
StaRetjiOK, not bad idea, I'll try simple xorg.conf00:00
Pentawhat is abiword?00:00
erUSULMorgansl1: you either enclose the folder name in "" or you scape the space with \ like this cp -r folder\ with\ spaces00:00
=== Richard is now known as Guest9851
qe2eqeStaRetji, really not my forte, but the CLI method is sometimes ubuntu unfriendly. Have you tried clicking through your menus and finding 'hardware drivers?' (jockey)00:00
erUSULPenta: a wordprocessor00:00
IndyGunFreakPenta: a small, lightweight word proc.00:00
Morgansl1erUSUL: ok00:00
sebsebsebPenta: a light waight  word proccessor similar to Microsoft Word before 2007 version, and it isn't bloated like Word00:00
=== Guest9851 is now known as Richard_Witt
sebsebsebPenta: try it if you want, it's pretty good00:01
StaRetjimy menus is fluxbox :)00:01
Infl1ktedDoes anyone know how to handle usb soundcards?00:01
qe2eqePenta, it also has autosave off by default. Check that box for your own good.,00:01
sebsebseb!info abiword00:01
lobonegro_rlopezI was wondering how one could make a screensaver for Ubuntu/Gnome? I have a friend who is an artist who has screensavers of his work made for windows and mac.00:01
ubottuabiword (source: abiword): efficient, featureful word processor with collaboration. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.6-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 2899 kB, installed size 7808 kB00:01
PentaI ask for irc server GnuWorld00:01
sebsebsebPenta: see above00:01
Pentanot for visual Gnu00:01
hey`nothing fccf, there ain't no good backups from what I see.00:01
Morgansl1erUSUL: it worked Thanks for all the help00:01
Infl1ktedI have a problem trying to reproduce music in Exaile :S00:01
erUSULMorgansl1: no problem00:01
sebsebsebPenta: oh I guess I read wrong then00:01
hey`I'll will struggle with the nvidia-settings window.00:02
hey`for now00:02
Morgansl1erUSUL: :D00:02
IndyGunFreakhey`: do you have the restricted driver enabled for your Nvidia device?00:02
sebsebseb!ot |  Penta00:02
ubottuPenta: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:02
qe2eqeInfl1kted, make sure your output is set correctly (pulseaudio, oss, alsa, etc.)00:02
hey`indygunfreak I've just installed the one envyng gave me.00:02
Infl1ktedI use oss00:02
IndyGunFreakhey`: sigh... why int he world would you use that train wreck?00:02
Infl1ktedThe weird is that I can listen music (or video) using totem00:02
erUSULInfl1kted: why ? oss is deprecated and not functional most of the time00:02
qe2eqeIndyGunFreak, /me defends envy-ng00:03
erUSULInfl1kted: you should use Pulseaudio or alsa00:03
qe2eqeInfl1kted, ^^^ what he said.00:03
IndyGunFreak!envy > hey`00:03
ubottuhey`, please see my private message00:03
IndyGunFreakno telling what went wrong00:04
Infl1ktedIf I try to use Alsa, I get an error.00:04
coolcathi, after leaving xgalaga, I've got a problem with X, everything is huge, the screen more duplicated, to be able to see the other side I have move the mice. What is happening ? How to correct this?00:04
Pentai have asked for GnuWorld00:04
Pentanot GnuWord00:04
evidenthi everybody... how can I format a micro sd card in my card adapter to fat32?00:04
sebsebsebPenta: Yes another IRC server?00:04
evidentj #cyclopsds00:04
BioVorEevident: mkfs.vfat /dev/<device>00:05
sebsebsebPenta: well  that's not Ubuntu support so yes off topic00:05
sebsebseb!ot |  Penta00:05
ubottuPenta: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:05
LappyHow do I un-mount a internal hard drive than re-mount it? I mounted it to /media and not /fstab, how do I go about doing so?00:06
PentaI have asked if it posible to install gnuworld on ubuntu 9.04 without any problems.Pecouse there is always some problem during instalation of postgresql..00:06
Infl1ktedAnd If I use pulseaudio, the sound goes through the internal sound card.00:06
Infl1ktedNot through the USB one :S00:06
evidentBioVorE, how do I find out which device it is?00:06
sebsebseb!info gnuworld00:06
ubottuPackage gnuworld does not exist in jaunty00:06
PentaGnuWorld is not a package00:06
sebsebsebPenta: I didn't think  it would be in the repo whatever your on about, but anyway00:07
Pentagnuworld contains boost lib,postgresql and cvs gnu files00:07
sebsebsebPenta: You can compile stuff00:07
robuntuwhat site do we use to link blocks of text?00:07
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!00:07
sebsebseb!info postgressql00:07
ubottuPackage postgressql does not exist in jaunty00:07
Pentawith 1 s00:08
Beardbarok im dumb, i thought there was a libXSLT package in the repository for ubuntu server?00:08
StaRetjiqe2eqe: I have cleared my xorg conf stating it's only intel driver nothing else and still the same error http://paste.ubuntu.com/287393/00:08
bin1010howdy all...how do I setup multiple ssh tunnels, do I have to have separate terminals for each one?  I want these running all the time...  Thxs.00:08
sebsebseb!info postgressql00:08
ubottuPackage postgressql does not exist in jaunty00:08
sebsebsebPenta: you can search the repo for things your self00:08
Lint_how can I change my locale without installing all translation stuff?00:08
Penta!info postgresql00:08
ubottupostgresql (source: postgresql-8.3): object-relational SQL database (supported version). In component main, is optional. Version 8.3.8-0ubuntu9.04 (jaunty), package size 235 kB, installed size 272 kB00:08
Pentathere is00:08
westsydeHi all, I am wondering if anyone here knows of some good software or DEB package for merging changes that have taken place in a development environment and the production site, so that if minor and or major changes are made to the test site, while data only in general is entered into the production site, that the two seamlessly become one without loosing anything.00:08
sebsebsebPenta: and   probably sort out depdances and stuff, and I already know postgressql  was probably in the repo, I just wanted to show you00:09
Pentayep that is that00:09
evidentcan anybody tell me which of the devices in my /dev/ folder is my SD Card? How do I find out?00:09
RezagratsWhat's mk called ? (the package)00:09
dandamanwho remember me?00:09
sebsebsebdandaman: your name that's it00:09
dandamanwell i fixed the mbr windows 7 problem00:10
dandamannow i move onto getting ubuntu to load00:10
Infl1ktedIs there a way to invoke some sort of pulseaudio config GUI?00:10
sebsebsebdandaman: How did you do that?00:10
dandamansebsebseb: bootsect.exe00:10
erUSULInfl1kted: there are various pavucontroll paman pavumeter etc00:11
StaRetjiBump: I have cleared my xorg conf stating it's only intel driver nothing else and still the same error http://paste.ubuntu.com/287393/00:11
sebsebsebdandaman: in reply  to  your pm,  no I don't need help fixing grub error 21, but others might now, but also in the future00:11
qe2eqeStaRetji, have you used the 'hardware drivers' menu thing yet?00:11
StaRetjinope, I don't have gnome mate :(00:12
qe2eqeStaRetji, 'jockey-gtk'00:12
erUSULInfl1kted: the best is padevchooser. it makes an applet from where you can lounch the other gui tools00:12
benjoldersmais there a way to create an installer of unbuntu that will install a custom list of packages afterwards (and be unattended)?00:12
erUSULInfl1kted: in the notification area00:12
smokiehey guys, is there a way to remote to my ubuntu 9.04 or do i have to install realvnc server?00:12
StaRetjionly fluxbox ... jockey-gtk, let me google a bit00:12
qe2eqeStaRetji, well how about jockey-kde?00:12
benjoldersmaa la suse-studio?00:13
xmashi, i just restarted and the gui was gone... now my external usb harddrive doesn't show up. any suggestions?00:13
erUSUL!remaster | benjoldersma00:13
ubottubenjoldersma: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility00:13
qe2eqesmokie, ssh?00:13
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:13
Infl1ktedOk, erUSUL.00:13
Infl1ktedInstalling it now00:13
benjoldersmathanks erUSUL !00:13
mgv1there is  an arabic channel for ubuntu?00:13
ubottuFor Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية00:13
smokieqe2eqe, i mean to remote control my ubuntu desktop from work or from my laptop00:14
mgv1erUSUL, no one there00:14
robuntuwhat site do we use to link blocks of text?00:14
ubottuFor the Saudi Arabia team : /join #ubuntu-sa : للانظمام الى قناة الفريق السعودي - For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية00:14
xmasi was able to get into gui but, i can't figure out how to get my external hd to show up00:14
qe2eqesmokie, well primary keywords are 'x forwarding (over ssh)', xdmcp, and as you were, vnc.00:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about israel00:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ae00:14
erUSULmgv1: dunno what are the most active arabic teams sorry...00:14
ubottuלשיחות בשפה העברית ולגישה לקהילת המשתמשים העברית אנא הקלד:00:15
ubottu/join #ubuntu-il00:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about is00:15
smokieqe2eqe, isnt it kind of complicated to do that with ssh? so i have to install vnc server?00:15
qe2eqemgv1,  please do your experiments in /msg00:15
ubottuქართული ენაზე დახმარების მიღებისთვის გთხოვთ შემობრძანდით #ubuntu-ge / Kartuli enaze dakhmarebis mighebistvis gtkhovt shemobrdzandit #ubuntu-ge00:15
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".00:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mk00:15
xmascan anyone help me to get an external usb hd to connect?00:15
qe2eqesmokie, complicated, shmomplicated. Also, yes.00:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cirylic00:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about macedonian00:16
g_what's the default ttf font viewer? all of a sudden i can't click on ttf's for a preview00:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about macedonia00:16
icerootPenta: stop that00:16
Pentais there macedonian help for ubuntu ?00:16
qe2eqesmokie, I'll say tightvnc worked beautifully for me.00:16
robuntu!meaning of life00:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about meaning of life00:16
erUSULPenta: really go to private with the bot; please00:16
smokieqe2eqe, is there a good vnc server for ubuntu?00:16
robuntuwhat site do we use to link blocks of text?00:16
octoberdanFor some reason torrents get stuck on "Waiting to verify local data" with transmission. This didn't used to happen00:16
icerootrobuntu: you mean post large text?00:16
iceroot!paste | robuntu00:17
ubotturobuntu: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!00:17
xmascan someone help me connect usb?00:17
StaRetjiqe2eqe: jockey-kde or gtk would require to install gnome or kde, no disk space mate00:17
iceroot!ask | xmas00:17
ubottuxmas: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:17
erUSULxmas: just plugging the disk should "just work (tm)"00:17
robuntupastebin Thanks00:17
StaRetjianyway, thx for tips00:17
xmaserUSUL, it didn't00:17
qe2eqeStaRetji, one more00:17
StaRetjiI'm all ears00:17
Infl1ktedxmas, Did you mount it?00:17
HowardTheDuckhey.  got a question.  if 9.10 is coming out in a matter of days, why am i still having to update 9.04 on a daily basis00:18
xmasinfl1kted, how do i mount it?00:18
qe2eqeStaRetji, find your module.blacklist, add i915, that might help - -  its not elegant.00:18
qe2eqeStaRetji, I have to go myself, later00:18
StaRetjigood idea, let me try it00:18
Infl1ktedGo to menu "places"00:18
StaRetjithx, bie00:18
qe2eqeStaRetji, post a qe2eqe, it [didn't] work00:18
Infl1ktedAnd check in there if there's a new item.00:18
Beta-guywhere can I find a list of supported HW?00:18
IndyGunFreak!hardware | Beta-guy00:19
Infl1ktedLike disk 4.1 GB00:19
ubottuBeta-guy: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection00:19
Infl1ktedOr something like it.00:19
VCooliog_: charmap is a font viewer00:19
sebsebsebIndyGunFreak: I was a little slow there, I was going to do that00:19
xmasinfl1kted, it's in the places menu but, that's probably because it was there before... when I click on it there, nothing happens00:19
Beta-guythank you00:19
IndyGunFreaksebsebseb: gotta be fast when i'm around.. 65wpm.. :)00:19
sebsebsebIndyGunFreak: I also touch type :)00:19
Infl1ktedNo windows popping up?00:20
sebsebsebIndyGunFreak: ended up taking my  hands off my keyboard then though,  anyway  this just turned into a bit of a silly offtopic :D00:20
Infl1ktedTry opening a personal folder00:20
=== tien is now known as jove
Infl1ktedAnd check in the left for the device list.00:21
xmasyou mean, like "computer"?00:21
Infl1ktedYes, that.00:21
xmasit shows up in there, the icon but, same... no reaction00:21
Infl1ktedNo up arrow at the right of the item?00:21
mgv1i must find the way to get spell check to work in english - ive already removed the hebrew one for it to work00:21
Infl1ktedOk, right click on it >> Mount00:22
xmasproperties say unkown...00:22
jovedoes anyone know how to extract the file with "toast" extension ? for example :  appl-installer.toast ?00:22
xmasmounting isn't doing anything either..00:22
g_damnit! this is so frustrating! how do i preview fonts?00:22
Infl1ktedCan you copy the contents of the file: /etc/fstab ?00:23
Infl1ktedAnd paste in a pastebin?00:23
sebsebsebInfl1kted: yes00:23
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic00:23
Infl1ktedWhat's up sebsebseb?00:24
sebsebsebInfl1kted: nm00:24
jovehow to convert "toast" file to an executable file ?00:25
Infl1ktedjove, as in roxio toast?00:25
shane2peruwhat would be considered an open source streaming video format?00:26
xmasinfl1kted: http://paste.ubuntu.com/287407/00:26
O__oFrench toast?00:26
shane2peruAnd would Window$ people be able to play it?00:26
joveinflited: it's music maker installer, it's similar to Roxio00:26
Infl1ktedshane2peru, un formato de reproducción abierto.00:27
sebsebsebshane2peru: OGG Vorbis in browsers that support  the <video> tag and that format such as Firefox 3.500:27
Infl1ktedY si, los usuarios de Güindows tendrían que poder reproducirlos.00:27
sebsebseb!es | Infl1kted00:27
ubottuInfl1kted: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:27
joveinflikted:  it's music maker installer, it's similar to Roxio00:27
shane2peru!es > Infl1kted00:27
ubottuInfl1kted, please see my private message00:27
Infl1ktedOK, jove.00:27
Infl1ktedWith one time was enough -.-00:28
shane2perusebsebseb: do you know if windows boxes can play that?00:28
Infl1ktedDid you try to burn the image?00:28
shane2peruInfl1kted: ahh, ya veo, estás jugando. :)00:28
sebsebsebshane2peru: If they have Firefox 3.5 installed yes, becasue it has in built support :)00:28
Infl1kted!es > shane2peru00:29
ubottushane2peru, please see my private message00:29
sebsebseb!botabuse |  Infl1kted00:29
ubottuInfl1kted: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".00:29
shane2peruInfl1kted: lol. :)00:29
shane2perusebsebseb: how about IE?00:29
sebsebsebshane2peru: sadly not00:29
sebsebsebshane2peru: Microsoft like propritary stuff00:30
shane2perusebsebseb: hmm, too bad for them. :)00:30
Beardbarwhats the zlib module called for the package manager, for some reason I cannot find it when searching for zlib00:30
shane2perusebsebseb: that is the dilema, I want maximum viewability.00:30
Infl1ktedxmas, is that what you get with the HD plugged?00:30
Infl1ktedDoes it come with a activity led-light?00:31
Infl1ktedan activity*00:31
shane2perusebsebseb: producing in open source cuts out windows, which also unfortuenatley has the largest market share00:31
xmasno but, it's on and running00:31
sebsebsebshane2peru: that's not true it depends00:31
Infl1ktedTry to unplug and plug it again.00:31
sebsebsebshane2peru: remember FIrefox 3.5 runs on Windows as well00:31
xmaswow, actually it does have a light and it's on. I tried that a few times too.00:32
xmas(I keep it behind the pc so never really see it)00:32
sebsebsebshane2peru: plus there are programs on Windows that play OGG/Vorbis  and ones that do FLAC for music also open format00:32
Infl1ktedIt's on at all times, or it's blinking from time to time?00:32
xmasit's on steady right now. i'll try to unplug, turn it off again, etc00:32
Infl1ktedOK, try that00:33
Infl1ktedWhich brand is the HD, btw?00:33
xmasAnd when it's unplugged, the icon in the paces menu disapears00:33
Infl1ktedYeah, that's normal.00:34
xmasand it's back now, steady light and it's on the menu00:34
Infl1ktedHDC or HDL series?00:34
=== Morgansl1 is now known as MorganA1
xmashmm.. i'm not sure how to check00:35
kisukewhat is the difference between the standerd disk and the alternet install disk00:35
Infl1ktedNever mind.00:35
Infl1ktedWell, according to IO's site, Linux is not supported.00:35
xmasit was working fine before00:36
Infl1ktedBut it should work anyways.00:36
Infl1ktedANd what happened?00:36
xmaslike, something changed because the gui did not start either00:36
xmaswhen i restarted, the gui was gone and the usb hd was not working00:36
blingoHello guys, slow download on synaptic, any advices? I think I've removed ipV6 ...00:36
xmasi did something that was supposed to just remove the gui for the login but, i guess it did more than that00:37
Infl1ktedOk, does the HD comes with two USB ports, right?00:37
xmasbut i can try another on the pc00:37
Infl1ktedTry that too.00:37
hlambethanyone else have a problem with ubuntu 9.04 and coolbits not working at all?00:38
xmasnothing, same problem as before00:38
Guest69967hey, i have a broadcom airforce one wireless card in my laptop and it is not showing up in proprietary hardware i could be using00:39
Infl1ktedSame problem with another disk?00:39
Guest69967and i can not pick up any wireless networks00:39
xmasinfl1kted, i mean i tried the same hd on another usb port on the computer00:39
Infl1ktedAh, ok :p00:40
Infl1ktedWait just a second.00:40
fearfulDoes anyone know how I can reset my shortcuts, I cleaned installed Jaunty but had a different config in a seperate home I'm just mounting, so I'm guessing something messed up there.00:41
xmasInfl1kted, I got it!00:42
mgmuscari2how do i flush dns?00:43
xmassudo mkdir /media/sdb1,00:43
xmassudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb100:43
xmasfrom here.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64171900:43
Infl1ktedAh, nice :P00:43
teI am having a really hard time getting vpnc to work for my VPN connection.  I use RSA securid to connect.  I've tried many configuration options but cannot figure out how to get it working.  It lets me connect but then will not let me use any of the resources inside the conncetion.  I am trying to use my wireless + VPN to access these resources.  Can anyone help me please?00:43
Infl1ktedNo problem, and you did it by yourself, so you don't need to thank me ^.^00:44
nocleaderte: using a cisco concentrator for this?00:44
xmasya but, thanks anyways ^^00:44
tenocleader: i believe so yes00:44
nocleaderhang on ...00:44
tek thanks in advance00:44
=== MorganA1 is now known as Morgansl
tenocleader: I could show you my pcf file if that'd help00:46
hlambethdoes it matter if I run nvidia-settings as root or not? When I move the sliders under the OC tab, then hit apply, the go right back to their previous settings\00:47
tehlambeth: sudo nvidia-settings00:47
teyes, you should use root00:47
hlambeththanks, i'll try that00:47
teif you want to save to your X11conf00:47
dhalsimmhi, I don't want to see the path with the shell ie. dhalsim:/usr/local....,  how can I close it?00:48
tenocleader: http://pastie.org/64469400:48
tethat's my pcf file00:48
flobbiemy wlan card disappered..00:50
flobbieI have no w-lan anymore. ( iwconfig -> no wireless extensions found )00:50
nocleaderte: hang on I'm still looking at how I do it :)00:50
benhaminjrCan I install Ubuntu FROM an external HDD? I'm out of blank disks. I have the latest CD ISO00:50
alodAll I want is 1600x1200 @ 65Hz on the live CD... http://pastebin.com/m6215dd5800:50
od3ndoes anyone know how to restart the Xserver00:52
benhaminjrtype X at command line?00:52
hlambeththe clocks go right back to their defaults, im using the 180 drivers on a Qadro Fx770m00:52
flymanod3n: f you're already in X and want to restart hit CTRL+ATL+BACKSPACE00:52
flymanotherwise you're just restarting the font server00:53
od3nand if I restart it will it pork me with what I am downloading00:53
thiebaudeon Oct 29 which freenode channel will have the Ubuntu release party?00:53
hlambethi've applied powermizer script for performance, and that does work, but I want to increase the 2d clock settings00:53
flymanservice xfs restart will only restart the X font server00:53
hlambethis there a program like gpuz for ubuntu?00:54
lemon_lime123can i get some help with my installation?00:54
flymanlemon_lime123: type what your issue is and someone will help.00:54
benhaminjralright i'll rephrase my question. I see that there is a guide for installing Ubuntu FROM a usb flash drive. Would an external HDD work in the same way?00:55
lemon_lime123when i try to login, the comp freezes00:55
PovAddictI have Ubuntu Hardy... is there any easy way to upgrade to Flash 10?00:55
flymanbenhaminjr: you want to use the external as a flash drive?00:55
PovAddictor better: does Gnash support Flash10 features yet?00:56
=== Merc is now known as Merc|
amerinesewhat is the equivalent of man 2 chdir on ubuntu?  i believe that is bsd?00:56
amerinesewhat does the 2 stand for?00:56
tenocleader: find anything? :)00:56
PovAddictit's the section name00:56
FloodBot1PovAddict: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:57
PovAddictamerinese: and it works in Ubuntu00:57
PovAddictFloodBot1: stfu00:57
benhaminjrflyman: i'm looking to just simply install Ubuntu. I have a source ISO but i'm out of blank disks. funning the install files from the usb hdd would be easiest method i believe, if possible00:57
PovAddictamerinese: you need to install the manpages-dev package first00:57
amerinesePovAddict: oh ok, no wonder00:57
amerinesePovAddict: thanks00:57
benhaminjrfunning = running* oops00:58
nocleaderte: pastebin.org/3777300:58
flymanbenhaminjr: ok. In that case you would need to make sure the iso has a way of booting. for example, extract the usb flash iso and extract to the usb hd. Then in bios force the external drive as the first drive to load.00:58
nocleaderte: sorry so slow ... I had to re-remember00:58
tenocleader: no worries00:59
tenocleader: im doing that same thing but it doesnt seem to work00:59
benhaminjrflyman: thanks, i wasn't sure if it would be that easy. i figured i'd ask before i gave it a shot. I have to unpack the external from my storage locker00:59
lemon_lime123install 9.04 is fine but  it freezes at login00:59
nocleaderte: no request to put in your password?01:00
tenocleader: i put in my password, it works01:00
PovAddicthttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/FlashPlayer9 redirects to MultimediaApplications01:00
tenocleader: i get the banner and everything01:00
tenocleader: but i cannot go to internal websites01:00
PovAddictwhich has a useless three-line explanation01:00
teeverything hangs01:00
nocleaderte: OK so you're good now?01:00
od3nso what is restarting the x server do?01:00
tenocleader: no, im able to connect, but i cant use internal websites on the VPN01:01
Infl1ktedthere isn't a channel for pulseaudio, right?01:01
od3nis it like rebooting in windows01:01
Infl1ktedI'm still having problems with it >_>01:01
PovAddictod3n: er not sure how to explain01:01
PovAddictod3n: it restarts all of the graphical stuff, I guess01:01
nocleaderte: that sounds like setup of vpn --- example- I can't access internet when I vpn01:01
nocleaderte: becuase my shop does not do split-tunneling01:02
od3nso if I have updates downloading I should wait till after that01:02
lemon_lime123sometimes, other times the cursur freezes while the thing is spinnning01:02
tethis used to work :\01:02
alodAll I want is 1600x1200 @ 65Hz on the live CD... http://pastebin.com/m6215dd5801:02
PovAddictod3n: depends what you're using to download them01:02
tenocleader: when i use the windows client i can use both the regular net and the vpn network01:02
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tenocleader: im trying to make my wireless use the VPN exclusively01:02
od3nupdate manager01:02
_danso i got through the whole live cd installer01:02
tedoes that make sense?01:02
_danand then it decided to tell me it can't install grub01:02
_danat 94% complete01:02
_danhow 2 fix??01:02
_Techie_am i able to connect to a WPA secured wireless network using the network manager?01:03
_dani cant even use the new partitions in grub cmd line :s01:03
_dankeep getting stuff like01:04
nocleaderte:  Hmm.. well, when I get on I have a 10.x.x.x address and I can't ping the pc next to me.01:04
_dangrub> root (hd0,2)01:04
_danError 18: Selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS01:04
dandamansebsebseb: you arouond?01:04
nocleaderte:  best of luck .. I don't think I can be of help .. cheers01:04
sebsebsebdandaman: yeah01:05
tenocleader: htanks anyway01:05
dandamanso do you have any idea how to get around this grub problem?01:05
dandamanshould i just try reinstalling01:05
dandamaneven though i already have reinstalled before01:05
_danmaybe grub just sux01:05
sebsebseb_dan: heh01:06
PovAddictdid it offer to install grub2?01:06
dandaman_dan: im starting to think that01:06
sebsebseb_dan: well yeah Grub is great when it works, but then when it messes up on people it's a pain01:06
pilibeendoes anybody know what the program(s) is called which gives you weather/filesystem/other stats on your desktop...kind of a real-time text display for the desktop?01:06
dandamanim having this guy's problem01:06
PovAddictis lilo an option nowadays?01:06
PovAddictpilibeen: depends on what desktop environment you use01:06
pilibeenPovAddict, gnome01:06
PovAddictthen I dunno :)01:06
sebsebsebdandaman: I don't know Grub that well01:07
_danmaybe i dont need grub in mbr?01:07
_dancan i use windoze bootloader instead01:08
sebsebseb_dan: you could use lilo instead, but hardly anyone uses that with Ubuntu01:08
sebsebseb_dan: I think the Windows boot loader can be edited to boot Ubuntu01:08
PovAddictI don't think you can use windoze bootloader to start Linux01:08
sebsebsebI guess really it's better to have Grub though, so you get the kernels listed, and recovery mode01:08
_danis there anything the livecd installer installs after doing grub?01:08
PovAddictoh, well... I think you can make windoze bootloader start grub :)01:08
PovAddicta grub *not* in the mbr01:08
agliodbsjust looked at the bug list for ebox01:08
sebsebsebPovAddict: I  am pretty sure that it can be edited to boot up Linux01:09
agliodbswhy is this considered stable software for Ubutu?01:09
neoTheCatsorry if this has been asked a million times, but i have not found an answer.  is there a gnome 2.28 repository for 9.04?01:09
tenocleader: it works!01:10
sebsebsebneoTheCat: maybe a ppa01:10
tenocleader: I was using an authmode and I didn't need one01:10
FlyByRacianyone know the best way to find out what hardware i have inubuntu01:10
PovAddictppas are awesome01:10
nocleaderte: good for you!!01:10
tenocleader: that's confusing because the default.conf includes an IKE authmode line01:10
teanyways, thanks01:10
sebsebsebPovAddict: depends, plus things can go wrong with them01:10
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PovAddicthow do I install Flash 10?01:11
_dani guess is there a problem with putting my linux partition too far down the drive?01:11
TechN9neHi all how do i connect Kubuntu 9.04 to ubutnu using only crossover cable?01:11
PovAddictI have a 64-bit Ubuntu, and Adobe website gives me a 32-bit .deb01:11
fccf!flash | PovAddict01:11
ubottuPovAddict: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash01:11
_dani have something around 1.2tb ntfs partition first01:11
agliodbseBox's own bug site is down.  I think this software has been abandoned ...01:11
FlyByRacianyone know the best way to find out what hardware i have inubuntu01:12
PovAddictfccf: apt has Flash 9, I need Flash 1001:12
_danand then a 100gb ext301:12
dandamananyone wanna try to help me? grub wont load up ubuntu :(01:12
jribPovAddict: get the tar.gz from adobe, copy the libflasplayer.so to ~/.mozilla/plugins01:12
jribPovAddict: (spell it right though)01:12
PovAddictoh the .tar.gz... will try01:12
_dann when i tried to manually install grub it whines like01:13
_danroot@ubuntu:/mnt/laptop# grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/root /dev/sda --recheck01:13
_danProbing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time.01:13
_danThe file /mnt/root/boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly.01:13
FloodBot1_dan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:13
* PovAddict would adjust FloodBot1's sensitivity01:13
FlyByRaciSo i need to kno what chipset my wireless nic is in either ubuntu or win7 any suggestions?01:14
PovAddictjrib: just drop it there?01:15
PovAddictjrib: and is it not .mozilla/firefox/something?01:16
jribPovAddict: no, it's what I said01:16
PovAddictok trying01:16
dgs_shutdown -h/-r now is failing on my system (9.04). it's just immediately returning (as though it is shutting down) w/ no errors . . . but nothing else ever happens.01:17
dgs_is there a way to force a shutdown?01:17
Berzerkerhold your power button01:17
Berzerkeruntil the computer goes off01:17
PovAddictugh no01:17
_danalt printscreen b01:17
dgs_hmm, other than a hard reset :p01:17
PovAddictthat won't be a graceful shutdown01:17
neoTheCati have blackberry and multiple machines, and i would like to sync calendar, address book and todo list.  any recommendations?  i do not installing a backend server of some sort01:17
_danbetter than power button01:17
PovAddictdgs_: try 'poweroff'? (although I think that just calls shutdown)01:17
dandamanplease for the love of god someone help me01:17
Infl1ktedsudo poweroff ?01:17
dandamani will kill this kitten01:17
dandamani will murder this kitten01:18
dandamanright here, right now01:18
PovAddictdandaman: ask a real question01:18
FloodBot1dandaman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:18
dandamani have that same problem01:18
dandamanwith ubuntu 9.0401:18
dandamani have 2 hdd's one with windows 701:18
dgs_poweroff seems to have worked =)01:18
dgs_thanks guys =)01:18
Infl1ktedWay to go FloodBot1!01:18
PovAddictjrib: it's still loading flash901:18
jribPovAddict: restart firefox01:19
PovAddictI did01:19
PovAddictshould I delete .mozilla/firefox/pluginreg.dat?01:19
jribPovAddict: what architecture?01:19
alodAll I want is 1600x1200 @ 65Hz on the live CD... http://pastebin.com/m6215dd5801:19
PovAddictI'm in amd64, and the .so is 32-bit01:19
PovAddictindeed, that's *why* I'm not just using adobe's .deb01:19
jribPovAddict: you need to get the amd64 version of flash01:19
neoTheCati mean i do not mind installing some sort of a backend server01:20
PovAddictcan't I use the nspluginwrapper like I'm doing for Flash9?01:20
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_danalright well01:20
jribPovAddict: you can, but 1) it's more work 2) does not work as well imo01:20
_danim just going to run the installer again01:20
_danand hope for the best01:20
PovAddictwell how "stable" is the 64-bit Flash?01:20
jribPovAddict: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html01:21
jribPovAddict: see if it works for me.  I use it without issues01:21
jriberm, s/me/you01:21
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PovAddict"you're fine, and me?"01:21
PovAddictok here we go01:22
PovAddictboth plugins show in Firefox's list of addons, but flash9 loads...01:23
* PovAddict disables it01:23
PovAddictok now no Flash movie loads01:23
PovAddictnope, Flash doesn't load at all01:25
dandamananyone know how to solve this problem? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-235453.html01:25
EvelinaI have problem getting Universal FeedParser to work using a python script from Terminal.01:25
ricardoromaohello, anyone knows how to permit desktop users to halt the computer without password on 9.10 ?01:26
jribricardoromao: #ubuntu+1 for help with karmic01:26
ricardoromaojrib, tks01:26
EvelinaI have a line saying: #!/usr/bin/python and then import feedparser on it's own line. Then I have a couple of commands that will work using python prompt in Terminal. Why isnät it working in my python script?01:26
jribPovAddict: purge the other one, restart firefox01:26
PovAddictadobe's docs suck01:27
PovAddictthey tell me that after downloading the .tar.gz I should run ./flash-installer01:27
PovAddictthere's only a .so in the .tar.gz (even in the 32-bit from the main download page)01:27
dandamankill me01:28
* PovAddict kills dandaman01:28
EvelinaWhy isn't my python commands working using a .py script when they work in Terminal after running the commands from python >>> prompt?01:28
jribdandaman: do you have an ubuntu-related support question?01:28
jribEvelina: -ETOOVAGUE01:28
dandamanim having the same problem as that guy01:28
Evelinajrib: What?01:28
dandamani have 2 hdd's, one with windows 7, one with ubuntu01:28
jribEvelina: your question is too vague01:28
* Etu want's ntfs-3g AR packages in the ubuntu mirrors... Every time I booting up a CD I have to compile it from source....01:29
dandamanwhen i  choose to boot the ubuntu hdd it writes grub and doesnt do anything01:29
mgmuscariis there a way to change where icons on the desktop are placed by default?01:29
westsydeDoes anyone know if Ubuntu has a mySQL database sync package to manage database merging ??01:29
mgmuscarifor example automounted media pops up in the upper left corner... can i move it?01:29
PovAddictjrib: holy crap it worked01:29
PovAddictnow that I purged flashplugin-nonfree, other users on my machine will have no Flash; can I install the new .so system-wide?01:30
jribPovAddict: yeah, but I don't remember where exactly...01:30
EtuAnd I want a new version of fsarchiver too...01:30
sintralPovAddict /usr/bin/mozilla-firefox01:30
jribsintral: isn't it in /usr/share/ somewhere?01:30
fwaokdahow can i disable word wrap in terminal?01:31
PovAddict/usr/share has arch-indep files...01:31
sintralcould be, trying to go from memory01:31
EvelinaWell, There is a python software called Universal FeedParser. When I type python and press Enter in Terminal I got the python prompt and then I am allowed to run several python commands as I should. The problem is that when I create (and chmod) a file named feedparser.py and use #!/usr/bin/python and import feedparser, then the commands won't work in my script file.01:31
jribPovAddict: easy way: reinstall the other flash and see where it went01:31
sintralPov you on x64?01:31
PovAddictand /usr is supposed to be for apt to manage; isn't there a place to put it in /usr/local?01:31
PovAddictsintral: yes01:31
kerinMy 9.04 install appears to be missing the Fuse module, despite having fuse-utils installed.  Please advise.01:31
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dandamanjrib: got any ideas about that grub issue?01:32
jribdandaman: no01:32
JoeSomebodyhi, noob again, in 9.04 can i move the top right thing with my name and a power icon? i would rather it not be above the X for closing windows01:32
blingoO.K, It's o.k now disabled window scaling.01:32
sintraldandaman, are you using software raid?01:32
EvelinaThe commands won't work in my python file as they do running them from python prompt. I have #!usr/bin/python and import feedparser at the beginning of my feedparser.py file, but the commands later in my file won't work as they do runnning them from python prompt. Why?01:32
jribJoeSomebody: middle click drag01:32
blingobye all01:32
jribEvelina: read closely your shebang line01:33
JoeSomebodycool, thx01:33
alodAll I want is 1600x1200 @ 65Hz on the live CD... http://pastebin.com/m6215dd5801:33
Evelinajrib: ok01:34
jribPovAddict: if you want to do it the nice way, install the .so somewhere (/opt or /usr/local/ or whatever you wish) and use the alternatives system to add an alternative for flash (I forget the exact name, but there shouldn't be too many that say "flash")01:34
Evelinajrib: It says this: #!/usr/bin/python01:34
sintralalod: did you run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg?01:34
jribEvelina: so you made a typo in your question?01:34
dandaman/quit life01:35
Evelinajrib: Yeah, I did.01:35
Evelinasorry, but I still got the problem.01:35
jribEvelina: what do you mean by "don't work"?  How are you running it and what is the output exactly?  Pastebin your file.01:35
fearfulCan anyone tell me why my shortcuts are messed up, I can't use alt+tab or other custom shortcuts. I did a fresh install of Jaunty but kept my /home partition intact and just mounted, some shortcuts work like I had them before but others don't any ideas?01:35
SerlaAnyone has Gyachi installed here?01:36
fearfulThey show in the shortcut menu I can see they are correct but they don't work01:36
Evelinajrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/287442/01:36
jribEvelina: what do you expect to happen?01:37
Evelinajrib: Using in Terminal 1. python 2. import feedparser 3. d = feedparser.parser('url to rss') 4. d.entries[3].link01:37
Evelinajrib: I'm supposed to get the third link from feed.01:38
alodsintral just did, don't see what its doing other then backing up the current xorg.conf01:38
jribEvelina: mapbe you want to insert a "print " at the beggining of the final line?01:38
Evelinajrib: Using Terminal will give the third link as output in Terminal, but not using the script.01:38
Evelinajrib: I don't know, I'm not used to python scripts.01:38
jribEvelina: yes, you want to do that...01:39
sintralalod: should get a blue screen that lets you reconfigure01:39
sintralfearful: is it safe to assume you have the same UID for the new user?01:40
Evelinajrib: I got this error in Terminal trying to run the script: http://paste.ubuntu.com/287445/01:40
EvelinaAnd I have put a print after the last line in my python script.01:41
jamieleshawHello, does anybody know if the bluetooth works out of box with ubuntu netbook remix, on the eee pc 1005HA-H ?01:42
jribEvelina: that's not what I said to do.01:42
voxadamI have a MacBook2,1 with a 64 bit capable Core 2 Duo processor but because Apple hasn't updated the EFI to be 64 bit capable I'm not able to run Snow Leopard's kernel to run in 64 bit. Is the 32 bit bootrom going to keep me from running a 64 bit Linux kernel?01:42
jribEvelina: anyway, here: http://dpaste.com/103641/01:42
alodsintral all it does is spit this out http://pastebin.com/m3345723201:43
dandamanhow do i find out what my current ubuntu dapper install ext3 is?01:43
jribdandaman: what?01:44
dandamanim going to try those instructions01:44
Evelinajrib: I got the same error using your code.01:44
dandamanbut hda7 is the dapper ext3 install01:44
dandamanhda5 is the /boot ext201:45
jribEvelina: how are you running it?01:45
dandamani need to find out what those are on my specific system01:45
dandamanand im a linux newb01:45
EvelinaI tried to only write print 'Hello' in my script and it works.01:45
dirkahi there01:45
centriniaIs it just me or does the latest beta of karmic koala have gnome list every file as text/plain?01:45
jerknextdoordandaman: what exactly are you trying to do?01:45
EvelinaMaybe something is wrong calling the import feedparser or something.01:45
jribcentrinia: #ubuntu+101:45
dandamanjerknextdoor: i have ubuntu installed on another hdd, windows 7 is on another01:46
jribEvelina: what did you name your file?01:46
dandamanjerknextdoor: when i load up the ubuntu hdd it prints out grub and just sits there01:46
Evelinajrib: I called the script using ./scriptname.py in Terminal and I wrote print 'Hello' as the only line after the shebang.01:46
dandamandoesnt load up anything01:46
jribEvelina: what's the actual scriptname?01:46
jribEvelina: with your feedparser example01:46
Evelinajrib: My script's name is feedparser.py01:46
jribEvelina: change it.  Python is importing that file instead of the feedparser module01:47
Evelinajrib: Oh, I'll try that.01:47
ynkhey guys. how's it going? i just finally figured out how to install my silly ati graphics card driver (woot!). now i'm trying to install compiz fusion... and there is no "compizconfig-settings-manager" in synaptic... what do i do?01:47
dirkadoes jaunty have any ati driver issues.  going to be building a htpc and heard that nvidia cards have much better support01:47
jerknextdoordandaman: i just saw you said it's dapper so i'm not gonna be much help.01:47
dandamani dont even know what it is jerknextdoor01:48
lostsondirka: i would go with nvidia it will work out better01:48
dandamanim just copying what the person wrote in their post01:48
dandamanjerknextdoor: i am completely clueless and have no idea how to fix this01:48
jerknextdoordandaman: then why not just reinstall the whole ubuntu system if you dont know what it is.01:48
Evelinajrib: I got the same error.01:48
dandamanjerknextdoor: if you have any advice i would really appreciate it01:48
dandamanjerknextdoor: i have done that01:48
jribEvelina: then you still have some feeparser.py file.01:48
dandamani get the same problem01:48
jribEvelina: then you still have some feedparser.py file.01:48
Evelinajrib: Maybe I can't just call feedparser using import feedparser?01:49
jribEvelina: of course you can... how else would you?01:49
Evelinajrib: I removed the feedparser.py file.01:49
dirkawell that sucks.  I just upgraded my pc from a 4670 to a 4870, was hoping to use the existing card to save a bit of cash01:49
jribEvelina: then it's impossible that your error is the same.01:49
jerknextdoordandaman: well, what did you install when you did it?  dapper?  gutsy? intrepid?01:49
Evelinajrib: Well, I don't know, maybe I had to write som other path than just import feedparser01:49
dandamanjerknextdoor: jaunty i think01:49
jribEvelina: can you paste the error?01:49
dandamanjerknextdoor: i just went on the ubuntu site, downloaded the iso01:49
Evelinajrib: yes, wait.01:50
dandamanand installed...01:50
jerknextdoordandaman: how did you install it?01:50
dandamani dont know jack squat(i really need to use profanity) about linux :(01:50
dandamanfirst time i installed from the CD01:50
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Evelinajrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/287450/01:50
dandamanthen the second time i made a live sesion from the CD and installed from the live session01:50
dandamansame result both times01:50
jribEvelina:  File "/home/evelina/scripts/feedparser.py   does that file not exist?01:51
jribEvelina: are you sure you don't have a feedparser.py or feedparser.pyc there?01:51
EvelinaI see now that the script still say something about the feedparser.py that I changed inteo Feed_Parser.py. That is strange.01:51
ynkoops, false alarm, ladies. i have found the darn "compizconfig-settings-manager" in synaptic.. thanks!01:52
asonge_i'm using compiz on karmic and flash won't receive click events01:52
Evelinajrib: Yeah, I have removed it from my home folde script catalog to Trash.01:52
ynkwhich browser are you using, asonge_ ?01:53
jerknextdoordandaman:  i'm not going to be much help. i'm not understanding the whole story.01:53
jribEvelina: works now?01:53
dandamanjerknextdoor: do you mind if i PM you?01:53
Evelinajrib: No, that file isn't longer in my home folder script folder, maybe as a secure copy?01:53
jerknextdoordandaman: go for it.01:53
jribEvelina: I mentioned two files.  Neither of them exist?01:53
jerknextdoori'm trying to transfer files between a windows mobile phone and 9.04.  i'm getting nowhere.  any advice?01:54
EvelinaI only saw one file, what else file did you mention?01:54
jribEvelina: are you sure you don't have a feedparser.py or feedparser.pyc there?01:54
darkhamhi people, how can i list all the commands availaibles in the terminal01:54
n-iCewon't show you *all* though01:54
Evelinajrib: I had the last one as a hidden file.01:55
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Evelinajrib: I removed it, what was it, the compiled version?01:55
jribEvelina: yeah, byte-compiled01:55
erikk71hi whats the correct clock format01:55
Evelinajrib: Ok, will try again now.01:55
erikk71it is showing up in miltary time01:55
Evelinajrib: Yeah, now it works!!!01:55
asonge_darkham: well, if you want to list every file that's executable in $PATH...there's that.01:55
jribdarkham: ls all the directories in your path I guess... or press TAB TAB.  why?01:55
jribEvelina: cool.  You might want to try #python for python help01:56
asonge_darkham: there's thousands of commands by default, (a few are bash constructs)01:56
Evelinajrib: Thank you very much. I have learnt something new today. Writing elementary python scripts and about python byte-code files.01:56
RaviResckmy computer restarted during the installation of packages and now my dpkg/apt-get is not running. I receive the message "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem." And when i type dpkg --configure.... When i type this the problem it isnt solved.01:56
n0ahhey i just installed ubuntu and it's dead slow, i'm wondering if it's a graphic issue but just one line in irssi and i can see the screen redrawing itself for about 3 seconds01:56
nomasteryodaRaviResck, try sudo dpkg --configure -a01:57
asonge_RaviResck: sudo dpkg --configure -a ?01:57
darkhamjrib, because i would know the command i've by default , when i try diffrent distros01:57
Evelinajrib: Yeah, I didn't know what my problem was so I asked here. I will try #python if I get into more specific python scriptin problems. Thanks for all help.01:57
jribEvelina: no problem01:57
erikk71can someone tell what the correct format is01:57
jrib!cli > darkham01:58
ubottudarkham, please see my private message01:58
n0ahanyone know why just one line in a terminal causes about a 3 second screen redraw01:58
Whiperhey can any body knows how to install patches on ubuntu01:58
asonge_Whiper: i'm pretty sure you'd need the source to apply patches01:58
jribWhiper: what do you want to do exactly?01:58
ulbwhen does 9.10 launch?01:58
Casper1can some1 help me. Vi isnt displaying the file i opened with it01:58
jribulb: #ubuntu+1 for karmic questions please01:58
DaZulb: next year.01:58
prajjwal october 29,01:58
asonge_Whiper: if you're installing patches on things, don't grab them from distro sources (in general)01:58
jribCasper1: how did you open it?01:58
RaviRescknomasteryoda asonge_ i told you, i already tried this. ¬¬01:59
Casper1at root : vi /etc/x11/xorg.conf01:59
fearfulCan anyone tell me why my shortcuts are messed up, I can't use alt+tab or other custom shortcuts. I did a fresh install of Jaunty but kept my /home partition intact and just mounted, some shortcuts work like I had them before but others don't any ideas?01:59
asonge_Casper1: were you running it *as* root?01:59
jribCasper1: linux is case-sensitive.  You probably meant to type: /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:59
nomasteryodaRaviResck,  try running synaptic01:59
Casper1jrib: k ill try that01:59
Whiperi have a tar file need to install02:00
asonge_Casper1: on the cli, tab-completing names helps with getting the filenames right.02:00
jribWhiper: why?  What are you installing?02:00
jrib!who | Whiper02:00
ubottuWhiper: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:00
erikk71can some one help02:00
nomasteryodaRaviResck, it has a broken package checker and will let you know and may be able to fix it for you02:00
Casper1jrib: how do i exit vi02:00
erikk71clock setting02:00
Casper1jrib: or open another file02:00
jribCasper1: ESCAPE :q ENTER.  Why are you using vi instead of nano?02:00
RaviRescknomasteryoda it didnt worked02:00
Jack_VermicelliHeyas. I'm trying to play a dvd with vlc, but I don't know the location for the dvd drive. Could anyone clue me in please?02:00
mgv1how can i delete a password that stored by 'places-connect a server'? it is an ftp password02:00
Whiperasonge_: compat-wireless-2.6.30-rc1.tar.bz2 i want to install this02:01
jribWhiper: have you checked the wifi documentation first@02:01
jrib!wifi > Whiper02:01
ubottuWhiper, please see my private message02:01
=== StaRetji_ is now known as StaRetji
erikk71can someone help with clock setting02:01
asonge_Whiper: i'd try fto use the repository first02:01
yukongti installed the adobe flash player on ubuntu x64 and it works on youtube. but if i go to a site that has a youtube video on it, it shows up but will not play. if i got to youtubes site the same video will play. does anyone know what is wrong?02:01
fearfulCan anyone help me all my shortcuts are acting wierd02:01
n0ahsigh, fresh install and xorg is using 100% cpu02:01
Casper1jrib:still not displaying02:02
Whiperasonge_: hey i am not able to under stand02:02
jribCasper1: why don't you take a step back and tell us what you are trying to accomplish?02:02
Whiperjrib: hey i dont know to install this pastch file02:02
erikk71can some please help with clock setting02:02
=== swoody is now known as s
asonge_Whiper: i'd suggest you asking about a problem instead of asking about a specific solution.02:02
fearfulI can't use Alt + Tab02:02
Manifesthas 9.10 been released officially yet?02:02
asonge_Manifest: only as a beta afaik02:03
mgv1what is the default font and font size in firefox?02:03
fearful!jaunty | Manifest02:03
ubottuManifest: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 - Please use !torrents02:03
=== s is now known as swoody
Casper1ok im trying to install linux on a desktop, but the screen resolution isnt right, and I can't get to the log in screen without fixing the resolution02:03
Manifestfearful: I am using Jaunty, my question was not answered02:03
jribWhiper: read the wifi documentation first to make sure there isn't a better way to get your wifi working please02:03
Casper1so im trying to edit xorg.conf to fix the resolution02:03
Whiperasonge_: tell me how to do that02:03
Casper1linux is already installed tho02:03
jribCasper1: nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:04
=== netsurf3_ is now known as netsurf3
fearful!karmic | Manifest02:04
ubottuManifest: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+102:04
jrib!fixres > Casper102:04
ubottuCasper1, please see my private message02:04
asonge_Casper1: i think you can just run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:04
fearfulah this is so annoying anyone have any idea how I can re hash my shortcuts or something?02:04
ubottuyes, I'm alive.02:04
blaylocktee hee02:04
Casper1nano wont display the text either02:05
asonge_Whiper: what in particular do you need to do? does your wireless not work?02:05
jribCasper1: you're being kind of silly.02:05
asonge_Casper1: ctrl+alt+f1 to bring up a tty02:05
Casper1jrib: im not making it up02:05
jribCasper1: you're either making a typo or the file does not exist02:05
yukongtdoes anyone know why youtube wont play videos that are on a different website?02:05
Whiperasonge_: noo02:05
=== k is now known as Guest87276
jribCasper1: what does this return: ls -l /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:06
nemesis1911sup guys I need help with tvtime I get "ivtv: Invalid argument cannot open cature device /dev/video1" but when I check to see if it works by running this in terminal "mplayer -vo xv /dev/video1" the tuner works ... can anyone help02:06
Whiperasonge_: hey can we have a private chat'02:06
Casper1jrib: im not making it up, theres no typo, and how can xorg.conf not exist02:06
asonge_Whiper: once i find out why compiz is breaking flash, sure.02:06
asonge_(again: when compiz is on, flash doesn't receive any left mouse click events, i get hover and right click)02:07
nemesis1911can anyone help me with tvtime?02:07
Casper1jrib: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2009-10-06 19:24 /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:07
PovAddictjrib: there is no flash alternative :/02:07
jribPovAddict: hmm?02:07
PCTeacher012PovAddict: The closest thing to flash on linux is synfig studio02:08
PovAddict[21:34] <jrib> PovAddict: if you want to do it the nice way, install the .so somewhere (/opt or /usr/local/ or whatever you wish) and use the alternatives system to add an alternative for flash (I forget the exact name, but there shouldn't be too many that say "flash")02:08
jribPovAddict: pastebin: ls -l /etc/alternatives02:08
=== sly69 is now known as Madhumper69
Whiperasonge_: hey i wanted to install that files02:08
jribCasper1: seems like everything is right then.  Your file is empty.02:08
Casper1jrib: would that have to do with using an alternate install cd?02:09
PCTeacher012The one i know is Synfig Studio. There is also one called Flash4Linux or F4L if i remember right02:09
mac9416Hello, if the same package is available from multiple sources, how does APT decide which source to install it from?02:09
PovAddictjrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/287458/02:09
jribCasper1: well you don't need an xorg.conf at all.  I doubt it has anything to do with the use of the alternate cd02:09
PCTeacher012mac9416: The one that has the fullest package02:09
PCTeacher012The most amount of referrals to it02:10
mac9416PCTeacher012, fullest?02:10
Casper1jrib: how would i go about changing the resolution then?02:10
jrib!fixres > Casper102:10
ubottuCasper1, please see my private message02:10
mac9416PCTeacher012, ah OK. What kind of referrals?02:10
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »02:10
jribPovAddict: waht ubuntu version?02:10
PovAddictI'm on hardy02:10
Balsaqcan the installation of a correct video card with its own dedicated memory, make my youtube video run at the correct speed (they are too slow now)02:11
PCTeacher012mac9416: There are multiple dependencies. So it chooses one that has installations to the dependencies. Normally, it will not be in multiple respitories though.02:11
jribPovAddict: that's why.  Either create your own alternative if you care or just drop the file in there, doesn't really matter02:11
mac9416PCTeacher012, thanks much.02:11
Whiperhello can any body help me install wifi patch02:11
PCTeacher012Balsaq: Did you install Flash Player from Adobe as the plugin, and not Gnash?02:11
PCTeacher012mac9416: No problem02:11
asonge_Balsaq: some drivers are more choppy than others for flash video on linux02:11
jribWhiper: did you read the wifi documentation ubottu sent you?02:11
BalsaqPCTeacher012:yes took the flash02:12
PCTeacher012Balsaq: Okay, just making sure. What browser do you currently use?02:12
Balsaqand took all the kazillion updates02:12
Whiperits fine i just want to install this file02:13
jribWhiper: read the wifi documentation02:13
BalsaqPCTeacher:firefix with ubuntu904 and flash02:13
shaullxhow do i give folder permissions?02:14
Whiperjrib: hey can u teach me to install02:14
PCTeacher012Balsaq: Firefox YT was slow on my computer too. I installed Google Chrome. Pages loaded much faster and YT videos played correctly. Install from:http://gtk-apps.org/content/show.php/Google+chrome?content=11234102:14
shaullxi need to make an archive from a folder and it says i dont have permissions02:14
jribWhiper: no, I can only give you the wifi documentation so you get your wifi working without breaking your install02:14
jribshaullx: what are you doing exactly?02:14
PCTeacher012The debian packages will work for ubuntu, just choose your version (32 bit or 64 bit)02:14
shaullxjrib i just told you trying to make an archive02:14
asonge_PCTeacher012: there's a managed ppa for chromium on linux02:14
Axess_Denied psubuntu02:15
asonge_PCTeacher012: so you can just apt-get it and get updates02:15
jribshaullx: "exactly"?  i.e. where?02:15
PovAddictGoogle also has an apt repo02:15
PovAddictwith chrome, picasa, and other proprietary software02:15
PCTeacher012asonge_: This is not chomium. This is the browser from Windows. V 402:15
PCTeacher012of Google Chome. Not Chomium02:15
shaullxjrib what do u mean where? desktop02:15
BalsaqPCTeacher: the vids play but slow, i think it because old ATI vid cards do not have drivers connected to ubuntu? found out geforce fx 5200 ago card fits my 200watt PS and HAS drivers for ubuntu? any chance that is a fix- i am a non tech could be WAY off with my idea02:15
jribshaullx: you're trying to create an archive on your desktop and you do not have permissions?  Is this correct?02:15
asonge_PCTeacher012: the one from apt seems like it'd be faster (new updates, etc)02:16
shaullxjrib yes the folder is copied from my hdd im on live usb02:16
PCTeacher012Balsaq: Have you tried installing its propritory drivers?02:16
PCTeacher012asonge_: Maybe, what is the command? sudo apt-get install chromium? Ill check if it is faster02:16
jribshaullx: in that case, just use gksudo nautilus02:16
PCTeacher012aaah. Okay, thanks asonge_ Ill check it out02:16
asonge_PCTeacher012: sources are here: https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa02:16
Axess_Deniedbalsaq: still having issues with the flash videos?02:16
BalsaqPCTeacher: someone had me look in the ubuntu propietary driver file and none were in ther...heard there are none for old ATI Xpert cards?02:17
PCTeacher012Hmm. I dont know, mine is ubuntus driver (I have nVidia RIVA TNT2 Pro Model 64 :P)02:17
BalsaqAxess_Denied:yes but may have a way to fix it cross referencing my idea now02:17
=== sheep is now known as lstarnes
PCTeacher012asonge_: No package for chromium-browser02:17
asonge_PCTeacher012: you didn't add the source.02:17
Axess_DeniedBalsaq: you should also try looking at ATI's site for drivers02:17
smokiehey guys, whats an old version that works with older hardware and still has its repos up?02:17
smokie7.10 dont have repos anymore02:18
asonge_PCTeacher012: https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa02:18
BalsaqPCTeacher: heard ubuntu luvs nvidia...ATI bad for nvidia02:18
smokiehave to b manually updated02:18
PCTeacher012asonge_:  fORGOT TO HAHA02:18
smokiewhich is complicated for me02:18
PovAddictsmokie: old versions have security vulnerabilities, not speed02:18
PovAddictuse a new version of fast software02:18
Axess_Deniedbalsaq:  Try this site for reference :  http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx02:18
PovAddicteg. don't use a modern KDE, use something like XFCE instead02:18
smokiePovAddict, its a p3 machine with 64mb of ram02:18
BalsaqAxess_Denied: heard there is an issue with old ATI cards...they have some stuff for radeon mine is Xpert though02:18
PCTeacher012Balsaq: Possible. I dont know, i have no computer with ATI that i know of. I have 2 old computers. Both nVidia from my understanding.02:19
asonge_smokie: go for xubuntu on that, that might be runnable02:19
smokiePovAddict, i was reading the ubuntu docs and it was recommended to use 7.10 or 6.06 ofr older hardware02:19
asonge_ATI has relatively recently released good 3rd party drivers.02:19
canthus13smokie: Exen xubuntu is gonna need more memory.02:19
PCTeacher012asonge_: Is there any key i need?02:19
asonge_PCTeacher012: that page wasn't the source, it was the instructions with the gpg key l ink02:19
smokieis there a place to read on what versions have repos still live?02:19
canthus13smokie: You're going to need something really lightweight... Or you're going to need to add memory.02:20
spiderbatdadsmokie, try puppy or knoppix02:20
canthus13smokie: 128 mb is absolutely the minimum.02:20
BalsaqPCTeacher:nvidia openly accepts and gives their proprietary info to ubuntu andlinux, was told ATI did not or at least was not helping get them all set up and seems too have left a lot of older stuff out02:20
canthus13smokie: Puppy or DSL, maybe.02:20
PovAddictsmokie: Ubuntu documentation wouldn't *recommend* an unsupported version02:20
PCTeacher012asonge_: Aaah, i found that out right before haha02:20
BalsaqPCTeacher: someone, whether it is ubuntu or ATI has not made sure all the drivers are there for thr OS to make the vid card run coreectly.02:21
smokiePovAddict, it does actually.. atleast thats what i understood from the doc.. let me read it again02:21
smokiecanthus13, hmm thought it would run on 64mb02:21
PovAddictunless 6.06 is still in LTS support02:21
canthus13smokie: Nope.  Not much will run on 64mb.02:21
asonge_smokie: DSL or a heavily hacked linux might still make it on 64MB02:21
canthus13PovAddict: 6.06 server is.02:22
iameliteDoes anyone know how i can format and parition a small HARDDRIVE to act in stead of a CD ROM for purpose of BOOTING as such?02:22
smokiePovAddict, "If your specifications are lower than the minimum requirements but you still want to install Xubuntu in your machine, please consider using pre-8.04 releases (preferably try 7.10 first and go to 6.06 (LTS) if you can't get it working).02:22
Axess_Deniedbalsaq: the Xpert series card sall had the Rage 128 processor. Here is the linux driver you need to try02:22
smokiebut thats for xubuntu though02:22
Axess_Deniedbalsaq: http://linux.die.net/man/4/r12802:22
canthus13iamelite: Isn't that what a hard drive normally does?02:22
smokieasonge_, hmm i never heard of DSL.. its a linux distro?02:22
BalsaqPCTeacher: i hate window so much i am willing to buy a vid card that has driver support for ubuntu, but being a certified non-tech i wonder if i have a clue02:22
canthus13smokie: Damn Small Linux.  It'll run on pretty much anything.02:23
asonge_smokie: damn small linux...it may be abandoned, but i used it 5 years ago02:23
PovAddictsmokie: that page was written when 8.04 was current02:23
BalsaqAcess_Denied: really, you think there is driver support for me?02:23
canthus13smokie: It's still active, actually.02:23
PovAddictsmokie: please post a link so someone can fix it ;)02:23
canthus13smokie: It uses the 2.4 kernel, tho, so don't expect much in the way of modern hardware support.02:23
canthus13smokie: It runs well,t hough.02:23
iamelitecanthus13, I mean to say, as to boot up a setup disk from a small harddrive, IE: A windows install disk, Linux iso, etc...02:23
smokiePovAddict, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements02:23
smokiecanthus13, hmm02:23
smokiewell i want it for ssh tunneling02:24
smokieand small stuff like that02:24
PCTeacher012asonge_: I got the key and everything imported. Just gotta install now haha02:24
canthus13iamelite: Ah. You'd run into serious issues when you remove that drive.02:24
canthus13iamelite: Particularly with windows not being able to find itself.02:24
ramseizellon/j #xubutu02:24
PCTeacher012ill let you know how it is soon asonge_ It is installing02:24
iamelitecanthus13, well my DVDburners dead, and i dont really want to buy a new. There must be some cleverness i can instill using a small harddrive02:25
canthus13smokie: http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/02:25
canthus13iamelite: Use a thumb drive.02:25
iamelitecanthus, only have a 4gig, its a 6gig image.02:25
ramseizecan anyone tell me what is the best dock in xubuntu?02:26
kasansweatI'm not sure of the exact differences between scp and sftp -- but is there a way to copy a bunch of files in one line (eg in a bash script) with ftp?02:26
canthus13iamelite: Dunno what to tell you, then... unless you have an external drive you can use.02:26
ramseizeis awn the best dock for xubuntu?02:27
smokiethanks guys02:27
smokiejust one last thing,02:27
canthus13smokie: NP02:27
maelstromwhat do I do to figure out what kind of wireless card I have?02:27
smokieis there a place to find out what repos are still active for what versions of ubuntu?02:27
canthus13maelstrom: From the command prompt, type lspci02:27
TehedraAnyone know of a howto to optimize a mysql install?02:27
gartralhow do i scan my network to see all the hardware attached to it? (computers, switches, gateway)02:27
canthus13maelstrom: That will tell you everything in your system.02:27
edbianI am using NIS and all of my nis users are missing things from the menu.  Why?02:28
canthus13smokie: If it's supported, they're active. So, Hardy, Intrepid, Jaunty, and Karmic.02:28
JakeI'm currently running Windows 7 and I love it but I'm still considering dual booting Ubuntu.  What do you think?02:28
dirkais there a way to directly control  a linux box aside from going through ssh?  i do not have a working keyboard on the box itself but need to use the display its connect to02:28
canthus13smokie: for desktop, anyway.02:28
canthus13Jake: Go for it.02:28
canthus13dirka: On screen keyboard.02:29
canthus13dirka: Or VNC02:29
Jakecanthus13:  I'm just not quite sure when I would use Ubuntu rather than Windows 702:29
maelstromthanks canthus1302:29
canthus13Jake: For anything other than gaming.02:29
canthus13maelstrom: No problem.02:29
smokiecanthus13, i see.. any reason why Gutsy version is not listed there?02:29
dirkabut will vnc work on console level?  xterm isnt working due to ati driver issues02:29
maelstromAny obvious reason why my laptop would not be able to detect a wireless network with a hidden broadcast when I've entered all the info correctly?02:29
canthus13smokie: Gutsy is no longer supported as of april of this year.02:29
asonge_dirka: you can start a screen session on the display02:30
canthus13smokie: 18 month support cycles and all.02:30
maelstromMy roommate bought a new router and kept all the settings the same, but now my laptop doesn't pick it up. My phone still sees it though and wifi works on it (since the settings are all the same)02:30
asonge_dirka: screen is like a multi-workspace cli...you get normal cli and ctrl+a to start a new term... man screen for more02:30
canthus13maelstrom: Will your laptop pick up anything else?02:30
maelstromcanthus13, yes it sees all my neighbors' (password protected *grumble*) networks02:31
smokiecanthus13, ah i didnt know that.. is it difficult to upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04?02:31
PCTeacher012Chromium & myspace: 3 seconds 37 ms. Chrome and Myspace: 4 seconds 73 ms. Chomium and youtube: 5 seconds 32 ms. Chrome and youtube: 2 seconds 58 ms02:31
canthus13maelstrom: Heh. Some wireless cards do no like some routers. It's annoying.02:31
canthus13smokie: Nope. click a button and you're off.02:31
asonge_PCTeacher012: i have it in a lot less time than that...02:31
Jakecanthus13:  If I install via the liveCD could I delete the partition using window's partition manager if I wanted to?02:31
canthus13Jake: Yep.02:32
smokiecool.. i should give that a try02:32
smokiethanks for the help02:32
asonge_PCTeacher012: you want to try again, or clear your cache? those stats sound like the difference between caching02:32
n0ahyea guys it was the display driver02:32
canthus13smokie: If you go to the update manager, it should give you the option to upgrade to Hardy.02:32
PCTeacher012asonge_: Really? I'll do that. One more seconds02:32
smokiecanthus13, i dont have that one connected to the internet so i never checked or noticed, but i will02:33
canthus13smokie: It should come up automatically after it checks for updates.02:34
dirkaheres my issue:  i need to troubleshoot my ati video drivers (grrr).  i am currently on my laptop, and i dont believe i can view xterm through ssh.  so i need a way to have my input on my laptop affect the default display.02:34
dirkaso kinda like a vnc for the console level02:34
blaylockdrika X forwarding with ssh?02:35
PCTeacher012Chromium and YT: 4 seconds 9ms. Chromium and myspace:3 seconds 21 ms. Chrome and YT:3 seconds 82 ms. Chrome and Myspace:3 seconds 21 ms.02:35
asonge_hrm *shrug*02:35
dirkablaylock, sorry, not quite sure what that is. :/02:36
asonge_PCTeacher012: but here, chromium gets daily updates.02:36
PCTeacher012asonge_: What again is the command to check free memory? and  Wow, really?02:37
asonge_PCTeacher012: i just use htop02:37
asonge_PCTeacher012: and yeah, that repo points to daily builds02:37
PCTeacher012asonge_: K thanks02:37
asonge_(htop is like 5 times better than top...and looks way better when on acid)02:37
blaylockdrika google X forwarding with ssh02:37
mgv1how can i set text editor in gftp?02:38
PCTeacher012asonge_: Htop is what?02:38
asonge_PCTeacher012: you know the cli app "top"?02:38
il5antohi all02:38
PCTeacher012asonge_: Lol, nope02:38
asonge_PCTeacher012: htop is a colorized version of that02:38
asonge_oh, this is for cli-land02:38
PCTeacher012asonge_: ...? What?02:38
il5antoany people have a free google wave invite ?02:39
asonge_PCTeacher012: go in the cli and type "top"02:39
PCTeacher012asonge_: I installed htop from terminal (htop_02:39
asonge_PCTeacher012: yeah, you can compare to htop02:39
asonge_(command is htop)02:39
PCTeacher012asonge_: KK, testing now02:40
PCTeacher012asonge_: Uhm.. That doesnt tell me my free ram :P How do i check what my free ram is?02:40
asonge_PCTeacher012: free02:40
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
PCTeacher012Total: 509004. Used, 438692. Free, 70296.02:41
=== mac9416_ is now known as mac9416
bpis it best to use a ppd file than not?02:41
lstarnesPCTeacher012: try free -m02:41
PCTeacher012There we go lstarnes Thanks :) Total: 497. Used: 428. Free: 6802:42
revfI'm having a really weird problem with the version of gparted that's on the jaunty usb stick02:42
lstarnesPCTeacher012: technically, free gave you the correct answer, but in KB instead of MB02:42
mgv1why does this happens often with gftp 'Error: Remote site ********** disconnected. Will reconnect in 30 seconds'02:42
PCTeacher012lstarnes: oooh okay haha. I am much more used to MiB not KiB :P02:43
revfis there a more specific room I can go to for help with gparted? (#gparted is empty)02:43
PCTeacher012revf: From what i know, there is no more room specific to gparted02:43
revfoh ok02:43
revffor some reason when it runs e2fsck02:44
PCTeacher012revf: What exactly are you trying to do with gparted?02:44
revfwell, my overall goal is to move one partition over to the right and shrink it, then expand the one to the left to fill the remaining space02:45
revfbut the log at http://paste.ubuntu.com/287470/ is for just the first part02:45
PCTeacher012revf: ooooh, this from the USB?02:45
revffor some reason when it runs resize2fs it doesn't work because it says it needs to run e2fsck02:45
PCTeacher012revf: Do you have ubuntu or some sort of partition are your computer?02:45
revfeven though it just ran e2fsck02:45
revfyeah ubuntu is installed, I have a home partition, a user partition and a swap partition02:45
revfthis is on the user partition, which is in the middle02:45
Mach9.10 has too much errors02:46
Machwill the whole release would be good enough?02:46
asonge_Mach: to be fair, it's in beta.02:46
lstarnesMach: #ubuntu+1 is for 9.10, not this channel02:46
PCTeacher012asonge_: Yea, that is true. but 9.10 will be better in full version02:46
PCTeacher012revf: Let's see. Can you not run GParted from your ubuntu partition? Or from the live CD?02:47
asonge_(hopefully, or else there'd never be a reason to upgrade :) )02:47
revfI don't think it's even installed on the ubuntu partition02:47
PCTeacher012asonge_: Yea, haha. If they truly can not make it better than 9.4. We are screwed haha02:47
revfyou can't actually partition a drive while you're on it can you?02:47
PCTeacher012revf: It isnt by default, but you can install02:47
revfand I don't have a cd02:47
revfthis computer doesn't even have a cd drive02:47
PCTeacher012revf: Well, i it accesses all 3 at the same time. No02:47
PCTeacher012But if one can be unmounted, yes02:47
revfmaybe I should try updating gparted with apt-get?02:48
revfon the stick?02:48
PCTeacher012revf: You could try02:48
PCTeacher012revf: Worth a shot ;)02:48
revfit really seems like this is resize2fs's fault though02:48
Machtoo many users02:48
revfit says "please run e2fsck first" right after gparted already ran e2fsck02:49
PCTeacher012revf: LOL, it might be but idk, im not expert on GParted,02:49
revfthis is especially weird because I've done basically the same thing off this same stick before with no problem02:49
PCTeacher012revf: That is really weird... done anything on the stick since then?02:49
revfnot really02:50
revfI do use it for file storage too but I haven't booted it or touched the ubuntu part02:50
PCTeacher012revf: Hmm.. You could also try making a bootable version of GParted.02:50
PCTeacher012revf: Download from their site and it has a bootable version, nothing else will be mounted02:50
FloridaGuywhats all this mean in my fstab....   ( /boot was on /dev/sda1 during installation )    http://pastebin.com/m480c1103    ....?02:51
edbianI am using NIS and all of my nis users are missing things from the menu.  Why?02:52
staspikaWhat the hell? I've just - for the first time - abandoned my GNOME desktop and logged in to KDE, and what I see? Nothing! Where are all my desktop icons?02:52
b0xxywindows ftw02:52
revfOK, I guess i could try that.  I'm pretty reluctant to get rid of the bootable ubuntu though, and I only have one stick02:52
revfI guess I'll try googling around first02:52
PCTeacher012b0xxy: Windows sucks hahaha.02:52
mgv1would i need to download the latest ubuntu or the update will do that?02:53
PCTeacher012revf: Okay, and maybe you could temporarily cut the files from the stick into the computer02:53
lstarnesmgv1: you have to manually do it through the update manager02:53
PCTeacher012My computer can not boot from flash :P02:53
udaycan u please help me out02:53
kisuke!ask | uday02:53
ubottuuday: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:53
PCTeacher012uday: We cant until you ask the question02:53
dcamp25any SFTP  guys out there ?02:54
mgv1lstarnes, there are instructions?02:54
lstarnes!upgrade > mgv102:54
ubottumgv1, please see my private message02:54
shane2perudcamp25: what is the question?02:54
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udayi am unable to get the sound in ubuntu  can help me02:54
shane2perudcamp25: I'm not a real sftp guy, just wondered about the question. :)02:54
PCTeacher012uday: In a certain program or overall?02:55
lolyeauday: do you have any clues to why?02:55
dcamp25I am trying to backup Cisco Call Manager to ubuntu 9.04 will not work.  all other sftp functions work.02:55
shane2perudcamp25: ooops, over my head, perhaps someone can help you.02:56
PCTeacher012uday: What version of ubuntu do you have?02:56
dcamp25I 9.o402:56
mgv1lstarnes, so its just a button to press02:56
lstarnesmgv1: it's a bit more involved02:56
dcamp25I belive the issue may be that Call Manager does not understand encrypted streams......02:56
lstarnesmgv1: you may need to do other things.  Check the upgrade notes when upgrading02:57
dcamp25Is there a Cisco Group ?02:57
Cr4zy_B0yhow to remove background when booting Ubuntu ?02:58
PCTeacher012uday: You still there02:58
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mgv1lstarnes, im hoping nothing will collapse with it when upgrading02:58
lolyeauday has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))02:58
durtdcamp25, #cisco or ##cisco02:58
lolyeai think02:58
mgv1how can i test my laptop microphone better after not hearing nothing in the recorder?02:58
bpi can print! :).. so simple.. however when i print with evince (pdf document), the page is blown up when i print to letter size page..02:58
bpdoes it have anything to do with ppd?02:59
PCTeacher012lolyea: Ooooh ,okay. Well, he obviously can not get much help..... haha02:59
bpmgv1, u mean, "not hearing" "anything"02:59
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bpmgv1, check if its using alsa, and check the mic volume with alsa tools02:59
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lolyeapigeon sux03:00
PCTeacher012lolyea: It does, that is why i use irssi ;)03:00
mgv1bp- yes yes yes03:00
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lolyeaand i use xchat03:00
Formodemgv1: Pidgin*?03:00
FormodeTrying to get compiz-deskmenu working right now. Got it running with hotkeys... But not just from clicking. Is there any way to bind an action to the wallpaper in compiz? (Say like right click on wallpaper launches ____?)03:00
hwlError! DKMS tree already contains: vboxdrv-2.1.403:00
hwlYou cannot add the same module/version combo more than once.03:00
PCTeacher012lolyea: I have that installed, it was intstalled when i installed the package xubuntu-desktop. But i never used it ;)03:00
hwlhow do i fix this03:00
durt!splash | Cr4zy_B0y03:00
ubottuCr4zy_B0y: To change the Gnome splash screen, use gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.03:00
hwli want to remove virtualbox app03:00
lolyeaPCTeacher012: its awesome u gotta try it03:01
Cr4zy_B0yno no03:01
PCTeacher012lolyea: Ill log in in a diff name and see how it is03:01
mdganyone know how to get streamtuner to load all the stations available?03:01
lolyeaPCTeacher012: its alot like irssi lol03:01
Cr4zy_B0ywhen booting03:01
Cr4zy_B0ynot startup time03:01
durtCr4zy_B0y, then what do you mean?03:01
mgv1formode: not working when i try to open a jabber account03:01
Formodemgv1: You're doing it wrong.03:01
revfPCTeacher012: apparently it's a known bug that happens for pretty complicated-seeming reasons, I'll have to try to figure it out some other time03:02
cody__lolyea, I am now in XChat. But one thing i LOVE about irssi is that i can type just l and click tab and it finished your name, not lol then tab ;)03:02
revfbut it doesn't sound like bootable gparted would help03:02
revfthanks anyway03:02
Cr4zy_B0yafter choice ubuntu in grub03:02
PCTeacher012revf: Ooooh. okay. Your welcome03:02
mgv1formode: really?03:02
lolyeacody__: that is aweosme03:02
Cr4zy_B0ythe screen with ubuntu logo03:02
mdganyone know how to get streamtuner to load all the stations available?03:02
Cr4zy_B0yi want remove it to show which is running03:02
cody__lolyea, It is. XChat so far is nice, i like being able to scroll :P03:02
kisukeCr4zy_B0y:  try ctrl + alt + (anumber beteween 1 - 6)03:03
lolyeacody__: yea03:03
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cody__irssi does not allow you to :P But i still perfer it as of now lolyea03:04
mdganyone know how to get streamtuner to load all the stations available?03:04
lolyeacody__: maybe shift+pgup?03:04
mgv1bp- i dont think i hear anything even after setting it to the highest in alsamixer03:04
cody__lolyea, Nope, tried everything :P Locked in place. If i miss something, i have no chance of seeing what it was :P03:04
jribcody__: you can definitely scroll in irssi.  Try PageUp or ShiftPageUp03:04
lolyeacody__: think of when the server restarts Xp03:04
PCTeacher012Is there any way to get a windows-only stream to work on linux? If you need the site, ill post it, it is a radio03:05
cody__jrib, O_O Wow... I never knew that! I guess i never actually tested it! :P03:05
jribPCTeacher012: i need the site..03:05
PCTeacher012im pretty sure that is the url, it might be .org03:05
mgv1why i dont have spell checker even if i removed another language checker? for example in xchat03:05
jribPCTeacher012: works fine with mplayer03:06
PCTeacher012how do i open it with mplayer?03:06
lolyeacody__: xchat and irssi are awesome compared to what my System 7.6.1 machine had03:06
cody__lolyea, What did it have? :p03:06
dandamanso i need help...I just installed ubuntu on another hdd using wubi from windows 7, now when i load up ubuntu, the 60gb hard drive that ubuntu is on isnt showing up in the file browser in ubuntu but shows up in windows, any ideas?03:07
FonFonis there a particular syntax that need to be used when entering checkinstall "provides" option? I cant seem to get apt to register it? figured i'd ask before making dummy packages...03:07
lolyeacody__: it had macirc 16day shareware v2.6 XD03:07
jribPCTeacher012: well it probably works fine with other players as well, but if you wish to use mplayer then install the mozilla-mplayer package (or whatever it is).  Or just do in a console: mplayer -playlist 'http://www.christiannetcast.com/listen/dynamicasx.asp?station=sosradio'03:08
PCTeacher012lolyea: Wow! That is amazing :P:P:P:P:P:P (I switched back to irssi. I can not seem to leave it :P03:08
lolyeacody__: it ran that at startup instead of the FINDER!03:08
PCTeacher012jrib: Any idea about google chrome plugin for it?03:08
jribPCTeacher012: none03:08
prajjwalis there a way to move my Linux an d swap from an extended partition to its own partition???03:09
PCTeacher012lolyea: Haha, You gotta be kiddin me :P03:09
PCTeacher012jrib: Are you serious D: That sucks03:09
PCTeacher012I love google chrome :(03:09
lolyeaPCTeacher012: nope03:09
jribPCTeacher012: I mean I have no idea03:09
kisukeCr4zy_B0y: that help03:09
KruyKazewhat do i need to get to execure .deb files they are not associated with anything anymore03:09
PCTeacher012jrib: OOOOH! Okay, ill search it up :P03:09
GodfatherofEireGuys is there a package for all of the legacy Ubuntu backgrounds?03:09
lolyeaPCTeacher012: bad*** little script at the root i guess03:09
jribKruyKaze: gdebi03:09
mandomoosehi folks I want to backup my home directory which is about 5+ gb, and burn it too dvd any simple program that can do it ?03:09
il5antoany people have a free google wave invite ?03:10
KruyKazejrib, thanks03:10
PCTeacher012lolyea: HAHA, i guess :P03:10
jribGodfatherofEire: you mean the artistic nudes or...?03:10
mgv1how can i test my laptop microphone better after not hearing nothing in the recorder? even when alsa set high with the mic03:10
FloridaGuydoes ubuntu have a default partition manager ?03:10
FonFonheh no takers?03:10
GodfatherofEirejrib, hah, no, like the default included backgrounds from 4.20 onwards03:11
lolyeaPCTeacher012: now... I am waiting 4 an SD to ATA adapter (my hard drive got ****** up)03:11
PCTeacher012jrib: What was the plugin for firefox at terminal again?03:11
jribGodfatherofEire: oh03:11
mdganyone know how to get streamtuner to load all the stations available?03:11
PCTeacher012lolyea: Wow, that sucks! D:03:11
jribPCTeacher012: mozilla-mplayer or mplayer-mozilla, I forget03:11
dandamananyone wanna try to tackle my problem?03:11
PCTeacher012kk ill try both jrib Thakns03:11
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kisukeFloridaGuy: gparted, but it does notrcome in an ubuntu install run "sudo apt-get instal gparted" at the comand line03:11
jrib!anyone | dandaman03:11
ubottudandaman: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:11
lolyeajrib: maybe mplayer-mozilla03:11
dandamanI just installed ubuntu on another hdd using wubi from windows 7, now when i load up ubuntu, the 60gb hard drive that ubuntu is on isnt showing up in the file browser in ubuntu but shows up in windows, any ideas?03:11
dandamani asked it earlier jrib03:12
jriblolyea: it's actually the other one03:12
dandamanno one answered :\03:12
FloridaGuykisuke, ok03:12
jribdandaman: think about why it is more effecient to just ask your question03:12
PCTeacher012lolyea: it is, mozilla-mplayer :P03:12
dandamani didnt wanna spam by asking it twice03:12
kisukedandaman: insta from a live cd to the partition you want to install to03:12
lolyeajrib: darn03:12
mdganyone know how to get streamtuner to load all the stations available?03:12
PCTeacher012lolyea: :P03:12
dandamankisuke: i tried that, grub would get messed up and not boot up03:13
dandamankisuke: i NEED to use wubi03:13
lolyeaPCTeacher012: i dont actually have the plugin03:13
lolyeaPCTeacher012: I have mplayer tho03:13
PCTeacher012lolyea: I need it cause i need that site ;)03:13
jribdandaman: but you're "spamming" the same by saying "anyone blah".  Even more in fact, because no one has any clue what your question is.  So on the offchance someone replies to you, you're going to have to ask your question anyway03:13
il5antoany people have see or test google wave ?!?!?03:13
PCTeacher012uhm... jrib will it install in shiretoko?03:13
jribPCTeacher012: try and see03:13
lolyeajrib: good thing floodbot is here...03:14
PCTeacher012jrib: Lol, we'll see :P03:14
dandamanok, you win, i dont feel like arguing about what is the best way to be polite in this channel, i'd rather try to get my question answered instead :\03:14
kisukedandaman: why do you need to use wubi?03:14
GodfatherofEireSo, does anybody else know if there's a package of the legacy backgrounds from Warty up till Intrepid?03:14
dandamankisuke: because ubuntu wont load otherwise03:14
jribGodfatherofEire: might be an easy project to start and maintain if you are interested and you find it doesn't yet exist03:15
dandamani have no idea why but i spent way too much time in here trying to solve the problem until i just broke down and used wubi03:15
kisukedandaman: have you verified the CD?03:15
prakritiwhat dictates what services show up in the services admin?  is there a better way to manage services?  a cmd line way perchance?03:15
GodfatherofEirejrib, thats just it, I think there already is one though, I'm just not sure where it'd be03:15
jribprakriti: sysv-rc-conf03:15
Linxhaving problem with fglrx Xorg video since kernel upgrade on thursday last week03:17
kisukedandaman: a does it give you an error at all? please describe what happens03:17
dandamankisuke: i've moved past fixing grub, no way im going back to that nightmare03:17
x-warriorWhere can I get more information about how and when to use the section code from launchpad? Actually i'm studing computer science and want to share some codes with the community03:17
dandamanwait, is filesystem the hard drive that ubuntu is installed on?03:17
prakritijrib : brilliant!  thats precicely what I was looking for.  Thanks!03:17
Linxwhen I have the xorg drives installed X crashes with segfault when running X -configure03:17
jribGodfatherofEire: search for packages with "wallpaper" in the name.  I see things like "edgy-wallpapers" coming up03:18
kisukedandaman: i can agree with that had grub break on me before <shudders>03:18
LinxI tried installing drives from ATI03:18
Linxand still have the same program03:18
dandamankisuke: basically the suicide hotline know me by name now03:18
Doctor_IfyHey Hey hey03:19
PCTeacher012jrib: It will not work in Firefox 3.5 or firefox 3.003:20
PCTeacher012i installed mozilla-mplayer03:20
Linxrunning ubuntu 9.04 x86_6403:20
PCTeacher012Is there anything else i need to do?03:20
kisukeWUBI EXPERT LINE ONE!!!03:21
dandamanso the hdd that ubuntu is installed on is ntfs, is that why it isnt showing up in places?03:23
kisukedandaman: might help i don't know...03:23
kisuke!wubi | dandaman03:24
ubottudandaman: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.03:24
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lolyeadandaman: it is a hard disk imag03:24
dandamani do not understand :(03:24
lolyeadandaman: it is a file on your windows partition03:24
epaphusHey guys, when I import a VPN config with the built in Network Manager.. where does it save that config?03:25
dandamani chose for it to be installed on my new hdd03:25
lolyeadandaman: u have to restart your computer with the cd in the drive03:25
dandamanim looking at gparted and it says that 11gb are used, the 11gb that is ubuntu03:25
lolyeadandaman: then install03:25
dandamanlolyea: i cant install off the CD, problems with grub03:26
dandamanugh screw it im just gonna shrink the drive and reinstall ubuntu03:26
lolyeadandaman: wat does it do at startup?!03:26
jribPCTeacher012: "touch"ing the plug-in files and restarting firefox should be sufficient, though I thought that recent firefox versions included some interface to select preferred plug-ins03:26
lolyeahes gonna screw everythin up!03:26
rahearnDoes anyone know where the empathy buddy list is stored on karmic?  I'd like to sync to machines by keeping the directory/file on ubuntu one, but all i've found is the rather useless .config/Empathy/contact-groups.xml file03:26
kisukedandaman: add a  100 MB partition to the root of your main drive and set it to mount as /boot03:27
jribrahearn: #ubuntu+1 for karmic questions03:27
rahearnjrib: sorry03:27
trakcyiaHow do I customize the colors of my taskbar by making changes to the 'system theme'?03:27
Linxon 2nd of Oct: an upgrade of the linux kernel, linux-libc-dev and a number of samba related packages ocurred, now I am unable to use fglrx03:28
mgmuscaridoes anybody know of a package that will play back what the microphone/line-in picks up in real time?03:28
kisuke!theme | trakcyia03:28
ubottutrakcyia: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy03:28
Linxalso winbind03:28
the_beavwill grub recognize my OS X partition?  and be able to boot to it...like chainload or something?03:29
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fearfulwhere are is the icon folder in Jaunty03:31
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shaullxi changed something probebly and now desktop effects and videos are not working03:32
fearfulthanks lol03:32
shaullxi connected and external monitor to my netbook and played with resolutions and then it happened03:32
the_beav"i changed something probably" isn't gonna help us help you, man lol03:32
shaullxi reset everything back the way it was but still03:32
varmontbro ni aq baru pake linux cara update firefox entu gimana03:32
varmontbro ni aq baru pake linux cara update firefox entu gimana03:32
the_beavdoes ubuntu make a backup/original xorg.conf?03:33
the_beavif that's the case, shaullx, find it03:33
shaullxthe_beav find what?03:33
PCTeacher012I cant see either panel03:33
the_beavand copy it over the xorg.conf that you modified03:33
PCTeacher012Why not?03:33
PCTeacher012It still works, but i dont see it03:33
JacobThey room i have an ati card that artifacts on the rt hand side of my dipslay03:34
shaullxmaybe i should restart gdm?03:34
varmontada yg indonesia gak03:34
varmontada yg indonesia gak03:34
the_beavif indeed, as it SHOULD, ubuntu has a backup xorg.conf -->/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup   (or xorg.conf.original) copy that over the current xorg.conf..and then restart X03:34
mgv1there is a way to rotate pictures of webpages?03:34
PCTeacher012How do i get to see the panels again?03:34
the_beavPC- alt+F2  then  "gnome-panel"03:35
the_beavor "gnome-panel &" in terminal03:35
rigodeni1when i play a game (both 2D or 3D) in windowed mode the screen flickers, black bars. And when i play fullscreen after a few mins of play the screen locks up completely. I have an ATI 4870 with ubuntu proprietary drivers activated. What should i do?03:36
the_beavrigoden: ATI + LINUX = crap....i have same problem...you can try 100 things...none of them worked for me03:37
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cfeddein my case turning off extra effects helps03:37
trakcyiakisuke in particular, i'm not trying to install anything. all i really need is access to the images the theme uses and a copy of gimp03:38
trakcyiaI just dont know where the actual theme images are03:38
the_beavcfedde is right...turn off all effects for a much better performance03:38
bp0ati rage 128 works great in linux03:38
the_beavmy radeon hd 2600xt is crap03:38
the_beav45 dollar nvidia cards out perform it03:38
JacobTradeon 1300 is even more crap haha03:39
JacobTproblem is i hav e a laptop03:39
bp0anything newer than the rade 128 isnt so good03:39
trakcyiabp0: the rage 128.. is really old isnt it? i think i had one 7 years ago03:39
m0r0nI know this is not Ubuntu related, but what format what I need to format my drive in order to install windows?(Still using Ubuntu don't kill me)03:39
bp0but that rage is awesome03:39
cfeddeati has really taken a beating lately.03:39
bp0trakcyia: yeah, that was kindof the joke03:39
Tehedrais there an irc client built into ubuntu that i can use through ssh?03:39
bp0it does work really rgeat tho03:39
Tehedrai dont really want to have to install something03:39
lolyeabp0: rage 128 sux compared to radeon hd 487003:39
frogfooTehedra: not intalled by default, but irssi is in the repositories03:40
johnniI am in Jaunty 9.04...I pull up skype fresh install only see Pulse Audio Sound Server listed...none of my alsa are listed for like picking my mic and that any ideas?03:40
shaullxwhat the hell happened, i install ubuntu on my netbook and everything worked ok, desktop effects worked, i installed video codecs and changed the resolution for my external monitor and now videos won't play and desktop effects cant be enabled, its like my video driver got deleted or something03:40
gbear14275looking for a download link for server 9.10 beta... the link is broken on the main page.  Found this:  http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/karmic/beta/ but not sure its what I'm looking for03:40
mgv1how can i check what is wrong with a microphne after alsa didnt shoewd it is the problem?03:40
trakcyiam0r0n: use fat32 or ntfs, either one will work fine, but the windows install cd will guide you through that process you don't need to create a filesystem beforehand03:40
the_beavdesktop effects and ati don't mix....i have OS X on my desktop w/ the 2600xt..and it ROCKS...however, can't even run xcompositor in ubuntu03:40
gbear14275is there a "regular" 9.10 server edition?03:40
lolyeam0r0n: u can use wubi03:40
the_beavwell, i can RUN it...but do anything else, like full screen video...its crap03:41
Keiya... ;_; I /still/ can't click in windows without gnome wanting to move them03:41
trakcyiathen tell gnome to knock it off03:41
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rigodeni1the_beav: well i have compiz fusion extra effects, they work flawlessly, its only games that seem to mess things up for me.03:41
Tehedrafrogfoo, when i type sudo aptitude search irssi  i cant see it03:41
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KeiyaI ----ing uninstalled and reinstalled the entire damn desktop component, I've done everything but reformat and reinstall from disk...03:42
frogfoom0r0n: i think the windows installer will format whatever partition(s) it takes over itself. so you shouldn't worry about that03:42
KeiyaDo I have to do that!?03:42
Tehedraoh i see it03:42
gbear14275shaullx: I'd use vlc... no need for codecs03:42
m0r0ntrakcyia: Its on a seperate hard drive, and I reformatted with the windows disk to re-install windows and then it said it doesn't meet the requirements or something03:42
KeiyaMan, my Vista partition lasted longer than three days...03:42
frogfooTehedra: odd. maybe it's in the universe repos or something03:42
shaullxgbear14275, im not talking about codecs, i installed them to use movie player. the problem is my display driver something happened to it03:43
the_beavrigodenil: anything fullscreen, games, videos, flash...will screw up with effects on...in all of my ati experiences03:43
Tehedrai found it frogfoo thanks :D03:43
frogfooTehedra: nope - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi03:43
shaullxand its a netbook all the display drivers were installed by default without any problem03:43
frogfooTehedra: good :)03:43
shaullxi dont know what to do now03:43
m0r0nDoes anyone use GPareted?03:43
trakcyiam0r0n: you really ought to be in ##windows, but if you're not meeting requirements it may be disk size, if your computer really doesn't meet the requirements, you can alter the installing with a program called nlite03:43
gbear14275shaullx: " i installed video codecs and changed the resolution for my external monitor and now videos won't play and desktop effects cant be enabled, its like my video driver got deleted or something..."  sounds like a codec problem03:43
gbear14275m0r0n: yes...03:44
johnniI am in Jaunty 9.04...I pull up skype fresh install only see Pulse Audio Sound Server listed...none of my alsa are listed for like picking my mic and that any ideas?03:44
shaullxgbear14275 codecs can cause desktop effects to not work? i used them before i just reinstalled ubuntu and they worked03:44
shaullxi dont know what happened now03:44
m0r0ngbear14275: There are keys beside a partiton, what does that mean?03:44
gbear14275shaullx: when you say codecs... what program are you talking about?03:44
shaullxgbear14275 "movie player"03:44
shaullxthe default player03:45
m0r0ngbear14275: Also a "!" in a warning symbol03:45
shaullxgbear14275 it said it needs codecs and it searched for them and installed them03:45
the_beavVLC > Movie Player....by miles03:45
gbear14275m0r0n: means they are locked/mounted probably03:45
m0r0ngbear14275: Cool thanks.03:46
gbear14275shaullx: I apologize, but that does sound like a legit problem but I'm not going to be able to help you03:46
gbear14275shaullx: I don't know enough03:46
gbear14275shaullx: can you remember what codec it was that you were trying to install?03:46
shaullxgbear14275 ffdshow i think03:46
shaullxor something like that03:46
johnnihow do I disable Ctrl Alt D minimizing my desktop windows?03:47
substancevI have been searching the web unable to find a once found problem im having again. While in the desktop-manager.. when i drop to CLI (ctrl+alt+F10) i get a blank screen (ctrl+)ALT+F1-F6 doesn't switch, or atleast visably, between VC's... (ctrl+)alt+F7 returns me to the desktop-manager... could someone point me in the correct direction to resolve this...03:47
substancevvideo card configured correctly03:48
shaullxim downloading vlc hope it will work but still that a big problem for me03:49
frogfoosubstancev: what do you see when you hit control-alt-f1?03:49
leaf-sheep!shortcut | johnni03:49
ubottujohnni: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts03:49
shaullxno one is able to help?03:50
substancevfrogfoo: completely blank. no cursor... unable to see between any switching between vc's03:50
the_beavANYBODY know if ubuntu will install next to my OS X partition and grub will be able to chainload it?03:50
KB1JWQthe_beav: rEFIt is your friend.03:50
substancevfrogfoo: i can, however, return to desktop... BTW... im using Linux Mint... based off ubuntu...03:50
cfeddeis there a hot key for maximizing a window vertically?03:50
=== Prodego__ is now known as Prodego
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:51
shaullxnope vlc is the same starts the video for a second and crashes03:51
shaullxwhat the hell03:51
PCTeacher012Hey, how do i make the Panels show up again?03:51
KB1JWQ!lang | shaullx03:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lang03:51
leaf-sheep!resetpanel | PCTeacher01203:51
ubottuPCTeacher012: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »03:51
the_beavKB1JWQ :  cheers, mate...I'll be reading all about that in a few minutes....wouldn't happen to know of any good guides/how to's?03:51
shaullxKB1JWQ is hell a bad word? :|03:52
KB1JWQthe_beav: Yeah.  It's called "Read the documentation."03:52
shaullxis there a command that will start a video with vlc from terminal?03:52
lolyeaPCTeacher012: i kind of still like xchat03:52
substancevshaullx: try running vlc -v from terminal and pastebin it03:52
frogfoosubstancev: which video card?03:52
PCTeacher012leaf-sheep: Thanks :D03:52
shaullxok i will03:52
PCTeacher012lolyea: Haha, yea, it might be hard to get off :P03:52
the_beavKB1JWQ: already there....pretty....funny...tho....i guess03:52
chigginsquestion: is there some kinda add-on to ubuntu that i could download to make it so the menu bars for programs would come up on the top task bar.... like a mac basically03:53
lolyeaPCTeacher012: i think its compiz trancperancy on my term window that bothers me03:53
KeiyaWhen running gnome, trying to click inside a window is causing it to be dragged (as if alt was held down). The title bar buttons and the panels still work. This has persisted through restarting gnome, restarting the machine, and uninstalling and reinstalling the entire desktop environment. Holding down alt while clicking, it acts as if alt wasn't held. How can I fix this?03:53
leaf-sheepchiggins: Google "gnome, global menu PPA" or something similar.03:53
substancevfrogfoo: GeForce 7150M / nForce 630M (GPU 0)03:53
PCTeacher012lolyea: Ooooh :P I cant even run compiz xD03:53
shaullxsubstancev http://pastebin.com/m183ae42803:53
lolyeaPCTeacher012: pm me your hardware03:54
raudycan someone help me please03:54
PCTeacher012lolyea: I dont know how on irssi ;)03:54
KB1JWQ!ask | raudy03:54
ubotturaudy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:54
lolyeaPCTeacher012: /msg lolyea <message>03:54
the_beavKB1JWQ: if i've already got Chameleon installed, will this be a problem?03:54
substancev[????????] x11 video output error: X11 request 132.19 failed with error code 11:03:54
substancev BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)03:54
FloodBot1substancev: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:54
gbear14275I was wondering if someone could pass a link to me or some information about the upcoming 9.10 server edition?  I tried to download it from this link: http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/  but its broken.  I found this page: http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/karmic/beta/  but am not sure what version I'm looking for.  Can someone tell me about the upcoming server versions or by chance point me to the "regular" server .i03:54
frogfoosubstancev: did you see this thread? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=585454 old but maybe it'll work03:54
shaullxsubstancev what does that mean03:55
substancevshaullx: looks like you either are running a video to powerful for your machine or you dont have vid drivers installed03:55
substancevjust a guess03:55
umanHello, I need a newer version of a package. Is there a way to just install one package from Karmic on my Jaunty system?03:55
shaullxsubstancev it can only be drivers but i didnt even need to install them they where preinstaleld by default its a netbook i never had any problems with that03:56
umanBefore anyone asks, it's not in backports; I already checked03:56
frogfooPCTeacher012: use /msg lolyea <whatever>03:56
frogfooPCTeacher012: for pm03:56
shaullxsubstancev something went wrong and i dont know what and how to fix it03:56
PCTeacher012lolyea: I did03:56
the_beavuman: goto the products website..see if there offer a deb for the newer release you're loking for03:56
substancevfrogfoo: i believe this is my solution..03:56
umanthe_beav: they don't :(03:56
frogfooPCTeacher012: then alt-p and alt-n to switch "tabs"03:56
umanit's python-sqlalchemy by the way03:56
substancevshaullx: let me correct this issue and ill try to help as much as i can03:56
raudyplease see this.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/287508/03:56
PCTeacher012frogfoo: Alt p and alt n goes up/down page03:57
frogfooPCTeacher012: wrong, i mean ctrl-p and ctrl-n to switch "tabs"03:57
the_beavuman: you can build from source, maybe?  just make sure the older package is removed03:57
PCTeacher012frogfoo: No other tabs?03:57
shaullxsubstancev ok what should i do then?03:57
umanthe_beav: okay.03:57
frogfooPCTeacher012: well, windows, whatever. if you /msg someone, you'll get them03:57
shaullxsubstancev it happened after i installed codecs for "movie player" and played with the resolution for my external screen03:57
evoncan anyone please help me set up an ftp server?03:58
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+103:58
gbear14275join #ubuntu+103:58
gbear14275oops lol hehe03:58
PCTeacher012lolyea: Well, i dont think compiz is actually needed ;)03:58
joshdoes anyone remember that "game" for the Apple II where you could wire robots with logic gates and sensors then set them free in a room to complete some task?03:59
frogfooevon: did you try these instructions? https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html03:59
balsaq2PCTeacher:you all tied up?03:59
Keiyajosh: Robot Oddessy03:59
frogfooevon: guess they're pretty old, but ftp servers probably haven't changed much...03:59
PCTeacher012balsaq2: What do you mean? :P03:59
Keiyajosh: (I never played it, but there's a java rewrite somewhere)03:59
balsaq2can you pm me03:59
evonfrogfoo: i will check it out. does it have a gui?03:59
joshKeiya: awesome! wonder if there's a contemporary version03:59
balsaq2PCTeacher: will you pm me?04:00
frogfooevon: i doubt it. most servers do not.04:00
PCTeacher012balsaq2: I did04:00
evonfrogfoo: that sucks. I'm not that good and commandline04:00
Keiyajosh: Not that I know of, just a rewrite of the same thing, with the old look and everything, to run on modern hardware (and add a few little things like chips with different numbers of pins)04:00
frogfooevon: don't worry, you'll learn by doing.04:00
substancevshaullx: try reinstalling your video drivers... what card do you have?04:00
gbear14275I was wondering if someone could pass a link to me or some information about the upcoming 9.10 server edition?  I tried to download it from this link: http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/  but its broken.  I found this page: http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/karmic/beta/  but am not sure what version I'm looking for.  Can someone tell me about the upcoming server versions or by chance point me to the "regular" server .i04:01
joshKeiya: thanks a ton!04:01
joshEven the Apple chan didn't know04:01
epaphusHey guys, when I import a VPN config with the built in Network Manager.. where does it save that config?04:01
shaullxsubstancev there are no drivers to reinstall and i dont remember what card its something generic of intel im on a netbook04:01
Keiyajosh: No problem!04:01
raudyhow i can detect my ethernets04:01
shaullxsubstancev drivers where preinstalled i dont know if i can even download them for linux04:01
KeiyaAh! I fixed my problem!04:02
substancevshaullx look for your drivers under menu->administration-> hardware/restricted drivers04:02
substancevi believe thats the path.04:02
Mike_lifeguardWhat is the standard wireless security I should be setting up?04:02
shaullxsubstancev nothing about display there i looked only wifi04:03
KeiyaIf anyone has Gnome constantly moving their windows instead of clicking them, open system->preferences->windows and use the keyboard (or hold alt_ to activate one of the options (alt is default). This should fix it!04:03
gbear14275Mike_lifeguard: wpa2 is a good choice04:03
evonfrogfoo: so i followed the instructions and started the daemon so how to i allow someone to dowload my files?04:04
prajjwalhi, umm quick question .... i burned a .iso image(of Jaunty) to a CD-RW ... and when i tried to use it to install it on my friend's computer, it wouldn't recognize the CD .... is that a "wont work cause its a CD-RW thing" ????04:04
frogfooevon: you need to put your files in the right place, so that vsftpd can find them04:04
evonfrogfoo: why can't i just tell the program where to get them?04:05
shaullx/server -m irc.torrentleech.org/701104:05
frogfooevon: yes, that would work too04:06
prajjwalbtw i went into his BIOS after a couple of tries and disabled all the boot options other than the CD one ..... gave me some error about not being able to load ....04:06
shaullxwhy did it send to the channel04:06
Out_Coldprajjwal, you should be able to prioritize the boot options instead of disabling them04:06
evonfrogfoo: ok I am reading the config file now to see if I can tell it where to get the files but I still have know idea how to have someone connect to it04:06
Out_Cold** sorry if that's already done or i'm off by lots, i just joined in04:06
frogfooevon: ok. i reckon you want to look for the anon_root config option in that file04:07
shaullxsubstancev so do u have any ideas?04:07
disappearedngAnyone familiar with how I can deal with the vodei wrapper?04:07
frogfooevon: once that's set up, hopefully you can tell people to put ftp://<your-ip-address-here>/ into firefox04:07
frogfooevon: there are potential firewall/networking snags that depend on exactly how you're connected to the internet04:08
=== wet-chan is now known as wet
Out_Coldi had my ftp rooted cuz i failed to update my ftp server for a long time..04:08
evonfrogfoo: ok you mind trying it for me if i send you the info?04:08
frogfooevon: rightho04:08
prajjwali tried taht ... but it still wouldn't read the CD and would boot from the HD ..... even when i F12'd and booted from CD ... a msg would flash up and it would go back to booting from Vista ..... it was only after i disabled the booting from all but the CD then i got the error (sorry i for got what the excact wording was .... but it was something like "cannot recognize device" ..... my CD-R on which i burned Har04:09
prajjwaldy DID install it properly on his though ... so i was just wondering ...04:09
Lenin_Catwere is the equalizer in VLC04:09
Out_Coldprajjwal, did he use the same disc?04:10
prajjwalthe same CD-R for Hardy you mean ??? yeah ....04:10
Out_Coldprajjwal, i would try the disc in another computer or try another disc.04:11
=== |nightrid3r| is now known as nightrid3r
substancevfrogfoo: Thanks... although the steps were not for me it reminded me of what my solution was previously.. Its in the grub menu ... i had no vga=xxx setting for terminals... so it works now. thank you04:12
Out_Coldsometimes badly programed windows burn apps do a really poor job of iso burning04:12
PCTeacher012aaah, ubuntu is not nice to ATI. try to get the nvidia equivelant, Like about a nVidia RIVA TNT2 Model 64 Pro (I have that ;))04:12
substancevshaullx: how's it going with that04:12
prajjwaloh .. .so its not a CD-RW problem then ??? (i figure i screwed up somewhere ..) ...thanks ... i'll try it on other computers and see how it works ...04:12
shaullxsubstancev nothing new04:12
tornIs Karmic Koala going to give the option to install to an encrypted root partition during installation?04:12
substancevok... paste that link from pastebin again04:12
frogfoosubstancev: np :)04:13
PCTeacher012balsaq2: Since they say it would work, then go with it. I wasnt sure if such an old computer could handle a newer geforce04:13
Out_Coldprajjwal, it could be a number of problems to hardware, bad discs, poor burning, incompatible architecture04:14
substancevfrogfoo: may i ask what exactly you searched that found that... i was looking for vitual consoles... tty i think would have gave me better results04:14
substancevshaullx: can you paste the pastebin url again?04:14
_danso yeah04:14
=== AndorinKato is now known as Andorin
_dani told grub to install on a different disk instead04:14
_danstill get the error that it cant install grub04:14
shaullxsubstancev http://pastebin.com/m183ae42804:14
_danam i pretty much SOL?04:14
prajjwalthanks Out_Cold, ...04:14
_danreally want to get linux to work on this comp04:15
_danwithout reformatting a whole drive04:15
frogfoosubstancev: ubuntu blank console, via http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=71078904:15
mgv1why i dont see previews of flvs?04:15
_danis it confused because im on windows 7?04:15
KeiyaCan anyone help me translate the student fork of these instructions? ( http://stustorage.uww.edu/webstoragedocs/connect-pc-webdav.html ) I've tried, but I keep getting "Cannot display location "davs://<myusernamethere>@stustorage.uww.edu/<myusernamethere>" Not a WebDAV enabled share"04:15
YungRippHow do I restart my Kubuntu command bar at the bottom if it crashes?04:15
Out_Cold_dan, if you install grub where your windows is you don't actually format the windows partition, just your master boot record04:16
frogfoosubstancev: the signal to noise ratio of the ubuntu forums is much higher than the rest of the web, so i usually include ubuntu in my searches04:16
Out_Cold_dan, i dunno bout windows 7 though04:16
_danso i should tell it to install grub into my windows partition?04:16
Out_Coldif it asks you that, yes. it will allow you to boot both windows and ubuntu04:17
_danwell the default is (hd0) i think04:17
Out_Cold_dan, you should do the default grub installation without selecting the advanced options04:17
umanthe_beav: okay.04:17
substancevshaullx: do all media players crash immediately?04:17
_danbut then you can also tell it to do /dev/sda, /dev/sda1 and stuff04:17
Out_Coldyes. that's the windows MBR04:17
_danthe default grub install fails though04:17
Jack_VermicelliHeya, guys. I need help ejecting a dvd. :-P I get Failed to eject "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_model_DVD_RW_AD_7170A". Given device "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_model_DVD_RW_AD_7170A" is not a volume or drive.04:18
umanthe_beav: turns out I was able to go ahead and install the Karmic package. Why didn't you just tell me that to begin with?04:18
shaullxsubstancev yeah04:18
shaullxnot only media players effects wont work its a driver problem04:18
jasonmchristosdoes 9.10 have rhythmbox?04:18
KeiyaCan anyone help me translate the student fork of these instructions? ( http://stustorage.uww.edu/webstoragedocs/connect-pc-webdav.html ) I've tried, but I keep getting "Cannot display location "davs://<myusernamethere>@stustorage.uww.edu/<myusernamethere>" Not a WebDAV enabled share" (Alternatively, there's OS X instructions at http://stustorage.uww.edu/webstoragedocs/connect-mac-webdav.html if thoise are more easily translatable)04:18
_daninstaller just says, grub failed to install on hd004:19
substancevshaullx: after you installed codecs where again?04:19
_danand that its a fatal error04:19
torn_dan, how many physical hard drives do you have?04:19
the_beavuman: it's probably not advised...and if it was a more complex graphical package, it more than likely would have called for dependencies that aren't in you're repos04:19
substancevshaullx: mplayer?04:19
the_beavuman: but that's good to know...04:19
abgalphabetcan i help testing the booting of 9.10 beta by deploying it on Virtualbox?04:20
_dandoes the linux partition need to be at the beginning of the drive or something?04:20
torn_dan, no.04:20
torn_dan, how many physical hard drives do you have?04:20
rwlove_is there a specific sound channel for ubuntu? one that's not just alsa or pulse?04:20
_dantorn: 504:20
rwlove_and by channel I mean irc channel04:20
_danand when i try to do grub from cmd line i get this04:20
_dangrub> root (hd0,1)04:20
_danError 18: Selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS04:20
mgv1i think its a bad thing to say 'ubuntu is os for humans' who decided on this?04:20
torn_dan, what does your setup look like? (Hard drive 0 has Windows, Hard drive 1 has...?)04:20
_danhdd 0 is windows, the other 4 are data drives04:21
Out_Cold_dan, i haven't run into that problem before04:21
umanmgv1: agreed04:21
torn_dan, and you installed Linux on HD 0?04:21
umanmgv1: last I checked Ubuntu is an OS for computers ;)04:21
_danits a 1.5TB drive04:21
substancevshaullx: could you run mplayer from terminal and paste bin it? i want to compare04:21
_dani cleared 100gb at the end of the drive04:21
_danafter the windows partition04:21
_danfor linux04:22
torn_dan, how many partitions? (Windows is partition 1? swap is partition 2? /boot is 3? / is 4? /home is 5?)04:22
shaullxsubstancev how to run mplayer from terminal04:22
frogfoomgv1: you think we should extend the evangelism to other species?04:22
mgv1uman, really funny04:22
abgalphabethow to hide the grub2 bootloader menu completely?04:22
_dani just did windows is 1, ext3 is 2, swap is 304:22
_dani couldn't figure out how to get it to autogenerate the partitions04:22
_dando i need a separate one for /boot?04:22
torn_dan, did you already install Linux? Or at you stuck at the installer?04:22
mgv1just a stupid name for this os04:22
_danthe installer fails out at the grub step04:22
substancevshaullx: in terminal just tupe gmplayer04:22
torn_dan, no you don't need a separate /boot, but it's recommended.04:22
_danim on live cd04:22
shaullxsubstancev its not mplayer terminal says its not installed, its "movie player"04:23
substancevshaullx: in terminal just type gmplayer04:23
rwlove_abgalphabet: edit /boot/grub/menu.conf and change the timeout to 004:23
torn_dan, but the last 3 partitions are unused? Nothing is installed to them?04:23
substancevshaullx: woops04:23
Trizicusi setup vsftpd and I cannot access (anonymously) my ftp server via firefox but it can be accessed anonymously via ftp. How do I fix this?>04:23
_danthe last 2 i created to install onto04:23
=== PCTeacher012 is now known as Linuxteacher
_danso it has whatever the installer put on them04:23
substancevshaullx: in terminal type totem04:23
_danbefore it tried doing grub04:23
torn_dan, I'm guessing you are trying to install Ubuntu?04:23
LinuxteacherHow do i register my name again?04:23
lstarnes!register > Linuxteacher04:24
ubottuLinuxteacher, please see my private message04:24
Keiyamgv1: So agreed, I can't get Ubuntu to run on me at all. Maybe I'm some knockoff russian human?04:24
frogfooTrizicus: i don't understand. firefox speaks ftp (that is, the ftp protocol) and you seem to be saying that it can be accessed via ftp04:24
torn_dan, no need to do all this "prep work" before installing. The Ubuntu installer allows you to do a manual partition setup (with Gparted) and then you can create the partitions and install the OS in one go.04:24
frogfooTrizicus: how can it be accessed, exactly?04:24
_danyeah i made the new 2 partitions with gparted in the installer04:24
Trizicusi can access it anon through ftp command however cannot do so in a browser or filezilla for example04:25
_danand then proceeded to install onto them04:25
evonfrogfoo: question for you04:25
_danexcept the installer failed at doing grub04:25
abgalphabetset the grub timeout to 0, but it still display "Welcome Grub" or "Loading Grub" sth...message on the screen. can i hide this message also?04:25
frogfooevon: mm04:25
shaullxsubstancev http://pastebin.com/m6ae25d9e04:25
torn_dan, I recommend this setup: Partition 1 - Windows, Parition 2 - swap, Partition 3 - /boot, Partition 4 - /, Partition 5 - /home04:25
mgv1just a silly thing to call ubuntu 'for humans'04:25
evonif I chmod a directory so that ftp users can download from it but not write to it. will i still be able to write to that directory?04:25
=== Jay|Lost_ is now known as Jay|Lost
torn_dan, and then GRUB will be installed and replace the current MBR on HDD 0, and it will automatically add "Windows" to the list of OS's to choose from when you boot up the computer.04:26
torn_dan, the GRUB files will be installed on /boot04:26
frogfooTrizicus: what happens when you put ftp://localhost/ into a browser running on the server?04:26
substancevshaullx: im sorry could you do it again this time type totem --sync04:26
jjrevmgv1: are you aware of the meaning of the word "ubuntu" ?04:26
Trizicusit times out04:26
frogfooevon: well, you're asking the question backwards04:26
torn_dan, /boot I recommend ext2, while / and /home I recommend ext3 (or ext4)04:26
Trizicuserr nevermind...04:26
evonfrogfoo: how so?04:27
Trizicusnow it's working (and yes I restarted service before to be sure)04:27
frogfooevon: you mean: can I chmod a directory so that i can still write to it, but others cannot04:27
frogfooevon: answer: yes04:27
mgv1jjrev, what is it?04:27
torn_dan, I just read what you wrote.04:27
evonfrogfoo: thanks04:27
jjrevmgv1: it means "humanity towards others"04:27
shaullxsubstancev http://pastebin.com/m6e41ea0304:27
mgv1jjrev, sounds like robot04:28
jjrevmgv1: ?04:28
Trizicusfrogfoo it works with localhost however it does not work with my IP address (router ip address) I've setup portforwarding and it wont work through firefox but using the ftp command it will work.04:28
BalsaqPCTeacher012: battery went dead sorry04:28
mgv1jjrev, the name ubuntu reminds me the word robot04:28
frogfooTrizicus: Are you sure that you're putting ftp:// with the ip address into firefox?04:29
substancevshaullx: not really telling me much.. did you know what codecs it was going to install?04:29
F3L1P3somebody can help-me04:29
frogfooTrizicus: when you say it doesn't work, what happens exactly?04:29
TrizicusIt works when i do ftp ip but not in firefox04:29
mgv1jjrev, so this is the actual name of ubuntu? by what languege?04:29
shaullxsubstancev i told you ffdshow04:30
Trizicusit times out with 425 error04:30
ynkmy goodness! everybody is DEAD in the Netbeans channel. -sigh-04:30
jjrevmgv1: the word comes from Africa04:30
Out_Cold_dan, i agree with torn 100%. you should do separate drives for those partitions and USE the auto installer04:30
ynkall i need to be able to compile c++ apps.04:30
F3L1P3wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -04:30
F3L1P3what means -O-?04:31
frogfooTrizicus: yes, but please explain exactly what happens when you try to access it in firefox04:31
_danso do each partition on a separate drive? :/04:31
frogfooTrizicus: in more detail than "it doesn't work"04:31
=== bullgard is now known as bullgard4
_dan@ Out_Cold04:31
Balsaqhow do i pm someone?04:31
frogfooBalsaq: /msg foo bar04:31
Out_Cold_dan, each partition a different /dev/sda##04:31
TrizicusWhen I try ftp://ip/ in firefox I get a 425 error. However when I try ftp ip it works just fine04:31
Balsaqthanks frogfoo04:31
Out_Cold_dan, same drive different partition04:32
AutoMatriXHi folks, I've got to setup a complete webserver for a 2nd hand shop ... but I'm nowhere .... can one please give me a direction to look in ? thanks04:32
_danalright ill try separate boot partition04:32
_danif not maybe i can clear out my fourth drive temporarily and try it there04:32
mgv1jjrev, "humanity towards others" is also boring name04:32
frogfooTrizicus: are you running firefox on the server?04:33
Out_Cold_dan, use the auto installer and select the manual partition install, there you use gparted to set up04:33
torn_dan, he means about separate partitions for swap, /boot, /, and /home04:33
Linuxteacherhow do i run a script inside irssi? It is a perl file04:33
jjrevmgv1: what would you call it?04:33
_danill give the auto install another try04:33
torn(And use ext2 for /boot since ext3 and ext4 use a journal, which is needless for the /boot partition)04:33
Linuxteacherwhy doesnt linux use NTFS -_- lol04:34
_danwhat would you recommend for sizes for these?04:34
Out_Coldalthough ext4 is turning out to be a fairly interesting FS04:34
_danif i have 100gb to work with04:34
jjrevLinuxteacher: because we have Ext4 ;)04:34
Linuxteacherjjrev: LOL, is it better than ntfs?04:34
torn_dan, it depends.04:34
Out_ColdLinuxteacher, NTFS er and is windows.. and you can load the ntfs drive and mount the drives04:34
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE04:35
kindofabuzzntfs is probably not open source04:35
mgv1jjrev, "understanding robotic behaviur in humans" but what is the matter what is my suggestion the name doesnt pretty04:35
jjrevLinuxteacher: it's pretty quick, but i don't really have a comparison.. i don't use windows much at all04:35
Out_Cold** oops on spelling04:35
alex87hey guys, any idea why i have no ipv4 address in my virtual machine guest anymore?04:35
Blueylinuxteacher - http://scripts.irssi.org/04:35
substancevshaullx: try sudo apt-get remove totem-xine w32codecs vlc vlc-plugin-arts wxvlc totem-xine mplayer-386 mplayer-fonts mozilla-mplayer libdvdcss04:35
torn_dan, personally, I would make the swap the same size as my RAM, I would make /boot 100 MB, I would make / 10 GB (or 20 GB to play it safe), and finally /home gets the rest.04:35
substancevshaullx: wait04:35
jjrevmgv1: i don't understand what you mean by 'robotic'04:35
substancevshaullx: try sudo apt-get --purge remove totem-xine w32codecs vlc vlc-plugin-arts wxvlc totem-xine mplayer-386 mplayer-fonts mozilla-mplayer libdvdcss04:35
Linuxteacheroh, and, can i install firefox 3.7 on linux? :)04:36
torn_dan, on Ubuntu, I never went over 4 GB on my / partition, but it doesn't hurt to give the system partition extra room to breathe.04:36
substancevshaullx: then sudo apt-get install vlc04:36
tornLinuxteacher, you mean Firefox 3.5? Yes.04:36
kindofabuzzis it possible to multiple distros on one usb stick? do i need a boot manager for it?04:36
chu_Good morning.04:36
shaullxok sec04:36
mgv1jjrev, doing like others without tiny amount of realism and without good reason04:36
Linuxteachertorn: no, i mean firefox 3.704:36
Out_Cold_dan, torn, i never went over 10 gb. but i now have /var and /usr as separate partitions04:36
AutoMatriXhas someone a direction in which to point me for setting up a complete internet server04:36
Linuxteacheri have firefox 3.5 but i want 3.704:36
jjrevmgv1: i'm still not following.04:36
Blueythere is no ff 3.7 I've heard tell where did you hear of it?04:37
shaullxsubstancev im restarting04:37
* lolyea has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]04:37
jjrevAutoMatriX: what do you mean 'complete internet server'?04:37
kindofabuzzBluey, it's called the trunk, anyone can test it out04:37
LinuxteacherBluey: There is, it is a nightly release, Beta. I had it for windows04:37
Out_Coldyea never h3.7 eithereard of04:37
LinuxteacherIt is in there FTP04:37
Out_Colddamn stupid touch pad04:37
mgv1robotic- doing like others without sensing04:37
Blueycirque makes the worst touchpads04:38
Linuxteacherlink follows:04:38
Out_Cold**yea never heard of 3.7 either04:38
Tuglethere is a firefox beta is coming out next week, I think it's 3.704:38
tornLinuxteacher, I'd wait until your distro releases a package for 3.7.04:38
Blueyi have enough problems with 3.5 --04:38
kindofabuzzforums about FF trunks and branches: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewforum.php?f=2304:38
AutoMatriXjjrev, I'm virtually nowhere ... got to set up an on line selling instrument for a 2nd handshop04:38
mgv1jjrev, aggresive copying of others04:38
Blueyit keeps locking on me - and has be be restarted - looks like a flash problem though04:38
Linuxteachertorn: Well, i love to beta test everything :P04:38
Out_ColdLinuxteacher, just don't cry in here when your box breaks04:39
jjrevmgv1: robots are purpose built machines, so they have no concept of thought per se04:39
kindofabuzzLinuxteacher, http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=30528104:39
tornopenSUSE 11.1 Mozilla Community repository packaged 3.5.3 very quickly, which is what I use on my desktop. Firefox 3.5 on Linux gives me (and it seems others) fewer problems than on Windows, ironically.04:39
LinuxteacherOut_Cold: I always have teh chance to reinstall. Haha04:39
_dancool, i guess i broke the livecd04:39
_danbrb rebooting04:39
jjrevAutoMatriX: you want to start by researching LAMP Servers04:39
Out_ColdLinuxteacher, wait till you know enough to fix it without the reinstall04:40
fccfLinuxteacher: why don't you get the latest ubuntu karmic beta available now ... more info #ubuntu+1 ... it's all beta04:40
AutoMatriXjjrev, what is a next problem is to link that server to ebay so that 'sales-staff' can put someting on that site04:40
prajjwalis there a way to disable the touchpad while im typing ...04:40
StaRetjiI have installed live ubuntu on the usb stick. I know I can't compile kernel, but is it possible to change the kernel? I have 9.04 with 2.6.28-11-generic and would like to change it to 2.6.31-12-386 THX in advance ;)04:40
tornLinuxteacher, here's the source code for Linux: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-trunk/04:40
LinuxteacherBecause it is the pain in the arse to burn it to a CD on ubuntu. I am never able to get it04:40
Linuxteachertorn: I am on the site04:40
Out_ColdStaRetji, look in synaptic package manager04:40
LinuxteacherI can NEVER burn an iso in ubuntu.04:40
Blueylinux - sure you cn04:41
mgv1jjrev, but that can be said in similar way about people04:41
StaRetjilook what dude?04:41
jjrevAutoMatriX: once you have your LAMP server up, you'll want to look in to web scripting languages and NaviCat04:41
Blueyeven I can burn iso...04:41
Out_ColdLinuxteacher?? use k3b or gnomebaker or brasero04:41
tornLinuxteacher, you tried using Brasero?04:41
AutoMatriXjjrev, the lap-things alre already present, I am updating the software of my 3 laptops via a personal mirror04:41
substancevThat shaullx issue... weird.. there is no ffdshow in linux thats for windows04:41
fccfStaRetji: you would be jumping alot of versions and would likely break other things, I think you best bet is to wait for !karmic04:41
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+104:41
Linuxteachertorn and Out_Cold: Yes, i tried all those programs. All failed04:41
tornLinuxteacher, on different .iso files?04:42
jjrevmgv1: i do concede that people can act like robots, but i don't understand how ubuntu is related (other than that the word ubuntu reminds you of robots)04:42
Linuxteachertorn: Yes. I tried GParted.iso a while back. And lately Fedora 11 iso. Both failed04:42
Tehedrawhats the default port for mysql?04:42
AutoMatriXjjrev, so I guess I'm already on the good path ?04:42
Tehedraif i install it using aptitude on ubuntu jaunty?04:42
bp0what is the difference between http://releases.ubuntu.com/karmic/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/karmic/beta/ ?04:43
Out_Cold0_o gparted iso? hmm.... i'd try another iso.. or a new cd driver04:43
iznthello. i tried to create a new partition, and now my computer wont boot. i get "grub loading, please wait... error 22"04:43
StaRetjifccf: thx for answer, you're probably right, but I have to try. I have working system, and backups of that system. Building new system would be a big pain in the ss for me. Can you give me some tips on how to upgrade the system?04:43
lstarnesTehedra: 330604:43
iznti tried putting in a live cd and that did not work.04:43
jjrevAutoMatriX: yes, assuming you have all the proper firewalls and everything set up, domain names, and all that good stuff, you should be on your way to implementing a MySQL database and interfacing with it via a website of your design04:43
LinuxteacherOut_Cold: Just because a while back i was not able to do anything with ubuntu. I dont remember everything, but GParted was going to go on a CD, it failed. Fedora failed too.04:43
LinuxteacherBy 3 diff programs04:43
substancevshaullx: FYI there is no ffdshow in linux.... however... you might want to open up the package manager and search codec... sort but the first column and see which ones are installed on your system04:44
substancevshaullx: ..but = by04:44
dorkfaceHi all.  Is anyone here familiar with rdesktop?  I have an issue with it where it works fine on some machines, but not on others for some reason.  The problem is, is that I have not found a way to figure out what the heck rdesktop's issue is.  I've tried to look for a verbose switch or debug switch, but came up with nothing.  I even went through the whole /var/log dir and didn't find anything.04:44
dorkfaceAnybody know if rdekstop has a means of debugging?04:44
AutoMatriXjjrev, that last phrase was an overflow of information, thanks, At leat I know WHAT I'm looking for, from now on04:44
tornLinuxteacher, what error do you get when it fails?04:44
LinuxteacherYay :D I found Mozilla's PPA :D:D:D04:44
izntany help is appreciated. not that i'm begging. but i sort of am :\04:44
Out_ColdLinuxteacher, if it was me, i'd try something else... i burn tons of dvds and cds with no issue on several linux distros04:44
Linuxteachertorn: I get the following Error: "Can not burn with current set of plugins. Please insert a supported CD."04:45
fccfStaRetji: suggest you go look in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas for the kernel ppa < you might like this ppa as well HUGE04:45
Tehedralstarnes, for some reason when I try to connect to it using mysql administrator its giving me a network error yet i can ping the server...04:45
shaullxsubstancev then its probably gstreamer04:45
Tehedrais there a way i can figure out if i somehow changed it?04:45
shaullxi got confused04:45
tornLinuxteacher, this is with Brasero?04:45
substancevdorkface: run it from command line?04:45
jjrevAutoMatriX: understood.  always remember, Google is your friend ;)04:45
shaullxshould i uninstall it?04:45
mgv1why does this happens http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/2552/69637564.png?04:45
fccfLinuxteacher: see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas04:45
Linuxteachertorn: Yes. Gnomebaker gives me no error, just said "Failed"04:45
Linuxteacherfccf: I already got it04:45
OzzahHi, does anybody know any software that will run under Ubuntu to enlarge images using awesome algorithms, like that fractal enlarger, or Alien Skin?04:45
substancevshaullx: if it is installed yes...04:46
StaRetjifccf: thx a lot dude04:46
tornLinuxteacher, and using this same CD/DVD drive, and the same .iso files, with the same brand discs, it works under Windows when you burn them?04:46
AutoMatriXjjrev, a human is always more capable to understand human problem, you've just proven it ... thanks again04:46
Linuxteachertorn: Yep.04:46
jjrevOzzah: if you have the algorithms, you could write one yourself ;)04:46
AutoMatriXjjrev, next will be 'ar tee ef em' but now I know which ones to look up04:47
Ozzahjjrev: I don't :)04:47
substancevshaullx: let me know if that helped...04:47
Out_Coldis there a cd burner plugin? i know there is a dvd plugin04:47
shaullxsubstancev removed but still not luck04:47
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto04:47
mgv1jjrev, this is probably important enoght04:47
tornLinuxteacher, that is really bizzare.04:48
jjrevAutoMatriX: lol, yes yes... your endeavor is a large one, good luck to you04:48
Linuxteachertorn: I know right? haha. It is verrrry. But ah well. Firefox 3.7 is compiled by mozilla through their PPA: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa04:48
jjrevOzzah: can't say i'm familiar with those algorithms, so i can't say whether any image processes software uses them04:49
mgv1how can i get important news to the desktop? what source can be good for it?04:49
Out_ColdLinuxteacher, let me know if you crash and burn :p04:49
substancevshaullx: try running jockey-gtk04:49
shaullxsubstancev i removed all video codecs that were installed and same problem04:49
LinuxteacherOut_Cold: I will hahahahaha04:49
substancevshaullx: this will bring up yoru drivers.04:49
jjrevmgv1: look into conky and rss feeds04:50
tornLinuxteacher, have fun crashing your system with 3.7! Hehe.04:50
shaullxsubstancev that bring "hardware drivers" witch i already told u i checked04:50
Linuxteachertorn: :P We will find out. Launching now04:51
mezquitaleanybody experience slowness with bittorrent clients?  It takes forever to download an iso, it used to work really fast before04:51
shaullxits empty04:51
jjrevLinuxteacher: unless you are comfortable with linux software debugging, its recommended to stick to 'stable' builds04:51
tornmezquitale, did you forward ports properly?04:51
substancevshaullx: well... i had to go through a shutdown.. if repetition bothers you.... just goto launchpad and you will see your issue there pending.04:51
substancevshaullx: do a fresh install04:51
Linuxteacherjjrev: haha. Probably. but oh well04:51
bp0anyone have AMD Phenom II processor?04:51
substancevshaullx: so i lost what you once told me..04:52
LinuxteacherLaunched fine and im in and no crash :304:52
substancevfrogfoo:  thanks for the help with my vga issue in the CLI04:52
mezquitaletorn, yes and I have tried different clients and different ports, i'm still seeing slowness with bit torrent clients, last time I tried limewire didnt even work, i coulndt connect04:52
izntis there a way to skip grub when booting from a cd?04:52
* substancev out04:52
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jjreviznt: you would have to edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst file on the CD image, then burn another one04:52
tornmezquitale, how recent did this start happening?04:52
Out_ColdLinuxteacher, wait for it..04:53
LinuxteacherOut_Cold: Been running for just round 4 mins. No crash04:53
tornmezquitale, some routers' built-in firewalls don't play nice with bittorrent.04:53
Out_Coldif it crashed on start-up it would be a useless upgrade04:53
LinuxteacherOut_Cold: Haha, Yea :P04:53
mezquitaleI noticed it a bit ago and I gave up using bit torrent clients, I thought it was the clients themselves that went belly up like napster but I hear other people saying their bit torrents work fine but I just configured the ports in my router and still no dice04:53
izntjjrev: interesting.. i will google this. thank you.04:53
* Linuxteacher 04:54
Linuxteacher          [n=angelo@c-24-130-161-1.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Read error:04:54
substancevshaullx: one more thing try disabling/uninstalling compiz04:54
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mezquitaletorn, and the weird thing is that it's used to work before04:54
substancevshaullx: there are sometimes conflicts with graphics using compiz (desktop visual enhancements)04:54
mgv1why does this happens http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/2552/69637564.png?04:54
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chigginsis there a conky command to put in .conkyrc to align conky to the left side of my desktop, instead of the right?04:55
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tornmezquitale, not really sure what happened, then. I have to run, very sleep. It could be any factor. I know in my case it was my router (crappy Belkin) that was the culprit. Good luck!04:55
torn* very sleepy04:56
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Tehedrabind-address            = , this is in the my.cnf file04:56
* Linuxteacher has quit [Read error 104: Connection reset by peer]04:56
Tehedrai believe this is why i cant connect to the db, but i also like that its making it so only local host can connect04:56
Tehedrais there a way i can make it so just my IP and local host is able to connect?04:56
lstarnesTehedra: change it to
mezquitaletorn, thanks either way, it looks like my case has something to do with a tracker and me getting a low rank because i'm not  uploading anything, weird thing is my tests show i can upload quite fast in vuze but I cant download anything, go figure, good night either way!04:57
arielCoHello everyone. How do I run apport on a chroot-ed system? It complains about not finding the /proc filesystem04:59
lstarnesarielCo: mount -t proc proc /proc04:59
arielCoIstarnes: !! didn't know I could do that :D05:00
lolyeapinoyskull: u fillipino?05:00
pinoyskulllolyea,  yep05:01
lolyeamy dad's family is from iloilo05:01
danielillohello i have a problem with my sound card it doesn't sound , but it appears configurated05:01
pinoyskulllolyea,  cool, im from bulacan05:01
aarnooh my05:01
raudyhello, i get problem with my wired ethernet card05:01
lolyea /bye "party's over"05:02
Out_Coldraudy, explain the problem more and post those 2 pastebins05:03
danielillocan anyone help me please hello i have a problem with my sound card it doesn't sound , but it appears configurated05:03
mezquitaledanielillo, where are you attempting to hear the sound from, speakers or headphones and is it  adesktop or laptop?05:03
raudythis http://paste.ubuntu.com/287544/05:04
mgv1why does totom in use if it is copyrighted?05:04
danielillo00:14.2 Audio device [0403]: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) [1002:4383]05:04
danielillo <---that is my card mezquitale05:04
raudyand other output05:04
raudyand when i type ifconfig : http://paste.ubuntu.com/287546/05:04
mezquitaledanielillo, are you attempting to hear sound from your headphones or speakers connected in the back of your desktop?05:05
raudyjust have only eth005:05
webbb821can anyone look and see what im donig wrong http://pastebin.com/m16034b5c05:05
webbb821it says i need libgnome menu but i already have it installed05:05
Out_Coldwebbb821, you need to install the libgnome-menu-dev package05:06
Out_Coldyou always need the dev packages and not the regular binaries to compile05:07
mezquitaledanielillo, open up "system>preferences>sound" and make sure you configure whatever application you are trying to use to point to the correct device.  I have everything pointing to alsa and it works just fine on the headphones in front of my desktop05:07
Out_Cold!compile > Out_Cold05:08
ubottuOut_Cold, please see my private message05:08
mezquitaledanielillo, you can also click on "test" and see if you hear any sound05:08
substancevwhere do i change my runtime again... i want to boot to console.05:08
danielilloit don't sound05:08
danielillowhen i click test05:08
danielillodon't sound05:08
Out_Coldgotta go shower and relocate.. see ya all in a while05:08
_danso yeah05:09
_danstill failed on "grub-install (hd0)"05:09
raudytorn must sleep know _dan05:09
prajjwal_dan, you need to re-install grub ???05:10
_daneven did all the partitions and stuff05:10
mezquitaledanielillo, open up a terminal and and run "alsamixer", in alsamixer raise the volume to your devices05:10
_dannot re-install05:10
_daninstall in the first place05:10
raudyhe is very tired05:10
prajjwaloh ....05:10
prajjwaldo you have a Ubuntu CD ????05:10
substancevfrogfoo: hey do you know what file containts my runtime settings... i want to switch from 5 to 305:10
_dan.... thats what im on right now05:10
raudy_dan, how to know our ethernet have been recognized by ubuntu?05:11
prajjwaloh great ... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351 .... i did this and it worked for me ... i dont know if it'll work for an install ... but if you havent tried already ... its worth it ...05:11
danielillomezquitale: nothing happens05:12
danielilloall was up05:12
raudyhelp me _dan05:12
_danrun ifconfig05:12
_danif it shows interfaces then your good05:12
mezquitaledanielillo, is it a USB sound card or is it inside your desktop?05:13
raudythis is output05:13
ZykoticK9substancev, perhaps if you simply remove GDM it will give you the desired effect "$ sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove" to add it back "$ sudo update-rc.d -f gdm defaults" -- i haven't tested this mind you...05:13
_danprajjwal the problem with that is05:13
_dani get error 18 from grub05:13
_danwhen i try to root (hd0,1)05:13
prajjwaloh ...05:13
danielilloinside mezquitale05:13
_danraudy whats the issue then?05:14
_danit looks fine05:14
raudyactually i use 2 ethernet _dan05:14
mezquitaledanielillo, what is the output of cat /proc/asound/cards05:14
_danyou probably dont have the driver loaded05:14
_dando lspci05:14
_danfind your other card05:14
mezquitaleraudy have you tried lspci?05:14
_danfind the correct driver for your card courtesy of google05:14
_danload it via modprobe05:15
danielillomezquitale: 0 [SB             ]: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI SB05:15
danielillo                      HDA ATI SB at 0xfbff4000 irq 1605:15
raudy_dan, this is output : http://paste.ubuntu.com/287552/05:15
mezquitaledanielillo, mmm.... are the speakers turned on and connected to the correct plug?05:15
danielilloyes they are05:16
_danwhich is the one that's not working raudy?05:16
_danthe 3com or the VIA one05:16
raudyi think via05:16
raudywhen i try to connect to other PC , via can be pinged05:17
mezquitaleraudy, the one that you bought must've been 3com, VIA ethernet cards are usually attached inside the desktop05:17
Balsaqcan anyone help me finish mt ff upgrade?05:17
mezquitaleraudy, but if you can ping the VIA nic then youre right LoL05:18
_danwell the module for that one should be via-rhine05:18
prajjwal_dan, did you try creating another Linux partition(very small) and seeing if GRUB works05:18
_danprajjwal: i don't think it matters what the size of the linux partition is05:18
arielCohello everyone: I'm trying to run apport from a LiveCD, with the original system chrooted. It complains about not finding /lib/modules/2.6.28-generic/modules.dep, because that's what the LIveCD runs and the mounted system has 2.6.3x  >_>05:19
_danprajjwal: i think the issue is they're all behind a massive 1.4TB windows partition05:19
prajjwaloh ....05:19
sethm131Hey, sorry to bother but does anyone here happen to know a fix for the "E: The package adobe-flashplugin needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.05:19
sethm131E: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report." issue on Karmic Koala?05:19
YungRippDoes anyone use kubuntu with a mac scheme?05:19
_danbut i can't exactly just move the windows partition down a bit and put the linux partition at the front of the drive05:19
prajjwalwell i said small for the takes-up-less-mem-space .... my idea was, create a new Linux partition, get the GRUB from there, edit the menu.lst and use that until you find a better way ....05:20
raudy_dan and mezquitale , this other output when i type lsmod http://paste.ubuntu.com/287539/05:20
mezquitaledanielillo, try runing this and tell me what you hear: speaker-test  -c2 -D default default -t wav05:20
Flannelsethm131: #ubuntu+1 for Karmic questions, thanks05:21
danielillomezquitale:  nothing05:21
sethm131@Flannel: Thanks :)05:21
_danraudy: you have both the drivers loaded correctly then05:22
mezquitaledanielillo, what is the first line, the one with a 0 of: cat /proc/asound/modules05:22
_danraudy: paste the output of dmesg05:22
nemesis1911yo guys I'm need help with setting up a msn email account in thunderbird05:22
danielillo0 snd_hda_intel05:23
danielillothat appears mezquitale05:23
mezquitale_dan, it looks like he has to configure the nic manually in "/etc/network/interfaces", the hardware is seen by the os and it looks like drivers are loaded, he needs to configure the nic05:23
_danshouldn't it still show up in ifconfig though05:24
_daneven if its not connected05:24
raudy_dan, wait a minute05:24
raudyi must change my OS first05:25
raudy_dan, any other ouput that u need?05:25
Out_Coldraudy, have you tried sudo ifconfig eth1 up?05:25
raudyyes i have, but error05:26
CWinLxcan someone please let me know the difference between adding as primary vs 2ndary group?05:26
Out_Cold.... actually it still should have shown up in ifconfig05:26
Out_ColdCWinLx, in regards to what?05:26
raudywhat i must do out_cold?05:26
mezquitaledanielillo, it looks like the software is working fine, maybe it's a hardware error? can you try plugging in the speakers to the front of your desktop if you have the jack?05:26
Out_Coldraudy, sorry bud, i'm not that great with hard lines, i already told you that05:26
Out_Coldi think it's a driver issue as well05:27
CWinLxOut_Cold, in regards to everything there is to know about this05:27
Out_ColdCWinLx, what is this?05:27
CWinLxwhen do I do a usermod -g VS, usermod -G05:27
CWinLxhow should I know what is better?05:27
CWinLxis there any cons of just making everything primary group?05:27
danielilloi don't have a jack ...05:27
raudyout_cold, how to know our ethernet have been recognized or not?05:28
mezquitale_dan not necessarily, the same thing happened to me with my laptop and i couldnt see my nic and wireless nic, I had to manually add dthe entries in /etc/network/interfaces adn voila!  everything started working05:28
danielillotha rare thing is that in a virtual machine it worked fine05:28
danielillobut when i installed it doesn't worked good05:28
bipedguys, I'm trying to back up my home folder to a flash drive, and after sudo -r source destination I still get permission denied errors. SHould I be using another command?05:28
Deven1if its not in "ifconfig -a" then its not installed properly.05:28
raudymezquitale, what i must do first ?05:28
bipedthat's sudo cp -r source destination05:29
_danpost the output of dmesg05:29
raudyyup dan05:29
CWinLxOut_Cold, any idae?05:29
raudyok _dan, wait a minute05:29
mezquitaleraudy, how you are using the 2nd nic? are you connecting it to another machine using static ip or getting an IP using dhcp?05:29
Out_Coldraudy, ifconfig is the first bet. and also lspci05:29
=== ashish is now known as nroot
Out_ColdCWinLx, you are trying to add users to a group?05:30
FlannelCWinLx: you can only have one primary group.  To add a user to a group, use `sudo adduser username group`05:31
Out_Coldi think defaults for ubuntu are that users have the same primary group as their name05:33
mezquitaledanielillo, sounds like it could be related to the virtual machine, did it ever work at all?05:33
Out_Coldsecondaries would be like alsa and admin05:33
danielillomezquitale:  on virtual machine it works all fine05:34
danielilloall dispositives05:34
Out_Coldwell i'm gonna go play some doom classic.... you all have fun now05:34
mezquitaleraudy left? dang05:35
q0_0pcan anyone here guide me in setting up wireless adhoc with dhcp?05:36
mezquitaledanielillo, did it ever used to work at all without the virtual machine?05:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about adhoc05:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ad-hoc05:36
=== stebalien is now known as steb
mezquitaleq0_0p, sure, do you have the router and wireless device in front of you?05:36
=== steb is now known as stebalien
danielillono mezquitale now it working in a real machine, but sound is the only problem05:37
q0_0pmezquitale, yes05:37
mezquitaleq0_0p, I would do it this way, first configure the wireless connection without security, once I have it up and running configure it with security05:37
q0_0pmezquitale, i'm conntect to my router through ath0 and want to adhoc my other one wlan0 for other clients05:38
q0_0pmezquitale, i have no iptables rules set up yet05:38
mezquitaleq0_0p, my mistake, I havent tried ad hoc yet, you should join the channel earlier when more experienced users are around05:39
danielillomezquitale:  wait i'll be back05:39
mezquitaledanielillo, try going to #alsa and tell them you are having problems with sound using alsa05:40
raudy_dan, this is output of dmesg : http://paste.ubuntu.com/287567/05:42
qe2eqeq0_0p, i believe a good keyword for you is bridging05:43
mezquitaleq0_0p, it doesnt look complicated though, you have to configure it in /etc/network/interfaces file:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Adhoc05:43
q0_0pmezquitale, thx05:43
q0_0pqe2eqe, thx05:43
mezquitaleraudy, can you see your nick with ifconfig -a?05:43
raudymezquitale, this output of ifconfig : http://paste.ubuntu.com/287568/05:45
raudyjust have only eth005:45
mezquitaleraudy, did you trh "ipconfig -a"??05:45
raudymezquitale, ifconfig right?05:46
raudyifconfig -a05:46
mezquitaleraudy, yes, my mistake05:46
_danraudy heres the problem05:47
_dan[   44.940369] via-rhine.c:v1.10-LK1.4.3 2007-03-06 Written by Donald Becker05:47
_dan[   44.944096] ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:12.0[A] -> GSI 23 (level, low) -> IRQ 1705:47
_dan[   44.944150] Invalid MAC address05:47
_dan[   44.944171] via-rhine: probe of 0000:00:12.0 failed with error -505:47
FloodBot1_dan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:47
andrewfreeOk something has fucked up my sql server. Thats fine I dont need to save anything but I do want to resintall it however w/e I do wont work.05:48
_danthat means your MAC address is messed up somehow05:48
mezquitale_dan, a bad nic maybe?05:49
=== techie is now known as _Techie_
_danits a known bug in the via-rhine driver05:49
godstarAnyone here running Karmic64?05:50
mezquitaleI really hate when that happens with hardware, the obvious quick fix is to just get a different nic, nics are cheap nowadays or maybe you can get one for free in craigslist05:50
mezquitalegodstar, karmic isnt yet stable enough to make it to my desktop yet, i only have it in my laptop 32 bits05:51
nickrudgodstar, you're more likely to find someone on #ubuntu+105:51
godstarGood point.05:51
sahab_help needed for google video chat in ubuntu05:51
godstarThank you both.05:52
timbaxterusing ubuntu 9.04 and ooo 3.0.1, I'm trying to link Writer up with a table in created in Base via the mail merge wizard. I'm sure I'm missing something massively obvious, but when I try to select the database in question, it defaults to a table called 'personal' (which doesn't exist) and won't allow me to change to a different table. Could someone help me work out what I am missing?05:52
mezquitale!ask | sahab_05:53
ubottusahab_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:53
sahab_ok ubottu05:53
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:54
_danyeah sorry dude, looks like you're pretty much SOL05:54
godstarWow, not even crickets chirping when I asked about Karmic64 in +1 room. :D05:54
godstarAnyone Ubuntu IRC Members here?05:56
mezquitalegodstar, you should try earlier in the day05:57
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godstarmezquitale: true.05:57
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carpediemgodstar: I had equally silent responses to my Karmic questions in +1, so much so I just don't bother05:58
nickrudit's daytime somewhere; keep checking05:58
wac_hey all05:59
mezquitaleit's nighttime in the american continent, seriously doubt any europeans log on much, my bet would be to try earlier in the day05:59
ZEROKOOLhello everyb..05:59
wac_is there a help channel for ubuntu?05:59
mezquitale!ask | ZEROKOOL05:59
ubottuZEROKOOL: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:59
IndyGunFreakwac_: what do you think this is?06:00
ZEROKOOLnot for help right ?06:00
=== chuck_ is now known as chuck
nickrudZEROKOOL, this is supposed to be the help channel06:00
mezquitalewac_, this is ubuntu's help channel,  feel free to ask your question, all in lone line so others can follow06:00
wac_i need help with my wireless networking I have been working at it for hours and read alot on-line and in forums but I cannot figure it out06:00
andrewfreewtf is this debian-sys-maint in mysql?06:00
harisundIs there a good web development environment on Ubuntu? Bluefish? Quanta? Anything else?06:00
IndyGunFreakwac_: well.. whats the wireless device?06:01
andrewfreeI keep getting this.  error: 'Access denied for user 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost' (using password: YES)'06:01
nickrudmezquitale, lots of euros use this channel, unless things have changed radically in 6 months06:01
wac_just a nic06:01
wac_linksys I think06:01
IndyGunFreakwac_: what chipset is it.06:01
nickrudandrewfree, it's used by the package install system; mysql requires a root password for some things and that's the method debian chose06:01
IndyGunFreakis it USB, or what?06:01
DigitalKiwiharisund: development in *what*06:01
mezquitalenickrud, well ive had very few europeans help, at least in ubuntu channel06:01
DigitalKiwioh you said web dev06:01
harisundDigitalKiwi, Just authoring some web pages, javascript06:01
SteilHEY GUYS06:01
CWinLxhow do I run updates from my server?06:01
DigitalKiwisorry, I should just go to sleep06:01
andrewfreenickrud: how can I reset or fix it then? Because mysql does not like it06:01
IndyGunFreakwell, did you install the restricted driver?06:02
SteilWHERE DID IPV5 GO!??!?!06:02
harisundDigitalKiwi, web development sorry06:02
FloodBot1Steil: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:02
ZEROKOOLi cant find a solution to activate desktop effects in my notebook whit via chrome video on board ... any solution ????06:02
wac_says it is working06:02
IndyGunFreakwac_: did you do the firmware upgrade06:02
nickrudhm, 6 months is a long time for my brain; let me reinstall mysql and see what I remember06:02
harisundDigitalKiwi, a little more WYSIWYG man :)06:02
DigitalKiwiuhh what is that one one umm06:02
wac_I was not aware of a firmware upgrade06:02
DigitalKiwigive me a minute06:02
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IndyGunFreakwac_: i'm not 100% sure, but i believe there's a firmware upgrade required for broadcom wireless devices.06:02
IndyGunFreaksomething like bf4cutter, or something like that06:03
wac_how would I do that?06:03
wac_because in network it does not even show a list of wi fis it has found06:03
DigitalKiwiharisund: kompozer/nvu06:03
mezquitaleZEROKOOL, are the graphics drivers configured in your desktop?06:03
tambuQ: how can i make timed sudo access expire i'm trying to test changes to visudo and the "remembered" sudo password is causing me issues.06:03
harisundDigitalKiwi, All right I will check it out thanks06:03
DigitalKiwiI think kompozer is nvu patched or something >.>06:03
nickrudandrewfree, you do have usable root access to mysql, right?06:03
IndyGunFreakwac_: i think you just install the b43-fwcutter package.. its in the repositories06:03
ZEROKOOLubottu : i have a problem, can u help me ?06:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:03
IndyGunFreaksearch it out in synaptic06:03
andrewfreenickrud: I do now.06:03
nickrudhey IndyGunFreak long time no see06:04
ZEROKOOLopen chrome06:04
IndyGunFreaknickrud: yeah, i try to stay away... :)06:04
mezquitalewac_, try installing the latest and greatest network manager app06:04
DigitalKiwiKompoZer is an open source WYSIWYG HTML editor based on the now-discontinued Nvu editor.06:04
IndyGunFreakwac_: keep in mind, i've never setup a broadcom device, but thats my understanding06:04
nickrudheh. Then it's low chance we'd cross paths, I've been away for months06:04
ZEROKOOLi cant find any driver apropiated06:04
timbaxter[one and only repost] using ubuntu 9.04 and ooo 3.0.1, I'm trying to link Writer up with a table in created in Base via the mail merge wizard. I'm sure I'm missing something massively obvious, but when I try to select the database in question, it defaults to a table called 'personal' (which doesn't exist) and won't allow me to change to a different table. Could someone help me work out what I am missing?06:04
ZEROKOOLi have ubunto 9.04 whit gnome06:05
ZEROKOOLubuntu sorry06:05
kraitocompiz configuration is not working right. I had it going untill i went to system  > preference > appearance > visual effects > then i click on extra, then the cube or any of the other cool stuff would work.06:05
nickrudandrewfree, you need to set the debian-sys-maint password in mysql, then set it to match in /etc/mysql/debian.cnf06:05
wac_yea I updated the firmware allready06:05
ZEROKOOLmezquitale know u any solution ?06:05
raudy_dan, can i change my default eth0 to 3com ethernet06:05
mezquitaleZEROKOOL, what type of video card do you have, ati or nvidia?06:05
ZEROKOOLvia chrome06:06
=== bbalajirao is now known as heyboy
wac_I am updateing the system it is going to be a while06:06
ZEROKOOLintegrated in the aptop06:06
IndyGunFreakwac_: i dunno, you should have wireless I would think... i've always used atheros devices which are pretty easy....06:06
wac_I do not know either06:06
IndyGunFreakif you've don the firmware upgrade, and installed the restricted driver.. i'm not sure what else you could do.06:06
heyboyI have closed all the ports on my system but still, some of them are shown as open in portscan. Any ideas why?06:06
IndyGunFreakwac_: you are using 9.04, right?06:07
_danraudy it already is the 3com06:07
kraitowait i got it working06:07
wac_yea the newest06:07
ZEROKOOLvia chrome9 hc igp06:07
wac_just downloaded and installed to night06:07
raudyyes 3com06:07
raudybut in ifconfig just have only eth006:07
jasonmchristoswhat is the replacment for rhythmbox in 9.10?06:08
nickrudZEROKOOL, I know the chip; I know there's been problems with it in the past. You'll probably need to check back here a few times, or try searching/asking on ubuntuforums.org06:08
raudy_dan, in ifconfig -a just have eth006:08
kraitocan anybody explain what i have to hit for buttom3 on USA keyboard?06:08
ZEROKOOLnickrud: OK. thks a lot06:09
ZEROKOOLgonna do this06:09
raudyeth0 is used by 3com or via rhine now?06:09
IndyGunFreakwac_: have you restarted since upgrading the firmware?06:09
bipedGuys, I'm trying to backup my home folder to a flash drive before I run update manager in Karmic. When I sudo cp -r source destination I get permission errors.06:09
mezquitaleZEROKOOL, try coming back at another time, maybe someone that knows a fix will help you however tell them you want to configure your video card in your laptop and that you have a via chrome video card and are having issues with it06:09
raudy_dan,  eth0 is used by 3com or via rhine now?06:09
andrewfreenickrud: did that and got the same error.06:10
IndyGunFreakbiped: so use sudo?06:10
ZEROKOOLthx a lot !06:10
ZEROKOOLis really frustrating because06:10
IndyGunFreak!broadcom > wac_06:10
ubottuwac_, please see my private message06:10
nickrudandrewfree, what are you doing that causes the error. update?06:10
ZEROKOOLi wass sold an old laptop whit ati xpress 20006:10
ZykoticK9biped, what is the path to "destination" that you are using?06:10
ZEROKOOLand was work in this06:10
nickrudZEROKOOL, the ati 200 works fine ...06:11
ZEROKOOLyes i know06:11
ZEROKOOLi buy a new lap06:11
ZEROKOOLwhit via06:11
ZEROKOOLwhat a mystake !06:11
ZEROKOOLsorry my english06:11
ZEROKOOLim from argentina and know speak really bad06:11
mezquitaleZEROKOOL, i have an intel graphics card with video out in my laptop which I didnt bother configuring because its' such a pain, just use the default vga configuration and everything looks fine, on 3D acceleration though and no video out but I dont mind, the resolution looks fine on my laptop06:12
bipedZykoticK9, /media/3CAD-6EED/backup06:12
ZEROKOOLdirect 3d and open gl are actives06:12
ZEROKOOLbut the desktop efects dont works :(06:12
Sledgerwhat is the hot key to end a program?06:12
andrewfreenickrud: well here is where I changed it  http://img.skitch.com/20091007-t1h4ppt5xtna765x76w7tndus9.jpg then tried to restart it and got the damn error. http://img.skitch.com/20091007-qmydh3cygixcnjnhktme7b7d6e.jpg06:12
ZykoticK9biped, does that path exist?  can you "cd" to it?06:12
raudymezquitale, how to change my eth0 to must use 3com ethernet06:13
kraitohow do i get the Skydome for the 3d effects?06:13
bipedZykoticK9, Yes06:13
mezquitaleZEROKOOL, yo no configure mi tarjeta de video, no tengo aceleracion 3D ni opengl pero si ve bastante bien asi que no me importa lo demas06:13
Sledgeri came back to my desktop with the screen entirely black, and nothing else, so i hit alt-tab and there are all my running applications, but nothing else06:13
nickrudyou made no changes to the database; note the 0 rows affected. It should be one06:13
ZEROKOOLim good reading ;)06:13
kukuHi, is there any desktop gadget - vista like - for ubuntu desktop?06:14
Sledgerkraito install compiz06:14
ZEROKOOLwrite is my problem hahah06:14
mezquitaleraudy, i think someone already told you there are issues with the drivers06:14
ZEROKOOLthaks man06:14
Omlette!screenlets | kuku06:14
ubottukuku: Screenlets are little widgets for your !desktop. Note you must have a compositing window manager such as !Compiz Fusion, xcompmgr, or KWin to run them. You can get them at http://www.screenlets.org/06:14
ZykoticK9biped, "ls -l /media/3CAD-6EED/backup" does it show "drwxr-xr-x" on the left?06:14
ZEROKOOLmezquitale : GRacias por todo ! eres muy amable !06:14
nickrudbut sadly my sql is 20 yrs rusty so I can't give you a good command line. I always use mysql-admin for that kind of stuff :)06:14
mezquitalekuku, what do you mean "gadget" you mean compiz or effects?06:15
ZEROKOOLsee u06:15
kukuubottu : hi it looks cool06:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:15
raudymezquitale, yes. i mean how to disable thats driver. becouse thats driver is onboard. and then i use ouboard ethernet06:15
raudyi have 2 ethernet06:15
kukumezquitale: gadget such as small apps on the desktop as in vista06:15
Omlette!ubottu | kuku06:15
ubottukuku: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:15
mezquitaleraudy, so the VIA ethernet nic is onboard and you have issues with it???? youre SOL LoL  try disabling the ethernet port in the BIOS06:16
ZykoticK9kraito, CCSM / Desktop Cube / Appearance tab / Skydome (possible dropdown) add a check to "skydome" and add an image file06:17
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tambuAnyone know how to force the sudo timer to reset so it immediately requires a password for the next command?06:17
mezquitalekuku, try what Omlette suggested06:17
raudy3com ethernet outboard?what i must configure then?06:17
andrewfreenickrud: well crap idk how to fix it06:17
Omlette!screenlets > kuku06:17
ubottukuku, please see my private message06:17
bipedZykoticK9, weird it shows 0 total, but I can cd to that exact path06:18
kraitozykotick9, thank you06:18
SledgerDoes anyone know how to end an active windows06:18
mezquitaleraudy, turn off your machine and go into the BIOS, in the BIOS there should be an option for you to disable the installed ethernet card in your machine06:18
Sledgerwith a command line, such as a hotkey06:18
bipedcd /media/3CAD-6EED/backup gets me right into the folder06:18
ZykoticK9biped, "shows 0 total"???  I was wondering about the permission of that folder...06:18
FloodBot1Sledger: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:18
exopis this sort of a helpdesk?06:18
raudyoke mezquitale06:18
raudyi try it06:19
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bipedZykoticK9, that's all it returns no more info06:19
IndyGunFreakexop: sort of, its ubuntu help, if you need help, state your question06:19
exopoke thx :)06:19
=== david is now known as Guest59841
nickrudtambu, you'd make the change in /etc/sudoers, add the directive timestamp_timeout 0 . use visudo to edit the file, do not edit it directly. visudo will make sure you don't break it06:19
Guest59841can you use monkey media on ubuntu?06:19
ZykoticK9biped, "ls -l /media/3CAD-6EED/backup"06:19
mezquitaleexop, this is ubuntu support channel, bear in mind everyone is a volunteer and we all learn the channel for help as well06:19
exopwell my brother at home just installed ubuntu, but the synaptic packet manager is having problems06:20
tambunickrud lol i'm trying to edit the sudoers file to test some commands and the timer thing prevents me from testing them. I will give that a shot.06:20
bipedZykoticK9, total 006:20
nickrudandrewfree, that's the issue; make sure the debian-sys-maint user exists, and the password is correct06:20
exopi'm trying to make him install openssh server06:20
nickrudtambu, never edit /etc/sudoers directly :)06:20
exopwhen he does sudo apt-get install openssh-server06:20
andrewfreenickrud: well you saw, I changed it to be correct06:20
exopit tells him that the packet doesn't exist06:20
nickrudandrewfree, based on past experience06:20
tambunickrud no i was using visudo doesn't seem to accept that command hrm06:21
exopbut when i do it on my laptop it works06:21
ZykoticK9biped, are you using the "-l" ?06:21
mezquitale!ask| exop06:21
ubottuexop: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:21
exopsorry :(06:21
bipedZykoticK9, when I view the properties, owner is set to create and delete for folder access and file access is blank (---)06:21
nickrudandrewfree, no, I see that the first screen shows no rows changed. http://img.skitch.com/20091007-t1h4ppt5xtna765x76w7tndus9.jpg06:21
bipedZykoticK9, I'm copying and pasting your exact command06:21
nickrudtambu, might have a typo, man sudoers has the skinny06:21
IndyGunFreakexop: do you have all your repositories enabled?06:21
Guest59841has anyone run monkey media on ubuntu???06:22
_danexop try apt-get install openssh-server06:22
exopmy what?06:22
_danfrom console06:22
exopi did do that06:22
exopdoesn't work06:22
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories06:22
ZykoticK9biped, can you drag/drop files in nautilus into that folder (drive really)06:22
_danwhat does it tell you06:22
ubottuIn System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (hardy-security) and (hardy-updates).06:22
IndyGunFreakexop: do you have a GUI, or are you using the server edition w/ no GUI?06:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about jauntysources06:22
exopit has a gui, but the gui only finds 2 packages when i search for ssh06:22
exopwhile my laptop gives me like 20 options06:23
nickrudexop, see the instructions above for hardy, they work for jaunty as well.06:23
IndyGunFreakexop: open up synaptic package manager.. system/admin/synaptic06:23
tambunickrud, Defaults  env_reset, timestamp_timeout=0 just FYI.. Thanks!06:23
nickrudtambu, yeah, typos. visudo rocks :)06:23
exopon that computer, using the synaptic manager doesn't work either06:24
FragsworthIs it possible to get rid of window title bars?06:24
exopit doesn't give me the option openssh when i search for it06:24
nickrudexop sounds like a broken install if synaptic doesn't work06:24
IndyGunFreaknickrud: or his source list is jacked up.06:24
exopjust freshly installed06:24
bipedZykoticK9, when attempting, I get: "There was an error copying the file into /media/3CAD-6EED/backup/home/biped/.pulse." "Error making symbolic link: Operation not permitted"06:24
nickrudIndyGunFreak, yep, but synaptic should at least run06:24
exopwould be little bit weird if it doesn't work then06:25
IndyGunFreakexop: so you can't open system/admin/software sources?06:25
ZykoticK9biped, ahhh what format is the USB?  FAT?06:25
nickrudexop, tonight I installed karmic on this computer. But, since the disk I downloaded didn't work, I installed mythbuntu 8.10 and messed around to get to karmic. Trust me, if synaptic isn't running your install didn't work06:25
helluvaCSmajormy sound stopped working, can anyone help?06:26
exopgimme a second m8's :)06:26
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:26
IndyGunFreaknickrud: is he running karmic?06:26
bipedZykoticK9, I think so - it was reformatted into a livecd for karmic06:26
wac_I have treied everything for my wireless and it still does not list netoworks06:27
nickrudIndyGunFreak, no, just preening a bit about my roundabout karmic install06:27
bipedZykoticK9, using the usb flash drive creator06:27
tk`exop maybe packages aint cached.. try apt-get update..u can also search wil apt-cache search openssh06:27
IndyGunFreaknickrud: i'vce messed w/ it on a live cd... seems fairly solid06:27
prajjwalhow do i change the button configuration in my title bar ???06:27
IndyGunFreakwac_: what exact broadcom chipset do you have?06:28
IndyGunFreaki believe theres 43, and 4906:28
nickrudexop, first thing you need to do is make sure synapic is running.   applications->accessories->terminal, and type there  gksu synaptic  .  you'll need to enter your password. If synaptic fails, you should get an error message06:28
ZykoticK9biped, type "mount" in a terminal and look for the /media/3CAD-6EED drive -- what does it say after type?06:29
bipedZykoticK9, vfat06:29
ZykoticK9biped, yup - vfat will NOT be able to copy linux's symbolic links -- it doesn't understand them.  I'm researching, give me a moment.06:30
* liuhaitao 无聊06:30
varmonthow cant help me06:30
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk06:30
bipedZykoticK9, :( thanks in advance06:31
sakoni hap06:31
sakoni hao06:31
jbk_hi, i can mount with->"/dev/sda3 /mntpoint ext3 noexec 0 2" , but not ""/dev/sda3 /mntpoint ext3 noexec,uid=zebra 0 2"  (zebra user exists) .. i get an error..06:31
jbk_why is this?06:31
varmonthow cant instal firefox 3.506:32
Flanneljbk_: It's looking for a UID, so a number06:32
Flanneljbk_: 1000 or 1001 or whatever06:32
nickrudjbk_, have you tried with a number? the name should work but...06:32
Flannelvarmont: What version of Ubuntu are you on?06:32
nickrudhey Flannel06:32
FlannelHowdy nickrud06:32
jbk_Flannel, it also fails with the number (grep username /etc/group)06:32
varmontubuntu 8..0406:32
Flanneljbk_: What error?06:33
jbk_and the dir exists06:33
varmonti new with linux06:33
Flannelvarmont: Apparently 3.5 isn't available for Hardy yet06:33
jbk_i pasted the error06:34
wac_indygunfreak you get that?06:34
jbk_(mount -a was issud)06:34
wac_its 4306:34
nickrudvarmont, you shouldn't really expect it on 8.04, that's a very stable release that won't get much new software. You might want to upgrade to a later version06:34
exopanyhow, i've got some more info to work on it. thank you guys :)06:34
varmontsapa yg dari indonesia06:34
exopprobably something silly that's wrong06:35
jbk_Flannel, my dmesg says-> " EXT3-fs: Unrecognized mount option "uid=1002" or missing value"06:35
nickrud!hardysources > exop06:35
ubottuexop, please see my private message06:35
varmontok thx for sugest06:35
ZykoticK9biped, sorry man I can't find a quick solution.  FYI "man cp" and or "cp --help" are two sources of info for ya.  Sorry don't know how to copy links to vfat.  Best of luck to ya.06:35
jbk_ZykoticK9, vfat doesnt support ext2/3 symlinks06:35
nickrudexop, do that private message, but look for jaunty where it says hardy. That's why you don't see a lot of packages06:35
kokozedman_hey guys,06:36
nickrudyou never checked on synaptic so I don't know if that's a false error or not06:36
kokozedman_how do i get a firefox 3.5.3 in Ubuntu?06:36
johnniWhen I try to play a mp4 on Ubuntu Gstreamer I get this. The requested plugins are:06:36
johnnitext/html decoder <-- any ideas?06:36
jbk_johnni, sounds liek apple trailers site..06:36
nickrudjbk_, what version of ubuntu?06:36
wac_I am having trouble getting my brodcom wirless card to connect anyone want to help me?06:36
jbk_nickrud, latest i38606:36
johnnijbk_, any idea how to fix it?06:36
ZykoticK9jbk_, biped I'm aware that vfat doesn't support symlinks (i actually pointed this out), but there should be a way to tell "cp" to copy the actual files instead of trying to copy the link???06:36
kokozedman_do i download it from the mozilla website, or is there a source that i need to add?06:36
bipedZykoticK9, right on. What should I reformat to?06:37
jbk_johnni, i did this before.. i'll look into l8tr.. currently in a issue ;/..06:37
exopoke thank you :)06:37
jbk_ZykoticK9, yeah.. it's in there.. but perhaps look at the dereference option06:37
ZykoticK9biped, if you are ONLY going to use the USB device for linux format it to ext2or3 -- if you need to share with Windows - keep it the way it is.06:37
jbk_ZykoticK9, try with -L06:37
louisDoes anyone know anything about cell phones?06:38
jbk_louis, usbserial?06:38
louisOr specifically about this LG VU06:38
bipedZykoticK9, I really want to use it for backup and storage. Anyone know if os x supports ext2or3?06:38
andrewfreenickrud: shit is still broken how come purge does not remove the config files06:39
andrewfreeI want a fresh install of mysql06:39
bipedZykoticK9, So yes, primarily for linux, but I might want to hook it into my os x box also06:39
wac_anyone want to spare some time to help??06:39
ZykoticK9biped, OSX does not out of the box support ext2or306:39
jbk_biped, macfuse (google it) -- not sure how good it is -- #macosx folks may know06:39
wac_I am having trouble getting my brodcom wirless card to connect anyone want to help me?06:39
elvis321Hi, I want to install a xen server. But the problem is the nic's on the server are attached to vlan tagged ports on a Juniper switch. I have had no success with CentOS 5.3. I am now searching for a distro which can support this and it looks like Ubuntu might be the thing. Can anyone please advice me if Ubuntu can do this?06:39
bipedZykoticK9, jbk_ thx all06:39
jbk_Flannel, so ya have a clue? i've done this before but long ago..06:40
nickrudandrewfree, sudo aptitude purge mysql-server-5.x (where x is 0 or 1) should remove the config files06:40
jbk_i can mount with->"/dev/sda3 /mntpoint ext3 noexec 0 2" , but not ""/dev/sda3 /mntpoint ext3 noexec,uid=zebra 0 2"  (zebra user exists)06:40
louisI 'm wondering how can I send a SMS from here: http://asciiconvert.com/06:40
louisand make it my signature06:40
jgilbyi am trying to dual boot win7/ubuntu, and installing win7 after ubuntu is says "Cannot install to GPT partition"06:41
jbk_jgilby, lol06:41
louiswell I know all I have to do is email: mynumber@txt.att.net  but How do iget my phone to allow me to use a message outside of the sig creation app06:41
jgilbyinstalling win7 first, ubuntu doesnt recognize the partition06:42
jgilbyam i in the wrong place?06:42
lluajgilby, could you re partition the partition?06:42
lluayour trying to install to06:42
louisuse pated magic or gparted06:43
andrewfreenickrud: this looks hopeful06:43
louisparted magic*06:43
strikecan anyone help me with conky06:43
jgilbyllua: in the win7 setup? yeah, i deleted all the partitions (even the one with ubuntu) and it still gives GPT error06:44
strikeim trying to put a to do list in:  ${font Verana:style=Bold:size=9}To Do List ${font Verana:size=8}${execi 300 cat ~/Documents/todo.txt}  everytime i run it i get there is no such file or directory any ideas06:44
magickhi all, i was wondering if lvm would easily support raid 1 as 2x500gb with 1x1tb06:44
lluajgilby,  this error is happening when installing win7 or ubuntu?06:45
nickrudandrewfree, gotta go, hope things are moving along06:45
andrewfreethey are not06:46
andrewfreeit failed again06:46
CrawfordComeauxNot really ontopic, but thought I'd ask in a few random chans: we've got a fiber to the home network rolling out in my town and some of us are contemplating setting up some sort of Xprize coding competition designed to highlight the high bandwidth, low latency, and symmetric intranet (anything transmitted from one point on fiber to another stays on fiber and travels at 100Mbps), with bonus awarded for solution with high social06:46
CrawfordComeaux impact. The question: what goal/problem/product should teams be competing to implement solutions for?06:46
c0l2ein samba what does the %S means  ... like in valid users = %S06:46
FlannelCrawfordComeaux: #ubuntu-offtopic, not here.06:46
c0l2eand where can I find info about those % variables06:46
CrawfordComeauxFlannel: thanks06:46
nickrudandrewfree, could you put the complete output of sudo aptitude purge mysql-server-5.0 (or 5.1, whichever) on06:47
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic06:47
strikeis my question offtopic06:47
=== Jare_ is now known as Jare
jbk_Flannel, did u see my paste?06:48
andrewfreenickrud: http://pastebin.com/m2654114706:48
Flanneljbk_: I did06:48
jbk_Flannel, am i missin aything?06:49
trakcyiahow do I change the color of the window decoration titles (compiz is enabled, not using emerald)06:49
soreautrakcyia: gnome-appearance-properties06:50
trakcyiasoreau that requires that I change the entire window border theme06:50
nickrudandrewfree, I don't need the rest, and I'm not sure if I got all of the output of the aptitude command, could you repast only that?06:50
soreautrakcyia: Yes, it does06:50
nickrudandrewfree, please include the actual command line as well06:51
trakcyiais there any way to do this without such side effects?06:51
andrewfreenickrud: oh ok.06:51
andrewfreenickrud: from the purge or when I reinstalled?06:51
MadSeaDoghi folks i want to upload files somewhere it has permission set to owned by www-data so i can't seem to upload it... since it upload a blank file... what can i do to get around it?06:52
soreautrakcyia: gconf key apps>gwd>use_metacity_theme <- turn it off06:52
nickrudjust run   sudo aptitude purge mysql-server-5.x   , and give me the output. We'll start with just that06:52
nickrudwhere x is 1 or 0, depending06:52
Beta-guyhow do I get Ubuntu to boot off a USB drive?06:52
MadSeaDogi don't want the permission to change on the server-side...06:52
jbk_no experts with fstab?06:53
rabidweezleBeta-guy: check out www.pendrivelinux.com06:53
jbk_i can mount with->"/dev/sda3 /mntpoint ext3 noexec 0 2" , but not ""/dev/sda3 /mntpoint ext3 noexec,uid=zebra 0 2"  (zebra user exists)06:53
nickrudBeta-guy, supposedly system->admin usb startup disc creator should do it06:53
nickrudjbk_, that stumps me, I've used that line before (I think exact line)06:53
JohnnyLcan you access linux's desktop's icons from within a browser's JavaScript?06:53
andrewfreenickrud: http://pastebin.com/m4c4b576b06:54
Beta-guynickrud: I'm on a Windows system06:54
jbk_JohnnyL, no, but u can drag the url's icon to the desktop06:54
JohnnyLjdb i'm not interested in that.06:54
JohnnyLjbk_ ^06:54
johnniWhen I try to play a mp4 on Ubuntu Gstreamer I get this. The requested plugins are: text/html decoder <-- any ideas?06:54
nickrudandrewfree, well, you just purged mysql, /etc/mysql should not exist or at least be empty06:55
tanathhow do i change the amount of reserved space?06:56
andrewfreenickrud: and it is/06:56
nickrudyou should be able to install mysql again, fresh.06:56
jbk_JohnnyL, u mean upload a file prompt?  javascript doesnt handle that. it's the browser..06:57
JohnnyLjbk_ with windows you can use activex objects in the browser.06:57
andrewfreenickrud: apt-get install mysql-server?06:57
jbk_JohnnyL, activex <> javascript06:58
nickrudandrewfree, I'd install  mysql-server-5.106:58
tanathi have too much space reserved. how to i change it?06:58
PaulWall                       _           _     _           _     _   _06:58
PaulWall _   _  ___  _   _    (_)_   _ ___| |_  | | ___  ___| |_  | |_| |__   ___    __ _  __ _ _ __ ___   ___06:58
PaulWall| | | |/ _ \| | | |   | | | | / __| __| | |/ _ \/ __| __| | __| '_ \ / _ \  / _` |/ _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \06:58
PaulWall| |_| | (_) | |_| |   | | |_| \__ \ |_  | | (_) \__ \ |_  | |_| | | |  __/ | (_| | (_| | | | | | |  __/06:58
FloodBot1PaulWall: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:58
nickrudtanath, by reserverd, you mean what?06:58
PaulWall _____ _   _  ____ _  __  _____ ____  _____ _____ _   _  ___  ____  _____06:59
PaulWall|  ___| | | |/ ___| |/ / |  ___|  _ \| ____| ____| \ | |/ _ \|  _ \| ____|06:59
PaulWall| |_  | | | | |   | ' /  | |_  | |_) |  _| |  _| |  \| | | | | | | |  _|06:59
PaulWall|  _| | |_| | |___| . \  |  _| |  _ <| |___| |___| |\  | |_| | |_| | |___06:59
PaulWall|_|    \___/ \____|_|\_\ |_|   |_| \_\_____|_____|_| \_|\___/|____/|_____|06:59
FloodBot1PaulWall: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:59
tanathnickrud, as in, i have 12gb free, but can use less than 2 of what's left06:59
andrewfreenickrud: "E: Couldn't find package mysql-server-5.1"  thats why I used 5.006:59
LogicFanthat was rude06:59
nickrudhrm, I have a later os. try 5.0 then. I've been away from linux for quite a while, things change fast06:59
andrewfreenickrud: see it errors :/ http://pastebin.com/m4b6b7a6a07:00
nickrudcool, next step :)07:01
tanathnickrud, there's space reserved for root or something, but i need some of that space - i need to change it07:01
andrewfreenickrud: didnt you see the error.07:02
SledgerCan someone please assist me on compiz07:02
nickrudandrewfree, yes, and since I've seen in a sequence I remember I'm a little further along07:03
soreauSledger: Come to #compiz and I will try to help you07:03
elvis321join #network07:03
nickrudtanath, tune2fs -r , but read up on it. I'm not sure if you can change it on the fly07:04
andrewfreenickrud: so what next? just try to start the server?07:04
tanathnickrud, i seem to recall setting it with some graphical tool a long time ago. what happened to it?07:05
c_nickHi is there a general community where one can discuss new software and hardware and technological advances in the field07:05
nickrudtanath, don't know the tool; wouldn't be surprised if someone did a python-gtk interface07:05
nickrudandrewfree, no. I'm looking at a file but it's 5.1 specific, I'll need to see the one you use. put /var/lib/dpkg/info/mysql-server-5.0-postinst on the pastebin07:06
=== BeardedAdmin_Awa is now known as BeardedAdmin
nickrudc_nick, #ubuntu-offtopic, when it's not in the gutter, is good for that07:07
avishekGreetings all! I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 on three different machines. APTonCD just exits with no message on all three machines while reading the dependencies to create the CD. Could anyone please advise?07:07
andrewfreenickrud: http://pastebin.com/m15b75a4007:08
c_nickthanks nickrud07:08
louisyeah take a look at perl channel same time roughly: http://paste.ubuntu.com/287597/07:09
firefly2442Does anyone know if the Ubuntu Netbook Remix has an optimized kernel and ACPI setup for netbooks (not just stock kernel)07:09
=== _sub[t]rnl is now known as sub[t]rnl
nickrudandrewfree, try this:  touch /etc/mysql/conf.d/old_passwords.conf  then run the install again07:12
andrewfreeno such file or directory07:12
andrewfreeso it says07:12
louisIs anyone aware of a great site that would help me learn to develop a simple working OS in Assembly(Don't know assembly <<<<--me----)?07:12
neutrinodo i get sudo or root access form the live cd?07:12
c_nicka community on cloud computing07:13
andrewfreelouis: it wont be simple if your going to create an OS07:13
avisheklouis: www.osdev.org07:13
louisI was thinking of jumping ahead of my next semester seeing as thats gonna be my assignment07:13
andrewfreenickrud: actually /etc/mysql is empty07:13
nickrudandrewfree, then make sure the dir /etc/mysql/conf.d/ exists, then touch the file. We're trying to fool the install07:14
Kevin1a_can anyone recommend a usb wifi card compatible with ubuntu that can be put into listening mode and supports packet injection?07:14
andrewfreenickrud: nope, /etc/mysql is empty07:14
firefly2442louis: never tried it but you might be interested in this: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/07:14
SuspectZerohey there. how is it that the ubuntu iso can be booted off iso but some other ubuntu distros cant?07:14
nickrudneutrino, sudo without a password07:14
_Techie_i need someone to help me create a modeline using information from my Xorg.failsafe.log07:14
nickrudSuspectZero, you mean run as a live cd? Because they made a live cd? Any distro could do it if they wished07:15
avishekfirefly2442: it's a good place. I've just started out with it07:15
chai_how do i install the tango icon theme? i used apt-get install tango-icon-theme, but now what do i do?07:15
neutrinonickrud, i need to copy and replace the hibenated image file of a ext filesystem, is it possible using ubuntu live cd?07:15
SuspectZeronickrud, no i mean i have an iso of ubuntu and i can boot off it using grub2 but with another ubuntu basted distro i cant.07:15
nickrudchai_, system->prefs->appearance, theme tab, customize button07:16
tanathnickrud, was able to set reserved % with: sudo tune2fs -m # /dev/sda107:16
tanathnickrud, thanks07:16
nickrudtanath, yw :)07:16
louisMy friend who took her class said it could be DOS-like as long as it functioned and was original I wonder if that means I'd have to produce my own Kernel? ; /07:16
nickrudSuspectZero, not sure, I'm not a real grub guru in any sense07:16
avishekhas anyone faced any problems running APTonCD on 9.04?07:16
chai_nickrud: thanks!07:17
nickrudneutrino, you can do just about anything with the livecd, you just need to mount the disks07:17
SuspectZeronickrud, well the grub pros said it has something to do with lupin-casper and lupin-support but i cant find any good tutorials on how to ghet that up and running07:17
=== adante_ is now known as adante
neutrinothanks nickrud, i will give it a try, if not i can always come back here and share the thoughts.07:18
nickrudSuspectZero, this is the first night I've run linux since probably jan or feb, and things have just marched along. grub2 is totally unknown to me07:18
avishekis there any log file for APTonCD? If so, where would it be stored?07:18
SuspectZeronickrud, an no worries then.07:18
nickrudavishek, I'd look in /var/log, possibly /var/log/apt07:18
SuspectZeroi'll ask the whole channel now i guess07:18
andrewfreenickrud: root@freekbox:/etc/mysql# ls07:18
avisheknickrud: thank you07:18
andrewfreeHey SuspectZero07:19
SuspectZerohello andrewfree07:19
nickrudmake the dir conf.d in /etc/mysql, then touch old_passwords.cnf in that dir07:20
SuspectZerohow can i configure lupin-casper or lupin-support  so that it hooks the iso, then mounts it as root on loop.07:20
andrewfreenickrud: done.07:21
nickrudandrewfree, if that fails, then we'll try the line 144 in http://pastebin.com/m15b75a40 with false substituted for $RET07:21
netbookwireless question to follow:07:21
nickrudandrewfree, ok, try the install again07:21
netbookI set my /etc/network/interfaces to join my wpa protected home wifi07:22
andrewfreenickrud: an epic mess.07:22
netbookI wish to join my uni wireless which has a certificate. How do I add more wifi networks to interfaces?07:22
nickrudI don't know why it wants to pretend there's old info there. Did you leave the database in place?07:23
andrewfreenickrud: missing files, bad exit codes, just fail.    http://pastebin.com/m1225805107:23
andrewfreenickrud: No i deleated it07:23
andrewfreeim fine with losing everything I just want a fucking server!07:23
nickrudandrewfree, I'm at a loss, really. That's not the error I expected from the change we made.07:24
Deven2Hi is this the appropriate place to ask about configuring apache on my ubuntu server?07:25
nickrudI expected it to work, or to say it couldn't understand that file we created(cuz it was empty)07:25
andrewfreenickrud: I would think a normal purge and install would work..07:25
nickrudbut the other errors...07:25
andrewfreeIm really tempted to just update it to 9.04 and start over.07:25
c00lryguyanyone know the font used for "Linux For human Beings"?07:25
andrewfreethis SQL issue is total bullshit.07:26
nickrudandrewfree, exactly. I've done that plenty of times, there's some obvious thing we're missing.07:26
andrewfreehow do I get the version of ubuntu it is?07:26
andrewfreeand its not been updated normaly etc...07:26
avishekis there any way to replicate the function of APTonCD without using APTonCD? APTonCD just exits on the 3 machines I use.07:26
Blueywhy all of a sudden does Amarok say it can't find a suitable plugin for mp3's - this occurred after the last kernel release...07:26
andrewfreeI just use it for personal website testing and learning myself.07:26
nickrudandrewfree, usb_release -a07:27
andrewfreeso I dont care about security and stuff so i could use a update.07:27
andrewfreenickrud: umm no?07:27
nickrudyou'd be pretty secure with any version of ubuntu. You don't need a 'server' or 'lts' to be secure07:27
nickrudlsb_release ;)07:28
andrewfreeyea but im more talking about just updates for services07:28
andrewfreethere we go XD07:28
Blueyandrew cat /etc/issue iirc07:28
c00lryguyI know the font used for the Ubuntu logo is downloadable in the repo, but whats the font used for "Linux For Human Beings" in the logo?07:28
andrewfreehmm 8.04 so its not old...07:28
avishekis there any way to replicate the function of APTonCD without using APTonCD? APTonCD just exits on the 3 machines I use.07:28
nickrudthat's the 'server' good till 2013 release07:28
Blueyyes 8.04 is about a year old07:28
Bluey9.10 is due out end of month07:29
nickrudwon't be the latest software but it'll be rock solid (hahahah) and get security updates07:29
andrewfreeyea... w/e Im just installing 9.04 on a clean install I just need apache openssh and mysql-server right now.07:29
nickrudandrewfree, try asking on #ubuntu-server , it can be empty but it also attracts serious server users07:29
nickrudanyway andrewfree I meant to go to bed when we started this :)07:30
andrewfreeI have already wasted like 7 hours of my, and some of your time on this.07:30
andrewfreeI feel like letting this go.07:30
nickrudgood luck, and good night07:30
Boohbahandrewfree: that's time you're never going to get back07:30
andrewfreeOh lol, thats my bad.. nickrud but before you go I must show you something07:30
jumbersAre there any decent mail server management panels? Similar to cPanel but not so over bloated and all that07:31
andrewfreenickrud: http://gizmodo.com/5375407//gallery/?selectedImage=707:31
Boohbahjumbers: cPanel is not over bloated07:31
* ActionParsnip1 woke up in some chines familys reck room. And they would NOT stop yelling07:31
_tonightthis is a beautifull day!07:31
nickrudandrewfree, that's hilarious, and so true07:31
ttols_tonight: where are you?07:32
jumbersBoohbah: It has too many hooks in the system and is also way too much for me to justify the cost07:32
andrewfreeyea XD. Well I think ill let this go for sure. I just need a good mysql into book so when I do get it working I can use it.07:32
ttols_tonight: korea is too. :)07:32
andrewfreeor this one nickrud http://cache.gizmodo.com/assets/images/4/2009/10/500x_linux.jpg07:32
_tonightmy english is pool!07:32
Blueydon't pee on the pool07:33
nickrud:) night andrewfree07:33
Shubuntuhi can anyone help me with this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/287606/07:34
O__owhy scim is always Zombie process??07:34
ShubuntuI'm having difficulty setting locale07:34
_tonighti don't know how to use command in IRC07:34
O__oif i have scim installed and when i click pull down box in opera, i cant use keyboard in opera07:35
Deven2Hi.  I'm trying to get UserDir set up so that say http://myserver/~username/ points to /home/username/www but i cant seem to get it to work I added th lines "UserDir enabled username" and "UserDir www" to my apache2.conf file is this the right thing? it gives me some error about not being able to find the module when I try to restart the server but it seems to be installed.07:35
_tonightanyone in china?07:35
O__o_tonight google irc command list07:36
chilli0ello Im trying to do some converting in WinFF but im getting this error when trying to convert anything into a mp3, Unknown encoder 'libmp3lame'07:36
O__oanyone here use scim?07:36
chilli0I have ran sudo apt-get install libmp3lame-dev but still not working07:37
ActionParsnip1O__o: not I07:37
ActionParsnip1!info  libmp3lame07:38
ubottuError: I tried to send you an empty message.07:38
O__oActionParsnip1, i dont know what happen to scim, but it is quite buggy07:38
ActionParsnip1O__o: ive never used it, log a bug if its buggy07:39
louisDoes anyone know of a channel for mobile devices or specifically cellphones?07:39
O__oActionParsnip1, it is hard to explain07:39
O__oActionParsnip1, when i have scim + compiz + opera = buggy07:39
mcmlxxiwoohoo! I can finally print!07:40
ActionParsnip1O__o: ditch compi, world is a nicer place then :D07:40
O__oin my netbook, i dont have compiz and opera install and nothing happen07:40
O__oi think i will try to uninstall scim on my desktop to see if it fix it07:41
=== aa is now known as Guest46253
chilli0I have ran sudo apt-get install libmp3lame-dev but still not working07:43
chilli0ello Im trying to do some converting in WinFF but im getting this error when trying to convert anything into a mp3, Unknown encoder 'libmp3lame'07:43
=== administrator is now known as Guest56195
deanc[work]Hi folks. My firefox displays a big grey box with a play icon whenever this is flash on the page. Rather than autoplaynig the movies, it requires me to click play07:44
deanc[work]Any ideas how to resolve this?07:44
ActionParsnip1_tonight: ahhhhhh, he's the svior of the universe..07:46
dandamanhey, you know how at the bottom right you kind of have two desktops, you can click on either one to switch07:46
dandamanis there a hotkey to switch?07:47
ActionParsnip1dandaman: ctrl+alt+ left / right i think07:47
dandamanthanks ActionParsnip107:47
_tonightsvior£¿£¿i can't google it ?07:47
ActionParsnip1saviour (can't type)07:48
ActionParsnip1_tonight: if google does play nice, ask jeeves. he's a smart guy'07:48
_tonighti'm chinese!sorry07:48
dandamanActionParsnip1: do you know how to move a window to the other desktop?07:49
dandamanfound it07:49
dandamandayam ubuntu kicks ass07:49
_tonighti want to learn english in here!07:49
dandamani can have a work space and a screw around space07:49
ActionParsnip1dandaman: right click the window decorator, of the button in the window list on thepanel07:50
dandamanoh my god, im orgasming, you can have as many workspaces as you want07:50
ActionParsnip1dandaman: i think it a whole lot bloated for a linux distro but if it suits you, use it07:51
dandamani find it very convenient07:51
dandamanmy screen always gets cluttered up07:51
ActionParsnip1dandaman: you get that functionality in any linux distro07:53
arc1<newbie here07:56
sheylacan speaking  INDONESIAN..??07:57
macsimhi, I'm looking for remplacement to "Application Shortcut System" applet, what's the name of the applet how just shos "Computer" ? thanks07:57
lstarnes!id | sheyla07:57
ubottusheyla: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia07:57
Kevin1a_Is there a linux tool I can use to alter my eeepc1000heb's wifi power settings withing linux?07:57
sheylaY IAM HERE?07:58
administratori want to connect to a pc using run command like \\pc\c$ so what is the similer to run on ubuntu07:58
=== administrator is now known as Guest44009
Guest44009i want to connect to a pc using run command like \\pc\c$ so what is the similer to run on ubuntu07:58
mytharakor smb://pc/sharename07:59
ActionParsnip1Guest44009: smb://pc/c$07:59
O__owhen will the scim focus bug be fixed??07:59
ActionParsnip1O__o: like anything, its fixed when its fixed07:59
Guest44009what is smb08:00
O__oshould put a warning in scim in repos08:00
ActionParsnip1Guest44009: short for samba08:00
O__oand i just found out uninstall scim is quite complicated... :(08:00
Guest44009should i install sumba08:01
Blueyi am getting - Oct  6 23:15:07 H kernel: [394040.430415] ReiserFS: sdb2: warning: zam-7001: io error in reiserfs_find_entry08:01
Blueyshould I umount and run a reiserfsck?08:01
ActionParsnip1Guest44009: only if you want to share folders08:01
Guest44009i want to access other pcs08:02
Guest44009in the network08:02
ActionParsnip1Guest44009: smbclient comes as part of a stock instal and will allow you to access windows shares08:02
Guest44009i install samba so where can i access it08:03
ActionParsnip1Guest44009: you only need to install samba if you wish to share folders with outher systems08:04
ActionParsnip1Guest44009: if you want to access shared folders on other system you do not need to install samba08:04
Guest44009ya so how can i access other pc like run on windows08:05
ActionParsnip1Guest44009: we told you. Open nautilus and in the address bar type: smb://pc/C$08:06
ActionParsnip1Guest44009: obviously replacing pc with a valid host name or IP08:06
Guest44009where i can find nautilus08:07
Ientzyhi, any1 know where i can fiind a tutorial for samba4 with openldap for ubuntu 9.04?i try the tutorial from samba.org but i have problems with joining the client to domain and i what to try another tutorial08:07
ActionParsnip1Guest44009: its your graphical file manager08:07
Guest44009i cant understood where should i put ip or pc's name08:08
badbadnannautilus is the default file manager on ubuntu08:09
ActionParsnip1Guest44009: press alt+f2    type nautilus    press enter08:09
darkstar999Guest44009: hit alt+F2 then type nautilus  - hit enter08:09
darkstar999OH SNAP!08:09
albertxiaoyuThere is not need for you to put.08:09
pngllI have an executable (ruby) in /usr/local/bin but bash says: /usr/bin/ruby: No such file or directory08:12
pngll. I can execute all the other programs in /usr/local/bin with no problem.08:12
Guest44009hy there is no place to put ip08:12
darkstar999Guest44009: Put it where it says Location:08:12
csabacan someone recommend a good xmms2 frontend?08:13
albertxiaoyuGuest44009   because the unbutu can get it without seeting.08:13
Whiperhey i want to install the patch file in my wirless device can any body help me with that08:13
ActionParsnip1Guest44009: its in the top bar, where the address is. http://ubuntu-tweak.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/ubuntu-tweak-044-2.png   see where it says 'location'08:13
ActionParsnip1!patch | Whiper08:13
ubottuWhiper: Patches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.08:13
ActionParsnip1csaba: xmms is a frontend....08:14
ActionParsnip1!xmms | csaba08:14
ubottucsaba: xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.08:14
Ientzyany1 know where i can fiind a tutorial for samba4 with openldap for ubuntu 9.0408:14
dandamananyone know of a good code editor for ubuntu, im looking for something that will automatically neatify my code, like when i put in curly brackets, i want it to automatically put the closed curly brackets and indent next time i skip a line, any suggestions?08:14
csabais there a gui frontend then?08:14
csabaI'm currently using the tray icon that comes with ubuntu08:14
ActionParsnip1dandaman: curly brackets are called braces ;)08:15
csababut it has no option for loading files, so I have to do it in the console08:15
dandamanok great, but do you know of a good editor?08:15
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, QtCreator08:15
ActionParsnip1dandaman: may help08:15
dandamanwhat do you suggest?08:15
dandamanim doing C08:16
dandamanisnt eclipse for java?08:16
csabaalso for c08:16
ActionParsnip1dandaman: i dont code anymore since i graduated but try a few, see which you like08:16
dandamanive used netbeans for java and i really liked it08:16
dandamandoes that do C as well?08:16
csabaI use eclipse for c++ and it's ok08:16
csabano idea about netbeans08:16
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)08:16
administratoryou all mad, i want to connect to a remote pc which has real ip, by typing it ip in windows when i put ip on run (\\ its connect to remote pc so i want to do it on ubuntu08:17
ubottuMagyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál08:17
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csabaso, anyone can recommend a good gui frontend for xmms2? Something like winamp...08:17
dandamannetbeans it is08:17
AHi I want to install kanel btu at the time of configuration it will give error08:18
AIt is configure: error: You MUST have the libxml2 (aka gnome-xml) library installed08:18
A 08:18
ActionParsnip1Guest53419: you open nautilus and type: smb://$   in te address bar and you will connect08:18
onatshow do i upgrade my subversion client to latest?08:19
Abut the libxml2 is already there08:19
ActionParsnip1onats: sudo apt-get upgrade08:19
Whiperhello i have a file install compat-wireless-2.6.30-rc1.tar.bz208:19
ActionParsnip1onats: if the latest is newer then the repos offer, you need to find a PPA wit a later version08:19
onatsActionParsnip, i dont think the latest svn is in the ubuntu reps...08:19
onatsthere... thats what i need..08:19
ubottusvn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/08:19
ActionParsnip1onats: go crazy on this: http://ppa-search.appspot.com/08:20
onatsnice. thanks! bookmarking08:20
ActionParsnip1onats: one of my favourites08:21
chai_anyone know how to make a soft ap?08:21
ActionParsnip1chai_: code it i guess08:21
chai_crap. im new though08:22
Whiperhello can any boody help me to install the compat-wireless-2.6.30-rc1.tar.bz208:22
ActionParsnip1chai_: then you have a lot to learn08:22
Whiperhello can any boody help me to install the compat-wireless-2.6.30-rc1.tar.bz208:22
Whiperhello can any boody help me to install the compat-wireless-2.6.30-rc1.tar.bz208:22
Whiperhello can any boody help me to install the compat-wireless-2.6.30-rc1.tar.bz208:22
chai_Whiper: most drivers install themselves with a reinstall? maybe try reboot?08:22
hansWhiper: stop that08:22
DJones!repeat | Whiper08:22
ubottuWhiper: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.08:22
ActionParsnip1Whiper: tar jxvf compat-wireless-2.6.30-rc1.tar.bz208:22
ActionParsnip1Whiper: why not search for a PPA so you dont have to compile it08:23
ActionParsnip1Whiper: repeating yourself like that does nothing as the same people in the channel will have read the same text08:23
hans./ignore -channels #ubuntu * joins parts quits nicks <--good idea08:24
jasonmchristosjust has a logo and details and pricing and total08:24
WhiperActionParsnip1: how to search for PPA08:24
jasonmchristosoops sorry guys wrong box08:24
ActionParsnip1Whiper: http://ppa-search.appspot.com/08:24
Ientzyany1 know where i can fiind a tutorial for samba4 with openldap for ubuntu 9.0408:25
pngllWhy would a hard only work when the app is in /usr/bin? /bin and /usr/local/bin are both in my PATH, but ubuntu only finds ruby when it is in /usr/bin. If anyone has an idea...08:26
Blueyanyone know if 9.10 will ship with grub2?08:28
ActionParsnip1Bluey: it does08:28
Blueythanks ap08:28
=== MadMax is now known as MaxSid
ActionParsnip1Bluey: and support and discussion is in #ubuntu+108:28
Blueyap - thanks just wanted to know if it was there --08:28
ActionParsnip1pngll: log a bug08:28
ActionParsnip1Bluey: its cool :)08:28
pngllActionParsnip1, unlikely. I'm probably doing something wrong.08:29
WhiperActionParsnip1: hey i am no able to get the ppa file for compat-wireless-2.6.30-rc1.tar.bz208:29
ActionParsnip1pngll: yu can check your path with: echo $PATH08:29
Blueymy these updates to a flash drive take forever....updating ubuntu that I installed on a flash drive...08:29
pngllActionParsnip1, yes. I get /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games08:29
ActionParsnip1Whiper: you dont get ppas for tar.bz2s tar.bz2 is a compressed archive08:30
ActionParsnip1Whiper: search the ppas for compat-wireless08:30
ActionParsnip1Whiper: if tere isnt one with that version you can use the archive you have and compile the source code08:30
=== baard_ is now known as baard
WhiperActionParsnip1: how to compile the Source code08:31
ActionParsnip1!compile | Whiper08:31
ubottuWhiper: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)08:31
ActionParsnip1!info compat-wireless08:33
contrastGreets, everyone...08:33
ubottuPackage compat-wireless does not exist in jaunty08:33
Ientzyany1 know where i can fiind a tutorial for samba4 with openldap for ubuntu 9.0408:33
contrastHas anyone here ever defragged an XFS partition with xfs_fsr? I'm needing to do this, but gus3's comment from here - http://lxer.com/module/forums/t/26451/ - has me more than a little nervous.08:33
ActionParsnip1contrast: is your file system REALLY slow? Ive never defragged a Linux box in my life08:34
FomeAnyone here with experience with ubunto on Acer Aspire One?08:35
contrastActionParsnip1: Not unusably slow, but it has very noticeably slowed down as it's become more fragmented. It's worth noting that XFS is a bit more susceptible to most fragmentation than most other filesystems.08:35
jerknextdoorany way to make transmission and pidgin not display their windows on startup? i just want the automatically be minimized to the panel.08:36
contrastIentzy: I'm guessing you already saw this - http://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Samba4/HOWTO/Ubuntu_Server_9.04 ?08:36
ActionParsnip1contrast: make sure your backups are sufficient then let rip08:36
contrastActionParsnip1: Yeah, except I don't have enough storage to back everything up to. : \08:36
Ientzycontrast yes i try that tutorial08:37
ActionParsnip1contrast: no backup = data is disposable08:37
WhiperActionParsnip1: hey i am not able to understand that file08:37
contrastjerknextdoor: I don't have either of those installed so I can't check for you, but try running "transmission --help" and "pidgin --help" from the terminal. If there's an option for that, you can just add it to the program's entry in the menu editor.08:37
ActionParsnip1Fome: http://superuser.com/questions/43489/how-to-get-an-autostart-application-to-start-minimized-upon-login08:37
ActionParsnip1Whiper: then use a ppa08:38
WhiperActionParsnip1: hey can you tech me step by step08:38
contrastActionParsnip1: Yeah, I know. No lectures, please. I realize how foolish I am. :D08:38
WhiperActionParsnip1: hey there is no ppa file08:38
LycusCould someone point me in the right direction to input kanji characters using phonetic hiragana?08:38
FomeActionParsnip1: good guess, but no cigar :) I'lljust type my question and hope someone knows the answer08:39
jerknextdoorcontrast:  how did i not think of that.  there is one for transmission but not for pidgin.  thanks.  any ideas on how to do it for pidgin if there is no option?08:40
contrastjerknextdoor: Not sure. Do you have all the plugins for Pidgin? One might give an option for it.08:41
je13279Any one else notice that you can't open a chat window in Empathy with someone who is logged out?  Or is it just me?  I can do it in Pidgin fine.. :/08:41
je13279Or hidden.08:41
FomeI just installed Ubuntu 9.04 on an Acer Aspier One ZG5, and the touchpad is behaving really strange. It is like some of the desktop doesn't activate when the mouse hovers over it, resulting in it being impossible to click stuff. So for example I open the terminal, but then I cannot close it by clicking the "x". I had the same problem with Kuki and EasyPeasy as well.08:41
jerknextdoorcontrast: yeah i just went through them all.  supposedly there is an option for it, but i am not seeing it anyplace.08:42
ActionParsnip1Whiper: you need to compile that source to create the driver08:42
mlissnerHi, does anybody know anything about the security model of package installation? Like, is there any guarantee that the package you install is in fact the package from the source? /08:42
contrastjerknextdoor: Not sure. Might ask around in #pidgin.08:42
WhiperActionParsnip1: ok how to do that08:43
ActionParsnip1Whiper: sudo apt-get install build-essential08:43
contrastmlissner: Assuming your repositories are authenticated (all of the default ones are), yes, pretty much guaranteed.08:43
onatsim connected to a remote machine using VNC.. but its too slow, the mouse is like dragging behind. how do i speed this up?08:43
onatslower colors?08:43
ActionParsnip1Whiper: then read the install file or readme file08:43
jerknextdoorcontrast: yeah.  i was just wondering if there was a universal methoed to make no windows popup at startup.  i'm headed to #pidgin after i get some other stuff configured.  thanks anyways?08:43
ActionParsnip1onats: what do you do once connected via vnc?08:43
mlissnercontrast: Do you know how that works? Is it via me having the correct public key for each package source?08:44
onatsActionParsnip,browse a local web application08:44
WhiperActionParsnip1: ok let me check08:44
ActionParsnip1onats: is it not browsable for an external PC?08:44
contrastmlissner: Correct.08:44
deanc[work]Hi folks. My firefox displays a big grey box with a play icon whenever this is flash on the page. Rather than autoplaying the movies, it requires me to click play. Any ideas how to solve this?08:44
ActionParsnip1onats: tat would be much faster than streaming an entire desktop08:44
contrastjerknextdoor: No prob, good luck.08:45
mlissnercontrast: Do you know if there is anything different about the sources that are security.mirror.whatever vs the mirror.whatever sources?08:45
ActionParsnip1deanc[work]: do you have more than 1 flash plugin installed?08:45
onatsActionParsnip, its connected to my network via VPN.. somethings up with its firewall probably.. will check. but is this really the expected behavior of vncing?08:46
ActionParsnip1onats: vnc is massively bulky and slow and not encrypted so is not secure08:46
contrastjerknextdoor: Did you already check out alltray? It says in the package description it's for applications which don't have a native tray icon, but it might be worth a look anyway.08:46
contrast!info alltray08:47
ubottualltray (source: alltray): Dock any program into the system tray. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.69-1ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 56 kB, installed size 252 kB08:47
pradeepuse RDP08:47
onatsActionParsnip, you have any other suggestions? remoting client/server?08:47
deanc[work]ActionParsnip1: not that i am aware of08:47
contrastmlissner: Not too sure, honestly. Different how?08:47
ActionParsnip1onats: ssh with x forwarding is pretty good, or ssh at terminal is hugely quick08:47
onatsActionParsnip, that's something i havent figured out yet.. ssh with x forwarding..08:48
mlissnercontrast: Not sure. I just noticed a while back there was some differentiation about those when looking in /etc/apt/sources.list08:48
jerknextdoorcontrast:  alltray is annoying.  i used to use it.  it was super buggy.  pidgin has a tray icon it just pops up at start up and makes me close it...which would be alright except it screws with on of the scripts i have running at startup.08:48
ActionParsnip1deanc[work]: i suggest you uninstall all flash packages (flashplugin-installer flashplugin-nonfree gnash swdec whatever) then install only flashplugin-nonfree08:48
ActionParsnip1onats: sudo apt-get install openssh-server08:48
ActionParsnip1onats: x forwarding is default enabled, from a linux box you can run: ssh -X user@server     and run local apps08:49
contrastmlissner: From my [limited] understanding, the security repo is strictly for package updates which fix security holes. Not sure if that answers your question.08:49
ActionParsnip1onats: from a windows client you will need putty and xming installed, you can then run xming to give a virtual x server and run: putty -X user@server08:49
zmoharis it safe to keep my password using firefox password manager?08:49
ActionParsnip1onats: you can then launch gui apps and they will appear on the client system and be running on the server08:50
lstarneszmohar: the one that is built into firefox?08:50
NoReflexHey guys! Do you know how I can open a multipart email attachment in Ubuntu (Karmic)?08:50
ActionParsnip1onats: its not hard at all08:50
sddrhi. how do i connect to the internet without running x?08:50
mlissnercontrast: yeah, that helps.08:50
lstarneszmohar: it should be safe enough08:50
ActionParsnip1!karmic | NoReflex08:50
ubottuNoReflex: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+108:50
onatsnice.. i'll save this chat log first.. i have to bring down the firewall on the remote machine. accidentally turned it on, now i cant ssh into it. hahaha08:50
vergesmhh.... i deleted 1 file i needed, used the command rm *[SAMPLE]\.mkv and forgot to backslash the [ and ], so it erased every .mkv in the folder. I'm trying to recover using foremost but it doesn't recognise the .mkv file extension08:50
lstarnessddr: x has nothing to do with internet connections08:50
mlissnercontrast: In any case, it seems like packages should be good and secure. So that's good.08:50
vergesanyone any idea?08:50
contrastmlissner: Any certain reason you're asking, or just curious?08:50
zmoharyeah .. that's a relief ..08:50
ActionParsnip1sddr: links2 w3m08:50
lstarnessddr: if you're referring to web browsing, look at links2 and w3m08:51
contrastmlissner: Yup. :)08:51
sddrActionParsnip1: lstarnes : yeah i want to use these tools in console mode08:51
lstarnessddr: if you have framebuffers enabled, they can display images without X08:51
sddrbut without nm-applet .. how to i connect to my wifi?08:51
ActionParsnip1sddr: nslookup will give you "a connection", depends what you want to connect to and for08:51
lstarnessddr: what kind of encryption does it use?08:51
mlissnercontrast: research for HW. I'm looking for holes in the PGP. Can't find any useful ones in the package itself, so I'm fishing for holes in the obtaining the package.08:51
ActionParsnip1sddr: /etc/network/interfaces file08:52
mlissnermlissner: so far: bubkiss.08:52
lstarnessddr: use ifconfig, iwconfig, and wpa_supplicant08:52
WhiperActionParsnip1: hey i am notable to understand08:52
mlissnercontrast: Oops, the above should have been directed to you...08:52
sddrthis is not a pppoe connection08:52
lstarnessddr: if you don't change networks often, you can use /etc/network/interfaces08:52
ActionParsnip1sddr: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-debian-ubuntu-linux-wlan-wpa2-configuration.html08:52
contrastmlissner: I do remember reading an article about a repo of another major distro being compromised a while back, but stuff like that is usually due to sysadmin's not doing their job. : \08:52
WhiperActionParsnip1:hey can you help to install it step by step08:53
sddrsimple wifi connection .... just want to use console based irssi and without running any window manager (or X server)08:53
ActionParsnip1Whiper: then websearch round, ive not used it myself, so cannot really help08:53
mlissnercontrast: yeah, seems like a dead end.08:53
contrastmlissner: So obviously, if a repo is compromised, the packages can be authenticated with a 230957203972-bit key and it won't matter.08:53
WhiperActionParsnip1: ok then what should i do now08:53
lstarnessddr: you might want to check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo08:54
mlissnercontrast: indeed.08:54
ActionParsnip1Whiper: read the readme in te file, it will tell you what to do08:54
sddrlstarnes: so if i kill x and login to console ... after i loose my wifi connection ... i use .etc.network/interfaces?08:54
WhiperActionParsnip1: redme says08:54
NoReflexon a more general note: how can I open a multipart email attachment in Linux? Or how can I extract the the files form it?08:54
Whipersudo make install08:54
FloodBot1Whiper: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:54
lstarnessddr: when the connection is in /etc/network/interfaces, it is treated as a static connection and is set up whenver the system starts (or when /etc/init.d/networking is restarted)08:55
zenlunaticNoReflex: what email client08:55
sddrlstarnes: in my case ... if nm-applet is not running .. i get no internet connection08:55
ActionParsnip1Whiper: then run those commands in your terminal08:55
WhiperActionParsnip1: now ow to install that08:55
sddreven if i use openbox ... i have to start nm-applet ... i want to do away with that08:56
ActionParsnip1sddr: its not essential to connection, you CAN use the interfaces file to connect08:56
zenlunaticNoReflex: what attachment08:56
NoReflexzenlunatic: I don't use a email client. I'm reading my emails with the web interface from gmail.08:56
sddralright ActionParsnip1 ... did not know the steps to use the interfaces file08:56
ActionParsnip1Whiper: you just said, cd into the folder you extracted from the archive and run make08:56
contrastsddr: Have you looked at wifi-radar/08:56
NoReflexit's a xls file in a multipart attachment08:56
sddrcontrast: no08:56
contrast!info wifi-radar08:56
ubottuwifi-radar (source: wifi-radar): graphical utility for managing Wi-Fi profiles. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.9-1.1 (jaunty), package size 38 kB, installed size 232 kB08:56
ActionParsnip1sddr: i gave you a worked example08:56
joaopintoWhiper, what are you trying to install ?08:56
ActionParsnip1sddr: sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces08:56
plitterhow do i permanently register a nickname with freenode?08:57
sddrwhat do i add in the file?08:57
lstarnes!register > plitter08:57
ubottuplitter, please see my private message08:57
ActionParsnip1sddr: did you click the link I gave you?08:57
sddrmanually edit it?08:57
zenlunaticNoReflex: what is a multipart attachment?  you can use cat to put stuff together, but i don't know about xls08:57
ActionParsnip1sddr: yes!!08:57
zmohari'm just new to linux .. u guys r considered advanced08:57
sddrsorry i lost it .. scrolling08:57
LycusDoes anyone here use IME for Japanese in Ubuntu?08:57
ActionParsnip1sddr: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-debian-ubuntu-linux-wlan-wpa2-configuration.html08:57
LycusI'm having problems configuring it, I was hoping it'd be breezeless.08:58
Koenigsegg_I get segmentation fault when I run smbmount(without arguments) from Terminal. Latest version, uninstalled and reinstalled. New to his, can anyone hint about how to trace/fix errors like this?08:58
sddrthnx again ActionParsnip108:58
ActionParsnip1sddr: np man08:58
latexknighti have a problem installing v5.0 mysql on ubuntu linux, i've tried to install v5.1 unsuccessfully because I'm using ubuntu v8.10, so i decided to downgrade, was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to install it again, here is the pastbin of the output http://pastebin.com/d244aa2108:59
NoReflexzenlunatic: I haven't used multipart attachments myself but I got it from a friend and I can't open it.08:59
zenlunaticNoReflex: you can probably openj it with google docs09:00
NoReflexthe file contains something like Content-Type: multipart/mixed;09:00
NoReflexand it has no extensions09:00
zenlunaticNoReflex: can you post a screenshot09:00
ActionParsnip1NoReflex: if its under karmic, you need to head to #ubuntu+109:01
sddrActionParsnip1: i read the page ... will ubuntu auto-connect at startup? so i will never need nm-applet running for internet to work09:01
ActionParsnip1sddr: yes, if you edit that file09:01
ActionParsnip1sddr: you dont HAVE to have nm-applet to et LAN09:01
ActionParsnip1sddr: i dont use it. I always use the interfaces file, nm-applet takes too long09:02
latexknightso anyone encountered problems with apt-get, unable to downgrade or reinstall from an unsuccessful install?09:02
sddrso far .. i did not know any other way :) that's how i sorted the internet issue when i tried fluxbox and openbox ... i was lost lol09:02
NoReflexActionParsnip1: I have Ubuntu and Kubuntu (Jaunty and karmic) - I don't know how to open that damn file in either09:02
joaopintolatexknight, downgrading is not supported, what error are you getting ?09:02
pngllIs it possible to act as a user? Right now I create things as root and chown them afterwards but it would be easier if I could do something that makes me act as a given user.09:03
ActionParsnip1NoReflex: I'd log a bug09:03
joaopintopngll, you mean, su user ?09:03
ActionParsnip1pngll: you could create a new group and add yourself and root to the group, then change the group ownership to the new group and allow write access09:03
zenlunaticpngll: yeah, su=switch user09:03
latexknightjoaopinto, i don't know what error, cuz read the pastebin, it doesn't say, its not so much down grading as purging the new release, and trying to install the old one back, http://pastebin.com/d244aa2109:04
pnglljoaopinto, zenlunatic tanks I will try that.09:04
latexknightwhat entries do i have to edit to completely remove v5.1 release, maybe apt-get is getting hung up on seeing that v5.1 might possibly be installed09:05
joaopintolatexknight, how did you got with the 5.1 release ?09:06
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joaopintolatexknight, yes, the 5.0 preinstallation fails because you have already 5.1 installed, and it's getting in it's way in some part of the pre install script09:07
latzhi I am trying to remove firebird1.5-classic and I get errors? what can I do to force remove it?09:07
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
joaopintolatexknight, how did you install 5.1 ?09:07
latexknightnot sure, i found some site suggesting to add some links to apt-get's link table for release updates, i added them, then told aptget to install v5.1 it failed, and i purged it, then removed the v5.1 links and tried to install v5.0 but failed09:07
joaopintolatz, pastebin your erros please09:07
Sledger1has anyone in here , PERSONALLY , setup a Win hauppage HVR 1600 on ubuntu karmic 9.10 successfully09:07
jeeves_Mosshow can I fix this error?  http://pastebin.ca/160074109:08
joaopintolatexknight, adding random repositories is not recommended09:08
ActionParsnip1!karmic | Sledger109:08
ubottuSledger1: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+109:08
HypothesisFroghi. I'm trying to set up apache2 with mod_python, and public_html in my $HOME enabled. Is there a howto on this?09:08
joaopintolatexknight, do you have any data on mysql that you care about ?09:08
DhuskiDoes anyone know anything other than Brasero (doesn't work for me) that can make iso's?09:08
joaopintoHypothesisFrog, google is a better place to ask for howtos ;)09:08
joaopintoDhuski, k3b ?09:09
rakesh_hello......actually when i m playing games using wine....somtimes my laptop automaically shut down,..or it hangs09:09
pradeepDhuski> K3B09:09
apparlehi guys09:09
HypothesisFrogjoaopinto haven't been able to find any relevant to jaunty.09:09
rakesh_cn any one help me09:09
Dhuskijoaopinto, I'll try it out thanks.09:09
joaopintoHypothesisFrog, a generic one should do09:09
Dhuskipradeep, I'll try it out thanks.09:09
H3AV3NHello. Could someone please help me in installing Skype on ubuntu? Thanks in advance.09:09
jeeves_Mossjoaopinto, can you take a shot @ this one for me please?   http://pastebin.ca/160074109:09
breikoHi folks! I'm trying to write into an external drive formatted with osx from my ubuntu box but it says "read only file system". Is there a way to write into hfsplus file system? Can you suggest me something?09:09
pradeepDhuski k3b09:09
ActionParsnip1Dhuski: if its a CD, you can use dd. or if you are using a folder you can use mkisofs09:09
joaopintoH3AV3N, you just need to download and click on the .deb file from the skpe site09:09
latexknightjoaopinto, what should I do? find all the files matching '*mysql*' and delete them?09:10
apparlerakesh_: Actually wine is not perfect and it gives you pretty low performace with games............. for games you better dual boot09:10
DJonesrakesh_: As its problems while running games in Wine, you'll probably get a better answer if you ask in #winehq, thats the support channel for problems with wine09:10
joaopintolatexknight, no, you do a purge on mysql-common09:10
ActionParsnip1Dhuski: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=~/cd.iso09:10
joaopintolatexknight, sudo apt-get purge mysql-common09:10
latexknighti already didd that, it didn't help09:10
joaopintothen you you reinstall it if you need09:10
joaopintolatexknight, with purge on mysql-common ?09:10
joaopintolatexknight, note that it's common, not -server09:10
DhuskiActionParsnip1, interesting...I'll try that out too...09:11
WhiperActionParsnip1: hey i dont know how to copy the tar file in /usr/local/src09:11
joaopintothe mysql config files are installed by -common09:11
joaopintothat is the usual root cause for a mysql upgrade error09:11
ActionParsnip1Dhuski: or: mkisofs -o ~/cd.iso /path/to/source09:11
WhiperActionParsnip1: it is say permission denied09:11
latexknightYES common09:11
ActionParsnip1Whiper: use sudo cp   or (easier) run: gksudo nautilus    and you can copy it with that09:11
H3AV3Npradeep: I managed to fix the Photoshop problem. For future reference if someone asks: install cabextract then install winetricks and at the end sudo apt-get remove wine after uninstalling has finished (it won't remove Photoshop) then sudo apt-get install wine.09:12
jony123how do i mount an sd card09:12
ActionParsnip1Whiper: copying it as a user willfail as users do not have write access to anywhere in /etc09:12
ActionParsnip1!mount | jony12309:12
ubottujony123: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount09:12
joaopintolatexknight, so yes, purge failed you will need to manually identify the mysql 5.1 files09:12
jeeves_Mossjoaopinto, can you take a shot @ this one for me please?   http://pastebin.ca/160074109:13
godstarjony123: sudo apt-get install pysdm09:13
joaopintojeeves_Moss, missing perl library09:13
godstarjony123: then type sudo pysdm inside terminal09:13
jony123godstar: Yea i kni09:13
hmm1233hi anyone know where I can get a copy of libGLU.so?09:14
pradeepH3AV3N great09:14
sddr+1 for pysdm09:14
joaopintojeeves_Moss, /usr/local/bin/prepflog.pl <- this doesn't look from an official package09:14
H3AV3Npradeep: Yeah it finally works :X09:14
latexknightjoaopinto, i deleted all the files '*mysql*5.1*' but it didn't help, i think its written in some files somewhere, you have any suggestions?09:15
ActionParsnip1hmm1233: looks like its a symlink to /usr/lib/libGLU.so.109:15
pradeepis cabextract winetricks like wine09:15
ActionParsnip1hmm1233: try: sudo apt-get install xlibmesa-glu09:15
ActionParsnip1hmm1233: and/or xlibmesa-glu-dev09:15
joaopintolatexknight, yes, you will need to read the mysql-server pre-install script, the script must mention the files that are being checked09:15
ActionParsnip1!info xlibmesa-glu09:16
DhuskiActionParsnip1, is there an online tutorial for the dd command?09:16
ubottuxlibmesa-glu (source: xorg): transitional package for Debian etch. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:7.4~5ubuntu18 (jaunty), package size 0 kB, installed size 24 kB09:16
ActionParsnip1Dhuski: man dd    is all i can suggest09:16
speedo_g' day09:16
ActionParsnip1Dhuski: im sure there will be guides online09:16
joaopintolatexknight, /var/lib/dpkg/info/*mysql*postinst*09:16
DhuskiActionParsnip1, k thanks...09:17
speedo_guys i've just installed a new brand 9.04 ...i've got a geForce g105m and even if i've installed it's drivers visual effect can't work09:18
apparleSometimes the driver starts normally and at other times it doesn't (ati open source) what to do09:18
jeeves_Mossjoaopinto, I'm trying to use awstats to parse the postfix log files09:18
joaopintojeeves_Moss, did you install awstats from the repositories ?09:19
jeeves_Mossjoaopinto, yes09:19
hmm1233ActionParsnip1, Thanks but I just need the single library09:19
jeeves_Mossjoaopinto, it works great for HTTP and FTP data09:19
joaopintojeeves_Moss, can't help you more, I am not familiar with perl, and it's very odd that an official package places files on usr/local09:20
apparleIs there someway I can ensure that the composititng starts for my ATi opensource driver...........currently it starts sometimes and sometimes doesn't09:20
WhiperActionParsnip1: ok now i have copied the file in usr/local/src09:20
d0wnwhich one do i install? flashplugin-installer or flashplugin-nonfree?09:21
WhiperActionParsnip1: now what to type in terminal to complie the pachage09:21
jeeves_Mossjoaopinto, ok, thanks09:21
latexknightjoaopinto, where do i find the installation script for the package?09:21
heaven_joaopinto: Thanks that worked, thanks a lot :D09:22
ActionParsnip1Whiper: like you said: run: make09:22
ActionParsnip1Whiper: the file tells you what to do09:22
ActionParsnip1Whiper: make is the command you need to run09:22
ActionParsnip1Whiper: you need to cd into the folder you extracted from the archive09:23
WhiperActionParsnip1: yes09:23
WhiperActionParsnip1: so now in just type make in run09:23
ActionParsnip1Whiper: no, there is no run, its ALL in the terminal09:24
WhiperActionParsnip1: hey in terminal it say no make target09:25
apparlewhere is the xorg.conf in jaunt09:25
ActionParsnip1Whiper: then you are not in the right folder09:25
ActionParsnip1apparle: /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:25
lersterwhy does Jaunty suck?09:25
ActionParsnip1apparle: like all linuxes09:26
lersterb/c it doesn't run QUake1 =)09:26
ActionParsnip1lerster: try quake live :)09:26
lersterit rips out whatever remains of linux when it upgrades the kernal... that's from an UPGRADE perspective.09:26
WhiperActionParsnip1: how to go in right folder09:26
apparleActionParsnip1: I thought it was different because there was no such file in the directory09:26
lersteri don't want q3 graphics09:26
lersteri want q1 =(09:26
ActionParsnip1Whiper: cd <folder name>09:26
ActionParsnip1lerster: have you installed video drivers?09:26
lersterbut its not a major issue i just refuse to upgrade09:26
lersteras when i last upgraded to jaunty09:27
lersterquake would no longer run09:27
ActionParsnip1lerster: quakelive uses quake1 gfx afaik09:27
lersterthe linux client for quakeone anyways09:27
lersteri don't care about quake live09:27
pradeepdoes anyone know how to share internet connection to windows computers09:27
lersternor quake wars or any other crap09:27
lersteri just play quake 109:27
pradeepfrom ubntu09:27
lersteran only online09:27
FloodBot1lerster: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:27
latexknighthow do I search for a string inside of a bunch of files?09:27
Whiperon fine now i am in usr/local/src09:28
Whipernow what to do09:28
albanuxhow to allow distant connections to my server ? only localhost runs, and I haven't any firewall09:28
WhiperActionParsnip1: check the last message09:28
Sledger1how do I install a MakeFile09:28
ActionParsnip1Whiper: as I said, i dont know the exact file structure for every source file on the internet.09:29
ActionParsnip1Whiper: so you will have to dig around in the source to find where you have to run make09:29
joaopintolatexknight, /var/lib/dpkg/info/*mysql*postinst*09:30
ActionParsnip1Whiper: as the files are in /usr/local/src you may need to use sudo make09:30
lersteri asks these that programmed Ubuntu (as nice an easy it is to use) eventually make sure QUAKE1 works.... the linux client on www.quakeone.com09:30
lerster^_-- for proquake client (aka net quake client)09:30
lersterthan i will upgrade to jaunty otherwise i won't09:30
=== frogfoo_ is now known as frogfoo
lerstersince it runs on 8.1009:30
Tiger_Rawrri did a bad thing09:31
alphalatexknight: when it comes to searching read about grep09:31
joaopintolerster, you should ask that to the quake1 developers, not to the ubuntu devs which are not related to that project09:31
lersterso why may i ask does ubuntu 8.10 run quake1 linux... yet if you upgrade to jaunty, 9.x something it will no longer run (since it uninstalls random shit it says you no longer need?)09:32
lersteri don't believe it's quake 1's society's fault.09:32
Tiger_Rawrri used gpart to partitionmy hdd and get some more space in the process i changed the type of partition the windows one is and it started to format i stopped it and now when i try to access the lost and found folder in ubuntu 9.10 beta i get access denied you need to be root09:32
lersteras other linux boots run the client....09:32
lersteran 8.10 of ubuntu did too...09:32
lersterso wth?09:32
adrian__i have a probelm with my wireless card09:32
adrian__can someone hlp me?09:32
lersterbut its a small issue09:32
lersterso, help others first09:32
alphalerster: what are the symptoms?09:32
lersteri don't minds i just wanted to jab at that.09:33
adrian__it doesnt wanna conect to any server09:33
lersterinvalid compile issues. even tho i have all the libraries for recompilation an the weird symptom of...09:33
WhiperActionParsnip1: hello now what09:33
lersterif i use the working compile ver that worked on 8.10 ubuntu09:33
joaopintolerster, what error do we get when compiling ?09:33
lersterit just literarly doesn't load09:33
lersterif i run it in console it shows...09:33
lersterone sec09:33
WhiperActionParsnip1: i am in the respective folder09:33
lersteri'll link to a forum post of mine09:33
joaopintolerster, you are not expected to compile on 8.10 and run on a later version, due to libc compatibility issues09:33
lersterwith a spit of everything from the re-compile attempt on jaunty09:34
joaopintolerster, yes, pastebin the compile output09:34
ubuntistashow can my change my name in karmic any clue?09:34
=== koolhead is now known as koolhead17
joaopinto!karmic | ubuntistas09:34
ubottuubuntistas: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+109:34
adrian__can someone hlp me i have some wireless problem with my ubuntu 9.04 i have a HP pavilion zv600 with a broadcom wirelesee card????09:35
joaopinto!compile | Whiper09:35
ubottuWhiper: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)09:35
adrian__can someone hlp me i have some wireless problem with my ubuntu 9.04 i have a HP pavilion zv600 with a broadcom wirelesee card????09:36
breikohello guys.. is there someone that could help me to access hfs+ file system?09:36
jerknextdoormy dropbox icon in my notification area has disappeared. how do i get this back?09:36
jerknextdoorbreiko:  what do you need help with?09:36
ala-di-nohola buenas me e equivocado, o hay reunion de socios, cuanta gente no09:36
KruyKazejerknextdoor, did you upgrade to karmic?09:36
breikoI'm trying to write into an external drive formatted with osx from my ubuntu box but it says "read only file system". Is there a way to write into hfsplus file system? Can you suggest me something?09:36
ubuntistashow can my change my name in karmic any clue?09:37
ala-di-noa que estoy en el ingles09:37
jerknextdooradrian__: don't pm me without asking in the main channel.09:37
ldvxala-di-no: english :p09:37
ActionParsnip1!karmic | ubuntistas09:37
ubottuubuntistas: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+109:37
Tiger_Rawrrhow do i access folders as root and btw i tried to sign in as root from login useing same password and it did not happen09:37
varmonthow can help me to instal firefox 3.5 tu ubuntu version 8....409:37
adrian__o sry09:37
ActionParsnip1varmont: sudo apt-get install firefox-3.509:37
Flannelvarmont: 3.5 isn't available for 8.0409:37
varmonthow can help me to instal firefox 3.5 tu ubuntu version 8....409:37
joaopintoTiger_Rawrr, what are you trying to do ?09:37
adrian__can u help me plz???09:37
jerknextdoorKruyKaze: no, i haven't upgraded.  i'm on 9.04.  it was working until i restarted X a couple times.09:37
alphaTiger_Rawrr, you cannot login as root, you can only sudo09:37
varmontare you serius09:37
KruyKazejerknextdoor, what happens when you run dropbox?09:38
Flannelvarmont: 8.04 is LTS, there's no reason for it to have 3.5, if you want 3.5, you can always upgrade.09:38
lstarnesvarmont: there are PPA builds of firefox 3.5 for hardy09:38
adrian__jerknextdoor can u help me set the wireless card plz?09:38
lersterhttp://quakeone.com/forums/quake-help/quake-clients/4712-quake-ubuntu-3.html | http://quakeone.com/forums/quake-help/quake-clients/4712-quake-ubuntu-4.html | all recompile stuff is on jaunty upgraded from 8.10 ver of ubunto i'm alias Lerster (aka. cousin it immitator)09:38
breikoI've tried googling for the solution but all the forums discussion are really dated!09:38
varmontthx all09:38
lstarnesvarmont: I'm on hardy and I'm actually using a build of 3.709:39
jerknextdoorKruyKaze: nothing.  according to dropbox-cli it's running and updating everything...just not icon in the tray which isn't a necessity but it is nice to have.09:39
Tiger_Rawrrjoaopinto i am trying to access the lost+found folder on one of my file systems09:39
krsnaafter plugging an external keyboard to a netbook the keyboard layout got messed of the internal keyboard got messed up. what command will restore it?09:39
varmonthow cant09:39
joaopintoTiger_Rawrr, gksudo nautilus09:39
joaopinto!enter | varmont09:39
ubottuvarmont: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:39
jerknextdooradrian__: ask the channel to help you.  i cannot most likely help you with your wireless card.  i don't know that stuff.09:39
ActionParsnip1varmont: http://ubuntumanual.org/posts/183/install-or-upgrade-to-firefox-3-5-rc2-in-ubuntu-karmic-jaunty-intrepid-hardy09:39
ActionParsnip1varmont: nice ppa with ff3.5 for hardy09:40
adrian__ok thanks09:40
KruyKazejerknextdoor, oh i see never had that problem sorry09:40
varmontok thx09:40
Tiger_Rawrrbe more specific09:40
adrian__does someone know why my wireless card dont wanna conect to a wireless network?09:40
jerknextdoorKruyKaze: it's strange.  i'm sure it's fine.  i'll have to see if it fixes itself on a restart...but i have too much going on right now to try that.  haha.09:40
KruyKazejerknextdoor, :D09:41
lersteranyways my issue as i said is a (very small one) since the quake 1 community isn't huge. But, i would seriously appreciate it if someone looks into why ubunto 8.10 runs the linux glpro quake client and yet, the Jaunty version does not... it doesn't even load it.09:41
ActionParsnip1adrian__: does: sudo iwlist scan    show any APs?09:41
parapanhi there fellows! does someone knows if there is a channel for ssh/freeNX ????09:41
lersteri donno what it uninstalled when i upgraded last time as i was kind've drunk and i was debating the kernal upgrade and was like if i do this it will fuck things up... i said... yet i upgraded.. for security... purposes...09:42
lersteran it did fuck it up :P09:42
FloodBot1lerster: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:42
DJones!language | lerster09:42
ubottulerster: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.09:42
adrian__is show this09:42
adrian__lo        Interface doesn't support scanning.09:42
adrian__eth0      Interface doesn't support scanning.09:42
adrian__wmaster0  Interface doesn't support scanning.09:42
adrian__wlan0     Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down09:42
FloodBot1adrian__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:42
ActionParsnip1!ohmy | lerster09:42
ubottulerster: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.09:42
lersterit wasn't directed at anyone.09:42
ActionParsnip1adrian__: then you either need to install a driver, or maybe: sudo ifup wlan0   will work09:43
alphalerster: looks like it compiles without errors (warnings only)09:43
adrian__let me chek09:43
Tiger_Rawrrwhat about the best file recovery progamme for linux09:43
lersterit doesn't run tho.09:43
lersteran it ran under 8.1009:43
parapanhi there fellows! does someone knows if there is a channel for ssh/freeNX ???? it seems that I cannot login using the console .......09:43
ActionParsnip1Tiger_Rawrr: there is no best anything for linux09:43
lersteri wanna know what the heck jaunty uninstalls09:43
lersterwhen it upgrades but... unfortunately i can't give that info as i refuse to upgrade again09:44
ActionParsnip1Tiger_Rawrr: a great way to recover data is to restore from your backups09:44
adrian__ActionParsnipl: this is wat come out Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0.09:44
Tiger_Rawrrthats the problem i dont have the backups for the windows before this ubuntu was installed over the thing09:44
ActionParsnip1adrian__: thought so, if you run: sudo lshw -C network | grep product    you will see what chip you have, you can then websearch using that09:45
matt2154ikonia: you around?09:45
lersteranyways if anyone can figure out why Jaunty of ubuntu doesn't work for the linux quake1 client i would gladly upgrade. :)09:45
ActionParsnip1Tiger_Rawrr: all i can offer is this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery09:45
ikonialerster: ask the quake1 client developers/maintainers09:45
lersterbut till than, i won't. :) on a side note, it is definately the prettiest linux distro and easiest to install out there.09:45
adrian__ActionParsnipl: is this right RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+???09:46
matt2154ikonia: may I show you a strace of this pusleaudio startup issue?09:46
lersternah i'll just use ubuntu 8.10 since it runs it09:46
ActionParsnip1lerster: you havent said why it is bad, you havent said what it does / doesnt do or why you are having issue09:46
lersterjaunty does not09:46
lersterits all on these two links09:46
ActionParsnip1lerster: all we know is "it doesnt work" which is pointless09:46
rakesh_cn any one give me the links 2 downloads software 4 ubuntu....wine hq09:46
lersteri posted09:46
lerstershows the recompilation as well as the message i got prior to recompile09:46
lersteras well09:46
lersterin my terminal09:46
lersterwhich i didn't get in ubunto 8.1009:46
FloodBot1lerster: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:46
ActionParsnip1lerster: have you logged bugs?09:47
ikoniamatt2154: stick in in  pastebin, I'd be interested09:47
Tiger_Rawrrmuch pprichiated09:47
lersterno clue i had to reinstall my win/linux boots. due to a botnet issues. i had.09:47
lersterbut, that is unrelavent to an issue of running a video game.09:47
lersterafter an upgrade of the kernal09:47
adrian__ActionParsnipl: this is wat came out product: BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller09:47
adrian__       product: RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+09:47
lersterquake1 client refused to run09:47
matt2154ikonia: I'm not familiar with pastebin...09:48
ikonia!pastebin | matt215409:48
ubottumatt2154: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic09:48
ActionParsnip1lerster: can you tab complete my name at the start of text so I get highlights09:48
lersterif i had only made a list of what it said it would uninstall when i upgraded to jaunty it would've helped09:48
lersterunfortunately i didn't.09:48
ActionParsnip1lerster: my text to you being highlighted is not an accident09:48
DJones!software | rakesh_09:48
ubotturakesh_: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents09:48
ikoniarakesh_: please don't use caps09:48
ActionParsnip1!caps | rakesh_09:48
ubotturakesh_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.09:48
DJones!packages | rakesh_09:48
ubotturakesh_: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!09:48
caduhey guys, anyone here with netbooks using the Intel 945/etc chipset with the opensource driver and experiencing sloppy/erratic behavior (slow 3d performance, crashes/lockups, mtrr stuff) ??09:48
ActionParsnip1adrian__: ok websearch how to get that running09:49
lersteraction: sorry. better?09:49
ikoniarakesh_: the channel #winehq will help you with wine, the downloads for ubuntu are controlled through the ubuntu package manager system->administration->synaptic menu09:49
ActionParsnip1lerster: if you log a bug it may get addressed09:49
adrian__but wat should i put on the search???09:49
ActionParsnip1lerster: type actio then press tab09:49
cadui've had debian/ubuntu in this netbook for a good amount of time but removed it due to this intel/xorg fiasco T__T any pointers?09:49
rakesh_hey mu synaptic package manager is not working09:49
alphaActionParsnip1: this depends upon the irc client, unfortunately not all support tab-complete...09:50
lersteractio http://quakeone.com/forums/quake-help/quake-clients/4712-quake-ubuntu-4.html09:50
ikoniarakesh_: please expand on "not working"09:50
lersterActionParsnip1: http://quakeone.com/forums/quake-help/quake-clients/4712-quake-ubuntu-4.html09:50
lersterah shortcut09:50
lersteri see09:50
lersterit starts at page 309:50
krsnacadu switch to ext4 fs and take a custom kernel09:50
Sledger1 You must have the kernel sources for the kernel you are actually using09:50
Sledger1(04:49:07) Sledger1:   installed, and symlinked to /lib/modules/$(KERNEL_VERSION)/build.09:50
Sledger1(04:49:07) Sledger1:   Otherwise, change the path for KERNEL_LOCATION in DVB/driver/Makefile.09:50
Sledger1wtf does this mean?09:50
FloodBot1Sledger1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:50
lersterActionParsnip1:  i pasted the wrong url it starts at page 309:51
ActionParsnip1lerster: are bugs logged?09:52
DMihalcinAnyone happen to know the package name for a NES emulator?09:52
matt2154ikonia: here's the strace:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/287658/09:52
DJonesikonia: Is a quick pm ok?09:52
ikoniamatt2154: aweomse09:52
ikoniaDJones: of course09:52
rakesh_ikonia-when i start my pacakge..it shows.....failed to run/usr/sbin/synaptic as user root.........unable to copy the user xauthorization file09:53
AlHafoudhhi all09:53
alphaDMihalcin: zsnes?09:53
matt2154ikonia: home dirs over NFS, work as long as the NFS server is Ubuntu.  So you're right, it has to be something about my NFS server.09:54
AlHafoudhis it possible to have vlc as stream server and accept for example audio stream from other and resteram it elsewhere?09:54
ikoniamatt2154: just reading now09:54
matt2154ikonia: cool09:54
DMihalcinalpha: Actually I mean a NES emulator, I already have a SNES emulator. That being, ZSNES.09:54
lersterActionParsnip1:  it posts the recompilation on jaunty upgraded from 8.10 for the glproquake client that ran fine on 8.10 ubuntu release and on page 4 shows the starting info that the terminal provides for why it doesn't load... as it ran on 8.10 ubunto i feel it should run on jaunty but it does not, prior to recompile or after recompile it gives that same loading error (which is that of the game loading in console yet.. not loading).09:54
askvictor1I'm using RAID1 underneath LVM, now I want to get rid of RAID, and just have two disks. Is this feasible to do without backup/reinstall?09:54
lersterActionParsnip1:  so i don't know if its a graphic issue, i don't know what jaunty removed but it removed a lot when i upgraded from 8.10 said something about 30-50 removals of unrelevant softwares...09:55
rakesh_ikonia cn u help me09:55
lersterActionParsnip1:  sadly i did not keep a record aside from quake1 not working anymore after the upgrade from ubuntu 8.10 to jaunty... everything worked fine....09:55
adrian__i can get this to run can someone hlp me ???09:55
lersterActionParsnip1:  but that did upset me that quake 1 no longer ran.09:55
adrian__ActionParsnip1: i cant get this to run... i have the driver but it still dont wanna conect09:56
parapanhello again ..pls don't mind me anymore ....I just google-it and found some help which solved my issue; respect everyone!09:56
ikoniarakesh_: you've not explained what you mean by not working09:56
rakesh_i hav explained...just check it out above09:57
Asadanyone from Pakistan here? The latest tzdata updates has DST turned off for Pakistan but the DST will be over by 1st November, not 1st October :S09:57
rakesh_<rakesh_> ikonia-when i start my pacakge..it shows.....failed to run/usr/sbin/synaptic as user root.........unable to copy the user xauthorization file09:58
cyberspliceAsad: That's the tradeoff for having better food than most places in the world.09:58
rakesh_hey ikonia..see09:58
lersteradrian you can try loading a terminal and type: sudo get-apt install RTL-813909:58
lersterit will ask u to login as root just type ur root pass09:58
lersteran it should install it09:58
lerstermay work may not09:58
lersteri'm not good with linux.09:58
cyberspliceAsad: You may want to forget the DST, and find a university with a Timeserver within pakistan.09:58
FloodBot1lerster: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:58
adrian__Lerster: isnt that for the ethernet???09:58
ikoniarakesh_: how are you starting it ?09:59
lersterwell u asked for help for it09:59
lersteri thought u wanted the drivers for ur wireless card09:59
lersterif not ... then i have no clue.09:59
Asadlol cybersplice ... ahh yea.. that sounds like a solution. What's the configuration file for ntpdate?09:59
adrian__i am sry but i need the wireless card 109:59
rakesh_it doesnt start also ...ikonia09:59
cyberspliceAsad: I have no idea! I've never bothered changing it!09:59
adrian__oh yes lerster that is the 1 i need09:59
ikoniarakesh_: HOW did you start it09:59
lerstertry that10:00
cyberspliceAsad: You may want to search Launchpad to see if there's a bug registered.10:00
lersterit may grab the drivers u need.10:00
Asadoh right ...10:00
adrian__thanks i will try10:00
lersteror may just simply give an error10:00
cyberspliceAsad: If there isn't, may i suggest you submit one? To help the community.10:00
alphaAsad: if you are lazy you can configure NTP directly from Ubuntu preferences10:00
rakesh_what ikonia........my pc10:00
ikoniarakesh_: no synpatic10:00
varmontthx alll10:00
alphaAsad: System -> Administration -> Time and Date10:00
lersterokay i going to bed10:01
lersteri hope someone from ubuntu crew10:01
Asadlol sounds good alpha10:01
lersterfigures out why quake1 fails when upgraded to juanty10:01
alphalerster: did you file a bug report?10:01
lersterb/c i live for that game =/ sadly.10:01
lersterwouldn't know how to alpha10:01
lersteri gave links to issues10:01
alphalerster: if not then chances are low10:01
rakesh_its not starting it....when i click to this option its give the error which i send u10:01
lerstermeh its low priority10:01
lersteri'm sure they concerned bout other crap instead10:01
lersterso w/e10:01
behappyhow many time take /tmp to be empty ?10:02
ikoniarakesh_: do you know how to open a terminal window ?10:02
alphalerster: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ReportProblem10:02
adrian__lerster: it say command not found10:02
alphalerster: always better to leave a trace, even if this is low prio10:02
lerstersudo apt-get install RTL-813910:03
lersterdid i typo?10:03
ikoniarakesh_: open a terminal and do "sudo apt-get update" what happens ?10:03
lersteralpha: i will try the report10:03
lersteri'll bookmark it first an try the geniune build10:03
lersterthen the build a friend sent me that worked on ubuntu 8.1010:03
lersteri'll see if both or either work10:03
lersterprior to posting the reportr10:03
lersterb/c i know after i upgraded to jaunty from 8.10 it stopped working.10:03
adrian__lerster: E: Couldn't find package RTL-813910:04
lersteruh try one of the other three u posted10:05
lersterif not i'm clueless ask alpha10:05
lersterhe's a ubuntu guy10:05
lersteri thinks...10:05
adrian__lol ok thanks lerster10:05
rakesh_hey ikonia..its reading...now it shows.....reading pacakage lists....done10:05
adrian__alpha can u hlp me plz10:05
ikoniarakesh_: did it ask you for a password when you did it10:06
ikoniarakesh_: when you launch synaptic from system->administration->synaptic menu, does it ask for a password ?10:07
rakesh_yes ikonia\10:07
ikoniarakesh_: ok - try this. "gksudo /usr/bin/synaptic" what happens ?10:07
adrian__alpha are u free at the moment?10:08
alphaadrian__: you can see the interface so I guess you have the drivers. do you use Network Manager (wireless icon in a tray)?10:08
Koenigsegg_Anyone knows where the xchat config file(s?) are?10:08
alphaadrian__: do you see any networks on a list?10:08
WhiperActionParsnip1: hello now what10:08
erUSULKoenigsegg_: ~/.xchat2/ ??10:08
alphaKoenigsegg_: I guess in gconf10:09
alphaadrian__: do you see the tray icon? what happens when you click on it?10:09
ikoniamatt2154: this is looking very interesting10:09
matt2154ikonia: tell me more.  I'm a total strace newb10:10
adrian__alpha: is come ot and in the wireless section there is nothing10:10
Koenigsegg_thanks guys10:10
=== Guest33075 is now known as foofish
rakesh_hey ikonia..it syays no such file is found10:10
ikoniamatt2154: well, looking at that strace, it actually see's your nfs mounted home directory, but then it goes away10:10
ikoniarakesh_: sorry - "gksudo /usr/sbin/synaptic"10:11
matt2154ikonia: can you paste me a string to look at, so I'm at the same location?10:11
ikoniamatt2154: start looking at about line 628 down10:11
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=== _Techie is now known as _Techie_
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sddris there a way i can tunnel 5555 traffic through port 21 to second machine and then back to the intended server @ port 5555?10:12
alphaadrian__: does it work fine on other operating system? there are hardware switches to turn the radio off, did you check this just in case?10:12
adrian__alpha: i dont have any other OS, and the wireless card is on.10:13
rakesh_ikonia....now i automatically entered the synaptic manger10:13
JohnFluxHow do I install better drivers for my  AI Technologies Inc RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series10:13
ikoniarakesh_: Hmmmmm so there is nothing wrong with your access system10:14
JohnFluxI found a guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1231030   which requires building the driver manually etc10:14
JohnFluxbut is there really no better way than building the driver from git, then modifying xorg.conf etc?10:14
alphaadrian_: so now try "sudo iwlist scan"10:14
rakesh_ikonia...so will it work now10:15
adrian__alpha: this is wat came out lo        Interface doesn't support scanning.10:15
adrian__eth0      Interface doesn't support scanning.10:15
adrian__wmaster0  Interface doesn't support scanning.10:15
adrian__wlan0     Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down10:15
adrian__mon0      Interface doesn't support scanning : Operation not supported10:15
FloodBot1adrian__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:15
ikoniarakesh_: I don't think so, something is wrong with how the menu is launching it. one moment please10:16
resonatorhello. i'm using acer aspire one netbook running ubuntu 9.10 beta (downloaded on friday). i am able to enable / disable wireless through nm-applet. my question is, how can i ensure that wireless is actually disabled for security and power conservation purposes?10:17
=== adrian__ is now known as XxsiriusprxX
rakesh_ok ikonia10:17
ikoniarakesh_: remove ~/.Xauthority - reboot then try it, it should work10:17
matt2154ikonia: is it the "access("/etc/ld.so.nohwcap", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)" that is making you raise an eyebrow?  That's not on NFS...10:17
=== administrator is now known as Guest85594
matt2154ikonia: line 779 among others...10:17
ikoniamatt2154: no no, don't worry about any of that10:18
alphaadrian: ok, now try "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up" and then scan again10:18
ikoniamatt2154: yes, don't worry about that at all,10:18
* n3mo Добър ден.10:18
JanHolboHi all!10:18
rakesh_hey ikonia.....how 2 remove10:19
XxsiriusprxXalpha: ok nothing came out10:19
matt2154ikonia: ok... what are you seeing?10:19
ikoniarakesh_: "rm ~/.Xauthority10:19
ikoniamatt2154: look at about line 582 - you can see it is trying to access your home dir - it can work out permissions etc etc, which suggests it's mounted10:20
Whiperhow to complile from the src file10:20
alphahave to go now, sorry10:20
matt2154ikonia: strace question - all the lines that end in "= [0-9]".  Is the trailing number the return value of that function call?10:20
mala2Hi, how do i find out whether a machine is an 32bit or 64bit hardy machine?10:20
ikoniamatt2154: exactly10:21
matt2154ikonia: yeah, I see 582, and it looks good10:21
XxsiriusprxXcan someone hlp me i hava a wireless card problem on ubuntu 9.04 i have a hp pavilion zv600010:21
rakesh_after that ikonia10:21
ikoniamatt2154: but if you scroll down - you'll see an exit and then a clone process start - which suggests it's had the disk pulled from under it10:21
ikoniarakesh_: reboot and you should be fine10:21
JanHolboI need some help with ecryptfs. I lost my root partition and thus the keys and passphrase. I can use the method mentioned in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EncryptedPrivateDirectory (Design section) to get to my files but the file names are still encrypted (btw I answer yes to plaintext passthrough against the no in the solution - I have tried with no, did not help)10:21
ikoniamatt2154: when I say disk - I mean Nfs mount10:22
matt2154ikonia: yeah, i took that as your meaning...10:22
OdonFeerHey guys, stupid question... I'm just now tempted to install ubuntu linux, and noticed that a new version is on its way. If I install 9.04 will I be able to upgrade easily when the next revision is out?10:22
rakesh_hey ikonia...when i typed the above command given by u ....then nothng happens10:22
XxsiriusprxXcan someone hlp me i hava a wireless card problem on ubuntu 9.04 i have a hp pavilion zv6000  i already isntall the driver and every is runnig but the card doesnt detect any wireless conection10:22
ikoniamatt2154: you'll then notice it trys the same process again, eg: I can't finish what I started, so I'll start again10:23
ikoniarakesh_: you won't see anything - restart your machine and you should be good to go10:23
JanHolboOdonFeer: that should be reasonaby simple10:23
XxsiriusprxXikonia can u hlp me plz???10:23
DJonesOdonFeer: yes, you can upgrade easily10:23
=== adeodatus is now known as aigon
JanHolboOdonFeer, is has been in the past -10:24
BleSSwhen I save some youtube's video, its sound is wrong played in my desktop player but it's well seen from internet, how solve it?10:24
ikoniaXxsiriusprxX: with what ?10:24
yakozahow can i write .dat file in jaunty ?10:24
JanHolboBleSS, are you using youtubedl?10:24
XxsiriusprxXikonia: i have problem with my wireless card10:24
=== Sonderbla is now known as Sonderblade
BleSSJanHolbo: no, I'm copying it directly from /tmp10:25
JanHolboBleSS, install youtubedl either via apt-get or one of the GUI tools10:25
JanHolboBleSS, it is a shell program but very easy10:26
* G69 Bom Dia.10:26
n3moBleSS, private :)10:26
JanHolboAnybody: I need some help with ecryptfs. I lost my root partition and thus the keys and passphrase. I can use the method mentioned in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EncryptedPrivateDirectory (Design section) to get to my files but the file names are still encrypted (btw I answer yes to plaintext passthrough against the no in the solution - I have tried with no, did not help)10:26
BleSSJanHolbo: then I'm supposed that I could try too with some firefox plugin10:26
matt2154ikonia: ok, i wonder if i've got a problem with this 3com switch.  My working scenario, was mounting NFS from a Ubuntu box (localhost), so it completely avoided the network.  I'll try mounting from a remote Ubuntu box and get back to you...10:26
XxsiriusprxXikonia: i have install the driver but it still dont wanna conect to any network10:26
JanHolboBleSS, probably, I just know that youtubedl works :-)10:27
rakesh_hey ikonia...its working yar....thanks yar....u r gr8 bro10:27
solistichello, what packages contain other spell checking languages for KMail? Any ideas?10:27
JanHolboBleSS, btw consider installing the codecs from the medibuntu repositories10:27
BleSSok, thanks10:27
yakozai wanna write a video file that its extension is .dat10:28
yakozahow can i write it ?10:29
DeathFoxcan u have a mpg background10:29
DeathFoxin ubuntu10:29
ikoniamatt2154: that would be an interesting test, good call10:29
ic_flyhi i can only boot my ubuntu 9.04 by booting recovery mode and then telling it to resume normal boot. if i do normal boot straight away it only shows a black screen. Any ideas what could be causing this? cheers10:29
ikoniamatt2154: as a point of interest cheap "home" switches sometimes cause a problem with NFS's state information (not suggesting yours is cheap)10:29
rakesh_hey ikonia cn u tell me ....how 2 play the games on linux installed in window....i m using wine but grtting problm...sumtimes my sys automatically shut down or does not work well10:29
ikoniarakesh_: it automatcially shuts down, or powers off ?10:30
XxsiriusprxXikonia: i have install the driver but it still dont wanna conect to any network any ideas?10:30
matt2154ikonia: Nope, mine is a 3Com Superswitch II.  Definetely not cheap, but getting up in age...10:30
monostonei recently purchased a WD passport 500GB usb HD, by default I see it comes with vfat filesystem, i would like to know if i should reformat it to fat32 or ntfs-3g for improved performance while still maintaining windows compatibility? i haven't read to many positive things about vfat. Thanks for any tips :)10:30
JanHolboAnybody: I need some help with ecryptfs. I lost my root partition and thus the keys and passphrase. I can use the method mentioned in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EncryptedPrivateDirectory (Design section) to get to my files but the file names are still encrypted (btw I answer yes to plaintext passthrough against the no in the solution - I have tried with no, did not help)10:30
matt2154ikonia: or is it a superswitch 3.  Anywho, pretty damn expensive...10:31
ikoniamatt2154: point taken10:31
ic_flyhi i can only boot my ubuntu 9.04 by booting recovery mode and then telling it to resume normal boot. if i do normal boot straight away it only shows a black screen. Any ideas what could be causing this? cheers anyways10:32
XxsiriusprxXcan some 1 hlp me i hava a problem with my wireless card i already install the driver but it still doesnt wanna conect to any network some plz hlp me????10:32
rakesh_actually..it automatically reaches the stage where i hav 2 hav type password and user name10:33
Tiger_Rawrrhow do i check my internal ip address for example 192.x.x.x is suposedly my addres now i tried ipconfig in terminal and it wont tell me10:33
matt2154ikonia: thanks for your continued help :)10:33
llutzTiger_Rawrr: ifconfig10:33
ic_flyXxsiriusprxX: what kind of encryption is the network?10:33
JanHolboXxsiriusprxX, are you using gnome or kde?10:33
rakesh_hey ikonia actually..it automatically reaches the stage where i hav 2 hav type password and user name10:34
wzssyqahow can i find an emacs lisp function from a Description?10:34
llutzic_fly: try "sudo touch /forcefsck && reboot"10:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lisp10:35
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code10:35
ubottuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/10:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bluefish10:36
monostonei recently purchased a WD passport 500GB usb HD, by default I see it comes with vfat filesystem, i would like to know if i should reformat it to fat32 or ntfs-3g, thanks10:36
ic_flyllutz: cheers i ll give it a try10:36
AppleCidervfat is fat32... for UNIX/LINUX10:36
AppleCider(& BSD)10:36
DeathFoxcan you have a mpg as a background10:37
DeathFoxlike in ultimate10:37
AppleCiderVLC should do it10:37
AppleCiderAt least on windows it can10:37
DeathFoxi mean a background10:38
DeathFoxlike wallpaper10:38
AppleCiderVLC can do it on Windows10:38
AppleCiderSo probably on Linux as well10:38
DeathFoxwhat do u do10:40
iameliteare there any other distros of linux, that have an equally simple package database, like ubuntu/debian with apt?10:40
ic_flythanks a lot it worked10:42
JanHolbois in trouble .....   I need my files back and they are locked into an ecryptfs jail .....10:42
ic_flywhat excatly does touch do?10:42
=== ChrisMcA|Away is now known as ChrisMcA
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about touch10:43
JanHolboic_fly, man touch : Update  the  access  and modification times of each FILE to the current time.10:43
JanHolboic_fly, it doesn't change file contents just metadata10:43
ic_flyhow is that important or relevant though?10:44
JanHolbodepends on what you did10:44
LexRguys, is there a gui program for merging a couple of pdf files into one large file?10:44
haxparr0wevening everyone10:44
JanHolboic_fly, depends on what you did10:44
miron721Hey, guys, quick question. Is there any kind of command I can use to find the coordinates of the mouse cursor?10:45
haxparr0wlooking for nvidia guru10:45
JanHolboic_fly, when you want to say force a compiler to recompile a file you can touch that file. As the file seems new, the compiler thinks it has been changed10:46
vercinaighAnyone got somet ime to spare for figuring out a niceness permissions issue?10:46
miron721Hello? Some file I can read, or something like that? Anything other than guessing?10:46
AppleCiderDocumentation will tell you10:47
miron721AppleCider, was that directed to me? If so, awesome10:47
miron721AppleCider, Ok, awesome, thanks10:48
* AppleCider reboots comp10:48
JanHolboencrypted filenames need rescueing .....10:49
jerknextdoori'm looking for a way to have ubuntu append a text file upon recieving an email with the subject of that email.  is this crazy or is there something out there?10:49
iameliteHas anyone used Ubuntu 9.10 beta? Is there anything really awesome worth trying out?10:51
JanHolbojerknextdoor, without knowing exactly how if you can get a program to spit out that subject you ought to be able to cat that to the file in question10:51
haxparr0wanyone here successfully set up nvidia geforce 5200? in ubuntu 9.04 server w/desktop installed?  System>Admin..>H. Drivers does not successfully work...10:51
=== administrator is now known as Guest38204
haxparr0w...using nvdia ones off site fail to go as well10:52
beastyhaxparr0w: you have 2 releases for nvidia drivers10:53
jerknextdoorJanHolbo: yeah.  i was just hoping someone could tell me if procmail or something is capable of that.10:53
haxparr0wbeasty, yeah both behave same way10:54
d0wnHow would I go about making a .deb out of a compiled copy of a program?10:54
=== biggi_mat is now known as Matic`Makovec
duffydackd0wn, use checkinstall10:56
alexp__Hi there, I'm having trouble with CUPS on Ubuntu 6.06 LTS. I get a 403 forbidden error when I try to access my print server on http://print:631/ - there's some debug log at http://pastebin.com/m5d2656dc - any idea what I'm doing wrong?10:56
vercinaighif anyone has time to correct a niceness issue please pm me.10:57
JanHolbojerknextdoor, I am not well wandered in either procmail or dovecot etc10:57
jerknextdoorJanHolbo: it's all good.  i'm sure someone else has had to of wanted to do what i am doing...i just dont know what to look for.10:58
mo0nykitHello! I have a question. In my /boot/grub/menu.lst, my kernel command line has the vga=792 option. But the loader somehow ignores it. What causes the loader to ignore the vga option?10:58
greg__hi welcom :)10:58
haxparr0wbeastie: checked google, tried to work with nvidia-glx drivers as well, all done on a fresh install.  keep running into 'no precompiled kernel interface was found to match your kernel'10:59
JanHolbojerknextdoor, is it on a server or a client machine?11:00
iamelite64bit vs 32 bit, does it really matter?11:00
[fade]not really11:00
JanHolboiamelite, depends really on how much memory you have11:00
[fade]its overrated11:00
JanHolboiamelite, if you have less than 4 GB RAM then stick with 32 bit11:01
unplughi! i am running UNR on my netbook and would like to know whether there is an application that will trigger a loud alarm whenever the power cable is removed?11:01
greg__buuuuuuuuuuu  buuuuuuuuuu11:01
MorwindHey guys. I'm following a no CD installation guide for ubuntu11:01
MorwindAnd this was referenced: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/main/installer-i386/current/images/hd-media/11:02
MorwindIt 404's..11:02
JanHolbounplug, uhmmm I think that can be done in the power preferences .....11:02
MorwindI poked around the directories there and found this: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/installer-i386/current/images/hd-media/11:02
MorwindIs that the correct one to use?11:02
jerknextdoorJanHolbo: server.  basically i have a todo.txt on my comp that i have speen the last two weeks configuring properly and i want to be able to email myself+todo@gmail.com with a "todo action subjectline" and have that action automatically added to the list.11:03
JanHolbounplug, but not sure11:03
[fade]unplug in power preferences just edit the wargning and add your alarm sound11:03
[fade]yes, it can be done there, notification already exists11:03
DJonesMorwind: The page will have disappeared because because gutsy reached its end of life in april 2009 and isn't supported anymore11:03
MorwindI see.11:03
Tiger_Rawrrok one more problem i am trying to find my wireless connection on my list of wireless but its not there would there be any special reason for that11:03
MorwindSo go with what is under Jaunty?11:03
JanHolbojerknextdoor, which mta are you using? procmail?11:03
nayfeHi! I have problem with IrfanView under Wine. Installed required windows library, but still have "fixme:actctx:parse_depend_manifests Could not find dependent assembly L"Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls" (" Googled, but no effect. Sorry id asking about wine is not allowed here.11:03
[fade]Tiger_Rawrr  go into wireless manager and scan it manually11:04
JanHolbojerknextdoor, is gmail forwarding to your account?11:04
[fade]or jsut ented your ssid and it will connect to it11:04
DJonesMorwind: If you're installing Jaunty, it looks like you've found the equivalent with that 2nd link11:04
MorwindAlright, thanks.11:04
doktoreasanyone can suggest a tool to create a database and export it to SQL?11:04
DJonesMorwind: What guide are you following to install from?11:04
jerknextdoorJanHolbo: i'm not using anything yet.  i was just looking for advie before i started just randomly experimenting.  i am install procmail right now.11:04
jiohdinayfe, if you get the zip'd version that does not require any install after unzipping, it works under wine just fine11:04
alexp__Any CUPS experts in the house? I'm having trouble accessing a CUPS server on port 631 across the network with my browser.11:04
MorwindCTRL+F: The CD image approach11:05
TheSageiamelite - In primary advantage of 64 Bit OS's for the common user is that you can break the 4 Gig memory limit that 32 Bit systems have.11:05
JanHolbojerknextdoor, ok - maybe one of the gmail apps out there would be a choice - prefebly a shell one11:05
MorwindHaving to install that way because I lack a CD to burn to11:05
Tiger_Rawrrhow do i find the wireless manager11:05
jerknextdoorJanHolbo: i'll take a look.11:05
iameliteTheSage, So you are to tell me that me, with 2 gigs ram, would experiance no gain running 64 bit?11:05
nayfei tried, it worked two times, now crashes immediatly.11:06
DJonesMorwind: If you've not seen it, this page could be useful as well https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#Installation without a CD11:06
jiohdinayfe ... I could not get the installer.exe for ifranview to run at all, but when I got the zipped version that did not require install, it worked fine11:06
JanHolboiamelite, none whatsoever - it might even be a hit as 64 bit software takes up more space than 32 bit same11:06
TheSageiamelite - For Ubuntu, I recommend that unless you have a specific reason to run 64 bit, don't. Run the 32 bit versian.11:07
unplugin Power Management preferences???11:07
MorwindI will  check that page out, thanks DJones11:08
iameliteWould goign 32 bit improve my wine compatability with games?11:08
TheSageiamelite - Going 32 bit would improve compatibility overall.11:08
rskiamelite: yes11:08
iameliteim sold11:09
rskiamelite: 64bit wine only runs 64bit apps11:09
unplug[fade], in Power Management preferences???11:09
iameliteim about to wipe my main drive and try 9.10 with ext 4, good idea or bad idea?11:09
JanHolboTheSage, iamelite I think that goes for just about any OS - 64 bit versions eat up more space than 32 bit and thus has really only any good use in environments where you have plenty of memory (8+ GB - I know the physical limit is 4GB but depending on software and use I think you need min 7-8 GBs of RAM to make a difference)11:09
nayfeSecond question: system often crashes with fullscreen aps, if I could minimalise it I'd kill it, but I can't, and must reboot. How can I prevent it?11:09
rskiamelite: impossible to tell11:09
avishekrsk: does running wine pose a security risk re. windows viruses?11:09
JanHolboiamelite, bad - stik with 9.04 for the time being11:10
JanHolboiamelite, 9.10 is still in beta11:10
rskavishek: nope =)11:10
avishekrsk: thank you11:10
iameliteYeah but i like to report bugs and feel important, mr JanHolbo11:10
unplughi! i am running UNR on my netbook and would like to know whether there is an application that will trigger a loud alarm whenever the power cable is removed? in power management preferences there is NO option for that!11:10
JanHolboiamelite, and if you are running windows you can do a resize of your windows partition and have both11:11
TheSageJanHolbo - MS cleaned up the 64 Bit code for Windows 7 pretty well so a lot of the glitches are gone. Some Apps also have a marked improvement if you use the 64 bit version.11:11
jiohdinayfe: how much memory does your machine have?11:11
JanHolboiamelite, yeah but you risk loosing your data as it is still beta software11:11
nayfejihodi, only 768MB11:11
TheSageJanHolbo - Especially Photoshop.11:11
jiohdinayfe: are you using gnome, kde or what?11:12
nayfejihodi, gnome with compiz11:12
iameliteJanHolbo, 1: i have a few backup drives, 2: I love to experiment. 3: I hate microsoft with a passion (No troll here) and 4... well i revert to the first as i dont be losing data11:12
jiohdinayfe, might I suggest Xfce4 which runs leaner and allows more for other programs11:12
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avishekrsk: would it possible to have an architecture with an Ubuntu terminal server running Wine serving diskless client nodes?11:13
TheSageJanHolbo - Of course, MS being MS, being able to break that 4 Gig limit goes a long way to help you run program on top of Vista/711:13
nayfejhodi, no, thanks, i am attached to my bouncy windows, even if i must reboot sometimes :D11:14
JanHolboTheSage, don't know too much about Win 7 but if you are using 64 bit assembler code with 64 bit data it takes up more space than 32 bit code with 32 bit data - no matter the OS - so with the same amount of memory you will hit the virtual memory sooner with 64 bit than 32 bit11:14
jiohdinayfe, you can run compiz under xfce11:14
TheSageJanHolbo - True.11:14
rskavishek: ofcourse11:15
mo0nykitHow do I use locate only in the current directory (and recursively) ?11:15
meeeehow can I get links of files that are going to be downloaded by apt-get upgrade?11:15
nayfejihodi, thx, i'll check it11:15
JanHolboAnybody: I need some help with ecryptfs. I lost my root partition and thus the keys and passphrase. I can use the method mentioned in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EncryptedPrivateDirectory (Design section) to get to my files but the file names are still encrypted (btw I answer yes to plaintext passthrough against the no in the solution - I have tried with no, did not help)11:16
TheSageJanHolbo - But Windows is always using VM anyways, even when you have enough Ram.11:16
jiohdinafye I run xfce on my laptop, its rock solid, no crashes11:16
JanHolboTheSage, I know - maybe they have a stake in storage stocks :-)11:16
_Techie_am i able to map the volume buttons on my powerbook to the pc speaker instead of master?11:16
avishekrsk: this is probably a silly question, but is it possible to convert an ordinary PC into a diskless node?11:17
alexp__avishek: If the ordinary PC's network card supports netbooting, yes11:17
TheSageJanHolbo - hehe.11:18
avishekalexp__, rsk: thank you! I'm trying to create an Ubuntu based LTSP architecture at office, but am not having much luck11:18
avishektoo inexperienced! :)11:18
user59do terminal apps have their own color settings generally or do you usually set a terminal theme that apps obey?11:18
daveycakeswhere is ktorrent saved to? i need to make it the default .torrent program11:18
user59e.g. background11:18
alexp__avishek: I've set up Debian-based LTSP clusters before - the LTSP guys develop it on Debian, so it's a sensible thing to use.11:19
avishekalexp__: could you please advise me a starting point to learn about LTSP deployment for a complete newbie like me?11:20
alexp__avishek: I just went to ltsp.org and talked to the people on their IRC channel.11:21
alexp__avishek: I installed a Debian 5.0 server, installed the ltsp-server-full (I think) package.11:21
monostonehow can i convert an external usb HD to ntfs-3g from vfat? mkfs -t ntfs-3g?11:21
avishekalexp__: thank you so much! i'll take your advice. God bless!11:22
meeeehow can I get links of files that are going to be downloaded by apt-get upgrade?11:22
Aijse! 9.1011:22
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+111:22
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jiohdimeeee: you will usually find them in /usr/bin/11:23
meeeejiohdi: what?!11:23
jiohdimeeee: you can set up a launcher and go to usr/bin to get the link11:24
meeeejiohdi: I meant link of files in the repos.11:24
alexp__Any CUPS experts in the house? I'm having trouble accessing a CUPS server on port 631 across the network with my browser.11:25
fadis tyhere any video editing software for ubuntu?11:27
saurav_yes try pitivi11:27
jiohdifad loads... you can go to synaptic package manager and put video into the search11:27
saurav_cinelerra is also another alternative11:28
monostonehow do i format a usb HD  as ntfs-3g filesystem?11:30
saurav_install Gparted  monostone11:31
ActionParsnip1monostone: you'll need ntfsprogs11:31
jiohdimonostone: you might have better luck on #ubuntu-offtopic11:31
monostoneok thanks11:32
ActionParsnip1!info ntfsprogs11:32
ubottuntfsprogs (source: linux-ntfs): tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.0-1ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 262 kB, installed size 672 kB11:32
pradeephello everyone11:33
JanHolboAnybody: I need some help with ecryptfs. I lost my root partition and thus the keys and passphrase. I can use the method mentioned in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EncryptedPrivateDirectory (Design section) to get to my files but the file names are still encrypted (btw I answer yes to plaintext passthrough against the no in the solution - I have tried with no, did not help)11:33
saurav_hello pradeep11:33
JanHolboI need some help with ecryptfs. I lost my root partition and thus the keys and passphrase. I can use the method mentioned in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EncryptedPrivateDirectory (Design section) to get to my files but the file names are still encrypted (btw I answer yes to plaintext passthrough against the no in the solution - I have tried with no, did not help)11:33
JanHolbosorry I need help to get back my filenames from ecryptfs - I seem to have accomplished to mount the ecrypted dir and can read the contents of (atleast a few of) the files - but the filenames are still encrypted. Anybody know a solution?11:36
JanHolbodo I need a wrapped passphrase?11:36
banisterfiendfuck off11:39
pradeepbanisterfiend> whats the problem11:40
pradeepfuck off11:41
llutzdon't feed the (gone) troll pls11:41
_Techie_how can i connect to a WPA secured wireless network?11:41
JanHolbohmmm  the filename encryption seems to be working - with new files ....   so it seems the sig is wrong or?11:43
ecolitanis there a way to run a command at the very end of startup?11:43
ecolitanautomatically obviously11:43
[fade]yes ecolitan11:43
[fade]add the command to /etc/init.d/rc11:44
JanHolboany ecryptfs wizards around11:44
=== Guest5000468 is now known as JoeSomebody
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit11:46
ecolitan[fade] and it will be run after everything else? including after /etc/rc.local11:46
egomosishey all11:46
JanHolbohi egomosis !11:47
jiohdicyber - quake !11:47
ray__i dont understand IRC lol11:47
ray__first time ive been on here...its odd11:47
joaopintobanisterfiend, according to the manpage it should be provided by  binutils, but it's not11:47
JanHolboI need some help with ecryptfs - anybody have any knowledge on that?11:47
[fade]ecolitan add the full path to the command at the end of the file11:48
[fade]it will start automaticall with the system11:48
revfhi, I'm a new linux user (about a month).  I'm currently using xubuntu (installed with apt-get, not from scratch) and compiz.  if I go through the normal upgrade process for karmic, will that mess up my current environment?11:50
banisterfiendjoaopinto: so what do you suggest i do? this is driving me crazy, i cant find it anywhere, not even on the web11:50
jiohdirevf: there is always that potential11:50
revfbut I mean11:51
joaopintobanisterfiend, no idea, eventually it was abandoned for some tecnhical reason11:51
joaopintobanisterfiend, you could apt-get source binutils, and check the source11:51
jiohdirevf: you can cp -R panel panel.bk to keep all your current panel settings and launchers11:51
revfhow superficial is the ubuntu/xubuntu difference when it comes to upgrading the distribution?11:51
revfoh ok that helps11:51
banisterfiendjoaopinto: ok thanks11:52
revfcan I generally assume that settings in my home folder won't get fucked with, or do I need to back stuff up?11:52
revfbeyond the panel11:52
jiohdirevf: if you need to reinstall them, you cannot do it from within a running system with Xfce, you will need to log in under kde or something else because the system will ignore attempts to fix it while running for the panel settings11:52
jiohdirevf: which are found at ~/.config/xfce4/panel11:53
revfok, that sounds pretty mild as upgrade issues go11:53
revfI have gnome installed still, so that is not an issue at all11:53
=== William is now known as Guest44144
MorwindWelp, I'm having no luck installing ubuntu without a CD. and to be quite honest it sounds kind of risky.. I did manage to find a blank CD though.. Could anyone recommend me a good, free, CD burner for windows? I'll hopefully only need it once :P11:55
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William-Gentoogood evening11:55
avemowvipil me faudrait ubuntu fr s'il vous plait...11:55
jiohdiMorwind: did you try from a usb stick?11:55
DJones!fr | avemowvip11:55
ubottuavemowvip: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr11:55
jiohdiMorwind: there is a program called etubootin which can make a bootable usb stick with ubuntu on it11:56
MorwindEr, I should say CD burning software. The drive is capable of it but I never bothered with it.11:56
MorwindI do, but it is only 500mb or so.. Really old.11:56
MorwindDoubt it'd be enough for it.11:56
jiohdiMorwind: you could do puppy that small, but Ubuntu requires a bit more I think11:57
citrus212i need help getting the 'mouse over w/thumbnails' KDE package onto gnome does anyone know how to get gnome to show you a 'mouseover image' (small pciture) when you hold the mouse over the .jpg icon11:58
DJonesMorwind: Have a look at Infrarecorder on windows for burning cd's, I've used that to write images to cd in the past http://infrarecorder.org/11:59
citrus212i need help getting the 'mouse over w/thumbnails' KDE package onto gnome does anyone know how to get gnome to show you a 'mouseover image' (small pciture) when you hold the mouse over the .jpg icon12:00
DJonescitrus212: Sorry, I don't know about that12:00
jiohdicitrus212: you may have more luck in #ubuntu-offtopic12:01
Spacemanis 'Write-error on swap-device' a serious problem, a vbox update failed and said look at dmesg, dmesg is full of that line12:02
JanHolbocan anybody help me with decrypting encrypted filenames in ecryptfs?12:03
silverfastjiohdi: It is not offtopic he ask for preview if I understand correctly12:04
jiohdisilverfast: he can monitor both channels, but people in offtopic are often more helpful on such things12:04
silverfast :o12:05
deeyaazhello all12:05
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deeyaazI just installed ubuntu .. where can I find the volume control pls12:06
jiohdideeyaaz: under multi-media12:07
AijseIs it possible to video chat with some one using AIM in Ubuntu?12:07
silverfastdeeyaaz: system>preferences>sound and applications>sound&video>volume conrol12:07
DJonesdeeyaaz: There should also be an icon in the top right of the screen to adjust volume levels12:07
deeyaazwhat is it under?12:07
ActionParsnip1Aijse: empathy maybe?12:08
silverfastdeeyaaz: icon of speaker12:08
O__ois 2.6.24-24-generic the new kernel?12:09
deeyaazI see.. I got it on 100% and still no sound ..how come?12:09
silverfastO__o: I don't think so12:09
ActionParsnip1!info linux-image12:10
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB12:10
gustavonareaHi. How can I disable the Gnome window that pops up when I need to unlock an SSH key? I want to use the plain old console prompt12:10
ActionParsnip1deeyaaz: is it muted?12:10
AijseActionParsnip1, thanks I ll have a look into empathy12:10
daveycakesshoot it in the face12:10
O__osilverfast, i update it in the repos (i am using 8.04) and now opera will get 50% and it is so slow12:10
deeyaazno it is not12:10
ActionParsnip1!info linux-image hardy12:11
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 25 kB, installed size 52 kB12:11
NeoCicakhi all.... i have a problem... i'm doing remote desktop to a windows machine, and it is extremely sluggish compared to when i use remote desktop from a windows machine. (same connection, same machine). Has anyone experienced this before? I tried rdesktop, terminal server client, both has the same performance problem12:11
silverfastO__o: witch version of opera do you use12:11
jiohdisilverfast: I use operaUSB under wine, its very fast and stable12:12
O__oit just happen this morning after i update the kernel12:12
jiohdisilverfast: its tight coded for protable drives12:12
silverfastO__o: enable turbo in opera maybe that help12:12
O__omy connection has no problem12:12
O__ofirefox works here12:13
O__ojust that opera crashes.  earlier opera went to zombie state12:13
SteveHillI was fiddling with the Display Preferences config tool, and I have two problems; 1) I can't seem to get rid of it from my panel, and 2) it has boogered up my ability to run videos, with Kaffeine or any of my other video players.  The sound comes out OK, though.  Any ideas about getting rid of either problem??12:14
jiohdiO__o: I have problems with opera crashing all the time, but operaUSB under wine runs just fine12:14
silverfastO__o: maybe it is enabled and you have fast internet and that is problem look in bottom left corner in opera12:14
O__oi have been using the newest opera for more than a week and no problem i never turn off computer or opera12:14
silverfastjiohdi: I use opera right now with no problem I download it from site12:15
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O__ojust that this morning i update the new kernel and now opera keeps having problem12:15
jiohdisilverfast: I have only 512 meg memory so my opera crashes all the time12:15
O__oi have turbo off by the way12:15
silverfastjiohdi: I use to have less that 512 and opera works just like any other browser if not better12:16
jiohdisilverfast: dont know why mine crashes so often but it does12:17
jiohdibut so far operaUSB is rock solid12:17
O__odoes it have to do with the kernel?  i cant remember the even is stable or the odd is stable?12:17
silverfastO__o: itlook like it does but don't know what to advice you12:17
O__oi can just reboot and select the previous kernel right?12:18
silverfastO__o:  of course12:18
O__ois ti the odd number is stable or the even number one?12:18
silverfastO__o:  your updted kernel will be first when you boot select second one (not recovery mode)12:20
O__oi know12:20
O__osilverfast, i can remember if the odd number is stable or even number is stable?12:20
silverfastO__o: sorry for broken English but I don't understand what are you asking me just try boot your old kernel and see what will happened12:22
shawn_Is torrenting supposed to slow down the other computer on my Network like by tons?12:23
O__ou know the linux kernel has stable version and beta version?12:23
perlsyntaxis there  ppa for the ruby 1.9.1?12:23
O__othey use even number or odd number to represent them12:23
rskO__o: it has release candidates and releases, it has no beta versions12:23
rskO__o: that is not correct anymore12:23
O__olet me wikipedia it12:24
RegressLessI installed EmiFreq applet. Does anyone know where it's installed or how to run it?12:24
silkgoddoes anyone know the front end to configure the default boot manager in Xubuntu?12:24
NeoCicakwhat do people here use for remote desktoping to windows box?12:24
rskwikipedia it all you want, it's not true anymore O__o =)12:24
O__owhat do u mean?12:24
rskwhat i said12:24
khalid_hello all, have a nice day12:25
silverfastO__o: I don't think ubuntu updated with beta12:25
khalid_i'm newbie her12:25
perlsyntaxIs there a ppa for the ruby 1.9.1?12:26
RegressLessI installed EmiFreq applet via Synaptic. Does anyone know where it's installed or how to run it?12:26
silverfast!remote | NeoCicak12:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about remote12:26
BlackFateperlsyntax, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-ruby/+archive/ppa12:27
silkgodits really easy to remote to a windows machine12:27
silkgodbut first we need to know what OS you are using12:27
shawn_Is there a way to have Evolution Mail minimize to the taskbar when you click close?12:27
NeoCicaksilverfast: remote??12:27
rskO__o: Up until the 2.6.x series, the Linux kernel used <- it dosent _anymore_ it has changed to a merge cycle of 3 months instead.12:27
O__ooh ok12:28
O__oi guess i was stuck in 2.412:28
silkgodi guess i will just go configure lilo the old fashioned way?!@12:28
perlsyntaxBlackfate,It will not let me add it.12:28
silkgodsince nobody here will answer me12:28
MrEgg964I want to share my email address books between my 3 computers. Should I look into OpenLDAP or should I walk another path?12:28
silkgodI'm just a lazy B-12:28
silverfastNeoCicak: rdesktop canbe what are you looking for12:29
BarackHusseinObaNeoCicak: rdesktop canbe what are you looking for12:29
silkgodwhy don't you just copy over yer D- address book!12:29
NeoCicaksilverfast: rdesktop is far too slow12:29
silkgodit's 3 computers!12:29
BarackHusseinObasilverfast: rdesktop is far too slow12:29
perlsyntaxor i doing something wroung.12:29
BarackHusseinObawhy don't you just copy over yer D- address book!12:29
Kingsy101can someone do a favour.. ---> this is my local computer shop --> www.computerorbit.co.uk <--- can someone take a look under the wireless cards and tell me one that I can buy that will work on ubuntu out of the box.. i.e I can plug it in and thats it.. I am on the net from a fresh ubuntu install ?12:29
BarackHusseinObait's 3 computers!12:29
BarackHusseinObaor i doing something wroung.12:29
FloodBot3BarackHusseinOba: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:29
BarackHusseinObacan someone do a favour.. ---> this is my local computer shop --> www.computerorbit.co.uk <--- can someone take a look under the wireless cards and tell me one that I can buy that will work on ubuntu out of the box.. i.e I can plug it in and thats it.. I am on the net from a fresh ubuntu install ?12:29
O__oi rdesktop to windows all the time12:29
silkgodyou gotta have the bandwidth for that12:29
silkgodotherwise yer screwed!12:29
O__ordesktop is fast12:29
silkgodit's all about the bandwidth!12:29
BarackHusseinObait's all about the bandwidth!12:30
Kingsy101cos I have a belkin atm and I cant get it to work on my ubuntu for the life of me12:30
silkgodnothing else really matters12:30
silverfast!ssh | NeoCicak12:30
ubottuNeoCicak: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. Putty is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)12:30
rskO__o: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_kernel#Development_model12:30
silkgodRD is a very simple procedure12:30
tumiiwha is the easiest way to install java on ubuntu 9.0412:30
BlackFateperlsyntax, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=ruby12:30
O__oif u have slow connection then ssh in windows12:30
BarackHusseinOba perlsyntax, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=ruby12:30
diesel1hi all im having a problem when i open a program up it closes after about 10 seconds any ideas on how to fix this12:30
NeoCicaksilverfast:   ssh is not remote desktop >.<12:30
tumiiwha is the easiest way to install java on ubuntu 9.04 32-bit? can i install it from command row ?12:30
BarackHusseinObasilverfast:   ssh is not remote desktop >.<12:30
BlackFatesearch engine for ppas12:30
BarackHusseinObasearch engine for ppas12:30
BarackHusseinObawha is the easiest way to install java on ubuntu 9.04 32-bit? can i install it from command row ?12:30
silkgodapt-get install (sh- you wanna install)12:30
FloodBot3BarackHusseinOba: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:30
silkgodworks pretty good12:30
BarackHusseinObaapt-get install (sh- you wanna install)12:30
O__oNeoCicak, you can access the terminal in windows12:30
BarackHusseinObaworks pretty good12:30
BarackHusseinObaNeoCicak, you can access the terminal in windows12:31
silverfastNeoCicak: I know you asked for something else ther rdesktop12:31
nunodonathello everyone. i'm installing 9.10 from a daily-live, but the installer stops at the "configuring apt" step. the skip button doesnt help. How can I finish the installation?12:31
BarackHusseinObaNeoCicak: I know you asked for something else ther rdesktop12:31
BarackHusseinObahello everyone. i'm installing 9.10 from a daily-live, but the installer stops at the "configuring apt" step. the skip button doesnt help. How can I finish the installation?12:31
tumiiwha is the easiest way to install java on ubuntu 9.04 32-bit? can i install it from terminal by sudo apt-get install ?12:31
BarackHusseinObawha is the easiest way to install java on ubuntu 9.04 32-bit? can i install it from terminal by sudo apt-get install ?12:31
icerootnunodonat: #ubuntu+112:31
BarackHusseinObanunodonat: #ubuntu+112:31
silkgodI just told you the easiest way!12:31
BarackHusseinObaI just told you the easiest way!12:31
FloodBot3BarackHusseinOba: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:31
elkyBarackHusseinOba, please stop repeating things. Whoever owns this bot needs to remove it *now*12:31
SteveHillNeo: I use VPN on the winders box and Terminal Server Client on my 'buntu box.12:31
Kingsy101does anyone have any input on my problem?12:31
silkgodjava smava!12:31
BarackHusseinObajava smava!12:32
tumiisilkgod, did you, sorry i did not hear12:32
iceroottumii: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre (or jdk)12:32
diesel1hi all im having a problem when i open a program up it closes after about 10 seconds any ideas on how to fix this12:32
BarackHusseinObahi all im having a problem when i open a program up it closes after about 10 seconds any ideas on how to fix this12:32
silkgodwhat is your prob stevey?12:32
tumiiiceroot thanks12:32
silkgoddo you know bobby hill?12:32
silverfastBarackHusseinOba: from synaptic  sun-java6-jre12:32
tumiiBarackHussein0ba is a spammer12:32
NeoCicaksilverfast: mmm... well... i've tried rdesktop & terminal server client ... both are sluggish12:32
silkgodbut do you have the bandwidth????12:33
diesel1hi all im having a problem when i open a program up it closes after about 10 seconds any ideas on how to fix this12:33
silkgodwindows or what?12:33
O__oNeoCicak,  are you connecting within the same network?12:33
perlsyntaxi don't understand what the ppa for ruby 1.9.112:33
silkgod'cause if it's winders you got yerself a bug!!!12:33
silkgodapp crashes after 10 sec what app?12:34
silkgodwhat ver of Ubuntu12:34
diesel1tucan download manager12:34
silkgoddid you check for an update to that app?12:34
christian86hey guys, using kubuntu jaunty with following problem: since i updated to kde 4.3.2 today i cant open language settings in my control centre, window is frozen and i just can kill progress, any ideas?12:34
diesel1ye and there are no new updates12:35
christian86edit: no error messenger in konsole12:35
=== S is now known as kanus
silkgoddid you try removing the app completely and then reinstalling it manually ?12:35
=== eca is now known as cew__
silkgodhow did you install the app - with apt-get?12:36
NeoCicakO__o: no... its remote....at work...........   but then... if i connect from windows, its very fast12:36
Kingsy101does anyone have any input on my problem?12:36
tumiisilkgod, sudo apt-get install <program>12:36
NeoCicakO__o: so i'm wondering if there's any tweak i need to do for rdesktop / terminal server client12:36
silkgodwhat is yer prob King?12:36
diesel1ye i downloaded a deb ver of it and reinstalled it i get the same problem12:36
O__ocould one end has faster upload speed12:36
silkgodscrew debian- download the tarball after your remove it and then12:36
Kingsy101silkgod - 1sec I will repeat it...12:37
O__oNeoBlaster, are you connection from home to work?12:37
christian86edit: got error from bug reporter: http://paste.ubuntu.com/287745/12:37
Kingsy101can someone do a favour.. ---> this is my local computer shop --> www.computerorbit.co.uk <--- can someone take a look under the wireless cards and tell me one that I can buy that will work on ubuntu out of the box.. i.e I can plug it in and thats it.. I am on the net from a fresh ubuntu install ?12:37
Kingsy101cos I have a belkin atm and I cant get it to work on my ubuntu for the life of me12:37
silkgod./make install12:37
diesel1ok i will try now thank you for takin the time to help12:37
silkgodmake clean12:37
silkgodyer done!12:37
FloodBot3silkgod: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:37
silkgodI just type information fast is that a F- crime?12:38
SteveHillI was fiddling with the Display Preferences config tool, and I have two problems; 1) I can't seem to get rid of it from my panel, and 2) it has boogered up my ability to run videos, with Kaffeine or any of my other video players. The sound comes out OK, though. Any ideas about getting rid of either problem??12:38
Kingsy101silkgod - any ideas?12:38
kanushello, i have some problem. i created in windows two archives via total commander (filename.001, filename.002 and filename.crc) now i want extract it in linux, but i don´t know how do it... sorry for my english, i am czech)12:38
perlsyntaxblackfate i am useing 9.0412:38
BilgeHow can I obtain the default /etc/apt/sources.list file?12:38
silkgodit is always better to build the app12:39
silkgodbut it still might not work.12:39
silkgodi think that it probably will though12:39
unplugDID anyone here run Ubuntu Netbook Remix  managed to remove tangerine-icon-theme without breaking their system or a major loss of functionality?12:39
silkgodbye bye all12:39
fadhow can i search for all media files on ubuntu hard drive?12:39
mo0nykithow do I search inside text files?12:39
sipiormo0nykit: have a look at "grep"12:40
ActionParsnip1mo0nykit: you can search using command line with grep12:40
mo0nykittumii, no, i mean from the command line...12:40
mo0nykitokay thanks :)12:40
tumiimo0nykit, i dont know if you even can12:40
adalgisomo0nykit ack will also do text searches12:40
adalgisomo0nykit ack is a little more user-friendly than grep12:41
perlsyntaxi hope someone i can help me.12:41
ActionParsnip1mo0nykit: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/grep12:41
mo0nykitadalgiso, okay i'll have a look at ack12:41
ActionParsnip1mo0nykit: you can also use -R to search from the search startpoint and below12:41
ActionParsnip1perlsyntax: ask away12:41
adalgisomo0nykit http://betterthangrep.com/12:41
fadhow can i search for all media files on ubuntu hard drive?12:42
waagboHi! Is it possible to use the grep command to fetch n lines over or under in addition to the actual target lines?12:42
alexp__waagbo: Yes12:42
Kingsy101can someone help me with my problem?12:42
waagboalexp__: Do you know how to do that?12:42
perlsyntaxHow do i get ruby 1.9.1 on ubuntu 9.04 with the ppa?12:42
llutzwaagbo: grep -A -B -C12:42
llutzwaagbo: take what you like12:42
O__ogrep keyword filename12:42
mo0nykitthanks! i used grep -i -n '<string>' *12:43
dooglushi.  is there some way I can find out how much RAM is in a laptop running ubuntu?12:43
mo0nykitis it good?12:43
ActionParsnip1perlsyntax: add the ppa to /etc/apt/sources.list     import the key then install with synaptic/apt-get/aptitude12:43
waagbollutz, alexp__: thanx a lot12:43
perlsyntaxi looking for the ppa for the ubuntu 9.0412:43
ActionParsnip1dooglus: free -m12:43
=== adeodatus is now known as aigon
perlsyntaxi try to but it won't take it12:43
BilgeHow can I obtain the default /etc/apt/sources.list file? My host has replaced it with their own mirrors12:43
ActionParsnip1perlsyntax: http://ppa-search.appspot.com/12:43
=== heroid_ is now known as apsed
fadhow can i search for all media files on ubuntu hard drive?12:43
dooglusActionParsnip1: that tells me 2986 total.  the laptop was sold as having 4GB.  what could be up?12:43
ActionParsnip1Bilge: i can give you mine if you want12:43
BilgeActionParsnip1: Isn't there a repository somewhere?12:44
ActionParsnip1Bilge: not sure12:44
ActionParsnip1dooglus: you running a 32bit OS?12:44
adalgisoBilge - the sources file isn't stored in a repo12:44
dooglusActionParsnip1: I'm running ubuntu - I guess it's 32bit12:44
Bilgeadalgiso: where does it come from then?12:44
perlsyntaxthat link don't help me.12:44
mo0nykitadalgiso, i tried sudo apt-get install ack, and I got a Kanji code converter. LOL. I just found out it's installed differently >> betterthangrep.com :D12:44
adalgisoBilge: normally you edit it yourself, /etc/apt/sources.list12:45
ActionParsnip1Bilge: http://pastebin.com/f79f8717712:45
HorizonX1is there a better utility i can use to connect to wireless networks than NetworkManager? NM doesn't work too well for me on networks without any security12:45
BilgeActionParsnip1: thanks12:45
ActionParsnip1Bilge: i have a few added but just dont copy those, backup yours first12:45
ActionParsnip1dooglus: is yuor CPU 64bit?12:45
adalgisoBilge: you can overwrite yours with the one he gave you12:45
dooglusActionParsnip1: it's an Core Duo T660012:45
Kingsy101does anyone in here have ubuntu running a wireless card?12:45
dooglusActionParsnip1: I don't know how to count its bits12:45
dooglusActionParsnip1: but 4GB is only 2^32 I think, so 32 bits are enough to address it?12:46
mo0nykitWhat scripts cause the messages which come out during boot? Where are they usually located? I searched sample strings in /etc/init.d but couldn't find any12:46
adalgisodooglus: not really, itll do about 3 and a half12:46
ActionParsnip1ddooglooks 64bit, try a 64bit live CD and run the free -m command again, see what it says12:46
ActionParsnip1dooglus: makes sense, ive seen some 32bit systems only see 3.2Gb though12:46
dooglusActionParsnip1: ok12:46
ActionParsnip1dooglus: could even use a gentoo minimal CD to save data downloaded12:47
dooglusActionParsnip1: also, it's running an Intel GMA graphics thingy which apparently uses system memory12:47
doogluscould that account for the difference?12:47
adalgisodooglus the way your OS tells you how much ram you have vs. actual ram can be misleading b/c of the 1024 v. 1000 bytes per megabyte convetion12:47
dwarderwhat is the best way to restart apache?12:47
dwarderin ubuntu12:47
ActionParsnip1dooglus: sure but not 2Gb right ;)12:47
ActionParsnip1dwarder: sudo /etc/init.d/httpd restart12:47
adalgisodooglus also the integrated graphics12:47
dooglusnot missing 2GB - only 1GB I think12:48
fadhow can search for all media files on a hard drive, like video, audio and images?12:48
perlsyntaxi give up.12:48
adalgisodooglus your graphics card shouldn't be reserving that much memory, so i'd try the 64bit livecd and see if that works better for you12:48
dooglusis there some way I can upgrade from 32bit ubuntu to 64bit?  or is it a new install?12:48
ActionParsnip1dooglus: new install12:48
DJonesdooglus: Its a fresh install12:48
adalgisofad: you could try a grep or ack search for all files with certain file extensions12:48
perlsyntaxi lost12:48
dooglusok thanks guys12:49
ActionParsnip1perlsyntax: if its so critical you could compile the new version12:49
fadfair enough12:49
dooglusso "64-bit PC (AMD64) desktop CD" is what I want?  the "AMD" bit put me off that, 'cos this is an Intel CPU12:49
ActionParsnip1fad: or the output of file {}12:49
perlsyntaxHow would i do that?12:49
adalgisodooglus its the proper version12:49
ActionParsnip1dooglus: amd just stamped 64bitness kinda first, but it will work12:50
adalgisodooglus even for an intel chip12:50
dooglusI wonder why they call it AMD then12:50
adalgisodooglus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86-6412:50
perlsyntaxActionParsnip1,How would i do that and get the package i need for it to work?12:50
ActionParsnip1dooglus: the intels have some amd stuff in them to help OS writing is what i heard a while back12:50
dooglusthe download page told me to use the 32 bit version "if I was at all unsure"12:50
ActionParsnip1perlsyntax: download source and compile12:50
ActionParsnip1dooglus: true as it will work on any modern cpu12:51
perlsyntaxi won't have no prob? Would al the package come with it?12:51
=== Wajih is now known as MaWaLe
dooglusif I install the 64 bit version, will I lose anything?  I've seen people complaining that flash doesn't work in 64 bit for instance?12:51
ActionParsnip1perlsyntax: should do yes12:52
dwarderActionParsnip1: thanks12:52
brijithhow to setup survilance camera in a ubuntu machine12:52
adalgisodooglus: as long as you have a 64bit cpu, the amd64 version will work.  Some things don't work properly, but I was able to get flash working, you just have to install the 32bit libraries and binaries for flash12:52
dooglusbrijith: check out package 'motion'12:52
dooglus!info motion12:52
ubottumotion (source: motion): V4L capture program supporting motion detection. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.11-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 282 kB, installed size 864 kB12:52
ActionParsnip1dooglus: works great, theres a flashplugin in the repos as well as an lpha 64bit flash that might help12:52
dooglusand how's the speed of 32 vs. 64 bit on a 64 bit processor?  and memory usage?12:53
ActionParsnip1dooglus: depends on the task, some gain speed, the apps will use the same amount of ram12:53
adalgisodooglus: your clock speed won't change, but you'll be able to utilize more memory space and programs that are written to utilize 64bit procs will be faster12:53
ActionParsnip1dooglus: i think you should look at what 64bit really means12:53
dooglusActionParsnip1: I was thinking that since pointers are twice the size the ram usage may go up12:54
ActionParsnip1dooglus: audio / video encoding benefits from 64bit12:54
waagboWho is responsible for the jaunty-backports? I'm missing Dosbox 0.73 :(12:54
HorizonX1is there a better utility i can use to connect to wireless networks than NetworkManager? NM doesn't work too well for me on networks without any security12:54
ActionParsnip1dooglus: no, thy can just use more ram effectively without having to use PAE12:54
ActionParsnip1HorizonX1: wifi-radar or wicd12:54
ActionParsnip1HorizonX1: there relly is no better or best, just use what you like12:55
waagboOr is perhaps version upgrades of that kind too much new stuff to be counted as backporting?12:55
HorizonX1ActionParsnip1: cool, thanks.12:56
grandemahatmahello, how can I configure ssmtp so that my password is not stored in plain text in etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf?12:56
=== lipsin__ is now known as lipsin
brijithI would like to configue a ubuntu machine to use a dome camera as anti theft mechanism ....      please click to see a sample dome camera image http://img.diytrade.com/cdimg/700558/7802570/0/1245390707/cctv_color_ccd_dome_camera_with_osd_menu.jpg12:59
rskbrijith: do it then?13:00
brijithrsk: I don't know how to do it ....13:01
brijithrsk: is there any software ..... that supports this kind of cameras ....13:01
rskask the people who sell it13:02
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:03
=== angela is now known as Guest71208
brijithrsk: those guys installed it in a windows machine ..... with some software .... now they are not giving support13:05
rskok sounds like your plan have failed then13:05
pradeepany networking person here13:06
brijithrsk: So I am trying to find some open software13:06
ActionParsnip1brijith: could run a virtualbox with windows but if the main purpose of the system is to monitor the cams you may aswell use just windows13:06
grandemahatmacould anybody help me configuring mailx for receiving mails?13:06
rskpradeep: this is a network, so im guessing everyone is a networking person13:07
brijithActionParsnip1: But i don't have that software for windows ....13:07
brijithActionParsnip1: I prefer, Linux ....13:08
pradeepi meant13:08
pradeepnetworking computer13:08
pradeepu get me13:08
sipiorpradeep: easiest if you just ask your question :-)13:08
rskim guessing everyone is connected with a computer also )(13:08
rskyea, good idea.13:08
pradeephas anyone used or seen packet tracer on ubuntu13:08
pradeepor linux13:09
rski've seen linux13:09
ActionParsnip1brijith: you may prefer linux but its not the tool for this job unfortunately13:09
LjL!info zoneminder | brijith13:09
ubottubrijith: zoneminder (source: zoneminder): Linux video camera security and surveillance solution. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.23.3-3ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 980 kB, installed size 4336 kB13:09
sipiorrsk: you're in quite the mood today.13:09
sipiorpradeep: yes, there are a number of options. tcpdump is the classic. also look at EtherApe13:10
JacobThey room..is there any updates or anything for an ATI radeon mobility 1300? i ahve a lot of artifacting on the Right hand side of my dispaly13:10
brijithLjL: Thanks .... i have checked it already....13:10
sipiorpradeep: you'll need superuser privileges, as you'll be putting your networking interface into promiscuous mode.13:11
brijithLjL: I don't know if it supports the camera that I (My friend) have ..13:11
LjLbrijith: well, i certainly cannot know that either.13:11
LjL(considering you didn't actually tell us which camera it is, too)13:11
pradeepi meant a simulator13:11
pradeepand not network tools13:12
pradeepanother example is gns313:12
pradeepbut that is an emulator13:12
brijithLjL: it looks some what like this http://img.diytrade.com/cdimg/700558/7802570/0/1245390707/cctv_color_ccd_dome_camera_with_osd_menu.jpg13:12
LjLbrijith: eh, that's hardly helpful13:13
jaychouhello everyone13:13
willolooks like a standard cctv cam?13:13
LjLpradeep: what's the difference between a simulator and an emulator in that context?13:13
brijithLjL: oky ... friend .... Thanks13:13
jaychouwhat is cctv cam?13:13
LjLclosed circuit tv13:14
jaychouoh haha13:14
pradeepLjL i think there is a difference man13:14
brijithLjL: let me get more details about the camera my friend have ....13:14
jaychouin china cctv is china centre tv13:14
sipiorpradeep: could you explain what you really want, in detail? the "s" in gns3 stand for "simulator", so i'm a little confused as to what you're after.13:15
brijithoky guys .....13:15
brijithThanks ......13:15
pradeepgns3 is a real stuff13:16
pradeepwhile packet tracer is for learning purpose u get13:16
sipiorpradeep: you can try Network Simulator 2. does that not do what you want?13:16
adalgisonot really, pradeep13:16
adalgisodo you want to examine the contents of packets?13:17
adalgisoor do you want to traceroute?13:17
adalgisowhat is your goal?13:17
pradeepno not that13:17
pradeepam preparing for ccna and ccnp13:17
sipioradalgiso: we've been trying to get that out of him for a while, now :-)13:17
jaychouwhat is ubuntu in GNU13:17
adalgisoyeah, i came in a litle late13:17
pradeepdo you understand me13:18
adalgisopradeep, unfortunately, no13:18
Ali_anyone know of a good rm to mp3 batch converter?13:18
pradeepi dont mean tools to scan ports13:18
Ali_so i can listen to rm files on my iphone13:18
LjLpradep: quie obviously not13:18
rskjaychou: GNU is most of the tools that talk to programs outside the kernel13:19
pradeepcheck that out13:19
LjLpradeep: yes, gone there, seen that. doesn't explain what you want13:19
pradeepit helps you to design networks13:19
LjLpradeep: tell us what is it that you want13:19
LjLnot what it is that you DON'T want13:19
pradeepi will13:20
pradeeplets talk about something else13:20
jaychoursk:and i want to know how to make kernel in unix kernel for ubuntu?13:20
Machwhen the karmic would full release?13:21
LjL!karmic | mach13:21
ubottumach: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+113:21
rskjaychou: i dont get the question really13:21
adalgisoi think he's asking how to upgrade his kernel :/13:22
jaychouhow does the ubuntu fiercest place compare other operating system Yang13:22
Ali_anyone know of a good rm to mp3 batch converter?13:22
LjLAli_: why batch, can't you just run one in a loop?13:22
gilsterhello, is anyone here got experience running ubuntu of a SCSI drive?13:23
grawityAli_: You could try mencoder for that.13:23
prajjwalis there a way to completely disable the Caps Lock key ??? i dont mean use the keyboard config to change it to something else ... i mean make it so that it does nothing ????13:23
slavik2LjL: isn't that what a batch is? :>13:23
Ali_nice one slavik213:23
grawityprajjwal: Yeah, with a screwdriver.13:23
Ali_HAHA grawity13:23
LjLslavik2, Ali_: sure. in that case, for file in *.rm; do your-favorite-non-batch-converter $file >$(basename $file .rm).mp3; done13:24
adalgisoprajjwal: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/disable-and-enable-caps-lock-in-ubuntu.html13:24
prajjwali'll take that as a no ???13:24
prajjwaloh thanks adalgiso13:24
jaychougilster:you need a scsi Actuation13:24
grawityprajjwal: Or xmodmap if you like... but I personally prefer mapping it to Compose. Makes it easy to type things as § ©13:24
Ali_so what's a good converter from rm to mp3 then ?13:24
gilsterjaychou: can you elaborate13:24
hybwhich broswer is best?13:25
dwarderhow can i turn off and never start sendmail?13:25
rskhyb: the one you like the most.13:25
adalgisoslavik2: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/gaming-games-multimedia-entertainment/85596-how-convert-rm-mp3.html13:25
grawitydwarder: By removing it; sudo apt-get remove sendmail13:25
dwardergrawity: and that is all?13:25
Cancuhi, does anyone know a program to get BCNF from functional dependencies?13:25
dwardergrawity: no config editing?13:25
erUSULdwarder: disable its init script with update-rc.d13:25
dwardergrawity: or somthing13:25
hybrsk, but  i have nothing13:25
grawitydwarder: Actually, tell me why exactly do you need to do this.13:25
adalgisodwarder: if the program isn't installed, it cant possibly run13:25
Negaowhat's the best python editor?13:26
Cancudoes anyone know a program to get BCNF from functional dependencies? im taking about databases13:26
grawitydwarder: And do you actually have sendmail, or something else (postfix, exim4, courier)?13:26
rskhyb: well i guess firefox opera and konqueror is among the more popular, give them a try13:26
dwardergrawity: vds, disc space limit13:26
jaychouWhen you install system's time, needs to insert the driver, may use the floppy disk to hang carries13:26
rskNegao: your favoruite editor =)13:26
erUSUL!best | Negao13:26
ubottuNegao: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.13:26
dwardergrawity: no, i dont need mail on this box13:26
grawitydwarder: I see. sudo apt-get remove sendmail, then.13:26
jaychougilster: When you install system's time, needs to insert the driver, may use the floppy disk to hang carries13:26
dwardergrawity: thank you13:26
grawitydwarder: And sudo apt-get clean, too. (To clean up apt-get's cache.)13:27
pradeepare there any other irc chat13:27
pradeepaside xchat13:27
grawitypradeep: A lot.13:27
adalgisopradeep bitchx, mirc, etc13:27
dwardergrawity: in general how do i disable deamons from start on boot in ubuntu, in freebsd it is /etc/rc.conf13:27
gilsterjaychou: my system is already installed on scsi drive.  i am having a different problem. When i resume from suspend mode scsi drive is not picked up13:27
rskpradeep: pidgin irssi is 2 others13:27
adalgisopradeep check the wikipedia articl on IRC for a list of clients13:28
grawitypradeep: Many like irssi or WeeChat.13:28
Negaoubottu, stop being aggressive, i just want a sugestion cause i'm playing around with python now and i want to leave the console and get a "real"editor13:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:28
bullgard4Using mc, how can I create a new (text) file?13:28
Cancudoes anyone know a program to get BCNF from functional dependencies? im taking about databases13:28
adalgisoNegao: Ubottu is a bot that responds to commands13:28
adalgisoNegao: it's a canned answer when someone asks for "best" anything13:28
=== phenom is now known as Guest16876
dwardergrawity: thank you13:29
pradeep<dwarder> got to www.4shared.com and get a book called kung-fu ubuntu13:29
Negaobut maybe, i wanted urs opinions13:29
adalgisoNegao: it really is telling the truth tho.  I find nano to be the editor I use the most when i'm in a shell, and Gedit and Kate to be my favorite GUI editors13:29
IndyGunFreakmaybe our opinion doesn't matter?13:29
Negaocause that's my favorite chanell13:29
adalgisoNegao: google search Python editors13:29
ActionParsnip1adalgiso: try leafpad, its slick13:29
jaychougilster: Your meaning is your driver load13:30
grawityNegao: In my opinion, "best" is the one you keep after trying all the popular ones.13:30
dwarderupdate-rc.d i gurss13:30
Negaoadalgiso, this irc thing is supposed to provide interaction, not to just see opinions like google13:30
Dr_Willisno ads on IRC either.13:30
courpseNegao, this irc thing? lol.13:30
adalgisoActionParsnip1 thanks, i'll check it out13:30
JanHolbocan anybody help me with decrypting encrypted filenames in ecryptfs? I can mount the encrypted /home dir and read the contents of the files but the filenames are still encrypted13:30
Negaograwity, good answer13:31
jaychouwhat is lol?13:31
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.13:31
Negaojaychou, lots of laughs13:31
ActionParsnip1jaychou: lots of laughs or laugh out loud13:31
adalgisoNegao: I understand that and want to help, but the channel gets flooded with requests like that all the time, and that's why the canned answer is there13:31
grawityjaychou: 'lol' usually means 'laughing out loud'.13:31
gilsterjaychou: when i resume from suspend, i see all lines pointing to sdb not found. I think my scsi controler/drive is not loading up after susped13:31
diesel1hi all does anyone no a good app for joining avi files13:32
adalgisoNegao: maybe a better question would be, "What python editor has (insert your feature)?"13:32
ActionParsnip1diesel1: you can cp them together13:32
diesel1whats cp13:32
jaychougilster: so you can use "fdisk -l"to seraching13:32
adalgisodiesel1 the command "cp"13:33
jaychouand what is omg?13:33
ActionParsnip1diesel1: you will need a single mencoder command to realign the sound13:33
grawityjaychou: 'omg' = "Oh my god"13:33
diesel1ye what with13:33
Negaoadalgiso, ok; i'm just gonna google, i might get better luck there13:33
jaychougrawity:thx i know,i'am new13:33
adalgisodiesel1 the command line.  He's saying use the cp command at the command line to do what you are asking13:33
ActionParsnip1diesel1: cat firstfile.avi secondfile.avi > concatenatedfile.avi ; mencoder -o finalmovie.avi -noidx -oac copy -ovc copy concatenatedfile.avi13:33
jaychouomg lol13:34
gilsterjaychou: i cant get back in to the system. wont connect as the sdb is not seen.13:34
adalgisoNegao: The editors I usually use are nano, Gedit, and Kate13:34
gilstersdb=my scsi drive13:34
adalgisoand ActionParsnip1 recommends leafpad13:34
gilsteris there some changes in need to make to the way suspend works in order to wake up a scsi drive13:34
grawityvim <313:34
adalgisoeww, vim13:35
grawityeww, $EDITOR.13:35
gilsterdoes anyone else here have some expereince running ubuntu of a scsi drive?13:35
jaychouhum ;and what is your need13:35
jaychougilster: i am sorry i don't know13:36
grizzy1HI @all13:37
gilsterc'mon i find it hard to believe that none of you guys have experience with scsi drives?13:37
adalgisogilster, sry, can't say that I do13:37
grawitygilster: c'mon, this is #ubunu.13:37
jaychoubut you can set your message on e-mail sent to me ,i can ask some my friend for you ,13:37
gilstergrawity: and?13:37
pradeepsorry is it suppose to be different with scsi13:37
gilstergrawity: ok then13:38
jaychougilster :but you can set your message on e-mail sent to me ,i can ask some my friend for you13:39
gilsterjaychou: thank you13:39
deadmike187what up guys13:39
nimrodi just joined this now13:40
gilstergrawity: thank you for suggestion13:40
nimrodhow does it work?13:40
grawitynimrod: Welcome to IRC13:40
jaychougrawity:what is your meanning?13:40
nimrodThanks Grawity13:40
* grawity borrows the hammer from ubottu, uses it on Xming13:40
=== deadmike187 is now known as dead
=== dead is now known as deadmike
ronald_hey, what could be the reason of that: http://pastebin.org/38547 ?13:41
BilgeWhat generates apt's sources.list in the first place?13:41
grawityBilge: You.13:41
grawityBilge: Or, the 'Software Sources' tool (from Administration)13:41
adalgisoBilge: they are set to an initial group of repos when you install the distribution13:41
BilgeSo where can I find these repos and get a new sources.list13:42
adalgisoBilge: didn't someone send you their sources.list?13:42
JanHolbocan anybody help me with decrypting encrypted filenames in ecryptfs? I can mount the encrypted /home dir and read the contents of the files but the filenames are still encrypted13:43
adalgisoBilge: either way, you can look up the addresses for the repos on the ubuntu website13:43
BilgeYes but that's not going to help for future13:43
BilgeI'd like to write myself a guide that I can use for future installations13:43
adalgisoBilge: normally, you'll only need the Ubuntu repositories unless some program isn't in them13:43
grawitysources.list happens to have a manpage13:43
adalgisoBilge: if a program isn't in the official repos, then you edit your sources.list file and add a line at the bottom with the server13:43
BilgeI only need the default one it's just that my host has replaced it with their own mirrors which are incomplete13:43
BilgeSo I just want to restore the deafault one for my distro13:44
adalgisoBilge: what version of Ubuntu do you have?13:44
Bilge8.04 server LTS13:44
Bilgeaka hardy13:44
adalgisoBilge: let me try and find a default sources.list13:45
dwarderi have vsftpd in my ps ax| why i dont have script for stoping it in /etc/init.d/13:46
BilgeIt needs to be located somewhere where I could get it again in future13:46
BilgeI remember once finding a repository for source files on the Ubuntu site but it's a bit of a maze to navigate13:46
danny89hey..im having a problem with ndiswrapper, can anyone help me?13:46
adalgisoBilge: send me a pm with your email13:47
DJones1/whois sarah13:47
adalgisoill show you how to work this sources file13:47
=== sarah is now known as Guest16857
Guest16857iam new13:47
Guest16857sorry peeps13:47
ctmjrdanny89: what is it doing13:47
rsk!ask | Guest1685713:47
ubottuGuest16857: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:47
danny89trying to get my wireless driver to work, keep getting this message though13:48
danny89FATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.28-15-generic/kernel/ubuntu/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko': No such file or directory13:48
Guest16857err would some one teel me what this is ?????13:49
grawityGuest16857: This is IRC.13:49
PiciGuest16857: This is the official Ubuntu Support channel.13:49
Guest16857for what never heard of it????13:49
Falchiondon't know13:49
Pici!ubuntu | Guest1685713:49
ubottuGuest16857: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com13:49
ctmjrdanny89: how did you try to install it13:50
=== marjo__ is now known as marjo_
Guest16857sorry people bye for now xx13:50
danny89sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common ndiswrapper-utils-1.913:50
danny89and i tried reinstalling it using synaptic too13:50
danny89synaptic package manager*13:51
danny89ah right13:53
pradeepRebirth hello13:53
pradeepwhat do you need ndiwrapper for13:53
ctmjrdanny89: run this in a terminal see if you have a build and or include dir, ls /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build13:53
Shubuntuhi, can anyone help me with telnet?  telnet: could not resolve localhost/25: Name or service not known13:54
JacobTis there any fash fixes to make it run more smoothly? and not crash/13:54
danny89ctmjr: theres one called include13:54
nic1where do i find system settings on gnome?13:54
davertronI'm having trouble running an apt-get update; i have a local apt mirror set up, and other users on my network are using it without issue.  When I try to run "sudo apt-get update", however, I get errors trying to connect to  I have no idea what that IP address is, but it is not the IP address of any of the apt repos i'm trying to connect to.  Any ideas how to troubleshoot this?13:54
Dr_Willisweird.. samba service wasent starting automaticlaly on this box....13:54
sipiorShubuntu: you'll want to try "telnet localhost 25"13:55
JoshuaLJacobT, in karmic there will be a updated flash player who crashes less13:55
grawitysipior: I guess he just did that.13:55
Shubuntusipior that's what i typed13:55
JacobTthere willl be or there is? haha13:55
adalgisoBilge: I'll be right back with you, I had a support call I had to take13:55
grawityShubuntu: Do you have 'localhost' in /etc/hosts? Try using instead13:55
adalgisoBilge: I was going to send you my sources.list file edited for hardy, but I can send you the text throug hIRC if that'l work for you13:56
heatmzzrWhat program is it that gives you the menu on the right click, I accidently deleted it from ubuntu... Im talking about the right click menu on the desktop, create new menu etc...???13:56
Shubuntugrawity host localhost gives this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/287776/13:56
grawityShubuntu: And if you do 'telnet 25'?13:57
davertronI'm having trouble running an apt-get update; i have a local apt mirror set up, and other users on my network are using it without issue.  When I try to run "sudo apt-get update", however, I get errors trying to connect to  I have no idea what that IP address is, but it is not the IP address of any of the apt repos i'm trying to connect to.  Any ideas how to troubleshoot this?13:57
grawityShubuntu:  It might be that Ubuntu's telnet doesn't support IPv6... though this is very unlikely.13:57
Shubuntugrawity: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/287788/13:58
blackjak_I can not install anything13:58
jaychouwho know ubuntu13:58
grawityShubuntu: Well, it works.13:59
davertronblackjak_: what issue are you having?13:59
Shubuntuthen what's the problem with localhost not working?13:59
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grawityShubuntu: Try 'telnet ::1 25'13:59
Shubuntudoes it have to do with my server name?13:59
Shubuntulike hostname?13:59
blackjak_is there a way to fix this? http://pastebay.com/5957414:00
=== DaZ_ is now known as DaZ
grawityblackjak_: Try this: sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/adobe-*.deb14:01
grawityblackjak_: It should give a more detailed error message, at least.14:01
blackjak_how to copy commnad in xchat14:02
blackjak_there is no right button copy option14:02
blackjak_anyway I'll type it14:02
davertroncan someone help me out with this? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/287794/14:03
davertroni have no idea why it's trying to connect to
sheldonhanyone know how to disable network-manager in ubuntu 9.10? i don't want to delete /etc/init.d/network-manager, because then it'll just be bootstrapped again the next time it's upgraded14:03
legend2440blackjak_: to copy try  ctrl+c  to paste  ctrl+v14:03
Shubuntugrawity, please take a look and tell me if the hostname needs changing? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/287795/14:03
heatmzzrIve somehow lost the right click menu from the desktop area, does anyone know what program that is???14:03
davertronif i ping security.ubuntu.com, i get, not
blackjak_this is the output from sudo dpkg -i http://pastebay.com/5957514:04
sipiorShubuntu: "localhost", not "loalhost", on the first line of /etc/hosts.14:04
davertroncan someone help me out with this? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/287794/ ; if i ping security.ubuntu.com, i get, not
Shubuntusipior, so just fix that and do a /etc/init.d/networking restart?14:06
grawityMy friend once typo'd it as lolcathost14:06
davertrongrawity: hah14:06
joey9112006can someone help me here14:06
ActionParsnip1davertron: i get too14:06
davertronjoey9112006 just ask your question plz14:06
Shubuntudavertron try flushing your dns cache?14:06
ActionParsnip1!ask | joey911200614:06
ubottujoey9112006: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:06
davertronShubuntu: how do i flush my dns cache?14:06
sheldonhdoes upstart support something like "start on never"?14:07
davertronShubuntu: don't think it's dns because ping returns correct IP, it's apt-get that returns the incorrect IP14:07
davertronShubuntu: seems like a weird proxy thing or something14:07
davertronActionParsnip1: thanks for confirming14:07
grawityShubuntu: Shouldn't be related.14:07
grawityShubuntu: DNS cache would affect both apt-get and ping.14:08
davertrongrawity: yeah, that's what i figured14:08
davertrongrawity: they should both report the same thing14:08
blackjak_so I guess I have to reinstall ubuntu.this is not good14:09
jaychouwhy dong not you reply my question14:09
joey9112006ok im trying to remove apllications and it says E: dphg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure - a'to correct the problem and E: _cache->open()failed, please report14:09
joey9112006everytime i try14:09
blackjak_I hope this error about adobe flashplugin is not gooning to spoil anything14:09
erUSULjoey9112006: do what the error msg says run dpkg  --configure - a14:09
erUSULjoey9112006: do what the error msg says run → sudo dpkg  --configure -a14:10
joey9112006how exactly do i do that14:10
m1dlgare there any good tools to run securely wiping free space on any mounted writeable drive?14:10
blackjak_what is the command to change the user14:10
sipiorm1dlg: "wipe"14:10
ActionParsnip1m1dlg: shred14:11
Shubuntudavertron, can you please post your /etc/apt/sources.list and if there are any under /etc/apt/sources.list.d/14:11
blackjak_is there a way to stop seeing all the info about who logs in and out from the channel?14:11
m1dlgsipior, when i say wipe i want to wipe it so data can't be recvered14:12
sipiorm1dlg: actually, reading your question more carefully, i think "secure-delete" would be a better package, specifically the "sfill" command.14:12
ActionParsnip1blackjak_: what client?14:12
sipiorm1dlg: i know what you meant :-)14:13
=== adalgiso_ is now known as adalgiso
m1dlgsipior, ok i'll lok for this - is it in my add-remove programs?14:13
davertronShubuntu: know of an easy way to echo a file to your clipboard?14:13
sipiorm1dlg: might be. it's surely available through apt-get directly.14:13
ActionParsnip1blackjak_: http://forum.xchat.org/viewtopic.php?t=453&sid=4c264d59107cfffa4ada8ec6ac4bdfc714:13
ActionParsnip1blackjak_: i dont use xchat so cant verify this14:13
m1dlgsipior, cool ta, many thanks14:13
Shubuntudavertron, what does cat /etc/resolv.conf give you?14:14
m1dlgActionParsnip1, i'll look at that too, (oly just seen your reply too) :)14:14
davertronShubuntu: I can paste that too, but it's the same as other users on my network using ubuntu that aren't having these same issues14:14
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Shubuntudavertron the problem is that your resolve is malfunctioning14:15
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit14:15
pradeepGood news14:15
=== lancetw_ is now known as lancetw
pradeepThe London Stock Exchange is moving away from Windows to GNU / Linux and Solaris for trading.14:15
ActionParsnip1m1dlg: shared knowledge is awesome :)14:15
pradeepgood news The London Stock Exchange is moving away from Windows to GNU / Linux and Solaris for trading.14:15
LjL!cn | snjesus14:15
ubottusnjesus: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:15
Shubuntudavertron, I think if you reinstall resolveconf  you should be fine14:15
pradeep http://www.ibspublishing.com/index.c...=view&id=1344014:16
grawityShubuntu: resolvconf*14:16
JuJuBeeI did a apt-get upgrade and dist-upgrade last night on my home desktop and now I cannot use it. After entering the username and password, I get a black screen with my mouse pointer and it never changes. I looked at dmesg but didn't notice anything obvious and I tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but still no luck. What else can I do?14:16
Shubuntudavertron sudo apt-get resolvconf14:16
snjesusjoin #ubuntu-cn14:16
snjesussank you!14:16
blackjak_how to change back from root in the terminal wihtout opening the new terminal14:16
joey9112006hey im back14:16
adalgisosu username i believe14:17
Shubuntudavertron, and then 'vi /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head' and add the nameservers14:17
davertronShubuntu: "sudo apt-get resolvconf" -> E: invalid operation resolvconf14:17
ActionParsnip1blackjak_: type: exit14:17
joey9112006but you were saying something about hte dpk and how to fix all that14:17
blackjak_exit will close the terminal14:17
blackjak_no yes14:17
blackjak_it worked14:17
joey9112006How do i manuallyrun the dpkg14:17
Shubuntuok first need to manually add the nameserver for now then, then later do what i said, so do: 'vi /etc/resolv.conf' and add the nameserver14:18
davertronShubuntu: ha, unfortunately i can't reinstall it using apt-get, because apt-get isn't working :)14:18
joey9112006Does anyone know how to manually run the dpkg file14:18
Shubuntudavertron you can try aptitude maybe?14:18
joey9112006using a terminal14:18
davertronShubuntu: ok, so which nameserver should i add?14:18
davertronShubuntu: i can edit resolv.conf and remove my current DNS and add a functioning one14:19
Shubuntudavertron go to your server and see what name servers it has14:19
Shubuntuyes, any functioning dns would be fine14:19
JuJuBeejoey9112006: what do you mean dpkg file?  Do you have a .deb file you wish to install?14:19
pengemis!id pengemis14:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about id pengemis14:20
davertronwell i have the correct nameservers from DHCP14:20
davertronShubuntu: not sure what you mean by "go to your server"...14:20
dissociativehow is 9.10 going?14:20
adalgisodissociative, i've got it running and its all good14:20
Shubuntuthe isp or whatever that's giving you your ip14:20
adalgisoexcept my wireless started acting up yesterday14:20
heatmzzrcan anyone tell me how to get my right click menu back on desktop? I've inadvertantly lost it14:20
davertronShubuntu: aptitude also fails, same reason, for what it's worth14:20
dissociativeI'm going to install ubuntu for a friend but I dont know if I should install 9.04 or 9.1014:21
davertronShubuntu: yeah, we run local DNS, and that's what i have in my resolv.conf14:21
davertronShubuntu: i tried changing it to and getting rid of the ones i get from our dhcp server, didn't matter14:22
dissociativewould 9.10 beta be upgraded from internet when the the stable version is released?14:22
davertronShubuntu: something is definitely hosed here :)14:22
jorikdissociative: yes, but 9.04 also14:22
Shubuntujust edit /etc/resolv.conf and add the nameserver and then /etc/init.d/networking restart14:23
davertronShubuntu: yep, just did that, same thing14:23
davertronShubuntu: still trying to connect to
brandonc503hey all.. i was wondering if anyone knows of a open source ticketing system?14:24
jorikbrandonc503: trac14:24
Picibrandonc503: rt14:24
davertronbrandonc503: trac14:24
Shubuntudavertron, did you try connecting to another server?14:25
davertronShubuntu: if i google that IP, it shows up as a proxy14:25
davertronShubuntu: do you think it's possible that, for whatever reason, apt-get is trying to go out through that proxy or something?14:26
davertronShubuntu: i have another ubuntu machine on the same network with the same resolv.conf, and it can apt-get update just fine14:26
Shubuntuno davertron actually your problem was happening a lot in fiesty times14:26
davertronShubuntu: ah, really?14:26
davertronShubuntu: hmmmm14:26
davertronShubuntu: well, for what it's worth, i'm still running intrepid14:27
blackjakEnd your description with an empty line or EOF. What does EOF mean?14:27
BilgeHow can my Ubuntu system be booting if grub is not installed?14:27
Shubuntuyes, so try changing sources.list to use us. instead maybe?14:27
davertronShubuntu: was actually hoping to get up to jaunty, before karmic came out at the end of the month :)14:27
grawityblackjak: 'end of file' - usually Ctrl-D.14:27
JuJuBeeI did a apt-get upgrade and dist-upgrade last night on my home desktop and now I cannot use it. After entering the username and password, I get a black screen with my mouse pointer and it never changes. I looked at dmesg but didn't notice anything obvious and I tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but still no luck. What else can I do?14:27
Shubuntui've been on jaunty since june, it's nice14:27
blackjak10x :)14:27
JuJuBeeI did a apt-get upgrade and dist-upgrade last night on my home desktop and now I cannot use it. After entering the username and password, I get a black screen with my mouse pointer and it never changes. I looked at dmesg but didn't notice anything obvious and I tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but still no luck. What else can I do?14:27
grawityblackjak: also, I smell a new ClueNet user :]14:27
davertronShubuntu: i kept meaning to upgrade but haven't really had the time14:27
davertronShubuntu: this is my work machine so14:28
davertronShubuntu: now i finally can but just need to figure out what hosed my apt-get14:28
JuJuBeedidn't mean to do that twice14:28
davertronShubuntu: i'll try copying that other machine's sources.list over and see what that does...14:29
ActionParsnip1JuJuBee: does alt+f2 work?14:29
JuJuBeeActionParsnip1: yes14:29
grawityblackjak: eh, nevermind that one. Wrong window.14:29
ActionParsnip1JuJuBee: run nautilus ;)14:29
JuJuBeethats how I got to look at dmesg14:29
Shubuntudavertron do 'ifconfig' and 'netstat -tap' too and compare to the other machine14:29
ActionParsnip1JuJuBee: nautilus draws the desktop, so its probably not started14:30
JuJuBeeActionParsnip1: I will try that when I get home later.  I am using kde mostly, but did install gnome14:30
davertronShubuntu: copying over sources.list didn't make a difference...14:30
davertronShubuntu: lot of info dumped from the netstat -tap command14:31
davertronShubuntu: on both machines14:31
davertronShubuntu: ifconfig looks similar though14:31
Shubuntudo you know how to compare two files?14:31
davertronShubuntu: yep14:31
davertronShubuntu: diff14:31
Shubuntuok, compare and see what is different14:31
davertronShubuntu: unfortunately, one machine is a server and one is my desktop so14:31
Shubuntudoesn't matter14:31
davertronShubuntu: since they have radically different apps running on them, i'm not sure the netstat comparison will really help that much14:32
Shubuntuyou want to look for discrepancies14:32
davertronin ifconfig or netstat -tap?14:32
davertronifconfig basically looks like the only differences are IPs/MACs, which is what i would expect14:32
EvelinaHow do I send a environment variable from Terminal into a python script? I know that I can do this in PHP: var="variable" php script.php, but how do I do in python?14:32
blackjakI just created two deb packages from source using chackinstall after I did make command.One I did without sudo and now they both are different.Why is that?14:32
teMy firefox settings are all screwed up -- How do I erase them?14:32
teI tried rm -rf'ing ~/.mozilla14:33
NauTiluS1firefox -p14:33
omqis there anything like open source email service provider..?14:33
blackjakdo i have to keep the folder where I have done the make command if I want later to use make --uninstall14:33
omqwith no ads and open server14:33
jpdsomq: No.14:34
omqhhmm i did a lot of search..nothing came out.14:34
ElenbertHi there14:35
davertronShubuntu: heh, yeah, what i expected; the diff is basically just the whole damn thing because all the connection are different14:35
blackjakwould you please tell me do I have to execute make before checkinstall when compiling from source?14:36
omqyes elen..howdy14:36
omqi wonder why not ....14:36
mzeali have to run java app as a service on Hardy.... What init scripts should i update to start that app at runlevel 5?14:36
ElenbertWhy Pidgin is excluded from Ubuntu 9.10 ?14:37
davertronShubutu: the diff for netstat -tap on both machines i mean14:37
Shubuntudid you try traceroute YOURADDRESS14:37
ActionParsnip1Elenbert: no its in there14:37
Xcellcuz ephany supports video and audio where pidgin failed14:37
ActionParsnip1!info pidgin14:38
ubottupidgin (source: pidgin): graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.5.5-1ubuntu8.4 (jaunty), package size 507 kB, installed size 1616 kB14:38
PiciElenbert : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Karmic/9.10 support/discussion.14:38
davertronShubuntu: my public address?14:38
ActionParsnip1Elenbert: i use carrier personally14:38
Shubuntufrom server try to traceroute a few addresses14:39
PiciKarmic is offtopic for #ubuntu until it is released.14:39
Shubuntulike your other computer14:39
blackjakis wmaster0 a Virtual interface14:39
hey`what is the command to update modules?14:40
davertronShubuntu: yeah, that works fine14:40
davertronShubuntu: networking works fine for me, which is the weird part14:40
hey`I found a tutorial that said: sudo update--modules, but don't works for me.14:40
davertronShubuntu: it seems like apt-get is the only thing that is messed up14:40
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davertronShubuntu: like i said, pings return the correct IPS for things14:40
davertronShubuntu: so i'm pretty sure it's not DNS14:40
davertronShubuntu: does apt-get cache dns results or something?14:40
hey`davertron put on please in one single line.14:40
davertronhey`: put what?14:41
hey`your lines.14:41
jonasfaHow can I enable UNIVERSE repository from a shell script?14:41
ActionParsnip1jonasfa: you could just add the repo to the sources.list file14:41
Shubuntudavertron do this 'sudo /etc/init.d/nscd restart'14:42
ActionParsnip1jonasfa: rather than messing around trying to uncomment the ones in there14:42
davertronShubuntu: is there some info apt-get caches somewhere that i could just delete to see if it's caching that IP for some reason?14:42
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davertronShubuntu: nscd command not found14:42
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blackjakif I want to remove a package that I have compiled from source do I have to keep the folder where I have done the compilation?14:43
jituguys can you tell why i am not getting the chat on orkut with mozilla14:43
jonasfaActionParsnip1: maybe there's some script ready to run... just like synaptic does.. but from command line?14:43
davertronShubuntu: aha14:43
Shambatwhen one machine queries another using e.g. SNMP port 161, does the reply come on the same port?14:43
davertronShubuntu: found it14:43
hey`update-modules is deprecated now, what can I use instead?14:43
davertronShubuntu: /etc/environment14:44
lgehow can i see what files an "apt-get install package" installs ?14:44
llutzlge: dpkg -L <packagename>14:44
Shubuntudavertron, good job14:44
pradeeplge synaptics14:44
davertronShubuntu: i have the line "http_proxy="" in my /etc/environment file...14:44
ActionParsnip1jonasfa: not sure14:44
davertronShubuntu: sheesh, yep, now i remember putting that there. I think I was trying to set up a proxy for Spotify or something...thanks a lot for your time Shubuntu :)14:45
lgepradeep: synaptics == touchpad?14:45
davertronShubuntu: now i just need to figure out how to reload my environment stuff...14:45
brandonc503anyone have opinions on which is better trac or rt for ticket requests?14:46
Shubuntudavertron, np try 'source /etc/environment'14:46
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lgethx llutz14:46
pradeepshubuntu also checl /home/name/.bashrc14:47
grawitypradeep: correction: ~/.bashrc14:47
Der_TrollyJA NEE, die UBUNTUS!14:47
Der_TrollyWie gehts euch so?!?!?!?14:47
xopenhi guys, i have a form field as disabled=>true, but i didn't put any validator. so it throw an error. How should i encounter it?14:47
pradeepthanks grawity14:47
grawityDer_Trolly: wat14:47
jimcooncateucalyptus and cloud computing: what are they good for?14:47
shane2peru!gr | Der_Trolly14:47
ubottuDer_Trolly: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes14:47
shane2peru!ge | Der_Trolly14:48
ubottuDer_Trolly: ქართული ენაზე დახმარების მიღებისთვის გთხოვთ შემობრძანდით #ubuntu-ge / Kartuli enaze dakhmarebis mighebistvis gtkhovt shemobrdzandit #ubuntu-ge14:48
shane2peru!german | Der_Trolly14:48
ubottuDer_Trolly: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.14:48
llutzshane2peru: it's !de but pointless for that troll14:48
shane2perullutz: thanks, I was having a little difficulty getting it right14:48
hey`the command update-modules is deprecated what can I use instead?14:49
shane2perullutz: I didn't realize he just a spammer. I just logged on for a second14:49
hey`the command update-modules is deprecated what can I use instead?14:49
* jimcooncat thinks my message gets lost in the shuffle14:49
hey`the command update-modules is deprecated what can I use instead?14:49
absaloutebeginnehow do i upgrade to 9.10 using the terminal?14:50
Piciabsaloutebeginne : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Karmic/9.10 support/discussion.14:50
eguest039had a bit of a problem .wanted to get  a little  help here14:50
jimcooncateguest039: please ask a question14:51
eguest039i am installing ubuntu hardy server editon   in a virtual machine .(vmware fusion).the installation went fine but i cant seem to use aptitude14:51
eguest039i checked my sources.list file .everything is ok14:51
absaloutebeginneanyone help me install Karmic/9.10 using terminal14:51
Piciabsaloutebeginne: Karmic is offtopic for this channel, please /join #ubuntu+1 for support14:52
eguest039 i cant seem to understand why it  isnt working.any ideas14:52
StoyI have a big problem with alsa14:52
johnniWhen I try to watch a mp4 type from the web in Gstreamer I get something about can't find a text/html decoder in Gstreamer. Any idea how to fix that?14:52
jimcooncateguest039: can you ping an outside machine within it?14:52
eguest039yes i can14:52
StoyI have lost ALL sound on my dell latitude 540014:52
grawityjohnni: Does it happen with all videos, or just with a single one?14:52
eguest039i even pinged google.com.gh14:52
downstarim getting an "unkown Error" when trying to run my system-config-services. it works as sudo, but it wont work from the gui no matter what. any ideas?14:53
johnniAll videos that are mp4 from the web yes..someone said last night its like I was trying to watch a Apple Trailer14:53
jimcooncateguest039: what are you getting for an error message (use pastebin if you have a long answer, please)14:53
EvaLuaTewhat package do i have to install to get the file /usr/bin/mysqldump?14:53
Stoysry false alarm14:53
jeef1hey i have just installed 9.04 but I cant connect to Wireless. I see my network(wpa), i enter the password and it tryes to connect ad after some time, it just give up14:53
StoyI had forgot to mute some posts in alsamixer14:53
Stoysound wounderful sound!14:54
Shubuntujeef1 try installing wicd instead14:54
xopenhi guys, i have a form field as disabled=>true, but i didn't put any validator. so it throw an error. How should i encounter it?14:54
EvaLuaTeI got disconnected. So, what package do i have to install to get the file /usr/bin/mysqldump ?14:54
jeef1ok ill try that14:54
jimcooncateguest039: what happens when you "sudo aptitude update"?14:54
eguest039it works14:55
Shubuntujeef1, the basic network manager can be troublesome on some wireless networks14:55
jimcooncateguest039: then, what's the problem? sudo aptitude install xxx?14:55
jimcooncateguest039: or just running "sudo aptitude" for the curses interface?14:56
johnniAnyone have any suggestions?14:56
eguest039yes the problem is that  when u do  sudo aptitude install xxx.it doesnt download the package or give any indication that its installing the  package14:56
xopenhi guys, i have a form field as disabled=>true, but i didn't put any validator. so it throw an error. How should i encounter it?14:56
eguest039and when you do a  sudo aptitude  show xxx you get nothing14:56
xteejxHi guys, I accidentally moved everything that isn't hidden in my home/teej directory to the Wastebasket. I restored it all back into my home/teej but now Documents, Videos, etc appears on my Desktop as WELL as in the home/teej directory. If I delete them from the Desktop, the ones in home/teej get deleted too. HELP!14:56
StaRetjiHello there, need help resolving boot slowness http://paste.ubuntu.com/287831/  Thx in advance!14:56
Picixopen: Sounds like you want #django or similar, this is #ubuntu14:57
grawityxopen: What form, what programming language,?14:57
downstar im getting an "unkown Error" when trying to run my system-config-services. it works as sudo, but it wont work from the gui no matter what. any ideas?14:57
xopenPici, grawity ops wrong channel14:57
frederick85Can anyone recommend to me a chm viewer that doesn't crash and where the scroll bars actually work14:57
grawityfrederick85: wine hh.exe14:58
jimcooncateguest039: sorry, I've got to head out. Anyone else help eguest039 out with a very quiet "aptitude"?14:58
eguest039any ideas anyone?14:58
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ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:58
NewtonMTI have a reall embarassing problem, which I was really hoping you'd be able to help out with. I upgraded to Ubuntu 9.04 from 8.something, and rebooted my computer. When I get to my login screen, when I try to type, it appears in (what seems to be) Arabic text, and I can't input the word 'user' or my password as I can't access the english letters. I've tried all the ALT + Number stuff, but it doesn't14:59
StaRetjieguest039: Have you tried sudo apt-get install ?14:59
StaRetjiis the same?15:00
NewtonMTrespond, and I've tried all the boot options looking for an accessibility mode, but no luck.15:00
eguest039i havent tried that15:00
StaRetjitry it mate15:00
eguest039sorry i have15:00
eguest039still same  output15:00
ynkwhere are the c or c++ libraries located? (might be too vague of a question) Netbeans is unable to find them and i figured i might be able to point it in the right direction...15:00
eguest039i will paste the output for you to se15:00
Picixteejx: You are missing ~/Desktop , that is causing them to show up on the nautilus desktop. If you do have this folder created, you may need to relogin for it to display properly.15:00
xteejxpici, great mate thanks, so just reboot/relog?15:01
StaRetjialso paste /etc/apt/sources.list15:01
Picixteejx: Make sure that ~/Desktop exists and relog15:01
xteejxPici, yes the folder exists, will relog :)15:01
brandonc503so im setting up second server to start installing email server on and im wondering if there is anyway to easily revert to fresh install of ubuntu without well.. reinstalling the whole thing15:02
akaGOMEZjoin #perl15:02
jeef1Shubuntu wicd did'nt work15:03
arthur_русскоязычные есть???15:03
xteejxPici, didn't work relogging :( everything is still showing on the Nautilus desktop15:03
brandonc503akaGOMEZ: me join pearl?15:03
grawityarthur_: Try #ubuntu-ru15:03
xteejxand ~/Desktop is definitely there15:03
StaRetjiWhile I wait, maybe someone can enlighten me regarding boot slowness http://paste.ubuntu.com/287831/15:03
Shubuntujeef1 did wicd install?15:03
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grawitybrandonc503: 1) make a backup; 2) akaGOMEZ just forgot a / in his command; 3) it's spelled Perl.15:03
NewtonMTIs this the right place to ask the question I did, by the way?15:03
roothelp me15:04
cybersplice!ru | arthur_15:04
jeef1Shubuntu, yep and it also uninstalled the normal internet managen program15:04
akaGOMEZthanks grawity. me = newb15:04
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ubottuarthur_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:04
grawityroot: What is your problem, and why are you using IRC as root?15:04
cybersplicelol root.15:04
Shubuntujeef1, does your network router recognize your mac, sometimes, they only allow new macs if you specify them15:04
Shubuntujeef1, and what kind of WEP are you using?15:05
sipiorperhaps he thought superuser == op15:05
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jeef1WEP? im using WPA15:05
grawityShubuntu: "what kind of WEP" makes little sense. Did you mean 'encryption'?15:05
Shubuntuyes, he's using wpa anyway15:06
jeef1can it be something about that my netcard is old, and dont use ... hmm IPW something?15:06
Shubuntujeef1, sudo apt-get install wpasupplicant15:07
jeef1it is installed15:07
xteejxcan anyone help please? videos, documents, etc are showing on my desktop, but removing them deletes the actual folders in ~/ directory15:08
grawityxteejx: Matbe it _is_ showing your desktop.15:08
grawityxteejx: err, I meant, your homedir.15:08
xteejxwhy would nautilus desktop show my home folder and not the Desktop folder? and if so, how do i change it back to the default?15:09
NewtonMTAnyone got any thoughts on the login problem?15:09
grawityxteejx: /apps/nautilus/preferences/desktop_is_home_dir in Gconf.15:10
xteejxdo what what?15:10
Shubuntujeef1, what does wpa_supplicant -h give you15:10
grawityxteejx: /apps/nautilus/preferences/desktop_is_home_dir in Gconf.15:10
xteejxyeah, sorry it doesn't mean anything to me15:10
grawityxteejx: maybe gconf-editor will15:10
jeef1it shows that "help" for that cmd15:11
brandonc503grawity: how do i make back up? am i backing up what is exactly on hd so i can revert to exactly what i had? or does it save settings? or items installed?15:11
schrodinger1Hi all15:11
xteejxgrawity, i just checked with gconf, desktop_is_home_dir is not enabled15:11
Kingsy101can someone help me, for some reason I cant watch any youtube vids or play on miniclip.com on my ubuntu PC through firefox.. I guess I don't have something installed, a plugin or something. . ?15:12
jeef1Shubuntu: sudo apt-get install wpasupplicant told me that it is fully up to date15:12
Shubuntujeef1,  wpa_passphrase YOUR_NETWORK15:12
schrodinger1Sounds like you don't have flash installed Kingsy15:12
jeef1your_network like?15:13
Shubuntuwhatever your ssid is15:13
ZillaI am new to ubuntu and want to connect my TV to my computer I have read the binary driver stuff and tried it but . . .15:13
Shubuntujeef1, then vi /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf15:13
Shubuntuand add this line right up the '{' at the end of your list:15:14
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Shubuntujeef1, proto=WP15:15
Shubuntujeef1, proto=WPA15:15
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jeef1shubuntu: i cant get that far. Its says that my ssid is worng15:17
jeef1i even copid it from my routers config15:17
Shubuntuok maybe your network's ssid is hidden15:18
Shubuntutry this15:18
jeef1fund it15:18
Shubuntuoh good15:18
blackjakwhere can I find my kernel sources or compat-wireless directory15:19
Shubuntuyou'll need something like this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/287844/ inside of /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf15:20
StaRetjiHello there, need help resolving boot slowness http://paste.ubuntu.com/287831/  Thx in advance!15:20
jeef1how do i edit it?15:20
blackjakI guess it does not matter where I put it.15:21
blackjakPlace the patch in your kernel sources or compat-wireless directory15:21
blackjakRun 'patch -p1 -i b43-injection-<kernel version>.patch'.15:21
FloodBot3blackjak: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:21
Shubuntujeef you can nano / vi15:21
Kingsy101can someone help me, for some reason I cant watch any youtube vids or play on miniclip.com on my ubuntu PC through firefox.. I guess I don't have something installed, a plugin or something. . ?15:21
jimcooncateucalyptus and cloud computing: what are they good for?15:21
shane2perudoes anyone know if scp is considered the same as ftp, or does the server see it as the same?  ports etc?15:22
Picishane2peru: scp is ssh15:22
jimcooncatshane2peru: no, server must be sshd, not ftpd15:22
shane2peruPici: jimcooncat ok, that is what I thought, thanks15:23
jimcooncatshane2peru: only uses one port, 22 by default, but most change it if they expose it to the internet15:23
ragsWhenever I use sudo it takes a long time to execute the commands...15:23
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ragsSo i did a strace and it seems to be hanging at the logging stage...15:23
shane2perujimcooncat: right, my server doesn't allow ssh, so, only ftp15:24
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ZillaI am new to ubuntu and want to connect my TV to my computer I have read the binary driver stuff and tried it but . . .15:24
suffeZilla: good episode though ;)15:25
Zillayeah im pulling it iff hulu15:25
ragswht could be causing the hangs?15:25
dasunsrule32Is there a way to deny login of all users, except for those in a specific group?15:25
bigmacxAfter I run a kernel update from the ubuntu docs, using the apt-get source method, my grub menu gets updated with my custom kernel. BUT the grub menu now does not appear when it boots, AND reboots never go to BIOS screen. It just does graphical shutdown and then immediately graphical reboot?15:27
blackjakwhen I run lspci -nn I do not see anything like PCI ID and a number15:27
^FuSioN^hi :)15:28
jeef1Shubuntu: so the conf file says i have edit it, but wpa_passphrase xxxxx ->  vi /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf15:28
jeef1 donst15:28
nocturno35hi, i need some help with a encrypted folder, can anybody help me?15:29
Shubuntujeef1, you need to add that passkey yeah15:29
Zillawhere is the best place to find dual view output docs?15:29
^FuSioN^is there a problem with flash making some computer freezing and rebooting at random time ?15:29
Shubuntujeef1, that is what psk is basically15:30
grawity^FuSioN^: There always are problems with Flash on Linux.15:30
^FuSioN^probably but i have 2 of my computer instable with flash ( ubuntu 9.04 x86_64 )15:31
lc I have a dsl connection but no router. What is the easiest way to create an ad-hoc wifi connection15:31
eguesttesti am  tryiin taht now15:31
Fazer2hey, is it sensible to have only one separate /home partition for both Ubuntu and Gentoo?15:32
uboxanyone use ubuntu on hp pavilion laptops?15:34
sipiorFazer2: sure. might want to be a bit careful about how you arrange your .bashrc and the like. but no major problems, surely.15:34
jbwivhi guys. As a best practice, is it necessary or recommended to move all private files in the home directory (.gconf, .gconfd, etc) when upgrading ubuntu or migrating /home to a new install? I would be concerned that upgrades to Gnome and other apps might cause the configs stored in these private dirs to break things....15:36
podman99hey all ... using proftpd -- its set to umask 133 022 (644, 755) ?? correct?? any files uploaded get 600 and folders get 700 ?? what am i doing wrong15:36
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning15:36
icerootjbwiv: just make a backup of the pc15:36
dasunsrule32Is there a way to deny access to login, unless the user is part of a specific group?15:36
n8tuser!cloning | jbwiv15:36
ubottujbwiv: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate15:36
kaddi Hi, wine somehow got associated to bat and exe files and automatically executes them, when I click on them. I would like to get the dialog back asking what to do with the file. Were can I set that?15:37
BlouBloujbwiv: I recommend you don't move old configurations files to new ubuntu update15:37
jbwivguys, I'm not interested in replicating my package selection necessarily, and I always to backups. What I'm more interested in conflicts old config files can cause when doing upgrades. I'm preparing to upgrade Jaunty to Karmic through apt15:37
jbwivwondering if I should move the . files out of the way15:37
sipiorjbwiv: can't hurt, really.15:38
jbwivI'd want to move certain things back (.mozilla, etc) but not sure about .gconf, .gconfd, and other arbitrary files15:38
jbwivsipior: can't hurt to move them? can it hurt to leave them?15:38
sipiorjbwiv: to move them.15:38
jbwivsipior: ok15:38
BlouBloujbwiv: it's not very recommended copy firefox's old version config file to new ubuntu update with new firefox version. Same with gnome configs15:39
jbwivWas just wondering if there were general guidelines when upgrading15:39
jbwivBlouBlou: so how do you keep your plugins and bookmarks around?15:39
lchey guys, how do i go about creating an ad-hoc wifi network without a router15:39
BlouBloujbwiv: just update, configs will update automatically15:39
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dasunsrule32jbwiv: You should be fine keeping your .mozilla folder15:40
sipiorjbwiv: i've never ad a problem with these things on an update. moving /home to another install altogether might cause problems.15:40
jbwivBlouBlou: so you recommend not moving the private files and let the upgrade handle them?15:40
jbwivok, I'll just backup and give it a shot. thanks guys15:40
BlouBloujbwiv: well, private files yes, I am saying don't move config files15:40
BlouBloujbwiv: if you have got your work's important files, you should have always a copy for security15:41
jbwivBlouBlou: cool...thanks15:41
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cuivandirhello. is there any converter from .pdf to .po available on ubuntu?15:43
kaddiwhat is po?15:43
sahilhello guys,15:43
sahili wanna know how to shutdown a ghost process??15:44
sahilwhich is neither visible on system process nor in ps -A .15:44
BlouBlousahil: go to terminal and write: killall <process>15:44
lcanyone know how to create an ad-hoc wifi15:44
flukeboxhi all .... i just updated to 9.10.. and find out that my nautilus ..open with commands are no more working15:44
flukeboxanywya to fix that/15:44
Piciflukebox : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Karmic/9.10 support/discussion.15:44
sahilbloublou: i tried it too. but no use15:44
sahilactually i am usng atunes15:44
flukeboxjoin #ubuntu+115:45
sahileverytime i minimize it ....i gone visible but music don't stop.15:45
kaddicuivandir: do you actually mean po or did you mean ps? what is po?15:45
BlouBlousahil: wich programm do you use for listen music?15:45
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NinjaPlimsollshi all15:46
NinjaPlimsollsanyone know how I can get the new Karmic login screen? I've got an ugly mockup one I think15:46
cuivandirkaddi, po files are generated with GNU gettext if i'm not wrong and are used int translation of programs. i want to find a way to convert a .pdf to a .po so i can use the tools available for translating .po files...15:46
Dr_WillisNinjaPlimsolls:  the real one is ugly also. see #ubuntu+115:46
usb333hello, I have a problem in my system. It doesn't load the desktop after the login screen. I'm now talking from a web-based IRC client through Firefox from the Failsafe Terminal mode.15:46
sahilNinja*: are u sing karmic kola??15:46
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NinjaPlimsollsyep im on Karmic now15:47
BlouBlousahil: I recommend you Totem for general video/music files15:47
usb333I used wubi to install it if that has anything to do with the problem15:47
PiciNinjaPlimsolls : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Karmic/9.10 support/discussion.15:47
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usb333all i can see is my background and my cursor15:47
sahilninjaplimsolls: is karmic kola is safe to use at beta state.??15:47
NinjaPlimsollsok thanks15:47
Baba_B00iei'm having issues with choppy video. running ubuntu 9.04 and my video card is, according to lspci an intel mobile 945gm/gms15:47
NinjaPlimsollssahil: i think so, no problems so far15:47
BlouBlou!hi | Ben_9015:47
ubottuBen_90: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!15:47
nocturno35hi guys, I have a encrypted user folder from a former installation; now I can't access to the data, any suggestion?15:48
sahil...gr8. Thanks NinjaPlimsolls.15:48
NinjaPlimsollsalthough some debs dont install correctly via GUI you need to dpkg -i them in terminal15:48
BlouBlouBen_90: can I help you with anything?15:48
Ben_90how do i fix my sudoers file?15:48
Baba_B00iei'm having issues with choppy video. running ubuntu 9.04 and my video card is, according to lspci an intel mobile 945gm/gms. anything i can do to get faster video?15:49
n8tuserBen_90-> get to single user mode and fix it from there or on a livecd15:49
Ben_90it won't let me change its permissions through the root terminal15:49
n8tuser!who | Ben_9015:50
ubottuBen_90: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:50
Dr_WillisBen_90:  perhaps clarify what you are trying to do to 'fix' it?15:50
Ben_90Dr_Willis: i added my user name into the sudoers file and changed the permissions from read-only to read/write15:51
Ben_90Dr_Willis: and it won't let me change it back15:51
Dr_WillisBen_90:  then you should be able to use a live cd. and as the ROOT user change it back.  you will need to use sudo chmode whatevert.......15:51
usb333can anyone help me fixing my problem please?15:52
NinjaPlimsollsis there a way to force authentication, so i dont need to enter a password to install stuff, scratch my nose, browse the web or change my screensaver? :(15:52
Dr_WillisBen_90:  or the recovery mode. if you are logged in as the root user.15:52
Ben_90i still can use the root terminal somewhat.15:52
Dr_WillisBen_90:  give the command you are using and the exact error message perhaps..   could be some trival mistake you are making15:53
n8tuserBen_90-> can you define what you meant by root terminal?15:53
Doc_Lappysay my sound stopped working yesterday, any ideas what may of caused it or how to fix it?15:53
MorwindHi. I just installed ubuntu on another hard drive. It loads grub, gets to the splash screen, and after that it halts at a black screen. Any help?15:53
Ben_90n8tuser: when im in the standard terminal i type in "su"15:54
n8tuserMorwind-> did you wait long enuff? can you get a console via  ctrl+alt+F1 ?15:54
Ben_90n8tuser: and it asks me for a password and i type it and it works.15:54
n8tuserBen_90-> su what? complete your command so we can understand what you're doing15:54
MorwindI waited 5 minutes. And no I did not try that.15:54
Dr_Willissu is normally disabled on a ubuntu system. unless you created a root user password  (plus i thought one used 'su -'  to get to a root terminal normally)15:55
Ben_90n8tuser: the "su" command is so i can be root15:55
n8tuserBen_90-> su by itself does not change you to a new yser15:55
PiciBen_90: Are you running Ubuntu?15:55
Xpistos|workCan I load ubuntu without having the gui run by default?15:55
FloodBot3Ben_90: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:55
Dr_WillisXpistos|work:  disable the gdm or kdm service.  and it will go to the console15:55
n8tuserXpistos|work-> yes15:56
PiciBen_90: It sounds like you have set a password for the root account.15:56
Xpistos|workDr_Willis: Then if I want to run Gnome just type gdm on the command line?15:56
Doc_Lappysu itself will just give you root, which isn't a good idea to do everything in root so becareful instead use sudo cmd15:56
Dr_WillisXpistos|work:  a user could use 'startx'15:56
Dr_WillisXpistos|work:  or start the gdm service to spawn gdm.. 'sudo service gdm start'15:56
n8tuserBen_90-> su by itself does not change you to a new user nor to root15:56
Xpistos|workDr_Willis: How do I disable it ?15:56
usb333[17:50] <usb333> hello, I have a problem in my system. It doesn't load the desktop after the login screen. I'm now talking from a web-based IRC client through Firefox from the Failsafe Terminal mode. [17:50] <usb333> I used wubi to install it if that has anything to do with the problem [17:50] <usb333> all i can see is my background and my cursor15:56
Picin8tuser: yes it does, if you have the root account unlocked.15:57
Ben_90n8tuser: how do i restore the sudoers file?15:57
Dr_WillisXpistos|work:  use 'bum' or the update-rc.d command15:57
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nocturno35Pici can you help me with an encrypted folder problem? thank you15:57
Xpistos|workDr_Willis: Okay, so I am in the gui and I want to disable it on start up and I type 'bum"15:57
Dr_WillisBen_90:  boot live cd.  in a terminaluse 'sudo -s'   to get root shell.. mount the filesystem, fix the file15:57
Dr_Willis!info bum | Xpistos|work15:57
ubottuXpistos|work: bum (source: bum): graphical runlevel editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.1-2 (jaunty), package size 81 kB, installed size 516 kB15:57
Ben_90ok brb15:58
Dr_WillisXpistos|work:  if you have bum installed... its a X based tool.15:58
Picinocturno35: I have not set that up on any of my installs, I'm afraid I cannot help.15:58
Ben_90i get this message "sudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0660, should be 0440"15:58
Doc_Lappyso anybody know anything about sound, mine just stopped working yesterday for no apparent reason other than I shut it off and back on15:58
nocturno35Pici ok, thank you anyway :)15:58
wildc4rdafternoon all15:58
IndyGunFreakDoc_Lappy: check all the obvious stuff, volume sliders, speakers, not muted, etc..?15:59
PiciBen_90: 1) chmod it back to 0440, 2) use visudo in the future for modifying the file 3) by default you should just need to add users to the admin group instead of modifying the file.15:59
Dr_WillisBen_90:  so you will want to use the command 'sudo chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers'  from a live cd.. or rescue mode.   normally15:59
dbuggerHey guys! My bluetooth applet crashed. How can I restart it?15:59
Doc_Lappynope not muted and checked the master volume and volume on the player15:59
IndyGunFreakDoc_Lappy: is it just an application thats not giving you audio, or you're getting no audio at all.16:00
Ben_90Pici: how do i chmod the file back to 0440?16:00
Doc_LappyI did go thru a tutorial to fix it online installing  abunch of stuff for pulse to get it to work but nothing yet16:00
Doc_Lappyno audio at all16:00
PiciBen_90: chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers16:00
Dr_WillisBen_90:  so you will want to use the command 'sudo chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers'  from a live cd.. or rescue mode.   normally16:00
Doc_Lappyexcept a beep when I shut it down16:00
Xpistos|workDr_Willis: installing bum now16:01
Pici!enter | Doc_Lappy16:01
ubottuDoc_Lappy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:01
IndyGunFreakDoc_Lappy: hmm, i dunno, i usually keep everything set to alsa.16:01
Raydiationis there some program where i can insert and watch my monthly expenses?16:01
Raydiationim trying gnucash atm but its really bloated16:02
Doc_Lappyk thanks indy, I've changed it to both pulse and alsa then put it back to auto like it was before16:02
IndyGunFreakRaydiation: really?.. i find gnucash pretty easy, but there's others out there.16:02
usb333Pici : [17:50] <usb333> hello, I have a problem in my system. It doesn't load the desktop after the login screen. I'm now talking from a web-based IRC client through Firefox from the Failsafe Terminal mode. [17:50] <usb333> I used wubi to install it if that has anything to do with the problem [17:50] <usb333> all i can see is my background and my cursor16:03
Ben_90thanks a bunch. :)16:03
sipior"bloated" does not mean "does more than i need it to" :-)16:03
ZenBSDitrying now16:03
unplug is there some program I can install on my netbook that will sound off an alarm whenever my power cable is unplugged?16:03
IndyGunFreakRaydiation: are you just looking for a basic checking account tracker?16:03
RaydiationIndyGunFreak: just something to get an overview where i spent my money16:04
unplugthat will sound off a loud alarm when some unplugs the power cable.16:05
IndyGunFreakRaydiation: only other one i've used, is grisby... its halfway decent... look ehre at the link and read about them, most of these are in the repositories, but you might have to compile a few from source...  http://linuxappfinder.com/alternatives?search_text=money16:05
usb333anyone :( .. any help is highly appreciated16:05
RaydiationIndyGunFreak: ty16:05
Mrokiihello. I would like to know how likely it is that an update to "libglib" could make the system unstable. Because I updated that some days ago through Synaptic and since then it  sems that Ubuntu acts strangely (crashes and other things).16:05
abgalphabetcan "Loading GRUB..." msg be hidden or not display at all during boot16:05
Mike_lifeguardHi, I'm trying to set up an ssh server, but I am getting either "connection denied" or "permission denied" depending on what port I am listening on. I have no iptables rules, and port forwarding for both ports I'm trying to use is set up.16:06
ChousukeMrokii: Well, glib is commonly used, so it is possible that if something's wrong with it many things will break.16:07
Doc_Lappycan you reinstall ubuntu over another ubuntu on a dual install without effecting the winxp that's on it?16:07
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MrokiiChousuke:  One of the symptoms was that I was just put back to Ubuntus login-screen without any warning.16:07
MrokiiChousuke:  And I am thinking about reverting to the version I had installed before16:08
ChousukeMrokii: it's hard to tell what's crashing16:08
ChousukeMrokii: you might want to check launchpad for glib bugs reported16:08
sahilis there another way to reload grub loader which once overwrit by the window installation ...without usng commands??16:09
MrokiiChousuke:  Sure, I think so, too. But it's a strange coincidence that Ubuntu started acting strangely right after this update16:09
Doc_Lappyon a dual boot of winxp/ubuntu can I replace the ubunt with a new one? I'd have to transfer some files like todays homework to cd but could do that if possible without having to screw up my winxp and have to reinstall winxp and then ubuntu as usual16:09
ChousukeMrokii: yeah. it does sound likely that something's wrong with it.16:09
ChousukeMrokii: was it a security update or are you using karmic?16:10
RaydiationIndyGunFreak: wow, grisbi is nice, exactly what i was looking for, ty16:10
switchgirl1how to insert a tick into gimp?16:10
switchgirl1I'm filling a form in16:10
MrokiiChousuke:  I am using Jaunty (64-bit) and it wasn't a security update. I think what it said something of a backport.16:11
Chousukehmm :/16:11
IndyGunFreakRaydiation: no prob... its a pretty good program, but like i said, i like gnucash myself... glad it worked for you.16:11
Chousukewhy would anyone backport glib16:11
ChousukeMrokii: hm, just to clarify, is it glib or glib2?16:12
MrokiiChousuke:  I think  it mentioned something about backporting from Karmic, whatever that really means. I am not a programmer.16:12
EvilRoeyHola.  Any chance that Ubuntu 9.10 will come with kernel 2.6.32?16:12
lchow do i check which progams are using certian ports?16:12
EvilRoeylsof -i <port>16:12
PiciEvilRoey: None. And karmic discussion/support really belongs in #ubuntu+116:12
ChousukeMrokii: which repository did you install it from? :/16:12
EvilRoeylsof -i:<port>16:12
EvilRoeyPici:  thanks.16:12
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IndyGunFreakDoc_Lappy: no, you could reinstall over your old ubuntu install... you'd just have to do manual partitioning at the partitioning stage, and tell it to install over the old partitions.16:13
MrokiiChousuke:  Can I see somewhere which repository was used?16:13
nexsja'ello. If i reinstall mysql will i lose all my databases?16:13
ChousukeMrokii: I can't think of any way16:13
Othmanno nexsaja16:14
Othmanit will remain16:14
ChousukeMrokii: can you tell the exact name of the package? libglib does not exist.16:14
XaifasWhen I try to open an whateverfile.o (object code file) after compiling something in C, i cannot open it , gives me unknown kind of file or something like that O.o16:14
Doc_Lappyk indy how do I do that reinstall then I'll get stuff burned that I can and do it because I can't stand not having sound on ubuntu to listen to music or watch youtube videos and stuff16:14
Othmanbut it's good to do a backip16:14
XaifasIsnt ubuntu supposed to open the file in gedit or whatever?16:14
MrokiiChousuke:  According to Synaptic: libglib2.0-0 (2.20.1-0ubuntu2) to 2.20.1-0ubuntu2.1, along with -dev and -data-files16:15
Doc_Lappyjust select instead of intire disk or whatever the other option and slide the bar over to where the old one is?16:15
n8tuserunplug i have an idea, see if you unplugging the power cord triggers a interrupt event16:15
IndyGunFreakDoc_Lappy: well... how i usually do it(AFTER BACKING UP), is boot the CD, when it comes to the partitioning stage, go to manual, and delete the old Ubuntu partitions, then set up the new partitions....16:15
ChousukeMrokii: that doesn't seem to be a backport. looks like the latest version in jaunty16:16
Doc_Lappyk I'm just not sure how to do it 'manually' that doesn't take me to terminal or anything does it indy?16:16
MrokiiChousuke:  As I said, I am not quite sure about that messge. Could be that I am mxing things up. Though the important part is the coincidence of crashes and upgrading16:16
Doc_Lappybut just the regular screen16:16
usb333[17:50] <usb333> hello, I have a problem in my system. It doesn't load the desktop after the login screen. I'm now talking from a web-based IRC client through Firefox from the Failsafe Terminal mode. [17:50] <usb333> I used wubi to install it if that has anything to do with the problem [17:50] <usb333> all i can see is my background and my cursor16:17
sipiorXaifas: well, you'll probably want to use a hex editor for viewing/modifying object files. unless gedit has a hex plugin? (could be) "gedit foo.o" should still work.16:17
IndyGunFreakDoc_Lappy: no, not a CLI... its pretty easy.. if you're planning to do this now, I'll be here a while.16:17
xipihi, can i dare to use karmic as production system, already?16:17
blackjakcould anyone help me determining where should I put this patch  http://tiny.cc/HXzzr in order to run it successfully16:17
sipiorxipi: no.16:17
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xipisipior: is it still that shaky?16:17
Othmanhow to lnch an application as root ?16:18
MrokiiChousuke:  And therefore I am thinking to reverting back to the last version, just to give it a test. I saw that that is possible via Synaptic16:18
xipiOthman: use sudo16:18
sipiorxipi: well, "beta"16:18
ChousukeMrokii: run "dpkg -l libglib2.0-0" to see the exact version you have installed now16:18
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Doc_Lappyk thanks indy but I don't have another pc so I'll have to use my winxp to do it assuming I don't mess it up while removing the ubuntu partition, never done that before so not sure what I'm doing but ill give it a shot, thanks16:18
xipisipior: sometimes a beta version runs more stable than the previous stable16:18
IndyGunFreakDoc_Lappy: type this w/o quotes, and i'll show you somethng that may help you understand this a bit.. "/join #indygunfreak"16:19
lannyDoes anyone know why when I type 'TM' in a text entry I get a little face symbol?  And more importantly how to stop it?16:19
Othmanxipi sudo followed by the name of app16:19
MrokiiChousuke:  ii  libglib2.0-0   2.20.1-0ubuntu The GLib library of C routines16:19
xipiOthman: sure16:19
bazhangxipi, karmic discussion in #ubuntu+116:20
unplugn8tuser, it does not. i am not after a battery monitoring application. what i am after is an ALARM that will let my flatmates or yours truly know whenever someone is trying to take away my netbook without my permission16:20
xipibazhang: thanks16:20
sipiorxipi: that's very optimistic :-) do what you want, but i'd certainly wait for a proper release.16:20
ChousukeMrokii: meh, the version string gets cut at the relevant part ;P16:20
ChousukeMrokii: oh well, very likely it's the right one.16:20
xipisipior: understand16:20
MrokiiChousuke: The right one? In which sense? The cause of the problems or what?16:20
ChousukeMrokii: the one that is most recent for jaunty16:20
ChousukeMrokii: I'm just trying to ensure you haven't got some funky version installd16:20
MrokiiChousuke:  I have just looked at the properties of glib in Synaptic, and it shows this: "2.20.1-0ubuntu2.1 (jaunty-updates)16:24
switchgirl1umm anyone know how to insert a tick on a form I am filling in (was sent it and scanned in ) in gimp?16:24
MrokiiChousuke:  And this as a second line: "2.20.1-0ubuntu2 (jaunty)"16:24
ChousukeMrokii: looks like the jaunty-updates one is a backport16:24
MadSeaDogcan i resize ntfs partition with the ubuntu live dvd?16:24
gooseMadSeaDog: yes16:24
MrokiiChousuke:  does that help somehow?16:24
MadSeaDoggoose,  ok thanks...16:24
ChousukeMrokii: not really. but you could try installing the other version, if synaptic allows that16:24
tehbautcan anyone recommend a good clipboard manager?16:24
MrokiiChousuke: I can force Synaptic to use a certain version of packages, so that should work.16:24
n8tuserunplug-> is it attached to a security cable link? what do you expect to monitor?16:25
oberdadahello channel. I had a pc with windows and 2 partitions (C: D: for system and data respectively).  I installed Xubuntu 9.04 on what was formerly the C: partition, blowing away windows, and keeping my data on what was the D: partition.  Now, i cannot mount the D: partition on ubuntu.  How can i solve this problem?16:25
ChousukeMrokii: as long as it doesn't break dependencies in any way16:25
Mrokiitehbaut:  I'd like to know that, too. I am coming from OS X and all clipboard-managers I found so far for Ubuntu are pretty ... compared to those availabel for Mac16:25
nullkuhlhello, i have just installed Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala Beta , however i try inserting my usb drive in it but ubuntu doesnt detect it, it doesnt show up in fdisk list and when i type lsusb i get nothing , please advice.16:25
MrokiiChousuke:  I assume that when it's done automatically via Synaptic, it should take that in regard16:25
ChousukeMrokii: though synaptic should yell you if it does :)16:26
MrokiiChousuke:  That's what I hoped. :)16:26
Chousukeyell... tell. :P16:26
zouhairhi is there any application that is equivalent to Fillcd?16:26
n8tuseroberdada-> are you sure your old "d" drive or partitiion still exist?  fdisk -l  to list16:26
n8tuserzouhair-> what does it do?16:26
tehbautMrokii: I forget what I used on OSX but on XP I used 'ditto' which was okay16:26
nullkuhlhello, i have just installed Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala Beta , however i try inserting my usb drive in it but ubuntu doesnt detect it, it doesnt show up in fdisk list and when i type lsusb i get nothing , please advice.16:27
oberdadai'll check. i'm on another pc at the moment.  However, when i installed xubuntu i didnt touch it.16:27
fission6whats the easiest way for me to update open office from 3.0 to 3.1.1 update manager is not reporting an update but i want it16:27
zouhairoh, actually it takes folders and put them to fit a certain size, so it can exactly fit a CD or DVD16:27
Mrokiitehbaut:  I wouldn't use XP, even if it had the best clipboard manager on earth :)16:27
kaddinullkuhl: for support with karmic please ask in #ubuntu+116:27
tehbautMrokii: some people wont16:27
Mrokiifission6:  You can add a repository for OpenOffice16:27
tehbautI find usability on OSX sucks though16:28
xrfanghow can I export an environment variable globally so that it is recognized in all new processes? (of course I can add that to .profile or something like that..., but can I do it dynamically without having to logoff or reboot)?16:28
fission6hm how do i go about do ing that16:28
Mrokiitehbaut:  I think quite the contrary :)16:28
grawityxrfang: 'export VAR=contents'16:28
oberdadan8tuser: to get ahead of events, supposing it exists... how can i mount it?16:28
tehbautMrokii: FTFF and it would probably be a different story16:28
grawityxrfang: Or, hmmm :|16:28
oberdadan8tuser: it's not in the places menu on top16:28
n8tuseroberdada-> use the mount command,  more details via  man mount16:28
xrfanggrawity: this will only export in the current "terminal", right?16:29
zouhairn8tuser: oh, actually it takes folders and put them to fit a certain size, so it can exactly fit a CD or DVD16:29
Mrokiitehbaut:  That's true, the Finder is kind of crappy. But all in all I was quite pleased with OS X.16:29
fission6how do i find out which version of ubuntu i have such as jaunty or hardy16:29
kadditype lsb_release -a16:29
fission6kaddi: thanks16:30
IndyGunFreakhow could you not know what version of ubuntu you have?16:30
tehbautMrokii: yeah and since it's so ingrained in the os, it's not like I could use something like pathfinder ...effectively16:30
IndyGunFreakdid you not pay attention when you downloaded the iso?16:30
n8tuserzouhair-> do it manually, ie using split perhaps16:30
Mrokiitehbaut:  true16:30
kaddiIndyGunFreak: maybe when someone else helped you with the installed or gave you a live-cd16:31
IndyGunFreakkaddi: well i'm not sure i'd trust someone that just installed and left, and didn't bother telling me what verison they installed16:31
tehbautthat's my biggest complaint, others include having had 4 HDDs die in 4 years, because the macbooks aren't well ventilated, and the fact that Mac's couldn't support my extreme multitasking (aka keeping more than 3 apps open at once) :P16:31
tehbautso now I just is it for iPhone dev, Mrokii16:32
kaddiIndyGunFreak: maybe he told you 3 weeks ago and you don't remember? :p16:32
zouhairn8tuser: nah it's not as good as fillcd, when I have a lot of folders to burn, I jsut ask him to create me a new one and put the exact amount of folders to fit a DVD16:32
IndyGunFreakkaddi: user malfunction16:32
zouhairhard to do by hand16:32
IndyGunFreakjust never heard a windows user forget what version of windows they are using16:32
zouhairand without messing the folders16:32
grawityIndyGunFreak: "I'm using Microsoft!"16:33
Mrokiitehbaut: heh. I think Apple has kind of forgetten meanwhile that form should follow function.16:33
n8tuserzouhair-> not overly difficult, you need to perhaps use scripts,16:33
* grawity 's Microsoft has crashed :|16:33
brynjarhare there any noticeable changes between "installing Ubuntu 9.10 Beta and upgrading to Ubuntu 9.10 when available" and "just installing Ubuntu 9.10 when available"16:33
PulsewidthI tried to apt-get a package that was already installed and now it is set to "manually installed", how can I undo this?16:34
tehbautMrokii: well it does certainly have some great things about it.... spotlight is high on that list for me16:34
fission6Mrokii: http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/05/install-openoffice-31-in-ubuntu-jaunty.html does that look legit16:34
tehbautwindows search blows16:34
tehbauthaven't searched enough in ubuntu to decided if it's any good16:35
Mrokiifission6:  I will check which repository I used. One moment...16:35
Guest75318I have a problem with samba : I can't have proper write perms on a share from a ubuntu, whereas from a kubuntu with the same command line the write perms are ok16:35
fission6cool thanks16:35
yogaHow do I find out the version of the motherboard BIOS in command line?16:36
Mrokiitehbaut:  Sure, that's what I meant. There are some really great things in OS X. Lots of little tricks that make working with it very nice. Though it certainly isn't perfect.16:36
Jake_I have sound issues currently with Ubuntu 9.04.  Should I wait for Koala to come out before tampering with it?16:36
tehbautMrokii: I do wish it were as customizable as win/lin ...but again, mostly with the finder16:37
PulsewidthJake_, I'm using Koala and I'm having problems with PulseAudio output in Audacious. OSS output works ok though.16:37
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fission6my update seemed to work though now my text for File Edit, etc.. in OO are lime green! did i pull some weird code or can i configure this16:37
Jake_Pulsewidth:  The audio works fine is16:37
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Jake_whoops...it's just that the volume control only utilizes like 10% of the bar16:37
Jake_and the other 90% of the volume control is muted16:37
Mrokiitehbaut:  That's the main point why I considered switching to Ubuntu. I got more and more annoyed by the impossibility to extend so many things. Lack of official plugin-APIs and such.16:37
Mrokiifission6:  The repository is the one I used as well. Should work.16:38
tehbautMrokii: right on16:38
fission6yep worked fine, just have File, Edit, etc... in OO with limegreen  text, trying to c hange that16:38
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Mrokiifission6:  I didn't have that when I upgraded.16:39
fission6maybe it a profile  / setting thing somewhere? can i control that16:39
tehbautI think the look is what draws designers, but as a designer myself, I honestly think everyone has somewhat put the blinders on... but then again I'm a power user so I probably want it to work better and do  more than most16:39
MorwindAlright. Fixed my problem by removing compiz and compiz-core. And am now running ubuntu. Is there any replacement for those?16:40
HillshumMorwind: Metacity?16:40
PulsewidthSwfdec vs. Gnash, which is better?16:40
Mrokiitehbaut:  That's the problem. As power user you want to have more control over configuration, wich Apple simply doesn't allow.16:40
MorwindMetacity? Hm. I will look in to it thanks.16:41
tehbautwhich leads to this view I have about OSX ;)16:41
tehbautI hate windows though too :)16:41
HillshumMorwind: That's the default window manager GNOME ships with. I'm not completely sure what you're problem is16:41
Mrokiitehbaut:  It's Apples' philosophy. Do it our way or don't do it, so to say16:41
tehbauttoo many processor politics16:41
tehbautI have a quad core machine with 8GB ram, and it still tends to eat it all16:42
Kalistohow do I get around having to type dmraid -ay then Ctrl-D in busy box when I try to boot ubunut? im running a nvidia fakeraid16:42
Pulsewidthtehbaut, empty ram is wasted ram16:42
tehbautPulsewidth: I'm talking leaks16:43
=== Whitesquall1 is now known as Whitesquall
tehbautI was down to 30% ram a few weeks back because of it16:43
hwildehow do I kill all the leftover crap when Wine fails to open a program?  i've got services.exe, explorer.exe, all kinds of stuff16:43
cxoSo i'm running 9.04 64bit, I wanted to upgrade my openoffice, so i downloaded the debs from their site, and ran their ./update script, didnt install, just said "skipping deselected ...."16:43
Mrokiitehbaut:  heh, that's another thing I don't get about OS X. It seems to eat a huge amount of ressources.16:44
sayed|laptopSo I started my ubuntu box the other day and now my sound doesn't work =] Any ideas?16:44
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
tehbautwell, I'm hoping my switch to ubuntu fixes things once and for all :)16:44
Mrokiicxo:  Better use a repository to update OpenOffice. Should work like a charm.16:44
HillshumI'm trying to get my Palm to sync, and I need to figure out what USB device it's on and how to tell that to gnome-pilot. Any help?16:44
rizzakhi gerls16:44
cxoMrokii, how does that work?16:44
Mrokiitehbaut:  Heh, I wouldn't count on it. I already re-installed Ubuntu once because of unsolveable problems.16:45
rizzakhow hide servis messages16:45
Mrokiicxo:  Look here: http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/05/install-openoffice-31-in-ubuntu-jaunty.html16:45
tehbautMrokii: what's that?16:45
tehbautwhat was the problem*16:45
Mrokiicxo:  And if you don't know how to do that, ask again and I will explain more thoroughly in private chat.16:46
fission6Mrokii: this is what is what i am left with after upgrading, http://imagebin.ca/view/C3T9kW.html (screen shot)16:46
Mrokiitehbaut:  I used a lot of repositories to update to beta- and what-not-versions and Ubuntu became very unstable, so to say. So now I only used repos that give stable-versions and all went fine until one or two days ago.16:47
blackjak_how to rename file that it is been owned by the root16:47
leaf-sheep!sudo | blackjak_16:47
ubottublackjak_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)16:47
rsrblackjak_ sudo mv16:48
blackjak_i gui16:48
blackjak_in gui16:48
cxoWhat version is 9.04? the name?16:48
rsrsudo nautilus16:48
rsrand then open the file in a root privileged nautilus16:48
Doc_Lappyczo jaunty16:48
leaf-sheepcxo: Jackalope Jaunty.16:48
MrokiiFishie:  ouch! It seems you're using not the standard-theme. Have you tried changing the themes font/colour in the system-preferences?16:48
legend2440blackjak_: gksudo nautilus16:48
Doc_Lappysay anybody know how to change a .avi file to a MPEG1 or MPEG2 file?16:49
h32Lghi everybody16:49
Doc_LappyI want to burn red dwarf to cds16:49
jribDoc_Lappy: try ffmpeg?16:50
Mrokiitehbaut:  The recent crashes are why I joined this room. But I hope to be able to solve them by reverting back to an earlier version (now that I know how to do that via Synaptic).16:50
Doc_Lappyk thanks jrib16:50
h4f1does any one know if I can use my wireless card as a repeater ?16:50
* cxo feels so retarded when he uses ubuntu16:50
brynjarhis there any noticeable difference between "installing Ubuntu 9.10 Beta and upgrading to Ubuntu 9.10 when available" and "just installing Ubuntu 9.10 when available"16:50
cxoThe last step didnt work, Mrokii  http://pastebin.ca/160163016:50
jribbrynjarh: there shouldn't be, no16:51
=== monst is now known as monster_
cxoI have the debs, how do i install them?16:51
Mrokiicxo:  One moment, will take a look...16:52
stachurskiis it possible to copy output from a terminal outside of an X environment? i am trying to compile some stuff, which failed, and i would like to share the output to attempt to troubleshoot it, but i'm on ubuntu server with no graphical environment16:52
rsrdoes anyone know where I can get parts like printer photocunductor units for cheap in California? I was fiddling in ubuntu and thought it was software but found out the unit is broken. something like this: http://www.amazon.com/Epson-S051104-photoconductor-unit/dp/B0006V4K72/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1254892641&sr=8-116:52
switch10__What is the safest option when my computer is unresponsive?  Ive been hard restarting it with the power button. But running fsck everytime i boot is getting annoying16:52
Pici!offtopic | rsr16:52
ubottursr: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:52
h4fis it possible to use wireless card as a repeater16:52
rsrsorry Pici16:52
cxoi've been trying to use this as a guide, but the Ubuntu equivalents are semantically very different https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromLinux/%20RedHatEnterpriseLinuxAndFedora16:52
rsrits just that im a little stranded right now16:53
rsrsorry anyway16:53
kaddi: stachurski you could write the output to a file and then transfer the file maybe?16:53
ruby_on_tailscan someone recommend me a nice terminal guide for ubuntu ?16:55
Xaifaswhat im reading atm16:55
Hillshumman bash?16:56
Doc_LappyI have the ffmpeg installed already but don't see it in my menu, will devede work for this to change avi files to mpeg, it's doing something taking it's time but not sure what it's doing just says converting16:56
grawityruby_on_tails: http://tldp.org/16:56
grawityDoc_Lappy: ffmpeg is a command-line application.16:56
Doc_LappyI've neveer used devede so don't know what the programme is converting it to hopefully to MPEG so I can burn my avi files to a cd16:57
Doc_Lappythanks grawity, thought it might be16:57
ruby_on_tailsterminal = bash ?16:57
fission6can i change the text color in open office, i am faced with this for some reason, http://imagebin.ca/view/C3T9kW.html16:57
usb333[17:50] <usb333> hello, I have a problem in my system. It doesn't load the desktop after the login screen. I'm now talking from a web-based IRC client through Firefox from the Failsafe Terminal mode. [17:50] <usb333> I used wubi to install it if that has anything to do with the problem [17:50] <usb333> all i can see is my background and my cursor16:57
stachurskiis it possible to copy output from a command line only terminal?16:57
Doc_Lappybut don't know how to run it, I suppose I'll try and look at ffmpeg man and see if I can figure it out if this doesn't work16:58
Hillshumstachurski: You can use '>' to pipe the output into a file, e.g. echo 'Hello, world' > helloworld.txt16:58
ciberkalocomo creo una usb flash para instalar ubuntu en una lap sin cd16:58
grawityruby_on_tails: The terminal you use consists of two things: the shell (bash) is what reads your commands and runs them; the terminal itself (gnome-terminal) shows it all on your screen.16:59
Hillshum!es : ciberkalo16:59
stachurskihillshum thanks16:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about es : ciberkalo16:59
unplugi am not after a battery monitoring application. what i am after is an ALARM that will let my flatmates or yours truly know whenever someone is trying to take away my netbook without my permission!16:59
grawityruby_on_tails: Just look for a 'bash' tutorial.16:59
monster_test msg16:59
unpluga piece of software is what i am after not a Kensington lock16:59
Hillshum!es | ciberkalo16:59
ubottuciberkalo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:59
ruby_on_tailsgrawity: thanks, downloaded a pdf for bash16:59
unplugtaking away my netbook unplugging the power cable (but with the battery on)17:00
grawityruby_on_tails: http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/index.html17:00
h4fis it possible to use wireless card as a repeater17:01
ruby_on_tailsgrawity: yea downloaded that17:01
leaf-sheepunplug: Write a custom alarm script -- is what you're truly after.17:01
Mrokiicxo:  Did you use the first line (the "jaunty"-one?17:01
dangrahello everyone, do you know what run "firstboot" script after booting (jaunty)? I was grepping /etc/event.d and /etc/init.d/ but no luck17:02
cxocouldnt you tell from the error?17:02
Mrokiicxo:  I think the deb-line is wrong (missing a return)17:03
rakesh_hi ikonia17:03
andrewfreenimrood: goodmorning.17:03
rakesh_hi ikonia.my ryhthmaic music box is not working17:03
rakesh_cn u help me17:03
leaf-sheepunplug: On the other side, it would be more wise to initiate a discuss with your flatmates and get over with the rules.17:04
baker`_hello, what applications do you have in 'sound and video' list?17:04
Picirakesh_: ikonia isn't active currently, please ask the channel your question.17:04
rakesh_ok pici17:04
unplugeaf-sheep, i am after a gui app17:05
rakesh_actually i m getting problm in playing songs in rythmbox17:05
addisonj_hmmm... ubuntu mirrors are not very in sync.... more than half are a week behind17:06
andrewfreehello Charles_17:06
Charles_hi, i'm having some problem configuring a dsl modem..I can't really find anything helpful on the forums17:07
andrewfreeCould this be the Charles_ from #Transmission?17:08
rakesh_actually i m getting problm in playing songs in running rythmbox....pici17:08
Piciaddisonj_: Thats normal. See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors17:08
mefiiikhello.. i have little problem.. when i start pidgin.. everything is ok.. but when msn connect pidgin turn off... somebody know where can be problem?17:08
Picirakesh_: I am busy, please do not direct your questions to me. Ask the channel in general.17:08
YungRippPlasma just crashed on me..17:09
YungRippis there any way I can restart it?17:09
YungRippah, nm17:09
YungRippjust ran it it in command line17:09
FloodBot3YungRipp: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:09
Charles_@Andrewfree , no mate17:09
jussi83 join #ubuntu-fi17:09
rakesh_cn any one here help me .....i m getting problm in playing music in rythmbox17:09
Charles_whats your problem , no sound?17:10
johan_over to the main.... fdisk -l does not show ext2 or ext3 anywhere on the dev/sda information17:10
addisonj_rakesh_, if you are playing mp3's, did you install the restricted package?17:11
johan_it gives a table with begin, end, blocks, id and System17:11
Machwhen i use wine for running a mirc program, the nicklist gets pretty messed up17:11
Machany clues?17:11
johan_would a windows partition be of type ext2, ext3 or what?17:11
mefiiiksomebody know why pidgin crash after msn connection?17:11
* addisonj_ wonders why you would use mIRC under wine when there are plenty of good native linux IRC apps17:12
joey9112006hey how do you remove a apllication from your computer17:12
Lucassil canale italiano di ubuntu?? :S17:12
warriorforgodjohan_: Most likely Fat16,Fat32, or NTFS17:12
Pici!it | Lucass17:12
monster_apt-get remove appname17:12
ubottuLucass: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)17:12
rakesh_addisonj.....actually it was working well but mistakely i deleted some files...after that i m grtting this prob17:13
monster_what did you delete17:13
ctmjrjoey9112006: depends on how you installed them17:13
addisonj_rakesh_, reinstall rhythymnbox17:13
Machwhen i use wine for running a mirc program, the nicklist gets pretty messed up17:13
Machany clues?17:13
joey9112006through add/re,pve a[[;ocatopms17:13
joey9112006add/ remove applications17:14
monster_uncheck hit apply17:14
rakesh_how 2 do that...addisonj17:14
addisonj_Mach, clue is, don't run mIRC in wine, use xchat or any other of the good irc clients for linux17:14
Machbut i make scripts on mirc17:14
baker`xchat all the way17:14
joey9112006dpkg keeps coming up saying ill have to do it manually17:15
addisonj_other irc apps support scripting17:15
FlipStonE'lo, can i ask a question about my sound after upgrade?17:15
johan_i have xubuntu installed and left my old windows data in what was formerly the d: drive.  it seems /dev/sda2 or /dev/sda5 contain the data. can anyone indicate how i can mount my old d: partition? (please use language as if u were speaking to a retard)17:15
addisonj_rakesh_, you can just force remove with the graphical app then reselect and install17:16
mefiiikdoes somebody know why pidgin crash after connect to msn?17:16
ctmjrjoey9112006: try sudo apt-get --purge remove "package name"17:16
monster_johan_: ntfs or fat32 ?17:16
johan_ntfs i think17:16
FlipStonEI have the problem, after aplying upgrade for my karmic koala, that for example limewire plays music, vls not :-)17:16
addisonj_or rakesh_ that same command ctmjr just posted will work in purging everything rythymnbox17:17
FlipStonEvls must be vlc :-)17:17
johan_i tried mount -t ntfs /dev/sda2 /johan but it says the mountpoint doesnt exist17:17
monster_johan_: sudo mkdir /media/windows_hd17:17
raktunakalgun canal d ayuda en castellano¿17:17
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:18
monster_sudo mount -t ntfs /media/windows_hd17:18
monster_err sorry17:18
monster_mount -t ntfs /dev/sda2 /media/windows_hd17:18
monster_sudo that17:18
ctmjrFlipStonE: you need to ask about Karmic in #ubuntu+1 channel17:18
monster_ls /media/windows_hd17:19
FlipStonEctmjr: tnx17:19
ctmjrFlipStonE: np17:19
monster_johan_: that work>17:20
johan_ok monster. it seems its mounted. do i have to do all this hocus pocus everytime i want to mount and access my old d: partition17:20
zenlunaticpngll: yeah, su=switch user17:21
johan_how can i get it to appear in the places menu automatically?17:21
shaullxany ideas what can i do to increase performance on my netbook? i have lags when im watching youtube clips or playing poker in facebook17:21
monster_johan_: you can added it to fstab17:22
monster_it will then mount it at boot17:22
n8tusershaullx-> try to have your browser running from tmpfs17:22
shaullxwhat does that mean n8tuser?17:23
monster_you can also mount it to another point like /home/johan/some_dir/ then you can navigate to it a little easier17:23
johan_monster: how can i add it to fstab?17:23
joey9112006through the terminal i think17:23
joey9112006can anyone help?17:23
joey9112006so no one knows how too17:24
joey9112006dpkg [<option> ...] <command17:24
kukukkSomebody can help me upgrading OOo from 2.x to 3.x on Intrepid?17:24
Pici!enter | joey911200617:24
ubottujoey9112006: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:24
kukukkI have added this to the source list: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/openoffice-pkgs/ppa/ubuntu intrepid main17:24
kukukkBut nothing... there is no OOo 3.x...17:24
kukukkBut some weeks ago it worked...17:24
n8tusershaullx-> google how to use tmpfs with firefox17:24
monster_johan_: add a line like this17:24
monster_ /dev/sdc1 /home/username/mountpoint ntfs-3g defaults,force 0 017:25
=== Main is now known as Niam
vigokukukk: Is that package or update listed in Synaptic?17:26
monster_johan_: sudo umount /media/windows_hd17:26
monster_once added to fstab do this17:26
kukukkIn Synaptic I have OOo 2.x (the default version in Intrepid)17:26
johan_monster, except instead of /dev/sdc1 i use /dev/sda5?17:26
monster_sudo mount /home/username/mountpoint17:27
monster_and it should mount it via the info from fstab17:27
monster_and that will work at boot17:27
monster_johan_: yeah that was just an example use what you used when you did get it to mount proper17:27
kukukkI have checked the ppa via web, and the pool/main/o/openoffice.org contains some packages, but only for jaunty...17:28
=== malnilion_ is now known as malnilion
joey9112006ok when i remove a application it tells me these exact words17:29
joey9112006E: dpkg was interupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --confiure -a" to correct the problem17:29
joey9112006E:_cache->open()failed, please report17:29
vigokukukk: I think you can modify the sources , graphically and check Mark all possible updates, or something like that, it can be done in Synaptic or Software Sources, or CLI or other places.17:29
monster_joey9112006: run 'dpkg --confiure -a' ?17:30
dwarderwhere i can find info about disabling deamons from starting at boot time, can't find it here https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/index.html17:30
dangrafound solution for "firstboot" question, it runs as /etc/rc.local the first time.17:30
ItchyCopsQuick question.  I want to compile some open source projects, but it doesn't appear that Ubuntu comes with it's own development package.  How can I install a development environment in Ubuntu?17:30
blackjakIf anyone heve some time to answer to this http://pastebay.com/59636 10x in advance17:30
dangraItchyCops: apt-get install build-essential17:31
monster_ItchyCops: the easiest way to to install the build-dependencies17:31
Dr_WillisItchyCops:  install 'build-essential' for starters.  then whateve r-dev ya need17:31
ItchyCopsExcellent.  Thanks.17:32
noxoare u here dan?17:32
johan_monster, is the "ntfs-3g" part of the line i have to add to fstab not separated by space?17:32
monster_it is17:33
noxoaaaaa im new17:33
kukukkNothing about OOo 3.x on Intrepid?17:33
johan_thanks a lot. u've been of much help17:33
joey9112006ok i ran sudo dpkg --configure -a17:34
noxocan someone help me please ?17:34
noxomy webcam isnt working on amsn17:34
StaRetjiHello, is there anybody that is familiar with boot process? Need help with slow boot issues http://paste.ubuntu.com/287936/17:34
monster_ItchyCops: once you get the build-essential installed, if your compiling a program from source, and the program happens to be in the apt repository, you can do this "sudo apt-get build-deps packagename"17:35
StaRetjiappreciate help17:35
joey9112006ok why can videos and music players not work17:35
monster_this will install all the dependencies to compile from source without hangup17:35
joey9112006is there something wrong with the flash player for linux17:35
ItchyCopsOkay.  Thanks.17:35
=== ChrisMcA is now known as ChrisMcA|Away
qncodeI'm checking out Unbutu 9.10Alpha5.  It comes with GRUB2.  During booting, how do you access the GRUB2's editing menu?  In GRUB1, you can hit Esc to acceess it.17:36
ItchyCopsAwesome.  Looks good.17:37
ItchyCopsThanks everyone.17:37
ItchyCopsI was looking for the whole toolkit, but this gets me there.17:38
falcoHey guys, where would I download Ubuntu versions that were released BEFORE warty warthog(4.10)?17:38
falcolike versions 1, 2 and 3?17:38
sakohey all, is there servers that have user packages?17:39
ItchyCopsShould I bother requesting a 'build-dev-env' meta-package for the future?17:39
noxoDAN are u here?17:39
sakofor apt17:39
ItchyCopsSure, or the 'Ubuntu Software Center'.17:39
rskfalco: there is no older release17:39
FalstafHow do I assign associations -- is there a command is system for that17:40
falcorsk why does it start with 4.10 and not with 1.10?17:40
philnwith karmic beta i have setup a encrypted rootfs.. but it is broken, can't mount it anymore17:40
philnis there a way to fix that?17:41
akscii accidently did mkfs.vfat -I to a wrong pen drive! how can i retrieve it?? testdisk cannot see the old files!17:41
adalgisoFalstaf: http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2006/09/03/ubuntu-linux-file-associations/17:41
rskfalco: it's timebased releases17:41
rskfalco: 4 = year .10 = month17:41
adalgisocurrent version 2009/0417:41
noxofalco http://www.01net.com/telecharger/linux/Distributions/fiches/32380.html17:41
rskfalco: that's why17:41
rsknoxo: what's that?17:42
blendmaster1024_hello, all. i'm on ubuntu on a mac, on a bootable CD, how do i fix that HFS is readonly? there is a way to get around that, isn't there?17:42
noxoi think its a old version of ubuntu17:42
rskthat's not correct17:42
blendmaster1024_rsk: was that for me? :(17:42
rskblendmaster1024_: uh? no17:43
noxookay rsk17:43
noxoIs there a french chat like thath?.???????17:43
sakoWhat sources do I have to add to my sources.list? I want to get the extra user contributed packages... is there launchpad or some such?17:43
ctmjr!fr | noxo17:44
ubottunoxo: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr17:44
akscihow can i retrive my formatted pendrive? i used mkfs.vfat -I17:44
* g4br13l está de volta... [ - fora: 3hrs 46min 23s]17:44
sakoadalgiso: thanks17:46
adalgisosako: yep17:46
kukukkSo... No OOo 3.x on Intrepid?17:46
Prunecan you suggest an ftp app from my synaptic package manager?17:47
noxo_and how can i go to the fr channel?17:47
kb3cdaPrune: firezilla should be there17:47
ctmjrkukukk: if you want open office 3 just go to the web site and download the packages they are in .deb untar it and install it17:47
Prunei'll check17:47
noxo_Obottu: comment je fait pour rejoindre le tchat francais??17:48
kb3cdaPrune: or just terminal sudo apt-get install filezilla filezilla-common17:48
Picinoxo_: /join #ubuntu-fr17:49
noxo_thx a lot pici17:50
huwaw69which is much better wine or crossover?17:50
noxo_i dnt now crossover17:50
=== sivel_ is now known as sivel
daveycakeswhat can open .rar files in ubuntu\/17:51
nexsjacan anybody suggest something betten then MySQL Query Administrator?17:51
Ahleeanybody feeling saucy and want to help track down a probable misconfiguration in my pam configuration causing passwd changes for local accounts to prompt for the current passwd twice17:51
llutzdaveycakes: unrar17:51
marcellus apt-cache search rar17:51
Prune"Port of the famous Win32 graphical FTP client"17:52
daveycakeswhen i try to use archive manager17:52
StaRetjiHello, is there anybody that is familiar with boot process? Need help with slow boot issues http://paste.ubuntu.com/287936/17:52
daveycakesit says it cant open rar files17:52
Chousukedaveycakes: you may need to install unrar-nonfree ... though just unrar might also work17:53
=== phenom is now known as Guest31401
beaul40do you speek french ?17:54
Pici!fr | beaul4017:54
ubottubeaul40: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr17:54
Pruneor there's ''FileRunner is an X-Based FTP program.'' "It gives you a windowed17:54
Pruneview of files on your local system and a remote system.17:54
Prunewhich would I be happier with?17:54
sakohmm.. it looks like there is a nicer way to add PPA repos in ubuntu 9.1017:55
chrispinI'm a fresher17:55
S0LIDUSI have a N0ob question, why is the terminal saying unable to resolve host?17:55
akscican anyone please suggest some recovery for my partitioned pendrive! testdisk is not detecting the files!17:55
Berzerker-S0LIDUS, are you connected to the internet?17:56
Berzerker-S0LIDUS, unable to resolve host means it can't find the address it's looking for17:56
S0LIDUSBerzerker, Yep!17:56
Berzerker-S0LIDUS, the address may be down17:56
RPG_MasterMy icons are all now white pieces of paper :( what happened?17:56
Berzerker-S0LIDUS, what line are you running to generate that error?17:56
RPG_Masterhelp :(17:56
tehbautwhat does 'install inside windows' do?17:57
RPG_MasterAnd they say ____.desktop17:57
tehbautvirtual machine?17:57
S0LIDUSBerzerker, When I sudo apt-get install17:57
Berzerker-S0LIDUS, sudo apt-get install...what17:57
ynkis there any way to change the function of my mouse wheel click action? right now, it simply pastes the clipboard...17:57
Volodymyr'install inside windows' means installing ubuntu when windows is running, from iso file, ot with tools like unetbootin17:57
S0LIDUSBerzerker, Oh errr. Everthing!17:58
brynjarhI just created a ubuntu usb install disk but when I select anything in the boot menu I get "Boot loader  /casper/vmlinz" and nothing else, except for Boot from first had disk then it boots from first hard drisk.17:58
Berzerker-S0LIDUS, uh....I just sudo apt-get installed something, worked fine, give me an example17:58
S0LIDUSBerzerker, Can it occur if you are root@17:58
brynjarhubuntu 9.10 beta17:58
Berzerker-S0LIDUS, uh, you have to run apt-get install as root17:59
joey9112006does anyone know how to get past a public school websites blocker17:59
=== sale_ is now known as sale
PiciVolodymyr: Please stop17:59
S0LIDUSsudo ! But I am root@---------:/#17:59
Picibrynjarh : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Karmic/9.10 support/discussion.17:59
Berzerker-Pici, what's the command for adding a key?18:00
Berzerker-Pici, from GPG error18:00
S0LIDUSBerzerker, Sorry, sudo ! But I am root@---------:/#18:00
RPG_Mastersorry ://18:00
Pici!gpgerr | Berzerker- take a look18:00
ubottuBerzerker- take a look: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <key> && gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »18:00
joey9112006does anyone know how to get past a school website blocker18:00
Berzerker-Pici, thanks18:00
RPG_Masterforgot the /join :P18:00
SySt3m-K1ll3ri see you berzerker18:00
SySt3m-K1ll3roh.. must have changed nicks when it lost connection :p18:01
kukukkctmjr, I have uninstall the OOo 2.x version before installing 3.x, or it will make an upgrade?18:01
=== SySt3m-K1ll3r is now known as B3rz3rk3r
PruneI just found this applications folder with all these applications that aren't on my applications menu - how can I add them to the menu - or how can I make an alias to this folder so I can get to it quickly next time?18:02
B3rz3rk3rhi berzerker18:02
Berzerker-B3rz3rk3r, lol hi18:02
Berzerker-B3rz3rk3r, now it makes sense18:02
B3rz3rk3rdarn alternate nicks18:02
lesshastehow can I get a row of icons along the bottom that show which apps are running in gnome?18:02
B3rz3rk3rlesshaste, you mean like the mac launcher?18:03
lesshasteB3rz3rk3r: right18:03
S0LIDUSBerzerker, sudo ! But I am root@---------:/#18:03
sakoanyone knnow the new way to add PPA repos to sources.list?18:03
B3rz3rk3rlesshaste, buy a mac :p18:03
lesshasteB3rz3rk3r: awn seems to do it18:03
B3rz3rk3rlesshaste, no but really.. cairodock and AWN are both good18:03
sanguisdex1so my laptops keyboard is shorting out.  I have started using a usb keyboard but every not in then the old one kick in holding down a key and being very anoying is there a way to turn the laptop keyboard off?18:04
Volodymyrsako: System > Administration >Software sources ...18:04
B3rz3rk3rlesshaste, personally prefer AWN, but i dont use either anymore18:04
lesshasteB3rz3rk3r: cairo-dock..thanks. Does that need compiz?18:04
sanguisdex1lesshate: I have been using AWN for years and love it18:04
tehbautis landscape mode supported in ubuntu 9.10 out of the box?18:04
tehbauter, portrait mode*18:04
ctmjrkukukk: http://download.openoffice.org/common/instructions.html i believe you can install the newer version along side the old one but you will have 0penoffice 2 and 318:04
B3rz3rk3rlesshaste, if i recall right they both need compiz18:04
lesshasteB3rz3rk3r: ok then I need to work out how to get compiz to work with fglrx :)18:04
S0LIDUSBerzerker, Its cool I fixed it ! Thanks for the 0 help...18:05
B3rz3rk3rlesshaste, that might be more troule that its worth18:05
joey9112006does anyone know how to get past a school website blocker18:05
sanguisdex1lesshaste: what grafics card do you have?18:05
kukukkOke ctmjr, I will try... thanks18:05
lesshastesanchiro: ati built in18:05
lesshastejoey9112006: yes :)18:06
sanguisdex1lesshaste: model?18:06
B3rz3rk3rlesshaste, ATi have seriously bad support and drivers even on Windows. On linux the situation is much more dire18:06
=== eca is now known as co_
lesshastesanguisdex1: 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS480 [Radeon Xpress 200G Series]18:06
Ben_90does anyone know where i can get drivers for an nvidia RIVA TNT2 Model 64 32MB AGP 4X18:06
lesshasteB3rz3rk3r: it works better than radeon which was a disaster for me18:06
lesshasteBen_90: nvidia :)18:06
sanguisdex1lesshaste: you wi8ll hnot be able to get compizworking with ubuntu 9 you will need to downgrade18:07
lesshasteBen_90: did you try envyng?18:07
lesshastesanguisdex1: I am on 8.1018:07
Ben_90no , why?18:07
sanguisdex1oh really?18:07
lesshastesanguisdex1: but now you mention it I think that was why I moved to radeon18:07
lesshastesanguisdex1: damn...18:07
Ben_90lesshaste: no, why?18:07
lesshasteBen_90: try it18:07
rttyhi. why does my bluetooth dongle not work in ubuntu. I have connected the usb dongle but ubuntu does not find my bluetooth headset which is on and in "find me" mode18:07
sanguisdex1lesshaste: did you try envy?18:07
MichaelKohlerhow can I automatically re-generated my /boot/grub/menu.lst? "uname -r" says "2.6.31-11-generic", but in my menu.lst I just have 2.6.28-xx entries..18:08
lesshastesanguisdex1: I have in the past. You mean to get the  ati binary driver?18:08
lesshastesanguisdex1: I am just using the ubuntu provided one. Might envy give me one that works with compiz?18:08
rttyhow do i check whether ubuntu has recognized my bluetooth dongle?18:09
Ben_90lesshaste: i installed envyng , now what?18:09
llutzrtty: "hcitool dev"18:09
rttyty llutz18:09
lesshasteBen_90: have you followed any of the instructions?18:10
lesshasteBen_90: are you currently reading the web page?18:10
Ben_90lesshaste: what instructions?18:10
sanguisdex1lesshaste: I have had luck with it in the past18:10
rttyllutz: the output is simply Devices;18:10
FalstafWhen I try to use places on the menubar I get an application that opens pictures -- how do I change it back to the default?18:11
lesshastesanguisdex1: ok I might give it another go18:11
lesshasteBen_90: are you currently reading the web page?18:11
sanguisdex1I have a radion mobility x140018:11
sidhgreetings gentlemen18:11
rttyllutz: i remember i used powertop yesterday ... and it recomended some usb settings which i accepted for power savings18:11
llutzrtty: maybe some info with "dmesg|grep  -i blue"18:11
Ben_90lesshaste: it is downloading18:11
rttycould that be the reason? how do i renable usb ports18:11
sidhsince i've installed kaffeine , i have this error while playing a movie with mplayer : AO (Pulse): Failed to connect to the sever:internal error18:12
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rttyllutz: it gave me a long list18:12
bigmacxhere's my grub menu.lst. http://paste.ubuntu.com/287960/ My system just reboots into my new kernel without giving me the menu at boot. actually, now there's no text phase at all. is it kernel .config setting I goofed or something else going on. tia18:12
=== comfantor is now known as comfanter
Ben_90lesshaste: it is downloading the drivers.18:12
sidhdoes someonone know how to fix that18:12
=== comfanter is now known as comfantor
lesshastesanguisdex1: isn't envy nvidia only?18:12
Dr_Willissidh:  either mplayer is set to use pulseaudio as its sound out.. and pulse audio is not running.. or similery.18:12
rttyllutz: even without the dongle conencted .. it shows me the same list18:12
lesshasteah no18:13
Dr_Willissidh:  you could try setting mplayer to use 'alsa' as its sound out.18:13
rttyllutz:  with everything initialized18:13
eric_anyone know how to set the default options for pm-suspend?  i need to add --quirk-save-pci to be the default18:13
sidhDr_Willis: how ?18:13
sanguisdex1lesshaste: it works for both18:13
preetamcan anyone help me my network manager has become inactive in ubuntu 9.04 it does not detect the wireless connection automatically18:13
Dr_Willissidh:  in the mplayer menu/settings   or use the command line  -ao alsa (i think)18:13
sidhDr_Willis: in ~/.mplayer/config file ?18:13
Falstafhow do I edit the preferences for the places menu18:14
x4dHi, is it safe to connect with ssh from a remote host while chaining? example: I log in to my webhost with ssh and to update my working copy I ssh+svn to my home server, is there a risk that they could capture the password?18:14
SwampThingpreetam: do you see network manager/nm-applet make an attempt to connect to the wifi network?18:14
Dr_Willissidh:  thats another place you can set it18:14
Ben_90lesshaste: i'm restarting18:14
lesshastesanchiro: hmm...  Number | Candidate Version | Installed Version | Compatible | Recommended |18:15
lesshaste |---------------------------------------------------------------------------|18:15
lesshaste | 0      | 8.543-0ubuntu4.1  | 8.543-0ubuntu4.1  | +          | +18:15
FloodBot3lesshaste: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:15
preetamyes i can see the network manager in the task bar(system tray) near the clock but all the option are deactivate.it is not detecting any wire network automatically or manually.18:15
rttyanyone know how to troubleshoot bluetooth?18:15
lesshasteI meant <sanguisdex1>18:15
sidhwell withthis option in the command line i don't have this error18:15
sidhbut i still have no sound18:16
=== eca is now known as cow_imut
bigmacxwhen it cold boots, i get the grub menu, and my default -generic kernel loads like normal (grub default of 2), but when I reboot, it always loads the newer kernel -ken18:16
trece8I installed ubuntu from scratch, and after I install it, it gives me "Error 2"18:16
trece8what can it be?18:16
SmithKurosakigrub error18:16
shakirI had windows 7 on mu laptop and install ubuntu , now i lost in boot menu windows how to fix that ?18:16
StaRetjiNeed expert :)  is there anybody that is familiar with boot process? Need help with slow boot issues http://paste.ubuntu.com/287936/18:16
preetami run the command sudo iwlist scan but it shows network in down18:16
SmithKurosakishakir: run grub in ubuntu18:16
SmithKurosakipreetam: your wireless card is probably off, or NetworkManager needs a reboot18:17
shakirhow to run grub Im amater18:17
preetamhow to reboot the network manager18:17
preetami have switch on the wireless card18:17
SmithKurosakiI don't know the exact command for running grub, but google 'grub' stage 218:17
Pici!grub | shakir18:17
ubottushakir: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:17
YGxxxI am unable to ping to a remote Server ? I get "REquest timed out"18:18
=== eric_ is now known as eja
SwampThing!who | preetam18:18
ubottupreetam: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:18
YGxxxanyone know why ?18:18
SmithKurosakipreetam: sudo killall NetworkManager18:18
SwampThingpreetam: what wifi chipset?18:18
SmithKurosakiYGxxx: It could be on your end or theirs, what's the ip you are trying to ping/18:19
sidhDr_Willis: it seems pulseaudio package isn't installed18:20
SwampThinghmmm, I was doing !who because I need the hilight in order to multitask on other tasks not found in this channel18:20
sidhand without -ao option of mplayer , it seems to need it18:20
SmithKurosakiSwampThing: ?? Tabcomplete is awesome18:20
Pruneview of files on your local system and a remote system.18:21
sidhso do you think i should install it , or just remove kaffeine18:21
Pruneswamp, are you the swamp from #gardening?18:21
SwampThingSmithKurosaki: ?? I agree18:21
ejaanyone know how to change the default options for pm-suspend?  i'd like to add --quirk-pci-save18:21
Dr_Willissidh:  hmm..   how did you manag4e to remove pulse audio? its installed by default on ubuntu18:21
SwampThingpreetam: no, didn't know there was such a swamp18:21
SmithKurosakiPrune: Who is asking about sshfs?18:21
Dr_Willissidh:  or just set mplayer to use alsa. i guess.18:21
SwampThingPrune: no, didn't know there was such a swamp18:21
StaRetjieja: mate, I'm interested in this too. Is this regarding speed up boot process?18:22
SmithKurosakiLater all18:22
=== eca is now known as cew_cantik
Dr_Willissidh:  idoubt if removing kaffine will fix anything  - thats windows thinking. :)  and i cant see why kaffine woule remove pulse audio if it was installed18:22
Pruneok swamp thx18:22
Prunethat was on another network, swamp not this one18:22
Ben_90Dr_Willis: it is not working right.18:22
YGxxxSmithKurosaki: I have made changes to my local.18:22
sidhDr_Willis: when i run aptitude search pulseaudio, i can see a 'p' for the package pulseaudio, not a 'i'18:23
Dr_WillisBen_90:  when chatting on irc.. its a good idea to remind people what you are talking about.. Im lucky to rember my own name for more then 4 min...18:23
Dr_Willissidh:  you using ubuntu or kubuntu?18:23
ejait's going into s3 just fine but i lose the display when i resume.  if i manually execute pm-suspend --quirk-save-pci i get the display back.  i would just like that option to be the default18:23
YGxxxSmithKurosaki: I made a fresh OS install ... and when I try to ping it doesnt work.18:23
sidhDr_Willis: mythbuntu18:23
Dr_Willissidh:  then its proberly not installed by default.. you could set your mplayers to use alsa and be done with it I guess.18:23
Ben_90Dr_Willis: lesshaste told me to install EnvyNG and i installed the driver for my card and it says it is running in low-graphics mode18:24
preetam_my network manager is not working properly18:24
StaRetjiNeed help with slow boot issues http://paste.ubuntu.com/287936/ Please, have a look, I would like to hear your opinions18:24
preetam_please let me know how to resolve it18:24
sidhDr_Willis: when i run mplayer -ao alsa file.avi, i don't have the error anymore but i still don't have sound18:24
Dr_Willissidh:    you have sound on anything else?18:25
bnildI think I've done it before, but can't remember how to do it, I can start a second X Session from within gnome, right? How?18:25
SwampThingpreetam: I was trying to help you.  you might want to research blacklisted modules.  what kind of wireless chipset do you have?18:25
sidhmusic,and tv18:25
Dr_WillisBen_90:  i never use envyng, i always use the repo drivers for my nvidia card.18:26
Djidaneawi y'a du monde o_o18:26
Ben_90Dr_Willis: i had to boot into low-graphics mode18:26
sidhDr_Willis: music and tv have sound18:27
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preetam_network manager is not detecting wifi network automatically18:27
Dr_Willissidh:  hmm.. mythtv uses mplayer i thought as its player.. you may want to see what settings it uses. youmay want to ask in #mythbuntu18:27
preetam_please help me18:27
sidhi will try to reboot mythbuntu station18:28
Mathcan grub boot up raid5 (md-raid) partitions or I have to reserve some space for /boot ?18:28
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sidhok Dr_Willis , good pass18:28
Dr_Willisgood luck. its bed time for me18:28
Ahleepasswd change issue, probable pam misconfiguration?  When I attempt to change the password of a local user account, it prompts for the current password twice, changes the password, but returns authentication failure, then password unchanged: http://paste.ubuntu.com/287977/18:28
sidhthank you18:28
Ben_90good night.18:28
AhleeMath: raid1 only18:29
Mathso /boot it is, thanks18:29
Mathwell raid1 is esentially the same thing as no raid, with a different partition type # so the kernel recognizes it18:29
Ahleeyou technically can IIRC, but it isn't worth the headache18:29
bnildI can start a second X Session from within gnome, right? How?18:30
Berzerker-Math, RAID is defined as more than 1 hard drive working together on a single function, so yes, it is RAID.18:30
Mathof course its raid, but I meant... grub can read it the same way it reads ext3 without knowing its raid18:31
Prunehow can I make an alias to get me to a folder?18:31
preetam_how reinstall the Wireless driver18:31
preetam_in ubuntu 9.0418:32
tehbautwhat is everyone's prefered filesystem and why? :)18:32
AhleePrune: man ln, you'relooking for ln -s here there18:32
Prunecome again, Ahlee?18:32
YGxxx"Request timed out " how to fix it ?18:32
maginotgood afternoon. anyone knows about some gui program to make mathematical equations ?18:33
AhleePrune: sounds like you want a symbolic link - an 'alias' for a directory18:33
blackjakI have a weird kernel  "generic"18:33
Prunehow do I make one, Ahlee?18:33
AhleePrune: ln is the command18:33
Ahleeman ln on your nearest console/terminal18:33
NilbudAfternoon folks.18:34
StaRetjiNeed help with slow boot issues http://paste.ubuntu.com/287936/ Please, have a look18:34
Ahleetehbaut: I prefer ZFS, but sadly licensing gets in the way.  On linux I gravitate towards XFS for a solid mixture of performance and stability18:34
tehbautAhlee: I heard xfs isn't that good at handling crashes18:35
jiffehmm, trying to install pacemaker I'm getting dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/pacemaker_0.6.5-1ubuntu1_i386.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite `/usr/sbin/attrd_updater', which is also in package heartbeat18:35
jiffeheartbeat is being installed by the pacemaker install18:36
tehbautalso, for some reason ubuntu 9.10 beta installer  is stuck on step 3 of 6 (keyboard selection)18:36
=== denny is now known as DeRez
Picitehbaut : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Karmic/9.10 support/discussion.18:37
Ahleetehbaut: The same can be said for any OS running on PC hardware.  Crashing does bad things, there's no real guarantee anywhere18:37
Ahleeer, s/OS/filesystem/18:37
Ahleefor me, online file system growing trumps the few edge cases that can lead to corruption18:38
Ahleepasswd change issue, probable pam misconfiguration?  When I attempt to change the password of a local user account, it prompts for the current password twice, changes the password, but returns authentication failure, then password unchanged: http://paste.ubuntu.com/287977/18:38
wincidehi all18:38
=== k is now known as Guest8852
wincidei want to connect a drum with midi usb port to my ubuntu. Lspci detects the device,  aconnect -lo -li  also , as well cat /proc/asound/cards , syslog.. all18:40
BrianTMHi, I want to install linux onto my 1005HA and I'm wondering about partitioning.18:40
Guest8852anyone know whast up w/ this: I compiled a c program w/ gcc but when running it, it segfaults instantly (the same sourcecode compiled the same way on another ubuntu-running device works correctly)18:40
BrianTMthere's a 47MB partition at the start of my disk, should I keep that? is it a boot partition?18:40
wincidebut i still dont know too much about jack, and the documentation i read is not very useful for me18:40
wincideany help ?18:40
Guest8852BrianTM, do you have any other OS installed?18:40
ownanyone know of a good english <-> russian translator program?  must be able to work offline18:40
Guest8852own,  google it18:41
Berzerker-BrianTM, if you're getting rid of anything and installing linux, you don't need any of the stock partitions on the disk18:41
Pici!google | Guest885218:41
ubottuGuest8852: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.18:41
fission6http://imagebin.ca/view/C3T9kW.html why are my menu bars limegreen, can i fix this18:41
Falchionnot sure18:41
jedipottsyhey im having some strange problem with 9.10 UNR, some icons are missing in the game section, and others are very large18:41
ownGuest8852: I did.18:41
Picijedipottsy : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Karmic/9.10 support/discussion.18:41
ownGuest8852: this is one of the many areas that google falls short.  Do you know of one?18:42
leissiWhy hello there #ubuntu18:42
BrianTMI have no other OS installed. There is this 47MB partition, the XP partition, an empty ntfs data part., and an XP restore partition18:42
NilbudMan, I must be on a slow apt-get server today. =/18:42
leissiI got a question about configuring GRUB bootloader: Can I just switch the values around to make it boot into windows by default instead of ubuntu?18:42
NilbudRunning slow for anyone else?18:42
=== DeRez is now known as D
Ahleeleissi: yes18:42
BrianTMI was just wondering if the 47mb one might be something to do with the Asus bootbooster or something18:42
AhleeNilbud: I find building a local mirror of the distro you're using is usually worth it :)18:43
ownleissi: change the default # in the grub menu config18:43
NilbudAhlee: Of course.18:43
AhleeBrianTM: probably - small partitions (let me guess, it's at the front of the drive?) are put there for odd things18:43
leissiAhlee, can I remove values without fucking up everything? more precisely: remove the option to boot into Ubuntu 9.04, kernel 2.6.27-14-generic18:43
ownleissi: yes if you don't want to boot ubuntu from grub18:43
Ahleeleissi: If you understand the ramifications, sure18:44
NilbudOh well, I needed something tro do on my day off anyway. :)18:44
leissiwell I'm booting into
StaRetjiNeed help with slow boot issues http://paste.ubuntu.com/287936/ Please, have a look18:44
BrianTMAhlee: aye, at the front18:44
preetam_my Wireless lan is not working in ubuntu 9.04 please help me resolving the issue18:44
Ahleeleissi: dpkg --purge might be better18:44
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic18:44
SierraNevadanWhere should I report a bug where an `apt-get upgrade memcached` is failing?18:44
fission6why would the menu bar be one color in an appllication and not another18:44
ownfission6: multiple monitors or one?18:44
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots18:45
AhleeBrianTM: it's probably a helper partition - recovery, this "boot booster" thing you referenced.  Personally I'd leave it, since it's only 47M and it's been a long time since that was a significant amount of space18:45
NilbudStaRetji: It's a problem with your intel graphics card. It is a known bug. If you want, I can link you to the report.18:45
fission6i have multiple monitors but i am not sure t hat would be the cause, i upgraded open office and BAM the File, Edit, View, ..bar has green text as observed in this screens hot http://imagebin.ca/view/C3T9kW.html18:45
leissiif I ask nicely, would someone fix this for me so that it only shows ubuntu 9.04 normal, recovery and memtest, and the first windows vista/longhorn?18:45
bluebaronAnyone know why I get access denied when trying to access an apache www that I simply installed using apt-get install apache218:46
leissiyou forgot sudo18:46
bluebaronleissi, me?18:46
StaRetjiNilbud: yes, thank you18:46
leissilooking at the line you typed, yes18:46
Guest8852own, sorry no, i dont know of one -- it was just a blurted response.18:46
AhleeI've runn into a passwd change issue, probable pam misconfiguration when integrated into my openldap/krb5 server?  When I attempt to change the password of a local user account, it prompts for the current password twice, changes the password, but returns authentication failure, then password unchanged: http://paste.ubuntu.com/287977/18:47
bluebaronleissi, no this is an apache directive issue.  the server runs, the web page says access denied18:47
ownGuest8852: ok, appreciate your time anyway :P18:47
=== Guest8852 is now known as __k
__kanyone know whast up w/ this: I compiled a c program w/ gcc but when running it, it segfaults instantly (the same sourcecode compiled the same way on another ubuntu-running device works correctly)18:47
Ahleebluebaron: your permissions don't allow execute on a path below the DocumentRoot18:47
BrianTMThanks Ahlee18:47
fission6own: any suggestions for me and my coloring issue18:47
NilbudStaRetji: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/341363 Good luck.18:47
bluebaronAhlee, i can access the pages from localhost18:48
iloweleissi: just uninstall the older kernel package; the postrm cleanup will remove the grub entries18:48
Ahleebluebaron: check your error log, 4xx and 5xx errors should be logged there18:48
=== D is now known as D-
StaRetjiNilbud: Thank you, when it comes to bugs, I'll sure need it. Cheers...18:48
__kown, there are web-based apps that you can use that are free (e.g. freetranslation.com).18:48
Ahleebluebaron: are you bound to the loopback?  I don't install apache from apt, but ubuntu does strange things with /etc/default in the name of 'security'18:49
SilentWarriorhey guys, can anyone help me out? I want to setup Grub, since my windows install went AFK and my ubuntu install is inside it (using windows installer program), right now i cant boot anything, http://pastie.org/645693, thanks in advance18:49
own__k: yeah, I usually am able to use something like rustran.com but I need to have something that works offline as well occasionally :/18:49
__kown, if you can find an app that does not require the server to translate, you can save the webpage (like some flash applications have all the logic/processing done on the client-side). good luck18:50
gp_will_be_backhow do i resize my ubuntu partition ?18:51
gp_will_be_backhow do i resize my ubuntu partition ?18:51
adalgisogp_will_be_back: you can use a program like gparted from the livecd18:51
vigoSilentWarrior: I guess you need to fix Windows, chkdisk or somesuch thing.18:51
__kgp_will_be_back, have you tried GParted?18:51
gp_will_be_backyes but i dot want to boot18:52
adalgisogp_will_be_back: do you have an Ubuntu cd?  if so, boot from the cd and run gparted18:52
SilentWarriorvigo, fix Windows? Can you be a little bit more especific?18:52
gp_will_be_backcan i do it while system is running ...lvm crap18:52
adalgisogp_will_be_back: gparted can also be run from a flash drive if your computer support booting from USB18:53
__kanyone know if there are any programming specific channels on Ubuntu Servers (this server). specifically c programming. thanks18:53
adalgisogp_will_be_back: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/liveusb.php18:53
vigoSilentWarrior: Yes, the error as stated is that Windows is not working, therefore you cannot access the WUBI. is that correct?18:53
adalgiso__k: can you send me a paste of your C code?18:53
Ahleegp_will_be_back: if you're running lvm it can be simple, given you have physical space available and are running a file system that allows for online resizing18:54
__kadalgiso, its not the code -- its a socket programming program...and it works fine on windows/solaris and even ubuntu..just not on the distro that im working on presently.18:54
SilentWarriorvigo, no, I MBS isnt there or isnt doing its job, thats why i want to setup grub or fix my windows one (yeah right..)18:54
purpzeyCan someone help me trouble shoot my Gnome-power-manager. The tray icon says I am hooked up to AC power and there is no battery present, but my battery is there and present, is it possible my battery is not working properly or is it a problem with Ubuntu?18:55
adalgiso__k: sounds strange, are you sure that the machine you are on now has the proper libraries?18:55
adalgiso__k: you said that it segfaults when you go to run the executable?18:55
__kadalgiso, is there a way i can ensure this?18:55
Ahlee__k: ld <binary>18:55
krivetsLooking for libxine-extracodecs on Jaunty amd64. Not in my list. Guess I need to add a source? Help?18:55
__kadalgiso, correct18:55
adalgiso__k: you can download the library and put it in the same folder as your .c and .h files, although you';d probably get a compile-time error if it couldn't find the libs18:56
leissiif I ask nicely, would someone fix this for me so that it only shows ubuntu 9.04 normal, recovery and memtest, and the first windows vista/longhorn? http://paste.ubuntu.com/287999/18:56
adalgisothis is in C correct?18:56
leissiI'm not sure I should go tampering with that since I don't really understand the inner workings18:56
vigoSilentWarrior: That is why I suggested a Windows Utility, chckdisk or something like that, fix or repair the Windows, then continue on, look at computerhope.com for more precise information on that.18:57
=== jesse is now known as Guest86986
Guest86986help installed a driver that broke my sound card driver!18:57
adalgisoSilentWarrior: there is a fixmbr program on a windows CD if you boot into recovery mode18:57
__kadalgiso, is there some standard pack of c libs that i can get form somewhere?18:57
bluebaronAhlee, i was inadvertently bound to loopback18:57
Ahleebluebaron: that'll do it :)18:57
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Guest86986help installed a driver that broke my sound card driver!18:58
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AhleeGuest86986: welcome to the wonderful world of sound on linux.  I don't have any helpful tidbits to offer or suggestions.18:59
vigoGuest86986: Did it work before?18:59
jedipottsycan someone help with UNR? im having this problem http://img203.imageshack.us/img203/104/iconproblem.png18:59
Guest86986vigo yeah, i installed a modem driver, sound broke, uninstalled it, and now all pulseaudio has to say is 'dummy output'19:00
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »19:01
AhleeI'm having problems changing passwords on local accounts.  When executing passwd it's prompting me for my current password twice, then for my new password.  It then returns authentication failure, password unchanged, but is in fact changing the password19:01
vigoGuest86986: Ahlee was very correct, but it may just be an Analog Output got changed during the install of the other package, which is why I am such a believer in Backups.19:02
Guest86986vigo i did this once before (and got it working again, didnt realize it was the modem driver) and i think a kernel update fixed it.. any way to reload all kernel modules?19:02
bluebaronAhlee, I had mbn:80 and mbn was in my host file as localhost19:03
purpzeyCan someone help me trouble shoot my Gnome-power-manager. The tray icon says I am hooked up to AC power and there is no battery present, but my battery is there and present, is it possible my battery is not working properly or is it a problem with Ubuntu?19:04
vigoGuest86986: There are a few ways, update/upgrade may be the best but I would have to locate the command to load older kernels.19:04
orwellhow would I connect my TV to ubuntu to use as my display19:04
dmorandaI'm trying to win a trip to Autodesk University.  Any views would be much appreciated! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzoCdLjN_gw19:05
vigo!media | orwell19:05
Ahleebluebaron: ahh, always love the roundabout ways19:05
ubottuorwell: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs19:05
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duryhi there channel :)19:05
Ahleeorwell: Are you looking for physically?  How you'd configure Xorg once it is physically connected?19:06
orwellyeah the software side19:06
Guest86986any one else please help? how to re-compile kernel modules?19:07
Ahleeno idea, I havein't isntalled X since 199919:07
adalgiso!codecs | adalgiso19:07
ubottuadalgiso, please see my private message19:07
iloweleissi: As I mentioned above, just "apt-get remove linux-image-2.26.27-whatever" and the grub entries will get cleaned up; you shouldn't modify that file by hand (especially not to just remove extra kernels)19:07
leissiilowe, are you sure?19:07
iloweleissi: about the cleaning? yup.19:08
duryis it possible to install chrome in Ubuntu19:08
duryI mean chrome browser19:08
iloweleissi: you only need to hack the file if you want to change the boot priority of your windoze partition19:08
AhleeMucking inside grub.conf is not for the faint of heart19:08
markl_is there a way to let apt-get download more than one file at a time from the same source?19:08
Guest86986dury dev version yes other then that via wine19:08
leissiilowe, well I'd rather have it boot to windows by default19:09
ilowedury: look for "chromium"; I think there's a package out there, but I think it's only in Karmic. Look for the PPA on launchpad.19:09
RuadhHi. I want to add a second monitor to my PC. I use Ubuntu 9.04. Can anyone tell me how I should go about adding and a second monitor?19:09
Ahleemarkl_: apt is single threaded AFAIK19:09
leissican I just move the windows part above the ubuntu part and it'll work?19:09
markl_Ahlee: if it grabs files from different sources it seems to do more than one at a time19:09
Ahleeleissi: That's a loaded question.19:09
iloweleissi: yup; it shouldn't even cause problems when you install the next kernel19:09
markl_Ahlee: but from the same source i want it to do up to 4 files19:10
leissiit's loaded with CURIOSITY and DOUBT19:10
leissiwatch out19:10
loshamarkl_: don't think so. Trying to max out your bandwidth?19:10
Ahleemarkl_: *shrug* any reason other than impatience?19:10
ubuntunight guys19:10
markl_Ahlee: nope19:11
markl_losha: yep19:11
ubuntuanyone could give me via pastebin the contents of the net.lo file?19:11
iloweleissi: you can move the Windows load blocks but they need to be before the *whole* automagic block19:11
ubuntui deleted it  :(19:11
duryGuest86986: dev version how is that?19:11
Ahleeleissi: we don't know your hardware setup.  Given the multiple grub devices it looks like you have at least 2 drives, with at least two partitions per drive. Asking us to guess which one you want is a loaded question19:11
iloweleissi: Also, you seem to have 3 extra OSes installed?19:11
ubuntu/etc/init.d/net.lo file please19:11
leissiilowe, remnants from old installs19:11
iloweleissi: what Ahlee said19:11
leissithere's only ubuntu and windows 7 here19:11
iloweleissi: creepy...19:11
iloweleissi: we can give you the principles, but as Ahlee says, it19:12
iloweleissi: it's hard to guess which piece is which19:12
ubuntuplease, .. I need the contents of the /etc/init.d/net.lo file:...19:12
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Ahleeleissi: well, I'll give you what your asking for, but bear in mind I wouldn't do this if you're unfamiliar, and definitely make sure you have a boot CD present and backups of the current /boot/grub/menu.lst before proceeding19:12
iloweleissi: you can grab everything in http://paste.ubuntu.com/287999/ that is after line 162 and put it at line 5119:13
loshamarkl_: update manager often *looks* like it downloads multiple debs at once. I wonder if synaptic will do it for you too. You'll have to read the manual to find out I guess...19:13
leissithank you ilowe19:13
NilbudQuick question. What file is it I change to have Ubuntu boot without a GUI?19:13
panfisti'm in a screen session. can i grep stuff that was previously printed to stdout?19:13
leissithe easy answer :)19:13
iloweleissi: in addition to backups (see Ahlee's answer), you should prepare a livecd or something to make sure you can actually boot19:13
leissialso actually I have 2 hdd's of which one is partitioned, the other isn't :P19:13
Ahleefair enough19:14
leissiI got my livecd right here19:14
iloweAhlee: if it breaks s/he keeps the pieces :)19:14
leissiI'm not gonna go fiddle with grub without it19:14
iloweleissi: good call19:14
SilentWarriorcan anyone help me setup a MBR (grub?) so i can boot my OS again? http://pastie.org/645693 http://pastie.org/645713 Thank you.19:15
leissiok done19:15
leissinow to see if it works19:15
leissibrb shortly to thank if it did19:15
loshapanfist: not really. Unless you scroll back, cut&paste into a file and then grep the file, Or some terminal progs will let you save everything to a file that you can grep through. The ones I've seen need you to turn on logging *bfore* you generate output though...19:16
leissihmm hmm HMM19:17
leissithe default option now says "Other operating systems" and gives error 11 :P19:17
ikonialeissi: other operating systems is not a bootable option19:18
leissihurr durr :D19:18
leissireally now19:18
ikonialeissi: pardon ?19:18
demon_my hp pavillion dv9500 monitor is very not bright, very very not bright, in power manager the brightness is at full, problem ?19:18
leissinevermind :)19:18
gp_will_be_backext4 doesnt resize ?19:18
gp_will_be_backno option in gparted ?19:18
ikoniaext4 can resize19:19
leissiit should work now19:19
Ahleeikonia: online?19:19
addisonj_hmmm... so trying to rsync files FROM a linux box to a Win Machine, how would one best go about that, and it should just be a one time job19:19
ikoniaAhlee: with things like lvm I believe it can as that's not a real resize, not partitions while it's mounted though19:19
Ahleeaddisonj_: cygwin on the windows box19:19
=== orwell is now known as iPwned
ciberkaloerror 18 ??????19:20
jason_froebeaddisonj_ - for a one time job, just share a dir out on windows and use smbclient to copy the files19:20
iPwnedcan u guys see this19:20
ikoniaiPwned: yes19:20
Ahleeeh, filesystem resize is agnostic to what's providing the underlying partition19:20
jason_froebeiPwned - nope, not at all ;-)19:20
iPwnednice iPhone app works19:20
KEBAis there a rss feed for the most popular brainstorm ideas?19:21
loshaaddisonj_: do you have a version of rsync installed on the windows box (I didn't know this was possible). Can't do it without. I agree with jason_froebe. Use smb...19:21
iPwnednow to get it approved19:21
Leissigrub works like I want it to now19:21
Leissithanks for the assistance19:21
ikoniaAhlee: I guess it depends on the definition of "online", things like vxfs can do online/mounted file systems, ext$ can't of course do that,19:21
Dougal_i've exceeded my maximum number of tries to login with root password, what does this mean? When or how can I keep trying, or will i need to reset it? I do have superuser ability on another account, but I'd like to know my own root password.19:21
iPwnedhow to install iTunes in ubuntu ?19:21
ikoniaiPwned: you don't, it's a windows/mac app, you'd have to use wine19:21
LeissiiPwned, why would you want to install itunes in the first place19:21
Falchionthat's a secret19:22
iPwnedbut it is wine compatable19:22
ikoniaDougal_: the root account is locked19:22
jason_froebeiPwned - you can use wine or crossoffice19:22
cobra-the-jokerhey there guys ....does moblin use Sugar DE19:22
ikoniaDougal_: you don't login directly as root, use a non-privileged account and sudo19:22
AhleeDougal_: fromt eh other acount, sudo -s, then change your password with passwd19:22
kassahis there a way to add sender identities to Evolution19:23
Dougal_ikonia: you *can* log in directly as root, if you want to there's a setting that allows it. I don't usually, but i'd like to know that I *could*19:23
ikoniaDougal_: no there isn't, you'd have to unlock the account19:23
Dougal_Ahlee: thanks. Is the passwd program self-explanitory?19:23
Ahleeikonia: I believe he's referring to logging into gnome via root?19:23
ikoniaDougal_: if you don't know how to set a password, you shouldn't be logging in as root - you need a basic level of understanding19:24
Dougal_Ahlee: no, just in a terminal/screen etc19:24
jason_froebeDougal_ - man passwd19:24
Dougal_ikonia: thanks for the advice. But it's my computer, so i have a right to if I want to.19:24
Dougal_jason_froebe: thanks, i'll look it all up19:24
ikoniaDougal_: sure,19:24
AhleeI support it.  Nuking your system is the best way to learn19:24
addisonj_sure you do, but don't come here when you break things :P19:24
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rhollanderi nuked my system to much19:25
rhollanderthink its almost at its end now19:25
Ahleehell I've made a career out of it19:25
Dougal_addisonj_: i'll be carefull, i promise.19:25
jason_froebebreaking things is one of the best ways to learn...  imho :)19:25
ciberkaloque es el error 18????19:25
ikonia!es > ciberkalo19:25
ubottuciberkalo, please see my private message19:25
Dougal_Besides, i'd like to say that I haven't logged in as root in many months, or I wouldn't have forgotten the password in the first place :)19:25
Ahleejason_froebe: up to a point.  Breaking things to the point where it's faster to fix them than it is to reinstall is19:25
Dougal_Ahlee: unless of course i don't care about the machine and don't mind a reinstall.19:26
addisonj_eh, i take the more cautious approach of learning all I can and making sure I have everything right, look before you leap, but then again, most of the linux stuff I do is at work... so :P19:26
vigoIs also a good learning curve that.19:26
addisonj_well, logging in as root is just bad practice19:26
monster_real man only login as root.19:26
monster_<- real man19:27
ubottuWe do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.19:27
jason_froebeAhlee - that's part of the learning process.  I mean, how many of us haven't hosed up a system to a point where we had to reinstall?19:27
AhleeI agree with monster_.  :)19:27
monster_sudo su my friends19:27
Dougal_addisonj_: if you're at work, I'd agree. I'd only ever be this reckless with a computer that i didn't mind completely trashing.19:27
monster_feel the power19:27
ikoniaguys - it's his box, he has been warned, let him be19:27
ikoniamonster_: enough please19:27
addisonj_Dougal_, I am just saying, don't make logging in as root common practice, that teaches bad linux habits19:27
addisonj_for the future, when you do know what you are doing, but anyways, on to more important things...19:28
Dougal_addisonj_: I agree completely. I haven't done it since i set up the password in the first place (hence forgetting the password)19:28
Dougal_yeah, sorry for sidelining the convo. Thanks for your help all.19:28
addisonj_anyways, bleh, today is migrate to a new web-server day :(19:29
monster_hopes he doesnt get kicked19:30
ikoniamonster_: let it go please !19:30
jmadridHello All! I'm trying to solve something with my Xubuntu and I'm like a baby when it comes to Linux & command line. After having some issues and solving them in the forums about my GeForce4 420 Go, I have this other issue that had been hard to find info on:19:30
monster_its hillarious though19:30
Ahleealright last shot.  Local user accounts can't change their passwords, I believe the issue's in pam somewhere.  When I issue passwd as a non-privileged user, it prompts for the current password twice, then reports passwd: Authentication failure and passwd: password unchanged but is, in fact, changing the password.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/287977/19:30
jmadridThe card defaults to the VGA connector and not it's LCD when it starts up.19:30
ikoniamonster_: it's pointless, he's left, this isn't a joke channel.19:30
jmadridAny guidance on the subject, please?19:30
Strife89I'm trying to find a quick way to print the number of pages in numerous PDFs. file and stat won't spill. Any advice?19:31
ikoniaAhlee: this looks interesting19:31
jason_froebejmadrid - to use the dvi connector, you need to use the NVidia drivers - (System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers)19:31
Fffarshello everybody19:31
rhollanderive got some problems with my Skype. it will not detect my audio device correctly. but i do get my logon and shutdown sound. even kopete sounds. what can i do?19:32
bigmacxftw, the solution to my odd boot problem is described here http://blog.avirtualhome.com/2008/10/28/how-to-compile-a-custom-kernel-for-ubuntu-intrepid/#comment-452619:32
jason_froebejmadrid - the opensource doesn't seem to like the dvi connector on any of my nvidia cards19:32
jmadridHello Jason_froebe. Thank you very much! Thing is, this is a laptop. When powered on, the laptop screen remains black after Xubunto boot logo.19:32
buckyAhlee, it won't let me change my passwd as user because that would effectively change the sudo passwd19:32
buckymaybe that's why19:32
YGxxxanyone here uses Colloquy ?19:32
Fffarsi have a bug19:32
jason_froeberhollander - for skype - download skype from skype.com, install it, then choose pulse for all audio devices19:32
jmadridThen, when I connect an external monitor to the laptop, everything is there... so I go to the nVidia control panel, and " enable" the LCD.19:32
jason_froebeit'll work then19:32
Fffarswith ubuntu 9.10 beta19:32
PiciFffars : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Karmic/9.10 support/discussion.19:33
jmadridSo there is an official nVidia driver for my card?!!19:33
Kingsy101can someone help me, I have just inserted a belkin wireless network card into my ubuntu PC and I cant get it to work .. I am still using a wire atm19:33
jmadridThat's good news!19:33
ikoniajmadrid: look in system->administration->hardware drivers, it should offer some19:33
buckyAhlee, sudo passwd jalons19:33
ikoniajmadrid: don't go to nvidia.com for drivers19:33
nh2I accidentally changed a bunch of permissions in /var/log. How can I find out which permissions the directories should have?19:33
Ahleebucky: this is affecting users without sudo privs19:34
jason_froebejmadrid - yes..  you need to start nvidia-settings as root (sudo nvidia-settings) make the laptop screen the primary screen and save the xorg.conf file to /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:34
ikonianh2: look at the linux fhs file system, that should give you an idea, or get the infro from someone elses system19:34
Kingsy101when I booted up it said that it found new drivers, the driver it found was a Broadcom b43 wireless but when I try to install that it just stays on 0%19:34
Kingsy101does nothing19:34
blendmaster1024is it possible to write to hfs+ volumes from ubuntu?19:34
Kingsy101can someone help me get this installed/working19:34
buckyAhlee, it's prolly default behavior19:34
Ahleebucky: no, it isn't.19:35
blendmaster1024Kingsy101: it's unlikely that it's possible, wifi is a bit of a black are from linux, at least for that line of cards19:35
ikoniaAhlee: it's not default behaviour19:35
buckyAhlee,  then change it19:35
Ahleeblendmaster1024: hfsplus is the file system type19:35
jmadridWell... nVidia driver version 96 is enabled. But it still has issues. I mean, it all works fine... but I must connect an external monitor and enable the LCD of the laptop by using that external monitor. Would there be a way to make the LCD the default and not the VGA plug?19:35
buckyikonia, change your password as user19:35
blendmaster1024Ahlee: yes, can i remount rw?19:35
Ahleeikonia: I'm sorry?19:35
Kingsy101blendmaster1024 - huh? its not possible to get it working?19:35
blendmaster1024because i tried to and it didn't work19:35
Ahleeblendmaster1024: afaik yes19:35
hendrixskiI just created a softlink to some files on my directory, now how can i grant access to others to use it as well>19:35
ikoniabucky: to not be able to change your password is not default19:35
f00fwhat is this interface =====> as0t0 Link encap:UNSPEC ??19:35
blendmaster1024Kingsy101: or ver very very hard19:35
buckyikonia, change your password as user19:35
nh2ikonia: isn't that information somewhere in apt? because during installation, it makes the dirs usable by the equivalent users, eg. /var/log/news news:news19:36
ikoniabucky: what about it19:36
jmadridThanks jason_froebe! Let's see how it goes.19:36
buckyikonia, change your password as user19:36
ikonianh2: no, it's part of the package19:36
Kingsy101isnt that stupid that you cant even use a belkin card on ubuntu?19:36
ikoniabucky: what about it ?19:36
Ahleebucky: you can change your current password as the user without issue19:36
buckyikonia, change your password as user19:36
buckyikonia, change your password as user19:36
buckyikonia, change your password as user19:36
FloodBot3bucky: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:36
buckyikonia, change your password as user19:36
blendmaster1024Ahlee: that's what i thought too, but then it didn't work - do you know how to do that? or a place where it's decsribed?19:36
Ahleeblendmaster1024: any errors getting passed to syslog/dmesg when you mount with -rw?19:37
Ahleei'm looking for an hfs+ formated usb stick to play along at home19:37
llutzhendrixski: softlinks will always have same permissions as origin-file, even if shown different by ls -l19:37
blendmaster1024Ahlee: no idea, i'm actually back on the mac side now19:38
jason_froebeblendmaster: how to enable write support for hfs+ filesystems:  http://www.ubuntuproductivity.com/journal/macintosh/08/2009/readwrite-to-hfs-on-ubuntu/19:38
hendrixskillutz, yep, so the question is what persmissions do I need to set it to for others to be able to access?19:38
blendmaster1024jason_froebe: thanks!!19:38
hendrixskillutz, do i chmod it to group or something?19:38
hendrixskillutz, err, rather chown?19:38
hendrixskior should I chmod it to lik 777 or something (if that's safe for something that's going to be hosting a website19:39
llutzhendrixski: chown it to a group all your users are member off, chmod g+rw to files19:39
iceroothendrixski: 777 is never save19:39
llutzhendrixski: chown 777 is never a good idea19:39
Ahleellutz is correct, both to the group and 77719:39
hendrixskigood thing I asked about the 77719:40
llutzAhlee: NOT 77719:40
hendrixskiso chmod g+rw  will let other users edit it in a safe way19:40
hellfireVMWare Workstation 6.5.3 Release: Ubuntu 9.04 is fully supported.19:40
Ahleehendrixski: that is the best way.19:40
f00fanyone know what the as0t0 is under my ifconfig ?19:41
f00fas0t0 Link encap:UNSPEC HWaddr 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-0019:41
f00finet addr: P-t-P: Mask:
f00fRX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:019:41
FloodBot3f00f: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:41
f00fTX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:019:41
whartungcan someone give me a pointer on how I would go about installing postgres 7.4 on a Ubuntu 8.10 system?19:41
hendrixskiAhlee, llutz, iceroot thanks :-D19:41
f00fsorry baout that19:42
f00fi thought i only pasted the first line19:42
jiffeis there a way to ignore file conflicts between packages w/ apt-get install?19:42
joeb3_f00f, you running openvpn?19:42
Ahleeipv6 tunnel mayhaps?19:42
f00fjoeb3_: yes... but i since uninstalled it... that is creating instances in my iptables and godd knows what else... i want my server to just work not keep me from accessing the outside network19:42
jason_froebewhartung - you can just install the individual .deb files from http://www.postgresql.org/download/linux19:43
Ahleef00f: check /etc/network/interfaces - is it defined there?19:43
f00fAhlee: no it's not defined... thats the problem :p19:43
duffydack0oo, shiny vbox update19:44
mkjacksonhey folks, I was wanting to make it so that when I hit "<super><alt>e" nautilus comes up with root privledges... I've tried binding the command "sudo Nautilus /" but it doesn't work (I assume because it requires a password).  Is there a way to pipe in the password or have it prompt for the password in a fashion similar to when you're add/removing apps?19:44
jason_froebemkjackson - man gksudo19:45
joeb3_mkjackson, gksu nautilus19:45
jmadridAllright.  It appears that it worked. Haven't restarted yet but, the sudo thing poped up the GUI.19:46
jmadridI'll try it again just in case..19:46
Ahleemy issue is defintely related to pam, restoring stock common-"account|auth|password|session" allows local accounts to change their passwords19:47
Curtis_Bok, i got a noob question - in gnome, whenever there are OS updates, I get prompted automatically. In Ubuntu server, nothing prompts me for updates. What do I need to do to see available updates?19:47
hendrixskillutz, is there already a group that all users would be a part of?19:47
jason_froebeAhlee - pam can be extremely painful to get right19:47
hendrixskior should Ic reate a new one for these people who will need to edit this file?19:48
Ahleejason_froebe: you're telling me, especially with 6.06, 7.10, and 8.04 instances present19:48
jmadridOK. Restarting now. Please cross your fingers! Thanks again jason_froebe! :D19:48
jason_froebeCurtis_B - sudo aptitude update <-- after updating, it'll tell you the number of packages available for upgrading19:48
BilgeCan lilo actually boot Ubuntu kernel images?19:48
jason_froebeBilge - yes19:49
Ahleehendrixski: by default everybody gets created with their own UID and GID IIRC, your probably going to want to create your own group and add those members you want accessing the file to taht group19:49
Zachk18Curtis_B, or you can use sudo apt-get update which is better19:49
iloweCurtis_B: you may be looking for something like "unattended-upgrades"19:49
ubottugpl is the GNU General Public License. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html19:49
iloweCurtis_B: you can customize it so that it auto-updates stuff other than security updates19:49
hendrixskiAhlee, I see, I'll create a group then19:49
dragonWhat is Ubuntu's relationship with the GPL?19:49
jason_froebeilowe - for servers, automatic upgrades can be tricky but ymmv19:49
Zachk18#ubuntu-beginners-help is there for all your noobetry questions19:50
Curtis_Bjason_froebe, Zach18, ilowe, all good information - thank you!19:50
jason_froebedragon - they're in love ;-)19:50
Bilgejason_froebe: I don't know what I'm doing wrong then because it's not booting for me but I can't see anything because I'm rebooting remotely19:50
dragonjason_froebe: haha nice19:50
ilowejason_froebe: absolutely... but it's the closest thing to automatic behaviour of the update-manager in X (that I know of)19:50
jason_froebeBilge, ubuntu by default uses grub..  any particular reason why you want to use lilo?19:50
BilgeNot with my provider19:51
BilgeThey have set it up to use lilo and grub is not installed19:51
BilgeAnd they have also compiled their own kernel19:51
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BilgeSo I installed linux-image-server to get the stock Ubuntu kernel and now I am trying to make lilo boot it, but it won't19:51
jmadridIt worked!!! :D19:51
BilgeI don't know what I'm missing19:52
jason_froebeBilge - take a look at http://www.control-escape.com/linux/lilo-cfg.html19:52
dragonIs there a command-line tool to change the apt mirrors without modifying the sources.list file?19:52
dragon!enter | Bilge19:52
ubottuBilge: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:52
Gneadragon: no.19:52
ptilouplut tou le monde19:52
iloweBilge: do you have access to the disk or are you in a VM?19:53
dragonGnea: there is a GUI tool for doing that, so I'm still wondering.19:53
BilgeI've read the man page for lilo.conf19:53
ptilouphello every body19:53
BilgeIt's a dedicated server and I have full disk access yes19:53
Gneadragon: sources.list gets modified no matter what. no way to avoid it.19:53
jason_froebeBilge - every time you make a change to the lilo.conf file, you need to build the lilo boot image.  "lilo" iirc19:53
doogluscan I expect a windows WLAN driver to work on a 64 bit Ubuntu install using ndiswrapper?19:53
shaffyhi!  can anyone tell me if it is possible, and if so, how to change the "theme" of ubuntu 9.04 netbook remix so that it looks like a regular ubuntu desktop?  i don't want the stock theme.19:53
ptiloupwho are french ???19:53
Bilgejason_froebe: of course, and I have done, otherwise I wouldn't have the boot problem. It won't boot the stock Ubuntu kernel with my definition19:54
Gnea!fr | ptiloup19:54
ubottuptiloup: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr19:54
nightcrowim installing Ubuntu 9.04 Server and was wondering if anyone can tell me where I can find Samba, PDC, SSH, DNS, DHCP, Myclockd, TFTP in the install19:54
nightcrowi have found samba, DNS and SSH19:54
dragonGnea: I never said I wanted to avoid it.19:54
nightcrowbut cant see to find PDC, DHCP, Myclockd, and TFTP19:54
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Gneanightcrow: you have to install them with apt19:54
dragonGnea: What I said was ambiguous, sorry.19:54
Gneadragon: then I misunderstood what you wrote.19:54
jason_froebenightcrow - sudo aptitude search <something>19:54
llutzjason_froebe: no need for sudo19:54
dragonIs there a command-line tool to change the apt mirrors instead of modifying the sources.list file manually?19:55
jason_froebellutz - true... just habit :)19:55
nightcrowGnea, jason_froebe, this machine isnt connected to the internet19:55
llutzbad habit then :)19:55
nightcrowi was hoping i would be able to add them via the CD19:55
dwarderwhat substitutes rc-default in ubuntu 8.1019:55
Guest89995hi .... how can i put a icon of my network manager in the panel? ( my network manager is Wicd )19:55
Gneanightcrow: so pop the cd in19:55
BilgeIs there anything apparently wrong with my lilo.conf? http://paste.ubuntu.com/288040/19:55
nightcrowGnea: ive got the cd in :)19:55
Ahleewhen did aptitude replace apt-get/apt-cache?19:55
nightcrownow i dont know how to add them :)19:56
Guest89995a icon with the status of the network manager19:56
GneaAhlee: it didn't. they're both available.19:56
vgebattle goes on19:56
AhleeGnea: I know, but I never see people reference apt-cache/apt-get, everybody defaults to aptitude now it seems19:56
GneaAhlee: then you aren't around much19:56
Guest89995can anyone help me?19:57
shaffyhi!  can anyone tell me if it is possible, and if so, how to change the "desktop theme" of ubuntu 9.04 netbook remix so that it looks like a regular ubuntu desktop?19:57
Gneadragon: I can't find one... never had a problem doing it manually anyway19:58
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naxahi! when I say "sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 9E691625", my computer say "sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 9E691625" what could cause this timeout?19:58
The_Doctorshaffy: try right click on the desktop and change desktop background.19:58
vassagoshaffy, look through the System->Preferences menu19:58
dbuggerHey guys19:58
naxahey sorry19:58
dragonGnea: I can do it manually, but I wasn't sure which ones to leave untouched. I'm trying to change all possible sources to mirrors.us.kernel.org.19:59
naxai meant: when I say "sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 9E691625", my computer say "gpg: keyserver timed out" what could cause this timeout?19:59
Gneadragon: then use the search-and-replace in vim19:59
dbuggerIm using the karmic Beta, and I have a question... Does the indicator apple indicate ANYTHING? Cos I dont see any kind of difference with new mail or unread messages in pidgin nor empathy19:59
dragonGnea: and which ones should I replace?19:59
Kralnquick question - is there a quick way to upgrade from jaunty to the karmic beta (running netbook remix) ?20:00
dragonGnea: us.archive.ubuntu.com?20:00
Gneadragon: probably anything like us.archive.ubuntu.com20:00
Gneadragon: yeah20:00
GneaKraln: not until it's released20:00
dragonGnea: Would it be ok to replace security.ubuntu.com as well?20:00
bigmacxahh, full description of my problem's rot cause here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kexec20:00
Gneadragon: doubt it20:00
shaffyThe_Doctor: thx, got it!20:00
nightcrowanyway, how would i add those packages without being connected to the internet20:01
f00fhow do i check my rc.d configs ?20:01
shaffyvassago: thx! got!20:01
Kralnokay, how about a not so quick way. ie, adding a new repo, etc etc. trying to avoid downloading the iso20:01
The_Doctorshaffy: Your welcom.20:01
zvacetKraln: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/beta20:01
Kralnroger, will do20:02
jottoany reason to use jaunty over intrepid for server purposes?20:02
jottoor anyone have any sugestions on what to read about it?20:02
jason_froebejotto - the newer packages & especially the newer kernel20:03
joaopintojotto, well, with 1 month for karmic I would wait a bit more20:03
The_Doctorjoaopinto: 28 Nov20:04
joaopintothe end of support is also important20:04
joaopintoThe_Doctor, you mean Oct :)20:04
zvacetnightcrow:  download them from another comp put on usb  and then install it on your comp20:04
sidhi really need your help, this thing is making me crazy20:04
sidhok after i aptitude remove --purge kaffeine, i f i choose /dev/ALSA:surround51 as device i can watch tv and play music BUT i can not play video with mplayer20:04
jason_froebejoaopinto - only if you pay extra for support that is ;-)20:04
nightcrowzvacet: ok20:04
johnniWhen I try to watch an apple trailer in Gstreamer...I get can't find decoder text/html. Any idea how to fix that?20:04
nightcrowso just mount the usb?20:04
The_Doctorsidh: can you use VLC20:04
sidhi mean i can play video , but i have no sound with mplayer20:04
zvacetnightcrow:  be sure you downloaded all dependencies  ;)20:05
joaopintojason_froebe, not really, you don't pay to get the updates, end of of support refers to that also, from an update perspective20:05
nightcrowzvacet: doh20:05
jottothanks jason_froebe and joaopinto20:05
The_Doctorsidh: Sometimes kmplayer had more audio codecs.20:05
sidhThe_Doctor: still no sound with vlc20:05
sidhwell i had it before i install kaffeine20:05
The_Doctorsidh: Have you checked the setting in the mixer?20:06
sidhyou mean amixer20:06
nightcrowsudo apt-get search tftp returns me with E: Invalid Operation20:06
The_Doctorsidh: right click the speaker icon and open the mixer.20:06
nightcrowsudo apt-get search tftp returns me with E: Invalid Operation search20:06
joaopintonightcrow, it,s apt-cache search, not apt-get20:07
sidhThe_Doctor: i don't have such icon, it is mythbuntu20:07
Picinightcrow: Use apt-cache to search, not apt-get20:07
nightcrowah, ok20:07
nightcrowand apt-get to install?20:07
joaopintonightcrow, yes20:07
joaopintoand are you sure you need an tftp client ?20:07
joaopintotftp is not FTP20:07
The_Doctorsidh: but there must be a mixer some place. Are you sure the speakers are not muted?20:07
joshjtldoes anyone know how to install latest moblin on ubuntu?20:07
dragonGnea: it worked. Another question - would it be reasonable to expect the following command to work with every system?20:07
dragonsed -e 's/us.archive.ubuntu.com/mirrors.us.kernel.org/g' -i.orig sources.list20:07
SierraNevadanHow can I find out what dpkg commands are run by 'apt-get remove'? Or is there a debug mode?20:07
nightcrowjoaopinto, Pici: same error20:08
sidhThe_Doctor: sure because sound get out with tv and music20:08
sidhbut it is mythtv apps20:08
joaopintonightcrow, why do you need tftp in the first place ?20:08
Picinightcrow: what command arou you runing?20:08
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The_Doctorsidh: If it uses pulse audio, each app has its own setting.20:08
joaopintoSiegfried, it executes the postrm scripts for every package being removed20:08
nightcrowjoaopinto: why not?20:08
nightcrowPici: it worked now20:08
nightcrowsudo apt-get search tftp20:08
nightcrowbut joaopinto, why nit?20:09
joaopintonightcrow, why should you ? do you have any trivial ftp server around ?20:09
llutzapt-cache search20:09
joaopintonightcrow, do you understantd that TFTP and FTP are different protocols ?20:09
nightcrowjoaopinto: yes20:09
nightcrowi want to use it for PXE20:09
rom1vwhat is the default ftp server in ubuntu server?20:09
joaopintoah ok20:09
shaul_is there a c# compiler for linux?20:09
nightcrowhmmm, now, what is Myclockd?20:09
jpds!mono | shaul_20:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mono20:10
nightcrowI need to install that, but cant find i20:10
Trancehi all20:10
joaopintonightcrow, apt-cache policy tftp20:10
jpds!info mono | shaul_20:10
theshadowI had to kill my taskbar, now I want to relaunch it. What is the taskbar app called so I can do that?20:10
ubottushaul_: Package mono does not exist in jaunty20:10
joaopintonightcrow, you must have the universe repositor enabled20:10
trismshaul_: it is in the mono-smcs package20:10
TranceI checked Auto hid for my panel but when I want to see it it doesn't display20:10
nightcrowjoaopinto: sorry?20:10
nightcrowuniverse repo?20:10
joaopinto!universe | nightcrow20:11
ubottunightcrow: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories20:11
nightcrowjoaopinto: isnt it set up by default?20:11
joaopintonightcrow, if the package is not available, it is not at least on your system, so please check it20:11
nightcrowi found tftp20:12
nightcrowinstalled it :)20:12
TranceI checked Auto hid for my panel but when I want to see it it doesn't display20:12
nightcrowso i guess the repo is enable by default20:12
kraitoi can't get my cube to be see from the outside instead of the outside. can anybody help me with that?20:12
ltcabralhow do i change desktop icons size??20:12
fccfltcabral: right click on the icon .... click Resize20:13
TranceItcabral: go to home20:14
ltcabralfccf: theres no Resize option... theres only stretch icon20:14
Tranceltcabral: then edit/preference20:14
fccfltcabral: that's right .. stretch20:14
sergioque pasa lucas20:14
ltcabralfccf: stretch will just make 1 smaller20:14
Tranceltcabral: go to home then edit/preference20:14
joaopinto!es | sergio20:14
ubottusergio: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:14
The_DoctorTrance: Will it show if you hover the mouse right at the bottom for a few seconds.20:14
TranceThe_Doctor: nope!20:15
vcinzz!es | sergio20:15
zvacet!es | Sergio20:15
ubottuSergio: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:15
vcinzz!es | sergio20:15
ubottusergio: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:15
ltcabralTrance: ooh it worked... thanks20:15
vcinzz!es | sergio20:15
vcinzz!es | sergio20:15
salmonfaceis there an arabic ubuntu channel?20:15
fccf!sa |salmonface20:16
ubottusalmonface: For the Saudi Arabia team : /join #ubuntu-sa : للانظمام الى قناة الفريق السعودي - For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية20:16
vcinzzUBUNTU SHIT O.S.!!20:16
TranceThe_Doctor: weired problem!!20:16
vcinzzUBUNTU SHIT O.S.!!20:16
FloodBot3vcinzz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:16
sergioalguien habla castellano20:16
salmonfacethanks fccf20:16
wagajoin pure320:16
zvacet!language | vcinzz20:16
ubottuvcinzz: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:16
Rendwcan anyone give me a hand configuring ubuntu as a network bridge?20:16
Picisergio: escribe /join #ubuntu-es20:16
Rendwall i know is i have br0, eth0, and wlan0, and i'd like those 3 to be friends20:17
Pulgahi, what are the suggestions editing webpages in ubuntu??, something like dreamweaver???20:17
vcinzz!language | zvacet20:17
ubottuzvacet: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:17
sergiono lo entiendo20:17
vcinzz!language | sergio20:17
ubottusergio: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:17
fccfPulga: bluefish or screem ... depending on what you are doing20:18
sakohas anyone installed eclipse on ubuntu 9.10 from the repos?20:18
The_DoctorTrance: I hope you did not accidentally click "remove panel"20:18
FloodBot3vcinzz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:18
fccf!karmic | sako20:18
ubottusako: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:18
TranceThe_Doctor: no no! I just checked auto hide20:18
vcinzz!language | fccf20:18
ubottufccf: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:18
fccfThank you Pici20:19
sergioalguien en castellano españa20:20
fccf!es | sergio20:20
ubottusergio: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:20
The_DoctorPulga: Would Drupal work?20:20
Rendwi edited some things in /etc/network/interfaces but i don't even know if I have to reset for the changes to take place :/20:20
dragonwhat does auto-apt do?20:20
kb3cdane1 know how to supress the join/disconnect messages in chat on xchat?20:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about auto-apt20:20
* dragon points kb3cda towards #freenode20:20
nightcrowguys, how do i define the samba server as PDC20:21
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Keiya_Is there an alternative to the calendar part of Outlook that actually /works/?20:21
The_Doctorkb3cda: I use Konversation because it is in the graphical interface instead of a command. But you can find the command through google.20:21
zvacetdragon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutoApt20:22
dragonzvacet: thanks20:22
kraitotrying to get cube to be seen from outside can anyone help?20:22
TranceThe_Doctor: I solved it :D by gconf-editor20:22
zvacetdragon: np20:22
Eliripshello. can sort read numbers like 22E12 or 334E-17 ?20:22
joaopintoElirips, man sort, if it can, is there described20:23
cptHello, people!20:24
The_DoctorPulga: Druple, sorry20:24
purpzeyCan someone help me trouble shoot my Gnome-power-manager. The tray icon says I am hooked up to AC power and there is no battery present, but my battery is there and present, is it possible my battery is not working properly or is it a problem with Ubuntu?20:24
zvacetdragon: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-search.en.html20:25
fccfThe_Doctor: Pulga: Druple is a Content Managment System ... Not a webpage editor , and IMHO is more trouble than it is worth20:25
cptIs there any mainteiners or developers?20:25
erUSULcpt: not likely20:25
jason_froebepurpzey - it'll depend on your laptop20:25
fccfcpt: be more spacific , I'll point you in the right direction,  what package?20:26
purpzeyjason_froebe: Is there a way to tell without pulling the cable and seeing if it turns off?20:26
cptI want to give some wishes to improve ubuntu...20:27
netbookHi I need some wireless help. I am joining some wireless networks through commandline. I need to join my Uni network and instructions are here: http://www.itlabs.umn.edu/help/network/wireless-linux-wpa.php20:27
netbookbut that is for wpa-supplicant, not for etc/network/interfaces20:27
peterrhi, How can I watermark many photos in one go? Can I use Gwenview to do this?20:27
jason_froebepurpzey - possibly.. you need to make sure you have the correct sensors enabled... and those will depend on your lapotp20:27
netbooki found a script that can switch between interfaces20:27
netbookso I am wondering how to translate the wpa_supplicant syntax to /etc/network/interfaces syntax20:27
ax-axlol syntax triggered a hl20:28
purpzeyjason_froebe: Sony Vaio VGN-FS99020:28
fccfcpt: somebody is probably already ahead of you ... see www.launchpad.net/ubuntu - this is where development happens ... what you are talking about comes in the form of a Blueprint ... that is what you need to write20:28
Slartpeterr: I would use imagemagick for something like that20:28
Slartpeterr: it might be possible to do it using gimp as well20:28
peterrSlart: thanks.20:29
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netbookanyone up for the wireless question?20:30
fccf!anyone | netbook20:30
ubottunetbook: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:30
netbookubottu ok thanks20:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ok thanks20:30
uboxgreetings room20:30
fccf!patience | netbook20:30
ubottunetbook: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.20:30
fccf!hi | ubox20:30
ubottuubox: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!20:30
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cptok,fccf, I follow your advise, thank you20:31
netbookoh that is a bot ><20:31
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nutterpcdepends what the wireless question is20:31
wasutton3If i create a live usb drive (using unetbootin) will i be able to boot an imac (late 2008 model) off of it?20:31
uboxanyone have an idea hot to enable cl whois to query more than just .com .edu and .net?20:31
fsufitchhi, i have a problem: i can't install python-dev (or python2.6-dev)20:32
fccfwasutton3: I'm gunna say probably, not sure how the mac boots from USB though20:32
fsufitchi'm getting a 404 from aptitude20:32
nutterpcif the LiveUSB you are building is built to support it wasutton3 yes20:32
durt!brainstorm | cpt20:32
ubottucpt: Post your ideas for ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!20:32
gartralhi all, how do i scan my network to see all the switches and such?20:32
uboxfsufitch: perhaps a repository is not enabled20:32
netbookDoes anyone here know how to tranlsate the wpa_supplicant syntax found here: http://www.itlabs.umn.edu/help/network/wireless-linux-wpa.php to the syntax found in /etc/network/interfaces?20:32
wasutton3nutterpc: its just the latest jaunty i386 disk image20:33
Slartgartral: nmap might find stuff.. I doubt it will see a simple switch though20:33
fsufitchubox: it's not telling me that the package isn't found, rather it finds the package, but gets a 404 when it tries to grab it20:33
nutterpcfsufitch, try the mirror you are using, it normally indicates a 404 error that the mirror in question may/may not have it20:33
joaopintonetbook, wpa_supplicant is not related to /etc/network/interfaces, you can use wpa_supplicant on Ubuntu20:33
fsufitchnutterpc, how do I change a mirror?20:33
Slartubox: I haven't done any special configuring and as far as I can tell it finds stuff in lots of top domains20:34
uboxfsufitch: perhaps a firewall issue?20:34
fsufitchnutterpc, this is the us ubuntu archives which should have it ;)20:34
jason_froebepurpezy - look like there is an open bug regarding this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/laptop-detect/+bug/36896720:34
Out_Coldfsufitch, could be the server is down20:34
fsufitchubox, i can install other packages from the same archive just fine20:34
netbookjoaopinto I found a script to switch easily between networks in network/interfaces. I want to join multiple networks20:34
uboxslart: really? i try and i claims i can only do those three. try my site www.robloranger.ca20:34
Out_Coldoh nvm20:34
grekkosthis isn't exactly an ubuntu issue, but i'm having trouble setting up my compiz to use alt + right click to resize windows, can anyone help? or point me in the right direction?20:34
fsufitchOut_Cold, nope, i can find the directory on the server using firefox, just that the package isn't there20:34
Out_Coldfsufitch, try another repo?20:35
nutterpcfsufitch, that means as I mentioned20:35
uboxfsufitch: that is strange, maybe the particular server is temporarily down. you could try to compile from source20:35
nutterpcits a mirror issue20:35
Doc-SaintlyIs there a way to make the default vnc server in ubuntu poll full-screen?20:35
nutterpcI pick my new mobile phone up today'20:35
Slartubox: works nicely.. registered 2009-01-30 bla bla bla20:35
Slart!ccsm | grekkos20:36
ubottugrekkos: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz20:36
fsufitchoh wait, nevermind guys, an apt-get update fixed it... sorry!20:36
uboxslart: booo, maybe it's my version. do you know the package name so i can try to upgrade?20:36
Slartubox: I'm running whois v4.7.30 .. afaik it's the regular version available in jaunty20:37
uboxi'm still on ibex as when i tried jaunty it broke during upgrade20:37
balinthi guys, I use this command to start an X server: startx -- `which Xvfb` :1 -auth /etc/X99.cfg -screen 0 1024x768x24 2>&1 >/dev/null20:37
grekkosSlart: that kind of helped but i'm already using ccsm and it's just not changing the key when i change the setting20:37
uboxi will be on jaunty or karmic later today when i get my hp pav20:37
CMoHHello. I want to install an Ubuntu server tomorrow for an enterprise. However, I have looked up the download page there and it seems the newest version, 9.04, is supported until 2010, while the older one, 8.04, is until 2013. Which one should I choose tomorrow?20:37
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fccf!lts | CMoH20:38
ubottuCMoH: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be 10.0420:38
balintbut for some reason the auth file (/etc/X99.cfg) gets overridden by a default one, /tmp/serverauth.HAsrPy937820:38
CMoHthank you, ubottu20:38
CMoHthank you fccf actually20:38
fccfCMoH: Use the LTS20:38
balintso the actual process that is running is xinit /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc -- /usr/bin/Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1024x768x24 -auth /tmp/serverauth.HAsrPy937820:38
balintdo you know why and what can I do about it?20:38
uboxslart: hmm, apt say's i'm on the newest version20:39
CMoHfccf, am i to expect i will be able to easily upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04? (I am not primarily an ubuntu user, so I'm not familiar with your policies)20:39
icerootCMoH: yes, because both are lts20:40
lstarnesCMoH: LTS releases can upgrade directly to new LTS releases20:40
Slartubox: not really sure why it wouldn't find your domain then... odd..20:40
FishieHello lads, I've got a little problem. In ventrilo, when 2 ppl are talking, I hear 1 loud and 1 in the background. I wanna here them both on a normal sound level :>20:40
schwelkhey, i got a little problem, i followed this instructions20:40
schwelkhttp://www.nervous.it/2009/04/canon-pixma-mp620-wireless-on-ubuntu/, and  finally did all well, but how can I now scan with sane ? :D20:40
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz20:40
fccfCMoH: that is the plan, and you get the idea20:40
CMoHwell, thanks a lot for your help, fccf, iceroot, lstarnes :)20:40
Slartgrekkos: hmm.. odd.. well.. that's the only tool I know of for configuring compiz shortcuts.. if ccsm can't do it I don't know what can20:41
adalgisoFishie: ventrilo allows you to control the amplitude of incoming voices per individual20:41
uboxslart: very odd indeed, it does sort of work, but gives an error code 0111320:41
adalgisoFishie: the option is through the right click menu on someone's name, but i can't remember the exact option20:41
grekkosSlart: well the GUI suggests that it can, it provides options, they just don't seem to work20:42
dassoukiis there a way to combine inbox and sent messages in thunderbird20:42
Fishieadalgiso, aha!20:42
Slartdassouki: well.. you can save your sent messages in the inbox instead of in the sent box if you want..20:43
dassoukii was looking for a combined view perhap inbox elements appear highlighed in a color and sent in another20:44
fearfulIs there a way of changing the 'Applications Places System' names?20:44
cptguys, tell me how can I listen to music without X?20:44
uboxthis might drive me crazy, what happens when you whois www.danssmallpartsandkits.net20:44
Slartcpt: mpd might work20:44
lstarnescpt: vlc has an ncurses frontend.  also, try mocp, cmus, or mpd20:44
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fccfcpt: another option is sox ... which is easy as 'play filename'20:45
Slart /msg ubox  I'll just paste the result here, if you don't mind..20:45
homovitruviusany application that allows me to select individual chapters of a DVD and produce a smaller (<4.4Gb) DVD? Preserving the chapter menu and working directly on .iso images a plus. Thx20:45
cptit is more need to play playlists20:45
Slartsorry bout that20:46
Slarthomovitruvius: k9 might work.. haven't tried it in a while20:46
fccfhomovitruvius: that involves ripping ... dvd::rip is a program that will allow you do do that ... then recompile the dvd with devede20:46
homovitruviusfccf: I understand the ripping/rebuilding path, but I was hoping in something more authomatic20:47
fccfhomovitruvius: not going to happen20:48
gartralSlart: this switch is supposed to have network managment through a web-like interface.. so it has a simple HTTP server in it somewhere20:48
teHoly!  Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 x64 is poison.  Third time installing, 2nd hard drive-- after about a day it manages to corrupt the file system so much that it cannot even recognize the partition as ext3.  It is unbelievable that this bug is currently "Undecided".  Major issue.20:48
teIf you have a T60, T61, or T61p, steer clear of x6420:48
ikoniate: nonsense20:49
ikoniate: your experience does not represent the community, please don't miss-lead people like that20:49
teread the bug reports if you want20:49
Kralnyour sentence doesn't represent english, please don't mislead people like that20:49
ikoniaI'm aware there are bugs, most platforms have a bug or two20:49
Kralnikonia: file-system corrupting bugs are what most people would refer to as deal breakers20:50
teikonia: massive bugs that corrupt the filesystem so bad supergrub can't even find a kernel?20:50
ikoniate: if the bug reports are that bad, shouting the odds in here isn't needed. This is a support channel20:50
fearfulIs there a way of changing the 'Applications Places System' names?20:50
ikoniaKraln: yes, there are some bugs, however I'm using 9,04 on a T60 without a problem20:50
tedude.  people in here use ubuntu-- and i had to hunt for this bug without much to go on, i found what the deal is, so im sharing that information20:50
clearscreenany recommendations on rss readers that notify (through libnotify or any other pop-up-ish method)? I'm not looking for something to embed on my desktop (since I almost always have a window maximized)20:50
teikonia: 64bit?20:50
ikoniate: you're not sharing bug information - your just saying it's rubbish20:50
ikoniate: yes,20:50
teAHCI or Compatability?20:50
homovitruviusfccf: might not have happened yet, but I don't see why it shouldn't happen ever.20:51
ikoniacompatability from memory in the bios, not %100 though20:51
teno.. no you're running AHCI20:51
dust_5299)/join #ubuntu-ko20:51
teAHCI = works, compatability = massive corruption every time20:51
ikoniaI could well be, I've not got the laptop in front of me20:51
tei dare you to switch to compat.20:51
teif you think im overexaggerating20:51
ikoniaI'll check it when I get into the office20:51
ikoniate: but then there is a work around, use ahci20:51
teget ready to run e2fsck20:51
teikonia: look dude, drink your kool aid somewhere else20:52
=== dust_ is now known as Mr_Dust
ikoniate: that makes no sense20:52
=== Mr_Dust is now known as Jihui_Choi
nutterpcte, I must be lucky then, not had any dramas on my Ubuntu install on my laptop........*touch wood*20:52
fccfhomovitruvius: another option would be ripping to a different format ... to allow more on the disk ... of course losing quality and adding artifacts20:53
tenutterpc: run fsck from the command line using a live cd with the disk unmounted and see if you have the slow filesystem corruption happening to you20:53
teit's worth checking out20:53
nutterpcte, if mines not broke, I ain't gunna try fixing it20:53
tewell -- im saying it might be in the process of breaking20:53
jiffewhat are the "cloud computing cluster" and "cloud computing node" options in 9.10 ?20:53
nutterpcI also run an SSD te in my laptop20:54
Picijiffe : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Karmic/9.10 support/discussion.20:54
teah, that's different20:54
nutterpcUbuntu LOVES it20:54
homovitruviusSlart: thanks k9 does exactly what I need, if it doesn't crash before finishing the DVD...20:54
tehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/371191?comments=all <---that's what im talking about, yuck20:54
tj83what is current kernel version in jaunty? 2.6.28-xx?20:54
Slarthomovitruvius: ah.. good.. let's hope it finishes the job =)20:54
Slarttj83: 1520:54
nutterpcte, the main bug I was working on solving was the 404 error that people were encountering with KernelCheck20:54
tj83Slart, ty20:55
Slarttj83: as in 2.6.28-15 (for my 64bit machine)20:55
teyeah 1520:55
lstarnes!info linux-image-generic jaunty | tj8320:55
Slarttj83: you're welcome20:55
ubottutj83: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB20:55
progenitushow does it feel to know that Apple did all the work on Unix you guys have all been trying to (pluginwrapper, working wireless, etc.) do without any success yet?20:55
nutterpclets just say te, debugging someone elses code is NOT fun, lol20:55
progenituspaid work gets the shit done.20:56
lstarnesprogenitus: trolling is not welcome here20:56
ikoniaprogenitus: please control your language20:56
Slartprogenitus: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic , I heard there was a big discussion there about it20:56
progenitusnot trolling20:56
ikoniaprogenitus: it's offtopic for this channel though20:56
switch10__Anybody here have any luck getting compiz to work with big desktop with an ati card?  Ive been working on this for about a week now.20:56
nutterpcit is a form of trolling dude20:56
progenitusfair enough20:56
ffsain which package can i find mpart and mkabel? i can't find anything on net20:57
nutterpcswitch10__, whats it not doing?20:57
dbuggerEhy guys, can someone help me? My indicator apples never notifies me anything :(20:57
Slart!find mpart20:57
telol -- ubuntu naziz, man.  you say one negative thing about open source or ubuntu and you get run out on a rail20:57
ubottuFound: compartment, librampart-dev, librampart-doc, librampart020:57
distrohopperwhy does ubuntu disable ctrl-alt-backspace?20:57
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Slart!search mpart20:57
tedistrohopper: it's in the spirit of community20:57
lstarnesdistrohopper: it's a default setting in X not originally made by ubuntu20:58
ikoniate: stop now20:58
lstarnes!dontzap > distrohopper20:58
ubottudistrohopper, please see my private message20:58
Slartte: it's more a question of being on topic in this channel.. this is a support channel.. not a discussion channel .. there's #ubuntu-offtopic for that20:58
distrohopperty lstarnes20:58
teSlart: your approach is more reasoned than someone whose nick begins with an i20:58
=== gusan0r is now known as Gusan0r
ffsa!find mkpart20:59
switch10__nutterpc: the screen goes all scrambled.  I read that it has something to do with the max screen res that compiz will let you use20:59
ubottuPackage/file mkpart does not exist in jaunty20:59
nutterpchmm ok switch10__ , personally I've never had a drama, but then I've used nvidia, which has greater *nix support20:59
nutterpcATi is known to be on the catchup for *nix support21:00
switch10__nutterpc: yes this is def an ati issue21:00
loldumpquick question21:00
loldumpeven though hardy will be officially not supported21:00
loldumpin oct. or nov.21:00
loldumpwill apt still work?21:00
nutterpcwhat screen res are you trying to use? switch10__21:00
Out_Coldloldump, the repos should still be active but not updated21:01
Slartloldump: you'll have to start using another repository.. the regular one will disappear / change name21:01
loldumpok thanks!21:01
lstarnesloldump: hardy is a long term support release21:01
lstarnesloldump: it should last until april 2010 on desktops21:01
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loldumpok :)21:01
nutterpcswitch10__, that's a widescreen mode, correct?21:01
ubottuUbuntu 8.04-LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.21:01
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gartralSlart: nope...21:02
switch10__Ya ive tried a few others but it didnt look right21:02
nutterpcat what res have you found you can go up to before it starts corruption issues?21:02
eguesttesthows everyone doing21:02
Chiselhuk_Plus1Good evening all.....Forgive me for using "bad language" but can anyone point me in the direction of I.E for Linux? I had it installed b4, but never use it 'cos I love Firefox....but am having trouble with a site 'n have been told to use I.E.! :(21:02
eguesttesthave aquick  question21:02
Slartgartral: "nope"?21:03
nutterpcChiselhuk_Plus1, install wine, run thru that21:03
lstarnesChiselhuk_Plus1: you could fake the user agent string in firefox so that sites think that you have IE21:03
lstarnesChiselhuk_Plus1: also, look up ies4linux21:03
switch10__nutterpc: it corrupts at every res ive tried21:03
eguesttesthow do you set the order in which aptitude gets the list of packages21:03
Pici!ies4linux | Chiselhuk_Plus121:03
ubottuChiselhuk_Plus1: ies4linux is a script that quickly and effortlessly helps you install 3 versions of IE in Wine. Information can be found at http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page including instructions specifically for Ubuntu. ies4linux is aimed at web designers and ie-only sites, so please, don’t use any of the IEs to navigate! Use Firefox!21:03
flughHello #ubuntu. I'm fighting with 9.04+USB 881 modem. worked up to 8.10. i can make it work in console with wvdial, then manually add default gateway. anyone have a tip on how i can make the gnome network applet figure this out?21:03
nutterpcswitch10__, that is odd21:03
Chiselhuk_Plus1nutterpc: I already have wine installed.21:04
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »21:04
nutterpchave you tried using the max res switch10__ using the default X driver?21:04
switch10__nutterpc: ya im pretty sure its my ati card.21:04
eguesttesti have some package which i need to install but i  want to let the list download that package first21:04
gartralSlart: nmap doesn't see my switch21:04
switch10__nutterpc: have not tried that21:04
eguesttesti mean i want apt-get upload to download to download that package first21:04
Slartgartral: oh... hmm.. you're sure it doesn't use a weird port number?21:05
eguesttesti mean i want apt-get update to download to download that package first21:05
eguesttestany ideas21:05
fuzzybunnyhey everyone does anyone have any experience with getting dialup modems to work in Ubuntu? I want to use the modem on my laptop to make voice calls is this even possible or do I need a special type of modem?21:05
nutterpctry that switch10__ see what using the default driver does for now. And in the meantime I would suggest googling to see if anyone else has had the same issue21:05
=== BlackDes1gn is now known as BlackDesign
nightcrowcan someone point me in the right direction to how to set up a dns on my ubuntu server...21:06
nightcrowstep by step preferably21:06
nightcrowgoogle produces some nice things, but pretty out of date i guess21:06
switch10__nutterpc: thanks21:06
Slartnightcrow: are you sure you want a full dns? not just a forwarding dns?21:06
nightcrowSlart: sec - ill show you the conf file that i have21:07
nightcrowsec, ill pastie it21:07
Slartnightcrow: I have a much better idea.. why don't you just answer my question =)21:07
JuJuBeeYesterday I did an update and when I tried to restart and login, I have no session type anymore. I just installed ubuntu-desktop but what happened to my kde installation?  I originally installed kubuntu21:08
guntbertnightcrow: did you see https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/index.html ?21:08
nightcrowSlart: because im not sure :)21:08
nightcrowguntbert: thanks - checking21:09
nightcrowSlart: seems like i just need forwarding21:09
nightcrowSlart: http://pastebin.com/m4276a2d821:09
nightcrowi need to use that conf21:09
stinky_anyone know where xkill keeps its icon? TIA :)21:10
Slartnightcrow: ah.. thought so.. that makes things much simpler.. I think there's even a ready-made package for it.. can't remember the name though21:10
nightcrowSlart: did you see the pastie?21:10
Slartnightcrow: that looks like something for a full dns server21:11
JazzplayerL9random question...this is my first time messing with pulseaudio...used to setting a default sound level with sudo alsactl store...but that doesn't seem to work to keep my sound levels right and I have to go back into alsamixer to change them again.  How do I set a default sound level?21:11
legendrequestion.. in jaunty, how can I have several simultaneous logins?21:12
legendreX desktop, that is..21:12
aaronorosenlegendre: why?21:12
=== NickName is now known as Jihui
Jihuiit's not easy to use irssi.21:13
dragondoes debtorrent actually speed up the downloads?21:13
legendreaaronorosen: because I need to. I need to have several users logged in at once, and be able to switch with ctral-altf7,9 etc21:13
guntbertlegendre: do you mean like "fast user switching"?21:13
monster_debtorrent sounds awesome21:13
legendreguntbert: yes, perhaps21:13
stinky_Jihui: , yea, try xchat or pidgin... irssi is really not verry user friendly21:13
aaronorosenlegendre: you can use su and change to each user... ?21:14
legendreit worked great in earlier versions..21:14
stinky_Iuse irssi, but only because of its low memory footprint21:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about debtorrent21:14
legendreaaronorosen: you're missing the point21:14
BlackDesignJihui: You'll get used to it... I find it easier then Xchat21:14
FiLtHySLoBcan any2 teach me21:14
FiLtHySLoBhow to use terminal21:14
aaronorosenlegendre: I don't see why that would ever need to be done.21:14
dragon!terminal | FiLtHySLoB21:15
ubottuFiLtHySLoB: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal21:15
FiLtHySLoBi have no idea wat im doing in here21:15
JihuiBlackDesign: I hope so, cause I can't connect any irc server at my school.21:15
legendreaaronorosen: so several users can use the same machine, silly.21:15
dbuggerCan someone help me with the indicator applet¿21:15
legendrewithout having to log in & out every time.21:15
Out_ColdFiLtHySLoB, trolling?? i seen you in #debian21:15
guntbertlegendre: don't you have that applet which shows the user name and provides shut down,... too?21:15
JihuiSo I connect this erver through my external server21:15
FiLtHySLoBi am at school :)21:15
BlackDesignJihui: maybe because they block IRC servers?21:15
FiLtHySLoBu need to use putty21:15
FiLtHySLoBitll work21:15
aaronorosenlegendre: you can setup xinit or vncserver.21:15
dragon!anyone | dbugger21:15
ubottudbugger: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:15
FiLtHySLoBdirect it to your server21:15
stinky_Jihui: type /server irc.freenode.net21:15
FiLtHySLoBand then boom!@21:15
legendreaaronorosen: THERE IS ONLY ONE MACHINE, lol21:15
FloodBot3FiLtHySLoB: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:15
JihuiIhave no idea.21:16
dbuggerMy indicator apples never notifies me anything :(21:16
FiLtHySLoBim flooding?21:16
aaronorosenlegendre: still don't see what your trying to do..21:16
guntbert!shout | legendre21:16
ubottulegendre: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.21:16
legendreguntbert: before, I just hit ctrl-alt-del to lock the session, and xscreensaver had a "new login" button.. it no longer has that21:16
stinky_Jihui: then you can choose a channel by typeing /join #ubuntu21:16
xQuasarI've just installed the mysql-client for ubuntu, how the hell do i start it up?21:16
JihuiFiLtHySLoB: I'm using putty now.21:16
legendreaaronorosen: that's really obvious21:16
Jihuistinky_: I know where I am. :)21:16
xQuasarI've just installed the mysql-client for ubuntu, how the hell do i start it up?21:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xkill21:17
aaronorosenlegendre: just use `su` that will do w/e you want to...21:17
FiLtHySLoBhey any1 here heared of knight Online?21:17
lstarnesxQuasar: it's a command-line application run as mysql21:17
ikoniaFiLtHySLoB: this is a support channel for ubuntu only21:17
jpds!ot | FiLtHySLoB21:17
ubottuFiLtHySLoB: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:17
ikoniaFiLtHySLoB: please check the topic21:17
FiLtHySLoBi was gonna take it to that...21:17
lstarnesaaronorosen, legendre: su shouldn't be used.  sudo -i is preferred21:17
legendreaaronorosen: again, just accept the fact that you can't understand what I'm asking about. It has nothing to do with su, sudo, etc21:17
FiLtHySLoBi wanna run it off ubuntu21:17
ikoniaFiLtHySLoB: ok, so what's the problem ?21:18
legendreguys, I've been using linux exclusively since 1997..21:18
FiLtHySLoBit doesnt let me take it public in  other words onto the net21:18
FiLtHySLoBsays sometin bout critical local host21:18
legendreI know how to use it.. I just can't figure out where the 'new login' option went,21:18
guntbertlegendre: there is a "fast user switch applet" to add to your panel, but at the moment I don't know the package name21:18
legendrein jaunty, that is..21:18
xQuasarIs the only way to run mysql-client by commandline?21:19
dragonlegendre: you mean, `useradd`?21:19
legendreguntbert: that's the other odd thing. If I lock the session, the password prompt has a 'switch user' button, but it does nothing.21:19
legendredragon: no, definitely not.21:19
dragonlegendre: are you trying to keep the current session running and start another, as a different user?21:20
ikoniaxQuasar: look at mysql administrator and mysql-admin21:20
legendreseriously, there is some app, can't recall the name that does: starts new xserver on next display, switches to that display, and runs the login manager.21:20
legendredragon: yes!21:20
djdarkmanhello, I have a laptop that I always use with an external display which has a higher resolution, my problem is that the desktop wallpaper looks akward, it doesn't use my full desktop, how can I make it use my full desktop?21:20
hwildelegendre, I believe you are talking about ctrl+alt+f8 or f921:21
legendredragon: it was really easy in Edgy, and so on .. can't see how to do it in JJ21:21
duffydackI got an rsyc error now which Ive never had before.  rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1058) [sender=3.0.5]21:21
dragon!info xserver-xephyr | legendre21:21
ubottulegendre: xserver-xephyr (source: xorg-server): nested X server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.6.0-0ubuntu14 (jaunty), package size 1550 kB, installed size 2620 kB21:21
guntbertlegendre: here it definitely works, try that applet, maybe you can add it to your panel straight away (didn't try the way via screensaver though)21:21
legendrehwilde: sure, that is used to switch between sessions.. IF you can start them21:21
legendreguntbert: so you say there's a panel applet for it.. let me look (this is xubuntu, btw)21:22
dragonlegendre: If you have user switcher applet, it's called "Switch User". If you go to "System > Log out" otherwise, you'll see a switch user option.21:22
legendreguntbert: ok, I already have it.. lol. But it doesn't start a new session..21:22
dragonlegendre: what i said was applicable to gnome.21:23
legendredragon: aye.21:23
guntbertlegendre: do you want another session with the *same* user?21:23
fuzzybunnyIf I just have a Conexant® HDAUDIO SoftV92 Data Fax Modem can I make voice calls with it?21:24
dragonlegendre: did you notice the package that i mentioned above? "xserver-xephyr"21:24
clearscreenany recommendations on rss readers that notify (through libnotify or any other pop-up-ish method)? I'm not looking for something to embed on my desktop (since I almost always have a window maximized)21:24
legendreguntbert: no, with a different user. I used to do this all of the time in vanilla slack, there's nothing special required.21:24
dragonj0nr: evenin', commissioner.21:24
nightcrowSlart: ok - so what do i do?21:24
legendrecommand like startx -- :121:24
Slartnightcrow: there wasn't a howto on that link you were sent?21:25
guntbertlegendre: strange, I even have a "guest session" here, and it works21:25
nightcrowwell, not really21:25
nightcrowim looking more for a step by step guide21:25
nightcrowyou see, i have the config... i just need to set up the dns and then ill overwrite the conf file21:25
heaterAfter running some updates, Ubuntu 9.04 has no sound can anyone help?21:25
legendreguntbert: yeah, this is a total mystery to me.. it was there in Edgy, but not in jaunty21:25
legendreand it's bloody useful!21:26
nightcrowSlart: the pastie were the zones21:26
Slartnightcrow: I don't really know of any other howto's, sorry.. but I think most of the ones you'll find on the net should work.. even if they are a bit outdated21:26
nightcrowSlart: http://pastebin.com/m4276a2d821:26
nightcrowah, i see21:26
nightcrowthank you buddy21:26
FloodBot3nightcrow: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:26
nightcrowhehehe - sorrry guys :)21:26
guntbertnightcrow: the server guide tells you what you need to install DNS, step by step instructions are not too common these days :)21:27
nightcrowguntbert: :) there must be something out there - i guess thats why google doesnt spit anything decent out :p21:27
dwarderis it safe to rename /etc/rc2.d/S20vsftpd  to /etc/rc2.d/K20vsftpd  with mv command?21:27
aayushhi all21:27
dwarderwhat is the proper way of doing it?21:27
aayushi gt a small problem21:28
jribdwarder: use sysv-rc-conf21:28
aayushmy system has ubuntu 8.04 n xp21:28
heaterHere are the audio errors that i get if someone can help: http://paste.ubuntu.com/288088/21:28
guntbertnightcrow: step by steps tend to get outdated very soon, anyway understanding the concepts should be a primary goal - especially on a server21:28
stylisthi ppl21:28
stylisthow do i kill X to install the latest nvidia.com driver ?21:29
nightcrowguntbert: i agree - but not when im so limited with time :-(21:29
dwarderjrib: is it command, i don't have sysv-rc-conf binary?21:29
jribdwarder: install it21:29
stylistkilling the X process, just means Xorg automatically restards:(21:29
legendreOk, I just did it.. manually. So I know I don't need any nested X stuff21:29
heaterstylist: i would be careful with the nvidia driver, i have had to do a couple reinstalls because it messed up21:29
legendrejust opened a console, logged in, and ran startx -- :121:29
warriorforgodaayush: So what is  your issue?21:29
stylistok heater21:29
legendreso where is the stupid applet? lol21:29
gunknownhi. Is there anybody using pidgin with msn without problems?21:30
bastid_raZorstylist: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop   ;will keep it stopped21:30
aayushhi all my ubuntu had grub which was showing sm problems for other os so i had configured lilo how can i can switch back to grub now plz i m new21:30
KKSliderhi everyone. I dont know a lot about ubuntu, but my bro has 7.10 on his pc.... it fails trying to download any package from the repository. anybody have any ideas why that might be?21:30
dwarderjrib: is that prefered way over update-rc.d ?21:30
joeb3_gunknown, using 2.5.5. no problems.21:30
and0rI installed a theme called Wasp, and it came with a script to make OpenOffice use the same colors or somehting... is it possible to make OpenOffice go back to default colors?21:30
jribdwarder: yes (see the update-rc.d man page)21:30
bastid_raZorheater: you had to reinstall because of a video driver?21:30
stylistthank you so much bastid_raZor :D21:30
dwarderjrib: i'm on 8.10 box21:31
jribdwarder: ok21:31
heaterbastid_raZor: idk what it did, but i made a backup of my xorg.conf file, and even replacing the only one after the nvidia stuff ran wouldn't get me back to my proper resolutions21:31
aayushwarrior: u saw21:31
guntbertnightcrow: in the meantime you could have read The Complete Chapter 7 of the server guide - and followed it :-)21:31
Doc_Lappywasp did you make sure there's not an options or preferences on openoffice to change theme back?21:31
heaterbastid_raZor: old**21:31
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stylistthank bastid_raZor, now the nvidia driver installer is running ok :)21:31
ctmjrKKSlider: 7.10 is at end of life it is no longer supported21:32
KKSliderctmjr: ah, so most packages probably arent even there anymore for 7.10?21:32
jbwivhello all. So I just ran an upgrade via apt-get to upgrade to Koala, but on boot I get a grub error: "Error 15: not found". I'm betting this is because I use LVM + Software Raid (although upgrade has worked in the past). Any ideas what I can do or do I simply have to download the alternative cd and install manually?21:32
heaterbastid_raZor: can you help with an audio issue? http://paste.ubuntu.com/288088/21:32
jribjbwiv: #ubuntu+1 for karmic support21:32
jbwivjrib: ok, thanks21:33
ctmjrKKSlider: yep you should tell him to upgrade to 8.0421:33
aayushhi all my ubuntu had grub which was showing sm problems for other os so i had configured lilo how can i can switch back to grub now plz i m new21:33
bastid_raZorheater: what are you doing to get this error?21:33
RajKhNhi, I'm a noob ^^: I am using ubuntu mounted with a VirtualBox, and I set the shared folder in VB, but now, how do I access it on ubuntu?21:33
Doc_Lappyand0r that wasp was meant for you sorry I was doing something else and got distracted, I don't use openoffice but most all programmes you can change the them back IF there is more than one theme available for it21:33
and0rI cant find any "default" button in OpenOffice, I'll keep looking tho21:34
KKSliderright thanks for that ctmjr. will that have to totally wipe over the current install?21:34
nightcrowguntbert: link me please :)21:34
heaterbastid_raZor: trying to "test" the sound, as well as open volume control21:34
guntbertnightcrow: did you see https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/index.html ?21:34
heaterbastid_raZor: sound used to work perfectly fine until an update i believe21:34
dwarderjrib: sorry i don't get it, what is better update-rc.d or sysv-rc-conf?21:34
nightcrowguntbert: nope - but now i have21:34
Doc_Lappyand0r there may not be I just wanted to make sure you weren't mistaking the obvious that's usualy what I find it's the things over looked instead of something hard, good luck21:35
ctmjrKKSlider: no just run sudo update manager -d and it should upgrade to next release21:35
guntbertand0r: there is a channel #openoffice.org too21:35
aayushhi all my ubuntu had grub which was showing sm problems for other os so i had configured lilo how can i can switch back to grub now plz i m new21:35
KKSliderthankyou very much for your help ctmjr.21:35
jribdwarder: update-rc.d's man page explains users should use sysv-rc-conf21:35
dwarderjrib: thank you21:35
guntbertnightcrow: I sent that right after your first question21:35
and0rbut Im not sure if this is something the OpenOffice channel can help with, since the colors were changed by a script the maker of the GTK theme made.21:35
heaterbastid_raZor: many forums said to add myself to the "audio" group....that has not worked still same problems after restart21:35
ctmjrKKSlider: your welcome and it is sudo update-manager -d sorry21:36
KKSliderah, ok then thanks21:36
nightcrowguntbert: must have missed it21:36
aayushhi all my ubuntu had grub which was showing sm problems for other os so i had configured lilo how can i can switch back to grub now plz i m new21:36
guntbertnightcrow: :)21:36
blackjakguys  I thought that sudo can do anything21:36
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blackjakhere is the output21:36
[fade]what is your question RajKhN21:37
blackjakwine: /home/gw/.wine is not owned by you21:37
aayushhi all my ubuntu had grub which was showing sm problems for other os so i had configured lilo how can i can switch back to grub now plz i m new21:37
[fade]do not run it as sudo blackjak21:37
[fade]blackjak run as user gw21:37
SmithKurosakiBut, if it's not owned by you, sudo should work21:37
blackjakI thought that root can do anything .21:37
[fade]SmithKurosaki  i tried via sudo few days ago, got same error21:37
SmithKurosakiNow, there are something that work strictly better while being pute root21:37
[fade]he must run it as gw21:37
blackjakeven execute programs that are not owned by the root21:38
ejaanyone know how to change the default options for pm-suspend?21:38
SmithKurosakiRoot is tres shint21:38
[fade]blackjak  gw= go wild ?21:38
andrew__hi, can somebody help me diagnose a crash, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be looking for in the logs, I'm running linux mint21:38
guntbert!gksudo | [fade] , blackjak21:38
ubottu[fade] , blackjak: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)21:38
aayushcan sm1 helpme21:38
SmithKurosakiaayush: What's up21:39
aayushsmith: hi all my ubuntu had grub which was showing sm problems for other os so i had configured lilo how can i can switch back to grub now plz i m new21:39
SmithKurosakiThe problem is that there are a lot of people here, so not everyone gets notices21:39
SmithKurosakism = some?21:39
heateranyone here good with audio problems in Ubuntu? My sound used to work, now I just get these errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/288088/21:40
SmithKurosakiOk, I need to go afk for ~5, pm me and I will read it when I am bacl21:40
guntbertandrew__: For the official channel join the irc.spotchat.org server | Forum : http://www.linuxmint.com/forum | Wiki : http://www.linuxmint.com/wiki | Web site : http://www.linuxmint.com21:40
Doc_Lappycan anybody tell me if a lets say 25 minute show will go on a cd, I want to save all the red dwarf episodes I can and thinking of just burning some instead of re dling all 8 seasons that took like 2 weeks if not more with my really slow connextion21:40
guntbertandrew__: mint is not supported *here*21:40
[fade]blackjak what is your job?21:41
andrew__@guntbert channel is virtually deserted, I would expect my problem to apply to linux mint though as it is based on ubuntu21:41
bastid_raZorheater: are you testing pulseaudio or alsa when this happens? one of the choices in the drop down should give you sound21:41
and0ris there a way to "alt-tab" in Irssi?21:41
[fade]and so on, 2,3,4,521:41
Out_Coldheater, it sems you are missing gstreamer plugins.. try and re/install them through synaptic or apt21:41
heaterbastid_raZor: none give me sound i "don't have access"21:42
guntbertandrew__: "based on " != "is", so ...21:42
[fade]aayush your grub is lost?21:42
aayushna its there21:42
[fade]i do not understand your question then21:42
aayushfade: i had ubuntu 8,04 n xp in my system21:43
[fade]aayush and ?21:43
andrew__guntbert: isn't kernel error logging the same though?21:43
aayushgrub was showing am problem for booting xp .. so my friend configured lilo for me .. still xp is not booting .. so i want to switch back to grub21:44
[fade]boot ubuntu cd and bring back grub21:44
heaterOut_Cold: I am reinstalling gstreamer packages now21:44
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aayushfade: hope u gt n idea nw21:44
[fade]for more info, use google21:44
[fade]there is load of howtos online21:44
Out_Coldheater, make sure you install the good, bad and ugly21:44
aayushthanx neway21:44
and0rAayush, I think you should type properly when asking for help. it's hard to understand you21:45
guntbertandrew__: I don't want to discuss - my only contribution was a pointer to some more appropriate places :-)21:45
aayushsryy i m new to irc thats y .. will get use to it21:45
heaterbastid_raZor: neither pulseaudio nor alsa work, but i need alsa because im using HDMI audio(which did work before what ever happened happened)21:45
andrew__guntbert: ok, thanks anyhow21:45
and0rit's not only irc, it's how you use shorten the words. :)21:45
heaterOut_Cold: ok i did, will i need a restart?21:45
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guntbert!u | aayush21:46
ubottuaayush: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.21:46
Out_Coldheater, you may have to restart alsa21:46
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:46
heaterOut_Cold: how do i do that?21:46
borg_I've a problem. apt-get, man, aptitude and other things appear to be broken. how can I reinstall them or the linux base?21:46
and0rnice bot :)21:46
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vigoaayush: The error is Windows will not Boot?21:46
Doc_Lappywell I can't find how to use ffmpg to convert avi to MPEG1 or MPEG2, do I not have something configured or not using it right, or does anybody use it enough to know, also be willing to use a gui to do it I just gotta get avi so I can play it on a dvd player21:47
Out_Coldheater, /etc/init.d/alsa restart maybe?21:47
lstarnesborg_: in what way are they broken>21:47
guntbertheater: what Out_Cold said, but with sudo :-)21:47
borg_broken as is someone removed some packages they should not have and as a result, they do not work anymore so i need to fix them somehow. :s21:47
loshaDoc_Lappy: what are you trying to convert from and to?21:48
pdxcan some help me learn how to install a .bin file?21:48
Out_Coldguntbert, i use ubuntu as a VM so i'm a little rusty on some commands21:48
lstarnesborg_: which packages were removed?21:48
DaZpdx: ./binfile21:48
guntbertpdx: what software are you trying to install?21:48
ActionParsnippdx: chmod +x <binfile>; ./<binfile>21:48
gunknowni want to know which version of a library will be in ubuntu 9.1021:48
lstarnesborg_: you could probably mount the system on a live cd and install packages that way21:48
and0ris the terminal window's transparent option just a fake one? it's not really transparent, just shows a part of the wallpaper.21:48
gunknownwhere can i check this?21:48
borg_lstarnes, to be honest I don't even know the full extent of what is missing.21:48
pdxtrying to install the rubystack from bitnami.org on a fresh 9.04 desktop21:48
lstarnesgunknown: which library package?21:48
aayushproblem that i am facing is may be my windows parttion is inside an extended partition that is why grub showing an error there21:48
Doc_Lappy.avi to .MPEG1 or .MPEG2 either one burning with k3b and won't allow .avi files apparently21:48
monster_borg_: reinstall the application via apt-get21:49
gunknownlibpurple and pidgin21:49
borg_lstarnes, well it's a VPS so live-cd is a not possible.21:49
vigoDoc_Lappy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78609521:49
guntbertOut_Cold: np, I didn't want to criticize - just a hint to heater21:49
Doc_Lappyjust found devede maybe I can figure out how to use it21:49
Doc_Lappythanks vigo21:49
lstarnesgunknown: /msg ubottu info PACKAGENAME karmic21:49
Out_Coldgunknown, i *think* both versions are 2.6.221:49
addisonj_hmm so i am backing up a machine using rsync... realized i forgot to add a --links switch, so symlinks are not being copied...21:49
aayushvigo : hi all my ubuntu had grub which was showing sm problems for other os so i had configured lilo how can i can switch back to grub now plz i m new21:49
pdxhere's my post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1285303&highlight=bin+file21:49
phoe61how do I find out the encoding used by the OS or filesystem?21:49
phoe61I know it is UTF821:49
loshaDoc_Lappy: yeah, devede should do it...21:49
prajjwalaayush, look at my PM21:49
aayushvigo:  problem that i am facing is may be my windows parttion is inside an extended partition that is why grub showing an error there21:49
heaterOut_Cold guntbert, says there is no such file or directory21:50
DaZphoe61: locale21:50
SmithKurosakiok I am back21:50
addisonj_debating if i should even bother with the sym links21:50
f00fSteRanyone here familiar with setting up openvpn... i needed to set it up on a production server and didnt wanna fuck up anything21:50
FloodBot3f00fSteR: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:50
monster_f00fSteR: build a dev box21:50
Out_Coldi usually run most of my commands from a root shell also, eliminating the need for sudo and repetitive passwords (my pass is over 15 characters) lol21:50
SmithKurosakiaayush: Are you saying that you have a windows partition that is not the first partition on the drive?21:50
phoe61DaZ: thanks, but locale gives LANG_* env variables and they all are en_IN21:50
f00fSteRmonster_: i have to get it out EOD21:50
phoe61that's language details.21:50
ActionParsnipOut_Cold: thats why sudo has a grace period21:50
heaterOut_Cold guntbert, nvm got it, but didn't fix anything21:51
gunknownok, thanks. Nice bot :D21:51
monster_f00fSteR: sounds bad21:51
DaZphoe61: i have encoding after this :f21:51
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vigoaayush: That is rather involved, fix-grub use to and maybe still does work.21:51
SmithKurosakiOut_Cold / ActionParsnip : Mine normally lasts until I kill the shell21:51
terryI want to write a script to automate a service. Is there a help page for this?21:51
stylistnvidia driver update went smoothly bastid_raZor, heater21:51
Out_ColdActionParsnip, yea that's fine and dandy till you wait 10 mins but a root shell imo serves it's purpose well21:51
guntbert!root | Out_Cold please don't recommend that here21:51
ubottuOut_Cold please don't recommend that here: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:51
ActionParsnipSmithKurosaki: the grace period is 10 mins default i think21:52
Out_Coldi wasn't lol21:52
loshaborg_: if stuff was removed via apt-get etc. there will be a log of all changes in /var/log/dpkg.log*21:52
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SmithKurosakiguntbert: At the same time, having a root shell does spare you entering your password more than once21:53
heaterOut_Cold, guntbert: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d2dc4ee72 here is the error of restarting alsa21:53
SmithKurosakiAnd it makes doing certain things easier21:53
vigoaayush: The point I cannot figure out on my own is what to do with that Lilo, maybe fix-grub will replace it, but it also may take some command line stuff that I am not aware of.21:53
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guntbertOut_Cold: the last guy running a root shell managed to chmod his complete /etc by accident :-)21:53
borg_losha, so if I check the log, get the apt-get version, do dpkg -i packagename-version it should install if I fetch the package manually?21:53
SmithKurosakiI can never remember what the actual command is for sudo nautilus thought21:53
Out_Coldlmao.. well fair enough, root shells are not for the light hearted21:53
guntbertheater: I'm not good with sound :-)21:53
ActionParsnipSmithKurosaki: gksudo ;)21:54
heaterguntbert: ok thanks :)21:54
SmithKurosakiThank yiu21:54
greensimianHey gang21:54
Out_Coldyea i'm not too great either.. maybe try reinstalling alsa?21:54
monster_f00fSteR: are you only trying to connect the server to a vpn?21:54
greensimianI moved my Ubuntu setup to new hardware and have some remaining issues.  Do I just shout them out here?21:54
guntbertSmithKurosaki: please read my last sentence which I sent to Out_Cold21:54
monster_f00fSteR: or are you trying to host the vpn?21:54
heaterOut_Cold: alright ill give that a shot, thanks for trying :)21:54
f00fSteRmonster_: host21:54
f00fSteRwe need it for 2-3 remote assholes21:55
loshaborg_: yes, but once you know what to reinstall, it's even easier is to just do apt-get install --reinstall <package>   Chances are the .deb package is still cached in /var/cache/apt/archives/ anyway, but if not, apt-get will take care of it. No need to manually download...21:55
guntbert!ohmy | f00fSteR21:55
ubottuf00fSteR: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.21:55
f00fSteRi just dont kno how to go about doing it without messing things up... i hear it's real networking voodoo unless you do it using openvz21:55
WhiteCrow1hi guys21:55
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!21:55
monster_f00fSteR: you dont have a virtual environment where you can throw up another instance of ubuntu?21:55
loshaf00fSteR: your users must just love you...21:55
greensimianDoes any one have experience wrestling the Nvidia gods?  I have my screen looking good at 1600x1280 but when I reboot it reverts back to 1280x102421:56
WhiteCrow1i want to remove complittly gnome , what can i do?21:56
spiderinstall KDE21:56
f00fSteRlosha: ohh my did i speak of them that way... lol c'mon i'm it they're marketing... would you have it any other way ;)21:56
f00fSteRmonster_: well openvz would create a virtual instance no ?21:56
Out_Coldspider, WhiteCrow1 just installling KDE does not remove gnome21:56
aayush vigo and smith: i have reinstalled grub lets see .. i ll go for a rebbot21:56
WhiteCrow1f00fSteR: i want use shell21:57
spiderwhiteCrowl: why completely remove it? just use KDE instead!21:57
guntbert!terminal | WhiteCrow121:57
ubottuWhiteCrow1: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal21:57
Out_Coldheater, "sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart" is what the command is i was looking for21:57
monster_f00fSteR: openvz looks like a better solution21:58
loshaWhiteCrow1: it can be done, but unless you are very short of space, it's not worth the bother...21:58
pdxI could use some help installing a bin file http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128530321:58
monster_if you gonna be running it on a production server that has multipe purposes21:58
SmithKurosakiYea, well amateurs shouldn't be constantly running one, but people who are more experienced it's not such a big deal21:58
loshaf00fSteR: kill them with kindness...21:58
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Out_Coldpdx, the proper way to start a binary is to cd <directory; ./binfile21:59
pdxyes I know but my issue is that it won't start21:59
WhiteCrow1ok tnx all of your guys21:59
joaopintopdx, what are you trying to run ?21:59
Out_Coldpdx, is that your post on the forums?22:00
pdxrubystack installer from bitnami22:00
artniehi guys22:00
Out_Coldpdx, you say that you are trying to install using "sudo filename.bin"22:00
joaopintopdx, have you set the binary +x ?22:00
lstarnespdx: try sudo sh filename.bin22:00
heaterOut_Cold: yea thanks, it looks as if everything is there...if i run a "lspci -v" my sound card says Capabilities: <Access Denied>22:01
pdxsudo sh installer.bin or ./installer.bin give syntax error "(" unexpected22:01
pdxoops wrong window :)22:02
heaterOut_Cold: i just think i need to have access to it then i will be fine22:02
Out_Cold0_o never run across that before.. maybe someone else can assist with that. Are you a part of the alsa group?22:02
heaterOut_Cold: yea just an fyi ;), no im not didn't know there was one22:03
aayushhi m back thanks i have restored my grub successfully22:03
sebsebsebKeiichi: hi22:03
Out_Coldheater, check out /etc/groups22:04
heaterOut_Cold: there are no alsa groups, checked :p22:04
Out_Coldsomething similar?22:04
heaternope, made audio because that helped some people, but not me22:05
Keiichiit is possible to control fan speed on ubuntu?22:05
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nsgnhowdy there. so i've read over the 9.10 stuff and am excited about the release...but i wonder most about the interface/theme. has it been tweaked or changed much?22:06
distrohopper Having problems with Linux Mint? Come to irc.spotchat.org (#linuxmint).22:06
sebsebsebnsgn: go to #ubuntu+122:06
icerootnsgn: try the beta-live-cd  also #ubuntu+1 fpr karmic22:06
jribdistrohopper: please don't do that22:06
nsgnsebsebseb: thanks22:06
LjLdistrohopper: i don't think we need that22:06
borg_man even man is broken..ug..22:07
distrohoppersomebody was asking about mint before.. I just made an alias for when somebody asks a mint question here.22:07
jbuhi all, what is a good/popular utility for burning and ripping to iso in gnome/ubuntu?22:07
jrib!mint | distrohopper22:07
ubottudistrohopper: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang)22:07
Kirschhey all, i need to configure sudo so that someone can run a specific script, however this script calls various other commands like rm and chown, is it possible to allow only access to this script and the commands that it runs would run as rot?22:07
icerootjrib: k3b, brasero22:07
Keiichii read something about "lm-sensors" application but this dodnt work, or i dont know how to use it22:07
distrohopperjrib & LjL.. when I see a @ by your name, I'll take your advice. thanks.22:08
jribdistrohopper: ok !mintsupport already exists.  And it's fine to point people to it like you did if they are using mint.  But say that to specific people that are asking for mint support.  No need to just announce it to the channel22:08
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fccfKirsch: running a script as root that calls other runtimes would just cause those runtimes to be run as root22:09
aayushall: i am facing one problem that my system  has one problem that my xp partition is inside an extended partition and while booting in grub it is showing invalid device requested. i have checked menu list its correct22:09
Neremorhello! I'm searching fora professional address administration software. I took a look at C.U.O.N. and think it's the right way, but i don't need support for network. This makes the softwarea bit unusable for simple and nice address management... can anyone suggest me any nice software for that?22:09
LjLdistrohopper: hi, i see you're keep to direct Mint users to the correct support channel! please, feel free to do it on a case-by-case basis22:10
vigoNeremor: Evolution22:11
bigbossHI EVERY BODY22:11
shaullxhow can i set my external monitor resolution to 1680x1050?22:11
Kirschfccf: thats the point, but i can control the script and i'm the only one who has access to modify it, i want somoene else to be able to run it22:11
shaullxi dont have that option22:11
DarAniaHi everyone22:11
Kirschfccf: as root22:11
Kirschfccf: its a website deployment script and it has to run some tasks as root22:11
andrew__hey, can someone help, my computer froze, only the mouse would move.. there's nothing in syslog, messages or kern and i've been told to check XOrg but I don't know what I'm looking for22:11
bigbossHI <DarAnia>22:11
KB1JWQthe_moose_from_c: Please don't do that. :-)22:12
heaterif someone can help me troubleshoot an audio  problem here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/288088/22:12
aayushhi please see my problem22:12
javatexananyone able to ssh tunnel to a windows server?  I am trying to go laptop(ubuntu)--->firewall--->linux server behind firewall--->windows server with shares.  Our VPN setup is terrible.22:12
Pistache`hi guys22:12
bigbossHOW ARE YOU <DarAnia>22:12
Neremoroff course i know evolution allready. It's not that i don't like it, but is there any software that is a bit more like the one companys use for their consumers database, for example?22:12
Pistache`anyone know why some pages on firefox make my xorg server reboot ?!!!!!22:13
monster_Pistache`: that sounds horrible22:13
monster_what a url that does it22:13
fccfKirsch: thinking around your problem ... in order for another user to run the script as root they would need to have sudoers access to run as sudo ... hmmm but you don't want to give that user root access ... am I understanding correctly??22:13
KB1JWQPistache`: That... shouldn't be.22:13
Pistache`one minute monster_22:13
KB1JWQPistache`: I'd check the x.org logs.22:14
andrew__hey, can someone help, my computer froze, only the mouse would move.. there's nothing in syslog, messages or kern and i've been told to check XOrg but I don't know what I'm looking for22:14
stylistCan I attach two monitors, two mice and two keyboards to my Ubuntu laptop, and have X let me use on monitor, whilst another person uses the other? totally separately22:14
Pistache`this one http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=33129622:14
KB1JWQandrew__: Usually "error" or "fatal"22:14
KB1JWQandrew__: Pastebin the log somewhere?22:14
aayushhey please look at my problem22:14
DarAniaI'm good, and You bigboss?22:14
andrew__KB1JWQ: lmao, new to IRC how exactly do I do that?22:14
bigbossFINE THANKS22:14
uboxis gnome uber better than kde?22:14
prajjwalaayush so are you in the Ubuntu Live CD now22:15
fccf!best | ubox22:15
ubottuubox: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:15
Kirschfccf: correct, i put this in and i think it worked: deployUser ALL=/path/to/deployScript22:15
Kirschfccf: is that safe?22:15
Kirschfccf: if i do sudo su as that user, it does fail, but i can run it22:15
uboxfccf: i was looking for real opinions22:15
monster_Pistache`: unforunately im at work, and cant test to see if it crashes me22:15
Keiichican someone help me with "lm-sensors"? http://tinyurl.com/2dnnwt   i am lost in "Make this file executable, then run it (mkdev.sh)" How to mkae executable file?22:15
bigbossDO YOU NEED ANY HELP DarAnia ?22:15
aayushprajjwal : thanks man i got my grub back22:15
Pistache`monster_: i'm sure it wouldn't22:15
mdkehi there22:16
Pistache`KB1JWQ: which files ?22:16
monster_Pistache`: it does use none english charactors22:16
fccfubox: Do NOT take polls in this channel ... This is support .. Not the Voting Ballot22:16
roby_buona sera22:16
aayushprajjwal : now the real problem  i ll paste it again22:16
DarAniaNo bigboss, just showing what is  irc to my friend :)22:16
monster_maybe you dont have a certain langauge package22:16
aayushprajjwal: all: i am facing one problem that my system  has one problem that my xp partition is inside an extended partition and while booting in grub it is showing invalid device requested. i have checked menu list its correct22:16
monster_just a guess22:16
KB1JWQandrew__: Don't EVER paste an entire log file into someone's PM without asking.22:16
n8tuserKeiichi-> to make a file executable,it has to be a script and chmod u+x22:16
KB1JWQ!pm | andrew__22:16
ubottuandrew__: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.22:16
Pistache`monster_: this problem appeared this morning22:16
KB1JWQ!paste | andrew__22:16
ubottuandrew__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!22:16
Pistache`monster_: i always read french pages22:17
roby_per l'taliano?22:17
uboxit's not #ubuntu-support, why can't i ask people what they think here?22:17
bigbossAHAA I was thing you are a new user like me22:17
pc2How do i break the password in Ubuntu ?22:17
bigbossfor lenux22:17
monster_Pistache`: have you checked xorg logs?22:17
Pistache`monster_: which files please ?22:17
Keiichiwhat mean chmoed u+x? How make it executable from file (text)22:17
prajjwalaayush pm me the result of your sudo fdisk -l22:17
joaopintopc2, what do you mean break, recover ?22:17
DarAniaI will go now, bye everyone:)22:17
fccfKirsch: I am assuming deploy is your sudo user ... the problem is it is running as deploy in the other user's terminal not sudo ... hmmm still thinking22:17
pc2I mean recover22:17
bigbossbye DarAnia22:17
n8tuserKeiichi-> man chmod  on a terminal for more details22:18
joaopintoprajjwal, support goes into the channel, with pastebin, not in private22:18
prajjwalor ... into pastebin ... sorry ...22:18
roby_come posso istallare un flash per ubuntu 9?22:18
monster_Pistache`: /var/log/Xorg.log22:18
pc2I mean recover the password22:18
joaopintopc2, you boot with a live cd, mount the installed system partition, chroot to ir, and use the passwd command22:18
afallenhopehey, I have a uick question. when I start up all I get is a black screen and a cursor nothing else. any way of fixing this?22:18
zenlunaticKeiichi: modify file permissions22:18
andrew__KB1JWQ: sorry about that, didn't realise... like I said... new to this http://paste.ubuntu.com/288120/22:18
Pistache`monster_: thnx22:18
joaopinto!it | roby_22:18
ubotturoby_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)22:18
FlannelPistache`: You can't recover it, but you can re-set it to something known: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword22:19
Flanneler, pc2 ^^22:19
pc2How do i mount the installed system partition ?22:20
Kirschfccf: what do u mean? if i put that in and do sudo /path/to/deployScript it should run it as root no?22:20
Flannelpc2: You don't need to.  Follow the instructions on that webpage22:20
Keiichisudo chmod +x mkdev.sh chmod: dont have acces to `mkdev.sh': No such file or directory22:20
Keiichiwhere i have to put this file22:20
aayushprajjwal : please check22:20
pc2wha page Flannel ?22:20
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Flannelpc2: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword22:20
zenlunaticKeiichi: is mkdev.sh in your current working directory, check with ls22:21
ronnie_vd_cdoes somebody know why WOL (wake on lan) is not working when the computer is turned off for 1 day, but works when the computer is off for about 5 minutes22:21
fccfKirsch: seeing what is posted here in post #2 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=219618 ... alter your script with sudo before each command and use the #NOPASSWD to allow access to sudo in your script ... when your script is run . It will not ask for a password for sudo commands22:21
Neremorpc2 Installed system? Your ubuntu installation? in the case that youre using your PC via this installation and not a live cd, it is allready mounted.22:21
ctmjrKeiichi: you need to be in the dir. or know the path to the file22:21
afallenhoperestarting the GDM doesn't so anything.. so anyone know what I can do to get my desktop back?>22:21
fccfKirsch: does that help?22:21
borg_lstarnes, thanks for the suggestions, but I managed to get things fixed up enough to recover :)22:22
borg_take care all.22:22
brandonc503_so im installing ubuntu and its aking what to use the partionson as.. ex3 or ex2 and several others.. and mount point...and something about space for swaping.. what should i put22:22
prajjwalaayush, open  gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst and paste everything in pastebin please22:23
emorrishi, i have a webcam which works fine in cheese and skype, however I want to use it with camstream. However, when I try to select a camera, none appear in the dropdown, and i get "CVideoDevice::CVideoDevice() could not query capabilities; is this really a video device?" in the debug. any ideas? i've heard that older applications rely on drivers doing decoding, but newer drivers don't but i don't know of any way round this22:23
monster_brandonc503_: start with swap and set it to same size as ram22:23
mdkeare there any security implications of using my ssh or gnupg keys from an Ubuntu persistent live cd?22:23
altf2obrandonc503 - if you're unsure, you can just have it do everything for you. If it's going onto it's own disk, just have it use the entire thing.22:23
monster_brandonc503_: then first partition set it to ext3 or 4 mount point /22:23
monster_brandonc503_: then the rest for ext3 or 4 and do /home for mount point22:24
brandonc503_thanx much22:24
fccfemorris: have you tried running camstream as gksudo .. perhaps there is a permissions thing when trying to access the camera22:24
monster_brandonc503_: / should be around 9 gigs22:24
Kirschfccf: yes it does, tahnks!22:24
pc2Thanks for helping me22:24
pc2Take care22:25
Kirschfccf: thanks again!22:25
RajKhNdon't need help anymore, thanks firecrotch ^^22:25
FloodBot3pc2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:25
emorrisfccf: same effect when running as root22:25
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blackjakhow to check the date creation of the directory?22:26
pc2take care22:26
fccfemorris: just a thought, cameras arn't really my specialty, although I have worked with a few, successfully and un-successfully , so I understand how you feel ... it's frustrating22:26
emorrisfccf: no worries, thanks for the tip; i hadn't thought of trying that22:27
fccfblakjak: ls -d will show the directory dates or file dates ... be one level up from your directory and do ls -d in termianl22:27
f00fSteRhey guys22:27
f00fSteRi'm installing openvpn... what is the difference between TUN and TAP ?22:27
afallenhopeAnyone here able to help or am I wasting my breath? As in should I come back later? f00fSteR join #vpn22:28
[manas]i got one question, im thinking to move on other hard disk (bigger one) it 300gb i was thinking to give for windows partiocion 80gb and rest for ubuntu but i dont know swap space should i give????22:28
monster_TUN devices provide routing mode and start a virtual point-to-point connection; TAP devices provide bridging mode and start a virtual network segment. The parameter ifconfig needs the two tunnel IPs when we are using tun devices, and the local IP along with netmask, when we are using tap devices.22:28
chris|f00fSteR, TUN is a layer 3 tunnel, tap is a layer 2 virual network interface22:28
altf2owhat happened to your desktop? What happens when you try to restart GDM?22:28
afallenhopeI was on my laptop, it shutoff on me, and then when it rebooted fsck exited with status 4 and told me to fix it . So I did that rebooted with a black screen and only a cursor.22:29
fccff00fSteR: more questions about VPN can be asked in ##openvpn22:29
brandonc503_the ex3 file system creation in partion #2 of scsi 1 0,0,0 sda failed...22:29
aayushall: please check i am not able to boot into xp and my grub is showing INVALID DEVICE REQUESTED22:29
afallenhopealtf2o when I restarted GDM I just saw a giant NVIDIA and then a black screen22:29
blackjakI see only a dot as output from ls -d22:29
jribblackjak: as you should...22:29
monster_brandonc503_: "ext3" ?22:30
jribblackjak: what were you expecting?22:30
altf2o[manas]: usual rule of thumb is give swap 1.5x the amount of RAM. Although from 2GB RAM and above, i just match it. So i currently have a 2GB swap file, which is probably much more than i'd need.22:30
blackjakto see the creation dates of the files and folders22:30
fccfaayush: try rootnoverify (hd0,4) ... just because it is sda7 doesn't mean it is the seventh partition22:30
smokiehey guys, is there a way to make the whole ubuntu os to use a v5 socks for everything?22:31
gartralhow do i determine my system's current submask/22:31
jribblackjak: that's impossible as ext does not save that data anywhere22:31
smokieafter starting an ssh tunnel in terminal22:31
ikoniagartral: ifconfig shows it22:31
altf2oafallenhope: if you completely reboot, it should try to start X and offer some options such as using default config, or less 'optimized' so you can fix it. Has that come up?22:31
blackjakit is a ntfs22:31
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afallenhopealtf2o no I just get a black screen with a cursor22:31
brandonc503_monster: yea i put on ext3 journaling file system.. you said "then first partition set it to ext3 or 4 mount point /"22:31
blackjakthe files system is ntfs22:31
SquirrelManThe power went out, and now Ubuntu won't boot, which is kinda sad, but whatever. Anyway, it's been giving the error "kinit: trying to resume from <huge filename>" followed by "kinit: no resume image, doing normal boot..."22:31
prajjwalaayush, change the rootnoverify into root and see what happens ....22:32
jribblackjak: well the -d switch to ls is not the proper way to do that.  Check ntfs-3g documentation I guess22:32
SquirrelManI tried the steps listed here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42287522:32
monster_brandonc503_: pm me22:32
ikoniaSquirrelMan: normal boot is fine22:32
SquirrelManikonia: It fails to boot22:32
SquirrelManwell, scratch that.22:32
ikoniaSquirrelMan: what is the error22:32
SquirrelManIt fails to start X.22:32
SquirrelManNo error after "doing normal boot..."22:32
ikoniaSquirrelMan: ok, that's a different thing, what is the error ?22:32
blueglassesanyone knows how to activate lpt1 on vbox?22:32
stylisti love ubuntu22:33
stylistso easy to use!22:33
SquirrelManNone. Just enters tty1 as if I requested it22:33
blueglasseswe all do :-)22:33
stylistbetter hardware support than fista22:33
greensimianHey gang22:33
gartralikonia: how do i tell ifconfi to use a different ip than the one provided by DHCP?22:33
ikoniaSquirrelMan: it's called vista22:33
greensimianDoes anyone have an Nvidia card?22:33
HeckleJeckleis there an imaging utility for ubu that allows transfer to machine with different hardware?22:33
ikoniagartral: you have to set it to a static IP22:33
ikoniaSquirrelMan: sorry - that wasn't for you22:33
SquirrelMangreensimian: I do22:33
gartralikonia:yes.. how..22:33
greensimianI loaded the drivers and now X isn't saving it's settings.22:33
afallenhopealtf2o I basically get NVIDIA in big large letters and then from there the spinning circle of the machine loading and then from there it goes to black screen and just a cursor. can't click or rclick22:33
f00fSteRchris| : thanks there brotha22:33
ikoniagartral: be aware, setting it to a static IP may drop you off your network22:33
blueglassesgreensimian, I do22:33
greensimianI set my rez to 1600x120022:33
[manas]altf2o, i got 2gb rams too , but some one told me what sawp space need to be big, even when i  inatlled ubuntu now by default on 80gb it took around 10gb for swap22:33
greensimianwhen I reboot it's 1280x102422:34
fccfgreensimian: have you run nvidia-settings as gksudo ... kinda helps22:34
greensimianMaking me a little nutty22:34
gartralikonia: im well awear it _will_ drop me, at least untill i hve my switch setup22:34
ikoniagartral: ok - so change it then22:34
SquirrelManikonia: I fear it has something to do with my NVidia card, actually22:34
greensimianso I was running sudo not gksudo22:34
altf2oafallenhope: i've never personally seen that, but perhaps restoring X may help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=296736 This may point you in the right direction.22:34
gartralikonia: HOW22:34
ikoniaSquirrelMan: yes, that's a reasonable assumption22:34
fccf!gksudo | greensimian22:34
ubottugreensimian: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)22:34
ikoniagartral: ifconfig can do it on the command line, but I assume you're using gnome so set it in gnome-network-manager22:34
aayushall: please check i am not able to boot into xp and my grub is showing INVALID DEVICE REQUESTED http://paste.ubuntu.com/288127/  http://tinypic.com/r/2zylqti/422:34
blueglassesgreensimian, try nvidia drivers22:34
teeheewhy does my usb drive seem full when its not22:34
SquirrelManikonia: Is it modprobe that lists running drivers?22:34
ikoniaSquirrelMan: correct22:35
altf2o[manas]: oh no, you don't need that at all. With 2GB RAM the most i would do is 3GB swap which is 1.5x your current RAM. You don't need 10GB.22:35
greensimianI'll give it a try :D22:35
HeckleJeckleis there an imaging utility for ubu that allows transfer to machine with different hardware?22:35
[manas]altf2o, how can i check my swap size now?22:35
greensimianblueglasses: I got hte Nvidia drivers installed and they look nice!  My Comiz stuff is really fast22:35
gartralikonia: you assume wrong, i had to remove the gnome network manager.. it was causing severe issues with my nic, i find the dhclient gets me up normally, but i have a bew switch that needs configing22:35
ikoniaHeckleJeckle: the hardware platform doesn't matter, the OS it's running does22:35
altf2o[manas]: if you need THAT much RAM for some specific application maybe scientific? You'd be much better off investing in more RAM and 64bit Ubuntu.22:35
ikoniagartral: then you'll have to either use ifconfig or hardcode it in /etc/network/interfaces file22:36
teeheei delete stuff off my usb drive but it still says that its full22:36
HeckleJecklei need to image a preconfiged os and deploy to various laptops and desktops22:36
[manas]altf2o, i got x86-64bit machine22:36
HeckleJecklesomething like acronis with universal restore22:36
HeckleJecklelooking for that for ubuntu22:36
ikoniaHeckleJeckle: that's different, you'll need to make sure your image is compatible with the target hardware22:36
iramedia_ hi am david from Venezuela needs help with Freevo 1.8.3 in Ubuntu since I installed it and I want you to be as friendly as possible and handle the program. first as local_conf.py to configure the audio and images in video see several directories on my hard drive and configure the second as part of the zsnes games already and I have also installed roms but I can not open22:36
HeckleJeckleikonia: what software can I look at?22:37
gartralikonia: will you please tell me *how* to use ifconfig to set the ip/22:37
[manas]altf2o, can u tell me how i can check my swap now?22:37
Lucifaneouscan one boot ubuntu from usb stick?22:37
altf2o[manas]: usually the easiest way is to run the 'top' program. The 'Swap:' value in the upper left is your swap file size.22:37
Lucifaneousor dvd?22:37
TheCheezeLucifaneous, yes22:37
ikoniagartral: check out the man page, the syntax is quite straight forward, device/ip/mask22:37
LucifaneousTheCheeze: ok, just download it22:37
fccf!usb | Lucifaneous (you can also put an ISO on DVD)22:37
ubottuLucifaneous (you can also put an ISO on DVD): For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:37
ikoniagartral: if you use ifconfig and have dhcp enabled, the next refresh it will overwrite your changes though, just be aware22:38
[manas]altf2o, sorry i didnt get u22:38
Prune_Under the Applications menu, does Add/Remove just add or remove apps from the menu, or does it install them on the computer?22:38
altf2o[manas]: and if you're already running 64bit then you can support more than 3GB so if you need more RAM see what your motherboard supports and upgrade. Honestly for normal use you do NOT need that much RAM. My workstation is an Intel Quad Q6600 w/ 2GB RAM and it's never reached it's limits.22:38
donkLucifaneous is a fuckin' faggot who hates his life22:38
SquirrelManikonia: It loaded drivers I had to blacklist to get the kernel to boot. Could this have been caused by the outage?22:38
jribPrune_: install22:38
Prune_I thought adaptic package manager was for installing onto the computer22:38
Prune_well how do I just add an installed appp to the menu there?22:38
altf2o[manas]: in a terminal window ("command prompt") type:  top  , look in the upper left for :  Swap: ......22:38
ikoniaSquirrelMan: doubtful, but possible22:38
ctmjriramedia_: there is a #freevo channel do not know how active it is22:38
unitheoryi'm partitioning with a separte home partition. how big should i make the / partition?22:39
ikoniaSquirrelMan: show me the output of "who -r" please22:39
afallenhopealtf2o I'll try that hopefully it'll fix it22:39
fccfPrune: System>preferences>menu editor22:39
okshmm, how can i adduser? when i write: adduser bruker1 -d /home/bruker1 -m -U -p testing123 it pops up the ls stuff.22:39
aayushall: please check i am not able to boot into xp and my grub is showing INVALID DEVICE REQUESTED http://paste.ubuntu.com/288127/  http://tinypic.com/r/2zylqti/422:39
SquirrelManrun-level 2, date, time, last=22:39
ikoniaSquirrelMan: ok, thanks, that was just a quick test22:39
Prune_ah!!!!!!!!!!! thank you fccf22:39
fccfunitheory: depends ... I usually do 20-40 gigs / and make home huge22:39
blackjakI can see the last modified date in the gui just not in the terminal22:40
ikoniaSquirrelMan: you're using an nvidia card you say ?22:40
unitheoryfccf, my drive is 20gb22:40
jriboks: what do you mean by "the ls stuff"?22:40
afallenhopealtf2o still no dice22:40
SpootI use a widescreen notebook and like to use a single taskbar on the right side. However, Window List freezes my panel if i have too many windows open on 1 desktop and the only other alternative is Window Selector which requires 2 clicks to switch between windows. Is there an alternate Window List i can use for a vertical panel? or perhaps a fix for the current one?22:40
SquirrelManikonia: Correct. It was a pain to install, and apparently it will be a pain to maintain22:40
fccfunitheory: server or Desktop?22:40
[manas]altf2o, i got amd2 64 bit 2.7 dual core 2gn rams u think it will be enought rams?22:40
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unitheoryfccf, desktop22:40
ikoniaSquirrelMan: why was it a pain, did you not use the hardware drivers tool ?22:40
oksjrib, : when i write that command it pops up many files. but dosent add user22:40
altf2o[manas]: should be just fine.22:40
jriboks: anyway, you should read the manpage for adduser.  It seems like you are using syntax for useradd, not adduser22:40
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woolcamisetas do ubuntu no brasil?22:41
fccfunitheory: thats seems really slim to me ... I'd personally do 12.5g / and 7.5 /home22:41
woolalguem sabe?22:41
SquirrelManikonia: It failed on the distribution of Fedora I was running, so I ended up installing latest Ubuntu with minor incident.22:41
bastid_raZorSpoot: possibly look into a dock? cairo-dock for example22:41
ikoniaSquirrelMan: but how did you install the nvida kernel modules in ubuntu22:41
emorrisanyone? getting a webcam to work with camstream?22:41
SquirrelManikonia: It's actually the reason I'm currently on Ubuntu.22:41
afallenhopealtf2o that didn't work. so I have no idea what the issue is. hmmm.. could it be a service that's running that's causing it? or a missing .config file or something?22:41
oksno, i am using adduser. it should work: adduser bruker1 -d /home/bruker1 -m -U -p testing12322:41
Lucifaneouswhy i never ran ubuntu before i dont know22:41
SquirrelManikonia: I downloaded the correct driver package and blacklisted the agpgart and intel drivers that were causing headache on boot22:41
gartralikonia: ok, so it it safe to ifup eth0 if it's already active ith dhcp?22:42
smokiehey guys, i need to undstand something about ssh tunneling,22:42
ikoniagartral: you don't need to do ifup - just ifconfig22:42
ikoniaSquirrelMan: you got the drivers from nvida.com ?22:42
fccfemorris: have you tried passing /dev/video0 to camstream .. like camstream /dev/video022:42
unitheoryfccf, thanks for the advice22:42
[manas]altf2o, ok thankx mate one more think i was thinking to do some server on the home network so people can put and take some data what shuold i use ftp?22:42
SquirrelManikonia: I believe so, yes22:42
NacHhi, I've got an nc10 with UNR 8.10 and my wifi has stop working suddendly can anyone talk with me to help ?22:42
smokieif someone is collecting data from the ISP itself, and i do an ssh tunnel to my box in the US from my ubuntu to surf in FF, the sniffer from the ISP wont get what im surfing?22:43
afallenhopealtf2o basically my desktop doesn't load..22:43
aayushall , has anyone seen my problem22:43
drbobbhello there, some recent update has caused my keyboard to go crazy - the up-arrow key now fires up the print-screen gadget. it's driving me crazy!!22:43
gartralikonia: this why i asked you if you could tell me how to set it up.. cause i barely uinderstand the developer jargon in the manuals..22:43
ikoniaSquirrelMan: then you've made a mess - ubuntu packages the nvidia drivers for you that are known to be compatible22:43
altf2oafallenhope: hmm, could be. I was hoping restoring would work since it seems you're having issues with the nvidia module specifically. If changing the driver to the original setting didn't work, something else is definitely up.22:43
ikoniagartral: check the man page, it's very straight forward syntax, device/ip/mask22:43
SquirrelManikonia: Not a single distribution will boot a liveCD correctly with my card.22:43
ikoniaSquirrelMan: did ubuntu ?22:43
tehbautanyone know how to use xrandr?22:43
ikoniaSquirrelMan: what card is it ?22:43
fccfsmokie: right ... kinda like an encrypted proxy22:44
tehbauttrying to rotate my display22:44
emorrisfccf: yeah, doesn't work. I don't think it allows any command line options. All the config seems to be done in the GUI settings page22:44
gartralikonia: to you maybe.. im both dyslexic and suffer asburgers.. to me, it's all greek22:44
SquirrelManIt's a relic, an GeForce FX 520022:44
drbobband i know my kbd breakage must be a gnome issue, cause no such thing happens in kde22:44
ikoniagartral: I'm telling you the synatix device/ip/mask22:44
NacHhi, I've got an nc10 with UNR 8.10 and my wifi has stop working suddendly can anyone talk with me to help ?22:44
TheCheezei've got less than that working with jaunty22:44
altf2o[manas]: depending on your needs i would look into SSH. I personally use Samba for network shares because it's the easiest to get working on all the platforms i have at home, Windows, Mac OS X, Linux.22:44
jake_In 9.04 I have an issue with the volume control slider.  It has to be at like 85% for be to begin to hear anything and it maxes out at 100%.  is there a way to have it so it utilizes the entire volume slider?22:44
NeurolysisHi, I just downloaded Ubuntu Notebook Edition for my Acer Aspire One (which the FAQ says it supports), but when I try to run 3D apps natively in Linux I get an error (WINE works emulating 3D games). I just checked my xorg.conf and I see "Configured Video Device" set as the identifier for "Device" -- is this right, or should I change it to 'intel'? If this is right, why can't I get 3D (for example 3D GNU chess) to work natively? Thanks. :)22:44
tehbauttried xrandr --rotate right22:44
bastid_raZorSquirrelMan: yes, i have the same card on 9.04 working fine. use the older driver offered in hardware drivers. the newer doesn't work22:44
ikoniaSquirrelMan: how did you install ubuntu if it didn't detect your card22:44
SquirrelManikonia: agpgart is in use, despite being on my blacklist22:44
altf2ousing SSH you can "secure FTP" if you're tied to FTP. I would shy away from FTP itself completely however.22:44
tehbauttried xrandr --rotate=right22:44
gartralikonia: in context, where does that sytntax apply?22:44
ikoniagartral: that is the syntax for ifconfig, device/ip/mask22:45
TheCheezei tihnk i had to use driver 94 with my old Geforce422:45
tehbautand --rotate="right"22:45
SquirrelManikonia: It did detect my card. The problem was, it also detected my Intel chipset, which can't be disabled in BIOS, only set to low priority22:45
fccfNeurolysis: there is a regression in some Intel cards in Jaunty ... see !intel22:45
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.22:45
blueyedj #ubuntu-devel22:45
ikoniaSquirrelMan: in the hardware drivers tool, did it offer you drivers ?22:45
Neurolysisfccf: thanks, i'll read that22:45
[manas]altf2o, i was thinking samba too but if sometime i need connect not from the network is it still gonna work?22:45
Spootbastid_raZor: i use a dock at the bottom and my panel to the right22:45
SquirrelManikonia: No, if I recall correctly.22:45
aayushfccf : can u please check my problem22:45
bastid_raZorSpoot: shouldn't the dock replace the window list?22:46
ikoniaSquirrelMan: and you went into system->administration->hardware drivers ?22:46
jake_In 9.04 I have an issue with the volume control slider.  It has to be at like 85% for be to begin to hear anything and it maxes out at 100%.  is there a way to have it so it utilizes the entire volume slider?22:46
thiebaudeSquirrelMan, did you let ubuntu search for the drivers?22:46
SquirrelManhaha, it never successfully loaded X.22:46
gartralikonia: acording to your information, ifconfig eth0/ should work, it doesnt22:46
thiebaudethanks ikonia22:46
SquirrelManThere was no System->22:46
altf2o[manas]: like connecting from outside your home network? Sure so long as you have your actual Internet IP handy, and if you're behind a router, have forwarded the appropriate Samba ports to your internal server.22:46
Spootbastid_raZor: i prefer to use the dock as a launcher and nothing more22:46
ikoniagartral: you don't use /22:46
ikoniagartral: I was just using that as a seperator for you - there are examples in the man page22:46
gartralikonia: YOU TOLD ME TOO22:47
gartraloops, sorry ikonia22:47
afallenhopealtf2o the module I'm using is glx... is that normal?22:47
SquirrelManthiebaude: I did at first, but it failed miserably.22:47
oksHow can i addusers? not working22:47
ikoniagartral: no, I was showing you the syntax / is just a seperator22:47
fccfaayush: I think that un-identified partition .. 9G /media/fatnew could be causing you some trouble for one ... and I am not sure you have the correct (0,X) number22:47
thiebaudeSquirrelMan, what OS are you using?22:47
bastid_raZorSpoot: right but once launched you should be able to click the icon of the launcher and it bring to focus the application22:47
SquirrelManthiebaude: Jaunty22:47
WhiteCrow1how can i see picture in shell?22:47
gartralikonia: your using a different man page than me, cause i swear there arent any clear cut examples22:47
SquirrelManThe real problem at hand is that my blacklist is being ignored.22:48
altf2oglx is a module X uses, it should be your "driver" however. The "/etc/X11/xorg.failsafe file lists:  Driver  "vesa"  under the "Configured Video Device" setting.22:48
jribWhiteCrow1: fbi I guess...22:48
SquirrelManIf I can fix that, it should work again22:48
sykif i dual boot ubuntu and arch linux can i share my /home partition?22:48
fccfoks: sudo adduser username22:48
SquirrelManBut modules I specifically blacklisted are in use22:48
* VCoolio wonders why irssi spawns immediately in ctrl-alt-f1 tty22:48
SquirrelManfccf: Thought it was useradd?22:48
thiebaudeSquirrelMan, can you do a sudo install nvidia-settings?22:48
drbobbhello again, can someone help me w/keyboard breakage in gnome?22:48
WhiteCrow1jrib:how can i see picture in w3m?22:48
[manas]altf2o, i never used samba i just heard it very good, is it working same way as ftp u just writing adress in a tool bar? sorry for this sily questions :)22:48
afallenhopealtf2o yeah I even tried the failsafe.. and that didn't work either22:48
Spootbastid_raZor: that only applies to the applications i have as launchers, if i have that enabled22:48
jriboks: I know your command said adduser, but you are not using the correct syntax.  Read what I told you last time please...22:49
Keiichin8tuser; zenlunatic; ctmjr: thanks for help, i mahe half of job, need to reboot system, i hope now fan speed control will work22:49
aayushfccf: dear i have already done that see my grub entry in the pastebin its 6 .The problem may be due to the extended partition hdc222:49
thiebaudeSquirrelMan, sudo apt-get install22:49
bastid_raZorSpoot: correct.22:49
jribWhiteCrow1: maybe?22:49
Spootbastid_raZor: not every application i use is on the dock22:49
SquirrelManthiebaude: It's set to manual.22:49
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gartralikonia: please dont confuse me with seperators that dont work in real life.. can i please have a basic, clear-cut example22:49
WhiteCrow1jrib: maybe what?22:50
FragsworthWhere is the terminal settings file? I want to back it up and restore it after I reinstall22:50
altf2o[manas]: essentially yes. It uses a slightly different syntax:  \\server\share  , so if your server is: , and you're sharing a "Music" folder, typing: \\\Music , in an address bar will pull it up.22:50
thiebaudeSquirrelMan, you dont have a system menu on the panel on top?22:50
SquirrelManthiebaude: In tty1?22:50
oksjrib, : Tried the different syntax also, not working. can you show me?22:50
tehbautso can anyone help me with the xrandr command?22:50
altf2oafallenhope: hmm, that's weird. My first guess is something's wrong w/ X itself, but again i've never seen this type of thing. If the failsafe isn't working though, i can't imagine that's good at all.22:50
thiebaudeSquirrelMan, ahh, ok22:50
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jribWhiteCrow1: it means it may be possible to view it in w3m.  I have no idea what you need to do.22:51
[manas]altf2o, but can i put like user and pass if i need?22:51
SquirrelManikonia, thiebaude: Until the NVidia and Intel drivers are done fighting it out, I have no X server.22:51
jriboks: sudo adduser NAME_OF_NEWUSER22:51
WhiteCrow1jrib: ok tnx for help22:51
SquirrelManThey would stop fighting if agpgart would stay blacklisted, but it was loaded anyway22:51
aayushfccf: you figured out something22:51
Spootbastid_raZor: it seems silly that they would leave the Window List panel applet bugged like that22:51
afallenhopealtf2o something about pulse not working..22:51
stylistWhat is the Ubuntu equivalent of what i use on windows 7: Adobe Creative Suite CS4 Master Collection?  I know there is GIMP/Photoshop, what about for Soundbooth, whats the best sound editor for Ubuntu?22:51
jake_In 9.04 I have an issue with the volume control slider.  It has to be at like 85% for be to begin to hear anything and it maxes out at 100%.  is there a way to have it so it utilizes the entire volume slider?22:52
altf2o[manas]: absolutely. I restrict public shares to known individuals or groups and assign a password to it. I also have personal shares that no one but myself can access, which are also password protected. Then i have public shares that people can just get from but not write to\delete etc.... It's really versatile.22:52
sebsebsebstylist: there might not be an equvilant as such,  but people do audio editing in audacity22:52
ikoniagartral: sorry - I dropped network for a second there22:52
fccfaayush: not sure .. as your order of disks are all over the place  ... something tells me it should be rootnoverify (0,5) ... accounting for it being the fifth actual disk on the drive22:52
stylistsebsebseb: I might try Audacity then22:52
ikoniagartral: it's ifconfig $device $ip netmask $number22:52
ikoniagartral: the $ are varibles for your data22:52
SquirrelManSo basically, I just need someone to trust me and help me figure out why blacklisted drivers are being loaded anyway22:53
[manas]altf2o, ok mate im going for samba22:53
altf2ojake_: for me i clicked the volume icon, then "Volume Control" then had to adjust "Front" up.22:53
drbobbhello, can someone point me in the right direction to solve broken keyboard handling in gnome?22:53
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fccfaayush: or rootnoverify (0,3) ... the extended thing screws with my head as it relates to my expierence with grub22:53
jake_altf2o:  Front is all the way up22:53
afallenhopealtf2o basically it loads .. but not the desktop itself..22:53
joaopintoSquirrelMan, black listed drivers will be loaded if you do a manual load22:54
afallenhopelike.. no icons, nothing. just a cursor22:54
Neurolysisfccf: whilst trying to do some stuff on that page, i keep on getting an error (doesn't seem to be fatal), "get fences failed: -1" -- any ideas?22:54
sebsebsebstylist: you can look through the repos for stuff, and that's where you should install stuff from really, but sometimes something inn't in the repos.  These two sites are good at giving you an idea  about the alternatives for Linux.  http://www.osalt.com http://www.linuxeq.com also you might be able to Wine the program you want to do and rather well.  Plus with enough RAM you can virtual machine Windows inside Ubuntu.22:54
stylistI hope `sudo apt-get install audacity` is the corrrect command to install Audacity on Ubuntu v9.04 sebsebseb22:54
SquirrelManjoaopinto: I'm not doing a manual load. Perhaps the kernel is when it fails to load the resume file?22:54
sebsebsebstylist: yes, but it might not be good enough for what you want to do22:54
stylistseemed to work sebsebseb22:55
geekbuntu_anyone know how to load linux drivers (that are for a fedora/rh - rpm) on ubuntu?22:55
sebsebsebstylist: I meant the program,  the command is fine22:55
stylistsebsebseb although i use adobe master collection cs4,  i just want to edit ringtones for my phone, and edit the access denied logon sound etc :)22:55
stylisti dont do much fancy shit22:55
fccfNeurolysis: No Clue, would need a lot more contextual information, and currently supporting 4-5 others doesn't give me time to check22:55
stylisti do some pro web development with dreamweaver though, shopping carts etc22:55
sebsebsebstylist: I think audacity is more for MP3 editing and that kind of thing, I don't use it personalley22:55
Neurolysisfccf: okay, thanks anyway. i'll do some more research into it. thanks again. :)22:56
fccf!ohmy | stylist22:56
ubottustylist: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.22:56
sebsebsebfccf: What?22:56
stylisti said the fancy s word sorry22:56
Neurolysissebsebseb: I think he is referring to your use of the S word.22:56
jake_In 9.04 I have an issue with the volume control slider.  It has to be at like 85% for be to begin to hear anything and it maxes out at 100%.  is there a way to have it so it utilizes the entire volume slider?22:56
NeurolysisOr rather, stylists.22:56
Neurolysiswrong ping.22:56
safruhanihi, if i install the karmic koala beta, when the stable version release, can i upgrade it from beta version to stable?22:56
SquirrelManJust as it did before I successfully installed the card22:57
sebsebsebsafruhani: ask in #ubuntu+122:57
safruhaniok thanks sebsebseb22:57
aayushfccf : i am pasting my bootinfo wait then u ll get the clear picture http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/288142/22:57
fccfsebsebseb: see what stylist said at 21:55:21UTC ... thats why !ohmy22:57
SquirrelManX gives this error: fatal server error: no screens found22:57
greensimianUgh, I hate Xwindows and Nvidia and Puppies.22:57
bastid_raZor safruhani yes, just update it like a normal weekly update..22:57
sebsebsebfccf: yep saw it, also I guess that factoid is better than !language22:58
roffecould anyone help me install quake 2?22:58
safruhanibastid_raZor: thanks a lot22:58
stylistsebsebseb: yeah audacity is fine for what i want, windows sound recorder wasnt22:58
gartral_ikonia: your feeding me bad info man... i tried  sudo ifconfig eth0 and it spat back SIOCSIFADDR: Invalid argument22:58
SquirrelMangreensimian: puppies, you say?22:58
sebsebsebstylist: good :)22:58
ikoniagartral_: no, I'm not feeding you bad information, you're not reading the info I gave you !22:58
greensimianSquirrelMan: Just kidding who couldn't love a puppy?!?!  But I am sticking with my guns on Xwindows and Nvidia22:59
ikoniagartral_: ifconfig $device $ip netmask $ip - the $'s are varibles22:59
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greensimianI have a new ION mobo and it's fast but X doesn't want to hold it's screen settings.22:59
SquirrelManI actually hate puppies. Noisy little devils.22:59
gartral_ikonia: please, can you give me a bash-usable example? PLEASE?!22:59
ikoniagartral_: I have given you two bash uable examples now22:59
greensimianSquirrelMan: Are you a kitty man?22:59
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SquirrelManOver puppies, certainly23:00
ikoniayou just have to change the $varibles for your own information23:00
SquirrelManBigger dogs are better. But not too big.23:00
jake_In 9.04 I have an issue with the volume control slider.  It has to be at like 85% for be to begin to hear anything and it maxes out at 100%.  is there a way to have it so it utilizes the entire volume slider?  Should I tinker with the playback devices?23:00
SquirrelManBack to Ubuntu. X is failing.23:00
Alex____Is there a way to somehow export packages so they can be put onto a system that can't access the internet?23:00
fccfsebsebseb: that's why I chose that factoid23:00
greensimianSquirrelMan: I isntall the Nvidia drivers and I can set the resolution to 1600x1280 but when I reboot it jumps back to 1280 x102423:01
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greensimianSquirrelMan: I even of the Nvidia-settings tool using gksudo23:01
thiebaudegreensimian, gksudo nvidia-settings and save the resolution as root23:01
sebsebsebfccf: See my pm :)23:02
jmadridHello Gang! I have yet another problem...23:02
gartral_ikonia: putting numbers to it, ifconfig eth0 should work, right?23:02
greensimianthiebaude: I did the, same things happen.  I even looked around for another xorg.conf just to make sure there was no sillyness in my pathing.23:02
FragsworthDoes anyone know where the settings files for the terminal are stored?23:02
jmadridHow to make my Logitech QuickCam work.23:02
jribFragsworth: gnome terminal you mean?23:03
ActionParsnip!webcam | jmadrid23:03
ubottujmadrid: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras23:03
jmadridThis is so frustrating when you don't speak in thounges..23:03
thiebaudegreensimian, save to x configuration file?23:03
ikoniagartral_: no - why are you not reading what I'm putting23:03
clearscreenI know there's no such thing as 'best', but what would be the most popular GTK newsreader?23:03
ikoniagartral_: why have you missed out the word netmask like in the examples I'm giving you23:03
greensimianthiebaude: yes, I save it in /etc/x1123:03
thiebaudegreensimian, ok23:03
jribclearscreen: popcon.ubuntu.com23:03
thiebaudegreensimian, which nvidia?23:04
afallenhopeMan, this is so annoying. Any ways of fixing this? Basically I can "boot up" I get a cursor and that's it.. no panels no desktop I can't right click. I've tried repairing xserver.. anyone?23:04
jribclearscreen: ask bestbot in #ubuntu-bots as well what the best newsreader is23:04
gartral_i am.. as best as my brain knows how to decipher it23:04
gartral_i am.. as best as my brain knows how to decipher it23:04
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Alex____Is there a way to somehow export synaptic packages so they can be put onto a system that can't access the internet?23:04
ikoniagartral: you just have to copy and paste the line I gave you and replace the $varibles23:04
jribafallenhope: create a fresh new use rto troubleshoot23:04
jrib!offline | Alex____23:05
ubottuAlex____: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD23:05
greensimianthiebaude: 185.1823:05
ActionParsnip!aptoncd | Alex____23:05
ubottuAlex____: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline23:05
ikoniagartral: you don't even have to think23:05
* jrib high-fives ActionParsnip23:05
thiebaudegreensimian, thats the driver i use in 9.1023:05
afallenhopejrib huh? please explain23:05
jmadridAnyone has an idea?23:05
thiebaudegreensimian, in 9.04 i used 18023:05
clearscreenjrib: great! 1 out of 3 people (with a total of 3 submissions) said pan :D23:05
jribafallenhope: create a new user and see if the problem happens there as well23:05
* ActionParsnip hi5s...then celebrates23:05
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greensimianthiebaude: Think a downgrade might help?23:06
jribjmadrid: I have lots of ideas...23:06
thiebaudegreensimian, your on 9.10?23:06
afallenhopejrib how?23:06
fccfaayush: looking at your last paste .. I see some errorage ... it says that /dev/sda6 was the generated partition for your windows partition ... I believe it selected the wrong drive (being the first one which isn'23:06
fccft C:23:06
greensimianthiebaude: 9.0423:06
ActionParsnipjmadrid: the webcam will be setup using the webcam factoid ubottu gave23:07
thiebaudegreensimian, ok23:07
patch-tagon ubuntu jaunty, problems connecting to internet via nm-applet. for some reason, I don't get an enabled "connect" button till I type in 8 characters for password. and password is 6 chars long. wtf?23:07
zerocoolHI ALL23:07
thiebaudegreensimian, did you have ubuntu search for the driver in hardware drivers?23:07
jribafallenhope: can you login at tty1?23:07
zerocoolALOHA ALL!!!123:07
thiebaudegreensimian, i chose the recommended driver23:07
jribzerocool: hello23:07
afallenhopejrib yes.23:07
fccf!caps |zerocool23:07
ubottuzerocool: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.23:07
jribafallenhope: sudo adduser NEW_USER23:07
zerocoolALOHA jrib23:07
ActionParsnip!hi | zerocool23:07
ubottuzerocool: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!23:07
greensimianthiebaude: Nope, it didn't detect anything...that's why I went to Nvidia to download the driver.23:07
thiebaudeah ok23:08
zerocoolhow  are you23:08
afallenhopejrib okay but how do I login as him.. I have it to automatically login as me..23:08
greensimianthiebaude: On my old hardware I had an older Nvidia card and it worked great.23:08
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jribzerocool: /join #ubuntu-offtopic for chatting please.  This channel is just for support23:08
zerocoolIneed help23:08
greensimianthiebaude: Now I have a ION based board and it's nothign but sadnesss23:08
jribafallenhope: disable that then (edit /etc/gdm/gdm*.conf23:09
jribzerocool: just ask your question then23:09
NeurolysisWoah, lowercase please.23:09
ikoniazerocool: no such thing as ubuntu 2.223:09
jribzerocool: a driver for?23:09
thiebaudegreensimian, i got the lanparty nf4 motherboard and its great for ubuntu23:09
ikoniazerocool: stop with the caps - you've been asked twice now23:10
jribzerocool: try System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers23:10
ActionParsnip!caps | zerocool23:10
ubottuzerocool: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.23:10
scyxhi, how do you guys do clean installs of new ubuntu releases? is it possible to get a list of all the packages you installed (not dependencies or preinstalled ones though) and how do you deal with all the reconfiguring that has to be done?23:10
bazhangzerocool, was this ubuntu ultimate or other such derivative?23:10
afallenhopejrid that seemed to allow me to get in!!! so it has to be a configuration issue. any idea on what I would have to "delete" in my default account?23:11
ActionParsnip!broadcom | zerocool23:11
ubottuzerocool: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx23:11
joaopinto!clone | scyx23:11
ubottuscyx: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate23:11
zerocoolultimate edition 2.2 for adm x8623:11
patch-tagok, actually looks like 6 char passwords aren't allowed, it was a longer password. but I still have a problem. wpa & wpa2 personal is the only thing allowed in the "wireless security" dropdown. I choose "show password" to make sure I'm typing t right. connect, connect fails. and show password is now some kind of hashed value, not what I typed.23:11
zerocoolwireless not work23:11
* thiebaude back i goto #ubuntu+123:11
jribafallenhope: not really sure, try ~/.gnome ~/.gconf stuff23:11
jribafallenhope: just rename, don't delete and then try to narrow it down23:11
ikoniazerocool: ultimate edition is not made by ubuntu - and not supported here, check the ultimate website for more info for support23:11
zerocoolmy wireless is a broadcom 432823:12
zerocoolfor is derivate of ubuntu23:12
ikoniazerocool: ultimate edition is not supported here, it's not an ubuntu product23:12
ActionParsnip!broadcom > zerocool23:12
ubottuzerocool, please see my private message23:12
afallenhopeokay. doesn't seem to be the .gnome folder23:12
zerocoolso good but I also with ubuntu 9.0423:13
zerocooland nothing23:13
ikoniazerocool: you're using ultimate edition, it's not supported here, check the website for support info23:13
MadSeaDoghi folks ive just resized a ntfs partition... (windows xp boot) but now when i try to boot i get please insert boot device.. something like this...23:13
zerocoolok so23:13
ActionParsnip!ultimate | zerocool23:14
ubottuzerocool: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes; please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ultimate Edition23:14
yusahi everyone23:14
ActionParsnip!hi | yusa23:14
ubottuyusa: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!23:14
MadSeaDogGparted  i do not detect any partition.. how can i resolve it^23:15
NeurolysisMadSeaDog: Isn't that a Windows issue?23:15
afallenhopejrib I tried renaming .gnome .gnome2 and .gconf with the suffix _broken and still unable to login with a desktop23:16
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)23:16
William-Gentoois there any package can help people to learn english words?23:16
jribafallenhope: begin a binary search :)23:16
MadSeaDogNeurolysis,  well m in Ubuntu live cd trying to solve it... gparted from ubuntu do not detect the partition... any way to make it detect^23:16
darkenergyi've got two hosts behind NAT and i need ssh access23:17
darkenergythe only solution that comes to mind is a server with a public IP on the net23:17
darkenergyi'm considering something like an Amazon EC2 instance as an intermediary23:17
darkenergyanyone know of a better alternative?23:17
FloodBot3darkenergy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:17
afallenhopejrib huh?23:17
ActionParsnipMadSeaDog: maybe your hdd controlers need extra drivers, or need acpi disabling to get working23:18
ikoniadarkenergy: two hosts sharing a nat = not going to work for incoming ssh23:18
ActionParsnipdarkenergy: use portforwarding / virtual server23:18
darkenergyActionParsnip, virtualserver?23:18
smokiehey guys, if someone is sniffing packets from the ISP itself, and i do an ssh tunnel to my box in the US from my ubuntu to surf in FF, the sniffer from the ISP wont get what im surfing?23:18
ActionParsnipdarkenergy: some routers call port forwarding, virtual server23:19
MadSeaDogActionParsnip,  this hdd work well before i resize the partition... now no detect from gparted... and can<t mount sda either...23:19
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joaopintosmokie, it will get the encrypted traffic23:19
mordofwhat is the super button (talked about in compiz config)23:19
jpdsmordof: The windows key.23:19
mordofooh, thought so. ty :)23:19
ActionParsnipMadSeaDog: does it show up i: sudo fdisk -l23:19
scyxjoaopinto: that !clone info doesn't help much since i just want to have those packages that were installed by me, not as dependecies.. is it possible to get a list of those packages?23:19
smokiejoaopinto, so he can still see the traffic going out/in, but they cant read it?23:20
William-Gentoois there any package can help people to learn english words?23:20
darkenergyActionParsnip, i'm not in control of the routers, both machines are being NATed different ISPs, I need to get access from one to the other23:20
ActionParsnipdarkenergy: port forward port 22 on the router to port 22 on the internal system23:20
joaopintoscyx, you should be able to get sucha a list because that info is kept internally, however I don't know how to obtain it :\23:20
MadSeaDogActionParsnip,  no...23:20
ActionParsnipMadSeaDog: i'd run: dmesg | less    to see whats going on23:21
gartralalright ikonia im sorry for being such a dunce... i just saw i needed the word "netmask" in there.. >.> boy do i feel stupid23:21
joaopintosmokie, they can read the encrypted traffic, they will not be able to decrypt it unless they have the private ssl keys23:21
ActionParsnipdarkenergy: i see, so do both systems have a WAN IP?23:21
smokiejoaopinto, and thats not easy to obtain obviously?23:21
darkenergyActionParsnip, you mean the shared IP visible on the public internet?23:22
joaopintosmokie, right23:22
ActionParsnipdarkenergy: do they both have a 192.168 type address or do they have a non class C address?23:22
darkenergyActionParsnip, 192.168.x.x is just right23:23
scyxah okay, so a question to everybody: is it possible to get a list of all the packages I installed (NOT dependencies or preinstalled ones, just those I specifically selected to be installed)23:23
MadSeaDogActionParsnip, well a lot a stuff come from this...23:23
nineclockhi how can i create sfv files ?23:24
ActionParsnipMadSeaDog: yes, its the log of your PC loading up, read through to see when your drives get detected (if they are)23:24
frednachhi, is there a way to copy the last shell output on the current shell line with only the keyboard ?23:25
MadSeaDogActionParsnip,  it dont ...23:25
ShaunRi would like to talk to sombody over at ubuntu.com about donating a server to the project.  Anybody around here i can talk to?23:25
ActionParsnipdarkenergy: ok then you can just ssh to the address of the other system if they are using the same address23:25
IdleOneShaunR: email links are on ubuntu.com23:25
unopscyx,  sudo zgrep "status installed" /var/log/dpkg.log* | awk '{print $5}' | sort -u23:25
ActionParsnipMadSeaDog: it will if the drive gets detected, if not then you should check in bios to make sure the drive is detected23:25
MkaMadSeaDog: are you having a second HDD?23:25
MadSeaDogMka,  no ...23:26
darkenergyActionParsnip, 2 different ISPs, i assume I can't ssh to on the other side of the internet23:26
unopscyx, actually on second thought, that does list dependencies too23:26
BilgeCan someone who uses grub run `which grub-update` and let me see the output?23:26
DigitalKiwiunop: oh man that is ugly23:27
frednachhi, is there a way to copy the last shell output on the current shell line with only the keyboard ?23:27
unopDigitalKiwi, ok?23:27
DigitalKiwipacman -Qe23:27
DigitalKiwithere, done23:27
ActionParsnipdarkenergy: no as its a class C network23:27
bastid_raZordarkenergy: you would need to forward port 22 (or have ssh listen on another port since some isp's block 22) to each box on their respective router23:27
DigitalKiwioh right you use dpkg, fail ;D23:27
MkaMadSeaDog: try "ls /dev/sd*" and/or "ls /dev/hd*" and see if you cannot see anything23:27
unop!ot | DigitalKiwi,23:27
ubottuDigitalKiwi,: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:27
MadSeaDogActionParsnip, allright gonna get there...23:27
ActionParsnipdarkenergy: you will need to setup port forwarding or you could use a VPN23:27
jmadridI still find it complicated... I switched to Xubuntu on this machine because it runs so much better than Windows! I mean, Windows doesn't even crawl here and Xubuntu runs..23:27
jmadridBut everything23:27
jmadridis so hard..23:28
DigitalKiwiunop: meh, not my fault your package manager can't do something as simple/common as that :P23:28
unopDigitalKiwi, and you should read his question again - a little more carefully too23:28
max__Hi, I downloaded "nautilus-image converter extension", however when I try to flip an image through nautilus it tells me I don't have sufficient privileges. http://pastebin.com/m33fe130723:28
darkenergyVPN to where?23:28
ActionParsnipjmadrid: only because its different23:28
jmadridI guess I'll continue tomorrow.23:28
MadSeaDogMka,  well strange thing there is sda ,sdb, sdc, sdd23:28
ActionParsnipjmadrid: i find windows hard23:28
unopDigitalKiwi,  dpkg -l  - is obviously not what he wants23:28
jmadridWell, not reeally. All those commands, sudo, etc...23:28
DigitalKiwitring to find his question23:28
jmadridyou don't have to deal with all that to install a webcam in Windows.23:28
ActionParsnipjmadrid: it took me an hour to install sound drivers and increase the page file on vista23:29
MkaMadSeaDog: well interrogate  sda23:29
stylisti like how ubuntu can sticky any window always on top easily... unlike windows23:29
jmadridYeah, but probably reading words.23:29
ActionParsnipjmadrid: all my hardware works 100% out of the box in linux23:29
afallenhopefigured out the issue23:29
afallenhopewas .pulse23:29
jmadridI mean, I am an average joe... not a technical user.23:29
MadSeaDogMka,  interrogate^23:29
ActionParsnipjmadrid: ubuntu is for the average user23:29
DigitalKiwi  -e, --explicit       list packages explicitly installed [filter]23:29
DigitalKiwiiirc that's what he asked23:29
MkaMadSeaDog: try "sudo cfdisk /dev/sda", press Q to exit23:29
jmadridYet my webcam STX doesn' t work23:29
jmadridand to make it work I have to go into the terminal, which I have to first know, how to work around it..23:30
cgardnerIs it possible to mirror the repository for multiple ubuntu versions?  If so, do I just add the repositories to the mirror.list?23:30
MadSeaDogMka,  fatal error cannot open disk drive23:30
MkaMadSeaDog: wow23:30
jmadridand then read and type words I dont understand.. I mean.. I'm cool with Linux... I just wish it was simpler.23:30
ActionParsnipjmadrid: there are guides online with the commands you need to run23:30
gbear14275I just got an upgrade notification but 9.10 isn't released until later this month... Is this normal?  I did have a 9.10 beta live cd in my tray... is this perhaps what might have prompted the upgrade request?23:30
ActionParsnipjmaif you run:  lsusb23:31
MkaMadSeaDog: did you use "sudo"?23:31
ActionParsnipjmadrid: if you run:  lsusb23:31
MadSeaDogMka,  yeah...23:31
ActionParsnipjmadrid: you will see an 8 character hex IS you can websearch  for23:31
jmadridFor example, Ubunto support says:  adjust launching one typical application with the described problem follows.23:31
afallenhopeSo if anyone wants to know the issue was my .pulse folder. I renamed it and it worked.23:32
jmadridThen it says: Go to main menu, System, Preferences, Menus: Applications, Internet, Items: Skype, Properties, and replace the Command with23:32
MkaMadSeaDog: that looks like you dont have enough permissions23:32
gbear14275anyone else get a huge list of upgradable packages today?23:32
jmadridBut where is Main Menu, system, preferences, etc?23:32
MadSeaDogMka,  any suggestion^23:32
MkaMadSeaDog: what is exactly given by "sudo fdisk -l" ?23:32
ActionParsnipjmadrid: does the webcam work in cheese?23:32
MkaMadSeaDog: is it just nothing?23:32
jmadridWHat is cheese?23:32
MadSeaDogabsolutely nothing...23:33
ActionParsnip!info cheese | jmadrid23:33
jmadridWell... got to go anyways! Thanks for reading my cryout!23:33
ubottujmadrid: cheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.26.0-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 2742 kB, installed size 5084 kB23:33
DigitalKiwiDescription    : Use your webcam to take photos and videos, apply fancy special effects and share the fun with others23:33
jmadridI'll deal with it another day.23:33
DigitalKiwicheese ^23:33
SquirrelManYay, I fixed it23:33
gbear14275anyone get an upgrade window today?23:34
darkenergyActionParsnip, bastid_raZor: apparently i have no choice but to pay for a server with a public IP and forward ssh from both hosts to it23:34
DigitalKiwigbear14275: lots of people apparently23:34
gbear14275DigitalKiwi: may I ask was it supposed to happen?  or is this an error?23:34
DigitalKiwii dunno23:34
MkaMadSeaDog: try "sudo su" and then "fdisk -l" afterwards23:35
MadSeaDogMka,  still nothing23:35
MkaMadSeaDog: if you dont mind, pastebin your dmesg23:36
mgv3hi - my spell checker isnt working while i was already removed the second spell check in another language that may cause a clash - how can i make xchat having a spell check?23:36
MadSeaDogMka,  just plain not detected...23:36
ActionParsnipMadSeaDog: check bios23:36
MkaMadSeaDog: so you are on Live CD now?23:37
bastid_raZordarkenergy: are you sure the isp isn't blocking port 22 which is why you can't get through? my isp blocks it so i use port 222223:37
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MadSeaDogMka,  yeah on live cd....23:38
Guest73696my sound is not working on ubuntu23:38
Guest73696someone give me an idea23:38
darkenergybastid_raZor, there are 2 ISP's involved, both using NAT, none of the hosts has a public IP address23:38
MkaMadSeaDog: I guess do as ActionParsnip suggests23:38
MadSeaDogMka,  gonna go see there if i can make bios detect it...23:38
bastid_raZordarkenergy: also you can use dyndns and ddclient to get a dns for a dynamic ip23:38
MadSeaDogthanks folks23:38
MkaMadSeaDog: good luck23:39
scar3crowquestion: how do I set ktorrent as my default torrent application?23:39
DigitalKiwi<3 dyndns/ddclien23:39
mika_videoto check if a port in your PC is reacable from the outside (public internet)) try this page: http://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd223:39
n8tuserdarkenergy-> kindly draw the network layout so its easier for us to understand your connectivity, paste it in pastebin23:39
bastid_raZordarkenergy: you have the router forward your ports.. but i'm unfamiliar with the full workings of NAT .. i may be missing something23:39
darkenergybastid_raZor, the IP's are not dynamic, they're private23:39
frednachhi, is there a way to copy the last shell output on the current shell line with only the keyboard ?23:40
roffeI've got problems installing q2, could anyone help? it says I should write: echo \#\!/bin/sh > quake2_, but it doesn't work23:40
bastid_raZordarkenergy: i didn't know an ip could be 'private' ..23:40
optimizeris there anyway, through xset, to make the mice less sensistive?23:40
frednachhi, is there a way to copy the last shell output on the current shell line with only the keyboard ?23:41
bastid_raZordarkenergy: if you go to  whatsmyip.com you should get an IP. yes?23:41
mika_video<frednach>: I don't know, but as a workaround: press up, edit the line like: echo "whatever you want to copy from the last command" >somefile.txt23:41
n8tuserfrednach-> why not redirect the output like so    cmd1 > file.txt  and then cat file.txt23:41
darkenergybastid_raZor, they are private IP address ranges:, etc, they're used for hosts that can't be accessed directly from the internet23:41
darkenergybastid_raZor, these hosts connect via a proxy23:42
Doc_Lappyk found it thanks23:42
n8tuserdarkenergy-> kindly draw the network layout so its easier for us to understand your connectivity, paste it in pastebin  <--- do this please23:42
darkenergybastid_raZor, all PCs using that ISP have the same public IP address23:42
bastid_raZordarkenergy: ah, then your network set up is beyond my ability. best of luck23:42
mordofi enabled cube gears in compiz.. wondering how to view it23:42
distrohopperset transparency on your desktop cube when rotating23:42
mordofah, k23:43
frednachn8tuser: what i mean is to avoid using the mouse for copy/paste and i owuld like to be able to get the data directly on my new shell line23:43
mika_video<darkenergy>: if really some ISP's are still doing that (giving private 10.*.*.* or 192.168.*.*) IP's to their customers, my advice: switch to another ISP if you can!23:43
n8tuserfrednach->  what if the output is far too long? do what i suggested and you'll manage23:44
foundry87I got a new computer. Is there a way for me to transfer over all my programs/settings to the new one easily?23:44
roffewhat does "echo \#\!/bin/sh > quake2" mean?23:44
mika_videoif you cannot, then your only choice to accept connections from outside is using another PC wuith a publicly accessible IP as a proxy23:44
soreaumordof: You have to set Opacity to something other than 100 in ccsm>Desktop Cube>Transparent Cube23:44
mordofsoreau: mhmm :D i found it, ty23:44
mordofsoo cool23:44
soreaumordof: Note that doing so will use more cpu23:44
Flannelroffe: It's going to make the file "quake2" with "#!/bin/sh" in it23:45
scyxso does anybody have any other ideas how to get a list of all the packages I specifically selected to be installed (NOT dependencies or preinstalled ones). i see that synaptic has a "history" of installed/deleted etc packages, might it be possible to use that somehow?23:45
scyxand synaptic seems to have a "save markings" and "create download script" option too, but those only create empty files =/23:45
mordofsoreau: *shrugs* i've got a fast computer. compiz isn't dropping below 300fps with a good number of the features enabled at once23:45
ctmjr!clone | foundry8723:45
ubottufoundry87: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate23:45
mordofi'm installing the fglrx drivers currently so it actually uses my video card though23:45
mika_video<darkenergy>: also: if you want to connect between two provate IP PC's that are on a different network, then you really need a third PC to act as a proxy. But if one of them is with public IP. you need to initiate the connection from a PC that has private IP TO a PC that has a public IP.23:46
mordofor the VPU or whatever the change is23:46
foundry87ctmrj: Thanks :)23:46
ctmjrfoundry87: your welcome23:46
darkenergymika_video, i know all that, i was looking for a recommendation for a 3rd party service. I've just signed up for Amazon EC2 and will use an instance for that23:47
mika_videoSome software packages work despite this (for example: Skype). But they do it by using other Skype user's PC as a proxy, and with Skype, this happens automatically.23:47
deejaydblock1When I try to upgrade from Jaunty to Karmic, why isn't there an "Upgrade" button on the Update Manager?23:48
mordofok.. hmm  i installed the flgrx from the synaptic package manager, didn't require an update.  will it switch the driver being used when i restart, or do i need to do something more to get it to switch over23:48
dandamanso who's good at C?23:48
KeiichiHi again. how to give premission without "root" account to execute: echo 100 > /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/device/pwm123:48
dandamanhell, you dont have to be good, im a beginner :\23:49
Keiichi"sudo" didn't work23:49
fccfdandaman: you might get better responses in #gcc23:49
Keiichivithzerai@vithzerai-ubuntu:~$ sudo echo 100 > /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/device/pwm123:49
Keiichibash: /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/device/pwm1: Permission denied23:49
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Rods_Tigerwhen making a liveusbstick, what exactly is that slider at the bottom doing?23:50
ianm_does anyone have SHMConfig working in 9.04 (direct access to raw absolute x/y data from touchpads)?23:50
mika_video<dandaman>: actually I am not s good at C... but at least I have tried to learn enough of it to be able to interface between a .so written in C and an app written, for example, in Free pascal ( note for C programmers: the original Pascal language as defined by some very old ISO standard has been dead for over 20 years now. When someone says "Pascal" today, it really means Objectpascal, the difference being even bigger than between C and C++ ! )23:51
deejaydblock1When I try to upgrade from Jaunty to Karmic, why isn't there an "Upgrade" button on the Update Manager?23:52
bastid_raZorKeiichi: i believe it is : echo 100 | sudo tee -i /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/device/pwm123:52
dandamani need to know how to take user input from the terminal23:52
dandamana number23:52
dandamanand turn it into an int23:52
dandamansomething with putchar im guessing23:52
dandamani just cant do it23:52
Picidandaman: C programming help can be found in ##C23:52
Keiichibastid_raZor: You are great!!! Thank you very much! it working!23:52
ablyssdandaman, if the terminal is using bash, maybe help in #bash23:53
mika_video<dandaman>: my guess: if you really need to do that in C, use atoi() ... otherwise I'd do it using freepascal (which, despite the name, is actually Objectpascal. But unlike Java, Objectpascal does not force objects down your throat !)23:53
commander__i need help please i have no sound23:53
petersonhello; I'm testing out 9.10 and in order to upgrade apt-get asks me if I want to remove libgd2-noxpm and replace it with libgd2-xpm (partial upgrade thing). Does anyone know if it's safe to do it? I mean, they're both libgd2...23:53
dandamannot allowed to use atoi :(23:53
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:53
Alex____Is there any way to make APTonCD just make an ISO of the cd instead of actually burning it?23:54
mika_videoAt least Ubuntu should have Freepascal and Lazarus installable by aptitude install !23:54
scyxdoes anybody have any other ideas how to get a list of all the packages I specifically selected to be installed (NOT dependencies or preinstalled ones). i see that synaptic has a "history" of installed/deleted packages, might it be possible to use that somehow?23:54
darkenergyscyx, what are you trying to do?23:55
mika_videoOh, and the mc (midnight commander) should be on the first (=install) CD of [K]Ubuntu.23:55
darkenergyscyx, install those packages on another machine?23:56
m0r0n9.1 Comes out on the 10th right?23:56
Pici!karmic | m0r0n23:56
ubottum0r0n: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:56
scyxdarkenergy: sortof, i'm trying to get a list of programs i have to reinstall once i do a clean install23:56
ablyssi'm still on ubuntu 8.04.3  and last week or so firefox upgrade and totally went foobar... is this a known issue or i'm i having local problems23:56
mika_video"Karmic WILL break" - ???? - what do you mean by that ?23:56
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BOZZYQuick question, but is the cd iso for 9.10 available on here or only on the web?23:57
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joaopintomika_video, pleas ask on the proper channel, #ubuntu+123:57
darkenergyscyx, try aptoncd, it'll go through your apt cache and create a an aptoncd-metapackage containing everything you select, with dependencies23:57
Picimika_video: Its still beta and and its possible it will break23:57
mika_video<ablyss>: I'd wait the 9.10 release and only after then worry about firefox.23:57
darkenergyscyx, i've used it for offline installs on other systems23:57
Guest87993Hey al anyone have problems with their wireless cycling on and off23:57
darkenergyscyx, you can burn directly on CD or DVD from the program23:58
ablyssmika_video: not sure I understand you23:58
mika_videoafter 29th Oct it should not be beta anymore !23:58
=== mujahaddin is now known as Mujahideen
Picimika_video: And after 29th the factoid will change.23:58
mika_video<ablyss>: I mean that I'd worry about problems with firefox only after 29th Oct when Ubuntu 9.10 comes out. Need a browser before that and firefox doesn't even start? - Just use Opera.23:59
ShinedownIs somebody here who could help me with some hardware problems on buntu??23:59

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