
doko_ScottK: http://paste.ubuntu.com/286360/ didn't look yet. do you have more info in the meantime?10:51
doko_geser: 3) it does10:51
staniCan someone make bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/phatch/+bug/448971 public?10:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 448971 in phatch "Please sync phatch 0.2.3-1 (universe) from Debian Unstable (main) " [Wishlist,Confirmed]10:54
stanisorry I  mean bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/44246610:54
ubottuError: This bug is private10:55
stanipochu, ScottK ^10:55
iulianstani: Done.10:57
stanijulian: Thanks a lot!10:58
iulianYou're welcome.10:58
* iulian -> lunch.10:58
skarany place where i can read up on applying my patch to a source deb and then building it?11:18
geserskar: if you don't care about proper integration into the source package: simply apply the patch11:25
geserand then debuild -b (after installing the build-dependencies, it will complain about missing build-dependencies)11:25
skargeser: well, i've installed the glibc source deb, and the dir has a dsc, diff and tar.gz file. how do i ask debuild to just unpack, apply patches it has but stop short of building?11:26
geserskar: dpkg-source -x the_package_you_want_extracted.dsc11:26
geserI don't know which patch system glibc uses, so I can't tell you how to apply the patches included in the source package. But as long as your patch doesn't collide with other, the order should matter (first yours and the the ones from the package or vice versa)11:28
skargeser: thanks, now i've got a dir within which some tar.bz2 files and debian dir are present. i still can't find my header file in there which is what i need to patch.11:28
skargeser: it seems glibc uses quilt.11:28
skardebian/rules.d/quilt.mk:     @echo -n "Unapplying patches..."11:28
Laneyquilt push -a11:28
geserLaney: from the message skar typed it sounds like glibc uses tar-in-tar :(11:30
Laneyoh I only read the second line11:30
Laneyindeed that is pain11:30
skarwell, i started debuild, made the process sleep with Ctrl+Z, applied my patch, then resumed the build with fg and it build my new libc fine. but it's ugly.11:31
skarwhat i want is cleaner, simpler one which must be what the package maintainers must be using.11:32
skargeser, Laney: thanks for the tips. any ideas on how to apply the patch, then start the build without overwriting the patched sources again?11:35
geserskar: there is certainly a cleaner way but as didn't look at the glibc package I can't tell11:37
skargeser: oh ok. thanks anyway. will study the build process.11:37
RainCTsiretart: thanks, trying it out now12:42
wrapsterhttp://pastie.org/651337 ; can anyone help me out with this.. Im trying to include a wrapper withing the binutils pkg itself.. strangely the dh_links work fine.. but i get an error like so:12:55
wrapstercp /usr/sfw/bin/gas debian/binutils/usr/sfw/bin/gas-real12:55
wrapstercp: cannot create regular file `debian/binutils/usr/sfw/bin/gas-real': No such file or directory12:55
geserwrapster: check if the target directory exist before you cp into it12:57
funkyHatI got an error message from rosetta, saying it couldn't import a file because of text encoding problems. Do I need to do anything about this? (my upload was nothing to do with translations)12:58
wrapstergeser: ok thanks.12:58
wrapsterwill revert back.12:58
geserfunkyHat: better ask someone familiar with rosetta or translation in #launchpad about it12:58
funkyHatthanks geser, I've asked in #launchpad12:59
LaibschHow can I get the grab-merge script to merge from Debian unstable instead of debian testing?13:05
gesergrab-merge download just the files from MoM. And MoM tries merging against Debian unstable13:06
LaibschWhy is wordpress still at the version in testing ten days after upload?13:08
Laibschor in other words13:09
AnAntfeature freeze13:09
Laibschwhen is MoM going to have 2.8.4-3?13:09
AnAntprobably in karmic+113:09
Laibschhm, that's not satisfactory13:10
LaibschHow do I explicitly merge against unstable, then13:10
AnAnterm, sorry, I think I answered the wrong question13:10
AnAntI thought you meant when will 2.8.4-3 be in Ubuntu13:11
LaibschI kind of had the feeling you were a bit off13:11
LaibschAlthough the question somehow is about when 2.8.4-3 will be in Ubuntu ;-)13:11
LaibschI'd like to get it merged13:12
geserLaibsch: then do it by hand: take the package from Debian and apply the Ubuntu delta on it13:14
Laibschnever done it13:14
LaibschI expect a patch conflict at least in  debian/changelog13:15
Laibschif not elsewhere as well13:15
geserthan that's a good opportunity to learn it :)13:16
directhexLaibsch, if the only *needed* delta is changelog, request a sync (the ubuntu changelog will die)13:19
Laibschdirecthex: no, that is not the case13:20
Laibschgeser: if you give more details, I may fix this package13:20
Laibschif not, I may drop the ball on it13:21
geserLaibsch: I usually go to the PTS page to find all the needed links: http://packages.qa.debian.org/w/wordpress.html13:32
geserthere you will find the link to the .dsc file from unstable which you can pass to dget to download it all13:32
LaibschI'm aware of that13:33
geserand there is also the link to the patch file with all Ubuntu changes13:33
LaibschBut that doesn't merge things magically13:33
gesertrue, but after applying the Ubuntu patch you just need to resolve the conflicts, pretty certain debian/changelog13:35
geserthe advantage MoM has, it does merging the changelog pretty good13:35
geserother merge conflicts it also leaves to resolve for the merger13:35
Laibschhttp://patches.ubuntu.com/w/wordpress/wordpress_2.8.4-1ubuntu1.patch looks like a good way13:36
wrapsterthe build came through perfectly but when i install i dont see that wrapper at all..13:37
wrapstergeser: how is it possible that a few lines can be exectued with the remainng are not?13:37
geserwrapster: what you mean? your wrapper didn't end in the built deb package?13:39
ScottKdoko_: I did see that failure before, but didn't figure it out.13:39
wrapstergeser: no13:40
wrapsteraccording to that pastie.. a file called gas-real has to exist in /usr/sfw/bin/ ; all i can see is just gas.. and im very sure thats coming from the dh_link13:40
wrapstergeser: well the debian/binutils dir has /usr/sfw/bin/ and gas/gas-real as well.. but dpkg -i <binutils> wont install that at all?13:42
AnAntcould someone sponsor http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=sabily-xsplash-artwork please ?13:43
joaopintohell, can someone sponsor the fix for bug 449502 ?13:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449502 in sqlitebrowser "FTBFS, getline() conflicts with glibc function" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44950213:44
joaopintohello :P13:44
geserwrapster: if it's in the package then dpkg should also install it13:44
wrapstergeser: then why is it not? coz the dh_link is set up and just 1 line down and it doesnt work...13:45
wrapsteror is my logic wrong thre?13:45
wrapsterhere is the story...13:45
geserwrapster: can you pastebin the contents of the build deb file (dpkg-deb -c)?13:46
wrapsterapparently gas has a -K option (set at runtime) which i want to negate and i had written a wrapper to solve it. first mv gas to gas-real then open a sh script called gas which internally calls gas-real `echo $@ |sed 's/-K//g' ... i thought of doing that.. in the rules file itself so that when pkg is built it will be automatically created...13:47
geserjoaopinto: you might have greater success if you subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors to it. on a quick look your fix looks good. did you forward it already to Debian?13:47
joaopintogeser, I did, but actually I had great  success asking here :)13:48
joaopintosubscrbing sponsors anyway13:49
wrapstergeser: http://pastie.org/65138313:49
geserwrapster: does http://pastie.org/651337 still contain you most recent changes?13:51
wrapstergeser: thats the latest13:51
wrapstermkdir -p debian/binutils/$(TAR_DIR) <before line:16>13:52
geserwrapster: because there you copy /usr/sfw/bin/gas from the host system (and not from the build) to gas-real. check your build log if cp didn't complain about anything (like missing source file)13:52
wrapsterwell actually there is no /usr/sfw/bin/gas until this pkg is installed.13:53
wrapsteri created that as well...13:53
geserwrapster: I didn't look at dh_link, but I assume it works inside the staging dir from where your package get build it the end but your cp command tries to copy a file from your host system (the one that is currently building the package) and not from that staging dir13:56
wrapsteri get that..13:56
wrapsterbut the strange thing is if you just cut this out and create a makfile out of this and run.. it works perferctly13:57
wrapsterive tried13:57
geserwrapster: and a hint: you could store the wrapper (the shell script) in debian/ (as e.g. gas) and just copy it to its destination instead of creating it in debian/rules (no fighting with escaping needed)13:59
* geser will be back in around 30 min13:59
wrapsteroh cool.. could you elaborate..13:59
wrapsterguys if anyone else was following up  mine and geser conversation could you pls look at this http://pastie.org/651416 and let me know if ive written it right?14:18
skargeser: hi, got the patch to work fine. all the patches were stored in a debian/patches/i386 dir :) but the build takes very long, due to it building all sorts of locales. any idea to do only certain locales?14:22
geserwrapster: looks good14:24
geserskar: sorry, no idea14:24
skargeser: np. thanks for the tips though. will look into the build process further and dig out where locales list is and change it :)14:25
joaopintodholbach, about bug 449177, I was about to fix the FTFBS on the ubuntu package, by chanding debian rules to use automake1.11, I guess that's a btter a fix than build depend on automake1.1014:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449177 in libcsoap "Sync libcsoap 1.1.0-16.1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44917714:32
joaopintowill the sync be performed ?14:33
joaopintoI remember someone telling me that a sync requires more effot because it requires an archive admin action, unlike a debdiff sponsor14:34
geserjoaopinto: but a sync has the advantage that the package will be auto-synced in karmic+1 instead of appearing on the merge list14:36
joaopintoso I should file a bug for the Debian package14:37
wrapstergeser: thank you for your idea14:53
wrapstergeser: it did not work!!!14:59
gesercan you explain?14:59
wrapstergeser: http://pastie.org/65146615:00
geserhmm, did it end in the .deb?15:02
wrapstergeser: again i can see it in debian/binutils/usr/sfw/bin/ but its not while dpkg -i15:03
wrapstergeser: no it did not15:03
gesercan you pastebin all your changes? I want to try it in my karmic pbuilder15:04
wrapstergeser: http://pastie.org/65147115:04
wrapsterone moment.15:04
wrapstergeser: here it is http://pastie.org/65138315:06
wrapsterTAR_DIR= /usr/sfw/bin/15:07
Zelutif a package provides a symlink which points to a file provided by another package, but said file does not exist, which package is at fault? (ie; which should I report the bug on)?15:08
RainCTZelut: That depends whether the file should really be there or not.15:08
ZelutRainCT: /usr/share/doc/bash/ includes a file 'completion-contrib' which points to ../bash-completion/contrib. There is no contrib file.15:10
wrapstergeser: i created a new rule for this... lets see if it works now.15:15
wrapstergeser: any luck?15:21
geserwrapster: waiting on the build results15:21
wrapstergeser: ok...15:21
wrapstergeser: what do you think could be wrong ?15:33
wrapsterand is your done?15:34
ZelutRainCT: I know its just a papercut bug, bug which should I report the issue for?15:35
RainCTZelut: I can't say without looking into it15:40
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wrapstergeser: is it done?16:03
geserwrapster: more or less (had to install debhelper as it wasn't listed in build-depends)16:04
wrapsterok.. i tried creating a new rule didnt help16:04
wrapsteri really dont get it...16:04
geserwrapster: the build finished, looking into it now16:07
wrapstergeser: btw just so you know.. i have put these cmds under the install target section.16:10
geserwrapster: I could reproduce your problem16:10
wrapsterand any idea what can be done?16:10
gesernot yet16:11
geserwrapster: I hope I found it, will let you know when "debian/rules binary" is done building the new deb16:17
wrapsterok... thanks..16:18
wrapsterim praying it works.16:18
wrapstergeser: also i would like to know if the rules can be tested individually.. so that i can actually narrow down the issue?16:19
wrapsterinstead of running buildpkg every time and waiiting for hrs16:19
geserwrapster: yes, the rules are called in order: clean -> build -> binary (which often depends on install)16:20
geseryou can call debian/rules with the target you need (e.g. once it got build, you can call the binary target several times in case you need to add a fix there)16:21
wrapstermake -f debian/rules <target> ?16:22
geserbut it's a good idea to test-build it at the end from clean, just to be sure you didn't miss anything16:22
geserwrapster: yes, or debian/rules <target> (it's executable :)16:22
wrapsterok... so did you narrow down on the issue?16:22
wrapsterthis has taken me hrs ... being a newbie .. its very tough16:23
geserwrapster: -rw-r--r-- root/root        56 2009-10-12 15:17 ./usr/sfw/bin/gas (there is a chmod +x missing)16:23
geserwrapster: the package doesn't use debian/binutils but debian/tmp as a staging dir16:24
wrapsteroh crap.16:24
geserwrapster: cp debian/gas debian/tmp/usr/sfw/bin/gas16:24
wrapsterhow did you figure it out?16:24
wrapsterit will help me also ..16:25
geserwrapster: there are some variables used within the debian/rules file for the destination, one of them is d_bin (for the binutils package; look around line 33)16:28
geserwrapster: alternative you could look into the directories below debian/ to check from which your package gets build (as it will have the same contents as the deb)16:29
wrapsterok i so far had thought that the staging dir is a standar meaning.. debian/<pkgname> would be that.. i didnt know its not so..16:29
geserwrapster: newer packages use debian/<package> now, but some packages still use debian/tmp (its predecessor)16:31
wrapsterso are you rebuilding .?16:31
wrapsterim trying it out here!!!16:31
wrapstergeser: worked like a charm16:43
wrapsterthanks a ton16:43
\shsiretart, pingeling....16:45
leonelhow it's called when you want  a newer package for dapper ??17:12
james_wleonel: backports?17:13
leoneljames_w: but included as official and not in backports?17:14
leonelhave a problem with the dapper  patch for squirrelmail .. bug    44683817:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 446838 in squirrelmail "Multiple cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities in SquirrelMail 1.4.19 and earlier" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44683817:16
=== RainCT_ is now known as RainCT
ari-tczewleonel: did you read wiki? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdatePreparation#Packaging17:26
ari-tczewvery poor work17:28
leonelari-tczew: why very poor ?17:33
ari-tczewonly in patch2:17:36
ari-tczew--- squirrelmail-1.4.13.orig/src/options_order.php17:36
ari-tczew+++ squirrelmail-1.4.13/src/options_order.php17:36
ari-tczewwhere is patch?17:36
leonelari-tczew: what debdiff are you looking at ?17:39
ari-tczewplease compare with this: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/33234876/drupal5_5.18-1.1ubuntu2.debdiff17:41
leoneldrupal  uses  dpatch17:43
leonelsquirrelmail  had no   debian/patches dir17:43
leonelthe previous  patches for squirrelmail where applied  by someone else and did the patching inline17:43
leonelthat's the road I've followed17:43
ari-tczewleonel: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems17:45
leonelari-tczew: yes I've read17:45
ari-tczewI can't believe that squirrelmail can't using patchsystem.17:45
leonelari-tczew: I've follow as the previous patches went in17:45
leonelari-tczew: this is not my first patch ..17:45
leonelari-tczew: even I'm not an expert ..17:46
leonelari-tczew: I've did my best  editing 19 files for  5  Ubuntu versions..17:46
ari-tczewyhym I see17:48
leonelso what is really wrong so I can fix it ?17:49
ari-tczewBest work is include a patch to debian/patches17:50
joaopintoafaik the usual rule is to keep whatever patch system is used on Debian, if it was none, keep it none :P17:50
leonelso edit  the package to include a patching system ?17:50
ari-tczewbingo !17:51
sistpoty|workari-tczew: nope, what joaopinto wrote17:51
leoneljoaopinto: that's what I've always known17:51
leonelso that's why as I've said ..  I've followed the patches as ther where comming ..  no patching system in squirrelmail so   patched inline17:52
ari-tczewmaybe you wrong patched files?17:52
ari-tczewtry again17:52
joaopintoari-tczew, there is nothing wrong with his approach per the latest discussion about patches management17:53
leonelari-tczew: WHAT ???17:53
sistpoty|workari-tczew: any changes are in the .diff.gz so recovering from unwanted changes can be done easily17:53
ari-tczewOK, I'll no long intrude in this case.17:56
ahasenackhey, is apport in karmic ok? It doesn't catch crashes in python scripts that do not run as root because the crash file can't get written to /var/crash18:02
ahasenackexample: https://pastebin.canonical.com/23217/18:02
ahasenackups, wait18:02
* ahasenack switches the pastebin18:02
ahasenackhmm, I may have an old version18:06
* ahasenack updates18:06
james_wahasenack: what are the permissions on your /var/crash?18:32
ahasenackjames_w: 0700 root:root18:35
james_wthat's why then18:35
ahasenackjames_w: but I'm updating this karmic vm now, it's a few days behind, maybe something changed18:35
james_wsomething has changed that18:35
ahasenackjames_w: so what are the original permissions and what sets it?18:35
ahasenackjames_w: oops, wait18:36
ahasenackjames_w: it's 0755, not that it changes much18:36
ahasenackit's also root:root 0755 in another karmic instance I have, and that one is up-to-date18:38
ahasenackI wonder if apport is actually a daemon that catches the errors and has write permissions there18:39
ahasenack /etc/init.d/apport is an upstart job now, and I don't know how do start or handle these. I know there is nothing like "apport" running right now18:39
james_wahasenack: the apport upstrart job creates it18:44
james_w    mkdir -p -m 1777 /var/crash18:44
ahasenackjames_w: where is that mkdir line? In /etc/init.d/apport?18:44
ahasenackok, I'll reboot the machine and let's see what happens18:45
ahasenackjames_w: is there a way to run these upstart jobs manually like in the "old days"? Like /etc/init.d/apport start18:45
james_wsudo start apport18:46
james_wor sudo service apport start18:46
ahasenackso, just doing that doesn't fix the directory, likely because it's already there18:47
james_wone thing I can see is that update-notifier-common ships the dir18:48
james_wwhich it didn't seem to in jaunty18:50
james_wand so new installs will probably see this18:51
ahasenackups, I guess this machine has a problem now18:51
ahasenackinit: mountall post-stop process (942) terminated with status 118:51
ahasenackgetting a segv18:53
* ahasenack searches launchpad18:53
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=== RainCT_ is now known as RainCT
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* jdong kicks thunderbird for not compacting more often21:37
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=== Philip6 is now known as Philip5
nikolamlink https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug on launchpad redirects me to ubuntu wiki23:19
nikolaminstead of letting me file a bug23:19
nikolamso there is a bug about filing bugs on launchpad? :)23:19
joaopintonikolam, read the wiki23:19
joaopintoon the bottom there is a description on how to manually file a bug report23:20
joaopintonikolam, is not a bug, is a feature23:20
nikolamMaybe that should be explaind on top of the wiki.23:20
nikolamright noe i am again confused joaopinto23:21
nikolami am reading it, but i am not sure how to file a bug23:21
nikolamand i filed them many before23:21
joaopintonikolam, the goal is to make bug filing restricted to those who can read a page :P23:22
nikolami think the goal is to having less bug reports23:22
nikolampet example, my bug have nothing to do with apport etc23:23
joaopintoless unusefull bug reports, yes23:23
micahgnikolam: the goal is to collect information about the package in question to save back and forth for triagers23:23
joaopintonikolam, this is not related to apport, apport is just a tool to make bug reporting easier23:23
nikolambut what about bugs that have nothing to do with triaging?23:24
joaopintonikolam, erm, you are not getting the point23:24
nikolamLike, request for packaging new package etc23:24
joaopintonothing changed, except for the process for opening bugs23:24
joaopintonikolam, for those you use the links described on the wiki23:24
nikolamI would like to have those links inside launchpad, and not only on wiki, thats all.23:25
joaopintonikolam, that would defeat the purpose of the change, as it would allow to people filing bugs without providing the required info23:25
nikolamis this suppost to be right place to file a bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/PACKAGENAME/+filebug?no-redirect23:26
joaopintoif you you are going to file a bug against a package, better use, ubuntu-bug package23:27
nikolamI don`t see point of launchpad as whole if user is requred to manually change link it should be able to click to23:27
joaopintoif't it's for a project23:27
joaopintonikolam, a user is not required to use launchpad links, it is required to use the "Report bug" function, or to run the ubuntu-bug command23:27
joaopintonikolam, why are you complaining if you didn't read the full wiki page yet ?23:28
joaopintoin this complain time you could have read the page and have a better understanding of the changes23:28
nikolamjoaopinto, i think that there is very small amount of people/users that will EVER read full wiki page23:28
nikolamAnd theis conclusion would be.. it doesn`t work.23:29
joaopintonikolam, those which are not qualitified to provide the information for a bug or for a process, don't add any benefite to participate in such process23:29
nikolamI don`t say idea is bad, it is very good one, actally23:29
micahgguys this discussion is more suited for the #ubuntu-bugs channel23:29
nikolamoki :) micahg23:30
nikolamanyway, we understand , say I understand it now..23:30

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