
=== asac_ is now known as asac
LaserJockanybody know if if the indicator applet uses the user's icon theme at all or it's own?02:09
lifelessLaserJock: users02:42
LaserJocklifeless: ok02:47
* ccheney uploading new OOo build :)03:36
ccheneywhee only 14min to upload the diff.gz03:50
azteechanyone have video out of range problems with both the install and livevd versions of 9.10? tried it both ways with my two machines and video being over driven out of range.04:03
azteechand are there ways to get screen resolution set with the initial bootstrap screen to set resolution so I can get around the problem. I am using a Nvidia GeForce 7500 series card with 512mb04:05
dtchenpitti: 20091012 (daily-live or daily) should resolve the "muted on boot" symptom05:04
superm1dtchen, daily-live's are currently not functional, see bug 44898105:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 448981 in mountall "/var/run/dbus is not getting populated on live CDs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44898105:06
dtchensuperm1: that's fine; all the audio stack updates are in 20091012 anyhow05:07
superm1dtchen, reminds me, i had something to ask you about.  it looked like fresh installs were having the mic muted on one of my laptops.  going into alsamixer it looks like it's because "Capture" isn't selected by default05:07
superm1at least that's what changes if i have alsamixer open in terminal and uncheck the muted box in the gnome-media05:09
dtchenwell, that's ugly05:12
dtchenthat will take some fiddling with switch = foo in /usr/share/pulseaudio/alsa-mixer/paths/analog-input.conf05:12
dtchenagain, we could unbreak it for some codecs at the cost of regressing others05:13
dtchensome of this pain will go away in the next release of PA due to device profiles05:14
dtchen(to be fair, that really means the burden of maintenance gets shifted into some other conffile)05:14
superm1well what would you like out of me so that you can fully evaluate the best thing to do?05:15
superm1i'm assuming apport-bug SOME_ALSA_PACKAGE filed from a fresh install?05:16
dtchenthe problem is that i have no idea how much hardware is being used, so i can only guess (poorly) at HDA codecs being dominant05:17
dtchenwe could use switch = on for [Element Capture]05:17
dtchenthat's going to break SB Lives, Audigys, certain crackfully rebranded X-Fis, ...05:18
superm1in what fashion will it break those types of hardwares though?05:18
dtchen"I can't hear anything played back through the speakers until I set Capture to nocap"05:19
superm1fun fun05:19
superm1is it not possible to query the launchpad hardware database to find out how prevalent certain codecs are?05:20
dtchenit probably is possible, but we need to decide whether we care about legacy compatibility05:21
dtchenif we don't care about hardware (older than five years) out of the box doing capture with no fiddling, then we could just set that one line05:21
superm1so who makes that call then?05:23
dtchenWRT accountability -- well, i don't mind doing it, seeing how i get the arse-end of bug reports anyhow05:25
dtchenit's easy enough to revert, but it _is_ quite late in the cycle to do it05:26
superm1well surely there will be a few more pulse uploads before the cycle is up, so if you put it in say the next upload and get some really bad feedback, you probably won't have to go out of your way for an upload "just for that"05:27
dtcheni _really_ hope not to bribe TheMuso into uploading more than a couple times (:05:28
* ajmitch seems to have only seen HDA hardware lately05:34
TheMusodtchen: I think ac97 and hda are probably our two biggest, followed by Creative cards, as 5 or so years still = ac97 + creative hardware.06:01
TheMusoAs for pulse, well I hope we only ned one more upload at the absolute most.06:02
TheMusoif that06:02
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pittiGood morning07:16
pittidtchen: muted on boot solved> yay!07:17
didrocksgood morning pitti, did you have a good week-end?07:41
pittihey didrocks; I did, yes; and you?07:42
didrockspitti: short but great. I had a hard time in updating my book to karmic. Too many little changes that makes a bunch of stenza to rewrite :)07:43
pittididrocks: yeah, karmic turned a lot of stuff upside down :)08:08
didrockspitti: exactly, I didn't figure out at first glance that there were so many little things changing!08:10
seb128good morning there08:45
mvogood morning seb128!08:45
seb128hey mvo, had a good week end?08:45
mvoyes, a bit too rainy for me taste, but otherwise fine08:46
pittibonjour seb128, guten Morgen mvo08:46
seb128it didn't rain for weeks, it's good to have some water sometime ;-)08:46
seb128hey pitti08:46
didrocksgood morning seb12808:48
didrockshey mvo08:48
seb128lut didrocks08:49
seb128hey chrisccoulson08:49
chrisccoulsonhey seb12808:49
chrisccoulsonhow are you?08:50
seb128good, you?08:53
seb128did you have a good weekend?08:54
chrisccoulsonyeah, my weekend was quite relaxing. we had some family over on saturday and then i didn't do much yesterday08:58
tkamppeter_pitti, hi08:59
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seb128over 800 bug emails during the weekend09:02
chrisccoulsonseb128 - that's quite a lot. it doesn't help when certain users keep repeatedly reporting the same bug ;)09:06
Ngmac_v: how much will I make you cry if I find a gnome-power-manager icon which isn't monochome? ;)09:21
NgI just plugged in a wireless mouse and it's giving me an icon about it having no battery left (which is a lie, but a separate bug)09:21
jpds"plugged in a wireless mouse" ?09:25
mac_vNg: we just havent made icons for those ;p ....  damn it i hoped no one used those ;)09:25
mac_vNg: screenshot pls09:25
Ngmac_v: http://mairukipa.tenshu.net/screenshots/2009-10-12-wireless-mouse-icon.png09:28
mac_vyeah, thats the gpm-mouse-* icons09:30
mac_vNg: i guess you need to file a bug ;) else lool wont update those icons unless they are release critical, even if i make them09:31
Ngmac_v: against which package?09:31
mac_vNg: humanity09:32
mac_vhumanity-icon-theme to the excapt09:32
Ngmac_v: done, bug #44933409:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449334 in humanity-icon-theme "wireless mouse icons not monochrome" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44933409:36
mat_tpitti: morning!10:09
pittihey mat_t10:09
mat_tpitti: fade-out on shutdown doesn't work anymore :(10:09
mat_tpitti: any idea what might have happened there?10:09
pittimat_t: I think so; -> #u-devel10:11
pittimat_t: oh, no Keybuk10:11
mat_tpitti: do you mean "ask Keybuk"? :)10:12
mat_tor "don't ask Keybuk"?10:12
pittimat_t: I just asked cjwatson in #u-devel, Keybuk/cjwatson did the recent changes10:12
seb128why are we getting a "need to use the mouse to log in" stack of bugs no?10:16
seb128comments seem to indicate that changed recently10:17
seb128pitti, did you do gdm changes recently?10:17
loolNg: Yeah we're deep in artwork/ui freezes so I need the design team to vouch for any required changes at this point10:17
loolmac_v: Instead of sending people directly to me, get input of the design team first on the criticality of the fix10:17
lool(If in doubt)10:17
mat_tseb128: yeah, right now it seems like you have to make a selection with your mouse, hitting enter does not select the user10:18
mac_vlool: yup , i'v told mat_t too , that for any bug that is release critical  , it needs to be commented on the bug10:18
mac_vby the UX10:18
seb128I'm wondering if that's a theme issue10:18
seb128since gdm didn't change recently out of theming...10:18
mat_tseb128: isn't that because the user is not selected by default anymore?10:19
seb128why wouldn't it?10:19
seb128we didn't change that10:19
seb128pitti, ^ do you know about that?10:19
mat_tseb128: I know that we didn't want it to be, because of usability issues, but only provided that hitting enter would still work10:19
seb128there was no recent gdm upload10:20
seb128what changes to make the default user not selected and who did that?10:20
mat_tseb128: I think someone changed it to "deselected" by default recently10:20
glatzorhello mvo10:20
glatzormorning seb12810:20
mat_tseb128: I don't know! I certainly wasn't involved :)10:21
seb128https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+changelog has no sign of such change10:21
mvohey glatzor!10:21
mvoglatzor: how are you?10:21
seb128let me do testing, brb10:22
seb128hey glatzor10:22
pittiseb128: I wondered about that as well, and it annoys me too10:22
glatzormvo, fine! hope yourself too!10:23
mvoglatzor: yeah, its release time, so a bit in crunch mode, but otherwise fine :)10:23
asacseb128: hola ... would you mind if i upload a workaround patch for gnome-terminal profile selection not working ;)? http://pastebin.com/f42b7ed2510:23
mvoglatzor: have you seen my mail/patches?10:23
asaci can submit that upstream too ... but feels like its a gtk bug that "toggled" does not work10:24
pittiseb128: wb10:27
pittiseb128: I wondered about that as well, and it annoys me too10:27
pittiseb128: it seems to work after restarting gdm, but not after initial boot10:27
pittiseb128: I didn't change gdm recently, though10:27
pittiseb128: it seems correlated with the "100% CPU" bug, thuogh10:28
pittiseb128: <wild speculation> cryptsetup/gdm sharing one VT might also lead to cryptsetup intercepting the key presses?10:28
pittithen again, the password entry does seem to work10:28
seb128pitti, is that new? I don't get the issue there but I didn't upgrade during the weekend10:28
pittiseb128: it's bug 439138; not really new, but I personally got it after the recent mesa upgrade last week10:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 439138 in usplash "[karmic] Xorg 100% CPU utilization -- only after first login" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43913810:29
seb128pitti, bug #44704910:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 447049 in gdm "face browser should respond to <enter> as well as a mouse click" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44704910:29
glatzormvo, about the proxy?10:30
seb128I've assigned to canonical desktop team and targetted karmic10:30
mvoglatzor: yeah10:32
glatzormvo, ah, that is the reason for LP #44881010:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 448810 in aptdaemon "Update manager now requires two authentications" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44881010:32
mptAh, I was just about to report bug 447049 :-)10:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 447049 in gdm "face browser should respond to <enter> as well as a mouse click" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44704910:32
pittiseb128: replied10:33
seb128pitti, thanks10:33
mvoglatzor: yeah, I changed it to auth (I put a rational in the changelog that hopefully is clear why)10:34
mptseb128, on my main partition I haven't yet installed whatever update it is that breaks Enter in GDM. So if you can think of other possible packages that might be causing the problem, I could update them one at a time and work out which it is.10:35
seb128mpt, I didn't upgrade either so I will try there but thanks10:35
seb128mpt, could you look to pitti's comment on the bug though?10:35
glatzormvo, but this changes the user experience a lot10:36
mptseb128, pitti hasn't commented on that bug report. Do you mean another bug report, or someone else?10:36
pittimpt: I just replied to bug 44704910:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 447049 in gdm "face browser should respond to <enter> as well as a mouse click" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44704910:36
glatzormvo, now you need to be an admin user to be notified about updates10:36
mptoh, I was two minutes out of date :-)10:36
mptpitti, if I upgraded I probably wouldn't be able to tell whether I was experiencing bug 439138, because I've been experiencing bug 447231, which would mask it.10:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 439138 in usplash "[karmic] Xorg 100% CPU utilization -- only after first login" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43913810:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 447231 in xorg "Xorg constantly uses near-100% CPU after 9.04->Karmic upgrade" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44723110:38
pittimpt: it should still work after logging out of the first session, though10:39
mptpitti, sorry, by "it should still work" do you mean "GDM should start behaving properly", or something else?10:39
pittimpt: yes10:39
mpthm, actually, on my clean Karmic installation I have the GDM problem but I don't have any CPU problem at all10:40
pittiI get the effect for the gdm after boot, and then X.org 100%, log out, get back to gdm, and pressing Enter works10:40
mptI will install all updates on that other installation, check it, and be back in 10 minutes10:40
mvoglatzor: hm, maybe we should change it then to only ask if there is a proxy in use?10:41
tkamppeterpitti, hi10:49
pittihi tkamppeter10:49
tkamppeterpitti, have you seen bug 448769 and duplicates? Seems that on an update from Jaunty (or older) to Karmic the cupsd.conf gets completely wiped out.10:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 448769 in cups "Printing broke on upgrade to Karmic [cupsd = signal 15] (dup-of: 429138)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44876910:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 429138 in cups "cups exits with "No valid Listen or Ports lines"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42913810:50
mptpitti: ... no, I have the GDM problem but no CPU problem10:52
pittimpt: ok, so it seems unrelated then10:59
davmor2pitti: just running some tests on today's iso it seems to drop into in terminal login rather than gdm, just checking things through.11:50
davmor2pitti: okay that's worrying ps aux | grep gdm nothing but the grep command.  sudo start gdm then ps aux | grep gdm nothing but grep gdm :(11:53
tkamppeterpitti, do you have any idea how the cupsd.conf get get wiped out when updating from Jaunty or older to Karmic?12:11
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pittidavmor2: eww; can you try "sudo gdm-binary --debug" and check what it complains about?12:45
pittitkamppeter: no, not really; didn't we discuss that some days ago in #u-devel?12:45
davmor2pitti: I've start bug 449454 where I've added the syslog output but I'll do that for you and add the info to the bug12:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449454 in ubuntu "Ubuntu has no gdm and no xsplash on todays iso" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44945412:46
pittidavmor2: ah, thanks12:47
davmor2pitti: added out put12:49
davmor2pitti: Also I've check that there are no issues with the burn12:51
pittidavmor2: oh! no d-bus running?12:52
davmor2pitti: should dbus show up in ps aux?12:53
pitti102        588  0.0  0.1  24480  2168 ?        Ss   07:52   0:01 dbus-daemon --system --fork12:53
pittisomething like this12:53
davmor2nope only get the grep dbus showing up12:55
seb128bug #438936 seems to confuse quite some user12:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 438936 in indicator-session "Should be able to lock screen with autologin" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43893612:59
seb128I don't get the design decision behind blocking screen locking for autologin configs12:59
mvoseb128: eh? so you can not lock your sesion at all with autologin enabled?13:03
seb128mvo, you can but ted decided that the session indicator would have the option not enabled13:04
seb128mvo, seems it's a design decision to not confuse users who don't remember their password or something13:04
mvothat does not sound like it makes a lot of sense (especially if ctrl-l keeps working)13:04
seb128mvo, I don't really get it...13:04
seb128I think the rational is that "you use autologin so you should never have to type a password"13:05
seb128or something around those lines13:05
mac_vseb128: seems some netbook users dont remember their passwords :/   well thats what tedg said , not sure how he got that user feedback...  for now , i autologin and then switch off the autologin ;p13:09
seb128that doesn't make sense to me13:09
seb128we still lock on suspend for example13:09
seb128and there is lot of valid reason to lock an autologed session13:09
mac_vdoesnt make sense for me either ;)13:09
pittiseb128: that sounds confusing; why wouldn't I want to lock my screen with autologin?13:09
seb128like being in a public place and letting the computer while getting a coffee or something13:10
pittibut "never having to type my password" != autologin..13:10
seb128pitti, because you don't manage to remember your password13:10
pittibut you need it for admin stuff etc. as well13:10
pittiautologin is just a convenience for a clean session13:10
pittibut I guess I'm preaching to the choir13:10
seb128not sure if that comes from ted or is a design team suggestion13:10
seb128I will talk to ted again when he's around13:11
mac_vpitti , seb128: mpt suggested some changes for that > Bug #436724 , but seems its not possible to get that done for karmic13:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 436724 in indicator-session "lock screen doesn't work" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43672413:11
pittiit should only be hidden when teh password is disabled13:11
seb128"It would seem like if you specifically ask it to lock, it should. On13:13
seb128the other hand, if you accidentally hit the menu item and you've got no13:13
seb128clue of your password, that's no good as well.13:13
seb128Thoughts? I'm leaning towards disabling the menu item with autologin."13:13
seb128"I suggest that if someone sets themselves up to log in automatically, the "Lock Screen" command is insensitive by default."13:13
pittiwell, forgetting your own password is a rather curious use case13:14
mac_vmpt: also , why do you want the lock screen to be greyed out ? why not hide the option for users who auto-login ? this is not a static menu structure where users need to be familiar with , why not just hide it for those users?13:14
seb128I'm tempted to distro patch that out for karmic13:14
pittiwe shouldn't disable important functionality to make it easier for people to not use computers in a secure manner13:14
mptmac_v, that makes sense13:14
seb128but why do you want to prevent autologed users to lock their screen?13:15
pittiseb128: I'm fine with a quick distro patch, but eventually it should be fixed "upstream", too13:15
pittithat just makes no sense13:15
pittiseb128: I commented on that bug, but it's already closed; should we reopen?13:15
mac_vmpt: kindly alter the suggestion then :)13:15
mptmac_v, so that seb128 can "bah" at me again? :-)13:16
seb128pitti, there is an another bug13:16
seb128bug #43893613:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 438936 in indicator-session "Should be able to lock screen with autologin" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43893613:16
mptseb128, because I thought they probably wouldn't know their password in that case13:16
seb128mpt, I don't bah at you especially, but preventing users to secure their box when they need to is weird13:16
mac_vmpt: ;) .. but we might forget this and it might get implemented as-is :)13:17
seb128mpt, if you forget your password you have lot of other issues, like not being to do any admin tasks or to log into the box after suspend13:17
seb128mpt, it seems inconsistent to enforce that in the menu when suspend will lock the screen anyway for example13:17
mptseb128, yes, this wouldn't be an issue for admins13:18
seb128mpt, it is right now in karmic13:18
mptseb128, I never suggested that suspend should act differently! If someone can't lock the screen, suspending shouldn't lock the screen.13:18
mac_vmpt: yeah , the suspend locks screen on resume [by default]13:18
mac_valso the option to not prompt for password is very well hidden in the gconf13:19
seb128mpt, ok, that just seems an half working solution not clearly design, I would suggest letting the indicator session menu lock screen since that's not the right place to enforce that13:19
mptseb128, yes, this whole mess has never been designed properly13:19
seb128if you want to disable screen locking that should be done in a consistent way over the session13:19
seb128ok, good13:20
seb128let's undo the indicator session change and work on proper changes next cycle13:20
seb128I will talk to ted when he's there13:20
joaopintoseb128, any chance of including the fix for bug 432558 ? I have seen more people on #ubuntu+1 unable to login into msn, could be related to this bug for which a fix is already available13:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 432558 in telepathy-butterfly "telepathy-butterfly crashed with UnicodeDecodeError in _print_MSG()" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43255813:24
joaopintohum, wait, fix released ?13:24
seb128joaopinto, I think there was a mess with sponsoring request,  2 bugs opened, no debdiff and no reply to dholbach's comment on the other one13:25
joaopintothere was no evidente on the other one that it was the same bug13:25
joaopintoit's a one line diff, something easy to check13:26
seb128right, I will check with dholbach why he didn't upload and sponsor it later if there is no reason13:26
joaopintook, tks13:27
seb128kenvandine, could you look at bug #448300? what is the right component for ubuntuone addressbook issues13:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 448300 in evolution "[Karmic] In the adressbook (contactbook) in Evolution Epost. I can not delete any adresses on Ubuntu One contact book. " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44830013:28
kenvandineseb128, that should be evolution-couchdb13:29
seb128kenvandine, ok thanks, can you have a quick look and reassign?13:29
kenvandineseb128, rodrigo has fixed it in couchdb-glib already and has a fix for evo-couch too13:29
seb128kenvandine, thanks!13:30
seb128good that I asked you, you seem to have a clue about the issue ;-)13:30
kenvandinei should have a packaging branch for it in a bit13:31
kenvandinetechnically a holiday here, so will do it after i run some errands this morning13:31
seb128oh I didn't know, sorry about that, there is no hurry13:32
kenvandineno worries13:33
kenvandineit was on my todo list :)13:33
kenvandineseb128, so you probably won't see much of rick either :)13:34
seb128good, I will be able to get work done ;-)13:34
seb128oh, he's not around to read that, not fun then13:34
kenvandineseb128, can you sponsor bug 44716213:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 447162 in evolution-couchdb "Change notifications don't get to evolution UI" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44716213:38
kenvandinei think that fixes 448300, but i need to confirm that with rodrigo13:38
seb128will do some sponsoring when I'm done with weekend backlog13:39
* kenvandine runs out13:40
pittikenvandine, seb128: I'll sponsor while seb128 is debugging something for me (fair trade :) )13:51
tkamppeterpitti, I think, we did not discuss the wiping out of cupsd.conf, we only discussed about maintainer scripts not to modify conffiles to avoid "conffile changed" questions during installation/update.13:53
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pittitkamppeter: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/10/07/%23ubuntu-devel.html, 14:49 onwards13:55
kwwiiseb128: #444421 is fixed. Robert was right, it tests fine...change is in bzr already13:57
tkamppeterpitti, sorry, let's go to another problem: In bug 444126 a user cannot print because a manufacturer driver package looks for libcupsys.14:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444126 in cups "Canon ip2600 Printer won't print, but Ubuntu says it is." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44412614:04
pittitkamppeter: replied in the bug14:19
seb128hey tedg14:37
seb128tedg, so it has been decided that indicator session should let autologed users lock screen14:37
seb128tedg, can you change that upstream or do we need to distro change it? ;-)14:37
davmor2pitti: wrt bug 449454 cr3 is getting a mixed result so we are wondering if it might be a race condition :(14:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449454 in dbus "Ubuntu has no gdm and no xsplash on todays iso" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44945414:37
pittidavmor2: it certainly is; I remember that we already have had the "dbus doesn't start" problem a few weeks ago (Keybuk will still painfully remember, I guess)14:39
tedgseb128: So what's your plan for users that use autologin and don't know their password?14:40
seb128tedg, we lock screen on let's say suspend anyway14:40
tedgseb128: Only with GPM, not from the session menu.14:40
tedgseb128: We should probably patch GPM then :)14:40
pittitedg: suspend from indicate menu locks the session14:41
seb128tedg, it doesn't make sense to patch one software to not behave in a consistent way there14:41
seb128tedg, if you want to prevent screen locking you should do it for the whole session14:42
seb128ie change the gnome-screensaver key14:42
tedgpitti: With autologin enabled?  It shouldn't.14:42
pittitedg: I didn't try that14:42
seb128tedg, well it does when closing the lid14:42
seb128tedg, users who don't know their password is something that should not happen14:43
seb128you need to password in lot of cases14:43
seb128admin tools, unlocking, user switching14:43
pittiyou need it anyway for gnome-keyring, admin, etc.?14:43
seb128if you want to allow a "no password" mode that's not by hacking around in indicator session14:43
tedg"should not" and "doesn't" are very separate cases.14:43
seb128you need to design that properly rather14:43
tedgpitti: Thinking more non-admin users.14:43
seb128the user who forgets the password is screwed14:43
seb128you still need to unlock your keyring14:44
pittitedg: but if you really don't want a password, then you should lock/disable the password rather, no?14:44
tedgpitti: How do you lock/disable the password14:44
pittipasswd -l14:45
tedgpitti: Without the command line :)14:45
pittiwe never really supported that mode14:45
pittiif we want to introduce a concept of passwordless accounts, then we need to do that on all levels14:46
tedgWhat should happen on the LiveCD?14:46
pittithat does have an empty password14:46
tedgpitti: How do we test for that?14:47
pittiwith normal user privs you can't really14:47
seb128tedg, why do you want to test? you can lock screen and unlock using enter14:47
pittiexcept for just trying14:47
tedgseb128: Because I don't want to tell someone they can "Lock Screen" if they can't.14:48
pittii. e. piping '' into unix_chkpwd14:48
pittibut that leaves traces in auth.log14:48
tedgpitti: And just trying would be bad, right?14:48
seb128tedg, you can lock it, you just need an empty password to unlock14:48
pittitedg: well, just noisy in auth.log, not really bad14:48
tedgseb128: Honestly, that would be the best security for me.  I'd probably try "ubuntu" with a thousand different spellings before guessing no password :)14:49
seb128tedg, now is not time to try to solve those case for karmic, lot of places need a password there is no point to try to enforce something new in indicator session there14:49
tedgWell, you guys design it.  How should it work?  It would probably be easier to distro patch as it's probably a 1-2 line change.14:51
tedgAdding the checking for null password would take longer.14:52
tedg(but you knew that) :)14:52
tedgIt seems like it should still be insensitive for guest sessions.14:52
mac_vtedg: mpt is now considering not showing the option than making it insensitive14:54
mptmac_v, actually tedg and I just discussed it14:55
mptand I'm fine with just allowing locking for now14:55
mac_voh lol ;)14:55
mptI didn't know it was allowed before.14:55
tedgmac_v: Well, my personal thought is that it should change to "Blank Screen" and activate the screensaver.14:55
tedgI like "Activate Screensaver" but that'd probably make the menu too wide.14:56
mac_vtedg: but still its not as secure as screen locking ;)14:56
dobey"Save Screen"14:56
dobeyit's like "Save Ferris" but won't infringe on any (C) or (TM)14:57
tedgdobey: Then we could have "Save Screen to Disk" for screenshots ;)14:57
seb128didrocks, do you think you will do the mutter update?14:57
dobeytedg: but what if i don't want to save it to disk?14:57
seb128tedg, you speak about cases with no password though right? because I've a password and I know it and I lock screen14:57
dobeymaybe i want to save it to a lithograph to hang on my wall14:58
seb128tedg, and I don't get while you want to force me to let my laptop unlock at confs when getting coffee ;-)14:58
davmor2Keybuk: is there anything else I can add to bug 449454?15:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449454 in dbus "Ubuntu has no gdm and no xsplash on todays iso" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44945415:46
Keybukdavmor2: not following that bug15:48
corp186I want to step through some evdev xorg handling in karmic (found a regression somewhere between jaunty and karmic)15:55
corp186I installed the dbgsym packages15:55
corp186and all the files seem to be there15:55
corp186but gdb just spits out stuff like:15:55
corp186Reading symbols from /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input//evdev_drv.so...Reading symbols from /usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/evdev_drv.so...done.15:55
corp186(no debugging symbols found)...done.15:55
corp186any idea what's going wrong?15:55
didrocksseb128: I wanted to do it this week-end but I finally saw it has been synced from debian unstable15:57
seb128didrocks, synced?15:57
didrockslet me searched again. I have some debian sources in my sources.list I've maybe not checked that15:58
didrocksjust remind that now we are speaking about it :)15:58
didrocksyeah, next time, I will comment those lines in my sources.list (apt-pinning seems to not work with deb-src)15:59
didrocksso, I'll do it this evening, shouldn't take long15:59
seb128didrocks, thanks16:00
* asac nm debugging bbl16:22
dobeyseb128, pitti: care to take care of bug #449615 please? :)16:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449615 in ubuntuone-storage-protocol "Please update to 1.0.0" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44961516:30
seb128I will do sponsoring later16:30
seb128debugging some other things right now16:30
dobeyseb128: ok, cool16:34
pgranercking: ping17:35
ckingpgraner, hi17:36
pgranercking: I tried to swap out the POS broadcom on my HP mini and it has a whitelist of allowed cards it wouldn't boot with the intel card in it17:36
ckingThat's disappointing. What's wrong with the broadcom, apart from being unmaintainable binary blob?17:38
pgranercking: not very stable at close range to the AP (like my office)17:38
pgranercking: just thought you'd like to know17:38
ckingpgraner, what intel card is it?17:38
cking..and does the broadcom work when you put it back in?17:39
ckingpgraner, strange, I've seen zero issues with the broadcom with my HP mini on loads of different APs17:40
pgranercking: I tried the 3945 & the new beta one puma peak17:40
ckingit's all that small form factor PCI stuff - hrm should work - that's just plain weird. You've had zero netbook luck sofar17:42
ckingpgraner, you will have the debugging kit (aka screwdrivers etc) around next week - I will poke around with it next week if we have some spare time.17:43
pgranercking: yep, I'll have everything there plus some17:44
ckingcool - we've got that other HP mini in the box of parts, I will experiment with that one ;-)17:44
pgranercking: I don't see much difference between the PV model and the production17:45
pgranercking: I'll have to pry my mini out of the wifes cold dead hands17:45
pgranercking: she has decided she likes it17:45
ckingyeah - small form factor == cute == females like them17:46
cking(netbooks that is)17:46
ckingcking, not much difference between PV and production models (apart from a capacitor missing)17:47
pgranercking: cool, can the PV be upgraded to the latest production BIOS?17:49
ckingpgraner, you need a DOS boot disk on a USB stick to do it though17:50
pgranercking: got one of them, just wanted to be sure I wouldn't brick it17:50
ckingwhich PV are you referring to17:51
pgranercking: the mini in the travel box17:51
pgranercking: lets move this to #u-kernel, I didn't realize we were in #u-dekstop17:52
didrocksseb128: new mutter uploaded17:57
seb128didrocks, thanks17:58
didrocksseb128: y/w17:58
pittibye everyone, Taekwondo time18:38
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks20:12
chrisccoulsonyou've been quiet on here recently ;)20:12
chrisccoulson(or we're on here at different times)20:13
didrockschrisccoulson: hey!20:14
didrockschrisccoulson: yes, I had a lot of stuff to do at work :)20:14
chrisccoulsonheh, it sucks when that happens ;)20:14
didrocksbut well, quickly 0.2.4 is just released \o/20:14
didrockschrisccoulson: exactly ^^20:14
chrisccoulsonyeah, i just saw:)20:14
didrocksoh, do you look at each karmic-changes ? :)20:15
chrisccoulsonare you going to UDS?20:15
chrisccoulsoni always look at karmic-changes;)20:15
didrocksyes, you still can't go to UDS ?20:15
chrisccoulsoni can't, i don't think it would be fair of me to leave Jo right after she has the baby;)20:15
chrisccoulsoni wish i could go though!20:16
didrocksoh, the timeline is very straight, sure :)20:16
didrocksin 6 month will be a better time for you, I hope so :)20:16
chrisccoulsonyeah, she will arrive any time between now and the middle of november20:16
chrisccoulsonyeah, hopefully 6 months time will be better;)20:17
chrisccoulsoni still haven't met anybody from the community yet20:17
didrocksI hope you will still have some free time for yourself ^^20:17
chrisccoulsoni really need to be more sociable ;)20:17
chrisccoulsondidrocks - so do i:)20:18
didrockschrisccoulson: hehe geeks aren't sociable ;)20:18
chrisccoulsonpeople keep telling me that i probably wont, but i don't want it to come to that really;)20:18
dtchenoh that is so unfair (:20:18
didrocksI can understand. huats is keeping to tell that everyday too :)20:18
chrisccoulsondtchen - ?20:18
dtchen< didrocks> chrisccoulson: hehe geeks aren't sociable ;)20:19
chrisccoulsonlol, yeah. i definately fit that stereotype;)20:19
didrocksdtchen: it all depends, when you have geek meeting, we are sociable I guess… otherwise :)20:19
chrisccoulsoni need to attend geek meeting then ;)20:19
didrockslet's s/aren't sociable/are shy :)20:20
didrocksdtchen: is that better ? ;)20:20
didrockschrisccoulson: hehe, you will soon, sure ^^20:20
chrisccoulsoni'll have to teach my daughter to be a geek!20:20
didrockshehe, poor of her!20:21
chrisccoulsonshe has a good role model ;)20:21
chrisccoulsonanyway, dinner time for me now20:21
didrockshave a good evening :)20:21
chrisccoulsonvuntz|away: any thoughts about bug 437425?21:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 437425 in gnome-session "gnome-session crashed with SIGSEGV in SmsDie()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43742521:27
seb128didrocks, there?21:30
didrocksseb128: yes21:30
seb128didrocks, didn't you say you would update clutter to 1.0.6 some time ago?21:30
didrocksseb128: hum, maybe my memory is messed up with all the "missing dependencies" we had in main, let me check if everything is ok now21:31
seb128didrocks, thanks21:32
didrocksseb128: I guess you need it for new GNOME shell, right?21:33
seb128didrocks, oh, I didn't check that, there is just a sponsoring request about fixing the documentation installation and I was starting to look if debian has the change and noticed we are not current21:34
didrocksseb128: do you want me to fix the documention installation too?21:35
didrocksI know what was wrong on it21:35
seb128didrocks, bug #439921 has a patch21:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 439921 in clutter-1.0 "libclutter-1.0-doc doesn't appear in devhelp" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43992121:35
seb128didrocks, just check if that looks correct to you21:36
seb128didrocks, thanks!21:36
didrocksdidrocks: I guess it's not correct, we need to patch .devhelp file too to reference clutter-1.0 instead of clutter21:37
seb128didrocks, stop talking to yourself you freak now ;-)21:37
didrocksoupssss :)21:38
seb128didrocks, hehehe ;-)21:38
mac_vseb128: hi... when you invalidate bugs , like the .txt subtitle auto-load in totem bug... could you pls invalidate the papercuts task too :)  ... i usually just follow you and say "as per your comment" ;p21:43
seb128mac_v, ok will do21:43
mac_vseb128: thanks :)21:43
didrocksseb128: the patch doesn't work and it's a bit late for experimenting with gtk-doc option to avoid making some sed in files. I'll do it tomorrow consequently22:08
seb128didrocks, ok22:08
seb128didrocks, do you want me to upload to update and fix the documentation later or just delay the upload?22:08
didrocksseb128: have a good night :)22:08
didrocksseb128: as you wish, the update works, but I'm interested in the fix22:08
seb128'night didrocks22:09
seb128didrocks, let's wait then, can you just drop a comment on the sponsoring bug?22:09
seb128saying that it doesn't work but that you will work on it22:09
didrocksok, doing it right now before going to bed :)22:09
seb128'night didrocks22:10
didrocksthanks, good night too :)22:12
chrisccoulsonnight didrocks22:12
didrocksnight chrisccoulson22:12
dobeyseb128: just filed #449881 too. sorry it's so late. i definitely owe you beers in dallas :)22:29
seb128dobey, that's ok, looking now, and I will not say no to a beer at uds ;-)22:29
seb128bug #44988122:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449881 in ubuntuone-client "Please update to 1.0.0" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44988122:30
dobeyseb128: whenever i try to do an ubuntuone-client release, i always end up having to do a lot more work than i'd planned on doing :P22:31
seb128this one should be the karmic version right?22:31
seb128impressive list of bug fixed there!22:32
seb128good work ;-)22:32
dobeythere *might* be a 1.0.1 for karmic, if a couple of open bugs get fixed in the next week or so, as they might be criticals. but we can work through the freeze exception/etc... to get that if needed22:32
dobeybut i really hope this is the karmic final version :)22:32
seb128dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to ubuntuone-client-1.0.0/data/icons/16x16/emblems/emblem-ubuntuone-uploading.png: binary file contents changed22:33
seb128images divert between the tarball and bzr22:33
seb128dobey, did you merge the upstream change to the packaging bzr?22:33
dobeyi did a diff -uNr to see what files were different between the tarball and the packaging bzr22:34
dobeyand removed/added as needed22:34
dobeybut i guess a few binary files got skipped by diff22:34
seb128dobey, http://paste.ubuntu.com/291908/22:35
seb128that's the list dpkg-buildpackage complains about22:35
dobeyseb128: fixing right now22:35
seb128you don't simply bzr merge the upstream code when doing a package update?22:35
kwwiiseb128: sorry for bothering, so late, but should I make a sponsoring bug for the human-theme change to fix the gdm button-size bug?22:36
seb128kwwii, where is the change?22:36
kwwiiie, is there any chance of this change making it into karmic before an update?22:36
kwwiiseb128: lp:human-theme22:36
kwwiiand bug 44442122:36
seb128kwwii, do you plan other changes? or would you like the bzr version uploaded now?22:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444421 in human-theme ""Login" button is smaller than the "Cancel" button in the GDM theme" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44442122:36
kwwiiRobert Ancells suggestion worked perfectly ;)22:37
dobeyseb128: no, upstream code doesn't include generated files22:37
kwwiifunny thing is, I tried the same change and it didn't seem to fix it ;) Now I know it works22:38
dobeyseb128: package branches are supposed to have tarball contents, not upstream bzr, as i understand22:38
dobeyseb128: pushed the fix just now though22:38
seb128dobey, well since tarballs are rolled from the upstream bzr that should be the same22:38
dobeyseb128: how would it be the same? All the autoconf/libtool/automake/etc... generated bits aren't in bzr22:39
seb128kwwii, that's what you say now, let some credit to robert_ancell ;-)22:39
dobey(nor should they be)22:39
seb128dobey, no but the bzr mode we use for build basically just use the debian directory from the bzr and apply it to the tarball22:39
seb128+ the extra diff between upstream bzr and packaging bzr22:40
dobeyi don't understand22:40
dobeywhere does it get the tarball from?22:40
kwwiiseb128: all the credit goes to him, really ;)22:40
seb128dobey, what is described in the debian watch22:40
dobeyoh it downloads whatever's in the watch file? i thought it used the contents of the branch to build the tarball22:41
seb128dobey, no, we don't use this mode usually22:41
seb128dobey, for the reason you said22:41
seb128kwwii, hum, your version number is wrong and I've a weird diff after build22:41
dobeyis there a document somewhere describing all these 'modes' and how they work exactly?22:41
dobeyi want to better understand it, so i can make my life easier :)22:42
seb128kwwii, some index.theme get dropped22:42
kwwiiseb128: ouch, that is not right22:42
seb128james_w, ^ do you know?22:42
kwwiilet me check22:42
seb128kwwii, it's weird the bzr diff looks correct22:43
kwwiiseb128: all I did was edit the gtkrc in HumanLogin theme...22:43
kwwiithe bzr commit didn't show anything like that22:43
seb128I will apply by hand and check with pitti how he builds things usually22:43
kwwiilet me check, one second...booting my other computer22:43
seb128kwwii, don't bother22:43
seb128kwwii, I will apply r88 to the current karmic version22:43
seb128kwwii, and sort bzr with pitti tomorrow22:43
kwwiiseb128: cool, thanks22:44
kwwiito be honest, I wanted to add some icons for gdm as well (got them done tonight)22:44
seb128kwwii, want to do that now?22:44
kwwiisure, if you give me the time ;)22:44
seb128how much do you need?22:45
seb128I will probably not be around much longer than half an hour now22:45
kwwiijust need to copy the icons to the other computer and make the changes22:46
seb128kwwii, ok, the index.theme difference seems a bug in the current karmic version22:46
kwwiigive me 5 minutes22:46
seb128those are in a build directory in the source22:46
kwwiiseb128: which index.theme file?22:46
seb128seems that somebody did test build, make clean and built again22:46
seb128and the clean left some build files there22:46
seb128kwwii, just focus on getting your icons done and I will sponsor the upload22:47
kwwiiseb128: thanks, be done in a flash22:48
seb128you're welcome22:48
seb128dobey, ok, your update builds now ;-)22:48
chrisccoulsonpah, bug 437425 is confusing me22:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 437425 in gnome-session "gnome-session crashed with SIGSEGV in SmsDie()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43742522:48
seb128chrisccoulson, how so?22:50
robert_ancellseb128, bug 427462 - in ubuntu are system users uid < 1000?  I believe gdm is set to 500 and that is considered the "standard"22:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427462 in gdm "login screen is showing user below 1000" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42746222:50
dobeyseb128: yay. thanks for pointing out the issue. i guess i should ping james_w about documentation for all the modes and how they work?22:51
seb128robert_ancell, http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-opersys.html22:51
seb128dobey, you're welcome, yes for example22:51
didrocksseb128: I wasn't able to get some sleep, so: bug #449894 :)22:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449894 in clutter-1.0 "Please, update clutter 1.0.6 to karmic" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44989422:51
seb128robert_ancell, "9.2.2 UID and GID classes"22:51
dobeyalright. i'll ping him tomorrow i guess22:51
seb128robert_ancell, I think we do the same as debian there22:51
robert_ancellseb128, thanks22:51
seb128robert_ancell, you're welcome22:51
chrisccoulsonseb128 - AFAICT, smsConn shouldn't be in that state until after the client has disconnected and removed from the list of clients22:52
chrisccoulsonbut it's still in the list, else it wouldn't be told to stop22:52
seb128didrocks, you rock ;-)22:52
seb128chrisccoulson, that's out of my domain I think so I can't really comment there but good luck tracking it ;-)22:52
didrocksseb128: hehe, thanks. Time to really try to go to bed now. I wake up way too early :-)22:52
chrisccoulsonheh, maybe i'll leave it for vuntz instead;)22:53
didrocksgood night (again) everybody :)22:53
seb128robert_ancell, see /etc/adduser.conf too22:53
seb128didrocks, 'night22:53
seb128chrisccoulson, btw nautilus has gconf key to not exit when there is no open ui element in karmic23:01
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm wondering if we should set that on as a workaround for those restart issue, not sure if those user try to get nautilus not running or just to get something else drawing their background23:02
chrisccoulsonseb128 - oh, i didn't realise that23:03
chrisccoulsonthat sounds like a better solution rather than having it just exit and not restart again23:03
chrisccoulsonand for users who genuinely don't want nautilus running at all - they can just disable it in their session23:04
chrisccoulsoni don't think nyarnon likes me very much23:04
seb128ignore such comments23:04
chrisccoulsonyeah, i generally try to23:05
chrisccoulsonbut configuring nautilus to not exit when it doesn't draw the background sounds like a good compromise23:05
seb128I will do the autostart workaround for now and wait for user comments23:07
seb128I've the feeling that most user just don't want nautilus running23:07
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks23:08
seb128chrisccoulson, you're welcome but there is nothing really to thank me about there ;-)23:09
chrisccoulsonheh, i'm sure i can find something to thank you for!23:10
seb128I can play this game too if you want ;-)23:10
seb128ok, changing the autostart key23:13
seb128I think the gconf key might be a nicer way but is a behaviour change which could confuse users23:14
seb128not sure if we should do such changes just before karmic23:14
seb128let's try that next cycle23:14
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, that's probably best for next cycle now23:14
seb128robert_ancell, btw do you have enough bugs on your list for the day?23:19
kwwiiseb128: hrm, can't figure out the right name for the interface...I'll test all the other possibilities tomorrow23:19
kwwiisystem-* or gnome-session-* doesn't seem to work23:19
seb128kwwii, what inferface?23:20
kwwiithe interface in gdm when you press the power button long enough23:20
robert_ancellseb128, I should be busy enough but let me know if there are any high prio. bugs around23:20
kwwiiwith shutdown, reboot, hibernate, et23:20
chrisccoulsonkwwii - you want icon names for the session dialog?23:20
seb128robert_ancell, no high priority one no, something broke the gdm "hit enter to active your user"23:21
chrisccoulsonkwwii - i have the gnome-session source open here, so i can probably give you those now23:21
chrisccoulson(if we're thinking about the same thing)23:21
robert_ancellseb128, rickspencer3 already assigned that to me23:21
kwwiichrisccoulson: yes, please ;)23:21
chrisccoulsonone second:)23:21
seb128robert_ancell, ok, I though rick was on holiday today, he must have been lurking on some bugs23:21
seb128robert_ancell, thanks ;-)23:22
chrisccoulsonkwwii - the session dialog is an ubuntu-specific patch, and the icon names look like:23:23
chrisccoulsonshutdown = "system-shutdown"23:23
chrisccoulsonrestart = "view-refresh"23:23
chrisccoulsonhibernate = "drive-harddisk"23:23
chrisccoulsonsuspend = "sleep"23:23
chrisccoulsonare those the ones you need icons for?23:23
kwwiichrisccoulson: yes, I think that will work, let me test it23:25
kwwiichrisccoulson: hrm, that worked to an extent23:30
chrisccoulsonwhat bit didn't work?23:31
kwwiithe hibernate was wrong23:32
chrisccoulsonthat's strange23:32
chrisccoulsonwhat is the correct icon for that?23:33
kwwiiyeah I thought so too23:33
kwwiilet me check what happens after a reboo23:33
seb128kwwii, enough for me for today, the update can probably wait tomorrow23:33
kwwiisuspend and hibernate are still the wrong icons23:33
kwwiiseb128: cool, I need to figure it out anyway23:34
kwwiisleep well, see you soon23:34
seb128kwwii, I can help you having a look tomorrow if you want23:34
chrisccoulsonkwwii - i wonder if we're thinking about the same dialog?23:34
seb128you should go to bed too ;-)23:34
chrisccoulsonnight seb12823:34
seb128chrisccoulson, he said the gdm one but I never tried to press power there23:34
kwwiiseb128: no doubt23:34
seb128I would assume it's gnome-session being used too23:34
seb128but I didn't check23:35
chrisccoulsonyeah, i would have thought so too23:35
kwwiichrisccoulson: I am talking about the dialog in gdm when you press the power button on your laptop long enough23:35
seb128"long enough"?23:35
kwwiiit seemed like gnome-session-* names should work23:35
chrisccoulsonkwwii - yeah, that *should* be the session dialog AFAIK, which should be the same one that would appear if you pressed the power button in a user session23:36
seb128I just need to press the button once there23:36
kwwiichrisccoulson: yeah, that is what I thought too23:36
chrisccoulsonis it a different dialog?23:36
seb128and I confirm it's the same dialog there23:36
kwwiiit doesn't seem to be different23:37
seb128so what is not working?23:37
kwwiimaybe I didn't test it correctly before, let me try again23:37
seb128you might have not installed your icons correctly?23:38
kwwiithe nice thing about the icon theme spec is that, as long the icons are named correctly it should work no matter where they are placed, directoy-wise23:39
kwwiiI think I figured it out for most of them...still need to create one icon23:41
kwwiiseb128: I'll bug you tomorrow morning23:41
seb128'night everybody23:41
dobeyexcept the directory layout needs to be standardized too23:41
kwwiidobey: ?23:42
dobeykwwii: there are some concepts/tools that will fail to work if you use a weird directory structure in the theme (like humanity does)23:44
* chrisccoulson wonders when libglib2.0-0-refdbg appeared in the archive23:48
chrisccoulsonthat could be useful for debuggin wierd crashers23:48
kwwiidobey: yeah, I thought of the same thing, but I don't use anything to make the theme except for python )23:51
kwwiichrisccoulson: I think I figured it out, thanks for the help with the names23:55
kwwiitime for sleeüp23:55
chrisccoulsonyou're welcome23:56
kwwiisee you23:56
chrisccoulsonnight kwwii23:56
kwwiinight, and *hugs* ;)23:56

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