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ubottuLaunchpad bug 448918 in cryptsetup "Insecure Cryptsetup defualts" [Undecided,New]01:00
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slangasekmdke: status on the wiki> no, I don't think editing a wiki is a good way to keep track of that stuff, I track it locally instead01:40
DarxusIs there a way to monitor packages in debian type archives for new versions (other than throwing a few lines of perl together myself)?02:12
superm1pitti, using http://pastebin.com/f95b5c26 and this apport package hook http://pastebin.com/f350d087e I was still redirected into the normal source package area rather than the mythbuntu product on launchpad https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mythtv/+bug/44918102:25
ubottuError: This bug is private02:25
superm1it let me file a bug surprisingly even though it's not a genuine source package though02:25
ScottKslangasek: I saw your bugmail on emacs23.  Seems at least slightly impolite.03:22
slangasekScottK: yes, I'm at least slightly annoyed that no one took responsibility for checking the set of packages emacs23 was generating, and we now have to do stupid version tricks to get emacs installable again03:46
ScottKI can imagine.03:46
LaserJockwas it assumed that emacs23 was going into Main and taking over for emacs22?03:49
ScottKLaserJock: No.03:49
slangasekno, it was explicitly approved as a universe-only FFe03:49
ScottKSeveral of us didn't catch it.03:49
LaserJockhmm, I just wondered as the changelog says that the maintainer was set to Ubuntu Core Developers03:50
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stoojIs the rss feed on planet.ubuntu.com down?04:05
trip0so i used to be able to auto login from /etc/event.d/tty1 using mingetty.  it doesn't seem to be working now?  Does this have to do with the conversion to upstart?04:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 448918 in cryptsetup "Insecure Cryptsetup defualts" [Undecided,New]04:16
ScottKslangasek: If you didn't fix emacs23 already, I'll take it.04:20
vigoHello, I am subscribed to this letter/email and wanted to know if I erred in one of the posts?04:45
slangasekScottK: hadn't gotten to it yet - feel free (and thanks)04:45
ScottKOK.  Thanks.04:45
vigoI did suggest a Debian like install, where the user can choose the applications that they want at this time, MySQL, or not, Browser and so on, I have installed a few systems and I rather like the option to choose what goes in, after all, packages can be added after the initial install, so that makes sense to me?04:49
RAOFvigo: General consesus has been that the (livecd) installer is the wrong time to choose applications.  For most users it's presenting a choice without any of the information needed for them to make that choice.04:52
vigoRAOF: Thank you.04:52
RAOFAs you say, it's simple to install & remove software after the install; this allows for experimentation, while also having everything just work out of the box.04:52
vigoThat does make sense.04:55
vigoIt also helps the learning part of it.04:56
RAOFI forget if the alternate installer lets you choose tasks.  It's been some time since I actually installed :)04:58
vigoRAOF: Ubuntu does not really give choices like that. It is Language, Name, Partition, GO!04:59
vigoWich is neat05:00
geofftThe debian-installer does pop up a tasksel menu, just like Debian's. I netinst; I assume the alternate is the same05:00
vigogeofft: I will be installing Kdeb later tonight and take notes, if I see anything of note, I will mention it, after that install I will be putting the backup of this dev on to test that.05:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 448918 in cryptsetup "Insecure Cryptsetup defualts" [Undecided,New]05:06
ScottKcrypt-0: Tossing bug links into the channel less than once an hour is rude and unlikely to improve your chances of getting a fix.05:07
crypt-0ScottK, sorry, no one even acknowledged it05:08
crypt-0i hope karmac doesnt plan on using SHA1 to hash its password, when SHA2 and whirlpool are available05:09
ScottKcrypt-0: Odds are the people most likely to do something about it get bugmail for the package.  It's late a night virtually everywhere Ubuntu devs work, so not getting a response on IRC shouldn't be much of a suprise.05:09
RAOFIt's only been 9 hours since you filed the bug.  What sort of response were you expecting?  I'd guess that many of the people who actually handle that sort of core package are still asleep in Europe.05:09
crypt-0is karmac beta out now?05:10
crypt-0is it tested on crypted systems?05:10
RAOFSome people do, yes.05:11
crypt-0mabye ill try it05:11
crypt-0thought it want supposed to go beta for a week or so05:12
crypt-0is there somewhere where i can take a hack at the automated crypto installer?05:12
crypt-0id like to make one where you can choose the hash, cipher, and cipher mode05:13
RAOFI'm not sure what, precisely, you mean by "hack" in that context.  "apt-get source cryptsetup" will get you the source + packaging for cryptsetup.05:13
crypt-0im looking for the gui part in the alternate CD05:14
crypt-0some sort of ncurses interface?05:14
RAOFThat'd be debian-installer.05:14
crypt-0ok ill take a look and see if i can make it do what i want it to be able to, i can alread do whatever, with manual cryptsetup, or manual dm crypt etc. , this so the Joe PC user can Choose what to use05:16
crypt-0i just find the defaults insecure, but then again what defaults aren't? However, when it comes to crypto, the defaults inst something i believe you should use05:17
RAOFThat's not an attitude we'd share around here; the defaults should be the right thing for as many people as possible.  With crypto, that's even more important because naieve fiddling with crypto almost always results in worse security.05:18
crypt-0but the defualts should be the 3 AES finalasts, Whirlpool, or SHA205:22
crypt-0essiv-cbc or xts-benbi05:22
crypt-0any combination of that can not be insecure05:22
geofftAs a user, I have no idea what any of those are, other than a vague idea about SHA2. Is there a single suitable default?05:23
crypt-0well there have been recent attacks on AES05:26
crypt-0basically , SHA1 is broken, which is how your password is hashed by default05:26
dtchenarguably once someone has access to the disk, you're up a creek anyhow05:27
crypt-0password hash :sha256 cypher mode twofish-cbc-essiv:sha25605:27
geofftyeah, I tend to treat /etc/shadow as if it contained a crypted pw05:27
crypt-0dtchen, yeah, but its  better encrypted then not05:28
crypt-0dtchen, in my bug report i describe a new feature in cryptsetup05:29
crypt-0that wipes the key from ram on suspend/ sleep05:29
crypt-0making cold boot less of a problem for laptop users, if your desktop gets cold-booted you have some home security issues to adress :)05:30
crypt-0it works for desktops also05:31
[reed]RAOF: *cough* Debian developers *cough*05:32
stoojJono, you there?05:50
ScottKslangasek: emacs23 uploaded.06:17
vigoScottK: Ratso, I am still on Emacs2206:18
ScottKvigo: emacs22 is the default supported emacs for Karmic.  We have 23 in Universe for people that want it.06:18
vigoScottK: Thank you, I am on Karmic development branch, I like testing stuff.06:19
slangasekScottK: cheers!06:26
crypt-0Have there been major changes in the Linux Crypto API since juanty?06:41
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crypt-0yep, your here lifeless :P06:59
dholbachgood morning07:05
lifelesscrypt-0: I was reporting TheMuso's cd07:07
crypt-0not filmilar with his CD, or him07:08
lifelesscrypt-0: read scrollback07:10
pittiGood morning07:10
pittibryce: hi07:10
crypt-0you thought your IRC client was a shell? :)07:11
crypt-0its 2AM here and ive had 1 hour of sleep07:11
crypt-0so im off..07:11
lifelesscrypt-0: no, I was making a joke.07:12
pittisuperm1: the "native package" check isn't applied if you set a custom crash database07:12
superm1pitti, well shouldn't it have still been put against the product that i asked then?07:12
pittisuperm1: your is_ppa hook could be written much simpler, btw, but that's not the cause07:12
ebroderNow that bug #429445 has an ubuntu-release ACK, do I need to subscribe the archive admins?07:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 429445 in zephyr "[Karmic FFe] Sync zephyr 3.0~rc.2544-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42944507:12
crypt-0Have there been major changes in the Linux Crypto API since juanty?07:13
lifelesscrypt-0: if you're tired go to sleep. You might want to mail the list you question (not that I'm sure anyone knows ;P)07:14
pittisuperm1: hm, at first sight the crash conf looks fine, let me try07:14
pittisuperm1: where did you put http://pastebin.com/f95b5c26 ?07:14
pittisuperm1: /etc/apport/crashdb.conf.d/something.conf ?07:14
crypt-0lifeless, ill just shoot a mail to the linux crypt mailing archive07:14
pittisuperm1: just for testing, does it work if you unconditionally set report['CrashDB'] in the hook?07:16
superm1pitti, not sure, how do I trigger a "crash"?07:17
superm1i know that report['CrashDB'] ended up in the resultant bug07:17
pittisuperm1: ^ oh!07:17
pittisuperm1: crash trigger> kill -SEGV <some process>07:18
pittisuperm1: but easier is "ubuntu-bug somepackage"07:18
pittiit should work for bugs as well as for crashes07:18
pittisuperm1: right, bug, it doesn't remove CrashDB from the report07:18
pittibut that's just a cosmetic issue, and it tells us that the hook worked07:19
superm1so that's one bug, and the other is it not actually using that crashdb07:19
superm1pitti, hm using ubuntu-bug got me even worse results07:20
* pitti tests locally07:21
superm1i'm using apport-cli, and it told me to go to https://bugs.launchpad.net/None/+source/mythtv/+filebug/o0FTrYbT0dwUJEuotA1XXCYZqCy?07:21
superm1which is certainly wrong07:21
pittisuperm1: thanks, investigating07:21
superm1cool, thanks07:22
dholbachpitti: I'll unsubscribe the sponsors from the ibus syncs07:38
mdkepitti: I've assigned bug 441401 to you because I wanted to get your view on it before making the change - hope that's ok!07:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 441401 in ubuntu-docs "Symlink not working with Karmic translations" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44140107:40
pittimdke: I'll have a look07:41
pittidholbach: they are done?07:42
dholbachpitti: they have the sponsors ack, no?07:42
pittiI didn't look07:42
dholbachpitti: so nothing to do for other reviewers :)07:42
dholbachyou said "release/sponsor ack"07:42
pittiah, thanks07:42
dholbachno worries :)07:42
pittisuperm1: oh argh!07:50
pittisuperm1: s/product/project/, please :)07:50
superm1pitti, doh.  that could be clearer in documentation for the future :)07:51
pittisuperm1: I'll add an assertion, to point this out earlier07:51
pittisuperm1: I'll add that assertion ("must set distro or project" and add a blurb to doc/crashdb-conf.txt07:52
superm1pitti, sounds sufficient, thanks07:52
superm1pitti, while i'm updating, what did you have as a recommendation to simplify is_ppa?07:58
pitti    if not apport.packaging.is_distro_package(report['Package'].split()[0]):07:59
pitti    report['CrashDB'] = 'mythbuntu'07:59
superm1ah, yeah, definitely better07:59
pittisuperm1: this reports bugs against ubuntu/+source/mythbuntu if it's an original ubuntu package, otherwise against a product08:00
pitti(if that's the behaviour that you want)08:00
superm1*project :)08:00
pittiAssertionError: Need to have either "project" or "distro" option08:00
pittisuperm1:  ^ just committed that08:00
* Mirv got permission to attend UDS-L, see you there08:06
liwMirv, congratulations08:07
Mirvliw: thanks08:08
Mirvtoo bad it will shorten my FSCONS trip a bit, have to see if I will move my lightning talk on Sunday to an earlier time08:08
mneptokliw: going to UDS?08:09
liwmneptok, I doubt it08:09
* mneptok will be there08:09
liwmneptok, I'm sure you'll have fun there anyway :)08:10
mneptokneed to book travel and hotel this week. going to see who from Montreal might want to share a room.08:10
mneptokliw: i doubt it. it's Texas. ;)08:10
pittisuperm1: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eapport-hackers/apport/trunk/revision/1621 FYI08:15
superm1pitti, thanks, that is definitely much more clear08:16
Mirvhmm, I wonder if it would be ok or not to leave at ca. noon, Friday08:37
Mirvthe other option is Saturday evening which would mean quite late arrival back, on Sunday08:37
Mirv(ie. noon or a little after from the hotel)08:39
TeTeTmneptok: Hi Kurt, how are things?08:45
mneptokTeTeT: very good, thanks! Kristine and i are just completing a home purchase, and she starts a new job here next week. you?08:45
TeTeTmneptok: currently at the London HQ of Canonical, having a training sprint08:46
mneptokTeTeT: you're learning to make tea?08:46
TeTeTmneptok: yeah, I look forward to the eating biscuit class08:47
skarhi, i've got a patch to be applied to glibc source package. How do I apply the patch and build glibc?08:58
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RAOFskar: dpkg-source -x glibc_whatever_the_version_is.dsc, cd to the unpacked source dir, apply the patch (in some way; this depends on a number of things); debuild09:01
skarRAOF: ok, i got to that stage. now, how do i make sure the build is done only for i386? it seems to be building for a long time :(09:02
RAOFIt'll only build for your arch (and possibly build a libc-i386 package if your arch is x86-64)09:03
pittimbiebl: do you see bug 444915 in linux 2.6.30 in sid, too? IOW, do you want to use "usefree" until this gets fixed again as well, or should I keep this as an Ubuntu specific change?09:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444915 in devicekit-disks "regression: statfs() takes a long time on VFAT without "usefree"" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44491509:03
skarRAOF: thanks. i was following http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/rebuilding-ubuntu-debian-linux-binary-package/, so running debuild or "fakeroot debian/rules binary" both should work?09:04
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RAOFskar: Yes, although I doubt many developers actually do the latter.09:05
skarRAOF: ok, that link i sent, it suggested that. also how do i force make to use "-j5". i've got a quad core machine, so compile would be faster.09:05
RAOFThat's package-dependent; there's no guarantee there's a switch to allow you to do that.  If there were, you'd want to shove something in the DEB_BUILD_OPTS evn variable IIRC.  Check out the debian/rules file for details :)09:07
skarRAOF: thanks, debian/rules had a NJOBS where it seems to be detecting the no.of cores09:08
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tsdgeoshi, can anyone confirm wheter poppler in ubuntu is built against libopenjpeg or not'09:38
tsdgeosmissing h somewhere09:38
bigoncould someone sponsor bug 439921 for me?09:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 439921 in clutter-1.0 "libclutter-1.0-doc doesn't appear in devhelp" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43992109:47
seb128bigon, subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors so it's on the sponsoring queue09:57
seb128we do sponsoring almost daily during the week09:57
bigonseb128: ok10:00
ebroderIs there a Python library that groks the apt repository format? I want to point something at an apt path and be able to poke at things like what version of a given package is in a particular component10:00
ebroderMy current alternatives are parsing the output of reprepro or finding the Sources (or Sources.gz...) file and parsing that with python-debian, and those both kind of suck10:01
skarhi, i'm trying to apply a patch to glibc source pkg and compile it. now i've got a glibc-2.8~20080505/ dir with some bz2 files in there. how do i unzip them and then apply my patch?10:08
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pitticjwatson: hm, the recent usplash change doesn't seem to send QUIT to usplash any more, so that it fades out?10:12
pittimat_t just complained10:12
pittiit seems to just stay around until the computer powers off?10:12
cjwatsonpitti: yes, that was a hack to avoid text messages showing up after usplash quits but before shutdown10:12
cjwatsonpitti: if we can make it fade but not actually tear down the graphical vt, that would be better10:13
cjwatsonebroder: python-apt should be able to do that?10:13
mat_tpitti: well, that's not really about me complaining, I just think it would be good to keep this effect, which was already very well received in the reviews etc10:15
skarhi, i'm trying to apply a patch to glibc source pkg and compile it. now i've got a glibc-2.8~20080505/ dir with some bz2 files in there. how do i unzip them and then apply my patch?10:15
joaopintowhen switching to VTs I just get garbage output, it started last week, I see some more people reporting it at #ubuntu+1 could it be related to usplash changes ?10:17
joaopintoI get the same garbage output before gdm startup10:17
cjwatsonit could, yes10:18
joaopintoI mean, for a second, I guess during a graphical mode transition10:18
cjwatsonoh, it's not permanent? when you switch back to vt1, does that work ok?10:18
joaopintoit is permanent, but it also happens during boot, for a second, before gdm starts10:18
joaopintoit is permanent if I do a manual switch to a VT10:19
joaopintoI am using fglrx, not sure if that's part of the problem10:19
cjwatsonit usually isn't part of the solution ;-)10:19
cjwatsonusplash is meant to be torn down strictly before X starts10:20
cjwatsonmaybe usplash isn't managing to restore the console correctly with fglrx10:20
cjwatsonthat said, *that* part of the code hasn't changed recently to my knowledge10:20
skarhow do i unzip glibc's source deb so that i can access the individual files under "build-tree"?10:20
cjwatsonskar: there are usually debian/rules targets that help. (And please don't repeat yourself at five-minute intervals.)10:20
joaopintoskar, if you need to learn about packaging, #ubuntu-motu is probably a better place10:21
pitticjwatson: I'm happy to add a new "FADEOUT" command to do just that, and not QUIT10:21
pittimat_t: don't worry, it's justified :)10:22
pittimat_t: I should have said "reported a bug"10:22
skarcjwatson: thanks. i'll look into the source unpacking targets. won't repeat myself :)10:23
skarjoaopinto: thanks, will ask in that channel :)10:24
cjwatsonmat_t: it's a good effect, but I thought the text after usplash was even more likely to result in complaints at the moment ;-) having both is obviously the right answer10:32
mat_tcjwatson: absolutely :)10:33
evandpitti: is this indicative of the retracing service failing: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/44170911:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 441709 in ubiquity "Ubiquity crashed when "Starting up the partitioner"" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:22
pittievand: indeed, weird; let me check the logs11:24
pittievand: hm, it's not even in the logs; I re-tagged it11:25
evandpitti: the retracer removed it again :)12:01
Keybuk short read in buffer_copy (backend dpkg-deb during `./usr/lib/openoffice/basis3.1/program/libcuilx.so')12:08
seb128Keybuk, there is quite some similar bugs on launchpad12:11
Keybukseems to be an lzma issue?12:12
* Keybuk is having it with the new linux-source too12:12
Keybukthat's odd12:15
Keybukremoving the file and redownloading it seemed to fix it12:15
KeybukPreparing to replace openoffice.org-core 1:3.1.1-2ubuntu4 (using .../openoffice.org-core_1%3a3.1.1-4ubuntu1_amd64.deb) ...12:15
KeybukUnpacking replacement openoffice.org-core ...12:15
Keybuklzma: Decoder error12:15
Keybukdpkg-deb: subprocess <decompress> returned error exit status 112:15
Keybukdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/openoffice.org-core_1%3a3.1.1-4ubuntu1_amd64.deb (--unpack):12:15
Keybuk short read in buffer_copy (backend dpkg-deb during `./usr/lib/openoffice/basis3.1/program/libcuilx.so')12:16
KeybukPreparing to replace openoffice.org-core 1:3.1.1-2ubuntu4 (using .../openoffice.org-core_1%3a3.1.1-4ubuntu1_amd64.deb) ...12:16
KeybukUnpacking replacement openoffice.org-core ...12:16
Keybukthe files were different sizes too12:16
mvoKeybuk: how much different?12:18
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pittievand: ah, got it now:12:51
pitti10/12/09 10:51:02: retracing #44170912:51
pittireport file does not contain required fields: CoreDump Package ExecutablePath12:51
pittievand: indeed the report doesn't have a Package: field12:51
pittiI wonder where that went12:52
evandah, cool12:59
Laibschlool, ArneGoetje: what about kasumi?  Has the window for MIR closed?13:27
seb128dholbach, joaopinto was wondering if there is any reason you didn't look at bug #439638 again or upload13:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 439638 in papyon "Unable to login into MSN" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43963813:27
LaibschArneGoetje, lool: There is a new upstream release.  To avoid duplicate work, I'd like to work on that for Debian and fix what's necessary to finish the MIR for karmic.13:28
dholbachseb128: no, no reason just that I had a bunch of other stuff to do13:29
dholbachso if anybody wants to grab it, do it13:30
seb128dholbach, you touched it, you upload it I would say ;-)13:31
* seb128 hugs dholbach13:31
seb128I will have a look later otherwise, still fighting my 800 emails backlog from the weekend13:31
dholbachseb128: lotsofemail: I totally see what you mean13:31
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i don't envy your task of going through 800 e-mails ;)13:32
loolLaibsch: It's tight IMO13:33
loolLaibsch: Couldn't we revisit that next cycle?13:34
loolLaibsch: Does it cause serious issues in karmic?13:34
LaibschI don't think so13:34
LaibschIt's about whether or not scim-anthy will get a bugfix that is in Debian or continue to have a delta explicitly to drop the fix13:35
loolLaibsch: If you need to merge a new scim-anthy to fix serious bugs, that's still ok at this time; but I wouldn't focus on dropping delta with Debian at this point of the cycle, we usually focus on that at the beginning of the ccyle13:37
LaibschWell, I did focus on that around June ;-)13:37
Laibschbug 33204113:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332041 in scim-anthy "Problems adding a new vocabulary, "kasumi" package not installed by default" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33204113:37
Laibschso, not a very serious bug13:38
Laibschbut one that was fixed in Debian13:38
Laibschand we could otherwise sync scim-anthy from Debian (I made sure we can)13:39
Laibschif kasumi was in main (or scim-anthy wasn't)13:39
loolI am not sure I can judge of the severity of this bug; I'd prefer if Arne would comment13:39
Laibschit's not serious13:41
Laibschscim-anthy is in main13:41
Laibschthere is a knob to pull up a user dictionary13:41
Laibschthat calls the kasumi program13:41
Laibschcurrently kasumi is not installed by default, the fix is to recommend it13:42
Laibschbut kasumi is in univers13:42
Laibschdebian scim-anthy now recommends kasumi13:42
Laibschand thus can't be synced13:42
Laibschdebian does the right thing, ubuntu can't until kasumi is in main13:43
Laibschin essence, that is the issue13:43
simon-okirkland: Hi, why is the default for byobu the commons keybindings and not the f-keys? Was this changes recently?13:45
loolLaibsch: I understood that part of the issue, I don't understand how much of a big deal it is to have this feature slightly broken13:47
loolLaibsch: The issues are relatively easy to fix though; I guess you could easily get a hold on these13:48
LaibschIt's obviously an easy fix: "sudo aptitude install kasumi"13:48
Laibschlool: Actually, the build issues are not that easy for me13:48
Laibschlots of new stuff13:48
LaibschIt will take me some time13:49
loolLaibsch: Ok; I can help you there13:49
loolLaibsch: Looking at comment #1 on the MIR bug, which one is the first issue which you can't resolve?13:49
LaibschI haven't gone through the comments13:50
loolOk; ping me when you're stuck13:50
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Keybukseb128: 800 e-mail backlog?14:32
Keybukis that why you're only #3 in the bug traffic volume ranks this month? :p14:32
jmlwhere might I find stats on the number of bugs filed per day against ubuntu?14:32
Keybukthe apport retracing service is beating you!14:32
ionkeybuk: Any thoughts about what i posted to http://launchpad.net/bugs/432089, btw?14:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 432089 in sreadahead "performs poorly on slow HDD" [High,Triaged]14:35
Keybukion: foreground isn't enough14:35
seb128Keybuk, lol14:36
ionThe bug report is about sreadahead performing poorly on a slow HDD, but my HDD is quite good for a laptop HDD and simply disabling sreadahead makes the system boot more than five seconds faster.14:36
seb128Keybuk, I can give you some bugs if you want ;-)14:36
Keybukion: how good is quite good?14:38
Keybukseb128: I have plenty, I'm personally beating all of the QA team except pedro ;)14:38
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ionkeybuk: The laptop’s quite new, the HDD has a capacity of 320 GB and the maximum throughput in bootchart reaches 54 MB/s.14:40
hungerion: How do you disable sreadahead?14:40
ionhunger: By commenting out the ‘start on...’ line.14:41
hungerGood point:-) I am not used to upstart yet:-)14:41
Keybukion: what's the hDD?14:41
hungerKeybuk: Hard Disc Drive?14:42
ionkeybuk: http://pastebin.com/f53cf509814:43
Keybukion: 5400RPM, 12ms seek14:43
Keybukthat fits the "slow drive" pattern14:44
james_wjml: ubuntu-bugs mailing list archive?14:44
ionkeybuk: Ah, alright. I expected the ‘slow’ to mean something slower than a typical laptop HDD.14:44
ionOf course, a 5400 RPM laptop HDD *is* slow compared to a 7200 RPM desktop HDD.14:45
Keybukno, I mean that typical laptop HDDs *are* slow14:45
* liw thinks all hard disks are slow14:45
jmljames_w, I was kind of hoping for something more digested than that.14:51
james_wjml: bdmurray might have stats14:52
jmljames_w, I think that even if he does, Launchpad should track this information also.14:52
james_wjml: http://people.canonical.com/~brian/graphs/ but it seems to be busted right now14:56
jmljames_w, thanks.14:56
james_w10 minutes with http://people.canonical.com/~brian/graphs/bugstats.data could get you the information in the meantime14:57
jdstrandzul, mathiaz: hi! (I'm not really here) I just noticed bug #449358. The reporter's issue is clearly a dupe of 444479, however, I thought that it was odd that /usr/sbin/mysqld-akonadi was confined (I thought /usr/sbin/mysqld-akonadi was supposed to be a hard link and not a symlink). I'm not at all up on the akonadi packaging, but this sounds like it could be a problem15:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449358 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 "Warning message from apparmor about /usr/sbin/mysqld-akonadi" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44935815:06
Riddellseb128: your sync of poppler from April says "don't use openjpeg it's in universe", why not get openjpeg into main?15:21
seb128Riddell, I'm not the one who did the change I just reapplied the ubuntu diff we had15:23
seb128Riddell, it's slangasek who did the change iirc15:23
seb128Riddell, I've no opinion on the topic15:24
Riddellseb128: mm, the changelog is incomplete, found the complete changelog on lauchpad15:28
Riddellslangasek: " Disable openjpeg on all archs for Ubuntu, this lib is in universe15:28
Riddell    and isn't needed."15:28
Riddellslangasek: any reason for that?  it is needed if you want to see jpeg2000 decently15:28
seb128Riddell, right, I don't copy all the changelog entries when resyncing on debian but just summarize the changes15:30
gesercan a core-dev please give-back bacula (FTBFS fixed by recent upload of libbonoboui)15:33
pittigeser: done, thanks!15:38
seb128jdstrand, hey, could you look to bug #447292?15:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 447292 in evince "permission denied on various files while starting evince" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44729215:39
seb128jdstrand, not sure if that's an apparmor or evince issue15:39
seb128jdstrand, I guess the issue is due to nfs user dir15:40
seb128jdstrand, bug #449286 too15:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449286 in evince "[karmic] evince apparmor profile breaks zotero reference database" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44928615:40
jdstrandseb128: that is a dupe of another bug that jjohansen is working on a fix for15:40
jdstrandseb128: (the first one that is)15:41
jjohansenjdstrand: building a new test kernel on that one, should have something up soon15:41
jdstrandseb128: hmm, the second is thornier15:41
jdstrandseb128: I've assigned ti to me for now-- it can probably be solved in apparmor15:43
jdstrandseb128: btw, I'm not here today :)15:44
jjohansenhehe me neither :)15:44
jdstrandjjohansen: I didn't have a chance to test your nfs fix yet. I won't until tomorrow (at which point I am still 'not here', but can test your kernel)15:45
jjohansenjdstrand: okay :)15:46
jdstrandjjohansen: do you have that bug number off-hand?15:47
jjohansenjdstrand: Bug #41563215:48
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/415632/+text)15:48
jdstrandjjohansen: thanks15:48
seb128jdstrand, ok, thanks for replying, enjoy your holiday ;-)15:54
Keybuktrying to figure e2fsck out, every time I think I'm getting close, I get eaten by a grue15:54
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tkamppeterpitti, I have found a big problem in CUPS 1.4.1: It seems that for broadcasts it always uses the host name and never tyhe IP of the server (in 1.3.x it used the IP). This requires that host names in networks are always well-defined and this is not the case in many small networks or for temporarily connected machines.16:24
pittitkamppeter: hm, is that configurable?16:25
tkamppeterpitti, there is a ServerName entry in cupsd.conf where one can set this, by default this is not set.16:28
tkamppeterpitti, I have tried "cupsctl ServerName=" now and got a correct entry in cupsd.conf, but the client still gets "ipp://noname:631/printers/b" in lpstat -v (for the printer b on the server).16:30
tkamppeterpitti, I have even tried to restart CUPS on the server but this does not help.16:31
Keybukdear git.  how is not pushing tags by default *useful* ?16:31
pittiwell, it's just consistent16:32
pitti"1. No command shall do useful things without any arguments."16:32
pittitkamppeter: hm, I'm using cupsd from my wife's computer, it seems to get picked up just fine16:32
pittiah, heh16:32
pitti.local names FTW16:33
chrisccoulsonKeybuk - do you not like git?16:33
* pitti sees Keybuk turn red and explode16:34
ebroderWait, why is subscribing ubuntu-archive to bug #429445 the wrong thing? It's a sync that's been approved by ubuntu-release...16:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 429445 in zephyr "[Karmic FFe] Sync zephyr 3.0~rc.2544-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42944516:34
pittiebroder: fixing bug again16:35
sistpoty|workseb128: what's wrong with the fix in bug #445633?16:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 445633 in pygobject "FTBFS: automake-1.10 missing" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44563316:35
seb128sistpoty|work, why do you want to run autotools there?16:35
sistpoty|workseb128: b-d on autotools-dev?16:35
sistpoty|workseb128: so config.sub/.guess don't match the current version?16:36
james_webroder: it needs a sponsor check16:36
seb128sistpoty|work, well, why? I would have went the other way, make sure autotools are not run at build time16:36
seb128sistpoty|work, but why is there any need to run autotools at all there?16:36
sistpoty|workseb128: iirc they aren't, but rather run and in the patch16:36
seb128sistpoty|work, configure && make && make install ought to work from the tarball16:37
tkamppeterpitti, does your wife have Karmic (or CUPS 1.4.x) on her box?16:37
seb128why do you want to run autotools in the diff or at build time16:37
sistpoty|workseb128: due to the version mismatch of autoconf16:38
seb128sistpoty|work, what mismatch?16:38
tkamppeterpitti, in addition in your network host names seem to be well defined, but this is not assured in all networks.16:38
sistpoty|workseb128: "aclocal.m4:16: warning: this file was generated for autoconf 2.63." --> build fail16:38
sistpoty|workseb128: what would be the better way to fix this?16:38
Keybukpitti: I have an apport hooks question16:38
seb128sistpoty|work, but why are autotools run in the first place during the build?16:38
seb128sistpoty|work, not run any autotools at all since we don't change any build file there16:39
Keybukdo you think it would be possible to create a hook that includes the reporter's exact location, address, GPS info, etc. and usual times when they are there16:39
Keybukthat way the next time someone reports a "last mount time in future" bug, I can go round their house with a shotgun? :p16:39
sistpoty|workseb128: isn't there a configure script that gets run? (/me looks at pygobject again)16:39
seb128Keybuk, I though that bug was fixed?16:39
seb128sistpoty|work, configure && make yes, configure != autotools16:40
Keybukseb128: the bug is fixed, the fact that users are idiots is not fixed16:40
liwKeybuk, you can get the location from LP for many people...16:41
* Keybuk has submitted http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.file-systems.ext4/1584716:41
seb128sistpoty|work, the fix would probably be to comment 03_maintainer_mode.patch from the serie16:41
Keybukwhich will probably be refused by upstream ;)16:41
Keybuk. o O { maybe I just need Ted Tso's location :p }16:41
seb128sistpoty|work, that's useful only in the case you have an autotools update change16:41
sistpoty|workseb128: would that build then? the patch-stamp target copies config.sub/.guess from autotools-dev, so these mismatch the other generated files in the build16:42
seb128sistpoty|work, why a config.sub and config.guess update trigger an autotools run?16:43
seb128sistpoty|work, and if that's the case why do we need to update those to start?16:43
seb128sistpoty|work, we don't have an autotools patch in every package doing a config.guess update16:44
Keybukseb128: can't see any reason they should16:44
Keybukconfig.guess is used by configure *invocation* not by autoconf16:44
Keybukjust grepped through automake, they certainly shouldn't16:46
seb128sistpoty|work, I guess the issue there is the maintainer mode change updating configure.ac and autotools trying to be clever16:46
seb128sistpoty|work, the fix I guess would be to just comment the unrequired configure.ac from the series16:47
sistpoty|workseb128: hm... that would make sense, indeed16:47
ebrodercjwatson: I looked at python-apt, but I can't figure out a way to point it at an arbitrary repository, as opposed to just examining what's in my sources.list16:49
Keybukseb128: why would it update configure.ac ?16:50
Keybukironic if trying to turn off maintainer mode resulted in one last rebuild just for luck <g>16:50
seb128Keybuk, there is a patch to set the maintainer mode which is useful sometimes16:50
Keybukjust leave it on - it doesn't hurt16:50
seb128Keybuk, no, it's setting it on so when we have versions with autoreconf patches things are not run on buildds again16:51
Keybukadding autoconf, automake, libtool to build-depends is easier than having to keep an autoreconf patch up to date ;)16:51
Keybukwe could even have an "autoreconf" meta package that depended on the current versions :)16:51
seb128running those at build time sucks16:52
seb128it takes build time and create often issues when different versions are used16:52
seb128working sources start ftbfsing which lead to extra work16:53
cjwatsonebroder: you can configure it in much the same way you configure other apt tools, by setting options16:59
cjwatsonapt.conf(5) has details16:59
cjwatsonyou may need to write a temporary sources.list file16:59
loolOMG linux-libc-dev didn't build on armel since the linux-* trees were split17:02
loolWe still have 2.6.31-5.2417:02
loolapw: ^^  It this known?17:02
cjwatsonoh, yeah, I noticed that myself17:03
cjwatsonseems worth fixing ;-)17:03
loolThat seems a really serious issue to fix before end of week17:03
cjwatsonneed to make the linux source build just that binary on armel, presumably17:04
loolWith a sensible config17:05
apwlool, when we were discussing linux-libc-dev earlier in the week it was implied it was architectur eindependant17:06
loolapw: You mean subarch17:08
apwactually we were talking about it being built 'only on i386' cause it was 'all'17:08
apwsounds like its not17:08
loolapw: We were discussing issues related to subarch specific divergences in linux-libc-dev, how to handle that; but in all cases our armel packages should be built against a standard linux-libc-dev, subarch independent17:08
* apw will have a look at that, that sounds all foobared17:09
loolapw: I'm not sure whether headers rely on a .config or not, but it seems there's a target to generate all headers at once17:09
loolbug #44963717:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449637 in linux "linux-libc-dev not built on armel anymore and seriously out of date" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44963717:09
loolapw: make headers_install_all17:09
lool"The command "make headers_install_all" exports headers for all architectures17:09
lool simultaneously.  (This is mostly of interest to distribution maintainers, who create an architecture-independent tarball from the resulting include directory.)17:10
apwlool, its clearly broken ... will get it discussed shortly17:10
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Riddellccheney: how much of the fixes from shtylman for bug 424132 are in our packages?17:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 424132 in openoffice.org "[kubuntu] OOo KDE file dialog is utterly broken." [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42413217:12
=== RainCT_ is now known as RainCT
joaopintoany core dev available that could me help me testing a bug that migh be classified as security vulnerability ?18:08
zuljdstrand: im not here either Ill take a look at it tomorrow18:09
DarxusThat's odd.  If I run X by itself (no window manager, etc.) I just get a blank screen.  Not even a mouse.  Jaunty though.18:22
lfaraoneIs there a reason that one can no longer "remember this authorization" for administrative actions in Karmic? (ex: setting CPU scaling via the applet)18:31
jcolehappy monday18:32
lfaraonejcole: you too.18:32
jcolewhat would it take to get evolution-mapi functional in ubuntu karmic? if someone would tell me, i'll host a functional version internally18:32
jcoleor even a ppa18:32
jcolethis is bugs 446626 435881 etc.18:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 446626 in evolution-mapi "evolution crashed with SIGSEGV in camel_header_raw_append()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44662618:35
jcolethe evo guys claim it works in suse18:35
DarxusIgnore what I said about X.  I don't know why I didn't find the mouse.  The default background should *not* be all black.18:36
jcoleif i was to alien up the suse evolution-mapi rpms to .debs, can those be posted to a ppa? or, are ppa for source only?18:38
chrisccoulsonjcole - no, that won't work18:40
jcolechrisccoulson: any suggestions?18:42
chrisccoulsonit needs properly packaging as a source package18:42
jcolechrisccoulson: is there any tools for converting suse source packages to debian/ubuntu18:44
chrisccoulsoni'm not familiar with packaging in suse at all18:44
jcolechrisccoulson: i know a few guys here running evolution-mapi on suse.. i'll ask them about converting source packages...18:48
chrisccoulsonYou would need to make a Debian package from scratch if there isn't one already18:49
jcolechrisccoulson: there is one already18:49
jcolechrisccoulson: it just doesnt work18:49
chrisccoulsonyou should try and fix the existing package then ;)18:50
faganmvo: *ping*18:50
chrisccoulsonevolution-mapi is in karmic anyway. what doesn't work with it?18:51
jcolechrisccoulson: that is what im trying to do.. if i could figure it out, ill post a working version internally18:51
jcolechrisccoulson: it crashes when reading a message18:51
mvofagan: pong18:51
* james_w hugs mvo 18:52
james_wgood timing18:52
mvohey james_w18:53
james_wmvo: update-notifier has started (in karmic) shipping /var/crash, with standard permissions, which prevents apps running as a non-root user from reporting crashes18:53
james_wmvo: I guess this isn't intentional?18:53
jcolechrisccoulson: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution-mapi?orderby=-datecreated18:53
james_wupdate-notifier-common sorry18:53
jcolechrisccoulson: last 4 bugs18:55
mvojames_w: no, not intentional (and odd)18:55
mvojames_w: I can't remember changing that :/ is there a open bug about this?18:56
james_wmvo: the fix is probably easy, but I guess we should do something to fix it for current users?18:56
james_wmvo: I'm just looking for one now18:56
james_wI just discovered this now with the help of ahasenack18:56
faganmvo: im just looking into Bug #438870 could you point me to the part of the software store that deals with installing the software18:58
jcolechrisccoulson: i tried to install a newer version of evolution-mapi from debian unstable... but its compiled against a newer evolution so dependency fail18:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 438870 in software-center "Downloads should start when the previous one ends" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43887018:58
mvofagan: it does probably need support from aptdaemon, my idea was to start a transaction with --download-only18:59
faganmvo: that would work19:00
mvofagan: there is a apt config option that can be set if that is all that is required, it may run into issues with multiple locks, in this case its probably best to just create private download dirs and move them into place when all is finished19:00
jcolechrisccoulson: thre is also a gnome bug for this at https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=595810 ... but, why does it work in suse? does this bug only apply to the version in karmic?19:00
ubottuGnome bug 595810 in Mail "evolution crashed while doing initial message fetching" [Critical,New]19:00
mvofagan: so the transaction would be split into (download, install) and download could be done in parallel19:01
faganmvo: yep that would be a lot quicker than the current system too19:01
* wolfe yawns19:01
chrisccoulsonjcole - i'm sorry, but i've no idea why that would be the case. evolution-mapi isn't a package i have any particular interest in, so i don't know much about it ;)19:02
james_wmvo: can't find a bug on either update-notifier or apport, so I'll file one and we can discuss how to do the fixup at the same time as the fix?19:03
mvofagan: ideally we would make the daemon so clever that it automatically does that (transparent to the frontend)19:03
mvojames_w: yes, sounds good to me19:03
james_w"Package update-notifier-common does not exist"19:04
james_woh, typo19:04
faganmvo: That would be the ideal solution and it could be done by lucid19:06
mvofagan: great, I will not have time to look into it myself before karmic-final, but I'm happy to help and give feedback :)19:07
mvojames_w: I will have to leave soon for tonight, but I will have a look tomorrow morning19:07
james_wmvo: sure, I thought you had gone already.19:08
faganmvo: ill give it a look :)19:09
mvojames_w: I was (almost) - but then there was a odd FTBFS that looks like something in python recently broke my setup.py :(19:09
james_wmvo: you fixed it?19:09
mvodoko_: could you please have a look at bug #449734 ?19:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449734 in python2.6 "update to 2.4.0~rc1 break update-manager setup.py (and possible others)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44973419:10
mvojames_w: no, I don't have a fix yet - is this a known issue ?19:10
james_wmvo: not that I have heard19:11
* fagan gos back to his super secret project so it can be ready for the UDS19:12
jcolechrisccoulson: ya, this is not your normal "consumer" package... and, it probably works in suse because they target the "enterprise" desktop whereas ubuntu targets the "consumer" desktop... but, i'd still like to get a working version in ubuntu for those of us that want to run ubuntu... maybe you could direct someone to me who knows about this package and ill create a working version in a ppa :)19:14
chrisccoulsonjcole - do suse use a different upstream version? Do they have any patches that might fix it?19:14
doko_mvo: looking19:15
james_wI see a very suspicious hunk in the diff for the last upload19:17
james_wdoko_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/291771/19:17
mvodoko_: thanks19:17
james_wmvo: do you have python-pyrex installed in the error case?19:18
mvojames_w: I'm not sure, but it happens on a pbuilder too19:18
james_wprobably not then19:18
jcolechrisccoulson: im thinking its not actually evolution-mapi itself (since it just creates the account)... but suspecting the underlying libmapi libraries and/or the evolution email rendering engine19:18
mvono pyrex19:19
mvojames_w: I saw that too, its in tests/ though, this is puzzling19:19
jcolechrisccoulson: im looking for a way to browse suse source19:19
james_wmvo: the hunk I pasted?19:19
mvojames_w: oh, sorry19:20
mvojames_w: indeed, its in build_ext.py - its pretty certainly the problem :)19:20
mvojames_w: amazingly quick!19:20
james_wjust looking for the bug that was fixing19:20
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james_wpython bug 706419:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 7064 in discover1 "Replaced by hotplug" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/706419:21
james_wno! python!19:21
mvoheh :)19:21
jcolechrisccoulson: whats really stupid about exchange server, is that not only does it save messages on the server as .txt and .html, but also as .rtf ... im wondering if the evolution rendering engine in ubuntu is crapping out on those, because it only crashes on certain messages19:23
james_wmvo: perhaps it should be "Extension('UpdateManager.fdsend',"?19:27
james_wthat's what the documentation implies?19:27
james_wi.e. use the dotted module name, not the path to the module dir19:28
jcolejcole: /j #suse19:28
wolfeewww, suse ;D19:28
wolfelynch him!19:28
james_wwolfe: easy please19:28
chrisccoulsonjcole - i don't know - you seem to have a better grasp of the issue than me ;)19:29
chrisccoulsoni can't help you much as i'm trying to figure other things out right now19:30
jcolechrisccoulson: of course, thanks for your time... i'll figure out something for us ubuntu users :)19:30
mvojames_w: thanks, I try that now19:36
sambahi all - i'm working with a number of chroots that need to include valid kernels and modules (like PXE boot) but when I install updates on the server, DKMS tries to build against the running kernel (via uname) - is there any way to override that?19:51
samba(i.e. i want it to look at installed kernels - in /lib/modules or so - not at uname)19:52
samba(I see the options on dkms itself, but i'd like it configurable so DKMS will automatically map to the proper kernel)19:54
=== RainCT_ is now known as RainCT
slangasekRiddell: if I said it wasn't needed, I must have consulted someone before dropping the dep, but I don't know who19:57
tkamppeterpitti, still there?20:22
debfxslangasek: have you had a chance to look at my updated powerdevil detection for acpi-support (https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~debfx/acpi-support/fix-lp387750/+merge/12466)?20:26
SteeleyCisco IOS20:42
Steeleyoops, apologies. wrong channel20:42
wamtyhaving trouble with vnc-viewing my ubuntu desktop, when I single click it almost always translates it into a double click, makes it impossible for me to do anything, any ideas?21:13
lucas_Hi there, I would like to report a bug with some ruby files but I don't  know  how to find which package the files involved belong to21:14
lucas_for instance  /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/x86_64-linux/rbgtk.h has some includes of files that are not provided21:14
spaetzlucas, dpk -S file ???21:15
lucas_ok so the culprit is ruby-gnome2-dev21:16
kklimondawamty, you would have more luck on #ubuntu channel probably.21:16
wamtyi did21:16
wamtynoone answered there21:16
lucas_spaetz, I ve seen that it was corrected in debian ? should I report a bug on launchpad ?21:17
spaetzno clue, i'm no ubuntu dev21:18
spaetzbut reporting a bug can never hurt21:18
lucas_ok because it seems to prevent me from building a gnome/ruby app21:19
kklimondalucas, yes, you should report that (make sure that it wasn't reported before)21:19
spaetzlucas, if you report it, do point to the resolution in debian21:19
lucas_kklimonda, definetly I will, but it is really unlikely that it was, since at that stage such things should have come up. I believe the fix is available form debian packages21:20
spaetzbug no, etc21:20
lucas_I will21:20
mdkepitti: many thanks for looking at that ubuntu-docs issue, I'll fix it accordingly21:21
lucas_BTW do you guys now a way to report bugs without the command ubuntu-bugs, I find myself unable to find the appropriate menu on launchpad21:22
kklimondawamty, you could try ubuntuforums.org, I think that you have the best chance of getting a good answer there (#ubuntu channel is crowded and this one is for development discussion)21:22
kklimondalucas, when you are redirected to the wiki page scroll down and you will see a direct link (with ?no-redirect argument) you can use21:23
tgpraveen1the launc hpad has been made too difficult to file bugs21:29
ccheneyRiddell: all except the ones sent this morning21:33
chrisccoulsonjames_w - have you experienced the hanging policykit dialog recently?21:42
james_whey chrisccoulson21:42
james_wnever have21:42
chrisccoulsoni haven't seen it for a while either21:42
james_wI'm a bit lost to be honest21:42
chrisccoulsoni wonder if it's magically fixed now? ;)21:42
jdongchrisccoulson: I've seen it today21:42
chrisccoulsoni hate not understanding why things are broken21:42
jdongchrisccoulson: happens when I use ENTER to confirm my password entry21:42
jdongthe password textbox disappears21:43
jdongbut the dialog still persists21:43
chrisccoulsonjdong - i wish i could recreate it reliably21:43
jdongclicking either button is NOACTION21:43
spaetzthe one with no line to enter a passwd? got that dialog today21:43
chrisccoulsoni might try pressing enter and see if it makes a difference21:43
jdongbut clicking the window's X causes update-maanger to work21:43
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jdongchrisccoulson: yeah clicking Authenticate the first time works 100% for me21:43
jdongchrisccoulson: but pressing ENTER "hangs" the dialog 100%21:43
james_wenter works for me21:43
james_wjdong: 100%?21:43
james_wyou're just the person we've been looking for!21:43
jdongjames_w: well 4 of the 4 times I've tried in the past 2 days :)21:43
jdongin fact let me humor myself and do it right now!21:44
james_wjdong: would you do some debugging for us please?21:44
jdongGRR it worked this time21:44
jdongwell ok 80% :P21:44
chrisccoulsonit worked here too;)21:44
jdongso I guess I just need to complain to the right people!21:44
jdongok I've got an authenticate dialog without a textbox21:45
jdongwhat would you like me to do?21:45
james_wcan you "strace -p $(/usr/lib/policykit-1-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1)"21:45
james_woh, with -f as well21:45
james_wdoing that before triggering it would be good21:45
james_wyou know you can drop priveledges with the "keys" icon in the notification area?21:46
james_wyou'll want to check that your password isn't in the strace output before you show us21:46
chrisccoulsoni need to learn how the new policykit works:)21:47
james_wthat process runs in your session all the time21:47
james_wit registers with polkitd when it starts as the agent for your session21:48
james_wwhen something requests auth polkitd calls it over D-Bus with the info that it needs21:48
jdongok got it to happen21:48
james_wit then pops up and asks for the passwords21:48
jdongonce thin that I do notice:21:48
james_wat the same time it runs a suid helper to talk to pam21:49
jdongwhen it works, strace just says "pid 65xx attached"21:49
jdongbut when it doesn't work, I get multiple attached and detached messages from strace21:49
jdongwith pid's in the high-25000 region21:49
james_wonce you give the password it gives this to the helper21:49
jdongseems like it's spawning some new pid repeatedly21:49
james_wit auths with pam, and then calls back over D-Bus to polkitd to tell it all is well21:50
james_wchrisccoulson: clear? ;-)21:50
chrisccoulsonjames_w - i think so;)21:50
james_wjdong: interesting, could we see the redacted trace?21:50
jdongjames_w: this time it didn't even ask me for a password the first time... :-/21:50
jdongjames_w: http://jdong.mit.edu/~jdong/broken_polkit.png21:52
=== bjf-afk is now known as bjf
jdongthe dialog looked like that21:52
jdongand there was no key in the systray either21:52
jdongneither of the two buttons do anything, and I clicked them a couple times during the strace21:52
wamtyI googled this and can't getr a straight answer. anyone else running ubuntu 9.04 server with wifi? The adapter is listed, I can ifconfig it and it's tx/rx packets, but I have no outside network access.. I explored all avenues at the command line. The *only* thing I noticed is that the listed supported encryption modes do NOT include WEP, which is what i'm using (crucify me for this later please). The onyl ubuntu network manager handled this21:52
jdongclicking the big X did work21:52
wamtyFWIW, my old version was 6.06 and it worked fine.. also on the post 6.06 releases RADI croaks one of my drives.. but it works fine and is physically configured fine. Hit a brick wall there as well.21:52
jdongwamty: -> #ubuntu21:53
james_wpolkit-grant-helper-pam: needs t21:53
james_w"...to be setuid root" I predict21:54
james_wdoes strace interfere with suid?21:54
jdongjames_w: I don't think it does when attached to an existing process...21:54
jdongat least as far as I understand21:54
james_wwell, it's going to be tracing the spawned process, so it might thee21:55
james_wI think I know what the race is that breaks it in this case21:55
james_wbut I'm not sure that will be what breaks it normally21:56
jdongI'm gonna be out for 10m to grab dinner but will check back if I can provide any more assistance :)21:56
=== dorins_ is now known as dorins
wolfehow sad, I see 10m and think 10 meters, as in radio frequency :)22:20
directhexhow do i see the current nbs list?22:22
seb128directhex, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/22:22
directhexwebkit, thought so22:23
james_wjdong: some packages put at https://edge.launchpad.net/~james-w/+archive/polkit/+packages22:28
james_wif you could install libpolkit-agent-1-0 from there and then kill the process you were stracing and launch it again as "strace -f -o /tmp/strace.txt /usr/lib/policykit-1-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1" that would be great22:29
james_wif I am right you won't be able to trigger the lack of the password to start with any more22:29
james_wbut it will always fail22:30
james_wso it won't have really got us anywhere, but we might as well fix bugs as we find them22:32
james_w"man strace" states that if you make the strace binary suid root then you can strace suid programs correctly22:32
james_wwould you be willing to do that while we test22:33
james_wif so, then please do so and re-run the above, and you should see the prompt as before22:33
james_wand if you can then trigger it the strace should be useful22:33
DarxusThere's no 2038 bug open?23:03

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