
=== asac_ is now known as asac
bcurtiswxanyone else getting skipping movies in Karmic?03:31
bcurtiswxyeah i play a movie.. doesn't matter the player03:37
bcurtiswxand a little ways into the the video skips (not the volume) and speeds up to catch up.. then stops.. and speeds up to catch up and does this frequently03:38
micahgI have had this on occassion03:38
bcurtiswxmicahg: know any ways to workaround.. (if there a report yet?)03:38
bcurtiswxnot compiz.. still does it when its off/on03:39
micahgmovie player worked for me when I had the issue03:39
bcurtiswxyeah movie player does it03:39
bcurtiswxthis is from file on the drive.. not a CD or DVD03:39
micahgyes, I have the issue now in vlc03:40
micahgmovie player is smooth03:40
* micahg guesses he should file a bug03:40
bcurtiswxwell at least you know you'll get confirmation ;-)03:41
bcurtiswxwhat to file it with?03:41
bcurtiswxnot compiz or player specfiic03:41
micahgi think my file is divx how about you?03:42
micahgyes, but what codec03:42
bcurtiswxi dunno03:42
bcurtiswxway to find out?03:42
micahgyeah, open in movie player and select movie properties03:43
bcurtiswxXVID MPEG-403:43
dtchenVLC is probably using the 'default' audio output, which is ALSA, which means it routes through alsa-lib to the pulse plugin and back out to ALSA.03:44
dtchenyou should configure VLC to use the pulse audio output, which eliminates the first routing through alsa-lib.03:45
dtchenthere are numerous bug reports in Launchpad on this symptom03:45
bcurtiswxim not using VLC.. totem and banshee so far03:45
dtchenas for non-VLC, i would need to know if you can reproduce it with all of today's updates03:45
dtcheni'll also need to see pastebinned /var/log/user.log03:45
bcurtiswxhey cool, themuso added the freedesktop sounds for empathy03:47
dtchengreat, 500+ PA bugs to triage on my day off/holiday.03:48
bcurtiswxdtchen. i lost count on my empathy bugs03:49
dtchenit's going to be a long night of whiskey and darts.03:49
bcurtiswxstill a prob, brb with pastebin03:49
bcurtiswxdtchen: http://paste.ubuntu.com/291308/03:50
bcurtiswxits just video problems tho.. sounds fine03:51
dtchenah, just video? neverminde.03:52
bcurtiswxi love all the pulse lines tho... <gets dizzy>03:52
bcurtiswxi wouldn't know what to report this bug to03:53
micahgno, my problem was sound03:53
dtchenyeah, well, it'd be a tiny bit more concise if we carried Fedora's rtkit linux patches03:53
dtchenmicahg: see above regarding VLC's audio output preferences03:53
micahgyep, checking now03:53
micahgdtchen: that fixed it03:54
dtchenyes, i know (:03:54
bcurtiswxok what to file against.. movie video skipping.. but not sound... compiz off and on.. no change... different codecs.. no change, different players, no change03:54
dtchenyou also need to ensure you're running the absolute latest Karmic03:54
micahgI set it for pulse, but it's still skips every few seconds a few milliseconds03:55
* micahg jsut updated03:55
dtchenmicahg: that's likely our missing rtkit stuff in linux, then03:55
micahgbcurtiswx: weird03:55
dtchenmicahg: try adding @audio to RT03:55
micahgwe have a similar but different problem03:55
dtchenmicahg: (i.e., in /etc/security/limits.conf)03:55
micahgdtchen: how?03:55
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bcurtiswxlet me try somethin.. brb03:56
bcurtiswxstill does it03:59
ubot4Launchpad bug 449272 in compiz "Invest applet drop down leaves a shadow on desktop" [Undecided,New]06:41
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mac_vdarthanubis: did you thank yourself in the bug report? ;p07:20
kblinhi folks07:38
kblinis there a real reason why bug 444289 is private?07:38
ubot4kblin: Bug 444289 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/444289 is private07:39
* kblin gives ubot4 a cooke07:40
kblincookie, though07:40
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diffyI thing that gpsd didn't recognize anymore my USB gps receiver, maybe a bug in the driver used by gpsd for it ?10:43
diffythink sorry10:43
maxbDoes anyone know if apport of thunderbird crashes is ever useful? Because usually it just hangs my system and then dies from out of memory11:20
davmor2maxb: try running ubuntu-bug thunderbird and read the report11:23
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kblinhey folks. I take there's nothing more I can do to help with bug 392828?14:19
ubot4Launchpad bug 392828 in ubuntu "security.ubuntu.com not reachable via IPv6" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39282814:19
thekornkblin: I was told the other day that everything related to the infrastructure should get a ticket at rt.ubuntu.com14:24
thekornnot sure if this is the case here too14:24
kblinsame login as launchpad?14:25
thekornkblin: no, loging and password both 'ubuntu'14:25
thekornsuper secure ;)14:25
joaopintoanyone else experiencing the non working VTs ?14:26
thekornjoaopinto: you mean on karmic? - yes14:27
joaopintoyes, on karmic14:28
davmor2joaopinto: Yeap but only on certain hw.  Try dropping back into the same vt session14:28
joaopintothekorn, are you using fglex ?14:28
joaopintodanstoner, dropping back into the same vt session ?14:28
thekornjoaopinto: ehm, no it's an nvidia card, but I don't have access to this machine right now14:29
davmor2joaopinto: yeah go back to c-a-F7 then back to C-A-F2 or whatever14:29
davmor2seems to work on intel14:30
davmor2but not ati or nvidia14:30
joaopintoit doesn't work for me, ATI14:30
joaopintoany idea if it's being worked ? is there a bug report about it ?14:31
kblinworks for me on an ati, I think14:31
joaopintokblin, you get a working VT with CTRL-ALT-F1 ?14:33
kblinyeah, I think so14:34
kblinlet me get the laptop14:34
joaopintokblin, make sure you have all the updates, this started this week, probably related to usplash updates14:35
kblinjoaopinto: yesterday's updates, I think, works like a bliss :)14:38
joaopintook, so it's hw specific14:39
joaopintokblin, are you using fglrx ?14:39
kblinI guess not. jockey-kde comes up empty, and there's no content in my xorg.conf either14:41
kblinI didn't give it much of a thought14:41
kblinI recently installed kubuntu 9.04 on the thing. that sucked alot, but I decided to give 9.10 a go before nuking and downgrading14:42
joaopintoyou dont need a xorg.conf to use fglrx, you just need to install it14:43
alex_mayorgaHello, can anyone please confirm if bug #449556 is a duplicate?15:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 449556 in telepathy-butterfly "telepathy-butterfly crashed with TypeError in b64decode() (dup-of: 401028)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44955615:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 401028 in pymsn "telepathy-butterfly crashed with TypeError in b64decode()" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40102815:11
thekornalex_mayorga: I think technically it is a duplicate, as it is the same code which is broken in both cases,15:21
thekornalex_mayorga: I think it makes sense to add a task to the papyon package in ubuntu to this pymsn bug report15:22
alex_mayorgathekorn, can you remove "private" from my report, I don't think there's nothing private on it15:23
thekornlet's see15:24
thekornalex_mayorga: your  report is already public15:24
thekornthe retracer changed it for you15:25
alex_mayorgaOK, thanks15:27
alex_mayorgais there anything else I can chip-in?15:27
thekornI don't think so15:28
alex_mayorgaCan you help me or point me to the right document, I have a problem when switching users and trying to back to the first one the screen goes blank15:32
alex_mayorgaand never recovers15:33
lfaraoneHey, can somebody else on karmic see if they can reproduce bug 449596 ?16:20
ubot4Launchpad bug 449596 in policykit-gnome "polkit-gnome-authorization crashed with SIGSEGV in __libc_start_main()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44959616:20
alex_mayorgalfaraone, I can try, do you have STR?16:32
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rockwlrsIs there a boilerplate message for when someone posts a nice bug report, but as a follow-up to a completely different bug?17:05
lfaraonealex_mayorga: yeah, it crashes on start.17:14
lfaraonealex_mayorga: just run "polkit-gnome-authorization"17:14
deuxpiThere is a bug in gnome-sudoku (#445449) that should probably by marked as Wishlist. Can someone from Bug Control can take a look at this please?17:18
alex_mayorgalfaraone, it loaded here, no crash... yet17:23
lfaraonealex_mayorga: odd.18:30
alex_mayorgalfaraone, would you mind trying to replicate mine? got two user ids?18:35
lfaraonealex_mayorga: sure./18:35
alex_mayorgalogin with A, switch to B and try to come back to A's session, my screen blanks at that point, so beware18:36
rockwlrsIs there a boilerplate message for when someone posts a nice bug report, but as a follow-up to a completely different bug?18:36
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xteejxHi guys, I've been away from triaging for a while, and will be back doing bits here and there, but this new Firefox greasemonkey script "firefox-lp-improvements" is confusing, I've installed greasemonkey and the script from synaptic, but I can only see peoples karma and team membership status in the bug reports. Shouldn't I also be able to add tags quickly and insert canned repsonses from Bugs/Repsonses? I can't see any button or any way to do this, or doe18:42
xteejxsorry for the long message hope someone wouldn't mind reading it and answering :)18:42
bdmurraycheck tools -> add-ons -> extenstions -> Launchpad Improvments and the preferences button to ensure buttontags and stockreplies are enabled18:44
xteejxbdmurray, will do cheers brian :)18:46
xteejxbdmurray, all the checkboxes are checked, including LP_ButtonTags and LP_StockReplies18:47
bdmurraytry disabling greasemonkey too just in case as the extension doesn't need it18:48
xteejxbdmurray, nope nothing changed, i can still see karma, etc but no buttons strangely, where do the buttons show up, just in case i'm really stupid and have missed it?18:50
bdmurray"Add tag" shows right above the regular launchpad "Tags"18:50
bdmurrayresponse only show up when you exand the modification bit by the bug tasks table18:51
bdmurrayresponses and expand ;-)18:52
xteejxbdmurray, ahhhhh the down arrow by the package name hehe VERY handy ;)18:54
xteejxis there an apport hook for hal?18:57
bdmurrayxteejx: for which release?18:58
xteejxits reported against 7.10, so i'm hoping as its hardware detection that its ok in jaunty/karmic but really jaunty i suppose as hal is deprecated in karmic isnt it? or is that wrong?19:00
xteejxdw i'll be asking the reporter to check it in karmic anyway, so i guess it was a stupid question lol :)19:03
alex_mayorgaxteejx, bug? I'm on karmic over here :)19:12
xteejxcool alex, i was on karmic but reverted to jaunty after 1 or 2 problems with my wifi19:13
xteejxalex_mayorga, do you have an LCD/TFT display?19:14
micahgxteejx: which chipset?19:14
xteejxar242x lol :(19:14
alex_mayorgaxteejx, I'm on a laptop, does it help?19:14
micahgxteejx: have you tried the karmic backports?19:14
micahgIt's usable for me, still not great, but doesn't drop as frequently19:15
xteejxalex_mayorga, it does yes, are you able to confirm bug 67226 for me with the latest firefox and openoffice as i didn't have any problem like that, that i can remember...please :)19:15
ubot4Launchpad bug 67226 in openoffice.org "Font is too blurry in firefox interface and pages rendering" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6722619:15
xteejxmicahg, i was using karmic before reverting to jaunty, granted it was *slightly* better but still too unusable19:16
xteejxjaunty didnt seem quite as bad19:16
micahgyeah, I hope the linux wireless people can fix it before release19:18
xteejxdont know why19:20
xteejxhave i lost connection?19:20
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xteejxyay im back damn wifi lol brb19:21
alex_mayorgaxteejx: my FF fonts don't look blurry, IMHO19:35
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hakaishiHi folks, I have a problem with updates and nvidia drivers. Is there somone I can talk to or may I write about it here?19:50
Picihakaishi: If you're looking for support, the best place to ask is #ubuntu (or #ubuntu+1 if you're running Karmic/9.10)19:52
hakaishiokay, thank you very much^^19:53
joaopintohum, several unbootable systems reports today19:57
xteejxam i here or is my connection shot again?20:48
bdmurrayyou are here ;-)20:49
micahgbdmurray: meeting tomorrow?20:49
xteejxhehe thanks brian almighty bug master ;)20:49
bdmurraymicahg: hmm, I actually have a conflict at that time :-(20:52
micahgnext week?20:52
micahgI can';t make it till 16L30 anyways20:52
bdmurraythe 20th would work better for me20:53
micahgme too20:54
micahgbdmurray: did the fileabug thing get reverted?20:56
bdmurraymicahg: nope20:57
micahgI was able to file a bug at +fileabug on something...20:57
bdmurraythat is because you are in bugcontrol20:57
micahgor rather +filebug20:57
xteejxbrian, do i need to reapply for bug control, mine expired a while back and have been too busy with other stuff to triage, or am I safe to continue as a regular triager and just request changes in Importance?20:59
xteejxbdmurray, ^^21:02
xteejxAlso can I have bug 75384 changed to Wishlist please? (I think that's correct - and in Jaunty at least there is still no option to change the conversion engine)21:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 75384 in xsane "xsane PDF file sizes could be optimized" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7538421:04
xteejxOfftopic: Just for a moment...is there any plans to use Google Wave collaboration tool with bug triaging or working together in the future (just curious), or do we already have something like that?21:05
micahg1xteejx: done21:06
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
xteejxmicahg1, good ol' micah :) thank you :D21:07
falehi guys :)21:10
falewould have sense to close all the bugs relatives to dropped versions of ubuntu?21:11
bdmurrayhow can you guarantee that they don't apply to the current version without testing the bug?21:12
xteejxfale, no since we don't know if they're still a problem in a current version unless they are tested21:12
xteejxbeat me to it lol21:13
falexteejx: I see21:13
xteejxi always work back to front clearing out the old cruft anyway, so there is someone clearing out stuff from old versions :)21:13
faleI see ;)21:14
xteejxobviously following testing procedures, reproducing, etc.21:14
micahgWhile some of us are just trying to keep above water with the new bugs :)21:14
xteejxthe sensible ones ;)21:15
xteejxmy family are all irish, thats my excuse hee21:15
falewe have a loooooot of open bugs :(21:17
micahgfale: I sort by newest first and try to keep the new ones under control21:18
xteejximagine how many bug reports M$ have sitting on top of the shredder.....21:19
micahgxteejx: does M$ take bug reports?21:19
falexteejx: fedora has <5k..21:19
xteejxmicahg, well it's more like apport click and send21:19
micahgand after they take all the personal information out of it, they trash the bug report?21:19
xteejxfedora isn't as popular as ubuntu, but i can't account for 55k difference...oh well keeps us busy i guess :)21:20
xteejxmicahg, yeah ... dont get me started on them and HP grr21:20
micahgxteejx: more people opening bugs21:20
xteejxmicahg, yeah i suppose21:21
micahgxteejx: we also do crash reports as bugs21:21
xteejxmicahg, thats true...21:21
xteejxbdmurray, brian did you reinstate my bug control privileges?21:21
bdmurrayxteejx: yes21:23
kklimondahey, are there some statistics/discussion about direct link to submission page removed? I'm wondering how is it affecting community.21:24
micahgbdmurray: are you going to send out an announcement for a meeting next week?21:24
xteejxbdmurray, i did wonder why the importance came back up lol thankyou :)21:24
xteejxand sorry for being away so long!21:24
Adri2000is it possible nowadays for upstreams to get more bug privileges (see private bugs, mostly) for their packages?21:25
bdmurraymicahg: I'm a bit swamped atm21:25
bdmurraykklimonda: I have some21:25
xteejxAdri2000, only bug control can see private bug reports on launchpad21:26
bdmurrayAdri2000: the privileges are not package specific but yes it is possible for upstream developers / triagers to become part of ubuntu bugcontrol21:26
Adri2000bdmurray: even if they are not at all involved in the rest of ubuntu? if they just want to be able to triage their software's bugs?21:27
Adri2000if yes, what's the process then?21:28
bdmurrayAdri2000: basically contact jcastro21:28
kklimondabdmurray, was the change worth it? Lots of people are confused about it (I see questions about how to submit bugs every day on forums, irc or in the wild). How long till we can decide whenever people are getting used to it? Or maybe you will talk about it on the next meeting and then there is no reason to discuss it atm. I can wait :)21:29
Adri2000bdmurray: ok, thank you21:31
bdmurraykklimonda: well, the quantity of bugs reported w/o a package has decreased a fair bit since the change, and the quantity of bugs reported w/ apport has increased.  Additionally bug reporting volume hasn't really been affected.21:34
joaopintokklimonda, enforcing minimal info on a bug report is a good thing IMHO, as for how to report bugs, people asking that don't know how to google :)21:34
kklimondajoaopinto, I agree wholeheartedly with you - I was just wondering how many people are having problems with the new way of reporting bugs. As people who don't have problems aren't talking about it I was looking for some "raw data".21:37
xteejxThe new apport facilities are great, it's definitely helping, I wish there could be a self diagnosis type dialog though which seems to have started to be implemented, i.e. What is the fault   *Hardware     *Software     *Other      *Hardware > *Ubuntu cannot find my hardware   *My hardware crashes my computer   *blah     *blah21:39
bdmurrayan example of this can be found with ubuntu-bug storage21:41
xteejxjoaopinto, in all seriousness though, we want "dumb" users to start using Ubuntu and come from major OS's i.e. Windows, Mac, etc., so I think we need to be careful how we go about it21:41
micahgis  an option for minimal and complete report from apport possible for every package?21:41
joaopintoxteejx, we don't want dumb bug reports, regardless of the users type21:41
xteejxjoaopinto, i meant instruction-wise, not incomplete reports ;)21:42
xteejx"Bug Reporting for Dumbasses" click here > www.google.com21:42
xteejxI think that should cover everything...21:43
Flare183xteejx: :/ I doubt it.21:43
xteejxFlare183: So do I, but it's gotta be worth a try, if not a good laugh :)21:44
xteejxthere are quite a few resume/suspend bugs :O21:56
xteejxanyone around?22:10
xteejxbug 119660, I'm stumped, I don't use workstations/servers so I really don't know how to triage this one, there are no set procedures for it afaik, would someone mind having a look or maybe have a go at triaging it please, its really old and appears to have fallen through quite a few releases ... four22:12
ubot4Launchpad bug 119660 in autofs "Autofs should be reloaded when state of network interface changes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11966022:12
rastersoftHi all:23:13
BUGabundohey rastersoft23:13
rastersoftHi BUGabundo23:14
rastersoftI want to report a bug for the update-manager, but not sure how to do it. In Ubuntu home page says to use the menu option, but update-manager doesn't have it... :(23:15
BUGabundorastersoft: open a console23:15
BUGabundoand type23:15
BUGabundoubuntu-bug update-manager-gtk23:16
rastersoftfine, thanks. "update-manager-gtk" was the problem.23:16
rastersoftI wanted to use that, but the problem was that I wasn't sure about the program name (I knew it had something after, in this case "gtk")23:17
rastersoftops... seems to not work23:17
rastersoftOk, it was "update-manager" only... but before it didn't work23:19
rastersoftanyway, there's another problem: the bug is with current stable version, and I already upgraded to 9.10 beta123:20
BUGabundoso,  state that on the bug23:20
rastersoftok, I'll do23:21
xteejxBUGabundo, are you around?23:39
BUGabundoI'm always around23:39
BUGabundospecially if I'm rolling down the moutain23:39
xteejxwould you mind taking a look at a bug for me please?23:40
xteejxbug 119660 - i'm confused.com :(23:40
ubot4Launchpad bug 119660 in autofs "Autofs should be reloaded when state of network interface changes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11966023:40
* BUGabundo looks23:41
joaopintoBUGabundo is an autofs pro23:41
BUGabundono I'm not23:42
xteejxdamn :( lol23:42
BUGabundoa dapper bug?23:42
BUGabundou are joking23:42
xteejxben hall (benjamin-hall: 0)              wrote             on 2009-07-01:                                                              #10                                                  This is still a problem for the LTS (Hardy). The workstations I'm installing on need to be relatively stable and undergo major updates rarely, so if I can avoid it non LTS installs I will.23:42
xteejxand 9.04 - its an ongoing problem23:43
BUGabundoat least should be set to LOW23:43
BUGabundonot many users affected by it23:43
BUGabundonot will it be soon fixed, as it seems23:43
xteejxi've set Low, but not sure how to triage it, i've never used autofs23:45
xteejxi'll ask brian tomorrow if he's around :)23:45
nikolamI would like to ask a questioin or two about new "wiki way" of filing a bug reports.23:51
nikolamBefore, there was a button on launchpad taht would let users that are logged in on launchpad to put a bug report23:52
nikolamnow user is required to go to the wiki23:52
nikolamok. First reaction of the user is: Launchpad bug reporting does not work.23:52
nikolamSo I am suggesting.. If it is intended to FORCE user to read wiki page about bug reporting..23:53
nikolamthen why should we force hinm to read that page every time he wants to file a bug?23:53
nikolamShouldn`t those buttons that links to filing a bug on launchpad, be working on launchpad itself?23:54
nikolamMaybe some additional info about bug reporting / bug reporting types classification should be there on launchpad bug reporing page?23:55
xteejxapport hook for xscreensaver - is this karmic only?23:55
nikolamso user/reporter can choose a button that is about its bug report.23:55
nikolamwhat do you think?23:55
nikolamOR launchpad could remember what user have read wiki about bug reporing already23:56
nikolamjoaopinto, what do you think?23:56
joaopintonikolam, users don't need to go to launchpad to report bugs, that is you which are used to the previous process23:57
joaopintoas for the wiki, they just need to read it once, the first time23:57
nikolammy bug reporting process is> find package on launchpad > click on bugs page for that package > find similar bug reports > file a bug on the page FOR that package23:58
joaopintonikolam, so just change it to: ubuntu-bug package-name23:59
hggdhyou can still search LP. Nevertheless, if it is apport filling a bug, there is a good chance apport will find if it is a duplicate or not23:59
nikolamand if package-name does not exist.. we should have separate button on launchpad for that23:59

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