
dgroosMay the Force be with you (MTFBWY?)00:01
dgroosGoin' home! See you Lns00:07
Lnsby dgroos00:09
jbichawhen I tried to install from the latest Edubuntu DVD build, I get the following error: Debootstrap error Invalid release file:  no entry for multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.00:39
LaserJockjbicha: yep, we're working on that00:39
jbichais there a workaround or will I just need to be patient?00:41
LaserJockjbicha: are you trying to install LTSP?00:41
jbichano...I just was curious to see what it looked like, there's a free education seminar this weekend I thought I might share some DVDs if it was suitable00:42
LaserJockjbicha: use the "Try before install" or "Install Edubuntu" menu items00:44
LaserJockjbicha: it's just the text-based installer that's messed up right now00:44
jbichayeah, I was trying the text-based installer00:44
jbichaI can't get the GUI working in VirtualBox01:03
jbichafinally, I've had all sorts of trouble with GUI installs with Karmic01:18
jbichathis part of the installer doesn't really make sense http://imagebin.org/6756901:23
jbichabug 44998901:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449989 in ubiquity "[karmic] Edubuntu offers to install side-by-side but no other partitions are present" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44998901:51
jbichaoops, that wasn't a bug...the text-mode installer created a partition for me before it died02:14
=== highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage
LaserJockmorning everybody15:19
alkisgHi LaserJock15:30
sbalneavMorning all15:43
LaserJockhi Scotty15:43
sbalneavLaserJock: Told McQuillan you were thinking of coming, but for the pet issue.  He said to give him a call, he was sure something could be arranged.16:10
LaserJocksbalneav: I talked to him over the weekend16:11
LaserJocksbalneav: I went ahead and signed up on the wiki16:11
LaserJocksbalneav: my wife says she doesn't mind me going if it doesn't work out with the dog16:12
* sbalneav hugs LaserJock 16:13
* sbalneav lifts wallet16:14
LaserJockI'm a little more careful about that after Paris16:17
LaserJockogra: ping19:31
ograsorry, on a call atm19:31
LaserJockogra: could you pong when you have a minute?19:32
ograwill be a short minute, but yes19:33
ograLaserJock, pong20:13
LaserJockogra: I'm looking to upload edubuntu-artwork20:14
ograbut ?20:14
LaserJockogra: it looks like edubuntu's gdm.conf is a tweaked copy from an old old gdm20:14
LaserJockogra: I wondered if you just copied Ubuntu's gdm.conf20:14
ograi did but ages ago20:15
ograthrow it away, its not used anymore20:15
LaserJockso should I do the same thing again20:15
ograand its very hard to change gdm config nowadays20:15
ograi'd wait for lucid with themeing gdm20:15
ogralargely you need to theme xplash too for the wallpaper20:16
ogragdm only has options for the gtk theme used, you can put a file for it into /usr/share/gconf/defaults i guess20:16
ograLaserJock, thats all ?20:21
* ogra needs to go20:21
LaserJockogra: I guess so20:21
ogragreat :)20:21
LaserJockI still don't know exactly what to do20:21
LaserJockbut I'm going to try to get some help from kwii20:21
ogralook at the postinst of gdm it has the keys20:21
ograjust create a gconf override file for them20:21
ogralike we do for other stuff in that package iirc20:22
* alkisg finally got the ltsp bugs to fit in one launchpad page :P :D20:24
LaserJockogra: would it perhaps be better to just drop the gdm stuff for Karmic? I wonder how crazy it'll look if we have parts Edubuntu themed (gtk,icons) and parts Ubuntu (background)20:32
ograthats why i said keep it for lucid20:32
chomwitthi. does anyone know about italc setup?23:15

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