pdf from .chm file? Tries chm2pdf, but it segfaults :(22:36
sebsebsebnsgn: Wikipedia have a rather good vender lock in page, where yep Apple and Microsoft, but other technology companies get mentioned as well22:36
joaopintodupondje, if it segfaults file a bug report about it22:36
igormorgadojoaopinto: i have 2 1.5tb disks, I dont want partiotiner to mess with my data disk22:37
joaopintocan't you just print the chm  ?22:37
joaopintoigormorgado, I hope is not important data without backups, you are installing beta :)22:37
dupondjejoaopinto: will do, but bugreport is 75mb ! not cool with a 0,4mbit upload speed ;)22:37
blueglasseswhats the best remote to use with moovida?22:37
igormorgadojoaopinto: all data is still there.. =D isnt IMPORTANT, but is my data =D22:38
joaopintoigormorgado, please file a bug report22:38
sebsebsebnsgn: Anyway now this is a pretty good and interesting page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter  I suggest reading the Rationale they have have some interesting points there22:38
igormorgadojoaopinto: doing right now! =D22:38
blueglassesjoaopinto és português?22:39
joaopintoigormorgado, I believe the package for the installer is ubiquity22:39
joaopinto!pt | blueglasses22:39
ubottublueglasses: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.22:39
sebsebseb!pr |  blueglasses22:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pr22:39
joaopintoand yes, I am22:39
nsgngotta run now. thanks22:39
blueyedany hints about bug 333563?22:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333563 in ubuntu "built-in mic on Acer Aspire 5100 don't work with record, skype etc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33356322:46
blueyedsry, bug 44456322:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444563 in udev "errors while booting: Invalid cross-device link" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44456322:46
BUGabundodtchen: are you in here22:50
BUGabundodtchen: need a bit of help to make mic work22:50
joaopintoanyone using skype on karmic ?22:52
FloridaGuyubuntu 9.10....for some reason i cant install any 3rd party deb packages...like opera...my printer drivers...tryed uninstalling and reinstalling gdebi..but still nothing22:52
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga22:52
joaopintoFloridaGuy, pastebin the error that you get ?22:52
VolkodavI have skype working fine22:53
FloridaGuyjoaopinto, i just click on the deb file and get nothing...22:53
Volkodavand opera and drivers22:53
BUGabundoVolkodav: how did you chose input?22:54
BUGabundoFloridaGuy: try $ sudo dkpg -i PACKAGENAME.deb22:54
Volkodavinput ?22:54
joaopintoFloridaGuy, open a terminal and run: sudo gdebi package.deb22:54
joaopintoBUGabundo, gdebi is safer if there is  a problem22:54
FloridaGuyshould the package be on desktop or home folder22:55
joaopintoit doesn't matter, as long you "cd" to the correct dir22:55
zniavregdebi is bugged atm22:56
FloridaGuyjoaopinto, Traceback (most recent call last):   File "/usr/bin/gdebi", line 29, in <module>    import apt ImportError: No module named apt22:57
joaopintoFloridaGuy, uh, your system is seriously broken22:57
joaopintoFloridaGuy, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:57
safruhanihi, will it be possible to upgrade from beta version to stable version of karmic koala?22:57
joaopintosafruhani, if you are doing updates regularly, you will be using the stable once it's released22:58
madberrysafruhani: October 29th22:58
safruhanithank you so much our friends22:59
FloridaGuyjoaopinto, if so..its a beta fault...lol22:59
joaopintoFloridaGuy, I am not aware of any gdebi/python-apt beta problem23:00
safruhanigood bye to everybody23:00
safruhanii have a question too23:00
safruhaniwhat about the mono support of this version23:00
safruhanidoes it increase23:00
safruhaniapplications which are using mono23:01
safruhanilike tomboy23:01
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Karmic. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.23:01
igormorgadosafruhani: no.. gnote is the replacement23:01
safruhaniigormorgado: ubuntu doesn't use mono by default =?23:01
igormorgadono replacement to tangerine AFAIK.23:01
igormorgadosafruhani: no.23:01
safruhaniigormorgado: increasing or decreasing?23:02
igormorgadosafruhani: this makes no sense23:02
igormorgadosafruhani: decreasing23:02
igormorgadosafruhani: someone has spreaded this hoax.23:02
safruhanivery good situation23:02
safruhaniigormorgado: i don't understand what do you want to say at last23:03
KnifeySpooneyWhenever I boot karmic, bootchart makes invalid images23:03
safruhaniigormorgado: what about the rhythmbox23:03
joaopintoigormorgado, uh ? tomboy is the default23:03
KnifeySpooneyDoes bootchart work for anyone else in karmic?23:04
joaopintosafruhani, there is a clear statement about ubuntu and mono, there is nothing blocking mono from being adopted from an ubuntu perspective23:04
KnifeySpooneyI'm thinking it has stopped working due to karmic's boot changes, but i'm not sure23:04
yofelKnifeySpooney: how invalid? .png fails to get generated? Broken?23:04
safruhanijoaopinto: what about banshee?23:05
safruhanijoaopinto: is it default on 9.10 ?_23:05
KnifeySpooneyyofel: They are generated but image loading fails in image-viewer and firefox.23:05
joaopintosafruhani, what is the use of all those questions ? can I provide you some usefull info ?23:05
yofelKnifeySpooney: my last image from 3 hours ago is ok, lemme check if there was an BC update23:05
safruhanijoaopinto: yes please23:06
joaopintosafruhani, the default is rhytmbox23:06
safruhaniok thanks23:06
igormorgadosafruhani: but mono is still there, anyone can use and devel on it. I would not dare! =D23:07
safruhanithanks and good bye23:08
KnifeySpooneyyofel: i have to go, might be back later. Thanks for the help23:09
yofelKnifeySpooney: did it only fail once or did you try to reboot again? (can you upload the image somewhere? (imagebin.ca))23:09
yofelmissed him -.-23:10
gajopis it me or has sound stopped working now?23:15
BUGabundogajop: it usualy does23:16
gajopBUGabundo, some update happened and i'm not getting any sound at all23:16
gajopand at least i think i've got everything unmuted23:17
BUGabundogajop: kill PA23:17
BUGabundokillall pulseaudio23:17
BUGabundoand it will restart on it self23:17
gajopthanks, bb23:18
thiebaudeBUGabundo, hey23:18
BUGabundohey thiebaude23:19
BUGabundomisssed you too :D23:19
thiebaudeBUGabundo, yea, haven't been around testing until 9.1023:21
=== FOAD_ is now known as FOAD
BUGabundoyou and me :(23:21
BUGabundoNeed to get 299MB of archives. After unpacking 537MB will be freed.23:22
BUGabundothis a joke, right?23:22
joaopintoBUGabundo, isn't that the grub bug fix ?23:22
thiebaudei better check my updates23:23
joaopintowhat's wrong with that message, one of the packages just replaces an existing much bigger package23:23
joaopintoAfter unpacking and replacing...23:23
BUGabundomy console is all messed up23:23
BUGabundocan't scroll ok23:24
BUGabundojoaopinto: ^^^^^23:25
mika_videoat least with KUbuntu 7.10 apparmor module confilcts with driver for Canon LBP-660 laser printer. Has this bug been fixed ? If not, is there an easy way to blacklist apparmor so it will never be loaded ?23:25
BUGabundo bug 44470323:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444703 in grub "package grub 0.97-29ubuntu57 failed to install" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44470323:27
joaopintomika_video, you can just remove apparmor or disable the profile in question23:28
joaopintomika_video, have you reported the bug ?23:28
mika_videoI have no idea how to report a bug23:28
joaopintomika_video, launchpad.net23:28
BUGabundojoaopinto: wrong23:28
BUGabundoLP is a Project manager :)23:28
joaopintoBUGabundo, which allows to report bugs23:29
BUGabundomika_video: you should use ubuntu-bug23:29
joaopintoLP is a framework, it provides a bug tracker23:29
joaopintoBUGabundo, like I said, it's the grub bug fix that will free that space23:31
tzangergood evening23:31
tzangergreat work on 9.10, the upgrade from 9.04 was seamless23:31
tzangerthere are a couple of things I'd like to report, wondering whre the appropriate place to reporti s23:31
joaopintotzanger, ubuntu-bug package23:32
joaopintoassuming you are refering to bugs23:32
tzangerjoaopinto: yep23:32
mika_videoI found this: "Note: If you use Kubuntu, please see the Kubuntu variant of this page here." .... but now: is KUbuntu developed tarallel and in the same time as Ubuntu? or does KUbuntu's final version's preparing only start after the new Ubuntu version is out?23:32
mika_videojust found this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs23:33
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots23:34
commander__AlanBell r uthere?23:40
commander__i need help with my sound23:40
commander__i have no sound23:53
BUGabundocommander__: rebooted?23:53
sakohey guys, if i get 9.10 beta is it still suggested to reinstall when 9.10 is released?23:53
BUGabundosako: NO23:53
BUGabundowhere do your ppl get that idea??23:54
sakoalso I see a lot of packages that say held back?23:54
BUGabundoyou just update as often as you wish23:54
BUGabundoand you get  what ever is in the archive at that given moment23:54
sakowhat do held back packages mean? it's not updating those packages?23:54
BUGabundosako: sudo aptitude update ; sudo aptitude safe-upgrade ; sudo aptitude full-upgrade23:54
sakoi see23:55
sakothanks BUGabundo23:55
sakobtw what is the difference between safe-upgrade?23:56
sakoand full-upgrade?23:56
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed.  Unless the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list have changed, this does not involve upgrading to a new release.23:56
petersonhello; I'm testing out 9.10 and in order to upgrade apt-get asks me if I want to remove libgd2-noxpm and replace it with libgd2-xpm (partial upgrade thing). Does anyone know if it's safe to do it? I mean, they're both libgd2...23:56
BUGabundosako: full upgrade jumps dependcy23:57
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BUGabundopeterson: same thing I said to sako23:57
BUGabundopeterson: : sudo aptitude update ; sudo aptitude safe-upgrade ; sudo aptitude full-upgrade23:57
petersonhumm ok I only got the last part. thank you =)23:57
sakowhats the difference between apt-get and aptitude?23:58
test34why wouldn't it do a safe-upgrade as a default option ?23:58
Piciaptitude handles manually installed packages a bit differently than apt-get, but other than that, they are the same23:59
sakoso apt-get also has safe-upgrade and full-upgrade23:59
BUGabundosako: they are both front-ends for dpkg23:59
sakoi have been doing apt-get update; apt-get upgrade23:59

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