
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
popeyjust had my first data loss with a file in my ubuntu one folder09:20
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* popey expects there no chance for recovery :(09:20
aquariusdata loss in what sense09:22
popeyi had an ods file in my u1 folder on friday which I was editing directly in that folder and i go there now and it's 0 bytes long09:25
aquariusthat is, obviously, not supposed to happen. :(09:26
aquariustry looking at the web interface?09:26
popeyyeah, 0 bytes there too09:26
aquariusouch. soz.09:26
aquariusI don't know enough about the detailed workings of file sharing to suggest where to look in the logs to find what might have happened...09:27
popeyand no backups because the machine was shutdown over the weekend09:27
popey(yes, I do backup)09:27
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statik`popey, if you haven't already, please file a bug with ubuntu-bug on ubuntuone-client so we can look at the logs and see what happened. thats definitely serious and I want to make sure we figure out why it happened and fix it.12:28
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popeyi have found syncdaemon.log but I am concerned because there is sensitive information in there12:31
popeywhich is the main reason I have not filed a bug yet12:31
popeyI would be fine with a canonical person seeing the log, but nobody else.12:33
statikpopey: yeah I understand. please go ahead and file the bug manually then, and I'll mark it as critical and get someone to look at it, and then you can mail the log to them12:33
popeyok, thanks12:34
popeyof course I accept its possible that openoffice ate my file :)12:35
statikwell, i want to investigate carefully12:35
popeyhow did I manage to get my bug filed against bindwood!?12:37
popeybug 44946112:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449461 in bindwood "File in ~/Ubuntu One/ truncated" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44946112:38
popeylet me know what detail you want12:38
popeystatik: my desktop just powered down for no reason :S13:50
statikthats definitely not good13:51
popeystatik: I suspect this may be a contributary factor to why i had some data loss, possibly the spreadsheet was open and the machine powered off over the weekend13:51
popeyext4 :S13:51
statikit will be interesting to see what events the syncdaemon saw13:53
statikbecause the file is zero on the server also13:54
aquariusyeah. I think, if ext4 decides to truncate your file, the syncdaemon will notice, say "ooh look popey truncated that file, OK" and then propagate that change to the server...14:06
aquariusMight be useful to explicitly not propagate truncations to zero bytes. Obviously this doesn't help with any of the other myriad forms of file corruption, but it might prevent one troublesome case14:07
popeythe issue is of course that i didnt realise that my machine had shutdown, so I didnt know I needed to take any special precautions, so I boot up and as soon as I'm online, *bam* goes my online 'backup' (yeah, I know it's not a backup) and then *bam* it disappears off my laptop too :(14:09
dobeyat least notifications are working then :)14:10
CardinalFangaquarius, thisfred: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~cmiller/desktopcouch/distutils-manifest-update/+merge/1321814:35
thisfredCardinalFang: I'm on it!14:35
CardinalFangaquarius, thisfred, I'm not sure about the "setup.cfg" in the Distutils MANIFEST.in14:35
* aquarius looks14:35
* aquarius pokes lp until it gets the diff14:35
* thisfred reads up one manifest.ins14:36
aquariuswhat's setup.cfg for?14:36
thisfreds/me/someone who can type/14:37
CardinalFang"""The setup configuration file is a useful middle-ground between the setup script —which, ideally, would be opaque to installers [1]—and the command-line to the setup script, which is outside of your control and entirely up to the installer. In fact, setup.cfg (and any other Distutils configuration files present on the target system) are processed after the contents of the setup script, but before the command-line."""14:37
dobeyaquarius: specifying options to additional commands14:37
statikhi CardinalFang, are you working today?14:42
dobeyo/~ workin on a day off o/~14:42
CardinalFangstatik, er, it's a holiday isn't it?14:42
dobeyaye it is indeed columbus day14:42
dobeytoday we celebrate some guy from portugal discovering an island that's not part of the US14:43
CardinalFangstatik, I'm going to get this package out, at least.14:43
statikCardinalFang: yes, and yet you are on IRC ;) so i'm trying to figure out whether I should leave you in peace or ask you questions about pending uploads to karmic14:43
statikCardinalFang, ah super. thanks for working on that14:43
* dobey is in a similar position of packaging14:44
statikCardinalFang, so you are working on a desktopcouch upload? are there any pending couchdb uploads?14:44
CardinalFangstatik, my kid has 101F fever, so I'll take off as soon as I can, anyway.14:44
CardinalFangstatik, No couchdb uploads, no.14:44
statikdobey, thanks for working on the client packaging on the holiday too!14:45
CardinalFang...other than to datacenter, grumble grumble.14:45
dobeystatik: sort of sucks that i had to wait to do it, but i'm sort of glad too14:46
teknicodobey, some guy from WHERE?!? ;-P14:46
dobeyteknico: portugal14:46
* dobey really should be cleaning/packing some stuff14:48
teknicodobey, wow, I didn't know his nationality was disputed: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origin_theories_of_Christopher_Columbus14:48
thisfredteknico: well he sailed from portugal, under the portuguese flag, or didn't he? :)14:49
dobeythisfred: i think he was sailing on spanish flag ships :)14:49
thisfredoh right14:50
teknicothisfred, that does not mean the same thing as "some guy from portugal"14:50
pfibigerteknico: the 'other hypotheses' is great: a single researcher from country X is convinced that columbus is from country x.14:50
thisfredteknico: true14:50
teknicopfibiger, right, I'll claim he was from Malta then! ;-)14:51
thisfredI think you'll find he was Dutch14:52
thisfredKristoffel Kolenbus14:52
dobeywho cares. he's been dead for 500 years14:52
dobeypoint was that he's not from the US, and he didn't discover the US :)14:53
jamaltaoh gosh, i think the only history i was taught was of christopher columbus14:54
dobeyjust approve my branch so i can land it and make a release :)14:54
jamaltasince dominican republic (i think) is where he landed first...14:54
dobeyand try to enjoy the day i'm supposed to be having off :)14:55
statikdobey, plurals branch approved14:56
teknico"grazie" if lang == IT else ?14:59
dobeylang = it_BAD15:00
* aquarius laughs. I don't think ISO recognise that one :)15:00
teknicoaquarius, it's only used in the British Antilles of Doom15:01
CardinalFangaquarius, thisfred: news?  I'm trying to release this soonish.15:05
CardinalFangdesktopcouch 0.4.4, woo15:05
vdsisn't meeting time?15:06
aquariusCardinalFang, what's your worry with setup.cfg?15:06
thisfredCardinalFang: I'll approve, I'm going to assume putting the cfg in the manifest is harmless at worst15:06
vdsMEETING BEGINS: aquarius CardinalFang dobey statik thisfred, shall we start?15:07
CardinalFangaquarius, I thought it was a problem (my sponsor said it was missing) but I verified that it's installed by default.  That change is meaningless.15:07
vdsstatik: please15:08
statikI'm working on switching to spawning so our web servers stop crashing, and on reviewing critical bugs15:09
statikBLOCKED: none15:09
statikaquarius, your turn15:09
aquarius⚀ DONE: review duty; in long conference call; chased RT on getting working couchdb deployed to cloud15:09
aquarius⚁ TODO: fix outstanding bugs; look at oauth-enabling twisted15:09
aquarius⚂ BLOCKED: working couchdb not yet deployed to cloud15:09
aquarius⚃ BUG COUNT:https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~sil/+assignedbugs?field.tag=ubuntuone-karmic - 0 (!!)15:09
aquariusCardinalFang, speak on!15:09
CardinalFangDONE: released 0.4.3 of desktopcouch.  Talked with uploader.  Figured out bzr-builddep!15:09
CardinalFangTODO: release 0.4.4 today to fix minor problem and one bug.  Take half of day off.15:09
CardinalFangBLOCKED: None.15:09
vdsDONE:code review, started a branch about couchdb compaction #44940215:12
vdsTODO: finish the branch as quick as I can :)15:12
vdsteknico all yours15:12
teknicoDONE: completed, fixed and landed the contacts web ui code updates according to the sprint use cases (#440070); pointed out and fixed a Django security vulnerability present in our Django snapshot; started applying the contacts web design structure to server-side code (#439089)15:12
teknicoTODO: finish applying the contacts web design structure to server-side code (#439089); applying the client-side code needed by the contacts web ui (#439093, #439094)15:12
teknicoBLOCK: none15:12
tekniconext: noone15:12
aquariusCardinalFang, branch approved15:12
CardinalFangaquarius, thankyousir!15:13
dobeyah, the road to 1.015:15
statikteknico, thanks a million for the security patch15:19
teknicostatik, my pleasure15:20
statikpopey: I'm reminded that we have primitive versioning on our roadmap, at least undelete. It sure would be nice if you could go to the web UI and just say to restore the file to how it was before15:32
aquariusCardinalFang, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/desktopcouch/+bug/440660 is done now, isn't it?15:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 440660 in desktopcouch "Correctly use https in OAuth signed URL when making SSL requests" [High,In progress]15:47
CardinalFangaquarius, It's committed to trunk.  It's not released to Ubuntu yet.15:48
CardinalFang(v soon.)15:48
aquariusCardinalFang, ah, right, OK; was just looking through the bug list for stuff I might be able to do15:48
blueglassesis there a way to share public links without email, i mean, share to all, on ubuntu-one web, by giving a url ?16:06
aquariusblueglasses, hi. At the moment Ubuntu One doesn't allow you to publish a public URL for a file16:07
blueglassesis this a permitions issue? I created a www folder, and it shows locally has a conflict, and online as a not named folder16:10
blueglassesdoes ubuntu one runs a webserver deamon locally?16:10
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dobeyblueglasses: it does not. at least, not for longer than 10 minutes (as part of the oauth process)16:18
blueglassesso it mirrors my files16:21
blueglassesbut its a secure server16:21
blueglassesbut it wont let me share my files without a password/email16:22
blueglassessorry, I'm spamming, i'm just trying to understand to better ask16:22
statikblueglasses: currently, Ubuntu One only lets you share files with other Ubuntu One users (and accounts are free so anyone can join, even if they are not using ubuntu). In the next release of Ubuntu (10.04) we are planning to add the ability to share folders with the anonymous public.16:24
statikyou can access your files from your ubuntu machine, or from the web interface. we've talked about also adding a webdav interface but haven't done it yet16:24
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blueglassesok thanks16:49
popeystatik: that would indeed be "nice" :)16:53
teknicostatik, thanks for the mention of autonomo.us , I didn't know about it18:07
jimlovell777Does Ubuntu One have the ability to upload files parts at a time or does a transfer have to be completed all at once? In other words if I have a 200 meg file and shutdown my computer after 75 megs have been uploaded will the transfer pick back up at 76 megs when I power back up?18:23
jbwivguys, trying to get going with ubuntu one on Karmic. I have setup an launchpad account and launched the client. It prompts me to login with my launchpad account, which I do, and then it takes me to a "Launchpad Login Service" page. This page lists three things...my display name for Launchpad, my email, and then my email minus .com with @ replaced by "-". There's a Sign In button. I click...and then the page reloads. Nothing else...no error message or18:30
jbwiv anything else. I've tried clearing my browser's cache...any other things I should do?18:30
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jimlovell777jbwiv: Do you use the Firefox add-on NoScript?18:36
jbwivjimlovell777: indeed I do....aha....18:36
jbwivlet me take a look at that.18:36
jbwivjimlovell777: but, I have scripts globally allowed...and noscript indicates no error18:37
jimlovell777jbwiv: Open the NoScript options dialog and click on the Advanced tab and then the ABE tab, is it enabled?18:37
jbwivjimlovell777: hmm...I see no ABE tab. Just Untrusted, Trusted, XSS, JAR, HTTPS18:38
jimlovell777jbwiv:  I guess that's not the issue. You probably have an update for NoScript though, it should have that tab.18:39
jbwivyes, it appears I do18:39
jimlovell777jbwiv: Do you have cookies disabled?18:41
jbwivjimlovell777: no, I have a number of sites open using them currently18:41
jimlovell777jbwiv: Is it possibile for you to take a screenshot of the page you're getting?18:42
jbwivsure, one sec18:42
jbwivjimlovell777: http://bayimg.com/eAEogAAcg18:49
jimlovell777jbwiv: So when you're on that screen and click login you loop right back to it?18:50
jbwivjimlovell777: exactly...no error...nothing18:50
jimlovell777jbwiv: Are you using OpenID credentials or trying to simply login using a Username/Email and Password? The page listed at the top of the screenshot is for an OpenID authentication.18:51
jimlovell777jbwiv: In noscript do you have XSS protection on? If you have that on and notifications off even with scripts being globally allowed XSS Post requests will be filtered.18:52
jbwivjimlovell777: if I clear my cache and start the client, it brings me to a launchpad login screen. After I login there, it forwards me to this screen.18:53
jbwivSorry, that's misleading. It's the same Launchpad Login Service screen18:53
jbwivonly at first, it asks "What is your e-mail address", and "Do you have a Launchpad password?". After I enter those, I get to the screen I showed you18:54
jbwivon my XSS tab , I have "Sanitize cross-site suspcious requests" checked, yes.18:55
jimlovell777jbwiv: Just to be disable that for a moment, try the login again and if still it doesn't work re-enable it. I cant tell what's going wrong. I got that same screen earlier but when I clicked login, it worked.18:56
jbwivk, one moment.18:56
jimlovell777jbwiv: Well I just got to that same screen again and I'm now fairly certain it has nothing to do with NoScript. I have scripts blocked for that site and XSS protection on and the login went through flawlessly.18:57
jbwivjimlovell777: odd. yes, disabling both ABE (I installed the new NoScript) and XSS had no effect18:58
jimlovell777jbwiv: Goto Launchpad.net and login, then goto ubuntuone.com, on that login screen backspace the +openid from the URL and click enter.18:58
jbwivnow, our firewall only allows 443 and 80 outbound...is this sufficient?18:59
jimlovell777jbwiv: Yes I believe so, when I check Ubuntu One is connected through 443. and I have most things locked down.18:59
jbwivjimlovell777: when I go to ubuntuone.com it taks me to one.ubuntu.com and says I'm logged in (my username in the upper right hand corner, and a "My Account" tab19:00
jimlovell777jbwiv: If you click my account does it take you to the right place>19:01
jbwivIt takes me to an "Account information screen" at url https://one.ubuntu.com/account19:01
jimlovell777jbwiv: You just need to authorize your computer now?19:02
jbwivjimlovell777: hah...I don't know? I just can't seem to get the client to connect, and every time I start it I go through this process ;)19:02
jbwivwhere do I got to authorize my computer?19:03
jimlovell777jbwiv: go here https://one.ubuntu.com/plans/ and subscribe to the free plan19:03
jimlovell777this is where the ABE page will get you, I finally just disabled NoScript completely, restarted firefox, authorized my computer then re-enabled NoScript. Everything works for me now.19:04
jbwivhmmm...could've sworn I already did that, but it appears I didn't. Now I see Subscription Details on my account, so looks like I'm not subscribed19:04
jbwivk, now after restarting I do get the Add computer page19:05
jbwivand...looks like it's now connecting. Great...thank you19:05
jimlovell777jbwiv:  lol of course now you have to login again....19:05
dobeythat is really weird19:05
jbwivSeems Ubuntu needs to make this  a bit clearer ;)19:05
jimlovell777jbwiv: You're welcome, I may not have answers but in a round about way I'll get you there.........19:06
dobeyno, the server redirects you to the /plans/ page if you don't have a subscription19:06
dobeywhich is why it's weird that it's not doing the LP auth loop19:06
jbwivjimlovell777: lol...yeah, not there yet. Even thought the disconnected icon changed, I'm still not connected (if I view the folder it says "Connect" on the button..pressing does nothing). Oh well, I'm further now! :)19:07
jbwivwait, never mind...now it says I'm connected19:07
jbwivthanks for your help. I'll have to test this a bit19:07
jimlovell777jbwiv: You're welcome. happy file backinguping ;)19:08
jbwivdobey: well, it didn't redirect me19:09
jbwivand I didn't have a plan ;)19:09
dobeyi understand that19:10
dobeywhich is why it is weird19:12
jimlovell777I logged into a second launchpad account and it took me to the same to pages, I had to click plans to be offered one.19:12
dobeyhow did you click on plans from the auth page?19:13
jimlovell777I went to UbuntuOne.com and entered my Launchpad.net login info, I was redirected to the same page as jbwiv (seen in his screenshot) I then clicked login and was taken to a page with a big picture explaining Ubuntu One and had to click on the upper "Plans" link to start a plan subscription.19:14
jbwivis a file or folder supposed to get uploaded automatically when dragged into the ~/Ubuntu One folder?19:20
dobeybut that's not the same as launching the applet and authenticating your computer to access the files19:20
jimlovell777jbwiv: Yes to files, not sire about folders19:20
jimlovell777dobey: True, would it be helpful if I tried that method?19:21
jimlovell777Or can I if this computer is already authed?19:21
dobeythe oauth token process bit is what will redirect you to the plans page (or is supposed to)19:21
jbwivodd...it looks like it tried to sync one of my folders, but now no folders or files are being sync ed (at least, they're not showing up in the web ifc even though it says my files are up-to-date)19:22
jbwivwoops...and the icon just disappeared...so I'm assuming that means it crashed19:22
dobeyno, it hides when idle by default19:23
dobeyso you'll only see it when disconnected or when it is updating the files19:23
jbwivyeah, just found that19:23
jbwivoh well...seems it might be a bit before ready for prime time. I like the direction though.19:24
jbwivlook forward to it stabilizing19:24
jimlovell777I got kind of frustrated when UbuntuOne kept disappearing and not uploading my most recent file.  Turns out it would have put me over my storage limit, I would have liked to get a message stating that instead of just sitting there scratching my head until I figured it out.19:27
jbwivyeah....well, I'm using 0% of my 2gb...but it's not syncing ;)19:28
jimlovell777What does it say if you single left click the UbuntuOne tray icon?19:28
jbwivthe icon disappeared...I went into settings and told it to always show up,b ut it hasn't come back19:29
jimlovell777When I click it says now updating 6 of 8 files, odd because I only have three files in my Ubuntu One folder.19:29
jbwivbut the last I checked, it said all files up-to-date or something similiar19:29
jimlovell777jbwiv: That happened to me earlier, I had to kill process and restart it.19:29
jbwivis there an init.d script?19:30
jimlovell777Not sure but I know you can enable or disable it in the System->Preferences->Startup Applications dialog.19:31
dobeyfor ubuntuone? no, it's a per-user thing, not a system service19:31
jbwivI see19:31
jimlovell777dobey: Do you know if ubuntu one can start where it left off should the upload of a large(r) file be interrupted?19:33
dobeyjimlovell777: i think so, but i'm not entirely sure. i'm not especialy familiar with that part of the code19:35
jimlovell777dobey: Ok, just curious, I haven't seen that mentioned anywhere.19:36
jbwivok, after killing and restarting...it appears to be syncing (3 of 49)19:37
jbwivso we're getting somewhere. thanks guys19:37
jimlovell777That's good to hear. I'm really looking forward for this to progress. It will really come in handy. I'd really like to see it be able to backup my home dir if it's a reasonable size so if my laptop is lost or stolen I can simply load ubuntu on another computer login to ubuntu one and be back to where I was once I re-install the software I use on top of a base install. It would also be handy for settings migration durring a full wipe a19:41
jimlovell777nd upgrade in the future.19:41
dutchiehow do I make tomboy note syncing work?20:40
dobeydutchie: i believe there's a fix for your issue waiting to be deployed to the live server tomorrow, along with some other important fixes20:46
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causasuiubuntuone just overwrote my keepass database with an old version.21:46
causasuiit's a good thing I didnt delete the old keyfile.21:46
CardinalFangEOD, jokers.22:42
dobeyand 1.0.0 is released. but i am lame and forgot my irc password, so i can't change the topic22:52
dobeylater though22:52

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