
hot_wheelzHi guys00:11
maikeru|I'm running Mythbuntu 8.10 with a WinTV-HVR 950 (USB). I've followed the instructions at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6230325, a variety of other sources (including the MythTV wiki), and my own variations and still in mythtv-setup it can't detect it.00:12
hot_wheelzwhat is the command u have to run to flash a device for example af9015 device with it firmware again this is what i am will be running http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/DigitalNow_Tiny_Twin_Dual_Tuner00:17
hot_wheelzcan somone give me the full path of what i need to run thanks :-)00:18
hot_wheelzthe device works OTB in 9.04 and 9.10 i just want to keep it's f\w up to date corret me if i am wrong is the udo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter00:25
hot_wheelzsorry udo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter00:25
hot_wheelzall one line00:26
hot_wheelznot bcm43xx of course00:26
tgm4883err, isn't bcm43xx-fwcutter just for broadcom devices?00:32
hot_wheelzyeah that was a mistake tgm488300:32
tgm4883guess I should read everything00:33
hot_wheelztgm4883 based on this url http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/DigitalNow_Tiny_Twin_Dual_Tuner should the correct commmand be Sudo apt-get install af9015-fwcutter00:36
hot_wheelzor dvb_usb_af901500:37
hot_wheelztgm4883 what do u think?00:40
tgm4883hot_wheelz, sec, dealing with some other issues of my own at the moment00:41
tgm4883hot_wheelz, i don't think so00:43
tgm4883don't you just need to put the firmware in /lib/firmware00:43
hot_wheelzah yes ok thanks00:44
hot_wheelzis  Myth 0.22 due with 9.10 does anyone know?01:01
Seeker`I believe it should be01:01
Seeker`0.22 release is imminent01:01
hot_wheelzit's on the 9.10 beta disk right?01:02
superm1and there is a newer version in the archives -  just do apt updates after install01:03
hot_wheelzwhat v is that?01:03
hot_wheelzoh yeah u mean than what ships om disk01:04
mrandYes, 0.22 is scheduled to release this week and 9.10 will have it.  We've been having trouble with our daily CD's, so don't try one from today or yesterday.  If you don't already have an install that you are just going to upgrade, then install with the beta disk, then do an update.  Daily CD should be fixed in the next few days.01:08
hipitihopdarthanubis: you about ?01:09
hipitihopeven after todays update I still cannot login in into normal mythbuntu or xfce session, have to use xterm and then run mythfrontend by hand01:15
mrandsorry hipitihop.  My mythweb login died, but that's completely different.   normal login works.01:16
hipitihopmrand: my normal login hasn't worked since yesterday morning update....I can login via ssh but normal I get the following .xsession-errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/290621/01:18
hipitihopleaves me back at xfce user select screen. I can pick the normal user, enter password, it seems to login, mythtv progress shows for a moment and drops right back to the same login screen01:19
hipitihopmaybe just something broke specific to my box but would love the magic incantation to just reset01:20
superm1i thought you fixed that a few days ago?01:20
superm1renaming ~/.config and ~/.cache?01:20
hipitihopsuperm1: nope still trying.. only way I can run mythfrontend is to chose an xterm session01:21
hipitihopsuperm1:  ahh, that was a different problem... that was trying to get task bar to hide.01:21
superm1so how did this problem develop?01:21
superm1(it should be the same solution as your taskbar problem though too ... .cache and .config)01:22
hipitihopsuperm1: afaik, yesterday morning (my time) update && upgrade01:22
hipitihopsuperm1: btw,  ~/.config and ~/.cache did not fix my task bar problem ... I had to tweak one of the xfce files .. I thought I had posted my solution here before01:23
hipitihopsuperm1: I had to change <property name="autohide" value="1"/> in .config/xfce4/panel/panels.xml01:26
hipitihopI don't think it behaves exactly as the default install but gets the desired result which is mythtv in full screen01:27
hipitihopsuperm1: but if you think renaming ~/.config and ~/.cache will help this issue, I'm willing to give it a go01:29
hipitihophmm, intersting, don't have either01:31
hipitihopmy bad ignore that.01:31
hipitihopmrand: superm1: that seems to have sorted it... obviously have to rest the session setup, but all good, progress. thanks01:37
mrandhipitihop: good to hear01:55
hot_wheelzalso another question01:56
hot_wheelzwhen it comes transcoding a file to another format ie an ipod\phone does it convert the origianal file or make a copy and transcode that01:58
mrandIt is a pretty rare program that overwrites the original, if that is what you are asking.02:13
stunthey superm1 are you around?02:24
superm1what's up?02:25
stunttesting your patch02:26
stuntoh this is kost02:26
superm1which patch?02:26
stuntthe one for safe mode graphics02:27
superm1ah right02:27
stunti had the nvidia 7050pv02:27
superm1unfortunately live disks broke over the weekend02:27
superm1so you won't have too much luck02:27
stuntnope still garbled graphics02:27
hipitihopso anyone here know enough of lirc to help me get my imon basic remote going. google turns up various posts which suggest I have to disable usbhid as the driver for the device02:27
stunti know i just signed in, but i have to run. ill try to check back in soon02:29
mrandhipitihop, if you can stand to wait, they are trying to get approval to push a newer version of lirc into the 9.10 build, which I believe greatly improves imon support.02:42
mrandMight be many days before it happens, and there is a small chance it won't happen at all.02:48
hipitihopmrand: are we talking about 0.8.6 ?02:52
tmktlirc is a pain02:54
tmkt0.84 worked great for me02:54
tmktupgraded to 9.10 with 0.8502:54
tmktand boom broken everything02:54
tmktand tried 86...without any luck02:55
hipitihoptmkt: eek ... its really the only thing stoping from using as main tv/recording at the moment, since I have no remote use.02:57
tmktso i went back to mythbuntu 9.0402:57
tmktand installed mythtv trunk on that02:57
tmktand couldn't be happier02:57
hipitihopmrand: btw I have upgraded lirc to 0.8.6 already.02:58
tmkti know i'm going to continue to have a nagging feeling that i should be using 9.1002:58
tmktbut probably going to wait until i hear some better stories about getting HVR-1600 working with the newer lirc versions02:58
hipitihoptmkt: is it not possible to got he other way around, iow, have 9.10 and change lirc back to 0.8.4 ?02:59
tmktprobably just too much of a pain02:59
tmktmuch easier to just install mythbuntu 9.04, select the remote from the menu and voila working03:00
hipitihoptmkt: hmm although for me there is no guarantee that it would be that simple for my Antec Veris Basic (Imon)03:01
tmktyeah..no clue..i just know it was working for me before i had upgraded03:01
tmktthen it quit working03:01
tmktnot /dev/lirc0 anymore03:01
tmktno matter what i did03:01
mrandYeah, I was talking about 0.86.  Sorry to hear that doesn't work either.  There are some smart and persistent people out there with the same hardware - I'm sure that someone is figuring out what it takes.03:20
hipitihopmrand: I'm certainly persistent :-) this guide seems to be on the right track http://xbmc.org/forum/showthread.php?t=40290&highlight=antec+micro+fusion but I can't quite adapt the right combination for my device so usbhid is still the driver03:23
hipitihopmrand: btw mine shows up as Vendor=15c2 ProdID=0043 Rev= 0.0203:28
mrandSo of course, you altered the quirks line according to that.03:29
mrandKernel problem?  http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/linux/kernel/111476703:30
mrandquirks=0x152c:0x0043:0x0004' is all over the internet.    Hmmm... in fact, I see a discussion about someone reading it wrong (15c2 vs. 152c)  If you can't figure it out,  talking to the lirc people (they have a mailing  list) may be your best bet.  Jarod is VERY helpful.03:37
mranderrr 15c2 vs. 152c03:37
mishehu[ 8459.816020] Corrupted low memory at ffff880000001000 (1000 phys) = 55550000555503:38
mishehu[ 8459.821066] WARNING: at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.28/arch/x86/kernel/setup.c:7103:39
mishehu9 check_for_bios_corruption+0xdd/0xe0()03:39
mrandBummer.  Time for an overnight memory test?  Or just assume that is correct and replace it?03:39
mishehuI'll run a memory test but this lockup seems to occur when specific visualizations are running in mythmusic...03:41
mrandRecent build of Mythtv 0.22, or still 0.21?03:41
mrandI assume that means you're running 0.21.  You can technically run 0.22 on 9.04 also, but not many people know that.03:42
mishehuI didnt try, just using standard 0.21 that comes with 9.0403:43
mrandGotcha.  I remember reading about that sort of problem with 0.21.  Developers are completely focused on 0.22 though, so the best you can do is make sure you are updated to the latest 0.21 via the auto-builds.03:44
mishehuI'm hoping that 9.10 will be out of beta soon :-)03:45
mrandha.  It will release on schedule at the end of the month.03:45
hipitihopI just had a power flip here and mythbackend had to restart. it was in the midle of a recording. however now that it has restarted the mythweb back end status says it is still recording but in recorded programs the entry no longer has "currenly recording edit"... so is it or not recording and if not how do I get it to continue ?03:46
mishehuhipitihop: I'd also check with mythfrontend03:47
hipitihopmishehu: how ?03:47
mishehuyou don't have a frontend somewhere?03:47
hipitihopmishehu: yes on same box at the moment03:48
mishehuunder manage recordings there should be an option to see upcoming (and active) recordings.  also when you go to view recordings, you should see that which is being recording.03:48
mrandI think the ultimate answer would be to inspect mythbackend.log... the last few entries should give you a clue.03:48
tgm4883mishehu, it should continue to record in a second recording after the restart03:52
hipitihoptgm4883: indeed it has03:55
mrandThere is at least one stable thing in the world.03:56
mishehutgm4883: which is why I was suggesting he look there, it might look more obvious :-)03:57
tgm4883mishehu, whoops, my bad. I had just skimmed the convo and thought your backend had stopped recording03:58
hipitihopso to have another laptop just run mythfrontend, how big is that ? can I just install that on existing jaunty desktop ?03:59
mishehutgm4883: nah, my backend/frontend hit a speed bump with a mythmusic visualization again.  wasn't paying attention to which one it was when it locked up X, so don't know yet which one I need to disable.04:01
tgm4883hipitihop, make sure the mythtv service is active in MCC on the backend04:01
tgm4883then install the fronted on it04:01
mrandhipitihop, yes you can.  It's quite small.  I believe the main backend will need to have an IP address configured for everything to work correctly.04:01
tgm4883and get your backend info from /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt04:01
tgm4883mrand, mythtv service in MCC04:01
tgm4883that and make sure the ip address isn't localhost04:02
mishehuI'd set a static IP for the primary backend.04:02
mishehuno dhcp.04:02
* tgm4883 has static dhcp addresses04:03
mishehuthat's a reservation04:03
mishehunot the same04:03
tgm4883yea i know04:03
mishehuif your dhcpd goes down, so will your backend.04:03
mishehuor your network connectivity04:03
tgm4883mrand, is there a way to forcefully uninstall packages?04:04
tgm4883i can't get these two themes uninstalled04:04
mishehudhcp reservation didn't work well for me with my POS crisco/linksys WAP4400n dying every half hour.04:04
* hipitihop also has reservation so all machines on home network get same ip.04:04
tgm4883mrand, nope04:05
hipitihopmishehu: I run a linksyd wrt54GL with tomato firmware... solid as a rock, only time it goes down is power outage :-)04:05
tgm4883hipitihop, +1 for tomato04:05
* hipitihop apologises for going off topic04:05
mishehuhipitihop: yeah, but not the case with the WAP4400n.  just google "wap4400 connectivity problems"04:05
* tgm4883 tomato on my wrt54gs V404:05
tgm4883which is basically a wrt54GL04:06
mishehuprobably one of hte worst WAP's out there on the market.04:06
mishehuspend all that money for something that's marketed as small business, and I wouldn't even use it for a paperweight.04:06
hipitihopmishehu: have you checked if open-wrt or tomato or dd-wrt will run on it ?04:07
mishehuhipitihop: highly unlikely.04:07
tgm4883E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).04:07
mrandtgm4883:  maybe this:  sudo dpkg --purge --force-remove-reinstreq <pkg>04:07
tgm4883How do you specify a solution?04:07
tgm4883mrand, i'll try04:07
mrandI had that problem last week when one of the packages was out of sync (the first time the themes were out of sync, I think).  Through various attempts with apt-get , apt-get -f install, and upgrade manager, it went away on its own.04:09
tgm4883mrand, yea, that removed them04:10
tgm4883but it's still pretty broken :(04:10
tgm4883won't upgrade without removing a bunch of mythtv packages04:10
mishehuah the joys of package management.04:10
mishehuexcept for mythtv, my other systems all run slackware.  heh.04:11
mrandIf debian based is better than the others, I pity the poor fools that are on the others.04:11
* tgm4883 hates RPMs04:11
mrandI haven't run anything else in a decade.04:11
tgm4883and yum04:11
mishehuhipitihop: neither tomato nor dd-wrt support my unit.04:11
* mishehu has been running slackware since around 1994.04:11
mishehuHEY YOU KIDS!!!!   GET OFF OF MY LAWN!!!04:12
hipitihopmishehu: pitty, sometimes jsut the firmware can make a world of difference04:12
hipitihopso anyone care to finish this for me to install frontend onto a jaunty laptop "sudo apt-get install ----"04:12
mishehuhipitihop: yeah well it'd be nice if crisco would fix it finally.  this is not a new problem with that unit.  they even had the balls to release a newer revision of it - the 4410, and it's got the same problems...04:12
mrandhipithop, you might consider just installeding MCC and let it do the work for you.04:13
mrandinstalleding.  nice.04:13
mrandBut if you want to do it, the most important package is mythtv-frontend04:14
hipitihopok, trying mythtv-frontend04:17
mrandThe reason for using MCC is because it makes it easier to find and add the plugins and such04:18
tgm4883+1 for MCC04:18
hipitihophmm in jaunty is that mythbuntu-control-center ?04:20
mrandEnglish spelling.  mythbuntu-control-centre04:21
mrandDaviey must have named it.04:22
tgm4883oh yea, i forgot04:22
mrandBritish spelling, I mean.04:22
mrandkeeps life interesting.04:22
hipitihopand I will continue to be able to use as normal laptop04:22
mishehudang british always thinking they own the language :-)04:23
mrandhipitihop: sure thing.  As I recall (on 8.04) it used to mess with your theme, but that may have been changed.  Otherwise it should not impact you other than having some extra packages installed.04:24
hipitihopcool thanks04:24
mishehuif audio worked a bit better in kvm, I'd run a frontend on a kvm session on my main workstation04:25
hipitihopI have another question while that is running... how can I get more details on the following from backend status "Last mythfilldatabase run started on 2009-10-12 13:04 and ended on 2009-10-12 13:04. mythfilldatabase ran, but did not insert any new data into the Guide for 1 of 1 sources. This can indicate a potential grabber failure.There's guide data until 2009-10-20 13:50 (8 days). "04:25
mishehusince I prefer to not build everything from sores.04:25
mrandHmmm... only 8 days of guide data.  Normally it's ~14 days, so this has likely been broken for 6 days now.  /var/log/mythtv/mythfilldatabase.log is what you are looking for (although it's a mess of a log).04:27
hipitihopmrand: no such beast only have /var/log/mythtv/jamu.log , mtd.log, mythbackend.log, mythfronend.log & mythwelcome.log04:46
hipitihopchecking the mythbackend.log04:46
hipitihopmrand: can't find such a log, however I have found /var/crash/_usr_bin_mythfilldatabase.1000.crash05:04
darthanubishipitihop, back05:49
darthanubisf or now05:49
hipitihopdarthanubis: heh, need that error free keyboard hey :-)05:51
darthanubisor a backlit one05:52
hipitihopearlier you said " that is not how you go about doing it" not sure what you were refering to05:52
darthanubisno, but I was saying to install from an alternate cd05:52
hipitihopah in regards to gnome vs xfce ??05:53
darthanubisyou could just install xubuntu, then the mythtv packages05:53
superm1you're goign to have trouble with that in karmic05:53
superm1some of the xubuntu stuff will conflict the mythbuntu stuff05:53
darthanubisor like I do, gnome and then mythtv packages05:53
hipitihopI see thanks... I sorted my xfce login problem by deleting the .config and .cache folders.05:53
darthanubiswell then not xubuntu superm1 , but regular ubuntu for sure05:54
superm1well if you want to deal with possible pulseaudio problems, sure...05:54
darthanubisI have no such issues05:54
superm1well *now* the main issue is fixed05:54
superm1but before there was a mess with it05:55
superm1and still it's not ideal. mythfrontent suspends pulseaudio when you start it05:55
superm1meaning no audio out of most other apps in gnome05:55
darthanubisthe last few updates broke my backend, but other than that, everything has been peachy05:55
darthanubisjust waiting for mythtv-backend to become available again05:56
hipitihopdoes anyone know why playing back any of the recorded *.asx links via vlc on a normal desktop plays for a few seconds then stops ? don't remember it doing that with 9.04 release05:56
darthanubishipitihop, maybe the backend is still transcoding the source file?05:56
hipitihopdarthanubis: is there a way to tell, I though as soon the asx link is available then it should be playable05:58
darthanubisit will be available right after record05:59
darthanubisbut if you have other jobs running on it like gencutlist or transcoding to remove commercials..then things can interrupt the stream06:00
darthanubisyou can check the log, or just use mythweb to see current backend status06:00
hipitihopdarthanubis: meaning as soon as recording has started.... I see, might be related to commercial skip or something06:02
darthanubisI just stream it via mythweb or just use the mythtv frontend, even wirelessly I use the frontend06:03
darthanubisWill my new router, streams from the backend downstairs without incident06:04
darthanubisscrew trying to watch it via standalone player06:04
hipitihopdarthanubis: hmm certainly not commercial pauses...must be something about that asx stream and vlc and even wireless...06:05
hipitihopdarthanubis: so you just run frontend on your nromal desktop ?06:05
darthanubistry to set vlc's stream buffer higher?06:06
darthanubisfrontend on my laptop06:06
darthanubisif quality does not matter, then via mythweb06:06
darthanubisflash fullscreen06:06
hipitihopworks ?06:06
hipitihopprobably have to enable that in backend.... how did you install the beta frontend ? I have jaunty here and normal pkg repo obviously doe snot have the beta so complains about DB version when connect to my beta back end06:07
darthanubisNow when I was across town, THEN I'd download the whole file and play it locally. But as long as I'm on the network, frontend, or mythweb06:08
darthanubisfrontend and backend must match versions06:08
darthanubisI only use 9.10 now06:08
hipitihopaah so you're running 9.10 beta on your laptop too06:09
darthanubisit's not mission critical to me, although I did miss my recording of Cheaters due to the updates breaking mythtv tonight. Hopefully,  superm1 and the guys will have this fixed in hours, or by morning?;)06:09
superm1what's broke?06:09
superm1i've not seen any bug reports about anything breaking...06:10
darthanubisI'm running 9.10 on my main box, laptop, and mythtv backend. The laptop has the frontedn on it06:10
darthanubisthe backend has both frontend and backend06:10
superm1did the backend not start up? or is it crashing? or what's happening?06:11
darthanubissuperm1, well after updates, I lost the backend, and when I try to reinstall it, it complains about certain packages not being available to install.06:11
darthanubisthe backend was REMOVED oddly enough06:11
superm1the build probably wasn't done yet when you updated then06:11
darthanubisas though the repos changed06:11
superm1apt-get update and check for it again06:11
darthanubisI've been doing that periodically06:12
superm1you're amd64?06:12
superm1build finished 23 minutes ago06:12
superm1in the future dont do upgrades if it's gonna try to remove stuff like that, wait for the mirrors to settle down06:13
darthanubissuperm1, it caught me by surprise sup. It did not warn of any removal, just upgrade...06:14
hipitihopsuperm1: I did get an nfs problem this morning06:14
superm1hipitihop, file a bug for the package using apport-bug if the popup didn't come up06:14
hipitihopI have a crash file06:15
superm1hipitihop, then use sudo apport-bug /var/crash/FILE06:15
superm1it will file the report to the right people06:15
hipitihopcool thanks will do.06:15
hipitihopsuperm1: I also notice I have a large crash file for mythfilldatabase but it says the crash was due to an assert and aaport-bug doe snot support reporting those06:20
superm1hipitihop, yeah i've been seeing crashes for mythfilldatabase too, but i cant make anything of them06:20
superm1it's a shame06:21
hipitihopI guess that explains my missing mythfilldatabase.log which I want to check to see why backend is suspecting a grabber failure06:24
hipitihopI'm getting "The following packages have been kept back: linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic mythtv mythtv-backend-master mythtv-common mythtv-database06:44
superm1try dist-upgrade06:45
superm1but make sure it's not trying to remove anything06:45
hipitihopwill do when this curretn update && upgrade completes06:45
* hipitihop shudders to think what might break next now that he's getting close to a usable backend06:46
hipitihopin the meantime... anyone know how to use full width & height of the tv screen across the hdmi output/input .. I seem to get 2-3 pixel vertical borders06:48
darthanubissuperm1, thanks for the link to those files. Got my backend back up and running06:48
hipitihopsuperm1: dist-upgrade want to remove  mytharchive mythgallery mythmovies mythmusic mythtv mythtv-backend mythtv-backend-master mythtv-frontend mythtv-theme-gray-osd mythtv-theme-isthmus mythtv-transcode-utils mythvideo mythweather07:05
superm1hipitihop, well dont do it then07:09
superm1sounds like some builds aren't ready yet07:09
superm1are you amd64 too?07:09
hipitihopsuperm1: yes07:11
superm1you hit the same thing as darthanubis07:11
hipitihopits a ION Atom dual core07:11
superm1just need to wait for the builds to hit the mirrors07:11
hipitihopsuperm1: ok patience for me07:11
boblawblahhola everyone, i just installed mythbuntu 8.04 and i get these diagnal lines across the login screen and desktop but not the loading splash screen07:13
boblawblahive tried downloading 9.04 but every time i do, the download errors about halfway through. so thats why i am stuck using 8.0407:16
hipitihopis there a correct way to restart backend machine from an ssh session apart from  "sudo shutdown -r now" I can''t see an option on mythweb07:20
hadssudo reboot07:21
hadsWhich is just the same thing you posted.07:21
hipitihopk thanks07:21
boblawblahok i did ctrl+alt+f1, and i got a normal screen with no diaglnal lines, anyone know of anything i can check or modify to fix this?07:30
=== _Mazga is now known as Mazga
olejlAnyone know if nvidia-vdpau driver v 190 will be available in the repos soon?14:03
ripperdahello, I'm playing around with a new install of mythbuntu and trying to get a couple of things working16:24
ripperdaone of the things I was trying to get working this morning was dvd playback/ripping16:24
ripperdaI've installed libdvdcss16:24
ripperdaI'm trying to start with dvd playback, to verify everything is working, but both mplayer and xine are having very basic problems16:24
ripperdaxine fails with a BadWindow error whenever I try to run it16:25
ripperdamplayer will run, but if I try to playback a dvd, it appears to be failing with a mismatched colorspace16:25
ripperdaI did install mythbuntu 9.10 beta, so I'm wondering if these are known problems, or if I'm having a user error16:26
ripperdaactually, mplayer complains about the colorspace and VDecoder init failing, still opens a window for a second, then exits out. not sure if the colorspace is the problem or not16:27
tgm4883ripperda, odd16:47
tgm4883I think* it works fine on 9.10, but I haven't checked lately16:47
ripperdaI actually think I'm seeing 2 different problems16:47
ripperdaI think mplayer works (?), but I'm getting disk i/o errors16:48
ripperdaI see a lot of reports online, digging through them16:48
ripperdalooks like the ubuntu kernel has occasional problems with dvd r/w drives16:48
sbakanyone know anything about this? : 2009-10-12 11:42:44.689 Using the Qt painter16:51
sbakmythtv: could not connect to socket16:51
sbakI have installed mythtv several times, this is the first on 9.04. this is the first time i have had issues with installation16:52
ripperdastrange, xine suddenly started working and everything appears fine, I'll try mplayer next17:03
ripperdamplayer's still giving me problems, complaining about not opening the video out device17:05
ripperdaok, I'm getting the mplayer video out device errors, even with an avi17:08
ripperdaI noticed in an xterm that it looks like it's trying to access /dev/fb, but I'd really prefer it uses xvmc or vdpau, I'll play around with that17:08
ripperdaI'll worry about that later, the main intent of dvd playback was just to verify that dvd decoding was working17:18
ripperdawhat I really want to do is rip dvds via mythdvd17:18
ripperdaI'm in mythdvd and looking at the options for ripping. is there a page that goes into the details of the various options?17:18
tgm4883ripperda, http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/MythVideo17:22
tgm4883there is no mythdvd anymore, it was merged with mythvideo17:22
ripperdaah ok, thanks17:22
tgm4883you might also check http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/MythDVD#Usage17:22
ripperdayes, I had just found that page and was reading through it17:23
ripperdaout of curiousity, it looks like most ripping just grabs the main movie and not the extras17:23
ripperdacan those be ripped separately?17:23
ripperdaor do most people just ignore those?17:23
tgm4883I ignore extras17:24
mrandIt is possible to rip everything. I don't know if the Linux tools will do it or not.17:24
ripperdaok, thanks, I'll play around with things17:25
mrandOr rather, how well they do it.17:25
ripperdaalso, I have a french movie + english subtitles, I see the option to rip subtitles. will those be "always on" in the rip?17:25
tgm4883you can in k9copy, which is what I usually use anyway17:25
ripperdaor will I be able to turn them on/off like a normal dvd?17:25
tgm4883my gut says you can turn them on/off, as long as you don't encode the video into another format17:26
ripperdaok. my sample disk is just a 30 minute video, so easy to experiment with17:26
ripperdaok, completely different question while that rips17:30
ripperdaI have a hauppauge hd pvr, which I plan to use to record from my directv recorder17:30
ripperdaI'm not really scheduling a recording, so much as recording "live tv" while I playback17:31
ripperdaI did a simple test last night, and see that it automatically records live tv playback, and saves metadata based on schedule data17:31
ripperdaI assume there's some way to edit these recordings?17:31
ripperdafor example, the playback looks like it was broken into multiple records, due to my playback crossing the 1 hour program data of what was really live17:32
ripperdaI'd like to parse the recorded video back into a single recording and correct the metadata17:32
ripperdais there a way to do that?17:32
mrandI'm not aware of myth having a way to join video files.17:39
mrandThere should be other tools happy to do it for you though.17:40
ripperdaand they look like mpg files, so any mpeg editor should do?17:41
mrandYes.  Your commerical flagging will likely be off or break, but you can re-run it, or you could generate a cut-list yourself after the editing.17:44
superm1so that doesn't happen for actual recordings generally, they'll stick to a single file for the duration the program data indicates17:45
superm1i believe that's only for live that such things happen17:45
superm1and if you find that your guide data is inaccurate you can schedule it to start early or end late by X minutes17:46
ripperdathanks guys17:49
ripperdaok, got my first dvd ripped, but mythtv is having trouble finding it17:58
ripperdaI opted to store all data under the user account "/home/mythtv/*" instead of "/var/lib/mythtv/*", due to disk partition layout17:59
ripperdaI've updated all config locations that I can find, in the back and front end17:59
ripperdaI now have 2 videos in /home/mythtv/video: a previously recorded mp4 and my newly recorded iso17:59
ripperdawhen I go into the video playback of mythtv frontend, it can't find those videos17:59
ripperdais this likely a frontend or backend config problem?18:00
ripperdalivetv recorded to /home/mythtv/livetv and is working fine18:00
mrandNot sure how to answer that question.  mythvideo is a frontend plugin.  But the configuration data is stored in the database.18:01
mrandI don't have a front-end handy, but I'd expect in one of the mythvideo setup screens it specs where the videos are found.18:01
ripperdayes, I just updated that, but still not getting video. I'll try linking video to the original location and see if that works18:02
superm1ripperda, so by default we set up storage groups. so that complicates things a little18:02
superm1did you make sure that the videos storage group was configured in the backend to your new directory?18:02
ripperdasuperm1, probably not18:02
superm1ripperda, there is a a whole slew of storage groups that need to be updated in mythtv-setup then18:03
ripperdaI see the original locations have the group bit sticky and my new ones don't18:03
ripperdasuperm1, ok, I'll take a look at that18:04
superm1also, if you were ripping to .iso, mythvideo can't play iso files when storage groups are activated18:04
superm1unfortunate, but known deficiency18:04
superm1you'll be missing out on a lot of the really cool metadata too if you don't remember to make storage groups for fanart/coverart/banners/screenshots etc18:04
ripperdasuperm1, so the next step is to edit the storage groups in mythtv-setup then?18:06
superm1you can launch it command line, or you'll find a button in the mythbuntu control centre that spawns it18:06
ripperdaok working on that now18:06
mrandGood one on the SG - completely skipped my mind.18:08
ripperdaah ok, I had already updated those, so no luck there18:14
sbakdoes anyone know about Firewire and mythprime?18:17
superm1ripperda, oh did you scan for video changes in mythvideo plugin?18:18
superm1hit "i", leave the plugin for about 5 seconds, and come back18:19
superm1there is a bug that is fixed in mythtv trunk as of yesterday requiring you to leave and come back after 5 seconds, but not yet on the repositories18:19
sbakseems like mythprime works 1/50 times? I have a SA4250HDC.18:19
mrandsuperm1: after today (or maybe even yesterday), the exit, 5sec, come back in should no longer be required.18:19
superm1mrand, yeah but the version in karmic doesn't have that18:20
=== tmkt_ is now known as tmkt
superm1it was uploaded about 40 minutes before that commit18:20
mrandgotcha.  Oh, I see you said something like that up there.  Running busy/slow today.18:20
ripperdasuperm1, I tried that, but no luck. at what point am I in the mythvideo plugin? does that take over when the screen changes from the default mythtv style menus?18:22
superm1ripperda, when you choose "watch videos" you're in the mythvideo plugin18:23
ripperdasuperm1, ok, that's what I suspected18:24
ripperdais there a way to get more verbose output on where mythvideo is looking for files?18:24
superm1probably different verbosity flags on mythfrontend's invocation, possibly in /var/log/mythtv/mythfrontend.log too18:25
ripperdaok, I checked that logfile, but will take a look at options for more verbosity18:25
ripperdaalso, I have an old mp4, which perhaps mythvideo legitimately isn't recognizing, and you mentioned that isos shouldn't be recoginized18:25
superm1did you actually set a storage directory in the frontend mythvideo settings too?  you generally shouldn't need to - and it's actually set to nothing by default18:25
ripperdaI believe I did, but I also linked the iso to both locations (old and new)18:26
ripperdaperhaps I should transcode the iso to mpg? is there a simple command line to do so?18:26
superm1you can enable ISO support by just not using storage directories18:26
superm1just then you can't share videos to other machines18:26
superm1via myth://18:26
ripperdacan I temporarily disable storage directories then?18:27
superm1Yeah, just remove the storage directory video group in mythtv-setup18:27
superm1and set the directory in mythfrontend18:27
ripperdatrying to simplify the problem to verify I have a legitimate file to playback18:27
ripperdaok, will try that18:27
ripperdahmm, still no luck. I'm going to re-rip my video to mpg and take a look at verbosity options18:34
superm1try turning on file browse mode18:36
superm1its in the same menu that you'd normally scan for changes18:36
superm1disables any metadata stuff18:36
ripperdaI'll give that a try shortly. transcode is running right now, so I'm going to go run some errands for a while.18:48
ripperdawill come report back in an hour or so18:48
ToeBeesuperm1: do you know if the fix to your bug got committed in time to be in todays CD?19:02
superm1ToeBee, hasn't been uploaded to the archive yet.19:03
superm1it's just "committed" to the bzr branch19:03
superm1so 10-12 disks are still busted19:03
superm110-13 get generated at 1:06am, so hopefully it will get uploaded in time for that19:03
bobbob1016For some reason, my backend seems not to be auto-starting anymore.  When I ran "mythbackend" from terminal, it says it can't connect to my mysql or something.  The frontend and backend are on the same machine.  I haven't changed anything network related, all I did was add a raid5 mdadm array.  Any ideas?19:13
mrandbobbob1016: Sounds like mysql is not running for some reason, or mythconverg database is not there or massively corrupted.19:20
bobbob1016mrand, I get this from terminal when I run "mysql" http://pastebin.ca/161610219:23
mersaultI'm trying out the new mythbuntu beta. I want to migrate my recordings from my old backend, but there's a mysql schema mismatch when I follow the directions in the mythtv manual. Anyone know how I can fix the mysql data?19:28
gunnimrand: I got tv again :)19:29
gunnimersault: Maybe you should only export/import the tables needed, that minimizes the possibility for scheme mismatches19:32
mersaultgunni, I did that. The directions in the manual list the exact tables necessary. Still, there's a mismatch.19:33
mrandgunni: cool!   bobbob1016: internet is littered with that error message.  Might be that that an upgrade hosed or even removed mysql (although probably not your actual database) - I seem to recall seeing a bug about that recently.19:33
mersaultgunni, I figured someone else here may have done that, and had a quick one-line query they executed to fix the issue.19:33
mrandbobo1016: I don't know if this is related to your problem or not, but is what i was thinking of: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/mysql-dfsg-5.1/+bug/41378919:35
gunnimrand: As described in the bugreport i reverted two patches against cx88, and got it working. cpu cooler fall off while doing and testing, so i first thought my patching did some kernel oops, but was just the cooler, and mainboard shut down. I will now reenable the first patch, and try again.19:35
mrandExcellent.  thanks for updating that bug with your conclusions!19:36
bobbob1016mrand, apt-get says mysql-server is installed already19:45
ripperdahow long should a transcode of a 30 minute dvd take? it's been sitting at the "thinking" page since I last posted (40-60 minutes?)19:48
ripperdaah I see, mtd.log has an error:19:48
ripperda12:38:58: Error: Exiting runTranscode(1) transcode exit code: 119:48
ripperda12:312:38:58: Error: Exiting runTranscode(1) transcode exit code: 119:48
ripperda12:38:59: job failed: job dvd 2 1 6 1 0 /home/mythtv/videos/The Red Balloon19:48
ripperda8:59: job failed: job dvd 2 1 6 1 0 /home/mythtv/videos/The Red Balloon19:48
sbakDoes anyone anyone in here have knowlege of Firewire. Does majoridiot ever show up in here anymore?20:26
rhpot1991sbak: some people may :)20:27
rhpot1991and I haven't seen MI in a while, he comes and goes20:27
sbakrhpot1991: thanks for the response! I'm pretty sure the issues I am having are cable box specific... But was hoping someone had tips on getting a stable connection20:29
rhpot1991sbak: what kinda issues, what hardware?20:30
sbakmythprime works 1/50 times. i have the SA4250HDC. I have had it working and recording, but I recently upgraded to 9.04 and now i can not get it to lock to a channel20:31
sbakI can change channels, and i know im tunned to a channel without encryption20:31
sbakI tried power cycleing both STB and Server and still can not prime the connection20:32
rhpot1991sbak: what version of mythprime?20:33
sbakLast night i did get a succesful mythprime, but have not been able to since.20:33
sbak69h beta20:33
sbakis that the most recent?20:33
rhpot1991looks like it20:35
sbakrhpot1991: side note, I have time warner cable. when I originaly asked for firewire box in Jan they told me they don't support it. A week later I read the FCC note on the myth wiki. I called back and requested a FW cable box again. They played dumb again. I then stated the FCC reg, and they put my on hold and had a FW cable box shipped out to me within 3 days20:36
rhpot1991sbak: I've heard some shady things about TWC 5c encrypting everything, could explain your issues20:37
sbakrhpot1991: TimeWarner have been complete jerks about this, so i filled a complaint with the FCC. They closed the case without doing anything though.20:37
rhpot1991sbak: ya, fighting a losing battle there20:37
sbakrhpot1991: Yea, I feel like my frustraition is due to TWC because many people have had great success with the SA425020:38
ToeBeesbak: the FCC regs only require them to provide you with the channels you could get OTA over FW, right?20:39
rhpot1991ToeBee: that and active ports20:39
ToeBeeso I can't expect to record HD Discovery channel via FW20:39
sbakI am able to get into debug mode on the SA4250, and see that local channels are not 5c encypted, but everything else is. Which was another reason for my FCC complaint. I don't think that content i PAY for should be 5c encrypted20:39
ToeBeewell good luck with that20:40
rhpot1991sbak: nope, only locals are required20:40
sbakrhpot1991: yup, frustraiting.20:40
ToeBeethe only reason CableCard exists is so that they CAN encrypt the content that you pay for20:40
ToeBeeI'm about to drop my cable TV service because of this. If I can't use my own mythtv box to record in HD then frack them AND the $15/month they want me to pay for a DVR20:41
sbakToeBee: I agree. but in need the broadband. DSL doesnt have enough BW for me20:42
ToeBeeI can still get cable internet without cable TV20:42
ToeBeethat's what my coworker does already20:42
gunnimrand: Still there?20:42
sbaktrue. Do people have better luck recording HD with dish or directtv?20:43
ToeBeedoubt it :(20:43
mrandgunni: just walked up20:44
ToeBeemy coworker just spends the money he would have spent on TV buying DVD box sets. I'm thinking I might do a little of that plus use boxee20:44
sbakI guess my only option is to apply for a job in a location that doesn't have 5c encryption (i think san fran is one)20:44
gunnimrand: Could it be, that upstart starts mythbackend to early. I have to once stop it, and start it again for dvb device to be recognized?20:44
sbakHulu is amazing... that has potential to kill mythtv20:45
sbakif everything is free and on demand.. why pay20:45
ToeBeewait, such places exist? In the US?!20:45
rhpot1991hulu just released a linux client :)20:45
ToeBeerhpot1991: wait, what?20:45
ZinnHulu has released a Linux version of their desktop client. While support for this is available in the Hulu forums http://www.hulu.com/discussions/19 , there is a quick writeup on how to get it working from your frontend here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=807563220:45
sbakToeBee: I am pretty sure that Some guy filled a law suit in SanFran and won. very liberal20:45
mrandLots of things have the _potential_ to kill mythtv.  But I'm guessing it will continue to live on for quite a long time.20:46
ToeBeehmmm no encryption AND close to mythbusters HQ...20:46
mrandgunni: interesting theory.  Basically you are suggesting that the dvb driver (or device) is not ready before the backend process is launched?20:47
sbakmrand: I will always use it.. but the ability to not record HD drives me insane.. might have to spend 200$ on that haupauge with component in.20:47
mrandsbak: I agree.20:47
gunnimrand: Yes, it seems so. Could of course be because of my changes in the driver, but i killed some udelays, so should be faster to init20:48
ToeBeeuntil they stop making cable boxes with component and force everyone to HDMI with HDCP :/20:48
gunnimrand: cx88 is the latest driver in my /var/log/messages20:48
mrandgunni: if it is a race condition, try putting some extra delays back in.20:48
mrandTo make it worse.20:48
gunniI will now try to contact the original patcher from linux tv, maybe he can say something20:49
rhpot1991sbak: so you used the -f flag to try out the different SA's listed?20:50
sbakrhpot1991: Yes.20:50
rhpot1991and -c to set to a safe channel?20:51
mrandgunni: An easy way to check your theory is to simply shutdown and restart (or don't auto-launch) the backend.20:52
ToeBeere: hulu. There are rumors that they are looking at going to subscriptions :/20:52
mrandToeBee: for the amount of bandwidth, they either need subscriptions or ads.20:53
sbakyea, but the -c option isn't changing the channel right now wich is odd20:53
gunniYes, after a restart, the backend has this problem, i try not autolaunching it20:53
rhpot1991sbak: have you tried PMing majoridiot on the forums?20:53
mrandgunni: was that "You tried", or "you will try"?20:54
gunnimrand: I tried rebooting sometimes, but did not disable backend on start.20:54
mrandI don't know that you have to disable it.  You could just stop the backend and then restart it well after bootup20:54
gunniFor me its started automaticaly since i run it20:55
sbakrhpot1991: no, have not PMed him. I will though. I just was hoping it was something simple. Im to the point where im going to learn all i can about ieee1394. I really want to know why it works, and then with out any change to the environent - it doesn't work.20:56
sbakto me, that doesn't add up. ieee1394 should have never been released if its so unstable or whatever20:57
rhpot1991sbak: IMO it sounds like an issue with your box, but I dunno if you will be able to do anything about it20:57
sbakrhpot1991: right... oh well20:58
rhpot1991priming doesn't normally break if your setup is usable, and normally resets fix it when it does20:59
beavisHey guys, do you know if there are any known issues with DVB-t on karmic atm?21:02
beavisI installed karmic beta last week and lost dvb-t after an update 2 or 3 days ago21:03
beavismythtv doesn't find any channels (nor does me-tv or similar)21:04
_benit's fine for me21:06
_benwhat tuner do you have?21:07
beavisb2c2-flexcop: initialization of 'Air2PC/AirStar 2 DVB-T' at the 'PCI' bus controlled by a 'FlexCopIIb' complete21:07
mrandbeavis: please see Bug #439163.  If that doesn't describe your problem, you can open a new ticket.21:08
ZinnBug 439163 in mythbuntu "Channel scan timed out" [Undecided, Confirmed] http://www.launchpad.net/bugs/43916321:08
* mrand pets Zinn21:08
_beni'm getting pretty bad dvd playback21:09
_benit's fine if i rip the DVD but ideally I'd like to put a dvd in and just watch it21:09
beavisI guess it's an issue with karmic not with mythtv since me-tv doesn't work either21:11
mrandBen, if it works from a rip, that is good news in my mind... means you don't have a video card related problem.21:11
beavismodules get loaded correctly21:11
beaviseverything was ok last week21:11
mrandbeavis: that is possible.  My current theory is that the kernel changed and a few programs (like myth, and maybe me-tv) didn't follow the changes.21:11
mrandbeavis: if you can figure out when it changed, it might be helpful.21:12
beavisthere's only one thread on ubuntuforums about these changes21:12
mrand_ben: you should check your frontend logs for any useful messages.21:12
beavishttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/421258 this one?21:13
mrandbeavis: that was changed a month ago - well before the beta was released.21:15
jfrysimple question... I am upgrading to the new beta and plan to do a full reformat... is there a way to update my database schema before backing it up.  I want to clean out all the crud and only restore my current and previous recordings tables21:34
mrandjfry - I'm considering doing something similar... I would love to hear how it goes for you.   On the assumption you are running 9.04/Jaunty, I was thinking of going the paranoid route: (1) backup current database  (2) install 0.22 [it is available for Jaunty], which upgrades  database  (3) backup THAT upgraded database as well (4) clear out database and try restoring as you plan to do with 9.10.21:39
mrandThen finally, move to 9.10 and do the real restore.21:39
mrandI want to do it so that I'm sure to pick up all the new defaults for the database, especially storage groups.   Mine was originally set up with 0.20 on 7.10.21:43
jfrythat's my thinking.  I'm pretty sure the schema upgrade is only a series of scripts.  So I figure I could 1. backup current db, 2. run schema upgrades from .22 source, 3. backup 0.22 version of current data. 4. reformat and install new beta. 5. do partial restore as seen on myth wiki pages.21:45
rhpot1991mrand: shouldn't be needed really, when you upgrad to karmic it should upgrade the db, but yes backups are safe so do them21:45
hadsJust backup and do it.21:45
jfryrhpot1991, the problem is that we only want a partial restore.21:45
jfryand you can't do a partial restore and schema upgrade at the same time21:46
rhpot1991jfry: hmmm I didn't read yours, that makes sense now21:46
mrandrhpot1991: But when they are upgraded, they will keep your current directories and settings and such.  I'm considering starting over from scratch so I get all the latest defaults for stuff.21:46
hadsDELETE FROM settings; :)21:47
hadsThere's very few tables you would need to deal with to do it manually.21:48
mrandjfry: yes, if you look in the myth source, schema upgrades are simply a series of if(current_schema=NNNN) statements .21:48
rhpot1991mythweb flash player annoys me21:48
rhpot1991randomly doesn't know the length of the videos and chops them off21:48
jfrymrand, yeah... I just downloaded the 0.22 source and I'm looking for the schema upgrade script... do you know it's name?21:50
mrandIt isn't a script.  It's contained in the source.  It's distributed :-)21:50
jfryahh... so it's in a binary then... so there is no way for me to upgrade my schema before taking down my current server.21:50
hadsWell, you could copy all the SQL out of the source.21:51
jfryuh... no21:51
mrandNot easily.  You could do.... yes, what hads said21:51
mrandwhy not?!  *grin*21:51
mrandBesides all the opportunity for human error, what could possibly go wrong?21:51
hadsA little bit of sed/awk/grep should get it out without too much pain21:52
jfryI can do a full restore, then upgrade, then backup, then drop, then partial restore.... it's just a pain to do it that way.21:52
hadsBUt like I said, deleting the settings would be a lot easier.21:52
jfryI'd much rather the old data never touch the new server.21:52
hadsThen just lose your recordings21:52
jfryhads, actually, the new 0.22 has a partial-restore option on it's restore script.21:52
mrandjfry: what are you referring to?21:53
jfrythere are a lot of tables that can be dropped if you want a clean setup.21:53
hadsYeah, just some perl script which does SQL for you.21:53
mrandjfry: good find.21:54
jfryyeah... it still requires doing a full restore of my .21 database on my new clean server... but I guess dropping that database afterward will clear it all up anyway.21:57
gunnimrand: mythbackend starting to early seems to be true. Nearly every reboot i get this, and as it changed to upstart i think thats the reason. Should i file a new bugreport about it?22:00
mrandgunni: I'm having a hard time following you:  "as it changed to upstart"?    Did you delay the startup (or stop and then restart) the backend?22:10
gunniFor me it looks like the change to upstart happened recently?22:11
tgm4883mrand, gunni i know there was testing but I wasn't sure if superm1 had pushed that through22:12
gunniI dont know how to prevent the backend from starting on boot, so i stopped it and then started it22:12
mrandgunni: and when you started it, things worked fine?22:12
tgm4883the change to upstart should actually allow us to depend on other things to be started first before the backend starts22:12
mrandgunni: That's great news.  yes, please open a ticket.22:13
mrandtgm4883: I may be missing something, but this looks like it is firing off the backend before the device is even initialized by the kernel.  Surely we don't fire it off that early!22:13
superm1gunni, what are you getting about it starting early?22:16
superm1er what's wrong with it starting so early for you  better yet22:17
gunnimythbackend seem to not recognize the dvb card22:17
gunniin mythweb the "encoder status" stays empty22:17
gunnilike this: http://pastebin.com/mc0752ae22:18
superm1gunni, what service needs to run for it to be ready?22:19
gunnidont know, i will file a bug and paste as much info as i find into it.22:20
superm1gunni, can you pastebin /etc/default/mythtv-backend?22:21
superm1and how are you restarting the service to make it work?22:21
gunnisudo stop mythtv-backend22:21
gunnisudo start mythtv-backend22:21
mrandgunni: When you stop mythbackend and restart it, you said things work.  Is this with the stock kernel, or the modified one?22:21
gunniIts the modified one, as thats the only way to get it working at all22:22
gunniBut the upstart thing came in just when i updated to trunk mythtv again, so there was some overlapping.22:23
mrandOk, so you are thinking it is a two part thing.  First, the (old) change in the kernel is causing some grief. Then on top of that, mythbackend fires too early.22:23
gunniI could try reverting mythbackend to the old version (think that was not based on upstart), to check that, but that tomorrow, today i am happy it runs again22:24
gunniThats odd. Mythbackend does not log anything since my crash this afternoon22:25
gunniIs there a log where i can see when mythbackend is started? (Not mythbackend.log, as it stopped logging)  Maybe something like upstart.log or like this?22:28
=== Essobi_ is now known as Essobi
superm1gunni, it still should be logging to /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log22:33
superm1if it's not, then check /etc/default/mythtv-backend22:33
superm1it should have a logfile argument set22:33
superm1gunni, you've  got the wrong content in there22:38
superm1this won't work right with that22:38
gunniNever touched that file22:38
superm1that's what you should be having22:38
superm1it should have updated when you updated the package22:38
superm1(which would explain why it wasn't logging) - and also means it was launching as root, not 'mythtv'22:40
gunniI now changed it by hand. After the actual recording ended, i restart the backend22:40
gunniOh, you are right: root      4676  3.3  1.4 701556 60320 ?        Sl   22:23   2:37 /usr/bin/mythbackend22:41
gunniAs it never did that must have been the today update22:41
superm1wonder if there is a different bug present here though22:43
superm1indicating why that /etc/default/mythtv-backend didn't get updated22:43
superm1you sure you never touched it?22:43
gunniI am sure22:45
gunniWas changed 2009-6-26: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  219 2009-06-26 05:37 mythtv-backend22:46
gunniIt logged correct, till the update from today, so i am a bit confused22:48
gunniAnd it ran as mythtv before22:49
gunnimrand: I think http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/ticket/7292 can be closed, as it seems to be a driver bug22:55
superm1gunni, it looks like a bug indeed22:56
superm1because i dont see it in that deb on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/+archive/trunk-0.22/+packages22:56
gunniMaybe the logfile and user was in the wrapper script just before, or in the init.d script?22:57
superm1it was in the init.d script before22:58
superm1but also /etc/default/mythtv-backend was getting installed before22:58
superm1i can literally compare mythtv-backend_0.22.0~trunk22373-0ubuntu0~mythbuntu2_i386.deb and mythtv-backend_0.22.0~trunk22373-0ubuntu0~mythbuntu3_i386.deb and see it missing in the karmic build only22:59
gunniSorry, i have to go to bed. 8 hours till work :)22:59
gunniWill have a look at the "mythbackend starting too early bug" tomorrow23:00
_beni can play dvds fine with vlc but not the internal player23:03
mrand_ben: you should be able to capture some logs with the correct verbose setting to help the devs debug that issue.23:18
_beni'm kinda making progress23:24
_bensound/subtitles are out of sync23:24
_beni think that is a known bug/ticket tho23:24
mrandsound is out of sync with video on mythvideo?  I'm not immediately aware of that being a known problem, but then again, I don't know all problems ;-)23:25
mrandor are you saying sound out of sync with subtitles?23:25
_benatm, the main annoyance is stuttering playback23:28
_benbut then with external players playback is fine - but audio/subtitle sync isn't great23:28
_benyeah, audio/subs are out of sync atm with Internal player23:29
* _ben tries to find said ticket23:29
mrandah... ok.  subtitles are minor enough that I don't pay close attention to that.  I thought you meant that audio itself was out of sync.23:37
mrandFor the stuttering playback, can you capture a verbose log?23:38
_benyeah, lots of variables in this23:38
_benlooks interesting23:38
mrandVery interesting.  Didn't see that one.23:39
mrandGood find.  So we may be stuck on that for a bit.23:40
_benalso: http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/ticket/6456 which is a dupe of the above bug23:40
mrandThat one was on 0.21  6367 is active on 0.22, so all we can do is wait.  Sorry!23:41
_beni might mess with different players23:42
Seeker`hmm, my playback bug seems to have disappeared23:42

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