BluesKaj | areay0, install fglrxgears | 16:33 |
areay0 | BluesKaj, there's no package by that name | 16:34 |
areay0 | BluesKaj, google doesn't know how to install it either | 16:36 |
BluesKaj | areay0, forgotten the exact name of the app | 16:39 |
BluesKaj | mesa-utils | 16:39 |
BluesKaj | depends on your ati driver | 16:40 |
areay0 | mesa utils is already installed. | 16:40 |
BluesKaj | I used to use ati , but I've switched to nvidia and things have changed somewhat i guess | 16:40 |
areay0 | i tried running fgl_glxgears, and it told me to install xorg-driver-fglrx (which is what messed things up before) | 16:41 |
areay0 | (i think) | 16:41 |
BluesKaj | no , the xorg-driver-fglrx is like a plugin, but let me look around | 16:42 |
areay0 | kk# | 16:43 |
=== areay0 is now known as areay | ||
BluesKaj | ok, the xorg-driver-fglrx is a complete driver from what i can tell | 16:44 |
BluesKaj | so we need to avoid that | 16:44 |
areay | ok | 16:45 |
BluesKaj | areay, dunno if there's a work around or not , more research is needed | 16:45 |
areay | BluesKaj, can i pm you my glxinfo output | 16:45 |
BluesKaj | yeah | 16:45 |
linuxguy | hi has anyone tried using the flrx drivers with 9.04? | 16:48 |
BluesKaj | linuxguy, depends on your ati card | 17:00 |
BluesKaj | anyway, I'm going for my daily walk in an hr or so | 17:01 |
linuxguy | BluesKaj: I am using an ati 9500 card, ive been reading up and its not promising | 17:01 |
BluesKaj | pci? | 17:01 |
linuxguy | BluesKaj: no its an agp one :(# | 17:02 |
BluesKaj | ok , but it's a stand alone | 17:03 |
BluesKaj | ok gone for sure now...BBL | 17:06 |
=== areay is now known as areay0 | ||
areay | i just installed fglrx for my ati card... after logging into kdm, i get nothing but a black screen, a cursor, and a login sound... | 17:09 |
areay | why is it taking hours to complete a simple configuration | 17:10 |
areay | has nobody thought about what it might be like for the end-user to install something like this? | 17:10 |
=== macrosoft is now known as macrosoft_ | ||
lolsauc3 | this is lolb0t on my other comp | 17:12 |
areay | wtf is going on in here | 17:12 |
areay | everyone has questions, but nobody has answers | 17:13 |
areay | this sucks | 17:13 |
areay | hard | 17:13 |
FloodBotK1 | areay: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:13 |
=== Guest81920 is now known as robinr | ||
areay | fuck off flood bot | 17:13 |
areay | actually don't.. come back... you're the only one i'm getting any sense out of | 17:14 |
lolsauc3 | okay, BluesKaj, I'm going to try and boot my other comp into kubuntu. (this is lolb0t) and I'll type the results here. | 17:14 |
areay | lolsauc3, unfortunately BlueKaj has gone... and now we're down to 0 people who know what they're doing | 17:15 |
areay | out of 284 | 17:15 |
lolsauc3 | oy :< | 17:15 |
areay | lol | 17:15 |
lolsauc3 | damn | 17:15 |
lolsauc3 | I really want to get this crap working :P | 17:16 |
areay | me too lol | 17:16 |
areay | i would ask in #ubuntu but you can't get an answer there for the opposite reason | 17:16 |
areay | within 30 seconds of you typing something, it's lost in a sea of other people's questions | 17:17 |
areay | here it just sits there and nobody says anything | 17:17 |
areay | my question: what's the point? | 17:17 |
lolsauc3 | lol, I dont know | 17:18 |
lolsauc3 | generally linux is pretty user friendly, especially ubuntu, but you always have a lemon and cant find your drivers ANYWHERE. especially with newer computers | 17:18 |
lolsauc3 | I on the other hand, am having problems booting | 17:19 |
areay | imho: linux is as far from user-friendly as you can get (get a mac if that's what you want), ubuntu is the exception (in some situations)... the reason ubuntu is user-friendly is because it comes with everything a STANDARD user needs to work with... as soon as you want to do anything different you spend hours on borums and irc channels not getting the answers you need | 17:20 |
CyberKitsune | Hello? | 17:22 |
areay | CyberKitsune, can you hear the echoes? | 17:23 |
CyberKitsune | I was using Kubuntu, but I want to switch to Ubuntu, so I installed ubuntu-desktop, and GDM is default, but, Kubuntu is still there. | 17:23 |
areay | CyberKitsune, you need to remove kubuntu-desktop | 17:24 |
CyberKitsune | I did that as well | 17:24 |
CyberKitsune | It didn't uninstall any other packages, just kubuntu-desktop | 17:24 |
areay | so it's firing up GDM, but going into kde when you login? | 17:24 |
CyberKitsune | No | 17:25 |
CyberKitsune | I go into GNOME | 17:25 |
CyberKitsune | But KDE is still there | 17:25 |
CyberKitsune | as well as all of the KDE apps | 17:25 |
areay | yeah that can be annoying | 17:25 |
CyberKitsune | Do I have to manually uninstall all of the kde stuff? | 17:26 |
areay | CyberKitsune, i think you do, but someone's already written all the commands | 17:26 |
areay | i found it on google the other day | 17:26 |
areay | hold up | 17:26 |
CyberKitsune | k | 17:27 |
areay | CyberKitsune, are you using 9.04? | 17:28 |
CyberKitsune | 9.10 Alpha9... but should be the same packages as 9.04 | 17:29 |
CyberKitsune | er | 17:29 |
CyberKitsune | Whatever Alpha they are at | 17:29 |
areay | lol | 17:29 |
areay | try this: | 17:29 |
areay | | 17:30 |
areay | CyberKitsune, let me know if it works for you# | 17:32 |
CyberKitsune | It works, BUT, you need to remove the package "dontzap" from the list, as 9.10 doesn't have that | 17:32 |
CyberKitsune | after that, it works perfectly | 17:33 |
areay | sweet | 17:33 |
FloodBotK1 | !netsplit | 17:38 |
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu | ||
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See | 17:41 |
BluesKaj | areay, what fglrx did you install ? | 17:47 |
lolsauc3 | BluesKaj, I'll try to boot my comp into kubuntu and tell you the results | 18:08 |
haythem | Hi all | 18:08 |
lolsauc3 | I got a few filed cpufrequency changes | 18:11 |
lolsauc3 | failed* | 18:11 |
lolsauc3 | I always get that for some reason | 18:11 |
lolsauc3 | should I get the 64 bit version instead? | 18:11 |
BluesKaj | if you have 64 bit kubuntu installed , you could try , lolsauc3 | 18:13 |
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lolsauc3 | I'll have to go put it on a live disc | 18:13 |
lolsauc3 | would it work better for a p3 800mhz? | 18:13 |
BluesKaj | lolsauc3, only if you have a 64 bit cpu | 18:14 |
lolsauc3 | I'll have to find out about that one | 18:14 |
lolsauc3 | idk if it's 64 bit | 18:14 |
lolsauc3 | hangon | 18:14 |
BluesKaj | 800mhz is quite old , it's prolly just x86 | 18:15 |
BluesKaj | x86=32bit | 18:15 |
lolsauc3 | okay | 18:15 |
lolsauc3 | yeah, it's old, but I got it for practically free | 18:16 |
BluesKaj | ok, what are you trying now , lolsauc3 ? | 18:16 |
lolsauc3 | I"m going to keep rebooting until I find the errors again, I've had one successful boot out of 2 so far | 18:17 |
BluesKaj | !xfce | 18:17 |
ubottu | Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at and - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels | 18:17 |
lolsauc3 | let me try again | 18:17 |
lolsauc3 | I'm using kubuntu right now | 18:17 |
BluesKaj | live cd or install ? | 18:17 |
lolsauc3 | live cd | 18:17 |
BluesKaj | you might try XFCE desktop, it's lighter on the RAM but very useful | 18:18 |
BluesKaj | !xubuntu | 18:18 |
ubottu | Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at and - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels | 18:18 |
lolsauc3 | I used xubuntu before this, I got the same problems, idk if it's because of my ram, because windows and linux only recognize 320 of the 512 (or something around there) | 18:19 |
BluesKaj | Ram is cheap , it's worth upgrading to 1Gig if possible | 18:20 |
lolsauc3 | that's the thing, it says that the computer is only capable of using 192 mb (128 + the embedded 64mb) and that could be part of it, as there is a 512 stick in there | 18:21 |
lolsauc3 | I mean, it boots and memtest is cool with recognizing 320 of it | 18:22 |
lolsauc3 | I'll have to run memtest again | 18:22 |
lolsauc3 | I just love kde4 though | 18:23 |
lolsauc3 | it's gorgeous lol | 18:23 |
lolsauc3 | prettier than vista if you ask me | 18:23 |
lolsauc3 | and less ram consumption by far | 18:23 |
kiiru | hey guys | 18:24 |
kiiru | i seem to be having a problem getting my usb mouse to work with kubuntu as far as i know it's in kubuntu 9.04 with kde4 any ideas? | 18:25 |
lolsauc3 | kiiru, did the mouse come with a driver disc for windows? | 18:26 |
lolsauc3 | or was it just plug and play? | 18:26 |
kiiru | no it's plug and play | 18:26 |
lolsauc3 | are you on a laptop or desktop? | 18:26 |
kiiru | desktop | 18:26 |
kiiru | well currently on a laptop but i'm refering to the desktop | 18:27 |
lolsauc3 | okay | 18:27 |
BluesKaj | lolsauc3, maybe a bios upgrade flash is in order for the motherboard , 800 mhz pc usually can handle up 512 if not more . The RAM installed isn't working right or is the wrong type , some pcs don't like unbalanced RAM values in the memory slots . 128 and 256 for example ...better to have just one 256 or 512 , or 2 256s | 18:27 |
lolsauc3 | is the usb port you're referring to a part of the motherboard, or is it a pci card? | 18:28 |
kiiru | i know it works with ps2 mice, but i don't have one on hand anymore | 18:28 |
kiiru | i've tried it on the motherboard usb slots and the pci ones | 18:28 |
lolsauc3 | and BluesKaj, where would I find a bios upgrade? I havent seen one on hp's site | 18:28 |
lolsauc3 | okay, does kubuntu recognize that it's plugged in or does it disregard it? and does the laser come on? | 18:29 |
BluesKaj | lolsauc3, find out what motherboard is installed on your pc on the HP site with a mosel number search | 18:29 |
BluesKaj | model | 18:29 |
kiiru | i'm not sure, as far as i can see it disregards it, but the laser never comes on it's not designed to | 18:29 |
lolsauc3 | it's a laptop, the model is compaq presario 18XL580 | 18:30 |
lolsauc3 | BluesKaj, ^ | 18:30 |
lolsauc3 | so it's a ball mouse kiiru ? | 18:30 |
BluesKaj | lolsauc3, then look for the motherboard make and model | 18:30 |
lolsauc3 | okay | 18:30 |
=== areay is now known as areay0 | ||
kiiru | no it's a lazer mouse that doen't have a visable light led, | 18:31 |
kiiru | i assume it's infra red, not i've no way os testing it | 18:31 |
kiiru | ok i opened it up and there's an led on the c.board it turns on so there is power going to the device | 18:33 |
lolsauc3 | okay | 18:34 |
lolsauc3 | so does that led light up when it's plugged in? | 18:34 |
kiiru | yes | 18:35 |
lolsauc3 | BluesKaj, I found a new bios | 18:35 |
lolsauc3 | I'll flash that on | 18:35 |
lolsauc3 | and kiiru, I'm not sure why it wouldnt work. does the device work on windows pcs? | 18:36 |
kiiru | yer it works fine with my laptop (vista) | 18:36 |
kiiru | the computer it self may be too old or something | 18:36 |
BluesKaj | lolsauc3, now follow the instructions for flashging your bios very carefully | 18:36 |
lolsauc3 | yeah, if you do it wrong the pc is screwed right? | 18:36 |
lolsauc3 | :P | 18:36 |
BluesKaj | lolsauc3, yup | 18:37 |
lolsauc3 | it's all in a windows executable | 18:37 |
BluesKaj | lolsauc3, do you have windows partition ? | 18:38 |
lolsauc3 | yes, right now the pc is all running on windows | 18:38 |
lolsauc3 | I was going to repartition it and put kubuntu on the other partition | 18:38 |
BluesKaj | lolsauc3, ok run the bios flash as per instructions on windows then , partition your drive and then install kubuntu , you can checl with the kubuntu live cd if the bios flash helped | 18:40 |
lolsauc3 | sure thing | 18:40 |
lolsauc3 | the description of the ROM update I'm downloading: creates a bootable diskette to update the System ROM | 18:41 |
lolsauc3 | and enhancements: Adds new video BIOS to support Windows XP | 18:41 |
kiiru | i think i'll just go and buy another ps2 mouse then, thanks guys later | 18:41 |
lolsauc3 | sorry about that kiiru | 18:42 |
lolsauc3 | ohwell | 18:42 |
=== kb is now known as Guest39172 | ||
lolsauc3 | okay, it has to put it on a floppy lol | 18:48 |
lolsauc3 | a 3.5" | 18:48 |
lolsauc3 | I'm formatting one right now | 18:48 |
lolsauc3 | then I'll use it | 18:48 |
=== ruben_ is now known as Guest90966 | ||
lolsauc3 | I feel so ghetto with a 3.5" | 18:48 |
lolsauc3 | lol | 18:48 |
lolsauc3 | okay, it's writing now | 18:50 |
lolsauc3 | alright | 18:52 |
lolsauc3 | now I'm going to attempt | 18:52 |
lolsauc3 | wish me luck | 18:52 |
lolsauc3 | oh, it's doing it automatically | 18:53 |
lolsauc3 | holy fuck it scared the shit out of me | 18:54 |
lolsauc3 | it beeped really loud | 18:54 |
lolsauc3 | I hope that isnt bad | 18:54 |
FloodBotK2 | lolsauc3: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:54 |
BluesKaj | lolsauc3, language | 18:54 |
lolsauc3 | oh, I'm sorry | 18:54 |
lolsauc3 | hmm | 18:55 |
lolsauc3 | Error, 0251: system CMOS checksum bad-Default configuration used | 18:55 |
lolsauc3 | the bios is still working | 18:55 |
lolsauc3 | I just think it may have screwed up | 18:55 |
lolsauc3 | okay, this time it worked | 18:57 |
BluesKaj | reboot lolsauc3 , then do a memtest | 18:58 |
lolsauc3 | sure thing | 18:58 |
BluesKaj | BBL ..errands to do. | 19:02 |
lolsauc3 | kk | 19:02 |
lolsauc3 | BluesKaj, memtest will probably take a while | 19:04 |
lolsauc3 | I'll be back when results are in | 19:04 |
Galaen | hello | 19:12 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
Galaen | i have a little problem with amarok when i try to download the jacquettes of my riped cd's it can't download | 19:13 |
Galaen | cover sorry | 19:14 |
lolsauc3 | BluesKaj, so far 29% pass and I had one failing address | 19:16 |
linuxguy | areay0: are you still here? | 19:21 |
lolsauc3 | okay, BluesKaj, I hit a bad patch | 19:24 |
lolsauc3 | I have 21 errors so far | 19:24 |
lolsauc3 | 24 errors | 19:27 |
lolsauc3 | maybe my memory is a lemon? | 19:27 |
linuxguy | brb | 19:27 |
lolsauc3 | 26 errors | 19:31 |
apetrescu | What is the 'recommended' KDE4 newsreader? Is it still KNode? | 19:33 |
lolsauc3 | 28 errors | 19:34 |
lolsauc3 | :P | 19:34 |
lolsauc3 | darn | 19:34 |
mauri | is there a program to perform a dvd movie backup? | 19:35 |
apetrescu | mauri: handbrake | 19:35 |
mauri | apetrescu: is ti able to remove dvd protections? | 19:36 |
apetrescu | mauri: You have to decrypt it first before you pass it through handbrake | 19:36 |
James147 | wheeeeeeeeeeeee3 | 19:37 |
apetrescu | They have them in the Medibuntu repository | 19:37 |
apetrescu | mauri: Hope this helps: | 19:37 |
onlooker | Hi. Is there a way to recursively chmod a folder, but only affecting the files and not folders within? | 19:38 |
mauri | apetrescu: tnk | 19:39 |
dennis00 | How can apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop xubuntu-desktop, it only frees 97kb it says, am I doing something wrong besides removing kubuntu? | 19:41 |
mauri | apetrescu: just the last question....what can i use to decrypt the dvd? | 19:43 |
onlooker | dennis00: That's because it's a so-called metapackage. Those packages don't contain anything, all they do is depend on other packages | 19:44 |
dennis00 | How do I remove kubuntu then? :-( | 19:44 |
=== N_ is now known as _234567891234567 | ||
onlooker | dennis00: <- Not sure if this applies to 9.04, but it's worth a shot | 19:46 |
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=== meublendernaofun is now known as MeuBlenderNFunfa | ||
areay | the "Activate" button doesn't work in jockey-kde | 19:52 |
areay | i click it and nothing happens | 19:52 |
areay | and there's no errors reported in the command line | 19:52 |
areay | makes no sense at all | 19:53 |
=== r_ is now known as Guest66517 | ||
=== fred_ is now known as Guest73825 | ||
BluesKaj | areay0, are you choosing the recomended driver in the list ? | 20:30 |
sheldon_85 | hi, everyone has the KDE packages for ubuntu karmic compiled with qt 4.6 ? | 20:38 |
jlnkjnk | hi, how can i disable bold fonts in konsole? | 20:44 |
jlnkjnk | when i choose my font i select regular not bold, still ls command show dirs in bold and the other files in normal font weight | 20:45 |
=== me is now known as Guest62460 | ||
=== MeuBlenderNFunfa is now known as N_ | ||
kenan | !restricted | 21:11 |
=== kenan is now known as Guest19360 | ||
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 21:11 |
mostafa_ | when I apply the patch this error happend "Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Assume -R?" what is my problem? | 21:12 |
=== honest is now known as honest__ | ||
=== honest__ is now known as honest | ||
honest | нихуясебе | 21:15 |
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_motti__ | hi guys. I looked at my system monitor and I have java running constantly at ~124KB of memory and 2% of cpu. the parent process is wrapper-linux-x. what is going? | 21:38 |
Mr_Giraffe | does anybody know what package kdecorations.h is supposed to be in? | 22:19 |
Mr_Giraffe | er, kdecoration.h* | 22:19 |
tsimpson | !find kdecoration.h | 22:21 |
ubottu | File kdecoration.h found in kdebase-workspace-dev | 22:21 |
Mr_Giraffe | tsimpson: I had found it about 30 seconds ago, thanks though :P | 22:21 |
Mr_Giraffe | uh, two more things, since I'm trying KDE coming from GNOME... | 22:22 |
Mr_Giraffe | 1) is there any way to get a network-manager type thing in the system tray? | 22:22 |
tsimpson | knetworkmanager | 22:22 |
Mr_Giraffe | sweet! | 22:23 |
Ev0luti0n_ | yup | 22:23 |
Ev0luti0n_ | add the widget and place it there | 22:23 |
Mr_Giraffe | hmm, I think I'm getting used to this... | 22:23 |
Ev0luti0n_ | :D | 22:23 |
Mr_Giraffe | oh HELL yes, there's a scrolling RSS widget | 22:24 |
Ev0luti0n_ | if you are like me on this thing, the thing you'll fancy the most are the buttons located everywhere with which you can install themes and new content | 22:24 |
Mr_Giraffe | haha well, I'm still trying to figure that bit out | 22:24 |
Mr_Giraffe | Ev0luti0n_: what's a decent theme for KDE? | 22:24 |
Ev0luti0n_ | right click on the desktop -> appearence settings -> get new themes | 22:24 |
Ev0luti0n_ | experience that | 22:24 |
Mr_Giraffe | whoa | 22:25 |
Mr_Giraffe | whoa. | 22:25 |
Ev0luti0n_ | sort items by rating | 22:25 |
Ev0luti0n_ | :D | 22:25 |
Ev0luti0n_ | or by most downloads | 22:25 |
Ev0luti0n_ | just click install | 22:25 |
FloodBotK2 | Ev0luti0n_: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 22:25 |
tsimpson | there's also tons more on | 22:25 |
Ev0luti0n_ | bam, it's done and ready to use! | 22:25 |
Ev0luti0n_ | yup | 22:25 |
tsimpson | which is where those themes you see are from | 22:25 |
Mr_Giraffe | right, I gathered that much | 22:26 |
Mr_Giraffe | that's really neat, actually | 22:26 |
Ev0luti0n_ | :) | 22:26 |
Ev0luti0n_ | to get new widgets, new emoticons, new wallpapers, it's the similar process | 22:26 |
Ev0luti0n_ | try searching for new wallpapers | 22:26 |
Ev0luti0n_ | hehehe | 22:26 |
Ev0luti0n_ | :) | 22:26 |
Mr_Giraffe | so if I want to change the window border, that's more compilation than anything else, right? | 22:26 |
Ev0luti0n_ | go to the appearence settings, on the settings panel | 22:26 |
Ev0luti0n_ | konqueror - computer - system settings -> appearence settings | 22:27 |
Mr_Giraffe | oh, right, I mean installing new themes | 22:27 |
Mr_Giraffe | or new window borders...whatever the right term is | 22:27 |
Ev0luti0n_ | i couldn't figure that out yet | 22:28 |
Ev0luti0n_ | fiddle around with the settings on the settings panel | 22:28 |
Ev0luti0n_ | :) | 22:28 |
Ev0luti0n_ | im a newbie also, i can't help you much | 22:28 |
tsimpson | window themes need to be compiled, there are a couple included in kubuntu, search for kwin-style in a package manager | 22:28 |
tsimpson | there's also kwin-style-dekorator, which lets you customize things more easily | 22:28 |
Ev0luti0n_ | tsimpson: when you mean compiled, you mean installed through kpackagekit? | 22:29 |
tsimpson | compiled means you download the source and turn it into binary modules | 22:29 |
Ev0luti0n_ | erm...... | 22:29 |
Ev0luti0n_ | it would be a neat thing if plasma themes also skinned window deco and kde stuff | 22:30 |
tsimpson | dekorator makes things easier though | 22:30 |
Ev0luti0n_ | very very neat | 22:30 |
tsimpson | with decorator you shouldn't have to compile the themes made for it | 22:30 |
tsimpson | *dekorator | 22:31 |
Mr_Giraffe | hmm, I installed kwin-style-serenity and didn't really get anything... | 22:31 |
Mr_Giraffe | do I need to restart KDE or something? | 22:31 |
Ev0luti0n_ | installed that already | 22:31 |
tsimpson | you should see it in as a style option in system settings | 22:31 |
Mr_Giraffe | hmm, I'm not seeing it... | 22:32 |
Mr_Giraffe | system settings -> appearance -> style? | 22:32 |
tsimpson | under windows | 22:33 |
Ev0luti0n_ | i installed kwin decorator | 22:33 |
Ev0luti0n_ | and also can't find it | 22:33 |
Mr_Giraffe | ruh roh | 22:33 |
tsimpson | make sure to close/restart system settings after installing it | 22:33 |
tsimpson | it only populates the list of styles on loading | 22:34 |
Ev0luti0n_ | O.o | 22:34 |
Mr_Giraffe | hmm, I feel like I'm probably doing something wrong here | 22:35 |
Mr_Giraffe | given that I can't find the darn thing | 22:35 |
tsimpson | System Settings -> Appearance -> Windows | 22:36 |
Ev0luti0n_ | Mr_Giraffe: that is normal | 22:36 |
tsimpson | there's a drop-down box with the styles | 22:36 |
Ev0luti0n_ | i couldn't find the wallpapers when i first tried. Then after searching on the web, i learned that it was normal only 2 screensavers where installed. You had to install kscreensavers | 22:37 |
Ev0luti0n_ | hehehe | 22:37 |
mario__ | hola a todos | 22:37 |
Ev0luti0n_ | boa noite | 22:37 |
Mr_Giraffe | tsimpson: I'm going there and then there's no real change from what I had before | 22:39 |
Mr_Giraffe | also hmm. for some reason the previews of the windows are rather...broken. | 22:40 |
Ev0luti0n_ | fellas, for who enjoys hard techno | 22:41 |
Ev0luti0n_ | | 22:41 |
Ev0luti0n_ | excellent stream radio now playing | 22:41 |
tsimpson | Mr_Giraffe: I just installed dekorator and restarted system settings, then it showed up | 22:41 |
Mr_Giraffe | tsimpson: how do I restart system settings? | 22:42 |
Mr_Giraffe | killall ... & ...? | 22:42 |
tsimpson | close it and reopen it | 22:42 |
Mr_Giraffe | hmm | 22:42 |
Mr_Giraffe | I did the same thing and I don't see anything referencing dekorator under settings -> appearance -> windows | 22:42 |
tsimpson | in the drop-down list you should see "DeKorator" | 22:43 |
Mr_Giraffe | right, but I'm not seeing that... | 22:44 |
tsimpson | after installing kwin-style-dekorator? | 22:44 |
Mr_Giraffe | yep | 22:44 |
Mr_Giraffe | installed kwin-style-dekorator and style-settings doesn't have anything in it | 22:44 |
Mr_Giraffe | grr, I keep having issues with system tray icon corruption too. :( | 22:45 |
tsimpson | shows up under system settings -> appearance -> windows for me: | 22:47 |
Mr_Giraffe | strange | 22:48 |
Mr_Giraffe | I'll just restart KDE real quick and that should (ideally) get it there | 22:48 |
Mr_Giraffe | hmm...still no luck | 22:51 |
Mr_Giraffe | you know, I'm also having some issues with corruption of the window bars in the preview window thing and also icon corruption in the system tray | 22:52 |
tsimpson | the preview thing is known, and some GTK icons do become corrupt, but that's down to the icons GTK apps use | 22:53 |
Mr_Giraffe | it's with all of them actually | 22:54 |
tsimpson | all of them, that's strange | 22:54 |
Mr_Giraffe | the default volume icon is about half missing atm | 22:54 |
Mr_Giraffe | there appear to be some strange bugs going on here... | 22:55 |
=== phoenix is now known as Xineohp | ||
shadowhywind | just wondering, since its slow, anyone running karmic here? | 23:07 |
Mr_Giraffe | shadowhywind: nope, intrepid | 23:07 |
Mr_Giraffe | oh right | 23:08 |
shadowhywind | ah | 23:08 |
Mr_Giraffe | tsimpson: when I change the plasma theme to gaia the text on the system tray is still black, making the whole thing kinda tough to read...any way to get around that? | 23:08 |
tsimpson | Mr_Giraffe: you have text in the system tray? | 23:09 |
Mr_Giraffe | tsimpson: er, task manager | 23:10 |
Mr_Giraffe | sorry, bad with nomenclature | 23:10 |
tsimpson | Mr_Giraffe: I think that should be down to the theme used, but you should be able to edit it from System s | 23:14 |
tsimpson | System Settings -> Appearance -> Colors | 23:14 |
tsimpson | I'm not sure there is a way, without editing the theme actually... | 23:16 |
=== jon is now known as Guest88213 | ||
Mr_Giraffe | tsimpson: when I hit alt-f2 to bring up the run command window, is that themed by plasma? | 23:46 |
Ev0luti0n_ | yup | 23:46 |
tsimpson | it is | 23:47 |
Mr_Giraffe | hmm, strange | 23:48 |
Mr_Giraffe | because that window seems to be stuck themed by gaia...whereas the rest of my plasma theme is not | 23:48 |
tsimpson | wait until you see a notification, quite ugly IMO | 23:50 |
Mr_Giraffe | oh, gaia is? | 23:50 |
tsimpson | yeah, all white with a rainbow circle thing | 23:51 |
Mr_Giraffe | right now my main concern is the fact that the task manager is hopelessly broken when I try to use gaia | 23:52 |
Mr_Giraffe | black text on dark grey...not so nice | 23:52 |
tsimpson | | 23:53 |
tsimpson | not pretty | 23:53 |
Mr_Giraffe | ugh | 23:53 |
Mr_Giraffe | what's with the jagged edges...? | 23:53 |
Mr_Giraffe | that's awful | 23:53 |
tsimpson | and it's really large, doesn't need to be anywhere near that size | 23:54 |
Mr_Giraffe | mm | 23:55 |
Mr_Giraffe | man, I'm still having this icon corruption issue | 23:55 |
Mr_Giraffe | I'm not quire sure what's going on there... | 23:55 |
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