
FLOZzHello all  _o/11:12
=== zniavre_ is now known as zniavre
thorwilso i figured out how to use Empathy for IRC. cute and amazingly inefficient :)14:08
thorwilbbl on another client14:08
mac_vkwwii: got a min? ;)14:19
mac_vstyle "industrial-menuitem"14:19
mac_v  xthickness = 314:19
mac_v  ythickness = 314:19
mac_vi'm using this^ for drawing the menus , but i get a black border14:19
mac_vhow do i get a white outline line the old human-login theme?14:20
kwwiimac_v: not sure I understand your question14:21
mac_vkwwii: for the human login theme , all the menu items have a white outline  , right? i'm not sure how to set that using the industrial theme ...14:23
kwwiimac_v: I just set the colors and it worked...didn't play around too much (which is what made me use industrial to begin with)14:24
kwwiimac_v: I originally started with murrine but industrial proved to be much easier14:24
mac_vlol ;)14:24
mac_vkwwii: thanks anyway :)14:24
kwwiimac_v: ahhh, you want to have the white in the main menu, or?14:25
mac_vkwwii: yeah the white outline14:25
kwwiithose applets in gdm are doing something a bit different than the menus in the system do14:25
kwwiiI don't know how to get that to work, sorry14:26
kwwiithose menus (apps, places, system) are part of the pain of themeing14:26
kwwiimac_v: you might want to ask on gnome-art or somewhere like that14:27
mac_vkwwii: hm... actually your theme works with the system menu.. it draws the outline.. but will ask other too :)14:27
FLOZzHello all  _o/16:32
=== thorwil_ is now known as thorwil
* thorwil installed karmic19:02
* thorwil is much happier with colorize_scrollbar = FALSE and listviewheaderstyle = 219:03

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