
=== t0mm13b is now known as t0mm13b|ZZZzzz
spivigc: morning00:58
igchi spiv01:33
lifelessspiv: was last monday a public holiday?01:42
spivlifeless: yeah, Labour Day in NSW01:44
lifeless-< food >-02:08
* igc lunch03:13
=== timchen1` is now known as nasloc__
Peng_Lately, Loggerhead is such a memory hog that running it is impractical. It's getting killed for hitting ~250 MB daily.03:54
* Peng_ whines03:54
Peng_("Lately" being "some time from 2009-07-07 to ~2009-09-07". Maybe it has to do with upgrading everything to 2a?)03:56
Peng_Sorry, I'm done now.03:57
Peng_That's the kind of thing I should put on Twitter where nobody has to read it. :P03:58
mwhudsonPeng_: it's probably 2a related at a guess04:01
Peng_It ran for 10+ weeks with no intervention, then I upgraded to 2a and it (well, presumably it) OOMed my VPS within a day. :D04:05
Peng_Hmm, when there is a MemoryError traceback, it does tend to be 2a-related.04:05
Peng_But it could just be that something else uses too much memory, and then that's what pushes it over the edge.04:06
mwhudsonPeng_: you could try jam's static tuple branch i guess04:12
* igc dentist - bbl04:12
Peng_Being lazy here, how much RAM does that save per tuple?04:13
spivPeng_: lots ;)04:14
Peng_It has a significant number of lists, too, though not nearly as many as the tuples.04:15
spivI think at least 16 bytes per tuple, and that doesn't count the interning.04:15
Peng_Currently 320,000 tuples, 100,000 lists. :D04:15
Peng_The peak number of tuples is 460,000.04:16
Peng_This might crash your browser/X/monitor/desk, but you can see for yourself at http://bzr.mattnordhoff.com/loggerhead/_dozer/index if you want to.04:17
Peng_(Adblock http://bzr.mattnordhoff.com/loggerhead/_dozer/chart/ctypes.CFunctionType to avoid the crashiness.)04:18
Peng_(FYI, I just blocked the image server-side.)04:31
Peng_Oooh, jam has lots of interesting memory-related branches in development.04:41
spivPeng_: IIRC there's just one big branch that's been split into pieces for review04:45
spivPeng_: If I were experimenting with it I'd just jump straight to the end result.04:45
Peng_spiv: I'm not sure all of it is merged into the big branch, though.04:55
* RenatoSilva can't understand very well stuff like this :( http://fourkitchens.com/blog/2009/04/20/alternatives-rebasing-bazaar05:26
* RenatoSilva still thinks rebase is a very nice way of keeping a private feature branch updated with mainline.05:28
spivRenatoSilva: well, if it works well for you, then keep doing that.05:31
spivRenatoSilva: personally, I find I'd rather keep the original history intact, but I don't mind having a history that's slightly more complicated than linear.05:32
RenatoSilvaok I just mean that a good reason against rebase in private branch still misses, I fell like it's the natural way of keeping up-to-date with mainline, that's a bit weird when you see all the folks out there saying it's bad05:35
johnjosephbachirhey folks. how do i back out a particular change from a particular file? in subversion this would be: svn merge -c -<any revision number> <any path>; svn commit05:36
RenatoSilvaI think I shoulld follow you folks and use merges, but rebase "is still in my heart" :D05:36
spivRenatoSilva: well, I don't really understand why you don't like merges05:39
spivRenatoSilva: and you don't really understand why some people don't like rebase, so I guess we're even ;)05:39
spivjohnjosephbachir: you can do "bzr merge -r X..X-1"05:41
spivjohnjosephbachir: you can do "bzr merge -r X..X-1 ."05:41
spivThe "." is important :)05:41
johnjosephbachirspcool, just encountered the X..X+1 case in the docs, and was going to try the case you mentioned (and was expecting failure : ) )05:41
johnjosephbachirgot it, thanks05:41
spivjohnjosephbachir: oh, and you can specify a file name at the same time, of course.05:42
johnjosephbachirs/spcool/spiv cool/05:42
johnjosephbachirspiv, okay05:42
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
bialixhello all07:44
vilahi all, hi bialix07:53
smartgpxigc: hi, Ian - are you free for a moment, please?07:57
* spiv wonders why Python will make sure numbers will always compare lower than other objects if both sides give NotImplemented...08:11
spiv(Oh, except for None, of course, which is special-cased before that special-case...)08:12
spivOof, it takes a while to review C code.08:23
spivBut then, it was > 1000 lines of diff, so maybe it's nothing to do with C :)08:23
lifelessspiv: whats id(34) for you08:23
spivOr thereabouts, anyway ;)08:25
bialixbonjour vila08:26
lifelessspiv: I'd guess that your objects have a higher id08:28
spivlifeless: by a factor of ~20, it seems ;)08:29
lifelessspiv: so I don't think its a deliberate thing :)08:30
spivlifeless: hah!08:30
spivlifeless: you'd think that...08:30
lifelessspiv: did you find a check for it in the core?08:30
spivlifeless: read the definition of default_3way_compare in http://svn.python.org/projects/python/trunk/Objects/object.c08:31
spiv(that function is invoked when both sides don't implement tp_richcompare or they do and it returns NotImplemented)08:32
lifelessspiv: I'll assume thats a yes08:32
spivlifeless: here's the highlight: /* different type: compare type names; numbers are smaller */08:32
spivi.e. PyNumber_Check(v) it uses "", otherwise v->ob_type->tp_name;08:33
spivs/i.e./i.e. if/08:33
spivAfter special-casing None, of course.08:33
spivIf the type names match, it will compare type pointers, so you weren't totally on the wrong track ;)08:34
lifelesshow did you end up down there08:35
spivReviewing jam's StaticTuple patch, he has a test that at one point asserts that 10 < some static tuple.08:35
spivWhich seems a bit insane to me, but seeing as I had the Python source handy I thought I'd quickly check to see if it was going to be fragile across runs or platforms as well...08:36
lifelessis it deliberate or a typo?08:37
mneptokoh, how i miss that phrase in repsonse to my e-mails to Canonical lists.08:37
spivAnd, at least with CPython 2.6, it seems reliable, but yeesh...08:37
vilalifeless, spiv: Working on thread leaks, I realize the root cause of many test bugs is that: SocketServer is *not* intended to be used with a client thread in the same process...08:37
lifelessmneptok: which phrase?08:37
mneptok"seems a bit insane to me"08:37
spivlifeless: deliberate, but I pretty questionable IMO.08:38
lifelessspiv: what does it do for us?08:38
spivlifeless: I can understand testing that comparison with arbitrary types doesn't blow up, but then asserting that they should be always less or greater doesn't seem valuable to me.08:38
lifelessis it a proxy for 'the result of __cmp__ is an int', perhaps?08:39
spivmneptok: you're considered wholly sane at your new workplace?08:39
lifelessseems a bit insane to me08:39
mneptokspiv: i report to Monty Widenius. by comparison, i seem somewhat well-adjusted.08:39
spivvila: really?  yeesh.08:39
lifelessvila: can we work around it?08:40
spivvila: I always assumed SocketServer was a toy, but I figured that was because I was a bit biased being a Twisted dev :)08:40
mneptokspiv: ill try to get Monty angry and record him swearing in a pidgin of Swedish, Finnish, and C++08:40
lifelessmneptok: nice08:40
lifelessmneptok: you having fun there?08:40
vilaIt's fixed, that was scary though and hard, hard, hard to not become insane :)08:40
mneptoklifeless: very much so.08:41
lifelessvila: *insaner*08:41
spivmneptok: "may your compiler always fail with inscrutable template errors!"08:41
lifelessvila: :)08:41
mneptoklifeless: although i miss Woody. we need a company pony.08:41
vilaspiv: not a toy, just one assumption was missed: the client can be in the same process08:41
vilalifeless: right :)08:41
lifelesswe don't have woody now, AIUI08:41
spivvila: I told you I was biased ;)08:41
lifelessvila: what did they do to make that an assumption that matters?08:41
mneptokspiv: "Hjorsorn bjarrtor type identifier;08:42
vilalifeless: the point is about what they did *not* ... They did not synchronize their threads08:42
lifelessvila: meep; unsafe always08:43
spivvila: I basically don't trust anyone except Twisted to get portable sockets and concurrency in Python right.08:43
vilalifeless, spiv : the good news is that synchronizing the threads was easy once I understood what was needed08:43
vilalifeless: huh ? not symcing is unsafe or do you mean even syncing result in an unsafe system ?08:43
mneptoki rented a movie called "Portable Sockets." i thought it would help me learn Python network programming. it was a porn film about hitch-hiking. :(08:44
spivmneptok: I doubt you'll fare much better with titles involving "Twisted" or "Python"...08:45
vilaspiv: I don't have experience with twisted to speak, but indeed, I fixed a bunch of micro-bugs around with sockets and threads with spectacular variations in test failures....08:45
spivWell, maybe they'll have less hitch-hiking.08:45
spivvila: right08:46
mneptokspiv: something tells me lifeless is away from IRC editing the quotes page.08:46
vilaso in the end, our code base is safe, our test code base is magnitude *safer* with respect to http, ftp test servers...08:46
lifelessvila: using objects across threads is a bad bad bad bad bad bad idea without mutexs08:47
spivlifeless: that's the GIL, right? ;)08:48
lifelessspiv: I wish!08:48
lifelessit would be great if the GIL only released a thread when C code was reached.08:48
lifelessstuff would be so much more debuggable :P08:48
vilabut the GIL is no magical bullet, you had to have stronger sync points, I used threading.Event objects for that08:48
spivlifeless: Hmm.08:48
spivlifeless: you can approximate that, perhaps...08:49
spivlifeless: sys.setcheckinterval(sys.maxint)08:49
lifelessspiv: evil evil man08:49
spivlifeless: check that in your site.py and tell me how it works out for you ;)08:50
lifelessbe an interesting way to find bugs08:50
spivlifeless: hey, they wouldn't put those two symbols in the same module if they didn't want them to be used together!08:50
mneptokremind me never to share a hotel room with spiv08:53
spivmneptok: They give you shampoo... and a shaver only wall socket!  These *must* belong together...08:56
lifelessmneptok: 'they wouldn't put those two employees in the same room if...' ?08:57
mneptoklifeless: exaaaaaactly09:03
igcmneptok: mariadb on home page now09:34
* igc dinner09:35
mwhudson* spiv wonders why Python will make sure numbers will always compare lower than other objects if both sides give NotImplemented...09:51
mwhudsonspiv: it's so different numeric types end up "next to" each other09:51
mwhudsonso sorted([1, 1.5, 'bob']) keeps the numbers together09:51
idnarI thought it just compared type(x).__name__ or something silly like that10:06
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mwhudsonidnar: naive!10:13
mwhudsonmixed type comparisons are inherently as insane as a sack of cats anyway10:13
* idnar giggles to hide the hysteria in his voice10:16
spivmwhudson: *boggle*11:03
spivmwhudson: because it would be terrible if sorted([1, 1j, 'bob']) didn't keep 1 and 1j together... ;)11:05
mwhudsonspiv: also see my comment about cats11:10
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=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
Zand3rIs there any bzr specific documentation covering workflows tied to the Eclipse IDE? Having read the 'known issues' for bzr-eclipse I opted to try qbzr-eclipse but I can not see how I would take an existing eclipse project, create feature-branches and switch between them. I raised this over the weekend and am no further... I'd be happy for the bulk of my bzr interaction to be via bzr explorer but even that doesn't help the feature branches show as ec13:18
Zand3rprojects without a lot of manual importing each time.13:18
bialixZand3r: is your existing eclipse project is under bzr control?13:25
bialixperhaps you want to use workflow with one lightweight checkout and many treeless branches in shared repo?13:27
Zand3rbialix: Currently no (I've tried putting it under bzr control using qbzr-eclipse and bazaar explorer.... the former litters it with a couple of directories like 'trunk' but bazaar explorer seems to initialise it correctly..... what I do after that I am stuck (ultimately I will upload the project to a central bazaar repository but that doesn't solve the issue of switching branches so that the eclipse project represents the current branch).13:28
Zand3rbialix: Am I correct in thinking that 'many treeless branches' will mean a directory per branch... if so then there does not seem to be a way to have eclipse show all branches and/or have my currently active project 'become' the branch I want to use unless I'm totally missing something obvious.13:30
bialixI don't use eclipse, so I can be totally wrong, but IIRC author of qbzr-eclipse said he's using approach of light checkout of many branches13:30
bialixZand3r: current bzr model is always 1 directory per branch13:30
Zand3rbialix: Ok... Someone at the start of the weekend also suggested lightweight checkouts for use with eclipse so there must be something in that I just can't see how it works with Eclipse - I need to play some more I think.13:31
bialixlightweight checkout can switch between branches13:31
bialixwait a sec13:31
bialixZand3r: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/user-guide/organizing_your_workspace.html#local-sandbox13:32
bialixone lightweight checkout allows you to have one working directory for Eclipse13:33
bialixand you can create as many feature branches in separate repo as you need13:34
bialixto visualize branches in repo bzr-explorer is very good13:34
bialixI really don't have experience with bzr eclipse plugins and I dunno if any of them capable to show you shared repo content13:35
bialixbut you can file a bug as wishlist ;-13:35
bialixbut you can file a bug as wishlist ;-)13:35
Zand3rInteresting... I think I need to create a repository elsewhere on the disk temporarily for testing, import my project into that and perform a lightweight checkout in Eclipse (depending on how well the gui tools support this  - if at all)13:36
Zand3rI'll have a play and see what happens - thanks for the pointers13:36
bialixmmm, I think it's better to create light checkout from command-line (or bzr explorer) and open it in eclipse then13:36
Zand3rI'm looking at this from the perspective of my colleague who i'm going to ask to use this system alongside me so I'm trying to do everything via a gui which would be within his comfort zone (as opposed to the command line) however bzr explorer looks 'really' nice so I see no issues with relying on that for the bzr interaction and using Eclipse only for code editing, etc. assuming Eclipse doesn;t have a problem with that (I'll have to see if Eclipse 13:39
Zand3rrefresh the project files when bzr explorer switches the branch)13:39
bialixqbzr-eclipse and bzr-explorer use dialogs from qbzr plugin under the hood, so there is possible overlap in functionality13:41
bialixwhat is your OS?13:42
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=== EdwinGrubbs2 is now known as EdwinGrubbs
faldridgeis the ability to do a bzr branch on an svn repo built-in, or do you need the bzr-svn plugin?14:33
jelmerfaldridge: you need the bzr-svn plugin14:34
faldridgejelmer: ok, thanks.14:34
jimmy_deanCurrently while trying to pull from a remote branch to a Windows XP machine, bzr is never able to complete that pull no matter what. I've tried this on several different installs of Windows. Everytime is raises a Memory.Exception error after churning on the pull for several minutes. Any ideas what this means?15:01
jimmy_deanthe same task on Linux or OS X finishes fine, only does this on Windows15:01
Zand3rCan anyone please advise if it is possible to perform a lightweight checkout (and branch/switch) in Bazaar Explorer as detailed here http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/user-guide/organizing_your_workspace.html#local-sandbox - it would appear not but I am new to bzr (and by extension the explorer gui) so want to make sure I am not missing something.15:59
bialixZand3r: sure16:06
bialixZand3r: use menu Bazaar -> Start -> Checkout16:07
bialixto switch Bazaar -> Work -> Switch Checkout16:09
bialixthere is excellent tour, did you saw it?16:09
bialixZand3r: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/explorer/en/visual-tour-windows.html16:10
bialixthere is also pages for GNOME, KDE and MacOSX16:10
phinzeso why does `bzr switch` require access to the old url?16:12
phinzeuse case: switching from a non-absolute DNS reference to a server ('dev') to an absolute one: ('dev.domain.com') ... switch bailed on trying to resolve 'dev', but unbind/bind worked16:13
phinzeso no problem really just curious16:13
phinzehmmm " For heavyweight checkouts, this checks that there are no local commits versus the current bound branch, then it makes the local branch a mirror of the new location and binds to it.16:14
phinzei guess that would do it, so bzr switch --force would probably work16:14
Zand3rbialix: I saw the bzr explorer tour thanks... Bazaar -> Start -> Checkout does not give an option to make it lightweight16:15
bialixZand3r: IIRC it will create lightweight checkout by default16:15
Zand3rbialix: Oh! - doh! - Thanks.16:16
bialixphinze: there is bug about this problem16:16
bialixphinze: this partially fixed in bzr 2.0 (--force flag)16:16
bialixZand3r: it's not obvious, I know16:17
bialixZand3r: try it16:17
j^if i get AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ProgressBarStack' in a local loggerhead install with bzr 2.0 is this a known problem and is there an easy fix?16:57
fullermdIt probably means a plugin is out of date.17:10
jokehi. I'm new to using bzr and I would like to know the signature checking works. I asked on the mailinglist but noone answered. Does someone know how it works?17:18
=== EdwinGrubbs is now known as Edwin-lunch
jokeI configured bzr to sign every commit which works fine. But setting the option check_signatures=require don't seem to activate signature checking.17:29
dashjelmer: hi. any suggestions on making svn-import take less than 10G of RAM? :) (using bzr-svn 1.0)17:49
fullermdjoke: Once upon a time check_ didn't do anything.  I don't know that it's ever been changed to, but I haven't really been paying attention.17:52
davidstraussIs it safe to "cp -R repoA repoB"?17:52
davidstraussI mean, even if people are using repoA?17:53
fullermdIn an absolute sense, probably not, since there's no guarantee that cp would walk things in the same order as bzr updates them.17:53
fullermdYou'd probably have to do something like 'loop rsync until nothing has changed' to be certain.17:54
jokefullermd: thanks. bzr 2.0 help configuration says bzr should check if signatures are present and valid if set to require. so there should create_signature should create them.17:58
jokefullermd: so there should be a different between both options.17:58
faldridgeI've read the workflow for bzr-svn at <http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/user-guide/svn_plugin.html> but this talks about committing feature branches to the trunk.  What if I want to checkout trunk, create a branch locally, and then only push my branch back up?18:54
Takfaldridge: ...to a non-trunk branch?18:57
faldridgeTak: yes, I want to create the branch in the remote repo18:57
jfroy|workverterok: I'd like to add the fastimport plug-in to the standard core distro18:57
jfroy|workyay or nay on that?18:57
faldridgeTak: the idea being to submit the branch to the server for code review and then let the trunk committers approve or reject the branch18:58
Takhmm, my gut feeling is that it should Just Work with `bzr push svn://path/to/feature/branch` , but I'm not sure19:00
faldridgeTak: ok, I'll give it a shot, thanks.19:01
Peng_Crap, the archaic build system on one of my machines doesn't like _simple_set_pyx.pxd.19:18
Peng_Wait, what are .pxd files? Pyrex? That's simple enough to upgrade.19:20
Peng_What's the minimum Pyrex version that bzr supports?19:26
=== EdwinGrubbs2 is now known as EdwinGrubbs
gioeleI'm using bzr-git. Is there a way to make bzr produce the git version of a bundle?20:34
Peng_Try "bzr send --format git" or so.20:36
Peng_Dunno if it's still experimental or not.20:36
RenatoSilvaIf we have deploy.bat in .bzrignore and we change the file name to deploy_server.bat, will bzr know somehow that no deploy.bat exists in the tree and tehrefore the user should either update or delete the pattern? (update in this case)20:37
* Peng_ /away!20:37
gioelePeng: thank you!20:40
gioeleRenatoSilva: yes if you use "bzr mv deploy.bat deploy_server.bat"20:41
gioeleor bzr mv --help if you already moved the file20:41
RenatoSilvagioele: interesting! what other shell-like commands bzr has?20:44
jamPeng: ping20:44
gioelenot many: ls and mkdir for example. I'd love to have bzr cp but it is not ready yet. Have a look at bzr help commands20:45
RenatoSilvabzr mkdir is like mkdir + add?20:53
jderoseRenatoSilva: yes, exactly20:53
maxbHow can I tell bzr that I want to diff my current branch with a non-tip revision of a different branch?20:54
RenatoSilvaok, thanks all20:54
gioelemaxb: bzr diff --old revno:431:/path/to/branch20:55
gioelemaxb: bzr help revisionspec20:56
RenatoSilvahowever, I think in some point bzr could check the ignore changes even if not using bzr mv20:56
gioeleRenatoSilva: ?20:56
RenatoSilvalook at my example and forget bzr mvc20:56
lifelessmaxb: or bzr diff -r 431:/path/to/branch20:57
RenatoSilvabzr mv20:57
gioeleI still don't get it. Are you suggesting bzr should automatically do "bzr mv --auto" (<- this command really exist)?20:57
Peng_jam: <320:57
RenatoSilvagioele: somehow bzr could tell the user the pattern is not being used anymore, probably because you have moved or deleted the underlying files20:58
jamPeng_: So what platform are you on that had pyrex 0.9.5? (and an easy upgrade to 0.9.6, but not to >
jamhi lifeless20:59
gioeleah, you would like to clean up the list of ignore files... I think there are pros and cons to that, it is not a clear-cut situation20:59
Peng_jam: Your average, everyday old, out-of-date platform. There's nothing wrong with dropping support for it. And both upgrades were easy, just installing from source.20:59
Peng_jam: (Ubuntu Gutsy, but you didn't hear that from me.)21:01
RenatoSilvagioele: at least the ones matching single files (without regex)21:02
gioeleRenatoSilva: on you branch. How can bzr know about what is happening on other people's working trees?21:03
Peng_jam: FYI: bzrlib/_static_tuple_c.c:693: warning: function declaration isn’t a prototype21:05
=== BasicPRO is now known as BasicOSX
jamPeng_: can you try to just remove the 'void' from init_static_tuple_c(void) and see if that makes the warning go away?21:10
jamline 650 by my count21:10
Peng_737 for me.21:12
Peng_Err, wait, from .h or .c?21:13
Peng_Never mind.21:13
jamPeng_: .c21:13
Peng_jam: Did that. Now it warns twice, lines 693 & 738.21:13
jamPeng_: hmm... so 693 maybe you want to put *in* the 'void' and leave it for line 73721:14
Peng_jam: 693 is _workaround_pyrex_096, fyi21:15
RenatoSilvadoes bzr have a default ignore list?21:15
Peng_jam: And that does indeed fix it.21:16
lifelesshi jam21:16
Peng_RenatoSilva: Yes. It's dumped to ~/.bazaar/ignore too.21:16
Peng_RenatoSilva: Or was, anyway. Dunno the situation now.21:16
RenatoSilvaId like to print the list, but found nothing in bzr help ignore21:16
Peng_jam: I've been wanting to ask you, I'm interested in trying out your memory reduction stuff. Which branch(es) should I try?21:17
jamPeng_: wait about 1hr and then try bzr.dev :)21:17
dashmemory reduction? this is relevant to my interests21:17
dashwell ok, memory _usage_ reduction would be. Not so much ejecting SIMMs from my motherboard.21:18
Peng_jam: <321:18
jamdash: Basically, python 'tuple' objects carry around a large Garbage Collector header21:19
jamI wrote a 'StaticTuple' class that refuses to reference objects that could create a ref cycle21:19
jamand drops the GC header21:19
jama) reduces peak mem about 20%21:19
jamb) Turns out to have a major impact on performance w/ large projects21:20
jambecause the python "GC" is no longer evaluating these 500k nodes21:20
jam"time bzr branch launchpad-2a" was 11m => 8m for me, and about 17% less peak mem21:20
jamI'm still looking at other places to improve21:20
jambut that was a decent start worth landing... :)21:20
lukshm, what about long-running processes using bzrlib?21:20
jamluks: I would still expect a decent memory + performance improvement21:21
lifelessluks: what about them?21:21
jamI don't have any numbers on it21:21
Peng_Loggerhead is my main interest in RAM usage. Over the last 3 months it's gotten nearly unusable.21:22
luksbut it would leak memory wouldn't it?21:22
lifelessluks: no21:22
jamluks: It isn't going to leak more memory than what we are already doing21:22
lukshow does it get deleted?21:22
jamas these objects cannot participate in ref cycles21:22
lifelessluks: same as usual21:22
jamluks: standard ref counting21:22
jampython has 2 ways to track objects21:22
lifelessluks: they just don't participate in GC; refcounting still happens21:22
luksI thought you mean they are completely outside fo the GC system21:23
jamluks: well, there are 2 "GC" in python21:23
lifelessthey are :P21:23
jamrefcounting ,and cycle detector21:23
luksjam: I know, I thought you mean both21:23
jamit still is refcounted21:23
jamI don't think you can avoid that21:23
jamwithout using some sort of proxy object21:23
jamand if you have a proxy object... you have a refcounted object21:24
jamso if you want to reference one of these individually21:24
jamif we wanted to think harder about it, we could do like "nodes[10]", but you still need that 10 handle, which requires a python object...21:24
jamPeng_: the code to expose StaticTuple to the btree reader is in pqm now, so barring any issues, 20-30min it will be in bzr.dev21:25
lifelessjam: you've seen the progress bar?21:28
lifelessjam: looks like it failed21:29
davidstraussHow does Launchpad restrict users from accessing the shell while still offering the bzr+ssh transport?21:29
lifelessit does not use openssh21:29
davidstrausslifeless: what does it use?21:30
vxnickbeing stupid here, but how can I specify a new remote location (for pull) for an existing working tree?21:30
lifelesstwisted conch21:30
lifelessmore or less21:30
Peng_vxnick: "bzr pull --remember ..."21:30
luksvxnick: bzr pull URL --remember21:30
lifelessvxnick: bzr pull --remember URL21:30
vxnickthat's the one, thanks all :)21:30
davidstrausslifeless: thanks21:31
jamlifeless: yes, it is very nice to see21:31
jam(the progress bar)21:31
vxnickwhat about for a checkout? there's no --remember flag in the help for that21:31
lifelessvxnick: bzr switch URL21:31
jamlifeless: I had not seen that you have the failure/error tracker, though21:32
jamwell that and you don't stop on the first error now21:32
lifelessjam: I didn't think we'd changed the stop on first error21:33
jamRunning [ 22% 4836 test(s) 107 failure(s) 127 errors(s) ] Current test ...21:33
jamlifeless: ^^ sure looks like it is not stopping21:33
lifelessjam: yeah21:33
Peng_Some of those are XFAIL/unsupported features, right?21:33
jamthough: check-nodocs: extensions21:33
jam    $(PYTHON) -Werror -O ./bzr selftest -1 --subunit $(tests)21:33
lifelessjam: skips/missing dependencies will report as failures normally21:33
lifelessPeng_: yes21:33
lifelessjam: I smell a bug in the subunit integration21:34
lifelessstill, I prefer it this way21:34
jamlifeless: prefer... ?21:34
lifelessyou can run the error mail through subunit-filter | subunit2pyunit21:34
jamw/ subunit? Or getting "failures" for skips?21:34
lifelessjam: not stopping21:34
lifelesstells you all the issues in one roundtrip21:35
jamlifeless: yeah, long ago it was that way21:35
jamI think we changed it because the round-trip time was too long21:35
jamby the way, nobody else is stepping up to be the 2.1.0b1 RM, right?21:35
jam(so I should start focusing on that tomorrow)21:35
lifelessI think you're it, yes21:36
Peng_TypeError: can only concatenate tuple (not "StaticTuple") to tuple21:36
Peng_Looks like there are some real errors.21:36
Peng_That's not the only one, either.21:39
mathepicThe Loggerhead for bzr.dev isn't working :\21:45
Peng_http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr-pqm/bzr/bzr.dev/ WFM, if that's what you mean21:47
lamalexCan I cherrypick multiple sets of revisions?21:48
lamalexsomething like bzr merge revX..revY,revN..revM branch21:49
lifelessdo the first one21:50
lifelessthen the second with --force21:50
lamalexlifeless: are you talking to me or someone else21:50
Peng_lamalex: You.21:50
lamalexhow do i do one with --force and one without. two seperate commands?21:51
lamalexthanks lifeless21:55
jamPeng_: Yeah, it looks like we have more code that expects an explicit "tuple()" object that I didn't catch yet21:57
jamlike (foo,) + value21:57
jamwhich thought it was concatenating tuples, etc21:57
jamand bencode(StaticTuple) fails as well...21:58
jamlifeless: can I use subunit without bootstrapping autoconf onto my windows machine?21:59
lifelessjam: yes22:03
jamUnavailableFeature: Internally performed glob expansion22:03
jam... :(22:03
lifelessjam: the python stuff is in python/22:03
jamlifeless: yeah, I set PYTHONPATH and got it to work22:03
lifelessthen do:22:03
jambut there is no "setup.py" that I could find for subunit itself22:04
lifelesscat trace | subunit-filter --no-skip | subunit-ls > failing.list22:04
lifeless./bzr selftest --load-list failing.list22:04
lifelessjam: right, its got C and perl and c++ all in the one project; setup.py is epic fail for that22:05
jamlifeless: but it should would be nice to put the  'subunit' module into my PYTHONPATH22:05
jam"sure would"22:05
jamand the pure-python scripts into the Scripts dir22:06
jamsince I'm not building anything else...22:06
jamalso, it fails a bit because if I do:22:06
jamthen it strips the extra context per failing test22:06
jambut if I don't22:06
jamthen I get all the "make" garbage at the beginning22:06
jamanyway, I'll work through that22:06
lifelesswhat 'extra context' ?22:07
jamlifeless: when a blackbox test fails it includes the log22:07
jamah, perhaps --subunit is stripping that out entirely?22:07
lifelessjam: --subunit drops that22:07
jamAssertionError: Unexpected return code 0 != 322:07
jamnot helpful22:07
lifelessmy protocol branch of subunit is working towards supporting that22:07
davidstraussIs there an equivalent to --tunnel-user= for bzr?22:07
lifelessdavidstrauss: I don't know what --tunnel-user= is22:08
lifelessdavidstrauss: so I can't answer the question22:08
=== dorins_ is now known as dorins
davidstrausslifeless: It's an option for svnserve allowing multiple users to use the same Unix user while forcing the user mentioned in commits, etc.22:09
lifelessdavidstrauss: no; because commits are done on the client22:09
davidstrausslifeless: Like a global --author22:09
lifelessdavidstrauss: 'commit' to a smart server is actually 'push'22:09
lifelessyou can write a pre tip change hook to reject users22:10
lifelessor you could write a post tip change hook to rebase-and-alter22:10
lifeless[though the latter may find bugs/limitations in what that hook is expected to do :P]22:10
davidstrausslifeless: Hmm. Thanks for the suggestions. I think Bazaar will eventually have to find a way to enforce accountability for stuff like this. (Even if it's a separate field like "apparent user.")22:18
mkanatPack -> 2a conversion seems really slow in 1.18.22:18
mathepicUpdate to 2.022:18
mkanatOkay. :-)22:18
lifelessmkanat: its largely that 'pack' is much slower.22:18
lifelessmkanat: but 2.0.0 is somewhat better at the conversion22:19
mkanatlifeless: Ah, okay. :-)22:19
mkanatYeah, I have an Intel X25-M SSD and it's still taken like 3 minutes and isn't done converting 6000 or so revisions yet.22:19
mathepicWhat are the best documents to read to get started in bazaar development?22:19
Peng_davidstrauss: People push others' revisions all the time, though.22:23
Peng_davidstrauss: I guess requiring GPG signatures would do it.22:23
davidstraussyeah :-/22:23
lifelessare you looking for undeniability?22:24
mkanatHmm. I just did "bzr reconfigure --use-shared" on a packs branch above a 2a repository, and it seems that my repository simply disappeared and no longer exists now.22:26
mkanatNot my 2a repository.22:26
mkanatThe packs repository in the subdirectory. I just get: bzr: ERROR: No repository present: "file:///home/mkanat/projects/parse-stacktrace/"22:26
Peng_You might have a .bzr/repository.backup somewhere.22:28
mkanatPeng_: Actually, not that I see.22:28
mkanatI mean, it's ok, this was a checkout, but....22:28
lifelessfile a bug please22:28
lifelessits probably because it was a checkout22:29
jammkanat: the output of ls -R would probably be helpful22:29
mkanatlifeless: Okay.22:29
lifelessI suspect it changed it from checkout to standalone and didn't add a repo22:29
mkanatjam, lifeless: Okay. I'll see if I can reproduce.22:29
lifelessmkanat: firstly please just file the bug with all the data you have so far22:31
mkanatlifeless: Okay.22:31
mkanatOkay, filed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/44988622:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449886 in bzr "Converting packs checkout to use 2a shared repository loses checkout repository" [Undecided,New]22:34
mkanatAnd yes, it's reproducible.22:34
phinzehey bzr folk, what's everyone using for developer code reviews?22:38
phinzebasically i'm looking for something that can do a diff between two branches with nice links out to the source code for when the reviewers want context22:39
phinzeright now we're doing gist.github.com + manual hops to loggerhead, but wondering if there's anything out there people are using22:39
jamphinze: launchpad code review22:40
jamused to use Bundle Buggy22:40
mkanatphinze: I think review-board also supports bzr.22:40
phinzejam: oh you guys moved past bundle buggy?  that must have been recently?22:42
jamphinze: a few months ago...22:42
RenatoSilvacan't understand the purpose of bzr merge --pull22:42
phinzeah gotchya, how are you liking it22:42
phinzemkanat: thanks for the review-board reference -- will check it out22:43
jamphinze: things to like, things to not like, I guess. The integration w/ the rest of launchpad is nice. It is missing a few bits that we used to use22:45
jamit has been getting better, though22:46
mathepicThere are a lot of references to the bundle buggy on the site22:47
RenatoSilvacan I have an alias in the branch rather than ~?22:47
RenatoSilvais there a command for that or will I need to manually edit branch.conf?22:48
mkanatlifeless, jam: It seems to be happening with branches too, not just checkouts.22:53
mkanatOh, hmm, I might have an idea of what's going on.22:56
mkanatIt might not actually be so severe.23:05
lifelessmkanat: why are you using reconfigure anyhow?23:13
lifelessmkanat: I thought you wanted to upgrade?23:13
mkanatlifeless: I did the upgrade and it kept it in the repo, didn't realize, and then did a reconfigure.23:16
mkanatlifeless: I mean, kept it in the standalone repo.23:16
mkanatOkay, I explained what happened, on the bug.23:17
davidstraussIs there a way to include function names in preview patches with "bzr send"?23:19
lifelessdavidstrauss: not at the moment, there is a general request that we support function names in diffing; that would follow on23:23
davidstrausslifeless: In the mean time, it seems like it would make sense to offer --diff-options for send, just like with diff.23:24
lifelessdavidstrauss: file a bug :)23:25
davidstrausslifeless: Done :-) https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/44992323:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449923 in bzr "bzr send should offer the --diff-options option" [Undecided,New]23:27
mathepicI'm trying to find where bzr send creates the diff23:43
mathepicCould someone help me out23:43
=== Zand3r_ is now known as Zand3r
mathepicDoes send create its diff with MergeDirective._generate_diff23:48
RenatoSilvaIDEs would help on that23:51
mathepicNah, they love to take over the project structure23:52
mathepicNot something I want to do23:52
RenatoSilvaunfortunately Eclipse has not a good Python IDE23:53
mathepicI left Eclipse23:55
mathepicNow I just use emacs23:55
mathepicBit more primitive, but you can get everything done23:55

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