
j1mchi all00:38
Zachk18j1mc, velcome00:38
j1mchi Zachk1800:39
Rocket2DMnwb jim00:41
j1mchi Rocket2DMn00:41
j1mchey jjesse01:21
j1mcjjesse: you working on kubuntu docs?01:21
jjessenot much this time around unfortanetly01:22
j1mcah, i just saw your 'dent' about kubuntu docs... the netbook remix01:22
jjesseyeah i don't think there are any docs on how to use the plasma-netbook interface01:22
jjessemight just be a blog post to start out and then move into actual documentation01:22
kaushalI have questions regarding https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/samba-ldap.html13:26
kaushalcan i ask it here ?13:26
kaushalCan i seek help here for16:44
kaushalyeah sure16:59
kaushalwhere do i need to run smbldap-populate ?16:59
kaushalis it on ldap server or samba server ?16:59
kaushalstarcraftman: you around ?17:03
starcraftmanah, sorry, was distracted.17:04
starcraftmanoh I thought this was a documentation error?17:05
starcraftmanOn guide, all the boxes are simply meant to be copy and pasted. On wiki its indicating to execute sudo smbldap-populate in whatever terminal your using.17:06
starcraftmanI'm not a large server admin, so can't help ya beyond basics kaushal, for more advanced help please see #ubuntu-beginners-help or #ubuntu (I recommend first).17:07
starcraftmankaushal: also, fyi, this channel for doc editing not really support questions.17:07
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse

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