
dobeythat was easy00:03
=== jamalta-afk is now known as jamalta
duncanas far as terms of service go, what is the legality of backing up ones music library on ubuntu one for sync between laptop and desktop?03:12
statikbacking up music you legally acquired is totally fine04:50
statikand we have no way of knowing what you are storing anyway04:50
jimlovell777can someone tell me what happens when I'm editing or using a file in my UbuntuOne directory and a sync is taking place? Will any data be lost? If I open and edit a file in the UbuntuOne directory and sync up will the difference in the two files be noticed and corrected on the server? Is this a behaviour I should avoid? I ask because I'd like to have a truecrypt container within my backup folder and still access it from time to time to13:08
jimlovell777 keep it up to date.13:08
facundobatistajimlovell777, it depends what "syncs" means there14:01
facundobatistajimlovell777, if it's uploading a previous version to the server, it's ok, it will cancel the current upload and start the new one14:02
facundobatistajimlovell777, if it's downloading a version that came from another machine, you have a conflict (unless both modifications are the same), so the version from the server will finally be put in the original file, and the local change in a .u1conflict file14:03
facundobatistajimlovell777, of course, it depends of when the program that is editing a file actually saves new stuff to disk...14:03
=== rmcbride_ is now known as rmcbride
jblountMEETING STARTS15:00
jblountHello Hackers! Could you please respond with a "me" if you'd like to participate in the Desktop+ Developers Meeting?15:00
jblountrodrigo_: Feel free to jump it off as you are ready, I'm sure urbanape and statik will be with us when they have opportunity :)15:03
rodrigo_• DONE: Fixed HTML login page response for Tomboy sync (bug #440862). Prepare couchdb-glib 0.5.2 release. Tried to fix the missing 'Sync notes' menu item in Tomboy applet15:03
rodrigo_• TODO: Talk to Ara about writing mago tests for evo-couchdb. Conflict resolver tool in pair tool. Look at becoming a MOTU (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers). openSUSE/Fedora packaging with aquarius. Simplify tomboy syncing config UI. API documentation for couchdb-glib.15:03
rodrigo_• BLOCKED: no15:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 440862 in ubuntuone-servers "Tomboy Web synchronization fails" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44086215:03
rodrigo_vai vds15:03
vdsDONE:finally landed the two branches and closed #444483 and #44405315:04
vdsTODO: file a bug for compacting couchdb db and start a branch fo rthat15:04
vdsteknico all you15:04
teknicoDONE: landed the "me" record handling branch (#427807); implemented and proposed the synchronization of repeatable sections of contacts (#440070)15:04
teknicoTODO: updating the contacts web ui code to the sprint use cases (#440070); applying the contacts web design structure to server-side code (#439089)15:04
teknicoBLOCK: none15:04
tekniconext: aquarius15:04
aquarius⚀ DONE: landed unknownloginerror branch; fixed another bug and proposed15:04
aquarius⚁ TODO: work with cardinalfang on DC-to-cloud replication; look at oauth-enabling twisted15:04
aquarius⚂ BLOCKED:15:04
aquarius⚃ BUG COUNT:https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~sil/+assignedbugs?field.tag=ubuntuone-karmic - 0 (!!)15:04
aquariusdobey, you're on15:04
dobey☺ DONE: Fixed #445514 (rotate/cap oauth-login.log), #404550 (NotOnlineError), Lots of triage, Reviews15:04
dobey☹ TODO: Find/fix more bugs, more triage.15:04
dobeyjblount: your roll15:04
dobey☹ BLCK: None.15:04
jblountDONE: Got lp:~jblount/ubuntuone-servers/one-branch-to-rule-them-all landed (thanks rmcbride!), More work on the /files/ interface, some work trying to figure out why my pqm-submit config stuff is bored15:05
jblountTODO: Get the above mentioned branch landed on edge so we can have people go over the copy, ping jobrien about a better upgrade templatetag, crank some more on the /files/ ui (it's soooo close!)15:05
jblountBLOCKED: Nope15:05
jblountCardinalFang: Your turn my friend15:05
CardinalFangDONE: Packaged sources for u1couchdb.  Landed a few branches in desktopcouch.  Pushed up compacting branch for eyeballing.  Started work on Bug #442854.  Simplified and cleaned up replication after jdo's u1 API change for couch info.15:05
CardinalFangTODO: Get replication tested damnit damnit damnit.  Figure out what the heck to do with #442854.15:05
CardinalFangBLOCKED: Is u1couch server upgraded yet?15:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 442854 in couchdb "Daily cron fails" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44285415:05
CardinalFangjblount, I think that's the end.15:06
jblountCardinalFang: Right you are.15:06
jblountMEETING ENDS (if you want it)15:06
jblountI think I'm going to add "my friend" to everything I say from now on, like the most interesting man in the world. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Bc0WjTT0Ps15:07
CardinalFangJust don't sound like US Sen John McCain.15:08
SEJeffCardinalFang, Alright my friends15:10
dobeyjblount: that is so not what i thought of when i think of the term "my friend"15:12
dobeyjblount: "my friend" seems to be a fairly common phrase in kung-fu movies though. like "I'm gonna have to kill you now, my friend"15:13
dobeyyou are late, my friend15:13
urbanapeI see that.15:13
CardinalFangI think of the second-most interesting man in the world, the server at the mexican restaurant.  Admittedly he calls me "mah freen".15:14
SEJeffyou die now, my friend15:14
jblounturbanape: Now is a great time to paste, when you get your notes togther. I saw that you were busy in the #sekrit15:14
urbanapeDONE: Fixing #444022 and helping to get it reviewed.15:14
urbanapeTODO: Shepherd it through packaging and uploading to karmic.15:14
urbanapeBLOCK: None.15:14
SEJeffClassic bad kung fu movies15:14
dobeythe kung fu flick i watched last night. it had like 5 continuity issues in the span of like 30 seconds at one point15:16
dobeyand i like how they all end abruptly15:17
dobeybad guy dies, the end.15:17
statikhi aquarius: can you review this branch? https://launchpad.net/~urbanape/bindwood/proper-oauth-creds/+merge/13020 it fixes a critical bindwood bug, and once approved will need to be uploaded to karmic. it really really needs to be right the first time :)16:00
aquariusyeah, will do.16:01
aquariusurbanape, statik: just tested proper-oauth-creds Bindwood branch, worked perfectly for me16:12
statiksweet. urbanape, let me know if you run into any roadblocks getting it merged and packaged and uploaded16:13
urbanapeI'd still like to explore the encoding issues that dobey mentioned, but I think that might have to wait.16:31
urbanapeConsidering that it's working well now, I'm happy to proceed.16:31
SEJeffMy bug was marked a dupe by rodrigo16:37
SEJeffBut the traceback is different16:37
SEJefflaunchpad bug # 44578016:38
dobeySEJeff: don't put a space after the # :)17:35
dobeyubottu: bug #44578017:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 445780 in ubuntuone-client "Syncing tomboy notes with the latest updated karmic as of 10-7-2009 (dup-of: 440862)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44578017:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 440862 in ubuntuone-servers "Tomboy Web synchronization fails" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44086217:36
diverse_izzuei have ubuntuone not connect automatically the first time i log in after a system boot. the subsequent times it works. known bug?17:38
dobeyrodrigo_: ^ hrmm, those don't look like the same issues17:39
dobeydiverse_izzue: wouldn't know until seeing the logs17:39
diverse_izzuedobey, where can i find the logs?17:40
dobeydiverse_izzue: ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/17:40
dobeydiverse_izzue: right clicking on the applet and choosing "Report a Bug" should attach the relevant ones to a new bug report17:40
SEJeffdobey, Thanks. Is it known that Tomboy <----> ubuntu one syncing still fails?17:42
dobeySEJeff: i don't know. possibly. rodrigo_ would know17:43
statikSEJeff, rodrigo landed a branch to fix yet-one-more tomboy sync issue, but it's not deployed to the server yet. within the next 24 hours it will be though18:23
SEJeffstatik, Alright18:26
SEJeffI'll wait for newer packages and then test them18:26
statikthis one was a server side only fix18:32
SEJeffSo no18:33
SEJeffrodrigo marked my bug a dupe, but it was a json decoder error18:33
dobeySEJeff: well, if the server was returning invalid json...18:38
statikthe problem on the server was that we were sending back some login html instead of a proper json doc18:38
statikone of the view got incorrectly decorated with a login_required method, the root discovery view18:38
SEJeffdobey, No this was initial sync. It wasn't creating valid json /me thinks18:40
SEJeffubuntuone is django?18:40
SEJeffThats fantastic18:41
dobeywell that would likely cause your problem :)18:44
statikyeah, we're using django and twisted and zope and rabbitmq and couchdb and probably more that i can't remember18:47
SEJeffThat must be exciting to develop on. All kinds of bleeding edge stuff18:49
statikexciting or depressing, depending on the bug list approaching karmic release :)18:49
statikwe just released the oops system that is the wsgi middleware we use to log errors in the servers, lp:wsgi-oops18:50
SEJeffOh shiney18:53
SEJeffwow thanks18:53
SEJeffI'll use that here18:53
SEJeffdjango + storm... Will that be submitted back to django or will it stay out of tree like django + sqlalchemy18:56
statikSEJeff, the django-storm integration is shipped in storm currently19:10
statiksame with storm-zope19:10
SEJeffThats great. Too bad it won't work with normal django19:11
statikAAAHAHAHAAHAHAAH jml is here19:11
jmlI have absolutely no time to work on anything, but maybe if I hang around here I'll end up doing something cool by accident.19:12
statikjml, aquarius and thisfred and CardinalFang all hack on desktopcouch19:12
* CardinalFang ducks.19:12
statikSEJeff, it won't work in normal django?  I don't think we are running with any django patches19:18
statiki don't think we have the pieces necessary if you wanted to run the admin interface via storm, but we're definitely using several vanilla django apps19:19
SEJeffstatik, I meant with the django orm and not storm.19:23
statikSEJeff: ah, right. a deficiency in wsgi-oops. I'd very happily accept a patch for that - I have to fix karmic bugs now so I can't fix it myself19:24
statikSEJeff, we'll also be releasing a simple django app that analyzes and displays oops summaries, need to sort out a couple of details but hopefully it will be out in a couple of weeks19:24
SEJeffCan someone blog about this on p.u.o?19:25
statiki crashed my blog19:27
statikpoint taken though, will try to announce more widely19:28
SEJeffIt also makes you guys (canonical) look better19:34
SEJeffHave it put on the fridge perhaps19:34
statikurbanape, did you talk to asac about uploading yet? nag, nag, nag ;)19:45
dobeykenvandine: ping. do you have a specific gwibber bug that the follow_name_owner_changes thing solved?19:53
kenvandinenot specific20:04
kenvandinedobey, ^^20:04
kenvandinebut a bunch20:04
kenvandinedobey, the biggest thing was if either the client or the server restarted, they couldn't talk to each other anymore20:05
dobeykenvandine: so basically there's no way i can test it and say "ok, this solves these issues"20:05
kenvandinekill the daemon20:05
kenvandineand hit refresh in the client20:05
kenvandineit should spawn the daemon and refresh20:05
kenvandinehey SEJeff20:05
SEJeffkenvandine, Hey. How goes the gtwibber hackerage? Its all over your facecrack20:11
dobeykenvandine: i more meant i can't really test it in u120:12
kenvandinedobey, yeah... not really20:12
kenvandineSEJeff, not bad20:12
diverse_izzuenautilus cannot show the contents of my ubuntu one folder, it keeps spinning the "loading" animation. on terminal i see all files.20:13
diverse_izzuethis happens no matter whether the lcient is running or not20:13
dobeydiverse_izzue: that sounds very odd20:14
diverse_izzuei know :-)20:14
dobeydiverse_izzue: and it can show the contents of other folders?20:14
SEJeffkenvandine, How've you been? Karmic is going to be one of the biggest releases yet20:14
dobeydiverse_izzue: what happens if you open "/dev/" in it?20:14
diverse_izzuebut that's what it's doing20:14
kenvandineSEJeff, it's exciting :)20:14
diverse_izzuedobey, it shows it w/o problems20:14
=== benoitc_ is now known as benoitc
SEJeffkenvandine, Yup and you get to keep hacking on lots of python20:15
dobeydiverse_izzue: that's messed up20:16
SEJeffkenvandine, I fell in love with django/jquery and became a superstar at work for writing some slick stuff with it.20:16
verterokdobey: you could hack syncdaemon's dbus interface to deregister itself from dbus and registering again ;)20:16
diverse_izzuedobey, do those permissions look ok? http://pastebin.com/m5240439420:16
dobeyverterok: well i guess it already does that sometimes?20:16
verterokdobey: no..20:16
dobeydiverse_izzue: sure20:16
verterokdobey: possibly if the daemon is restarted20:16
dobeyverterok: i think the "too many timeouts" causes a restart20:17
dobeydon't remember exactly20:17
verterokdobey: but I was talking for a testcase :)20:17
diverse_izzuedobey, a nautilus -q helped20:17
verterokdobey: oh, I think so, yes20:17
dobeydiverse_izzue: weird :-/20:17
dobeyverterok: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client/dbus-follow-name-changes/+merge/1308820:17
diverse_izzuestill, it's a bit disquieting20:18
urbanapestatik, nope, not yet.20:21
dutchieis there anything I have to do to make tomboy note syncing work?20:48
dobeydutchie: i think there was some fixes that landed earlier today, that should be deployed within the next 24 hours or so20:52
dutchieah, perfect timing then :)20:53
dobeyi don't know if it fixes your specific problem, but might :)20:53
gnomefreaknn/win 2021:36

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