
=== asac_ is now known as asac
av`asac, going to sleep, the build went successful for all archs, feel free to upload it, so I can finally use epiphany :)00:10
micahgfta: I'm fixing the dailies now01:41
micahgfta: dailies are fixed, just waiting on i386 build before proposing merges03:39
LLStarksasac. i have a bug for you but i'm not sure how to best describe.04:27
LLStarkslet's say i want to use imageshack. when prompted to upload an image, when choosing between two images with a similar name (file1.png and file1.jpg), the thumbnail doesn't change.04:28
micahg1asac: fta: just wanted to let you know I finished and proposed the merges08:27
asacfta: i think the theming is a gtk theme issue (icons gone)09:02
eagles0513875morning asac09:14
eagles0513875asac: question for you how would i know what extension should be on what version of dev scripts09:15
asaceagles0513875: 0.16 is our policy09:16
eagles0513875ok cuz i got all confused yesterday with bdrung mentioning .1709:16
asac0.17 is a bug fix release. doesnt matter much for extension packages09:24
eagles0513875gotcha it is more for the big programs like firefox seamonkey etc09:25
asacits a cleanup thing09:28
asacno need to bother on extension side09:28
bdrungeagles0513875: it does not add new features and do not changes the interface09:33
asackenvandine: gwibber on track?10:06
asacfta: did you sponsor his latest fixes yet?10:06
* asac checks micahg fixes for ffox 3.710:07
asacfta: thx. my bet is that it will take a few weeks ;)11:14
bdrungasac: did you review m-d?11:49
asacbdrung: no. pulling it now12:00
gnomefreaki have a fucking babysitter for my daughter and now me :(12:51
eagles0513875ouchie how u feeling btw gnomefreak12:59
gnomefreakeagles0513875: fine but dr thinks im a threat to myself or to others, so now i have a babysitter for a while12:59
gnomefreakeagles0513875: you using tbird3 by chance?13:00
eagles0513875no im not13:00
eagles0513875im fighting with alpha 6 on a vm that im trying to update13:00
bdrungasac: and?13:00
asacgot side tracked obviously. now getting some food then i will really do it :)13:16
asacbdrung: one question up front: why is there sol/eol business in -all.mk at all? i would think all that would be in -Ubuntu/-Debian/-common13:23
bdrungasac: that is for packages, that are only in PPAs13:25
asacyeah. i dont think we should put that into -all though13:25
bdrungasac: ok, i can remove it13:26
asacbdrung: put that in Ubuntu imo13:26
asacor we make a third-party thing ... but as that repo is in theory not really debian it probably belongs to ubuntu13:26
bdrungasac: we should only recommend packages, that are in the repos13:26
asacbdrung: where is Debian/Ubuntu excluded?13:27
bdrungasac: it's only recommends, so we do need to fit all use cases13:27
asacbased on lsb-release?13:27
kenvandineasac: gwibber could really use an upload, there are a ton of bugs fixed since the version in universe13:27
asaccant find it ... though ti would have been a ifneq or something in -all13:27
asacbased on the DISTRO13:27
asac wait13:27
asaclet me check for that variable ;)13:28
asacbdrung: please dont make xpi.mk.in13:28
asaci wanted a tiny config file ;)13:28
asacto avoid having main code in an .in13:28
bdrungasac: didn't you said that yesterday?13:28
asacno. i said make a config.mk.in13:28
eagles0513875will finish bind wood honestly and truly today13:29
asacand include that ;) ... at least that what i tried to say :)13:29
eagles0513875been hell trying to get back into a blasted routine of studying13:29
asacbdrung: so yeah. the include in xpi.mk makes sense13:30
bdrungasac: so having one additional file for only _one_ line?13:30
asacbdrung: for the ppa packages we could do a xpi-data-Ubuntu-suggests.mk or something ... but lets push that back for a a while13:30
asacbdrung: yes13:30
bdrungasac: isn't that a overkill?13:31
asacbdrung: the config is on system so if we use a hard coded global path you can work on xpi.mk in upstream tree13:31
asacits overkill to make a great source file a .in just because there is one variable13:31
bdrungasac: where is the config file located?13:32
asacyou can decide. either its a distro config file: /usr/share/mozilla-devscripts/config... or a real config file /etc/mozilla-devscripts/...13:32
asaci think share is probably right location as its a build-time decision we make13:33
asacand users are supposed to override that with passing a parameter13:34
asacor setting variable13:34
bdrungso /usr/share/mozilla-devscripts/config.mk ?13:34
asacbdrung: xpi-config.mk ... since we dont have a real dir hierarchy in there13:34
LaPingvinohello again13:34
asacLaPingvino: hi.13:35
LaPingvinoI have downloaded and tested Karmic13:35
asacyou left yesterday ... please just write your real problem . i will check after lunch ;)13:35
LaPingvinothe version of the eo-packages is still on firefox 3.0 there...13:35
asacLaPingvino: go ahead ... i will read when back13:35
LaPingvinothus it doesn't work13:35
LaPingvinoI hope the language-pack will be up-to-date with the translations for the current version of firefox when it goes out of beta13:36
LaPingvinootherwise we still won't have an esperanto firefox in ubuntu13:36
asacbdrung: so maybe make that config.mk -include optional and set a default with =all13:38
gnomefreakasac: when you get around to testing sunbird from my PPA forget the version please that was a screw up here and it wont let me push ubuntu3 since it is lower13:38
asacin the xpi.mk13:38
asacgnomefreak: i was about to upload it yesterday ... not sure why i forgot ;)13:38
asaci mean ... based on the branch13:38
asacnot on your ppa13:39
asacjust took the orig i think13:39
gnomefreakasac: branch is good to go. thanks :)13:39
bdrungasac: why do you want a =all default?13:40
asacbecause you can then just work even without having the template done13:40
asacjust a safe fallback13:40
asacthats possible if we put the config in a template13:40
asacno real practical use besides someone working on the tree directly with a lower version installed etc.13:41
bdrungasac: do you really insists on having a fallback?13:55
asacbdrung: whats the reason not to add it?13:56
asaccodewise its just a -include /usr/share.../xpi-config.mk and a default before that, right?13:56
bdrungasac: it makes the makefile longer13:57
asacone line ;)13:57
bdrungasac: no, it is more (because MOZ_XPI_DISTRO uses ?=)13:57
asachmm if its complicated then its not needed.13:58
asacsorry that patch was wrong ;) even in theory13:58
bdrungasac: defining MOZ_XPI_DISTRO ?= all makes the config file superfluid13:58
asacso two ?= dont work?13:59
bdrungk, the second one will work13:59
bdrungasac: the first ?= will define it and the second will be ignored13:59
asacthats the idea14:00
bdrungasac: but if we allow a missing config file, we have to define everything twice14:01
gnomefreakwhen im done there are a bunch of debian mails im letting loose from mailing list14:01
asacyes. but so far we only have one config variable ;)14:02
asac(that does not have a distro agnostic default)14:02
asacthe rest of the config stuff already has its default set in the xpi.mk14:02
asac(if there is a default)14:02
bdrungasac: this would be shorter: http://pastebin.com/f7c89e2a814:02
asacpastebin.com is really slow for me14:03
bdrungit's pastebinit's default14:03
asacbdrung: that wont protect the use case i mentioned14:03
asace.g. lower mozilla-devscripts installed14:04
bdrungok, ok, you win14:04
asacerr. where is the default set there?14:04
bdrungonly in the config :p14:05
asacyes. but we dont have that config14:05
asacbecause its a template14:05
asachence the ultimate fallback14:05
asacanyway i really need food14:06
LaPingvinoasac: done with lunch? ;)14:24
* LaPingvino is reachable on ikojba@gmail.com (E-mail/XMPP/MSN) when not here...14:25
gnomefreakill be back later i have some shit to do around here14:49
asacLaPingvino: back in 5 minutes ....14:54
LaPingvinotnx for informing me :)14:55
asac_LaPingvino: so whats your problem?15:15
asac_eo language is not avail on 3.5?15:16
asac_is a language that got translated in launchpad? or is that from upstream .xpis?15:16
LaPingvinoit's from upstream15:20
LaPingvinonot in launchpad15:20
LaPingvinoI guess the upstream translations for 3.5 will be merged in yet before launch end this month...15:21
LaPingvinobut in the Beta it's a translation for 3.0 and that doesn't work...15:21
bdrungasac: pushed m-d, now satisfied?15:30
bdrungdid i miss something?15:30
asacbdrung: call now15:34
asacbdrung: will check right after call15:35
fta2installing an ubuntu server..15:49
asacbdrung: looks good. just wonder if we should make the DISTRO all lower or upper case and adjust how the other data- things are named16:30
asacbdrung: besides from that, please run it against a coupld of extensino packages to see that all is fine and upload16:30
asacwe should put some kind of info in README ... or put test install.rdf files somewhere16:31
asacor teset install.rdf and test rules so we can are better sure we dont have regressions16:31
asacnot now obviously ;)16:31
asaclet me know when its up so i can get it synched here16:32
asacbdrung: for the sync it would be cool to link more bugs from changelog16:32
asacso i can more easily sell it as a "bug fix" release16:33
asacnot sure if it makes sense to open bugs for a few things16:33
asacjust to document it16:33
bdrungasac: some where only discussed on irc16:42
bdrungasac: for 0.18 we should use this policy: lower case for internal variables and upper case for external16:43
asacbdrung: yes. preferably we will have a bit longer cycle for 0.18 :)16:45
asacwith new features and refactoring and stuff16:45
asacwell thought out etc.16:45
bdrunghey i thought about 0.17, too ;)16:46
asacalso fixing a few mozclient issues that i have no time to deal with16:46
asaci also want to add something simliar to for xulapp.mk16:46
asac(i think that name is currently taken by something different for mozclient)16:46
asacI didnt say that wasnt the case ;)16:46
asacif there are important bugs coming in that needs to be fixed its ok16:46
asacwe can also say that next major target is 0.2016:46
asacand before that its bug fixing16:47
asacanyway. i think we made a huge difference to extension world this cycle16:47
asacso we should get some rest and enjoy it ;)16:47
asacand till RC freeze we should finally fix all extensions ;)16:47
asaci reserved a half day slot tomorrow16:48
asacto just do that16:48
asacthough reservations can be pretty short lived for me :(16:48
gnomefreakasac: as maintainer of a Debian package do you get subscribed to all bugs against that package?16:49
bdrungasac: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Extensions/List needs a refresh then16:50
bdrunggnomefreak: yes16:50
asacbdrung: yes. that should be done while doing the review. hopefully getting a complete list of extensions out of it16:50
gnomefreakbdrung: thanks16:50
asacbdrung: last thing we usually do for extensions is updating the .desktop files shipped in appt-install-data16:51
bdrungasac: and we should add a column for maintaince (debian or ubuntu)16:51
gnomefreakwe need to update XPI.TEMPLATE16:51
asacin that way you get that in the update-manager-dialog16:51
asacbdrung: i think we should make a column "ubuntu only" ... because all other extensions should go to debian sooner or later16:51
bdrunggnomefreak: iirc, the template is up-to-date16:51
asacwe could make a checklist entry in the review page: "already in debian"16:51
gnomefreakwe dont have desktop files for extensions since they dont end up anywhere in menus/lang...16:52
gnomefreakbdrung: it was updated for the rules file?16:52
bdrungasac: i like to have a link to the pts for packages in debian16:52
asacgnomefreak: yes. you get subscribed. thats why we get all the icedove bug mails in the queu16:53
* asac remembers to send out a call for help on list moderator16:53
gnomefreaki just did list :)16:53
bdrunggnomefreak: debian/rules is up-to-date16:53
gnomefreakbdrung: ok didnt know it was worked on thanks16:53
bdrunggnomefreak: we may remove MOZ_XPI_EMID, MOZ_EXTENSION_PKG and point to the xpi.mk for documentation16:54
gnomefreakasac: is bug 438868 ubufox?16:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 438868 in firefox-3.5 "Address bar autocomplete doesn't always work" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43886816:58
gnomefreaklol tbird 3.0~hg20091006r4049+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1 edit>selectall is broken17:01
asacunlikely ubufox17:02
gnomefreakwhy not add bdrung to list mod if he wants asac ?17:05
gnomefreakbdrung: he said he was looking for list mods17:06
gnomefreaksudo mount -a17:06
gnomefreakok cooking17:07
bdrungasac: found one typo. then it passed my regression tests. it's now uploaded17:36
asacgnomefreak: not sure bdrung also wants to help on list moderation ;)17:38
asaci think our team can have more admininstrative postitions ;)17:38
asacand list moderation is a good entry ;17:38
gnomefreakasac: a couple pf ,more would be great :)17:43
asacyep thats what i am thinking17:44
gnomefreaki can name 2 but im sure one doesnt want to do it and not sure of the other17:44
asacgnomefreak: i think a public call is better. might even get more fresh blood in here ;)17:49
gnomefreakasac: agreed only problem is we need to trust the person/people17:50
asacnot sure how to best find out ;)17:50
asacmaybe give them a few minor administrative tasks17:50
gnomefreakasac: lets see who answers and we can do it from there17:51
asacor probationary period17:51
gnomefreaki like it17:51
gnomefreakupdaing last 2 chroots than i am going to finish cooking and eat17:52
bdrunggnomefreak: what does a list moderator have to do?17:59
gnomefreakbdrung: go through the emails to the mailing list and decline/accept emails. most are spam but it is high volume18:04
gnomefreakout of ~50 i accepted 5 or 6 from debian18:05
bdrungsounds doable18:05
gnomefreakim ok with it if you and asac are18:07
gnomefreakok im gone. i should be here tomorrow depending if babysitter allows me to :(18:08
micahgasac, I was going to fix a packaging problem in 3.0 on karmic, but then I was remembering you were talking about pulling it19:10
asacmicahg: i pulled it to .519:19
asacerr 3.719:19
asacmicahg: did you fix 3.0?`19:19
micahgno, this is for bug 44506019:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 445060 in firefox-3.0 "firefox-3.0 warns about upgrades when only 3.5 is running" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44506019:21
micahgasac, were you waiting for me to rebase the 3.6 patch against your changes for badwindow?19:23
asacmicahg: if you want to, feel free to go for it :)19:23
asaci only pulled it into the main distro branch19:23
asacwanted to wait for feedback19:24
micahgasac, you might want to request landing o mozilla bug 499498 on 3.6 as well19:24
ubottuMozilla bug 499498 in X-remote "BadWindow error upon first run of FF3.5 RC" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=49949819:24
micahgsince I saw that you patched that in the .head revision19:24
asacmicahg: its already asked for19:24
asacmozbugz: approval1.9.2?19:24
asacasac: approval1.9.1.5?19:24
micahgasac, about the update notifier issue in 3.0, is it worth fixing for karmic?19:25
asacnot sure what you mean ... i still wanted to get rid of 3.0 :/19:26
micahgok,that's my answer then :)19:26
asacis there a bug?19:26
micahgI'll fix it for 3.5 though19:26
micahgbug 44506019:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 445060 in firefox-3.0 "firefox-3.0 warns about upgrades when only 3.5 is running" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44506019:26
asaci dont know what the problem is ;)19:26
asaci thought that was fixed19:27
micahgupdate notifier does a pgrep on firefox instead of firefox-3.019:27
asacoh ... ok19:27
asacthats the other thing19:27
asaci wanted to actually drop that19:27
asacpreferably if ubufox is installed19:27
micahgyeah, I do get 2 notitifcations on updates19:27
micahgasac, I was wondering if we can do complex diplay ifs?19:28
asacor better yet "enabled"19:28
asacnot sure how to best do it ;)19:28
micahgdo we have a way to check if an extension is enabled yet?19:28
asacnot in a sane way19:28
asacthe approach would be to search all profile dirs for a lock19:28
micahgwell, we can easily check to see if it's installed as a package19:29
asacand then check if the ubufox extension is enabled for that profile19:29
asaci think its worth considering19:29
asacbut fta for instance wouldnt get any notification because he has it just disabled19:29
asacprobably a minority though ;)19:29
micahgthen why would he have it installed?19:30
micahgasac: is it possible to do multiple DisplayIfs thoug?19:33
asacmicahg: we can make a script most likely19:34
asacinstead of putting raw stuff in there19:34
micahgand then DisplayIf the script returns true?19:34
asacmost likely19:36
asacgive it a try ;)19:36
asacexit 019:36
asacexit 119:36
ftai wanted to do that a while ago19:36
ftai wish someone writes a real adblock for chromium19:37
asacdo extensions live in a separate process too?19:39
micahgasac, do I have to uncommit to rebase?19:39
asacmicahg: not sure what you mean19:39
micahgoh, neverming19:40
micahgI knwo what I did19:40
asacmicahg: k19:40
micahgasac, can you look at bug 44187219:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 441872 in network-manager "network-manager disconnects from wirless network" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44187219:42
asacfta: do i need to read all this to get the answer ;)?19:42
asacso i would think yes from what i read19:44
ftastill the same patch !???20:01
micahgfta: it was working for me yesterday20:02
ftathere's jsut the changelog, the patch is missing20:03
ftanm, stupid bzr & merge20:04
micahgfta: it will fail again though...http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/c2e54fc14cd720:05
ftafta@cube:/data/bot/firefox-3.7.head $ bzr st20:07
ftaworking tree is out of date, run 'bzr update'20:07
ftafta@cube:/data/bot/firefox-3.7.head $ bzr pull bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.7.head/20:07
ftabzr: ERROR: Tags not supported by BzrBranch5('file:///data/bot/firefox-3.7.head/'); you may be able to use bzr upgrade.20:07
asacmy fault. i upgraded to 0.9220:08
asacdidnt know it would complain20:08
asacusually pulling works20:08
asac0.92 is really conservative still ;)20:08
asaccurrent default format is 2.0a20:08
ftaafter upgrade & update:20:08
ftafta@cube:/data/bot/firefox-3.7.head $ bzr update20:08
fta M  debian/changelog20:08
fta M  debian/patches/bz460917_att350845_reload_new_plugins.patch20:08
ftaAll changes applied successfully.20:08
asachmm. are you now on 2.0a?20:09
asacwe dont want to go that far i think20:09
asaci did upgrade --pack-0.9220:09
micahgasac, can you check my comments here: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~micahg/firefox/firefox-3.6-2009100620:10
micahgI have to fix the patch anyways20:10
micahgbut I wanted to know if the comment was ok20:10
ftaasac, so when you do that, the bot is stuck20:10
asacyes. now i know that20:11
asacbefore i didnt ... i often have different branch formats locally vs. remote and usually dont have problems20:11
asacfta: seems that only tag support is kind of the bridge that we needed to pass at some point ... so ... anyway, before i check other branches i will ping you :)20:12
asacok on first glance it doesnt look like they changed the functions of plugin finder wizard20:15
asacjust refactored the code20:15
asacmicahg: my comment would read "adjust patches after landing of "bug title" (bmo:xxxx)"20:15
asacso ... probably ok20:16
asacthough i like mine better ;)20:16
micahgok, do I have to redo it after you landed your revisions?20:16
micahgasacL is it more important to gut ff3.0 out of karmic or fix all the FTBFSs before release?20:18
micahgasac ^^^20:18
asacmicahg: what ftbfs?20:19
asacin archive?20:19
micahgin yeah20:19
ftaasac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/288051/  ??20:19
asaci think priority for mozillateam should be: a) fix blocker bugs in archive, b) fix ftbfs in archive, c) remove ffox 3.0, d) do the rest ;)20:19
asacfta: yes. the unnamed ones are really old20:20
asacfta: please run upgrade --pack-0.9220:20
asaclocally and remote20:20
asaclet me know when done so i can sync my branches20:20
micahgasac, I'm referring to all the packages, not just mozilla ones for FTBFS20:20
asacfta: i think i upgraded the 3.1 tree at some point20:20
asacbecause i tag archive releases20:20
ftaall xul are 0.9220:21
asacmicahg: for mozillateam the other ftbfs are not so important ;) ... if you want to look from the distro point of view  i would think that blocker bugs or ftbfs of mozilla stuff on supported hardware is more important20:21
asacand even getting ffox 3.0 out is more or same important20:21
micahgyes, I was wondering from a distro point of view20:21
asacfta: yes, xul branches are younger20:22
micahgok, so I guess I'll focus on the mozilla stuff then20:22
asacthe ffox branch still comes from earliest day20:22
asacor am i wrong?20:22
asacmicahg: sparc build failures etc are not important20:22
asacif its a main package its important, but most likely someone should already be working on that20:22
asacif you spot one that would be good to verify20:23
asacmicahg: what we want to know for firefox-3.0 is how many packages still rdepend on that20:24
asaci mean: rdepend on it in such a way that they coulndt be installed anymore20:24
asaci hope thats close to zero20:24
asacthen we file a removal request ;)20:24
micahgok, I so have to look at each of the rdepends to see if it also depends on firefox | firefox-3.520:25
micahgand same for xul1.9?20:25
ftaasac, done for 3.2, but i can't for 3.720:25
asacfta: whats the prob for 3.7?20:26
asacits already pack-0.9220:26
asacat least the upgrade succeeded here20:26
ftafta@cube:/data/bot/firefox-3.7.head $ bzr upgrade  --pack-0.9220:26
ftabzr: ERROR: Cannot convert from format <RepositoryFormat2a> to format <RepositoryFormatKnitPack1>.    Does not support rich root data.20:26
ftait's 2a20:26
ftais the icon bug fixed in 3.7?20:30
asacfta: well. you upgraded your local branch20:33
asacmaybe you upgraded the remote automatically too :/20:33
asacif thats the case tell me ... i still have it here, so i can repush20:33
micahgfta: was the FTBFS for  3.7 after you fixed it or before?21:03
ftai'd say before21:07
micahgI just submitted bug 445761 for soyuz21:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 445761 in soyuz "ability to stop or cancel builds" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44576121:08
ftastevel, still no fix for the build issue?21:08
ftaasac, seems i can't upgrade the 3.7 branch. it never completes.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/288090/ or it's really slow21:32
asacfta: why upgrade. the 3.7 branch is already upgraded in launchpad. maybe unbind it first21:41
asaclet me check if its trashed or something now ;)21:41
* asac branches fresh21:41
ftaread my paste, i dropped mine, branched from lp, it's unnamed21:46
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps
=== aakashd_ is now known as aakashd
asacanyone has a jaunty system here?22:00
LaPingvinoasac: I have22:11
LaPingvinoBUGabundo: como vai ;)?22:11
BUGabundobai se bem LaPingvino. e tu?22:12
LaPingvinoeu tb :)22:12
LaPingvinoasac: where do you need it for?22:12
LaPingvinoBUGabundo: acho que d verdade nem falo português sabia? :P mas felizmente normalmente me entende :)22:13
LaPingvinoé similar demais :)22:14
LaPingvinoaté muitíssimas palavras e partes de gramática ;)22:14
asacLaPingvino: so you have a auth eth0 connection?22:14
asacLaPingvino: and made that a system connection?22:14
BUGabundohey asac22:14
BUGabundoany thing on that bug of mine ?22:14
LaPingvinoasac: I'm on wireless...22:15
BUGabundoLaPingvino: well you do a very strange thing: you write brasilian portuguese as you know how to speak.22:15
LaPingvinothat's how I chat22:15
BUGabundoand brasilian ppl write it a bit differently from the way the speak oraly22:15
asacLaPingvino: hmm. do you have a auth eth0 in the connection editor under wired?22:15
LaPingvinoyes I have22:16
LaPingvinoBUGabundo: when I write bigger pieces, I don't even use the spoken language... but it is difficult...22:16
LaPingvinoI like it more the brazilian way :)22:17
LaPingvinoasac: what do you want to check/...?22:18
asacLaPingvino: edit that connection22:18
asacLaPingvino: check if its "available to all userse"22:18
asacif not ... flag it so22:19
asacexit the edito22:19
asacand see that its now in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/22:19
LaPingvinoit is available to all users22:19
asacthen just check the dir22:19
LaPingvinoone moment22:19
asacthere should be Auto eth022:19
asacplease post that somewhere22:19
asacverify that there are no secrets22:19
asacbut there shouldnt22:19
LaPingvinoI don't se anything in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections22:20
LaPingvinoah wait22:21
LaPingvinogot it22:21
micahgfta: are you planning on respinning the ff3.7 builds?22:21
ftamicahg, i need to fix my local branch first22:22
=== stevel_ is now known as stevel
LaPingvinohere it comes22:23
LaPingvinoid=Auto eth022:23
LaPingvinoI can get it in a pastebin as well if you prefer ;)22:24
BUGabundo!paste > LaPingvino22:24
ubottuLaPingvino, please see my private message22:24
BUGabundoas you didn't know !!!!22:24
LaPingvinosorry for the load :(22:26
LaPingvinodon't get mad please22:26
LaPingvinoasac: there it is :)22:26
LaPingvinoasac: is it useful someway?22:28
asacLaPingvino: can you paste it to paste.ubuntu.com ?22:28
BUGabundoasac already is22:29
LaPingvinodone already22:29
BUGabundo(10:25:52 PM) LaPingvino: http://paste.ubuntu.com/288125/22:29
BUGabundosome one is sleeping22:29
LaPingvinowas my fault as well, I just dumped the lot there... :S22:29
LaPingvinoBUGabundo: gosta muito de rir, não é?22:32
BUGabundoso e' bom22:32
BUGabundofaz bem à saude22:32
LaPingvinoBUGabundo: tem um jeito de ser bem cheio de emoçãos boas... :P22:33
LaPingvinoainda uma vez eu vá tb para portugal, tá?22:34
LaPingvinoque posso aprender o verdadeiro português aí ;)22:34
LaPingvinoaté então eu fico falando brasileiro ;)22:34
BUGabundotry to say that again. didn't make *any* sense :D22:34
BUGabundoLaPingvino: join #ubuntu-pt22:35
ftamozilla 46091722:35
ubottuMozilla bug 460917 in Plugin Finder Service "New plugins only recognized after restarting Firefox" [Major,Assigned] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46091722:35
ftaasac, do you plan to update this bug? this patch had to be rebased 10 times already22:37
micahgfta: failed again based on my patch from yesterday22:54
micahgshould I fix and propose another merge?22:54
asacfta: yes. thats a good reason22:54
micahgand the fact that m-c has branched twice since the patch was submitted?22:56
asacwell. the patch needs to be rebased anyway before submission22:56
asaci am not sure i actually addressed the problems22:56
micahgasac, should I rebase based on todays changes?22:57
ftaCommitting to: /data/bot/firefox-3.7.head/22:57
ftais not compatible with22:57
ftadifferent rich-root support22:57
micahgasac: at least rebase our version in bzr?22:57
ftaasac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/288145/22:58
ftai'm stuck22:58
asacfta: you need to upgrade your merge target branches to --pack-0.9222:58
asacfta: what pack version are you running?22:58
ftai can't upgrade from unnamed to pack-0.92, i can't downgrade from 2.0a to pack-0.92 either22:58
asacfta: did you try to unbind?22:59
asacyou can only upgrade22:59
ftahmm, sounds like a deja vu22:59
asacfrom unnamaned it should work, but you probably need to unbind22:59
asacbecause i alreawdy upgraded the remote location22:59
asacwhich probably confuses bzr22:59
asacif you upgrade with bound branch it automatically does that upgrade locally and remote22:59
asacfta: bzr info22:59
asacpaste please22:59
asacif you use bzr update22:59
asacyou usually have a bound branch23:00
asacfta: yes. thats already too late23:00
asacwhy cant you trash that dir and do a fresh branch?23:00
asacits just the remote branch, right?23:00
ftai did that 5 times, it's unnamed, and i can't upgrade to 0.9223:01
asacok damn i forgot where i branched my test branch:(23:01
asacok found it ;)23:02
asacjust in /tmp ... how easy ;)23:03
ftahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/288148/ the last step never ends23:03
asacthats so shitty ;)23:04
asacmicahg: still have the branch i merged in today?23:05
asaclp:~micahg/firefox/firefox-3.7-20091006 ?23:05
micahgyes, my local copy23:05
* asac branches that23:05
micahgI haven't touched it23:06
asacgood ... dont touch it ;)23:06
asacwhat a mess ;)23:06
micahgthat what you told me, create permanent branches for each fix23:06
asacyeah ;)23:07
asacits really broken though23:07
asacits the same problem23:07
asacupgrading to --pack-0.92 does not work23:07
ftait did for all my other ff branches, incl 3.7.head.daily*23:08
ftaexcept this one23:08
asacso when was -2a introduced23:08
asacseems we re not able to upgrade the 3.7 branch for whatever reason to 9223:09
asacor we can file a bug23:09
asacand keep it the way it is?23:09
asacdid hardy have 2.0a?23:09
asacdo we care?23:09
ftai don't think so23:09
micahgbzr 2.0 was just introcued I thought in 1.17 or something23:09
asacwhy the hell do make it the default23:10
asacimo it needs to sink for a year at least23:10
asaceven 223:10
asacthen make it default so everyone has that23:10
micahgwell, they backport bzr packages for people23:10
micahgI asked about that myseld23:10
asacyes. but you dont get wide spread adoption23:10
asacif you get pointed against branches that you cannot use23:11
asacyou will think its not mature23:11
asacok i think we dont care for 3.7. but lets try to keep the other branches at 0.9223:11
asacfta: xulrunner are all 0.92?23:12
asacok. then upgrade 3.7. is that ok for you?23:12
asacto 2.0a :(23:12
ftawell, ok23:12
asacor want to file a bug and hope for a quick fix?23:12
BUGabundoasac since I catch you tonigh23:13
BUGabundocan you do me a favour?23:13
asacBUGabundo: looogg23:13
BUGabundoI need a FF 3.7 build23:13
asacBUGabundo: i have not much time atm for favours ;)23:13
asacbut go ahead23:13
BUGabundoa verbose build23:13
asaca debug build?23:13
BUGabundobut not as much as strace23:13
asaci can give you instructions how to build23:13
BUGabundofor some strange reason23:13
BUGabundoboth 3.5 and 3.723:13
asacwhats with those?23:14
BUGabundowon't restart to finish addons install23:14
BUGabundoeven on a clean profile23:14
BUGabundoas soon as I had a few of them23:14
BUGabundoit won't be able to upgrade or install more23:14
BUGabundoI tracked down my past crashs to xmarks23:14
BUGabundoand no longer have that one23:14
ftaasac, created lp:~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.7.head-broken, so feel free to use that in a bug ;)23:15
asacthats unnamaned that cannot be upgraded?23:15
asacfta: i will subscribe you too ;)23:16
ftayep, ok23:16
ftaoh my!23:19
asacmicahg: also subscribed you ;)23:19
ftafta@cube:/data/bot/firefox-3.7.head $ bzr upgrade lp:~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.7.head/23:19
ftastarting upgrade of bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.7.head/23:19
ftamaking backup of bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.7.head/.bzr23:19
fta  to bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.7.head/backup.bzr23:19
ftabzr: ERROR: File exists: '/srv/bazaar.launchpad.net/push-branches/00/02/da/9e/backup.bzr'23:19
asacbug 44585723:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 445857 in bzr "bzr upgrade --pack-0.92 never finishes" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44585723:19
asacfta: yes. lets rename the branch23:19
asacand push fresh23:19
asacat best push the one micagh had23:19
asacits the one before i ran anything23:19
micahgthanks asac23:19
asacthat should be equal23:19
asacyou can diff it against the sources you have still locally to ensure that we are really up to date23:20
asacprobably misses last rebase fix23:20
ftaeh??? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.7.head says it's "lp:firefox"??23:21
micahgfta: yeah, it's the main devel branch for firefox23:21
asacits annyoing i cannot edit bug description anymore in lp23:21
asacmicahg: did you notice that?23:22
asacor arent you on "edge"?23:22
* micahg is on edge23:22
BUGabundoasac Need to get 299MB of archives. After unpacking 537MB will be freed.23:22
BUGabundothis a joke, right?23:22
asacwhatever i try to edit in description it always gives me "red"23:22
asacBUGabundo: thats probably the langpack removal ;)23:22
micahgBUGabundo: it's from the grub update23:22
BUGabundonot a single lang pack tonight23:23
asaci would double check whats going on before pursuing23:23
micahgasac: middle click on the edit button23:23
micahgsame thing happens on descriptions for me23:23
ftamicahg, i don't see your 3.7 branch in https://code.edge.launchpad.net/firefox23:23
asacfta: yes. i thought you started the habit to link the branches ;)23:23
asacso i did the same for 3.7 when we created it23:23
micahgfta: probably because it's been merged23:23
micahgfta: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~micahg/firefox/firefox-3.7-2009100623:24
ftaasac, yeah, maybe, i'm just tired23:24
asacfta: that happens if you link a branch to a series and mark it as default series23:24
asacthen you get lp:PROJECTNAME23:24
asacfor that branch23:24
asac"main development focus" series actually23:24
micahgasac: bug 33199023:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331990 in lazr.restful "The inline editor widget reports a JSON error when saving non-ASCII characters" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33199023:24
asaclazr.restful ?23:25
BUGabundoasac micahg http://paste.ubuntu.com/288160/23:25
micahgBUGabundo: I told you, it's grub23:25
micahgI had this yesterday23:26
micahglet me see if I can find the bug23:26
asacmicahg: grub?23:26
micahgbug 4447023:26
asachow can grub release twice as much of space as the total size of downloaded archives?23:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 44470 in python-apt "ParseSection(control).get(field, default) raises when default is None" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4447023:27
micahgbug 44470323:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444703 in grub "package grub 0.97-29ubuntu57 failed to install" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44470323:27
BUGabundoif it is fixed23:27
asacNeed to get 299MB of archives. After unpacking 537MB will be freed.23:27
asacmicahg: ^^23:27
asacthats the problem23:27
BUGabundowhat wrong with my update?23:27
asacmicahg: did you really have that too?23:27
micahgidk, that's the bug that james_w pointed me to23:27
micahgasac: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/10/07/%23ubuntu-motu.txt23:28
micahgi don't claim to understand it23:28
asacmicahg: ah ;)23:28
asacso version 0.97-29ubuntu57 had a full filesystem in some image23:29
BUGabundo$ df23:29
BUGabundoFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on23:29
BUGabundo/dev/sda2             289G  161G  114G  59% /23:29
asacBUGabundo: so go ahead23:29
asacthats good23:29
BUGabundo41% [25 libc6 2758214/4,206kB 65%]                                                                                     44.0kB/s 1h 5min 44s23:30
BUGabundoits gonna take a while23:30
* BUGabundo wish NM had an hardcoded speed of gigabit for 3G :)23:30
asachehe i can give you that ;)23:31
asacin the applet :)23:31
asacnotifications that say: "you are on speed ... fasten your seatbelt"23:31
BUGabundoI would be fine23:31
BUGabundoif we would get back that speed bar for 3G23:31
BUGabundoinstead of this stupid antena :(23:31
asacBUGabundo: yeah. that fell through ... sorry23:33
BUGabundoit was dumped?23:34
asacis not hard work but the cycle is too short23:34
BUGabundobest NM feature in two years?23:34
asacBUGabundo: no pushed back23:34
BUGabundoit was working23:34
asacbecause not enough folks working on 0.8 upstream23:34
asacand now its too late23:34
asacBUGabundo: yes, but the code was not clean for a upstream tree23:34
asacand maintaining that as a patch causes more pain23:34
BUGabundohope it gets back23:35
BUGabundothat and SMS support23:35
micahgasac: any reports of problems with ath9k and nm0.8?23:35
asacit will be back quite soon23:35
BUGabundoI read some change log that mentioned that23:35
asacmicahg: yes23:35
asacmicahg: well. not ath9k + nm0.823:35
asacbut ath9k + linux .3123:35
asacseems to be in not-so-good state23:36
* micahg is going crazy23:36
asacfor older ath9k chipsets23:36
micahgthat's why I can't stay connected at night23:36
micahgI have an AR928X23:36
asacmicahg: so what are your symptoms. if you get disconnected, can you connecte again? or have to reboot?23:36
micahgconnect again, but it drops every minute or 223:36
asacso that could be the general background scanning problem23:37
asaccan you try to use wpasupplicant manually?23:37
asacand stop NM?23:37
micahgah seems to be background scanning23:38
asacmicahg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/288172/23:38
asacput that in your interfaces ... stop NM23:38
asacand run sudo ifup wlan023:39
micahgI'm using WEP23:39
asac(if its wlan0 ... adjust accordingly)23:39
asacmicahg: you shouldnt use web23:39
micahgI know23:39
BUGabundoasac any idea why my 3G modem *always* falls around mid night - 1am , and won't reconnect???23:39
BUGabundovery strange23:39
micahgthat's back from when I couldn't get WPA working with my wireless chipset in linux23:39
asacmicahg: wpa-wep-key123:40
micahgasac: I'll have to trywhen I get home23:40
asacerr 023:40
asacuse that instead of psk23:40
asacand key mgmnt = NONE23:40
ftaasac, i think i'm done fixing this mess.23:40
micahgso, I should't have nm-applet running then?23:40
asacfta: 2.0a for 3.7 now?23:41
ftano, 0.9223:41
ftai 1st took micahg's branch but when i pushed it on lp, it created a stacked branch on top of his23:42
ftaso i restarted from a branch of an old rev of 3.2, before i created the 3.7 branch, then pulled from micahg, and pushed to lp23:42
ftaso 3.7 is properly stacked now23:43
asacso now we cannot rename the 3.2 to 3.5 without breaking the stacking?23:43
asacor doesnt that matter23:43
micahgwhat's the code platform called?23:44
ftai think we can, lp seems to track the branch renames23:44
micahgin LP?23:44
micahgthe codename23:44
ftacode platform? what do you mean?23:45
micahgI needed to file a bug against it23:45
ftause launchpad itself, i'm not sure it's soyouz or something else, they will re-assign if needed23:46
micahgno, it's launchpad-code :)23:46
micahgand the bug already was filed23:46
micahgbug 41302623:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 413026 in launchpad-code "Branch subscription doesn't show results inline (ajax)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41302623:46
asacmicahg: you can file against launchpad ... i was told everythign gets properly triaged there23:47
asacah ok23:47
micahgyes, but someone still has to move it23:47
micahgplus if I would have done that, someone would have had to move and dupe it23:47
micahgasac BTW the ath9k bug is bug 41456023:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 414560 in linux "ath9k disassociates/reassociates a lot" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41456023:48
micahgI should dupe the nm bug against it23:48
micahgor maybe not23:49
=== asac__ is now known as asac
ftaasac*, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.7.head.old is the old branch, it should be dropped.. at some point23:55
ftagasp, bugs linked to the old branch are still pointing there23:56
ftaseems there are just 2 though23:56
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps
micahgfta: are you fixing the FTBFS?23:57
ftamicahg, when you fix a problem, please use dch for the changelog commit. http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.7.head/revision/46623:57
micahgfta: I do23:57
ftamicahg, no, look at the diff of this link, you take owner ship of all the changes23:58
fta-" "23:58
micahgthat's what dch does :)23:58
micahgunless there's a flag23:58
micahgI use dch -e23:58
ftano, it should add my name in brackets23:58
ftadch alone should work and it's UNRELEASED23:59
micahgsorry, didn't know that23:59
micahgI'll so that in the future23:59

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