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nixternaloi it is freezing outside tonight01:58
jjesseis it acutally freezing?02:59
jjessemy temp shows 36 here so not actually freezing :)03:00
ScottKIt seemed pretty cold there yesterday.03:23
* ScottK was in Chicago for a wedding yesterday (jam packed schedule with no time for visiting, unfortunately)03:24
jjesseScottK: i thought you were running the marathon today :)03:24
ScottKThe groom (and thus his family) was from New Zealand.  They were all very postitively impressed with the architecture and beauty of Chicago (obviously some parts of the city went unvisited)03:25
jjessei like chicago it is a nice city03:29
ScottKIt is.03:30
nixternalchicago is the best city...none on earth like it04:01
nixternalwe can rig political elections, but we can't rig olympic ones04:01
dtchenobviously the priorities are inverted. someone didn't learn from the mars rover!04:02
nixternalhey, at least we bombed the moon this week!04:03
dtchentrue enough04:03
nixternalI figure the US blew up enough stuff on earth, we had to take our wars elsewhere04:03
nixternallittle kids around the world were devestated, the United States shot the man in the moon!04:03
nixternalI can already see the commercials about 'Happy Cows on the Moon'04:04
* ScottK did read some comment on a news article from someone claiming they could feel the pain and outrage of 'brother Moon'.04:19
ScottKnixternal: Just sent you some kairmode bugs04:19
nixternali thought knetworkmangler was doing this stuff now.04:29
ScottKRiddell: I'm pretty stumped on the netbook application launcher problem.  notmart suggested that plasma/runners/services/servicerunner.cpp would be the key.  I've tried both updating the file to trunk and back to 4.3.1 with no luck.  Help.04:30
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txwikingerIs launchpad down?04:41
ScottKtxwikinger: No04:47
txwikingerI cannot file a bug04:47
ScottKDid you try ubuntu-bug <packagename>04:47
JontheEchindaThe good news is that the brothers of the moon should keel over dead in pain the next time the Moon gets hit by an asteroid04:50
txwikingerdidn't they already get bombed?04:52
vorianbug 43272504:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 432725 in kmymoney2 "[FFe] New upstream release (kmymoney2 1.0.2)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43272504:54
JontheEchindahi vorian04:56
JontheEchindaclaydoh: ^Know anybody who'd want to test that?04:58
vorianJontheEchinda: why is it not english?05:00
ScottKSo did we change how we are finding out about updates being available in Karmic?05:04
ScottKIt seems to me we have somehow managed to start following the broken idea that users only should be notified about updates every now and then.05:05
vorianyou mean like for the latest and greatest 4.3.2?05:07
ScottKNot sure when it would have changed, but it would have been something kpackagekit related and not KDE core.05:08
JontheEchindavorian: KDE was set to spanish for l10n testing05:09
JontheEchindaspanish is the only other language I can navigate around in KDE in05:10
voriani do well with klingon05:11
* rgreening ponders navigating in klingon06:00
DarkwingDuck+1 rgreening06:02
jussi01nixternal: redmine pls! kthxbai.06:23
shtylmanwell...another set of OO patches sent along...thats a wrap for tonight06:36
nixternaljussi01: redmine?07:34
jussi01nixternal: bug tracker...07:34
LureRiddell: fyi, I have uploaded digikam 1.0.0beta5 and kipi-plugins to kubuntu-ppa/backports in order to be able to to better bug triage with jaunty users09:46
Riddelllubyou: groovy10:01
RiddellLure: groovy10:01
neversfeldesomeone able to test koffice beta3 from the experimental ppa12:23
jussi01neversfelde: karmic? if so, hit me up with a url12:23
neversfeldejussi01: https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental12:24
neversfeldeI am not sure, if the packages install correctly, but I cannot test it atm12:24
jussi01neversfelde: I cant test. i386 didnt build...12:25
apacheloggerso why are they in experimental?12:32
* apachelogger notes that experimental != broken12:32
Mamarokhm, is jockey-kde supposed to work?12:33
Mamarokwhen I click on Activate to activate the proprietary driver nothing happens12:34
* Mamarok restarts to check12:35
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Mamarokso apparently jockey doesn't work at all :(12:52
RiddellMamarok: are you running it as root?12:57
RiddellMamarok: I guess you could try installing the jockey-gtk frontend and seeing if that works13:01
Mamarokyep, will try that13:01
Mamarokanyway, I activated the fglrx driver by hand, and it's a disaster13:07
* Mamarok goes back to radeon and is utterly disapointed at Karmic not being able to support her graphic card that is not even a year old13:08
Mamaroksame problem as Jaunty, this really sucks13:08
MamarokRiddell: and jockey-gtk works, it's the kde client that doesn't13:16
davmor2Mamarok: if you run jockey-kde from terminal do you get any errors13:17
Mamaroklet me see...13:17
Mamarokno, it doesn't mention any if I start it as a user, and starting it with kdesudo neither13:18
Mamarokit just doesn't activate the driver when I click on it13:19
Mamarokanyway, restarting to make sure I can enable OpenGL...13:19
* Riddell fixes microblog applet14:06
Riddells/fixes/upbreaks/ to be fair14:07
highvoltageRiddell: close enough :)14:12
* Riddell pokes nixternal for not committing kdeplasma-addons changes to bzr14:20
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PedroLeKoi1Hi there all of you.14:44
PedroLeKoi1My name is Pedro.14:44
PedroLeKoi1And I want to contribute to the development of Karmic Koala.14:45
PedroLeKoi1I read this note a few minutes ago: Kubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala Beta Released: Everyone Needed!14:45
PedroLeKoi1Now I am wondering how to get involved as fast as possible???14:46
PedroLeKoi1Anyone out there has an idea?14:46
NightrosePedroLeKoi1: what do you want to help with?14:47
Nightrosepackaging? bug triage? documentation? marketing?14:47
Nightrosesomething else?14:47
PedroLeKoi1That's part of the question I ask myself to.14:48
PedroLeKoi1Testing is possible.14:48
Nightrosehehe ok14:48
PedroLeKoi1Because I worked as a software tester.14:48
Nightroseok great14:48
PedroLeKoi1I tested ecus at bmw in Germany.14:48
NightroseRiddell probably knows what needs testing at the moment14:48
PedroLeKoi1So: The problem is to focus on a certain part of software.14:48
PedroLeKoi1Riddell? Is that anohter person here in the channel or...14:49
RiddellPedroLeKoi1: we could do with jockey being tested if you have any hardware that would use it14:50
PedroLeKoi1I have a laptop - Karmic is already running on it...14:51
PedroLeKoi1@Riddell: The app you are talking about is probably 'jockey-kde', isn't it?14:53
JontheEchidnaaha, so KDE bug 182870 explains why KDM became plastique in KDE 4.314:53
ubottuKDE bug 182870 in general "In kdmrc ignore GUIStyle param" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18287014:53
* JontheEchidna makes a list of things to patch later14:53
claydohJontheEchidna: re kmymoney215:09
claydohJontheEchidna: I use it regularly15:09
claydohJontheEchidna: I have it in my ppa15:09
RiddellPedroLeKoi1: yes15:10
JontheEchidnaclaydoh: mind commenting on 1.0.2's readiness in the bug I mentioned?15:10
claydohim there now15:11
JontheEchidnaI'll be back in a bit15:11
JontheEchidnathanks claydoh15:11
claydohJontheEchidna: do you have a deb package available? sometimes the debian packages converted to ubuntu's sometimes have broken help and/or broken ofx15:14
claydohsometimes :/15:14
nixternalRiddell: oops, sorry about that...totally forgot15:17
claydohJontheEchidna: comment added15:34
RiddellJontheEchidna: kmymoney acked15:35
claydohJontheEchidna:  and Riddell thanks :)15:54
* JontheEchidna will upload once other family members are done using the internet15:54
JontheEchidnasomething tells me they won't appreciate a 17MB upload while they're trying to use facebook ;-)15:55
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PedroLeKoi1Hi there all of you.16:13
PedroLeKoi1My name is Pedro and I want to contribute to the development of Karmic Koala.16:13
PedroLeKoi1I read this note a few minutes ago: Kubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala Beta Released: Everyone Needed!16:13
PedroLeKoi1Now I am wondering how to get involved as fast as possible???16:13
PedroLeKoi1Testing would be a good thing because I did this kind of work for more than three years.16:13
PedroLeKoi1To be more specific: I tested the software running on AirbagControlUnits at BMW in Germany.16:13
PedroLeKoi1Debugging is another possibility, because I developed software while working for BMW too.16:13
PedroLeKoi1Surly many programmers in the world are higher skilled and have more experiences but at I am16:13
PedroLeKoi1highly motivated to support the development of (K)ubuntu and have plenty of time.16:13
PedroLeKoi1It would be nice if somebody would/could assign me to a certain team or a application.16:13
PedroLeKoi1And to say it right away: I will need a little bit of guidance.16:13
Riddellhi PedroLeKoi1, nice of you to join us16:14
RiddellPedroLeKoi1: I did suggest you testing jockey-kde, there are other things I can suggest if you don't want to or can't do that16:14
PedroLeKoi1Riddell I don't mind.16:15
PedroLeKoi1Riddell So: I have a running system.16:16
PedroLeKoi1I already worked with jockey.16:16
RiddellPedroLeKoi1: what did you do with jockey?16:17
PedroLeKoi1Riddell Do I need to download the source code? Or is there a kind of testplan? Or a list with open issues where I can think about...16:17
PedroLeKoi1Riddell I have a lenovo notebook with a broadcom wireless card.16:17
PedroLeKoi1I tried to install the proper dirver for the wlan card via jockey.16:17
PedroLeKoi1That didn't work out to well.16:18
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PedroLeKoi1It seems to me that one has to stick to a certain order...16:18
EagleScreenjockey-kde cause my system to crash in karmic16:19
RiddellPedroLeKoi1: we need to know if it can install and enable drivers, what happened when you tried to install the broadcom driver?16:20
PedroLeKoi1That meens: I had to install 'b43-fwcutter'.16:20
PedroLeKoi1After that I installed 'bcmwl-kernel-source'.16:20
EagleScreenwhen I try to install broadcom driver "wl" it causes kernel to hangs16:21
PedroLeKoi1After doing so 'jockey-kde' shows me that the broadcom driver is active.16:21
EagleScreenyou can see Bug #44875316:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 448753 in linux "System hangs when I use jockey for first time to enable "wl" module" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44875316:21
PedroLeKoi1Moreover I could establish a connection to my private wlan.16:22
neversfeldejussi01: ping16:22
RiddellPedroLeKoi1: so it worked?16:24
PedroLeKoi1That didn't work out to well.16:28
PedroLeKoi1That meens: I had to install 'b43-fwcutter'.16:28
PedroLeKoi1After that I installed 'bcmwl-kernel-source'.16:28
PedroLeKoi1After doing so 'jockey-kde' shows me that the broadcom driver is active.16:28
RiddellPedroLeKoi1: but these things were not installed by jockey itself?16:30
EagleScreenNow I try to remove the bcmwl driver with jockey and it does nothing16:34
EagleScreenok i am going to tets now jockey-kde to install and enable bcmwl16:41
EagleScreenfirst i remove bcmwl-source and I reboot the system16:44
EagleScreennow i have the problem that jockey only give me the option to install b43-fwcutter16:45
EagleScreenbcmwl-modalises is installed16:45
EagleScreenokay, I reboot after having bcmwl-modalises installed and now jockey give me the option to install Broadcom STA16:50
EagleScreenI install it and I think my system is going to hangs16:50
RiddellEagleScreen: say it ain't so16:52
PedroLeKoi1@EagleScreen, Riddell I made exactly the same experiences16:54
RiddellPedroLeKoi1: so it lets you install but freezes at the end of the process?16:54
RiddellEagleScreen: no luck?16:54
PedroLeKoi1That happens to me as well.16:54
EagleScreenhere again16:54
EagleScreenme system hanged16:54
RiddellEagleScreen: so it lets you install but freezes at the end of the process?16:54
PedroLeKoi1But after the reboot the driver still didn't work.16:54
EagleScreenit finish to install it and just after it, X freezed16:55
EagleScreenX frozen16:55
EagleScreenI could go to ttys16:55
PedroLeKoi1So I would rather guess that the installation procedure didn't terminate as it should16:55
Riddellthat sounds like a different problem from what Mamarok was having earlier today where it didn't let her even click Activate16:55
EagleScreenbut when I went back to tty7 (to X tty), kernel freezes too16:56
PedroLeKoi1Same in my case: I couldn't click those buttons16:56
RiddellEagleScreen: ho hum. could you report a bug "ubuntu-bug jockey-kde" ?16:56
EagleScreeni aready reportted this in Bug #448753 shoud I use apport-collect?16:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 448753 in linux "System hangs when I use jockey for first time to enable "wl" module" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44875316:57
EagleScreenattached to 448753 by appoert-collect, review the bug17:00
Riddellthanks EagleScreen, PedroLeKoi117:02
EagleScreenall you need, you are welcome17:04
PedroLeKoi1I am off for today. Coming back tomorrow morning. Bye everybody.17:37
Riddellhmm, could be a useful chap but seems not to be a great communicator17:41
Mamarokhm, is somebody aware of will Stephenson's comment here: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20983418:24
ubottuKDE bug 209834 in general "crash in handleUpdate method after wakeup out of hibernation" [Crash,Resolved: duplicate]18:24
Mamarokcame in through the kubuntu-users ML...18:24
Mamarokstrange bug description for a network-manager problem...18:25
ScottKWe've updated in the last month18:25
nixternalwould be great if they told us how to reproduce18:26
ScottKWouldn't hurt to update again before Thursday.18:27
ScottKRiddell: The last issue blocking quassel's final release looks to have just been fixed, so I expect to have 0.5 final tomorrow or wed.18:28
MamarokScottK: the guy in the mailing list still uses Jaunty, so it might well be solved in Karmic, no?18:29
RiddellScottK: just in time18:29
ScottKRiddell: Yeah, EgS, who does the database stuff had taken a bit of a sabbatical, but just reappeared in time.18:30
ScottKRiddell: I'm dieing for ideas on the netbook launcher problem.  I ping'ed notmart on #kubuntu-netbook, but got no more suggestions yet.18:30
nixternalScottK, Mamarok, Riddell: FYI, that NM bug, I can't reproduce...suspend to ram and back works just fine, I am on IRC right now aren't I? :)18:31
ScottKIt's been working for me too.18:32
Mamaroknixternal: well, network works for me since ever, even on Jaunty, so...18:32
nixternalwait, has it been fixed in the stuff for jaunty?18:32
nixternali am wondering if that person is running jaunty or karmic18:32
Mamarokhe is running Junaty with KDE 4.3.2 from the PPA apparently18:33
nixternalsuspend to and from ram is whicked fast now I might add as well18:33
nixternalright, I doubt networkmangler was backported for jaunty, though I don't know for sure18:33
Riddellit was, I did it18:34
Riddellbut only the frontend, it's still the old backend from jaunty18:34
nixternalright, wonder if that is where the problem lies18:34
RiddellI'd expect so18:35
nixternalthis is why we should make it difficult for user to report bugs upstream18:36
nixternalit gets on the project owners nerves to get flooded with bug reports that aren't there18:36
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ScottKI did comment in the bug we had a later revision than that in Karmic.18:43
txwikingerAny have seen a problem in karmic where ifup does not setup the wireless configuration right?18:48
ScottKI thought if NM was controlling the connection, ifup was supposed to leave it alone?18:49
txwikingerhmm.. knetwork manager did not work for me in jaunty, I set the stuff up in interfaces file18:50
ScottKThat's a non-standard config then.18:52
txwikingerWell.. nm does not work either.. I guess I need to do some troubleshooting18:52
ScottKRiddell: Is it on purpose you aren't in #kubuntu-netbook anymore?18:54
JontheEchidnaRiddell, nixternal: I believe the issue with NM was that we had an outdated version of the frontend until 3 days ago20:38
JontheEchidnaA much bigger problem for wstephenson than upstream NM bugs was us shipping the plasma widget for jaunty20:39
JontheEchidnaupstream bugs comes with the territory when you're messing with NM20:39
JontheEchidnahaving them go through us first is unproductive because users have to go through another layer-- us-- to get to the developer, who usually has a better idea of how to gain useful debug information20:40
JontheEchidnaif they ever reach the developer at all (which I am trying hard to make happen in the case of the network management applet)20:41
JontheEchidnabut I think the former knetworkmanager source package with it's mostly-new 100+ bugs (before they got closed unmaintained) shows what happens when hard-to-debug NM bugs come to us first20:42
nixternalJontheEchidna: it doesn't help us if they file upstream and not LP though, and pissing off the upstream isn't a good idea...especially when they can backport a fix for us if needed20:45
JontheEchidnaif we didn't want to piss off upstream we shouldn't have shipped the plasma widget in jaunty. He got 100x more bugs from that than upstream bugs20:47
JontheEchidnanot much we can do about that now though, but...20:47
JontheEchidnawhen upstream bugs come in at B.K.O they are usually feature requests for crap that NM needs to do first20:48
LureRiddell: do we include fix for kde bug 209960 - it seems that crashes digikam/geolocation21:48
ubottuKDE bug 209960 in khtml part "Kopete crashed when closing history window [QWidget::hide, ~KHTMLPart, KParts::Part::slotWidgetDestroyed]" [Crash,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20996021:48
ryanakcaNightrose: btw, the reply to kobby was that "I want to have more testing before I release." and that if there is someone with more expertise regarding gitorious, that he would appreciate a hand.21:55
Nightroseryanakca: doh! how is he ever going to get more testing without asking for it...21:55
ryanakcaNightrose: of course, that was not a quote.21:56
Nightroseand wrt hand moving to gitorious: send him my way i can get him in touch with people21:56
ryanakcaNightrose: I figure that UDS-L will be a great time / place for it to get extensive testing?21:56
Nightrosejep excellent21:56
ryanakcaOf course, he said he wanted testing by non-developers... but I'm not sure how many non-developers even use gobby. Unless he wanted non-Kobby devs, but oh well. Feel like /msg'ing me your email so that I can forward him to you?21:57
Nightroselydia @ kde.org21:58
JontheEchidnaLure: we have like 6 duplicates against that already, so I'd go for it21:59
JontheEchidnabug 44782321:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 447823 in kdenetwork "kopete crashed with SIGSEGV in KHTMLPart::~KHTMLPart()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44782321:59
JontheEchidnaneeds reassigning to kdelibs I suppose21:59
JontheEchidnathanks for finding the upstream bug; I had looked for it22:00
JontheEchidnaeek, 10 dupes by now22:00
Quintasan|SzelJontheEchidna: can you do me a favour?22:00
JontheEchidnadepends on the favor of course :P22:01
Quintasan|SzelJontheEchidna: fix typo in package dooble - should be "in" instead of "is" :P22:01
JontheEchidnayeah, sure thing22:02
Quintasan|Szelthanks :)22:02
LureJontheEchidna: I found it by triaging upstream digikam bugs ;-)22:03
* Lure adds milestone to 9.10 just to put it on radar screen ;-)22:03
JontheEchidnawas this a 4.3.2 regression?22:04
JontheEchidnalooks like it to me22:05
JontheEchidnaah, yeah. dfaure's post-4.3.2 fix caused that22:06
ryanakcaNightrose: sent22:06
RiddellLure: we include something like it http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ekubuntu-members/kdelibs/ubuntu/annotate/head%3A/debian/patches/kubuntu_74_hide_khtml_widgets.diff22:06
Nightroseryanakca: thx :)22:07
Riddellfabo: waa, qt4 still not compiling in the buildds even though it compiled in my PPA22:07
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LureRiddell: right, and this patch is root cause for the patch - see http://websvn.kde.org/?revision=1033984&view=revision22:09
RiddellLure: ah so the patch needs a patch22:10
LureRiddell: right22:10
LureRiddell: will you take care for this - I can only look into this tommorow night, need to get to bed now22:11
RiddellLure: yes I'll fix it now22:12
LureRiddell: great22:12
Quintasan|Szelfcks, anyone tried to recover deleted files from ext422:50
Quintasan|Szellooks like I managed to delete my home22:50
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