[00:45] oh hm, has anyone heard from cproffit about the moodle training we tentatively had scheduled for tonight? [01:20] cprofitt: hey! [01:21] hey pleia2 [01:21] are we doing a moodle call thingy tonight? [01:21] yes... [01:21] sorry... [01:21] my kids just stopped misbehaving and I just got on [01:22] was it 8pm or 9pm we were shooting for? [01:22] 9pm, I was just wondering, you're not late :) [01:22] phew [01:22] sounds good. [01:22] I haven't seen doctormo talk about it though [01:22] I am ready willing and able [01:23] and I was hoping to tag along with your conversation, I still need to read the moodle documentation :( bad pleia2 [01:23] You and I can do it if doc is not here [01:23] I should probably be better prepared [01:24] nah... its ok [01:51] hm, still no doctormo! [01:52] I am still up for training you at least... [01:52] ok, how should I prepare? [01:52] * pleia2 gets logged into learn.ufbt.net [01:52] http://learn.ufbt.net/course/view.php?id=7 [01:54] ok, it's clear to me that I don't even know how to TAKE a moodle class [01:54] what do I click on? I just see a bunch of lines [01:54] hehe [01:55] pleia2, are you on the conference yet? [01:55] no, have to dial in at 9:01 [01:56] k [01:56] you went to the link I gave you [01:56] yes [01:56] in the upper right had corner there should be a 'turn editing on' [01:57] button... click that [01:57] Hello [01:57] for editing... [01:57] hey doctormo - http://learn.ufbt.net/course/view.php?id=7 [01:57] ok [01:57] I would like to wait until we conference... [01:57] then I can go over all the 'parts' [01:58] alright :) [01:58] oh, maybe the course I should be "taking" is the one with the videos? [02:00] http://imagebin.ca/view/s3GrgK3V.html <- I'm not at home, I've just exited from a Carnival in Cambridge. [02:00] But I'm here at a cafe to do this lesson, 9:00pm exactly [02:00] no -- I want to walk you through this stuff... [02:00] ok, it's after 9, I'll call in now [02:02] in conference [02:03] you dialing in doctormo ? [02:07] no [02:07] wait [02:07] Some complexity with my location [02:09] cprofitt, pleia2: can either of you remind me of the phone number and details? trying to find the email [02:10] see private [02:10] thanks cprofitt [02:36] http://learn.ufbt.net/course/view.php?id=3 [02:42] call just went silent for me [02:43] * pleia2 dials back in [02:44] pleia2: you back yet? [02:44] yep! [03:37] cprofitt: oh hey, are you going to be at the waterloo release party? [03:40] pleia2, no... its on a Sunday... during football season [03:40] cprofitt: gah! :( but I will be there! [03:40] yes, another missed opportunity to meet you... :-( [03:41] psh, football, I see how it is :) [03:41] very sorry... but I have not missed a Buccaneers game in six years [03:41] hehe [03:41] ok ok [03:44] I hope you really got some value out of the call... [03:44] oh I did, it was great :) [03:45] here is the site I spoke about -- http://www.classroom20.com/ [03:45] its EDU and mostly K-12... [03:45] http://community.k12opensource.com/ [03:45] that is the other one [03:45] ah ok, I'd seen the http://community.k12opensource.com/ [03:46] yea.. they talk a bit about Moodle as well. [06:29] Evening all [06:36] 'lo doctormo [06:40] bodhizazen: How's it going bodi, haven't seen you around much. [06:41] I've been quiet on this channel =) [06:42] :-) [18:39] pleia2, you around? === Zachk18 is now known as Sub_Zero