
nhandlertyche: What do you mean be "invite"?00:02
tycheThe only way I know of to get you to the actual calendar, and not the Fridge inserted version, is by an invite.00:02
nhandlertyche: I thought you had to set an option allowing me to directly edit the calendar, not invite me. But having that access would be very useful (especially when helping other users)00:03
tycheSee PM00:05
tycheNM, I got it.  Just a second00:06
tychenhandler: Calendar ID: j5q85mmi6ujvjtii5s1n3li5io@group.calendar.google.com00:08
tychenhandler: Sorry, I got that wrong.  See http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=j5q85mmi6ujvjtii5s1n3li5io%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Etc/GMT00:22
nhandlertyche: Could you go under 'Settings'->'Share this Calendar'->Enter 'nathan.handler@gmail.com' and mark 'make Changes to events' then hit add person?02:14
tycheYou've got it02:41
nhandlerYou rock tyche03:07
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akgranerhey y'all...we still have slots for Open week...20:57
akgranerI know I know I am sorta nagging here.. but we would love to have a session all about Ubuntu News  :-D20:57
akgranerany takers20:57
tycheWhat do you mean, "about Ubuntu News"?20:59
akgranerspend an hour talking about it21:04
akgranerletting people know how to get involved21:04
akgranerhow to help  what you all do.. etc...21:04
akgranerwould be a great help... I mean during open week jaunty is where I learned about you all21:05
tycheThat's both less than, and more than you can imagine21:05
akgranerI think what you all do is really awesome and the work that goes into getting it done weekly is incredible....21:06
akgranerwhat me to see about narrowing the topic down a bit...21:07
tycheThere is a reason why those who choose to work on the UWN have an easier time of becoming Ubuntu Members.  It takes dedication and continuous involvement.  Many people that have thought it was easy are no longer counted among the contributors.21:07
akgranertyche, so I have heard!  :-)21:07
akgranermy hat is off to you all...21:07
tycheIt's also tedious "dirty work" for which you seldom get acknowledgement outside of the core members of the UWN.  THERE, you get support and instruction.21:08
akgranertyche, so...  does that mean you want to give a session so you can talk to the greater community about UWN...:-)21:10
tycheI don't know.  I'm probably not the best at describing any of it, but the best is "otherwise occupied" with taking care of his mother, right now, and wouldn't be able to take on something else.21:11
tycheWhen is Open Week, and when would you need a decision?21:11
akgraner2-6 of Nov21:11
akgranerwould like to have UWN in a slot by COB today.. but you have til November to develop the session21:12
tycheAbout what times of day (UTC - I can convert for my time zone)21:12
akgranertyche, the open slots are on the wiki..  1500 UTC through 2300UTC21:13
tycheLooking . . . and thinking.21:15
akgranertyche, thank you for looking...I really appreciate it...21:15
tycheI know that I've talked to a few people, recently, who had no idea what goes on behind the scenes (organized chaos, mostly).21:17
akgranerwell I had no idea really until last open week to be honest.. but I had only been around the community for like 3 months then21:17
tycheEarly morning to VERY early afternoon would be best for me, which makes only 2 slots available for me, and the better of them would be Monday, November 2 at 17:00 UTC (12:00 noon Arizona time)21:18
akgranerwant me to pencil you in there..21:18
akgranerand you can refine the session between now and the 2nd21:18
tycheYea.  I guess so.  "Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter:  Or How To Achieve Organization Out Of Chaos".  Hee hee21:20
tycheWould you like me to submit a "paper" ahead of time?21:20
akgranerthe title is good enough21:21
akgranerand that is great..21:21
tycheBrave, aren't you.  LOL21:21
akgraneryou all rock so I am sure it will be awesome!21:21
tycheOK, I'll start working it up.  I may actually end up with more than enough to fill the hour, but we'll see what happens.  You want Q & A after the presentation?21:22
akgraneryes can you leave some time for that..21:22
tycheI'll do my best.  Will someone be available to field the questions and add them in to -classroom?  (And there is an assumption there.  Why the heck haven't you added it to the Fridge calendar?)21:23
tycheBTW, my wiki login is under CraigAEddy.  My Launchpad login is under tyche21:26
akgranerthanks I was going to ask I need to add a bio somewhere21:27
tycheThey are essentially the same information.  The wiki has links to individual issues of UWN and AZ Team Newsletter, but is not up to date.  The Launchpad page does without the links.21:28
tycheOK, I hot-linked "tyche" for you.21:35
akgranertyche, thanks!!!21:46
akgranerjust hadn't got there yet...21:46
tycheWhat did they do to Launchpad?  It used to have a picture of me on it.  The picture exists under Details and Branding, but only the icon (the Siamese cat cartoon) is used.21:47
tycheBTW, I'm used to having to add in hot-links of one form or another.  :-)21:47
mdketyche: I think this is the issue - https://lists.launchpad.net/launchpad-users/msg05503.html22:38
* nhandler just added Ubuntu Open Week to the Fridge. Once the time table is finalized, he will go and add individual sessions22:43
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