
superm1TheMuso, set cia_send_revno per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installer/Development00:39
TheMusosuperm1: Yeah I know, forgot to after a fresh format/install01:00
davmor2Morning All08:36
CIA-33ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: evand * r162 ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/ (7 files in 5 dirs): Add an Ubuntu One slide.09:25
CIA-33ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: evand * r163 ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/debian/changelog: Freeze exception (LP: #447383).09:26
evandhrm, I'm not sure I can clear swap partitions in a finish-install script, as the root directory is not passed to finish-install scripts, so this wouldn't work for the oem-config case.10:47
evandjust thinking out loud10:47
davmor2evand: man you have weird thoughts.   I'm thinking things like what we having for dinner ;)10:58
kim0Hi folks .. is there a d-i value to control booting degraded raid ?13:55
cr3hi folks, I seem to be encountering strange problems installing today's desktop image on a few systems:14:38
cr3I tried installing i386 on a few systems and one system installed just fine while the others just had a flickering screen14:39
cr3I then tried installing amd64 on the same systems and one of the systems that flickered installed just fine but the others were flickering, including the one that installed fine before14:39
cr3might it be possible that there's a race condition somewhere that's causing unpredictable behavior?14:40
cjwatsoncr3: I don't have a direct answer as I haven't seen this myself, but race conditions can arise from incorrect conditions in upstart jobs14:52
cr3I should have a video camera in my lab to showcase these situations and I could get dressed as Vanna White14:56
* evand wonders out loud if we would gain anything by walking /rofs in the background while the user answers questions.16:18
cjwatsonit's certainly the source of a big delay for no obvious reason ...16:23
evandwe have a few bugs whereby the installer is bailing out in what looks like partman_commit (442560, 445756, 441709, 448252, 440922).  I'm going to see if teaching parted_server to talk directly to syslog gets us any further along tomorrow.17:18
ZelutI need to define the DNS server(s) in my preseed config at PXE. Can anyone tell me what the syntax is?18:06
dholbertcjwatson, how do I request review (or get approval, or whatever) on the ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu patch that I've posted on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pywebkitgtk/+bug/434413   ?21:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 434413 in pywebkitgtk "Dragging from the installer Webkit widget crashes Ubiquity" [Medium,Triaged]21:34
cjwatsondholbert: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess probably best21:34
cjwatsondholbert: or actually21:34
cjwatsondholbert: just catch evand during European working hours?21:35
dholbertcjwatson, ok -- is he the man behind that package?21:35
cjwatsonshould probably open a new task on the Ubuntu ubiquity package, since it really is still a bug in pywebkitgtk as well21:35
dholbertYeah, ok21:35
cjwatsondholbert: both evand and I are21:35
dholbertah, cool21:36
cjwatsonbut it's end-of-day for me21:36
dholbertcjwatson, mind if I un-dupe the duplicate bug, and make that the one for adding a workaround in the slideshow?21:39
dholbertcjwatson, dupe is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/44870321:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 448703 in ubiquity "Installer crashs when dragging the slideshow icons (dup-of: 434413)" [Undecided,New]21:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 434413 in pywebkitgtk "Dragging from the installer Webkit widget crashes Ubiquity" [Medium,Triaged]21:39
dholbertrather than filing a new bug21:39
CIA-33ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: evand * r166 ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/ (debian/changelog slides/link/general.css): Made images in slideshow non-draggable to work around pywebkitgtk crash.22:52
CIA-33ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: evand * r167 ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/debian/changelog: Add LP bug reference for the previous commit.22:53
dholbertevand: yay, thanks for committing that patch!23:27
evanddholbert: thanks for writing it23:28
dholbertno prob, twas easy :)23:28
dholbertThe pywebkitgtk crash is very strange -- from playing around with different testcases, it looks like it specifically crashes on rectangular (non-square) PNG files23:29
cjwatsondholbert: BTW, it's not relevant now, but I didn't actually mean that you needed a new bug - it's possible to mark single bugs in LP as affecting more than one package. See the "Also affects distribution" link23:29
dholbertcjwatson, ah, ok -- good to know. thanks23:30
dholbertRE the pywebkitgtk crash -- it doesn't crash on the Firefox slide, for instance, because the firefox image is a square23:30
dholbertand if I resize the ubuntu image to be square, it doesn't crash on that, either23:30
dholbertbut if I make it a rectangle (even a small rectangle), it crashes23:30
dholbertAnyway, hopefully the pywebkitgtk guys will figure that one out.  Good that we can easily disable it here, to stave off one method of self-foot-shooting during installation.23:32
evanddholbert: the firefox image is a special case23:51
dholbertevand, right -- _because_ it's square, is what I'm saying23:51
dholbertevand, (at least, as far as not crashing goes)23:51
evandwell I mean that it's handled differently than the other images23:51
dholbert*right, I guess it's a special case in multiple senses. :) but the one that matters for not crashing is that it's square23:52
evandhaha indeed23:53
evandis there a bug number for this?23:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 434413 in pywebkitgtk "Dragging from the installer Webkit widget crashes Ubiquity" [Medium,Triaged]23:53
evandah, indeed23:54
evandjust wanted to be sure of the context23:54
evandas there are a number of webkit bugs :-/23:54

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