
sebsebsebcybersplice: sometimes  the not so technical people need to know about their hardware as well,  because they need to know if they have enough RAM for a Windows virtual machine, or  they got to configure some hardware00:00
Twigathyxsplash is amusing. I see it for maybe a second or so before I hit the login screen... >_<00:00
joaopintomom_, it will depend on your hw, on mine I didn't find a significant difference00:00
cybersplicesebsebseb, well it depends on your point of view. Really, there's no advantage for Canonical to target the home user market. Businesses are the ones that are willing to shell out for support.00:00
sebsebsebTwigathy: yeah it's quick, sadly the log in screen isn't that good though, and can't be themed,  and already had that discussion a while ago00:00
cybersplicesebsebseb, what you're saying isn't wrong, at all.00:00
cyberspliceWell, basically speaking. A hardware audit tool of some kind would be really useful.00:01
mzzhenken: "Disabling IRQ #17" looks suspicious in combination with pata_jmicron being on that irq00:01
henkenmzz, I just found the error around there00:02
sebsebsebmost people  that are responsible for an Ubuntu install, will sometimes  probably  need to know something about their hardware, even Microsoft reolize that I guess, hence all those nice graphical tools  for finding out about hardware even in the homeuser/consumer versions00:02
sebsebsebof Windows00:02
mom_will there be release parties like for windows 7?00:02
sebsebsebmom_: yes00:02
sebsebsebmom_: I am not sure how long the release parties have been going on for, but  I guess it's been a while now, for every Ubuntu release00:03
joaopintomom_, uh, release parties for windows ? how do you get the free cd's to install ?00:03
joaopintoyou mean, store parties :) ?00:04
mom_joaopinto_you had to sign up a month ago and they would ship you the signature steve ballmer edition00:04
mzzhenken: it also mentions the "irqpoll" boot option being possibly helpful00:04
cybersplicejoaopinto, they do tend to give out freebies. You occasionally get them even at InfoSec.00:04
mom_i was going to do that so i could run it next to ubuntu00:04
sebsebsebcybersplice: maybe some devs will see my comments here and  :D00:04
mzzhenken: might want to give that a shot, and if you have 9.04 media around I really recommend trying to compare00:04
joaopintocybersplice, a complete windows 7 install as freebie ?00:04
cybersplicesebsebseb, they might also say, "Let's ban that cybersplice git." or, "I fancy a hotdog."00:05
mzzhenken: also: there might be a way to make hd device detection synchronous again, which at least would make dmesg more readable00:05
cybersplicejoaopinto, yeah, i think they gave some out.00:05
cybersplicejoaopinto, you can get the RC anyway. ;)00:05
sebsebsebcybersplice: brainstorm is the proper place for suggestions though00:05
joaopintocybersplice, I am not talking about promoting campaigns, that's marketing, does not count00:05
henkenmzz, I will try that option00:05
mom_joaopinto, they just dont give out the source code for free00:05
cybersplicejoaopinto, i don't see much difference, to be honest.00:05
joaopintomom_, the last time I have checked Win7 was paid, is closed sourced and paid, well paid, btw :)00:06
cybersplicejoaopinto, giving out free cds is giving out free cds. It's more effective for us types though, since people can give them to their mates after. ;)00:06
mom_joaopinto, well you are paying for steve ballmer´s signature on the signature edition so that makes sense00:06
sebsebsebmom_: Microsoft  give software away to lock people in00:06
sebsebsebor  for rather cheap for that reason00:07
cybersplicemom_, they don't give out the source code at all, unless you happen to be a state government and want to sign literally a book's worth of NDA.00:07
henkenmzz, thanks for the help so far, I will reboot to attempt that option00:07
sebsebsebmom_:  also if the code isn't open  it restricts our freedoms00:07
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing00:07
mom_cybersplice, didnt they give out source code for mono?00:07
cybersplicesebsebseb, microsoft only give stuff away for cheap when they're afraid, and you're high profile.00:07
Nafaimom_: Mono is not written by Microsoft00:07
sebsebsebcybersplice: sure or make  versions of Internet Explorer for  XP, when it was never intended to begin with00:08
cybersplicemom_, that's not an operating system, and no, mono was written from scratch to the specification which was open iirc.00:08
sebsebsebcybersplice: yep Firefox gained quite a lot of market share and then they did it,  as a result Mozilla have an internal joke "Internet Explorer 7 the best browser we ever made"00:08
mom_.NET stuff?00:08
cybersplicemom_, Mono is an OSS implementation of .net.00:08
mzzmom_: if the actual ".NET stuff" was opensource we wouldn't need most of Mono00:08
sebsebsebcybersplice: yep no IE7 for XP  untill that00:09
mom_well i can get free microsoft word templates from the microsoft website, thats all that matters really00:09
joaopintomzz, yes we would, because it would rely on Windows tecnhology, open source that you would not be able to compile on linux :)00:09
mzzjoaopinto: which is why I said "most of" :)00:09
mzzjoaopinto: although perhaps my guess of the ratios involved is very wrong00:10
cybersplicemom_, you can't get Office for free, which is what counts really. £300 to get basic word processing and desktop publishing? I'm facing a purchase of about 610 copies of office right now. That will really eat into my storage budget.00:10
sebsebsebcybersplice: I wonder if Ubuntu  12.04 or 14.04  both LT's (according to when LTS's are meant to be)  will be able to compete properly against Windows,  after all that's the time when many  Windows users will be leaving XP probably00:10
joaopintoyou don't expect .NET to be ANSI C/C++ :P00:10
mom_sebsebseb, mozilla wont say anything like that about IE8 . . wow that browser it awful00:10
mzzjoaopinto: no, but I'd expect a large chunk of the .net stdlib to be written in c# (at least that's how the minor parts of the mono one I looked at worked)00:11
sebsebsebcybersplice: 2014  XP will stop being supported unless they extend that again,  and Microsoft have told businesses before to leave XP in 2012 by the latest00:11
cybersplicesebsebseb, i think Linux's purported inability to compete with Windows isn't so much a features issue but a culture issue.00:11
JanCactually, MS has an open source implementation of .NET IIRC  ;)00:11
sebsebsebcybersplice: and lack of  hardware and software support from many manufactures still sadly00:11
cybersplicesebsebseb, XP is pretty irrelevant to business. most businesses don't ever need MS support for the desktop OS, per se. HOwever, i am going to have to scrap my entire 2k3 architecture right now..00:12
cybersplicesebsebseb, really?00:12
sebsebsebcybersplice: really to what?00:12
cybersplicebecuase all my servers and desktops seem to work pretty well.00:12
mzzcybersplice: games! :)00:12
mom_i just go around wiping peoples computers and putting linux on it without their permission, good way to get converts00:12
cyberspliceThe hardware support etc.00:12
cyberspliceLets' face it, the real inroad we need to make is in the business sector.00:12
sebsebsebmom_: and they pay you for that?00:12
cyberspliceWindows didn't get popular becuase it was a home OS, it got popular trough the business sector.00:13
mom_no its a fun hobby/espionage00:13
cybersplicePeople saw the Windows logo at work, and when the opportunity arose to get it at home, it made them feel warm and fuzzy.00:13
cybersplicemzz, I know. Only winddows machine in my house is the one i use for games. :D00:14
sebsebsebcybersplice: yeah and there was a woman in #ubuntu the other day/night who  had been using  Debian at work :)  so she wanted to give Ubuntu a try, but then Grub issues :(00:14
mom_linux isnt is as popular because 1) vendors arent writing drivers for it like windows and 2) linux spends too much time trying to be like windows00:14
cybersplicesebsebseb, happens.00:14
sebsebsebGrub can still be a right pain after all this time,  I wonder if that can ever be made to be much more user friendly to deal with problems00:14
joaopintomom_, I don't agree with the 2)00:14
cybersplicemom_, i've not had a hardware issue in a business setting in years.00:14
cyberspliceOh wait i lied00:14
cybersplicei had a really annoying problem with a 1u dell server with some hokey ass graphics card that wasn't supported00:14
mzzsebsebseb: yeah, and now with the grub 2 transition we're sort of getting that all over again00:14
sebsebsebmzz: elebrarate?00:15
cybersplicebusiness users who are concerned about stability need to be using the LTS.00:15
cyberspliceEnough said.00:15
henkemzz, I am back (under a slightly different nick). the irqpoll option disabled my keyboard input, so I couldn't really try if it helped. However, I disconnected my DVD drive (same IDE cable), and the disk now gives normal performance00:15
mom_eg 2) openoffice00:15
sebsebsebcybersplice: LTS also gets old though,  and it really does after three years00:15
JanCI set up grub2 manually after an upgrade, and even that worked without a hickup00:15
mzzsebsebseb: I don't know how much you've messed with grub 2 yet, but the scripts involved don't seem to be entirely robust yet.00:15
cybersplicehenke, does the DMA work??00:15
sebsebsebcybersplice: and things do seem rather old,  when they are getting old, and only get security updates from the repo00:15
mzzsebsebseb: it not detecting my jaunty install's separate /boot at all was a little unfortunate, for example.00:15
cybersplicesebsebseb, but that's not what business users care about.00:15
mzzsebsebseb: (well, it detected it, but the scripts ignored this information)00:16
cyberspliceThey care that the application they are running on their server continues to run and will be supported for n years.00:16
cyberspliceie their amortization period.00:16
joaopintomom_, oh, you are comparing an app with an OS00:16
cyberspliceoh god, i said amortization00:16
sebsebsebcybersplice: sure stability, well many would recommend Debian instead of an Ubuntu LTS, and hmm I am saying this in here hmm00:16
joaopintohow does ooo compare to Windows ?00:16
cyberspliceHeretic! :D00:16
henkecybersplice, well, it seems to be fine now. it was always in udma5 mode, though00:16
mom_joaopinto, well yes, people tend not to just download the linux kernel and make comparisions00:17
cybersplicejoaopinto,  care to rephrase that? it sounded like you were comparing an OS to a desktop productivity suite. :D00:17
mzzhenke: hmm, fishy. I don't really know what kernel-level change could cause that. Worth filing a bug on, I guess.00:17
cybersplicehenke, hmm. interesting issue!00:17
joaopintocybersplice, mon did it, it said linux tries to be like windows, the example was openoffice...00:17
mom_mom_, and even the kernel is getting bloated like windows according to linux00:17
mzz(citation needed :)00:18
joaopintomom_, the "like windows" is your word00:18
cyberspliceI think that's more of an issue with the distros than the kernel00:18
cybersplicethe kernel was intended to be modular, and it is00:18
joaopintohe mentioned linux was getting bloated, he didn't compared it to windows00:18
cybersplicetell you what, this is probably the most intelligent debate i've had in ages00:18
cybersplicejolly good fun00:18
JanCwe need more/better subsystem unification in the kernel00:19
henkemzz, well, I am unsure of what has actually caused it, as the same problem happens when I go back to the previous kernel00:19
mom_joaopinto, so yiou do not think windows kernel is also bloated?00:19
mom_i think it is more bloated than the linux kernel00:19
mzzmom_: afaik the windows kernel is a microkernel, so you can't really do a direct comparison00:19
Twigathyhttp://news.cnet.com/8301-13505_3-10358024-16.html <-- have a citation00:19
Twigathythat took 5 seconds of google-fu c_c00:19
henkemzz, the IRQ isn't disabled now, with the removed DVD drive00:19
sebsebsebTwigathy: What is google-fu  it's even mentioned in the factoid00:19
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.00:19
jimpopUbuntu is getting bloated... but some of that is Debian's fault00:19
joaopintomom_, you mean that kernel that boots in 4-5s ? no I don't find it bloated, it maybe bloated code-wise, from a development perspective, and that is probably what Linus said00:19
cyberspliceWell, OO.o is trying to fill a gap. It is trying to compete with Microsoft Office, and it does that pretty well. I've rolled it to a few hundred desktops so far.00:19
Twigathysebsebseb: the ability to google effectively00:20
sebsebsebTwigathy: what does it mean?00:20
JanCmzz: not a microkernel, but a modular kernel like linux really00:20
TwigathyJust ... google-fu :)00:20
mzzTwigathy: need more context00:20
sebsebsebor what is it?00:20
TwigathyIt's how good you are at using google to find what you want to find00:20
mom_4-5 sec truly depends on the modules you are loading and hardware00:20
mzzTwigathy: (that's Linus saying "linux is bloated", but only that article making the comparison to windows)00:20
TwigathyI was just linking, don't shoot the messenger :)00:21
joaopintomom_, a common desktop, using a stock ubuntu kernel :)00:21
cyberspliceGAH. My cat just farted on my face.00:21
JanCmzz: only, microsoft dictates the subsystem API for each class of drivers instead of linux still having to support several subsystems for e.g. WiFi00:21
TwigathyIn other news: the 9.10 alpha decided to install a PAE kernel for me so I can see all my RAM!00:21
TwigathyWhich was kind of nice of it00:21
sebsebsebmzz: Grub 2 scripts?00:22
mzzsebsebseb: the ones responsible for writing /boot/grub/grub.cfg and the generated grub.cfg itself00:22
mom_mmm ubuntu is great but it is also the slowest kernel to load of the distros ive tried00:22
sebsebsebmzz: yeah  that's changed as well no longer menu.lst  altough I did get asked last time I did updates if I wanted to create one00:22
JanCmom_: most of the load time is the initrd I suppose?00:22
mzzsebsebseb: (both are very different from what writes menu.lst, with fun new bugs)00:22
cyberspliceTwigathy, what are you doing still using the alpha? :D00:23
sebsebsebmzz: What was wrong with the old Grub,  except it not being able to do Ext4?00:23
Twigathycybersplice: oh, pah, whatever the latest version is I'm at it c_c00:23
dumbby i deleted /etc/grub.d/10_linux by accident~ can anyone send it back to me?00:23
mzzsebsebseb: unsupported upstream was probably the main one00:23
joaopintosebsebseb, not maintained ?00:23
cyberspliceTwigathy, :D00:23
mzzsebsebseb: I kinda like grub 2 being able to boot directly off my lvm, but that's not a big deal to most people00:23
sebsebsebmzz: I don't use lvm00:24
mom_JanC, i didnt break it down, just comparing from start to login or x-windows login screen00:24
JanCgrub2 also supports booting from lvm & some raid configs00:24
sebsebsebmzz: just normal partitions here00:24
mzzyes. That's what I said.00:24
mzzapparently you're one of "most people"00:24
sebsebsebmzz: I guess if I had used LVM,   Fedora 11 would have gone on rather nicely,  it doesn't like my partition set up00:24
drop_tablesWhy are there no icons for shutdown, lock screen and Log out?00:25
JanCmom_: from grub to login screen is pretty fast for me in Ubuntu00:25
sebsebsebdrop_tables: you mean in the system menu?00:25
cybersplicedrop_tables, click your name on the top right :)00:25
JanCin karmic00:25
mom_if one accepts that windows is bloated and one accepts that what linus says is true that the linux kernel is bloated, then it isnt a huge logical leap to say they are both bloated00:25
sebsebsebdrop_tables: there stupid edited  FUSA (Fast User Account Switcher)  is why it's not in the system menu00:25
sebsebsebdrop_tables: ,but if you remove it  yep the thing on the top right, it will be back where it's meant to be according to upstream Gnome :)00:26
* mzz groans00:26
JanCmom_: I can build a very lean linux though, you can't do that with Windows  ;)00:26
sebsebsebmzz: why?00:26
mzzmom_: I'm fairly certain Linus was referring to the size of either the linux kernel source tree or the average size of a kernel binary built from it00:26
mom_JanC, they actually did i think00:26
sebsebsebdrop_tables: 8.10 did it right,  it had a fusa, but it also left the system menu alone :)00:27
mzzmom_: which is very different from the kind of "bloated" most people accuse windows of being00:27
mzzmom_: so unless you can link me to an article with Linus making that windows comparison I'm just going to ignore this thread of discussion from here on00:27
mom_mzz, well, the kernel is huge compared to previous versions00:27
mzzmom_: if you build a non-distro one it's not that bad00:28
JanCmom_: the day that I can run Windows 7 on an embeded system with 16 MiB disk space & 32 MiB RAM & a 266 MHz CPU I'll agree with that  ;)00:28
mzzmom_: (although yes, it's been slowly getting larger)00:28
sebsebsebLinus probably meant  that the kernels can support loads more stuff/bloat now00:28
mom_mom_, he said he wished it didnt need so much stuff in it but he supposed it needed a it00:28
dumbby i deleted /etc/grub.d/10_linux by accident~ can anyone send it back to me?00:28
mom_no i heard his interview00:28
mom_he was talking about how he wished the code did what it did more simply00:28
cyberspliceJanC, that would be awesome.00:28
mzzdumbby: just reinstall grub-common?00:29
mom_mom_, without all the checks etc00:29
sebsebsebI am not a fan of the offtopic channel, but    mom_  mzz00:29
ubottu#ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.00:29
cybersplicemom_, Linus is a notorious perfectionist. he won't be happy until he can make a kernel that works with one line of code. :D00:29
JanCcybersplice: it's perfectly possible with linux 2.6.31   ;)00:29
cyberspliceJanC, I know, i love Gentoo for that!00:29
mzzsebsebseb: yeah, I needed that, thanks. I'll just drop the discussion instead though, hit me over the head if I don't :)00:29
mom_sebsebseb, i just wanted to know about karma boot times :)00:30
JanCcybersplice: I'd suggest openwrt or another embeded distro like that for such a setup, but still ;)00:30
cybersplicemom_, karmic boots a bit quicker than 9.04. I like it.00:30
sebsebsebcybersplice: 9.04 with Ext4 boots up rather fast as well :)00:30
cybersplicemom_,  you might want to invest in an SSD if you want really fast boot times.00:30
cybersplicesebsebseb, i must try ext4 sometime.00:30
sebsebsebcybersplice: thing is00:31
mom_cybersplice, im waiting for donations00:31
dumbbymzz, hmm could try but it will be easiler if anyone can sent that to me since i tweaked some scripts00:31
sebsebseb,becasue of their security updates  only from the repos thing00:31
cybersplicemom_, me too.00:31
sebsebseb9.04 doesn't have a proper kernel for Ext4 and that00:31
cyberspliceor a raise...00:31
* JanC has a raptor boot disk, no SSD yet...00:31
mzzdumbby: which I'd expect the config file handling to handle00:31
cybersplicesebsebseb, i have Gentoo for such things.00:31
mom_im a little paranoid about going to ext4 so soon00:31
sebsebsebcybersplice: ,but it's pretty much fine really,  maybe a lock up issue  when deleting big files though00:31
sebsebsebmom_: Are you on Karmic now no?00:32
JanCmom_: I wouldn't use ext4 for data yet00:32
sebsebsebJanC: nonsense???  it's fine in 9.10, nice proper kernel and all that for it right?00:32
sebsebsebit's not like 9.0400:32
sebsebsebwhere  it's a bit dodgy00:32
JanCfor a boot disk, well, that can be re-installed easily00:32
mom_no i was going to wait for the official release since ive screwed up things into the past with ubuntu alphas and betas and rcs00:32
mzzdumbby: http://pastebin.com/f3c79c196 but I still think you're doing something weird if you need this00:32
sebsebsebmom_: ok sounds good00:33
cybersplicemom_, probably fair enough.00:33
sebsebsebmom_: wait for the final  release, and then do a clean install of Ubuntu, so you get proper Ext4 support :)00:33
JanCsebsebseb: well-known filesystem developers say that a filesystem needs at least 5 years of real world use before they are really stable ;)00:33
mom_im still on jaunty and my bedrock debian stable00:33
sebsebsebExt3 9.04 upgrades to 9.10 won't give Ext4 or Grub2,  and the conversion  isn't quite good enough Ext3 to Ext4, by the sounds of it00:33
dumbbymzz, thankz ^^ just trying to make boot menu look nicer ;p00:34
sebsebsebJanC: well  I think I read that they started working on Ext4 in 2006, yes not 5 years ago, but it's been a while00:34
mom_debian stable is nice because i dont have hardly any updates and dont have to reinstall for . . . years00:34
sebsebsebJanC: plus Fedora 11 had a proper kernel  for it's default Ext4, and as far as I know not many people had issues with that00:34
JanCsebsebseb: 5 years of real world use, and ext4 wasn't use for real until a year ago or so00:34
mzzsebsebseb: it obviously builds heavily on ext3, it's not a completely new filesystem. But yeah.00:34
sebsebsebmzz: it is rather differnet to Ext300:35
cyberspliceNobody wanted a new filesystem, i think. They wanted an evolution of the existing filesystem.00:35
sebsebsebJanC: depends on the user etc, and  to some extent how paranoid they are over their data00:35
JanCsebsebseb: of course depends on how important your data is etc.00:35
sebsebseb,but yeah with 9.04  and I guess it's the same for 9.10, the main thing when it comes to most users is having / in Ext400:35
sebsebsebfor the fast, boot up time, shut down, and disk checking00:36
sebsebsebafter the 23 or so boots00:36
mzzsebsebseb: I don't know even close to enough about filesystem guts to actually argue about this, but the ext4 driver mounting my ext2 (journal-less) filesystem seems some indication the format didn't change completely00:36
sebsebsebas for /home  in  Ext3 for example   that's alright, or an Ext3 data partition.    Then also Ext4 is better with much bigger files then  what  Ext3 can handle, but  homeusers are unlikely to have such big files.00:37
JanCmzz: ext4 can be backwards compatible with ext2/3 if it doesn't use the features that make ext4 useful compared to ext2/300:37
mzzthe part I can't argue is how different enabling those features makes the fs00:37
sebsebsebmzz: I don't know that much about file systems either, but I am glad I did 9.04  with Ext4, and I never had any problems with it :)  a few others did though, but I already said about 9.04's Ext4 support here00:37
JanCquite different in some ways, almost the same in other ways00:38
mzzfor really quite different you can just wait for btrfs, afaik00:38
JanCmzz: exactly00:38
sebsebsebmzz: yeah  btrfs will be good as well by the sounds of it, but that will be a while yet before a stable  afaik00:38
=== funkyHat is now known as funk_Hat
sebsebsebalso  apparantly  those  advantages I mentioned with Ext4,  are also the case for XFS, which has been around for years,  just isn't used that much00:39
cyberspliceJanC: i think he means backwards compatibility in that the current e2fs tools can mount ext2, 3 or 4.00:39
mzzheh, "Proper ENOSPC handling: in progress"00:39
JanCwell, ext4 has some advantages/disadvantages compared to XFS00:40
* mzz doesn't want to find out what improper ENOSPC handling does00:40
sebsebsebJanC: such as?00:40
JanCcybersplice: current e2fs tools are actually ext2/3/4-tools  :-)00:40
sebsebsebJanC: also why is Ext default for most distros,  I think  someone basically said that it's, because it's the default file system from the kernel developers00:41
cyberspliceJanC: Yes, indeed.00:41
JanCsebsebseb: XFS is still better at large/huge files and the like AFAIK00:41
cyberspliceJanC: It's also about as solid and mature as it gets.00:41
JanCsebsebseb: ext2 was the default since forever, and ext3/4 make upgrading easy/possible00:42
cybersplicethe old BeOS filesystem was interesting 128 bit with lots of interesting ideas00:42
JanCext2/3 is also the most-tested in the real world00:42
=== funk_Hat is now known as funkieHat
sebsebsebJanC: sure, but  Ext3 is slow to boot, slow to shut down, and slow to disk check00:43
cyberspliceTo be honest, i think it's unusual filesystem becomes relevant to the user (Be you a desktop user or administrator) until you get into specific purposes.00:43
mzzcybersplice: or it breaks!00:43
JanCsebsebseb: ext3 is a lot faster to check than ext2 though00:43
cyberspliceGoogle with their massive datacentre, for example, are more sensitive than for example my few terabytes at work.00:43
sebsebsebJanC: and Ext4  is way faster to check  than Ext3,  a few seconds or so, rather than a minute or two00:43
cybersplicemzz: Granted.00:43
sebsebsebJanC: or well more then a minute or two00:43
JanCsebsebseb: OTOH, ext3 has been around for years, unlike ext4  ;)00:44
HoopyCatgenerally speaking, for most people, the choice of filesystem makes no difference whatsoever from a technical/performance standpoint00:44
sebsebsebwhat does OTOH mean?00:44
mzzon the other hand00:44
IDWMasterI have an Acer Aspire 1 and am unable to adjust the display brightness.00:45
HoopyCatin other words, few people got fired going with the default :-)00:45
IDWMasterI've heard this is a common problem.00:45
sebsebsebJanC: sure and KDE 3 has been around for years, and it's rather great,  unfortuantly this KDE 4 thing is on the verge of replacing it,  things move on, times change.   Well apps get better in KDE 4,  but using it as  a GUI uh  the cusotmizing I would have to do etc,  rather use  KDE 3 or Gnome.00:45
cyberspliceOff the top of my head.00:45
cyberspliceon the other hand00:45
JanCext3 is fast, has been around for years & is the most-used ==> it's the best choice for most people00:45
sebsebsebJanC: I use some KDE apps in Gnome00:45
sebsebsebKDE 3 is mature and stable and been around for years, but yet  this KDE 4 thing uh00:46
cyberspliceI have one particular legacy application for which i keep the data on a reiserfs00:46
IDWMasterIs there a good way to adjust the display brightness on an Aspire One Netbook?00:46
cybersplicebecause reiser handles lots of tiny files well00:46
JanCactually, many people complain that some KDE3 apps are still better than their KDE4 versions  ;)00:46
JanCso, KDE4 clearly needs some time to mature too00:47
cybersplicesebsebseb: and when KDE4 is stable has been around for years, everyone will be saying the same thing about KDE500:47
sebsebsebthe old GDM  for most users has been rather fine, and they been able to theme it even :)  ,but now  even in Ubuntu the new GDM 2, that can't be themed :(   which  I am not happy about, but again  things change.   Oh and the GDM discussion was earlier.00:47
cyberspliceIDWMaster: are there function keys on the KB?00:47
JanCGDM2 can be themed, just not in the way as the old GDM00:47
IDWMasterYes, but they just send commands to the OS.00:48
sebsebsebJanC: by the sounds of it only icons and colours can be changed, which sucks00:48
cyberspliceNothing useful?00:48
mom_how do i get karmic stuff for a release party?00:48
IDWMasterNo, because the OS doesn't interpret the keystrokes and can't adjust the brightness.00:48
cybersplicemom_: you can either burn your own CDs or call Canonical.00:48
IDWMasterI can't find any hardware in the ACPI code either.00:48
IDWMasterthat adjusts the brightness.00:48
mom_cybersplice, well i was looking for posters and stickers and stugg00:48
cyberspliceIDWMaster: Right click the top panel, left click add to panel, and pick the brightness applet.00:49
JanCsebsebseb: colours, icons, Gtk widgets, etc. can be changed, and maybe other stuff topo (although that's not documented yet)00:49
cybersplicemom_: ah. call Canonical, see if they'll help you out./00:49
leleobhzhow can i reenable the instant messenger on taskbar within karmic00:49
HoopyCatsebsebseb:  if my GUI breaks because of a bug, oh well.  if my filesystem breaks because of a bug, it's gonna be coffee and whiskey time with the backup tapes00:49
sebsebsebJanC: well I hope they put something in the release notes about themeing the new GDM 2 or something00:49
=== funkieHat is now known as funkyHat
cyberspliceHoopyCat: I admire your pragmatism.00:50
sebsebsebHoopyCat: What's your point, that it's easy for you to sort out problems?00:50
cyberspliceHoopyCat: In my case it tends to be scream at my minions and throw DVDs across the room. :D00:50
IDWMasterThe brightness applet doesn't work.00:50
JanCsebsebseb: the new gdm docs aren't written yet, probably because some stuff about it might still change00:50
sebsebsebJanC: well  having KDM instead,  seems to also mess up, upstart or whatever it's called00:51
sebsebsebJanC: yeah  it's not there on boot up with KDM, I seem to get it on shut down though00:51
first-irc-namehow do you disable gdm completely and just login to a vt & startx?00:51
sebsebsebJanC: Any idea if there is a way to have the old  GDM in Karmic?00:51
JanCfirst-irc-name: uninstall gdm?00:52
cyberspliceIDWMaster: I don't see any bugs listed about that, you might try the forums see if anyone has encountered this issue before.00:52
HoopyCatsebsebseb:  no, that there's different criteria for considering the stability of various layers of a system... if KDE breaks, i'm not going to lose any data, so there's a lot less risk in trying new/different things at that level, vs. trying new/different filesystems :-)00:52
JanCsebsebseb: you could backport the jaunty packages, but taht would also involve writing your own upstart scripts etc.00:52
sebsebsebJanC: which  I woudn't know how to do00:53
IDWMastercybersplice: I've checked the forums already. The solutions didn't work.00:53
sebsebsebHoopyCat: well  yeah00:53
JanCsebsebseb: so use the new GDM, honestly, the GDM theme is something you see once every month if you don't run the development release  ;)00:54
IDWMasterHow can I open a bug report on the problem?00:54
sebsebsebJanC: if you don't run the development release heh00:54
IDWMasterDo I just send it as a kernel error report, or a problem with the brightness applet?00:54
cyberspliceIDWMaster: you'd need to file a bug against the relevant package on the Launchpad website.00:55
sebsebsebJanC: well once or twice or whatever I been kicked out for whatever reason back to the log in screen whilst testing Karmic00:55
sebsebsebJanC: also I don't leave my computer on most of the time,  I do turn it off :)00:55
IDWMasterWhich package do I report it as; it seems to be a problem with Ubuntu itself.00:55
JanCyou can still sleep/hibernate then  ;)00:55
sebsebsebJanC: yes  last time  I tried my sleep seemed to pretty much work,  not exactly like Vista though00:56
HoopyCatcybersplice:  for what it's worth, breaking X when using one of these newfangled widescreen monitors sucks.  16x9 makes text mode font biiiiig.  :-)00:56
jimpopanybody know how to change the gdm login prompt background color?00:56
sebsebsebJanC: ,but yes I might  start sleeping more on Ubuntu,  then again  logging in is  on  a daily or sort of daily basis,  and  I don't have to see the screen for long,  however would be nice to have a theme I like on it00:57
JanCsleep didn't work on XP & Vista either, last time I tried it on a couple of Dell laptops  ;)00:57
sebsebsebJanC: upstart scripts aye?  So  when KDM is done,  these upstart scripts as in how it deals with the boot up?  that probably messes up?00:57
sebsebsebJanC: sleep works  beautifluly on this desktop in Vista00:57
cyberspliceHoopyCat: Eeeeew.00:57
cyberspliceHoopyCat: Not as bad as ballsing up a PERC Card somehow.00:58
twoheadedboycan anyone help me with setting up my wireless in 9.10 beta? I'm using Jockey and it finds the driver but it doesn't work...1st time I tried it crashed at the end to the point where I had to reinstall the kernel, now it just doesn't work at all00:59
HoopyCatcybersplice:  very true.  :-)00:59
sebsebsebJanC: Thanks for answering most of my questions :)01:00
cyberspliceJanC: This D630 hibernates better under Tux than it does under Windows.01:01
mzzthis old laptop seems to hibernate just fine, although I've had it wake up for no obvious reason if I let it sleep01:02
mzzthe main thing about hibernate that bugs me is there's no progress bar01:03
cyberspliceBiggest problem for me is that if i shut it sometimes it doesnt' go to sleep under XP. Works fine in karmic, tho!01:04
fantasticuloushey how do I enable full duplex in karmic?01:04
dajhornfantasticulous: It should be enabled by default.  You can force it with the `ethtool` program.01:05
fantasticulousno, i mean sound full duplex, not ethernet01:05
fantasticulousi want to hear the mic in the speakers01:05
fantasticulous(Actually it's line-in)01:05
twoheadedboycan anyone help me with wireless, broadcom sta?01:06
cybersplicefantasticulous: that's not line in, that's just your mic being muted for playback01:06
twoheadedboyI had this working in 9.04 but even then it was a process01:06
JanCtwoheadedboy: try the hardware drivers applet?01:06
twoheadedboyyes that's what I'm doing01:07
twoheadedboythat applet == jockey-kde, right?01:07
twoheadedboy(I'm in KDE, btw)01:07
JanCwell, I guess on Kubuntu, yes01:07
JanCyou can also try to use b43-fwcutter manually I suppose01:08
fantasticulouscybersplice: no, before i used to be able to hear the input in the speakers, after upgrading i can't01:08
cybersplicefantasticulous: Most people wouldn't enable that by default.01:08
cybersplicefantasticulous: i take it you've googled it?01:08
fantasticulousnot really..01:08
fantasticulousbut nvm, i'll just use a real-time software app to output to the speakers01:09
twoheadedboyif you look at bug 448164 I have the same issue, difference being upon uninstallation of the indicated file, it still doesn't work for me01:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 448164 in network-manager-applet "broadcom sta driver does not initialize (from within jockey-gtk)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44816401:09
jonLappyis there a way to downgrade a computer from 9.10 to 9.04 from the livecd?01:09
jonLappyI ask this because I upgraded my desktop to 9.10 and mouse and keyboard function stopped.  This is a known bug and doesn't appear to have a fix on the way yet so I need to downgrade.01:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about downgrades01:10
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.01:10
timbersomebody is having trouble with the panel?01:10
jonLappyIs there a way to install ubuntu 9.04 but keep my /home folder?01:10
timbermy panel is gone01:11
sebsebsebjonLappy: yes as long as it's seperate01:11
sebsebseb!home |  jonLappy01:11
ubottujonLappy: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome01:11
sebsebsebtimber: which panel is gone?01:12
timbersebsebseb, yeah, both01:13
mzz(but I'm not sure sharing a homedir is a good idea, for much the same reason downgrades are a bad idea)01:13
timbersebsebseb, i use them hide01:13
mzzalthough I guess karmic never touched your homedir, so you should be ok01:13
sebsebsebtimber: maybe logging out and back in again, and it will be there01:13
jonLappysebsebseb: thank you01:13
cybersplicejonLappy: whack your homedir on an external or something and blast the box01:13
sebsebsebjonLappy: np01:13
mzzhmm, how to log out gracefully without a panel01:14
cybersplicemzz: can you alt f2?01:14
timbersebsebseb, i don't know why, but seems that the programs that are open are over the panel01:14
mzzsure, but I also still have a panel :P01:14
timbersebsebseb, that's why i can't see the panels01:14
mzzah, so they're actually still there?01:14
sebsebsebtimber: maybe it's there just autohide and transparant01:15
timberthey are here01:15
cyberspliceGotta go, folks. Going to have my kittens gentials gouged out.01:15
sebsebsebtimber: right click on the panel and change settings?01:15
timbersebsebseb, i changed, i use them hide with some transparency01:15
timbersebsebseb, do you know what i have to do?01:18
sebsebsebtimber: no01:18
timbersebsebseb, unchecking the autohide option, the panel appear...i guess that's what i have to do =/01:19
sebsebsebtimber: that's what I meant by change settings01:20
timbersebsebseb, i understand...i'll look if someone reported a bug01:20
FanfareHi Folks, having trouble with console resolution after karmic upgrade... afaik vga=xxx is not supported anymore? hot to get console back?01:25
timber=/ if i turn off and then turn on the Normal effects on appearance, the panels come up normally01:26
[31d1]_damn you GMA50001:26
evilaimSome times my SMPlayer just stops playing the movie...01:29
evilaimI fast forward a lil and it goes then freezes...01:29
evilaimI rewind it goes for a second then stops...01:29
evilaimany idears?01:29
evilaim9.10 beta daily build01:29
BluesKajevilaim, yeah install VLC , SMPlayer is flaky on karmic01:36
timberBluesKaj, evilaim but there's some problems with VLC on karmic01:36
BluesKajtimber, I haven't encountered any , but that also depends on your graphics card and setup01:37
timberBluesKaj, hmm, here on my PC the screensaver come up while the VLC is executing a movie01:39
timberBluesKaj, i have to disable the screensaver to use the program01:39
BluesKajtimber, that;s a kubuntu wide problem , not just karmic01:39
BluesKajdunno why the devs don't fix it01:40
timberBluesKaj, i'm using gnome01:40
BluesKajok ubuntu01:40
BluesKajsame prob01:40
timberBluesKaj, do you know anything about a problem with the gnome panels? here the programs overlap the panels and they doesn't appear01:41
BluesKajtimber, no...sorry :P01:41
BluesKajI run kde01:41
timberBluesKaj, ok, thanks01:42
BluesKajI haven't watched a movie on my pc for ages, guess I should check it out01:44
evilaimblues, I can't01:45
evilaimnot compatible with my setup:(01:45
timberi watch some movie or series every day, =P01:46
BluesKajI transfer them to our Tivo , watch them on TV in stead01:47
evilaimI used vdpau and I don't think vlc is capable of that01:47
timbersomebody can tell me if there's a way to change the subtitle's color on totem?01:49
timberi don't like white subtitle.01:49
evilaimjust google meng01:52
dumbbyis there a way to have grub 2 to boot next entry if the current entry fail to boot?02:02
Dr_Willisthat would be a neat trick02:06
XgatesFile-roller says it supports 7z but when I click a .7z pkg is says it's not supported02:10
Xgateslzma is also installed I thought that and file-roller would open a .7z02:11
xerophyteI am trying to install Ubuntu Karmic beta, downloaded the image from http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/  this link but when i trying to install it .. its asking me put the cd 2 .. just wondering where is the image for cd2?02:11
Xgatesno cd202:11
xerophyteXgates: why does the install request it ?02:12
Xgatesmessed up iso maybe download here --->  http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/beta02:12
geniiPerhaps you previously used something like apt-cdrom to add other cds and it still wants to use them02:13
Xgatesso is file-roller and lzma suppose to open .7z?02:13
xerophyteXgates: its ays "Please insert the disc labeled" Ubuntu 9.10 _Karmic Koala_ - Beta amd64 (20090929.2)' in the drive /cdrom/ and press enter02:13
JeruvyI haven't downloaded it but what does the karmic dvd have that the cd doesn't?02:14
Xgatesxerophyte: where you live and you want amd64?02:14
xerophytegenii: this is new windows box i am trying to fresh install02:14
geniixerophyte: This message also happens when it can't find what driver to use for the chipset which controls the CD drive. (some Marvell and NForce SATA chipsets for instance)02:15
Xgatesxerophyte:  try that or another USA mirror http://mirrors.easynews.com/linux/ubuntu-releases/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-beta-desktop-amd64.iso02:15
Spirit-SightI don't have icon in my tray for empathy, anyone having this issue?02:15
Xgatesxerophyte: when the other mirrors popup if you need to change be sure to use the 'Desktop CD' iso02:16
BluesKajSpirit-Sight, right click on it in your applications list and add it to your panel02:16
xerophyteXgates: what is the different? your link  http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/beta points http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/02:16
XgatesStupid Empathy shouldn't be listed in the Email envelop with Evolution also that shutdown button is stupid too with the 'Set Status' on it, what is this some IM OS now? LOL02:17
xerophytei think this install screwed :(02:18
Xgatesxerophyte: just start here like I said before ---->  http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/beta pick a mirror then when you go to download the iso just make sure you pick the 'Desktop CD' iso is all....02:19
xerophyteXgates: i did that .. do you have iso downloaded yourself .. i can give the md5sum if you want to verify02:19
Xgatesshow me the LINK you downloaded02:20
xerophytei think http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-beta-desktop-amd64.iso02:21
dotblankbig bug guys02:22
* Dr_Willis gives dotblank eyedrops02:22
dotblankYou know how the new installer has hyperlinks in it?02:22
Dr_Willisand weedkiller02:23
* genii hands Dr_Willis more coffee02:23
Dr_Williscant say that i noticed dotblank ... then again.. i start installer...  and go get coffee02:23
dotblankwell I just ran "install ubuntu" option on live cd in VM02:23
dotblankwell all is well until I decide to click a hyperlink02:24
dotblankit launces firefox and it has some major issues02:24
dotblank"Install ubuntu" isnt supposed to have all that extra crap loaded. the bug is that a normal user who clicks it will be greated by xulrunner errors02:25
dotblankWe need to disable those hyperlinks when the install only option is selected02:26
xerophyteXgates: may be that iso has some bugs02:26
xerophyteor genii said may be Ubuntu install disk not able to find the driver.. but did it boot it off it02:26
Spirit-SightBluesKaj: how does that fix the issue, when the app is running it use to be in the tray and it also told you when you have msg mine does not do this now02:27
geniiIt will boot but then when it goes to scan the cd it tries to use standard IDE type drivers for the bus the cd drive is attached to02:27
geniiA workaround for this particular prob is to use an external USB CD drive02:27
xerophytegenii: trying to do the expert install02:29
xerophytelets see02:29
BluesKajSpirit-Sight, i see a lot of questions about empathy problems , not launching etc ... try google linux to research it02:30
Xgatesxerophyte: well I asked before where you live? USA? and what platform you using? Intel or AMD?02:31
xerophyteXgates: Canada,AMD6402:32
xerophytelooks like installer screwed up02:32
xerophytei am back to the point asking for cd02:33
Xgatesxerophyte: ok get a FRESH cd and burn this ----->  http://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/ubuntu-releases/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-beta-desktop-amd64.iso02:33
* BluesKaj is Canada amd64 as well02:33
BluesKajdon't think amd 64 here is any different than anywhere else tho :)02:34
xerophyteXgates: what does it make differnt?02:34
xerophyteXgates: i don't think anything wrong with image02:35
geniiWhen it says "Please insert the disc labeled" Ubuntu 9.10 _Karmic Koala_ - Beta amd64 (20090929.2)" it's not asking for some second CD, it's asking for the CD which is already in there, it just can't understand where the cd drive is attached to the computer, etc etc02:35
Xgatesxerophyte: I don't know but just download that one and give it a go02:35
* genii waits for the failure report with same issue on that CD02:35
Dr_WillisI tend to just use unetbootin and flash drives these days. :)02:35
Xgatesyeah maybe what genii is saying your cdrom is failing somewhere on it02:36
Dr_Willisbut this ONE box fails to boot any flash drive i toss in it..  Even tho they all boot all the other machines..02:36
xerophytegenii: hmmm i see the cd mounted good02:36
quiescensit just does it out of spite, dr_willis02:36
werfactxerophyte, maybe the burn is corrupt?02:37
Xgatesmost of the time it's just a bad cd02:37
xerophytedoes the check disk verify the image?02:38
werfactxerophyte, yeah02:39
xerophytehm  growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/scd0=ubuntu-9.10-beta-alternate-amd64.iso02:40
xerophytethis is how i burned it from different ubuntu box02:40
Dr_Willisburning an cd iso image to a dvd.. hmm?02:40
MTecknologyWhere can I pull down the kernel source and default .config?02:41
xerophyteDr_Willis: does that make any differnt02:41
xerophytejust wondering may be it does02:41
Dr_Willisxerophyte:  I imagine it could.02:42
evilaim*installs mIRC in wine...*(02:42
evilaimI'm cool!02:42
Dr_Willisit Might be changeing the cd 'label' when its doing it.02:42
* Dr_Willis slaps evilaim with a trout02:42
evilaimthanks dr02:42
evilaimI just about lost my mind for a sec there;)02:42
Dr_WillisThe fluunder wasent fresh02:43
BluesKajcool? ..drunk on wine maybe , evilaim :)02:43
* evilaim slaps a large trout around a bit with Dr_Willis *02:43
Dr_WillisLast i heard - mirc had 'stuff' in it that broke it in wine.02:43
Dr_Willisbut i found mirc - annoying ages ago when i last tried it. :P02:43
evilaimI was just being a douche02:43
evilaimI use irssi02:43
* Dr_Willis set all his irc clients to say they were 'mIRC beta 3.0001 - get your copy at xchat.org '02:44
Dr_WillisRandom Version replies.. the good old days02:44
evilaimI wonder if they still have those brutal graphical chat programs...02:44
evilaimlike, where everyone has an avatar...02:44
evilaimand you can walk around and shit...02:44
Dr_WillisNot sene them lately02:44
BluesKajoh lord , ICQ!02:45
Dr_WillisOh wait.. thats now called 'World of WarCraft' :P02:45
evilaimman, that's a bit old school02:47
evilaimit even still around?02:47
BluesKajhaven't used it in 10yrs02:47
evilaimya, been that long for me...02:48
=== idleone_ is now known as IdleOne
evilaimMicrosoft really won the protocal battle of the 90s02:48
geniiI use my old ICQ under pidgin02:48
evilaimwas yahoo, icq, msn, aim...02:48
evilaimmsn raped them all02:48
BluesKajforgotten all my pws and usernames02:48
Dr_WillisIM clients.. doubling in size every 6mo.... :)02:49
evilaimI'm pretty sure since I was like.. 14 or 15... they were something about boobs...02:49
BluesKajgoogle wave ...looks like a real busybody's delight :)02:50
evilaimYa, I'm waiting for a pass02:50
evilaimhopefully I get it:(02:50
quiescensyou got the msn client automatically in certain versions of windows didn't you?02:50
evilaimall versions02:50
Dr_Willisthats anohter one of those things that will be called 'beta' for the next 4 years right...02:50
geniiPretty much all of em since 3.1102:50
* BluesKaj wait's for the off topic cop02:50
BluesKajerr waits02:51
evilaimblues, I was thinkin' the same thing02:52
Dr_WillisIts OT waiting to be yelled at for OT.02:52
evilaimbut how can we have a topic, if no one has any questions?02:52
tj83any secrets to getting the daily build live cd to run?02:52
evilaimput it in and let it go?02:52
tj83i try to boot it up, i get black screen02:52
HoopyCattj83:  try various days until you find a day that doesn't have a showstopper bug on your platform, then file a bug :-)02:53
tj83i try vga=option and i get the desktop for about 2 sec02:53
evilaimor, just get a desktop version02:53
joshua[root]X is DOA on karmic for me, now what?02:53
evilaimand use upgrades02:53
BluesKajgot a google wave invite from a cousin , but I refused , Ill wait til it's more mature02:53
tj83I generate a xorg.conf and put vesa same02:53
evilaimI never did understand...02:54
evilaimpeople get daily builds and they don't work..02:54
evilaimand wonder why...02:55
evilaimwhy don't you get the beta?02:55
evilaimyou can just do sudo apt-get upgrade and keep it going daily..02:55
tj83evilaim, URL to download proper iso?02:55
evilaimpresto, daily build02:55
joshua[root]fatal server error no screens found02:55
evilaim1 tick02:55
evilaimit's the beta;)02:56
tj83evilaim, ty02:56
evilaimno worries02:56
joshua[root]I'm kind of stuck as I upgraded as I needed a fix to a core package that was in karmic02:56
evilaimand, if that doesn't work, you could always install 9.04... and do a dist-upgrade02:56
evilaimjosh, what?02:57
evilaimtoo many "as I"'s...02:57
tj83evilaim, I had a working install from alpha5 and been updating... but i need to do some wifi driver testing and thought i would start clean... now it has proven chore to get re-installed02:58
evilaimYa, i'd try to fresh install the beta02:58
evilaimit seems pretty stable02:58
evilaimare you 64bit or 32 bit?02:58
joshua[root]64 bit02:58
evilaimya, me too02:58
evilaimand my install is mint...02:58
evilaimbut I'm also not on wifi02:59
joshua[root]is there an X fallback driver somewhere?02:59
evilaimI'm on a tower02:59
quiescensthe only issues I've had are suspend/resume02:59
quiescensits always suspend/resume02:59
evilaimquiescens: hibarnate is crippling to a system02:59
evilaimjosh, what video card?02:59
quiescenshibernate fails about as often03:00
quiescensroughly 20% of the time, it will just freeze when waking up03:00
joshua[root]nVidia C7703:00
quiescensi try not to use hibernate anyway, it takes so long to write the entirety of ram to disk03:00
joshua[root]shouldn't the framebuffer driver work?03:02
joshua[root]I've got CPU to burn03:02
Dr_WillisI was thinking the framebuffer was blacklisted for many cards.03:02
joshua[root]ok reading log files suggests I'm getting a bad error message due to HAL or somesuch03:04
evilaimjosh, you mean the 8300?03:04
evilaimtype: lspci | grep VGA03:04
evilaimand paste results here03:04
joshua[root]its the 820003:05
evilaimThere you go;)03:05
joshua[root]Integrated video,03:05
evilaimok josh03:06
evilaimyour issue seems to be Gnome03:06
joshua[root]the X log file says it can't find keyboard either03:06
evilaiminstall KDE:)03:06
joshua[root]I have KDE03:06
joshua[root]Ctrl+Alt+F1 didn't work so...03:06
joshua[root]I was using the VESA driver before03:08
evilaimOh, well, there you go03:08
evilaimit's a known bug03:08
joshua[root]now what?03:09
joshua[root]I use the VESA driver because the nVidia driver doesn't work03:09
joshua[root]but after the upgrade I can't seem to get it to use the VESA driver03:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 413439 in xserver-xorg-video-nv "karmic alpha 4's xorg 'nv' driver does not handle Nvidia 8200" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:10
thiebaudejoshua[root], which nvidia do you have?03:10
evilaimthe NV driver doesn't support the 820003:10
evilaimyou should be waiting for another release to have fixed it...03:10
evilaimthat's some shitty bones03:10
joshua[root]I know, last release didn't work with with nvidia driver either03:11
joshua[root]Last release accepted the VESA driver03:11
evilaimThat is soooo weird...03:11
joshua[root]know how to force it to vesa?03:12
evilaim (WW) NV: Ignoring unsupported device 0x10de0849 (C77 [GeForce 8200]) at 02@00:00:003:12
evilaimedit it in your x.org03:12
thiebaudejoshua[root], im using nvidia 840003:12
evilaimthen CTRL+ALT+BACK SPACE03:12
evilaimI got the 8500 GT03:12
evilaimjosh, check yur xorg log03:13
thiebaudejoshua[root], did you do System-Administration-hardware drivers?03:13
Omar87Hi all.03:13
spirit-sightwhy would the system not be booting use the new kernel? 2.6.31-13 it seem to be sticking with -1203:14
evilaimjosh, go to /var/log/03:14
evilaimand sudo nano xorg.0.log03:15
evilaimscroll down till you see the error on your card03:15
evilaimand sudo nano Xorg.0.log03:15
Omar87I keep seeing a blue fuzzily dotted line laying horizontally cutting the screen in two halves at bootup.03:15
drs305spirit-sight: Whats the Default setting in /boot/grub/grub.cfg03:15
spirit-sightalso is any others having issues with alt-tab not working? one sec drs30503:16
evilaimwell, it might be an issue with the new grub03:16
evilaimgrub beta 3 comes with karma03:16
joshua[root]LoadModule "nv"03:16
joshua[root]lots of stuff03:16
HoopyCatspirit-sight:  is it listed in /boot/grub/menu.lst ?  is there a /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-13-* ?03:16
joshua[root]"no screens found"03:17
evilaimCan I vote on names for 10.04?03:17
evilaimLuLu Lemon03:17
HoopyCatevilaim:  already picked, i believe.  maybe for future ones...03:17
evilaimLuLu Lemons!03:17
HoopyCatevilaim:  a lemon is also not an animal.03:17
grodiushello karmic friends i just installed the beta and now i have a dock thingy with gnome-do and i have no idea where to change the settings for it... can anyone help me out?03:17
evilaimLuLu Lion?03:17
evilaimLucid Lynx?03:18
Daievilaim: lucid lynx03:18
evilaimthat's a dumb name03:18
evilaimI want LuLu Lion03:18
Daievilaim: and lulu lion?  think about that for just a moment03:18
grodiusthats a tight name03:18
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drs305spirit-sight: Just realized I gave you the cfg file. The settings are in /etc/default/grub03:20
Omar87I keep seeing a blue fuzzily dotted line laying horizontally cutting the screen in two halves at bootup.03:20
spirit-sightHoopyCat: yes it does appear to be in /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-13-03:21
joshua[root]well fbdev did something03:21
joshua[root]falling back to old probe method03:21
joshua[root]maybe that requires something in kernel03:21
spirit-sightdrs305:  it says set default="0"03:21
evilaimWhy Wouldn't LuLu Lion not be cool?03:22
evilaimImagine the logos!03:22
joshua[root]my Xorg.log.1 says it used VESA so that should work03:22
joshua[root]but it won't takeit03:22
jbroomeevilaim: Because i imagine lulu.com would be pissed03:22
drs305Is -13 the first entry in /boot/grub/grub.cfg03:22
HoopyCatspirit-sight:  "grep ^title /boot/grub/menu.lst" will display the kernels that grub knows about... should be automagically added03:23
drs305spirit-sight: Grub or Grub 203:23
evilaimscrew em, we're linux damnit!03:23
evilaimSeriously, I'd just tune me out03:23
evilaimI'm completely bored03:24
evilaimShould the just be pronounced nome...03:24
evilaimshouldn't that*03:24
HoopyCatoh heck, 9.04->9.10 upgrades don't automagically use the new grub, do they... my reference box looks too sane and sensible03:24
evilaimand it doesn't change to ext4 either03:25
spirit-sightHoopyCat: I don't seem to find menu.lst in that dir I am using Grub2 so you know03:25
drs305spirit-sight: Grub 2:  sudo grep menulist /boot/grub/grub.cfg03:26
HoopyCatspirit-sight:  i am looking at an upgraded box, my bad :-)03:26
drs305Sorry wrong line:  sudo cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | grep menuentry03:27
HoopyCatdrs305:  sudo grep menuentry /boot/grub/grub.cfg   ... only you can stop piping cats :-)03:27
CShadowRunHi, I'm currently upgrading to 9.10 using sudo update-manager -d, it's downloaded all the files, and now it's hanging at "Getting new packages, Fetching file 1842 of 1842"03:27
drs305Yeah, it's a habit.03:28
CShadowRuntheres no eta anymore, the bar is all the way across, and i'm not doing any network traffic, so it's not actually getting anything03:28
evilaimThere's an organization called "Ubuntu Edmonton"03:28
evilaimThat's naughty03:28
joshua[root]I'm really really stuck here03:28
joshua[root]the VESA driver is the correct driver but it won't try it03:29
evilaimjosh, I told you, it's not supported...03:29
joshua[root]it worked in jaunty03:29
spirit-sightdrs305: I don't seem to be finding that file?03:30
drs305spirit-sight: You are using Grub 2?03:30
drs305Did you clean install or upgrade spirit-sight03:30
HoopyCatjoshua[root]:  there's a reported bug on it; i recommend adding your findings and subscribing to it.03:31
* aprilhare is sick and tired of compiz.real crashing on login but being unable to report the crash03:32
bcurtiswxanyone getting skipping movies from any movie playing source?03:32
aprilhareand HPLIP keeps on whinging it doesn't detect the system tray on the system03:32
joshua[root]all right, so how do I pull an old package?03:32
aprilharebcurtiswx: i get skipping more on x64 alpha flash03:33
aprilhareespecially on fullscreen03:33
spirit-sightdrs305: ok I did the cmd now what it did not give back anyinfo03:33
drs305spirit-sight: Grub  or Grub 2 ?  If you don't know:  grub-install -v03:33
aprilhareand i find games skip when i do run compiz, so i tend not to anymore03:33
aprilharecompiz is fail03:33
bcurtiswxaprilhare.. could be compiz.. testing when its off03:33
aprilharebcurtiswx: thats easy enough. it crashes on login03:34
spirit-sightdrs305: ok it does not show -13 in it03:34
aprilhareso i never run compiz anymore :) only found out recently when I did start it and tried a game03:34
drs305spirit-sight: update-grub should have run when the kernel was installed, but you can run it again:   sudo update-grub03:34
aprilhareit's the little bugs that are building up but there appears to be no way to report them03:35
IdleOneevilaim: what is naughty about ubuntu edmonton? they help women and kids affected by the genocide in rwanda03:35
evilaimbecause they have the same name03:35
aprilharefirefox is fail when dealing with downloaded files (not the actual downloading; dealing with the files afterwards)03:35
IdleOneUbuntu is an African word03:36
aprilhareand firefox search bar is fail03:36
evilaimI'm surprised they aren't sueing eachother03:36
aprilhareevilaim: why sue when they could cooperate03:36
spirit-sightdrs305: sorry throught I answered grub verison 203:36
IdleOneyeah a non profit organisation is going to get sued by Canonical. lmao03:36
evilaimI ain't saying they should03:36
aprilhareevilaim: ubuntu on laptops for schools in rwanda03:36
evilaimjust saying I'm surprised they haven't03:36
HoopyCatjoshua[root]:  it would involve some aptitude and/or apt-get magic; your best bet at this point might well be to restore to the backup you made before upgrading, 'tho there might probably be an easier way03:37
drs305spirit-sight: So have you rerun update-grub?03:37
IdleOnethat puts out a free OS in the spirit of humans being humane to each other03:37
bcurtiswxnope not compiz03:37
bcurtiswxstill skips when off03:37
aprilhareevilaim: i'm australian so i'm not - i get surprised when ppl go down the american route and sue03:37
spirit-sightdrs305:  its says "Your /usr is broken, please fix it before call this wrapper!03:37
HoopyCatevilaim:  under what grounds could a lawsuit ensue?  trademarks are generally fairly specific.03:38
joshua[root]that did it, installed old version of xserver-xorg-core from jaunty, system up03:38
joshua[root]how do I pin this package?03:38
IdleOneI bet Canonical has donated funds to them03:38
drs305spirit-sight: I"ve seen several of those today but don't know what the fix was. Let me check the UF.03:38
billybigriggerbootup and login are finally starting to come together03:38
billybigriggerlooking good03:38
joshua[root]so the updater doesn't ever update it03:38
HoopyCatjoshua[root]:  i'd have to look it up, but now that life is good, i think synaptic has an easy pointy-clicky way to do it...03:39
* jimpop is amazed at how many jaunty pkgs are sovling karmic problems. One would think Ubuntu development would be forward looking03:39
aprilharemy webcam worked under jaunty with 2.6.30 kernel. it doesn't under karmic03:40
quiescenswell, in jaunty this laptop could freeze on resume every time and now it freezes only 1 in 4 or 5 times!03:40
joshua[root]it selected VESA as a fallback & worked03:40
jimpopUbuntu Hibernation should be suing each other03:40
drs305spirit-sight: if you can get to the web, here is a thread. Suggestions but definite fixes but several suggestions   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1284722#1103:40
drs305* no definite fixes03:41
HoopyCatjimpop:  temporary workarounds make the world go around.  just as long as the bugs get fixed, it's all good...03:41
jimpopif bugs were getting fixed the forums would be getting quieter03:41
HoopyCatjoshua[root]:  i would make sure to add that to the bug report.  might help someone else :-)03:41
jimpopthey should have fixed all the Jaunty bugs before moving on to Karmic03:41
joshua[root]yup synaptic has a lock version03:42
joshua[root]apt-get upgrade doesn't respect it03:44
drs305spirit-sight: Nothing I can find is definitive. If you can try reinstalling grub-common and grub-pc  grub203:46
joshua[root]anybody know how to hard-pin a package version?03:46
HoopyCatjoshua[root]:  man apt_preferences looks pretty comprehensive (in other words, i'm sure the answer is in there... somewhere).  been awhile since i've had to do it, and every time i do it i have to look it up :-/03:47
drs305joshua[root]:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto03:47
dtchenuse dpkg --set-selections03:47
HoopyCator heck, there we go.  <3 help.ubuntu.com03:48
[31d1]_i'm getting gcc: Internal error: Segmentation fault (program cc1) anytime i try to compile anything03:49
[31d1]_on a new machine, so i can't claim it used to work03:49
aprilharejoshua[root]: its even easier to hard-pin package versions in synaptic03:51
jimpop[31d1]_, it's not a bug if it didn't use to work. ;-)03:51
[31d1]_i'm hoping it's something simple and dumb i dunno03:51
jimpopi would try purging and reinstalling gcc03:52
aprilhareits asking for a partial upgrade and it's threatening to remove epiphany-gecko and epiphany-webkit-data - will this break epiphany?03:53
Nafaiaprilhare: The latest epiphany uses webkit instead of gecko, so removing epiphany-gecko is expected.  I'm not sure about the other.03:55
aprilhareoh they may have joined the webkit-data up. not that i use epiphany so it's not going to be life-shaking if its broken :)03:56
[31d1]_hmm, no luck :(03:56
spirit-sightOK, I think my issue is fixed, thanks.  now the other issue is that alt-tab does not switch my apps what could cause this?03:57
joshua[root]there we go that did it03:58
evilaimAnyone else tried this 'tint2'04:01
evilaimvery sexy04:01
oldude67hey whats shaken bacon?04:02
[31d1]_i tried gcc-4.3 and it works04:02
oldude67anyone else running lxde?04:03
evilaimlet me screen this for you04:03
oldude67oh please no screaming, i have a headache...:(04:04
evilaimbeat that;)04:05
joshua__[root]one more stupid thing04:08
trip0so i used to be able to auto login from /etc/event.d/tty1 using mingetty.  it doesn't seem to be working now?04:09
evilaimIt's a VERY basic code structure.  But with it just as a window list, it's very nice04:09
joshua__[root]the system doesn't boot unless I select the recovery boot option04:09
trip0does this have to do with the move to upstart?04:09
billybigriggerjoshua__[root], what kernel?04:10
eutis there a 'ubuntu way' to install the kernel source to /usr/src/`uname -r`/build ? some drivers i want to compile depend on some kernel headers that are not in the linux-headers package04:10
joshua__[root]I'm guessing its the boot graphics that does it04:12
joshua__[root]not quite sure though04:12
joshua__[root]"your system has a serious kernel problem and needs to be rebooted"04:15
joshua__[root]what the heck???04:15
oldude67i think i have to much running at the same time..im bogging this thing down way to much.:(04:16
oldude67why is it, every time i install something threw apt- or aptitude it wants to remove my gnome games??? grr...04:18
tonyyarussoHow can I regenerate /usr/share/telepathy/managers/haze.manager to recognize a new protocol that was added to /usr/lib/purple-2/ ?04:19
dtcheneut: that would be a bug - either in the application or in the linux-headers-*04:20
dtcheneut: for what is the application looking?04:20
spirit-sightwhat happen to the update-manager in 8.10 where when it had updates, it told you in the system tray and it told you the number with out having to pop it up, also I run it once aday and it most times has updates but the system never tells me for the most part (new installs)04:21
oldude67anyone install the new updates for today? the ones with alsa and pulseaudio?04:22
billybigriggeroldude67, i did04:23
eutdtchen, drivers/ieee1394/csr1212.h04:23
oldude67hey billybigrigger did you have any problems after the install? what type of sound card are you using as well?04:23
Trizicuswhere is the log located for iptables?04:24
billybigrigger00:07.0 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP67 High Definition Audio (rev a1)04:24
dtchenTrizicus: /var/log/{messages,syslog}04:24
dtchenTrizicus: also /var/log/kern.log04:25
oldude67billybigrigger,  the reason i asked is cause im running just an old intel sound card in my machine and intel has been having issues lately.04:25
Omar87I keep seeing a blue fuzzily dotted line laying horizontally cutting the screen in two halves at bootup.04:25
billybigriggeroldude67, checking rythmbox now, sound did work before update...04:25
Trizicusi've tried v/l/m and i see nothing in relation to firewall04:25
dtchenTrizicus: well, is iptables configured to log anything?04:25
Trizicusprobably not :P04:26
dtcheneut: what app is looking for it?04:26
Trizicusif i have to turn it on then no04:26
billybigriggeroldude67, all is good here man04:26
* billybigrigger pats dtchen on the back04:26
dtchenoldude67: keep in mind that for the updates to be effected, you need to log out of GNOME and back in04:27
oldude67billybigrigger, thanks for checking..ill have to see what happens i guess..04:27
eutdtchen, its looking for that header file but not finding it? what do you mean app?04:27
dtcheneut: what are you compiling that's failing on that header?04:27
oldude67dtchen, i dont run gnome , but i knew that also thanks for reminding me.04:27
dtchenoldude67: if you're not running GNOME, you need to manually killall pulseaudio04:28
eutdtchen, uvclinux (webcam driver)04:28
trip0so i used to be able to auto login from /etc/event.d/tty1 using mingetty.  it doesn't seem to be working now?04:29
trip0does this have to do with the move to upstart?04:29
dtcheneut: does it produce uvcvideo.ko?04:29
eutdtchen, yes, i believe so04:30
dtcheneut: and the version in Karmic's kernel doesn't suffice?04:30
eutdtchen, i wanted to test a camera against the latest driver04:30
joshua__[root]anybody know how to disable boot logo04:30
joshua__[root]it causes my system to not boot!04:30
oldude67should of let it alone now , pulseaudio is bogging the system down with a 100% cpu usage.;(04:31
dtchenoldude67: uhh04:31
dtchenoldude67: PA or X?04:31
dtchenoldude67: there's a bug tracking X hogging all cores upon certain boots04:32
RAOFBah.  Who killed module-tunnel-sink?04:33
dtchenit loads fine here.04:34
RAOFYeah, it loads fine.04:34
RAOFAnd it even streams audio just fine.04:34
RAOFThe problem is that it seems to not give any progress info; this confuses anything that actually cares when audio playback has finished.  IE: Everything :)04:34
joshua__[root]how do I disable boot logo?04:34
RAOFTotem won't play anything; banshee plays, but doesn't update the progress bar and doesn't notice when the track has finished.04:37
dtchenhmm, with 0.9.19-0ubuntu1?04:38
RAOFHm.  With 0.9.19-0ubuntu1~ubuntuaudiodev4~ apparently.04:39
RAOFDamn.  that's going to make ubuntu-bug fail, isn't it.04:40
RAOFYup, there it went.04:40
joshua__[root]that was it all right: boot logo = will not boot04:41
RAOFdtchen: I suspect I'm seeing https://tango.0pointer.de/pipermail/pulseaudio-discuss/2009-October/005204.html04:44
RAOFMan, trac isn't the worlds nicest bugtracker to search, is it.04:47
jbroomeall bug trackers suck.  some suck less04:50
RAOFRight.  trac sucks more :)04:51
dtchenRAOF: well, 4~ is what 0.9.10-0ubuntu1 is, so you should be able to use ubuntu-bug with it shortly04:52
dtchenbah, 2.6.32-rc404:54
dtchenrelease schedules make baby jebus weep04:54
RAOF2.6.3*2*-rc4?  I thought the merge window had basically only just closed!04:55
dtchenthere are bunches of fixes. i'd love Karmic to be based on 2.6.32 for audio less-suckiness, but that ain't gonna happen.04:56
RAOFThe kernel team may feel they need to actually decide a kernel version and stick with it at some point :)04:57
RAOFwhat's particularly less-sucky about 2.6.32?04:57
tonyyarussoWell, my Karmic VM just hosed itself.  Awesome.04:58
vigoI do not know yet, I am still trying to crash it.04:58
DanaGhmm, I'd like to see radeon R600 KMS in Karmic.  =P04:59
dtchenRAOF: lots of enablement fixes, namely massive GPIOx handling, MSI whitelisting by default, jack event updates, etc.04:59
DanaGbUT that's also
dtchenRAOF: more plainly, lots of current hardware just works.04:59
RAOFAaah, jack sensing.04:59
DanaGoh yeah, my gpio1 mute-LED is still rather funky.05:00
dtchenrtg and i are going over backporting one of the current -driver snapshots to linux-backports-modules-2.6.3105:00
jbunchercan someone tell me why samba starts up at S19 rather than a bit later?  It seems odd to have it start up before virtualbox and vmware (which start at S20) when you might want to bind samba to one of the vm networking interfaces.05:02
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hey_boyWhen I am updating my freshly installed Karmic system, the "updating cache" dialog shows progress as "downloading 0B of 1B". I think there is something wrong, it should be displaying decimal numbers rather than hexadecimal.05:05
RAOFdtchen: Anything else you'd like on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/449250 ?05:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449250 in pulseaudio "module-tunnel-sink seems to not report status" [Undecided,New]05:11
RAOFAlternatively, any thoughts on a better title? :)05:11
dtchenRAOF: WFM05:13
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RAOFdtchen: Balls.  Ok.  Time to upgrade & reboot everything concerned.05:14
jbuncheris there a reason why shares-admin isn't available in the System->Administration menu?05:16
jbunchercan someone help me understand exactly what the "sharing" item in the right-click menu in nautilus is doing?  Is it sharing files over samba?  something else?  what config-file gets edited?05:25
RAOFBah.  And now the network audio just isn't audiable.05:37
RAOFdtchen: I _think_ upgrading both my laptop & the server has fixed the module-tunnel-sink bug; now my server merely doesn't have any sound output :(05:45
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
TrizicusCould someone tell me why this iptables script doesn't allow me to connect to the www?05:57
gsevil'cause it's all wrong05:58
Trizicuswhat is wrong with it i'm trying to learn how to setup iptables properly05:59
gsevilthen you can search internet for iptables tutorial05:59
Trizicusthey suck i've tried05:59
Trizicusspent last 6 hrs05:59
Trizicuseven the tutorial from netfilter sucks05:59
gsevilhave you try howtoforge06:00
Trizicusthat script should be right so i do not see why it is not working06:00
Trizicuswhich is why i'm here06:00
ms9477Having some troubles with my storage partition in Karmic, refuses to mount on it's own (Jaunty mounted it to 97G Volume); not finding any answers elsewhere that seem to apply, everything else revolves around USB drives and the like.06:01
gsevilit's right  , but it's not allow outside connect to your machine06:01
vigoTrizicus: Is the script for this kernel?06:01
Trizicusnewest kernel yes06:01
Trizicusso i need to setup output and it 'should' work?06:02
vigoThat makes sense....06:02
vigoFrom what I saw, the Output and Accept looked a little off.06:03
vigoBut I am terrible with wlan0, so it could be correct and may just need a router reset or something.06:04
Trizicusvigo: when i flush it works fine lol06:05
Trizicusbesides not specifying nic should make it work for all interfaces correct?06:05
vigoTrizicus: still looking. ..,,,06:06
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
jbunchercan someone help me understand exactly what the "sharing" item in the right-click menu in nautilus is doing?  Is it sharing files over samba?  something else?  what config-file gets edited?06:25
omarI'm having an "Invalid environment block" on my other machine when I try to boot it up.06:25
coz_hey guys....ctrl+alt+F1 doesnt work...by design? or  bug ?06:27
jbunchercoz_, works here06:27
coz_jbroome,  I drop to blank screen here06:27
omarCan anyone please rescue me?06:28
jbunchercoz_, sorry, no idea.  it works for me, intel graphics.06:29
parallaxhey, I set this on my shell: ifconfig <adapter> broadcast  ...  how do I undo it?06:29
oldude67omar, what was you doing to get that block?06:30
omaroldude67, My machine was shutdown by accident.06:31
omaroldude67, like a power failure.06:31
oldude67omar, try booting into a recovery mode06:32
omaroldude67, I can access my stuff from the live boot.06:32
omaroldude67, how do I do that?06:32
habananyhello , help06:32
oldude67when grub boots go into menu and arrow down to the recovery kernel06:32
oldude67habanany, have to say with what and how.06:33
Jeruvyhabanany: just ask your question :)06:33
omaroldude67, can you remind how to go into grub?06:33
omarremind me?06:33
oldude67omar, grub1 or grub2?06:33
omaroldude67, 2 i guess.06:33
habananyI just resized karmic using gparte ...06:33
jamiejacksonhow do i install server packages on top of desktop?06:34
oldude67well if you havent adjusted it i think its shift key now. but check grub2 page and see if im right.06:34
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub206:34
habananyi'm about to close but it says pending...06:34
habananydoes that means that i have to wait for the changes?06:35
habananygparted says i have 9 operartion pending06:35
jamiejacksonhabanany, i think pending means you need to apply the changes06:36
omaroldude67, grub doesn't seem to be loading.06:36
jamiejacksonhang on06:36
oldude67omar, that i dont know about...still not use to all of this grub stuff myself...06:37
jamiejacksonhabanany: edit >apply all operations06:37
oldude67omar, let me see what google says.06:37
habananywhen i try to close gparted it says 9 opertion pending06:37
omaroldude67, first it says "F5: Drive1     Default: F5", and when I press F5 it quickly gives me that message.06:37
jamiejacksondid you try what i suggested?06:38
habananyi guess that the 9 operations take effect when i reboot06:38
habananyokok, i will try06:38
jamiejacksontrhat's not how it works habanany06:38
jamiejacksondoesn't do squat on reboot06:39
habananyoh, let me try that edit and...06:39
coz_also guys.. I was using  alias sudo='sudo -p "Password:"' to change passworkd promt to just "password" in bashrc  but it doesnt seem to work now...any other way?06:39
habananyoh yeah, i did not that edit, aply existed...I'm very very new in ubuntu06:40
habananythank u bro06:40
jamiejackson how do i install server packages on top of desktop?06:40
jamiejacksonno prob, habanany06:40
oldude67omar, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8087461#post808746106:40
darthanubisAmaranth, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/44927206:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449272 in compiz "Invest applet drop down leaves a shadow on desktop" [Undecided,New]06:40
oldude67omar, read that and try it, your not the only one thats had this issue.06:40
ms9477anyone have any ideas why a HD partition doesn't in someway auto-mount, and GParted tosses an error 'The enclosing drive for the volume is locked.' at me?06:40
omaroldude67, is it possible to re-install grub2 from an live boot into my installed Ubuntu?06:41
oldude67omar,  i would say its possible, but i have never done it.06:41
oldude67omar, but that page i gave you has a solution in it.06:42
omaroldude67, the grub menu doesn't even show up.06:43
omarok, thanks for the help.06:44
oldude67omar, as soon as you see the word grub, try hitting esc.06:44
ms9477if it's GRUB2 (1.97~beta3 is what mine shows, but i think that's what it's getting at), Right Shift gets the menu to go, right after POST is done06:45
omaroldude67, first it says "F5: Drive1     Default: F5", and when I press F5 it quickly gives me that message.06:45
omarI got into the recovery mode.06:46
coz_hey guys..let me ask again.. I used to use "alias sudo='sudo -p "Password:"' to change the terminal password prompt back to just  "password"  but that doesnt seem to work here ...any suggestions?06:51
omaroldude67, thanks a bunch.06:52
omaroldude67, it worked, and it was very exciting experience to me. ;)06:52
zmjjmzis it safe to update?06:54
habananyhey brothers I have karmic partition between two uanllocated partition , how can I extend ?06:56
habananyi did id a few minutes ago but now I cant do it again06:56
=== Richie is now known as YDdraigGoch
habananybe patient brothers, I know no linux and no english. sorry about that06:59
wektWhat program do you run to switch /etc/alternatives between multiple JREs?07:02
topyliwekt, update-alternatives --config java07:03
topylisomething like that, see whether or not that's correct :)07:04
wekttopyli: update-java-alternatives    thanks07:08
ZeikfriedWhere could i find drivers for a RT2700E 11bgn WLAN PCIe chip?07:10
coz_anyone for how to change password prompt in terminal back to just "password: ?07:20
vividanyone know how to fix the garbled/blank tty screens when i alt+f1?07:24
coz_vivid,   mm i have the same issue apparenlty  but mine is all blank07:25
vividyea mine was garbled before i installed nvidia drivers, now its just blank07:25
coz_right same here07:25
coz_vivid,  ctrl+alt+F107:26
coz_yep same here07:26
coz_vivid,  this is a fresh install with all update and nvidia driver07:26
vividit goes away if you remove 'splash' from the kernel boot parameters07:27
than0Been googling for answer, but no success. Will Karmic provide support for btrfs during install? thanks.07:38
meborcthan0, i can't answer you that, but you could run the latest daily -live in virtual box and find out...07:44
than0meborc, :D ok... (problem is the main reason i want btrfs is compression support). really running out of space.07:45
meborcwell, how much space are you using? i didn't think btrfs will give you THAT much better disk usage07:46
meborcwhy not just buy more hdd? :D07:46
meborcwhat is the diff in ext4 vs btrfs in disk space usage?07:47
aprilharedoes anyone have a webcam that used to function, but no longer functions under karmic?07:47
aprilharei could really use someone testing their webcam07:47
meborcaprilhare, my cam works fine07:47
meborcor at least it worked fine on karmic beta07:47
aprilharemeborc: interesting. my webcam worked under jaunty with 2.6.30 but not under karmic with 2.6.3107:47
than0meborc, someone used btrfs on his eeepc.. default Jaunty install was around 3gb for him.. with btrfs with compression..it was down to 1 gig07:47
aprilharemicrosoft vx-100007:48
than0I am also using laptop. :*(07:48
meborcthan0, ok... interesting07:48
aprilhareanyone have m$ vx-1000?07:48
than0meborc, also with btrfs, no need to worry about partition resizing that much... also supposedly no need to ever run chkfs07:48
meborcaprilhare, did you do a fresh install or upgrade from jaunty?07:48
ms9477anyone have any ideas why a HD partition doesn't in someway auto-mount, and GParted tosses an error 'The enclosing drive for the volume is locked.' at me?07:49
meborcthan0, ok, so what is the downside? speed?07:49
than0meborc, it's at .18 version.. very immature filesystem.. and not all features are set.07:49
than0but then I upgrade distro every six months.. with complete wipe out..so don't really worry about compatibility07:49
aprilharemeborc: upgrade. i used 2.6.30 kernel to use my webcam under jaunty (the default 2.6.28 kernel didn't work with my webcam)07:50
meborcthan0, me too... i keep everything i need backed up on external07:50
than0how's the pulse audio situation with koala? much better?07:50
meborcaprilhare, i would try a fresh install... upgrades are always tricky, specially upgrades to aplhas/betas07:50
aprilharethan0: pulseaudio under drop bear works well. makes a 'pop' sound when it opens a audio channel thou :)07:50
aprilharemeborc: not an option i'm afraid07:51
meborcaprilhare, can't you make your existing partition smaller, create new partition for karmic and dual-boot?07:51
aprilharemeborc: i really don't want to dual-boot stuff07:52
aprilhareby stuff i mean linux07:52
than0aprilhare, ic.. as long as it's marginally better than what I have now with jaunty :D07:52
aprilhareand in this instance i don't see how reinstalling linux from scratch will help07:52
meborcaprilhare, ok, i'm just saying, that after having problems upgrading from breezy to dapper i have always done clean installs... some conf files can get tangled up and conflict07:53
aprilharehang on idea07:54
aprilharethats interesting. logged into guest account and it couldn't detecta webcam at all. nor internal audio. weird07:57
meborcaprilhare, is that a guest account or a new accout you created... if it is guest, try creating a new account and see what happens07:58
aprilharemeborc: guest account (like a said)07:59
aprilharetried my alternate account same issue wrt audio07:59
aprilharecould create new acct out of boredom07:59
zmjjmzgonna take the plunge and update08:26
zmjjmzI can assume that it's close enough to be reasonably not breaky08:27
wektzmjjmz: and far enough to need your bug reports.08:28
zmjjmzI've been sending them in08:28
zmjjmzyay apport08:28
zmjjmzhaven't had much trouble beyond the usual though08:28
wektIs there anyone here with a non Ubuntu system who would run a simple test app to see whether it works there, but not on Ubuntu?08:48
wektI'm trying to see whether a bug in OpenJDK might be a packaging problem.08:48
gsevilIs there anyone can run virtualbox in karmic?09:00
JMFTheVCIanyone else with the white screen of uselessness? Even Ctrl-Alt-F1 has corrupted graphics.09:01
pavkamlc2gsevil: I ran VB in beta 1 without problem09:02
mzzgsevil: it definitely installed (the ose version from the repos) but I don't think I tried running it yet. I can do so in a while09:03
* mzz wonders what's up with the mirror his apt-get update is hitting09:04
gsevilI have this problem ERROR: Virtual machine 'CentOS-5.3' has terminated unexpectedly during startup.Details: code NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005), component Machine, interface IMachine, callee <NULL>09:04
mzzand that's a fresh vm?09:04
ms9477anyone know much about this exaile player that's installed with Karmic in Xubuntu?09:05
mzzms9477: it plays music. I haven't used it recently.09:05
ms9477it's not playing my music :-/09:05
ms9477asking for codecs that i have no idea where to go to grab, Listen never pestered me09:05
Tuplapisteinstall xubuntu-restricted-extras09:06
Tuplapistethen try to play music :P09:06
mzzdefine "asking", and with some other apps I've had to restart them after installing codecs09:06
mzzthat codec search thing did work for me in totem, but I had to restart it before the freshly installed codecs took, iirc.09:06
mzzinstalling a -restricted-extras package shouldn't hurt but shouldn't be strictly necessary either, afaik.09:06
mzzand (assuming it's gstreamer-based): try some other gstreamer-based player, just in case09:07
wektgsevil: what graphics card?09:07
mzzgsevil: I'll try a vm, but I have to shuffle some things around first, so it'll take me a bit.09:07
ms9477it didn't give me an option of searching about, just told me, you need a codec to play this file; giving xubuntu-restricted-extras a run, see what happens09:09
* mzz wonders if there's a trick to force a different server in the countrycode.archive.ubuntu.com rotation09:09
gsevilwekt: ati xpress 200m, mzz: Virtualbox run well in 9.04, but after update to 9.10 it showed that error, I user custom compiled kernel, already have dkms09:10
jair0Hi all ! I am testing the latest version of karmic koala with gstreamer and I cannot see the packets I send via localhost:09:11
jair0 I am using the following pipelines09:11
jair0gst-launch-0.10 -v videotestsrc ! ffenc_h263p ! udpsink port=123409:11
es_betohello guys, i'm using ubuntu karmic beta, and i have one question related to audio, i want to hear the input device, in fedora i used a workaround which is the multimedia system selector where i can "test" the input sound and that way i hear it, but i can't find this option on ubuntu09:12
jair0gst-launch-0.10 -v udpsrc port=1234 ! fakesink09:12
jair0but not seeing any package09:12
jair0is it any firewall setting involved ?09:12
jair0I can see packets sent from other machines09:12
ms9477thanks Tuplapiste, that did the trick09:13
es_betoany ideas?09:15
KruyKazehi! how do i set the gdm background image?09:15
Xgateswhat's the repo for the Nvidia 190, I forgot it...09:16
RAOFXgates: restricted?09:16
gsevilif i start VM again, stop at Waiting for the remote session to open..., a process start by root, it's strange09:16
pavkamlc2gsevil: I ran only non-ose version from sun repository09:17
gsevilme too09:17
gsevilI downloaded from Sun09:18
Xgatesahhh I found it again :)09:18
mzzgsevil: moving the vm over now, I should have it booting in a few more minutes at most09:20
* mzz should probably teach the "Places" menu to just ignore his extra lvs09:21
mzz"5.4 GB Filesystem" listed there just isn't useful09:21
gsevilmzz: don't know why there is a process run by root, I start VM by normal user09:21
mzzgsevil: sorry, works for me09:23
mzzgsevil: (this is a windows 2000 guest inside a karmic host)09:24
es_betono ideas of any way i could hear the input signal??09:24
mzzes_beto: I'd use some oldfashioned alsa mixer (the commandline "alsamixer" app might work) to unmute the mic or line "playback" channel09:25
mzzes_beto: it might require some prodding (read: commandline switches) to control the actual card instead of a virtual pulseaudio device09:25
mzzes_beto: alternatively: I'd find something that does the passthrough in software09:25
mzzes_beto: the commandline tools arecord and aplay piped to each other can do that, iirc, but there are almost certainly gui apps that can do the same09:26
bullgard4Is Karmic supposed to bring up an applet if I plug in an USB web cam?09:26
es_betoi know09:26
es_betoi was thinking of09:26
es_betoinstalling jack09:26
es_betoyou know09:26
es_betolinking the input with the output, but i want to do this without installing09:26
mzzes_beto: jack could do it too, but you might still need that oldfashioned alsa mixer to make sure the card's capturing the right input09:27
mzzes_beto: I haven't experimented with all this in the pulseaudio world yet.09:27
es_betomzz, well let me try arecord > aplay (me neither)}09:27
mzznot quite that simple, iirc09:28
mzziirc it's something like "arecord -|aplay -"09:28
es_betooh hahaha09:28
mzzno wait, "arecord | aplay" should actually work09:28
es_betoIT DOES!!09:29
es_betothanks so much09:29
mzzshrug, it's almost certainly not the right way to do it09:29
|eagles0513875|what i mess lol09:29
es_betoi know09:29
es_betoit lags09:29
es_betobut, its a step forward09:29
|eagles0513875|slow and steady wins the pace09:31
|eagles0513875|joaopinto: do you know of any sites that are good at explaining how to create a meta package09:31
joaopinto|eagles0513875|, a meta package is just a regular package with a depdency list, so basically you need to lear packaging09:32
joaopinto|eagles0513875|, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete09:32
pwnguinits pretty easy with debhelper09:32
|eagles0513875|joaopinto: ok cuz i had an idea that would be useful for the community09:32
pwnguini'd be like dh_make then go nuts on the depends field09:32
mzzyou barely even need dh_make09:33
mzzI'd just grab an existing metapackage and change the contents09:33
joaopinto|eagles0513875|, how woulda  metapackage be usefull for the community :) ?09:33
|eagles0513875|you guys think its a good idea to have meta packages for certain games, another  one with game development tools09:33
pwnguinjoaopinto: the changelog's gotta go though09:33
joaopintomzz, you would need to rename too much on debian/*, dh_make is easier09:33
|eagles0513875|joaopinto: alot of the dev tools for gaming dont warrent a respin09:33
mzzI don't think it buys you that much compared to a webpage listing possibly interesting stuff09:33
joaopinto|eagles0513875|, I don't think most people need such batch of apps09:34
|eagles0513875|joaopinto: would like to encourage game development09:34
mzzI think a list is useful, but I don't think a metapackage is the optimal form for such a list09:34
|eagles0513875|wether it be from gamers or someone whose into gaming09:34
joaopinto|eagles0513875|, adding a metapackage does not encourage nothing, it doesn't change anything09:35
mzzhmm, I wonder if this is the kind of thing software center should support09:35
|eagles0513875|i was going to make my own distro for it09:35
pwnguina metapackage is like the last step on a very long journey of helping people09:35
joaopintoa web page describing the package and their purpose is much more usefull09:35
mzzfeed it a list of recommended apps in some format, and it gives you a pretty gui list with clickable install buttons09:35
|eagles0513875|well i need to get the package put together09:35
pwnguinubuntu-desktop gets you nothing if the packages it pulls in suck09:35
|eagles0513875|true pwnguin09:36
joaopinto|eagles0513875|, oh the new distro story, you can do that as an hobby, I don't see how that can improve games development at all09:36
|eagles0513875|for instance alot of the game dev packages already exists in the repos09:36
cheezeyso  i just got 9.10, i rebooted for the first time, at the login screen, i put in my password, then it just goes back to the login screen. it doesn't say authentication failed or anything D=09:36
mzzI think a metapackage would either have to be extremely small (omitting many possibly interesting apps) or would pull in so much stuff you'd never use all of it09:36
pwnguinim sure they're outdated09:36
mzzI had that with the ubuntustudio-audio package09:36
|eagles0513875|i might do a respin for my school since they offer course in creative computing aka game programming09:36
ActionParsnip2pwnguin: some are outdated slightly but the ones available are tested as known to work well09:37
joaopinto|eagles0513875|, you are not talking about a metpackage, you are talking about creating a selection of packages and putting it into an ISO09:37
|eagles0513875|what makes no sense to me is why respin a distro dedicated to multimedia why cant their be a spin off for gaming09:37
|eagles0513875|joaopinto: ikonia suggested creating meta packages09:37
joaopintoActionParsnip2,  that is a wrong assumption about official packages09:37
joaopintoActionParsnip2, I mean, about universe packages09:37
ActionParsnip2joaopinto: i read a while back thats how it rolled09:37
mzzyou can do that, I just don't think it buys you that much over a regular cd plus a single apt-get command to pull in some stuff after installing09:37
joaopintoActionParsnip2, in theory, not in practice09:38
pwnguinActionParsnip2: well, eclipse-cdt is ancient for sure09:38
cheezeyis this wrong channel for asking questions >_>09:38
vaibhavSince I have upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 my system has gone dead slow, I have Intel card , can anybody suggest anything09:38
joaopintosome of the packages currently on UBuntu universe were never tested on Ubuntu09:38
|eagles0513875|ActionParsnip2: maybe you could answer this how does one get stuff added to repos if its not already09:38
mzzcheezey: it's the right channel, I just don't know offhand where to start debugging.09:38
ActionParsnip2pwnguin: you are free to add PPAs or compile if you need the later version09:38
mzzcheezey: I'd guess I'd ctrl+alt+f1 out of gdm, log in on the textmode prompt, and see if /var/log/gdm has anything interesting09:38
mzzno time for debugging now though, sorry.09:38
|eagles0513875|cuz i found some 3d open source graphics engine which isnt in the repos09:38
ActionParsnip2|eagles0513875|: could create a PPA, not sure otherwise09:39
|eagles0513875|will ask ikonia then09:39
pwnguinActionParsnip2: compiling eclipse and plugins has, until the last week, been a massive undertaking. YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!!!09:39
joaopinto|eagles0513875|, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages09:39
joaopinto|eagles0513875|, you really need to check the wiki :)09:39
mzz|eagles0513875|: there's a #ubuntu-motu that's probably a good starting point, both for help getting it into a ppa and possibly for help getting it into universe09:39
|eagles0513875|banned from motu unless i can manage getting this individual to unban me09:40
ActionParsnip2pwnguin: prepared?09:40
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports09:40
pwnguinActionParsnip2: crappy WoW reference09:40
joaopinto|eagles0513875|, oh, bad boy :)09:40
ActionParsnip2pwnguin: i havent played it09:40
|eagles0513875|that was a while back09:40
pwnguinActionParsnip2: me either, but the roomates love it09:40
* mzz isn't sure he wants to know how you managed that09:40
ActionParsnip2pwnguin: i prefer what they call "RL"09:41
pwnguinActionParsnip2: your presence on irc demonstrates otherwise09:41
|eagles0513875|managed what mzz09:41
ActionParsnip2pwnguin: on my quiet nights yes, otherwise i'm out and about09:41
pwnguinmanaged to get banned09:42
cheezeyapparnatly "This shouldn't happen!" happened.09:42
mzz|eagles0513875|: getting banned from #-motu09:42
|eagles0513875|can give u the name of the person to ask on that lol09:42
pwnguini think theres an ubuntu irc cabal09:42
pwnguinask them09:42
joaopinto|eagles0513875|, there is an #ubuntu-irc if i am not mistaken, for such affairs09:42
|eagles0513875|joaopinto: im familiar with the channel but its ubuntu-ops09:42
pwnguinthey dont take lightly to even mere presence09:42
pwnguinso i try not to bug them09:42
|eagles0513875|i dont go in there but i might later on today09:43
joaopintoirc and ops do not have the same purpose09:43
joaopintoafaik one is about operators, the others about the irc council09:43
pwnguinone is supervisory to the other09:43
joaopintoand you really should consider getting unbanned as your first task to learn packaging09:43
|eagles0513875|well i already have uzed bzr bd for some stuff im helping with in regards to the mozilla team09:44
vaibhavny1 have performance issues with intel card09:45
cheezeyis there a way to bypass the login screen completely?09:45
|eagles0513875|all i know is there some random nvidia issues floating around that seem to come and go09:45
pwnguinlog into a console, then run startX. there's probably some magic you need to run a normal process09:46
pwnguinie gnome09:46
ubottuuse @login09:46
floatingvaibhav: yes09:46
|eagles0513875|O_o humm09:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about autologin09:46
vaibhav@floating is there any way to increase performance09:46
vaibhavI have done that in jaunty by editing xorg.conf adding greedy option09:47
floatingdo u have some errors at ur Xorg.0.log09:47
|eagles0513875|vaibhav: karmic there is no xorg.conf not sure whats replaced it though09:47
|eagles0513875|at least on a clean install there isnt an xorg.conf09:47
joaopinto|eagles0513875|, there is no default one, if you create it it will work09:47
floatingtry /var/log/Xorg.0.log|grep EE09:47
pwnguinxorg.conf went away ages ago by default in favor of HAL09:48
|eagles0513875|joaopinto: ok09:48
pwnguinhal is going away in favor of deviceKit, eventually09:48
pwnguinbut xorg.conf will still work if present09:48
|eagles0513875|ahhh interesting09:48
vaibhavresult is (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.09:48
vaibhav(II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER09:48
floatingok, no errors09:49
|eagles0513875|!paste | vaibhav09:49
ubottuvaibhav: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!09:49
|eagles0513875|so you dont flood urself out of the channel09:49
vaibhav!paste (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.09:50
vaibhav(II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER09:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:50
vaibhavsorry didn't know how it can work09:50
|eagles0513875|vaibhav: go to http://past.ubuntu.com09:50
jpdscheezey: Yes, put AutomaticLoginEnable=true,  and AutomaticLogin=$user into /etc/gdm/custom.conf09:50
|eagles0513875|or you can use pastebinit09:50
floatingno need to paste that anymore :)09:51
|eagles0513875|!pastebinit | vaibhav09:51
ubottuvaibhav: pastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin . Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output. Simple usage: command-name | pastebinit09:51
|eagles0513875|for the future thats handy jsut run pastebinit COMMAND09:51
cheezeyjpds: i have tried that but no luck. X_x09:51
jpdscheezey: Then I don't know, sorry, that's how one of my systems is set up...09:52
floatingwhat kind of performance issues, can u describe more09:52
vaibhavGUI is less responsive a09:53
vaibhavor more clearly very much less responsive , sometime very irritating09:53
floatinglike when swapping between windowses, like terminal and a web browser09:53
vaibhavyes, and when switching tabs09:54
vaibhavin firefox09:54
ActionParsnip2vaibhav: have you installed video drivers?09:54
vaibhavI have intel X3100 , and updated from Jaunty09:55
vaibhavI have not done anything in particular for video drivers09:55
ActionParsnip2vaibhav: try this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReinhardTartler/X/RevertingIntelDriverTo2.4   there is a karmic repo there too09:55
=== newbie is now known as GastonLaGafff
ActionParsnip2vaibhav: thats why then, your video card isnt doing much to improve the desktop speed09:56
ActionParsnip2vaibhav: just change jaunty in the guide to karmic09:57
GastonLaGafffHello. Is there a solution to avoid this bug Bug #432237 ? I can boot but only with the ubuntu kernel, and I need an official kernel to use an encrypted partition. The official kernel also gives me a much better sound.09:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 432237 in mountall "difficult to recover from filesystem errors" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43223709:57
GastonLaGafffNot "difficult": impossible!!09:58
vaibhav@ActionParsnip2 is that applicable for Jaunty to karmic09:59
ActionParsnip2vaibhav: yes, there is a karmic repo too09:59
ActionParsnip2vaibhav: just change jaunty to karmic when you paste it in your sources.list file09:59
ActionParsnip2vaibhav: theres also a rollback path to back it out if its no good (nice)10:01
vaibhav@ActionParsnip2 trying it , thanks10:01
GastonLaGafffthe list of the files contained in the package mountall shows "/etc/init.d/mountall.conf", but it doesn't exist in this directory. Can it be a cause of the bug?10:03
mzzGastonLaGafff: I don't see /etc/init.d/mountall.conf, but there's an /etc/init/mountall.conf10:04
mzzGastonLaGafff: that file being missing would almost certainly be bad10:04
|eagles0513875|im having a nasty sound issue10:04
|eagles0513875|im duelbooting on my macbook pro and i have no sound what so ever10:04
|eagles0513875|was suggested removing pulseaudio and that didnt fix anythign reinstalling pulse didnt do anything either10:05
hifiumm, is "Passwords and Ecryption keys" still a work in progress?10:05
cheezeyafter i login in prompt, if i gdm start, it goes back to the login screen. correct behavior?10:05
|eagles0513875|should i try recompiling it from git?10:05
hifimy ssh key location is "/home/nate/.ssh/blah_rsa" according to it10:05
ActionParsnip2vaibhav: you will need to reboot after installing the package10:05
mzz|eagles0513875|: not if it's not the problem, and if everything's still broken without it it's probably not the problem10:05
mzzhifi: that sounds possible, although "blah" is a bit unusual10:05
|eagles0513875|mzz: jaunty was working just fine10:05
GastonLaGafffok I don't know read10:06
hifimzz: it should be /home/hifi/.ssh/id_rsa10:06
mzz|eagles0513875|: I don't see how you're going from "sound broke between jaunty and karmic" to "I need to compile pulseaudio from git"10:06
hifiseems like some filler text10:06
|eagles0513875|mzz: this is on a clean install of karmic10:06
|eagles0513875|didnt upgrade10:06
|eagles0513875|it never worked since i installed karmic10:06
mzz|eagles0513875|: I still don't see how you're getting at "I need to compile pulseaudio from git"10:06
|eagles0513875|mzz: i dunno what else to try10:07
mzz|eagles0513875|: but you have more information than we do, so if you have reason to believe that'll help then sure, go for it10:07
mzzhifi: where are you seeing this?10:07
aapzakpfff, nl mirror is extremely slow10:07
mzzhifi: I see my ssh key under "other keys", but I don't see the path to it anywhere10:07
mzzaapzak: yes! glad it's not just me10:07
|eagles0513875|actually mzz might run pulseaudio through gdb as well as check the logs10:07
hifiApplications -> Accessories -> Passwords and Encrypton keys -> My personal keys -> (my ssh key) -> Properties10:07
d9500when I try to boot my install of karmic beta, instead of booting, it throws the following error "error. invalid environment block. failed to boot default entries." I read on the ubuntu forums that this is a known bug with karmic. anyone have any suggestions short of reinstalling? 9which i am reluctant to do, b/c this is the second practically fresh install this has happened on)10:07
mzz|eagles0513875|: so far it sounds like your problem is with alsa, not pulse (since it also happened with pulse removed)10:08
hifiand Details10:08
mzz|eagles0513875|: if your kernel-level alsa driver is not cooperating no amount of prodding of pulse will help, since pulse uses alsa for actual hardware playback10:08
|eagles0513875|mzz: ill have to get back to u when i have some time to check the logs10:08
floatingis xorgs video drivefr installations part of the automatic updating ? I mean like if one manually installs older drivers, will the update manager suggest updating those drivers later or anyting10:08
mzzhifi: that simply doesn't do anything here, which I guess is a different bug :)10:08
hifimzz: doesn't do anything? :)10:09
joaopinto|eagles0513875|, why have you removed PA, how have you identified that your problem is related to PA at all ?10:09
hifido you have any ssh keys in personal keys?10:09
|eagles0513875|joaopinto: that was on suggestion of blueskaj cuz he did that and it fixed his issue10:09
mzzhifi: well, if I click the "properties" button I get an animation of the button being pressed and depressed, but that's pretty much it :)10:09
mzzhifi: and yes, it does list "Secure Shell Key" there10:09
hifiyeah, for me it works10:09
mzzhifi: err, no, this is "Other Keys".10:09
mzzhifi: "Personal Keys" only has my gpg key.10:10
joaopinto|eagles0513875|, there are a lot of different reasons for not having sound, blindly repeating a procedure from person X does not help10:10
|eagles0513875|its worth a shot though10:10
mzz|eagles0513875|: err, debug the issue10:10
joaopintoactually it may make things worse, because you change things that will prevent you to debug the issue as per the expected environment10:10
mzz|eagles0513875|: why do you think prodding pulse will help if you have no sound with pulse disabled or removed?10:10
|eagles0513875|i reinstalled pulseaudio though10:11
|eagles0513875|well mzz there is so much sound stuff thats been changing from alsa only to using pulse audio10:11
|eagles0513875|i dunno whats used anymore10:11
mzz|eagles0513875|: pulse still uses alsa to actually play sound, which I'm assuming is what you tried to play back through while pulse was disabled.10:11
mzz|eagles0513875|: if that didn't work neither will pulse, no matter what you do to pulse10:11
innomenhey all, what can i use to connect to my bluetooth gamepad? the guide walked me through compiling and installing xpad but then the instructions simply say "connect" and "resync" how do i do either?10:12
hifimzz: http://hifi.iki.fi/sshkey-details.png10:12
vaibhav@ActionParsnip2 the ppa does not have any xorg package10:12
|eagles0513875|pulse as default has always acted up with it occassionally failing thoguh mzz10:12
|eagles0513875|sometimes i use my default built in audio driver10:12
aapzakmzz: let's just leave it alone, I'll hit it later on :)10:12
GastonLaGafffmzz: Do you have any idea why I can boot with ubuntu kernel, whereas I can't with an official kernel, which was bootable some days ago?10:12
innomeni have bluetooth gnome connected ot my phone just fine but when i goto add new device it apprently does not see the pad10:13
mzzhifi: that's pretty weird. Can you check what your gpg key id is, since it looks like you're not getting the dialog you're supposed to get10:13
innomeni feel like there is a very basic step i am missing10:13
mzz|eagles0513875|: yes, but you weren't getting sound with pulse *disabled*10:13
joaopinto|eagles0513875|, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems10:13
ActionParsnip2vaibhav: it should have xserver-xorg-video-intel10:13
|eagles0513875|man the bot has lots of useful info lol10:13
mzzGastonLaGafff: random guess of the day: you changed to a different root filesystem.10:13
mzzGastonLaGafff: I can try different guesses if you like10:13
ActionParsnip2vaibhav: does: apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-video-intel     sw it coming from the new repo you added?10:14
mzzhifi: it looks like for whatever reason you're getting an unfinished *ssh* key properties dialog when clicking properties for your *gpg* key10:14
hifithats my ssh key10:14
mzzGastonLaGafff: seriously though: there's not even close to enough information for me to give you more than random guesses, and why are you asking me specifically instead of the channel?10:14
hifiI don't even have a gpg key on this machine10:15
GastonLaGaffffor the file system: yes I changed from ext4 to reiserfs, but I have been able to boot on reiserfs with my official kernel10:15
hifiand my ssh key name _is_ hifi@debian, was ported from my old desktop10:15
hifionly thing weird is the wrong path as I could tell10:16
mzzhifi: you're actually right that the key id in the main window matches the end of the fingerprint in the properties dialog. So huh.10:16
mzzhifi: I wonder why your ssh key is "personal" while mine is "other"10:16
hifithough, is that information from the public or private part?10:17
hififunny I could set the owner of that key to be allowed to ssh into this machine10:17
hifiwhen it's editing the key itself, not the public part10:17
vaibhav@ActionParsnip2 no it is coming from main ubuntu  repo10:17
hifimzz: and my ssh key is in .ssh/10:18
vaibhavI checked new repo webpage , it does not have xorg related package10:18
hifiis your key somewhere else?10:18
hifiif that matters in which tab the key is shown10:18
mzzhifi: I have ~/.ssh/id_rsa and a matching entry in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys10:18
hifimy authorized_keys is empty10:19
hifiit's seahorse 2.28.010:19
mzznot bored enough to figure out its logic10:19
ActionParsnip2vaibhav: bah, maybe they havet made it for karmic. sorry :(10:20
wektWhat package do you report install bugs on?10:20
wektfor Debian installer?10:20
ActionParsnip2vaibhav: you need to tell your system to use the intel driver if it isnt already, it will smooth the UI10:20
ms9477if installing Xubuntu, is there any way to grab GNOME as a potential session?10:22
|eagles0513875|ms9477: you mean install it in addition to xfce10:24
vaibhav@ActionParsnip2 how do i tell my system to use intel drivers10:26
ms9477correct, |eagles0513875|10:27
|eagles0513875|ms9477: then install ubuntu-desktop10:28
|eagles0513875|that will install gnome as an option you can  choose between at login10:28
ActionParsnip2vaibhav: you can edit xorg.conf10:28
d9500nevermind my question about the boot error earlier. i was able to fix it following the instructions on a discussion on the launchpad bug site.10:29
|eagles0513875|ms9477: da????10:29
ActionParsnip2vaibhav: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1187737 you'll be websearching a bit to find samples like that to try10:30
ms9477more or less, yes...i should have thought about that10:30
ActionParsnip2vaibhav: i dont use crappy intel gfx so I'm not much use. Maybe someone else has a cleaner idea10:30
|eagles0513875|ms9477: :) same thing goes if you would like to install kde but install kubuntu-desktop10:30
vaibhav@ActionParsnip2 thanx10:31
ms9477gotcha, though i've never been a KDE fan :P10:31
|eagles0513875|ms9477: give it a spin its evolved nicely from 4.010:31
JackDit's slow10:32
minimechi. I would like to post a bug about sudden system crashs with 'options radeon modeset=1'. I need some help with the logs, as I doesn't see any entries in the logs.10:32
ms9477i did a turn with KDE under Jaunty, didn't thrill me10:32
Termana!bugs | minimec10:32
ubottuminimec: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots10:32
minimecTermana: I know that. Ok I gonna try to post a bug on 'linux-image', as this is a complete system freeze. I cannot ssh on the system anymore.10:35
TermanaYeah, I just wanted to use the command to look 1337. lol j/k :P10:35
mzzI'm apparently too stupid to use this bug tracker. Can someone tell me what bug nr bug 447690 was marked a duplicate of?10:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 447690 in gdm "login screen is not accessible with keyboard" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44769010:37
mzzor was that comment closing it a misfiring script or something?10:38
ploumdid anybode succeeded to have a working Lotus Notes on Karmic ?10:39
mzzminimec: agp card? this wasn't a ubuntu system, but I had some of those go away after adding radeon.agpmode=-1 to the boot parameters10:42
minimecmzz: Yes radeon 9600 AGP10:42
minimecmzz THX I will try that.10:43
mzzminimec: I couldn't reproduce these, but it'd just lock up, sometimes but not always preceded by some corruption in rendered text10:44
minimecmzz: I will do some further testing.10:45
minimecmzz: radeon.agpmode=-1 or'agpmode=1"?10:46
mzzminimec: radeon.agpmode=-110:46
mzzminimec: (might also want to doublecheck with #radeon on this network)10:47
minimecmzz: ok10:47
minimecmzz: good idea.10:47
steve__hey guys11:02
steve__having a little trouble with a dual boot of ubuntu 9.10 beta and mac os x on a mac pro11:02
steve__getting graphics corruption in os x when i boot from grub11:03
gsevilwhen I run custom compiled kernel, the console is in high resolution display, but default kernel from repos don't have, what's the difference?11:05
ActionParsnip2steve__: OS X isnt supported here11:07
cdE|WoozyDoes anyone have an idea why I can't pair with my phone using bluetooth anymore? Scanning for devices works, but not much else. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/291503/11:08
kuttanslatest linux kernal not showing in the grub menu+karmic any idea11:08
ploumwas there a way to download a previous version of a given package ?11:08
steve__ActionParsnip2, I presumed it was a GRUB2 issue11:09
kuttansyes i guess there is a way to do that, check the man page of dpkg or apt-get11:09
ActionParsnip2steve__: grub2 just boots the OS yuo select11:09
kuttansthe latest linux kernel is not shown in the grub menu. anyone there to help?11:10
steve__okay... so as long as ubuntu works you dont care? lol11:10
steve__kuttans... have you done sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:11
steve__that should install latest kernel11:11
kuttansyeah i did that11:11
steve__do a sudo update-grub... see if it picks it up11:11
kuttansohh i think its done automatically, but i havnt done it manually11:11
kuttansbut i will try now11:11
kuttanssteve__: when i did that it says your /usr is broken ,fix it before call this wrapper11:12
kuttansshall i do a fsck on that on startup11:14
steve__yeah and give it a whirl again... might have corrupted if some file system damage?11:14
kuttansbut fsck reporting that /dev/sda6 is fine and clean11:15
steve__do a chmod 744 /usr/sbin/update-grub11:17
steve__then try again11:18
kuttansyeah look like that, now im reinstalling grub2 to fix the problem11:18
aprilharehas anyone noticed that in nautilus when one selects File -> Create document it says "No templates installed"?11:21
Ian_Cornethe athenticate window doesn't grab focus anymore?11:24
ActionParsnip2aprilhare: https://answers.launchpad.net/nautilus/+question/3511:24
JoshuaLsince a week or so im having troubles with WPA2 Enterprise connections..11:26
JoshuaLthe connection is instable, which is pretty annoying. it did work perfectly before and a classmate of mine who is using 9.04 doesnt have this problem.11:27
aprilhareActionParsnip2: it used to have lots of em. now there are none. how do i get the default templates back? the last hint does not apply, re $HOME -> $HOME/Templates11:28
mac_vActionParsnip2: hey... did your vlc stuttering sound problem get solved?11:28
ActionParsnip2mac_v: not used it in a while tbh, ive just pulled in alsa 1.0.21 so i'l be testing later :)11:29
ActionParsnip2mac_v: thanks for the ask though, impressive11:29
mac_vActionParsnip2: the solution was to actually change the audio module from default to pulse audio11:29
ActionParsnip2aprilhare: not sure at all, sorry11:29
ActionParsnip2mac_v: ahh (mental note) I'll see if that makes it friendlier11:29
ActionParsnip2mac_v: just changed it now (x forwarding rocks)11:31
ActionParsnip2wil ltest some later11:31
ActionParsnip2thanks for the heads up11:31
bullgard4In Ubuntu 8.04.3: '~$ find / -name 'page_alloc.c' 2>/dev/null; /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.24/mm/page_alloc.c'. In Ubuntu 9.10: '~$ find / -name 'page_alloc.c' 2>/dev/null' does not produce any output. What is the reason?11:31
bullgard4 11:31
mac_vnp.. :)11:31
zniavre_!bug #43223711:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 432237 in mountall "difficult to recover from filesystem errors" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43223711:50
Qtpaxaanyone knows how I can have in karmic, the gpg encrypt/decrypt menu in nautilus?11:53
ActionParsnip2Qtpaxa: well you waited all of 3 mins. have patience11:56
QtpaxaActionParsnip2: ok ;)11:57
voissomeone know how remove ati driver(from amd,.com) for resolve graphic issue when i start karmic?(in jj all works)11:57
ActionParsnip2vois: sudo apt-get --purge remove xorg-driver-fglrx11:59
voisactionParsnip2: thanks, now i try it12:00
voisActionParsnip2 : it reset also xorg to default?12:01
ActionParsnip2vois: run: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg     to default it12:02
ActionParsnip2vois: or simply edit xorg.conf to use the vesa driver12:02
voisActionParsnip2 : thank you12:02
shadeslayerActionParsnip2: why the 2 ?12:12
ActionParsnip2shadeslayer: my desktop still has me logged on12:12
ActionParsnip2yeah I use carrier on my work laptop too and its changing my nick due to multiple logons12:17
dergringoAny idea why I get an error when installing libstdc++5 (E: Package libstdc++5 has no installation candidate)? I need this for thunderbird lightning12:18
rskbecause there is no package named libstdc++512:19
legend2440dergringo: in karmic its   libstdc++612:20
LoRe_has somebody an idea on what is going on here: http://pastebin.com/m246cbd3d ? i get a permission denied when starting evince. It tries to create $HOME/.gnome2/evince but "mkdir $HOME/.gnome2/evince" works on the shell12:20
Dr_WillisLoRe_:  thats on some sort of home over nfs?12:22
LoRe_Dr_Willis: no, everything is local12:23
LoRe_ext4 if it's relevant :)12:23
Dr_Williswhy are you using an /export/ directory then?12:23
LoRe_well, i don't know why i named it export, but its just a local logical volume12:24
dergringolegend2440, Lightning required libstdc++5. I can't add new calendars and stuff with libstdc++612:24
JoshuaLanyone able to help me with: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=809181812:25
dergringo"(Many modern Linux distributions only package libstdc++6, which is incompatible with Lightning. Therefore please install the package "libstdc++5" or "compat-libstdc++" on your system before  installing Lightning)" http://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/lightning/system-requirements.html12:26
Dr_WillisLoRe_:  try it from a bash shell. it works here. but i just update/upgraded.. and am using bash12:26
Dr_Willis!info compat-libstdc++12:26
ubottuPackage compat-libstdc++ does not exist in karmic12:26
JoshuaLis anyone else having this weird issue where a strange beep is heard when pressing for eg. backspace on a empty line in terminal?12:27
JoshuaLits a weird systembeep kinda sound12:27
dergringoHmm can I get libstdc++5 from jaunty?12:27
Dr_WillisHmm.. i recall that being normal :) in the old days...12:27
LoRe_Dr_Willis: http://pastebin.com/m3e2c475f12:28
Dr_Willisbeeps all the time for fun!12:28
JoshuaLDr_Willis, well that its back is weird but is also a weird kinda beep12:28
JoshuaLcant really explain (hence my first language not being english)12:29
Dr_WillisI still get annoying 'pops' when sound plays after the system is quiet for a long time12:29
JoshuaLi have no idea how i should describe this as a bug and how to report it12:30
JoshuaLor else i would12:30
dergringoOk I solved it by installing the package from lenny http://packages.debian.org/lenny/libstdc++5 works fine now. Thanks.12:31
ActionParsnip2!debian | dergringo12:34
ubottudergringo: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!12:34
dergringoI know but there were no dependencies. It might be a bad idea but having no access to my calendar is even worse ;)12:35
JoshuaLanyone knows what a pulseaudio bing is?12:35
ActionParsnip2dergringo: you may get issues later, you sould have searched for an ubuntu ppa or compiled12:36
Spacemanhi, what version of kde is in kubuntu karmic koala, thanks?12:43
jpdsSpaceman: 4.3.212:43
legend2440dergringo: isnt lightning just a Thunderbird addon?     i just installed it and i saw nothing about libstdc 5++12:45
dergringolegend2440, yes it is. You can install it but options like "new calendar" are grayed out when stdc5 is missing.12:46
legend2440dergringo: oh ok12:46
dergringoAnd also the sidebar. It's just unusable :)12:47
Trewasdergringo: maybe libstdc++5 package from jaunty can still be installed, it does not have many dependencies12:48
chu_Silly question, but my laptop is less than a year old, I'd like to see if the CPU is 64-bit (though I doubt it), is there any-way the OS can tell me? googling for the CPU doesn't give much.12:48
daviscchu_: cat /proc/cpuinfo12:48
Dr_Willisif its less then a year old. i would bet it is 64bit12:48
chu_I would think so too.12:49
daviscchu_: The info that gives you should be easily googleable12:49
Dr_Williseven my netbook is 64bit I think12:49
chu_But, when I bought it, there was nothing about 64-bit12:49
dergringoTrewas, yes. I took the Lenny package. Might be better to bet on Jaunty :)12:49
Dr_Willis64bit is the norm. its not worth even mentioning in the ads/buzzwords any more.12:49
shadeslayerall latest processors are 64 bit12:49
chu_clflush size is 64, nothing else screems 64 at me though12:50
daviscchu_: What's the model?12:50
Trewasdergringo: that package is not in karmic because it was part of gcc-3.x, and now there are only gcc-4.x left12:50
chu_Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual  CPU  T3400  @ 2.16GHz12:50
ActionParsnip2shadeslayer: not atom ones12:50
daviscchu_: That's 64-bit12:50
chu_Cool, thanks davisc.12:51
shadeslayerActionParsnip2: really? Atom is 32 bit ?12:51
ActionParsnip2shadeslayer: yes12:51
shadeslayerthats new to me :P12:51
chu_So, the next question becomes, this whole time I've been installing 32-bit Ubuntu versions, is it time I started looking into 64-bit versions?12:51
Dr_WillisHmm. I though i used the 64bit ubuntu on my AAO. but  i may of used The UNR. I forget. :)12:52
Dr_Willischu_:  if you got a 64bit machine.. use 64bit12:52
shadeslayerchu_: not necessarily.... do you use RAM > 4GB12:52
daviscchu_: Google for that and the first result will give you more info12:52
SwedeMikeonly problem I've encountered with 64bit so far is flash12:52
chu_Nah, I don't think I even have 1gb RAM12:52
shadeslayerchu_: also,some apps are not available for 32 bit,and issues like flash12:52
ActionParsnip2shadeslayer: there are 64bit versions but most are 32bit12:52
shadeslayerActionParsnip2: oh..12:53
daviscshadeslayer: Isn't there a 64-bit beta of flash?12:53
ActionParsnip2shadeslayer: flash runs great on 32bit, theres also the 64bit alpha flash plugin :D12:53
ActionParsnip2davisc: indeed12:53
Dr_Willisor you use the flash compat stuff...12:53
shadeslayerdavisc: yes,but its a Beta12:53
daviscshadeslayer: so is gmail :-)12:53
chu_I basically do development in C with emacs and a terminal. I don't know, 32-bit is ok as it is, I won't really be missing out on anything will I?12:53
Dr_WillisI found my video reencodeing got a bit of aboost from going 64bit12:53
* shadeslayer is currently using the beta flash12:53
daviscchu_: Realistically, no12:53
Dr_Willischu_:  proberly not.. get moar ram :)12:53
ActionParsnip2shadeslayer: also here, its nice12:54
chu_I idle at 12% RAM usage! I don't need more :p12:54
Dr_Willischu_:  and 10% of that is disk cache proberly12:54
shadeslayeronly thing im unhappy about right now are xorg leakages12:54
chu_I actually have about 4gbs given to swap, so yeah, hopefully it gets used :p12:55
Dr_Willissave up your lunch $$ buy moar ram. :)12:55
* ActionParsnip2 also has 64bit native java :)12:56
* Dr_Willis waits for 128bit12:56
ActionParsnip2or 96 maybe ;)12:57
Dr_WillisGigabit bits!12:57
* shadeslayer goes and listens to the Twilight OST12:57
ActionParsnip2well boyles law is proving quite accurate so far, so I dont see why we cant see 512bit12:57
shadeslayeroh yeah!12:58
Dr_WillisMS will have too hard a time wasteing that much Powar!12:58
Dr_WillisNext we will be needing PhysX cards for Desktop machines.12:58
ActionParsnip2Dr_Willis: probably calculate PI instead of idle process just for laughs12:58
shadeslayeror donating CPU to help cure diseases12:59
Dr_WillisMS will sell out the users spare cpu cycles with out their consent. :)12:59
ActionParsnip2shadeslayer: already on it, FaH via origami :)12:59
shadeslayeror theyll just make a script that eats up CPU12:59
ActionParsnip2shadeslayer: it runs all the time but has a nice value of 19 so doesnt get much CPU unless its idle13:00
shadeslayerActionParsnip2: nice13:00
ActionParsnip2team ubuntu is the 75th highest contributing team :)13:02
zer0xIs there any way to set _per process_ resource limits? not per shell or user with ulimit?13:03
Dr_Willisset it in a shell.. run the app to the bg.. exit the shell... perhaps13:04
* Dr_Willis isent even sure how one limits resources...13:04
Dr_WillisHow do I set per-process limits? Added: 09/13/0113:05
zer0xDr_Willis: I am happy to go with something like that, but I was really hoping there was something I could give a PID too. I have had a good dig with no luck so far :/13:07
Dr_WillisOn line presentations.. :) how ... exciteing...13:07
Dr_Willis/etc/security/limit.conf file in my rh62 box, where I could set all the13:08
Dr_Willislimits in a per-user or per-group basis.13:08
* Dr_Willis googles some more13:08
zer0xDr_Willis: hehe.. IBM  Education Assistant eh? :D13:09
Dr_Williscat /etc/security/limits.conf13:09
Dr_WillisGoogle finds the neatest things.. :)13:09
zer0xDr_Willis: I had a look at that also, but still nothing based around per process.. all users or shells13:09
Dr_Willisthats how you do it. from what im reading13:10
Dr_Willissunce evrything gets launched by a shell.13:10
Dr_Willishttp://www.novell.com/products/linuxpackages/desktop10/i386/ulimit.html mentions a script...13:11
Dr_WillisThe script provided here does set limits on the memory usage per13:12
Dr_Willisprocess (amongst setting other limits)13:12
* Dr_Willis is thinking the logic follows the same 'logic' as setting env variables for specific apps when launching them.13:14
Dr_Willisie: 'DISPLAY=:2  xterm &'13:15
Dr_WillisOnly the settings have to be set properly with the ulimit command  Not just an env variable13:15
Dr_Willisand you dont change the limits on a running process.13:16
zer0xah... must experiment :D13:16
* Dr_Willis now knows more about umlimit then he will ever need...13:16
zer0xlol :D13:16
Dr_Willismake a little script that takes the command as an arbument.. sets ulimits, then spawns the apps. :013:16
Dr_Willis lowulimit.sh  :)13:17
=== zniavre_ is now known as zniavre
nOStahlholy crap why is ubuntu 3.9 gigs to download now13:20
rsknOStahl: where did you get that figure from?13:21
nOStahlall i can find is a dvd image13:22
zer0xDr_Willis: Yup, looks like thats what I'll be doing! Cheers for having a dig :D13:22
nOStahlof the beta13:22
HoopyCatnOStahl:  because you picked the dvd image instead of the cd image?  :-)13:22
HoopyCatnOStahl:  http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/13:22
nOStahlevery google results in the dvd image..13:22
CShadowRunI'm trying to update from 9.04 to 9.10, it's been hanging at "Getting new packages, Fetching file 1842 of 1842" for about 10 hours now, what should i do?13:22
zer0xnOStahl: Its because your looking at cdimage.ubuntu.com13:22
JoshuaLanyone else having a weird 'system' beep since the latest updates?13:23
zer0xnOStahl: HoopyCat's url should have the CD iso's on it :D13:23
JoshuaLits reproducible by opening a terminal and pressing backspacve13:23
nOStahlthere we go13:23
nOStahlmuch nicer heh13:23
nOStahlits 7:24 am right now13:24
nOStahli have to be at my clients house at 9:30 half hour away13:24
zer0xplenty of time for coffee then :P13:24
nOStahland i have to setup a webserver and reinstall a backup of the website before then13:24
zer0xstill :D13:24
nOStahli'll have to skip messing with permalinks heh13:25
HoopyCatnOStahl:  stfu and gbtw!  :-)13:25
SpacemanJoshuaL: there has always been a 'bell' when you backspace and there is nought to eradicate13:25
JoshuaLSpaceman, well the 'bell' sounds weird now13:25
JoshuaLlike a hum13:26
Spacemanooh sounds interesting, is it in arch?13:28
legend2440JoshuaL: if you open system>preferences>sound look for Alerts volume and put check in box next to Mute it stops it13:29
Spacemanarch linux, somebody suggested I try it, I'm currently downloading an iso13:29
rskok other distros are offtipic here13:30
nOStahlarch is awesome13:30
JoshuaLlegend2440, its muted13:30
* Dr_Willis would use other words to describe arch also.. :P13:30
JoshuaLlegend2440, still the weird hum13:30
Spacemannegative words?13:30
ubottu#ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.13:30
Dr_Willisone of the joys of virtualbox - you can test out disrtos and still keep your nice  ubuntu safe.13:31
nOStahlim loving this 1.3mb/sec dl speed of the karmic iso13:31
HoopyCatThe red zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in a white zone.13:31
Dr_WillisYep.. servers are fast.. whenthey are not overloaded13:31
CShadowRunAnyone able to help me?13:31
rsk!ask | CShadowRun13:32
ubottuCShadowRun: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:32
CShadowRunrsk i did, nobody answered :P13:32
JoshuaLlegend2440, it happens since today13:33
CShadowRunI'm trying to update from 9.04 to 9.10, it's been hanging at "Getting new packages, Fetching file 1842 of 1842" for about 10 hours now, what should i do?13:33
HoopyCatCShadowRun:  if it's seized up in the downloading stage, i believe killing it and restarting it should be fine.13:33
CShadowRunHoopyCat, but it's set my software channels13:33
slacker_nldoes anyone know a lightweight excel reader (doesn't even need to write excel)13:34
filgyslacker_nl: google docs? ;p13:34
slacker_nlfilgy: not a webbased client13:34
joaopintoslacker_nl, gnumeric ?13:34
slacker_nljoaopinto: i know that one, was wondering if there were others13:35
HoopyCatCShadowRun:  it should figure that out when the updater starts up again.  (it should also remember where it put the downloaded files, too)13:35
legend2440JoshuaL: open a terminal then Edit profiles. if you uncheck box next to Terminal Bell does it stop it?13:35
CShadowRuncool, ty :)13:35
CShadowRuni shall have to give that a go13:35
JoshuaLlegend2440, i can try it but it also happens in other applications like xchat13:36
JoshuaLand pidgin13:36
JoshuaLlegend2440, that fixes the issue in terminal but not the other application(s)13:37
legend2440JoshuaL: yes same here with xchat but Mute in Sound stops it here13:37
JoshuaLdoesnt work for me :(13:37
legend2440JoshuaL: strange13:37
JoshuaLit sure is13:37
JoshuaLi have installed all the latests updates for karmic13:37
legend2440JoshuaL: what if you turn Alerts volume all the way down?13:37
JoshuaLdone that already but still the same13:38
legend2440JoshuaL: what if in Sound you select None in Sound Theme box?13:39
JoshuaLlegend2440, have done thgat too13:39
JoshuaLsame issue13:40
legend2440JoshuaL: sorry out of ideas13:40
filgyare you sure it is not the internal pc speaker making the noise? ;p13:40
JoshuaLfilgy, i am totally sure13:40
JoshuaLlegend2440, me too, but thanks anyways :)13:42
JoshuaLi have no idea how to fill in the bug report regarding this issue13:43
Dr_Willisbug report: sound is wonky13:43
Dr_WillisI still get poping when playing sounds after a long time of silence.13:43
JoshuaLDr_Willis, report it? :P13:44
legend2440Dr_Willis: won't  "wonky" be too technical for them?13:44
Dr_Willisbug report: sound is buggy13:44
hatchetman82how can i make x run my nvidia card at full resolution without resorting to the nvidia driver ?13:51
hatchetman82im not really interested in any 3d, just my screens full resolution13:51
ActionParsnip2hatchetman82: you can use the open nv driver instead of nvidia13:52
hatchetman82nouvou you mean ? is it usable ?13:52
coz_for 2d  probably yes13:53
ActionParsnip2hatchetman82: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:53
ActionParsnip2hatchetman82: change or add the line in the configured video device section to: Driver "nv"13:53
ActionParsnip2hatchetman82: then restart X13:53
JoshuaLI filled in a bug report as best as I could: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/44951413:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449514 in pulseaudio "Weird hum as "system beep"." [Undecided,New]13:54
* Dr_Willis wonders why not jusst use the nvidia driver...13:54
ActionParsnip2Dr_Willis: + but its his/her call13:54
ActionParsnip2nvidia make wonderful drivers13:54
hatchetman82mostly on principle13:55
Dr_Willisive had sustems that i could not get proper res unless i was using the nvidia drivers13:55
thiebaudeActionParsnip2, yep13:55
hatchetman82i have no xorg.conf there13:55
iktwhat's the default extension to get something to run in terminal?13:55
ActionParsnip2hatchetman82: the X in X11 is capitalised13:55
hatchetman82i know13:55
ActionParsnip2ikt: any, file extensions are moot13:55
Dr_Willisikt:  you set somthing exeutable.. extension dosent matter13:55
iktusing .script and .bash it pops up with 'do you want to display, run, run in terminal or cancel'13:55
hatchetman82no xorg.conf13:55
dotblankikt, um doesnt really matter but I think you are looking for .sh13:55
Dr_Willisikt:  thats gnome being  'smart'13:55
ikthow do I make it unsmart :P13:56
Dr_Willischmod +x whatever13:56
joaopintoActionParsnip2, there is no xorg.conf by default on karmic13:56
ActionParsnip2hatchetman82: strange, you can run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg which should make you one13:56
thiebaudeActionParsnip2, i thought they did away with xorg.conf in 9.1013:56
joaopintoActionParsnip2, not it should not13:56
iktyeah it's got +x13:56
ActionParsnip2joaopinto: ah i see, too used to my script to get my system nice :)13:56
joaopintoif required, you can create a xorg.conf and it will work13:56
Dr_Willisthere is no default 'extension' to make things runable in the terminal. the terminal looks at the +x gnome however lookd at +x  and the extensions13:56
Dr_Willischmod -x  whatever    and see if that works13:57
iktI mean run in terminal from gnome desktop/nautilus13:57
ActionParsnip2ikt: linux is smart and doesnt rely on file extensions so much like windows13:57
iktlike I've got program.script, I double click on it I want it to open in terminal by default13:57
Dr_Willismake it .sh and +x   perhaps13:57
ActionParsnip2ikt: just mark it as executable and you can double click it and select run13:57
Dr_Willisand make it start with a proper #!/bin/bash line also. :)13:57
markithi, I've done an aptitude update / dist-upgrade from 9.04, tons of errors, now my laptop does not complete the boot anymore... dubt will be everything ok for end of October13:57
coz_ikt,  can you upload that script to pastebin.com13:58
joaopintomariuz, that is not the precedure to upgrade !13:58
joaopinto!upgrade | markit13:58
ubottumarkit: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading13:58
joaopintoI meant, markit13:58
ActionParsnip2ikt: i think if you right click and select properties you may find a tick box for "run in a terminal"13:58
hatchetman82me@toy:/$ find . | grep xorg.conf    finds nothing13:58
hatchetman82is it possible the default install does not generate one ?13:58
Dr_WillisI had no xorg.conf untill i ran nvidia-settings.. :)13:58
joaopintohatchetman82, the default install does not create a xorg.conf13:59
hatchetman82if so, how do i generate one ?13:59
thiebaudeDr_Willis, same here13:59
joaopintohatchetman82, you do it manually, if you need one13:59
Dr_Willisactually even then. I think i copied one over from my 9.04 install to save time13:59
markitubottu: oh, was not just a graphical interface to upgrade, but the required procedure? so bad... I don't use graphic interface for updates13:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:59
coz_hatchetman82,  why are you  hesitant to use the nvidia driver?13:59
Dr_WillisIf the 'nvidia13:59
thiebaudeDr_Willis, i did the upgrade from 9.0413:59
Dr_Willis drivers are not installed.. then wouldent it be defaulting to the 'nv' drivers?13:59
ActionParsnip2hatchetman82: here is a fairly blank file: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XORGHardy13:59
markitand in any case a text based procedure should be provided13:59
coz_Dr_Willis,  for sure14:00
ActionParsnip2hatchetman82: you can remove the parts defining mouse and keyboard as those are managed by HAL now14:00
void^_ikt: check nautilus preferences, behavior tab14:00
hatchetman82coz_: had multi-monitor woes with it a while back14:00
joaopintomariuz, you are not required to use a GUI, however the upgrade is not done aith dist-upgrade, it's done with do-release-upgrade14:00
Dr_WillisMulti Monitor setup - i definaly use 'nvidia' for those14:00
coz_hatchetman82,  what kind of woes14:00
markitjoaopinto: I see, thanks for tthe tip (too late, sigh)14:00
joaopintodist-upgrade does not properly handle a full release upgrade scenario14:00
filgymarkit: atp-get dist-upgrade would be a text based option..14:00
hatchetman82resolutions would reset on boot14:00
joaopintofilgy, it is not14:00
filgyjoaopinto: ahh yea i just read what you put above14:01
thiebaudejoaopinto, was update-manager -d ok to do?14:01
void^_ikt: (or create a launcher to run the script indirectly)14:01
joaopintothiebaude, that is ok14:01
coz_hatchetman82,  ok  well the way to do that with the nvidia-settings is to open it with   sudo nvidia-settings,,,,make the changes   then save to  x configuration   button14:01
coz_hatchetman82,  restart x to see if it works  or reboot to test14:01
coz_hatchetman82,  I am guessing you want dual monitors on each boot correct?14:02
hatchetman82i want the gdm login replicated on both and then after  login i want an extended virtual desktop14:03
=== richardcavell_ is now known as richardcavell
hatchetman82the monitors are of different resolutions14:03
coz_hatchetman82,  well  the procedure I mentioned should do it   ...you have to  set the monitor resolutions in   nvidia-settings    thenclick the   write to x configureation   let me open nvidia settings hold on14:04
Dr_Willisive never seen gdm 'cloned' to both.. excetp by using the 'clone' feature of twinview.14:04
* hatchetman82 tries the nvidia drivers14:04
hatchetman82rebooting, be back in a min14:04
coz_hatchetman82,   ok when you   sudo nvidia-settings  you then click the "X Server display Configuration"14:05
Dr_WillisI got GDM on my primary/bigger monitor.  during login. the 2nd lcd just displays a customized wallpaper of the grandkids. :)14:05
coz_Dr_Willis,  cool :)14:05
Dr_Williscoz_:  of course every ubuuntu update to xsplasy or whatever.. changes the wallpapers back. :(14:05
coz_Dr_Willis,  nice to know there';s another grandfather around :)14:06
Dr_Willisive still not figured out how gdm/xsplash pick what wallpaper to use.. it sure isent just using the system/monitor res.14:06
Dr_Williscoz_:  yep. If ya see me spouting random characters... that means the 3 yr old is at  the keyboard again14:06
coz_Dr_Willis,  I completely understand :)14:07
Dr_Willisand the 1 yr old chews on the mouse...14:07
* Dr_Willis hyptozies the kids with the red mouse led....14:07
BluesKajhi folks14:07
coz_hey guy14:07
BluesKajchromium still using a lot of cpu power compared to FF ...they'd better make it more efficent before I switch14:10
hatchetman82while trying to write conf to xorg file from nvidia control panel, it crashes because the is no xorg file14:10
coz_whoa just noticed  chess doesnt run to well on karmic :(14:10
* hatchetman82 sent the report14:10
filgyso if apt-get upgrade does dependency checking, and dist-upgrade should not be used to upgrade to a new release, and a package name should never change mid release.. is there any reason to use dist-upgrade?14:10
hatchetman82how do i run the nvidia panel as root ?14:11
Picifilgy: new kernel packages.14:12
Dr_Willisgksudo nvidia-settings14:12
coz_hatchetman82,    sudo  nvidia-settings14:12
coz_or gksudo14:13
hatchetman82k, ill try saving settings as root14:13
Dr_Williskdesudo nvidia-settings14:13
Dr_Willis!info sux14:13
ubottusux (source: sux): wrapper around su which will transfer your X credentials. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-5 (karmic), package size 9 kB, installed size 64 kB14:13
Dr_Willissux is old-skool....14:13
hatchetman82bah, i get "failed to parse existing xorg.conf file" and crash again14:13
syn12hmm.. having a slight problem with karmic. i.e. no X (booting from live cd)14:14
coz_hatchetman82,  you may want to run  nvidida-xconfig14:14
syn12Any way I can get intoa terminal to edit xorg.conf??14:14
coz_hatchetman82,    nvidia-xconfg14:14
coz_hatchetman82,  nvidia-xconfig14:14
coz_that one is speled correctly14:14
syn12I get * starting remaining crypto disks14:14
syn12and then a blank line afterwards14:14
hatchetman82VALIDATION ERROR: Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.14:15
hatchetman82thats from nvidia-xconfig14:15
Dr_Willisthis is why i had to use my origianal xorg.conf from  my backups14:15
Dr_Willis pastebinit  /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:16
coz_hatchetman82,  mmmm14:16
Dr_Willisthe nvidia-settings tool is  a little.. brain dead when it cant find all the sections14:16
* Dr_Willis goes back to playing AsciiPortal14:16
Dr_WillisGrr.. ascii portal is brain dead when it comes to fullscreening to the proper monitor via twinview. :)14:17
coz_hatchetman82,  well in all honesty  I use dynamic twinview  which is set manually each time i boot because I dont want  dual monitors each time  and dynamic twinview allows me to set then via nvidia-settings after boot14:17
hatchetman82Undefined Device "(null)" referenced by Screen "Default Screen".14:17
coz_hatchetman82,  so I may not be of much help here  especially since xorg.conf is not generated with the nvidia driver install14:18
hatchetman82nvidia wants a beefier file14:18
hatchetman82ill dig into that later14:18
Dr_Willisuse my example xorg.conf as a basis. and run nvidia-settings and let it read/change the settings in it14:18
hatchetman82thanks everyone for now14:18
hatchetman82ok, ill grab your file14:18
coz_hatchetman82,  I also have xorg.conf after installation of nvidia driver  ...here at least14:19
hatchetman82probably a skeleton file that comes with the install14:20
syn12Anyone have any ideas? ;o14:20
Ian_Corneudo dpkg --configure -a14:27
Ian_Cornedpkg: parse error, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0004' near line 0:14:27
Ian_Corneany idea? :p14:27
Ian_Cornei deleted the file and it worked14:27
EagleScreenwhat is the utility of indocator applet?14:32
amortvigiland is karmic the best ubuntu ever?14:44
joaopintoamortvigil, every new release is the best release ever :P14:44
johnmn3joaopinto: agreed. otherwise, what would be the point?14:45
amortvigilwelll... 9.04 certanly not!14:45
amortvigil9.04 is like the vista in windows :P14:45
HoopyCaton the same day, i installed karmic beta on one computer and a slice of bread (the previous best thing ever) on another computer.  already, the trendlines of quality are diverging14:45
johnmn3I'm sure the release team thought it was a step forward14:45
joaopintoamortvigil, I am very happy with 9.04, it brought a significant improvement in both boot and regular disk I/O operations with the ext414:46
HoopyCatand i dunno... i've been happy with 9.04, aside from the update/reboot-required icons in the notification area thing going away.14:46
HoopyCat(that got wontfix'd, so i've replaced it with post-it notes)14:47
omgmogDoes anybody know how I would go about editing the visible icons on the desktop launcher of UNR on 9.10?14:48
johnmn3so, I'm booted into ubuntu without X.. without gnome or X, will an external/usb cd drive auto mount when I put a disc in?14:48
zer0xIs there any way to get to the grub2 menu on karmic without going and enabling the menu timeout in the config?14:49
Dr_WillisHmm.. does http://home.disney.go.com/tv/  work for anyone in FF under 9.10 ? page is totally blank here.14:49
kulightDr_Willis: its very slow but it works14:50
coz_Dr_Willis,  it is working here14:50
johnmn3thanks guys.. it's like you all waited for me to ask a question, then rushed in like it's a party.. thanks.14:50
Dr_WillisOdd.. its blank in FF.. but worked in Chromium14:50
johnmn3just kidding ;)14:50
coz_johnmn3,   we are just lonley old men14:51
joaopintojohnmn3, donk think so, since that's managed by a gnome service14:51
HoopyCatjohnmn3:  i usually go for the "if i don't know the answer, remain silent" approach... only thing more discouraging than silence would be 320 people saying "no idea, sorry" :-)  (i don't think so, however... i'd try it, but i'm on the way out the door)14:52
johnmn3right.. just verified.. had to mount it manuallyu14:52
omgmogno idea, sorry ;D14:52
omgmogThere is such little documentation around for UNR :/14:52
johnmn3contributing to the problem was that I was using a usb hub, which apparently is enough to spin up and blink the drive, but not enough to mount14:53
johnmn3plugging it directly in, then manually mounting, works14:53
Dr_Willisaha - the adblock+ extension was breaking the site. :)14:54
zer0xok, say I have no bootable media, new install, X refuses to work, for some reason I can't Ctrl-Alt-F1 to get a console... how the heck do I get to the grub menu to select recovery console etc ?!14:55
johnmn3so I need to start labelling my discs.. found an ubuntu disc finally.. now I gotta _reinstall_!! sucks!.. but my .. zer0x: esc esc esc esc14:56
johnmn3really fast on boot up14:56
ActionParsnip2zer0x: boot to grub (you may have to press esc to show grub's menu), then select recovery mode14:56
ActionParsnip2zer0x: or you can use e to edit the entry for that boot this time only14:57
zer0xActionParsnip2: this is the problem.. the menu timeout is disabled in karmic, pressing ESC at GRUB has no effect..14:57
johnmn3I wish there was a way to recover my current koala, without having to do a reinstall (and then updated 500 megs over my 1kbps link).. is that possible with a live disc?14:58
johnmn3zer0x: works for me.. just keep hitting it real fast14:58
johnmn3zer0x: I just did it last night14:58
ActionParsnip2zer0x: press esc as soon as the post beeb happens14:58
ActionParsnip2zer0x: go track and field on its ass14:58
johnmn3yea, switch to your ring finger if you get tired14:59
zer0xjohnmn3: that is good news! Yup, I shall attack my keyboard with a flexible portable fan blade!14:59
omgmogJust holding the key should be enough14:59
mac_vActionParsnip2: actually it  "esc" doesnt seem to work for several systems14:59
ActionParsnip2mac_v: i thought esc opened up grubs menu rather than it doing all the defaults15:00
oldude67the first thing i did was add a timeout to mine15:00
johnmn3hmmm. the question is which one... so maybe smashing all the keys on the keyboard at the same time will be required15:00
mac_vActionParsnip2: previously "shift" worked for me ... but now nothing works :/15:00
zer0xwell I did give it a good go on ESC the other day to no avail.. I will try harder this evening!15:01
mac_vas a workaround i added 1 sec timeout15:01
johnmn3perhaps some elaborate 101 button scaffold should be created15:01
paolinogrub tries to destroy the hd on which the kernel of 9.10 is installed, is it just here?15:01
omgmogYou need one of these, http://www.wellho.net/pix/pecker.jpg15:02
* johnmn3 has no x15:03
johnmn3so I'm off to reinstall.. see ya's later15:03
zer0xomgmog: lol, always wanted one of those!15:03
omgmogI think there was a Simpsons episode that used it for pressing a key ;D15:04
zer0xomgmog: thats where I first saw one! :D15:04
paolinoI installed beta one second hard disk, and still booting from the first. Maybe is a sata/ata problem, who knows :-/15:04
Dr_WillisThey have those birds like that - only they sit on top of your monitor.. the heat from the monitor make them bob up/down15:04
paolinothat sound is awful anyway15:05
Dr_Willisomgmog:  it was pressing the Y key. :)15:05
zer0xmac_v: so for you the ESC press does not work (without setting timeout)?15:05
omgmogAh yes, I think it could be coaxed into pressing an ESC key though ;D15:05
zer0xd0h :D15:05
omgmogThis is quite frustrating, the UNR desktop launcher seems to be getting cut off on my 1280x800 laptop screen.15:06
paolinoI suppose nobody else here has this problem15:06
oldude67ummm doughnuts...:D15:06
omgmogWhen your computer boots, can't you press a button to select which media to boot from?15:06
syn12Having a problem with booting. X server won't start and keeps returning me to black screen with last line: * Starting remaining crypto disks.... Gfx card: Nvidia 7800GS.15:06
paolinoomgmog: the problem is the terrible long sound grub is doing15:07
paolinowell, making my hd do15:07
oldude67paolino, sounds like a bad hard drive.15:07
paolinobefore showing the menu15:07
omgmogIf your hdd is making any sound, it could mean it's dying. If it sounds like a beep/high pitched noise, it is likely the heads parking15:08
zer0xHere is a perfect example, can syn12 get to the grub boot menu?15:08
paolinowell, it's just doing it owith grub running15:08
mac_vzer0x: nope.. doesnt work15:08
paolinoduring normal compilations and such no strange noise15:09
oldude67paolino, try running a disk wizard on the disk and see if it errors.15:09
zer0xmac_v: uh oh, I think I might have the same problem.. imagine If I couldn't get to the config to enable the timeout! what the hell would I do!?!?15:09
paolinohints on a disk wizard ?15:09
oldude67paolino, what type of drive is it?15:09
oldude67name brand?15:10
zer0xsyn12: have you tried installing the nvidia driver from the console?15:10
mac_vzer0x: lol...you'd still boot into your system , just not to the one of your choice ;)15:10
paolinomaxtor diamond15:10
zer0xmac_v: d0h :D15:10
syn12zer0x, I can't get a console.. this is running off the live cd15:10
oldude67paolino, then go to www.maxtor.com and download it. and make a disk and boot from it.15:10
syn12I'm guessing I'll have to download the alternate cd.. but I don't really want too if I can get a workaround15:11
LoRe_Dr_Willis: apt-get remove apparmor solved my problem with evince15:11
zer0xsyn12: If you can't get to a console with Ctrl-Alt-F1 (I've never tried that on the livecd), then I guess the alternate installer is the best option :(15:15
syn12i get copying package lists on f1 with about 0% responsiveness15:15
syn12stupid pos ;/15:15
zer0xI'm guessing you've tried other numbers with no luck?15:16
syn12I should have known this would have happened though15:17
syn12debian didn't like the stock standard xorg.conf either15:17
syn12Although I would have thought ubuntu's would have been more accepting15:17
Unggnuhi all15:18
UnggnuDoes anyone here have a Inspiron 1525 and can test something in Grub for me?15:18
Dr_WillisLoRe_:  file a bug on apparmor - it should have a profile that allows that i imagine.. odd it did not affect here.15:18
zer0xI'd just bite the bullet and go for the alternate :/ X will do all it can to autodetect, what display are you using?15:19
omgmogI'm on a 1525 Unggnu, what'd you want tested?15:20
Unggnuomgmog, cool, thx15:21
syn12zer0x, a shitty crt15:25
zer0xsyn12: umm, well I'm stumped, I'd definately go for the alternate, doesn't look like anyone has any ideas what to do in this situation.. I guess this is half the reason for the existance of the alternate :D15:30
syn12im going stable this time15:30
syn12never actually installed ubuntu desktop.. only server15:31
syn12guess thats what vista does to people15:31
zer0xlol :D15:31
syn12ever been a fbsd user zer0x?15:32
zer0xopenbsd :D15:32
zer0xneed to update the old beast.. still on 4.3 :/15:32
zer0xNov 1st! will come soon enough!15:33
LoRe_Dr_Willis: i think the problem is that app armor fails on the symlink off /home to /export/home, my home is /home/danielt... bug is filed already15:33
syn12You actually like obsd, zer0x?15:36
syn12or use it just for security15:36
zer0xsyn12: It has a soothing affect on me :D I started because of the security, but its just the feel of the system, and the _huge_ amount of documentation!15:37
syn12all bsd variants seem to have amazing documentation15:37
syn12ive used it once or twice but freebsd always takes the cake for me15:38
syn12except for desktop systems15:38
zer0xI've used OpenBSD as a desktop system, fluxbox FTW! but yes, in the end its linux for that job :D15:40
EagleScreenwhat is Indicator applet function in 9.10?15:43
zer0xI like the fact I've got one machine built purely from source without even one nugget of proprietary evil, I think half the reason I've never tried freebsd is that it allows binary blobs.. and as soon as I'm in that territory I might as well use linux :D15:43
omgmogEagleScreen: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MessagingMenu/15:45
CShadowRunHi, upgraded to karmic, got problems :(15:49
CShadowRunafter finally getting through the update (it messed up twice), i am now on karmic15:50
CShadowRunand, my mouse pointer is always showing the loading cursor (the round circle)15:50
CShadowRunand, all the icons in my menu are gone15:50
gsedejHi! I have problems with 9.10 beta. It can't run nautilus. it is starting to run multiple windows, but it never starts. Reset and deletion of nautilus cache files does not help15:51
gsedejit says in output: nautilus 9551; segfault at b7600fec if ....15:52
gsedej(nautilus:9681): Eel-CRITICAL **: eel_preferences_get_boolean: assertion `preferences_is_initialized ()' failed15:52
gsedejSegmentation fault (core dumped)15:52
Ian_Cornedo you get the error report option?15:52
Ian_Corneare you fully up to date?15:52
gsedejyes, just updated15:53
gsedejI just stated today when I restarted15:53
gsedejbefore I updated15:53
gsedejI tried to remove all nautilus addons that I can15:53
gsedejI reinstalled nautilus in synaptic15:53
gsedejbut it does not help15:54
Dr_Willistry it with a newly made user?15:54
gsedejwhat else can I do15:54
uffohas anyone tested Transmission torrent creating feature, looks like it creates broken .torrent files.15:54
CShadowRungsedej, i just upgraded, have the same problem as you15:54
CShadowRunonly i don't get the segfault15:54
CShadowRun(but nautilus doesn't start)15:55
Dr_WillisI get that message.. but nautilus starts15:55
CShadowRun(nautilus:14798): Eel-CRITICAL **: eel_preferences_get_boolean: assertion `preferences_is_initialized ()' failed15:55
CShadowRun(nautilus:14798): Unique-DBus-WARNING **: Error while sending message: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus15:55
CShadowRunand no nautilus15:55
gsedejCShadowRun, I just statring nautilus and fulls the CPU, I need 20x to killall nautilus15:56
Gikamy scheduled taks (gnome-schedule) doesn't work anymore after upgrading to karmic, anyone knows why?15:59
CShadowRuni guess that means no nautilus on karmic lol16:01
CShadowRungsedej haha it works if i run it with sudo16:02
CShadowRunand now it works normally16:02
jimpopany other psb (Poulsbo) users here?16:03
CShadowRunwtf my keyboard layout just randomly changed to qwerty16:07
gsedejhello again! I created new user. It does not (yet:P) have problems with opening nautilus16:07
gsedejwhich are all files related to configuration of nautilus16:07
CShadowRunawesome, my layout is set to colemak in the keyboard preferences. But that has no effect16:08
Dr_Willisstuff in .gnome* and .gtk* and .gconf*16:09
CShadowRuncolemak keyboard, stuck on a qwerty layout...keyboard preferences dialog has no effect16:09
CShadowRuni created another layout, set it to default, set the default back to colemak, deleted the other layout. Back on colemak now16:11
Dr_Willisreformat/reinstall... Oh wait thats for #windows16:11
CShadowRunthat keyboard preferences dialog is a bit useless.16:11
CShadowRunDr_Willis, getting tempted to do that actually lol, this is so broken16:11
CShadowRunthat's the second time the system has changed my keyboard layout without any input from me, along with nautilus not working, my cursor being a 24/7 waiting icon, and all the icons in the applications menu being gone16:12
CShadowRunand i've only been using it for like 5 minutes16:12
PiciCShadowRun: Have you logged a bug yet?16:12
CShadowRunholy crap gnome-panel is on crazy pills16:12
CShadowRunno wonder my system is a 24/7 waiting icon16:12
CShadowRunif i start up gnome-panel16:12
CShadowRunit just fills up with applications starting16:13
CShadowRunStarting File manager, twice a second ish16:13
CShadowRunmy panel just goes to "............." after like 5sec"16:13
liberviscoHow's beta serving you guys? Good to do a clean install?16:13
liberviscokubuntu namely16:13
CShadowRuni think i will do a clean install unless anything comes up on the forum, luckily i have seperate /home16:14
JanC89mezquitale, hi again. Could you tell me the solution in here?16:14
bjorkintoshi just apt-get the latest upgrade and now my sound's gone.16:15
mezquitaleJanC89, can you please repost, maybe someone else knows the answer from the top of their head while I boot up my laptop with karmic16:15
bjorkintoshis this a known issue?16:15
JanC89Hi! Just installed Ubuntu on my Macbook version 2.1. However the keyboard layout isn't quite right. The "alt gr" doesn't work, so I can't do the "at" sign etc. I've then remapped the keys using xmodmap, and now the at signs work. However, only in the terminal. I think it has to do with the fact that Ubuntu now uses X Keyboard Extension. I've tried to change layout using the preference tool, but cant get the at sign to work (Ubuntu 9.10)16:15
elumbellahi there. i updated to karmic yesterday. and since then, it hangs on booting directly after the login. after a while i get an error-message, that nautilus crashed. any ideas?16:16
mezquitaleJanC89, try going into "alt/win behavior" and click on "alt and meta are alt keys16:17
Ian_Cornei've got a feeling we'll get that alot here now16:17
elumbellai just fixed a problem which occured earlier while booting16:18
JanC89mezquitale, I'm getting a XKB configuration error.16:18
gsedejhello! I moved entirely .gconf .nautilus folders from problemathic use home folder, but thre is still "starting nautilus error" What else can I do16:18
mezquitaleJanC89, that is how I fixed my dell laptop, there was an option in there that fixed it, if youre having issues with the utility maybe someone else that knows more can help you, i personally never touch macs though16:20
JanC89Maybe that is why it wont work. It appears as if the GUI frontend to XKB doesn't make the actual change, because of the error16:20
JanC89mezquitale, ok. Thanks for the help anyway16:21
mezquitaleJanC89, it looks like there is an issue with the utility in just your machine.  I had the same problem but I was able to fix it using the utility, you might try googling around but the solution you find could be just a little different for karmic16:22
JanC89mezquitale, ok. Seems to be a problem when running Ubuntu on a mac. Got the same error from the utility when trying 9.04 on my mac16:23
mezquitaleJanC89, also try logging in later on at night today, most of the most experienced users log in later on at night16:23
JanC89I will - thanks for the help again16:23
mezquitaleJanC89, here is your chance to fix that, you can submit a bug report so that future releases of ubuntu work out of the box on your mac16:24
JanC89I'll see if I can find the config file for XKB and make the change directly into that16:24
mezquitaleKarmic will be released in 3 weeks maybe someone can have a chance to fix that between now and then16:24
blueglassesmezquitale, did you tryed console: setxkbmap contrycode, where countrycode is your language?16:26
elumbellaany ideas for that nautilus-problem?16:26
mezquitaleblueglasses, i fixed my laptop, it's fine, JanC89 is having issues with his mac16:27
sdgdtchen: Okay, so it's not a PA problem.16:27
sdgdtchen: Even with PA gone, my LFE is coming out of my centre channel.16:27
blueglasseselumbella, can you acess a prompt?16:27
elumbellai tried, but i only had very nice colourful stripes :)16:28
blueglasseselumbella, try booting from recovery16:28
JanC89So, does anyone know if it's possible to remap keys with XKB similar to xmodmap?16:28
mezquitalehow come the folder icons on my desktop always get aligned to the left, I move them to the right, unclick "Keep Aligned", when I log in the folders are always to the left and "Keep Aligned" is checked16:28
elumbellablueglasses: i tried booting from recovery, didn't work16:28
blueglasseselumbella, what happend?16:29
mezquitaleJanC89, ezquitale, did you tryed console: setxkbmap contrycode, where countrycode is your language16:29
elumbellait hung up by starting nautilus and same coloured stripes on the other consoles16:29
JanC89Except for alt gr - all buttons work as expectef.16:29
JanC89The easy solution for me would be to get xmodmap to override any keyboard layout configuration16:31
jonathan_First; I'm using kubuntu. I'm currently trying to upgrade my kubuntu from 9.04 to 9.10, but the upgrade-manager seems to stop during the last package downloaded. There stands "File 1569 of 1569 is downloaded" for the last half hour and nothing changed. Any Ideas what to do now? shall i close the upgrade manager?16:31
elumbellablueglasses: it hung up by starting nautilus and same coloured stripes on the other consoles16:31
blueglasseselumbella, I may be wrong but nautilus isnt needed to start recovery from grub...16:31
elumbellablueglasses: that may be right, but i don't get a console to work from, even in recovery16:32
elumbellablueglasses: should i delete the .nautilus folder, like gsedej did?16:33
bjorkintoshis OSS preferred over ALSA?16:33
bipolarugh... cdimage.ubuntu.com is getting hammered.16:34
bipolarbjorkintosh: I don't think so.16:34
mezquitaleJanC89, have you tried this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro2-1_2-2/Jaunty16:34
blueglasseselumbella, yesterday I had a similar problem, system hanged on black screen after update and reboot, I shut it down, went to sleep, today it was working... this is stupid, but try complete shutdown (power too)16:34
bjorkintoshi'm tempted to rip it out completely because ALSA's giving me a bit of trouble.16:34
bjorkintoshit's never seemed to work just right.16:35
blueglasseselumbella, idk, i didnt, but try it16:35
jonathan_no idea for my problem?16:35
bipolarbjorkintosh: probbly nothing wrong with alsa itself. What trouble is it giving you?16:35
uffoU9.10 Transmision torrent creation is broken can anyone confirm this???16:35
bjorkintoshno sound at all.16:35
elumbellablueglasses: yeah, sounds kind of stupid ;) no offense. but i shut down already and its very annoying, booting the live-cd everytime it doesn't work...16:36
bjorkintoshvlc and mplayer aren't reporting any problems.16:36
JanC89mezquitale, there is a fix for Macbook Pro (which again has a diffrent keyboard layout than mine). Howerver, it also requires the keyboard utility tool - which is broken in my setup16:36
bjorkintoshand i've checked the mixer levels n times so far.16:36
blueglasseselumbella, sorry, i thought you had the system already installed16:36
bjorkintoshand yes, the speakers are plugged in.16:36
alex_mayorgaanyone getting a blank screen when switching users?16:36
elumbellablueglasses: well, i have. but it doesn't boot. this is why i'm using a live cd right now16:37
bipolarbjorkintosh: do you get sound with any apps?16:37
bjorkintoshit WAS working before the last dist-upgrade16:37
blueglasseselumbella, I upgraded from jaunty, maybe you try another iso? sometimes cd burn has errors16:38
bipolarbjorkintosh: My up to date karmic system (that I'm typing on now) has working sound. How did you check your mixer levels?16:38
omgmogThere were some alsa updates earlier today iirc. Check that the correct hardware device is selected for output, bjorkintosh16:38
elumbellablueglasses: i upgraded from jaunty...16:38
ninjahI've got sound on my system16:38
blueglasseselumbella, so why the live cd?16:38
bjorkintoshomgmog, alsaconfig doesn't work on ubuntu, how do i check that?16:39
bjorkintoshbipolar, with alsamixer16:39
mezquitaleJanC89, I would attempt to fix the utility and ask someone in the room if you could reinstall the utility, hopefully youll bump into someone that uses a mac16:39
elumbellablueglasses: what are you talking about? i fucked my system by updating to karmic16:39
omgmogright click the sound applet icon > sound preferences > hardware tab and output tab16:39
elumbellathis is why i have to use a live cd (jaunty)16:40
Picielumbella: Please mind your language here16:40
mezquitaleelumbella, you have learned something here today, dont upgrade your system to an alpha release, karmic is still in the last stages of development16:41
blueglasseselumbella, did the system ever worked after update?16:41
elumbellasorry for the language, but i'm actually a bit annoyed16:41
elumbellablueglasses: nope16:41
jimpopmezquitale, karmic is BETA16:42
bjorkintoshi don't get it... why's there alsa and then pulseaudio just to get sound working?16:42
elumbellamezquitale: yeah, i know. it's even the second time i broke my system with karmic ;)16:42
bjorkintoshit seems like X all over again with all it's b.s.16:42
JMFTheVCIelumbella: what are the symptoms of your messed up karmic?16:42
jimpopoh, is it pissing on pulseaudio time again?16:42
bjorkintoshjimpop, and alsa too.16:42
bjorkintoshboth. yes.16:42
mezquitalejimpop, on that's right, karmic is now in beta, it's still not an official release, it still has a few bugs that need to be fixed16:42
jimpopBETA implies all but unknown/undocumented bugs16:43
blueglasseselumbella, maybe you should acess your files, back them up using the live cd, and reinstall.16:43
elumbellaJMFTheVCI: after logging in, only the wallpapers and the mouse-pointer appear. i can switch between workspaces, but i get no panels, icons whatever16:43
bjorkintoshthe damned thing was working this morning.16:43
jimpopso... either Karmic was rushed to BETA or it wasn't really tested well in ALPHA16:43
omgmogelumbella sounds like there is something wrong with your gnome, from terminal try removing gnome and then reinstalling it16:44
mezquitaleelumbella, I installed karmic on my laptop but I did the dual-boot which didnt work in the beginning because of grub2 however someone in the room helped me fix the jaunty karmic dual boot on my laptop, so far karmic is the best ubuntu distro i've seen, i cant wait for karmic's official release16:44
elumbellablueglasses: i have a seperate home-partition. but my system is ALMOST working, and because of that, i don't think, a complete reinstall is necessary16:44
JMFTheVCIelumbella: KDE, Gnome, other?16:44
elumbellaomgmog: is there a way doing this in chroot?16:44
elumbellaJMFTheVCI: gnome16:45
blueglasseselumbella, try switching to console using ALT + F116:45
omgmogYou should be able to access the console with alt+f116:45
JMFTheVCIelumbella: I had to do about three reboots to get logged in this morning. I was getting the white screen of nothingness16:45
blueglasseselumbella, sorry CTRL+ ALT + F116:45
blueglassesI get the black one16:46
elumbellablueglasses, ogmog: i did, but i only have coloured stripes there16:46
blueglassesbut after package upgrade it was nice again16:46
* jimpop has now rebooted more solving karmic issues than fixing win95 issues16:46
JMFTheVCIelumbella: Yup, ctrl-alt-F1 was not working for me either. Let me guess Intel Graphics?16:46
mezquitalejimpop, but if you dont report the bugs then obviously nobody knows about it, I dont think there was any rush, we need to report the bugs when we see them otherwise they will keep reappering in the next releases16:46
blueglasseselumbella, it looks like x is misconfigured... cant help you with that one... sorry16:47
elumbellaJMFTheVCI: nvidia in fact. but maybe they use the same chips...16:47
TronicWith Nvidia I get garbage instead of text.16:47
jimpopmezquitale, yet despite the ever increasing bug reports... karmic will still be released this month16:47
blueglassesI have nvidia too.16:47
elumbellablueglasses: thanks a lot anyway _)16:47
TronicApparently it uses the graphic mode used by the splash image when it should use the text mode.16:47
JMFTheVCIbluegrass: If mine was misconfigured, why would three boots, two to white and nothingness, the third to normal working order complete with Compiz, make any difference. the xorg.conf is probably default.16:48
blueglasseselumbella, you are welcome :-)16:48
TronicThis is probably going to be the buggiest release in a while.16:48
omgmogI think it will be fine, it seems perfect with a clean install for me on an Inspiron 1525 with intel gma x3100 graphics - full compiz and everything.16:48
bipolarnah. I've found it to be much better then several of the older releases.16:49
bjorkintoshwhat about using jackd instead of pulse, is it recommendable?16:49
elumbellaTronic: yeah, i was surpised too.  i tried the jaunty-beta and it was working much better16:49
jimpopcouple that with all the new hardware that karmic will be installed on (netbooks, etc)... and it's a match for disaster16:49
bipolarbjorkintosh: jack is not for normal desktop audio.16:49
mezquitaleit's going to be the buggiest, maybe, but it will be worth the while considering its functionality, it works great on my laptop, i love the network manager in karmic, it's awesome, better than redmond16:49
JMFTheVCII don't have enough experience of previous releases except Jaunty. That was very stable. Karmic has been good to me since Alpha 2 and that was an upgrade. Recent changes, around usplash/xplash, are probably to blame.16:49
bjorkintoshwhy is it so tedious to get sound going on debian?16:49
bipolartoo much cpu usage to get 'real time' audio.16:49
bjorkintoshin freebsd it's a simple matter of reminding the kernel to load the right module.16:50
bjorkintoshdone, and frigging done!16:50
mezquitalebjorkintosh, that is why i choose ubuntustudio16:50
bipolarbjorkintosh: not having any issues here at all. Sound has worked for me on all my systems since hardy.16:50
JMFTheVCIbjorkintosh: dual booting (with XP or Win7) show just how poor sound in Ubuntu is.16:50
elumbellaso, any ideas apart from rebooting and hoping?16:51
ninjahbjorkintosh: Sound has always been funky in Linux....16:51
bjorkintoshbipolar, you probably did the automated gui bit... i'm using the commandline.16:51
jimpopbipolar, what hardware?16:51
bipolarbjorkintosh: not sure what you mean. what automated gui bit?16:51
mezquitalekarmic, real time kernel, alsa, jack, and many more audio applications already installed and configured = ubuntustudio16:51
legend2440anyone who's ctrl+alt+f1-f6 consoles are messed up its because of the usplah update. i got them to work by removing the word "splash" in the /etc/default/grub file and after saving change run sudo update-grub16:51
bjorkintoshbipolar, i ripped gnome out of my system several jaunty's ago.16:51
bjorkintoshit was just slowing everything down and getting in my way.16:51
bjorkintoshbut when i had it, everything worked nicely.16:51
JMFTheVCIelumbella: If the reboots did not fix it for me then it was going to be a clean Karmic install. Managed to avoid that by doing nothing except reboot. Not exactly reassuring.16:52
bipolarjimpop: this machine is "Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP51"16:52
ninjahbjorkintosh: Don't mess with it if its working.16:52
elumbellalegend2440: that sounds nice, i'll try that16:52
samjamLately on karmic SOMETIMES my mp3's have been sounding dreadfully out of tune - the pitch keeps changing slightly during playback. Has anyone else noticed this? I get the problem using bluetooth headset, analogue speakers, or microsoft usb speakers.16:52
bipolarbjorkintosh: sounds like you ripped something out you shouldn't have :)16:52
bjorkintoshninjah, it wasn't working satisfactorily.16:52
ninjahWorked fine for me16:53
bjorkintoshbipolar, but i fixed it again. sound started working though there was some garbling in firefox after a few videos...16:53
samjamI've stopped my CPU clock speed varying, and rule that out as a cause. I'm now looking at simultaneous output from padevchooser as being a cause.16:53
bjorkintoshbut, just this morning i updated karmic and it's gone.16:53
JMFTheVCIlegend2440: will removing the "splash" option totally stop the xsplash?16:53
alex_mayorgaanyone experiencing FUSA issues?16:53
alex_mayorgamy screen goes blank when A is logged, B logs in and I try to go back to A BAM! BSOD16:54
legend2440JMFTheVCI: only difference i see is there is some text at begginning of boot and then the progress bar shows up. but at least the consoles f1-f6 work now16:54
bipolaralex_mayorga: lol.... BSOD?16:55
elumbellalegend2440: i dont have the file /etc/default/grub :/16:55
JMFTheVCIlegend2440: I have gotten text at boot. This is because xsplash starts so much later than usplash used to.16:55
JMFTheVCIelumbella: then you are on grub classic.16:55
legend2440elumbella: did you do a upgrade or clean install?16:56
elumbellayep, i am. i did an update16:56
elumbellai don't think it has anything to do with grub16:56
JMFTheVCIelumbella: you will need to edit /boot/grub/menu.cfg (or conf, not sure)16:56
legend2440elumbella: then you can probably edit  /boot/grub/menu.lst file with same result16:56
GastonLaGafffHello. Is there a solution to avoid this bug Bug #432237 ? I can boot but only with the ubuntu kernel, and I need an official kernel to use an encrypted partition. The official kernel also gives me a much better sound.16:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 432237 in mountall "difficult to recover from filesystem errors" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43223716:57
spazzpp2Hi.. I got a problem with a mute pulseaudio and gonna need help with that.16:57
spazzpp2i already tried this: http://freakingtips.com/2009/09/03/ubuntu-karmic-koala-sound/16:57
ViRii[K]Im running two monitors in 9.10 with an nvidia video card and the recommended drivers... I setup the monitors to be twin view but they are acting like one (making the default programs start in the middle of both, and gnome-do sits in the middle of both) is there anyway to fix this so it makes one the primary (I have that selected in the nvidia settings, but it still puts it in the middle)16:57
spazzpp2but pulseaudio mixer still lists only "Dummy Output"16:58
ViRii[K]Is this a karmic thing, an ubuntu thing or an nvidia thing?16:58
elumbellalegend2440, JMFTheVCI: thanks a lot, i'll reboot now16:59
bjorkintoshis modprobe snd supposed to give an output?16:59
bipolarViRii[K]: thats what twin view does, iirc.16:59
ViRii[K]I had twin view setup on a fedora install and it didnt do this16:59
bipolarViRii[K]: it's a Nvidia thing. Twin View has diffrent 'types'. One is 'all monitors = one big desktop'. this is not xinerama.17:00
bipolarViRii[K]: this means X only sees one monitor, not two, so the middle of the screen is in between the monitors.17:01
syn12zer0x, X worked fine on 9.04 out of the box (after alternate install)17:02
zmjjmzit's not safe to update17:02
zmjjmzI learned that the hard way17:02
syn12just had to install proprietary drivers17:02
ViRii[K]So how can I change it so that I still have two monitors ubt x sees both?17:02
syn12for nvidia card17:02
zer0xsyn12: excellent news :D17:02
syn12Yes indeed :d17:02
syn12Hopefully the problem is resolved by the time it's released17:03
syn12The only reason I went to try the beta is because I thought, being so close to realise, most of the bugs would be ironed17:03
zer0xhehe, umm... I'd wait for Release Candidate :D17:03
ViRii[K]I was under the same mindset syn12 :P17:04
ViRii[K]So Im downloading 9.0417:04
syn12Isn't final only 17 days away?17:04
bipolarViRii[K]: I'm not sure if the nvidia-settings package will help you or not. I would start there.17:04
zer0xyup :D17:04
ViRii[K]kk thanks bipolar17:04
syn12nvidia ftw17:04
beck-and-callCan someone tell me why I would be getting "(EE) GLX error: Can not get required symbols." with what appears to be a correct i915 setup and a very bare xorg.conf?  Is there a package I should run reconfigure on?17:04
syn12ATI and linux is like fat women and revealing bathing wear17:05
zmjjmzcan anyone help with this: http://pastebin.com/f5cc86363?17:05
syn12it works but you don't really want to see it17:05
zer0xawww.. I liking my ATI support at the moment!17:05
zer0xIts running my HD4890 1GB with HDMI audio! :D17:05
syn12It must have improved since the days that I used ati drivers under gentoo17:06
ninjahsyn12: Unless your in to fat women17:06
zer0xlol :D17:06
syn12biggest screw around ever17:06
syn12ninjah, absolutely17:06
syn12Then agian, gentoo is the biggest screw around ever17:06
syn12with a ricer userbase and the biggest waste of time install process ever17:07
ninjahsyn12: ATI is still funky under Linux17:07
zer0xcan anyone tell me if there is a difference between 'apt-get install ubuntu-desktop' and 'apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^'?17:07
spirit-sightany one here able help get video playback on NBC.COM to work?17:07
zer0xdoes the task perform anything additional?>17:07
spirit-sightuse 9.1017:07
syn12^ isa control character17:07
syn12is a*17:08
zer0xI've never had to use the command, apparently the ^ means its a task..17:08
alex_mayorgabipolar: BSOD=Black Screen Of Death ;)17:08
skwashdhi all17:09
syn12oh wow17:09
syn12goes to show how much i know about deb*17:09
skwashdhow do i stop the system bell sounding all the freaking time? driving me crazy17:09
skwashdonly started after yesterdays update17:09
zer0xI've never played with tasks at all.. so I'm wondering if it does anything in addition to a normal 'apt-get install ubuntu-desktop'17:10
zer0xI've got a feeling I'm not going to get an answer today though :D17:11
zer0xAnyhow, time to get played ET:QW on my HD4890! w00h00!17:11
zer0xCheers all, glad you have a desktop now syn12!!! :D17:12
rski got you an answear zer0x17:12
zer0xoh :D17:12
syn12yeh cheers17:12
legend2440skwashd: open system>preferences>sound put check in Mute box next to Alert Sounds. unless it your pc speaker making the sound?17:12
bipolarzer0x: did you find any documentation on the ^ in the command? I'd like to read it. :)17:12
syn12He posted documentation earlier17:12
zer0xnope just this info from help.ubuntu :(17:13
filgyskwashd: if what legend2440 said does not work, then it is a bug.. someone reported the same problem earlier.. i believe they opened a bug report about it17:13
bipolarthats... interesting.17:13
zer0xrsk: you typing a huge essay for me? :D17:13
rskno i already pressed enter17:14
legend2440skwashd: yes filgy is correct. it worked for me but not for someone in here earlier17:14
skwashdlegend2440 / filgy still doing it17:14
syn12lol now I have some.. person in my pm wondering how to copy a file lol17:14
skwashdi think it is the speaker17:14
legend2440skwashd: if its the small built in pc speaker then i dont know17:15
matussopls.. help with my graphic card ATi Mobility Radeon HD3650 and Linux Ubuntu karmic... How to install??17:15
skwashdi always find that from the betas onwards ubuntu releases start to introduce regressions which make it into the final version :(17:15
zer0xrsk: oh, I can't seem to see it anywhere, you got it in buffer?17:15
rskmatusso: use the liveCD or the alternative installer.17:15
skwashdi think this time round i started with alpha3 (or 4) been rock solid until the last week or so17:16
skwashdlegend2440: hard to tell it is a laptop17:16
legend2440skwashd: you could blaclist the pc speaker module  http://eric.biven.us/2007/07/08/disabling-your-pc-speaker-in-ubuntu/17:16
skwashdeven if i change the sound option it still does it17:16
spirit-sightanyone able help to get video playback to work from NBC.com using 9.10 beta?17:17
skwashdjust checked ... it is the audio system ... not the seaker17:17
filgyskwashd: find the bug report that was already submitted and confirm the problem17:18
Omar87What is virtualbox named in the Karmic repos?17:19
skwashdfilgy: about to :)17:19
filgyOmar87: virtualbox-ose i think17:19
billybigriggerOmar87, if you want usb support youll need closed source version17:20
billybigriggergoto virtualbox's website, add they're repo, and install virtualbox-3.017:20
Omar87filgy, no need for that.17:20
spazzpp2how do I make pulseaudio find my devices again?17:21
filgyOmar87: no need for what? ubuntu repos should only have the open source edition17:21
Omar87filgy, I meant I don't need usb support.17:21
Omar87filgy, plus let's wish the open source it soon. :)17:22
filgyOmar87: apt-cache search virtualbox17:23
syn12omg hurry up and fcking update already!17:24
Omar87filgy, why?17:24
filgyOmar87: you asked for the package names.. there are a few other then the main virtualbox-ose package17:24
Omar87filgy, oh ok. I see.17:25
Omar87filgy, thanks.17:25
sdg1I have no sound.17:25
syn12Don't be so descriptive, sdg117:25
beck-and-callShould I be explicitly enabling Option          "AccelMethod"                   "uxa" for the Intel driver case?17:26
sdg1syn12: Sorry.17:26
sdg1syn12: I just updated ALSA and linux_sound_base17:26
syn12It seems the latest updates are breaking a lot of things17:27
sdg1syn12: FFS how am I supposed to watch my HD porn now?17:27
syn12HD, nice17:27
filgysdg1: run alsamixer and make sure things arn't muted.. i had a problem where the analog/digital output jack was muted17:27
sdg1filgy: I've done that.17:27
sdg1filgy: Oh wait, they are muted.17:28
sdg1filgy: WTF I didn't mute them.17:28
sdg1WTF they're all muted.17:28
sdg1It doesn't make it obvious what's muted either.17:29
filgyyea... jaunty release had that problem.. maybe the problem is making its way into karmic ;p17:29
sdg1filgy: I've still got a problem where lots of bass is coming out when I crank up my centre channel.17:30
sdg1At least LFE is allowing bass to come out now.17:31
syn12Not so good for porn?17:31
filgysdg1: maybe go to system->pref->sound->output tab and turn subwoofer down?17:32
syn12I thought it would have been.. since there's two voices in the lower register both hitting around that frequency in it17:32
sdg1syn12: It's annoying because I like to turn down the bass to stop my parents from complaining.17:32
sdg1filgy: That just makes the sound go super high pitch. I removed PA anyway.17:32
syn12Ah, parents17:32
sdg1syn12: Yeah, they're fucking gay.17:32
joaopinto!language | sdg117:32
ubottusdg1: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:32
syn12Lucky they weren't sdg1, or we wouldn't be having this conversation17:33
sdg1Sorry, I won't say the G word again.17:33
filgysdg1: turn bass down in alsamixer?17:33
sdg1filgy: It comes out of both my centre and LFE channels instead of just my LFE channel.17:33
sdg1filgy: That's my problem.17:33
filgysdg1: hmm not sure17:35
syn12Updates suck the caw17:35
gsedejhi! How to make fsck at the17:36
gsedejat the boot17:36
sdg1gsedej: Turn your PC on and off 30 times.17:36
elumbellaso, deleting "splash from the grub menu.lst didn't help17:36
spirit-sightI don't seem to have flash player plugin showing up in firefox, any help please?17:37
elumbellabut i got new information about errors. the other consoles work now17:37
syn12spirit-sight, how did you install flash?17:37
elumbellai get some notice about the ICEauthority file17:37
spirit-sightI did it through software store and through the company website17:38
gsedejsdg1: there must be another way :D17:38
bullgard4"I had heard that Empathy was discussed at UDS, but i didn't realize that, as pointed out on my last post as well as the forum thread, the decision had already been made to include Empathy instead of Pidgin and Ekiga in Ubuntu Karmic 9.10." What does 'UDS' stand for?17:38
elumbellaWARNING: Unable to read ICE authority file: /home/user/.ICEauthority17:39
thiebaudeUDS=Ubuntu Developer Summit17:39
sdg1gsedej: Get rid of the power to the PC and it will fsck when you next turn it on.17:39
sdg1gsedej: As long as you don't let it properly shut donw.17:39
bullgard4thiebaude: Thank you.17:40
gsedejhow about REISUB?17:40
elumbellaalso, i have "Gtk-CRITICL: gtk_main_quit: assertion 'main_loops != NULL' failed17:40
thiebaudebullgard4, no problem17:40
spirit-sightsyn12: I did it through software store and through the company website17:40
elumbellaand: "WARNING: Application 'gnome-wm.desktop' failed to register before timeout"17:41
elumbellaany ideas?17:41
filgygsedej: make an empty file called 'forcefsck' in /17:41
filgygsedej: i believe will force a fsck on the next reboot17:41
filgygsedej: or passing -F to shutdown will also force a fsck on reboot i think17:41
syn12spirit-sight, did you use sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree17:42
spirit-sightI did it through the ubuntu software store17:42
spirit-sightwill try that now thougu17:42
gsedejforcefsck does not work in carmic17:44
jimlovell777using Empathy how do I confirm a request to add me to a buddy list for a Yahoo account? I get a notification when I first login to Yahoo using Empathy but am given no choice to either allow or deny the request.17:45
elumbelladoes anyone know how to connect to my wpa2 encrypted wireless network via commandline?17:45
spirit-sightsyn12: now its telling me I have to install flash which it did not do before17:45
spirit-sightthis is after running sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree17:45
spirit-sightthen going to the site17:45
filgygsedej: what about shutdown -F then?17:45
spirit-sightsyn12: there is a thing called shockware flash as a plug in firefox is this right?17:46
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash17:46
vonkleistHi all. I have some missing icons on the filechooser dialog on OOo, using Kubuntu. Is it a common bug on the beta or could be something missing on my machine?17:46
sdg1vonkleist: It's likely to be an issue with the transition to a new icon theme.17:47
jbeitlerdoes anyone know if is the final kernel or if its going to be .12?17:47
vonkleistsdg1, ok... I suppose it's now worth to create a new bug on launchpad, then17:48
sdg1vonkleist: Sure.17:48
vonkleistsdg1, ok... I suppose it's NOT worth to create a new bug on launchpad, then... is it?17:48
sdg1vonkleist: I don't know.17:49
spirit-sightthiebaude: I had done this17:49
vonkleistsdg1, thanks17:49
sdg1vonkleist: For what?17:50
vonkleistsdg1, well, for your answer! :)17:50
sdg1vonkleist: You're welcome.17:50
sdg1I'm going to go and kill some Stroggs now.17:51
uboxwill i be able to upgrade from beta to full release using the update manager?17:52
thiebaudespirit-sight, i would start over and delete flash17:52
del_diabloWhere can i find the minimal install for download?17:52
spirit-sightI just do "sudo apt-get remove --purge flashplugin-nonfree" right?17:52
spirit-sightor do something else17:52
jbeitlerdel_diablo: looks like its not be released yet17:53
uffohas anyone tested Transmission torrent creating feature, looks like it creates broken .torrent files only17:53
thiebaudespirit-sight, yes or and delete from synaptic17:53
jbeitlerdel_diablo: it will be here when it is > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:53
del_diablojbeitler: why not? This version is soon dated, and its stable. Why is it not out?17:53
jbeitlerI don't know. . I am just a user17:54
jbeitlerand its not quite stable17:54
jbeitlerthere are still a few bugs17:54
del_diabloHow come? Xorg and core desktop enviroments should be stable since the drop happend some time ago17:54
jimpopwhat's a good way to watch keyboard events (custom key presses, i.e. Mute, etc) ?17:55
jernsthello, after today's update, my karmic notebook doesn't boot anymore17:55
jernstit is stucked after the modem-manager loading17:55
jernstwhen doing ctrl+alt+del it is killing modem-manager so I guess modem-manager is stucked somewhere...17:55
gsedejfilgy: if I use reboot -F it does not shut down :S17:56
jbeitlerdel_diablo: the same reason a live cd sees my Bluetooth but the install does not? its one of those things17:56
gsedejbtw... If I run nautilus with sudo and I cant copy files from other user, what is the matter?17:56
robin0800gsedej: you need gksu not sudo17:57
gsedejusually works sudo...17:58
robin0800gsedej: Not recomended for graphical programs and will break permissions17:59
gsedejbtw... fsck.ntfs not found error says always ad boot. This is no reason why normal fsck does not work, right?17:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfs-fsck18:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fsck-ntfs18:00
oldude67anyway i dont think its working in karmic yet.18:01
filgygsedej: 'shutdown -F -r now' will reboot and force a fsck.. remove the -r and it will just halt the system18:01
gsedejrobin0800: even with gksu, I am not allowed18:01
BluesKajgsedej, did you try sudo reboot ?18:02
gsedejgilgy: I got many problems since last freeze (and holding power button to restart)18:02
uffohas anyone tested Transmission torrent creating feature, looks like it creates broken .torrent files only.18:03
gsedejfilgy: I used "sudo -F now" and then I lost display.... nothing worked (but not freezed)18:04
filgygsedej: you mean shutdown -F now? that will halt your machine..18:04
filgygsedej: err sudo shutdown -F now18:04
gsedejyes sudo shutdown -F now18:04
filgygsedej: that will halt your machine not reboot it.. after you run that your machine is safe to be powered off or rebooted manually18:05
mewshican someone help me fix an annoying issue with my touchpad?18:05
gsedejhow come I can't copy (read) files from my original username with gksu???18:05
filgygsedej: run sudo shutdown -F -r now to have it reboot18:05
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spirit-sightthiebaude: ok, I removed from all areas that showed it, then I reinstalled from term and then went to the site and still not working, can you travel to site NBC http://www.nbc.com/Deal_or_No_Deal/video/categories/season-3/33427/ and see if it plays for u?18:06
mewshicould I get some help with my touchpad?  I want to switch the buttons around18:06
gsedejfilgy: I got something like " Error 2. no ntfs.fsck for dev/sda1"18:07
gsedejbut fsck didn't wokr18:08
filgyit's an ntfs filesystem? i have no clue then....18:08
oldude67gsedej, they havent got the fsck for ntfs working yet in karmic as far as i know yet.18:09
filgygsedej: make sure ntfsprogs is installed? if that is installed then i would agree with what oldude67 said18:10
filgysince fsck.ntfs is part of ntfsprogs package18:11
filgyi think18:11
oldude67filgy, i seen a bug report on it, but that was about a week ago, it might be fixed now..not sure.18:11
lfaraoneI keep on getting apport warnings about a "serious kernel problem". I suspect it's a kernel OOPS, but I don't see any strange behavior.18:13
lfaraoneTurns out it's "scheduling while atomic: gnome-panel/2561/0x10010000". Does anybody know what that means?18:14
thiebaudespirit-sight, sorry i was away, flash works for me18:16
jpsmanwhy did the gods decide to go with empathy over pidgin?18:18
thiebaudejpsman, i never understood that decision18:19
mewshicould someone help me with my touchpad issue?18:19
EagleScreenwhen I open kcm-touchpad I obtain this error message: Shared memory for synaptics driver is not enabled!18:19
markithi, I need to ssh into ubuntu live cd, user is ubuntu, but requires password.. what is the right one?18:20
jpsmanmarkit- hit enter18:20
jpsmani think.....18:20
markitasks pass again18:20
EagleScreenI think it is blank18:20
EagleScreenmarkit: then set a password18:20
markitEagleScreen: good shot!18:21
mewshican anyone help me?18:21
EagleScreenfirst become root with 'sudo su' and later use "passwd $user_name $password"18:21
rsk!ask | mewshi18:21
ubottumewshi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:21
mewshiI need help with my touchpad.  I want to switch the buttons (set it to "left-handed")18:22
oldude67mewshi, did you look under system settings?18:22
EagleScreenmewshi: Gnome?18:22
mewshiThe configuration tool did nothing18:23
oldude67i have under preferences mouse and keyboard config...did you look there?18:23
mewshiI used the mouse configuration tool and it doesn't do anything >.<18:23
lfaraonejpsman: Empathy is considered more GNOMEish.18:24
oldude67have you restarted x since making changes?18:24
jpsmanlfaraone: I see.  I shouldn't see much of a difference with it then huh?  I think i'll still wait until 10.4 for my upgrade to LTS (from 9.04)18:25
lfaraonejpsman: Simply put, it's a politics thing. And that Empathy arguably has a better architecture (uses platform-neutral D-Bus, Telepathy), even though it might not be as familair in therms of UI.18:25
oldude67jpsman, i think when 10.4 comes out i might stay with it for a while.18:25
lfaraonejpsman: It is a very very bad idea to skip releases unless you are going LTS to LTS18:25
lfaraonejpsman: anyway, you can still use pidgin in karmic, I'm using it right now.18:26
jpsmaneh, i'll learn that the hard way :O)    -   platform-neutral D-Bus?  telepathy?  (i could talk geek all day)18:26
jpsmanoh and is there a way to revert back to the add/remove setup instead of this software center gui18:27
lfaraonejpsman: No. You'll have to learn synaptic if you dislike the Centre.18:27
jpsmanI love synaptic18:28
lfaraonejpsman:  you might be interested in reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EmpathyVsPidginUsability by the way18:28
jpsmank will do18:28
yogaWhen I key in Ctrl+Alt+F1, the screen is unreable, and I can to Kubuntu return by Alt+f7 anyone has the same problem?18:28
ZvezdichkoHey, my GDM is in a mess18:29
kk_I cannot boot, after grub I get "mount: mounting /dev/disk/by-uuid/[...] on /root failed: Invalid argument". I'm pretty sure there is a problem with raid although the root partition itself is not on a raid-array, but with the recovery cd I have to mdadm --stop first, before I can mount this partition18:29
EagleScreenyoga: that is usually a graphics card problem18:30
lfaraoneby the way, does somebody care to see if they can reproduce bug 449596 ?18:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449596 in policykit-gnome "polkit-gnome-authorization crashed with SIGSEGV in __libc_start_main()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44959618:30
yogaEagleScreen: How do I config the graphics card in Kubuntu?18:30
jernstremoved modemmanager but it still hangs...18:31
Qtpaxalfaraone: how?18:31
EagleScreenyoga: which graphics card do you use?18:31
lfaraoneQtpaxa: the application crashes on start. Tell me if it runs for you :P18:32
EagleScreenyoga: use $ lspci | grep VGA18:33
QtpaxaI don't have polkit-gnome-authorization installed xD18:33
tgpraveen1I am thinking thay maybe delaying this release by a week or so might be necessary. there still seem to be many bugs to resolve18:33
Qtpaxalfaraone: what command should I run?18:34
omgmogDoes anybody know how to make the keychain automatically verify when I login? It's annoying that it prompts me for it, so that it can access wifi18:34
yogaEagleScreen: VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 662/761Gx PCIE VGA Display Adapter18:34
yogaEagleScreen: It's a onboard integrated VGA.18:35
lfaraoneQtpaxa: polkit-gnome-authorization18:35
EagleScreencheck if there is any other driver available for your card in Hardware Drivers (jockey)18:36
rskyoga: it should already have the right driver18:36
rskyoga: what do you want to configure with it?18:36
Qtpaxalfaraone: but.. should I install that before?18:36
EagleScreenit has problems to see tty terminals18:36
EagleScreenHe has *18:36
yogarsk: my display on the console is unreable.18:36
lfaraoneQtpaxa: yes, if it's not installed. It's part of ubuntu-desktop18:37
rskyoga: screnshot please18:38
EagleScreenyoga: cannot provide a screenshot because his problem is visualizing tty terminals18:39
EagleScreenrsk read my last message18:39
rski have the same problem18:40
rskcame with a kernel update a week ago i think18:40
rski dont think it's hardware related18:40
EagleScreenrsk: which graphics card?18:40
rsk01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV36.2 [GeForce FX 5700] (rev a1)18:40
EagleScreenwhich driver are you using?18:40
yogaEagleScreen: Hardware Drivers reports no proprietary drives use on this system.18:41
rskspecify restricted18:41
kk_ can anybody tell me, how to prevent the raid-arrays from being assembled at boot-time?18:41
EagleScreenyou may have a problem with usplash or KMS configuration18:41
yogarsk: I also update the kernel and then this console problem.18:42
EagleScreenyou should report it in launchpad due to beta state of karmic18:42
pratik_narainis there any improvement for the sound on hda intel card on dell laptops18:42
yogaEagleScreen: How do I report it in launchpad?18:42
rsknewer alsa! with loads of hda-fixes18:43
EagleScreenyoga: use this command: "ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-video-sis"18:43
pratik_narainrsk: can I update it in jaunty using newer repos18:43
rskno idea18:43
EagleScreenpratik_narain: my had always workrd well18:44
EagleScreenbut it is in Acer laptop18:44
yogaEagleScreen: Should I do some kind of search first, to see if it's already reported?18:44
EagleScreenyoga: it would be nice18:44
jpsmannoob here, what is AppArmor?18:44
ubottuFor information about the AppArmor security framework employed in Ubuntu (since Gutsy Gibbon), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor18:44
yogaEagleScreen: How, to search bugs?18:44
EagleScreenubuntu-bug should search similar bugs reported for you18:45
pratik_narainEagleScreen: mine dell sound works but it is much lower than windows vista18:45
EagleScreenpratik_narain: do you mean volume?18:46
pratik_narainEagleScreen: and I have all the alsamixer channels boosted up18:46
pratik_narainEagleScreen: yup18:46
EagleScreenit is a common issue in many cards18:46
pratik_narainEagleScreen: I even compiled latest alsa drivers but it didn't affect much18:47
EagleScreenincrease speakers volume?18:47
pratik_narainEagleScreen: obviously they are laptop builtin speakers18:47
jpsmanis ubuntu gaining more attention from crackers, and how likely is the success of punks to create viruses for ubuntu?18:48
causasuiflash is working! flash is working! praise the ubuntu gods18:49
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
EagleScreenjpsman: use only software from confiable sources and you won't have problems18:51
Berzerker-quick question, what setings do I need in /etc/default/grub for it to actually show a timer18:52
FrickelpitBerzerker-: #GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT if you want the menu.18:53
Berzerker-Frickelpit, I get the menu, but no autoboot-from-Grub-default-0 timer18:53
Berzerker-you know?18:53
Berzerker-I want it to boot 0 in X amount of seconds after getting to the menu18:55
FrickelpitBerzerker-: So you just want a Timer?18:55
acusterhey all, are there known issues with burning cd's?18:55
Berzerker-Frickelpit, yeah, to auto-boot the default entry18:55
acusterThe burning app seems to report things like a blank cd with 5.4MB available18:56
Berzerker-Frickelpit, ah, had it on GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=true, should be false if I want that, right?18:56
FrickelpitBerzerker-: Yes, should be this one18:56
Berzerker-ok, changed it, rebooting for dist-upgrade, brb.18:56
FrickelpitBerzerker-: sudo update-grub ;)18:56
* acuster gambles a CD18:57
Berzerker-Frickelpit, eh...didn't work18:59
coz_hey guys  ..couple things... after updating karmic  I cannot boot...after grub menu  there is a blank screen...this has happened with two installs already... second  how to update grub....19:01
coz_from live cd19:01
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:02
FrickelpitBerzerker-: GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=519:02
Berzerker-it says "5"19:02
Berzerker-"5" != 5?19:02
FrickelpitBerzerker-: Whatever you want in seconds19:03
edwienerisn't it grub 2?19:03
Berzerker-Frickelpit, but is the syntax with " or without19:03
mewshiok... nothing is working for switching the buttons >.<19:04
Berzerker-Frickelpit, that might do it19:04
FrickelpitBerzerker-: just change the 0 to 5 (or else) in the default/grub and it will count without the menu19:04
Berzerker-Frickelpit, it's already at "5"19:04
Berzerker-Frickelpit, why is it with " by default then?19:05
Frickelpitmine says 019:05
mewshican someone help me switch the buttons on my touchpad? :\19:06
Berzerker-swtich them?19:07
Berzerker-like make left-click right-click and vice versa?19:07
Berzerker-Frickelpit, your GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT is at 0?19:08
Berzerker-oh ok19:08
Berzerker-I think I got it brb19:09
ActionParsnipBerzerker: so is mine. what wil that do?19:09
jbuncheranyone having trouble in Karmic with network-manager not remembering wpa enterprise passwords?19:10
ActionParsnipguess we'l never know19:10
edwienerrunning great on hp mini 1000, except mic. but I never use it. looks great so far19:10
=== DBO2 is now known as DBO
edwienerjbuncher- running at college, prompts for ca-certificate all the time19:11
Berzerker-Frickelpit, that worked, thanks.19:12
jbuncheredwiener, Well, this is on campus to.  It remembers the identity, security type, ca-certificate, authentication, Inner Authentication, everything but the password, and that box is greyed out, so I can't enter it and hit connect.19:13
FrickelpitBerzerker-: np19:13
edwienerthen I add, and the passwd username, I'm the first guy to ever get it working here. but I had to load cert. up onto usb drive then onto home folder. it works, but klunky19:13
Guest58317anyone else having network DNS issues?19:13
Guest58317or it seems that way, cause it will pause for 10 seconds because going to a webpage19:14
jbuncheredwiener, is this on karmic?19:14
Guest58317whoops, sorry jbuncher, spoke too soon19:14
edwienerit reverts to constantly. check your connection info for dns address19:15
edwienerfully updated beta19:15
jbuncheredwiener, ok.  I don't have that issue, it just doesn't remember the password after a reboot.  Once I'm connected it stays for hours.19:16
=== FOAD_ is now known as FOAD
omgmogGuest58317: try using opendns servers:
edwienergreys out? that's kinda wierd. mine stays on for the day, but next day it's all gone19:17
edwienerthank god they are updating ours in november to wpa2-psk . too many complaints19:18
Kaj-Laptopedwiener, which router ?19:18
Ian_Corne# update-grub19:18
Ian_CorneYour /usr is broken, please fix it before call this wrapper!19:18
Ian_Cornewiat, what?19:18
edwienerdon't know, I'm living in hotel , so not sure19:19
indusmy system completely messed after upgrade19:19
ActionParsnipindus: define messed19:19
indusi get that white ubuntu logo on boot and then nothing19:20
indusActionParsnip: it used to be during reboot, now white logo is there during boot too19:20
ActionParsnipindus: tried booting to recovery root console then running /etc/init.d/gdm start19:20
jbeitlerI get the same thing after the update indus19:20
indusit was held back, but iam too smart so i installed it anyway19:21
indushow do i run updates and also stay in this room?19:21
ActionParsnipindus: change back to the older kernel19:21
indusActionParsnip: wont work either19:21
indusits an xsplash thing i believe19:21
ActionParsnipindus: does booting to root console then starting gdm make it nice19:22
indusActionParsnip: ok i try, brb19:22
ActionParsnipor uninstall xsplash19:22
ArkoldThoson jaunty I used timidity as midi emulator, but on karmic it doesnt appear as an option (tuxguitar)19:26
ActionParsnip!info timidity19:27
ubottutimidity (source: timidity): Software sound renderer (MIDI sequencer, MOD player). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.13.2-36 (karmic), package size 605 kB, installed size 1540 kB19:27
=== root is now known as indus
ActionParsnipArkoldThos: make sure universe repos are enabled19:27
indusso that didnt work ActionParsnip19:27
ActionParsniphi indus19:28
jbeitlerDoes anyone know if is gonna be the kernel in the Final release of 9.10 or will it be
ActionParsnipindus: boot it with the quiet boot option disabled so the stupid splash doesnt get in the way of the good stuff19:28
ArkoldThosActionParsnip, yup I got it installed19:28
indusActionParsnip: mmm good idea19:28
indusjust add quiet to grub entry?19:28
ActionParsnipindus: default you video driver to vesa too19:28
indusActionParsnip: ok how do i default to vesa?19:29
ActionParsnipindus: take it away, quiet enables the splash19:29
ActionParsnipindus: edit xorg.conf19:29
minimecindus: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8063596&postcount=819:29
indusminimec: iam using irssi :) no gdm19:29
ActionParsnipjbeitler: theres a 2.6.32 flying around. not sure what will be final though19:30
indusActionParsnip: so add quiet or remove? remove i guess19:30
elumbellahi folks. i just fixed one of the errors19:30
minimecindus: ;)19:30
elumbellanow, i don19:30
jbeitlerActionParsnip: thatnks19:30
Dr_Willisi always just use 'noquiet' :) same as removing19:30
joaopintojbeitler, probably yes19:30
indusminimec: nice link though , thanks :D19:30
ActionParsnipindus: remove quiet19:30
elumbellanow, i don't get any error-messages. but nautilus can't start19:30
joaopintoActionParsnip, 2.6.32 will not be in karmic19:30
ActionParsnipindus: what Dr_Willis suggests is less destructive19:30
elumbellait crashes and restarts really quick19:30
ActionParsnipjoaopinto: ok, cool19:30
indusDr_Willis: lol ya makes sense19:31
elumbelladirectly after logon19:31
indusok geronimooo here goes nothing19:31
del_diabloIs there a minimal install CD out yet?19:32
marko-_-Hello, i'm about to install ubuntu 9.10 after a long time of using foresight distribution, is ext4 safe to use?19:32
elumbellaany ideas how i can fix nautilus?19:32
del_diablomarko-_-: Yes19:33
del_diablomarko-_-: Its safe19:33
coz_ok not sure what to do ..tried changing things in the boot command in grub with no effect other than taking out quiet for the splash... still ...getting black screen after grub menu19:33
Dr_WillisYou are reruning update-grub after changing the configs?19:33
coz_Dr_Willis,  well I was just chaning the boot command in grub and ctrl+x to boot with those parameters19:34
ActionParsnipelumbella: theres ~/.gconf/apps/nautilus which you could rename then restart X, can always rename back if its no good.19:35
jase-hi and good morning. hi have a question. i setup a single 0+1 raid on 4 drives from bios. i boot to live jaunty. fromhere it wont see the raid. i install via package manager dmraid. do sudo dmraid -ay and then walah it shows up now. i can go into Gparted and edit the partion, setup swap, whatever. but if i try to use the install icon, that partitioner will not see the raid. any ideas?19:35
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto19:36
Ian_Cornemy /usr/sbin/update-grub is gone...19:36
jase-hm k19:36
void^_just use software raid19:36
del_diabloActionParsnip: help the sod, or at the least link to the archlinux wiki instead19:36
Dr_Williscoz_:  with grub2  you have to rerun update-grub after altering the /etc/default/grub and /etc/drub.d files.. :) just somthing to watch out for19:37
Ian_CorneThe following packages will be REMOVED: grub startupmanager19:37
Ian_CorneThe following NEW packages will be installed: grub-pc19:37
coz_Dr_Willis,  well according to the documentation within grub   changing the boot command in grub from the grub menu  starts that revised  boot command and it works however  no matter which parameters I change  I still cannot boot into karmic  and this is after all updates ...a few application installs like   compiling inkscape etc19:38
coz_also noticed that /etc/init.d/gdm restart is no longer avilable?19:39
elumbellato whom should the .ICEauthority file in my home-directory belong?19:39
del_diabloHow long is there to the minimal install version is out? Anybody knows?19:40
Ian_Cornecoz_: service gdm restart19:40
coz_Ian_Corne,  ok I will remember that19:40
del_diabloHow long is there to the minimal install version is out? Anybody knows?19:44
joaopintoelumbella, all files on your home should belong to your user19:45
coz_also this is a dual boot system...any issues with grub 2 and dual boot?19:45
elumbellaokay, thanks joaopinto19:45
joaopintodel_diablo, the alternate cd is already available for the beta19:45
joaopintocoz_, no, nothing tha would prevent your linux from booting19:45
del_diablojoaopinto: Where? I did not find it with some nifty googeling-.19:46
coz_joaopinto,   ok I will reboot and try a few more things19:46
elumbellayeha! works :)19:47
elumbellathank you all for your help!19:47
del_diablojoaopinto:  Can you please tell me where its located?19:47
joaopintodel_diablo, http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/beta#Download19:48
elumbellawell, actually, it doesn't really work19:49
elumbellai can login as root now and i have full functionality19:49
elumbellabut when i start X as another user, it hangs19:49
del_diablojoaopinto:  But there is no minimal install there? :?19:49
joaopintodel_diablo, the minimal install feature is provided on the alternate cd19:50
del_diablojoaopinto:  Not listed there either. Where is it?19:50
gsedejfilgy: Ntfsprogs are installed... It still says that fsck.ntfs are not istalled. Anyway, it ext4 partition to check... Can I do fsck manually while it's mounted19:50
joaopintodel_diablo, the alternate cd is listed as soon you select a download location19:50
del_diablojoaopinto: Its 700mb big, that can't in any form be correct?19:51
joaopintodel_diablo, I said, the minimal option is available, I didn't said it's a minimal cd19:52
joaopintothere is no official minimal cd afaik19:52
del_diablo<.< Then please express yourself clearly next time somebody asks.19:52
hakaishiHi folks, I have a problem with updates and nvidia drivers. Is there somone I can talk to or may I write about it here?19:53
del_diablohakaishi: what is the exact problem?19:53
joaopinto!anyone | hakaishi19:54
ubottuhakaishi: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:54
del_diablohakaishi: X not starting, computer freezes when attempting to start X, etc?19:54
del_diablohakaishi: which one of them?19:54
joaopintodel_diablo, same applies to your question19:54
hakaishiah ^^ the PC won't boot and the display is all black19:54
del_diablojoaopinto: "Minimal install" is a pretty clear question19:55
del_diablohakaishi: How did you configure it? Did you upgrade from 9.04 or?19:55
joaopintodel_diablo, sure it is, it's an optional available on the alternate cd, install refers to how you install it, not about the media19:55
joaopintoit defines a minimal set of packages, the base system19:56
hakaishiI installed it from the dvd, but after some updates nothing works any more.19:56
hakaishias well if I install the NVidia drivers19:56
KyleS-homeI'm having problems booting 9.10 amd6419:56
KyleS-homeanyone else having the same or know of a fix?19:56
ibuclawKyleS-home, LiveCD or Physical installation?19:57
hakaishiLive DVD19:57
KyleS-homeAll I get is a blinking cursor19:57
del_diabloKyleS-home: Ati GPU?19:57
hakaishiand I get nothing at all19:57
KyleS-homeNvidia 280gtx19:57
KyleS-homelatest bios update as well19:57
del_diabloWell, then we know we got a regression on Nvidea i guess :P19:58
ibuclawhakaishi, where did you get the DVD from?19:58
ibuclawdel_diablo, there is a regression in mountall atm19:58
hakaishiah... a moment please19:58
KyleS-homeI can boot the 32 bit19:58
KyleS-homeBut it takes a very long time to boot19:58
ibuclawvery long time is generally expected on older hardware.19:59
KyleS-homedell 630i :\19:59
KyleS-homeIt's a new computer19:59
KyleS-homequad core20:00
KyleS-home4gb ddr 800 ram20:00
del_diabloKyleS-home: Reading the CD takes ages anyway20:00
KyleS-home32 bit loads at least20:00
KyleS-homebut I don't really want to install a 32 bit OS on my computer20:00
hakaishiI don't think it is the intallationmedia. Everything works fine after the installation, but after installing the updates...20:00
tonyyarussoAnyone updated their system today?  Still running okay?20:00
tonyyarussohakaishi: Can you tell me more about what's happening for you?20:01
ibuclawtonyyarusso, I'm still good, but I haven't rebooted in...20:01
ibuclaw14 days,  2:1320:01
Kaj-Laptoptonyyarusso,  seems fine here after updates...desktop seems ok as well20:02
hakaishiwell... If I only install the NVidia driver then, after the reboot my PC starts in textmode and stops there. The display blinks...20:02
tonyyarussoKaj-Laptop: after a reboot too?20:02
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Kaj-Laptoptonyyarusso, lemme qualify that , i haven't rebooted the laptop yet but the desktop is ok.20:04
=== tonyyarusso changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Karmic Koala (9.10) discussion channel | Karmic is NOT RELEASED and may break your system | Schedule https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule | Please join #ubuntu for all other support questions | Beta Released: www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/beta | This channel is not a replacement for filing bugs | Warning: There appears to be an issue currently causing VirtualBox images to fail to reboot after installing update
Kaj-LaptopBRB ...reboot laptop20:05
ibuclawhakaishi, could you try rebooting into recovery, go into root shell, then type in:20:05
ibuclawls /var/run/dbus20:05
* ibuclaw reboots too20:05
hakaishiokay, I'll try that20:05
joaopintotonyyarusso, are you sure it's virtuablx specific ?20:06
hakaishiI'll come back in a view minutes20:06
tonyyarussojoaopinto: No, but that's all I've confirmed.  If you can find a boot failure after recent updates in another situation let me know.20:07
joaopintotonyyarusso, please browse the channel log on the last hours :P20:07
minimectonyyarusso: seems like kms is activated by default for ati gpu's in the kernel. options radeon modeset=0 changes nothing. I had some system freezes with kms activated.20:07
hendrixskiHey, just installed Kubuntu Karmic and instead of a menu bar along the bottom I have black and white vertical lines20:07
hendrixskisort of like a bar code20:07
joaopintoI don't have a problem myself, I have seen some other reports about unbootable systems here20:08
tonyyarussojoaopinto: Starting to.20:08
hendrixskisame thing for the tops of each window20:08
hendrixskiit's totally unusable, and I assume it has to do with the ATI Radeon Mobility Drivers?20:08
joaopintois there a #kubuntu+1 ?20:08
minimechendrixski: seems like kms is activated by default for ati gpu's in the kernel. options radeon modeset=0 changes nothing. I had some system freezes with kms activated.20:09
elumbellaokay. i can start xserver only as root. if i try it as a regular user, it hangs20:09
hendrixskijoaopinto, nope20:09
hendrixskiminimec, so...I should de-activate kms?20:10
joaopintoelumbella, have you tried to create a new user account to make sureit's not related to the user session, startup apps , config ?20:10
elumbellajoaopinto, i got it right now. i renamed the .gnome2-folder :)20:10
hendrixskioh yeah, and I can't seem to find /etc/X11/xorg.conf  so I dunno what to tinker with20:11
joaopintohendrixski, there is no defauly xorg.conf, if you create one it will work20:11
minimechendrixski: You could try that, even if it didn't work for me. I would start an older kernel if you can by pressing left 'shift' at the beginning of the boot.20:11
elumbellait works perfectly now, but thanks a lot!20:11
hendrixskiminimec, does a fresh install provide older kernels?20:12
minimechendrixski: There is no xorg.conf anymore. you can create one by stopping the X-server and doing Xorg --configure in a console.20:12
minimechendrixski: That saves a xorg.conf.new in your home directory.20:12
hendrixskiminimec, ah, that's usefull to know   (about no more xorg)20:12
hendrixskihhmm, maybe I should just stick with regular old GNOME20:13
hendrixskiKDE has never worked out for me :-(20:14
KyleS-homecause you're probably trying Kubuntu20:14
KyleS-homeIf you like using KDE, it's best not to use Kubuntu honestly20:14
hendrixskiKyleS-home, yes, I am20:14
hakaishiokay, I'm back^^20:14
Kaj-Laptophendrixski, how hasn't KDE worked out ?20:14
KyleS-homeI'm not a fan of KDE anyway myself, but from the people I've talked to, there are much better distros for KDE20:15
hendrixskiKaj-Laptop, well, Instead of a bar at the bottom, I have black-and-white vertical bars20:15
hendrixskilike a bar-code20:15
hakaishils /var/run/dbus lists just pid, system_bus_socket.20:15
hendrixskiwell, I'll just try apt-get install ubuntu-desktop20:16
hendrixskisee if that helps20:16
vitorioNeed to downgrade to 9.04 from 9.1020:16
vitoriois there a way?20:16
rskvitorio: nope20:16
Kaj-Laptophendrixski, that's plasma not kde, perhaps your kde version is not up to date20:16
vitorioclean isntall only?20:16
hendrixskiKaj Just installed it an hour ago20:16
hendrixskiit's the Kubuntu Karmic Beta20:17
hendrixskione would hope it's not out-of-date packages20:17
Kaj-Laptophendrixski, from a live cd or dist-upgrade?20:17
* hendrixski running apt-get upgrade20:17
vitoriois there a Fix for Intel Graphics Driver issue with 9.10?20:18
Kaj-Laptophendrixski, have you updated your sources.list since20:18
Strogg_there is an issue with intel driver ?20:18
PiciYou shouldnt need to touch your sources.list ever during an upgrade (unless you need to enable/disable PPAs)20:18
vitorioits a known problem20:19
vitoriois there a known solution?20:19
Strogg_i have an intel on asus eee, didn't notice20:19
Kaj-LaptopPici, some ppl like to enable the canonical partners etc20:19
gsedejhello! I have problems with fsck. It says dev/sda6 (Linux?!?) contains a file system with errors, check forced.... /dev/sda6: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY; RUN fsck MANUALLY20:19
vitorioI got bugs everywhere20:19
PiciKaj-Laptop: I was speicifcally warning about 'going through sources.list, changing jaunty to karmic' Thats what do-release-upgrade or update-manager is for.20:20
hakaishiahm... about my problem with the NVidia driver and (after a successfull installation) updates. I'm having a black display after a reboot20:20
hendrixskiwell, I'll try rebooting  :-/20:20
Kaj-LaptopPici, yeah, that can break apps20:20
vitorio9.04 was perfect, now I got bugs all the time :-/20:21
Picivitorio: Have you reported any of your bugs?20:21
Kaj-Laptophakaishi, which nvidia card?20:21
hakaishiGTS 880020:21
vitoriowell thanks, I'm going back to 9.0420:21
Kaj-Laptophakaishi, can you get to a TTY , reboot hit the f1 key after grub20:22
hakaishi(I guess I'll start my notebook -.-) okay, I'll come again in a view minutes20:24
CShadowRunjust downloaded the ubuntu karmic beta, tried to boot from it, got dumped into a busybox terminal20:26
CShadowRuni also got a kernel panic when i typed exit o.O20:26
elumbellbfirefox does not start in karmic now. any ideas?20:26
IndyGunFreakquestion:  I have dual screens using the nvidia restricted driver, when I try to save my dual screen setup to X, via nvidia-settings, I get this error...  Failed to parse existing X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'20:26
minimecIndyGunFreak: There is no xorg.conf anymore. you can create one by stopping the X-server and doing Xorg --configure in a console.20:28
Kaj-Laptopelumbellb, alt+f2 firefox20:28
minimecIndyGunFreak: That saves a xorg.conf.new in your home directory.20:28
elumbellbKaj-Laptop: doesn't work...20:28
ActionParsnipwhy does route -n | grep default give no output, when route | grep default does??20:28
IndyGunFreakminimec, ok, so.. how do i set my machine up to be dual screens upon boot..20:29
IndyGunFreakinstead of having to run nvidia-settings everytime i get started.20:29
Kaj-Laptopelumbellb, try reinstalling20:29
elumbellbalso, tab-nick-completion in xchat doesn't work anymore20:29
elumbellbKaj-Laptop: already did20:29
IndyGunFreakelumbellb, sure it does20:29
gsedejHi! When it opens desktop it starts openin nautilus in windows tray (no actual window is open) an CPU is fully loaded. In output it says: Nautilus[...] segfault at b7... ip 00e... sp ... error 6 in libgvfsdbus.so[...]20:29
elumbellbbut without --purge20:29
void^_ActionParsnip: because there's no "default" in the output of route -n20:30
PiciActionParsnip: Because you told it to replace names with numbers.20:30
minimecIndyGunFreak: 1. create a xorg.conf, 2. copy that one to /etc/X11 3. Configure the card with the nvidia settings tool20:30
gsedejthere is problem in libgvfsdbus.so, right?20:30
ActionParsnipvoid^_: there is, its your dfault gateway address20:30
IndyGunFreakminimec, oh oh, gotcha..20:30
IndyGunFreakguess i misunderstood.20:30
minimecIndyGunFreak: ;)20:30
elumbellbIndyGunFreak: no, the focus goes to the nicklist when i press tab20:30
void^_ActionParsnip: what Pici said20:30
IndyGunFreakelumbellb, works fine for me.20:30
IndyGunFreakminimec, now, stupid question, how do i stop x?20:30
elumbellbnice for you ;)20:31
ActionParsnipPici: damn, how do you cancel the name resolution in route please20:31
Kaj-Laptopelumbellb, did you try sudo irefox in the terminal20:31
ActionParsnipjust making a cute command: route | grep default | grep -Eo '[0-9\.]+' | head -n 120:31
IndyGunFreakhow do i stop the x-server?20:31
ActionParsnipshows your default gateway address20:32
elumbellbKaj-Laptop: works with sudo20:32
minimecIndyGunFreak: <ctrl><alt>F1 switches you to an console. There you can login and type 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop, then create the xorg.conf, then 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start'20:32
minimecIndyGunFreak: <alt>F7 switches you back to X if you need that...20:32
elumbellbno ideas about the tab-completion in xchat?20:33
void^_ActionParsnip: you did, with -n. just grep for ^
IndyGunFreakis xorg --configure  the command i need to run to create a new xorg?20:33
IndyGunFreaki thougth it was a longer line than that20:33
minimecIndyGunFreak: sudo Xorg -- configure or sudo Xorg -configure One of these two.20:34
minimecIndyGunFreak: Xorg(!)20:34
ActionParsnipvoid^_: i just want the IP on its own, not the whole line20:34
freinhardrecent (yesterday?) 2.6.31-13 update broke my system, looks like the systemmap got currupted, coudn't find /'s UUID20:35
tormodActionParsnip, you want your default gateway?20:35
PiciActionParsnip: route -n | awk '{if ($1 == "") print $2}'20:35
Kaj-LaptopIndyGunFreak, sudo dpkg -reconfigure xserver-xorg20:36
ibuclawwell ... gnome-shell is broken =)20:36
ActionParsniptormod: just making some tools for fun20:36
ibuclawthat is all I have after a reboot20:36
ibuclawtonyyarusso, ^^20:36
tormodActionParsnip, if your answer is yes: netstat -nr | awk '/^{ print $2 }'20:36
ActionParsnipthanks guys, works a treat20:37
erossif I was to install a fresh beta, would i need to reinstall the release as fresh?20:37
erosswhen it becomes release..20:37
tormodeross, no20:38
ActionParsnipeross: you will be using the same repos so will upgrade seamlessly into the rc20:38
freinhardgot a ext3 partition with errors, cli states "check forced" on boot. (k)ubuntu<=jaunty showed some progressbar on vt1 but that's gone in karmic?20:38
Kaj-Laptopeross,  if you use the manual partitoning option on your /  partition.  That's how I rescued my install from disaster. You may need to reinstall some apps  but their config files will have remained intact so your settings will be retained.'20:39
Kaj-Laptopeross, using the live cd20:39
DanaGThis packagee provides a channel driver that allows using some bluetooh devices some as FXOs and some as FXS.20:40
DanaGA better description is to be written.20:40
DanaGnice description.20:40
CShadowRundoes the current daily work?20:40
DanaG!info asterisk-mobile20:40
ubottuPackage asterisk-mobile does not exist in karmic20:40
Kaj-LaptopCShadowRun, so far so good , but that depends on your HW etc20:40
hakaishiKaj-Laptop: , F1 after grub won't do20:41
CShadowRuni just downloaded the beta but it wouldn't start so20:41
CShadowRuntrying the daily :)20:41
FFForeverWhy are im notifications an inch away from my top task bar20:43
tgpraveen1FFForever: so that volume/brightness control20:44
tgpraveen1notifications take that inch space20:44
tgpraveen1try it20:44
topylihrm. when i get an IM message and bring it up from the indicator applet's dropdown menu, the empathy chat window pops up just as advertised. however, it does not grab focus20:44
FFForevertgpraveen1, i see but if the volume/brightness controls are not visible are the present time move the im notifications up20:44
tgpraveen1FFForever: consistency my friend20:45
FFForeveri use pidgin empathy crashed a few times and pissed me off20:45
topyliso if i try and close the window with a keyboard shortcut, i inadvertantly close the window *behind* it. anyone else notice this?20:45
topylimight be a compiz bug as well20:45
tgpraveen1FFForever: did apport tell to send crash report20:45
Kaj-Laptophakaishi, you left too quickly ,if you were able to get a TTY prompt then; sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18520:45
FFForevertgpraveen1, well can i override the default settings and just make it always go as high up as possible20:45
FFForeverKaj-Laptop, yeah but i don't send reports....20:46
FFForeveri didn't see a way to see what was in the report... so i told it not to send20:46
topyliFFForever, no, it's designed that way. file a wishlist but if you don't like it. in fact i'm sure there already is one, you can just mark it as affecting you too :)20:46
erosswhat's up with this quickly, I went through the wiki and it's some sort of RAD for ubuntu?20:47
Kaj-LaptopFFForever, ???20:47
hakaishiKaj-Laptop: well, it is already installed...20:48
daniftodii have ubuntu 9.10 and grub 1.93 beta3, windows xp don't booting,how make windows boot ?20:49
=== garm_ is now known as garm
JackDThe following packages have been kept back:20:49
JackDwhy are packages held back ?20:49
JoshuaLJackD, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:49
daniftodiplease help me20:49
sebsebsebdaniftodi: With what? I just joined here20:50
ActionParsnipJackD: they are kept back because they ar emade but the deps are not satisfiable yet20:50
daniftodii have ubuntu 9.10 and grub 1.93 beta3, windows xp don't booting,how make windows boot ?20:50
ActionParsnipJackD: when the deps are all made and ready they will all come down20:50
JackDoke thanks :)20:50
Kaj-Laptophakaishi, so what's happening now ?20:51
daniftodisebsebseb can you help me?20:52
marko-_-hello the new EQ or how should i call it (the sound thingy in the right corner) doesn't have the EQ that 9.04 had, i have to do it manualy in the terminal with "alsamixer"20:52
marko-_-i want to get the gui, how?20:52
gsedejKaj-Laptop:  I am having troubles with fscks :D20:52
gsedejmarko-_-:  ooj, lej ga :P20:52
sebsebsebdaniftodi: maybe, but  it's not called menu.lst anymore  config something or whatever instead20:52
marko-_-gsedej, :)20:53
marko-_-does anyone know?20:53
RainCTHow can I change the microphone input in Karmic?20:53
daniftodi_/boot/grub/grub.cfg  = menu.lst from grub 120:53
hakaishithe PC boots in textmode and escapes telling me to login, but the display keeps blinking and the keyboard is delayed... I can't enter my password...20:53
daniftodi_### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ###20:54
daniftodi_menuentry "Microsoft Windows XP Professional (on /dev/sda1)" {20:54
daniftodi_insmod ntfs20:54
daniftodi_set root=(hd0,1)20:54
daniftodi_search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set 8280911e809119ad20:54
daniftodi_drivemap -s (hd0) ${root}20:54
daniftodi_chainloader +120:54
daniftodi_### END /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ###20:54
ActionParsnipdaniftodi_: use pastebin20:54
RainCTAs in when the wrong one is selected so the microphone doesn't work.. Previously this could be done by right-click -> Preferences in the volume control applet but the new PulseAudio one does't have any options20:54
gnubiedaniftodi_;  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2 you might find an answer here.20:54
Kaj-Laptop!flood | daniftodi_20:54
ubottudaniftodi_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic20:54
tgpraveen1RainCT: isn't it supposed to be in volume-control20:55
tgpraveen1there is a tab or something for input devices20:55
RainCTtgpraveen1: not in Karmic20:55
Kaj-Laptophakaishi, do you have a live cd20:55
tgpraveen1if not just install pavucontrol20:55
hakaishia usb-stick with the LiveDVD on it20:56
RainCTOK. Now that's a problem though, given that most laptops I've seen have the wrong input configured by default :/20:56
RainCTuhm can't find any option in pavucontrol either20:57
FFForeverwhat is the name of the extra theme package?20:57
sebsebsebIf  a 9.04 Ext4 install gets updated to Karmic,  get the latest Grub and all that?20:57
daniftodi_i have a problem witch notification windows, it appear centre of desktop20:57
elumbellafirefox does not start again20:58
elumbellaeven with sudo20:58
IndyGunFreakwell that didn't work20:59
Kaj-LaptopIndyGunFreak, what didn't work ?21:00
elumbellawell, firefox works with sudo out of a console. but this is the only way21:00
IndyGunFreaktrying to get dual screens to load on boot up.21:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dual21:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dualheads21:01
minimecIndyGunFreak: what exactly didn't work?21:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about screens21:01
IndyGunFreakminimec, well, for 1, there is a xorg.conf in /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:01
IndyGunFreaki may have to try and figure out how to edit it manually21:02
ActionParsnipelumbella: can you pastebin the output of: ls -la ~/.mozilla21:02
IndyGunFreakwhen id di what you said, it just took me to a blck screen, and that was it.21:02
joaopintoRainCT, I am able to select the input device (micro) from the regular mixer applet21:02
IndyGunFreakfortunately i didn't delete the old one, and i just had to restore it.21:02
IndyGunFreakbut i had to do that from a live CD, because not even recovery would boot.21:02
ActionParsnipelumbella: you can even run: sudo apt-get install pastebinit; ls -la ~/.mozilla | pastebinit21:02
minimecIndyGunFreak: So the restricted driver created one. On my system there was no xorg.conf.21:02
IndyGunFreakminimec, that must be the case.21:03
ActionParsnipelumbella: the last output will be a url, paste that here21:03
guitar-maniacye im here :D21:03
tgpraveen1RainCT: is this not present in karmic?21:03
elumbellaActionParsnip: no url in there21:03
minimecIndyGunFreak: I can give you a dual screen setup for a geforce 7600 with xinaerama activated. I am using it right now, but it jaunty.21:04
elumbellabut wait, it wasn't owned by me21:04
gsedejhello! dmesg gives: [ 2266.672669] nautilus[14472]: segfault at b7614fec ip 00c69740 sp b7614ff0 error 6 in libgvfsdbus.so[c4d000+24000]21:04
gsedej What shall I do?21:04
IndyGunFreakminimec, hmm,21:05
ActionParsnipelumbella: ok then run: ls -la ~/.mozilla/ > ~/fire.txt; pastebinit ~/fire.txt; rm ~/fire.txt21:05
IndyGunFreakminimec, yeah, let me see t if you dn't mind.21:05
RainCTtgpraveen1: yes21:05
tgpraveen1then change you are mic selection  from there21:05
minimecIndyGunFreak: Oh. sorry. TwinVIew activated ;)21:05
RainCTbut there is only one device "Audio intern Analog Stereo"21:05
IndyGunFreakminimec, thats what confued me..lol, thats fine, i use twinview, no big deal21:06
tgpraveen1btw anybody experience this to be working "Maeby is playing loud music on her headphones at night. When she tries to grab a banana, the headphone jack gets unplugged. The music automatically pauses so as to avoid making a lot of noise through the normal speakers. (Note that a similar problem could happen with USB headphones, or a Bluetooth headset running out of battery). "21:06
IndyGunFreakminimec, if you don't mind sharing it.. i'd appreciate it.21:06
ActionParsniptgpraveen1: what if you removed them on purpose?21:06
RainCTActionParsnip: you click on play21:06
ActionParsnipRainCT: nice21:06
minimecimachine: No problem. nvidia-settings tool created it...21:06
minimecIndyGunFreak: http://paste.ubuntu.com/291849/21:07
tgpraveen1ActionParsnip: exactly that is what my fear is too. so am asking if this is actually how it's working21:07
ActionParsnipelumbella: you copy and paste to terminal, thats why i'm giving th entire command21:07
IndyGunFreakminimec, damn, whyis all that stuff in ther?21:07
tgpraveen1actually I have a ipod and it has this behaviour and it irritates me sometimes and sometimes it's good21:07
kulightany 1 know what's going on today with those invitations "pozican wants to send you irc.hackerthreads.org#hackerthreads"21:07
harisundCan I try wubi with 9.10?21:07
IndyGunFreaki know what i'm gonna do.. thanks all.21:08
ActionParsniptgpraveen1: not sure, i dont use headphones, i use my creative speakers21:08
minimecwell... lot's of keyboard, mouse, devices .... ;)21:08
tgpraveen1the basic idea is if song is PLAYInG then you wouldn't remove it on purpose but there are usecases I guess21:08
elumbellaActionParsnip: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/291850/21:08
Kaj-Laptopharisund, wubi won't have karmic available , but install jaunty and dist-upgrade with upgrade manager from there.21:09
ActionParsnipelumbella: can you see the issue?21:09
elumbellaAction-Parsnip: no21:09
ActionParsnipelumbella: you have screwed your ownerships of the firefox folder so it is only readable as roout21:09
elumbellaah right21:09
ActionParsnipelumbella: drwx------  3 root   root 4096 2009-10-07 12:29 firefox  isnt good21:10
elumbellayeah, saw that.21:10
ActionParsnipelumbella: been running gui apps with sudo, like nautilus? sudo nautilus look familiar?21:10
Kaj-LaptopActionParsnip, will , rc.d-update work ?21:10
ActionParsnipKaj-Laptop: what for?21:10
elumbellaActionParsnip yes21:10
elumbellabut works now, thanks21:11
wamtyhaving trouble with vnc-viewing my ubuntu desktop, when I single click it almost always translates it into a double click, makes it impossible for me to do anything, any ideas?21:11
ActionParsnipelumbella: ok this is exacly what you NEVER do. gksudo is for running gui apps with admin rights21:11
ActionParsnipelumbella: sudo is ONLY for cli commands like mv, cp, apt-get etc21:11
harisundKaj-Laptop, good idea I can do that thanks !21:11
hakaishiKaj-Laptop: So what shall I do about that blinking display-problem?21:11
ActionParsnipelumbella: gksudo nautilus is correct, sudo nautilus will screw ownerships like you have now21:11
Kaj-Laptophakaishi, do you have a live cd ?21:12
hakaishia live usb-stick21:12
elumbellaActionParsnip: i just changed the ownership of all the folders in my home-directory to me, but accidentally, they must have been changes21:12
ActionParsnipelumbella: now to fix this mess: cd /home; sudo chown -R robert:robert ./robert21:12
elumbellaActionParsnip: did it already, thanks21:12
ActionParsnipelumbella: well then your mozilla profile would be owned by the user robert21:13
ActionParsnipelumbella: and not root21:13
ActionParsnipelumbella: copy and pste my command and it will set your ight21:13
hakaishiKaj-Laptop:  a live usb-stick21:13
wamtyhaving trouble with vnc-viewing my ubuntu desktop, when I single click it almost always translates it into a double click, makes it impossible for me to do anything, any ideas?21:13
Kaj-Laptophakaishi, ok,  a clean install of the live cd is prolly in order and you can save your data  if you use the manual partitoning option on your /  partition.  That's how I rescued my install from disaster. You may need to reinstall some apps  but their config files will have remained intact so your settings will be retained.'21:14
ransomI having trouble booting Karmic beta from a USB drive.  I've used usb-imagewriter and unetbootin and get the same error: when it comes time for GDM to load all i get is a blank screen and a mouse cursor.21:14
ActionParsnipelumbella: all better now?21:15
hakaishiKaj-Laptop:  ah... even if I reinstall everything, without the nvidia driver I can't watch any flashplayer livestreams... (I already saved all my data)21:16
harisundDoes this Empathy thing have a pidgin-facebookchat equivalent plugin?21:16
ActionParsnipwamty: what activities do you do one you VNC?21:16
hakaishiKaj-Laptop: If I install the lates updates I get a black display. If I install only the nvidia driver I get a blinking display... With Jaunty everything was just fine...21:18
Kaj-Laptop!medibuntu | hakaishi21:18
ubottuhakaishi: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org21:18
ActionParsniphakaishi: boot to root recovery console, switch your driver to vesa in xorg.conf and reboot21:19
hakaishiwhat has that to do with medibuntu? - I didn't install anything from there21:19
=== elumbellb is now known as elumbella
yoritomohello everybody, i think it has a bug on karmic21:19
Kaj-Laptophakaishi,  you mentioned flash streams21:19
hakaishikk -.-21:20
yoritomono have /dev/snd/midic0d021:20
yoritomothen can't connect my usb music keyboard to lmms21:20
yoritomoanyone knows about it ?21:20
ActionParsnipyoritomo: have the device connected and run: lsusb   one line will identify the device, you can now websearch for the 8 character ID string21:21
minimecyoritomo: Did you install any midi software like timidity or so?21:21
hakaishiKaj-Laptop: yes, but I don't need to install anything to watch them (with exeption of nvidia drivers and flashplayer for firefox)21:21
wamtyhaving trouble with vnc-viewing my ubuntu desktop, when I single click it almost always translates it into a double click, makes it impossible for me to do anything, any ideas?21:21
yoritomothat should be the midi device of my sndcard21:21
ActionParsnipwamty: what activities do you do on your desktop when you are connected via VNC?21:22
phnomI've just updated to Karmic beta from Jaunty, but it seems I'm missing some system icons in the menu, any solutions?21:22
yoritomominimec no yet installed timidity, should i ?21:22
ransomI having trouble booting Karmic beta from a USB drive.  I've used usb-imagewriter and unetbootin and get the same error: when it comes time for GDM to load all i get is a blank screen and a mouse cursor.21:23
Kaj-Laptophakaishi, in the terminal if possible, lspci | grep VGA21:23
hakaishiKaj-Laptop: what shall I do? " [CTCP] Received Version request from Kaj-Laptop."21:23
ActionParsnipransom: did you MD5 test the ISO you transferred to the USB?21:23
TDJACRHow do you change the GDM theme?21:24
minimec!midi| yoritomo21:24
ubottuyoritomo: Trouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo21:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm21:24
TDJACRIt seems to have hcanged21:24
wamtyActionParsnip: atm what's open is, term, vnc viewer (yes vncing through a vnc... weird I know) , firefox, another term, putty, a couple of thurans21:24
yoritomoActionParsnip the webside said the driver of soundcard should install that dev21:25
TDJACR Did anyione get the MacBook Pro 5,3 driver working yet (sound)21:25
ActionParsnipwamty: VNC is not secured you know, so wan vnc is particularly foolish. You can do ALL that via X forwarding21:25
hakaishiKaj-Laptop: 05:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVidia Corporation G80 [GeForce 8800 GTS] (rev a2)21:25
yoritomonow i plug my keyboard and i see midic1d0 but lmms is not well documented about it21:25
wamty any chance me having a vnc viewer inside the vnc-ed machine being a culprit?21:25
yoritomohow to use this entry on lmms ?21:25
wamtyits connecting to a machine in it's lan that is specifically set to not go live on the outside world21:26
ActionParsnipwamty: makes sense, many liks complicates stuff21:26
joaopintoActionParsnip, X is far more slow than VNC, and you can use VNC safely via SSH tunneling21:26
wamtyjoaopinto: so what do you suggest please?21:27
cc77Hi, I need internet content filtering, what are the best tools?21:27
wamtyjoaopinto: it seems like it interprets the mouseclick up event asa mouseclick down21:27
ActionParsnipwamty: the other system may be at fault or a combination, is there no way to vnc directly?21:28
virtualdwhy is my sound always muted when i log in?21:28
Kaj-Laptophakaishi, have you updated in the terminal /tty since you got this problem21:28
ActionParsnipvirtuald: mine does that21:28
cc77I personally like opendns like stil, where I can just click op topics allowed or not allowed. But I need to to filter on different workgroups. Opendns only allows filtering on external ip.21:28
* cc77 correction: I personally like opendns like style, where I can just click op topics allowed or not allowed. But I need to to filter on different workgroups on same ext ip. Opendns only allows filtering on external ip.21:29
hakaishiKaj-Laptop: right now I didn't update anything ... Besides: after changing driver "nvidia" to "vesa" there is this problem: error: invalid enviroment block21:30
ActionParsnipvirtuald: i'm gonna try this: http://www.henriska.com/blog/?p=52421:30
wamtyjoaopinto ?21:30
joaopintowalmis, no idea, never had such a problem with vnc21:31
wamtyany link or so?21:31
hakaishiKaj-Laptop: I can't boot anymore21:32
minimecActionParsnip: virtuald: I will try that too ;)21:32
virtualdok loadinghmm21:33
ActionParsnipvirtuald: minimec: no such line21:33
minimecActionParsnip: virtuald: looks like replacing '1' with '0' should do too.21:34
virtualdi don't get why or what thery're trying to mute and zero21:34
virtualdlooks like everything to me21:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 352732 in pulseaudio "[jaunty] Sound muted after boot" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:35
elumbellaanother question: my sound doesn't work. it worked before the update to karmic. now, i have no sound, whatever i do and no applet in the panel21:36
Kaj-Laptophakaishi, I think you should try a new install using the method I described earlier21:36
hakaishiKaj-Laptop:  okay, what shall I do after the new installation?21:37
Kaj-Laptophakaishi, make sure you get the latest daily from ubuntu21:38
minimecActionParsnip: virtuald: I have that line. I will set it to '0'. You get the results, the next time I login...21:39
Kaj-Laptopthe nvidia kernel module driver is fixed on the latest versions21:39
evilaimOk, anyway I can down grade my Grub21:40
evilaimthis new grub is crippling my system21:40
joaopintoevilaim, define "crippling"21:40
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:40
evilaimWell, it's not updating and I now I have 3 kernels for some reason21:40
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub221:40
evilaimand I've told it to autoboot, it won't21:40
hakaishiKaj-Laptop: I couldn't even start the latest liveCD the window was black as well...21:40
joaopintoevilaim, if it lists 3 kernerls, you have those installed, I have them also21:41
hakaishiKaj-Laptop: ah... not window, display21:41
Kaj-Laptophakaishi, check your graphics card , that shouldn't be happening21:42
evilaimWell, I don't want .11, .12 and .1321:42
evilaimI just want .1321:42
evilaimand I don't want to have to pick which kernel I'm using21:42
evilaimspeedy boot up please!21:42
evilaimugh, *goes and reads up on configuring grub*21:43
evilaimI knew I shoulda gone with lilo21:43
elumbellawhen i start xchat it says something about the keyboard-shurtcuts could not be loaded21:44
elumbellawhat is that?21:44
Kaj-Laptopevilaim, you can find the linux images in your pakage manager, remove them there , it's the safest way21:44
hakaishiKaj-Laptop: but I can use the older version from 01.10.09, everything works there (until I make updates after the installation)21:44
evilaimcan someone please confirm what kaj said (no offense kaj, but 2 is better then 1;))21:44
ActionParsnipvirtuald: got it :D21:45
evilaimkaj, I can't seem to see them in the package manager21:45
Kaj-Laptophakaishi, do whatever you think you need to do ... it's your decision21:46
virtualdactionparsnip: you found a fix?21:46
Kaj-Laptopevilaim, linux image21:46
ActionParsnipvirtuald: aye21:46
evilaimNot there21:47
virtualdcare to share?21:47
ActionParsnipvirtuald: gksudo gedit /etc/init.d/alsa-utils21:47
olyhi, can anyone tell me if mdadm is on the livecd ? or do you still need the alternative cd to setup raid ?21:47
virtualdalready have that loaded21:47
Kaj-Laptopevilaim, got synaptic?21:47
hakaishiKaj-Laptop: I cant get the latest version to start the desktop, so what can I do?21:47
harisundOk how do I find out if this is a known bug? I am trying to do gconftool -s /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop --type bool "false" and a million File Manager nautilus windows open up .. and keep opening up. Any ideas?21:47
ActionParsnipvirtuald: line 37821:47
ActionParsnipvirtuald: mute_and_zero_levels "$TARGET_CARD" || EXITSTATUS=121:47
ActionParsnipvirtuald: comment it out with a # at the start of the line21:48
TDJACRAny fixes for sound, backlight, camera on MacBook Pro 5,321:48
virtualdthat's line 379 for me21:48
Kaj-Laptop!synaptic | evilaim21:48
ubottuevilaim: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto21:48
evilaimlet me look:)21:48
evilaimI know I have it;)21:48
ActionParsnipvirtuald: fine, edit it out, save file reboot, rejoice21:48
virtuald will try21:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mbp21:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about MBP21:49
mewshiI'm having some... trouble... with the new netbook interface21:50
harisundDoes anyone have any familiarity with Grub-2 used in karmic? I want to remove the splash screen and have an old-school Linux login process where I see every service being started etc etc with scrolling text. I used to remove splash and quiet in /boot/grub/menu.lst but that file no longer exists21:50
mewshican anyone help me fix the netbook interface glitch I'm having?21:50
uboxmewshi, what is the problem?21:51
evilaimkaj, so, I can remove anything that has "*" and "*"?21:51
mewshiHere, I'll put the photo up for you.  Where do you prefer I post it?21:51
ActionParsnipharisund: gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub21:51
ActionParsnipharisund: change splash to nosplash21:51
ActionParsnipharisund: save the file, close gedit, then run: sudo update-grub21:52
harisundActionParsnip, cool thanks man21:52
Kaj-Laptopevilaim, i would leave 12 , dumpmthe rest except for the rt patches that may be listed as well21:52
harisundActionParsnip, man I hate complete rewrites .. either that or I am just resistant to change. has anybody tried using gconf-editor to change nautilus properties?21:53
mewshiWhere should I post the picture of my issue?21:53
Kaj-Laptopleave 12 and 13 alone , evilaim21:53
evilaimCan't I just edit grub to say auto boot 13?21:53
virtualdharisund: /etc/default/grub21:53
evilaimI don't really NEED the space or anything21:53
evilaimand I don't wanna cripple this system since it's ballin' atm21:53
harisundDoes anyone know if Empathy supports Facebook?21:54
ActionParsnipharisund: i find it a lot OTT considering I single booty21:55
ActionParsnipharisund: http://philliptweedie.wordpress.com/2009/05/18/facebook-chat-with-empathy-in-ubuntu/21:55
hakaishiKaj-Laptop: It seems there is no help for me -.-   I thoght it could've to do with this libc6 bug21:56
Kaj-Laptopyes evilaim you set your timeout to "0" in /etc/default/grub21:56
Kaj-Laptophakaishi, ok try to reinstall jaunty if karmic won't work for your setup21:57
hakaishiKaj-Laptop: guess I'll do that -.-21:58
Kaj-Laptopdinnertime here ..it's thanksgiving in Canada ...BBL21:59
hakaishiKaj-Laptop: bye bye21:59
xmntanyone else see this offer from the linux foundation?  https://www.linuxfoundation.org/about/join/individual/join22:00
mewshiso... no one wants to see the picture of my issue?22:01
mewshican anyone help me with this, please?22:02
elumbellamewshi, what is your problem?22:03
mewshiI'm having a weird issue with the netbook interface22:03
elumbellawhat interface?22:03
mewshithe main interface in the netbook remix?22:04
Jaymaci've lost all of my sound. :( went to the sound menu to try and figure out how to get my mic working, and suddenly all of my sound is zapped.. even changing everything back to exactly the same way it was doesn't work22:04
Jaymaclistening to music or watching youtube videos the timer progresses at about 3x the normal rate but i don't hear anything22:04
mewshiJaymac, have you tried rebooting it?22:05
mewshiThat would be my first thing22:05
elumbellamewshi, ah well. i'm sorry, i have no knowlegde about that...22:05
Jaymacmewshi, yes of course22:05
Jaymacthe weird thing is i still get the sound at the login screen22:05
mewshiWell... hm... is your volume on?  Sorry, these are things I've actually done before22:06
elumbellaJaymac, i had no sound too. for me, it was my missing ownership of the hidden folders in my home directory22:06
darthanubisjdobrien, I miss Orlando;)22:06
Jaymacelumbella, is the folder name obvious? will take a look22:07
elumbellaJaymac, it was22:07
elumbellaJaymac, i don't know exactly, i changed ownership of all folder at once22:07
Jaymaclooks like i own them all22:07
elumbellaJaymac, well, this is, where my experience ends :/ i'm sorry22:08
Jaymacelumbella, no worries22:08
mewshiok, how do I file an *actual* bug report?22:10
mewshiLike, "this is what's wrong, here's a picture of it" bug reports22:10
mac_vmewshi: $ubuntu-bug <package-name>22:10
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/22:10
mac_v!bugs | mewshi22:10
ubottumewshi: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots22:11
TheEvilOnehey has anyone here installed the beta to find out that there wireless card no longer works22:11
Jaymacok i just logged in to a different user on the same machine and the sound works fine.. i guess i can just copy my sound prefs across or something22:11
Jaymacif i can find htem22:11
elumbellaJaymac: you can also try to rename the ~/.pulse or ~/.gnome2 folders and log back on22:12
evilaimOk, can someone help me a lil, I don't ask much :)22:13
elumbellathey will be generated automatically with default settings22:13
evilaimI want my grub to auto boot kernel *.1322:13
evilaimI don't want it to ask...22:13
mac_velumbella: the gnome2 ! 0.o a lot will be lost ;)22:13
evilaimAny idears?22:13
evilaimI really just want a damn quick boot time, no questions22:13
elumbellaevilaim: which grub are you using?22:14
evilaimthe new one22:14
evilaimthink grub 2 beta 3?22:14
mac_vJaymac: just the ~/.pulse and the .pulse-cookie22:14
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
mac_v!grub2 | evilaim22:15
ubottuevilaim: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub222:15
elumbellaevilaim: sorry, i still have the old one. i knew it for that, but i think it wont help you22:15
minimecevilaim: is there a second OS on the harddisk?22:15
mewshithere, I filed a bug about it.  Hopefully someone will get around to fixing it.22:15
evilaimjust different kernel images22:15
Jaymacfixed it, sweet22:16
minimecevilaim: I see you got grub and not grub2...22:16
Jaymacdidn't have to delete any folder22:16
Jaymacty for suggestions thought elumbella22:16
elumbellayou're welcome Jaymac22:16
evilaimThis is a fresh install22:17
evilaimSo I'm assuming it's grub 222:17
mac_vevilaim: grub2 is the default in karmic... pls refer to the wiki for all the options22:18
minimecevilaim: open /boot/grub/menu.lst and set +# to timout, and -# to hiddenmenu.22:18
evilaimit's blank22:19
joaopintominimec, there is /boot/grub/menu.lst on grub222:19
elumbellaminimec: he got the new grub22:19
elumbellaso its somewhere around /etc/grub or something22:20
minimecevilaim: So it's probably /etc/grub something ...22:20
evilaimlet me check22:20
joaopintoevilaim, read the wiki page22:21
evilaimyes, sir.22:21
ubuntu_I've upgraded from kubuntu 9.04 to 9.10 a few minutes ago and tried to reboot. Everything seemed normal, the normal kubuntu-loading-screen appeared. The Loading time was much shorter, but that seems to be normal too (I read an article about kde wants to shorten the startup time up to 10 seconds). After the loading screen nothing happens. The screen turns black. The computer doesn't restart or shutdown, it looks like everythign is normal exce22:21
ubuntu_ screen is black.22:21
joaopintominimec, same to you :)22:21
ubuntu_I don't have the slightest idea where to start now, because everything in the upgrade could have broken my system... :S22:21
elumbellaevilaim: it's /etc/default/grub22:21
ubuntu_I'm currently running kubuntu from the kubuntu live cd...Can anyone help me please?22:21
kklimondahuh, I've installed only ubuntu-standard and got openoffice..22:22
joaopintoubuntu_, nvidia ?22:22
evilaimSo, I want timeout to be 022:22
kklimondacan't even check LP for bugs like this..22:22
thiebaudeubuntu_, system-administration-hardware drivers22:22
thiebaudeubuntu_, my bad your using kubuntu22:23
joaopintoubuntu_, I have seen nvidia complaining about unbootable systesm today22:23
ubuntu_any suggestions what to do now?22:24
thiebaudeubuntu_, which nvidia card?22:24
ubuntu_9600 GT22:24
elumbellaevilaim: in the old grub, you could set the highlighted entry somewhere, look for sth like that22:24
Ian_Corneshouldn't he just check his logs first?22:24
ubuntu_don't tell me nvidia isn't working with ubuntu/linux anymore, i bought an nvidia card to avoid that old ATI stuff :S22:25
elumbellaevilaim: or simly change the order22:25
thiebaudeubuntu_, nvidia works prefect for me22:25
Ian_Cornethe old ati stuff is the new nvidia stuff!22:25
Ian_Cornejk, it works fine with me too22:25
thiebaude8400 gs 512mb ram22:25
Ian_Corneboth ati and nvidia22:25
elumbellaubuntu_: nividia works fine here too...22:25
ubuntu_maybe it's not my graphic card causing the error22:26
ubuntu_maybe it isn't even an error22:26
ubuntu_i can22:26
joaopintothiebaude, and are you using the open source driver ?22:26
elumbellaubuntu_: do you remember which version of the driver you installed?22:26
thiebaudejoaopinto, no22:26
ubuntu_i can't tell what it is because i doesn't see anything :D22:26
joaopintothiebaude, he is22:26
thiebaude185 drivers that ubuntu searched for22:26
elumbellaubuntu_: can you switch to the other consoles?22:26
ubuntu_no i installed the proprietary one that was offered to me by kubuntu22:26
joaopintoubottu, oh you did22:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about oh you did22:26
evilaimgunna test22:27
ubuntu_I tested this first, Alt+F1 doesn't work.22:27
elumbellaubuntu_: try ctrl+alt+f122:27
ubuntu_ok I will22:27
ubuntu_is there anything else i should check? It's better i know this now instead of rebooting for another 5 minutes ;)22:28
joaopintoctrl-altf-f1 is broken for me with the usplash updates22:28
elumbellaubuntu_: do you have the new grub?22:28
ubuntu_i think so because the normal kubuntu loading screen was shown22:29
Ian_Corneubuntu_: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log22:29
ubuntu_and how?22:29
Ian_Cornemount your disks22:29
Ian_Cornein the livecd22:29
ubuntu_aah right thanks22:29
jbuncheris anyone else running into wpa enterprise issues on karmic?  network-manager doesn't remember the password after a reboot, so I have to put in all of the info again.22:29
Ian_Cornejbuncher: how to know if you're dealing with wpa enterprise?22:30
elumbellaubuntu_: you can try to remove the "splash" indicator from /boot/grub/menu.lst22:30
evilaimUmmm, boot is WAY slower22:30
evilaimMeh, I guess I'll wait till the 29th22:30
jbuncherIan_Corne, umm......you just select it?  It's different than wpa personal or wpa-psk, most home routers don't have it.  I need to use it on campus.22:30
Ian_Cornewe don't use a wpa system on campus22:31
coz_evilaim,  no only problem with waiting is that you may come across a bug that wont be fixed if you dont report it22:31
Ian_Cornejust a login screen in a browser before you can do anything22:31
evilaimWell, I don't know man.  This just seems like a grub issue22:31
evilaimit's very very slow22:31
evilaimI wonder if I have grub logs22:31
coz_evilaim,  yeah my  install wont boot at all with the new grub  :)22:31
evilaimwhere are system logs again?22:32
evilaimI thought /etc/log22:32
evilaimblonde moment22:32
evilaimGrub doesn't log?22:32
elumbellaevilaim: try dmesg22:33
joaopintothere are no filesystems mounted when grub runs, there is nothing to log22:33
ubuntu_here's my xorg log: http://pastebin.com/m2da6f8be22:33
Ian_Corne(EE) NVIDIA: Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module. Please check your22:34
rob0ubuntu-9.10-beta-netbook-remix-i386.iso ... this is ISO9660 for a CD? (Kind of odd, since few netbooks come with CD drives.)22:34
Ian_Cornethat's not good :p22:34
Ian_Corne(EE) NVIDIA:     system's kernel log for additional error messages.22:34
Ian_Cornego check that log22:34
ubuntu_where do i find it?22:34
Ian_Cornesyslog i think22:34
rob0evilaim, grub cannot log anything, since it runs before the OS is running, no syslogd, et c.22:35
ubuntu_or i would set the standard display driver as default in my x11 conf and then reinstall the nvidia driver for the new kubuntu 9.10 release.22:35
Ian_Corneyes syslog22:35
ubuntu_as i remember right, during the upgrade the nvidia driver was uninstalled for any reason22:35
Ian_Cornei'd try to disable the priopitairy one22:35
ubuntu_maybe i don't see anything because the driver doesn't exist anymore22:35
evilaimSo, is it ok if I downgrade back to grub 1?22:35
evilaimor is that asking for shit?22:35
ubuntu_vesa is the default display driver, right?22:35
Ian_Corneubuntu_: chroot into your system and use jockey-gtk22:36
Ian_Corneto disable the driver22:36
thiebaudeevilaim, me last week trying to upgrade to grub2 broke my system22:36
elumbellaevilaim: i won't recommend it. it's a very complicated thing, you might end worse22:37
thiebaudei'll order the 9.10 cd when its available22:37
Ian_Corneis the shop fixed yet?22:37
Ian_Cornei need to order cd's to hand out at uni :)22:38
Ian_CorneShipIt is currently closed22:38
Ian_CorneWe'll be back in a few days, shipping Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) CDs.22:38
ubuntu_ok i will try to restart now22:38
thiebaudeIan_Corne, yea, i've been ordering cd's since 6.0622:38
elumbellagood luck :)22:38
ubuntu_in case it doesn't work; right then and in case it works, thank you :)22:38
rob0Okay, it is ISO9660. But it should be easy enough to copy over to a USB stick, right?22:40
Ian_Cornerob0: I use unetbootin to make my live-sticks22:42
jdurob0: as do I22:43
nick125Hm. Anyone here know if it's possible to use a mail client OTHER THAN Evolution and still have it under the little mail icon in the tray?22:44
rob0I don't have that, but I think I know how to proceed with syslinux.22:44
jdurob0: which unetbootin uses anyway22:45
CShadowRunnick125, easy, right click on the mail icon, click properties22:47
CShadowRunchange it's command from evolution to <other mail client>22:47
CShadowRunjob done22:47
nick125CShadowRun: I'm talking about the one in the system tray that has links with empathy, etc.22:47
ActionParsnipyo yo yo22:48
elumbellaCShadowRun: i think he talks about the indicator-applet22:48
elumbellayeah, right22:48
CShadowRunoh, i thought he was talking about the launcher, no idea then :P22:48
elumbellanick125: you need a plugin for the mail-client22:48
jbuncherThat's a good question, how to configure which apps show up in the indicator applet and which ones don't22:48
rippsWhen somebody writes an libindicate plugin for it, then it'll appear in the indicator-applet22:48
jbuncherI, for one, don't need Empathy showing up there ever.22:48
duffydackI for one dont need empathy.22:49
jbuncherduffydack, agreed22:49
rippsubuntu's empathy has libindicate built into it22:49
elumbellapidgin too22:50
rippsI believe pidgin has a plugin that does it, it can be disabled22:50
duffydackI find I`m uninstalling more stuff with each release.. add empathy with it22:50
duffydackthats the beauty of it tho, I can :)22:51
rippsI don't have any issues with empathy, it does everything that pidgin did, so I don't have any issues with it.22:51
jbuncherripps, That's cool.  I find it to be much less usable and configurable than pidgin so I just can't stand it.22:52
=== jonathan_ is now known as ubuntu__
ubuntu__so, there I am again22:52
Ian_Corneyeah it's not *there* yet22:52
Ian_Cornelol ubuntu__ :p22:52
Ian_Corneno change?22:52
phakocould some of you (without having a custom gnome installed) execute the script http://python.pastebin.com/m1a90a754 and tell me if this outputs the home dir three times, please?22:52
Ian_Corneill do it22:53
ubuntu__I was right, the nvidia driver was uninstalled during the upgrade... changing the xorg.conf to use the vesa driver let me start into my new 9.10 system22:53
Ian_Corneis python .py?22:53
jbunchernick125, I'm pretty sure I saw that someone wrote a libindicate plugin for thunderbird, if that's what you're looking for.  It wasn't in the repositories though, but you can probably fid it with some googling.22:53
ubuntu__so there was the problem which si a big advantage to know.22:53
phakoIan_Corne, yes22:53
nick125jbuncher: I'm looking for it as we speak.22:53
duffydackdoes empathy have a now listening plugin?22:53
duffydackwhat plugins does it have anyway?22:53
joaopintophako, no, it ouputs the 3 different paths, as expected22:53
Ian_Corne$ ./test.py22:54
Ian_CorneMUSIC /home/icorne/Music22:54
Ian_CornePICTURES /home/icorne/Pictures22:54
Ian_CorneVIDEOS /home/icorne/Videos22:54
phakojoaopinto, did you an upgrade or a plain install?22:54
joaopintophako, plain install22:54
phakoIan_Corne, plain install as well?22:54
phakocould someone who upgraded test this please?22:54
Ian_Cornei installed aditional libs for vent client and stuff22:54
Ian_Corneyeah it's a clean beta install22:55
ubuntu__but now i wanted to installed the newer driver again via the hardware driver manager. so i started this driver manager, entered my root passwort and selected the newest nvidia driver from the list. Then i clicked on "activate". For half a second a downlaod/install window appeared and disappeared again without any error. Afterwards the entries in the list of the hardware driver manager are greyed out any i can't do anything except quit the22:55
Ian_Cornei'll try it on my other box22:55
Ian_Corneuit's upgraded22:55
ubuntu__the nvidia driver isn't installed afterwards off course22:55
phakojoaopinto, Ian_Corne thanks :)22:55
elumbellaanyone already working with ubuntu one?22:55
ubuntu__any ideas what's wrong with the hardware driver manager? it worked in older releases very nice, but now it simply doesn't install the driver22:56
jbunchernick125, try libnotify-mozilla22:56
Ian_Cornehmm phako22:56
Ian_Cornei'll /msg22:56
evilaimOk, another issue I'm having22:56
evilaimwhen I run conky, it doesn't line up the wallpaper properly, looks like it's shifted it a lil bit down...  any ideas22:57
nick125jbuncher: Thanks. I'll take a look.22:57
ubuntu__well i upgraded karmic to the newest releases right now and i will try another restart now. right then22:57
jduevilaim: look in .conkyrc and adjusting the settings for x and y positions22:57
evilaimfor background?22:58
causasuigetting very choppy sound with ekiga on a wireless network. is it possible that it's my network despite the network manager telling me I have 90% signal strength?22:58
evilaimfound a wicked setting22:59
evilaim"Create own window" turn it off22:59
evilaimit'll fork it to the root window23:00
evilaimmuch better:)23:00
evilaimNow I just need to figure out the shift down23:00
alankilacausasui: use system monitor to watch the network performance and estimate if the problem is with saturation of the link based on testing how fast your link is, and so on.23:01
causasuialankila: good idea, I'll try that23:02
=== |Myxb| is now known as Myxb
causasuialankila: its sending and receiving about 20k/sec each. Since I can receive at 1.5MBs stable, I doubt its my network after all... must be pulse audio?23:03
alankilawell what you should test is the point-to-point connection performance and perhaps the link stability: if you have a very small audio buffer then retransmits in wireless or any pauses could occur. I was hoping you could have seen long pauses where no data moves this way.23:04
alankilait's also possible, of course, that the problem might be related to the pulseaudio system, but then you would probably have any audio breaking regardless of what makes it23:04
nick125Hey....anyone here using Gwibber? I'm having a bit of an uh...issue. Gwibber is trying to announce every public twitter message via notifyOSD.....any way to get it to uh...not do that?23:04
* alankila thinks the on-screen notify is one of the most annoying features of modern gnome23:05
Ian_Cornehehe :p23:06
alankilacan I change the style of notify to something that either doesn't appear, or is buffered behind a flashing icon so I can check it when I feel like it, or one I can dismiss by pointing my mouse at it rather than have it blur and become transparent, it frustrates me that I can't dismiss it23:06
causasuialankila: Unfortunately with Ekiga I get no long pauses but only a lot of choppiness. The thing is that I remember having problems setting up Ekiga with previous versions too, but i cant remember how I fixed it. Ekiga doesnt seem to like pulseaudio, much less than other apps like VLC23:06
evilaimYay, matrix wallpaper on my irssi23:06
nick125GAH! Even though I killed gwibber, the notifications are still coming in! GAAAAAAAAAAH23:06
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
Ian_Cornelol ni1s23:07
Ian_Cornelol nick125 *23:07
alankilacausasui: you seem to be arguing that the problem is with pulseaudio but at the same time you are also admitting that other applications work? You should come up with a proper theory for what is wrong with the combination of ekiga and pulseaudio. I'll offer one: ekiga may be programming pulseaudio for too short latency period. Look at ekiga settings and increase any latency figure by about 10-fold if you find any23:07
causasuialankila: I dont want to get personal about this.23:08
alankilaI've never even looked at that software23:08
causasuialankila: the ekiga docs say there are known problems with pulseaudio so if you think its an unplausible theory maybe you should have them updated23:08
alankilahmm. Looks like ekiga wasn't even a native pulseaudio app23:12
alankilawell, that could be why it has problems... based on my experience, the alsa-pulse bridge seems to be hopelessly broken. :-/23:12
alankilahmm. Correction. ekiga is linked against pulseaudio.23:13
causasuialankila: is there anything i can do short of uninstalling pulseaudio? will my 2 sound cards still work if I do that?23:14
alankilahard to say. Ekiga uses a library called PT (for Portable Tools) which itself is linked against pulseaudio, so I expect it might even use pulse properly.23:15
alankilaI do not think pulseaudio is really uninstallable any more... Last time I tried I had things like gconfd running in 100% cpu consuming loop because that wanted to talk to pulseaudio and couldn't find it, so it tried again23:16
alankilabut that could have been a simple bug. You can try it, that's all I can say for the time being.23:16
causasuialankila: maybe there are alternatives like twinkle that work better with PA?23:16
minimeccausasui: Ubuntustudiocould be a solution. I don't guess that they use pulseaudio.23:17
causasuiminimec: I was hoping for a solution less drastic than installing another distro :(23:17
minimeccausasui: What if you just change from pulseaudio to alsa in gstreamer-properties as a start?23:18
alankilafor the record, I'm examining if portable tools has been enhanced with pulseaudio support23:18
dragonwhat are the chances of breaking stuff while upgrading an ubuntu-server to karmic?23:18
alankilait doesn't seem like it is. It uses alsa. It must be alsa that is somehow pulling in the pulse libraries.23:19
alankilafiguring out the tree of dependencies is not easy, though ...23:19
alankilasomething depends on it, but ptlib contains no trace of pulse that grep can find23:20
arvind_khadriHi, can i use tomboy to create sticky notes?23:21
=== hoa3r is now known as tr2n-ng
dragonarvind_khadri: tomboy runs on mono, which is a memory bloat. Consider using something sensible.23:21
minimeccausasui: I am not even sure that you have to install the whole system. There is a ubuntustudio-desktop metapackage in the repo...23:22
alankilaconsidering how little bloat there is in tomboy, that's pretty unfair... nautilus uses 26M, tomboy 30M, compiz 45M ... it's very similar to the other apps really.23:22
alankilasimilar shared memory regions as well, about 17M for each23:23
Trizicusi have all required samba ports supposedly open with gufw but when i port scan myself it says i only have 135 and 445 open. I cannot connect to any windows shares with the firewall enabled but I can when it is disabled.23:24
tr2n-nghello. i got this error after upgrade from jaunty to karmic during booting with kernel : "warning: unable to find a suitable fs in /proc/mounts, is it mountet?" what can i do?23:24
alankila(of course, tomboy will bloat if you use it, but then again everyone runs firefox and that baby *starts* with 60 MB footprint and nobody seems to mind)23:25
dragonalankila: compiz handles all the graphics and nautilus covers the desktop icons and launchers.23:25
dragonalankila: and it's totally ridiculous to compare Tomboy with Firefox, you know that.23:25
alankilais it? Doesn't tomboy contain html rendering engine inside?23:26
alankilaI thought it embedded mozilla23:26
dragonalankila: use it if you want to.23:26
rippsI mind firefox, I hate firefox. So I've switched to chromium23:26
rwatjust installed karmic on my mac mini media box - completely fails to detect my 42" plasma TV - how do I manually configure it, there doesn't seem to be an xorg.conf any more23:26
dragonripps +123:26
alankilaI'm just pointing out that mono isn't *that* bloated as you made it sound like. It's largely in line with the other applications, although I admit that there is about extra 10 MB of memory that goes for the mono runtime and other overhead at least.23:26
tr2n-ngi forgot this text: "Use --subdomainfs to override." I have no idea what does that means.23:27
dragonalankila: "mono" consumes memory and stays persistent, when things can be done in a better way.23:28
jonathan_after the upgrade to 9.10, gstreamer is uninstalled for any reasons. I'm using kubuntu, so i don't really need it, but I'm a big fan of songbird which is based on this library. i can't install it anymore, it isn't in the repos anymore. What to do now?23:28
alankilaI wouldn't run mono on my stupid 128 MB laptop because I can't afford to waste 10 MB if I can spare that by using some other tool. But everyone's desktops have like 1 to 4 GB of memory these days and you don't notice 10 MB spent on code anymore. Hell, I run eclipse regularly and that has memory footprint of 436 MB and I haven't used it much yet23:28
dragonalankila: 1. Your eclipse installation has a problem.23:28
alankilanope, it's stock install of eclipse.23:29
dragonalankila: 2. Tomboy consumes that 30MB+ memory sitting in the tray. That's too much for a panel icon.23:29
alankilajust what you get if you download 3.5.1 and untar it and execute the eclipse binary in it.23:29
Nafaidragon: Uh, have you used Eclipse?  If you have projects of any considerable size open it is definitely a memory hog23:30
dragonalankila: I get no more than 200MB with eclipse, and I see it as value-for-money.23:30
alankiladragon: well, that's a fair point. But all the other icons that just sit in the tray seems to start with 15 MB, albeit they do mark about 10 MB shared. So we are really arguing about 10 MB, aren't we?23:30
dragonNafai: Have I used eclipse? Figure it out. Large projects do consume 300MB+, but that's not a fresh install out of box.23:30
alankilawell it's fresh install *and* my work's projects checked out.23:31
dragonalankila: If an icon sitting in tray would consume 15MB, I wouldn't want it there in any case. In my experience, mono tended to consume more than 10MB, growing with time.23:31
Nafaidragon: It's kind of useless to consider the memory usage of an Eclipse with nothing open, though.23:32
NafaiBut I'm not here to argue23:32
* Nafai goes back to lurking23:32
thiebaudeNafai, haha23:32
alankiladragon: I would like to point out that with jaunty, there was a bug in pango that made every open of dejavu sans consume 6 MB, so every app consumed about 22 MB and marked the same amount shared as now23:32
alankilathat's 6 MB on top of what they consume now23:33
alankilapretty much nobody noticed23:33
joshua_could someone please tell me how to change the login screen on ubuntu 9.123:34
dragonalankila: that'd be a trouble for a user like me.23:34
alankilain fairness I could save on eclipse's memory footprint just by running it with some -Xmx options. I think I could easily run this with about 160 MB heap or so23:34
alankilaperhaps even less23:34
joshua_could someone please tell me how to change the login screen on ubuntu 9.123:35
diwicquick question: I have several kernels installed on Karmic. How do I boot a previous one?23:35
elumbelladiwic: select the one in your grub menu23:35
elumbellaif it doesn't apper23:35
dragonalankila: I personally wouldn't mind having a large eclipse thing running as long as I'm using it. Same applies to tomboy. Problem was the tray icon blocking a chunk of memory.23:35
diwicit doesn't23:35
rob0917the fluendo codecs from the ubuntu store won't work in 9.1023:36
elumbelladiwic: if it doesn't appear you have to edit the /etc/default/grub file23:36
dragondiwic: You can hit some key (I think 'e') to edit the command line options in grub while booting. Try typing the kernel's location there.23:37
joshua_could someone please tell me how to change the login screen on ubuntu 9.123:37
joaopintoJosh1, there is no ubuntu 9.1, you mean 9.10 ?23:38
alankiladragon: fine, but since you are only complaining about tomboy that means you seem to tolerate each non-tomboy icon that you are presumably using quite little using 5 MB. While that's a better number, it is qualitatively much the same argument.23:38
dragonjoshua_: System > Administration > Login Window23:38
joaopinto!karmic | joshua_23:38
ubottujoshua_: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:38
joaopintowe are there :D23:38
joshua_I only have "Login Screen" no button for Login Window23:38
dragonjoshua_: click on it?23:39
BUGabundodoh joaopinto :)23:39
alankilaabout the browser: I'd like to migrate to epiphany-browser myself. I don't know why I'd want google's version of webkit more than I'd like gnome's version of the same rendering engine.23:39
joshua_I only have one option that is to enable automatic login23:39
phoenixzUsing kubuntu 9.10, every now and then suddenly I get this avalanche of "sorry, but the .... program crashed".. funny thing is, it says "firefox" has crached, gwenview too, the kernel too, and some 10 others.. all mixed.. I click them away but for every one I click away, I get 0-5 others, about the same programs.. and the best of all, Im not using gwenview at that time, firefox is still running okay and I don't notice any kernel problem.. What is this23:39
phoenixz about?23:39
phoenixzor better, I think this is a bug :)23:39
joaopintoJosh1, there is no login screen configurator23:40
joaopintoerm, joshua_23:40
joshua_thats dumb23:40
alankilaMozilla's great fault is that their linux support is pretty bad: they do not give linux version anywhere near the same level of care as they give for the windows version, which is entirely rational. But that means the linux browser is shitty.23:40
Jordan_Udiwic: Hold shift during boot to see the menu23:40
dragon!prefix | joshua_23:40
ubottujoshua_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:40
joshua_!tab joaopinto23:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tab joaopinto23:41
diwicJordan_U: thanks, I'll try that :-) I was currently looking for documentation about /etc/default/grub23:41
joshua_why cant we edit our login screens23:41
peloverdeAs of very recently my audible bell is going off for nearly everything, is there a way to change this?23:41
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:41
jimpoppeloverde, yes23:42
diwicJordan_U: are we even running grub legacy or grub 2?23:42
joaopintojoshua_, because that is not yet available on the new gdm version23:42
peloverdejimpop, how?23:43
Jordan_Udiwic: grub223:43
jimpoppeloverde, set "set bell-style none" in /etc/inputrc23:43
diwicJordan_U: still package "grub" is installed but not package "grub2"23:43
joshua_my headphones work on ubuntu 9.10 but not in 9.04 can someone help me fix that23:44
peloverdejimpop, that only fixed libreadline apps23:44
Jordan_Udiwic: If you upgrade it doesn't transition automatically23:44
joaopintojoshua_, if they work, what fix do you need ?23:44
diwicJordan_U: this was a fresh karmic install from live-CD beta23:44
jimpoppeloverde, what other apps are belling?23:44
peloverdejimpop, xchat chromium vim23:45
joshua_i am on the beta of 9.10 but with all of the bugs i would like to switch back to ubuntu 9.04 but not without my headphones23:45
Jordan_Udiwic: The package is grub-pc23:45
jimpoppeloverde, vim has a "set vb" option, put it in .vimrc23:45
jimpoppeloverde, xchat has notification options23:46
Jordan_Udiwic: grub is a meta package that can be satisfied either by grub legacy or grub2 ( whose package is grub-pc )23:46
peloverdejimpop, there used to be some sort of global setting, none of these apps were belling last week23:46
lordmetroidDo I need to reinstall from the BETA when the actual release is due in a few days?23:46
joshua_i am on the beta of 9.10 but with all of the bugs i would like to switch back to ubuntu 9.04 but not without my headphones23:46
diwicjoshua_: It is difficult to know what to do about the headphones, it might help to upgrade alsa23:46
joshua_is it not possible to copy my sound configuration and copy it to ubuntu 9.0423:47
jimpoppeloverde, can't help with that.... but I would be the first to point the finger at pulseaudio :-)23:48
drop_tablesAnyone have a glitchy black line in their notification area?23:48
diwicJordan_U: I have not grub-pc installed. I have grub-common though, who claims that it replaces grub-pc.23:48
jimpopjoshua_ wrt headphone issue... what hardware?23:48
peloverdesigh, hopefully this is fixed in time for the release23:48
joshua_intel HDA Audio23:49
joshua_Gateway T-6345u23:49
diwicjoshua_: copying alsa configuration is not likely to help.23:49
jimpopjoshua_ the trick is to modify /etc/modprobe.d/alsa*.conf23:49
jimpopjoshua_, however it is hardware dependent.   what you need to do is try adding "model=3stack" to the line that has snd-hda-intel23:50
jimpopfor instance:  "options snd-hda-intel model=3stack power_save=10"23:51
macojimpop: wait how did you determine which quirk he needs?23:51
wirechief_joshua_: what codec do you have ?23:51
jimpopmaco: much pain23:51
jimpopmuch pain23:51
joshua_so why do my headphones work on ubuntu 9.10 but not on 9.0423:51
macojimpop: same hardware?23:51
macojimpop: then how do you know which quirk?23:51
joshua_how would i find that out23:51
macoguess n test23:51
diwicJordan_U: thanks for helping out...I'll try the Shift button23:51
jimpopbut i have read nearly every blog post on alsa problems and the 3stack line helped on my laptop23:52
wirechief_joshua_: you can use alsa-info23:52
diwicjoshua_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto23:52
wirechief_wget -O alsa-info.sh  http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh23:52
jimpopjoshua_ i have a 95% confidence that the 3stack option will solve your problem.23:52
wirechief_that runs it, do as user in /home/user23:52
diwicwirechief_: nowadays ubuntu-bug -p alsa-base is preferred23:53
Martynwith karmic's replacement of init, are any new kernel commandline params needed?23:53
joshua_i would try it but i am running the beta of 9.1023:53
wirechief_diwic well thats true but having a attachement with the above will give alsa devs eyes a better view23:53
joshua_i cant wait for the new release to come out23:53
jimpopMartyn, my favs are ipv6.disable=1 apparmor=0 bluetooth=disable23:53
joshua_What is Grub 223:54
Martynthe new bootloader23:54
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub223:54
jimpopGrub had 1 config file... Grub 2 has too many ;-)23:54
joshua_"New" Bootloader, Whats wrong with the "old" bootloader23:55
Jordan_Ujimpop: Yea, one configfile with parts that were comments, but not really comments23:55
jimpopjoshua_ new for the sake of newness23:55
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
Jordan_Ujoshua_: jimpop grub legacy is no longer supported by the grub developers23:56
rob0Technically nothing is "wrong" even with LILO. GRUB has some added capabilities, but any Linux boot loader will load a Linux kernel.23:56
jimpopJordan_U, that's because it worked so well23:56
drop_tablesNew grub is modular! Remind me why it needs to be modular?23:56
Jordan_Ujimpop: No, it's because they refuse to support it. They support grub223:56
rob0Just because you upgrade your distro does not mean you have to "upgrade" your boot loader.23:57
Jordan_Udrop_tables: So that you can have a recovery shell in case of problems with your /boot partition23:57
drop_tablesHope I won't need that, but cool feature23:58
jimpopi though the livecd was for problems with /boot23:59
shifladohas anyone installed LDAP in ubuntu?23:59

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