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shtylmanRiddell: how come so few kubuntu devs this time around?00:15
Riddellshtylman: at UDS? 5 is what we normally get00:16
shtylmanseemed like we had more last time...00:16
shtylmanmaybe not00:16
Riddellwell there's me and agateau too00:17
yuriyshtylman: lmao @ link00:17
shtylmanyuriy: im thinking about buying it ... to have instead of 'man ping' ;p00:19
yuriyargh my clipboard broke00:19
JontheEchidnaUI's done: http://imagebin.ca/view/wXRLd4f.html , http://imagebin.ca/view/OALol1x.html00:20
JontheEchidnaJust need to support the displayIf and DontDisplayAfterReboot fields, then get the commands working00:21
yuriyJontheEchidna: are you keeping that notification you linked to before? seems needlessly vague00:22
JontheEchidnayuriy: yeah, click "details" and then that dialog pops up00:22
JontheEchidnaif there's only one hook it's a plain ol' kdialog00:22
Riddellneversfelde: don't suppose you've packaged the koffice beta?00:23
yuriyI don't see why anyone would be compelled to click on that notification to get the dialog00:23
JontheEchidnawhy would anyone click the systray icon we had before to get a dialog? :P00:23
JontheEchidnaI could try to do it with a notification rather than the kdialog00:24
JontheEchidnabut there's the issue of multiple hooks00:24
JontheEchidnabut then I suppose I could just fire multiple notifications at once00:24
* JontheEchidna thinks out loud00:24
JontheEchidnaStill under 500 lines of code :)00:27
JontheEchidnaoh jeez, my 7 year old sister is complaining about getting asked the key every time she logs in for GNOME's NM applet00:28
yuriywell, that is annoying :P00:36
JontheEchidnayeah, even 7 year olds agree00:38
JontheEchidnaNetworkMangler sucks :P00:38
JontheEchidnaWith our kubuntu laptop running 8.10 all she has to do is click the network from knetworkmanager00:39
JontheEchidnabut she has trouble remembering the key00:39
JontheEchidnabut the kubuntu laptop's screen is broken00:39
txwikingerwow.. upgrade to karmic download takes 10 hours00:42
yuriyi thin knetworkmanager makes you do that too00:43
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Riddellreports of progress http://trueg.wordpress.com/2009/10/07/virtuoso/01:24
shtylmanprogress to what?01:41
JontheEchidnaThe virtuoso soprano backend01:41
shtylmansounds fancy01:41
JontheEchidnamore free than the sesame2 backend and faster than the redland backend01:41
shtylmanis it faster than the sesame2 backend?01:42
JontheEchidnabeing slow wasn't one if sesame2's problems, so dunno01:43
JontheEchidnaplus I never really used sesame2 or redland01:44
shtylmanI don't use desktop search :/01:45
shtylmanI know where my files are...I put them there :)01:45
JontheEchidnanothing a grep can't find if I forget01:46
nixternalbug #42407801:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 424078 in fedora "Display is shifted to the left!" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42407801:51
JontheEchidnaisn't that usually when you adjust your monitor to not be so far to the left?01:52
JontheEchidna~seen rgreening01:54
kuboturgreening was last seen 4 hours, 3 minutes and 1 second ago, quitting IRC (Remote closed the connection) and a while before saying "hehe"01:54
ScottKTonio_: Have you gotten a chance to look over k-n-d-s yet?   I'm afraid the default fonts in Konqeuror are too big.02:18
ScottKApparently old revisions of quassel packages were taking up 5% of my hard drive.02:26
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ScottKSo, did we include the right one: http://soliverez.com.ar/drupal/node/11803:24
nixternalbug #44207903:26
nixternaljust playin' ignore me03:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 442079 in netbook-launcher "icons unsorted and overlapping" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44207903:26
shtylmangod dammit shit! ... sorry I just realized that some of the dumb ass problems with go-oo filepicker were caused by some old code that created a KMainWindow on the stack! in a function...so obviously when it was deleted and destructor called some otehr variables were set!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh03:27
ScottKshtylman: Congratulations.03:29
shtylmannow exec works as it is supposed to! which also means that drag and drop to side bar works03:31
shtylmanbut still no text in oxygen style!! (cries)03:32
shtylmansooo close...03:32
ScottKshtylman: How would you feel about me changing the bug from critical to high?03:38
ScottKYou have made significant progress.03:38
shtylmanum... I would say no.. because progress is independent of the "importance" of the bug03:38
shtylmanhopefully I will get a bit more tonight and update the bug list/report with progress and where it all stands03:39
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yuriyhmm progress is good. i'm out of ideas on apport-kde -- have people with hangs and two different crashes. great.03:41
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yuriyand one of those crashes is in userconfig and jockey-kde too03:41
JontheEchidnaScottK: if we get 1.0.2 in we'll have the right one.03:58
ScottKOK.  Good.03:58
JontheEchidnaI have an FFe bug open with 1.0.1 packging that I meant to throw at vorian03:58
ScottKDid I ack it already?03:58
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ScottKThere he is.03:59
JontheEchidnaI'd need to bump it to 1.0.2 first anyways03:59
ScottKJontheEchidna: Stick it at him now.03:59
vorianbug number please03:59
JontheEchidnargreening: btw, did you see that kcm_touchpad project on kde-look?03:59
voriani'm 3 weeks away from closing on our house, and all will be normal again04:00
* ScottK tries to figure the symbolic nature of vorian asks for a bug number and rgreening raises his hand.04:00
JontheEchidnavorian: bug 432725, need to update it to 1.0.204:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 432725 in kmymoney2 "[FFe] New upstream release (kmymoney2 1.0.1)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43272504:00
JontheEchidnaI'll do so tomorrow04:00
JontheEchidnargreening: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/kcm_touchpad?content=11333504:00
vorianis the 4.3.2 all done?04:00
ScottKI think so04:01
rgreeningJontheEchidna: read yer email :)04:01
voriani feel so isolated04:01
* JontheEchidna checks email04:01
rgreeninghey vorian04:01
* ScottK reads planet KDE and discovers we got just what we needed: Another media player written from scratch.04:01
* JontheEchidna doesn't have an email yet04:01
rgreeningJontheEchidna: hmm. I updated the whiteboard... it should have sent a reply.. maybe not...04:02
ScottKHeya vorian04:02
rgreeningAnyway.. short answer.. no. Im planning on directly using xinput04:02
vorianhello, again04:03
voriangeeeez, kmoney is such a crappy app04:06
* vorian hopes upstream is not here and awake atm04:06
vorianJontheEchidna: what testing did you do?04:06
JontheEchidnaneed to do more of that actually, which is why I hadn't flung it at you yet04:07
vorianah, ok04:07
JontheEchidnaAll I did was pbuild then find that pbuild didn't copy the debs out04:07
voriani'll subcribe to it then04:07
JontheEchidnabut now that I have to update it anyways it's not so bad that it didn't copy them out04:08
vorianwhoa! someone changed the ninjas icon04:08
vorianRiddell: how's a fella get on the kubuntu-dev train?04:10
ScottKFirst we have to make a process.04:11
ScottKnixternal promised to draft something up.04:11
vorianroger that04:11
ScottKThen we get the process approved by the development membership board.04:11
voriannixternal: congrats btw on your CC gig04:11
ScottKOh, now you suck up.04:11
vorianthe TB minutes were not very descriptive04:12
ScottKdtchen: Careful.  Nullack is a professional QA person who is very good at explaining how all this ought to be done.04:46
* jussi01 waves to Nightrose - waves are back! :D07:26
* Tm_T is still waiting to get wave invite ):08:02
jussi01Tm_T: If I had any....08:03
Tonio_ScottK: not yet for the kns settings... will do soon08:08
Tonio_ScottK: I have to reinstall it first08:09
Tonio_JontheEchidna: the fix works !!!!!!!!08:14
Tonio_JontheEchidna: but only for qt apps.... kde apps do crash now :)08:14
Tonio_JontheEchidna: maybe just a rebuild against is needed... or we need to patch... dunno08:14
Tm_Thmm, no Qt 4.6 before Karmic+1 ?08:15
Tonio_Tm_T: I don't think so08:22
jussi01Tm_T: you can call it Lucid now :D08:23
Tm_Tjussi01: I cannot08:25
Tm_Tmy what-you-call-brain doesn't allow it somehow08:26
Tm_TTonio_: aye, seems like I might try to backport then when it's time08:27
Tonio_yup :)08:28
* Tm_T goes back to hunting this kwin crash08:28
mgraesslinTm_T: I was unable to reproduce :-(08:29
Tm_Tmgraesslin: roger, all trunk there?08:30
Tm_Tmgraesslin: I finally should have build done, so I'll kick session up in a few minutes08:30
Tm_Twhat's the situation of translations in Karmic? all works fine?08:45
nixternaloi oi!08:46
jussi01nixternal: did you notice waves are back?08:49
nixternaljussi01: yes, I wrote a Google Wave Robot to interact with bug trackers, right now only LP works, but I will hopefully implement the rest tomorrow :)08:58
nixternalon that note, it is time to go to bed... g'nite all! see you in like 6 hours \o/09:01
Tonio_JontheEchidna: technically the qt patch changes what needs change...09:28
Tonio_JontheEchidna: as soon as the drag icon starts, it segfaults, which means I touched what needs to be touched :)09:29
Tonio_also qt builds, which is good09:29
Tonio_there is just a little thing to fix I guess, I'll try to read the backtrace09:29
Tonio_JontheEchidna: maybe kde components just need rebuid since I changed .h files...09:30
Tonio_JontheEchidna: I can't get qt apps to crash09:30
Tonio_JontheEchidna: they certainly need rebuild...09:32
Tonio_JontheEchidna: I'll put everything in my ppa and we'll see :)09:32
Tonio_JontheEchidna: although it seems to fix correctly in kmail :)09:34
Tonio_just dolphin crashes in fact09:34
Riddellanother sunny day10:08
Tonio_Riddell: may I ask for your help regarding to the qt patch I'm trying to write ?10:51
Tonio_Riddell: it works at some points, I'm not tht far to get something that works....10:51
Tonio_Riddell: just.... I'm stick right now10:51
RiddellTonio_: hmm, am I likely to  know the qt codebase any better than you?11:01
Tonio_Riddell: I'll send an email to lubos11:04
Tonio_Riddell: he fixed for qt3, and the patch is probably right now just incomplete.... I hope he'll accept to help11:04
Tonio_Riddell: email gone... maybe with some chance he'll help :)11:13
Tonio_Riddell: you may not know it better than me, but are a far more accurate coder :)11:21
neversfeldeRiddell: no, but I can do it11:25
Riddellneversfelde: would be rocking if you did, do you know where to find it?11:29
neversfeldeRiddell: yes11:29
neversfeldeRiddell: I tried building kid3 twoo times locally and there was no problem, I don't know what to do?11:30
Riddellneversfelde: let me try11:31
neversfeldeRiddell: if you need to reupload it, upstream suggested a change for debian/rules http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/288511/11:33
Riddellnookie^: how about doing a horizontal version of your release image to go in the banner space?12:09
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Riddellneversfelde: missing backslash of doom http://paste.ubuntu.com/288533/12:15
neversfeldeRiddell: oh, thanks for your help12:16
nookie^Riddell: where do u plan to have that horizontal image?12:23
nookie^and is it size 250x50?12:23
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Riddellnookie^: well same place as the banner is now12:26
nookie^Riddell: im not sure im following you sry.. we have an image there already the banner i did?12:28
nookie^do u want a final release image? like Kubuntu 9.10 released or something?12:28
Riddellnookie^: right12:29
Riddellnookie^: you did a square 9.10 released but it might  be useful to  have it as a banner12:29
nookie^Riddell: yeah sure im sure i can come up with something12:29
nookie^Riddell: btw that banner is not correct in place in FF3.5 on mac and ie7 on windows12:30
Riddellnookie^: I'm sure ryanakca would love any fixes :)12:39
nookie^Riddell: hehe12:43
nookie^ryanakca: ping?12:43
Tonio_Riddell: any idea what's the problem with qt4 in the archives ? I was able to build it in a ppa with no problem12:43
RiddellTonio_: no, it is yet to  reach the top of my  todo list12:45
Tonio_Riddell: I'm testing right now...12:46
Tonio_Riddell: I suspect there is something going wrong in the source package...12:46
Tonio_Riddell: the only difference between this one and the one sent on my ppa is that I rebuilt the source package12:46
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Tonio_Riddell: qt4 builds in a pbuilder chroot and a ppa...13:17
Tonio_Riddell: I don't get why it fails in the buildd13:18
Tonio_Riddell: I'm restarting the build on launchpad, just to be sure there wasn't a temp issue13:21
* txwikinger_work is looking forward to the Canadian winter... still too hot to bicycle to work :D13:50
* txwikinger_work really likes the new kmail in karmic !!!13:52
rgreeningagateau: so indicator still does not work for me this morning. And not, kopete (in addition to kmail) do not show up in the indicator14:04
RiddellTonio_: qt still broken14:04
Riddellrgreening: what version of plasma-widget-indicatordisplay do you have?14:04
rgreeningIm up to date as of 5 minutes ago.. but Ill check...14:05
Riddellyou want 0.4.1-0ubuntu214:05
rgreeningoh... that's not in main yet14:05
Riddellone two one two14:06
Riddellgroovy, new keyboard, no more double spaces or random carrage returns, any typos are now my own14:06
rgreeningI show 0.4.0-0ubuntu114:06
Tonio_Riddell: yeah I just saw that...14:07
Tonio_Riddell: that's due to the buildd somehow, I just tested in a pbuilder chroot and it works like a charm14:07
rgreeningRiddell: I have to update arora with two fixes... will you be able to upload after I have tested/built local14:11
rgreeningRiddell: fixes are: http://bit.ly/yqz8P and http://bit.ly/8ON5P14:12
nixternaloh I am so damn tired14:15
nixternalI ended up falling asleep about 05:00 and waking up at 07:30 :/14:16
rgreeningnixternal: my snoring wake you?14:16
rgreeningI didnt have to cuddle14:16
nixternalI think it did14:16
nixternalI woke up missing a sock too14:17
nixternalthat's a lie, I hate wearing socks when I don't have to :)14:17
nixternaltime to go pick up my sis, and grab a pumpkin spice latte from starbucks14:18
txwikinger_worknixternal: you need to get some sleep ;)14:18
davmor2ScottK, Riddell: What up with kne dude14:32
Riddelldavmor2: hmm?14:33
davmor2Riddell: makes it harder to test when it doesn't exist14:34
Riddellrgreening: can do, let me know if you have a debdiff or whatever14:35
rgreeningpatching now then testing14:44
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rgreeningRiddell: arora built/installed/tested locally. New patches work execellent14:58
Riddellrgreening: groovy, do you have a debdiff?14:59
rgreening1 sec14:59
rgreeningRiddell: https://launchpad.net/~roderick-greening/+archive/ppa/+files/arora_0.10.1-0ubuntu3.diff.gz15:00
rgreeningRiddell: actually not a debdiff15:01
Riddellrgreening: nope, got the .dsc?15:01
rgreeningI uploaded to my PPA15:01
rgreeningRiddell: https://launchpad.net/~roderick-greening/+archive/ppa/+files/arora_0.10.1-0ubuntu3.dsc15:01
rgreeningRiddell: that ok?15:02
rgreeningcool. ty15:02
rgreeningRiddell: I think with qt 4.6, kde4.4, arora coul dhave a chance as a default browser...15:03
rgreeningnow that it has adblock, wallet, etc.. but is currently missing java and moonlight/silverlight doesn't work in it15:03
mcas_Riddell: do you work on the kubuntu-docs?15:03
Riddellmcas_: that's mostly nixternal's doing15:04
mcas_ah ok15:04
mcas_thx Riddell15:04
mcas_nixternal: ping15:04
nixternalanyone want to go over http://blog.nixternal.com/2009.10.01/kubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala-beta-released-everyone-needed/#comment-5383 <- listed some valid issues I feel (except for Firefox by default)15:08
nixternalmcas_: pong15:09
mcas_hi nixternal15:09
mcas_is it to late for bugs in kubuntu-docs?15:09
nixternalunfortunately so, though you can still file them and they will get fixed for Lucid15:09
nixternalthough for Lucid, my plans that I hope I can do, is totally rewrite the docs from scratch, because right now they are shite at best15:10
mcas_everytime to late ;-)15:10
nixternalI had 0 time in karmic to work on them, and I hope that isn't the issue for Lucid15:10
mcas_perhaps i can help you out for lucid15:11
JontheEchidnadigikam is sorta hefty for a by-default application15:11
JontheEchidnathe marble dependency is huge15:11
RiddellJontheEchidna: where is it by default?15:12
JontheEchidnaRiddell: it's not, this is in refernce to the comment in nixternal's blog15:12
Riddellwe did have it on the CD once but it's too big as you say15:12
JontheEchidnaAs for 4. in the comment nixternal linked to, the lancelot developer has expressed his wishes that lancelot not be made default, plus it's sorta RAM-hungry for a default menu15:13
rgreeningLancelot os slower then the KDE default menu in my tests (visual). And quite chunky. I have no issue with the current menu. No slowness.15:14
JontheEchidna6. KMenuEdit sucks, it was mostly just ported to KDE4 w/ KDE3 support15:14
rgreeningWe could do a Blueprint for Lucid for KMenuEditor update and push upstream...15:15
rgreeningshould be easy enough...15:15
JontheEchidnaWe don't really have enough manpower to properly mainttain all the applications we currently maintain15:15
JontheEchidnaI really can't see us taking on very many more15:16
Riddella menu editor seems to be surprisingly hard to do, KDE and Gnome have both struggled15:16
rgreeningTHe idea would be push upstream.. make kmenuedit not suck :)15:17
rgreeningthey are only .desktop files....15:17
rgreeningand a couple of xml files15:17
JontheEchidnaeasy enough to list, but allowing the user to modify every last detail of the menu makes things surprisingly more complicated15:18
JontheEchidnathings can get out of sync when new apps get installed15:18
JontheEchidnastale entries stay after apps are removed15:18
JontheEchidnahard to do properly, to say the least15:18
rgreeningtrue.. the same issues had plagued windows too... last I used it. so it would be no different :)15:19
rgreeningagateau: OMG! indicator working much better now :)15:20
JontheEchidnakmenuedit did get two crasher fixes for 4.3.2 though15:20
agateaurgreening: party \o/15:20
agateaurgreening: pushed fixed for the scrollbar bugs, btw15:21
JontheEchidnaback in a bit15:21
rgreeningcool. this is much better now agateau15:21
agateaurgreening: need to release a new tarball, but since I am on limited-work mode (aka paternity leave) this will have to wait for tomorrow15:21
rgreeningagateau: np. For Lucid, we need to get akregator added in :)15:22
agateaurgreening: I think I remember you mentionning this, yes :)15:22
agateaukids want me now, have to go15:23
steveireDoes anyone know what version of the Akonadi server will be distributed with karmic?15:25
steveireSeems that PasteHelper::paste has some bugs.15:28
steveireI don't get any sound when playing sounds in karmic. AFAICS nothing is muted. Are there known sound problems in it?15:30
Riddellsteveire: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/akonadi says 1.2.1-0ubuntu115:35
Riddellsteveire: sound is working good here, the usual practice is to remove pulseaudio15:36
steveireAptitude tells me it's not installed already. I guess it's not installed by default?15:37
Riddellno, only by gnome stuff should you install that later15:38
Riddellwe probably have a page on how to debug sound issues, dtchen is likely to know15:38
steveireI notice that's not the latests Akonadi. I made a change in trunk recently that I'd like to see in karmic. Will that version be updated if we make a new release? I'm not sure how distros handle the kdesupport stuff.15:40
Riddellsteveire: we take our version from http://download.akonadi-project.org/15:41
Riddellsteveire: if you have a patch we can add that easily enough15:41
steveireIt will be in the next tagged/released version anyway I guess.15:42
Riddellsteveire: a new version would work too but it would have to be strictly bugfixes only as we're in deep feature freeze15:42
Riddellsteveire: but it would have to be toot sweet, we release in three weeks15:42
JontheEchidnafinal freeze is in about a week too15:43
Riddellsteveire: but give us the patch and a good description of what it does and we'll get it in15:43
steveireIt makes the closing brace of a literal be followed by CRLF instead of just LF15:44
Riddella patch so simple even I can understand it :)15:45
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steveireThe code in kdepimlibs/akonadi already handles both cases, but a stricter imap parser requires that it is CRLF15:45
Riddellthere was me worried it would need some kdepim genius to read it15:45
JontheEchidna"the kdepim runes say..."15:45
steveireWell the patch is so simple it's dangerous. Don't underestimate the simple ones.15:46
steveireAre there patches in kubuntu for kdepimlibs/akonadi?15:46
JontheEchidnaiirc those are pretty pristine15:46
Riddellhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ekubuntu-members/kdepimlibs/ubuntu/files/head%3A/debian/  nothing in kdepimlibs15:47
JontheEchidnafor akonadi we only have what debian patched15:47
Riddellyep http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/patches/15:47
* Riddell adds steveire's patch to akonadi15:49
steveireOh, sorry, not kdepimlibs/akonadi. Are there any to the server? As long as server/src/imapsteamparser.cpp ::hasLiteral looks something like : http://dpaste.com/104337/ it's all good.15:50
* steveire does an apt-get source to check15:51
Riddellsteveire: no patches to the server, just the ones to the build system at http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/patches/15:51
steveireOk, the hasLiteral there should be fine anyway. Cheers.15:53
JontheEchidnaRiddell: could we get a sync for soundkonverter? Debian picked up a fix we made to our packages and it'd be nice to have it autosync next cycle15:53
RiddellJontheEchidna: ok15:54
Riddellsteveire: but we still need your patch?15:54
steveireI was just checking that the end that reads the data does not expect the buggy behaviour.15:55
Riddellsteveire: there's no such file fetchhelper.cpp in akonadi 1.2.115:56
Riddelllooks like it's fetch.cpp15:57
steveireYes, line 332 it seems.15:58
Riddellsteveire: groovy, uploaded16:02
steveireCool. I'll test when it comes back down the pipes.16:02
RiddellJontheEchidna: sync done16:03
ScottKdavmor2: Thanks for noticing.  Respining KNE now.16:06
RiddellScottK: did the netbook discussion on kde-promo get anywhere?16:07
ScottKRiddell: Yes.  I got some feedback that I need to digest and send out some proposed info to Kubuntu Devel.16:08
ScottKHaving the click through warning come back was part of the results from that discussion.16:08
Riddellyeah that's on my todo16:09
Riddellanyone left on jaunty?16:22
Nightrose2Riddell: me16:26
RiddellNightrose2: could you test plasma-widget-networkmanagement ?16:28
ScottKRiddell: My wife and kid's computers are Jaunty, so if it's something low risk I can try it (they are both 4.2.4.)16:28
RiddellNightrose2: from https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/staging16:28
ScottK(those are both desktops though, so no wireless)16:28
RiddellScottK: best to test wireless16:28
Nightrose2Riddell: i left my netbook at university :/16:28
Nightrose2can only test on desktop16:29
Riddellwell desktop is better than nothing16:29
Nightrose2anything I should check for?16:29
* ScottK needs to go run errands so perhaps a bit later16:29
RiddellNightrose2: if it connects to the network :)16:30
RiddellNightrose2: you'll need to run "knetworkmanager"16:30
Riddelland quit the plasma applet16:30
Nightrose2already running that16:30
* Nightrose2 downloads package16:31
rickspencer3eeeRiddell: I saw some bug mail about bug 443335 ... if you implemented the page that the default home page searches as a configurable option, that = brilliant16:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 443335 in kdebase "point Kubuntu default home page to Google Custom Search and include proper identifier" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44333516:32
Riddellcall me brilliant baby16:32
rickspencer3eeethis is just for the search box embedded in that page, right?16:33
rickspencer3eeeRiddell is brilliant :)16:33
Nightrose2we knew that already ;-)16:34
ScottKRiddell: Don't forget you were going to announce it ....16:34
Nightrose2but he probably likes to hear it from time to time :D16:34
ScottK(brilliant, but with a long TODO)16:34
RiddellScottK: I have a blog planned, or would you prefer kubuntu-devel ?16:34
rickspencer3eeeI can only imagine the blog title:16:35
rickspencer3eeerickspencer3, evil desktop overlord, forces crass commercial features into sweet community distro16:35
rickspencer3eeehis email address is:16:35
rickspencer3eeehis home phone number is:16:35
Riddellanybody left on hardy?16:37
Nightrose2rickspencer3eee: ohh Riddell wouldn't be _that_ mean ;-)16:38
Nightrose2he'd be more snealy16:38
davmor2ScottK: it was cronjob that noticed ;) I just read it and thought WTF!16:40
Nightrose2Riddell: i need to update to 4.3.2 first16:42
Nightrose2that will take a while16:42
txwikinger_workI might have a server HD somewhere with hardy on it :D16:42
Riddellit was a long shot16:43
* txwikinger_work did a do-release-upgrade last night16:43
txwikinger_workthe only problem was openoffice16:43
rgreeningcalling rickspencer3eee evil would be like calling Gumby satan. rickspencer3eee is more like cheer bear :)16:48
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
markeyhmm, what does this mean:17:14
markeyW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ppa.launchpad.net_chromium-daily_ppa_ubuntu_dists_karmic_main_binary-amd64_Packages)17:14
markeycan I remove the Chromium PPA now?17:14
tsimpsonmarkey: it means that you have that repository repeated somewhere in your sources17:16
RiddellScottK: http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/kubuntu-netbook-intro.txt17:16
markeytsimpson: sure, but I've checked, it's not repeated17:24
markeyit's why I'm wondering :)17:24
Riddellmarkey: not hidden in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ is it?17:24
tsimpsoncheck in /etc/apt/sources.list and in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/17:24
markeyah, ok17:25
markeywhere does this come from?17:25
tsimpsonit may come from a package/script if not from you17:25
markeyso I can remove the other custom PPA for Chromium I guess17:26
markeyis there any chance that ubuntu might one day a technique for hot-swapping kernels?17:27
markeythe reboots are my greatest issue with kubuntu currently17:27
markeythere's KSplice for hotswapping17:27
markeyone day use*17:27
markeyyou basically have to reboot every day when using a pre-release17:28
markeyyou could argue, "but it's a pre-release!"17:28
markeybut more and more people are doing this17:29
Riddellyou can ignore the reboot notification?17:29
markeythey make my feel like I'm being naughty :)17:29
markeylike I'm ignoring something important17:29
RiddellI'll turn it into a noticiation one day which you can click "yay or nay" on17:30
* Riddell patches kdelibs for dfaure again17:30
tsimpsonI have heard of ways for hot-swapping a kernel, but I'm not sure how well tested/robust it is and what any consequences are (if any)17:31
markeynot sure about the robustness17:31
JontheEchidnaspeaking of notifications, does anybody want to test my new notifier? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~echidnaman/+junk/update-helper-notifier17:31
markeythey were intended for servers, so I assume it's robust17:31
JontheEchidnatesting/code review welcome17:31
markeyanyway, brb, reboot ;)17:32
JontheEchidnait still needs to keep track of what upgrade hooks it's diplayed and there is a problem with the upgrade hook notifications coming up twice, but otherwise it notifies of needed reboots, apport crashes and upgrade hooks17:33
JontheEchidna...and I need to figure out how to get running upgrade hook commands working17:33
markeyalso, is there a way to disable Apport completely?17:36
markeyI've followed all the guides on the net17:36
Riddellmarkey: rm /etc/default/apport17:36
markeybut there still comes a ksudo when something crashes, for Apport17:36
JontheEchidnafor that you can sudo apt-get remove apport-kde17:36
JontheEchidnaupdate-notifier-kde looks for the executable and notifies if is found to be present17:37
markeyok cheers, did that17:40
JontheEchidnayou can test by: killall --signal SEGV systemsettings17:41
JontheEchidnaassuming systemsettings is open, of course ;-)17:42
markeyI know how to test it, thanks :)17:42
markeyworks fine, now Dr Konqi comes up17:42
markeyI prefer it17:42
* JontheEchidna too17:43
JontheEchidnaI wonder if it'd be a good idea to have a checkbox in apport-kde that would disable apport and let dr konqi come in17:43
markeyI think so17:43
markeythat would be nice17:43
JontheEchidnaI'd be glad if we didn't use apport for crashes at all. It's not like we have enough people to triage all the upstream crashes we get for all of KDE.17:44
markeywell I can understand the desire to collect good crash information from users17:44
markeybut apport seems a bit.. cumbersome17:44
markeyDr Konqi is nice and simple17:44
tsimpsonthe problem is that Dr Konqi doesn't work without debugging symbols17:46
tsimpsonwhich are stripped from all packages17:46
JontheEchidnahalf the time apport fails to retrace incomplete reports anyway17:46
* JontheEchidna is not a fan17:47
tsimpsonstill better than 100% with no traces17:47
tsimpsonit's not perfect (or even good), but it's something17:47
yuriyJontheEchidna: btw i fixed u-n-k to check /etc/default/apport17:50
JontheEchidnawhen they do retrace, most of the time they are either already reported upstream or rot in Launchpad until the user doesn't feel like providing status updates anymore17:50
JontheEchidnaI mean, there have been a few times when apport-provided backtraces have lead to the resolution of an upstream bug17:50
yuriyhmm if retracing is failing that needs to be fixed, do apport people know about this?17:50
JontheEchidnaI think I pinged pitti back in the 8.10 days, and things have gotten somewhat better17:51
JontheEchidnait's still not reliable though17:51
yuriymarkey: can you elaborate on "cumbersome"?17:54
JontheEchidnaIt's very hard if you just want to get a backtrace17:55
markeyyuriy: I just don't like it17:55
markeyI need the backtrace17:55
markeyas a developer17:56
markeythe rest is not of interest17:56
yuriyso, as a developer. it's certainly very user oriented. what if we added a -with-crash-handler option to apps to reenable dr konqi for development?17:57
markeyyuriy: adding to that, Dr Konqi has always been a part of KDE18:00
markeyI don't think it's nice to disable it in Kubuntu18:00
JontheEchidnaDevelopment releases aren't targetted at users, so why should the crash handler be? Dr. Konqi should fit the usecase of a distro tester and/or developer just fine18:00
JontheEchidnaUntil we can build up a proper triage team that can handle all upstream crash reports in Kubuntu, I'd advocate not using apport for crash reporting in development releases, instead reporting them to KDE via Dr. Konqi18:01
yuriyJontheEchidna: has it been a major burden?18:01
JontheEchidnawe have around 1.5 people trying to triage 4,000 bugs18:02
JontheEchidnamost of them are just pumpkins waiting around for upstream to fix that we wouldn't backport anyways18:02
* markey knows how hard this is, although Amarok gets much less than that18:03
yuriyso there are actually fewer people triaging now than there were a year ago?18:03
markeyit's still a giant flood18:03
JontheEchidnaapachelogger triages when he can, and I am really the only full time triager18:03
JontheEchidnarecently nixternal has taken an interest18:03
scii can't resume using the "alt+shift+f12" shortcut for resume compositing mode18:03
scikubuntu 9.10 beta + update18:04
sciit's bug?18:04
yuriymarkey: do you find downstream bugs a significant issue in b.k.o?18:05
nixternalJontheEchidna: I didn't take an interest in triaging...just got bored one night :)18:05
JontheEchidnawe should get you bored more often18:06
markeyyuriy: depends on how they are reported. our biggest issues are dupes and missing debug symbols18:07
markeythe signal/noise ratio is very bad18:07
JontheEchidnaout of the 20 apport crashes in our bug tracker, 0 are upstream: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bugs?field.tag=apport-crash18:07
JontheEchidnaa lot of them may still be marked as private, meaning absolutely no work done at all18:08
yuriyJontheEchidna: I think it's better that reports go through apport and LP for various reasons, including that upstreams don't get bugs that are ours and that apport is actively developed, as well as higher quality reports over all with auto retracing.  That's all good *if* we can handle the traffic, which we decided last summer we probably can and would try it out.  If that has changed, this should be reconsidered for Lucid @ UDS18:08
JontheEchidnaIn the case of crashes, we rarely have downstream crashes18:09
JontheEchidnadefinitely not worth piping every upstream bug through our system to grab18:10
JontheEchidnafor example, we have had about 1 or 2 crashes that were our fault through this whole cycle. The most recent one looked like every other apport report so I filed it upstream since the backtrace was good18:11
JontheEchidnaTurns out an indicator patch was causing kontact to crash on startup if you had search folders18:11
JontheEchidnaso it didn't stop it from getting reported upstream anyways, and the upstream bug got dupes from users anyways18:12
JontheEchidnaMost of what I do is find an upstream report for a bug a user has reported to launchpad, then close it when we release a KDE release with a fix18:19
yuriyi'll write up a pros/cons thing for discussion at uds when i have time.  meanwhile, we should hold more bug days or something to recruit18:19
yuriythe lack of manpower is the real problem18:19
JontheEchidnain general, not just limited to bug manpower18:20
JontheEchidnabut then it's always been a problem...18:20
JontheEchidna(in general, probably for every FOSS project)18:20
yuriysure in general, but that seems to have gotten worse18:20
yuriyyou are doing a great job and things are in great shape, but spreading the work would be ++18:21
JontheEchidnaof course :)18:23
JontheEchidnawe need new blood18:23
yuriyso.. ideas for a bug day?18:23
yuriywould hate to throw newbies at kdepim18:24
JontheEchidnakdepim... that's a mess both here and upstream. upstream constantly has bugdays for that one18:24
JontheEchidnaamarok could use some love18:24
JontheEchidnait has almost as many bugs as kdebase18:24
yuriyok so say we hold one, tentatively next wednesday if i make the page over the weekend, and you and apachelogger throttle a little -- try to mentor more than do and see what/who we get18:26
rgreeningIm for helping with bugs... problem is I just don't know how to properly tag half the time...18:32
rgreeningwe need some docs, taining/tutorial/refresher and then hold regular bug days.18:33
rgreeningJontheEchidna: ^18:33
Nightrosepkg-kde-tools is being held back by apt - if i tell it to install it wants to remove thos: apport-retrace build-essential cdbs debhelper devscripts dpkg-dev lintian ubuntu-dev-toolstrace18:37
Nightroseanyone know what's up there?18:37
Mamarokok, two problems:19:01
Mamarokthere is no splash screen in Amarok 2.2 final and everytime I change desktop there is an animation, where can I get rid of that?19:02
bmungeryea the animation is annoying19:02
Mamarokerxtremely, it's huge and stays for 2 seconds everytime I switch19:03
JontheEchidnaTonio__: ^do you know where that is?19:03
bmungerthe other part of the multiple desktops is that it affects the cube desktop effect if the pager has the desktops layout in 2x2.. it messes up.  if you set it to 1x4 it works as it should, but it takes more taskbar space19:13
ScottKRiddell: I think the blog is good, but that you should send mail to Kubuntu Devel/Users to point people at it.19:52
yuriy:O why are they upgrading core X stuff now20:25
ScottKBecause this is when it was ready.20:25
rgreening\o/ me was waiting for it20:32
* JontheEchidna sees if he can stop using vesa now20:32
rgreeningIntel 2.9.0 drm 2.4.14 Mesa 7.6 whee20:32
rgreeningNow I can try the Unigine demo on my intel20:32
rgreeningnope. Unigine still no work with latest X updates.. I think it needs kernel 2.6.3220:43
JontheEchidnaintel still broken on my machine20:43
rgreeningbroken in what way?20:45
JontheEchidnadrm fails to do some shit, results in it using a software rasterizer that is slower than vesa20:45
ScottKJontheEchidna: Bug reported, I assume?20:47
JontheEchidnareporting now, for one reason or another I have not been able to so far20:47
JontheEchidnawhether it be any form of apport failure or not having the proper logs20:47
ScottKOK, well the Ubuntu X guys are really focused on bug reports right now, so this is a good time.20:48
yuriyyeah mine seems a little strange. just upgraded (including to 4.3.2) and i get the nvidia logo, then terminal for a while, then ksplash20:49
* Lure thinks it is funny to see kubuntu's but triage overlord not submitting his own bugs20:55
* JontheEchidna blames apport20:56
JontheEchidnaand also due to the nature of the bug it's quite hard to get info without losing sanity20:56
LureJontheEchidna: I have just installed apport-gtk for the time -kde was not working - apport-gtk is preffered anyhow20:58
JontheEchidnafor a while there apport-cli was busted too20:58
JontheEchidnaI did file a bug report for that ;-)20:58
ScottKAny volunteers to go talk to upstream abou the patch in Bug #432521?  Ubuntu X people are officially too busy.21:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 432521 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "kdm does not restart X server (that crashed on logout)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43252121:46
DarkwingDuckHey guys, there was no changes to netbook was there?21:48
DarkwingDuckI'm having an issue where my icons in the menu and my favs have vanished21:48
=== seele_ is now known as seele
JontheEchidnahmm... kdeqt.po only fixes part of the menu shortcuts in kde apps22:00
JontheEchidnaI suppose non-Qt-standard shortcuts wouldn't come from kdeqt.po22:01
JontheEchidnaw/ latest langpack updates knetworkmanager is fully translated :)22:08
JontheEchidnano luck with kpackagekit yet22:09
RiddellJontheEchidna: did you get any reply from dpm or arne?22:10
JontheEchidnanot yet22:10
JontheEchidna"Shift" for keyboard shortcuts seems untranslated still. I can't tell if the others would be since crtl and alt are the same in spanish and english22:13
JontheEchidnait shows up translated in both kdelibs and kdeqt so I have no clue why it isn't translated22:14
Nookie^ryanakca: ping?22:20
ryanakcaNookie^: pong22:22
Riddellneversfelde: did koffice get anywhere?22:24
Nookie^ryanakca: i have discovered something with the counter22:25
Nookie^if u press on it then the page will update22:25
Nookie^but then it's not getting in correct place back again22:25
Nookie^can u remove the link in the counter then it would not be clickable and the bug will be gone22:26
DarkwingDuckThis is too crazy22:26
ryanakcaNookie^: Yes22:28
Nookie^ryanakca: great!22:28
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Mamarokis the desktop changing animation Ku buntu specific or is this KDE?23:06
RiddellMamarok: which part?  the large popup arrow?23:06
JontheEchidnathere's an option for the popup in KWin's config, so it is upstream, but it's only on by default in Kubuntu23:12
RiddellJontheEchidna: the popup?23:15
Mamarokok, as this is getting on my nerves, everytime I change desktop this animation shows up for two seconds23:15
JontheEchidnaRiddell: ^that23:16
RiddellI think it's Tonio_'s doing23:16
DarkwingDuckIt reminded me of the little dang paperclip that used to be in MS Office23:16
Mamarokoh, and btw, do you guys know that System Settings is crashing all the time?23:17
Mamarokit didn't in Jaunty with KDE 4.3.223:17
Riddellthere's a crash in regional that should be fixed by now23:18
RiddellI can't even work out how to get more than one virtual desktop to test it23:19
Mamarokno, what happens is that the App gets "lost" the first time you start it and one has to kill systemsettings first to get it working23:19
Mamarokand the regional is fixed, yes23:20
Mamarokstill, I have to try twice to have systemsettings working, with a 'killall systemsettings' in between23:20
Mamaroknut maybe I should just restart with that kernel revision of today23:21
Riddellcan't say I've heard of that system settings issue23:24
Riddellit probably needs gdb to debug it23:24
Mamarokhm, I will restart tomorrow and chek out23:27
Mamarokhm, that animation is tenacious, can't get ridd of it, where in Kwin is that?23:29
Mamarokreally annoying, takes away 2 seconds of your time everytime23:29
JontheEchidnaMamarok: "popup desktop name on desktop switch" in the "Window Behavior" section23:33
valgaavMamarok : systemsettings works ok for me... on the other hand I'm stuck with english kde no metter what I do :P23:33
JontheEchidnafor some reason it was unchecked. I guess the kcm doesn't read the config value?23:33
JontheEchidnavalgaav: the langpack builders ran out of space and shipped mostly-empty language packs. Updates should be available in the very near future if they aren't already available23:34
MamarokJontheEchidna: well, that's not even there, I don't have desktop effects activated23:34
JontheEchidnait's not a desktop effect, it's in the first section of the "Window Behavior" module23:35
valgaavyeah I found a fixed launchpad bug about it so I thought it should work already23:35
Mamarokthat's deactivated here23:35
JontheEchidnaright, that's a bug with the config module23:36
JontheEchidnaclick it twice then hit apply, and the animation of doom should go away23:36
Mamarokoh, it's actually the "Desktop navigation wraps around" option23:37
Tonio_Mamarok: any problem with desktop changing animation ?23:37
MamarokTonio_: that should really be deactivated, I switch desktop and once I have swithced I get that animation for 2 seconds23:37
Mamaroktakes unnecessary time from my work23:38
Tonio_Mamarok: which one ? the window that appears with an arrow in it ?23:38
MamarokTonio_: yes, that one, it's "Desktop navigation wraps around" in the Windows Behaviour23:39
Tonio_it's only half a second here, and nobody appart from you complained about that....23:39
yuriyi did notice it's a little annoying23:39
yuriybut it's not up for 2 seconds either23:39
Tonio_Mamarok: the thing is I think it's nice fopr most people23:39
Mamarokwell, it appears onyl *after* the switch is done, and lasts for, well let's say one second, still annoying23:39
Tonio_Mamarok: only half a second here....23:39
Mamarokannoying notheless23:40
yuriyumm i just shut down and my screen turned a very interesting purple color23:40
Tonio_Mamarok: not that I don't want to disable this... but it looks like most people are happy with this23:40
MamarokTonio_: I don't see the point of it neither, since those people who use more than two destops (I use 8) know where their stuff lays23:40
Tonio_Mamarok: I'd like to get more opinions on that point before makng a decision23:41
Mamarokmight be usefull for noobs, but only in the beginning23:41
yuriyTonio_: was the idea to help people new to multiple desktops get the ida?23:41
Tonio_yuriy: yep that the point23:42
Tonio_notifying them so that they know they are changing desktop23:42
* Tonio_ thinks he'd better go sleep and discuss all of this tomorow :)23:43
RiddellJontheEchidna: do you know if there's a bug for packagekit translations being broken?23:57
JontheEchidnaRiddell: there is, sec23:57
JontheEchidnaRiddell: bug 42537323:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 425373 in ubuntu-translations "Wrong translation catalogue filename (KPackageKit)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42537323:58
ScottKRiddell: Quassel now has Dr. Konqi support which translates to apport support on Kubuntu.  I'll upload something soonish23:59

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