[00:15] Woohoo, I've got lots of bfs patched .debs. Built with just "debuild" even. [00:15] debuild is how LP builds, right? [00:31] It finished building! [00:34] does anyone have a workaround for bug 414560? [00:34] Malone bug 414560 in linux "ath9k disassociates/reassociates a lot" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/414560 [00:35] I tried the PPA in the upstream comment as well as the regular backports === bjf is now known as bjf-afk [01:58] What initiates file signing during debuild? It's not doing the signing of the .dsc file. [01:59] I tried doing it manually, but the sha1 checksum is apparently somehow different than that generated by the command of the same name. [02:01] Oh, interesting, there are two checksums. [02:03] Three. [02:09] Wow, I actually got all the checksums recalculated, and both the .changes and .dsc resigned properly so dput is uploading. [02:09] That was unpleasant. Three checksums? [02:12] does anyone have a workaround for bug 414560? [02:12] Malone bug 414560 in linux "ath9k disassociates/reassociates a lot" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/414560 [02:16] And LP rejected it. Grr. [02:27] Woohoo, LP accepted it this time. It rejected it because there wasn't a blank line before the gpg signature at the bottom of the .dsc. Grr. [02:27] It'll be a merical if it builds. [02:42] Darxus: The signing step is debsign [03:44] Womble2: Thanks. [03:47] Huh, one of the architectures built. The other two are still going. [03:52] Womble2: I'm not finding references to debsign in this package. [03:55] My debdiff includes several files I didn't touch. Almost certainly because they're automatically generated, but not removed by debian/rules clean. Can I add rming them to debian/rules clean? Open a bug for it? [03:56] debian.master/control.stub debian.master/control debian/control.stub debian/control [03:58] I guess that problem will probably need a more complicated solution. [04:35] hi [04:36] I'm trying to build a more recent ftdi_sio driver on 8.04 but I'm having troubles [04:36] cc1: error: /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/build/include/linux/modversions.h: No such file or directory [04:37] that's the first of many errors [04:37] linux headers are installed [04:38] and the build alias seems to be ok: /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/build -> /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-19-generic [04:39] is it likely that this version of the driver requires a more modern kernel? [04:39] What do the driver docs say? [04:45] the package I downloaded only contains ftdi_sio.c, ftdi_sio.h, Makefile and Rules.mak [04:45] I can't see a reference to min kernel version in those file [04:47] I should mention that this is a g-OS netbook, which is based on 8.04 - but I'm not sure if it's exactly the same [04:49] It's entirely possible that the kernel and driver are incompatible versions. I wouldn't assume which one is too new / old. [04:55] a page I've found suggest that the kernel headers are not configured [05:02] is there a way to acquire the config for the current kernel? I thought it would be in /proc/config but it's not there [05:03] nor is it in the linux-source package [05:03] /boot/config-`uname -r` [05:04] ah, perhaps apt-get source linux-image-generic? [05:04] ah ok thanks [05:05] all the make-kpkg'd kernels put their configs there as wel [05:05] +l [05:06] so I just copy this to /usr/src/`uname -r`/.config [05:06] err sorry, to the headers directory? [05:07] dhon_: The .config in the linux-image package source is built from... several pieces. [05:07] There's a main pice, then a piece for each architecture, then a piece for each flavor, and you cat them together. [05:07] But getting it out of /boot/ is better :) [05:08] :) thanks [05:08] good to know [05:15] ok, so I have the config file, but I'm still not sure how to create modversions.h from the kernel headers? [05:19] it sounds like this might be a driver for 2.4, not 2.6 [05:20] modversions.h no longer exists in 2.6? [05:20] 2.6 has Modules.symver [05:21] or even Module.symvers... [05:21] the ftdi page states that ftdi_sio is in the mainline kernel now, so is it likely that a driver from 2.6.31 (say) would compile on 2.6.24 or is this a bad idea? [05:22] depends on how much its driver class (net, serial, ...) has changed [05:25] I'm not even sure if the driver is the problem - I'm getting IOErrors from pyserial when reading from a USB/RS485 adapter [05:26] it seems to only happen under heavy load, but then occurs on every successive read [05:27] so I was thinking it may be related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/linux/+bug/376128 [05:27] Malone bug 376128 in linux "ftdi_sio doesnt work propertly" [Medium,Fix released] [05:27] even though it's a different kernel version [05:29] I guess I should look at the patch from that fix and see if it applies to my version [06:05] [ 6.540427] nvidia: disagrees about version of symbol module_layout [06:05] I watched dkms rebuild that module, how would it have a different symbol version? [07:24] as a follow up: the latest ftdi_sio is not compatible with 2.6.24 [07:24] the usb_serial structs have changed [07:24] and there were a few other problems [07:24] so it looks like a kernel upgrade is in order [07:24] thanks for the help [09:54] hi apw , could you merge drm-next for ati? [09:54] it has got 2 conficts [09:54] or just tell me what commits i have to revert before [11:11] i have a git query, i am getting a error which says tag does not point to a valid object [11:11] can anyone suggest any solution ? [11:43] Can anyone please give me idea how to debug bug #446612 ? [11:43] Malone bug 446612 in linux "CSS encrypted DVDs do not mount" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/446612 [13:14] smb, which daemon is it which converts acpi messages to keys in userspace... the one you need to stop to do proper testing of keys [13:15] apw, you proy mean acpid [13:15] its that or hald, if you think its acpid, then we agree :) [13:15] though I am not sure this is valid anymore [13:15] https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/392692 [13:15] Malone bug 392692 in linux "hibernate, suspend, monitor switch keys don't work in Panasonic CF-Y7 laptop" [Medium,Triaged] [13:15] smb, your tester has woken up on that one [13:16] by now most drivers have input drivers, so maybe it is what is left of hald ... [13:16] * smb goes having a look [13:17] apw, I would suspect acpid in that case [13:17] yep asked him to test without acpid, so we can see if its to blame there [13:17] He reported some things visible when doing acpi_listen [13:18] yeah thats what i thought [13:18] Could we have a remnants of that handling left? and b) why did the module not load [13:18] I check the acpi ids and there seemed to be one match [13:20] * smb wonders what that last update did to his netbook. ssd busy, back to the login screen, no mouse... [13:31] smb, one assume it didn't load cause its not listed in the module aliases [13:31] if it did match then we need to get the dmesg to see [13:32] apw, Its sort of a special acpi alias (the dmesg shows nothing (the normal one)) [13:32] I double verify to see the id in the acpidump [13:33] and then need to look how that match might b made [13:41] apw, So from the dsdt: "Device (HKEY) { Name (_HID, EisaId ("MAT0019"))..." and from modinfo panasonic_laptop: "alias: acpi*:MAT0019:*" [13:42] that is odd indeed [13:42] smb, udev log might tell us yes? [13:43] The basic question would be, does having that Id in acpi generate an event? [13:45] apw, Looking into /sys/bus/acpi should tell I guess [13:45] apw, /sys/bus/acpi/devices actually [13:56] apw, Ok, I guess I have some reasonable questions posted to proceed [13:57] yep seems reasonable to me, not much more one can ask that i can think of [13:59] Can anyone please give me an idea what could be wrong here - bug #446612 [13:59] Malone bug 446612 in linux "CSS encrypted DVDs do not mount" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/446612 [14:51] apw: Can you provide any insight on that bug? [14:52] CSS encrypted, all region coded disks are CSS encrypted yes? [14:53] apw: yes. [14:53] and those are the only disks not mounting on this drive. [14:54] and do we know if this is a generic issue or drive specific? [14:55] * apw shoves a mission: impossible region 2 disk in his drive to find out [14:56] that seems to mount ok and play [14:57] slytherin, is it _all_ css disks? could your drive be in region 0 [14:58] also does this work on older kernels? from older releases? [14:58] apw: It is issue with all CSS disks. The drive region is 5. [14:58] do you have an older jaunty kernel on your machine still 2.6.28-* ? [14:59] if so you might try booting that, the karmic userspace should just about work i would think [14:59] Nope sorry. I can try installing it tonight. [14:59] that would be worth trying, as would a latest mainline kernel [15:00] I already tried daily build from 2 October from mainline builds PPA. That didn't help. [15:01] ok [15:01] apw: hi... regarding your comment here > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/271258/comments/39 [15:01] Malone bug 271258 in linux "Acer Orbicam gspca's module fails" [High,Triaged] [15:01] i'm using grub2 [15:01] apw: This might be drive (or driver) specific issue. Funny thing is that everything else works. non-CSS DVDs, audio CDs, Video CDs etc. [15:01] slytherin, i added that to the bug too so its not lost forever in the irc logs [15:02] slytherin, yeah i am reading CSS stuff on the dvd drive in my laptop, so its not a general issue [15:02] cking_, was there some way to tell grub 2 not to touch the console at all [15:02] apw: how do i disable output? [15:02] * cking_ draws a blank on that [15:03] apw: Let's say the issue is present with jaunty kernel as well. What is the way forward? [15:03] slytherin, oh do you have the CSS decoder libaries installed? [15:03] libdvdcss2 i think its called? [15:04] apw: yes I have. [15:04] hrm, then you have what i have ... [15:04] so i am suspicious its device related then [15:05] mac_v, hmmm not sure off the top of my head [15:05] but i think grub2 has an option to not change the display at all [15:06] apw: the weird thing is , when i upgraded to interpid this problem did not arise... but when i did a fresh reinstall of interpid this started :/ [15:06] * cking_ missing the connection between grub2 and DVDs [15:06] yep dunno what the difference between those two would be [15:06] cking_, different issues [15:06] two different people [15:07] I need more coffee and need to sleep more that's for sure [15:07] one has a webcam which they think worked in windows when the mbr was a windows one, and does not once grub is installed [15:07] and i was wondering if we can ask grub to leave the machine alone more to see if its init which is upsetting the world [15:08] mac_v, is the webcam builtin? [15:08] has the DVD drive been regionalised? Sometimes new ones are not set [15:08] could it be a bios issue wonder [15:08] cking_, i wondered that too ... how does one tell though [15:08] cking_: yes it has been, I checked with regionset [15:09] apw: yes [15:09] slytherin, stupid question time: has this DVD been seen to work on other kit? === bjf-afk is now known as bjf [15:10] yes, I can play it find on my ibook, powerpc with jaunty. In fact I can play all the DVDs I have on ibook. [15:14] slytherin, it's a E616 DVD drive? [15:14] I don't know the details. Only that it is a Asus DVD drive. I borrowed it from a friend with the intention of buying if it worked all right. [15:15] I had a look at the boot message, it's looks like an ASUS E616. I've seen similar comments about this drive: http://vip.asus.com/forum/view.aspx?board_id=2&model=DVD-E616&id=20051224212843290&page=1&SLanguage=en-us [15:15] ..which may indicate it works on older DVDs but maybe not on newer ones. [15:16] let me ask my friend if he faced similar problem [15:17] that would be very odd indeed. be interesting to see if windows can use it too [15:17] just a hunch [15:20] yeah i can see why you think that, i would be not buying one of those drives from the whining about them on google [15:21] and the errors do look like the drive is getting all upset and stopping responding at the bus level [15:23] I guess I will return it to my friend. :-) I should have logged the bug earlier. [15:30] slytherin: why do you mount dvd? [15:31] many of the problematic ones have extra copyprotection and can be only played using lindvd [15:31] Kano: My DVDs are not like that. They play fine on my laptop. [15:32] then the drive could be faulty [15:39] Kano: It woks for everything other than region coded drives. [15:39] then it is clear [15:39] you need to set the region code first [15:39] regionset - view and modify the region code of DVD drives [15:40] 15:08 < slytherin> cking_: yes it has been, I checked with regionset [15:40] Do keep up [15:41] slytherin: if you have got win try to play it there, if it asks then it was not set [15:41] heh [15:42] or just flash rpc1 firmware [15:45] I don't have windows. Stopped using that 5 years ago. I will try rpc1 firmware [15:47] 2.6.31-13.42 ... does anyone really want that for ia64, or can I kill that build and let other stuff make progress, since I assume there'll be an even newer kernel sometime, yes? [15:55] apw: Can that DVD issue be anyway related to DMA? I see lot of 'link is slow to respond', not sure what that means. And not sure why it comes with only region coded disks. [15:55] slytherin, the first thing that occurs is that the drive is reported frozen it seems [15:55] then we get annoyed and reset it and then it occurs agian ... [15:56] so i'd say it looks like the drive is going away when we do the 'what you got in there then' call [15:56] hmm, so might be related to drive status reporting, right? [15:56] i assume when you say the drive is region 5 that the disks are the same region [15:56] slytherin, very hard to say ... all i can see if it dissappearing off the bus [15:56] thats not a very nice thing for it to do [15:57] apw: yes. some of the disks are same region, but the problem appears irrespective of the region. Anyway I will try latest kernel and jaunty kernel. [17:42] I rebuilt the kernel package, patched, purged the installed one with a matching version, installed the one I built, watched dkms do something with the nvidia driver for it, rebooted, and got this:\ [17:42] [ 6.540427] nvidia: disagrees about version of symbol module_layout [17:42] How do I fix it? [17:43] Darxus, install the header packages from the kernel you built [17:44] Is it really that easy? [17:46] I installed these two: linux-headers-2.6.31-12-generic_2.6.31-12.41bfs1_i386.deb linux-image-2.6.31-12-generic_2.6.31-12.41bfs1_i386.deb [17:46] What I still need to install is this? linux-headers-2.6.31-12_2.6.31-12.41bfs1_all.deb [17:57] dkms looks pretty freaking spiffy if I can get it to work. [17:58] well bfs modules are not compatible with the other ones [17:58] i am using bfs too, it is better for some cases [17:59] but you need to recompile kernel modules [18:03] I installed that headers package and I'm still getting the error: [ 68.399005] nvidia: disagrees about version of symbol module_layout [18:03] Kano: I rebuilt the whole kernel package, patched with bfs. What am I missing? [18:07] so, err [18:07] why don't I have any sound? :P [18:07] good question. where's it breaking? [18:08] no idea, I just don't have any sound anymore [18:08] Dell XPS 1330M [18:08] Kano: In case you're interested in subscribing, the bug for including BFS is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/424927 [18:08] Malone bug 424927 in linux "[needs-packaging] include Brain fuck Scheduler" [Wishlist,Confirmed] [18:09] Keybuk: got an "ubuntu-bug alsa-base" i can look at? [18:09] dtchen: collecting... [18:11] dtchen: bug 447413 [18:11] Malone bug 447413 in alsa-driver "No sound (Dell XPS 1330M)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/447413 [18:11] it worked when I installed this last week ;) [18:11] but one of the updates (kernel maybe?) broked it [18:13] ah, you got bitten by alsactl store. Your Master and PCM are zero [18:14] i've changed alsa-utils to just short-circuit start in the initscript if pulseaudio is being used, since PA restores volumes anyhow [18:14] how do I fix that? [18:14] the volume indicator on the panel says I'm at full volume [18:15] Tom Haddon tried the ubuntu-audio-dev packages earlier and confirmed they work for him [18:16] in the meantime, i think using alsamixer or "amixer set 'PCM' 100% && amixer set 'Master' 100%" will help [18:19] hmm, doesn't seem to be working still [18:19] let me try rebooting [18:29] that's an awfully long reboot... [18:41] I was missing the linux-libc-dev package, but that didn't help any. [19:22] Would 2.6.31-12bfs1.41 work as an ABI bump for 2.6.31-12.41? [19:24] it's pretty ugly, but yes [19:24] Thanks. [19:25] I'm wondering if an abi bump will fix my version symbol disagreement problem. === bjf is now known as bjf-afk [19:37] $ dkms status [19:37] nvidia, 185.18.36, 2.6.31-12-generic, i686: installed (WARNING! Diff between built and installed module!) [19:37] Where is the built version? [19:50] Ah, nevermind, that's the error you get when you delete the installed version. Lame. [21:00] ogasawara: hi how are you [21:03] ogasawara: I want to show you something I have been working on, do you have about 5 mins. [21:04] dhillon-v10: hi, sorta tied up at the moment. send me an email. [21:04] alright thanks :) === bjf-afk is now known as bjf [22:29] When patching the linux kernel package with bfs, should I change the source package name from linux to linux-bfs? === Whoopie_ is now known as Whoopie