
darkhamhow many changes until october 29?03:39
zniavrea et les options de nautilus sont revenues12:38
zniavreoops sorry wrong chanel12:39
zniavrechannel *12:39
kwwiihrm, so if anyone wants something to do, look into gdm12:55
kwwiiI cannot figure out why the cancel button is so much bigger than the login button12:55
kwwiimac_v: hey, do you know when the last package upload for humanity was?15:42
kwwiimac_v: ie, I need to know which changes in bzr have gone in and which not15:42
mac_vkwwii: yesterday... for some reason the mail is sent to the ML , wasnt received :/15:42
mac_vkwwii: which changes do you mean ?15:43
kwwiihttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~elementaryart/humanity/Humanity/revision/396 is the last?15:43
mac_vkwwii: 395 is the last , lool didnt include edit 392 :/15:45
mac_vhe cherry picked that one out... it was a very minor edit , i dont know why he did that15:46
kwwiithere were just some questions about the remaining missing icons, etc15:47
kwwiithere is something missing in the installer15:48
kwwiimac_v: apparently the accessibility icon in the installer is showing the guy in the wheelchair15:48
mac_vkwwii: huh? from where i dont think there is an icon for wheelchair in humanity15:49
kwwiimac_v: yeah, that is what I meant...if so, it is falling back to gnome15:49
mac_vkwwii: i think the icon didnt not make it into beta cd15:50
mac_vhumanity accessibility icon*15:50
kwwiimac_v: that would make sense15:50
mac_vnp :)15:53
dashuazniavre, There is really no other workaround for Firefox as it takes the menu_bg for the menubar_bg and screws up the text.  Theme works fine with dark menus, just not the yellow ones.17:38
dashuaAt least one I know of without patching FF17:38
FLOZzHello all  _o/18:42
zniavredashua http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/7892/capturekh.png  > 3 bugs i m not able to solve19:44
zniavredashua,  my workaround for firefox is a new launcher > env GTK2_RC_FILES=/home/zniavre/.themes/zni3/gtk-2.0/gtkrc firefox -new-tab19:46
kwwiizniavre: you should add that to the dark theme wiki page19:46
zniavreadd what ? a new bug ?19:47
dashuazniavre, That is sexxy.  This color scheme is really growing on me.19:47
kwwiizniavre: screenshot and info19:47
dashuaI should probably make a project so we can work on it as a team when I get some time.19:48
zniavrein the screenshot firefox is using "regular" theme19:48
zniavreat least the yellox/dark one19:48
zniavrewhere is the dark theme wiki page please ?19:49
dashuazniavre, Do you have latest gtkrc posted anywhere?19:49
tgpraveenmac_v: so now in the GDM login , white ubuntu logo is shown? wasnt it decided to use no image like in the mockups?19:50
zniavrethe one im using right now?19:50
tgpraveenis this going to be changed19:50
dashuaYeah, with the latest fixes.19:50
zniavrewait a min19:50
zniavredropbox is not working well on karmic sorry19:51
dashuaI'd like to make it a project so we can track the bugs and progress.19:51
dashuaI think we have some potential here.19:52
dashuaFirefox seems to be an upstream issue19:52
dashuaDoes it with New Wave as well19:52
SiDizniavre: workaround for what in firefox,19:53
SiDioh the buttons19:53
zniavreto use it with good gtk theme when dark theme are crappy with menus or / and buttons19:54
SiDizniavre: i think the vbox and vlc ones are problems in Qt's gtk theme19:54
dashuaSiDi, Buttons and having a light menu_bg with dark menubar does not play well with the text color19:54
zniavreSiDi,  tout a fait19:54
SiDiyeah cause they use the menutextcolor for the menus, but the button bg ?19:54
SiDii'm having problems with firefox and thunderbird, bad XUL theming, too :]19:54
SiDii fixed one of them (ugly #00F links in awesome bar) with a GtkWidget::link-color = #xxxxxx19:55
SiDithe other one still needs fixing19:55
zniavredashua,  http://dl.free.fr/lyJ7n4pJI19:55
dashuazniavre, http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/26781/screenshot_009_3VDlWK.png19:55
dashuaNew Wave same19:55
mac_vtgpraveen: i dont know ... ask kwwii  ;)19:58
zniavrei got also a bug with pygtk apps and progressbar in treeview19:58
dashuaI think I like this menu_bg better than the gradient pixmap19:59
tgpraveenkwwii: so now in the GDM login , white ubuntu logo is shown? wasnt it decided to use no image like in the mockups?20:00
tgpraveenis it going to be changed20:00
tgpraveenmac_v: u got the bug # for that?20:00
tgpraveenu had commented on it so u must be subscribed20:00
mac_v!logs | tgpraveen:20:01
ubottutgpraveen:: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/20:01
mac_vtgpraveen: i dont remember the bug# ... you could check the logs ;)20:01
* mac_v reboots20:01
dashuazniavre, http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/26786/screenshot_010_o35Nqj.png20:02
dashuaI get tabs right, just the menubar is screwed.20:02
zniavrehaha i forgot his one > im using globalmenu and tinybar for firefox20:03
dashuaIf we revert to a dark menu_bg all issues are resolved =/20:03
dashuaLighter looks better though20:04
zniavrewith bg pixmap this bug exists too?20:04
dashuaIt's a FF bug20:05
zniavreone more ...  ^^20:05
dashuaI wouldn't care, but now epiphany uses webkit and it's not so good20:05
zniavredo you like the yellow touch i added every where ?20:08
dashuaI'm still undecided on the progressbars.20:09
dashuaCombo entry was fixed in bzr20:09
mac_vdashua: seems you have ditched breathe ;)20:10
dashuamac_v, The panel icons are pulling me in =/20:11
zniavreif you are speaking icons > do you know wich icon of vlc must be changed for systray and titlebar ?20:12
dashuazniavre, Not sure20:14
zniavrei modified so many icon and still does not work20:15
mac_vzniavre: i would guess the the app icon..  which icons have you modified so far?20:16
dashuaI guess I could make it like Dust and hybrid it between dark and light to get these issues resolved.20:16
zniavremac_v from usr/share/pixmap and usr/sharevlc (all icons i hav found exept the one ".ico" )20:19
mac_vzniavre: did you change the /usr/share/vlc/vlc128x128.png ?20:20
Viper550I had an idea for Kubuntu's xsplash theme20:25
mac_vViper550: for lucid ? ;)20:25
mac_vlucid == ubuntu 10.0420:26
mac_vor kubuntu 10.0420:26
Viper550we already got one?20:26
Viper550maybe rehash the KDE 4 splash screen design for it20:27
Viper550but with like a flashing kubuntu logo and saying "Kubuntu 9.10" on it20:28
Viper550good idea?20:31
SiDiXubuntu's xsplash is the best of all *buntus20:43
SiDiisnt it MadsRH ? :D20:43
Viper550what does it look like?20:46
SiDiIt looks like beauty.20:46
Viper550so is xsplash bitmap based?20:49
SiDiits based on files, yeh20:49
knomeSiDi, actually it's based on the pink bunnies inside your monitor20:50
knomeSiDi, wth are files anyway?20:51
SiDifiles are fluo green octal mosquitos20:51
SiDiin your computer20:52
SiDifixing your ramz, like kittenz20:52
SiDithis is the return of the revenge of the come back of the pink binary birds, now featuring swimming mice !20:52
mac_vSiDi: lol! you used MadsRH splash :)  what happened to mr_doob's ?20:54
SiDino idea =)20:54
Viper550so does kubuntu karmic have a splash yet?20:55
* mac_v thinks SiDi is right for once about xubuntu's being better ;)20:55
mac_vhmm , btw SiDi which are you guys using? sparkles or throbber?20:56
SiDiThrobbler was something i just began to hack before knome and MadsRH decided to do some magic together in my back20:57
SiDii was busy petting kittens, and poof, it was there20:57
mac_vyay knome  ;)20:57
knomeSiDi, ;)20:57
* mac_v doesnt like the throbber used in ubuntu , feels like ubuntu went through all the trouble of creating xsplash to finally use a throbber :/20:59
Viper550so for artwork, are we gonna have some sort of consistant splash screen design?21:04
zniavredashua, fixed slab apps >http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/2040/captureiu.png21:31

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