[02:39] hi there - is anyone around? [02:45] bbiab [03:23] sup j1mc [03:26] hey Rocket2DMn [03:27] Rocket2DMn: i'm not feeling so hot about Xubuntu docs. They need a big overhaul. [03:28] I am considering rewriting them in Mallard for 10.04. [03:28] yeah? I havent used Xubuntu unfortunately [03:28] it is a good distro. [03:28] I'm hoping to help get the regular ubuntu-docs up to speed for 10.04, fix some old bugs and whatnot [03:28] it deserves good docs. [03:29] i agree, Xubuntu is pretty popular to [03:29] too8 [03:29] :) [03:31] i'd love to help you out, but with all the other stuff i do, i can barely keep up as it is [03:31] understood, Rocket2DMn . . . i'm not asking for you to help. :) [03:32] i will have to seek out help, but i feel like I know more people now, and have better resources [03:33] that's good to hear, best of luck [03:33] j1mc, good luck with that. Not really a xfce user. If ya just need a second opinion or a quick hand I'm about. [03:34] starcraftman: yes - thanks [03:42] bbiab [04:02] starcraftman~ wat does jim mean rewriting them for xubuntu? how can I help him with that as i have some spare time now === bhuvan-afk is now known as bhuvan [08:16] j1mc_: how about for 10.04 you try and bring the branch closer to ubuntu-docs, branching from it, and working on a set of changes that reflect the differences with ubuntu? I'm thinking then you could use the various commits that are relevant by merging from the ubuntu-docs branch regularly. is xubuntu too different to ubuntu for that to work, do you think? [08:42] * Zachk18 is back (gone 00:00:23) [08:43] * Zachk18 is away: Going to bed....back around 8:00 A.M. [12:08] mdke: i can see certain advantages of just staying closer to ubuntu docs. [12:08] if xfce docs use mallard, though, it would make sense to move xubuntu docs that way, too, though. [12:11] i think it is generally good to take content from Ubuntu where appropriate, though. [12:12] brb === j1mc_ is now known as j1mc [12:14] j1mc, oh and rr72 expressed interest in helping ya while ya was out. [12:15] starcraftman: thanks [12:16] he's in my loco team, too. [12:16] i'll be in touch w/ him. [12:16] j1mc, Awesome. [12:55] j1mc: let me know if you have any problems [12:56] or if you need anything, or whatever [12:56] shaunm: thanks - i will let you know. [13:00] cool [13:00] * shaunm -> airport [13:05] j1mc -> work... have a good day, all. === pcutler is now known as pcutler|out [18:28] any of the team here? [19:12] starcraftman~ thanks :-D talked to him a little but have no clue where to start w/ docs. A good first step would be to learn docbook-xml? [21:58] Rocket2DMn, hey....got few minutes for a pm? [21:59] Zachk18, sure [22:09] mdke, when will the karmic branch for ubuntu-docs be set and the development branch moved to lucid? === lukjad007 is now known as lukjad0Q7 === lukjad0Q7 is now known as lukjad007