
alkisg_workGood morning07:35
digital_rougeanyone here09:26
digital_rougeor a bunch of bots09:26
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:28
digital_rougeahh someoen sorry09:31
digital_rougewell i was attempting to connect my tv thru s video09:32
digital_rougeand i clicked reflect screen09:32
digital_rougelogged off logged on now the resolution is correct but the screen dosent o all the way to the egde09:33
alkisg_workdigital_rouge: this is a general ubuntu question, you'd get more responses if you asked this in #ubuntu. This channel (#edubuntu) is mostly for education-related topics...09:35
digital_rougeyes i was there09:36
digital_rougehow ever the room was being floaded09:36
alkisg_workOK, you can hang around here and wait for an answer, but I don't think people here will answer generic questions...09:36
digital_rougeim new to ubuntu and require an education in resolution adjustment09:36
digital_rougewell thats ok guys thanks anyways09:37
digital_rougei think ima go back to vista09:37
alkisg!info libqt4-dev18:10
ubottulibqt4-dev (source: qt4-x11): Qt 4 development files. In component main, is optional. Version 4.5.0-0ubuntu4.2 (jaunty), package size 2371 kB, installed size 23024 kB18:10
dgroosAnyone know why there is a 40-45 second pause between a remote control action done on iTALC and it actual implementation on the remote client?  Is this the way it's supposed to be?23:35
Lnsdgroos: don't have much experience w/italc, but is it using ssh for remote client cmds?23:44
dgrooshmmm... not even sure if it is--I was using the graphical interface so might be via another route?  What are you using on TCM (did I get name right?)23:46
dgroosTCM NG that's right.23:46
Lnsdgroos: well nothing yet, waiting for tcm development to turn around a bit. using some hacked together scripts in the meantime ;)23:59

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