
CrypiaHello - Is there something new in server 9.10 that would prevent me from adding a startup symbolic link to a service/program by placing it in /etc/rc2.d ?00:54
CrypiaI've tried adding a few scripts to the startup sequence but they aren't being executed for some reason...00:54
smoserkirkland, here now01:12
kirklandsmoser: yo01:13
smoseryou make any progress01:13
kirklandsmoser: so UEC images aren't running for us01:13
kirklandsmoser: no, not really01:13
kirklandsmoser: how are you running/verifying these UEC images?01:14
smoseri haven't tried it but i remember that per ttx you have to run a larger instance to accomodate the large root fs.01:14
smosermostly they're verified by ec201:14
smoserttx did test them on uec for beta01:15
smoserwhat is failing for you?01:15
kirklandsmoser: specifically what size?01:16
kirklandsmoser: they go straight from pending -> terminated01:16
smoserlet me look.01:16
smoserbug 43986801:18
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 439868 in vm-builder "UEC images could be smaller" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43986801:18
smoser"needing m1.xlarge by default in UEC"01:18
kirklandsmoser: okay, that's what i'm using01:20
smosercan you see console logs ?01:20
smoserwhat kernel/initramfs are you using ?01:20
kirklandsmoser: everything from http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/karmic/beta/01:21
kirklandsmoser: kernel, init, img, manifest01:21
smoserwell, those were verified good by ttx for beta01:21
kirklandsmoser: okay01:21
smosercan you see console output ?01:21
kirklandsmoser: i'll get more info from him01:21
kirklandsmoser: not at the moment01:21
kirklandsmoser: right now, i'm not even getting to 'pending'01:21
smosernothing via euca-get-console ?01:21
smoseroh. wow.01:22
kirklandsmoser: $ euca-run-instances $EMI01:22
kirklandRESERVATION     None    None01:22
kirklandsmoser: it was working earlier01:22
erichammondIs not being able to run a 10GB image considered a bug in Eucalyptus since they aim to be API compatible with EC2?01:22
smoserwell, it *can* run it (in theory), but needs m1.xlarge.01:23
smoserbut yeah, it really should be01:23
kirklandsmoser: okay, i think i see the problem01:26
erichammondsmoser: If it's really a matter of a few blocks, it wouldn't hurt EC2 users much cut back a few bytes so it runs on both.01:26
smosererichammond, in that bug there is a resize script. its fairly trivial to resize before upload.01:27
smoserless than ideal, but not terribly intrusive.  it is a pita, though, to unzip those things.01:27
erichammondsmoser: coolio.  Well, that's the extent of my Eucalyptus interest for the month.01:28
smoserkirkland, ?01:30
smoseri've got to run in maybe 5 minutes max01:30
kirklandsmoser: i'll check with ttx tomorrow01:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #445028 in net-snmp (main) "Intermittent segfault in var_hrswrun" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44502801:41
aubrehi, I have been testing Eucalyptus with 2 ncs and 1 front-end - do we still need people to test http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcx8HZWSYB8 and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0wc4LCSqHI ?02:01
aubrewill be afk to tend to my son but will come back in a little02:02
twbIs the NIS client broken in 9.04?  I have two OpenVZ VMs, one 8.04 and one 9.04, and NIS is only working in the former.02:45
uvirtbotNew bug: #445064 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package libmysqlclient16 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44506403:06
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osmosisim kinda bugged that apt-get has never offered the same easy to read information about packages that gentoo's emerge does.05:02
Zelutanyone available to help with an EC2 issue? (I'm doing testing as invited by jcastro)05:15
ZelutI've started an instance and I'm then trying to connect to it using "Using the external host name that was listed as a result of the ec2-describe-instances command", but I don't see any such hostname.. or perhaps I just don't recognize it.05:23
uvirtbotNew bug: #444926 in samba (main) "samba and smbfs depend on an old version of samba-common" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44492605:39
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twbTo answer my own question: no, jaunty isn't broken wrt nis.  It is broken wrt ifup -a06:20
twbBecause for some reason /var/run is a tmpfs, and /var/run/network doesn't get created after the tmpfs is mounted, ifup -a refuses to do anything because it can't write /var/run/network/ifstate06:20
twbRAMRUN=no in /etc/default/tmpfs ought to fix this...06:25
twbWoo, at last.06:25
=== Jare_ is now known as Jare
drurew_can anyone point me to the app that controlls my ports please? I need to free port 25 for an installer, teroreticly nothing is running on that port...I still need to free it up , thanks07:17
twbdrurew_: what installer?  Sounds like something utterly broken07:20
drurew_its called isightserver and at the momment it dosnt matter if it breaks since im desperate to get this job done07:21
qman__drurew_,  all ports are "free" and unblocked by default, so there must be a program you enabled using it07:21
qman__you can pin down what's using it with netstat07:21
drurew_the server is a fresh install without lamp or actually anything07:21
drurew_yeah according to netstat its free07:21
qman__then it is free07:21
qman__and there's a bug in whatever program you're trying to use07:21
drurew_ima just try and edit the installer07:22
qman__keep in mind, binding to ports below 1024 requires root access07:22
drurew_I know07:23
drurew_thanks qman07:23
qman__no problem, hope you get it working07:23
Deven2Hi.  I'm trying to get UserDir set up so that say http://myserver/~username/ points to /home/username/www but i cant seem to get it to work I added th lines "UserDir enabled username" and "UserDir www" to my apache2.conf file is this the right thing? it gives me some error about not being able to find the module when I try to restart the server but it seems to be installed.07:33
Shubuntuhi, I'm having difficulty setting locale, can anyone help me please?07:37
jmarsdenShubuntu: Read line 12 of your pastebin.  There is no such package as locale-conf -- so why are you trying to reconfigure it?07:40
Shubuntubecause i installed nano and perl gave me warnings07:41
Shubuntuit says that setting locale failed07:41
qman__Deven2, did you enable the module in apache? sudo a2enmod module_name07:41
qman__Shubuntu, install the language pack for your locale07:42
jmarsdenBut what makes you think running dpkg-reconfigure against a non-existent package will fix anything?  What are you *really* trying to do here?07:42
Shubuntuthanks, installing language-pack-en seems to do the trick07:44
Shubuntuguys what is the best most secure free account manager for apache?08:14
BoohbahShubuntu: /bin/bash08:19
Shubuntui need something web based so i can give to my users to go manage their sites08:20
Shubuntudon't wanna give them ssh access08:20
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.08:21
Boohbahwell, cpanel is the best, but it's not free08:21
Shubuntui tried ispconfig, it had a lot of hype about it, but it's got too many holes08:21
Boohbahjust pay for cpanel, it's the best08:22
Shubuntuhence why i'm asking to see if someone who has more experience would recommend something else08:22
Shubuntui might do that later, but for now i want something free and secure08:22
Shubuntuit doesn't have to have a lot of features08:22
Shubuntujust to let them add new users08:22
Boohbahi work at a web hosting provider, trust me, cpanel is the best08:22
Shubuntunew email08:22
Shubuntustuff like that08:23
henkjanShubuntu: have a look at openpanel08:24
Shubuntuok thanks08:25
Shubuntuwhere do you change the port at which mysql listens? in /etc/mysql/my.cnf?08:42
Jeeves_Shubuntu: That's an option, yes08:50
uvirtbotNew bug: #445253 in vm-builder (universe) "libvirt.libvirtError: internal error no supported architecture for os type 'hvm'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44525309:42
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uvirtbotNew bug: #408857 in openssh (main) "ssh-agent hangs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40885710:27
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* soren lunches11:17
BilgeIf you perform full disk encryption then how can it be possible to boot remotely?11:52
sorenBilge: An SSH server running from initramfs can wait for you to login and enter the decryption key.12:21
sorenBilge: I'm not sure this is something we offer currently. Dropbear does install itself into the initramfs, but I'm not sure if it can be used for this purpose.12:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #445351 in openssh (main) "Console message on boot (before xsplash)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44535112:21
BilgeOh :(12:22
BilgeMy friend did it but he was not using Ubuntu12:22
BilgeAlso I'm not longer in contact with said friend so I can't ask him about it12:22
BilgeAnother thing I've been trying to do is enable kernel modules system in /proc/modules by replacing my host's modified kernel with the stock Ubuntu kernel12:28
BilgeI was told to install linux-image-server but unfortunately the whole apt update system is also routed via the host which does not provide one of the required files12:28
BilgeHow can I replace my apt update sources with ubuntu community servers instead of my hosts update servers12:29
spiekeyhow can i change a mac address of a vlan?12:32
_rubenyou dont .. a vlan takes the mac of its parent interface12:35
BilgeI think I need to find the default /etc/apt/source.lst12:36
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uvirtbotNew bug: #425670 in ntp (main) "Ntp did not syncronize" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42567013:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #427775 in ntp (main) "ntpdate.dhcp always ignored" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42777513:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #429870 in ntp (main) "runlevel arguments (S) do not match LSB Default-Start values (3 4 5)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42987013:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #408910 in ntp (main) "ntpd service brakes VPN connection" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40891013:32
uvirtbotNew bug: #416828 in openntpd (universe) "when removed to be replaced by openntpd, the ntp package leaves /etc/init.d/ntp leading to errors" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41682813:32
Shubuntuhey guys my telnet cannot resolve, why's that?13:33
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Shubuntutelnet: could not resolve localhost/25: Name or service not known13:34
_rubendid you type "telnet localhost/25" ?13:35
Shubuntui typed telnet localhost 2513:35
_rubenwhat does "host localhost" say ?13:36
_rubenlooks good13:38
uvirtbotNew bug: #379930 in linux (main) "clock freezes when calling ntpdate (sometimes)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37993013:38
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Shubuntu_ruben, my hostname -i shows my external ip, is that ok?13:44
uvirtbotNew bug: #235793 in ntp "Segmentation fault in ntpd when system has more than 1134 interface addresses" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23579313:46
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smosersoren, fyi http://developer.amazonwebservices.com/connect/message.jspa?messageID=147475 . i'm considering putting a file up on s3 so people can point to it with migrate-image to automatically select the right kernel when they (and we) migrate an image.13:51
sorenGood idea!13:51
sorensmoser: I've realised why Amazon don't let random people upload kernels and ramdisks and such, by the way.13:52
sorensmoser: Well, I've thought of *a* reason why. I don't know if it's *the* reason why.13:52
smoserand you're going to keep that to yourself ?13:52
sorensmoser: Heh :)13:52
smoseri've just figured increased instability in their dom013:53
sorenThat's another reason.13:53
sorensmoser: Images are stored in S3. To be able to run them, you need to set the ACL's accordingly.13:53
sorenThere are separate privileges for reading the image and for executing it.13:53
smoseris there more ? im missing something13:54
sorenHowever... If people could upload their own kernel and ramdisk, anyone could effectively read the image if they could execute it, since they could put in a backdoor of sorts in the ramdisk or kernel.13:54
soren..and I'm reasonably sure those ACL's are separate intentionally.13:55
sorenIt's not exactly a separation you're likely to introduce by accident.13:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #229632 in ntp (main) "ntpd should run niced" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22963213:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #351980 in ntp (main) "ntptrace reports wrong results" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35198013:56
sorensmoser: I'm done now :)13:57
smoserso you're talking about someone being able to launch an image (ami) but not having the right to read it13:58
smoserand by having a kernel/initramdisk, they could essentially dd /dev/sda before /sbin/init ran13:58
smoserwhere /sbin/init could be doing some magic to obfuscate something.13:59
smoseri suppose that is legit.13:59
smoserhowever, i disagree with " not exactly a separation you're likely to introduce by accident"13:59
smoseras there is a fairly well established permissions scheme that separates them that they could have been modeling (man chmod)14:00
uvirtbotNew bug: #315682 in ntp (main) "crashes on UPGRADE" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31568214:01
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uvirtbotNew bug: #224499 in ntp (main) "Time synchronize results in running a local ntp server (dup-of: 445390)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22449914:07
uvirtbotNew bug: #244685 in ntp (main) "ntpd does not sufficiently log failures" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24468514:07
uvirtbotNew bug: #322518 in ntp (main) "No obvious way to prevent ntpdate to be run when interface are brought up" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32251814:07
uvirtbotNew bug: #426919 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 "thread_stack setting is too small" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42691914:07
sorensmoser: Yes, they may very well have been inspired by that, but it probably didn't just implement itself :)14:07
uvirtbotNew bug: #351989 in ntp (main) "ntptrace man page is wrong" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35198914:12
Shubuntuhey what do i need to add to my sources.list to be able to install courier? does anyone know14:24
PiciShubuntu: courier-base is in the universe repositories14:25
biosedHey all, quick question, I am planning on install apache2-worker and replacing prefork, will all my configs stay and is there any issues I should be aware of swaping them? (8.1 x64)14:25
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=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
Shubuntuwould you guys suggest using something other than courier then?14:28
ScottKShubuntu: Dovecot is what is generally supported for a delivery agent and Postfix for MTA.14:33
ShubuntuScottK So is Dovecot safer or courier14:34
ScottKDovecot is better maintained, documented, and supported in Ubuntu, so if you are running Ubuntu Server, it's a better choice.14:34
acalvoShubuntu: from my point of view (I've been using courier and dovecot with LDAP as backend and intregration with Postfix), dovecot is easier and better14:35
Shubuntuok thanks14:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #322511 in ntp (main) "Time is being adjusted by ntpdate even if you choose to manage time manually in System > Administration > Time and Date" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32251114:42
biosedHey all, quick question, I am planning on install apache2-worker and replacing prefork, will all my configs stay and is there any issues I should be aware of swaping them? (8.1 x64)14:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #254375 in ntp (main) "SIGSEGV in ntpq " [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25437514:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #374896 in ntp (main) "Servers specified in ntp.conf are not carried into ntp.conf.dhcp" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37489614:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #238805 in ntp (main) "ntpd doesn't work - time is not synchronized" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23880514:47
ivokszul: could you please take a look at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/drbd8/+bug/44545314:55
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 445453 in drbd8 "[FFE]: Please sync drbd8 2:8.3.3-0ubuntu1 (main) from PPA" [Undecided,New]14:55
ivokszul: thanks14:56
zulivoks: ubuntu-release needs to ack it first so ill subscribe them14:56
ivokszul: ok14:56
zulivoks: ive subscribe myself as well so when they get the ok ill upload it14:57
ivoksgreat, thanks14:57
ivoksthere's newer version of drbd14:57
ivoksbut it's for those lame distributions with old kernels :D14:57
* ivoks runs and hides14:57
uvirtbotNew bug: #445453 in drbd8 (universe) "[FFE]: Please sync drbd8 2:8.3.3-0ubuntu1 (main) from PPA" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44545315:01
refnumzxI have a feisty system that I need to upgrade to hardy in prep for migration to 9.10.  This system cannot be down for any length of time so I need two things.  I need to be able to upgrade with out problems.  This is a server install so nothing doing for GUI stuff.  I need to back the system up and be able to restore it if something goes wrong.  I have backups which keep the data intact but I am unsure how to image the system so 15:10
uvirtbotNew bug: #445442 in dhcp3 (main) "patch for appamor-profile of dhclient3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44544215:11
AnirbanHazra is prompting me to dwld the website instead of opening it on browser !15:12
ScottKrefnumzx: You'll need to do a sequential upgrade Feisty -> Gutsy -> Hardy.  Gutsy is out of support also, but can be found at old-releases.ubuntu.com.15:17
AnirbanHazrahow to install php in Ubuntu VPS ?15:17
dasunsrule32Is there a way to deny login for all users and groups, except for a specfic group?15:21
toddobryanI'm running an LTSP setup for a school lab and I currently am only using one of three servers because I can't figure out how to set up OpenLDAP. Can anybody help me out?15:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #247218 in ntp (main) "ntpd messages interrupt fsck messages" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24721815:22
kinnazhello, is this guide http://www.howtoforge.com/recompiling-php5-with-bundled-support-for-gd-on-ubuntu <-- outdated ? i get /bin/sh: line 10: --with-gd=shared: command not found , when i modify the debian/rules file like suggested15:22
uvirtbotNew bug: #444454 in openssh (main) "Always need to run: source ~/.bashrc" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44445415:32
Shubuntuproftpd-mod-pgsql: Depends: proftpd-basic (= 1.3.1-17ubuntu1) but it is not installable, help anyone?15:34
dasunsrule32Is there a way to deny access to login, unless the user is part of a specific group?15:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #444479 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "missing apparmor access rule " [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44447915:37
uvirtbotNew bug: #444673 in bacula (universe) "package bacula-director-mysql 2.4.4-1ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso post-installation script devolvió el código de salida de error 1" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44467315:41
knechti need to use php5-sqlite3 on a intrepid ubuntu server. There is only a SQlite Version 2.8 package (php5-sqlite) in official sources. Where can i get a newer version? google does not help me . . .15:42
knechtHas someone a hint?15:44
_ruben!info php5-sqlite315:46
ubottuPackage php5-sqlite3 does not exist in jaunty15:46
_ruben!info php5-sqlite3 karmic15:47
ubottuPackage php5-sqlite3 does not exist in karmic15:47
_ruben!info php5-sqlite415:47
ubottuPackage php5-sqlite4 does not exist in jaunty15:47
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Xpistos|workHow should I access my server? SSH, VNC? What is the best and most resource intelligent way to work my file server?15:50
knechtXpistos|work: want to you want to do? Admininistrate it? Copy files on it?15:51
zuljdstrand: ping I subscribed ubuntu-server to the bug contact for ntp as well15:51
Piciknecht: php5-sqlite depends on libsqlite0 and libsqlite3-0, I would suspect that it has sqlite2 and sqlite3 compatibility then.15:52
Xpistos|workknecht: Basically the server is there to be a file server. I could use smbfs or sshfs from my other systems even if there is no GUI on the server itself correct?15:52
refnumzxI have a feisty system that I need to upgrade to hardy in prep for migration to 9.10.  This system cannot be down for any length of time so I need two things.  I need to be able to upgrade with out problems.  This is a server install so nothing doing for GUI stuff.  I need to back the system up and be able to restore it if something goes wrong.  I have backups which keep the data intact but I am unsure how to image the system so 15:53
knechtXpistos|work: correct.16:00
knechtXpistos|work: you can admin your samba via ssh remote shell, and samba itself does the file transfers. No gui is needet on the server.16:01
Xpistos|workknecht: I am semi-comfortable enough with the command line and I want to use it when the next LTS comes out16:02
knechtPici: i have php5-sqlite installed, it only works on version 2.x sqlite files.16:02
Xpistos|workknecht: Thanks for the advice!16:02
knechtXpistos|work: your welcome16:02
jdstrandzul: ok16:03
zuljdstrand: just as a fyi16:03
* jdstrand nods16:04
knechtXpistos|work: admin samba means to connect via ssh to the server, and then edit /etc/samba/smb.conf to configure it to your needs. You also can open GUI Apps on your client (if it is linux) if your turn XForwarding on in /etc/ssh/sshd_config16:06
knechtXpistos|work: good console text editors are joe, emacs or vim (maybe you use joe, its like dos edit)16:06
kinnazwhy people dont consider nano as good ?16:07
Xpistos|workknecht: I use nano16:07
Mike_lifeguardDo I need to set anything in /etc/hosts.allow to allow incoming ssh connections to my server?16:12
Mike_lifeguardbwahaha, IT WORKS >:D16:19
uvirtbotNew bug: #406581 in bind9 (main) "package libdns45 1:9.5.1.dfsg.P2-1 failed to install/upgrade: corrupted filesystem tarfile - corrupted package archive" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40658116:24
sorenttx: How long time does it take for Eucalyptus to start the UEC image the first time?16:25
ttxsoren: depends on size of said image, and how fast your disks are16:26
sorenttx: The standard 10 GB image.16:26
ttxit also depends how soon after registration you try to run them :)16:26
sorenttx: Regular SATA disks... How long does it take for /you/?16:26
sorenHeh :)16:26
ttx12 minutes16:27
sorenThat's just the first time, though, right?16:27
ttxyes, after that it's pretty fast16:27
sorenI believe they cache the disk image they stitch together based on the eMI.16:27
ttxalso if you let the dust settle on the HD platters, it can be reasonably half that time16:27
ttxthere is some encryption process going on after you register the emi16:28
ttxI'll tell you for my current test16:28
ttx4G image, started 17:24:0516:28
ttxsoren: booting at 17:29:5016:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #445536 in php5 (main) "pear install fails without error message (downloaded go-pear is also affected)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44553616:31
sorenttx: Lovely, thank you.16:32
uvirtbotNew bug: #444908 in eucalyptus "In SYSTEM mode + multicluster, instances do not run on multiple clusters" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44490816:44
zullamont: ping16:45
uvirtbotNew bug: #444838 in eucalyptus "If the CC and CLC are on different machines, meta-data service is unreachable by nodes" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44483816:47
uvirtbotNew bug: #445206 in eucalyptus "remote bootstrap fails when walrus+sc are on the same host" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44520616:47
lamontzul: si?16:48
zullamont: for bind9 patches do you rather see them fixed in debian first?16:48
zullamont: bug #430358 supposedly fixes it16:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 430358 in bind9 "bind9 + DLZ core dumps on AFXR request" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43035816:49
lamontzul: sigh.  I'll scrape my bind9 bugs tonight and get an upload tossed into the blender16:51
zullamont: cool thanks16:51
jbernard_kirkland: can a byobu module use bash instead of sh?17:00
kirklandjbernard_: hmm... i'd rather not, if possible... what can't you do in sh?17:01
jbernard_ill fix it, i was just wondering if there was an implicit requirement17:02
oly_hi, i am trying to compile a php module on hardy heron but get this error17:20
oly_dpkg-shlibdeps: failure: no dependency information found for /lib/libmysqlclient.so.1517:20
oly_sudo dpkg-buildpackage17:20
RoyKhm. is jeos available in 64bit somewhere?17:20
RoyKI can only find the i386 iso17:20
oly_running that to build the package, anyone any suggestions on what that means or could be ?17:20
aubrekudos to the people working on Eucalyptus karmic integration, I followed these excellent posts here http://fnords.wordpress.com/2009/10/04/run-your-own-uec-part-1/ and here http://fnords.wordpress.com/2009/10/07/run-your-own-uec-part-2/ by Thierry Carrez and it is working ! My front-end and 2 node controllers are rocking! so Good Job!17:30
aubrethanks especially for automating the server bridging and network setup portions17:30
aubreif you are trying to get UEC working run don't walk to those blog posts17:31
aubrekirkland: I enjoyed your videos17:31
kirklandaubre: cheers17:32
aubreoff to lunch17:32
mathiazzul: for samba bugs, I think we should do something similar to Xorg bugs: one bug per reporter17:32
=== aubre is now known as aubre_afk
mathiazzul: rather than having people tag along existing bugs, every reporter should open a new bug17:32
mathiazzul: even if the issue seems to be the same17:32
BilgeHow can I determine how my machine is booting up? e.g. which boot loader is active17:39
smoserBilge, not really easily.  its in the first N bytes of the drive that is booting off of.17:47
smoseryou could extract that and compare to possible values17:48
smoserbut without some poking aroudn i wouldn't know if it will be bit for bit17:49
smoserjust noticed that file seems to know some stuff:17:50
smoser$ sudo file --special-files /dev/sda17:50
smoser/dev/sda: x86 boot sector; GRand Unified Bootloader, stage1 version 0x3, stage2 address 0x2000, stage2 segment 0x200; partition 1: ID=0x7, active, starthead 32, startsector 2048, 3072000 sectors; partition 2: ID=0x7, starthead 0, startsector 3084480, 102392640 sectors; partition 3: ID=0x7, starthead 239, startsector 604659712, 20480000 sectors; partition 4: ID=0x5, starthead 239, startsector 105477120, 253955520 sectors, code of17:50
smoserfset 0x4817:50
zulmathiaz: yes the chatter is getting a bit too much17:51
jbernard_kirkland: i just pushed the rcs_cost to lp:~jbernard/byobu/rcs_cost17:52
zulmathiaz: so if a reporter a has an issue with smbfs and reporter b has an issue with smbfs but in a different way then there would be too bugs17:52
jbernard_that only thing that's not quite right is that the cost doesn't show up in the right place in the statusbar17:53
jbernard_i haven't had time to look into that yet17:53
BilgeYeah that gives me the info!17:54
BilgeLInux i386 boot LOader17:55
mathiazzul: I'd look into the X11 wiki page - about triagging or stock reply17:55
zulmathiaz: url?17:55
mathiazzul: there is problem a stock reply that ask the reporter to open another bug17:55
BilgeThat is a very pro tip17:55
mathiazzul: somewhere on the wiki.u.com17:55
BilgeI'm trying to install linux-image-server to replace my kernel with the stock Ubuntu one but as part of the process it keeps trying to run GRUB commands, but GRUB is not installed, LILO is. Must I replace LILO with GRUB?17:58
mathiazzul: with the archive reorg going on, the server related packages may change a little bit18:00
mathiazzul: to get the current set of packages related to server do:18:01
mathiazzul: bzr get lp:ubuntu-archive-tools && cd ubuntu-archive-tools && ./edit_acl.py -P karmic-ubuntu-server query18:01
mathiazzul: that should give the list of packages related to server18:01
mathiazzul: well - hm - no it doesn't work18:02
mathiazzul: neither openldap nor mysql are in there18:02
zulmathiaz: neither is apache18:04
uvirtbotNew bug: #445619 in openldap (main) "[karmic] slapd should start before kerberos kdc and admin servers, possibly others" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44561918:06
zulhey jjohansen18:13
jjohansenhi zul18:13
metalf8801I was trying out openfiler and the thing I really like was that i could use my mouse with the command line interface so I'm wondering if there is anyway I can get mouse support with ubuntu server?18:16
metalf8801so is there anyway I can use a mouse with ubuntu server? It could be really helpful with when I'm using midnight commander18:20
BilgeApplications that support a mouse will work on the server edition18:21
Ahleepasswd change issue, probable pam misconfiguration?  When I attempt to change the password of a local user account, it prompts for the current password twice, changes the password, but returns authentication failure, then password unchanged: http://paste.ubuntu.com/287977/18:24
metalf8801yeah but I don't see the mouse cursor anywhere when I'm using midnight commander or aptitude which I can use the mouse with if I'm on Ubuntu desktop edition18:25
BilgeYou don't need a mouse for aptitude so I would recommend learning to use the keyboard :P18:26
|rt|does ubuntu-server have gpm setup by default?18:26
metalf8801I don't need the mouse for anything but it would be nice to be able to use it18:32
JanCmetalf8801: read about gpm18:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #412242 in ntp (main) "ntp FTBFS: error: 'MOD_NANO' undeclared" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41224218:42
metalf8801JanC: ok I will thanks18:45
AhleeI've runn into a passwd change issue, probable pam misconfiguration when integrated into my openldap/krb5 server?  When I attempt to change the password of a local user account, it prompts for the current password twice, changes the password, but returns authentication failure, then password unchanged: http://paste.ubuntu.com/287977/18:47
uvirtbotNew bug: #364716 in openldap (main) "slapd upgrade to jaunty tries to dump non local databases" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36471618:47
uvirtbotNew bug: #381829 in openldap (main) "NSSOV and Samba groups" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38182918:56
jdstrandzul: so I looked at bug #412242 a little more18:59
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 412242 in ntp "ntp FTBFS: error: 'MOD_NANO' undeclared" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41224218:59
jdstrandzul: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ntp/+bug/412242/comments/318:59
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 412242 in ntp "ntp FTBFS: error: 'MOD_NANO' undeclared" [Critical,Fix released]18:59
zuldid you upload it?19:00
jdstrandzul: I didn't really mean to get embroiled in this whole issue-- I just needed ntp to build19:00
jdstrandzul: the alternate patch? no19:00
jdstrandzul: we have the patch from Fedora 1119:00
jdstrandzul: I don't really know enough about the issue to determine if it is sane or not19:01
jdstrandit seems sane19:01
zuljdstrand: thats cool maybe we should the note in the debian/changelog next time because we all know that the backporters love to the read the changelog ;)19:01
jdstrandzul: at the time, the Fedora patch was the best one I could find19:02
jdstrandzul: that's cool19:02
zuljdstrand: sounds good to me19:02
zuljdstrand: #444479 does that fix look sane to you?19:06
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jdstrandzul: well, I don't know why /sys/devices/system/cpu/ is enough, that is just a directory19:08
jdstrandzul: the comment states it falls back to /proc/stat. perhaps do instead:19:09
jdstrand  deny /sys/devices/system/cpu/ r,19:09
jdstrandthat will silence the message19:09
zulill add it19:09
jdstrandkeep in mind, it is still denied, so if it is actually needed, that will be an issue19:09
jdstrandzul: ^19:09
zulill ask the user to put that in his apparmor profile and see what it does19:10
jdstrandzul: sounds reasonable19:10
uvirtbotNew bug: #397733 in openldap (main) "package slapd 2.4.15-1ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: " [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39773319:22
uvirtbotNew bug: #445695 in openvpn (universe) "redirect-gateway does not work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44569519:26
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jcastromathiaz: last call for alcohol! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Prep20:52
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tmeVinnyis their a command to restart the LAMP server?22:16
qman__tmeVinny, do you mean to restart apache? sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart22:23
qman__mysql is /etc/init.d/mysql22:24
qman__if you mean to restart the whole server, sudo reboot22:24
tmeVinnyqman__: thanks thats what i needed22:25
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=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
KnoxvilleI have my ubuntu server added to the domain, but my samba will not take any AD accounts?  any ideas?22:34
|rt|Knoxville: you have to setup winbind for that22:39
KnoxvilleI thought I did install winbind also22:39
zulkirkland: where is your script that builds the cvs for qemu-kvm?22:39
Knoxvilleedited my nsswitch file and did nothing22:39
KnoxvilleI saw that the ubuntu computer was added to the domain, because it was in the computers OU in AD22:40
|rt|Knoxville: did you get Kerberos setup?22:41
|rt|this article seems to go through the process pretty good http://www.enterprisenetworkingplanet.com/netos/article.php/348708122:42
|rt|including testing each step22:42
Knoxvillethank you for that rt, I will bookmark it and attack it again tomorrow22:43
|rt|np....it's a pita to set it all up and get it workign22:43
|rt|lots of pieces to get just right22:43
tmeVinnywould anyone know instructions to setup PHPMyAdmin for Ubuntu server 9.04?22:44
KnoxvilletmeVinny here ya go:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/phpMyAdmin22:46
Knoxville|rt| so have you got samba working before where it authenticated against AD?22:48
|rt|Knoxville: we had it setup at my old job...but no AD server where I currently work22:49
tmeVinnyKnoxville: thanks22:49
Knoxvillewas it pretty good, stable, etc...22:49
Knoxvillenp tmeVinny22:49
|rt|Knoxville: I have migrating our samba server to auth against an LDAP backend on my list of things todo22:49
Knoxvilleso you obviously believe that Samba is the goods22:50
|rt|Knoxville: yeah I don't recall having any issues with stability22:50
KnoxvilleMy environent currently runs the file server off of win2k3, but I want to make is samba integrated with AD22:50
|rt|Knoxville: this particular Samba server had more load on it than any other file server in the organization22:50
|rt|the AD in this particular instance was the file server for the front office, sales, an small engineering groups22:51
|rt|the samba file server was hammered on by the graphics department22:51
|rt|they actually called me back in last week to consult with them b/c they are having some problems with their new file server....it's not samba's fault in this case22:53
|rt|looks like some flaky scsi issues and general undersizing of the new server when the rendering farm (computing cluster) has tripled in size22:54
Knoxville|rt| sounds like you have a similar situation as myself, the AD domain is also a fileserver, but our creative dept destroys it23:01
Knoxvilleanyone know of a good RAID card that works great to install ubuntu onto?23:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #443314 in eucalyptus "system address selection should prefer cluster-local addresses" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44331423:17
metalf8801can I set a up a Ubuntu file server that will be detected as a hard drive on my Ubuntu and Windows PC....   If that can be done does anyone have any idea how or really where I can find a good how to? There's a lot of information about Samba out there and a lot of it isn't use full.   ps I want to do this so I can back up my PC23:32
bventurametal: samba is the way to go try the instructions on this page:23:34
bventuraand you should be up and running in no time23:34
metalf8801bventura:  Thank you I'll do that now23:36
bventurano prob23:36
metalf8801does it matter what name I give the workgroup in the smb.conf file?23:41
bventuraI don't think so unless you already have a workgroup in play on your network, then it should match what you're already using23:42
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bventuraotherwise just use the default, "WORKGROUP"23:42
metalf8801great thanks23:43
bventuraotherwise just use the default, "WORKGROUP"23:44
CrypiaHello - How do I move gdm to later in the startup sequence?  I don't see a symlink for it in any of /etc/rcX.d run level folders.23:48

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