
brycejbarnes, yeah was looking at that earlier, sounded like people were pretty geared up about it at XDC00:08
brycejbarnes, I'm still waiting to see what the actual dates will be00:08
brycejbarnes, currently it seems X releases are timed for maximal angst on our end.  Too late to make it by our freeze dates, but early enough prior to our release that we look bad by not including the latest stuff in our release.  00:11
brycein my ideal world, we'd see X releases reliably out by the end of January and the end of July00:12
bryceer, s/July/August/00:12
jbarnesI was telling rickspencer3 I just want to see them come out reliably in the first place00:12
jbarnesthe stable releases have been ok (1.6.x) but the major releases have been all over the place00:13
rickspencer3once there is a cadence, it can be adjusted00:13
jbarnesreliably wrong is better than unreliably wrong :)00:14
rickspencer3as much as I'd love to see it, I don't the world is necessarily going to revolve around Ubuntu release dates ;)00:14
bryceI know I can hardly complain, since fedora puts a lot of resources to help with releases so it meets their schedule and we don't, but I'd hope that wasn't the only consideration for when release dates are set00:14
jbarnesI haven't heard much discussion of distro release dates in the schedule discussion for X00:14
jbarnesanother way to handle it would be like xf86-video-intel00:15
jbarnesjust release frequently enough that any distro can pick up something that's not too stale00:15
jbarnes(of course having *stable* releases is a prerequisite too)00:15
bryceyeah that'd be about perfect00:16
brycethen we could pick and choose00:16
brycebut yeah at least things are going in the right direction00:17
brycejbarnes, since LL is going to be LTS we'll probably be off a bit schedule-wise anyway since we'll be locking things down much earlier than usual.  So we'll probably miss the 1.8 cycle entirely this go around00:18
=== mac__v is now known as mac_v
tjaaltonbryce: it'd make sense to have the same version as squeeze, so it might be wise to coordinate things with them06:31
tjaaltonI know that squeeze will be frozen in December, but there should be a 1.8beta by then06:32
brycetjaalton, mind acking bug 446080?08:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 446080 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "FFe for updating -intel to 2.9.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44608008:24
tjaaltonbryce: sure08:30
brycethanks.  ok I'm done for... bed08:34
tjaaltonnight :)08:34
tjaaltonhuh, I wonder why libdrm 2.4.14 fails to build because dh_install complains about missing files (usr/include/drm/radeon_* "not installed to anywhere), while 2.4.13 builds just fine14:18
tjaaltoncould it be due to the new standards-version?14:20
tjaaltonincluding those in libdrm-dev.install makes it build, so I'll just add them there14:21
jcristauis it in git?14:22
tjaaltonthe failing one is14:22
jcristauorigin/ubuntu has 2.4.1214:23
tjaaltonah, I've not pushed it yet14:23
jcristauah ok14:23
tjaaltonthought you meant if the environment had something to do with it14:23
jcristauwhat's in your debian/libdrm-dev.install?14:24
tjaaltonit's the same as in git now14:25
tjaaltonif I add radeon*, it builds14:25
jcristaui'd have thought usr/include/* would catch that14:26
tjaalton2.4.13-1u1 had the same files, but it didn't complain14:26
tjaaltonmaybe I'll just add them then14:27
jcristauand it used --fail-missing?14:27
tjaaltonhmm right14:28
=== marjomercado is now known as marjo
tjaaltonwe've changed that wildcard before, because there were conflicts with linux-libc-dev14:29
tjaaltonso it's not includ/* anymore14:29
jcristauin the debian branch, we rm the conflicting files in debian/rules14:30
tjaaltonso I could change it back14:30
tjaaltonheh, actually it was like that in .13-1u114:34
tjaaltonno wonder it didn't show up in the debdiff14:34
tjaaltonpushed what I have now14:36
tjaaltononly the changelog entry missing, then it's good to go14:36
tjaaltonuploaded -1u0.1 to my ppa for sanity checking14:41
tjaaltonbryce: ^^ libdrm is ready, but I didn't upload it to karmic yet. I'll be mostly away the next hours, but will check here when I can, and upload it once it's ack'ed (by you, I guess)14:42
brobostigongood afternoon all.15:50
brobostigonbryce: hello, popey pointed me in your direction, and asked me to ask you politly to have a look at bug 441284, could you please have a quick look at it for me, please. 15:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 441284 in xserver-xorg-video-siliconmotion "visual artifacts in parts of the screen" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44128415:52
rickspencer3eeebryce, are you online yet? has mesa 7.6 melted the world?16:45
tseliotrickspencer3eee: not yet, I guess :-P17:19
brycerickspencer3eee, no bug reports17:25
brobostigonbryce: could you have a quick look at https://launchpad.net/bugs/441284, please. 17:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 441284 in xserver-xorg-video-siliconmotion "visual artifacts in parts of the screen" [Undecided,Incomplete]17:26
brobostigonbryce: shall i add a screenshot aswell?17:28
brycebrobostigon, yes17:29
brobostigonbryce: ok, i will try as best quality as i can.17:29
brycebrobostigon, since I'm pretty tied up with release stuff, I am not planning on looking at -siliconmotion bugs before release.  However, if you take the bug upstream, and they provide a patch that fixes it, I can consider including it17:30
brycetime is short though... we only got effectively a week17:30
brobostigonbryce: ok, i will do that.17:30
brobostigonbryce: thank you for your help.17:34
mac_vbryce: mesa7.6 causes crashes for me :( > Bug 43654617:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 436546 in cairo-dock-core "X crashes when using compiz cube and cairo-dock" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43654617:43
tjaaltonbryce: looks like bug 446425 is related to mesa17:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 446425 in xorg "artifacts with kwin-compositing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44642517:44
tjaaltonmac_v: that's older than the upload last night17:44
mac_vtjaalton: still crashes :/17:44
mac_vnothing has changed17:44
tjaaltonbut it's not a regression due to the upload, there's a difference :)17:44
mac_voh ;)17:45
tjaaltonbryce: should I upload the libdrm merge to main? built fine on my ppa17:46
brycehrm, lp is not letting me edit descriptions17:46
brycetjaalton, go for it17:47
tjaaltonbryce: great thanks17:47
brycebtw I uploaded -intel about 30 min ago17:47
tjaaltonok, more reason to upload libdrm then :)17:49
tjaaltonaiui it build-depends on 2.4.1417:50
bryce libdrm-dev (>= 2.4.11),17:51
bryceshould be ok; but might be worth rebuilding after libdrm goes in anyway17:51
tjaaltongone again -> :)17:57
brobostigonbryce: ok, i have added a screenshot to my bug, you mean take it upstream as in to xorgs own bug tracker?18:00
jbarneswhy does my rhythmbox icon have a black rectangle around it18:09
jbarnesin the notification area18:09
jbarnesit used to have little sound waves coming out while playing18:09
rickspencer3ok, if jbarnes is discussing icons this close to release, this give me lots of confidence in the xorg stack for karmic18:10
rickspencer3jbarnes, atm, my doesn't have a rectangle, it has little blue waves18:11
* rickspencer3 is glad to be talking about icons rather than xorg crashers :)18:11
jbarnesrickspencer3: heh18:14
jbarnesthis is actually on jaunty18:14
jbarnesat some point I just started getting a black rectangle18:14
jbarneslooks funky18:14
rickspencer3ok, Jaunty is dead to me :)18:14
rickspencer3that is weird18:14
rickspencer3jbarnes, for reals, xorg seems quite improved in Karmic compared to Jaunty, thanks for your ongoing engagement in that18:15
jbarnesrickspencer3: yeah we've stabilized things a lot18:15
Duke`okay, latest libdrm in xorg-edgers PPA totally breaks my Xorg :( it seems the intel driver go in an infinite loop, because it never go further than "(II) intel(0): Attempting memory allocation with tiled buffers."18:35
Duke`I had to revert to the previous versions (from october 4th, Sarvatt's packages)18:35
brycerickspencer3, http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_karmic_mesa&num=119:18
rickspencer3bryce, what's the top line report?19:19
brycerickspencer3, lookin' good19:19
rickspencer3and did I see -intel went out?19:19
bryceyes, just sent it this morning after pitti thumbs-upped it19:22
rickspencer3was there one more major change coming19:24
brycerickspencer3, I've also done a scouring through Xorg for any regressions for mesa.  I did find one bug report that might be caused by it, on an old radeon R250 chip when running Kubuntu.  Bug 446425.  I've forwarded it upstream.  19:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 446425 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "[R250] Kubuntu: artifacts with kwin-compositing" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44642519:25
brycerickspencer3, it is a minor corruption issue, but worth getting fixed at some point19:25
brycerickspencer3, yes the one remaining bit is xorg-server; I'm going to work on that package today.  I wanted to catch up on mesa stuff before starting on that.19:26
brycerickspencer3, btw that 100% X CPU bug has turned out to actually be not an X bug19:27
brycerickspencer3, it seems some crypto service was stealing vt7 and breaking X.  pitti is following up on it19:27
rickspencer3bryce, should it be assigned to pitti?19:39
AmaranthI've got someone who may have a regression caused by mesa19:48
* rickspencer3 cries19:49
rickspencer3Amaranth, is there a bug #?19:49
AmaranthGetting them to file one now19:49
AmaranthUntil about an hour ago everything worked great but now X crashes when they open firefox...19:49
AmaranthRadeon X30019:49
rickspencer3that sounds quite ugly19:50
AmaranthConsidering they just quit IRC when I asked to try with compiz turned off I'm thinking that didn't fix it19:51
AmaranthIs mesa used for cairo? :)19:51
jcristauAmaranth: no20:05
Amaranthjcristau: I know, was joking20:05
AmaranthThey never came back either20:06
brycethe mesa 7.6 changelog indicates a good bit of change for R300 class hardware, so indeed it could have resulted in a bug on X300.  I'd like to see that bug report if it comes in.20:13
brycehmm, another kubuntu/kwin bug - 44657820:16
rickspencer3eeebryce: did you see Amaranth's?20:16
rickspencer3eeeAmaranth: I was offline for a few minutes20:17
rickspencer3eeeyou mentioned a user with a radeon card that might be experiencing a regression20:17
brycerickspencer3eee, I saw his comment but don't know if a bug got filed on it yet20:17
bryce<bryce> the mesa 7.6 changelog indicates a good bit of change for R300 class hardware, so indeed it could have resulted in a bug on X300.  I'd like to see that bug report if it comes in.20:18
AmaranthI don't think one did20:18
AmaranthThe user never came back20:18
bryceif he does, point him my way20:19
brycerickspencer3eee, 446578 is the first report that I think is going to score as "serious" for us20:19
brycerickspencer3eee, note that both the regressions reported so far are against kwin/kubuntu20:21
rickspencer3eeeand radeon?20:21
Amaranthbryce: That reminds me, fun bug20:23
Amaranthbryce: It seems that even thought glxinfo -l says GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE is 2048 for ati users it is 102420:24
AmaranthUnless you use KMS20:24
* Amaranth tries to find the bug20:25
Amaranthbryce: bug 44413920:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444139 in compiz "Background and full screen apps don't show up when Normal Visual Effects on (Radeon 7500) " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44413920:26
bryceAmaranth, ah yes iirc there was a similar issue on intel a while back20:28
bryceAmaranth, that's probably a driver issue.  However I don't know if I want to fiddle those settings this late20:29
bryceAmaranth, possibly there's already a patch upstream - it'd be in the xf86-video-ati git tree if it exists20:29
AmaranthThere is no way for us to properly detect this either20:29
Amaranthnothing jumps out at me20:31
bryceyeah me either20:31
bryceI'll forward the bug upstream20:32
brycerickspencer3eee, btw I've alerted -ati upstream that they may be getting some priority radeon bug reports from us due to mesa 7.620:40
bryce<agd5f> bryce: sounds good20:40
rickspencer3eeebryce: do you think they are addressable in this tight time frame?20:40
brycerickspencer3eee, quite possibly20:41
rickspencer3eeeI don't want to get wrapped up in an endless chasing of tails, but ...20:41
rickspencer3eeeI also don't want to give up too early20:41
brycerickspencer3eee, they may already have patches for the bugs since we're trailing a bit behind their git head20:41
rickspencer3eeebryce: right20:41
rickspencer3eeethe point I tried to make in the rollback criteria is that we should fear *undiagnosable* issues20:41
bryceyeah I let them know we have a small window of opportunity, and the qa team will be making their determination for go/no-go20:42
rickspencer3eeeyeah, so maybe this isn't hard to diagnose20:42
rickspencer3eeein which case, we shouldn't turn off progress20:42
rickspencer3eeealso, it seems a bit isolated ... only one scenario seems to be causing issues atm20:43
brycemostly I want to ensure upstream recognizes them as priorities.  Sometimes -ati ignores upstreamed bug reports if they're not pertinent, but they're good if I flag them as priorities to us20:43
rickspencer3eeebryce: seems that -intel is having no issues as of yet?20:46
brycenone reported so far20:46
bryceand a number of positive reports20:46
* rickspencer3eee crosses finders wrt radeon bug20:47
* Amaranth still gets no backlight control with intel 2.9 :/20:51
AmaranthThat part relies on kernel changes, doesn't it?20:52
Amaranthapt-get source linux-image-generic-2.6.30-12 here I come20:53
Amarantherr, except the real version with the real naming scheme :P20:53
bryceAmaranth, yeah with -intel so much of the code now lives in the kernel that the ddx driver updates are not nearly as significant as they used to be20:54
AmaranthI'm using xorg-edgers but I can't boot with nomodeset anymore, btw20:55
brycemm, perhaps upstream has begun the excising of UMS20:55
AmaranthI get this awesome strobe light effect as X apparently tries to start about 30 times a second :P20:56
AmaranthCan't even login on tty120:56
jcristau56 files changed, 120 insertions, 17939 deletions20:56
brycejcristau, jesus20:57
jcristau(and that's not even all of it)20:57
bryceso yeah20:57
AmaranthSo at this point the intel driver only works on linux?20:57
bryceAmaranth, guessing -intel git will be a bit rocky for a bit20:57
jcristauAmaranth: yes20:57
jcristaubut it was already unusable for a few releases now without gem20:58
Amaranthso now I _really_ need to see if I get backlight support with a kernel change20:58
AmaranthWhere would I find the patches/git for that?20:58
brycethe kernel team has a crack of the day repo with upstream snapshots of the kernel20:59
bryceheya tormod21:03
tormodhi bryce21:03
tormodseems we had a mid-air collision in an interesting bug report21:03
ScottKAt least reboots are fast with a new kernel seems like every day.21:03
brycetormod, yep21:05
tormodbryce, are you gonna push the new mesa to git21:06
brycetormod, no, go ahead if you'd like21:06
Amaranthtime to try out 2.6.32-rc321:06
bryceembarrassingly, I don't know how to do the fdo/debian/ubuntu new release merge trickery21:07
tormodbryce, I don't think I can, I am only member of collab-maint21:07
jcristautormod: that's fixable.21:10
tormodjcristau, what's my next excuse gonna be then? :)21:11
Amaranthno luck, still no backlight property21:14
Amaranthtime for ppa-purge, I guess21:15
tormodAmaranth, using radeonhd?21:16
tormodjcristau, I have dreamt of having xorg-edgers branches on g.d.o, would that be possible?21:22
tormodin the best case, you could pick from them into experimental :)21:25
Amaranththere, much better, nomodeset ftw :)21:25
ScottKbryce: I confirmed Bug #432521 is still a problem after today's updates.  Do you have an opinion about the proposed patch in the bug?21:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 432521 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "kdm does not restart X server (that crashed on logout)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43252121:26
bryceAmaranth, does https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/417770 sound relevant for you?21:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 417770 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i965GM] kernel backlight control method missing for macbooks" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:26
jcristauScottK: does TerminateServer=true in the kdm config work around the issue?21:27
Amaranthbryce: yep, that's the one21:27
ScottKjcristau: I didn't retry that after today's updates, but it did before.21:28
ScottKI don't know what the side effects of that are.21:28
Amaranthbryce: oh, wait, maybe not21:28
AmaranthFATAL: Error inserting mbp_nvidia_bl (/lib/modules/2.6.32-020632rc3-generic/kernel/drivers/video/backlight/mbp_nvidia_bl.ko): No such device21:29
AmaranthNope, not going to help me :/21:29
bryceScottK, I'd want to see the patch accepted upstream before we pull it into karmic.  The way that patch is written, it adds new behavior for all Intel video cards, so regression risk is a touch high for this stage in the release21:30
ScottKbryce: OK.  This is a significant issue for Kubuntu, so I'd appreciate it if you could discuss it with upstream then.21:32
jcristauScottK: i'd say TerminateServer is the best workaround.  it makes it behave as gdm, and shouldn't have any downsides21:33
jcristauassuming it still works21:33
ScottKjcristau: The problem is we don't have a good way to enforce that on upgrades.21:35
ScottKIf we can avoid having a release note that requires everyone to manually edit config files as root, I'd really prefer it.21:37
bryceScottK, at the moment I'm focusing on regressions for these recent uploads.  It would be great if you have a kubuntu guy that would address that patch with upstream.21:38
jcristauthe default can't be changed inside kdm, it's necessarily in the config file?21:38
ScottKWell if I was going to patch KDM, I'd have the same problem with wanting upstream buy in.  KDM code is notoriously fiddly.21:39
ScottKbryce: This is a regression.21:39
bryceScottK, other regressions are more of a priority for me at the moment21:45
bryce(all of which are affecting kubuntu/kwin users... it would be great if the kubuntu team had an xorg specialist that could work with us on these kinds of kde-specific xorg bugs, since I no longer really test kubuntu stuff myself anymore)21:47
ScottKIt'd be great if we had a number of resources we don't in the Kubuntu team.21:50
bryceheh, there got to be so many comments on bug 359392 that launchpad times out before it can display them22:11
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/359392/+text)22:11
tormodnow we will be DOS'ing lp by clicking on that link to see what it is about :)22:22
brycetormod, that's that old X freeze bug from jaunty22:31
bryceI was curious what's going on with it these days but guess I'll never know22:31
tormodbryce, maybe you can look it up at staging.lp.net22:33
tormodbryce, or use launchpadlib :)22:33
bryceI was just idly curious since I would like to recycle the ppas I set up for it to use for these kwin bugs.  But I just made a new ppa instead.22:34
tormodwill you try reverting suokko's commit in question?22:35
brycetormod, exactly22:35
tormodbryce, trick: run debian/rules patch and unpatch before uploading ;)22:38
tormodbryce, I was actually thinking of fdo 24131, another of suokko's commits. a pity he's not on #radeon now22:40
bryceaw rats22:47
bryceis there a lp bug corresponding to fdo 24131?22:47
tormodyes, you were just commenting on it earlier22:48
tormodthere KMS works fine22:49
ScottKbryce: Do you have a list of the kwin bugs you're looking at?22:51
tormodwhat is kwin doing that compiz etc is not?22:59
ScottKWorking with KDE23:01
tormodScottK, I mean, opengl-wise23:02
ScottKNo idea.23:02
ScottKI know it approaches some things differently, but not the details.23:02
ScottKI recall we had a patch in Intrepid that helped Compiz be faster and did very bad things to Kwin.23:03
* ScottK is not a video expert at all.23:03
brycetormod, ok fixed the patch in the ppa.  I forgot to actually invert it23:09
tormod:) I wondered about that when I saw the patch header23:10
AmaranthScottK: That would be the no backfill patch, iirc23:35
AmaranthIt made GNOME faster and KDE full of garbage23:35
ScottKAmaranth: Yeah.  That's the one.23:35
AmaranthToo bad without it fglrx users get a terrible experience23:35
Amaranthmaybe with Qt 4.6 we can put it back in? :)23:36
ScottKWell sort it out with upstream then, don't just use distro specific hacks that break other things.23:36
ScottKNo idea.23:36
ScottKI think it should get sorted out upstream.23:36
AmaranthThe hack comes from ajax23:36
AmaranthThere is no proper upstream fix possible23:36
ScottKNot saying it's a bad hack, just that it is.23:36
ScottKThen we shouldn't rely on it.23:37
AmaranthWell once Qt joins the modern world and uses _NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST it doesn't hurt anymore ;)23:37
bryceScottK, bugs 410711 and 446578 are the recent regressions I'm focusing on23:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410711 in xorg-server "Xvfb failed to start on sparc" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41071123:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 446578 in mesa "[RS690M] newest mesa update makes kwin compositing constantly crash to kdm" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44657823:43
Amaranthbryce: that second one looks similar to the X300 user I was talking to earlier23:45
AmaranthBut compiz instead of kwin23:45
brycehmm whoops.  I mispasted23:52
bryceScottK, the two bugs are 446578 and 44642523:52
ScottKbryce: Thanks.  I agree those are more important.23:58

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